This cupcake trend, I don’t know, the focus seems to be more on making an amazing-looking cupcake, jacking up the price several dollars of course, and very little time seems to be spent on how it actually tastes. Me, I could care less how it looks, I want to know if I will enjoy eating it. And so far the answer ranges from “not really” to “please pass me a napkin so I can politely spit this out” (that was the “peanut butter“ one that tasted like rancid cotton). When I can buy a cupcake mix and frosting for under five bucks at the grocery store and make an entire dozen that taste great, I become less interested in all those little shops popping up everywhere with the cutsie names like Sprinkles or Crumbs or, ugh, Hotcakes. A Google map of my city showing all the cupcake shops looks rather like it’s a map of all the fast food joints. There really cannot be this many cupcake places! Oh, but there is.
Anyway, obviously not my thing, but hey, if Mady and Cara love ‘em and if they must be filmed, why not do something they actually want to do for a change? They also get to take along two friends, whom I won’t name since I think there are enough exploited kids to go around already. I question any parent who would allow their child to take part in this exploitation, but at least the girls’ mother was permitted to come along and observe.
The District of Columbia requires theatrical permits for minors working in television programs. They are issued by the Board of Education. They are unclear whether reality show kids are included in all these regulations, but these shows are still a television program, are they not? Who knows if TLC bothered to get permits for these four minors, I hope they did. Washington D.C.’s child labor laws are nothing to write home about. Performers between the ages of 7 and 14 can work up until 11:30 at night. Very similar to P.A. Why a seven year old should be up that late working is beyond me. Although take note, TLC. Violation of these regulations could result in jail time. Hope you saved your Chance card!
Because the children are being raised like mini rap stars, they can’t just drive up to DC Cupcakes in the family 2008 Toyota like everybody else and do what everybody else has to do--spend a good 15 minutes searching for parking in Georgetown. No, they have to get chauffeured up in a sleek limo. Did they take a limo all the way from PA? Good grief.
I’ve been to Georgetown several times, it’s a pristine little neighborhood and I had friends who went to the great university there and loved it. But unlike most of D.C. you might want to see, there is no metro stop (by design, I believe), so you either cab it or drive. And there is never anywhere to park. You can even see from this episode the streets are absolutely packed with parallel parked cars. The one flaw to a really wonderful and safe area.
The DC Cupcakes owners Sophie and Katherine, who apparently are sisters, are politely excited that there is going to be a crossover with another pair of TLC sisters. In the latest attempt to try to make these mind-numbing episodes slightly more interesting, there are these little factoids that keep popping up and blocking the left corner of my screen. Such as, the twins like chocolate cupcakes. Astonishing. But better still would be little factoids about Kate. Maybe like: Not-a-boob-job: $16,000. Family members estranged: 27. Interesting stuff like that.
The cupcake ladies get the four girls involved right away and are good with them. Kate helps out a little too, and ugh, she only has one glove on and is wagging her long straw hair right over all the cupcakes! A blogger here emailed DC about these frightening unsanitary conditions and DC’s reply I guess was kind of like, uh, um, well this was a special case. We shoulda known. Kate is a narcissist. They always demand, and often get, special treatment.
Pardon me, triple exploitation! Not only are the twins being exploited for both DC Cupcakes and Kate Plus 8, but the little kids are home with Ashley getting the crap filmed out of them without a parent present on set again. In some states this is illegal, but sadly, PA isn’t one of them. Yet. Again I ask Kate, how can she possibly know that all of this filming is good for her children if she’s not even in the same state to monitor it? Kate really is clever. Why just leave the kids home to rot, might as well make some money off them. Like making sure you put your cash in an interest-bearing account.
Ashley sets up “summer games“ activities, boys versus girls, because their entire lives they‘ve been groomed that everything is boys against the girls. Potato sack races and cute stuff like that. Ashley is so good with them, I hope she remains a part of their lives. The very idea of her possibly leaving makes my heart just ache for those kids. I remain so baffled that someone who is probably a 21-year-old kid could have such insight into what these little ones really want and need. And yet their own 36-year-old mother who birthed them ….. Wait, what is Hanna wearing on the couch?! She’s got on some giant pair of black glasses. I hate to say it, but these kids have learned that the wilder and crazier you act, the better. Ashley says the boys are sore losers. Wonder what camping trip they learned that attitude from. Yikes, Collin shoves Joel so hard he falls over. Collin was expelled from school, and here we are a year later. Again, could Kate please explain how all this filming is helping this poor kid?
![]() |
Perpetually happy |
Everybody else is working. Kate is slurping. Slurping up bits of frosting off cupcakes, directly out of mixing bowls, out of a cup, pouring some into a child's mouth directly from the pastry bag. Could she be anymore annoying? It kind of reminds me of when she was eating off Jon’s plate at the restaurant. Keep your paws to yourself, and on your own food! Oh, by the way? Kate is totally the type you catch drinking the milk directly out of the milk carton and putting it back. She has the manners of a college freshman guy.
Commercials, and I just saw a promo for upcoming episodes. “I would die for these kids, but I can’t spend one more moment with her,” Ashley says tearfully as she kisses the kids goodbye. I think she would indeed die for these kids, she has been very invested in them for years and she’s a nice girl with a good heart and likely one of the only sincere adults these kids have left. I don’t care if she was talking about Kate or Jamie or her pet lizard, this has got to be one of the most disgusting things I have ever in my life seen a network do to a family--filming every last second of a departure of a child’s beloved nanny. Where the hell was Kate to put a stop to this? Because it sure looks to me like she was standing right there just letting it all be filmed. TLC has sunk to the lowest of lows with this one. I admit I did not like Ashley for the longest time, but lately she’s been growing on me and I think she really does put these kids first. I won’t go on about this right now because I’m sure I’ll have a lot more to say when I recap that one later.
We’re back. Um, okay, we’re taping cupcakes to headbands and putting them on. I just….don’t….get the fun of this stuff. Maybe I’m too much of a tomboy? Or an overpriced trendy cupcake hater? Back at the house, soccer. Event number six? I thought I’ve only seen two so far. Interesting choice of music, TLC, a Spanish-influenced “Ole” thing. Why, because it’s soccer and Spaniards love their futbol? How cliché of them. I went to my first professional soccer game last month and can I just say that leaving the game with a tie of 0-0 is the most unsatisfying feeling in the world? It’s sort of anti-American not to designate a clear loser. I see why winning-losing/good guy/bad guy obsessed Americans just never got on board with this sport. Hannah just mocked Joel on the couch, imitating him when he was trying to explain the soccer game. I don’t like that at all. This is the problem with no parent there to correct a child behaving like that. It’s a drag enough to have to do all these couch interviews, now Joel gets to be mocked by his sister too?
Ha, typical, Kate messed up some guy’s order. She was probably too busy sucking on a pastry bag to pay attention. It’s her new boxed wine. She goes out to give the guy, who is working very hard to be patient, the correct order, and on the couch is going on about how accidents happen and you just have to go with it. This from the same woman who wrapped her counter in a garbage bag like she was expecting it to catch an STD from her kids and declared that if any of the children spilled anything they would get down on the floor and pick up every single crumb. So I get it, Kate can cause all the accidents she wants, but if anyone else makes a misstep they are instantly done. Kate claims she loved interacting with (read: accosting) the customers. I’m not getting that the feeling was mutual.
Is it Georgetown cupcakes or DC cupcakes? That’s two entirely different names. I don‘t care enough to try to figure this out. Sophie and Katherine rave about how creative the girls are. I love adults that just sort of accept a child’s contributions for what they are and don’t say annoying stuff like “how about a little more blue here, or a bit more sprinkles there?” Why is it that the most supportive adults in the children’s lives are always complete strangers? By the way, the kids have also learned if it’s free, take as much as you possibly can. It’s a bit embarrassing to hear them explain that the girls basically made as much cupcakes as they could to take home, upwards of three dozen a piece. With these kind of cupcakes, that‘s a bill in the hundreds of dollars! Did no one ever say to them, when someone offers you a cookie, take only one? Maybe a dozen cupcakes each is reasonable, but three dozen??? You’ll get sick before you eat them all. This cupcake thing is just getting, well …. tacky. Uh oh, Sophie and Katherine are going on a bit too much about how awesome the girls are and not enough about Kate. Any moment now Kate is going to have to make a scene to ensure the attention gets back to her. And three….two…
“Who’s that guy standing over there?” Kate demands.
The camera pans across the street and there is an absolute dead-ringer for Steve waiting to cross the street. The twins and their friends look kind of disinterested in this spectacle as Kate flags down her pimp, Steve, snapping at him to go pull his doppelganger off the street. You can’t miss him, rat claws, he looks just like you! Kate brings out a cupcake to Steve 2.0, and it’s rather like we’re back in time and it’s seventh grade and you’re trying to tell a boy you like him so you give him your Cheetos. It’s all very awkward, and gets even more awkward when the guy wants a gluten-free one! Ha!
Wouldn’t you know it, they have gluten free cupcakes for Chad, which Kate bestows on him. “Do you know who gave you that cupcake?” a producer asked.
Chad is like, uh, no?
“Kate Gosselin,” the producer says, as if she just told him, Barack Obama, or Jesse Jackson, or Princess Diana.
“Okkkkay, so she’s the owner of the, uh, the baker?” the guy stutters, clueless. Butcher? Baker? Candlestick maker? Nope, still don't know who the hell she is. A little help here please. I really love this little part, because it's so representative of reality. Most folks of which? Are oblivious to one woman's deep-fried, skanky heeled quest to take over the world on the backs of her children.
Of course Kate assures us this did not bother her at all that he didn't know her. Just like that yeast infection did not itch at all, right Kate? Well, no matter, as Kate wants nothing to do with someone broken like him anyway, she has enough people to feed at home she says. I hate how all the adults are giggling and encouraging all this. Did anyone look at the kids? Because they are not amused.
Back at the Dionne compound, tug of war. The boys are losing pretty much every event, and the boys are starting to get frustrated. Some of the kids have lost their front teeth. I cannot believe we’ve been filming these kids long enough to see them lose teeth. They were babies who couldn’t even talk for pity sake when they first graced our screens.
The kids pass out their cupcakes to random strangers. Eh, it’s one thing to wag hair over your own cupcakes, but should you really be passing them out to others?
They’re a great group of kids, Katherine says. Of course they are, Katherine. Try telling Kate that.
Oh, wow, the kids thanked Kate “two billion” times for taking them here! Once again, we never see any of this alleged gratitude on camera. All I saw were kids kind of over Kate making an embarrassing spectacle of herself. And once again, shouldn’t Kate actually thank the kids instead? They thanked Kate for what? TLC set this trip up most likely, it was their shows and they wanted to cross-promote. If it were Kate’s idea, she would have been sure to tell us. Kate did nothing. All Kate did was steal frosting out of the mixing bowl, screw up some orders, and snap her fingers at her pimp to go bring over his broken twin.
They finally leave and pile into the limo with so many bags of cupcakes it looks like the Beverly Hills shopping montage in Pretty Woman. Embarrassing. They head to Annapolis and meet up with Jon’s aunt and uncle. Kate tearfully explains that it means a lot to her that the divorce didn’t divide them. I don’t think Kate understands that, especially two years into a divorce, most well-grounded, secure people who put kids first are able to put any kind of divorce behind them and be there for the kids. They never ceased to be their great-nieces and nephews just because Kate didn’t like that Jon wanted the exploitation to stop and filed for divorce from him. It is Kate who has let the divorce cause division in the family, not other relatives. Other people have commented how sort of sad Kate looked when she asked if they had seen Jon. It is kind of sad to see her look like that. Deep down? This woman is terribly unhappy, she really is. Deep down, I think she knows the divorce did not make her life better, it made it worse. She doesn’t quite get why Jon seems so happy with “what little” he has. She doesn’t understand why, even though she has everything you could need or want, she isn’t able to exude the same kind of attitude. Because you’re not really happy, Kate. None of these things make you happy. And it is rather sad. When it comes down to it, the one thing Kate Gosselin really is, is pathetic. And I never want to see anyone be this pathetic.
Of course, the relatives have seen Jon. Why wouldn’t they? In normal families you don’t estrange everyone away until you have no one. He actually stopped by to visit them with his girlfriend. That’s typical Jon, a guy who goes out of his way to stop by to see his aunt and uncle.
They break into some crabs. The girls love this, but Kate is shrieking of course. At some point the friends got ditched, I’m a little unclear when.
Back at the orphanage, of course the girls won the summer games. They won everything. The boys are so sweet, happily clapping for them. The kids loved it. Oh, Ashley, please don’t leave.
Annapolis is lovely, I’ve been there once. They close out the day with a relaxing boat ride. Uh-huh, this visit with Jon’s family has caused Kate to re-think her relationship with her parents and letting them see the kids. How convenient after five years she would just start thinking about this, and just as her most reliable babysitter can’t take it anymore!
I have a question for Kate. Maybe this could be answered on her upcoming episode where she takes questions. Why were the grandparents estranged in the first place? Presumably, if you’re going to prevent grandparents from seeing their grandkids, block a relationship as special as that, there should be a darn good reason. And if so, why would she be reconsidering letting them see them? Does that reason no longer exist? Or really, is it because there was never a good reason in the first place? If there were a good reason to estrange them, it doesn’t really make sense to let them see them until that reason goes away, does it?
I am imposing far too much logic on Kate, I know. The long and short of it is I suspect it was never about protecting the kids from toxic people; she more likely had some kind of personal disagreement with them that had absolutely nothing to do with their appropriateness as grandparents, and has been using the kids against them to punish them. Much like she has punished many people in her life who disagree with her, Jon notwithstanding, by using the children as pawns. Now, she just wants free babysitters, so she‘ll put aside any old disagreement if it means she gets something free. Checkmate. Yes, Kate, fragmentation is a word, for once. Make up words enough and you’re eventually going to hit on something that actually is a real word.
Maybe pictures will help Kate. Families should be like planaria. Cut them up and they should find a way to grow right back.
310 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 310 Newer› Newest»Sorry to re-hash an old subject....As for the teachers and the "insiders" at the Gosselins school. Kids are mean! Kids are sneeky.You cant tell me that the gosselin pack dosent get made fun of.I was a mean kid...I picked on kids and was never caught by teachers or anyone else.
There is no way that the Gosselins dont get made fun of.Tell me that no one watches the show.Kids are VERY jealous and will say something.These kids have been spoiled for so long...they ARE feeling entilteded and more important.They have been shown that they are MOST important...tell me how 7 year olds know the difference.
These kids will never know how to deal with the "real world" cause kate wont allow it.
