After six years of working these kids to death, why in the world do the children not have fully funded 529 college savings accounts by now, Kate? If you are handling everything, why haven't you managed their money properly? What have you done with the money they've worked so hard for? And shouldn't they be entitled to a little extra spending money beyond just a college savings account after all they've been through? We think you've pissed away and continue to piss away their money on manicures, pedicures, tanning, hair extensions, NYC trips, clothes, shoes, Starbucks, the mansion, and Nobu. And why did you tell Meredith Viera that the college funds were "ample"?
Watch this at WAAF
305 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 305 of 305 Newer› Newest»(Sorry for all the posts....just procrastinating waiting for my guys to return from playing golf!)
Did any of you see this:
@sarahjoyce1992 Sarah Joyce
@Kateplusmy8 just saw your AB Champ video and you look amazing! :) Love the blue dress! Was that filmed recently?!
2 hours ago
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@sarahjoyce1992 do you have a link? It was filmed in the fall I think? I forget...
1 hour ago
sarahjoyce1992 Sarah Joyce
@Kateplusmy8… you should be so proud! :)
1 hour ago
What? Khate needs a sheeple to tweet her a link to the Ab Chump video? AND, she said it was filmed last fall????
Could that be true?? Maybe, when we all saw that the Ab Chump infomercial was out and we figured that's what she was doing that week she was away a bit and complaining about her arms and hands hurting, we were wrong? Maybe she WAS doing something else for the show that week?
LOL, I hope that's true and that she got the endorsement deal LAST fall, almost a year ago. It shows you how she can't even get an infomercial THIS year. If she filmed it a year ago, why haven't any other endorsements been secured since then? Ha!
Of this I am sure said...I am certainly not going to argue the point. But IF they are different people then WOW two nuts exactly the same!
I did notice the ranting of one stopped about same time as the new one showed up, though. Veryyyy interesting. LOL
Ewwwwwww!!! That grandpa story reminded me of something that happened to my best friend back in the 70's when she was about 11. She would go to a friend's house who had a pool and the dad (older than most dads) would be watching them swim. I wish I could tell you the creepy part but it's inappropriate for this blog. Let's just say she stopped going over there.
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...Geez not too many men would have an interest in this show, at least the men I know aren't. Sorry these creep me out. Are they interested in HER or..? Gawd. Sorry I raised 4 girls, I was VERY protective, I don't trust much. I really would NEVER have my kids on tv for any idiot to goggle at. And a new account to just tweet to her? Maybe all her begging for a man IS paying off. Creeps LOL
Administrator said...
Mady called her a beautiful wreck? Lol that's a good one Mady!
Yes, she signed off Twitter the other night by saying that Mady called her that. Then, people Googled and found that it's the title of a country song. Khate, the narcissist, used the line again last night, basically calling herself beautiful.
Speaking of beautiful, I noticed that yet AGAIN today, she spelled gorgeous wrong, the same incorrect way that she is constantly spelling it:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@kateladd tis a georgous hot summer day here! Just the way I like 'em!
3 hours ago
Since that is one of her favorite words in her limited vocabulary (omg!, like, yay!, amazing, "georgous"), you think she would learn how to spell it correctly! Especially since many people have tweeted her that she's spelling it wrong!
Yeah, I thought the Beautiful Wreck was genius. Not as pertains to Kate but just the use of the words together. I looked it up and it is a country song by Shawn Mullins. Not original with Mady (if she did say it--Kate is the one who put it out there and I believe almost 0.0% of what Kate says.)
Still say it is genius. Kate has the wreck part down pretty well.
ANNA said...
Using Colin's photo in this manner is exploitation.
It's not a picture of him throwing up, pooping, peeing, or his body in the nude. There have been a lot worse on camera.
Kate doesn't know when she filmed the ab infomercial? Yeah, right. Something hinky here with the tweety girl - maybe her sub is lazy?
Kate recently tweeted how good it was to be back on EST(after they returned from their trip), and now is tweeting that the show is on Aug. 8 @ 9pm EST. I think she did the same thing last time she was tweeting about the show.
Does she know that we changed to EDT(daylight time) back in March or is she an hour behind everyone else? Wonder if she'll show up an early for the tweet party?
Meant to say "an hour early",
Oops. Didn't know the tweeters had already covered the Beautiful Wreck thing. Do love the words together but hate that anyone would apply them to Kate.
Still grifting, grifting, grifting:
EmCr68 Emily Creighton
@Kateplusmy8 I'm going to discovery cove in nov for my! You should totally go with the kids again! Talk about a dream come true 4 me!!
1 hour ago
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@EmCr68 omg! Love @discoverycove! We are invited back anytime and I'd love to go! Dolphins made me cry!!
55 minutes ago
Looking for another FREE trip there. If they are really invited back any time, why didn't she book it for this summer, then? She won't go unless it's ALL expenses paid x 9!
emilykateplus8 Harry's Princess
@kateplusmy8 my mom and I are going into ann taylor! (:
1 hour ago
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@emilykateplus8 I'm more into white house black market now... Unless I have a today show interview! :)
54 minutes ago
Really? Gymnastics and a day at Hershey Park are too expensive, but she finds money for this? Actually, I think she only wears free shit anyway.
I wonder why Kate's shows are rated TV-PG? This is an explanation of that rating:
TV-PG (Parental Guidance Suggested -- This program contains material that parents may find unsuitable for younger children.) Many parents may want to watch it with their younger children. The theme itself may call for parental guidance and/or the program contains one or more of the following: moderate violence (V), some sexual situations (S), infrequent coarse language (L), or some suggestive dialogue (D).
I can see the NY episode being rated PG, but all of them are rated PG.
Re:Stalag Gosselin (love the name!)
Those kids seem to be exhausted and sick way more often than ordinary kids are. I can't remember my children ever having the fevers, upset stomachs,migraines (Hannah, and way too young to have migraines at that) and vomiting that the Gosselin children experience. I believe it is due to the constant state of nervous tension they live with and the fact that they are living with a crazy woman, and THEY ARE AWARE OF IT.
They are old enough to be able to compare her behaviour with that of other adults, like teachers at school for instance. They can see that she behaves capriciously and irresponsibly in comparison.I'm sure they are also aware that she is presenting herself publicly as being poor, and they must be wondering when everything is going to fall apart around them.
They see their older sisters, still children, already taking over some of the parenting chores.
This situation is abusive and needs to change before the kids are irreparably damaged.
Maybe, when we all saw that the Ab Chump infomercial was out and we figured that's what she was doing that week she was away a bit and complaining about her arms and hands hurting, we were wrong? Maybe she WAS doing something else for the show that week?
Not everyone thought she did the AB Champ infomercial the week she tweeted her arms were sore. It would have taken longer than a week for the filming of an infomercial to end up on a website.
Nobody...I noticed that all of a sudden males of all ages are popping up on there. I think it's kind of creepy.
The "haters" are still claiming that one of them is just a kid when, in fact, we found that he really is 41. It's not rocket science - why can't they do the same investigative work? They seem to know everything else over there!
