In a rare acknowledgment of the world outside of Kate, Kate took to twitter tonight to comment on the Casey Anthony acquittal today. And apparently Kate feels the same as the general public opinion.
Said Kate, "This mommas heart is hurting along w many mommas hearts everywhere,I'm sure!:(."
Ours is too, Kate. And we're gonna give you the benefit of the doubt on this one. RIP, Caylee.
414 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 414 Newer› Newest»Batterednotbroken said... You have to read these emails from Cindy Anthonys' brother to Cindy. And from Cindy to her brother.
Are they verified as genuine?
LisaNH said...
It is kind of ironic, on the Factor last night, when O'Reilly was showing some viewer mail, a number of the letters were from people outside of the US and they think our justice system is a joke because of this trial. I'm not saying it's a joke, just that is a point of view of a few people living outside of the US.
Lisa, unfortunately I have to agree with you. I am American - married to a Canadian and living in Canada. DH and I had a huge argument tonight about the american justice system. He thinks it is a joke and I got really offended. I know he is not alone.
You'd be amazed at the things people say when they don't know I am American.
Yes, they are genuine, the are part of the evidence collected by the Sherriff, they requested them from the brother after interviewing him. To hear the brothers interview (6 parts) go to You Tube and type "Rick Peasea interview.
So- I see the Roloff's are coming back to TLC for 4 specials to tie up the loose ends from when their show ended. I hope when they finally cancel Khate- they won't keep bringing her show back! Geesh! Also, on the Extra fb page, they posted an article about her wanting to do more TV- the comments were almost all negative! Love that! I loathe this w......
Thanks, Anonymous. I'll check it out tomorrow. I'm all done in with Casey for today.
It seems that just hours after it was announced that Casey would be released next week, various news sites are reporting that lightning stuck the tree next to Caylee's memorial:
It seems that just hours after it was announced that Casey would be released next week, various news sites are reporting that lightning stuck the tree next to Caylee's memorial:
Instead of the 13th, they've changed the release date to the 17th.
I am not sure where they are but there are some facebook conversations between Tony and Casey that are very telling, wraps up a motive. I feel sorry for George - he was the only one willing to fight for Caylee and look what it cost him.
Jupiters_Alien Angel Parker
@Kateplusmy8 i love you kate!!! and so does my parents we can't stop watching your show it's addicting!!
This brings a very disturbing image to mind that includes rusted out cars, aluminum siding and lots of missing teeth.
Now I'm reading "Read what REALLY happened to Caylee Anthony from her Uncle Joe Joe Monkey Boy" on all these news sites (you guys know what I mean) ALL of these people are stepping forward saying they know was truly happened to poor little Caylee. Um, hi, if anyone truly, honestly knew what happened to Caylee then why the heck didn't anyone step up & say something sooner? Obviously it's all lies. Everyone is trying to cash in on the fame. It is so sad. Do people even realize that a 3 year old girl is dead? She is not going to grow up & be able to experience life? How is this a win??
And Kate's latest tweet? She (or the kids?) didn't get to bed til almost after midnight...isn't that illegal? The kids are possibly working WAY past the time they should, if she meant all of them filming. Kate, you dumb dumb, if YOU are so exhausted, then YOUR KIDS are 100X that. They are small kids.
I took my son out all day yesterday, doing FUN things & when we got home, he was tired. He wasn't working!! Think about it! Duh.
~Hippie Chick~
Kate tells us they are filming. Kate usually tweets every 10 minutes all day long. Not a tweet from Kate for the vast majority of the day all week. Makes it seem like filming is a GRUELING, all day affair (possibly until midnight) without so much as a spare second to break way from it.
She proves our case every darn time.
Administrator said...
Kate tells us they are filming. Kate usually tweets every 10 minutes all day long. Not a tweet from Kate for the vast majority of the day all week. Makes it seem like filming is a GRUELING, all day affair (possibly until midnight) without so much as a spare second to break way from it.
And what do Kate's fans say? They tell her to rest, relax, go to the spa, she deserves it! Not one single question about the kids being tired, stressed, etc.
There is an interesting link about how Casey spent an inordinate amount of time doing research on Nancy Grace and then posted it on her myspace page prior to her arrest.
There is also a link to the supposed Father of Caylee (now deceased) and the page is still up. Scroll down and you'll see messages from Casey to the now deceased.
@gimmee gimmee: I believe this is the link you are looking for.
Even assuming it was just Kate who had to work until midnight, what were the kids doing? With the nannies? And if Kate is stressed, exhausted, etc., she's not in the best position to be patient and kind to the kids when they need her attention.
And finally, having a film crew in your living space alll....day.....long must be so obnoxious.
There is also a link to the supposed Father of Caylee (now deceased) and the page is still up. Scroll down and you'll see messages from Casey to the now deceased.
Jesus Ortiz?
"Also, on the Extra fb page, they posted an article about her wanting to do more TV- the comments were almost all negative! Love that! I loathe this w......"
That is a clip from an old interview that they posted as new for some reason. It was from the spring I believe. Kate was very perky and positive about her lot in life and her future possibilities at the time. In just a few short months it now looks like she has no future in TV after Kate +8 is cancelled.
Yeah, that latest tweet from the twat is pure DISGUSTING. So she is subjecting her kids to extremely long punishing days of filming that wipe out even an adult, huh?
She's not a mother. She's a monster. How about letting your kids RELAX and rest, you idiot narcissistic see you next Tuesday?
I'm soooooo glad her 15 minutes are winding down.
The only consolation is at least they are staying close to home now for these grueling until midnight filming schedules. I'm not sure I could take another summer of watching the poor things dragged all over the country.
Aren't the kids supposed to stop filming at 10 I believe? Hopefully they weren't filming at midnight, just Kate.
I don't use Twitter, so I really have no idea of the inner workings, but I do read sometimes read Kate's tweets (and others) on the Twazzup page. How can one tweet...the SAME tweet show up more than 300 times (no exaggeration)? Does the tweeter have to post 300 separate times, or do they just spam it in some way? I'm clueless!
Didn't she call the ladies on the talk her "friends."
How come her "friends" didn't invite her over for bbq on the Fourth of July? She stayed home and twattered all day--no family parties, no friends' parties. She goes to NYC all the time, it's just a quick champagne/limo ride away.
Can someone on twitter ask her nicely if the kids were filming until midnight? I want to see what she says.
She didn't say that they were filming until midnight, just that the day didn't end until midnight, but if they were filming, they are clearly in violation of the child labor laws - the existing laws, not the new ones that will go into effect in October:
"No minor under sixteen years of age shall be employed or permitted to work in, about, or in connection with, any establishment or in any occupation before seven o'clock in the morning or after seven o'clock in the evening of any day except during school vacation period from June to Labor Day when such minor may work between the hours of seven o'clock in the morning and ten o'clock in the evening nor shall such a minor who is enrolled in school and working outside school hours be employed or permitted to work in, about, or in connection with, any establishment or in any occupation more than four hours on a school day, or more than eight hours on any other day, or more than eighteen hours during a school week..."
How can one tweet...the SAME tweet show up more than 300 times (no exaggeration)? Does the tweeter have to post 300 separate times, or do they just spam it in some way? I'm clueless!
The last tweet continues to show until another tweet is posted. Could be hours. I don't know how it works, but it's not being retweeted each time so isn't spam.
Moose I think it's very likely they were filming until midnight because what else is Kate so darn busy with? She tweets or she films. She's probably not jogging at midnight. She doesn't work a job. Usually late at night she is tweeting and not claiming to be doing ANYTHING. When she talks about being so darn busy, it's ALWAYS because she's filming. She did not tweet once all darn day--bet the farm because they were filming.
They would not necessarily be in violation of child labor laws if they stopped filming the kids at 10 p.m., but kept filming Kate--maybe doing interviews.
Although it does beg the question, if the kids are still "on set" though not technically being filmed, does that count? Does "working" begin the moment the camera crew steps into their personal space, whether the lens is pointed right at them or not? I tend to think it does. Once again, the law is unclear.
Anonymous said...
Can someone on twitter ask her nicely if the kids were filming until midnight? I want to see what she says.
Apparently not. Her fans won't ask such a question, and the "haters" questions are ignored by Kate.
I'm not so sure I believe TLC is trying to let Kate down easy so much as I think they are purely crunching the numbers.
Last year, the numbers justified the trips. To N.C., to NYC, to Alaska, to Australia. Ratings continued to fall and now the cost of the trips doesn't add up to a decent profit. But, the ratings are still not quite low enough to stop filming all together. So now they are doing trips closer to home, Maryland and Philly, and filming a lot right at home. Lots cheaper.
Eventually even very cheap filming at home won't be cost effective. At that point, the next step may be a few yearly "check in" episodes like the Roloffs, and finally, complete cancellation.
It's all on a spreadsheet and someone with a calculator is working this all out. When the numbers no longer make sense, the filming will stop.
By the way the 10 p.m. cut off time is really ridiculous in itself. Absent special occasions kids that young should be in bed long before that. I don't think I was staying up past 10 p.m. until high school.
Considering what time Kate got up on Thursday morning and made her first tweet, one can assume that the kids were up shortly thereafter which would make it a 17 hour workday for everyone, kids and adults.
Then, factor in todays schedule, Kates up tweeting very early which means the kids barely got 8 hours of sleep after working 17 hours the previous day. How humane is that?
Admin, I'll bet the farm and raise you 3 chickens that Kate's filming those kids all week.
"Kelly said...There is also a link to the supposed Father of Caylee (now deceased) and the page is still up. Scroll down and you'll see messages from Casey to the now deceased.
I could only scroll to 180. No messages from Casey to there. Not sure why they won't let me to the full 400 something. Also the guy Casey claimed to the be father was an Eric Baker. The police did find a deceased Eric Baker, but the DOB and date of death didn't quite match with what Casey had on her facebook page. "surprise, surprise" lol
tainslie1 tanya ainslie
@Kateplusmy8 Try to let yrself relax for once
Does this make you want to tear your hair out? It does me.
boo said...Auntie Ann, with all due respect, I think your comment goes too far. I assume you meant to just criticize Kate, but it sounds like you're implying that the kids could someday be capable of behavior like Casey's -- child abuse/neglect, pathological lying or, at worst, murdering their own child.
boo - for some reason blogger isn't letting my comments through...3rd effort at responding:
Actually I do think that Kate's parenting is debilitating their mental health. I can't predict with any accuracy how the Gosselin kids are going to behave as teens or adults and I hope I'm wrong, but I believe the chances are they're going to have some hefty emotional difficulties. When you grow up around a mother who lies as much as Kate does, uses you and your siblings for her own monetary gain, flagrantly begs people to help her fulfill every last wish on her greedy bucket list, engages in parental alienation of your father, is a flaming narcissist who exhibits almost sociopathic behavior and distances you from relationships that may interfere with HER own happiness, then yes it would seem to me it could increase the likelihood of some less than sane characteristics in you.
E-town Neighbor said it much more eloquently, thank you E-town.
You know more than any other of Kate's serious lapses, I think the parental alienation could impact the kids the most. Observing healthy relationships has been proven to be so crucial in forming your own.
By the way the 10 p.m. cut off time is really ridiculous in itself. Absent special occasions kids that young should be in bed long before that. I don't think I was staying up past 10 p.m. until high school.
True. When I was that age, bedtime was 8:30 p.m. or before, and it was still light outside! When those laws were written, they weren't figuring on seven-year-olds filming. They weren't written for reality television, but were geared toward minors (under 18) having summer employment. The 10 p.m. cut-off time would have been fine then, with kids working at fast-food restaurants, etc.
