Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Ratings hit 1 million in the first half hour, then drop under a million during the second

Kate Plus 8 (TLC 9:00PM) DC Cupcakes
-1.092million viewers
-0.40 A18-49

Kate Plus 8 (TLC, 9:30 PM) 8 Movie Makers
-0.907 million viewers
-0.30 A18-49

350 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 350   Newer›   Newest» ~ Administrator said... 1

If you click on the little "Ratings" link next to the word Labels at the bottom of this post, you should be able to see all the posts on ratings. ~ Administrator said... 2

Carrying this over from the other thread, but in the beginning they didn't show much of the house. Now they show more and more of it, probably easing us in slowly to how vast it is. If the house had a mouth, it would be screaming "Living beyond their means, I'm sitting on a bubble!!!"

Vanessa said... 3

Q & A? Again? Is she going to to toss the question sheets to the floor again? NOooo, this time she'll be all demure and soft spoken...the image rehab attempts on the couch are pathetic. That snotty little b*tch from those old episodes is the REAL Kart, during the couch confessionals AND during the "non"scripted filming. Remember?? NOW she's this totally other person on the couch from what we is in the "episode". From giggling at the way she treated the sky-dive instructor, to downplaying how absolutely RUDE she was to Sarah Palin, to basically describing a TOTAL DIFFERENT EXPERIENCE TO WHAT THE VIEWER HAS JUST WITNESSED.

Westcoaster said... 4

So if TLC is having a gab fest next week, in the guise of another sappy Q & A with K8, then that is also what they were filming post road trip (explaining why K8 disappeared from her twitty friends all those long days), not just the post scripts with the kids on the couch. K8 all K8, she must have been in her element.But just a small question, since she told the world she was without help in those two weeks, just who was watching the kids? Oh, right, that was about the time that the twins turned into sous chef babysitters. What crap, and who is going to tune in to watch her not answer any real questions, besides the 20 sheeple still left? Twitidiot.

Kate doesn't rate said... 5

If the tweeters are representative of Kate's fan base, then it's comprised of a lot of 11-17 year olds and a good portion of people from other countries. That is probably why the demographic numbers are so low (0.4 & 0.3).

She has a fair share of young moms with kids proclaiming how awesome she is, but in the real world (not the twitter world) of moms with kids those moms are working, taking care of families, trying to make ends meet and worrying about the economy. Kate's in-your-face entitlement attitude, whining and constant meltdowns probably don't sit too well with those kinds of moms and they are the demographic TLC wants to reach.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 6

Questions and Answers will be Questions and Lies. Her twitter fans will love it.

Permanent Name said... 7

Time Flies -

I don't think your question about how long Ashley has been there was sarcastic at all! I'm not sure how Mimi read sarcasism into your question...

It was nice of you to apologize but I don't think you have anything to apologize for....

america said... 8

I wonder how TLC will handle this.

She did drum up chatter on social networking with the press tour. It did not translate to ratings.

Kat said... 9

All of the appearances, all of the begging, all the work to get it to 9:00 and this is all they have to show for it?? It hardly seems worth it. This woman just refuses to go AWAY! What happens next week when she's off the radar? Can't wait!

IDModo said... 10

The writing is on the wall...I will be so glad to see the end of Kate!.This is OT but last night I blew my hard drive in a thunderstorm (power surge) and I'm sitting in an internet cafe trying to pass this news on to my friends, please help by posting this message! Thanks!

Jenna Does said... 11

This is bad, but if my kid came to me & said "Mom, K+8 is on & Family Guy is on, which one can I watch?" I would say Family Guy. I would rather my kid watch a dysfunctional cartoon family making fart jokes than him watching a real life dysfunctional family with a mom who yells at her kids & screeches for no reason. (Plus, he knows my stand against TLC) And again, on Mondays we are either watching a movie in my room, walking, bike riding or he has Boy Scouts. My hubby & I will sit outside. We don't watch a lot of TV in the summer. Kate & her stupid show never really come into my mind until I come to this awesomely awesome site! (Thanks Admin!)

I agree with the poster who said that it's the demographic that will matter the most in the long run. If it's the teens watching, the ad sponsors like, (well, hell I don't know who sponsors that show, Satan?) let's just say, laundry soaps, dishwasher soaps, baby toys, diapers, etc, then teens aren't going to run out & buy that crap. The ad people are depending on moms to buy buy buy. If adults are not watching, they will pull their dollars, therefore, no show. And Covergirl, H&M, Macy's, True Religion, Old Navy, Aeropostale, ALL of those places WILL NOT run ads w/ Kate.
~Hippie Chick~

so sick of her said... 12

Well, if you add together both episodes: it is under a million. .9995, which is really bad. According to my cable schedule, the next K8 is an hour long? Does not say what is on. But I saw a commercial and it's drama of Ashley? meltdown and Kates hissy-fit and it look like the go west trip, not Q & A. Or is TLC playing the switch-roo, to get viewers? I'm sure a Q & A would be soooo boring and who would want to watch a another Alaska type drama show?

Midnight Madness said... 13

@Kateplusmy8 I'm hoping I can get you & the kids to help me with a project for my nieces 7th b-day. If you can't or don't want to, its ok!

Are sheeple really this dumb? They can't be! They think that Kate would help them with a birthday project? WHY?

Someone posted here some tweets from a high school girl who is so hung up on Kate that she was crying when she heard about the Ashley drama. She lives and breathes Kate. I think she tweeted that she has several thousand pictures of Kate.

However, it's not only the tweens and teens who have crushes on Kate. This one is really over-the-top:

RT @TheChopStix: @Kateplusmy8 Hiya. Im in love with ur genuine honesty. Ur pic is @ my office n people asks why n I say I'm a fan.

What is going to happen to these people when Kate disappears? Do they go on to setting a shrine up to someone else, or do they seek counseling when the love of their lives no longer are in the public eye?

boyson said... 14

Carrying this over from the other thread, but in the beginning they didn't show much of the house. Now they show more and more of it, probably easing us in slowly to how vast it is. If the house had a mouth, it would be screaming "Living beyond their means, I'm sitting on a bubble!!!"


She didn't scrimp on the furnishings. All bought with the kids money. She should be thanking her money makers.

Despite the high profile "press tour", Twitter begging, no world or major TV event distractions, and moving her show to the old time slot; the ratings were a flop.

silimom said... 15

What the ratings show is that Kate hunting for a man and falling on her face is what people want to see. I have a feeling that she might successfully pitch a dating show, as that seems to be what people want to see.

I'm of two minds about it. On the one hand, anything that would keep the kids from needing to be filmed would be great. On the other, I think Kate is looking for love for all the wrong reasons and that's not fair to put the kids through. Not to mention she would film the whole dating, engagement, wedding and honeymoon and then would film life with her new husband and that's not fair to put the kids through.

I guess I just don't see any way that Kate would film a show that wouldn't involve the kids in some way.

This really is just a pathetic situation all around.

Kate is a twit said... 16

Has anyone seen the promo that has the fans in an uproar? It's on youtube, here is the link:

Talk about drama! The fans are saying if Ashley left that it was probably because she and Jamie didn't get along-that Kate had nothing to do with it.

I'm not sure if the blond woman Kate is talking to on the RV is Jamie. Opinions,anyone?

Anonymous said... 17

What I found disturbing in the bit I sort of had to watch while at a friends home is that Kate said she misses having another person around (i.e. A MAN) to say to the kids, "Did you hear what your mother said? Go do it now."

I mean I am all for a united front from parents but I just couldn't believe those words for some reason. Anybody else a little disturbed or is it just me?

Permanent Name said... 18


LOVE THE GRAPHIC!!! Where do you come up with these? You're always spot on :-)

Although, as a nurse and kart non-viewer, I'd prefer to see a "DNR - No CPR" - LOL!!!

(DNR = Do Not Resusitate)

Let it die with dignity.....

Oh wait, I guess the dignity is long gone where that show is concerned...........

On an off-topic, we are enjoying the best weather today, 77 degrees, sunny with a gentle breeze. Have the house opened up to air it out after 6 weeks of air conditioning due to heat wave. I love the summer but geez, poor little old me doesn't have a swimming pool like kart does.... I guess she's better than me all around... snark.

AuntieAnn said... 19

Kate doesn't rate said...If the tweeters are representative of Kate's fan base, then it's comprised of a lot of 11-17 year olds and a good portion of people from other countries.
And those 11-17 year olds are still living at home watching the show on their parents tv. If they were on their own they wouldn't be able to afford to pay the cable bills and the ratings would be even lower. Kate+8 is living on borrowed time. TLC should do the only proper thing and put it out of its misery.

Anonymous said... 20

Thanks again Admin. for the ratings. Didn't watch (as usual) but from what little I did see in the promo I'm surprised even this many were able to tolerate the continued exploiting of these children. From recent press reports, she refers to her "career". I wish she would get one and let her children retire to what's left of their childhood.

Anne said... 21

I watched the promo clip - thank you for posting that "Kate is a twit..." It is obvious that this is a well edited montage designed to stir up drama. Kate is wearing 3-4 different shirts and Ashley is obviously in a different outfit from the crying clip to the goodbye clip (granted she could have left the following day). However, it is just as likely that she was saying goodbye at the end of the trip. Even at the end when purseboy is saying 'whatever', Kate is wearing different clothes.

So basically none of these scenes are on a continuum. Simply various scenes shot and spliced together to create the drama. The "realist of real" my hiney.....

I did get a good giggle at the big red words with the voice over - it reminded me of those great old B horror movies with the big words on the screen "Ahh, THE BLOB" "IT LIVES" or in Khate's case, "RELATIONSHIPS TESTED", "TEMPERS FLARE". It would have been honest to say "KATE WHINES" "SEE KATE BITCH" "MONSTER MOMMY"

Then, again the old B horror movies may have more in common with this train wreck of a show than I realized.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 22

Ha, we knew that second episode would be under a million. Before ratings even came out yesterday, I posted that I thought the first episode would have higher ratings because it would be pulling in some fans of that cupcake show. The math indicates that 185,000 tuned out after the cupcake episode, lol. No offense to the kids, but even if I were a huge fan (and I never was), I would find watching a bunch of seven year olds playing about as exciting as watching my nail polish dry.

If next week is Khate answering those tweet questions, the ratings will be horrible. I can't imagine anyone interested in watching that other than her devoted, delusional sheeple and they probably number two dozen. I can't wait to see what those ratings are!

I just checked my satellite guide and it says there are two new episodes next week, at 9:00 and 9:30. It says episodes 25 and 26, but no description. I haven't checked TLC's site, though. By the way, has anyone noticed that TLC is no longer airing repeats of the Monday episode(s) the next day (I think it was Tuesdays at 7pm)? I guess that wasn't worth it for them. Khate's probably happy because I remember she had to watch it and tweet with her sheeple during the repeat airing.

PJ's momma said... 23

I agree with Anne, but if there really was a conflict, I vote for conflict between Ashley and Jamie. Otherwise, Anne's right on every point. Obviously different scenes and possibly different days. And Ashley's frustration does not need to be played out for ratings. She has been so good to those kids and does not deserve that. But the kids' privacy means nothing to anyone, so I don't know why I would think Ashley's does....

HollyMo said... 24

Thought I'd give twitter a try... Now can't live w/o support from so many fans! Loving it! Can you tell? :) 44 minutes ago

Is she for real? Unbelievable, simply unbelievable. I have no patience for her anymore.
Try living w/o any love from your children - cause that is what your life is going to be if TLC doesn't take the f%@^&#g phone away!!!

Muzzling A Spouse said... 25

Interesting legal decision about trashing your spouse in a public forum:

"Your children are being hurt because you are bad mouthing the woman they love in public," she said.

I hope Jon is paying to attention and taking notes about how many times she throws out snide remarks about him in public.

Question for admin: I noticed that on twitter there is one regular tweeter who is busy for hour upon hour on a daily basis who slams sheeple with very nasty comments. In a recent tweet, she named a sheeple as being a pedophile. Would this be grounds for a libel suit if that person were willing to pursue it? I know that anyone can file a lawsuit against anyone, but I'm wondering if there would be a legal basis for filing a complaint in a court of law. This wasn't merely hinting that the sheeple might like young children, but came right out and called her a pedophile.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 26

What a joke! Kate answering questions...

She's incapable of speaking the truth, what's the point?

Anyway, what questions could she possibly answer, that has not been soft balled already in all her silly interviews?

It's all the same old bull, rehashed ad nauseam, over and over again.

No, Kate. No one wants to know or see anymore of you on t.v.

That crazy clown should answer her questions on Twitter. Her captive psycho sheeple "fans" treat her as if she is the second coming anyway.

Idiotic programming, spewed once again by Katie & TLC.