She is pathetically competing with a teeny bopper sheeple who went to see Taylor Swift. Earlier this morning, Khate tweeted:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@EmCr68 good girl! Who is going to sew Taylor swift tonight? I forget! Ohh it's @emilykateplus8 right?
4 hours ago
(By the way, she has a typo, meant to ask who is going to SEE Taylor)
So, she had it wrong, the sheeple fan (@emilykateplus8) went to the concert the other night (as sheeple Paige replied to Khate).
The girl tweeted all day the other day about how excited she was to be going to the concert, then she couldn't sleep that night. And she's been tweeting all about it since:
Best night of my life.
16 hours ago
I talked to taylors mom, andrea and she gave us speaknow guitar picks!!! :D so sweet and nice(:
16 hours ago
I even got to touch taylor! I almost got to hug her but I got pushed out of the way.
16 hours ago
Even though we didn't get tparty, it was the best time ever ever ever.(: love you tay. Thank you so much.
16 hours ago
Last night I touched taylors arm and almost hugged her but got pushed out of the way!!
5 hours ago
But me and my friends talked to her mom and she gave us a speaknow guitar pick!! She is so pretty and sweet!(:
5 hours ago
Taylor is amazing in concert. X99000013.(: BEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE.<3
5 hours ago
If you go back to the soundbooth, like I did do it during fearless. No security walks the hall of the floor.(:
5 hour
Go back to the soundbooth and her mom andrea will be there Shell give you a guitar pick Stand there and go crazy and she might giveu tparty!5 hours ago
Okay, so then some of the sheeple women replied to her about how great that was and she thanked them for their tweets to her and said it was the best night of her life.
But, what does KHATE reply to this devoted fan of hers that is so excited about the Taylor Swift concert and her encounter with Taylor's mom:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@emilykateplus8 hope u told her I said hi. She wasn't at the concert the other pm but texted w her after.I luv her 2! Isn't she wonderful?
1 hour ago
@Kateplusmy8 yeah it was me! It was seriously the best night ever.(: LOVE taylor. We met her mom and got a guitar pick.(:
1 hour ago
PATHETIC! She can't even be happy for her sheeple teeny bopper fan and tweet back to her that it's so exciting, glad she had such fun. Instead, she has to COMPETE with the kid and one-up her and say, "Yeah, well, maybe you got to talk to Taylor's mom and get guitar picks, but *I* was TEXTING with Taylor's mom after the concert, na-na-na-na-na-na!"
As Khate would tweet...all I have to say to this is: OMG!! What bullcrap!!
Re:Stalag Gossselin (Love the name!)
I hope this doesn't post twice, having some trouble with Blogger...
Those kids seem to be exhausted and sick way more often than ordinary kids are. I can't remember my children ever having the fevers, upset stomachs,migraines (Hannah, and way too young to have migraines at that) and vomiting that the Gosselin children experience.
I believe it is due to the constant state of nervous tension they live with and the fact that they are living with a crazy woman, and THEY ARE AWARE OF IT.They are old enough to be able to compare her behaviour with that of other adults, like teachers at school for instance. They can see that she behaves capriciously and irresponsibly in comparison.
I'm sure they are also aware that she is presenting herself publicly as being poor, and they must be wondering when everything is going to fall apart around them. They see their older sisters, still children, already taking over some of the parenting chores.
This situation is abusive and needs to change before the kids are irreparably damaged.
If there is not even enough money saved for the kids college, then I wish Kate would explain what the point of the whole exercise was. She said they filmed to provide for the kids. She has filmed the crap out of them and yet they STILL don't have enough money for even college?
It's now painfully clear that she was lying from the get go. It was never about the kids, it was about Kate becoming a SUPAH-STAH and living the good life.
Re.:Stalag Gosselin (Love the name!)
(I have tried to post this comment three times, Blogger is giving me a hard time, hope it doesn't show up 3 times!)
Those kids seem to be exhausted and sick way more often than ordinary kids are. I can't remember my children ever having the fevers, upset stomachs,migraines (Hannah, and way too young to have migraines at that) and vomiting that the Gosselin children experience.
I believe it is due to the constant state of nervous tension they live with and the fact that they are living with a crazy woman, and THEY ARE AWARE OF IT.They are old enough to be able to compare her behaviour with that of other adults, like teachers at school for instance. They can see that she behaves capriciously and irresponsibly in comparison.
I'm sure they are also aware that she is presenting herself publicly as being poor, and they must be wondering when everything is going to fall apart around them. They see their older sisters, still children, already taking over some of the parenting chores.
This situation is abusive and needs to change before the kids are irreparably damaged.
"How pathetic she has become and how lame TLC is"
I have seen Kate referred to as a succubus on several different blogs over the years and I agree, she has become even MORE pathetic over time.
The licentious channel (as in amoral) is a wasteland and is not watched in this house.
".......SueBonnet'. EXACT word for word rants that goody has made over and over about Ellen and Jon."
Not surprising that people with limited vocabularies and even more limited imaginations use similar or identical words and phrases.
One more thing - Khate sure IMPLIED last week that she did in fact see Taylor's mom at the concert. Why even bring her up in the tweet otherwise? Because she met her once a year or more ago?? Caught in yet ANOTHER lie:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Hi!We r@ Taylor Swift's concert&we r loving r Taylor!Just came from giving hugs&wishing her luck tonight!Can't wait 2 c show-Speak Now!
24 Jul
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
All 9 of us r here @Taylors concert... its a family event!@needtobreathe just finished!great up&coming band! Waiting now 4 taylor!
24 Jul
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
A-mazing concert, @taylorswift13 omg amazing! I've seen Taylor three times now in concert&this 1 is the best yet!
24 Jul
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@mimi5244 @taylorswift13 Taylor is amazing. Great role model 4 my girls,her mom is sweet&we love them! Sumthing I can do to bond w my kids!
24 Jul
Uh, no. I'm not a regular poster, but have posted here many times under names suitable for the situation.
Well, uh, it's the same calling card as someone who posted here and left. Two tags, in fact.
Brace yourself, everyone. Khate just told a sheeple that she's been learning to fly planes! IF that is true, it cannot be on her own dime; it would have to be for the show, or another TLC show (Twisted Khate?):
HspncElvis Glen Franco
@Kateplusmy8 Planes are expensive. I have to cut back on costs. Can any of your kids fly a plane? ;) I'll becareful of your landscape. =D
53 minutes ago
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@HspncElvis nope but I'm learning... Or started learning then got too busy but will resume when I can :)
44 minutes ago
HspncElvis Glen Franco
@Kateplusmy8 That is great! Good for you. You can fly yourself places like...lets see.....SAN DIEGO??? Wouldn't have to twist your arm.
40 minutes ago
Someone with chicken pox asked Kate for nursing advice and this was her response...
@DreamLover7774 no but danger of shingles if get Ch pox as adult. Same virus... Or is it considered shingles in adulthood. I forget!"
I think maybe Kate needs to go back and take some refresher courses before she applies for that nursing job!
Laura D...
