A patron at popular Granny's restaurant in Cody, Wyoming, had this to say about seeing Kate and the kids there today:
Andrea XXXX
I just spoke to Kate Gosselin and her 8 kids (plus babysitter, Ashley, her best friend and her kids and their 'bodyguard') Kate is exactly as she is portrayed on T.V. too good to eat anything at Granny's. When I asked the table "so are you guys enjoying Cody?" She told me "shh...they don't know where they are..." REALLY, Kate? Anyway-it was pretty cool :)
I just spoke to Kate Gosselin and her 8 kids (plus babysitter, Ashley, her best friend and her kids and their 'bodyguard') Kate is exactly as she is portrayed on T.V. too good to eat anything at Granny's. When I asked the table "so are you guys enjoying Cody?" She told me "shh...they don't know where they are..." REALLY, Kate? Anyway-it was pretty cool :)
Later, Kate tweeted that the kids toured Yellowstone National Park.
246 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 246 Newer› Newest»LOL I guess a hater took on the challenge of changing their opinion of Kate, and lost. Dang.
Why in the world would Kate not tell the kids where they are? Isn't that the point of traveling?
Bizarre woman.
Maybe she plans on telling them it is Christmas morning? Oh wait, she already pulled that stunt. Dunno why. Weird.
Will 'Can do Khate' slide onto the mechanical bull? Yeeeeehaaaww, waving her cowboy hat in the air.! lmao
They don't know where they are? Why does it make a difference if they do? Is it like the not-a-Christmas - do they think they're in friggin' Disneyland or something? I swear, that is so rude. How about, "Yeah, it's really lovely here even though they have no idea where they are (which would be understandable on a road trip)! Everyone is so friendly and this pie is to die for!" But not Kate. No surprise. Same old crap.
Well my BFF from Sheridan who is at Rodeo RIGHT NOW (apparently they call it Rodeo, not the Rodeo) is either too busy watching rodeo to pick up her phone, or she just had such an out of body experience when she found out Kate was so amazingly fantastic and wonderful in person and nothing like her witch persona. She hasn't answered my text. :-) However I did not respond with a dozen texts where are you where are you are you all right please give me attention!!!
Teresa, she'll probably want a new cowboy hat and boots. The free ones from last season just won't do for this season!
Unless maybe Kate doesn't want them to know where they are because she's going to surprise them with something? Like Rodeo, or Yellowstone? But I mean they can read signs! Plus what would Cody mean to them? It wouldn't mean much to me frankly.
Makes me think it's all about getting a reaction for filming. If she doesn't want them to get a clue they're there for Rodeo, it could be so they get huge big surprised reactions when they arrive in the arena. Sick.
Wonder if Kate thought they were going to Rodeo, as in drive, rather than to the Rodeo?
Why would it be a secret to the kids that they were in Cody?
Pj's momma LMAO. Of course she will. Anddddddddd..maybe she'll demand John Travolta too
I thought the picture gave credibility to such a bizarre post, but the picture comes from the internet. Nevertheless, assuming it is true, Kate's responses are so inappropriate that's it's hard to figure out why such stuff falls out of her mouth so regularly. It really puzzles me. Hard to believe that anyone is so socially inept.
OMG Just clicked onto Clarks Fork Guest Ranch in Wyoming. It is SO beaautiful! Gorgeous country. Took my breath away. Does that witch realize what a dream the kids are experiencing! I could look at those mountains all day. Heaven on earth, l swear. What a beautiful country America is..... sigh
I thought Kate was so big on education. You'd think telling the kids where they are would be part of educating them wouldn't you? Good grief.
Well, It looks like my step out on the limb today may have something to it. Kate's on a road trip, in an RV and thus explains the absence on twitter. At this point, I could care less. I'm a dock captain tonight at Mears Marina on the Kent Narrows and looking forward to the weather tomorrow and enjoying the full moon over the bay and the Narrows. It doesn't get any better than this. Hope all of you are enjoying the weather and the weekend too.
I wonder if Ashley has to pay for her own room and food?
Maybe Kate was hoping to visit the famous Rodeo Drive, but this is only what TLC could afford her...a real rodeo.
Administrator said...Makes me think it's all about getting a reaction for filming. If she doesn't want them to get a clue they're there for Rodeo, it could be so they get huge big surprised reactions when they arrive in the arena.
I don't get the whole surprised reaction thing. Why must everything be a surprise to them?
If they constantly do this, sooner or later it won't have the same effect especially after the bigger trips/activities like Australia, etc.
As a kid, I loved the excitement and anticipation that built as you got closer to the destination. You're so fixated on it, paying attention to the surroundings, and you start thinking, "Is this it? Is that it? Are we almost there?" I would think that would create a bigger natural reaction for the kids. Maybe Kate doesn't want to be bothered by the kids' constant natural curiosity...to her, it's probably just unwanted noise and disturbance.
A glaring portrait of a 'real' mom:
page 229 - A Stolen Life By Jaycee Dugard
"Do you ever think twice before going to your child's football or basketball game? Do you ever have to think, Am I puttng my kids' future in jeopardy because I show up at a game? I have to think about that...
Am I doing something today with my kids to cause them to get their photo taken and jeopardize their privacy?"
Where's YOUR mothering instincts, Kate? Why don't you worry about your 'kids' future' and 'jeopardizing their privacy'?? Why can't you get it? What you are doing is so wrong.
Isn't this supposed to be Jon's weekend? If so, I guess filming supercedes everything.
Someone said the other day they knew Jon was given the past two weekends. Although always take anonymous sources with a grain of salt, that sure makes sense given that it appears Kate will film the crap out of the kids for the next two weekends. It's fair. Then someone else said Jon only gets different visitation when Kate needs the kids to film. Typical.
I remember somewhere I read or Kate said it on K8, or in an interview/talk show, that she does not tell the kids where they are going, just gets them packed or in the van, so as to either get a reaction from them or so they can't protest, about going. It was between sept 2009 and last year, when they did all the boring travel. I would think it is the latter. If she tells them ahead of time probably most of the 8 would not want to go or one of the twins would not want to go. It's Kate way, no one can object.
Actually not telling the kids where they are going does indeed make a lot of sense when you're trying to get eight kids to cooperate. Mean and sick? Yes. But easier for Kate, of course.
If she doesn't tell them, we get surprised reactions when they arrive "on set." And she also doesn't have to deal with hey kids we're going to a national monument in South Dakota wanna come! Invariably at least some of the kids will say noooooo boring!!!
I guess the restaurant didn't serve anything that looked like that shit that Kate prepares at home. Personally, I'm a total foodie and will try just about any restaurant once. Sometimes places like 'Granny's' have great food!
I'm sure the kids are having a great time:(
If given the choice, they'll probably say no, l want to go with daddy this weekend
Oh, maybe Kate is taking all of them to the dude ranch. Back in sept 2009 Kate took the boys to a dude ranch, in Wyoming, with purseboy in tow. I think it's called Red Reflet ranch, Ten Sleep, Wyoming, for 5 days.
Question is, If Kate wants to make memories, why does it have to be a secret to the kids where they are. Don't you want to create atmosphere, excitement and memories stem from all of that?
From my childhood experience, my parents took all 8 of us to a place in Northern Virginia called Great Falls. Granted, being the 7th of 8 kids, it seemed like a road trip from Baltimore but really, it was about a 45 minute drive. I remember the rocks, the water, the small crowd but most of all, I remember my father being a hawk, making sure non of us went too close to the rocks and the cliffs but we all had a good time and we knew where we were. The most exciting part of the trip was being driven out of state, granted, a hop, skip and a jump from the Maryland line but it was still exciting. At that time, we thought we were worldly.
What's with Kate trying to hide from the kids where they are and what they are doing in these "creating memories" themes she harps on? Positive memories for these kids will be preparation, participation and reinforcement from all they planned, did and all experienced. Why hide it?
I guess I can understand if Kate doesn't want to tell them before they go so as to avoid 8 different opinions, but once they get there? LOL That just cracks me up.
How do you educate your kids on what they're seeing if they don't even know where they are?
Some day someone says to one of them, "How many states have you been to?" and the Gosselin says, "I don't know. My mom never told us where we were."
What does Kate do give the kids a bunch of hints as to where in the world they are? Well that deflates her whole educational-ish mantra. How can you be educated if you don't even know whether you're in Siberia or Timbuktu or Seattle?
This reminds me of a famous and hysterical routine from Paula Poundstone, talking about how schools were going to scale back on sex education and teach very modest lessons. She said, so basically you have a book of hints! Can you imagine if we did that with everything else we teach like history? In 1776.....something happened. If you're a real American, you'll know what it was!
@Kateplusmy8 another day of missing mama g terribly!!Hope you had another funfilled memory making day!Have fun catching up on all the tweets
Paige_Kate8lvr Paige C
@Kateplusmy8 I hope you tweet us tomorrow , I really miss you!:( hope you're having lots of fun:)
How did these young tweeties survive before Kate started tweeting? What are they going to do when she stops?
You know why shouldn't the kids have an opinion on where they are going? Seems to me they've earned it after all the work they've done.
It's like never letting your top money earning at your company ever have a voice in any of the company decisions.
How did these young tweeties survive before Kate started tweeting? What are they going to do when she stops?
That's what everyone's afraid of.
You know another point, sorry.
That such a CONTROL thing. Kate knows where they are but the kids don't. It's all about Kate trying to keep absolute control over these kids and one excellent way to do it is essentially make them blind--keep them in the dark about everything. She is one disturbed woman.
The kids should have an opinion, but Kate, being the control freak that she is, doesn't want opinions, she wants obedience, quiet, no stress. She's "in control, that's never going to change" so why offer opinions?
I mentor a girl in Northern Ca and have taken her to Disneyland and other places in LA area, to attractions in San Diego, to Disneyworld in Florida, to Nevada and Arizona and have had her be able to find each place easily on a map before we went. On the way to Florida the plane stopped in TX and she had to find that too. She had to know something about all the places before we went so that she would more completely enjoy where she was and what she was seeing. If somebody plopped my fanny at the Grand Canyon without my having any idea what I was looking at, I'd not enjoy it much. Too late once you are there--you've already lost the opportunity to know enough about what you are looking at to ask an intelligent question. Great Going, Kate.
Off topic, but the mere mention of Paula Poundstone made me chuckle. A few years ago, she was in our city and a friend was going to see her. They stopped for a quick bite and said they were going to a show. The server asked who they were seeing and they said "Paula Poundstone." The server got a hard look and said, "I'm not doing that." Huh? She thought they said, "Pull your pants down." I went on Paula Poundstone's website and there was a link to contact her, so I sent that story, and lo and behold, she wrote back herself, saying how funny she thought it was. We went back and forth a couple times about it and I then just let it die a natural death and left her alone. Fun memory, and I was impressed that she responded from her own e-mail account; plus she was so darn nice and as funny as her comedic persona indicates!
