Friday, July 29, 2011

Kate: Savings for the kids is "not even close to what they'll need"

After six years of working these kids to death, why in the world do the children not have fully funded 529 college savings accounts by now, Kate? If you are handling everything, why haven't you managed their money properly? What have you done with the money they've worked so hard for? And shouldn't they be entitled to a little extra spending money beyond just a college savings account after all they've been through? We think you've pissed away and continue to piss away their money on manicures, pedicures, tanning, hair extensions, NYC trips, clothes, shoes, Starbucks, the mansion, and Nobu. And why did you tell Meredith Viera that the college funds were "ample"?

Watch this at WAAF

305 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 305   Newer›   Newest» ~ Administrator said... 1

When they said Jon was a deadbeat Dad, would it kill her to say I would appreciate it if you don't refer to my children's father like that? Instead she jsut answers the question!


Also love how when she hung up they said, wow she's miserable. LOL you got that right. ~ Administrator said... 2

Carrying over the conversation, but Kate's whole tirade about how she is all alone with these kids. Why should I feel sorry for someone who MADE themselves alone? The episodes were clear there were 200 people both relatives and friends willing to bend over backwards for this family. And one by one Kate cut them off. Kate put herself in this position. She made this life for herself.

It's not like she is alone because all her family died in a horrific car accident, or because she's got some kind of severe health problem no one has to deal with. She is alone because she is a mean, hateful, child exploiter who estranges anyone who dares to suggest the choices she is making for these kids are bad ones.

AuntieAnn said... 3

One of the hosts said she paused a lot. Betcha any money Kate was twatting during the interview. I suppose she would call it multitasking.

Meagler said... 4

So, she carefully choses what she is involved in using a meassuring stick of..." Would I want my daughter to do this in the future"? So I guess she has no issues with one of her girls, or all of them for that matter, allowing their toes to be licked by strangers in bars.....

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 5

Kate needs to always downplay the huge amounts of money she is making by exploiting the kids by saying she is not making much. She is constantly countering the truth with her lies so that we don't think she is a fame whore. If she admits to making loads of cash, the public hates her more. It is far wiser for her to bullshit about being broke than be truthful about all the cash she is making off their backs. I loved the lie about not running much. Here's the truth. She runs every day but no paps give a crap about photographing her. If she told them she ran every day, we'd all be wondering where the paps were and drawing the conclusion she is a has-been. She she is. Why are radio stations even bothering with her? I don't get it. She must be paying her agent well to get her those stellar gigs.

barbee said... 6

her answers vary depending upon which side of the witch's mouth the answer is coming out of.
WTH does she get the feeling she has a 'gift of gab'? There is NO personality, humor, NOTHING, in her responses to whatever is said to her.
She did not appear in Playboy because per Mr. Hefner HIMSELF, she was not asked. He said his magazine would have no use for her.

WHAT gives her the idea she is any better than Octomom? They BOTH CHOSE to have multiple births. However, in THIS tape, kate says she told the doctor she wanted a SINGLE BIRTH the second time. Then WHY when she was told she was over stimulated and NOT to have sex did she go ahead and (literally and figuratively) screw Jon anyway? She PLANNED for HOM's from before she even met (and trapped) Jon and was severely disappointed when the first time around SHE only got two.

She has lied so often she can't even keep her stories straight. It is just a shame that the intelligence level in the people who are running the lives of the gosselin children is so lacking.

E-town Neighbor said... 7

What a sad face, admin! Great caption, but "Mommy - what have you done with my money?" might have tugged at the heartstrings a bit more!

There is no reason under the sun that those kids' college tuitions aren't funded by now, even if it's at a state college. Perhaps they are, but it's just Kate playing the sympathy card.

E-town Neighbor said... 8

Kate needs to remember the First Law of Holes..."if you are in one, stop digging."

Westcoaster said... 9

Hey, Admin, have a great time in Vegas his weekend, stay hydrated. And if you see my daughter (group of 12, mid-20's, bachelorette LOL, just kidding)' give them a wave. Or as I said to the girls ths morning, drive safely, stay cool, have fun. As for K8, let's hope she melts in the Big Apple.

radiogoogoo said... 10

I listened to two of her radio show interviews and all those guys are sexist jerks. I don't blame her for being uncomfortable and hanging up. That being said, it goes to show that she has no talent. There is nothing else to talk about but her personal life. Her life is the show and the show is her life.

If she doesn't like being forced to have conversations with idiot DJs she can quit the show but that will never happen. She will suffer any indignity to keep the money rolling in, up to and including posing for Playboy (too bad Hef doesn't want her anymore anyway).

It's so funny how far Kate has fallen. From guest hosting the View late year to 10-minute phone interviews where the DJs disrespect her and mock her after she hangs up this year. Hahahaha

BTW, saying she's "5 over" with respect to how many kids she has is a line she thinks is funny. She said it on both shows. Hahahaha NOT!!

Girl from up North said... 11

That was a pathetic interview. Sad, really, that she has only that to look forward to. The interviewers were jerks.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 12

Admin, not sure if it's just me, but the podcast is loading and playing automatically when I come here.

I totally agree with you about the "deadbeat" comment. I love the way she automatically assumed they meant Jon and answered as if they said "Jon". Any decent woman would have said "Who? What deadbeat?" Then if they said Jon, she should have said "No, you have that wrong, my children's father is not a deadbeat." Such a miserable bitch.

Laura D. said... 13

LOL Meagler, I was about to say the same thing. Foot-licking and provocative lollypop-sucking must rate high on her wholesome meter.

About the “deadbeat” comment – someone on Twitter made an excellent point. What is it that keeps Kate relevant besides her 8 children? Her very public divorce of course! It has most likely occurred to her that should she declare Jon off limits to the media no one would want to talk to her. Also, playing a “victim” has won her many supporters. Let’s face it: Jon-bashing has become part of her new brand.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 14

I'm having a hard time feeling sympathy for Kate, because 1) she's wealthy
2) she lives in a mansion
3) she's living a pampered life
4) she has traveled hither &
5) she (and her kids)get
freebees left & right
6) she is a nasty, opportunistic

She needs to have a talk with the folks that have far less than she does. They make do just fine- and that includes sending kids to college on one salary.

Kate is a spoiled rotten, and bitchy brat.

One more thing, Kate (gift of gab) Gosselin
needs to find another profession to support her family. So far, she has sucked royally in the entertainment field...

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 15

Wow, I just listened to the end again, and she did hang up on them. No goodbye, she hung up right after that "ride his broom" comment. She said "alright" and hung up.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 16

From both the interviews that I've listened to today, it's obvious that TLC has set her loose on her own. They're not giving her any talking points as far as the REASON for the interviews - to promote the show! She did a TERRIBLE job promoting the show, hardly even talked about them. LOL, she wasted her morning doing telephone interviews for nothing; the ratings will not be helped in any way.

One of the reasons she sounded so unenthusiastic is probably because she knows that. TLC isn't getting her any big promotion anymore and she knows it's just about over. She couldn't even muster up the energy to sound excited about the upcoming episodes. I don't think I've ever seen anything like this before.

Gee, does she at all sound like the fake, phony Twittering Kate? You know, the one who is just loving life, the kids are having so much fun, they are all having such wonderful experiences together, life is fabulous? Ha, she can fake that act on Twitter, but not in a phone interview.

Just curious said... 17

Admin, not sure if it's just me, but the podcast is loading and playing automatically when I come here.

I almost had a heart attack. Scared me to death. I wasn't expecting it.

Just curious said... 18

AuntieAnn said...

One of the hosts said she paused a lot. Betcha any money Kate was twatting during the interview. I suppose she would call it multitasking.

If she'd been tweeting during the radio show it would have shown up. She hasn't tweeted since early this am.

fidosmommy said... 19

I hated every single thing about that interview.
The hosts were rude, Kate was uninteresting and uninterested, and there was no subject matter to
speak of. What a waste of air space.

If this is where her life is going, I actually feel sorry for her. That whole segment was pathetic and unnecessary.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 20

On the college issue, I totally agree that she should have been putting THEIR money into their college accounts all along. But, even still - let's say she REALLY was concerned about coming up with the cash for college. Well, then WHY would she be spending a small fortune now on private school times eight? It makes no sense.

Also, what was her income last year? I think I read 5 million. Okay, families with four kids (and two parents) can live very comfortably in her area for $200,000 a year, (obviously, many get by with FAR less than that). So, double that and $400,000 a year should be more than enough. That's two specials a year, or one special and an infomercial. She will never admit it, but she just loves being on tv and wants to be famous forever. She just pretends that it's just her "job" and that she needs to do this to support her eight, count 'em eight kids. ~ Administrator said... 21

Yup that's all it is, a cop out to justify staying in the spotlight and exploiting the kids, because they need college funds. I would like t see her forced to break down the actual numbers into how many more episodes it would take to fully fund their college funds. Then be asked, will she stop filming them once they reach that number?

AuntieAnn said... 22

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

She needs to have a talk with the folks that have far less than she does. They make do just fine- and that includes sending kids to college on one salary.
I agree Pink. I believe we create the world we personally live in by what we focus on. If she keeps talking and focusing on poverty the way she's doing, she'll end up living it. Someday she'll regret that she had it all and then wished it all away. She's had more chances than most to make something of herself but she's done nothing except complain and ask for more. It won't have a happy ending for her because she's so unappreciative.


Just curious said...
If she'd been tweeting during the radio show it would have shown up. She hasn't tweeted since early this am.


True... but she could have been reading her tweets. She seemed preoccupied by something. Either that or dead air doesn't bother her, which btw, should never happen during an interview. It gives away how unprofessional she really is.

Jenna Does said... 23

Oh crap, that's it, the phone calls from listeners aren't on the podcast!
~Wanted to re-post from the other thread so you all could see if you didn't get a chance!~

That is what I heard & they were NOT good at all. People were very nasty, hey we're from the Boston area! LOL And WAAF listeners are not...shy. Yeah, that's the word. I listen all the time & it's a good station. I just CANNOT believe they would have *her* on.

So, yes the callers were very hard on Kate. Most asked WHY she was even on, what did she do to become popular, who the hell she even was. One caller claimed it was the worst caller in WAAF's history, but the DJ said no, there was one other, but Kate was second. So, no, nothing nice to say at all. Keep it up Kate! You have officially embarrassed yourself in Boston & the surrounding areas & are not wanted. (Well, you weren't before as far as I was concerned, but anyway...)
~Hippie Chick~

stupid is said... 24

I wonder how only haters knew to call?

E-town Neighbor said... 25

Okay, families with four kids (and two parents) can live very comfortably in her area for $200,000 a year, (obviously, many get by with FAR less than that). So, double that and $400,000 a year should be more than enough.


Nobody -- you have to figure in $134,000 a year for their school tuition. I had figured if reports of what Jon was paying for child support were true, his payments would cover school tuition with some money left over. But she's saying it's nowhere near what the media is saying, so assume it's half that amount ($10,000) a month. That should just about cover tuition costs. Obviously, when the show ends, she's going to have to figure out how she is going make that much money or she'll need to sell the house, put the kids in public school, and stop living a celebrity lifestyle.

Maybe the college fund were ample when she talked to Meredith and with her spending and high maintenance, she blew through it!

Jenna Does said... 26

Usually, listeners can call in & ask questions. When Jennifer Coolidge was on, I got to call in & talk to her. It. Was. Awesome!! Why couldn't people call Kate? Hmm, because people would have tore her a new one? Yeah, I'm going with that.
~Hippie Chick~
Wonder what's going on WAAF's Facebook page...

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 27

E-town, I figured in school tuition. After paying that, and with child support, she should be more than comfortable on $400,000 a year. If she wanted to, she probably could have cut a deal with TLC after the divorce to do only two specials a year, and they could have gone back to a normal life.

Then again, I didn't even follow this mess until the divorce blew up, but I think they were both extremely foolish getting in over their heads with that house. Did they really think this inflated income stream would last forever? It's not like there was any real talent there. They got lucky when TLC came calling, and they should have realized that it had a limited life span, rather than setting up a lifestyle (the house, the school) that required that level of income forever. I have zero sympathy for her.

