Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Ratings for RV Trip hit 1.3 million

Looks like some former viewers may have tuned in to see how it all finally goes down as TLC starts sending off Kate, throwing her under the bus as they go. Will ratings that are better than most of the summer have any impact on the cancellation?

Kate Plus 8
TLC 9:00 PM 1.372 million
Adults 18-45 0.5


544 sediments (sic) from readers:

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fidosmommy said... 1

Who would take the risk? Audiences will forgive
a person who has been a real jerk and then grows up. Second chances abound. But to remain a difficult person and to never move out of that mode because you don't think you need to change.....probably not good for future employment in that medium.

I think Jon Gosselin has a better chance to be on TV than Kate does after all this. And we'll see if any of the kids decide to go into the biz
when they are adults. I think Kate's Kooked in the TV world.

Beth said... 2

I can't get over how Kate doesn't even know who is on Mount Rushmore. FDR? Seriously?

Ingrid said... 3

What a pathetic mother. She could have done research before she even went on this trip but she is only thinking of her income. No good excuse for not knowing or even attempting to learn/teach something by going to the visitor centers.

silimom said... 4

TLC advertised this as being dramatic. They edited it to be melodramatic (their "In July of 2011, Kate Gosselin, her 8 children, nanny, best friend and her best friend's 3 kids set out on an innocent and wholesome 14 day trip across America to see our country's awesome sights. Little did they know the horrors that awaited them..." opening was reminiscent of The Blair Witch Project. Also, did anyone notice the lack of background soundtrack throughout much of the show?).

Of course people tuned in. They want to see Kate get her just desserts.

CS said... 5

"RV Breakdown" September 5, 2011
The Gosselins are halfway through their RV road trip and it has been a vacation like no other -- full of adventure and drama! But when the RVs experience mechanical issues, will Kate finally reach her boiling point? And later, someone decides to leave.


HI 50 said... 6

This episode was like watching a train wreck...you can't take your eyes off the wreckage b/c it's 'bad...very bad!!" Katie Irene reveals her true self & WORST behaviors EVAH! I thought the SP's Alaska was bad, Katie's behaviors was OVER the TOP!

1.3+viewers? That's not much. 10Mil watched the Jon & Kate+8 'divorce' episode. IF she was a big draw, the ratings would've been similar BUT it wasn't. The viewers have spoken, their tired of watching her b!tchy, entited, nasty behaviors. She doesn't deserve the Gosselin 8. She treats Jamie's children with love & tenderness while her children stand around watching like poor little whipped puppies. It was sad & disgusting to watch.

TLC has no morals. Life for the Gosselin is difficult so TLC made it harder for Cara, the tween. WHY was Cara having a meltdown? Did something happen, BEFORE the edit, that sent her over the edge? Maybe the WORK vacation was TOO much for the kids & they were sick & tired?!!

Momster's tweeting, making excuses for her REALEST reality behaviors...what you see is what you get...OMG, did I just plagiarize Momster?! Oh well, who gives a....

10Mil vs 1.3 viewers...no comparison & TLC has lost viewers. They cut her budget so she had to do most of the manual labor...hahaha, humbling experience for the wicked b!t)ch!

Teresa said... 7

What!! KIds losing their manners? They didn't say "Thank you Mommy for bringing us here" Khate losing her touch. lol

dee3 said... 8

I don't think that TLC would reconsider due to several reasons. First, I think they are well-aware that the bump up for this episode was mainly due to all the non-fans wanting to see Kate finally shown for who she really is at the end of the show's run....but that they could not maintain this interest in her with just her routine show. All shows come to an end....even when many still love to watch them. I think a calculated decision is made based on long-term longevity predicted in terms of viewer numbers...and predictions are not good for this show and have not been for some time now.
In all fairness, I don't really think Kate should necessarily be blamed for the cancellation. Yes, she can be blamed for the declining viewer numbers that have occurred since the divorce....but all shows come to an end...even the most popular of them. This would have happened at some point anyway.

But second....and maybe this is wishful thinking....but I tend to believe that TLC is just tired of dealing with her. She has become a liability because the aggravation of dealing with her far outweighs any chance she has to attract viewers and increase their bottom line.....and she would have to be bringing in WAY higher numbers to make it worth putting up with her and all her demands and histrionics....and 1.3 million just ain't cutting it. And this is not even adding the fact that it's now costing quite a fortune just to film her show, considering what she's now paid and considering the expense required to make the show even remotely interesting at this point....not to mention the added time and cost it must take to try to film this demanding monster they created and the 8 children whose behavior is becoming more and more difficult to deal with.

I think we worry when we see a bump up like this because we really couldn't figure out all along why they were even putting up with her all this time....and that there was possibly some reason we weren't privy to that would explain why they were willing to do so much for her.....even if it made no sense to us. Not to be crass...but this has been a case that had me wondering who Kate might be "doing" behind the scenes because it made so little sense to me....and we worried that TLC would go to any lengths for her and for her show for some unknown and suspect reason.

Most people want to believe that the universe is fair. That what goes around comes around. The Kate Gosselin phenomenon flew in the face of all fairness.....that an entitled, ungrateful, histrionic narcissist should be getting so much turned any sense of fairness upside down on its head for most of us. We may feel a bit guilty for it, but we want to see fairness restored just to know that yes, the universe is fair eventually......so we want to see her get her just desserts at the end. But this will not maintain long-term longevity....it's just the ending that we wanted to see. A one-time event (even though it's 2 episodes), just like the divorce episode....but not any indicator of an increasing trend in viewership. These things are single phenomena....but cannot be maintained in the long run.

I would also like to add one other thing. Yes, I am very concerned about children being exploited on reality TV and I seriously fear for the future for the G. children. I believe that my intent is good and always has been. But....part of the truth is that personally, I can't stand Kate. I think she's one of the most despicable women I've ever seen. I had previously written that I didn't hate her....how could I since I didn't even know her personally...blah, blah. But I have to confess now....I can't stand her. I would LOVE to finally see her scream in rage when the last camera bulb dims.
Just needed to get this off my chest. Maybe it makes me look like not such a great person but it is what it is. I can't stand her. I do care about her children....but I can't stand HER. Nothing pleases me more than to read about her falling on her face at the end.

Boooring said... 9

This show was majorly advertised and hyped. I may be wrong, but I think it was on an hour earlier. I haven't watched in ages and didn't watch Monday night, but read all the responses and was curious. I tried to watch the repeat last night, but even with all the nastiness and drama it was STILL BORING. I'm not at all curious as to how things will escalate next week and unless I find myself bedridden with illness or injury, can't imagine I'll bother watching the final episodes.

They can't recreate the drama and hilarity of the Sarah Palin's Alaska episode because what made that so appealing was the reactions of the Palin family (even the 10-yr-old) to the pouting, crying lunatic woman. Jamie and Ashley might get fed up with Kate or with each other, but they aren't going to be shocked by Kate's terrible behavior. Kate's drama is same-old, same-old.

hey jude said... 10

I haven't seen the whole episode, but from what I've read about the trip, it sounds like Kate and her very entitled 8 don't think this is much of a trip.

It could be that Kate is acting like a nasty, biotch from hell ,ordering everyone around like they're her servants or worse. Her kids are used to extravagant, over the top vacations, not roughing it in a classy RV like normal peons do!

They are used to the best of everything and being entertained every minute. Kate is not used to doing anything, just acting like she does it all, with many helpers.

Apparently, it's not the same with other kids around and frankly,it sounds like the adults don't know who's in charge either.

The 8 would be much better behaved if their Mother would slow down, shut up and try to make the trip fun, instead of acting so crazy! They don't know what the rules are in this new game with their mother, nanny and family friend all fighting amongst themselves.

Kate sounds like she is trying to make it impossible for anyone to enjoy this trip. Maybe a little planning from Mrs. Organized would have helped; the woman sounds clueless, not even knowing what Old Faithful was or what presidents were on Mount Rushmore.

Kate should have done less tweeting with her tweenies and researched some fun things for the kids to do.

Maybe they told Kate it was their last trip and she was acting like a drama queen ,in case Mr. De Mille was watching ! Sounds like it was all scripted and showing Kate at her worst or usual, real self. Kate and TLC are both batshit crazy mean, so who really will ever know?

I think the worst is yet to come and it's going to be dirty and nasty with no prisoners taken, with families, friends and kids sacrificed to placate an angry, crazy Mother of 8.Stay tuned to see how much damage Kate is capable of doing!

Anonymous said... 11

1.3 million watched this? I just have to Wonder Why you all HAD to watch? Yes the show has been cancelled.BUT a few shows have been picked up by other networks...Like Scrubs,they were picked up by a another network.
You all say you dont care what Kate does,or what she's in AS long as the kids are not there working for her.
I really believe the kids need time off.They NEED to be just kids.BUT YET,you people watch anything Kate,you people spend hours on trying to find her traffic tickets.? YES the show has been cancelled,but whos to say another network wont pick it up?
As much as you want to say the Kate lovers are rentless...SO are the haters.
I dont want to make anyone mad.BUT You all say DONT WATCH but yet YOU DO.You say its the last 3 shows so it dosent matter.BUT it DOES.
You say,I watched So what? So what???
I'am not a Kate fan by any means.I have NOT watched her in years.We all know that the lovers are far less than the haters.Haters are adding to the numbers.No its just not this site,its all the haters saying my watching wont mean anything....YEAH right!
STOP following this woman,stop caring about what she says.Stop showing her any attention at all!!!!Why look at her twitter.DO you really care?
Kate has more haters than fans following her,you really think it dosent matter? YOU ARE SO wrong.
Again I have to wonder why all here hate her,but take the time to follow her tweets,to spend hours looking up her driving record.Search for pitcures for wjo has the kids...is Kate really jogging?
Come on people,get a grip.
I'am not a Kate fan. BUT I DON"T loook for anything Kate on the internet.WHY do you ? You all snark about the clothes she wears,her shoes...ect...

You keep her in the headlines,good or bad speak!

Kat said... 12

That was a bump???????????? These ratings are no better than shes been getting. I don't get this new thread. After all the drama they promised....this is the best they could do? Why even talk about it as though she picked up a couple of million viewers! This is a waste of topic.

Kat said... 13

Proud to say, I didn't watch. I Don't trust any of this. Don't want to give her any opportunity to have any doors open. I thought we wanted her to go away? I guess....some people can't resist.

Starz22 said... 14

I havent watched....but there was a spike in the ratings.This site has said that she is begging for people to watch.Well,she got it.People here and other so=called haters are watching.They watch for the melt-down.Like we havent seen one is the last 5 years??
Again I'm not saying the people here added to the ratings...it's all the haters who said dont watch...YET they do. Final 3 epis or not.IF the people are talking about her...if the people watch cause they just cant help themselves...It adds up...some one willl try to jump on the train.
I'm SO done with this...gonna watch Eclispe ...Twilight saga again...itbrings me happy dreams!Bella is a tramp...BUT Edward keeps me smiling!

Falling like a brick said... 15

I don't see this ratings increase as a bump, but more of a blip. People stopped to watch the train wreck, that is all.

I didn't watch, didn't care to watch. I've been to Yellowstone, Mt. Rushmore, Wall Drug, heck I've even been to Crazy Horse a couple of times and I didn't care to watch the Queen of Narcissism take on America's Beautiful Parks with her screeching.

That said, any network that wants to sign her will have to also go through Jon for permission.
It makes me think back to her comment about how she doesn't get how the law allows a parent who's not there to have equal decision and rights in regards to the children.

She's know the "+8" gravy train is over. Jon won't sign anything that involves his kids being on tv. And I'm shocked that she isn't out there busting her butt to do anything to stay in the media (TV) that she so loves.

Another thing that caught me is her IMDB. Did you know that she hasn't done anything on tv since the beginning of February except TLC a couple of gossip shows and a Today show interview. Nothing, Nada, Zilch. No 'The Talk', No 'The View', No People's magazine cover story, no Good Housekeeping, Family Circle, BAABAA Walters, nothing. She's not even a joke on SNL anymore. She had to resort to Radio program Interviews, and even those just dropped out and you don't hear about them anymore. She's just not promotable.

After reading all the reviews about how mean and rude the kids are, Jon must know what he was talking about when he said he was glad the show was over because maybe now the kids can get the help they need.

There's so much more to this story that we may never know, but I'm actually glad more people watched. She lost a LOT of fans (if you go to the TLC facebook/fan page you can read the responses.) The increased (and temporary) viewership got to see how entitled the kids are becoming. They are average kids who have had everything good thrown at them, and instead of being grateful to others, they are taught about 'others' being their servants and they instead thank their mother for the opportunity.

It's a twisted and sick world those children live in and I truly hope that there is one parent who can pull them back from this 'unreality' that Kate has placed them in.

Kat said... 16

"CLOSET WATCHERS".....HA HA HA HA HA HA. Sorry..I'm in a bad mood this morning.

Anne said... 17

Just wanted to add my few thoughts. In reading the above posts: I completely understand the urge to want to watch. For the record, I did not, despite the urge - Hoarders entertained me. However, I get it - the show is cancelled and many of us want to see Kate receive her just dues. And for many of us, we know that this RV trip is a tremendous downgrade from the 1st class flights and 5 star hotels. Since many of us "common folk" know or have experienced RV travel we know that her RV was exceptional although still an RV.

