Saturday, August 27, 2011

Recap: Kate's Toughest Questions (part 2): Just remember who's picking your nursing home, Kate. Hint, not your 'tweeties'

Coming up on part two of Kate’s Toughest Questions. Uncle Kevin nurses back to health an endangered baby lion cub named Fluffy-poo and Kate hates him for it.

Next question, the number one question asked of Kate because her situation is so bizarre and abnormal even her fans can‘t help wondering--Where the heck is all your family, Kate?

Kate answers that all of her family members, every single one, are very different from her. They are not open-minded or adventurous. If by this she means they are not “open-minded” to eight kids having nearly their entire childhoods exploited for six years, including dragging them on countless long and grueling flights and road trips to experience “adventurous” working vacations, the bulk of which most of them don’t even remember, then yes, I see how there might be some family tension. Kate says she doesn‘t judge what her family does so they shouldn’t judge what she does. More awesome logic from Kate again. If a family member is a bank robber and you are a well-adjusted doctor, you shouldn’t judge them because they shouldn’t judge you? I don’t think so. Of course you should judge, family members have a moral obligation to try to steer down a different path family members making bad choices. Just think, if we all lived like Kate there would be no shows like Hoarders or Intervention. Now that would be truly tragical for a great number of viewers. Helping a family member is not always a bad thing, even if they hate you for it. From what I can tell, the more wrong the family you are trying to help are, the more they’re gonna hate you for trying to help, and Kate sure is fitting right in there with that theory. Anyway, it’s not just about Kate choosing to rob a bank and the family members can‘t mind their own business--there are eight other family members involved, children no less, and likely that’s why her family started saying something.

Also, what’s funny is I distinctly remember when Kate judged and accused Kevin of leaving his kids to speak for one day at a congressional hearing. In fact, let's pull the exact quote shall we? Kate said of Kevin, he “has four children of his own and spending time in court and gallivanting to New York to complain about me, couldn't he be at home with his kids?" That’s not judging?

Incidentally, Kate? He went to a hearing in Horsham, Pa., less than two hours from his home--not New York. The one time he was on a New York-based show was a live feed from his house! One day he left his kids. One. It was a school day so three of his four kids weren't home anyway. And he was summoned to the hearing to offer his own unique first-hand knowledge of abuses in the industry to make a difference for all kids working in the industry in his state and the country. How many days, weeks, and months has Kate abandoned her children for much less noble causes, such as hair extensions, or Nobu? Or to go get drunk all weekend in New York and meet strange men in a club. What am I saying, this woman is one big heel-stomping contradiction. Although it’s become almost like a fun game to trap her in her own lies, especially with her own quotes. I see now why Kate doesn't want to be quoted without permission, how could she possibly keep it all straight?

Look, the real answer to this question is more likely: Kate estranged her family members for a variety of reasons that mostly boils down to them not agreeing this narcissist’s agenda was the right thing for the kids. In case any of Kate’s tweeties asking these stupid questions are wondering, there is a pattern here. Remember in elementary school? Square--square--circle--square. The pattern here is: Kate‘s fault--Kate's fault--family members get estranged because of sociopathic diabolic narcissistic Kate--Kate‘s fault. For extra credit, try to figure out what the pattern is in the divorce. Hint: start with it's all Kate’s fault.

Kate says Kevin turned on her. Haha, and then they show a clip of Kevin bottle-feeding his lion cub. Or rather, he says he just wants the kids to be safe and all reality T.V. show kids should be protected. The man wants his nieces and nephews safe from well-documented abuses against young children in the entertainment industry that have gone on as far back as Jackie Coogan and the Dionne’s in the 1930’s! Et tu, Keven? What a betrayal! Brutus and Cassius and Judas are hanging their heads in shame.

Kate says you should go to the parent when there is a concern, not the media. Huh, how does one do that if the parent in question has estranged you? Because by Kate’s own admission, at the time of the hearing, she herself hadn’t let Kevin see the family in more than two years (though there were photos of Jon having them over when Kate wasn't home).

Ha, more clips of what a wonderful brother Kevin was and how helpful he was. Never thought I would say this, but, You go, TLC. Kate says she’s considering getting back together with the grandparents. “We’ll see.” She’s such a tease. She loves to keep people squirming, doesn’t she, especially people who love the kids. This is called manipulation, or if you like, psychotic.

An alarming number of clips of the children pummeling each other, many of which with no adult around whatsoever. I usually end the fight, Hannah explains. Ha, I bet she does. I usually help her, Leah adds. “And I usually run away!” says Joel. Haha, Joel! Does Kate realize what she has here? These kids are funny, I love this age. But kids say the darndest things should be for family and friends, not a bunch of obsessed strangers.