Just Dwindle Away said... 28

AuntieAnn said... She seemed preoccupied by something.


She has a quite a low intellegence. She was preoccupied by struggling to comprehend and reply. HER focus was not on promoting the new epi's, HER focus was on crying poor. That was the agenda she went in with and she was struggling to keep it all about 'keeping milk in her babies' mouths'.

Of course the DJs and interviewers were going to treat her like trampy trash. She is nowhere on their radar, they had no idea who she was. When they did a quick google they immediatly found pleather shorts, stripper-pole bondage stillettos, false boobies flapping everywhere, crispy white hair with ORANGE skin, and neon horse teeth a-screeching away as she hand-flaps her kids out of her sight. Plus statement after statement about wanting any man, oh please-dear-God-I'll-take-ANY-man, in her bed ASAP. Why oh WHY would they have thought to treat her any differently? Because she gave birth twice? Yawn...

IDModo said... 29

Maybe Steve or Jamie was sitting beside her writing down potential answers. That would account for the dead air while Kate was trying to read them.Sort of the human equivalent of the little microphone in her ear on tv.

I really hope that Jon is documenting all the instances of being thrown under the bus, and is planning to use them in a future court situation. She has gone completely outside the bounds of propriety again and needs to be smacked sharply upside the head.

That last sentence is of course figurative....

Laura D. said... 30

Just Dwindle, your comment had me laughing out loud & whiping away tears. I'd love to hear someone with your witty personality being interviewed by those DJ's!

Moose Mania said... 31

admin said: When they said Jon was a deadbeat Dad, would it kill her to say I would appreciate it if you don't refer to my children's father like that? Instead she jsut answers the question!


Kate can't think. I don't know if it's the wiring in her brain, or her NPD, but the graciousness and class is totally lacking. She has never been able to think ahead, to see what should be said or done in a situation, and what the consequences are if she screws up.

I don't know if anyone has advised her on media relations, how to conduct herself in interviews, but nevertheless she just ignores the advice, thinking that she knows best.

abc said... 32

Admin is there any way I can eliminate the podcast from blasting me out before I can even get to the pause button? This happens every time I access the thread.

E-town Neighbor said... 33

E-town, I figured in school tuition. After paying that, and with child support, she should be more than comfortable on $400,000 a year.


Yes, you're right. I have re-figured, and with mortgage, taxes, household maintenance, utilities, food, clothing, and outside maintenance, that she needs $350,000 just to pay the bills. Throw in an extra $50,000 for whatever (entertainment, gas, a vacation) and you are dead-on with the $400,000 figure.

NoLoveInPhilly said... 34

I'm confused, The kids get no compensation of any kind for being on the show? Nothing? My 16 yr old neice works a chain restaurant and could not start without working papers and has limited hours. But small children can work for hours in front of a camera with no pay? UNBELIEVABLE!

I raised 3 kids in Phila robbing Peter to pay Paul, all went to college. I got 200 a week in support which paid the rent. Now granted she has 8, but even if she made 1/4 of what she is making now, she could live a nice life. The cost of living in Central PA is about 1/2 of what it is in Philly area.

I don't know who to be more angry with...The state for not have laws set in place regarding Child Labor. TLC for pimping these kids out. OR THe mother who ultimately made these decisions.

Just curious said... 35

abc said...

Admin is there any way I can eliminate the podcast from blasting me out before I can even get to the pause button? This happens every time I access the thread.


If your speakers have volume knobs turn them down. That's what I had to do, but if you have internal speakers...I don't know. Is there no volume control? All my stuff is old.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 36

Admin, hate to be a pain, but I see that everyone is having the same problem. That horrible audio clip reloads and plays automatically every time we refresh, or hit preview to post a message, and again, when we hit post. We'll all have to keep our speakers off until there's another new post!

Maybe you can just keep the direct link you have there, but lose the big video screen? Thanks! ~ Administrator said... 37

I couldn't figure out how to get this one to stop autoplaying, so I had to remove it. You can still watch it by clicking the link. ~ Administrator said... 38

You know as someone pointed out, Kate is kind of caught between a rock and a hard place. And I've brought this up many times before. If she admits she's filthy stinking rich and has more money than Davey Crockett, she just looks greedy and selfish and fame-whorish to keep working these kids. But if she tries to claim they are a poor struggling family, she looks like an idiot for mismanaging the money and is a living breathing example of why stage parents cannot, should not be trusted with their children's money.

There is only one way out of this mess, and that is to stop working the kids, period.

E-town Neighbor said... 39

I'm confused, The kids get no compensation of any kind for being on the show? Nothing?


Fifteen percent has to be put into a trust fund for them. Here's the kicker, though. Kate can dig into that fund for their education, medical needs and well-being.

Page 15-16: ~ Administrator said... 40

Can any of these "journalists" please ask her, so have you dipped into the kids' 15%? Not that she'll give a straight answer, but I'd just like to see her asked it.

Really tired of this woman said... 41

E-Town: I believe your quote of the current LCDS tuition. If Kate had half a brain cell, she would have been able to calculate 11 more years for each of the tups and 7 more years for the twins...and come to the brilliant conclusion that there is NO POSSIBLE way she can afford to keep all those kids in that school until they graduate and have anything left for college.

So now she has to consider that she will eventually need to pull them from the only school they have ever known. That will be stressful for them, but if she handles it right, they will be resilient and move forward at their new school. Oh, I forgot...we're talking about Kate here...doubt it! ~ Administrator said... 42

Speaking of trolls, big sigh of relief our main troll is gone, gone, gone! An entire week without having to deal with her rants and obsessions against me. My life is much improved.

And guess what, the only troll left I see is the yes, oh yes one, which is really rather a harmless troll and easy to delete.

E-town Neighbor, NOT NeighBOUR said... 43

And guess what, the only troll left I see is the yes, oh yes one, which is really rather a harmless troll and easy to delete.


Easy for you to say...she's now over on Jenna's blog, masquerading as yours truly! :)

abc said... 44

Thanks admin. I was afraid I'd have to skip this thread.

Beth said... 45

I love how she basically admits that she has pissed away her kids' money and also, she says that she only does things that her children would be proud of her for. WTF!!! I guess we are supposed to conveniently forget her foot-licking episode. ~ Administrator said... 46

Yup, Kate did this. Because she couldn't take out a calculator and add up tuition for 12 years, now she's screwed her kids.

Maybe it's better to pull them out now when they are young, or maybe she could at least manage to keep the twins in the school.

There are many, many other wonderful schools in the area that don't cost as much as this school. Or, gasp, public school! The vast majority of law students in my class came from public schools, we managed.

E-town Neighbor said... 47

Can any of these "journalists" please ask her, so have you dipped into the kids' 15%? Not that she'll give a straight answer, but I'd just like to see her asked it.


You're right, admin. I'd like to know if there is a watchdog standing guard to make sure that if she is taking funds out of there that they are being used for the welfare of the children. I'd like to know if she has to be accountable for the withdrawals, and to whom. ~ Administrator said... 48

Let me get something straight here. Hugh Hefner said no we did not offer Kate a Playboy spread. But Kate today said she turned it down. So, Kate is lying, right? Not that this surprises me.

It's easy to say oh no I turned down Playboy when you've never even been asked! If she's asked, then we'll see what she really does.

Kind of like people say oh if I saw a bag of money on the street of course I would turn it in. But if it actually happens, a lot of folks wouldn't.

Volume Control said... 49

If the speakers are internal to your computer, move your cursor over the tool bar at the bottom. If there is an arrow, click on it and it wwill make any hidden icons show up. One of them should be volume control and it will also have a mute option.

E-town Neighbor said... 50

There are many, many other wonderful schools in the area that don't cost as much as this school.


There are also many excellent small private schools in the area that are not as expensive, such as her old alma mater.

E-Town: I believe your quote of the current LCDS tuition. If Kate had half a brain cell, she would have been able to calculate 11 more years for each of the tups and 7 more years for the twins...and come to the brilliant conclusion that there is NO POSSIBLE way she can afford to keep all those kids in that school until they graduate and have anything left for college


That's this year's tuition for First Grade and Fifth Grade. Wait until they get into MS and US. It's going to cost a pretty penny. I think maybe she thought the show would never end and the money would just keep flowing in, therefore, no worries.
I'd hate to see the twins be taken out of school, though. Not getting into reasons here, but I really think that's the place for them to be. ~ Administrator said... 51

Oh by the way did anyone catch her subtle slam at Jon. When asked if he pays child support she has to admit, yeah he does ....(remember this interview with Regis and Kelly where she tried to claim he wasn't paying support? but then she says but it's really nothing, it's a teeny tiny amount compared to what you think it is!!! Making it seem like Jon somehow is cheating the system paying less than what she really needs.

Kate? Child support is based on a complicated set of factors and most support orders are done directly by computers with programs like dissomaster. Jon is ordered to pay what he should be paying by law. So don't try to put it on JON that he's not paying what he should when a computer probably spit out the number.

Beth said... 52

Did I hear that one DJ right when he said that he likes bitches? LMAO

Really tired of this woman said... 53

"There are many, many other wonderful schools in the area that don't cost as much as this school. Or, gasp, public school! The vast majority of law students in my class came from public schools, we managed."

Yes, I agree. I believe that a highly motivated student will excel at any school, public or private. I don't want to draw the ire of private school proponents, but I do not see the advantage to spending huge amounts for a K-12 education in all cases.

One of my own kids is an excellent student. I wanted to be sure his needs were met, and I am certain he received a very appropriate, accelerated education in public schools. He graduated with excellent grades and SAT scores and has now finished his undergrad at a public research university. All of this was paid for by our taxes only, and he attended college on scholarship. Now he is applying for a physics PhD program at some of the most elite institutions in the country. Public education was fine for him! Kate should consider it, but I doubt she will.

Beth said... 54

I read somewhere, years ago, that the state of Pennsylvania gave all of the kids a free ride to college. I wonder if there is any truth to this? ~ Administrator said... 55

I do tend to agree Kate should bend over backwards to keep the twins in this school. They are both so bright and well-rounded and it seems incredibly unfair to yank them out. But the tups? They're still so little, two of them were kicked out anyway for a time, it would be far less detrimental to stick them somewhere else.

We're not talking about public schools in some states where public schools are nothing to write home about. This is PA, the school system is good, here are a bunch of stats about how they compare to other states and they're right up there:

A bright child can excel in public school with the right class schedule. By the time I was in my junior or senior year, I was taking almost all AP and Honors classes and I found some of those teachers to be the most passionate instructors I've ever known. I found their AP classes to be just as challenging as some of my LAW SCHOOL classes and certainly more challenging than many of my undergrad classes. I was also in school at a time where integrating classes with special ed kids was all the rage, and I found that experience to have really enriched me on a level beyond academics--I ended up forming a very close bond with a deaf student I'll treasure forever. I remember my parents were so hesitant about this, but it turned out to be a very good thing for many of us. The point is, the kids will be fine. Heck their private school kicked them out, so it can't get much WORSE in public can it?

Twittering and a Twattering said... 56

Question: How old must you be to have a Twitter account? This one looks about 12 and she tweeted and asked for a video chat in tiny chat.

@Kateplusmy8 please follow meeeeeeeeeeeee gosh i have every season on dvd thats how much i love you

Just Dwindle Away said... 57

Laura D., you are a sweetie! Sending an e-hug to you! :))

Permanent Name said... 58

What I think is hysterically funny, wet-your-pants funny is that kart actually believes, BELIEVES that she is Playboy material...

She has such a warped, delusional, narcissistic self image....

The only comfort I have in regards to kart is that folks are finally coming to realize what she is.

She has become the joke radio guest now - DJs calling to make fun of her.....

Really sad that she can't see that.

chesterctymom said... 59

barbee said...

