A patron at popular Granny's restaurant in Cody, Wyoming, had this to say about seeing Kate and the kids there today:
Andrea XXXX
I just spoke to Kate Gosselin and her 8 kids (plus babysitter, Ashley, her best friend and her kids and their 'bodyguard') Kate is exactly as she is portrayed on T.V. too good to eat anything at Granny's. When I asked the table "so are you guys enjoying Cody?" She told me "shh...they don't know where they are..." REALLY, Kate? Anyway-it was pretty cool :)
I just spoke to Kate Gosselin and her 8 kids (plus babysitter, Ashley, her best friend and her kids and their 'bodyguard') Kate is exactly as she is portrayed on T.V. too good to eat anything at Granny's. When I asked the table "so are you guys enjoying Cody?" She told me "shh...they don't know where they are..." REALLY, Kate? Anyway-it was pretty cool :)
Later, Kate tweeted that the kids toured Yellowstone National Park.
246 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 246 of 246 Newer› Newest»Geographically Deficient:
@Kateplusmy8 K8, I used to live in the southwest. Places like Santa Fe, NM r really interesting to me & different. U should see that too
I take that to mean Kate should ALSO visit the southwest.
Bluenoser, why are you criticizing a poster here?
And no, your generation doesn't OWN the term hippie, so come off it. Where did that huge lecture come from, anyway? And why?
I'm off to bed but wow, those sheeple are not...bright. Are those Kate's "biggest" fans? Go Kate! You attract some real smarties! Oh man...I feel so bad that her kids will be able to look ALL of this up later in life & see just who Kate associated herself with.
Good night all! Have a peaceful night.
~Hippie Chick~
Geographically Deficient... I know it sounded funny but just chalked it up to BigFan using the wrong word.
Bluenoser said, "I don't thin anybody under 50 knows what a hippie is. That phrase DOESn't belong to this generation"
I didn't live during the Saint Valentine's Day Massacre, but I do know about the American Mafia. I didn't belong to the Unification Church, but I know what Moonies are. I am of this generation, but I am not naive when it comes to history. Just because there are no hippies living on my street doesn't mean that I am unaware of Flower Children, or Love, Peace, and Power to the People, Mama.
Did you know that the hippie cult is still alive in Berkley, Portland, New Mexico and Colorado, among other places? They are anti-war activists who live the same way as the hippies of the 60s and 70s. I'm not sure I understand your point or to whom your comment is directed. This is America. People are free to call themselves whatever they want.
"Am I buvvred, yes I am. Is this face buvvred, yes it is."
Do you mean bovvered?
If you can remember the 60s, then you weren't there!
From the Yellowstone Insider website:
"Kate Gosselin and her brood of eight children apparently visited Yellowstone National Park yesterday, though all the evidence we have is a Twitter posting -- and a pathetic one, at that.
It's a rather sad Twitter posting, actually:
yellowstone natl park..Scenery breathtaking&old faithful was amazing!Kids r loving travel,as usual.luv 2hear 'mommy thx 4 bringing us here'
Yes, you did read it right. It's really all about her, not about the Park. Her television producers bring her and her kids to Yellowstone, one of the most breathtaking places on the planet, and all she can do is reflect on how awsome a mom she is."
Geographically Deficient said...
I don't think "BigFan" thought that Kate was in the SW according to these earlier tweets below. She liked the SW and gave Kate ideas on what to see there if she goes.
In one of her last tweets she said, "while ur in the southwest, visit 1 of the many military bases! U'll never feel prouder to be an American! Worth the experience."
WHILE UR IN THE SOUTHWEST, not "if you go to the Southwest."
I'm not sure how else you could interpret that.
July 17, 2011 5:49 PM
Your interpretation ignores the context. If the prior tweet and the one you are quoting had been tweeted together, it wouldn't seem that she was saying Kate currently is in the Southwest. Example: "You should visit the SW and while you're there, visit..."