Really, I can see the draw. However, I also agree with the posters that even the slightest bump to the ratings could open another door (another network, another show, etc.) I would not want to be in anyway associated with anything that continues to perpetuate the Gosselin Brand. These kids need to be out of the media - I know the damage the done and they will surely need support services in the years to come. The end of this show will not change the fact that the Momster is still there.

I am glad to know that TLC is showing the "realist of real" with Kate right now. I said this a few posts ago - I think someone has a vendetta ("revenge is a dish best served cold").

Just a moment OT: I saw an article that Discovery Channel has greenlighted a pilot for TLC - "Swinger Wives" not Sister Wives that mess is already in Season 3. Nope Swinger Wives. I don't even have words........

TLC stinks said... 18

You guys can watch the reruns or DVR the rerun. No way will TLC keep her, but why in world contribute to the ratings (and for the millionth time, your TV viewing is indeed monitored whether you are a Neilsen family or not...Neilsen is old technology). The bump in ratings, although not outrageous, is discouraging. Think about this....what about those pop-up ads on the computer that mysteriously know what sites you have been browsing on?

Don't fall for TLC's teasing the program. They want ratings for their advertisers.

If she is able to draw in viewers with her horrible behavior and drama, don't you think some other cable network might be interested? Think Bravo.

Sorry to rant, but remember, Jon got the show off briefly, but she slinked her way back on again. She's Teflon. She's determined. She has proven she will do ANYTHING to stay in the public's eye. Let's give the kids a chance and not watch. Yeah, I know we enjoy the snark, but I thought we were about the kids.

TLC stinks said... 19

Oh, I did forget that TLC may in fact bring her back in those specials, so let's not allow that to happen, please. These promos of drama, and Kate's begging for people to watch, makes me think the specials are dependent on what kind of ratings the final episodes bring in.

No Regrets said... 20

"She's know the "+8" gravy train is over. Jon won't sign anything that involves his kids being on tv. And I'm shocked that she isn't out there busting her butt to do anything to stay in the media (TV) that she so loves."

Rumor has it, a dating show is in the works. Nothing confirmed from what I have read. This wouldn't surprise me. She has been blabbing about this for awhile. If it is, go for it. Just keep the kids off TV, and sink or swim by herself. I really don't care what she does, as long as it is her and her alone. I agree, Jon won't consent to the kids working again. I just hope the court, if they get involved, don't overrule him, if something does come up with the kids. I have a feeling though, there won't be much interest in the kids, they have gotten older and the draw is just not there any longer. It is really pathetic to see her begging for viewers "watch next week for more drama" as the kids are being shown crying and upset and fighting. Great drama there, Kate.

Her last tweet last night was a retweet this to give people a "hint", and keep everyone in 'suspense'. As per her usual MO, making half statements, giving hints. LOL

Beckyjp1977Becky Pate
by Kateplusmy8
@Kateplusmy8 so what's in the works as in what's up your sleeve? The suspense is killing me! #stayontv

Kat said... 21

Yeah....what Marie said!!

TLC stinks said... 22

Marie, glad you read over here. I read over on your side, too. How did TLC and Kate win? The show has been cancelled. That doesn't sound like "winning" to me (think Charlie Sheen).

From what I've read on your sites, majority of fans were disappointed in Kate and TLC. Not winning. Only 300,000 more viewers. Not winning.
Thanks for your comment.

HollyMo said... 23

People, enough with the over the top condemnation of those who watched. We are all adults here (I think) and make our own choices. I also believe this issue of who is watching and why (and why they shouldn't) has been discussed ad nauseum.
I don't come here to get a lecture about what a bad 'hater' I am. It all seems quite juvenile.

For the record, I watched the last 25 minutes of a re-run last night. NOT that it is any of anyone's business.

I'd really like it if we can all move on from this issue, but (of course) defer to Admin - since she is running the show.

I'm getting off the soap box now and getting into the shower. Busy day (not kHate speak), I am canning salsa, yellow tomato sauce and jalepeno jelly today.

Tamara said... 24

RE: the evils of reality tv Execs, reminds me of the beginning of the film The Stepford Wives with Nicole Kidman and her way over the top anti-men reality shows.

Does Jon's NO to a new contract for the kids even count legally? It just seems like his firm disagreement with the kids being on tv has been ignored and overruled by the courts for so long.

Would his vote only count for the TLC contract? If Kate, who has main custody, went out and found another reality show that featured the kids can Jon veto that?

No Regrets said... 25

"TLC stinks said...
Oh, I did forget that TLC may in fact bring her back in those specials, so let's not allow that to happen, please. These promos of drama, and Kate's begging for people to watch, makes me think the specials are dependent on what kind of ratings the final episodes bring in."

Your posts are very respectful and makes sense. At least you are not preaching and going on and on. You have a point. I have no interest in watching any more of this mess. A few people DID watch, but most watched the second show.

She WILL be on something probably soon. I think we can all expect that. As I have said, I really could care less what SHE does by herself. She isn't talented to keep a show for any length of time, but who knows? 6 million watch the Jersey Shore, go figure. LOL I look for her to become the next Omarosa of the TV reality world.

No Regrets said... 26

"Tamara said...Does Jon's NO to a new contract for the kids even count legally? It just seems like his firm disagreement with the kids being on tv has been ignored and overruled by the courts for so long."

Of course a parent does have the right to say no. When Jon signed the last time, from what I understand, TLC had him by the man parts. They were suing him, he didn't have the money to fight it. I do think this had something to do with TLC not going on with this show. As well as stinking ratings and it be boring. I do think they knew that Jon will not consent again. There are a few shows I think of where the parent refused to let the kids on TV. Tamra Barney of the Housewives, her ex won't allow it. Also even Charlie Sheen wouldn't consent for his kids to be on his ex Denise Richards show. Even though I do think they comprised and they do appear in a few scenes.

TLC stinks said... 27

Marie, I apologize. I thought you were a troll. Only trolls call us haters. I did not watch and have not watched for at least a couple of years, so I am not a hypocrite. You sound angry. No need for that.

Jenna Does said... 28

I didn't realize her show was on Sept.11. (Thanks to those who posted that) There will be so many people reflecting that night. So many tuning into documentaries about how it's been 10 years. Shows where they will probably have been intervieing people that lost loved ones on that tragic day 10 years ago.

Sept. 11 is not a day to watch a stupid reality show. (this is only my opinion) but a day to be with your loved ones, a day to remember those who gave their lives.

I don't think many will be watching Kate being mean to her children.
~Hippie Chick~

TLC stinks said... 29

Did that date change? When TLC announced the cancellation, the final show was set for Sept. 12.

Let's Move ON! said... 30

Oh Please...... at most, there are probably 400 people who participate in this blog (original, not repeat posters). Even IF all 500 watched, it barely registers as a percentage point of total viewers.

The constant harping about this is getting old. Can we please move on?

Let's Move ON! said... 31

correction: "probably 500 people who participate in this blog"

She's such a c word said... 32

Jenna, The Finale is on Monday the 12th. Doesn't matter what day it's on, I will continue not watching.

No Regrets said... 33

Hippie Chick...
Yes, I doubt many will watch. I certainly do not want to watch the finale. The sobbing, "it's over too soon" stuff she will be blubbering on the screen. Plus they did say that they are showing the divorce episode. WHO wants to watch that again? It is such a shame that was even taped.

Dallas Lady said... 34

Jenna, I thought the last show was on Sept. 12?

I say if you just have to see the last episodes, catch it in a re-run. Viewership only counts the first time it's aired. So just wait a day and watch it then if you have to. Check your TV guide, TLC usually airs it again the next day. I haven't tuned in to an episode premiere for this show since Jon was on and even then, I think I was seeing re-runs.

We're all adults here, as someone else said, and everyone can make their own decisions. A handful of people aren't going to keep her on the air, but my feeling about it just for myself is why take the chance?

And to the anonymous scolder way up there: you spent several hundred words telling us why we shouldn't care or pay attention. Does the irony of that fact hit you between the eyes or what? If you can't handle criticism of Kate, then move on. The internet's a big place.

No Regrets said... 35

Yes what bearswife and Let's move on said!

ONE show, get over it, already.

No Regrets said... 36

DALLAS LADY, as usual, your posts hit it right on the mark. Well said.

TLC stinks said... 37

Agree with above posters. Admin, how about a new thread? Scripted setups from RV trip? Lies to viewers? Did I read this on the other thread that someone from the campground said TLC crew dug up the mud for the spontaneous mud fight?

Bluenoser said... 38

I have to admit I was nearly drawn in by the promos BUT there is now way Kate's foolishness could compete with Gordon Ramsay. Hells Kitchen won out.

Anonymous said... 39

Post from MaryAnn:

I have a Google account. For some crazy reason it always dumps me out on this blog site. I have used Anonymous when I have the burning urge to say something. From now on, I will always sign my name as suggested. I am proud to claim my thoughts even my mis-typings. A big thank you to everyone here. (Dallas, Hippie Chick and No Regrets especially) Usually someone says what I am thinking -- better -- before I have to put my thoughts together.

I watched a re-run of the RV episode. I have been away from Kate for over a year. I crawled back out of curiosity and the thought that it would not matter to watch a canceled program. (Hope I wasn't wrong.)

I look forward to the recap here. They are always hilarious.

I found Kate's behavior to be childish and unpredictable. She made so many rules for everyone else...no control on herself.

I had to wonder how many times before TLC edited out comments to the effect of "...stop playing making a TV show and get to work." Making a TV show IS her work. She bites the hand that is literally feeding her.

Midnight Madness said... 40

@Kateplusmy8 You dont get enough respect. You have a lot to balance and keep up with. Keep up the great work!!! *hugs*


Just shaking my head at the stupidity of these sheeple. They can't seem to put two and two together and figure out that in order to GET respect, you have to GIVE respect. Respect is not a`word that is in Kate's newly written dictionary.

bearswife said, I'm getting off the soap box now and getting into the shower. Busy day (not kHate speak), I am canning salsa, yellow tomato sauce and jalepeno jelly today.


Shouldn't you take your shower AFTER you canned the salsa and yellow tomato sauce? Sounds almost as messy as Kate's staged mud bath!

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 41

I'd rather eat dirt than sit through a Kate + 8 episode.

I've had enough of narcissists in my life- why the hell would I want to purposely tune in and watch a prancing narcissist (of epic proportion), exploit her children on t.v.?

Kate offers nothing to the entertainment world, except shame & greed. She's neither entertaining, funny, or talented. And her children are just children. Not exceptionally talented, and forced to be a part of their mentally sick mother's whelms.

F--- that!

All the true giants in show business must be fuming that a low life like Kate is buzzing around, getting undeserved money & attention for doing NOTHING.

May we never see, or hear from Kate Gosselin and her 8, ever again.

Just curious said... 42

Cake Boss marathon and Hoarders is on TLC on 9/11.

Grammy of nine said... 43

Just don't understand why TLC didn't cancel Kate years ago when the numbers were on top of the chart. Isn't it better to go out when you're on the top of the heap? Wouldn't the "stah" get more attention and offers when the numbers reflect viewer interest? The Gosselin family has had more chances and perks than we could ever imagine. I suppose that this RV trip was quite a "come down" from the beach house and Australia. Too much work for crabby mom and entitled kids. TLC is exposing much of what is wrong with this whole story. On purpose, do you suppose?

Questions said... 44

Grammy of nine said...

Just don't understand why TLC didn't cancel Kate years ago when the numbers were on top of the chart.

By "top of the chart" do you mean when ratings were high? Why would a network end a show when ratings are high and the network is making a bundle of money?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 45

You're free to discuss the merits of watching or not watching, what you're not free to do is be rude and nasty about it. Get your point across without being a jerk.

Also, sorry, had to laugh at the person who said why did you all watch I didn't watch and I don't look up stuff about Kate....then how did you land here then?

Michelle said... 46

I just don't agree that TLC is throwing Kate under the bus. It's very possible that her behavior on this trip was so appalling that this is the very best they have to work with. Imagine how bad it was if Ashley left and Jamie threatened to leave.

No Regrets said... 47

"MARY ANN, I found Kate's behavior to be childish and unpredictable. She made so many rules for everyone else...no control on hersel"

Her rules are for control. It is SO obvious. MANY make any sense at all. When Jaime was going to tear the lettuce, which IS recommended by real chefs, Kate insisted on chopping it. No wonder "no one helps me". She had help, just shut up and let people help. I have never in my life seen someone be so anal over NOTHING.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 48

I posted this on the other previous thread this am not realizing there was a new one. Since it pertains to this discussion, I'm reposting it:
Check out the demographics of the Roloff's shows (refers to a comment on the previous thread):

Little People Big World (8pm)
- 1.773 million viewers
- 1.2/2 HH
- 0.6/2 A18-49

Little People Big World (8:30pm)
- 2.238 million viewers
- 1.5/2 HH
- 0.8/2 A18-49

Did Kate's ever reach 0.6 let alone 0.8? It's not difficult to learn from Kate's tweeters who her fans are; a very large number of tweenies and teens and also people who live in other countries, two groups that advertisers are not as interested to have as viewers as the 18-49 age group.

Kate has a very small number of devoted fans and judging by the now disappeared petitions not that many fans were interested in going to the trouble to sign them.

The rate of increase of her followers is suspect making me, for one, think followers are being bought and one spike in numbers was due to Kate mentioning the Taylor Swift concert that brought on a huge number of "followers" all in the tween and teen category. Many who comment only ask for Kate to follow them and then move on; they're kids who only want to get a huge number of followers (like a popularity contest). A fairly large number of followers have never even tweeted.

