In yet another interview bashing the children's father [Kate should know about Judge Diane Gibbons from Bucks County, PA, who recently ruled that
a father bashing his children's mother on his personal blog was "abusive" to his children--(thank you, Your Honor)], Kate claims that the kids are clammoring for her to get married:
Said Kate, “Obviously the kids miss their dad living here but they are at the point now they are smashing their fists on the table saying ‘we want you to get married. We need a daddy that lives here. But, I say ‘you have your daddy.’”
And Kate also claims that even during the marriage, she shouldered most of the household burdens:
"I felt like I have really always taken charge of everything around the house. Schedule and organization and work. It’s a lot to handle for one person.”
Kate took charge of the work? Funny, that's not how we remember it:
Babies and Bedrooms |
Babies and Bedrooms |
Garage Makeover |
Winter Preparation | | |
Carpeting the House |
Backyard Campout |
Trip to the Vet |
And as for Kate, what was she doing?
Carpeting the House |
447 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 447 Newer› Newest»Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@LEIGHSHAHAN1 If so, I'd b dead by now!wait til u c me in upcoming eps!I promise you'll die w amazement@my ability 2 'rough it' when nec!
Uh-oh. Plan funerals for the sheeple. The flock will be dropping like barn flies with amazement at this amazingish awesome Me, Me, Me, I, I, I supermom.
Love yourself much, Kate?
You can bet your bottom dollar though she'll be all smiles and laughs on Saturday when she's back in the spotlight at her hair salon. She makes me sick
How can she go to New York? She's exhausted!
Ah, yes she is exhausted now, but after Mady and Cara give her that back massage, she will sleep like a baby and have all kinds of energy to get fancied up for her trip to NYC.
Hey, Admin! I just noticed that this new format has spellcheck feature! What a bonus. Now we have no excuse for sloppy spelling on this blog! Good job! Is there also an alert for those times when I mess up syntax or tenses? Please? ;-)
Spell check? Not on mine. This blog hasn't changed at all on my pc. It is just Canada?
@kateplusmy8 Kate, why don't you take your kids for a daytrip to President Buchanan's home in Lancaster PA? Give them some local history
Why would she drive from Wernersville to Lancaster when Wheatland (Buchanan's home) is only a minute from school and is included in field trips?
I'd rather see her take the kids on a tour of an Amish farm and experience some history and culture of this group of people. It's something that really isn't taught in school as much as it should be. Or, the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire is gearing up and is fun for kids of all ages, as well as educational. It would be something they've haven't seen before.
Unless there is filming involved, though, would she really go?
Good grief, admin., I just noticed that in one day, there are more comments/posts here than another blog has gotten in 27 days. Lots of traffic here!
Fun stuff, and interesting discussions!
Well, that Twatter Gosselin has no men, that is for sure. Who could possibly want that thing, even for one minute? Go Jon....Twatter ex wifie is home alone in the mansion FOREVER...
Sorry, it is how I feel about that so called Mother. Horrible Mother.
RT @Truth_Teller201 RT @busboysandpoets @Kateplusmy8 digs r spot!She was here last mo dining/filming!Expect 2 c us on an upcoming ep:) YES! 59 minutes ago
Would anybody care to translate this one?
I was confused by this tweet at first. But I googled, and Busboys and Poets is a restaurant in DC. Isn't that where the cupcake episode will be?
Here's a tip for Kate. Continuing to bash your ex two years after your breakup, lie about him, make it so public, and basically make this breakup look like the breakup from NOT attractive to a future mate. No man wants to go through a psycho breakup. Men are not like how some women are, they don't usually like that kind of drama. They want to know that if they have to, they can cut ties cleanly and get out. A man is not reassured by the idea that he might be getting into a relationship that could never come to a peaceful end. Naturally most people want a relationship to work, but men want to know they won't be trapped in it too.
If she throws Jon under the bus, she'll do the same....exact....thing to her next relationship, if it ends. She will never get a man this way, ever.
E-town Neighbor said...
Good grief, admin., I just noticed that in one day, there are more comments/posts here than another blog has gotten in 27 days. Lots of traffic here! Fun stuff, and interesting discussions!
That's very flattering! I should really thank all of you. Excluding the very few trolls, most of whom I've trapped and released back into the wild far far away from here, you all are so intelligent and interesting and have helped make this blog really fun. I never, ever expected it would turn into this kind of daily, busy forum.
Also, I want to say of those who have been open to sharing personal things, like about parenting and relationships and your family values (for example, reading a book with your kid and how much that means to you as opposed to spending a ton of money on whatever), you all sound like really grounded people too with values I really respect. With the shocking group of people out there who seem to value the garbage Kate values, it is so reassuring to know that doesn't seem to be the case for most.
So, thank you.
I was checking the comments on the article above and I was floored by this one....
"8 kids is a lot to handle and will present a challenge to date. Maybe Kate will meet someone who already has kids. That would make finding someone at least possible. I watch and love the show. The children always seem happy and excited about doing almost anything. I think Kate and Jon have done a good job to create a private, and as much as they can a normal life for the children. Unfortunately the social life of most parents is put on hold to protect the children. I wish them both much luck! "
Are you serious??? They have done a good job creating a private and normal life for these children??? Every private and embarrassing moment of their life has been filmed and put out there for the world to see and this is a private and normal life. I am sorry this just boggles my mind.
Uh, huh, this is how Collin feels about his privacy.
Mary said...
In the real world parents are working hard every week to support the family. They may get a week off for vacation. At the end of the week they come home and it's right back to work. They don't get another week off to catch up with laundry housework etc. They just have to do it after they get home from work.
When Kate comes back from vacation she has all the time in the world to do laundry etc. and then she hands the kids off to Jon and gets to go to New York for some pampering.
Unbelievable that she has the nerve to complain she is exhausted.
Excellent point! Yes, she has all week to sleep in, take it easy and catch up on laundry. Big deal, she has a lot of laundry, she has all day every day this week to do it.
By the way, while complaining for the millionth time about her laundry, she even took a pic tonight and tweeted it:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin A sneak peak of my laundry war's only the half of it! Ugh! Should be a law against dirty laundry!
2 hours ago
And, she said the kids are helping her:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@katelynndorsa All 8 have worked like crazy for two days straight! No complaints and many rewards from mom! So proud!
2 hours ago
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@jparker521 I've never lagged or felt overwhelmed w laundry bc I'm sooo on top of it. 1st time I feel defeated bc of nature of trip&amount!
2 hours ago
Also, isn't it funny how she never mentions grocery shopping? After two weeks gone, most of us have to hit the grocery store ASAP. Ha, we all know that someone is at her house the entire time, feeding the dog, the chickens, taking care of the pool, the lawn, etc. AND making sure the house and frig are fully stocked with food for when they return home. If Khate wanted to pretend she has no help, she would have mentioned that she had to run out to the grocery store first thing in the morning on their first day back home. Khate, you're caught in yet another lie!
Also, to add to my last (long) post, I was thinking about one more thing she doesn't have to do. Lots of women in their 30's and 40's are the "sandwich generation". While caring for their kids, they also find themselves beginning to take on responsibilities for their aging parents such as taking them to doctor appointments, medical procedures, maybe grocery shopping for them, running errands, etc. That's just one less thing Khate doesn't have to worry about, or spend time and energy on. While I'm at it, she doesn't appear to have any family obligations. So many of us are constantly shopping for gifts and going to birthday parties, graduations, showers, etc. Nope, not Khate. She just spends her weekends on TWITTER!
Westcoastet said...
RT @Truth_Teller201 RT @busboysandpoets @Kateplusmy8 digs r spot!She was here last mo dining/filming!Expect 2 c us on an upcoming ep:) YES! 59 minutes ago
Would anybody care to translate this one?
ncgirl said...
I was confused by this tweet at first. But I googled, and Busboys and Poets is a restaurant in DC. Isn't that where the cupcake episode will be?
Yes, I saw that on Twitter also. I just clicked on their Twitter name and saw it's a restaurant (and bookstore) with two locations in DC, one in Arlington, VA, and one in Hyattsville, MD.
To decipher the tweet: First Busboys and Poets tweeted that K+8 recently filmed there. Then a sheeple (Truth-Teller) re-tweeted (RT)that tweet. Khate saw it and re-tweeted her sheeple's re-tweet. Complicated? Yes, that's why most people don't re-tweet re-tweets!
50 loads of laundry would take a week to do. What are they doing, changing from their breakfast outfits to their school outfits to their play outfits to dinner outfits? There is no reason there should be FIFTY loads for a two week trip even if you had 20 kids. Also, most people on a trip this long bring along enough clothes for several days with the intention to wash the clothes. Many hotels and RV campgrounds have laundry facilities. You do laundry as you go and make your return trip much easier.
The pic of the laundry on the floor looks no different than our laundry after a trip--looks more like three to four loads, not 50. With two washers, you could have it all taken care of in one afternoon and still have time to tweet.
Two words for her: DRAMA QUEEN.
gotyournumberKate said...
I mean Kate is REALLY pissed that she has no help. You can see that in her Tweets.
FFS, the kids are 7 and almost 11 - does she even NEED help any more??? And if it's sooooo hard for her to go on vacations without help, then the solution is simple: STAY AT HOME!
She should have done what NORMAL people do and done her travel bucket list BEFORE having children.
Any other Canucks here who don't have the same little benefits Fidomommy has, i.e spellcheck? I'm using a Dell laptop, so is it just me?
Did you all see this:
tayybergin Taylor Bergin
@Kateplusmy8 do you have any pictures of your kids with Taylor Swift?? :)
3 hours ago
Kate Gosselin
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@tayybergin Yes. And we've met her numerous times before. Was only my boys first time meeting her..
6 hours ago
plus8fan gosselinkids
@Kateplusmy8 we would love having at least one picture of the kids at the taylor swift concert. please?
3 hours ago
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@plus8fan Aww can't, sorry! :(
3 hours ago
I know that first tweet was mentioned here earlier today. Notice how that first tweet simply asks Khate if she has any pics of the kids with Taylor Swift. Khate replies yes, but just has to add how they've met Taylor numerous times before (except for the boys). LOL, that wasn't the question, Khate.
So, now tonight, a sheeple asked her to post just one photo and Khate replied that she couldn't, with a frowny face. Hmm, WHY? We know she would LOVE to show off the photo. Plus, I doubt that Taylor Swift or her manager/publicist, etc. could prevent that because people (celebs, and I'm not calling Khate a celeb)constantly tweet photos of themselves with other celebs.
So, I think this is a GOOD sign, everyone! That tweet response by Khate makes me think that Jon has a court order preventing her from tweeting pics of the kids! Good!! Now, if only he could get the judge to order Khate to shut the hell up on Twitter and stop discussing her kids or bashing their father!
I think Khate would really love to have a photo out there of her and the kids with Taylor Swift. It shows you how little pull she has anymore, or how little TLC cares, or they would have had a photographer back there (as is often done in back stage meetings), so they could use the photo for p.r. in the magazines.
Teresa - I haven't seen spell check suddenly pop up here on the blog. But, I use Firefox as a browser, and I have spell check built in when I type in comment boxes (love it, it's great because it picks up all my typos!).
Khate was trolling and flirting with two or three guys tonight. This 34 year old in PA seems to have really piqued her curiosity. She really is an immature nutcase. I'd love to see how she's going to handle the twins being on the internet in the not so distant future, and tell them about internet safety when they will be able to see how reckless she is:
DaveGuinup Dave Guinup
I wish Jon would realize how lucky he was. Not only for 8 wonderful kids, but his beautiful, intelligent ex @kateplusmy8. Id take her out.
4 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@DaveGuinup Awwww...
4 hours ago
DaveGuinup Dave Guinup
@kateplusmy8 so, when's our 1st date? :)
1 hour ago
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@DaveGuinup I don't know a thing about you...
12 minutes ago
DaveGuinup Dave Guinup
@Kateplusmy8 want to learn :D
3 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@DaveGuinup Shoot...
3 hours ago via Twitterrific
DaveGuinup Dave Guinup
@Kateplusmy8 im 34 years old, I own a home in Chadds Ford pa. I work for DuPont. Also im an artist, wood worker, and I live life w/o regret
3 hours ago
50 loads of laundry would take a week to do. What are they doing, changing from their breakfast outfits to their school outfits to their play outfits to dinner outfits?
Kate said tonight in a tweet that she usually does two loads per day. They were gone 12 days. I think her math needs tweaking.
Has anyone seen her exchange with @DaveGuinup on Twitter? Her last tweet to him made me laugh because it's SUCH a classic narcissist thing to say! He asks when their first date is and she says "I don't know a thing about you..."
So then he says "want to learn?"
And she says, "Shoot..."
She assumed he meant he wanted to find out things about HER. IT'S ALWAYS ABOUT HER! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh she's so sad and clueless. He was offering to tell her things about HIMSELF.
I also want to point out she said she's "between babysitters." Exact quote. That means the first one is gone.
And WOW how much longer is she going to bitch about laundry? You'd think someone was peeling off all her toenails with a pair of pliers or running hot piano wire through her eyeballs the way she kvetches on and on and on for hours about LAUNDRY. It's pretty obvious she's not used to having to do this.
Oooo just thought of something: her having no help right now would fit right in with that trip being a TLC farewell thing. End of the trip, end of the filming, end of the paid help and paid "friends" (I've never been convinced Steve was anything more than a handler). And she was denied when she tried to dump the kids on Jon in the middle of the week (and he was right to say no to that, too).
TLC will air the remaining eps, it'll take until about October to air them (they won't be on every week), and that's it, watch. She'll be cut loose. TLC can get out of their contract with her anytime. There's no point in more taping, ratings are consistently down and her time is up. This was a farewell trip, for sure.
LuvsBabes Chris Parker
@Kateplusmy8 Hi Kate. I really like you and pull for you often. You are very pretty and I love pictures of yourself.