However, when the new laws were written (Bill 1548) nothing has changed. The time is still 10 p.m. when school is not in session. This is still too late for seven-year-olds in the summer, especially when you consider that they are, by law, permitted to start "work" at 7 a.m.
And that's the one thing that Kate vehemently denies she's doing when we flat out see and hear her doing it.
I am still depressed that a little girl (Caylee) lost her life, her mother does know what happened, and there are still so many unanswered questions.
I think prosecuter Ashton made the best comment on TV when he said, the best thing we can do is to "IGNORE" Casey Anthony, don't show up to jail when she is released, etc. If enough pressure is put on the media to not run stories, which would include the tabloid magazines, companies that endorse any of the defense, Anthony family, or Casey, it will be a step in the right direction. To condone child abuse with the ultimate worse outcome of DEATH, should not be encouraged. Those people involved with this should NOT make any profit what so ever.
E-town Neighbor said it much more eloquently, thank you E-town.
You are more than welcome, Auntie Ann. "Knowing" you, I read your remarks and didn't consider them out of line at all, but were merely your honest observation as to what could happen if kids are raised in a dysfunctional home. Sadly, you're correct.
If enough pressure is put on the media to not run stories, which would include the tabloid magazines, companies that endorse any of the defense, Anthony family, or Casey, it will be a step in the right direction.
True but that's not going to happen. People will never give up their lust for the macabre, the train wrecks of the world, etc., even though it makes some very undeserving people very rich.
It's really amazing just how busy filming keeps Khate. Gee, I thought they were just living their normal lives while the cameras rolled? And the kids are just playing, doing whatever they want, running in and out. Yeah, right. Obviously, the filming of these staged, scripted episodes takes a ton of time, and keeps Khate off of Twitter. Hmm, remember when she claimed it's so easy and fast for her to tweet? She said she could send some tweets while waiting for water to boil, didn't she? Well, she must be really busy filming to not even be able to send a few tweets here and there.
By her own admission on Twitter, they are filming all this week and all last week. I would just love to know how many episodes they got out of a full two weeks of filming. Also, I'm glad the kids aren't being dragged around all summer, but that must really, really suck to have the film crew in your house all day from the time you wake up until you go to bed. It seems so intrusive to me, I just couldn't even imagine opening my home up like that for myself, let alone to put that on my kids.
What the heck can they even be filming at this point? Haven't they already done it all? No offense to the kids, but they're just normal kids and I don't see why people would be interested in watching them play or go along with some scripted fake stuff for them to do. My gosh, isn't there more than enough stuff on tv these days to entertain the sheeple? They really just have to keep watching this show?
Casey wrote:
Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote
at 7:33am on June 4th, 2008
oh, the times we will have!
i can't wait for us to become roomies in another week! seriously...by the end of next week, it will be just us girls. i can't believe it!
This was on June 4. Casey died on June 16. I certainly hope the prosecutors didn't miss this one. Pre-meditation?
I can't imagine as a 10 year old just wanting to relax on the couch or be on the phone with a friend or play in the pool and there's a whole production crew in your face. I would go crazy!
@E-Town Neighbor,
That email could be pretty ambiguous and easily explained by the defense by stating that Casey was including Caylee in her mention of "just us girls". She could have meant it to be the freedom she would have by not living under her parents roof any longer.
My question to the defense would be, "how did Casey plan to contribute to the cost of the apartment since she didn't have any child support, no gainful employment and no bank accounts"?
If you read further into those links, or I'll forward the correct ones if they aren't in their, you'll see that there is some mention that Casey was involved in some sort of internet porn and it may have been a way she was earning money. There is some reference as to Caylee being on the premises, outside of the family home while Casey was involved in these endeavors.
The defense was able to get the judge to not allow the photos into evidence.
Did she tweet that she was filming to the point of exhaustion, or did she just say that they had busy, busy days, ending at midnight, etc.? Could it be that they weren't filming at all, but doing something else (who knows what?) and she was just teasing the sheeple, knowing that they would get their wool all in knots in anticipation of new shows?
She could have meant it to be the freedom she would have by not living under her parents roof any longer.
I thought about that, Kelly. But she wasn't living under her parents roof at that time. Nobody knows where she was living or with whom she was living. Prosecution stated that she stopped at her parents house periodically, but where she was living really wasn't known because she and Caylee were gone for weeks at a time.
But you're correct. Defense would have spun it to suit their purpose.
Sheeple tweeted: miloandjack
@JeanneKaye @Kateplusmy8 LOL. R we thinkin alik or what? Guess allKate fans stay on same line of thought!
Truer words were never tweeted, but I don't think that I'd want to admit that!:) Flock mentality!
I agree with you 100%. I will not be buying the rag mags this week for my mom, even though they are hers (& my) guilty pleasure. I like to read them whilst sitting on my porch or when lying by my pool (sorry!!!) when my son swims w/ his friends. You just KNOW the covers are going to be splashed with Casey Anthony photos NOT GUILTY!! and such. I was buying People there when they were doing the trial to keep up, but no more.
As for this filming with Kate & the kids late into the night; I hope to God Jon is taking notes &/or doing something quietly. He is not one to tell, but keep your fingers crossed that he is actually FINALLY going to take the bulls by the horn & adopt some balls. I KNOW there isn't much he can do from a legal standpoint, (WHY WHY WHY???) but he can take some notes & when the time comes, run her ass over the coals. And does Kate think she is above the law? She keeps running her "mouth" on twitter, she is bound to get caught...
~Hippie Chick~
Casey may be getting her freedom on July 17, but she can't stray too far from Orlando because she has to be in the attorney's office on July 19 to give her deposition in Zenaida's lawsuit!
Who is funding Casey's attorneys in this lawsuit, and others to follow? Is Jose doing this pro bono or perhaps Cheney Mason is doing it out of the goodness of his heart, since he is so enamored with her?
@JeanneKaye @Kateplusmy8 LOL. R we thinkin alik or what? Guess allKate fans stay on same line of thought!
Just checking in all as I come up for air!lots going on here...I'm 81 from 20,000 followers! You all totally AMAZE me! Thx for your love!:)
So she currently has 19,919 followers, 19 of them actually are fans, the other 19,000 are people who "loathe her and her brand" (love that!!) and just want to see what the daily twit from the twat is. I don't think that's really all that amazing but if Kate wants to pretend she has an awesome following, more power to her.
I sure hope all this filming doesn't mean she's going to be included and heavily promoted in TLCs Fall lineup. Like others have said, what could they possibly be filming that hasn't been done twice, 3x before? I'm sure she had yet ANOTHER professional organizer over on TLCs dime. Funny how even while filming at home she always manages to make sure there's something in it for her. I would much rather see an actual, real, appreciative mom be given the gift of a professional organizer than to see money and services be wasted on that ungrateful witch.
Hopefully in the Fall with the new shows and new episodes of old favorites being on (plus football-fingers crossed!) Kate's ratings will sink even lower. That 10:00 time slot is working out great, hope TLC keeps her there.
I'm 81 from 20,000 followers! You all totally AMAZE me! Thx for your love!:)
Now that's a pathetic tweet if ever there was one. When she runs out of asinine things to say, she throws in a countdown? She's gonna be beside herself by 19,954. Gawd.
@Kateplusmy8 you AMAZE and inspire us!!!
Inspire "us" to do what? Sell your kids to the highest bidder? Buy a million dollar house that you won't be able to afford once the kids stop working? Bash your ex-husband at every chance you get? Lie? Hire nannies, housekeepers, groundskeepers and claim that you are exhausted from doing all the work? Make your kids feel like inferior non-entities? Get drunk at a NYC bar and let a stranger lick you, ad nauseam?
Exactly what inspires these sheeple? Have any of them ever come out and say why Kate is such an amazing and inspirational person?
Admin, I have a daughter who will be a junior in high school this coming school year. She's 16 years old. Her school day starts at 7:30, as in that's when first period begins. She has to get up no later than 6 and that's cutting it close.
So she's in bed, lights out, no later than 10 on weeknights and she'll be 17 in December! But growing people (and that includes teens, of course), need LOADS of sleep.
Obviously, it's summer, so the kids don't have to get up for school. But since they seem to be filming non-stop, they probably aren't getting any downtime during the day, either, as kids normally would (even zoning out or taking a cat nap or something). The staying up past midnight I HOPE was just Kate, but knowing her, it wouldn't surprise me one BIT if she kept those kids up for a 16 hour day of filming and didn't bat an eye at their exhaustion, only tweeted to gain sympathy for HER exhaustion.
She never thinks about those kids, except as money-makers. I cannot WAIT until she's off the air for good.
Exactly what inspires these sheeple? Have any of them ever come out and say why Kate is such an amazing and inspirational person?
The answer to that is a resounding NEVER. If you ask a sheeple what's so amazing about Kate, they call you a hater and leave.
@Kateplusmy8 you AMAZE and inspire us!!!
Hi, I'm a sheeple. I just turned 18. Kate inspires me to have 7 kids by 5 different fathers. I plan on trying to get on a reality show (if they're still even popular) or living off welfare. I am NOT gonna work. Does Kate? Nope. I think I'll also raise my kids to think the world owes them a living cuz that's what Kate does. She's my idol. I will film the crap outta them & keep sending tape after tape to different networks until one of them calls me up & says "UR HIRED!" even though I didn't have all my kids at once. Well, except the twins who I will name Maddy & Cara. Cute huh? *wink* I will do just as Kate did. I will marry & treat my husband like a piece of dog sh*t on my shoe, & probably just screech, yell & stomp around, barking orders at everyone.
I PROMISE to grift as much as I can. When I have enough $$, I'll get off welfare, maybe, or I'll grift the state! Who knows!? I AM modeling myself after Kate, so grifting is my middle name. I will beg borrow & steal to get wut I wnt. I will make my parents proud until I kick them to the curb, just like Kate did. Kate is the best thing eva. I am going to name my kids after hers too, just like she did w/ the Mcaugheys or whatever, who are never in the news. What's up with that? They COULD be rich & famous. Dumbbb! People need to cash in on that stuff, just like Kate! Look how far she has come & she just had kids!! Oh well, gotta go, I have to meet my BFF!
XOXOXOXO, K+8lvr4evr&aday
~Hippie Chick
dont think shes doing anything.just pretending .sad very sad
wayward said...
“I would much rather see an actual, real, appreciative mom be given the gift of a professional organizer than to see money and services be wasted on that ungrateful witch.”
I’d be willing to watch a show like that. They could call it “My Fairy Godmother,” and give useful stuff like that to people who need it. Maybe a professionally designed/organized closet or set of closets to one person, money management classes to another, free babysitting for x number of evenings so the parents can have weekly date nights, a new work wardrobe for a new college graduate (great Stacy and Clinton crossover).
Has she actually stated they are filming this week or last? Even if she did, can we believe her? We know she reads the blogs and I bet she loves the fact that people believe TLC is still filming the show. Maybe they are, but I'm not so sure.
She did say they were filming for a "surprise episode" last week, but this week, she has only said hard work, exhausting, day of organization, kids might get a pool day, stressful long days, etc.
She hasn't explicitly said they're filming this week. So yeah, she is either trying to make it sound like she's sooooo busy working and she's really not, or she really is subjecting those kids to a second brutal week of filming.
Either way, she's an idiot.
I think if they weren't busy Filming Kate wouldn't be able to stop shooting up her twitter. She is a twitter junkie. Filming is the logical explanation.
