Taking an abrupt shift away from exploiting the kids on their TV show, surprisingly, photos of Kate showed up this week on Ab Champ's web site, promoting the product. Several other D-listers participated too.
We say go for it. This is the first real job Kate has done in years that doesn't exploit the kids. We're not counting Dancing With the Stars, where she invoked the kids at every turn, even blaming them for being voted off. Curious to see exactly what this will entail, and if it can lead to more gigs that do not involve the children.
171 sediments (sic) from readers:
Darn, I want that good bra. Shouldn't she be marketing it? She'd make a killing!
Eh, who cares? There are millions (to quote Kate) of products out there, tons of infomercials, etc. It won't go far; that stuff is often a flash in the pan and ends up on the clearance rack in no time. The shake weight is now at our drugstore for $10! The people who develop and sell this product will make the most money if it takes off. She won't make enough to sustain her lifestyle and unfortunately will probably be cracking the whip again to get those matchy-matchy moneymakers out there for her.
Does that site say that Bruce Jenner (gold medal decathlon 1976) was an Olympic swimmer, or am I losing my mind?
Wow. Credibility, they have none.
Lol it does say swimmer nice catch!!!! Haha.
Well they lost me at champion anyway when they spoke of Kate. Champion uterus? What do they even mean by that.
Oh great another piece of crap and spokespeople of the same caliber as the product.
She's STILL invoking the kids...
"Champion Mother of 8"
DISCLAIMER: Results may vary. Pre-Ab Champ, tummy tuck, starvation diet and excessive running required.
It's DWTS, again. When she STOPS mentioning Jon and the Gosselin 8, she made it on her own. Too bad she didn't use her opportunities to create a seperate brand for herself. Can't because she's a user & abuser.
Good for her! It is about damn time she steps up and supports her children, not the other way around. I hope she has more of these projects lined up which don't involve the kids in any shape or form. I'm feeling snarky about the irony of the product she's promoting, but I'll let it go because she is doing what she needs to do- and should have done a long time ago.
Funny that they use someone who has had a tummy tuck to promote their product, not to mention the sagging wrinkly skin. Can we say Photoshop?!
LOL - left/right... horizontal/vertical... front to back... I don't know either but I DO know photoshopping when I see it. The photo was FLIPPED.
Sadly, most of us here ASSUME photoshopping immediately when kart is the subject. And our assumptions are usually justified.
Infomercial - pardon me while I laugh myself silly!!!!!!!
At least the kids aren't in the shots. Now, if we find out later, in the video that she forced those kids to "play" on the beach while she fake-exercised, I will be majorly annoyed. We don't yet know what the video will show......
You know I don't know if proud is the right word but in a strange way I am sort of proud of her. For once she stepped up and did what any good Mommy would do to support her kids--got a job on her own merit, worked her butt off, and brought home a paycheck. All while the children stayed home and enjoyed their summer. She was working so hard she couldn't really tweet much, and she stayed up until 12 working. Welcome to the REAL WORLD Kate. Most people don't have time to twatter at work, and many people stay up late to finish a project for work. It's called work ethic and a moral obligation to support your kids.
Kate? This is what you're SUPPOSED to do. All year long. It's sad she has to be commended for doing what she should do and what she should have done since day one, but so be it.
Kate is on the list of "least appealing celebrities" according to this article.
Admin for me the jury is out until they post the video. You said DWTS didn't count because she kept referring back to her kids. I suspect her video will be Kate talking about how, as a busy mom of 8, count 'em, 8 (cue to video of her kids running around the house) and a paparazzi plagued star of reality tv, she just can't make it to the gym. But with the Ab Champ, she can easily maintain a fit figure all in the privacy of her own home and at her convenience.
ITA that Kate should pursue work that focuses solely on her. I've never had a problem with her trying to work in the ET industry. I hope I am wrong but only time will tell.
Well, I'm not ready to give her kudos yet. The whole "mother of 8" has to go. Without that, who the heck is she? No one special. No one who would the public would ever have known. She didn't get there through her own hard work; only through the exploitation of her children. *She* on her own is a semi-educated, mediocre nurse at best.
It is right up her alley though, and does use her natural talents: the gift of gimmick (though gift of grift has a better ring to it, it doesn't quite fit), misrepresentation and lying by both commission and omission.
The 8 kids are *still* attached to it, more indirectly, but there nonetheless. Same shtick - different venue.
Well. I'd say Kate has finally either been told or has come to the realization that her show is ending. I can't imagine her stooping to this otherwise. She's a stah, dahling. Stah's don't do infomercials, they are on the View and DWTS. She's been begging on Twitter for any kind of gig and she finally got one. Kate will do anything it takes now to stay in front of the cameras. I really think it's more the limelight than it is the money to her. Be that as it may I'm happy she's finally doing it without the kids. I sincerely hope this is the way it continues. Nothing is going to make Kate go back to having a job where she isn't the center of attention. Let's hope the Sheeple all buy one of these contraptions and keep her marketable on her own. Of course I have no doubt they all will:)
False advertisement.
If this company honestly stated that this pseudo-celebrity had a tummy tuck before using this product, I might be interested. But they BLEW IT with me.
Also, sadly I'm sorry to say that although this is her attempt to branch away from the "brand", I'm disgusted with her, and automatically boycott ANY product Kate represents.
Yes, she DID work hard (?), did it without the kids BUT she still can't a thing WHINING about it!
And if you've had a tummy tuck, you'll have had all your AB MUSCLES SHORTENED AND REATTACHED-not just skin removed. Her abdominal muscles have been "surgically enhanced". But I guess if you just deny deny deny (maybe say it's MAGIC) you can fool some people. If I see her on SHAPE magazine, I'm going to POP!
This is a positive thing unless she involves the kids in it. Interesting that the photo has her from the side so it looks like she has a waist. I'm sure all the pictures for this so-called exercise machine are photoshopped, but at least she is just marketing herself. If you market yourself for some exercise machine (sort of like Suzanne Sommers did), it's really a last ditch effort to keep your face out there. Go for it, Kate. Looks like the TLC gravy train is pulling out of the station.
Admin, I am going to repost this over here - since I didn't see the new thread - hope that is okay!!
I have to agree with E-town's sediments, why would they go to Assateague? Wouldn't Khate's big toe and horse face frighten the ponies? Not even mentioning her shrieking!
OT: As far as the food is concerned - growing up in an Italian/Irish family I have to agree with Kelly. I can not really learn to like wheat pasta. I can deal with wheat bread - white is such a decadent treat! And pizza, everytime I buy (or more likely make) wheat crust, I say never again (but then my conscience 'makes me do wheat again)! And please don't get between me and my potatoes - it is 'new' potato season here and man are they delish steamed with some fresh herbs from the garden and butter!
FWIW I do consider myself a foodie, having cooked professionally for over 25 years.
Teresa, let us know if the Ab people get back to you!
Fahnette said... Does that site say that Bruce Jenner (gold medal decathlon 1976) was an Olympic swimmer, or am I losing my mind?
Wow. Credibility, they have none
That was the first thing I saw Fahnette. I am sure Bruce Jenner knows nothing about this promo/Ad, otherwise he would have corrected them! Even the background picture of him, shows him in his track and field shirt. It is the picture from the Wheaties box.
Kate may not know about this either. If not, just wait til she finds out they are using her name and picture without permission!!!
While I'm happy that Kate is trying to do stuff w/o kids, I'm at a loss to wonder what about having 8 kids makes you a Champion?
I have friends who have 12 kids (3 of them adopted from a foreign country w/ developmental issues) - homeschooled/s all of them. One is now in officer training for the Air Force, one is a professional photog, the others are either still in school, or in college. She and her husband are Champions in my book.
Kate is not a champion. She never won a race, didn't get far on DWTS, failed at keeping her marriage together, failed at all the other brand promotions she tried. Failed at writing a book on her own, and seriously if it wasn't for her nannies and her outside help she couldn't do all she says she does. She starves herself on salad all day and running. She doesn't lead a healthy lifestyle.
My hope for her in the future is that she can be a champion in working hard on her own and stop using her children for financial gain by keeping her kids off tv.
Was curious about the machine. Googled AB Champ and went to the actual website. There is a short infomercial via You-Tube that demonstrates the machine. And it does interviews with the users... including Kate. Looks like she did it from a hotel room. Personally, I don't think she even used the product until that day. She looked somewhat uncomfortable/awkward using it. Check it out... thoughts?!
Admin......Worked her butt off???????? She's prancing around in a bikini! You call THAT working? Give me a break. I'd like to go to "work" amd do what she's doing. Give her credit?? I hope you're joking.
Is that the SAME suit she wore on People magazine? Is THAT People Magazine? Some people (I refuse to say celebs in Kate's case) don't know that they are endorsing a product. How long is it before she sues???
~Hippie Chick~
www. abchamp.com. Right upper side. Click and brings you to a mini commercial.
Admin said...
All while the children stayed home and enjoyed their summer.
Did they? Or were they being filmed again while the nanny stood there & watched again? Who knows with Kate?