Bah Bah Black Sheep said... 27

Brings smiles to your face - recent tweet:

@Kateplusmy8 Why isn't Kate plus 8 On Demand Comcast!?

Duh, could it be because she's not in demand? Ya think? ~ Administrator said... 28

Can't live without her fans? She sounds more like Joan Crawford every day.

Twitter Lurker said... 29

If that particular sheeple doesn't like being called a pedophile, then she needs to stop grooming teenagers on the internet.

Personally, I think it's a man. They befriend these young teens and "help" them with the bullies (who I wish would stop). She/He is very sick and very predatory.

Internet has become a haven for pedophiles and Twitter is just another avenue for them to befriend lonely, needy and ignorant teens.

Not Watching TLC said... 30

Yet for the last two days Kate Gosselin has been a top 5 search on the Internet. Which goes again to prove what I've always thought: Internet Interested does not equal Ratings.

No one wants to watch this freak for an hour.

And TLC? I just scheduled my cable to be shut off next week. Cable programming is worthless and a waste of money.

fidosmommy said... 31

Anne, you're right. There is no continuity at all in these scenes. So, either they grabbed small moments of drama and spliced them together (as you suggested) or else the entire trip was one big tragic mess and they had to pick and choose which moments to use for the promo from the hours of embarrassing footage they had.

Notice that one of the twins (I think it's Cara, but I didn't look closely) is nearly sobbing as Ashley is kissing her goodbye. I do think Ashley has announced she is moving on to other things and won't be their sitter any longer. All the kids look pretty unhappy in the 3 snippets they show of them.

The end result is that Kate comes across as a truly unreasonably difficult person to deal with, Ashley and Jamie come across as dead weight on this trip, and Steve comes across as someone whose job it is to quell the storms around her. Now there's a profession to look into, college graduates! Lousy working conditions, but good pay.

I wonder what Jamie's job was, anyway. Surely
she was not invited solely as a babysitter!??!
I can guarantee you I would never consider inviting my "best friend" on a trip and then expect her to not enjoy it by relaxing and dealing with her own children!

This drama will definitely not draw me to my TV screen on Monday at 9 pm.

wayward said... 32

@TimLee744 LOL! Thought I'd give twitter a try... Now can't live w/o support from so many fans! Loving it! Can you tell? :) 53 minutes ago

Lol.... She gave twatter a try and showed millions of people just what an insufferable, uncaring, insensitive bitch she is, causing her ratings to plunge. TLC knew exactly what they were doing all those years when they kept her leashed, muzzled and babysat by the purseboy- they were hiding what she truly is. It cracks me up that Kate thought twattering would be a ratings booster but the opposite happened. Now she's stuck and has to keep tweeting anyway to keep up the facade of loving her tweeples and their "support." lol

E-town Neighbor said... 33

This drama will definitely not draw me to my TV screen on Monday at 9 pm.


They are grasping at straws, and I don't mean Kate's hair. It's spliced for drama, with no continuity. It appears that Ashley is at odds with Jamie, because Jamie is the one who says that she will get on a plane and fly home.

Not even a knock-down drag out can lure the viewers in. Not even an Australian travelogue put a huge spike in ratings. What viewers did tune in for was the bar scene in NYC. Maybe TLC should concentrate on Kate getting soused and licked in every episode. Nah, even that would get old after awhile.

Legally Blonde said... 34

Twitter Lurker said,
Internet has become a haven for pedophiles and Twitter is just another avenue for them to befriend lonely, needy and ignorant teens.


Twitter also has become an avenue for both non-fans and fans to bully each other unmercifully. I would think that adults would know better.

Coming right out and naming someone as a pedophile (if that's what happened) is not a good idea in this litigious society, regardless if the person has concrete proof/documentation. They'll do it to the wrong person and could find themselves in a nasty court battle.

I am very concerned about these 12-year-olds who pop up on there and "befriend" adults. Where are their parents? Let me guess - watching Kate Plus Eight and tweeting 24/7 to their idol.

fidosmommy said... 35

Shoot, I'M at odds with Jamie and I only saw her in some short clip of the NYC outing episode. I thought she was overbearing and obnoxious, a perfectly matched bookend for Kate. And here was Ashley plunk in the middle of that with 8 Gosselin kids and however many of Jamie's were on the trip.

You know what? Even not knowing the real story, I'm Team Ashley and Kids on this one. Jamie and Kate can go climb trees together for all I care.

Kate doesn't rate said... 36

Kate is a twit said...

Has anyone seen the promo that has the fans in an uproar? It's on youtube, here is the link:


Loved the end when Kate said, "This is so over."

Yes it is Kate!

fidosmommy said... 37

Sorry, me again.

I've realized that on comedy shows, the promos
have the "best lines" of the episode. The funniest(?) lines are used to draw you in, making you think there will be much more of the same. But, the fact is, that may have been the ONLY funny line in the entire half hour episode!

This could be the same thing. The drama of the chair throwing, the threat of leaving by Jamie, and Ashley's tears/goodbyes may be the ONLY drama in the whole thing. The rest will be normal Kate stuff which is drama enough but nothing worth watching.

If they've got nothing, they show the best they have to lure in a curious public.

Jenna Does said... 38

Midnight Madness said...
What is going to happen to these people when Kate disappears? Do they go on to setting a shrine up to someone else, or do they seek counseling when the love of their lives no longer are in the public eye?
I mean wow. OK, I may have mentioned before my love for all things Beatles & John Lennon. In my living room, there is a book case adorned with books of course, paraphernalia, (ones not worth much, the ones worth value are in a hutch being displayed), pictures, etc & all around that are framed posters I have collected throughout the years. As a matter of fact, I just picked one up a month ago I haven't gotten around to framing yet. Now, I can see something like that, since I have been a fan of The Beatles & Lennon since I was 6 or so & have been collecting items since childhood. (& I'm not justifying anything dammit!)

Kate OTOH, hasn't done anything for well, anyone. She hasn't done anything for entertainment, the music community, the art community, journalism, SAG, the Emmy's or ANY awards for that matter, nor has she been straight w/ anyone at anytime about anything. She has burned bridges, broken a home, & kept her children in the spotlight for her own benefit. When Kate is over (& that seems to be soon), she will have no legacy, no star on the Hollywood BLVD, no gleaming golden medals, nothing that says she was anything that turned this country on it's side for what SHE did. Because frankly, she has done nothing new, inventive, worthwhile or amazing. Kate is just a regular person who happened to have multiples, got lucky, put them all on TV & treats them like dog shit. And she has a flock of fans who are naive & will someday realize when Kate is but a blip on the radar that the TRUE people who should be looked up to are the ones who have made a difference in this world.
~Hippie Chick~

Hippie Chick said... 39

Bah Bah Black Sheep said...
Brings smiles to your face - recent tweet:

@Kateplusmy8 Why isn't Kate plus 8 On Demand Comcast!?
Duh, could it be because she's not in demand? Ya think?
Someone should tweet her & ask her why J&K+8 only has ONE STAR on NetFlix too!!!

Mimi to 3 said... 40

Time Flies: I'm sorry for taking your comment the wrong way. Sometimes I tend to think all of us have been around since the very beginning of this train wreck. I don't know if Carla and Kate were long time friends, I just remember her being around in those first shows folding clothes or putting them away, can't remember which. She also talked about bringing Ashley along because she just loved the babies. I do know that Beth and Kate became friends at about the time the babies were born because she was a volunteer at the time. It's amazing when you think about it that Carla and Ashley have hung around for so long. Maybe it's because they have been able to earn money, maybe it's about being on a TV show, maybe it's even because Kate gives Carla her hand me downs -- as in when Kate insisted on a new kitchen makeover in that mini-mansion, she gave her 'old' cabinets to Carla and she had pictures on her blog of them.

Once again, Time Flies, sorry for taking your comment the wrong way.

Perception said... 41

She's such a c word said...

According to TLC the next episode is another Q&A.
Aug 15, 9:00 pm 60 minutes)

Kate's Toughest Questions


They are running commercials for the August 15 episode and saying something about Kate answering questions via Twitter and show her sitting on the couch with her phone and giggling. UGH

No Regrets said...
...I did notice they have a pond too? That is truly a nice, big piece of property. It appears to me that Kate and TLC has sort of hidden the entire property/house though. Probably so Kate wouldn't appear so wealthy?


Absolutely agree!

Do you remember when they first moved into the new house? The camera shots were very, very tight and showed almost nothing of the interior OR exterior of the house. They didn't show the full front of the house, nothing in the back, didn't show the garage, or anything inside other than close shots in the kitchen; in fact they tried to keep the fact that they had a pool a secret for quite awhile.

There's no doubt in my mind that their intention was to hide as much of the excesses on the property for as long as possible and to try to maintain everyone's perception of the family as relatable.

On another note, one thing that has bothered me is that when they show the interior of the house, especially the basement, it looks cold and sterile. The walls in the basement are bare except for one small wall which has the 6 large pictures the tups painted when they first moved there. I remember their house on Andrews Ave and how institutional it looked and the living room there had nothing on the walls. I don't think Kate has an ounce of interior design talent in her body and the house reflects how cold and icy a person she really is.

Dulcina said... 42

Q & A should be renamed Q & E, for Questions and Evasions.

Didn't watch but have read that the Movie the kids made was about an orphanage -? Strikes me as odd.

Dulcina said... 43

"Do you remember when they first moved into the new house? The camera shots were very, very tight and showed almost nothing of the interior OR exterior of the house. They didn't show the full front of the house, nothing in the back, didn't show the garage, or anything inside other than close shots in the kitchen; in fact they tried to keep the fact that they had a pool a secret for quite awhile.

There's no doubt in my mind that their intention was to hide as much of the excesses on the property for as long as possible and to try to maintain everyone's perception of the family as relatable."

Not disagreeing, but whatever bits of privacy these kids are allowed, especially in their own home - good for them.

TLC ship is sinking said... 44

Thanks, Kate is a twit, for posting the link:

Remember Kate's tweet about the "tiny RVs"? Well, in that promo clip the RVs Kate is standing next to don't look tiny at all.

I could see how tiny it could easily get (even if split into two RVs), especially when part of the film crew is there filming inside.

I do wonder if the drama is more between Ashley and Jamie, not Ashley and Kate. I don't recall a trip where both of them went with Kate, so maybe this was their first trip experience together.

I also wouldn't be surprised if Kate and Jamie stuck all the kids with Ashley, while they hit the town looking for men. That would definitely put me over the edge.

However, it could also be both Jamie and Ashley at odds with Kate as the clip is also suggesting.

Does it have me curious? Yes. Will it make me want to watch? Nope, sorry TLC. Especially after you showed the image of the kids crying (noticeably the twins) as Ashley says goodbye.

E-town Neighbor said... 45

If the ratings go up for the trip out West, will this encourage TLC to keep her on a perpetual trip? Kate would love it!

"I remember their house on Andrews Ave and how institutional it looked and the living room there had nothing on the walls. I don't think Kate has an ounce of interior design talent in her body and the house reflects how cold and icy a person she really is."


Could it be that with eight kids running around, she didn't want to have a professional decorator, or make it look like a "model" home because kids can be messy and break things? The kids were really just toddlers in the Andrew Avenue house.

It's obvious that she has no sense of decorating, but maybe with eight kids underfoot, she just really didn't care as long as the house was functional (and the refrigerator was clean!). She really didn't seem all that impressed with the brand new kitchen.

Dulcina said... 46

"Especially after you showed the image of the kids crying (noticeably the twins) as Ashley says goodbye."
Anyone else remember the promo with Alexis crying, saying "Daddy don't go."

There is no depth to which TLC won't stoop. That promo with Alexis was the LAST time my tv was tuned to TLC, period.

TLC ship is sinking said... 47

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...That crazy clown should answer her questions on Twitter. Her captive psycho sheeple "fans" treat her as if she is the second coming anyway.

Why answer questions on twitter for free, when you can make an episode about it and get paid!

This upcoming episode is that tweet session Kate had earlier this summer, where she asked people to tweet her questions then hinted to fans that you'd have to watch and see whether it got answered.

Vanessa said...Is she going to to toss the question sheets to the floor again?

Kate won't toss her millionth pink iphone on the floor because it's her precious lifeline to the world.

How will she get her instant gratification fix with a damaged iphone!

Adding to my previous post...With all this speculation about Kate Plus 8 getting canceled, this is how Kate Plus 8 will end - with broken family relationships? Way to go, Kate. I'm sorry but if I knew my show wasn't at the top of its game anymore, I'd rather choose to end on a high-note, not this.

Permanent Name, thanks for the explanation of the graphic! I didn't get it at first, not realizing what that object was on the bottom. When the show is finally canceled are we going to get a graphic of a flatline on the EKG?

