Sunday, August 7, 2011

Discussion Thread: DC Cupcake Visit and 8 Movie Makers

Kate's in NYC to promote new episodes of the show, on a "press tour," as she calls it.

Meanwhile, two new episodes of Kate Plus 8 air Monday, and Kate's after more than just a sweet cupcake. She has her pimp flag down a Steve look-a-like to flirt with, then discards him when she finds out he's a celiac (i.e. deformed, and definitely too much work).

DC Cupcake Visit
Monday, 8/7/11

Kate takes Mady and Cara and their two best friends, who are also sisters, to visit and bake with the stars of TLC's DC Cupcakes, Sophie and Katherine. Back home with the sextuplets, it's a boys vs. girls summer games competition. Who will win?

8 Movie Makers
Monday, 8/7/11

Although the eight Gosselin children are no strangers to being on camera, they have a lot to learn about being behind the camera when making their own movie! 

196 sediments (sic) from readers: ~ Administrator said... 1

It's bothersome the way the DC cupcake ladies were giggling and encouraging Kate. If anyone bothered to look at the kids, all of the kids, they look confused, perplexed, and taken aback. They were not giggling or finding this amusing. I thought this outing was about the kids.

PJ's momma said... 2

Hoo hoo, haa haa, that 'press tour' tweet is laugh out loud funny! She certainly gets more press than she deserves, but it's still laughable. BTW, I do like some shows on TLC (Say Yes to the Dress, What not to Wear, both "Ink" shows and others) and I watched a little in between I Love Lucy marathon episodes, and didn't see one single commercial for Monday. In fact, I was struck by that one family with sextuplets, they did a big promo on them about giving back. Several times. They were packing up things that they didn't need and donating them. I think it was a commercial for hefty bags or something. Anyway, they make a game of it with the little ones and their explanation? 'People have been so generous with us, it is an honor to pass that long.' Or something like that. It was awesome! No consignment shops for that grounded family!

fidosmommy said... 3

I wonder if the need for a gluten-free cupcake was simply a promotion for the Georgetown Cupcake shop, showing that they can serve EVERYONE who likes cupcakes. I checked their Twitter page and see they seem to be pushing them, along with a few others, in giveaways. Gluten Free Lava Cupcakes. So, I figure they wanted to promote them on this show. We've got 'em, now let's let the world know by Kate learning about them. We'll get this guy to say he needs a gluten free one and Kate will talk about how surprised she is that GT Cupcakes can fill that bill! And it will look all so natural, you know, "realest reality out there!"

I'm surprised they didn't also highlight a Diabetic's Dream Cupcake they have probably invented in their lab.

Maybe Kate will mail order 2 fat free ones and divvy them up between her 8 kids. Of course, she won't indulge herself.......

Just Dwindle Away said... 4

So Katie's prospective john had some dietary needs. Well, she is much too busy and exhausted (and exhausted and busy cha-ching!)to think of anything other Katie Irene and her faux lettuce pretense.

She heard somewhere that the kids she gave birth to, have to eat sometimes but she farmed that out long ago and she isnt about to give a john a second thought. After all, isnt she entitled to just a few minutes to herself? Doesnt she deserve (insert something self serving here...)?

The only thing, ONLY thing, she wants a john for is to order around as unpaid servant, who can also pretend to adore Her Entitledness. She doesnt want sex, but she wants a john who does.

Dear Gosselin Children; No, sweet ones, this is not normal. This is not good, nor is it right. This is not how anyone else lives. You are entitled to your anger, confusion and conflicted feelings. We are so sorry, so very sorry that grew up like this and we are also very sorry for the parts we might have played in feeding the monster that sold you out. I say that to you knowing that next week some of us will pony up and pay the admission fee to feed your monster again. Sigh.

Ingrid said... 5

Today Moms facebook has a post about Kate on Monday's Today show=

"Kate Gosselin is coming back to TODAY on Monday, and she's going to answer questions from viewers (and readers). Got any questions? Post them below and she may answer your question on Monday's show!"

hey jude said... 6

Kate didn't really mean to say 'Press Tour!!!' That would be over-doing it,even for her. I think she was just so excited to have all those cameras and people falling over themselves for her again.

She meant to say 'Royal Tour!!!"

Teresa said... 7

I really, really really want to see her crumple in a heap, crying, sobbing when this farce comes to an end. I feel so hateful towards her at this moment. Just watching Mady's face. Karma may come to me for saying that, but l hope to see karma get to her first. Think while l'm in this pissy mood, l'll let Cupcake DC have a piece of my mind.

wayward said... 8

Hey Kate, I double dog dare ya NOT to bash Jon yet again to a nationwide audience. I still can't figure out why this is such an impossible task for you. Why is it that we are more worried about the impact your hateful, petty behavior will have on your kids than you are? Why is your hatred of Jon, your obsession with punishing him and your desperate attempts to stay relevant more important than those precious babies feelings? They are half his, when you disparage him you are insinuating something is wrong with them as well.

Please take a cue from the REAL celebrities when they are questioned about their ex- politely decline negative questions, say a few nice things AND MOVE ON.

Her comments a few years ago when she practically cried over her child having the major disease of nearsightedness, hit a raw nerve because of my line of work. Her latest crack about having no time or tolerance for the condition her cupcake victim had pushed me over the edge. I'm just sayin'.... it's been my experience that karma has a special place for people who are intolerant, indifferent, hateful and prejudice towards those with disabilities or chronic conditions. I have seen it over and over again. Although karma probably already has a very, very special place reserved for Kate. She has so many horrible qualities, it doesn't seem possible she could have another one. But it appears she does.

Pixie said... 9

I say that to you knowing that next week some of us will pony up and pay the admission fee to feed your monster again. Sigh.

Oh, I think you're wrong. At least, I hope you are. Does anyone here contribute to her ratings? I know I don't.

Kate 'loves' to be hated. It keeps her gravy train chug chug chugging along. I won't give her the satisfaction.

That was a sweet letter, Just Dwindle Away, very sweet.

hey jude said... 10

This show was supposed to be about the kids? This 1/2 twit can't even let them have the spotlight for 2 minutes? Kate is so disgusting in so many ways; she is in competion against her own daughters!!

Kate said-'I have 8 kids to feed, I don't do dietary requirements.'She was giddy and bent over laughing with the owners,like she had told the best joke on earth! This makes me sick, and I lost all respect for the owners and staff.

This was such a great teaching moment for the twins to learn about diabetes,celiac disease, allergies etc., weights and measurements , hygiene, good and bad fats; the list is endless!

Children learn what they live! They are always watching you and will repeat your actions, not what you tell them! Jon, someone, come and rescue these poor kids from this woman; she doesn't deserve to be a mother.......

BTW, there are more germs on her phone than her hands, because they aren't cleaned regularly.

Puddymoors said... 11

Didn't they do this show already. They went and visited Duff. Nothing interesting left to cover. How embarrasising for that guy as well.

mama mia said... 12

These children will be plagued their entire lives with "weren't you somebody?" And Kate no doubt will be lining up producer after producer trying to cast herself in the production of "my poor babies I did everything I could to save them" which will be shortened to "Kate's Take", Kate too dumb to realize they are once again mocking her for everything she did for them was for her.

Vanessa said... 13

We KNOW how 'reality' tv works, that whole scene with the guy being brought in for her was ALL scripted...even the part about him NOT knowing who she is. So, when on the couch she says "she doesn't care" that he didn't know who she was, it's another segway into a 'dating' kind of series for her. She DOES not care how she's portrayed, so long as there's the possibility of the show, ANY show continuing.
And seriously, what was with all that giggling from all those other 'ladies'?? She is NOT witty or funny...

Gimme Gimme said... 14

That is disgusting. Admin I wish you felt like getting that last recap up for tonight. I had much rather read one of your recaps than watch a grown woman with 8 kids live out her teen years that she must have somehow missed out on in spite of the fact that she was apparently a cheerleader. And people talk about Jon? The hair thing, Khate trying to be sexy? Please! I need one of those nice pink hospital basins that Khate strokes so lovingly, declaring them perfect for throwing up, so perfect in fact that small children can use them independently.

Kat said... 15

Just saw that dope on the Today show....I could have sworn I threw my broken record out!!

kat said... 16

OMG! Same bullsh@t....Different day!

Dallas Lady said... 17

The description of that episode bugs me. Jami's daughters are the only other kids probably allowed on the show. I have this feeling Mady and Cara don't consider them their best friends. No offense to Jami's kids, but it's all for the show, I'm sure.

Won't be watching any of it. I encourage everyone to not watch the Today show or TLC this evening. Her tweeting publicity attempts are quite pathetic.

Molly12 said... 18

I live on the west coast so The Today Show has not started. But, I refuse to watch today. Would love to know a few things about the interview:

Who interviewed Kate?
Were they soft on her (like they always are)?
Did she throw Jon under the bus?


JudyK said... 19

Hmmm, just wondering how she had time to do all these tweets since she was live on the Today Show, which I missed because I had to take my dog to the vet. They kept saying she would be on "next" for almost an hour. Kate was never too smart, but she is certainly regressing...must be all the tweeting with teenagers. After watching that video, she couldn't complete a sentence without every other word being "like." Let me tell you something, Kate, like you are way like too old to be saying like after every word...I didn't think it was like possible for you to like get any dumber than like you already are.

JudyK said... 20

hey jude said... This show was supposed to be about the kids? This 1/2 twit
LOL! Love it..."1/2 twit"...I have been giving her far too much credit by simply calling her a twit.

NoLoveInPhilly said... 21

No She Dit-ENT...Instead of promoting the show she pitched a show idea. Her "BEST FRIEND" would go around the country and find "SUITABLE" men for her to date. Here's the like to the Today Show. This is pathetic. AND I DONT BELEIVE THE KIDS BEG FOR HER TO GET MARRIED.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 22

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Done with extra and on to do a taped segment for Dr Oz...

TLC is promoting the heck out of her today.

I'm beginning to think this is a contest between the "haters" and TLC.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 23

@Kateplusmy8 I'm telling every1 they must watch K+8! CHALLENGE 2 TWEETIES: CAN U EA TELL 20 FAM/FRIENDS 2 WATCH 2NITE???


If Kate's show was so great, there would be no need for this.

What... people are going to sit through that sh*t just because someone is challenging them to do it?

Anyway, why would anyone be so invested in keeping this sh*tty show afloat?
Other than Kate and TLC?

Very telling...

As for me, my house is Kate + 8 and TLC free-
How about yours?

Not Watching TLC said... 24


That's all I care about that the numbers go down.

JudyK said... 25

Just watched the tape of her on Today...Ann Curry did the interview and it was softball, as usual, with all the old pat answers she always delivers. No, I don't believe for one second the kids are begging her to get married and if they are, it's for her to marry Steve. She used her "to be honest" language again. Uh, Kate, if you are being honest, you don't need to say that. To be honest, 1/2 Twit, you make me sick to my stomach.

kat said... 26

I can't take any more from this sorry excuse for a human being! The kids are begging her to get married? She made it sound like Jon died and she is widowed. Isn't Jon alive and well and still their father? She totally disgusts me! I think my head is gonna blow up.

cathy518 said... 27

NoLoveInPhilly said... No She Dit-ENT...Instead of promoting the show she pitched a show idea.

This is my take too,Kate wants to have a dating show, 100% about her, where various men are rounded up by Jamie for the chance to date Kate. How nauseating and sad for the children.Just what they don't need, a parade of strange men to come in and out of their lives. I don't for a minute think they are looking for a stepdad either, they love their Dad .
Just don't watch, it is the only thing we can do to not reward her ~ Administrator said... 28

What is this, a Rock the Vote campaign? If the show is quality, people will watch. If it's not, they won't. This whole tell two friends and they'll tell two more friends is a temporary fix. Kate's time would be better spent trying to produce a better show rather than trying to get viewers via Twitter.