How long will it take for this damn ab thing to be on my local Rite Aid shelf for $19.99 anyway. Yep, Kate went & did something on her own, good for her, it's about time. I really hope that the cameras were NOT filming the hell out of her kids while she was faking it for the cameras wherever she was with her tummy tuck. How long did Kate say her arms hurt? I forget, it wasn't long, but she didn't try the product long enough to be a spokesperson, that's for sure! hahaha!!! She messed up on Twitter, yet again!
~Hippie Chick~
"SoCalER-RN said...HA I saw the clip. LOL She surely did look awkward. I can just imagine her complaining about it, can't you? LOL This machine is such a gimmick. Another one of those useless things that will be dust collector soon. BUT at least she is doing it WITHOUT the kids. I will give her THAT much, even though she can't seem to do anything without bringing in the kids. Afterall , that IS her claim to fame. She certainly isn't talented in any anything else.
You, too, can have this fantastic machine with all the lights and a DVD for only $199.95. LOLOL
Oh PAHLEEZE! Another "job" that she didn't deserve! I find it hard to believe that she has used this machine and that she still uses it! Another way for her to take money without working. No credibility for this product due to her tummy tuck and personally- I hope this product epically fails! When I think of health and fitness- her name NEVER comes up! Champion Mother of 8- Geesh!
Hi Pink, the infomercial has Kate saying she DID have a tummy tuck, but she wasn't satisfied with the muscle tone, so she used this machine! LOLOL
For 199.95 you can look like Kate! LOL
OH NO please tell me she didn't drag the kids to Maryland make them stay in a hotel room the entire time and get the crap filmed out of them by TLC while she filmed her commercial. Can she do a single darn thing without these kids?
Double dipping again!!!
That's pretty funny - using someone to endorse an ab workout, who tweets the only thing she does is run and has stomach surgery documented on tv. This goes to prove the truth in infomercials.
I feel bad for her tweeple who, given their intelligence, probably don't make much, but will buy this, especially the teens who will spend three months's worth of babysitting money on this. A $200 dollar machine is very expensive for most people.
Tweeple? Go do situps. You'll get the same result.
LOL Hippie yes a great way to promote a product is to bitch about how uncomfortable it made your hands feel. Classic Kate. Also the cat is out of the bag, shouldn't she be on twatter promoting it? You know by name and stuff.
I thought she had a contract with TLC. Didn't Jon get into trouble for promoting other products?
She can promote products but TLC probably has to approve them.
Another classic case of hypocritical TLC. Jon wasn't allowed to do a Superbowl commercial that probably would have made him a huge chunk of money, certainly more than this ab machine, but Kate can promote whatever tacky expensive scam she wants and fleece the tweeple of their paychecks.
Actually, I guess I'm slightly surprised TLC approved this since it's SOO tacky. Maybe they are getting desperate. Or maybe they are trying to support Kate in her transition from the show.
Notice on the above picture that she is standing sideways so you can't see that she has no waist!
So who has even heard of this piece of crap exercise machine until Kate popped up? I say good marketing for the company because it's got us talking about it. As long as we talk about any products she endorses, she'll keep getting these deals. I have to agree with above posters who complain about the company using her because she had a tummy tuck and so there is no way they can claim her stomach is the result of their machine. At least no self-respecting company is using her. If she had shown any talent, she could have been fixed for life. Now she has to take whatever comes along, all the while claiming she has to support her kids, but it's still about her. I'm curious to see how low she will sink to keep her face out there. There are plenty of folks out there with large families that do just fine without selling out.
On the site referenced by SoCalER-RN, Jenner is variously referred to as "Olympic Champion & Reality Star" and "Champion Dad." Kate, OTOH, is only called "Champion Mother of 8"--they do not even acknowledge her "reality star" status.
Tick-tock, tick-tock . . .
Just saw this post over at gwop. According to this article Twist of Kate could be moving forward. My favorite part of the article is when Ellen O'Neill says how Kate will be uncomfortable. Same deal, visiting sheeple and their places of employment. And what a coincidence!!!! Kate just recently started Twittering with her fans! I'm sure there's no connection (lol) but I see Milo&Jack, PattyPie and the rest of the Super 12 getting a very special visit in their future! :)
TLC stinks yes we are talking about it. BUT buying it is quite another. LOL This product will be out of my mind in a nanosecond.
ADMIN you are right, many of these fans will rush to that website and spend their money, making sure to tell them "I am only buying this because KATE uses it" Knowing fully well she does not. Sad, really.
Infomercials are the last refuge for a tv or movie personality. The very last. We have seen many who can only get an infomercial now. HOPEFULLY this is sign.
“ATTAGIRL Kate Krawford” Really? I guess but why? Millions of single mothers get up EVERYMORNING and work 1, 2, or even 3 jobs to support their kids. After that they get to go home, twitter, run, and stroll thru Target...NOT! They relax by doing laundry, homework, and cooking, cleaning, wiping dirty faces and dare I say little hinnies.
Besides the fact like her life this endorsement is another lie. How many middle aged single women with kids do you know has a body like that? Pah-leeze, I barely have time to put clean on underwear let alone work out. Her perfectly toned airbrushed bikini wearing body is the result of surgeons’ not hard work. But hey, I guess if I had 8 little breadwinners instead 3 children I could afford the same luxuries.
BS Kate! A tummy tuck does NOT just remove excess skin, your MUSCLES ARE PULLED TAUT AND RESOWN, SHORTENING THEM! Especially HER muscles, they would have spread open and stretched outwards (I've seen WAY too many before/after cosmetic surgery shows! :)
She received a whole new tummy, better than the one she had BEFORE her pregnancy. And how cheezy was that infomercial? Ever watch Dragon's Den (Shark Tank)? They eat up these products like candy because they make TONS of money for the investors...put them on late at night, tons of orders come in! Cheap to make, the mark-up is disgusting, millions of people see the infomercial and voila! you've made a fortune! And yes, she was very uncomfortable...umm ummm Seriously??? You can't even memorize a few lines???
Champion mom of 8, obviously, they have never seen her show? She treats her kids like less than stellar employees at best. Do as you're told or you get nothing, as opposed to punishment of severeness as in you are not allowed in my bedroom unless you are coming in to clean of course as they coincidentally love to do do. Okay.
Also, I think they had her turned sideways to hide the tell-tell displaced belly button, as opposed to erasing it, as People did.
You know I'm sadly surprised in this day in age when it's so well-known what a scam most of these products are, that so many people still fall for it and still spend their hard-earned money on it.
I've recently changed by viewpoint about the sheer stupidity of people out there. As in, there are a lot more than I thought.
Hm, moral question. Is it unethical to promote a product that you know is scam-ish and overpriced and watch poor and lower-middle class people spend a week's paycheck on because they have to have it because YOU promoted it? This goes for all celebs. I tend to think it is.
Just curious said... Regarding the ab infomercial or whatever it may be, here are Kate's tweets that hinted at what she was doing during the time we're speculating about (I made spaces in some places so it's easier to read her babbling):
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Good day all! Anothr fun project day while filming r show! My arms r so sore from yest! Wait til u see wut I've been up to...nope, not tellin'!
28 Jun
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Arms still ache! 2 days activities didn't hlp! my idea so self 2 blame! Don't think I could do this 4 a living,altho I fooled evry1 watching!:) GN
28 Jun
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Only thing I'll say is: u will NEVER believe it bc I still can't! & u'll likely never c it agn bc I'm sure it won't happen agn!
28 Jun
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
GM all! Me & my aching limbs (mostly my hands, strangely) r up early bc there's lots 2 b done 2day. Have a great day! I'll b checking in often!
29 Jun
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@BRENDALOKE I'm teasing you all about an activity the kids and I did and filmed... Two days of it and I'm aching :)
29 Jun
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@EmCr68 Filming episodes for your enjoyment again Emily! Nope not sore from surprise ep today! But I CAN'T WAIT FOR U TO SEE IT! AHHH!
30 Jun
Although we have to take everything Kate says with a grain or 10 of salt, whatever she was doing that made her arms sore she says she did with the kids and it's a "surprise episode."
Just Curious - My thoughts after reading those posts from Kate are that her and the kids may have painted some rooms in the house for an episode. Maybe they all painted their bedrooms or something. Kate says she is sore - you would be after that, especially in your arms. She also mentions she will never do it again. I believe that, it is a lot of work. The following days she says she has a lot of organizing to do, that may be moving the furniture back. She says it was her idea, well of course it was, free paint jobs before her ass is canned. This is just my opinion, as painting any rooms in your house are a pain, but rewarding when finished.
wayward from that article..."If it's not this show, I hope to be doing something else in TV," Kate told "Extra." "I've been given the gift of gab, so why not use it."