However, in THIS tape, kate says she told the doctor she wanted a SINGLE BIRTH the second time. Then WHY when she was told she was over stimulated and NOT to have sex did she go ahead and (literally and figuratively) screw Jon anyway? what she is saying is that the doctor did not advise her properly and conceiving multiples could be considered malpractice. She better be careful who she may take more than TLC paying him they did when she bashed the previous homeowners...

Permanent Name said... 60


The state set up education accounts for the kids but did not fund them. They just set up the shell and the parents were to put money into them.

There is some question as to when kart funded the accounts and how much she put in.

Westcoaster said... 61

So that was her speaking engagement, basement radio interview with yahoo dj's who were rude and disparaging to her? Geez, whoever booked her into that one really doesn't like her much. Oh well, she's off soon for her much needed R&R (according to her daughter Mady) in NYC. Since she doesn't do 'aloneness' in the city, who do you suppose is her date this weekend. Does she still get the limo treatment (perhaps on the kids' dime), the shopping, the awful hair bleach/cut? She may not even have time to tweet, poor underage followers.
I know my weekend is going to be waay better than that. Perhaps at least one pap will take her picture, but I don't see who's even interested anymore.
And I agree, she really is not bright enough to talk on the fly, probably was an average student, but with her crazy mind, she just thinks she's a phone call away from a seat on the View couch.

E-town Neighbor said... 62

The point is, the kids will be fine. Heck their private school kicked them out, so it can't get much WORSE in public can it?


It could be if they are in a school with a large number of students (7,000), in comparison to their current school, with an enrollment of 500 kids under one roof. If she's going to do it, she needs to get them enrolled in public school now, before they get used to the small size classes. Otherwise, they may have problems adjusting. I've known several parents who took their children out of school and enrolled them in public school, only to have them go back to private school because they didn't do well in large classes.

I absolutely would not take the twins out of school at this point.

Anonymous said... 63

I got blasted with the podcast about 15 minutes ago when I clicked on the post (NOT the link). About scared the p&** out of me, LOL.

Re Kate and the college funds -- part of Kate's problem, I think, is that she expects all 8 kids to go to Harvard or Yale or Stanford or some other prestigious and VERY expensive school. I have news for her. ALL 8 aren't going to be smart enough to get into a school like that. ALL 8 maybe aren't even going to want to go to college. Some of them may decide they'd rather be auto mechanics or plumbers or work at McDonalds or do some other job that doesn't require a 4 year academic background after high school. Heck, some of the girls may decide to get married at 18 and start having their own babies. Additionally, if any of them are smart enough to get into a school like Harvard, etc., they'll also be smart enough to win scholarships. And with the number of kids she has, and all being of college age age once, they'd also qualify for grants in aid. Yes, college will be a big expense for her, but not as big as she's trying to lead people to believe. It's all just a big excuse for her to keep filming the crap out of the kids and trying to keep her face in the limelight. Shame more of the sheeple can't see through her.

Oh, BTW -- to answer the question someone asked here or on the other thread -- the reason people still keep calling Jon a deadbeat is because KATE continues to foster that notion. All anyone hears from her is that she and she alone is responsible for the kids, she does it all by herself with no help from anyone, she HAS to take care of and support the kids because no one else will. What else can others think when they hear that twaddle? Especially if they take her at face value?

readerlady ~ Administrator said... 64

As Jon said after Kate threw him under the bus big time on Regis and Kelly, he and his kids know the truth and that's all that matters.

A very mature response to a highly immature woman.

KathyB said... 65

For the DJs info, Hefner scoffed at Kate Gosselin being in Playboy and even on DWTS. He doesn't think she's a star either!

Just Dwindle Away said... 66

Admin, thank you for your post about law school classmates from public schools. I am the first from my family, and my husband's side too, to go to college. I have my MSW. My eldest daughter is completing her PhD in something about teaching others how to create new computer languages, so complicated I dont even get it. My other daughter has a BSN and MBA. Third daughter has an Associate's RN and is in "demand" around the country for her specialized knowledge of hospice care. In short, we are all from public schools.

However, it is the HOME that (for the most part) creates the desire for learning, and teaches the self-discipline and internal rewards to move forward toward goals in life. Kate is only teaching her children how to use others to your benefit through manipulation, nothing about fulfillment of natural talents or the betterment of society. In this case, I personally would have to depend on the school to instill these values in those kids, they'll not get it from their primary care organizer and current unhappy laundress.

Kate's worry is that SHE is so in demand that her children must be shielded by the most expensive environment possible. Because SHE is such an important person, dont ya know.

And that 15% that is being discussed: Isnt it 15% of the child's WAGES? At what meager point did each child begin collecting WAGES, let alone only 15% of those puny wages being set aside? And cant she tap into that 15% to pay their health care including premiums, her mortgage, etc? No one is watching their little money, she is doing whatever she chooses.

She must live every day terrified of being found out what a complete fraud she is - she has been hiding behind her babies but that wont last much longer. That little trump card isnt working any more, is it Katie? NO ONE feels any obligation to keep you in the lap of luxury, your kids can live on bologna and peanut butter like the rest of the nation. Especially when the only coherent sentences you can EVER put together are to express your sick rage at the world.

Dulcina said... 67

Kate implied and/or stated that she has five (5) TOO MANY children.

What next Kate? Are you going to tell the world which 5?

Sooverit said... 68

I think Kate crying poor every chance she gets is her desperate attempt to convince TLC that her show MUST carry on because she needs the income to support her 8, count 'em, 8 kids.

Downeaster Alexa said... 69

Dulcina said, Kate implied and/or stated that she has five (5) TOO MANY children.


I think what she said was that she has five over her limit, meaning that she initially only wanted three kids. I don't think even Kate would stoop that low as to say that she has five too many children.

Troy Chula Vista said... 70

Ha Ha. kate DID get some national press (if you can call it that). She is on Radar Online in her pink sports bra and shorts, alledgedly "running" and staying in shape. What is funny is that all the sheeple must have abandoned Radar because there isn't one comment! She looks unhealthy and putting the words she spoke on that radio show with how she looks, KARMA is all I will say.

Save the hits, don't go to Radar. It was basically a puff article to try and make Kate look good.

The link in case you can't look away at the train wreck: ~ Administrator said... 71

She's so self absorbed she actually thinks tlc cares what her financial situation is? It's not a boss' job to help an employee who can't manage their money.

Really tired of this woman said... 72

"Kate implied and/or stated that she has five (5) TOO MANY children.

What next Kate? Are you going to tell the world which 5?"


I could not believe this either. How any mother make such a cruel statement is beyond me.

She has stated publicly, many times, that she would not consider selectively reducing any of her six fetuses. She chose to have that many children! So I guess she meant the only ones she really wanted were Cara, Mady, and (I guess) her favorite, Hannah. So there you go...Colin, Joel, Aaden, Leah, and Alexis are the five too many. So sad. Every time I think she cannot possibly say anything worse, she opens her mouth and out comes another doozy!

ncgirl said... 73

"Also, playing a “victim” has won her many supporters. Let’s face it: Jon-bashing has become part of her new brand"

Some people on the K+8 facebook page still believe that.

In the interview, she was thankful for the local support. So NOW she's thankful. Also, she said she can't be like the Duggars because of no hand me downs. Couldn't the twins' clothes go to the younger girls? If she networked with other moms, I'm sure she'd get hand me downs.

And it wouldn't be Kate if she didn't try to grift. She's hoping to enlarge the car she drives. Hmm, who's going to step in for that? Maybe a future TLC episode?

Hoosier Girl said... 74

How is it that she NEVER gets interviewers who ask her HARD questions? That's all I want to know. And, yes, I know she wouldn't answer them. In fact, she'd probably storm off set. But they should at least be asked.

As the 'single parent'

(I can't stand when she says that! It's not like Jon is dead!

of eight, countem eight kids, she should be EXTRA responsible with whatever money comes in.

Either she is pissing it away - or the kids have plenty of money for college. Which is it?

Kate is truly that old lawyer joke (sorry admin!) -

How do you know if Kate is lying? Her mouth is moving.

Troy Chula Vista said... 75

I think the photo they are using on Radar is the same one used in the past: Pink sports bra, grey shorts and looking at the phone while walking (not running). Not sure why Radar felt the need to run a "story" about Kate.

Kate's Cart said... 76

I love the WAAF Hillman - and that is how they behave all the time - if not worse.I used to listen to them every morning when I went to work. I did write to them that they should have followed her tweets for a few days to see how many lies they could catch her in, like the lack of Kate time - NYC this weekend for hair appt and probably new shoes and handbags. To hell w/ the kids going to college. And what was the stupid comment about them being high order multiples and that shouldn't prevent them from college. The only thing keeping them from college will be her lack of importance placed on education - with judges allowing her to remove the kids from school so they can work to support HER. She could earn a steady income nursing and per diem work on weekends when the kids are with Jon. They are gone almost 10 hours a day at school - that's plenty of time for a full time job, with maybe a little help picking them up after school. She's going to have to do something as jobs become fewer and fewer for her as she is exposed for her true self.

Hoosier Girl said... 77

Troy Chula Vista said...
Not sure why Radar felt the need to run a "story" about Kate.
Yep, Kate does a fail at a radio interview and gets a positive blurb on ROL.

And the sheeple think Jon and Ellen have ROL in their pocket?!

Their logic eludes me.

Boston Bonnie said... 78

As the 4th child of 6 I have heard many times that my mother only wanted 2 kids. That still hurts and I'm 47. I pity those poor kids.

Teresa said... 79

Kids get 15% of total income? Is that correct? My bet is the 15% is paying for the private school. If so, the kids have nothing! So where's the college money?

PA college fund accounts said... 80

Permanent Name said...

The state set up education accounts for the kids but did not fund them. They just set up the shell and the parents were to put money into them.

There is some question as to when kart funded the accounts and how much she put in.


The state of PA opened the accounts but did not fund them. At the time of the sextuplet's births the state asked the public to help fund the accounts, not the parents.

Teresa said... 81

OMG Troy......... she is ugly! Wow! she has aged in the last 3 years. My friend is 77 going on 78, I tell you..her body is SO much better looking that Khate's. I truly mean that. I help her in and out of the bath. My friend is beautiful. Puts me to shame and l'm 62.
Imagine purseboy having to wake-up next to that every morning. Blechhhhhh! No wonder Hef doesn't want her.

Mary said... 82

"The state set up education accounts for the kids but did not fund them. They just set up the shell and the parents were to put money into them"

Although this is true, when the announcement was made about the funds there was also a statement made giving the public an address for the funds in case people wanted to contribute to them. Whether anyone contributed or not we will never know. I can't imagine there were many contributions from the local area since the Gosselins actions had created a lot of bad feelings towards them. I would think there might have been some coming in from people who didn't know what was going on locally and were touched by the little ones birth.

I wonder how those people feel now seeing them living in a million dollar home (at the time they bought it) and going on trips that they will never get a chance to do in their entire life. ~ Administrator said... 83

LOL Kate is engaging with a "hater" who is saying that he knows that she is even WORSE when she is not on camera. I thought she ignored this stuff?

She says it's a total lie, it's all lies I tell you! Um, Kate, it's an opinion so it can't really be a "lie." ~ Administrator said... 84

It was time to add a new one to the sidebar I have at right, "the Evidence of the 8's exploitation." And the new one is: Gross mismanagement of the children's earnings. Thought it was warranted after this.

If you click on it it links to some posts mostly of Kate herself running her mouth about how much she SUCKS at managing their money.

Moose Mania said... 85

Teresa said...

Kids get 15% of total income? Is that correct? My bet is the 15% is paying for the private school. If so, the kids have nothing! So where's the college money?


Not sure about that. Remember the photo of her at the copy machine with scribbled notes? It looked like the amount she needed to support the family. People thought this was info needed for the attorney in the divorce settlement. She had written tuition, and the amount times eight. If she was digging into the kids' income, she most likely wouldn't have included that with the money she needed for her expenses.

TLC ship is sinking said... 86

Wait...this morning, Kate is claiming she doesn't have money saved up to send all the kids to college YET she's heading up to NYC to get her hair done this weekend.