Grammy of nine said... 48

I, too, noticed the lack of decorating in both of Kate's homes. In the new country home, the rooms appear to be "furniture store display areas." Nothing personal, other than photos of her highness and her books. Very sterile. Kate could have benefited from Beth's decorating abilities for the new home. She really threw away a nice talented friend, didn't she? I'm sure Beth and her family are thriving without association with the Gosselins in any way. So much for "bestest" friends. It's all about "what have you done for me or could you do for me lately" with Kate. Sad way to live, don't you think?

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 49

Thanks for posting that preview clip, everyone, (I think, lol). I finally just watched it. I'm with those who think the issues and drama were probably between Ashley and Jaime. I never watched the show and still do not (except for a couple of episodes that I saw around the divorce announcement in 2009), so I don't know but, were Jaime and Ashley ever together? From what I've read in recaps here, it seems like Ashley is on certain episodes, and Jaime is in others. Or, as in the NYC birthday episode, Jaime went with Khate while the kids stayed with Ashley. So, maybe they haven't been around each other and just didn't get along on a trip that must have been trying for many reasons. If these grown women argued around the kids, and TLC milked it for ratings, they should all be ashamed of themselves.

While I was watching that clip, I saw the preview clip for the Q&A episode. It says it's a one hour special next week, so the info I posted in my earlier comment from my satellite guide must be wrong (because it says next week is two new half hour episodes). Here's that preview:

Ugh, she's like nails on a chalkboard for me. I can't imagine sitting through an entire hour watching Khate in the chair answering dumb sheeple tweets questions with her lies. Admin, if you watch and recap that one, you deserve a raise. Oh wait a!

Teresa said... 50

I couldn't get that youtube clip to work. I looked at a couple of other non-khate clips and they worked. So it can't be my pc. Anyone have a different clip?

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 51

(I'm still not caught up on all the comments in the last couple of posts, so please forgive me if this has already been posted)

Slightly off topic, but I think some of us might find this special tonight interesting:

ABC ‘Primetime Nightline: Celebrity Secrets’ features Rebecca Black and Corey Feldman



On WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10 (9pm CST), “Primetime Nightline: Celebrity Secrets – Underage and Famous” goes inside the fame game, the world of teenage and child stars. ABC News’ Juju Chang, Andrea Canning, Chris Connelly and David Wright look at kids and teens on the road to stardom, as well as stars from the ’80s, ’90s and ’00s, who candidly reveal that success isn’t always as sweet as it seems.

“Primetime Nightline” gained unique access behind the scenes in the lives of ambitious rising stars and their families who must learn to cope with everything from mobs of adoring fans and sudden wealth to death threats and financial scams. The special considers life in the spotlight with:

* Rebecca Black – YouTube hit “Friday, Friday” rocketed her to sudden fame, including a 2011 Teen Choice Award Nomination and star turn in Katy Perry’s new music video

* “Big Time Rush” — the new boy band sensation from Nickelodeon

* Eden Wood – Pint-sized pageant beauty queen featured on TLC’s “Toddlers and Tiaras” on a five city-tour of malls and coffee shops

* Corey Feldman – on coping with the pressures of Hollywood and the dark side of child stardom

A 13-week summer series, “Primetime Nightline” launched on June 22. The program airs Wednesdays at 10:00 p.m., ET on the ABC Television Network.

ABC News’ “Nightline” is anchored by Cynthia McFadden, Terry Moran and Bill Weir. John Donvan and Juju Chang are correspondents. Jeanmarie Condon is the executive producer.

To Be Perfectly Honest, Um... said... 52

Ugh, she's like nails on a chalkboard for me. I can't imagine sitting through an entire hour watching Khate in the chair answering dumb sheeple tweets questions with her lies.


LOL!! I can watch her, but I can't listen to her, either in an interview because of all the UMS, or in an episode because of the shrieking!

I can't imagine that a Q&A episode is going to do anything for ratings. What was TLC thinking? If travel trips don't boost the ratings, how can sitting at home in a chair answering questions do anything at all for viewership?

Just curious said... 53

There's no doubt in my mind that their intention was to hide as much of the excesses on the property for as long as possible and to try to maintain everyone's perception of the family as relatable.

I'm sure Kate's "Mine all mine" statement as she gazed out the kitchen window at the acreage surely must have dispelled that perception early on.

gramof5 said... 54

I have read many post about how big and beautiful Kates house is and I just don't see it.
Someone here said it was cold and I totally agree. Plus it is so outdated and lifeless in the decor department.
The window coverings are from the 80's and the furniture is so tasteless, and mismatched.
If you'll notice, there is no color, greenery, or warmth throughout the house. It's just very boring and uninviting.
The yard is not very well kept, (guess you get what you pay for) and is as dull as the interior.
It is very obvious that Kate not only has lousy taste in clothing, shoes and hairstyles, but she is clueless in the 'Better Home And Garden' department also.
She'd better be putting some serious cash aside to replace that worn out roof on her mini estate. What....15 grand maybe? It looks as if it's seen its better days.
I do agree that the property is very nice and could be beautiful with some imagination and an open wallet and most of all...someone who cares.
It's a shame that someone couldn't have bought that property that would have truly appreciated and enjoyed it.
Instead , it was purchased just for a temporary filming studio and jail, for 8 innocent children and a very selfish want-a-be D-Listed bitch that doesn't deserve any of it !

Kit said... 55

When K8 moved from the old house, and the old house's set lighting was removed from the kitchen celing, K8 remarked that she was glad to see it go and that it wouldn't happen in the new house. It was clear that she intended to film the children outside of their home, thus all the trips. It's equally clear now that her travel budget has been 'downsized' and that there is more filming in their home. She really will have more trouble calling it a 'career' if she's stuck in her basement, eh?

tate said... 56

There is a great article on the RoadRunner site about last night's episodes. The writer says it is time for the show to be cancelled, Kate is a joyless, miserable, person, etc. He nails it.

Teresa said... 57

That clip on youtube wouldn't work for me. I tried other non khate clips and they worked ok

Twittering and a Twattering said... 58

Someone commented about the nasty tweeting being bantered back and forth. The tweeters don't pull any punches, do they?

@dowd24 @hgraymommy @emeraldcityjazz @kateplusmy8 shut up u drunken irish woman,did u fall off the barstool again.

@EmeraldCityJazz @dowd24 @acemme @lasergma @kateplusmy8 I think that one doesn't understand. Maybe severely mentally disabled?

Why would you talk like this to other people? What purpose does it serve? How could you do this all day long, regurgitating the same thing over and over again? It accomplishes nothing. All it does is show that the tweeter is a bully.

This one wanted to come to America and nanny the kids in exchange for room and board. With a mouth like that, I wouldn't want her anywhere near my children.

@hockeymom9598 Who the fuck asked you, you sap go back in2 ur little hole!!!!!!!

Mr. Bond said... 59

There is no doubt in my mind that the "fight/argument" was between Jamie and Ashley. Don't allow yourself to be manipulated into watching for the drama.

Gimme Gimme said... 60

Wow, I finally watched that clip. Hooray for Jamie - she was in her face - I don't think Kate is going to mess with her too much. So guess she took it all out on the young college grad, another traumatic day for the kids in a series of many. I won't watch and TLC should not even air the kids' anguish at seeing the nanny go which means they have to put up with Khate all alone and/or get used to a whole nother nanny, which we have seen the results of that, young, inexperienced, must work cheap. Which now that she has discovered that M&C will take care of the kids while she gets her booty sleep, she may not hire another nanny, especially if it comes out of her pocket. Too bad because I think Ashley may have brought in a few ratings, a softer gentler touch with the kids. And what was up with everyfrickingbody that interviewed her calling her beautiful. Was that on the suggestion cards she filled out. She is not beautiful. She is reasonably attractive in that Hollywoodish botoxy, extreme dieting type of way. Elizabeth Taylor was beautiful. ~ Administrator said... 61

I hope Kate at least tried to talk Ashley into staying or tried to mediate between Ashley and Jamie, if that's what happened. This is the beloved nanny of her children and it doesn't seem right to let another friend mess that up.

It's hard to say though when the teaser was so unclear.

Pam said... 62

The drama looks like ( to me ) that it is between Kate and Jamie. Not Kate and Ashley. I think Ashley is referring to Jamie.

The way Jamie jumped in Kate's face and said she would get on a plane and leave, and Kate was boo hooing....she (Jamie ) looked like she went off the deep end.

Makes you wonder if she's not a stable woman and is why she doesn't have custody of her kids.

Pam said... 63

And I must add...

Jamie is my new hero. Anybody who gets in that nags face and tells her off is ok in my book :)

Kate's Cart said... 64

Carol - I bet you are exactly right - it's pure manipulation and abusive to the kids. Haven't they lost enough with their father not being in their daily lives. I'm almost to the point now regarding Kate - just release me. It's getting old.

Her time is almost over. Her kids will resent her for decades after the mess she has made of their lives. If you really want a good laugh, make a twitter up and go be nicey nice to to her - and she will communicate with anyone. That is how desperate she is. She has no friends, no life outside of the compound - exactly what she has given to the kids. Karma is a bitch, and it is going to haunt her for the next 50 years. She will not be a part of her children's lives as they mature into high school and college, and dating and marriage and grand babies. She is going to be a lonely old lady. As soon as the kids can have any legal voice, as early as 13 or 14, they will speak, demand emancipation, want to know where there money is and want to live with Jon. Jon is not dumb - he may be fighting and documenting every thing behind the scenes. At least he has a happy home life with Ellen, which is a very good example for the kids. Just because she is part of his life does not mean she is sleeping there when the kids are there. He may be very respectful of Ellen and the kids in that respect. Kate is not intelligent or worldly. Thus Steve her handler needing to accompany her every time she goes to NY. No one cares about Kate, no one that is not set up is looking to photograph her or hound her. She is an illusion in her own mind. Kate probably has no idea what a real producer is or does. She just likes the sound of it. She does not have a strong work ethic, she hasn't worked since the tups were little and she worked weekends. Kate is lazy and mean. I can't wait to read Jon's book.

america said... 65

I don't know if anyone has recommended it but can someone please put DNR across that picture of the person resuscitating the other? ~ Administrator said... 66

Maybe Kate couldn't understand this because she's never been a nanny or been cared for by a nanny, but the loss of a nanny, or even a falling out with a nanny, can be so deeply personal to a kid, it just irks me to the very core that even one second of it should be aired on TV and exploited for our entertainment. It's just indicative to me of how little respect Kate has not only for her nanny, but for her own children's relationships with other people they love. Kate has chosen not to tell us what happened between her parents, how would she like it she was suddenly forced to make that falling out public? Kate gets to keep what she wants private, but when it comes to the children's privacy, who the hell cares just exploit it all. The double standard is eye rolling.

I can't think of any celebrity in recent history who has made a falling out with a nanny so public like this. If anything seems to me most celebs go out of their way to keep any nanny issues under wraps. It's PRIVATE, PERIOD.

J. Heather Leigh said... 67

Well maybe Maria Shriver's falling out with the...wait, that was the maid. Never mind. ~ Administrator said... 68

Lol well and anything that was made public about Maria Shriver was against her will.

If Kate is a producer and by her own admission suggests ideas and has some control over what is aired, then shame, shame, shame on her for not putting her foot down and refusing to let private familial disputes among your best friends and nannies to be aired.

At that point you say, enough, cameras off, this is private and not for public consumption.

But will she ever do that if she thinks the drama will make a buck? Of course not. Not only does she let them keep on filming, but she has gone around for weeks now telling everyone they can expect a lot of "drama" in the upcoming episodes and to tune in.

She has sold out every last little pinky toe of these kids.

fidosmommy said... 69

Admin, I agree that the possible loss of a beloved nanny can be traumatic. And, being kids, they might personalize it. "It's my fault Nanny left. I should have helped more. I should have been a better boy/girl. I shouldn't have cried when Nanny told me to go to bed. I should have, I shouldn't have, I should have....."

RE: Kate being beautiful. Is it my imagination or does every interviewer start the proceedings
with "You look wonderful" or some such compliment? Is it in the script that Kate must be made to feel gorgeous before she even opens her mouth? Ann Curry seemed to be less than thrilled as the words came out of her mouth.

No matter who the disagreement was between, there was absolutely no reason to have it while the children were within earshot. When there is a fight between people they love, they either have to take sides or they have to withdraw into silence. What other choices are there?

fidosmommy said... 70

sheesh. I got my paragraphs out of order. Sorry that my previous post makes no sense!

E-town Neighbor said... 71

She is going to be a lonely old lady. As soon as the kids can have any legal voice, as early as 13 or 14, they will speak, demand emancipation, want to know where there money is and want to live with Jon. Jon is not dumb - he may be fighting and documenting every thing behind the scenes.