From watching the interviews with the juror and alternate juror, it seems that they thought that Caylee might have died in an accident.
This really flies in the face of common sense. Why in the world would anyone try to cover up an accident? Many children die in accidents such as pool drownings every year, and each death is tragic - but nobody goes to jail because of an accident!
And what mother reacts to the accidental death of her child by partying, shopping and getting tattoos?
Even if the death had been an accident and the mother had, for whatever reason, covered it up - wouldn't she have told the truth once she was charged with first-degree murder and facing the death penalty?
Who in the world would sit in jail for three years and risk a capital murder conviction for an accident?
"overthehill said... dont think shes doing anything.just pretending .sad very sad"
I agree and have thought this for awhile now. I suspect she makes up half the stuff she says she does on a daily basis just to sound interesting and busy. It's B.S.
Sleeping and eating a zero calorie dinner is interesting?
Administrator said...
I think if they weren't busy Filming Kate wouldn't be able to stop shooting up her twitter. She is a twitter junkie. Filming is the logical explanation.
I agree. I think she's hooked on tweeting and the adulation and filming is the one think that would keep her from it.
Kate should be embarrassed about have only 20,000 followers on Twitter. I guess it sounds like a lot but not when you're talking about the internet! Her fans have to know that's a very low number, yet they encourage her to celebrate each time the numbers sloooowly creeps up by 1000. They're not doing her any favors, just making her look dumber and more needy than she already is.
LOL, there's an interesting bit of tweets going on by non-fans, tweeting how Khate inspires them.
Haha, I can just see Kate doing the math to figure out how far she is from 20K followers!
It wouldn't surprise me if her handful of fans each has at least 10-20 twitter accounts under different names to increase her numbers. That can be done, right? So, subtract out the haters (say 50% and I'm being conservative) and she probably has less than 2,000 actual "fan" who "Love" her. Sad.
Kate is bubbling over with delight and amazement at her tweeties that she loves - nearly 20,000. However, when looking at those sheeple who tweet, there are only a handful of them who continue to sing her praises. What are the other 19,975 of the followers doing - just reading the tweets and laughing hysterically?
I also noticed that from July 5-8, this thread has 243 comments; from July 4-8, the previous thread had 204 posts. I ran over to the "other" anti-Kate blog and noticed only 71 posts from July 1-8. I guess you could say that this blog is really rocking and is "the" place to be!
Admin, is there a recap coming on the "gross" dinner?
Admin said...
Sleeping and eating a zero calorie dinner is interesting?
LOLOL TLC is scraping the bottom of the barrel at this point. Not just scraping, but have sanded it clean & are licking it.
~Hippie Chick~
Admin said...
Sleeping and eating a zero calorie dinner is interesting?
Judging by her fans giddy, breathless replies when Kate tweets, they'll no doubt find that fascinating.
wayward said... Just checking in all as I come up for air!lots going on here...I'm 81 from 20,000 followers! You all totally AMAZE me! Thx for your love!:)
I think this is code for....Hurry up Sheeple and make me 81 more fake followers, so I can reach 20,000! Pathetic as it is.
I believe she filmed last week, but I'm not convinced she is filming this week. Usually, she would come right out and say it, but this week she hasn't. She has just said that she has long, hard days that exhaust her. Why wouldn't she be twitting about her amazing, awesome episodes to come as per usual. UGH! I don't know, she is too mentally disturbed to figure out. She just needs to GO AWAY!
Administrator said...I think if they weren't busy Filming Kate wouldn't be able to stop shooting up her twitter. She is a twitter junkie. Filming is the logical explanation.
My "sediments" exactly. Kate was all a-twitter when she had no plans for Independence weekend, and now she's MIA since claiming to be busy.
I wouldn't put it past TLC if they instructed her to cut back on announcing when she's filming/not filming, especially when she's talking about all these exhausting long days. That way the non-fans, Jon, and whoever closely follows her tweets can only speculate now rather than have concrete proof (per Kate's own admission).
It's sad that Kate was anxious for summer so she and the kids would have lazy summer days - sleeping in, relaxing, etc. but now we are seeing the complete opposite. I doubt Kate would be working these long, exhausting days if they weren't filmed.
As for "G Organization Day", Kate the Great Organizer wouldn't have to spend an entire day organizing if she was the OCD, neat-freak that she claimed to be on the show. Real great organizers would never let things get piled-up and would pass-on these skills to their kids. I'm anal when it comes to organization and the only time I've spent long hours "organizing" into the night was when I was moving. Purely speculation on my part.
If they are filming, why didn't any of her crew invite her to join them in their own celebrations? Hasn't she claimed before that they are friends or like family to them? I guess, for the crew, they only see the Gosselins as a job.
Mary in California said... Haha, I can just see Kate doing the math to figure out how far she is from 20K followers!
It wouldn't surprise me if her handful of fans each has at least 10-20 twitter accounts under different names to increase her numbers. That can be done, right? So, subtract out the haters (say 50% and I'm being conservative) and she probably has less than 2,000 actual "fan" who "Love" her. Sad.
I don't tweet, twitter, etc.. Don't know how and have no interest in doing so. Know how to text message, email, and answer a phone. And I acutally like to talk to people I like in person. Works for me...
Is it possible Kate's PR people create multiple accounts on twitter to expand her alleged fan base? Maybe even TLC, although I doubt it now.
Excellent point, if Kate is so close to the crew why does she never twatter, "Well off to dinner with the crew!" or going to a bday party for a kid of someone on the crew!" or 4th of July picnic with the crew!" "Going to see Taylor Swift with X from the crew!"
When she says how close they are to the crew, not one journalist will ever follow up with, have you EVER done something with the crew without cameras?
I've said this before, she reminds me so much of Michael's character from the office, who sees the co-workers as his family, as his life. When the co-workers see him as just another boss and nothing special. Her relationship to this crew is largely in her own mind and not in theirs.
If anyone has ever had a friend who likes them way more than you like them, you know how the crew feels.
Well, let's see. News on the Casey Anthony front. She was offered a million cool ones to appear on Springer; the cast has already been suggested for the movie, with John O'Hurley (Seinfeld) as George; Kristen Stewart as Casey, and I missed the other players in this macabre presentation; the talent agency, Paradigm, dropped Baez.
Casey rejected a request from Cindy to visit her in jail tonight. Cindy perjures herself on the stand to save Casey, and Casey refuses to see her. Nice.
Word at the prison is that she already left the jail to avoid the media. No confirmation on that, but the guards told prisoners being released today that Casey is no longer there.
So, Casey lies, and steals and is a sociopathic narcissist, kills her child, and now will make millions from her actions (if someone doesn't decide to be a vigilante and make sure justice is done once and for all).
These are tweets from the sheeple who has Alexis as her avatar. If this isn't creepy, I don't know what is! In addition, she has a photo posted of her child wearing the same outfit that Alexis wore at her sixth birthday party.
plus8fan gosselinkids
@Kateplusmy8 hope one they the kids know about the existence of my twitter. cause this is ALL for them, the best family
plus8fan gosselinkids
Favorite gosselin? Cute adorable crazy and loving alexis faith.
plus8fan gosselinkids
@Chiica2006s i know! She is just precious. Little miss alexis
plus8fan gosselinkids
Alexis Gosselin: funniest, craziest, and most beautifull little girl
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
by plus8fan
@plus8fan I love her so much, she's so squishably soft! :)
What is missing in their lives that they have to shower such adoration on another person's child - one that they don't even know?
Oh, goody! Kate posted a picture of her dinner. Who does this? I guess this recipe will be included in her new cookbook. I wonder how many glasses (or boxes) of wine accompanied this dish!
What made Kate think anyone is interested in her boring as hell dinner? Does she want a medal for eating an egg white omelette or something?
She is obsessed. She says egg whites are protein and few calories and no fat. Kate, your body NEEDS some fat and calories. It's why you're so darn tired!
What's that red goop on the side? I'm honestly curious.
I am a huge foodie even though I don't talk about it much here just cause it's usually not on topic--I cook daily, follow food trucks, I'm really into sandwiches right now--all the different artisan breads and making delicious combos based on what I have kicking around in the fridge. And I'm actually a fan of this trend of putting a protein on top of a bed of greens and veggies sprinkled with cheese and some kind of vinaigrette. But the hot scrambled eggs throughout the whole thing are just going to make the greens go completely soggy and gross. I like this meal all right, but I would get rid of the wet mushrooms, use a milder cheese, and do a couple poached eggs placed carefully in the center.
But you know what, she can eat what she wants and what makes her happy. Just not sure why she feels the need to constantly twatter these not-so-unique soggy creations.
Oh speaking of food, I like how TLC started off calling Hodge Podge dinner "Gross Dinner" then changed it to the more benign Hodge Podge. Guess Gross was too insulting to the kids?
Yep, admin. If that's how she eats even 75% of the time, then she's dealing with food control issues, which doesn't surprise me at all.
My husband ate like that for six months, almost no fat. Unlike Kate, though, he actually ran, many miles a day. He turned into a skeleton. His hair was falling out. He had no energy. He needed protein, some fat in his diet, more calories. Once he made those changes, he looked and felt SO much better.
Kate is an idiot and probably thinks she looks good, though. I think it's funny because you know a lot of her sheeple are going "ewwwww." LOL.
I wonder if Kate ever saw that 60 Minutes interview with Michael Phelps where he polished down about three huge Denny's breakfast platters or something.
I suppose Kate wonders why he's not fat. It's because he's burning a ton of calories Kate. He needs the fuel! If you are driving the car longer you have to give it more fuel, this is simple stuff.
There is balance between calories in and energy out. The solution to being healthy is not to cut calories. It's finding that healthy balance using nutritious foods and HEALTHY fats.
It seems to me that Kate basically listens to whatever buzzwords she happened to hear on the Today show one morning and doesn't think critically about it. I.e. Organic! Cutting calories! Recycle!
Sorry for so many posts. That's salsa on the side. Which is fine, but for a foodie like me, it's a little unimaginative. Eeeeeeeveryone's done this. My husband's favorite is egg whites scrambled up with juliened potatoes, mushrooms, onions, red bell peppers, and garam masala. God, it's good. Sometimes, he'll add some fresh Parmesan.
I'm in love with a salad that has spinach or spring greens, feta (NOT fat free), walnuts, and really thiny sliced fresh pears with this orange sesame dressing I make fresh.
But you can't eat no-fat all the time without dietary and physical consequences. GOOD fats are really good for you. Nuts, avocados, a little cheese, real butter, etc. All in moderation. Kate doesn't understand moderation.
I've told this story before but when I had a stomach infection called h.pylori and couldn't eat anything without my stomach killing me, it was mostly very bland skinless boiled proteins and veggies. I lost 12 pounds, had zero energy, and felt like crap. And looked like crap!
Nowadays I gained back the weight, feel great, have good energy. I probably do a militant HEALTHY dinner maybe 2 or 3 nights a weak tops. A lean protein on a salad with a ton of veggies. The other nights are somewhere in between. Maybe a protein with the skin, potatoes here and there, pasta, or a rice dish. Then maybe one night a week an unhealthy dinner like this great pizza place we have or some kind of ethnic dish or a food truck. A nice desert on the weekends. I've never felt better or been healthier.
I feel sorry for women who obsess and deny themselves food like Kate does. I honestly do. This is not just Kate, she is just one of many. Taking PRIDE in denying themselves stuff that's perfectly fine to have! How did we get to this point? Why did we do this to women?
LOL I meant dessert of course.
