Monday, August 15, 2011

BREAKING NEWS: TLC rep tells People Kate Plus 8 won't be renewed


286 sediments (sic) from readers:

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ElaineGirl said... 1

Oh, happy day! Now those children can finally have a shot at a normal life, well as normal as can be with Kate as their mother.

Falling like a brick said... 2

OMG! 8-O
Well I guess Kate can't say they haven't said anything to her. Wonder if she's going to find out from People, or if she got a phone call on her 57th Pink iPhone?

america said... 3

I wonder how Kate found out.

Hooray for the 8 kids.

Anonymous said... 4

Do you believe me now?? I told you guys this a month ago (family member is camera man, filmed kate during occ special)..but I also said that this is NOT the last of Kate and TLC.

but? but? but???? said... 5

NO NEVA means NO!

No anonymous said... 6

Nobody believes Anonymous. Sorry.

Audible Click said... 7

This is wonderful news, now the kids can have some privacy!

MickeyMcKean said... 8

It is nice to know that the last episode of Kate Plus 8 will air Sept. 12

Now we finally know when the gravy train ends and the kids can finally live the rest of their childhood in private.

God Bless the 8!!!

BoyMom said... 9

Great news! Please do NOT tune into the last few episodes.

Westcoaster said... 10

Hot damn - and good for the kids, finally. And even if it is not the end of K8 and TLC, I could give a rat's ass if it only involves her, and you know, if they want to do a few shows a year, fine, but this endless film crap-fest is going to end, hallelujah.

Perhaps the twitting is also going to end, at least for today.

Anonymous said... 11

Woo Hoo!!! Oh, Happy Day!!! Now, what will Kate's breakdown entail and hopefully she will not blame the kids.

KathyB said... 12

This is GREAT news! Wonderful for the kids to have their lives back, but they still have Kate. I think she has known this for awhile.The ratings on shows already in the can may relate to howoften they do follow-ups on the family. Twitter must be going NUTS! ~ Administrator said... 13

The kids were crying at the breakfast table, please!!!!! And even if true! UNHEALTHY!!! get an fing grip Kate.

Laura said... 14

Rejoice! Rejoice! I am so happy to hear this great news. I hope that the kids can just now fade in to the background and have some semblance of a normal childhood.

Maybe now that she can't exploit them, she will give custody over to their dad. Dare I dream that big?

MAGGIE said... 15

PEOPLE MAGAZINE: August 15, 2011

Kate Gosselin's days as a reality star are done for now.

TLC – the network that gave viewers a firsthand glimpse of Kate's tumultuous and highly publicized split from ex-husband Jon Gosselin while they continued to raise their eight children – will no longer follow the 36-year-old and her brood with cameras.

"TLC has decided not to renew another season of Kate Plus 8," a network rep told PEOPLE in a statement. "By the end of this season Kate Plus 8 will have hit the 150 episode mark (including Jon & Kate Plus 8); an exceptional milestone. TLC hopes to check in with Kate and the family periodically with specials in the future."
– Dahvi Shira

Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic said... 16

YAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!! I don't know if you noticed, Administrator, but I haven't posted here in a while....I ALWAYS lurk, though (you are always brilliant and funny), but I got tired of posting. BUT...TODAY...WOOOO-HOOOO! That witch will now be stopped from exploiting her 8 kids! I hope it is not too late for the Go$$elin 8.

Grammy of nine said... 17

I'm almost afraid to believe this news! Could this be a ploy to attract more viewers for "this season?" Kate needs a real jolt of reality and hopefully this is it. Now, if only all offers in the entertainment business "dry up" she'll get a slap in the face of the reality she deserves. Enough on the backs of her 8 kids! Still sickening, really. She's had more chances than she'll ever realize to be a respected mother of 8. She has blown her reputation forever!

Michelle said... 18

"As is very typical for me, I am choosing to see the positive in this situation". Really, Kate? Seeing the positive is typical for you. How was that possibly edited out of 6 years and 150 episodes of the "realist reality show ever".

Buh-bye Kate. I hope your kids survive you with their psyches intact. I'm sure they won't have a dime of THEIR money left when they turn 18, but hopefully they will have their spirits, souls and minds intact.

Kat said... 19

OH BROTHER.....Get that big box of wine out.

Tamara said... 20

It is not over for those kids. Kate will make a money/fame grab and who knows what even more disturbed, uncaring, money obsessed tv reality show will pick her up. She will do ANYTHING to keep it all, and there are tv execs and producers out there who see that and will take advantage.

The next week, the week after the last episode airs and the kid's first month in school will be doozies I'm sure.

I wonder what Kate's most immediate public move will be? Bringing out the kids to do what?

Maggie said... 21

About 20 minutes ago, on Kate's Twitter a poster asked her if she had terrible news to share. Then Kate responded with a yes.It took that woman to ask if she had terrible news to share for Kate to come clean. How come Kate didn't mention it earlier this morning. She said the kids were crying at breakfast so apparently she knew but twittered all morning and afternoon like nothing happened.

I think it is possible that Kate only found out in the past 30 minutes or so. She may have even had to contact TLC when all the tweets were flying about her cancellation.

Don't you think it is suspicious that she CLAIMS she knew this morning and the kids were crying at breakfast. But she didn't say anything on twitter until a few minutes ago. In fact, it was about the time the People magazine came out. I think Kate is embarrassed to admit that she didn't know for certain and only knew for sure when the People article came out. Admin. isn't this what happened to your employer who worked on tv?

How do you read a tweet that is continued? Kate has several new ones that have continued on them? Anyone know? Please post.

PatK said... 22

Hallelujah!! I can't believe it's finally happened!

Will TLC give her a fashion type of show (let's laugh) or a travel show? Sure, it won't involve the kids, but won't they still be suffering with their mother being absent from their lives while she's filming?

Hopefully, TLC is done, done, done with her, though.

Oh, Happy Day! Let the meltdown commence!

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 23

Sorry, I'm about an hour or two behind here, lol, Just posted these comments in the previous post:

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

OH my! I was away for a few hours and I'm just checking in, haven't even read it all yet, stopped when I got to the posts about the news! But, I have to comment first!

I SWEAR I am not lying here everyone but get this - a few hours ago, I was thinking about this whole mess and wondering what I'd see when I got back here today, and also what what was going on at TLC today. I KNEW Khate would have gotten in trouble (I sent TLC a lot of tweets last night and earlier today, btw). So, anyway, a couple of hours ago, I was thinking Gee, maybe THIS is finally Khate's undoing, maybe TLC saw this INSANE crap today and the shit hit the fan at TLC. I thought to myself, you know, if I were in charge at TLC and we had plans not to renew her show but we were not going to tell her until the fall, after all the taped shows were through airing, well, what Khate did last night and today would have pissed me off so bad that I would have made the executive decision and said "That's IT! Can her effing ass NOW!"

OMG, I swear, that was what I was thinking just a few of hours ago! You know, for TLC to actually do it TODAY confirms for us that we were all right, that the shit REALLY DID hit the fan over this crazy contest crap Khate's doing on Twitter! SHE is her own undoing, just like we ALWAYS said she was and would be!

Congratulations Khate and the sheeple, you got yourself canned! LOVE IT!

Please, dear God, let this be the end of public lives for the Gosselin kids. NO more tv shows, please. Also, I really hope Khate doesn't lose it on them. I said it last night, I really am worried for the kids, especially after seeing Khate's current state/mental illness. I just hope they can start a new school year in peace, have a normal life now that they don't have to be pulled out of school, dragged around filming, or work weekends and after school with TLC crews at the house. Let them be kids, concentrate on school, have friendships, sports, activities, fun, etc.

Oy, just checked Twitter and she's in full pity party mode, TLC cancelled her, there were tears at their breakfast table today (yeah, HER tears, not the kids).

I have to catch up now! Sorry for rambling!

Maggie said... 24

Sorry for another post but I was going to post this anyway. I think Kate will STEAL her twitter's idea (mkbrownlow) who gives workshops and talks for tween and teens. Kate said on Saturday that "she could do that" also to mkbrownlow. Watch for Kate to exploit her ideas. Kate can't go talk about giving birth to her 8 kids. She has done that already. I think she will talk about the above.

I hope that she will NOT give any interviews about her show cancellation. Please, we just saw her one week ago on her "press tour". Kate has NOTHING to say. Kate, Please go away.

Audible Click said... 25

Admin, is the fork going to finally stick in Kate's head? I'm talking about the graphic on the front page.

E-town Neighbor said... 26

Perhaps the twitting is also going to end, at least for today.


How could it end? Didn't she recently tweet that she can't live without them? Tweeties are her life line!

What is going to happen to the Paige child? If she was shaking just making her sign, is she going to have to go into rehab after she hears about this? Is bigfan still going to buy a new phone like Kate's? So many questions, so few answers! :-)

Kate had an idea this was coming, but still kept tweeting away that the show isn't going anywhere because there's so much more fun to be had. Everyone knew something was up when the show wasn't listed on TLC's fall schedule.

"Anonymous" didn't tell us anything that we hadn't been surmising for quite some time. The fine folks here are a pretty darn astute bunch! The sheeple and Kate can't pull the wool over too many eyes!

konspiracytheory said... 27

Woohoo! I've been following this mess for years (originally at GWOP) - so glad this day has finally come. So much for her constant, "nope, not going anywhere!" cancellation denials.

BTW, Kate? (since we all know you read the blogs): As a mom of kids with multiple health problems, one of whom is only 10 months older than the tups and is likely going to be placed on a feeding tube in the near future due to *multiple* food allergies - I'm going to have a super-petty moment and allow myself to believe that this is karma for your joking, dismissive attitude towards those with 'dietary restrictions'. Buh-bye!

westcoastie said... 28

Just saw the news on ROL. Been outta town for a week so hadn't been able to read here.
All I can say is it's about effing time.
Here's wishing those soon to be paroled kids a happy and healthy life!!

gingerbread said... 29

That is really great news! But, I really wouldn't put too much into the article ,especialy from people. This still could be a ploy to get her numbers up to watch her show. Really wouldn't put anything past TLC.

Kat said... 30

Oh my goodness....who's gonna pay for her hair extentions, nails, tan, teeth, trips, cloths, house, landscapers, cars, juicy juice, doctors visits, ect. ect ect. This woman will never leave the house again if she's expected to open that purse. What a travesty!!! ~ Administrator said... 31

She doesn't see anything wrong with putting so much pressure on a kid that they cry when their show is cancelled. Why, do they blame themselves for low ratings? I bet part of Kate does and they sense it. They couldnt bring in the numbers. Dysfunctional is not strong enough. And where is their money Kate for six years, 150 episodes and 8 lost childhoods. Show them the $$$$!!!!

