Monday, August 8, 2011

Are the grandparents coming back into the kids' lives? Kate reconsiders their long-standing estrangement

"I don't want to create any more family fragmentation," Kate says.

Kate made yet another clear statement tonight (of many she and Jon have made over the years) that the grandparents are not involved in the kids' lives. The absent grandparents have been one of the most talked-about issues since almost the beginning. The kids do "remember" them, Kate says, but lately, she's been thinking about actually letting them see each other. The kids have been asking about the grandparents, Kate said on tonight's D.C. Cupcakes episode. And she's considering letting her parents back in the circle of trust, to promote family unity after the divorce and to satisfy the kids' curiosity.

As long as the grandparents are not toxic people, sounds great (and we have had our suspicions from time to time they might be, especially after someone claiming to be Kate's mom showed up on another blog last fall, allegedly verified to be the real deal by even, and started publicly bashing other family members to thousands of readers, calling Aunt Jodi, the mother of three of her grandchildren, "jealous" and "greedy" and "not nice people".). And if they are toxic? Then Kate might actually be making the right call here. Here's hoping whatever she decides, it's in the kids' best interest and that old family grudges are left out of the equation.

215 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Anonymous said... 1

This is desperation on Kates part,The show is going down the tubes and she has lost almost everyone that has been close to her. This is Kate's panic mode, She has been begging for a man in her life and thats not happening.Being alone with only her 8 $ makers is her worst fear. Sorry Kate its all your own doing! I believe she would be toxic to her parents!! ~ Administrator said... 2

Yes there's often an ulterior motive with Kate, too.

It could also be panic over not being able to keep a nanny finally setting in. I did a post once proving the woman has been through at least 11 nannies. That's outrageous.

She might be looking for people to pass the kids off on, for free, once TLC stops paying her nanny bills. ~ Administrator said... 3

Not to jump the gun on Ashley because who knows what kind of manipulation they were trying to pull with that promo, but I totally agree, she should have seen it coming. And it would be so very sad if she got the axe, since she has been such a constant in the kids' lives and really there for them and they love her. Another person they love, gone. Even if she isn't axed, sounds like emotionally she really can't take this anymore. Plus she's getting older and the older you are I think the harder it is to feel that same sort of babysitting-bug passion a lot of young girls have for caring for kids. Then you land some nanny job with a celeb family or wealthy family and then all of a sudden what sounds glamorous is actually exhausting, stressful, and breaks you down.

So whether she is fired or not she's for sure reaching her breaking point.

Westcoaster said... 4

Perhaps Kate is thinking that big ol' family reunion can get TLC onboard for another mini-season - oh, the drama, the grandparents, the aunties, the cousins - plenty to go around for several shows. Problem here is that you just can't do the revolving door, well, you shouldn't, with having these relatives come back, get kicked out, etc. I simply don't believe, or trust, her.

Teresa said... 5

Admin said..Yes there's often an ulterior motive with Kate, too
You bet your bibby, she angling for something. Khate's heart is cold. There has to be something in it for her to bring the grandparents back! Working for free is one.
I didn't watch Joy or Khate tonight, looks like l didn't miss much.

Teresa said... 6

"I don't want to create any more family fragmentation," Kate much more can she make? Father, grandparents, uncles, aunts, there anyone left in that famliy she HASN'T fragmented. Maybe she needs a good fragging herself!

Anonymous said... 7

I've read on here that Kate's toxic parents took care of the twins and house while Kate was on bedrest with tups. They were good enough then. And then Jodie was not so toxic that she couldn't take care of all 8 of them if Kate had a dental appt or J & K wanted a date night. Her parents were not so toxic that they didn't try to round up enough beds and strollers for the kids; the goodies just weren't good enough. Kevin wasn't so toxic he couldn't help Jon on weekends with various home improvements Kate wanted.

From the little clip I saw, it sure didn't look like Ashley was fired. It looked like she couldn't stand Kate anymore and needed to get out right away. Just not worth the being talked to like a nitwit and treated like a servant. Tired of the screaming too.

Tony had a contract to honor with DWTS. His walking out was more complicated by contractual obligations and future employment.

Vanessa said... 8

Can you say DYSFUNCTION?

Vanessa said... 9

Oh, and didn't she say something to Ann Curry that they will be showing some "raw emotions" (or something to that effect?)in the coming episodes? Is yet another EXTREMELY personal and private moment going to be captured on film just to make 'good'(eye roll) tv?

She's such a c word said... 10

Not quite sure what all of the Ashley leaving/left talk is, but if she just graduated from college, why would she spend the rest of her life as Kate & TLC's slave/babysitter? Chances are she's looking for and/or got a job in whatever field she majored in.

Dork Queen said... 11

Kate is looking for trustworthy people who will come and stay with the kids for free while she jets off with (or without) purseboy to hunt down new TV opportunities.
IMO,re-involving the grandparents should be a family issue and not one discussed beforehand in the media.

wryview said... 12

Why does Kate even need a nanny? The kids will all be in school full-time ( long as no one gets kicked out).

Boring Math Nerd here said... 13

More statistics. The greatest single day increase prior to yesterday's giant jump in Kate's twitter followers was 490 on June 6 (a day with a show I think?) Yesterday's total was 2,175. Dallas Lady, I think you may be onto something with your purchased followers thinking. Nothing about her "press tour" (other than the Dr. Oz episode which has not aired yet) is new or different enough to have that much impact. I am interested in the ratings numbers just to see if there is a correlation but now don't think it is a very strong one since now I doubt the authenticity of the numbers.

I do still think her frenzy yesterday had some meaning. I think she is pitching her Iwanamate show to TLC and they said get your numbers up and we'll talk. (Aside: Everytime she says Jamie is going out to "collect" specimens for her I flash to Silence of the Lambs. Just is an icky way to talk about the dating game. Collecting. Yech.)

TLC stinks said... 14

This is just a blatant attempt to raise ratings. Whether she allows the kids interaction with her parents will solely depend if the Kreiders agree to be filmed. They are probably already in talks with TLC now. This woman will stop at nothing to control her children's lives.

TLC stinks said... 15

Remember.......BM was on the Dr. Oz show. I smell a TLC link. What did I say about companies that create their own pro blogs?

Anne said... 16

I am thinking this is yet another lather, rinse and repeat scenario. She HAD to bring Shoka back too. Now, she is considering letting her parents back into the children's lives. I really think this is a pr move. I can almost script the reconciliation episode in my head - except mine would include the flashback clips to her and Jon saying "they don't know how to help us" interspersed (sp?) amongst the footage.

I don't know what to think of Ashley - I haven't seen the promo, but it does sound like edited drama to grab ratings. I agree with whoever reminded us of the Tony DWTS clip where he quit too.

cathy518 said... 17

Yep, the minute I saw this about the grandparents I thought that Kate was desperately trying to generate a new angle for her show that is now ready to be pronounced DOA. Given the venom that was shown by Kate's mom against Jodi, if she did indeed write that post last fall, I doubt that these grandparents could be a positive supportive force in the lives of the Gosselin 8. It is telling how many of the comments about Kate include the word "desperate" these days.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 18

And she's considering letting her parents back in the circle of trust, to promote family unity after the divorce and to satisfy the kids' curiosity


Good for the kids- FINALLY! It was pitiful that the kids were not allowed to see their grandparents just because the grownups involved could not get their acts together.

Otherwise, I don't give a rat's patootie. That show will go on (or not) without my viewership.

TLC & Kate can all suck an egg.

No Regrets said... 19

ADMIN, well, well, well. WE have a conversation about her missed opportunities in her "career", especially being a PRODUCER for her show and looky here. LOL (Hi Kate, waving) GOOD IDEA. Retire the kids, produce your own show with Jaime running around the country 'finding' a man for you! That could actually be a hit. (haha)

"Is Kate Gosselin Heading Behind The Camera As A TV Producer?"

For the most part, Kate Gosselin has been tucked snugly in her own reality show world with "Kate Plus Ei8ht" -- which is returning to TLC tonight. But, beware; soon her fingerprints could be all over more than just her namesake loudspeaker. Gosselin tells me she has caught the producing bug and is starting to think about a life behind, as well as in front of, the camera.

I’m really good at producing our show because I know our lives. I know how to convey us for real,” Gosselin tells me. “I know when things translate into TV and what’s not quite as accurate as you want it to be. I’m good at it 'cause I live this life.”

Although Gosselin isn’t quite ready to start producing other shows, she hopes to be in the future.

“I have had people come to me and say ‘I have this great idea for a reality TV show.’ I actually, in my mind, can play it out and see it happening ... for me it's like writing a living book and I really love to write.”

Kate admits she’s been very hands-on with her own show from the beginning, often coming up with ideas and giving producers a yay or nay when it comes to certain production decisions.

“I have always been very true to who we are,” Gosselin tells me. “In that regard I have always helped produce. Now in recent seasons it’s easier because I can see it from my life as well as seeing how episodes come together from their [producers] perspective.”

(ANOTHER coincident LOL)

JudyK said... 20

I'm lost regarding Ashley...anyone have a link so I'll know what is being talked about? Thanks.

No Regrets said... 21

Yup grandparents coming back in the picture WAY after the dog being brought back, (priorities!) surely smells of a PR move. Hopefully, it will be GOOD for the kids. But the way her mom spoke on that blog was extremely TOXIC and that sure gives me reservations about this whole thing.

Molly12 said... 22

There was no escaping Kate's presence yesterday. Each time I turned on one of the entertainment shows, there she was. I try not to watch a show when she is on but finally just gave up. In each interview, Kate has a personality of a stone (in all fairness to the sheeple, that would be an amazing and inspirational stone). I'm exciting that Press Tour 2011 has now come to a close.

No Regrets said... 23

I was busy yesterday so missed all the "action". What happened with Ashley? She quit on TV? Will be she HATED now by the rabid fans? Why the heck was this filmed? Such private crap exposed. Ashley has been very faithful to her. Anyone know where the clip of this might be? I only have seen the clips of the interviews.

No Regrets said... 24

"Dallas Lady said... Admin, you made me realize something: Kate has been openly grifting for a man (the use of the word fits here!) for months on end, you're right. Going back at LEAST six months."

Dallas Lady and ADMIN Kate has been begging for a man much longer than that. People had that feature of her on January 6, 2010 “Kate Clean Slate.” "The reality mom opens up about the kids' stuggles, dealing with Jon's drama and MAKING ROOM FOR ROMANCE" Remember, this is when she got the extensions? THAT was when she announced she was ready to date. And she hasn't stopped talking about it since. THAT is even more pathetic. She has been begging for a year and 8 months. LOL

itsmyopinion said... 25

kate had nothing to do with her family, now she wants to be a user again so her rating will go up! if her family was smart they shouldn't have anything to do with kate, after she bashed her family and blamed everything on them.thats what kind of person kate is, kate never takes the blame for anything, (boy thats teaching your kids to be like mommy). kate was very controlling over ashley, kate treated ashley like a servant, i bet ashley got tired of kates controlling attitudes! TLC and kate used ashley.
kates pathetic, she takes advatage of people in her life, i think the people in her life are getting tired of her and now she gets on twitter and takes advantage of her followers just so her fans could say good things about her and for her ratings could go up and make more $$$$$! kate came from a christian family and the devil must of jumped in kate she's very evil. if anything i'm sure her family is very emberrased of kate the way she carries herself!!

