Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Kate's "heart is hurting" over Casey Anthony acquittal

In a rare acknowledgment of the world outside of Kate, Kate took to twitter tonight to comment on the Casey Anthony acquittal today. And apparently Kate feels the same as the general public opinion.

Said Kate, "This mommas heart is hurting along w many mommas hearts everywhere,I'm sure!:(."

Ours is too, Kate. And we're gonna give you the benefit of the doubt on this one. RIP, Caylee.

414 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 1

Emotions are running high over this and that's to be expected, but please keep the thread clean. Inappropriate comments won't be published.

Audible Click said... 2

I never thought I'd agree with Kate about anything but...

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 3

Yes Audible when ever Kate gets it what does that say???

Sad day.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 4

Ever--I mean even.

Westcoaster said... 5

And yet, whatever could have kept herself off the Twatter all day long, kind of amazing. Guess she does read or listen to the news on the rare occasion.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 6

I noticed she managed to tweet this without somehow making it all about her. Who knew it would take something like this to bring out the humanity in her.

We're All Hurting said... 7

Administrator said...

I noticed she managed to tweet this without somehow making it all about her.


Although it wasn't ALL about her, she said, "this mommas heart," making sure everyone knew that she is a "momma." Couldn't she have just said that mommas hearts everywhere are hurting?

I thought that Kate never read the newspapers or watched television. It's surprising that she even knew about the case, unless this weekend she was holed up in her bedroom, and the trial coverage was on so many stations.

Save8FromEvilKate said... 8

I am completely disgusted by this verdict. Not surprised the jurors didn't want to show their faces yet. As many other cases, once they hear everything that they didn't hear during trial I bet they regret their decision.

First time something has angered more than Kate for quite awhile.

I'm hoping Judge Perry gives her each full year for lieing to law enforcement. I know that may be really be a stretch and wishful thinking but he did give the flipping off waiter 6 days w/ a $650 fine, so I'm crossing my fingers.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 9

I didn't expect to be this worked up about this especially since I haven't had time to follow it that much but how does the jury explain why a mother just trying to find her missing daughter would lie again and again to the police? She even made up a story about a fake nanny who didn't even exist!

Any mother without guilt would call right away when their child is missing and would tell the cops everything they possibly know to help try to find her. And to top it all off she goes out and parties. Does she need to write guilty across her forehead in red lipstick for them to get it?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 10

I posted in the old friend whoopsie:

I'm watching Nancy Grace for the first time, never seen it before but everyone said you have to watch her go batshit tonight, and she said exactly what I said earlier today!

She said I was a prosecutor for years I NEVER recall getting champagne or jumping up and down after a big win. There's never a good scenerio in a felony trial why would you be out there celebrating?!

Sing it, Nancy. Guilty or not guilty a child DIED.

Oh lol I remember some people here mentioning how she always brings up the twins John David and what's her face.

I laughed so hard when she started talking about helping John David over a puddle and somehow this made her think of Caylee's body. Huh, wtf? Wtf does that have to do with anything???

Molly Hart said... 11

Admin: Would you know if there is any way the state could present Casey Anthony with a bill (or a get a judgment) for the cost of their searches for Caylee since those were a direct result of her lies to them? Would that enable them to attach any money she receives for books, movie rights, photo licenses, etc? It would provide a little comfort to know she could at least be kept from profitting from her daughter's death.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 12

Molly, I don't know. I've certainly heard of that being done before. I suppose the judge could fine her in addition to jail time, or make her do community service. There's a lot he could do.

I still don't get this. They believe she lied to the police, they found her guilty of that. So what is their explanation for WHY she lied to the police? She just felt like leading them on a wild goose chase?

Batterednotbroken said... 13

She will be released Thursday morning, walking out arm-in-arm, just as mason promised her. Time served for lying to police. That's it.
My earlier comment didn't go through. Sorry if l offended anyone. Wasn't intended.

MaryAnne said... 14

There is a way we could have helped - people in the US need to take jury duty SERIOUSLY, treat it as a responsibility and not make it something smart to get out of and stupid if you can't. Those 12 jurors heard the testimony and evidence they were allowed to hear. They were chosen by the prosecution and defense as the least biased from the avialable pool. Jurors don't necessarily hear all the stuff we do, i.e. the media blitz. So to them Ms.Anthony was not guilty until the prosecution proved otherwise beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law (not the court of public opinion or the court of media). Sure there was a lot of seemingly damning evidence, but it was largely circumstantial. SOME direct evidence linking Casey would have nice. Conveniently, the body was too decomposed to determine the cause of death. Supposition doesn't cut it when going for reasonable doubt. Several people claiming they smelled decomposition - well, I admit I don't know what decomposition smells like. She never told anyone she offed her daughter. Never told anyone that anyone else did. Just really, really strange behavior. We'll never know. The judge was clear in his instructions as to what they were to consider and what they were not. Sadly, with what they had, I think they got it right, It pains me to say so.

Please when summoned to jury duty, serve. Encourage employers to encourage and compensate employees to serve. Perform your civic duty with pride. Wouldn't you want a true jury of you peers should you ever find yourself a defendant standing trial?

I did find myself musing if any of the folks that waited in line every day of the 3 weeks of Casey's trial ever got out of jury duty themselves.

Don't ream me to hard, I am NOT pro Casey Anthony in any way shape or form

meemo said... 15

I saw a photo of a lighted sign that someone supposedly put up in Pinellas County to "welcome" the jurors home. It read simply, "What the F--- have you done?" It's really too bad they'll realize too late what they HAVE done. Poor little Caylee was lost in this mess. Now, she's nothing but a blip on the radar of Casey's new "Bella Vita". I can only hope and pray that George and Cindy roll up the welcome mat and hang out the "NO VACANCY" sign before Casey walks out of the Orange County Jail on Thursday.
God bless you little Caylee Marie.

Yolanda said... 16

I was on a jury once. The attorney said something I always remember.

Instead of "a person is innocent until proven guilty", it should be "A person is innocent UNLESS proven guilty.

Big difference if you think about it.

Also, when I was a juror the trial lasted a week. We deliberated for two and half days and found both parties guilty of killing their 3-year old foster daughter.

I remember many members of the jury already knew how they wanted to vote from the beginning. But we all agreed to examine every piece of evidence, to discuss the trial and to talk about our feelings. We read the judge's instructions over and over again. If we hadn't taken the time to do all this, I would never have felt comfortable with the verdict.

If the Casey Anthony jury had done all this, I know it would have taken longer than the 10 hours they spent deliberating.

That's the whole point of deliberation. Otherwise, why not just vote right after the trial and be done with it?

How could they have agreed on a verdict so soon without deliberating? Doesn't make sense.

Anonymous said... 17

If you were one of those who really cared about this case you would have been excluded from jury duty. I'm beginning to think that jurors who know little about high profile, highly publicized cases have a different mindset, uncaring and not wanting to be bothered by the bad things that happened, focused on themselves and willing to give benefit of doubt to everybody. Many of the jurors had convictions themselves or within immediate family and had forgiven the perps.

I think they have no logic. No seeing the forest and figuring it is made up of trees; no seeing the trees and inferring a forest.

It is not just mommas who are enraged at this. We who have no children get the rap that we should have no opinion about matters involving children. Wrong. We may be more insightful than parents. We may see that "unconditional love" is a bad thing. All love should be conditional. If you do things that hurt other people, you should come down like the wrath of god on the doer. Cindy should have raised hell over stolen money from her and her parents. George should have demanded some answers about the father of the child and demanded that Casey contribute financially to the upkeep of the child. Who pretends to have a job for 2 years, and even leaves the house to go the nonexistent job, and never has a dime and continually runs out of gas. Give me a break.

Maybe Casey was born a sociopath. Her parents should have called her on it. The jury should each take her home with them for a week and see what she steals from them.

Bluenoser said... 18

I think the jury, knowing it was a death penalty case, didn't want to be responsible for sending that creature to her death. That was a huge responsibility for the jurors. If it had been LWOP I am sure the outcome would have been different.

What goes around will come around and Casey will be a pariah and karma will find her.

No Regrets said... 19

I watched this sad tale from the very beginning. Read every document available. Every interview. Watch even the jury selection. Some on that jury had prior arrests. I do think that the rush on picking the jury was one huge problem here. One the alternates interviewed on HLN said he didn't believe the sexual abuse charges, and when asked what about her actions for 31 days? He said it was because they had a dysfunctional family !? That astounded me. She CONFESSED to knowing her child died, did not report it, knowing that her father disposed of the body. (If they bought that entire ridiculous defense) And she does not have to answer for that? I do not get it. I just don’t understand how 12 people can let her go just like that. I love this country, I love our system of justice, but justice was not served this time. It took me 3 years to come to the conclusion she murdered her child. Once again, a murderer goes free. No one has to answer for the death of that child. Once again she is tossed on the side of the road.

justme said... 20

All young men in the Orlando Area BEWARE! Casey Anthony revealed in a jail house letter she wants to have another baby,when she gets out of jail.

NT said... 21

Just a thought,maybe the admin of this blog could start one to keep us informed of any monetary gain coming to casey and we can write emails to try to stop it. I can't for the life of me stand the fact that she will make a lot of money now. On the Today show they said that when Casey gets out she WANTS TO HAVE ANOTHER BABY!!!! Good Grief!! Mason said that she won't go home,but would not tell where she will go. So she'll be sponging off another set of Schmucks. Wonder if Tony wants anything to do with her now?

Gimme Giimme said... 22

They wanted to go home. That's all they cared about. Their own families were falling apart. They were not going to stay another day. They picked the wrong jury. Some of those people were living on the fringes of the law themselves. They didn't care Caylee - they just wanted to go home.

Joanne said... 23

I think they should do away with jury's all together as they dont work, and proven in this case.
I think the judge is the one to listen to both sides and decide. Lots of people lack common sense and this is why this murderer is walking free.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 24

Khate didn't tweet about the verdict on her own, though. She only did that tweet in response to some sheeple tweeting her about it. I don't think she would have commented on her own without prompting.

I was following this trial somewhat for the first month or so, and then in the last two weeks, I followed it a great deal. I had mentioned to a few friends and family members all along that I thought Casey Anthony murdered her child but she would get away with it. I only started to have some hope after watching the prosecutors' brilliant closing arguments a few days ago.

While I am disgusted with a lot of things about this trial and verdict, I am most appalled by the public celebrations held by the defense team while they popped champagne corks for hours in that restaurant yesterday afternoon. I’ve had a lot of "wins" as an attorney, although not on murder cases, and yes, it feels good to win, especially in a case that you believe strongly in. However, I have worked in law firms where there were other attorneys handling murder trials. Twice in my career, I worked at a firm where there was an acquittal after a lengthy and difficult trial. The defense team was exhausted, relieved and feeling triumphant at the conclusion. However, NEVER would any decent attorney celebrate, especially in a case like this with the eyes of the media and the world all over them. And especially not in a case where the sad fact remains that a very young child is dead. In one firm I worked at, the defense team immediately came back to the office, where the front door was locked once any clients that were in the office with other attorneys had left. Then, and only then, was there some private back patting going on, and congratulations on doing such a good job. I have to add also that the defense team in that case truly believed that the client was innocent. The response is much more tempered when the defense attorneys get someone off that they actually think probably is guilty. I don’t know how they sleep at night, really, but they do.

It’s sad that so many jurors these days seem confused about “reasonable doubt”. They think it means beyond any and all doubt and they end up suspending common sense which they are not supposed to do. Everything that I have heard that one alternate juror say so far makes me think he’s an idiot. He claims the prosecution didn’t show motive, which they’re not even tasked with doing. Motive is NOT an element of the crime. Neither is manner of death. The prosecution does not have to prove exactly how the victim was killed. Also, he says what would drive a “reasonably good mother” to do such an action. This guy must have been watching some other trial if he thinks Casey was a good mother. My husband told me that he read something about the defense team having had a strategy in jury selection in that they were seeking mostly younger, single men with no kids, thinking they would find Casey attractive, understand her partying, and not be able to see her as the monster she is. I guess that worked for them.

Despite her acquittal, I don’t think things will end well for Casey Anthony. I hope her parents and her brother, as well as any relatives and friends, have absolutely nothing to do with her when she gets out. I’m sure her pathological lying and extremely narcissistic, psychopathic personality had already brought years of grief to this family long before she ever became a mother. Her family needs to just pretend she is dead because she is too toxic and will do nothing but poison the lives of anyone she is in contact with. My biggest fear is that she goes back to her wild, carefree, partying ways and gets pregnant again at some point in her life.

Call Me Crazy said... 25

MaryAnne said ...

The judge was clear in his instructions as to what they were to consider and what they were not. Sadly, with what they had, I think they got it right, It pains me to say so.


I am sad and disgusted about Casey Anthony getting away with killing her child (and I believe she did, whether intentionally or not), but I must agree with you, MaryAnne. As repulsive as Casey's behavior was in the time after her daughter went "missing," the jury took its job seriously and made a decision based on the evidence presented.

Unfortunately, their hands were tied based on the parameters of the charges. The prosecution made a grave error error when they decided to try this as a capital murder case without any physical evidence to support that charge. Given the evidence, there was nothing to prove murder, much less premeditation. Casey's vile behavior just wasn't enough.

