This cupcake trend, I don’t know, the focus seems to be more on making an amazing-looking cupcake, jacking up the price several dollars of course, and very little time seems to be spent on how it actually tastes. Me, I could care less how it looks, I want to know if I will enjoy eating it. And so far the answer ranges from “not really” to “please pass me a napkin so I can politely spit this out” (that was the “peanut butter“ one that tasted like rancid cotton). When I can buy a cupcake mix and frosting for under five bucks at the grocery store and make an entire dozen that taste great, I become less interested in all those little shops popping up everywhere with the cutsie names like Sprinkles or Crumbs or, ugh, Hotcakes. A Google map of my city showing all the cupcake shops looks rather like it’s a map of all the fast food joints. There really cannot be this many cupcake places! Oh, but there is.
Anyway, obviously not my thing, but hey, if Mady and Cara love ‘em and if they must be filmed, why not do something they actually want to do for a change? They also get to take along two friends, whom I won’t name since I think there are enough exploited kids to go around already. I question any parent who would allow their child to take part in this exploitation, but at least the girls’ mother was permitted to come along and observe.
The District of Columbia requires theatrical permits for minors working in television programs. They are issued by the Board of Education. They are unclear whether reality show kids are included in all these regulations, but these shows are still a television program, are they not? Who knows if TLC bothered to get permits for these four minors, I hope they did. Washington D.C.’s child labor laws are nothing to write home about. Performers between the ages of 7 and 14 can work up until 11:30 at night. Very similar to P.A. Why a seven year old should be up that late working is beyond me. Although take note, TLC. Violation of these regulations could result in jail time. Hope you saved your Chance card!
Because the children are being raised like mini rap stars, they can’t just drive up to DC Cupcakes in the family 2008 Toyota like everybody else and do what everybody else has to do--spend a good 15 minutes searching for parking in Georgetown. No, they have to get chauffeured up in a sleek limo. Did they take a limo all the way from PA? Good grief.
I’ve been to Georgetown several times, it’s a pristine little neighborhood and I had friends who went to the great university there and loved it. But unlike most of D.C. you might want to see, there is no metro stop (by design, I believe), so you either cab it or drive. And there is never anywhere to park. You can even see from this episode the streets are absolutely packed with parallel parked cars. The one flaw to a really wonderful and safe area.
The DC Cupcakes owners Sophie and Katherine, who apparently are sisters, are politely excited that there is going to be a crossover with another pair of TLC sisters. In the latest attempt to try to make these mind-numbing episodes slightly more interesting, there are these little factoids that keep popping up and blocking the left corner of my screen. Such as, the twins like chocolate cupcakes. Astonishing. But better still would be little factoids about Kate. Maybe like: Not-a-boob-job: $16,000. Family members estranged: 27. Interesting stuff like that.
The cupcake ladies get the four girls involved right away and are good with them. Kate helps out a little too, and ugh, she only has one glove on and is wagging her long straw hair right over all the cupcakes! A blogger here emailed DC about these frightening unsanitary conditions and DC’s reply I guess was kind of like, uh, um, well this was a special case. We shoulda known. Kate is a narcissist. They always demand, and often get, special treatment.
Pardon me, triple exploitation! Not only are the twins being exploited for both DC Cupcakes and Kate Plus 8, but the little kids are home with Ashley getting the crap filmed out of them without a parent present on set again. In some states this is illegal, but sadly, PA isn’t one of them. Yet. Again I ask Kate, how can she possibly know that all of this filming is good for her children if she’s not even in the same state to monitor it? Kate really is clever. Why just leave the kids home to rot, might as well make some money off them. Like making sure you put your cash in an interest-bearing account.
Ashley sets up “summer games“ activities, boys versus girls, because their entire lives they‘ve been groomed that everything is boys against the girls. Potato sack races and cute stuff like that. Ashley is so good with them, I hope she remains a part of their lives. The very idea of her possibly leaving makes my heart just ache for those kids. I remain so baffled that someone who is probably a 21-year-old kid could have such insight into what these little ones really want and need. And yet their own 36-year-old mother who birthed them ….. Wait, what is Hanna wearing on the couch?! She’s got on some giant pair of black glasses. I hate to say it, but these kids have learned that the wilder and crazier you act, the better. Ashley says the boys are sore losers. Wonder what camping trip they learned that attitude from. Yikes, Collin shoves Joel so hard he falls over. Collin was expelled from school, and here we are a year later. Again, could Kate please explain how all this filming is helping this poor kid?
![]() |
Perpetually happy |
Everybody else is working. Kate is slurping. Slurping up bits of frosting off cupcakes, directly out of mixing bowls, out of a cup, pouring some into a child's mouth directly from the pastry bag. Could she be anymore annoying? It kind of reminds me of when she was eating off Jon’s plate at the restaurant. Keep your paws to yourself, and on your own food! Oh, by the way? Kate is totally the type you catch drinking the milk directly out of the milk carton and putting it back. She has the manners of a college freshman guy.
Commercials, and I just saw a promo for upcoming episodes. “I would die for these kids, but I can’t spend one more moment with her,” Ashley says tearfully as she kisses the kids goodbye. I think she would indeed die for these kids, she has been very invested in them for years and she’s a nice girl with a good heart and likely one of the only sincere adults these kids have left. I don’t care if she was talking about Kate or Jamie or her pet lizard, this has got to be one of the most disgusting things I have ever in my life seen a network do to a family--filming every last second of a departure of a child’s beloved nanny. Where the hell was Kate to put a stop to this? Because it sure looks to me like she was standing right there just letting it all be filmed. TLC has sunk to the lowest of lows with this one. I admit I did not like Ashley for the longest time, but lately she’s been growing on me and I think she really does put these kids first. I won’t go on about this right now because I’m sure I’ll have a lot more to say when I recap that one later.
We’re back. Um, okay, we’re taping cupcakes to headbands and putting them on. I just….don’t….get the fun of this stuff. Maybe I’m too much of a tomboy? Or an overpriced trendy cupcake hater? Back at the house, soccer. Event number six? I thought I’ve only seen two so far. Interesting choice of music, TLC, a Spanish-influenced “Ole” thing. Why, because it’s soccer and Spaniards love their futbol? How cliché of them. I went to my first professional soccer game last month and can I just say that leaving the game with a tie of 0-0 is the most unsatisfying feeling in the world? It’s sort of anti-American not to designate a clear loser. I see why winning-losing/good guy/bad guy obsessed Americans just never got on board with this sport. Hannah just mocked Joel on the couch, imitating him when he was trying to explain the soccer game. I don’t like that at all. This is the problem with no parent there to correct a child behaving like that. It’s a drag enough to have to do all these couch interviews, now Joel gets to be mocked by his sister too?
Ha, typical, Kate messed up some guy’s order. She was probably too busy sucking on a pastry bag to pay attention. It’s her new boxed wine. She goes out to give the guy, who is working very hard to be patient, the correct order, and on the couch is going on about how accidents happen and you just have to go with it. This from the same woman who wrapped her counter in a garbage bag like she was expecting it to catch an STD from her kids and declared that if any of the children spilled anything they would get down on the floor and pick up every single crumb. So I get it, Kate can cause all the accidents she wants, but if anyone else makes a misstep they are instantly done. Kate claims she loved interacting with (read: accosting) the customers. I’m not getting that the feeling was mutual.
Is it Georgetown cupcakes or DC cupcakes? That’s two entirely different names. I don‘t care enough to try to figure this out. Sophie and Katherine rave about how creative the girls are. I love adults that just sort of accept a child’s contributions for what they are and don’t say annoying stuff like “how about a little more blue here, or a bit more sprinkles there?” Why is it that the most supportive adults in the children’s lives are always complete strangers? By the way, the kids have also learned if it’s free, take as much as you possibly can. It’s a bit embarrassing to hear them explain that the girls basically made as much cupcakes as they could to take home, upwards of three dozen a piece. With these kind of cupcakes, that‘s a bill in the hundreds of dollars! Did no one ever say to them, when someone offers you a cookie, take only one? Maybe a dozen cupcakes each is reasonable, but three dozen??? You’ll get sick before you eat them all. This cupcake thing is just getting, well …. tacky. Uh oh, Sophie and Katherine are going on a bit too much about how awesome the girls are and not enough about Kate. Any moment now Kate is going to have to make a scene to ensure the attention gets back to her. And three….two…
“Who’s that guy standing over there?” Kate demands.