Gimme Gimme said... 26

Unfortunately, whatever "raw emotion" is filmed will not be from Khate, so that means it will come from the kids and yes she would show that, the producer that she is, probably from when Ashley quit. So Khate to speak of bringing the grandparents back when she has burned all the other bridges behind her, and needs a baby sitter, so she and Jamie can hop around the country looking for Steve lookalikes to maul. Her face looked really strange on Joy last night, just saw the face when I turned over in the middle of the night - HLN all night long. Wish I watched it now.

gotyournumberKate said... 27

I was following the blog that Kate's Mom was posting on at the time she was exposed. I really believe it was her and I definitely saw the apple didn't fall from the tree. She wasn't a nice person and has a big mouth. She also bashed Jon every chance she got. She did it subtly like Kate does but readers definitely took the hint. I think the whole family is dysfunctional. Of course I don't know for sure but I kind of doubt Kate's father would allow either of them to appear on the show.

Rating$ said... 28

This woman will stop at nothing to control her children's lives.

This woman will stop at nothing to get ratings including exploiting family and nannies, allowing a strange man to lick her foot, sending Steve to drag men to her off the street.

All for ratings, and I do believe TLC has won the battle!
Seven days of speculating about family and firings will create enough curiosity that even the haters will watch next week's episodes.

Prepare for some high ratings over the next few shows, then before you know it Kate will start tweeting that she and the kids are filming again.

No Regrets said... 29

"RT @JeanneKaye Me either, u guys are part of my life. Would be lost w/out ya!! @Kateplusmy8 Awww. So sweet, true (I'm sure)&great to hear!:)"

Is she REALLY saying "TRUE" (I'm sure) that they are part of my life/lost without you? LOL

Lauren Brown
@Kateplusmy8 one of the funny things I like to see in the eps. are the ppl in the background freaking out about kate+8! do u get used to it?

Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
@laurennashley9 I guess so... I love talking to fans... So easy to make theory day w a quick sig or photo :) fun!

So easy to make 'their' day with a quick signature or photo???? SO EASY TO MAKE THEIR DAY?? Yes, Kate throw those crumbs at the peons. LOL

Help me out here, am I reading these right?? My gawd.

mama mia said... 30

What did Kate say about teasers and knowing how to produce her show to keep her show on the air? What a joke. The public has moved on. They don't care about Jon or whether he/she wants each other back, they don't care about babysitters and nannies, and they don't care about absentee grandparents. The collective thought about Kate is man, she can't act, she can't dance, she can't sing, she can't hold a conversation, she doesn't interview well, why is she on tv? Soon, she won't.

Anonymous said... 31

Admin, I think it's debatable whether or not Kate's parents are toxic. Is Kate toxic (rhetorical question. IMO. she's toxic as hell)? Word from people who know the family/their reputation in the area is that Kate is exactly like her father. He's supposedly very autocratic and domineering and her mother is rather passive and subordinant. He also supposedly has some strange ideas about food. Kate tried to recreate her parents' marriage by choosing someone similar to her mother in temperament. She just didn't see the possibility of Jon's hitting the sticking point and standing up to her abuse and bullying. Although I think grandparents, or surrogate grandparents, are very important to children, I don't know that Kate "allowing" her parents back in would be so good for the kids. At least they have some contact with Jon's mother and grandmother, and they both seem to be loving women.

BTW - don't Kevin and Jodi have 4 children, not 3?


america said... 32

Tlc Stinks: "companies creating their own blogs" Yeppers, it happens. How is that working out for this mess? Probably in the long run extended the kids 15 minutes. All shows end though and this one will.

Didn't see Joy behar...but did Joy really recommend Arnold S for Kate?

wayward said... 33

Admin, I think you're spot on with your suspicions that Kate all of a sudden wants to reconnect with her parents out of need for a free sitter. It's just too obvious. As we all know, she has a very specific, very cold and calculated pattern of interchanging people with money. When they signed the season 4 contract in mid-2008, Bob, Beth, Jodi & Kevin were kicked to the curb, no longer needed. When Kate got her konpound, Jon was no longer of use. She used to have *zero* contact with her fans. She didn't care about them and often made fun of them.

Now, in 2011 with her show on the chopping
block and her future uncertain, she just happens to be looking to have relationships with people again! She would like to have a man, apparently for help and to have another adult in the house. She's having trouble keeping babysitters and just happens to be contemplating reconnecting with her parents....hmmmmm! She'll bother to twatter with the fans she used to ridicule if it means they might drum up some ratings.

Her desperation is crystal clear. Spencer and Heidi became silly and desperate like this in order to hold onto their 15 minutes. But they are adults, and were hurting no one but themselves. Kate is playing with and teasing about the relationships of family members and caregivers of her eight kids. Katie has gotten herself into YET AGAIN, another pickle and YET AGAIN she's looking for sympathy and people to bail her out of her self created mess.

Westcoaster said... 34

Even given the premise that the Ashley scene is both edited and/or scripted, who in their right mind would want someone/anyone cryng on tv that they cannot spend another day in their company. TLC is certainly playing K8 for the narcissistic, evil and nasty bitch that she shows elsewhere - and this on that wonderful, memory making road trip vacation. Hope that girl has moved on by now.

Hippie Chick said... 35

Another ploy for ratings perhaps?

LisaNH said... 36

I agree, Anne. I think this all a sham for ratings to try and save what's left of her pathetic show. She couldn't give two shakes about her parents, her siblings, her pets. Kate cares about Kate.

The question that needs to be asked is why did she push all of her family and friends out of her life to begin with? First her parents, Jon's mother (notice she embraced Jon's father because he was helping to support them), her siblings and her friends (Beth, Jodi et al).

If her parents are truly stand up people, then they should refuse to have any reconcillations filmed. But I suppose if they do that, Kate won't agree to let the children meet them.

Rating$ said... 37

Hippie Chick said...

Another ploy for ratings perhaps?

Absolutely! How convenient the cameras happened to be around when Kate and Ashley get in a big fight? Really! LOL It'll be a big ratings grabber for sure.

J. Heather Leigh said... 38

I rarely post here but read often. I was pretty shocked at the statement Kate made comparing infertility to cancer or diabetes. I wish Joy had called her on it.

From the transcript:

BEHAR: Not your thing. Just a suggestion.

I read that you were -- you`ve been cautioning prospective parents against fertility treatments. Why is that now? Are you anti-fertility treatments now?

GOSSELIN: I don`t think I`ve been -- this must have come out of a tweet from a viewer or a Twitter fan.

BEHAR: No, no, no. This is you. "I will say fertility is not a perfected science. I`m a perfect example of the doctor had it under control and we ended up with sextuplets. We were shocked to death so I tell everyone to be extra super, super cautious."

GOSSELIN: Yes. I`m definitely not against it. I mean my whole thing is if you have diabetes, you receive the treatment. If you have cancer, you receive the treatment. If you have fertility issues, it is in the same ballpark for me. I just remind people to be careful because it is not perfected, clearly. I mean they said we had three to four possibilities and we ended up with seven originally.

BEHAR: Why? Don`t they know what`s in there? They`re sonogramming up the Wazoo these days.

GOSSELIN: Yes. But they missed -- obviously missed them. That`s why I`m telling people like I was shocked, obviously to find out that I was carrying so many. Had they told me here`s the risk, you could have seven. I wouldn`t have gone through with it. But we weren`t hearing seven. We were hearing three to four which is about half takes. But that was a great thing.

Anonymous said... 39

If there is to be a reconciliation with her parents and the children re-introduced to their grandparents, surely this is a purely personal/emotional experience not some kind of "entertainment" for the audience. TLC get this family off TV before this woman announces the twins' menstrual cycles.

Dallas Lady said... 40

Uh, the parents thing is because she needs free babysitting. If she gets to put a "RECONCILIATION!" on tape for a show, so much the better (in her mind), but I gaurantee you this is because she's run off everyone else and the idea of being alone with those kids is one of the few things that truly terrifies her.

I get that the Ashley clip may have been edited, but I have no problem believing Ashley IS gone. Kate herself tweeted that she's "between babysitters." That doesn't mean her babysitter is on vacation and will come back, that means the former is gone and the future babysitter(s) aren't here yet/haven't been hired yet. Also, as someone else pointed out, Ashley graduated from college in May or June. She's most likely looking for or has secured another job.

Could YOU put up with Kate for very long?

I have the feeling Kate's money is slowly drying up. I think TLC isn't doling out the expense account like they once were and that house and all the maintenance it requires is an enormous money suck. Jon pays child support, but there's no way the court orders him to pay $20K a month, as was rumored a while back. Not on his $60K or so a year income. I'm sure they use the formula they do, figure out the amount, and he pays it, but it's not making anyone wealthy by any means.

She needs babysitters. And she needs free ones. Enter grandparents!!!

bee said... 41

Could someone post a link to the promo with Ashley please, or tell me where I can view it. Thanks

Stupid is said... 42

She wants more free babysitters.
Her only motive.

Anyone notice? said... 43

I watched the repeat episode on my dvr. Did anyone else notice the cameras panning in on one particular child always eating? They showed one child shoving a whole cupcake in her mouth in one episode and cramming popcorn in her mouth nonstop even after the other kids were done eating theirs. It seems to me they are focusing on the eating habits of one child and there are disgusting comments on twitter about it too. I hope TLC is not setting this child up for eating problems. Kate is disgusting for letting them focus on her child like that.

Ashley Drama said... 44

Did Jamie also do the RV trip with them? Is it possible Ashley was referring to Jamie and TLC wants it to look like she was referring to Kate so people will tune in for the drama?

PJ's momma said... 45

Here's the URL for transcript of the Joy Behar show. Sorry, I don't know how to create a hyperlink:

LaLaLandNoMore said... 46

Reconnecting with the grandparents is suspect to say the least. Many have wondered where they were and Kate knows it. Desperate move in my view. If sincere, it will happen in private and not on the "show." Kate will do anything to stay relevant and extend her 15 min.

Robin said... 47

The promo clip with Ashley shows Kate pitching a big fit (something about a chair, but I think that was towards one of the children), then another rant about she had "asked for help and is not getting it!!!", then Ashley sitting in a chair, then Ashley crying saying that she loves the children but cannot spend another moment with "her." There is also some screeching by Kate about how she could catch a flight home right then if she wanted, but it doesn't seem to have anything to do with Ashley. The announcer says that "Kate's life changes forever" or something like that.

So basically what they are hinting at is: 1. Ashley was being lazy and not working and Kate gets pissed and 2. Ashley quits. But of course the real story could be something totally different. Who the heck knows.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 48

Hippie Chick said...

Another ploy for ratings perhaps?


You had better believe it!

They are all banking on sensationalism & drama.
So what if Kate looks b*tchier/witchier than ever. As long as the stupid fools tune, who cares...

TLC & Kate Gosselin are counting on the naivete in her audience (tweens, & teens), and her __________ (insert adjective of your choice)older audience.

All in all, it's frightening that the public can be taken so easily over something as insignificant as a mother of 8, and her little adventures.

Silly fools.

Anonymous said... 49

No matter what drama TLC tries to create, send the message and vote with your remote! That is the ONLY way this show will go away.

Well Behaved? said... 50

On the Today show Kate claimed her children are well behaved yet in both episodes last night some of the younger children were PUSHING each other, HITTING each other, having tantrums and just being mean.

They were horribly behaved during the games with Ashley. They fought a lot while filming their movie. The movie maker seemed to find it a great challenge to get them to behave. There seemed to be no adult supervision other than the film crew and movie makers. Kate chalked it all up to being competitive.