The kids all have unique personalities, Kate says. They do? Then how come all eight do all the same thing all at the same time all the time? And, they even feel all exactly the same, especially when it comes to backing up Kate, like regular Children of the Corn. Collin is anal, Kate says. You suck, Kate. The pattern here couldn’t be more simple--just a straight, You suck, Kate. And repeat.

Next question, where will you be in 30 years? Um, well tweeties, that’s all going to depend on the kids and which nursing home they pick, why don’t you ask them? Why don't you start with Mady?

Press three if you don't want us filming you going to the toilet. Oh, snap, three doesn't work!

As usual, Kate says, uhh, let me think, uhh, nope, she wouldn’t do a darn thing different if she had to do it over again. Sheesh, not even that boob halfway through tunneling its great escape? Nope, nothing, nothing at all. I half expect her to break into some long soliloquy about why Jesus loves her more than most. Kate actually thinks she made wise decisions. For herself, maybe. For her skin, her hair and her eight kids, not so much.

I love the clip they show from a few years ago of Kate with Steve in New York where Kate is boo-hooing about something or other stupid thing. Steve is basically like, well, Kate, welcome to life. You have to make a decision that might be hard just like we all do at times, oh, well, suck it up. Translation, quit your crying, you big freaking baby, how old are you? This clip was the moment when I realized she and Steve are in fact, actually not doing it, much to my surprise.

Kate wants lots of grandkids. She may have, but whether she will be allowed to see them will be another matter. Remember, kids are watching you, watching the things that you do. And that includes, estranging everyone you love around you.

Where would you be if you didn‘t have the show, Kate? Maestro, cue the music please.

(Press play, haters)

Struggling, bemoans Kate. Many, many shifts in a day as a nurse. (Uh, there are regulations regarding nursing shifts that wouldn‘t permit that.) Instead of raising chickens I'd have to eat chicken feed! Living in a shack and wearing potato sacks! Sip of water, crust of bread for dinner. Is America really this gullible? Sadly, apparently so.

Also, more hypocrisy from, Kate. I thought she said she is struggling with a purseful of bills? So, she would be struggling had she not had the show, too? Then what was the point? It sounds like her point at this moment in particular is to justify the exploitation by saying, look what a great lifestyle this show gave me, had I not had this, things would be so very, very destitute. Either the show has prevented poverty or it hasn‘t, but pick one story and get on board with one consistent message here and stop being such a Sybil.

If push came to shove would you ever work a normal job? Yes, but her preference is to be a narcissistic diva. Kate just hates the paparazzi. Except when she doesn’t.

The nosey tweeties want to know all about how the divorce made Kate and the kids feel. Kate can’t do everything, sob, sob, it’s been so hard. Well, they do still have a Daddy they see and love. Love so much many of them just said at the beginning of this episode they don’t want a new one. Just love to remind Herr Kate of that.

Kate doesn’t understand why “the law” (she says this like she‘s fifteen years old and talking about her parents‘ curfew) would let Jon have any say in these kids. Yes, it’s so very, very unfair for a father to be making decisions as to the children he not just fathered but raised and they adore. Apparently Kate has never heard of something called parental rights. Jon has them, and you have to be pretty darn abusive and detrimental for a very long period of time for the silly law to strip them away. But it’s Kate, the pesky law never applies to her. This is also another great example of Kate not thinking beyond the end of her powdered nose. Would she want the law to have such power that it can take away her parental rights just like that for a few mistakes two years ago? What a scary place that would be to live in. Over her tanned dead body. She wants the law to be a dictatorship against Jon, just not her. Jon is not on the same team as her, says Kate. Nope, he’s not. Team Exploitation is not a team the vast majority of people want to be on, not after six years of this.

Ha, more clips of Jon being an absolutely wonderful daddy. Real long clips with cute music of Jon being so cute with Leah and then Aaden, and all of them. Leah lovingly caressing her Daddy’s cheek. TLC is not exactly supportive of Kate’s propaganda campaign. In fact at this point it's a full-on counter-propaganda campaign. I wonder if they even refused mandatory sterilization, too.

Would you still be with Jon if not for the show? Again, why their business again? No! cries Kate. A bunch of clips of Kate being a complete shrew to Jon. Including this little gem, “YOU DIDN’T USE A COUPON??!!!” Who wouldn’t divorce this psycho eventually? The only crazy part is it was Kate who finally filed, not Jon.

Next question, if you could change one thing about you what would it be? Hold onto your hair extensions, folks, because Kate is going to do a teeny, tiny bit of self-reflection here. Kate wishes she were pleasant all the time and weren’t in a funk. Are you sitting down on your leather couch? She also doesn’t understand why she gets grouchy sometimes, probably because she feels uncomfortable. Uncomfortable? From the stick maybe? Kate wants to be perfect. That explains so much actually. People that want to be perfect are forever going to feel frustrated and grumpy.

