Saturday, August 27, 2011

Recap: Kate's Toughest Questions (part 2): Just remember who's picking your nursing home, Kate. Hint, not your 'tweeties'

Coming up on part two of Kate’s Toughest Questions. Uncle Kevin nurses back to health an endangered baby lion cub named Fluffy-poo and Kate hates him for it.

Next question, the number one question asked of Kate because her situation is so bizarre and abnormal even her fans can‘t help wondering--Where the heck is all your family, Kate?

Kate answers that all of her family members, every single one, are very different from her. They are not open-minded or adventurous. If by this she means they are not “open-minded” to eight kids having nearly their entire childhoods exploited for six years, including dragging them on countless long and grueling flights and road trips to experience “adventurous” working vacations, the bulk of which most of them don’t even remember, then yes, I see how there might be some family tension. Kate says she doesn‘t judge what her family does so they shouldn’t judge what she does. More awesome logic from Kate again. If a family member is a bank robber and you are a well-adjusted doctor, you shouldn’t judge them because they shouldn’t judge you? I don’t think so. Of course you should judge, family members have a moral obligation to try to steer down a different path family members making bad choices. Just think, if we all lived like Kate there would be no shows like Hoarders or Intervention. Now that would be truly tragical for a great number of viewers. Helping a family member is not always a bad thing, even if they hate you for it. From what I can tell, the more wrong the family you are trying to help are, the more they’re gonna hate you for trying to help, and Kate sure is fitting right in there with that theory. Anyway, it’s not just about Kate choosing to rob a bank and the family members can‘t mind their own business--there are eight other family members involved, children no less, and likely that’s why her family started saying something.

Also, what’s funny is I distinctly remember when Kate judged and accused Kevin of leaving his kids to speak for one day at a congressional hearing. In fact, let's pull the exact quote shall we? Kate said of Kevin, he “has four children of his own and spending time in court and gallivanting to New York to complain about me, couldn't he be at home with his kids?" That’s not judging?

Incidentally, Kate? He went to a hearing in Horsham, Pa., less than two hours from his home--not New York. The one time he was on a New York-based show was a live feed from his house! One day he left his kids. One. It was a school day so three of his four kids weren't home anyway. And he was summoned to the hearing to offer his own unique first-hand knowledge of abuses in the industry to make a difference for all kids working in the industry in his state and the country. How many days, weeks, and months has Kate abandoned her children for much less noble causes, such as hair extensions, or Nobu? Or to go get drunk all weekend in New York and meet strange men in a club. What am I saying, this woman is one big heel-stomping contradiction. Although it’s become almost like a fun game to trap her in her own lies, especially with her own quotes. I see now why Kate doesn't want to be quoted without permission, how could she possibly keep it all straight?

Look, the real answer to this question is more likely: Kate estranged her family members for a variety of reasons that mostly boils down to them not agreeing this narcissist’s agenda was the right thing for the kids. In case any of Kate’s tweeties asking these stupid questions are wondering, there is a pattern here. Remember in elementary school? Square--square--circle--square. The pattern here is: Kate‘s fault--Kate's fault--family members get estranged because of sociopathic diabolic narcissistic Kate--Kate‘s fault. For extra credit, try to figure out what the pattern is in the divorce. Hint: start with it's all Kate’s fault.

Kate says Kevin turned on her. Haha, and then they show a clip of Kevin bottle-feeding his lion cub. Or rather, he says he just wants the kids to be safe and all reality T.V. show kids should be protected. The man wants his nieces and nephews safe from well-documented abuses against young children in the entertainment industry that have gone on as far back as Jackie Coogan and the Dionne’s in the 1930’s! Et tu, Keven? What a betrayal! Brutus and Cassius and Judas are hanging their heads in shame.

Kate says you should go to the parent when there is a concern, not the media. Huh, how does one do that if the parent in question has estranged you? Because by Kate’s own admission, at the time of the hearing, she herself hadn’t let Kevin see the family in more than two years (though there were photos of Jon having them over when Kate wasn't home).

Ha, more clips of what a wonderful brother Kevin was and how helpful he was. Never thought I would say this, but, You go, TLC. Kate says she’s considering getting back together with the grandparents. “We’ll see.” She’s such a tease. She loves to keep people squirming, doesn’t she, especially people who love the kids. This is called manipulation, or if you like, psychotic.

An alarming number of clips of the children pummeling each other, many of which with no adult around whatsoever. I usually end the fight, Hannah explains. Ha, I bet she does. I usually help her, Leah adds. “And I usually run away!” says Joel. Haha, Joel! Does Kate realize what she has here? These kids are funny, I love this age. But kids say the darndest things should be for family and friends, not a bunch of obsessed strangers.

The kids all have unique personalities, Kate says. They do? Then how come all eight do all the same thing all at the same time all the time? And, they even feel all exactly the same, especially when it comes to backing up Kate, like regular Children of the Corn. Collin is anal, Kate says. You suck, Kate. The pattern here couldn’t be more simple--just a straight, You suck, Kate. And repeat.

Next question, where will you be in 30 years? Um, well tweeties, that’s all going to depend on the kids and which nursing home they pick, why don’t you ask them? Why don't you start with Mady?

Press three if you don't want us filming you going to the toilet. Oh, snap, three doesn't work!

As usual, Kate says, uhh, let me think, uhh, nope, she wouldn’t do a darn thing different if she had to do it over again. Sheesh, not even that boob halfway through tunneling its great escape? Nope, nothing, nothing at all. I half expect her to break into some long soliloquy about why Jesus loves her more than most. Kate actually thinks she made wise decisions. For herself, maybe. For her skin, her hair and her eight kids, not so much.

I love the clip they show from a few years ago of Kate with Steve in New York where Kate is boo-hooing about something or other stupid thing. Steve is basically like, well, Kate, welcome to life. You have to make a decision that might be hard just like we all do at times, oh, well, suck it up. Translation, quit your crying, you big freaking baby, how old are you? This clip was the moment when I realized she and Steve are in fact, actually not doing it, much to my surprise.

Kate wants lots of grandkids. She may have, but whether she will be allowed to see them will be another matter. Remember, kids are watching you, watching the things that you do. And that includes, estranging everyone you love around you.

Where would you be if you didn‘t have the show, Kate? Maestro, cue the music please.

(Press play, haters)

Struggling, bemoans Kate. Many, many shifts in a day as a nurse. (Uh, there are regulations regarding nursing shifts that wouldn‘t permit that.) Instead of raising chickens I'd have to eat chicken feed! Living in a shack and wearing potato sacks! Sip of water, crust of bread for dinner. Is America really this gullible? Sadly, apparently so.

Also, more hypocrisy from, Kate. I thought she said she is struggling with a purseful of bills? So, she would be struggling had she not had the show, too? Then what was the point? It sounds like her point at this moment in particular is to justify the exploitation by saying, look what a great lifestyle this show gave me, had I not had this, things would be so very, very destitute. Either the show has prevented poverty or it hasn‘t, but pick one story and get on board with one consistent message here and stop being such a Sybil.

If push came to shove would you ever work a normal job? Yes, but her preference is to be a narcissistic diva. Kate just hates the paparazzi. Except when she doesn’t.

The nosey tweeties want to know all about how the divorce made Kate and the kids feel. Kate can’t do everything, sob, sob, it’s been so hard. Well, they do still have a Daddy they see and love. Love so much many of them just said at the beginning of this episode they don’t want a new one. Just love to remind Herr Kate of that.

Kate doesn’t understand why “the law” (she says this like she‘s fifteen years old and talking about her parents‘ curfew) would let Jon have any say in these kids. Yes, it’s so very, very unfair for a father to be making decisions as to the children he not just fathered but raised and they adore. Apparently Kate has never heard of something called parental rights. Jon has them, and you have to be pretty darn abusive and detrimental for a very long period of time for the silly law to strip them away. But it’s Kate, the pesky law never applies to her. This is also another great example of Kate not thinking beyond the end of her powdered nose. Would she want the law to have such power that it can take away her parental rights just like that for a few mistakes two years ago? What a scary place that would be to live in. Over her tanned dead body. She wants the law to be a dictatorship against Jon, just not her. Jon is not on the same team as her, says Kate. Nope, he’s not. Team Exploitation is not a team the vast majority of people want to be on, not after six years of this.

Ha, more clips of Jon being an absolutely wonderful daddy. Real long clips with cute music of Jon being so cute with Leah and then Aaden, and all of them. Leah lovingly caressing her Daddy’s cheek. TLC is not exactly supportive of Kate’s propaganda campaign. In fact at this point it's a full-on counter-propaganda campaign. I wonder if they even refused mandatory sterilization, too.

Would you still be with Jon if not for the show? Again, why their business again? No! cries Kate. A bunch of clips of Kate being a complete shrew to Jon. Including this little gem, “YOU DIDN’T USE A COUPON??!!!” Who wouldn’t divorce this psycho eventually? The only crazy part is it was Kate who finally filed, not Jon.