Ingrid said... 51

Maybe is she starting to treat Ashley like her slave Jon was? Shrieking at her etc.

I believe too it is going to draw people to watch the argument/fight whatever. Fools.

E-town Neighbor said... 52

Recent tweets:

@Kateplusmy8 REALLY enjoyed the show! You are so fun! We know some of the same people...we should get together over coffee some time! :)

@Kateplusmy8 with risking being a pest... :) Do you remember getting NAME ART gifts for kids from a fan at Women of Purpose in Hershey?


What is it that these sheeple don't get? Kate doesn't want to meet with them for coffee! Now maybe if they offered a free overseas trip or gift certificate for meals at Fig and Olive, she'd be more than happy to have vouchers sent to her post office box...but NO face-to-face meeting!

Westcoaster said... 53

Oh my what an effing liar. She told Joy Behar that if they had known the number of embryos she was carrying (7 vs the 3 or 4 "she" heard), they would never have gone through with the preganancy. WTF? Is this the same woman who has said that when her doctors offered to reduce the number very early on, that they couuld have NEVER done anything like because of their religious beliefs? I am not commenting on what they coulda/shoulda/mighta done, that is a very personal decision, but she really does have a selective memory. Twitidiot.

E-town Neighbor said... 54

So why would Ashley be crying to Steve? Is "counselor" also part of his job description? :) ~ Administrator said... 55

Kate isn't clear but I think she means follicles when she says they saw 3-4. That's different than claiming they only saw 3-4 babies.

Patient said... 56

To compare cancer and diabetes to infertility is very insensitive. Nobody will DIE if they don't get pregnant.

She is a very selfish woman.

Just Dwindle Away said... 57

E-town Neighbor said... So why would Ashley be crying to Steve? Is "counselor" also part of his job description? :)

Probably just begging him to unlock the padlock so she could escape the CON-pound.

LOL but perhaps a touch of truth in there too.

E-town Neighbor said... 58

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
GM all! How'd you enjoy your K+8 fix last pm?:) wasn't it fun?! I got home really late from NYC&got little sleep&I'm catching up w work now!


So that's what the kids have become? A FIX for the sheeple? A FIX? Gosh-almighty! Using her children for the sheeple's entertainment so that they don't suffer from Kate Plus Eight withdrawal, while simultaneously laughing all the way to the bank?

Doesn't it just make you want to tear your hair out?

Jenna Does said... 59

No Regrets said...
What happened with Ashley? She quit on TV? Will be she HATED now by the rabid fans?
Wouldn't THAT be something? You know she probably did nothing wrong & just wanted to move on to bigger & better things, & maybe had it with Kate's multiple personalities. I'm sure she adored the kids, but Ashley maybe wanted a better job & was sick of being on TV. She may have found a teaching job, who knows? But the Kate fans are so blind, it will ALL Ashley's fault. I hope she is prepared for the onslaught. Poor girl. But again, WHO KNOWS what happened??
~Hippie Chick~

Just Dwindle Away said... 60

Admin, OT but with all this talk of Ashley I thought you might find this story amusing;

One of my daughters, while working her way through nursing school, nannied part time. The family took her with them on vacation to Virginia Beach one year. (They were very good to her, even arranged THEIR time so she could be out on her own if she chose to, from time to time.)

Anyway, one day she had to go up to a drugstore to get a Rx refill for one of her little charges. While waiting she noted twin toddlers in a shopping cart, being wheeled around in the store by 2 men, one white (like the twins) and one black. My daughter cooed a bit at the twins, one thing led to another and a little game of peek-a-boo and silliness ensued in the store. The 2 men promoted the entire thing, ("Where's the pretty lady? THERE'S the pretty lady!") and my daughter says it was several minutes of sweet laughing babies and some fun.

As she was checking out the clerk said to her "Dont you know who that was?" Turns out the white guy was/is a big big music celeb, the twins were his, and the black guy was the nanny! My daughter was so embarrassed that she had acted so silly. Out in the parkinglot, the men were still loading the kids into the car, and my sheepish daughter tried to stay clear, but the celeb started up again with "There's the nice lady!"

My daughter apologized, saying she hadn't recognized who he was, would not have made a fuss, didnt mean to draw attention inside the store etc. Celeb told her that he thought HE had started the silliness, she was so wonderful with the twins, not to worry, etc. She felt comfortable enough to ask his autograph, he OFFERED to pose for a pic, but asked her to not take any pics of the twins, which she did not of course. Oh and he offered her a part-time nanny job, which she declined.

As a nurse, she now nannies weekends for a Nashville celeb who has a profoundly disabled child who requires 24 hours NURSE care. To this day that encounter in Viginia Beach makes her smile.

Bill's Mom said... 61

The Futon Critic rating for Kate Plus 8 8/8/2011
(1.214 Million Viewers, #17; Adults 18-49 0.49, #T14)

Free Shoka said... 62

@Kateplusmy8 k8, i have no friends!!
22 hours ago

@Kateplusmy8 kate, i'll be watching with a friend... Should we watch in separate houses though to make it count as 2 people?
21 hours ago

What the hell? lol I kinda feel sorry for this woman, but afraid of her at the same time. I think Kate blocked her. I don't blame her if she did.

Jenna Does said... 63

I don't even think of her stupid show when it's Monday night, as a matter of fact, I was playing my jewel game on my Nook while my son & I watched a movie on Demand in my nice air conditioned bedroom. Aahhh!!

Again, just from that tiny clip that I watched yesterday from here, & all the "likes" & then when she started snapping at Steve, that was it for me. I turned it right off. How disrespectful can someone be? I don't even snap at my dog like that! And how the hell can he stand to be snapped at like an animal? She really has him trained like a monkey. It's his own damn fault at this point, IMO. Let him be a dumb-dumb & kow-tow to Kate & be crapped on. Hopefully, the kids don't snap at him when they want something.

As for the kids, (for those who watched, yet shouldn't have! :)) how did they look on the show? Do they show them as much anymore? Are they still front & center? How are their verbal skills? Are they still beating on each other? Is Cara being shown? I just wonder because if they are barely showing the kids, then what's the point!!?? Cancel the damn show. It WAS ALL about the family at 1st, & now it's all about that blond momster. Have a great day all!
~Hippie Chick~

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 64

Well Behaved? said... On the Today show Kate claimed her children are well behaved yet in both episodes last night some of the younger children were PUSHING each other, HITTING each other, having tantrums and just being mean.

They were horribly behaved during the games with Ashley. They fought a lot while filming their movie. The movie maker seemed to find it a great challenge to get them to behave. There seemed to be no adult supervision other than the film crew and movie makers. Kate chalked it all up to being competitive.


Maybe to Kate, well behaved means that they have not killed each other, or burned down her mansion...

She's so transparent said... 65

Search for man: need attention, need serf

Grandparents return: need babysitter, need ratings

What An Idiot said... 66

No Regrets said

she hasn't stopped talking about it since. THAT is even more pathetic. She has been begging for a year and 8 months.


Even worse, SHE'S not looking for her own man - she wants someone else to find him!

Lazy, stupid woman can't even do her own dating.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 67

Jenna Does said...

No Regrets said...
What happened with Ashley? She quit on TV? Will be she HATED now by the rabid fans?
Wouldn't THAT be something? You know she probably did nothing wrong & just wanted to move on to bigger & better things, & maybe had it with Kate's multiple personalities. I'm sure she adored the kids, but Ashley maybe wanted a better job & was sick of being on TV. She may have found a teaching job, who knows? But the Kate fans are so blind, it will ALL Ashley's fault. I hope she is prepared for the onslaught. Poor girl. But again, WHO KNOWS what happened??
~Hippie Chick~


Well, that explains why Kate wants to bring grandparents back into the picture.

Gee Kate. When are you going to get mental help? Everyone leaves you because you are nothing more than a nasty, domineering, pushy cuss. If you were kinder, your life would be completely different.

So how about it, TLC? Film your Katie Irene going for psychiatric help...

Hey, now that the children will have Grandma & Grandpa in their lives, Kate can finally go off to live her life for weeks & weeks without worrying or paying a babysitter. Win win!!
Jon who? Right, Kate?

fidosmommy said... 68

I would like to see the clip of Ashley. Can anyone lead me to it, please? Thank you.

Without seeing it, I ask if it was possible that Ashley mentioned that she was planning to look for a full time job when they returned from this trip and Kate was unhappy about it. And we all know what happens when Kate is unhappy about something. She becomes totally unreasonable. Then Steve gets involved while Kate dumps her woes on him. Then the gloves come off with Steve there to protect Her Selfness. And a relationship is broken.

Remember, Beth left early (ostensibly to attend her daughter's birthday party the next day, but
it looked like the departure was very sudden) and Jodi had to drop everything and fly out to Utah to help Jon and Kate cope with the kids. Beth never said a word about why, and I doubt Ashley will either.

NOBODY walks out on Kate! Kate is the one who
throws YOU out! Got that, everyone?

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 69

E-town Neighbor said...

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
GM all! How'd you enjoy your K+8 fix last pm?:) wasn't it fun?! I got home really late from NYC&got little sleep&I'm catching up w work now!


So that's what the kids have become? A FIX for the sheeple? A FIX? Gosh-almighty! Using her children for the sheeple's entertainment so that they don't suffer from Kate Plus Eight withdrawal, while simultaneously laughing all the way to the bank?

Doesn't it just make you want to tear your hair out?


E-town, it boggles my mind that a crooked, crazy clod like Kate can & does get away with bloody murder.

But, I believe that the universe has a way of righting itself. What goes around, comes around, and whatever you send out returns three times back to you. So for all her creepiness, meanness, and insensitivity towards everyone around her, Karma will pay Katie a harsh visit- perhaps 8x over.

Oh, I'd hate to be in her shoes when it happens.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 70

Damn, I'm a bit out of the loop yesterday and today and just trying to catch up before the ratings come out. I saw a few clips so far and it seems to me that all the shows were given the same script - ask about rumors of cancellation, about Jon, and about Khate dating. Plus, she does seem to be pushing a new dating show idea. Yuck. I'm not sure if it's Khate trying to get that out there as a way of trying to convince TLC that a show like that would work, or if TLC already has something planned and they're getting the idea out there to see how it's received.

I have to catch up on all the comments now, but I just want to comment about ratings before they come out later today or this evening. Obviously, ratings can go one of three ways - Increase, Same, or Decrease:

1) Ratings Increase: Given the fact that TLC set up this huge "press tour" and had Khate on so many show yesterday, plus all the tweeting and begging she did for viewers (pathetic), I expect to see HIGH ratings. If they are anywhere less than 1.5 million, I am declaring that a big loss for TLC and Khate. With this media blitz, there really is NO excuse not to see a spike in the ratings (for at least just this week). Clearly, that would be the goal in doing much higher than usual promotion.

2) Stagnant Ratings: If the ratings stay around the stagnated 1 million mark, well then TLC just wasted a lot of time and effort on this big media push. The sheeple will have NO excuses this time, like in the past when they blamed her mediocre ratings on the fact that TLC wasn't promoting the show enough. They also blamed her lousy ratings on the competing shows, and especially on the 10 pm time slot. Sheeple begged for a 9 pm slot, thinking that would improve ratings, and now they have it. Basically, last night was time to put up or shut up, as in deliver better ratings. TLC gave her a big media push, so the pressure is on to finally increase the ratings. If ratings remain around 1 million, that is a MAJOR loss because it is signifying that the show remains stuck at 1 million no matter what they do.