There is no minimum age in PA in regards to a legal voice. The judge will listen to any child, but the child must have a valid reason for wanting to live with the other parent. The judge will not listen to an argument that the other parent has a bigger house, buys more toys, or lets the child stay up until midnight.

Some eight-year-olds are mature enough to request that they live with the other parent. They are questioned privately by the judge without the influence of either parent. ~ Administrator said... 72

fidosmommy said...

Admin, I agree that the possible loss of a beloved nanny can be traumatic. And, being kids, they might personalize it. "It's my fault Nanny left. I should have helped more. I should have been a better boy/girl. I shouldn't have cried when Nanny told me to go to bed. I should have, I shouldn't have, I should have....."

Absolutely. Since we don't know for sure Ashley left, this is still speculation, but we do know for a fact these kids have been through on the upwards of a dozen nannies. I did a post about it and at that time they were up to 11 nannies.

When a kid loses a nanny, especially a nanny who has been with them for years, they also sometimes think, "that was really painful saying goodbye to Ashley I really loved her, I'm not going to love the next one or let myself feel that way about another one, because there is no one else like my other nanny, and I don't want to feel that hurt again when the next one leaves."

As a result, their future relationships with future caretakers can be very difficult and unhealthy.

The loss of a nanny, especially in such a negative way, can actually really mess up a kids relationship in general, because the departure of your caretaker is so deeply personal and hurtful, a kid can close themselves off to ALL relationships or be overly cautious or suspicious of anyone in the future who loves them. There are many adults who have dysfunctional relationships (jealousy, etc.) because they fear "losing someone". Losing a nanny is one way this kind of dysfunction can develop.

Read The Help, a remarkable look at how personal a child's relationship can be with their nanny. I hate adults who don't understand or respect that, screw that.

HollyMo said... 73

Sorry if this has been posted already...
it's an article Alison Arngrim wrote for A Minor Consideration.

Alison Arngrim.

Teresa said... 74

LOL, have you all seen this? Someone wrote a song about Khate. lmao

Teresa said... 75

Khate Beautiful? lol my ass she is! According to Judge Judy...Beauty fades - dumb is forever! Now this is an interview l would pay to see..Judge Judy vs Khate Gosselin!

She's such a c word said... 76

Pam said...
And I must add...
Jamie is my new hero. Anybody who gets in that nags face and tells her off is ok in my book :)
August 10, 2011 6:13 PM
Pam, as nice as it is to see someone get up in Kate's face (wish more people would), Jamie is a participant in the exploitation of The Gosselin Children. Therefore, she automatically loses 'hero points' in my book. ~ Administrator said... 77

Jamie absolutely is a participant in the exploitation. For that matter, so is Ashley. I guess I sort of give Ashley a bit more of a pass since the kids love and adore her so much I would hate to see the kids lose her. I don't see that kind of bond with Jamie. Jamie seems like just one big moocher to me. She seems to just love and adore the lifestyle Kate has given her on the backs of the kids--styles her hair with Kate, goes to STK with her, goes to trendy clubs, gets to tag along on fancy trips. Jamie gets to take part in all the fun without the consequences of her kids losing their childhoods.

She's such a c word said... 78

Exactly, Admin. ~ Administrator said... 79

You know I can think of an example that was very telling of Jamie's relationship with the kids. When she came over to take Kate to NYC, there was no JAMIE!!! from the kids or big bear hugs or any kind of affection like that. But when Ashley shows up they're always thrilled and excited.

Mady used to snuggle up on Beth's lap, the kids baked cookies with Aunt Jodi, their relationships with these women were very real and tangible. It's cold with Jamie. She doesn't seem all that interested really, and I don't think she is.

Permanent Name said... 80

This might be slightly OT but I am absolutely stunned.........

Have any of you seen the show called "Dance Moms"?

Holy cow!!!!!!!

If you have, you know what I mean. If you haven't... well, let's see how I can put this...

Think sort of toddlers and tiaras for older girls who want to be dancers. The one mom on tonight's show seems to be a drinker and apparently had boozy meltdown on the previous show, grabbed all her daughters trophies and stormed out after SCREAMING at the dance instructor.

Now before you feel badly for the instructor, you should know she has EXTREMELY thick skin (I'm being snarky here, forgive me) and is a bitch to rival kart.

I have absolutely no words to describe how horrifying it was to see. It is on channel 61 here, I think that's Lifetime channel.

My thought as I came up the stairs was 'has the whole world gone mad?'.........

What ever happened to civilized behavior?

I think we can safely say kart has many dopplegangers out there. She is not unique.

If you haven't seen it, make sure to watch a repeat so you don't contribute to their rating.

It's a horror show on the level of kart's. ~ Administrator said... 81

And one more thing......why is it always the person the kids love and adore the most who ends up biting the dust???

If anyone should leave between Jamie and Ashley, it should be Jamie.

She's such a c word said... 82

You know it's Kate's M.O. to shitcan people the kids love.

Permanent Name said... 83

A final thought as I head off to bed: I wonder how many people watch shows like this and think this is 'normal behavior'?

To answer my question in previous post, 'what has happened to civilized behavior?', I suspect that is isn't being modeled to the folks who watch these trash shows.

To kart's 'fans' her behavior seems right and normal, therefore they perpetuate and emulate the bad manners, disrespect and attitude.

A sweeping generalization might be that TV is ruining our society.

The US doesn't need to be attacked from outside our borders... we are doing a great job of destroying our society from within......

Isn't that a sad thought?

I guess I won't be having good dreams tonight.

I really need to discontinue our cable TV service. Someone else said that and I think it's probably a good idea.

I can watch Royal Pains and The Closer on Hulu.

As our favorite bitch says, "GN all"........ LOL ~ Administrator said... 84

Yeah I know, it's her M.O. And it's one f--ed up M.O. Get rid of everyone the children love the most.

Think about who has stuck around. People the kids don't really seem particularly close to from what I've seen. Uncle Steve? The kids don't really pony up to him much. Jamie? They don't seem to feel anything much for her. She sure as heck has tried to get rid of Jon, the only reason he's still around is because a court order lets him be. Ashley seemed like the last person who was still around they were genuinely close with.

Um....can't think of any other constants in this kids lives.

Permanent Name said... 85

She's such a c word said... You know it's Kate's M.O. to shitcan people the kids love

Another way to maintain her power and control.

All about control. ~ Administrator said... 86

It is kind of fascinating in a way the way reality shows sometimes decide to normalize or de-normalize behavior. It's how they spin it.

A show like Hoarders is obviously set up to make hoarder seem incredibly bizarre and abnormal. Toddlers and Tiaras does seem to kind of spin it in the same way. But Kate Plus 8 is spun as look how cute a bunch of kids being exploited how adorable. Intervention is all about how horrible addictions are, but a show like Jersey Shore glorifies drinking and partying and risky behavior.

Girl From Up North said... 87

Admin said....At that point you say, enough, cameras off, this is private and not for public consumption.

I don't believe that she is mature enough (in terms of development) to deliniate public and private. Kate does not seem to have learned where the line of protection starts for a relationship to be healthy. You could see this in the fights that she would freely have with Jon, or anyone else for that matter, on camera. Most couples would wait for a private moment out of earshot of others or away from the kids. Really not a well woman..... ~ Administrator said... 88

Actually, that does explain Jamie. Jamie has called Kate out more than once. In the NYC episode she outright said Kate was drunk. She also pointed out how whenever they do stuff it's all about Kate and for once Jamie wanted to do something SHE wanted.

For someone like Kate that's pushing your luck a little to say stuff like that to her.

But does Jamie ever get canned, no. Why? Because Jamie has no leverage with the kids. There's no "control" for Kate to get rid of her. ~ Administrator said... 89

Kate does seem to have an alarmingly odd sense of boundaries.

I have no idea what did or didn't happen in her childhood, but it has to be said that abused children often have huge boundaries issues when they are older.

Either they abuse their kids themselves, or have issues with boundaries in relationships, or they do other odd behavior toward their kids or others that has to do with boundaries. Like for instance embarrassing a kid in front of all his classmates, etc., and not understanding why what they did was wrong.

america said... 90

Watching Primetime Nightline tonight on ABC.

It is about children and fame. Of course Tlc got a segment with Toddler's and Tiaras. That little girl reminded me of a Gosselin. Being trapsed around the country to promote the show, etc

Corey Feldman was asked about the biggest problem. His response PEDOPHILE.

Hello Kate Gosselin wake up!

Mel said... 91

I agree that Jamie is a participant in the exploitation, perhaps more so lately than earlier on.

Lately she appears to show absolutely no interest in or connection with the when they were getting ready to leave for NY...there appeared to be no interaction whatsoever between her and the kids.

But think about when they went to San Francisco, or wherever, last know, that place where they speak Asian. The kids were all over Jamie. She seemed to be the one playing with them, and comforting whoever was crabby.

Now the kids don't seem to have any interest in her, or she in them.

Weird, eh?

Mel said... 92

Interesting about Ashley. I give her a pass because I think she hates the exploitation (she's made plenty of snide remarks..."the kids' lives are so structured", "they deserve to have a little fun") but she feels that if she stays that she can give them some degree of normalcy...thinking that she's the only one allowed to do that, so she's gonna stay as long as she can.

I have 2 grandchildren like this. Both the parents are not good, the mother being the instigator, but the father following along (much like Jon?)

Other people often beat me up for being involved in the kids lives, yet how can I abandon them? I'd like to think that the kids can get some idea of normalcy from me, and that when they're older they'll see that I did what I could to be there for them.

I don't want them to say, Nana..why didn't you help us? Why did you walk away? I want them to know that I tried. And that I saw what was going on and it's NOT ok.

I want them to remember that I tried...that I loved them as much as I was allowed to. I hope they remember me lovingly holding them, and singing little love songs to them. And that they remember me patting their legs, to let them know subtly that what was happening wasn't ok with me. That it's all I could offer without being banished.

Maybe Ashley feels that way, too.

Teresa said... 93

@ MEL; you're doing such a great job for your grandkids. Kindness is never forgotten. Stick in there, for their sake. xooxx ~ Administrator said... 94

I used to be less sympathetic to Ashley, thought she condoned this exploitation. Her comments she's made recently, as others have pointed out, suggests to is doing exactly what we thought she might be doing--staying in this mess so the kids at least have SOME kind of normal, grounded person. If she leaves, who do they have left beside Jon? She seems to be well aware of the children's needs.

I'm not sure how i feel about this. I'm not sure just because you happen to be involved in a situation like this you are automatically a participant just by not walking out.

I don't consider Sarah Palin a participant in this just because she was involved. Seems to me rather she just did her best to give the kids a nice camping trip.

Dallas Lady said... 95

Kate gets rid of everyone the kids love. Their dad, their grandparents, their aunt and uncle, their nanny.

I don't doubt for one second that she also uses that dog as emotional leverage. Do this or the dog goes. Say thank you to me or the dog goes. Worship me or the dog goes.

The problem for Kate is one day, sooner than she expects, those kids will be the ones saying goodbye to her. ~ Administrator said... 96

The one thing that SHOULD be taken away is the dog. Or rather, never should have gotten them in the first place.

That really is so ironic, and funny if there weren't a precious pup involved. The one thing this family has no business having and Kate BRINGS BACK INTO THE FOLD.

Everybody else they desperately need gets estranged or driven away. The dog comes back.

ncgirl said... 97

Somebody asked if Jamie and Ashley had been on a show together before. I don't think they have.

Even though Jon tries to keep his life private now, his name still comes up. Thanks to Kate's PR team and the media, he is still one of the most disliked people in a poll.

I'm sure he's beyond caring, but it just makes me sad that he was dragged through the mud like he was. I know he made mistakes, but it's been awhile. I guess that's just another fallout of Kate's pressing need to be a STAH.

Tweeting Frenzy said... 98

Question for those who tweet -

I was reading over some of the goings-on, and I noticed that one tweeter has been jabbing at sheeple for nine solid hours. How can that be possible? Is this unusual, or are there many who are addicted to Twitter to this extent? Do they ever take showers?:)

How can you say the same thing over and over again, on a daily basis, for nine hours? Don't you need to come up for air, regroup, and gather new ammunition?

Is Kate hiding from her tweeties now that she's learned about the low ratings? I guess that "press tour" was all talk, with no results.