Jenna Does said... 29

UGH!!! 2 seconds of that clip, like like like, & I had to LIKE shut it the eff off! LIKE STFU Kate! She thinks she is so cutesy. She can like, go D.I.A.L.
~Hippie Chick~ ~ Administrator said... 30

You know it's possible the kids told Kate once that if she and Jon can't be married they like his girlfriend and want him to marry her. That made Kate fuming, so that's when the sudden talk about how they so badly want her to get married too. She cannot be outdone by Jon.

For all her happy talk-talk-talk-talk happy talk about marriage, Jon is the one in a real relationship that looks marriage bound. It drives her crazy he just has what she keeps talking about.

kat said... 31

Now she's telling her cult to bring in more viewers for her? That sounds like someone who knows she's in trouble.
I'm gonna tell 20 of my family and friends NOT to watch. Throw her ass to the curb already!!

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 32

Um, I refuse to um, watch Kate, um on The um, Today Show.

Tam at Preesi's forum posted the interview, and OH MY GOD, I WANT TO TEAR MY HAIR OUT FROM BOREDOM!!!!! And she's so painfully inarticulate- ummms, uhhs, oonga bunga F*CK!!!!

Kate and her "brand" are done.
Let her go- PLEASE.

Tucker's Mom said... 33

From the MSNBC site:
"She also addressed rumors that her show was winding down, and would likely be canceled: "Nobody has told me. We will do it as long as people are watching."
Which, she acknowledged, means the show could follow her children all the way into high school -- though Gosselin chuckled, "I might be dead by then."
First, very telling. The second blurb made me gasp.
Did Kate really say she'd film the kids into high school?
Also, I don't believe for a moment that the kids want their dad replaced.
She's a very sick individual.

E-town Neighbor said... 34

What is this, a Rock the Vote campaign? If the show is quality, people will watch. If it's not, they won't.


I thought it sounded like a chain letter...pass this on to 20 people, tell 20 people to tell another 20 people. If you break the chain, bad things will happen to you.
She's pathetic.

Kate's Cart said... 35

Joy Behar is asking for questions for Kate @JoyVBehar.

To comments on Today Show interview and answer "if you will watch" you're directed to "The Clicker"

Maggie said... 36

I watched the clip on celebrity-gossip: She makes me sick:
1)Her "umms" were at a all time high. She was nervous.
2)She said her kids beg her on a daily basis that they want her to re-marry. Yes, she said a they beg on a daily basis.
3)Twice she mentioned having her best friend round up guys so she can meet them to date. This is because she has so many obstacles in dating,--8 kids--show on tv.
4)She said being a "single mother of 8 kids" is stressful, blah, blah, blah. The pity card.
5)She again used the term "the 9 of us".
6)She said she loves her career. What career?
7)All of her children are doing great. She stressed this a lot.

Why oh why is she on the Today Show or any show for that matter. She is a nobody with 8 kids with a very worn out tv show. She has nothing new to say whatsoever. I don't get it.

And Jon, please get a notebook and write down all the negative remarks Kate says and tweets about you, how the your kids beg daily for a father, etc. Write the date and the source. Your children need to read this when they are adults and can understand how Kate is undermining you as their father. Please, please do this for yourself.

TamaraW. said... 37

Well, I have four kids to feed, and they all have Celiac. Plus, we eat dairy free as well. She sickens me. She can't "do" dietary requirements? You do what you have to do to have healthy children. Once again, she can't simply say how blessed she is to not have to worry about diet restrictions, and instead, mocks the situation. Typical. Glad to see promotion of gluten free cupcakes, but sad to see such a poor excuse for a mother taking part in it. She has no idea what Celiacs go through.

PJ's momma said... 38

You can watch the interview here, without waiting for it live or going to the Today show. Everyone is right, same old crap, different day. She is an absolutely awful interview. Um, to be honest, um, cackle cackle, move hair out of the eyes, twitch leg when lying, etc.

I loathe this "woman" and her entire brand! said... 39

Why the hell does she need to go on Dr. Oz! PAHLEEZE!Also- on Joy Behar's facebook page for her TV show- almost every comment about Khate doing her show tonight is NEGATIVE! I bet Joy does NOT address any of these! Why don't any of these shows see these negative comments and realize that the public does NOT like this "woman" or feel like she deserves this attention! Geesh!

Anne said... 40

I think it may be more important than ever that we "rock the vote" with our remotes. Let's all challenge 20 non-fans to not watch.

Mel said... 41

It's beyond me how she manages to choose outfits that do nothing for her....every single time.

How does she manage to that? You'd think dumb luck would come into play once in a while.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 42

Joy Behar is asking for questions for Kate @JoyVBehar.

There are a whole lot of negative questions and comments from the general public, not the usual "haters."

Robin said... 43

Just wasted 4.5 minutes of my life. Entertained myself by counting the "ums."

THIRTY-EIGHT. In less than 4 1/2 minutes.

(and I probably missed some)
(and I didn't count the "likes" or the "ya knows", and there were many of those too)

Mel said... 44

Notice how she kept touching her hair? At least 4 times.

The interviewer didn't touch her face or hair even once. And didn't cross her legs and swing one incessantly either.

A lot to be learned just by emulation, eh Kate?

Vanessa said... 45

Tell me how her friend is supposed to roam the country to round up some men to introduce to Kart? Hmmm....would there be cameras present to capture all this matchmaking?? LOSER!! Plus, she'll only GET losers if it's all for a reality show...oh well, they'll make a perfect pair!
And WHY does every interview start with "you're looking BEAUTIFUL"?
I hate how she's this TOTALLY different person when being interviewed from what she's been for the past 6-7-8..12? seasons. I hate how she's this different person from what locals/family have said she is like (like like...sorry!)
She IS Faye Dunaway in Mommie Dearest, she lets the "real" Kate out when she was with Jon and now it's with the kids. She NEVER speaks that way when in front of her kids NEVER!!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 46

Just a sample of what the public thinks:

JoyVBehar Joy Behar
Got a question for Kate Gosselin? @kateplusmy8 is on my #HLN show 2nite at 10. Thanks!
1 hour ago Favorite Retweet Reply

mymic1 Michael A. Bowden
@JoyVBehar @kateplusmy8 Why are you relevant? How do you feel about being a manufactured celebrity with no talent and nothing to offer?

P_Funkadelik alexander arguelles
@Kateplusmy8 You're so obnoxious.

3ronald55 ron johnson
@JoyVBehar @kateplusmy8. No and don't care #HLN

Dee748 This & That News
@JoyVBehar @kateplusmy8 Yuk! Nobody wants to see her!

Blondie_4414 Blondie_4414
@JoyVBehar @kateplusmy8 What is she looking for been on The View alot.Is she looking to replace you or Barbara on The View?Y have her on ?

NathanLitman Nathan Litman
@MalachiBluff @Kateplusmy8 Honestly it's a crime that that strumpet can get money and a show for treating her womb like a generator

NathanLitman Nathan Litman
@MalachiBluff @Kateplusmy8 LOL, her skin looked like a blurry mess on the today show as well #poundsoffoundation

TheVinski Duh, Vinnie!
@Kateplusmy8 I don't care for you too much but your fame did make u better looking or should I say your doctor

MalachiBluff Malachi Bluff
@NathanLitman I found that terrible excuse for a mother on here @Kateplusmy8 . I feel like her and Casey Anthony would be best friends

DrewSirus DrewSirus
@JoyVBehar @kateplusmy8 What will be life after TV? How much more you will expose yourself and your kids?

jg24islandchik tracy
@JoyVBehar @Kateplusmy8 yes I do... When are you going to just GO AWAY? Enough of you and your ego kate really..

TXRGVGirl Dianne
@JoyVBehar @kateplusmy8 . TV has made the children spoiled. When will she discipline?
10 minutes ago

VegasLeppard Kim
@JoyVBehar @kateplusmy8 Yeah, why is she still around?

MaureenFarmer Maureen Farmer
@JoyVBehar @kateplusmy8 W/all good things in her life, why is she always crabby? Many moms w/o money, help, trips,face challeges gracefully.

angelayelk Angela moyer
@JoyVBehar @Kateplusmy8 wont be not joining katrs pity party b/c she has 8 kids and watch her put jon down as a father.

NancyInWI Nancy K
@todayshow @Kateplusmy8 who cares??? Why not have the Prez on to discuss the financial mess ...something that actually MATTERS!

Lucbealadyto Lucy Books
@JoyVBehar @kateplusmy8 Why is she still on tv?

realmari_me Mari Rod
@JoyVBehar @Kateplusmy8 it's not so much a ? for kate but you Joy...why?

PJ's momma said... 47

Robin, I just love you! Some time ago, I entertained myself by counting all her I, me, my statements during one segment of the show. In about 8 minutes she was approaching 50. It was about 48 or so. In 8 minutes! So her um count is right on target there!

Anonymous said... 48

She can like, go D.I.A.L.


What does that stand for?

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 49

Uugh, I see she's up to the same old boring stuff. I'm just checking in quickly and I saw that she tweeted about the shows she did today. I believe she did Access Hollywood or Extra last time also. Part of the TLC deal with NBC maybe, (always on the Today show)? But, Dr. Oz? WTH?

I'll have to catch up later today or this evening as I'm on the run all day today. But, I do have to laugh at that tweet where she tells the ten sheeple to each tell 20 friends to watch, LOL. I saw that coming last night when she was tweeting about telling friends to watch. With her pathetically small group of sheeple on Twitter (I'll be generous and say maybe 30 that really pay attention), that's certainly not going to help her numbers!

I'll say it again - please, let this be the very last time Kate is in NY promoting this show!

america said... 50

Even Eileen Oneill doesn't make her claim up the corporate ladder from the backs of 8 children. Afterall, her 3 children live a life of privacy while the gosselin kids keep getting exploited.

As far as Kate this morning. I hope TLC tweets her the eventual cancellation.

Kate's Cart said... 51

Kate must be seething - standing on the sidelines while Access Hollywood has been chatting w/ Kathie Lee Gifford for 28 minutes.

swimgirl said... 52

Just saw this tweet by BM on Joy Behar's titter page:

@SchmeckyGirl @JoyVBehar @kateplusmy8 If anyone is interested in filming me and my family feel free to contact me. Good luck Kate! xo ;)

Westcoaster said... 53

Poor thing, grabbing her 10 minute lunch on her "press tour" today - makes me laugh. Guess she forgets she wakes up in PA tomorrow, to indifferent reviews and crappy ratings, still unmarried, no dates and yes, 8 kids to raise. I could go on, but she's too boring and irrelevant in my world this morning. I do come here for a laugh, so thank you all.

Permanent Name said... 54

DIAL = Dive in a lake?

I am certain, certain, certain that tlc told kart the show is ending.

It used to be "nah, we'll be here forever". Now, it's "no one told me"..... and we know that is a lie because..... SHE SAID IT, ergo it's a lie........

She can't let on that she's yesterday's news because she's still hoping someone else will pick her up - a dead stah (media-istically speaking of course) is worth nothing; no one will want to deal with her once she's been thrown to the curb. The time to get more contracts with other networks is now, while "she's still hot" - and I use that term very, very loosely.......

She is trying her hardest to play the role but everyone in media knows she's done.

I didn't see the interviews but from what I can gather she is her usual inarticulate, nervous and arrogant self.

Of course she is, she has only one persona: bitch.

HI 50 said... 55

Won't be watching the bullsh!t interview. I have an appointment to scoop up my dog's poop in the front yard. Cleaning up the crap...hahaha!

TLC stinks said... 56

If her steeple aren't Neilsen fanilies, why beg them to watch? See..
tuning in DOES matter. Don't watch. TLC is obviously testing to see if she can carry a dating show. That is unacceptable. She has no concern for her kids. And to say that they beg her for a new daddy is a big, fat lie and Jon should go after her in court. She is an orange witch.

Jenna Does said... 57

She can like, go D.I.A.L.
Well, I was thinking drown in a lake, but that is too mean, & I took that back RIGHT AWAY. So, dive in a lake. That's better. I don't want anyone to drown. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Maybe she can swim around until she throws up? So, Kate can SAUSTU. LOL
~Hippie Chick~

E-town Neighbor said... 58

I didn't see the interviews but from what I can gather she is her usual inarticulate, nervous and arrogant self.