3 hours ago
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@LuvsBabes :)
3 hours ago
LuvsBabes Chris Parker
@Kateplusmy8 Thanks for the reply. Watching your beautiful self on youtube right now, Proud of you and glad to be a fan/admirer of you.
3 hours ago
That guy has a brand new Twitter account and those are his only two tweets. His Twitter bio says:
Chris Parker
@LuvsBabes North Carolina, USA
35/m/NC, virgin.
He has no followers and he follows three other people in addition to Khate. Two are "models" and one is in "the adult entertainment world."
Hmmm, I actually have a feeling that this sudden interest in Khate from several different men on Twitter might be dummy accounts (TLC?) trying to stir up interest in Khate for the next thing they're cooking up (See Dumbass Khate Date).
Her math sure does need tweaking, oh yes it does ;). I would just say she was being dramatic as usual but she added, NOT EXAGGERATING. In other words she was saying no it really was 50 loads. Wtf, clearly it's a lie....but why???? Is she doing the crew's load now too?
How is it humanely possible to do 50 loads of laundry in just a few days with just two washing machines? I'm not even counting dry time, the average wash cycle is a good 50 minutes. There's only about 16 waking hours. It would take a minimum 41 hours to do 50 loads if they each took 50 minutes, divided by two it's more than 20 hours. It doesn't add up, Kate.
Is she just batshit crazy, is that all? I'm over-thinking this aren't I.
Did he say he was a 35 year old virgin? What is this, are the tweeple sacrificing their virgins to Kate now?
OK Kate we get it that you are tired. But you are so much more upbeat when you are being filmed. Have the kids turn a camera on you and you can manage to get throught the day. Shouldn't be hard since your day starts so late. And you get 2 of your kids to massage you at the end of the day. What a racket. It would sound sweet if it wasn't you. But maybe the girls like the opportunity to push down on you real hard and maybe slap your back a little. She'd have her face stuck in a pillow so her yelling would be muffled. Go to it kids.
And I think even two loads of laundry for eight kids is a lot......I figure a week's worth of clothes for one adult is about one load of laundry at the end of the week. Seems to me most small families do a few loads on the weekend and are good to go. So, eight kids, about one load a day. Not double that. And why doesn't she just do laundry one or two days a week and get it all done rather than constantly doing laundry every single day dragging the process out so painfully? Different when they were babies but they are so self-sufficient now and shouldn't be running through clothes like that.
Again, it's not like they are babies spitting up on everything. They also have tons of clothes. The whole thing does have an air of eight kids are soooo much more difficult than anyone else's family situation in any possible way.
Hippie chick,hi. I Iove your posts, you make the bad days better!
Kate doesn't want Jon, she doesn't want anyone else to have him either, which is why she tries to control his every move.She will probably try and get a ring or get married, just to one-up him so she can show him she's the boss of him still.
She has no romantic feelings, just needs someone to order around and do everything, like when they were married.She is still so pissed that Jon was liked better than her on their show.
She should quit, because she has 5 daughters and the boys and men they like and marry are the ones most like their dad. She will hate every one of their dates!!I have 3 grown girls and her fun is just about to begin!
The really sad thing is that the boys will look for girls that are like their mother..
Oh Judas priest - now I have freaked myself out!
She's making her twins give her a back massage????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just when I think she can't stoop any lower, she DOES!
no mention of the pool .thats were the kids should be not sorting the laundry or giving their mother a massage
Dallas Lady said...
Has anyone seen her exchange with @DaveGuinup on Twitter? Her last tweet to him made me laugh because it's SUCH a classic narcissist thing to say! He asks when their first date is and she says "I don't know a thing about you..."
So then he says "want to learn?"
And she says, "Shoot..."
She assumed he meant he wanted to find out things about HER. IT'S ALWAYS ABOUT HER! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh she's so sad and clueless. He was offering to tell her things about HIMSELF.
Ha ha, good catch! I posted that whole little exchange earlier, but Blogger keeps eating my posts.
Khate was trolling and flirting with two or three guys tonight on Twitter, but this one really seems to have piqued her interest. She really is immature and nuts. I'd love to see how she's going to handle internet safety when the twins are online in the not too distant future. They'll be able to see just how reckless she is:
DaveGuinup Dave Guinup
I wish Jon would realize how lucky he was. Not only for 8 wonderful kids, but his beautiful, intelligent ex @kateplusmy8. Id take her out.
4 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@DaveGuinup Awwww...
4 hours ago
DaveGuinup Dave Guinup
@kateplusmy8 so, when's our 1st date? :)
1 hour ago
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@DaveGuinup I don't know a thing about you...
12 minutes ago
DaveGuinup Dave Guinup
@Kateplusmy8 want to learn :D
3 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@DaveGuinup Shoot...
3 hours ago via Twitterrific
DaveGuinup Dave Guinup
@Kateplusmy8 im 34 years old, I own a home in Chadds Ford pa. I work for DuPont. Also im an artist, wood worker, and I live life w/o regret
3 hours ago
Nobody Likes a Narcissist.
Thanks a lot. I might try that :)
"Hmmm, I actually have a feeling that this sudden interest in Khate from several different men on Twitter might be dummy accounts (TLC?) trying to stir up interest in Khate"
I've looked up a few of them, and they actually are "real" people. The twitterers are arguing over this one guy who claims to be 41 years old because Kate says she wants a guy over 40. They say he's really just a kid, but there are places on the internet where you can find out an age if you know the name and location, and lo and behold, he's 41. Surprise, surprise.
Anonymous said...
"Well, that Twatter Gosselin has no men, that is for sure...Sorry, it is how I feel about that so called Mother. Horrible Mother.
Oh, yes, she is! :)
Ha, that Chris Parker guy deleted his two tweets tonight, and he changed his bio to add that he's a pervert:
Chris Parker
@LuvsBabes North Carolina, USA
35/m/NC, virgin. Don't accept tweets from me as I am a pervert most of the time.
Someone's playing games!
Hi Teresa,
I am a Canuck and I don't have spell-check, nothing looks any different than before.
Also, my last 2 posts went somewhere else to-night.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha- am I just over-thinking this?No, I think it's time for bed! You're obsessing over Kate's laundry piles- of course she is just bat- shit crazy. It's not you, it's her!
OMG, that was funny.Thanks for the belly laugh!
This is my 3rd post to-night- if it doesn't go through,I am giving up. Do you think I'm a troll? ha ha, going to bed now........
Admin. I just figured out why there is so much laundry on the floor! Kate told the staff left at home to gather up all the too small clothes, while they were on their trip.
The help left the clothes in the laundry room and Kate threw them all on the floor.This was done to make it look like she had so much laundry to talk about to the tweeple-twatters!
Now the nannies or staff will have to sort it out again, so Kate can sell the small clothes.
Holy mother of mustard- Kate makes it sound like she had to haul the water, heat it,make soap, scrub the clothes on a board and hang it outside to dry on the clothesline!
Admin wrote:
"Is she just batshit crazy, is that all? I'm over-thinking this aren't I."
The short answer is yes :) The longer answer is that although everyone seems to focus on the fact that Kate is a narcissist, the psychopathology that I think is more relevant is that she's a SOCIOPATH. So all the analyzing we do of her behavior is really irrelevant. Why does Kate do this or that when a normal person would not? *Because she's a sociopath!*
On a very early episode, Kate was asking one of the little kids (who was maybe 2 years old at the time?) to RUB HER (Kate's) FEET. She just tweeted about the "big girls" offering her a massage. She *expects* these kids to pamper and take care of her and acts like it's normal and something to be proud of rather than being the one to pamper and take care of her kids. So why is it any surprise to anyone that she expects her kids to also to earn her living for her?
I recently saw the movie made about Diane Downs (psychopath/narcissist who tried to kill her kids). The similarities between her and Kate's personalities, demeanors, and even speech patterns were striking and remarkable. Seeing that movie really put a different framework on my view of Kate. There's no point in asking why Kate does anything or expecting her to change. She's a psychopath, period.
Again Admin,
The 50 loads is yet another exaggeration to fuel the IMAGE she needs to portray, the over-worked single mom who does EVERYTHING. Even when she's called on it, she INSISTS it's true!
The most mondane tasks have to be over-inflated, made to be these GREAT achievements.
All of US see it as bold-faced lie, SHE thinks everyone else is blind. Can you imagine LIVING with that kind of person who has such a thought process?? Jon got out, those kids WILL be in therapy, no doubt about, YES THEY WILL!!!
The posts that Kate is lying are so correct. We have all returned from trips and of course you have to hit the grocery store ASAP. Obviously there was someone at the house to load up the fridge and take care of the dog. As far as all that laundry, you can bet the "invisible" nanny/housekeeper is "doing it all". Boy, oh boy, I would love to come back from vacation with a stocked fridge and someone to do my laundry. It has always amazed me that she is seldom seen loading up all those groceries she supposedly buys except if it's a photo op. Someone is doing the food shopping, and it ain't Kate. Oh well, now I suspect Radar will run a picture of her grocery shopping. I should keep my mouth shut but I can't stand her lying. This is what really gets me going about her....the lying. It's all on tape how lazy she is.
Just a quick thought before I leave for work. It's probably already been mentioned but I think it's worth repeating. If the conditions on this last trip were as miserable as Kate complains they were imagine how miserable the children had to have been. We all know when Kate's not happy NO ONE is happy. She makes sure of that.
Have a good day everyone. Today's my last day of work this week and then I get my granddaughters for a long weekend. Yippee!
Also, to add to my last (long) post, I was thinking about one more thing she doesn't have to do. Lots of women in their 30's and 40's are the "sandwich generation". While caring for their kids, they also find themselves beginning to take on responsibilities for their aging parents such as taking them to doctor appointments, medical procedures, maybe grocery shopping for them, running errands, etc. That's just one less thing Khate doesn't have to worry about, or spend time and energy on. While I'm at it, she doesn't appear to have any family obligations. So many of us are constantly shopping for gifts and going to birthday parties, graduations, showers, etc. Nope, not Khate. She just spends her weekends on TWITTER!
Right on, Narcissist! What will happen when her parents are elderly? How about all of her nieces and nephews when they're birthday comes along, or they graduate or make some other milestone? Will she continue to act like they don't exsist?
DH and I were sympathizing with my SIL who has 3 young boys and is traveling between NJ and RI, where her father is so she can help take him to all of his doctor appts and treatments for (really bleak) cancer. SIL and her siblings are all rotating turns up in RI, pitching in despite very busy and full lives.
I, too, was by my own mom's side for 2 months while she struggled in the hospital after heart surgery. DH and I sacrificed to make it happen, but that's where I had to be.
I just can get over the bitching Kate has done. She has all day, several days in fact, to get things done. Then, she get to pamper all weekend or more in NYC. Her idea of reality is so skewed and her tweeting is pathetically self-involved.
I seriously think she's got a personality disorder. She's high on top of the world when filming, then she crashes into what seems the depths of depression when home and doing what normal folks do every day. She's addicted/used to the rush of travel, filming and generally being the center of attention.
If Kate's exhausted, how about her little kids who by her reports, are all taking care of HER?
BTW, did anyone see Primetime last night when they did "Mommywood". Denise Richards once again treats her ex Sheen with great dignity and puts her kids first. Now she's back to her own career after putting her kids on tv. Tori Spelling has so much filler in her face she can now blink her lips. She and Kate are 2 peas in a pod. Her kids are the meal ticket and made to work in filming and photo shoots AND they hate the paps too. Tori was just like Kate in saying the crew is family but the paps are bad. The two are inextricably linked. This is self-evident and you are making a deal with the devil when you put your kids on tv for a family reality show. She can rationalize all she wants, but you know what you're kids are going to face. Tori Spelling more than anyone.
The worst was Mama Kardasian who is unabashedly pushing all of her kids into endorsements and making money off of all them. How much money do you need, one must ask?. Kris Jenner actually was going to change her name back to Kardashian to ensure she's always part of the brand.
And I thought Jon had his balls kept in a dixie cup....
Big deal! Kate wastes so much time complaining about her stupid laundry after a vacation. She needs to pull up her "can do big mommy pants" and just do it. Good grief!
Kate, you nit wit, it's not an impossible or unusual task.
It wiill not kill you, I promise.
Friggin' grifting whiner.....
Help me out here with my math - I'm still waiting for my teapot to boil! ;)
It is 7 AM central time and Khate tweeted 8 hours ago that the twins were going to give her a backrub, so she was off to bed. That would have been 11PM my time, so MIDNIGHT on the east coast?!?
Am I a crazy fuddy-duddy for thinking that 10 YOs need to be in bed before midnight? I don't care if it is summer vacation.
She is a horrible piece of work. ME, me, me, me, ME, me, me, me, me, ME!
As for spell check, it has always been there. It's built in, isn't it? Mine says backrub and fuddy-duddy are misspelled. I suppose backrub should be back rub.
GotournumberKate said...she said the twins told her they would make the little kids breakfast and she should just sleep in. She must have been very grouchy for them to feel the need to do this.
My take is that Kate wasn't getting up from bed to cook for the kids which made Mady and Cara go into "mom mode" and handle the situation. No doubt this wasn't the first time this has happened. Kate just says whatever it takes to make herself look good even if it's a half truth. My mother basically raised her brothers and sister and was cooking and taking care of them by the age of 11. She made sure they ate every day since my grandmother was too busy looking after herself. When my mother passed away years ago her older brother mourned her more like a mother than a sister. Sad but touching. Thankfully Mady and Cara are being the responsible ones and are seeing to their little brothers and sisters. Yes, they shouldn't have too but they are and for that, I know those kids will be okay. Besides, they have Jon too.