2exhausted2name said... 32

Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Kate plus 8 first described as a "series of specials"? And if so, how can they cancel the series yet continue with "specials in the future"? Isn't that contradictory?

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 33

Maggie said...

About 20 minutes ago, on Kate's Twitter a poster asked her if she had terrible news to share. Then Kate responded with a yes.It took that woman to ask if she had terrible news to share for Kate to come clean. How come Kate didn't mention it earlier this morning. She said the kids were crying at breakfast so apparently she knew but twittered all morning and afternoon like nothing happened.

I think it is possible that Kate only found out in the past 30 minutes or so. She may have even had to contact TLC when all the tweets were flying about her cancellation.

Don't you think it is suspicious that she CLAIMS she knew this morning and the kids were crying at breakfast. But she didn't say anything on twitter until a few minutes ago. In fact, it was about the time the People magazine came out. I think Kate is embarrassed to admit that she didn't know for certain and only knew for sure when the People article came out. Admin. isn't this what happened to your employer who worked on tv?


Maggie, I think you're right! If this was such devastating news for her and the kids this morning, WHY did she spend all morning and into the afternoon sending over 50 tweets? I have a feeling TLC went nuts this morning, had some meetings, and then finally made the announcement, even though they were not going to renew her anyway, unless by some miracle, her ratings happened to double overnight.

I think they full intended not to renew her after these last episodes aired September 12th. Khate knew she was in trouble and was hoping ratings would increase, and Twitter "support" would help. Still, she had no confirmation that it was over yet, because as I've said in other posts, TLC wouldn't tell her when they still needed her to promote the last 6 weeks of episodes. I figured all along that they'd wait until after September 12th and then confirm it.

BUT, I really think what Khate did yesterday and today on Twitter was just too much and it forced TLC to publicly wash their hands of her. And to that, I say: GOOD!

Sharon said... 34

Finally, the day has come!! The only person crying is her. I bet she's about ready to tear her hair out about now, and already hitting the wine...

God Bless the children and keep them from her wrath. Now, if Jon could get 50/50 custody, things will truly be looking up for them!

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 35

Although, let's keep in mind that Khate tweeted this at 9:28 this morning (and in the previous post, Admin said that she probably just got off the phone with TLC):

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Words of wisdom 4 today: take some deep breaths,don't panic when things don't go ur way,remember: rainbow after every storm! Xoxo 2 u all
7 hours ago

Fahnette said... 36

It's kind of hilarious on Twitter, suddenly all of her "fans" (most of whom have not made a single peep during her whole Twattering) are piping up about how devastated they are.

Tween fans. said... 37

emilykateplus8 Emily

Thanks @TLC for ruining my life..

LaLaLandNoMore said... 38

I agree with all of you who believe that when the kids turn of age, there will be NO money left! I've always had a bad feeling about this story of a life for those little kids. So many, many unstable decisions have been made. Kate has no one watching over her decisions. Not good.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 39

This teen sheeple tweets that she is crying and she just thanked TLC for ruing her life:!/emilykateplus8

Bad To The Bone said... 40

What about the questions from her tweeties tonight? Will they edit her answers - the ones that claim that the show isn't going anywhere?

Sooverit said... 41

Awww, what wonderful words of wisdom Kate has shared in this difficult situation. In that same spirit, I'd like to share a few of my own words of wisdom . . .
Don't let the door hit ya on the way out!
hee hee

E-town Neighbor said... 42

This teen sheeple tweets that she is crying and she just thanked TLC for ruing her life:


Has Paige or bigfan heard the news yet?

Call in the therapists!

Virginia Pen Mom said... 43

Nobody Likes a Narcissist,

Love your idea of how this happened! I agree with you. I can imagine TLC Execs coming in with Excedrin Headache #8 because of "What Kate's done THIS time!" (Can't you hear it?) And maybe someone didn't like where the sign was posted and comes back to TLC?

We knew there would be a repercussion. There had to be. For one thing, as someone else pointed out, those TLC logos are not Kate's or the fans' to recreate and use as they will. TLC doesn't want their logo done in macaroni unless they say they do. And there's no indication TLC was apprised of this beforehand. It's all too clear that Kate had poor impulse control when that one person talked about putting a sign in his backyard. Her contest tweet came about 3 minutes (literally) after the guys tongue-in-cheek comment.

It's been raining buckets here. I had an image of that lady still standing in the rain with her soggy sign..."Gotta stay till 8 to be qualified!" LOL.

Happy news!

Anonymous said... 44

Free at last, free at last! Thank God almighty they are free at last! My apologies to MLK, Jr, but this quote is so appropriate. I hope. Now if TLC will refrain from coming up with some new horror for those kids, because we all know hellmommy will go along with whatever torture is suggested if it's in front of a camera.

I wish all 8 children a happy, healthy, camera-free existence.


J. Heather Leigh said... 45

To anyone speculating on when Kate knew:
She knew her contract was up for renewal. She knew the ratings were tanking. Of COURSE she knew this was going to happen. Her last minute attempt to get viewer was too little MUCH too late.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 46

Goodbye Kate.

Learn from your mistakes.

Love your children unconditionally.

Humble yourself:

Go home to your family, and be a better daughter & sister to your family.

Apologise to your brother & sister-inlaw.

Apologise to Jon.

Face your congregation in person.

Volunteer your time.

Be a good person to everyone.

Be a good neighbor.

Be well.

Be peaceful.

Be balanced.

Be happy.

A note to all of you on this blog-

You are all brilliant, intelligent, and funny people- and a joy to read ALL of your posts.
I would like to stick around, if it's o.k. with all of you, and our Administrator :o)

Thank you ALL for being voices of reason.

Tonight, I have a 6:45pm Aerobic Boot Camp class- but I will be back here at 9pm.

Even though Kate's show has been cancelled,
I'm still not going to tune in to watch it ;o)

so sick of her said... 47

It has finely HAPPENED! She is CANCELED! Those A-holes at TLC, finely got the message! I had to come back one last time to CELEBRATE a Victory! When I read that just a few minutes ago, it was one of the best news I've heard in a while. Now those kids can have hopefully normal childhoods now. Good health, happyness and good life to everyone here!

AuntieAnn said... 48

I don't doubt for a minute the kids were crying at the breakfast table. There's always a little hint of truthfulness in Kate's lies. I'll bet she put on a real sob show (like she did when they pushed her off the SkyJump) and scared the hell out of the kids by telling them they're doomed now and they'll be in the poor house for sure.

This last-ditch effort at begging her tweeple to watch was pathetic.

Suck it up, Kate.

HollyMo said... 49

Okay, like NLAN, I was over at the old post - wondering where is everyone!!!

anyway, this is what I said...

I just leave for one hour and looks what happened!
I wish we could all have a party together to celebrate! I will raise a glass to my fellow "15 minuters" in honour of this fantastic news!

I did send Jon a tweet (even before I posted here) to say "Congrats! hopefully your kids will have some peace, privacy and a chance at normalcy! That's my wish for them anyway! xo"

Peace to all of you as well!
August 15, 2011 1:29 PM
bearswife said...
I wonder if she will still live tweet during tonight's show? Or will she need both hands to hold that box of wine up to her mouth?

Audible Click said... 50

I wonder if Steve the Skeeve is updating his resume.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 51

YES!!! One more thing-

To the little Gosselins:

May you all grow up to be happy, balanced, peaceful, unselfish, generous, patient, loving, and kind human beings.

God bless all of you.

You are free now. Go be kids.

And if anyone tries to talk you into doing a series, kick 'em in the shins.


MickeyMcKean said... 52

Like Maggie, I too wonder just when Kate got the news.

Just because she said she knew at breakfast does not make it true ...

Last night when she announced her contest, I agreed with admin that she was losing it and in panic mode ... seriously, why would anyone in the biz go to such lengths to get people to tune in?

My gut feeling is that she got the news just like everyone else - TLC execs are pissed about her pitiful contest for 2 of her books so they made the call to People this morning and then the news branched out.

After 150 episodes Kate probably did not even get a courtesy call.

Ya just gotta love Karma ;)

Kate's 15 minutes are up. Finally.

Anonymous said... 53

AARRRGGHHHH!! Blogger keeps swallowing my posts! Well, 3rd time's the charm!

HHOOOORRAAAYY!!!!!!!!!!!! Now the kids may have a chance at a normal life. The 6 have never known one and the twins probably don't remember one. Jon's going to have his work cut out for him, because Kate's going to be too busy sobbing in her Gallo's to help them make the adjustment.

Maggie and Nobody Likes a Narcissist - I think Kate has known for some time that the show is cancelled. I also think that is behind this absurd contest she started with her mindless twats -- hoping against hope that if she could generate high enough ratings tonight that TLC would reconsider. I also think that she was prevented from saying anything publicly until TLC made the announcement.

Admin - thanks for this blog and for giving us an outlet and keeping us all relatively sane. Also thanks for all you've done to keep the plight of reality show kids in the public eye.

As usual on Mondays, my TV will be tuned to TNT ("The Closer" and "Rizzoli and Isles") and SyFy ("Eureka" and "Warehouse 13"), watching one and recording the other.


J. Heather Leigh said... 54

Cancelling the show as a reaction to ratings is not a true victory. The show should have been cancelled for exploiting the kids.

Just Dwindle Away said... 55

BoyMom said... Great news! Please do NOT tune into the last few episodes.

SO RIGHT!!! PLEASE do not tune in!!!! They will indeed note that! That is how Pierce Brosnan lost his first James Bond role. 'Remington Steele' was slated to be cancelled so he accepted the 007 part. Then everyone started tuning in to the summer RERUNS of Remington Steele to get a look at the new 007! Summer ratings went through roof, NBC renewed the show at the last minute based on that, and then wouldnt release him to do James Bond.

There has been alot of discussion here about folks watching in this manner or that, figuring it wouldnt count, BUT PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF SMALL CHILDREN AND PUPPIES, DO NOT TUNE IN TO WATCH THE FINAL EPISODES! I BEG YOU!

Please just let her dwindle away, do not tune in and pump up the ratings and give her a splash. Please.

Westcoaster said... 56

Highly unlikely the kids were crying at the breakfast table, because it is highly unlikely that the TLC exec who got to break the news to Katie Irene (poor bastard) was even up when the 8 were eating the cold cereal the twins poured into their bowls. I also think it highly unlikely that K8 knew much before it broke to People because of her tweets of the morning - she is not a good liar, she's just a liar. If the kids did know this early, well it is more likely they were cowering while Twitmom was storming around, I imagine they are more aware than children need to be of the mood swings in that house. Now she is making lemonade out of lemons with her tweenie sheeple, let's see how long that lasts. Too bad some of them want to die, it is just that pathetic.