I just watched the Today clip online. I don't believe that I have ever heard her use so many "ums." It's every other word - she can't say one sentence without an "um." Why hasn't she taken time from her exhausting schedule to enroll in a speech communications class? This woman can't do an interview without the "ums" and the "to be perfectly honest." I didn't hear what she was saying because I was so distracted by her inability to communicate effectively.

Permanent Name said... 59

Well, here's another thought.......

tlc could pull a charlie sheen on her - charlie never thought IN A MILLION YEARS that he'd be dumped and then to have him dumped in such a spectacular F-U way is pretty much unprecidented, isn't it?

He must have really, really, really pissed of that producer/director, I forget his name.

Some folks are saying the 'revenge' is petty, but I think it's HILARIOUS. That guy knew exactly where to get charlie where it hurts the most.

It becomes an excellent lesson on having to take responsibility for your own sh*tty behavior, or it will come back to bite you in the ass.

charlie was sure he was untouchable.

He wasn't.

The same thing could happen to kart. She'd be furious. The world would think 'right on, tlc'..... if she was smart she'd consider it a life lesson.

Even Clinton figured out what the folks of Arkansas wanted after they kicked him out of office the first time. He reinvented himself and got relected as governor (sp? - I wish blogger had spell check) again. Don't like him, but he's pretty smart I guess. Chameleon smart.

kart isn't. She's only got one speed: arrogant.

Hippie Chick said... 60

Same old promotion...same old crappy ratings tomorrow...when will she learn?

Tucker's Mom said... 61

E-town Neighbor said...
I didn't see the interviews but from what I can gather she is her usual inarticulate, nervous and arrogant self.


I just watched the Today clip online. I don't believe that I have ever heard her use so many "ums." It's every other word - she can't say one sentence without an "um." Why hasn't she taken time from her exhausting schedule to enroll in a speech communications class? This woman can't do an interview without the "ums" and the "to be perfectly honest." I didn't hear what she was saying because I was so distracted by her inability to communicate effectively
It's more like "em, em, em". Kate was using her cutsy little girl voice and the "em" is meant to be coquettish. This is what she does to be endearing and disarm her interviewer.
Ann Curry seemed less than thrilled to interview her; a far cry from her pal Merideth. The filming into high school question came across as more incredulous than anything. Ann exudes class and although she's 20 years Kate's senior, Ann looks better.
Kate looks like a basted and trussed turkey. The tanning is way overboard and Kate has had work done on her face. She's beginning to look like The Joker. Seriously, she's been pulled more than taffy.
And I agree that the show hasn't been picked up for more episodes. This spate of filming is over and Kate doesn't know if there will be more. Kate definitely would have mentioned making more memories.
Could go either way.
And, and "career"? What career?
And, and, ps... Kate, dear, your family consists of 10 people. No matter how much you hate Jon, continuing to not include him is alienation, plain and simple. ~ Administrator said... 62

She just said the show isn't going anywhere. Now she says she doesn't know? That's two completely different answers, Kart!

Ingrid said... 63

A thought I had when seeing all the young gals saying on Twit. that they were going to tell everyone they know to watch: So if TLC wants a high amount for the 18-49 group what good will a bunch of immature teens do for them. Nada lol

Tucker's Mom said... 64

Permanent Name- when, no if, but when Kate gets shit-canned, she will boohoo about how TLC is taking food out of her kids' mouths, like like she did to the Reading Eagle when the paper called her on all of the volunteers and freebies the Gosselins received, yet never acknowledged all the while crying poor.
She will come out with a vengeance. Unless, of course, her dating show materializes.
Remember when Jon was thought to be quite the douchebag for pushing for a show called "Divorced Dads"?
What's the difference?

Tucker's Mom said... 65

I'm thinking about how much those poor kids must be getting teased about getting a new daddy and how much their real dad doesn't love them.
Kate has got to STFU about the pure BS that her kids want a daddy at home. No way in hell that little 7 year olds are even thinking about that. They want Jon and probably will quietly wish Kate and Jon reconcile until they are about 30 or so.

fidosmommy said... 66

Kate, "um" and "like" and "to be perfectly honest" are not a Signature Style that separates you out from the rest of the celebrities. It just sounds like you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about and you need to come up with something - anything - to fill space.

I am so very tempted to write to Georgetown Cupcakes and tell them I am not going to ever be a consumer of their lovely (and I'm sure delicious) cupcakes because of what Kate Gosselin did with that rejected cupcake. That was just wrong. The hair in the eyes is a real turn off too. And that goes for Katherine and Sophie and the rest of the people gathered around Kate.

Permanent Name said... 67

Once again Hippie Chick, I love your post! You made me laugh out loud with 'kart' and 'coquettish' in the same sentence!!!

Perhaps that's what kart thinks she is being, though I really doubt she even knows what the word means.

What I visualize when she does that is the hippo in lipstick cartoon character. True, she might not be 'actually' hippo sized, but she moves like one. She looks leather-like and lumbers. Not feminine at all.

Mean, yes I am, but I am so darned sick of this onslaught of media attention when 'new' episodes are showing.

Ingrid said... 68

Her face looks alittle more gaunt and possibly something done around the mouth. She doesn't even resemble when she was really young and had really nice natural good looks and skin. Young like before marriage.

Also I saw she is going on Dr. Oz. I lost all interest in him when he had BM on there. It wasn't hard to figure out that if you sleep til noon it shifts your sleep pattern so you go to bed later and then Monday when you get up early again you are tired. duh. I work 2nd shift and know that weekends mess me up. They tried to use other reasons to make a show out of nothing.

silimom said... 69

TLC stinks said...
If her steeple aren't Neilsen fanilies, why beg them to watch? See..
tuning in DOES matter. Don't watch. TLC is obviously testing to see if she can carry a dating show.

It's not just the Nielsen Ratings that count. While Arbitron has historically been used for radio ratings, they also collect television data - I know because we are an Arbitron family and carry our little portable people meters with us every day to track what we watch and listen to.

Not to plug them, but if you're interested, check out their website. It's actually pretty easy.

Hippie Chick said... 70

Permanent Name said...
Once again Hippie Chick, I love your post! You made me laugh out loud with 'kart' and 'coquettish' in the same sentence!!!
I like to give credit where it's due, & that wasn't me! But thanks for the love babe!

Can You Imagine? said... 71

If Jon was in a bar licking a strange woman's foot?
If Jon had a friend "chase down a potential mate" in front of the kids?


The Sheeple would be going insane. Why is it okay that Kate does disgusting stuff? Because she's kate. Kate could make a sex tape and I think her sheeple would cheer for her.

Vanessa said... 72

I hate the way she's this totally different person when being interviewed. Whether it's on her flat a$$ on the couch, or as in today with Ann Curry. When have we ever seen her so demure when speaking to her kids? To Jon? To ANYONE on the panel guys, Emeril, the sky-jump instructor... She TRULY is Joan Crawford, but SHE never had a camera following her around to catch her abusive behaviour in her PRIVATE life. The problem is nobody is calling her out! NO ONE! Why won't Joy drill her tonight like she did Nadya Suleman?? Just because Kate is living lavishly and Nadya is about to get kicked onto the streets? In my opinion, Nadya is NOT an abuser, but those kids have a far bigger chance of being taken from her than Kart! Does this make sense?? Why the double standard with these TWO octomoms??
And I agree with Tucker's Mom, Ann Curry is probably 10 yrs older than kate and looks 10 yrs younger than her. Why do all these interviewers have to comment on her "beauty"?? BARF!

america said... 73

No offense but is kate Bi polar?
Now she wants to be a producer? She is taking credit for the crap thatshe calls a current show

For the most part, Kate Gosselin has been tucked snugly in her own reality show world with "Kate Plus Ei8ht" -- which is returning to TLC tonight. But, beware; soon her fingerprints could be all over more than just her namesake loudspeaker. Gosselin tells me she has caught the producing bug and is starting to think about a life behind, as well as in front of, the camera.

“I’m really good at producing our show because I know our lives. I know how to convey us for real,” Gosselin tells me. “I know when things translate into TV and what’s not quite as accurate as you want it to be. I’m good at it 'cause I live this life.”

Westcoastet said... 74

I continue to laugh as she continues on "my press tour", stopping to describe her fave lunch of grilled veggie panini and 'org' salad. She will have her less than 15 edited minutes tonight on various shows, and again, tomorrow her press tour world (laugh pause) is OVER. She continues to forget whatever audience is left tunes in to see her children; this why a K8 dating show is so ridiculous. Nobody save a few tweeple sheeple cares what SHE does.

Tucker's Mom said... 75

I am so very tempted to write to Georgetown Cupcakes and tell them I am not going to ever be a consumer of their lovely (and I'm sure delicious) cupcakes because of what Kate Gosselin did with that rejected cupcake. That was just wrong. The hair in the eyes is a real turn off too. And that goes for Katherine and Sophie and the rest of the people gathered around Kate.
Please don't take this out on Georgetown Cupcake! It wouldn't make a dent, I'll tell you now to save you the effort. Best cupcakes in the DC metro, and they are on FIRE! with lines out the door every day, even opening a place in NYC. So please, my husband needs his birthday delivery every year; it's a REAL tradition for us. You now, the kind that happens regularly and predictably, unlike Kate's many "traditions" that aren't happening anymore.
GC did this to cross promote 2 TV shows. That's all. Duff, Teutles, Emeril-- they all had to lie down with Kate and get fleas.
I just hope the gals from GC got hazard pay.

Anonymous said... 76

This woman is the most pathetic excuse for a mom I have ever seen. Kate does nothing for her kids. Everything is about her. I don't understand why she is allowed to go on these shows at all. She is not a celebrity and all she does is lie. Why doesn't the host ask real questions like why did you act like such a stupid ass when she was on Sarah Palins show or why does she treat people like they are beneath her like

Midnight Madness said... 77

I was reading some of the tweets from a sheeple who continues to profess her admiration for Kate, while promoting her blog.

She tweets: "Don't forget #kateplus8 is on TLC tonight! Can't wait to post my latest *KATE*VERSATIONS on my blog after the show! @Kateplusmy8 YOU ROCK!"

Apparently she conducts workshops for girls, ages 7 to 18, focusing on self-respect, individuality, and self-awareness - "Courage Integrity Assertiveness Confidence Restraint", bringing her workshops to churches:

How could anyone who leads a workshop that "celebrates" individuality, condone child exploitation at the hands of a parent and a production company? Isn't this a total contradiction, considering the fact that the tups are sold as a six-pack, and continue to be at the mercy of a television production company that cares nothing about their rights as children, denying them a normal childhood?

How could you, on the one hand, stress the importance of empowerment of the individual child, while at the same time supporting a mother who continues to sell her children (who have no say in the matter) to the highest bidder?

Don't sheeple have any part of their brain that functions on full capacity?

Zoe said... 78

If the kids really say they want a new daddy in the house, it would only be because they hear from Khate: "there's no daddy here to do such-and-such, so you kids will just have to do it".
I'm sure she is manipulative as H E double L.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 79

Maggie said...

3)Twice she mentioned having her best friend round up guys so she can meet them to date. This is because she has so many obstacles in dating,--8 kids--show on tv.


Kate has a best friend? ;o)

If it's true (with Kate, you never know),
how creepy is it that she would even suggest sending out her "best friend, heh heh" to hunt down (I mean find) her a male victim.

Her exact words- "can you go out and sort of, collect some people that you think, would um,
would suit?"

Sounds like something out of a low budget B horror movie...