Next question, if you could change one thing about you what would it be? Hold onto your hair extensions, folks, because Kate is going to do a teeny, tiny bit of self-reflection here. Kate wishes she were pleasant all the time and weren’t in a funk. Are you sitting down on your leather couch? She also doesn’t understand why she gets grouchy sometimes, probably because she feels uncomfortable. Uncomfortable? From the stick maybe? Kate wants to be perfect. That explains so much actually. People that want to be perfect are forever going to feel frustrated and grumpy.

Final question, what does she hope for the future? Healthy kids. That’s nice. Oh, and of course, to be on T.V. Kate thanks her creepy tweeple for their support. And we thank the creepy tweeple for hours of entertainment. We salute you, tweener tweeties!

248 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Ingrid said...

Great recap like always! Thanks for doing it for us. Loved the music link. lol ~ Administrator said...

Kate just said she came home from work travel in the hurricane zone (Steve's house? NYC?).

It is so very dangerous to travel in this! What is she thinking? For stupid work? For a hair touch up???

PJ's momma said...

I heard my husband talking to the TV and he was actually watching this. He turned to me and said, incredulously, "They asked her if she'd do anything different and she said no! She wouldn't treat her husband with an ounce of respect in the hopes of keeping her marriage together for the sake of 8 little kids?"
Then he asked me what she'd done to herself because she looked horrible, was falling out of her clothes and just had dead eyes.
Sad. She will never be happy. And that will hinder her children's happiness.

Kelly said...

Totally don't believe that Kate just got home from work travel. Again, trying to remain relevant and in the public eye. If she went to NYC, Mayor Bloomberg shut off public transportation. If she went east, Governor Martin O'Malley shut off traffic over the Bay Bridge. If she went south, she was heading into the storm. Total crap. Kate went no where. Still trying to remain relevant.

Kelly said...

90 minutes of battery life left. Winds are kicking ass, no rain, dogs are in panic mode. They see and hear things long before we do. Wondering if it's going to get worse or the dogs are just pitching for a treat.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Excellent recap, Administrator.
More proof that Kate is mentally deranged.

Oh, one more thing-


Hang in there, East Coast!

Susantoyota said...

Great recap as always Administrator. I found the episode on you tube, then read part 2 of your recap. You definitely hit all the high points, pointed out her lies and inconsistencies.

Hi guys! We r ok! Rain so far.. I'm just home from work travel (in hurricaine zone!) all day and I'm safe! Night night! Catch u tomorrow! _________________________________________________

On another note, I see she is using the royal 'we' and like everyone else I don't believe she just came back from "work travel" in the hurricane zone. Hey, Katie Irene--your TV career is over!! Accept it, process it, move on, go into the light . . . .

Teresa said...

Holy cow! I truly believe, she believes her own hype. She truly, truly doesn't get it! She hasn't a friggin' clue. Someone 'upstairs' has had to be looking out for those kids all these years. It's unbelieveable they are all alive. Or not covered in bruises. She is absolutly, certifiably (sp) nuts!

p.s. I'm still looking for name of the sheeple who has that petition going on. Sorry l didn't look more carefully the first time.

Kelly said...

Rain back again, hard and furious. Wind is picking up again. Think we're in the middle of it right now. All is well. Just an update. Power back on.

Susantoyota said...

@mkbrownlow really? Not good... about an hour ago

Now we're throwing crumbs to the sheeple she was rude to re: using something she had said in the groups the sheeple runs for girls. So I predict she will be nice and act concerned re: the hurricane damage thru the weekend while remaining coy re: her "work travel" in an effort to stay relevant.

Kate doesn't rate said...

The dead eyes description is right on. Couldn't come up with the words for it, but noticed it in a recent clip during the couch interview. Maybe it was the DC Cupcake episode. Dead, dead eyes, sunken dead eyes.

When I saw that I thought TLC must have given her an ultimatum to bring up the ratings, or maybe she's starving her body of nutrients.

You can see everything she feels in her eyes. Remember how dark they turned during the Emmy presentations when the interviewer mentioned Jon?

Where Was Waldo? said...

Totally don't believe that Kate just got home from work travel. Again, trying to remain relevant and in the public eye. If she went to NYC, Mayor Bloomberg shut off public transportation. If she went east, Governor Martin O'Malley shut off traffic over the Bay Bridge. If she went south, she was heading into the storm. Total crap. Kate went no where. Still trying to remain relevant.



Harrisburg? Pittsburgh? Anywhere west?

NYC - possible. Mass transit wasn't shut down until noon. Limos still could get in and out of the city, and she could have left early this afternoon to come home, perhaps stopping somewhere along the way for dinner.

librarylady said...

I'm guessing she was simply at TLC in Maryland, not prancing out on the coast in a danger zone. Comments are the usual desperation to try to sound "important".

Hope all stays safe and mild for all of you in the actual "zone"...

Ingrid said...

I was thinking maybe groveling at TLC's door in MD begging to have her show back on.

Just curious said...

NYC - possible. Mass transit wasn't shut down until noon. Limos still could get in and out of the city, and she could have left early this afternoon to come home, perhaps stopping somewhere along the way for dinner.


So it was pretty much business as usual in NYC today?

Not Watching TLC said...

Palin as a truth image? That's pretty darn funny. You must not compare her statements to real facts. She can't even get her American history or geography straight!


Julianna said...

@acemme @marnie115 @Kateplusmy8 yall can say different all you want .. there is nothing wrong with kate


I guess this sheeple didn't have enough characters left to finish her sentence. It should be..."there is nothing wrong with Kate that at least 10 years of intense psychological therapy might be able to cure." ~ Administrator said...

Off topic, but you know whose voice (and face) keep popping up all over commercials? Susan Sarandon.

Newton's fruit thins, milk, some other products. These are celebs who are creative about making money when their career is in a slump. No doubt she busted butt to secure reputable gigs like this, no doubt it makes her a good chunk of change to sustain her until she finds something better. And she does it with pride.

This is what driven celebs do, they get out there good times and bad. They don't sit at home and twitter all day.

Anonymous said...

"dead eyes" that you say it, that's exactly what I was looking for to describe it. Tell your husband "PERFECT".


Anonymous said...

"dead eyes" that you say it, that's exactly what I was looking for to describe it. Tell your husband "PERFECT".


Pixie said...

Yay for Susan Sarandon! Glad she didn't have to do Depends or yogurt (laxative!) commercials.

Or Ab Champ commercials.

Ingrid said...

How about the -- "I won't have to reuse catheters" ads. There are so many on it seems, that they may be looking for new people for it.

Maybe we should make a list of potential ones for Kate to check out!

Kate doesn't rate said...

But "Come and git yer popcorn" isn't that much in demand.

Kate doesn't rate said...

Ingrid said...

How about the -- "I won't have to reuse catheters" ads. There are so many on it seems, that they may be looking for new people for it.


That's a keeper.

Kate doesn't rate said...

I think a few more nine mile runs and rabbit food and she'll be able to do "I've fallen and I can't get up."

Just Neckin' said...

What about the "Hi, I'm Linda and I'm 70 years old. Can you believe it?" commercial for Lifestyle Lift? Loose necks are needed...

Beth said...

Coupongate has always really bothered me. They had just bought a 1.3 million house and Kate was fussing about a coupon. Unbelievable!

pete c said...

I can't believe some people are so ignorant that they actually see nothing wrong with her.

two sides said...

But the kids see Daddy kissing Ellen. Do they want a new Mommy? There is two sides to this.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it astounding how badly Kate has been portrayed over the years on this show. Yet TLC fought Jon in favor of Kate when the divorce happened. The purpose was surely to keep the drama in the show. But the problem was that without Jon the yin, yang was gone. When they were left with only the bitchiness without the love, the show's ratings tanked. It has become obvious that TLC has no love, no respect for Kate. What they are showing now is payback and red lights to any other producers that this gal is a headache and not worth the time and money to try to develop anything else for her. Kate does not seem to realize this at all.

hey jude said...

I just thought of a good job for Kate. She does have that one good- ish line she bellers out."Come and git your popcorn, peanuts, hot-dogs." She could be a hot- dog vendor at the baseball stadium! She could yell as loud as she wants and take peoples' money- perfect fit!

hey jude said...

To-Kate Doesn't Rate ,
Sorry, didn't mean to steal your line.I saw your post and thought of the only place Kate could use it in.My apologies.

Jane said...

Just curious said...
NYC - possible. Mass transit wasn't shut down until noon. Limos still could get in and out of the city, and she could have left early this afternoon to come home, perhaps stopping somewhere along the way for dinner.


So it was pretty much business as usual in NYC today?


Taxis were moving around and still are, mass transit shut down at noon but she wouldn't take it anyway. The weather really didn't get bad in the city until after 5 pm or so. It's possible she was in NYC.

translation said...

"Hi guys! We r ok! Rain so far.. I'm just home from work travel (in hurricaine zone!) all day and I'm safe! Night night! Catch u tomorrow!"


