In yet another interview bashing the children's father [Kate should know about Judge Diane Gibbons from Bucks County, PA, who recently ruled that
a father bashing his children's mother on his personal blog was "abusive" to his children--(thank you, Your Honor)], Kate claims that the kids are clammoring for her to get married:
Said Kate, “Obviously the kids miss their dad living here but they are at the point now they are smashing their fists on the table saying ‘we want you to get married. We need a daddy that lives here. But, I say ‘you have your daddy.’”
And Kate also claims that even during the marriage, she shouldered most of the household burdens:
"I felt like I have really always taken charge of everything around the house. Schedule and organization and work. It’s a lot to handle for one person.”
Kate took charge of the work? Funny, that's not how we remember it:
Babies and Bedrooms |
Babies and Bedrooms |
Garage Makeover |
Winter Preparation | | |
Carpeting the House |
Backyard Campout |
Trip to the Vet |
And as for Kate, what was she doing?
Carpeting the House |
447 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 447 Newer› Newest»Perfection! 2 thunbs WAY up Admin.
How did you do that so fast, ADM! A picture speaks a thousand words. You're the best.
She just doesn't know when to stfu, does she?
@Kateplusmy8 Have you taken the kids to visit Jon since they've been home?
58 minutes ago
in reply to ↑
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@XXX I've offered. He gets them on his weekends as scheduled. They miss him....
27 minutes ago via Twitterrific
replies ↓
@Kateplusmy8 @xxxx he has a job with long hours. Who would watch them while he works? U can afford sitters. he can't.
19 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 @XXX You are such an evil bitch -- the kids miss Jon because you isolate them from him -- that's the only reason.
22 minutes ago
Wow! You pulled that together fast and did a great job of showing who did the work in that relationship. If you look at old clips Kate is always sitting around barking orders at Jon. Even when I liked the show I thought to myslef why doesn't she get up off her lazy butt and do something herself. The only thing Kate's good at is giving orders. That's why she's so upset that she doesn't have help tonight. Someone asked her on Twitter if Jon has seen the kids since they got home. She answered she tried but he only gets them on his weekends. So, she just gets home from this exhausting trip probably last night after the concert and immediately tried to dump the tired kids off on Jon. What a piece of work!
Excellent pictorial. But you need to add a few stills of her lazy order barking ass parked in her white plastic throne.
I LOVE it! Perhaps pictures are simple and easy enough for the sheeple to get it....I think words are above their heads sometimes. :)
BRAVO!!!!!!!! Well done :o)
Exactly, Jon has to work and pay the outrageous child support she wants. They got home the other day, it's a weekday, maybe he's actually thinking what's in the kids best interest i.e. not to sit in a small house without all their stuff with a nanny. He may very well have something lovely planned for his weekend and doesn't think it's fair to them to make them come on a weekday while he works. Putting kids first, try it sometime Kate.
And Kate's custody issues with Jon has NO BUSINESS BEING ON TWITTER. What is WRONG with her????
Another reason Jon may have (allegedly) declined the kids? By Kate's OWN ADMISSION the kids slept ALL DAY when they got back. Maybe he doesn't want to "waste" a precious visitation day on the kids just sleeping. He gets so few as it is I wouldn't want to trade for a day when the kids are exhausted and just resting either. I'd want them when they were awake and up to hanging out. WTF, Kate.
Well, knowing Kate as we all do, I'm sure she offered to take the kids to Jon's...because the kids are probably EXHAUSTED and CRANKY from all of the traveling they've done....I'm sure she was hoping against hope that Jon would take them off of her hands so she would be blessedly alone in the house and could go tan, visit the mani/pedi place, and sit on her plastic throne and do nothing.
And the reason we know she does this, is she did it last year when she returned from Australia with the kids. I don't think they'd been back in the States 24 hours, and she had dumped them on Jon. Let Jon deal with the jet lag.
Yes, typical Kate...exhaust the HELL out of the kids and then try to dump them on Jon. Kudos to Jon for sticking to the arranged visitation, and letting Kate deal with the consequences of exhausting the kids.
I'm sorry if I'm sounding bitter - but the tweets just piss me off, as she's been throwing Jon under the bus every opportunity she gets...and Jon is the one who has been silent.
Real KLASSY, Kate.
I honestly don't believe she offered. And great post; her Twitterness is not going to be able to defend this one, will she now? Look like a few more Tweeties have her number.
Who said a picture is worth a thousand words? I wanna shake their hand. Thanks Admin. You are amazingly astute to capture the truth.
Knows Quality, absolutely right. Jon may very well be sending a strong message to Kate that you don't work the crap out of his kids and want them when they are making you cash, exhaust the hell out of them and then expect him to clean up the mess. Jon is not a dumping ground. They are his children and he has a right to refuse Kate's working-then-dumping little manipulation. Good for Jon, stick to the schedule.
PLLLLUS, believe me after being in family law my entire career, sometimes it's better to just stick to the schedule. Once you start changing things around the other person never lets you forget the "favor" they did you, blah blah turns into a big ole mess. If everyone just STICKS TO THE SCHEDULE, there is no room for sociopaths like Kate to cry fowl. For his own protection I would have no issue advising Jon NO you stick to the schedule for your OWN PROTECTION.
Kate is complaining about being exhausted, all the work she has to do, and no help. She is clearly wishing she could dump those kids on Jon and bitter he ain't falling for it this time.
Regarding the kids want a new Daddy, I think a lot of sources are misquoting the article. And Kate is misinterpreting what they are saying, sounds like. They (allegedly!) said they want a Daddy living at home. I.e. they want a two-parent household. What 99.9% of divorced kids want! Mom and Dad back together.
I don't see anything here about the kids wanting somebody NEW. The want a Mommy and a Daddy in the same home, and probably, they mean their bio mom and dad.
I think Kate just tweeted she's going to take off for NYC this weekend.
Of course she is, hell if she will wait more than five days to go on a shopping spree with the children's money they just earned.
And Kate also claims that even during the marriage, she shouldered most of the household burdens:
"I felt like I have really always taken charge of everything around the house. Schedule and organization and work. It’s a lot to handle for one person.”
OH she may have felt like she took charge but I call bull dunkey. Did she not have an organizational expert come in to organize them all
She also tweeted the twins took care of the sextuplet's breakfast their first day home from the trip and told Kate to sleep.
Why is Kate allowed to be tired and coddled but not the kids? Sounds like the kids are learning it's just better to let Kate sleep and do things themselves.
Administrator said... She also tweeted the twins took care of the sextuplet's breakfast their first day home from the trip and told Kate to sleep.
Why is Kate allowed to be tired and coddled but not the kids
ADMIN would you want Kate barking at you; I wouldn't. I would be afraid if, very afraid, poor tupd
Kate is a horrible/hateful human being. I cannot imagnine her being kind to anybody
OT for a second or two please? Scamathony's (George and $indy) just turned down $250K for an interview, they said it wasn't enough!
The Gosselin kiddies don't need another daddy-
they already have one.
Her lies are so damn obvious. It's Kate that wants a new daddy. Not any ordinary daddy will do. He's going to have to be a sugar daddy to fuel the "lifestyle" she has become accustomed to.
I swear, her comments are getting weirder & weirder.
Take your meds, Kate!!
JudyK said...
How did you do that so fast, ADM! A picture speaks a thousand words. You're the best.
Thanks to netflix streaming it was real easy. All the episodes are on there and you can scroll through it looking for the clip you want very easy too and get my screen capture just like that. Also, Jon pretty much did some kind of work in every episode, so I practically had to pick just a few at random and there were the clips of Jon, doing work.
It's Kate that wants a new Daddy, and it's also Kate that wants the best lifestyle she could ever give her "kids" i.e. give HERSELF.
She USES the kids to justify any means to get this rapper/celeb lifestyle for herself.
And by the way? I was browsing the $4 thrift store rack at a church thrift sale on Sunday when who should come browsing up beside me but Tori Spelling. I was surprised, but only for a second. Real stars do browse $4 racks. Is she not giving her family the life they deserve because she bought a $4 blouse?
Forgive my language, but she is so full of shit it is pathetic. How the heck does she keep getting away with throwing Jon under the bus? He should take this straight to the judge. Why is she given these forums to spout her crap? And the lies about how she did everything when they were married? I guess she forgets we SAW with our own eyes what she did and what he did. She did nothing. He did everything. Holy crap.
Oh, and by the way, how many 7 year olds do you know that stomp their fists asking for their mom to get married and get them a new daddy? BS. She conveniently forgets we saw their meltdown in the driveway. She can deny as long as she wants, but we SAW it with our own eyes and heard them screaming. These are not children that want a NEW daddy, they want THEIR daddy.
Is there a way for Jon to get his case transferred to Judge Diane Gibbons? She's just over in Bucks!
Oh what a different result we might have seen.....
"Kate you can keep bashing Jon in the press, but you won't get your kids!"
Great post, Admin! Fast, too! I'm sure there are at least a hundred other instances that refute Khate's bullcrap claims about always doing it all herself, what a joke!
Kate keeps publicly bashing Jon for two reasons: First, it gets her press, even at this low point where nobody gives a crap about her anymore. Secondly, she does it because she keeps getting away with it! Khate knows that Jon doesn't have the resources to keep filing motions every time she acts up.
As an experienced family law attorney like you, Admin, I know full well that people cannot keep filing motions every time their ex looks at them wrong (although, believe me, that's just what some clients want us to do!), but this has to stop. These latest stunts require at least a strongly worded letter from Jon's attorney to Khate's attorney. There is a clear and well documented pattern here. Khate's ratings suck, she cannot get booked on shows like she used to, and the most press she can get before a new episode airs is when she bashes Jon. She is lower than low.
I haven't looked at Twitter but I see up top that she's tweeting her hair stylist. Typical, it's TLC's reward to her, she gets to spend next weekend in NYC, and get ready to promote the new shows. I hope she doesn't get booked on any shows. I am SO, SO sick of her!
You know I was just thinking maybe the kids DO beg Kate to please get married. They want somebody else to have to deal with her, somebody else for her to pick on. They saw how Jon was the whipping boy, now they are and they're tired of it.
Narcissist I didn't know you were in family law! How did I miss this? Maybe you didn't mention this before.
It's quite an interesting world this business. I'm sure we've both seen this all before, sadly.
I agree with your assessment this at least warrants a letter of warning by Jon's attorney, or if he is in pro per, himself, requesting Kate stop discussing their visitation, Jon, etc., or he will take her to court again. You never know maybe they have. We all know Kate doesn't give a rip about orders or requests.
For some reason, these latest comments seem different and worse to me. I'm just wondering if this is the set up where the next thing we know, Khate finds herself beginning to date Steve, who happens to be going through a divorce. I can just see them getting ready to spin the story that way. This could just be the first step. They'll act like Steve has been separated for a while, now getting divorced, and he and Khate just began dating. Of course, the kids just LOVE it because don't you know, they want a new daddy to live there so badly! She makes me ill!
The pictures are worth a million words.
You forgot one though.
Where is the one of Jon delivering the coffee to the hibernating grizzly (Khate in all her lazy ass glory)?
Westcoastie oh believe me I looked for that pic, but I believe it is from one of the first two specials, which aren't on netflix. Boo.