Jane said... 57

Delighted this day finally arrived! And I'm scared for the kids - she's going to be even bitchier than usual and the kids may take the brunt of her anger and depression. Hope Jon and Ellen can be readily available. I think it can't be stressed enough that this was always about the kids, about their need to be protected.

I don't think it's the end, though. As hinted in the press release, TLC will continue to do specials (as they are w/ the Roloffs) and these children will be followed into adulthood. I also think the ratings will climb tonight.

Please keep the blog going, Admin - we'd all miss you and each other if you shut it down!!

Kate's goodbye tweets said... 58

Kate issued an official, goodbye message via Twitter -- of course in 8 cont. tweets. I guess the media weren't calling for an interview. LMAO

1/many We've had a great run! Six years of whirlwind funfilled adventures thanks to TLC and our many many supportive &diehard fans! Cont.

2/many While it is very sad for me and the kids (there were many tears at the breakfast table this morning!), we are Cont...

3/many we are looking forward with great anticipation to our bright future! As is very typical for me, I am choosing to Cont...

4/many As is very typical for me, I am choosing to see the positive in this situation and I am excited to consider the Cont...

5/many I am excited2consider many more invigorating opportunities that may come my way!I poured my entire self in2 last 6 yrs of 'Kate+8'

6/many I poured my entire self in2 the last6years of 'Kate Plus 8' & I can't wait2have the chance2challenge myself again w future endeavors!

7/many In the meanX,I hope 2have more time4motivational speaking,book writing &other fun work opportunities that come my way... Cont..

8/many ...And maybe even some dating??!! We wish our fans well. And remember, this is not 'goodbye'.I prefer to say 'See you around!' Xoxo

Shows will air thru sept 12... Stay tuned and we can enjoy the last eps together..

note the use of "my" when she talks about pouring herself into the last 6 years. What about the sacrifices she forced her kids to make while working to support their mother's selfish choices?

Kat said... 59

Where the h@ll is she gonna make that kind of scratch ever again. I know where she can get a cheap "Home for sale" sign. Just poured myself some wine and raise my glass to all of you. CHEERS!!

AuntieAnn said... 60

Um Kate...the Allentown McDonalds is looking for a crew manager...ya know... if you're interested.


AMD said... 61

Not a moment too soon. So the Gosselin kids will finally have a couple of weeks of summer left to relax and be kids, away from the cameras. Long overdue! The children should not be shedding tears if Kate had prepped them properly for the eventual demise of the show. If they were just "running in and out of the frames", then the show's cancellation should make no difference to their lives. Hopefully, Jon can ease their transition to a more normal lifestyle. He's their anchor right now. As for Kate, she squandered so many "career" opportunities and probably has burned too many bridges. I don't expect that TLC is going to ease her transition back to "reality". That's the cold reality of business. I still hold TLC responsible for the exploitation and ruination of this family. This soulless corporation is moving on to more lurid programming. Thankfully the Gosselin children are away from its grasp.

kat said... 62

by the way ...there's no way TLC is going to do specials. They only told her that to shut her up. They know that ALL interest will be gone by then.

emschick1128 said... 63

Be prepared for the rounds of all the talk shows while she cries poor mouth, no money to support 8 yes, 8 kids, the kids are devastated, blah,blah.blah. The drama has begun and I think it's gonna be bad. Kate must be beside herself, I really believe she thought this day would never come. Maybe now she can do what most people do to support their families, they work. I feel bad for the kids because I'm sure she'll be twice as miserable than she usually is but I'm glad this ungrateful bitch got what she deserved. No more freebies.

Just Dwindle Away said... 64

The first sound you hear is Discover Inc flushing that piece of shit Gosselin woman down the toilet and rejoicing in the company break room.

The second sound you hear is Katie Irene's carefully crafted diva lifestyle biting her in the ass. CHOMP!

Hoosier Girl said... 65

The kids probably were crying ...

because mommy was making a big deal out of this and telling them how financially devastating this will be to their lives. You know, the 'we'll lose the house, we'll have to get rid of the dog, we can't afford to keep the help.'

I can just see her doing it. Zero sense as a parent.

JudyK said... 66

Just checked back in here and I am shocked, but, like the rest of you, I thought her ridiculous overstepping of her self-importance with the contest and logo and of calling herself a producer was gonna bite her in the butt and it's about damned time that the light went off at TLC!!! HURRAY, YIPPEE, WOOHOO!!!!!!

kimmie said... 67

i will miss the shows but tlc says it will still do specials so i think they (tlc) still have the family under contract and that means still an income (even if smaller) for kate PLUS i bet tlc is/will consider her for another kind of show.

i also think tlc told her this past week and that kate knew before it was given to the media outlets.

Where's Waldo? said... 68

RT @SuperPattyPie: @Oprah I think you need to do a "Finding Kate" type series @kateplusmy8 series on the OWN network.


Ha! Nobody would bother to look for her and she'd stay lost!

Oh the Humanity said... 69

I think she's known for a while ..... I think the "poster contest" was planned to coincide with the cancellation notice. I think she's hoping that the contest would set the wheels in motion for heart warming story about her tweeties trying to save her.....

Out And About In Berks County PA said... 70

AuntieAnn said...

Um Kate...the Allentown McDonalds is looking for a crew manager...ya know... if you're interested.


Too far. The Burger King on Berkshire Boulevard is always looking for help. At least there, she can have it her way!

Teresa said... 71

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! Fantastic news! WE WON! Buh bye Khate!

Midnight Madness said... 72

So, admin - what is the future of this blog? Such delightful, intelligent, witty folks on here since your trap worked for the resident troll! I'd miss everyone!

ohio mom of 2 boys said... 73

hello, i am a frequent reader but never comment. just wanted to ask how many of you think kate is out filing the paperwork to have jon's child support increased because she "can't pay her bills"? I personally wouldn't be shocked if she was.

AuntieAnn said... 74

emschick1128 said...

Be prepared for the rounds of all the talk shows while she cries poor mouth, no money to support 8 yes, 8 kids, the kids are devastated, blah,blah.blah.
I don't know about that. I think the talk show people are finished with her too? If TLC isn't backing her (hehe) "Press Tours" anymore no one will be forced to have her on their show. But we'll see I guess.

One more thing...Somehow this cancellation will be all Jon's fault, wanna bet? She'll be crying the old "He shouldn't have walked out on his family or none of this would have happened" story is going to surface somewhere.


Out and About -- ha! There ya go. There's jobs out there if she's really looking. lol!

Teresa said... 75

l'd be very afraid for the kids now! Her wrath knows no bounds. First the kids will pay (blame them) Then the Shoka will go ( can't afford to feed him) I hope the kids hid every red spoon in the kitchen. She'll be running around like a banshee, looking for anyone or anything to blame. This is a very dangerous day for the kids.

HollyMo said... 76

I just had a vision of Steve standing in the driveway and saying to a sobbing kHate, "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn!" and storming off!

Hope he takes Shoka with him!

Meagler said... 77

ok... I will be checking in to see if she actually tweets tonight during the episode...that takes a strong well adjusted woman, which kate is NOT!

Fahnette said... 78

Good lord, it's a frakking TV SHOW. Are we going to see a sheeple uprising?

Teresa said... 79

A round of applause for Admin for all the great work she has done for so many years!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!

Teresa said... 80

Ding dong the witch is gone!!

Tamara said... 81

Shocked that so many people seem to think that from this instant on Kate will just kind of *poof* away and the kids will be free. While their lives have been scripted there isn't really any riding off into the sunset, holding Jon and Ellen's hands, all happy. Kate's abuse and exploitation is nowhere near over.

In fact I think this may make it worse. Look what she has done the past 4 years to grab fame/cash. Look at how her behavior has ramped up over the past year. Sadly, it ain't over for those kids.

Hoosier Girl said... 82

You're right Tamara. She'll have those kids doing commercials and lord knows what else. She's not going back to work!

kat said... 83

Honestly..this woman never paid for anything. Just the fact that there will be no more freebies is probably quite devastating to her. I think that will play on her the most. Those poor kids will never have another vacation. She will have to go on a grifting frenzy to whoever is interested in her

Gosselin Gossip said... 84

2exhausted2name said...Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Kate plus 8 first described as a "series of specials"? And if so, how can they cancel the series yet continue with "specials in the future"? Isn't that contradictory?

Yes, TLC announced Kate Plus 8 as a series of specials at their upfronts event in 2010. They were monthly specials all summer until TLC decided to change the format into a short weekly-run for Season 1 and started calling the "specials", "episodes" instead. TLC has been intertwining "specials" and "episodes" since then. Confusing? Yes.

With this announcement, TLC is saying that Kate Plus 8 won't be a regular show anymore and will not extend their current contract. However, TLC has left the door open to film this family for additional specials in the future, if they choose to greenlight them.

These specials will probably only happen if this final season of Kate Plus 8 can bring in the ratings this show has desperately needed for its last two seasons.

Additionally, I take TLC's statement about specials to mean there is an exclusivity clause in the Gosselins' contract with TLC, and Kate cannot appear on another tv network until that contract expires or for a specified amount of time i.e. Conan O'Brien.

Jon mentioned that the kids' contract won't expire until Feb. 2012.

Dork Queen said... 85

OOH. "Cont." stands for "continued"? I thought it was just Kate signing off.....
I know this comment is more appropriate for Preesi's blog , but it takes forever to be accepted as a commenter there, and I wanted to put it SOMEWHERE!
God bless the beast (Shoka) and Children..may they survive and thrive!

E-town Neighbor said... 86

This is a very dangerous day for the kids.


Thank goodness school starts next week and they'll be gone for nine hours a day.
With no more filming or trips in sight, just think how much laundry she will get done!

Westcoaster said... 87

I will be very surprised if there is any round of talk shows for her to cry on; her "press tours" were arranged by TLC only to promote the show. And it is August, most talk shows are on a vacation schedule, so even her dear friends at the View are not back until after Labor Day. IMHO TLC picked a very good, and dead time, for their announcement. She may have announced that she and her fans will stay on Twitter, and also announced she is not going anywhere, but when she figures out that Twitter will not pay her mortgage and most jobs won't let you tweet all the damn day, hmm, there is a day of reckoning ahead. Guess her contrived family reunion will have to be on her own time, so guess that won't be happening either. I also hope Jon is doing a quiet jig of his own at work today.

Ellie said... 88

I'm so happy for Jon. He finally gets his kids back! Now I wonder how long before 8 kids and 8 suitcases are left at his doorstep.