Hi, everyone! Gave Chris the pap a call and he was available so I spent the day running around know, Target, Whole Foods etc., so he could get those ever favorite "candid and totally natural" pics of me, me, me!! Being a single mom with no help whatsoever (read deadbeat dad here) and since I've got x8 hungry mouths to feed gotta make $$ where I can now. Too bad that big, bad TLC lost their ungrateful minds & forgot who MADE them a household name. Heard the entire east coast is under hurricane warnings so I must have been in danger, but hey, don't worry about me, me, me my ten little tweeties!! You know I would suffer any and all weather conditions and literally give my life for you just so you can forever see me, me, least in the tabloids!! Being totally honest here...honest!! Nighty-nighty my faithful, blind followers...and don't let those hater bugs bite ya!!

Anonymous said...

"Do they want a new mommy?"

Probably not, but what if Ellen isn't being presented as a "new mommy" but as Daddy's and your friend? Kate's determined that her "boyfriend/new husband" would be the kids' new Daddy, when, as and if she ever finds a man foolish enough to get involved with her. That would turn any kid who loves his/her father off. Any potential step-parent is bound to be viewed as an interloper, at least at first. It all depends upon the way it's handled. From what we've seen, the kids like and accept Ellen. The way Kate's presenting the possibility of a step-parent is going to raise hackles and make the adjustment more difficult for the kids.


No Regrets said...

"two sides said... But the kids see Daddy kissing Ellen. Do they want a new Mommy? There is two sides to this. "

You are right. I have already said I doubt all the kids accepted Ellen at first or maybe even now. I am sure some of them had/have a hard time. But as readerlady posted it depends on how it was presented to them. From the sounds of Kate, they will get a new "daddy". Hopefully, it was presented much differently by Jon to the kids. There is never a totally smooth transistion in this kind of situation when there are many kids involved.

No Regrets said...

I find it amazing that ALL her family, every single one of them, is wrong, but she is right. Every single one of them was banished. Something is terribly wrong with that picture. The fans won't 'see' this though.

Every single family member. Wow. Those kids have missed out on so much. Even her own family wasn't important enough to work it out? Just banish everyone.

barbee said...

It's amazing that you have the fortitude to go through watching this bitch and her drivel and then further stress your mind recapping it.

She has been one hugeish contradiction throughout the show. It's hard to believe anyone could tell so many lies and not seem to realize that no one is buying them. The funnest part is that there will be 2-3 in a sentence, each contradicting the others.

What part of 'your show is over' doesn't she get? 'WHAT work business' could she have to be flitting around in the 'danger zone' all day? We all know she wouldn't have been there in the guise of 'giving back'.

Are we now down to 3 final filmed examples of her narcicissim? And then is it OVER, REALLY OVER? And she will be gone? And we won't see her Target pics, school bus stop pics, 'running' pics?

Oh, and somewhere, there was a post re the 2 tups NOT going back to school with the rest AND ALSO 1 of the twins. It was posted by someone with some connection to the school (parent of student or something). IF the tups are returning, are they all going to 1st grade or were some deemed to NOT be ready yet? Going by actions in the interview chair, that could surely be the case.

gotyournumberKate said...

two sides said... But the kids see Daddy kissing Ellen. Do they want a new Mommy? There is two sides to this.

I agree it's hard for children to see their parents with another partner no matter if it's their mother or father. I've been through it. The difference is Jon is not going on national television saying all 8 of the kids are begging him in unison to get married and for another mother.

No Regrets said...

Frankly, it is pretty stupid for anyone to travel into a "hurricane zone". The authorities have left the taxis and limos in service to get people out, not bring in a nutty idiot for 'work'. But she is just so important, she just had to travel for 'work'. LOL Another example of her desperation, and yes, staying relevant.

gotyournumberKate said...

Admin, great recap. You sure can see straight through this witch. Kate seems to be getting worse as time goes on. She's a very, very bitter woman. She hates Jon for messing everything up. This was not the plan!! He was supposed to go along with everything she wanted. He was supposed to sit at home with the kids while she ran around the country with her "bodyguard" and be a good little boy. He was supposed to pretend the marriage was good for the shows sake. God does she hate this man. I can promise you her vocal hatred for Jon is going to backfire on her with the kids someday. I guarantee it actually.

It seems obvious TLC is sick if her crap too. Showing the clips of Jon in a loving father way proves it. Showing the clips of Kevin being a good brother and uncle prove it. Coming right out and asking the kids if the really want another father and their mother to get remarried proves it. Asking Kate questions that really are tough and not fluff proves it. Yep, they're sick of her lies too. They're probably sick of her diva demands and entitlement issues. It sounds like TLC is finally done with this witch.

Anonymous said...

She is a Cow...(Can't seem to post under my name)Admin, Thanks for the recaps over the past 4 weeks. I've been on vacation and basically Kate-free!! Fantastic news on the show not being renewed, or in my book CANCELED!! I am still trying to catch up, but have to say that I love to hear that TLC is finally throwing Kate under the bus during this episode. Even if she is too stupid to figure that out. What gets me, is that she is going to get paid $250,000 to sit on a couch and spew lies, but Karma is getting her. I'm still along for the ride.....I'm sure she is not "DONE" yet!!

No Regrets said...

ADMIN your recap, once again, hit it right on the nose about Kate.

She is truly a miserable person. Very unhappy. I don't believe that anything can make her happy. Such a vindictive, petty, lying idiot. A walking contradiction.

khater said...

wonder if the 'realest reality show' does this?

TLC stinks said...

Ah, ha! I guessed right. With Steve I'm sure. I think she most likely headed to Rockville to Discovery headquarters, but NYC not likely as Manhatten was evacuated I thought on Friday? Can't imagine unless she taped some interview there. Yeah, she was probably begging TLC to do "Twist".

The weather in the DC area did not get bad until early evening yesterday. I'm assuming Steve spent last night at her place. How convenient.

Kate doesn't rate said...

hey jude said...

To-Kate Doesn't Rate ,
Sorry, didn't mean to steal your line.I saw your post and thought of the only place Kate could use it in.My apologies.

No problem. It's Kate's line for all of us to use however we like. :)

Molly12 said...

Kelly, I completely agree with your comments about how loving animals are. I also have two rescue dogs. They were both abused by previous owners and one even lost an eye to abuse. But that didn't seem to stop their unconditional love for people.

I hope all is well on the east coast and everyone still being safe.

It's strange that anytime Kate claims she is on work travel, she never tweets. I guess she thinks this makes her seem more important. It doesn't. Everyone knows if she did travel by car (since would never drive herself) she could have easily been tweeting the whole time. I think by saying she is traveling/working, it gives her an excuse NOT to tweet.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Maybe Kate was in NYC doing an audition for The Clapper, two claps, turn light on, three claps, turn TV on, four claps, Steve comes running? ~ Administrator said...

No one is ignoring the "other side" of this. I don't think the kids want a new mommy at all. They love Kate and I don't think they want to replace her anymore than they want Jon replaced.

As someone pointed out, the huge difference is Jon never threw Kate under the bus and claimed that the kids beat their fists on the table demanding when he's going to marry Ellen and make her their new mommy.

The point is not what the kids want, I'm sure they have a variety of mixed emotions about both parents and dating, the point is Kate threw Jon under the bus and most shamefully, uses his kids to do it and makes up shit and puts it in their mouths.

No one is ignoring the other side here. ~ Administrator said...

I'm not going to lie, it makes me a bit nervous if she was going down to spend the day with TLC. What are they talking about exactly? Once a network cancels you, usually that's it. There are no talks, there are no meetings. You're over and out, a has been, a waste of space and time. Unless maybe she was picking up her last paycheck and emptying her locker? Leave it to Kate to call that "work." ~ Administrator said...

No problem. It's Kate's line for all of us to use however we like. :)


Not if you didn't ask permission from Kate! ~ Administrator said...

It's strange that anytime Kate claims she is on work travel, she never tweets. I guess she thinks this makes her seem more important. It doesn't.


I think it has to do with the fact that she's getting attention. She's either in a limo or in first class being treated like a celeb, or she's in some meeting about her, or she's at some event about her. She has to feed her ego, and when she's out and about and it's about her, she is getting fed and she doesn't need twitter, she's not hungry. She only resorts to twitter for FEED.

What's funny is that's when most other celebs I would think would be most likely to tweet, when they're out doing something a bit more interesting then oversleeping in bed!

Anonymous said...

To everyone who is in harm's way these days, stay safe!

Did you know Kate send a picture of her and the kids to a fan? A picture which she had the kids SIGN? Like an autograph..Disgusting, not only did she give the picture of her kids to a possible pedophille or stalker or simply obsessed fan but she also offered him their signature.You know what kind of extra gratification the receiver got from the children's signatures? SICK, SICK, SICK

No Regrets said...

Who says she went to TLC? It might be a new thing she had an appointment for? I am sure her manager will find something for her. Even if an infomercial. I do look for her to be on something in the near future. She IS controversial, so I am sure there is someone out there willing to exploit that sparkling personalty again. LOL The problem will be sustaining the media job whatever it may be. I sort of think that a dating show of some sort might be in the future. Many people would love to see her make a fool of herself again. Who knows? I doubt we do see the end of her, at least in the short term. As long as she keeps the kids out of it, go for it. But, she does not have the talent for any sort of real future in the media.