I feel bad for the jurors. This was no easy task, and they are being villified for trying to serve justice the way our laws are written. I hope everyone remembers that they found Anthony "Not Guilty" based on evidence presented; they did NOT find her innocent. I would bet that every one of them was hoping for some hard and fast evidence they could have used to put her away.

I was on a jury in a case where a father was charged with molesting his two daughters. It was an exhausting experience (but one I would do again in a heartbeat). The older daughter, who was about 15, made the accusation, but there was almost no evidence to support it. Her testimony was suspect because she was trying to get herself on a daytime talk show. She was not a credible witness. The testimony from her little sister (about 8) was not helpful because in a taped interview, the police had asked her very leading questions, and still she did not provide information that would make us NOT doubt that the father was guilty. The father took the stand and he appeared very honest.

Deliberations were excruciating. We spent more than 2 days reviewing testimony and evidence, including the teenage daughter's diary, which provided enough evidence to make most of us disbelieve her. But two jurors refused to acknowledge the evidence. They had come in already determined to find him guilty. There were some very heated arguments, and in the end the 10 of us could not convince the other 2, so we ended up a hung jury.

I will never know if this man was guilty or not of this terrible crime against children. But the evidence presented did not support a guilty verdict. I feel great sympathy for those jurors, even though I wish the outcome had been different. I wish them peace.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 26

Khate's still delusional about publishing a cookbook:

sabrinapallotta Sabrina Pallotta
@Kateplusmy8 Do you have a cookbook out or thought about publishing one? Looking for yummy organic meals for my 3 year and you're the lady!
2 hours ago

in reply to @sabrinapallotta ↑
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@sabrinapallotta Hope to..
1 hour ago via Twitterrific

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 27

Not that I give 2 sh*ts for her narcissistic lying ass, but Casey Anthony's life is done.
She may walk free, but she will never be able to live a happy, normal life.

We may never find out what really happened to little Caylee, but sooner or later her mother will have to answer to a higher power.

Where Casey is going, she's going to have to bring along a sunscreen with an SPF in the ba-zillions.

God bless you, Caylee.

No Regrets said... 28

I have listened to this alternate jurors once again on the few interviews he has given. He has used "we" several times. Corrected himself a few times to say "I". The verdict was reached without any review of anything. Not the evidence, tapes or anything. Nothing will convince me that these people did not talk to each other outside of that court and deliberations room. The reasoning this alternate used for coming to his decision is just devoid of any common sense at all. He partially bought into the opening statement of Baez'. With no proof at all. None. I still cannot get over the fact that they did not hold this girl accountable for her actions. At all. Except the lying. The lies were incredible. Yet this juror blamed the "dysfunction". Amazing. Casey has never realy been held accountable. By her mother and now the justice system. Dr Drew said if his (and countless other mental health experts) suspicions are right, that if she is a sociopath, she WILL do something in the future. Something horrible. I just pray this doesn't include another human being ending up dead.

Jenna Does said... 29

Admin, I asked on the other thread, but it got lost amongst my bitching...

Admin, can Casey Anthony can get tried for another murder charge if she slips up?

I know she will. I know she will eff up again. She is a liar, a narcissist. She will tell someone, "I got off even though I..." somewhere down the road. Thanks Admin! Still stewing mad...
~Hippie Chick~

Tucker's Mom said... 30

I wonder if in the history of the US legal system if there has been a case where a defense has so hugely benefitted from the defendant's history of (and continued) lying.
Let's see, from Casey's lying that she didn't know anything about Caylee's disappearance, the baby was left to decompose to the point of skeletal remains, whereby no dna or cause of death could be determined.
Score 1 for Casey.
Casey ( via her defense attorney) said she lied due to her upbringing in a family that lies. Cindy Anthony blatantly purgers herself seemingly to deflect blame and premeditation from Casey.
Score 2 for Casey. You see! That apple really doesn't fall far from the tree. Maybe Casey's shotgun defense has a point here! Casey is a product of her upbringing. It's really not all her fault!
Now, aspersions are cast upon George as we are left to ponder if he really was complicit in Caylee's death coverup. I believe sure as I'm standing here that he had an affair and that he too, lied on the stand. Angrily so, in fact. More reinforcement of the defense's theory.
Score 3 for Casey.
I simply can not believe that being a pathological liar helped to free Casey and played a pivotal role in her aquittal.
What's our lesson? Being a liar and a horrible person will be rewarded, and like Kate, Casey, I believe, will profit from her child's misfortune.
There will be books, interviews and movies but worst of all, I truly believe there will be another child born to Casey.
I hope many angels are summoned to look after that one.

Jenna Does said... 31

What gets me was the ME's time on the stand. She really had NOTHING to work with. Caylee's poor little body had decomposed so badly that the ME threw in her own judgement call, which watching the coverage was perfectly acceptable. The ME says that it had to have been Casey, no way around it. The heart sticker, the blanket, the way her body was lovingly placed in the "grave". And the ME also said "how does a mother NOT report their child missing for 31 days" driving her point home. THAT right there should have made the jurors sit upright & say HMM, ya know, if the damn ME is saying these things, maybe we's got ourself a murdered girl from her momma...DUH.

Those jurors will eventually be on a Dateline type of show, getting asked "WHY?" & they will answer the question on everyone's mind:"How could you have all let a murderer walk free?" They have to live w/ themselves too. I would have fought tooth & nail on that jury to get her a murder 1 charge. They didn't deliberate long, I thought that was good. Guess I was wrong. And Casey will be out of jail in no time for time served. Again, it's an effed up world.
~Hippie Chick~

Midnight Madness said... 32

Admin, can Casey Anthony can get tried for another murder charge if she slips up?


If murders someone else she can face another murder charge, but even if she would slip up and admit to the murder of Caylee, she cannot be tried again for the same murder. Double jeopardy. This case is over and done.

Midnight Madness said... 33

Unfortunately, their hands were tied based on the parameters of the charges. The prosecution made a grave error error when they decided to try this as a capital murder case...


I'm wondering if the charges would have been aggravated manslaughter (only six jury members required instead of twelve), and if the media hadn't covered this so extensively from the beginning, therefore they wouldn't have had to use jurors from outside Orlando, if the outcome would have been quite different. Manslaughter charge. Six jurors. Orlando jury. This might have resulted in a conviction.

Kelly said... 34

If you read the history of this case and how it originally started out, you will see that the case against Casey Anthony is NOT over. Originally, this case was first investigated as a sex crime and handled by the Sex Crime Unit in Florida.

When police did a search of the Anthony home, they recovered reams of evidence and explicit photos of Caylee however the first judge in this case, Judge Strickland sealed the file and the photographs and as a result, they were not allowed into evidence in her murder trial.

It was discovered in the initial investigation that Casey would rouse Caylee out of a sound sleep on several occasions and take her from the home where she would be gone for days at a time and then Casey would go and pick her up and bring her back home.

Chloroform is known to be used by those who manufacture child porn to keep the victim doped up and complicit. On the last day George Anthony saw Caylee, she told her "grandpa" that she was going to see "zanny" the nanny and that was the last time she was ever seen.

During this investigation, George also revealed that he was offered to be placed into the witness protection however for whatever reason that is not known the investigation took a different turn.

It is my opinion that Casey Anthony was being paid to pimp out her child as she had no other source of income and couldn't explain where she was getting her money for incidental expenses and perpetual nights out partying.

The State of Florida can't try her again for the murder of this child however I don't think they are going to put this case in the dead records room and I'm pretty DAMN sure that this case will be re-opened in a totally new fashion with different charges.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 35

Midnight Madness is right, Double jeopardy. It's over and done with. Never again.

The ONLY back door way they could get it in is if they have new evidence and charge her with some other crime. But from what I heard they already charged her with almost everything you could in relation to this--murder, manslaughter, child abuse. I think they thought they had it and threw everything at her, only to have it end in this shocking result. I'm not sure they threw in lesser charges like maybe neglect? There might be a few more crimes they could throw in but at this point she got off on the big one, I don't think people will feel it's really justice to nail her on some small-time thing.

What prosecutors will sometimes do is just charge a person with one crime--murder, or if there are multiple murders, they will only charge them with one or two. Just in case they get an acquittal then they have a "spare" charge. I forgot what case was being profiled once on one of those 20/20 shows, but the prosecutors had used that tactic when there was multiple victims and they only tried the guy for one, just in case. The families of the other victims understandably felt very slighted but they have to understand it's for their own protection in case the guy gets off.

There was only one victim here, and they already charged her with a mixed bag of crimes most of which she got off.

It's done. In this life, anyway.

Tucker's Mom said... 36

Kelly, that's fascinating about the initial investigation being done by the sex crimes unit. I was not following the case closely back then, so this is shocking.
However, I wonder if the prosecution used all of their ammunition, as Admin alluded to above. Is there any charge to apply to the suspected child abuse (for sexual exploitation) that hasn't already been exhausted?
Oh, if justice would only prevail...

No Regrets said... 37

One last thing. We are not over this at all. The IRS still wants their 68K for the 200K that Casey and Baez got for selling pictures and home movies. It was put in Casey's name, so she alone faces this. Baez got his 85K or 89K. The Grunds have said they are bringing suit against the Anthony's for trying to implicate him as the murderer. Tony, Amy and Kronk should follow his lead. Cindy implicated them all. She was willing to throw these innocent people under the bus, face a murder one charge even the death penalty to keep Casey out of jail. Re-victimizing poor Amy. Lippman has said he may file charges against Baez for his lies in his opening statement about George. Kronk's attorney has hinted at the same. So this circus may be going on for years to come. Oh the civil case by the real Zenaida Gonzalez is still alive and will go forward now, this was announced yesterday. So if any of them profits from this, someone will have their hand out.

Just curious said... 38

I think Casey is guilty, but of what?

Did Casey chloroform Caylee regularly to knock her out so she could party, and accidentally overdosed her? Or did Casey chloroform Caylee to kill her? Did Casey set up the ladder along side her parents' pool, leave the back door open so Caylee would go outside, climb the ladder and fall in the pool and drowned?

Something happened but no one knows what...except Casey.

After calming down from the surprise of the verdict yesterday, I've come to realize there was not enough evidence or it was presented too poorly to convict on the charges the state asked for.

pamelajo said... 39

As far as Casey "getting away with it", there are worst things in the world than prison, and God has a way of punishment that Casey will have to deal with.

silimom said... 40

I confess to only have followed the trial peripherally. Was the death penalty the only option if the jury had convicted her? If so, then I understand their verdict. IMO, the evidence was too circumstantial for a juror to feel comfortable handing down a death sentence. If the prosecution had allowed for life without parole or even life with parole, I think the verdict would have been different.

Sadly, I am sure Casey Anthony WILL probably go out and get pregnant again. That should be good for a few People covers, after all. And she will revel in her 15 minutes. Look for the books to come out soon - her book, her parents book, her attorney's book, the D.A.'s book.

Interesting theory about the childprostitution / pornography angle. I hadn't heard any of that before. Do you have sources (web sites, print articles, newspaper, etc.) to verify that? I hope and pray she wasn't being sexually abused. This is tragedy enough without that playing into the whole mess.

MaryAnne said... 41

A thought. I strongly feel that in part the sensationalism journalism is to blame for what went wrong for little Caylee AFTER her remains were found. The overexposure of the case, the whipped up frenzy, the misinformation disseminated by tabloids, etc. Interestingly, those things use to make a defense team cringe as they worked against a defendant. NOW
those same outlets, as well as respected journalists, have a chance to fix (well, not fix, but not add further insult to injury) some of it. IGNORE Casey Anthony. Don't pay her a dime for interviews, book,TV or movie rights. Shun her. If they cannot help themselves, let an Oprah Winfrey or B. Walters ONLY make payments to a missing/exploited/abused children's fund set up in Caylee's name.

Will that happen? I doubt it. My prayer is that we all learn from this, move forward and protect our most precious, precious hope for the future - our children.

Anonymous said... 42

I'm shocked Kate expressed any outrage at Casey Anthony's verdict, they're both birds of the same feather, no? self important, manipulative and spontaneous liars? One just got away with murder because the defense attorney presented enough doubts and the DA was stupid enough to push for the death penalty. I do not feel sorry for this jury at all, forget the CSI physical evidence stuff, how about some basic common sense? That poor little girl did not end up in a swamp for 6 months by herself. And having a dysfunctional family is not an excuse for being a lying murderer, if people find that's an acceptable excuse, there is something wrong with our society.

Jenna Does said... 43

So, what about premeditated murder? Could she get that charge? No? Sorry to ask...
~Hippie Chick~

Anonymous said... 44

Jenna Does said...

So, what about premeditated murder? Could she get that charge? No? Sorry to ask...
She was already charged with premeditated murder and acquitted of the charge. She can't be re-tried on the same charge.

Troy Chula Vista said... 45

I watched part of GMA with George Steph. and Nancy Grace. It only took 20 seconds for Nancy to bring the twins into the conversation. I only saw the first segment, I really wanted to see the interaction with the reporter she's always butting heads with, anyone see it?

What I did see, she could barely contain herself and not explode like a mad person who is off her meds, lol. It looked like she just came from the make-up chair and tried to eat some humble pie, in her way.