Yes, Admin, you and I could share some stories, I am sure. I mentioned it a while ago, once, maybe twice. I practiced for ten years, but then took a break to be a full time mother. (I'm still a member of the Bar, in good standing, of course). I have a couple of friends who have been in family law around twenty years, but for the most part, most attorneys get burned out on it and need a break, or a change, after five to ten years. It's an area that I went into naively thinking that I could do some good, but it's actually the most miserable area of law to practice, in my opinion. There never are any winners in this area, and after a while you just get tired of being so frustrated seeing what people do to each other and worst of all, to their poor children.
Hoof and Mouth there is something to what you are saying. Jon dragging Kate to court every time that bus goes by and she gives him a push and it ends up looking like "he said she said."
One cannot even begin to suggest this is a he said/she said situation. On the contrary, Kate looks like an obsessed sociopath, period, who is alienating her children's father and cannot let a relationship go. Two screws away from the next Lorena Bobbitt. The more she talks the more reasonable and normal and hard-working and discreet and respectful of her and the kids Jon looks. I don't know how he STANDS it. And Kate DOESN'T SEE IT. She doesn't see how psycho she makes herself look.
PaulLBenson Am not. Would like to have another adult here tho at some point! Kids long for it too... 22 minutes ago
Awesome job Admin & so true! I remember the early shows (I stopped watching when Kate stopped pumpkin carving to clean! Whaaa???) & I recall Jon doing everything while Kate sat on her white plastic throne, barking orders, screaming & yelling at Jon or the kids. Mostly Jon though, telling him he was doing everything wrong. Well you horrid cow, if he was doing so many things wrong, then she should have gotten off her flabby ass & done it herself! She was so mean to Jon & so damn lazy. And I will bet my autographed John Lennon photo that she still is as lazy as they come.
~Hippie Chick~
Sowing seeds, marking time, it's coming. She is not putting that out there for nothing. The kids have pounded the table and demanded that she take action. And we all know the kids always get their way, especially when it comes to keeping the family together.
twitter kate twatted: @PaulLBenson Am not. Would like to have another adult here tho at some point! Kids long for it too.
Wait a minute. What happened to those original custody arrangements...when Jon and Kate shared the house and each moved out during the other person's turn with the kids? Daddy WAS in the house then, or did Kate forget about that when the arrangement was terminated and she wouldn't even let him in the gate?
Go back to that arrangement, Kate, and the kids WILL have another adult in the house in addition to the hired staff.
Admin, may I ask how you screen capture on Netflix? Thanks!
~Hippie Chick~
Nobody, I agree, her recent twitters are just jaw-dropping. Worse than ever.
I don't believe for a second her oldest two kids said oh don't worry, you sleep, we'll feed the little ones! If help really isn't there (and I'm not convinced of that--if she's so overwhelmed and exhausted, why is she tweeting so often?), she ORDERED them to prepare breakfast for everyone. And probably ordered them to put trash bags on the counters first.
And yeah, her trashing of Jon in articles and on twitter is more over the top than ever. I feel so sorry for him that he has to deal with her for at least 11 more years, ug. I wouldn't deal with her for 11 minutes.
And can I say this? She's just an asshole, well and truly.
Do Jon's wild and crazy days make absolute total complete sense now? Yeah, they sure do to me. Frankly I'm shocked he only went through that phase a few months before settling back down. The man was owed a wild and crazy DECADE for putting up with this lunatic.
I do believe Kate is pissed off, maybe because Jon wouldn't take the kids. Trashing him on Twitter is her revenge of sorts.
WTF is Kate babbling about needing another adult there at some point? The woman is vindictive, despicable, and ignorant on top of it all.
Steve reportedly lives in the basement. Jamie lives there off and on. The nannies live there from time to time. The film crew is there all summer.
I believe that another adult could ameliorate her abusive behaviour towards the children; especially if that adult is the set teacher soon to be required by law.Otherwise there are plenty of adults in the picture.
Hey Jude, you asked what this days-of-the-week-person was about...
As I understand it a sheeple called us WEEK-minded people and the joke rolled on from there.
FWIW I am a Friday kind of person!
@Dallas Lady.......I love your Tweets!
And I will bet my autographed John Lennon photo that she still is as lazy as they come.
~Hippie Chick~
Does Kate actually not remember that we saw Jon doing all of the work on their show? In addition to all of the things that he fixed, put together and loaded and unloaded, he would also get the kids changed, dressed and fed before he would go to work. He even brought the lazy, sleeping late bitch a cup of coffee before he went to work. It is just unbelievable how many lies she tells.
Kate hedged her bets by adding "But, I say ‘you have your daddy." She throws him under the bus, bashes him at every trun but makes sure to cover herself. She is a devious bitch.
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@Chiica2006s CANNOT be worse than two weeks in tiny RVs -- trust me! Watch on TLC Aug 8. Not kidding!
She's still saying that the trip out West will be aired on August 8. However, DC Cupcakes and 8 Movie Makers are listed for 9 and 9:30. Will they show the last trip in the 10 p.m. slot?
What does she mean - cannot be worse? I thought this was the trip of a lifetime. Didn't she tweet that? So, what was it? Horrible or wonderful?
The pics chosen don't even come close to the amount of work Jon did. No doubt, when Kate sees that post we'll hear that she was off with the children, doing everything for them, while Jon only did constructionish work. Work that men are supposed to do ::eye roll:
Btw, could Jon sue for defamation of character? Think he'll do anything? And would this in any way effect the custody arrangement?
I wonder if Kate is asking the kids about a new daddy when Steve is in the room? I think it's all a big, fat lie. She knows her kids do not want just any old daddy, just to have one in the house.
These kids are all still asking themselves if it's their fault,that their own dad left them... I've seen so many families at work and in the community, with adult children blaming themselves for divorces that happened when they were little! If only I had been a better student, or didn't make mom mad, or got along with siblings,etc. Kids have a unique ability for making this 'the truth' in their minds.
I don't know how Jon can stop hinself from screaming-Kate, just shut the hell up, you twisted biotch!!!!!!
Admin.,you got this post up really quick! I am so computer illiterate, I am hanging my head...LOL!Too bad everyone doesn't know about the costipated tup story.I am embarassed she is a nurse.....
And I will bet my autographed John Lennon photo that she still is as lazy as they come.
~Hippie Chick~
I'll throw in my Paul McCartney one into the pot. :)
I'm wondering if the twins brought her coffee in bed before they fixed breakfast for the tups.
Also, the way she tweets is not consistant! Sometimes she is coherent other times it's like trying to read ancient Egyptian. (couldn't spell the technical term)
If Kate isn't bipolar I'd be surprised. All negative tweets tonight. She's overwhelmed, alone, can't trust anyone, tired, trip was terrible. What will it be tomorrow? Probably "unmotivated and exhausted."
No wonder the kids let her sleep! Who would want to listen to that if they didn't have to?
Great post and pictures Admin! Forgot to mention that.
@Chiica2006s CANNOT be worse than two weeks in tiny RVs -- trust me! Watch on TLC Aug 8. Not kidding!
Kate confirms that this last trip was an RV road trip. Kudos to those who were speculating they were in an RV.
It looks like TLC didn't get them the enormous RV the Roloffs were blessed with on their road trip.
BTW just saw this on "RV Packing lists...... Khate says....
"Hi, my name is Kate Gosselin,
you might know me from my show Kate Plus Eight. My kids and I went to Ocean City MD!...
Your website helped me pack for my eight kids... Thank you so much.
Kate Gosselin"
I see Kate whined several times at tweeterland about being alone. Complained about being in small RVs from vacation. Hinted that she will be in NYC, getting the spa/hair treatment/shopping trip. And I read(her tweet) that her her hair dresser will be at a seminar, this saturday, and is using some hair stuff/thing he uses on her, and said she would be perfect to demo it. Of course Kate tweeted back she was interested. Another freebie? Which means Jon will have the kids this weekend, since he missed his regular visitation. Yeah, Jon. And Kate will look no different.
What an ungrateful bitch - home 2 days and complaining on Twatter about tiny RV's - let's see, she made no travel plans, paid nothing for the trip, merely shows up and yep, right on schedule, whining about how hard it all was. Maybe her 10 year olds can get the laundry done before their weekend with their Dad - after all Mumsie will need some clean hooker clothes for her escape to NYC. Hey paps, hear that, K8G is heading to the Big Apple.
I wonder if Kate is saying the vacation epi is on Aug 8 just to get people to watch the show to get ratings up?
Thanks, bearswife! Guess I am a Sunday kind of gal-LOL!
I still think that kate lies so much on the show, no one should be believing anything she says. It's so fricking obvious, and the way she screeches makes me wonder if everyone is deaf.
I used to record the early shows and use it for white noise, after working the night shift with my alzeimer residents! with the sound waaaaay down.
@Chiica2006s CANNOT be worse than two weeks in tiny RVs -- trust me! Watch on TLC Aug 8. Not kidding!
Kate thinks big. Maybe hers was a Roloff-sized RV, but she demanded and expected a bigger and better one.
gotyournumberKate, thanks! But I don't tweet. Did you mean my posts here? Thanks regardless!
Despite the pure ridiculousness of the Real Housewives of NYC, Kate could take a page for how a reality star handles her divorce when asked about it on the spot:
Said Sonya (sincerely, tearfully): "I respect him, my husband was a very good husband to me, I won't bring him up. And out of respect to my daughter I won't bring him up, because my husband was very generous, and he was a good husband, I don't want to get into why everything fell apart because it's not all him and it's not all me, there's a lot of other things that came between us. All of that to lose that, hard."
Get it, Kate? It's not all you and it's not all Jon.
It's lovely that "nothing could be worse" when she's talking about a wonderful once-in-a-lifetime two-week vacation with her children.
"Steve reportedly lives in the basement. Jamie lives there off and on. The nannies live there from time to time."
That must be a crowded basement! Doesn't the dog live there, too, when he's allowed inside? ;)
This embarassed nurse can't spell either-that's what I get for slamming Kate. 'constipated tup,' it should say.
I will throw in my laptop, that she is even more lazy now- she's a 'stah', in her head!
Jon, please tell her to take the stick out again!Please!
Moose Mania said... "Steve reportedly lives in the basement.
He may live there during the day but l bet he sleeps with Khate in the eveings! Remember she told the kids NEVER to walk into her bedroom under the penalty of severness! Now we know why, they didn't want Jon or purse-boy's wife knowing about them IMO of course
Notice the way Kate can never be appreciative about anything? Instead of complaining about a tiny RV, couldn't she have said something like, "Thanks to everyone who pitched in and helped to make this a memorable trip for the kids" - in tweet language, of course.
It reminds me of the time she fussed about the end-of-school field trip - boring, dull, mosquito field. Anyone with half a brain and class would have tweeted that the parents and school did a great job organizing the trip. Why throw personal insults into it? Find something positive to say!
She hasn't learned that yet, and she's approaching 40.
Teresa said...
Moose Mania said... "Steve reportedly lives in the basement.
Nope. I didn't say that. I was responding to the person who made that comment. I don't know that Steve lives in the basement, in the bedroom, in the garage apartment, or in the chicken coop.
"are smashing their fists on the table saying ‘we want you to get married. We need a daddy that lives here."
Kate you dont fool anyone. Kids do not think that daddies are interchangable.
And assuming that you might be telling 1/100th of the truth, your kids are clearly sick to death of hearing you complain about how much work it is to be their mom. They have learned that when there is another adult around, they have a buffer so they are less verbally abused by you.