They sit in high-chairs and wear bibs at 7.Tell me how they can relate to anyone thier same age.As for having friends? Yeah...right
Maybe a new flavor of frosting was invented for Khate - Merlot Buttercream?
The friends were ditched for the Annapolis segment because in real time (not reality TV), the Annapolis segment was filmed first. Friends were not spotted in Annapolis, they were probably shuttled to Georgetown the next day.
As usual another great recap, Admin. Kate disgusts me with her irony. She claims to be this germaphobic person yet she was eating the icing out of the bowl and had no covering over her head or even pulled back into a ponytail? It's all about her looks, she doesn't give a rats ass about sanitation.
In response to some comments about Kate looking older on the last thread, in my neck of the woods we say she looks rode hard and hung out wet to dry.
Well done, Administrator.
After reading your thoughtful synopsis, I can truly say that without a doubt, "Kate + 8" is more worthless, sad, depressing, souless, boring, and stupid than I can ever imagine.
And TLC is proud of their sh*tty product....
T- The
L- Laystall
C- Channel
Admin that's a brilliant and very funny recap
I feel the same as you re.cupcakes .I don't think they're as popular in the uk.
Thanks for the recap ADMIN. The clip of the Steve look a like was enough for me. Ugh. She truly acts like a teenager. I do hope the kids enjoyed it, even though they did film the entire thing. This thing about her family REALLY bugs me. This is NOT for public consumption. She could discreetly say the grandparents see the kids now. Or something benign, since we all know about the estrangement. I truly HOPE they do not make an episode of this. But, of course, Kate has no boundaries, so I don't have much hope.
Kate did confirm she was in FL. Some fan asked and she said yes, she was "working" didn't even see the beach. LOL Because she has "8" reasons to work you know.
Moose Mania, E=Town and others, I apologize about my posts not referencing what others said that I am replying to. I was in a hurry and just didn't do it properly. Sorry! :( Didn't mean to confuse.
I know exactly why she wants to bring the grandparents back into their word...RATINGS. Everything she does is about her ratiings and money. She knows she's in trouble and she needs some help bringing in the viewers. I hope no one is naive to think that she gives a crap about her extended family. The only one she gives a crap about is herself and her income. Probably TLC suggested she reconcile with her parents. It would look "good" to the audience if she came off like a person who missed her family. NOT GONNA WORK. Everyone in the free world knows what this woman is all about. I hope the parents know they're about to get used.
"...little factoids that keep popping up and blocking the left corner of my screen. Such as, the twins like chocolate cupcakes. Astonishing. But better still would be little factoids about Kate. Maybe like: Not-a-boob-job: $16,000. Family members estranged: 27. Interesting stuff like that."
Wicked Funny!!!
I'm positive those so-called "friends" of the twins were children of one of the crew, just as the mother is the wife of a crew member.
Anonymous said... Sorry to re-hash an old subject....As for the teachers and the "insiders" at the Gosselins school. Kids are mean! Kids are sneeky.You cant tell me that the gosselin pack dosent get made fun of.I was a mean kid...I picked on kids and was never caught by teachers or anyone else.
There is no way that the Gosselins dont get made fun of
Anonymous: Here is an tweet exchange from last night.
@xxxxxx What is one thing u wish TWEEN girls didn't have to deal with? Do Mady/Cara come in contact w school drama u weren't expecting?
Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
@XXXXXXX starting too. Girls start2get mean.ugh! Teaching them 2 b nice no matter& that all won't be their true friends but still b nice!
Koopdedoo: "Merlot Buttercream"
ROFLMAO!!! You people are priceless.
And, I forgot: THANK YOU, Admin, for another brilliant recap!!
"Molly2 said...Anonymous: Here is an tweet exchange from last night.
@xxxxxx What is one thing u wish TWEEN girls didn't have to deal with? Do Mady/Cara come in contact w school drama u weren't expecting?
Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
@XXXXXXX starting too. Girls start2get mean.ugh! Teaching them 2 b nice no matter& that all won't be their true friends but still b nice!"
I saw that Molly. That is heart breaking when kids go through that sort of stuff. And Anonymous I agree, I have said that before. Kids are very cruel. All the things these kids have gotten in on TV for all the world and their friends to see. I would be willing to bet that was part of the problem with the two who were taken out of school for awhile. And I can also see the kids throwing back the nastiness with some of their own. Kids are kids. If they aren't taken off TV soon, it will only get worse. Gawd I remember high school and the godawful mean girls! I didn't catch much of it directly, only when I came to the defense of someone who was being picked on so much for nothing but jealousy. Horrible how kids can be.
Kate won't see this, nor even admit to the show adding to their problems. Sad.
Kudos, Admin. I just don't know how you have the strength to sit through those episodes. But your recaps are great! You make a huge sacrafice for all of us and it's appreciated.
I don't know why, but I have a feeling that Kate is going to be single the rest of her life. I just can't picture anyone who would want to be with her. I mean sure, she's in good shape, has nice white teeth but once she opens her mouth, no man (or woman) is going to stick around that. The only way she could hook a man (or woman) is if they are a grifter too, looking to score some cash from her.
JUDYK... I am beginning to think you are right about Steve and Kate being a couple. This look alike of Steve that she tried to pick up is SO telling. Even that fan from Hershey mentioned that. I wonder how Steve's wife feels? I sure would be VERY uncomfortable if that were my husband.
Kate just never thinks before she says or does anything.
"LisaNH said...I don't know why, but I have a feeling that Kate is going to be single the rest of her life"
Kate said that too. Sadly, I think you might be right. Her personality has to change. She just can't see that. Since she is told she is SO wonderful, SO super duper, she will never see herself for what she really is.
Last night on twitter, a teen who works in a grocery store tweeted how rude Kate was to her. A teen! I really hated to see the kid exposed on twitter, she might lose her job now, after the fans get through with her. Kate is known, WHY get rude to a kid in public?
Her true personality comes out all the time. Until she changes that, all this make over crap "giving back' 'sunshine and rose' on twitter doesn't mean a hill of beans.
She was probably too busy sucking on a pastry bag to pay attention.
This made me swallow my coffee down the wrong pipe & choke. My dog actually was worried & came over to me. I'm just getting out the "last coughs" now. Such a good one Admin! So funny. This has to be your best recap yet. Hilarious. Kate is really a mockery of herself at this point, huh. And that guy having no clue who she is, well, I love it.
I just can't believe that THIS passes for a TV show. THIS. Really? Gawd. Again, the entertainment industry has failed. And they just keep failing.
~Hippie Chick~
LisaNH said...
Kudos, Admin. I just don't know how you have the strength to sit through those episodes. But your recaps are great! You make a huge sacrafice for all of us and it's appreciated.
I don't know why, but I have a feeling that Kate is going to be single the rest of her life. I just can't picture anyone who would want to be with her. I mean sure, she's in good shape, has nice white teeth but once she opens her mouth, no man (or woman) is going to stick around that. The only way she could hook a man (or woman) is if they are a grifter too, looking to score some cash from her.
August 13, 2011 7:45 AM
Don't think for one second that Kate wouldn't have an ironclad pre-nup to protect her fortune.
Btw, saw the new TV Guide and she is not listed on the reality star 'who gets paid the most' list. They ranged from high salaries to Teen Mom girls. Doesn't mean she doesn't make bank, just that she's not on the list this year.
The friends were ditched for the Annapolis segment because in real time (not reality TV), the Annapolis segment was filmed first. Friends were not spotted in Annapolis, they were probably shuttled to Georgetown the next day.
There were photos of a little blond girl with Mady in Annapolis.
Yeah actually regarding the friends in Annapolis, I don't know what order this was filmed but I swear I saw the friends when there was a very quick clip of them in a gift shop in Annapolis. So it looks like they were there for at least part of it. But then they didn't join them for dinner. A bit odd, seems like they could spend 2 seconds explaining the friends went home ahead. But the editors really don't care at this point about making the story make sense, that's obvious.
"She's such a c word said...Btw, saw the new TV Guide and she is not listed on the reality star 'who gets paid the most' list. They ranged from high salaries to Teen Mom girls. Doesn't mean she doesn't make bank, just that she's not on the list this year"
I wouldn't doubt that Kate made sure her salary wasn't included this year. She did make a point of mentioning it on twitter. She does NOT want people to know how much she does make, it wouldn't fit with her pity party.
Jenna Does said... She was probably too busy sucking on a pastry bag to pay attention.
This made me swallow my coffee down the wrong pipe & choke. My dog actually was worried & came over to me. I'm just getting out the "last coughs" now. Such a good one Admin! So funny. This has to be your best recap yet. Hilarious. Kate is really a mockery of herself at this point, huh. And that guy having no clue who she is, well, I love it.
Lol thanks. This episode was just as boring as the rest of them. You know what I kept thinking? Tell me something about cupcakes. Teach me how to make them. Tell me something interesting about the shop. There was next to nothing in terms of educating viewers and making it interesting. All it was, was watch little kids glob frosting on cupcakes and Kate make a fool of herself. The substance is next to nothing in these episodes!
Flight of The Kiwi said....
A bit OT - my blood test came back positive for CD - oh well, not surprised...I'm lucky in that "I" am able read a label (snark). 'Tis OK. ONE thing that at least is manageable :) Yoko didn't even do vocal warm ups.
Damn that Yoko! I hate when she just starts singing & doesn't hit her keys, which is often, last night, she was howling, like on half of "Double Fantasy".
I'm so sorry. I hope you feel better. I don't know how to word know what you're dealing with, & can start managing it, but it's STILL not easy. (I didn't say that right, I know, I'm sorry). You sound like a strong woman & like nothing can keep you down. You find humor in everyday things & you seem so down to earth. You can get through this. We're here for you! I know I am...
~Hippie Chick~
I wonder how many guys the crew had to 'vet' before they found one who didn't know K8 and want to call her an unmentionable name?
I just do not understand TLC's stake in this anymore - they look stupid trying to promote something so obviously faked; they look stupid thinking ANYone believes their "unplanned" scenes; they look stupid for spending so much money on a ratings loser; and they look downright criminal for staging the exploitation of all of these children. Have they no pride at all in their network???
Jenna, I'm not seeing a post from Flight of The Kiwi, so I don't know what you are responding to. What is CD? I've obviously missed something? Thanks.
Ashley's tears were not fake. The crime was exploiting such a thing.
And in fairness, Ashley should have known better. The moment things started going so terribly, she should have slammed her door on the cameras. If she's going to leave anyway, what are they gonna do? They can't MAKE her film. Instead she let the producer film asking questions about it with her and all of her tearful goodbyes.
I think if that girl had a few more years of maturity, she would have been screaming at the crew and Kate how dare they film her private goodbyes with the kids and refusing to move an inch until they shut things off and let her do this in private.
Kate hasn't said good morning yet. How late is she going to sleep in today, 1 pm?
Admin, I didn't see this episode but I saw the clip of Kate and Steve 2.0 (LOL). Anyway, I thought I saw Jamie in the bakery with the girls. Were the other 2 girls Jamie's daughters? Just confused as to who the friends that came along were.
Hi Admin - While I agree with you about the likelihood of the kids being bullied at school I don't know that the show is the only reason for that. Kate has raised her children, as you said, with a large sense of entitlement. Also, she is their model for behavior and as I have often said kids learn far more from what we do then what we say. I believe the kids would have social issues regardless of the show because of the type of mom they have.
Re: the grandparent reunion - who's to say that Kate's parents would want to be filmed? My understanding is Kate is very much like her father. If she can hold onto a grudge I'm sure he can. I think this is just a lot of hot air and drama making on Kate's part. She has been very studiously trying to address the common criticisms that are posted on the blogs. I think either TLC or her PR are trying to play to her blog critics and haters. It's a win win for them, after all. Many of those that despise Kate will watch for whatever reason. If they convince more of the moderate critics that she's changing, those people may start tuning in as well, increasing ratings.
Personally, I think filming will continue until there is no longer a profit involved.
Kate said the girls were the daughters of her good friend Jen. I don't think they said they were school friends, just friends.
I bet folks are right, Jen is somehow connected to the crew.
Mady and Cara went to a Jonas Brothers concert awhile back with two friends, I wonder if we can dig up that picture and see if that's them. Because we were pretty sure those girls were crew kids too.
The girls seemed VERY comfortable with all the cameras and commotion, which does suggest to me they have been around it before. It would be hard to take along friends not used to it, they might look awkward and uncomfortable the whole time which isn't exactly good tv.
Isn't it possible that Ashley just left the vacation and not the children? Maybe she is now on her own vacation and/or next venture in life. I just find it hard to believe that she would end her relationship with the children in this manner because no matter her age, she does have a lot of years vested in this family and I really doubt the finality based on the edited clip being shown for dramatic effect. How many 'teasers' (of any show or movie, for that matter) actually have to with the point once shown in context?
Sillimom I think you are absolutely right. These kids would have bullying problems (either being the bully themselves, or the victim), show or not because of Kate's crappy parenting. But I don't think the show HELPS.
It was nice for Kate to admit the truth, the kids are bullied. Of course they are. This school isn't utopia. Kids are cruel no matter what fancy name you slap on their school. So why add to it by making your kids so publicly privileged, publicaly embarrassed, yanking them out of school (how does that make other kids feel they have to do homework and these kids get to go prance around foreign countries?) and so on.
It was very telling that Kate blamed it all on the other kids, "kids are cruel" blah blah blah and has zero acknowledgement that the way she is raising her kids, including the cameras, could be making their lives hell.
Admin, I am so happy to hear someone else just doesn't "get" cupcakes. It's the "in" thing for weddings, but ugh. Give me a beautifully decorated cake anytime. Thank goodness, my daughter feels the same and is going to have a red velvet wedding cake with some bright colored scrolling and fresh flowers. Also using my crystal cake topper from our wedding 29 years ago. (Hey she's young and fun 21 when she gets married to her Marine next June.)
Good summary so far - haven't finished reading yet.
Funny, as always! You have wicked wit!
I mentioned earlier that I turned on the TV which was on TLC and caught a scene where the relatives said they saw Jon and she looked down sadly, searching for words. I had the same take on it that you do. What you left out is that the platter of crabs arrived then and she did her normal shriek when she saw them and then shrieked again when they were tucking into them. WHY? Do the diners around them not deserve to not hear that - over CRABS? I know you can't fit everything in or the recap would literally be longer than the actual episode, but at that moment, I flipped our receiver to Blu-ray mode so I could watch my movie. I went from almost feeling sorry for her when one of the kids said Jon had said he and Ellen were traveling together to complete disgust. I think her histrionics are simply a cover-up for her true unhappiness. She's trying to feed herself through attention on this show and via twitter (up until 1 am doing it) and the only thing that will cure that is reconciliation with her loved ones - which will require reconciliation with what her personality/she have done.
