In a rare acknowledgment of the world outside of Kate, Kate took to twitter tonight to comment on the Casey Anthony acquittal today. And apparently Kate feels the same as the general public opinion.
Said Kate, "This mommas heart is hurting along w many mommas hearts everywhere,I'm sure!:(."
Ours is too, Kate. And we're gonna give you the benefit of the doubt on this one. RIP, Caylee.
414 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 414 of 414 Newer› Newest»LOL I meant dessert of course.
Here's Kate twatting again she's denying herself a simple Fig Newman! It's just a Fig Newman Kate and it's Friday!
I've told this story before but when I had a stomach infection called h.pylori and couldn't eat anything without my stomach killing me, it was mostly very bland skinless boiled proteins and veggies. I lost 12 pounds, had zero energy, and felt like crap. And looked like crap!
Nowadays I gained back the weight, feel great, have good energy. I probably do a militant HEALTHY dinner maybe 2 or 3 nights a weak tops. A lean protein on a salad with a ton of veggies. The other nights are somewhere in between. Maybe a protein with the skin, potatoes here and there, pasta, or a rice dish. Then maybe one night a week an unhealthy dinner like this great pizza place we have or some kind of ethnic dish or a food truck. A nice desert on the weekends. I've never felt better or been healthier.
I feel sorry for women who obsess and deny themselves food like Kate does. I honestly do. This is not just Kate, she is just one of many. Taking PRIDE in denying themselves stuff that's perfectly fine to have! How did we get to this point? Why did we do this to women?
I wonder if Kate ever saw that 60 Minutes interview with Michael Phelps where he polished down about three huge Denny's breakfast platters or something.
I suppose Kate wonders why he's not fat. It's because he's burning a ton of calories Kate. He needs the fuel! If you are driving the car longer you have to give it more fuel, this is simple stuff.
There is balance between calories in and energy out. The solution to being healthy is not to cut calories. It's finding that healthy balance using nutritious foods and HEALTHY fats.
It seems to me that Kate basically listens to whatever buzzwords she happened to hear on the Today show one morning and doesn't think critically about it. I.e. Organic! Cutting calories! Recycle!
She is obsessed. She says egg whites are protein and few calories and no fat. Kate, your body NEEDS some fat and calories. It's why you're so darn tired!
Oh, goody! Kate posted a picture of her dinner. Who does this? I guess this recipe will be included in her new cookbook. I wonder how many glasses (or boxes) of wine accompanied this dish!
Well, let's see. News on the Casey Anthony front. She was offered a million cool ones to appear on Springer; the cast has already been suggested for the movie, with John O'Hurley (Seinfeld) as George; Kristen Stewart as Casey, and I missed the other players in this macabre presentation; the talent agency, Paradigm, dropped Baez.
Casey rejected a request from Cindy to visit her in jail tonight. Cindy perjures herself on the stand to save Casey, and Casey refuses to see her. Nice.
Word at the prison is that she already left the jail to avoid the media. No confirmation on that, but the guards told prisoners being released today that Casey is no longer there.
So, Casey lies, and steals and is a sociopathic narcissist, kills her child, and now will make millions from her actions (if someone doesn't decide to be a vigilante and make sure justice is done once and for all).
Mary in California said... Haha, I can just see Kate doing the math to figure out how far she is from 20K followers!
It wouldn't surprise me if her handful of fans each has at least 10-20 twitter accounts under different names to increase her numbers. That can be done, right? So, subtract out the haters (say 50% and I'm being conservative) and she probably has less than 2,000 actual "fan" who "Love" her. Sad.
I don't tweet, twitter, etc.. Don't know how and have no interest in doing so. Know how to text message, email, and answer a phone. And I acutally like to talk to people I like in person. Works for me...
Is it possible Kate's PR people create multiple accounts on twitter to expand her alleged fan base? Maybe even TLC, although I doubt it now.
Kate is bubbling over with delight and amazement at her tweeties that she loves - nearly 20,000. However, when looking at those sheeple who tweet, there are only a handful of them who continue to sing her praises. What are the other 19,975 of the followers doing - just reading the tweets and laughing hysterically?
I also noticed that from July 5-8, this thread has 243 comments; from July 4-8, the previous thread had 204 posts. I ran over to the "other" anti-Kate blog and noticed only 71 posts from July 1-8. I guess you could say that this blog is really rocking and is "the" place to be!
Admin, is there a recap coming on the "gross" dinner?
LOL, there's an interesting bit of tweets going on by non-fans, tweeting how Khate inspires them.
"overthehill said... dont think shes doing anything.just pretending .sad very sad"
I agree and have thought this for awhile now. I suspect she makes up half the stuff she says she does on a daily basis just to sound interesting and busy. It's B.S.
dont think shes doing anything.just pretending .sad very sad
@Kateplusmy8 you AMAZE and inspire us!!!
Inspire "us" to do what? Sell your kids to the highest bidder? Buy a million dollar house that you won't be able to afford once the kids stop working? Bash your ex-husband at every chance you get? Lie? Hire nannies, housekeepers, groundskeepers and claim that you are exhausted from doing all the work? Make your kids feel like inferior non-entities? Get drunk at a NYC bar and let a stranger lick you, ad nauseam?
Exactly what inspires these sheeple? Have any of them ever come out and say why Kate is such an amazing and inspirational person?
@JeanneKaye @Kateplusmy8 LOL. R we thinkin alik or what? Guess allKate fans stay on same line of thought!
She could have meant it to be the freedom she would have by not living under her parents roof any longer.
I thought about that, Kelly. But she wasn't living under her parents roof at that time. Nobody knows where she was living or with whom she was living. Prosecution stated that she stopped at her parents house periodically, but where she was living really wasn't known because she and Caylee were gone for weeks at a time.
But you're correct. Defense would have spun it to suit their purpose.
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