On a previous thread, someone mentioned that Jon had the kids for Independence weekend as well as last weekend so they can film this weekend.
However, from Kate's tweets, it sounds like she had the kids last weekend, not Jon:
Another day,another 2 do list..I'm up& starting it already..Getting a head start be4 distractors get 2 me!:) Hav a gd1,my 20,000+ followers!
9 Jul
I'm up and on the move already...breakfast to feed and stuff to do.... Have a good day!
10 Jul
Wasn't Paula Poundstone arrested for child molestation, or lewd acts upon a child? Whatever happened in that case?
Didn't she say on Twitter a little while back that she went to a dude ranch with her girls? Out west, and that's why she wasn't twittering for a while?
Warmth, those charges were dropped. She did have a DUI when a child was in the car and lost her foster car license as a result, as she should. This was way back in 2001. We're 10 years later and we haven't heard much from her, hopefully she's cleaned up her act now.
PJ's Momma. YOU are hilarious! I love your sense of humor.
Kelly said:
Kelly said... Well, It looks like my step out on the limb today may have something to it. Kate's on a road trip, in an RV and thus explains the absence on twitter. At this point, I could care less
Sorry I hate to point it out the saying is " I Could NOT care less or I couldn't care less. What you said was you could actually care a little bit more...Sorry pet peeve....And no Kelly I am not picking you out in particular just pointing it out : )
"However, from Kate's tweets, it sounds like she had the kids last weekend, not Jon"
That's why I wondered if this was Jon's weekend. On twitter last weekend, it seemed the kids were around. I guess it's possible some other arrangement was made.
Re a comment on the topic before this one about crew members one day writing an expose, and the fact that there maybe contracts saying they can't publish for a certain number of years or even in their lifetime, PLEASE tell me there isn't some legal loop that will keep Jon and the kids from writing a tell all.
Administrator said...
Unless maybe Kate doesn't want them to know where they are because she's going to surprise them with something?
Makes me think it's all about getting a reaction for filming.
WHY is she so obsessed with surprses anyway? She always goes SO OTT. Why can't she just tell them where they're going and what they're doing. And besides, there is a 50/50 chance some or even all of the kids may not even LIKE surprises, so the whole "filming reaction" could backfire on her. But I'm sure TLC would still find a way of staging it to get the reaction they want.
Where did that post and picture come from?
so sick of her said...
I remember somewhere I read or Kate said it on K8, or in an interview/talk show, that she does not tell the kids where they are going, just gets them packed or in the van, so as to either get a reaction from them or so they can't protest, about going. It was between sept 2009 and last year, when they did all the boring travel. I would think it is the latter. If she tells them ahead of time probably most of the 8 would not want to go or one of the twins would not want to go. It's Kate way, no one can object.
I also remember Kate saying she didn't tell the kids where they were going before they left on trips to ensure the word didn't get out to the always present paps. HA! I'll give her that much if they were being followed when she made the statemt, but once the trip is underway and with the kids not having outside contact anyway, it makes absolutely no sense to keep their location a secret from them. In fact, her not telling the kids what the plans are shrinks the educational benefits from the trip, but I don't think Kate has ever felt these trips were for learning or 'culturizing'. They were to keep the pay checks rolling in and nothing more.
Kelly, I think you're right about this being a road trip. Kate's tweet to Ashley last spring about lots of driving makes much more sense now (oh how clever she thinks she is dropping little tidbits for her tweeple to cling to, but actually she's a sicko by teasing them).
I feel bad for the kids being cooped up in an rv with Kate. They're confined and isolated most of their lives and this is no way for 7 and 10 yr olds to spend a summer vacation. Had the kids been 4-5 years older this trip would make much more sense, but TLC won't be there to foot the bill then, will they.
TLC ship is sinking said...
Maybe Kate doesn't want to be bothered by the kids' constant natural curiosity...to her, it's probably just unwanted noise and disturbance.
This is exactly what I think. She can't be bothered with them asking her questions about what they will see. Probably because she couldn't answer them. She will wait for "Mr. Tour Guide Man" in every stop to educate her children.
I feel sorry for those kids. I cannot even imagine being cooped up on a bus/RV with Kate. Day in, Day out. What a nightmare. Although, as some have said, she probably rides on her own and leaves her kids to Ashley. Either that, or she wears head phones, or earplugs and completely zones out. She probably sleeps! We all know how important her sleep is.
I guess she/TLC has been reading the blogs and this is an answer to "why does she have to drag the kids to other countries, when there is plenty to see in the US" She must be livid! Far cry from her European Vacation. My guess is, she would probably rather be home, laying on her leather couch and tweeting, than taking this trip. But that doesn't bring in the big bucks, does it Kate. Gotta work for them and working means spending time with those kids!
Kate did say on one show long ago, she never tells the kids ahead of time because they will all questions. Apparently, she doesn't like to answer their questions nor hear them talk. It has to be hard for her to answer questions and actually talk to her kids. sigh Better to keep them in the dark. That way she won't be bothered.
I am wondering if she actually learned "what" Crazy Horse is, so she can teach the kids and they won't look dumb, asking "what is Crazy Horse".
Remember Kate chastizing Jon for referring to their lives as "seasons"? Well the Gosselins aren't making memories, they're making "episodes". The kids are being denied the oppportunity to live in the moment because so much secrecey surrounds their every move. They probably miss the opportunity and excitement of telling their friends where they've travelled to because they can't reveal an upcoming episode. Their sense of time must be so distorted also. Holidays celebrated weeks before the actual holiday; trips that will seem to last forever because they have no idea where they're going; their every move directed. The Truman Show has come to life.
PLEASE tell me there isn't some legal loop that will keep Jon and the kids from writing a tell all.
Why would Jon want to write a book? He's been quiet for some time. Why resurrect the past? Writing a book would be nothing more than airing dirty laundry, putting it out there for public consumption. How would this be good for the kids? That's the last thing they need...their own father revealing private things that should be kept private. They've been exploited enough.
Yes, I'm sure the kids knew exactly what Cody was & a Rodeo was there that very weekend. Duh Kate. Why not tell them??
~Hippie Chick~
You all are saying Kate not telling the kids where they go ahead of time shrinks the educational benefits, which I totally agree with! But what about when they get there?? You know she doesn't do research on any place they go. Before this trip, all she did was twitter, so what educational benefit are they getting from her now? "Um, here's a big mountain with some faces, Hi Mr. Presidents on a Rock! Here are some forests, some roads, HI MR. ROADS! Oh, and a Rodeo! HI Mr. Rodeo Bull!". She is too pathetic for words. Not once have I see a recap from Admin that Kate has ever TAUGHT the kids crap on a trip. All she sees are $$$.
How sad for those kids when they get to do this "traveling" & learn squat.
~Hippie Chick~
Half the fun of the trip for me is all the planning and anticipation. Sure a surprise might be fun now and again, but usually I like to help pick where we're going, plan the trip, learn about the area. I am having an absolute blast planning a trip next year. Orbitz's dealdetector gives me shivers, lol. Not only that but I also like to read up on the place as someone else said they do too. Although I'll read some non-fiction to get a feel for it, I also like reading fiction--either novels written by authors from there or novels written with that place as a backdrop. I suppose I'm a nerd but it always seems to make the trips so much sweeter.
The kids could have read an age appropriate book about Wyoming's history. Just a quick search on Amazon showed a ton of books about the area for their age.
I also remember Kate saying she didn't tell the kids where they were going before they left on trips to ensure the word didn't get out to the always present paps.
Yes, I'm sure the kids knew exactly what Cody was & a Rodeo was there that very weekend. Duh Kate. Why not tell them??
I remember reading about one episode (can't remember which one) where Khate said something about not letting the kids know in advance where they were going because "certain people" wouldn't keep the secret from the paps. I thought then, and I still do, that Khate was implying that she doesn't tell the kids because they might mention it to Jon and she can't trust him not to tip off the paps.
If Jon is missing time with the kids this weekend, that makes me hope more than ever that he will get them for a full week this summer. I know I've said it before, but I'm sure that Jon must get at least one week's vacation a year and I think it would be great for the kids and him if he could have them for a full week this summer. In almost every divorce situation I've seen, the noncustodial parent gets more time and usually a full week or more over the summer break from school. Being able to spend more than just a weekend with Jon would probably be so much better for the kids than any of these dumb trips (working and filming episodes) that they do with Khate.
A Park Ranger says she will blog about Kate's visit (Rangerbri Sabrina Diaz
@SchmeckyGirl Awesome! Thanks for reading my blog. I will blog about the "show" sometime in the next few days.)
PLEASE do NOT bombard the park ranger with nasty comments about Kate via twitter or her blog.
Off topic, but here's an interesting article about TLC's Sister Wives:
TLC's Lobbying Show
It discuses how when Sister Wives first was out last year and these people got the attention of the authorities, they investigated and ended up deciding not to bring polygamy charges. BUT, then the "husband" (Kody Brown) and "wives" filed a federal suit to get Utah's polygamy laws voided, and then it says:
Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff, whose office would defend the statute, is skeptical. He called the lawsuit "somewhat of a PR ratings stunt for their show." That’s an understatement when you consider that the polygamy law hasn’t been used to prosecute anyone in eight years.
Exactly. That's all TLC cares about, the ratings. I would not be surprised at all if that was TLC's plan from the very beginning. They knew this show would get a lot of attention because of their lifestyle and possible criminality, but they figured, great, it will only get higher ratings if this family gets in trouble with the authorities. When the state said forget it, we don't care.....well, then TLC sets the family up with a high profile, high priced attorney to challenge the polygamy laws - even though the laws were NOT used to prosecute this family. Anything for $$$, TLC.
A Park Ranger says she will blog about Kate's visit
Unless TLC gets wind of it and tells her not to.
. A Park Ranger says she will blog about Kate's visit (Rangerbri Sabrina Diaz
@SchmeckyGirl Awesome! Thanks for reading my blog. I will blog about the "show" sometime in the next few days.)
She didn't have to sign a Confidentiality Agreement? TLC must be slipping up on the job...
"Park Ranger said... PLEASE do NOT bombard the park ranger with nasty comments about Kate via twitter or her blog."
I agree, I certainly hope no one does. The fans would attack if she says anything in the least unfavorble. But she probably won't, they need the visitors and I am sure would never diss a tourist. I hate seeing people's names/sites/twiiter accounts exposed, they are usually bombarded from either side. sigh.
I don't think anyone should harass the ranger from either side, I don't think anyone here would.