"Kit said...Isn't it possible that Ashley just left the vacation and not the children? Maybe she is now on her own vacation and/or next venture in life. I just find it hard to believe that she would end her relationship with the children in this manner because no matter her age, she does have a lot of years vested in this family and I really doubt the finality based on the edited clip being shown for dramatic effect. How many 'teasers' (of any show or movie, for that matter) actually have to with the point once shown in context?"
You are probably right. It probably is for dramatic effect. What really angers me, Kate could tweet it is not as it appears or SOMETHING. Her tweenie fan tweeted she was "crying" (ugh) watching the promo. WHY not say something reassuring to her VERY loyal fans to stop worrying about it. She could easily say something without giving away this soooo dramatic "plot". She only wants the ratings. The fans feelings do not matter. After all she DID brag about these episodes are the "most drama in history" of their show.
It is just sickening that TLC and Kate is exploiting this argument/Ashley and the kids like they are. Do the fans REALLY think the upset Ashley and the kids crying is DRAMA and entertainment? Really?
"Kate's Cart said... red velvet wedding cake"
Oh no! You mentioned my favorite of all cakes! NOW I have to make one. LOL Good for your daughter. Her cake sounds beautiful. Congrats to her. I really hate seeing the cupcake thingy now at weddings. The last two we went to had them. It just wasn't the same!
I agree we can't tell for sure what really happened from the promo. But to me that is not even the point.
We do know whatever happened made Ashley cry and the kids cry. The point is whatever happened is being used to create drama and film the children and their beloved babysitter crying and upset and making a buck off it.
The whole scene could be over Ashley upset her toast wasn't buttered right, but the bigger point to me is that she and the kids got it all exploited at their expense. And KATE rolls in the money off it. Ratings are probably going to be better for that episode. Really, people have been watching Ashley take good care of these kids since the beginning and can I really blame them for being curious if she is really kicking the bucket? "Haters" care about these kids and their happiness and what happens to those they love.
Kate is the one who benefits from all this, and she has done absolutely nothing to mitigate it. She wants us all to think some terrible falling out happened with the nanny. The more controversy the better ratings. She is one sick, sick person.
Kate's Cart, you know what this cupcake trend reminds me of? Coffee shops. Like Starbucks. Put some whip cream and cinnamon on it and all of a sudden you're paying five bucks for coffee. I feel like it preys upon people by enticing them with fancy looking things, getting them to fork over money for overpriced crap. In this economy I feel bad for people who really shouldn't be forking over five bucks every time they want a cupcake or coffee and yet get sucked into this anyway. This stuff adds up. People are adults and can spend their money how they like, I just see it as sort of scam-ish. We know full well it costs a fraction of what they sell it for to make those cupcakes.
"silimom said...Re: the grandparent reunion - who's to say that Kate's parents would want to be filmed?"
You are right, they may not want to be. I hope they don't. The thing is, even though Kate herself said once that "relatives" did not want to film, they wanted to be private. (not sure if that included her parents) BUT if they wanted to be private, why make a Facebook page and declare they are relatives of Kate's, include their pictures, then go on a public blog and spill out family 'secrets' and diss her own son. Lead people to believe they are very much in each other's lives. Then we find out, the kids may "remember them", no real contact with Kate or the kids at all. Just an occasional email between her mother and her.
To me, this just screams they DO want the publicity. At least the mom and sister. That is why I said I hope it isn't filmed.
kat said... I know exactly why she wants to bring the grandparents back into their word...RATINGS. Everything she does is about her ratiings and money. She knows she's in trouble and she needs some help bringing in the viewers. I hope no one is naive to think that she gives a crap about her extended family. The only one she gives a crap about is herself and her income. Probably TLC suggested she reconcile with her parents. It would look "good" to the audience if she came off like a person who missed her family. NOT GONNA WORK. Everyone in the free world knows what this woman is all about. I hope the parents know they're about to get used.
Very well said. Let's face it- when you sacrifice your own flesh and blood (children- all 8 of them), your marriage because your husband no longer wants to film, you parents/aunts/uncles etc, friends, nannies, and most importantly every moral/ethical boundary to stay on TV, you are a shell of a human being. Congratulations Kate. It is and will always be about YOU and what is best for YOU, at least in your own mind. You will have hell to pay one day when you realize your violated every single moral boundary to serve your own needs. Good luck with that. Please take these kids off the show and let narcissitic Kate take full credit for her disgraceful behavior.
I'm still not convinced that's Kate's mom.
Is she still around, and has she commented on Kate's latest stunt to tease her with possibly letting her around the kids again?
"PJ's momma said.. What you left out is that the platter of crabs arrived then and she did her normal shriek when she saw them and then shrieked again when they were tucking into them. WHY? Do the diners around them not deserve to not hear that - over CRABS"
Oh geeez her and her fake screeching. Haven't they been shown in NC eating crabs, I don't remember her shrieking then? She should be used to them by now, world traveler and all. I see young jr high and high school girls doing that for attention. Kate could care less about people around them. How embarrassing. I did see the part of when she went to the dialysis center. SCREECHING when she hugged one of her old coworkers. Many patients were there. I don't know how those poor people feel just before they do recieve dialysis, but I can imagine they are NOT feeling so hot. I am sure they really appreciated the screeching. Ack
I think she wants her parents back for free babysitting AND ratings, though the ratings part may be a day late and a dollar short, as they say.
She probably blames her parents for not exposing her to "exotic" cuisine like crabs.
"Administrator said...I'm still not convinced that's Kate's mom.
Is she still around, and has she commented on Kate's latest stunt to tease her with possibly letting her around the kids again?
The blog owners claim to have met her IRL, and are "friends". They swear it was her. As far as I know she refused to blog anymore, even though she could be incognito, who knows? LOL One did post on the Facebook page that they missed her posting on the blog. No response back from her mom though. That was a long time ago.
Administrator said...
She probably blames her parents for not exposing her to "exotic" cuisine like crabs."
You are SO bad. LOLOL
Sounds to me like she conveniently went away just about the time that Radaronline busted her for talking dirt about other relatives. So either she got scared because it was all a hoax that now had spiraled out of control, or maybe we very embarrassed that Radaronline exposed her like that. Can't take the heat get out of the kitchen.
What really made me suspicious was she said something about Pennmommmy, which was some big scandal I sort of only read the details about after it was all over where some woman claiming to know Kate or something then claimed her kid died but got busted as the whole thing was a hoax? As I recall that was ages and ages ago, which suggests she has been a part of the blogs for awhile. I suppose her mom could have been lurking all this time, but why would she even be interested in that? And if she was lurking all that time why post now?
The whole thing is highly suspicious.
Also, how did they confirm it was Kate's mom when they met her in person? Did they demand her driver's license? And why would you meet with some random stranger on the internet, doesn't that scare you? They could be anyone!
Sorry one more question why don't they say HOW they confirmed it was Kate's mom? I.e. she had personal photos of Kate, or they saw her driver's license. Or however they did it.
Why the secrecy about how they verified her? In journalism school you're taught to full disclose things like that. You don't just say, "just trust us." LOL. She's not deep throat for heaven sake.
Found this link to interview on Insider. What caught my attention was that she doesn't care what is filmed. Didn't she say somewhere that she has say in what is used and can veto them using certain things. Obviously she doesn't bother because "she doesn't care". Also, if Mady got into acting I bet Kate will find a way to take the majority of her income.
Kate Hoping to 'Bump Into Mr. Right'
August 08, 2011
The Insider sits down with Kate Gosselin to get an update on her love life and the new season of Kate Plus 8.
There's been speculation about whether the reality star has a new man in her life but Kate reveals that this is not the case, at least not at the moment. "I haven't really dated anyone. I have a lot of obstacles meeting people. I do have eight kids, I have a crazy work schedule, and obviously I'm somebody that people know from TV. So I do have a lot of obstacles -- I'm sort of hoping still that I'll just bump into Mr. Right, but that sounds too much like a fairy tale."
Kate promises some dramatic moments in the new season, including a summer RV trip she describes as "sort of nightmarish." But she says she's never put restrictions on footage that ends up being on the show. "I've always said that I don't really care, whatever they capture they can use. I think in some of these upcoming episodes perhaps there are some things they've captured that I would, perhaps, it's going to make me squirm. But you know they can use what they capture because I don't care."
When asked about what people are most surprised to learn about Kate when they meet her in person, she said: "Probably the biggest misconception about me is that I'm mean and horrible. Because when people meet me they're always very shocked and they tell me 'Oh, you're so different than what I thought you were going to be, or what I read about you, and basically I'm just a mom with eight kids and we're doing what everybody else is doing it just so happens we're on TV."
Watch the video to find out which Gosselin sibling wants to go into show business and to hear how Kate feels about that. The season premiere of Kate Plus 8 airs tonight at 9 p.m. on TLC.
I had thought at first bringing the grandparents back was for free babysitting, it sill might be part of the reason. YES for sure for ratings. But now, I wonder if she is just truly so lonely that even though they may be very toxic for each other, she may NEED them in her life. If she is the one who fell out with both Jaime and Ashley, then it might have woke her up.
Why the announcement "Kate's life changed forever"? Yes, yes I know the DRAMA of it all. And to get people to watch, which I am NOT going to. A missed spa appointment could change Kate's life forever too. LOL
Maybe it did wake her up. She might have realized that life is too short for the BS. She might realize that friends come and go, but your relatives are always there? Especially as dear as a mother. I know, I doubt it too, but wouldn't that be nice IF she has learned something about what really is important in life. Other than trips and money and large homes. Material things cannot keep you company or offer a good conversation or even love you back.
Twitter is a temporary, fleeting contact with the outside world. But even she has to tire of the endless blah blah fawning after awhile. It is certainly not the same as a real hug or kiss.
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@HspncElvis ..IF I was sitting by the ca blue h2o w a fruity frozen drink in my hand!Makes me realize I NEED a vacay!Can't take the stress!
Kate is so predictable it's downright boring. The whirlwind of the promo "tour" and wherever else she's been is over, she's stuck at home and now she's unmotivated and stressed.
Oh my God how can she NOT CARE???
It's her kids!
Essentially she's saying she doesn't care Collin was filmed constipated, the kids have constantly been filmed upset and acting out, their own nanny leaves and the kids are devastated.
She doesn't give a rat's ass and she ADMITS IT!
Oh absolutely brilliant recap for this summer morning, and again, thank you for making it so much fun NOT to watch the trainwreck. As for comments, I cannot do anything better than Merlot Buttercream, or the image of K8 sucking on a pastry bag - that one really has some serious eating issues.
I can't comment on the Ashley drama, but as a young girl sucked into this mess, I do think she has only had the best interests of the children in her thoughts and actions. The staged drama may turn out to be far less than those evil promos, but given that she has finished college, and also given that she clearly had some problems with either K8 or Jamie or both, it was inevitable that her nanny time would come to an end. To film the shit out of a farewell with the kids is simply pure evil on the part of TLC and that witchbag of a mother. Disgusting.
And it does look like Twitmom is up and sending minute by minute messages from her lonely All Mine Mansion. Whining about needing a 'VACAY" from it all - oh honey, even your pathetic twitter friends know that you just got back from a cross-country trip, all paid for by TLC. Seriously, if you want to sit by a pool that is not yours, and given that your kids are with their father, why don't you just open that bulging wallet and pay for a few nights in paradise. Seriously. Otherwise, STFU.
That quote that she doesn't care is so bad, I added it to the sidebar. It's permanent now.
ADMIN ROL was asked that several times how they verified it, they never answered. I have no clue. Maybe they just took the word of the blog owners? And to call ROL anything similar to JOURNALIST is, well ... FUNNY. LOL
" And why would you meet with some random stranger on the internet, doesn't that scare you?"
Yes, it sure would scare me. I wondered about this too. I THINK they wanted to "interview" her, not sure. YES and the mention of that Pennmommy got me too. Apparently Mom Kreider did get involved in the blogs way back when Jon was involved in posting too. I wasn't around for that Pennmommy stuff either. It would NOT surprise me in the least that her mom and sister cruise the web and drop posts here and there. Her daughter who has the FB page, used to have her own blog and I have seen old posts of hers, that someone had saved, and she talked about family members, INCLUDING Kate. And they were not good posts either. I got the impression there were a lot of fights within the family. lol
Funny we were just discussing this a few days ago Kate's lack of boundaries. I believe her. She doesn't care what is filmed. Her sense of boundaries in all aspects of her life is non-existent. And while I also said I have no idea what did or didn't happen in Kate's childhood, an absurd lack of boundaries is often a red flag indication that an adult was abused when they were a child.
She doesn't care? So like, she'd let them film a sex tape? What a sick woman!
Admin I agree totally! We all knew it in the back of our minds. AND it shows her contradicting previous babble because she said before somewhere that she has a say in what is filmed/shown. It is all about her--her money, her fame, her attention...
Whenever I see sheeple babble and gush over her, the nursery rhyme 3 Blind Mice goes thru my head. (and I believe she would 'cut off the sheeple tails' if it meant money and ratings!
Actually Radaronline actually said they just took the blog's word for it that someone "close to her" had verified it. That's in the article. It was the blog that said trust us we met her and it's her. So I'm asking the BLOG, exactly HOW did you verify it was her. Maybe it was her, I just want to assess for myself whether their "verification" is credible. I'm not the "trust us" kind of person, as most people here I don't think are either. I will form my own opinion thank you. But they won't give us the information we need to do that.
Is Kate for real? She needs a vacation???? All this woman does is get vacations. The past three years she's gone on vacations on practically a monthly basis. She's gone on more vacations than most of her tweeple could ever dare to dream of in their lifetimes.
I think my cheap day trip to Vegas the other weekend is more representative of a "vacation" most people these days can justify. A quick weekend trip to someplace a few hours away. Dinner out, a few sites and you're done. Kate? Get with the program. America is struggling and Americans are not going to be going on the kind of trips you constantly go on. Not for a long, long time.
She is OBLIVIOUS. Just oblivious. Please, her tweeple have GOT to be getting annoyed with this crap at this point, right?
Kate needs to get with what is really going on here. My Dad was laid off a year and a half ago. His entire company was outsourced. He is to young to retire, but feels too old to be a desierable new employee. He has spent the last year and a half looking for a new job. He applied to 500 places. 500. He finally got an offer last month. The job is ONE-THIRD of his previous pay. And he took the job and he does it with his head held high. It's not fair, it sucks, he is an awesome dad and awesome at what he does, and his situation is the reality for a lot of people right now. I am so, so proud of him. So Kate can suck it with her I need a vacation.