Oh if only the kids could be so lucky!!!

PatK said... 89

I think it's sad that the kids were crying during breakfast. I guess it would hit them hard knowing that the lavish vacations and freebies to which they've become accustomed are over. She and Jon should have never, ever taken this as far as it went, knowing that someday when the train pulled into the station, it would be the kids who suffered the most.

I hope that therapist of theirs is still available.

Gosselin Gossip said... 90

AuntieAnn said...

emschick1128 said...Be prepared for the rounds of all the talk shows while she cries poor mouth, no money to support 8 yes, 8 kids, the kids are devastated, blah,blah.blah.
I don't know about that. I think the talk show people are finished with her too? If TLC isn't backing her (hehe) "Press Tours" anymore no one will be forced to have her on their show. But we'll see I guess.

Won't happen if TLC doesn't approve. Remember what happened to Jon?

Any media appearances, paid or non-paid, must be approved by TLC if Kate has the same exclusive contract Jon did.

Kate better watch her tongue and tweets; TLC isn't afraid to file suit for breach of contract, especially any negative comments that will hurt the show.

Anonymous said... 91

If the kids were crying at breakfast, I hope they were crying tears of joy at finally being released from the TLC crew.

I am so thankful the kids are finally free, but am disappointed to hear that the crew wants to keep in touch and do specials periodically. Hopefully by then Jon'll have full custody and won't allow it.

As for the girl who tweeted to TLC that this was the worst day of her life, all I can say No thought to those who lost their lives, loved, and homes in the tornadoes, floods, hurricanes, heat wave, fighting in the military, etc. Her life is ruined because of a cancelled TV show?

I'm afraid of what happens when a real catastrophe strikes.

Anonymous said... 92

Too far. The Burger King on Berkshire Boulevard is always looking for help. At least there, she can have it her way!


I can just see it now. Kate will apply there, be hired, and she'll sit on her butt all day. Then when the manager orders her to actually work, she'll sue the company, claiming she couldn't have it her way like the company promised.

Meagler said... 93

Someone is saying that Kate's contest on twitter was illegal, .. is that so? and it was reported, and that being the reason why TLC cancelled her today rather then telling her after her last episode. I just read her public feed so have no idea how twitter all works..

I am happy it is cancelled, praying for the kids because this would not be a very nice day to be in their house.. I envision that as I post this, kate is splatted face down on her bed, and even against the " penalty of severeness" the kids are surrounding her patting her back, and looking war torn, just like they did when she landed her sky jump. There are no friends for her to call, because Jamie and Ashley are loonngg gone . I am not sure where Steve is in all of this, because I began to follow the view that they were not in a relationship. I think Kate wanted him, but he did not want her. Perhaps he will fill the valium prescription, send the kids off to Jon's, hang around for the evening, and then splittsville? The next few hours and days will be very telling.....

Teresa said... 94

LOL Just heard Roy Orbison on radio singing..
"It's Over, it's Over, It's O.V.E.R How fitting!

p.s Let's all be careful now...the fans will be blaming blogs like this for the cancellation.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 95

Audible Click said...

I wonder if Steve the Skeeve is updating his resume.


I almost forgot all about him! My, whatever will Khate do without her babysitter? I don't think she's capable of ever going anywhere, other than Target, without him!

Meagler said... 96

oh yes, and all her other best friends were attached to the show, so they won't be comforting her....ha ha, this is when you find out who your friends really are.. and I mean real friends, in the flesh, not the ones whose words come thru a 57th pink iphone...

SoCalRosie said... 97

@ A Pink straight jacket for Kate.. totally loved everything that you have posted. I almost cried also, not for the loss of the realist of reality shows but because we have come here and gotten to know each other in our own way. I love the opinions, the sense of humor and the love and caring we all have for the Gosselin 8. even if we don't know them personaly, we have to call it love, why else would we all come together and champion for a group of kids we don't even know. I will still be coming back to "see" everybody. love you all Rosie

JD said... 98

My predictions are:

1. She will keep trying to sell herself to anyone who will do a dating show.

2. Since the kids will no longer be producing income she will not have a need for them to be around all the time. This means Jon can have them as much as he wants from now on.

3. Since she truly will be alone now she will start sucking up to famiy members so they will help her.

4. She will write another book.

5. I believe when other things don't work out she will become "born again" so to speak and will travel around to churches as a speaker talking about how she lost her way and how sorry she is for things she has done. Of course the congregations will forgive her because that is what they do. I don't think she will be sincere but will use it as a possible way to make money.

AuntieAnn said... 99

Gosselin Gossip said... Kate better watch her tongue and tweets; TLC isn't afraid to file suit for breach of contract, especially any negative comments that will hurt the show.

Agreed. If her manager is smart she (or he?) better make an appointment to have Kate's jaw wired shut. And drop that phone of hers in a sewer drain somewhere.

gotyournumberKate said... 100

Just got home to the news! I doubt TLC told Kate ahead of time knowing her big mouth. Right now she's still in shock. The depression and anger will set in soon. In the meantime all I can say is......FINALLY!

gotyournumberKate said... 101

Me again. I wonder if her contest and Tweets about how the show is edited to make things look worse than they really are had anything to do with todays announcement? Maybe it was either decided on or made earlier than planned because of her craziness?

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 102

I see some good points here, but I still think that it just can NOT be coincidental that the announcement came out this afternoon right as TLC leaned about her crazy Twitter "contest". I really think that was the final straw, as far as TLC not wanting to even bother waiting anymore to confirm that this is the last season. I'm convinced there were meetings at TLC today over this and they were ticked!

Let's look at TLC's statement:

"TLC has decided not to renew another season of Kate Plus 8," a network rep told PEOPLE in a statement. "By the end of this season Kate Plus 8 will have hit the 150 episode mark (including Jon & Kate Plus 8); an exceptional milestone. TLC hopes to check in with Kate and the family periodically with specials in the future."

That's it. I've seen the same statement on tons of sites already and no other comments by TLC. That's their only public statement released today.

So, what's missing? It seems rather cold, doesn't it? Brief and to the point. I know TLC is just a corporation (or part of one) and this is just a business, "show business" at that. But, c'mon, we've seen other networks release statements that had somekind words in them. Or how about a THANK YOU to the Gosselin family or at least to the kids? At least something about what a pleasure it was to have had the privilege of documenting their growing up and sharing it with their fans?

It's an extremely cold statement. TLC wanted to just keep it professional and all they could mention is how many episodes there were, what a milestone. I think the fact that they said NOTHING about the family or the kids says a lot! I really do believe they were ticked as hell at Khate all morning as this crap was hitting the fan.

Also, I agree with this -
kat said...
by the way ...there's no way TLC is going to do specials. They only told her that to shut her up. They know that ALL interest will be gone by then.

Yes, that's just b.s that the statement mentions "TLC hopes to check in with Kate and the family periodically with specials in the future."
Really? That is such a lame way to word it, "hopes to". If they really planned on continuing the filming even for specials, they would state something about doing a special once or twice a year. "Hopes to" sounds like when you break up with someone and say, "hey, let's still keep in touch."

I think Admin was the first one to say it, that Twitter would finally do her in and boy, has it ever!

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 103

Well, what do you know...Khate has started to follow her sheeple:

emilykateplus8 Emily
@BarbGilmer Barb! Did you know that Kate is following you?! :DDDDDD CONGRATS! YOURE SO LUCKY.
27 minutes ago

LisaNH said... 104

I am thrilled to the bone that finally, finally after all these years and blog posts, it finally happened. This is the moment so many of us have been waiting for for such a long time.

And to Admin and the posters, it's been a great experience getting to know you all and read your insights and comments. I think that one by one we all made a difference together.

I just hope that TLC is done with the Gosselins once and for all. I hope there won't be any yearly specials or high school prom specials or first day of college specials. I hope the kids are able to fade into obscurity and have normal lives for once.

Kit said... 105

"...I think Admin was the first one to say it, that Twitter would finally do her in and boy, has it ever! ..."

While I think this was a contributing factor, I'm guessing that after the road trip from hell there may not be one single crew member left who will work with her and her very special brand of crazy. Kate herself said it best in this week's sneak peek: "This is soooooo over".

Just Dwindle Away said... 106

kat said... by the way ...there's no way TLC is going to do specials. They only told her that to shut her up. They know that ALL interest will be gone by then.

Maybe. But if ratings go up tonight and for the next few weeks, that woman will try to sell the kids to another network to poke and prod at for their teen years. Lots of shrieking and flapping to display when kids start driving and dating. Discovery Inc may try to sign for a series of specials just so that no one else gets them. I hope Jon has some authority in not allowing that.

So... Please do not let any other corporation think that you have an interest in seeing that. Please do not watch, record, flip through, YouTube, nothing. Just let the whole thing wither, please?

And you guys have all hit it on the head: here comes the media blitz of oh-boo-hoo-I-am-so-broke-can't-buy-bread-and-milk-for-my-golden-bayyybeees. Sniffle-dab-dab, adjust hair flap, expose a breast, sniffle.

Maybe we could start a list for that gosselin woman of all the things she could sell in a REAL garage sale to make some money. The children's toys and gifts from relatives are verbotten. Her toe nail polish collection on it's own could pay the mortgage for a year. One 'good bra' would bring enough to pay the electric bill all winter long.

Please dont watch tonight; remember this is not live and you wont get to see her have a tantrum over today's news, it was already filmed. Please dont watch.

terri said... 107

What is she going to do without Steve. I'll bet she was the one crying the hardest this morning.

Not to spoil Kate's surprise or anything said... 108

If she is following Barb Gilmer I guess we know who won the book. Was wondering if the winner had to post their address publically, too.

TLC ship is sinking said... 109

Has any of Kate's celebrity "friends" tweeted their support after the cancellation was announced?

Mobile twitter doesn't have any of Kate's tweets about the contest... were they deleted? It's as if yesterday never existed.

Free Shoka said... 110

@KatePlusMy8 Kate Gosselin fans, come visit us the fan site & share your thoughts!
26 minutes ago

@AskBabyMama please note tho: I will not get those messages! Please be sure that is posted on your site. Thanks!
LOL Poor BM?!

Looks are deceiving often said... 111

And her second batch of purchased twitter followers just showed up. She jumped from her standard 150 a day yesterday to 2,400 today. Didn't do her all that much good, though, did it.

New York State Of Mind said... 112

@Kateplusmy8 this is so sad.. This is like ripping a chunk of my childhood out. I can't imagine how the kids feel. :'( love you Kate!! <3 :)"

Ripping out a chunk of her childhood? Oh, my, such drama! What is going to happen if these teens experience a real tragedy in their lives?

