In yet another interview bashing the children's father [Kate should know about Judge Diane Gibbons from Bucks County, PA, who recently ruled that
a father bashing his children's mother on his personal blog was "abusive" to his children--(thank you, Your Honor)], Kate claims that the kids are clammoring for her to get married:
Said Kate, “Obviously the kids miss their dad living here but they are at the point now they are smashing their fists on the table saying ‘we want you to get married. We need a daddy that lives here. But, I say ‘you have your daddy.’”
And Kate also claims that even during the marriage, she shouldered most of the household burdens:
"I felt like I have really always taken charge of everything around the house. Schedule and organization and work. It’s a lot to handle for one person.”
Kate took charge of the work? Funny, that's not how we remember it:
Babies and Bedrooms |
Babies and Bedrooms |
Garage Makeover |
Winter Preparation | | |
Carpeting the House |
Backyard Campout |
Trip to the Vet |
And as for Kate, what was she doing?
Carpeting the House |
447 sediments (sic) from readers:
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Nobody Likes a Narcissist said.. I just listened too. WHY does she let others diss Jon by caling him a deadbeat? Apparently he is NOT a deadbeat. HE PAYS CHILD SUPPORT AND SEES THEM. She sure was nasty sounding when they asked about Suleman. "No" nasty idiot. Sooo disgusted. Why did she say she insisted on just ONE baby? They wanted only ONE. They broke the rules. Idiot always revising history.
GUESS WHAT FANS? SHE SAID JON PAYS CHILD SUPPORT! Now you can stop lying saying that he pays NONE. Your hero said he pays! NO man goes without paying child support. As she said. Of course she said she has to "work hard" to provide for her allllll those kids. Gawd what an idiot. HER KIDS WORK HARD.
And you guys have a great point. WHY should the kids work to help her around the house? They do work already. Hadn't even thought of it that way.
Her nasty little 'tude was showing. I think the guys playing around was irritating to her. hahaha
OK, I listened to that pod cast. First thing, typical radio DJ's who think everything they say is funny. WHY do people still call Jon a deadbeat? Notice when they do call him that, Kate simply steps right over the comment and answers them. Doesn't even say something to support the father of her kids. The best part was the DJ's got a taste of just how much of a bitch she was, when she just hung up on them.
Once again, another version of the college funds. Why did she tell Meredith that she had plenty of money in their funds? Yet last year and now, saying there is not enough? Liar. If she doesn't have enough in their funds by now, she is totally mismanaging the money. She should be investigated. Seriously.
You guys notice something? Usually, in the past, she would GO to the Today Show, the View, Access Hollywood etc. NOW she is promoting VERY cheaply on the radio?? Cut in the budget for real. LOL
There's a lot more on that audio. I didn't get anywhere near all of it. She claims that the entire responsibility for the kids falls on her shoulders which is okay, she just hopes work keeps coming her way.
You should force yourselves to try to listen to it. It's only about eight minutes. I wish I could do a transcript, but I just cannot torture myself that much, lol.
She sounded bored, uninterested, and tired. What a way to sell a show, Khate. She acts as if she's doing THEM a favor by talking to them on the phone. If TLC thinks these radio interviews (over a week before the new episode airs) will help ratings, they're as crazy as Khate.
Another thing.... shouldn't she say NO COMMENT when asked about child support? Why do we need to know that he pays "way, way less then what is reported" and she is basically picking up the slack and then some?
KATE, any sheeple trolls, you are a mean, ungracious, before her time has been, star in her mind, JOKE. You have to wonder, WHY are you only doing radio?
The sheeple are insane. They take the tweet about jon not taking the kids and have basically tarred and feathered, drawn and quartered and banished him to Siberia. Maybe Kate can book a few morning radio shows and cry about it. Lets hope that they don't bore morning drivers with her BS.