My best vacations this year have been a trip to a zoo and a ride on a big paddlewheeler with my grandkids. :) I haven't had a true vacation for about 20 yrs.
Actually if I think about it, I don't think it's contradictory. I think she does have a say, it is her children. I think she can veto whatever. So when she babbled before about having a say, she does.
I think she just CHOOSES not to exercise her veto rights. Because as she said, she doesn't give a crap.
". Didn't she say somewhere that she has say in what is used and can veto them using certain things"
She surely has said this. She said she never wants the kids be put in a "bad light". She tells so many lies, she really can't keep them straight. In this article she clearly says she doesn't care. What an uncaring money hungry fool. I take my "maybe she has learned" because she hasn't and probably never will.
I wish the hell she would get off this "when people meet me" BS. OF COURSE you can be "nice" for 5-10 minutes. Or even longer if you want to act nice. Just shut up already. Your true self comes out all the time. Shut it.
My vacations are usually to family or friend's weddings these days. Whirlwind flights in, hoping against hope the prices aren't too outrageous, running around like crazy for two days, and out. That is not a VACATION. I naturally want to be there, but relaxing? No.
The only real vacation I am going on since I was a kid is happening next spring, and we've essentially been planning it and saving for it for five years and I've worked my butt off researching the best deals.
In general, Americans don't take vacations these days or they are very few and far between.
Shall we count how many times Kate mentions her STRESS:
Kateplusmy8 @HspncElvis ..IF I was sitting by the ca blue h2o w a fruity frozen drink in my hand!Makes me realize I NEED a vacay!Can't take the stress!
Kateplusmy8 @Livin4LifeLove thanks. lots to do. Little motivation.. Not good.... :(
Kateplusmy8 @Livin4LifeLove lol yes. Stress is gettin to me but I'll recover as I always do! :)
I wonder what her fan thinks that had to downsize becasue of the economy. I doubt she and her family aren't going on a vacation anytime soon. This fool doesn't know stress.
ADMIN I know several families, NOT exaggerating at SEVERAL, who have been laid off and cannot find jobs. Federal unemployment was cut off for those on it. And some of the families had to literally move "back home" to parents' homes because they just can't make it and no jobs at all. And this ditz needs 'another' vacation. LOL Sad shallow idiot. And I am sure they are saying "you sure do need it". UGH
kat said... I know exactly why she wants to bring the grandparents back into their word...RATINGS.
I agree. I also agree that Kate is starting to get scared as she realizes she really is alone and it will be worse when the show ends. When she has no one around then her parents and siblings will all of a sudden be important to her.
When you think about it each person who is around Kate now is benefitting in some way either financially, getting free trips or gifts.
The film crew who she claims is family is getting paid to be around her. Steve is getting paid. Ashley and her Mom are either getting paid, free trips and/or gifts. Jamie is getting free trips and possibly paid when filming or free gifts.
Remember what happened when TLC wanted to pay Jodi and Kevin something? Kate had a fit and we all know how that ended. No one else was going to make money off of her children. Fast forward and the ratings are dropping and now it's OK for others to be "paid" based on the filming of the children.
Desperation sure changes things doesn't it Kate?
Thank you, Admin, for the funny re-cap. I have always been of the opinion that anyone who questions Kate in any way about the filming of the kids, etc. is "out" with her. This would include parents, aunts and uncles, friends, co-authors, and husband. She'll never, never get another husband unless he is an exact replica of Kate in the male form. Remember Kate, "pretty is as pretty does." Mean is not pretty.
Great recap - as always Admin. I know I didn't miss anything by not watching it :)
I'm glad you put that quote about Kate not caring on the sidebar. It NEEDS to be in a permanent spot. She's already dug the hole deeper, put another nail in the coffin with the ridiculous statement about being a great producer because she knows how to best convey their lives on TV. Now this. How the sheeple can continue to scream editing is to blame, Jon is to blame, the time-slot is to blame, anything and everything else is to blame but Kate for poor ratings or people up in arms about exploitation of the kids is beyond me. They say they believe nothing until SHE says it. Well, SHE HAS said it now. Twice.
Just WOW!
Side note - Hippie! All's good...thanks. I've been messing with recipies with rice and soy flour and using tapioca for thickener (made pudding too!) YOU be well too, I'm here for you as well! For those long days when I have to be a "shut-in" (thankfully not that many) this is a nice place to stop by - thanks for that admin!).
"Of course Kate assures us this did not bother her at all that he didn't know her. Just like that yeast infection did not itch at all, right Kate?"
Bwahaha haha! Damn! Funny stuff Admin. I gotta learn to keep the Lysol wipes right beside the computer to mop up when I read your recaps.
Regarding the twatter from Kate: "Teaching them 2 b nice no matter& that all won't be their true friends but still b nice!"
Gee that's funny. When someone isn't nice to Kate she usually blackballs them from her life AND theirs. It's gotta be confusing to them when they see her treat people like crap but tells them to "b nice no matter". If Kate is good at anything it's fucking with her kids' heads. I'm afraid the only thing they're going to learn from her is to PRETEND to be nice in order to get something.
If Jon ever gets custody of those kids he'll have his work cut out for him. But what else is new? He's been cleaning up Kate's messes since the day he met her.
Admin said...I think she just CHOOSES not to exercise her veto rights. Because as she said, she doesn't give a crap.
She may not give a crap but maybe they should film her taking one. See how she likes it.
Is it the full moon? Kate's fans especially want to get together with her all of a sudden, and the stalker-ish one even posts her cell # on twitter!
mkbrownlow mkbrownlow
@Kateplusmy8 We have to connect somehow!! This could be SO awesome!! Can you DM me?
BigFanofKateG BigFanofKateG
@Kateplusmy8 call my cell phone (401) 954-xxx-xxxx
mkbrownlow mkbrownlow
@Kateplusmy8 We could do this TOGETHER! :)
BigFanofKateG BigFanofKateG
@Kateplusmy8 k8, im in workout clothes & we both dont have our kids today. Do u wanna come out? I can drive to u
valntyne Robyn
@Kateplusmy8 Not much is new enjoying the day & planning my trip down 2 ur neck of the woods my offer 2 take u 4 lunch still stands :)
ADMIN Re: ROL and that blog, I get it about trusting. I figured it was her, otherwise I would thnk she would be screaming to high heaven if someone posted as her and said all those terrible things about the family. It REALLY made her look terrible.
But I do get it.
Enough of this shallow idiot today. ADMIN and all have a great day!!
Admin, ITA with you about that not being Kate's real mom. The people at THAT blog that swore up and down it was her real mom but would provide no proof other than that they 'verified it'? Right. And we take your word why? Because you've been oh so fair in the past. Besides, I don't believe a mother would get on a blog and berate one child (Kevin) to promote another (Kate). I just don't buy that for a second. There are grandchildren involved and , well, there are just no words for this family and their screwed up mentality. But I don't believe that was Kate's mom.
Also, on Twitter today, she says, o.k. guys, back to laundry, check in later. Then 4 minutes later she is back and tweeting like crazy. It's Saturday, who's watching your kids that you love and adore so much Katie?
Oh, and BTW, I was around during the Pennmommy era, and it was all a big hoax which THAT other blog perpetuated a LOT of BS to go along with it. They claimed they 'broke' that hoax and then went on and on and on with it. They somehow consider themselves to be an investigative group that will search until they find out the 'secret' information and expose anyone with their personal information -- and they can't prove a thing, never were able to. They just have suspicions, just like all the rest of us have had during all this trainwreck of those kids lives.
So, Katie needs a vacation and cant take the stress of... of what? Troweling on your makeup and crisping your hair? Constant rehearsal of your screech and valley-speak? The laundry from LAST week's vacation? Poor baby. Whatever.
Here's a thought: Since you are clearly so bored and lonely every other weekend, why not (on your 'own dime', gasp!) hightail it out of town on a Friday night, vacay your skanky cougar self to your hearts content, and be back on Sunday night.
What, in the Sam Holy Hell, is stopping you Katie? Go to NYC since you love it so much. Go to upstate NY to a bed and breakfast. Check into one of those fancy spas somewhere that you feel so entitled to. Go to Nashville and go honky-tonkin'. ~ Although there are lots of very famous artists there and you will be unnoticed and you wont like that. ~ Grab your mom that you are pretending you want to reconnect with and check into a fancy hotel in Philadelphia and drink and eat and hug and shop. Go to Chicago alone and shop the Magnificent Mile and order lots of room service.
There is so much you can do with 48 hours all to yourself.
Kate, just the fact that dont understand this, and are so quick to dismiss this, shows how ill you are; and you know it, dont you? You need ongoing medical treatment from a proper psychiatrist. Be a big girl and see to it.
Kate is a narcisstic germophobe: her germs are spectacular, and we should all be honored to have them in our cupcakes (no gloves, hair hanging), but our germs are deplorable and are to come no where near her Royal Higness...ugh...
Kate will say whatever she needs to say at the moment she is saying it, whether it is truth or not. Narcisstics tend to believe they are a higher species, and us pee ons would NEVER be able to figure out the inconcsistancies...( yes, I have veto, but I don't care) ...ugh...
Remember, she is not like the rest of the world, and views everything through her Everyone needs to pay attention to me glasses. Deep down, really deep down, she knows what is right and what is wrong, but she hasn't hit rock bottom, so like an alcoholic, she continues to do what she does, whether it hurts the kids or her or not.
I believe, that TLC knows this isn't about the kids anymore, its a show about a narcisstic woman. I think TLC is suggesting the split shows ( kate away, kids at home) to try and increase the ratings. They know that the fans/non fans do not like the exploitation of the kids, so they had the one person who " would die for them" stay with them, and give them some sense of normalcy and fun experiencing things kids their age experience on a somewhat daily basis, to calm the nerves of the haters...and then they put Kate in situations that will bring out her " screeches and narcisstic behavior"....but it kind of sounds like the RV episode may have come back and bit them in the butt...
Kate tweeted she is stressed and unmotivated. The last time she was tweeting like this was when she was making some comments about being concerned about the future.. ( but then again when queries about the future of the show.. siad oh no, I am not going anywhere...) lol...
...and... she tweeted that she could speak on any of the topics in regards to concerns facing teen girls ... and then when the tweeter asked her to use Kate's quote, kate got all concerned and backed off...
Kate's all bark, and no bite... but then again, if you asked her the tough questions, she would just answer it however she thot would make her look good, truth or not...
Ok, I am done ranting... I had a toxic friend who not only acted like Kate, but looks just like her, same mannerisms, same responses , etc. And it was a horrible many years of my life. I don't watch this show, but I am secretly watching for her demise, as it is kind of my way of getting justice for my toxic friend, as she moved away, so I don't know what poor souls she is torturing right now..but it is all very classic....and it will drive you crazy trying to figure them out, so don't even try! Some of the kids will become as narcisstic as Kate, and some will be like Jon, I just pray they all make it out and can enjoy some sort of normal life at some point...
Ok, I am done... :)
Kate won't take a weekend trip on her own while the kids are at Jon's because she would have to pay for it. Pure and simple.
She would rather stay at home and complain how she wants it.
I agree, if you want take a vacation TAKE ONE. She's probably one of the few that can afford it these days. Other people don't take vacations because they can't afford it. Take won't because she's lazy and miserly.
Admin said...Take won't because she's lazy and miserly
AND she has no one to do anything with. Ashley is probably busy, Jamie is home in Mich., and Steve might even be with his wife for once. Would be a pretty sad vacation to just go to a hotel room/pool and sit alone. She couldn't go sight see w/o Steve or she might be mobbed by her 9 fans and one Pap.
For all we know the bit with Ashley and the kids hugging could be them saying hello, not goodbye.
There was a controversy about some video with the Queen and Annie Leibovitz that shows you can edit something quite normal and nice and make it look to be something completley else. I'm pretty sure K+8 aleady has a history of doing this. Remember one of the kids saying "it's back to normal" and the editors trying to make viewers think they were talking about the camera crew returning, but it was about the floor.
Why can't she take a nature walk through the acres of land she sits on. Look for a couple of deer, throw a stick for Shoka to fetch, play with him a little...that would be heaven for me and so peaceful. Shoka would love and l think ache for some companionship. The love of a dog and the time spent with him/her is invigorating g, they give such positive energy. Dogs just give and give, expecting nothing back but food and a good belly rub. Why is this POS so effing miserable when she has all she ever dreamed of and more. I remember reading this quote many years ago..."even heaven would be hell, if you had no one to share it with.." You have heaven Khate, but making it hell for all who are with you. And in my opinion, you are doing it with aforethought and malice.
I took my first vacation in EIGHT YEARS this summer, and it was by car because we couldn't afford to fly, but you know what? We had a blast and I will never forget it. On the other hand, Kate flies around to so many places that she obviously doesn't even remember her trips!
My neighbors have been laid off for 18 months. Their daughter had to quit college and come home to work full-time, and now they're about to lose their house.
Another couple friend of mine got laid off on the same day three years ago and they did just lose their home. The part-time jobs they've found weren't enough to live on AND save the house. They're moving in with her elderly mom.
In other words, Kate needs to STFU and count her #%@ blessings.
Or perhaps you could, just a thought, give back on the weekends when you don't have the kids, and have so much alone time? I'm sure that there are any number of places that would let you help out, and probably would not even care or know who you are. Give Back Kate, remember that episode.
I have had many friends over the years who found themselves in similar situations, having divorced and sharing weekend custody. Most say that at first it was hard, but eventually realized that the 'me' time was good - time to take a art class, go to the gym, reconnect with friends and family - ah key words, friends and family. And yes, even take the odd weekend away, finances permitting. But Kate, selfish twit that she is, has no friends, no interests, nothing that she really wants to do without the cameras rolling. Has she ever visited tht bff Jamie in Michigan? Honestly, how many of us would have stayed in Florida for a few days, soaking up some sun, still getting home in plenty of time for the kids return? I just counted your hands, pretty much everyone. Whiny, pathetic, lonely bitch - you have created this, guess you are going to have to live with it.
Ingrid said... Admin said...Take won't because she's lazy and miserly
AND she has no one to do anything with. Ashley is probably busy, Jamie is home in Mich., and Steve might even be with his wife for once. Would be a pretty sad vacation to just go to a hotel room/pool and sit alone.
well, *I* sure as hell would! And so would 99% of working women, or women with kids at home, or women who cant STFU about how busy and stressed they are!