No way YOU are an atty. You write that Judge Gibbons ruled the blogging was abusive without mentioning that in this specific case, the father and his girlfriend established a very specific blogging site to bash his ex wife daily, the trials and tribulations of divorce, the court ordered funds for child support (not ordered by Gibbons as she is in Orphans Court) but the effects of this daily blog (along the lines of what you do, which is bash and allow bashing of Kate Gosselin on a daily basis)on the children from this marriage.
Knowing Diane Gibbons from her days as the District Atty in Bucks County and her election to Judge of Orphan's Court, I can tell you that she is a person who would not approve of what you are doing which is also bashing Kate Gosselin and you would say that you have your First Amendment Rights which is the right to say anything you want about Kate.
Now, think about her children. Think about the friends of her children who know of your Blogging site.
I know you won't stop bashing Kate, but you should think about the Posts that you do print and some of the Posters who are your regulars.
What you do is no different.
Think about Jon and his passive-aggressive behavior. He is not silent, his photo appears on his girlfriend's site. He is not the silent member of this former marriage.
I would feel so much better about you and what you are trying to do if you would acknowledge that neither Jon nor Kate are non abusive. Jon did all of his interviews and still throws out tweets now and then. Is his interest in his children? Really?
He received $$$ to allow his children to be filmed and we know that. He has not filed any court documents to obtain more time with his children nor has he filed for co custody. Why is that?
I, like you, wish the reality shows would end, thing of the past. Especially this Kardashian fiasco with two pre teens or tweens (I do not know the younger children's ages) but find it all extremely sad. The show begins with Kim's seductive, botoxed, face moving her lips. We have quite a generation of young girls following this show. Is this worse than a Taylor Swift Concert, where some 6 or 7 yr old children can even hear the words to the music with all the noise at one of these concerts?
You have managed to eliminate most of the Gosselin viewership, now how about working on the Kardashian family, huh? The mother is one of the worse we have had on TV EVER.
This is a mother who approves of her daughters making pornography movies for the Net. Also her daughters pose nude (oh, I didn't know they would publish those photos exclaims Kim) and now this mother is working on these 2 younger girls (and these are the 2 which draw the young viewers) Help with this one.
Well, I hope you read this, I doubt you did, because you do not ever read or publish any opposition to what you have to say. Is this your First Amendment Right? I don't know. But speaking the truth would be a good start to what you could do to help the younger generation. The Gosselins are a thing of the past.
We will always hear about Jon from Kate and vice versa. Jon is no angel, nada. He does not accept overtime work as he does not need the money (ask his fellow workers as he is offered much work) and he is waiting for this contract with TLC to end as he as been promised interviews with several TV stations as a co host. A year from now and Jon will be on TV after Kate no longer is on TV. Remember this Post, even if you do not post it. Jon is not finished with the fantasy world of TV, he is very jealous of what Kate achieved and kicks himself for leaving it every day. He is not happy being back to "normal".....and don't believe it.
Thanks for reading, hopefully. Also Diane Gibbons is one really super woman and a great Judge as well as she was one of the best District Attys Bucks County ever had.
Did he say he was a 35 year old virgin? What is this, are the tweeple sacrificing their virgins to Kate now?
LOL you owe me a a new jacket and blackberry cover, Admin. Must remember, don't eat ice cream while reading.
Administrator said...
Did he say he was a 35 year old virgin? What is this, are the tweeple sacrificing their virgins to Kate now?
No, he didn't say he was a 35 year old virgin:
@Kateplusmy8 im 34 years old, I own a home in Chadds Ford pa. I work for DuPont. Also im an artist, wood worker, and I live life w/o regret
Well anonymous I appreciate your post but criticism of a public figure by other members of the public for actions they are doing publicly that are morally wrong (especially actions against children), is world's apart from one parent bashing the other parent. The psychological damages of parental alienation come largely because someone you love and trust is telling you that someone else you love and trust stinks--the key about why parental alienation is so damaging is because it's a feud between people you love and trust. Not some stranger's criticism.
Certainly I wouldn't want the kids to see anything negative from anyone they care about, but that is unfortunately a risk that has to be taken when speaking out about what is happening to them, and a risk Kate readily accepted and in fact has even encouraged. There have been many public figures with kids over the years who have been very heavily criticized by the public for various reasons, this is by no means a new concept. But I hope not a single one of them was bashed by the other parent, as that is what is most damaging to the kids.
I believe in public criticism of wrong-doings--there are going to be drawbacks about it certainly as you pointed out, but the greater good is calling attention to a serious problem. The alternative is going back into the mole hole. And had we done that, I doubt this fiasco ever would have caught Rep. Murt's attention.
There is no "greater good" in Kate bashing Jon. She has a perfectly decent forum to take care of any problems with Jon--the family law courts. But the public does not have a court of law when it comes to criticizing a parent who is overworking their child. They only have the public forum. There is absolutely no reason Kate needs to use the public forum to make her point, however.
As for Jon not going to court, I have a court docket that says otherwise. The man went to court dozens and dozens of times to try to change things. He lost in a state that heavily favors mothers.
Dear anonymous, TL;DR
But I can summarize what you said...
"Oh yes she does"!
Thanks for all of your "insider" info ;)
Certainly I wouldn't want the kids to see anything negative from anyone they care about=I mean I wouldn't want them to see anything negative ABOUT anyone they care about.
anonymous 6:43am
And you know all of this about Jon how.......?
Sorry, don't believe you.
Then what's this?
Chris Parker
@LuvsBabes North Carolina, USA
35/m/NC, virgin.
Anonymous I don't see ANY difference between's blog and Kate bashing Jon.
They both discuss private custody issues, they both bash their ex's. Why, because he put it on his own blog? Kate put it on Huffington post.
Both are parents using a public forum to bash the other parent. It's the SAME THING. And as I explained before, is not the same thing as public criticism from the public of a public figure.
"Hmmm, I actually have a feeling that this sudden interest in Khate from several different men on Twitter might be dummy accounts (TLC?) trying to stir up interest in Khate for the next thing they're cooking up (See Dumbass Khate Date)."
ITA with this comment. I noticed Kate Twirting with a guy last night and he told her he was 34 years old. I looked at his Twitter oage and a few posts down he made the comment he was 35 years old. Something's fishy.
I much prefer to do laundry as opposed to most chores. It's not that hard or am I not doing it right?
Put clothes in washer (takes about....a minute?), add detergent/fabric softner, turn it on. Walk away and go enjoy yourself for 50 minutes. Come back, take clothes out of washer, throw in dryer, go enjoy yourself for 90 minutes.
You can even fold in front of the TV or while talking to a kid or on speaker phone.
I don't get why Kate acts like she is churning butter from scratch with both hands tied behind her back (have to use her teeth to do it) or something.
Oh I have a household hint for Kate!! We have two laundry baskets, whites and darks. When we take off white clothes they go in the white laundry basket. When we take off anything else, it goes in the darks.
You never have to sort laundry, when you want to do whites you pick up the white basket, and when you want to do guessed it, get your dark basket.
Saves time, Kate. Saves bitching. Saves red underwear mixed in with whites.
Jennifer that's one of the constant frustrations of having a narcissist or sociopath or any similar personality disorder in your life. Because you're coming from the perspective of a human brain more normally wired, you try to fit their behavior into a box of normalcy. And when it's like trying to shove a round peg through a square hole, you get frustrated and confused and irritated.
Most victims of narcissists/sociopaths have spent way too much time scratching their heads trying to figure out why this or that happened or was said, etc. Which is one reason why it can be so damaging, it's not good for your own mental health.
Administrator said...
Then what's this?
Chris Parker
@LuvsBabes North Carolina, USA
35/m/NC, virgin.
I don't know who that is. I thought you were talking about the latest guy that wants to date Kate, Dave Guinup.
Nobody Likes a Narcissist...
YOU need a vacation!!! I don't know how you do it girl, but PROPS!!! I thought it was hard with a child with ADHD who absolutely refuses ALL types of medications, but reading about your busy day makes our little life seem a bit easier. Everyone has their own struggles I suppose. Kate just thinks HER struggles and ALL struggles about raising kids were born & bred under her roof.
~Hippie Chick~
Dear Anonymous,
The Kardashians are adults (Kendall and Kylie are old enough to make decisions, the Gosselin kids are KIDS) who consent to the tripe that they air on their 'reality show'. Big difference.
As far as your knowledge of Jon's business, I'm not buying what you're selling. Nice try though. Better luck next time.
Administrator said...
Then what's this?
Chris Parker
@LuvsBabes North Carolina, USA
35/m/NC, virgin.
Per Twitter:
@LuvsBabes hasn't tweeted yet.
Who is this? Where did his name come from?
@Nobody likes a narcissist,
See! You've been posting here forever and NONE of us knew you had 4 kids (count'em, FOUR KIDS lol:)
there's the difference
A mother does what she has to do because it's her JOB! Kudos to you!!
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...
So, I think this is a GOOD sign, everyone! That tweet response by Khate makes me think that Jon has a court order preventing her from tweeting pics of the kids! Good!!
Hehe, no, friend. Kate doesnt allow any pic of her ATMs unless she can charge money for it. This is the mother who wouldnt allow her ATMs to be in the class photo, remember?
In many ways she is cutting her own throat. Her kids are not Suri Cruise for crying out loud, and a twitter-pic of them at a concert would keep Kate's name in the rags.
BUT the attendance at the concert must have been filmed, which is why she wont allow any pics to be made public, she THINKS 10million people will tune into the children's reality show to see Taylor Swift. Well, we will see Kate, now wont we?
OH OH! Did that just sound a little bit like "oh yes she does"? YIKES, sorry!
PS I dont have a spell check on here either. The page DID change colors, but that's all.
Anonymous - To the best of my knowledge, Jon's contract with TLC ended in 2010. That is the reason he was able to give an interview to In Touch a few months ago. Prior to that, TLC had a court ordered gag order on Jon preventing him from talking to the press.
As for whether he takes overtime work, that's his business.
If Jon suddenly starts appearing on tv again, then I'm sure it will be commented on. As with Kate, as long as it does not involve filming their children AT ALL, then either one can pursue an entertainment career to their heart's content.
I agree with you about reality tv - I wish it would go away. If you are so concerned about the Kardashian show, why not set up a blog about it? Get your message out. But don't criticize the admin of this blog for blogging her concerns about Kate and then in the next breath ask her to start blogging about the Kardashians in order to get rid of their show. The Kardashian children and eventually the grandchildren can go online and read negative comments about their family just as easily as the Gosselin children can.
Gosh I think I'm feeding a troll but giving them the benefit of the doubt they're trying to have an earnest discussion (by the way I hate comments that begin with you probably won't publish this, BUT.....if you think it won't be published why bother?), we have discussed the Kardashians many times here. In fact I said just the other day I saw the show for the first time and we were discussing the way the kids call out Kris Jenner on just caring about her 10% cut when one of the kids (well, ADULT) had a skin problem. And how they are absolutely right.
I've met Kris and Kim through a friend in the business, and although my friend is just a small-time character actor no one would know (including myself, until I looked him up), they both professed to be big fans of one of his old shows, wanted a picture with HIM, gave him hugs and asked him all about himself. He was blown away. I thought the way they conducted themselves toward this young man was so gracious and kind. Who meets the Kardashians just wanting a picture and ends up having the Kardashians insist on getting a pic of YOU? I think there are serious questions about some of their choices (again, almost all of them are adults), but at least they know how to be polite and gracious to their fans. For example, don't call them "annoying" or say you would pay someone to tweet them if you could.
gotyournumberKate said...
ITA with this comment. I noticed Kate Twirting with a guy last night and he told her he was 34 years old. I looked at his Twitter oage and a few posts down he made the comment he was 35 years old.
Something's fishy
The guy has never said he's 35. Someone tweeted to him and said 35 by mistake. He corrected her, told her he's 34. The fishy thing is after some back and forth tweeting, and sounding as though he didn't know much about Kate, he just tweeted this:
Jodi/Kevin didn't have a problem when their kids were on @kateplusmy8 yet Kate gets accused of explortation? They are green with envy.
Now THAT'S fishy. All of a sudden he's familiar with Jodi and Kevin and thinks they're envious of Kate? He's been questioned about it by some tweeters but hasn't explained the comment.
ADMIN "No man wants to go through a psycho breakup. If she throws Jon under the bus, she'll do the same....exact....thing to her next relationship, if it ends. She will never get a man this way, ever."
I posted just about the same thing. This is SO true. While finding a man in a nightclub is certainly not a good way to find someone, the nightclub scene had Kate talking ABOUT JON to a male who might have been interested in her. Automatic KILLER of any potential 'future' of dating. What male wants to hear about the 'evil ex'. Good gawd. As I said, Kate has no clue how to connect with anyone. It is "me, me, me, poor me". Anyone who might be interested wants to EXCHANGE things about each other. Kate is allllllllllll 'me'. And yes, the things she continually says about Jon would tell most men, what would she say about ME? She is such an airhead. It has been TWO years, when does this end? She has to move on, or she will NEVER find a man.
"Excluding the very few trolls, most of whom I've trapped and released back into the wild far far away from here"
This is PRICELESS. LOL I love it, and it is SO fitting.
"With the shocking group of people out there who seem to value the garbage Kate values, it is so reassuring to know that doesn't seem to be the case for most."
This is what gets me too. Her followers claim such a high road, they are so above everyone who dislikes Kate, yet their standards and morals really are lacking. The way she slams Jon is terrible for the kids. That is THEIR father. They not only do not say anything to her, but diss Jon badly TO her. This SHOULD be totally off limits, but Kate has filter. She has no boundaries. I was very upset when Jon said the things he did about Kate. It works both ways. The kids WILL hear of this, or read it someday, if they haven't already. It has shown me that the fans could care less about those kids. It has also shown me that if Kate says all this stupid stuff in public, she is certainly saying much worse TO the kids in private. Shame on her. It WILL come back on her.