I JUST FOUND THE SAME THING OF OUR SON at age 2 1/2. He was sitting on the potty chair reading his book as we were going through the potty training phase.
He was so cute, smiling so proudly at using his big boy potty chair and not needing diapers anymore.
--- NO, you can't see any body parts! ---
I thought the picture was so sweet, so cute, and it brings back so many sweet memories of when he was little.
BUT, BUT, BUT********* Looking back now, with the advantage of age and all the icky child exploitation issues we know about on the internet and TV, I just cannot bring myself to include it in his scrapbook.
(I am one of the women who has boxes of pictures and now in my retirement I'm putting them all into scrapbooks with stories and pictures).
I even thought of a way to include it on the page but behind a little 'screen' so it would be in good taste -- but I think he'd even be embarrassed to have his wife see it.
But I've decided that there is no reason it should be included at all. I'll give it to him privately in an envelope and he can do with it what he wants to.
Interesting that time and circumstances have changed perceptions. What was innocent, now can be seen as exploitive or intrusive.
Times, they are a changing...........
And she's learning to fly a plane. Because 1.) It is a better use of funds than gymnastics for children 2.) Kate is such a quick study.
I think she just had one of those open mouth and let all the crap running around in her head fall out whether it had anything to do with truth or not moments. I don't believe it. What instructor in the world, after watching the frustration Tony Dovolani had, would even consider it a doable task? Heaven help us all if she was anywhere near the truth with that one. She will put ear drums out with the shrieking into the radio.
I HIGHLY doubt Kate's interview will be repeated on WAAF come Monday. That is not typical of that program. She is such a GD liar it's sad. She is so pathetic. And as far as the comment she made about people changing their minds if they talk to her; that would be a difficult conversation considering every single word out of her mouth is a lie & my words would be dripping with disdain. She just cannot be honest with anyone. Will her kids grow up to be liars as well? I sure as hell hope not...
~Hippie Chick~
"it was about Kate becoming a SUPAH-STAH and living the good life."
What makes it even sadder is that she NEVER seems happy, much less content. Oh right, the LOVE of money of the root of all evil.
Well, it's certainly put down roots.
Hi Permanent Name... do you remember that Leave It To Beaver episode where Beaver had to bring a baby picture to school and the only one his parents had of him was naked lying on his tummy with his little butt visible? He made his dad snip off everything except his head. My folks didn't own a camera when I was little so I never had to deal with that, but for heaven's sake, at least our kids' private moments were not on national TV, Youtube, etc. Nice of you to look out for your son's dignity. As for my daughter, well, she took matters into her own hands to prevent future embarrassment!
@kateplusmy8 hello Kate! Hope your having a great weekend w/the kids. Finished laundry yet? Sent an e-mail, did you get it? Let me know
I had to laugh at this one from none other than BM. If Kate is such a good buddy, then certainly BM has Kate's phone number and could call her to find out if she got her e-mail instead of tweeting to ask her! Or, why even e-mail her at all? Just pick up the phone and chat!
The skies are not quite as friendly anymore said...
And she's learning to fly a plane. Because 1.) It is a better use of funds than gymnastics for children 2.) Kate is such a quick study.
I posted about that tweet before, but I don't think it got posted:
Brace yourself, everyone. Khate just told a sheeple that she's been learning to fly planes! IF that is true, it cannot be on her own dime; it would have to be for the show, or another TLC show (Twisted Khate?):
HspncElvis Glen Franco
@Kateplusmy8 Planes are expensive. I have to cut back on costs. Can any of your kids fly a plane? ;) I'll becareful of your landscape. =D
53 minutes ago
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@HspncElvis nope but I'm learning... Or started learning then got too busy but will resume when I can :)
44 minutes ago
HspncElvis Glen Franco
@Kateplusmy8 That is great! Good for you. You can fly yourself places like...lets see.....SAN DIEGO??? Wouldn't have to twist your arm.
40 minutes ago
In the interest of putting to rest all of the speculation comparing RN hospital programs with BSN programs, associates degrees, etc:
Regardless of the program, RNs all take the same certifying exam administered by the state. Hospital programs have the same science requirements for non-nursing classes, and also require courses which are taken from accredited colleges, including microbiology, physiology and anatomy. Pharmacology, chemistry, etc. The only real difference in 4 year schools is that, in addition to science and nursing classes, students also take general studies, i.e. English, math, literature etc.
There are advantages in hospital programs because, often, students begin their practical experience earlier on, and, as a result, have more working experience and practical skills when they complete the program. In addition to college courses, Nursing programs include specialized courses that focus on specific body systems, ---ex. cardiology, pediatrics, OB-gyn, etc.
I attended a hospital program after I had earned a BA in liberal arts, as well as Master's level work.
I attended a hospital program after I had completed a Bachelor of Arts and mostof a Master, program in Psychology--none of which was as challenging as my hospital nursing program. The RN certification test is rigorous and requires mastery of very challenging, tough coursework and training. An RN certification is a professional degree, and, therefore, I find some of the disparaging comments on this blog to be personally offensive.
So, yes, Kate can honestly claim that she attended college! And, she was smart enough to pass the same rigorous exam that BSN (4 year college) students needed to pass in order to enter the nursing orofession. Enough bashing of the hard-working and under-appreciated nurses of the world! There are so many legitimate criticisms...can we put this to rest?
She's really been flirting with Elvis lately, hasn't she? She scarcely gives Iwana the time of day, but yet he persists with his undying admiration! Unrequited love is so frustrating!
Prior the divorce Jon & Kate were doing speaking engagements demanding $25,000 as an appearance fee. For someone who claims they have the gift of gab why didn't Kate continue this line of work? Doing just one engagement a month would get her $300,000 a year.
But then again being a speaker doesn't carry the same perks and prestige, so it's obvious Kate could care less about earning a decent income.
Don't you just want to laugh when someone on Twitter religiously calls out another person for bad spelling and grammar, and then can't spell plagiarizing?
"Dolphins made me cry!" Kate, why are you always plagerizing song lyrics?Only $ makes you cry
I don't understand how some of the "haterz" tweeting can be so cruel. A sheeple proudly announced that her grandchild was going to be named after her, and someone tweeted:
@JeanneKaye @Kateplusmy8 That poor, poor little girl. What an ugly name.
Or how someone could be so cruel as to wish someone "horrible nightmares:"
@Kateplusmy8 @powersLisa Kate you are NOT beautiful. And I hope you have horrible nightmares all night long.
In another tweet, a "hater" told a sheeple to go back to her iron lung. There were many of these in use in the 1950s for polio victims. I remember seeing a documentary on television several years ago on a person who has spent her entire life in an iron lung, never being able to leave. To be confined to one of those things 24/7 was torture, but it kept them alive. In fact, not too long ago a woman died during a power outage when her iron lung stopped working.
Some people can be unbelievably insensitive.
"This situation is abusive and needs to change before the kids are irreparably damaged."
I agree. Unfortunately, the Commonwealth of PA apparently does not. In my state this would be an open case in our version of CPS.
When She Played Her Charade said...
Uh, no. I'm not a regular poster, but have posted here many times under names suitable for the situation.