The camera pans across the street and there is an absolute dead-ringer for Steve waiting to cross the street. The twins and their friends look kind of disinterested in this spectacle as Kate flags down her pimp, Steve, snapping at him to go pull his doppelganger off the street. You can’t miss him, rat claws, he looks just like you! Kate brings out a cupcake to Steve 2.0, and it’s rather like we’re back in time and it’s seventh grade and you’re trying to tell a boy you like him so you give him your Cheetos. It’s all very awkward, and gets even more awkward when the guy wants a gluten-free one! Ha!
Wouldn’t you know it, they have gluten free cupcakes for Chad, which Kate bestows on him. “Do you know who gave you that cupcake?” a producer asked.
Chad is like, uh, no?
“Kate Gosselin,” the producer says, as if she just told him, Barack Obama, or Jesse Jackson, or Princess Diana.
“Okkkkay, so she’s the owner of the, uh, the baker?” the guy stutters, clueless. Butcher? Baker? Candlestick maker? Nope, still don't know who the hell she is. A little help here please. I really love this little part, because it's so representative of reality. Most folks of which? Are oblivious to one woman's deep-fried, skanky heeled quest to take over the world on the backs of her children.
Of course Kate assures us this did not bother her at all that he didn't know her. Just like that yeast infection did not itch at all, right Kate? Well, no matter, as Kate wants nothing to do with someone broken like him anyway, she has enough people to feed at home she says. I hate how all the adults are giggling and encouraging all this. Did anyone look at the kids? Because they are not amused.
Back at the Dionne compound, tug of war. The boys are losing pretty much every event, and the boys are starting to get frustrated. Some of the kids have lost their front teeth. I cannot believe we’ve been filming these kids long enough to see them lose teeth. They were babies who couldn’t even talk for pity sake when they first graced our screens.
The kids pass out their cupcakes to random strangers. Eh, it’s one thing to wag hair over your own cupcakes, but should you really be passing them out to others?
They’re a great group of kids, Katherine says. Of course they are, Katherine. Try telling Kate that.
Oh, wow, the kids thanked Kate “two billion” times for taking them here! Once again, we never see any of this alleged gratitude on camera. All I saw were kids kind of over Kate making an embarrassing spectacle of herself. And once again, shouldn’t Kate actually thank the kids instead? They thanked Kate for what? TLC set this trip up most likely, it was their shows and they wanted to cross-promote. If it were Kate’s idea, she would have been sure to tell us. Kate did nothing. All Kate did was steal frosting out of the mixing bowl, screw up some orders, and snap her fingers at her pimp to go bring over his broken twin.
They finally leave and pile into the limo with so many bags of cupcakes it looks like the Beverly Hills shopping montage in Pretty Woman. Embarrassing. They head to Annapolis and meet up with Jon’s aunt and uncle. Kate tearfully explains that it means a lot to her that the divorce didn’t divide them. I don’t think Kate understands that, especially two years into a divorce, most well-grounded, secure people who put kids first are able to put any kind of divorce behind them and be there for the kids. They never ceased to be their great-nieces and nephews just because Kate didn’t like that Jon wanted the exploitation to stop and filed for divorce from him. It is Kate who has let the divorce cause division in the family, not other relatives. Other people have commented how sort of sad Kate looked when she asked if they had seen Jon. It is kind of sad to see her look like that. Deep down? This woman is terribly unhappy, she really is. Deep down, I think she knows the divorce did not make her life better, it made it worse. She doesn’t quite get why Jon seems so happy with “what little” he has. She doesn’t understand why, even though she has everything you could need or want, she isn’t able to exude the same kind of attitude. Because you’re not really happy, Kate. None of these things make you happy. And it is rather sad. When it comes down to it, the one thing Kate Gosselin really is, is pathetic. And I never want to see anyone be this pathetic.
Of course, the relatives have seen Jon. Why wouldn’t they? In normal families you don’t estrange everyone away until you have no one. He actually stopped by to visit them with his girlfriend. That’s typical Jon, a guy who goes out of his way to stop by to see his aunt and uncle.
They break into some crabs. The girls love this, but Kate is shrieking of course. At some point the friends got ditched, I’m a little unclear when.
Back at the orphanage, of course the girls won the summer games. They won everything. The boys are so sweet, happily clapping for them. The kids loved it. Oh, Ashley, please don’t leave.
Annapolis is lovely, I’ve been there once. They close out the day with a relaxing boat ride. Uh-huh, this visit with Jon’s family has caused Kate to re-think her relationship with her parents and letting them see the kids. How convenient after five years she would just start thinking about this, and just as her most reliable babysitter can’t take it anymore!
I have a question for Kate. Maybe this could be answered on her upcoming episode where she takes questions. Why were the grandparents estranged in the first place? Presumably, if you’re going to prevent grandparents from seeing their grandkids, block a relationship as special as that, there should be a darn good reason. And if so, why would she be reconsidering letting them see them? Does that reason no longer exist? Or really, is it because there was never a good reason in the first place? If there were a good reason to estrange them, it doesn’t really make sense to let them see them until that reason goes away, does it?
I am imposing far too much logic on Kate, I know. The long and short of it is I suspect it was never about protecting the kids from toxic people; she more likely had some kind of personal disagreement with them that had absolutely nothing to do with their appropriateness as grandparents, and has been using the kids against them to punish them. Much like she has punished many people in her life who disagree with her, Jon notwithstanding, by using the children as pawns. Now, she just wants free babysitters, so she‘ll put aside any old disagreement if it means she gets something free. Checkmate. Yes, Kate, fragmentation is a word, for once. Make up words enough and you’re eventually going to hit on something that actually is a real word.
Maybe pictures will help Kate. Families should be like planaria. Cut them up and they should find a way to grow right back.
310 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 310 of 310 Newer› Newest»ADMIN remember the trip to Mexico for the photo shoot for People Magazine? She seemed to have a good time there. Reading by the pool and din din with Steve. LOL
Let's see - Places Kate's been since the first of the year - Oz and NZ; Tennessee; Baltimore; Washington, D.C.; NYC - frequently; South Dakota; Wyoming; Arizona; Nevada; Florida; more? -- that's more trips than I,- or most other people, have taken in the past 10 years. Sorry, can't feel sorry for her at all.
To compound the outrage over the milk issue -- the one time the kids were able to drink their fill of milk, in the episode where they walked to the neighbor's dairy farm, Kate counted it as a meal and didn't give them dinner. What kind of a mother does that? Yes, milk is good for kids, but it's certainly not intended to be a full meal, once kids are out of babyhood. And I doubt seriously that she's giving them soy milk or almond milk or one of the other "milks" on the market these days. As wayward pointed out, that is even more expensive than real milk.
If Kate is a role model, I am Mother Teresa. Rabid fans think "Consider the source" is a Kateism... remove rock and crawl out... quickly. Of course, her fan base is young, and perhaps they have never heard this... although that is scary, as well.
As for organic milk, soy milk, lactose milk, etc....Kate could surely purchase milk accordingly to meet her children's needs, so the whole debate of whether she can "afford" milk is lost on me. She is a millionaire.
JudyK said...
Jenna, I'm not seeing a post from Flight of The Kiwi, so I don't know what you are responding to. What is CD? I've obviously missed something? Thanks.
It was from the other thread! Sorry!!
"Gosselin8ComeFirst said... As if she is REQUIRED to have help on a daily basis because she has 8 kids. These kids are not babies anymore, and whoever said that she is required to have help when she is home? "
There is just no question that Kate is not capable of taking care of her kids alone. She never really has taken care of them by herself. I will never forget the PANIC in her voice when they were at some sea world type park and she had no "helper" and had to feed 7 of the kids alone! I think Jaime had taken one back to the hotel because she was sick. PANIC was actually in her voice. She didn't even have to cook! She only had order the food and just gave it them! I have never seen a 'mother' like this before in my life.
Silimom - I agree with you about being able to write off the interest on the mortgage (that's why we haven't paid our house off). I've got a question though....who gets to claim the kids? Does Kate get all 8 or do they split 4 and 4 becasue Jon is paying child support. If she gets all 8 that's a pretty big write off!
"Laurie said... Does Kate get all 8 or do they split 4 and 4 becasue Jon is paying child support. If she gets all 8 that's a pretty big write off!"
I have no doubt that SHE claims all 8. I could never see her giving Jon a break at all. Plus she does have them most of the time, so I suppose it is only right she has them. Yes it is a HUGE write off. That is why when people go on about how much taxes she has to pay, she has 8, plus herself as deductibles. LOL
Trying again.
If it doesn't work search Kate gosselin black and white picture in Google. I happen to stumble upon it while looking for Kate Middleton childhood pics, my mom is Canadian and is crazy about the new princess!
Tamara said...