I don't think she has any problem about saying bad things about a tourist, Kate or not. I just read her latest post, and it's about how July is the busiest month and the tourists aren't following park rules. It's filled with examples of stupid tourists not following the signs she posted and getting hurt or risking getting hurt. Seems there are people other than Kate who think the rules don't apply to them.
There are GOOD REASONS for park signs but arrogant tourists think they know best. I feel her frustration.
"Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... Off topic, but here's an interesting article about TLC's Sister Wives:"
I had read that. Of course it is a PR stunt. I would wager that TLC was behind it, too. This entire show to me, is just creepy. Sorry to the fans of this show. BUT it is just plain creepy. I loved how the one said they are so "oppressed". Good gawd. Poor dears. LOL
In regards to Kate and their travels. I have not watched for a long time, but it seems that Kate is STILL not taking advantage of these trips and actually learning, then teaching her kids about the places and the things they see. Why take them on these fabulous places and not make it a true learning experience. She is just a lazy, lazy person, with no intellectual curiosity.
ADMIN, You might be right, but I would think it would be very bad for tourism is she singled out a guest. Especially one who is INfamous. LOL Talking about people not following rules is generic, and a PSA if you will, for the visitors safety.
I read that area is hurting badly, as far as tourism dollars, in this economy. That one website when a local saw them on the flight, was hit by a few who disliked Kate. One poster asked people to ignore the posts, both pro and con from "outsiders" because they needed the money so badly.
To 'Park Ranger' or whoever you are -- Why do you find it necessary to school others on how to behave? And why assume anyone from here would be one of the ones to harass her? That is so childish. It is NOT the non fans who have to say a word, it will be the lovers who run to trash her if she says on bad thing about Kate -- even IF it is the truth and she has proof.
"AMD said... Remember Kate chastizing Jon for referring to their lives as "seasons"? Well the Gosselins aren't making memories, they're making "episodes"
Yes, I remember that. Poor Jon. Always raked over the coals for stuff. One scene not sure which episode it was, she asked the kids did they remember a particular Halloween trip, and they said "Yes, I remember that episode". She laughed at that. I thought that was really pathetic. WTH is funny about that?
I don't know if they're hurting for tourism since her last post talks about how impossibly crowded it's been. This is a cheaper vacation and I wonder if tourism might actually be on the rise as people choose cheap national parks over resort vacations. I googled Yellowstones visitor stats and last year they had RECORD number of visitors. Although this year it's been down slightly, it was down from the record number, so although it hasn't beaten the record from last year, it's still high. They had a grizzly bear death a few weeks ago, this is probably the reason for the downward trend more than some tiny little blog that might rag on Kate.
I don't know why talking about one tourist would discourage anyone from coming. It's not like Kate will be there more than a few days. I want to see Yellowstone and I could care less that Kate has been or what some ranger says about her.
I read some more of her rather interesting blog, she is very forthcoming. I think good or bad she'll be honest about Kate.
Mimi I have no problem with this ranger ripping on stupid tourists would could get third degree burns in the hot springs or mauled by animals for approaching them. We're talking about life and death stuff here and apparently signs are not enough, the death of a park visitor a few years ago was not enough, an injury in the park every single day and many deaths over the year is not enough. I think this ranger should be shouting it from the rooftops brow beating it into every visitor until there are no more careless accidents or deaths. People are apparently very stupid and arrogant and think when a sign says stay on a bridge, they don't have to. There are other reasons for signs like that, to preserve the land from the millions that come there. I feel this park ranger's frustration with tourists stomping through like this, I really do.
But I do agree with your assessment that it would probably be the fans calling up her employer just like that if she says anything remotely negative about Kate. Aside from Kelly who beats his own drum, I am not aware of anyone here who does that on twatter. If they do, they are keeping very quiet about it. My sense is most people here see screwing around on twatter a giant waste of time.
I just set up my new computer and guess which site was first on my favorites bar? LOL I guess we could say I'm addicted to this blog:)
I can't help myself,since this whole Yellowstone out-West trip discussion began the song "Holiday Road" has been running though my head (make it stop!) Wally World here come the Gosselins!
All I can say is that Steve is obviously living w/ Kate.
Good am. Busy busy! I miss you all! Take care
Kate makes it sound as if she SEES her little tweeple on a daily basis...miss you all?? WTF?
If "Park Ranger" is the same park ranger that twatted about the Gosselins and is going to write about them on her blog, she's kind of asking for trouble.
And I agree Admin... some tourists can be so freaking ignorant. It's like they read the signs to say don't feed the bears anything you wouldn't eat. Kate is the lawbreaker in that family. I'd laugh if she got busted and had to pay yet ANOTHER fine.
Admin, I think you misunderstood what I was saying, or else in my uncaffeinated brain - lol - I wasn't clear. I was talking to the poster that called herself 'Park Ranger'. As for the actual park ranger, I read her blog and found it very interesting. I actually have a book I found on Amazon last year titled 'Death in Yellowstone', about all the accidental deaths by tourists that happen as a result of not following the rules. I just cannot get my mind around someone who would put their hand in water that they have been told can cause 3rd degree burns in 15 seconds, or getting really close to a wild animal because they just look so 'sweet'. Another big area where deaths occur are people getting in a stream of water that is just before a huge waterfall. They go under the barriers that are clearly marked and sit in this rushing water. Amazing and shocking how many are carried over the edge and die.
Anyway, the actual park rangers blog is very interesting. I live in an area where we very rarely get snow and to see all that snow just made me go grab my blanket and wrap up my feet. LOL. Should be interesting what she has to say about Kate, but whatever it is I won't be commenting one way or the other.
Mimi I understand now, there are two park rangers apparently! One with the blog with her head screwed on right, and one who posted here.
From what the waitress said it seems Jamie's kids might be there with them. Are these the same boys that were bullied horribly by the sextuplet girls during an episode while Kate laughed it off, saying it was cute that they treated each other like siblings?
My sense is most people here see screwing around on twatter a giant waste of time.
...yes, and wish the non-fans would stop!
Those on twitter certainly read here. There are a few regular non-fans on twitter who get their "info" here and take it to twitter and comment on it. In fact, there's at least one who has posted here who does 'screw around' quite frequently on twatter and on another non-fan site. You can recognize it by the colorful language and other identifying marks.
ITA Judy. I think you and I have been saying that since Kate gave Jon the Dear Jon letter. And if he isn't her sweetie he'd better get his resume out there pronto cuz this gig isn't going to last too much longer.
Non-twitterer unfortunately there's not much I can do about that. I can only control what comments I post here, I cannot stop grown adults from shenanigans over on twatter. We've made it clear we don't think they should do it, but they still do.
Is there a difference between posting here or on twitter? If one wants it stopped on twitter why not stop blogging too?
ADMIN I see that about the park itself and the upturn in people coming to visit. The articles I read were about the little hotels/motels and businesses in the surrounding areas who were hurting. Maybe more people are going on day trips? Or driving RV's instead of staying locally. I don't know, but the smaller biz in the area seem to be hurting from the articles. The economy has hurt a lot of smaller biz.
JudyK said... I think you are probably right. Some site had a document that showed his address same as Kate's. I forget what the doc was I think Pressi had it on her site.
Wow, and Jaime took her kids for a change? Amazing! About time.
Tamara said...
From what the waitress said it seems Jamie's kids might be there with them. Are these the same boys that were bullied horribly by the sextuplet girls during an episode while Kate laughed it off, saying it was cute that they treated each other like siblings?
The same kids. Yes.
1 RV + Kate's 8 + Jamie's 2 (all 10 and under) = big problems
Non-twitterer unfortunately there's not much I can do about that. I can only control what comments I post here, I cannot stop grown adults from shenanigans over on twatter. We've made it clear we don't think they should do it, but they still do.
Oh, I understand that, admin. What I don't understand is why they keep it up. They are feeding her narcissism and keeping her relevant. If the sheeple were left to carry on their own twattering among themselves, it would get old pretty darn soon. There would be nobody left to fight with, the "haters" would be gone. The sheeple thrive on the controversy and the non-fans just give them what they want. Why the non-fans, who I assume are intelligent, don't "get it" is a mystery. I think they enjoy it as much as the sheeple do. Otherwise, they would give it a rest.
I can't help myself,since this whole Yellowstone out-West trip discussion began the song "Holiday Road" has been running though my head (make it stop!)
Yes, and Steve's eyes aren't on the road - he is on the look-out for Christie Brinkley in a convertible! I can see Kate punching Marty Moose in the face when things don't go her way!
Admin, is it just me or does anyone else find the quote in the post as to Katie-don't's statement a bit odd? "...THEY don't know where THEY are... as opposed to "THEY don't know where WE are..."?
I realize Katie G often is obtuse. OK, pretty much always. Lord knows she could use a review of Strunk and White's "The Elements of Style" (as could I) Or perhaps she actually correctly used the pronouns for her intended meaning (THAT would be a shocker now wouldn't it)? Using WE could have meant the paps - which are MIA - and using THEY clearly means the kids. Or does it. Hmmm.
This all so confusing. I need a cool cloth for my forehead. And a dark room. And a nap. And a life.
I don't have a great knowledge of what's going on surrounding Kate's twittering, but I think whomever it was that mentioned a blackout had a good idea. Any anti-Kate twitterers, aka those with common sense, should "fast" for 72 hours. Especially a 72 hours around the date that an episode airs, or Kate makes the news. It would be interesting to see how much her traffic would go down.
Questions, when you tweet you can tweet Kate directly and even though she lies and says she doesn't see it, she does. So yes I see a huge difference.
Tamara, It was I who mentioned a blackout a few weeks ago. However, I am guilty of not following my own suggestion. The Gosselin saga is like a train wreck; one we can't seem to tear our eyes from.
My daughter went on an RV trip, with her aunt and uncle, to the Dakotas and to Wyoming when she was 15. She still very fondly remembers it, especially the buffalo burger that she had for the first time. She absolutely adored Yellowstone and Mt. Rushmore. She was gone for 2 weeks and I missed her so much, but that was a once in a lifetime chance for a girl from a small town in Tennessee.
Now, just imagine trying to enjoy yourself with Kate Gosselin and her mouth coming along with you. :O
I must have missed something. How do we know they're travelling by RV and not flying from place to place ... or even going by limo or luxury coach bus?
You know, if they were not filming for TLC those kids would not be going anywhere this summer except down the slide and into their pool! This makes me sick to think that this woman is on another trip most of us only dream about in this economy. Of course, trim and slim Kate will not even eat a "salad" in a local restaurant. Anything placed in her mouth must be "organic" don't you know? Those kids are still "singing for their supper."
Please keep voting with our remotes. It's the only way for it all to be over.
Of course Kate won't eat the local cuisine. She's so shallow and doesn't see the fun and benefits of experiencing what the locals eat at a place like Granny's. I'm sure she could find SOMETHING on the menu that wouldn't ruin her figure. And even if there's not, so you break your diet for one day, who cares.