Well, uh, it's the same calling card as someone who posted here and left. Two tags, in fact.
July 30, 2011 2:15 PM
Not to worry kids, I'm one of you. Not dropping any calling cards. Admin can verify that I am not an infiltrator should she so desire.
Just for your edification, Suebonnet's real initials are BJ, and MsGoody's are VD. Kind of appropriate considering. Again RWA has posted MsGoody's real name and The Grapevine aka Preesi's has Suebonnet's real name.
Gimme Gimme said...So she was making them work at home when they were sick. That is so Khate. Making it sound all rosy, oh the twins wanted to make breakfast so I could sleep in and all 8 are working and helping me with the laundry, never once mentioning that they were beat down and sick with exhaustion. No wonder she wanted to pass the kids off to Jon because he always took care of them when they were sick. He has a day job, by necessity, because Khate in her infinite wisdom made it impossible for him to make money otherwise.
My 'sediments' exactly, after reading the posted tweet from Jon.
What were the kids doing for the last five days instead of resting and relaxing from their long road trip? Was Kate really more concerned about the laundry and all the unpacking/organizing of trip stuff than the health of her kids?
I feel sorry for Jon because his precious custody time will be nursing his kids back to health instead of doing something fun, after not seeing them in weeks. Last known custody weekend was for the 4th of July, as Kate's tweets indicated she had them prior to the weekend before the trip.
The RN certification test is rigorous and requires mastery of very challenging, tough coursework and training. An RN certification is a professional degree, and, therefore, I find some of the disparaging comments on this blog to be personally offensive.
Well said, Ex Burn Nurse. As a Registered Nurse myself, I can attest to the difficulty of the program. The course work isn't so hard, nor is the actual physical task of caring for a patient, the difficulty (for me, at least) was the constant supervision by the teachers. Obviously, supervision is completely necessary. The teachers I had were very, very strict. Thank God they were as I think I turned out pretty good as an RN. Yep, toot-tootin' that horn!
For someone who claims they have the gift of gab why didn't Kate continue this line of work?
That's an easy one. Nobody wanted her when she was outed as a fraud for collecting love offerings from parishioners. That, and the fact that on top of the engagement fee, she wanted first class airline tickets, transportation to and from the venue, lodging and meals provided. Venues saw through this, said "no way" and her speaking engagements were history.
"I feel sorry for Jon because his precious custody time will be nursing his kids back to health instead of doing something fun, after not seeing them in weeks."
I don't disagree, but at least the kids get to rest and recover, instead of "helping" their mother.
stalag Gosselin, indeed.
1. any demon or evil spirit.
2. a strumpet or prostitute.
3. a demon in female form, said to have sexual intercourse with men in their sleep.
1350–1400; Middle English < Medieval Latin, variant of Latin succuba
(Tried to post this earlier today, but it didn't make it)
Still grifting, grifting, grifting:
EmCr68 Emily Creighton
@Kateplusmy8 I'm going to discovery cove in nov for my! You should totally go with the kids again! Talk about a dream come true 4 me!!
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@EmCr68 omg! Love @discoverycove! We are invited back anytime and I'd love to go! Dolphins made me cry!!
Looking for another FREE trip there. If they are really invited back any time, why didn't she book it for this summer, then? She won't go unless it's ALL expenses paid x 9!
emilykateplus8 Harry's Princess
@kateplusmy8 my mom and I are going into ann taylor! (:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@emilykateplus8 I'm more into white house black market now... Unless I have a today show interview! :)
Really? Gymnastics and a day at Hershey Park are too expensive, but she finds money for this? Actually, I think she only wears free shit anyway.
Also, I have to add this now looking at it again: Notice how she deals with these two teen fans? She COMPETES with them again! She is SO immature! She turns their excitement about what they are doing back to ME, ME, ME! It's true, she really does not see (or hear) other people.
A normal person would have said to the first teen, "That's great! You will have a blast at Discovery Cove for your birthday!". To the second teen, "Ann Taylor is great. I bet you look beautiful in all the clothes!"
I think the flying a plane thing is model airplane. Kids can fly those. If you read what that twitter says at his page,he mentions that are the kids flying too, and then she twitter back ,at some point she will get back to it, talks of damage to landscape and those planes, can do damage to landscape, if one does not know how to land properly. The other plane stuff is Kate tryin to flirt & be funny. I've seen the Model Airplane club, fly their planes on a field set up by the Cook County Forrest Preserve, here in Illinois. So, don't be surprised if this will be in an up coming episode. Those planes are not cheap either anywhere from $79 and up, they can be from foot & a half long to about 4 feet long. These are not toys. The local Model Plane clubs will teach you how to fly & land the planes, and it does take practice. Cause, I don't think Kate has the patience to fly a real airplane. God help the people in the sky.
Kate lacks the intelligence to pilot a plane.
Mother Earth -- In reading through many of the tweets, I've seen that the comments from a few of the regular non-fans are abusive, harassing, and just plain mean. The tweets from the sheeple, however, are for the most part very benign and show much more civility that those of the non-fans.
Interesting, huh?
I'm amazed that some of the regulars can tweet continuously for nine out of twelve hours? Is carpal tunnel in their future? Do they sleep?
So, yes, Kate can honestly claim that she attended college! And, she was smart enough to pass the same rigorous exam that BSN (4 year college) students needed to pass in order to enter the nursing orofession.
"Attending college" and "earning a college degree" are two very different things -- and Kate never corrects the false reports that she's a "college graduate." Anyone who takes even a single course at a university can say they've "attended college" -- doesn't mean they graduated. Kate may have taken a few college level courses as part of her certificate program, but she cannot claim she earned a college degree (which is what she would like people to think -- as she never corrects those who refer to her as a "college graduate"). Unless she attended an accredited college/university that awarded her an Associates and/or Bachelors degree, she did NOT receive a college degree. She may have taken college-level courses, but a "certificate" is not a "degree." Just more untruths that Kate perpetuates.
On a side note, the fact that she opted out of the liberal arts electives that round out the 4-year option is SADLY evident in her lack of knowledge of just about everything.
Laura D,
I DO remember that episode!!
It brings home the point that kids and their parents see things very differently.
What is a cute picture to me that brings back beautiful memories of his childhood, is surely an embarrassment to him.
It's so important to protect the dignity of your kids. Sadly kart has no concept of what that means.
It sounds like you do! Good for you - your daughter is lucky to have you for a mom....
GAWD, can you imagine Colin's mortification when he's older and folks remind him of the impaction episode in the parking lot while dear old "mom" kept filming about buying the bunk beds......
That never should have been filmed. CPS should have taken her kids away for that. She ignored a painful and potential medical emergency. Luckily Jon was there to help him but that should never have been on film.
Argh.... I get furious all over again thinking about that episode.......
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@EmCr68 omg! Love @discoverycove! We are invited back anytime and I'd love to go!
So what happened to "we can't go anyplace twice?"