E-town, you mean if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all? It seems like such a simple concept, and one that I would think would apply even moreso when you are getting, um, FREE SHIT!!!!!!
Just Dwindle Away, BINGO. Even assuming this is in some bizarre universe true, the kids want Kate to find someone because the kids are looking for a buffer. A human shield. A screen between themselves and Kate. Somebody else Kate can channel her lunacy toward. I know someone I very much prefer always be in a relationship, because they are total hell when they are not.
Teresa said... Also, the way she tweets is not consistant! Sometimes she is coherent other times it's like trying to read ancient Egyptian. (couldn't spell the technical term)
I have always just assumed that sometimes it is her and sometimes it is Steve or Jamie or whoever. I assumed several of the twerpers are Steve and what-her-name too. Just my assumptions.
And I read(her tweet) that her her hair dresser will be at a seminar, this saturday, and is using some hair stuff/thing he uses on her, and said she would be perfect to demo it.
Oh, wow. Let me run right out and buy it. I want my hair to look like straw!
I see she went nuts again on Twitter again. She's a Bitter Twitter, lol.
Yikes I checked out that Paul Benson guy she tweeted back and forth with a lot tonight. His profile pic is creeeeepy! Yet, she doesn't check out his page or anything, just tells him she's "all alone". She's a flipping TWIDIOT!
Moose.....My apologies to you. I'm sorry
On twitter she said she is "between babysitters". Does that mean Ashley quit? Maybe it was a relationship ending trip - like the one to Utah. Never saw Beth again after that. Has Ashley gone the same way?
I foresee some major guilt issues with the 8 in the coming years. Children see the world as dependent upon them - i.e. if mommy is sad - I must have done something wrong. Can you imagine the guilt they may internalize when all they ever hear is how hard mommy's life is and it's because she has 8 kids - count them 8!!
Admin - love the pictures. Jon also did a lot of the day to day, such as getting the kids up before work etc., bringing the Queen her coffee, bathing them and putting them to bed. So Kate had to do lunch and dinner(that is if the rumors aren't true that she had a cook). Laundry - well she admitted in many shows that she had that older lady come and do the laundry. And we also saw (on the show) that she had cleaning help. I'm sure she still has all this assistance also, considering she is such a world traveler.
Maybe she should take a break from her busy schedule and sit down and watch some of her shows so she knows what is already in video evidence so she can avoid lying. She said the kids watch them all the time, so they are well aware of the lies.
Hope this isn't too long. I read here every day, but usually don't comment.
My favorite moment in one of the episodes was
when everyone was outside on the driveway of the Andrews Ave. house. Kate was on the white plastic chair waving her hands, pointing and yelling at Jon who was chasing something one of the kids had let roll out onto the street. She was screaming something about "Jon, watch your children!" She never attempted to get out of her chair to help.
Someone named Gosselin said to Kate "You never do anything, you just sit there and give orders!"
Am I remembering this correctly?
This was Khate's last tweet tonight:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@PaulLBenson Am not. Would like to have another adult here tho at some point! Kids long for it too...
3 hours ago
We all know she's up to something between that article and now reinforcing it today on Twitter. She's pushing the theme that she doesn't like being alone, without a man, and her kids want it to. Yeah, right.
So, look at what she said - she wants another adult there, and the "kids long for it too." First of all, that's bull crap and we know it. They are RARELY alone in that house with Khate. She admits she has "helpers" and TLC is there quite a bit. But, more importantly, there are eight children competing with each other for Mommy's attention. Does anyone with a brain think that even one of those kids wants Khate to throw a boyfriend or husband into the mix so they will get even less of her attention and time? Puh-lease. Something is up. Either she knows Jon will be getting married soon and she wants to look like she's finally moved on, or she's going to "start" dating Steve, or TLC will be giving her a see Khate Date show instead of Twisted Khate.
Nobody, you are assigning possible logical thought-processes to Kate, which is cute. There is no reason for why she says what she says, her deranged narcissistic brain is spouting out pure garbage at this point and who even KNOWS what her motives are. My best guess is extreme mind-boggling jealousy because it looks like Jon is in a stable relationship and is about to put a ring on it, but who knows with this lunatic.
@Chiica2006s CANNOT be worse than two weeks in tiny RVs -- trust me!
This to me is a not-so-subtle slam to TLC. I'm sure Kate wanted them to pay for she and the kids to visit an exclusive, private resort. You know, like all average American families do. I imagine TLC said something like "Yeah, your resort days ended 2 million viewers ago. When you're getting in the RV, don't let the door hit you in the ass."
Teresa said: ..."Also, the way she tweets is not consistant! Sometimes she is coherent other times it's like trying to read ancient Egyptian. (couldn't spell the technical term)"
This sometimes happens if Kate is hanging out with her friend in a box, Franzia. IMO, of course ;)
IDModo said... "WTF is Kate babbling about needing another adult there at some point? The woman is vindictive, despicable, and ignorant on top of it all."
Her Royal Vapidness can whine all she wants about needing another adult and the kids pounding their fists (like that actually happened.. lol)- it ain't going to happen! Kate emasculated Jon for two years on national TV and is still at it almost two years after the divorce. Her bitterness, her inability to move on, her penchant for jumping at any little chance to publicly trash the father of her children is keeping the eligible men far, far, far away. What man would even want to attempt to have a relationship with someone so angry and vindictive? Until she decides she wants to move on with her life more than she wants to hang onto her hate for Jon, it's good she considers herself a "self-occupier" Because she is going to be "occupying" herself for a very long time.
KG, imho and you don't know this, and you will never know much about it, but there are people who help Jon in many ways without you knowing about it. He will never cave in to what you are doing. Throw him under the bus all you want. His friends and GF, aka future wife who loves him for real, are all there for him day after day, because they want to help. Not because they are being paid. Money is not the master key to happiness.
IMHO he does not even read your crap anymore. Most believe the kids will end up with him as soon as you stop trying to be a stah. Your other gigs that are lined up after TLC, will most likely fail. You just don't have what it takes to keep people interested without the kids and the lies. The networks and sponsors risk a lot of money on you, and the 10 million dollar questions is, why? Get off Twit for Twat. You are going to jam up yourself or your kids with TMI. Your attorney is crazy to let you hang it out. You are such an Almond Joy.
ADMIN- wow oh wow. That was amazing and good work. KG reminds me of CA so much with the lies and loving the attention and press. All about herself & money at the expense of innocent children. Most women would love a husband like Jon and would fight to keep him no matter what. He is so loving, and matures more and more each day. I see now why he did the wild thang for a minute. It makes so much more sense now.
I wish Jon would put a ring on it, now that would be interesting. She really should just STFU on Twitter, her remarks are insane, not to mention bizarrely confusing. Hope that laundry gets done tomorrow.
Ishkabibble said...
On twitter she said she is "between babysitters". Does that mean Ashley quit?
Love your name! My father, a Scotsman, used to say that all the time. I had no idea if it was
a legitimate word for "I don't know" or if he
made it up. But anyway, thanks for reviving
loving memories of my Dad.
Now, on to your quote. It is the middle of summer and Ashley is a college graduate. She may have a job to go to that does not involve
looking after children and being basically taken for granted by the boss lady. Could be that what she was doing between these trips was going on job interviews. Don't know this, of course,
only suggesting a reason why Kate may say that.
amish proverb for kate gosselin
He who has little and wants less is richer than he who has much and wants more
Dallas Lady said... gotyournumberKate, thanks! But I don't tweet. Did you mean my posts here? Thanks regardless!
Oops. Yes, I meant your posts. They just always make so much sense to me. This whole blog makes so much sense to me. It's the only sane place I've found to discuss Kate.
Been doing a little googling lately on NARCISSISM...please, you must all do the same. She CANNOT change, she DOESN'T see the lies, in her mind SHE DID do it ALL! Narcissists will twist your words, will remember things differently than you and try and make you BELIEVE it happened that way. They exaggerate their their accomplishments, they demean someone who APPEARS to be better than them. Once Jon went AGAINST her she started (and hasn't stopped) demonizing him. SHE WILL NEVER CHANGE, she will never "grow up", she will NEVER SEE WHAT WE ALL SEE!! The minute Lafair asked about her childhood, she KNEW the therapy was steering towards HER having to do some soul searching, having to take responsibity...SHE CUT HER OFF, it's EVERYONE else who has a problem. Interesting reading...
fidosmommy said Someone named Gosselin said to Kate "You never do anything, you just sit there and give orders!"
Yes, you are remembering correctly. I believe the child who said that also said she sat there like Queen Bee.
A thread or two back I said that Kate and Steve will make an announcement that they are getting married or a couple just to one-up Jon and Ellen.
Another lie among the many---
She stated that she has not gone on any dates but in her interview with George Lopez she said she went on a a few dates.
If she was Pinnochio, all the birds in the world could perch on her nose.
The kids want another adult there all the mean, besides all your help you deny having in order to look like Super Mom which is just plain laughable for anyone with a minimum of a 2-digit I.Q. I want to know who took care of Shoka while you were gone. Oh, and your lover LIVES WITH YOU TOO. You lying bitch.
Ohh poor Kate! Two weeks of many people taking care of the kids in "tiny RV's", then suddenly she is home and NO ONE around to do her bidding and take care of alllll those young'uns. SHE actually had to fix dinner and put the dishes in the dishwasher?! SUDDENLY she is so overwhelmed. POOR baby.
Can this imbecilic female NOT do a thing ALONE? Can she never take care of HER kids without "another adult"? She is such a child. WTH have mothers done for centuries who have many children? Poor, poor Kate.
This crap about the kids demanding another daddy, is despicable. Even IF they did say such a thing, WHY put that crap out there? The kids probably ARE sick of her complaining and running her mouth, maybe they ARE wishing SOMEONE would come and rescue them, FROM HER. She makes herself sound desperate and stupid. I really wish Jon would SHUT her UP. The worst thing one parent can do is bad mouth the other parent. IT WILL COME BACK ON HER. It always does.
File this under "Kate continues to kill the English language..."
“When I’m by myself the greatest ideas come. I’m very self-occupiable [sic].”
WHAT THE HELL IS THAT? Who talks like that?!
Remember one interview she gave about dating? She said when she is with a man, all she hears is "blah, blah, blah" because she is thinking about something else. Fixing dinner or something else. Maybe IF she were actually receptive to another human being, she MIGHT be able to land some poor sucker. Funny, after going on TV, interviews in magazines with all the "I need a man" (TWO years of this crybaby crap) NO ONE HAS RESPONDED. Not one solitary male. Oh, there is IwannadateKate, but Kate won't even talk to the guy now. What a dweeb. The guy in the nightclub had to sit through Kate talking about Jon. Sure that is the way to lasso the next guy, constantly talk about your EX. Stupid woman. LOL She has no social skills at all. No one, not one single person likes a "victim". And she surely plays one at every opportunity. Poor, poor overwhelmed Kate.
Yes, Kate you WILL probably be alone for the rest of your life, as YOU said. No one's fault but YOURS. WHO wants a vindictive female who constantly disses her ex? THEY would get the same treatment. Probably WORSE, since you were so "wronged", and can't "trust". Bitter hag.