"It's pretty obvious she's not used to having to do this."
Ha, it IS obvious. She has talked nothing but laundry, laundry and 'no help' for how many days? Why all the freaking out about having it do laundry, which she certainly has had to face with all the trips they have made. Lazy, whining woman. Poor, poor overworked mommy. LOL Those kids surely are old enough to not only help with the laundry...put the clothes in the dryer, fold their OWN clothes and put them all away. So what is the big deal? Sounds like her "part-time helper" may have quit on her. LOL
"This is after a full day of doing laundry, 2 loads in washers,2 in dryers,1 folded&put away,2 drying racks drying.." groannnnn Maybe she should beg them for two more W/D. LOL
That is very fishy, sounds just like a classic sheeple argument: Jodi and Kevin didn't have a problem they exploited their kids too.
Any by the way as to that ridiculous argument, EVERYONE including "haters" admits this started off innocent. Ever started off something with good intentions and then it turns sour? You get out if that happens, you end it, cut it off. Just because you now realize that something was wrong for you or bad for you does not make you a hypocrite.
Is someone who preaches about the evils of smoking a hypocrite because they USED to smoke? Of course not.
No Regrets exactly, Kate has no clue how to behave.
I can see her in a job interview with some new network when this is all over, and all she can talk about is how much her last employer TLC screwed her over.
You don't bash other things or people who are in the same line you are trying to get into. Most people are able to have the foresight to realize if you are bashing a former employer, or ex, or what have you, you are capable of doing it to them too if things ever go sour.
Anonymous said... @ 6:31AM...
Hon, really. We have tried and tried to tell you. You have a very specific garbled, rambling writing style, and other markers that give you away, no matter how hard you think you are trying. You are embarrassing yourself. We can always tell it's you. Oh, yes we can!
"Nobody Likes a Narcissist said..Khate was trolling and flirting with two or three guys tonight on Twitter, but this one really seems to have piqued her interest. She really is immature and nuts. I'd love to see how she's going to handle internet safety when the twins are online in the not too distant future. They'll be able to see just how reckless she is:"
That exchange with that guy is pathetic. She did the SAME thing to Iwannadatekate. (She won't even talk to him any more, how rude and insensitive) These guys expose their personal info, and Kate KNOWS she isn't interested in the least to anyone on the 'net. SHE has said so. Why even ask and tease with them like that? Stupid woman. Some day she is going to flirt with the wrong person, who is going to take it very seriously. What an ignorant fool she is.
WHY are the fans of Kate SO concerned about what is being said about Kate, but don't give a FIG when she slams JON the father of those KIDS in public? That doesn't matter to them? THAT does 100 times the damage on those kids than any of the anti blogs. I mean really. Such hypocrites.
Think about Jon and his passive-aggressive behavior. He is not silent, his photo appears on his girlfriend's site. He is not the silent member of this former marriage.
I didn't realize that a photo could speak! When did this happen? Ellen's site has audio, too? Well, lordy bee! What is Jon saying on this site?
This "insider" info about Jon is a complete fabrication...oh, yes, it is! ;) I know Jon. I also know Kate. I'm wondering if "anonymous" does, too. It sounds like heresay, garden-variety gossip that's passed around - kind of like "whisper down the lane." By the time it got to this "insider," who knows what form it took?
Nobody knows what Jon and his attorney have fought for. It's attorney-client privilege and neither of them is making it public. There are records, however, of the many times he DID go to court and was shot down.
What Jon does in his work is is business. Custody issues are likewise his business. Think of all the bashing HE could have done each time Kate threw jabs at him. It must be difficult for him to remain silent. A person's normal reaction is to respond to allegations, but he hasn't. It takes restraint to do this, and he's chosen not to respond. Good for him.
The first sentence of your post speaks volumes about your credibility: "No way YOU are an atty." For someone who writes about "facts," then you need to do some internet research and check the attorneys admitted to the bar in CA. Admin indeed is an attorney. It's public info, with law firms listed.
Since you have this incorrect, why would anyone believe anything else you posted?
Interesting about the laundry.
I have an (ex)sister-in-law who reminds me very much of Kate. Laundry was the only household task that she did, and it exhausted her!
She did no cooking, groc shopping, cleaning, childcare, or any of the other household tasks (my brother did all that, in addition to working a full-time job...he was worn took him years to recover his energy).
But the laundry. Oh my. It took her FOREVER! I was always amazed at how long she could make that last. It was torture to watch.
Each kid's clothes had to be washed separately; you couldn't wash kid A's clothes with kid B's clothes. Underwear couldn't be washed with anything else, neither could socks; towels could only be washed with towels, and you couldn't mix kid A towels with kid B towels. Colors couldn't be mixed.
And you couldn't wash a small load, you had to wait to wash anything until there was a full load...which of course took forever to accumulate.
She had little piles of accumulating laundry all over the house. Each of the four kids & two adults had a pile of whites, reds, oranges, blues, greens, blacks, yellows, towels, sheets, underwear, & socks accumulating somewhere.
She'd totally freak if my brother or one of the kids would do any of the laundry.
Often enough she'd go out and buy new clothes so the kids would have something to wear to school the next day. Gotta just shake your head.
Drove my brother crazy, in addition to all the other nut-case things she did. Guess you can see why she's an ex, eh?
Kinda funny...once when she was in the hospital for something my mom was there watching the kids. Mom not only got all that laundry done, she baked cookies with the kids and made extra meals to freeze for when the woman came home!
Was that appreciated? Nope. Total freak about the laundry.
"... after Kate no longer is on TV."
woohoo...really!?! Now cross your heart and hope to die...just so we know you're not screwin' with our heads.
Just Dwindle said...
We can always tell it's you. Oh, yes we can!
So true! Seriously, everyone look at this 'sentence' masquerading as a paragraph:
"Knowing Diane Gibbons from her days as the District Atty in Bucks County and her election to Judge of Orphan's Court, I can tell you that she is a person who would not approve of what you are doing which is also bashing Kate Gosselin and you would say that you have your First Amendment Rights which is the right to say anything you want about Kate."
As far as spellchecker, it is my understanding that it is built in to most everything. For example, it caught my deliberate misspelling of Niiiiice! That's why you see a squiggly red line when you are typing.
I did answer this before but blogger was hungry!
I can see her in a job interview with some new network when this is all over, and all she can talk about is how much her last employer TLC screwed her over.
Kate reminds me of Cindy Anthony in her deposition, getting in her attorney's face, telling him what she will answer and what she won't. Both are narcissists. Both would not hesitate to assert their control over anyone.
Dwindle: LOL!! Too funny! She just won't quit, will she?
The laundry. We took a four-week cross-country trip in a seven-seat SUV. All seats were occupied! I knew there would be laundry. I don't mind throwing things into a washing machine, but I don't like folding and putting away. Ditto for the dishwasher - I don't like unloading and putting away. I took laundry bags for the dirty undies and socks, which I kept separate. When I got home, I gathered everything up and put it in bags that the dry cleaner provided. They also have a laundry service. A week later, I got everything back. Washed, cleaned and press, and on hangers. Sadly, though, wire hangers. It's not cheap, but so worth it. I believe that Kate could afford to employ such a service and I doubt that there would have been 50 loads involved!
I am also struck by how this laundry thing is her only concern. When we came back from a vacation, I was more concerned about grocery shopping, as in maybe my kids would l ike to eat. So I am with the rest of you who have realized that this Twitidiot came home to a stocked kitchen and fridge, and maybe, just maybe, has the normal pile of clothes to wash and dry (since I am convinced there were several laundry adventures on the road, just done by other people). And yes, how hard is laundry, put it in, come back, transfer to dryer, take it out and fold while doing other things. She is just a lazy twat, who can rarely do anything for more than a few minutes - perhaps ADA is also part of the personality disorder.
And yes, at her age, most women are also concerned with other family issues - aging/ill parents, the complexities of extended family life. Heck, summer was easy time - no sports, no PTA, no religious school - laundry was the easy part. No, it becomes increasingly clear in her vapid and constant tweeting that she has nothing to do except whine and complain - looks like she's sleeping in again this morning, laundry is so exhausting.
She should also be extremely grateful that unlike many HOM families, her children are so healthy, and she does not have to spend her time visiting drs., speech therapists and other specialists. God forbid she should deal with their emotional issues, but it wouldn't be about her then would it?
When will Kate ever learn that her children are no longer babies and therefore she does not have babysitters, no matter how many times she says it. She has nannies. Sorry bozo, 7 year olds are not babies.
And if anyone thinks Kate is really doing that laundry, I have some oceanfront property in Arizona for sale, really cheap! Come on, no way she is doing all the work. I think it was Admin that said 'who goes on a 2 week plus trip and never does laundry during that time? Who would possibly have that many clothes X8? Are you kidding? It would take a separate 'tiny RV' to carry all the clothes. What a liar.
Just curious said "The guy has never said he's 35. "
I went back and looked again and he really did say he was 35 on June 22.....
DaveGuinup Dave Guinup
@ @Kateplusmy8 lol even though I am 35, that definitely made me seem 12..ha ha...
22 Jun
Then yesterday he said this.....
DaveGuinup Dave Guinup
@ @Kateplusmy8 im 34 years old, I own a home in Chadds Ford pa. I work for DuPont. Also im an artist, wood worker, and I live life w/o regret
12 hours ago
The guy someone posted earlier, apparently added something to his tweeter info. LOL
Chris Parker
North Carolina, USA
35/m/NC, virgin. Don't accept tweets from me as I am a pervert most of the time.
Nice, a new account, following Kate and 3 porn/models? LOLOL
Mel: It sounds like it would make a great episode for "My Strange Addiction." I bet TLC would be interested!
Uh oh, sorry! Just to clarify, that post I did yesterday was NOT describing my life at the moment. I am so sorry if anyone thought that I was trying to create that impression by the way I worded it. I was saying that I thought with the ages that Khate's kids are now, she actually has it easier in many ways than families with four or more kids all at different stages or in different grades in school. For example, a nursing infant, a toddler, a six year old, and an eight year old. Or busy with activities and in school, such as having children in first, third, sixth, and eight grades.
Those are just examples of people I know, and based on my own experiences as a parent. Four kids all at different stages or in different grades can be a LOT more chaotic and difficult than eight kids of two ages, in two grades. Khate thinks that the number EIGHT alone trumps all and makes her supermom.
At the moment, my life is easier - no babies and toddlers anymore, or I wouldn't be here so much! I am dealing with ages around the ages of Khate's kids and I don't think it's that hard at all. I find it to be joyful, actually. That's why I gave up a very good and lucrative career to be a full time mother years ago. I actually LIKE (love) being around my children. And I have to say that my kids know that and appreciate it. They are aware of parents who feel the other way. You know, those mothers I cannot stand that complain when the kids have a break from school. Sheesh, why did they have kids in the first place?
Date-A-Kate said...
I've looked up a few of them, and they actually are "real" people. The twitterers are arguing over this one guy who claims to be 41 years old because Kate says she wants a guy over 40. They say he's really just a kid, but there are places on the internet where you can find out an age if you know the name and location, and lo and behold, he's 41. Surprise, surprise.
I saw that too last night and I was able to quickly look him up also and see he is in fact 41.
If I was @Kateplusmy8 I would have shot myself in the face by now. I wonder if I could ever be so strong.
Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
@BlendedPaths U do whatcha gotta do. No choice here.Who else will do it?I love them so I keep going even if I don't have ANY energy left!
Sigh. She is the only mommy who does it 'all'. (WE know that is BS, but whatever) Poor Kate is the only mommy who loves her kids. WHY is this so necessary for her to say constantly? So many times, "I love em" "I just love her" WHO is she really trying to convince? Of course KATE 99.9 of ALL mommys love their kids. Doing laundry? Housework? WE ALL DO THIS. Some of these fans must not have any kids at all. Such fawning over someone who is simply doing what a parent is SUPPOSE to do. Many of us have several children too. SHOCKER, I know, KATE. My goodness she certainly does swallow all her press. "Super mommy" LOL Get a grip, fans, she went on a two week FREE vacation. Now, she has to do her own laundry. Oh my poor overworked, loving mommy. Such a rarity. sob
TLC stinks said...
The posts that Kate is lying are so correct. We have all returned from trips and of course you have to hit the grocery store ASAP. Obviously there was someone at the house to load up the fridge and take care of the dog. As far as all that laundry, you can bet the "invisible" nanny/housekeeper is "doing it all". Boy, oh boy, I would love to come back from vacation with a stocked fridge and someone to do my laundry. It has always amazed me that she is seldom seen loading up all those groceries she supposedly buys except if it's a photo op. Someone is doing the food shopping, and it ain't Kate. Oh well, now I suspect Radar will run a picture of her grocery shopping. I should keep my mouth shut but I can't stand her lying. This is what really gets me going about her....the lying. It's all on tape how lazy she is.
I think of that all the time. With a family that size, she would be doing an extremely large food shopping at least once a week. Plus, she would often be going to a bulk place like Sam's Club or Costco to stock up on things.
But, nope, we just see the occasional parking lot photo opps.
"You write that Judge Gibbons ruled the blogging was abusive without mentioning that in this specific case, the father and his girlfriend established a very specific blogging site to bash his ex wife daily, the trials and tribulations of divorce, the court ordered funds for child support (not ordered by Gibbons as she is in Orphans Court) but the effects of this daily blog (along the lines of what you do, which is bash and allow bashing of Kate Gosselin on a daily basis)on the children from this marriage."
Bearswife: This, too, is one very long sentence, but there is no verb in the last clause of the "sentence." It makes no sense. Rambling is a calling card.
Give up the ghost, "oh, yes, she did!" You can fool some of the people some of the time, but on this blog, you can't even fool them!
"Midnight Madness said...