3) Ratings Decrease: If they ratings are lower than normal, well, then, it demonstrates that this show really is beyond saving. Part of me thinks that this full on press tour might have been TLC's way of showing Khate that they have tried everything (Twitter, big media push, cross-overs with other shows) and nothing is working, so it's time to admit the show is over. It's golden days are long, long past, and they've just been trying gimmicks to prolong its death.

So, in sum, unless there is a huge spike in ratings up to at least 1.5 million, the media blitz was a loser, this show is a loser, Khate loses, and so does TLC.

Mimi to 3 said... 71

She is so transparent and I don't know why anything she ever does surprises me anymore. Grandparents? How long have we been talking about her shutting the grandparents out of the kids lives and now, her ratings and popularity is in the toilet and TA DA -- here come the grandparents. It is absolutely sickening to think how she says over and over again how she ignores the non fans, you know, pays no attention to anyone who doesn't like her and yet she comes up every single time with an episode to address those exact issues. I just cannot believe this woman is still on TV. Have you read the comments on every site that she been interviewed on? OMG, they are almost exclusively negative. ~ Administrator said... 72

We can't know a reality show is wrong unless we do it? Um that's like saying you can't know that murder or rape or theft is wrong unless you do it. I know this show is wrong for these kids and I don't need to take part in a reality show to know that.

Just me said... 73

Kate is looking for a free babysitter. I'm convinced that's the reason for this. Someplace she can just dump the kids and not have to shell out any $$$.

More fragmented than ever said... 74

Robin said...

The promo clip with Ashley shows Kate pitching a big fit (something about a chair, but I think that was towards one of the children), then another rant about she had "asked for help and is not getting it!!!", then Ashley sitting in a chair, then Ashley crying saying that she loves the children but cannot spend another moment with "her." There is also some screeching by Kate about how she could catch a flight home right then if she wanted, but it doesn't seem to have anything to do with Ashley. The announcer says that "Kate's life changes forever" or something like that.

Kate is upset that she asks for help but isn't getting it with the following shot of Ashley and Jamie sitting in folding chairs.

Jamie was the one who said she could get on a plane right now and leave to Kate's face.

The kids are visibly upset as Ashley says goodbye to them.

The TLC promo said, "Tempers Flare, Relationships tested, Kate's world will never be the same" and it looks like the RV trip will be the main focus of this season.

Kit said... 75

I think a lot of what K8 does lately is from 'mirroring' others....

She wants to date and have a boyfriend because Jon has dated and is in a long term relationship;
She's 'considering letting' her parents back into the childrens' lives because it is now obvious that they see Jon's relatives;
She wants to be a producer now because she reads here and sees that she should have had that credit on her own show by this time;
She doesn't mention the children's whereabouts very much any more because she learned here that that was a stupid, stupid thing to do;
She mentions that she really is lucky that her children are very well behaved because she learned here that she should be grateful for them;
She is now grateful and fond of her tweeple/fans because she learned here that she was treating them like crap and that was no way to keep her mug in front of a camera.

I don't mind in the least that K8 is learning better behaviors by whatever means the info sinks in - you're welcome, K8, but now give your kids the life they deserve and get them off television!!!!!

Kate's Fate said... 76

@Chablis4u @Kateplusmy8 hey i reading the dirt about sharla, is she really your skank leader?


A whacko tweeter is going on and on about dirt on "Sharla." Who is Sharla and what is this tirade about her? Anyone know?

Gimme Gimme said... 77

Maybe Ashley got tired of not even getting a bathroom break while Khate sat and watched her struggle with the kids. Remember when she was out in the driveway in her plastic chair and he skated off with Cara and she was screaming at him to come back and watch "his" kids and she was right there. She couldn't stand to see him not working. Anything she could find to keep him busy and watching the kids while she did absolutely nothing. She will put them off on anybody, even the movie lady, the crew, anybody. She is despicable. I thought I disliked her before but no there is more dislike to be had.

so sick of her said... 78

I think the only way any Grandparents, relatives, ex-friends, and ex-husband and possibly new wife(remember Jon & Ellen have limited contact with kids: two weekends a month only, nothing during the week), will ever be back in the picture(in some regular fashion), if K8 gets canceled and Kate is no longer relevant. Cause, then Kate will pull the BOOHOO card or pro-claim herself a born-again whatever(I had a relation from God thing), run to the Church people, claiming poor, got no money while still staying in mcmanion, doing tanning, hair trips etc, to get money from. Pull kids out of private school, and cry: my poor childrens education is gone down the drain(no college for them), along with their college fund(I have to get paid for their support and care). She will then blame: TLC, her sheeple fans and devoties , for not supporting her enough, media(they did not call her enough or make a media thing about her), haters(cause we are just sooo jellous)and anybody who disagreed with her over the last 7 years(minus the above people, cause she will need something from them, like money and free sitting service). She might even pull a breakdown thing, for publicity and pity, to stay relevant, after all many singers, and actors have pulled that crap, already.
I do agree if Grandparents are toxic, then they should stay away. But, I also think the whole toxic thing might be in Kate's head, cause maybe the Grandparents(who watch the Twins) warned her about reality TV and she told them : if you don't support me in this, don't come around. And that is what happened. IT'S KATE! who is toxic. And she is slowly posioning herself.

Mimi to 3 said... 79

Not sure where the ratings by Futon Critic are coming from -- as of right now they are not up for last night. The 1.2m sounds exactly like her last ratings, so IDK whether this is correct, but if so, why aren't they showing on Futon Critic along with the other cable ratings for last night?

Mimi to 3 said... 80

IDK any of the history about Sharla, but she is one of the original people at GWOP.

Silence is golden said... 81

Kate's ratings are up from the last episode. Next week they will be higher.

Kate's not going anywhere.

Just Dwindle Away said... 82

"What An Idiot said...
Even worse, SHE'S not looking for her own man - she wants someone else to find him!

Lazy, stupid woman can't even do her own dating."


Well, thanks a lot. A perfectly lovely Iced Mocha, spewed right out through my nose. LOL! Wonderful comment!



"A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... So how about it, TLC? Film your Katie Irene going for psychiatric help..."


Since Kate seems to follow every word on this blog and reacts to and implements everything said here, I suggest that be our new cause and mantra.

So, I'll start; Kate you are so unhappy. NO ONE wants you, even when you pay them. NO ONE can stomach being in the same room with you. You are damaged and you do everything all wrong and you KNOW IT!!

Kate, you are mentally ill and you are harming your children. There is some small part of you that wishes you could care about that. Get treatment (not faux 'counseling') from a proper psychiatrist (not some faux TV-PhD) and maybe you can redeem your Diva-self and stand a chance at that glam job you ache for.

No Regrets said... 83

OH brother if Jaime and Ashley got angry and "Kate's life changes forever" (OH THE DRAMA) is this going to be another severed relationship that Kate cannot or will not mend? True love/friendship does not mean an argument forever ruins that relationship. I saw a clip not along ago of Beth and Kate when they were redoing the basement. They really had a easy going, comfortable, good friendship. You could tell they both really liked each other as well as being friends. It was sort of sad to see that. Beth was probably the last real friend she did have. I often wonder if Kate demanded she not get any money off the book or something equally as stupid. Maybe Beth got too much attention from viewers. Shoosh, off she goes.

I suspect the ratings will spike, since the time slot was changed. Not everyone can record. I am sure the fight with Jaime and Ashley will bring in more too. It is sad to hear the kids upset, saying goodbye to Ashley. Another ripped out of their life? Of course, Kate is also the "victim". Ashley has been watching them since they were two years old. If they were BOTH angry, she really must have been a total bitch. I am sure Kate tried to get them to do it ALL. Sadly, the fights and messy stuff brings the viewers. Great kids show. OH THE DRAMA OF IT ALL

Warmth Of The Sun said... 84

Free Shoka said,

What the hell? lol I kinda feel sorry for this woman, but afraid of her at the same time. I think Kate blocked her. I don't blame her if she did.


Count as two people? Maybe she thinks the television has built-in digital eyes that count individual people in a household. At first I thought that she was planted by non-fans to make the sheeple look bad and the whole thing was a joke, especially when she tweeted that she was stuck in a car in a mall parking lot and asked Kate if she could be electrocuted. There was also a tweet when her roommate was in the bathroom, and the tweeter had to "pee" and asked Kate, as a nurse, what she should do.
I think this is the same one who was fined because her GPS took her through an E-Z Pass lane.

One wonders if anyone could really be this stupid, or if someone is just out to yank some chains. Then again, if she's serious, she really is to be pitied. I tend to think that she's really just a poor soul. However, it's often fans like this who are the most scary and turn out to be stalkers of the worst kind.

Warmth Of The Sun said... 85

What r u doing K8?
20 hours ago

@Kateplusmy8 watching k+8!
20 hours ago

@Kateplusmy8 where r u k8?
20 hours ago

@Kateplusmy8 watching k+8!!!
20 hours ago

@Kateplusmy8 5 more minutes!!
20 hours ago

@Kateplusmy8 what r u doing? Where r u?

Shoka: I just took a look at recent tweets by that person. I think it's getting more bizarre, more demanding. She said she likes to be the man in a relationship, and she asked where she should have dinner (she lives not far from where Kate grew up). This one is just too close for comfort. I hope that people such as this are on a watch list. One just never knows...

gotyournumberKate said... 86

Free Shoka said..."What the hell? lol I kinda feel sorry for this woman, but afraid of her at the same time. I think Kate blocked her. I don't blame her if she did."

I really think this person must be an account set up by a non-fan. Honestly, who can be that goofy?

Someone said from the clip that Kate was upset because she was asking for help and not getting it. She is ALWAYS asking for help. The way I see it Kate made the conscious decision to risk having multiples and to throw their father out. What gives her any right to think she should have help? She's one of the laziest people I have ever seen.

When she got back from her trip in the RV and was crying over and over on Twitter about how she had no help I thought maybe she and Ashley had a falling out. I think I actually even posted it on here. I really think they did. It happens to all the sitters Ashley, you just took more shit than the rest and lasted a little longer. She can't keep help. She's a witch.

It is so crystal clear to me now that Kate reads this blog on a daily basis. There are just way too many coincidences.

I talked to my daughter tonight on the way home and asked her if she watched K+8 last night. She said no but she saw her on the Today Show and "she is so fake, everything about her is fake". My daughter isn't involved at all in what Kate does and she recognized this. I think every sane person does.

If the RV episode is how everyone is describing the preview says it is it may draw more viewers temporarily but it also is going to turn more people against her just like the Alaska camping trip did. She's so stupid to think that her drama will increase ratings but in the long run she is alienating more and more people. It won't be long Kate before no one wants to be associated with you. It's already very, very close.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 87

Ratings aren't in yet. From TV by The Numbers:

We only receive the top 100 cable shows for adults 25-54 for the whole day from our (non-TravisYanan) source, and several typical TravisYanan featured shows were not on the list. Will add extras that Travis reports later below. I generally filter out repeats, and kids shows, and non-primetime shows.

Selected Monday cable ratings: (all Live+Same Day ratings):Table coming in a few minutes, check back soon.

america said... 88

@JoyVBehar We do tend to spend the time laughing.. Well with digs from joy thrown in there too! :) about 6 hours ago-the twit

Ahhhhh poor little mommy dearest. We can throw people under the bus but we can't take it? Think how your kids feel about all those digs about Jon.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 89

More from that idiot at TV by The Numbers, in the comments:

Irish 33
Posted August 9, 2011 at 3:03 PM

gosselin not in the top 100 what a shocker…way to spend your money TLC ha ha ha ha

Robert Seidman
Posted August 9, 2011 at 3:15 PM

Gosselin WAS in the top 100. I just haven’t gotten a chance to make/post the table yet. Patience Kate haters!