PJ's momma said... 99

I don't watch much TV and avoid reality shows. But tonight I'm at our condo in the city and I don't really understand the channels yet, so out of boredom, I was looking at the guide. Roseanne's Nuts. Hmmmmm..... Oh my gosh, I loved it! In the beginning she said she sold her soul to the devil to be rich and famous but now she lives on the Big Island on a macadamia nut farm. During the show, she had Sandra Bernhard and Phyllis Diller over and she said, "Back to basics! You don't need a big house or fancy car. You don't need (insert name of trappings here, including Twitter specifically), you need love, food, shelter, and community." Man, she really gets it. Chasing after that other stuff is chasing after the wind. None of that stuff matters. The second episode was all about her trying to give away the produce from her vast garden. I mean, it is awesome! She has great rapport with her kids, grands, her partner, and..........well, everyone. It was a very fun hour spent on the Lifetime channel for me! Kate should watch it - free and organic - her two favorite things!

mama mia said... 100

I looked at the clip, to me it was Kate's usual bad acting on a made up "for drama/ratings" skit where she and Jamie act out this fake feud in efforts to save the show. The kids, like Christmas, are never in on it, so of course they will cry thinking Ashley is leaving them. This is the evil in Kate, constantly manipulating and using her kids for ratings. She lets them go hungry and thirsty because it makes for better television, she films them when they are exhausted because the melt downs make for better television, she picks at them and puts them down because that makes the critics talk about the show. Those who watch this upcoming episode are just going to whine they were taken in yet again by staged events, so save yourself the trouble, don't watch. It is a boring show and the show you want to see, where Kate gets punched in the face, just ain't going to happen.

Kat said... 101

This is exactly what TLC wants. People talking about the episode for next week. Who gives a sh@t what happens on that show. Don't give it anymore advertising than it already has.
As far as the Q&A.....OMG... how many freakin' times can she answer the same old questions. It's laughable at this point.What DON'T we know about her? If I hear "are you ready to date?" one more time ....I'd rather stick needles in my eyes. It's getting sickening.

Vanessa said... 102

I'm wondering if in the clip, when Kate yells 'I've asked all day long for help...haven't received any...yell yell yell..' if she's not yelling at the kids? This sounds just as plausible. Yes, they've spliced and diced just to get interest going.
As far as the comment about "where did civilization go?" I think it's here, but to any 'normal' person, what we see in Kate is just jaw dropping. There's a poster on Werny's blog that has a mother in law JUST like Kate. She's relayed MANY many a story about her husband's life/childhood that could be an EXACT experience for ANY of the kids, tups and twins.
Just like the people on Jerry Springer are real, just like the moms/kids on Toddlers are real, Kate is REAL (meaning her outrageous behaviour, alienation, control, bitchiness etc.) THOSE people do exist. THEY think WE are the 'abnormal' ones! Kate will never ever think she's got something WRONG with her!

J. Heather Leigh said... 103

I too enjoyed watching Rosanne's Nuts. She's the "realest reality show" on TV. Clearly she is running that show and just showing us her life. I really enjoyed the episode where she went to sing the national anthem again and reflected on her embarrassment when she messed it up way back when.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 104

PJ's momma said... I don't watch much TV and avoid reality shows. But tonight I'm at our condo in the city and I don't really understand the channels yet, so out of boredom, I was looking at the guide. Roseanne's Nuts. Hmmmmm..... Oh my gosh, I loved it! In the beginning she said she sold her soul to the devil to be rich and famous but now she lives on the Big Island on a macadamia nut farm. During the show, she had Sandra Bernhard and Phyllis Diller over and she said, "Back to basics! You don't need a big house or fancy car. You don't need (insert name of trappings here, including Twitter specifically), you need love, food, shelter, and community." Man, she really gets it. Chasing after that other stuff is chasing after the wind. None of that stuff matters. The second episode was all about her trying to give away the produce from her vast garden. I mean, it is awesome! She has great rapport with her kids, grands, her partner, and..........well, everyone. It was a very fun hour spent on the Lifetime channel for me! Kate should watch it - free and organic - her two favorite things!


That show is a RIOT!!!
Good for Roseanne!! Yes, she does "get it".

Her boyfriend Johnny is quite a hottie ;o)

You know who I get a big kick out of?
Her "nature boy" friend, Jake. He gives me the giggles :o)

Oh, to retire in Hawaii... what a dream that would be.

Mel said... 105

Here's a thought about Ashley, Jamie, Steve & Jon.

Jon was definitely as much a part of the exploitation as Kate in the beginning, albeit a kinder parent always. Now he is definitely NOT a part of the exploitation, and wants it to stop.

Ashley I think was too young to understand what she was seeing, but now sees it and hates it.

It's beyond me why her mother allowed her as a teenager to be involved with Kate. Says a lot about her mom.

Steve probably didn't see it at first, now sees it, and just doesn't give a crap. All he cares about is his paycheck.

Jamie seemed to be very kind to the kids in the beginning, genuinely caring about them, but now seems to ignore the kids and has secret hopes of becoming a stah herself. She's been corrupted in the last year or so by what she perceives as the fame.

Who's the most pathetic of these 4?


JudyK said... 106

Ha, glad to see the link and the REAL Kate instead of the fake goody-goody persona she puts on for her "PR Tours"--what a laugh.

No Regrets said... 107

"Perception said... Do you remember when they first moved into the new house? The camera shots were very, very tight and showed almost nothing of the interior OR exterior of the house"

Yes, I do remember. I think they have hidden most of it, NOT for the right reasons the kid's privacy. but to hide the fact that Kate is living "large" compared to her old house and her constant "I need the money" pity party. I still remember when Jon and Kate were selecting the tile for the house and Jon was teasing that HE picked, She went berserk, so mad. LOLOL That was so funny. She still has no style as evidenced in her outfits. LOL

"Dulcina said... Not disagreeing, but whatever bits of privacy these kids are allowed, especially in their own home - good for them. "
Agreed. I am SO happy the bedrooms are not shown at all. I WISH that were the reason that they have hidden the home/property. But, yes it is good for the kids' privacy.

"I have read many post about how big and beautiful Kates house is and I just don't see it."
I love the front part of the property and lawns. Yes, it certainly could be improved, but I still do like the grounds. I was just taken back that they had the pond. Never saw that before at all. I am happy though the kids have the space to play. Frankly, I haven't seen enough of the house to say that is beautiful. My comment was directed to the property itself.

No Regrets said... 108

ADMIN Hoarders! My gawd what a show. Not sure if some are hoarders or extremely, messy, nasty people. LOL I do watch at times, but usually end up sick to my stomach and have to turn the channel. It is HORRIBLE to think that people actually live this way. And the show says there are as many as 3 MILLION who live like this! Incredible. NEVER heard of this sickness or whatever it is, until this program. Am I the only uninformed one? LOL

LisaNH said... 109

Administrator said... Yeah I know, it's her M.O. And it's one f--ed up M.O. Get rid of everyone the children love the most.

Think about who has stuck around. People the kids don't really seem particularly close to from what I've seen. Uncle Steve? The kids don't really pony up to him much. Jamie? They don't seem to feel anything much for her. She sure as heck has tried to get rid of Jon, the only reason he's still around is because a court order lets him be. Ashley seemed like the last person who was still around they were genuinely close with.

Um....can't think of any other constants in this kids lives.


Maybe Kate is afraid that when the kids get close to someone, she will fade in the background and the kids might....gasp...."thank" that person instead of thanking her for the great trips to New Zealand, or the house or the chunky monkey crap she used to make for them. Since she is clearly a narcissicist, she probably is insecure that the kids might like or fear someone else more than her so when they start getting close to anyone i.e. grandparents, aunts and uncles, babysitters etc.. it's time for them to hit the bricks. She can't handle it and views it as competition.

That is probably why Jaime and Rat claw have been allowed to remain in the fold. They don't interact with the kids much and the kids don't interact with them so they are not a threat to Kate's spotlight as far as the kids are concerned.

No Regrets said... 110

On that clip of the "argument", Steve was saying "whatever" "whatever" to the boys when they were trying to say something to him. Does anyone understand what the kids are saying? He just seems so dismissive and rude to them, it bothers me. I wish I knew what they were saying.

No Regrets said... 111

"ncgirl said...Even though Jon tries to keep his life private now, his name still comes up. Thanks to Kate's PR team and the media, he is still one of the most disliked people in a poll."

The fans are just giddy over this. That poll was with 1,100 people over the age of 13. LOL Hardly an "America" speaks poll.

No Regrets said... 112

I still remember that photo of Jaime angry at one of the boys and she grabbed him. The look on her face was HORRID. She looked like a man woman. It was a mixture of pure anger and even hatred. That was around the time that Kate said "She is another ME". I thought yup she sure seems to be.

Always Skeptical said... 113

"During the show, she had Sandra Bernhard and Phyllis Diller over....."

Holy birthday candles, Batman! Phyllis Diller is 94 years old! Good for her.

No Regrets said... 114

"Mel said...Who's the most pathetic of these 4?


Boy do I agree with this. As I had posted before I did watch part of the 7th birthday party episode. When it as going to rain, he announced to the crowd, (sounding as if he were giving instructions to the secret service or something) they had to move under the patio. LOL What a wimp he looks like. And this man claims he used to guard politicians and heads of state? I mean, really?

No Regrets said... 115

"She looked like a man woman" Meant to say MAD woman. LOL

Kate doesn't rate said... 116

He just seems so dismissive and rude to them, it bothers me. I wish I knew what they were saying.

That's why the clips are so short and choppy. They want viewers to wish they knew what was the viewers tune in to see. WHO CARES ANYMORE???

Just curious said... 117

I think "man woman" fits.

Tucker's Mom said... 118

No Regrets said...
"ncgirl said...Even though Jon tries to keep his life private now, his name still comes up. Thanks to Kate's PR team and the media, he is still one of the most disliked people in a poll."

The fans are just giddy over this. That poll was with 1,100 people over the age of 13. LOL Hardly an "America" speaks poll.
Hardly a cross section of America, but kudos to Kate and her team for continuing to malign the father of her children these past couple of years.
Who, in their right mind, claims to love, love!! Kate and the kids, but would rejoice in Jon coming in 5th, just after OJ Simpson, a murderer (allegedly)?
There is no fodder sick and twisted enough for their hatred.
And if the sheeple don't get it, there is no Team Kate or Team Jon. There is Team Kids.

Jenna Does said... 119

Permanent Name said...
To answer my question in previous post, 'what has happened to civilized behavior?', I suspect that is isn't being modeled to the folks who watch these trash shows.
These trash TV shows have made it OK for people to act like jackasses. Look at Jerry Springer, the Granddaddy show of all people acting like, well, idiots! Then the Real World, then it was THE END. Reality TV came out & people wanted their 15 minutes...

I HATE that this society has turned into such an uncivilized place. No manners, bullying, hating on people for differing opinions & being NASTY about it. You NAILED it in your post anyway. It has LOTS to do with what people watch & emulate. Nasty behavior, Sweet 16 birthday parties? Celeb rehab? Bitchy moms? Yep. Thanks reality TV.
~Hippie Chick~

Hippie Chick said... 120

PJ's Momma...
I LOVE Roseanne's Nuts!!! LOVE IT!! She is so awesome!

No Regrets said... 121

"Kate doesn't rate said..."That's why the clips are so short and choppy. They want viewers to wish they knew what was the viewers tune in to see. WHO CARES ANYMORE???"

You are right. I do care about the kids ONLY. The ONLY reason this bugs me is that this so called man is "just the bodyguard" and why is he being seemingly rude and dismissive to the kids, while their so called mother standing right there. From the looks of it, he sure has a lot of authority. Too much. It just bugs me to death. I am sure ADMIN can recap it at that point. LOL I WILL not watch it for this or any other reason. I was hoping that someone can understand what the kids were saying, that is all.

No Regrets said... 122

"Just curious said...I think "man woman" fits."

Haha I knew someone would say that. LOL She does seem pretty..well.. rough. :)

Kate is strange. I am female, but I appreciate pretty females and do not "hate" or jealous of beautiful women. Some women ooze sex appeal. Some do not. I have NEVER looked at Kate as a 'sexy' female. She has no feminine traits at all. I remember her kicking her leg out while on DWTS, there was no grace at all. She just kicked it out, like a moose. LOL Even that 'sexy' picture she posed for while on vacation was absolutely hilarious! Remember when she was laying in the lounge chair with Mady sitting next to her? And she sucked in her stomach? It was FUNNY to me, it did not look at all natural. She is just a dud all the way around.

carolina peach said... 123

per Dulcina's comment on the subject of the movie being "orphans". Did you see Kate's face when they showed that on the screen? Don't think she liked that one little bit.
Kate making the snarky comment that instead of taking 3 days to make the movie, "take 3 months, no make that 3 years".
Jamie and Asheley: maybe the kids vacalized that they would rather be with them than Mommy so that automatically kicks them to the curb.

Warmth Of The Sun said... 124

Just curious said...

I think "man woman" fits.


It does. I read it and didn't realize it was a typo. I thought, yes, that just about describes her!

I bet Rosanne's Johnny was a hunk of a surfer dude in the 60s. How did she ever "get" him?