The kids banging their fists on the table, demanding a daddy in the house? Yeah, sure - this bit of science-fiction is so lame, it can't hold an atom of legitimacy for even a fraction of a second. Guess Steve and the camera crew weren't "like daddies" enough to the kids' liking.
It's also hard to believe that Kate would brook any kind of inmate unrest at Gosselin State Prison.
Her tweet is not without meaning. She is slick enough to realize that what the show needs is some gimmick, plus Jon has gotten publicity with his committed relationship. I just had to comment because I've been expecting this. Hopefully TLC won't fall for the bait and let this show fade away.
And she is a liar. No way did the twins tell her to sleep so they could feed the tups their breakfast. I recall that Cara is not a morning person so fat chance that she would be up early. The bitch has a nanny and everyone knows it. Looks like Steve is able to keep the lid on what is really going on inside that house.
Tiny RVs of course meant the kids were split up, to accommodate the show, and we know Kate likely put the boys in with the production crew and the twins with the babysitter, leaving the little girls in her RV - for filming only of course, once cameras are down Kate is off on her own feigning a headache. And I am also sure the kids bang their fists on the table demanding their lives back without cameras in their faces, but that is not what Kate wants the public to know. What a tool.
I know a lot of people don't think that Kate will ever go away but I think there are a few things going against her. Lower ratings and knowing Jon won't sign a new contract allowing the kids to be filmed (keep fingers crossed). That might explain Jon bashing. She is also tweeting too much about a new daddy and another adult in the home. She could be putting the idea out there so she will still have some type of show without the kids. Remember how she put DTWS out there and all of a sudden she was on the show? That's how she works.
Does anyone know why the twins would have to make breakfast for the tups? At 7 years old, they should be able to pour a bowl of cereal for themselves or make toast.
wryview said...
Does anyone know why the twins would have to make breakfast for the tups? At 7 years old, they should be able to pour a bowl of cereal for themselves or make toast.
Kate lies.
Does anyone know why the twins would have to make breakfast for the tups? At 7 years old, they should be able to pour a bowl of cereal for themselves or make toast.
They should certainly be able to do that, but I'm not so sure I'd want six seven-year-olds in the kitchen at one time, making toast, butter, yogurt, fruit, cereal, juice, or whatever they eat for breakfast. That might get kind of wild and messy. These kids whine and fight. I think it would be better to have them sit at the table while two 10-year-olds put breakfast together!
Where's the nanny? Where's Steve? Don't tell me he finally went home for a few days before the trip to NYC!
Love the way she is already bitching about being with her kids for 2 weeks in the RV's. Didn't she tweet it was dream like a week ago? And now it was horrible? Um, make up your mind Kate? Was it THAT bad being with your kids & bonding? She is really something else. I would LOVE to go cross-country in an RV with my boys.
She appreciates NOTHING.
~Hippie Chick~
Unless the new PA legislation requires both parents to sign off on filming, I don't think Jon has any say as to whether she signs a new contract including the kids or not. Their family court judge already ruled the kids may film to support the family (the Australia show).
And Jon has basically said in his last interview that Kate's show is Kate's show and he doesn't pay it much attention. I think he's resigned himself to the fact that she's going to film, the court supports her and it's a losing battle for him. He will focus on the kids when he has them and let the show die a natural death.
I'm not saying he likes the situation, just that he's resigned himself to it.
I think the judge was ruling on the specific contract in front of him, ruling that Kate could decide. When two parents can't agree on a contract, the judge has to pick one to decide, or he/she decides. He didn't rule that filming was good or bad, just that Kate could call the shots this time.
Since this would be a new contract, a new day, it's possible Kate has to take him back to court again to get the judge to decide.
We're more than a year later, two of the kids have had serious school problems since the judge last made his ruling (what Jon was trying to tell him!), the kids are getting older and have interests other than filming, things have changed, and he might have a better shot this time at getting a ruling that would allow him to veto the filming.
If the lazy ass is between nannies is it possible that Ashley finally got fed up with Kate's bullshit and decided to kick HER to the curb first? Ha! I hope so and I hope she told Kate to "pull the stick out" too.
@Kateplusmy8 i have to pee soon, so i'll have no choice but to use the bathroom
@Kateplusmy8 morning bathroom time is my self luv time
Apparently the roomate took her "time slot" in the bathroom and she asked Kate for her advice:
@Kateplusmy8 what should i do?
You have to wonder if you should feel sorry for a sheeple like this, or be a little bit afraid, or both. It's not a kid, but a mom. This person is not far from Kate, and very close to me!
Sheeple are a rather strange group, oh, yes, they are!
We touched on it a bit but this is indeed yet another classic narcissistic move. It's true, in Kate's mind she probably DID do all the work. This is indeed exactly what narcissists do, remember things a certain way and keep trying to tell you that's how it happened until you either admit it or cut them out of your life. Kate actually said this is how I FELT, a careful choice of words. Someone feels how they feel and you can't exactly force them to feel a different way. But objectively speaking, we all know Jon pulled his weight and was a good husband and daddy.
It's interesting I'm not sure a true narcissist has ever had their life so well-documented on film to prove that how they remember things is, in reality, not how things went down. When faced with direct video evidence to the contrary, what will Kate do? In a way, maybe all this documentation will help the kids when they are older. What's common as many know for a child of a narcissist is the "narcissist deniers." People like the sheeple, often family members or friends, or golden children (kids the narcissist never treated as they treated you), who give the perpetrator the benefit of the doubt, don't want to believe what you are saying, think you are the problem not the narcissist, etc. These kids have the unique advantage of being able to prove it, with the tapes.
Good morning all! Kate finally rolled out of bed (what is it 10:45 on the east coast?) and the first thing she is complaining about is not having enough time with the kids because there's too much work to do.
Here's a thought, Professor. Don't twit-twat every 5 minutes and you'll have a lot more time with your children.
@Chiica2006s CANNOT be worse than two weeks in tiny RVs -- trust me! Watch on TLC Aug 8. Not kidding!
I don't believe for a second that the RVs (plural) were "tiny." I'm sure that they were huge Class A (the kind that look like a bus, not the kind that has a front that looks like a pickup cab or van) luxury motor homes. It's not like they were in a 1972 Winnebago or a Vanagon.
What gets me is that this fan was talking about how she was going crazy becuase they were moving and was chaotic/disorganized, and Kate came back at her with "oh, my life is soooo much harder". What a complete witch. I'm sorry, but I'd rather sit on my ass and let others drive me around the country in an RV than move ANYDAY. And even if you would rather move, just stfu Kate. This is not a competition between you and your fans to see who has the worst life. If it was, you would LOSE.
I have done similar trips (including to the Grand Canyon and many other national parks) with my (four, count 'em four) kids - but the difference is that we travel in a minivan, and we stay in small motels (6 to a room) and/or we tent camp along the way. She has NO FREAKING CLUE what it is like to be a real family on a real family vacation.
And the tweets about Jon and how she has "no help" right now (why is she between nannies, anyway? Did they all quit on the trip? Hmmmm!!!) are just disgusting. It is so beyond my realm of understanding as to how someone can talk like this while simultaneously lying in bed while your ten year olds take care of your seven year olds. What exactly does she have to do right now other than some laundry and prepare meals for her family? It's not like she's out driving the carpool or going to watch a soccer game or mowing the lawn or going to work or volunteering or changing diapers or breastfreeding or doing any of the time-consuming things that every other mother in the world is doing right now.
Oh good freaking god:
"Until u walk in some1s shoes,u look stupid judging their decisions..&they r 4 sure!"
Kate??? Just last night you JUDGED JON for making the decision not to have the kids until his planned visitation time--a decision that could have a dozen reasonable and good reasons behind it, not the least of which is if he takes an inch from you, you will likely hang it over his head for months and months afterward i.e. NOT WORTH IT.
Egg, meet face.
AuntieAnn said...
If the lazy ass is between nannies is it possible that Ashley finally got fed up with Kate's bullshit and decided to kick HER to the curb first? Ha! I hope so and I hope she told Kate to "pull the stick out" too.
Auntie Ann - I think that the stick is so far embedded that there is no hope of ever retrieving it, not even with surgical intervention!
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@ @ryannmichael212 Very kind of you! I feel tired and worn down this week... :(
Aww Kate it's so toughie not having a wittle nanny to help youuuu.
She really is completely off her rocker the past 24 hours.
"These kids have the unique advantage of being able to prove it, with the tapes."
Kate did she it was the realest reality show out there, so her denial of the events as they unfolded is going to be tough. However, knowing her knack for twisting the truth, she would say that it was editing, scripting, production made it appear such and such a way just for ratings, and say that it really didn't happen that way. It was all done "for show." She'd get around it somehow.
Just saw a commercial for, search for babysitters, background checks all done.
There you go, Kate.
Maybe her nannies/sitters didn't quit. They could be on vacation with their families. Kate does allow them some free time, doesn't she? Strange, though, that she would allow them to take time off when she would be returning from the trip and would need them the most.
Where's that little sheeple in Ireland who wanted to babysit in exchange for room and board? Here's her chance! Or how about the one close by who wanted to come and organize her kitchen? Or the one who wanted to meet at the park for a playdate? Her tweeties are her best friends. Could it be she would be just a little bit cautious about employing any of them? I couldn't imagine that this would be the case. She loves them all and misses them!
From Kate's friggin' twittering:
@xxxxxxxxxxx How r ur ignoring skills wrking 4 u?lol! Until u walk in some1s shoes,u look stupid judging their decisions..&they r 4 sure! 8 minutes ago
She's such an ass.
Memo to Kate: The charade is over. You've been exposed so many times for the pathetic, horrible, abusive, fame-whoring, no talent, grifting liar that you are, that people are not interested in walking in your undeserved, overly priced shoes.
The only people willing to walk in your shoes are your blind sheeple- and even they will soon figure out what a sh*t you are, and walk away.
Tell you what Kate, disappear from t.v., and no one will judge you for your poor decisions. You will only be remembered for the complete and utter scam artist, and slave driver you are. Nothing more.
heehee Moose. They'll have to fly specialists in from all over the world. There's an episode for ya TLC.
Admin I have to say I thought she was off her rocker in the very beginning when Jon and Kate were dating and they filmed themselves opening Xmas presents. Her pig squeal was very disturbing even back then. I noticed she scared the hell out of the cat, too.
"She really is completely off her rocker the past 24 hours."
Try the past seven years!
Admin - here's a link to the youtube coffee clip. towards the end - Jon is getting ready for work, brings Kate her coffee - it's 6:59 a.m., room is completely dark and she's sound asleep. Then he heads to work. How is she sleeping with a houseful of babies and toddlers?
There is probably more tidbits there, but I don't turn the sound on - can't stand to hear her.
I don't tweet but I do read them. Her new twit bestie (PaulLBenson)is promoting some nudist networking site as I found out by just skimming thorugh through his tweets....She really does need to think of the safety of her kids (not to mention herself) and screen some of these "fans". What is Steve doing? You'd think that he'd be screening everyone. Kate, you may be putting yourself in a dangereous situation if you keep this non-stop twitting up. Well, maybe now that you've read this you'll know.
After thinking about this, here's what the kids probably said: "We want our Daddy back, we want our Daddy back, we want our Daddy back, and on and on". I could seriously see them slamming their fists on the table and saying that and making her so angry she just lost it.
This is truly one demented and twisted bitch and those kids don't stand a chance.