Nadya was valedictorian of her graduating class in college. She had perfect attendance never missed a class. She is about 3 credits shy of a master's degree in psychology. She strikes me as a person who is so smart they can't relate. Her mom was a holocaust survivor and never, ever told her she loved her. And yes, I believe her when she said her doctor had her sign that form on Valium. He didn't lose his license for nothing, there had to be more. I could barely understand a word that she was saying, she talks incredibly fast and once she starts there is no stopping her. Not even Dr. Drew. I like his show. I quit watching Primetime at 5, NG, JVM and Joy, so sick of CA. It is like beating a dead horse. They just don't know when to stop.
Khate doing what she does best, dancing around the truth - the Playboy thing was a plant - he never offered.
Wait was this radio show the "speaking engagement" she spoke of ? Lol
Hippie Chic - DH = dear husband.
The Help is a fabulous book. The movie comes out on August 10 and there are clips all over the Internet. Can't wait to see it!
Listened to that podcast. What jumped out at me was when she was talking about college and said:
"I have a savings for them obviously cuz I'm working,and its not even close to what they will need when they get there."
What about the income from THEM working??? Someone impartial needs to be watching over it for them.
When I opened that podcast with windows mediaplayer, the title across the top of the says kate-grosslyn LOL
I listened. She wasn't a good sport with their joking and quickly hung up. For someone who "loves to talk", she had no quick comebacks to their jokes or played along. At least she did admit that Jon pays child support "although not as much as reported in the press". Maybe she doesn't get that big ol' salary we thought she does either. She did say she has a savings account for the kids' college. I think she would need something like a million $$ socked away to pay for all eight, so my guess is that she hasn't done that and will poor mouth as usual. Hey, everyone has been hit by college expenses, so she gets no sympathy from me particularly when she has been handed so much money.
Whew! The Kate we all know (and dislike) shined throughout that radio interview.
Would it kill her to suck it up and fake interest?
Cheez-it Kate, grow a personality or something.
A walking zombie has more charm than you do...
Doing laundry = doing chores
Doing chores = developing a sense of responsibility
A sense of responsibility is it's own reward
While I agree that the kids work hard to support themselves (and their lousy excuse of a parent), household chores are just not the same kind of work. Age-appropriate chores become good habits for a lifetime, and are a necessary ingredient to living with anyone. People, we are talking about sorting clothes, not repairing a roof.
At the very end of the podcast the guys were joking around asking Kate if she'd date Spaz, one of the DJs. Being that Kate isn't a quick thinker, she couldn't keep up. One of the DJs said if she's ever in Boston, Spaz would like her to "ride his broom" (that can be taken a couple of ways LOL),Kate was quiet then they all were saying their goodbyes, and then...dial tone. I think Kate pretty much hung up on them. Then there was a bit of talk about Kate not sounding happy, etc. Way to go, guys. LOL
WAAF did "gush" in their own way. They laughed and played around a lot. Kate seemed "annoyed" by that at first. It was canned questions. Both stations asked about the same questions.
New show coming us?
The show is her "job". SHE works hard. I have never have I heard her say she would like a man to share her life with, love or anything along that line. He would have to meet HER qualifications. LOL She spends 2K a month on food. SHE Is working while her kids are by her side. LOLOL
She could work as a nurse but it wouldn't be a "drop in the bucket". I wonder how all these parents support their kids on a paltry sum. PERHAPS families don't live in mini-mansion and live like a movie star? Does she really think that ALL of us are that stupid? POOR thing she said again, she has NO babysitter this week. awww poor poor Kate.
Kate of course is once again talking about the divorce. She filed so people blamed her..BUT behind closed doors is was JON, of course. Since people saw she was "THE STEADY STONG PARENT", people now, including her area neighbors. now see and accept her. LOLOL
Kate you truly are delusional. MOST people DO NOT feel that way. Once again, you are projecting how YOU feel, or think people should feel. Stop listeining to the your half dozens deluded fans. You truly have no self awareness at all.
BTW, I wanted to comment on Admin's photos up top with Jon. I recall when watching the show how lucky Kate was to have such a helpful husband and I liked that he was laid back. She had it good with Jon.