Here's Kate twatting again she's denying herself a simple Fig Newman! It's just a Fig Newman Kate and it's Friday!
@Chiica2006s Oh dear.... I'll think of some easy stuff.Food just lands on table here
When craft services puts it there?
What's that red goop on the side? I'm honestly curious.
Kate tweets what she had for dinner and her fans act like she invented scrambled eggs. Who hasn't scrambled and egg with some veggies and cheese? Egads.
jasrjs1228 segovia girl
@Kateplusmy8 YUMM! You are so awesome! I totally want that for dinner now. Love the photo attachment! Thanks for keeping me on track Kate!
You are so awesome? LOL. I should twat a photo of my Mom's dutch apple pie now that is awesome. E-gawds what she does is BASIC cooking skills anyone with two fingers and a half could piece together.
I don't get the extreme adoration either. At some point even Kate herself must find it a little silly. She picked her nose this morning and all of her 10% of fans cried tears of joy.
By the way notice how she is all a twitter tonight tweeting every 2 minutes?
She is SO predictable. She "worked hard" all week, i.e. saw to it the kids got the crap filmed out of them, and because the filming schedule is so grueling as we have said all along, didn't have a spare moment to tweet but twice a day. Predictably, the film crew left as they tend to do Friday evening. How can you tell? There she is back on twatter.
Apparently the only time the kids get her full attention and she leaves her twitter fans alone is when they film. You can tell when the kids are being exploited based on her tweeting patterns.
Not only that, but she's denying herself a FAT-FREE Fig Newton. Oh what an INCREDIBLE woman! What AMAZING willpower! What a martyr!
Next she'll be denying herself a sip of water. Martyr!
Next she'll be denying herself a sip of water. Martyr!
She's already done that - with Mady.
Admin - or perhaps the kids are at Jon's again this weekend? Maybe she's decided to send them over there every weekend now that TLC seems to be cutting back on the filming/only filming during the week. After all, she really wanted Jon to spend more time with them. And that would allow her to twitter to her heart's content.
Just a thought.
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@tainslie1 Omg. Hugs. Keep me posted... Hang in there..
1 minute ago
Kate Gosselin
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@MiloandJack Omg I'd be I'm trouble all the time bc of ur, uh, sassiness! Fortunately this 'intern' (me,lol) is a pretty mild tweeter! Lol
2 minutes ago
Kate Gosselin
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@MiloandJack @JeanneKaye Omg! How many years of marriage I shudder to ask, lol?
She must be hitting the sauce. That's a few too many OMG's in a row.
Kate is really losing a grip and the lies are just out of control. I just read this on twitter, I don’t follow her. She tweeted she is not running enough yet last weekend on INF that’s all she did according to them….
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@ @therealmomsofoc Wow! I'm doing one later in the year and haven't had time2run enough lately so I'm a bit stressed..Good luck!Keep it up!
It’s mind boggling to me…She really needs help
Did anyone see the octomom interview on the Today show this week?
Didn't see it but heard that her 8 kids ran around the set during the interview like feral animals..... no respect for discipline; in fact there was NO discipline as octomom just talked louder over their animal noises and screeches. Put me in mind of Lord of the Flies, toddler version.
I bring this up because it's a sterling example of how difficult it is to connect with each child as an individual when there is a tribe of them.
Frankly I think octomom is seriously mentally off, but the way she and kart interact with kids with kids is similar.
As I've said before, we know it CAN be done well, as Becky Dilly and the McCougheys have shown.
If anyone saw the Today octomom interview I'd be interested in knowing if what I heard was correct in terms of their behavior and emotional detachment....
Another example of 'baby litters for fame'........
Permanent - I watched it online. Here you go...
I bring this up because it's a sterling example of how difficult it is to connect with each child as an individual when there is a tribe of them.
Exactly. Although there are many positive and fun things about having multiples, this is a big negative and one that Kate has even admitted she worried about. And yet here she is working until midnight probably shut away in her basement with her camera crew friends, or twittering 1000 tweets a month, off to NY using her kids' success to get all the diva comforts she's ever wanted, and having a nanny there four and a half days a week.
Kate complains Jon only has the kids two weekends a month. Well, do the math. With a nanny there five days a week, she herself is only alone a full day with the kids two weekends a month. LOL, Kate.
I think it is very selfish of her fans, when she is being quiet on twitter, to demand that she come in and check in. Um, no, fans, leave her alone, she needs to be with the people who actually deserve her attention--the kids. Geez.
The whole thing is very sad.
I'm trying to remember back to when I was 16-18 years old. I hung out with friends my age, and liked guys my age. Is it normal for a girl in this age group to have such an obsessive fascination with a 36-year-old divorced woman with kids? Seriously, is this common? I can understand a teenager liking a 20-something female singer, but what appeal does Kate Gosselin hold for these young girls who think she is absolutely amazing and inspirational? She's anything but gorgeous!
@EmCr68 @iwanadatekate @kateplusmy8 agreed, your amazing! :) my favorite person in this world!
@IwanaDatekate @kateplusmy8 haha that was deep!! (and so true if I might add!) Kate your amazing and gorgeous! Don't ever forget that!
@Paige_Kate8lvr @iwanadatekate @kateplusmy8 mine too! Paige and I will remind you everyday if we have 2! Lol I think you'll remember though!
@Kateplusmy8 Oh how I've missed you, Kate! How's everything there at home? Busy days keeping you away? (: xoxo
I don't mean to come across as cruel, but I don't think these girls are doing what a lot of girls their age do, as in dating or going out with girlfriends much. If a boy were to come into their lives, I imagine they'd be "done" with Kate in a flash.
Ms. Kreider cannot be running a long distance daily and eating so little. It is not healthy. The DH and I are watching the Tour de France bicycle race coverage every day. The commentators must say at least a dozen times during the broadcast that the cyclists have to eat about 6 THOUSAND calories or more EVERY DAY to maintain their energy level while cycling a hundred kilometers or more every day. The DH cycles with a group 4 or 5 days a week, and can verify - you want to have enough calories on board, even for long-distance recreational cycling, because bonking from low blood sugar in the middle of a ride is not fun!
E-Town Neighbor, thanks for linking the video.
It was interesting to me in that I noticed the Suleman 8 did not once hit each other, none of them shrieked, none of them cried because of boredom or because another kid was stealing their cookie. They didn't sit quietly on the rug and they ran amok, but they seemed much more disciplined than I've seen in videos of some other HOM siblings who shall remain nameless. They seemed to me to be ordinary 2 year old children who are active and need to move around. Not bad behavior, all in all.
she might be a closet eater, she fills herself with a plate of maybe 175 calories for dinner but later on stuffs her face with candy or other things when no one is looking, or fills her belly with wine... liquids can make you feel full very long and very quickly, but alcohol does have a ton of carbs,this could be why the low cal dinner, either way it's making her look like she is at least 46 years old. blergh!nothing wrong with 46 year old woman, but for someone looking fairly her age only 2 1/2 yrs ago... that's a far jump.
I also noticed Nadya was on the floor with them, not sitting in a chair like a queen with her subjects at her feet in perfect rows.
Also, they were not all dressed alike - not even an attempt to put them in the same color or style. Income may have a lot to do with that, and the fact that Gymboree might have got burned out on another multiples family.
Two more idiot jurors on Dateline tonight. I think these interviews aired before. They were alternates, but said they would have acquitted.
One said there was no smoking gun. GAAAA, you don't need a smoking gun! The standard of proof is not a "smoking gun"!!! Where in the law is a smoking gun required? If the law required a smoking gun about 100 people would be in jail right now and everyone else wandering the streets.
The other said that first you can't judge Casey's partying based on emotion. Huh? No one is judging it based on emotion. She was partying like a rock star knowing full well her child was missing. It goes to her callous state of mind. It has nothing to do with "emotion." Then he said he was young and could relate to her partying. Big HUH? here. He can relate to someone partying when their child is missing? Why, has he done that? Does he understand it's not about the partying? It's about the partying knowing your child is missing (or DEAD) and not telling the cops.
I have yet to hear a juror articulate the CORRECT standard of proof they were supposed to judge this case on. No it's not a smoking gun, no it's not the state has to "prove it." No it's not, "don't judge based on emotion." I'm waiting for a juror to explain what beyond a reasonable doubt means, I haven't even heard that term uttered yet by them even without an explanation of what it means to them. Were they even....aware.....that was the proper standard to base their verdict on? So frustrating. Like I said before, this verdict would be a lot easier to accept if they actually did their job correctly and applied the standard they were supposed to. Maybe they would have come to the same result, but at least they would have done it correctly.
Kate was eating something with mushrooms? I remember her freaking out when Sara Snow was showing Kate how to prepare a meal with mushrooms in it!
I caught the Today Show interview this am. Actually, I was pleasantly surprised. As Fido's Mommy said, they acted like pretty standard 2 year olds. I give Nadya credit, when asked how she handles the criticism, that she doesn't label herself - she's not "octo-mom" she's a mom and her name is Nadya. She's pretty spacey but I assume some of that is sleep deprivation.
I understand she doesn't want to take welfare but I'm not sure how she can have her kids in preschool and such and not be on some state assisted programs. How does she define welfare?
Anyway, I wish her and her kids (especially big sister who was there) as well. Unlike some, she seems to enjoy being a mom and genuinely loves her kids. It's certainly a far from perfect life and she's made choices most of us wouldn't have but I get the impression she's trying the best she can. Yes, it could be better and I hope it does improve but I find her more authentic than Kate in many ways.
fidosmommy said...
E-Town Neighbor, thanks for linking the video.
It was interesting to me in that I noticed the Suleman 8 did not once hit each other, none of them shrieked, none of them cried because of boredom or because another kid was stealing their cookie. They didn't sit quietly on the rug and they ran amok, but they seemed much more disciplined than I've seen in videos of some other HOM siblings who shall remain nameless. They seemed to me to be ordinary 2 year old children who are active and need to move around. Not bad behavior, all in all.
I must have been watching a different interview! Ann Curry and David Gregory were herding the kids the entire interview.
Kids are kids. They were not misbehaving, but some of the kids were amok! Moreover, Octomom was oblivious to it.
I wish a surgeon would donate his service to fix her kid's cleft lip, too.
You bring up a good point about "when I was 16-17". Let's see, when I was that age, I was hanging out with my friends all the time, but only when I wasn't working 2 jobs earning money for insurance for my car & gas. I had a boyfriend as well. We all hung out in a big group & would go to the mall, or the local coffee shop. There was no cell phones, or twitter, & we wouldn't shut ourselves in our rooms watching TV or playing video games. It was FUN! We didn't obsess about TV stars, we listened to music & of course went to school. This an unhealthy obsession these kids have. Maybe if Kate didn't engage them, they would find something useful to do.
It is not healthy & if the parents knew they may think so too. A 16 year old talking to a 36 year old? Umm...Especially who she is & what she is doing to her kids.
~Hippie Chick~
Personally, I think I would have laughed at any fellow teen who was into Kate. Granted, I was a big ol' geek who was heavily into the theatre program and went to one or two school football teams because I had friends in the marching band. If we had modern Internet access in the '80's, when I was a teenager, I would have been all over the Star Trek: Next Generation boards. Hey, at least Star Trek doesn't claim to be "real," and hires child ACTORS to play children.
Kate tweeted this morning that she was up and working on her to-do list before the distractors got to her. What a horrible witch. She's been allegedly busy all week, they were gone last weekend, filming the week before.....and now that it's the weekend with no nanny, instead of planning something fun with her children, she's still busy and making a point to mention what a pita they are for interfering with her plans.