Another day in PA, and Twitface is up and at it, furiously working that pink phone. Oh laundry, too tired, too alone, too whatever to do that - as if anyone believes that she has two weeks of laundry to do - we traveled with 3 kids and there was no way laundry did not have to be done along the way, and we weren't in front of cameras, and I'm not a obsessive control freak. Here's an idea, Katie - put the phone down, and put your laundry in your 2 (!) washing machines, then if your kids don't need breakfast, attention or anything normal children need, well then, you can pick up the phone until you need to put it down and toss laundry in your 2 (!) dryers. Repeat. Sorry, I just had to spell it out. And just wait, two more days, you can do it, and the children will get to spend a weekend with their father, the guy you despicably toss under every moving vehicle you can. Come Sunday night, guess who will be whining about how tired she is - awful biotch.
no one likes a narcissist; Yikes I checked out that Paul Benson guy she tweeted back and forth with a lot tonight. His profile pic is creeeeepy! Yet, she doesn't check out his page or anything, just tells him she's "all alone". She's a flipping TWIDIOT!
I'm not trying to be a creep "no one..." but Paul Benson is her NY hairstylest. Not a stranger on twitter.
And just to add; I can't find where I read this, but Kate was being interviewed and was asked why she doesn't hire someont to tweet for her like other celeb. do and her reply was she would if she could afford it. I wonder how her tweeple would feel hearing that she really doesn't want to tweet them if she didn't have to.
Admin. Please answer a question for me. I know people have tried to stop the show by protesting, etc. Has anyone ever sugested boycotting the sponsor's? Writting them and telling them they will not buy their product if her show continues? Thank You.
Laurie said: "I don't tweet but I do read them. Her new twit bestie (PaulLBenson)is promoting some nudist networking site as I found out by just skimming thorugh through his tweets...."
And if you could find this out just by looking at the tweets, why couldn't she? I just looked at his avatar and cringed!
If Kate knew that she'd have to deal with eight kids on her return home, why didn't she sign them up for a week of camp at this time? Sure, they'd be tired from the trip, but when has that ever stopped her before? At least they'd be out of her hair, and I'd think they'd be glad to get away from her!
Ishkabibble said...
On twitter she said she is "between babysitters". Does that mean Ashley quit?
After 2 wks cooped up with Kate in a 'tiny' RV she either needs a HUGE break away from her or she saw what Kate really is and ran far away.
There must be a "man" for her someplace. TLC's associated group of channels show unbelievable hook-ups. There was the guy who wanted to be a baby so dressed in diapers, slept in a crib, and was fed and treated by a substitute mommy. There were foodies (women in excess of 400 lbs) fed and photographed and loved on by feeders. Many more, I'm sure, but can't stand to watch. So surely somebody wants to be humiliated, bossed, etc. Hmm, the kids throw a monkey wrench into the mess, but maybe somebody wants to be abused by them as well, and by golly, TLC and their other channels should be able to find them.
Here's an intersting web site about's about daughters of narcissists, but if you change the perspective to be husband of narcissist, it fits (sadly) all too well.
"Because the narcissist cannot accept her faults, she spends her days trying to convince herself that everything she does is perfect. When her personality disorder causes distress within her family, and her children’s issues begin to reflect this, the narcissistic mother is forced to make a choice. She must either acknowledge that she is making mistakes that are affecting her children negatively, or she must try to convince herself and others that the problems are coming not from her, but another source. And the latter is the option the narcissist always and unfailingly selects. In her mind, by blaming another, she absolves herself of any wrongdoing, and she can continue to believe - and strive to convince others - that she is in fact, perfect. But she must first have someone to blame."
Thus, the constant trashing Jon, and the constant perfect pool, perfect leather couch, perfect vacation, perfect children, etc.
Has Kate ever said that she wants a man to love, someone to be companionable with, someone to enjoy and laugh with? Someone who makes her laugh?
She's only said that she wants a man to help with the work, to discipline the (whiny) kids, to help with whatever.
What man, or woman, wants to go into a relationship just to be used, to be a slave?
Seeing as she never reads the blogs, I won't wait for her to start up saying that she just wants somebody to love. Wait for long you think it will take? A week or so?
Sorry Just sayin but the PaulLBenson that she is currently tweeting with is from Tucson AZ and claims to be a chef. I too cringed when I saw his avatar Kokomo. His claim to fame seems to be that he was interviewed on the Tucson news because someone had a heart attack while driving and hit the phone pole by his house. So no, he's definately NOT her hairdresser.
Admin, I love all the still shots of Jon doing sooo much, would love to see some of him DRESSING the kids, CARRYING the kids to the van, walking in the door and having to DEAL with the kids, trying to do his "manly" jobs without the b*tch interrupting him to HELP her with the kids. The one episode that really irked me was when they went to Beth's for the photo shoot. She plops her flat ass on a chair all the while bitching that Jon either didn't bring the kids clothes to the main floor or maybe brought them upstairs? All the while rolling her eyes at the cameraman and saying something like "how are you going to dress them if the clothes aren't here?" WHAT IN GOD'S NAME DID THAT WOMAN DO??? He did it ALLLL.
marilyn said... There must be a "man" for her someplace. TLC's associated group of channels show unbelievable hook-ups. There was the guy who wanted to be a baby so dressed in diapers, slept in a crib, and was fed and treated by a substitute mommy. There were foodies (women in excess of 400 lbs) fed and photographed and loved on by feeders. Many more, I'm sure, but can't stand to watch. So surely somebody wants to be humiliated, bossed, etc. Hmm, the kids throw a monkey wrench into the mess, but maybe somebody wants to be abused by them as well, and by golly, TLC and their other channels should be able to find them.
Here's the problem though... while there are plenty of men out there who would have no problem being Kate's whipping boy, Kate requires a *rich* whipping boy. Like reallllyy rich. Most men with that kind of wealth have options and do not have to settle for someone who clearly is only interested in his bank account. And... based on past results, would probably treat him like dirt.
My parents were devorced when I was four. I'm the youngest of six. A girl at my work asked me one time what would be the best way to handle her daughter when it came to her ex. I told her to never say anything negetive about him to her daughter. I told her that in there eyes the father is a hero. (not that Kate's evil is inate already) but the parent that gets them part time makes sure the visit goes as much without insident as possible so the kids enjoy it. This already puts that parent on a pedistal. And believe me I KNOW that Jon is a fantastic father. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that with Kate's inate evil and intended bashing of Jon, those kids are going to resent her to the max, and i'm sure they already do some what.
The sadest thing for me is that, no matter how evil or abused kids get treated, they still have that unconditional love for both parents. I remember one time when I was angry with my mom I called cps on her. They told me they could come and get me and take me away. I tell you, that put the fear of God in me. All of the sudden mom wasn't so bad after all.
I watched a program on torture last night and they said that emotional abuse was the hardest abuse to get over. I feel so sad for these kids.
One more thing and I'll be done. The one truth I've heard out of Kate's mouth is that the family will fall apart if the show ended. That is when we will see her really fall apart. Hopefully thats when Jon will get custody.
One of my most endearing memories of JON and kate plus 8 was when he was showing his stash of shampoo and conditioner and talking about how much conditioner he used and yes, the kids' hair always looked great, silky smooth and shiny. I wondered if she realized how lucky she was. There are many things Jon did that were very touching. Who could ever get how red his face got when he walked in and found Joel on the laundry room floor with a raging fever, while Khate was fiddling around in the kitchen trying to look busy, making dinner of grapes and cheese and crackers, counted no less. He scooped him up and got him right out of there. And then at cupcake gate when he asked her why she didn't bring them a change of clothes so they could enjoy themselves she said something very telling - "I didn't think YOU would want to change all those outfits." What no help from mom? She couldn't take 3 and him take 3? The twins couldn't change themselves? I miss that old show and am still quite angry at Khate for messing it up. Oh and him skating away with Cara leaving Khate on her throne yelling and screaming like a banshee because she didn't want to watch the tups while he was gone. She did everything but run down the street after him. I can honestly say I do not have one single fond memory of the new show, not one, although I haven't watched many.
Laurie, My bad. sorry. Thanks for the correction
Most men with that kind of wealth have options and do not have to settle for someone who clearly is only interested in his bank account.
Most men with that kind of wealth prefer young 20 somethings even IF they're only interested in the bank account.
This is Kate's Paul Benson:
If according to Kate the kids pound their fists and demand a new dad, then these children have anger problems/issues.
As for aug 8th, the trip out west is not what is gonna be shown, so Kate does not even check. And yes, I agree with the person who said, she is tryin to get people to watch for ratings, if she knows that trip is not gonna be on.
May be in response to a recent article that Jon was thinking of getting married
Khate can't stand it when Jon gets in the spotlight. My sister divorced and ex was the first to get re-married, even though she was the one having the affair. Bitchy women generally don't like being married; it gives up too much control. JMO>
"She really is completely off her rocker the past 24 hours."
She's either imbibing too much, not enough, or needs her meds adjusted.
Gimme said...
One of my most endearing memories of JON and kate plus 8 was when he was showing his stash of shampoo and conditioner and talking about how much conditioner he used and yes, the kids' hair always looked great, silky smooth and shiny. I wondered if she realized how lucky she was. There are many things Jon did that were very touching.
Thanks for the refresher! I remember this also - it was back when I still watched the show but I think I was beginning to have doubts. It was a sweet moment amidst chaos. Maybe a good post would be all the nice things Jon did with the kids -- the hugs, the one-on-one time, the times he stood up for them when Kate was on a rampage.
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... This was Khate's last tweet tonight:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@PaulLBenson Am not. Would like to have another adult here tho at some point! Kids long for it too...
3 hours ago
We all know she's up to something between that article and now reinforcing it today on Twitter. She's pushing the theme that she doesn't like being alone, without a man, and her kids want it to. Yeah, right.
Yep, she's using her kids again for sympathy. I'd hope that any poor guy slightly interested in her after reading her poor-me dreck realizes that he would be married to HER, not her kids. The kids will grow up and move on, but he'd be stuck with Khate for life. Again, she's using her cute kids to get what she wants. She knows how many people love the kids and she knows how to sell them.
Going back to the "kids want a daddy at home" issue, I don't think the tups fully understand the biological relationship yet. If the kids are saying they want a daddy around, Khate is totally misconstruing it. I'm sure the kids love Jon to death, but I think a "daddy" to them is any grown man who would live with them in the big house. Plus, if Khate is walking around calling the crewmen "daddies", that has to confuse the heck out of the little ones. They're at the age where they are just figuring out that "Mommy" is the one who gave birth to them, not their nanny, or that their beloved Papi was "Daddy's dad", etc. If the kids did say they want a new daddy, it has nothing to do with them not loving their real dad. They just want the stability they used to have before the divorce.
Recipe for a mess said "That might get kind of wild and messy."
So?? They are big enough to clean up any mess they make.
Just curious said: This is Kate's Paul Benson:
Nice ties! Is that an image of Jesus matrixing on the upper left side of the closet door (visible when he sits down)?
Put it on mute. You don't want to hear it! Trust me!
Gimme: I think Kate knows that she can't make it with Jon on the show, and that has her going into these fits of hysteria, just to think that he was instrumental in getting the ratings. She doesn't want to give him credit for anything.