This is the tweet that I posted earlier today, the woman from Atlanta who tweeted that Khate was on her flight (back to Atlanta) this morning. The tweet wasn't in Khate's feed because she didn't use Khate's Twitter name. I only saw it because I searched for "Kate Gosselin" on Twitter, not "@Kateplusmy8".
After her tweet, the Atlanta woman was asked some questions about it and answered them:
@korinreid Korin Reid
Kate Gosselin minus John (obviously) plus 2/8 kids & a mystery man sat two rows ahead of me on my flight this morning
7 hours ago
Twtr_is_4_Twits Twtr_is_4_Twits
@korinreid Interesting! Did they guy have gray hair? Was it coach or first class?
6 hours ago
Twtr_is_4_Twits Twtr_is_4_Twits
@korinreid Hi. Any scoop of the plan ride with Kate Gosselin? Did the guy have gray hair? Was she in coach or first class?
5 hours ago
@korinreid Korin Reid
@Twtr_is_4_Twits gray hair but slightly
40 minutes ago
Twtr_is_4_Twits Twtr_is_4_Twits
@korinreid Hey, thanks for the info. Was she as rude as some people say she is in public and on planes?
33 minutes ago
korinreid Korin Reid
@Twtr_is_4_Twits not at all
32 minutes ago
@Twtr_is_4_Twits Twtr_is_4_Twits
@korinreid Oh, good! Was the flight NYC to Atlanta?
27 minutes ago
She hasn't answered that question, (yet?). I looked at her Twitter page and it looks like she was just going back home to Atlanta this morning from a conference in Brazil. She had a stopover or change in Dallas. At 9 am today, she tweeted she was on the plane in Dallas, and then at 11 am, she was back in Atlanta.
She did that tweet that Khate and two kids had been in front of her later, at about 2pm today.
But, if she was on a flight from Dallas to Atlanta between 9 and 11 am today, how was Khate on her flight??
Really? Gymnastics and a day at Hershey Park are too expensive, but she finds money for this? Actually, I think she only wears free shit anyway.
She can get discount tickets for Hersheypark, or a group rate if she takes the kids, Steve and a sitter. If they go in the evening, the total admission for eleven people is $284.00; full day admission with a group discount would be $314.00. Could she afford that? Again, how much does her hair cut/color cost?
Of this I am sure said... Kate lacks the intelligence to pilot a plane.
Another visual that makes me laugh out loud!
I earned a private pilots license back in the 80s - I don't know about kart's intelligence, but I DO KNOW that she doesn't have the temperment to fly a plane.
You can't be flapping your hands and screeching when the aircraft hits turbulance, when doing touch-and-go landings, when the aircraft stalls at 3,000 feet altitude AGL in a steep bank, when having to decipher YOUR tower communication among 20 others on approach at the same time, when working out the best glide slope when you have engine failure, when calculating best flap settings in emergency short field landing........
Piloting is ALL about knowing where you are, where the other traffic is, what the weather conditions are, what your aircraft can and cannot do......... remember, kart has NO interest in anything but HERSELF. She never takes in her surroundings, nor does she care to. Well, I guess the exception would be her mine-all-mine mansion.
In short, no way in hell she'd ever even get to her check ride. The instructor would drop her after 1st flight.
But the visual is very entertaining...... I wonder, however, how many flight instructors if they knew her would head right to the field and puke....
Most entertaining is the fact that she is just loving the fact that we are even talking about this as if it's a real aircraft instead of model ones. Such a sad little twit.....
Actually, the fans are just plain nasty. The stuff I've seen from the fans makes the tweets form the Anti-Kate people look tame.
Well, can't find anything on any hair conference in Atlanta, Ga or any place else that has a hair conference today, except Texas and that is for Black Women. Must be a very local small event, somewhere. Did anybody find anything?
The stuff I've seen from the fans makes the tweets form the Anti-Kate people look tame.
Oh, yes, they can get nasty, too. The sheeple can sling mud with the best of them. I said "for the most part" the anti-Kates are more cruel than the sheeple, and this continues to be my opinion.
Nobody Likes -- You've read so many tweets. What is your opinion?
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said..."Live with us next week" - does that mean on the telephone live, or is she being shipped to CA??
Nobody -- I like your wording. I had Walter Mitty moment imagining a muzzled Kate being put in a crate and loaded into the baggage compartment for transport.
I can't thank you enough. :0)
In short, no way in hell she'd ever even get to her check ride. The instructor would drop her after 1st flight.
I can just see her, as the plane is going into a nose-dive, screaming at the pilot, "You didn't know how to teach me!"
"On a side note, the fact that she opted out of the liberal arts electives that round out the 4-year option is SADLY evident in her lack of knowledge of just about everything."
So true! One of the benefits of a BS/BA degree is exposure to a wide variety of coursework that teaches you to be a critical thinker who is more knowledgeable about the world. I am always appalled by her lack of understanding of child development, particularly a child's psychological, social, and emotional development. Surely she had at least one course in human development in her diploma program. Did she snooze through that? Or just cram for the tests and promptly forget everything?
Bah Bah Black Sheep has reminded me of something:
Have any of you ever seen anyone wish harm on Kate?
There's this one Tweeter who constantly wishes for everything bad to happen to Anti-Kate people who wish harm on Kate. At the most, I've only seen people who want Kate to just go away.
All 8 are with Jon and Ellen. ROL has pictures of them getting pizza.
OMG, Leave the man alone, it's his time and their only time to be kids. What is Kate having Chris follow Jon to snap the kids when he has them? Is she really that morally deficient? Is she really this desperate?
As for the comments…WOW, (shaking my head), they would bash that man for going to church. Don’t get, just don’t get it
I have also noticed several fanz that wish dire harm on Jon and Ellen...............
At least there are parens out there who do protect their children's privacy, you all should be terribly proud if not honored I think. I say this because I was disturbed Kate/Jon allowed their children to be filmed while being dressed, toilet trained and such else. Brought back memories to me when I was in, I think second grade. Where teacher would honor student once a month so your parents brought in pictures of you up to that grade and how embarrassed I was that my mother took without consideration put up a picture of me on the potty--for all my class to see--because she aid it was "cute." Do parents not realy understand the embarrassment kids actually suffer?! I wonder sometimes...
I think Kate knows her time with TLC is up. She and the kids used to go to NY to shoot promo. spots for upcoming seasons. They don't do that anymore.
It is encouraging that her 'program' doesn't show up in TLC's fall line-up. *fingers crossed*
Ok, Kate has officially gone too far. A fan asked Kate if she was going to join them out on the town in NYC tonight.
Kate replies? "What time?"
Oh my freaking god.
Ok, Kate has officially gone too far. A fan asked Kate if she was going to join them out on the town in NYC tonight.
Kate replies? "What time?"
Oh my freaking god.
"On a side note, the fact that she opted out of the liberal arts electives that round out the 4-year option is SADLY evident in her lack of knowledge of just about everything."
Didn't she say that she had to work to pay for her education? Perhaps money (or lack of it) was a major factor in not going all the way for a degree. She may have done what she could with the resources at hand.