Unless someone has a medical reason for not eating, there's nothing that kills the vibe than sitting down to eat with someone who is not eating.
I opened up a twitter account a couple of months ago so I could see what all the fuss was about...... specifically, I wanted to see what kart was doing.
I did not "follow" her.
I closed the account about 5 weeks later after realizing that many of the twatters were idiots, most of what was said was drivel, and kart was being her same old assinine self. Change of venue, but still a poor excuse of a human.
Personally, I find facebook, twitter, and all other "social media" to be intrusive, inane and completely useless for adults. Now tweens and teens, I guess I can see them exploring all kinds of new fangled things. (And yes, I know these new fangled things are the way of the future....)
I keep up with email, and this blog, and a yahoo group for dachshunds. Other than that, I found too much internal griping/bitching on blogs and lists. It seems to me that many folks (not here, with rare exception)take advantage of the internet anonymity to say things in ways Miss Manners would never approve.
I don't give a rat's patootie what folks on twitter are saying. I'm too busy living my life and interacting with REAL people in my life instead of strangers. The whole idea of twitter is beyond my comprehension. I guess I'm getting old. BUT, just because I'm getting old doesn't mean I'm wrong.
And to bring this around to kart, it is evident that she values strangers (tween twats, no less) more than she values her own children.
Beyond sad.
Oh, let me be really clear: like I said, for the most part, with the exception of our very own trolls, this blog has very nice, intelligent posters who are articulate, kind and mature.
My earlier post was not meant to criticize folks on this blog!!!!
I just googled Granny's, they have over 100 menu items and a salad bar. Kate could just eat rabbit food if she insists.
My experience with this blog is that if I persist in ignoring and deleting the kind of trolly, rude, obnoxious comments enough, they stop. There may be one or two who still try to get in now and again, but it is by no means a problem. Only happens rarely now.
I am glad I stuck to my guns on those kinds of comments. If you force a place to go in a certain direction eventually it will.
Non-Twitter-Twatterer said...
...yes, and wish the non-fans would stop!
I agree. If the non-fans would "de-follow" (if that's the right lingo), she would probably have maybe 50 twitter followers? I don't know, just a guess. The non-fans are there to harass & it's keeping her relevant somehow. As I have said, & as we've all said, Kate loves attention, negative or positive, it doesn't matter. The fact that she has what, 20,000 followers? I would wager a guess that more that 3 quarters of those are non-fans, the half that are left of those are just random people that follow anyone, & the rest are fans. Kate engages with 15 or so? (Loser!)
The people that don't like Kate can still see what she tweets w/out following her. (& I'm not saying it's even anyone here. (The crazy non-fans give US a bad name!:)) I'm just stating how I feel) We're all adults & will do what we do, but again, this whole twitter thing is her ONLY relevance right now & she is ALL over it. 20,000? That's a lot for someone like Kate Gosselin; a has-been reality nothing who popped out some kids.
~Hippie Chick~
PaMa, that's a good question. How do we know that they're traveling via RV? I haven't read anything to validate that theory. I personally can't believe it. That's not nearly luxurious enough for the diva. Now the KIDS may be in an RV, but I don't think there's a snowballs chance in hell that Kate would agree to be stuck in an RV with those children. She can barely tolerate them under the best of conditions, much less in a crowded RV. When the episode airs, they may edit it so that it looks like Kate is traveling RV too, but I'm betting dollars to donuts that she's got Ashley in the RV and Kate is stretched out sleeping in another vehicle (or in a separate RV with just her, ratclaws and a driver). If, in fact, Kate IS in an RV traveling cross country with those kids then God help them all. All of this is just speculation on my part, because I have no idea what their mode of transportation is. Does anyone here know how they're traveling?
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
yellowstone natl park..Scenery breathtaking&old faithful was amazing!Kids r loving travel,as usual.luv 2hear 'mommy thx 4 bringing us here'
9 minutes ago
So creepy! Does she stand them in a line and walk by like a general inspecting the troops? If they don't say "Thank you for taking me on this amazing trip" does Kate make them do 100 pushups?
I agree she's so WEIRD always saying they are thanking her!!! It's as if she wants to make sure we know the kids are so grateful to be here and WANT to be here. And maybe eight kids want to travel because it makes Kate happy, not because they wouldn't rather be at home in the pool. She never ever considers this possibility.
Not to mention, shouldn't Kate be thanking them for yet another free trip??? They are they reason she gets to go on these vacations!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Such BS! Isn't TLC the one responsible for taking them on all these vacations?
Kate has no credibility. She told us the kids didn't know she was stressed out about their 7th birthday party, but when Aaden and Leah were interviewed by production, they said they certainly did know mommy was stressed and worked up. What she says the kids think or say is not necessarily true.
Also, let me explain something to Kate. You are their world at this age. They adore Mommy. They will say and do anything to make Mommy happy. Kate has made it crystal clear to both us and the kids she loves these trips. Kids will learn and QUICK what Mommy loves and will do whatever they can to support that. The kids have learned when they tell Kate how much they love and adore these trips, Mommy is happy. Mommy is happy means everyone else is relaxed and happy. these kids are smart and they have absolutely figured this out.
There is no way to tell whether any of these kids sincerely enjoy traveling because it's become so tainted by Kate's own selfish desires. They probably don't even know themselves anymore what they like or want since it's so wrapped up in pleasing Kate.
Kate: yellowstone natl park..Scenery breathtaking&old faithful was amazing!Kids r loving travel,as usual.luv 2hear 'mommy thx 4 bringing us here' 39 minutes ago
OMG, this delusional, lying, narcissistic bitch...Mommy did not have ONE DAMNED THING to do w/ this trip. She is beyond worthless.
Personally, I think she twits that they thank her just to prove to us that her kids are appreciative and well mannered.
Isn't that sad?
I bet the kids, on some level, do have fun on trips. At times.
Children's hearts are pure. They live in the moment. I can believe that the younger ones do get excited when they see a geyser erupt, and run to mom to say 'did you see that, wasn't it cool, thanks for bringing us!'
--- but I cannot imagine kart leaning down lovingly, gently putting her hand on their head and replying quietly 'you're welcome sweetie, this is way cool, I agree! Do you understand why the geyser erupts?'.. when the tup says 'not really, how does it do that?' I'm pretty sure kart doesn't sit down and take a moment to explain it.
A lost moment. Very, very pathetic and sad.
If purseboy is there, he's surely hiding from the camera, therefore not present to help expand on a teachable moment.
I've said this before - kart never did form that critical mother-child bond at birth. She just doesn't seem capable of understanding what a good mother does because she doesn't see herself as 'their mother'..........
I am guessing she sees herself as 1) an American Princess, a stah in her own mind, and 2) the manager of a group called Plus 8.
I can't wait until February. I am absolutely sure tlc has told her she's done then.
There are at least four significant groups Kate needs to thank before she ever expects gratitude toward herself for these trips:
1. the KIDS, the reasons he even has a show
2. TLC, for continuing this drivel
3. The viewers, for watching this drivel
4. Jon, for donating the sperm
Is she kidding with this giving thanks thing???
The kids seemed to have fun in Australia too at various times.
Still doesn't mean they should have been pulled out of school for the trip, or filmed.
Kids love to eat ice cream all day too.
Kate understands what a child needs like a slug would be expected to do physics.
Admin, can you please post the link to Granny's restaurant? I couldn't find it when I looked, but I did read several reviews and 9 out of 10 were favorable reviews. I guess Kate didn't eat because the place wasn't fancy enough for her diva ass. Anyway, please post the link if you don't mind. Thank you!
What difference in families on road trips. The Duggars go on road trips all the time, they tell their kids where they are going, show them a map, and have them pack and away they go. They also point out stuff and make stops along the way, and most of them get car sick. The Duggars do make the trip educational. I think Kate is tryin to do a Duggar/Oprah trip.
Oh, I read that Kates Abs Machine video commercial was shown on TLC. So TLC must be backing this machine. Some more useless exercise equiptment people do not need to buy. I think this trip will go on for 2 weeks, and Kate will have a meltdown, the kids will have a meltdown, and the kids will want to go home if not already.
Administrator said...
Kate understands what a child needs like a slug would be expected to do physics.
... like a round hole and square peg need a cup and saucer...
... like a dog needs a compass and mechanical pencil...
... like a ladybug needs a polio vaccine...
... like a tree needs high heels...
I could go on and on, but what's the point?! I'm preaching to the choir here :-)
One more question, then I'm off to bed early tonight.
I wonder if she had to tinkle at the restaurant, and purseboy stood guard while she did, closing the restroom to other diners...
Short of Duchess Katherine or the president's wife, I would be royally pissed if I were a diner and some grey haired purseholder told me I couldn't use the facilities.
And here's my final, final, final thought - I can almost, almost see why kart would need a 'bodyguard' (chokes me to say that word) - I can imagine she has pissed off so many folks that she might get a lot of ugly, angry stares and snide comments when she's out.
I think she knows how she comes off, how she's alienated viewers and she's inept in dealing with people in the best of times, but I bet it does un-nerve her to get boos and negative receptions. I'm pretty sure she's afraid of folks giving her a hard time in person.
LOL - I would LOVE to see her get treated like she treats people. This is pretty nasty, but if I were that hotel staff person, I'd have gone back to the van and told the driver that kart wasn't going to be needing his services after all. Let her come out late and find the van GONE! Kaaaarma............
I know, I'm bad...
Most of the time I'm not, but every once in a while the old 'tit-for-tat' devil raises it's ugly head.
I'll go to bed now and ask forgiveness from Miss Manners.
While the blogging park ranger might write about her encounter with Kate and crew, I doubt she'll get into much detail, especially about any "issues" she might have witnessed. She criticizes rule ignoring tourists but does it very diplomatically and not personally, and criticism about Kate would be of a personal nature. She's a supervisor and I'm sure very conscious of maintaining professional position with her blog. Yes, her blog is a personal one, but from it's tone I believe she's first and foremost using it to promote tourism and educate the public and won't risk her job criticizing a celeb, Z-list or not.
Permanent Name said...
I can't wait until February. I am absolutely sure tlc has told her she's done then.
I hope you are right P.N. It is just really hard to tell, especially if you watch her twitter. She has such highs and lows. I was absolutely convinced she was finished back in May/June when she kept having her twits copy TLC to ask for new shows and a better time slot. Then I felt really sure when she was complaining that she needed work to "pick up" so that she could support her 8 kids! She also was very unsupportive of TLC on her twitter, by encouraging her twits not to watch TLC if she gets canceled. She was never sure when, or if her show was on and she admitted that she did not know if it would be canceled. She always had a "what do I know" attitude, like she was totally out of the loop with TLC. So, I thought thats it, she is definitly on notice. But now, she is on another trip courtesy of TLC. Granted it is not the luxury she probably wanted, but it is a trip. She has people catering to her and watching her kids and those are two of Kate's favorite things. Not to mention all the filming they have been doing at her home. If they are filming as much as she claims, they should have enough to go through the fall. UGH! It is really frustrating. She is so undeserving and unappreciative of what she has. I really hope February is the end of her and she does not return to the media in any form, EVER!!!