Nobody Likes - I read the statement and that's the first thing that hit me -- cold press release. Very cold. No "it's been our pleasure to work with them and we wish them the very best in all of their future endeavors as the children grow and flourish, etc. etc. etc."

I do think last night's circus was the final straw and she can only blame herself. Or, maybe she knew this for some time, and decided to put the screws to TLC by embarrassing them with her public contest. Would she be that devious? Maybe!

gotyournumberKate said... 113

"I'm lonely," she said. "I miss having another parent here. Not the parent that was here. I wouldn't change my marriage because I have eight awesome kids that I wouldn't change. But people change and they're not who you thought you were and if they're not for you, move on. And I have."

From a clip of the show tonight when asked if she ever misses being married. Watch and hear the tone when she says "Not the parent that was here."

Another Jon bash. I can't stand this woman and am so glad her nastiness has finally caught up with her.

Kat said... 114

Write another book?? Is she for real? Based on the success of her last book she better not waste the ink. Motivational speaker? What will she talk about? The best way to grift? Or maybe how successful she's been in her marriage and her "career"? Don't you have to have actual successes to motivate people. What a mess she's in

Anne said... 115

Free Shoka said... AskBabyMama
@KatePlusMy8 Kate Gosselin fans, come visit us the fan site & share your thoughts!
26 minutes ago

@AskBabyMama please note tho: I will not get those messages! Please be sure that is posted on your site. Thanks!
LOL Poor BM?!


Looks like BM got a little bitch slapping again. You know what would be really funny - it BM really did run the fan site sponsored by TLC - I think that was conjecture (sp?) long ago (that TLC had a hand in the site).

Audible Click said... 116

I'm watching Krate on Twitter and she is doing a lot of retweeting (resending other people's Tweets). I think she going to suck up that boxed wine and convince herself that she can get around the part of her contract that limits what she can say about TLC by retweeting. That might be interesting.

Dream A Little Dream said... 117

RT @livyylovesjb: Kate Plus 8 is ending? i wont know what to do with my mondays! school then nothing to look forward to after. love you


It is so sad that the show meant so much to these teens. What does this say about their own home life? She won't know what to do when school ends for the day? How about volunteer work, school activities, hanging out with friends, sports, drama groups, church activities?
Where are their parents?

Jenna Does said... 118

OK, so another poster said there are rules & regulations of having a TV personality giving a contest. I believe it! Kate is having her teen fans running around in public, hanging signs, putting themselves in danger & for what? To keep a dead show on it's last breath. So, TLC gets wind of this little stunt that they had no clue about. They finally see Kate, twittering up a frenzy, making her "fans" watch this ailing show, "you tell 10 people" & so on. She is having this contest & again, gets ZERO permission from HER BOSSES, presumably.

So, on she goes, doing what SHE thinks is best FOR HER. Taking ZERO consideration to the fact that she could get into serious trouble, or one of her young fans could get into serious trouble. When TLC brass finds out, they FLIP OUT. This is the last straw. They can't justify anything any longer: her ratings suck, her attitude sucks, her show is pointless, NO ONE can relate to her anymore & the kids want to move on. Not to mention that Kate is just not likeable at all.

Kate gets a phone call, most likely late last night or today telling her that it's over. Now, we all have called this from DAY ONE. The twittering will STOP cold. Her fans will be left hanging, & Kate will be but a blip on the radar. In a half a year, it will be "Kate Gosselin who?" The kids will eventually be living w/ Jon, & Kate will TRY & pursue a solo career but since reality TV is so...lame nobody will want to touch her. Her 'career' is over. She will shun her fans, her kids, & whomever is left in her life. She will end up on "Celebrity Rehab", or something equally embarrassing.

Oh, but just ONE more time, she'll hit the talk-show circuits, telling everyone how TLC took money out of HER pocket & the kids' college funds & how it's THEIR fault this ALL happened & how she's so broke...for sympathy. It will get her nowhere. (sorry for the long post!)
~Hippie Chick~

fidosmommy said... 119

Just a thought, but could Kate have received word of cancellation while on the RV trip? That might have set things off with Kate in a foul humor, being a bore to Jamie who didn't come on the trip to be around a boring person, Ashley knowing she was not going to have a TLC-paid job anymore, Steve doing "whatever" he was doing.

I guess we'll have to see how the RV trip pans out through Admin's recap of it.

In the meantime, I guess Kate is going to answer
the toughest questions ever to be put to her:
Kate, what is your favorite meal to fix for your kids? Kate, why did you go blonde? Kate, how many pairs of shoes do you actually own?

Jenna Does said... 120

Oh, & just a little question. Is it possible if ratings go up, would they un-cancel it? I'm just asking because this may be a reason for people to tune in now. I still won't, & hopefully you'll all join me in the not joining in & watching part. She still does not deserve you're time. Remember that. You're time is more valuable! :)
~Hippie Chick~

mama mia said... 121

So TLC rushed their statement to People magazine, huh? Interesting. Loved how Jon managed to be gracious in wishing Kate well while at the same time expressing hope his kids will get the attention and help they need. Lets hope Kate was sincere about having put money away for them, though I doubt it.

Sherry Baby said... 122

I guess this means that Kate won't be on any more red carpets for awhile or have to pick out hats at next year's Kentucky Derby!

LaLaLandNoMore said... 123

I, too, don't believe low ratings is a good enough reason to cancel. Ending child exploitation would have garnered TLC much more loyalty for the future. They didn't care a fig about what all of this was doing to the kids. The kids crying at the breakfast table is Kate's fault. She exploited those kids, never protecting them from the "reality" of all of this. Reality show is not a career, Kate. I hope we never hear of the Gosselin family again in our society. They need to be private citizens once again. If Kate managed the money they have made over the past 6 yrs. properly, they could go on regular vacations like regular people. She could use her sizable income tax return if nothing else. Surely that is a very tidy sum of cash. Would love to see her do regular stuff like regular people out of her own pocket-book. Grifting wonderful Christian people worked for her before. Won't be surprised if she tries it again. Might not be so easy this time, Kate!

No Regrets said... 124

YES finally canceled!! I am cautiously celebrating though. SHE didn't' take the kids off tv, so she might do anything involving them to make money.

Hippie Chick I doubt anything would "uncancel" it now. TLC most likely canceled because of ratings. I would bet that the sponsors are/were/have dropped like flies.

Man what a slap to BM AGAIN. In other words, BM she DOES NOT VISIT YOUR SITE. Man o man. LOL

Flight of the Kiwi said... 125

Munching rice cake, slurping a boost (insert trademark symbol)...

But doesn't her tweet above read she plans to stay on TV (shudder) perhaps meaning (who knows with her) Kate + 8 is not being renewed but a Kate only show is on the works, or Kate-the-Producer is pitching a show(s). Shrug.

To be perfectly honest, (snark there) I don't care. What a mom - tells her kids (if you believe her) over breakfast. No gathering in the family room and gently breaking the news about the loss of their beloved show and TLC "family and friends". Nope just like last time in the car, only at the table - with the tups in high chairs - "Our show is OVER!". Wailing times 8 (make that times 9) Maybe I'm wrong. I hope so.

Of course the little ones may have asked "What's cancelled mean?"

God bless 'em. I truly believe it's best for the children to live without intrusive cameras in every aspect of their lives. Kate will survive. She's not the first to get a pink slip. She'll no doubt make a few bucks off this "terrible" turn of events. Geesh.

Teresa said... 126

I jusr wrote an email to The Lying Channel asking them to end their contract with the Kids. Not waiting till Feb/2012: Here's what l wrote:

At last! Canceling Kate Gosselin is great news. BUT, Let the kids out of their contract. Waiting til February 2012 is disgusting! Let the kids be kids NOW! Maybe then l will re-order your network from my cable company. You have exploited these kids for too long. ENOUGH! Release the kids TODAY! The anti Kate/TLC blogs will not stop til you do. The Lying Channel has made enough money off the backs of the children

No Regrets said... 127

I can just imagine the breakfast conversation. "Well kids, the show is canceled. NO MORE TRIPS. No more nice things. I can't afford anything now" Sob

Virginia Pen Mom said... 128

TLC Ship is Sinking said,

"Mobile twitter doesn't have any of Kate's tweets about the contest... were they deleted? It's as if yesterday never existed."


Looks like she deleted them to me. Her twitter goes from August 14 to some tweets about 5:30 p.m. on Sunday. All that in between about the contest--gone. That's really interesting. Why, do you suppose? She must have gotten chewed out by TLC?

Virginia Pen Mom said... 129

No Regrets said:

Man what a slap to BM AGAIN. In other words, BM she DOES NOT VISIT YOUR SITE. Man o man. LOL


I wonder if BM will realize that this is the type of rude, condescending, ungrateful behavior that so many others have encountered from Kate. I'm thinking that since BM hasn't kissed Kate's butt on Twitter like some of her other fans, Kate is punishing her. And when BM directs fans to her own site, Kate (bizarrely) feels the focus is taken off her.

Mom In Lancaster County said... 130

BigFanofKateG BigFanofKateG
@Kateplusmy8 or did u save enough money to keep them in private school for 12 years? Thats $500,000 in total

Apparently she's bad in math, too. The cost for twelve years is 1.8 million, not figuring the rise in annual tuition.

No Regrets said... 131

"Virginia Pen Mom said...I wonder if BM will realize that this is the type of rude, condescending, ungrateful behavior that so many others have encountered from Kate. I'm thinking that since BM hasn't kissed Kate's butt on Twitter like some of her other fans, Kate is punishing her. And when BM directs fans to her own site, Kate (bizarrely) feels the focus is taken off her."
Well once again BM excuses what she said. Of course BM will keep her informed. LOL

SchmeckyGirl SchmeckyGirl
@Kateplusmy8 @AskBabyMama Wow is she saying she refuses to go to her fan site? Baby Mama, why do you let her treat you like this? #Rude

AskBabyMama Baby Mama @
@SchmeckyGirl Schmeck your feeding the haters. That's not what she meant at all. I will keep her posted on all thoughts as always!

mama mia said... 132

I hope all of Kate's good celebrity friends are tweeting her.. let's see ladies of the View - no, George, no.. Taylor Swift...nope.. Brooke Burke... no...Tony...hell no...Sherri Shepherd, her biggest star fan.... silent....Matt, Meredith, Ann.... the chubby gal from People magazine.... oh you cruel cruel celebrity friends, lol

Not Watching TLC said... 133

Would this be part of why Ashley was leaving? TLC no longer paying her salary?

Khate - byebye Bitch.