Final question, what does she hope for the future? Healthy kids. That’s nice. Oh, and of course, to be on T.V. Kate thanks her creepy tweeple for their support. And we thank the creepy tweeple for hours of entertainment. We salute you, tweener tweeties!

248 sediments (sic) from readers:

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khater said...

I think the cupon thing is very interesting (as is her 'tightwaddedness' when it comes to everyone else but her!)
The narcissit I know, and boy does she remind me of Khate! was an extremem tightwad. She gave her husband, who worked full time AND over time, not that it should matter...a measly allowance. Like $10 a week, most of which he had to use for the bus, because a car was "too expensive". Meanwhile these people had a comfortable income. She went out and spent what she wanted, but made her kids (the boy at least) wear shoes with holes in them! My mother was appalled.
It must be a characteristic. This woman, like Khate, always complained about being poor and barely making it, when everyone knew it was a lie.

Now of course they didn't have millions like Khate, but we are talking about $80 000 a year in a very cheap city to live in. She even kept all of the money those kids were given as gifts for their birthday and socked it away. That was their college savings and when they graduated she tried to play it off as if SHE was giving it to them, after all her hard work of saving LOL

nit picker the original said...

Coupon vs gift certificate, really? Does it matter? Jon went to the store and he bought something and he didn't use the discount coupon/gift certificate/rain check/offer/voucher/document they had and she threw a holy sh*t fit. That's the REAL point. ~ Administrator said...

Law Department, is that over there next to the Ministry of Magic???

Also, I didn't discuss Kate's sex life. She has no sex life. What was discussed is how a normal 36-year-old heterosexual female who has made it clear she is on the market (she never made any indication she is actively choosing to do this without a man, sorry sheeple) is having such a hard time finding a significant other, or even just, one date. One.

Kate doesn't rate said...

"I'm sure her tweet about her To-Do List is for the helper."

Her tweet wasn't about her to-do list. It was about her "bucket list." She and some man she's scoping out were talking about bucket lists.

She did say she's got tons to do but she says that all the time. ~ Administrator said...

Why is Kate so helpless? What is she going to do when TLC isn't there to cry to?

Facebook has an easy-to-use "help" section under the Account tab. Why can't she be a grown woman and go there and figure out how to report someone impersonating her on facebook?

Sienna said...

Easy answer, Kate doesn't do ANYTHING for or by herself... not even conceiving children PCOS or not.
She relies on others to do anything for her, as long as she fills in the master's role she is happy.

Falling like a brick said...

It's nearly 8.5-9.5 miles from where the bus parks to pick up the kids and Kate's house (depending on the route she takes)(hilly as well) and if she takes the shorter route it's on a very busy street w/ some sidewalks and passing a school as well (lots of buses). I highly doubt that she left the Big Van there when it is so recognizable and it's in a very public parking lot (a local shopping center).

Hence there are two options:
A. She had someone drive it back part way for her
B. She Lied

Sienna said...

Simple proof of this was in last week's episode when Ashley says:" I didn't wake up thinking I would be doing this today".. another way of saing Kate decided we would do this and now I am stuck doing it because she says so. Same with the coupons, she SAID to use a "coupon" so Jon would HAVE TO... glad he wised up.

Sienna said...

I am also feeling kinda sad for Mady and Cara, I am wondering now that the show is over, if she'll even put any emphasis or effort in celebrating their birthday??? Will they get as great a present ( pool slide is for all 8 I get it)and not really get anything significant for their 11th? Narcissistic people tend to fill in gifts or posessions and excuses with other occasions or events so no one else gets the attention but her/him... aka ( tups b day party every year that SHE (yeah right) organized)...thanks Ashley and friends. wink wink..Will she play the "we don't have a job now" card to explain the absence of a party?? ugh SO SAD.
In the past they were widely ignored ( Mady complaints in Florida last year)obviously out of choice not the girls?? Anyway I hope they can at least live a normal life now.

Tucker's Mom said...

nit picker the original said...
Coupon vs gift certificate, really? Does it matter? Jon went to the store and he bought something and he didn't use the discount coupon/gift certificate/rain check/offer/voucher/document they had and she threw a holy sh*t fit. That's the REAL point.
It matters because Jon and Kate sold their viewers an image that was false. Fraudulent. The sold themselves at active Christians, non-smoking, POOR, coupon-clippers when they were rolling in dough, on one hand buying a 1.2 million dollar home and at the same time, holding out their hands for offerings, freebies and products for placement.
They were never alone, they were never destitute, they just duped millions.
So yes, the main point is that Kate busted Jon's balls and berated him in an ugly, ugly manner. She was a bitch. A second and very valid point is that these "coupons" were gifts. They received many, many of them but acted like they were oh so poor and stressed all the while I've never seen a family vacation/spa and have VIP outings as much as they did.

TLC stinks said...

Oh. I assumed her list was pertaining to her to do list today. My bad. I only follow tweets on this site. But I stand by my assumption she has a helper today and her laziness and deception for the brand.