OK, I'll be fine if she does tacky informercials. I don't watch them anyway and they would probably be good for a laugh.
Oh, and as far as the: "As usual, kids are thanking me"!! Give me a break!! She is pathetic. I am sure a "thank you mommy" is required. There is a "penalty of severness" if they DON'T thank her.
so sick of her said... Oh, I read that Kates Abs Machine video commercial was shown on TLC. So TLC must be backing this machine.
TLC showed Kate's testimonial for the Ab Champ? Were other testimonials included? Why would TLC be backing the machine. If they advertise Kellogg's Cereal are they backing it?
Kate's finally telling her tweeties about their top secret trip AFTER news has broken on twitter and blogs. I can picture Kate's reaction to the news that everyone knows and the big announcement wasn't hers to make. LOL
PaMa said...
I must have missed something. How do we know they're travelling by RV and not flying from place to place ... or even going by limo or luxury coach bus?
PaMa, Last spring Kate tweeted cryptically to Ashley something about her doing lots of driving this summer and how much fun it would be. Bloggers wondered at the time if a road trip was planned and it sounds like our suspicions were true. To me, RV is a generic term for anything from a bus like luxury recreational vehicle to a self contained "camper", but I can't speak for others. Whatever they're traveling in, it must be tight quarters for 10 kids and 4 adults minimum.
As a military family eating at places like Granny's while making a PCS move was all part of the fun! Our biggest driving move was from NJ to San Francisco (Presidio) in the days before computers. We took leave in conjunction witht the PCS and took our time going cross country. We went to the library before the trip and created "passport" books listing something about each state we were going through. We created our own road bingo games for each state also. We stopped at roadside attractions (The Thing - AZ or NM)and laughed about how the couple of bucks we spent was a real rip off but we still stopped. The kids are grown and on their own now but we still talk about that move and they laugh the most about how when we were going through the Southwest states we decided we'd only eat Mexical food and how all those refried bean made part of the trip very stinky.....Kate, if you are on a road trip and not doing things like this you're really missing out. These are the memories that the kids treasure. My kids may not remember what they got for a particular Christmas or birthday but they do remember most of our moves and whenever we're together a "remember the time....." conversation comes up.
As soon as I read that tripe about the kids thanking her as usual for taking them on the trip, I thought of Kate's insecurity of having to let the public know she isn't forcing her kids to work. They want to be there. Such BS Kate. And quit taking the credit for the trip. You had NOTHING to do with it. At least be honest with the kids and tell them TLC is the ones making it happen and they should be grateful to them. What a pompous goof she is.
I remember as a child that I would mirror my mother's thinking. If my mom said she didn't like chocolate cake, then I automatically didn't like chocolate cake. If she loved pink rooms for little girls, then I insisted my bedroom be painted pink. It wasn't until I was older that I figured out I was not Little Mommy and that I had my own opinions on things. I discovered that I much prefer green and yellow over pink and had my bedroom done in greens and yellows by the time I was in 3rd grade. Mom didn't like it, but I sure did.
I think these children are simply reflecting the opinions of their Mommy and will one day have an epiphany that they don't have to do that anymore. I can't wait for that day to come.
Also, let me explain something to Kate. You are their world at this age. They adore Mommy. They will say and do anything to make Mommy happy. Kate has made it crystal clear to both us and the kids she loves these trips. Kids will learn and QUICK what Mommy loves and will do whatever they can to support that. The kids have learned when they tell Kate how much they love and adore these trips, Mommy is happy. Mommy is happy means everyone else is relaxed and happy. these kids are smart and they have absolutely figured this out.
Sounds eerily like "Stockholm Syndrome" to me.
A twitter twatted to Kate:
@Kateplusmy8 eu tenho 23 anos, e já tenho 3 filhos!!!!!!!!se n parasse ia chegar a 8 tbm.rsrsrs
I know a little bit of the language, and it sounds like she's only 23 years old and already has three sons. I couldn't quite get the second part, but it sounds like in a short time if she doesn't quit, she will have eight. I'm sure Kate will be impressed!
Twitter Facts as of 10:10pm Eastern Standard time
Kates Twitter page for the last three hours consists of the following tweets
100 Tweets Total
Positive tweets from fans:
30 minute mark
4 tweets
1 Hour mark:
7 tweets
1.5 hour mark
1 tweet
2 Hour mark
3 tweets
3 hour mark
18 tweets.
Total positive tweets:
33 positive tweets.
Of those 33 tweets, half were multiple tweets from the same people which reduces it down to 12 tweets.
How is this working out for her? Out of 100 tweets, 15 are positive and 85 are against her, Twitter is proving not to be Kate Gosselins best friend.
Source: Twazzup.com @kateplusmy8
It's not Stockholm Syndrome at all, it's normal child development.
It would be like that if they were adults I guess.
It's perfectly normal for kids their age to say and do anything they can to make their parents happy and proud. Their parents are their world. This is why most normal children usually cry and feel terrible when they disappoint their parents. They so want their world, which is their parents, to be proud of them. If that means telling Kate they just LOVE working and LOVE trips, they will do it. Jon says they tell him exactly the opposite. They want to please Jon too. At this point I don't think we can have any idea how they feel based only on what Kate says.
You know a good example of this and probably all too common? Children of doctors, or ballet dancers or pianists or lawyers, or any profession, who start training as children to follow in their parents' footsteps. Some children genuinely want to be what their parents are. Many others do it just to please.
All too common is when they are teenagers and finally get a voice, they suddenly have a breakdown and say I DON'T WANT TO DO THIS I DON'T WANT TO BE A DOCTOR, DAD!
And usually Dad, or Mom, says, That's totally fine honey, I just thought you WANTED to!
Kids want to please their parents soooo bad.
Great stories Laurie, and how lucky to be living at The Presidio! Fantastic area, my kids and I still enjoy walking through that part of the city with its amazing views and pretty much all around SF - especially the ballpark ;)
"Whatever they're traveling in, it must be tight quarters for 10 kids and 4 adults minimum."
How do we know that Kate and Steve aren't following behind the bus or RV or whatever it is in a Cadillac Escalade?
Just curious: The person did not say. But since TLC was probably the first to show it on TV, they might have a hand in it or got Kate the job. Perhaps in Kate contract it has a clause in it that they have to find other stuff for her to do, or they have to do Twisted Kate. I would not be surprised if Kate does some more things like the commercial or commercials. TLC is sure tryin real hard to change her imagine.
I think that TLC took her on this trip and let her do that commercial to shut her up. Let's face it, she has done nothing on TV outside of K8, no talk shows, the have been no product commercials, no invite to appear on episode TV. And they have not take her anywhere really since Aussie. So give her some peanuts and she is happy for a while.
@moose mania
We don't know but speculation is not credible. How do we know what goes on in the background. We can only talk about what is before our eyes and that's maddening enough.
Captivity & The Stockholm Syndrome. By Sara Lambert.
Admin: The above goes to the extreme, but, l standby my comment. Ms Lambert book is based on children who endure a narcissistic parent. JMO
Twitter Fast Facts 1 Hour Later:
Total tweets: 32
Fans: 7
Non Fans: 25
Duplicate tweets from the same fans 18
Duplicate tweets from Non Fans: 14
About kids wanting to please their parents, I think in this case a lot of normal child psychology has to be slightly changed because it isn't just one kid, or even three, but six, all of whom have different personalities and temperaments. While Aaden, Joel and Leah might be more pliable, more willing to please, Alexis and Hannah might be much more independent, might not deal as well with stress and constant noise and activity, sensory overload.
The kids are not only not seen as individuals, but Kate has been passing off any feelings and responses they have as low blood sugar or just them being annoying.
Thanks Sport - Robin Williams used to live in the area (still does?) and we'd see him out running on occasion and he didn't have a problem stopping to chat with the "common" folk and the paps were never out hounding him! Every 4th of July we laugh about the time when all we saw of the fireworks was colored fog (as only you can se in the SF area). Kate is missing out on so much....if only she knew or cared!
Does anyone know where she is going next? I live in southern utah and have a relative that works on filer for remote filming usually for polygamy related stories. He was called about filming for a show next week. Could Kate be coming to Utahs national parks or the north rim of the grand canyon? Not trying to start rumors it could easily be for sister wives, but it just seems like she is making her way towards Utah/Arizona and has a national parks theme going on. I'm sure she is not having fun on this less then 5 star first class trip. I would hate to see her ut down annymore mom/pop type places along route 66 or in the southwest. She should have stayed home in on her leather couch.
",as usual.luv 2hear 'mommy thx 4 bringing us here'"
This female is truly an idiot. LOLOL
Cathy said... Does anyone know where she is going next? I live in southern utah and have a relative that works on filer for remote filming usually for polygamy related stories. He was called about filming for a show next week. Could Kate be coming to Utahs national parks or the north rim of the grand canyon?
It might be for Sister Wives. The Kody Browns have filed a law suit against the State of Utah for whatever they think they don't need to follow the law for. When I look at that ugly Kody Brown, I can't imagie any one woman having to tolerate him, let alone four and so many kids. Ugh!
Didn't know where to post this other than here... but I was watching the news coverage of the Casey Anthony jail release and I SWEAR that the driver of the SUV that was waiting outside for her and drove away w/ her... LOOKED LIKE STEVE.... Kate's bodyguard STEVE!!!!! I will have to go back and re-watch.
Moose Mania said...
"Whatever they're traveling in, it must be tight quarters for 10 kids and 4 adults minimum."
How do we know that Kate and Steve aren't following behind the bus or RV or whatever it is in a Cadillac Escalade?
Of course we don't know. We also don't know that she's even on a road trip, but we can put together all of the information we do have and conclude that at least while the cameras are rolling to show what a fun time they're having, that Kate, Jamie, Ashley, Steve (of course hidden out of camera range), 8 Gosselin children, and Jamie 2 kids = 14 people. Or take Kate and Steve out of the rv and put them in a different vehicle, but it still equals close quarters especially with that many kids at that age. For me anyway.
I was just thinking after my last post that this just may be Kate's final Hurrah! If you remember her tweets, some have mentioned the one to Ashley about lots of driving this summer. That was back in April/May, so she obviously knew of this trip back then. Subsequently, she has tweeted about how she hopes work picks up, that there are other jobs in TV for her, she didn't know if her show would be cancelled etc. So, maybe this is the last trip, last filming for the summer. If you believe Kate, they have been filming non-stop in the past weeks. Maybe she truely is spending the ENTIRE month of August getting ready for Back to school.