Grammy of nine said... 134

For Jon to mention that the kids need attention and help is an indication that there are problems we don't even know about. Those poor exploited kids! Shame on you, TLC, and Kate who refused to stop filming. She waited until it was "run into the ditch" and they'll have more problems than can be fixed with money. This is a very sad story. ~ Administrator said... 135

My onscreen guide has Kate listed as two separate episodes tonight and my Tivo only picked up the first half hour as new. I thought this was an hour episode. Odd.

PJ's momma said... 136

Wow, it's astounding that she really doesn't get it. America has spoken. TLC has spoken. She is not cut out for TV unless it is in the reality genre. And even those viewers only watch to see how horrible she is. Someone asked if she plans to go back to nursing and she said she plans to stay on TV. Doing what? Who will hire her? She can't speak well, she can't ask a question without interjecting herself, she can't emote except to shriek or fake-cry. Maybe she does have some nibbles for a dating show, but that will be short lived too, if it happens. TV is just really not a long-term option for her. She better get with the program, because she really does need to start thinking about working a normal job if she hasn't saved all that money. Interesting how TLC said they 'hoped' to do specials in the future. Wouldn't you think they would say they 'planned' do do specials in the future? With no contract, it would be up to both parents, most likely. And I doubt Jon would go for that. ~ Administrator said... 137

Only one hour left to turn in your submissions for the contest, before the episode airs! I'll decide after the episode airs.

No rules, no laws contest. No TLC to tell us to take it down (hahhaha looks like they made Kate take hers down, toooo much).

First prize $40 Target gift card for online shopping only. Second prize $10 Target gift card for online or in store use.


Teresa said... 138

Admin: I have sent you an email. Do with it as you seem fit. Thank you again for all the years advocating on behalf of the Gosselin kids. Your hard work paid off.

mama mia said... 139

Lol Admin, Kate and the Sheeple would prefer you pretend the past 24 hours of contest tweeting did not happen. Hope nobody is throwing eggs at that crazy woman's van in the Walmart parking lot. I expect the paps will stalk Kate to get her thumbs up can do attitude about the cancellation. Hope one holds up Bonnie Fuller's article, lol

HollyMo said... 140

Well, well, well!
I wanted to see for myself that she deleted all those tweets so I looked at her twitter feed. Since I don't follow her it is all jumbled with fans and foes together. Sooooo I figure I will just follow her for as long as it takes to check it out.
Surprise!! she blocked me!! I think I have only ever sent her 2 or 3 tweets. And to think I wanted to buy her some Starbucks...(snark)!

Audible Click said... 141

I too, would like to thank you for all the time and effort you put into this blog. I don't post much but this is a place I always come in order read thoughtful and incisive posts about the exploitation of the Gosselin children.

Mom In Lancaster County said... 142

BigFanofKateG BigFanofKateG
@Kateplusmy8 4 year state college x 8 = approximately $300,000. Hopefully they'll get scholarships.


She's REALLY bad at math! The average cost for four years in a PA state college for eight kids NOW is $650,000.

Really tired of this woman said... 143

As happy as I am for the kids' filming to be over, I am VERY concerned about their welfare. The gravy train is over, and Kate must be in a panic. Verbal and possible physical abuse is a very real possibility.

I can only hope that their school/teachers can give them the stability they need. There are mandatory reporting laws in every state, and teachers MUST report if there is reasonable cause to believe that any sort of abuse has occurred.

I wish the children much peace and a normal childhood, free from exploitation.

Anonymous said... 144

I too think the 'contest' was the straw that broke the camel's back. Sure, TLC kept a critical eye on the ratings and the show was not listed in the new Fall line-up, but when the network got wind of the 'contest' I think that was when she met her Waterloo. Whatever, the important thing is that the children can now at least regain what is left of their childhood. I only hope their earnings are safe and that she is not able to tap into their funds to continue the lifestyle to which she has become accustomed. I hope their father will continue to fight any future exploitation and has more time with them to counter any feelings of guilt she may pass on to them, blaming them for the cancelation because they got "old". ~ Administrator said... 145

I also thought TLC's statement was VERY COLD, would it kill them to just spend one sentence saying something along the lines of "it's been a privilege to work with this family so long and we will miss them." They couldn't even do that!

I think it's either they don't give a crap, as most networks don't (they're a BUSINESS!!) or there was a serious falling out with Kate and this is their way to cut ties and make sure the door hits her on the way out. Either way, told ya so Kate! I said over and over when the axe finally falls it will be HARSH. Hollywood is a here today gone tomorrow land and once they have no use for you they don't waste a second of their time or a penny of their resources to let you go smoothly. For someone who asked, yes no one told my narcissist her show was being canceled. Just like this she just woke up and saw it on the news, AND they had just told her a short while back they intended to do at least one more season. Ouch. I remember five years later at a party one of her kids was still talking about how shocked and hurt they were by the way she was treated and would it have killed them to at least give her a phone call. It was a real ego blow. And rightly so. But that's networks for you.

I actually do think they told Kate, but only this morning. Right before she tweeted the cryptic don't panic when things don't go your way tweet. I do think they have been warning her it doesn't look good, which explains all her panic this summer. But someone like her wouldn't hear that it doesn't look good, they would continue to truck along crazily as she has been.

And also I cannot believe Kate slammed BM again. She does not deserve that WTF!!!! I think it's so telling that "haters" will come to a sheeple's defense and don't want to see a sheeple hurt. But hell if they would ever do that for us. ~ Administrator said... 146

With 8 kids in the family going to college at about the same time, they're almost assured to get so much financial aid they won't know what to do with it. Also, in six years Kate could have set up a great 529 plan fund it regularly and then today when the show is canceled STOP FUNDING it and just LET IT GROW. She would be fine. They're not going to college for eight more years!

This is partly why this country is in the dumps, wealthy people like Kate who are perfectly capable of funding things like college themselves will now have to rely on the government to do it for them.

Audible Click said... 147

Uh oh, some teen is now about to get into hot water over that stupid sign contest. This is from Twitter.

xxxx Uh oh ! Principal called to say my posters of @Kateplusmy8 have to be taken down or i'm in trouble :/ ~ Administrator said... 148

That's not what Kate meant at all? How else do you take what Kate said to her??? BabyMama??? Kate was telling you she won't get any messages of support from your followers BECAUSE SHE DOESN'T GO TO YOUR SITE. It was RUDE. It was MEAN. You don't deserve to be treated like that. Kate told you it's an apple, and low and behold, it was an apple.

BabyMama, please join a DV support group.

Dallas Lady said... 149


A tweeter asked her which kids took it the hardest and she said the names oftwo of them. Way to share personal stuff about your kids with total strangers, wench, but that's par for the course by now. She just thinks of them as objects, anyway.


She also said, "I plan on staying on TV." In what capacity, you child-exploiting talentless wench? Good luck with that, no one's interested. Go back to being a nurse.

So what's going to happen with her dumb contest? She's re-tweeting praise from her sheeple like crazy.

I agree there probably won't be specials. Most people just don't care. Also, to echo what was said above, CONTINUE TO BOYCOTT.

Inside Insiders said... 150

Anonymous said...

Do you believe me now?? I told you guys this a month ago (family member is camera man, filmed kate during occ special)..but I also said that this is NOT the last of Kate and TLC.


No. Bloggers here had it figured out long before that. So if the family member/cameraman knew this a month ago, when did Kate find out? Surely you must know that. Or are you saying that TLC execs told the crew before they told Kate? Come on - inquiring minds want to know! ~ Administrator said... 151

Had Kate been a good mother she would have properly prepared the kids for this day so that they would not be upset and it would be a smooth transition and there would be no tears.

The fact that she proudly says her kids cried just makes her look like a BAD MOM.

This could have been treated as similar to how a parent with kids the same ages would tell them they lost their job: "Mommy's not going to work for that company anymore but that's okay because even though it was a really good five years and I'm so excited because now Mommy gets to find an even better company out there. Everything will be fine Mommy will take care of you until then because Mommy planned for this if this ever were to happen." HUGS.

There is absolutely no reason such a thing should make a child cry if you prepare them for it properly and word it so they're not scared or upset.

You're such a bad mom, Kate. Get it? ~ Administrator said... 152

The kids WILL get the help they need because she's going to give them to Jon, within 6 weeks I bet he's going to have custody.

But she will play it off like she's doing it in their best interest because they miss their daddy and due to her being on the road now with whatever new stupid TV job she is pursuing she felt it would be best the ybe with him. She will never, ever admit she only had interest in them for the money.

barbee said... 153

It doesn't seem likely that kate will be doing a series of woe is me talk show appearances. They had stopped having her on as much before the show ended and now she has no clout behind her. Se may want the kids to do commercials or whatever, but SHE has not clout anywhere to make that happen and she was already told that Mady and Cara had nothing going for them after the photo shoot (modeling or commercials). She will have trouble getting a book published EVEN if she does write one, as she has not literary talent and there is NOTHING about their lives that isn't uninteresting or already known. AND where the hell does she come off making a comment about the 'last six years of Kate Plus 8'?????? ?? Sorry, dear, 4 of the six was Jon & Kate Plus 8 and the final two were 'Kate's Krap'.

Gosselin Gossip said... 154

Administrator said...My onscreen guide has Kate listed as two separate episodes tonight and my Tivo only picked up the first half hour as new. I thought this was an hour episode. Odd.

Same here with the app I use to check the tv schedule.

However, TLC still lists the Q&A "special" as 60mins on their site.

No Regrets said... 155

"Grammy of nine said...For Jon to mention that the kids need attention and help is an indication that there are problems we don't even know about."

I just read his statement. He did say a lot without coming outright. I hope we don't hear about any problems with the kids anytime soon. He would not be saying that unless there were something going on. She didn't even have the courtesy to tell Jon about the show. What an idiot she is. Yet blab the kids names who got so upset. Maybe they could have talked to Jon to calm down.

For every supportive tweet she is re-tweeting, there are a dozen rejoicing in the cancellation. She must be very busy blocking.

Just Dwindle Away said... 156

hmmm.... since there is still a contract until February 2012, Steve may still be on Disc.Inc payroll till then and still her beck-and-call-boy. So she may wait till after Feb to start bashing TLC.

She is probably on the phone right now with some other reality losers asking advice.

Hopefully the kids are done being sold to the highest bidder. Even when someone signs her for her next reality show, I hope the new network is savvy enough to leave the kids out of it. It breaks my heart to think of the horrible hurtful way she is certain to have spun this to her children.

Yeah, she will be all born-again now. BooHoo, they all done me wrong but Jesus is my strength, please hand over the $20s and $50s in a quick and efficient manner.