From Merriam-Webster:hip·pie noun \ˈhi-pē\
plural hippies Definition of HIPPIE
: usually a young person who rejects the mores of established society (as by dressing unconventionally or favoring communal living) and advocates a nonviolent ethic; broadly : a long-haired unconventionally dressed young person
From Wikipedia: The hippie subculture developed as a youth movement that began in the United States during the early 1960s and spread around the world. Its origins can be traced back to classical culture, and to European social movements in the early 20th century. From around 1967, its fundamental ethos — including harmony with nature, communal living, artistic experimentation particularly in music, and the widespread use of recreational drugs — spread around the world.
Bluenoser, I was born in 1969. Many friends of mine were raised by hippie parents and embraced those values themselves as they entered the late 80's-early 90's as college students. Walk down Santa Cruz or Berkeley any day of the week and you still see hippies, young and old.
I can understand that you feel protective of a term that you obviously have strong associations with. While I respectfully disagree with your limited definition, I will agree to disagree. Now back to our regularly scheduled snarking.
Kate tweets: In Jackson Hole Wyoming...have always wanted to visit! Love it! SOO georgous! Dreams of kayaking Snake River someday..Scenery to make u cry!
I bet she never even heard of Jackson Hole, Wyoming, let alone always wanted to visit. "Georgous" from the perfect speller?
Dreams of kayaking Snake River someday? Look out TLC - she's grifting for another trip!
What? Didn't the kids thank her for taking them to Jackson Hole? What could this mean - that they didn't like it?
About Kate saying her kids all thanking her for the trip -- bullshit. Now I could see if they were at an amusement park or a water park and just having so much fun, as most kids do at such places saying 'awesome', 'so much fun' or something to that affect. But thanking Kate for a trip? Nahhh, sorry Kate, it's just so obvious she reads the non fan sites to find out what she needs to address in her tweets. Speaking of which, why can't her kids go to the really cool and fun places such as water parks and amusement parks? Why does it have to be the places that should be on the travel channel? Sure, all the places they have gone are beautiful and would be fun but after a while kids really need to be kids and not whipped out for photo ops in front of national parks. And this woman just keeps on going like the Energizer bunny. And the children are, as usual, the losers in all this.
Let the hate mail and boss calling begin from the tweeple.
She called it as she saw it--Kate took Yellowstone and made it all....about....her. She obviously doesn't know this is Kate's M.O.
Wow Bluenoser, the "hippies" that you're talking about were only a small part of a much larger movement. I grew up in NJ and went to school and worked in NY in the 60's and 70's (before I became a military wife). I spent a lot of time in Greenwich Village and being a "hippie" was more of a state of mind for a lot of people. Peace and love, peace and love and wanting to make this world a better place. Hippie Chick may not have grown up during the era but from what I've read of her posts she embraces the best of what the "hippies" stood for. I've got my fist in the air for you Hippie Chick, RIGHT ON!
"Not Georgraphically Deficient"
Kate, is that you? You tweeted "Georgous." Do you have George on your mind? Meet a new fella out there in Jackson Hole? Gorgeous George?
Silimom said, "I can understand that you feel protective of a term that you obviously have strong associations with."
That's what doesn't make sense. Bluenoser wasn't a hippie, from what I understand. Eighteen of them lived near her and disappeared into parts unknown. It doesn't sound like there was so "strong" an association or personal connection with them that she feels so fiercely protective of them or the term that she has to criticize a poster.
Let the morning time drop all its petals on me.
Life, I love you, all is groovy.
Thumbs up, Hippie Chick!
Gee, Bluenoser, even we Americans can know what 'bOvvred' means, but why you would make a rant out of what you consider to be a misappropriation of a term is simply baffling. I hope you have a better week.
ahhhhh, stooooopid spell-check...... 'bOvvered'. The point is, the rant seemed gratuitous at best, and rather, pointLESS.
Bluenoser - i am older than you by far, and you have zero grounds to claim protection of the term, 'hippie'.
Mimi to 3 said... Speaking of which, why can't her kids go to the really cool and fun places such as water parks and amusement parks? Why does it have to be the places that should be on the travel channel?
Kate won't take them anywhere fun that the kids would love, because those places will be crowded in the summer months. You know Kate can't handle a crowd, she would want the place shut down for just her, unfortunately she does not have the "star power" to do that. Not many people do. I think Kate is afraid to be in a big, crowded public place. There are a lot of people who do not like her. Of course, most would just give her the evil eye and walk by, but some may actually verbally harrass her, or do worse. I don't think she would take that risk and it is her own fault that her kids can't enjoy a place like that because of her reputation.