I know she has tweeted her "HOPES" to go to Australia again, but lets face it, Australia and NZ were Kate+8s lowest rated shows ever. Why would TLC pay for another trip to see the same thing. It wouldn't make sense and why can't Kate see that??
Wishing and Hoping that it comes to an end soon, so the kids have a chance at a normal childhood.
Off topic but... Interesting, weird ... at 12:09 am Casey was released...a bolt of lightening struck almost on the jail facility prior to the release. Wow is all I have to say. Second time lightening struck..
VinniePolitanVinnie Politan
Amazing photo of lightning strike at jail tonight in Orlando Sentinel http://www.orlandosentinel.com http://yfrog.com/kedyjdoj
"She is a Cow said...But now, she is on another trip courtesy of TLC. Granted it is not the luxury she probably wanted, but it is a trip. She has people catering to her and watching her kids and those are two of Kate's favorite things."
As you said, this trip is not her usual, lavish trip. Compared to the others, this has to be a lot less expensive. Personally, I think this is part of the "make over" of Kate. You know the giving back, educational mommy. They didn't even give them their "tradiional" trip to NC, Bald Head {?). That tells me a lot. Tghey certainly are not wasting money on advertising her show. It is hardly ever mentioned in the promos anymore. I think TLC sees the writing on the wall, "losing money" and I really don't see much of future for this show, nor Kate. I think she knows it too.
Park Ranger.. it was not a non fan that tweeted a dumb tweet to the Ranger who escorted the Gosselins, it was a fan (as usual) Totally unnecessary to bring the Ranger into the "wars". SchmeckyGirl was very polite.
@Rangerbri How did it go?
RangerbriSabrina Diaz
@SchmeckyGirl It went very well. It was a very quick visit but I did get to watch OF erupt with them and teach then a little about YELL!
@Rangerbri Thanks for your reply. I'm glad it went well. I'm reading your blog right now!
@SiobhanR111Siobhan Regan
@Rangerbri Please note, SchmeckyGirl wants to hear that Kate was mean to u and everyone there. SG's about being negative re: Kate Gosselin
@SiobhanR111 @Rangerbri Not true. I prefer to hear the truth. I'm sure it was a good visit. The kids r adorable. Hopefully educational trip.
This is like all the arguing with the non fans, the fans send all the tweets TO Kate. I suppose they want a medal for "taking one for the team". This is so Jr High Schoolish.
I'm glad someone got to teach the kids something educational-ish cause Kate "What's Crazy Horse" sure ain't gonna do it.
You know what I love? The ranger was respectful of their time with the Gosselins and so far hasn't disclosed any dirt, but not the non-fans aren't upset. A non-fan was polite to her on twitter and thanked her for tweeting. But you can bet your bottom dollar had she said one tiny negative thing about Kate, the fans would be calling up Yellowstone National Park to "out" her and report her, and probably even be calling up the D.C. national office and demanding to speak all the way up the chain until they get her fired.
Non-fans don't do that when people say nice things about Kate, but fans do when people say mean things.
I saw the grey hair driver of the SUV. Looked to big to be Steve, plus I would think who ever was driving would be familiar with the area - in case they had to make a quick run for a highway etc.
I was thinking this weekend I find it incredibly sad that the only time Kate puts down her stupid pink iphone and gets off Twatter every 2 minutes and actually pays attention to her children, are when the cameras are rolling. When those cameras roll suddenly they have her full attention.
Another reason the kids may tell her they want filming to continue. Kate pays attention to them.
"ADMIN Another reason the kids may tell her they want filming to continue. Kate pays attention to them."
I totally agree. That is pretty evident to me, too. Sad for those kids to be in that position. I had read something about this from an "insider" once I think it was Jodi when she finally spoke out.
I still cannot get over Kate and this..they thank me for bringing them BS. LOL What is going to happen when the kids realize it was "MR TLC" who does all the paying and trips? And they get it because of they were born sextuplets, not a thing to do with Kate. Except she was the incubator.
How does Kate figure she is responsible for this trip when she says she cannot even afford gymnastics? She couldn't go on this trip unless TLC funded it. And the reason TLC is funding it is to film the kids. The kids made this trip happen, period.
Not only should she thank the kids for this trip, she needs to thank the kids for giving up their childhoods so she can satisfy her own selfish desires to live like a movie star (or rather, how she thinks the stars live), not the other way around.
This whole Kate making the kids thank her for EVERYTHING just makes me sick. My son is big into video games, I mean BIG. (He's an 11 y.o. kid, not surprising!) & games are pricey. When he helps me out around the house doing chores & does his chores for a few weeks I will bring him to Game Stop, but won't let him buy anything new. (new games are 60$!!) He can pick our something used. He will thank me on his own, but I feel he doesn't need to thank me, HE WORKED FOR IT, just like the Gosselin kids are working for their trips. Um, ya getting that Kate???
Frankly, I think she's lying anyway. She just wants everyone to think she is just so great & the all-time best mom for "providing" these trips, when we all know it's TLC & the kids affording them. Nice try. Kate should be thanking the kids & kissing the ground the kids walk on.
~Hippie Chick~
Hippie from the examples you've shared of your son I'd say you are doing such a great job with him. It's great your son thanks you, I suspect you probably say something like you're welcome but hey you worked hard for it and you earned it yourself, buddy!
If only Kate would ever say to the kids, you kids have worked HARD (since 18 months old) you've earned these gymnastic lessons. Or you kids have worked hard (for six years) you've earned this next year off from filming so you can just go to school, be with friends, daddy and be normal.
Hippie by the way I think it's a lie too and here's why. Kate is always telling us what all eight do, the pack. The pack thanked her, the pack love to travel.
She needs to realize that when she lies she would be a heck of a lot more credible if she said some of them love to travel or heck even MOST of them love traveling. It is just not credible that all eight kids love all of the same things all of the same time. Or, she's just not really listening to them if that's what she's hearing. I'm not just talking about traveling, but she's always telling us that all 8 want to do this or that, all 8 love filming, all 8 love traveling, all 8 thank me for this that and the other. PLEASE.
Does she understand she's not a bad parent just because all eight have different opinions?
If only Kate would ever say to the kids, you kids have worked HARD (since 18 months old) you've earned these gymnastic lessons.
Why would she tell them that they are working? Why even put that bug in their ears? She doesn't want them to know that they are working. They are getting older, and would question WHY they are working, and ask where their money is, and if they are working, then they want their money to buy whatever.
Kate doesn't want to have to answer those questions.
No Regrets: That might be true if, Kate did not have Ashley along or/especially Jamie. Cause, Ashely will be watching the kids with purseboy, while Kate & Jamie enjoy themselves. So, as for attention from mom, they will still get very little. I think those kids will say anything to please Kate, cause they are afraid of her. But, I do agree on the: All 8 love this and love that, NOT! They are 8 individuals, 8 opinions, 8 personalities, but one controlling Kate, who idea of life is my way or get out!
Ashely will be watching the kids with purseboy, while Kate & Jamie enjoy themselves.
This isn't a bar in NYC. How much "enjoying" can they do without spas, expensive restaurants, shopping trips, etc? It's not like they are in a metropolis. They are at Yellowstone, rodeos, scenic spots in the West. Their idea of enjoying themselves is not roughing it on a road trip and camping out under the stars. If reports are true, she didn't even want to eat at Granny's, which was beneath her. It's not like she's at BHI and able to get away for a nice dinner with Steve.
I don't imagine that this is Kate's idea of the perfect summer vacation, but it's what TLC offered, and she's getting paid for it, so I guess she has to grab whatever is put out there before everything comes to a smashing halt.
There's another infomercial video for the AB Champ with just Kate. Don't know if you guys have seen it already.
Listen to what she says at the end. Typical Kate.
Hot Fun In The Summertime said...
Ashely will be watching the kids with purseboy, while Kate & Jamie enjoy themselves.
This isn't a bar in NYC. How much "enjoying" can they do without spas, expensive restaurants, shopping trips, etc?
Not much. I think Kate would go on vacation in a prison as long as TLC paid. Jamie could at least get them drunk, just like they did in NYC.
Jamie could at least get them drunk, just like they did in NYC
Drunk at a rodeo, with Kate climbing on one of the horses and competing in the saddle bronc riding. I'd watch that.
Listen to what she says at the end. Typical Kate.
"I race them and I win." Of course you do, Mommie Dearest Narcissist. Isn't it always a competition for you?
Administrator said...
I just googled Granny's, they have over 100 menu items and a salad bar. Kate could just eat rabbit food if she insists.
link please, i can not find a menu at all
Free Shoka,
Oh my.. I looked at the end of the video you mentioned........ and you are right, she is 'pure kart' --
"I race my kids............ giggle... and I win!"
How pathetic ---
And BTW she did lie when she said in video that she had "4 1/2 lbs of skin removed but still had the same muscle tone after tummy tuck" - she had major muscle retightening from where they were all stretched out and separated from the pregnancy....
Is her mouth moving? She's lying. End of story.
We also never hear it from the kids mouths either. We always hear it from Kate's mouth. If we heard from ALL the kids "It was so much fun doing this " from all of them, fine. But I agree with you, I'm sure not all of them LOVE the traveling. I'm sure if we heard from Cara, she would say "I would much rather be with my friends playing soccer". So Kate, how about let the kids speak for themselves for once!!??
~Hippie Chick~
"I race them....and I win!!"
Mommie Dearest swimming pool scene anyone?
Mommie Dearest: "You lost again!"
Christina: "It's not fair, you're bigger than I am!"
Menuplease, I don't think Granny's has their own web site. Probably because internet has not come to Wyoming yet according to Kate? My information comes from this web site:
With 136 menu items, mostly comfort foods, every appetite is satisfied. Granny’s is recognized as serving one of Cody’s best breakfasts all day, every day. Hungry for lunch or dinner? Select from traditional specialties, including steaks, shrimp, fish, burgers, and more. Local favorites include home-style soups prepared fresh daily, one of Cody’s largest salad bars....
And as even Jon has said, it's not about what the kids want. It's about what's doing what's best for them in their best interest as their parent and caretaker.
Even assuming they all just love, love, love traveling, it is not in their best interest to continue to be filmed doing all this traveling. Turn off the cameras, end the show, and pay for the trips without TLC.
We will never hear how they feel from them because Kate can't have that.
Do they serve anything remotely similar to "Ol' Grandma's Soup" there at Granny's? If so, I can hear Kate demanding restitution for stealing her original recipe for soup containing beef, broth, vegetables, potatoes and
salt with a smattering of herbs/spices. NOBODY
thought of that mixture until Ol' Grandma.