Nancy Grace may not admit it, but I think she is no different then Kate. She has used this trial to make a name for herelf. She is loud and bullies and cuts-off and is just obnoxious. She constantly brings her children into the mix for no reason other than to enwrap emotions around HERSELF. As Judge Judy would say, I DON'T CARE. Nancy was called out BIG TIME yesterday and I am sure quietly there are more that say the same things about her.

I am an equal opportunity "hater" though. I didn't care for the Defense Attorney Baez who went on and on and on with huge pauses between every third word. Clearly he was providing a final paragraph on his future TV resume.

Anyone see the clip where Gloria Allred gets smacked down BIG for trying to use the cameras during the trial against Lawrence Taylor and underaged prostitute? The video is LT's lawyer speaking immediately after Gloria reveals the name of the "victim". It's classic smack down.


Beth said... 46

There will never be justice for this poor child and that breaks my heart.

OJ Simpson as much as admitted to the murders in the book he later wrote, which IIRC, all of the book's earnings went to the Goldmans. OJ's agent and friend, Mike Gilbert, later wrote a book about how he helped OJ get away with murder. In instances, such as this, there should be an amendment added to the Constitution that overthrows Double Jeopardy.

Kelly said... 47

Nancy Grace is a bloviating gas bag that hops from one d-list network to the next in hopes of making a name for herself where she couldn't do it as a prosecutor in Atlanta. None of the major networks calls on her for her legal opinion because she is so speculative and uninformed.

She thought her ship came in with the Scott Peterson trial and interjected so much baloney on motive and opportunity that her opinion was written off as tabloid journalism. The only thing that comes out of HLN are the likes of Nancy Grace and Joy Behar, two of the most obnoxious, self absorbed talking heads that couldn't offer an educated thought on the meaning of the Lord's Prayer nor could either one get laid on a troop ship. The only other kind thing I can say about Nancy Grace is that her nostrils remind me of one of the bovine's in the running of the bulls.

E-town Neighbor said... 48

Hippie - google Double Jeopardy. It may help to explain some things for you. There are exceptions, such as if it was a fraudulent trial or a non-final judgment. She cannot be tried for the same crime in a criminal court, but she can be tried in a civil court, which is what happened in the OJ case when families of the victim won a substantial judgment against him on a wrongful death charge. I don't believe, though, they ever saw a penny of that money.

I heard this morning that Tim Miller of Texas Equi Search is considering filing a civil suit against her for time and money spent when she knew that Caylee was dead; and Zaneida Gonzalez has filed a defamation of character suit against her. Since Caylee has been declared indigent, it's unlikely that anyone will see any money from Caylee, unless she sells her story to the media and if a judgment has been made against her in civil suits, they will be able to garnish those profits.

By the way, there's an excellent movie, Double Jeopardy, that's worth watching. Twists and turns and a great ending!

I'm watching Court TV and prosecutor Jeff Ashton is scheduled for an indepth interview at 2 p.m. ET.

Midnight Madness said... 49

"Nancy Grace may not admit it, but I think she is no different then Kate. She has used this trial to make a name for herelf. She is loud and bullies and cuts-off and is just obnoxious. She constantly brings her children into the mix for no reason other than to enwrap emotions around HERSELF. As Judge Judy would say, I DON'T CARE."


Those darn twins! No offense to the little ones, but she acts like she's the first person to ever give birth. Last night, she asked Jesse Grund's father to comment. Jesse was the young man who thought he was Caylee's father and was engaged to Casey. She asked Mr. Grund a question, and he started to answer her, but she went off on a tangent and wouldn't shut up. She never let him answer the question. He started to say something about the way Cindy treated Casey, and of course, in Nancy's mind Cindy is a saint, and she just wouldn't let him speak. She cut him off, and he never was able to give his opinion.

NG is a classic narcissist with an ego as inflated as Kate's. I occasionally watch her show just to hear the panelists give their opinions of various topics, but the women who call in saying, "Thank God for you, Nancy, you are my hero," etc. etc., remind me so much the sheeple. They can't see her for what she is.

Anonymous said... 50

Admin said ". . . It's over and done with. Never again."

Couldn't she be found guilty in a civil trial, like O.J. Simpson was? Of course, that wouldn't result in any jail time, but maybe it could be used to insure that she never profits. I know that the standard of guilt is different - preponderance of the evidence, as opposed to reasonable doubt. I have to admit, I haven't followed the case closely, but from what I have read, I think the prosecutor made a huge error in charging her with premeditated murder. I think she was in some way involved in Caylee's death, but I'm not so sure it was premeditated. At the very least, I think she is guilty of manslaughter and abuse of a corpse, and complete and utter lack of human feeling and conscience. I also think her parents are involved in this up to their necks, and are guilty of a cover-up, if nothing else. It's scary to think that people like this live in the world. I'm surprised that Kate is even aware of the trial. She's so self-absorbed that I wouldn't think it would even be a blip on her radar. I'd love to see the judge tell Casey tomorrow that she's free to walk, on condition that she immediately check into a hospital and have a tubal ligation. At least there'd be no worries about another innocent little soul being subjected to her "mothering".


NoLoveInPhilly said... 51

So now one of the jurors want to tell their story for a 5 figure price.


And a very sick thought ran thru my head...

Could this be the reason they chose not to convict so they could sell their stories? After all it might seem a more interesting story to tell if they didn't convict? Hope that rambling makes sense.

I believe the blood of this child is on many hands including the mother.

Gimme Gimme said... 52

I am glad that admin gave us this forum so we have an outlet to talk amongst ourselves about this travesty. I have been so depressed I can barely get up and about. One thing for sure that family has a lot of secrets - Baez was right about that. I was thinking the whole time that G and C were taking up for her that they should be careful what they wish for, to wake up to her, the devil incarnate, as opposed to the pitter patter of little feet - how could they? To look at her and know what she did. Part of me thinks they knew she was capable of that as in "what have you done" and they should have never let her leave the house with that child.
I think basically the jury didn't believe anything the Anthony's had to say, yay or nay, and they did come across as covering up, but I thought it was to cover up the fact that they were complicit in C and L having a "special" relationship, as in to know it and not stop it makes them a part of it. There was definitely a back story behind the pregnancy and not taking her to doctor until her 18th birthday. They are all liars except for George (low self-esteem) who was caught in the middle of this power struggle of Cindy and Casey, with Caylee in the middle. But on the other hand, I think the one guy was only thinking of a cigarette and the rest were only thinking of getting the heck out of there.


Jenna Does said... 53

She was already charged with premeditated murder and acquitted of the charge. She can't be re-tried on the same charge.

Thank you, I didn't hear them announce that charge. Unbelievable. Sorry about that. I still cannot believe she got off...
~Hippie Chick~

JudyK said... 54

Administrator said... I didn't expect to be this worked up about this especially since I haven't had time to follow it that much but how does the jury explain why a mother just trying to find her missing daughter would lie again and again to the police? She even made up a story about a fake nanny who didn't even exist!

Any mother without guilt would call right away when their child is missing and would tell the cops everything they possibly know to help try to find her. And to top it all off she goes out and parties. Does she need to write guilty across her forehead in red lipstick for them to get it?

Plus, there were the pre-meditated searches for: chloroform, how to make chloroform, shovel, neck breaking, household weapons,etc., which were done six (6) months before Caylee was found triple bagged with her mouth and nose duct taped in a swamp, forensic evidence of chloroform found in the trunk of her car, smell of human decomposition in her trunk (NOT trash), etc., etc. I am in disbelief. Even her ex-boyfriend, Jesse Grund, to whom she was once engaged, is enraged at this outrageous verdict. I will stop before I get banned...I know everything about this case, have watched every second of the trial, and am way too invested in this. I am glad Kate actually tweeted about something important outside of herself, and I want to thank you for starting a thread about this, Administrator. Rest in peace, sweet baby girl, Caylee.

Anonymous said... 55

I too have followed this particularly sad case since the beginning - thanks to Florida's Sunshine Law. There have been so many lies surrounding this case, it is hard to keep track. There was a huge fight the night of June l5, 2008 which Cindy Anthony denies. She also denies that she attempted to choke Casey after discovering that she (Casey) stole money from her grandfather's assisted living account. Defense lawyer Baez said in his opening statement that Caylee died in the family swimming pool. Yesterday, after the verdict was announced, he said he didn't know how Caylee died and we will likely never know. There were so many other lies - too numerous to mention. I was devasted when I heard the verdict and when I realized that no one will be held responsible for the death of this child. It is indeed a sad day. I was hoping for justice for Caylee.

Just curious said... 56

Anonymous said..There was a huge fight the night of June l5, 2008 which Cindy Anthony denies. She also denies that she attempted to choke Casey after discovering that she (Casey) stole money from her grandfather's assisted living account.


I heard this briefly mentioned last evening. Who said it? Was it testified to in court? In other words did the jurors know about it?

E-town Neighbor said... 57

I heard this briefly mentioned last evening. Who said it? Was it testified to in court? In other words did the jurors know about it?


It was not admitted into evidence. Casey told one of her boyfriends, or an ex-boyfriend, who told someone else who told someone else. It was third-person heresay, and therefore, was unverifiable since both Cindy and Casey denied it.

E-town Neighbor said... 58

Plus, there were the pre-meditated searches for: chloroform, how to make chloroform, shovel, neck breaking, household weapons,etc., which were done six (6) months before Caylee was found triple bagged with her mouth...


Right. And Cindy said that she conducted those searches. The compliance officer for Gentiva testified that Cindy was at work when those searches were made on the home computer, and therefore she could not have made them. She lied for her daughter, but won't be prosecuted for perjury. They both walk free.

Ashton said this afternoon that their one strong piece of evidence was the duct tape. Caylee didn't duct tape herself. If it's an accidental death, you don't duct tape the victim's mouth with THREE pieces of duct tape and then claim it was a murder.

kimBERLY WEISS said... 59

There was no happy end to this story. Either you have a child killed and no one convicted (like JonBenet) or you have someone on death row for "killing" someone whose cause of death couldn't be determined by the coroner. I don't know why she wasn't charged with illegally disposing a body. They sort of proved that, but they never proved that she actually killed her daughter, and there's the reasonable doubt right there.

Aeris said... 60

I am usually mum when the topic of Nancy Grace comes up. If there was a media personality I might say I despise more than Khate, it's Nancy Grace. My hubby and I have very strong opinions of her, I especially, believe she's a child exploiter in her own right - and a narcissist, to boot. I wish she would leave the poor baby alone, but this verdict is just going to give her many more months of fodder for her show. Sickening.

I also want to give thumbs up to the poster upthread who stated you don't have to be a mom to feel pain for what's happened. Khate is always "mom this" and "mom that", but when it's her only identity in this world, I guess that's what she falls back on for everything.

Laine said... 61

Since Casey was found guilty of lying to law enforcement, as well as pleading guilty for stealing her friends checks and draining her bank account, she is acquiring quite a record. If she starts getting sued by the people she falsely accused, can this info be used against her? She may yet be spending a lot time in a court of law.

Troy Chula Vista said... 62

Speaking of Joy Behar, today on the View Barbara Walters mentioned she would be inteviewing someone from the casey trial. Joy chimed in and said "ask him about the rumors of an affair" and Barbara said. .. I'm NOT asking him about that. So glad to hear her say that! Joy is so full of crap. People need to stop basing opinions on rumor and speculation. I'm sure that idea could be looked at in regards to Kate (on both sides of the fence).

Just Dwindle Away said... 63

I know the prosecution kept hinting about cholorform (sp?) and then never entered any evidence, but i kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. "Zanny", the fake name for the fake sitter, is also the street name for Xanax.

I've been on two juries, but nothing as serious as this. Until you have been there, and heard the judge's instructions, it's hard to say what was going through their minds. It is very difficult to keep reminding your fellow jurors that just because one of the lawyers SAYS something, doesnt mean it is evidence. I think this jury forgot that completely and thought the defense attorneys were stating facts instead of wild speculation. Shame on the prosecutors if they didnt address that in their closing arguments.

I comfort myself in this instance by saying that Caylee doesnt care about this verdict. She is in the arms of loved ones now and whatever profound suffering she endured is over now. Since her soul was so very innocent, she has likely forgiven her neglectful mother and whoever is responsible for her earthly death.

Kelly said... 64

@just dwindle away:
Judge Perry did address the statements that the defense made in their opening statements that there was no evidence presented to corroborate those statements, the jury was instructed to disregard them.

E-town Neighbor said... 65

Depending upon the judge's sentencing, Casey could get the maximum, consecutive, which would keep her in jail for two more years. If he goes with concurrent sentencing she could walk out of there tomorrow and take up residence with a relative of Cindy in Texas.

Look out Houston! You may get Casey!

Tim Miller of Texas Equi Search said they spent $112,000 looking for a child that Casey knew wasn't missing when they could have been spending time and money on someone who really was missing. He said that they are looking out for the donors in this case and it's only fair to them to try to recoup this money. With all of these possible suits being filed, Casey may be calling the courtroom "home" for some time to come.

Trying to Understand said... 66

I have been a long-time lurker (probably over a year), and have read almost every post here. I have not commented because most of the time I feel that many of you can express what I am thinking in words much better than I ever could.

With that being said, I could not keep quiet about the Casey Anthony trial. I will keep many of my opinions to myself as I know that the verdict has been determined, and there is nothing we can do to change it. However, at http://www.change.org/petitions/create-caylees-law there is a petition to put into law Caylee's Law, which would make it a federal offense to not report your child missing. I do think it will make a difference for those future children that have a parent like Casey Anthony. As a society it is sad that we need such a law, but there are so many pathetic parents out there. Casey has proven that over and over again.