This has always gotten me. I would love to know WHO told her she had a 'gift for gab"? She sure CAN run her mouth, but she says NOTHING. Unless it is about the kids, or Jon she never has a THING worthwhile to say. I have never heard her give any opinion about any issue in this life or current affairs. NOTHING. Oh yeah, Casey Anthony. "all mommy's hearts hurt" or something equally as stupid. LOL I just would like to see her actually try to host a show and say something and not from written cards, as she used on the View. Prewritten by someone else. Even her comments about Sarah Palin being president were just really sad. "I would like to see a woman President" That's it? LOL Just ONCE talk about something in an intelligent way, indepth thoughts. But she doesn't have those kinds of thoughts. I believe she never listens to the news, or if she does, it never sinks in. She talks food, kids and Jon. That's it. LOL
ADMIN. heck talk about endorsements, look at the Jenner/Kardashian clan! WHAT product have they NOT put their names on? The ONLY one I saw them back out on, was that scam of a credit card the girls endorsed before they even really checked it out. That was a horrid scam, if you checked into it. And those fans flock to buy up whatever they put their names on. Jenner is one of the clan's leaders, so he will endorse anything that includes a check. LOL
Diet pills are a HORRIBLE thing to endorse, as they have done. The mama bear even raked Khloe (sp) over the coals because she was "fat" and not living up to the "brand" they have created. Sad, sad family. I lost respect for Jenner long ago for going along and promoting all they do. A check is a check I suppose to them.
I'd love to read the fine print on all of these products. Wasn't there a lawsuit some time ago involving an "ab machine" type thing that used electric current to tone the muscles? It was supposed to do the work for you...it was a class action suit and they proved it did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
To get abs like the ones you see in all these infomercials you have to work at it and work HARD! They all profess it's so easy, a great work out blah blah...I think I heard too that a lot of the before/after pics people send in are ones that come from women who just gave birth and were ALWAYS FIT, WORKOUT FREAKS. Of course you get that body back, it's always been there, but you HAVE to do the work! Or cheat and get a tummy tuck.
Well, I'll be the first to say it -- I hope she doesn't succeed with her 'career' in TV. I have never been a child advocator, although I wish people would make wise choices for their kids rather than exploiting them. But there are millions of kids who are exploited and are never advocated for. Does that make it right? Of course not. But, at least for me, I don't think Kate deserves anything she has, ESPECIALLY those children and she definitely does not deserve any recognition or 'fame' and money to cause her already huge ego to inflate even more. She is disgusting. What a great example she is to those young children with the way she flaunts herself.
ABSOLUTELY Admin! These products promise the world and lonely desparates buy into it because they're looking to fill the void. We've all been there right? Unfortuantly there are those who can't pull themselves out of their misery and shit like this gives them some hope.
So yes, it's morally wrong like so many other things in this world today.
Looking at the picture along with that article that wayward posted, it is amazing how much she has ruined her looks in a few short years. That picture still shows a youthful, pretty woman with good skin, Even her neck didn't look as bad as it does today. What a difference. It is a shame what rage and bitterness (at Jon) and the constant tanning, the constant use of makeup and all the other things (botox?) whatever she has been doing has really ruined her. Not to mention a VERY POOR DIET.
I was a competetive swimmer as a kid, and my own children now swim competetively. I have known who Dara Torres is since the early 80's when she was first an Olympian, and have followed her later career quite closely. My daughter idolizes her. I can't tell you how disappointed I am to hear that she is not only at the head of a product like this, but that she has hired someone like Kate Gosselin to stand alongside professional athletes, including the one-time top all-around athlete in the world, and call her a champion. And then to incorrectly identify Bruce Jenner's sport on the website - it's just so inacceptible.
Kate cannot swim, she does not participate in sports, she does not follow sports, she has no respect for sports or athletes, she has fake abs, she probably had never heard of Dara Torres or the athletes who are also spokespeople.
There's also the fact that neither Bruce Jenner or Dara Torres are lacking for funds and do not need to be selling scammy products to make a living. It is well known that Dara funds her swimming training at a level higher than almost any other swimmer and does not work herself.
I agree that "good for Kate" for doing something to earn an income that doesn't involve the kids. I just think this entire thing is so disengenious, and it makes me sick that she is involved with people I admire, is probably comparing herself to them, and is convincing all of the little tweeple that she is on the same level as Bruce Jenner and Dara Torres because of this.
One more comment Admin. The McCall blog about Twist of Kate. If you read carefully, you can see there is nothing in there that says this show is moving forward. It quotes McNeill from last year, and it is Kate trying to make it appear she may make this show happen, but then she follows with the comment, but if not this show there will be others because of her 'gift of gab'. I seriously wonder where she keeps coming up with the gift of gab crap. She can't even speak plainly.
You gotta check out that infomercial at abchamp.com
Click on the video on the upper right.
The video is of several personalities (including Bruce Jenner) touting the product, and shows them using it. It looks like they're in a hotel room.
Kate invokes the 8 kids as her claim to fame just like she did in DWTS and everything else she does (as opposed to the other celebrities who invoke their sport).
IMHO she's still exploiting the kids, although not as blatantly. At least they weren't IN the video!
So no pass on this one, Kate.
And, she DIDN'T work her butt off! She never had one to start with! Plus, I suspect they photo-shopped everything about her for the bikini shots.
I agree with the poster above....Kate clearly looks ill at ease and self-conscious using the machine, like she's never seen it before.
Notice that the users completely stretch out, their backs straight. Kate's butt never comes out of the air. She doesn't even get the hand thing extended past the half-way point.
Certainly NOT how one would look if one had actually been using it for many moons. Ahem.
I can see where one's hands might get sore on that thing. I was thinking one's wrists might be sore from supporting your body weight, especially if you weren't used to using it. Snort.
The video presents ALL of the user's bodies as if they had attained them using the machine.
Uh, huh.
I actually would give her credit for this even though it's REALLY hokey, if she hadn't mentioned the 8 kids as her claim to fame.
Another interesting observation...the other woman is mostly shown in exercise gear, and a short time in a red bikini, but it's not a sexy bikini, nor in the pseudo 'sexy' (gag me) pose that Kate has.
They also show Kate in that stupid blue glittery dress that she wore at the Australia New Year's party.
I wonder if the white bikini came from her People shoot????
Think she had to bring her own props???? Ok, I'm choking on my coffee now.
And the other woman was shown straight on, not sideways. Perhaps the other woman doesn't have any belly button issues? Hmmm.....
What was the point of that white scarf blowing in the wind anyway????? To make her look sexy? The other woman didn't do that.
"Anonymous said... Kate is on the list of "least appealing celebrities" according to this article.
http://www.bnet.com/blog/advertising-business/sandra-bullock-meets-the-quants-how-celebrities-are-ranked-for-ad-campaigns/8475?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter "
I posted about that poll when if first came out. LOL I did a litle research on the E-Poll then. The E-Poll research is used religously by companies' marketing teams to determine who is the best to use for their products. It is the "bible", as one article described the E-Poll, of market research. Doesn't look good for her OR Jon. OJ didn't do too well either. LOL
Sorry, but I don't call that working, either. It's just Kate being her narcissistic self and showing off her boob job, tummy tuck, lipo, and fake tan. And, once again, she was able to get away from the kids so she could "play" alone in front of the camera and take advantage of another freebie mini-vacation w/ Steve.
Okay- I looked at the video of the product. It's very cumbersome and it doesn't seem to glide smoothly. Using this machine alone would not get your stomach to look like that. Being an Olympic swimmer would and having a tummy tuck would. Thought it was funny how defensive Khate was about the tummy tuck and how boring she looks talking about the product- like she really doesn't believe in it herself but she IS being paid to say so. Of course she has to invoke her pregnancy picture and how she carried 6- count 'em 6 babies! Anyway, I have a small wheel with handles on the side that does the same thing! That doesn't take up any room and it costs less than $20. This machine is nothing new. I'm sure Kris Jenner probably brokered this job for her husband because that chick doesn't pass up anything. Dara Torres has had rock hard abs ever since I can remember so she certainly doesn't need that machine. Geesh! I loathe this.....
Robin said...
And then to incorrectly identify Bruce Jenner's sport on the website - it's just so inacceptible.
Obviously they didn't do their homework. Wonder if it'll get fixed.
Also wonder if Kate realizes that comparatively speaking, if you look at her next to the people they tapped for this campaign, she's done nothing with her life. Bruce Jenner will forever be a gold medalist, and she'll be...Kate.
(Sheeple disclaimer--Yeah, I don't have a TV show and I don't have millions of dollars, but in the grand scheme of things, if you consider how she got there, is that really that much of an achievement? Nope, not jellus--because even though I went through the worst I wouldn't trade the things I learned from it for all the money in the world.)
How the mighty have fallen. I watched the informercial and she's been photographed in that bikini and also the blue half dress (in Australia for the hotel room new years party) at 6:07. They didn't buy her new clothes. The thing looks like plastic crap. Bruce Jenner looked like he was about to fall in the pool when using it and I think anyone would look awkward using it because it looks like junk! Of course Kate loves it because it's a game and she can beat herself. She even managed to work in at least one 'to be honest' and several 'ums.' Haha!
I hope this means Kate is finally waking up to the realization that her show will not go on forever. TLC will NOT continue to support and promote a failing show, and, as always, Kate is the last one to grasp the obvious.
With Kate's sense of entitlement, there is no way that selling snake oil will bother her in the least. She's been taking honest folks money for years and has never, ever flinched at getting something for nothing.
Most of us would be uncomfortable with this and feel we should be fair and pay for or earn what we get, but we have a clean conscience.