The clock really IS ticking said... 90

1.092 for the first half hour is not what I would have expected after all the hype. Would call that a FAIL. And betting second half hour is a lot less.

boo said... 91

Per TV By the Numbers: Kate Plus 8 = 0.4 adults 18-49 rating and 1.092 millon for the 9pm episode

Permanent Name said... 92

Kate Plus 8 scored a 0.4 adults 18-49 rating and 1.092 millon for the 9pm episode.

From zap2it......

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 93

He just added this to hi post at Tv by The Numbers:

Kate Plus 8 scored a 0.4 adults 18-49 rating and 1.092 millon for the 9pm episode.

In the comments, someone said:

Kate Sucks
Posted August 9, 2011 at 3:22 PM

Robert, thanks for the 9pm Kate+8, did you get the 9:30pm show as well (it was a new episode.)

She's such a c word said... 94

1.092 million 9pm episode per

Kat said... 95

All of that hype and promo and the best she could do was 1 million viewers.

Mimi to 3 said... 96

Ratings are in at TV by the numbers. Don't know who the poster was who claimed the FutonCritic said the numbers were 1.2, they were 1.09 and a 0.4 for the target audience -- not very good numbers, especially with the target audience. So, even with her 'media blitz' she still has sorry numbers, all her twitter buddies can't raise those numbers.

Anonymous said... 97


1.092 mil (yay)
.o4 adults
18-49 ratings

thats almost 200K less than last time!

Anonymous said... 98

"I will say fertility is not a perfected science. I`m a perfect example of the doctor had it under control and we ended up with sextuplets. We were shocked to death so I tell everyone to be extra super, super cautious."


Typical Kate...she's the PERFECT example of what happens when you use fetility treatments...she's the PERFECT example of how to look....she's the PERFECT example of how to make quick money....ugh!

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 99

Let's take a look at just this year's ratings:

2011 Ratings:
April 4, 2011 : 1.306 million viewers (0.5/ A18-49)
April 11th: 1.214 million (0.5 A18-49)
April 18: 0.874 million (0.4 A18-49)
May 2: 0.681 million (0.3 A18-49)
June 6: 1.214 million (0.5 A18-49)
June 13 : 1.434 million (0.6 A18-49), Episode One
1.297 million (0.5 A18-49), Episode Two
June 20: 0.938 million (0.3 A18-49)
June 27: 1.000 million (0.4 A18-49)
August 8: 1.092 million (0.4 A18-49)


They moved the show to 9 pm as Khate and the sheeple wanted. They did tons of press for it, with Khate on so many tv shows yesterday. She tweeted, begging for viewers and whipping her tweeple into a frenzy where they were tweeting about it all day trying to get viewers. And look at that - NO change in ratings. The demo is the same (400,000).

Also, the first three episodes in June had BETTER ratings than last night!

I bet the 9:30 show was under a million. It's not at TV by The Numbers yet. Was the first episode the cupcake one? That night be higher just because it was a crossover and would pull in fans of that cupcake show.

Hippie Chick said... 100

Great post Kit!

Bookworm said... 101

TV by the Numbers

"0.4 adults 18-49 rating and 1.092 million for the 9pm episode."

Not famous (not even infamous) said... 102

Re Kate's parents and possible toxicity: A long time ago, I read somewhere on the internet that the father (Kenton Kreider) is 9 years older than the mother (Charlene Kolak Kreider). The article also said that Kate was the 3rd of the couple's 5 children, and that the mother was only 17 when Kate was born. If true, this would mean that the mother must have been a child bride and the father a [you can fill in the blank]. Further, Kate was reportedly the 3rd baby girl in a row; the parents' first and only son was their 4th baby, Kate's younger brother Kevin. Assuming this information is correct, I've wondered whether it could help explain some of Kate's attitides and behavior.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 103

According to

Kate Plus 8 scored a 0.4 adults 18-49 rating and 1.092 million for the 9pm episode.

Publicity desperation said... 104

Hippie Chick said...

Another ploy for ratings perhaps?


Perhaps? What other reason would TLC/Kate have to exploit Ashley's frustration with Kate than publicity and ratings? And, what other reason would there be for Kate's blurbs about wanting to not "create any more family fragmentation" and bring relatives back in their lives than to exploit the people involved for publicity and ratings?

If Kate really wanted to bring the family back together she would do it quietly and without publicity and without exploiting the situation and people involved.

Everything that Kate does exploits her family (that's all there is to the show) and now she's doing it to Ashley. I hope Ashley has been fairly compensated for her participation on the show (we know the kids haven't been!) and that her family is compensated if/when they appear on camera too.

Kate's desperate for ratings and bringing the family back is one of her last available ploys. I don't think she'll hesitate to exploit anyone involved to the hilt to get what she wants.

Teresa said... 105

@ so sick of her....said:
cause maybe the Grandparents(who watch the Twins) warned her about reality TV and she told them : if you don't support me in this, don't come around.

Wasn't that the same thing she told Jon when they were still together over a pair of shoes one of the girls wanted to wear? she said "Stand with me or against me..." when Jon said "who cares what shoes they want to wear?

Kit said... 106

K+8 = 1.092 viewers for the 9:00 show

Oh the Humanity! said... 107

According to TV by the numbers:

Kate Plus 8 scored a 0.4 adults 18-49 rating and 1.092 million for the 9pm episode.

Teresa said... 108

@Mimi of 3......yep she is/was. I know we're not suppose to comment on other blogs, so l don't think this may go through, up to you Admin, but l don't like Sharla, l won't say why. But l am not surprised there are not many ppl commenting on that blog site.

B said... 109

Kate Plus 8 scored a 0.4 adults 18-49 rating and 1.092 million for the 9pm episode.

Teresa said... 110

Maybe Ashley can't speak of Khate's attitude and the going on's within that house, But, she can talk to her MOM! If Ashley was my daughter being used and abused by that Bitch, you can bet the farm l'M going to say something! To any media outlet that l can. Including a lawyer.

bee said... 111

Kate Plus 8 scored a 0.4 adults 18-49 rating and 1.092 million for the 9pm episode.

Ratings for 9:00pm episode said... 112

TV by the Numbers has posted ratings for the 9pm episode, but nothing yet for 9:30 (a commenter pointed out it was also new).

1.092 million 9pm episode 0.4 adults 18-49

June 6, 3.376 million episode one
2.996 million episode two
July 11, 2.229 million .8
August 31, 1.613 million .8
September 6, 1.389 million .6
September 13, 1.415 million ,6
September 20, 1.605 million .7
November 7, 1.331 million
November 28, 1.302 million 1.0 palin's ak
April 4, 1.306 million 0.5
April 11, 1.214 million 0.5
April 18, 0.874 million 0.4
May 3, 0.681 million viewers Philly 0.3
June 6, 1.214 million birthday .5
June 13: 1.434 million Episode One .6
1.297 million Ep. Two .5
June 20: 0.938 million 0.3 Giving Back
June 27: 1.000 million 0.4 Cooking
0.929 million 0.4
Aug 8: 1.092 Million 0.4 9:00 DC cupcakes
? 9:30 Movie Makers

Anne said... 113

1.092 as reported by TV by the numbers. Here's the link:

So I think - she stayed about the same despite the "press tour" and the time slot change.

Anne said... 114

Oops I hit post and refresh and I see someone already posted the numbers. Sorry!

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 115

It's time to go home, Kate. Your ratings speak volumes.

Time to raise your children away from the cameras.

Your face, voice, attitude, sense of entitlement, etc... is a turn off to viewers.

You have worn out your welcome on t.v.

Just go home and be what you said you always wanted to be. A mother.

To Be Perfectly Honest, Um... said... 116

Ratings - Go Pawn Stars! So The Old Man, Rick, Big Hoss and Chum led the pack, far over Kate and her brood. Good for them! Best show out there. I guess moving Kate's Circus to 9 p.m. didn't do a darn bit of good.

The numbers still aren't terribly horrible for cable, but Kate can't sustain those numbers for very long. For a premiere and with the fanfare of her "press tour," this must be disappointing. I wonder what she and TLC will have up their sleeve as the next magic trick to stir interest. ~ Administrator said... 117

Kate and her few fans' arguments in favor of this exploitation have no basis in logic anymore, they haven't for awhile. In fact the argument that you can't knock a reality show unless you try it is no argument at all, but rather a way to dismiss and deflect any criticism by claiming you don't know because you aren't experiencing it. In effect, the flawed you can't judge unless you're in my shoes.

Among the many reasons it is a flawed argument, is it cuts both ways. If you can't know a reality show is bad unless you've tried it, then if follows you also can't know it's GOOD unless you've tried it either. In effect, she has dismissed all opinions good or bad about what she is doing in one full swoop.

Not to mention, how many people out there really get the opportunity to have a reality show about their eight kids. Um, like two families? Three? So how can anyone possibly put themselves in their shoes. She knows we all can't have reality shows even if we wanted them, so she knows we will never be able to fire back, but see here I did have a reality show about my eight kids and it was so bad for them!

I played way too many logic games studying for the LSATs, I could talk circles around Kate's stupid logic. ~ Administrator said... 118

I have had strong suspicions that the troll here who was, quite frankly, emotionally abusive toward me, was Sharla. Especially when I saw that little IP address of her, as she once told me where she lived.

I can't prove it, and Sharla is welcome to deny it and I'll stand corrected. Of course if it's her, she won't see this, as I blocked that IP a few weeks ago and haven't had any problems since. ~ Administrator said... 119

You know I think if Ashley were 5 years older she wouldn't be in this situation. She is such a sweet and loving girl, I am not at all surprised if she's finally had enough. Actually, it was really only a matter of time before someone as nice and normal as her grows a pair and realizes how toxic this situation is.

What I mean is had Ashley been a bit older, more mature and confident, she might have demanded that cameras be shut off so they can deal with a private dispute. If there is a problem with a nanny that is private, and it's just disgusting to film it and air it for all to see.

I find it almost as deplorable as filming a constipated child that a dispute with caretakers would be filmed and exploited. Shame on all of them for not demanding the cameras be shut off while they resolve it.

The caretakers are so close to the kids, especially Ashley, it seems like such a violation of the KIDS' privacy to expose problems with their caretakers. I would rather have a mysterious, unexplained disappearance like what Beth did, rather than to see it all filmed. Beth is a mature woman who probably put her foot down and refused to have any of whatever caused her falling out to be filmed. Ashley isn't there yet, but I think she will be. Only problem is she is on the fast track to be yet another one that bit the dust the kids love but never see again. ~ Administrator said... 120

I love that Kate considers somebody CALLING HER OUT ON HER LIES a "dig."

Um, no, a dig is "you just love every last cent of those kids, huh?" or something like that.

A dig is not, "you say this now but didn't you also say this? I have the quote right here."

That's called journalism, Kate. Not a dig.

Moose Mania said... 121

"Just go home and be what you said you always wanted to be. A mother."


I'm afraid it might be too late. In Kate's case, you can't teach old dogs new tricks. She's missed so much of their formative years. Can that bond ever be established? ~ Administrator said... 122

IwannadateKate wants to be email buddies with me, he emailed me the other day. Maybe he's moved on from Kate to more mentally stable women?