Also, I would hate to be one of the people to pay good money for a ticket to one of these places and then have Kate prancing around with her entourage! Even if they didn't close a park, she would most likely get preferential treatment and that would burn me up. (Did I say prancing? I meant clomping in heels)
@ She is a Cow
Actually, that's happened. When Kate was on DWTS, she took the kids to Disneyland when they came out to visit her. Reports were that they were ushered to the front of the lines, to the boos of other visitors. I doubt that it fazed Kate a bit, because she expects to be treated like a "stah", but I have to wonder how the kids felt about it. The younger ones, who were only 5 at the time, may not have understood that the boos were being directed at them,but Cara and Mady certainly were. Not exactly something you want to hear at the happiest place on earth.
My family did a LOT of traveling when I was a kid. I don't recall anyone saying "thank you for the trip". I do remember profuse thank-you's for allowing us to stay up late, to get a treat from the Good Humor man, you know... "Can I? Can I?" "Well... all right." "Oooh, thank you thank you!"
I know we didn't say "thank you for bringing us here" the summer that we moved from California to NC, in freakin JULY, in a car with no AC. I don't think we were expected to thank anyone. Poor G kids.
New post, kids are in Grand Canyon. Working.
By my count this is day 12 of the working trip. Do the kids get weekends off or do they have to work 12 days straight?
New post, kids are in Grand Canyon. Working.
By my count this is day 12 of the working trip. Do the kids get weekends off or do they have to work 12 days straight?
"Not Georgraphically Deficient"
Kate, is that you? You tweeted "Georgous." Do you have George on your mind? Meet a new fella out there in Jackson Hole? Gorgeous George?
Silimom said, "I can understand that you feel protective of a term that you obviously have strong associations with."
That's what doesn't make sense. Bluenoser wasn't a hippie, from what I understand. Eighteen of them lived near her and disappeared into parts unknown. It doesn't sound like there was so "strong" an association or personal connection with them that she feels so fiercely protective of them or the term that she has to criticize a poster.
Let the morning time drop all its petals on me.
Life, I love you, all is groovy.
Thumbs up, Hippie Chick!
Geographically Deficient said...
I don't think "BigFan" thought that Kate was in the SW according to these earlier tweets below. She liked the SW and gave Kate ideas on what to see there if she goes.
In one of her last tweets she said, "while ur in the southwest, visit 1 of the many military bases! U'll never feel prouder to be an American! Worth the experience."
WHILE UR IN THE SOUTHWEST, not "if you go to the Southwest."
I'm not sure how else you could interpret that.
July 17, 2011 5:49 PM
Your interpretation ignores the context. If the prior tweet and the one you are quoting had been tweeted together, it wouldn't seem that she was saying Kate currently is in the Southwest. Example: "You should visit the SW and while you're there, visit..."
Bluenoser said, "I don't thin anybody under 50 knows what a hippie is. That phrase DOESn't belong to this generation"
I didn't live during the Saint Valentine's Day Massacre, but I do know about the American Mafia. I didn't belong to the Unification Church, but I know what Moonies are. I am of this generation, but I am not naive when it comes to history. Just because there are no hippies living on my street doesn't mean that I am unaware of Flower Children, or Love, Peace, and Power to the People, Mama.
Did you know that the hippie cult is still alive in Berkley, Portland, New Mexico and Colorado, among other places? They are anti-war activists who live the same way as the hippies of the 60s and 70s. I'm not sure I understand your point or to whom your comment is directed. This is America. People are free to call themselves whatever they want.
"Am I buvvred, yes I am. Is this face buvvred, yes it is."
Do you mean bovvered?
If you can remember the 60s, then you weren't there!
I'm off to bed but wow, those sheeple are not...bright. Are those Kate's "biggest" fans? Go Kate! You attract some real smarties! Oh man...I feel so bad that her kids will be able to look ALL of this up later in life & see just who Kate associated herself with.