No Regrets said... Once again, another version of the college funds. Why did she tell Meredith that she had plenty of money in their funds? Yet last year and now, saying there is not enough? Liar. If she doesn't have enough in their funds by now, she is totally mismanaging the money. She should be investigated. Seriously.
Regrets, I totally agree. I interrupt our usually scheduled snarky program to express some legitimate concern.
I don't think there is going to be any money for these kids to go to college when the time comes, for the ones who wish to attend. They had the PA TAP college funds opened for them. While these accounts were not funded (the public was invited to contribute to them) back then the deal was that the year you opened the fund, you were locking in that year's tuition rate of a PA state college. It's set up completely different now, but it is my understanding the conditions which were valid the year the fund was opened up were being honored. She has not one excuse in freakin' bloody hell why she couldn't fund these accounts and the kids shouldn't be set to be able to attend a PA state college very cheaply.
I think there has to be an investigation, sooner, rather than later. As the father of children who have been deemed to be working by the PADoL, I would think Jon has the right to know if his children will be able to use and have access to the money THEY worked for and earned over so many years of filming. The BS about Kate being able to use the money in the accounts they currently have is frightening. She absolutely would take money from their accounts to pay for their tuition, etc. before she'd touch a dime of her moldy millions. It would be just heartbreaking for the kids to come of age and find that all of their money is gone. I hope to God someone is on top of this.
Here's the link for the podcast of Khate on the first station I posted about, 103.7 The Buzz, In Arkansas:
The call starts out with them discussing the upcoming episodes, a movie the kids made, and the cupcake visit.
Then, following the TLC SCRIPT, they ask Khate about dating.
She says there would have to be a man brave enough who had the right intentions and qualifications. They mention tv cameras and she says this is her life and he job. Even her closest friends don't understand it, people think oh, tv is so great, but this is a job and you put yourself out there, and then "you're subject to the cruxification of the world" and it's a very difficult thing. Sometimes she feels bad taking someone on and putting them in this.
(Really? BUT you inserted your KIDS into this crazy life of cameras and tv!)
They ask about her car, what does she drive with eight kids. She says it's a Dodge Sprinter (?). She says it's like the FedEx vehicle, seats ten. She'd love to have it redone and add an aisle down the center and a few more seats, "but, we'll see." She also drives a Sequoia when she only has six kids with her.
(Part 2 is next)
(Part 2 of 4)
They mention being done with kids, having eight kids. Like in the Boston interview, she says she's overdone with kids, "like five overdone".
They bring up the Duggars, (this show is in Arkansas, like the Duggars), 19 kids and she says she doesn't "understand that whole situation." They say but Khate had so many at once. They say she needs to keep doing tv, let the kids do movies, because her food bills and clothing expenses must be so high, need some money coming in.
OMG, Khate doesn't like being trumped that the Duggars have more kids than her! SHE is supermom, don't you people get it? She basically implies that HER life is so much harder than theirs!! She says:
"And, that's the thing, I mean, people, you know, always try to compare me to the Duggars and the thing is they have older kids to help. They have the hand me down clothing, you know, I don't have any of that, so it's, you know, you need sneakers, it's six pairs of the same size. Um, yeah, so it is really difficult and...."
"Food bills, we opt to eat organically, so, um, you know, it is in the $2,000 range a month and that is not with meat because I buy my beef and chicken, um, in bulk elsewhere so it is very, very expensive."
"And, you are correct, this is the job that's working for me 'cause I'm working while my kids are by side, and I still consider it a blessing every day, and I hope that it continues for a long time because we're happy, we're happy doing this, we're happy, um, being together. I could work twelve hour days six days a week as a nurse and it wouldn't even be a drop in the bucket for what we need, so..."
(very defensive)
They ask if the kids are they with her right now, beside her and she replies:
"They are. They're actually in another room, um, I have no babysitting this week, so I bought them a couple Lego sets so they're happily, um, building Legos together, aren't they awesome?
They go on to ask her if she has a favorite. Uugh, I can't stand her voice. Blah, blah, blah, they're all individuals, unique, all completely different.