Sheeple say we are itching for the tell-all books to come out once the contract is up with TLC. Admin, any idea how long nondisclosure agreements typically run for? I realize it can years for a really in-depth book to come out. Shame forbthe kids, but Kate and Jon opened a can of worms.

No Regrets said...

"Tucker's Mom said...It matters because Jon and Kate sold their viewers an image that was false. Fraudulent. The sold themselves at active Christians, non-smoking, POOR, coupon-clippers when they were rolling in dough, on one hand buying a 1.2 million dollar home and at the same time, holding out their hands for offerings, freebies and products for placement."

You are absolutely right. She has cried poor mouth, her and Jon from the very beginning. I used to have a list of the freebies they were given after the very episode was shown. AMAZING. 5K free groceries, furniture, just everything they needed. Not only to feed themselves but all the kids' needs. The only thing that was left was the house note, if they even had one at the time. Friends had even asked their utility bills to be paid. They were getting paid from the show, not much then, but if you have no other bills to pay, it would put them in pretty good shape. Unless they did have large credit card bills which I don't think they did at the time.

She got a huge payoff from crying poor, why stop now?

Kate doesn't rate said...

According to one of Kate's rabid fans, confidentiality agreements can run for life. ~ Administrator said...

New post for the episode tonight, plus a must-read article about how Hollywood is/should rethink reality tv after the Real Housewives suicide.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that Kate is still expecting TLC to clean up her messes. Kate, honey, it's not stealing to repeat something someone put out on a public forum, and it's not plagiarism unless they are claiming the material as their own. Email FB and tell them about it if someone is impersonating you on FB.

The twins have never really had a big deal made of their birthday. Every year it's an over-the-top celebration for the tups but, other than the special trip to NYC and American Girl for their 6th? 7th? birthday, nothing other than dinner out and gifts has been done for the twins. Have they ever had a real birthday party? One where they invite friends and classmates and play games and stuff themselves with ice cream and cake? It's yet another way Kate has of making them feel like afterthoughts and yesterday's news. Very unfair. It's no wonder Mady acts out and Cara just tries to disappear.

Kate mentions running through hurricane debris so I think she's trying to make us think she actually ran back from the bus stop. Did she really? I doubt it, but, on the off chance that she really did, I 100% believe that she had a helper along. No way she'd leave the big blue van there all day.

readerlady ~ Administrator said...

A confidentiality agreement can say whatever it wants to say. The real question is how far can they take it before a court of law says it's too far.

Would a court of law uphold one FOR LIFE? Doubt it.

Sienna said...

I think what insulted me the most about the coupon thing is that she tweeted that working vacations were not vacations, and they were stressful. That's LOW! Fully paid vacations that you get PAID for on the expense of your kid's life and privacy and you have the nerve to berate your " I stand by your side and listen husband" in the mean time to keep face??? or brand... same difference in my opinion. How stupid does she think viewers are?? when most of us in the us are struggling to make ends meet and a vacation is the last thing on my mind right now.

Anonymous said...

No Regrets said...@facebook @TLC PLEASE remove Facebook faker! I DO NOT have Facebook & some1 is stealing&publishing my tweets...plagiarism is illegal!"

Why on earth is she asking TLC to remoove the FB account? Why can't she notify FB? It's not like TLC has loads of time to do this stuff. LOL
She did notify facebook. See? She tweeted them. There! *brushing hands together* Minions have been told! Job done!


No Regrets said...

Anonymous said...
No Regrets said...@facebook @TLC PLEASE remove Facebook faker! I DO NOT have Facebook & some1 is stealing&publishing my tweets...plagiarism is illegal!"

Why on earth is she asking TLC to remoove the FB account? Why can't she notify FB? It's not like TLC has loads of time to do this stuff. LOL
She did notify facebook. See? She tweeted them. There! *brushing hands together* Minions have been told! Job done!


Ooops thanks, I missed that! Still why ask TLC to do it? LOL idiot woman. LAZY idiot woman.

Tucker's Mom said...

Once again, Kate threw Jon under the bus. She just can't help herself, can she? She believes she's on the moral high ground because she's always "just responding" to what's out there. The plain fact is, Kate could draw a line and say no comment. Yet she prattles on and on but this one is right up there with her Regis and Kelly attack on Jon.
To imply that Jon should not have rights because the kids live with Kate is obnoxious. Admin was so very right in calling this parental alienation out early. That's exactly what she's doing. Kate wants to marginalize Jon and his role, which is disgusting. What example she is setting for her kids! Good luck with their marriages in the future if this is what they're learning.
I DO wonder why Jon doesn't see the kids on a weeknight, say, just to take them out for pizza or something. There's no evidence, which is a shame. I think they need to see him more, especially the boys. The need him to shape them as they mature.
I hope he fights for more.