I hope you sign the petition.

Kelly said... 67

@etown neighbor, You're correct in that Casey could get consecutive terms. She's been in jail for three years now, some of that time was for a bad check charge and she qualifies for a reduction based on good behavior so it will be interesting to see what time she does end up with after all the calculations are done.

Being that her convictions are not felonies, the max is 1 year on each conviction. I have a suspicion that she'll also get a lengthy probation as well as a very strick community service time as well.

E-town Neighbor said... 68

Being that her convictions are not felonies, the max is 1 year on each conviction. I have a suspicion that she'll also get a lengthy probation as well as a very strick community service time as well.


Having seen Judge Perry in action, he's a no-nonsense judge. He gave the bird-flipper six days with the maximum fine. I would hope that he follows through and gives her the max, which means if it's consecutive, she'll remain in jail for two years. However, given the twists and turns of this trial and the outcome, it would not surprise me in the least if she walks out of there.
What to do with her when she leaves? She just can't be released without some kind of protection. She'll be taken out in a matter of days by a lynch mob. What kind of security will they provide for her when she is once again a civilian? I'm assuming they have plans in place for that.
I heard something very disturbing on HLN. A juror commented that they couldn't find her guilty because of the PUNISHMENT that would result. Panelists were up in arms. It's the judge's job to sentence in the penalty phase. The question was whether the jury understood that deciding punishment was not their job, and if this was the reason they did not convict, then who was at fault? Did the judge not make this clear in his instructions to the jury? If this is true, and she walks because the jury was just thinking about the punishment, then something went very, very wrong.

We The Jury said... 69

MaryAnne said... There is a way we could have helped - people in the US need to take jury duty SERIOUSLY, treat it as a responsibility and not make it something smart to get out of and stupid if you can't. Those 12 jurors heard the testimony and evidence they were allowed to hear. They were chosen by the prosecution and defense as the least biased from the avialable pool. Jurors don't necessarily hear all the stuff we do, i.e. the media blitz. So to them Ms.Anthony was not guilty until the prosecution proved otherwise beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law (not the court of public opinion or the court of media). Sure there was a lot of seemingly damning evidence, but it was largely circumstantial. SOME direct evidence linking Casey would have nice. Conveniently, the body was too decomposed to determine the cause of death. Supposition doesn't cut it when going for reasonable doubt. Several people claiming they smelled decomposition - well, I admit I don't know what decomposition smells like. She never told anyone she offed her daughter. Never told anyone that anyone else did. Just really, really strange behavior. We'll never know. The judge was clear in his instructions as to what they were to consider and what they were not. Sadly, with what they had, I think they got it right, It pains me to say so.

Please when summoned to jury duty, serve. Encourage employers to encourage and compensate employees to serve. Perform your civic duty with pride. Wouldn't you want a true jury of you peers should you ever find yourself a defendant standing trial?

I did find myself musing if any of the folks that waited in line every day of the 3 weeks of Casey's trial ever got out of jury duty themselves.

Don't ream me to hard, I am NOT pro Casey Anthony in any way shape or form

July 5, 2011 11:15 PM

I could not have said it any better than you did. Great post and exactly how I feel.

I am annoyed at a lot of people ( not here because I don't know you ) who have been very vocal about their displeasure with the jury's verdict, however a lot of those same people have always refused to serve on a jury and throw hissy fits when they get summonded for duty. They will do anything and everything to get out of it.

Do I think Casey is guilty? YES

Why? Because she was convicted in '08 by the media. The media and the evidence presented by the media.

I have been on two juries and it is not easy. I watched every second of that trial and they did what they had to do with what they were presented with.

If they were presented with what the MEDIA had, it would've been a different outcome.

I also felt the prosecution was arrogant, cocky and smarmy, and I was a bit offended at how they spoke to the jury during closing arguments as if they ( the jury ) were low intelligent and needed to be told how to think. I think their attitudes and personalities played a huge part in the outcome.

All that said, it will be no time before Casey screws up again and is right back in jail. I give it a year and she will be behind bars again.

Also... said... 70

I also want to say how appalled I am at ( again, not here ) how so many people are so filled with anger and hatred because of this verdict.

The way many are acting, they are no better than Casey. It is scary how so many people cannot be civil.
I do think Casey killed her child. But why all the hatred at just Casey? Where is all the hatred for all the other parents who killed their children? What about the mom in Tampa who shot her two teenagers for being mouthy? Where is the hatred for her?

I think the universe, God, whatever, allowed this to happen so people can take a good hard look at themselves. I see a ton of people who hate Casey for the things they do themselves. Not child killing, of course, but the lying, partying, devilish ways and promiscuity. That kind of behavior is everywhere you look. And how many parents out there have admitted to giving their children something to make them sleep?

I hope I am making sense and I don't mean to seem to be defending Casey. But I think the fascination with her is that a lot of people see in themselves what they don't like about her. There are Casey Anthony's on every corner in this country.

People just need to check their anger. I get that this girl did a horrible thing, but wow, there are thousands of other things people need to get this mad about and don't.

Warmth Of The Sun said... 71

I just heard Marcia Clark, prosecutor on the OJ case, that one motive for a not-guilty verdict may be because of making big bucks for telling their stories. It happened on the OJ case. There is a ruling that they cannot profit for 90 days after the verdict, so jurors are interested in getting a quick verdict done, and the more shocking the verdict is, the better. One juror was offered five figures for selling his story to a major network.

My gosh - is money the motive for everything, including trial verdicts as well as selling your kids for profit? Kate should get jury duty on a high-profile case. She'd have media exposure, plus the chance to put another book in the works!

Batterednotbroken said... 72

Just on HLN on JVM Casey and Cindy moving to Texas to live with a Anthony relative. Oh boy!

Warmth Of The Sun said... 73

It was just reported that Cindy and George have received 14 death threats. Rumor is also that Cheney Mason, defense attorney, may take Casey in if she walks free. He's one dude I wouldn't want to live with! Ugh!

Kelly said... 74

@E-town neighbor:
It is not up to the courts to protect her. If the officals feel that her life is in danger, they do have an obligation to protect her to an extent however, that doesn't mean they will become her bodyguard. At the very most, they will escort her from the courthouse or the jail under guard outside of the view of the press or the public and put her up at taxpayers expense in a non descript location until they can be assured that she has made plans to locate somewhere else. A day or two at the most. Beyond that, they have no obligation for her protection. She will be on her own.

Kelly said... 75

I think Admin can answer about the penalty phase if she was found guilty. That question is way above my pay grade.

kelly said... 76

@also said:

Casey at this moment is the poster child for all the parents who do this to their kids. Casey is in the public eye as the monster she is. Yes, there are cases like this all over the world, i.e. Susan Smith, Andrea Yates to name a few and the shock and horror is what is appalling to anyone with a sense of civility and an appreciation for human life and the fragility and innocence of children everywhere.

The anger and hate is because Caylee didn't have a voice or a means of defense and she was taken out of this world at the hands of someone. The hate stems from the fact that Casey didn't act like a loving, caring or concerned mother who was missing a child for over 31 days.

She did what hopefully none of us would do and that was not to report her missing, mislead authorities who were trying to find this child and did anything and everything to hinder the investigation. That goes against the grain of any mother or father who is missing a child.

The compounded anger is that she skates on a misdemeanor charge and Caylee is dead. The truth wasn't determined, just the challenge of the court victory, Guilty or not guilty.

Caylee will never again walk this earth but Casey will and she still shows no remorse and no concern. I'm not going to throw stones at the jury but I will at the state. I feel that their rush to prosecute without more concrete evidence was their downfall as their reliance on the successful conviction rate on previous trials. They let down their guard and as a result, Casey walks.

Just curious said... 77

According to Nancy Grace juror is now saying she is "sick" about the verdict.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 78

I'm not sure I understand the assumption or question as to why people who are outraged against Casey Anthony aren't outraged at other tragedies. Most decent people find any kind of injustice, especially against a child, terrible. This is just what is in the news right now so naturally people talk about it.

It's sort of like someone who talks about how much they hate Hitler, and you assume that person doesn't also hate Pol Pot or Stalin or Moa. Outrage toward one person does not mean you cannot have outrage toward someone else just because you happen not to be talking about them at the moment.

Or if someone is going on and on about how much they love ice cream, you assume ice cream is the only food they love. That just doesn't make sense. It is rather like, in cross-exam speak, assuming a positive just because someone didn't mention it. I.e. assuming something is so because the person never said it WASN'T so. That doesn't work.

We are talking about Casey Anthony because that's what we're talking about now. It does not mean other terrible things haven't happened that are upsetting.

Kelly said... 79

Good argument, good analogy and points well said. You're hired.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 80

LOL Kelly.

We used to see this same old tired argument from the sheeple, although I think they've nearly abandoned it at this point given that is a completely flawed argument. I.e. where is the outrage against other people why just Kate?

Number one, just because we happen to be talking about Kate here doesn't mean there are a hundred and one other different issues we all care about and have devoted time and perhaps even money to. This is not a, talk about whatever you fancy no matter how off topic blog, nor are most blogs.

Number two, the outrage is for ANY kid who is used and abused by their fame-whore parents. Kate is the one at the forefront now and she is the one we happen to be talking about right now. Should someone else care to step into her shoes I'm sure outrage would switch. A mother blatantly and publicly exploiting her kids naturally will get a lot of attention because it's so visible. There is not as much to say about whatever number of mothers quietly do it behind closed doors.

You know just as a side note, one of the good things about this whole situation is I think it's made other potential reality parents reluctant to put themselves out there after seeing what people like Kate have been put through. Backlash is a powerful deterrent.

E-town Neighbor said... 81

It is not up to the courts to protect her. If the officals feel that her life is in danger, they do have an obligation to protect her to an extent however, that doesn't mean they will become her bodyguard.


Kelly, the defense announced that they will protect her and find housing for her. She is still their client and Baez is running the show right now. For how long remains to be seen. There is so much speculation out there as to where she will go, and with whom. I wouldn't imagine it's going to be broadcast as a public service announcement. She'll be in hiding until her next court appearance for the lawsuits filed against her, or until the IRS catches up with her for the $68,000 owed to them.

By the way, excellent analysis about why there is so very much anger about this case.

Anonymous said... 82

Did any of you see the classy Cheney Mason giving the public the 'finger' in the window where the defence team went to celelbrate??
Not cool, not cool at all!

Kelly said... 83

You're right and in as much as we've been discussing Kate on this blog and the outrage we feel about the exploitation of those children.

By way of this blog, you allowed the conversation to change, sensing the need for people to vent about a story so big and an injustice so large that Kates indescretions just didn't matter for the moment.

Your point about assuming that Pol Pot wasn't equally as bad as the other despots was dead on. They are equally as bad but the discussion isn't about those who also committed atrocities in the past, it's about the one that is front and center. We'll move on as time goes on and there will be others that will shock and offend just as the Anthony case has done.

Talking about cases like this and people like this that are currently in the news helps to alleviate the anger, understand the process and accept the decision no matter how bad it was.

Kit said... 84

Can the judge set the verdict aside, and find her guilty after all? or is that done only right after a verdict is read?

Bunny said... 85

is this a Admin and kelly blog or can others join in - talk about not getting a word in edgewise pftttttt
all l see is.....kelly said......admin said....
anyone eles' hardly gets a mention or posted

E-town Neighbor said... 86

Did any of you see the classy Cheney Mason giving the public the 'finger' in the window where the defence team went to celelbrate??
Not cool, not cool at all!

I couldn't even stand to watch the defense team celebrate, but Mason giving the finger doesn't surprise me at all. He's a real piece of work. Rude and disrespectful. He should take Casey in. They'd get along great together.

Is it true that Kate is guest hosting The Talk tomorrow and Friday?

Just Dwindle Away said... 87

Kelly said... @just dwindle away:
Judge Perry did address the statements that the defense made in their opening statements that there was no evidence presented to corroborate those statements, the jury was instructed to disregard them.

Thank you Kelly.

Jenna Does said... 88

What gets me is Casey KNEW Caylee was missing & STILL lied & had people searching. Cops arrested her & threw her in jail for lying & sending them on wild goose chases & because there were no other suspects. When family & friends talked to Casey in jail, it was all ME ME ME, Casey cared about how it was affecting her. She didn't know how to help, but all along, her little girl was dead & she knew it. There are really no other explanations, IMO that fit. It was Casey's car, she knew her daughter was gone & did not report her missing. This ALL falls on Casey.

For the jury not to see that just blows my mind. Casey needs to be in jail. There has to be a way. She will be sued, fine, she can't pay her bills, OK. Will she get thrown in jail because she can't pay those bills? It seems that they will rack up. She needs to be charged with the funds spent on search & rescue, on ruining the name of this person, that person, stealing, & lying over & over to authorities about a MURDER & that should be more than just a year or whatever in prison.

