Friday, August 19, 2011

Kate takes kids for back-to-school haircuts in first appearance since show canceled

After six years of exploiting the children, remarkably, Kate tweeted this morning she wanted a "money tree" to support her family.

427 sediments (sic) from readers:

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No Regrets said... 1

TLC stinks said...As far as the People payment, I wonder if indeed she is getting paid or it's just a TLC public relations setup. There is definitely some relationship between TLC and People. I say continue to boycott the show just in case ratings jump and TLC decides to give her a second chance. Better safe than sorry."

Katie Coyne at People is absolutely in love with Kate. I would bet they do pay for the shoot. I agree, about not watching, but I seriously think TLC is done, done, done. They seem to be revamping the entire show line up. I checked their website and have read around the net about the cancellations of Kate and LA Ink and MOST are positive comments about the cancellations. Very few at all expressing disappointment.

J. Heather Leigh said... 2

I think TLC expects a ratings jump this week and they will milk it for all they can. I bet it doesn't affect anything for the future though. It's over.

It was cheap to film the kids watching a 4th of July parade. Contrast that to first class air to Australia for the entire family and a staff. It costs a lot more to produce the show and they are getting less out of it in the end.

If they had kept it simple they might have retained viewers and kept a larger profit margin. They got greedy, Kate got greedy, the bottom line suffered.

No Regrets said... 3

"Administrator said...The fact that Kate isn't credited as a producer leads me to believe that she doesn't have control over what is shown either. Not one bit of control."

Over the last few years Kate has said she DOES have control over the what is shown, then she has totally contradicted herself and has said no she does not. All on tape or twitter! Which is NOT unusual for her at all. LOL I do not believe for a second either that she has any control at all.

No Regrets said... 4

"fidosmommy said...It's not the teeth that I'm noticing as much as the hair. Look how THICK it is! Not anymore.
Now it's thin, stringy, no body to it at all. Where did all her hair go?

When she had the possum hair she said not everyone could wear it because it required extra thick hair. She had that. She doesn't now."

Kate had talked, in the past, about how thick her hair was, and it gave her headaches. I remember that because I have the same issue. She did make a comment on one of the shows that Ted Gibson did do something to help with the thickness. I am assuming she meant he thinned it out. I don't remember her exact words. But I do think it is from the cut she gets now that is it thinner.

TLC stinks said... 5

I agree Kate Plus 8 is o-v-e-r. TLC has been heavily promoting the final episodes and my fear is that they will succeed in a big viewership count. Not what we need if you expect her to go away. I'm not celebrating until her contract is finally up. There are folks, like Julie May and Steve, that have a lot to lose financially if Kate goes down so here is much incentive to keep her relevant. Maybe even Jon has incentive too.

No Regrets said... 6

@Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
Hi guys! Looong day! Did our final intvs for our show&final 'Kate+8' People mag shoot 2day! Very bittersweet!Hope u all like the results!

PeggyScotPeggy Scot
@Kateplusmy8 I know we will. You never give us anything but your best. . We won't say goodbye because it isn't. Thank goodness for Twitter

Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
@PeggyScot very kind and thank you! It will not be good bye-I promise! :) I have 8 kids to feed:)& I know how u guys feel-- I'll do u proud!
She has 8 kids to feed and "know how you guys feel" lol Oh she isn't done yet. sigh. I JUST HOPE it does NOT involve those kids. That is the thing that still bothers me, SHE didn't cancel the show for the kids' well being. Had she done that, I would be done with Kate. But I don't doubt that she is scheming some how to involve those kids with something. It sort of sounds as if she is "hinting" she might have something already. "I will do you proud".

No Regrets said... 7

I do hope she can find something for HER in whatever she wants to do. I seriously doubt, though, she can carry a show by herself. UNLESS it is something really stupid like a dating show and she acts an idiot, as usual. LOL Just keep the kids private, PLEASE.