I'm not too worried about Kate's show coming back. My opinion only, but it seems to me TLC would be better off doing an occasional special which might bring in a decent ratings # and would be a lot cheaper than having to send Kate off on hugely expensive trips to garner a couple thousand more viewers; making episodes of Kate+8 at home has been done…”x150” episodes.

Mel said... 49

My thought is that they were figuring that Jon would not sign any new contracts involving the kids.....AND.....

since Kate gave them so much bad footage on the RV trip that they might as well use that to their advantage and play it as the end of the series (since they weren't going to be able to go on much longer anyway, thanks to Jon).

OTH, I really wonder if she knew before the trip that she was being cancelled. She was nasty from the first moment.

Or maybe she was just pissed that this trip wasn't the 5-star trips she's had in the past, where she didn't have to do anything other than show up.

Stewmama said... 50

I watched a repeat and came on it during the lego scene. Once again there's old sweet Ashley acting like a big fat jerk. The more I see/hear of her and her interactions with the kids I really feel she's treating them like their mother, on a much lower scale of course. She's got a little temper that Ashley doesn't she and it's on display around the kids too. I find no excuse for her behavior especially if she's the "nanny" and is getting paid. During the RV scene where she's upset with Cara and almost slams the legos on the table, then after mouthing off she walks away and slams the bedroom door was the end for me. How long was she gone and who was left to watch those kids? I can onlyn hope she apologized to them later. Very immature and irresponsible. I would never ever act or talk that way with someone else's child/children. Horrible and sad that when I look back there are moments when Ashley was just like Kate. If she claims to love the kids as much as she does, she'll take a very long vacation away from them, espcially away from Kate. I think maybe with the egging on from production Ashley was begining to feel more comfortable about being more involved with the show and was acting out for them.

No Regrets said... 51

Personally, I think the whole thing was staged to create more drama. Jaime and Ashley KNEW they were being filmed, yet, they talked about her stressing about the 'unauthorized" pictures by fans. (Another DIG to fans, btw) Horrid fans dare take an UNAUTHORIZED picture! They WERE right, why stress over it? It is going to happen regardless.

Kate gets so paranoid that the paps will find out. LOL Yet, not ONE pap picture from the entire trip. She spends years on tv, exposing her children, and complains about the attention. While I do agree that fans do not have the right to get in the face of someone in public, sadly, they do and it comes with the territory. They think they "own" them.

The really sad part, she cuts the kids' visit short, simply because the 'commoners' were there. They were not being rushed or mobbed, relax and let the kids really enjoy something. Perhaps they all could have learned who was on Mt Rushmore, if they had stayed a bit more.

No Regrets said... 52

To clarify, I don't think Jaime, Ashley nor Kate's behavior was staged, that was real. I just think that the "fighting" is/was a new angle, and they just let it rip.

New angle, new drama.

Anonymous said... 53

Post from MaryAnn:

No regrets - Yikes! I noticed the same exchange. She was all over Jamie about chopping the lettuce. She even took the produce out of Jamie's hand. OK. Have a strong preference. Moments later when Jamie questions her about cutting an onion on the cutting board and leaving flavor residue, Kate chides Jamie by telling her they can't be particular because they aren't at home. What? My head just turns back and forth in quick confusion. She makes no sense. Her control...no one else can breathe or think.

When they are loading the kids into the bus for the first time, she barks out many orders in rapid succession -- ending with don't touch anything! Why surprise the kids with an RV and then make the reveal full of hostility?

PJ's momma said... 54

I confessed earlier that I did watch, after YEARS of not watching. My curiosity was satisfied and I felt sick. At the beginning, they show Ashley leaving and the kids were sobbing. Their pain should not be broadcast like that, but it will be, next week. (AND, Ashley seems like a very good girl and loves those kids and they indicated a lot went down before she and Jamie had their little snark fest. I believe Kate earned every bit of that wrath and much more.) I won't watch again. But face it, she only got a couple hundred thousand extra viewers, even with all the promotion and tweeting and (snort!) petitions. The fallout has been bigger than the ratings. Some of her long-time fans are just done. In my opinion, she's toast.

A living hell said... 55

I didn't see the show and won't because I refuse to pay an exorbitant amount of money for crap so I don't get many channels. (What I do get is pretty much crap too).

Based on all the comments describing what went on, I can't help but think if anyone is under the mistaken impression that Jon was the bad guy, multiply how Kate acted on the trip times 10 years for an idea of what he had to deal with.

No Regrets said... 56

"Stewmama said...I watched a repeat and came on it during the lego scene. Once again there's old sweet Ashley acting like a big fat jerk"

I was really surprised at Ashley. She is still only 20, so she is still young herself. She did say that Cara had a bad attitude for awhile. Something led up to that explosion. From some of the scenes, yes, Cara was acting pretty badly. Throwing rocks at Clay, whining because he said they were at Mt Rushmore for 30 minutes instead of 3 minutes and wanted Kate to "tell him". I was so disappointed to see some of the kids behave like they did.

I am not excusing Ashley's behavior towards Cara at all. But let's face it, Ashley IS young and if Kate can "stess" I guess Ashley did too. Sad to see almost everyone around them treats them like that. If mommy needs help with all 8, imagine a 20 year old taking care of all 8. Even though Jaime was along this trip, hasn't Ashley stayed back with all the kids while Kate was gallivanting off somewhere else. They didn't show anyone else there with her, I don't think.

TLC stinks said... 57

The sad thing is that whether staged or not, think about the kids being exposed to people behaving badly. Wow. They are little sponges and what else have they ever known. Well, payback to Kate when they are teenagers.

BTW, Kate's slip of the tongue about "servants" is so, just so Kate. That's the way she treated Jon. TLC hit the mother lode with that one. Priceless. I have to wonder whether the Figure 8 crew got tired of being treated like "servants" and it's payback.

marie said... 58

TLC stinks . . . no I'm not a troll. I come here alot but don't post very often. I'm sorry about the tone of my last post. I just feel like this was a scripted episode by looking at some of the promos. Kate isn't a very good actress and it looks like she is trying to act like she's put out. I think TLC and Kate are just trying to see what will draw viewers in. Is it the kids or is it drama and fighting? And by watching and raising the ratings, they now know that it is the drama and will very likely try to create another show around Kate with drama abounding. I feel like the people who watched were suckered into it.

Gimme said... 59

My sister is a home economics major (back when there was such a thing) and she taught me to tear lettuce. That woman was totally illogical throughout the entire show. She looked and acted and sounded like she was totally out of it. I don't understand why she would think they would be surprised by the RV when they helped load it in the driveway before I guess it was driven clear across the country. Or did I see that correctly? I wasn't paying much attention. She is too abrasive to even halfway listen to, much less watch. And did I hear her say G'Bye Voyeurs when they left Old Faithful of all things because someone was snapping pictures. I didn't see another living soul the entire time.

Just Dwindle Away said... 60

Falling like a brick said... She had to resort to Radio program Interviews, and even those just dropped out and you don't hear about them anymore. She's just not promotable.


You bring up a very good point that relates back to the 'poor Kart was badly edited' discussion. (Thank you!) She did those radio interviews, some live, and all she reportedly did was moan and complain that her pampered life wasnt pampered enough. At times she apparently even forgot to plug her show, which is why she was there.

How does something "live" get edited to make poor Holy Mother Katie Irene look bad? No one even had the benefit of showing her nasty facial expressions or her porn-star look. Just her words. She could have read from a prepared script or statement in order to keep herself in check, but noooo - she took the 3 minute radio opportunity to complain some more.

You are so right: "She's just not promotable." So much so, that she cant even promote HERSELF for a measly couple of minutes on the radio.

Falling like a brick said... 61

The deal w/ Cara and Ashley is something I faced when I was a nanny (umpteen ages ago). One of the girls I watched pushed her sister down the stairs. I punished the older sister by putting her in a 10 minute time out.
When the mom got home "I" was the one in trouble because I shouldn't have disciplined the child. (even if it was only 10 minutes)
I can see Ashley's frustration with Kate's stupid rules: Cara and Colin can only play together because it's what calms Colin (that's what Kate said to Jamie and has obviously stated to Cara who didn't want to have Clay sit at the ONLY table playing legos by himself.
Ashley wasn't aware of this rule. She didn't see why Cara and Colin couldn't share the table, and I'm sure at that point she was pretty well pissed at Kate for her stupid rules that make living and traveling in an RV completely uncomfortable.
Ashley had to walk away at that point, she had no control over the kids to 'virtual' Kate.

and for KATE to say to Jamie "control your child (Clay)" and to tell Cara that Jamie and Ashley had to handle the episode because it was in their RV made me want to smack the woman. It's her CHILD that she is dismissing. Gawd, her live is a complete mess.

BTW...I was able to watch the show via You Tube today thanks to a search item someone shared.

Falling like a brick said... 62

Gimme...it's true, when you cut lettuce it bleeds or rusts. Unless you eat it right away it looks bad. Tearing has always been the rule. First you slam the head of lettuce on the counter (bottom down) to release the layers from the core, then you peel the lettuce layers away, rinse, dry, and tear. :-)

No Regrets said... 63

"PJ's momma said...
I confessed earlier that I did watch, after YEARS of not watching. My curiosity was satisfied and I felt sick. At the beginning, they show Ashley leaving and the kids were sobbing. Their pain should not be broadcast like that, but it will be, next week. (AND, Ashley seems like a very good girl and loves those kids and they indicated a lot went down before she and Jamie had their little snark fest. I believe Kate earned every bit of that wrath and much more.) I won't watch again. But face it, she only got a couple hundred thousand extra viewers, even with all the promotion and tweeting and (snort!) petitions. The fallout has been bigger than the ratings. Some of her long-time fans are just done. In my opinion, she's toast."

This is exactly how I feel too. I really regret watching it. (SECOND SHOW BTW) not because of the over the top complaints of posters here and the lectures we have gotten, but for the first time since the divorce, I saw the kids and how they are behaving now. That was a huge disappointment to me. Kate has let those kids develop some really poor attitudes and acting out, STILL after all these years. Add to that that Kate is even worse than before. Silly, petty and just not happy about a damn thing. Such a miserable, miserable woman. It was depressing and NOT 'entertaining' at all. The fact she almost gleefully is asking for people to watch because there is "more drama next week...eeek" is just sickening. Sure, your kids upset and crying over the adult 'drama' is going to be GREAT. geez

MayAnn yes, she sucks the fun out of everything. Just everything. Imagine being around her on a trip like this or for anything. NO WAY.

silimom said... 64

Kate gets so paranoid that the paps will find out.

I noticed this time Kate was complaining not about the paps but about people taking unauthorized pics and posting them...ON TWITTER!

Fortunately, Kate won't have to worry about unauthorized pics showing up on twitter or the paps in the near future.

Re: Ashley - I think her reaction, while not the best, was completely understandable. Kate gave her authority over the kids - she was expected to keep their behavior in check. Not knowing what led up to the meltdown, Cara was in any case being unreasonable. In tight quarters like that, you have to share the space. Ashley's solution was perfectly acceptable - You won't share the table, then you don't get to build the legos. It was only after Cara said that Kate had told her she didn't have to share and Cara was going to go tell her what Ashley was doing that Ashley threw the legos down on the table and left.

In Ashley's defense, I can totally understand her frustration. You've been given authority and responsibility but that authority is undermined any time one of the kids complains to Kate. How on earth is Ashley supposed to do her job and discipline the kids when they misbehave with no support from their mother? I'm sure it's the same feeling Jon had a great deal of the time and it's worse because Ashley is only the nanny. Oh sorry, servant.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 65

Falling like a brick said... BTW...I was able to watch the show via You Tube today thanks to a search item someone shared.


Care to share it here? Or is it the Last-episodes.com site? Went there and they ask that you fill out a survey, which means a quadrillion spam emails - no thanks.

Lake Up North said... 66

Forgive me for asking but from what I've read, I truly do wonder--if Collin is that much of a bully on film, I pray he is not worse off camera.

Permanent Name said... 67

""""Unauthorized pictures?????""""""

She's amazingly stupid. She's in a public place and people can take pictures of her all they want to, as long as they don't physically threaten her....

What she's REALLY upset about is the loss of control - she can't stop people from taking pictures and that makes her furious. In her demented little NPD mind, no one can do anything she doesn't want them to do.

Really, how dare they?! --- Heavy sarcasm here, folks :-)

The world would end if someone took her candid picture, sold it and made some money "without her permission".

What hubris..........

Julie's Chins said... 68

How can a mother with eight young children be proud of the fact that most people only tune in to see the trainwreck factor?

Most people tune in to see Kate's histrionics and failures as a human being, and hoping to witness karma biting her ass.

And she's proud of that and would continue that if it were her decision.

She's sick. Just a sick twisted f_ck.

Mel said... 69

Did anyone think it was weird that no one seemed to be in charge?

Kate acted like she was just along for the ride, not the (single) mother. The adults all acted like that. Mode seemed to be show up where they tell you, look around a few minutes, leave.

Kate seemed to be completely unaware of the schedule or what was on the agenda for the day.

When we did big road trips with our kids (in a 4 door sedan with a storage unit on top of the car), I spent weeks ahead of time working with the kids as to what they were going to see. We spent a lot of time researching and planning what we were going to do & see. I'd send for travel brochures so the kids could see what was available that might be of interest to them.