I say this again: Casey should become a recluse. People want justice, they'll get it. That is the state of the country. It's sad & twisted, but it happens all the time. She'll be walking out of the jailhouse with a bulletproof vest on. She should probably invest in one. Some people may have it out for her, whether it be an angry psycho who wanted vindication (is that right?) for Caylee, or a fan. A crazy, nutty fan.
~Hippie Chick~

Lorrie said... 89

After the enormous public outrage over this travesty of justice, I'm surprised the jury is going public. People seem to be almost as angry and disgusted with them as with Casey herself.

Anonymous said... 90

Said Kate, "This mommas heart is hurting along w many mommas hearts everywhere,I'm sure!:(."


Not sure if I agree with Kate here. Is Kate hurting because she believes Casey is upset about the death of her daughter, or is Kate hurting because Casey got away with murder?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 91

Bunny what are you talking about?

Mary Ann and I published every comment today I think. And I haven't posted all day until now.

fidosmommy said... 92

Admin said....

Talking about cases like this and people like this that are currently in the news helps to alleviate the anger, understand the process and accept the decision no matter how bad it was.


I completely agree.

I think talking about Casey Anderson is simply
giving a specific name and face to the furor we feel for the unnecessary death of a child and
a judicial process corrupted by lies and secrecy. We hate the crime but that's too general. So, we hate the person who committed it. We now have a smaller focus for our anger.

For a long while it was Susan Smith. She was the poster woman for all things awful concerning children. Or, it was Ted Bundy, the
epitome of crimes against women. They are the images of the things we detest.

Next it could be Carl Q. Anybody who gets all the chat time and attention. Sadly, Carl may do it IN ORDER to get attention. It happens.

Kelly said... 93

Sorry gang, I'll hold my powder till tomorrow.

fidosmommy said... 94

Oops. Sorry, Kelly. You already said what I
said, and you said it better.

Moose Mania said... 95

Admin said:

Administrator said...

Bunny what are you talking about?

Mary Ann and I published every comment today I think. And I haven't posted all day until now.


I don't know either, admin. I counted approximately 40 posts from DIFFERENT posters here on this thread.

Troy Chula Vista said... 96

E-town, where did you hear that Kate is guest hosting? No mention on the Talk website or any of the Pro sites. You know they would jump on that if she was.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 97

Marcia Clark, (Prosecutor on the OJ trial), wrote a good column on the Casey Anthony case and verdict:


Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 98

Fido I didn't say that but I agree. :-)

Human beings like to attach names and faces to things, whether it's something they love or hate. We can't just focus on the soccer team or football team, we want to know about the players, each of them. And when we're talking about the murder of a child, we want to see the name of that child and the name of her murderer and know exactly what happened. It's not enough to just know another faceless child died.

In a way, this speaks to how personalized people want to be. We want to feel connected to one another. We don't like to just lump people in random groups without knowing who they really are. We want to know each other, even the bad people. People here don't just want a bunch of "anonymous" posters. In fact it drives most of us nuts! I want to know that's Fido who said that or e-town or Moose or any number of the fine people who post here.

Moose Mania said... 99

Next it could be Carl Q. Anybody who gets all the chat time and attention. Sadly, Carl may do it IN ORDER to get attention. It happens.


Or Carl Q may take out a person who is
1. Hated at the moment, such as one who walks free
2. Someone who acquitted that hated person or
3. Someone who kills a beloved person

It happens. Think Ruby and Oswald, although the patsy theory runs wild in that case.

Anonymous said... 100

E-town neighbor - TV Guide listings have Jenna Elfman tomorrow and Jeffrey Tambor on Friday. No mention of Kate at all.

I agree that one doesn't have to be a mother to be upset about the Anthony verdict or to have feelings about crimes done to children. I have no biological children (although I do have 13 Godchildren and numerous honorary nieces, nephews and now grandchildren) but because of my professions, I've seen a lot of the ill done to kids. It breaks my heart. I wouldn't be on this blog if I didn't care about kids and want to find ways of preventing their mistreatment. I'm sure that applies to many here - both lurkers and posters.


Stewmama said... 101

Kate Gosselin could give a rats butt about the outcome of the Casey Anthony trial. She's just blowing wind. She's probably hoping that she will be quoted along with some other celebrities over at OMG about it. She can't even be bothered with her own children let alone someone elses. Wasn't it reported that Kate didn't even take Cara to the hospital to have her ankle looked at but sent the "nanny" with her because she was too busy doing family game night? Did we ever see her take her little girl to the dr. for her migraines? What about follow up visits with all of her children who suffer from low blood sugar? Where were those visits? Yeah, she's full of crap.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 102

Well, it looks like NO summer break at all for the kids (school starts in about 7 weeks):

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
My oh my I've mist u all &just read up on all I missed! I'm exhausted(I overuse that wrd,I no) as usual,after a long day of hard work! GN!
12 minutes ago

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 103

I had a BAD FEELING she was filming.

Any time she is quiet on twitter she is filming, this is her pattern.

This woman has two motives in life. Twattering, and exploiting the kids. Oh and sleeping. She is always doing one of the three.

Pulling Our Legs? said... 104

Sheeple are all excited because Kate is supposed to be taking Sharon's place on The Talk for two days but she is not among those listed.

@Katieliesalot @EmeraldCityJazz @kateplusmy8 Sharon O is on vacation, guest co-hosts all week. Kate will be doing tomorrow's show & Friday's

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 105

I'm exhausted(I overuse that wrd,I no)


It's KNOW, Kate. And don't read the blogs? Sure.

Bah Bah Black Sheep said... 106

Kate set the record straight about the guest-host rumor ---

@MiloandJack Nope. But wish I was guest hosting at the view or the talk Miss my friends!:("

What friends?

Sheeple must be running around the barn with their ears hanging low and their tails between their legs. They were all a-twitter (pun intended) about what she is going to wear, what she is going to say...even a rumor going around that she was spotted with a producer in LA, shopping for dresses.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 107

Can't the prosecution appeal the verdict if they feel the jury didn't understand exactly what is required to convict? Sounds to me like the jurors were a bunch of numnuts who didn't really understand they could convict based on the information presented. I would give them all a questionnaire with multiple choice questions asking them what they believe to be true about the law as it pertains to a jury. I bet most of them would get a failing grade.

ncgirl said... 108

Twtr_is_4_twits is a nonfan who twittered this:

LOL, LOL, LOL. It was fun punking your sheeple today! You're yesterday's news, no talk shows for you!

I wonder if Twtr started this as a hoax.

On another site, someone said they were filming in a grocery store. Someone else said they saw the twins with a tutor who was not Carla or Ashley at a local bookstore. Don't know if that's true. If so, wow, that grocery store show will be exciting.

Permanent Name said... 109

I wasn't going to say anything, but now feel compelled to.

I have been on two juries in my 60 years. One was for a murder and one was for sexual assault.

I think it's vital to remember that juries are made up of all kinds of people, just like the country is made up of all kinds of people.

Smart, stupid, educated, high school GEDs, married, divorced, narcissists, sociopaths... you get my drift. We always want to romanticize 'a jury' as '12 good men and true', that old saw about how each juror is above reproach and pure in their commitment to justice.

I know from my first jury experience that was a crock.

It's not like the movies........ the jury I was on (1985) for the murder trial looked good on paper (remember that old phrase from Sex and the City?) but once we began deliberations things fell apart in a couple of days.

Votes lined up along educational lines, so to speak. It was like we were speaking two different languages. There were two diametrically opposed thought processes. It became logic vs feelings, details vs hunches, evidence vs assumptions. Seven of the folks said not guilty, 5 of us said guilty. Went on for days. No give at all.

The tamest story I can share is about the little old grey-haired grandmother who knitted constantly during deliberations. She was hard of hearing, and from the first day she said "oh dear, I just can't believe such a nice looking man would kill someone... he just doesn't look like the type". She mentioned a few times that she knew lawyers and cops lied because she had seen it on TV. No, I am not kidding. No one could get her to discuss the evidence....

I knew in my heart there would be no concensus, but we had to continue to the inevitable end.

Long story short, it was a hung jury.

The defendent was re-tried, different jury, and found guilty in 1 day. He got 20 to life.

It was the single most frustrating experience I've every had....

The second jury (2006 - DNA!) for the sexual assault come to guilty verdict in 9 hours. Polite, interested in evidence, a sincere desire to make sure he was really guilty before we voted. It made up for the bad experience on my first jury.

I guess what I'm saying is that we have no way to know what kind of people were actually seated for the Anthony jury.... I'll let everyone come to their own conclusion about my meaning.

We simply cannot *assume* that every juror on every trial comes to deliberations without biases, or that every juror on every trial is mentally capable of understanding the evidence.

In an earlier thread, someone expressed fatique and burnout due to all the crap out there in the news and on the internet. I agree. Periodically I take breaks when kart gets to be simply too much to bear.

I'm sorry for her kids. I did what I could by adding my voice to others, and the PA child labor law is a result.

Beyond that, I just don't give a damn anymore.

I assume Casey will get her just rewards, and so will OJ.

kart's karma will be first stage, when all those kids are teenagers at the same time, and final stage, when they all desert her when they grow up.

Karma is the only thing I have left to believe in.

Permanent Name said... 110

Sorry, I should have spell-checked before posting last comment.


Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 111

Administrator said...

I had a BAD FEELING she was filming.

Any time she is quiet on twitter she is filming, this is her pattern.


That is exactly what I was thinking. She's only quite when filming.


Pulling Our Legs? said...

Sheeple are all excited because Kate is supposed to be taking Sharon's place on The Talk for two days but she is not among those listed.

@Katieliesalot @EmeraldCityJazz @kateplusmy8 Sharon O is on vacation, guest co-hosts all week. Kate will be doing tomorrow's show & Friday's


No, they were doing that on Twitter just to punk the sheeple. They fall for it every tine. It's fun seeing them get all excited. One of them asked Kate about it and she replied:

MiloandJack Fired Up 4 Kate
@Kateplusmy8 Kate...rumor has it that U R in LA instead of PA 2 do the Talk program as guest host Thur.* Fri....can U confirm?
1 hour ago

@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@MiloandJack Nope. But wish I was guest hosting at the view or the talk Miss my friends!:(
1 hour ago via Twitterrific


LMAO! Kate sure does wish she would be asked to do The Talk or The View. What does she mean she misses her "friends" at those shows? Yeah right, Khate, they’re your friends. Weird!

Also, I love the way she comes on Twitter to tell everyone it’s the end of a "long day of hard work", she’s so "exhausted". Really, Khate? Well, how do you think the KIDS feel after WORKING all day when they should be relaxing, enjoying their summer vacation, and having fun with friends?

I have a feeling this other tweet means she’s filming tomorrow also because “Tom(orrow) is organize house day” probably means another dumb episode idea:

Kate Gosselin
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@MiloandJack I'm@home!did shopping/errands.Tom is organize house day!Kids r helping so will c how long that lasts!I c pool day 4 them lol
1 hour ago

batterednotbroken said... 112

Sorry, l have a p.s on my last post about Paige twitter. Once you get there click on any of the G8 kids faces and look at the information and pictures, this kid has on the children. It's beyond obsessive IOM.

Just curious said... 113

Bah Bah Black Sheep said... They were all a-twitter (pun intended) about what she is going to wear, what she is going to say..


Where was that going on?

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 114

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
My oh my I've mist u all &just read up on all I missed! I'm exhausted(I overuse that wrd,I no) as usual,after a long day of hard work! GN!
12 minutes ago

All parents are exhausted on a day to day basis without all of the help and perks you have. So yes, you do need to shut up about your exhaustion. You chose to have 8 kids to support you, and they still at ages 7 and 10, are still supporting YOU! So THEY must be exhausted. They did not ask for this or have a choice in this. Stop whining, get a job, support your kids and let your kids be kids with no job or filming. They deserve better. Geez, how dense are you Kate? You really choose to make your kids film, and work, even though several of them are so over filming and should be carefree without filming. Buy a clue. Never mind that you invade their privacy every step of the way. Let the kids live without cameras/filming, oh lazy one.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 115

Well I'm watching the interview with Juror number 3 and here we go folks. She's a 32 year old nurse and she said this, "In our country, unfortunately, we have to prove it."

Umm.....NO Juror number 3! You don't have to "prove it." You have to prove it BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT. HUGE DIFFERENCE!

I don't know who to blame for this. The judge for not instructing them properly? Stupidity for not understanding a concept really not all that difficult?

If a jury is not following the directions properly, as appears to have happened here (proving it vs. proving it beyond a reasonable doubt) the judge only has the power to set aside the verdict if it resulted in guilty. Not guilty, they're home free. If the jury did this wrong as this juror is suggesting, there is absolutely nothing you can do. They could have used the standard of a smell test to acquit her and there would be nothing anyone could do. WTF.

I used to not really appreciate how stupid some people are. I've since changed my mind ever since entering the Gosselin saga.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 116

She also said she didn't want to kill someone else. I thought they were supposed to pick jurors who were not against the death penalty. Maybe it was a huge mistake to go for death here.

At least she admits that not guilty doesn't mean innocent and that it doesn't feel good.

She said AGAIN you have to prove what happened.


Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 117

I really think this is the CSI effect. Jurors demand the smoking gun and few cases are going to have it. Really the only cases I've seen where it's perfect is when the person admits it. Otherwise there is no perfect case. There is no 100% proof, usually.

They don't want to see all the evidence as a whole and convict on that, you better show them some DNA or SOMETHING CSI-ish.

Maybe how to be a juror should be a required class in high school.