Kate's endorsement was embarrassing. Did she really say that she herself looks in the mirror and can't believe how good she looks?!!
She had 8 kids, yes, but 2, count 'em 2 pregnancies with a tummy tuck after. That tuck did not give her the abs and flat stomach she has, you have to at least give her that. A tummy tuck is just the start. If you gain weight, you will get a pendulous abdomen. Gastric bypass is only as good as the patient's will to restrict calories.
It's a head start, that's it.
Regarding the Twist of Kate article, I think rags are just recycling old interviews, that's all. I don't think it will come to fruition but truly wish it would. The cameras have to get off those kids in some way, so anything Kate does to develop her own brand is fine by me, even if she has to keep using the "mom of 8" moniker.
Speaking of brands, I'm watching The View and Bethany Frankel is cohosting. She was hand picked out of total obscurity by Jill Zarin to be on TRHONY, and she has taken off like a rocket.
In just a few short years, she has developed a STRONG brand with her Skinny Girl line of cocktails etc. Bethany has IT, and she stayed likable and focused. She sold the cocktail line of Skinny Girl for... wait for it...
If Kate could have been likable, humble she could have cornered a product or brand and been set for life.
Oh, and Bethany is a professional chef who can cook and an author who wrote her own books, no co authors or photo albums.
(I just have to add that Jill treated Bethany like shit when their friendship ended, total back stabber, and now Bethany can buy that haughty bitches ass 5 times over)
PJ's momma- what a hoot watching Bruce Jenner work that rickety piece of junk! It looked unstable and listening to it would drive me nuts.
Take it from a Physical Therapist, go to Sports Authority and spend $10 on a little wheel with handles- does the same thing with unlimited range of motion possibilities.
Spend the other $190 on a good pair of sneakers and heart rate monitor.
Kate's testimony was oratory fireworks- rivetingish really.
Hi guys! Just checking in. Filming over next few days so I won't be around much. I'm alright. Don't panic or miss me 2 much! Xoxoxo 2 all
I think there will be many of her sheeple in therapy after she quits tweeting because of "panic" attacks.
Since she is a self-proclaimed good cook there may be a Slap Chop commercial in her future. LOL
Is it unethical to promote a product that you know is scam-ish and overpriced and watch poor and lower-middle class people spend a week's paycheck on because they have to have it because YOU promoted it?
Oh I think it's unethical alright but there's a sucker born every minute and they all seem to be up in the middle of the night watching infomercials and buying this crap. My mother's closets are full of contraptions that promise to rejuvenate, stimulate, invigorate and exhilarate every part of her life and body. I can't stop her, it's her money but good grief she even ordered a vial of miracle water guaranteed to cure every disease known to man.
Kate's agent must have had to dig around pretty hard to shill her out for this job. I doubt if she'll let the kids retire yet though because I don't think Abchamp or Kate will be getting rich off the pathetic eight tweeple who still worship the ground she grazes on. I think the woman's name is poison now.
Tucker's Mom.... you are so funny and so right. That machine indeed looks rickety. Doesn't seem very smooth. Looks like it will fall apart after only a few uses. And you are right, it is a bit loud.
She tweeted a bit ago that she will be filming over the next few days. Wow... the only people I see working their butts off are the children. How sad!
Off topic, but I was watching the wedding dress show on TLC last Friday (the one in Atlanta) and my hubby walked in and said of the adorable Monty, "Is that Bruce Jenner?" It was so funny! He does look like that guy!
Sorry, but I do like some shows on TLC which are not exploitive: Say Yes to the Dress, What Not to Wear, the new show with Billy Ray Cyrus....
It does look like she was in a hotel using that! Why hasn't she said anything about the ab champ before. She says all she does is run. She doesn't even look like she's doing it right. I would'nt buy water in the desert if she was promoting it.
Well now we know what her comment meant about there being lots of jobs on TV. Little Miss Sneaky was already filming this little gem of Oscar worthy TV for our viewing enjoyment. And now we know for sure that she is going the fitness route to stay in the limelight. Can't she try something that doesn't involve her wanting to be a glamour puss EVERY SINGLE TIME? Yak.
Well, that was a waste of ten minutes! (at least I didn't blame it on my kids like Kate does "you just caused me to lose ten minutes of my life that I will never get back"....it was totally my own fault!)
I can't believe that even when she is acting as a spokesperson for a product, that she can't avoid saying "ummm" and can't speak smoothly without acting like she's searching for her words. Gift of gab my a**.
And about her tweet this morning - I wish she would quit saying "don't panic" to the tweeties. Seriously, how much fuller of herself can she be?
Administrator said... You know I'm sadly surprised in this day in age when it's so well-known what a scam most of these products are, that so many people still fall for it and still spend their hard-earned money on it.
ITA! $200 for the AbChamp when the tried and true $10.99 ab wheel (http://www.sportsauthority.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3879706&kw=ab+wheel&sr=1&origkw=ab%20wheel) has been around so long I even remember my grandma had one.
"PJ's Momma Sorry, but I do like some shows on TLC which are not exploitive: Say Yes to the Dress, What Not to Wear, the new show with Billy Ray Cyrus"
No need to be sorry! I still like a few shows they have on too. I love the Little Couple. The extreme couponing show is interesting, if not impossible to do in MOST stores these days LOL BUT they surely have fallen far from the "Learning Channel" that they USED to be. And no, as one tweeple said, "Kate is the face of TLC". Good heavens, I have watched TLC way before that woman spit out those babies. They USED to be a very good channel. Then they started with the child exploitation and just plain exploitation of people. Their older documentaries were just wonderful. When O'Neill took over, there was a marked difference in that channel. So, on second thought, Kate MIGHT be the "face" of TLC. That was the beginning of their decline, from what I observed. LOL
NT said...She doesn't even look like she's doing it right.
She sure doesn't. She looks stiff and awkward. Wanna bet she bitched and moaned through the entire taping? I'm sure Stevieboy was there to pacify the shrew.
She probably grifted one of those things too...look for it at her next garage sale.
Even though I still wish she would just STOP filming the kids, I can't help but secretly be happy, happy, happy that ole miss Kate isn't globe trotting for her bucket list. LOL She was SO proud of her "world traveler" status. Now, TLC seems to have put the skids on all that. Not even Bald Head Island this year. Even though Kate COULD have and SHOULD have taken those kids on her own dime for that "tradition". For that she needs to be ashamed of herself. But of course, she won't be. She blamed it on they couldn't get a house. LOL Such a liar.
I'm not familiar with the product, does it come with a Tummy Tuck and spray on Abs?
To watch the actual promo of this product on video, Preesi has the embedded video on her site:
Khate's voice just grates on my nerves and the way she uses her hands while she talks is so irritating. You can tell she is trying so hard not to use, "UMs".
If she is filming those kids today, I hope the kids are at least inside. The temperature today in the MD/PA region is going to top 97 degrees. Way too hot to have the kids doing retakes over and over in the hot sun.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA she's reduced to doing crappy infomercials. She's already Z list, doesn't have much further to fall.
And everyone's right--ALL she has to claim is that she had six kids at once. That's it. Her only claim to fame. She has zero talent and is about as appealing as heat rash.
I hope she hasn't spent all the kids' hard-earned money!
No Regrets: good point. If TLC were still willing to send her on trips, there's no way she'd be home now in mid-July. I'm cracking up that they apparently wouldn't even send her to Bald Head Island, pretty provincial compared to Australia and New Zealand. First they take away the trips, then they take away the show. Kate does a couple of infomercials, people hate working with her (as they always do),then she drops off the radar altogether. O happy day!
Sigh,,, filming for the next few days. Poor kids. And the rest of these tweets? Grown women? Really? "How important it is to stand for you"? "I took a quite a few insults for you"? Sat "crying like a baby" watching the giving back episode? My God. Should they get a medal? Or a shrink? I am going back to ignoring twitter, it is far too depressing. All I can say is I am SO glad I don't know people like this. SO GLAD.
Everyone have a great day.
Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
Hi guys! Just checking in. Filming over next few days so I won't be around much. I'm alright. Don't panic or miss me 2 much! Xoxoxo 2 all!
@Kateplusmy8 Milo has been glarin at the computer screen since yesterday..I try 2 console him abt how important it is we stand up 4 U! Hiss!
@Kateplusmy8 Yes, sireeee Kate! I took quite a few insults 4 U yesterday! Milo got the bulk of them. He's still poutin 2day!
@Kateplusmy8 I check in & U leave! Well, I'll probably b filmin 2 next couple of days! Don't panic Kate! Im alright! LOL
Sat crying like a baby watching @Kateplusmy8 feeding america episode. Amazing lady, amazing kids helping an amazing cause. I <3 you guys!
No Regrets -- I don't think the people at BHI want her to come back for her "traditional" summer vaycay . They looked disgusted at her when she left last year. I'd laugh if they banned her from setting foot on their island again. Pretty sad when even pirates turn you away. heehee
Dallas Lady said... Regarding the traveling. I just remembered all those tweets a month of so ago when she asked everyone where should they go this year. LOLOL Everyone came up with many locations for her to go on vacation, BUT not one has happened. HAHAHA Sorry, can't help BUT laugh. And you know that Kate is fuming royally. HAHA
Gone for good now, take care all. LOL < still laughing
@ bearswife..."Teresa, let us know if the Ab people get back to you!" LOL You KNOW l will!