Kate saying she doesn't "do" dietary needs or the like scares me. It makes me remember kids complaining of pain and illness for a month before she bothers to take them to a doctor. And of Cara's injury which she had ignored and then didn't want to wait around and spend her oh so precious time having the injury properly examined and treated. Being a sick or injured child in that house must be absolute hell. Very scary. Very dangerous. If one of her children was allergic to nuts, and often deadly allergy, or needed a gluten free diet, would she just tell them to suck it up, act like a man and take one for the team?
This is what really bothered me about the Gosselin "vomit fest" while deep sea fishing off of BHI.
6 out of 7 kids got sea sick. Motion sickness vomiting is not one and done. No. You are sick with repeated bouts of vomiting. 6 out of 7 kids were ill and Kate didn't even consider for a minute telling the captain to turn the boat around and get back to shore just in case one of the kids needed medical attention for dehydration, which was a very real risk.
But Kate took the risk because that bitch knew damn well that the crew was getting golden footage, a real "theme" for the episode to revolve around. Excellent promo material.
Kate allowed those kids to be filmed green around the gills and puking, laying in puke, and Kate even went so far as to hop out of the way, shriek and point to one boy covered in his own vomit. How disgusting.
Worse yet, Kate sat on her throne like a wide-eyed doe "people get sea sick"? How, as a mother, do you not take provisions in the case of sickness when you drag your kids out some 30 miles off shore? Dramamine, towels, change of clothes (at least a few clean shirts), ginger ale, crackers...
Kate probably could produce a reality show because it's been obvious for years now that she knows what makes the show, the ratings, what winds up on the floor and what the "hook" will be. The endless screeching, bad acting, facial expressions...Kate's got this down pat by now.
To think for a moment that the presence of cameras does not alter human behavior is absurd. Of course it does.
I *think* that I remember seeing the same fellow dialysis nurse bad mouth Kate in an interview act like Kate was her long-lost friend at the dialysis reunion. No one at all said that they liked her, but oh boy, show up with cameras and Kate's just the greatest!!
Sienna ACK thanks for the link. BUT ACK I wasn't prepared for THAT!! LOL
She tweeted about a new man in her life - she won't "settle this time". She SETTLED for Jon? Really, Kate? Constant digs. You really look GREAT doing that crap.
Again, I have no problem being wrong if kids get migraines it's just not something I'm familiar with or hear a lot about. Yet last I heard Hannah and Kate each had their own room obviously this has changed I suppose. I didn't mean offend anyone who has a child with migraines was not my point that it doesn't exist so please don't take what I said as that you have to tell me your child has it, I believe it. I didn't mean to step on any toes here.
To compound the outrage over the milk issue -- the one time the kids were able to drink their fill of milk, in the episode where they walked to the neighbor's dairy farm, Kate counted it as a meal and didn't give them dinner. What kind of a mother does that? Yes, milk is good for kids, but it's certainly not intended to be a full meal, once kids are out of babyhood
I'm loathe to defend Kate, but she said the kids were full and didn't want to eat. I can totally see that happening.
As a kid, my mom gave me whole milk with dinner and OMG, I LOVED milk! I wanted that so much more than food and if I downed my whole glass, I had nary any room for my meal.
It happened a lot- I had to really pace my drinking in order to eat. If those kids gulped down 2-3 glasses of milk, their little bellies would be full. The sad part is that those kids having unlimited milk seemed really novel to them. Why Kate was so damn stingy with milk is beyond me. I would never bemoan the cost of providing nutrition to my child. Who the f- does that?
Kate saying that all of those vacations were really work is an insult to each and every person who gets up every work day, shits, showers and shaves and puts in their time. Whether they like it or not.
She has to be one of the silliest women ever. And my word, she just can't stand her own company, given the way she pisses and moans away on Twitter when she's at that beautiful home.
She's truly sad and I believe a bit mournful that she lost Jon. When someone (Joy?) asked her if Jon moving on to another woman bothered her, Kate rejected the notion outright. That's nonsense. UNLESS she moved on to another man, which she denies, it hurts to be alone and know your ex is emotionally and physically involved with someone else.
I clearly remember seeing Kate running around in GIANT with her pink calculator and her stack of rain checks, saying:" I NEVER ever ever buy milk unless it's on sale or have a rain check"
She also said on this segment that she averagely "spends about $150,00 on groceries PER WEEK", but as she says that the cashier rings up the "stuff" the young girl at the register says:"$262,28".... ok so that's $112.28 MORE than what she says... she goes on to say that this time it's higher than normal because she fills her freezer with $25 worth of bread.. ok so that's still $87,28 off... WHY THE LIES? I agree it's VERY hard to stay on budget at the grocery store, heck I have two kids and it's difficult but if it's going to be filmed and burned on DVD's for eternity, WHY LIE about it... for someone bringing a calculator WITH her to the store she's VERY off... I can see 12 or 15 dollars off but almost 90 ?? I am not sure if it's part of her "almighty me" syndrome but it bothers me that she has no remorse about spewing lies and untrue information onto people. Any politician would be called on these lies if it was in other circumstances.Of course those were not the only things we know she lies about ( running 7 miles ahem?) but that's so obvious and the physical facts are THERE.
I hate to defend that witch but I remember the organic milk thing at the farmer's house and what she said was that organic milk is expensive. She didn't say she doesn't buy milk. She sort of implied it's not organic, not that it doesn't exist in her fridge. The kids did drink a lot of it and she said they were too full for dinner. I didn't read too much into it. And as for the recipes not containing milk, she said they had to be modified for the dialysis patients' special dietary needs. Maybe milk has a lot of carbs or something.
Tucker's mom, that episode really fried me too. I have been seasick more than once. I was on a tour once and there was no turning back - but everyone on the boat was so concerned that I was so green (didn't get to the upchuck stage) and were offering me dramamine for the trip back and my hubby was going to go back and get the car and come get me, since the car ride was much shorter than the boat ride! I swam and felt better, took the dramamine and was fine. But.....our friend, clueless as Kate, said later, "Wasn't that GREAT?" I wanted to punch her. Everyone on the boat but her and her husband approached me. But nothing's gonna stand in HER way! One disabled lady who had stuck by me for a while got a 'what the' look on her face as her eyebrows shot up at that remark. We never traveled with them again.
Know what gets me? She whines and whines about having no help, but what help does Jon have? He has Ellen, but they manage to feed the kids, keep them clean, get them to bed an dup again, get them out and about. He's not whining. If he had custody and had to get them off to school each day and do all the shopping, cooking, and other stuff, I really doubt he'd have help then either, because he couldn't afford it.
No Regrets: Oh, but Kate did settle for Jon. Remember she was prowling for a DOCTOR. She settled for a DOCTOR's SON. (She settled because 1.) He was cute 2.) He had just returned from traveling around Europe and Kate had never been outside PA (?? maybe) and 3.) He was in a relationship that Kate could screw up. Also he was younger than her so she could boss him around easier.
And good luck to her in not settling this time around. Even if she CAN find a man who is totally ignorant of her toxic personality most likely some one of that man's acquaintances will enlighten him before he actually commits. The only chance she has is to find a person who loves the cameras more than he hates her personality.
"Jake or Spencer may fit the bill said...
No Regrets: Oh, but Kate did settle for Jon. Remember she was prowling for a DOCTOR. She settled for a DOCTOR's SON. (She settled because 1.) He was cute 2.) He had just returned from traveling around Europe and Kate had never been outside PA (?? maybe) and 3.) He was in a relationship that Kate could screw up. Also he was younger than her so she could boss him around easier.
And good luck to her in not settling this time around. Even if she CAN find a man who is totally ignorant of her toxic personality most likely some one of that man's acquaintances will enlighten him before he actually commits. The only chance she has is to find a person who loves the cameras more than he hates her personality."
You ARE right, I did forget that. LOL She just sounds so freakin tacky, as usual, tweeting this junk. To not settle for the next man? Yes, good luck with that, I agree. She is SO specific in her 'wants'. He has to look like Steve. About Steve's age. Policeman like Steve. Someone with kids, like Steve. Wiser? The jury is out on that one. LOL She did say that cupcake guy was not for her. Yes, Kate we noticed he wasn't impressed by you AT ALL. So maybe being a Steve look alike with "good hair" might be just a tad restrictive and maybe shallow? I can't help but wonder what her 'friend', Steve's wife, thinks about this?
Let's see Kate won't buy milk unless she has coupons or it is on sale for the kids. She can't afford gymnastics for the kids. She can't afford/WON'T buy them cars when they are old enough. She won't buy them a diamond ring, they have to get a "job" first. She gets their haircuts at a Supercuts type of a place. She shops for them at Target, Old Navy and other cut rate/moderate priced stores.