(Ha ha, that's her new line lately, after reading here)
TLC stinks said... "I listened. She wasn't a good sport with their joking and quickly hung up. For someone who "loves to talk", she had no quick comebacks to their jokes or played along."
I guess her snappy "gift of gab" only applies when the host is asking pre-approved scripted questions and Kate has an earpiece in her ear so she can be fed answers.
I think someone is using your name on my blog saying mean things to me. I'm sorry Admin to use this forum to discuss this, but I thought E-Town would like to know.
Hippie - I just saw this post when I was looking at the other thread, trying to find something that Kate said. is most definitely not me. What blog is that - do you have a link? I don't spell Neighbor as Neighbour. I think that's more common in the UK. I'm really sorry. I do know that on another blog, "oh, yes, she is" was pulling names of other posters and using them.
Thanks for letting me know.
Kate claims that the kids are happy. How happy can they be if they sit at the table, pound their fists on the table and demand a new daddy? That doesn't sound like they're joyful!
Did listeners call into this show? The one I heard didn't have any call-iners (Kate word).
Did anyone catch when they asked if she wanted anymore kids she said she was already 5 over her limit??? I'm sorry but what kind of mother would say that about their children? When my parents got married they said they wanted a dozen children. They did have a dozen and by the way, they were all single births. But then they had a thirteenth. My parents changed it to a bakers dozen. My dad worked long hours to support us. My mom was a SAHM. She didn't have any help from nannies, cooks , maids or the like. She did it her self and when we were old enough we helped out. So it really galls me when she complains about what she has to do. My mom had one wringer washer for the first eight kids and then felt like a queen when she got her first automatic washer and dryer. This woman has 2 of each and is still whining.
She has not one excuse in freakin' bloody hell why she couldn't fund these accounts and the kids shouldn't be set to be able to attend a PA state college very cheaply.
It is no longer a requirement that kids must attend a PA state school, although those schools would be the least expensive. They may use the PA 529 funds in the account for colleges, universities, community colleges, and law, medical, as well as technical or career schools overseas. I laughed when she said that she's working her butt off so the kids an go to school. How about the kids working their butts off so they can pay for their own education?
The college fund fiasco is downright negligence, pure and simple. Kate made $500,000 on Dancing With the Stars.
Had she put that $500,000 in a 529 plan right then, when the kids were five years old, investing it moderately to aggressively, that should be plenty to cover them by the time they are 18.
Does she realize how financially stupid she sounds when she cries poor? She has worked herself and the kids to death for SIX YEARS and has nothing to show for it, per Kate.
Hippie - I posted this, but didn't see it show up. I did not comment on your blog. I would never do that. You "know" me! I know that the "oh, yes, she is" person has grabbed some IDs and used them on other blogs. Do you have a link? I am so sorry that this happened.
Admin, did you get my two long posts with parts of the radio show? I have the third and final part to post.
OMG...Talk about the bottom of the barrel...This is the promo for her show? How pathetic is this getting? She sounded totally disgusted by the whole thing and then hung up on them. Again, another chance to make an ass out of Jon. She has choosen that life style now she has to pay for it. Jon has a real job now and can't afford to keep her in hair extentions. POOR ME...POOR ME. What happened to all that freakin' money in the college funds? She sure is taking those poor kids to the cleaners. They won't have dime left!
Oh brother. She said "there's really no such thing as Kate Time".
Oh yeah? Along with the time she wastes twatting there's plenty of "Kate time"...let's see "spa time", "NY shopping/dancing/boozing time", "vacation time", "sleep in time", "hair salon time", "kids are with their dad time", "kids are all in school time". Geezus, she put the eight to work so she could have nothing BUT "Kate Time".
That interview was the same old schlock she's been trying to sell for years...and she's still not good at it. There's only a handful of tweeple left who believe her. Her laundry pile isn't nearly as deep as her steaming pile of horseshit.
Someone tweeted:
LOL-& farmer henry-NOT amish.Tru Amish wldnt appear on TV,or evn pics
The claim is that Kate's farmer/neighbor isn't Amish. There are many different Amish sects or sub-orders, such as Old Order Amish, New Order Amish, Beachy Amish, Schwartzentruber Amish, Andy Weaver Amish. Each is separate and has its own beliefs and how they practice their religion.