Sienna said...

Ugh she says "Plagiarism is illegal"... in my opinion you shall not be able to MAKE UP WORDS and take credit for it...Or invent new diseases, i.e.: Aviation flu... pfff----> insert eye roll here<---- YES IDIOT WOMAN

No Regrets said...

Tucker's Mom said...I DO wonder why Jon doesn't see the kids on a weeknight, say, just to take them out for pizza or something. There's no evidence, which is a shame. I think they need to see him more, especially the boys. The need him to shape them as they mature.
I hope he fights for more."

Jon tweeted not long ago, he DOES pick up one or two of the kids for more alone time with them. That was when he had taken two of them somewhere, and it was during the week. Sorry, don't remember the exact details, but I do know he did say that. I don't believe for a second he sticks to only those 2 weekends. He DOES work during the week, though, so it can be hard to pick them up, especially when they have homework.

No Regrets said...

Plus, he may work past the time the school bus drops them at the end of the day. I can't fault him too much during the week, even though yes, if he could pick them up and treat for a pizza. If Kate says it, it probably IS the opposite.

Tucker's Mom said...

Sienna said...
Ugh she says "Plagiarism is illegal"... in my opinion you shall not be able to MAKE UP WORDS and take credit for it...Or invent new diseases, i.e.: Aviation flu... pfff----> insert eye roll here<---- YES IDIOT WOMAN
She's clueless. Moreover, she thinks that adding "ish" to the end of words or making up words using poor english is witty.
Neologisms are brilliant, but that's not what she's doing. She sounds uneducated yet she comes across as thinking she's so cute-- like there's something attractive about misspeaking. It makes her look dumb.
And what's with the shifty eyes for emphasis? Gee! Aren't I so cute!!
Kate thinks her sense of humor is great, but she's not funny. She makes jokes at others' expense. She's cutting, which isn't funny. It's mean.
The funniest people I know are incisive and self-effacing. Kate would never have a laugh at her own expense. She's way too insecure.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Thank God Irene is gone. I feel horrible for the folks in New England, New Jersey, and upstate New York.

Just frightening.

Speaking of frightening- how's that for a segue ;o)...

As Katie Irene's episodes dwindle to the last few, I'm happy to say that I will not miss seeing her mean punim on t.v. Kate's ONLY talent is her extreme proficiency at sucking the energy/life out of the room- even through the airwaves.

My home is still happy to be,
Kate + 8 and TLC free.

How about yours?

Pants On Fire said...

I haven't watched an episode in ages, but I just watched KHate's Toughest Questions on YouTube.

WTH is with her eyes??? No surgery she says?? BS I say.

Good luck ever getting a nursing job after saying "it wouldn't be my choice." Ha!

TLC really stuck it to the witch with their editing. I loved how KHate said that each kid has a unique personality,,,,,,then TLC shows a clip of each child dressed in a chef hat, each asking a hotel employee "What is your name?"

And way to trash your brother, KHate. How many times can you say, "He TURNED ON ME." She makes my STOMACH turn.

Classy how her shiny hot pink dress matched her phone.

How unclassy that her right nipple nearly made its television debut. Tramp.

I love how Joel said "I just want to be myself." Love that kid.

Haha, when KHate was reciting the rules & regulations about proper manners,,,,,and the kids were being rude, not even listening, blabbing and burping away.

Sorry to say, Mady seems so scripted, like her mother. Cara wants no part of it,,,,,,seems to want her twin to keep an arm's distance away.

Audible Click said...

I too live in the South and have evacuated for Katrina and Gustav (Gustav did some major damage to my house). We bought a generator after Katrina and used it when we were finally allowed back after Gustav. The generator is enough to power my lights and AC which, for me, is a minimum. In my neighborhood there are quite a few generators and I know people that have generators that automatically kick in and power everything in thier house. I wish I had one of those.

Sweet Charity said...

Kate doesn't rate said...

According to one of Kate's rabid fans, confidentiality agreements can run for life.


I posted here that it is possible for a c/a to run for life. I know a case where this happened. I am NOT a rabid fan - quite the contrary! If someone on twitter reported this, then they picked it up on this blog from my posting. Wouldn't be the first time!! A sheeple wouldn't know what a c/a is, let alone the length of enforcement.

Tucker's Mom said...

I wish we had a full house generator, but I'm so so happy that we bit the bullet and bought a decent size Honda generator about 2 years ago. We get a storm and boom, power out.
We are assured that we won't lose our food which is huge as I have a large freezer that's stocked with $$ proteins and lots of homemade stocks and sauces.
Although our electricity went out around 9pm, it came back on in the middle of the night. What a storm!! We had no damage but had leaves everywhere in front, back deck and you should see the back of my house.. it's covered with leaves that are now crusted on. Oh well, I've been meaning it get the house power washed anyways.

Jenna Does said...