I would love to see Jon and Ellen buy an old rambling farmhouse with a big huge barn, a fixer upper, Jon could to that and make it really nice. One with not necessarily a pool but a creek running through it to cool off at the end of a hot day. And have his own organic vegetable garden. I am sure there are many places like that in PA, and they say now is the time to buy, when no one else is, or heck even rent to own for that matter.
I don't think her new tweetie buddy, Benson, is in the running as a rich sugar daddy candidate!
...and have his own organic vegetable garden. I am sure there are many places like that in PA, and they say now is the time to buy, when no one else is, or heck even rent to own for that matter.
Great idea! I spent my summers with my grandmother in a place like that. There was so much to do. Summers were magical. We pumped water from the well, picked fruit from the trees, had corn and doggie roasts over the open pit outside, ran wild catching fireflies at night, walked to the little neighborhood church down the road, and made so many memories. The kids would love it, and yes, there are many places like that in the area.
So?? They are big enough to clean up any mess they make.
Why would they, when they've always had nannies to do it for them? She wouldn't let them bake cookies without plastic over the counter. You think she'd let them get their own breakfast? The penalty of severeness would be too great if they made a mess at breakfast and they wouldn't clean it up perfectly enough to suit her.
Kokomo - it's not Jesus, it's a picture of Kirk and Spock from Star Trek.
@Kateplusmy8 i have to buy an ezpass because the GPS lead me thru the EZ pass lanes and i may be fined now
@Kateplusmy8 kate did u know allergies r bad this year? The giant cashier just told me. I've been worrying that i had cancer or something
Can sheeple really be this clueless, or are there some who are set up on twitter just to yank chains, generate banter, and then turn around and laugh because the non-fans really believe this stuff? These are from a regular tweeter who wants to befriend Kate.
Aeris, I think that at 7 years old they know who their daddy is and I don't think that they think that just any random adult male is their daddy. They probably think that Kate's an idiot when she calls crew members their "daddy's" because they know that Jon is their Daddy. I still think that they probably said "We want OUR daddy".
"Is This For Real? said... @Kateplusmy8 i have to buy an ezpass because the GPS lead me thru the EZ pass lanes and i may be fined now
How stupid can she be. I have a GPS/Nav system and it has never directed me as to which toll lane to enter. deserved to be fined on grounds of stupidity.
Gimme said...
One of my most endearing memories of JON and kate plus 8 was when he was showing his stash of shampoo and conditioner and talking about how much conditioner he used and yes, the kids' hair always looked great, silky smooth and shiny. I wondered if she realized how lucky she was. There are many things Jon did that were very touching.
I had forgotten that, but that was very sweet of him. I don't recall my dad ever giving me a bath - Khate doesn't know how good she had it. On a sentimental note, it's sad that Khate wasn't the one shown washing her little girls' hair. Those are REAL bonding moments to have with a child. She was so adamant about Hannah having that long, long hair, but she had no interest in taking care of it. I now remember Jon talking about Hannah's hair, that he would get the other two girls out of the bath, then wash Hannah's hair separately. What a sweet dad.
When you think about Khate being distant from her own kids, this is why. She intentionally missed out on all those bonding moments when the kids were really young.
NOT a fan of hers, BUT she never called the camera crews the kids daddy, she said the guys are a bunch of dads (as in their own right). People just keep trying to make waves and create interest where NONE IS WARRANTED! STOP all the idle chatter about her and let her 15 minutes of infamy die a natural death! And as far as comments of her 'using her cute kids' to get a guy, the kids are average looking and below average in their actions, so don't see them as any kind of a draw. And then we have HER, she is the biggest 'detraction' in any relationship she might seek. What guy worth anything would be looking for the likes of her?
Admin said...
Good morning all! Kate finally rolled out of bed (what is it 10:45 on the east coast?) and the first thing she is complaining about is not having enough time with the kids because there's too much work to do.
I was up, showered, kid had his breakfast, & I was at the doctors with an appointment, blood work & in the middle of a mammogram at 10:45! (by the way, those are a bit pinchy, first one.)
So Kate may be "between" nannies? Yeah right. She is just looking for sympathy, IMO. And this whole alienation thing with Jon & the kids is sickening. WHEN THE HELL WILL SHE GET OVER HIM??? Just because he wanted to stop the show? Why won't she let Jon be in a happy place? It really speaks to her character that everyone around her has to be miserable just because she is. And it's sad she won't get close to anyone either. If she actually had friends (real ones, not ignorant twitter twits) then maybe she would be happy for once & let JON GO!! And then possibly she could let the kids be happy, & hopefully not speak ill of him in front of the children. (I don't know if she does, just a guess. She does it publicly, so it wouldn't surprise me if she does it privately as well)
~Hippie Chick~
How stupid can she be. I have a GPS/Nav system and it has never directed me as to which toll lane to enter. deserved to be fined on grounds of stupidity.
Apparently not the brightest bulb in the pack. I read through some of her tweets trying to figure out if this is a sheeple plant to stir up discussion and then take it to the blogs to laugh that non-fans really believe it, or if this person is serious. This is the same one who tweeted this morning that she needed to "pee," couldn't get into the bathroom and asked Kate what to do.
Some of those tweets are entertaining; others are just unbelievable because of the nastiness and cruelty of them. Some, such as the one from the above tweeter, are just pathetic (if it's for real). It all needs to stop.
silimom said: Kokomo - it's not Jesus, it's a picture of Kirk and Spock from Star Trek.
LOL, Silimon! Thanks. Of course there are those diehard Trekkies who think that Kirk and Spock ARE Jesus!
It almost looked like one of those images on grilled cheese sandwiches or potato chips!
I guess I was too busy trying to find the mute when he started singing (or whatever that was)!
I read an article recently and I'm trying to remember where --- it was all about the culture of twittering and who does it and why.
One of the paragraphs was about folks who twitter solely to stir up trouble. It's entertainement for them, and they bring their friends into the show. They are kids and adults alike.
Someone will twit a really controversial comment and sit back to watch the replies. They inject their own replies only to escalate the shitstorm.
Their comments make folks mad and they twit some really scathing comments, which then leads to vicious name-calling and cyberbullying.
It is a game.
Extremely disturbing cultural phenomenon.
Very pathetic twits.
It's the reason I closed my twitter account. Twitter added nothing positive to my life and gave me a case of the barking growlies when I would read what others wrote.
Keep in mind there are some very disturbed, sad, sick people out there. Back in the day when manners mattered, life was certainly more gracious.
Nowadays with the internet, facebook and twitter there is no reason for people to be kind to each other or mind their manners.
Every generation says things like 'life is hard now' and it is, but the internet has given people the ability to spew their anger and frustration in a way that earlier generations didn't have available to them.
My opinion is that this internet etiquette (or lack thereof) is quickly turning this world into uncivilized barbarians. The only thing I like about the internet is the ability to quickly research just about any topic....
Call me a fuddy duddy, but I'm ready for a simpler life.
Westcoaster said...
I honestly don't believe she offered. And great post; her Twitterness is not going to be able to defend this one, will she now? Look like a few more Tweeties have her number.
I think she could have offered knowing full well that that he works long hours during the week and that taking the kids for unplanned time, unless it's on the weekends, is basically impossible. Unlike Kate, I think Jon wants his precious, limited time with his kids to be quality time spent with HIM and NOT with a babysitter.
I think Kate is very calculating in how she words her tweets and interviews about Jon and hopes that saying she offered him extra time, but that he said no, will reflect poorly on him and make him look like the bad dad. It's nothing but pure and simple insinuation and parental alienation.
Remember, this is the same woman who refuses to let her children's father past the gate to the property and refused to allow him to have custody of the kids when she traveled. I have no doubt that she sent the tweet for any other reason than to further the alienation and try to make her look like the better parent.
Robin said...
@Chiica2006s CANNOT be worse than two weeks in tiny RVs -- trust me! Watch on TLC Aug 8. Not kidding!
I don't believe for a second that the RVs (plural) were "tiny." I'm sure that they were huge Class A (the kind that look like a bus, not the kind that has a front that looks like a pickup cab or van) luxury motor homes. It's not like they were in a 1972 Winnebago or a Vanagon.
What gets me is that this fan was talking about how she was going crazy becuase they were moving and was chaotic/disorganized, and Kate came back at her with "oh, my life is soooo much harder".
Oh, but it's SO much worse than just that! This is the entire Twitter exchange:
Chiica2006s Sarah Geisinger
@Kateplusmy8 I miss you kate! Were in the process of moving so unorganized here driving me crazy! everythings in boxes very chaotic:/
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@Chiica2006s CANNOT be worse than two weeks in tiny RVs -- trust me! Watch on TLC Aug 8. Not kidding!
Chiica2006s Sarah Geisinger
@Kateplusmy8 well were we are moving to is similar to an rv alot smaller than were we are b/c of financial reason (amobile home to be exact)
Chiica2006s Sarah Geisinger
@Kateplusmy8 dsnt it feel good aft a big trip 2 be home and unwind with ur 8?ur tackling so many challenging things i give you props 4 that!
This is how it went: Sheeple tweeted about the chaos of moving, Khate replied it cannot be worse that her two weeks in tiny RV's, AND THEN the sheeple replies that due to financial difficulties, her family is actually moving into a small mobile home! Incredibly, the sheeple also tweeted that poor Khate has "so many challenging things"! WTH??
I notice Khate didn't respond to those follow up tweets by the sheeple. So, Khate bitches about her freebie two week RV vacation, which she is getting paid to go on and film, while in reality, her sheeple fan actually has it so hard that she, her husband, and their two kids have to move into a mobile home, which I guarantee you is not nearly as nice or large as the RV's TLC provided Khate for her two week, paid vacation!
Unbelievable! Wake up, sheeple!! What do you see in this self-centered, greedy, narcissistic witch?! Khate has "so many challenging things"? What?? Yeah, right, her life is so full of much more than your life where your family has financial problems and are giving up their home to move into a small mobile home. How in the world can you say that KHATE has so many challenges? The sheeple brain, so weird!
I don't think the EZpass twit is really from kate. Just someone trying to stir up some shiz. Why do I think this? There are BIG signs that say EZpass Only on those lanes. Although in Kateland that may mean EZpass for everyone but Kate! Also it would have to be a magic GPC to tell someone which lane to take.
So Kate may be "between" nannies? Yeah right.
I'd really like to see her live with the Amish family down the road. Ten children. Momma Lydia is up at 4 a.m., getting Poppa Elvin his breakfast. He's working the fields until sundown. She does her baking, canning, washing (hanging it out to dry), cleaning, gardening, cooking, dishes, AND cares for the kids, all without a nanny, electricity, pink cell phone, car, dual washer and dryer, swimming pool, leather sofa, and camera-crew daddies.
Kate wouldn't last an hour there, but she really should "walk in someone's shoes" and then thank her lucky stars that she has what she does. If there's no nanny or sitter, who is watching the kids on her "mine, all mine" land and pool? Doesn't have time to make dinner? Call for four extra large pizzas, at Metro. Total - $32.00. plus tip for Mr. Delivery Man. Oops, I forgot. She doesn't tip.
I remember watching her fussing at Jon when he wanted to pick up the U-Haul it for the trip to Disney. She had just gotten her hair done and she was begging for him to do it the next day because she was exhausted and needed him at home. There he was, ready, willing and able to pick it up, load it, get ready for the trip and she was having a hissy fit. I remember thinking to myself - what would she do if there WERE no Jon? Guess she knows now...