JudyK said...

Great witty recap, as usual! ~ Administrator said...

You know what makes me think this woman just might be trying to cook up some other show with TLC??? She hasn't gone off on them yes. Sure she retweeted a few anti-TLC tweets and sure she said she was disappointed and it was TLC's decision not hers, but when has Kate ever shown so much restraint against someone who crosses her?

She wants something from them still and if she thought it wasn't happening, TLC would be thrown under the bus so fast.

No Regrets said...

ADMIN very true. As soon as the contract is finished once and for all, I think the real hard feelings will come out. I am sure she feels 'betrayed' by TLC. After all, she said she 'gave her all for 6 years".

Kate is too vindictive to just move on. The best is yet to come, I think. LOL ~ Administrator said...

Oh I'm sure she hhhhhhaaaates TLC.

Something is really up here. Granted, it could be all in her own delusional mind she thinks she's getting another show.

When she realizes she's not, she's really going to come unglued against TLC.

Just curious said...

"Did you know Kate send a picture of her and the kids to a fan? A picture which she had the kids SIGN?


The pics were gifts for a contest she ran to try and scrounge up some viewers for the show. They went to kids - teeny boppers mostly, and a mom. One did go to a college boy but he seems to immature. Guess you never know though.

Anonymous said...

Administrator said:

I think it has to do with the fact that she's getting attention. She's either in a limo or in first class being treated like a celeb, or she's in some meeting about her, or she's at some event about her. She has to feed her ego, and when she's out and about and it's about her, she is getting fed and she doesn't need twitter, she's not hungry. She only resorts to twitter for FEED.


You could not be more dead on. This is exactly why she doesn't tweet when she's 'working' - because her narcissistic supply is being fed from another source. Twitter is her main line when she's holed up in the orphanage. ~ Administrator said...

Yup, twitter is her feed when she's with the kids because the kids sure as hell aren't feeding her.

She could not be...more....TEXTBOOK.

Westcoaster said...

She was off the twitter until late last night - curious to know where and with whom she could be doing such a long day of "work business" on a Saturday in a hurricane warning zone? Perhaps another stupid informercial? Thinking not TLC - who there is giving up a weekend for Katie Irene?

gotyournumberKate said...

Do you think giving away the fact that she is still friends with Ashley and Jamie throwing TLC under the bus in a way? Correct me if I'm wrong but hasn't she always been more discreet about the show before? I doubt TLC appreciates it much.

TLC stinks said...

Well, we are dreaming if once the show ends we won't have to see her face anymore. Geez, I hope wherever she was it wasn't about the kids and showbiz. She's made it very clear she wants to stay in the media and, admin, you are correct. She's cooking up something.

Kate doesn't rate said...

Who knows? Maybe she's going to have a behind-the-scenes type job at a network and went on an interview.

Of course maybe TLC saw those petitions with 750 names and realized they'd made a terrible mistake!! Maybe one of the owners of a Kate fan blog emailed TLC and threatened to shut down the blog with it's 10 fans!! Or received an avalanche of requests from men who are begging to be castrated and they're going to do a Date Kate show. Or a Sandwich Throwdown?

PJ's momma said...

laurajean, no way am I giving my husband credit - that was my paraphrase (dead eyes), plus his head might get so big, it would explode, haha!

Two sides, I agree that Jon's relationship with Ellen probably bothers at least some of the kids but he's not on TV talking about how his kids want a new mommy every chance he can get. I think most people would think someone like Kate would eventually remarry, but people take offense at the fact she keeps saying the kids are dying for her to do it. As a kid of divorced parents who dated, shacked up, and remarried a LOT, that is not true. Your hope is always that your parents would reconcile. Kate needs to shut it, especially now that she's been caught in that lie on the show.

Hippie Chick said...

Getting hammered w/ rain & wind! Everyone stay safe! It really is something to look at. I can hear sirens every half hour or so...I'm thinking it's a fallen tree limb or something...At least I hope.

OK, off to read the recap!

No Regrets said...

"Kate doesn't rate said... Of course maybe TLC saw those petitions with 750 names"

HA! They are up to 800 now!! 12 days of asking for signatures! Wow. I am sure TLC will be VERY impressed. :)

ADMIN I just caught on the last blog, wow. These people can't do anything but attack YOU. They sure can't respond to the blabbing that Kate does or what she does. They can't comment on the family situation? The very idea that the father of the those children should not have a say so in their life? Nothing? YOU are very important to them!!

No Regrets said...

Watching the storm damage is making me so nervous! I sure hope all you guys are SAFE who are in the line of this hurricane.

Kelly, I truly hope that you did not lose your boat and all safe in your house.

No Regrets said...

Did I misread on the other blog? Someone is taking up a collection for Kate? Can someone please clarity this???

Dallas Lady said...

I highly doubt she was cooking up something new with TLC. I do agree she was getting attention from *someone* because that and sleeping in are the only two things that keep her off twitter. Her kids sure don't. If anything, she tweets MORE when the kids are with her. Her biggest, most manic tweeting marathons have all been at times when she's mentioned that the kids are home.

She might get an infomercial or two (though any future employers might want to check out how very little she promotes the Ab Champ--hell, she could hardly be bothered to promote her own show on that last "press tour"), but after that? Time to fade away. There won't even be any awkward 3 am infomercial appearances for "good bras."

Her next stop after that would truly be a crossroads: go soft porn or go back to grifting churches? Can't do both. She could always do the nudey pictures thing while she's still relatively young, then go crying to the churches that she learned the error of her ways and PLEASE GIVE ME MONEY BOO HOO MY KIDS DON'T HAVE COLLEGE FUNDS.

So there you go, Kate. Your career plan.

Anonymous said...

In view of the extremely unfavorable light that TLC is showcasing Kate, I don't believe they are on board with future projects with her, and have poisoned the well with other producers in the industry as well. Perhaps I should say that Kate poisoned the well, and TLC broadcast it.

No Regrets said...

"Dallas Lady said... There won't even be any awkward 3 am infomercial appearances for "good bras."

Haha thanks for THAT visual. ugh

No Regrets said...

Twisted Kate! Could it be there are going forward with that? Surely, Kate couldn't have been mistaken about BOTH shows? She did tell Joy Behar both shows were still a "Go".

Warmth Of The Sun said...

Oh, my gosh. BigFan replied to a tweet that someone thought she is a hater in disguise:


BigFanofKateG BigFanofKateG
@EmeraldCityJazz just noticed ur tweet. I didnt get it thru my cell. but I am a big fan of Kate :-)

Warmth Of The Sun said...

No Regrets said...

"Dallas Lady said... There won't even be any awkward 3 am infomercial appearances for "good bras."


Kate should buy, or at least invest in, the company that sells that good bra. With millions of women as potential buyers, she'd be financially set for life!

Laurie said...

Her tweet could mean anything and could mean nothing. She may have had a hair appointment to get it done for a final interview thus making it "work related"...she could have had a meeting with TLC where they told her to STFU because she's still under contract until Feb 2012 (or so it's been reported). I'm sure TLC wasn't happy with Kate's telling everyone that all was well between her and Ashley/Jamie since they've been playing up the drama in the commercials. She may have had nothing more than a meeting with her agent to discuss her future - work related. Yes, she is still controversial but she doesn't have the name recognition that she used to have and she's not bringing in the viewers anymore so that's not a card she can play. She's over and TLC may still be feeding her a line of BS about shows being in the works for her. TLC did her no favors with the questions asked and the clips shown contridicting her answers. Great recap!

TLC stinks said...

You know, I am tired of the sheeple saying that Kate has to work, continue in the media, because Jon can't afford to support the kids. What bothers me, what the hell was Jon and Kate's plan to support their family to begin with? That's why all the talk about the them shopping around the family before and after the births really rings true. They got what they wanted and blew it (the money and the marriage).

And for the life of me I don't understand the sheeple also holding Kate up as some role model for single women. A real role model----- military wives!

BM says Kate is proving she doesn't need a man. Sounds to me BM and rest of the sheeple have man issues too. They need to walk in the shoes of a military wife and they would realize what a selfish, whiney shrew Kate Gosselin is.

Red Sky At Night said...

"BM says Kate is proving she doesn't need a man."


Well, hell's bells, BM. If Kate doesn't need a man, then she doesn't need his child support payments, either! If you can do it on your own, and have no use for a man, then you don't take his money, either!

Does TLC want complete control? said...

We all agree that TLC is showing Kate in an unfavorable light these days and will do so for the last two episodes.

Could it be that TLC is showing what a pain she is to be around beause they want to make sure no other network will want to use her at all? That way if TLC might want her for X future program they will be her only option to get back on TV? It would be a way to have complete control of her even when her contract ends

Warmth Of The Sun said...

@Kateplusmy8 Well thank gosh you answered! 41,769 followers were about to put out an APB to find you & bring u to safety.


I think this one wins the award as the most delusional of the sheeple!
Who would be in second place?

She's such a c word said...

Well BM is wrong.