Some of the New Order Amish have electricity, have telephones and televisions, drive cars, and do allow their photos to be taken. In fact, depending upon the order, they are permitted to be filmed. Some, in fact, will even pose for photos. I've been on assignments where I have photographed them, with their permission.
I have no idea to what order Kate's Amish farmer belongs, but to say that he's a fake because he was photographed is just not true.
Trying to post this again since it didn't go through earlier:
(By the way, these hosts in Arkansas were a LOT friendlier to her than the guys in Boston. That's why she rambled on and on; they were sympathetic to poor little Khate)
Here's the link for the podcast of Khate on the first station I posted about, 103.7 The Buzz, In Arkansas:
The call starts out with them discussing the upcoming episodes, a movie the kids made, and the cupcake visit.
Then, following the TLC SCRIPT, they ask Khate about dating.
She says there would have to be a man brave enough who had the right intentions and qualifications. They mention tv cameras and she says this is her life and he job. Even her closest friends don't understand it, people think oh, tv is so great, but this is a job and you put yourself out there, and then "you're subject to the cruxification of the world" and it's a very difficult thing. Sometimes she feels bad taking someone on and putting them in this.
(Really? BUT you inserted your KIDS into this crazy life of cameras and tv!)
They ask about her car, what does she drive with eight kids. She says it's a Dodge Sprinter (?). She says it's like the FedEx vehicle, seats ten. She'd love to have it redone and add an aisle down the center and a few more seats, "but, we'll see." She also drives a Sequoia when she only has six kids with her.
(Part 2 is next)
(Part 2 of 3)
They mention being done with kids, having eight kids. Like in the Boston interview, she says she's overdone with kids, "like five overdone".
They bring up the Duggars, (this show is in Arkansas, like the Duggars), 19 kids and she says she doesn't "understand that whole situation." They say but Khate had so many at once. They say she needs to keep doing tv, let the kids do movies, because her food bills and clothing expenses must be so high, need some money coming in.
OMG, Khate doesn't like being trumped that the Duggars have more kids than her! SHE is supermom, don't you people get it? She basically implies that HER life is so much harder than theirs!! She says:
"And, that's the thing, I mean, people, you know, always try to compare me to the Duggars and the thing is they have older kids to help. They have the hand me down clothing, you know, I don't have any of that, so it's, you know, you need sneakers, it's six pairs of the same size. Um, yeah, so it is really difficult and...."
"Food bills, we opt to eat organically, so, um, you know, it is in the $2,000 range a month and that is not with meat because I buy my beef and chicken, um, in bulk elsewhere so it is very, very expensive."
"And, you are correct, this is the job that's working for me 'cause I'm working while my kids are by side, and I still consider it a blessing every day, and I hope that it continues for a long time because we're happy, we're happy doing this, we're happy, um, being together. I could work twelve hour days six days a week as a nurse and it wouldn't even be a drop in the bucket for what we need, so..."
(very defensive)
They ask if the kids are they with her right now, beside her and she replies:
"They are. They're actually in another room, um, I have no babysitting this week, so I bought them a couple Lego sets so they're happily, um, building Legos together, aren't they awesome?
They go on to ask her if she has a favorite. Uugh, I can't stand her voice. Blah, blah, blah, they're all individuals, unique, all completely different.
(Ha ha, that's her new line lately, after reading here)
(Part 3 of 3
They ask about the marriage breaking up, the implosion. Some people look at it and blame her, some blame him. Is it split pretty even what people think, or do more people support you and say he (Jon) was the problem in that relationship? She answers:
"Well, it's, I mean, you know, it takes, it takes two, I mean, you know, a divorce doesn't happen because of one person, and at first, you know, that first year I really felt like the world was against me and people felt like I caused it. Um, I ultimately ended up filing and that, you know, formed people's opinions, and whatever, but, you know, I was the one who stepped forward and said in public, you know, 'Look, I'm filing' but it was, you know, him behind closed doors who, who was saying, um, you know, he didn't want to be here anymore, blah, blah, blah. So, people really did hold me, for a long time, I felt like the public hated me."