RT @TrippenIn YAy @Kateplusmy8 it looks like @TLC gave U the 9:00Pm slot for Aug 8th. They heard us!!! YAy YAy YAy!!!!! :) YEP! They did! 6 minutes ago
Ahhhhh, perhaps "Oh Yes She Did" is also a fan of "YEP! They did!"
Methinks I smell a sheep/troll.
The "YEP! They did!" is Kate's add on when she did the re-tweet......maybe now we know who our troll is! Smells like someone from Kate's camp coming over to stir the pot and generate interest.
Laurie said...
I don't think the EZpass twit is really from kate. Just someone trying to stir up some shiz.
It wasn't from Kate. It was from bigfanofkateg tweeting to Kate.
The "YEP! They did!" is Kate's add on when she did the re-tweet......maybe now we know who our troll is
Laurie - I think that there are two "oh, yes, she did" posters. One is from Kate's camp who stirs things up here, and the other (who posts mostly on the other blog, but sometimes here) is not a sheeple, but bashes Kate right and left. That's the one with the multiple IDs, lives and works in Philly, goes to NY every day, is a social worker, a nurse, a flight attendant, a pap's wife, or wives of paps, a Reading observer, has lived in Elizabethtown, is glad to have peace and quiet on her street, has close contacts with the school, knows what goes on in the house, etc. etc.
"Oh, she, she is" is breeding and multiplying!
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Stiiiiillll unpacking& doing at least 50 loads of laundry-not exaggerating! Everything is everywhere&only pint sized helpers! Thankful4them!
1 hour ago
Oh my gosh, STOP complaining, you witch! She's been bitching about all the laundry for THREE days now. What makes this trip so different? They were also one a long time when they went to Australia and New Zealand. Plus, they travel so much, Khate claims she's such a great packer and so used to it, and so organized. So, what's the problem? Really, it's not that hard - sort the laundry, dump them into washer, when done, transfer them to dryer. Then, fold them and stack them in baskets to be delivered to the bedrooms. Not exactly complicated or hard labor.
Yet, I'm sure the sheeple feel sorry for poor Khate as she complains about having to unpack and do laundry while in this economy I'm sure there are more than a few sheeple who cannot even remember the last time THEY took a vacation. I swear, for anyone not to see through this and remain a fan of hers, they must have serious mental problems.
Ah, Thanks is this for real.....I thought it was a Kate tweet. Her fans are none too bright.
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Stiiiiillll unpacking& doing at least 50 loads of laundry-not exaggerating! Everything is everywhere&only pint sized helpers! Thankful4them
What is wrong with this woman? First she complains about having only her kids to help, then says she's thankful for them?
She's just not going to quit with the "poor me" is she?
Robin said...
@Chiica2006s CANNOT be worse than two weeks in tiny RVs -- trust me! Watch on TLC Aug 8. Not kidding!
I don't believe for a second that the RVs (plural) were "tiny." I'm sure that they were huge Class A (the kind that look like a bus, not the kind that has a front that looks like a pickup cab or van) luxury motor homes. It's not like they were in a 1972 Winnebago or a Vanagon.
What gets me is that this fan was talking about how she was going crazy becuase they were moving and was chaotic/disorganized, and Kate came back at her with "oh, my life is soooo much harder".
Oh, but it's SO much worse than just that! This is the entire Twitter exchange:
Chiica2006s Sarah Geisinger
@Kateplusmy8 I miss you kate! Were in the process of moving so unorganized here driving me crazy! everythings in boxes very chaotic:/
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@Chiica2006s CANNOT be worse than two weeks in tiny RVs -- trust me! Watch on TLC Aug 8. Not kidding!
Chiica2006s Sarah Geisinger
@Kateplusmy8 well were we are moving to is similar to an rv alot smaller than were we are b/c of financial reason (amobile home to be exact)
Chiica2006s Sarah Geisinger
@Kateplusmy8 dsnt it feel good aft a big trip 2 be home and unwind with ur 8?ur tackling so many challenging things i give you props 4 that!
This is how it went: Sheeple tweeted about the chaos of moving, Khate replied it cannot be worse that her two weeks in tiny RV's, AND THEN the sheeple replies that due to financial difficulties, her family is actually moving into a small mobile home! Incredibly, the sheeple also tweeted that poor Khate has "so many challenging things"! WTH??
I notice Khate didn't respond to those follow up tweets by the sheeple. So, Khate bitches about her freebie two week RV vacation, which she is getting paid to go on and film, while in reality, her sheeple fan actually has it so hard that she, her husband, and their two kids have to move into a mobile home, which I guarantee you is not nearly as nice or large as the RV's TLC provided Khate for her two week, paid vacation!
Unbelievable! Wake up, sheeple!! What do you see in this self-centered, greedy, narcissistic witch?! Khate has "so many challenging things"? What?? Yeah, right, her life is so full of much more than your life where your family has financial problems and are giving up their home to move into a small mobile home. How in the world can you say that KHATE has so many challenges? The sheeple brain, so weird!
Kate also claims "“But I would rather not sleep than have my kids go without what they deserve. I have always had a high mark that I have for myself. I have always said they need to be treated like they are individuals, like they are an only child even though there’s eight of them.”
Excuse me? Isn't she the one who slapped her daughter for waking her up on the plane? And as for raising them as individuals, give me a break. They're 7 and she still dresses them in matching clothes. I wish she would just stop.
I am so sick of this entitled rich bitch and her phony whining act!I bet Kate doesn't know (or care) that there are families who save their quarters until they have enough to do the laundry, and then pack it in pillowcases or trash bags and drag it several blocks to the laundromat; stand there in the heat waiting for a dryer, then drag it all home again to put away; sometimes having to take infants and toddlers with them and try to amuse them while the laundry is going around.
I would watch a show where Kate had to experience grinding poverty and find creative ways to use hamburger and government cheese to make healthy meals; where she had to mend her clothing to be able to wear it; where she needed to use food stamps and food banks.
I wouldn't want the kids to suffer these experiences just to prove a point, but would love to see Kate endure them.
Oh ID Modo, I would love to see that show! From your lips to TLC's ears!
Hey fellow bloggers,
When the show is cancelled and Kate is forced to scale back her lifestyle, which do you think she will sacrifice first?
1. The "Mine all mine" mansion?
2. The expensive private school?
>@BlendedPaths U do whatcha gotta do. No choice here.Who else will do it?I love them so I keep going even if I don't have ANY energy left! 58 minutes ago<
Ah give us all an effing break. No energy left,huh - not too tired to run around the Taylor Swift concert, adding another evening and many hours to the end of the two week paid vacation. Who else will do it, well, perhaps all those paid people in your life, the ones you constantly lie about. Now it is possible that she is without help this week since the paid help were either with her minding the kids, and sorry, doing laundry I'm sure, and the other paid help were 24/7 guarding the mansion, so yes, perhaps they all are off this week. But I am also sure that she has had her groceries delivered and her kids are in front of the tv. Glad to hear her "50' loads of laundry are getting done.
What a piece of work. I came home from a 2 week trip to Europe (which hey we paid for with our own hard-earned $$), jet-lagged, head cold (souvenir from darling husband) last month to a house full of company (daughter and her toddler & baby). I love those babies, but re-entry to real life was really hard; had that laundry, yes, real laundry and went into full time grandma/mom/cook/chief bottle washer mode. And I loved it, but energy, poof, gone and gone. We had other company, dinners for many, day trips with the kids, etc. It wasn't until the house emptied last week that I have had any sense of peace and quiet since we left in early June. But then again I am not on Twitter/Twatter whining to crazy people about how exhausted I am after my two weeks of pampering, filming, and wait, not a dime out of pocket. Well, so glad she can carry on because she "loves them so". Hey Kate, ask those kids what they would really like, and would you do it for them because you love them so - yeah, doubt that would happen.
Ahhhhh, perhaps "Oh Yes She Did" is also a fan of "YEP! They did!"
Methinks I smell a sheep/troll.
Looks like it's proving to be a good week for trawling for trolls and catching them!
Not sure if anyone else is having issues today, but my posts keep disappearing into a black hole.
Am I mistaken that Kate had tweeted Ashley was going to be graduating and that there was going to be a lot of driving during the summer? Could be why she is in between nannies.
A lot of my comments don't show up either.
Thanks a lot, Justice4all!
I am from Canada. My love for Almond Joy chocolate bars is tarnished with the thought of that nut Kate on top of it now!
Just kidding,I don't give my power away to anyone,especially if chocolate is involved.LOL!
Robin said...
...........What exactly does she have to do right now other than some laundry and prepare meals for her family? It's not like she's out driving the carpool or going to watch a soccer game or mowing the lawn or going to work or volunteering or changing diapers or breastfreeding or doing any of the time-consuming things that every other mother in the world is doing right now.
Funny that you mention that, because I was just thinking something like that recently. Try being in a house with just four kids, but all at different stages. I am truly sick to death of Khate complaining about how hard her life is because she has eight, count 'em eight kids. She thinks that makes her supermom, the bestest mom ever, nobody has so many kids and therefore, as much work as she has.
Bull! At the ages that Khate's kids are now, I actually think she has it EASIER in many ways than families with four kids or more. Khate's kids are all old enough to brush their teeth, get dressed, put on their shoes, clean up their toys, grab themselves a snack, set the table, clear the table, etc. Most of all, they all occupy each other playing. Try having four kids and it goes like this: while mom is breastfeeding a cranky, teething baby, the toddler is whining and being difficult because his does not want to take a nap, especially since he older two siblings are having fun running around in the back yard. Oh and don't forget, one of them has piano lessons at 4 and the other has a soccer game at 6. Better think about what you're making for dinner and get a start on it that soon too.
Also, let's not forget the school year craziness with all the homework, book reports, projects, and special days that require you to send something into school or go to a special assembly, recital, concert, or party. With four or more kids all in different grades, well, it's crazy. Plus, who has to go to piano, dance, gymnastics, basketball, track, soccer, baseball, etc. Every day after school, it sure is a pain having to check the backpacks and homework of kids in four different grades. Make sure kid A studies for his science test tomorrow, while kid B needs help with his math homework, kid C's book report is due in two days and he hasn't even finished half the book yet, and kid D needs to be quizzed on his spelling words for tomorrow. Then there's the notes from the teacher, or principal, or the PTA, about a certain upcoming event or party at school, a request to send something in. Plus, maybe you're an involved parent (unlike Khate) and you're the one volunteering and organizing events and parties, which requires a lot of running around picking things up and a ton of emails back and forth with the other parents as to who is doing what.
I could go on forever, but I know that the other parents here completely understand, Khate has eight kids in two different grades. Plus, the six are all in one class, aren't they? If that continues, it will be a lot easier for Khate than dealing with several different teachers, all assigning different homework, projects, reports, and tests. I wouldn't be surprised if that's one of the reasons that she will continue to insist they remain in the same class. Are the twins in different classes? I don't remember. There's a family with triplets at our school and for a couple of years they were in the same class, but then the parents decided that they would be better off all in different classes so they could become more independent and develop their own friendships. While it was better for the kids, it ended up being more work for the parents, for some of the reasons I've mentioned.
I won't even get into the fact that Khate has so much help and no real job. But she's always so busy, so tired, and so exhausted. Give me a break!
The 9 o'clock slot is nothing to write home about. 10 o'clock is TLC prime time for all the new episodes.