Mel: It sounds like it would make a great episode for "My Strange Addiction." I bet TLC would be interested!"
Off topic, BUT your post made me crack up at the memory of one of the shows. The woman who ate sofa cushions? The background story on her said, in a VERY serious tone, "Over the years, she has EATEN two sofas and one arm chair" I have NEVER laughed so hard in my life. lolol
"Over the years, she has EATEN two sofas and one arm chair" I have NEVER laughed so hard in my life. lolol
Ha! "Um, Honey, where's my LazyBoy?"
Anon This Time said...
The first sentence of your post speaks volumes about your credibility: "No way YOU are an atty." For someone who writes about "facts," then you need to do some internet research and check the attorneys admitted to the bar in CA. Admin indeed is an attorney. It's public info, with law firms listed.
Since you have this incorrect, why would anyone believe anything else you posted
Did the administrator of this blog choose to have her name public? If not, why are you encouraging someone to "do Internet research" to find out her name and check her Bar membership? Do you support the fact that someone outed her?
Nobody said...I saw that too last night and I was able to quickly look him up also and see he is in fact 41.
I think that these Kate haterz on Twitter get so riled up and are so quick to criticize that they don't realize that there are resources out there where this information is available. They seem so fast to assert their insider information and intelligence in other matters, so it's a puzzle while they can't do some investigative work before they pin the "liar" label on their targets.
To "anonymous" - I think that you are forgetting (or weren't aware of) Kate's own words in the Larry King interview (February 2009). When responding to Larry’s question about whether their kids are “our business,” Kate said, “Obviously, we put them out there. And, you know, our goal in our show is to show the real life of what it is like to have two sets of multiples. And basically, essentially, we’ve made it your business."
YOUR business. This includes the fans and the non-fans. YOUR business. This mean the good, the bad and the ugly. If she's put it out there, then criticizing her and the show is fair game. If she doesn't like the put-downs, then she needs to choose her words more wisely or just say, "no comment."
AuntieAnn said...hahaha my husband said just about the same thing! He made me promise if I ever took up that habit, to leave his rocker recliner alone!! LOLOL
That show is so stupid. I mean if someone eats all the stuff these people claim they do, they would have died from a blocked something or other. LOL
Admin, do we really need to feed a troll here?
Ha! "Um, Honey, where's my LazyBoy?"
AuntieAnn: ...and the plunger. That's got to be a whopper to unclog!
No Regrets -- lol. I know we're taking this way OT, but the TLC episode guide for this stupid show says this:
"Most college students listen to music or hang out with friends to deal with stress, but 19-year-old Tempestt eats detergent up to seven times a day, not to mention the soap she eats in the shower."
I wonder if there are suds in the toilet when she flushes.
Just read that the nitwit got a 9:00 slot for Aug. 8th. The sheep are taking credit for it on another site. Saying that in essence, they're complaining to TLC worked.
I thought that the trolls were all captured and released to the wild. I guess there will always be one or two of them waiting under their bridge in the seedy side of town.
"I wonder if there are suds in the toilet when she flushes."
lol - auntie! I wonder what color they are, depending on the color of the, pink, or perhaps rainbow!
I guess "and don't believe it" is going to be one of her new tag lines....OH YES IT IS! Can someone please expleain to me exactly what she's trying to say in this sentence: "I would feel so much better about you and what you are trying to do if you would acknowledge that neither Jon nor Kate are non abusive." So by saying that neither Jon nor Kate are non abusive she is saying that they're abusive. Isn't that what we've been saying about Kate? I was just out cutting the lawn so maybe the heat is getting to me because I really don't undestand her post at all. Admin - please acknowledge to her that Kate is indeed abusive so that she will feel better about what you're doing!
Moose Mania said ...and the plunger. That's got to be a whopper to unclog!
Those high-fiber diets can be a real bitch.
Ack! Auntie what a horrible vision! LOLOL
"Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...Khate was trolling and flirting with two or three guys tonight on Twitter, but this one really seems to have piqued her interest. She really is immature and nuts. I'd love to see how she's going to handle internet safety when the twins are online in the not too distant future. They'll be able to see just how reckless she is:
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@DaveGuinup Shoot...
3 hours ago via Twitterrific "
You know you are so right about this. WHY on earth ask such personal stuff when she KNOWS she won't meet them, date them or probably won't even tweet them again. Look how she totally ignores Iwannadatekate now. That is so dangerous what she is doing. What if she does get some sicko who might take this TOO seriously and shows up at her door? She just wants someone to stroke her huge ego. Such dangerous things she does. She is such an immature, stupid person.
(Second post about this, not sure what is going on with posts??)
I think the best way to respond to the trolls is not to respond at all. They hate it. Think Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction, "I'm not going to be ignored, Dan."
I read this a while ago from Jada Pinkett Smith when asked about her children working at such a young age and being called a Stage Mother. Her response was very interesting and honest.
Here's the link and an excerpt from the interview.
Now it isn’t as if the Smiths — who earned £20 million between them last year alone —are short of a bob or two. So why put their children in the spotlight?
‘That’s the thing that’s difficult for people to understand,’ Jada says. ‘This isn’t about fame or money. They were still going to have their trials because of who their parents are. As much as I wish I could figure out a way I could protect my children, they have their destiny. I’m not going to put brakes on that out of fear.’
Right then. But Willow’s only ten. Isn’t that a little young for destiny to come knocking? ‘Our children are allowed to stay in the paradigm of being a child,’ Jada says. ‘They don’t have to take care of their families: become the breadwinners, become the complete emotional, physical and financial focus that happens to many child stars.
‘Our family structure is a little different and it’s quite hard to comprehend because it’s so outside what usually happens in a family, but the paradigm is the same.
‘You have Mother. You have Father. Father is protective. Mother is the teacher. Most of the time with child stars, the child has all the responsibilities and the mother and father don’t understand what’s actually happening to them, so the child can trust no one.
‘They feel: “I have to do this all by myself.” And start to connect to people around them who might not be that trustworthy. But with us, the paradigm stays the same because the child can still be the child with an extraordinary gift.
‘It is something to manage. I will not overlook that. I have a ten-year-old who can stand up in front of an audience of 17,000 and rock the house. I have to keep her grounded.’
Grounded? We’re talking here about a ten-year-old who turned up at a movie premiere with a mohawk and Givenchy handbag.
‘I would say we’re giving her the freedom to express herself through
Read more:
I put the Kardashians in the same category as the Pinkett Smith kids. Although I don't agree with Kris's parenting style she is not living off her kids. She has also turned the Kardashian Jenner brand into a 65 million dollar business.
Another example is Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen. They with the help of their protective parents turned a TV roll into a billion dollar a year fashion empire.
Kate had the same opportunity with her kids. Right? To me there is a big difference between parents like Kate and Leighton Meester's mother who are living off their children.
What Kate is doing is wrong on so many levels yet being allowed in front of millions. We can talk until were blue in the face but until the Powers That Be step in…What more can be done.
It makes me sick and leaves a very bad taste in my mouth that this is going on in my state in this day and age.
I read this a while ago from Jada Pinkett Smith when asked about her children working at such a young age and being called a Stage Mother. Her response was very interesting and honest.
Here's the link and an excerpt from the interview.
Now it isn’t as if the Smiths — who earned £20 million between them last year alone —are short of a bob or two. So why put their children in the spotlight?
‘That’s the thing that’s difficult for people to understand,’ Jada says. ‘This isn’t about fame or money. They were still going to have their trials because of who their parents are. As much as I wish I could figure out a way I could protect my children, they have their destiny. I’m not going to put brakes on that out of fear.’
Right then. But Willow’s only ten. Isn’t that a little young for destiny to come knocking? ‘Our children are allowed to stay in the paradigm of being a child,’ Jada says. ‘They don’t have to take care of their families: become the breadwinners, become the complete emotional, physical and financial focus that happens to many child stars.
‘Our family structure is a little different and it’s quite hard to comprehend because it’s so outside what usually happens in a family, but the paradigm is the same.
‘You have Mother. You have Father. Father is protective. Mother is the teacher. Most of the time with child stars, the child has all the responsibilities and the mother and father don’t understand what’s actually happening to them, so the child can trust no one.
‘They feel: “I have to do this all by myself.” And start to connect to people around them who might not be that trustworthy. But with us, the paradigm stays the same because the child can still be the child with an extraordinary gift.
‘It is something to manage. I will not overlook that. I have a ten-year-old who can stand up in front of an audience of 17,000 and rock the house. I have to keep her grounded.’
Grounded? We’re talking here about a ten-year-old who turned up at a movie premiere with a mohawk and Givenchy handbag.
‘I would say we’re giving her the freedom to express herself through
Read more:
I put the Kardashians in the same category as the Pinkett-Smith kids. Although I don't agree with Kris's parenting style she is not living off her kids. She has also turned the brand Kardashian Jenner brand into a 65 million dollar business. I don't see Kate doing the same for these kids.
Another example is Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen. They with the help of their protective parents turned a TV roll into a billion dollar a year fashion empire.
Kate had the same opportunity with her kids. Right? To me there is a big difference between parents like Kate and Leighton Meester's mother who are living off their children. What Kate is doing is wrong on so many levels yet being allowed in front of millions. We can talk until were blue in the face but until the Power That Be step in…What more can be done.
It makes me sick and leaves a very bad taste in my mouth that this is going on in my state in this day and age.
Since there was a ratings spike (so to speak) when Kate did her b'day on the town, I think that TLC may be gearing up to do some kind of a dating show hence all the current posts from men (interns, actors, creeps in general) twitting to Kate and her sudden interest in them.
OT, I just finished reading "The Help" and oh how I would love to read what someone would have written about Kate had she be in Mississippi during that time! BTW, wonderful book!
I didn't see any pictures of Jon on Ellen's blog.
Had she be in Mississippi? I guess I'd better learn to proof better. I meant had she BEEN in Mississippi....I guess the sun is getting to me.
Kim Kardashian might have become famous because of her porn video but she's STAYED famous (longer than Paris) for many reasons. She's an entrepreneur. Even when she was young she made money organizing her friends closets and selling items on Ebay. She's not afraid to work.
I AM NOT HER FAN but I admire her work-ethic.
The amount of water & electricity this woman goes through is INSANE. She is just so GREEN isn't she? I know it's just the 3 of us, but my mom & dad live in the apartment upstairs so my mom does laundry in our laundry room. She does laundry more than I do & it's just 2 of them!! Drives me nuts. So, I had my hubby put up a clothes hanger dryer thingy outside, saves on electricity in the summer, + our clothes smell AMAZING. Um, Kate, ever think of hanging sheets, clothes & stuff like out to dry instead of spending a fortune & putting a HUGE carbon footprint on the planet?
And WHY may I ask can't those kids wear the same shorts a couple of days w/out washing? They are squeaky clean anyhow. She won't let them drop a spot on them, so what's the big deal? She must have HUGE bills. This chick needs to learn to make sacrifices. Not everything has to be perfect.
~Hippie Chick~
hey jude said...
Hippie chick,hi. I Iove your posts, you make the bad days better!
What an amazingly sweet thing to say!! Thank you so much! May you be blessed with peace, love & happiness throughout your days! And that goes for all of you! :) You totally made my day Hey Jude. Thank you again! :) :) :) :)
~Hippie Chick~
No Regrets said...
(Second post about this, not sure what is going on with posts??)
Me too! I've never had issues posting here until yesterday. Blogger has been eating so many posts the last two days. Annoying!
Guys, I really need your support here. I am SO EXHAUSTED. You see, I just put laundry load #3 in the dryer and #4 is in the washer. Plus, I've changed the sheets on all the beds today. Oh, and I did three loads of laundry yesterday. All of this with NO help, except for my little kids (so proud of them!) It's such hard work being a mom....please, if I tweet a photo of my laundry piles, will you all encourage and support me? It would be so appreciated!
(/sarcasm off) Ha ha!
By the way, did anyone notice two things about Khate's laundry photo? She posted it last night as if she had just taken a photo of what she was in the midst of. However, the photo was clearly taken during the day, with the sun shining through the window.
Here it is:
Secondly, her tweet with the photo said:
A sneak peak of my laundry war's only the half of it! Ugh! Should be a law against dirty laundry!
Hmm, what does she mean by "a sneak peak"?? That term implies that there will be more to come later. I wonder if TLC was there filming a day in the life of the poor, frazzled, overworked super mom of eight, count 'em eight kids? It just seems odd that she phrased it "a sneak peak", rather than something like "this is what I've been doing all day", or "here's a photo of all the laundry."
with all due respect I want to throw my .02 in...
Jada can say whatever she wants, but I don't approve. I do see differences btwn how they are raising their kids and what Khate is doing - but it doesn't make it right.
Nor do I think that the Olsen twins are a good standard to use for child stars turning out okay - because they haven't.
Child stars that turn out okay are not the norm!
May I ask; What does 'DH' mean?
Thanks in advance! :)
~Hippie Chick~
Laurie said...
OT, I just finished reading "The Help" and oh how I would love to read what someone would have written about Kate had she be in Mississippi during that time! BTW, wonderful book!
Totally off the Kate topic but I just had to post and agree with you about "The Help". It was so good, I found myself prolonging the reading -- I'd get up, fuss around a bit and then go back to it. Just hated for it to end! One of the best books I've read in a very long time and I recommend it to all : )
ADMIN - thanks for having a welcoming and open blog. As a former moderator for a large website, I know how difficult it can be to maintain peace!
Anonymous said...
You have managed to eliminate most of the Gosselin viewership, now how about working on the Kardashian family, huh? The mother is one of the worse we have had on TV EVER.
I agree w/ you there. In the ad for the show, it's Kim with a big fan, moving her head back & forth, mouth agape, big botoxed lips apart sexily, so ridiculous. And they all sound like they are pulling helium before they speak. And they are NOT good role models at all. One has a child, which is fine, but her boyfriend is an asshole. The show is horrible & the mom is a fame pimp. Same as Kate Gosselin.