Ex Burn Nurse said... In the interest of putting to rest all of the speculation comparing RN hospital programs with BSN programs, associates degrees, etc:
Thank you. Nurses are very special people and it takes a strong person to do what you do. I lost my mother last year to Breat Cancer. And the Nurses at Abington Hospital were heaven sent Angels.
How long was Kate actually working in a Hospital Environment? If she came into my mothers rooms with the same attitude she portrays in TV I would've had thrown her ass right out.
@figandolive omg what an amazing NYC restaurant! Get the sole in paper! Ridiculously amazing! Succulent morsels!
Kids paying for that meal at the ridiculously amazing restaurant, Kate? What about those gym classes?
All 8 are with Jon and Ellen. ROL has pictures of them getting pizza.
I thought Kate, the twins and a mystery man were on a flight to Atlanta!
Admin, I think the fans set up a cyber party and were waiting for Kate. She asked what time to show for that party. But then she rubbed their noses in it with her OMG you must try Fig and Olive (an expensive NYC restaurant where Kate was spending her evening instead of hanging around with loser twit fans.) She led them on and led them on then slam, let them know how much she was really thinking of them!! One day she will need those fans. Course with her fans the worse she treats them the more they slobber all over her. And some of them seem so almost normal.
E-town Neighbor said...
Didn't she say that she had to work to pay for her education? Perhaps money (or lack of it) was a major factor in not going all the way for a degree. She may have done what she could with the resources at hand.
My [late] grandmother was taken out of school in the eighth grade because her Italian immigrant mother didn't want her "getting wise." That didn't stop my grandmother from reading every book she could get her hands on and educating herself on topics ranging from science to history (Etruscan was her favorite) to every subject in between. I have a PhD, yet my grandmother was and still is the most educated person I have ever known. She had no money -- but because she had a thirst for knowledge -- despite her obstacles (lack of money, an unsupportive/restrictive mother) she educated herself.
Kate did not come from anything approximating "poor" or "oppressive" -- she has no excuse for being so uneducated/ill-informed. If she wanted to learn, she could easily do it outside the walls of a classroom (it's called a library). Her real issue is that she's just uninterested in anything other than herself, money, and the high life.
That said, I've known many people who struggled to pay for higher education (including myself). There are many ways to get an education (and to finance it) -- IF one really wants it. Based on Kate's track record, I'd bet good money that she took the path of least resistance in her quest for her MRS. She didn't marry a doctor, but got the next best thing in a doctor's son. Or so she thought. Karma is a bitch, isn't it?
Oh thank God it's just a cyber party. Contrary to what the sheeple would like to believe, many of us are very concerned Kate is going to get seriously hurt the way she tweets these fans.
Piloting is ALL about knowing where you are, where the other traffic is, what the weather conditions are, what your aircraft can and cannot do......... remember, kart has NO interest in anything but HERSELF. She never takes in her surroundings, nor does she care to. Well, I guess the exception would be her mine-all-mine mansion.
It will be just like DWTS:
"You're not show me the right way"
"You're teaching me wrong"
"Just show me, I have no time to know what those dials mean"
"I can learn this in one lesson"
"It's hard to learn everything because I have eight kids"
"I had a rough week, you know I'm a single mother of eight?"
"We need to build a private runway on my property for me to practice because I have eight kids to raise."
"I can't learn this right now. I'm a single mother of 2 sets of multiples and have low blood sugar."
"You can't quit on me, everyone else has quit on me...I don't get it!?!"
In the interest of putting to rest all of the speculation comparing RN hospital programs with BSN programs, associates degrees, etc:
From an ex-critical care nurse to ex-burn nurse, thank you!!
I, too, attended a diploma program originally prior to getting my BSN. The program was excellent and we were all very prepared for bedside nursing when we graduated.
Thank you for clarifying the education levels. I've been tempted to do the same thing many times. I believe the negative stories that have been told about Kate and her nursing style but imo, that has nothing to do with her education and everything to do with her personality!
Admin. Sorry,I posted my comments in the wrong place, on the Taylor Swift one.
I also want to apologize to my fellow nurses,if anything I said offended them, not my intention at all. Just wanted to know really if Kate has a 4 yr. degree in nursing, as she alludes to graduating from college. This would lead most of us to think that, but she lies so much.
The thought of her returning to nursing is a frightening thought.She may have passed the daunting certification process to obtain her state licence before, but did she keep up on her eduational requirements for it since then?
Methinks, she would not return as she is a 'stah' now and way too high-class for nursing. Besides, she is not a team player and does not take orders well,or at all!LOL!
I always questioned her being a nurse, ever since she sent Jon to relieve Collin when he cried and cried to her saying his bottom hurt!I am both a nurse and mother and I was shocked to see her continue shopping for bunk-beds! What?
I also agree N.E.Psych., that those kids are already damaged. Where is CPS? Collin looks so sad and defeated in that photo, Admin.They all look so sad and needy, frightened to do or say the wrong thing to their mother.They screamed and cried in the van, not wanting to leave Jon.Kate was photographed hitting one of the litle girls.
What else has to happen, before someone steps in and stops her? If this was in Canada,Kate would not have the kids and would be in jail,most likely, charged anyway.I am afraid about her reaction to the show ending; she will blame the kids for it- so God help them all.
Sorry for the rant, admin.Kate tests my patience...........
Considering the fact that Kate had a hit and run in a parking lot, I don't think I'd want to be anywhere near the runway when she took off!
@IwanaDatekate @kateplusmy8 @hspncelvis I can totally see Kate as a pilot! she's great at multitasking from start to finish! :-)
Oh, good grief!
I also want to apologize to my fellow nurses,if anything I said offended them, not my intention at all.
By your own admission in an earlier post, you are not an RN.
It's maddening to RN's when LPN's, PCA's and RNA's try to comment as one. Big difference.
Kate deserves some credit for not settling for anything less than a Registered Nurse. She could have easily taken the LPN, PCA or RNA route. Would have paid less but would have cost less, too.
no matter where, how or what kind of nursing schoolish thing she did, when has there been verification of her going through any type classes as required to keep whatever she has current? And WHAT qualifications does she have on the level of bedside manner, following orders AS given or being physically (NOT suffering from the woes of motherhood X's 8), mentally (NOT nuts), emotionally (NOT thinking of how the patient's illness fades away in comparison to HER) capable of fulfilling her duties with regard to said patient's care and wellbeing? If you think of ANY reason for a patient being hospitalized and KNOW she is going to relate it to HERself, then let's ALL thank our lucky stars if we don't live in PA and don't have to worry about Nurse Katechet being our caregiver!
HeyJude said:To me, nursing is about 'caring for patients'; I don't care about degrees or diplomas much.
Having been in the hospital many times, I can tell you that there are nurses and then there are nurses. What I mean is that it is often very obvious which nurses went into the profession for money and which did not. I think that Kate falls into the latter category as I really cannot see her as a caring and empathetic individual.
It makes an already stressful situation even worse when you have a nurse with a $hitty attitude who thinks they know more about how you feel than you do. I just smile and ask them when the shift change is. LOL
Put it to bed said...
By your own admission in an earlier post, you are not an RN.