Permanent Name said... 118


I think there are some incredibly stupid people out there.

The unfortunate thing about juries is that you have to deal with 11 other people you may never otherwise spend time with, and somehow find the magic to make the group cohesive and productive. Statistics favor this NOT happening 100% of the time.

At the time of the first trial deliberations, I finally just gave up. It was crystal clear that the guilty vs. not guilty jurors would never come to any agreement, ever.

(And please keep in mind this same guy WAS convicted in just one day by a different jury in re-trial - the evidence was basically unchanged. By that I mean that there was no new smoking gun or surprise new witness. Two juries, two opposite verdicts)

Some of those jurors, in my jury group, just couldn't grasp the concept... of anything. It reminded me of the expression "50% of students graduate in the bottom half of their class".......

And it wasn't actually stupidity or lack of education, although I think that was part of it.

The main problem was the lack of logical thinking skills, common sense,the willingness to consider ideas different from their own, to discuss them civilly and persuasively, and the ability to simply understand the written evidence text.

"The older I get and the more people I meet, the better I like dogs"..... someone famous said that, I forget who.

That first jury experience shook me up - bad bad experience, I felt like a failure. We were all shellshocked and just wanted to go home and forget it.

Not like nowadays - I understand an Anthony juror has had his PR person shopping interviews but only if he gets paid???!!!

My heart is sick. My mind is tired.

But as bad as the first experience was, the second one was good. The group was almost professional in the way it came together. Restored my faith.

I won't say anymore on this... I bore even myself..... this Casey verdict just woke up my bad memories I guess.

Batterednotbroken said... 119

Administrator said... I really think this is the CSI effect. Jurors demand the smoking gun and few cases are going to have it. Really the only cases I've seen where it's perfect is when the person admits it. Otherwise there is no perfect case. There is no 100% proof, usually.

The smoking gun decomposed along with that beautiful baby..:-(

Can't the Judge over-ride the jury's verdict IF the jury didn't understand the judge's instructions? Obviously, l don't understand American Constitutional Law, but could this be a loop-hole?

Donna said... 120

I just heard on HLN that Casey Anthony is going to change her name and wants to have more children, even said that she might consider adoption. And I thought Kate was delusional! There's no doubt in my mind, however, that she will have another baby. I'm betting that she'll be pregnant within a year. Also, there's a juror who now says she is "sick" about her 'not guilty' vote. Casey is also supposedly going to file a lawsuit against the state of FL for unlawful detention, although I thought she was in jail for the last 3 years on a felony check fraud charge.

Anonymous said... 121

Jurors are instructed to decide guilt without regard to punishment. That why there is a separate phase for penalty.

I've been so wrong accepting people no matter how dumb they are. No more. No critical thinking skills, no friendship. These people have annoyed me for years and I've tried so hard to be accepting. What a waste. Let them wallow in each other. I wondered why they took so few notes during trial, if any. I tried to tell myself they have different learning styles. No. They are not accustomed to learning or thinking. I'm done with them.

HI 50 said... 122

In Baez opening arguments he stated Calley died of an accidental drowning!! IF Calley died of an accidental drowning, where the F*ck was Casey?! OR as the Medical Examiner said, IF it was accidental the police are usually called. Instead she wraps up little Calley’s body in 3 garbage bags & a laundry bag then discards her little body like a pile of garbage!

They should’ve charged her with criminal negligent manslaughter!! Casey was grossly negligent in taking care of little Calley! Hence, Calley drowned & Momster Dearest threw her away like yesterday’s gargage!

The jury’s deliberation was rushed, according to observers in the courtroom, FEW juror’s took notes during the trial. SO HOW THE HELL were they supposed to RECALL critical information from the trial AND the jurors NEVER asked for a review of transcripts or ANY of the evidence from the trial. I disagree with anyone who say the jurors were INFORMED or honorable in their final decision.

America and the state of Florida should be ASHAMED of these jurors’ incompetence!!

Of course she will profit off of Calley's death. I wouldn't be surprised if Baez switches from being her lawyer to being her manager. AND the $$ earned will just go right back in her legal teams' pockets with the string of lawsuits coming up. Zenaida Gonzales will be the 1st case of defamation of character suits. Maybe her ex-boyfriend who was also accused will file a suit.

I thought Katie Kreider was the vilest of Momsters, Casey Marie Anthony just moved up into 1st place!

Anonymous said... 123

I usually post as another name but I'm posting as anonymous for my comment regarding the verdict.

I worked for one of the largest PI firms in town for 8 years. We worked with attorneys and police often. I had to interview and collect statements from people, even interrogate which was not easy. We were trained on how to best determine if one was being dishonest from verbal/nonverbal cues.

I tried to avoid all the media and news speculation and instead listened/watched the police interviews of the key people involved. You can get so much more out of these than the trial itself where informatin is "controlled".

IMHO, George Anthony should be the next person arrested and nominated for an academy.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 124

Kate and TLC are obviously working the kids as much as possible. Didn't they film all last week, making Kate so exhausted? They only got a break by getting to go to Jon's for the Forth of July weekend. I guess they're working all this week, and then the poor kids are stuck with Kate next weekend. Unbelievable, another fake, phony "organization" episode:

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
GM all. Another really busy day here.No X 2 pause but will chat as often as I can 2day! Don't u wish u were here for G organization day?lol!
46 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

Disappointed and disgusted said... 125

"I did not say she was innocent," Ford (the juror) told Nightline anchor Terry Moran Wednesday. "I just said there was not enough evidence. If you cannot prove what the crime was, you cannot determine what the punishment should be."

"I'm not saying I believe the defense," Ford said. "Obviously, it wasn't proven so I'm not taking that and speculating at all. But it's easier for me logically to get from point A to point B" in considering the defense's arguments."

Ford admitted it didn't feel good letting Anthony walk: "It was a horrible decision to have to make, but I had to do it based on the law. "

She said that the death penalty implications further weighed on her decision to cast a "not guilty" vote.

"You have to prove it ... or else I'm a murderer too, and I'm not any better."

Ford said jury members didn't speak to the media right away "because we were sick to our stomach to get that verdict."

"We were crying and not just the women. It was emotional and we weren't ready. We wanted to do it with integrity and not contribute to the sensationalism of the trial."


Could anything have gone more completely wrong than this jury's understanding of their instructions, the law, and their decision? WTF! Sounds like they were all aware they were letting a murderer walk free and they didn't even have the backbones to ask for a clarification! I hope they all lay awake at night and see Caylee's innocent face as they try to sleep.

I believe in our jury system, but it's not perfect. Once again it has failed, but I hope some great lessons are learned from the mistakes that were made and that future prosecutors, judges, and juries are more aware and take whatever steps possible to prevent a decision like this from happening again.

No Regrets said... 126

Permanent Name your jury experience sounds like one I had. ONE juror didn't believe the main eyewitness simply because she used the word "Vehicle". She was an 18 year old female, and this juror thought she lied only because she was "too young" to know the word "vehicle". This girl was a college student, seemed very bright, BUT what difference that one word made is STILL a mystery to me. Nevermind ALL the other evidence pointed right to this guy. She wanted to hang the jury on one WORD. We all were just dumbfounded how her thought processes were working. (or not) She eventually came around after FOUR days! LOL

ADMIN the statements these jurors are making really astound me. They really had no idea what they were doing. I agree WAY too much TV. Amazing, simply amazing. This defense CONFESSED to her being 'involved'. I am still in total shock.

LisaNH said... 127

It is kind of ironic, on the Factor last night, when O'Reilly was showing some viewer mail, a number of the letters were from people outside of the US and they think our justice system is a joke because of this trial. I'm not saying it's a joke, just that is a point of view of a few people living outside of the US.

I remember years ago when I was working on my CJ degree one of my professors stating that the logic of our justice system is that it's better to let a guilty person go free than to punish an innocent person unjustly.

But in the Anthony case, justice was not served. I would like to see all of the Anthonys go to prison; the father, the mother and Casey for all the lies they told and the back tracking.

Another big problem with this case, the tv cameras. Sorry but it seemed like whenever there is a high profile case with lots of tv cameras in the courtroom (like the OJ trail) it distracts from the proceedings. I really think that the media should have limited access to trials while they're in progress.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 128

Disappointed, thank you for the word for word transcript.

The juror was crystal clear, she thought the state had to PROVE Casey did it. She said it twice. She said it was like being in a maze and she could't get there. Well, no kidding. If she had actually understood what standard of proof she was supposed to be using this verdict would be a lot easier to accept. But she assigned a standard of proof that is usually impossible to prove without a confession! If the state had to "prove" Casey did it they never would have filed because the reality is they cannot prove it. If they had to prove all their cases there would probably only be three or four filings across America on any given day! But they filed because there was a chance they could convince a jury they had proved it beyond a reasonable doubt--I don't think they bargained for the stupid jury not even applying the right standard. Disappointing and disheartening for sure. Had there been just one juror who got it there when everyone started talking about proving it, had stood up and said stop the presses wait they don't have to PROVE IT, idiot people, the result might have been different. 12 stupid people. Someone who said juries are not romantic was right. It's not like TV.

Juror fatigue maybe? They heard sort of half the story because they were so tired and missed their lives? Bad directions? Bad explanation from the judge? Maybe they need a remedial video with stick figures explaining it? Maybe the judge should separately interview each juror to make sure they understand the standard and don't let them deliberate until they do, or if they don't understand it, bring an alternate in.

I've come to the conclusion that Caylee is much like anyone who has died for this country. She died so that Americans can be innocent until proven (beyond a reasonable doubt!) guilty, she died so we can have a jury of our peers and not one all-knowing and all-powerful judge deciding our fates. Once in a while, a casualty happens. In a strange way, she is almost a martyr for the American justice system.

And, just for a little giggle, here is George Carlin, talking about how some people are just f-ing stupid. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rh6qqsmxNs&feature=related

No Regrets said... 129

I am watching this sentencing now. I see her face, she looks angry at the state when talking about all her lies. This girl will never find peace. I hope she never does. I know she has no regrets over her child being dead. She has shown that over and over. I hope karma is swift and strong for her, so no other human suffers by her hand. Sorry, I am not a vindictive person, but something about a murderer getting off scott free, makes me into something I am usually not. I apologize to anyone that I may offend by this. But God help me, that baby still has not justice. She has once again been tossed aside. I am just appalled.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 130

I do want to add that I do believe in the concept behind our justice system, that it's better to let a guilty person go free than punish an innocent. Because when we are that innocent person, believe me that's how we're going to want it.

On the flip side, the Amanda Knox case in Italy really disturbs me. That is a case I have actually followed a lot closer. Maybe because I studied abroad at that age too and it scares me to think something like that could go so wrong. I do not believe that young woman killed her roommate. But in Italy, no jury of her peers, just a panel of judges. And so many errors and missteps and sloppy evidence it would make your head spin.

I do think we have it right here. But with that comes the inevitable, that once in awhile, people like OJ and Casey go free. And just because you are outraged and sad and disappointed and baffled when that happens, doesn't mean you don't believe in the way the system is set up. Let other countries laugh at us, if I am ever falsely accused I want to be in this country, no question.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 131

She got four years. Does that include time served? I just turned it on.

No Regrets said... 132

ADMIN you are SO right about the Amanda Knox case! I followed that very closely too. I would hate to be in her position. That was a horrible "trial".

No Regrets said... 133

ADMIN they have to work out the time served vs what she was sentenced to for the check charge.

No Regrets said... 134

Just to clarify I do NOT mean that someone should kill her. Just karma some kind of way.

No Regrets said... 135

The will get "good time" and "gain time" plus part of the time, she has been serving for the check charges. The judge said he had to get with the defense and the DOC to determine the exact time she will get after the 4 years sentence.

So happy when she entered. I think she thought she would get out today. I figured the Judge would impose the maximum.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 136

I heard something about a hearing to determine the state's expenses for the wild goose chase she led them on?

Could they make her pay back every red cent? I hope they do. Make her work.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 137

GM all. Another really busy day here.No X 2 pause but will chat as often as I can 2day! Don't u wish u were here for G organization day?l

No. And Gosselin organization day? They've already done that at least twice!

If Kate is so busy and exhausted how does she figure little children half her size feel? I am so ticked they have to work all week and only get a break when they go to Jon's. No wonder they want to crash on his couch.

Also there was some rumor about spotting the tutor out filming with the twins? Hope it's not true. If it is, anyone who willingly participates in filming these kids, especially a teacher from a school who knows full well about the kids' problems, should be ashamed. Especially a teacher who actually took a child development class! What's her excuse for why it's healthy to film the crap out of children for five years, especially Cara who doesn't even want to do interviews anymore!

No Regrets said... 138

ADMIN yes they can make her pay if the judge rules. The charges are the for the "special" inveestigation that went on. The SERACH for a dead child, everyone thinking she was alive. Due to her lies. It was all explained last night, I am not a lawyer but it make sense to me. LOL

Jenna Does said... 139

If it's been posted, I'm sorry. Did anyone watch Dateline last night with that juror? Saying we made the right choice, the evidence didn't "point" to Casey, but we are all sick to our stomachs about it. I was so flipping mad, my husband made me shut the TV off & leave the room. I was spouting obscenities left & right, I was so mad. She MADE NO SENSE. NO evidence that pointed that Casey, right...