Me, Myself and I said... 80

Has she even mentioned her children today - what they are doing, if they are swimming, visiting friends, or cleaning the house - whatever? Everything is about her and this extensive press tour and her fabulous organic lunch. She's disgusting.
Is there ever a tweet that either isn't a whoo hoo, awesome, or ME, MY, MYSELF, or I?

melin said... 81

This woman is the most pathetic excuse for a mom I have ever seen. Kate does nothing for her kids. Everything is about her. I don't understand why she is allowed to go on these shows at all. She is not a celebrity and all she does is lie. Why doesn't the host ask real questions like why did you act like such a stupid ass when she was on Sarah Palins show or why does she treat people like they are beneath her like

LisaNH said... 82

Jenna Does said... UGH!!! 2 seconds of that clip, like like like, & I had to LIKE shut it the eff off! LIKE STFU Kate! She thinks she is so cutesy. She can like, go D.I.A.L.
~Hippie Chick~


That is just like Kat Von D (ironically on the same channel....coincidence?). Kat says "like" after every other word. I once watched her show as she was doing a tattoo on a woman's arm of the woman's daughter who had passed away and Kat was aking the woman about her daughter and she was saying "Like that is like too bad like that happened. Like that must have been like so hard for you. Like how did you like deal with it?" ARRRRRGHHGG. She sounded like an idiot. Kat Von D is not 17 years old, stop talking like a teenager!

And now Kate is showing the same type of ignorance. She is clearly a stupid woman. But then again, we all knew that.

melin said... 83

Admin I posted as anonymous because I didn't know my URL. I figured I could just put my name and it worked. I have been following this blog since the divorce but I have never posted before because I just enjoyed reading what everybody had to say. I just watched the interview with Ann Curry and I could not stand it anymore. Kate is never held accountable for her horrible behavior even though the world has seen it all because it is on television. I don't understand how these tv hosts can ignore all that and act like this b#&$h
is something special. I just wish they would cancel the show so we never have to see this horrible excuse of a mom again.

Tucker's Mom said... 84

Me, Myself and I said...
Has she even mentioned her children today - what they are doing, if they are swimming, visiting friends, or cleaning the house - whatever*******
Kate mentioned them briefly on Today. She of course hyperbolized again and said they where better than doing great, she loves being a mom.
Interestingly, there was no specific talk about the "making memories" episodes coming up.

Like A Bad Penny said... 85

Is she "on" something today? She's bragging about where she is, how busy and in demand she is, waiting in the green room, and then the "don't forget to watch" over and over again. Or is this just the "high" part of a bipolar moment?

Reality ...or not? said... 86

america said...

No offense but is kate Bi polar?
Now she wants to be a producer? She is taking credit for the crap thatshe calls a current show

For the most part, Kate Gosselin has been tucked snugly in her own reality show world with "Kate Plus Ei8ht" -- which is returning to TLC tonight. But, beware; soon her fingerprints could be all over more than just her namesake loudspeaker. Gosselin tells me she has caught the producing bug and is starting to think about a life behind, as well as in front of, the camera.

“I’m really good at producing our show because I know our lives. I know how to convey us for real,” Gosselin tells me. “I know when things translate into TV and what’s not quite as accurate as you want it to be. I’m good at it 'cause I live this life.”



How can a reality show, that isn't "scripted", is the realest, reality there is, and which shows them living their real lives with the kids just walking in and out of scenes at will, be anything but accurate and how can it be "conveyed" any way but the way it IS? Please, Kate, tell us the truth; your show isn't really "reality" after all, is it?

I guess she paid attention to the tweets questioning why she didn't get producer credit if she was actually doing the work, but it's too bad it's coming 7 years too late and the show is on it's last legs.

Stupid is said... 87

Anonymous, are you a comic?

Yes, her marriage was SO BAD. AWFUL. When Jon kissed her butt, took care of the kids, did everything she said, apologized when SHE was wrong and was told to stop breathing ... yeah, I thought it was a BAD, BAD marriage.

Kate's bitch days will never be over.

Thanks for the comedy.

so sick of her said... 88

PJ momma: I did not see one commercial promo for K8 either, this weekend.
As for this my kids want a new daddy, is BS, cause Kate has nothing new to say, and could not figure out anything new to bash Jon about.
I suppose that her going on Dr Oz will be about all the stress that poor lazy mother of 8 has, or to talk about the fertility stuff, cause it was all over the internet.

Me, Myself and I said... 89

Kate mentioned them briefly on Today. She of course hyperbolized again and said they where better than doing great, she loves being a mom.


Sorry. I was asking about her tweeting frenzy. I didn't see anything at all mentioned about the kids - only Mommie Dearest.

Does anyone predict that the ratings will be up after this show and her "press tour?" I just have a sinking feeling that she's not going anywhere soon.

Stupid Is said... 90

Sorry, I was commenting to Anonymous from another thread.

Gimme said... 91

Of course they want a daddy in the house, since their daddy was their primary care taker. Khate in her infinite wisdom has probably taught them that it is pick a daddy, any daddy will do, they are all the same. Not.

america said... 92,0,2001116.story

Wonder if the kids will have to film until highschool?

mamasan said... 93

in some of the early episodes Jon and Kate are on bottom left of screen as producers.

america said... 94

Here's one place that she isn't invited. It might be because of her noncelebrity status?

Moose Mania said... 95

How many people have you reminded...????TONIGHT is Kate+8 on TLC at 9pm EST! Great eps! Don't miss it!


Desperate much, Kate?
Either that, or the narcissism is at an all-time high! Has she ever been this obsessed over people watching HER show?

so sick of her said... 96

Just saw the Access interview the parts that I saw, she was actually nice talking about Jon.
When they asked her about dating: if she was dating anyone, she gave a neutral answer, which if she said she was dating someone, then she is full of it. Cause in other recent interviews, she said she had not dated anyone. I guess using the tease feature. You know keepin guessing, but in Kate case, she is very transparent.

Flight of the Kiwi said... 97

Hi all - and from the last post - a big thanks for all the warm wishes!! I'm far less grouchy/sensitive today :)

Admin, so hope you're feeling even better today. I know Yoko's pretty darn quiet here today (thanks so much for THAT Hippie Chick ROTFLMAO) Hope Yoko is at least in key, or nearby a key for you...

So laughing at Katie's line above about being so good at "producing" their show - ah ha ha ha ha - because she "knows" how to convey them for real - oh no just about peed myself. Her "I know when things translate into TV and what’s not quite as accurate as you want it to be" uh huh, like when it's SCRIPTED! Sorry, when things are "an exception for the show".

All so-called reality shows do this. The extreme coupon show got caught doing it - a grocery store gave an exception to its double coupon policy, heck even the right coupon for the product, for the sake of the show - never turning in the coupon to the manufacturer (little thing called fraud they wanted to avoid) they were compensated by TLC...and they are doing it again next "season". Lots of real couponers yelling foul over it. Not mention the locals who flocked to said store for the same doubling the woman in the episode received. Way to get positive PR store manager - NOT! But in the TLC/KG world ANY press/attention is "good", no? Real life is seldom entertaining or exciting enough - certainly not for a weekly show - though mine is, thank you very much, though I highly doubt anyone outside my family would think so ;).

GT cupcakes will be just fine. No worries Tucker's Mom. Chicago has a wonderful cupcake place with fabulous gluten-free as well as sugar free and fat free varieties. Lines often out the door there too. Always go when we visit. There's a crass joke in that last sentence..."I" get to joke about it, just because.

I think if we really knew the condition and goings -on of most restaurant kitchens, including the best, none of us would eat out LOL. I remember how grossed out I was when I learned the actual name for that plexiglass hood over a salad bar is a sneeze guard - ewww! Especially since many people lean in UNDER them! I also remember being a bit puzzled when head coverings were required for even completely bald folks - then that whole sweat thing occurred to me (and I wish it hadn't). THEN I considered, if gloved hands touch multiple germ laden surfaces how is that better than washing hands thoroughly between touching different food products and then I thought... ;) I tell ya, typing up those reports, doing research on-line for hubby, well, I've learned waaay more than I ever wanted in areas that aren't necessarily primary interest for ME...I would really rather have MY career back, but I digress :)

It's better now that hubby does less restaurant architecture remodels and more financial institutions LOL (though I miss the samples..banks and credit unions just don't give out samples for some reason. darn) However, just being "in the biz" has it's perks.

Anyway, I'll bet that poor little cupcake went into the trash as soon as that "scene" was completed. Probably 8 little cupcakes got trashed.(carefully chosen number there) Does anyone really think Kate can get it right in one take???

Jenna Does said... 98

“I’m really good at producing our show because I know our lives. I know how to convey us for real,” Gosselin tells me. “I know when things translate into TV and what’s not quite as accurate as you want it to be. I’m good at it 'cause I live this life.”

(Thanks America for the post!)

I, um like totally know my uh life & like totally um know how to produce & stuff. It's um, like totally awesome to convey...did you guys get that? I used a big girl word!...anyways, (with an s) MY life onto the like, TV, because it's MY life. The kids are just um playing, honestly. Why would I lie? Are you calling me a liar? Like, seriously, in all honesty, I was like um talking about it on twitter...I like, LOVE twitter, to ALL my friends, 20,000 of them, about like um producing, so I um figured, why not, right? It's um MY life, like, right? I'm such a great producer. Like, I like um telling everyone what to do. And telling them where I wanna go on my bucket Paris & New Jersey! Oh My Gawd, honestly,, yeah. Go me!"
~Hippie Chick~

Anonymous said... 99

Here's one place that she isn't invited. It might be because of her noncelebrity status?


They probably figured one Grouch on Sesame Street was enough.

Anonymous said... 100

If Jon was in a bar licking a strange woman's foot?
If Jon had a friend "chase down a potential mate" in front of the kids?


The Sheeple would be going insane. Why is it okay that Kate does disgusting stuff? Because she's kate. Kate could make a sex tape and I think her sheeple would cheer for her.


I know!! Or what if JON had been the one to throw a tantrum in Alaska with Sarah Palin? Would the sheeple still say Sarah had been rude (which she wasn't), or would they say Jon acted like a spoiled brat? Ugh. If JON had acted like that, they'd be all over him, saying "Sarah was so gracious to him, and he was a big baby,", but since it was Kate, of course they defend her and claim, "Well, Sarah was rude, and it was mean of them to make her camp outside."
The sheeple obviously don't even care that the kids were happy and relaxed; all they care about is Queen Kate being comfortable.

Just Dwindle Away said... 101

Jenna Does said... UGH!!! 2 seconds of that clip, like like like, & I had to LIKE shut it the eff off! LIKE STFU Kate! She thinks she is so cutesy. She can like, go D.I.A.L.
~Hippie Chick~


My husband broke our (then) teenaged daughter of that. (By the way, Kate, this is 80's and 90's speak. At least get recent, would ya?)

Anyway, every time daughter would say 'like', hubby would interrupt her and ask "Was it 'LIKE' that, you mean SIMILAR to that, or was it EXACTLY that? If it was only SIMILAR, can you find a word that describes it better?" Then followed by the obligatory "Why are you being like so mean to me?!?" Hubby would then reply "So I am SIMILAR to being mean to you, but I am not ACTUALLY mean to you? I am just LIKE mean, but not EXACTLY mean?"

And so it went in our house for months and months until she finally began to carefully watch her phrasing.

Sounds as if Kate needs to be locked in a house with my husband for a month so he can break her babytalk... Actually THAT would be fun! (Just the thought of him holding her feet to the fire [it's an expression sheeple, look it up] over every detail for a month makes me laugh!)

Dulcina said... 102

Here's one place that she isn't invited. It might be because of her noncelebrity status?

"They probably figured one Grouch on Sesame Street was enough."

Smiley - thanks so much for the laugh!

I consider being on Sesame Street a much bigger honor than being on any of the vapid "wanna be" shows.

america said... 103

Moose Mania--lol!!! She sure will have blisters by tomorrow with all that tweeting today.

Anonymous said... 104

Does Kate ever bring the "8" with her for the interviews? I don't watch them, so I don't know, but from what I can get here, it doesn't seem like it. Shouldn't she? Wouldn't that help the ratings? Isn't that the reason most people like the show, for the children? I know the Duggars (sp?) bring their children for the interviews. Just seems like a smart tactic for a show about a family- you know- to bring the whole family. ~ Administrator said... 105

I think Kate won't take the kids with her because it's LIVE. She's petrified Mady or someone might say something off script. Now the good thing is the kids don't have to do interviews, they are kids for pity sake.

america said... 106

oh good gawd whatever kind of meeting they had with kate they are going all out. Joy behar discusses being a lesbian with Kate Gosselin.

