While the rest of America has been busy with fireworks, backyard BBQs, and time with family and friends, Kate has been sleeping (per her own admission) or on Twitter most of the weekend, exercising her Freedom of Speech to bash Jon. In addition to accusing him of not taking the kids to church even though she asked him to (while in the same breath admitting she slept in this Sunday), Kate also retweeted a fan's tweet that "Jon ruined that family but she healed it," and thanked her.
Kate, we don't think parental alienation is what our Forefathers had in mind when they carved out the First Amendment.
228 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 228 Newer› Newest»She is mentally ill, I think that is a prerequisite to be on a reality show these days. Jon is one smart cookie, he got away, he stayed away and no matter how much she jabs at him he is ignoring her. Good job Jon!
I wonder if Kate, or her fans, will ever realize how silly she looks basically having an argument with herself.
Jon isn't listening, he is flat out ignoring all these little (and not so little) jabs, not saying a darn thing. Not even, it seems, taking her to court.
It's like when you pass by a crazy person in the city pacing back and forth yelling about something, but there is no one around. That's what you look like, Kate. Congrats!
It's simply beyond pathetic what she continues to say about the father of her children. Perhaps she truly deserves to spend a glorious summer holiday alone in her me-mine mansion attached to her phone and her equally pathetic twitter nation. And with no tv time scheduled for this whole long month, the twitting is only going to get more intense, more hysterical. But enough of her today - wishing you all a wonderful 4th of July.
One day, the kids will all see this bashing of their father. On twitter, on TV in interviews, on their OWN show. I don't understand how Kate can keep doing this, bad-mouthing Jon & still claim to love her kids so much. What I don't understand is WHY she is still allowed to talk about Jon in such a way. Where's the gag order?
I know a couple who just separated & they are the most loving couple towards each other & their 2 kids. They NEVER bash one another. My husband & I are friends with both of them & we see them separately. Not one time has he bitched about her or she bitched about him. They have nothing but lovely & wonderful things to say about one another. The other day, the guy was over with the boy swimming with my son & the boy got out & said "When are we going to see Mom?" & my friend said "In about an hour". When his son left, I asked how the arrangement was working out. He said, couldn't be better, they talk all the time, they are hoping to reconcile but right now they are just talking...
It's called maturity!!! Kate can't see it. Her twitterers LOVE hearing the bashing. It keeps them right there with her, with the DRAMA! I can't stand people who surround themselves with drama. So pathetic. Grow up Kate, you evil monster. Stop bashing Jon. He is being a good dad! More than we can say about you're parenting!
~Hippie Chick~
The 'thang' has no couth, no class, no manners, no empathy, no compassion, no brains....the list could go on and on :))
On the other thread somebody said it sounds as though she's depressed. My thoughts are who cares. Really, after all she has done to her children and Jon who the hell has one spark of compassion for her.
I sort of feel sorry for her sometimes. But it's a different kind of sorry than I feel for the kids.
I feel sorry for her that she is so pathetic and depressed and has built her house of cards on a sandbar. I feel sorry that there are people this pathetic and shallow out there.
Here's something that gave me a chiuckle, hope it gives you guys one too...
“Bin Laden was living in his compound with nine women and 23 children. It sounds like he was shooting a reality show for TLC.” –Jimmy Kimmel
Hope everyone is having a great holiday weekend! We spent the weekend at the lake with extended family, 2 of our nieces and their kids. So much fun!
You know what is sad. I have absolutely no doubt that in Kate's pea-brain she really believes she showers her children with true love. I don't think she has the capacity or capability to realize that a loving mother wouldn't enslave her children to support her. A loving mother would never speak to her children or treat her children as badly as Kate does.
As has been said before, Kate hates Jon more than she loves her kids. She has far more hate for him than love for the kids. If she really loved the kids, she either wouldn't say anything about Jon at all, or say only kind things.
Jon has gotten to the point where he loves the kids more than he hates Kate, which most sane normal people should have gotten to now after what is it, over TWO YEARS SINCE THEY SPLIT? I mean really, Kate.
Kate's back to twattering every minute.
Doesn't she have ANY family or friends she could go be with today?
Far2ManyIdiots Touche
@tainslie1 @Kateplusmy8 I think it's very hard for Kate. She always remains respectful but I'm sure there's a lot of awful things re. Jon
10 minutes ago
in reply to ↑
Kate Gosselin
@Far2ManyIdiots @tainslie1 You hit the nail square on the head (even though nail heads are round, I know)!!!
And the bashing continues in a not so veiled fashion. Kate is just letting her tweeties do the dirty work for her. They say things that she wants to put out there, and she just agrees enthusiastically.
What a bunch of minions. She's got deniability, somewhat. It's just like her saying that she doesn't put anything out there, just responds to set the record straight.
Uh huh.
I truly wonder if at this point there is something Jon can do, because someone is lying. That's undeniable. Either Kate is spreading rumors that Jon is a lousy father and person in general, or it is true.
So far, I hate to say, Kate's plan is working.
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@ @EmCr68 @LEIGHSHAHAN1 Omg thank god for you both! My kids hav already divided me up when I'm old tho so I think I'm safe lol!
Yes I am sure they absolutely have divided her up. It's you take her, no YOU take her, NO YOU.
No matter how much Kate bates him Jon remains silent and even if he's remaining silent becasue there's still a gag order in place until 2012 (reportedly) he is the adult in the "relationsip" and the high-road-taker. Hopefully he's the same with the kids and doesn't bash her in private to them. Kate really brings out the Jersey in me.....she's a douch, asshat total gavone!
I found this exchange interesting:
Kate, please, type shorter tweets and use correct spelling! Your 'txtng' spelling is a terrible example to today's students.
@BarbInNebraska @Kateplusmy8
She won't listen to you because Kate is never wrong.
@acemme @Kateplusmy8
is doing her young fans a big disservice by using the texting spelling. Her own children will be terrible spellers!
My 8 r amazing spellers,like me!100% on spelling tests r usual.Twitter etqu is diff. U can go on,but I won't answer,thx.
Yes, Kate won't listen because she is never wrong.
Jon, how you ever put up with her for 10 years is beyond me. Where did you come up with such patience?
Her own fans have actually asked her NICELY, POLITELY, SEVERAL TIMES to please when she tweets to use proper English (so it's understandable for pity sake!) and if she cannot fit all her stupid thoughts in one tweet, to break it up into several tweets. They have asked her so nicely!
She of course, refuses their simple, REASONABLE request.
Now they know what it's like to be Jon.
Just wondering... If a father says he no longer wants his kids to film, what entity is allowed to block this? Court/TLC? He wanted his kids to have the privacy the kids deserved years ago.
Once the contract ends in Feb 2012, if not sooner, will Jon have any parental rights to block filming and if so, why not? I would think so, HE IS THEIR FATHER.
If Both Jon and Kate are capable of producing income beyond TLC (they both are) FOR THE 8 CHILDLREN THEY BOTH CHOSE TO HAVE, why would there be a need for ongoing filming OF THE KIDS? JON, THEIR FATHER, IS OPPOSED TO FILMING AS HE STATED YEARS AGO. And the Court ingnored him.
He needs to stick to his guns and say I will pay support without the kids filming.
The Judge needs to back off and assess each parent's ability to pay Child Support, if Jon wishes for his children to no longer be filmed. He is their father! The filming issue is up to BOTH parents, not the Judge.
Then BOTH parents must support the kids at whatever amounts determined by the Court that they can pay for their children's upkeep. As it should have been from the onset. There is nothing saying the kids must attend private schools or film to support their own educations, as family circumstances change constantly. Maybe the kids can scholarship to the school as many of us have done. Or Kate can anty up the money she has been hoarding for herself! 5 Million net worth! $250,000 per episode, perks, book revenues, etc.. this Judge sounds like he doesn't have a clue and is bamboozeled by celebrity/TLC.
Wowser, the twit fest is intense this morning - guess she did everything on her 'list' yesterday. I agree with Admin, you have to feel so somewhat sorry for her, but in a very general way - this is a situation created entirely by herself. And really, there appears to be no one to come and grill, swim or sit on her leather couch with her today. Too bad there are no volunteer opps for give back Kate when she has so much free time. Maybe she could set up a Paypal account and charge the tweeters for all this advice.
Happy 4th to everyone! Now about Twittle Dumb, did she not just 1 month ago cry to Meredith about Jon only taking the kids every other weekend? Now she complains about not having the kids this weekend and about her aloneness. Whats wrong with this woman? The church thingy she mentioned, yeah right Kate Gosselin, we use to see you photographed by your personal fella,named Chris ,take shots of you going to the nail salon with your Hooker outfits on Sundays, hmmm. I believe Jon still attends church but not this one, well, unless they decide to pass the grifting basket to her at the end, after all she does remind her Twatters that she has 8 kids to feed. :{ Everyone have a nice Holiday with friends and family. Seems like the Grifter will be spending the day with her Twatters alone in the McMansion.
Admin said...She of course, refuses their simple, REASONABLE request.
Now they know what it's like to be Jon.
Exactly. Maybe Jon should write a book using that title, "What It Was Like To be Jon, A Horror Story."
She is beyond infuriating. Kate won't even break up her tweets or use one of the the apps for tweeting using more characters.
I see she's focusing her tweets almost completely on the fans who slobber over her the most. Being as depressed, bored and unmotivated as she is, she uses them to bolster her up so she can get through a few hours. They are her enablers, they temporarily convince her that she is as great as she thinks she is, then she begins to doubt herself and needs them again.
"Jon ruined that family but she healed it,"
Well, Katie, seems to the rest of us that YOUR father ruined HIS family and your mother did nothing. You are very damaged goods and you ooze mental illness.
Mr. Kreider shouldnt be publicly bashed anymore than Cara's and Leah's daddy should be. TRY to just fake a modicum of respect for a few other people, one's you CLAIM to love.
Just Curious: did you notice a couple of the tweeters are taking ass kissing to a whole new level? Like "you are such a young woman, how did you get to be so wise?"
She eats that crap up, of course. Twitter is just a little ego-stroking machine for her.
I doubt her kids are as complimentary and gushing with love for her as she makes them out to be (on film, I see them not giving her hugs or kisses, listening stiffly, not being warm around her because it's what they've learned). She doesn't have Jon to kick around and demand praise from anymore. I highly doubt the camera crew indulges her very much. She doesn't seem to have actual friends. No family members in her life. TLC seems to be mostly ignoring her calls. And do we even know if Purse Boy is still on the TLC payroll? I wouldn't be surprised if he were gone.
So she's left with the over-the-top adulation of a dozen people on Twitter. Sad. The Fourth of July, when most people are with family and friends, she's sitting alone in the mine-all-mine mansion, fingers glued to the phone, looking for validation and ego-stroking. Pathetic, really, but you reap what you sow.
I'm sorry, but the fact that she "tweets" at all is so juvenile, idiotic, and inane. She's a lazy, lying, manipulative, shallow bitch--nothing has changed.
MiloandJack has been pushing Kate to run with Shoka, although Milo's dog tripped her on an outing and she fell. Kate just answered her: "So I can trip on him &be snapped falling?"
Really? One: Has there been ANY evidence that ANYONE is out there snapping her since the product series with the red Guess shoes? Two: When confronted with possible injury your first thought is about the PICTURE the paps are going to take? I thought her skin was so tough nothing bothered her. If that is true then why would you worry about the appearance first? Somehow I forget what I look like when I am running. I have not, though, ever been pursued relentlessly by cameras so maybe I'm the weird one.
And as an aside:
MiloandJack often refers to herself as FiredUp, her blog ID. I looked up what referring to yourself in the third person means and it is a sign of narcissism. (I find her tweets irritating and skip most now.)