@Kateplusmy8 Kate this is Holly Upton speaking i want you and Jon back together
19 minutes ago
in reply to ↑
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@m well, Holly. I'm sorry. That's never ever going2happen. I hope 2find sum1 who shares my goals&is wise,loving&hardworking!
2 minutes ago via Twitterrific ~ Administrator said...

If Kate's goals are so righteous as her fans insist, why is it taking her so long to find a man, any man at all who shares those goals?


She's such a c word said...

Any man, short of a famewhore, knows to steer clear of this woman.
Grass isn't really greener on the other side, is it Kate?

Anonymous said...

It seems obvious TLC is sick if her crap too. Showing the clips of Jon in a loving father way proves it. Showing the clips of Kevin being a good brother and uncle prove it. Coming right out and asking the kids if the really want another father and their mother to get remarried proves it. Asking Kate questions that really are tough and not fluff proves it. Yep, they're sick of her lies too. They're probably sick of her diva demands and entitlement issues. It sounds like TLC is finally done with this witch.


See, here's what I don't get. It seems like TLC is sick and tired of dealing with Kate. Then why did they fight against Jon during the divorce proceedings? Were they not tired of her then? Why did they forbid Jon to do so much stuff and Kate could do whatever she wanted?

I'm guessing ratings. During the climax of the show, the divorce, people were tuning in to see what would happen and they wanted to watch the drama. Now, when it's just Kate and the kids, who do the same old, same old every episode, people get tired of it and obviously ratings go down. Lower ratings mean lower paychecks, right? They probably figured it was worth it to put up with Kate's antics if it meant a hefty paycheck. If someone acts like a brat and you're not getting paid what you're worth to deal with them, they're done with you.

That's just my theory anyway.

Michelle said...

I just can't decide what's worse. The fact that Kate Gosselin is an actual person who is having a major influence on eight young children or the fact that there are a handful of people who actually admire her. How awful is your parenting if you wish you could do it as well as Kate? How awful are your own parents if you worship Kate? How bad is your own marriage if you saw Jon as the problem in Kate's? Scary!

Ellie said...

Kate doesn't rate said...
The dead eyes description is right on.


Dead eyes is one trait of narcissists. The common phrase 'the eyes are the window to the soul' says it all. When their eyes are dead, you really know they've sold their soul.

On one other note-Jodi & Kevin did go to her first. In fact it was when Jon & Kate were still together. It was Jodi who started trying to put restrictions on the crew when she was babysitting. She would tell the crew-"You'll get your shot later. The kids need a nap". Don't quote me verbatim on this.

This was when the show was rising in popularity and all 'good' things were coming their way. Jon & Kate were TLC's puppets by that point. I believe going public was a last resort for Kevin & Jodi. Plus the fact that Jodi was cut from Kate's life because the show wanted to pay her, didn't help them keep an eye on their neices and nephews.

So Kate suck it once again if you think we believe your BS. By the way all the botox and eye tucks won't ever take away the 'dead eye' look.

TLC stinks said...

Ratings. It's all about ratings. TLC owes nothing to Kate and they will edit accordingly to drain the last bit of ratings. To be sure, the final episode will be higher than 1 million.

Beth said...

@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@m well, Holly. I'm sorry. That's never ever going2happen. I hope 2find sum1 who shares my goals&is wise,loving&hardworking!
2 minutes ago via Twitterrific


Hmm. . . she wants them to share her goals in exploiting the hell out of her children!

She had the wise, loving and hardworking characteristics in Jon, and yet she chose to kick him to the curb. He did absolutely everything for her and the kids.

I despise this woman more and more with every word that comes from her nasty mouth.

Jenna Does said...

The Dead Eyes...I don't watch so have no comparison, but this girl in high school I used to see all the time & heard things about (though never listened to) used to have those kind of eyes. People said she was just the most "me me me" type of person. It was ALWAYS about HER. She was popular for a short time, but people started turning away from her because they were sick of her crap. And apparently, she turned her back on anyone who didn't "follow along w/ what SHE wanted". She ended up graduating a very lonely girl.

Anyway, I would see her in the halls & she just had this blank stare. These eyes that looked, well, dead. Like nothing mattered. She knew her time in the sun was over & she had nobody left. My friend & I talked to her in gym class a few times, but she was so...stuck up. We said screw it. We were trying to be nice, & she still wasn't appreciative. Oh well. I think that's Kate's problem. She knows it's over so why bother "Smeye-sing" as Tyra Banks says.

*just sporadic rain & winds now, but more coming from the Hurricane. Stay safe everyone! We're all hunkering down, playing Rock Band Beatles with my brother!!
~Hippie Chick~

Just Dwindle Away said...

barbee said...
What part of 'your show is over' doesn't she get? 'WHAT work business' could she have to be flitting around in the 'danger zone' all day?

Pfft. She was getting her hair freshly fried, and buying new clothes. To her, that is the 'work' that she does 'all for the kids' so she can keep getting her porn-look on the back page of some 2nd rate tabloid. Since she sees that accomplishment as her 'career'.

JudyK said...

@minniemouse2650 well, Holly. I'm sorry. That's never ever going2happen. I hope 2find sum1 who shares my goals&is wise,loving&hardworking!

@Kateplusmy8 minniemouse2650 Kate this is Holly Upton speaking i want you and Jon back together


First of all, this woman Holly is mentally UNHINGED and Sweet Kate once again passively/aggressively throws Jon under the bus. You are a Bitch Kate.

Anonymous said...

could it be that Kate was, as the young kids call it, faded, from a box if you will. When it wore off, she had no good reason for not tweeting, so she had to make something up. After all, the kids are gone and who would be there to see her in that state. The being gone all day in the danger zone was a parable of the state she was in.
Also did Steve go with her on this, so called work, trip?

LaLaLandNoMore said...

Admin, no one could have recapped this better than you did. As to Kate's eyes, they are as dead as her take on life. Selfish to the core. What we have seen of her is all you get. There is nothing within her except superficial entitlement. Her family has called her on her choices and she hates them for it. Now, they have been proven right. Boy, that must make her mad. Time will vindicate Jodi and Kevin, too. The Kate Gosselin plus 8 story will not end well.

Carrie said...

love the recap and comments thanks for the daily laugh reality tv is the death of tv very sad

TLC stinks said...

She never goes anywhere without Steve. And with the bad weather, kids at Jon's last night, what do you think?

Carrie said...

been a lurker and very anti kate so glad the show is over with hope the kids get a shot at a normal life love your blog

Moose Mania said...

TLC stinks said...

She never goes anywhere without Steve. And with the bad weather, kids at Jon's last night, what do you think?


I think that since she's not employed by TLC anymore, that they stopped paying for her "security." That means she would be paying Steve. Does she have a coupon? I doubt if he's carrying her purse out of the goodness of his heart.

Permanent Name said...

Wise, loving and hardworking????? She had him and threw him away!

Wise = he LEFT her, which makes him very wise IMHO.

Loving = he is extremely loving to his children

Hardworking = Jon did all the childcare, his job outside the home and work around the house.

Someone who has the same goals as kart? Honey, there just aren't too many like you, I've gotta be honest here..............

Dallas Lady said...

I *firmly* believe three things about Steve:

1. He was ALWAYS Kate's handler, her adult babysitter.

2. They never had an intimate relationship. Kate doesn't mind the speculation, but yeah, no.

3. He's gone. TLC is no longer paying him to handle her.

Time And Time Again said...

Maybe someone can figure out this one:

@Kateplusmy8 Kate! I've a complain- it is a different time zone between us & poland. I hardly ever can tweet with u 'on line'. So sad:(


Poland is six hours ahead of Kate's time zone. Kate tweets at all hours, but quite often in the morning. If Kate tweets at 9 a.m., it's 3 p.m. in Poland. If Kate tweets at 4 p.m., it's 10 p.m. in Poland. Why is this a problem?

Saskatchewn, Canada said...

It seems that Jon had all of the qualities kate is looking for, except the 'older man'one.I bet she is kicking herself for letting him go, he was trained to be such a good slave, never will she ever find another man as good as Jon.
The sheeple are so impressed that kate made a chicken door! It was all pre-cut, ready to put together, they sure are big dummies.
I am really, really hoping kate gets a dating show, as it will be the funniest, snarkiest dating show ever!!

fidosmommy said...

TLC mentioned doing specials with the Gosselins in the future. Could be they wanted to set up some kind of contract with Kate that she will agree to film with X number of weeks notice for big events in the lives of the kids - Lower School graduation, 10th birthday of the sextuplets, whatever.

I would not doubt that she will remain in some contact with TLC about these specials they say they want to do.

Moose Mania said...

Dallas said, 3. He's gone. TLC is no longer paying him to handle her.


So is Kate paying him to "handle" her?

silimom said...

I guess the only way we will ever know about Steve Neild is if some pap decides to hang out at his home in MD and see if he's there or if he's photographed with Kate somewhere in the next few months.

Personally, I hope he has gone back home, job done. I also wonder if we'll see pics of Kate with Jaime now the show is cancelled.