But, you are right, Ingrid. Kate cant do anything alone because there is no one to step and fetch for her and then tell her what a STAH she is.
Madonna once said to Warren Beatty "Can we discuss this later, off camera?" and he replied "You dont want to EXIST off-camera!" That's Kate. She doesnt want to exist with minute-by-minute adoration and pampering.
Oh by the way Kate, I just did a quick search and you can get weekend accomodations for yourself at BHI. Actually you can get something enough for a family of 9, for - ya know - your tradition.
oops I meant *WITHOUT* minute by minute adoration. I'm sorry.
Is it the full moon? Kate's fans especially want to get together with her all of a sudden, and the stalker-ish one even posts her cell # on twitter!
mkbrownlow mkbrownlow
@Kateplusmy8 We have to connect somehow!! This could be SO awesome!! Can you DM me?
BigFanofKateG BigFanofKateG
@Kateplusmy8 call my cell phone (401) 954-xxx-xxxx
Both of those nutjobs should connect with each other and commiserate over how Kate is ignoring them. The scary thing is that one is in Dauphin County and one is in Berks County. I'm in between...too close to me for comfort. I just hope that Kate and her "security team" know this because I wouldn't trust either one of them as far as I could throw them. I don't know the one in Hershey, but I am aware of the one in Berks and um...that's all I am going to say. Kate needs to be alert.
I was reading the twittering last night about the flight attendant's account of Kate's trip (posted on the other blog some time ago). Tweeters were going on and on about the credibility of it and how other attendants backed up the story. I had to laugh because they were not aware that one of the flight attendants was "oh, yes, she does!" Credible? No way.
Oh, good grief. I just read those recent tweets by bigfanofkateg. Assuming that it is a female, she's getting more bizarre by the day. She said she was at the Lebanon Mall and then at Redners in Sinking Spring, which makes absolutely no sense other than to get close to Kate. There's a 60-outlet store mall in Hershey, and other malls in Harrisburg that are easily within driving distance for her.
The Lebanon Valley Mall is enroute to Kate's house, and the grocery store is close to Kate's house - an hour away from Hershey. Who drives an hour for groceries unless they have something else in mind?
I'm really concerned about this one. I hope that she is aware of this, and that precautions are being taken. Steve/Kate - if you are reading this, put your antennas up. I'd really hate to see something happen, especially if she's out running by herself. This person does not appear to be stable.
" Ashley says the boys are sore losers."
You know what Ashley, you really need to keep your big mouth shut and your opinions about those kids to yourself! When you're asked by Kate or whoever to go over and babysit do us all a favor and do just that. Why couldn't those games be just that, games between brothers and sisters where everyone is playing against each other and where at the end of the day there are no winners or losers just a group of happy worn out siblings. I'm tired of hearing/seeing those boys get knocked down by their mother and now their so called beloved nanny/babysitter is degrading them on camera too? Yeah, the boys are sore losers. Gonna cry for us all in the next episode are you? Show us how much you love those kids as you talk to the cameras? Freaking jerk Ashley!
Wow, stewmama, that little diatribe was mean and uncalled for - who are you anyway? All of that crap is scripted and all you are seeing are edited soundbites. Let's not forget that Ashley is not their mama, their mama is the one who left them alone to be filmed with NO parental supervision. Maybe you need to step away from the screen for awhile.
Twittermom has been at it the whole long day; if this were me, I would have taken a big book and a long drink out to my All Mine pool and enjoyed the quiet afternoon. Actually, not a bad idea as we have some daylight left out here.
I don't know how you do it Admin, but somehow you always make the recaps so witty and entertaining even when watching the episode sounds boring as hell. Thanks for watching this and recapping it so quickly for us. I truly pity you having to watch the Twitter Q & A episode next week, though!
I never saw that cupcake show, whatever it's called, but count me as one that doesn't get the current cupcake craze. We have a few places that have opened in small towns near us in the last year or two and it just boggles my mind how people will pay so much for cupcakes, especially in this economy. And, I'm not OCDish (lol), but I have to say that I've never considered cupcakes the finger food that people seem to think they are. I just don't enjoy biting into a cupcake, messy frosting and all. If I have to have a cupcake, give me a plate and fork, please. Or just give me a cookie, thanks, lol.
We all know that this EPISODE was NOT the girls' idea. Remember that article that I posted last week about the movie making episode? Even in that article, producers admitted how it works - they sit around and think of something new for Khate and the kids to do and then develop an episode around it. We've always known that's the case, as in all reality tv. It is definitely NOT just a family living their regular lives doing what they would normally do, and having it filmed. If anyone believes that, I have a bridge to sell you.
I can't believe they pulled up to the bakery in a limo! So, so tacky! Didn't we have that conversation in the comments here not too long ago? That it's so 1980's tacky of Khate to always want a limo to take into NYC. It screams of desperation, seeking attention. I'm not sure if I mentioned this last time, but I can assure you that at Rockefeller Center in NYC, the assorted Today show guests arrive every morning in nothing but big black SUV's with dark tinted windows. That goes for pop stars, tv actors, movie stars, authors, and political figures. But, no, Khate has to have a grand entrance in a limo because she thinks that's what rich celebrities do. What a fool.
I'm with those that think Khate's sudden interest in having her kids get to know their grandparents has to be ONLY for the show, for ratings. In fact, it alarms me that she would even bring it up on camera! If it's truly something she wanted to do, she'd just make the moves with her family, privately and quietly. I am convinced she only brought it up because TLC TOLD her to mention it, and they must be considering trying to go down this road for an EPIOSDE, since they ran out of ideas a long, long time ago. I just hope they are completely done with filming by now and it never happens, at least not publicly and on camera.
With regard to the previews of the fighting and tears, I think it must have been a conflict between Jaime and Ashley being on the road together with so many people for that long. I agree that it is absolutely despicable to film the kids crying over Ashley and use that to promote the show. I'm with those that think this is just another case of TLC exploitation and manipulation to try to suck in viewers. If Ashley just graduated college, maybe she is on to a real, full time job now, which means that this would most likely be the last time she's able to go on an extended trio with Khate and the kids, (because, news flash Khate - REAL jobs don't provide unlimited weeks of vacation per year). So, maybe as she was saying goodbye at the end of this vacation, some of the kids were understandably teary about it since they won't be seeing her as much and as often. TLC is just using that scene to generate interest for the stupid episode.
One more thing - I noticed on Twitter today that the sheeple think Khate is a genius because she came up with the saying (for haters) "consider the source and move on". Her newest obsessed fanatic wants to use the quote in her tween talks and Khate says it's HER quote. Um, I have heard "consider the source" for decades! That is an old saying, you dumb sheeple.
Hey, what happened? My comments are going through immediately, without moderation.
"Kate is so predictable it's downright boring. The whirlwind of the promo "tour" and wherever else she's been is over, she's stuck at home and now she's unmotivated and stressed."
There are some people who have to constantly be on the go, busy being in the spotlight and fawned over or they are miserable. Kate is one such person. No matter how much she gets, she wants more. She is never going to be satisfied. What I cannot understand, though, is which Kate is tweeting on any given day. There is the "look at me, I'm a big celebrity traveling here and there, SO busy, doing press tours, sitting on my leather sofa by my leather pool, watch the Today Show, Joy and I are best friends forever. Envy me!"
Then there's the lonely Kate, bored, unmotivated, needs a vacation, needs encouragement, needs the support of her friends, can't live without her tweeties. In a word, needy.
Can you imagine living with someone like this? You never know which one is going to appear at the breakfast table!
@Kateplusmy8. : don't forget...I left a Treat for you at Starbucks drive thru in Wyom.....good luck on this seasons shows! Xxxoxoo a friend
47 minutes ago
in reply to @us100k ↑
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@us100k you did? When? Was I supposed to know that?
22 minutes ago
MzQuetta01 Chiquetta
@Kateplusmy8 do u ever get a vacay by yourself w no kids??
39 minutes ago
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@MzQuetta01 no... Work trips don't count. No relaxation there! Crazy schedule! Boo hoo!
28 minutes ago
MzQuetta01 Chiquetta
@Kateplusmy8---> maybe when evryone goes to college. Lol
25 minutes ago
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@MzQuetta01 I'm hoping so... Dream of it regularly! :)
21 minutes ago
Ha, Kate perks right up when she hears she might be getting a Starbucks freebie, doesn't she???
Why is she even giving these FREAKS one ounce of interaction?
Stew, I didn't think Ashley should have called the boys sore losers on camera either. But the way she said it was more just gentle teasing with a smile and not in a vicious way. I think the boys are picked on and it would probably be better not to constantly do a boys vs. girls thing, or to make any comments about them. The boys are GANGED UP ON by it seems most of the family. Hannah was openly mocking Joel on the couch. It's very sad how they're the whipping boys.
In one of my earlier comments, l said l'd like Judge Judy to interview Khate. I take that back - I want (and would pay ) to see Admin interview her! Man o' man wouldn't that be something. AND, Khate would HAVE to tell the truth under "punishment of severeness" or whatever the heck she calls it.
Oh good God could this woman be anymore ungrateful? We figured out there were MANY DAYS on both the Alaska trip and the Australia trip they weren't filming. Even if filming is stressful, she could have relaxed then when the cameras were off.
And if working trips don't count as vacations, than how does she figure that she is giving her kids all these wonderful vacations and that's why it's worth filming them? Talk out of both sides of your mouth much? If it's work for her and stressful for her, how does a 7 year old feel??
What an ungrateful piece of work she is.
Teresa I tried to interview her, starting with some questions about child labor laws, and was promptly carted off by rat claws. Too bad because then I could have taken Kate up on the challenge to actually spend time with her and then see how I feel about her.
Wow, that got through at lightening speed :)) Cool!
Um, you CANNOT run 7 miles on no food/fuel:
Kate Gosselin
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
I just (mostly) ran 7 miles in pouring down rain! Came back and looked like I took a shower w my clothes on! Lol!
55 minutes ago
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@LauraJordanC I run when I can convince myself to get out there! I am tired a lot so I fight it&it just depends who wins on any given day!
32 minutes ago
gymnastics08 Anna Duis
@Kateplusmy8 lol what a need somecakefor a reward;)
46 minutes ago
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@gymnastics08 fat free fig newmans would do! I ate veggie chips/hummus/grape tom/ cottage cheese instead!
31 minutes ago
louisemorier Louise Morier
@Kateplusmy8 I have all ur books but wud love u to bring out a cookbook! What's on the gosselin house menu today? #TEAMKATEALLTHEWAY xx
29 minutes ago
Kate Gosselin
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@louisemorier nothing! Lol! I pick on weekends when I am not required to cook! :)
28 minutes ago
Hopefully announcing it won't ruin it, but since someone brought it up I've turned moderation off since I've gotten rid of the troll and things have really calmed down. We'll see how it goes. It may go on and off depending on whether I'm around or whether the mood is good.
Please review the rules. No insider information, this is a strict rule, even if you've been here forever. Sorry, it's not personal. Just trying to be consistent.
She's TIRED all the time because she is not giving her body fuel!!!! What is so hard for a nurse to understand about this???
75 tweets already today! It will be hundreds by the end of the night! But, she is so busy, so tired, has so much to do!
I remember that Admin. Rat Claws shouldn't have put his ratty claws on you! Bastard! He may look attractive but as soon as he speaks, it's a huge turnoff to me, he has a very effeminate voice. Kinda like David Beckham. Plus, being with her all these years has left him classless to me. His rep must have taken a nosedive too.
Kate said the girls were the daughters of her good friend Jen. I don't think they said they were school friends, just friends.
I bet folks are right, Jen is somehow connected to the crew.
Wasn't there a Jen who was a member of the original camera crew?
Administrator said ... "Funny we were just discussing this a few days ago Kate's lack of boundaries. I believe her. She doesn't care what is filmed. Her sense of boundaries in all aspects of her life is non-existent. And while I also said I have no idea what did or didn't happen in Kate's childhood, an absurd lack of boundaries is often a red flag indication that an adult was abused when they were a child."
Kate has had no sense of boundaries from day 1 of filming. Who in their right mind would lift their shirt to show off their "butt in the front" (as both Jon and Kate called her post-baby stomach) on national TV? Someone grifting for a free tummy tuck, perhaps?
Who in their right mind would berate and admonish a grown man and their eight kids multiple times per episode, in front of millions of viewers? Most sensible people don't argue with their spouses in front of friends, let alone a ton of viewers. Most wait until they're in private to bring up irritating issues, but Kate saw (and still sees) no problem with airing their dirty laundry in a very public forum. Boundaries don't exist for Kate.
GlitterGift Tia Kaii
@Kateplusmy8. When are you and your wonderful kids coming to South Africa? #SafariTime
42 minutes ago
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@GlitterGift omg to the max! Dont make me cry! IF I can get my kids there,my total life dream will hav come true!I hav 2 do it before I die!
5 minutes ago
This is a new one, now she's grifting for a South Africa trip.
Kate had all morning to sleep in and get all the rest she wants. And yet here she is going on and on about how tired she is how much she wants to sleep.
Reminds me of that Dana Carvey standup where he's talking about how his friends without kids complain about sleeping until noon and STILL being tired. LOL.
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@GlitterGift omg to the max! Dont make me cry! IF I can get my kids there,my total life dream will hav come true!I hav 2 do it before I die!
Wait a minute. I thought she was going to die if she couldn't get to Ireland. Before that it was Asia. Before that it was Paris. Before that it was Rome. She's never going to be happy unless she goes on a trip around the world, all free of course. When she gets back, she'll figure somewhere else to go. She's a sad little woman.
@MzQuetta01 no... Work trips don't count. No relaxation there! Crazy schedule! Boo hoo!
I thought the kids weren't working, just playing. Imagine how they must feel!
Open your purse, Kate, and pay for a non-working vacation, or shut your mouth. You're digging the hole deeper with each tweet.
"One more thing - I noticed on Twitter today that the sheeple think Khate is a genius because she came up with the saying (for haters) "consider the source and move on". Her newest obsessed fanatic wants to use the quote in her tween talks and Khate says it's HER quote. Um, I have heard "consider the source" for decades! That is an old saying, you dumb sheeple."
I saw that and wondered exactly what she meant by "the source". I have seen posts and Tweets against Kate come from PhD's, teachers, nurses, artists, lawyers, professors, mothers, grandmothers, psychologists, counselors, social workers, and on and on. What does she mean by "the source"? Stupid bitch.
Don't know why it didn't dawn on us sooner, but a GREAT job for Khate: flight attendant!