"Identifying and Understanding the Narcissistic Personality: Referring to yourself in the third person creates distance between "I" and "he." So if you have an exaggerated view of how great you are, you could be using this distance to make yourself even bigger:"
Read more: http://www.esquire.com/features/third-person-1108#ixzz1R9dRQfFq
I see these tweets from her & SO want to go off on her on Twitter. Badly. But then it's like, Why bother? I will get nasty tweets back from her nasty fans, she won't bother answering me, & it's a useless endeavor. Kate is ALWAYS right...it's infuriating. I want to call her on all of her BS. I twittered her a couple times about her magic bra, & one twitter to her just said lie lie lie over & over & "NotKateGosselin" twittered me "you go girl!" (They Hate her & say nasty things about her daily)
If Kate wanted a twitter so badly, she needs to answer some important questions about her past & own up to her lies. And STOP throwing Jon under the bus dammit. I have never seen a celeb on twitter do this, EVER. Then again, Kate is NO celeb, but even Z-listers don't do this, or even D-listers, it is SUCH a bad career move. OK kate, you want to move on to other TV gigs? Good luck with that with all of this twitter nonsense & ex-bashing. Won't happen. People know who are now: A reality TV has been who sits on twitter all day bashing her ex husband talking to teenagers. Way to go!!
~Hippie Chick~
When is the last time there has been any pap pics of her jogging???? It's been at least six months!
They don't hang out at the house anymore as far as we can tell. Remember a few weekends ago she was bitching about the paps at the house? Um, where are the pics Kate?
Of course Kate's kids are terrific spellers. She would ALLOW nothing else but perfection. Come on Kate all 8 kids are good at spelling? Will you ever admit..
1. that your kids are not perfect and may have difficulties?
2. That despite Mady and Cara & all the others sharing birthdays they are INDIVIDUALS.
Please treat them as such and allow them to have their individual strengths and weakness & love them for themselves.
Missed this little gem earlier:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@Far2ManyIdiots Its called life.&I've had quite a go so far! U either learn from wut ur dealt move forward happily(me) or grow old/bitter!
She'd probably drive a therapist to alcoholism!
My 8 r amazing spellers,like me!100% on spelling tests r usual.Twitter etqu is diff. U can go on,but I won't answer,thx.
Like me. Me, me, me ,me,me, my, my, my, my, I, I, I, I..... it is ALWAYS about ME - Kate the Queen..... Me oh my!!!
Happy and Safe 4th of July to all!
Just Curious said...
She'd probably drive a therapist to alcoholism!
Truer words have never been spoken!!
@dowd24 We all need our mommies don't we? :)
But, Kate, your mommie didn't know how to help you, and because of it, your own children don't see their grandparents!
I laughed when I read about making 100s on spelling tests. I have been a teacher for 25 years, and no longer give the "words on Monday, test on Friday." It does not work. The children memorize the words for the list, and then spell those same words incorrectly in a journal entry or creative writing ON THE SAME DAY AS THE TEST. There is very little transfer from list to real writing. The better schools and districts are using more modern forms of teaching spelling. So the 100s mean nothing.
Admin, I just want to point out again that not only did Khate retweet what the sheeple tweeted, and add her thanks, Khate also said it was KIND of the sheeple to tweet that Jon “ruined” the family (the part in CAPS is Khate's reply):
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
RT @_Marci_M_ @MiloandJack I have watched show 4ever..love her&think Jon ruined that family but she healed it @Kateplusmy8 OMG, SO KIND,THX!
3 Jul
As I sit here tired from a weekend of barbecues and birthday parties, looking forward to the fireworks with friends tonight, something comes to mind. Khate claims to be best friends with Jamie, right? And, if I recall correctly, Jamie lives in Michigan? Well, I'm wondering whether Khate ever sees Jamie WITHOUT the kids there and TLC FILMING it??? From what I’ve read, Jamie has been there mostly (only?) to go on trips with Khate as a helper, all part of filming EPISODES. Then, there was the fake, phony "surprise" Jamie gave her by showing up to take her to NYC to FILM her birthday weekend. And what was that, two weeks in advance? Lol, it had to fit in with TLC's FILMING schedule. It was NOT an act of friendship, or even Jamie’s idea, by any stretch of the imagination. It was all concocted by TLC as an idea for another EPISODE, and all arrangements were made by TLC. Her “friend” Jamie just showed up.
So, it appears that Jamie is ONLY there to take free trips and film EPISODES. I think it is indisputable at this point, based on her own tweets, that Khate’s extremely bored and lonely on the weekends she’s alone, without the kids. If Jamie is such a great friend, WHY did she not invite Khate to go visit her for this three day weekend? You know, come over for a couple of nights, you can be back by Monday before the kids come home, we're having friends, family, neighbors over for a barbecue, one night we'll go to see fireworks, etc. In fact, has Khate EVER mentioned going to Jamie's house??? Or for that matter, Jamie could have come and visited Khate this weekend, or any weekend when Khate is alone, all alone.
It just seems to be rather obvious at this point that even her "friend" Jamie is only there for free trips and filming episodes (and she's probably paid for that). Plus, Khate clearly does NOTHING and goes nowhere unless it’s to FILM an EPISODE.
Also, didn’t Khate tweet something last weekend that people wouldn’t know if and when she spends time with her family? Really, Khate? Well, if you want people to not think that you are not totally estranged from all your family, then STOP tweeting on your weekends alone that all you are doing is sleeping, hanging around watching movies all alone, and tweeting! If she in fact has ANY relationship with ANY of her siblings or parents, don’t you think somebody would have had a barbecue this Fourth of July weekend and invited her over?
Yeah, I want to feel sorry for her....but then I remember that she created this isolating, miserable, lonely existence for herself and she deserves it. At this point, I am actually happy for the kids that they can get out of that isolated compound (without TLC filming) and have some fun in the real world with Jon, like normal families do.
Yikes, I just checked Twitter and she’s been tweeting since 7:30 am, about 70 tweets already today. She’s tweeted hundreds of times this weekend. Pathetic.
Happy 4th everyone! As I thank God in His heaven for the safe return of my soldier son-in-law, I continue to pray for the safety of all our troops. I pray for the families that my daughter and son-in-law will visit all day today, the ones whose soldier did not make it home. So proud of my giving 36 year old daughter who is spending her holiday weekend lovingly and modestly doing for others. Tomorrow she goes back to her j.o.b. as an advisor at a university.
Wow, a picnic for us with friends on Friday, cook out at my sister's on Saturday, we had other friends over here on Sunday, and we are expecting a dozen or so loved ones in about an hour. More grilling, salads, fruit, music, bonfire... and fireworks 4 nights in a row! I am so blessed and happy today!
I pity you Katie Irene. Money can't buy you love or happiness can it? You are all alone this weekend just like you are any other holiday, unless someone is being forced or paid to be near you.
No one wants you, no one ever will until you decide to seek intense treatment for your mental illness. You more than halfway to permanently destroying your life, but you MIGHT be able to turn it around if you get treatment NOW.
Gotta go now, love to all and 'see' you later in the week!
By the way, caught Kate in her lie. Her kids are great spellers? What about this sign she posted herself where they wrote "No boys ulad." Ulad, Kate????
Here's the thing, it's okay if your kids aren't perfect, Kate! They're just kids and they are just learning. It does not have to be a reflection on you if a kid missteps now and again! It's okay if a kid spells allowed that way. NOT EVERY DARN THING YOUR KIDS DO IS ABOUT YOU!
Oh, and I completely agree with Hook Em Horns about the Friday spelling tests. I think all that rewards is kids who can memorize, not kids actually digesting and committing the material and understanding why words are spelled the way they are. (I think one component of a better way is to teach kids word roots and origins and other languages English is derived from)
This simple Monday-Friday method was how I was taught spelling, and I did not find it particularly successful. It's okay for Kate to admit her shortcomings, too. Kate, it's OKAY to be who you are you don't have to be perfect. You do the best you can with what your background was and if the school system failed you in some way, it's okay you make the best of it and you don't have to be in denial about it or get so defensive. I guess since the sheeple have spent so much of their time making fun of little mistakes "haters" make Kate is afraid they may turn on her too?
I can't remember the last weekend I had absolutely nothing going on. I don't consider myself necessarily overbooked or overly social, I just thought it was normal to always have something going on every weekend. That's what I've observed of most people I know, we're busy. Seems to me from what I've heard here, this is the norm for folks here, too.
I find the whole idea of Kate staying home doing laundry being on twatter all day long charging her phone and sleeping--with rarely a weekend plan besides filming the kids, to be downright ODD in this day in age of go, go, go.
Hey, maybe Kate has it right. Maybe we should all relax more and sleep.
Kate's morning complaints:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@purplemomsie I may in time for my kids2get home today if I get motivated! I've slept more this wkend than I hav in yrs&I feel refreshed!
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@Far2ManyIdiots Well nonmotivated really so just relaxing! :)
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@Far2ManyIdiots Totally agree. Need to get my butt in gear...
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@Far2ManyIdiots Lol. I would never consider myself lazy (&don't like to even use that word on anyone) but sometimes we r all nonmotivated!
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@MiloandJack Laundry and clean up. Trying to convince myself to run....not working too well today!
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@MiloandJack I slept sooo much this weekend! so happy to have caught up! Working all week on surprise ep wore me out! Lol lol!Such a tease!
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@MiloandJack My own advice used on me... I'm needing to change it up a bit! I've done all roads in ten mile radius a mil X's and I'm bored!
Whew! I'm exhausted just reading them.
I was watching Celebrity Rehab last night. Amy Fisher stormed out of rehab because she felt the camera's were invading her privacy and were in her face. One of Dr. Drew's assistant said that she doesn't know why the camera's were such an issue as this is what Amy signed up for...it wasn't forced on her. Then after all the drama, she comes back in. During her session with Dr. Drew, she stated how Hollywood, producers,the paparazzi, etc. ruined her life. Dr. Drew stated to the camera that Amy is going to have a hard time in rehab if she continues to blame the world for all the decisions she made in life and doesn't start to take responsibiliy for her actions. This whole scene reminded me of Kate. Wants the attention but then complaines about it.
I can just see her eyes turning dark when she reads something remotely unfavorable about herself...in this case her spelling. I call bs on her not being affected by negative comments. It obviously drives her crazy.
And while I'm at it, I'll call bs about her doing laundry today too. OR jogging...2X a day...no less. Sure ya do, Kate.
It's like she's on some kind of Fourth of July lying marathon to keep herself entertained.
Kate likes her "Aloneness":
Aloneness: unaccompanied, unescorted, solitary, by oneself, on one's own, by ones's lonesome, solo, solus, unattented, isolated, unassisted, unaided, unhelped.
Yep, that is what Kate is, when the kids are with Jon and she is not filming. Is it by choice? I don't think so, but she has no one to blame but herself! Just her alone with her nasty, bitter self and a stack of laundry.
Another of her many tweets from today:
@Far2ManyIdiots I'm still so proud of my/our accomplishments... There u go!
Notice how she typed "my" followed by a slash "our." She couldn't just say "OUR" accomplishments, without the "my" in there. My, my, my, and me, me, me. Does she realize that she's doing this? Doesn't she read what she's tweeting, or is she just incapable of figuring out that the world doesn't revolve around her? She IS her own universe!
What accomplishments might those be? Money? Material possessions? Traveling?
No accomplishments were made on her part as far as giving of herself, freely, to charity, helping others. Her success, if you can call it that, came at the expense of her children being work horses. She has no idea that accomplishments are achieved by being a generous, giving, kind, caring, grateful, appreciative person. The accomplishments that come from within are what really matters - not a million dollar house, dancing with the stars, or being sloshed at a bar in New York City.
RE: Kate staying home on a holiday when the kids are with Jon.
Jamie Cole Stubbs has her own life to live. She has a (fairly) new husband who may be very close to his own family and wants to spend the holiday with Jamie and his family. Who would want Kate Gosselin showing up to tell Grandpa
he doesn't know how to grill chicken properly?
Or complain that they forgot the feta cheese for her salad? Or talk about herself all day long?
Also, don't you know that Kate is too famous to
go to ordinary places? It was the reason she once gave for not going to church, so it might work for her for not going to the cookouts of
non-famous people in Michigan. Besides, with all the bills in her purse, however would she pay for a plane ticket? TLC isn't going to provide first class seats or a limo ride for Kate to not eat corn on the cob and Flag Cake.
So why bother at all?