At 2pm today on HLN the three Detectives who busted Casey Anthony are giving a press conference! Should be interesting to hear what they have to say.
The news conference starts at 1:30 p.m. Sgt. John Allen, Cpl. Yuri Melich and Cpl. Eric Edwards will take part. And so will crime scene investigator Gerardo Bloise and Deputy Jason Forgey.
Teresa said...
At 2pm today on HLN the three Detectives who busted Casey Anthony are giving a press conference! Should be interesting to hear what they have to say.
Thanks for the heads up. I read over on Preesi's site that the bounty hunter/bail guy Leonard Padilla is spearheading a campaign to get the Feds to indict Casey.
I hope it gians some traction.
OK, when I have a sleepness night, there are usually infomercials on the TV. I don't watch them, but I check to see who's selling the product. So far I have seen:
Melissa Gilbert
Valerie Bertinelli
Christy Brinkley
Cindy Crawford
Chuck Norris
Gary Collins (from "Real People" - 1980's)
Suzanne Somers
Susan Lucci
I'm certain there are others, but I'm drawing a blank right now.
(Then of course there are the celebrities who are serving as spokespeople for charities, such as Laurie Metcalf (Roseanne) and Sally Struthers, although I haven't seen either one of them recently.)
Some have their own business products they are
hawking. Others are simply there to be amazed
at the product and how well it works.
Apparently, the ab-champ found rather unlikeable people to chase potential buyers away ASAP. Jenner and Gosselin. What, no
Hasselhoff? They are using reverse psychology?
Make the product look lousy and cheap and hard to use and everyone will want one? Remember the I Love Lucy episode where Lucy and Ethel made Aunt Martha's Old Fashioned Salad Dressing? When they found out how much it was going to cost them to run their little business,
they had Lucy go on a local TV show to tell how bad it tasted. The orders quadrupled overnight.
Maybe that scheme works for ab-champs, too.
WFTV.Com are running live feeds. Watching as l type here.
So ridiculous, buying an ab product from someone like Kate who has had a tummy tuck is like buying toothpaste from someone who wears dentures.
I just watched the video. hahaha Kate looks very awkward on that machine! She clearly had no time to practice on it. Her face is priceless. Love the big awkward grin! lol
You know that she's only done a promo for this and is not being paid as a spokesperson. If she were being paid as a spokesperson she would be twitting her fingers off about how great the product is and how beneficial it's been to her. "Why I don't even um have to diet ir run any more because um the ab champ is soooooo um great. Please buy one twitties because I have to support my 8 (count them 8) kids." Kate didn't say that but I can picture her saying it. Every twit would contain the name of the product. I'm guessing she got a flat fee to do the promo and that was the end of it.
Kate tweeted: Filming over next few days so I won't be around much. I'm alright. Don't panic or miss me 2 much! Xoxoxo 2 all!
Can you say EGO?
Ab people have not yet replied to my email. BUT l also wrote to Simon & Shuster Book publishers asking if the rumor was true about paying the Anthonys $3 million dollers for a book deal. I asked that they dispel the rumor or confirm with the media. Here's their reply.
Thank you for contacting SimonandSchuster.com. We appreciate your concern on this matter, but please be aware that Simon & Schuster is not publishing, and has never intended to publish, any book by Casey Anthony, her family, or any member of her team.
SimonandSchuster.com Customer Service
Jenner is an Olympic swimmer just as Kate is a Champion mom.
No Regrets...
ITA about Kate & "her gift of gab". Nothing intelligent comes out of that mouth. Her answers to questions are generic & boring. I can never picture her doing interviews or hosting a show, be it on TV or radio. She is dreaming big. It won't happen. She is done.
An infomercial? HA! I didn't watch it. I loathe to watch anything with that creature in it, but this is the certainly where reality people go to die. And as I said, she bitched & moaned about how "sore she was & how this hurt" blah blah blah on Twitter. Great way to endorse products Kate! And as Admin pointed out, why isn't she promoting it more? She really has zero clue. The Helium sisters (aka Kardashian's) talk about their products ALL the time on Twitter. All Kate does is dole out *her* advice about food (WHY?), her kids (she really shouldn't) & how exhausted she is (eat more). Oh, & engages perfect strangers (the 12 tweeters who gush over her).
Could Kate's life be any more sad? She knows she has children that would really appreciate the attention, right?
~Hippie Chick~
I can't say at this point that I agree with people who say that as long as the kids aren't filmed Kate can go out and do whatever. The only reason being that every £ Kate "earns" is one spent on legal help and nannies. And I don't think for a second that Kate will let Jon have full custody once filming is finally stopped. She will keep them out of spite. Will Mady and Cara be old enough to make their own decision on which parent they want to live will, in the eyes of the courts? I wonder if they would choose to stay with their younger sibs to help protect them.
I loathe this woman....
I have that little ball roller ab machine too! I love it! But ya know what has worked for me? Hula hooping! I bought a weighted hula hoop & lemme tell you all...the results are amazing. It's great cardio & my obliques & abs have never looked better. If I don't feel like using the hula hoop, I just do the motion like I'm using the hula hoop, & that's ok too. I do it about 45 minutes a day, along with my walks & stuff, & it's great! I would NEVER pay 200 bucks for an ab machine. My weighted hula hoop costs me 10 bucks! Just thought I'd tell you all! It is amaz-a-zing!
~Hippie Chick~
What I see about this Info commercial is fraud, I give no credit to Kate. This company is promoting fraud, just like so many of the other crap that a lot of them sell. They show, these women with perfect bodies, they get from using their product. If anyone with half a brain, would know these women & men are young models,or have had surgery, of some kind and probably never have used the product before. It's called photoshop. And because it's Kate Gosselin, I know this product does not work, cause we all know she had a tummy tuck to get that flat abs, and a little spray abs to make it look like worked on abs, and Kate never used the product before the shoot. Her recent pic of her jogging and this pic look nothing alike! This will not get her gigs in show business. Most popular stars stay away from these products stuff, like plague. This is the stuff I always see in magazines. Anna Nicole Smith was promoting that diet pills and that stuff was pulled by the FDA. This is bottom of the barrow gigs(if you like). But then Kate has no pride, scruples, no dignity and no self respect. Just as long as she keeps her name out there, good or bad. Kate does not look to the future, in what impact this will have. Choosing a charity, or a proven diet program is one thing, but doing a product no one has ever heard of is just professional show business suicide. Remember if they can mistake Jenny Garth for Kate Gosselin, that means there are thousands of look a like women out there, Kate is not special. Kids don't make you special, if they did I think Octo-mom is in the running for the special mom award for having 8 babies at once. But then there have been so many that have had multies, Kate is no different. Remember the Hayes: they had 2 sets of twins, then the sextuplets, that I would say beats Kate out by 2 children and one more set of multies. Don't you? As for her doing this herself, as someone here pointed out, she is not, it say Champion Mother of 8, if Kate wants to own it, it should have said Reality Personality Kate Gosselin, who had a tummy tuck tried our product and can say that, she felt the work out. Would be more creditable. By lying, just shows how desperate she is becoming.
I really dont care what she does, but if Kate is associated with it, it must be a phony rigged rip off, so I for one will be moving right along.
I do wish copy writers would stop promoting this 'mom of 8' crap. She had 2, count em 2 pregnancies, and then plastic surgery. I am not dissing the incredible science and medical team that helped result in those healthy sextuplets. BUT SHE HAS NOT HAD 8 PREGNANCIES NOR 8 CHILDBIRTHS. Nor has she cared for or mothered those little ones on her own, she has only been a side member of a revolving team of their caregivers.
The photoshop makes her look cute, but giving birth twice doesnt play into anything at all.
I find it very humorous they made her hair look so normal!!! When was Kate ever photographed with normal hair! LOL!
PS - as I was typing my 'name', it occurs to me: she is indeed dwindling away. Smile.
Also, did anyone notice how much Kate has been tweeting and talking about the show ending(or what she will/wants to do once the show is over?). Why is that, could it be that, a month ago when she went to NYC for that meeting, they already told her, of possible cancelation or no renewal of contract. And how she denied it and became defensive on tweeter (about the rumors) and anyone else who would listen, now all of a sudden, she is talking about it. The extra interview, her tweets. So TLC is filming the crap out of those kids, they have to make up for the money they already lost or are they riding out till the contract ends?
Sport said... I'm not familiar with the product, does it come with a Tummy Tuck and spray on Abs?
and a good bra, plastic teeth and nails, and bottle-a-day of hair bleach? If I upgrade to the deluxe model, do I get a hair flap to constantly hold down and a wad of gum?
I heard the rebate is a gift certif for 4 pairs of prostitute-stillettos...
Ms. Gosselin tweeted - "Reading up on tweets. FYI, I have an Ab Champ and I DO use it (along w othr equip in basement) 4 core strength in addition to running"
Is this addressed to her critics? I thought Kate never read negative tweets, but blocked the "haterz?"