Kate's not eating out of spite. (snicker)
If I get no credit for that recipe, I just won't eat here at all.
Sadly, I must admit I pick on Kate entirely too much. The fact that it's actually almost a
passtime is truly distressing. At least I have other things to do - I'm just putting them off for a few minutes while I play here.
RE: traveling to interesting spots with children.
Just this morning after Church I found out one of our youth and her 8 year old cousin and their grandparents had spent Saturday touring historical places not too far away. These grandparents are VERY good at researching, pointing out things, listening to what the kids
think about things. They borrowed age appropriate books from the library for the kids to look through/read so they would have an idea of what to expect. Today the grandparents talked about the trip. I turned to the youth and asked her what her favorite part was. She
had no answer. Finally she said there was some
hole in a display that you stuck your hand in and they didn't tell you what was in the hole.
She got her grandmother to do it first. The
8 year old had nothing to say at all, except it was fun.
I say that kids might feel a sense of obligation
to say something was fun, even if they would have preferred to do something less historical.
You know that's sort of how most people generally raise their kids, to be polite and gracious and say you had a good time and had fun even if you didn't. Whether this sort of "dishonesty" is really the best thing who knows, but it's how people raise their kids.
When you get older and you're invited to a dinner party that was a total drag, and your friend asks you the next day if you had a good time, you don't say no it was a drag. You say it was fun thank you so much for inviting me.
Kate is at least raising kids who are gracious and polite and grateful. But it still tells us absolutely nothing about how they really feel.
Admin said...
When you get older and you're invited to a dinner party that was a total drag, and your friend asks you the next day if you had a good time, you don't say no it was a drag. You say it was fun thank you so much for inviting me.
Nowadays? Doubtful. I'm sorry, kids are so damn rude. They may cop to it to their friend & say yes thank you I had a great time, but behind that friends back? A whole different story. Kate isn't teaching her kids anything IMO. She is teaching them how to grift things for free, be rude, & how they should get everything on a "golden" (???) platter. I hope the kids are getting a whole different lesson from Jon on humility, hard work & how NOT to be greedy. Otherwise, there will be 8 more Kate Gosselin's running around this Great Country.
~Hippie Chick~
Administrator said...
You know that's sort of how most people generally raise their kids, to be polite and gracious and say you had a good time and had fun even if you didn't. Whether this sort of "dishonesty" is really the best thing who knows, but it's how people raise their kids.
When you get older and you're invited to a dinner party that was a total drag, and your friend asks you the next day if you had a good time, you don't say no it was a drag. You say it was fun thank you so much for inviting me.
Kate is at least raising kids who are gracious and polite and grateful. But it still tells us absolutely nothing about how they really feel.
I hope they're being raised to be gracious, polite and grateful, but I'm not sure that they have been taught appropriate ways and times and places to express it. I remember the Palin episodes where the kids stood there and said nothing when introduced to Sarah and her family and didn't thank them until prompted. I didn't notice the kids offering thanks either on the Australia trip until Kate prompted them. At ages 10 and 7 kids shouldn't need to be pushed or prompted to thank hosts or friends and family; it should come naturally. Mine were saying thank you YEARS before they reached the Gosselin kids' ages.
With all of the traveling the Gosselins do along with the varied people they're introduced to I would expect them to be very comfortable with introductions and exits, but unless I've missed it in the episodes I've watched, I've never noticed them demonstrating any of these basics.
Hippie, wow that's not my experience at all. I'm not talking about what you tell people behind closed doors. That's sort of the point. The kids may very well tell each other, outside Kate's presence, they hate these trips. They may confide in nannies and Jon and so on. But if they've been taught properly, they should be polite and gracious to Kate. Also there is an element of pleasing her, as well as possibly some fear.
I totally agree with all the comments about how it would be impossible for ALL eight kids to have the same likes, dislikes, feelings, and opinions. Anyone with more than one kid, or any experience with kids those ages, understands that. So, we know Khate is lying, what else is new, right?
As far as her tweet about the thanks:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
yellowstone natl park..Scenery breathtaking&old faithful was amazing!Kids r loving travel,as usual.luv 2hear 'mommy thx 4 bringing us here'
I have two comments about that one. First of all, in my experience, even with the most polite kids who always say thank you, those thanks you's tend to be for things, not as thanks for being brought places. My children have always been good with manners and as polite as you can imagine. However, when we take them on vacation, or day trips to fun places, we don’t really hear "thank you for bringing us here". From a kid’s perspective they don’t really think of a trip as being an effort on the parent's part as far as planning and paying for it (except in Khate’s case it’s TLC's job to do that). The kids just think of it as a whole lot of fun and their comments tend to be along the lines of "This is so cool!", "Wow, that was so much fun!", "I loved that roller coaster (or whatever) so much!", etc.
You get my point. That's the way kids that age think. I really don’t see them as feeling a need to thank their parents for the trip. The fact that they are having fun and expressing that they like whatever you're doing or wherever you are, sort of covers that. Also, when parents take the kids on vacation, it’s a treat for the whole family. Even if the parents would rather be lounging on a beach sipping a frozen margarita and reading a trashy novel, the kids don't even realize that mom and dad might not necessarily LOVE this really cool and fun water park as much as they do. They really do not see it from the parents' perspective and fell the need to thank them. In any case, I would hope that the parents would be getting in there and doing whatever activity it is with the kids and having just as much fun anyway. Because, news flash to Khate, that’s what family trips are supposed to be about – spending time together, having fun, learning something, etc., NOT filming episodes.
My second point is one that I haven’t seen commented on yet. Notice how in her tweet Khate not only says the kids thanked her but "...luv 2hear 'mommy thx 4 bringing us here'". So, Khate is telling us yet again that it is all about HER, SHE loves to hear the kids thank her. I still say it’s bullshit that all the kids love to travel and that they thank her, though.
On the issue of the nonsheeple tweeting, I'm with those that wish they would just stop and let her page die out. If we want Khate to feel as irrelevant as she is, we need to just ignore her on Twitter. There will not be much going on at all without the sheeple having the "haters" to respond to. I tried out Twitter a couple of years ago for about three tweets and then never used it again. However I did tweet on Khate’s page a couple of months ago just to eventually ask the nonfans to stop it. While one agreed with me, the idea never really went anywhere. THIS would really be the perfect time to do it since Khate is not tweeting, so the sheeple are barely even there. They mostly just check in on the "haters". So, let’s just let the page die out while she’s gone.
I’ve noticed that Khate’s twitter feed has turned into a chat room for the nonfans. So maybe someone can create a twitter account like "KateGSux", or “RetireThe Gkids”, or something else, and then use THAT feed to talk to each other. It would be so much better than keeping Khate’s page alive and active.
Nobody, that's a really excellent assessment of how a kid really thinks.
Kate often imposes her adult perceptions on the children. I have never in my life heard of a kid this young who would say they "love to travel." (Or for that matter, that they hate to travel.) I'm not sure a kid really understands "travel" like an adult does, so much as they understand I'm not in my own bed.
You don't hear kids start to say something like that until the teenager years, at least. Kids that age like things like amusement parks, waterparks, the pool, time with Mom and Dad doing activities. If traveling fulfills those things, then sure they'll probably enjoy themselves.
Admin, you said (originally)...
"Kate is at least raising kids who are gracious and polite and grateful"
I understood it the same way that Hippie did. I thought - wow - where have we seen the kids to be gracious and polite? They don't say thank you, they whine, and they never appear to be gracious to tour guides, waiters, or anyone who goes out of their way to be nice to them.
If you mean that she's raising them to be polite and gracious to HER, yes, they thank her, but only because it's expected of them. Who knows - maybe this "the kids say thank you, Mommy" is all in her mind.
Kate is raising kids who see their mother as demanding, rude and entitled. They see this over and over again, and it's put out there for all viewers to see. This is the way they are being taught, and I hope that Jon counteracts this with teaching them to be kind, polite, and not-affected by their "celebrity" status.
If they are polite, gracious and grateful to HER FACE and complain behind closed doors, what is that teaching them? That it's okay to lie to her under penalty of severeness? That they shouldn't voice their opinion how they really feel because it's going to made their mom madder than blazes at them? Talk about getting mixed messages - these kids are going to be totally screwed up because of what she's "teaching" them and isn't teaching them.
The time she was making the kids repeat together the order of how to eat their lunch keeps playing in my head when I see her say things about the kids thanking her.
I can imagine Khate: Ok mommy took you on this wonderful trip that you would NEVER have without ME (me me me...) so what do you say? Everyone together! *clap hands* Go!
Kids all in unison: Thanks for bringing us here"
I seem to remember an art project somewhere that the kids were doing, and Aaden demanded that someone bring him a paper towel. He sounded just like Kate when he said it. Kate pretended to be appalled and she told him to ask nicely and say please. The children DO and WILL imitate her behavior and she is too stupid to realize it.
I'm not entirely sure I'm buying into Kate not eating anything at Granny's. I'm willing even to believe she has moved on to special "protein" shakes or whatever that she can make in a hotel room or an RV.
Don't the Duggars have a tricked out bus? Or just a bus, I seem to remember a bus that broke down.
For many a vacation we traveled around the US in a pop-up camper. Well, actually in a truck which pulled the camper which we still have. Best trip ever, and campground ever was DisneyWorld Fort Wilderness. Still have that camper, had to replace the canvas, otherwise in great condition, and the grandkids love to camp with us and hear the stories about their parents "back in the day" while we make new memories.
Now that "Holiday Road" finally left my brain (I wiped it out by playing The Lion King soundtrack LOL) I feel this need to watch "The Big Bus" about the nuclear power bus with Stockard Channing Circa mid 70's...anybody remember that classic? Or Lucille Ball's "The Long Long Trailer"?
While searching for those movies maybe I'll find that life I still need ;)
I can imagine Khate: Ok mommy took you on this wonderful trip that you would NEVER have without ME (me me me...) so what do you say? Everyone together! *clap hands* Go!
I remember when they thanked her for buying the house. I also recall one of the kids asking how much it cost and Kate said, "That's why mommies and daddies work." I just about lost it on that one. They didn't work to buy the house. The kids did.
"I’ve noticed that Khate’s twitter feed has turned into a chat room for the nonfans."
It's turned into a chat room since one fan jumped on there and is tweeting non-stop about details of her personal life, her kids, her husband and her financial situation, with others giving her advice about getting therapy for the kids and leaving her husband. Take it elsewhere!
Flight of the kiwi: The Duggars have a new new used bus they bought last year, it was for a hockey team, but repossessed, only about 2years olds. It's a regular custom tour bus. They got it after having too many breakdowns with the other.