We spent 2 days at Mount Rushmore, went to see Crazy Horse another day (didn't Kate say in a tweet that she wanted to see Crazy Horse? Do you think she even realized that it was very close to Mount Rushmore?), spent a week in Yellowstone. We spent a whole day Old Faithful, hiking, taking ranger-guided tours, say Old Faithful erupt twice.

There's lots to see there that would have been interesting to the kids. The rangers are awesome with the kids (or anyone who shows some interest).

By flying into Rapid City (I presume) they missed the awesome Badlands, where the kids could have had a blast hiking. And the Black Hills. Another awesome place for kids.

All "iconic" places that could have been "checked off".

Personally, I think Kate has NO interest in any trip where she might have to do any work. She only wants a 5 star hotel with concierge service, a pool, and kids camp. Someplace where they fall all over her cuz they think she has money.

We've stayed in those kinds of fancy places, too, but I have to say they're not nearly as much fun. Especially with kids, who couldn't care less about all the amenities.

Hey Kate! Beat this! We were asked to leave our hotel in Australia because President Bill Clinton was going to be staying in it. Then when we went to Yellowstone the following year, there he was again. And you know what? He didn't cause nearly as much commotion as you did, and he even smiled, shook our hands, and didn't mind at all that people were taking photos.

silimom said... 70


Kate's kids are no longer marketable so she figures she'll jump on the bandwagon of the latest sextuplet family?

I have no problem with Kate wanting to give them her chairs. We have said on this blog and others have as well that it's time the sextuplets were allowed to sit in regular chairs.

I have a problem with her posting it on twitter. If Kate needed to find the Carey's information, I'm sure she could have done so without calling attention to herself. This was a calculated move on her part - 1) she addresses the critics who call her out on 7 year olds still being in high chairs and 2) she's seen as being compassionate and giving. 3) she's seen as the experienced celebrity sextuplet mom coming to lend a helping hand and give advice. (Just ignore the cameras that come along with her)

Even if the idea originated from one of her tweeters, she could have still said "That's a great idea!" and then privately sought out their info and asked if they wanted the chairs.

Kate: Matthew 6:1 -4 (from The Message)

"Be especially careful when you are trying to be good so that you don't make a performance out of it. It might be good theater, but the God who made you won't be applauding. 2-4"When you do something for someone else, don't call attention to yourself. You've seen them in action, I'm sure—'playactors' I call them— treating prayer meeting and street corner alike as a stage, acting compassionate as long as someone is watching, playing to the crowds. They get applause, true, but that's all they get. When you help someone out, don't think about how it looks. Just do it—quietly and unobtrusively. That is the way your God, who conceived you in love, working behind the scenes, helps you out.

Pam said... 71

Permanent Name said... """"Unauthorized pictures?????""""""

She's amazingly stupid. She's in a public place and people can take pictures of her all they want to, as long as they don't physically threaten her....

What she's REALLY upset about is the loss of control - she can't stop people from taking pictures and that makes her furious. In her demented little NPD mind, no one can do anything she doesn't want them to do.

Really, how dare they?! --- Heavy sarcasm here, folks :-)

The world would end if someone took her candid picture, sold it and made some money "without her permission".

What hubris..........

August 31, 2011 8:48 AM

And when the show ends and she's no longer relevant, she will be pissed nobody is taking her picture.

"Uhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Why are these people not taking my picture? Hellooooooo! I'm over here! What is wrong with you people? Why are you not snapping away?"

Jenna Does said... 72

I'm sorry, love ya all, but I'm with those who did NOT watch & still wouldn't if they paid me a million bucks. Kate is not worth a second of my time. I followed the saga, yes, but I could care less how it all ends. If TLC sees that Kate is garnering any interest, they or someone else may pick her up for something else. I was done a long time ago, & I meant it.

Again, I hope her head doesn't swell, small increase of ratings is still an increase.
~Hippie Chick~

Jenna Does said... 73

She's such a c word said...

Jenna, The Finale is on Monday the 12th. Doesn't matter what day it's on, I will continue not watching.
Ooops!! Sorry all! I read on the last thread it was on Sept. 11. My bad!! And I'm w/ you on not watching!!
~Hippie Chick~

Permanent Name said... 74

Remember the old expression "one bad apple can spoil the whole bushel"?

Well, I think that putting all those folks into a forced 'vacation' with toxic kart rubbed off on everyone. kart was a bitch as usual, and soon everyone else was miserable and bitchy too.

I haven't seen it yet, am trying to figure out where to see it without having to fill out survey....

Although I have to admit I'm conflicted. I want to see her act like and ass, but at the same time I don't want to be contaminated. The last time I watched was several years ago and I felt quite agitated when the show was over, like I wanted to hit someone.

I hate to watch shows that make me feel that way......

No Regrets said... 75

"silimom said...I noticed this time Kate was complaining not about the paps but about people taking unauthorized pics and posting them...ON TWITTER! "

She sure did at first. Then she changed it to the "paps" angle to cover, once again, for dissing the fans. On twitter after she mentioned it, she said "I love meeting my fans" Sure she does, just don't take "unarthorized" pictures. LOL

Yes, the entire thing with the legos was silly. Kate told Cara Clay couldn't even sit at the same table. WHY not teach the kids how to get along with him and each other. Cara clearly does not like Clay. Kate's solution was banish the kid to somewhre else in the RV. As Jaime said, where can he go on the bed? Just like Kate, teach them to banish people instead of trying to find a happy medium and deal with someone you might not like.

Aeris said... 76

Jenna Does said... I didn't realize her show was on Sept.11. (Thanks to those who posted that) There will be so many people reflecting that night. So many tuning into documentaries about how it's been 10 years. Shows where they will probably have been intervieing people that lost loved ones on that tragic day 10 years ago.

Sept. 11 is not a day to watch a stupid reality show. (this is only my opinion) but a day to be with your loved ones, a day to remember those who gave their lives.

I don't think many will be watching Kate being mean to her children.
~Hippie Chick~


Same here, Jenna. That whole weekend leading up through Sunday, 9/11, will be a somber one. The last thing I want to do is watch an ungrateful harpy and her maladjusted brood (not their fault). I didn't watch Monday's ep., I don't think I will even catch it in a rerun. There's nothing entertaining for me in seeing kids fight, grown women mock each other, and a nearly 11-year old girl being filmed while having a tantrum. It's disturbing and unpleasant. If others can stand watching her, more power to them. I appreciate them taking the time to comment on the show here on the blog. I still read and post here about the show, so I'm not innocent, either!

Mel said... 77

Why couldn't Clay go play Legos on the table in Kate's RV?

Anonymous said... 78

Post from MaryAnn:

After all the packing and organizing, she opens two drawers one breakfast morning and they are almost empty. Why all the food sorting anyway. They aren't in the middle of nowhere. I noticed that she had coffee that was purchased from some place one morning. The snacks she was packing are readily available -- even at a gas station quick stop. Fruit (They were eating bananas.) would need to be replenished.

No matter how many garments (new ones she is removing from plastic hangers) are packed, they would need to stop to do laundry.

All that frustration. She isn't even footing the bill - so many easier ways to accomplish a trip.

She eludes to help more than once. She had to get the vacuum (which she man-handled across rocks) before "they" closed those "things". She is upset over the odor of a bathroom that hasn't been attended to by someone else. Maybe those RV tasks are the responsibility of the professional drivers. Still, not HER job.

Let's review -- spending time cleaning the floor on the big RV. Jamie offered to do it. She had to huff and puff her way through the disgusting task. Choice: spend time with your kids at the campfire breakfast or be obsessive about crumbs on the vinyl floor? Oh, I think I know what most moms would choose.

I haven't watched in a long time. I am glad. This one show riled me up so much that I flew to this website.

She commented that she had "dreamed of taking an RV trip with the kids across the country"...well, what did she think that meant?

Jenna Does said... 79

Questions said...

Grammy of nine said...

Just don't understand why TLC didn't cancel Kate years ago when the numbers were on top of the chart.

By "top of the chart" do you mean when ratings were high? Why would a network end a show when ratings are high and the network is making a bundle of money?
Seinfeld did it. Friends did it. I'm not being snarky, but some stars actually like to go out on top, so they have more opportunities waiting for them, like movie offers, stuff like that. Kate just wanted to keep that reality show going, til the kids hit college! How dumb.
~Hippie Chick~

Anonymous said... 80

Post from Mary Ann:

Sorry, I meant alludes. I am brighter than that. Tho' she does elude many tasks and jobs! Great post from Mel.

dee3 said... 81

I didn't watch this episode and have not watched the show for several years.....not so much due to not wanting to contribute to the ratings, but more because I just can't stand to watch Kate's histrionics.

One of my huge dislikes is watching any adult (like Kate) trying to act "cutesie" by ramping-up the drama in an artificial way and acting as though everyone is hanging on her every word and that everything she says and thinks is extremely important....more important than what anyone else's is.

It makes my skin crawl in embarrassment and makes me cringe....not an enjoyable experience....so I basically just avoid anything she is in...simply because I just don't want to see her.

In real life I have occasionally encountered a person trying hard to be "cutesie" (while I and others roll our eyes at each other)....and I avoid watching them also. I just detest that behavior and avoid Kate on any episode...be it the first airing or repeats.

The first few shows I watched...before never watching again....showed behavior toward Jon and towards her children that I found reprehensible....but this "cutesie" stuff started later and just escalated as she began to think that everyone was hanging on her every word....as if she thought that without Jon on the show, she was free to show everyone how great and how cute and fascinating she was. The more her head swelled, the worse the "cutesie" stuff escalated.

What I mean by "cutesie" is kinda difficult to explain/describe and I hope others understand what I mean by the word. It's an adult showing behavior that is embarrassing to watch....acting like a teen who has a lack of social skills. The obvious acting as though she thinks everyone is mesmerized and impressed with what she says and how she says it, the hamming it up excessively to bring all the attention on herself, as she obviously feels she is the star of the show.....the screeching, the sarcasm, etc.

So I don't watch because I cringe while watching her behavior and don't enjoy it....and I get my information from the recaps, which I really appreciate, and from all the comments written here and on other sites. I saw enough of her in the beginning to be able to just picture what others are describing.

Tamara said... 82

Falling like a brick said...
I can see Ashley's frustration with Kate's stupid rules: Cara and Colin can only play together because it's what calms Colin (that's what Kate said to Jamie and has obviously stated to Cara who didn't want to have Clay

Playing with Cara is the only thing that calms Collin down? WTF? I didn't watch so I'm only getting what is being discussed here, but what exactly did Kate say? I also don't remember Collin being more of a bully or more aggressive than the other kids, but the only Kate Plus 8 Prisoners episode I've seen is the Philly one, and I only saw about half of that.

I do worry, especially for Collin and Cara. Both seem to be very sensitive. Collin also seems to be somewhat OCD, someone who needs everything to be in their right places. For a kid who needs that sort of strict stability to keep from becoming overly anxious and lashing out, that household must be hell.

I wish posters here whom have watched the episodes could be more detailed and specific about the kids than the adults.

No Regrets said... 83

Maybe the show not go out when the ratings were sky high, but when they did see the ratings start to slide somewhat, do something ELSE to keep the brand going while they were still popular. We discussed this on another thread. She could have gone on to designing kids clothes, organizational books/and or show, cookbooks..even producing. (no, I do not buy the super duper organizer, and she can't cook any better than most people) but many fans still buy this and they did back then also.

They had many other opportunities they could have branched out with, but didn't. They both at put all their future and the kids into a reality show. She continued alone with that line of thinking. I do believe she did think they would still be filming until the kids went to college. Her ego just knows no bounds.

When she went on her own, after the divorce, she still could have done SOMETHING. Her popularity was plummeting, but she still had enough to do something else. Instead, she went on the talk show circuit crying and complaining, when Jon stopped the show.

Kate is a twit said... 84

Kate was so paranoid about people taking unauthorized pictures and posting them on Twitter. They were at a tourist attraction! Don’t most people take pictures? Why did she think that they wanted to take pictures of HER? What an ego!!

Anonymous said... 85

dee3 -- add to the definition of "cutesie" singing in the high pitched operatic yowl. Now that makes my skin crawl.

Laura D. said... 86

Just like to add my 2 cents on the subject of the ratings blip and the “haterz” watching.

I hadn’t watched the show since before they moved to the mansion so my conscience is clear. However, Monday night at 9:30 when my hubby went out to walk the dog, I went up to get ready for bed and yes, I did flip the show on for 10 minutes. That was all I could take. By 9:40 my jaw was on the floor and my blood was boiling – and that was just from watching a few minutes of Yellowstone Park footage! My thinking afterward was that I do hope ratings went up a bit so more people could see what a flaming lunatic Kate is, including media/network scouts. The small ratings blip is only indicative of people realizing hey, it’s over and it’s Kate’s turn to be thrown under the bus by TLC. You can’t blame people for wanting to see that, but even so, the ratings blip was very small and would not be sustainable in the longer term were the show to be picked up.

Perhaps someone will offer Kate a venue in which to make an ass of herself but as long as it doesn’t involve the kids, good luck to her, and I still would not watch because I find Kate boring.

Falling like a brick said... 87

Tweetle Dee...go to you tube and serach for user gosselinarchives

All the shows are there.