I haven't read the posts yet so my apologies if it's been said, but this whole "we want a new daddy" thing is bothersome. In my experience with my friends who have separated with kids at that age, the kids have ALWAYS wanted THEIR daddy around, not some random guy. Kate must be taking out words or putting words into the kids mouths as usual. We NEVER hear anything from the kids mouths, do we?
And this whole thing with Kate calling the crew "daddies" is completely unhealthy. The kids have a daddy. That was just another way for Kate to attack Jon. She cannot stop. It feeds her ego. Jon is a great dad from what has been on TV. Kate is a bad mom from what's been shown on TV. Hmm, why does she protest so much about Jon & why does she always have to lie about being such a great mom & say that she did all these wonderful things w/ the kids or made some amazing project/took twitter pics, etc? Kate needs CONSTANT reassurance. Her confidence is crap & crapping on Jon makes her feel superior. She can't stand the fact Jon is better & the kids probably like being w/ him more. Suck it Kate! You should have tried harder since Day 1, but fame took over your pathetic life. And now she has NOBODY & Jon is happier than ever & this kills her.
~Hippie Chick~
Laurie said...
I don't tweet but I do read them. Her new twit bestie (PaulLBenson)is promoting some nudist networking site as I found out by just skimming thorugh through his tweets....She really does need to think of the safety of her kids (not to mention herself) and screen some of these "fans". What is Steve doing? You'd think that he'd be screening everyone. Kate, you may be putting yourself in a dangereous situation if you keep this non-stop twitting up. Well, maybe now that you've read this you'll know.
I saw that last night when I spent all of two minutes checking out his page. Khate just started tweeting back and forth with him like he was her new best friend. Didn't she notice his user pic? The only reason she started tweeting back to him was to reply to his first tweet to her that said something like she's so beautiful, he'd marry her in a heartbeat. Of course, that sucked the little narcissistic right in!
It gets worse. Someone posted his YouTube link above. So, I checked his Youube page and he subscribes to 81 channels but I only clicked on one of the first ones listed and the first two videos are: "XXX Hot Young School Teacher Does It With Student XXX" and "Sexy Asian Teacher Striptease". There's a warning that the videos have been flagged as inappropriate.
Yeah, Khate, you dumbass, that is really someone you want to be tweeting back and forth with about your quest to find a man, and that you're all alone! Like I said last night, she's a TWIDIOT!
Excuse me? Isn't she the one who slapped her daughter for waking her up on the plane?
I missed that one! What trip did that happen on? Is it on tape? Can Jon use that? Wow, just wow
Permanent Name said...
Back in the day when manners mattered, life was certainly more gracious.
Love this!!! And so true. :)
~Hippie Chick~
IDModo said... I would watch a show where Kate had to experience grinding poverty and find creative ways to use hamburger and government cheese to make healthy meals; where she had to mend her clothing to be able to wear it; where she needed to use food stamps and food banks.
I remember old episodes where she claimed she'd cook ALL DAY and freeze meals, cut coupons, only shop for specials and sales, had detailed shopping lists to cut costs...etc, etc. In fact I thought that was the premise of the show in the first place. I guess once you become rich and famous you forget how to do all those things? I don't think so.
wayward said...
@Chiica2006s CANNOT be worse than two weeks in tiny RVs -- trust me!
This to me is a not-so-subtle slam to TLC.
My "sediments" exactly. Kate should listen to her own advice, "You get what you get and you don't get upset."
Really tired of this woman said... Hey fellow bloggers,
When the show is cancelled and Kate is forced to scale back her lifestyle, which do you think she will sacrifice first?
1. The "Mine all mine" mansion?
2. The expensive private school?
Neither. She will give up the KIDS and with them any responsiblity for their bills and care and education.
And then hold on to your seats, coz she will be off and running!
Talk shows, magazines, books and advice columns about being forced by an exhub to give up her children, oh boohoohoo! Here come the makeovers and spas for poor pitiful Katie she-is-so-put-upon, more trips, more freebies, more pity and attention, and finally a DivaHousewifeDating show of her very own which is what she has craved all along.
Katie will never ever ever give up the 'Diva-Stah' lifestyle she strives so hard for. She would rather literally die.
@tayybergin Yes. And we've met her numerous times before. Was only my boys first time meeting her.
She met Taylor "numerous times." Eat your heart out, Sheeple. More bragging.
"Excuse me? Isn't she the one who slapped her daughter for waking her up on the plane?"
Did that story come from a passenger, or from the person claiming to be a flight attendant who had so many holes in her story that it would have put Swiss cheese to shame?
Excuse me? Isn't she the one who slapped her daughter for waking her up on the plane?
I missed that one! What trip did that happen on?
There was a blind item that came out after the Australia trip about a reality star who slapped her daughter for waking her up on a plane. Kate was the popular guess since she had just been on that big trip.
Do the sheeple who tweet Kate their problems and hardships actually expect sympathy or concern from her? A solution? What?
OT, but Dr. Drew is doing Octomom tomorrow night. Now if you want to see a woman work to take care of her HOMs that will be the one to watch. The commercials have been just astounding. I always felt like Octomom could have benefitted from speech therapy, in order to better represent herself. She is very intelligent but I cannot understand a bit of her word salad.
silimom said: Kokomo - it's not Jesus, it's a picture of Kirk and Spock from Star Trek.
Silimom - I just took a look at this, and couldn't figure out how I could mistake Shatner and Nimoy for Jesus. I wasn't referring to the picture above the tie rack, but rather the semi-transparent one ON the left closet door, at the top left corner. It's just one person. It's visible in the Benson Kenny Rogers Gambler sing-a-disaster.
"OT, but Dr. Drew is doing Octomom tomorrow night."
I didn't know she was his type!
RT @Truth_Teller201 RT @busboysandpoets @Kateplusmy8 digs r spot!She was here last mo dining/filming!Expect 2 c us on an upcoming ep:) YES! 59 minutes ago
Would anybody care to translate this one?
Robin said...
What exactly does she have to do right now other than some laundry and prepare meals for her family? It's not like she's out driving the carpool or going to watch a soccer game or mowing the lawn or going to work or volunteering or changing diapers or breastfreeding or doing any of the time-consuming things that every other mother in the world is doing right now.
Funny that you mention that, because I was just thinking something like that recently. Try being in a house with just four kids, but all at different stages. I am truly sick to death of Khate complaining about how hard her life is because she has eight, count 'em eight kids. She thinks that makes her supermom, the bestest mom ever, nobody has so many kids and therefore, as much work as she has.
Bull! At the ages that Khate's kids are now, I actually think she has it EASIER in many ways than families with four kids or more. Khate's kids are all old enough to brush their teeth, get dressed, put on their shoes, clean up their toys, grab themselves a snack, set the table, clear the table, etc. Most of all, they all occupy each other playing. Try having four kids and it goes like this: while mom is breastfeeding a cranky, teething baby, the toddler is whining and being difficult because he does not want to take a nap, especially since his two older siblings are having fun running around in the back yard. Oh and don't forget, one of them has piano lessons at 4 and the other has a soccer game at 6. Better think about what you're making for dinner and get a start on it that soon too.
Also, let's not forget the school year craziness with all the homework, book reports, projects, and special days that require you to send something into school or go to a special assembly, recital, concert, or party. With four or more kids all in different grades, well, it's crazy. Plus, who has to go to piano, dance, gymnastics, basketball, track, soccer, baseball, etc. Every day after school, it sure is a pain having to check the backpacks and homework of kids in four different grades. Make sure kid A studies for his science test tomorrow, while kid B needs help with his math homework, kid C's book report is due in two days and he hasn't even finished half the book yet, and kid D needs to be quizzed on his spelling words for tomorrow. Then there's the notes from the teacher, or principal, or the PTA, about a certain upcoming event or party at school, a request to send something in. Plus, maybe you're an involved parent (unlike Khate) and you're the one volunteering and organizing events and parties, which requires a lot of running around picking things up and a ton of emails back and forth with the other parents as to who is doing what.
I could go on forever, but I know that the other parents here completely understand, Khate has eight kids in two different grades. Plus, the six are all in one class, aren't they? If that continues, it will be a lot easier for Khate than dealing with several different teachers, all assigning different homework, projects, reports, and tests. I wouldn't be surprised if that's one of the reasons that she will continue to insist they remain in the same class. Are the twins in different classes? I don't remember. There's a family with triplets at our school and for a couple of years they were in the same class, but then the parents decided that they would be better off all in different classes so they could become more independent and develop their own friendships. While it was better for the kids, it ended up being more work for the parents, for some of the reasons I've mentioned.
I won't even get into the fact that Khate has so much help and no real job. But she's always so busy, so tired, and so exhausted. Give me a break!
In the real world parents are working hard every week to support the family. They may get a week off for vacation. At the end of the week they come home and it's right back to work. They don't get another week off to catch up with laundry housework etc. They just have to do it after they get home from work.
When Kate comes back from vacation she has all the time in the world to do laundry etc. and then she hands the kids off to Jon and gets to go to New York for some pampering.
Unbelievable that she has the nerve to complain she is exhausted.
Primetime Nightline is doing a whole program on celeb moms, dealing with paparazzi, and their own child exploitation acts.
Everyone is speculating about what Kate will do for a living once the show is kaput and the money is gone.
IMO if Kate hadn't ruined her looks (I think she's really pretty in the pic with the fork above her head) and didn't have a horrible personality, she could easily have done commercial work, modeled clothing, makeup, etc. for catalogs/magazines or something along those lines. But I think that Kate has ruined her looks beyond repair and her bitch reputation has burned bridges to the point that NOBODY is going to want to work with her in any capacity. Kate has screwed herself out of any and all employment IMO. Kate, you stupid bitch, you have screwed yourself big time.
As far as her ever remarrying? She can forget that too. There's not a sane man in all of America who would ever consider getting involved with her crazy ass.
Kate has ruined her life all by herself. I really hate that for her;)
Kate's constant complaining on Twitter about being so overwhelmed and having so much to do with NO help makes me think...
#1. Kate is not used to having no help. Did she and Ashley have a falling out? Did Ashley go on the trip too and needed to go home for some rest? I mean Kate is REALLY pissed that she has no help. You can see that in her Tweets. She directly spoke to her non fans when she said "& no, I don't have help now!". Either that trip really was rough or Kate's on her period. Geesh, is she ever bitchy. Or....
#2. Kate knows this is the end of the line and no great opportunities have arisen as hard as she begs on Twitter for them. (I noticed she misses Jimmy Kimmel now) She's starting to have the breakdown we all predicted. It's evident through her Tweets she is getting very, very desperate. I just hope the kids don't have to suffer from it. Apparently they are already tip toeing around her, she said the twins told her they would make the little kids breakfast and she should just sleep in. She must have been very grouchy for them to feel the need to do this. Sad, very sad.
P.S. Kate is apparently very upset with Jon for not allowing her to dump the exhausted kids on him when they got home. I think this is th reason for all of the complaining about doing it all alone and how overwhelming it all is and how she wants a man around. What a witch to drag the kids around in "small" RV's for weeks and thousands of miles and then expect Jon to deal with the aftermath. I feel so sorry for those kids dealing with her this week. You can bet your bottom dollar though she'll be all smiles and laughs on Saturday when she's back in the spotlight at her hair salon. She makes me sick
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