No Regrets said... 125

My God,there are no words for this. LOLOL

"MsGoody2Shoes21..Kateplusmy8 @TLC I don't your legal obligation to TLC, but if during your down time @GotCast ( identifies casting calls for TV & movie on the east & west coasts. "

AuntieAnn said... 126

I finally watched that promo snippet. The saddest part of that clip is that once again we see the heartbroken expression on Mady's face when Ashley is kissing the kids goodbye. She is in pain and it's genuine. To film it and air it is just plain abusive.

Kate Gosselin you are a lowlife. It can't be said enough that You are a BAD MOTHER. You are one sick bitch. Get help.

Regarding Roseanne Barr, she wrote a great article all about the trappings of fame:

HollyMo said... 127

Oh I wish we had Roseanne's Nuts in Canada...I just LOVE her, always have! She is so down to earth!
Aha! I googled and it is premiering here in September.

Westcoaster said... 128

My prediction for the rest of this week and into the weekend is that there will not be a whole lot of tweeting going on; the "press tour" was a bust, the ratings are predictably not improved and TLC/NBC has taken this witch on what is hopefully her last "tour" - nothing planned for this Monday. It's also dead August for a lot of people; they are on vacation and not looking for anything new on tv. Dead zone. The Twitter nation may tune in to see K8 'answer' questions on Monday, but not sure who else will. And I imagine the kids get to see Dad this weekend; Queen Twitidiot is going to be hiding out.

so sick of her said... 129

Well, as someone said here, there must have been a lot of issues in Kate's childhood. What I see is Kate being the 3rd daughter. Mom was probably wanting a son, so Kate gets brushed off as another girl, probably got hand me downs from sisters(would explain why she does not like anything that is not new). Got ignored, when brother was born, so Kate would do stuff to get attention, and it did not matter what? Kate said so herself, that her brother came to her defense, every time she was in trouble or did something. That is probably why she will do almost anything for attention now(good or bad). Her father was a Minister?, which means he was on a fixed income, they probably had not new stuff, were lucky to save for any trip, and her parents ran a camping ground, for extra income?. That is why Kate wants to travel, cause they went nowhere, Her parents thinking, why would they go anywhere, they live at a camp ground(most people pay/travel to go camping, all Kate & family had to do is step outside). I'm sure there were other things/issues that, makes Kate the way she is.
But, you know she is an ADULT, and we all make choices. I have no pity for her.
Just like that Toddlers & Tiara Eden Wood, her mother wants the fame and money, her mother on the View said, she had not given her daughter Red Bull(the girl called it her special coke drink), but in the T & T, they blurred the Red Bull can that was in the garbage can. Another stage mother liar. And that episode: pagent, was a fixed one, cause the talent agentcy was running it, Eden Wood was one of her clients and the girl won the top title. Totally Fixed!

Just my two cents said... 130

I remember playing escape from the orphanage with a friend of mine, from the age of nine to around 12. We'd play with the lights off in her basement and pretend we were out in the wilderness with our make-believe, younger siblings. A lot of children's books/movies focus on "kid power", where deceased parents are often the backdrop (Annie, Lemony Snicket series, Harry Potter, etc.). My friend based our game on the Boxcar Children, I believe. My friend and I both came from loving, two-parent households. It was a true fantasy at the time, because when you're a kid, your parents are invincible. Pretending to be on our own was a fun thing for us. I think the Gosselin kids are fine making a movie based on being orphans, it probably reflects the books they're reading and the movies they watch. I'm glad they have some imagination, despite having a joyless and inattentive mother.

Jane said... 131

Kate in West Palm Beach FL?

No idea if there's any truth to this. If it is accurate, who's with the kids?

Ahh! @kateplusmy8 in West Palm Beach meeting with designers #ElysaSuzanne!

@usweekly @kateplusmy8 spotted in West Palm Beach meeting with designers #ElysaSuzanne!

TLC stinks said... 132

Don't fall for it. Everything is edited. Making us comment is EXACTLY what TLC is hoping.

No Regrets said... 133

Speaking of that E poll that lists Jon as #5, well guess who is #6?? Seems the giddy fans FORGOT to mention that Kate IS right below Jon. Jerks. Why be happy that EITHER one of them is on a list with the likes of Casey Anthony and OJ. Disgusting.

HollyMo said... 134

AuntieAnn, thanks for that article!! Having now read it, I will pray for Roseanne and Khate to be locked in a room together until Khate has a "come to Jesus" moment! That would be something to see.

Hippie Chick said... 135

I JUST heard on the radio that people who spend a lot of time on twitter, FB, stuff like that, exhibit narcissistic behaviors, mania, anti-social behaviors & are disconnected from the "real world". Hmmm....

Gimme Gimme said... 136

The stress on M's face in the camper when Jamie was yelling at her, I know that look - it is not from a good place. It have lived it. I grew up in similar situations x1000, but it is all the same.

TLC should not air this, and they should not have Khate out promoting her kids anguish as drama. There could be a huge backlash if they are not careful. Even though it is edited those moments are captured in time and are very real.

Falling like a brick said... 137

Not sure what to think of this:

ashn02 Ashley Smith
@ENews @kateplusmy8 spotted in West Palm Beach meeting with designers #ElysaSuzanne!

10:24am Aug 11

Via Twitter.

Gimme Gimme said... 138

I wish Admin would publish the top 10, no one knows that. I was thinking how in the world did she not make the list. She was number one when I googled most hated moms.

Falling like a brick said... 139

Looks like tramp wear for the older woman.

Tamara said... 140

From the uber-drama clip (did you notice even the announcer sounds bored?) all I can see is that the kids had to live through every adult on the trip acting badly. Who cares if Ashley or Jamie were angry, or sad, or frustrated, or done. They are adults who CHOSE to be there and to allow their emotions to be captured on film and shown to the world. It is the kids, including Jamie's, whom I will feel bad for and think of. Not the abuse and exploitation participants.

silimom said... 141

so sick of her said...
Her father was a Minister?, which means he was on a fixed income, they probably had not new stuff, were lucky to save for any trip, and her parents ran a camping ground, for extra income?.


My understanding is that Kate's father is a part time lay minister. In other words, this is not his primary business - he is a business man. From what I've read, the campground is more of a place for RV's to park. The family has a rather nice home and is not "white trash" as many claim. Kate and her siblings went to a good, private Christian school, to the best of my knowledge. It doesn't sound like Kate was all that deprived as a child.

From what I have heard from locals, though, is that her father is very much like Kate and I guess there is another sister who is also similar to Kate in personality. Her mother, from reports, is more passive (like Jon).

We need to remember that our children learn from our example. It sounds like this was the case in Kate's family and she is passing along those same lessons to her own children, sadly. While I hope that the children reach a point where their lives are no longer filmed, I suspect that we will be hearing about the Gosselins for many years to come.

J. Heather Leigh said... 142
This comment has been removed by the author.
J. Heather Leigh said... 143

Kate is on this list.

silimom said... 144

Definitely looks like the type of clothing Kate favors.

How sad that both Jon and Kate are on that list. How old is it? I only ask because I've seen a tendency for gossip sites to run articles from 2-3 years previous as if they are new.

Stewmama said... 145

I wonder if Kate will be angry at Jon for upstaging her on that most hated list!

J. Heather Leigh said... 146

The article is dated TODAY..and I agree, it's sad. It's also ridiculous that they are both on that list with CASEY ANTHONY! That's crazy.

Troy Chula Vista said... 147

You notice that none of the pro kate sites have mentioned that kate is on the list as well, right under Jon.

fidosmommy said... 148

Admin said, re: Ashley's participation.....
I don't consider Sarah Palin a participant in this just because she was involved. Seems to me rather she just did her best to give the kids a nice camping trip.


I agree. Likewise, Ashley may be doing her level best to make these long journeys nice trips for the kids. As nice as they can be, anyway.

Until I hear otherwise from credible sources, I
am going to consider Ashley on Team Kids, trying
her hardest to do what Princess Diana did for her kids - show them there is more to life than the structure they are burdened by. There are
playgrounds and water rides and bikes and all sorts of fun things to do. Let's go do them.
You have to be back in your good clothes later, but for now, let's play!

Jenna Does said... 149

I agree. Kate's ratings were way down for her "promotion". And may I ask what kind of promotion was that? Typically when shows are being promoted, the station really pushes it's "star or stars" for promo, I would think. I think it's called a junket, or is that just movies? I dunno. Anyway, all Kate did was talk to radio stations, a few TV entertainment shows, & Today. Did she PUSH her show at all or just talk about herself? I didn't catch anything at all except WAAF here, because that's my hometown crew. (haha)

I know she talked about dating (again), but what about her kids? Same old? Did she even PUSH HER SHOW? If she wants ratings, she needs to get her ass off twitter & actually do things on her own, as a producer ya know, & DO IT! HA!
~Hippie Chick~

AuntieAnn said... 150

Bearswife -- You're welcome. At least Roseanne saw through the shuck and jive of it all and had the grit to stand up for herself. Kate is the opposite. She's a willing tool for people like Eileen O'Neill, which is her choice, but pimping her kids is just wrong. They are minors without a say whether Kate admits it or not. TLC couldn't care less what happens to those kids as long as they keep raking in money for them.

Falling like a brick said...Looks like tramp wear for the older woman.
Haaha. How true and that style is right up Kate's alley. Their clothes look like go-go dancer dresses from the '60's. The only things missing are the headband and the white boots. Kate wants to be groovy. lol.

Just Dwindle Away said... 151

Falling like a brick said...

Looks like tramp wear for the older woman.


Boy, does it ever. Cougarwear for the orange, bleached and plastic inflated.

Why is it every single thing she does is designed to make a spectacle of herself? She deliberatly makes herself as asinine as possible.

Kate, you need psychiatric help and part of you knows that.

No Regrets said... 152

"silimom said...Definitely looks like the type of clothing Kate favors."

I am not saying this because of Kate's involvement with the designer, but I sure do NOT like the designs at all. It looks like a horrible Pucci imitation. Ugh And I am not that crazy about Pucci's designs.

How sad that both Jon and Kate are on that list. How old is it?

That Epoll just came out today, supposedly. Odd the fan sites are leaving off Kate from the list. LOL A bunch of.....nevermind. :)

KI is a child exploiter and famewhore said... 153

Not sure if anyone caught this show last night on ABC but I thought it was really interesting about underage and famous child stars.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 154

Jane said...

Kate in West Palm Beach FL?

No idea if there's any truth to this. If it is accurate, who's with the kids?

Ahh! @kateplusmy8 in West Palm Beach meeting with designers #ElysaSuzanne!

@usweekly @kateplusmy8 spotted in West Palm Beach meeting with designers #ElysaSuzanne!


How sad for ElysaSuzanne.
I guess they did not get the memo that doing business with Kate is the kiss of death.

Oh well, on a more positive note- at least the kids are not involved.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 155

You guys have to read this article! I would LOVE to know what this REAL, hard working mother thinks of Khate, the woman who plays a mom on tv and twitters her days away complaining about how "hard" her life is and how she needs "support" from her fans:

How a D.C. area family with 11 children, ages 12 through 1, makes it work

Some excerpts:

Yep, Jen Kilmer has 11 children. They range in age from 12 to 1. No twins or triplets, but six sets of children born less than a year apart.


Yet Jen, 45, a stay-at-home mom, and husband Larry, 53, a high school teacher, make it work. And despite years of physical, mental and emotional exhaustion, the Rockville family says they’re having fun.

“We’re laughing a lot,” says Jen. “And within minutes, we can have a family soccer game. Not many families can say that.”

Not many families can say they need a 15-passenger van to go places together either. Or that they get mistaken for a day-care group when they go to a restaurant. Or that they go through two gallons of milk and two loaves of bread each day. Or that they spent six years with four children simultaneously in diapers.

Despite the high potential for pandemonium, the Kilmer household is orderly and unchaotic. Beds are made, clothes are folded and the children help around the house.

There is no secret formula to their success, says Jen (and aside from an occasional hand from in-laws, no outside child-care help either). But clearly, keeping on top of a family this size requires superhuman doses of organization and patience. Not to mention a level of personal sacrifice beyond measure.

“People are always asking, ‘How do you have time for yourself?’ ” says Jen. “But when you realize there’s more to life than yourself . . . I think time to yourself is overrated.”


Nine-and-a-half months after their wedding, their first child was born. Eleven-and-a-half months later, a second arrived. Today, the Kilmers’ children are ages 12, 11, 10, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 4, 3 and 1.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 156

(Part 2 of 2)

A day in the life

During the school year, Jen’s days begin at 5 a.m.
She lays out the children’s uniforms, makes lunches, then attends 6:30 Mass at the Shrine at St. Jude.