Kate is STILL trying to shove those kids down people's throats Anon. Yes, her popularity has waned, but she is STILL somehow on the air & constantly tweets about her kids, keeping them in the public eye. She just will not give up. She won't be stopped until she stops. Period. TLC/Kate are still milking those kids for everything that they are worth. It sucks & The Kardashian's are not any better. The difference is, Kris Kardashian will admit it. Kate never will. Kate is working her kids. Kate does SHIT for herself. It's all the kids. Her salary is the kids money & she takes from them whenever she wants. The kids have NOBODY protecting their cash. It's so sad.
~Hippie Chick~
In fact Ashley Olsen gave an interview where she said she felt like a trained monkey as a child. She spoke very negatively about being a child star. I did a post on it maybe someone could find it.
Administrator said...
In fact Ashley Olsen gave an interview where she said she felt like a trained monkey as a child. She spoke very negatively about being a child star. I did a post on it maybe someone could find it.
Here it is:
Oops, that was the link from my search. Here's the direct link to the post:
Moose Mania...
You sound like me! Don't mind throwing the laundry in, but folding it & putting it away? Not so much! Plus I have the chronic pain, so my poor honey has to drag the laundry baskets up & down the stairs. Then we will live out out of the baskets for a couple of days. I was a good girl today though. All of the clothes are put away! And my son does his own laundry. I taught him how. He's 11 now so when his basket is full, he just does a load, folds & puts away! He's such a sweetie!
~Hippie Chick~
Just so I don't look crazy, the reason I said "oops" in my last post was because I did a post right before that, but with a different link (the link to my search for that Olsen post Admin mentioned).
Stupid Blogger is eating every other post lately!
Duh, now my first post is finally there. So, the post I just did doesn't make sense. Yikes, just ignore it! LOL, Blogger's driving me nuts!
Me thinks this 'Anonymous is a Sheeple/troll/Kate lover who escaped or tryin to start crap here. For a person who seem to think they are in the know, they don't know much or get their facts strait. Jon did go to court for custody, did go to court for tryin to stop filming and probably other times we do not know of, if not court filed motions and was denied. This person is so concerned about bashing, she sure did a good job in bashing Jon. As for the I know what Jon does, I'm in the know, really, you listen to rumours, that Jon haters and sheeple have put out, then you are no different then what crap you are saying. Jon pic is not on Ellens site. And Jon contract with TLC has been over since 2010. Get with the picture. Anonymous must be a sheeple plant. We saw through you sister.
I tried to post this earlier today, but it went poof. I'll try again, with an Addendum:
No Regrets said...
(Second post about this, not sure what is going on with posts??)
Me too! I've never had issues posting here until yesterday. Blogger has been eating so many posts the last two days. Annoying!
Guys, I really need your support here. I am SO EXHAUSTED. You see, I just put laundry load #3 in the dryer and #4 is in the washer. Plus, I've changed the sheets on all the beds today. Oh, and I did three loads of laundry yesterday. All of this with NO help, except for my little kids (so proud of them!) It's such hard work being a mom....please, if I tweet a photo of my laundry piles, will you all encourage and support me? It would be so appreciated!
(/sarcasm off) Ha ha!
By the way, did anyone notice two things about Khate's laundry photo? She posted it last night as if she had just taken a photo of what she was in the midst of. However, the photo was clearly taken during the day, with the sun shining through the window.
Here it is:
Secondly, her tweet with the photo said:
A sneak peak of my laundry war's only the half of it! Ugh! Should be a law against dirty laundry!
Hmm, what does she mean by "a sneak peak"?? That term implies that there will be more to come later. I wonder if TLC was there filming a day in the life of the poor, frazzled, overworked super mom of eight, count 'em eight kids? It just seems odd that she phrased it "a sneak peak", rather than something like "this is what I've been doing all day", or "here's a photo of all the laundry."
Update to my post: Wahhhh, I broke a nail changing the sheets! Don't you all feel so sorry for me and admire my strength? My life is so, so tough!
Update 2: Laundry load #4 is in the dryer, but I decided to wash one more load, (I want to be free of laundry all weekend). While waiting for that, I'm going to go marinate some chicken for dinner, and get some veggies and potatoes ready. Then I'll feed the dogs. Then, we'll take the dogs for a quick walk in this yucky heat and humidity. Then, come back and fold the last load of laundry, get dinner going, eat and clean up dinner, etc. I know, I know, I am SUPER mom! Don't you all admire me so much? Such an inspiration I am! I should get my own show!
I guess "and don't believe it" is going to be one of her new tag lines....OH YES IT IS! Can someone please expleain to me exactly what she's trying to say in this sentence: "I would feel so much better about you and what you are trying to do if you would acknowledge that neither Jon nor Kate are non abusive."
You can't understand what she is saying because rambling and convoluted statements are part of her tag line! It never makes any sense. There is a double negative in that sentence, so it means that Jon and Kate are abusive. Oh, yes, it does, believe it!
I'm going to call BS on the fifty loads of laundry. I used to think it was a TLC thing to exaggerate things like this (the other day I saw that the Duggars spend $4000 a month on groceries. What a crock. They think they can get away with that stuff because the family is huge and nobody really thinks about it. They have twenty people in the house but I'm sorry, it doesn't cost four thousand dollars a month to feed twenty people)
But apparently either Kate got it from them or they got it from her. For my family of six, including three teens and two adults, I do about a load a day. That would be fourteen loads for a two week vacation, and if you converted that to a family of nine, 21 loads. And that is counting household laundry like sheets and dishtowels and etc that ou don't have on vacation, and my family's clothes are a lot larger than the gosselin children's. So really? Fifty loads? BS!!!!!
Just Dwindle Away said... Anonymous said... @ 6:31AM...
Hon, really. We have tried and tried to tell you. You have a very specific garbled, rambling writing style, and other markers that give you away, no matter how hard you think you are trying. You are embarrassing yourself. We can always tell it's you. Oh, yes we can!
It would appear that our little troll cannot comprehend what she reads. Hints the size of a bus have been dropped but she still doesn't get it.
OT I was curious about Kelly so I checked twitter. Good grief he twits/tweats as much as Kate does, if not more. Who has that kind of time on their hands?
@HC I'm not sure what DH means but from Tucker's Mom's posts I think it could be "darling husband". I am probably wrong though.
I don't have spell check for my postings either and I, too, am a proud Canuck.
Just been listening to a Shirley Bassey song "I Who Have Nothing"? Remember that one? Well, l changed the "I" to "You" and ME and got poor Khate .... lol
YOU, YOU who have nothing....
YOU, YOU who have no one.....
Adore ME, and want ME so, YOU'RE just a no one with nothing to give ME but oh.....
ME, ME buys ME diamonds, bright sparkling diamonds...
But belive ME, sheep when l say...YOU can give ME the world, but YOU'LL never love ME the way.....I LOVE ME....
YOU can't take ME anyplace I want, to fancy clubs and restaurants, but YOU can only watch ME with, YOUR nose pressed up against the window pane!
YOU, you who have nothing, YOU, you who have no one, must watch me go dancing by, wrapped in the arms of MYself, when darling, it's I... who loves ME.....
Can ya hear it lmao. I have time on my hands because l have no laundry to
Administrator said...
I much prefer to do laundry as opposed to most chores. It's not that hard or am I not doing it right?
Well, let's see. Do you scrub at gum bits with
a scouring pad, dissing your sister-in-law as you work? Do you obsess over every tiny spot
on your children's matching outfits and their
play clothes and then have to go tweet about how hard life is?
If not, then clearly you are doing it wrong.
You are making a mockery of laundry's demanding
protocol. Laundry is hard work that requires much griping, name calling and making sure the clothing is still saleable at a fancy consignment shop.
Mother of the Year just tweeted that she got dinner done quick so she's back. What a role model. I wonder what the kids think when they see her obsessively moving her fingers over the phone all day long. Image of her tossing some food on paper plates and sweeping it up ten minutes later so that she can get back to her tweeties. I have no other words. Oh wait, appalling is a good one. Makes you wonder just what her fingers did for two weeks on vacation.
So sick of her said: Get with the picture. Anonymous must be a sheeple plant. We saw through you sister.
Bloggers here are good at those things! I agree with the person who said that trolls should be ignored. Trolls have bottomless pits, and poor digestion, and when you feed them, they just keep coming back for more because they can't comprehend what is being said. Their dietary needs aren't met!!
Anon This Time had a great post in response to the troll's post, and it's probably wise not to respond to any of this person's comments or questions because they don't know when to move on. Anon This Time...I realize that you could be a regular here, and the best thing to do is not to keep feeding this person by responding. You probably know that. Just my two cents. Make that a nickel. Inflation.
She just got on Twitter and just as I thought, Khate and TLC are up to something with all this "dating talk":
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
What's all this talk about me&dating while I was busy unpacking, doing laundry,making meals,taking care of my kids?Do share-I'm here now!lol
56 minutes ago
DaveGuinup Dave Guinup
@Kateplusmy8 long story, do you have time?
39 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@DaveGuinup Yes...
11 minutes ago
RT @BarbGilmer Alright @Kateplusmy8 u said u were here where did u go? Made dinner quick. I'm here!
12 minutes ago
katelynndorsa pia toscano fan
@Kateplusmy8 on Kate plus 8 when it is on TV cara seem like she is not happy do she like being on TV
43 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@katelynndorsa yes... She's quiet usually so that's her usual demeanor
12 minutes ago
AmyDuPou Amy Dumont-Poulin
Ha! :) Sounds like you need a date night out! @Kateplusmy8
44 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@AmyDuPou AMEN! The weekend is coming..
12 minutes ago
SuperPattyPie Patty Pie
@Kateplusmy8 Look at all your teen fans say things like "If it would make you happy"and"who needs a man" You sure have some smart teen fans!
49 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@SuperPattyPie lol I do!
12 minutes ago
Yes, she's trying to get the sheeple to still talk about her dating. Then she says "AMEN!" to the tweet that she needs a date. And, she hints that the weekend is coming!
SO, she already put it out there that she'll be in NYC this weekend to get her hair done, (on TLC's dime, as usual). I bet we'll see another Khate out on the town fake, phony photo opp! TLC has it all planned for this weekend because it's the only way she can still get press. It will get her talked about in mags, websites, maybe entertainment shows next week......all in preparation for the new episode.
"Over the years, she has EATEN two sofas and one arm chair" I have NEVER laughed so hard in my life. lolol
Ha! "Um, Honey, where's my LazyBoy?"
Too funny! LOL!!!! I'm so hungry I could eat a . . . sofa? Where the hell do they find these people?
The comment issue may be part of our own neglience. My helper is swamped with her own things, and I have a cold and am swamped too, also one foot out the door to Vegas. I'll try to clean things up over the next few days and make sure there are no comments left in the black hole!
DH= Dear Husband ;-)
Great posts today, everyone.
Remember about a week ago, I kindly asked Kate to spell correctly and to use correct English and not 'twitter speak'? Well, she has blocked me! Ha! This nice, kind Catholic school teacher, who very tactfully suggested that she take the time to use correct spelling for her own children and for all of the young people who follow her. I wish she was a better example in just one department!
Which is why I think Kate isn't listening to ANY advisers. She may very well have people telling her what to wear, what to say, what to do on twitter, etc. But if she thinks they're wrong, she won't give a hoot what they think.
It's one thing to block someone repeatedly and viciously harassing her, I don't blame her for that. But to just block someone offering a polite and helpful suggestion is a little grade-school.
I kind of follow a lady called Flylady and her suggested routines for keeping up with housework and such. Kate should give Flylady's website a visit. My favorite Flylady "tricks" are to do a daily "swish-n-swipe" of the bathrooms and a load of laundry. Swish-n-swipe involves keeping a container of disinfecting wipes under each bathroom sink and a toilet brush in a container with some type of cleaner like Mr. Clean, Pinesol, even cheap shampoo works! Every day I swipe down my bathroom counters and toilets then swish the toilets with the brush. Voila - my bathrooms stay clean! A load of laundry a day helps keep "Mt. Washmore" under control. But sometimes I skip and do a couple loads in one day. At least I get it done and I don't need applause from strangers on Twitter. Sheesh!
Sooverit said...
"Over the years, she has EATEN two sofas and one arm chair" I have NEVER laughed so hard in my life. lolol
HUH? Who said that? What did I miss?? What the...Is this from that show where they eat funky stuff? I saw one show on TLC (what else?) where this chick slept with her hairdryer! Isn't that a fire hazard?
"But what if there's a fire? I think endangering the lives of children would be an unwise juncture in your career" (John Bender-The Breakfast Club)
~Hippie Chick~
This is interesting I think Kate is tweeting that she has speaking engagement coming up soon. She didn't say where or what or WHY. I think panic is setting in and she is realizing she better get other money-making opportunities lined up.
I'd much prefer she get herself out of town and work the speaking circuit by herself at this point, the kids can stay home and be kids.
Oh, sorry you aren't feeling well, Admin!
I tried to post this earlier:
She just got on Twitter and just as I thought, Khate and TLC are up to something with all this "dating talk":
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
What's all this talk about me&dating while I was busy unpacking, doing laundry,making meals,taking care of my kids?Do share-I'm here now!lol
56 minutes ago
DaveGuinup Dave Guinup
@Kateplusmy8 long story, do you have time?
39 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@DaveGuinup Yes...
11 minutes ago
RT @BarbGilmer Alright @Kateplusmy8 u said u were here where did u go? Made dinner quick. I'm here!