Sorry, Iwanna, taken. ~ Administrator said... 123

I'm sure Kate's falling out with Beth likely had something to do with the book. Beth probably wanted her fair cut and wasn't getting it or something. She made certain demands and bing, bang, boom, Kate cut her off. What a shame, I thought Beth was so good with Mady.

Warmth Of The Sun said... 124

Admin said: IwannadateKate wants to be email buddies with me, he emailed me the other day. Maybe he's moved on from Kate to more mentally stable women?

What do you mean MORE mentally stable women? Don't you mean mentally stable women? Kate has no mental stability!

BTW...he's cute! ~ Administrator said... 125

You know one more thing about Ashley, and I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt since it's probably just her young age, but a nanny who really loves and respects the children she is working for does not go airing their dirty laundry on camera. Since disputes with nannies invariably are tied indirectly or usually directly to the kids, it is so disrespectful to allow a camera to film it. Out of respect for the kids, out of their right to privacy when it comes to their relationship with their nanny, Ashley was absolutely within her rights to insist the cameras not film. ~ Administrator said... 126

LOL is he cute, does he have a pic?

He could be as cute as my doggy but I'm not attracted to men who are attracted to Kate.

Kat said... 127

Press tour, 9:00 spot, begging for viewers...and still crappy ratings. imagine if she didn't do any of that? OMG....It would have been a blood bath. ~ Administrator said... 128

I'm still very curious how the second set of ratings did, whether they dropped significantly.

Maybe the press tour could have helped if Kate did one simple thing, and that was, promoted her own show. All she had to say was Kate Plus 8, brand new one, watch Monday at 9!

She couldn't even do THAT.

Warmth Of The Sun said... 129

Administrator said...

LOL is he cute, does he have a pic?


He changed his name. I think he's no longer enamored with Kate. His pic is up on his avatar. He's IwanainspireU (or something like that). Anyone know for sure?
He is no dog!

Lauruie said... 130

If Kate can't pull in the 18-49 demographic that the advertisers want they will jump ship and put their advertising dollars into other shows. Just as we've suspected, most of Kate's audience are teens and advertisers don't make money off teens.

Dallas Lady said... 131

This year, April to now, she's had 10 episodes air. The average rating for 2011 episodes is 1.105 million.

That is pathetic, especially considering how much TLC has shelled out for those trips.

She's done. I love these random people pop up here to say her show will still go on. First, NO SHOW goes on indefinitely. Second, shows with consistently low ratings like hers get canned. Third, reality shows have an even shorter shelf life than non-reality shows.

She's ridden this gravy train to the end of the tracks. 1.092 is as high as she'll get for this bunch of episodes.

Mimi to 3 said... 132

Can't remember who said this, but it just really says everything that needs to be said about bringing anyone back into the family.Only someone like Kate would use her own parents in this stupid game she has going on trying to as usual, have her own way.

If Kate really wanted to bring the family back together she would do it quietly and without publicity and without exploiting the situation and people involved.

Dallas Lady said... 133

I think he's sort of weird looking. ~ Administrator said... 134

Not to mention the whole exploiting the situation with the grandparents issue, it has to be said, why did Kate estrange them in the first place? One would assume when you cut off a relationship as special as a grandparent-grandchild, there should be a darn good reason, right, Kate? And that you wouldn't just say out of the blue one day ohhh I want the kids to see the grandparents now sure why not.

And what is she saying now, that those reasons no longer exist? Huh?

I mean how does she address why she might be okay with the kids now seeing the grandparents now 7 years in when she never was before? Are they toxic or not? Or was this whole estrangement really over some silly dispute among the adults that has nothing to do with the kids. I.e. SELFISH.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 135

Mimi to 3 said...

If Kate really wanted to bring the family back together she would do it quietly and without publicity and without exploiting the situation and people involved.


I agree, Mimi.

gotyournumberKate said... 136

I was watching the special about Prince Harry on TLC(I just think he is so darn cute) and saw the infamous preview. The kids were crying and looked very frightened. I hate Kate!

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 137

Administrator said... Not to mention the whole exploiting the situation with the grandparents issue, it has to be said, why did Kate estrange them in the first place? One would assume when you cut off a relationship as special as a grandparent-grandchild, there should be a darn good reason, right, Kate? And that you wouldn't just say out of the blue one day ohhh I want the kids to see the grandparents now sure why not.

And what is she saying now, that those reasons no longer exist? Huh?

I mean how does she address why she might be okay with the kids now seeing the grandparents now 7 years in when she never was before? Are they toxic or not? Or was this whole estrangement really over some silly dispute among the adults that has nothing to do with the kids. I.e. SELFISH.


Administrator, the whole thing smells of

Money By The Pound said... 138

Dallas said,
That is pathetic, especially considering how much TLC has shelled out for those trips.


Not really pathetic for a cable show. I think as long as she stays around the one million mark, I'd be surprised if she goes anywhere. Let's see what next week brings. I'd be surprised if the ratings drop for the Wild Wild West episode. If anything is going to up the ratings, that one will. If that one falls way beyond TLC's expectations, then maybe they'll have an executive meeting.

Julianna said... 139

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@JenniferOwens7 yes. Hi. Welcome and join our fun! What'd u think of k+8 last pm?


Nothing like fishing for compliments! She needs constant adoration and reassurance, doesn't she? Much insecurity there.

Teresa said... 140

Administrator said... LOL is he cute, does he have a pic?

He could be as cute as my doggy but I'm not attracted to men who are attracted to Kate.

LMAO at that one Admin...I'm clapping like a seal! Well done! high 5 to you. LOL Brilliant comeback, brilliant!!!!!!!!!!

TLC ship is sinking said... 141

After reading comments about the new promo for Kate Plus 8, is this what Kate is "essentially producing" for her show - possible demise of a close family relationship with Ashley for ratings?

Ashley is one of the last few remaining constants in that family's life, and it's sad to hear that someone the kids genuinely love (and vice versa) might be out of their lives.

The sheeple are quick to point blame on those who go against Kate. However, it must mean something if the people who once loved and supported this family distance themselves from Kate (and essentially the kids as well), because of Kate's behavior or actions.

Maybe for once, after all this drama is played out on the show, more of Kate's fans will realize it's not the grandparents, Beth, Kevin&Jodi, Jenny (the not-a-nanny), Jon, etc. who were mostly at fault but rather Kate.

If Ashley is gone, then so is Carla.

Is it only me but why do I get the feeling that that promo was made primarily to attract 'hater' interest?

hey jude said... 142

LOL! I can't believe that family of hefty, male pawn shop owners beat the lovely store-bought Kate's loveliness!!!!

Kate, you should go there and pawn yourself in!Maybe those american pickers will buy you ,for a good price;they're looking for antiques or old stuff they can sell!These shows are repeats!

Kate,looks fade, but ugly inside is forever....Did you notice that all the men every place you go, are running back to their girl-friends, mothers or ex-wives!You had a good man in Jon and you drove him to drink.

Besides all that Kate, you are batsh@#$t crazy and you prove it everytime your lips move ,cause if they're moving ,you're lying.

You think you're the producer of your show? Why are the ratings in the toilet then, oh miss perfect? Two new shows and crappy ratings.

Kate- 'you're fired!' ~ Administrator said... 143

I think Kate could estrange every last person who ever blinks at the kids and her tweeple will still think it's not Kate's fault.

I think the only way they will learn? When Kate slashes and burns the tweeple themselves. And with twitter, she HAS to many of them.

It really is simple common sense though--when everyone else is the problem, chances are, you're actually the problem.

Bookworm said... 144

I think Money By The Pound is correct. She's not out of here for awhile - it will take some totally tanked ratings consistently to make her disappear. People watch because they can't stand her and she and TLC know it.

Suspect that the Ashley thing is basically a publicity stunt for ratings. It's interesting how a camera just happened to be handy for whatever the ordeal is, is it not? Amazes me how people really believe this and are pulled in by it.

hey jude said... 145

Sorry,I got a bit carried away after reading some of the posts! I meant to ask how did Kate find these relatives ? Did they come to the bakery? Funny they just appeared like that.... ~ Administrator said... 146

Not to be a broken record, but Kate doesn't see the huge conflict of interest between being the mother of these children the one who protects them, and "producing" a reality show where the more drama you create at your children's expense, the more money and ratings you pull in.

Basically, it's like waving your children's privacy and happiness on one hand and dollar bills on another. Some parents, clearly Kate, go after the dollar every darn time.

a coincidence is not the same as an accident said... 147

I'm sorry, but WHO THE F--- is watching this garbage?!?!?
1 million people had NOTHING better to do?!?!

gotyournumberKate said... 148

TLC ship said..."Is it only me but why do I get the feeling that that promo was made primarily to attract 'hater' interest?"


Dallas Lady said... 149

Guys, TLC is not a charity. It's been clear for quite some time that Kate is not one of their hot stars anymore, and they don't do much at all to promote her show. I have no idea why people think her show will just go on and on. Shows end. Networks move on.

And a million viewers is ok for a NETWORK show. Cable networks are hotter.

silimom said... 150

"Had they told me here`s the risk, you could have seven. I wouldn`t have gone through with it. But we weren`t hearing seven. We were hearing three to four which is about half takes. But that was a great thing."

Sorry this is long, but it's a direct quote from her book "Multiple Blessings"

At the scheduled ultrasound on a sunny Sunday morning, the doctor was thrilled. He discovered three mature follicles and possibly even a fourth follicle with the potential to still mature. While Jon and I had that night-before-Christmas kind of anticipation, we were still concerned that all four follicles would somehow be fertilized. Up until that point, when we spoke of multiples, we basically had been referring to the possibility of twins. That was what we had experienced, and so that was our reality. Never did we ever really allow our minds to fully wrap around the idea of multiples turning into more than twins. As if reading our thoughts, our doctor was quick to reassure us that statistically it would be very unlikely that all four or even three of the follicles would be fertilized. He also was completely thorough in giving us an escape route if we so chose. We could simply discontinue the injections and repeat the process in two months, aiming for enough but not too many follicles.

Read more:

AND from their website (which is no longer active - I took this from Preesi's site)

We decided that in October we would return for “round two”, but I got impatient (imagine that!) and went back in August right before our family trip to Disney World. August failed! When we returned, we switched doctors and tried again in October…….That cycle was perfect! Everything went great! I was told I had 3 with a possibility of 4 follicles, and that was a great cycle! The only thing that made our doctor nervous was the fact that we were absolutely opposed to reduction and that we were concerned about multiples again. We prayed about this and just like our peace about returning in October for this, we felt peace about proceeding. So we did! Five weeks later, (after my hospitalization for over stimulated ovaries) we were at our initial ultrasound and learned the news. I will never forget this day as long as I live. There were seven sacs with four yolk sacs, or babies in four of them. At the count of four, I was scared. At five I started crying and at six I was shaking absolutely sobbing.

Please note that yes, the doctor did say statistically it was unlikely they all would fertilize however because they weren't comfortable with selective reduction he gave them a very clear alternative. However they weighed the options and made the decision to proceed, even if it meant all four follicles fertilized.