I'm probably in the minority here, but I don't really believe TLC is completely footing this bill (transportation, luxury hotel accommodations, salon expenses) just so Kate's hair will look nice for the upcoming couch interviews. If they only greenlighted this recent trip in "tiny RVs" instead of the usual Gosselin VIP treatment, why would they set money aside in the budget to pay for her haircare? It would make sense if TLC is planning on her physically promoting her show, not just on the radio.

Kate, do you understand why people here continue to criticize you? You can't cry poor on the radio, when you tweeted only a few days ago that you're heading up to NYC to get your hair done.

Many parents would find a good local salon (or even dye their hair themselves) to save money to spend on their children's expenses.

fidosmommy said... 87

I thought Kate and Jon chose private school so the kids would be more protected and sheltered than
they might be in a public school. I had no idea it was for prestige or to get them better prepared for college. I don't see Kate even thinking about college for them, frankly. I think when they are 18 they will be expected to take care of themselves - buy their own cars, find their own income (!?) and live somewhere else. If it's college, fine. If it's not college, fine. But they will be on their own.

fidosmommy said... 88

Moose Mania said...

Not sure about that. Remember the photo of her at the copy machine with scribbled notes? It looked like the amount she needed to support the family. People thought this was info needed for the attorney in the divorce settlement. She had written tuition, and the amount times eight. If she was digging into the kids' income, she most likely wouldn't have included that with the money she needed for her expenses.


I thought the 15% decision came AFTER she made all those copies. Anybody else remember?

Tamara said... 89

E-Town, actually a bigger school would be better for the sextuplets as it would give them a better chance at being individuals. I think, from the relatively small amount known publicly and my own background in education and child psychology, that the best situation would be to choose schools specifically for each child. I highly doubt all 6 learn the same way, that none have LDs, and obviously at least 2 have more emotional problems. They most likely wouldn't all thrive in the same school. JMO

Kate's Cart said... 90

Sounds like Kate has worn down the kids so much they are with Jon and all sick. Hope they recover for the rest of their weekend.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 91

Administrator said...

LOL Kate is engaging with a "hater" who is saying that he knows that she is even WORSE when she is not on camera. I thought she ignored this stuff?

She says it's a total lie, it's all lies I tell you! Um, Kate, it's an opinion so it can't really be a "lie."


Oh my dear God...

How do you argue with a fool? It doesn't matter if one person or 100 people say that she's misery incarnate. All that matters is what Krazy Kate thinks.

She does not want to even entertain the thought that she may be the problem. ~ Administrator said... 92

Kate retweeted this: @valntyne @JeanneKaye @MiloandJack dog vomit fungus in landscaping-- aka haters lol

She's so freaking mature.

JudyK said... 93

Okay, I listened to just the first part of this and then I just could not take it anymore. She actually says she worked her way through college. She has NO COLLEGE...NONE. She got her RN license through a program at the hospital. I simply can't take this LYING bitch anymore.

so sick of her said... 94

Westcoaster: I think Kater is gonna do a speaking engagement with her hair dresser, on saturday. In her tweets from yesterday or day before, she said she was gonna go to get her hair done on saturday. Then her hairdresser, tweeted back about not being there, cause he is doing a seminar thing, with/about the product he uses on her, and something like: would it not be cool if you/Kate would be my demo for the product I use, to be on stage with me. And Kate twitted back she was interested. So possibly this is her speaking engagement, being on stage talking about the hair product. She did say to that Texas twitter, that she hopes it's soon.
Boy is she tweeting up a storm tonight. Even got mad at one tweeter. I guess Jon has the kids by now. Or is she already on her way to NYC? and tweeting from the car. ~ Administrator said... 95

Kate CANNOT think. She says her manager gets her a designer necklace every birthday.

Here's a thought Kate. Tell your manager in lieu of yet another diamond necklace, why don't you contribute the same sum to my children's college funds???


E-town Neighbor said... 96

They most likely wouldn't all thrive in the same school. JMO


I cannot imagine the logistics of having eight kids in different schools, with different starting times, ending times, days off, vacation days, snow days.

Some kids leave small schools and thrive in large public schools; others absolutely hate large classes where they feel like they are just a number.
If she's going to take the little ones out of school, she shouldn't wait. Since they are just now getting used to the school routine, have settled in, know their way around, have friends and have adjusted to the school environment, they may have a difficult time being thrown into a large class where the individual attention they have now isn't an option. The student/teacher ratio in their current school is 8:1 as compared to 18:1 in local schools.

Kids are resilient, and can adjust to changes, but it's difficult to predict how well they would do with such a dramatic change. They've had their lives thrown into chaos with the divorce. I'm not so sure what they need now is yet disruption in their lives.

Pixie said... 97

I'm thinking of Denise Richards can find it in her heart to not speak badly of Charlie Sheen (it would be very easy for her to jump on the public bandwagon), then Kate should be able to at least correct an unknown DJ from calling her children's father a 'deadbeat'.

Oh, and Kate? Troll Rule #1: Do not feed them.

How does a woman with 8 kids find the time to sit and tweet with clearly mentally deficient strangers??

JudyK said... 98

Adm, I think it was you who asked if Kate was, in fact, offered a Playboy spread. NO, SHE WAS NOT. At the time the subject was brought up, I read that Hefner doesn't view her as a celebrity and would never make such an offer. Another Kate lie. She lies as effortlessly as Casey Anthony, and that is a VERY SCARY THING.

TLC ship is sinking said... 99

...mostly of Kate herself running her mouth about how much she SUCKS at managing their money.

Reading the discussion about the Gosselins' current school tuition has me boggled. Did Jon and Kate not sit down and plan out how much that private school would cost for all the kids' entire K-12 education? Before even saving money for their college tuition, their priority should have been to save money to afford the K-12 tuition for all eight kids (if they are so adamant to keep them there). That's just careless planning of their part, if they hadn't.

Is a "good education" really one of Kate's top priorities for her kids? Although they are currently attending a great private school, she has repeatedly pulled them out throughout the school year to film them on extended trips. I'm not aware of many parents (who care about education) willingly and repeatedly pulling their children out of school for, "educational trips". It's a red flag for me.

It's hard to be sympathetic for her when many other American families are making tough decisions to financially support their families, yet Kate refuses to give up parts of her lavish lifestyle even if it will ease her financial burdens.

Meagler said... 100

When is kate's bday? I noticed the first necklace right around the time Jon was re-living his youth. I have always believed that they came from Steve. Who is her manager, why do we never see that person?

And yes.. she had to set the record straight , on twitter, about the person who said he lived in her area and she was even worse in real life..but no further comment after he said altho they had not met face to face, they had mutual friends, and he could name them if she liked...( and she doesn't see the haterz, yaaaa right)

Sadly, I have had my own run ins with a couple of narcissists this week, and I am exhausted... they will say whatever they need to say to keep up the pretenses even if it is an out an out lie.. After a while it doesn't even phase them.. and I find it hilarious to catch them in their lies, but the sad fact is, they look at you with that blank flittering eyelash look with " I don't get it? What do you mean?" ..... ~ Administrator said... 101

JudyK said... Adm, I think it was you who asked if Kate was, in fact, offered a Playboy spread. NO, SHE WAS NOT. At the time the subject was brought up, I read that Hefner doesn't view her as a celebrity and would never make such an offer. Another Kate lie. She lies as effortlessly as Casey Anthony, and that is a VERY SCARY THING.
Exactly, she lies for no reason! This is the exact exchange:
DJ: "I'm sure Playboy's offered, right?
KATE: "I, um, Yeah."

Why not just say, actually no, but even if they did I wouldn't do it. And then go into your BS about wanting to set a good example for the kids.

Oh, I just caught this, undermining Sarah Palin. "She has HELP." Why does Kate have to point this out? To discredit Sarah by pointing out she doesn't do it all, all, all herself, like Kate does this week "between nannies"?

Sunshine said... 102

Jon used to pay $1200. (yes, that's twelve-hundred) a month in child support. That's the most he EVER paid. He now pays less than one grand a month.

It's not that much money. Ask him, or Ellen, for that matter. He never paid the outrageous sums that were reported but enjoyed the rumors.

Kate IS scum, but she is certainly not being supported by her ex. Nor are their eight children.

Understanding the financial situation leads me to look at a compromise. Kate could film the show, maybe 4 times a year. It would support the children and place some money in the bank. Downsizing would help, too.

She needs to tether herself to reality. She is not the star she imagines herself to be and the filming won't last forever.

Karma will hit her when the kids get older and it will not be pretty. Jon won't fare too well, either.

Teresa said... 103

JudyK said... Okay, I listened to just the first part of this and then I just could not take it anymore. She actually says she worked her way through college. She has NO COLLEGE...NONE. She got her RN license through a program at the hospital. I simply can't take this LYING bitch anymore.
I agree. Here in Canada to be a RN you have to have 4 years of University to get a degree in nursing.
2 years of college would get you a PSW (Personal Support Worker) That would be being an assistant to a RN. The salary for a PSW is around $12.00 - $15.00 an hour. Not salaried. Maybe in the States it's different, l'm not sure.

E-town Neighbor said... 104

Fidosmommy: When it was determined by the DOL that the kids needed work permits and opted out of fining them for non-compliance, they required that fifteen percent be put into a trust (last April). TLC claimed that for some time there had been an account established for the children in which a percentage was put aside for them.

Teresa said... 105

Payscale recently (September 6th, 2010) updated their average personal support worker hourly wage.
The new rate average is $12.98 to $17.36, which of course represents quite a large gap from high to low.
Some of the more interesting data is including in their employer specific wage information. Five large PSW employers are listed (Bayshore, Red Cross, Saint Elizabeth, Paramed & Comcare).
The average low end hourly wage for these five employers is:


And the high end average is:


If we take the average of these two numbers (simply ($13.50 + $14.78) / 2) then the average wage according to payscale is:


This number is very close to the average $14.53 we found earlier in the year. (read about our average wage survey).
Previous PSW wage averages have been anywhere from $12.71 - $14.53.

so sick of her said... 106

Hey, wasn't one of the JK8 episodes, showing Jon & Kate with a financial planner, figuring out their money and the kids schooling etc. It was before they moved to the mcmansion. Was it a financial planner or a lawyer?

Teresa said... 107

Sorry, forgot RN's salary. They can make approximately $80k. That's after a couple of years exxperience. To called herself an RN is an insult to real RN's.

Pixie said... 108

There is only one way out of this mess, and that is to stop working the kids, period.

Amen! That and simply tell the freakin' truth for once. The truth will always set you free! ~ Administrator said... 109

Sunshine, I don't know where you got those numbers, but even assume that is what Jon was paying, whatever the amount is that is the amount that is court ordered. Kate can blame the judge for that, not Jon. Child support has been so computerized these days to spit out a number that is FAIR, based on a variety of factors. Kate can go cry to family law court and stop throwing Jon under the bus for a court order that has little to do with him and everything to do with a formula and a judge.

AuntieAnn said... 110

Re: the Playboy shoot that wasn't.

She didn't correct them that she was offered a spread (heehee) in Playboy. She simply said "I'm... um.... yeah well that's not happening". In that grand empty canyon between her ears, she thinks she didn't lie or deny, she just averted the truth as per usual then hopes nobody notices. What an idiot.

Dulcina said... 111

Downeaster Alexa, having followed this story from the beginning, I respectfully disagree.

Jennifer said... 112

Admin wrote:

Come on, now. You know the answer to that! It starts with a "socio" and ends with a "path" ;) ~ Administrator said... 113

Also, Kate CHOOSES to spend $2000 a month on groceries because she insists on all organic, has not done her research and thinks organic Cheetos are good for the kids.

Jon is paying child support but it's not his fault Kate's lifestyle is so outrageous and requires so much more money than it would if she were reasonable and frugal.

If she bought organic where it really matters--meat and produce and dairy, and stuck to non-organic for everything else, she could probably cut 1/3 off that grocery bill.