When asked about her dog running with her, Kate responded:
@MiloandJack So I can trip on him &be snapped falling? Lol.No thx..Seriously,I will at sum point but I run 2 far 4him & can't go 2X/day!
Poor dear is still under the delusion that there is a myriad of paps out there just waiting to snap her picture.
Her own fans have actually asked her NICELY, POLITELY, SEVERAL TIMES to please when she tweets to use proper English (so it's understandable for pity sake!) and if she cannot fit all her stupid thoughts in one tweet, to break it up into several tweets. They have asked her so nicely!
She of course, refuses their simple, REASONABLE request.
Now they know what it's like to be Jon.
And they're still fans of her?
Hot Fun In The Summertime said... Poor dear is still under the delusion that there is a myriad of paps out there just waiting to snap her picture.
She's really got that Norma Desmond syndrome going!
Kate, Norma Desmond is a character in a movie, a delusional, washed up, lonely "stah" who thinks' she's in great demand but was washed up years ago.
Kate's alone, sleeping and tweeting all weekend. It seems like she is getting a glimpse of her future when the kids are gone and she's left all alone with no family or friends, only her kitchen window and her "mine, all mine land as far as the eye can see," along with one or two tweetie buddies who desperately want to come to her house to help her clean her kitchen.
Where is Stevie-boy right now? Did he desert her to be with his family on a holiday weekend?
I agree that Kate believes in her own little mind that what she is doing is best for her kids and that she makes the ultimiate sacrifices for them. Naricissistic, delusional, whatever you want to call her she believes she does now wrong. I also think it is absolutely without a doubt killing her that Jon is laying low and behaving himself. She loved nothing more when people were bashing him and feeling sorry for her. That's why, in my opinion, she still feels the need to constantly try and make him look bad. She loves the poor, poor Kate attention she got when he was out acting crazy. I always thought that period was him going through a hard time with the divorce and the "new" money he acquired. I always thought Jon was the more down to earth, loving parent of the two. Kate's perfect little world she tried to create for herself is beginning to fall apart around her and she has no one to blame but herself. It's not going to be pretty. Unbelievable that she is practically begging for gigs on her Twitter. She'll stoop to any low to keep that money flowing in like it has been. ITA her Twittering is what's is ultimately going to be the end of he life if luxury and fame. If we think she's bashing Jon now just wait. It's only going to get worse. She will blame him for it all and make his life even more miserable if that's possible.
I'm an early adaptor of all things tech. I've been on Twitter since 2007. I follow many fellow educators and have learned a lot about teaching and using tech in my classroom. I also follow a lot of Catholics and read their blogs and learn more about my faith. I even follow the Pope and received his tweet last week!
I follow over 3,000 people and the only one who uses texting spelling among my followers is Kate. Using the excuse that it's Twitter etiquette to use texting spelling is just that, an excuse.
Two teachers have already posted upstream that the Friday Spelling tests don't make you a good speller. Transferring the spelling words in real writing makes you a good speller. Using texting spelling over and over will cause you to forget the real way to spell a word. I wonder how this generation will do in the workforce if they keep this up. Spell check doesn't always work.
At least 5 of Kate's 'yes men' tweeted me back about this issue. I was wondering if this could turn into a bullying situation with verbal harassment. I do believe that her followers are young girls or very young women.
It is really sad that she bashes her childrens' father like this. In all the episodes I watched at the beginning he was the one doing a lot for those kids. She even wanted him home and not at work because she could not do it herself. He clothed the kids, bathed them, and when it was known a few kids had cavities, she blamed the toothbrushing on him too. He tried all he could to live with a witch like her but she didn't want anyone in her way of fame. It is really sad that anyone would berate this man for him doing his best to take care of the kids and his family. Years before the split, everyone was saying he should "run, as fast as you can." because they all wondered how he could live with a woman like her. Sadly she can't let anyone else be happy.
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@MiloandJack I slept sooo much this weekend! so happy to have caught up! Working all week on surprise ep wore me out! Lol lol!Such a tease!
I wonder if she ever stops to think that if she is that worn out, then maybe her children are as well. I loathe this woman!
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
RT @_Marci_M_ @MiloandJack I have watched show 4ever..love her&think Jon ruined that family but she healed it @Kateplusmy8 OMG, SO KIND,THX!
Y'know, the more I think about it, Kate response makes it clear just how “off the charts” her need for validation is. She thinks of her family as a TV show, so in her mind she is correct: Jon DID ruin the family. When he halted filming he threw a monkey wrench into “the family”, and the show’s ratings never recovered after Jon left “the family”. They’re um, ruined, and it’s all Jon’s fault! God bless that little tweetie for reading Kate's mind!
I agree with Barb in Nebraska that using texting spelling will mess up your spelling. For as long as I can remember, I've been a good speller. It just came naturally to me. My father was a post secondary educator and my first job, when I was 8, was grading his class papers for spelling. I made $.50 an hour. When I was 10, I became the youngest person to ever win our county spelling bee, and I even made it as far as Washington one year. When I was in college, I was required to take a Phonetics course. That seriously messed up my spelling. I still have occasional problems, and I'd hate to tell you how long ago that class was.
I feel very sorry for Kate's children. It must be impossible to try to grow up being required to be perfect at all times. To never be allowed to make a mistake. One of my professors in college said once that the person who has never made a mistake has never learned anything. Kate's raising her children to be emotionally stunted, inactive, and intellectually dead. I shudder to think what their lives will be like as adults.
Barb in Nebraska and those who agree TwitEnglish
is potentially harmful to developing minds.....
I could not agree more. I was a swimmer and my coach was fond of saying "what you practice when it doesn't count will show up when it does count." In other words, if you want to be a good speller, spell correctly all the time and it will become a good habit.
I guess, by extension, we could say "if you want to be a charitable person/good mommy/good
friend, practice being charitable/a good mommy/good friend daily."
Barb, bless you for your interest in growing in your faith. I'm not Catholic, but appreciate all people who study, follow and grow in the faith of their choice. And a tweet from the Pope must have been a very exciting surprise!
Paige, honey, just GIVE UP.
Kate has disposed of you.
My 8 r amazing spellers,like me!100% on spelling tests r usual.Twitter etqu is diff. U can go on,but I won't answer,thx.
But she DID answer in her own egotistical way, didn't she? And Kate a good speller? That is like saying that Patrick Dempsey is a REAL brain surgeon. Sorry honey, he just plays one on TV. She is a real nut job huh? WTH is etqu? Kate is probably the WORST twatter I have ever seen. Most people will answer in a couple of tweets, making sure people get the gist, especially if it's important. They even have a 'twit longer' thing so you can really get your point across. But oh no, not Kate, just do ur thng & gt it out thr so ppl no wut ur syng.
How is this one Kate? dmb btc. And her abbreviations are strange to me. I know everyone has their own way of doing things, but "what" for example to me is wht, not wut. (then again, I make sure I have room for all my letters or make 2 tweets) Little things like that. Anyone else find that odd?
~Hippie Chick~
She's really got that Norma Desmond syndrome going!
Yes, she does. Reminds me of the Columbo episode, "Forgotten Lady," starring Janet Leigh as an aging star who spends all of her time watching her old shows and wants to get back into the entertainment industry again:
Janet Leigh 1 Holder @1:15.
Sheeple tweeted: "@Kateplusmy8 rough patch l8ly. after reading I just want u 2 kno I see god has been screaming @me 2. Thanks 4 reminding me he's still here"
What the heck does this mean? How did Kate remind anyone that God is still here?
Forgotten Lady: Or the Bette Davis character in "Whatever Happened To Baby Jane."
Haha, a sheeple had to remind Kate to switch her laundry from the washer to the dryer. Kate: OOPs! One wonders how she ever survived before.
LOL this has certainly been an entertaining long weekend.
Haha, a sheeple had to remind Kate to switch her laundry from the washer to the dryer. Kate: OOPs!
LOL this has certainly been an entertaining long weekend.
Administrator said... When is the last time there has been any pap pics of her jogging???? It's been at least six months!
They don't hang out at the house anymore as far as we can tell. Remember a few weekends ago she was bitching about the paps at the house? Um, where are the pics Kate?
Amen, Admin.... Amen. I don't know why this bothers me so much, but I could just scream when Kate assures her twatters and sheeples that her every move is monitored by the paps. As you said, WHERE ARE THESE PHOTOS? I don't know what's more pathetic, Kate pretending she's relevant enough to have paps follow her or the sheeple believing it.
Sheeple, here's how it REALLY works. The paparazzi take photos of stars, athletes and other people of note so they can sell the photos to INF Daily, Splash News, X17 video, etc. and the tabloids & glossies. The photos are purchased, published and the pap makes money. We see the photos in magazines and online. We no longer see photos of Kate. Rarely ever. And when we do it's pics from Chris the pap from INF because he happens to live in Philly, reportedly Kate calls him and tips him off. Or the good old days when TLC used to pay her to travel, sometimes if paps would be in the area anyway (NYC) they'd take a few shots. Kate can shout from the highest mountain (as she has been known to do) that she is stalked by the paps, the truth is she is not. They don't take pictures of people who do not sell nor do they travel to the middle of nowhere on their own dimes to take pictures of people who don't sell.
Even more weird, when locals confirm that they haven't seen a pap outside the mansion for 2 years, the sheeple go into a frenzy trying to identify the local, prove them wrong, call their employer, zillow their house, all kinds of batshit crazyness. Instead of just considering the fact that Kate might be lying.
Kate's continued bashing of Jon and not standing up to her twatters when they do it, is clear evidence that she is the one who has not moved on. She is firmly stuck in 2009. The glory days when paps were staked out at her house and Jon was wilding out. When People mag had her on speed dial and at the ready to give a sympathetic interview extolling how "strong" she was. When other publications constantly praised how she was the rock for her kids when their father checked out.
It's now mid 2011 and Jon is gainfully employed, in a stable, healthy relationship and sees the kids regularly. In comparason, Kate's show is floundering, she snubbed Sarah Palin and two of her kindergartners were expelled. She has tried her damnedest on talk shows to make him look bad in an effort to make herself look better and he won't take the bait.
She has trained her twatterers that Jon bashing and flattery of her will get them everywhere. She has trained a community of imbiciles to stroke her ego since no one else will do it anymore. I think of all the cool things politicians and actors have done with Twitter, then you have Kate who has only managed to attract creepers, middle schoolers and questionables who want to have ice cream with her or offer to do housework for her just to meet her. The only message she's managed to get out is that Mrs. 5 Million net worth is struggling and she is in no position to give to charity, when ironically it was soley CHARITY that supported her sextuplets for the first 2-3 years of their lives. Every time she twits out a twat on her 47th pink iPhone she shoots herself in her Flintstone foot. TLC knew exactly what they were doing when they greenlighted this. I hope she's giving the TLC execs as big of a chuckle as we do from her wrds of wizdm.
Administrator said...
Haha, a sheeple had to remind Kate to switch her laundry from the washer to the dryer. Kate: OOPs!
What's really funny about that is Kate wasn't even tweeting at the time. However she WAS reading obviously, and you can bet she was reading the hater's tweets! Too funny.
Wayward, that was a perfect summation - a wonderful post.
Kate's completely delusional thinking is really obvious when she twitters (tweets? It's so STUPID)that she runs too far to take an adult German Shepherd Dog along for the run. My dear little Husky-Keeshond cross could probably enjoy a 5 mile run and have energy left for the dog park.People like Kate should not be allowed to have animals, except maybe man-eating tigers, Komodo dragons, boa constrictors and other challenging pets that would keep her from being bored while the kids were at Jon's...
Re her comment about not jogging because of falling and a picture being taken: for some reason I thought she was talking about the poor dog. She does not want to run with the dog, because he can't keep up (?) and the paps will snap a photo when she trips over the leash. I don't know why I thought that. But I thought, sure-Kate can outrun a German Shepherd.
IDModo said...
Kate's completely delusional thinking is really obvious when she twitters (tweets? It's so STUPID)that she runs too far to take an adult German Shepherd Dog along for the run.
Yes, that tweet cracked me up. Dogs are natural runners and can run for miles and miles and miles without wearing out.