It really bugs me that Kate is complaining about this. Kate, you made a choice. You did know the risks, probably better than most because of your nursing background. You wanted another baby and you didn't care about the long term ramifications. As usual, it was all about "Kate gets what Kate wants and be damned the consequences!".

so sick of her said... 151

Hey, last night I watched Wetv Hoarders, then Doctor Who(last of the 10th Doctor episodes). Saw a commercial for K8, today: look like a repeat of Alaska episode. More Kate meltdown and it was catchy. Saw the commercial that was enough for me. I would rather watch, someone digging out of their house, than listen to Kate have a hissy-fit/meltdown or the poor kids having one, cause they would rather be somewhere else. ~ Administrator said... 152

Yes it's silly for Kate to say she didn't know (even if FOUR take that's a problem, let alone six). Although she is sticking to the story that there were three or four follicles. Six or seven embroys later down the line is different than follicles. It does seem to me she knew four was risky and was even given the option to opt out. Now she's altered the story slightly to say oh it's four we thought four was fine.

Is it possible for a doctor to miss three entire follicles? Do they hide behind each other or something?

Internet Safety Advisor said... 153

Don't get your panties in a wad, ladies.

This twitter person who's picture you liked (or didn't) could be female. Obviously, one can post any picture they find on the internet.

Don't believe everything you see (or hear).

E-town Neighbor said... 154

I get a kick reading some of these tweets from wannabe "friends" and neighbors. A Lancaster School District teacher (public elementary school) surfaced tonight who says she had a talk at a mall with Kate about education.

The other doofus, the neighbor who says they go to the same Starbucks, says that she mentors teenage girls and she has been pestering Kate to meet with her and she wants to send her something (I didn't click on it to find out what the gift was). She thinks that Kate is a great role model. If she's this nuts over Kate and admires her parenting, I wouldn't even let this person mentor my dog.
I wonder how chummy these people will be when Kate drops off the celebrity radar. She's been relentless in her pursuit of Kate - really squirrely. She now has the "teacher" roped in:

@cuteteachpa Good Night! Following you - will keep in touch. Maybe @Kateplusmy8 can meet us for lunch, the haters will SEETHE! And we laugh.

Admin said,
"Is it possible for a doctor to miss three entire follicles? Do they hide behind each other or something?"


They were hiding from Kate.

WHEN will the madness end??? said... 155

It's positively laughable that Kate is claiming ignorance about her fertility treatments. First off -- those seeking treatments are counceled about the risks. Secondly, she's a FREAKING NURSE!!!!! There is NO excuse for her supposed ignorance. The "reality": she wanted multiples and the fame/lifestyle they'd provide, and she made sure she got it -- even her own mother has been quoted as saying that Kate was obsessed with higher order multiples and that family who got all the free stuff. Period. Any other story/explanation that comes out of her mouth is BS.

Mimi to 3 said... 156

Here's a thought: If there are roughly 35,000,000 people in the US alone, that means there were 34,000,000 people watching something else or nothing at all. lololol IDK, just feeling silly tonight.

I was reading at an old site I used to follow, and there was a person on there saying she had heard about the Ashley fight and would be watching just to see that, even though she hasn't watched in over a year because she dislikes Kate so much. So there you have it. That's why she still gets some viewers. TLC is still trying their best to keep her relevant. AND it is despicable that a station would need to embarass and humiliate a nanny who has been there since the beginning for the kids. They have no morals at all -- yikes, what am I saying? This is the same people who produce Toddlers and Tiaras.

hey jude said... 157


I've say not only were those follicles were hiding,they were bloody brilliant! They wanted to go to a family that would love and respect them as seperate and unique precious gifts from God.

Time Flies said... 158

AND it is despicable that a station would need to embarass and humiliate a nanny who has been there since the beginning for the kids.


Has Ashley been there from the beginning? That would make her only 11 when she started sitting for the twins and 14 for the tups.

New name but same game said... 159

Administrator said...

IwannadateKate wants to be email buddies with me, he emailed me the other day. Maybe he's moved on from Kate to more mentally stable women?

Sorry, Iwanna, taken.


Good for you, Admin. I assume that it means something because IwanaDatekate has changed his handle. He's aspiring to loftier goals and now wants to INSPIRE, not just Kate, but U. Yep, his new twitter name is IwanaInspireU. LOL

Just Wondering said... 160

1)Does anyone know when Kate is on Dr. Oz or why? Could it be related to the "fragmentation" of the family and the role she played in it? Is she desperate enough to throw herself under the bus if it would increase ratings?
2)Would she get desperate enough to welcome Jon
and Ellen into the family unit, again for ratings?

hey jude said... 161

I was hoping that Joy would ask her if she was a nurse, she knows she was. Kate knew what she was doing, and voila she was in the hospital with 'over-stimulated overies.'That doesn't just happen accidentally! They wanted the perks and infamy that this brings.She is a stupid, selfish woman.Supposedly Jon was fired from his job, for scouting out a show for the tups,before they were born, so he ain't no innocent, if this true.

hey jude said... 162

Just read my earlier post,I obviously don't have spell- check! Sorry, but you get my drift,eh?

TLC ship is sinking said... 163

"Is it possible for a doctor to miss three entire follicles? Do they hide behind each other or something?"

I wonder about this too.

At first, I speculated that there is a slim possibility those follicles could split to create 6-8 babies, similar to natural identical twins where the cell splits to form two embryos.

However, the sextuplets don't look identical so did the additional follicles develop after the first 3-4 were discovered? Did the doctor miss them cause they were well-hidden? Or did the doctor notice them but didn't think they were mature enough to create an embryo?

I don't know much about fertility treatments, so it's helpful when people comment about their experiences.

Also found parts of "Multiple Blessings" on Google books:

Robin said... 164

It's even "better" than that, Mimi - you can almost add a zero to your number. There are over 300 million people in the U.S. - 311 million according to the site I just looked at - so there were 310,000,000 people doing something other than watching K+8 last night. (But of course, the 1 million is actually households, not people, but still!)

Teresa said... 165

Forgive my ignorance, but, l thought there is/are (?) 308 million people in the U.S. Am l wrong?

Teresa said... 166

Oops. Sorry. There's my answer. Didn't see Robin's post

fidosmommy said... 167

311 million is about right.

When I was in school it was a mere 250 million.
Wow, do I ever feel old now.

Ingrid said... 168

Someone mentioned on twitter that Ashley meant Jamie was the 'her'. I don't know that it is true but is another possibility.

I figured riding in an RV with Kate and 8 kids would cause drama or she would create some. She knows that drama entices people to watch. I still don't believe Kate rode with the kids nonstop. Not for 2 weeks. She can hardly stand being home with them that long in the big house.

As for why Steve puts up with her crap? I would too for the money he makes. I have "crap" from people at my job and I put up with it to make my pathetic $12/hr. It would be alot easier if I made a huge income for it.

Ingrid said... 169

I thought the ET channel liked Kate. LOL

Five Reasons Kate Gosselin's TV Career Is Over—or Not

The ratings aren't in yet on last night's Kate Plus 8. But why wait for numbers, when you've got speculation?

Here are some educated guesses as to why Kate Gosselin's primetime run is done—unless, you know, it's not:

1. It's Over! The Nielsens Don't Lie! While the jury's out on Monday's show, the verdict on last spring's Kate Plus 8 run was not a good one for Gosselin. Viewership flagged, with episodes barely managing 1 million viewers, if that. The C-word—for cancellation, Aziz Ansari—was heard.

2. It's Not Over! Kate Says So! On Monday's Today, Gosselin dismissed talk of her show's demise. "Nobody has told me," she said. "We will do it as long as people are watching." (Um, well…)

3. It's Over! It's Unwatchable! Did you think it was cute, daring and/or empowering for Gosselin to tempt a random dude with a cupcake on Monday's episode? Then good for you. Glad you enjoyed it. As for the rest of the cringing world…

4. It's Not Over! There Are Too Many Good Storylines to Come! Gosselin told Today that her kids want her to walk down the aisle again. Can you say, Kate Plus 8 Wedding Special? Or, Kate Plus 8 Plus That Guy She Scored With the Cupcake?

5. It'll Never Be Over! Whether or not, Kate Plus 8 survives, Gosselin may be here here to stay. She told the Huffington Post she's gotten a lot of producing experience on her show, and can see herself bringing others' reality shows to the small screen.

wayward said... 170

Administrator said... I'm sure Kate's falling out with Beth likely had something to do with the book. Beth probably wanted her fair cut and wasn't getting it or something. She made certain demands and bing, bang, boom, Kate cut her off. What a shame, I thought Beth was so good with Mady
I think you're right. Kate said herself "I lived it and Beth made it into a story." So why was Jon given author credit at the last minute? Let's see.... maybe because "nobody makes money off of our kids but us"! If I were Beth, I would have been livid and felt so used. She wrote the book and J&K got 2/3rd of the cut.

hey jude said: ..."Supposedly Jon was fired from his job, for scouting out a show for the tups,before they were born, so he ain't no innocent, if this true.
Jon was fired for developing the sixgosselins website while at work and for also spending alot of time on the phone lining up corporate sponsors. For a very long time on the church circuit, they claimed that Jon was fired because his employer didn't want to insure a family of 10. Sick of that crap, the employer gave an interview complete with documentation of what really happened The sheeple were furious! They demanded Jon and Kate sue! But J&K did stop telling that story and Jon later admitted he was fired for "stealing time."

As far as shopping the tups for a show, Kate claims TLC contacted them but I thought someone at TLC claimed Kate sent videotapes to them. I tend to believe Kate pursued them.

Kartie Tweetest said... 171

Between now and next Monday, there will be a lot of chatter about Ashley and what happened That is exactly what Kate wants. Showing her crying children and drama to stir viewer interest. This is totally DISGUSTING.

I ask everyone, no matter how curious, to vote with their remote and not watch the show.

Let's set the ratings decline into cancellation.

ABC said... 172

Kate in one of the early shows stated she shopped the tapes to various channels and Discovery/TLC bit. A part of it was shown where she thanked the viewer for watching. This woman will be done in by the evidence of her own words and actions.

Jane said... 173

From Preesi's site via Tam:

Kate Plus 8 (TLC 9:00PM) 8 Movie Makers
-1.092million viewers
-0.40 A18-49

Kate Plus 8 (TLC, 9:30 PM) DC Cupcakes
-0.907 million viewers
-0.30 A18-49

She may have gained 92,000 for 1st episode (since June 27th episode), but she lost 185,000 viewers between 9:00 & 9:30pm. AND went under a million.

Kit said... 174

For the 9:30 show, the ratings dropped to 0.970


She's such a c word said... 175

Kate Plus 8 (TLC 9:00PM) 8 Movie Makers
-1.092million viewers
-0.40 A18-49

Kate Plus 8 (TLC, 9:30 PM) DC Cupcakes
-0.907 million viewers
-0.30 A18-49

2nd episode lost 185,000 viewers!
Admin, could you please verify if 8 Money Makers was the 9pm episode?

Kat said... 176

Who the heck are these million people that are still interested in this mess? No wait....I know who they are. My daughter is 12 and watched. I begged are not to but....
The majority of watchers are kids, teenagers and a few sheep. My daughter said there was nothing else to watch on monday night. Another advantage she had. OH brother...what a loser this woman is.

Pam said... 177

About the book...

I remember it originally had Beth and Kate listed as "written by" ( I refuse to call her an author when she can't string a coherant sentence together on her own ). Then, at the 11th hour, it all of a sudden had Jon's name added to it.

Beth did all of the work supposedly while Kate slept in the hotel room.

And Jon did nothing at all.

But Beth had to then split the money three ways instead of two.

I can 110% totally see how that would piss somebody off.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 178

gotyournumberKate said...