Tamara said... 88

RE the argument that editing is the reason behind a lot of the bad behavior seen from Kate and Jon: while there were definitely storylines, the worst things each episode were un-edited, meaning they were shown pretty much exactly as they happened. If anything, the editors made Kate and Jon look BETTER by never showing the abusive "discipline" (timeout corner my ass), or the amount of time Kate forced the kids to nap.

Joel, sick and vomiting with a fever being forced to sleep on the laundry room floor, not a result of editing. Collin suffering from an impacted bowel, being ignored by his mother so that she could shop, not a result of editing. There are many, many more despicable, cruel, abusive moments and scenes that are not a result of editing. Feel free to add to the list.

MickeyMcKean said... 89

I am a former fan who has not watched but did tune in once I read that TLC did little to no editing and allowed the true Kate to hang, warts and all.

Was I worried if there was a spike in viewership? NO, as I'm sure that Jon will be successful in stopping filming after this year since 2 children were expelled from school *AND* the cyberbullying that has gone on this week against Cara because of her meltdown during this show.

So I set the DVR to record a repeat episode and noticed that the RV in the beginning, on Day 13 where Ashley is saying she is done, is dark blue on the outside. Yet the two RVs in this first episode are primarily white and the other is beige and chocolate.

Did Kate bitch and moan about the problems with the RVs to the point that TLC had to switch one of the RVs in the middle of the two week trip?

Bluenoser said... 90

Mel said...
My thought is that they....AND.....

since Kate gave them so much bad footage on the RV trip that they might as well use that to their advantage and play it as the end of the series.

Mel, even TLC can't look such a gift horse in the mouth. Kate is such a horse's arse that she doesn't think five seconds in the future TLC knew people would likely turn in to watch Katie Irene make an utter and complete fool of herself yet again.

dee3 said... 91

I'm sad to hear that the children are now exhibiting entitled behavior.
When my 3 sons were their age, I used to love it when their friends would come over because when it was just my 3, they would argue quite a bit....but once friends came over, all was peaceful. It sounds like the G. children have not had much experience with being with other kids the same age. Of course, I would imagine that the almost constant filming would not had left any time to even hang out with friends.

No Regrets~
I totally agree with you....and think this is typical NPD behavior....to not look down the road and plan the best options for the future. They are too busy twirling around in the spotlight and only caring about getting attention at the moment.
Heck, if Sandra Lee could get a cooking show...Kate could have done the same thing. She totally destroyed the image of her as the role-model mom....the one who could give great advice to other moms....especially the ones heavily involved in the religious thing. Had she maintained that image, there would have been all sorts of possibilities for her to remain in the entertainment industry.

But boy, did she ruin that image. She totally destroyed it with the yelling on camera, the inappropriate clothing and spike heels, the melt-downs. She destroyed it with a capital D...without any thought to how she could have maintained her future....because she cannot control her narcissism or her narcissistic behavior and she's completely involved in preening for the audience to bring attention to herself because she thinks she's that important and the drama of the moment is the only thing that matters to her at the moment. She feels sure that others see her as so great that she'll have no problem lining-up new entertainment gigs for herself...so she's not worried. She will do anything it takes to get attention at the moment....even if it's showing obnoxious behavior.

Anonymous said... 92

Permanent Name said...
""""Unauthorized pictures?????""""""

She's amazingly stupid. She's in a public place and people can take pictures of her all they want to, as long as they don't physically threaten her....
I thought if someone was in a public place they could be photographed. Thanks for that :)

TLC stinks said... 93

Talk about scripted....I count not one, not two, not three, but four RV's. There were 2 white ones (one large and one slightly smaller), 1 large tan one, and a huge TLC RV I saw in a photo.

I feel so bad for Cara. Apparently she was used for "drama" and is now probably embarrassed by the whole thing. Sometimes kids just don't get along. Why not just separate the two?

And the thing about Kate having left for organic grocery shopping? What did she ride in? I saw the clip and the RV's were all there although the TLC one was not visible. How did she get into town?

Hippie Chick said... 94

Thank you for the compliment!!

Falling like a brick said... 95


I know Admin will recap, but boy those kids are mean.
Cara refuses to let Clay sit at the table and play legos. Ashley storms out (Jamie is there but off camera) and Collin can be seen kicking Clay off the seat bench at the table while Cara runs off to mom and as she passes Clay she pushes his head off to the side. My child WOULD NEVER touch another child like that ever. Kate's poor parenting skills are so reflecting in her children's behaviour. They are entitled and mean. I hate to say it because I know it's not the kids' fault the whole world sees their behaviour, but seriously, if my child ever behaved like this (and it's not just one incident either...in another part of the show she can been seen throwing a rock at him as he is near her)

Kate tells Cara when she goes to 'tattle': "Tell Jamie to control Clay"
Cara gets Jamie and they both go over to Kate's RV (where you can hear Steve in the background talking)

Here's the exchange.
Kate: If they're (Colin and Cara) are going to play legos, put Clay somewhere else.

Jamie: There isn't anywhere else. What do you want? Put them on the bed.

Kate: Yeah

Jamie: How do you do legos on your lap?

Kate: Well, I...Those two (Colin and Cara) play nicely together. He (Clay) cannot be bothering them. That's the way you're going to keep Colin happy. To have his turn.

Jamie: Colin's easy to keep happy. It's her (Cara).

Kate: Well, keep Clay away from her. PLEEASE.

Jamie: I will try my best.

Kate: I'm not over there, I don't see what's happening, but I do see that he (Clay) riles everyone up.

Jamie: I don't see why it's a big deal for them to sit together and do that and him on the other side...

Kate: Then you need to control Clay because he...

Jamie: He's not doing anything.

Kate: Okay Cara, sit...

Cara is crying now and trying to say something about not wanting Clay at the table.

Jamie: She doesn't want him to sit at the table

then it cuts to Kate telling Cara what to do and Ashley saying her knock out drag out comment which could mean Jamie/Kate or Cara/Clay.

Sorry the post was so long

dee3 said... 96


Lol at the singing addition. Glad to see others also not liking the "cutesie" behavior.
In fact, to me....acting like a total dork is in the same ballpark as the "cutesie" thing is....both cringe-inducing behavior.
Not that there's anything wrong with the poor dorks...(one of my sons was a dork and now he's a computer genius working for Apple, having learned appropriate social skills) but it's also embarrassing to watch. It's like being at a talent show and watching someone playing a screeching violin or someone singing who is tone-deaf and having to look away and want to crawl under your seat. :D Who the heck wants to watch that? Not me.

No Regrets said... 97

"MickeyMcKean said...
Did Kate bitch and moan about the problems with the RVs to the point that TLC had to switch one of the RVs in the middle of the two week trip?"
Next week the show is being billed as the RV breaking down. So I
-assume one did go completely out.

"the cyberbullying that has gone on this week against Cara because of her meltdown during this show."

Where is this happening??

dee3 said... 98

"Kate: If they're (Colin and Cara) are going to play legos, put Clay somewhere else."

OMG, I can't even imagine witnessing the conversation between Kate and Jamie. Why in the world would Jamie even have her as a friend and expose her poor son to that?
falling like a brick~
After reading your description of that conversation, it sounds like the show was even worse than I'd imagined.
I would NOT want to watch that happening to Clay. I abhor watching anyone mistreat a child...or an animal....the main reason I stopped watching the show in the first place.

No Regrets said... 99

"TLC stinks said...I feel so bad for Cara. Apparently she was used for "drama" and is now probably embarrassed by the whole thing. Sometimes kids just don't get along. Why not just separate the two?"

Cara really worries me. She seems so lost or something. Her age, the divorce, Kate and the show, I think is all contributing to her behavior. Poor kid needs some special attention, IMO. She is too old to be shown crying and having the problems like that. She still has to face the kids at school.

"And the thing about Kate having left for organic grocery shopping? What did she ride in? I saw the clip and the RV's were all there although the TLC one was not visible. How did she get into town?"

She came back from the store in an SUV driven by someone else.

Anonymous said... 100

Post from MaryAnn:

Sharp eyes Mickey McKean. If the RV company donated for the exposure, they got a very bad deal.

I am sure most of us would enjoy traveling in such lavish RV's, but she complained the entire time.

She did kick off her 5" heels and drive for an unspecified amount of time. Kind of a photo op, I think. Lots of drama and shrieking was involved during the two turns that she makes.

I am re-energized by reading all the posts. I read here on occasion while I wasn't watching. All the comments re this episode are insightful and entertaining. Thanks!

No Regrets said... 101

Had Kate talked about my child like that, I would have said much more than Jaime did. That made me feel so bad for Clay. How embarrassing to be banished like that. Ok maybe he does tease the kids, but they ALL tease. I didn't see anything from him on film to show him to be such a problem to banish him. But we don't see it all either. I still say it was wrong, no matter what and they all be taught to get along somehow.

AuntieAnn said... 102

Re: Ripping vs tearing the lettuce. The SUHA (stick up her ass) was giving her a lot of trouble. She was just looking for something more to bitch about. Those kids were probably hungry and needed to be fed, but no, Kate had to make a big scene as usual about the lettuce. Who the hell would have cared BUT her? The meal looked awful and yet Kate thought she'd done so well they'd want her to do ALL the cooking for the rest of the trip. Yeah, right Kate, you freaking narcissist. I laughed at little Leah at the end of the show...she held up a piece of black, crispy burnt chicken and kind of shrugged at the camera.

As far as watching the show goes, I watched in a celebratory way. The show is cancelled. Sort of like picking up a snake when you know it's dead... it ain't gonna bite ya any more.

Aeris said... 103

The only thing I know TLC edited out was the physical punishing of the kids. Jon & Khate stated on an early Q&A that they do physically discipline the kids, but it is not shown.

The poor kids have gone through a lot of emotional trauma, all for the sake of the show's quality. The tups first dentist visit is one example. If Alexis had her blankie in the waiting room, why didn't she have it in the dentist chair? Oh right, let's make the "brave" kid have a major meltdown on camera first, then bring the blankie in. I think a lot of crap like that went down. Among other things, they kids were deceived into celebrating fake holidays and believing their parents were happily in love. If a-hole Khate and her cronies were indeed fake fighting for the cameras on the RV trip, the poor kids believed that, too. There's a lot of abuse going on in that family, not necessarily the physical kind. I fear for those kids, they have the most manipulative, deceptive, jealous and immature mother I've ever come across, in real life or on TV.

No Regrets said... 104

"MaryAnn:She did kick off her 5" heels and drive for an unspecified amount of time. Kind of a photo op, I think. Lots of drama and shrieking was involved during the two turns that she makes."

Ha, I loved how she yelled at the kids to be quiet and Hannah said why don't YOU be quiet. LOL Ashley cracked up on that one, they all did. But the kids DID get quiet and SHE started with her shrieking and screeching. Gawd. Yeah, the camera panning down on the shoe was something. LOL You are going camping in an RV, yet have your spiked heels on. I get it if she feels more dressed up with heels, but come on, let's be practical and knock off the diva-ish BS.

AuntieAnn said... 105

No Regrets said...Had Kate talked about my child like that, I would have said much more than Jaime did. That made me feel so bad for Clay. How embarrassing to be banished like that. Ok maybe he does tease the kids, but they ALL tease.

Kate also said that Clay "riled" the others up. Maybe he is somewhat hyperactive. If he is and Jamie and Kate are aware of it, why even plan a trip like this?

They just love to set the kids up for meltdowns and then film it. Assholes.

Sick, sick woman said... 106

Aeris said

There's a lot of abuse going on in that family, not necessarily the physical kind. I fear for those kids, they have the most manipulative, deceptive, jealous and immature mother I've ever come across, in real life or on TV.


Dead on right, Aeris. It's criminal. Literally - or it should be.

AuntieAnn said... 107

AuntieAnn said...

Re: Ripping vs tearing the lettuce.

Correction. Should have said cutting vs tearing

fidosmommy said... 108

I didn't watch, but just spoke to someone who did watch the late-late rerun.

She said that when the Gosselin parade was going to sit down at Old Faithful, Kate said she had Googled O.F. but couldn't remember anything. Just then the camera cut to the sign for the O.F. Visitor Information station - Kate had clearly walked right past it.

She also said Kate chomped gum through the entire episode except when she was eating burnt chicken (?). Kate was saying how hard it was to do that grilling but that everyone enjoyed it.
At that moment one of the little girls picked up her uneaten meat, showed it to the camera and put it back down. Sounds to me like it was extra yummy, Kate. Can't get enough of it!

Her final comment was how frazzled those children must have been. We used to go to swim meets together when we were in elementary school, traveling in a station wagon for 200 or more miles. We had lots to entertain us and we talked and sang a lot, but it still got boring
and very long. Kids have a very different idea of how long a trip really is than adults do.

No Slip said... 109

TLC stinks said...

BTW, Kate's slip of the tongue about "servants" is so, just so Kate. That's the way she treated Jon. TLC hit the mother lode with that one. Priceless. I have to wonder whether the Figure 8 crew got tired of being treated like "servants" and it's payback.


There was no "slip of the tongue." Her use of the word was in direct response to one of Jamie's children saying "We need a servant." Sure, she could have taken the opportunity to explain that "servant" wasn't the best choice of words rather than repeating the term. Then again, so could the child's mother, who was present. In the same conversation, one of her kids said it was Steve's job to go buy them things and she told him that was not true. There was nothing wrong with her comment, taken in context, other than repeating the word "servant." She was addressing the sense of entitlement that the kids were displaying.