12 minutes ago
katelynndorsa pia toscano fan
@Kateplusmy8 on Kate plus 8 when it is on TV cara seem like she is not happy do she like being on TV
43 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@katelynndorsa yes... She's quiet usually so that's her usual demeanor
12 minutes ago
AmyDuPou Amy Dumont-Poulin
Ha! :) Sounds like you need a date night out! @Kateplusmy8
44 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@AmyDuPou AMEN! The weekend is coming..
12 minutes ago
SuperPattyPie Patty Pie
@Kateplusmy8 Look at all your teen fans say things like "If it would make you happy"and"who needs a man" You sure have some smart teen fans!
49 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@SuperPattyPie lol I do!
12 minutes ago
Yes, she's trying to get the sheeple to still talk about her dating. Then she says "AMEN!" to the tweet that she needs a date. And, she hints that the weekend is coming!
SO, she already put it out there that she'll be in NYC this weekend to get her hair done, (on TLC's dime, as usual). I bet we'll see another Khate out on the town fake, phony photo opp! TLC has it all planned for this weekend because it's the only way she can still get press. It will get her talked about in mags, websites, maybe entertainment shows next week......all in preparation for the new episode.
BeautifulWord88 Meagan Stallings
@Kateplusmy8 UR an inspiration 2 me! I am a 1st Mom & I look up to u so much! I really want 2 hear u speak. Will u be in TX anytime soon?
1 hour ago
in reply to @BeautifulWord88 ↑
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@BeautifulWord88 I sure wish!Hav a sp engagement soon-its been TOO long! I CANT wait!I looove2 speak!Find a venue &let's get me2Texas! :)
1 hour ago
Who the heck would be hiring Khate for a speaking engagement? Those days have been over for a long time now.
Hippie Chick, I think DH means dear husband as in my ear husband did this or that.
Oh and just a hint, not a recommendation in case it goes bad - but blogger loves Google. I have both on my computer (because not everything loves Google) and I always use it for surfing and blogging.
That would be dear husband not ear husband :) and Google Chrome. Long day here. Oh the laundry, the horror!
"Too funny! LOL!!!! I'm so hungry I could eat a . . . sofa? Where the hell do they find these people?"
I'd like to be a fly on the wall when she goes shopping for furniture. Does she favor a certain brand? "Not Lane. The throw cushions a bit too salty for my taste. Let's see the Thomasville - the varnish on the wood has just enough steak-house zip to it."
Only TLC could come up with this garbage.
Barb In Nebraska said...Remember about a week ago, I kindly asked Kate to spell correctly and to use correct English and not 'twitter speak'? Well, she has blocked me! Ha! This nice, kind Catholic school teacher, who very tactfully suggested that she take the time to use correct spelling for her own children and for all of the young people who follow her. I wish she was a better example in just one department!
Of the many celebs/artists I follow on twitter, Kate is the only one who uses this so-called 'twitter speak'. She is an exception, not the norm.
Additionally, there really is no need for this short-cut texting nowadays with these newer smartphones. Not only are keyboards (virtual or physical) pretty much standard, but there are also many keyboard apps available that predict, auto-correct, etc. whatever it is you're texting to make typing faster and efficient.
Kate has her millionth pink iphone. I would assume it takes her longer to go back-and-forth between numerical/alphabetical keys than it would if she just spelled the word correctly. Unless there's an app for dumb-texting. So much for investing her money in a flashy smartphone. She even makes a smartphone look dumb.
By the way, I noticed that she's trying more to tweet correctly than before. She might have blocked you for criticizing her actions, but it looks like you got your message across.
"Who the heck would be hiring Khate for a speaking engagement?"
That's what I want to know. Maybe she's lowered her price. Her manager probably had to beg for it. Maybe one of the sheeple got her a gig.
"It will get her talked about in mags, websites, maybe entertainment shows next week......all in preparation for the new episode."
Yep, TLC is so predictable. Kate will cause some stir in NYC for the media,and it just happens to be before the show comes back on.
I wonder about the validity of the argument 'how can you hate someone you haven't met?'
Hate is a strong word first off, I prefer dislike.
Anyway, going with that logic, no one could hate, or dislike Hitler that hasn't met him. Or (and this is just a scenario demonstrating the logic of the argument) if someone murdered a loved one of yours, you couldn't hate that murderer because you never met that person. This is illogical. Just because you haven't met somebody doesn't mean you cannot like or dislike them, especially if they have an effect on your life, directly or indirectly. It is probably more accurate to say you like or dislike their actions, or character, or speech, and on and on, but who talks like that? I can say that I don't dislike everything about Kate, but there are some actions of hers that I do not like. Her characteristics, I don't have too much opinion about. Her speech, good lord... Is there anything I like about her? Well she did start exercising, kudos for that if she has kept it up. Have I met Kate? No. Do I need to to form an opinion? No. Have I met the President of the US? No. Do I have an opinion of him? Of course. I am sure most of us do- sheeple included and I am fairly certain they haven't met him, either.
Butterfly a lot of very flawed logic has been used to defend Kate. Another one is "don't judge Kate unless you've walked a mile in her shoes." Kate herself has preached this mantra.
But the reality is we "judge" people all the time. If we didn't "judge" stage parents we never would need child labor laws in the first place. We'd all be sitting on our hands saying don't judge them! On the contrary, the law has made it very clear, stage parents cannot be trusted. This is a judgment. I was never a stage parent, I probably never will be a stage parent, I don't even really know any true stage parents. I know parents whose kids have done a few bit parts now and again, but that's it. But I'm going to judge any stage parent for exploiting their kids whether I know them or not. And that includes Kate. If no one judged people like Kate, changes would never happen when bad things occur.
And in that same vein, don't judge unless you know the full story is another one thrown out there. Again, we are constantly asked to make all kinds of judgments and decisions without knowing the whole story. I sure wish I knew the "full story" on Arnold Schwarzenegger before I cast my vote for him. You make your judgment based on the information you do know and you do the best you can with what you know, and you're open to new information as it comes in and altering your opinion.
Gimme, don't worry about your posts. Even if I re-read what I wrote before I hit the enter button, it usually looks fine to me. That is, until it actually pops up for all the world to see. So I go easy on even Kate's posts if a word is spelled incorrectly. We all do it. Her made up words are sure interesting, though. We know you meant "dear" not "ear"--love your posts.
Teresa said,
Just been listening to a Shirley Bassey song "I Who Have Nothing"? Remember that one? Well, l changed the "I" to "You" and ME and got poor Khate .... lol
Yes. Lieber and Stoller, Smokey Joe's Cafe. Best musical to ever hit Broadway. Could be Kate's theme song (rewritten), but I love that song, and every time I would hear it, I'd have to think of her. Not a pleasant thought!
That's what I want to know. Maybe she's lowered her price. Her manager probably had to beg for it. Maybe one of the sheeple got her a gig.
It takes her two hours to deliver a speech that should take an hour. The "ums" and "honestlys" eat up the other hour, and she gets paid for it. She's not totally stupid.
Sorry about that Admin. Hope you're feeling better soon. Didn't mean it to cause discomfort...hmmm..second thoughts...Well, ever
I just watched a part of Dr. Drew interviewing Octomom. I've been waiting to see this because I like Dr. Drew a lot - he is a real MD, very professional and extremely knowlegable about mental health issues and addictions.
In the past his interviews with patients have been direct, compassionate and he doesn't allow any bullshit. He calls them if they are faking it, lying, making excuses or wandering off track.
I had to turn the TV off after about 20-25 minutes.... there is something seriously wrong with octomom. It was extremely uncomfortable to watch her.
She couldn't answer one question with a straight answer... I don't think she's drug-addled or anything like that, I think her brain is working in mysterious ways... (bless her heart)
At one point he actually took her hands and held them, taking a few minutes on TV to have her breathe and quiet herself. She was exhibiting very clear signs of anxiety and agitation.
If you listen carefully to her words, she is talking but saying nothing. She knows all the buzzwords since she went to school to be a psych tech but she is just parroting what she's read.
She says she has OCD, personality disorders, ADHD, rage, anxiety and panic attacks. Personally, in hearing her talk, I think she knows she is nuts. How sad is that?!
It was so very sad to watch.
I have no doubt within a few years there will be a family crisis come to pass, and it will be public and devastating. She says all her little children are gifted, smart and well behaved. (Add delusional to the list of those self-diagnoses above) All audio/video of them and her in her house contradicts her statement. Those children seem feral to me.
In an undergraduate gerontology class one instructor told us "not all old people are sweet and cuddly; if they were mean and cruel when they were young, they grow old the same way".
To extrapolate to kart and octomom, I don't think the fact that they birthed 6 or 8 babies has made them what they are now, I think both of them were "off" before.
It was almost heartbreaking to see octomom in this interview. Her precious kids are lost.
I am feeling utterly and profoundly saddened because I imagine kart and octomom's kids have had similiar lack of maternal love and support.
I'm so sad for them.
Ok, to foods for thought: She is either saying: Kate said she is wishing that she gets a speaking job and soon, and that the twit who tweeted should find a venue for her, and that she can't wait. or Kates' hairdresser, tweeted to her, that he is gonna be at some seminar on saturday and said to Kate, since he uses this product on Kate, that she should go with him to the seminar and show it off, Kate tweeted him she was interested. So maybe this is the speaking engagement Kate is talking about. You know, Oh blab, blab, is a great hairdresser, etc, to Kate this is a speaking engagement. Remember to Kate spending time with kids, is being in the same house, not nessessary to be active in activities or talking to or paying any attention to any of them(that's what nannies/babysitters/ hired help is for).
And what is all this BS about: first in recent interviews Kate says she dated a little, now she tweeted that she can't get a date and has said in other interviews that she has not dated anyone? So which is it? Perhaps Kates idea of a little dating is being in the same room or standing next to or talkng to a guy as a date. She is totally GOOFY!
I had a pretty sad/funny thought......
Can you imagine if kart and octomom were put together in a room to interact?
Do you all remember the phrase 'parallel play' from when our kids were young?
I imagine it would be like that - 2 NPD wonks, both on transmit, not on receive, neither caring what the other said or felt. They would each be wanting to get their position out front, first and loudest...
Both seem to not understand that conversation has two parts: speaking and listening.
Neither listen. Neither hear.
Permanent Name said... I just watched a part of Dr. Drew interviewing Octomom. I've been waiting to see this because I like Dr. Drew a lot - he is a real MD, very professional and extremely knowlegable about mental health issues and addictions.
Drew is a blow-hard fame whore. Watch Celebrity Rehab and see how UNprofessional he really is. Of course, this is my opinion. (And thousands of other TWoPers)
Sadly, one day he might be 'treating' one of the Gosselin kids.
Wow! I guess we'll have to graciously agree to disagree about Dr. Drew.
However, I do agree with you that the "eight-count-them, eight kids" might one day need therapy.
One last comment then off to bed...
Just as we thought and commented, this twat dave dude is definitely a shit stirer. He just commented on twit that he finds it funny that folks follow him and comment on his 'convo' with kart.
My money is he's a plant, some tlc twit intern or kart herself. It's either a setup for something or just stirring for the sake of stirring.
Best vaccination against them is to ignore them. Starve them.
My money is he's a plant, some tlc twit intern or kart herself. It's either a setup for something or just stirring for the sake of stirring.
He's a wrestler - has his own website with photos, wins, etc. His real name is the one he uses on Twitter, and he's from PA, outside of Philly. He uses another last name as a wrestler. He has a body, (!!!) and multiple tats, which I'm not too sure would turn Kate on. Is he a plant hired by TLC? Who knows? But he is a "real" person and not someone out of the Twilight Zone.
Read his blog. He mentions his wife and son.
Both seem to not understand that conversation has two parts: speaking and listening.
Neither listen. Neither hear.
Great observation! I agree completely. Well put.
@kateplusmy8 Funny how the Admin doesn't want her bloggers to tweet Kate but each and every posting on her blog is about twitter. Go Figure
Why are you reading this blog, Walt? I thought you were done with it! Each and every posting? Exaggerate much? In order to make a statement like that, you must be reading EACH AND EVERY posting!
Admin, and many others here, have expressed their disapproval of the hateful attacks on fans and non-fans on Twitter, especially by some of the regulars who seem hell-bent on harassing, under the disguise of "outing" tweeters. She has said she wants no part of it, nor have this blog associated with that. Good for her.
Have to agree with Pixie on Dr Drew. His ship came in being hired by HLN.
@kateplusmy8 Funny how the Admin doesn't want her bloggers to tweet Kate but each and every posting on her blog is about twitter. Go Figure
What a turn-coat! Admin NEVER tell's anyone what to do! Only to keep it respectful! You have just lost my respect Kelly! Shame on you!
I wandered over to another site and found this disturbing saga about a Kate fan and Jon & Ellen hater. I certainly hope that Jon knows about this and has safety precautions in place. This one is more than just a little scary.
TLC ship is sinking said...
She even makes a smartphone look dumb.
LOLOL!!! Love it!! My Droid has this Swipe feature. Keep your damn finger on the keyboard & swipe the words. It will AUTOMATICALLY come up with the right word. And space them! Done. Or use the speak now technology. I know she only has 140 characters, but if she wasn't so damn conceited & re-tweeted every damn thing, then maybe she could get get ALL of the words in without resorting to abbreviations.
kt u r so stpd. gt tht? gt a clu. no1 lkes u anymr. eff off bd mthr.
Good Night all!
~Hippie Chick~
Jenna Does said...
kt u r so stpd. gt tht? gt a clu. no1 lkes u anymr. eff off bd mthr.
Ha ha ha!! That's exactly how she tweets, so funny! Thanks for the laugh, Hippie Chick!
Maybe not Kate's ideal partner said...
Read his blog. He mentions his wife and son.
I kind of chuckle that I could possibly tell the strong women here what to do. Not very likely, consider that a compliment.