(Just kidding, flying is stressful enough these days. I wouldn't want to inflict her personality on anyone stuck in a small space with a lot of people for hours on end).
Jen was on the crew at the other house. She said on one show that Kate threw a wet diaper in her face! Kate told her she didn't remember doing it, so I guess she didn't apologize either. Jen was not with the new crew after they moved, I don't think.
gotyournumberKate said...
I saw that and wondered exactly what she meant by "the source". I have seen posts and Tweets against Kate come from PhD's, teachers, nurses, artists, lawyers, professors, mothers, grandmothers, psychologists, counselors, social workers, and on and on. What does she mean by "the source"? Stupid bitch.
Excellent point. But, I think in Khate's simple little mind she meant that she discounts any and all criticism because it's coming from "haters". Just like a narcissist!
Administrator said...
This is a new one, now she's grifting for a South Africa trip.
Hey TLC, you missed your chance! Michelle Obama, her daughters, her mother, and her niece and nephew went there in June. You could have done a Khate +8 +The First Lady go to South Africa episode! LOL!
I have never heard anyone bitch and complain as much as Kate.Maybe she could think back to having 8 kids and no money to pay for them! She acts so entitled, like it's someone's job to keep her highness entertained...what a cow!
She 's the kind that complains when the ice-cream is cold...AH just showed Kate saying she couldn't do internet dating. Said she couldn't even get a babysitter on the internet. Does she know her babies are 7 yrs. old?
I was watching because they said they were going to show something about Stacey K. and George Clooney- I love him. Does she have to corrupt every show on tv? Geeezzz....
@MzQuetta01 no... Work trips don't count. No relaxation there! Crazy schedule! Boo hoo!
Is anyone copying these asinine tweets of hers? She's always saying in interviews that the kids are "just playing" Where's their money? Who is looking after it? She get's to sleep in, while her kids bring her coffee and get's the tups breakfast. If she's that exhausted, SO ARE THE KIDS! Someone, anyone has to copy all she's saying and have a Judge hear it!
Jon....are you listening????
hollyggirl1970 Jackson reid
@Kateplusmy8 Kate are you still friends with Jamie and Ashley?
2 hours ago
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@hollyggirl1970 :) of course!
2 hours ago
Hands raised if you think she ran 7 miles in the rain? Yeah, me, too. She's tired because she is starving her body with rabbit food, and probably drinking just a few too many wine calories. Her obsessive diet is going to create even more problems as her daughters grow older. And given her attitudes towards and about men, her boys should live with their father. I hardly see her father agreeing to be on tv so all that boo-hoo is a ratings grab imho. I was watching my one guilty TLC show, Sat Yes to the Dress, and accidently caught a moment of the promo for Monday - god, the the shreaking voice, just surprised to see her standing next to the large RV NOT dressed in hooker clothes. I do hope Ashley has moved on to something better, just sorry that the kids have lost a friend.
This one is begging Kate to cruise with her to Bermuda:
@Kateplusmy8 u should take the week off and come for some adult time its only $500 per person
Right. Can't you see Kate in a 140-square foot inside cabin with no balcony, (window?) and barely enough room to turn around? Where would Steve sleep? She'd want the Garden Villa for them!
Hi Admin..
I've been reading here, at your site for a while now, but it's my first time commenting.. Your recaps are well written, funny as hell, and so true! I agree with your thoughts on Kate and these sweet children, every time.
I also found the promo of the fight with Ashley really disturbing. It shouldn't have been filmed. Those poor kids.. Ashley is one of the very few people that had lasted in the kids lives, this long. She probably has been biting her tongue for ages, but finally snapped.
Did anyone else notice ( in the same promo) that Jamie was on a bus, also yelling at Kate that she can take the next flight home, if Kate didn't like it? It was definitely Jamie and not Ashley in that one promo scene.
No, Westcoaster, don't believe she ran 2 feet in the rain, she's tooooo tired! I also don't think her dad will ever be on the show. He is a minister and when J&K refused those 8 used cribs from his church, they had a terrible fight.
He was so embarassed, because they demanded money from the church collecting or 'new' cribs!' Nothing but the best for the grifters...I am also disgusted that they showed Ashley's good-be or whatever it was with the kids- Ratings= money= more shows for Kate.
Oh really??
BIogHawg ihawg hia !
@BIogHawg @chardonnay4me2 @mumbear9 @kateplusmy8 A teen was mauled by a bear in Alaska recently. Unprovoked & they had Kate +8 inbearcountry
15 minutes ago
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@BIogHawg @chardonnay4me2 @mumbear9 With electric fencing and security! No risk taking here when it comes to my babies! :)
1 minute ago
That's great if the kids were protected. BUT, it just is an admission of how FAKE, phony, and staged these EPISODES really are. If Khate and the kids were enclosed by an electric fence, with security, why did they have Khate take a bear safety class? And why was Khate so afraid if she was in an enclosed area, a/k/a a film set?
EmilyEmc21 emily
@Kateplusmy8 hey i luv ur show what happens between u and ashley?
31 minutes ago
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@EmilyEmc21 as always, I LOVE Ashley.. No matter! :)
4 minutes ago
Lbinee Renee
@Kateplusmy8 what made u change from being mom in sweats 2 nails, dresses, and hi heels?
34 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@Lbinee my kids grew up a bit and I returned to taking care of myself! Moms can look good too!Give urself permission!Makes u a better mom!:)
4 minutes ago
Look at Kate's true situation. Her husband left her. She tried to make it appear he stole all their money and left her high and dry, but the truth came out, and the public saw Jon in the rental apartment with the same girlfriend a year later, while Kate took the show, the mansion, the vehicles and the money makers. So all the public thinks about Jon is poor bastard, glad he got away from that nagging bitch. Especially those who watched the show and saw the harassment he endured from her. Then she tried the sexpot I am available to date image. And came across like a crack whore, stringy hair, wobbly stilletos, shiny satin shorts, lowcut halters and all. There was the gum smacking Valley Girl and the wanna be stah that just made the loyal faithful fans bewildered and saddened. She lost her fanbase last summer trying to invent herself as desirable. Then they tried the Kate gives of herself, but really, that is just too silly for more than one episode. Then they figured the public hates Kate anyway, so why not make her more hate-able. So we'll have her snivel and ruin the kids' camping trip, and whoops, that just lowered the fanbase. Then they decided to try and capture the hater market and make it appear that Kate was hurt and vulerable. Lets throw Kate off a building, ratings show go up for that. Oh, people are tired of that ploy, huh. And on it went, with Kate reading the blogs and rushing back to the producers with her next great idea. I am sure if the IP addresses are oneday made public it will be revealed that some TLC intern, or Kate herself, played Kate's mom online, and most of the tweeter followers are a software program. Kate will soon be off the air and if she wants to blame someone, Sylvia Lefair really gets the credit. She won her lawsuit against Kate and played her cards right. She let Kate "win". Nobody likes a sore loser and people really can't stand it when a person can afford to pay their bills and simply chooses not to pay their bills. Kate just looks like a bully now. Jon has kept his word, he said he wanted off tv, and he has stayed off tv. He wins, Sylvia wins, Kate loses.
british98 Nicolette
@Kateplusmy8 your welcome dont listen to anybody who says your nasty and snotty you arent your amazing! love your show ill keep watching! :)
25 minutes ago
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@british98 so you see the real me and not the media creation/ illusion! Yay to that!
8 minutes ago
The real Khate? Okay, I guess all the bitchy, rude diva crap on the episodes us just an act.
Bexiiii Rebecca Corrigan
@Kateplusmy8 add me, sure you want a 16 year old British girl? I'd love it! Gap year ;)
3 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@Bexiiii omg come and be my exchange student! We will have a blast :)
28 seconds ago
LOL, a new person tweeted Khate and she usually jumps all over new "fans", desperately reaching out to up her numbers. So, she didn't even get that this tweet was a diss:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
RT @bruhnkieyana9 @Kateplusmy8 RT pleaaaseeeee?! :) I love your show!<3 DONT FORGET TO WATCH ON MON PM @ 9 EST TLC
1 hour ago
Terry Isbell
@terryisbell68 Terry Isbell
@Kateplusmy8 if its all about you being a Diva and treating loved ones like trash, no thanks...
7 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@terryisbell68 I'm not sure I understand?
3 minutes ago
WestCoaster said, Maybe you need to step away from the screen for awhile.
Thanks for your concern but I haven't been online since yesterday! LOL!
And Admin, it breaks my heart too the way those boys are treated.
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@GlitterGift omg to the max
I haven't heard "to the max" since High school! Think I'll go watch the movie Valley Girl now.
So all that stuff with Sarah Palin was all manufactured? How can she seriously now be saying the show is not the "real me."
This from the woman who has told us this is the realest reality show ever. WHICH IS IT???
terryisbell68 Terry Isbell
@Kateplusmy8 lately it seems you've grown progressively short tempered with the people around you, be it bad editing or not, its what I've
1 minute ago
Nobody likes quoted..."@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@Bexiiii omg come and be my exchange student! We will have a blast :)"
Translation: I need a babysitter desperately. Come be my whipping post and slave.
Seven hours and 114 tweets later and she still isn't done for the day:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Gotta charge my phone for a few. Don't worry tweeties, I'll be back soon...
7 minutes ago
If Khate had any real celebrity friends, they would advise her that this is NOT how you use Twitter. In fact, isn't it kind of embarrassing to admit that you have no life other than when TLC is dragging you and the kids around to film episodes? It's really sad and pathetic. Obviously there is no one in her life to tell her she's embarrassing herself and should stop.
So, Kate admits that the show is scripted now? I thought she said theirs was the 'realist of all the reality shows?' She said what we see is what is happening! Whoops, Kate. I think you just got caught in your own lie again!
Kate says she is friends with Ashley and Jamie so the show Monday should be nothing, right? I agree with the poster who said Ashley had something else to do, and that's why the kids look sad.
Thanks for the recap.
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@BIogHawg @chardonnay4me2 @mumbear9 With electric fencing and security!
The property is 20 plus acres of rocky terrain, a pond, inclines and woods. No way is all of that protected by electric fencing.
I didn't watch the DC cupcakes episode, but I saw the clip. What did she say about not doing dietary needs? Imagine how that fellow must have felt after hearing that sarcastic remark. Kate doesn't think before she speaks. Her foot is permanently inserted in there.
"@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@Bexiiii omg come and be my exchange student! We will have a blast :)"
Why would she invite a total stranger to be a babysitter? This is encouraging a stalker. Is she nuts? After seeing some of the tweets today from those who want to meet up with her, I'd close that twitter account down so fast the sheeple wouldn't know what happened.
Is she drunk on the fruit of the vine?
She is nuts to just reach out to a random fan like that and invite them to come over and be her exchange student (read: SLAVE).
If she is sincere, WTF. It's a fan and total stranger!
If she's not being sincere, what kind of mind games is she playing with these fans. I can't think of any other celeb who toys with fans like this. What if this person says I can get a flight to Philly tomorrow come pick me up, does Kate still want her?
This is messed up.
Administrator said...
She is nuts to just reach out to a random fan like that and invite them to come over and be her exchange student (read: SLAVE).
I know! It wasn't just one time, either...she's tweeted this 16-year-old several times about it. This is totally insane! Kidding aside, I wonder if she really is drunk. Perhaps she's gotten an early start on the Communion wine.
@Kateplusmy8 We just moved to PA, do you ever have play dates, my son is looking for friends!
Oh, heck yes. Just come on over to the house. I won't let Jon in the gate, but I'll open it right up for you and your son.
I just want to make sure everyone sees this from last night. When Khate finally appeared back on Twitter last night, she posted that she had been grocery shopping on her way back home:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Hi friends!Was away(again!). I'm back now!Gotta put groceries away then if I'm still awake,I'll chat 4 a bit! What'd I miss the last 2 days?
22 hours ago (August 12th 10:52 pm)
BUT, right before Khate appeared and mentioned grocery shopping, there were two teen girls who work at a grocery store, Wegman's, tweeting about Khate. One of the girl's Twitter page says she lives in Maryland, btw. Their friend seems to work there too because she mentioned that Khate is always there when she's not. This third girl, Samantha, seems to have freaked out when she noticed that non-fans re-tweeted the conversation. So she locked her account this morning, but she just reopened it tonight. However, she deleted a few of her tweets bashing Khate (called her a bitch on her TV show). But, I have them from the re-tweets.
These girls were tweeting amongst themselves and with the third girl about their experience with Khate, not using Khate's Twitter name, not looking for attention. So, these are NOT the usual Twitter "haters" that the sheeple rant about. Just three teen girls who work in a grocery store, two of which had the bad fortune of being there when the "stah" Khate Gosselin showed up. Here's the conversation (I've added the exact times to the tweets):
xiloveyouu Lauren Ann
Just got off work.
23 hours ago (August 12th 9:35 pm)
xiloveyouu Lauren Ann
Seen Kate Gosselin at work today. She's a bitchhhh
22 hours ago (August 12th 10:07 pm)
samantha_kk samantha kirschner
@xiloveyouu she's always there when im not -_- wtf
22 hours ago (August 12th 10:35 pm)
xiloveyouu Lauren Ann
@samantha_kk you don't even want see her. She was a bitch to @allisontire123 ! And allisons so nice !
22 hours ago (August 12th 10:37 pm)
samantha_kk samantha kirschner
@xiloveyouu seriously? what did she do?
22 hours ago (August 12th 10:37 pm)
allisontire123 allison tyeryar
@xiloveyouu @samantha_kk yes kate goslin was so rude....i was just offering her a Wegmans card and she wasn't nice!
22 hours ago (August 12th 10:43 pm)
@samantha_kk samantha kirschner
@allisontire123 @xiloveyouu wtf! damn well im glad i wasn't there then! on her new show, she acts like biggest bitch!
@allisontire123 allison tyeryar
@samantha_kk @xiloveyouu she really is!
22 hours ago (August 12th 10:45 pm)
@samantha_kk samantha kirschner
@allisontire123 @xiloveyouu awww :( well that sucks that she was mean to you!
xiloveyouu Lauren Ann
@samantha_kk @allisontire123 I felt like slapping her! Ahhhh lol
22 hours ago (August 12th 10:46 pm)
@samantha_kk samantha kirschner
@xiloveyouu @allisontire123 you should have!
BUT, right before Khate appeared and mentioned grocery shopping, there were two teen girls who work at a grocery store, Wegman's, tweeting about Khate. One of the girl's Twitter page says she lives in Maryland, btw.