All the bridges she has burned... All the people she has dissed and snipped off at, and opportunities she pissed away because she just cant bring herself to pretend to be a bit pleasant... is there one single adult out there who will lift a finger for her? Well, maybe Charlie Sheen but I think even *HE* has some standards.

LisaNH said... 157

Administrator said... The kids WILL get the help they need because she's going to give them to Jon, within 6 weeks I bet he's going to have custody.

But she will play it off like she's doing it in their best interest because they miss their daddy and due to her being on the road now with whatever new stupid TV job she is pursuing she felt it would be best the ybe with him. She will never, ever admit she only had interest in them for the money.


I had the same thought myself, that now that the is done, she'll push those kids on Jon. She's done with them now that their earning potential has dried up.

Wonder if she'll pay Jon child support when she dumps the kids on him or if she'll cry poor mouth and say she can't pay him as much as he was paying her? ~ Administrator said... 158

Well it's not going to help ratings if people's Tivo's aren't even picking up half of the episode!

Great, the tweeple will have something to blame the crappy ratings on.

Westcoaster said... 159

If you can believe her, she's just come back from an hour and a half of running. If she has no help, did she really leave the kids alone that long? and she's tweeting that information? Someone should call CPS, or their father.

kimmie said... 160

Teresa said...
p.s Let's all be careful now...the fans will be blaming blogs like this for the cancellation.
August 15, 2011 2:59 PM

i won't b/c i don't think the blogs had anything to do with the show ending. 6 years is a long time for any show much less a reality one.

it ran it's course, but i don't think it's over for kate with tlc. i also think the family is under contract for specials until the kids are 18.

Dallas Lady said... 161

I still see her contest tweets from over 24 hours ago, but NO recent mention of the contest.

Who was watching the kids while she was "running" 8.5 miles and gone for an hour and a half? I don't understand why she can't run on that treadmill in the basement when she has the kids.

By the way, someone at The Grapevine found public records and her $750,000 mortgage is still how much she owes on the mine all mine mansion. ~ Administrator said... 162

If and WHEN Jon gets custody Kate would have to pay up her share of child support, but I bet a million bucks Jon would never even bother.

After all the crap she's put him through with child support, knowing Jon I bet he would never ever ask her to do the same. Even though he would be well within his rights to ask for it!

The thing people seemed to have learned from Kate is to just cut your losses and get away from her. LaFair learned that quick, too. It's not worth sacrificing your sanity to try to squeeze pennies out of her, it's not.

Hippie Chick said... 163

My son & I got so busy today, I totally spaced entering the contest!! OOps!! Good luck to everyone who entered! I can't wait to see everyone's art! :) ~ Administrator said... 164

Why should we be careful that the fans would blame the blogs? They are welcome to blame the blogs, I would be proud if they blamed the blogs. We had a right to speak out and say this show is WRONG, exploiting these kids is WRONG, and the show should end. We should be proud if we had anything to do with it. We did nothing wrong. TLC tried to sue me and all I had to do was write them one letter explaining why they had no case and they shut right up. That was exactly a year ago this month.

But with respect to everyone here, I don't think we had much to do with this. As Kimmie said, this show ran its course. It was like Shawshank Redemption digging yourself out of prison with a rock hammar. It might take forever but eventually it was gonna breach it. ~ Administrator said... 165

If there are any last minute entries to the contest I'll give you twenty more minutes, until 9:30 p.m. Eastern time.

I have to make dinner then I'm going to sit down with all the entries and try to make this hard decision! Good luck to everyone and thank you for your enthusiasm!

Either that or it's just stress said... 166

Remember, when you are feeling bad for BM, BM has had Kate's email address for the past month or so. Don't you think Kate, with her wealth of patience, may just have been fed to the back teeth with BM's familiarity? She may be sniping because she really is just sick of her!!

Beejcctx said... 167

WHOO-HOO!!!!! Thank goodness, but Admin please don't stop the fight for exposing the hypocrisy of "reality tv" and the exploitation of innocent children.

All of your efforts have been appreciated!

THANKS ALL and let us all pray for the children.... they are still the victims in all of this!

TLC ship is sinking said... 168

Kate's tweet: Just ran 8.5 mi in 1:26. 1 mi for ea child and .5 for Shoka! Great stress relief! Whew! Shower..Egg wh om....Then tweet time! Be there soon!

Anyone else doubt Kate will actually run this supposed marathon she's been lackadaisically training for the last few months or so? Without a tv show to film it or media promotion, I don't see Kate doing something where she won't receive gratification for her "hard work".

She's looking for instant gratification just for running all those miles, cause she did it for her eight kids and dog.

She can't even function like a normal mom without her tweeters supporting her and tweeting what a great mom she is.

As for my twitter question earlier, it seems twitter's mobile site (on my android browser) was missing Kate's tweets from 8/11-8/14. However, now that I'm on my laptop, I see that they are all still there. Strange.

Just skimming Kate's twitter, it doesn't look like any of her celebrity "friends" have tweeted her any support yet, since she would most likely retweet or answer them. Kate, it looks like your celebrity "friendships" were all one-sided. ~ Administrator said... 169

The tentative plan for now is to continue the blog to continue discuss what's going on with this family as well as other reality kids out there and other issues with child exploitation on our tv screens. As I've said before, when I selected over a year ago I was thinking ahead to when this show was canceled how to continue this blog, which has been very fun for me. Yes, Kate, I had the foresight to think about what I would do when this show was canceled. I had a plan B. It's what normal people with half a brain do, think ahead.

Plus, I just don't have hope that the exploitation of these Gosselin kids is completely over. There may still be things to chronicle. If they do specials, or if Kate tries to farm them out to another network, and so on. There was wind she may have been trying to pitch them to something like travel channel but last we heard if failed, miserably. And of course we'll follow Kate if she does any more public projects which I'm sure she'll try!

J. Heather Leigh said... 170

I wonder...

Did TLC release this to People TODAY to see what happens with the ratings? Her contract is not renewed YET-- doesn't mean that can't change.

Yolanda said... 171

Looks like going on the Bachelorette isn't an option either....this according to creator Mike Fleiss:

"......Either way, guess the producer couldn’t see hot single men on Bachelorette lining up to fight for a woman with eight kids and an annoying ex-husband, go figure!"

Just Dwindle Away said... 172

Jenna Does said... Oh, & just a little question. Is it possible if ratings go up, would they un-cancel it? I'm just asking because this may be a reason for people to tune in now. I still won't, & hopefully you'll all join me in the not joining in & watching part. She still does not deserve you're time. Remember that. You're time is more valuable! :)
~Hippie Chick~


It has been done before! Check out my post above about "Remington Steele".

Please don't watch, your viewing does indeed count. Please dont give this woman a feeling of self satisfaction. Please let the children go.

Falling like a brick said... 173

I'm thrilled that the show is canceled, but so sad about some of the comments that people are making about the kids. Calling them brats, spawns, litter, the 'r' word. etc. I blame KATE for this. She could have protected her children from prying eyes who just wanted to gawk, or ooh and ahh. If you read twitter or some of the entertainment sites, it's not even the regular haters that are saying these horrible things about the children, but the general public.
I get all Momma-Bear on anyone who even looks sideways at my kiddos, let alone anyone who would tweet or post such hateful things about them.
She is the WORST Mother in the WORLD for exposing her kids to such vileness. My heart is so sad for them. ~ Administrator said... 174

We're probably more sensitive to the kids because we are so invested, but you have to remember many casual viewers don't see these kids as real kids but rather characters. When casual viewers pop in and see a few episodes and don't feel invested in it, they don't see a problem with calling them names like that. Mady after all had been set up for the longest time like the "Nellie Olsen" character as the brat of the family. The general public who doesn't see them as kids buys that characterization. All thanks to their parents. Good job.

That said I think there are many very decent people out here who realize these ARE real kids and would never dare dream talking about them like that.

Dallas Lady said... 175

Admin, it might be a tad premature to say this, but one TLC show that really leaves a sick taste in my mouth is Toddlers & Tiaras. Have you watched it? The sexualization of girls as young as 18 months is just jaw-dropping.

It digsusts me so much, I'm willing to write to every commercial sponsor of that show. I also encourage people to boycott it. No 2 year old girl should feel herself up while wearing a Madonna style cone bra, all while her parents are yelling at her to "WORK IT" and it's being shown nationally. It's TRULY sick and exploitative.

tate said... 176

I love how Kate says she plans to stay on television even though the show has been cancelled. And then she says Mady still wants to be on tv too and then puts a plea out---Disney anyone? OMG. She is pathetic.

Gosselin Gossip said... 177

Administrator said...I also thought TLC's statement was VERY COLD, would it kill them to just spend one sentence saying something along the lines of "it's been a privilege to work with this family so long and we will miss them." They couldn't even do that!

To add to admin and Nobody Likes a Narcissist's comments about the TLC statement seeming cold, here is part of TLC's press release for the final season of Little People, Big World:

All-new episodes premiere September 6 at 8/7c

LOS ANGELES, CA — One of television’s favorite families prepares to say goodbye as TLC confirms that the previously announced upcoming sixth season of the hit series Little People, Big World will be the series finale. For more than 200 episodes, the Roloffs – parents Matt and Amy, both Little People, and their kids Jeremy, Zach, Molly, and Jacob – have welcomed viewers to share their daily lives from their pumpkin farm in Oregon. Since it began airing in 2006, an average of 74 million P2+ viewers each year tuned in to Little People, Big World to watch the family’s adventures.

“Through Little People, Big World, the Roloffs have touched the hearts and enlightened the minds of millions of people worldwide,” said Eileen O’Neill, President & GM, TLC. “Its groundbreaking premiere introduced us all to the realities of being a little person, and we thank Matt & Amy and their family for their courage and willingness to share their lives.”

“The show has been an amazing and unforgettable experience for our entire family,” said Matt & Amy Roloff. “Over the past 5 years we have shared the most rewarding journey that will forever be in our hearts. We are gearing up to begin new and exciting adventures as a family and we look forward to starting the next chapter of the Roloffs. We will always be grateful to our TLC family, and most of all, our fans.” ...

TLC allowed the Roloffs to make a statement, which they included in the press release given to media. Kate had to tweet her response.

Yes, TLC has un-canceled a show before - American Chopper, which they renamed American Chopper: Senior vs. Junior. This show must be doing well because it was moved to the Discovery channel, where it fits in better with its demographics.

No Regrets said... 178

ADMIN are u going to post all the entries? I would love to see them.

Audible Click said... 179

Wow, Khate is trashing her brother on Twitter and, I guess in the episode too.

LisaNH said... 180

Regarding the children, I think what many of us are refering to is what has resulted from their constant expose to being filmed their entire lives (the tups). They have grown up in an odd environment being filmed all the time, not receiving proper attention or lessons on how to behave (the hitting and never being reprimanded, the temper tantrums that were never dealt with because they made good television) etc...