This is kinda fun today I should say. Whatever happened to the I am going to be a talk show host. I am going to be a voice of a cartoon character.

Grammy of nine said... 107

Is anyone besides me sick about hearing or reading about the "beautiful" Kate? Really? Am I missing something? Desperate, maybe, but I believe "pretty is as pretty does" and I don't see it in Kate. No child I have ever been around and I have been a sub-teacher for many years has ever said in my presence that their divorced mother should get remarried. Delusional woman! More planting the idea for a "show." They must believe we are stupid. So transparent, Kate. Please just stop. We already know too much information about you and your family.

Boston Bonnie said... 108

I’m really good at producing our show because I know our lives. I know how to convey us for real,” Gosselin tells me. “I know when things translate into TV and what’s not quite as accurate as you want it to be. I’m good at it 'cause I live this life.”

So she is admitting that she KNEW the production staff was taping her little ones in the bathroom? She KNEW and approved having the camera crew watching her little one aching with constipation? She KNEW and yet she let it all go on.

Yeah Khate that's 1st class mommie material.

So what exactly was the purpose of the media gauntlet? Other than saying that as long as people watch she'll keep the cameras rolling what did she think she was going to accomplish?

Flight of the Kiwi said... 109

Splenda? But, but, but that's not's made from a chemical process. With chlorine. She's so insistent on ORGANIC. It's the way she rolls. Or does free always trump organic?

Maybe Dr. OZ will clue her in.

So if I understand her correctly, she craved an iced skinny vanilla latte: light ice(few ice cubes) espresso, non-fat milk, sugar-free (splenda) vanilla syrup with TWO added splenda packets.


Molly12 said... 110

I just watched a link of The Today Show interview. The clips they showed of the kids playing and looking happy were when they were with Ashley and Kate was in NY getting her legged licked. Couldn't they find a clip of the kids with Kate where they were free to be themselves and not fear the wrath of Mommie Dearest?? Nope....didn't think so.

wayward said... 111

Can You Imagine? said... If Jon was in a bar licking a strange woman's foot?
If Jon had a friend "chase down a potential mate" in front of the kids?


The Sheeple would be going insane. Why is it okay that Kate does disgusting stuff? Because she's kate. Kate could make a sex tape and I think her sheeple would cheer for her.
Ahh yes..... hypocrisy, thy name is bleating sheeple. I give you exhibit A:
SuperPattyPie Patty Pie
@ @Kateplusmy8 @AliNickel1 Shouldn't the problem be with the people who spew the negativity that the children may see? Just askin'
6 hours ago
TrippenIn Patty Cakes
@ @SuperPattyPie @Kateplusmy8 @AliNickel1 I have to agree Pie, its the very people that claim to care abt the kids that do the damage.

To this, Tam from Preesi said: "Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't SuperCowPattyPie a big offender of negativity towards the children's father?"

Thank you, Tam. Why in the HELL is the crap they say about Jon like "he ruined that family but Kate healed them" okey dokey and they don't seem to care if the kids see it, but anything we say about their goddess is damaging to the kids. It makes no sense whatsoever but sense and sheeple have never had a thing in common.

TLC ship is sinking said... 112

Thanks, america, for the link:

Excerpts in italics:
Gosselin tells me she has caught the producing bug and is starting to think about a life behind, as well as in front of, the camera....Although Gosselin isn’t quite ready to start producing other shows, she hopes to be in the future.

Add tv producer to the list of Kate's dream jobs, after tv talk show host, radio host, fitness guru...all of which she is under-qualified lacking in knowledge, skills, and expertise.

Kate's hoping Hollywood would take her bait and offer her a job as producer of a new show...cause that's how most producers get their jobs in Hollywood.

“I have had people come to me and say ‘I have this great idea for a reality TV show.’ I actually, in my mind, can play it out and see it happening ... for me it's like writing a living book and I really love to write.”

Kate's lazy way of producing - use other people's ideas/suggestions and take all the credit as her own.

Some people here deserve producer credits for her show more than Kate. Some suggestions made here seem like they make their way onto the show.

Kate admits she’s been very hands-on with her own show from the beginning, often coming up with ideas and giving producers a yay or nay when it comes to certain production decisions.

It's been said here before, but Kate needs to fire her manager, agent, and/or lawyer for setting up her current lousy contract. Someone that involved from the beginning should at least be getting producer credits by now...when they're in their seventh season! ESPECIALLY if you are hinting to Hollywood that you would like to produce other shows in the future - great for the resume.

Or, Kate cluelessly admitted how dumb she is that TLC is essentially getting a free producer for her own show. Kate doing work she's not getting paid for...that's a first! LOL

Admin, if you plan on watching the new episodes, can you check the credits to see if she is listed as producer now?

I once made a comment that Kate makes even smartphones look dumb. Everytime I see that new Geico commercial, I'm reminded of Kate: "Do people use smartphones to do dumb things?"

Kate's Cart said... 113

Haven't read all the comments here yet, but no one has anything positive to say about Kate on the Today Show FB page. Most question why is she on, no one cares. Think it's disgraceful to give her time on a day of mourning for the Navy Seals families. (Future mother in law to a US Marine who has served in Iraq.)

Ellie said... 114

I might be wrong, but didn't Khate keep saying on Twitter that tonight's episode was going to be about the road trip in the RV's? Everyone kept saying they wouldn't be able to edit that fast.

Shows how much she knows. She just may be the last to find out her show is cancelled once TLC finally does it.

Tucker's Mom said... 115

My husband broke our (then) teenaged daughter of that. (By the way, Kate, this is 80's and 90's speak. At least get recent, would ya?)
I think I've said this before, but I remember being 6 yo or so and I was playing (yes, back in the day when you just knocked on a door to see if your friend was home and then went in) with a girlfriend who was 5, and the baby of the family. She said she was going to have "bisgetti" for dinner. I know that she meant "spaghetti", but told my mom (when she walked over to pick me up for dinner) that Tracy was having bisgetti for dinner (because I thought it was cute) and my MOTHER leaned over and told me NEVER to talk like a baby, that I knew how to say spaghetti and she never wanted to hear me talking like a baby again.
I was...6.

Dallas Lady said... 116

I watched the clip of the Today show.

I counted 33 ums or uhs, but I sort of lost count in there, so I might have, UH, missed some. Hee.

She's just so stilted and BORING every single time.

I found this interesting: the question about how she finds calm in the middle of the storm (I guess the storm that is her life? Having eight kids?) she answered by saying she reminds herself how AWESOME her life is and that's how she does it.

HA, oh ok, Kate, so for a mom who doesn't feel like her life is so awesome at the moment, what advice would you give?

Never mind, answering that would require that you have more than two brain cells to rub together and you obviously don't have that. I would say tanning has fried her brain, but she never struck me as particularly intelligent or interesting, even years ago.

Kate won't be on TV when her kids are in high school. I doubt very seriously she'll be on TV next YEAR. However, I do wish they'd take all the cameras away, all the fat paychecks away and go back and check out her life when the kids ARE in high school. See how she deals with eight teenagers, MUWAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH! Yep, that's an evil laugh.

Pixie said... 117

I'm feeling some karma come my way here.

Kate's gotta be sweating bullets about all the 'rumours' that her show is going to be cancelled 'cause she's now 'happily' signing autographs and blowing smoke up her fans' butts. A little too little, a little too late. ~ Administrator said... 118

I watched the Today interview. Was a bit surprised to hear Kate admit that the kids are WELL-BEHAVED and great kids and, well that's a new sell! Wait just a cotton-pickin' minute. Weren't we all just saying that in the previous thread? That these kids are easy-going kids, but that Kate will never admit it because that doesn't fit into the "poor tired hard-working mom trying so hard to keep up with 8 kids." How does that fit into the whole, I can never take 8 kids grocery shopping because they are out of control. Now she's selling it both ways--when she's mom of the year, the kids are easy going well-mannered. When she doesn't wanted to be bothered to take them grocery shopping, they're out of control. Kate? WHATEVER!!!!

The other thing I noticed is that when asked whether they will film even when the kids are in high school (vomit) she never once said oh well if the kids still want to, if it works for our family, if the kids are happy. Nope, not one bit about the kids. All about how if the fans still watch!!! As long as the fans watch, she'll keep filming the crap out of these kids until they're old enough to collect social security, if she has her way. The hell with what the kids think or feel. She's so delusional.

Canuck said... 119

Producer? Now all of a sudden Kate wants to produce - not just her show, but others? Sounds all too familiar, doesn't it...? Can we all NOW admit that we, here on this blog (and the many non-fans who inundate her stupid Twitter account) are a direct pipeline to this inane woman's delusions of grandeur? In fact, I would go even further to state that between the blogs and Twitter, we have somehow become her biggest "fans" in a weird way. Someone, if not Kate herself, is reading everything we write and if the idea sparks her imagination (or TLC's) - next thing you know...our ramblings have become her reality. I ask again...what would happen if we all just STOPPED - even if just for this next few weeks of her VERY EXCITING, NOT TO BE MISSED new episodes? I hate that they glean anything from our writings that can potentially prolong the agony of having to bear Kate Gosselin on the public airwaves for one moment longer than necessary. Just my opinion... ~ Administrator said... 120

Oh, I liked this one too, TLC hasn't told me anything!!

Yes, Kate. They won't tell you. They didn't tell my narcissist either. She heard she was canceled on the news. So just so you know, some networks don't give a rat's ass about their stars and will throw you under the bus just like that. Don't expect them to tell you anything either way. Even the tweeple as I understand it don't respect TLC anymore. They shouldn't.

Anonymous said... 121

The Express, which is a free paper published by the Washington Post and given out at Metro stations in the DC area, had a short piece on it that made me laugh this morning. It is on page 39 of today's Express.
The headline was "Our Hero - If You Are This Man Contact Us Immediately" After saying that Kate filmed at Georgetown Cupcakes,the article said that "she attempts to win over a handsome man by giving him a free cupcake. He later tells the camera he has no idea who she is." ~ Administrator said... 122

I can't get over how the TLC doesn't tell me anything response is in direct contradiction to "we're not going anywhere!"

If TLC doesn't tell her anything about the status of the show's cancellation, how in the world can she say that the show is not going anywhere? She doesn't know that by any means if TLC hasn't told her anything.

She lied, again.

boyson said... 123

This is kinda fun today I should say. Whatever happened to the I am going to be a talk show host. I am going to be a voice of a cartoon character.


What about:


Being an ET corespondent because she was in "her element"...

Health, nutrition, and fitness expert...

A career in radio...

and now a producer? yeah whatever.

Voting with my remote and DVR.

Proud member of the Kate Gosselin free viewership club.

Rhymes with Witch said... 124

It's 9 pm on the east coast (EDT). I'm about to watch Anthony Bourdain No Reservations.

None of my pets is going to slip on the remote.....

Never have a reason for the sheeple's behavior said... 125

A few months ago I wondered how many twitter followers Kate was adding every day. (Ok. I'm a dork.) So every day (or so) I put her numbers on a little spreadsheet I made. Her average increase is roughly 125 to 150 a day. The last couple of days were way down but holy crap today she put on almost one thousand people. Ten times her usual. Brace yourself for huge ratings numbers coming. (Assuming there is a correlation between twitter and audience which I am betting there is)

Dallas Lady said... 126

If there is a correlation between twitter and ratings, then it explains her low ratings. For someone with a nationally televised TV show, her total follower numbers are LOW.

And have you not read about people buying chunks of followers? Newt Gingrich just got busted in that--85-90% of his followers were PURCHASED from a company which does such things. ~ Administrator said... 127

You know, speaking of twitter, today's interviews are proof why Kate is SOO TERRIBLE at promoting her own show.

Not to mention she didn't throw in "be sure to watch tonight at 9pm EST on TLC", which is an absolute no brainer, she also could have said and follow me on twitter I'm going to be tweeting through tonight's episode, KatePlusMyexploited8 or whatever it is.