So for Kate to bitch about child support when she's making ridiculous financial choices is downright disingenuous. Is that organic cookie really going to matter if it means a college fund could get funded?

To Be Perfectly Honest, Um... said... 114

When Kate was talking about Sarah Palin and said that Sarah is a busy mom, did she say that Sarah has help? And Kate doesn't? Good grief! ~ Administrator said... 115

Kate didn't say Sarah has help but I don't, but the fact is she threw in there Sarah has help.

WTF, Kate. Sarah was very open she has a nanny on the Alaska-crossover episode. She's not trying to hide anything. What reason is there to mention someone has "help" if not to discredit them make it seem like well they don't really do it ALL. It's just a nasty thing to say. Unless you're specifically asked do they have help, why throw this in? It's one thing if Sarah wants to disclose that herself, as she HAS, but Kate has no business disclosing that.

We could be the voice in her ear to tell her how to handle these: "Sarah Palin is lovely and gracious and kind and is doing a wonderful job raising her children."

Good freaking grief.

Downeaster Alexa said... 116

Dulcina - disagree about what? You said, "Kate implied and/or stated that she has five (5) TOO MANY children."

Kate said that she's about five over her limit. She did not say that she has five children too many. You were referring to the interview, weren't you? Did I misunderstand your comment?

She said..."I'm about five over my limit." Listen at :39.


A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 117

Jon has the kids this weekend. A member of Preesi's forum (Tam) wrote that Jon Twittered his kids are exhausted & sick...

Maybe now that they are with dad, they'll be able to recuperate, and get some rest & relaxation.

Too bad the majority of their summer break was spent working. ~ Administrator said... 118

And this is why they might very well be crashed on the couch at Jon's. By the time he gets them the little babies are exhausted from working.

gotyournumberKate said... 119

I love how she said everybody has to pay child support. In other words, Jon only pays because he "has" to. The woman will NEVER give him a break or credit where credit is due. She also had to make sure we all knew he wasn't paying $20,000 per month or in her words a gazzillionth (sp?) of what it has been rumored to be. Well, duh freaking duh Kate, how could he possibly be paying that amount of money now? Who does Kate think she is? Heather Mills? Just because she acts like her doesn't mean she's going to get that kind of child support. I hate this word but I really do hate her. ~ Administrator said... 120

Yes I caught that too, making it seem like well he's not doing anything every other dad wouldn't do.

I can assure Kate many men do not pay child support. Those who are out of work, those who are incarcerated, those who manage to fell the jurisdiction and avoid it. Those who pass away.

Many, many fathers don't step up to the plate.

Gosselin Gossip said... 121

so sick of her said...Hey, wasn't one of the JK8 episodes, showing Jon & Kate with a financial planner, figuring out their money and the kids schooling etc. It was before they moved to the mcmansion. Was it a financial planner or a lawyer?

Not on YouTube, but Netflix streaming.

It was the "Gosselins Go West" episode in Season 1 (starts at 6:50). They met with a lawyer to create a will, in the event something happens to them while they were traveling to California. Basically, Jon and Kate agreed that the kids would get 50% inheritance after graduating from college/50% at 30; or 100% at 30 (if no college).

Early into this episode is another moment of Jon doing all the work and Kate doing nothing. Instead of helping Jon load things into the van, she is constantly yapping at him. While Kate sits in the van doing nothing, Jon has to repeatedly go back into the house because she forgot 1. her purse, 2. sunglasses, 3. a drink for Jon. Jon comments that this is a common occurrence, for which Kate pleads she's got eight kids while laughing at the fact Jon does this for her over and over again.

Warmth Of The Sun said... 122

So much for the rumor that DWTS is nixing D-listers:

"Koncerning kasting kompontents kontingent to Dancing With The Stars: Kardashian sibling Rob is signing on to the dance competition. The...celebrity(?) may be joined by Los Angles Laker Ron Artest, who is in talks to sign on to the show. This announcement somewhat flies in the face of earlier news, which reported that Dancing With The Stars producers would be looking for higher profile talent to pad out the season. And high profile celeb Rob Kardashian is not."

Kit said... 123

Re the childrens' education expenses... I think I remember in the very early days of the show that K&J remarked that they were "blessed" with free (or greatly reduced) tuition for the childrens' private school. And when you think about it, K8 never ever mentions not having enough money for this tuition - she only mentions college.

It is even more egregious when you hear all the whining about her feeling the burden of providing for her children in light of this. I believe she uses the college tuition thing for two purposes: 1) to keep people from judging her negatively and 2) to troll for pity jobs (I think she really does know she is nothing without those children, with nothing to offer).

Teresa said... 124

@So sick of her.... I think that was a Lawyer, they were making plans about who gets the kids should they die. Planning a will l think. ~ Administrator said... 125

I wonder if the shoe were on the other foot, does Kate think she can afford huge child support payments to Jon? This from a woman who says she can't even afford gymnastics, I think the answer is no. So if she can't afford it why is she always bitching about Jon holding him to pay it?
Because he's the man?

Irony is, if and WHEN Jon gets these kids, I bet he won't even bother trying to get child support from Kate. She's not going to pay it anyway.

Tamara said... 126

E-town Neighbor said...

They most likely wouldn't all thrive in the same school. JMO
I cannot imagine the logistics of having eight kids in different schools, with different starting times, ending times, days off, vacation days, snow days.
I didn't say that each of the 8 kids should be in different schools. I didn't even mention Mady and Cara (whom definitely should stick with their current school). I've never liked the extreme travel involved to get the sextuplets to school. It is interesting that their school has had at least 5 years of dealing with Kate yet things still went south so fast with the tups. Also, if I recall correctly, not all of the 6 tested un-ready for Kindergarten. They are 6 very different temperaments, IQs, EQs, possible LDs, etc.

Did Collin and Alexis ever end up back in school? I haven't seen any of the episodes filmed after they were expelled, but it must be a hard thing for the other kids to deal with. 2 kids don't have to go to school, and spend everyday at home with Mommy. Jealousy? Feeling bad, afraid for C and A because they are home with Mommy Dearest everyday, no using school to escape.

Red Sky At Night said... 127

I think I remember in the very early days of the show that K&J remarked that they were "blessed" with free (or greatly reduced) tuition for the childrens' private school.


In the early days of the show, the tups weren't enrolled there. They went to a church pre-school.

Red Sky At Night said... 128

Jon has the kids this weekend. A member of Preesi's forum (Tam) wrote that Jon Twittered his kids are exhausted & sick...

Well, why wouldn't they be? They've just been dragged all over the country. I hope he's keeping good notes for his next date with the judge.

Pixie said... 129

I haven't seen any of the episodes filmed after they were expelled, but it must be a hard thing for the other kids to deal with. 2 kids don't have to go to school, and spend everyday at home with Mommy. Jealousy? Feeling bad, afraid for C and A because they are home with Mommy Dearest everyday, no using school to escape


Good point, Tamara. Kate can zipittydoodah about her life all she wants on Twitter, I'm sure there are vicious fights between those kids.

I'm sure to go to hell but I'm making popcorn and reserving a front row seat when they all turn 13. At once. hee

Kit said... 130

Red Sky said: In the early days of the show, the tups weren't enrolled there. They went to a church pre-school

yes, that is correct; however, they were referring to the upcoming time of enrollment of the sextuplets

Moose Mania said... 131

Kit said, "Yes, that is correct; however, they were referring to the upcoming time of enrollment of the sextuplets"


They didn't know at that time that the kids would be enrolled in the school, or even if they would be accepted. They certainly would not have been guaranteed discounted tuition years before they even applied. When Kate scribbled the amount of money she needed for the tuition at the time of divorce, the amount she wrote was the amount for full tuition times eight, not free tuition or tuition at discount.
I think I remember at one time that Jon said someone paid for the twins' first year of school, either in part or in full.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 132

That's just great that the poor kids are exhausted and sick just in time to finally see their father. The only good thing is that I am sure Jon and Ellen are more comforting to them when sick than Khate is.

By the way, I hate to give them hits, but I did go and check out that Radar article. First of all, Khate needs some real running clothes. I cannot even believe she has the balls to jog in that pink sports bra (or any sports bra). Those hideous gray shorts seem to be all she ever wears. Nice look there, Khate, with that loose, saggy flesh hanging over the sides of the waistband (except you don't have a waist). Shockingly, she hasn't been successful in grifting for some free liposuction. A good doctor can contour all that and give her a waist. But, what is up with her skin, even on her legs? My mom is 70ish (lol) and her skin is so much better, her legs so much more attractive.

Getting back to the photos, though, did you all see there are two pics where Khate seems to be knocking on the van to tell Jon something before he drives away? I can only imagine what she barked at him. Only eleven more years (if that) of dealing with her Jon, hang in there!

One more thing - if your kids are going away for the weekend with dad, WHY do you spend their last hour home, or 30 minutes or so, by going for a run??? At least that's what the article says, but who knows. She claims that she's between "babysitters", so did she leave the kids all alone? They also say at Radar that she came back, from the run, took her hair out of her ponytail, and met Jon by the van. But she's in flip flops in the driveway by the van. So, either she went for her run right before they left, or right after. Either way, she obviously wanted to be in her running clothes when Jon came. LOL, he probably took one look at that and wanted to scream thanks to God he is out of there, and couldn't drive away fast enough!

ncgirl said... 133

Somebody from Preesi's site posted this from It's from a press release about TLC shows

August 8; Mondays at 9pm thru September 12 - Season 2
Join Kate and her eight adorable kids on more fun adventures! The family heads across the country on the trip of a lifetime in an RV ... and Kate's driving! Kate and the twins visit the nation's capital and test out their baking skills. And there are some cute, new additions to the family that are yellow and fluffy. From exciting events at home to exploring faraway places, the Gosselin family is always having eight times the fun!

"Who is her manager, why do we never see that person?"

Kate called her Julie on Twitter. I think it's Julie Carson May. Her website is
She has other clients too. The only one I recognize is Bill Nye the Science Guy. IF you have a weak stomach, don't read Kate's biography on the site.

Permanent Name said... 134

Someone mentioned that RNs make about $80,000.....

RNs with a diploma don't make that much. There is a very strict scale that rewards education in nursing.

While graduates of 2 and 4 year college programs and 3 year hospital diploma programs can all sit for the state nursing boards (in MOST states) and receive a license as registered nurse, they are paid different salaries upon entering practice. Even when they have some years of experience, the BSNs always get more base pay.

I suppose if kart worked midnights (7PM to 7AM) she'd get a shift differential, and she could pick up extra shifts for overtime...

2 year and diploma nurses make less that 4 year bachelor degree nurses. The differce in pay scales varies by state.

kart has less than 5 years experience, several years ago, and does not have 4 year bachelors degree. She won't make $80,000 anywhere..........

I cannot see how she could raise those kids on a salary of $50-60,000 unless she sells the mansion/property, takes them out of private schools and goes back to a "normal" lifestyle.

Many/most hospital positions now also require 12 hour shifts. We can chuckle with certainty that 'ain't' gonna happen.

In fact, I am sure she could never return to a job where she has to work on a team and report to a boss. Her ego and NPD would crash that really quick. No one tells kart what to do!!!!

If she thinks she can keep her current lifestyle on nursing salary, she will be disappointed quickly.

Having said all that, I'm sure she'd never even CONSIDER returning to clinical nursing. EVER...

She's going to have to find some other way of making money.....

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 135

ncgirl, thanks for the info. So, August 8th to September 12, that's only six more Mondays. It's probably six shows, but it could be more if they do two half hour episodes some nights.

Interesting that it says it's still Season 2. I highly doubt there will be a Season 3.

boyson...aka Social Antithesis said... 136

Oh by the way did anyone catch her subtle slam at Jon. When asked if he pays child support she has to admit, yeah he does ....(remember this interview with Regis and Kelly where she tried to claim he wasn't paying support? but then she says but it's really nothing, it's a teeny tiny amount compared to what you think it is!!! Making it seem like Jon somehow is cheating the system paying less than what she really needs.