Good night all! Have a peaceful night.
~Hippie Chick~
Bluenoser, why are you criticizing a poster here?
And no, your generation doesn't OWN the term hippie, so come off it. Where did that huge lecture come from, anyway? And why?
Thanks, Ingrid. You explained it better than I did.
I am 55 years old and remember the hippie era. In my community in Nova Scotia we had about 18 of them settle there. The hippies had granny glasses, long hair and bell bottoms. They settled/squatted the land. The owner could have evicted them but he was an open soul.
I remember these hippies who farmed the land and grew their hair long. The biggest thing I remembered, that made them hippies, was their stand against the Vietnam war and that they were draft dodgers. Well, that, and the maryjane they smoked on a regular basis. My community, of 100 people, had a rude awakening when their crop of marijuana was found. Back then, only hippies grew marijuana. Wasn't long after that the commune moved to parts unknown. Nobody knew where they moved to.
Long and short of this history lesson is that I disrespect anybody who is trying to call themselves a hippie and who is too young to know what a hippie (historically) is. I don't thin anybody under 50 knows what a hippie is. That phrase DOESn't belong to this generation
Am I buvvred, yes I am. Is this face buvvred, yes it is.
Our British friends will pick right up on this
When we went on vacation, I would go to AAA and get maps of each state ( one year it was Nevada, Idaho, Oregon and Calif.) and as we went from city to city they would use a marker to mark the map as we went along. of course they always had fun doing this and would fight over who got to mark the map next!! And at the end of vacation they would remember the smallest town that we went through and to this day (20 years later) can talk about it!
Will this woman ever, ever take her kids anywhere on vacation while spending her own dime? Telling Mommy thanks just sounds so awful considering the kids are still "working" for their supper. So insincere and heartless, don't you think? Kate knows they are working and wouldn't even be in any vacation setting if they were not filming for the "show." I agree with everyone who believes all talk of Kate must stop. She is sickening.
I think from reading BigFanofKateG's tweets that perhaps she should be considered outside the range of ridicule. I think she is doing the best with what she was given and sounds like a very sweet and guileless woman.
That poor soul first suggested that Kate visit the southwest and the above tweets are a continuation of her suggestion.
So that sheeple, after having heard that Kate's been seen in Jackson Hole, still thinks she's in the Southwest - she says, "while ur in the southwest..."? Was this the same one who had no idea where South Dakota/Mt. Rushmore is located?
Poor soul indeed!
I'd like to see all blogging and all tweeting about Kate stopped, giving her no attention at all but that's not going to happen.
I have to admit, I get a kick out of reading some of the tweets, just because the sheeple are so darn dumb. This one, for example:
@Kateplusmy8 while ur in the southwest, visit 1 of the many military bases! U'll never feel prouder to be an American! Worth the experience
South Dakota and Wyoming are in the Southwest? When did they move? Kate at a military base? Proud to be an American? Kate, whose favorite country in the whole world is Australia!
...and this one from the same person:
@Kateplusmy8 the desert landscape is so different from the northeast
How do you respond to that one? :) It does make one chuckle, though.
Kate & Jamie go into their own world, they could be in the middle of nowhere, and have fun together(I'm not talking sex either) Kate has a mindset of a 12-17 year old
I don't agree. They have champagne tastes. You can't be happy with a beer pocketbook when you're used to spas and being waited on hand and foot in luxury suites, regardless if you have a high school mentality. They've had a taste of the good life. They can't go back to games on a laptop to fulfill their expectations of celebrity treatment. It doesn't work that way.
Hot fun in the summertime: Kate & Jamie have a Jr high/High school mentality. Those of you that have tween/teens, when they are together, they make their own fun, at sometimes the expense of others. Kate & Jamie go into their own world, they could be in the middle of nowhere, and have fun together(I'm not talking sex either) Kate has a mindset of a 12-17 year old. All the 2 of them would need is their Iphone, games, Ipod, laptop, etc. that would keep them busy/happy. Steve would be like the adult to 2 teens, and Ashley/camera crew would be mom and dad to the 10 kids and Cara & Maddie as little moms to the tups. That is why Kate is not tweeting any complaining so far. When Kate has to step up and be a parent she will complain.