She shops at Ann Taylor, White House Black Market, Guess, I don't remember all the stores she shops. Gets $900 haircuts, traveling out of state, via "a car". She tans, spas and gets her nails done every 3 weeks. Bought herself a diamond ring 'for her kids', of course. I would bet she has HUNDREDS of pairs of heels. I am sure I left out something.
I don't believe in spoiling kids, BUT the "golden platter" she speaks of applies to HER not the kids.
She whines becasue she 'works' so hard. She whines about no vacations for HERSELF. She whines about her free vacations with the kids. She whines because she has no 'help'. She whines she has no man. She whined when her BFF took her out on the town, (TLC's dime) but she still whined. She is just so unhappy. She is unhappy that Jon has moved on and she just can't. Her fans tell her their hard luck stories, she says in so many words "Yes but I have it worse!". She is SO stressed. She is SO tired. Sigh.
I've figured out the college savings thing! She takes them out of school without a worry, and has never read to them or helped them in any educational way because then they won't be able to get into a college, so she won't have to pay. What a great evil plan, Kate! ;)
"Sienna said...She also said on this segment that she averagely "spends about $150,00 on groceries PER WEEK."
I did not watch that segment, but wait a second, she JUST told someone (interview or something) that she spends $2000 a MONTH on groceries. LOL Anyone remember this? ADMIN I think you ever posted on that.
Man her lies just never end. And they are ALL on documented. LOL
Wonder how Jon feels that Kate settled?
Kate Gosselin @MiloandJack @mumbear9 @BarbGilmer @grisel1018 yes.preferred. Don't 'get it' if don't hav any.BUT not settling this X&will no wen I meet him
This was her reply to meeting a man with kids. So she settled for Jon huh?
Maggie said... Now, I do have migraines caused by weather changes and I've never heard of a 7 year old having migraines. Now, I can absolutely be wrong on this 100% and anyone feel free to correct me please...
Hi Maggie. Yes, small children get migraines. It is agonizing as a mom to see your little one go through this. My 2nd eldest daughter had them, beginning at age 6. In fact she was once hospitalized for a headache. After months of ER visits, we finally got approval from our HMO to see a pediatric neurologist. No cause was ever determined, but that doc was wonderfully supportive for her as he too had suffered with migraines his entire life and they used to sit and discuss their 'auras' together. She is 32 now and still gets them.
I can look back on her school pictures and tell that on some of those 'picture days' she was in a great deal of pain and it breaks my heart. Her 2nd grade picture is so sad, knowing she was obviously in such pain and vomiting and still tried to get through her school day.
This crying poor about the college funds is yet another huge lie with this freak. We started funds for all 5 of our grand kids. It is a special college fund through our bank. We are NOT millionaires, but the interest these accounts will accrue WILL be ample for them when or if they do go. And the monthly amount we contribute is certainly not even comparable to her contribution. (the percentage of what she makes) The accounts have many years to grow! She is just so full of it, it is ridiculous. I think she thinks everyone is just so stupid, they will swallow all her lies. OR she has just mismanaged her money so badly and it is not invested properly, which is even WORSE than lying.
PJ's Momma - The episode where Kate said she rarely, if ever, bought milk for the kids was one of the early ones - first season, maybe?
Jon manages to care for the kids with little help. Of course, he's used to it. He provided most of the hands-on childcare when he and Kate were together. I remember how outraged I was when he was being the SAHD and Kate was on her "literary tour" with purseboy. In an interview -- I don't remember if it was for the show or it was one of her "appearances", but she disparaged him, saying "he has help". That just made me livid, because we all knew by then that she didn't take care of the kids herself, even when Jon wasn't there for her to boss around and screech at. I remember the days when he got the twins up, fed, dressed and off to school; fixed Kate's coffee to her exacting standards and delivered it to her in bed; had an hour long commute to work, worked a full day and an hour long commute home; then took over the feeding, bathing, dressing, cuddling, playing with and putting to bed of the kids. Kate never had any idea how good she had it. Most mothers would kill to have a husband/father that involved with their children.
I clearly remember seeing Kate running around in GIANT with her pink calculator and her stack of rain checks, saying:" I NEVER ever ever buy milk unless it's on sale or have a rain check"
Milk never goes on sale in PA, unlike many other states. It is regulated by state law, Pennsylvania Milk Marketing Board (PMMB). If she was talking about organic milk being on sale at Giant, good luck. It is very rare to find it on sale there.
The not settling comment is Kate's out. Personally I don't think she wants a man (except Steve), she wants a dating show.
Re: the milk debate - this is from my nutritionist who works for Kaiser and is pretty mainstream - milk isn't a requirement, there are other ways to get your vitamin D and calcium. Humans are the only species that continue to drink milk past infancy. Milk has a lot of sugar and while nutrient wise it's better than juice for kids it's still has sugar so you need to think about that when serving it.
Children 5-8 should only have about 3 teaspoons of sugar a day. Pre-teens go up to 5-8 teaspoons. (Please note I'm talking sugar not carbs). 1 tsp = 4.2 grams. So a child the tups age should only have 12.6 grams a day. The twins anywhere between 21-33.6 grams.
1 cup of 1% lowfat milk has 15 grams of sugar.
Our nutritionist was not saying 'don't' give your kids milk, just make sure they have a well rounded diet. 2-3 servings a day of dairy is all that's needed.
Kate's excuse that milk is too expensive is a lame one. However, as long as the kids are given cheese, yogurt, and other dairy foods, milk really isn't required. The issue I have with Kate isn't whether she gives her kids milk or not but that I think she follows fad diets and wonky nutritional thinking, I think she has definite food issues/eating disorders and I think she is passing those on to her kids.
I just re-watched Cinema Verite on HBO. It's about America's first reality tv family, the Louds. The parents divorced on the show and their son Lance was said to have been on his deathbed at age 51 (he had HIV) and his only wish was for his parents to reunite.
Kate is delusional if she expects anyone to believe all of the kids want another daddy.
And the dig at Jon about settling-- hey Kate-- newsflash-- Jon is the one who traded up.
Marie said... Again, I have no problem being wrong if kids get migraines it's just not something I'm familiar with or hear a lot about. Yet last I heard Hannah and Kate each had their own room obviously this has changed I suppose. I didn't mean offend anyone who has a child with migraines was not my point that it doesn't exist so please don't take what I said as that you have to tell me your child has it, I believe it. I didn't mean to step on any toes here.
Hi Marie. I must have missed YOUR post about child migraines. I think my toes are fine (hehe) but thought I would take the opportunity to offer 'Maggie' some info. I had ER docs tell me that little kids dont get migraines either. I sure hope I didnt come across as snippy, I sure didnt mean to. :))
What I don't understand is how these fans can be so devoted to her after hearing her whine that she needs a vacation that isn't work-related. Good golly! Can't the sheeple put two and two together and see that she travels to parts that they will never see in their lifetime, gets the celeb treatment on a FREE vacation, and then she gets paid more for ONE episode than they will earn ANNUALLY in seven years!
It's just mind-bloggling, after the whining frenzy yesterday about how crazy work-related trips are, that sheeple aren't deserting her by leaps and bounds.
Maybe this confirms how stupid they really are, or how easy it is to pull the wool over their eyes.
Kate's excuse that milk is too expensive is a lame one. However, as long as the kids are given cheese, yogurt, and other dairy foods, milk really isn't required.
It might not be required, but what if they like it? Kids that age don't care about satisfying their dietary needs. Maybe they just like milk. Period. What if they would rather drink milk than juice? These kids work, and if they want to drink milk with all of their meals, then she should buy milk. It's their money.
Tucker's Mom said...Kate allowed those kids to be filmed green around the gills and puking, laying in puke, and Kate even went so far as to hop out of the way, shriek and point to one boy covered in his own vomit. How disgusting.
Agreed. But ya know what is even MORE disgusting? That 'one boy' was her son. Her son. She apparently felt the need to shriek over the mess, but it didnt occur to her that HER SON was in distress and needed his mother to comfort him and advocate for him so he could feel better.
I realize that apparently 6 children were in distress but 'the show must go on.' Having children of any number is too much mental and physical work for Kate, it is soooo much easier on Her Exhaustedness to simply not care about the helpless little people she gave birth to. Less work that way when ya simply do not notice and do not care - as she has said many many times.
by the way, sorry for the multiple posts, it is dark as night here at 1pm and thundering up a storm and I am just hunkered down with my laptop and PBS on the tv. :)) Nice relaxing Sunday!
With all the strife going on in the world, why would Kate want to go anywhere? I know she is always looking for a free trip, but seriously, not to sound like a total bitch, but it's not like Americans are loved in other countries right now. I entered myself & my husband in a free trip to Balize (sp) from Glamour magazine & my husband said, "Great, if we win, we'll sell the trip. I'm not going to Central America".