As for Kate business trip, I wouldn't read too much into her tweet. Why would anyone at TLC/Discovery be at work during a tropical storm/hurricane on a weekend? Makes absolutely no sense. If they had business with her they could easily teleconference over the internet or do a conference call.

I suspect Kate might have had a meeting with Julie Carson May or one of her reps but she could just as easily have gone to a tanning appointment and considered it work. Who knows? Who really cares? With the storm, Kate's not really high on my list of concerns. I worry more for the people on the East Coast at the moment.

Molly12 said...

I found this tweet disturbing. Someone tweeted Kate about the earthquake and hurricane and said she can cross those off her bucket list. Kate's response below... is a tornado on her bucket list?? Am I reading that right? Notice how Kate capitalized "MY" house but also never mentioned the safety of her children. More concerned with materialistic items.

Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
@xxxxxx319 but they weren't on the bucket list... A tornado is but I don't want to see it near MY house or anywhere it will cause damage :)

Teresa said...

No Regrets said... "Kate doesn't rate said... Of course maybe TLC saw those petitions with 750 names"
That's the same petition l was talking about on last thread. If you follow it, sign it (l put "Vera Duckworth" and a false Web address) you come to the part where it asks for donations to keep the site running. i.e. $2 - $500.
I hope this explains everything.

JudyK said...

Dallas Lady said... I *firmly* believe three things about Steve:

1. He was ALWAYS Kate's handler, her adult babysitter.

2. They never had an intimate relationship. Kate doesn't mind the speculation, but yeah, no.

3. He's gone. TLC is no longer paying him to handle her.

I FIRMLY disagree w/ you, having followed this from the beginning and having seen all the photos of them together. Only time will tell which of us is right.

Tamàra said...

Did Kate actually say Collin is anal, using that exact word?! Horrible. I do have to admit that I've been wondering if anyone else had noticed this and thought it effected Collin's school career. He has seemed a bit OCD (the real thing not whatever Kate keeps claiming), an intense collector, perfectionists, likes everything to be neat and in its place. I'm sure there are other behavior examples that I am forgetting, but you get the gist.

nit picker the original said...

Teresa said...That's the same petition l was talking about on last thread. If you follow it, sign it (l put "Vera Duckworth" and a false Web address) you come to the part where it asks for donations to keep the site running. i.e. $2 - $500.
I hope this explains everything.

I'm not going to sign it or do I suggest anyone else sign it. Don't want my name even a fake one on a petition to get Kate back on TV.

Regarding the donation, the originator of the petition explains on her blog that you don't have to pay to sign the petition. And in the body of the first page of the petition it states:

NOTE: There is NO fee to sign this petition!!!

Once you click 'sign petition' you can just close or leave the page.

No Regrets said...

Teresa said...
No Regrets said... "Kate doesn't rate said... Of course maybe TLC saw those petitions with 750 names"
That's the same petition l was talking about on last thread. If you follow it, sign it (l put "Vera Duckworth" and a false Web address) you come to the part where it asks for donations to keep the site running. i.e. $2 - $500.
I hope this explains everything."

LOL I LOVE your signature. I don't they will keep though. That is the petition site asking for the donation, they do that at the end of every petition. Thanks. I was HOPING the fans weren't THAT stupid. LOL

No Regrets said...

Warmth Of The Sun said...
@Kateplusmy8 Well thank gosh you answered! 41,769 followers were about to put out an APB to find you & bring u to safety.
I think this one wins the award as the most delusional of the sheeple!
Who would be in second place?"
ALL the rest of them! lol

Tamara said...

Saskatchewn, Canada said...

It seems that Jon had all of the qualities kate is looking for, except the 'older man'one.

If she had waited a few more years Jon would have that quality as well. Maybe if he hadn't gotten the hairplugs (which never really worked) she could have pretended he was old. I'm sure she gave him more than a few grey hairs. :)

I agree with Dallas. Steve and Kate were never a romantic couple. Certainly not sexually. Kate strikes me as someone who thinks sex is icky, and is therefore a bit asexual.

No Regrets said...

Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
RT @itskristiana @Kateplusmy8 Which episode is this? :) RV trip tomorrow.. Lotsa drama! Get ready..(I will too- eek'

Why is this idiot so proud of this "drama" her kids were crying and upset. IDIOT. Why keep pushing her DEAD show? LOL

TLC ship is sinking said...

@Kateplusmy8 How many seasons is there Kate? we just keep getting season one shown over here in England :o(

in reply to ↑

@EmmaBeaumont78 SIX!

I find it funny that Kate doesn't even know how many seasons she has been on tv.

First of all, it's actually seven seasons: five as Jon&Kate Plus 8, two as Kate Plus 8.

Secondly, I think that person was asking about how many seasons of Kate Plus 8. She asked this after Kate tweeted about the upcoming RV trip episode.

Kate, you're in season two. Please stop pretending that Jon&Kate Plus 8 never existed and it's been Kate Plus 8 all this time.

wayward said...

TLC stinks said: "BM says Kate is proving she doesn't need a man. Sounds to me BM and rest of the sheeple have man issues too. They need to walk in the shoes of a military wife and they would realize what a selfish, whiney shrew Kate Gosselin is."

Lol... I do believe BM has man issues, a while back she was allegedly hiding credit card debt from her husband. The nerve of Mr. BM wanting her to live within her means! I also figured out what might have been the cause of Kate's toungue lashing of BM. BM used to have ads on her lame fansite that I guess generated a little money. Since her site generates little traffic, let me emphasize 'a little' money. The only person who makes money off Kate's kids is Kate. Kate has made it very clear she wants no one going to BMs fansite.

@Kateplusmy8 Well thank gosh you answered! 41,769 followers were about to put out an APB to find you & bring u to safety.

Still adding tweeples in economically priced increments of 1000. She is buying tweeters, I am absolutely convinced of it.

Just curious said...

Kate is SUCH a tightwad I find it hard to believe she would buy fans, but I wouldn't be surprise if some of her batshit crazy fans weren't buying them for her. Didn't BM and Kate have some email exchanges?

Dallas Lady said...

Moose Mania,

I don't think Kate is paying Steve. I don't think he's around anymore. When was the last time anyone saw him with her--photos or video? We know he was on the RV trip (was that in July?). Any sightings since then?

Dallas Lady said...

Just curious, I agree. She's way too cheap to buy twitter followers. But I do believe her clucky hens would do so for her.

Kartie Dead Eye Tweetest (formerly Dearest) said...

Uh helloooo Kart, there's a major hurricane that just went through her area resulting in fatalities and all she cares about is gathering viewers for tomorrow's show.

She is probably the one pissed that this and a everything else is headlining over her especially with the upcoming final show People Cover.

No Regrets said...

"wayward said...Still adding tweeples in economically priced increments of 1000. She is buying tweeters, I am absolutely convinced of it."

Yes, I agree. Someone bragging just a few days that 1000 more added in less than 2 days. You KNOW they are bought accounts at these increments.

Just curious said...

Speaking of People Mag, Kate could have been at their offices in NY for some reason.

No Regrets said...

BTW, I DO think it is one of the crazed fans buying the accounts. NOT Kate. She is too cheap. A few of the nutty ones would do that to make her look good.

Susantoyota said...

fidosmommy said... TLC mentioned doing specials with the Gosselins in the future. Could be they wanted to set up some kind of contract with Kate that she will agree to film with X number of weeks notice for big events in the lives of the kids - Lower School graduation, 10th birthday of the sextuplets, whatever.

I would not doubt that she will remain in some contact with TLC about these specials they say they want to do.

Unless she can magically get the tups thru the lower grades and the twins thru junior high in the next 5 1/2 months, I don't see those specials happening as Jon will never give his permission. I think that statement re: specials was TLC blowing smoke to mollify her--same thing with Twist of Kate. When they do graduate, I wonder if she will forbid the kids from being in the class picture as she did in preschool? She and TLC could probably do a special on the twin's 10 birthday in October, but that doesn't seem likely either. I think they're done. I just wish someone would stick a fork in her and take her off the grill out of my sight.

wayward said...

Re: the bought tweeples... it's absolutely possible the sheeples could be buying them. When I looked into the different tweeters for sale sites, there were two types. Most of them don't need your Twitter password, but this will also result in getting the inactive, avatarless accounts- the kind that Kate mostly has. The types that use the Twitter password get the buyer active accounts that provide a more realistic appearance of many followers.

Jenna Does said...

I don't want to be judgmental towards the 'sheeple' here, but I agree with the assessments made by all of you who have posted about the way some may be treating their significant others.

Have any of them heard of a STABLE & LOVING relationship? If they are looking at Kate's marriage to Jon as how THAT is how a marriage should be, then their views (especially the young ones) are totally misconstrued. Not to sound preach-y, but my husband & I have tremendous respect for one another. We also have trust, communication & we value each other as people. We are kind to one another & this may sound "hokey", but if we have a disagreement-which we haven't in a long time-we will hold each others hand. It is really hard to be angry with someone when you're touching. It may seem strange, but it works.