I can imagine Khate: Ok mommy took you on this wonderful trip that you would NEVER have without ME (me me me...) so what do you say? Everyone together! *clap hands* Go!
I remember when they thanked her for buying the house. I also recall one of the kids asking how much it cost and Kate said, "That's why mommies and daddies work." I just about lost it on that one. They didn't work to buy the house. The kids did.
"I’ve noticed that Khate’s twitter feed has turned into a chat room for the nonfans."
It's turned into a chat room since one fan jumped on there and is tweeting non-stop about details of her personal life, her kids, her husband and her financial situation, with others giving her advice about getting therapy for the kids and leaving her husband. Take it elsewhere!
The time she was making the kids repeat together the order of how to eat their lunch keeps playing in my head when I see her say things about the kids thanking her.
I can imagine Khate: Ok mommy took you on this wonderful trip that you would NEVER have without ME (me me me...) so what do you say? Everyone together! *clap hands* Go!
Kids all in unison: Thanks for bringing us here"
On the issue of the nonsheeple tweeting, I'm with those that wish they would just stop and let her page die out. If we want Khate to feel as irrelevant as she is, we need to just ignore her on Twitter. There will not be much going on at all without the sheeple having the "haters" to respond to. I tried out Twitter a couple of years ago for about three tweets and then never used it again. However I did tweet on Khate’s page a couple of months ago just to eventually ask the nonfans to stop it. While one agreed with me, the idea never really went anywhere. THIS would really be the perfect time to do it since Khate is not tweeting, so the sheeple are barely even there. They mostly just check in on the "haters". So, let’s just let the page die out while she’s gone.
I’ve noticed that Khate’s twitter feed has turned into a chat room for the nonfans. So maybe someone can create a twitter account like "KateGSux", or “RetireThe Gkids”, or something else, and then use THAT feed to talk to each other. It would be so much better than keeping Khate’s page alive and active.
I totally agree with all the comments about how it would be impossible for ALL eight kids to have the same likes, dislikes, feelings, and opinions. Anyone with more than one kid, or any experience with kids those ages, understands that. So, we know Khate is lying, what else is new, right?
As far as her tweet about the thanks:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
yellowstone natl park..Scenery breathtaking&old faithful was amazing!Kids r loving travel,as usual.luv 2hear 'mommy thx 4 bringing us here'
I have two comments about that one. First of all, in my experience, even with the most polite kids who always say thank you, those thanks you's tend to be for things, not as thanks for being brought places. My children have always been good with manners and as polite as you can imagine. However, when we take them on vacation, or day trips to fun places, we don’t really hear "thank you for bringing us here". From a kid’s perspective they don’t really think of a trip as being an effort on the parent's part as far as planning and paying for it (except in Khate’s case it’s TLC's job to do that). The kids just think of it as a whole lot of fun and their comments tend to be along the lines of "This is so cool!", "Wow, that was so much fun!", "I loved that roller coaster (or whatever) so much!", etc.
You get my point. That's the way kids that age think. I really don’t see them as feeling a need to thank their parents for the trip. The fact that they are having fun and expressing that they like whatever you're doing or wherever you are, sort of covers that. Also, when parents take the kids on vacation, it’s a treat for the whole family. Even if the parents would rather be lounging on a beach sipping a frozen margarita and reading a trashy novel, the kids don't even realize that mom and dad might not necessarily LOVE this really cool and fun water park as much as they do. They really do not see it from the parents' perspective and fell the need to thank them. In any case, I would hope that the parents would be getting in there and doing whatever activity it is with the kids and having just as much fun anyway. Because, news flash to Khate, that’s what family trips are supposed to be about – spending time together, having fun, learning something, etc., NOT filming episodes.
My second point is one that I haven’t seen commented on yet. Notice how in her tweet Khate not only says the kids thanked her but "...luv 2hear 'mommy thx 4 bringing us here'". So, Khate is telling us yet again that it is all about HER, SHE loves to hear the kids thank her. I still say it’s bullshit that all the kids love to travel and that they thank her, though.
Administrator said...