Kate wants all these free trips, but does she even consider the danger she puts her kids in when she crosses the border? She only looks at the beaches, the bikinis & the water...she isn't looking at the creepy weirdo guy eyeing her kids who wants to put them in the sex trade business or something. I'm not trying to start anything, but this is REAL. Kate DOES NOT SEE THAT.
~Hippie Chick~
She doesn't buy milk because she still gets ubber gobs of Juicy juice, I remember Ashley filling a cubby with the multiple boxes and bottles of it when they first moved to the mcmansion. She probably thinks the money she saves will allow her to buy more shoes and more nail treatments, remember this woman does not care about others no matter if they are her own flesh and blood.
No Regrets said...
This crying poor about the college funds is yet another huge lie with this freak.
I agree. The college fund thing is a story that sounds good and she's sticking with it because it makes her appear like a mother concerned about her children's future. Yeah, sure she cares. Biology 101: This is the same mother [the parasite] who exploits her kids [the hosts] until she's fully nourished but offers no benefit in return. She's made it pretty obvious that their education is NOT a priority when we know she yanks them out of school every chance she gets so they can earn some money for her. She's not at all worried about her kids future because when she's finished using them they'll be out of her life for good.
I remember seeing the NY trip preview with the kids in the kitchen, Mady and Cara now drink the sparkling kind in a can :
I wish I had a screen capture program on my PC to prove it.
Dont forget the 3 + hour "naps" she put the tups down for, while the twins were at school, so she did not have to deal with them until Jon got home. I suspect longer as this woman wouldn't know the truth if it bit her in the butt. So she had to care for the kids at home 5- 6 hours a day MAX Mon- Friday and-still decided that John needed to quit his job to "help her."
I suspect she had help even then, but did not want "help" in the house, but rather wanted Jon home so no one could witness and document her laziness, and failure to be a hands-on mom. A guess on my part of why Jon was never "allowed" to stay on in a full-time job away from home in a state government position.
Discussing times before TLC funded child care and she was their Golden Girl.
RE: The children with the Gosselins at the Cupcake Factory place. Admin said their mother's name was Jen. Jen Stocks was once a producer of Jon and Kate Plus Eight. I wonder if that's the same Jen. If so, it might explain why they were comfortable with the crew. They may accompany Mommy on some filming days when they are on vacation from school.
RE: Kate's veto rights. Does Jon have those same rights? Also, Kate probably thinks that changing baby diapers, toddler baths, toilet training, etc. are too relatable to let pass without sharing. Since Moms out there are supposed to think this is all cute and normal, she figures it belongs on her show. With no regard to the children in question, she
just put her "Mommy's Little Poopers" front and center of America's TV screens. No foresight, no discretion, just cuteness that will bring in
the viewers.
I have to wonder where some people park their brains.
Migraine Headache in Children and Adolescents
Do children get headaches?
Sometimes doctor's need to take a refresher course or two.
Sienna said..."
The teeth Kate has now are not the teeth she had in this photo. She must have gotten them straightened when she was pretty old.
I think Kate woke up sober. She is now trying to weasle out of the offer to the teen to be her exchange student. Tricky but I think she did it.
Bexiiii Rebecca Corrigan
@Kateplusmy8 follow me since I'm gonna be your exchange student? ;) x
43 minutes ago
in reply to ↑
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@Bexiiii then can I be yours? So I can visit your country too? :) lol
1 hour ago via Twitterrific
replies ↓
Rebecca Corrigan
Bexiiii Rebecca Corrigan
@Kateplusmy8 for sure! I'll be your tour guide! What a good deal :)) if only...
38 minutes ago
Re: Kate's 3.5 million - sorry if I seem to be lecture mode today. If I offend anyone, please accept my apologies. My intention is only to offer a different perspective.
Alot is made if Kate's income and her constant crying poor which, as much as anyone, bugs me to no end because the woman really has many blessings and should be thankful imo.
To put it in perspective, I want to share from my own experience. My husband works in the tech industry for a very stable company. Being there since the early days, he received stock options which have enabled us to invest a solid amount towards retirement and college.
We invest moderately to agressively in our portfolio. For the sake of easy math, I'm going to use rounded numbers, because math is not my strong suit. $200,000 invested moderate-agressively yields us roughly $4,000 a year in income before taxes. (we don't take it out, we just reinvest it into our portfolio).
Using that figure, $1,000,000 invested would yield us $20,000 a year in income before taxes.
Kate Gosselin makes a lot of money, no question. She does, however, pay taxes on that income and, while she does get freebies, she does have expenses. But let's say Kate was able to invest $2,000,000 of that 3.5 million she earned. That would yield her $40,000 a year in income before taxes.
Obviously she's made a pretty penny this year as well. So let's for arguments sake, say she was able to invest another million. Her investments should be earning her $60,000 a year pre-tax. I'm no tax expert, so let's just say she's in a 30% tax bracket. That means she pays $18,000 on that $60,000 (taxes are obviously much more complicated than I am presenting here - again this is just an illustrative example). Lets say her deductions reduce that $18,000 to $9,000. She now has $51,000 in income for the year.
When Kate says she doesn't have enough money, she's looking at that figure. And yes, that's not going to keep her in the lifestyle she's accustomed to. However, if she worked part time, plus Jon's alleged $12,000 a year in support and that $51,000, she could live modestly but comfortably and still be home when her kids are done with school.
My whole point in this comment was to show that Kate is 1) not poor by any stretch of the imagination and 2) is capable of supporting herself and the kids and never working again if she didn't want to. Kate does not HAVE to continue the show. She does so because she likes being famous and she likes the perks. She doesn't want to give up her current lifestyle.
I hope seeing the numbers puts it in perspective for anyone who thinks Kate has to keep doing what she's doing. Again, the numbers show she doesn't have to. She chooses to.
That's a big difference.
gotyournumberKate said...
The teeth Kate has now are not the teeth she had in this photo. She must have gotten them straightened when she was pretty old.
She had braces put on after she married the dentist's son. There's always an ulterior motive with Kate. And she says she settled? pffft.
Kate, what is saucer kraut? This is more than just a typo which I make myself, just as everyone does, but you are just plain dumb AND uneducated. Tell me, Kate, who is the Speaker of the House...quick! Google it. It's sauerkraut and it is ONE WORD. You so obviously did NOT write your books yourself. You can't spell cat and you have to ask if "fragmentation" is a word and call yourself an's just beyond belief. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, about you is a fabrication and a LIE. You are an absolute IGNORANT, SELF-IMP0RTANT BITCH, and that's the truth.
This expression always makes me laugh: "...just made me throw up in my mouth." Where else would one throw up? In the ear?
Lol, I totally get what you mean, but I don't think people throw up in their mouths. Most throw up out of their mouths, no?
No Regrets said... Let's see Kate won't buy milk unless she has coupons or it is on sale for the kids. She can't afford gymnastics for the kids. She can't afford/WON'T buy them cars when they are old enough. She won't buy them a diamond ring, they have to get a "job" first. She gets their haircuts at a Supercuts type of a place. She shops for them at Target, Old Navy and other cut rate/moderate priced stores.
She shops at Ann Taylor, White House Black Market, Guess, I don't remember all the stores she shops. Gets $900 haircuts, traveling out of state, via "a car". She tans, spas and gets her nails done every 3 weeks. Bought herself a diamond ring 'for her kids', of course. I would bet she has HUNDREDS of pairs of heels. I am sure I left out something.
I don't believe in spoiling kids, BUT the "golden platter" she speaks of applies to HER not the kids.
She whines becasue she 'works' so hard. She whines about no vacations for HERSELF. She whines about her free vacations with the kids. She whines because she has no 'help'. She whines she has no man. She whined when her BFF took her out on the town, (TLC's dime) but she still whined. She is just so unhappy. She is unhappy that Jon has moved on and she just can't. Her fans tell her their hard luck stories, she says in so many words "Yes but I have it worse!". She is SO stressed. She is SO tired. Sigh.
Let's face it. She's a sick piece of sh*t.
I wish one of her sheeple would ask her if it's true that she really does not buy milk for her kids.
We all know thst her kids love chocolate milk (from the episode where they all walked over to a neighbors farm). So it's not like they're lactose intolerant.
Oh, and as far as Kate being rude to the young ladies at the supermarket- that was just one of Kate's personalities, rearing it's darling head.
Kate is tri-polar (I stole that saying from "Roseanne's Nuts").
The reason that the sheeple do not call her on her vacation whines is that most of them are teens (above tweet from a 15 year old who can't wait for the show tweet party tomorrow) who do not work or pay for vacations - anything she says is music to their brains. And then you have to think about a grown woman with 8 children who spends her free time (and time she should be spending with her children) tweeting to teenagers. Sad, pathetic and scary.