Anonymous said... 110

Post from MaryAnn:

I am revealing my obsession with this question. She says 3 adults and 11 children. (We already know there are many other uncounted adults in the background. But, not her responsibility to feed them.)

Hard to count. There are NOT 14 pieces of burnt chicken on that grill. No way you would cook only one piece (or less) for a hungry group. We only get to see burnt organic chicken, but I am thinking there had to be more (edible?) meat somewhere.

No Regrets said... 111

AuntieAnn said...
No Regrets said...Had Kate talked about my child like that, I would have said much more than Jaime did. That made me feel so bad for Clay. How embarrassing to be banished like that. Ok maybe he does tease the kids, but they ALL tease.

Kate also said that Clay "riled" the others up. Maybe he is somewhat hyperactive. If he is and Jamie and Kate are aware of it, why even plan a trip like this?

They just love to set the kids up for meltdowns and then film it. Assholes."

Exactly right! Clay is only 8 and maybe he is hyperactive. The kids long ago showed they did not like him at all. I just don't get it, if that is your friend of NINE whole years why not work on him and the kids to get along better. I suppose this is another example of Kate "letting them work it out themselves". Yes, I know kids fight and sibling rivalry and all that. BUT to banish the kid seemed so damn cruel. He may be acting out because he IS so disliked.

And your salad remark. LOL! I love you and your posts.

MickeyMcKean said... 112

"MickeyMcKean said...
Did Kate bitch and moan about the problems with the RVs to the point that TLC had to switch one of the RVs in the middle of the two week trip?"
Next week the show is being billed as the RV breaking down. So I
-assume one did go completely out.

"the cyberbullying that has gone on this week against Cara because of her meltdown during this show."

Where is this happening??

= = = = = = = = =

First of all, as someone who owns RVs, it is unusual for a lot of things to go wrong all at once, especially in a NEWER one - to the point that even my BF found it suspicious. He said, "I wonder if TLC boobytrapped the appliances knowing Kate would give them great film footage???"

Second, when Kate was packing all the clothes and then said she packed enough food for 14 people for 2 weeks ... I say BS! There is not that much storage, and you still have sleeping bags, pillows, etc. No you can only haul so much food and then you have to stop along the way too.

As for the cyberbullying, TLC decided to route all the web traffic to their site ... now all twitter and facebook that includes a tag like #kate plus 8 etc will show up on their social chatter page. It cannot be moderated because the comments show up in real time:


Pam Hunter
Cara, sit in the corner and keep your whiny mouth shut!! KatePlus8
User ID:http://twitter.com/MyKidsSccrMom

Pam Hunter
Watching KatePlus8. I would throw myself off a mountain if I had to go on a 2 wk RV trip w/her and those kids!
User ID:http://twitter.com/MyKidsSccrMom

dee3 said... 113

Auntie Ann~

From all the articles I have read about reality shows on TV....they are not scripted but they put the people in planned situations where they are guaranteed to act-up, act-out and provide tons of drama. So the behavior we see, while not necessarily scripted, is a set-up. But most of the behavior, I believe, portrays the real character of the individual(s).

I'm sorta amazed when I read the fan comments on the net that say that Kate's behavior was a result of intentional editing (to make her look bad). Editing or not...the bad behavior was done by HER and no amount of editing would change that....unless they'd performed some form of special effects magic and made it appear that Kate was behaving like this but it actually didn't happen that way.

And of course, I would highly doubt that this is what happened. This was the real Kate...under stress and who gets stressed very easily. I doubt that TLC would magically make it look like it was her but it actually wasn't. They are making a preposterous excuse...yet again...for her bad behavior.

Tamara said... 114

Thanks Falling, you're a brick house :)

What about the other kids? From what I've read, it seems like the others were just an after thought. I wonder what Jamie's ex, clay's Dad thought of all this?

School can't have been fun for Cara yesterday.

MickeyMcKean said... 115

Here is another one:

Paige C
“@wunderlichxo: Cara needs to get a good punch in the face kateplus8” @TLC you're a monster tlc
User ID:http://twitter.com/Paige_Kate8fan


So nice isnt it? The day after a show airs this is what is on TLC's social chatter page on the Kate Plus 8 board.

2 weeks from now this show is history ... meanwhile Cara is in school and Mommy Dearest just set these kids up for Bullying 101.

Again IMHO Jon will have more than enough ammunition to stop further filming due to the HARM it is causing his kids and how it is effecting their education.

Permanent Name said... 116


Yes, you can take photos of anyone when you are both in a public place as long as you don't invade their space, disturb the peace, or physically assault them.

Posting them on twitter is lately the thing to do, and they can also be sold to tabloids and other news media.

If you take the picture, it belongs to YOU, the photographer.

kart thinks if she is the subject of the photo, then the photo belongs to her.

It really rankles her to not be in control of photos of her. She makes a big-fat-spoiled-baby scene.

kart is stupid. IQ stupid, probably. Socially stupid, most definitely. Verbally stupid, well we've all seen the shows. Common sense stupid - bingo! Parent stupid, she doesn't even register on the bottom of the chart....

But to be fair, she is brilliant in being a bitch. I want to give equal time to her strengths and weaknesses. {snort}

Still not sure if I want to make the effort to see this show. My skin crawls as I read about what she does. And sorry, but those kids give me the creeps too. True, it is kart's fault for raising them the way she has - kids learn from their parents - but I sure would not let any of my kids play with them.

And isn't that sad? Normal people try to raise their children to get along with others so they can have success and happiness in childhood and later life.

I have a feeling that Ashley and Jamie are long gone. There is only so much you can take. Everyone reaches a breaking point and walks away.

AuntieAnn said... 117

No Regrets, aw thanks. I hope you know the feelings are mutual :0)

dee3, I recall Kate saying long ago that she and Jon had to plan the shows ahead of time so I'm sure that part hasn't changed. I agree with you. We see the real people in "planned" situations for entertainment value. Otherwise who wants to see Kate slumped on her couch twatting all day, besides her tweeple of course.

Michelle said... 118

I hate to criticize the kids because they are innocent victims of bad parenting, but based on what's been shown lately, the teenage years are going to be UGLY! My youngest is a year younger than the twins and no way would he have a meltdown like that or shove someone's head the way Cara did.

Just like Kate's positive attitude on Twitter does not match her actions in real life, her preaching about how amazingly perfect and well adjusted her kids are is insanity.

Their social skills are as horrible as their mother's. Seems they could re-shoot "Lord of the Flies" at Gosselin manor.

So sad.

wryview said... 119

Wait until people start saying to her "Didn't you used to be that Kate woman?"

No Regrets said... 120

"MickeyMcKean said...
First of all, as someone who owns RVs, it is unusual for a lot of things to go wrong all at once, especially in a NEWER one - to the point that even my BF found it suspicious. He said, "I wonder if TLC boobytrapped the appliances knowing Kate would give them great film footage???""

Thanks for explaining that, I don't know a thing about RV's but that is a possiblity about boobytrapping it. Hadn't thought of that. As far as ALL that stuff she had packed in her entrance hall. WOW, I did think where are they going to put all that. She claimed she stayed up ALL night, the night before to pack most of it. Really? You know you are going an extended trip and you wait until the night before? Maybe they stored somes stuff in the other RV's I dunno. And there is no way those small refrigerators stored 2 weeks worth of perishables. I just figured another exaggeration from Queen Kate. She works SO hard, you know.

The posts about Cara are sickening. My God, it is not the kids' fault, they are being shown how to act by their major role model. Kate has exposed these kids to this. She KNOWS this too. She was so concerned about a Facebook page in her name, yet said nothing about the kids' having bogus pages and to remove them. This is so sad.

JurseyChic24 said... 121

Stewmama said..Once again there's old sweet Ashley acting like a big fat jerk. The more I see/hear of her and her interactions with the kids I really feel she's treating them like their mother, on a much lower scale of course. She's got a little temper that Ashley doesn't she and it's on display around the kids too. I find no excuse for her behavior especially if she's the "nanny" and is getting paid.

Ashley has to treat them like she's their mother because their mother takes no interest in interacting with them, disciplining them, or BEING THEIR MOTHER. And that is sad, for many reasons, including a 20-yr old girl having to take on that role. She probably is not paid much, since she's an "old family friend" and she gets to take these trips with them all-expenses paid. Kate either leaves the kids to handle the issues, or leaves Ashley or Jamie to handle it. So they did. When Kate had the little kids ready to go to one of the stops and they were waiting on Mady and Cara, she didn't take a step towards their RV, she sent Jamie or Ashley to get them. It's not her job to be their mother....not EVEN on TV.

Cara...this poor child has shown for a while now that she does not want to participate in this circus anymore, and seems very unhappy and troubled. She is stuck on an RV with all these people, a camera crew, her shrew of a mother, Steve, drivers, strangers...and all she probably wants is her room, her dad and a soccer ball. She was definitely wrong in the situation with Clay and should have been reprimanded by her MOTHER.

No Regrets said... 122

MickeyMcKean said...
Here is another one:

Paige C
“@wunderlichxo: Cara needs to get a good punch in the face kateplus8” @TLC you're a monster tlc
User ID:http://twitter.com/Paige_Kate8fan"

PLEASE tell me this isn't THE Paige super fan of Kate? Please tell me that. This is absolutely sickening.

Anonymous said... 123

I watched the episode on youtube and at some point, Clay told Hannah:"You're weird.The science says you're weird" I'm thinking he meant that she's a HOM? But how does an 8 year old hear about those things? Also I'm not sure Clay is to blame.The G kids were never properly socialized which is why I think they have a hard time getting along with any child,let alone a child they may dislike. These kids are 7 and almost 11, they are not beyond reasoning, at this age my cousins and I understood what acceptable behaviour was and complied,we may have been even younger.Like someone above said, it's not the chid's fault for how he's raised, it's the parents'.Yes plural,they were not behaving better when Jon was still living with them either.

Mel said... 124

Clay seemed like he's probably a tease and maybe somewhat of a bully (probably in response to some of Kate's kids being worse bullies). Look how he interacted with Kate during the mud fight. He wasn't backing down.

Mel said... 125

What else was interesting was that Jamie didn't seem to be a parent to her OWN kids. You didn't see her standing up for Clay when he was clearing being wronged.

If you were just watching this show and didn't know who was who, you wouldn't have known that Jamie was the mom to her three kids. You would have thought she was just another nanny.

You also wouldn't have realized that Kate was the mother of the 8 either.

VERY weird dynamics.

No Regrets said... 126

nursenettie78Lynette Holmes
@kateplusmy8 haha so many ppl respond to my tweet, the help were disgruntled. Her BFFs rode her fame coattails & complained not! Why now?

@Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
@nursenettie78 Not sure why! But I saw it too.Just really really makes me wonder ...Sad! But I still love them& always will!

This woman has no qualms about throwing ANYONE under the bus. This is ridiculous. IF they talked it out, WHY no freakin loyalty to these two women? WHY let these rabid ass fans talk about YOUR friends like this?? Sure Kate you were the martyr. You sickening ass.

Sorry about my language this just sent me over the edge.

I Love Lenny said... 127

When Cara went over to Kate's RV, the sun was shining and there was an empty picnic table right out in the open. Why couldn't Collin and Cara play legos out there? Also, many children do not deal well with chaos. Being that way myself, as well as two of my children, I recognize that trait in Cara and Collin. I could sympathize with Cara in this situation. Yes, her pushing Clay's head was absoutely wrong, but there is nothing inherently wrong with wanting a little quiet time with her brother, away from others. If Kate would be more in tune with her kids' individual needs, her family could be a lot happier and more pleasant.

Stupid Is said... 128

I've got to wonder how Jamie's ex-husband feels about his kid being portrayed so negatively. Why doesn't she spend time with her new husband? The whole thing is weird ... very weird.

Anonymous said... 129

So have pics popped up yet of Kate " donating" the kids old highchairs?

No Regrets said... 130

No Regrets said...
MickeyMcKean said...
Here is another one:

Paige C
“@wunderlichxo: Cara needs to get a good punch in the face kateplus8” @TLC you're a monster tlc
User ID:http://twitter.com/Paige_Kate8fan"

PLEASE tell me this isn't THE Paige super fan of Kate? Please tell me that. This is absolutely sickening.
I found it, It was Paige tweeting back and calling TLC the monster.It was this wunderlick who made that sickening comment. Sorry, misunderstood it.

Falling like a brick said... 131

Regarding the Weirder Comment by Clay:

Let's dissect the conversation between Clay and Hannah :
The kids are all hanging out under a tree while it drizzles. Clay has a twig and he's picking at the bark of the tree.

Hannah said to Clay first with a bit of a smile: You Are Weird

Clay: You're weirder

Hannah: NO! You are.

Clay: No you are.

Hannah: No you are.

Clay: According to science, you're weird.

Hannah: You're mean, like really mean. And I'm not kidding.

Clay: No you're mean.

Hannah moves toward him and she tries to throw a punch/fist in his face and he backs away

Hannah: I will tell your mom.

Clay in silence backs away further.

So, who is the instigator here?

It is NOT these kids' fault for acting like this. They are being RAISED this way. According to Kate and her tweet it's what she calls 'Pecking Order'. There is hope for these kids to grow out of this behaviour, however it has to start now.