I haven't read any comments yet, so I'm sorry if this has been posted: What does Kate do all day while the kids are at school?

Hmm. OK. Let me think. First, she gets home from dropping the kids off at the bus stop, unless of course she has the nanny do it. Because let's face it, she HAS A DAMN NANNY. If the nanny does do it, then she's sleeping until whenever. She drags her butt out of bed, has her coffee, sits there & pontificates the almost career she almost had. "I KNOW it's not my fault; it's his, hers, theirs." She goes down the list of people whose fault it isn't, never once blaming herself.

After that, which usually takes about an hour, she showers. Her hair falls out in clumps, & again, this isn't her fault, it's her hairdressers. "He shouldn't have bleached it so much. And I'm so stressed. Damn kids." After the shower, she eats...a half a banana, a bite of an apple & a a half a fruit roll up, from the kids lunch box, from last year. After that, she decides to twitter. This takes the better half of her day. Her phone rings & it's her "manager". "I MAY have something for you, but it's a Yacht show, on this boardwalk. It's LIKE a ribbon cutting...You'll be paid! And you can wear a bikini!" Kate: "I'll think about it. How much?" Manager: "Well, it's not typically what you would have commanded in 2009, but it's SOMETHING"...

Kate cries for a few minutes, twitters: "lyf is mde of ups/dwns. Rainbws & drk clds. C the brite sde always! xoxo my tweeties!

After that comment, no one hears from her for 2 days. We all speculate she's out of town, doing business, when actually she is drowning her sorrows in a BOX O' Wine. That night at dinner, one of the kids asks Kate what's wrong: Kate: "You! Why couldn't you stay younger longer???" She makes all of the kids cry. The nanny comforts them by sitting them in front of one their "episodes", which just upsets them even more. Kate retreats to her room, watching the old J+K+8. She reminisces. She thinks about drunk dialing Jon, but decides to do it to Steve instead. She giggles & hangs up. Then passes out.

Tomorrow is another day!
~Hippie Chick~

Jenna Does said...

Jennifer said...
@facebook @TLC PLEASE remove Facebook faker! I DO NOT have Facebook & some1 is stealing&publishing my tweets...plagiarism is illegal! 37 minutes ago

I'm right there with you laughing!!!! Too funny!!!!
~Hippie Chick~

Red Sky At Night said...

@facebook @TLC PLEASE remove Facebook faker! I DO NOT have Facebook & some1 is stealing&publishing my tweets...plagiarism is illegal!


I guess they told her that when they dumped her cookbook!

Ingrid said...

And the witch says nothing about the fake kids FB accounts that have been around for a while? As usual it is only things about herself that matter.

Troy Chula Vista said...

Out of the mouthes of Idiots! You can't make this stuff up. BTW: This sheeple is a JON Hater and never has a nice word about him and in fact she will go out of her way to trash him (even if he isn't mentioned at all by anyone) & BL = our lovely admin (for those not up on the idiot sheeple acronyms):

"Kmom2 said...
Ok...the BL wondering about Kate's sex life is BEYOND CREEPY! But I'm sure someone like the BL doesn't understand morals, ethics, teaching your children by EXAMPLE, showing your daughters a woman can make it on their own, teaching your children that sex is a wonderful gift between a man and woman in a marriage, not something that a 'warm-blooded female" can't do without. I mean she's just beyond comprehension. Kate's twins are old enough to put 2 and 2 together as far as sex goes. They see their fathers immorality, his dependance on a female around him. Does Kate really want to set the same example? I bet she doesn't. I'm sure Kate gets "lonely", but Kate has more class than being a booty call. Kate has more self esteem than to just give herself away in a cheap, demeaning manor."

Somehow the sheeple are convinced that admin was all over Kates sexual prowess in the recaps.

Troy Chula Vista said...

part 2 of the idiot sheeple speak:

"Is this a little dramatic? Maybe. I have faced the same thing, but thankfully without the judgement of idiots like the haters and the BL. Sex is freakin everywhere these days. Trying to teach children that it is imperative to get to know someone, fall in love, commit your life to theirs is the right thing to do is so hard when everywhere they turn are examples like Jersey Shore, et al. Sexually transmitted diseases that CAN KILL YOU....unwanted pregnancy. Sex should not be the most important thing in your life. It is a gift, the icing on the cake.

When I divorced, I made the decision to put my children first no matter what. I tried dating and raising them. I found that when I gave them all they needed to have, I was too tired to try to build a relationship with someone else. But I wasn't about to give less to my children so I could have a boyfriend. It wasn't that important to me. I'm sure other women were much better at the dating/raising children by yourself thing than I was. This was my choice.

I guess my point is HOW DARE THAT IDIOT bring this up? What the hell does this have to do with advocating for the children????? Oh I know it's all a front for her extremely unhealthy obsession with Kate. And I'm sure it would never occur to someone like BL that maybe Kate is teaching morals and ethics to her children since they obviously are not getting it from their idiot father and his bimbo. Going without sex isn't fatal, BL. FIND A DAMN HOBBY!!!!