Maybe I'm not following this, but did she say which Wegman's store? There is no Wegman's anywhere near Kate (I know that there's one in Allentown, which is way out of the way), and as far as I know the Maryland store hasn't yet opened.
Administrator said...
She is nuts to just reach out to a random fan like that and invite them to come over and be her exchange student (read: SLAVE).
If she is sincere, WTF. It's a fan and total stranger!
If she's not being sincere, what kind of mind games is she playing with these fans. I can't think of any other celeb who toys with fans like this. What if this person says I can get a flight to Philly tomorrow come pick me up, does Kate still want her?
This is messed up.
Yes, and as "Mom in Lancaster County" said, Khate does this often! She has offered for the sheeple in Ireland to come over and be her "sitter".
This is really one of the most dangerous things that Khate can do on Twitter (other than tweeting details as to where she and/or the kids are at the moment). She has no idea who these people are and as we've seen in their tweets, some are emotionally needy and may have bigger problems. Khate might very well toy with the wrong person one day. There have been many cases were some deranged fan takes ONE little sign from a celebrity as acknowledgment of them, and they twist it into thinking that they have a friendship or relationship with the celebrity. This can be very dangerous if she's dealing with a disturbed person who could just show up, irrationally thinking Khate invited her/him, and then become dangerous when they feel she's spurned them.
It is for these reasons that I'm convinced that Khate has NO "security" and no one watching her Twitter. If they were, they'd be putting the fear in her of just how dangerous her behavior is and her tweets would be more random and generic like the tweets of most celebrities.
Oh yes they did mama mia!
If she flew into Philly or BWI she could have stopped at Wegmans on the way back easily.
I LOOOOVE WEGMANS!!! The thing I miss the most about the Northeast.
E-town Neighbor said...
Maybe I'm not following this, but did she say which Wegman's store? There is no Wegman's anywhere near Kate (I know that there's one in Allentown, which is way out of the way), and as far as I know the Maryland store hasn't yet opened.
I have no idea, E-town! All I know is that on one of the girl's Twitter pages, it says Maryland up top for location. That's Lauren, the first girl to tweet that she had just gotten off work and Khate was there last night.
Maybe Khate stopped in their store on her way home from an airport? I have no idea, not familiar with the area. All I know is this:
9:35pm First girl tweeted that she just got off work
10:07 She tweets Khate was there and was a bitch
10:35 - 10:46 the three girls tweet about Khate
10:52 Khate arrives home and tweets that she has groceries to put away
Btw, that first girl just tweeted again that she just got off work the same time tonight (9:39). So, I guess she works until around 9:30. Maybe the store closes at 9 pm?
I think that makes sense, Kate flew into BWI and since everybody knows Wegmans is awwwwwesome she was sure to stop at the nearest one in Maryland.
Wow, Khate has tweeted 45 more times, which makes 159 tweets in the last eight or nine hours. Plus, she ran 7 miles (lol) and did laundry! Ha ha!
Btw, Admin, I am loving this new change here. I'm hoping it can stick around.
I have a lot of obstacles meeting people. I do have eight kids, I have a crazy work schedule, and obviously I'm somebody that people know from TV. So I do have a lot of obstacles.
One of which is her rotten attitude. She'll always see her kids, her "work" schedule, as obstacles, and blame it on that. Never how she treats people.
@xxxxxx What is one thing u wish TWEEN girls didn't have to deal with? Do Mady/Cara come in contact w school drama u weren't expecting?
Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
@XXXXXXX starting too. Girls start2get mean.ugh! Teaching them 2 b nice no matter& that all won't be their true friends but still b nice!
Teaching your kids to be nice no matter what? Boy is that a laugh. Kate, do you mean "be nice when things are going their way, and throw a fit when things aren't going their way"? (i.e. Sarah Palin episode, anyone?)Kate, you sure weren't nice in that episode. Downright rude, bratty, ungrateful and spoiled, you were and still are.
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...
E-town Neighbor said...
Maybe I'm not following this, but did she say which Wegman's store? There is no Wegman's anywhere near Kate (I know that there's one in Allentown, which is way out of the way), and as far as I know the Maryland store hasn't yet opened.
I have no idea, E-town! All I know is that on one of the girl's Twitter pages, it says Maryland up top for location. That's Lauren, the first girl to tweet that she had just gotten off work and Khate was there last night.
Maybe Khate stopped in their store on her way home from an airport? I have no idea, not familiar with the area. All I know is this:
9:35pm First girl tweeted that she just got off work
10:07 She tweets Khate was there and was a bitch
10:35 - 10:46 the three girls tweet about Khate
10:52 Khate arrives home and tweets that she has groceries to put away
Btw, that first girl just tweeted again that she just got off work the same time tonight (9:39). So, I guess she works until around 9:30. Maybe the store closes at 9 pm?
There's a small airport (Lehigh Valley Airport) in Allentown, not too far from Kate's McMansion with flights to FL and elsewhere. There's also a 24 hour Wegmans in Bethlehem PA about 15 mins from the airport. I used to visit both quite often when my best friend lived in Bethlehem. It's a possibility this is an airport and store Kate uses.
I think someone said it earlier, but if Khate really was in Florida all day Thursday and Friday, that's crappy timing for such a devoted mom (cough). They are going back to school very soon and they're with their father this weekend. So, she took off Thursday morning (or Wednesday night?), for Florida and didn't arrive back home until Friday night when they were already gone.
Oh, actually, I HOPE they got to spend a couple of extra days with Jon, maybe a long weekend. That would be great for all of them. If not, it's funny how last week she had no help and this week she's gone for two or three days before they leave for a weekend at their dad's. So, if she has a new nanny, wouldn't that be terrible to leave them overnight with a new nanny right away?? Damn!
Wow, Stewmama... that was kind of rough about Ashley. But then again I get pretty wound up about Kate...
Hope you are able to take a deep breath and feel better.
Kate saying she doesn't "do" dietary needs or the like scares me. It makes me remember kids complaining of pain and illness for a month before she bothers to take them to a doctor. And of Cara's injury which she had ignored and then didn't want to wait around and spend her oh so precious time having the injury properly examined and treated. Being a sick or injured child in that house must be absolute hell. Very scary. Very dangerous. If one of her children was allergic to nuts, and often deadly allergy, or needed a gluten free diet, would she just tell them to suck it up, act like a man and take one for the team?
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@MzQuetta01 no... Work trips don't count. No relaxation there! Crazy schedule! Boo hoo!
------------------------------------------------Kate looked pretty darn relaxed in those poolside pics taken while they were in Brisbane.
So the trips are "work trips", are they? Then the kids must be working,too!
Kate is just one big Kontradiction and her tweets are the proof.
There's a small airport (Lehigh Valley Airport) in Allentown, not too far from Kate's McMansion with flights to FL and elsewhere. There's also a 24 hour Wegmans in Bethlehem PA about 15 mins from the airport. I used to visit both quite often when my best friend lived in Bethlehem. It's a possibility this is an airport and store Kate uses.
If the employee lives in Maryland, she probably doesn't work in Allentown-Bethlehem. I didn't realize that Kate said she stopped on the way home for groceries. More than likely she used BWI and stopped at the Hunt Valley, Maryland store. I can't imagine driving home from there with perishables in the car (two hours). Hopefully she didn't buy any ice cream or milk!
Maybe she flew into Philly and stopped at one of those stores.
So did she decide to run in the rain knowing it was going to rain? I mean if you have nowhere else to run ok, but she has a boat load of equipment in the basement....on top of considering she took just over 600 cal according to her meal tweet... and she's running in the storm for 7 miles??? She is going deeper in her lies that I ever thought she could! That's the most illogical thing I have ever seen anyone try to pull. Wouldn't you ruin your i-phone , given she took it with her.
-every pic of her running outside she has it that's why I am considering this fact possible-
Ugh I don't get her at all.
E-town Neighbor said...
There's a small airport (Lehigh Valley Airport) in Allentown, not too far from Kate's McMansion with flights to FL and elsewhere. There's also a 24 hour Wegmans in Bethlehem PA about 15 mins from the airport. I used to visit both quite often when my best friend lived in Bethlehem. It's a possibility this is an airport and store Kate uses.
If the employee lives in Maryland, she probably doesn't work in Allentown-Bethlehem. I didn't realize that Kate said she stopped on the way home for groceries. More than likely she used BWI and stopped at the Hunt Valley, Maryland store. I can't imagine driving home from there with perishables in the car (two hours). Hopefully she didn't buy any ice cream or milk!
Maybe she flew into Philly and stopped at one of those stores.
You're right - missed the part about the employee being in MD!
So did she decide to run in the rain knowing it was going to rain? I mean if you have nowhere else to run ok, but she has a boat load of equipment in the basement....on top of considering she took just over 600 cal according to her meal tweet.
I'm going to defend Kate here. Mark this down!! It was just overcast and cloudy, and all of a sudden without warning, all you-know-what broke loose. The skies opened up - and we hadn't yet built an ark. I got caught outside, too! I mean - it rained buckets.
You're right - missed the part about the employee being in MD!
So did I, Jane and I re-read it. If she flew into BWI, she would have used the Hunt Valley store. It's right off the exit. I travel that way quite often. Still, it's about a two-hour drive from there to her home.
This makes the girls' accounts credible.
SmileyGrl752 said....Teaching your kids to be nice no matter what? Boy is that a laugh. Kate, do you mean "be nice when things are going their way, and throw a fit when things aren't going their way"? (i.e. Sarah Palin episode, anyone?)Kate, you sure weren't nice in that episode. Downright rude, bratty, ungrateful and spoiled, you were and still are.
Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
@xxxxxxx I didn't fight. Was just picked on by some mean girls. I wasn't mean so didn't know how to handle! :(
9 hours ago
Apparently, Kate is now making up for lost time.
Oh no you're right, here in St Louis,,, just wait 5 min and the weather changes, but in the days of a doppler radar in the palm of your hand, it makes me feel that she functions at such a high level of narcisism that she could think the rain somehow could not touch her. In my opinion it's just as irrseponsible as her mentionning that she has no help, but is seen at a location other than her house ( Mady and Cara alone with the tups?)Or tweets other personnal info about the location of her kids.The level of lies ans irresponsibility sinks all the way into her ridiculous diet and over exercise.
Question regarding the Sheeple Book Of Spelling and Grammar:
Why is it that no sheeple knows the difference between you're and your?
Is this a joke (like jellus), or don't they really know the correct usage?
BTW WHY in the world could she not WAIT to get groceries? She had all day today to do that... she didn't even have the kids??? I can see yeah ok, a bread or a gallon of milk for breakfast. BUT a cart load of groceries at 9 pm? I guess maybe that's all she got.
Question regarding the Sheeple Book Of Spelling and Grammar:
Why is it that no sheeple knows the difference between you're and your?
Is this a joke (like jellus), or don't they really know the correct usage?
No one uses contractions correctly anymore it seems like.
Is obvious Kate does do special needs, for herself. As in her salad and salmon diets but will fix something else for the kids.
As well as Hannah who has her own bedroom. Now, I do have migraines caused by weather changes and I've never heard of a 7 year old having migraines. Now, I can absolutely be wrong on this 100% and anyone feel free to correct me please but why is it a requirement the kids do not need to wake Hannah up as early as the rest of them get up? Just the way she said it has bothered me. Hannah shared a room prior to the move.
However I can also see she does not do anything individual too often because her kids are still dressed alike from little I see, boys and younger girls all match each other. It's just weird.
Hahahahahah crazy bitch actually thinks she WORKS? omg SHE DOESN'T HAVE A FKN CLUE!!
Marie: No defending here, but my son has had migraines since he was three (he is now 12 and still has them). He has to sleep them off and we don't bother him while he does.
Marie wrote: As well as Hannah who has her own bedroom. Now, I do have migraines caused by weather changes and I've never heard of a 7 year old having migraines. Now, I can absolutely be wrong on this 100% and anyone feel free to correct me please but why is it a requirement the kids do not need to wake Hannah up as early as the rest of them get up? Just the way she said it has bothered me. Hannah shared a room prior to the move.
Kate tweeted not too long ago that the 3 little girls share a bedroom. My guess is the nanny has the other bedroom or at least in the past when the nanny was full-time and lived there.
Kate tweeted that she never gets to vacation by herself and working vacations don't count. Well, didn't she just go to the Kentucky Derby by herself for 4 or 5 days for fun. My goodness, she is such a liar. If someone has tweeter, I wish they would remind her of that.
Well, didn't she just go to the Kentucky Derby by herself for 4 or 5 days for fun.
She would say that it was a working vacation. She was there as an invited "celebrity," which meant she had to be "on," and stick to a schedule of photo shoots, a parade and parties. According to her, that is work. It's for publicity and to keep her in the news for her show.
Oh please, E-town, don't even get me started on sheeple spelling and grammar! I find it hilarious that they ALL seem to have the same problems. "Your" and "You're" are definitely their biggest problem. But, the other very common one is "I seen the show.....". Aargh, drives me nuts! I have never in my life seen so many people say "I seen" when they mean "I saw" or "I have seen". It must be in the sheeple handbook!
I'm sure none of them know the difference between "its" and "it's" either. There are others, but I better stop myself!
Sienna said... BTW WHY in the world could she not WAIT to get groceries? She had all day today to do that... she didn't even have the kids??? I can see yeah ok, a bread or a gallon of milk for breakfast. BUT a cart load of groceries at 9 pm? I guess maybe that's all she got.
Khate doesn't buy milk, bitch said it's too expensive. When the kids were baking for the patients at the hospital, she omitted the milk from the recipe. See below. If it doesn't work google JibberJabber and hear her say it.
Well, that was SCARY!! My husband was finally showing me how to look up my laptop to the tv because we wanted to watch something on Hulu, but on the TV. So, I had a million tabs opened up and you could see my laptop screen on the huge tv. I went to close some tabs and - AH!! - this site was all of a sudden up on the TV. My husband is still laughing about the Khate caricature at the top of this blog! He thinks it's funny, but damn, it scared the hell out of me, lol! Yikes, nightmares tonight for sure!
Aargh, drives me nuts! I have never in my life seen so many people say "I seen" when they mean "I saw" or "I have seen". It must be in the sheeple handbook!
It kind of grates on the nerves, doesn't it, along with "Me and my boyfriend always watch the show. Them kids are so cute!"
This expression always makes me laugh: "...just made me throw up in my mouth." Where else would one throw up? In the ear?