Falling like a brick said... 132

Lenny, I think they were getting the RV's ready to move because Cara said she didn't want to sit backwards and I noticed the slider was now 'slid' in.

What I find most interesting is Kate thought throwing on a couple of DVD's would be entertainment for the kids while they traveled to their next stop. She has all the time in the world to google projects on what she was going to see, make up coloring books, or even check books from the library or purchase them for the kids to look at before they get to the next destination or even after they get there.

Instead she sat on her flat butt all day tweeting until it's the day before she has to leave.

No Regrets said... 133

"Anonymous said...
sorry for the re-post.
Jane said..."

Listen do me a favor, don't take it too personally. There are trolls that come here and post a lot of stuff. The one they are talking about posts sometimes. You are SAFE. Don't feel that way. Just don't take it personally Most everyone here are VERY nice. And you have been very nice to post to.

Audible Click said... 134

Some random thoughts: I don't know if that was Paige who tweeted. I can't find it in any of her recent Tweets although she could have deleted it. I'm not very Twitter savvy so there may be some way to look beyond one day out. It wouldn't surprise me if she did Tweet it, she's horrifically uneducated for her age, has a filthy mouth and, basically, no boundaries. I've often wondered where her parents are since she seems to live on Twitter and will chat and video chat the night away. This teen has a really unhealthy obsession with Kate and her eight and, of course, Kate encourages her.

It's very disappointing to start reading today's blog posts and see the, rather long, lecturing post relative to watching the last episodes of the Kate plus 8 debacle. As I've stated before, I've never seen a full episode of Jon and Kate + 8 or Kate + 8; I've only seen clips online but the people who scold those who want to watch are, to me, as irritating as the Kate + 8 cheerleaders on Twitter and the sheeple blogs. I don't blame posters for wanting to see the demise of one of the most exploitative "reality" TV shows ever created. I know many of you have hung in there for years, all the while exposing and discussing Kate's never ending use of her eight children to further her acquisitiveness at the cost of eight innocent childhoods. I say, good for all of you, watch the last few episodes, no harm no foul. Kate may get another media gig but as long as the kids aren't involved I don't care. I do think she'll not be successful at anything in the public eye unless it is something in infomercials like the ab thing. Producers, directors, agents and television networks have long memories but they might give her one more chance and if she screws up she'll be anathema to them forever.

I'd like to thank Admin for creating this blog and running it fairly for all of us and I know that after Kate + Eight is gone we'll have plenty of new and interesting subjects to discuss.

Audible Click said... 135

Sorry for being late to the party re the Paige Tweet. I should have refreshed the page before posting.

Jane said... 136

Audible Click said...
Some random thoughts: I don't know if that was Paige who tweeted. I can't find it in any of her recent Tweets although she could have deleted it. I'm not very Twitter savvy so there may be some way to look beyond one day out. It wouldn't surprise me if she did Tweet it, she's horrifically uneducated for her age, has a filthy mouth and, basically, no boundaries. I've often wondered where her parents are since she seems to live on Twitter and will chat and video chat the night away. This teen has a really unhealthy obsession with Kate and her eight and, of course, Kate encourages her.


Yes, that's 'the' Paige. She's posting on Facebook with her Twitter ID. If there ever was a teen who needed an intervention, she's it. Sad that her adult friends, the sheeple AND Kate, don't see it.

NT said... 137

I agree with the poster who said that it was weird that so many things went wrong at the same time. But the way Kate was dragging that vacuum around on the rocky road,she probably slammed the fridge door shut in a fit of anger and broke it herself. I can't even believe that this woman was showing her ass like that on tv. She must be pure hell to live with. I wonder what businees she had in NY the day before the hurricane hit? Anyone know???

No Regrets said... 138

Audible Click said...
Some random thoughts: I don't know if that was Paige who tweeted. I can't find it in any of her recent Tweets although she could have deleted it."

Yes, I misread that tweet. SORRY BUT you were right on the rest of your post. She is way too involved with this worship of Kate. just weird all the way around.

Jane you are right. The adults encourage this. It is SAD. She needs to be out dating and kicking with her BFF's.

Kate is a twit said... 139

Stupid is--I wonder if Jamie's ex even gave permission for their kids to be filmed. Kate must have given her lessons on how to exploit your children. And I forgot, she IS a newlywed. Her new husband is a doctor, I think. I also wonder if Kate is jealous of Jamie because she found a new man.

Kate is a twit said... 140

Is this another example of Kate throwing Jon under the bus?

Kate Gosselin
@mumbear9 lol! Wish I had 1 here so I could take day off on fathersday!Lol!
C, no 1 is smacking ME right now(r benefits of being manless!Lol)

I know the above tweet by Kate was in reply to Sunday being Father’s Day in Australia and mumbear 9 jokingly said that Father’s Day means fathers have to do all the work. But what is she trying to say-that Jon smacked her? I’d like to smack her.

Laurie said... 141

I watched the repeat yesterday. I've decided that TLC can create a new show for Kate. She can be on her own game show titled "Are You Smarter than Kate Gosselin?"....TLC can have 5th graders on and test their knowledge against Kate's. They can win computers and other things for their school WHEN they win (notice I said when not if). Never mind. It would cost TLC too much money because I don't think Kate is any smarter than the stapler sitting on my desk. FDR? Seriously? Even after being corrected she still insisted that it was FDR and then very dismissavely said something to the effect of "one of those Roosevelt guys"...way to look like a total fool in front of the world Kate. Was she told that it was FDR? I heard Mady say at one point "Hanna, that was my fact" which leads me to believe that the kids (at least) were given info on what they were seeing. I was sorry to see that they showed Cara in such a poor light though. She came off as a little more than bratty.

No Regrets said... 142

The tweet was attacking TLC not defending Cara. I will note. Geez. This Kate fan world is "bizare"

One person attacked her misreading the tweet also. Paige said this"

Paige_Kate8fan Paige C
@Harley_Kn8 never have never will I'd die for these kids

Falling like a brick said... 143

Just in case anyone is wondering.
At Mount Rushmore I counted 3 RV's an SUV w/ a storage not camping trailer behind it (possibly for the film crew also seen at the RV park), and Kate was dropped off in a Red SUV after the 'shopping' trip for organic chicken and salad.

And yes, I am bored today. Finished my freelance work. All my kiddos are in school, took the dog to the doggie wash and gave him a bath and my house is spotless. Come visit to see. ;-) PS. Dinner is in the crockpot.

Oh, Yes, Indeed said... 144

"Oh, Yes, Indeed - Read the first post at the top of this page NJGal51 is right and it does sound like her. She posted as "Anonymous said... JUST SAYIN said:"

Thanks! I didn't read that one.
????????????????????u proved me wrong. If you took my post, the first one on this page as being "holier than thou", maybe then you have something about yourself YOU feel guilty about to attack me that way."


I don't feel guilty at all. I'm not sure to whom you are referring as being rude, but I didn't make one nasty comment about your post, other than to ask where it was and that I didn't believe it sounded like the "Oh, yes, she did" person. I never said anything about being holier than thou, nor did I attack you in any way. Before you use a person's ID in response to a post, you need to make sure that the person was the one doing what you believe to be the "attacking."

No Regrets said... 145

"Audible Click said...
I say, good for all of you, watch the last few episodes, no harm no foul. Kate may get another media gig but as long as the kids aren't involved I don't care."

Thanks for that. I did watch, but I tell you, I can't stomach the second part. It was disgusting. And Kate keeps promoting it "more drama...eeek" like a freakin teenbopper who is really proud of her idiocy and her children all upset and being shown in a not so good light.

She is getting alammed oh the dicovery/tlc board. Hard.

Lake Up North said... 146

Since Kate has, I assume, been given no offers for anything in the media that I've seen and if she was wouldn't she have gotten offers by now? I think she better hang up her thoughts of staying in the media.

NJGal51 said... 147

It sounds like our frind "OH YES SHE IS/DOES" is back: "Anonymous said... 1.3 million watched this? I just have to Wonder Why you all HAD to watch? Yes the show has been cancelled.BUT a few shows have been picked up by other networks...Like Scrubs,they were picked up by a another network." BLAH, BLAH, BLAH

Stupid Is said... 148

Paige would die for those kids.
Kate wouldn't.

Oh, Yes, Indeed said... 149

And yes, I am bored today. Finished my freelance work. All my kiddos are in school, took the dog to the doggie wash and gave him a bath and my house is spotless. Come visit to see. ;-) PS. Dinner is in the crockpot.


Just make sure that the chicken is cooked, and we'll be there. Not in the mood for chicken sammonella tonight. Thanks for the invitation!

No Regrets said... 150

SLAMMED not alammed LOL sorry didn't think I could dislike this idiot more than I did, but I do. Her disloyalty to Ashley and Jaime is sickening, got me all upset. LOL

Gosselin Gossip said... 151

dee3 said...

From all the articles I have read about reality shows on TV....they are not scripted but they put the people in planned situations where they are guaranteed to act-up, act-out and provide tons of drama. So the behavior we see, while not necessarily scripted, is a set-up. But most of the behavior, I believe, portrays the real character of the individual(s).

An example of reality tv producers scripting a scene:

Falling like a brick said... 152

No chicken on the menu tonight.
Having a Coke Roast. Best most tender roast ever.

Laurie said... 153

Coke roast? To a cokeaholic like me that sounds devine! Enjoy! Do you think anyone actually ate the chicken Kate fixed? Was it burned on the outside and raw close to the bone? Things that make you go hummmmmmmm.

Perfect show for Kate "H8R" said... 154

Slightly OT, but it was too funny for me to keep to myself. lol

I just read about a new show that is perfect for Kate. It's called "H8R" and it's about celebs who go head-to-head with civilians who hate them to win their "haters" over. Hosted by Mario Lopez, it begins Sept. 14 with Snookie from MTV on the 1st episode. (Kim Kardashian is the only other celeb I saw listed)

Falling like a brick said... 155

Admin if you'll indulge a bored housewife.
A Bit off Topic but here's the recipe

for Laurie or whomever:
Coke Roast Recipe (and I better not see this in Kate's cookbook) She needs my permission (snark-of course because it's an old internet recipe from years ago)

1 Roast (usually whatever size I think 3-5lbs? I usually get around 3 pounds of a cheap roast because it's going to be in the crock pot all day.
1 pkg dry lipton onion soup mix
1 bottle Heinz Chili Sauce (it's not spicy so don't worry)
1 can of Coca-Cola. do not use Dt. Coke, it doesn't work.
In the morning place Roast in Crockpot
Dump everything over the roast.
Put the cover on it. Turn it on low.
Sit and watch it cook on low, until dinner time.
I usually serve this with mashed potatoes.

Falling like a brick said... 156

I don't think a H8R would go on a show with Kate. They wouldn't want to give her more publicity.
It would probably have to be a sheeple who was pretending to be a H8R - oops, I may have given them an idea there....

No Regrets said... 157

Falling like a brick thanks for the recipe. Not a coke woman but it does sound interesting.

haha on Kate's cookbook.

Anonymous said... 158

Oh, Yes, Indeed said..
My most heart felt apologies. You are correct in saying that you just asked where and did not attack me. I was wrong to include you. I will be sure to double check myself before I accuse anyone. Please forgive me. Thank you for correcting me.

Falling like a brick said... 159

No Regrets: I think you can replace the Coke with a Can of Beer and get the same effect. ;-) Never tried it though.

No Regrets said... 160

Everyone have a great rest of the day. I have played far too long. I just cannot believe Kate is getting worse and worse. Maybe she is losing it.

The digs to Ashley and Jaime just have me spinning. She really sucks up the adoration from these people. And believes it all. There is NO way I would discuss my BFF's even if filmed like that, EVER not like that. NOR my ex.

After she disses them she says "i love them and always will" SUCH A MARTYR. Of course she did nothing wrong. WHY is the twitter Kate SO different than the "reality" Kate? Editing? LOL

Anonymous said... 161

Oh, Yes, Indeed said..
My most heart felt apologies. You are correct in saying that you just asked where and did not attack me. I was wrong to include you. I will be sure to double check myself before I accuse anyone. Please forgive me. Thank you for correcting me.

No Regrets said... 162

Falling I think I will try the coke first. LOL Thanks

have a good day!

Mel said... 163

I think Jamie/Ashley at the picnic table were set up to complain by production...I don't think it's something that would have necessarily have happened on its own.

Seems like production had a great time stirring the pot. Which isn't fair to ANY of the parties. Yeah, Kate was being awful, but they shouldn't have been talking behind her back either.

HollyMo said... 164

Falling like a brick, thanks for that recipe!! I have heard of root beer ham before (or maybe it was Dr. Pepper?!). But have never tried it, I bet DH would like it!
And as long as we are OT, I finished the salsa and jelly and re=processed a batch of runny corn cob jelly. Tomato sauce cooling on the back of the stove before freezing and now I'm making an olive tapenade chicken for din-din...

HollyMo said... 165


Gosselin Gossip said... 166

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Did Kate's ever reach 0.6 let alone 0.8? It's not difficult to learn from Kate's tweeters who her fans are; a very large number of tweenies and teens and also people who live in other countries, two groups that advertisers are not as interested to have as viewers as the 18-49 age group.