Not only that, she alludes that it's all on her shoulders as if there was something unfair about the custody arrangement.

What a bitch! (sorry admin but this woman is really whacked)

My parents divorced in 1968 and for the next 3 years, my dad made sporadic child support payments. Around 1971, he skipped town and never made a child support payment again. In 1980, he filed bankruptcy and had his back child support payments forgiven (something that would never happen today). My mom was the primary bread winner for the family (5 kids).

In all those years, We knew money was tight, but my mother NEVER...NEVER bad mouthed my dad. She NEVER took it out on us, NEVER made us work to support her lifestyle, in fact my mother put herself through night school and worked as a LVN.

We (kids) did odd jobs, but that money was for us. My moms philosophy was if you want it, work and pay for it yourself.

Whatever Kate's problem is with Jon, she needs to get over it and stop throwing him under the bus. She needs to learn selflessness, it's not about all about you, you, you.

Kate should be thankful that the kids at least have a relationship with their father and that Kate is receiving child support.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 137

From Twitter:

BrianCaseyRadio Brian Casey
Just talked w/Kate Gosselin of Kate Plus 8. She'll be LIVE with us next week. And now like Congress, I must try and balance my check book.
5 minutes ago

His Twitter page says:

Brian Casey
@BrianCaseyRadio Southern California
Brian Casey KOLA 99.9 FM Mornings

"Live with us next week" - does that mean on the telephone live, or is she being shipped to CA??

hey jude said... 138

I must respectfully disagree with some of what was posted re: nursing in Canada.In 1973, the nursing programs were taken out of all hospitals. You then had to take these programs at Institutes of Applied Arts&Sciences.

They were 2 yr. Diploma programs for RN/RPN's.You went to college classes and were unpaid students in hospitals during the week to do the practicum.You had to take and pass exams in both areas. Next, you wrote the provincial exams to get your registration to be able to join the nurses' associations and work.

S$%%**hite, there is way too much to explain rationally! lol..I know, because I worked since graduating in 1976 until last year.

There was also a 1yr. course to become a CNA,now called LPN's -licenced practical nurse's,who belong to their own assoc.,not part of RN/RPN's.

All I really wanted to say was, maybe in the states Kate took this Practical Nurse type course,as they would be called a nurse as opposed to a nurses's aide? I am in no way a Kate fan, but I do know all about the degrees of seperation in the nursing world!

I don't even want to get anyone started on the 4 yr. degree Nurses vs 2 yr!The wage figures seem low to me also, but I worked in the Prairies only.

Several years ago, I forget when ,they decided closed the Institutes and you had to take the 4 yr. Nursing degree at university.To me, nursing is about 'caring for patients'; I don't care about degrees or diplomas much.

Kate would be a horrible nurse and I wouldn't let her look after the 'Rescussi-Ann' practice dummy! Please Kate, don't even think about it....I'm sorry, but you are not a nurse.If you are, then shame on you and I am embarrassed for my profession and real nurses everywhere.

Sorry for this rant, with my luck the bat-shit blogger will eat it,anyway. ha ha, eh? I kinda sound like a know -it- all in places,sorry.....

Coincidence? I don't believe it said... 139

Troy Chula Vista said...

Ha Ha. kate DID get some national press (if you can call it that). She is on Radar Online in her pink sports bra and shorts, alledgedly "running" and staying in shape. What is funny is that all the sheeple must have abandoned Radar because there isn't one comment! She looks unhealthy and putting the words she spoke on that radio show with how she looks, KARMA is all I will say.


It's a given that the paps no longer follow Kate and that even her favorite pap of all time, Chris, has abandoned her. So, isn't it interesting that a pap just happened to catch Kate out on a run and we're supposed to believe they don't arrange these things?

It's almost impossible for that to happen without Kate or an agent scheduling this in advance. I know this has been discussed many times in the past and it's always been denied by Kate but I'd like her or her sheeple to explain how this all happened. Kate justreturned from a 2 week vacation, admitted prior to the trip on twitter that she isn't running much any more, the temps in Berks County have been in the 80's with humidity @ 60-70% and has been miserable, she's conveniently doing a bunch of radio interviews to promote herself this week, and she just so happens to be back on Radar Online again. That's too many coincidences for me to believe these photos were random, just way too many things that had to all fall into place at exactly the same time for me to believe a pap isn't called to take her pictures.

Barb Gilman said... 140

Remember how Kate blocked me on Twitter? Since her account is open and not private, it really doesn't matter. I can go to her Twitter page anytime to see her tweets. What really happens is SHE doesn't have my tweets in her timeline. So she will never see me tweeting to her.

So, I woke up this morning to several tweets from people giving me grief for being so mean to Kate and having no shame for that. One tweeter even gave me a Bible quote to read. She's from the website Imperfect Women.

Barb In Nebraska

gotyournumberKate said... 141

Admin said..."I can assure Kate many men do not pay child support"

My ex was self employed and could hide a huge portion of his income. He was court ordered to pay $500 per month for 3 children. There was not one month go by in the 14 years he paid it that I didn't have to call him and ask him where it was and when it would be coming because he was never on time. This you see was the last bit of control he had over me. I was so happy when I didn't have to call that jerk ever again. Another one of his tricks was to get so far behind just enough to keep himself out of jail and then go back to court and have most of the arrears erased. He would take receipts in showing what he had bought the kids. I'll never forget him bringing a receipt to court showing he bought my daughter a subscription to Sesame Street Magazine to have it taken off the arrears. He bought the kids luxuries like skis and BMX bikes and gear which I appreciated because I couldn't afford myself but I was scraping to pay the rent and put food on the table. I couldn't afford the good lawyers like he had and he always managed to save himself from paying what he really should have. I can remember sitting in the waiting room with my mother waiting to go into court for a child support hearing and he walked in with the Wall St. Journal and sat down and read it.

Anyway, sorry for the rant. It just really ticks me off how Kate making all the money she does using her kids has the nerve to bash Jon for not stepping up to the plate. These are his kids too that are supporting her extreme lifestyle. If the kids have to be used their earnings for her should be treated as marital earnings. She should freaking be paying him child support. I sure wish I would have lived in Berks County when I was going through my child support issues because Allegheny County sure didn't help me.

She's such a c word said... 142

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

From Twitter:

BrianCaseyRadio Brian Casey
Just talked w/Kate Gosselin of Kate Plus 8. She'll be LIVE with us next week. And now like Congress, I must try and balance my check book.
5 minutes ago

His Twitter page says:

Brian Casey
@BrianCaseyRadio Southern California
Brian Casey KOLA 99.9 FM Mornings

"Live with us next week" - does that mean on the telephone live, or is she being shipped to CA??
July 29, 2011 11:49 PM
She tweeted that she did 18-20 interviews yesterday and they will all be 'repeated next Monday the 8th'. I doubt she's heading to San Diego for a 5 minute radio interview. Remember, she couldn't meet up for lunch with a Tweetie because 'it takes the whole month of August to get ready for back to school'.

Do you get paid for radio interviews? said... 143

I live in a smaller city and the only time celebs are ever on our morning radio shows is when they are doing a show in town. I can't imagine our radio stations would be able to afford to pay them anything, but I could be wrong. Does Kate actually get paid for these radio interviews or are they all about publicity and keeping her name out there?

Gimme Gimme said... 144

So she was making them work at home when they were sick. That is so Khate. Making it sound all rosy, oh the twins wanted to make breakfast so I could sleep in and all 8 are working and helping me with the laundry, never once mentioning that they were beat down and sick with exhaustion. No wonder she wanted to pass the kids off to Jon because he always took care of them when they were sick. He has a day job, by necessity, because Khate in her infinite wisdom made it impossible for him to make money otherwise.

No Regrets said... 145

"Also, she said she can't be like the Duggars because of no hand me downs"

She also said that the older kids help with the younger kids, which they do. Practically raising them. HOWEVER she surely is not like the Duggars. They are DEBT FREE. Regardless what people think of the Duggars, they HAVE spent wisely. I do admire them for that. She can NEVER be like the Duggars in that respect.

No Regrets said... 146

"Sunshine said... Jon used to pay $1200. (yes, that's twelve-hundred) a month in child support. That's the most he EVER paid. He now pays less than one grand a month.

It's not that much money. Ask him, or Ellen, for that matter. He never paid the outrageous sums that were reported but enjoyed the rumors."

Jon nor Ellen discuss this. I suppose you are another "insider"? And YES right after the divorce settlement, ALL of the Jon's settlement went into an account that was paid back to Kate at 20K a month. His attorney said that. Jon has NEVER discussed his child support on Twitter, nor has Ellen.

No Regrets said... 147

For those jocks to call Jon a deadbeat is so ridiculous. Even MORE ridiculous is Kate not even defending him. Paying child support and seeing those kids on a regular basis is NOT DEADBEAT by any stretch of the imagination. Kate is despicable. This is the kids father. She is really pathetic. She doesn't give a fig if these kids hear this or not.

No Regrets said... 148

"If she thinks she can keep her current lifestyle on nursing salary, she will be disappointed quickly."

She said she couldn't make it on that salary as a nurse. It would be a "drop in the bucket" as she said. I thought, too, OF COURSE it will when you live above your means. MILLIONS of families make it on less. Without a reality show. She is just an insult to all the mothers and dads who have provided for their families. She is so sickening. Really sickening. I get so tired of her pity parties. Whoa is Kate. Sarah has help, but I don't (this week). Waaaboofreakinwaa LOL She is ridiculous.

JudyK I am with you, I am so sick of her lies. That is all she does is lie. ON TAPE no less. ugh

No Regrets said... 149

"MAYBE filming really is over? It was on last fall, with the kids back to school shopping filmed, and Halloween, and I can't remember what else. Oh, how I hope it is done!"

You are right, NO MENTION of Kate plus 8 AT ALL for the fall schedule. CAN WE HOPE? Maybe they will now pull out the tired ole Twisted Kate ?? lol

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 150

From Kate's "TWIT"ter:

@xxxxxxxx omg I just love as they get older, they enjoy helping in the kitchen! My girls prepare and serve (easy) meals now! Woo hoo! 35 minutes ago


Don't ya just love how the entire basis of her affection for her kids (or anyone else for that matter) is how well they help her?

Unbeknownst to everyone, she's really running a labor camp.

Stalag Gosselin.

Maggie said... 151

I have to disagree that Kate is "pissing away" her money and not funding for her children's college. Didn't TV guide last year post her salary at $250,000 per episode. I believe that. Keep in mind she has been earning huge bucks for the past 5 years now. Plus her money for her 3 books and her $500,000 for DWTS. Keep in mind she was given tons of appliances, furniture, trips. I truly believe Kate is a multi-millionaire. I think she easily has 5 million today.

She can't admit it---especially in this terrible economy-- because people would hate her all the more. Remember in Spring 2010, all the women on The View said that Kate NEEDED to work on DWTS to support her children.

And I love you Admin., but I have to disagree that her manicures, pedicures, tanning, and shoe shopping are blowing away her children's money. We know that TLC paid for her hair extensions and I wouldn't be surprised if TLC isn't still paying for her hair upkeep. I think TLC may even fund her tanning and manicures because of the show. Or maybe the salon is giving her a great rate cut because of the publicity she brings them. Kate is great at penny pinching and is stashing away the millions.

Even if her show was cancelled next year, I am sure TLC would still give her at least one annual update show until the kids are in college. That one show plus all the interest she earns on her millions would probably keep her in fine financial standing. Kate will always play the victim. And notice that in EVERY interview they ask her about Jon. It is getting very old but they don't have anything else to ask her.

But I have to comment on how boring she was on the radio. WOW! I mean is sad. She has little to no personality.

And I did see the episode rerun when she went to New York partying. It was on around 4am. Again she was so boring; Jamie stole the show. Kate was on the dance floor and literally stood there. She couldn't even pretend to move a little. She was a complete bore. She is not funny or even interesting in the least. And please, enough with the foot licking. I saw it and the guy's tongue barely touch the top of her foot for a moment. It was not foot licking by any means.