You know that's sort of how most people generally raise their kids, to be polite and gracious and say you had a good time and had fun even if you didn't. Whether this sort of "dishonesty" is really the best thing who knows, but it's how people raise their kids.
When you get older and you're invited to a dinner party that was a total drag, and your friend asks you the next day if you had a good time, you don't say no it was a drag. You say it was fun thank you so much for inviting me.
Kate is at least raising kids who are gracious and polite and grateful. But it still tells us absolutely nothing about how they really feel.
I hope they're being raised to be gracious, polite and grateful, but I'm not sure that they have been taught appropriate ways and times and places to express it. I remember the Palin episodes where the kids stood there and said nothing when introduced to Sarah and her family and didn't thank them until prompted. I didn't notice the kids offering thanks either on the Australia trip until Kate prompted them. At ages 10 and 7 kids shouldn't need to be pushed or prompted to thank hosts or friends and family; it should come naturally. Mine were saying thank you YEARS before they reached the Gosselin kids' ages.
With all of the traveling the Gosselins do along with the varied people they're introduced to I would expect them to be very comfortable with introductions and exits, but unless I've missed it in the episodes I've watched, I've never noticed them demonstrating any of these basics.
RE: traveling to interesting spots with children.
Just this morning after Church I found out one of our youth and her 8 year old cousin and their grandparents had spent Saturday touring historical places not too far away. These grandparents are VERY good at researching, pointing out things, listening to what the kids
think about things. They borrowed age appropriate books from the library for the kids to look through/read so they would have an idea of what to expect. Today the grandparents talked about the trip. I turned to the youth and asked her what her favorite part was. She
had no answer. Finally she said there was some
hole in a display that you stuck your hand in and they didn't tell you what was in the hole.
She got her grandmother to do it first. The
8 year old had nothing to say at all, except it was fun.
I say that kids might feel a sense of obligation
to say something was fun, even if they would have preferred to do something less historical.
Do they serve anything remotely similar to "Ol' Grandma's Soup" there at Granny's? If so, I can hear Kate demanding restitution for stealing her original recipe for soup containing beef, broth, vegetables, potatoes and
salt with a smattering of herbs/spices. NOBODY
thought of that mixture until Ol' Grandma.
Kate's not eating out of spite. (snicker)
If I get no credit for that recipe, I just won't eat here at all.
Sadly, I must admit I pick on Kate entirely too much. The fact that it's actually almost a
passtime is truly distressing. At least I have other things to do - I'm just putting them off for a few minutes while I play here.
We also never hear it from the kids mouths either. We always hear it from Kate's mouth. If we heard from ALL the kids "It was so much fun doing this " from all of them, fine. But I agree with you, I'm sure not all of them LOVE the traveling. I'm sure if we heard from Cara, she would say "I would much rather be with my friends playing soccer". So Kate, how about let the kids speak for themselves for once!!??
~Hippie Chick~
Administrator said...
I just googled Granny's, they have over 100 menu items and a salad bar. Kate could just eat rabbit food if she insists.
link please, i can not find a menu at all
Listen to what she says at the end. Typical Kate.
"I race them and I win." Of course you do, Mommie Dearest Narcissist. Isn't it always a competition for you?
Admin, I think you misunderstood what I was saying, or else in my uncaffeinated brain - lol - I wasn't clear. I was talking to the poster that called herself 'Park Ranger'. As for the actual park ranger, I read her blog and found it very interesting. I actually have a book I found on Amazon last year titled 'Death in Yellowstone', about all the accidental deaths by tourists that happen as a result of not following the rules. I just cannot get my mind around someone who would put their hand in water that they have been told can cause 3rd degree burns in 15 seconds, or getting really close to a wild animal because they just look so 'sweet'. Another big area where deaths occur are people getting in a stream of water that is just before a huge waterfall. They go under the barriers that are clearly marked and sit in this rushing water. Amazing and shocking how many are carried over the edge and die.
Anyway, the actual park rangers blog is very interesting. I live in an area where we very rarely get snow and to see all that snow just made me go grab my blanket and wrap up my feet. LOL. Should be interesting what she has to say about Kate, but whatever it is I won't be commenting one way or the other.
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