Please tell me those kids are not being forced to film outside in this heat ! If they are,someone needs to call Child Welfare !
You can bet she's sitting in the house with the air running and her box wine sitting on the table, beside the pill bottle.
Ha, apprently she DOES read "hater" tweets and this blog. Look at her tweet insisting she uses one of those flimsy AbCramp things. Yeah, they probably gave her one as part of her compensation after she did her crappy two minute promo filled with "uhhhhs."
Oh Kate, you're so pathetic and you can't even help it. And you can film those kids until the cows come home, it won't get your dismal ratings up to save the show.
@kassloveslife31 asked Kate: "Does running alone get you toned or do you do other exercises?" @Kateplusmy8 replied "Just running..." see RT
Oops. Caught in yet another lie. This woman just hasn't perfected the fine art of lying. She either needs to keep a journal of her statements so she doesn't keep tripping up, or take a class from Casey Anthony. Attorneys, and even Judge Alex, commented that Casey is the most polished and effective liar they've ever seen.
Speaking of the trial, it was just announced that the State of Florida is not going to bring charges against Cindy for perjury, even though they have proven that she was at work when those searches were made on the home computer. Yes, she's been through hell, but she lied for her daughter under oath. What message does this send out to others...that being sworn in means absolutely nothing, and if you lie, no action is going to be taken against you?
Trucker's Mom said...Thanks for the heads up. I read over on Preesi's site that the bounty hunter/bail guy Leonard Padilla is spearheading a campaign to get the Feds to indict Casey.
I hope it gians some traction.
Does Padilla have any credibility? I think he's trying to stretch out his camera time.
Warmth Of The Sun said...
Ms. Gosselin tweeted - "Reading up on tweets. FYI, I have an Ab Champ and I DO use it (along w othr equip in basement) 4 core strength in addition to running"
Is this addressed to her critics? I thought Kate never read negative tweets, but blocked the "haterz?"
Kate tweets constantly that she doesn't even see "haterz" tweets, yet she's proven once again that she does. Kate either knows she can lie and her fans won't care, or she's so bat-sh*t dumb that she can't remember what she says from one day to the next.
How quickly one forgets..... remember that tummy tuck Kate.... silly rabbit... tricks are for kids!!!
Oh, my gosh. The jury foreman told Fox News that when the jury deliberated, they considered that George may have been the killer. They were told not to consider anything about the allegations against George (as having molested Casey or as having found Casey in the pool) in the opening statement because it was never addressed during the trial, but obviously, they DID consider it. The jury didn't like George, said he was combative, and therefore he could have been a suspect in the murder. They also loved Jose Baez because he greeted them in the morning, but didn't like the prosecutors.
It also bothered the jury that they didn't know the cause of Caylee's death.
It's obvious that these jurors had no idea what they were doing, or what standard to apply in this case. No wonder one juror quit her job and moved out of state.
GKway said... To watch the actual promo of this product on video, Preesi has the embedded video on her site:
Khate's voice just grates on my nerves and the way she uses her hands while she talks is so irritating. You can tell she is trying so hard not to use, "UMs".
Thanks for posting this. She is indeed very uncomfortable with not being allowed to say 'umm', so she just pauses every few words. And she is grinning at the camera, but stiff and uneasy on the machine.
Sigh, she is still using the kids. "I have 8 kids. People are shocked I have 8 kids. I look in the mirror and I am shocked I have 8 kids." I repeat from my post above - it wasnt eight pregnancies, you twirp.
8kids8kids8kids8kids and neon tooth veneers. I didnt care enough to put up with anymore, so I clicked it off. Oh well, she didnt insult or abuse small children or their parent for entertainment, so what do I care. At least they pinned her hair flap out of her eye.
"Will Mady and Cara be old enough to make their own decision on which parent they want to live will, in the eyes of the courts?"
They are old enough now. According to PA law, any child may make such a request, no matter of age, but there must be a valid reason and the judge interviews the child to make his decision.
Maybe people should file complaints of the inaccurate "testimonials", false advertising given for this piece of crap product with the Attorney General in their state. Easy to do.
Hey Kate, that piece of crap equipment you are "endorsing" is made completely of PLASTIC. Will live in a landfill FOREVER, Ms. Organic.
"Maybe people should file complaints of the inaccurate "testimonials", false advertising given for this piece of crap product with the Attorney General in their state. Easy to do."
Give it time. Soon there will be online complaints, rip-off reports filed, as in so many products sold on television and online, especially when they offer a free trial on a product, and credit cards keep being charged. I wonder who put Kate's AB Champ together. Apparently this thing comes in a million pieces, because there is a separate phone number listed for customers who need additional assembly instructions!
Im standing right next to Kate Gosselin at Mt. Rushmore! How funny is that? She is upset with her kids. Lol
5 hours ago
Well, looks like I laughed too soon, they are at Mt Rushmore LOLOL Learning and making memories awww filming of course
No Regrets said...
Im standing right next to Kate Gosselin at Mt. Rushmore! How funny is that? She is upset with her kids. Lol
5 hours ago
Well, looks like I laughed too soon, they are at Mt Rushmore LOLOL Learning and making memories awww filming of course
Where is this posted?
Are Kate and the kids filming at Mt. Rushmore? I thought TLC wasn't giving in to her bucket list requests.
I call bullchit.
How many times before this did she says ALL she does is run? Everytime people asked her what she did as far as working out, she'd always say "just running".
I bet she got one for free and the kids play with it in the basement. When she filmed this infomercial was probably the very first time she tried it.
But anyway. This company made a foolish mistake having this banshee hawk stuff for them. I think MORE people will NOT buy it because of her than will buy it because of her.
I just cannot stand hearing that chalkboard voice anymore. Oh my lord, when I hear her voice my bp rises.
I guess I would be more impressed if they'd hired Michelle Dugger to hawk it and she had a pair of airbrushed like abs from using it. That woman has had 19 pregnancies. Let's see what using it can do for her (although I say that knowing full well she'd never do an infomercial like that.)
Sick said,
Also, did anyone notice how much Kate has been tweeting and talking about the show ending(or what she will/wants to do once the show is over?). Why is that, could it be that, a month ago when she went to NYC for that meeting, they already told her, of possible cancelation or no renewal of contract.
She hasn't been talking about it recently. In fact, she's bragging about filming. Today she said she's making memories and the crew is with her and she's too busy to tweet. Filming has not stopped, nor does it appear that cancellation of the show is the very near future. Why would they continue to film unless they're just getting enough on tape until the contract runs out?
gramof5 said...
Please tell me those kids are not being forced to film outside in this heat ! If they are,someone needs to call Child Welfare !
If they are filming at Mt. Rushmore, then, no, they are not being forced to film outside in the heat. It's in the low 60s out there...
Oh dear lord. I suppose having her face carved into a mountainside is on her bucket list too.
Too funny about someone spotting her at Mt. Rushmore and she's pissed off at the kids. Talk about "making memories". I'm not surprised. I'd be more surprised to read that Kate was spotted anywhere and was enjoying her kids. What a fool she is.
Their youth goes by so fast. Most loving parents live by the adage, "you hold their hands for a short time, you hold their hearts forever". Kates missed the first phase of that and will surely miss the rest of it.
Was that supposed to be a tweet about her being at Mt. Rushmore?
I call bullshit. Some tweeple trying to stir things up????
Is she really doing something educational-ish with the kids? But of course she HAS TO film it. I really hate her. I really do. It pains me to say that but it is true. I'm so upset to know she is being mean to the kids and I have to hear about it on twatter. There is only one word I can think of to describe her and it starts with a 'c'. grrrrr
I think the filming is being rushed so TLC can get all they can now before they have to comply with the legislation that is pending in the PA house. Once the legislation passes, TLC will have to comply and it will add layers onto their budget and cut into their margins big time.
I call bullshit. Some tweeple trying to stir things up????
Could be, Permanent, but I remember several weeks ago that Kate tweeted something about Mt. Rushmore. I don't remember in what context it was mentioned, or who suggested she visit there, but something was said about it because there were some who were laughing that Kate wanted her face carved there.
Perhaps she knew back then that a trip there was in the works.
She did say today that they are filming over the next few days and she won't be around much - she's making memories with the film crew.
Kate and the kids were seen on a flight from Chicago to Rapid City.
Regarding continued filming, this is what Kate tweeted the first week in July:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
RT @dreambigxox @Kateplusmy8 @LindaOriginal @TLC yay! kate, was your show renewed for next season? Will let u know the minute I know! :)
I haven't read all the comments yet so this may be mentioned, but I found it interesting that they list Bruce Jenner (incorrectly) as a swimmer, but ALSO as a reality tv star. Kate they only list as mother of 8. No reality tv star for her?
Why not leave off the mother of 8 (thus exploiting the kids again even if just by association) and just call her Kate Gosselin reality tv star.
I also wanted to mention there is someone else that posts as justme and that is a different person. I always use 2 words and cap the first letter of each word.
Listen, we can all say whatever we think of her and it gets published, but one thing is certain. We will not get rid of her and her desperation to make money.