No Regrets said... 152

"I think TLC may even fund her tanning and manicures because of the show."

Maybe, maybe not, at the very least I would think things like this can be a write off on her taxes.

And the foot licking? Regardless how little he touched her foot, it was still disgusting. I won't stop talking about it. Not an image for a mommy of 8 who supposedly only does things "her kids will be proud of". Like posing in Playboy. Which she NEVER got an offer for. LOL

No Regrets said... 153

One thing that is SO obvious, her "advertising" for the show is now reduced to radio interviews. LOL No more jet setting to LA or NYC to appear on the shows. LOW BUDGET. Like her fabulous trips. ONE this summer? Only one? LOW BUDGET.

Like the infomercial. LOW BUDGET. The last frontier for "stars". ~ Administrator said... 154

I also don't think getting drunk all weekend and hitting up clubs talking to strange men is a good example for her children either. Would she want her kids doing that? I doubt it.

Anonymous said... 155

Hey Jude -- In the US, there are 3 ways to obtain an RN. The 4 year (actually, 4 1/2 - 5 year, depending upon the school)college program, which conveys a Bachelor of Science RN, a 2 year college progam which conveys an Associates degree RN, and the hospital Schools of Nursing, usually 2 1/2 to 3 years. The practicum and the Nursing courses are the same for all 3. The difference is in the additional academic work required to obtain the degree. These are courses unrelated to nursing, such as History, English, etc. Kate is a licensed Registered Nurse, who graduated from an accredited hospital school of nursing.


Jenna Does said... 156

E-Town said...
Easy for you to say...she's now over on Jenna's blog, masquerading as yours truly! :)
LOL. You are too funny!! They don't post much. Plus, it's moderated. It's OK. I knew the trolls would come over eventually. The delete button works GREAT! LOL
~Hippie Chick~

No Regrets said... 157

You know, TLC said that Jon was embarrassing to TLC and didn't uphold the "wholesome' brand of the show. (Ok he did act nutty) So what is the deal with the 'sexy' bikini shots and night club scenes? A bikini cover for People mag even. They are so hypocritical. The constant talk of her needing a man. You know all the questions on the radio shows are pre-approved. They normally are. BOTH asked about Dating and the show. TLC has become her pimp. I often wonder if they are trying to find her a hubby to get rid of her. LOL

No Regrets said... 158

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...I love, love you and your posts! BUT as one poster did say, these type of things do teach responsibility. I am against them working so much, as they do already. BUT if they can learn to be self sufficient, and learn some responsibilities, then I think that is very good for them. But you are right, her praise seems to relate to what they do for HER. Messages, fixing meals etc.

No Regrets said... 159

While there is nothing wrong with a mom who is not married, going out. But there are millions of things you can do without getting drunk and going "dancing" when you don't even dance. LOL I am still a bit surprised that the newly married Jaime thought the night clubbing with a bunch of strange men would be great for Kate to meet a man.

Jenna Does said... 160

Just to get this out there, one of the callers who called in AFTER Kate the Great LIAR, told the guys that Hugh Hefner said Kate Gosselin was NEVER offered a Playboy shoot & Kate lied. The guys ripped into her. So, she got busted.
~Hippie Chick~

Maggie said... 161

I agree that Kate should not be filiming in bars and then filmed the next morning talking about hangovers with a girl in her bed. It is a terrible example for her kids especially when the show is suppose to be about them. And not only is it a bad example for her kids but all children, pre-teens, and teens that watched that episode.

I was simply trying to point out that her foot was not being licked. I know alot of people didn't watch that episode but read about it. I just wanted all to know that what you read about her foot being licked was grossly overstated for ratings purposes. I am in agreement the entire episode was inappropriate: driven in a limo and having cocktails, filming in a bar, having her hair/make-up professsional done for a night out,talking about being picked-up, etc. It was totally wrong of TLC to produce it and for Kate to approve it. You can smell the desperation. ~ Administrator said... 162

Maggie said... I have to disagree that Kate is "pissing away" her money and not funding for her children's college.

Many of what people mistakenly call "freebies" are in fact income and taxable.

I do think it's entirely possible that Kate is making bank. Narcissists are often very stingy with money, stockpiling it away and hoarding it to an extreme degree. Like I said before, I think either way Kate comes out looking like a jerk. If she is indeed a millionaire, then she is LYING about her financial situation and crying poor to justify filming the crap out of these kids to the point they are sick and exhausted--downright disgusting. And if she is poor like she claims, she is the absolute worst at managing her money. It has been widely, widely reported she made $500,000 on Dancing With the Stars. Most families even big ones could live on that sum alone for YEARS. ~ Administrator said... 163

Maggie, what did you see? I saw a man bring up Kate's foot to his mouth and lick it. ~ Administrator said... 164

Getting drunk was all a big joke to Kate and Jamie. Blending margaritas before they left while the kids were crying and begging Kate not to leave, drinking at each and every destination they went to, Jamie laughingly asking Kate how drunk are you as they road home from the club???

Kate knew full well this was all being filmed and getting drunk was made to seem like one big joke.

Also, getting drunk and meeting strange men is not a good example either. You have no clue who they are and once a woman is drunk her guard/judgment might be down next thing you know something is slipped in her drink or she's gone home with some strange man. All around a bad, bad idea.

I don't see how you tell your kids don't drink and if you must please don't get drunk when you have that all on tape. What a hypocrite. ~ Administrator said... 165

Not to mention, teaching kids the place to look for a mate and good Daddy is in a trendy NYC nightclub?

Really, Kate?

Pam said... 166

Using Colin's photo in this manner is exploitation.

Jenna Does said... 167

Admin said...
Also, Kate CHOOSES to spend $2000 a month on groceries because she insists on all organic, has not done her research and thinks organic Cheetos are good for the kids.
I agree! I buy organic & non-organic. Um, no organic cheeze-doodles here! I buy organic fruit, veggies & since I'm not a meat-eater, I only buy what I have to for my son & husband. I hit the local farmer's market once a week & found this amazing coupon app on my phone. Not to mention the whole coupon thing anyway. What happened to coupon cutting w/ Kate?

It's true Kate makes very un-wise budget planning. $2000 a month on groceries? I know it's just 3 people in my house, but even if we did have 8 kids in our house, there is NO way I would be spending that much. I would probably forgo organic except for the fruits & veggies & meats. Jeez! Another DUH moment from Kate!
~Hippie Chick~

TLC stinks said... 168

Gotta say the days of me going over to Radar to check out the latest photos of Kate are over. Yawn. I agree with above poster that a photo op was set up. It obviously didn't come from Jon (no motive) but had to have been set up from Kate because of the need for publicity for the show Monday night. Just how dumb does TLC and Kate think people are? Does anyone with with brain cells think paps are interested in Kate Gosselin anymore?

And is she running alone? I mean, why have Steve, "the bodyguard", if she's so afraid of fans and nonfans. Proves that Steve is a handler.

So stand by for pics of her in NYC...the usual...maybe a stop by FAO Swartz, leaving the hair salon...but hopefully not appearing on TV shows. How pathetic she has become and how lame TLC is.

Carezee said... 169

Did anyone catch Kate grifting for either an overhaul of the big blue van or a new one? She just never stops does she. She throws things out there and hopes someone will feel sorry for her and give her more free stuff. Are we also to believe there are plumbers and others in town that feel so sorry for her or worse yet, think she is hot and are fixing things around her place for free?

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 170

No Regrets said...

I love, love you and your posts! BUT as one poster did say, these type of things do teach responsibility. I am against them working so much, as they do already. BUT if they can learn to be self sufficient, and learn some responsibilities, then I think that is very good for them. But you are right, her praise seems to relate to what they do for HER. Messages, fixing meals etc.


Ohhh, you're so sweet :o)

I agree with you that it's beneficial to teach children how to be responsible, and self sufficient. I did with my kids.


I think that "Kate the Task Master" (to her advantage) in a twisted way, takes it to a higher level than most people.

Have a great day :o)

Maggie said... 171

To be honest, I can't remember exactly how her foot was licked. I think she was sitting in a chair with her legs crossed and a man basically leaned over and quickly licked about an inch of the top of her foot. It was over in a nano second. All what I was trying to get across was some people may have thought that her entire foot was being licked and fondled. It wasn't. Don't beat me up...I agree it was wrong, disgusting, and gross. TLC could have very easily edited it out. And Kate stated that she previews all the episodes ahead of time. So Kate could have demanded that they take it out. I think she didn't because it was well talked out and it brought ratings.

When the kids are 18, I hope they have access to how much money they earned filming their entire lives. Because they are being paid (15%) and are part of the show, I hope TLC's financial records of ALL the earnings of "J&K Plus 8" & "Kate Plus 8" are open to them. I think they will be shocked at the many millions Kate has pocketed. Kate will have to answer to her kids for all her lies about being poor and having to film the crap out of them so she could support them. When in reality she continued to film the crap out of them because she want fame, fortune, and the easy life of not working.

Wait until the kids have total access to the internet and they google their parents and themselves. They will be shocked and maybe badly damaged when they realize millions of people know them and the majority have very negative feelings about their mother, and father. They will come to understand how their mother exploited them for millions. It will be really eye-opening for them. I hope they will have a lot of support at that time.

Tamara said... 172

Just because the show isn't listed in the fall lineup don't assume it's over. TLC will watch the ratingS and decide then. Last fall they were filming episodes on the fly, without much prior planning.

Robin said... 173

Regarding the Duggars and the older kids taking care of the younger ones - this is definitely true now, but even with that, Michelle Duggar is more hands-on, works harder, and is more nurturing than Kate could ever be. She also has spent the last year and a half being full-time with no breaks with the youngest child who was born prematurely. Even with that responsibility, she does more household and parenting tasks than Kate does.

And - she hasn't always *had* older children.....if you look at the birthdays of the oldest nine children, you will see that she has 9 children, including twin newborns and 3 toddlers, by the time her oldest was 10 3/4 (the Gosselin twins' age). And while her older children were probably already helping with the younger ones because that's how their family works, it's not like she had teenagers and young adults doing al of the work in the home for her. So the Duggars WIN!!! lol

(I just googled this quickly and found it...I'm not a freak who keeps track of the Duggar children ages lol)

1. Joshua James - 3/3/1988
2. Jana Marie - 1/12/1990
3. John-David - 1/12/1990
4. Jill Michelle - 5/17/1991
5. Jessa Lauren - 11/4/1992
6. Jinger Nichole - 12/21/1993
7. Joseph Garrett - 1/20/1995
8. Josiah Matthew - 8/28/1996
9. Joy-Anna - 10/28/1997
10. Jedidiah Robert - 12/30/1998
11. Jeremiah Robert - 12/30/1998

Anonymous said... 174

I'm posting this under anonymous because you all know & love me. (kidding about the love part!)

My brother was made to pay child support for my nephew. And he thought he was. He worked for my dad & my mom was supposed to be taking it out of his checks each & every week. Come to find out, my mother (UGH) was stealing my brother's child support money & spending it on herself & my child. My brother got arrested & my dad bailed him out. Needless to say, tensions run high between my bro & my mom. I JUST found out about this last year & didn't speak to my mom for a few months. Everything is just ok now, but my brother is still angry, & I don't blame him. My mom has narcissistic qualities I believe & she is very greedy about money. How she could do this to her son is beyond me. But she has done greedy things like this to us in the past concerning money. Thank you for letting me share.

Production asst. said... 175

Do you get paid for radio interviews? said...

I live in a smaller city and the only time celebs are ever on our morning radio shows is when they are doing a show in town. I can't imagine our radio stations would be able to afford to pay them anything, but I could be wrong. Does Kate actually get paid for these radio interviews or are they all about publicity and keeping her name out there?


Kate would not have been paid by the radio station for her interview. I suppose she could have had a deal with TLC or whomever (a waste of money IF they paid her since she did a horrible job of promoting the show) to be paid for doing interviews.