Tucker's Mom, Fidosmommy -
Regarding the Octo Mom and her kids. I too feel they were well behaved. That was a long interview for them. They only started roaming at the end of it and I think someone else on set besides Anne Curry, should have gone after the roamers. They weren't loud or badly behaved, just roaming. They are 2 1/2, if they just sat there for the entire interview, we all would have wondered what was wrong with them, or if she drugged them, don't you think. After some of them wandered and she told them we are all going to sit now, they all did. She never raised her voice to them, or gave them the death grip. She seems very loving towards them. I don't agree with what she has done and I don't know how she manages financially, but I have more respect for her mothering than Kates. That is for sure. Kate would hate to hear it, but she could learn a thing or two from Octo Mom.
She did mention, at the very end that the one with the cleft lip will have a surgery to fix it. It is already arranged. Not sure who is paying, but I am glad it will be taken care of also.
Admin, I heard those two jurors, too, and I wanted to pull my hair out for the same reasons you mentioned. It was so obvious that they did not apply the standard they were supposed to. Who advised this jury? If they didn't understand that there didn't need to be a smoking gun, then they should have asked exactly what they needed to convict. It seems like instructions were nothing more than a convoluted mess that was just over their heads and they didn't have the intelligence to figure it out, and maybe they were too embarrassed to ask. Maybe they were thinking back to OJ, "If the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit," and figured that in this case there wasn't even a glove. It's enough to make you sick.
Interesting that Kate's sheeple have so many birthdays! Every day there are several sheep who pop up from nowhere who just want a birthday tweet. I guess one way of getting her to respond is to beg for her to acknowledge their birthdays! Yeah, they have birthdays...sure they do!
Seriously, how much work does a to-do list need? I pull out a yellow lined pad of paper, write a grocery or errand list, oh maybe 5 minutes max, and ta-da, done. This twit acts like she's writing a thesis. Especially since she does virtually nothing. To-do list. Please.
and if I were Alexis' father, reading the twits from that obsessed fan, and the ones her mother responds to, I would be in my lawyer's office with reams of print- outs. That stuff is bat shit crazy.
E-town Neighbor said...
Admin, I heard those two jurors, too, and I wanted to pull my hair out for the same reasons you mentioned. It was so obvious that they did not apply the standard they were supposed to. Who advised this jury? If they didn't understand that there didn't need to be a smoking gun, then they should have asked exactly what they needed to convict.
I think the defense was brilliant in their jury selection. They somehow found people that either didn't understand the standard or would ignore the standard. They found CSI jurors. Any good defense in a case like this would want their jurors to love CSI. I want to hear other juror interviews just in the HOPES someone articulates what they really should have been doing, to give us some hope this was done properly. The nurse was the worst, They didn't prove it! she kept saying over and over. I saw the interview with her myself. I'm not sure how she expects the state to "prove it" when Casey managed to hide the body long enough such that no cause of death could be determined. Hey, jury? It was still ruled a homicide. The prosecution should have ended the trial on the first day if the jury thought "prove it" was the standard, because if so they have no case.
Maybe jurors should be required to write an essay about what the standard is before they deliberate.
My coworker had such a good point. How does this jury think we got convictions in the 19th century? No DNA evidence, no smoking gun, no fancy police investigations, no studying of fibers or smells or stains. Do they suppose until sophisticated forensics was discovered everyone walked free???
Re: Casey Anthony jury - I think this illustrates why education is so important and should be fully funded. We need to make sure we teach our children about civics from elementary school through high school, not just in their last semester of their senior year.
Admin said...My coworker had such a good point. How does this jury think we got convictions in the 19th century? No DNA evidence, no smoking gun, no fancy police investigations, no studying of fibers or smells or stains. Do they suppose until sophisticated forensics was discovered everyone walked free???
But weren't there a lot more innocent people convicted back then, too?
I'm not saying the jury did a good job in this case. In fact, they scare me, because they could be an example of what to expect from jurors in the future, dumbed and numbed from too much TV with no ability to think for themselves.
I think they should be investigated for juror misconduct. They were obviously talking about the case when they were instructed 3 times a day not to. There is no way all 12 jurors including the alternates came to such an outlandish verdict and for such bizarre reasons during the supposed 5 plus 3 the next day hours of deliberation. Also evidenced by the fact that the alternate jurors kept referring to we. Sounds like this case had 17 jurors instead of 12. They weren't even in on the deliberations supposedly, but they were sequestered together, and they let it slip we, then changed it very quickly. They were talking about the case and all of them probably had their bags packed when they made an appearance on Tuesday. I was on a jury once - not high profile but federal and not sequestered but all of us stayed in the same hotel as it was out of town. There were some that were talking about the case constantly, even in front of the deputy that accompanied us to lunch. This jury was talking, also. What a travesty for little Caylee. George and millions of people who never knew were the only ones fighting for Caylee. I hear the Anthony's have been offered a million also. It would not surprise me if the parents divorce soon thereafter.
On another note, only Khate's kids would sit like statues for a prolonged interview, because of the ever present threat of punishment of severity, or worse, nothing.
OT - after stressing this week over the Casey Anthony debacle, I read this story today and thought about how such a kind, simple act so often can renew one's faith in people. The pilot didn't have to do this - he could have mailed back the wallet, but instead, he went the extra mile (literally) for this kid.
BOSTON (CNN/WCVB) - Losing your wallet is usually a bad thing. But for one Massachusetts boy, it turned out to be a great event.
Wade, a soon-to-be seventh grader, didn't even know his wallet was gone. He thought it was around his house. But while it was missing, it went on a summer trip in the air, flying by the Statue of Liberty in a helicopter. It also traveled by plane at 40,000 feet.
It turns out a professional pilot found it in a rental car in Pennsylvania. He looked inside, saw Wade's ID and learned he attended a charter school that prepares kids for college. The father of two took it for some rides, taking photos and hoping to inspire Wade with all the cool things out in the world.
One of the pilot's passengers was Bruce Gordon, former national head of the NAACP. Gordon slipped $100 bill into the wallet for Wade's college fund.
The wallet was eventually mailed back to Wade.
There's still one other mystery. The family doesn't know how the wallet left their house. They've never rented a car and they've never been to Pennsylvania.
Some People, innocent people are sometimes convicted both in the 19th century and today. My point is that regardless of that, the jury cannot impose its own standard of what they feel is right for the case, or require what they think should be required (i.e. "prove it" or a "smoking gun"). The law is the law, and they have to follow it.
They were required to apply the "beyond a reasonable doubt" standard, and in this case, from what we have seen so far in the interviews, they didn't. If our courts and legislature feel that beyond a reasonable doubt is not a high enough standard than they can change it, but until then, juries HAVE to follow it.
I think another issue that needs to be examined in isolating people for six weeks from all their support system and then giving them the incentive that as soon as you come to a decision you can go. There's no denying it, what these people went through was TOUGH emotionally. It can mess with your head. Perhaps there should be a required number of minimum hours to deliberate based on how long the trial was. I.e. for each day of trial you have to deliberate two hours, or something. That way there is no incentive to quick come up with a decision so we can get the hell out of here.
Sillimom, I totally agree. I think we need to give our kids way more practical training. I think I got a one-semester course in participating in politics, how to vote, etc., and that was it.
Kids need to be taught all kinds of stuff they are often never taught. How to serve on a jury, paying rent or a mortgage, being responsible for property whether you rent or own, taking care of your vehicle, making your own repairs, dealing with customer service, financial training like how to balance a checkbook and budget (this is huge with all the credit card companies lurking on campuses). We teach kids so much about math and science 18th century wars then just turn them over to the big bad world and expect people to perform their duties on capital murder cases when no one ever taught you how.
It seems to me Kate spends the majority of her time writing out what SHOULD be done, i.e. her to do lists and endless post-its, and very little time actually doing it.
I think another issue that needs to be examined in isolating people for six weeks from all their support system and then giving them the incentive that as soon as you come to a decision you can go. There's no denying it, what these people went through was TOUGH emotionally. It can mess with your head. Perhaps there should be a required number of minimum hours to deliberate based on how long the trial was. I.e. for each day of trial you have to deliberate two hours, or something. That way there is no incentive to quick come up with a decision so we can get the hell out of here.
Totally agree, Admin. The jury had BRUTAL days, 6-days a week at times. That's just awful and unfair.
The days were way too long and they were way too isolated.
I think they just wanted to go home. Of all the possible ways for them to vote, they chose the easiest and quickest. There is no way they could have gotten much beyond reading all the rules etc in 11 hours, let alone debate over Casey's guilt.
I do not think the jury connected with poor Caylee. She was never made human to them, let alone an innocent baby.
The jury reacted on emotion. They loved Baez. They hated Casey's family.
I am not at a point that I can cut them a break. I accept the verdict. It's final and it's done.
But I truly believe the jury did not heed their instructions and did not discharge their duty as assigned.
I don't know how any of them will sleep at night knowing Casey Anthony is out roaming amongst us and they are responsible for that.
It's also very telling that the 14th juror kept on saying how "we" the jury thought about the case. I thought they weren't supposed to discuss it until deliberations?
More proof that the jury was not following orders.
They should all be held in contempt.
It can mess with your head. Perhaps there should be a required number of minimum hours to deliberate based on how long the trial was. I.e. for each day of trial you have to deliberate two hours, or something. That way there is no incentive to quick come up with a decision so we can get the hell out of here.
It was mentioned last night that someone involved with the case let it slip that the jurors had made up their minds in the first hour of deliberation, but felt that they didn't want to come back immediately with the verdict, and so they sat around talking about whatever, just to kill time. They thought they would be criticized for a short deliberation time.
So many attorneys, both defense and prosecution, agree that Casey should never should have been charged with murder one, but rather with manslaughter (six jurors). She was over-charged.
Time to get off MY leather sofa and hang out by MY pool before I make MY scrambled egg salad with wilted lettuce, mushrooms and salsa. Look for a photo of it online later tonight, if I'm not too exhausted to take a picture...
Someone asked if I'm doing the recaps. Yes, hopefully later today. At least one anyway.
I do feel for anyone made to sit through a 6 week trial and only see their families for visitation one day a week (correct?). Something is wrong about that. Why can't they be with their families all the time as long as they are under strict orders not to discuss the case? Maybe they could put the families up in the hotels with them or at least allow the families to come and go as they please. Seems to me the risk of a family member discussing the case is far outweighed by keeping a jury member sane and happy and keen to do their job because they are emotionally supported by their family. This environment helped create a confused jury that didn't do what was asked of them.
Whether they deliberated for one hour (GOOD GRIEF) or eleven, they could not have possibly gone over all the evidence in that time. Did I hear correctly there were over 100 witnesses called? They should have gone through and discussed each and every witness. In 11 hours, that's only six minutes of debate PER witness!
Hindsight is 20/20, but I do think the prosecutors overreached too. They should have gone with the "safe" bet, manslaughter. There was no cause of death, they should have bitten the bullet on the murder. However, on the flip side, I think people would be outraged they're not even trying to get her for murder. But maybe when prosecutors saw the case start to go south they could have re-focused their closing arguments on at least getting her for manslaughter. As an attorney, you should be constantly reevaluating your case and trying to read the room. If something is not working, pull out the play book and do something else. When you stick to your guns sometimes that doesn't work.
It was mentioned last night that someone involved with the case let it slip that the jurors had made up their minds in the first hour of deliberation, but felt that they didn't want to come back immediately with the verdict, and so they sat around talking about whatever, just to kill time. They thought they would be criticized for a short deliberation time.