So now that show is over, what will become of them? Will they grow into self entitled brats? How many will be like Kate, self centered and selfish? How many will be like Jon?

Bosom Buddies said... 181

Someone tweeted
@Kateplusmy8 ur boob is hanging out


I'm not watching. Is it?

Aeris said... 182

Hoosier Girl said...

The kids probably were crying ...

because mommy was making a big deal out of this and telling them how financially devastating this will be to their lives. You know, the 'we'll lose the house, we'll have to get rid of the dog, we can't afford to keep the help.'

I can just see her doing it. Zero sense as a parent.


Yep, totally agree with you HG. I have no doubt she has brainwashed those kids into believing the show must go on if they want to live a good life. With her kids at 10 and 7 years old, she had to keep those budding personalities in check. So sad for the kids if they are upset, but they will be better for it.

Now, it's time to celebrate! I hope so, it's been a long 3+ year battle with this network and Khate (Jon, too, in the earlier years). I love this blog, even though I detest everything Khate. She had a MUCH longer run than she deserved. Pity if she couldn't get her finances in order in all that time.

I actually cheated and watched 3 min. of a K&8 episode on Youtube yesterday, the part where Khate takes the kids to the dialysis center. I was amazed at how the kids have grown since I last saw them on TV, which was their 5th birthday party. They're still great kids, but there is nothing fun in watching them. They're older and aware of the cameras. It's not cute anymore and it's really pointless to keep filming. There's no entertainment value, it just makes me cringe for them.

librarylady said... 183

We haven't seen the last of them, I'm sure. It can just as easily be turned around and brought "back". Think of this "announcement" as a PR stunt and DON'T WATCH.

Also, notice the tweets about Mady and Disney and "star in the making"? She isn't going to let it go, folks...she thinks the only way to make money is in entertainment. She's not going anywhere, and I suspect the kids aren't, either.

silimom said... 184

Administrator said...
The kids WILL get the help they need because she's going to give them to Jon, within 6 weeks I bet he's going to have custody.
Kate just said that Mady wanted to try acting and implied she'd be giving Disney a call.

It's not over yet. She's going to try for at least a year or two to find another show or get the kids into some other television or film project. I doubt she'll have any luck, really. The only thing I could see happening is if Kate gets engaged and sells a reality show that will chronicle the engagement, wedding prep, and then the wedding itself. She may try to extend that into another show, ala the Kardashians.

Again, not sure if it would work and I REALLY hope it won't. But until she has exhausted all of her possibilities and money, and until the kids become too expensive for her, Jon won't see any change of custody, imo.

Lorrie said... 185

p.s Let's all be careful now...the fans will be blaming blogs like this for the cancellation. *************************************************

At least a few posts I've read have already started blaming Jon and Ellen. LOL!!!

Enjoy your freedom, kids! Mommy is going to have to start earning her keep, for a change!

Kate's Cart said... 186

Darn - and I thought I submitted such a great poster. LOL

Donna said... 187

Bosom Buddies:
Yep, her right tit is hanging out, it wouldn't take much to see the nipple.

Kate's Cart said... 188

It's really such a sad indication of what a poor mother Kate is. Jon found out about cancellation via a news post. A loving mother would discuss it with the father of her children and how to best help the kids work through this change in their lives. Other than being afraid of Kate's anger directed towards the kids, this is the best news ever for them. I hope she has the therapist on speed dial. At least they have a few weeks for normal before school starts.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 189

LOL, I just can't keep up with all the comments here. Plus, I'm so exhausted-ish (LOL). Just finished going through some required reading with my child (close in age to the twins). I like to read the chapters first so we can go over the discussion questions together. I wonder if Khate bothers to do that.

Okay, so I haven't read everything here yet. I'm working on it, but did I see a comment that Jon has commented on the cancellation?

And, Kate's tweets about the contest were removed? LMAO! We were SO right last night! We KNEW she was going off half-assed and getting herself in trouble. To me, the biggest problems were her encouragement of the sheeple using, distorting, manipulating, and disseminating the TLC logo and the logo for the show. TLC pays the professionals to do that, Khate! Also, as Admin said, this would have to be cleared by TLC prior to her doing it. I'm sure she violated terms of her contract with this contest.

But the other huge problem was the possible violation of federal law if she had a teen winner (which most of the entries were) because then she'd be using the internet to obtain the name and address of a minor, which would require parental consent. I still think the crap was hitting the fan at TLC today over the mess that she created for them. Damn, would I LOVE if someone could interview someone at TLC and get the real scoop about the "contest" and what went down!

Kate's Cart said... 190

I don't think TLC has any future plans that include Kate. They must have been monitoring all the blogs and tweets. She is not well liked by a lot more people than she has fans.

She mentioned around 8pm tonight that she ran 8.5 miles. How does a mother of 8 run at 8 pm. Isn't dangerous to run at night and who is watching the kids. If today was sooooooooo traumatic for the kids, wouldn't be a nice night to focus on them for a change with a nice dinner and maybe a game to get their minds off things? It is always about her, and she just doesn't get what a turn off that is.

Moose Mania said... 191

Donna said...

Donna said:
Yep, her right tit is hanging out, it wouldn't take much to see the nipple.


But do we know where it is located? It might be in very close proximity to the high belly button!

TamaraW said... 192

Konspiracytheory....I feel for you, and I'll be petty right beside you! I have four kids with allergies/Celiac disease, and her joke about dietary restrictions really hacked me off. Her disdain for anything "abnormal" is disturbing, and I think it is a reflection of her extremely low self esteem. I sincerely hope this is truly the end for Kate Gosselin!

Gimme Gimme said... 193

I flipped that over and just caught a few minutes of it. She was bashing Jon like crazy, little digs to the kids, leave this in the blue van or I won't get it back, take this sleeping bag because you are going to have to sleep in it on the floor at your dad's APARTMENT. This is their house. They love it here. And her boob was hanging out, anyone standing above her could see it all. She has ruined herself. They are definitely bigger, but not so perky, but the kicker was the eyes. They are turned up. I felt almost a pang for sadness for her, for just a fleeting moment until I saw that. It was disgusting. It just made me sick. G'bye Khate. Ugh......

Gosselin Gossip said... 194

Saw this on preesi, credit to tam for finding and posting this:

"Jon Gosselin 'Relieved' His Kids Will No Longer Be On TV"

Jon Gosselin has responded to the cancellation of his ex-wife Kate's reality show, Kate Plus 8.

He is "very relieved" that his kids will be away from the cameras, he tells in an exclusive interview.

"I hope they can have more private family moments," he added. "I hope that this will bring more privacy to my children and that they can get the proper attention they need for any personal issues they might have in the future."

Gosselin confessed that he learned of the cancellation via a "press release," but that he wasn't surprised by it.

"Contracts have to end at some point. I think everything had run its course and it was time to come to an end anyways."

Jon and Kate Gosselin burst into the national spotlight with their original reality show, Jon & Kate Plus 8 which premiered in April, 2007. It featured the Gosselin family -- mom, dad, a set of twins, and a set of sextuplets.

It became a ratings blockbuster for TLC, soaring as Jon and Kate's marriage imploded in front of the cameras. They announced their separation in June, 2009. A tortured divorce proceeding followed.

The couple share custody of their eight kids. Jon has a steady girlfriend and lives in an apartment not far from his ex-wife's large house.

"I have no clue what her next move is," Jon said. "I hope she dedicates more time to the kids now and I wish her the best as she goes forward with whatever career she wants to pursue."

Kate's Cart said... 195

I don't think all the blame for the Gosselin kid fiasco and be placed on TLC. Isn't it the job of the parent to protect their kids, not exploit them. I hope once things settle down, Jon goes to court and makes sure that any of the kids assets are frozen and cannot be touched. It is now up to Kate to use the millions she has made and hidden to use that and Jon's support to live within her means.

gotyournumberKate said... 196

I totally agree that Kates twittering was her downfall. Someone asked her if she and Ashley made up and she answered yes. I doubt TLC likes her giving away the outcome before the show has even aired. Last night she was saying how editing makes things on the show look a lot worse than they were. Loose lips sink ships so they say......

Paula said... 197 was simply horrendous and painful to watch. Several times I thought to myself that TLC set out to make Kate look bad - not just physically (she looks years older than her age), but as a person.

Free Shoka said... 198

@Kateplusmy8 ur boob is hanging out
This made me laugh a bit.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 199

Here's Kate's mom take on it--if you believe it's her on Facebook, and I do. (This is from the "I'm Voting for Kate Gosselin in Life" page.) Kate's mom says nursing will never pay the bills. So she supports having the kids pay their own way? Puh-leeese!


Charlene Kolak Kreider
Last show~~September 12!!
2 hours ago

Nancy Warden Slade ‎:-(
2 hours ago

Elise Edwards I think it is a good idea. Those kids can now have a normal life. Kate can now go back to nursing - she is a great nurse and will be wonderful with patients.
2 hours ago

Elise Edwards Charlene, now that they will not be so busy filming, maybe you will get to see more of the kids. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter - that will be so fun for them to spend it with you and their Grandpa!!!!!!!!
2 hours ago

Charlene Kolak Kreider Nursing won't pay the bills for such a big family~~and she would be away from them A LOT! Just paying for childcare will kill her :-(
about an hour ago

Elise Edwards Well, you could babysit and maybe Jodi could, too. Maybe she could think about downsizing and sell that big house and get something smaller. Or get a live-in au pair girl from abroad. They are not here to make money - they want to learn English and learn about the US from a normal American family.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 200

Anne said...

Free Shoka said...

@KatePlusMy8 Kate Gosselin fans, come visit us the fan site & share your thoughts!
26 minutes ago

@AskBabyMama please note tho: I will not get those messages! Please be sure that is posted on your site. Thanks!
LOL Poor BM?!


Looks like BM got a little bitch slapping again. You know what would be really funny - it BM really did run the fan site sponsored by TLC - I think that was conjecture (sp?) long ago (that TLC had a hand in the site).


Wow! Again? That's the gratitude BM gets for supporting that rude, and very ungrateful pig.

BM, there is a big reason why everybody leaves Kate. Unfortunately, you are experiencing a little taste of her rotten personality. No doubt it will only get worse from now on, because Kate knows that she can push you around. She knows you will come running back to her no matter what.

I don't believe that Kate will ever respect or appreciate all you do for her. That's a shame.
It's also a waste of your precious time and effort. I don't think anyone deserves that kind of treatment.

Time to move on- and honestly, everyone will understand if you do.


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