There is no man for Kate, no matter what she tweets. She has immature relationships with ALL the men in her life, past and present - it doesn't take any kind of pop psychology even to see that, from her father to the first fiancee to making her moves on a much younger Jon. Who in hell would want her with all of her baggage, and since she never opens her wallet to pay for anything that TLC won't, she's no catch for a golddigger kind of guy. Shallow, immature and vapid, who even wants to date her.
Now the twit is twattering about tomorrow night's dinner: pork chops, saucer (sp) kraut and mashed potatoes, the kid's fave. Will Mumsie join them for a meal - god no, she just nibbles at rabbit food - horrible, horrible role model. I will wager that when the kids are with Jon & Ellen, they sit down as a family and everyone eats together, and eats the same meal. I will also wager that the twins do not makes meals or babysit on these weekends either - maybe they help, which is normal for their age, but no adult is sleeping in or tweeting all the damn day.
With all the strife going on in the world, why would Kate want to go anywhere?
I SINCERELY doubt that Kate has a clue what is going on outside of her own little fantasy world.
Warning: nitpicking coming up:
BigFanofKateG BigFanofKateG
@Kateplusmy8 call my cell phone (401) 954-xxx-xxxx
I presume that someone changed the area code either on purpose or by accident. 401 is the area code for Rhode Island
I presume that someone changed the area code either on purpose or by accident. 401 is the area code for Rhode Island
For what it's worth, that's her cell phone. Doesn't have to have area code where she resides.
To Donna,
From one Kentucky girl to another, Hi! I agree that many of our fellow Kentuckians struggle with our language. I console myself by saying it's because so many Kentuckians actually come from other states and have brought their poor
grammar/spelling with them! ;-)
My husband & I took a small weekend trip to the coast this year w/ our son & THAT was our vacation. We didn't stay at the Ritz, but we LOVED where we stayed (the same place as every year) & we love the beach & we were together. We had a blast, the weather was great, we ate great food & laughed & laughed. I would rather do that on our own dime than a) feel like an ass about grifting on twitter for a free ride somewhere & b) keep it private & only have the photographs that we took & the videos on our little Kodak Sport that we will have for years to come.
I don't understand why Kate feels the need to have to go everywhere for free. She can't go to a travel agent & say "I would like to take my kids here", or go to Orbitz, or even AAA? How hard is it to plan a vacation? It's not rocket science. You pick a destination, pick a week, pick a hotel, rent a car, buy some airline tickets & pack some bags. Um, Kate Gosselin will NOT get mobbed by paparazzi, her name will not be splashed over the rag-mags, it will NOT be front page news. In fact, it would be a nice gesture if she took her family on a vacation that SHE paid for & didn't film & I'm sure her kids would love to go some place without cameras in their faces & just spend time as a family unit NOT working.
~Hippie Chick~
Re: "Saucer" kraut: From what I understand from others who tweet via phone, some have auto correct and sometimes the phones "correct" a word that doesn't need correcting = "saucer" kraut. I think it even happened to Admin not too long ago.
Alisa Marie
nativechica04 Alisa Marie
@Kateplusmy8 Do you not go to church anymore?
43 minutes ago
in reply to ↑
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@nativechica04 yes we do! Every week we are home and I have the kids!!
No. Didn't she just (no more than a month ago) tweet that she had found the perfect solution: She listened to live streaming church service and the kids all joined her in her bedroom or some such. I swear one of us is crazy. Or this new theory of the many, many, many personalities is not so far fetched. I think #26 is tweeting this morning.
Apparently Kate doesn't feel TLC is doing enough to publicize her show. She is holding a contest for free advertising. The winner gets a signed copy of her book.....LMAO!!!!
Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
1st @Kateplusmy8 contest! Fan who makes/displays most creative sign 2 advertise K+8 tom&also posts pic on twitter wins an (..continued 1/2)
Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
(2/2) Signed copy of 1 of my books-ur choice! My kids/myself will choose winner. Ad must incl 'watch K+8 9pmEST (or correct x) TLC ..cont..
Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
..cont.. All laws must be followed and sign must be posted/pic tweeted by 8am tomorrow! Sound fun? Can't wait to see your artwork! :)
How sad and pathetic. The sheeple will be falling all over themselves on this on.
Molly12 said...
Apparently Kate doesn't feel TLC is doing enough to publicize her show. She is holding a contest for free advertising. The winner gets a signed copy of her book.....LMAO!!!!
Good grief!! This is a far cry from her TV and radio promo "tour." Isn't she preaching to the choir? Her tweetie fans already watch. LOL
What "laws" do her fans have to follow? If it's the one about no one under 18 can participate, that leaves out a huge portion of her fans.
Whoever designs the best funniest do NOT watch Kate Plus 8 sign/photoshop will win a $10 Target gift card compliments of this site. Not a joke! Have at it.
nit picker: She has stated several times that she's from Rhode Island, but just moved to Hershey. It's her cell phone number, based in RI. What a doofus.
@KatePlusmy8 if you tweet me back I'll name my first born daughter after you. :)
Now I've heard everything. Desperate for a tweet?
"Most throw up out of their mouths, no?"
LOL! Yes! But it goes from the stomach into the mouth before it goes out of the mouth!
"Kate, what is saucer kraut? This is more than just a typo which I make myself, just as everyone does, but you are just plain dumb AND uneducated."
Maybe she did mean saucer kraut. Maybe that's what the kids call it. Kind of like pasketti. Or maybe it was auto-correct.
"I think Kate woke up sober. She is now trying to weasle out of the offer to the teen to be her exchange student. Tricky but I think she did it."
There's a danger of tweeting while under the influence, or tweeting before you think. She's going to encourage someone who takes her seriously, and then when she shuns them or weasels out of it, they are going to get mighty ticked off. I hope she doesn't do it to someone within driving distance...
Administrator said...
Whoever designs the best funniest do NOT watch Kate Plus 8 sign/photoshop will win a $10 Target gift card compliments of this site. Not a joke! Have at it.
Can not wait to see pics. I love that you chose Target. If I win, will you send a pap to take my photo in the parking lot? I promise to show lots of cleavage and wear my best stilletos. I might even throw in some side boob ;-)
Dueling contests! Love it, but I have limited creative talent. Jeez, that twitter 'ho is really bored today. Doubt she puts it down when the kds come home, either. Thosr kids who miss her so very much.
OMG Kate, you settled for Jon??? Well then, what was all that over the top screaming and emoting when Jon gave you an engagement ring?? Did you forget that little scene captured for all eternity for anyone and his dog to look at and know you are lying again. You set your cap for him and wore him down and when he proposed you were all over him. You settled for nothing. You manipulated the situation to get exactly what you wanted.
She needs to seriously give all this lying a rest.
Whoever designs the best funniest do NOT watch Kate Plus 8 sign/photoshop will win a $10 Target gift card compliments of this site. Not a joke! Have at it.
But I want a signed copy of Admin's cookbook! ;)
I'm still seething about the milk issue. That ugly bitch can pay for designer clothes, high-end hair salons, manis/pedis, tanning, etc. but can't afford to buy the kids milk. The family court judge needs to know this. Calcium is vitally important to growing children. I know there are other ways of getting it other than milk, but KIDS.NEED.MILK.PERIOD. and that bitch doesn't feed the children well enough for them to get the calcium they need without supplementing with milk to drink.
Now I have another reason to hate that bitch.
Midnight Madness said...
nit picker: She has stated several times that she's from Rhode Island, but just moved to Hershey. It's her cell phone number, based in RI. What a doofus.
My reply was to someone who said the 401 was a typo b/c it's a RI area code. I was saying that's her cell phone number. Who's doofus?
Admin: If I had the first inkling how to photoshop or had any imagination to make a sign about not watching, I would gladly donate my services and not want a penny. Sadly, someone with way more skills in this area than me will need to step up!! Great, great idea however.
Poor Kate. Her dryer isn't drying. I wonder if she went outside and checked the vent, or cleaned the lint filter! She doesn't need a man or tools to do that!
Hey everyone, I'm enjoying all the comments here as usual! But, I just saw the one about Khate's "contest" and I am laughing hysterically. DESPERATE! She's such a joke, it's really pathetic. Good luck with that "promotion" Khate, it's sure to lure in more viewers, ha ha ha!
Hmm, I just took a very quick look at Twitter, and one tweet stood out. Does something here sound a bit familiar to you all?
Livin4LifeLove Living4Life
@EmeraldCityJazz @us100k @Kateplusmy8 Are you crazy? Oh yes you are. Why would I think that? I try & stop bullies like YOU!