She is God awful at promotion, I'd never in a million years hire her to promote something.

Dallas Lady said... 128

Good point, why did she not once mention WHEN her show is on or that there are new episodes or what her twitter handle is?

She's so narcissistic, she can't even focus very well when someone puts a camera on her.

Laurie said... 129

Let's see, tonight's line up for me is Hell's Kitchen and Master Chef and then my latest James Patterson book on my Kindle. Nope, no room for Kate. Oh yeh, I'll also google entropion (inverted lower eyelid) which my bully apparently has in both eyes. We'll be scheduling his surgery so that he doesn't have permanent damage to his cornea. Yes Kate, my bulldog. You see, unlike Shoka he doesn't live outside and if he is in danger of losing his sight we'll do anything we can to help him.

Can't Stand Kate said... 130

My Monday nights are always spent on A&E: Hoarders and Intervention have been new for the last several Mondays.

Beth said... 131

Administrator said...
I watched the Today interview. Was a bit surprised to hear Kate admit that the kids are WELL-BEHAVED and great kids and easy.


Those children are terrified of their mother. While conversing with a member of the Food City security team, who had to "guard" Kate at her Food Bank debacle, I asked him if she was as mean in person as she is on tv. He told me that she was very cordial to him but that he could see that she had the proclivity for meanness. Lol

He also said that he was amazed that the children didn't act up AT ALL. He said that they obeyed every one of her orders that were barked at them. Of course they are going to obey her. Who knows what those poor things go through when the cameras aren't rolling?

couldn't pay me enough to watch said... 132

So what happened to Ashley? Twitterdom is hinting that her absence is explained. Spill the beans someone.

PJ's momma said... 133

OK, don't shoot me, but I turned on the TV to set up for a movie and it was on TLC from last night still. I was like, "what the....." because I didn't know what it was. It was a graphic of a book opening: The Orphans' Adventure. Narrative states that all these orphaned little children lived in an orphanage and the cleaned all day, per orders from the terrible headmistress. The G kids were cleaning and indicating that they couldn't stop because they'd get in trouble. OMG!!!! It was like life imitating art or something! I switched over the receiver then to watch my movie but I was laughing and stunned at the same time. Whose idea do you think THAT was? Guess we'll know when the recap's done or something. Wowee.

ncgirl said... 134

"Why hasn't she taken time from her exhausting schedule to enroll in a speech communications class?"

Actually, a tweeter informed her of this, and she thanked them for the constructive criticism. Wow, Kate is being super nice.

When she tweeted people to tell 20 friends and family members to watch the show, I wanted to write back, "Why don't you tell 20 friends and family members to watch the show? Oh, that's right. You don't have that many, and what you do have is paid help."

One tweeter said she reminded people to watch the show and wrote it on appointment cards wherever she works. Can you believe that? If I were a client there, I would've been highly insulted.

I agree with others that she was fishing for a dating show in the Today interview. It's interesting that since the NYC trip with Jamie got a little better ratings and TLC showed the "getting the man with a cupcake" clip, that's the direction it's going in. Heaven help us.

fidosmommy said... 135

If my dear departed mother wanted me to do something, she would say "Honey, would you please ......" When I did it, she never failed to say thank you. Often she told me she appreciated me. It was a definite win-win.

It would never have occurred to her to bark orders at me unless she was sending me to my room or something. There was no need for it and she knew it. Kids who are raised with some idea of respect, responsibility and genuine kindness will do as they are asked much better than they will march to a drill sergeant.

Most importantly of all, they will do what they are asked to do for the right reasons. They are trying to be helpful. They are not doing it to escape punishment.

Closet Gals said... 136

oh good gawd whatever kind of meeting they had with kate they are going all out. Joy behar discusses being a lesbian with Kate Gosselin.


Joy is discussing being a lesbian with Kate? I didn't know Joy came out, or for that matter, when did Kate?

Just teasing! I know what you mean, but when I read it, it struck me as funny! :)

Kate's Cart said... 137

Maybe all the Kate looking for a date, etc. is just a cover for her real relationship with her married body guard. People have been speculating since before the divorce about how involved she really is with Steve. Why would she need a body guard? 99% of the people on a NY street even have any idea who she is. Major stars, Tom Hanks, Barbara Streisand travel the streets perfectly safe all alone. The other theory is that Kate is just to stupid to navigate the streets of NY without Steve acting as her handler. Face it - Kate is not that intelligent - she can't speak in coherent sentences. I feel sorry for her children that she is their example of an adult.

Kate's Cart said... 138

Anything else good on Joy's show? Not watching right now. Did she ask anything but soft questions? She had all kinds of questions coming in from Twitter today. ~ Administrator said... 139

It's like Kate doesn't even understand the point of a "press tour." Beyond, ohhh, lookie me on TV, Anne Currey is my BFF asking me questions all about me, me, me.....shiny!!

It's not hard, Kate. My show: On Mondays at 9pm, TLC. My Twatter account, follow me.

That's ALL she has to manage to squeeze in and she can't even do that.

Permanent Name said... 140

I just watched Joy Behar - I confess that I like her moxie!

She pissed kart off a few times - GO JOY! LOL

I got the definite feeling that Joy was smiling and laughing the whole time she was trying to turn the knife and show kart in bad-ish light.......

She asked kart a couple of semi-hard questions and kart said something like 'I don't really remember what I said' in an effort to sidestep the question. Joy popped right in with 'well, I have it right here' and she quoted from karts speech or text. HILARIOUS. kart was not pleased.

Joy talked about octomom and kart tried to put herself above it. She said something like 'oh, I don't really know her' but when Joy got the number of kids wrong, kart jumped right in and said 6+8... kart knows EVERYTHING about her perceived competitor. I think Joy set her up with that one! LOL

Joy said increduously, something about kart giving fertility advice and kart TRIED TO SAY IT WAS A TWEETER who gave wrong info...... Joy stepped right in and said 'no, it was you' and quoted kart from some intervew. HILARIOUS.

kart's response was 'oh, well, yes'........

kart had the gall to say she had no idea of the risks and thought they were having 3-4. LIAR.

In the end, I had the distinct impression that Joy worked really hard to side-slap the bitch. kart was obviously and definitely NOT pleased. In the end, she had her smile pasted on like cement.

Joy also basically said to kart that she was going to have a really hard time finding a man. I actually think for a fleeting moment that kart looked genuinely sad. She can joke about it but when others call her on it, she looked pretty defeated. Didn't say much in response.

Also, she tried to sidestep the cancellation question too. Saying that she just shows up for filming and then it's not her responsiblity after that. Pathetic.

Someone is not going to be happy tonight on the way back to the luxury hotel with purseboy ~ Administrator said... 141

Joy is really the only hope left to call Kate out. Does this replay at all? When and where?

Did she mention anything about the KIDS BEING EXPLOITED???? I.e. the number one issue as I see it.

Good that she called her out on her lies. She has her number. This woman has said even before it was popular that Jon was right to take the kids off TV and that they're being exploited. ~ Administrator said... 142

It seems to me Joy does what so few journalists do. When someone answers your question with a lie or sidestep or half-truth, pull out the quote of what they said and throw it back in their face.

I.e. she isn't f-ing LAZY. ~ Administrator said... 143

By the way I should clarify that not all journalists stink. I knew many and worked with many dedicated, hard-working journalists over the years who would chew Kate up and spit her out. But most of them work for print media.

It really does seem like TV journalists are all about cross-promotion. 60 Minute seems to be the last one left willing to do real legwork. The others will only give you hard questions if you're a murderer, for real.

Dallas Lady said... 144

Now I want to see the Joy segment. ~ Administrator said... 145

I just checked, it appears to repeat in a few hours. For me at midnight. I Tivoed it, will have to watch tomorrow.

fidosmommy said... 146

Joy Behar's brand of comedy is not mine, but she
suffers no fools. When she's not in the company of some of her View co-hosts (BW) she is far more able to call Kate on any number of issues. I think she's been itching to do this for some time.

I may watch the View's Hot Topics next week to see if Joy brings up this interview. I'm sure Sherri Shepard will have something to say about it as well. Expect some loud discussion and more than a few snarky comments.

Dallas Lady said... 147

There's a clip on Joy's front page, just scroll down a little bit. Look at the title of the entry! "Is lesbianism in Kate Gosselin's future?" HA! OMG.

E-town Neighbor said... 148

Someone is not going to be happy tonight on the way back to the luxury hotel with purseboy


Wasn't this taped this afternoon? Kate tweeted eight hours ago that she was waiting in the green room for her appearance on the Joy show.

Kate will never pass up the chance to grift for a trip. She's addicted:

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@annieapple242 Wow! Thanks for watching all the way from Ireland! Would love to have a reason to visit your land! :)

Dallas Lady said... 149

Ha! Oh my God, when Joy asks her if she's found anyone at all, Kate did her "now I'm serious, feel sorry for me" sad face for about two beats before sadly saying "no."

She's really starting to look so pathetic and desperate, I'm feeling embarrassed FOR her. And I don't care about her, so you can imagine how much it takes for that to happen. I know she's just shilling for a new show. I mean, come on, she MUST have some clue the show with the kids is tanking and isn't going to last much longer. So this is her new thing: a get a man for Kate show. ANYTHING to keep her face in the spotlight.

The thing is, she's not going to get a show out of this. She's not interesting or funny or intelligent. Even her bad qualities (because I realize many reality TV shows are built around a person's negatives) are one-note and ultimately not compelling. She screeches. She screams. She says incoherent shit. She rolls her eyes. She acts bitchy. Lather, rinse, repeat.

So she's doing all this pathetic hinting for a show which will not pay off and all she'll look like is some sort of sad emasculating cougar in heat. Ug. Seriously. She needs to get off TV and try to fix her freaking head.

I don't have a man. Oh gosh, I need a man. Even my KIDS want me to get a MAN. And I can't find one, because my life is so HARD and I have SO MANY OBSTACLES. I need a man.

Here in the south, we'd smile sweetly, pat her arm, say "bless your heart, surely there's SOMEONE out there for you!" and we'd mean it just as passive-aggressively as it sounds! Ha. Sad Kate.

Donna said... 150

So Kate tells Joy B. that "she just shows up for filming" but today she wants to be the show's producer? Kate just needs to keep her trap shut. She's too stupid to even remember what she says from one day to the next and everything she says is either a lie or sounds idiotic.
I watched the "Kate's B-Day" episode rerun this afternoon. That was just plain boring TV IMO. The part that stuck in my mind was that, although she might have had the hangover from hell, Kate couldn't muster up more than a half-ass thank you to the kids and Ashley for the surprise party they prepared for her. She's a piece of work, I'm telling you.
Did anyone watch tonight's episodes? How bad/boring were they?

Anne said... 151

I didn't see the Joy Behar show, but from the comments above it might be worth catching in a repeat. I did check Joy's facebook page and there are two posts about Kate - the original 'got any questions' and then one about the "maybe you would have better luck as a lesbian". Both have, um, like, 99.9% negative comments.

Just an instinctual thought - I have no proof. I think there is already a "Kate plus a Date" show being piloted - it would explain the B-day episode, the DC cupcake clip of her stranger (to be honest, actor) grabbing. Plus every single interview is about her dating - every tabloid headline is screaming "she's ready to date (albeit has been for about a year now), or the kids want her to get married". I really have a gut feeling that these are precursors to what is in the works. Khate's example of "her best friend collecting people" was just a little too specific IMHO. Khate is not smart enough to keep her big mouth shut and wasn't just too coincidental that just a month or so ago, on this very blog, one poster suggested that maybe Jaime should play her matchmaker.

Dallas Lady said... 152

Yeah, I loved how she said "my BEST FRIEND" like that twice in just a minute. Yes, Kate, we get it: you want us to think you have a best friend.


If there is a date Kate show in the works, well, I hope they leave the kids out of it. And I hope the producers and the network is ready for it to not do well after the initial episode. She's done. Put a fork in her.