"6th Birthday Surprise" 6/6/10
- 3.376 million viewers
- 1.3/3 A18-49

"Inside Kate's World" 6/6/10
- 2.996 million viewers
- 1.2/3 A18-49

"Home Roost" 7/11/10
- 2.229 million viewers
- 0.8/2 A18-49

Season 1:
"The Big Apple" 8/30/10
- 1.613 million viewers
- 0.6/2 A18-49

"Pirates, Kites, and Turtles. Oh My!" 9/6/10
- 1.389 million viewers
- 0.6/1 A18-49

"A Rough Ride" 9/13/10
- 1.415 million viewers
- 0.6/2 A18-49

"School Time!" 9/20/10
- 1.605 million viewers
- 0.7/2 A18-49

Season 2:
"6 Becomes 7!" 6/13/11
- 1.434 million viewers
- 0.6 A18-49

Credit to admin's "ratings" label & tvbythenumbers.com.

No Regrets said... 167

Anonymous said...

I hope you saw my post above.

(LAST POST, I am looking like Kate now, say goodbye then post again "eeeek")

Good night good people!

Laurie said... 168

YEA! Thank you Falling Like a Rock for the recipe. I will be making it in the near future and NEVER even have diet Coke in my house. If I'm going to drink Coke it's going to be the real thing.

Anonymous said... 169

Crap, i screwed up again.
Oh, Yes, Indeed, sorry, I forgot to take of the "said" on my last post. I'll quit posting since I clearly don't know how.

fidosmommy said... 170

I didn't watch, but I've read several "takes" on the Cara/Collin/Clay disagreement. Here's mine.

It could be that Cara was trying to be a good big sister to Collin by giving him some fun game to play because he was really bored, and maybe even looking for some trouble to get into. So, Cara may have stepped in with "let's play some Legos". But then Clay, also a rambunctious boy, wanted in on the fun. If Cara was playing with them, Cara would be responsible for their behavior (isn't that some law in Kate's book?)
So, when she was told she had to play with both boys, she scrambled for excuses on why she could not do that. When she was reprimanded for it, all she could think was that she was trying to be a good sister to Collin and got in trouble for it. That would have angered me, too.

Life lesson, Cara. Even your best intentions get you in trouble if they don't mesh with Mommy's idea of what she wants.

Anonymous said... 171

Post from MaryAnn:

Hollybaby has reported that Kate is going to guest host on The Talk. How reliable is that site?

Anonymous said... 172

Post from MaryAnn:

Oops. It is Hollywood Life. The Bonnie Fuller site.

TLC stinks said... 173

Just to be clear, TLC crew had their own RV with a big, fat TLC logo on the sides. It's not anywhere on the show but I saw it in a picture and that may have been on the TLC site. I'll look for it. In addition there were two white RV's and one tan one. The extra RV must have been for the RV drivers and maybe Steve. Apparently there was also a red SUV there too that was used for Kate to grocery shop.

Kat said... 174

A co host on the Talk? OMG...Does this mean she gets to sit there like a zombie? She never says anything that's not about her. When is this nightmare going to end? Please, for the love of...get rid of this piece of sh@t

Pants On Fire said... 175

Lake Up North said...

Forgive me for asking but from what I've read, I truly do wonder--if Collin is that much of a bully on film, I pray he is not worse off camera.
I agree with you about Colin. I teach emotional/behavior problem high school kids. Colin has been on my radar since I saw him in the very first episodes. And his bullying behavior has only increased. Instead of catering to him and trying to keep him happy, I would hope that KHate would seek professional help for Colin and guidance on how to handle him. Fat chance.

PJ's momma said... 176

OMG, if she gets to fill in on a talk show (where presumably they aim to talk about the guests and not themselves), she truly will be the turd that just won't flush.

Grammy of nine said... 177

My opinion is that a talented actor could look at getting more great work offers if their show went out "on top." I was under the impression that at any time Jon and/or Kate could end this show. If they had been smarter, they might have both secured their future in the tv business if they had not "burned their bridges" and made so many people turn in to former fans. The Gosselins had many, many chances to cash in for years to come and they threw them all away. Sad, and not business smart at all. I'd be extremely surprised if TLC revisits Kate and the gang for any type of "specials."

The children appear to be entitled and acting a lot like their mother. Tragic, really.

I voted on Hollybaby.com said... 178

I went to hollybaby.com to read the article about Kate co-hosting on THE TALK. I did not that it did say that Kate would be after Kris Jenner was on so she would have a tough act to follow.

At the end of the article is a poll, and after I voted it was 85% against Kate being on the show.

Mel said... 179

Link to Hollybaby poll

Hope this works. I'm new to this linking business.

Tamara said... 180

Pants On Fire said...

Lake Up North said...

Forgive me for asking but from what I've read, I truly do wonder--if Collin is that much of a bully on film, I pray he is not worse off camera.
I agree with you about Colin. I teach emotional/behavior problem high school kids. Colin has been on my radar since I saw him in the very first episodes. And his bullying behavior has only increased. Instead of catering to him and trying to keep him happy, I would hope that KHate would seek professional help for Colin and guidance on how to handle him. Fat chance.

Please give examples of his supposed bullying behavior. I haven't seen him acting worse than his siblings.

Pam said... 181

Mel said... \Yeah, Kate was being awful, but they shouldn't have been talking behind her back either.

August 31, 2011 12:51 PM

Nahhhhhh....I 100% disagree. Kate deserves to be talked about behind her back. Anybody who acts like that deserves to be talked about. Plus I'm positive Kate talked about them behind their backs.

Those "friendships" those three have are not genuine. They are made for tv.

Lake Up North said... 182

An example of Collin bullying would be trying to push Clay off the chair, in the Treehouse and Chick epiosde of him forcing Aaden to given him the hammer to carry, he looked pretty forciful and demanding, threatening even.

Earlier examples would be any clip of him pushing/hitting his siblings, although they all seem to do that to each other.

The largest example is that he was asked to leave school along with Alexis. I mean if that isn't a cry for help and being a bully or angry I don't know what else would be.

Mel said... 183

Another example of Colling bullying: During the summer games episode he pushed one of the other boy tups down quite roughly when he didn't get his way about something, twic.

Mel said... 184

Pam said.... Those "friendships" those three have are not genuine. They are made for tv.

True enough. Especially Jamie. Ashley does seem to have some degree of caring for the kids. Not so much on this trip as in other episodes, though.

I wonder if Jamie got caught up in all the stupid production games this time. I kind had the feeling that she was being used/manipulated. Surprise!

Rhymes with Witch said... 185

Kate is a twit posted:

Is this another example of Kate throwing Jon under the bus?

Kate Gosselin
@mumbear9 lol! Wish I had 1 here so I could take day off on fathersday!Lol!
C, no 1 is smacking ME right now(r benefits of being manless!Lol)
HOLY FRIJOLES! (thanks for that phrase)

She is CLEARLY implying that Jon smacked her. Talk about displacement. What a BITCH.

Interesting Article on DWTS casting said... 186

This article states that DWTS will never have any of the real housewives on as a contestant, and many of them have tried to get on DWTS over the years.

The last line though mentions that DWTS did let Kate Gosselin on their show.

Yes ... but ... if DWTS knew then what they know now about Kate having no dance talent and no work ethic to even learn, would they do it again?

All I know is the best thing Kate and TLC did was to allow her on the show - it was the best way to alienate millions of viewers all at once!


Permanent Name said... 187


Is there any way to un-invite a troll to the site????

There is some serious snarking going on. It's making me uncomfortable. Seems some of kart's 'fans' may be taking advantage of the non-moderated status.

IMHO, if you have to post as Anonymous, you should include your name in the body of post. It's not hard to do, and most regulars here manage it quite easily.

Just because blogger takes a bit of work posting shouldn't mean that trolls can hide behind 'anonymous'...

Trolls, be gone. You are not welcome here.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 188

Please be respectful of the kids and everyone or we're back to moderated. The snarking has gotten out of control.

hey jude said... 189

I don't know if there is another poster called 'just sayin', but on the last thread, I thought she was a sheeple. She posted in the middle of the night and sounded very preachy and used caps , etc.

I said I think I smell a sheeple then, or words to that effect.It bothered me then and I think it is the same person, but who knows? I hate it when someone says they aren't going to reprimand you and then they proceed to do just that!

See the last post and around 3 am and see the same type of post, too .If it looks like a sheeple, and walks like a sheeple, it's a sheeple. Sorry for the rant, but that poster irked me.

I read all the posts here and there are some testy people on here; Kate does not bring out the best in people. I am an adult and if I want to watch, (I didn't,) then I will. No one should apologize for wanting to see Kate get some retribution after all these years of mistreating her kids.

I'd like to see Kate meet Karma, but I will wait for a re-run.Sorry, just read my own post and I sound worse than the lovers.Going to take a walk; Kate leaves a bad taste in my mouth!

Used to be NJGal51 said... 190

I agree with Permanent Name. In addition to the lurking trolls someone has hijacked my NJGAL51 user ID (Hippie Chick I know how you feel now). I haven't been on to post for a while because I just got back from an extended TDY. I was able to monitor but could not post from the computer that I had access to. Admittedly I can't remember if I used NJGAL1951 or NJGALl51 but either way the new poster is a little too close for comfort. I will post under another name. If you're a troll please pick your own user ID and don't randomly latch on to ours. We're all pretty much anonymous here and really, no one will know who you are.

Permanent Name said... 191

hey jude said...
Kate leaves a bad taste in my mouth!


Jude, I get the same reaction!!! LOL

And as a humorous aside, I also post in the middle of the night due to insomnia.... and I'm most definiely NOT a troll or sheeple.

Interestingly, a little OT, I tell myself it is not insomnia if I just stay up late and go to bed when I'm sleepy, around 2 AM. If I go to bed with DH around 9 PM I toss and turn until 2 AM. Most nights it's a book that keeps me up.

Must be a shifted circadian rhythym...

One of these days, when the money tree in my back yard blooms, I'm getting TIVO or something like it so I can watch my three shows during the day.

Watching TV at night, for me anyway, is a sure path to staying up too late... my lazy TV brain goes on to watch reruns of NCIS, Criminal Minds, Law and Order...... soon, it's 2 AM.

I swear late night TV alters my brain waves..... sigh.

hey jude said... 192

Bearswife, I think it was you who posted that coke roast recipe. Look at the tweets above and look who's making Nana Janet's roast for dinner! I wonder if it will be like yours????

Foot-In-Mouth Disease said... 193

Regrets said, This woman has no qualms about throwing ANYONE under the bus. This is ridiculous. IF they talked it out, WHY no freakin loyalty to these two women? WHY let these rabid ass fans talk about YOUR friends like this?? Sure Kate you were the martyr. You sickening ass.


She's a backstabber who can't shut up. Never could. Never will be able to. One of these days she's going to jam that foot so far down her throat that it will come out her butt. It will happen, and when it does, the poop is going to hit the fan. Big time.

Twittering and a Twattering said... 194

Big Fan realized today that others can see her tweets:

@Kateplusmy8 K8, i just noticed that other people can see my tweets to u. I hate this twitter thing. So stupid.

But that didn't stop her from making the big annoucement:

@Kateplusmy8 how r they able to do this? So ridiculous. I have major cramps today & my period just came. Ugh.

In addition, she asked Kate:

@Kateplusmy8 K8, whats going to happen when u have 6 girls on their periods at ur house?


A Pink Straight Jacket For Pink said... 195

Falling like a brick said...

Admin if you'll indulge a bored housewife.
A Bit off Topic but here's the recipe

for Laurie or whomever:
Coke Roast Recipe (and I better not see this in Kate's cookbook) She needs my permission (snark-of course because it's an old internet recipe from years ago)

1 Roast (usually whatever size I think 3-5lbs? I usually get around 3 pounds of a cheap roast because it's going to be in the crock pot all day.
1 pkg dry lipton onion soup mix
1 bottle Heinz Chili Sauce (it's not spicy so don't worry)
1 can of Coca-Cola. do not use Dt. Coke, it doesn't work.
In the morning place Roast in Crockpot
Dump everything over the roast.
Put the cover on it. Turn it on low.
Sit and watch it cook on low, until dinner time.
I usually serve this with mashed potatoes.


Ooooooooh.... yummy for the tummy!!!!

One pot recipes are always the best!!!


Falling like a brick said... 196

Hey Jude: That was ME who posted the coke roast recipe. Weird, she must be reading here ;-)

Maybe if she heads to LA for 'The Talk' she can let Jon have the kids for the week. Wouldn't that be nice.

hey jude said... 197

Sorry, it was Falling like a brick's recipe for the coke roast, not Bearswife! Anyway, I wonder if it will be the same! LOL!

hey jude said... 198

Foot in mouth disease, I hope TLC or someone will record Kate doing that! And put it on you- tube for everyone to see her shit hit the fan! ha, ha ha...Thanks for that lauugh!!!!

hey jude said... 199

Falling like a brick, I don't think Kate is going to be on The Talk. That article said 'a source said', and when I read that I call BS!The only way she would be on there is if everyone died that week.....hopefully.

Sorry, language police, I meant to say laugh.I hate it when my keys stick like that, I can spell! I am my own worst language police, not anyone here! I hate it when I miss-spell something!

I just heard that Nancy Grace is going on DWTS? Ha ha, that will be a hoot to see her dance with a stick up her butt, ha ha ha...

Dulcina said... 200

Re: roast: a can of Coca Cola, some fresh lime juice (add some garlic if you want) is a great way to make a pork loin in the crock pot.

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