That just pisses me off all over again. Hrumph!!
Now I'm off to the pool (club). Gorgeous day her in the DC region. No leather sofa, but salad later with dinner! Maybe I'll take a pic!
ps...Kate and her egg whites-- maybe if she ate some yolks her hair and skin would look better. The yolk is where the powerhouse ingredients are. I just love a deep orange yolk from a farm fresh egg (which I get at my farmers market)
How many witnesses were there? Did I hear correctly over 100?
Assuming an 11 hour deliberation, that's less than 7 minutes to talk about each witness. It's impossible to do a thorough job of this case in that time frame.
I wonder if there's anything to what Marsh Clark was speculating, that jurors may go for the more sensational verdict in order for them (jurors) to profit more from all the offers they'd receive?
Admin, how could that not be withholding of discovery, by waiting until opening statements to reveal that Caylee was never missing, that they knew from Casey that she died on the 16th and how she died. I think that is what threw the prosecution off. Had they known they could have investigated that and changed their presentation and perhaps the charges. It was never investigated. They didn't present it was a theory, but fact, and also should they not have been required to disclose the molestation that was presented as fact as well. That was another game changer that never got investigated. Still trying to understand. I will not watch and participate in any way to the profiteering of them all on the death of Cayee.
If the jury could have heard all the evidence that got suppressed in the pretrial motions it probably would have made a huge difference in their verdict.
Now that it's over all these people are coming out of the woodwork and talking. The woman who acted as Casey's bodyguard was on Dr. Drew. She said she and Casey had a conversation about date rape drugs and Casey was well aware of them and even mentioned chloroform. Where was she when the prosecution was presenting their case I wonder. I know a lot of times it opens a pandora's box to put certain witnesses on the stand but it just might have been worth the risk to put Padilla and Tracy McLaughlin (the bodyguard) up there.
I also think the defense is acting way to cocky now. We all know damn well they were more surprised than anyone that Casey got acquitted, so I wish they'd humble themselves and shut the hell up.
You're not required to disclose in discovery your theories, strategies and angles. Just the hard evidence and witnesses. Opening and closing statements are not evidence and can't be treated as such. I think the sex abuse and drowning was indeed a huge "throw off" moment. The more I think about it the more brilliant this defense was. I thought the opening was silly at first. Now I see what he was doing and it worked.
I have never seen such an unprofessional defense team. Shake hands and walk out of court quietly, nothing more. A child still died.
E-town Neighbor said...
Admin, I heard those two jurors, too, and I wanted to pull my hair out for the same reasons you mentioned. It was so obvious that they did not apply the standard they were supposed to. Who advised this jury?
I had to chuckle when I read your comment... because my thoughts went immediately to kart.
I imagine those jurors came to trial with a bias. I imagine they knew what they were going to do from the git-go. I imagine them, like kart, saying 'hey judge, you can't tell US how to apply standards - we KNOW she ain't guilty'...
No one tells kart what to do, she knows she is better than anyone else and won't follow ANY rules, anytime, anywhere...... it's her rule or get lost....
Once again, we cannot assume these jurors were smart, savvy, mentally strong, unbiased, willing to follow the judge's instructions or normal (yeah, LOL, I know 'normal' is a relative term).
Auntie Ann said: "I know a lot of times it opens a pandora's box to put certain witnesses on the stand but it just might have been worth the risk to put Padilla and Tracy McLaughlin (the bodyguard) up there."
The state could have called Tracy, but chose not to because she is employed by Padilla, and there were credibility issues. Initially, when the prosecution had wanted to put her on their witness list, Baez petitioned the court not to allow it because he claimed that Padilla and Tracy worked for the defense because they were hired to bail out Casey and act as her bodyguard. Therefore, he argued, they could not testify for the prosecution.
However, the former judge, Strickland, ruled Tracy was NOT hired by the defense and could testify for the prosecution. Prosecution decided not to call her or Padilla. In hindsight, they should have.
I heard that interview. I found it extremely disturbing when Tracy said to Casey, "We're not going to find Caylee, are we?" And Casey just smiled. Also interesting is the song that Tracy said that Casey played over and over again, her favorite song - lyrics:
Beneath the water
that's falling from my eyes
lays a soul I've left behind
the edge of sorrow was reached but now I'm fine
I've filled the hole I had inside
I'll pray it doesn't scream my name
so I light a flame and let it breathe
the air that kills the shame
I'm up
I'm down
like a rollercoaster racing through my life
I've erased the past again
i will never understand why anyone can think kate gosselin is ocd.when the kids were little she had pottys all over the house cut the childrens nails in the kitchen and brushed their teeth in the kitchen.
i cannot think an ocd person would let the children have chocolate pudding on their bodies (bald head island) childrens hair not tied back in this activity.
and as for being organic and organised NEVER such a fraud
dont get me started on the sheeple and the worshipping of this woman.
silimom said...
Re: Casey Anthony jury - I think this illustrates why education is so important and should be fully funded. We need to make sure we teach our children about civics from elementary school through high school, not just in their last semester of their senior year.
I 100% agree with you. I am not trying to offend, but did those jurors all graduate high school? Is that a requirement to be on a jury? I think in such a high profile case such as the Casey Anthony case, then maybe there should have been some ground rules set such as: high school diploma required, drug testing required, etc. Unless there already are, then shut me up!
IS there drug testing on a jury? I'm not an idiot, just curious. I have no idea the inner workings of things like this. But this is important. The juror I saw on Dateline was just so...stupid. There doesn't need to be a smoking gun to prove that Casey did it. Most evidence DID point to her, there WAS a homicide. What more do they need? Now, I haven't kept up much because we have been getting my son ready for camp, but are the jurors getting death threats as well? I thought I may read that somewhere.
Admin, can Casey serve time for a defamation suit? Thank you. Wishing you a wonderful day! We're heading out to a surprise b-day party for an old friend! :)
~Hippie Chick~
HollyRosado Holly Rosado
@Kateplusmy8 YUM! Always love your meal ideas! Do you separate the eggs or buy the pre-packaged egg whites?
WTH?? Don't know if I should laugh or cry.
WTH?? Don't know if I should laugh or cry.
Oy. Cry I guess. If she said she ate reduced-calorie Purina chicken chow her little tweeple would go out and look for it on the grocery shelves. Sometimes I think Kate's just playing with their heads to see how far she can go with her stupid tweets to see if anyone buys into her stories. One thing for sure...if what Kate says she eats is true, her diet is lacking in essential nutrients that also feed the brain...and boy does it show.
There is some hope out there, folks.
The real Zanny, Zanida Gonzoles (sp?) is taking Casey to court and her attorney, John Morgan, is going to depose her very shortly after she get released.
Reportedly, he's a pitbull. He can ask about the death of Caylee... anything at all. He's going to go after Casey like a scalded dog.
Can you imagine being dragged into this veil of tears like this woman, Zanida has been? Her name is infamous.
I'm really curious to hear how Casey got her name. I think she'll fold like a cheap suit under intense questioning.
Tucker's Mom -- I think Casey and her dream team believe she's teflon now that she's beat a murder rap. If she shows up at all at the deposition she'll have Baez and Cheney there to protect her and that Simms to coddle her. It will be interesting to watch.
Some say she got the name from the Sawgrass Apts. where Zaneida's name was on an application. I also heard a story that at the end of the street where the Anthony's live, there are two houses. Behind them is where Caylee's body was found. The last names of the two families of those homes were Fernandez and Gonzales. I wonder if there is any truth to that and if there is a way to find out. This story has some strange twists in it.
About Nadya Suleman...the poor woman is to be pitied. She is pretty pathetic,but she is kind to her children. They ran amok because there are so many of them. She could have held one child in her lap, but not 14 of them! The other adults helped because there simply was no way any one person could have kept herd on them. She loves her kids and didn't "pinch shoulders" or glare at them. She is not cruel, she is stupid. She turns my stomach, but any two year old child that can WILL explore his surroundings and run around. It is hard to watch but very normal. Jerry Springer is going to pay her a million dollars for a close interview. That THAT should be cause for alarm!
AuntieAnn said...
Tucker's Mom -- I think Casey and her dream team believe she's teflon now that she's beat a murder rap. If she shows up at all at the deposition she'll have Baez and Cheney there to protect her and that Simms to coddle her. It will be interesting to watch.
They will think that they're teflon... but they're not. They just hit the lottery with lazy-ass jurors who do not know the meaning of critical thinking and probably never read anything more intricate than People magazine.
I heard that attorneys can be with Casey, and they can object or ask to go off record, but it is Att. Morgan's show and he can ask her anything, anything at all.
I don't know why everyone is saying they overcharged. They had 2 lessor charges they could have gone with. These were the charges:
1 count of first degree murder
1 count of aggravated manslaughter of a child
1 count of aggravated child abuse
4 counts of providing false information to law enforcement
Actually overcharged is a confusing word. I don't mean overcharged in that they charged her with too many things. I mean overcharged in that they charged her with too severe of a charge.
Again, hindsight, but maybe they should have realized that first degree murder would be too much for a dumb CSI jury to buy. Had they forgotten trying to get her for murder and just focused on the manslaughter charge, that might have worked.
I heard that attorneys can be with Casey, and they can object or ask to go off record, but it is Att. Morgan's show and he can ask her anything, anything at all.
I wonder if she'll behave like Cindy. She went ballistic at her deposition with Morgan. And George accused him of flippin a bird at him when he was pushing his glasses up on his nose. lol. Can't wait to watch Casey get up there and try to lie her way out his questions.
ADMIN true BUT this dumb jury had that choice. The more I hear them talk, the more I realize how incredibly stupid they are. I wish they could nullify this jury/verdict because of their dumbness. I wish they would interview each one to see what they all say. Can that be done? They went from a vote of 6-6 for manslaughter and deliberated for 11 hours to get 12-0??Impossible. They didn't want to work. I am still fuming.
"I wonder if she'll behave like Cindy."
Of course, little Casey will be all up in arms that ANYONE asks her about her lies. Remember that glare she gave Ms Burdick and Mr. Ashton when they talked about all her lies? I really would love to see that depo. Those attorneys were relentless. LOL
No Regrets, yes they are dumb but they were also tired and missed their families. The dumbness was their fault. But I can't fault someone for wanting to go home to their family. Making these juries work 6 days a week like dogs, miss special holidays (they worked through July 4th), and be with their families, is the system's fault.
Something has got to chane.
I think had they conceded we don't have murder and focused the entire case on but we DO have manslaughter, might have done it.
Who said Tweeple??? Is that a new one?! I love it.
Word of the Day: Tweeple.
You know this shockingly short 11 hour deliberation, the idea that they could have actually gone through even only the most important evidence in so short a time is about as credible as Kate claiming filming and tweeting only takes a few moments out of her day. If they come out as guilty, the defense would be jumping up and down saying there is no way they could have gone through all the evidence in so short a time.
Here's a question that has dogged me since the beginning:
"Why did it take the investigators 6 months to find a body in an area that was located 20 feet off a road in a suburban neighborhood within a mile of the child's home?"
I know very little about criminal investigations, but the police should have been able to find Caylee's body within days of her being reported missing. Don't investigators use big teams of people to comb areas where victims are last seen? Especially small, innocent children? I still can't believe this, and I think the blame for this tragic outcome lies partly with the original investigation, since there would have been a lot of forensic evidence at the crime scene within weeks of Caylee's death. This evidence should have been enough to convict Casey.
Am I missing something? Does anyone know why it took so long to find Caylee's body?