After Mass, Larry and the oldest boys leave for school.

The remaining school-age children get dressed, eat breakfast, grab lunches and walk to school. The youngest stay home with Mom, who finishes up the morning routine: cleaning from breakfast, making beds and putting in a load of laundry. This fall, two of the three youngest will start preschool, adding a little wrinkle to the established morning routine.

Getting everyone off to school can be chaotic, says Jen, but she rarely feels overwhelmed by her daily to-do list.

“So many people are surprised when I say that,” she says. “Maybe after a while you just have coping techniques.”


She does four to five loads of laundry each day.

By 9 p.m. all the children are in bed. It’s the first quiet moment Jen’s had since Mass more than 14 hours earlier.

“When the last one goes to bed, sometimes I sit down to relax,” she says. Some nights, she’ll take a 20-minute nap before tackling the rest of her work: cleaning the kitchen, more laundry and making sure uniforms are in order for the following day.


But a cramped house is just one of the challenges for the Kilmer family.

“We can’t stay in a hotel because the ratio of children to adults is too high,” says Jen. “We’re considered a fire hazard.”


The biggest challenge, however, is money.
The day-to-day expenses for a family of 13 can be staggering. The Kilmers’ grocery bills alone run about $300 per week. Add a mortgage, car payments, medical bills and home and auto repairs and the cost of Catholic school, and it’s not surprising that some months they find it difficult to make ends meet.


To supplement his teaching income during the summer, Larry runs week-long sports camps and paints houses.

Jen is careful about spending, cuts coupons and find ways to work with what they have.


“Every year it happens more and more,” he says. “And their generosity allows us to be generous to others.”

The Kilmers frequently pass along clothing they no longer use to other families. Another wonderful lesson, they say, for the children.


In the midst of the stress and commotion, the constant chorus of “Mom!” and the backbreaking pace, Jen remains calm and cheerful. It’s evident that part of what gives her peace as well as the confidence of knowing it will all work out is her Catholic faith.

Tamara said... 157

About the kids refusing to let themselves like or become close to another nanny/caregiver as a way to protect themselves, because they know the nanny will eventually leave and it will hurt, I wonder how this effects their view of teachers?

I also think that they wouldn't really trust their teachers or confide in them. Not because they are afraid of becoming close to them, but because they have learned that the teachers and other adults can't actually help them. Especially Mady and Cara. The twins must know that their teachers see what is going on at home and with Kate, but for the past 5 years not a single adult has changed their lives for the better. Their teachers are probably nice, and well meaning, but in the end, ineffectual and almost pointless.

Hope what I'm trying to say makes sense. I'm rambling and feeling the effects of jet lag lol.

AuntieAnn said... 158

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

You guys have to read this article! I would LOVE to know what this REAL, hard working mother thinks of Khate

Bet she doesn't even know who (or what) Kate Gosselin is. She probably doesn't have the time to watch trash on tv.

Great article. Thanks for posting it.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 159

What a great article, Nobody Likes a Narcissist!
Thanks for sharing it :o)

Kate could learn a thing or two from her.

Laurie said... 160

I guess the Ann Taylor Loft isn't giving her any more freebies so she's got to change her allegiance.....I'm betting that her twitties won't be able to afford this line of clothing.

Gimme Gimme said... 161

What channel is Rosanne's Nuts on?

Laurie said... 162

I think that's an old list and is just being reprinted becasue C. Anthony is now #1. I remember Howard Stern talking about this list months ago. Any other Stern fans remember when the original list came out?

PJ's momma said... 163

Gimme Gimme, Roseanne's Nuts is on Lifetime channel. I saw it last night (Wednesday) but don't know if it's on other nights too. I loved watching her interact with her family, her partner and even the locals.

Donna said... 164

Gimme Gimme, I think Roseanne's Nuts is on the Lifetime channel. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong.

silimom said... 165

carolina peach said...
per Dulcina's comment on the subject of the movie being "orphans". Did you see Kate's face when they showed that on the screen? Don't think she liked that one little bit.
Was this in the clip or was this during an interview? I can't find the reference for it.

Re: The family of 11 - Interesting article. However, I must admit to being a bit cynical whenever I read these articles nowadays. First off, it bothers me that we still glorify large families. Not because I think there's something wrong with large families - we have five children. But I'm not sure why that has to be news. For most people, it's a personal choice, whether it's based on your faith or a decision to undergo fertility treatments or just because you love kids, and most of those who have large families understand and accept the responsibilities that go along with it.

Second, I can't help but wonder what the ulterior motive may be behind this family agreeing to do the article. Are they looking for a reality show deal? And I hate thinking that way about people. Hopefully that's not the case with them and this was just a human interest story. But again, I'm not sure what the reasons behind writing the article were.

silimom said... 166

Auntie Ann said...Haaha. How true and that style is right up Kate's alley. Their clothes look like go-go dancer dresses from the '60's. The only things missing are the headband and the white boots. Kate wants to be groovy. lol.

Actually, I think she's trying to remake herself in the image of Carol Brady. Now all she has to do is find herself a Mike with 3 kids of his own and they can be the new Brady Brunch.

I really think her thoughts are 1) get a dating show 2) meet someone who is just as much of a narcissist as her and whose willing to sell their soul to the devil, or at least TLC 3) film the whole courtship and engagement 4) Film the wedding and honeymoon 5) film life as a blended family, ala the Kardashians.

No Regrets said... 167

"Any other Stern fans remember when the original list came out?"

This is a weekly poll. This one came out today.

Hoosier Girl said... 168

“So many people are surprised when I say that,” she says. “Maybe after a while you just have coping techniques.”
My favorite part of that article.

We've seen Kate's idea of "coping" ... screaming, demeaning, demanding, tears, etc. I seriously think she's stunted in development ... somewhere around junior high ...

No Regrets said... 169

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said.. Thank you so much for that article. Very interesting. Amazing to feed the entire family on 300 a week! And what she said about not being overwhelmed because you develop a coping mechanism is well said. That is what bothers me all the time about 'you know who'. LOL You get used to it.And they give back, no consighment shop. Amazing mother she seems to be. She has 5 more than I did. Whew I am tired just thinking about her!

silimom I can relate how you feel, but maybe they are just a nice Catholic family who got the attention of the reporter? I would imagine if they were looking for something they might have spoken up long ago. The kids started coming on the scene 12 years ago.

No Regrets said... 170

This company apparently does several types polls. One that they do yearly is the marketability of celebrities that companies use to market their products. The last one had Jon and Kate at the very bottom, practically. This one they do every week is to score who the "most hated" celebrity is, I think they also do "most liked" also.

E-Poll's E-Score Celebrity poll is conducted weekly, according to its website, ranking more than 6,000 celebrities based on 46 different attributes.

The results released Wednesday are based on research from the first week of August.

No Regrets said... 171

silimom you have to remember also that MOST normal people do NOT want a camera in their faces all the time. I know I wouldn't.

Regarding E-Poll that I posed the marketability of celebrities is done once a year, then updated weekly to gauge the 'mood' of the consumers. I had read that the E Poll is used by many companies to follow the public sentiment who is "in" and who is "out". They conduct several polls. Pretty interesting, BUT they mainly poll only 1,100 people above the age of 13, so not sure just how much of the population they do speak for.

Laurie said... 172

Sorry No Regrets but I don't follow the polls I just remember Howard talking about it on his show a couple of month ago. I didn't realize that it was a weekly poll but as I said, it just looks like a rehash of the one that was out a while ago which is why I thought they just replaced the #1 person. Maybe people are lazy and only vote on the #1 person. Jon has not been in the news for over a year so I don't see why he's still on it. Let's drop it as it's not that important.

No Regrets said... 173

I especially liked what the woman said in the article about "me" time. Not sure I agree entirely, but.. her priority apparently is her family.

"There is no secret formula to their success, says Jen (and aside from an occasional hand from in-laws, no outside child-care help either).“People are always asking, ‘How do you have time for yourself?’ ” says Jen. “But when you realize there’s more to life than yourself . . . I think time to yourself is overrated"

No outside child care? Whoa

Flight of the Kiwi said... 174

Well, no more George Lopez for Kate - his show was cancelled. They moved him back to make room for Conan's and didn't work. Last airing of Lopez is tonight...

While once again I haven't watched any clips, I'm willing to bet (I do that alot, someday I might even actually place a bet) Ashley is leaving of her own accord, moving on and has been planning to do so. It probably has nothing to do with Kate or Jamie. Still sad. Still probably her "exit" was withheld from the kids for the sake of drama (damn Kate and TLC for THAT).

I sort of remember a nanny glitch with princess DI - nanny was too close to the boys for DI's liking or some such thing and was let go but brought back for the boys sake after DI's untimely, tragic passing? Tiggy?

As for the family interviewed with all the kids - I do believe it. My kids went to Catholic schools here and there were several families with 9+ kids. Often recognized at year end - after so many kids tution is free :), really! Elementary and HS. Hubby had a friend who was one of 16 only "twins" were "Irish twins" - 9 months apart. For elementary school here your parish pays 1/2. Of course, you are expected to contribute to the parish those dollars if able (as well as pay the other 1/2 tuition) if not, what you can offer in time is as welcome and as valuable to the parish. HS, you are on your own, as the HS's are not diocesan supported, but there are payment plans. Scholarships - based on need as well as merit - are available as well for both elementary and HS from a variety of sources. We made our choice for a number of reasons and then made the necessary sacrifices. The kids were involved in the decision when they were old enough (4th grade on), never had any regrets (or so they say LOL).

Novel done for the day! ;)

Donna said... 175

Sorry, ElysaSuzanne, but most of your clothes are just butt ugly IMO. There are a couple of maternity outfits that were cute, but the regular women's wear was not pretty, mostly because I didn't like the fabric she used. There's no doubt that Kate will stand out in the crowd since most of the fabrics used are so bold, both in color and print. And it is typical 'cougar' wear, so it will work well for Kate.
Just when I thought she couldn't look any worse, now this.

No Regrets said... 176

Lsurie I couldn't agree more to dropping it. I only checked into when they released the big poll several months ago. Probably the one you are referring to.

Jon HAS been out of the news, it angers me that people can't understand that people DO change. SO what if he acted nuts for awhile. he has calmed down for well over a year. They just can't let it go. I saw uber fans even questioned how Jon could go to Florida. Why not? Kate goes all over the place, why can't Jon take a vacation? How silly is that?

Tamara said... 177

I sort of remember a nanny glitch with princess DI - nanny was too close to the boys for DI's liking or some such thing and was let go but brought back for the boys sake after DI's untimely, tragic passing? Tiggy?
Tiggy worked for Prince Charles, and Diana hated her because William and Harry adored her. Diana's obsession with her ex husband led her to accuse Tiggy of becoming pregnant with Charles' child and then having an abortion. Tiggy almost sued her for slander. And she was great with W and H, still is. They are godfathers to 2 of her kids.

It is very hard on kids when a parent is jealous of the nanny. Kids will always love their parents the most.

PJ's momma said... 178

Kate has worn that Elysa Suzanne stuff before. She tweeted about wearing it to the birthday party recently. It was a strapless number (covered by a hoodie because it was cold and rainy). They gave a shout-out and she (if I recall) hinted at wanting more. Who knows what she's doing in Florida or if it's even true. Who cares? Even if she grifts more free stuff, she has nowhere to go, no friends besides Jamie to have fun with, and the kids don't care that mom is traipsing around in $300 dresses. She is surrounded by stuff and no real relationships outside that household. What an empty life. I can't imagine the loneliness, but she does it to herself.

Just Dwindle Away said... 179

Interesting article about folks who deliberatly and constantly create 'stress' for themselves, as their daily way of life. The article calls them 'stress junkies'. When the word 'addict' is used here it refers to people who are addicted to being in an extreme state of stress.


Stress junkies indulge their habit in any number of different ways. My favorite methods include procrastination, perfectionism, obsessing about obligations, and inventing catastrophic fantasies about What Could Go Wrong. If this sounds like you, it may be time to examine your own addictive tendencies. But even if you're as unflappable as a Zen master, you're still dealing with stress junkies every day. There's your office manager who freaks out over every hitch in the workday. There's the friend who broods obsessively about appalling current events: terrorism, child abusers, killer bees—terrorism committed by child abusers using killer bees.

The common factor that links these very different personalities is their single-minded devotion to repeatedly creating specific kinds of upsetting situations. Why would anyone do such a thing? There are several very powerful reasons:

The emotional geyser effect: Most stress junkies have unhealed emotional wounds. The unresolved pain remains stuck in a sort of holding tank, filling it up until there is little or no space left. An explosion of anger or tears, like a geyser eruption, lessens internal pressure so that the addict can function until the pressure builds up again.