Does someone 'ever' get paid for a radio program? What's the saying; never say never? I can't say it's 'never' happened, but when someone does a radio interview (or even shows up at the studio for the show) it's to promote their show, book, movie, song and they're not paid by the station.
IF the celeb incurs expenses related to their appearance they can often write it off as a cost of doing business.
Movie stars many times have their appearance expenses paid by the studio, recording artists often have expenses covered by their label, etc.
Kate would not have been paid for her interview.

She's Nuts said... 176

Kate tweeted: @Prettybowes and we are so happy you joined us! I love to know that our smiles bring smiles to you and our struggles make u all feel normal!


What is this woman smoking? Makes us feel normal? No, filming the heck out of children makes us feel sad, outraged, hitting our heads against the wall because she can't see beyond her NPD and greed to see that these kids don't have a NORMAL childhood!
She has a lot of cahones talking about NORMAL!

She's Nuts said... 177

Can anyone interpret this:

@poorbabi such normal and amazing kids! Any1 who tries to help via Internet/media has ulterior motives. Period. (not mentioning any names..)


@poorbabi I think because they are afraid that a conversation w me may (gasp!) threaten to change their preconceived notions of me!

She has no clue, does she?

Those fingers are flying on her pink phone today!

Dallas Lady said... 178

Let's just sum up what's going on with Kate career-wise:

1. The ratings are and have been awful. The episodes that probably made the TLC bean counters cringe the hardest were the Australia and NZ episodes: they were incredibly expensive to produce and got absolutely abysmal ratings. Mark my words--they will never send her and her kids on such an expensive trip again. Even if they go to once a year specials, those are always filmed at home, because the purpose is to check in and see what's going on with the kids at that point in time.

2. They're airing the rest of the episodes from August 8-September 12. Her show isn't listed as returning for the rest of 2011. I highly doubt they'll film after now. I also highly doubt the show will return in 2012. She might negotiate some yearly update specials, but that's it. The average person doesn't even realize she and her kids are still on TV, nor do they care. Lack of interest is worse than hate.

3. She used to do publicity for herself/the show on TV talk shows. Now it's random radio stations. No one wants to see her.

4. I absolutely agree that the recent running/kid pick up pics were arranged by Kate. She just traveled all over the western U.S., people knew about it, and not one pap pic. Because no one cares. Apparently Radar Online is one of the few outlets that'll even pay a pap for pics of her anymore. They probably get them for a song, LOL.

5. Twitter is part of her attempts to drum up publicity for the show. It's not working and her ego gets in the way too much to effectively PR, but that's her
problem all the time.

What we're watching now is the end. The kids aren't getting any younger, she's a one-trick pony (how often can you watch someone act ugly to other people and screech?), and the ratings are the bottom line.

As far as her finances go, I only have two points to make: I think buying that money suck of a house was a mistake and unsustainable without the kind of income her KIDS have been making, and I'm not sure private school for 8 is sustainable, either.

By the way, whoever mentions how badly the skin on her legs looks, that's because of her nonstop tanning booth habit. Premature aging is a bitch. ~ Administrator said... 179

Kate doesn't really want to talk to someone who disagrees with her. When I tried Steve carted me away.

Carezee said... 180

Can I just add. A far as the picture of her "running", isn't that the fence in front of her house? So does she run up and down the street in front of her house waiting for the paid photog. to come take her picture? I really don't care how much she exercises or runs or whatever she does, she will regret what she has done to her skin. Does she like her leather sofa that much that she is hoping to have skin just like it?

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 181

Great comments, everyone! Dallas Lady, thanks for that nice summary! By the way, I'm the one who mentioned the skin on her legs, lol.


She's such a c word said...

She tweeted that she did 18-20 interviews yesterday and they will all be 'repeated next Monday the 8th'. I doubt she's heading to San Diego for a 5 minute radio interview. Remember, she couldn't meet up for lunch with a Tweetie because 'it takes the whole month of August to get ready for back to school'.

LOL, sorry, I didn't exactly word that the best way. Of course, I know that Khate wouldn't be going to CA for just a five minute radio interview. What I was wondering, and should have said in my post last night, is whether TLC might have her booked on some talk shows in CA next week to promote the new episodes and while she's there, she's doing some radio spots. I checked The Talk's website and they are going on hiatus for a while, (not sure how long). But, they have all new shows that they pre-taped these last few weeks.

So, we know she won't be promoting the show on The Talk. Plus The View goes on hiatus after next week, I think.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 182

Maggie said...

And I love you Admin., but I have to disagree that her manicures, pedicures, tanning, and shoe shopping are blowing away her children's money. We know that TLC paid for her hair extensions and I wouldn't be surprised if TLC isn't still paying for her hair upkeep. I think TLC may even fund her tanning and manicures because of the show. Or maybe the salon is giving her a great rate cut because of the publicity she brings them. Kate is great at penny pinching and is stashing away the millions.


I totally agree with you about Khate's maintenance, i.e., hair, nails, pedicures, tanning, probably even clothing. It's probably in TLC's budget for the show. Otherwise, there is no way that cheapo Khate would be spending the amount of money it takes to go into NYC to that salon for her hair. TLC has it regularly scheduled as part of her appearance for the show and any promotion she does (granted, there is less promotion, or maybe even none, on tv these days but that is only fairly recently).

She's such a c word said... 183

NLAN-I guess she could still visit Billy Bush and Mario Lopez (and her friends at ET). Those 2 still have their noses up her bum.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 184

Jenna Does said...
Just to get this out there, one of the callers who called in AFTER Kate the Great LIAR, told the guys that Hugh Hefner said Kate Gosselin was NEVER offered a Playboy shoot & Kate lied. The guys ripped into her. So, she got busted.
~Hippie Chick~


Ha ha, thanks for that info, Hippie Chick! I would have LOVED to have heard that!

No Regrets said... 185

I wonder if the Kate Gosselin hate blogs can be shut down because of new cyber-bullying & cyber-harassment laws coming down the pipeline?

Sorry HAD to share this. This is exactly why some of the fans have made alternative accounts to do their attacking on. Goody's new alter-ego is that 'SueBonnet'. EXACT word for word rants that goody has made over and over about Ellen and Jon. tsk tsk tsk Such nerve this one and others have.

Also check out LuvsBabes tweets. Kate anserwed him with a :) on one tweet that he has since deleted. Freakin pervert. I don't even want to post his disgusting mess.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 186

Prettybowes Amber Bowes
@Kateplusmy8 @poorbabi @MiloandJack all Kates books r amazing! She should be proud!
1 hour ago

@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@Prettybowes @poorbabi @MiloandJack I LOOVE to write!!!!
1 hour ago


She also keeps re-tweeting any time a sheeple says they love one of her books.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 187

From Twitter - looks like the twins are with her in NYC today (probably filming):

korinreid Korin Reid
Kate Gosselin minus John (obviously) plus 2/8 kids & a mystery man sat two rows ahead of me on my flight this morning
13 minutes ago


Um, shouldn't they be seeing their FATHER? It's been quite a while! Of course, the "mystery man" is Steve.

If the twins are with her, they MUST be filming. Khate NEVER takes the kids anywhere unless it's on TLC's dime and she's being paid to film it!

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 188

Oh, wait a second! I assumed that was a flight to NYC, but checking that woman's Twitter page, she says she just arrived back home in ATLANTA.

Is that where the hair conference is, that she tweeted about with her hair stylist, Jason, the other day? Remember, she said she'd love to go. Admin was right, this is her "speaking engagement". She used Twitter to grift a job from the hair stylist, lol.

Mom In Lancaster County said... 189

I absolutely agree that the recent running/kid pick up pics were arranged by Kate


There's no way on God's green earth that she was running yesterday. The heat was unbearable - in the 90s with 75 percent humidity. She couldn't run two blocks in that. I bet those photos were staged. She'd be sweating like a greased pig if she truly was running.

Mom In Lancaster County said... 190

She also keeps re-tweeting any time a sheeple says they love one of her books.


Well, yeah, the sheeple can afford them now that they are two for a buck at the dollar store!

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 191

A couple of days ago, when hair stylist told her on Twitter that he wouldn't be in the salon in NYC today to do her hair because of the hair conference, Khate tweeted that she'd love to go it. Her tweet was repeated by the hair company. So I guess they set it up for her to go there today:

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin - RT by INOAUS
@INOAUS ohhh I'd love to be there! Sounds fun! And I sooo love INOA! Love love love!
27 Jul


Oh my, how far she has fallen!

Of this I am sure said... 192

No Regrets said...

I wonder if the Kate Gosselin hate blogs can be shut down because of new cyber-bullying & cyber-harassment laws coming down the pipeline?

Sorry HAD to share this. This is exactly why some of the fans have made alternative accounts to do their attacking on. Goody's new alter-ego is that 'SueBonnet'. EXACT word for word rants that goody has made over and over about Ellen and Jon. tsk tsk tsk Such nerve this one and others have.

Suebonnet and MsGoody2Shoes ARE NOT the same sheeple. Trust me. ~ Administrator said... 193

I don't get the desire to be on the road so much. Doesn't it get exhausting, don't you miss your own bed??

No Regrets said... 194

Of this I am sure said.. They say exactly the same things. The exact same MO. Not sure how you know for certain. But I would bet money on it IS her alter ego. LOL However...

I just find it absolutely hypocritical that these people keep talking about cyber bullying when they do it constantly. Barbara in NB you were bullied too, simply by making a comment about SPELLING to Kate. They don't get that?

When She Played Her Charade said... 195

Suebonnet and MsGoody2Shoes ARE NOT the same sheeple. Trust me.


Methinks someone who left here has returned!

No Regrets said... 196

"Administrator said...I don't get the desire to be on the road so much. Doesn't it get exhausting, don't you miss your own bed??"

Didn't Kate herself say on Regis that time that the kids wanted to be in THEIR beds, playing with THEIR toys. Oh wait, that was to DISS JON. Of course traveling half way around the world is different. LOLOL

Laura D. said... 197

Yeah, my husband travels a lot for business and he loves nothing more than being home. He doesn't even like to go out to eat because it reminds him of work!

On another note, I just had to share this with you all. I was cleaning under my daughter's bed today (she's away for the weekend) and I found a pic of her at age 2 (she's now 12) sitting on the toilet. Her cute curly hair and her huge smile, so proud of herself for reaching this important milestone. OK, here's the catch: the pic was ripped into 7 count 'em 7 pieces! My first reaction was to take it downstairs and tape it back together but on second thought I decided I will take it to the office on Monday and shred it. Poor little girl. Imagine her shock at finding what I considered an adorable, harmless photo in the family album! What if one of her friends saw it, or worse a few years from now - a boyfriend!!

Oh, that poor dear sweet boy you have pictured up top, Admin. How will he be feeling when he is 12?

Mary said... 198

After they had separated we saw photos of Jon out with other women. I don't remember any photos showing any disgusting behavior - just him being out in public. He was blasted for this and still is.

Then we have Kate. She is filmed partying, joking about being drunk and of course the foot licking scene. Apparently, it is OK for her to act like this and what is even worse she is getting paid to do it.

Also, I wonder if when they film just Kate without the children do they still get their 15%? They should since without them she wouldn't even be on TV.

Of this I am sure said... 199

When She Played Her Charade said...

Suebonnet and MsGoody2Shoes ARE NOT the same sheeple. Trust me.


Methinks someone who left here has returned!
July 30, 2011 11:50 AM
Uh, no. I'm not a regular poster, but have posted here many times under names suitable for the situation.
No Regrets said...

Of this I am sure said.. They say exactly the same things. The exact same MO. Not sure how you know for certain. But I would bet money on it IS her alter ego. LOL However...

I just find it absolutely hypocritical that these people keep talking about cyber bullying when they do it constantly. Barbara in NB you were bullied too, simply by making a comment about SPELLING to Kate. They don't get that?
July 30, 2011 11:49 AM
2 different people, 2 different ages, 2 different names, 2 different cities. RWA has given MsGoody's name before. Again, they are not the same person. ~ Administrator said... 200

Mady called her a beautiful wreck? Lol that's a good one Mady!

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