I wonder why no mention at all about Twisted Kate? That seems to be completely canned. no?

Jenna Does said... 8

Probably not the best idea in the world to bash your mom with a direct link to your own blog.
My mom has admitted to me that she doesn't care about talking about my blog. When I start telling her about about it, etc, she kinda rolls her eyes. Plus, my name GOES to my blog. She can't get HERE from there.

Fade To Black...
It is awesome (!!!!!) what you have done with your GC!! Great idea! We go through our old towels & blankets once a year & donate old stuff to our local animal shelter & Feline Friends organization that I volunteer at. What a wonderful heart you & Just Dwindle Away have!

E-Town..What is with your name? Did they add the 'u' again? Are they acting like an insider again? Unreal. I'm sorry this happened.
~Hippie Chick~

Red Sky At Night said... 9

If they had kept it simple they might have retained viewers and kept a larger profit margin. They got greedy, Kate got greedy, the bottom line suffered.


They couldn't keep it simple. How many Fourth of July parades would viewers watch? How many want to watch school shopping, trips to the dentist, or going to a local amusement park? All of that gets old after awhile, and the ratings would have shown it.

TLC stinks said... 10

There she goes on twitter about school. Worried about college, Kate? Where's the money for their college? ~ Administrator said... 11

Why when she whines college do none of her tweeple ask her what the heck she's been doing with their money for the past SIX YEARS???

Can you imagine if most financially wise people were given six years and AT LEAST (probably more) a six-figure salary to save for it.

She's shameless. ~ Administrator said... 12

Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
@PeggyScot very kind and thank you! It will not be good bye-I promise! :) I have 8 kids to feed:)& I know how u guys feel-- I'll do u proud!

Same old same old. Why does she feel such an obligation to the fans to expose her kids to them??? Why do a small group of mentally unstable creepy fans who feel its their right to see her kids grow up come first? She never inserts a caveat. Like, as long as the kids still want to, I'll continue to let you see them. It's all or nothing. I WILL do everything I can so you can still see them.

New post by the way.

Vanessa said... 13

You know, I think she keeps the "college fund" discussion alive because it's soooo far down the road she hopes to keep the gravy train rolling along it's tracks. It's smoke and mirrors. This is her "excuse" to keep doing what she's doing. It shouldn't even come up as an issue anymore, NO WAY should there NOT be enough $$$ put aside for EACH child (individual accounts) Even if it's not down to the dollar, then you find other many students have loans these days?????

Jenna Does said... 14

RE: Kate's last People cover of her in a bikini: I have tried & tried to find how much that magazine has sold to no avail. I finally found a website once surfing for funsies that said it was one of the least sold People mags of all time, but we were getting ready to eat dinner. I wanted to post it really quick but my husband is a stickler about us eating at the table (lol) & shutting down all electronics. (I understand that!) so I couldn't post here. He's damn strict about that as a matter of fact...kind of a warden. What the hell...

Anyway! By the time we were all done eating & cleaning up, we decided to take a small walk with our dog, I had completely forgotten about it. It was a small blurb on a website I never heard of. I can try to find it today, but again, I was seriously on page 27 on Google & I typed something like "Kate Gosselin-People Magazine cover- & the date. I can't remember it. So, why would they want her again, plus all the letter to the editor were negative.
~Hippie Chick~

wayward said... 15

We definitely know at least TLC reads here, they sent Admin a cease and desist notice last year!

Re: the upcoming People article, I doubt TLC had anything to do with it. Kate seems to have made a buddy in People's Kate Coyne so Khate probably rang her up & begged her for an interview. Excuse my crudeness, but this is Kate's wet dream. An interview spun ENTIRELY the way she wants it. Spinning her fabrications and her own version of the truth as fact. Subtle and not so subtle slams at those she has deemed to have "wronged" her. And a spread of pictures portraying her as a doting, hands-on mom. Ughhhh... my stomach churns just thinking about it.