It's maddening to RN's when LPN's, PCA's and RNA's try to comment as one. Big difference.
Kate deserves some credit for not settling for anything less than a Registered Nurse. She could have easily taken the LPN, PCA or RNA route. Would have paid less but would have cost less, too.
I would much rather have an LPN in charge of my hospital care because they don't exude the holier-than-thou attitude that you are displaying right now. The only difference, that I have seen, in an RN and an LPN is that an RN can administer IVs and certain meds. Try asking an RN for a cup of water or an extra blanket. They will look at you in shock because you dared to ask them. They are too important (or so they think) for any real hands-on patient care.
As for Kate deserving credit, she deserves nothing. She is a clueless monster!
To 'Put it to bed .'
I will now re-word my apology to you. I am sorry I referred to an R.N. as a fellow nurse, sorry if I offended anyone ,that was not my intention. You have no idea how damn sorry I am for even posting here about this subject!
You are right; I never said I was an RN. I am an RPN -Registered Psychiatric Nurse, from Canada. It saddens me that you think that anyone not an RN, is 'less than' you.
Can we please put it to bed now?????
barbee, you are so funny.I want you to be my nurse! I think I remember you from z's site.I was Judi then. sorry ot, Admin. I will behave now, but I needed that laugh.....Kate as Nurse Ratchet or whoever she was ! ha ha
That's not Kate tweeting yesterday. Tone of the tweets,, no OMGs, the words used are different than her usual, and IT'S NOT IN K-TWEET/SPELLING (everything is spelled out in proper words). While Kate might be present; someone else did the typing.
@Kateplusmy8 On a diff note...its truly amazing how ur lil ones have grown! Im so happy u welcomed us all into seeing that!
in reply to ↑
@Prettybowes and we are so happy you joined us! I love to know that our smiles bring smiles to you and our struggles make u all feel normal!
I'm sickened by Kate's words. She must be manic this weekend with her delusions of self-importance running rampant. I agree with her about the way she's exploited her kids however; seeing their struggles play out on tv, seeing the effects of cameras in children's faces since infancy, seeing the kids live with a mentally ill, narcissistic mother does show us how normal WE are and how unhealthy and odd she is. Watching her and the lifestyle she's chosen does make me feel normal. As for Kate, she's NUTS.
Not a physical party said...
Admin, I think the fans set up a cyber party and were waiting for Kate. She asked what time to show for that party. But then she rubbed their noses in it with her OMG you must try Fig and Olive (an expensive NYC restaurant where Kate was spending her evening instead of hanging around with loser twit fans.) She led them on and led them on then slam, let them know how much she was really thinking of them!!
That's exactly what Kate did. Left to their own devices without Kate to fawn over, her fans spent the evening drinking and talking about farts.
I wish Jon was allowed more visitation, like every weekend. The kids seemed to perk up as soon as they were out of Kate's clutches and had a normal family Saturday night with pizza. I doubt they had to tippy-toe around in the morning so as not to wake the poor, pitiful, exhausted and over-worked sleeping troll.
Plus you can tell by Kate's tweets how much happier she is when the kids are gone. She could spend every weekend (and the kids money) in NY bragging to her fans about her extravagant lifestyle. Oh and maybe she could resume those flying lessons (yeah, right.)
Looks like a big WIN to me.
Kate did not come from anything approximating "poor" or "oppressive" -- she has no excuse for being so uneducated/ill-informed.
Coming from poverty or coming from wealth has nothing to do with it. Her parents could have been multi-millionaires, but if they were not going to pay for college for their eight children, then each of the kids was on his/her own.
We don't know how much money Kate had saved for education. She got her RN degree, and I really doubt that it didn't require much work to do that. To save money, she could have gone for a lesser degree. So, you're saying that because she didn't study literature on her own or take additional classes or go to the library every chance she got, she is uneducated and ill-informed? I don't know any hospital nursing program that is going to graduate a nurse who is too stupid to care for patients.
So perhaps she doesn't know much about the Roman gladiators, or can't recite the Rime of the Ancient Mariner, but she was educated enough in her chosen career to become a nurse.
And, no, I am not a sheeple. She may have the academics to qualify as a nurse, but I wouldn't want her anywhere near my bedside in my last hours...
That's exactly what Kate did. Left to their own devices without Kate to fawn over, her fans spent the evening drinking and talking about farts.
I was sporadically reading that banter last night on twitter and had to laugh because recently one of the tweeters over there was jabbing at this blog, saying that we were talking about the hippies and how boring it is. So what carried their conversations last night? Farts! I'll clue them - discussing the hippie culture and anti-war protest era is a heck of a lot more intelligent than a contest to see who can pass more gas!
barbee said...
". . .let's ALL thank our lucky stars if we don't live in PA and don't have to worry about Nurse Katechet being our caregiver!"
And now I wonder if Put it to Bed would be kind enough to let us know where SHE practices? Thanks ever so much.
You can't have it both ways. Money in the bank for the future of these children would mean sacrificing something now. That just doesn't fit into Kate's lifestyle. Sad but true, isn't it? This and many, many other things must have been pointed out by Jon and we know that he was "kicked to the curb" for even suggesting that the fairytale come to a close. Then, on the other hand, Kate might just be crying "poor mouth" in order to continue her grifting ways. It worked in the past so maybe she believes it will work for their future. Sickening, really.
So what carried their conversations last night? Farts! I'll clue them - discussing the hippie culture and anti-war protest era is a heck of a lot more intelligent than a contest to see who can pass more gas!
The demographic of Kate's fans isn't based on intelligence:
"I know,there is so much ppl could bye"
"Dont feel bad it dont take much 4 me either"
"you havent ate yet?"
"Man yall were board!"
I knew the sheeple would lay into Jon & Ellen the minute those pics were published on ROL.
Sheeple Facts/Truth:
1) Jon must have sold the pics to ROL
2) Jon is just feeding the haters with his tweets
3) The kids look healthy and happy (not sick as Jon tweeted).
4) If the kids are sick, it's because of the diet fed to them by JON & Ellen. <---- Shaking head on this one.
5) This is his final, final interview, lol. (he isn't allowed ANY Press since he is quoted as "this is my last interview" )
I think when someone has a private twitter, those who have been accepted to follow should not copy those tweets and share them with the public. Is there such a thing as "Twitter Etiquette?"
That said, I think someone who has a private twitter and wants to KEEP it private should probably not have several thousand followers. LOL
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
I'm here!I'm home! Mist tw party last pm bc I slept entire way home!Sorry!Got hm late!Slept in this am&now fixing house up!C u all had fun!
Kate's not a "beautiful wreck" she's a "sleeping wreck."
If I am reading this correct, a tweet to Kate:
@Kateplusmy8 the article says that u r disapointed in ur kids for not having "star talent." Totally wrong to the idioits who wrote it.
and then Kate's reply to the tweet:
@emilykateplus8 yep! my kids r stars just bc they r who they were created 2b& I'd nvr b or say I'm disap in them 4 sumthing so unimportant!