TLC ship said..."Is it only me but why do I get the feeling that that promo was made primarily to attract 'hater' interest?"



You have good instincts! It's the new angle that Kate & TLC are taking to get more viewers/ratings.

Unfortunately, people are tired of having Kate shoved down their throats, and refuse to watch another minute of her farcical reality show.

Enough is enough.

Khater said... 179

The more I think about that structure of that preview, the more I think Ashley IS talking about Jamie.
Right before they show Kate and Jamie going at it, with J delcaring she can get on plane and leave. They also so Ashlesy saying there is going to be a knock down fight, or something to that affect. She could have been talking about K and J, or a combo of the three of them. Then Ashley crying etc.

I do find it interesting though, that if it is Kate and Ashely going at it....I have been surprised about how much tv time Ash is getting. There have been a few episodes where it was mentioned that Ashley was the 'star' with one set of kids. Perhaps Khate doesn't like that?

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 180

It's an insult to everyone's intelligence that Kate and TLC are trying to lure viewers back by creating drama between Kate, Jamie & Ashley, or even bringing in the Grandparents (if that ever happens).

Kate & TLC are DESPERATE for more viewers!

People are fed up with all their stupidity.


Anonymous said... 181

Wayward - Kate admitted on one of the first specials that she sent videos of the family to a bunch of networks, hoping for a show. So - Kate, as usual, is telling a half truth. TLC did get in touch with them. AFTER she shopped the kids.

Did anyone ever post the ratings for the second half of the Kate Plus 8 Exploited Kids hour? The little bit I've read on here and on another blog, it sounds like a snoozefest. I wouldn't know. I watched "The Closer" and "Rizzoli and Isles" and recorded "Eureka" and "Warehouse 13".


JudyK said... 182

Iwana is NOT over Kate--she's all he's talking about and her everyday Twitter cronies are the only ones he talking to. I find him immature, shallow, delusional and uninteresting. (This goes on and on and I'm having to format it and got tired but it's endless talk about Kate. He creeps me out.):

Hello everyone & goodnight everyone! Caught up on sleep, took day off & took son fishing. Got fish to clean,food to cook, etc. GN & GodBless

10 hours ago

@BarbGilmer GN Barb. TY for 'partying' with us. We shall do again sometime. Perhaps we can get Ms.G to join us. TC and God Bless ;)

8 Aug

@Livin4LifeLove @BarbGilmer @grisel1018 @Kateplusmy8 @MiloandJack NO! She says "Milo is the cat.Im FiredUpForKate!" So keep callin her Milo!

8 Aug


@SuperPattyPie @LEIGHSHAHAN1 @Kateplusmy8 LOL'ing....literally.

8 Aug

@kateplusmy8 Geeeshh! I dont want to play @MiloandJack 's part here,but she's absent. If Milo were here she'd say "KATE,where are you girl?"

8 Aug


@BarbGilmer @grisel1018 @Livin4LifeLove @Kateplusmy8 I love calling @MiloandJack "MILO". gets her Fired Up!

8 Aug


@BarbGilmer @grisel1018 @Livin4LifeLove @Kateplusmy8 That storm rolled thru here at 4pm. Not a pretty site! Milos about 6 hours south of me.

8 Aug


@grisel1018 @Livin4LifeLove @BarbGilmer @Kateplusmy8 Poor Milo's internet must've taken a crash. Hope they are OK from the storm.

8 Aug

@grisel1018 @Livin4LifeLove @BarbGilmer @Kateplusmy8 LOL...TY. I'm taking 2 days off starting now!

8 Aug


@grisel1018 @Livin4LifeLove @BarbGilmer @Kateplusmy8 GN Grisel. Was nice to have u come chat with us. Rest up & you will feel better. ;)

8 Aug



@SuperPattyPie @LEIGHSHAHAN1 @Kateplusmy8 Well you dont look like you've aged a bit since I first saw your pic on here Pie. How d'ya do it?

8 Aug


@BarbGilmer @SuperPattyPie @LEIGHSHAHAN1 @Kateplusmy8 LOL...TY Barb. Wish You-know-who felt the same way, but it is what it is!

8 Aug

Cindy said... 183

Kate Plus 8 (TLC, 9:30 PM) -0.907 million viewers -0.30 A18-49

No Regrets said... 184

JudyK said...I agree about Iwana. What grown man admits to selling their house so he can relocate where Kate is living? Who does stuff like that? Before he even meets her? I do fluctuate between feeling sorry for him, and feeling total disgust. LOL Kate did question him and he told his personal business, then even went to meet her at the meet and greet. She stopped tweeting him long ago, barely a morsel here and there. I would love to tell him many women do not like pet names like "hey Beautiful" "Have a good day, gorgeous" "hey, good looking" ugh so many he calls her.

"Internet Safety Advisor said...Don't get your panties in a wad, ladies."

A little rude aren't you? No one has anything in a 'wad'. If you haven't noticed, people who blog here are pretty smart. I really don't need a self proclaimed 'advisor" (adviser btw) to tell me the in and outs of the internet.

No Regrets said... 185

I must say, I am a little surprised about the low ratings. I really thought with the time change it would bring in a lot more. LOL Kate, you are done, dear. The 'magic' is gone. If this is what your 'press tour' produced, well tsk, tsk tsk. Not even this 'fight' will bring them in. So this is what you were bragging about? "the most drama in HISTORY" Come on, Kate, stop using people. Poor Ashley does not deserve that to be on TV. I don't care if she was angry at YOU or Jaime, I think it is crass and low class. Desperate. You are truly desperate. Go into producing. Get the kids off TV. Get yourself off TV. OR go ahead and produce Jaime going all over the country rounding up men for you. Some day you will realize that you have NO talent. NO real personality. No "career". Nothing to bring to the entertainment industry at all. You really should have gone out when you were on a high note with the show, then spread your wings into other things. You put your entire future and the kids future into a reality show. In TLC's clutches. Stupid move, my dear. Jon tried to get you to smarten up. But, as usual, you think you know it all.

Too late now. ~ Administrator said... 186

When I'm thinking about it, it's almost worse if the dispute was between Jamie and Ashley and not Kate and Ashley.

So Kate sat back, ate popcorn, and let two friends she supposedly loves and respects be pitted against each other, hash it all out, then film it all exploit it for her TV show and go around happily chirping about how much drama we're going to see so don't forget to tune in. Kate rolls in the money, Ashley and Jamie's pay is probably nominal compared to what she makes.

I can't think of any way to USE your friends more.

JudyK said... 187

"She's such a c word"--Cupcakes was the 9:00 p.m. show and Moneymakers came on next at 9:30. You've got it backwards but I'm glad to see the ratings were low despite her "Press Tour." My gawd, "The Producer" is full of herself.

No Regrets said... 188

"@Kateplusmy8 I just saw the commercial for K+8.. I hope you're still friends with Jamie and crying.. not sure if i can watch that"

From the number one tweenie fan. Crying? Good Lord, this girl truly needs...something. This would really concern me if I were her parent. Sorry, but this is just not natural to me. Or am I overreacting? My girls were crazy over MALE singers and MALE actors. A few females too, but NEVER to this extent, even with the males. Several weeks ago, she even got Kate's face painted on her fingernail. Man o man. ~ Administrator said... 189

Wow Kate actually asked a tweeple who talked to her at the mall awhile back how her "situation" is.

I am in shock Kate would remember something a tweeple told them about herself, and then have the insight to ask about it again at a later date. ~ Administrator said... 190

Also, love how the tweeple is crying over a possible severed relationship between KATE and her friends.

But absolutely nothing about a possible severed relationship between the KIDS and these women, which is exactly where we all immediately went when it was suggested maybe "between nannies" means Ashley is gone. It is not about the kids for one darn second for her tweeple. And really, who is more hurt by a nanny leaving? I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's not Kate.

She's such a c word said... 191

JudyK said...

"She's such a c word"--Cupcakes was the 9:00 p.m. show and Moneymakers came on next at 9:30. You've got it backwards but I'm glad to see the ratings were low despite her "Press Tour." My gawd, "The Producer" is full of herself.
August 10, 2011 7:03 AM

GWOP has it wrong then? My tv guide didn't say which episode was which. And, obviously, I wouldn't have watched to find out. Thanks.

No Regrets said... 192

"I can't think of any way to USE your friends more"

Admin I agree. This is just so tacky to me, the more I think of it. Then for her to brag that it is the most drama in history. Man, what desperation.

I am a little surprised at times when Kate's memory of talking/meeting some fans and the details of the conversations. Strange she does remember those small details. Not sure I call it "insight"? Not sure what I would call Kate in this situation. I am sure it makes them feel good for her to remember those details. And good to see she shows SOME sort of appreciation (?) by remembering things. I just don't trust ANY of her motives. She is such a user. LOL

No Regrets said... 193

"ADMIN But absolutely nothing about a possible severed relationship between the KIDS and these women"

GOOD point. The fans NEVER seem to bring up the kids. It is ALWAYS about Kate. NEVER a concern if the kids are embarrassed/hurt or anything else. Strange. Very strange.

She's such a c word said... 194

According to TLC the next episode is another Q&A.
Aug 15, 9:00 pm
(60 minutes)

Remind Me

Kate Plus 8
Kate's Toughest Questions

Kate Gosselin is in the hot seat again, answering the viewer's toughest questions. Learn everything you ever wanted to know, from "Is Kate daing again?" to "How many plastic surgeries has she had?" in this tell all episode of Kate Plus 8!

No Regrets said... 195

If the argument WAS between Jaime and Ashley, then why would Kate be without a "helper"? Oh well, I guess the 'mystery' will be unveiled next week. It has to be 'BIG' since "Kate's life will change forever". How would it change if the fight was between them instead of her? haha Like the "Big Announcement" (divorce) episode "Watch next week folks!" Sell that crap for future ratings.

My GOD THE DRAMA OF IT ALL. ~ Administrator said... 196

Yup. Absolutely NOTHING about how traumatic possibly losing yet another nanny could be on the kids, especially one who has actually been around for years and years unlike the others she's gone through.

Kate's life will change forever? What about the KIDS' lives? Even TLC plays into it's all about Kate and not about the kids thing. ~ Administrator said... 197

Kate Plus 8
Kate's Toughest Questions


Jenna Does said... 198

When is Kate (& her flock) going to get the fact that it's ALWAYS Kate as the common denominator in the relationships that end? There are so many to list, but every single friendship, marriage, family member & business partner that has been part of Kate's life has come to a rather abrupt end & WHO is always right in the center of the turmoil: KATE.

When her kids go to her in just a short while, saying "Mom, hey, yeah, I am really sick of this whole family filming crap. As a matter of fact, we're all following Cara here & just don't want to do these couch interviews anymore. And we want to spend more time with dad. And Ya know what, we want to do this...& that"...she will stop speaking to them most likely too because she isn't getting what SHE wants out of them anymore. Unless someone is DOING something for HER, then they are A-OK. Look at Steve. She SNAPS at him & he comes crawling, it was in that clip & it was pathetic. Once he says screw this, it will be over, or once TLC fires her ass.

Kate is & will always be the common denominator. And the ruin-er of all relationships.
~Hippie Chick~

She's such a c word said... 199

Also means another week to 'build suspense' for fight episode. Maybe they'll get her another gig on the Today Show, too? (I kid)
Would you please double-verify which episode aired at 9pm for me? I would really appreciate it.

She's such a c word said... 200

Ooops. See new post. Thanks!

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