I was going to call it a day, but I just know that we're going to get hit with another storm very soon, and the thunder and lightning will work the dog into a frenzy. Speaking of storms, that was a horrible tragedy at the Indiana State Fair. Lives lost, and so many injuries. The videos are difficult to watch. Those fans were sitting in the pit section, waiting for the concert to begin, and then their lives are snuffed out. One just never knows. It's so sad.
December 7, 2010 4:11 PM
jibberjabbers said... [Reply]
Kate Gosselin makes 3.5 Million dollars. Ranks #5 in the Salaries of Reality Stars
5, Kate Gosselin
Estimated 2010 earnings: $3.5 million
and all she can focus on is herself.
8/10/09 Interview with Meredith Viera "THEY EACH HAVE SUBSTANTIAL COLLEGE FUNDS. THEY WILL ALL GO TO COLLEGE." (Second video on page at 4:17}
June 25, 2010 Interview with Billy Bush "the kids..uh..a portion of the money put away........NOT ENOUGH TO SEND TO THE KIDS TO COLLEGE".
If she's talking, you can bet she's lying!
Taken from JibberJabbers. They have a lot saved there. Try googling....
Jibberjabbers kate gosselin
Well, didn't she just go to the Kentucky Derby by herself for 4 or 5 days for fun.
She would say that it was a working vacation. She was there as an invited "celebrity," which meant she had to be "on," and stick to a schedule of photo shoots, a parade and parties. According to her, that is work. It's for publicity and to keep her in the news for her show.
I can't believe that ANYONE would consider attending derby events stressful or work related. Her kids were not there and TLC cameras were not there so there wasn't any filming. The only TLC related thing Kate did was riding in a convertible & waving to the crowds. And that certainly was not stressful or working. My goodness, she had many days and nights by herself to enjoy herself and relax. And Steve was there to do any mindful thinking for her and to keep her on schedule.
Kate has more vacations than any mother on planet earth. And not only are these vacations free but she gets paid $250,000 a piece for them. She is intolerable.
My gosh, Kate was absolutely manic in her tweeting yesterday. That is one messed up woman who desperately needs a good psychiatrist and/or a man to occupy her time.
Admin, thank you for the recap. You manage to make the episodes sound interesting even though I'm sure they're boring as can be.
I just checked out the JibberJabbers site. Did you all know that Kate is the 6th most hated person in America? Jon is the 5th most hated, and I certainly don't understand that unless people still haven't forgiven him for his bad behavior right after they split up.
If I knew that I was the 6th most hated person in all of America, I wouldn't be tweeting up a storm; I would be in bed with the covers over my head crying my eyes out. Then I would book a flight to a foreign land and never come back.
If she made 3.5 million in 2010. I wonder if she has paid off the mortgage. The McMansion orphanage cost 1.3 million (?) she has enough to live on for the rest of her life and put the kids through college. Why is she still crying poor? When is enough, enough? Bernie Madoff couldn't stop bilking people when he reached 100 million or 200 million, he kept on going into the billions. What's wrong with these people? Has to be more than just greed. They're insane!
@ Donna
She must be more than a narcissist. IMO a psychopath because she has no conscience about being in 6th place. Or what pople say about her. She doesn't care. She said so. And l believe her. Read Robert Hare. He knows all there is to know about people like Khate. And it's all bad.
how dare she picks on her kids esp. Mady, look at this picture....her lazy eye is particularly visible.And her teeth were obviously not corrected then.
Honestly, I'm not sure if she really made 3.5 million. She would have had to pay taxes, so that would have taken some chunk. In addition, it's my understanding that the mortgage has not been paid, which makes sense. Right now she can continue to ride off the interest she's paying on it as a tax deduction. So there's no incentive to pay it off.
Kate has enough, I'm sure, to be able to live comfortably if the show ended as long as she downsized. But she won't do that because she's Kate.
Honestly, I don't wish her or Jon ill, however I also hope that when the show does go off the air, I hear as little about Kate Gosselin as possible.
E-town Neighbor:
Thanks for posting about the tragedy at the Sugarland concert. I meant to do so but forgot about it. Don't you know that the band members are counting their lucky stars right now? All of them would have been killed had they been onstage when it happened.
In regard to your comment about people slaughtering the English language when they talk, I'm from KY and I have to admit that people speak very poorly here. It's very easy to get in the habit of talking that way when you hear others doing it all the time at work, etc. I try to be extra vigilant and speak and write correctly, but sometimes I slip up and fail. Toddlers and Tiaras had an episode that was filmed in KY, and I was appalled at the way my fellow Kentuckians killed English on that show. It would have almost been funny had it not been so sad. I was embarrassed for them, plus it gives KY a bad name. Please forgive me if my redneck hillbilly speak shows its ugly head:(
Would you mind rechecking that web address? I tried it 3 times and couldn't get it, and I would love to see that pic. If it's not too much trouble, please repost. Thank you very much!
You're kidding, right? Kate doesn't buy milk for the kids to drink? OMG!!!!!! Please tell me you're joking. I'll wait for you to confirm before I start my tirade. I don't want to blow my blood pressure if I don't have to.
The promo for the show looks staged
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...
BIogHawg ihawg hia !
@BIogHawg @chardonnay4me2 @mumbear9 @kateplusmy8 A teen was mauled by a bear in Alaska recently. Unprovoked & they had Kate +8 inbearcountry
Kate Gosselin
@BIogHawg @chardonnay4me2 @mumbear9 With electric fencing and security! No risk taking here when it comes to my babies! :)
That's great if the kids were protected. BUT, it just is an admission of how FAKE, phony, and staged these EPISODES really are. If Khate and the kids were enclosed by an electric fence, with security, why did they have Khate take a bear safety class? And why was Khate so afraid if she was in an enclosed area, a/k/a a film set?
I believe Kate's talking about her kids AT HOME being protected by an electric fence and security and she was not referring to when they were in Alaska. They were definitely out in the wilderness when they were in AK and they not on a set.
Kate's an absolute fool if she really believes she's protected by ADT type door and window alarms and am electrified, partially fenced, isolated property. Oh heck; who am I kidding, she's a fool, pure and simple.
As for the comparison the tweeter was making between the G8 being in danger in AK and the teen who was mauled; she's making a stupid sheeple comparison between apples and oranges and has no argument.
More from the Sheeple book of spelling and grammar - they don't seem to know the difference between there, their and they're, either!
Donna - Kate's said several times on the show that she doesn't buy milk for the kids because it's too expensive, or that they rarely get to drink milk, or that she will only buy milk when it's on sale.
Kids do get migraines. It's not at all unusual for a child to develop migraines as early as 2 or 3 years of age. Hannah may or may not have them. Originally, Kate said Alexis needed to be separated from the others because she was "a disturber". Then she said Hannah needed a private bedroom because she had migraines. People speculated at the time that it was actually Jon who was sleeping separate in the basement and then in the single bedroom. It may also have been Kate's way of setting Hannah apart from the others as the "golden child". Who knows. Kate tells so many whoppers it's hard to know what, if anything, has a grain of truth in it.
Poor little Katie Poo - some "mean girls" picked on her. Guess that justifies all her nasty behavior to others these days. Grow up, Kate! You're teaching your kids to be the mean ones!
Kate can't buy a gallon of milk a day? With her money? Unbelievable!
Mom In Lancaster County said...
"@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@Bexiiii omg come and be my exchange student! We will have a blast :)"
Why would she invite a total stranger to be a babysitter? This is encouraging a stalker. Is she nuts?
Not only is Kate nuts for opening up herself and her family to possible problems because of what she tweets, but she's also nuts for suggesting what might be taken as a serious proposition to a teenager.
Assuming this girl is legitimate and took this seriously; when and where did it become proper and appropriate for a 36 year old woman to suggest something like that to a teenager?
It's fine for Kate to have teen fans (without them, she wouldn't have many) but someone needs to teach her what's appropriate and what's not. I remember her offering medical advice to one teen and family advice to another.
It's well past the time she started behaving like a responsible adult. Is that possible?
I can understand why the girls Twittering about Kate were upset when their Tweets were RT'd. They could easily lose their jobs for the things they said. I really wish people would just leave innocent Tweeters alone when they post something about Kate. They could just bring the Tweet over here to discuss rather than bombard the people with attacks and/or questions. The reasons being...
#1. Innocent people wouldn't possibly get into trouble in their personal lives.
#2. It makes the non fans look crazy to the outside world.
#3. It usually backfires with the people defending Kate.
#4. We would get a lot more information if they didn't think their Tweets were being broadcast to the world. ;)
P.S. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Kate saw the girls Tweets who work at Wegmans to call the store and report them. I really hope these girls don't lose thier jobs. :(
I know it was stupid and wrong of the girls to Tweet these things about a customer but I would really hate for them to lose their jobs over Kate Gosselin.
Teresa said:... "Khate doesn't buy milk, bitch said it's too expensive. When the kids were baking for the patients at the hospital, she omitted the milk from the recipe. See below. If it doesn't work google JibberJabber and hear her say it.
On one of the early shows, she supposedly said she doesn't buy milk unless it's on sale or has a coupon. Another one of Kate's lies. I've lived in PA my entire life. Milk does not go on sale nor is there ever any coupons for it, aside from the occasional "buy two packages of Oreos, get a half gallon of milk free" from Nabisco.
At the time she made that ridiculous statement, I brushed it off as another one of her grifting attempts to garner pity and donations. They were still pretending to dig in the couch for loose change. I didn't think for a minute she really didn't give her kids milk.
So in the making treats for the dialysis center patients/staff epi she is still claiming it's too expensive? I could see Miss Organic giving them soy milk (Silk) instead but that's more expensive than regular milk. WTF! The hardest working kids in America put Momster Dearest in a mansion but the skinflint won't buy milk? Are the only beverages they get is the free Juicy Juice and water? There is no words......
As far as the college funds go, she is full of it and can't keep her stories straight. First of all, who says all of the kids are going to want to go to college. More of her "poor me" mantra- I have to put 8 kids through college. Aside from that, she has made enough money that all of the kids should be able to go to college, with no problem. The problem lies in that Kate thinks every penny earned is HERS ALL HERS. She has no vision of supporting her kids, as evidenced from Day 1 when she had sextuplets with no viable plan to support them, other than relying on grifting. College for the tups is over 11 years away, if they even choose to go. So put on your thinking cap Kate. This is simply Kate's way to try to make people feel sorry for her, and no one except sheeples would buy this. How many parents, who can afford to assist their kids with college think ahead. I swear this woman truly does live in the moment and thinks of no one but herself.
As for her audacity to say she needs a vacation, how many places has she gone since January 1, 2011? Seriously. In spite of whether she is "working" - going to hair salon,shopping, eating, drinking, and getting to see and do things people only dream of. Really Kate, that's disgusting of you to even say that. You are not working 24/7. Now back to the places she has gotten to go to on someone else's dime- Australia, New York at least 10 times, Kentucky... I am too disgusted to come up with a list, because I actually do work, but please feel free to chime in on how many places she has been in the past 7 months. It highlights the narcissist that she really is and how out of touch with reality she has really become.
Last, but not least- she has NO HELP!! Really? As if she is REQUIRED to have help on a daily basis because she has 8 kids. These kids are not babies anymore, and whoever said that she is required to have help when she is home? The sense of entitlement is disgusting and she is in for a long hard fall. Can't say I do or will feel sorry for her but the kids will suffer her wrath once she actually has to deal with them full-time. And when she has no one, other than the kids to boss around. Kate thrives on having someone to order around and when that disappears, all hell is going to break loose. This feeds her self-importance. She has no gratitude whatsoever. Rant done.
What about her birthday trip to NYC with Jamie? That wasn't a vacation? That was only a few months ago!
Working doesn't count according to Kate. And yet she sure looked like she was enjoying her limo ride, dinner at STK, getting their hair done, makeup done, and clubbing with men all night. Oh, and getting drunk the entire weekend and waking up the next morning in a plush bed together hung over. What other job is it okay to be drunk the entire time? Kate is so full of it not to mention ungrateful, and that statement has got to push some of her struggling tweeple over the edge.
"gotyournumberKate said... I can understand why the girls Twittering about Kate were upset when their Tweets were RT'd. They could easily lose their jobs for the things they said. I really wish people would just leave innocent Tweeters alone when they post something about Kate. They could just bring the Tweet over here to discuss rather than bombard the people with attacks and/or questions. "
I so agree with you on this. That was my post earlier too. I sure hope they don't get reported by these fans. It is one thing to attack Kate, if you must, sigh, but stop messing with the innocent tweeters, especially the teens. Even when discussing their tweets here, maybe not put their full tweet names? Just a suggestion.
Rant almost done : ) The "I can't afford milk" story is insane. She is probably looking for a sponsor, hoping someone will feel sorry for her and give her free milk. Oh she who has no boundaries. Kate is full of it, and her kids deserve better. Does she even realize how insane she sounds? Rhetorical of course. Since she reportedly once got free milk from WIC or whatever, she probably thinks she should still get it for free. Crazy much Kate?
The Asian (and African) intolerance for lactose is as high as 100% in certain segments. The kids may have lucked out in having a cheap skate as a mother--she can say she was being an enlightened parent. (The humongous bowls of ice cream she fed them for supper occasionally notwithstanding.)
When I heard the milk quote I thought she was discussing ORGANIC milk. Which is expensive. If she only does soy for herself (her Starbucks order she so pretentiously discusses on twitter has soy) then non-organic, hormone laced cow's milk is probably just fine since it is so very much cheaper.
And could I just for one second get up on a soap box and say the hormone enhanced cows are going to emasculate all of America? Boys with breasts and shriveled gonads, girls with breasts and hitting puberty by nine. No thank you. It is easier to find non hormone enhanced now with organics gaining popularity but 20 years ago was quite a search. Dairy farmers who did not inject hormones were forbidden from saying so because it was seen as unfair competition from the huge chemical enhanced dairies--who after getting the cows to produce more milk then had to up their antibiotic dosages since now the cows were all getting mastitis (with pus going into the milk). Those huge dairies did not want us to understand how horribly their greed was affecting our health. (Now there is a cancer linkage, too, but oh, well. The dairies have people depending on them. They are forced to be as profitable as they can.)
It cracks me up that one tweeter with the teen workshop had been tweeting away to Kate about her teen workshop for how many days? Wanting Kate and the twins to become involved. Then Kate tweeted, "what is you do? Teen workshop?" She hadn't even read all the nonsense. LOL
Oh and yes, "Consider the source, and move on" Is just "BRILLIANT" SO original. Good heavens. Then one fan said "Kate you saved a life and didn't even know it". WHAT? By repeating and old cliche' or two? Ummm ok. No wonder this woman thinks she is the most wonderful person in the world.
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