Anonymous said... 153

I for one, did not watch one show she was on today. No reason. Blah blah. I won't watch her shows on re-runs or YouTube. Will also not watch. On Netflix.

People want her to go away. But they still watch the train wreck. Can't stop people from watching. Anyways. It's your choice. Yawn. You may not think the ratings count. They do. Wait for YouTube.its always there within a day or 3.

Kate is yesterdays news. She isn't worth yappin about. We can only hope Jon can help his kids, now.

Can't Stand Kate said... 154

Anonymous, who said the ratings don't count?

And why are you talking about her if she's not worth talking about? It always seems strange to me when someone goes to the trouble to write something and post it only to say "who cares?" Well, you must on some level.

I'll admit, I'm enjoying watching her slow destruction. Most people I know aren't even aware she's still around. I'm pretty happy about that. And I NEVER watch the show, not even on youtube. I don't even watch TLC, for crying out loud. ~ Administrator said... 155

When did anyone say ratings count? That's all we've been saying actually, is the opposite. Ratings DO count and when they drop enough where it's no profitable, only then will the show end. ~ Administrator said... 156

If Kate has been actively looking for a man for as long as she says she has, which by my calculations is at least six months, there's no reason a pretty gal like her shouldn't have found one yet. If she were a good catch.

The reality is she is mean and hateful and narcissistic and no one wants to marry her let alone date her. And no it's not because of the kids, men date women with kids ALL the time and she's way more financially stable than many moms with just one or two kids.

Some people want to be single and that's totally fine. But when you are actively looking for a partner and haven't found one after all this time, at a certain point you have to stop wondering why no good boyfriends are coming to you, and ask yourself what is it about ME that makes me an undesirable girlfriend?

Jon hasn't had trouble not only finding a girlfriend but keeping a serious relationship for 14 months now, and he has eight kids too.

Kate's Twisted Fate said... 157

During the interviews, did she mention anywhere about Twisted Kate show that was supposed to premiere when - last spring? Previously, she was saying, "MY show is being reworked, still on the table, etc. etc." Did anyone ask her about it? ~ Administrator said... 158

Europe seems to be at the top of Kate's list, she won't shut up about it. She is grifting like nobody's business to get herself over there. Know what? I'm going next year, Kate, and I saved for it with my OWN MONEY not on the backs of some kids....AND???? I'm taking my sister, who has never been, who can't afford it. Will she ever know what an amazing feeling it is to be able to do something like that for someone you love and adore? Will she ever know how good it feels to dream about something and make it happen with your own sweat and tears? ~ Administrator said... 159

LOL, Oh Joy went there with Kate. Yes she did.

Of course we mentioned the lesbian thing 9 months ago. A little late to the party but that's okay, Joy!

I so appreciate her for being one of the few who is not falling for Kate. Or rather are just being bored or lazy and not bothering when they interview with her.

Anonymous said... 160

Holy crap kind of saw the preview for RV trip, it is NOT good. Kate having multiple melt downs and Ashley saying something like (don't remember exactly) would do anything for these children, but I can't spend another day with her! More heard than saw, as I wasn't paying attention till it clicked it was her voice!

Smoochie ~ Administrator said... 161

I think Joy is rather intelligent and has a lot more common sense than most of the dolts on the view.

I'm pretty sure it was Joy that Kathy Griffin said dished to her about what a bunch of raging lunatics she works with and how she wanted to scream, something along those lines.

I always see Joy sitting there gritting her teeth wanted to tear her hair out when this chickens are squawking. She's no Pulitzer Prize but she deserves a bit better than The View. I'm glad she got her own show. ~ Administrator said... 162

Huh that's interesting about Ashley. Kate says she's between nannies. If Ashley really did quit it would be just like Kate to make it a whole dramatic episode.

In fairness though, I don't think most nannies could survive a two week road trip with most families. If you're taking a nanny on a road trip in the first place, odds are that the vacation will not be for the nanny, not one second of it.

JoyinVirginia said... 163

The description of the ep just sounds so.... boring. YAWN. The kids would have had more fun at home making their own doggone cupcakes. They make these things called cake mixes, and you can make a pretty good cupcake with them.
Oh, no, let's go make a commercial for this other company that just happens to have a "reality" show. YAWN.

Midnight Madness said... 164

@Chablis4u @kateplusmy8 oh my god I have not once seen an episode where the kids get hurt because of her!

Once again, sheeple confirm that they aren't operating on full brain power. They never disappoint.

Just because there is no evidence of physical abuse, sheeple think that the kids are not being hurt. It never occurs to them that emotional abuse isn't noticed in bumps and bruises, but rather it builds up inside, like lava in a volcano ready to erupt. This means the damage may already be done, with nobody taking any steps to assure that it stops here and now. Kate said has no plans to end this show and I'm willing to bet if TLC kept her on the table, she would indeed film these kids through dating and graduation.

The kids indeed have been hurt because of her. Just wait until they can google those potty-training episodes, constipated Collin, or lying in their own vomit on a fishing trip because the show must go on. How much more hurt and humiliation do they have to endure?

PJ's momma said... 165

Me again, begging for leniency. I posted earlier that I turned on the TV, which was still tuned to TLC from the weekend, and caught the opening of some weird kid movie or something before switching the receiver to blu-ray-playing mode (Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, excellent and follows the book to the letter). When the movie was over, I switched back to TV mode and there was Kate, asking Jon's family, "So have you seen Jon?" She was fishing for info and one kid says off camera, "Oh yeah, he said he was going somewhere with Ellen." HA! The look on her face was priceless and if you didn't know she brought all this on herself, you'd almost feel sorry for herself. Right then, plates of crabs appeared and she shrieked in that disgusting way and continued shrieking like a fool when they were opening them. All this in about 20 seconds. Then I DID switch the channel and turned the whole thing off. What the FRICK is wrong with that woman and WHO thinks that is fun to watch???

PJ's momma said... 166

Oops, sorry, meant to say you'd almost feel sorry for her. On the topic of cupcakes and cake mixes (comments above), recently I took cupcakes to a wake and the 11-year-old said, "Auntie, those are the best cupcakes I ever ate!" I said, "Well, kiddo, they came from a box. We'll do it together next time." Spice cake mix with vanilla frosting. Easy and yummy. ~ Administrator said... 167

I haven't watched yet. Kate freaked over crabs? She is an East Coast gal. She should have seen crabs and eaten them many times.

Unless maybe she confused it with the STD?

Also, Jon and Ellen were mentioned? Haha.

Midnight Madness said... 168

Joy and Whoopi walked off the show when Bill O'Reilly was a guest.

Not much class shown there by either one of them. I liked both women until that little childish "I'm taking my toys and going home" drama. I thought it was clearly an immature response, and regardless of their opinion, it showed a total lack of professionalism. ~ Administrator said... 169

After all the gourmet cupcakes I've had to eat during this whole long trend, I still think Betty Crocker makes the best one. With a good cream cheese frosting, maybe a little candy dotted in the middle. Divine.

The one I had a lot of hope about was a peanut butter one from Sprinkles. Nope, gross. Tasted like sucking on a ball of sugar with a vague taste of peanut butter. The ratio of frosting to cake felt like 3 to 1. Grossss.

PJ's momma said... 170

Yes, she freaked over crabs. She is a total fricken nut job. That sqwaking thing is just gross. Her manicure didn't look too good either. BTW, congrats on your upcoming Europe trip! My husband travels internationally for work and I go a lot with him, all over the globe. Travel IS the best thing ever, but we pay for my travel and I am largely on my own while he works. And I love it! I tend to operate in 'fearless' mode and just talk to the concierge about the train schedule, arm myself with a bit of local info and GO. Because there's nobody there, I can sit in front of a temple in Bangkok and just weep at the beauty of it, or get a private (because nobody else came) tour of Europe's largest synagogue in Budapest, or ponder and pray at a concentration camp or holocaust memorial. We have been all over, and I do mean ALL over. I appreciate the small things - the local food, a local drink, trying to chat people up (especially in Europe where you sit with strangers), a piece of art bought off someone on the street (the embroidery in Budapest is unreal), giving my seat up to a saffron-robed monk (required by Thai transportation rules), watching a string quartet play in front of a magnificent cathedral, or going to a concert INSIDE the cathedral. It's all a gift and an incredible blessing and we take none of it for granted. And we pay, and are gracious to the locals and don't have a camera crew or draw attention in any way at all. This is the stuff of life. Enjoy every single minute of that trip!!! ~ Administrator said... 171

Is that how we're supposed to judge mothering now, as long as no one gets hurt it's okay? Talk about low standards. Reminds me of when mothers leave their 19 year old kid brother to babysit and joke as they leave out the door, Just nobody die, just keep them alive! Sheesh.

The sheeple earlier today tweeting about wanting to film her family, to me was a perfect example of what so many of us have said about the fundamental differences in values. Tweeple would film the crap out of their kids and are even actively trying to do it. They would go there. And we wouldn't. We wouldn't want our kids filmed, wouldn't ask for it, seek it out, or make any kind of actions to make that happen. When our values system are just so fundamentally inconsistent, we're never going to understand each other or come to an agreement, that's the truth of it.

Until somebody sees that their values are skewed and screwy and shallow, we never will.

Dallas Lady said... 172

Joy has a master's degree. She's a pretty smart lady.

Admin, you made me realize something: Kate has been openly grifting for a man (the use of the word fits here!) for months on end, you're right. Going back at LEAST six months.

It's true her fake-baked, overly-bleached self doesn't look attractive at all to me, but she's not HIDEOUS or anything.

And she has money (for now).

And she's said very very publicly that she wants a man. And in a bizarre and totally dishinest twist, that her kids demand one. She's a public figure, begging publicly for a man to date.

And yet, nothing.

I don't think it's because she's with Steve. I also don't think she's a closet lesbian (I happen to think she's frigid as hell).

It's her. What sane man would ever look at footage of her, especially how she treated Jon, and say, "yeah, sign me up for THAT!" All those old episodes she got rich off of and the evidence they present of her horrible personality are her undoing.

I'm not convinced there's a date Kate show in the works. She's too egotistical to keep from hinting that there was a show being developed if there was one.

This is truly, TRULY a case of someone making their bed. And now I'm going to watch as she's forced to lie in it. ~ Administrator said... 173

Dallas I can think of about 100 reasons that Kate hasn't snagged a man that have nothing to do with having 8 kids. And it is pathetic it hasn't happened.

Let's play love doctor, this might be fun:

One is that she's sounding too desperate. It's all she talks about. Who wants to be someone's boyfriend when all they talk about is getting a boyfriend? Most guys can sniff that right out, and it smells like a girlfriend who will be overbearing, controlling, and a psychopath.

Two, she's ruining her looks. She looked good two years ago. Now she's half baked. Guys don't like that, they really don't.

Three she talks about herself all the time. Men want you to talk about THEM. This is a simple recipe to get a boyfriend, start asking a guy all about himself. Bing, bang, boom, you got yourself a boyfriend.

Four she isn't saying the right things about why she wants a boyfriend. You don't get a man by talking about how much work you need them to do for you.

Five she is a total bitch and guys don't like that.

Six all the boyfriends realize she is really banging Steve, or if she's not, she's banging him in her head, and that's just not attractive to a guy. Guys don't want a girl who is in love with someone else, they want a girl in love with them.

Seven, most nice guys aren't going to want to be on TV or be photographed. She gets a boyfriend and the paparazzi will be back. This isn't LA where that's part of it, she is not going to be drawing from a dating pool that is used to attention. Contrary to what her three tweeple believe, most people, including guys, want privacy, especially in a relationship.

Eight, she seems like she would be ice in bed.