These people who look at Kate as the end all, be all of everything (relationships, career, motherhood) really have their views about life backwards. I hope they can start seeing that REAL life is about being OUT there, in the world, making REAL friends, TALKING with WORDS & being respectful & nice. How they would want to treated is how they should be treating people. Do some of these older Kate-fans have kids? Would they like to see their own children be bullied the way they bully others, just because of a different thought process? (I know I went off track) It's close-minded, & IMO, they are teaching nothing but how to be stubborn, bull-headed & ill-equipped for the real world. I hope it's just a "persona" they portray online, & not how it goes down in real life. If not, I can't imagine the Kate-fans having many friends, acting the way they do.

*my rant for the day. Sorry! Off my soapbox*
~Hippie Chick~

Time Flies said...

@Kateplusmy8 I am so upset about the show! :( Kate plus 8 was by far the best show on TV!!


I think this tweet speaks volumes about the intelligence level of the sheeple.

Susantoyota said...She and TLC could probably do a special on the twin's 10 birthday in October, but that doesn't seem likely either.


It might be a bit too late for that. They'll be 11 in October. Time flies doesn't it?

Time Flies said...

. If not, I can't imagine the Kate-fans having many friends, acting the way they do.


It's not only the Kate fans. There are some regular Kate haterz tweeters who are among the biggest bullies of them all. I can't imagine any of them having friends or sustaining any kind of a relationship. Do they treat others like this in real life - away from the internet?

Susantoyota said...

Time Flies said...

Susantoyota said...She and TLC could probably do a special on the twin's 10 birthday in October, but that doesn't seem likely either.

Erp. Time Flies, thanks for pointing out my mistake. I quit watching this 'show' a long time ago--ok I did watch the Q&A episode on you tube--so I've lost track of ages, who's who, etc. Although I can usually figure out which boy tup is which. I even have trouble remembering who's who with the twins.

TLC stinks said...

She is still under contract with TLC so they may still be paying Steve.

Yes, no doubt followers are being bought. It doesn't matter. She and sheeple don't realize that the number of followers will not get TLC to change their plans. Only ratings count.

Midnight Madness said...

The hanger-on-er tweeted,

@kateplusmy8 OHNOOO! Went to Austin's for dinner....CLOSED BC OF STORM! :(


Geez Louise. Now the brown-noser wants to hang out at Kate's favorite restaurant. Starbucks, Austins. Target. What's next? And to think this one conducts workshops and is a mentor to teenage girls.

Some sheeple would be amusing if they wouldn't be scary and so geographically close to Kate!

Maggie said...

Someone mentioned that Kate is going to be on the People magazine cover. Do we know for certain she will be on the cover or maybe just an article about her with a few photos?

Anonymous said...

Admin, in your hilarious recap you mentioned "'s Kate, the pesky law never applies to her." That reminded me about the legal judgment rendered against Kate's parents, Kenton and Charlene Kreider, with particular reference therein to Mr. Kreider. It's a good example of the apple not falling far from the tree. I'm not computer-savvy, don't know how to make a link, but if you google the phrase Kenton Kreider campground you will see the link to the document I mean. [FYI,I posted on a previous thread as Not famous (not even infamous) -- now use of that name doesn't seem to work, so I'm trying Anonymous.]

TLC stinks said...

Maybe in NYC for shoot of "People" cover?

E-town Neighbor said...

"It's a good example of the apple not falling far from the tree. I'm not computer-savvy, don't know how to make a link, but if you google the phrase Kenton Kreider campground you will see the link to the document I mean"


They appealed a zoning board decision, and under the law, they were within their rights to do so.

Susantoyota said...

Does this work? The apple appears to have barely made if off the tree in Katie and Kenton's case. Mr. Kreider appears to be well versed in misleading people.

E-town Neighbor said...

Does this work? The apple appears to have barely made if off the tree in Katie and Kenton's case. Mr. Kreider appears to be well versed in misleading people.


I do know about this case and the workings of the ZHB, and I very well may have appealed the decision, too. To suggest that the Kreiders think they are above the law or are well versed in misleading people is, in my opinion, unfair. Every board has two sides.

Susantoyota said...

E-town Neighbor said...

I do know about this case and the workings of the ZHB, and I very well may have appealed the decision, too. To suggest that the Kreiders think they are above the law or are well versed in misleading people is, in my opinion, unfair. Every board has two sides.

The judges mentioned several times in their ruling that Mr. Kreider's testimony was incredible and misleading. Katie Irene had to have learned some of her beliefs/behavior somewhere. It appears that Mr. Kreider had no problem twisting the facts to suit his purpose and neither does his daughter, as we have all seen time and again.

Laurie said...

Here's a link to the CNBC article "Followers For Sale: Buying Your Way to Twitter Fame" (sorry I don't know how to make it a hyper link)

Gimme Gimme said...

How many seasons did Kate Plus 8 alone have. In other words how long did she last without Jon? Just curious since I don't watch anymore.

Fool Me Once said...

@bjhebert01 @Kateplusmy8 @kellyripa Kate already admitted it was all a hoax for ratings. They're all still friends.


I must have missed this. Kate actually admitted that the RV trip fight was a hoax staged for ratings? When and where did she say this? I know that she tweeted that she talks to Jamie and Ashley, but I wasn't aware that she said it was all done for ratings.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone in the area know if Steve is still around? Or if all o fKate's "I have no help" boo hoos have been backed up, by someone spotting her at a supermarket with 2 full carts of food, kids in tow. Anything credible out there?

fidosmommy said...

It's hard to know what's for real and what's a hoax. I wouldn't put it past this show either way. If it's a hoax, then the kids are being asked to be a part of something they should not be having to take part in. If it's for real, it should not be on TV, and should remain private so the kids are not dragged into being witnesses to it. Either way, it's wrong, IMO.

Stupid, stupid program. Nobody involved gives a flying care about those children.

Sweet Charity said...

@katehatesthe8 @SkepticToo @kateplusmy8 Steve's professional security career is over, so he's got nothing to lose by telling all.

@katehatesthe8 @Marytgl @SkepticToo @kateplusmy8 @TLC I'll bet the books are already written and have publishing contracts...

@Marytgl @EmeraldCityJazz @SkepticToo @kateplusmy8 @TLC for real. after end of contract, they will lift all gag orders. WATCH OUT KATIE POO


The tweeters are under the impression that just because she's been given the boot by TLC and Steve is no longer employed, then Jodi and Kevin, Beth, Steve, the nannies are free to write tell-it-all books. It doesn't work that way. If they signed Confidentiality Agreements, it doesn't mean that those expire when the show ends. Some are written for short periods of time; others for years; some for a lifetime.

I do know that there are ways around them, but I also know someone personally who spilled the beans before the agreement had expired. She was taken to the cleaners and the case was in court for some time. She appealed and lost, and there was a sizable judgment against her. It all but wiped her out financially.

hey jude said...

I am still wondering if Kate has absorbed the fact that "are" show is over, done, cancelled.I don't think she will until they come and take the lights down in the mansion!Will they leave the lights there if they're going to still do some specials? hmmmmmmm.....

I don't think Steve is around anymore, so a trip to NYC is unlikely, unless TLC still lets her have limos, but no, I don't think so. She probably took a trip alright, without leaving the mansion ,with her best friend, Boxo Wine! hee hee....

Actually, that's more sad than funny right now..Poor, innocent little 8 Gosselins.....

Lights, Cameras, Platitudes said...

Jude said...I don't think she will until they come and take the lights down in the mansion!Will they leave the lights there if they're going to still do some specials? hmmmmmmm....


Were there lights installed at the new house? I know they were put up and then removed when they left the old house, but I don't recall that they installed production lights where they are now.

wayward said...

@bjhebert01 @Kateplusmy8 @kellyripa Kate already admitted it was all a hoax for ratings. They're all still friends.

As Fidosmommy said, were the kids in on this "hoax?" Are they that good of actors that they all cried as Ashley was kissing them goodbye? Or was this "hoax" elaborately planned without involving them and they were subjected to the adults in their lives behaving badly and they thought it was for real? I don't think so.

Kate recently claimed that she, Ashley and Jamie were "ok." I don't think she ever stated the RV fight was a hoax. The sheeple have their granny panties in a bunch trying to find a way to explain/cover/lie/ignore/avoid Kate's typical and horrible behavior that is to be depicted tomorrow night. I am confident the fight was 100% the real deal. Kate HAD ASKED FOR HELP AND DIDN'T GET ANY. Not knowing HOW TO HELP her Hineyness is grounds for penalty of severeness.

Falling like a brick said...

Well, the kiddos must be back home tonight. Kate once again is tweeting up a storm.

Thankfully they have their dad to pay attention to them at his house, otherwise they'd have no parental affection now that the cameras aren't rolling.

Gosselin Gossip said...

Gimme Gimme said...

How many seasons did Kate Plus 8 alone have. In other words how long did she last without Jon? Just curious since I don't watch anymore.

Kate Plus 8 breakdown:
6 Specials
Season 1 - 4 episodes
Season 2 - 17 episodes*
Total - 27 episode/specials

*wiki lists 2 separate episodes for 9/12/11 but promo clips keep mentioning three episodes left - RV Trip, RV Breakdown, [Series finale]

PJ's momma said...