Who said Tweeple??? Is that a new one?! I love it.
It was I Admin. lol. Tweeties + sheeple = tweeple.... All eight of 'em.
One question and I'll get out of here. Why aren't juries videotaped or in some way supervised during deliberation - like they do with mock juries - to ensure they are doing the job they've been assigned?
Watch Your Words, that summer there were a lot of tropical storms and perhaps even a hurricane? In any case there was a lot of flooding in the area her body was which made it hard for dogs to find or anyone to notice it. Three months later in August, a meter reader first reported seeing what might be remains in a garbage bag. He called the police three times but they wouldn't go out--I believe because they were satisfied the area had been cleared. And keep in mind they probably got hundreds of calls just like this. Personally I think they should have taken it more seriously given how close it was. But even had they found the body in August with all the water there was it might not have yielded any more clues.
What is kind of a shame is that he admitted he did pick up the bag and prod it so we'll never know exactly how the body was originally. Of course I think anyone would prod something if they didn't know what it was.
By the way I had the opportunity to review a police report detailing how some plumbers found a body in a bag, and their first reaction too was to prod it and open it. It's just a human reaction when you see something you don't know what it is.
Juries are confidential so they can feel free to deliberate without pressure from anyone outside. They need to feel safe to say what they think and feel. If they had to do it in front of the judge or public or something they might feel pressure to rule one way or another. The Supreme Court stands firmly behind this concept, ruling that generally the only info from jury rooms that can ever be disclosed is whether there was some kind of outside influence to rule one way or another (like say, a juror got a death threat if they didn't convict Casey). The court has actually said even if the jury misunderstands a piece of evidence or law, that information can not be used to overturn a verdict of not guilty. They could have confused a body's remains with a football and there would be nothing anyone could do.
I don't think juries should be opened up, but I do think the judge needs to do more to ensure that each and every one of them understands the standards they are to apply.
I saw a special today about the CA case, Casey's grandmother was quoted as saying "Casey hated her mother more than she loved Caylee."
I've heard many of the pundits ask why Casey didn't just hand over custody of Caylee to her parents if she wanted the free party life. I don't think this poor baby's murder had as much to do with partying as it did with Casey wanting to exact the ultimate punishment and revenge on her mother.
I hope the proposed Caylee's Law passes, but it's sad that a law has to be passed to get parents to do what they should naturally do- call police immediately when their child goes missing. Or how about when the bankers and Wall St. sorts gave themselves bonuses with the TARP money? A law had to be passed about that too. I remember seeing a bewildered looking congresswoman on TV saying, "never in my wildest dreams did we think they would even entertain the thought of giving themselves bonuses with TARP funds." Or here in good old PA where a bill has been drafted because Kate has thrust her kids on national TV for the last five years, making them the breadwinners of their family. She also had to be ordered at a Dept of Labor hearing to set up accounts for the kids. She had previously said the kids had accounts, but {shocker!!} she was lying. Again, an adult had to be told to put money away for her working children's futures because she hadn't done it willingly. People scream about there being so much Gov't involvement and overreach but for pete's sake, it seems that there's alot of people out there who refuse to do the right or moral thing unless a law forces them to.
My faith in this world has not been completely lost, a few weeks ago Extreme Home Makeover built a new house in my neck of the woods, for a very deserving family. The producer of the show told the volunteers that this was the first house in the show's history where surrounding neighbors didn't complain or have strong objections. They also had more volunteers than they could use and turned them away in droves. Sometimes when I think this world is going to hell in a handbasket (my late Pappy's favorite saying:) there are signs all around us that it's going to be ok.
After seeing the behavior of Cheney Mason this week, it didn't surprise me that the defense team didn't have the professionalism to just shake hands and leave the courtroom. It was disgusting to watch the party atmosphere there...absolutely disgusting. Mason is a real piece of work. There were rumors that he might let Casey live with him. When asked if he would do that, he replied in the affirmative. Let her stay with him - the two deserve each other.
Juror #6 has been offered $50,000 to tell his story, but he's holding out for a better offer. Apparently it's a bidding war.
I guess the dumber you are, the better your chance of milking the system for all its worth. These jurors will be sitting high and pretty. They didn't need an education or a degree to be financially secure. Just being stupid is going to do it for them.
Caylee Daily is a great blog on this subject.
As far as Nadia's child having surgery, Shriner's hospital does clefts and never charges the family. http://www.shrinershospitalsforchildren.org/en/Hospitals/Locations/LosAngeles/CleftLip.aspx Shriner's is the very best organization and I speak from personal experience. My son has arthritis/scleroderma and was a patient until he turned 21.
Kate's dinner, looked like a pile of vomit. What is a side of salsa? I can see if your dipping a few chips in it, but to call it a side dish. UGH. Maybe a tablespoon to flavor that horrible looking "omlette". She is setting all her children up for eating disorders, by never sitting down to the same meal as them, always something "special" for herself. Maybe she is taking in tons of calories from wine. If she constantly ate like that dinner, she would be bone thin, which she is not. Just look at pics of her jogging - she has the weirdest skin on her stomach. Reducing her healthy calories and fat is doing a job on her skin and hair. If she wasn't fixated on food, why would she mention denying herself a cookie. She's an idiot about nutrition - never mind the needed fiber in a fig cookie. Does she think people are impressed by her "self control". A starving bitch is nothing but a bigger bitch and probably a constipated one at that. Notice one of the twins getting a little heavier - Kate must be going crazy trying to control her every morsale and it's going to backfire. She will be sneaking food, begging her dad for extra goodies, and end up with problems opposite of Kate, just so she can be in control of something in her life. She is setting these kids of for social and physical problems. She says she never eats red meat, there again, she doesn't even sit down to have a burger or hotdog picnic with the kids. Notice she does own at least one plate that isn't divided - although a grey plate isn't very appetizing to look at.
The Sheriffs office did respond to the first call from the meter reader and he wouldn't walk into the swamp to check it out. Instead, he berated the meter reader, brushed the dirt and grime off his shoes, got back into his car and left.
Later, when this was discovered, the sheriff deputy was fired.
Re: controlling others' food intake.
I went to a conference once where one of the participants eyed everyone's dinner plate and proceeded to explain what was unhealty about every item on it. She would screw up her mouth as she hissed "FAT, FAT, FAT!" Sodium, cholesterol and lack of fiber got equal treatment.
She was my roommate. When I suggested I would like a lemonade before bed, she ripped me a new one. Funny....the next morning, what did I find in the garbage can?
Two candy bar wrappers.
The next morning at breakfast she chewed people out for ordering eggs, bacon, etc. She told them they should all be eating oatmeal. I asked her if her Snickers bars last night were the healthy kind. She left the table.
Some people preach it but don't necessary live by it. It's all for show.
Administrator said...
Actually overcharged is a confusing word. I don't mean overcharged in that they charged her with too many things. I mean overcharged in that they charged her with too severe of a charge.
Again, hindsight, but maybe they should have realized that first degree murder would be too much for a dumb CSI jury to buy. Had they forgotten trying to get her for murder and just focused on the manslaughter charge, that might have worked.
I am so tired of hearing about the "stupid" jury. I've never seen an episode of CSI (or any similar shows) in my life, have a graduate school education, have served on a jury and managed to vote guilty without a "smoking gun" and would hold my critical thinking skills up to anyone else's. And I agree with the jury. (Oh, and I watched much of the trial, which doesn't seem to be the case with many people offering their opinions on how "dumb" the jury was.)
For those saying the jury could have convicted her of aggravated child abuse as the "lesser" charge, no they couldn't. Aggravated child abuse leading to death constitutes first degree murder. If they believed she were guilty of that, the law dictates that they find her guilty of first degree murder. If the prosecution really wanted to hedge its bets and have a great chance of ensuring she was convicted of at least one felony, why didn't they add felony child neglect to the charges? Only a max five year sentence, but she wouldn't be out of jail in a few days. Obviously I have no way of knowing for sure, but my bet would be that this jury would have found her guilty of that.
Casey Anthony is a pathological liar. I don't think that's open to dispute. I think 99.9% of the population also would agree that she's a reprehensible human being and that the way she disposed of the body is unfathomably horrid. But that doesn't make her guilty of murder. The evidence presented can lead a reasonable person to think that she tried to cover up a horrible accident just as it can lead a reasonable person to think she intentionally killed her child. Reasonable people can disagree. It doesn't make the person with whom you disagree an idiot.
The next morning at breakfast she chewed people out for ordering eggs, bacon, etc. She told them they should all be eating oatmeal. I asked her if her Snickers bars last night were the healthy kind. She left the table.
And probably went to the Greasy Spoon Diner next door and ordered waffles, bacon and home fries!
Great story, Fido!
Kate's obsession with food reminds me of the words of John Mortimer, British playright: "I refuse to spend my life worrying about what I eat. There is no pleasure worth forgoing just for an extra three years in the geriatric ward."
This has to be the most pathetic, sick tweet yet. One of the mags really needs to do a story on these tweeple.
@Kateplusmy8 So here I sit in my party hat.ice cream all ovr me face, jelly beans in hand, party napkin tucked in my sports bra waitin 4 U!
Anonymous, the reason so many of us feel frustrated with the jury is not based solely on the verdict, but on how they ARRIVED at the verdict.
Three jurors now, the three that have spoken, have provided various BLATANTLY INCORRECT standards that they judged the case on, which are that the prosecution has to PROVE IT, that they needed a smoking gun, and they needed a cause of death. While these three elements would be nice, it's not what the law says.
Not a single one of these (especially the "prove it" one) has any relationship to the BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT standard they were required to apply to the case.
As I've said at least twice now, this verdict would be much easier to accept had these jurors properly explained the correct standard in these interviews and how they arrived at it. Instead we're getting a lot of CSI-mumbo jumbo prove it, smoking gun, emotions, and the like.
Also, the 11 hour deliberation time is tenuous at best. How could any jury possibly review all the evidence of a 6 week trial in such a short time? I calculated that only allowed for six minutes per witness!
So, I stand by the "stupid jury" comments.
Had they spent a reasonable amount of time on this and articulated the correct standard, I think Americans would feel more at ease about this. Even Kate tweeted her heart is hurting.
There are several jurors who have not spoken, should they choose to, maybe they will reassure us the correct standard was actually used in deliberation, despite the baffling comments from those who have already talked.
The last time someone in my life was obsessed with healthy eating, I would find those fire hot Cheetos bags between the couch cushions. You are right, they are often over-compensating for serious food issues.
I'm almost done recapping the Birthday episode.
Guys....it's bad. Kate is CRUEL to these kids.
Question for the legal minds here; does Cheney Mason work for a law firm, or is he independent? I gotta say, if he worked at MY (hypothetical) firm, I'd sanction if not fire his butt for that finger-flipping stunt. It indicated disrespect not only for the media and the public, but also reflected poorly on the entire legal profession. Oh, and it wasn't just immature, it was, like, TOTALLY immature.
@Kateplusmy8 everytime I eat celery I point out to all my friends that YOU love celery! I of course now love to eat it too!'
@EmCr68 Now that's devotion! :)
oh gag me.
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@poorbabi Bingo! :) what is life without our kids? For me it would be pointless! :(
At least she's honest with this one! Life without her kids would be pointless. She'd have no little workers slaving away to support her and she would actually have to get a job!
Kate's tweets tonight have been over the top. She's either smashed out of her mind, or she just doesn't care what she says anymore. Also, she's out of control with the food obsession.