The insight to a sheeple mind? Notice the last line where she calls out Jon and Ellen. How do they have anything to do with the beotch Kate?

Sienna said...

That just tells me one thing, that they cannot see what is OBVIOUS, Admin is only trying to say what MOST NORMAL people would wonder about, unlike Kate and TLC who will answer ( and on interviews too)scripted questions and filtered questions. I think it's normal to wonder how someone who is taklking DAILY might I add ( ok maybe not daily but often) About dating and being lonely... come on I am surprised the sex thing wasn't brought up before... that's so stupid to think that no one was ever going to talk about it, we're all adults ( so I hope most of us are) unlike all her little tweeple who drool over every key she punches on her i phone. This sheeple orders admin ( how Kate like!)
to get a hobby... well, I am thinking...? Did she just take Kate as a client for counsel, sure seems someone needs to get a hobby, she is obviously spending a LOT of time defending Kate, unless she is getting paid for it that is! ~ Administrator said...

You know what that sheeple would have a point if Kate didn't do an entire episode about getting drunk in NYC clubbing and going man hunting. She gor her foot licked how is that a good example. She talks constantly about the kids of man she wants. She pulls men off the street! Do they watch the show to see her embarrassing behavior?
This has nothing to do with Kate wanting to set a good example for the kids and everything to do with Kate being such a terrible person she can't get the man she so constantly talks about.

Troy Chula Vista said...

This sheeple is VERY disturbed. She is right there with another who pretends to be all goody two shoes ;), but still manages to say nasty things about Jon or Ellen and actually thinks she isn't hating.

Sorry admin, I'm sure the sheeple will understand the concept of watching someones back.

Anonymous said...

Kate's teaching her kids morals and ethics. Yeah, right. Lie, lie, lie, grift, grift, treat other people like crap, lie some more. Really great morals and ethics there. And if "sheeple" is referring to Jon and Ellen "shacking up" as it were, by all accounts, they aren't living together. Kate lived with Jon before they were engaged, and she lived with at least one other guy before that. So she's not pure as the driven snow on that front, either. Not to mention traveling around the country with a married man while hubby stays home taking care of the kiddos. I don't care if she and purseboy were banging away like bunnies or if it was a handshake arrangement. The point is, it gave the APPEARANCE of an affair. That's as immoral and sinful (to put it in terms "Kate the Christian" should understand) as an actual affair.

readerlady ~ Administrator said...

Also it's not just about sex. It's about everything else so positive about healthy relationships and having another half. Their minds immediately go to sex. What about cuddling for a movie, holding hands, cooking and eating together, grocery shopping together, talking, working out problems with the kid together and on and on. When I'm talking about warm blooded females I'm talking about the whole big picture of what human beings want and desire in relationships. If anyone is thinking a relationship is just about sex it's clubbing Kate. Sorry but youre not very likely to meet a man in a club these days who isn't just looking for one thing. Foot licking.

Morals Kate teaches her daughters said...

1. If a man (boy) has a girlfriend, so what! If you want him, go for it!

2. It's fine to have children if you know you can't afford to care for them. The community will pitch in.

3. If you want something just ask for it, LOUDLY, and it will appear.

4. Dressing to show the most skin is the best way to look cheap and easy.

5. Having your handler chase down men on the street is very appealing to single men.

6. Trashing your ex-husband and discussing his anatomy will get men banging down your door for dates.

I have to say this, I'm a single mother and I've chosen not to date until my kids are in college. It's okay not to have sex. It's okay not to have male attention. Kate is BEGGING for it. Begging for a partner, boyfriend, date or a simple FUCK.

No morals involved.

fidosmommy said...

Last I remember, Jon was not on TV exposing body parts for all to see. Nor have I seen him walking down the street dressed like someone on the prowl. Last I saw, Jon was not the one snapping fingers at someone to go do his bidding in a store full of children, employees and customers, not to mention the passersby who had to dodge cameras while he delivered a cupcake to some cute woman while his children watched through a window. And then made fun of the food restrictions of that person in front of them, saying it was just too much to deal with. Nice.

Kate a good example to her children, male and female? Um, maybe not.

I'm going to sing one of Admin's songs here:
I do wish the Kate fans would explain to us what it is they admire about her. HOW is she a great example to her children? HOW is she a super mom? Generalized comments won't do. Give us links to segments where we can see this, please, and then show us follow-up. (EX: "She is so organized" is only good if you back it up with evidence to support that.) OK, she did a show on organizing her coupons and one on organizing her house. Show us that she has continued this, or even talks about it again in passing. Show us that she does everything alone, too. I'd love to see it. I really would. I would actually like to be wrong about Kate Gosselin.