"Who they were created to be?" Does this mean she intended to have stars when she was working the doctors to get multiple children?
Another gem from twitter:
Matthew Mull @DaveGuinup @emeraldcityjazz @acemme @colleenvallonio @kateplusmy8 Dave I live 20 mins from her and see her w/o cameras. She is worse IRL
Kate's reply to above tweet:
Kate Gosselin @Mattmull2010 @DaveGuinup @emeraldcityjazz @acemme @colleenvallonio Total lie.Again.Have u met me?I didn't think so. Had2set that straight.
29 Jul via Twitterrific
hey jude said...
To 'Put it to bed .'
I will now re-word my apology to you. I am sorry I referred to an R.N. as a fellow nurse, sorry if I offended anyone ,that was not my intention. You have no idea how damn sorry I am for even posting here about this subject!
You are right; I never said I was an RN. I am an RPN -Registered Psychiatric Nurse, from Canada. It saddens me that you think that anyone not an RN, is 'less than' you.
Can we please put it to bed now?????
July 31, 2011 1:47 AM
Jude, you have nothing to apologize for, especially to that arrogant prick. That person's post sounds "amazingly" like Kate Gosselin. Admin, has that person ever posted here before?
"On a side note, the fact that she opted out of the liberal arts electives that round out the 4-year option is SADLY evident in her lack of knowledge of just about everything"
It's maddening to RN's when LPN's, PCA's and RNA's try to comment as one. Big difference.
Kate deserves some credit for not settling for anything less than a Registered Nurse. She could have easily taken the LPN, PCA or RNA route. Would have paid less but would have cost less, too.
I would much rather have an LPN in charge of my hospital care because they don't exude the holier-than-thou attitude that you are displaying right now. The only difference, that I have seen, in an RN and an LPN is that an RN can administer IVs and certain meds. Try asking an RN for a cup of water or an extra blanket. They will look at you in shock because you dared to ask them. They are too important (or so they think) for any real hands-on patient care.
I will now re-word my apology to you. I am sorry I referred to an R.N. as a fellow nurse, sorry if I offended anyone ,that was not my intention. You have no idea how damn sorry I am for even posting here about this subject!
You are right; I never said I was an RN. I am an RPN -Registered Psychiatric Nurse, from Canada. It saddens me that you think that anyone not an RN, is 'less than' you.
Thank you Pixie, Also a nurse, NoLoveInPhilly and all the other members of the health care community who supported me!
Now, can't we all just get along?
I am attempting to address all of the college degree, healthcare professional wars and accreditation issues raised in one fell swoop---have to break it up into several posts.
First of all, I want to say that, in the modern environment of healthcare, EVERY member of the patient care team is vital and deserves equal respect. I graduated from nursing school in 1981, back in the day when our hospital had a 1:6 ratio of RNs to patients, or, if we had an aide working with us, a 1:12 ratio, Nowadays, it is common for there to be a single RN as the shift charge nurse, for an entire floor, supervising a team of LPN's and CNAs (Certified Nursing Assistants), and other trained personnel, who are actually responsible for delivering direct patient care. So, on a general medical or surgical unit, sadly, RNs often cannot make themselves available for direct patient care and requests--even though, in most cases, hands on nursing is what attracted them to the profession in the first place. Since, on the majority of hospital units and clinics, RNs carry ultimate responsibility for care and oversight, spending time fetching water, etc., is not in the best interest of the patients and is not in the job description of an RN. Of course, this is not an excuse for rudeness! However, keep in mind, RNs are in the position of making life and death decisions on a daily basis. On specialty units, such as critical care, burn units, trauma, etc., nurses still deliver direct patient care and routinely perform many procedures which require advanced training.
My 'breaks' were usually spent charting or some other documentation, and way too many of my meals consisted of peanut butter on graham crackers or saltines from the patient stash of snacks. So, yes, I could be caught at a time when I was feeling hungry, stressed out, overwhelmed and/or overworked and said or did something that could have appeared to be condescending or rude.
The argument that Kate is lying about having graduated from college and earned a "college degree", because she did not attend a 4 year program, is patently wrong and purely a question of semantics. Hospital programs, which are typically 3 years, are called 'diploma programs' because a diploma in nursing is awarded upon completion. There are many reasons that student chooses one path to the nursing profession over another. How do judgemental and derisive comments contribute to a meaningful dialogue? Also, there is no "opting out" of liberal arts classes--hospital programs just have differing requirements and a different educational experience. All programs that make a student eligible to sit for the state board are as legitimate a path as the other. Would Kate have benefited from some English and literature classes? No doubt!
Hospital programs are licensed by the state as educational programs, in exactly the same way as state run universities and community colleges. Nurses who have completed a 2 year RN program earned an Associates Degree (may no longer exist) and can unquestionably claim to have graduated from college and earned a 'college degree'. BSN students, who have completed a 4 year program, can unquestionably claim to have graduated from college and earned a 'college' degree. So, it is illogical, and purely semantics, to say that someone who has successfully completed a 3 year hospital diploma program has not graduated from college or earned a 'college degree'!
The thought of her returning to nursing is a frightening thought.She may have passed the daunting certification process to obtain her state license before, but did she keep up on her educational requirements for it since then?
no matter where, how or what kind of nursing schoolish thing she did, when has there been verification of her going through any type classes as required to keep whatever she has current
According to a notice issued on 2/17/2011, by the Pennsylvania State Board of Nursing, the 30 hour Continuing Education requirement will kick in for renewals for RN beginning October 2011. Therefore, if Kate, as reported, renewed her license earlier this year, she is not yet required to fulfill that requirement and is as qualified as any other nurse, who for any variety of reasons, took a leave from the nursing profession. If no nurses ever returned to the profession, health care would be sorely lacking professionals with expertise and advanced skills.
Upon license renewal (after October 2011), the application will require a signed statement verifying completion of 30 credit hours of Continuing Education. This requirement can be met in a variety of ways, including online courses, completion of written modules, attending workshops, etc. According to the application, 30% of applicants will be randomly selected for audit and required to furnish proof of completion. So, up until October 1st, even absent CE credits, Kate fully complies with Pennsylvania state requirements for an RN.
I'm hoping that this will, finally, put this issue to bed. As I said, there are many legitimate issues that can be discussed. It is just that whether Kate has the right training, meets the definition of a nurse, has completed requirements for nursing certification in Pennsylvania state, or, which kind of nurse or other healthcare professional is or thinks they are better than the other should not be one of them!
Link to Notice of new requirement:;//;80/portal/
Link to Application for renewal;//;80/portal/
Admin, you do a great job monitoring this blog and keeping it sane. Isn't it time to move on regarding this subject?
Hi, Beth. Just wanted to say thank-you for your kind words.You made my day brighter!
You are welcome, Jude! :)
So, it is illogical, and purely semantics, to say that someone who has successfully completed a 3 year hospital diploma program has not graduated from college or earned a 'college degree'!
A hospital is not a university. Graduating from a hospital program may qualify one to be a nurse, but it does not mean that the nurse has a college degree. Only colleges and universities can confer college degrees to their students.
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