15 minutes ago
chelseamrae Chelsea Mosher-Rae
@KatePlusmy8 if you tweet me back I'll name my first born daughter after you. :)
1 hour ago
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@chelseamrae I'm tweeting u back but only to mention that that's a serious request! I DO like my name so it's not a bad idea... Just sayin'
48 minutes ago
But, isn't her name actually "Katie"?
Troy Chula Vista said...
Wonder how Jon feels that Kate settled?
Kate Gosselin @MiloandJack @mumbear9 @BarbGilmer @grisel1018 yes.preferred. Don't 'get it' if don't hav any.BUT not settling this X&will no wen I meet him
This was her reply to meeting a man with kids. So she settled for Jon huh?
I thought Kate (out of her mouth) saw Jon, fell in love with him, and stole him from another woman.
That friggin' liar can't keep up with all her tall tales.
Apparently, Kate's re-writing a new version of her "story".
So generous:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
I'll extend it to outside the US with a different prize... So two prizes to be awarded. US and one outside US! Go for it!
48 minutes ago
So, explain to me how this is supposed to help ratings at all?
@EmeraldCityJazz @us100k @Kateplusmy8 Are you crazy? Oh yes you are. Why would I think that? I try & stop bullies like YOU!
LOL! The sheeple troll unmasked!
Yes - her name is Katie Irene. She was always called "Katie" in school. I wonder how the tweeter will feel about giving her daughter that name! It's so "Mennonite-ish" (in Kate speak). Nothing against the name, but I don't think that one is trending right now.
"My reply was to someone who said the 401 was a typo b/c it's a RI area code. I was saying that's her cell phone number. Who's doofus?"
Bigfanofkateg. For listing her phone number on Twitter! Not you! Sorry about that.
Bigfanofkateg. For listing her phone number on Twitter! Not you! Sorry about that.
No problem. LOL Sometimes I can be a doofus.
Dr. Gosselin must be spinning in his grave over Kate's statement that she "settled" for Jon. And no doubt for Dr. G's money and support and possibly even love. How I wish there were some way to make sure all this BS bites her in the butt, sooner rather than later.
I can't help but think back to when the kids had their dentist visit filmed for the show. The younger kids had cavities and Kate blamed Jon because it was his job to brush their teeth. I wonder if those cavities were instead a result of insufficient calcium intake. Kate deflecting the blame again!
I wonder if Kate will have the "winner" of her contest pay for shipping and handling of her 50c book?
Wow! Remember this from last night? A sheeple tweeted Khate that she left a gift for her at Starbucks. Well, of course, Khate wasted NO time at all in getting her butt over to Starbucks today for the gift!!
@Kateplusmy8. : don't forget...I left a Treat for you at Starbucks drive thru in Wyom.....good luck on this seasons shows! Xxxoxoo a friend
23 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@us100k you did? When? Was I supposed to know that?
23 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8. I left it there for you on Weds ! Ask at drivethru...from "Donnamarie". Enjoy!
22 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@us100k omg sure thing! Thanks!!!
22 hours ago
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Thanku DonnaMarie 4 Starbucks gift card u left4me@Wyomissing SB! I hear u r the kind SB fairy&treat othrs in drivethruline oft! Awesome!
2 hours ago
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@us100k Wanted to make sure you got my thanks for Starbucks card! Your kindness is amazing! And our SB friends agree! :)
1 hour ago
@Kateplusmy8 enjoy! I am Amazed at the "haters" out there....please know there are so many really nice peeps too! Love my Starbucks friends!
1 hour ago
WTH?? Why would anyone want to gift Khate with a Starbucks card?? These sheeple are nuts!!
Midnight Madness, I am the one who made the comment about 401 being the area code for RI. I only read tweets that are posted here, and I may have missed one about the fan having recently moved from RI to PA. Thanks for clarifying.
I wonder if Kate will have the "winner" of her contest pay for shipping and handling of her 50c book?
She'll send it USPS Media Mail, not Priority! Otherwise, shipping/handling will be more than the book is worth!
By the way, I must have missed something. What is she planning on doing with this ad/photo? I really doubt if TLC is planning to use it on its website!
E-town Neighbor said...
LOL! The sheeple troll unmasked!
I wouldn't be surprised at all if that is the one. She seems to LIVE on twitter, befriending and chatting with anyone who tweets Khate. She tweets hundreds of times a day and seems like a lonely old woman with nothing else to do.
Midnight Madness said...
By the way, I must have missed something. What is she planning on doing with this ad/photo? I really doubt if TLC is planning to use it on its website!
Beats me. It seems like busy work for her fans, like they're pre-schoolers!
Can Kate "run" a contest to promote a TLC show? Does TLC have to approve it? What ARE those contest rules you find in small print?
What??? said...
Alisa Marie
nativechica04 Alisa Marie
@Kateplusmy8 Do you not go to church anymore?
43 minutes ago
in reply to ↑
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@nativechica04 yes we do! Every week we are home and I have the kids!!
No. Didn't she just (no more than a month ago) tweet that she had found the perfect solution: She listened to live streaming church service and the kids all joined her in her bedroom or some such. I swear one of us is crazy. Or this new theory of the many, many, many personalities is not so far fetched. I think #26 is tweeting this morning.
Yes, just another lie that she is unable to keep straight because she spews them so rapidly and so often.
Also, notice how she answers that she goes to church only when she's home and has the kids. Um, if church is so important to her, why does she only go when she has the kids? She's saying she doesn't go on weekends when she is alone. Why not? Oh that's right, too busy sleeping in and tweeting her butt off all day! Oh, and rushing over to Starbucks to pick up that free Starbucks card from a sheeple!
Regarding contest entries:
DreamMagTalia Talia☮Danielle
@Kateplusmy8 just an idea: an email to send our entires will we know if u received them?
LOL! Good question. Just another example of how Kate NEVER thinks things through.
I loved the twitter in which Kate said when her motivation to "run" is low, new music or a PHOTO SHOOT helps.
Yes, Kate. Most of us just go out and have photo shoots.
And this contest of hers is cracking me the hell up! How desperate! She really must have been warned by TLC about ratings. Thing is, maybe three or four weirdos will advertise the show on a sign or their car window and that's it. So yeah, that won't help, darlin'.
And wow, how generous, a signed copy of one of her books? Most of the die-hards who would make a sign are the only ones who bought her book! Ha!
Great prize, Kate. Maybe they can get 50 cents for it at Half-Price Books.
I knew I'd enjoy the end of her show, and I am.
And we have an entry, lol! This should really be great for some laughs!
dowd24 susan dowd
@Kateplusmy8 here it goes lol
28 minutes ago
dowd24 susan dowd
@Kateplusmy8 here's a better pic
23 minutes ago
dowd24 susan dowd
@Kateplusmy8 I moved it in2 the hall
6 minutes ago
Still LOLing at the sign thing. How DOES she expect this to help anyway? I agree about TLC, they told her she's on thin ice and she's in panic mode but she's so darn stupid that the only things she can come up with to help ratings is a pyramid scheme and a lame sign contest. Maybe this is why she took flying lessons so she could fly down the coast with a giant banner attached to the plane Watch Kate Plus 8!!!!
LOL. My contest is better. :-) Post on it coming.
I have always considered the source. Especially when it's Kate talking/lying.
OMG, the win a prize fom K8 entry is hysterical; what are those - milk jug caps and wine corks? And she spelled it out twice, what a colossal waste of time. i would rather fold socks. Or clean grout.
It just made me furious that Kate said she ''settled'' for Jon!! That witch is never, EVER going to find a man half as good as him and she knows it. He has so many great qualities and was a wonderful husband to her until she decided she was a star and he had to go. She lost everything when she lost him. There aren't too many men around that would do all the things he did for her, and she knows it.
She is unhappy, unmotivated and stressed because she doesn't have Jon, plain and simple. What man would put up with her ''golden platter'' mentality? She has no right to blame Jon for anything. He is a great Father, he's kind, he's funny, he's outgoing, he's cute, and he's no wuss. He's athletic and manly.
Kate took Jon for granted and I would bet a million bucks that she would take him back in a heartbeat. Her constant bashing of him only tells me that she protests just a little too much. I think she still loves him but would never admit it. Of course, I might be wrong, but that's the way it looks to me.
I just saw what brought about this little contest on twitter and let's just say it's another FAIL for Khate. It began like this:
HspncElvis Glen Franco
@LEIGHSHAHAN1 @Kateplusmy8 How about a Kate+8 Monday at 9pm PST sign on my front yard? Going to far? ;)
2 hours ago
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@HspncElvis @LEIGHSHAHAN1 no way! I double dare you..! Take a pic and tweet it! Hilarious!