I watched a documentary once about what would survive a worldwide apocalyptic incident and dogs would because they can travel so far, in search for food, without tiring out.
She is a real nut job huh? WTH is etqu?============
Hippie -- it's etiquette, something that Kate doesn't have.
cant she hang the washing outside to dry.mrs eversogreen organic .NOT
Kate, Norma Desmond is a character in a movie, a delusional, washed up, lonely "stah" who thinks' she's in great demand but was washed up years ago.
Do you remember when the GREAT Carol Burnett parodied Norma Desmond. It was brilliant; pure gold.
All I can say about Kate is she is a loser. Complete loser.
I was totally thinking about Carol Burnett's parody! She was amazingly talented.
Oh and btw going2 tak my laundry out.thx4rmnd me!
Great point, Overthehill. I hang all my laundry (inside during winter) and only use the dryer for "fluffing" after it's dry. She is just too darn lazy, plain and simple.
Bluenoser said... Do you remember when the GREAT Carol Burnett parodied Norma Desmond. It was brilliant; pure gold.
Yes, I do. Absolutely hilarious. Those shows were wonderful. So much talent. Where did all the talent go?
Bluenoser said... You know what is sad. I have absolutely no doubt that in Kate's pea-brain she really believes she showers her children with true love. I don't think she has the capacity or capability to realize that a loving mother wouldn't enslave her children to support her. A loving mother would never speak to her children or treat her children as badly as Kate does.
July 4, 2011 8:04 AM
The way Kate speaks to her children, it's like that ONE TEACHER every school seems to have, where you pray and beg to not have her as your teacher because she's too mean and stern.
I teach 4th grade and every year, at the end of the school year, I have parent after parent BEGGING me to make sure their child doesn't get placed with Mrs. ______. This lady is EXACTLY like Kate Gosselin and talks down to her students and treats them like she can't stand them and hates her job. Teachers like her give tenure a bad rap.
Needless to say, if my child had a teacher like Kate and the school wouldn't move her, she'd be pulled out and homeschooled.
Poor Kate, even her dog doesn't know how to help her.
Wayward said...
Even more weird, when locals confirm that they haven't seen a pap outside the mansion for 2 years, the sheeple go into a frenzy trying to identify the local, prove them wrong, call their employer, zillow their house, all kinds of batshit crazyness.
Holy smokes.... did those things really happen???!!!
How did I miss that?
How could they "ID the local"? And then call their employer???????
Did that really happen?????
I believe what you say but am horrified.....
Wayward, brilliant post.
So Kate's been too busy hanging out by the POOL
or reading blogs on her LEATHER couch to remember that she has TWO washers and TWO dryers
waiting for her.
Wow, do I ever feel poor. And that, I assume, is her purpose.
mama mia said...
Poor Kate, even her dog doesn't know how to help her.
Now THAT made me snort!! Thank's for the laugh, Mama Mia!! LOL
Wow, do I ever feel poor. And that, I assume, is her purpose.
...and that is what I can't understand. She's such a contraction. She flaunts her wealth - two washers and two dryers, a leather sofa, hanging out by the pool, tweets her hair stylist, telling him she's game for any color except red - at what? $2,000 for a cut and color? At the same time she's crying poor, cannot afford gym lessons or taking kids on vacation without TLC paying for it, everything is expensive, she doesn't have money for this or that, can't afford to give to charity. Then there's the "poor me" scary thought to have to support eight kids without her television show, etc. etc.
Exactly what is it she wants her viewers to believe? She's rich when she wants to be, and poor when the need arises to be poor?
lmao @ Mama Mia... Hilarious! Good comment, love it. Thanks for the laugh.
sarahjoyce1992 Sarah Joyce
@Kateplusmy8 do you guys still visit that purple place for ice cream?! You should do another visit to the NICU...would be a fab episode! :)
in reply to ↑
@Kateplusmy8 @sarahjoyce1992
Wont do repeat eps sadly and yes, when in the area we do stop there. Not up there very often anymore tho..
Won't do repeat episodes????? What about the repeat hair cut, back to school, cupcake making, fake charity giving, birthday party, and amusement park episodes? Or were they not "repeats" because they went to different parks, different stores, and had parties in different locations?
"Poor Kate, even her dog doesn't know how to help her."
Well, doggone it, who is left to help her? The pool boy? I keep getting a vision of the scene in Legally Blonde, where the gal on trial for murder says that she liked watching the pool boy wear a thong to change the filter. Maybe that's why Kate spends so much time hanging out by the pool! I'd like to know what pool service she uses, because I've never seen a pool boy in the area who is thong-worthy!
So - who DOES know how to help her since Shoka has been ruled out?
@Kateplusmy8 @sarahjoyce1992
Wont do repeat eps sadly and yes, when in the area we do stop there. Not up there very often anymore tho..
I'll bet if the question asked if they would do another visit to Hawaii Kate's answer would have been much different. God forbid she stop at the NICU out of the goodness of her heart without it being a paid episode.
I'll bet if the question asked if they would do another visit to Hawaii Kate's answer would have been much different. God forbid she stop at the NICU out of the goodness of her heart without it being a paid episode.
Didn't she say that she wants to go back to Australia in the fall? Certainly it must be for an episode, because sure as shootin' she's not going to pay for a trip with her own money!
Another repeat episode I bet she'd do is Australia. Didn't she tweet she's hoping to go there in the fall? Yeah, good luck with that one. I travel the globe (on MY dime) and Australia is by far the most expensive place I've visited - even more expensive than Japan. She'd never spend her own money to go there. Also, I did catch how she had to mention she has 2 washers/dryers. She can't just forget she had a load in, she has to remind that she's double special. She really boggles my mind.
She said something about later in the summer taking Shoka running when someone asked her. I can't remember positively but I thought she said or inferred that he would need some training before she could. I get the feeling she knows the dog won't heel and run along side nicely and she would have a struggle on her hands--dragging her willy nilly from tree to tree. LOL. I can't see her doing much to teach Shoka or enforce the training he might have had for walking with someone. She only got Shoka back to make herself look good to viewers who knew she didn't want the dogs.
@Kateplusmy8 @sarahjoyce1992
Wont do repeat eps sadly and yes, when in the area we do stop there. Not up there very often anymore tho..
In all probability, the places they have been have told TLC under NO circumstances will they have her back!
p.s Happy 4th July America! And to my fellow Canadians...Happy Canada Day!(1st July)
@Kateplusmy8 @sarahjoyce1992
Wont do repeat eps sadly and yes, when in the area we do stop there. Not up there very often anymore tho.
Hmmm... How will the Gosselins carry out all those "traditions" if they don't do repeat eps since many of those "traditions" were episodes. It's TLC that's ruining their lives.
"Unbelievable that she is practically begging for gigs on her Twitter."
She retweeted a poll some website is running for the next judge of American Idol in case Jennifer Lopez leaves. She is one of the choices but in last place. I guess her presence in the poll is supposed to be a joke. The other choices were credible with musical experience. She probably just loves to see her name with other celebs.
Somebody tweeted Kate with the offer of free petticoatskirts for the girls. Kate didn't even look at the website,but tweeted:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@KaiyaEve what are they? Where can I see them? We are Into skirts here... Send them over! Yay! Thanks!
The same old grifting Kate! The sheeple better makes sure she sends them to the box number (not via UPS, which doesn't deliver to boxes) because Kate doesn't pick up her mail (or certified letters) in the USPS mailbox at her home address!
Love this:
JoClary1 Jo Clary
@Kateplusmy8 When you RT what other people say abt you it's just bragging just so you know!
Grifters R Us said...
Somebody tweeted Kate with the offer of free petticoatskirts for the girls. Kate didn't even look at the website
That was so funny. Kate had said good night then she saw that tweet and went nuts thinking of FREE clothes, could tweet back fast enough. She's probably so excited now she won't be able to sleep.
Kate said, Can't agree more! My heart swells knowing each bed has a baby in it tonight :)
A baby? She wishes they would still be babies and be more marketable! They are ten and seven, for heaven's sakes. Speaking of which, hasn't anyone sent her free kitchen table chairs so she can sell those highchairs at the consignment shop?
Had to laugh tonight after reading Kate's response to yet again another freebie. WOW. What can anyone say after reading that. Kate is falling apart faster than a Yugo on the PA Turnpike.
Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend. I'll be back in home port tomorrow afternoon and then back to the grind until the weekend. Broke my collar bone slipping on a finger pier in Chesapeake City. All in all, it was a fabulous trip and looking forward to my next two week trip on the water in August heading south on the Intercoastal waterway.
Kaiya Eve, the seller of the pettiskirts Kate wants sent to her, is hawking her wares all over the place. She has twittered many people asking if she can "gift" a pettiskirt or two for them to feature in their promos, magazines, whatever. Apparently, Dakota Fanning wore one once, which should make Kate want them all the more.
So, Kate is just being used to promote Kaiya Eve fashions, IMO. The are skirts/dresses with
very full, ruffly tiers to them, rather like the old fashioned petticoats our foremothers wore for some reason. Bright colors. Very flouncy. She says girls will be "rocking" in these skirts.
It would be very nice for Kate to say "Hey, Kaiya Eve, if you really want to help out, why not send 8 of your outfits to a local shelter so 8 little girls will be "rocking" in them."
Kate didn't bother to take her kids to see fireworks on the 4th of July, even though they were with her for the evening...
@Kateplusmy8 kate there doing fireworks right now in Hershey, arent u watching in ur own town?
replies ↓
@BigFanofKateG No. Can't say we are! Thought kids would have seen them this weekend... We are all tired and in bed...
She THOUGHT they would have seen them this weekend? Huh?
Does she not ask her own darn children what they did this weekend? I.e., hey kids how was it with Daddy what did you do? Then she might actually KNOW if they saw fireworks instead of just having to speculate. Even the church issue she says she doesn't actually know if they go to church. Did she ASK the kids? I mean, they do speak they are not infants! She acts like not only does she not want to talk to Jon, but she doesn't even want to know what the kids DO with Jon. When the kids get back from his place it's probably just like what we saw in Australia when Kate came back from deep sea fishing after being gone eight long hours. Hell if she wanted to hear a single word about the kids' day. All she could do was blab about herself and the fish she caught. Not a word about, hey guys how was it without me??? Probably when they get home all they have to listen to is, "Kids Mommy had a fantastical weekend on Twatter twatting all the crazies come listen!"
What is WRONG with her????
Oh by the way Kate only takes the kids to fireworks if she gets paid. Yet another tradition out the window now that there's no paycheck coming in.
One episode I'd personally love to see is how Kate reacts to the kids when they get home from their dad's after his weekend visitation. They could tape Kate sitting on her leather couch watching movies and napping and twittering while 'missing them SO much'. So exciting.
I say that tongue in cheek of course. I think it would make my brain explode if I had to watch how thier mommy treats them after a loving time with their dad. It would speak volumes, though.
Dear Kate, you are obsessed with passing yourself off as a runner with a decent pace, you take every opportunity to dismissively drop how fast, how far, how easily you can run. I call bullshit but you can settle it by entering a race. Your detractors think you are a bullshitter Kate. So pin that number to your ample "natural" chest, don your high heels - because I am sure you can run in these no problem - and show us your easy peasy 6-8 mph effortless pace. When we are done laughing our asses off (DWTS boasting you did) we'll let you know.
RT @megangehrich @Kateplusmy8 Can't wait for you to write more books-you're such an incredible writer! Happy 4th 2 all of u! Working on it:)
So Kate says she is "working on" another book. She can't say writing, because we all know that would be a lie. I look forward to seeing that come out around the same time Twist of Kate airs!
I like the way Khate calls herself a runner, when she is in fact walking with a purpose at best.
@BigFanofKateG No. Can't say we are! Thought kids would have seen them this weekend... We are all tired and in bed...
What a total idiot. It is 4th of July you fool. This IS the day you stay up to watch the fireworks! She can't possibly be tired herself, after all her admitted sleep over the weekend. What do the kids have to do today that they couldn't sleep in. Bet Jon would have taken them. This is why I call you COW!