The anxiety diversion tactic: Creating stress is an excellent way to avoid dealing with the frightening tasks necessary for personal growth. Safe in the familiar cocoon of these stresses, we become gratifyingly numb to the uncomfortable knowledge that we need to take on deeper, more significant challenges.

The love hunt: This is a common syndrome for people who, in their formative years, never received much positive attention unless they were sick or hurt. Associating love with stress, they find a way to feel victimized whenever they want an emotional connection.

so sick of her said... 180

Donna: I agree with you 100%, they are ugly clothes, and best worn in Florida, not PA or NYC or LA, or even the midwest. Usually, people wear what is normally, worn in there part of the country. You know, LA has it's own style, NYC has it's style, just as the midwest has it's style, one does not usually mix the 2. Unless, one is looking for attention, going on a trip to Florida or as we see it, making an ass of themselves. Wearing hooker heels, when it is hot outside, only makes you look like a hooker, cause they are the ones who will wear shoes like that, no matter what the temp is. I also notice that the models, who do look familar, have bleached out hair, almost like Kates. The fabrics are ugly. These are styles I would see on wealthy older women in Florida or as you put it cougars.

Just Dwindle Away said... 181

Hoosier Girl said... We've seen Kate's idea of "coping" ... screaming, demeaning, demanding, tears, etc. I seriously think she's stunted in development ... somewhere around junior high ...


Hoosier Girl, I couldnt agree more and have said so before. Not only in her childish, pre-teen behaviors, but also her late 1980's - early 1990's way of doing things. Her 'taste' in makeup, decor, speech patterns... it is as if she just checked out and stopped interacting with the world around her at that time and is a perpetual pre-teen. Something happened that made her realize having tantrums and being offensive satisfied her needs. The needier she gets, the bigger the tantrum.

It's frightening really and enough to make me really pity her, except for the fact that she has decided emotionally harming her children is a good way to make up for something that happened to her 25 years ago.

Does it make it all better, Katie? Please get proper treatment. You are hurting your children and you are supposed to care about that.

Anonymous said... 182

Tiggy does remain close to Princes William and Harry. She was among the guests at the recent wedding of William and Catharine.

Tamara said... 183

No worries about the teachers this year. All of them, including the twins, will have loving, caring, wonderful teachers who are not new to this profession. These are among the best. The very best. If they don't do well under their guidance, then as a parent, I would really be concerned.
So are you saying that the teachers Collin and Alexis had last year weren't good, because the two of them obviously didn't do well.

And no matter how spectacular a teacher is, if a child's home life and parent(s) are abusive and exploitative, or having serious problems, the child will have problems as well.

Zoe said... 184

I enjoyed reading the Washington Post article about the family with 11 children 12 and under.

At the top of the article under the heading "More on this Story" I saw a link to "Live chat at 1 p.m. with Jen Kilmer" (saw it after 1 p.m., so just read what went on). Here's the link to the chat:

The following answer from the author of the article makes it seem like the family may have put themselves forward for the article:
A. Terri Sapienza :

Thanks for sharing your personal experience. When word got out that I was looking for a local family with lots of children, I was pleasantly surprised by the number of emails and calls I received. There are so many families in the area with 10+ children. And based on my conversations with those I spoke to, they all appear to be thriving and having fun.
But the saddest thing I read there was this exchange:
Q. Television show

Hi, Jen. Would you ever consider having your family participate in a reality television show?

A. Jen Kilmer :

Actually, we were asked today. I am scared out of my mind! Perhaps it will be more of a comedy!
When I read that my heart sank.

thankyoufairy said... 185

It sounds like the family in the article takes their Catholic faith seriously in that they are open to however many children God blesses them with. Sometimes this works out without a problem but in my grandmother's case, she suffered from very serious post-partum depression (probably bordering on psychosis) after most of her 12 pregnancies. She spent months in hospitals back when the treatment of choice was ECT.

I have a cousin who grew up as a middle child with four younger siblings. She had to spend her afternoons taking care of children from the time she was in junior high until she went to college. She also was expected to start dinner before her parents came home. She doesn't have children and doesn't want them because she says she already did her share of childrearing, all before she was old enough to vote.

I always worry that when we see television shows or read articles that have a "Cheaper by the Dozen" flavor, we might not get the full story.

Just Sayin said... 186

I guess the Ann Taylor Loft isn't giving her any more freebies so she's got to change her allegiance.....I'm betting that her twitties won't be able to afford this line of clothing.
Forget affording them, her tweeties are too young for them.
Changing thoughts here, I don't know if one of my comments on another thread was posted or not, but it had to do with children still loving their parents even though they are abused. I know everyone here is intelligent enough to know that, even though we clearly see the abuse,the kids have no clue it's happening. I was late twenties and early thirties when I had a hard time dealing with my mom never teaching proper social skills. I began to really hate her, do to the fact I really embarrassed myself while out with my friends. I learn on my own, but I admit that I now have to work on internalizing the hatred I had for my to now not liking that young girl I was.
It's kind of like a person who is psychically handicapped, they don't see their life as challenging because that's all they knew. When abused, physically or emotionally, you don't really GET IT that that is whats really happening. I think once the twins realize what is happening, it's all down hill from there. I'm sure one or some of them may defend her, but it's a matter of time and they will see. I hope Jon will teach them to forgive and move on, as he did, or there adult life will be hell. It's lonely without your parents, even if they are "sick". My prayers are for them. For that matter, for Kate also. What a lonely, miserable life she is and will live. Sorry this is so long. ~ Administrator said... 187

Tiggy was called in when Diana died to help comfort the boys. She was really a godsend during that time and I think even Diana wouldnt have objected if she couldn't be there. Many people have noticed how much Tiggy resembles Kate his wife. The boys were very lucky to have her and it's wonderful she's remained close. I wish all families with nannies like her could handle it that way.

No Regrets said... 188

"Zoe said...When I read that my heart sank."

Oh no. I held out some hope. :( ~ Administrator said... 189

I don't think there's reason for panic that big family has been approached about a reality show. There is every reason to hope a family as grounded as that knows how to handle a reality show properly. I don't think all reality shows are bad or that filming kids is always bad. Risky, of course! But doesn't have to be bad. I personally wouldn't film any kids of mine but I think there is a way to do a reality show about kids with safeguards.

There are many problems with how the Gosselins handle their reality show and we all know them. But one of the big ones is the length of time it's been going on. No break to let the kids get back to normal life. Filming the kids from babies to going on seven years now. If the reality show is kept brief, such as with the Palins just one season, I think that makes a huge difference in whether a reality show is bad for them. A reality show should be an anomaly, not a lifestyle.

I also think there are many topics and issues that shouldn't be filmed. If a family refuses to go there, that helps keep the reality show from being exploitative.

Further if a child is paid properly for his participation and given all the money he has earned and deserves, that keeps exploitation at bay.

And further, if a child is not worked to death, pulled out of school to work, prevented from taking part in camp to keep their schedule open for work, that of course helps.

The Gosselins, we all know, have violated just about every safeguard there should be to keep a reality show from exploiting the kids. One right after the other. All that said, the safest way to ward off a child being exploited is to never put them on a reality show in the first place. And I tend to air on the safe side.

I think I've mentioned before that a major network show has been filming a documentary at my workplace. One of those Primetime things. We were asked to participate. I think I only know one person of hundreds that said ok. I was talking about it today with a coworker, we don't consider what we do anyone's business but those involved. We haven't even seen them filming, we stay so far away from it. The whole idea makes us very uncomfortable and we are part of the majority.

Not everyone would do a reality show, tweeple. In fact, the vast majority want no part of it. ~ Administrator said... 190

I bet Kate is down south somewhere getting attention. She is dead silent on twatter.

If she is getting attention somewhere else, she doesn't need it from her tweeple.

Anonymous said... 191

This appeared on one of the Cat Fancy lists I belong to, and I thought y'all would appreciate it:

An old Cherokee Indian told his grandson, "My Son, there is a battle between two wolves inside us all. One is evil. He is anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies and ego. the other is good. He is joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy and truth." The boy thought about it, and asked, "Grandfather, which wolf wins?" The old man quietly replied, "The one you feed."

I guess we all know which wolf Kate feeds.

"If they don't do well under their guidance, then, as a parent, I would be concerned." The problem is, Anon This Time, Kate won't admit that there is a problem. She'll be likely to blame the teachers for not knowing how to teach, rather than admit that there's something wrong with one of her kids. As Tamara said, the best teachers in the world can't help a student who is unmotivated or whose parents are uninterested in the education process and don't support the schools and encourage the kids to achieve their best. From all we've heard, Kate is singularly uninvolved.


Just Sayin said... 192

Sorry, one more thing. Many yrs. ago, My mother went through rehab for RX abuse. The counselor told us...her six is what's known as a "pig mother". Instead of letting us suckle her nutrition, and teaching us the skills needed to become well rounded adults, she turned it around and snatched our childhood by remaining childlike along side us. She meant well, but children,even her,crave a balanced structure. Watching Kate is a de ja vu of my life. Thank God, when I was older, I had loving friends who took me under their wings. Their life and teaching was a great example of how to be an adult. To this day, my mom is 76yr., and still has never really grown up. Just like Kate.

j said... 193

oops, Sorry Admin. and Laurie. My first post beginning was a re-post from Laurie.

Anon This Time said... 194

As Tamara said, the best teachers in the world can't help a student who is unmotivated or whose parents are uninterested in the education process and don't support the schools and encourage the kids to achieve their best. From all we've heard, Kate is singularly uninvolved.


Excellent post, readerlady. This is why I am hoping against all hope that these teachers will be able to motivate the kids and foster interest in the education process, DESPITE their singularly uninvolved mother. If they can't do it, I don't know who can. I'm thinking positive thoughts because, well, I've seen it happen before.

Pixie said... 195

No worries about the teachers this year. All of them, including the twins, will have loving, caring, wonderful teachers who are not new to this profession. These are among the best. The very best. If they don't do well under their guidance, then as a parent, I would really be concerned.

************************************************Source, please? These 'insider' stories chap my ass. If you are going to post them, at least identify yourself and/or the source. ~ Administrator said... 196

Not that this is a big surprise, but a bunch of eyewitnesses are reporting seeing Bristol Palin filming her new reality show in L.A. with her son Tripp and seeing how the shots are staged, her taking forever to order food (suggesting retakes or time being spent setting up the shot), things like that. I.e., not reality. I can't get the video to work but here's the article. ~ Administrator said... 197

I apologize we didn't see the "insider" story about the teachers.

Now that the cat's out of the bag I have to say, it's a little silly to suggest that any one person can possibly know that every single teacher at an entire school is wonderful and amazing.

The merits of a teacher is an opinion for one. What some people think is a great teacher others don't. A teacher may be "nice", but absolutely lousy at teaching fractions. A teacher may come across as caring and loving, but it could all be for show for the adults. Once in the classroom she lets her guard down. This school is likely like any other school, with some fabulous teachers, and some not so fabulous teachers. It is not special.

I don't think you can really speak to the merits of a teacher without either spending a lot of time in their classroom, or knowing them for a very long time. The odds that most people know all the teachers at the school on this level, this deeply, are slim.

That is also putting an incredible amount of pressure on teachers to get these kids through what is going on. And frankly, I don't think this school is all too hot if it's letting these kids leave school whenever their mother darn well pleases to WORK and still let these kids stay enrolled. Not to mention what sounds like special treatment with the tutor coming in this summer Kate admitted was their teacher. What does that teach them, that if you're rich and famous you get special treatment? What about the school taking a stand against this exploitation and refusing to let these kids stay enrolled if they have to miss days for work? They are private, they could do it.

Kate really wants the kids to be at this school, if the school took a stand and refused to let the children stay enrolled absent a doctor's note for absences, her hands would be tied.

I see these school issues as very gray, not black and white. ~ Administrator said... 198

By the way just as a reminder, I'd really prefer no insider stories or opinions about this school from people claiming to know all about it.

The only insider information that's okay with me is when we're talking about this school as it relates to filming. I.e. when the kids were in Australia, I permitted information to be posted that school was in session for at least part of that trip. That's relevant, as it demonstrates the children are missing school to work.

fidosmommy said... 199

Re: Elyse Suzanne clothing line.

Not my taste, not in the least. Too bold, too
loud for anyone I know, most definitely for me.

There is one fabric pattern I believe we've seen on Kate before. She was shopping at Target or Giant and wore a dress with a gold roping and nautical knots pattern. I believe it was black or midnight blue background. Many on here mentioned that it was an unattractive pattern, and looked entirely out of place in that venue.
But I can see why Kate might like some of those dresses. They tend to accent the bustline and the shoulder. Yawn.

fidosmommy said... 200

Why is KateTweet in full sentences now? What happened to her TweetTalk?

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