2 hours ago
LEIGHSHAHAN1 leigh shahan
@Kateplusmy8 Do you think writing "Watch Kate+8 Monday 8CST" with window chalk on my Truck would be going to
2 hours ago
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@LEIGHSHAHAN1 no! Again I dare you! I'm dying to see pics! In fact, great idea! I'll start my 1st contest with a prize...Watch next tweet..
2 hours ago
And then she did the three tweets already posted above by someone else, about the "contest". She said it's for "Fan who makes/displays most creative sign 2 advertise K+8 tom&also posts pic on twitter."
Well, I think the sheeple are confused and think that just making a sign or display and tweeting a photo of it is what Khate wants. BUT, what prompted it was the sheeple who joked about putting a sign on his lawn. Khate is looking for sheeple to ADVERTISE her show, not just post a pic with the name, time, and TLC on Twitter.
This whole saga can just be filed away under "Dumb and Dumber"!
Would never occur to Kate pay it forward (the Starbucks Card)??? anonymously would be best, but even for PR? Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme Gimme
What the sh*t is that contest entry? OMG, yeah, THAT'S worthy of one of Kate's stupid books! About on par with the books, anyway. That is hee-haw funny!
Is Kate unaware of paying it forward - as someone gave her a Starbucks card - ....
Gimmee gimmmee gimmee gimmeeeeee
oopsie ;( sorry about double posting
New post y'all! I hope everyone enters my contest I'm getting pretty nervous about ratings!
Flight of the Kiwi so many people have funny names here but I have to say I still sometimes snort when I see yours. She's such an idiot.
Also did it ever occur to Kate to tell her fans, "how sweet of you to get me a Starbucks card but really I'm so blessed I'd love it more if next time just donate to "insert favorite charity here.""
For pity sake.
Somebody (TLC?) needs to rein this stupid bitch in. She has completely lost her mind. She wants people to advertise the upcoming show via front yard and vehicle? This goes way beyond desperation. This is just more proof of how truly crazy she really is. I'm anxious to see if she'll totally ignore the kids when they get home and keep on twittering.
What a joke! The problem is, viewers have seen ENOUGH of over-exposed Kate, with her mass advertising, and wasting way too much space (and time) on various shows.
Does Kate & her star struck, love sick sheeple think they will change the minds of people that refuse to tune into her horrible show?
Sorry Kate. There's a rude awakening, up ahead....
How about yours?.....
Mine too.
I agree that Kate is ungrateful! Whatever happened to all that hogwash about "giving back?" Such nonsense this woman spews from her mouth. Greedy grifter to the max. No better explanation for her behavior. Don't expect truthful answers on tomorrow night's show. Twist and spin is all you'll get. Continuing to vote with my remote. Are we helping to keep up interest by supporting blogs like this one? I surely hope not. Admin, you do a great job.
Donna said...
Somebody (TLC?) needs to rein this stupid bitch in. She has completely lost her mind. She wants people to advertise the upcoming show via front yard and vehicle? This goes way beyond desperation. This is just more proof of how truly crazy she really is. I'm anxious to see if she'll totally ignore the kids when they get home and keep on twittering.
August 14, 2011 3:31 PM
Yes, kids are home and she's still tweeting away. Must have missed them bad seeing as she was in WPB mid-week.
What??? said...
Alisa Marie nativechica04
@Kateplusmy8 Do you not go to church anymore?
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@nativechica04 yes we do! Every week we are home and I have the kids!!
No. Didn't she just (no more than a month ago) tweet that she had found the perfect solution: She listened to live streaming church service and the kids all joined her in her bedroom or some such. I swear one of us is crazy. Or this new theory of the many, many, many personalities is not so far fetched. I think #26 is tweeting this morning.
This was Kate's tweet on June 26:
@PeggyScot @curlywandy I'm so thrilled2hav discov livestream of r service.Works well 4 all of us 2 attend!Kids bounce in on sun am rdy 2go
There was discussion here about whether it was broadcast on local tv and she simply got the kids up on Sundays and they all watched together at home or whether she actually took them to church and while they were in Sunday School she sat in a separate room watching the stream of the service somewhere else. Since that original tweet about the streaming service she's said they only attend church when she has the kids (not that she goes to church or watches the stream from somewhere when she's alone).
There were comments at the time about WHY she didn't sit with the rest of the congregation in the sanctuary, ie: was there a behavior problem and the kids were only allowed to attend Sunday School if she was close by or whether she thought she was above sitting with the common people because she is a stahhh.
The original comments from our discussion about this are here:
LOL, what is up with this:
AskBabyMama Baby Mama
@Kateplusmy8 I post the contest on the Fan Site so that all Twitter People Will Know. Should I specify anything else?
30 minutes ago
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@AskBabyMama contest for MY twitter followers only.. Not your fan site fans, if that makes sense? Thanks...
22 minutes ago
Seems like an odd way to respond to one of her biggest fans who has a fan blog where she just wants to let fans know about Khate's Twitter contest. WTH is wrong with Khate? "MY" twitter followers. Well, yeah duh, that seems pretty obvious. BM just wanted to let fans on the blog (all 5 of them) know about the Twitter contest. If they don't follow Khate, all they have to do is follow her on Twitter to enter the contest. Is Khate too dense to realize that the fan blog could actually help get her more Twitter followers by posting about her dumb contest?
Not for nothing, but Khate is not only confused, but she should also should be aware of the fact that there are very complicated contest laws in most states. I'm too busy to bother looking it up right now, but I hope she screws this up.
Oh, new post! Okay, one of us has to start letting others know when there's a new post (please?). I feel like an idiot every time I'm hanging out posting comments and I don't even realize there's a new post up, lol!!
Oops, sorry, I just saw that Admin did tip us off about the new post. Tanks, Admin!
Also, this comment:
Administrator said...
Also did it ever occur to Kate to tell her fans, "how sweet of you to get me a Starbucks card but really I'm so blessed I'd love it more if next time just donate to "insert favorite charity here.""
For pity sake.
Exactly! That is exactly what she said have said and done. But, nope, Khate was just so excited to get a free Starbucks card! I'm dying to know how much it was for!
You know, Khate could have also said what you said Admin, and then said she is going to match that amount by donating to a local charity. It's so disgusting that she gets praise for doing a "giving back" episode, and then she gobbles up sheeple donations for free Starbucks while so many people are in such dire need of basic food and nutrition right now.
"Exactly! That is exactly what she said have said and done. But, nope, Khate was just so excited to get a free Starbucks card! I'm dying to know how much it was for!"
She can't do it because she doesn't have one charitable bone in her body. Kate is her own charity. Even if she did, she couldn't THINK to say that. Something is sadly missing in that department.
She also could have said that she's going to pay for the person's order behind her in the drive-through. ANYTHING!
We recently went to a local restaurant for breakfast. I asked for the check. The hostess, who knows us, smiled and said that someone had paid our bill. I have no idea why because we're not in need of free breakfasts. I asked her why. She told me that this person "just liked the way you looked."
Our next stop was the grocery store, where I paid for the elderly woman's small order behind me. You receive kindness, and you pass it along.
Is she hitting the bottle again? This advertising stunt goes beyond bizarre.
If everyone starts sending her freebies, gift cards, tee shirts, dresses, gifts for the kids, whatever, will the IRS come knocking? LOL!
@ Westcoaster. LMAO, l think they are clothes pegs...
@ Sharon....I couldn't agree more! Jon WAS her "golden platter" and she threw it away. What a stupid, stupid woman. If l was 40 years younger, l'd be after him!
No regrets said... she whined about the dryer not working, duh Kate - you have another dryer right next to it.
Kate lies about everything- you can always tell when she is,because her lips are moving! She may not buy milk, but the help does.She goes to church with the kids by being in the same room ,listening to the live stream.
She runs 7 miles in her head and she thinks no one will call her out, and they don't! If someone did, she would just say we don't know how to hear her properly!
Kate is a sick, pathetic, twisted ,lonely woman, who has no idea how to be alone, be a mother, friend or wife to anyone. She is sressed near the breaking point with the thought that her show is circling the drain.
It's everyone else's fault because she has no insight whatsoever and probably never will.She needs help, big- time.
N.E. Psychologist - are you busy for the next ten years or so? LOL!Of course, you would have to make house calls!!!!
Dwindle Away Wrote:
Maggie said... Now, I do have migraines caused by weather changes and I've never heard of a 7 year old having migraines. Now, I can absolutely be wrong on this 100% and anyone feel free to correct me please...
Hey, I never wrote this. I think Marie did. I responded to Marie and said that the 3 little girls share a bedroom now. Remember when the Gosselins first moved in their home in 2008 Hanna was to get her own room because she had headaches. Again, I did write the above.
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