Admin, I totally agree that she probably never asks them what they do with their father and furthermore, that they aren't allowed to talk about what they did with their father. God forbid she find out they had FUN, or went out in PUBLIC! Horrifying
She THOUGHT they would have seen them this weekend? Huh?
I understood this differently. What I think she means is that she had EXPECTED him to take them to the fireworks this weekend. That is, she believed beforehand that Jon would be taking them, not that she didn't ask the kids if they had seen them. In other words, she did ask the kids if they saw them, they said no, and she was upset because she had just taken it for granted that Jon would have seen to it that they had gone to a fireworks show.
The bottom line is that she very subtly threw him under the bus again.
Below is a link to a 2009 Vanity Fair article entitled The Unreal Rise of Jon & Kate Gosselin. (I don't know how to make this hyperlink live - Admin, please feel free to do so!) It's worth reading again in light of her manic, desperate tweeting. She hasn't changed one iota. And perhaps a sheeple or someone who came to all this late might read it. As a recent tweet shows, she was grifting then and is still at it!
‘Nobu, Nobu, I want Nobu!” Kate Gosselin wants to go to Nobu. She’s got a night away from her eight kids—also her co-stars on the hit reality series Jon & Kate Plus Eight—and a reporter is offering to take her out on the town. “I want sushi!” Kate says, leaning back in an armchair in her suite at the Essex House hotel overlooking Central Park, checking her BlackBerry, popping gum.
But Laurie Goldberg, senior vice president of communications at the Learning Channel, which airs Jon & Kate, doesn’t think Nobu’s such a great idea. Kate cried on the Today show this morning, answering questions about why she’s still wearing her wedding ring (“for them,” she said of her children, sniffling), and this afternoon she told People, “I am so emotionally spent” (from her husband’s behavior, which has included philandering with the daughter of the plastic surgeon who gave Kate her tummy tuck), and so it might not look good for her to be out enjoying herself at a hot spot.
the vanity fair article is very interesting.oh how the mighty have fallen.
Nobu indeed.
Infdaily has pictures of Kate jogging on the weekend. Problem is with the pictures is that they were the same ones used when she first started "jogging" awhile back.
I laughed at the picture of Shoka and the beast. Poor Shoka looks like he'd like to take a bite out of Kate. That dog needs a good grooming; it's clear he has been neglected. Kate doesn't even know how to walk a dog for heaven's sake.
Kate could have gone to the local fireworks stand, Giant or Weis grocery store, Wal-mart or K-mart even Sheetz which is a mini-mart gas station to pick up a variety of fireworks. There's no excuse for the kids not seeing fireworks this past weekend. My 22 year old son who's home on summer break from college took the few fireworks I bought from Wal-mart and set them off for me. It took about 10 minutes. Kate doesn't know what goes on with her kids when their with Jon because she doesn't want to know. She could care less what they do. I noticed that Kate was able to get so much sleep over the weekend while the kids (not babies as she and others like to refer to them as being) were gone but the night they come back home, she's once again "tired" and in bed.
Kate didn't subtly throw Jon under the bus again. She picked him up and heaved him under it as far as she could. I think the bulk of fireworks displays were on the weekend due to the 4th being on a Monday night, but still, why couldn't she find one and take them last night? I don't know how she keeps getting away with this.
Jon may have taken them to a festival, swimming, cookouts with family, and/or all manner of exciting and fun activities, but he didn't take them to fireworks, so Kate uses that as an excuse to slam him publicly.
I wish she'd check out how most celebrities handle their ex'es and get a clue. Has anyone been more scorned in the recent past than Sandra Bullock? Does she publicly dig her claws into Jesse James' flesh ? Does Kate not realize that constantly dissing her children's father hurts her children? Does she care?
I think we know the answer to that, sadly.
Also, I do want to compliment Kate from the ankles up for that outfit she wore to pump gas in - sorta. Maybe she is finally taking Stacy and Clinton's "show either boob or leg, not both" rule to heart? If so, she just needs to work on their "wear clothes appropriate for your age" rule. In other words, shorts like that have a proper place - in your back yard... And shoes like that also have a proper place - in your college age daughter's closet or on her feet.
And besides that, that outfit would even look bad on a hot 19-year-old... Sheesh. It's also about putting the right things together....
Question. How do we know Jon didn't take the children to fireworks? He doesn't tweet their every move like the beast does. It's doubtful he and the beast even speak these days. She shows so little interest in the children it's doubtful she asked them and, even if they did say they went to fireworks, it isn't like the beast would be honest about it. Anything to throw Jon under the bus seems to be what the beast is about.
Midnight Madness said...
I understood this differently. What I think she means is that she had EXPECTED him to take them to the fireworks this weekend. That is, she believed beforehand that Jon would be taking them, not that she didn't ask the kids if they had seen them.
The only reason I interpreted it the other way, that she didn't know if they went, is because last week she said they don't go to church with Jon I DON'T THINK, making it seem like she was only speculating because she neither talks to Jon nor bothers to ask the kids what they do with him.
But, it could be interpreted the way you suggested as well. Any which way you slice it, it's a dig at Jon. Either she hates him so much she doesn't even want to know what the kids do with him, or she's throwing him under the bus for not taking the kids to fireworks.
Kate? The Fourth of July was last night. Fireworks was your job and you failed it because they weren't filming. Bet she would have found the energy to get up and drag them to a show if they were filming. She took them to fireworks in Australia. At least out here yes there were some shows over the weekend but the main ones were still last night. We went to the LA Galaxy game last night which had its own show after the game, and on the way back I counted at least 10 other shows as we drove.
The way she always claims to be soooo tired, "I slept for 10 hours and I'm still tired!!" reminds me of someone I knew once who was going through some depression.
We don't know what Jon did with them, and apparently neither does Kate. I get it though, why would a narcissist have the slightest interest in what other people do with her kids? She didn't give a rip what they did for eight hours in Australia while she had the time of her life going deep sea fishing.
I dislike Kate's apparent disinterest in what the kids do with Jon. I've mentioned before that I believe that both of them should be in or have taken extensive parenting classes as this is obviously not optimal for the children.
Everyone should be communicating freely. Kids to each parent and parent to parent.
The fireworks is getting undue scrutiny, I believe. Maybe Jon did take them. Maybe he didn't. Maybe the kids were really tired and just wanted to crash on the 4th. Who knows.
I know where we are, fireworks are crowded, parking is at a premium, the back and forth can be a real PITA, and the show doesn't get started until around 9pm.
Perhaps it was just as well to tuck them into bed. How is that a bad thing when we complain all the time that Kate has them up and running from morning til night? Evidently, they worked a great deal last week on an episode.
But to suggest that instead of taking them to a show, Kate entertain the kids with a fireworks display at home? Are you kidding me? If even some of them are legal in PA, fooling around with them at home can be dangerous and even deadly.
There's a lot of Kate's parenting and personal behavior that makes me scratch my head, but not buying fireworks to entertain her kids has my total support.
Either way you interpret it, the thing about the fireworks is a problem. I'm not saying that every child *must* see fireworks for the 4th of July - it's perfectly acceptable to not, obviously. (In fact, I can think of many noble reasons to not support the industry, not that one needs a reason to choose his or her activities.) But this is something that should have been decided ahead of time, *if it was important to Kate* - "Are you taking them to see a fireworks show over the weekend? Yes? Ok then, I won't bother going out Monday night." or "....No? OK, I'll make plans to take them Monday night." And if it wasn't important to her one way or the other, then she should have just said in answer to the question "No, we're not seeing fireworks this year." Why the constant justification for behavior? "It's just not that important to me" is a perfectly good reason.
It's similar to the church thing - it's perfectly FINE to not go to church. Really, it is! It's even perfectly fine ::gasp:: to not be a Christian at all! The problem comes when you've set yourself up with this holier-than-thou-persona which includes church. Either you need to decide that you're not keeping up that persona and answer questions honestly when people ask you about church - "no, we no longer attend church.", or attend church. But either way, it's FINE. Enough with the lying and justification and "it's easier to watch it on my computer" or "I was soooo tired." If it was important to you, you'd go. It's not, and that's fine.
And also - you have no right to question or criticize what anyone - including your ex-husband - does or believes regarding religion or activties with the children (as long as they are safe, obviously.) It doesn't matter if you take them to church every Sunday when they're with you or not - you don't get to ask him to follow your rules and routine when they're with him. It's part of being divorced and sharing custody of children. Period.
Oh, and by the way, in the interest of full disclosure, I did take my children to see a fireworks show on Sunday night, but we don't go to church. And that's FINE!
It's about time for Kate to tweet about how unmotivated she is. Get to it, Kate, your fans are waiting with fingers poised at their keyboards ready to tell you how amazing you are and how you need rest!
How a real celebrities celebrate with thier family...Take note you selfish, delusional, so called mother!
Jennifer Garner & Ben Affleck Celebrate a Family 4th
"a baby in each bed" indeed. That is pretty much where it appears they have spent the majority of their time when she is with them - since birth - unless they are having the crap filmed out of them.
There was no reason what-so-ever she could not have taken them to the fireworks close by, even if they had been with Jon. In fact, how perfect - each parent being able to share the 4th and fireworks with the kids! Sure, they might be tired the next day, but that is a huge part of summer fun. Doing things differently, staying up, fireworks, fireflies, sleeping in... ah heck this is Kate we are talking about. Sad.
She's 'working on it' - a book? Is she 'shopping it' - a publisher? Didn't someone get an e-mail from Zondervan saying they had no more projects in the works for Ms. Gosselin? Good grief.
Tucker it's not the dragging kids places that bothers me, it's dragging them to film them. You don't have to do fireworks although it is a wonderful and usually free tradition, my issue is Kate essentially implying it was Jon's fault with her not so subtle oh well I thought they would have done that at Jon's. Implying it was all Jon's fault.
Why is INF using old cellulite jogging photos with the headline that Kate spent the holiday weekend jogging alone? If they have no new photos of her jogging, then how would they know that she was out and about?
I think Zondervan was flooded with negative mail(including mine) after the last child-exploitation book came out. I seriously doubt they would want their name linked to Kate's ever again.
Administrator said...
Tucker it's not the dragging kids places that bothers me, it's dragging them to film them. You don't have to do fireworks although it is a wonderful and usually free tradition, my issue is Kate essentially implying it was Jon's fault with her not so subtle oh well I thought they would have done that at Jon's. Implying it was all Jon's fault.
I agree. Primarily with the notion that had TLC filmed the 4th with fireworks, Kate would have been there with heels on. And, I think she cut Jon down once again with the thought that it was on him to do the fireworks thing and she didn't have much faith that he followed through. The thing is, I think Kate's mode is so set on putting Jon down that that particular tweet wasn't even intended. It's just like breathing for her at this point.
Another thought is that I believe it can get pretty old for the kids having to duplicate holiday activities with both parents (well, aside from presents). I just wish Jon and Kate would have been on the same page.
I don't think that they will be for a while.
It so funny it's pathetic. If you browse the Fan Blogs, you will note that ALL they obsess on is the so called haters. Admin has had the good fortune of being the subject matter on more than one Pro Kate blog. Based on the sheeple, Admin is sitting outside a law library somewhere, guitar case at feet, playing Simon & Garfunkel for tips & begging to be let back in.
They copy comments from here and then pick them apart. I wonder though, why don't they EVER comment on the tweets where Kate has clearly stuck her foot in her mouth? Why don't they deconstruct Kate's tweets where Jon is bashed or RT bashed. They avoid those. Sheeple, any answers?
I guess it is the classic Ying & Yang. Kate is a spec of dust in this Reality world and like all shows do at some point, they go away. Next Kardashions & Preg @ 16/Teen Mom/My baby daddy left.(Oh BTW Sheeple, Kate did NOT put TLC on the map).
If you read the comments by sheeple, you have to shake your head in disbelief.
Fly On The Wall said...
Why is INF using old cellulite jogging photos with the headline that Kate spent the holiday weekend jogging alone? If they have no new photos of her jogging, then how would they know that she was out and about?
Because Kate tweeted back in the affirmative when asked if she ran yesterday. And you know, then it has to be true... Kate would never fib ;-0
INF is using old pics to try and get people to click on their site so they can get more ads and get more profit!!! The jogging pic is from last year.