I remember that Suzanne Sommers had that equipment and put it in HSN years ago, maybe 15 and she swore she used it. I bought it and my knees were killing me. It is very difficult on your knees, honest.
So Sommers still owns the patent and why wouldn't she hire someone who had plastic surgery to prove "you too can have a flat ab set up" when we all know that Kate no more kneels on that thing than she runs on the hills around her abode. It is fluff.
Yes, she will be around, somehow, someway. I mean Christie Brinkley was in an infomercial for years with Chuck Norris and now she is a dancer in Chicago in NY on Broadway. Yep, she is a stah too.
It is all fluff and nuts!@
Lov U
Carole K
Reading up on tweets. FYI, I have an Ab Champ and I DO use it (along w othr equip in basement) 4 core strength in addition to running
Me thinks she doth protest too much. I think that she did use it once - when she tweeted about how sore her arms were and she wasn't going to tell anyone why. I'm guessing that was the day of the filming. The pictures of her jogging over the 4th do not resemble the air brushed/computer enhanced picture in any way, shape or form!
Hippi - I've got the weighted hula hoop also and love it. I do it while watching TV. It's a good work out and you do get results.
No one should hate her. We should feel sorry for the kids, but not hate Kate.
The witch is making a dollar and I mean she finds ways, even though we would rather not see her anywhere.
She gets free clothes, free travel and that dumb piece of equipment no one uses, it will break your knee caps for certain.
Don't hate, feel sorry for her, know what?
Cause she has 8 kids, 8 kids and she better find ways to feed those kids, pay the mortgage, utilities, buy clothes, etc. It is not a fun thing to have all of that staring at you.
Saw Natalie Souleman on The Today Show...8...2 yr olds....holes in her walls at home from bikes and trikes, etc. She is boxing, she is filming stupid stuff but her mentor is the woman who sells you all into buying her "money making ideas" and she is helping Natalie get press and jobs....no tv show but Natalie is getting jobs.....all sadder than I live and I do not hate either one of them. Natalie was asked to shut her 8 little roving unmanageable kids on an airliner from NY to LAX and she could not control them. NO WAY. and she still had 6 more at home.
Oh yes, Kids are wonderful unless you have 8 or 14, lol lol lol lol lol
Nada, nothing to be jealous of, Kate better count every frigging penny.
Apparently, Kate & kids are in SD, at Mt. Rushmore. Someone was flying back from Chicago, and was on the same plane as K8, this morning. Check this out:
So the other report of Kate at mt Rushmore is also true. This other report said that Kate was upset with her kids and looked terrible.
The report above (Rapidcity) said that there were no camera crew or helpers, with Kate. But Kate tweeted that, they were gonna film today and the next couple of days. I guess TLC got tired of her bitchin and complainin and took her on a trip. I really do believe TLC is just getting enough filming for the rest of the contract.
IF she really is in Mt. Rushmore, I can promise you she isn't enjoying herself. I've been there and while the surrounding geography is gorgeous, that's not the sort of thing Kate would enjoy at all.
And Mt. Rushmore itself, while it is an American landmark, is far less impressive in person than in pictures. You can't get very close to it at all, so it's not as close as you think it will be. And it's just a long walkway, then the view. A little restaurant and gift shop. That's pretty much it. There's nothing to do, really, except look at the carving in the mountain. It's not a place I would think 8 kids would enjoy all that much and it's certainly nothing Miss Nobu NYC would enjoy--not glamorous or exciting or exotic. Nothing about her, LOL.
So if that tweet was accurate about her not seeming too happy, I totally believe it, but when is she ever happy?
Once the legislation passes, TLC will have to comply and it will add layers onto their budget and cut into their margins big time.
They will have to hire a studio teacher, but only when school is not in session. They do most of the filming in the summer or during winter breaks, and even then, it's out of state so it doesn't apply to the new PA laws. What other expenses will cut into their margins big time?
Ah....... memories with the film crew..... sweet thoughts of summer vacation......
Not with grandma and grandpa, or not with dad, not with favorite camp counselors, or not with friends..... but with film crew.
I wonder if she scrapbooks the crew too:
"This is Bill, he was divorced, fat with a butt crack and bad breath - I had him fired"...... and "Todd, this guy was HOT, he did the boom mike"; "Andy, holding the cue cards for me - isn't he hunky?"
Such a pathetic way for those kids to spend summer.....
Hey, I wonder if K8 were doing rock climbing. Kate said in her tweets that her arms were sore, then her hands, and it was her and the kids. The Duggars took one of their girls rock climbing for her birthday. That would tie in with Mt. Rushmore trip?
Just a thought, when Kate tweeted, about her arms & hands being sore, could Kate & kids been doing rock climbing. I know the Duggars took Joyanna rock climbing for her birthday. We all know Kate is always afraid of heights(so she says). Perhaps they will tie this into the Mt. Rushmore trip, as one episode.
Cindy said...
Hey Kate, that piece of crap equipment you are "endorsing" is made completely of PLASTIC. Will live in a landfill FOREVER, Ms. Organic.
Awesome point. God, that pisses me off to NO END. In my Go Green club, we are trying to find a way to have people in our town find a way to recycle those plastic pieces of crap (over #7) that sit in landfills forEVER & ever. And another hypocritical things Kate has done w/ this abcrap...
~Hippie Chick~
so sick of her said...
Hey, I wonder if K8 were doing rock climbing. Kate said in her tweets that her arms were sore, then her hands, and it was her and the kids
Her arms were sore because she was shooting the AB infomercial on the beach last week. If she had been using the AB Champion regularly, her arms wouldn't be sore, would they?
They weren't filming in the Black Hills when Kate tweeted that her arms were sore, so rock climbing wouldn't have made her arms sore.
@friend in pennsylvania Since Kates ratings don't warrant TLC spending like they did, most of the filming is done either at home or close to home these past few months.
The uncertainty of the legislation is probably prompting TLC to hedge their bets, film the crap out of them and use the footage until the end of Kate's contract. It's all about business with TLC and business is what keeps the money wheel rolling.
I don't blame any business for trying to make a profit and get the goods while the getting is good. Unfortunately, TLC's business plan is all about exploitation and they seek those who are willing partners with their plan. Money talks to both TLC and Kate and don't get in front of either of them in their quest for profit margins.
Someone on facebook also confirmed the Kate sighting at Mount Rushmore. Confirmed a crew and several "helpers" and snarked about how hard 8 kids must be with that much help.
Sigh, poor kids. At least it's educational.
Do you suppose Kate asked what's Crazy Horse?
@Kateplusmy8 ive been watching re-runs and am re-inspired to organise, write lists, and shop in bulk. Your my inspiration xx
This really made me chuckle. It's the name of a sheeple.
Shining West: her arms would be sore if she took the kids to a place that has rock climbing for fun. But, I do see what they were talkin about her tweets and it does fit. She tweeted that she will fool the public, and never do it again cause her arms are sore. Then her treat of today was : that she uses that ab thing. She just contradicted herself. And why such a secret? And did you guys notice that BM is the last to know anything Kate lately? Her number one fan is failing on the job.
"Someone on facebook also confirmed the Kate sighting at Mount Rushmore. Confirmed a crew and several "helpers" and snarked about how hard 8 kids must be with that much help."
Will we be blessed with all of the photos the paps took at the airport when they swarmed her? Did she need a police escort out of the airport?
I hope no one here is naïve enough to think that even if (and sadly it does seem more like an if than a when) TLC cancels Kate that she will be gone from the airwaves. The likelihood that the kids will be gone is only slightly more likely.
I just e-mailed the ab company, and told them using kate was very false advertising, as she did a t.v. show that followed her having a free tummy tuck! But I bet they already knew that.
I loathe this woman....
I have that little ball roller ab machine too! I love it! But ya know what has worked for me? Hula hooping! I bought a weighted hula hoop & lemme tell you all...the results are amazing. It's great cardio & my obliques & abs have never looked better. If I don't feel like using the hula hoop, I just do the motion like I'm using the hula hoop, & that's ok too. I do it about 45 minutes a day, along with my walks & stuff, & it's great! I would NEVER pay 200 bucks for an ab machine. My weighted hula hoop costs me 10 bucks! Just thought I'd tell you all! It is amaz-a-zing!
~Hippie Chick~
ME TOO, Hippie Chick!!!!!
I also own a power hoop (with the weights in it). I do not use it often, but when I do, it feels like I did 100 crunches.
My favorite exercise for tight abs, a strong core, tight arms, a strong back, etc...etc...
is Yoga. I LOVE IT!
For a little bit more money, Aerobic Boot Camp does the trick too ;o)
Kate can keep her expensive ab roller.
New post about the South Dakota exploitation trip. New info can be posted there as it comes in.
Also, new graphic ;-)
Tweets from two of the saddest sheeple:
@EmCr68 @kateplusmy8 Gosselin pics in general I have 6,310! Omg lol that's a lot!
@EmCr68 @kateplusmy8 I have 3050 pics of just Kate without the kids
@Kateplusmy8 im going to the beach tommorow. Google narragansett beach. I'll be there
Kate's filming another travelogue. Why would she care where this person went, let alone google it to see where it is? This is the same person who tweeted her, telling her she was at the laundromat, and that she had a Giant store coupon for Kate. Scary.