PJ's momma said... 174

Oh Admin, you just reminded me I wanted to tell you about Costa Rica. LOVE THAT PLACE!!! So incredibly beautiful and the beaches are wonderful and there is so much to see and do. But the best part? The people. They call themselves Ticos and they are the nicest people on the planet, nicer even than the Aussies. When you ask someone how they are, they say, "Pura vida." Pure life. That is how they live. I loved them and their country to pieces, not only because it's beautiful and fascinating, but because they really live 'pure life' out and proud. They do not have a lot, but they have enough and they are GOOD with that. They don't have fancy cars or live in big houses or have 100 pair of shoes. Heck, my kayak guide who became a good friend (my hubby rolls his eyes at my global friends I can keep in touch with on facebook) drives his grandfather's 40-year-old Land Rover or Range Rover! You will see people with donkeys and carts, or walking along with machetes to cut brush, while a fancy Jag goes by in the opposite direction (probably one of many expats). But they eat life with a big old (wooden, haha) spoon and they love every minute. It's only about 2 hours from Atlanta too! You should check into that one for sure.

melin said... 175

Kate abuses the kids on a daily basis. She treats them the way she used to treat Jon, always barking orders at them. Whenever I see the kids on the couch they are always jumping around and can barely speak about whatever they were asked. My four year old grandson has more maturity then Kate's kids. My mom was visiting and she was amazed that he was using the power beater to mix the cake mix while we were making cupcakes. I have taken care of my grandson since the day he was born. I always allowed him to help me with everything. He is smart enough to know the beater is to mix the cake mix and not to play with or stick his hand in a moving beater. Kate has never interacted with her kids like a loving mom. Jon was the caregiver. Kate is going to regret the lost moments with her children when she is all alone and the kids have no desire to see her. How hard can it be to treat your own children with love and respect.

Anonymous said... 176

I also saw a very quick clip of Ashley melting down crying to Steve that she likes the kids but she just can't stand that woman another minute.

Well, that woman has been tweeting she has no nanny. I guess that's what happened to her.

I do hope Ashley was able to demand that TLC get her off that camping trip immediately. It wouldn't be worth it to me to put up with that screetching bitch for a minute.

Dallas Lady said... 177

Agree on all counts, admin. Can I add one?

9. Most guys would prefer to keep their balls in their crotch and not allow a woman to keep them in a jar on her night stand.

Did anyone notice she bailed on the big tweet party she was going to have with her dozen or so consistent fan followers? Her last tweet was about 30 minutes into the show, then that was it. I remember one other time she tweeted about the show AS it aired. Her fans called that a tweet party and they expected one this time and they were stood up.

Notice the Australia Zoo was asking people to follow their feed if they liked the episode of Kate's show at their zoo? I checked out who she follows. The Australia Zoo isn't on the list, of course.

Troy Chula Vista said... 178

I wonder how the sheeple will feel about Joy now? Last time they were in love with her because she called Kate the Great. Ha Ha! Will the sheepl turn their backs on Joy?

Ingrid said... 179

I think that promo of Ashley saying to get her away from Kate could be similar to that DWTS skit with Tony where he quits. Filmed or creatively edited to add drama so more people watch. She may have been totally joking. Ashley could have had commitments after the trip or perhaps a new job so just hasn't been around since and they are taking advantage of the clip of what she said to Steve to entice viewers. ~ Administrator said... 180

Caught the part about Ellen. I didn't think Kate made a face, I thought she was very mature about Ellen. If she's jealous or bothered, she was very mature about it. Mady talked very positively about her, she was just like oh I thought he mentioned something about going to visit relatives with Ellen. And the way the relatives talked about Jon just stopping by to say hi sounds so "nice guy" of Jon, taking time to stop to see some older relatives.

Tweeple, take note. No one said anything bad about Jon's girlfriend, Kate seemed comfortable about the subject, and so did the kids. Jon's relationships don't need to be continually bashed as it's pretty clear to me Kate is okay with it and the kids seem to have a healthy attitude about it. This is VERY reassuring.

Now does it bother her something so simple makes Jon happy, of course. Does she have trouble figuring this out, naturally. But hate toward the actual gf I don't see at all. In fact I don't think I can come up with one negative statement she's ever, ever made about his current gf. So her fans seem very misguided.

Anonymous said... 181

Don't believe the Ashley drama for a second, she's going back to college...TLC is just creating drama to explain her exit and to entice viewers. Lies...all lies. ~ Administrator said... 182

I just skipped to the end and my tivo cut off the part with Ashley, so I haven't seen it, but it probably is just for drama. Although Kate did say she is between nannies.

That said? I find it incredibly, outrageously inappropriate to air your dirty laundry about nanny troubles. If there's anything almost as private as your children, it's your issues with your children's caretaker. And if she really does quit, how incredibly callous to show all the drama on the reality show. Kate doesn't see it, but this is very disrespectful not just to Ashley but to the KIDS. That's their caretaker, someone they love and respect, getting their dirty laundry exposed. Anything for a buck. ~ Administrator said... 183

New post, about something rather interesting Kate said last night. Thought it deserved its own thread.

Way more interesting that deformed troublesome celiac boy anyhow.

Pixie said... 184

Speaking of Ashley, how is it that she was able to allow ALL the children into the kitchen and let them make not one, but TWO cakes with little supervision? And not freak out?

Poor Ashley. If it is true that Kate drove her to 'quit', she should know from history that Kate will make it all HER fault. Serves Ashley right if it is true. Should have opened your eyes, Ashley! EVERYONE is dispensable in Kate's sick, twisted world. Even you.

hey jude said... 185

I was reading some of the comments from after one of Matt Lauer's interviews with Kate.(not to-days) Matt asked her if she had been on any dates yet.She said 1/2 a date and he said 'I don't know that is,how do you do that?'

The comment made after was- 'I wonder what she dated- the top half or the bottom half?!!!' I wish Matt had asked her that!

Glad you're feeling a little better, Admin.

Can't wait for Admin.'s recap of the cupcake show, to hear what other faux pas Kate made!

TLC stinks said... 186

Didn't watch the show so didn't see the Ashley clip but my guess she didn't quit because of Kate but because she had to return to college. Let's not speculate about this because it was edited for drama and for the blogs to talk about. Ashley. There's no way TLC would air Ashley really dissing Kate....creative editing, folks.

Gimme Gimme said... 187

I wish I had watched Joy, but I do sleep with the TV on HLN and woke up sometime during the night and just saw Khate's face and turned back over. My question is what has she done to her face? It looked well different. Almost like that protruding forehead that hoods your eyes - it is called something - seen mostly in men. Her face looked very large and full considering that her body is so gaunt. What is that, botox? She doesn't even look like the same person. Did I see that right?

Oh very nice of Khate to get rid of Ashley, the only constant the kids had left in their steady stream of caretakers that used to consist of their beloved father, Jodi, and Beth. Long gone are the people they loved. I used to love when they would go running to the door and say Nana Janet's home or whoever. They always welcomed them with you're home. Great kids. The show was always about the kids Khate. It was never about you.

If Ashley is gone then so is Carla. That woman worked her butt off for Khate and I doubt seriously she saw much money from it. I always used to envision that Khate wrote them all huge checks and bought them fabulous gifts to share the wealth when they kept the kids. But alas it was not the case.

The thing is that TLC was probably paying Ashley at that point and we all know that Khate can't stand the thought of TLC paying anybody but her.
I think part of the crying poor is that TLC is putting money in the kids' account now which means she is getting less.

Sounds to me like she is about to bring the grandparents in when she needs them to babysit. That is sooo Khate.

Did Jimmy Fallon and Khate have a love fest? Was she even mentioned during their segment. I kind of thought it was no coincidence that they were on at the same time - that he was looking to glean another spot off her that would go viral on UTube.

Have been busy, trying to catch up.

And the orphanage and the cleaning. That is bothersome.

fidosmommy said... 188

I "walked off the set" when Bill O'Reilly was on too. I tried to listen, I really did, but I could only take so much of him. I usually don't mind that people have different opinions/takes on issues. I think I walked away before Joy and Whoopi did. He was more than even this rather
tolerant person could tolerate. I found him insufferable that day, which may be his normal mode.

PJ's momma said... 189

Sorry Admin, on the Jon/Ellen thing, I didn't mean that she made a face - I just meant that she looked down for a few seconds and seemed to be searching for words and she looked sad.

PJ's momma said... 190

Oops, dang, I am getting bad about this - I didn't see the Ashley drama but I wouldn't totally discount it. Remember, a lot of people thought it was creative editing when the kids were puking on the boat, and it was actually worse than the previews indicated! Kate has been rude and dismissive and just ugly toward Ashley, as she directs her to do what she herself should be doing. She treats her like one of the kids and we know that ain't pretty!

Midnight Madness said... 191

I "walked off the set" when Bill O'Reilly was on too. I tried to listen, I really did, but I could only take so much of him.

Not many people can take much of him, and one doesn't have to listen. But there is such a thing as a host being gracious to a guest, no matter how much they disagree with what he is saying. Imagine if all television hosts would walk off the set when they couldn't "stand" listening to a guest. A professional host or interviewer just doesn't do that. If it's that bad, end the interview, go to black, get another person on there.

Experience teaches that even if you are in total opposition to what he or she is saying, he has been invited on that show, and to walk out on him is immature and downright unconscionable.

Passing The Bucket-List said... 192

Oh Admin, you just reminded me I wanted to tell you about Costa Rica. LOVE THAT PLACE!!! So incredibly beautiful and the beaches are wonderful and there is so much to see and do. But the best part? The people.


I think we must have been to a different part of Costa Rica! I was not impressed. We had some border problems in Panama that turned out to be a real headache because Costa Rica immigration people were just plain miserable. The beach was nice, but not nearly as wonderful as those in the Caribbean islands I've visited. One of the tour guides was sloshed on Rock Ice (?) and we were warned that a "pack" was targeting tourists to rob them of digital cameras. A fellow from the group was robbed at knife point, but all they got was his cell phone!

I might be willing to give it a second chance, but there are quite a few places on my "bucket list" before I go back. I'd return to Venezuela in a heartbeat - flying over Angel Falls in a small plane. Incredible!

Oops -- maybe I shouldn't mention that. Kate might be reading, and it's probably something of which she ALWAYS dreamed of doing. After Ireland, of course!

PJ's momma said... 193

Passing the Bucket List - we definitely were in different areas! We had nothing like that where we were! But it was largely unpopulated. We didn't even fly in to the main airport. I'm sorry you had that experience. That is sad, because I know that most Ticos do not want to ever be thought of in such a negative way!

Behar show transcript said... 194

Transcripts for Joy Behar's show are at:

The part with Kate is about 1/4 down the page.

The Q&A about Octomom not doing a reality show because she feels it would be exploiting her children is interesting.

BEHAR: ...she says that she`s asked to do a reality show but she won`t do it because she exploits the children. Does that insult you when you hear something like that?

GOSSELIN: I just -- if -- if that`s what your opinion is, it`s clearly because you`ve never done it and I control it quite nicely and the kids are enjoying it. And so she just doesn`t know what she`s talking about just like most anybody else who has never done a reality show.

What in the hell does she think she's controlling quite nicely? The exploitation?????
She's admitting that she knows what she's doing is exploitative and she doesn't care about it or the harm that has and will come to her kids because of her decisions.

Anonymous said... 195

Anyone want to take any bets that Kate told Ashley that the trip was Kate's graduation present to her, and then she found out she was expected to work? Wouldn't put it past Kate. She would consider the "privilege" of being in her presence to be gift enough. If Ashley truly is gone, wonder if Carla will be, too. I wouldn't blame Ashley for quitting, if she did. Kate's always put far too much responsibility on her. Amazing that Kate cries she can't do it alone, yet expects a young woman barely out of her teens to do it all.


Moose Mania said... 196

"What in the hell does she think she's controlling quite nicely? The exploitation?????"


Don't you know? It's kind of like controlled murder. You select a few victims, put them in a room together and fire the shots. It's not a random act and you have complete control over the situation - who, how, when and where. It's fine as long as it's controlled.

People don't know what they are talking about because they've never done a reality show? I've never gone over Niagara Falls in a barrel, either, but I know that there are enough dangers associated with it that I wouldn't take the chance. Kate's problem is that she cannot think logically. There's no deductive reasoning ability. She cannot see that her statements could be applied elsewhere and an argument can be made against them. She just blurts out whatever comes to her mind with no thought of the implications that might ensue.

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