What's sad is America as a whole has said good riddance to her. She won't get it and she won't go away. Realizing how much bad press she gets, she now claims that she's really just a peach of a gal, her hateful image is a "media creation." Helllooooooooo! {clap clap} TLC has literally busted their ass for years to control her image and what was printed and said about her. They hired a babysitter/handler to keep her calm and to keep her leashed and muzzled. She refused to be an active participant in her image control, believing that it is her calling in life to inform people who come in contact with her that they are not worthy of sharing her airspace. It's now (finally) all coming back to bite her in the butt and in a page from the narcissist playbook, she's blaming everyone else.

No Regrets said... 16

"Red Sky At Night said...They couldn't keep it simple. How many Fourth of July parades would viewers watch? How many want to watch school shopping, trips to the dentist, or going to a local amusement park? All of that gets old after awhile, and the ratings would have shown it."

While I agree it was really boring after the second or third trip the dentist or hair cutters, for most of us. The fans have commented over and over that they missed the "ordinary" filiming of the family at home doing "ordinarry" things. Many could not relate to all the lavaish trips etc. TLC changed the format to the Gosselin traveling circus and the ratings did suffer, as we have seen. Not surprising the fans see it differently than most of us. LOL

No Regrets said... 17

"wayward said... It's now (finally) all coming back to bite her in the butt and in a page from the narcissist playbook, she's blaming everyone else."

You're post is SO on target. I espeically love the "media creation" she is claiming now. LOL What a boob. If she says it enough to the fans, they too, will blame the "press" and all those nasty "paps" that follow her all over the country. LOL

wayward said... 18

Red Sky At Night said... If they had kept it simple they might have retained viewers and kept a larger profit margin. They got greedy, Kate got greedy, the bottom line suffered.

Spot on Red! Even from the show's very beginning, Kate turned TLC into her sugar daddy. How many shows were about improvements to the Andrew Ave. house? Kate figured out right quick how milk TLC for her every greedy whim. Where was the struggling? When every other show was about new carpet, new blinds, a piano, a half of an organic cow, garage makeover, on & on & on.... When she was most relateable was the very beginning when she and Jon were at Sam's club and she had lists, was using coupons and sticking to a firm budget. I didn't see that show but I have heard people say that was the extent of the reality. After that, the greed set in

TLC stinks said... 19

I wonder since she always says the house belongs to the kids that her plan has been to use the equity in it to pay for college so she could squander the rest on herself? She didn't count on the housing market going bust or TLC calling it quits. Not sure why the whining about college but it doesn't sound good for the kids.

Red Sky At Night said... 20

The fans have commented over and over that they missed the "ordinary" filiming of the family at home doing "ordinarry" things. Many could not relate to all the lavaish trips etc.


I can see that. Either way, it was done. Viewers were tired to seeing travelogues showing Kate's greed for luxury accommodations, and other viewers were tired of seeing the mundane stuff at home because once you've seen one back-to-school shopping trip, you've seen them all. There wasn't much else they could do.

Just Dwindle Away said... 21

Red Sky At Night said... They couldn't keep it simple. How many Fourth of July parades would viewers watch? How many want to watch school shopping, trips to the dentist, or going to a local amusement park? All of that gets old after awhile, and the ratings would have shown it.

And ZOOS! Good heavens, I could barely bring myself to do the zoo once every other year with my OWN kids, why in the world would viewers pay money to watch Kate shriek and prance around ZOOS every other episode? From the recaps and promos it looked like it was one zoo after another, ad infinitum.

I never watched any of it, but was it riveting? I mean, did they ever comment on "Here we are at another zoo, and THESE lions are so much more interesting than the LAST 3 bunches of lions. And THIS Kangaroo is so much better than the Kangaroo at the LAST 2 zoos!" Did any of the kids ever blurt on on camera "More caged animals? Why, Mom?"