A sheeple tweeted that Kate is such an incredible writer. On what planet? I read part of her first book, and it was such a nightmare of spelling and grammatical errors that I never finished it. I couldn't believe something that bad and that unedited was even published.
I don't know how the other books compared to that one, but an "incredible" writer? Good grief!
Fly On The Wall said...
"old cellulite jogging"
The mental image this phrase conjured up made me spit tea all over my cat. A big blob in running shoes with foobs and an iphone and poorly arched eyebrows.
"Based on the sheeple, Admin is sitting outside a law library somewhere, guitar case at feet, playing Simon & Garfunkel for tips & begging to be let back in."
Any chance of seeing a YouTube clip of you and your acoustic doing "Scarborough Fair?"
My guess is that she is now at home with virtually nothing to do for the rest of the month. Banking on TLC to film all summer and take them on trips, she made no other plans. They may have filmed last week, but it was at home, and I think that's it. There are eppies in the can not yet shown, and the G8 are not on TLCS's schedule for another month. Even when I was a SAHM, my 3 went to day camp 3 days a week, and when the session ended we took a family vacation. These kids don't even leave the grounds for ice cream unless it's filmed. Oh, forgot, they have a POOL and a LEATHER COUCH. I would also guess that by now they are bored with each other and tossing Cheerios across the breakfast table. The twits are going to get more shrill, just wait. And Kate, she has to be afraid to call her manager and ask what's on the agenda, think that page is pretty blank.
My guess is that she is now at home with virtually nothing to do for the rest of the month.
And if, by some chance occurrence in the Universe, Twitter should disappear, what would Kate Gosselin do with her time now? It's all she has left that keeps her vaguely recognized as a (ahem) "celebrity". She would have to find other means to feed her narcissistic appetite in order to stay noticed. And really...what's left for her? ZERO. Her 15 minutes are long over.
OT, if anyone is interested. Verdict has been reached in the Anthony trial, to be announced at 2:15 p.m.
Does camp or summer activites really cost that much in PA? I live in a rather landlocked area and we still have alot of inexpensive options. The local college offers tons of camps taught by grad students for $20-25 a week. Everything from science, writing, languages, and arts. There are plenty of sports camps that last the whole summer at the rec center for $35. 4-H offers everything from sewing and cooking to roboting and rocket building fo $50. Selected local school stay open and have activites like drama, art and crafts, and sports and it is $2 a day per child. The city offfers a variety of options as well. There is also no stimga attached to partciapating in these activites, kids whose parents work at retail jobs go to these programs along with doctors kids. We even have a gated part of our city and about 15 or so WELL known celebrites own homes here. My son played on one of the $25 rec center sports teams a few years ago with a celebrity's son who was more well known and respected that Kate will ever be. Are there just no options in PA or does Kate not want to get up and drive? or does she not want the kids out with "normal" kids because someone might leak what Kate is really like?
I find it sad for the kids to watse a whole summer at a pool. As much as I remember sometimes not wanting to wake early up in the summer, I'm glad I took all those camps. I made great friends, and can still speak basic phrases in 4 langauges and make some great oragami fo my kids!
INF running pics of Kate "jogging" ie: powerwalking, is like TLC taping repeat activities of the G8 - it's been done over and over and over.
The pics of Kate from this weekend are new; they're not from last year.
She wore the same grey shorts and a pink top last year, but the top was different than the one this past weekend. I even saw her in pics in that same stupid t-shirt last year (she had on a different headband then) as she wore for the van trade-off with Jon yesterday. Poor Chris at INF must have been sick to death of traipsing after Kate last year. She sure was trying hard to stay in the media though. lol Dates from last year jogging on INF were 9/7, 9/16, 9/30, 10/11, 10/25, 12/6.
BTW, from the pics it looks like Jon still can't come inside the gate.
Not guilty of Murder One.
Our justice system is so damn perverted.
R.I.P Caylee Anthony.
O M G!!! Casey Anthony found not guilty. Speechless.
It looks like Kate (or someone) put the flags along the driveway...after one of her fans reminded her of that "tradition" on twitter.
Hmmm...Kate was "unmotivated" all weekend long but somehow she managed to go jogging on the one day Mr. Lone Pap happened to be driving by her area. Guess he spent part of Independence Day camped outside to photograph Kate running, then Jon returning the kids.
P.S. Those photos show Jon returning the kids while it's still daylight. Plenty of time for Kate to spend Independence day with her kids. Hopefully, they did fireworks at their house if she was too lazy to take them to a fireworks show.
Kate with Shoka. I'm shocked. Not really. I smell a planned photo opportunity - running, flags, dog, etc.
That is ridiculous!!! How do they explain all the partying she did when she was missing??
Omg this is disgusting.
Here are pics of Kate at the Food Bank event. You will have to like the facebook page in order to see the photos. Please feel free to leave your comments.
I'm sick. Such a beautiful, sunny morning, but everything looks dark to me.
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...
Not guilty of Murder One.
Our justice system is so damn perverted.
R.I.P Caylee Anthony.
Yes, Rest in Peace little one.
It's a sad commentary on society when Kate Gosselin and Casey Anthony are able to get away with the kind of parenting we've witnessed of them.
But we have to remember that Karma always rules and is more just and exact than any man-made law...which is very unfortunate for both women.
Mr. Baez, congratulations for saving Casey's life.
Who saved Caylee?
Oh, and that Cheyne (sp?) Mason using this miscarriage of justice as an opportunity to gloat and thumb his nose at everyone who said they wouldn't win, well sir, you have no class.
The pictures of Kate in the tee-shirt may be new but the jogging pictures look the same to me. I'm not saying that they're old pictures just that they look the same - notice the same "flab" hanging over the shorts on the one side, etc. Also Jon's got his head down as if he doesn't want to be photographed.
I am so saddened by the Caylee Anthony verdict. I have not followed this case very closely, but wasn't the child found with duct tape over her mouth and nose? I wish I know more details about this case, but it looks like her mother got away with murder, and this reminds me of the O.J. Simpson verdict...unbelievable!
As an attorney, Admin, what do you think?
I am also saddened by this case. Poor Caylee. :( I feel sick.
What does this verdict teach anyone indicted for murder? That it's okay to murder your daughter, not report her missing for 31 days, wrap her in HER OWN Winnie the Pooh blanket, put her in trash bags from your own house, drive around with her decomposing body in your car trunk for days (with three independent witnesses having smelled decomposition), and then dump her on the side of the road? After the verdict is announced, you smile, you laugh, you celebrate in the courtroom with your jubilant attorneys, having a party atmosphere, knowing in your heart that you killed your own child.
And then, you have the opportunity to write a book, have rights to a movie, and make a fortune from killing your own child.
There's was no justice...
I've followed the Casey Anthony case daily. I am speechless at the not guilty verdict. It's obvious that in America you CAN get by with murder. My only hope is that once Casey is released from jail and has no where to go but to her parent's house that they will slam the door in her face. That will be the only justice in this case.
Oh, and that Cheyne (sp?) Mason using this miscarriage of justice as an opportunity to gloat and thumb his nose at everyone who said they wouldn't win, well sir, you have no class.
I noticed that about him yesterday. Jane VM was attempting to ask him a question as he left the courthouse. She was polite, respectful, and just asked him for a comment. Instead of saying, "I have no comment, but have a happy holiday" (or something to that effect), he said, "Get that microphone away." Where have manners and just plain courtesy gone?
I did go online and read about the details of the Kaylee Anthony case. Now I am dumbfounded by the verdict! I simply do not understand the law well enough, I guess, but was all this evidence considered circumstantial?
As a teacher who works with at-risk and high poverty students, I have taught many students who have terrible home lives, including a number of foster children. It is distressing to know about their homes, and it only serves to motivate me more to be the best teacher I can possibly be. I know that school is the only stability in their lives.
Child abuse is a sad reality in our society, and I guess if you have good attorneys, you can even get away with murder!
I have wondered for so long why the very youngest and most innocent among us are not valued by the justice system and obviously by some people as well. No wonder the jurors don't want to come out in public. I would hide out too if I were them. Something here does not pass the smell test. I have a grandson that is the age little Caylee was and I look at him and think 'how, how, how could anyone do what Casey so obviously did.' Why are our most innocent ones not protected? I swear I don't get it.
You know I am done with this for a while. Justice is almost never served. I have wasted countless hours on not only the G kids but the Casey Anthony trial. It's obvious none of what we think/say matters.
I need a break, not sure if I'm ever coming back. Admin, I don't know how you can stand to fight this fight for so long. In the end, people always seem to profit from the horrible things they do. I feel completely burnt out.
I suppose TLC will approach Casey Anthony about getting her own reality show now. Nothing like a nefarious, narcissistic, lying monster mom to pump up the viewer numbers - for a couple of years anyway. She's right up their alley.
So disappointed with the verdict. And even worse, a reporter from HLN news was watching Baez (I'd love to smack the smugness off his face) and his team celebrating with champagne (apparently through a restaurant window).
What is wrong with the world?!!?
Okay, Mr. Big Shot Lawyer, you won your very high profile case - I suppose you 'think' you have a reason to celebrate, but please go do it in the privacy of your office. Unbelievably tacky and disrespectful.
Admin, I know we'd all like your professional opinion - but understand if you decline.
Casey Anthony, may you rot in the deepest pits of hell,like your beautiful sweet daughter rot in that swamp.I hope every time you close your eyes you see your beautiful daughters face and hear her sweet voice. May you be forever haunted until the day you die.Bella Vita bitch!
squattmunkieRN, I understand your feelings. The defense team is having a champagne lunch celebrating the fact that the woman who murdered her daughter will walk free in a few days (probably, if judge gives credit for time served). There are millions of very angry people right now after hearing the verdict. It wouldn't surprise me if one of them takes the law into their own hands in order to see that there is justice for little Caylee, if you know what I mean.
YOu have to keep in mind that the jury had to convict with no reasonable doubt. The evidence was all circumstantial and the charges by the prosecution really gave them no choice.
Also keep in mind that if you are ever accused of a crime that that you would want a jury that would convict or not convict based on the evidence and the charges - not their opinions.
As to Kate Gosselin, she is making her own bed. She has been on the air for years, and your blogging has had no effect on her TV career, except maybe to bring more attention to her. Her show is dying, but it is based on TLC's judgment, not yours. I would encourage all of you to channel your efforts into more positive efforts that you may actually be able to influence, like helping people in your hometowns who may be having hard times, etc. Just my opinion.
justme, Casey Anthony is a psycho/sociopath. She has no conscience. She sleeps just fine at night without a second thought for her dead daughter. Don't worry; there's a very special room waiting for her in hell. Like Nancy Grace said, "The devil is out there dancing today."
The people I feel sorry for are Casey's family. Not only have they lost their darling grandaughter but Casey has literally ruined their life. On the other hand, if they allow her back into their life after what she has done to them, I will lose all respect for them.
AuntieAnn said...
I suppose TLC will approach Casey Anthony about getting her own reality show now. Nothing like a nefarious, narcissistic, lying monster mom to pump up the viewer numbers - for a couple of years anyway. She's right up their alley.
Oh my God. If Casey Anthony ever appears on tv with her own reality show I will lose all respect for American television. I would not put it past TLC for approaching her. I can so see this happening. What is happening in American culture these days?? It is like the twilight zone over there. I am Canadian and follow/ watch American television. We all seem to glorify all these crazy reality tv people. It was not like this 10 years ago. The human race is in the crapper if you ask me. Just my opinion.
There really is not much difference between Casey Anthony and Kate Gosselin psychologically. Both have NPD and are sociopaths. That jury's verdict sent a powerful message that it is perfectly fine to act on your sociopathic urges and kill your kid, put it in a hefty bag, and dump it DEAD in a swamp. What is wrong with our society???????
Oh nevermind me! Feeling like a dummy - since I now see my comment.
Sorry guys!
I haven't followed the Casey Anthony trial until reading excerpts of the closing arguments today. What resonated with me in the defense closing arguments was the reasonable doubt they were able to create, in my own mind, prior to the jury's verdict.