It just proves that some people are idiots. Seriously. I'm sorry. That is just my opinion. I think those jurors didn't take enough notes & didn't consider the evidence that they DID have. E-Town said it perfectly in a post yesterday, the duct tape, the blanket, everything came from the Anthony home. Those jurors effed up. That one last night sounded like a complete moron.

My opinion only.
~Hippie Chick~

No Regrets said... 140

ADMIN Kate is the most shallow user. I am so sick of that lovefest on twitter, I had to stop reading. She just gushes over the gushing she is getting from these airheads. HOW this woman can be such an "inspiration" for these people is beyond me. They must not have a lot going on in their lives to be so impressed by this woman. I can think of thousands of inspirational people who have accomplishes so much in their lives. Kate holding a spider or jumping off a stupid high rise to show how she "over comes" her fears is just ridiculous in the whole scheme of things.

LisaNH said... 141

Admin, since Casey has been convicted of lying in this case does that mean that she cannot earn money like from books or tv deals relating to the case? Or would that apply only if she had been convicted of the murder and the other charges?

Is that law, where a convicted individual cannot receive any proceeds from their crime through books, movies, interviews etc... a federal law or state law?

No Regrets said... 142

So far the Texas Equ (sp) team is most likey going to sue for 112K they spent at CINDY'S REQUEST for nothing. The Grunds are going to sue because they tried to implicate Jesse. Kronk's lawyer has hinted at suing. The real Zaineda civil suit is moving forward. The state now asking for repayment. The court fined her 1K for this case of lying. The IRS still wants the 68K for the 200K of her selling pix and home movies. SO whatever this girl makes out of the death of this child, is going to be tied up for a long time. The Anthony's too.

No Regrets said... 143

Sorry but WHAT can be 'exhausting' about just living and being filmed? I thought this was all real? Gee exhausting just the kids "playing". Exhausting just to do what they do every day? Wow. Sort of contradictory. eh?

The Rumor Mill said... 144

Also there was some rumor about spotting the tutor out filming with the twins? Hope it's not true.


Where was it reported that there was filming done with the tutor and the twins? I read that Kate was spotted filming at the grocery store, and that there was a sighting at a bookstore with a tutor and the twins, but didn't read that filming was done there.

No Regrets said... 145

The Anthony's attorney has said the Cindy and Geo want to see her but have to get permission from Baez. LOL I just don't get that family. Sorry, they all need to pay for thie lies and obstruction during this whole thing. Even the trial. Geo, Cindy AND Lee. They are truly some weird people.

Personally, I don't want to see any of them, including Baez make money on this case. That would sicken me. HLN just said that Casey could end being very wealthy over this. My God.

No Regrets said... 146

"LisaNH But in the Anthony case, justice was not served. I would like to see all of the Anthonys go to prison; the father, the mother and Casey for all the lies they told and the back tracking."

I agree. I would add Lee to that also. He joined right into the entire thing.

No Regrets said... 147

Geez. A reporter sitting next to the Anthony's said as soon as Casey walked out Cindy said "Oh look how pretty she looks", "she looks so beautiful" Geo said "yes her hair is so long now!" The reporter said she was so stunnned she couldn't even think at that point. MY GOD. These people are seriously sick. The entire freakin family. THE ENTIRE FAMILY. I would NEVER spend a penny to put in these people's pockets. I have to turn off my tv, I cannot STAND this.

IDModo said... 148

I am a Canadian and our laws are somewhat different. Is the prosecution able to appeal this verdict? I believe in Canada that an appeal would be granted to the Crown (the DA's office, the state, whatever it is in the US) if there was a procedural error in the trial. Would that be considered double jeopardy in the US?

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 149

That lying piece of sh*t Casey Anthony has been sentenced to the max 4 years. Since she has already served time for good behavior, she will only have to serve a few more weeks.


I hope Karma does a fierce quick step all over Casey. Her enabling family will have to get the hell out of town, and move to another state...country...planet.

RIP Caylee.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 150

IDmodo, no in the U.S. there is no appeal. Once you are acquitted that's it. Even if they discover new evidence! The only loophole is if you are found guilty and something went wrong, like a stupid jury or new evidence, then the case can be reopened.

Casey could give an interview today, explain the entire diabolic plan and confess to everything, and there would be NOTHING ANYONE COULD DO.

While I support the notion of double jeopardy, I would also support a re-trial based on a jury applying the wrong standard. When someone gets off you assume the jury used the correct standard. As it is now, the jury could have danced around eaten banana splits and watched spongebob, then flipped a coin to acquit, and there would be nothing anyone could do as long as it wasn't a guilty verdict.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 151

Kate wants it both ways, No Regrets. On the one hand she wants sympathy and support because it's exhausting and oh so hard to raise eight kids "by yourself" (with nannies and Steve and the crew/Daddies plus Jon) and have to work/film to support them. On the other, she wants us to believe that filming is all fun and roses and butterflies and wonderful and the kids just love it and she never makes them do it.

She will never get that you can't have it both ways.

Some people are just f--- stupid said... 152

HLN just said that Casey could end being very wealthy over this. My God

And who will be making it possible for Casey Anthony to make money -- the very people who are protesting today who will buy her book, be part of the sky-high ratings when she goes on talk shows, etc., etc.

On to another topic, regarding the kids being filmed with their tutor, I read the comment as someone saw Mady and Cara with their tutor at a book store. The poster said the girls looked happy, and the tutor was NOT Ashley's mom. There was NO mention of cameras and crew.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 153

Lisa, I do not know all the Florida/US laws about book deals. I thought that was generally a term of probation and not necessarily a "law" but I don't know.

I'm sure Nancy Grace could tell you in between pointless stories about jumping in puddles with Little Lucy and John David.

Jenna Does said... 154

So Casey will be out in a few weeks? Big deal!! The only thing I can add is that she has to live with this the rest of her life. She is a psycho so it may not even bother her. She is sick & twisted.

What is wrong with the judicial system? I wrote in my blog that sometimes it is so backwards. A guy breaks into your private property, breaks a leg & SUES YOU & wins! What is that about? And a murderer goes free.

And things like sensationalizing with the media, the cameras, & all that...no one wins. A little girl is dead.

As for Kate: I agree with you all; if SHE is so exhausted, then her kids must barely be able to walk. Does she think of those things? No. Her sheeple? No. Are they filming the organization? No repeat episodes huh? Another lie.
~Hippie Chick~

wayward said... 155

Administrator said... Kate wants it both ways, No Regrets. On the one hand she wants sympathy and support because it's exhausting and oh so hard to raise eight kids "by yourself" (with nannies and Steve and the crew/Daddies plus Jon) and have to work/film to support them. On the other, she wants us to believe that filming is all fun and roses and butterflies and wonderful and the kids just love it and she never makes them do it.

She will never get that you can't have it both ways.

This is been Kate's M.O. for years and years, she ALWAYS wants it both ways. She wanted handouts and charity and public assistance, even when they were being supported by Jon's Dad, and later received an inheritance from him (a fact they never disputed.) She wanted to make money from putting her family on national TV, but when people approached her to say they loved the show she chewed their heads off because she was a "private citizen." She decided she didn't want to be married anymore but she wanted Jon to play married to carry on the facade of the "realest reality show" on TV. She insisted on buying a million dollar property but now claims she's struggling so badly she can't afford to give to charity. That one really kills me, whenever she twats "I hve 8 kids 2 supprt" I could scream. She could support them just fine if TLC canceled her show tomorrow IF she hadn't bought the money pit. She could live comfortably off her interest for a long, long time if she had just bought a spacious but modest house. Sadly, the misguided purchase of this gaudy display of wealth ensures there will be little money left for the kids when the time comes.

Vanessa said... 156

Sorry if this is common knowledge, but does anyone know who Cailey's father is? What's his take on all this?

Who's The Daddy? said... 157

Vanessa asked,

Sorry if this is common knowledge, but does anyone know who Cailey's father is? What's his take on all this?


Caylee has claimed the father was killed in an accident. The identity of the father is not known. However, a woman has come forward, saying she believes she is Caylee's grandmother, based on the fact that her son was dating Casey at the time and that he was killed in an accident. This woman says that while she never met Casey, her son did refer to the names Casey, Cindy and George, and he did tell her his girlfriend was pregnant with a girl.

Falling like a brick said... 158

BREAKING: Court official Karen Levey said Casey Anthony will be released on the date of July 13

No Regrets said... 159

July 13th is her release date. I changed channels and they broke in with this news. arrggh

Next Wednesday her release date. Wow. Sorry for all my posts today, Everyone was asleep and no one to vent to. This is a sad day. Have a good day everyone.

E-town Neighbor said... 160

While I support the notion of double jeopardy, I would also support a re-trial based on a jury applying the wrong standard. When someone gets off you assume the jury used the correct standard.


There was discussion last night among attorneys that, based on the "buyer's remorse" of one juror, if coercion could be proven and that person was told to vote not-guilty, double jeopardy does not apply. In other words, if there was fraud involved, such as the jurors getting together and deciding to have a quick verdict of not-guilty with the idea of their getting rich immediately from this, there could be an investigation. Double jeopardy doesn't apply in the case of fraud.

It's not going to happen, and Casey walks free next Wednesday.

wayward said... 161

Who's The Daddy? said: "Caylee has claimed the father was killed in an accident. The identity of the father is not known. However, a woman has come forward, saying she believes she is Caylee's grandmother, based on the fact that her son was dating Casey at the time and that he was killed in an accident. This woman says that while she never met Casey, her son did refer to the names Casey, Cindy and George, and he did tell her his girlfriend was pregnant with a girl."

I saw this too, they showed pictures of the alleged Grandma when she was little and pictures of the alleged Dad when he was about 4. The resemblance was striking, especially in the eyes.

Wow, just seeing that C.A. will be out next Wednesday. I guess anything is better than jail but she really has no life unless she changes her name and gets plastic surgery. I don't see how she can stay in FL.

RIP sweet Caylee, your short life will not be in vain.

willowmom said... 162

Just saw a news update; Casey gets out next Wednesday. Unbelievable!

mama mia said... 163

If she was innocent we'd be chafing at the bit over how horribly wrong it was for the justice system to keep her incarcerated for 3 long years that she will never get back. Most believe she is guilty, and she just got a get out of jail free card, and only served 3 years for murdering her daughter. We don't know the truth but from where I sit the justice system is either too harsh or not harsh enough from every angle you look at it.

No Regrets said... 164

Someone just emailed me this link. A relative of Cindy's telling about "someone" is writing a book telling the "truth" about what 'really' happened. "A man and a woman" is all she can hint. A BOOK. TO. TELL. THE. TRUTH. LOL My God can these people be more sick. PLEASE don't contribute to these idiots.


Gone for today for real this time. I am truly sick to my stomach.

Molly Hart said... 165


I would like to thank you for allowing your blog to address our concerns about the Casey Anthony verdict even though it is somewhat off-topic from kids on reality tv. I liked hearing the thoughts of commentors I am familiar with rather the hundred different ones on the major websites.

I would also like to make an observation about this jury. Having served on a murder-one case and knowing how difficult deliberations can be, initially I was hesitant to pass judgment on them. However, after ruminating on this for a few days, now I would have to say that they failed to discharge their duties fully as they swore under oath to do. With six weeks of testimony, over 300 exhibits and 17 juror directives from the judge........there is no way they fully deliberated this case in 11 hours. Some of the statements from the jurors have also led me to this conclusion. Personally, I don't feel it was stupidity on their part, but, pardon me, plain old laziness (mental,not physical). Fully deliberating meant they would have taken the prosecution's theory and reviewed the evidence for each piece of it's story to see if it was believable or ably refuted by the defense. This is tedious and greulling work and in no way could be completed in 11 hours. Unfortunately, these tired jurors were not up to the task of "digging deep in their pockets" to find the energy to do this. Well, no kudos to them, but we must accept their verdict, flawed and human as it is.

Again, thanks to you, admin! I lurk a lot and post a little but appreciate all your efforts!

Beth said... 166

I don't understand. If the judge sentenced her to 4 years and she has only been in prison so far 3 years, why isn't she being held for another year?

Lorrie said... 167

Good behavior might be part of the reason for the early release too, Beth.

Interesting how now that the trial is over and done with, Casey is wearing her hair long and loose, with a huge smile plastered on her face. What's there to smile about? Your daughter is DEAD, you sick freak.

Midnight Madness said... 168

Beth said...

I don't understand. If the judge sentenced her to 4 years and she has only been in prison so far 3 years, why isn't she being held for another year?


Time served plus credit for good behavior. It was said that he didn't really give her the max that he could have, so they calculated that she only needs to serve one more week. Discussion was that since he didn't want to appear that he was appeasing the public by slamming her with everything he could have, his decision was probably based on what he would have given any defendant who was not a high-profile defendant.

In other words, he didn't want to come down on her with everything he could have simply because of who she is and because it would look like he didn't agree with the jury's verdict and was punishing her because of it.

I believe the state has a certain amount of time to decide if they are going to go after her for the money she has cost them, which is several hundred thousand dollars. In addition, the prosecutor said that he would let others in his office decide whether to bring perjury charges against Cindy Anthony. I doubt if Casey is ever going to reimburse anyone, regarding if lawsuits are filed.

Beth said... 169

Someone needs to sue her in civil court. If that were to happen, as with OJ, Casey wouldn't get the money from any of the book or movie deals.