I think Kate was verbally promised and convinced that the public would have an insatiable appetite for the kids until the tups were of age. The immediate problem with that is that the show QUICKLY became all about Kate. I didnt want to see her tummy tuck - I wanted to see how the babies were managing without her, how Jon managed all alone for days on end with them. Instead it had to be about Kate, and her tummy and her haircut and her shopping and sipping tea with the surgeon's wife, while Kate talked about herself to someone just off camera.

Soon, the bad (shrieking, crabby, slapping, verbally-vicious Kate) had far more screen time than the good (babies). I just never understood why they took the show in that direction. And when they did focus on the babies, it was to humiliate them (potty, vomit, bowel impaction, tantrums, etc.)

And now those baby years are over and if anyone ever *IS* interested in how those HOM's are growing up, they gotta put up with a whole lot of THAT WOMAN front and center for most of the show, complaining and whining and lying.

JudyK said... 22

Kate just admonished a tweeter for saying she could afford to live in that house and she knew it by responding "@Trudi16 takes a lot of nerve to discuss others' financial situation without knowledge of the facts! Have a good day!" PERHAPS, Kate, JUST PERHAPS, you should not bring on such tweets by constantly "crying wolf"...and if you don't know that story, it's time for you to look it up, because it certainly applies to you and could be a valuable life lesson to you. JUST STFU, YOU LYING BITCH.

What a piece of work said... 23

JudyK quoted Kate as saying

"@Trudi16 takes a lot of nerve to discuss others' financial situation without knowledge of the facts!


Takes a lot of nerve for Khate to slap someone down for mentioning Khate's financial situation when Khate is constantly whining about it on national televlsion and in TWitter.

Khate, honey, no one would KNOW OR CARE if you weren't constantly begging, grifting and crying poor. You made the rules when YOU demanded matching cribs, "love" offerings, cold hard cash for photos, and sold the souls of your children to TLC.

What a flaming idiot that Gosselin woman is!

What a piece of work said... 24

JudyK quoted Kate as saying

"@Trudi16 takes a lot of nerve to discuss others' financial situation without knowledge of the facts!


Takes a lot of nerve for Khate to slap someone down for mentioning Khate's financial situation when Khate is constantly whining about it on national televlsion and in TWitter.

Khate, honey, no one would KNOW OR CARE if you weren't constantly begging, grifting and crying poor. You made the rules when YOU demanded matching cribs, "love" offerings, cold hard cash for photos, and sold the souls of your children to TLC.

What a flaming idiot that Gosselin woman is!

It's OVER said... 25

TLC dotted the I's and crossed the T's in their message to Kate that the show is over. It sounds like she got their message loud and clear. lol

@Kateplusmy8 kate been watching yousince season 1 you are an inspiration. Watch evry week with my kids my daughter cried w the news.

Kate Gosselin
@Sphilhower aww sorry.. Wish I could change it for all of us! :(

As for Kate's interview in People magazine and TLC's part in it: IIRC, Kate's contract runs through Feb. or March '12 so I'm assuming that it reads like Jon's which said that he had to get TLC's permission for interviews and work outside of the network which would mean Kate got their blessing for this article. After all, as long as she doesn't throw TLC under the bus, they're all hoping for it to be a win-win-win and for everyone to benefit.
It's too bad Kate can't sell magazines any longer and can't carry a tv show and draw viewers and it will end up in her overflowing list of 'fails'. At least Kate got her hair colored and conditioned and possibly a new outfit or two out of the deal for herself and the kids.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 26

I just have to say one thing about that house/property. I don't care how low of a price it would sell for or how good of a deal I could get, I wouldn't go near that house strictly for one reason - bad karma. No, I'm not kooky, but even if you gave me that I house, I truly believe there has been so much unhappiness in it, that I would never want to live there.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 27

Oops, I meant to post my comments in the newer post. LOL, I'm trying to catch up and reading comments in both posts.

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