And as most people know, I certainly never told anyone they couldn't twit-twat Kate, her fans, or anyone on twitter. I said I would not tolerate those who HARASS Kate or her fans. So by all means, twitter away. In fact someone here was just talking about her polite tweet to Kate asking her to please write somewhat coherently in her twats if at all possible. Funny, I stood up for Kate and the tweeple and this is what happens.
I know you all have seen this, but it was so long ago l wanted to play it again. Hope you all don't mind having another look. I LOVE the children's faces and smiles.
Is it just projection they insist he is not happy and is a deadbeat dad? Is it their blind hatred for him?
You could put a paper bag on his face and it would still be clear to anyone objective he is a man in a stable, happy relationship and adores his children. I could do a post on all the times he has been "Dad" to the kids but is that really necessary? Come on.
Probably over and out early tonight so if comments go dark that's why, fighting a little fever booooo! The pitfalls of working around a ton of people who are invariably sick.
You're welcome,Hippie Chick.
You and several other regulars here have written posts that have lightened my mood, made me cry and have a good belly laugh, sometimes all in one day!I had to lurk here quite awhile to feel safe enough to post!
I read Admin.'s recaps,because I refuse to watch the show and they are the best-hilarious and insightful....
Now, enough of the kindred spirit kumbaya.I noticed in the picture of the laundry room,that Kate has at least 3 empty laundry sorting hampers in the corner.Did she put it on the floor to make it look like it was bigger? The kids could put their own dark,white,socks and undies,boys or girls in the sorting hampers,if she put a sign on each,no? Then, just wheel that hamper over to the washer-I thought she was Mrs. organization?
kate does laundry?- 'oh, no she doesn't!'I had that much laundry on bed change day and I only had 3 girls.The kids are all old enough to help out anyway!My 6yr.old grandson folds and puts his own clothes away.
I would like to know who got stuck with finding all the missing shoes,toys, sandy hats,caps, jackets,dvd's with lost cases,i-pods,swim suits and beach toys, sunglasses, favourite stuffed animals,crayons,books and dirty backpacks full of rotting food!
Laundry sounds better to me-put it in washer, take it out,put it in dryer, repeat til done....
Seems Kate and TLC are not a one and only case with fraud and ceception, check this link about coupon fraud and publicity cheat and misusage of advertisement.
here is the link:
Love your song- it's a 'hot mess', just like Kate! Quite 'splendiferous.' Now, tell me how to get the image of Kate stomping around with a microphone out of my head!
I did so much today it would make Kate Gosselin the Diva cry if she had to do half of it. And this is the first place or time I even mentioned it. Why? It's life! No one cares to hear whining and moaning all the time, just get on with it.
Heck, you'd think a mother of 8 with NO HELP wouldn't even have TIME to gripe about how exhausted and swept off her feet she is. She's so ridiculous--you can't sit around tweeting on yoir phone all day AND claim to be sooooooo busy and exhausted. Those are pretty mutually exclusive.
"I wonder about the validity of the argument 'how can you hate someone you haven't met?'"
But then you can ask "How can you love someone you've never met?" to the sheeple. Kate's non fans may not know her, but the sheeple don't either.
About Dr. Drew, during the height of the Gosselin drama, he supported Kate in doing the reality show. So my opinion of him is not that favorable. I don't know what his opinion is now though. He has triplets so maybe he has sympathy for parents of multiples.
"NWS gave me something that most wrestlers don't get, that being in Wildwood I met my current wife Lisa and we now have a wonderful son. Not a bad pay day in my book"
Here is the link and the quote from that Dave Guinup guy. Don't know if this was discussed on Twitter (or how old this blog is. Could be he is divorced by now??) Just found it interesting.
Here's a solution to the laundry issue.... the twins are old enough to do their own. The younger kids could start learning & by the time they are 8, could do their own. My kids started doing their own laundry at a young age because I was tired of washing clean clothes that got put back into the dirty laundry when they didn't feel like putting them away. Now, I only have my own laundry to worry about - my husband has always done his own.
Hey Jude said....
The kids could put their own dark,white,socks and undies,boys or girls in the sorting hampers,if she put a sign on each,no? Then, just wheel that hamper over to the washer-I thought she was Mrs. organization?
She actually did that bit of education with them when the sextuplets were about 2. She drew
pictures and put them on the hampers - I think each kid had his/her own hamper.
I noticed the empty sorting baskets in the picture too. Why would a "neat freak" permit clothes dumped on the floor when she had those baskets so handy?
I bet the hamper picture idea was just for the episode, showing Kate as the paragon of organization for all the world to admire. I guess it didn't "take" in real life.
I don't know much about Twitter, but let's just not even speculate about her twatting with men. It shows we have an interest in her love life, and guess what? TLC will introduce single men into her life because even the "haterz" are obviously curious. Please, if you have any compassion for those children, don't let your interest result in a parade of men entering their lives only to be used for TV ratings.
Real quick cause I'm late.kate was onMY LOCAL radio station. they bashed her bad. More late. Did not heareverything but they putup podcast eventually...from phone.
Hippie Chick
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
GM all! Finally getting back on EST! I'm on the radio all am then I have 6 more duffles to unpack..getting closer to being organized again!
Radio and infomercials. Perfect! I think Kate has found her niche at last.
And it's "duffel" Kate.
How can Kate possibly be on the radio "all morning" with 8 "distractions" running around and no help and no adults???
Would be nice if she bothered to teach her kids about chores. Doubt it unless it's for filming.
wryview-don't you think the kids work enough?
wryview said...
My kids started doing their own laundry at a young age because I was tired of washing clean clothes that got put back into the dirty laundry when they didn't feel like putting them away.
Wryview, my 9 year old does that. Kids can't understand that it takes just a few seconds to put something in a drawer or on a hanger. To them it's so much easier to just drop it in the hamper. Good idea - I should have her start doing her own laundry. : )
Hilarious! The comments on the Huffington Post article (sorry don't know how to add the link)
are sooo bang on! BUT there's this one person
"Jeanie Marie Branum" who keeps coming to kate's defense. Someone even asked if she was BABY MAMMA.
Jenna Does said:
HUH? Who said that? What did I miss?? What the...Is this from that show where they eat funky stuff? I saw one show on TLC (what else?) where this chick slept with her hairdryer! Isn't that a fire hazard?
"But what if there's a fire? I think endangering the lives of children would be an unwise juncture in your career" (John Bender-The Breakfast Club)
~Hippie Chick~
Hippie Chick,
Yes, we were talking about those people on My Strange Addiction. What a sad, horrible thing to have to deal with. But the image of furniture going missing just got a few of us giggling. Can you imagine? Ca-RAY-zee!
Moose Mania said:
I'd like to be a fly on the wall when she goes shopping for furniture. Does she favor a certain brand? "Not Lane. The throw cushions a bit too salty for my taste. Let's see the Thomasville - the varnish on the wood has just enough steak-house zip to it."
Ha ha! I thought my grocery bill was bad. At least I don't have to buy a recliner every few months.
Many of the sheeple have also suggested having the twins help out with the laundry. Ordinarily, I understand teaching kids responsibility and giving them chores. HOWEVER, in the case of this family, I strongly believe these kids should NOT have to do laundry since they have all had JOBS for years. Their very existence, the hours upon hours of filming, the putting up with camera crews all over their house, the being dragged everywhere to film episodes, and the complete loss of privacy is the only reason they have that big house on all those acres. Every single thing that Khate has acquired was bought through the labor of her children (or given to her free because of the kids). So, in this case, NO, I don't believe these kids should have to do one damn bit of laundry.
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
GM all! Finally getting back on EST! I'm on the radio all am then I have 6 more duffles to unpack..getting closer to being organized again!
3 hours ago
This is the second time she's had radio interviews recently. Ha, I guess it's the best TLC can do now. What about The View, The Talk, the Today show, etc??
"Dallas Lady said... Heck, you'd think a mother of 8 with NO HELP wouldn't even have TIME to gripe about how exhausted and swept off her feet she is. She's so ridiculous--you can't sit around tweeting on yoir phone all day AND claim to be sooooooo busy and exhausted. Those are pretty mutually exclusive."
So very true. The fans don't seem to catch this. Or they ignore it, as usual. How can she possibly give all 8 any attention, plus do "all" that laundry, plus cook, plus clean, plus plus plus lol I just don't get why her fans always claim she is soooo strong. If she can't handle a pile of laundry without whining, or whining about keeping allllllllllll those kids by her little lonesome, "1 mom of 8" HOW does this make this idiot "strong". Anything I detest is a woman pulling that "helpless" act. She is just So overwhelmed. LOL Then she jumps on the comments about how strong she is, how wonderful, how inspiring. LOL Ugh What a walking contradiction.
ADMIN have a great trip to my city! Suppose to have a cool spell for the weekend with thundershowers. 100 and 99 for S/S. Have fun though!
OK, on the computer now. Sorry about that, I was in a rush on my phone! Sorry about the errors. Kate was on my local station (Boston) I listen to all the time. I didn't hear anything except them bashing her.
The put up a pod cast. Should be up by now. Callers BASHED the hell out of her, asking WHY she is even relevant. I heard all of that. So, listen to her pod cast & lemme know what happened! I can't stand her voice!!
~Hippie Chick~
RJHawk RJ Hawk
Kate Gosselin on the SWNN right now on 103.7 The Buzz
58 minutes ago
matthewgcarroll Matthew Carroll
@RJHawk Really?
55 minutes ago
RJHawk RJ Hawk
@matthewgcarroll Yes sir...just wrapped it up
54 minutes ago
matthewgcarroll Matthew Carroll
@RJHawk Was she a total bi%#@?
53 minutes ago
RJHawk RJ Hawk
@matthewgcarroll it was interesting to say the least
matthewgcarroll Matthew Carroll
@RJHawk Do you guys stream that sort of stuff? I want to hear it.
48 minutes ago
@RJHawk RJ Hawk
@matthewgcarroll the audio is on the website
25 minutes ago
matthewgcarroll Matthew Carroll
@RJHawk Thanks dude!
22 minutes ago
Hi Twitter page says:
RJ Hawk
@RJHawk Little Rock, Arkansas
Morning Show Producer/Sports Update Anchor for 103.7 The Buzz. Color Commentator for the AA Affiliate of the LA Angels, The Arkansas Travelers.
Just read an article on CNN where Nadya Suleman is claiming she was asked by her doctor to sign a consent form to have 12 embryos implanted while she was on valium. There are apparently also 29 other frozen embryos in storage.
Now if memory serves, didn't she say that the reason she had so many implanted was because these were her remaining embryos and she couldn't destroy them?
Here's a suggestion - weird and creepy as it may sound to some, there are adoption agencies out there that will adopt your frozen embryos. For those families who had IVF and don't feel that they can afford any more children or who, for religious or ethical reasons, don't wish to destroy them this is a viable option. I'm not saying it's an easy decision. I know that I couldn't do it and I am very appreciative that I was never in that position. But if Nadya Suleman feels strongly about this, it is an option.
So, in this case, NO, I don't believe these kids should have to do one damn bit of laundry.
I absolutely totally agree with this. Let them have their childhood! Why should they have to work to help their mom gets the chores done faster so she can head off to NYC? No way! They need to be kids in the only way they can be and this does not mean they work around the house. It would be like holding down two jobs - employed by TLC and by Kate. It's her own fault that Jon is no longer there; otherwise, she'd have him doing the laundry while she flits around complaining how tough she has it.
Just read an article on CNN where Nadya Suleman is claiming she was asked by her doctor to sign a consent form to have 12 embryos implanted while she was on valium.
Do you mean, "While she was on valium, she signed a consent form..." or she actually had them implanted while she was on valium?
I'm listening now. They started off asking about infertility. She didn't want to have so many, didn't set out for this.
She's crying poverty, has a lot of kids, needs money for college. Has nowhere what they will need.
They called Jon a deadbeat. She says he pays what he has to, not the amount in the press. She says she and the kids are very happy (while she sound horribly depressed, lol).
She has no time for herself, except for running, She'll rest when she's dead.
They asked about Palin and she said she's a busy mom too.
They asked about Octomom and Khate didn't like it all, seemed extremely offended to even be in the same category as Nadia Suleman. She said she doesn't know why that always comes up.
They asked about Playboy. She said she doesn't say yes to every offer that comes her way. She has to set a good example for her kids.
One of the hosts (Spaz?) said she should call him if she's in Boston. She said he'd have to accept eight kids. He said he has a kid, likes kids.
BORING few minutes.
Ha, she hangs up after they plug the show and now they are bashing her:
They said she pauses a lot.
She doesn't sound like a lot of fun.
Joked that this season she gets a shotgun and ends the misery.
Oh crap, that's it, the phone calls from listeners aren't on the podcast!
Jenna Does said... OK, on the computer now. Sorry about that, I was in a rush on my phone! Sorry about the errors. Kate was on my local station (Boston) I listen to all the time. I didn't hear anything except them bashing her.
The put up a pod cast. Should be up by now. Callers BASHED the hell out of her, asking WHY she is even relevant. I heard all of that. So, listen to her pod cast & lemme know what happened! I can't stand her voice!!
~Hippie Chick~
Oh dear! You mean the DJ's didn't kiss her Corinthian leather ass and tell her how wonderful, strong and inspiring she is? They didn't tell her they held a candlelight vigil for her all this week as she toiled away in her home this week with NO HIRED HELP!! They didn't tell her that toxic personality be dammned, why aren't rich ex-football players knocking down the doors of her mansion! They didn't offer her an all expenses paid trip to the Maldives to compensate for the fact the poor thing just spent 2 weeks traveling in an RV while earning $500,000-$750,000 for doing so? Sorry Hippie, I'm not buying it! ;)
Even though there's a podcast with concrete proof, I'm going to choose to think like a sheeple and tell myself that the DJ's gushed and fawned all over Kate and celebrated her wondefullness and the only bashing was for Jon and Ellen. Yeah, that's the ticket!!! ;)
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