Hosts: you were the villain
Khate: Yes, yeah, and so then, you know, over time, I think that as I was the steady, strong parent who carried on, um, I think people saw what really was going on there and not that I cared, mind you, I really just wanted to get my kids through this, you know, wholly and in one piece, and I, I did what I needed to do and did my best.
But in the recent, you know, year, I felt even my local community just really, really rallying around me, and, you know, a plumber that owns a really big company, um, sends his guys out here to do all of my plumbing work. And, um, just people, just guys that are saying 'Oh my gosh, she has this property and eight kids and she's alone.'
And, everywhere I go people are just willing to really help me, even here locally, and I really appreciate it because to be alone, um, you know, with eight kids and have this house to run while I'm traveling and trying to work is so, there's no words to describe the insanity that I live every day.
And so, um, you know, the bottom line is I'm just trying to do really honestly the best for my kids, and I don't take any decisions lightly. I weigh things very, very heavily before I, before I move forward.
Then the hosts tell her to come down to Arkansas, the men down there aren't scared of her. She jokes do they all have 19 kids, 'cause she's not into that. And it's over.
What a great way to sell a show, Khate and TLC. Ten minutes of complaining about how hard your life is, and talking about a divorce that happened TWO years ago!
No Kate Time? When school is in session, they are gone for nine hours a day, five days a week. Whose time would that be, if it isn't Kate Time?
Did she say "thank you" at the end of the interview? I couldn't quite make it out because she was in such a hurry to hang up.
Thanks for posting that, Admin.
By the way, I bolded that one part for two reasons. It's unbelievable that Khate thinks she's being crucified in the press for her "job".
But, also, she made up the word crucification (I had a typo in my post and typed it as cruxification. Whatever, it's not a word, is it?). I believe she mean to say crucifixion.
She's such a moron.
As we near the latter half of 2011, when asked about the divorce, Khate should simply respond that she and the kids, and she's sure Jon, are all very happy to have put the difficult year of 2009 behind them. Everybody has moved on, it was an adjustment for everyone, as is every divorce, but they are all doing well. Period, end of story, move on.
The fact that she can't fake being happy on radio shows us that her Twitter Miss Mary Sunshine Life is Perfect routine is the fake, phony act we all know it is.
Also, she really just CANNOT talk about anything else, can she? Don't people realize that she never discusses anything else, she just has absolutely nothing to say? That's why she can't get booked on talk shows these days.
TLC is definitely not giving her any publicity assistance at all. Otherwise, they would have kept her focused, and had her discuss what a great summer they all had (not) and the traveling they did, and how it will all be on some upcoming episodes. She didn't spend more than two seconds promoting the show! She is SUCH a narcissist that she can't even see it - she's there to promote the SHOW, but she thinks an interview means it's just time to talk about me, me, me!
Hippie: I did some googling around and found your blog. I never knew you had one. That's not me commenting on there...good grief! Some people are just plain nuts (and devious)!
New post, everyone. Good, I hate being on page 3 of the comments!
Oh crap, that's it, the phone calls from listeners aren't on the podcast!
That is what I heard & they were NOT good at all. People were very nasty, hey we're from the Boston area! LOL And WAAF listeners are not...shy. Yeah, that's the word. I listen all the time & it's a good station. I just CANNOT believe they would have *her* on.
So, yes the callers were very hard on Kate. Most asked WHY she was even on, what did she do to become popular, who the hell she even was. One caller claimed it was the worst caller in WAAF's history, but the DJ said no, there was one other, but Kate was second. So, no, nothing nice to say at all. Keep it up Kate! You have officially embarrassed yourself in Boston & the surrounding areas & are not wanted. (Well, you weren't before as far as I was concerned, but anyway...)