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@SuperPattyPie Like my nightmare a few weeks ago? Dreamed I was pg.. Immac conception! Oh woke up in such horror!
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@SuperPattyPie No and yes. It was beyond dreadful.In past I've also dreamt I had ANOTHER set of sextuplets!cant describe that panic-4 2nd X
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@LivinForLife @hiswife04 @shortnsaszy Aggg! Another fattening 1!! Try wishbone spray dressings! Like 0 cal &0 fat& good!
There's one sheeple on there (not a young one) who fancies herself Kate's BFF, saying the most outrageous things, and Kate responds. I hope Jon is taking notes. The twittering has gone too far. A stalker is on the prowl...
I'd sanction if not fire his butt for that finger-flipping stunt. It indicated disrespect not only for the media and the public, but also reflected poorly on the entire legal profession.
From what I understand the Florida Bar has received a very long list of complaints against Mr. Mason for violating a rule of the Bar. According to the Florida Bar’s website, Chapter 19 of the rules regulating the Florida Bar reads, “professionalism is the ultimate hallmark of the practice of law.”
Kate's Cart said:
Kate's dinner, looked like a pile of vomit. What is a side of salsa? I can see if your dipping a few chips in it, but to call it a side dish. UGH. Maybe a tablespoon to flavor that horrible looking "omlette".
Totally agree. Was that picture posted on her Twitter? If so, that was my first visit to her Twitter, or least any facet of it. Whatever that stuff is, it looks disgusting. Maybe it was just the presentation, but ughhh! The red stuff looks like jellied cranberry sauce, not salsa. This leads me to believe Khate could post hot sh*t on a plate and her tweeple (thanks, Auntie Ann!) would be all over it.
And we can now add Kate's "Immaculate Conception" twat to her long line of ignorant comments. "Immaculate Conception" refers to the Blessed Virgin being conceived without the stain of original sin, NOT to someone/something being conceived without sex.
Aeris, regarding your comment about Kate posting a pic of hot sh*t, not only would her tweeple be all over it they will also ask her for the recipe.
@Kateplusmy8 everytime I eat celery I point out to all my friends that YOU love celery! I of course now love to eat it too!'
@EmCr68 Now that's devotion! :)
oh gag me.
Caylee Daily is a great blog on this subject.
Juror #6 has been offered $50,000 to tell his story, but he's holding out for a better offer. Apparently it's a bidding war.
I guess the dumber you are, the better your chance of milking the system for all its worth. These jurors will be sitting high and pretty. They didn't need an education or a degree to be financially secure. Just being stupid is going to do it for them.
After seeing the behavior of Cheney Mason this week, it didn't surprise me that the defense team didn't have the professionalism to just shake hands and leave the courtroom. It was disgusting to watch the party atmosphere there...absolutely disgusting. Mason is a real piece of work. There were rumors that he might let Casey live with him. When asked if he would do that, he replied in the affirmative. Let her stay with him - the two deserve each other.
Who said Tweeple??? Is that a new one?! I love it.
I don't know why everyone is saying they overcharged. They had 2 lessor charges they could have gone with. These were the charges:
1 count of first degree murder
1 count of aggravated manslaughter of a child
1 count of aggravated child abuse
4 counts of providing false information to law enforcement
There is some hope out there, folks.
The real Zanny, Zanida Gonzoles (sp?) is taking Casey to court and her attorney, John Morgan, is going to depose her very shortly after she get released.
Reportedly, he's a pitbull. He can ask about the death of Caylee... anything at all. He's going to go after Casey like a scalded dog.
Can you imagine being dragged into this veil of tears like this woman, Zanida has been? Her name is infamous.
I'm really curious to hear how Casey got her name. I think she'll fold like a cheap suit under intense questioning.
silimom said...
Re: Casey Anthony jury - I think this illustrates why education is so important and should be fully funded. We need to make sure we teach our children about civics from elementary school through high school, not just in their last semester of their senior year.
I 100% agree with you. I am not trying to offend, but did those jurors all graduate high school? Is that a requirement to be on a jury? I think in such a high profile case such as the Casey Anthony case, then maybe there should have been some ground rules set such as: high school diploma required, drug testing required, etc. Unless there already are, then shut me up!
IS there drug testing on a jury? I'm not an idiot, just curious. I have no idea the inner workings of things like this. But this is important. The juror I saw on Dateline was just so...stupid. There doesn't need to be a smoking gun to prove that Casey did it. Most evidence DID point to her, there WAS a homicide. What more do they need? Now, I haven't kept up much because we have been getting my son ready for camp, but are the jurors getting death threats as well? I thought I may read that somewhere.
Admin, can Casey serve time for a defamation suit? Thank you. Wishing you a wonderful day! We're heading out to a surprise b-day party for an old friend! :)
~Hippie Chick~
I have never seen such an unprofessional defense team. Shake hands and walk out of court quietly, nothing more. A child still died.
If the jury could have heard all the evidence that got suppressed in the pretrial motions it probably would have made a huge difference in their verdict.
Now that it's over all these people are coming out of the woodwork and talking. The woman who acted as Casey's bodyguard was on Dr. Drew. She said she and Casey had a conversation about date rape drugs and Casey was well aware of them and even mentioned chloroform. Where was she when the prosecution was presenting their case I wonder. I know a lot of times it opens a pandora's box to put certain witnesses on the stand but it just might have been worth the risk to put Padilla and Tracy McLaughlin (the bodyguard) up there.
I also think the defense is acting way to cocky now. We all know damn well they were more surprised than anyone that Casey got acquitted, so I wish they'd humble themselves and shut the hell up.
I wonder if there's anything to what Marsh Clark was speculating, that jurors may go for the more sensational verdict in order for them (jurors) to profit more from all the offers they'd receive?
Admin said...My coworker had such a good point. How does this jury think we got convictions in the 19th century? No DNA evidence, no smoking gun, no fancy police investigations, no studying of fibers or smells or stains. Do they suppose until sophisticated forensics was discovered everyone walked free???
But weren't there a lot more innocent people convicted back then, too?
I'm not saying the jury did a good job in this case. In fact, they scare me, because they could be an example of what to expect from jurors in the future, dumbed and numbed from too much TV with no ability to think for themselves.
E-town Neighbor said...
Admin, I heard those two jurors, too, and I wanted to pull my hair out for the same reasons you mentioned. It was so obvious that they did not apply the standard they were supposed to. Who advised this jury? If they didn't understand that there didn't need to be a smoking gun, then they should have asked exactly what they needed to convict.
I think the defense was brilliant in their jury selection. They somehow found people that either didn't understand the standard or would ignore the standard. They found CSI jurors. Any good defense in a case like this would want their jurors to love CSI. I want to hear other juror interviews just in the HOPES someone articulates what they really should have been doing, to give us some hope this was done properly. The nurse was the worst, They didn't prove it! she kept saying over and over. I saw the interview with her myself. I'm not sure how she expects the state to "prove it" when Casey managed to hide the body long enough such that no cause of death could be determined. Hey, jury? It was still ruled a homicide. The prosecution should have ended the trial on the first day if the jury thought "prove it" was the standard, because if so they have no case.
Maybe jurors should be required to write an essay about what the standard is before they deliberate.
My coworker had such a good point. How does this jury think we got convictions in the 19th century? No DNA evidence, no smoking gun, no fancy police investigations, no studying of fibers or smells or stains. Do they suppose until sophisticated forensics was discovered everyone walked free???
Personally, I think I would have laughed at any fellow teen who was into Kate. Granted, I was a big ol' geek who was heavily into the theatre program and went to one or two school football teams because I had friends in the marching band. If we had modern Internet access in the '80's, when I was a teenager, I would have been all over the Star Trek: Next Generation boards. Hey, at least Star Trek doesn't claim to be "real," and hires child ACTORS to play children.
fidosmommy said...
E-Town Neighbor, thanks for linking the video.
It was interesting to me in that I noticed the Suleman 8 did not once hit each other, none of them shrieked, none of them cried because of boredom or because another kid was stealing their cookie. They didn't sit quietly on the rug and they ran amok, but they seemed much more disciplined than I've seen in videos of some other HOM siblings who shall remain nameless. They seemed to me to be ordinary 2 year old children who are active and need to move around. Not bad behavior, all in all.
I must have been watching a different interview! Ann Curry and David Gregory were herding the kids the entire interview.
Kids are kids. They were not misbehaving, but some of the kids were amok! Moreover, Octomom was oblivious to it.
I wish a surgeon would donate his service to fix her kid's cleft lip, too.
she might be a closet eater, she fills herself with a plate of maybe 175 calories for dinner but later on stuffs her face with candy or other things when no one is looking, or fills her belly with wine... liquids can make you feel full very long and very quickly, but alcohol does have a ton of carbs,this could be why the low cal dinner, either way it's making her look like she is at least 46 years old. blergh!nothing wrong with 46 year old woman, but for someone looking fairly her age only 2 1/2 yrs ago... that's a far jump.
I'm trying to remember back to when I was 16-18 years old. I hung out with friends my age, and liked guys my age. Is it normal for a girl in this age group to have such an obsessive fascination with a 36-year-old divorced woman with kids? Seriously, is this common? I can understand a teenager liking a 20-something female singer, but what appeal does Kate Gosselin hold for these young girls who think she is absolutely amazing and inspirational? She's anything but gorgeous!
@EmCr68 @iwanadatekate @kateplusmy8 agreed, your amazing! :) my favorite person in this world!
@IwanaDatekate @kateplusmy8 haha that was deep!! (and so true if I might add!) Kate your amazing and gorgeous! Don't ever forget that!
@Paige_Kate8lvr @iwanadatekate @kateplusmy8 mine too! Paige and I will remind you everyday if we have 2! Lol I think you'll remember though!
@Kateplusmy8 Oh how I've missed you, Kate! How's everything there at home? Busy days keeping you away? (: xoxo
Did anyone see the octomom interview on the Today show this week?
Didn't see it but heard that her 8 kids ran around the set during the interview like feral animals..... no respect for discipline; in fact there was NO discipline as octomom just talked louder over their animal noises and screeches. Put me in mind of Lord of the Flies, toddler version.
I bring this up because it's a sterling example of how difficult it is to connect with each child as an individual when there is a tribe of them.
Frankly I think octomom is seriously mentally off, but the way she and kart interact with kids with kids is similar.
As I've said before, we know it CAN be done well, as Becky Dilly and the McCougheys have shown.
If anyone saw the Today octomom interview I'd be interested in knowing if what I heard was correct in terms of their behavior and emotional detachment....
Another example of 'baby litters for fame'........
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@tainslie1 Omg. Hugs. Keep me posted... Hang in there..
1 minute ago
Kate Gosselin
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@MiloandJack Omg I'd be I'm trouble all the time bc of ur, uh, sassiness! Fortunately this 'intern' (me,lol) is a pretty mild tweeter! Lol
2 minutes ago
Kate Gosselin
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@MiloandJack @JeanneKaye Omg! How many years of marriage I shudder to ask, lol?
She must be hitting the sauce. That's a few too many OMG's in a row.
Not only that, but she's denying herself a FAT-FREE Fig Newton. Oh what an INCREDIBLE woman! What AMAZING willpower! What a martyr!
You are so awesome? LOL. I should twat a photo of my Mom's dutch apple pie now that is awesome. E-gawds what she does is BASIC cooking skills anyone with two fingers and a half could piece together.
I don't get the extreme adoration either. At some point even Kate herself must find it a little silly. She picked her nose this morning and all of her 10% of fans cried tears of joy.
What's that red goop on the side? I'm honestly curious.
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