Just heard that Halle Berry's stalker was arrested last night at her home and was charged with felony stalking.
I watched that video. That is a $99 machine at best and that is a stretch. Yes it has lights and it is red but it doesn't look like durability was in the mix just flash and pseudo-celebrity endorsement. It probably does work but looks like it would fall apart after a few months. That bar thing is just a piece of plastic with coloration at the points. I see injuries in their future. Just doesn't look sturdy.
She did address the tummy tuck up front on the video because they knew that would be an issue. But she lied and said that in a tummy tuck they only remove skin. Everybody knows they tighten those muscles up to provide a girdle type effect when they do the tuck. If he didn't do the muscle reconstruction all I say is well you get what you pay for.
As my mom would say, she would lie when the truth would serve her better.
But in all fairness, I am sure she has worked very hard on toning, etc.
Once the legislation passes, TLC will have to comply and it will add layers onto their budget and cut into their margins big time.
They will have to hire a studio teacher, but only when school is not in session. They do most of the filming in the summer or during winter breaks, and even then, it's out of state so it doesn't apply to the new PA laws. What other expenses will cut into their margins big time?
Listen, we can all say whatever we think of her and it gets published, but one thing is certain. We will not get rid of her and her desperation to make money.
I remember that Suzanne Sommers had that equipment and put it in HSN years ago, maybe 15 and she swore she used it. I bought it and my knees were killing me. It is very difficult on your knees, honest.
So Sommers still owns the patent and why wouldn't she hire someone who had plastic surgery to prove "you too can have a flat ab set up" when we all know that Kate no more kneels on that thing than she runs on the hills around her abode. It is fluff.
Yes, she will be around, somehow, someway. I mean Christie Brinkley was in an infomercial for years with Chuck Norris and now she is a dancer in Chicago in NY on Broadway. Yep, she is a stah too.
It is all fluff and nuts!@
Lov U
Carole K
Regarding continued filming, this is what Kate tweeted the first week in July:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
RT @dreambigxox @Kateplusmy8 @LindaOriginal @TLC yay! kate, was your show renewed for next season? Will let u know the minute I know! :)
I think the filming is being rushed so TLC can get all they can now before they have to comply with the legislation that is pending in the PA house. Once the legislation passes, TLC will have to comply and it will add layers onto their budget and cut into their margins big time.
Oh dear lord. I suppose having her face carved into a mountainside is on her bucket list too.
Are Kate and the kids filming at Mt. Rushmore? I thought TLC wasn't giving in to her bucket list requests.
Im standing right next to Kate Gosselin at Mt. Rushmore! How funny is that? She is upset with her kids. Lol
5 hours ago
Well, looks like I laughed too soon, they are at Mt Rushmore LOLOL Learning and making memories awww filming of course
Maybe people should file complaints of the inaccurate "testimonials", false advertising given for this piece of crap product with the Attorney General in their state. Easy to do.
Oh, my gosh. The jury foreman told Fox News that when the jury deliberated, they considered that George may have been the killer. They were told not to consider anything about the allegations against George (as having molested Casey or as having found Casey in the pool) in the opening statement because it was never addressed during the trial, but obviously, they DID consider it. The jury didn't like George, said he was combative, and therefore he could have been a suspect in the murder. They also loved Jose Baez because he greeted them in the morning, but didn't like the prosecutors.
It also bothered the jury that they didn't know the cause of Caylee's death.
It's obvious that these jurors had no idea what they were doing, or what standard to apply in this case. No wonder one juror quit her job and moved out of state.
@kassloveslife31 asked Kate: "Does running alone get you toned or do you do other exercises?" @Kateplusmy8 replied "Just running..." see RT
Oops. Caught in yet another lie. This woman just hasn't perfected the fine art of lying. She either needs to keep a journal of her statements so she doesn't keep tripping up, or take a class from Casey Anthony. Attorneys, and even Judge Alex, commented that Casey is the most polished and effective liar they've ever seen.
Speaking of the trial, it was just announced that the State of Florida is not going to bring charges against Cindy for perjury, even though they have proven that she was at work when those searches were made on the home computer. Yes, she's been through hell, but she lied for her daughter under oath. What message does this send out to others...that being sworn in means absolutely nothing, and if you lie, no action is going to be taken against you?
Ms. Gosselin tweeted - "Reading up on tweets. FYI, I have an Ab Champ and I DO use it (along w othr equip in basement) 4 core strength in addition to running"
Is this addressed to her critics? I thought Kate never read negative tweets, but blocked the "haterz?"
Also, did anyone notice how much Kate has been tweeting and talking about the show ending(or what she will/wants to do once the show is over?). Why is that, could it be that, a month ago when she went to NYC for that meeting, they already told her, of possible cancelation or no renewal of contract. And how she denied it and became defensive on tweeter (about the rumors) and anyone else who would listen, now all of a sudden, she is talking about it. The extra interview, her tweets. So TLC is filming the crap out of those kids, they have to make up for the money they already lost or are they riding out till the contract ends?
I loathe this woman....
I have that little ball roller ab machine too! I love it! But ya know what has worked for me? Hula hooping! I bought a weighted hula hoop & lemme tell you all...the results are amazing. It's great cardio & my obliques & abs have never looked better. If I don't feel like using the hula hoop, I just do the motion like I'm using the hula hoop, & that's ok too. I do it about 45 minutes a day, along with my walks & stuff, & it's great! I would NEVER pay 200 bucks for an ab machine. My weighted hula hoop costs me 10 bucks! Just thought I'd tell you all! It is amaz-a-zing!
~Hippie Chick~
No Regrets...
ITA about Kate & "her gift of gab". Nothing intelligent comes out of that mouth. Her answers to questions are generic & boring. I can never picture her doing interviews or hosting a show, be it on TV or radio. She is dreaming big. It won't happen. She is done.
An infomercial? HA! I didn't watch it. I loathe to watch anything with that creature in it, but this is the certainly where reality people go to die. And as I said, she bitched & moaned about how "sore she was & how this hurt" blah blah blah on Twitter. Great way to endorse products Kate! And as Admin pointed out, why isn't she promoting it more? She really has zero clue. The Helium sisters (aka Kardashian's) talk about their products ALL the time on Twitter. All Kate does is dole out *her* advice about food (WHY?), her kids (she really shouldn't) & how exhausted she is (eat more). Oh, & engages perfect strangers (the 12 tweeters who gush over her).
Could Kate's life be any more sad? She knows she has children that would really appreciate the attention, right?
~Hippie Chick~
You know that she's only done a promo for this and is not being paid as a spokesperson. If she were being paid as a spokesperson she would be twitting her fingers off about how great the product is and how beneficial it's been to her. "Why I don't even um have to diet ir run any more because um the ab champ is soooooo um great. Please buy one twitties because I have to support my 8 (count them 8) kids." Kate didn't say that but I can picture her saying it. Every twit would contain the name of the product. I'm guessing she got a flat fee to do the promo and that was the end of it.
So ridiculous, buying an ab product from someone like Kate who has had a tummy tuck is like buying toothpaste from someone who wears dentures.
OK, when I have a sleepness night, there are usually infomercials on the TV. I don't watch them, but I check to see who's selling the product. So far I have seen:
Melissa Gilbert
Valerie Bertinelli
Christy Brinkley
Cindy Crawford
Chuck Norris
Gary Collins (from "Real People" - 1980's)
Suzanne Somers
Susan Lucci
I'm certain there are others, but I'm drawing a blank right now.
(Then of course there are the celebrities who are serving as spokespeople for charities, such as Laurie Metcalf (Roseanne) and Sally Struthers, although I haven't seen either one of them recently.)
Some have their own business products they are
hawking. Others are simply there to be amazed
at the product and how well it works.
Apparently, the ab-champ found rather unlikeable people to chase potential buyers away ASAP. Jenner and Gosselin. What, no
Hasselhoff? They are using reverse psychology?
Make the product look lousy and cheap and hard to use and everyone will want one? Remember the I Love Lucy episode where Lucy and Ethel made Aunt Martha's Old Fashioned Salad Dressing? When they found out how much it was going to cost them to run their little business,
they had Lucy go on a local TV show to tell how bad it tasted. The orders quadrupled overnight.
Maybe that scheme works for ab-champs, too.
No Regrets -- I don't think the people at BHI want her to come back for her "traditional" summer vaycay . They looked disgusted at her when she left last year. I'd laugh if they banned her from setting foot on their island again. Pretty sad when even pirates turn you away. heehee
If she is filming those kids today, I hope the kids are at least inside. The temperature today in the MD/PA region is going to top 97 degrees. Way too hot to have the kids doing retakes over and over in the hot sun.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA she's reduced to doing crappy infomercials. She's already Z list, doesn't have much further to fall.
And everyone's right--ALL she has to claim is that she had six kids at once. That's it. Her only claim to fame. She has zero talent and is about as appealing as heat rash.
I hope she hasn't spent all the kids' hard-earned money!
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