Flight of the Kiwi, the Duggars do have a bus. Jim Bob or whatever his name is bought it from a hockey team that was selling it for a song. While I don't agree with their prolific breeding and forcing older kids to do so much for the younger ones (especially the girls), I do admire how they live their lives. They are extremely frugal, I doubt they owe a dime to anyone and they don't have a problem buying second hand. When they were finishing that house they built, they even bought their appliances from a restaurant that was closing down or something. Again, for a song. They are very humble and wise. They were like this way before TLC came along, and while Kate may have been money-grubbing before TLC came along, she has turned into a demanding diva. The Duggars remain the same.
When you get older and you're invited to a dinner party that was a total drag, and your friend asks you the next day if you had a good time, you don't say no it was a drag. You say it was fun thank you so much for inviting me
Kate is at least raising kids who are gracious and polite and grateful. But it still tells us absolutely nothing about how they really feel.
If Kate is to take credit for gracious and polite kids, she should take some of her own advice. Remember the tweet about the field trip? Something like: "It was dull. Hiking through a mosquito patch" Grace is not her middle name.
Kate has confused manners with control. Heck, it should be spelled Katrol at this point, as it is the main emotion/want/need of her life. She doesn't have OCD, she isn't a germaphobe, she is just obsessed with control. And herself.
I see your point now. Sorry for my misunderstanding. :)
~Hippie Chick~
Hot fun in the summertime: Kate & Jamie have a Jr high/High school mentality. Those of you that have tween/teens, when they are together, they make their own fun, at sometimes the expense of others. Kate & Jamie go into their own world, they could be in the middle of nowhere, and have fun together(I'm not talking sex either) Kate has a mindset of a 12-17 year old. All the 2 of them would need is their Iphone, games, Ipod, laptop, etc. that would keep them busy/happy. Steve would be like the adult to 2 teens, and Ashley/camera crew would be mom and dad to the 10 kids and Cara & Maddie as little moms to the tups. That is why Kate is not tweeting any complaining so far. When Kate has to step up and be a parent she will complain.
Midnight Madness....
There's our POV & Admin's. I still see it from "ours", but I get Admin's assessment as well. Hopefully, the Gosselin kids aren't being nasty but since kate in their mom, who knows? And kids these days? Hmph. I know not all kids should be lumped into one category (my son is a sweetie but how is he with his friends??) but I have seen kids with other kids. I wonder how the Gosselin kids talk about "mom" when she's not around? Interesting...Let the bashing commence!! LOL Oh, those teen years will be just so much fun for Katie! Bwahahaha!!!!
~Hippie Chick~
I hope Cara had a chance to at least see a little of the US-Japan match. Very exciting!
However I did tweet on Khate’s page a couple of months ago just to eventually ask the nonfans to stop it. While one agreed with me, the idea never really went anywhere. THIS would really be the perfect time to do it since Khate is not tweeting,
They know it, but they just keep doing it. In fact, one non-fan just tweeted:
@Kateplusmy8 Sage Sheeple devote entire blog topics to us . :) They wouldn't have a life without us and our tweets.
SO WHY DO IT? I can't, for the life of me, figure this out. They know the tweeting keeps Kate relevant. She reads all of the twattering. They know that the tweeting keeps the sheeple sites alive, but for some weird reason, they enjoy throwing crumbs their way. For Pete's sake, get a tank of tropical fish to feed, or some birds, or a guinea pig and just let the sheeple starve!
Kate & Jamie go into their own world, they could be in the middle of nowhere, and have fun together(I'm not talking sex either) Kate has a mindset of a 12-17 year old
I don't agree. They have champagne tastes. You can't be happy with a beer pocketbook when you're used to spas and being waited on hand and foot in luxury suites, regardless if you have a high school mentality. They've had a taste of the good life. They can't go back to games on a laptop to fulfill their expectations of celebrity treatment. It doesn't work that way.
Flight of the Kiwi said... (sorry to post again Admin!)
While searching for those movies maybe I'll find that life I still need ;)
It sounds like you have an AWESOME life! My parents took my bro & I camping when we were little kids & I begged to go to camp when I was 11 or so, but NOPE. That's why I wanted to give our son the experience & my hubby got to do it & LOVED it. Kate isn't giving these kids a life of socialization with other kids. That's what I remember about my summers. Hanging with the kids from my neighborhood, "pool hopping", staying out all day until dark (different time, but still), a group of us bike riding the trails or hiking, dirt biking with the guys, it was great. And I have life-long friends from that.
Not to mention my gymnastics training for 14 years. Hmm, how DID my parents manage? Gee, they didn't even rake in 5 million. Weird!! Kate needs to rethink HER KIDS priorities. They need to have friends outside of their bubble. Just a thought. How can a parent be so selfish?
~Hippie Chick~
PS Kiwi...Hacuna Matata!! (I looked it up! :) ~Peace~
I have to admit, I get a kick out of reading some of the tweets, just because the sheeple are so darn dumb. This one, for example:
@Kateplusmy8 while ur in the southwest, visit 1 of the many military bases! U'll never feel prouder to be an American! Worth the experience
South Dakota and Wyoming are in the Southwest? When did they move? Kate at a military base? Proud to be an American? Kate, whose favorite country in the whole world is Australia!
...and this one from the same person:
@Kateplusmy8 the desert landscape is so different from the northeast
How do you respond to that one? :) It does make one chuckle, though.
Watching :Child labor Laws in North America on Dateline NBC. 7pm - 8pm. So very sad
I'd like to see all blogging and all tweeting about Kate stopped, giving her no attention at all but that's not going to happen.
South Dakota and Wyoming are in the Southwest? When did they move? Kate at a military base? Proud to be an American? Kate, whose favorite country in the whole world is Australia!
That poor soul first suggested that Kate visit the southwest and the above tweets are a continuation of her suggestion.
That poor soul first suggested that Kate visit the southwest and the above tweets are a continuation of her suggestion.
So that sheeple, after having heard that Kate's been seen in Jackson Hole, still thinks she's in the Southwest - she says, "while ur in the southwest..."? Was this the same one who had no idea where South Dakota/Mt. Rushmore is located?
Poor soul indeed!
I think from reading BigFanofKateG's tweets that perhaps she should be considered outside the range of ridicule. I think she is doing the best with what she was given and sounds like a very sweet and guileless woman.
Ooops. Just posted that I thought BigFanofKateG's should be safe from ridicule. I did not mean I thought anyone here had done that. Really. I just have started picking up on her innocence and didn't want her childlike tweeting to be misconstrued. Sorry, sorry, sorry if I appeared to be chiding anyone. I wasn't.
PJ's Mommy re: The Duggars/Kate comparison
I agree that tbe Duggar's seem to be consistent in their beliefs and how they present themselves unlike Kate.
That being said, let's be honest that they have had help. They had worked on their house for three years, both the family but also contractors in their community who donated time or worked for pay, and it was still hardly finished. They had sold their previous home and were living in a rental that was scheduled for demolition so they had to finish the house pronto. With the help of TLC/Discovery and donations from their community (which included some of the appliances, although they did also purchase some on the cheap as you said), the house was finished by the deadline. Then,TLC/Discovery hired a professional interior designer to help with decorating the set...I mean the home.
Yes unlike Kate the Duggar's do show appreciation and graciousness. But they don't do it all on their own either. And while I think neither Jim Bob or Michelle are the type to blow through the money they do make, I wonder if each child gets 15% or do they have to split 15%? Or does the family just get a lump sum? Makes you remember that even if they are nicer, the Duggars are still making a profit off their family and in that regard are no better than Kate.
Will this woman ever, ever take her kids anywhere on vacation while spending her own dime? Telling Mommy thanks just sounds so awful considering the kids are still "working" for their supper. So insincere and heartless, don't you think? Kate knows they are working and wouldn't even be in any vacation setting if they were not filming for the "show." I agree with everyone who believes all talk of Kate must stop. She is sickening.
I think she is doing the best with what she was given and sounds like a very sweet and guileless woman.
Is she the one who had a grocery store coupon for Kate, wanted to meet her somewhere in Hershey, and pleaded with her to let her come to Kate's house when she was alone on the Fourth of July? I don't follow all of her tweets, but doesn't she tell Kate where she's going and what time she will be back, and tweets her when she's in a store buying exercise shorts, or when she's at the market buying salad ingredients?
Isn't it sometimes the ones who appear sweet and innocent who pose the most threat when they are ignored? Things are not always as they seem.
When we went on vacation, I would go to AAA and get maps of each state ( one year it was Nevada, Idaho, Oregon and Calif.) and as we went from city to city they would use a marker to mark the map as we went along. of course they always had fun doing this and would fight over who got to mark the map next!! And at the end of vacation they would remember the smallest town that we went through and to this day (20 years later) can talk about it!
This is one time I actually agree with a twatting sheeple:
@Chablis4u @Underwalt @kateplusmy8 @jongosselin1 Your eyes are brown from all your bullsh*t! Kate Gosselin has ALWAYS acted like a mother
So true! She has always ACTED like a mother - on television. There's a world of difference between acting like a mother and really being one.
I don't think "BigFan" thought that Kate was in the SW according to these earlier tweets below. She liked the SW and gave Kate ideas on what to see there if she goes.
@Kateplusmy8 Hi K8, have fun! not really interested in that locale but may be watching ur episode will steer me in another direction
@Kateplusmy8 K8, I used to live in the southwest. Places like Santa Fe, NM r really interesting to me & different. U should see that too
2 hours ago
I am 55 years old and remember the hippie era. In my community in Nova Scotia we had about 18 of them settle there. The hippies had granny glasses, long hair and bell bottoms. They settled/squatted the land. The owner could have evicted them but he was an open soul.
I remember these hippies who farmed the land and grew their hair long. The biggest thing I remembered, that made them hippies, was their stand against the Vietnam war and that they were draft dodgers. Well, that, and the maryjane they smoked on a regular basis. My community, of 100 people, had a rude awakening when their crop of marijuana was found. Back then, only hippies grew marijuana. Wasn't long after that the commune moved to parts unknown. Nobody knew where they moved to.
Long and short of this history lesson is that I disrespect anybody who is trying to call themselves a hippie and who is too young to know what a hippie (historically) is. I don't thin anybody under 50 knows what a hippie is. That phrase DOESn't belong to this generation
Am I buvvred, yes I am. Is this face buvvred, yes it is.
Our British friends will pick right up on this
I don't think "BigFan" thought that Kate was in the SW according to these earlier tweets below. She liked the SW and gave Kate ideas on what to see there if she goes.
In one of her last tweets she said, "while ur in the southwest, visit 1 of the many military bases! U'll never feel prouder to be an American! Worth the experience."
WHILE UR IN THE SOUTHWEST, not "if you go to the Southwest."
I'm not sure how else you could interpret that.
Thanks, Ingrid. You explained it better than I did.
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