His closing arguments led me to believe that the State wasn't able to prove 1. How Cayley died. 2. Where she died? 3. Who killed her.
That was very powerful for me to contemplate had I been a member of the jury. What I did know was that Caylee died. Inference as to how, why, when, where wasn't enough for me. I thought there was a very powerful chance that she would be found not guilty based on these "reasonable doubts" that the defense sucessfully argued.
Using the law and not circumstantial evidence, I'm not sure I would have voted to convict Casey Anthony either, as horrible as this crime is.
I think the prosecution failed by not impeaching any inference of Caylee drowning and if she did drown, why wasn't this accident reported so Caylee could have either been recusitated or properly buried.
Mama Mia said Jon is one smart cookie, he got away, he stayed away and no matter how much she jabs at him he is ignoring her. Good job Jon!
ITA! Jon is doing the best thing possible for his kids right now by laying low and not responding to her bashings. Kate on the other hand is self destructing. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5.....
Jon confirmed on his Twitter he did indeed take the kids to see fireworks. I'm so glad they got to see them. This is what normal kids do!
You know I can't remember the name of a defense attorney I once heard speak at school, but I will forever remember what he said. He said if you believe in how our justice system is set up, then some guilty people may have to go free in order that we try not to convict any innocent ones. And that as a defense attorney, you have to fight every single case as hard as you can because that 1 case in 100, that person will be innocent. That has really stuck with me. This kind of thing is a tragic consequence of the right to a jury of your peers, the right to a trial, the high standard of beyond a reasonable doubt, the right to an attorney and vigorous representation. Caylee is a victim of a justice system that is supposed to protect the wrongly accused.
As for the jury, I think the CSI effect that has been talked about quite a bit the past few years played a role. Juries demand a smoking gun these days, or DNA, or something concrete. Problem is beyond a reasonable doubt does not REQUIRE a smoking gun! Her mother successfully hid her body long enough such that any smoking gun disappeared.
If Jon tweeted that they DID go to fireworks, then that supports the notion that Kate did not bother to ask either Jon or the kids if he took them to fireworks. It's sad that they cannot even be civil enough to communicate something as basic as who is going to do fireworks.
OT but Casey Anthony NOT GUILTY!!!!??? What???? I know I'm late to the game but we were at the lake all day. I saw the live streaming on my phone & was so pissed off. I cannot BELIEVE this is happening in our country. I know, circumstantial evidence, BLAH BLAH BLAH. How does this happen in AMERICA????? I am floored. How many more kids will die now? Casey Anthony is the most hated woman in the country, she will have to be a recluse. Unreal...unreal.
She is a narcissist, just like Kate. Anthony will NEVER admit to killing her daughter, just as Kate will never admit to using her kids for fame. I know it is not the same, but these so-called mothers are RUINING the good name of mothers everywhere. May Casey Anthony burn in hell. It's a fucked up world we live in.
~Hippie Chick~
Ohhhh l get it...the American dream....kill your child, accuse your father and brother of molesting you. have your mother lie and destroy evidence .Be a slut and party while your child dies in the trunk of your car. Get off a murder charge, write a book and make a movie deal, get millions of dollars . What was l thinking!!!!!!!! Taking notes Khate?
Wont do repeat eps sadly and yes, when in the area we do stop there. Not up there very often anymore tho..
I am STILL laughing at this one. Oh Kate Kate Kate...just because you had different high heels on & the beach background was not the same, does not mean they were not the same. How many of your "many" fans have seen close-ups of your kids mouths crying in a dentist chair? Or I don't know say...getting their haircuts? Or hmmm...eating an effing meal or buying shoes? She has issues.
ALL of her stupid shows are the same: Kate screeches, kid cries, annoying, it's over. That's the gist I get from the recaps here anyway. Reality TV, if that's what you want to call it, is always the same anyhow. Same damn people doing mundane things. Kate is no different. And frankly she is not the draw she used to be. Since Jon left, there is no go-between, no good vs. evil. The kids are just kids & Kate is annoying as hell. People tuned in to watch Jon be degraded unfortunately, are people REALLY tuning in to watch Kate degrade her kids??
~Hippie Chick~
The evidence was all circumstantial and the charges by the prosecution really gave them no choice.
No, it wasn't all circumstantial. Who do you supposed went into her home, took her blanket and heart-shaped sticker, trash bags, laundry bag and duct tape? Who do you suppose drove that car around for days with a decomposing body in it? It was proven that nobody else had access to that car! The hair found with the dead band around it belonged to Caylee - that was proven. It was in the trunk! Three people testified as to the smell of decomposition in the trunk of the car. I suppose someone grabbed Caylee off the street, knew where she lived, took things from the home, killed her, then stole Casey's car (which was in Jacksonville at the time), then dumped the body. Oh, right. Zanny, the Nanny did it. Zanny also searched for "how to make chloroform" on her computer. How stupid was this jury? It was proven that Cindy Anthony perjured herself on the stand, which is punishable by 15 years in jail. Will she be charged? Of course not! She lied to save her daughter, and both of them will walk away. What kind of justice system is this?
I suppose George found the child dead in the pool, drove her around for days in Casey's car before dumping his precious granddaughter by the side of the road. Sure, he did. He deliberately made an accident look like a murder. Who would do something that foolish? Casey's smart enough to wait until the body decomposes and dumps it in swampy water where she knows darn well any DNA will be wiped out in those conditions. That's what the jury wants. Forensics. All common sense is thrown out, no matter how you can show the sequence of events as to how it happened and you have evidence pointing to the killer.
Casey showed nothing but concern for herself in the days after her daughter disappeared, is even on tape in the jail saying that nobody cares about what she's going through, only that she herself is the victim. She wouldn't help in the search because she admitted to Tim Miller from Equisearch that there was no reason to look for Caylee. This monster is never going to show any remorse for what she did. She's not going to have to look at herself for the rest of her life knowing what she did because as far as she is concerned, the end justified the means (which is what she wrote in a letter). She has "Beautiful Life" tattooed on her back. Caylee has no life.
It's been reported that the jury was tired of being sequestered - one member had cruise tickets for this week. I'm just wondering if they didn't want to get this over and done, knowing that if they found her guilty, they'd have to stay longer for the guilt phase. Nothing would surprise me in this circus.
If I were Casey, I think I'd hire a full time bodyguard if she is going to remain in the state of Florida. I think the members of the jury should remain in hiding for some time. Millions are outraged, as they should be.
Admin - I don't know if you can print this, but here's Jen Lancaster's view on the Anthony verdit. She put it out on her Facebook page.
I know very little about the law/proof beyond a reasonable doubt, so I won't speculate on whether justice was served today.
So let me say this - if you hate this verdict (and I know you do) don't allow the defense to profit from it. Don't buy their books, don't see their movie, don't watch them on interview shows. Capitalism isn't the last line of defense, but in this instance it might be the only one.
By the way might I add the jury could have easily found her guilty by a reasonable doubt and slept very soundly tonight. It's not like there were giant holes in the prosecution. Little pin pricks, yes, but beyond a reasonable doubt does not require it be airtight. Little pin pricks are okay! Gaa.
I think a lot of juries have gotten to the point where they are soooo paranoid about convicting the wrong person (the CSI effect, the recent media attention a few cases have gotten due to new DNA evidence) that they are ignoring what the legal standard is. It's not beyond a doubt or no doubt, it's no REASONABLE doubt. I.e. a reasonable person wouldn't have a doubt.
Prosecutors in recent years have expressed a lot of frustration with these juries. If they don't have the smoking gun, they're screwed.
Here's something that hopefully will provide a little comfort. If she ever has any kids in the future, CPS can still take them from her. They are not required to prove beyond a reasonable doubt she killed one of her kids. I looked it up, in Florida it's just by preponderance of evidence, and it won't be a jury deciding, just a judge.
Free Shoka said... AuntieAnn said...
I suppose TLC will approach Casey Anthony about getting her own reality show now. Nothing like a nefarious, narcissistic, lying monster mom to pump up the viewer numbers - for a couple of years anyway. She's right up their alley.
Oh my God. If Casey Anthony ever appears on tv with her own reality show I will lose all respect for American television. I would not put it past TLC for approaching her. I can so see this happening. What is happening in American culture these days?? It is like the twilight zone over there. I am Canadian and follow/ watch American television. We all seem to glorify all these crazy reality tv people. It was not like this 10 years ago. The human race is in the crapper if you ask me. Just my opinion
Yep, you are all right. The most revolting,disgusting and shocking people get shows because it SELLS. Very state of affairs on what people watch. Back in "the day," people would boycott such trash, in protest. We are not progessing, we are regressing. Very sad state of affairs, if you ask me. The moral compass has gone astray. JMO.
I do appreciate that some others get this.
I agree with your statement, "Capitalism isn't the last line of defense" Unfortunately, in this day and age of Reality Television, this trial was exactly that. People could watch it unfold in front of them and during the entire ordeal, the public sat and watched all the titilating details unfold on national television with the Grand Finale, possible the "star" of this reality show, sentenced to death.
There will be books written, millions made as a result and the people will buy it, only to read about the inside details of Casey's incarceration, what went on behind the scenes and the only one who is left out is the victim.
Casey's life will be a living hell. She will find no gainful employment, will pay hell trying to earn a living and could possibly be offered roles in porn as a way to support herself but outside of that, she will forever be known as the mother who killed her beautiful daughter. I don't know how she'll be able to live with herself down the road and quite frankly, I don't see it ending on a good note. This is the hell this woman may or may not deserve but the hell she will have to endure, forever
Laurie why wouldn't I print that?
I'm happy to print comments about this since it's such a big story, go ahead it's fine, just follow the rules.
E-town, you really said it all so well. thank you!
and Admin, I truly appreciate you giving some background and opinion.
Add my voice to the chorus saying that Casey will have to be in hiding for a long time. She will meet her maker...
I had this same discussion with a co-worker re: beyond a "reasonable" doubt today. Reasonable is the operating term.
I don't get this verdict, never will. I was not on the jury, but I will say that if our society has gotten so apathetic, that any single doubt is factored into "reasonable doubt," some people are no longer able process the term resonable doubt, and people choose to take the easy way out, by not convicting.
To punctuate my point, I followed this case when the child went missing. I was horrifed by this whole chain of events. The only thought in my mind at this point is that jurors took the easiest way out, by not convicting on the death of this poor child, as it was easier for them to hang their thoughts on beyond a reasonable doubt, when they clearly interpreted this in a way that let them off the hook.
I would not want to be a juror in this trial, but I would also give heavy weight to the "reasonable doubt" factor, and take time to understand it, rather than taking the easy way out. I am sorry but the jury failed miserably. Casey is a sociopth clearly, and we WILL hear her name in the news within the next couple of years. And not in a good way. God Bless her daughter... it will all come back to Casey, even if the jury did not have the guts to take the time to understand their duties. Very very sad. Sign of our times, or ill chosen and approved jurors.
You're right E-Town. I am still so angry. As someone else said, it would not surprise me either if someone takes justice into their own hands. Casey Anthony has to live with this. You don't go 31 days without knowing where your own child is & don't call the police, & then tell them "I wanted to find her on my own, I saw TV shows when the cops get involved, bad things happen". That bitch lied & lied & lied. How she got away with this I will never know. She better start looking for a damn good plastic surgeon to change EVERYTHING about her ugly face.
And IMO, there is no way in hell she will have a show. No way. Dateline updates & that kind of thing, sure, but do you all honestly think any network would want to touch her with 100 foot pole? She is hated, extremely hated. Ya got the morbid curiosity factor, but who in their right mind would watch a reality show about a woman who killed her own child starting over? That is the sickest thing I have ever heard of. She'll slip up one day & get hers. She can get tried for something else, right Admin? Another type of murder charge?
~Hippie Chick~
Kelly and Admin I just want to make it clear that my comment above is not mine but Jen Lancaster's. Writer extrordanaire!
Don't forget she was found not guilty by a jury of her peers. Who would have thought that they could find 12 people that are just like her. That is the only explanation I can come up with for that verdict. I hope they can live with themselves.