Michelle said... 170

Beth said... Someone needs to sue her in civil court.
Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez already has. They took depositions of George and Cindy two years ago, but couldn't depose Casey until after her criminal trial. She was served a subpoena in jail on Tuesday by Zenaida's attorney for an upcoming deposition.

AnnaBanana said... 171

A writer at the NY Daily News has NG's number:


MaryAnne said... 172

No thank you Kate. I'll pass on organization day. I'm going on vacay with my family...hint in another country Kate, another hint...they eat LOTS of pasta...another hint...Oh heck Kate, I'm going to Italy. But you have fun organizing!! Luv Ya!

If I twittered I would give some serious thought to actually telling her not interested in her org day 'cause of my vacay plans. I am super excited. I thought the woman was the "high priestess" of organization. What happened, she found the label maker again? She twitted, attempted to blog or something to the effect that "most" of the shows are "her idea" (well, of course, what else?)obviously the well she be running dry!

Outta here for awhile. Prayers of all the abused/missing and exploited children and adults everywhere. Special prayers for Caylee.

Moose Mania said... 173

Tweet by a sheep:

@Kateplusmy8, you are my hero. I am so glad you have a twitter account :)


I'm waiting for a sheeple to tweet, "You are the wind beneath my wings."

I listed to members of the defense team say that Casey could have been anything she wanted to be....that she will be a productive member of society, that she might even want to go to law school. What? Just what this society needs - an child-killing attorney who is a psychopathic liar. What's this defense team smoking? Are they sheeple with degrees?

Apparently there have been death threats made against the jury, and Judge Perry is listening to requests from media attorneys requesting that the jurors' names be released to the public because the public has a right to know who decided this verdict. He said the best thing he can do legally is wait for a cooling off period to release the names. The attorneys are arguing that the public has a right to know the names of the jury because it was a public proceeding, but the judge is concerned about their safety.

I wonder if we've heard the end of this...if there will be any kind of investigation into this jury, and if anything could be uncovered that would lead to a mistrial. With the lynch-mob mentality in that community, anything could happen.

Robin said... 174

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@ @LivinForLife Guess so. Gotta clean the dust up somehow huh? Where r u that u get dust storms? I'm steering clear... :)

Oh good grief. Really? How about you pay attention to someone other than yourself for once, Kate? This is a sheeple who showers you with compliments and tweets, and you don't know where she lives or can't take two seconds to check her profile (Arizona and Phoenix are both mentioned in recent tweets)? Or alternately, you couldn't pay attention to the news (aka something other than yourself) so you would know that there was the dust storm to end all dust storms in Phoenix yesterday? Or alternately, you couldn't take two seconds to google "dust storm" and find out that there was the dust storm to end all dust storms in Phoenix yesterday?

Moose Mania said... 175

Beth said... Someone needs to sue her in civil court.


Tim Miller, who lead the search for Caylee, has met with his attorney and has said he most likely will sue her for more than $112,000, and Jesse Grund's father claims this is not over yet, and he's considering action against her, the Anthony family, and the defense. He was interviewed by Vinnie Politan this morning, and disclosed some interesting things about the Anthony family and Casey and Jesse's relationship.

Moose Mania said... 176

I forgot to mention that a member of the defense team said that they spared a young woman from the death penalty, that CAYLEE wouldn't have wanted her mother to have gone through this punishment or put to death.
I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

Laurie said... 177

One of Kate's recent tweets:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin @
@MiloandJack Nope. But wish I was guest hosting at the view or the talk Miss my friends!:(
Uh Kate, I hate to break this to you but if they were your friends you'd probably be in contact with them. You were nothing to them but a ratings grabber. Face it Kate, you're Z list now. And yes, please steer clear of AZ. We have dust, wild fires and monsoons.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 178

Even though there's a hearing scheduled for August 25th to determine how much Casey owes the state for the costs of the investigation and the trial, and Equisearch will likely sue her for their six figure expenses in the search, and there will be other lawsuits, I am convinced that Casey will never pay any of it and will be quite rich. I saw Aphrodite Jones on HLN with Jane Velez Mitchell and Aphrodite says she has good info that Jose Baez signed a "package deal" with the most powerful agency in NY, William Morris. He's shopping movie rights, book deals, possibly even a reality show eventually. The thing is, Aphrodite said that Baez is part of the deal so it will be structured in a way that all of the money goes to him, none of it to Casey Anthony. Then, he will dole it out to Casey as she needs it. After that was reported, JVM heard from Baez and he denies that Casey signed any deal at all, BUT, he will not discuss any of HIS business. He is such a slimeball.

I can totally see that happening. It looks to me like Casey sees Baez as her protector, the one she trusts the most, and now he's her hero for getting her off from the biggest lie of her life. So, he can get all the money and make whatever arrangements she needs, such as buying her a house or condo, a car, etc., in his name or in a trust where he's the trustee. He will directly pay any and all expenses so she won't have anything for the state to go after, whatever judgments there are won't be worth the paper they're written on. It's all so disgusting, but I have to just hope that karma will get them all in the end.

Jenna Does said... 179

Molly Hart...
Mental Laziness....You hit the nail on the head. My brother lives in Orlando & he tells me stories about some people there that...well...I won't repeat here. Since I'm a peace-loving hippie-chick & all, I really don't want to offend. It's not everyone he says, but he told me when they read the verdict, one of his neighbors was FLIPPING out. He said his neighbor & his wife went outside & started yelling & screaming "Where's the Justice?' over & over into the air. So my bro & his fiancee decided to go to a bar (yeah, mid-day, whatever, they had the day off) & the bar was going CRAZY. People were going nuts about the "idiots on the jury" & where is the justice for little Caylee & Casey better get herself a new home. My bro said that one guy "knew where she lived". He said that was it, he was outta there. He said he was scared for his fiancee! Some people are FREAKS over this verdict. I'd be scared to be Casey Anthony.

The jury made a mistake not listening to the rules. That was the problem. No notes were taken, & as Molly Hart said, MENTAL LAZINESS. Good call Molly!!
~Hippie Chick~

Jenna Does said... 180

Lorrie said...
What's there to smile about? Your daughter is DEAD, you sick freak.

My thoughts exactly. And good behavior...ugh! ADMIN, can the judge make money off of this case as well? -bunch of money grubbing...
~Hippie Chick~

AuntieAnn said... 181

Said Kate, "This mommas heart is hurting along w many mommas hearts everywhere,I'm sure!:(."


Sigh...if only Kate had the intelligence to understand that one of the reasons this tragedy happened was because the Anthony family is textbook dysfunctional, she might be able to take a step back and recognize that the abnormal way she's raising HER own kids could have similar consequences somewhere down the line.

Moose Mania said... 182

I just heard that one of the reasons Jose Baez may have accused George Anthony of sex abuse was because the defense team knew that one of the jurors was a victim of sex abuse and therefore would show sympathy for Casey. Casey had never previously accused her father of sex abuse and there is no record in any depositions that she claimed abuse. This only came up AFTER the jury was selected. Interesting!

Celebrity Bug said... 183

Blowhouse Baez has signed a deal with some big shot Hollywood producer. Details not yet known. Where will Casey go? Speculation is that she will probably end up in LA because she has always said she wants to be a celebrity. Reality television, maybe?
This is pathetic.

AuntieAnn said... 184

Moose Mania said...I just heard that one of the reasons Jose Baez may have accused George Anthony of sex abuse was because the defense team knew that one of the jurors was a victim of sex abuse and therefore would show sympathy for Casey. Casey had never previously accused her father of sex abuse and there is no record in any depositions that she claimed abuse. This only came up AFTER the jury was selected. Interesting!
Moose - They'd have thrown Jesus under the bus to get her aquitted.

Having said that it's my personal opinion/theory that Lee helped Casey to dispose of little Caylee's body. I question why he said "CMA I will always keep my promise" or something to that effect at Caylee's memorial service. I don't think he was talking to Caylee, I think he was talking to Casey. What promise? I think he might have agreed to be thrown under the bus by allowing the accusation of sexual abuse of his sister in trade for her life. Casey cried when he was in the witness box, but wouldn't look at her mother or dad at all. Seemed very "off" to me. Again, it's only my personal opinion.

Canadian Girl! said... 185

Have you noticed that Kate twitters alot when her shows are on,otherwise just a few twitters a day,she really could care less about them just uses them.

gingerbread said... 186

I haven't kept up on the casey Anthony case. Can someone explain to me how they determined that the baby drowned? I thought they (the forensic people) couldn't determine the cause. If Casey told her attorney that, isn't that admitting a crime?

boo said... 187

Auntie Ann, with all due respect, I think your comment goes too far. I assume you meant to just criticize Kate, but it sounds like you're implying that the kids could someday be capable of behavior like Casey's -- child abuse/neglect, pathological lying or, at worst, murdering their own child. I'm sure that's not what you meant, but that's how it sounds. That's just over the line to me.

Karma said... 188

Did anyone see Khate on EXTRA today? She makes me SICK..She was talking about how she was given " THE GIFT OF GAB" so if her show Twist of Khate doesnt come thru she would LOVE to do more tv. That is her way of throwing her name in the ring. She is relentless.

Mimi to 3 said... 189

Moose Mania: I'm waiting for a sheeple to tweet, "You are the wind beneath my wings."

OMG Moose, that was just unbelievably funny!!!

Some people are just f--- stupid said... 190

There has been no determination that Caylee Anthony drowned.

AuntieAnn said... 191

Boo - You are entitled to your opinion.

Actually I think that because Kate is a toxic parent there IS a danger that those kids are going to have huge emotional difficulties.

sad said... 192

I feel that Casey will suffer every day for this.How can she sleep at night,her mind will always be tortured at least I hope for something.Did not believe George or Cindy,George is an angry man,we seen that,and I believe it was long before this happened.God bless little Cayle,my heart is so sad i feel everyone let her down,the jury should of got her on SOMETHING,PLEASE.

justme said... 193

I can't stand that arrogant SOB Cheney Mason.He called the protesters outside the courthouse jackals.He said if they don't like the verdict they can go live somewhere else or learn about the constitution.The last I heard, the citizens of this United States have the same freedom of speech like Cheney Mason.

Stewmama said... 194

About the sexual abuse against George, Casey mentioned having dreams she started having in the jail letters to another inmate. She states that she thinks it's about her father when she was very young. She says Lee use to come into her bedroom at night too and pull up her shirt and touch her while she was asleep. In those letters she also says that she used chloraform on Caylee because she had trouble sleeping which Cindy got from work. Why these letters were not brought up during the trial is a mystery.

Batterednotbroken said... 195

No Regrets....Thank you for sharing that. Fascinating to listen to.

ncgirl said... 196

"Also there was some rumor about spotting the tutor out filming with the twins?"

There was no filming. An observer supposedly saw the twins and tutor.

"Did anyone see Khate on EXTRA today?"

I saw the article online. She doesn't give up, does she? Somebody on another site said Entertainment Tonight had a segment on children and reality shows. They were mainly promoting that new show about dance moms which seems to be similar to Toddlers and Tiaras. They were acting concerned about children in these shows. Then they showed a clip of Kate plus 8 with Kate yelling at the children and announced when the show will return. ET is disgusting.

E-town Neighbor said... 197

Why these letters were not brought up during the trial is a mystery.


Because it was never proven that she wrote them, or if they were altered, and the person who said she received them had a reputation that was less than stellar. They were not permitted to be entered as evidence.

E-town Neighbor said... 198

I feel that Casey will suffer every day for this.How can she sleep at night,her mind will always be tortured at least I hope for something.


A "normal" person would have trouble sleeping and couldn't live with herself. She is a narcissist, and a sociopath, and is so mentally unstable that she will put it out of her mind. She partied for 31 days when she knew her daughter was dead. Three years later, it certainly isn't going to affect her whatsoever.

It was reported that both Jose and Casey signed a contract with a major talent agency, but it was just announced that only Jose signed the deal. What kind of "talent" does Jose have? Popping champagne corks? This is so bizarre.

boo said...

Auntie Ann, with all due respect, I think your comment goes too far. I assume you meant to just criticize Kate, but it sounds like you're implying that the kids could someday be capable of behavior like Casey's -- child abuse/neglect, pathological lying or, at worst, murdering their own child.


I didn't understand Auntie Ann to mean that at all. I thought that she meant that since Kate is such a dysfunctional parent, kids who grow up in a household such as that do not consistently get their emotional needs met. Negative patterns of parental behavior tend to be dominant in their children's lives. When they grow up, they may carry with them memories of the past. The past has shaped them and molded them in ways they may not even be aware of, ways that are buried in their subconscious minds.

The trauma of growing up in a dysfunctional family results in emotional pain and confusion that may never subside, and therefore, the result may be an adult with mental issues similar to Casey's but doesn't mean that these kids are going to grow up to kill their own children. The pain may manifest itself in any number of ways, or it may not manifest itself at all.

Batterednotbroken said... 199


You have to read these emails from Cindy Anthonys' brother to Cindy. And from Cindy to her brother. Oh boy! Sorry, l don't know how to make it a blue colored link.

Or google "dr lillian glass blog"

Jailhouse Rock said... 200

A new fake Kate tweeting account has shown up on twitter - khateplusmy8 - and it sounds suspiciously like someone who posts here!

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