As many specifics as they can come up with will be welcomed.

Show me how she's a great mom - consistently, please. Not just once, but how she is consistently a good mom. Everyone has good moments just like everyone slips up sometimes, but a good mom is doing a good job most of the time. Show us, please. Show us Kate being a good mom because she is genuinely thinking about her child/ren and not herself when she's doing it. Show us that Kate truly, truly, truly adores her children more than life itself. Show us HOW.

There's your challenge. Get help if you need it. My bet is that for every 2 you can come up with, we can come up with more that disprove your point. We can most likely show you clips - clip after clip after clip. I bet we will show more consistent poor parenting than good. Nobody is saying she is a bad mother 100% of the time, but we are saying she's not in the mother role for the good of her children most of the time and that she is not as great at the job of mothering and running a household by herself as she (and they) would like us to believe.

Pretend you are on the witness stand, sworn to tell the whole truth. How would you respond when asked "Can you state with surety that Kate Gosselin is a good mother? If so, how can you make that assertion?"

Any takers?

fidosmommy said...

To continue my thoughts, I'm not as good at my job as I would like to think I am. But then I am not tweeting about my job, or going on TV trying to make people think I'm superb at it. I'm decent at it, I have kept it for 32 years, but I KNOW there is still room for improvement. If I could not see that, could not understand that, I would indeed be a major dolt. And there would be any number of people who could legitimately tap me on the shoulder and fill me in on what they'd like to see done differently.
Fact is, I have regular meetings where people are invited to speak their minds about it. I
can still learn a LOT, even though I have been in the "big chair" here for over 18 years and was in another "big chair" elsewhere for 14.

Sooverit said...

Tucker's Mom said . . .
Neologisms are brilliant, but that's not what she's doing.
Tucker's Mom, my favorite neologism was formed by my son when he was around 2 or 3 years old. He came up with "playbe" which was a combination of "probably" and "maybe." As in, "Playbe today we can go to the park." He's 14 now, and I still remind him of his cuteness on that one. : )

Out And About In Berks County PA said...

Kate has more self esteem than to just give herself away in a cheap, demeaning manor."


We know Kate wouldn't do it for free in a cheap manor. We don't have any cheap, demeaning "manors" here in PA. Most of them are very nice, upscale bed-and-breakfasts that hookers do not frequent! :-)

These sheeple conveniently forget that the twins have seen their mother drunk in a bar in New York City, parading around like a dog in heat. How do they explain that one? These are the morals and ethics you teach your children? I wonder what the good Christian folks who gave love offerings to the Bible-spouting mother would have to say about this woman's inappropriate behavior.

I guess Kate is teaching her children modesty in dress when she looks like she's in the company of ladies of the evening who hang out on 6th Street in Reading! These kids must be embarrassed when they see men staring at those boobs that are hanging so low that she should be in National Geographic.

Jenna Does said...

AMAZING post!! Awesome awesome awesome. I guarantee that not ONE Kate fan can be consistent gathering any evidence to back up any claims of Kate being a good mom, an organizational expert, a good Christian, a good wife, or anything Kate has claimed to be.

I have told you all that my bro was here. He left today. (Boo). Well, he saw that I was on this site today & started RAILING Jon. I mean really saying nasty things about him. My bro is one stubborn man & it took me 4 tries before I could calmly intervene & say this: "Look, I know this whole Gosselin saga as sad as that is." I explained to him EVERYTHING about Kate AND Jon. How Jon fought for his kids, has a job OUT of the public eye, & how Kate just keeps exploiting her kids, I mean EVERYTHING. He thought Kate sucked too, but then my mom came on the porch & heard me & said "Jenna knows about all of this, trust her, she just knows!" My bro FINALLY listened & said this:

"No wonder he went crazy for awhile! I would have done the same damn thing." I converted a stubborn one! I told him to watch the youtube clips: Kate's bad moments.
~Hippie Chick~

Permanent Name said...

No Regrets said... ADMIN a fan wants to report you to the "law department" because you discussed Kate's sex life.

Thought you would want to know, in case you get a complaint. hahahahaha


Oooooooooooooooo, the laaaaawwww department....

Admin, I'm so skeered for you! LOL

Be sure to lock your doors tonight in case the sex laaaaaaaaaaaaaaawww department comes knocking on your door........... ooooooooooooo...


"The laaaaaaaaaaawww department" sounds like something a 12 year old would say. ~ Administrator said...

LancN, I have NOT deleted your comments, we are on unmonderation if you haven't noticed, and all comments are going through right now. We haven't deleted a darn thing today, so please don't accuse me of not posting your responses when that's outright untrue.

Not only that, but I've repeatedly, on a daily basis often, let you and others claiming to be from the area to break rule number two. Your stories are insider stories, and really aren't allowed, but if I'm going to let you do it, I'm going to allow others to question them.

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