~Hippie Chick~
I didn't think it was you at all! That's why I wanted to let you know. :)
The link to my blog is when you click my name & the post is "How PC Are You?" (I may have been off my rocker, (I'm quirky like that!) but I haven't been feeling too great the past few weeks. Not to bitch, but my pain has been extra-BAD, + I've had abdominal pain. I'm so not a 'woe is me' person though.) Positive thoughts! Feeling a bit better today!
Thanks again E-Town! I didn't think at all that you could mean like that! Damn sheeple trolling my I know how Admin feels. Ugh!
~Hippie Chick~
My question is this: Who told Khate that she has the gift of gab? Great day!
Every time she opens her mouth I despise her more.
A millionaire and whining and carrying on until she got some poor guy with a HUGE company (okay) to give her free plumbing, and she couldn't name the company? What a jerk!
So what was that crap of Kate was saying that the community she lives in rally around her cause she is all by herself with 8 kids. What a load of BS. According to people who live in her community, they can't stand her. And she must think people are stupid if we believe in this economy that plumbers are gonna go to her property and do work for free, cause she has 8 kids? GEEZ! is she delusional!
Thanks again E-Town! I didn't think at all that you could mean like that! Damn sheeple trolling my I know how Admin feels. Ugh!
Oh, yes, you do!
Nice blog, by the way! I had to fool around until I found it because I didn't want to let something like that go without telling you that it most definitely wasn't me there, and I wanted to see what the person was posting.
Time to go troll-fishing, Hippie!
Feel better! The weekend is here, and it is so hot here that I just about fell over going to the grocery store. I'm glad gotyournumber decided to reschedule Hershey! It's a beast out there!
I was thinking about Kate living among the Amish for a week or so, and washing her 50 loads by hand - in no air conditioning, and then having to go outside to hang it on the line! I'd watch that episode!
That's 10 min. of my life I'll never get back. Dang.
Kate should have corrected those DJ's that called Jon a 'deadbeat'. That was just horrible on her part. Terribly horrible.
No-klass kate at her finest. Bitch.
If all six go to college at the same time, they should get plenty of financial aid if they go to private colleges. I'd bet with 6 that the EFC (expected family contribution) would be close to $0.00.
If that continues, it will be a lot easier for Khate than dealing with several different teachers, all assigning different homework, projects, reports, and tests. I wouldn't be surprised if that's one of the reasons that she will continue to insist they remain in the same class. Are the twins in different classes?
I agree with everything you've said, but remember that elementary schools today aren't the same as when we were kids. Essentially, if we were in first grade, we had one first grade teacher who taught almost all of the subjects. In the kids school, they do have several different teachers - music, health/pe, math, reading - all within one grade. This is especially true for the twins, they "change" classes. Their "class" is basically a homeroom and the teacher does teach several subjects, but other subjects are taught by different teachers. Kate will have to deal with more than two teachers, especially as the kids move up in grades.
I'm back from was great. Hard catching up here though.
Admin, I'm hoping you'll allow this to go thru.
Anna - really? seriously? The pic of Colin is exploitive?
My friends, 5 fantastic guys in a band, so struck by the horrific problem of human trafficking wrote a song and together with (End Exploitation and Trafficking)produced a video to raise awareness for this billion dollar a year travesty. To further raise awareness the band is encouraging their fans to go to their facebook page and download a free copy of the video.
As they neared the 300,000 mark some a**holes reported their video as "abusive". Probably the traffickers, no?
Sounds like something you would do "Anna".
While the Gosselin 8 have not been exploited to THIS extent (yet) this message IS important.
Even though this band might not be your cup of tea, we their friends and family are very proud of their work on the behalf of this issue.
Check out "Don't Let Me Go" by The Click Five on YouTube or, better yet, go to their facebook page and download a free copy of the video and be counted - they're nearing 500,000. You don't even have to download, just clicking on the icon on facebook takes you to the official video without downloading. Give a listen. Read the stats as they cross the video.
Fair warning: The song/lyrics and video might just make you tear up.
And Anna? Maybe you can tell Kate about MTV Exit -MTV EXIT is a campaign about freedom — about our rights as human beings to choose where we live, where we work, who our friends are, and who we love.
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