Troy, please stop bringing stuff from the sheeple sites here. I don't want to be a blog that just talks about other blogs. We all know all they do is pick apart what we say, I guess maybe we should be flattered? Wasn't it Kate herself who said if you don't have haters you're not famous or something like that, lol!
Friendly suggestion, stop visiting over there. You will keep a lot more brain cells.
GM,GN&tweet ya tom! Busy day in Gosselin world! Srry I ignored u 2day.. Was busy w all things Gosselin! GN- sitting bolt upright, of course! 38 minutes ago
Hmm, wonder if they were filming. Kate has really gotten herself in a pickle when she can't even go an entire day without tweeting without her fans going all Nancy Grace crazy on her wondering if she was okay. She did this to herself.
Hmmm, Kate tweets that she's sitting "BOLT UPRIGHT"? Guess she really hasn't taken the stick out yet.
I notice from the postings here, I was not the only one following the Casey Anthony trial. Although I disagree with the verdict, I can understand how it happened. It could be called the "weariness" defense. These jurors were exhausted, tired and worn out. The length and pace of this trial was difficult for the judge, lawyers and jurors; but the jurors were the ones prohibited from returning home each night to replenish their energy and refresh their spirit. When the time arrived for deliberations, they had nothing left to devote to the hard work of deliberating and reviewing the facts presented. Having served as a juror on a murder one case, I know it is gruelling work (physically and psychologically). Any case that is circumstantial (basically no witnesses and no confession).....appropriate deliberations require even more effort. These twelve people probably did the best they could with whatever "werewithal" they had left.
One thing came to my mind as I was initially feeling the outrage at this verdict was how little outrage the public expresses over wrongful convictions.
Don't forget she was found not guilty by a jury of her peers. Who would have thought that they could find 12 people that are just like her.
One of the attorneys on a news show said something to the effect that the state of Florida found the only 12 people left in the world who still think that the world is flat. That's how stupid they were. They totally threw out the scientific evidence and everything that the prosecution presented, never once asking to see any videos or any clarification of any evidence produced. They dismissed the state's case entirely. They had their minds made up before the case went to the jury. It's possible that the death penalty was on their minds, and didn't want to see his young woman put to death. In fact, there was one woman on the jury who, at jury selection, said that she didn't feel comfortable judging anyone. Prosecution tried to get her eliminated, but they went with her anyway. This jury was selected from other counties. I'm wondering if the jury would have represented the Orlando area, if the verdict would have been different because of the sense of community, and justice for the community.
Hippie -- ditto on the being angry. I am still angry, and I could feel my blood pressure exploding when I saw clips of that champagne party with one of the members of the defense team jumping up and down like a little kid. How totally classless and juvenile. A child is dead, for heaven's sakes, and they know exactly who killed that child, and they are joyful. On one of the news channels, they showed Caylee on some home videos, and I couldn't watch it. I cried, and right now I just feel sick.
Casey will have no remorse, but I hope she has nightmares because now she has heard the scientific evidence of maggots, insects and wild animals that fed on her child's body. She heard testimony as to the condition of the skeleton, including that tiny skull. Perhaps her dreams will haunt her, even if her own conscience doesn't.
In my limited experience, the prosecutors tend to be the most unprofessional when they win. The champagne and the jumping up and down and gloating and rubbing it in everyone's faces. Thankfully most defense attorneys I've met when they win, their face remains the same, they thank the judge politely, shake the opposing counsel's hand, and leave quietly. If they celebrate, it's done very privately. I am very embarrassed any attorney would celebrate so blatantly with the champagne and jumping up and down. It's your job and you did your job--that's what most people do every day without jumping up and down, it's not a sports team that just won the championship. An attorney could conceivably be sanctioned for excessive celebration in the courtroom, but a judge couldn't do much once the case is over and they leave to do it elsewhere.
Admin, I think the defense attorney, Jose Baez handled himself with grace and dignity when he spoke to the press. I wasn't at all impressed with the bearded attorney who lashed out at the media. Jose Baez (sic) mentioned that there were no winners today and he invoked Caylee's name in a positive and caring light.
This wasn't a championship game and shouldn't be treated as such by those who agree or disagree with the verdict. Personal opinion aside, the system worked to the extent it was pushed to and the results speak for themselves.
Kelly said...
Admin, I think the defense attorney, Jose Baez handled himself with grace and dignity when he spoke to the press. I wasn't at all impressed with the bearded attorney who lashed out at the media. Jose Baez (sic) mentioned that there were no winners today and he invoked Caylee's name in a positive and caring light.
I have only been following it a bit. Now that is the kind of attorney I like being around, the one that says there are no winners today.
This is something Kate doesn't understand, that she didn't WIN by dragging Jon to court, nor did she "win" when Lafair lost her suit. I am by no way comparing her to Casey, of COURSE NOT, what I'm saying is that those the treat the legal system like it's a zero sum game are the ones that really end up losing. Everyone lost when Kate took Jon to court, and everyone lost when laFair took Kate to court. Going to court is, the vast majority of the time, a method of last resort that you should do everything you can to avoid. Kate may toast the verdict against Jon, but Kate? Your kids are still growing up in a broken family however much you toast it. Everyone lost.
Anytime you are assigned to a case with something tragic like a loss of life, you have to keep in mind that no matter what the result, something tragic still happened and it's nothing to toast over. An attorney that understands that horrible things happen and you do what you raised your right hand to and promised to do--but that doesn't mean it's a football game--is a good attorney. Professionalism goes so far. One of the reasons so many people don't respect this verdict is because the entire thing was such a zoo. It cheapens our legal system.
My experience is the more respect you give to the proceedings, everything from the respect you show the clients (even the truly terrible ones like Casey), deference to the judge, other attorneys, and your demeanor, goes so far in terms of people's acceptance of what happened and ability to move on. Many people who have been around this enough have seen people who "lost" in court walk out content. Why? One, they are very happy it's over and a decision was made, and also, they felt like they were heard and got their fair shot even if they lost.
This wasn't a championship game and shouldn't be treated as such by those who agree or disagree with the verdict.
I disagree. This was about winning. The state of Florida had a 95 percent conviction rate; Baez had never defended such a case - he was totally inexperienced and was criticized as being incompetent. It was a game, and was ALL about winning. Defense wanted to thumb its nose at the prosecution's record of success - to show that the "underdog" can win. If it wasn't about winning, the defense team would have walked away gracefully, tactfully, and unassumingly and NOT have put on the display that they did at the champagne celebration. There was absolutely no need for that. It was a disgusting show.
Question, not a comment.
Was OJ Simpson allowed to profit off his trial?
I thought I remembered that he was told that he could not write a book for sale that recounted his trial for the double homicide of Nicole Brown and Mr. Goldman. He was not allowed to profit from the death of these people even though he was found Not Guilty in criminal court. Do I remember that right? (Yes, he was found responsible in civil court.)
If so, then it is entirely possible that Casey Anthony will be put under similar restrictions.
She can work, write, go on TV, etc, but she cannot PROFIT from the death of her daughter.
And don't forget, Casey Anthony will also have charges about lying to police and other such
misdemeanors, which could land her in jail for at least awhile. That might prove to be something Casey isn't going to like much.
It's been reported that the jury was tired of being sequestered - one member had cruise tickets for this week. I'm just wondering if they didn't want to get this over and done, knowing that if they found her guilty, they'd have to stay longer for the guilt phase. Nothing would surprise me in this circus.
E-Town- Thank you for pointing out how insane it was to come up with a verdict within a day and half, after so much testimony. I always hoped to move to FLA when I retired, but am now worried about my brain being fried from the sun. No offense to anyone in FLA, just not getting the verdict and how they arrived at this.
I have been a juror on a several trials( Truth -I did wish I did not get picked) on cases of smaller proportions. But I can tell you, we (the jury) spent considerable time in discussion, no disrespect to anyone's thought, but we actually discussed the case, termiminology, evidence, "reasonable doubt,"and did not hesitate to contact the Court for clarification on anything. This made everyone feel comfortable, which our group insisted upon. And we made sure that everyone knew we not taking an easy way out. Logic is your friend if you allow it to be in weighing out facts and testimony.
Will say once again, this jury failed miserably. A day and a half at weighing evidence in the case of this sweet child; clearly Caylee deserved so much better.
Etown that was our entire point. It was a game to some when it never should be.
"And don't forget, Casey Anthony will also have charges about lying to police and other such
misdemeanors, which could land her in jail for at least awhile. That might prove to be something Casey isn't going to like much."
With the way this is going, I bet that they count her time in jail as time served and she'll walk out of jail on Thursday and back into the home of her dysfunctional, screwball family.
I'm watching Nancy Grace for the first time, never seen it before but everyone said you have to watch her go batshit tonight, and she said exactly what I said earlier today!
She said I was a prosecutor for years I NEVER recall getting champagne or jumping up and down after a big win. There's never a good scenerio in a felony trial why would you be out there celebrating?!
Sing it, Nancy. Guilty or not guilty a child DIED.
Oh lol I remember some people here mentioning how she always brings up the twins John David and what's her face.
I laughed so hard when she started talking about helping John David over a puddle and somehow this made her think of Caylee's body. Huh, wtf? Wtf does that have to do with anything???
..but do you all honestly think any network would want to touch her with 100 foot pole? ......
First one that came to mind.... T L C (the lying channel!)
Nancy Grace. Now there's a case to study.
Fidosmommy: I think OJ could have earned money as far as the criminal case was involved. There was no restriction because he was acquitted. But the civil case left him with a huge judgment against him from the Goldman family who vowed to attach all his future earnings. That is what stopped him from earning money. From OJ's own lips came the information that he's rather retire and never work again than give the Goldman family a dime.
Ole Katie girl. lol Talking about "Twitter etqu" when she has no clue that twitter is NOT a chat room. She has no clue what twitter is even for. Such an empty life this woman has. Alone on the holiday weekend? Poor mommy of 8. No invites to a family BBQ? No invites to friends? Ohh poor Katie. So alone. So empty headed. So into her "tweeties". People who ask for a "recipe" for grilled asparagus. People who ask for a "recipe" for a salad. She is such an inpiration for the fans! She healed the family while Jon ruined it. She just can't stop putting down Jon. The father of her children. I will tell her this, from personal experience, her kids WILL hate this. They WILL hold that against her. Karma. Sweet karma.
Sheeple tweeted:
@Kateplusmy8 and i drank my 8 glasses of water. I flavor it up with lemonade powder for taste
@Kateplusmy8 and then i ate a ranch salad. I hope i loose weight. I gained alot of weight after i moved to Hershey
This is the one that wanted to be on Kate's kitchen staff, meet her for ice cream and go shopping at the outlets. You know, you almost feel sorry for someone like this who thinks that Kate has any interest at all in what she ate or drank for lunch. Then you realize that maybe it's these "poor vulnerable souls" who are the most scary, because if they are not acknowledged, they make it clear through their words or actions that they will not be ignored.
I would love to know how Kate could tweet all morning and then act like she just got back from her fun, had breakfast and was going to shower and start her day. She said that in the middle of all her tweets. Plus she said that her internal alarm clock woke her up at 6am. Isn't this the same person that slept her weekend away??? One lie after another. By the way. If running gets you a figure like hers....count me out.
Oh lol I remember some people here mentioning how she always brings up the twins John David and what's her face.
I laughed so hard when she started talking about helping John David over a puddle and somehow this made her think of Caylee's body. Huh, wtf? Wtf does that have to do with anything???
John David and Little Lucy. Always Little Lucy. NG gets home from work, goes to their room to make sure they are there, and then she listens to see if they are breathing. You must not have heard her go on and on about the time John David ran away from her in a toy store and she screamed like a maniac that her baby was missing. If she were my mother, I'd probably go missing, too. On purpose.
Hope everyone had a terrific Fourth of July. We had a busy family weekend seeing husband's family - sister, brothers, nephews, nieces, all their spouses, kids, friends - just a huge crew at annual family pool party. fireworks got rained out. I am truly surprised that Ms. kreider tweeted all fourth of July weekend. Doesn't the woman ever read a book? That is what I love to do, the rare times I get the house to myself.
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