What is your theory as to why Kate continues with these live twitter parties for a cancelled show? A need for adulation? Hopes that it will get her another gig? What do you think it is? Why not just cut her tweeties loose? She owes them nothing, really. She's rebuffed every effort they've made to buddy or meet up with her. Her children desperately need and deserve her attention. Game over, chica!

E-town Neighbor said...

Katie Irene had to have learned some of her beliefs/behavior somewhere


So that means that she learned them from her parents - not from anyone else - based on her father's alleged twisting of facts that resulted in a judgment that took place when Kate wasn't even around. Kate couldn't have come up with her sneaky ways all on her own?

There was more to it than this. If one is not local, one doesn't know the ZHB and everything that went on during this process. As I said, there are two sides to every argument, and the judge in this case did not find in favor of the Kreiders.

Tamara said...

Is narcissism a learned behavior? I know a complete lack of empathy isn't. I don't think being a pathological liar is either.

Dallas Lady said...

PJ's Momma:

I think it's two things--she's still a bit in denial, as we've seen with her assertion that she'll be working in the media for the rest of her career. And I think she just loves the attention too much to give it up before she has to.

I mean, her show IS still on (for now) and her little sheepies certainly lap it up and love it, so she probably figures why not?

What'll REALLY be pathetic is if she announces a live tweeting party for a rerun of her show. That would make me cringe in embarrassment as hard as I did over that sign contest. Oy!

New York State Of Mind said...

Tweeter twitted,

@Underwalt @kateplusmy8 Kate's doing her part -- worrying about her trees blowing down & costing her $$$$$


I think all of us who went through this storm worried about trees blowing down, and I would hope that like most of us, Kate has property insurance to cover any losses or damage. If so, $$$$ wouldn't be an issue.

Pixie said...

Every board has two sides


Please explain the 'other' side of Kate. I wasn't aware she had another side.

E-town Neighbor said...

Please explain the 'other' side of Kate. I wasn't aware she had another side.


LOL! I was referring to the zoning argument, and the fact that there were two sides to it...not that Kate has two sides (although sometimes I do think that she may be a bit bi-polar)!

Laurie said...

The confidentiality agreements probably will run longer than the contract and Kate may have the type of contract that doesn't allow her to accept work with the kids for X amount of time after the contract expires also. I don't think she will be allowed to use Kate+8 in any form becasue the "brand" belongs to TLC. Remember that the Lone Ranger couldn't make personal appearances wearing his mask and had to wear sunglasses? Same thing with the Kate+8 name. TLC is a business and their bottom line is money, money, money - and not for Kate but for TLC and their shareholders. ~ Administrator said...

Well at least we know what the excuse will be for low ratings this time. People's cable and power were still out and they couldn't watch.

wayward said...

Tamara said... Is narcissism a learned behavior? I know a complete lack of empathy isn't. I don't think being a pathological liar is either.
A quick sweep of the net showed that while narcissism can be genetic, it is mainly attributed to the early parent child bond and lack thereof.
This is just chilling:

Symptoms of narcissism include:

*Self-aggrandizement to the point of exaggeration, deception and outright lying.
Seeking and requiring excessive attention, admiration and rewards from others.
Fantasies of fame, power and success. Belief in their superiority over others.
Exploitation of others without feelings of guilt.
Envy of others. Belief that the perception is reciprocated.
Given to frustration, anger and irrationality when they do not get what they want.

There are several schools of thought about what leads to narcissism. A common theme is that early transition into the 'real world' fails in some way, leading the person to remain, at least in part, in the early self-focused primary narcissistic stage.

Narcissism appears across families, perhaps through some genetic causes, but also in the way that a narcissistic parent is unable to bond with its children and thus causes it, too, to become a narcissist.

LancNative said...

Administrator said...

Well at least we know what the excuse will be for low ratings this time. People's cable and power were still out and they couldn't watch.


Well, I can't, and wouldn't even if I could! Power company is saying that it could be days (or a week) before power is restored. Who said that Irene's bark was worse than it's bite? This was a very ugly storm.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

"Seeking and requiring excessive attention, admiration and rewards from others"


Kate may very well keep Twitter for the reason above.

Tamara said...

Thank you Wayward. Interesting stuff. Isn't one of Kate's sisters screwed up as well? Kevin probably dodged a lot of stuff being the only boy.

I wonder how much of an effect it will have on the 8? It seems like a lot of the stuff they've gone through is a text book background checklist for serial killers and the like. Or some other less terrible problems.

Troy Chula Vista said...

I must say that it amazes me the sheeple read here and pretend to be holier than thou. Kmom2 is clearly a Jon hater. She thinks Kate is showing respect between a man and woman and sex isn't a required thing. Funny she didn't mention Kate getting her feet licked in a bar by stanger. LOL.

Lake Up North said...

Since there has been no mention, which is great, is it safe to assume the kids were able to board the school bus without all attractions they have had last year? No pictures or videos anywhere. And I hope the two children who left school last year were allowed back. This I assume since Kate said it's the 3rd day of school. But I've never heard of school to begin on a Thursday at least not where I live anyway.

hey jude said...

Hurricane Irene has crossed the border into Canada, into Quebec and New Brunswick presently. Keep safe everyone in the Maritimes and Quebec. Thinking of you- I have a brother in P.E.I. and other family.

LancNative said...

"But I've never heard of school to begin on a Thursday at least not where I live anyway."


Kate is not lying. Surprise. School began on Thursday, August 25.

amyf said...

This is pretty much OT, but --
Is anyone here a former follower of Musings From the Moon? That blog was closed quite a while back. I just went to check out Moon's follow-up blog, Crone on the Hill, and it's been inaccessible for at least a couple of weeks. Does anyone know what's happened over there? "Musings" was a really fun and comfortable place to discuss J&K+8 (and other things).

And I was just thinking - I'm in the hospital at the moment (third time since July - phooey). If KG walked into my room as a nurse, I'd have to beg someone else to euthanize me instantly!

Vanessa said...

Been gone for few days...GREAT recap and comments! :)
One of the best clips they showed AFTER she bemoans how Jon changed blah blah...was the one where they're in the basement and she's clapping her friggen hands telling Jon it's bedtime. HE chimes in that it's only 6:00. SHE then barks that she doesn't care, that HE HAS TO BATHE THEM AND GET THEM TO BED. But that was all the fight he THAT time. THAT was the OLD Jon. Do whatever it was she ORDERED him to do, I'm sure just to keep the peace.
She stayed in bed until after 8:00?? Then Jon had them bathed and in bed by 7:00? 3-4 hour naps???

Just Down The Road In Berks said...

@GriftingInc @hgraymommy @CJWhodunit @Kateplusmy8 Oh yes, and her house is worth $219,000 and she's under water.


Where are these people getting this figure? From Zillow, who is wrong so many times? I looked up my house on Zillow. Not only do they have the market value WAY WRONG, but the year it was built, square footage and number of bedrooms. It's like a different house...

If Kate's house would only be "worth" $219,000 you can bet that they'd have to hire extra realtors to write up the offers. The lines of people willing to buy it for that price would be out the door. If she were to sell it now, she could see offers of $700,000 and up, which is less than what she paid (or the kids paid), but certainly not as low as is being reported.

Mimi to 3 said...

Lancaster Native: We live in hurricane country here in the south. And you are so right, all hurricanes are ugly. They do damage and a lot of it even when they lose a lot of their strength just before landfall. Unfortunately, because we are close to the Gulf Coast, we do see the bigger ones come in from time to time but even those that are considered small are very damaging. It doesn't seem to take a lot to blow down power lines so you are without power. After Ike 3 years ago, power was out in the area for 3 weeks and for some folks it was even longer. Best wishes to you and yours as you clean up from the storm.

No Regrets said...

I could not imagine being without electricity for one day, let alone a week or more. Do most people have generators? I am sorry that there are so many problems with storm.

Hopefully, the majority here in the hard hit areas got through ok.

No Regrets said...

"Just Down The Road In Berks said...Where are these people getting this figure? From Zillow, who is wrong so many times?"

Yes, this figure was obtained from Zillow. It certainly is way off even in this economy. I have seen mistakes on there as well on properties in my area.

TLC stinks said...

Yes. Forget Zillow. It's not accurate and agents go by comps in the area. That property is definitely worth $700k or more but less than what she paid. WG's blogger with the lowball offer was technically legal, not realistic. Real estate has taken a tumble but it's not that bad. Lowball offers are generated to see how desperate the seller is but mostly it is perceived as an insult. And you can make an offer on any property even if not on the market. When that happens the buyer really, really wants the property and will pay top dollar, not lowball. I don't agree what that person did and disappointed WG put it on her blog.

No Regrets said...

The petitions are moving right along! They picked up another SEVEN signatures overnight!

Total of 807, after only 13 days! Maybe the new (in increments of 1000) followers haven't had time to sign yet. Yeah, that must be it. LOL

No Regrets said...

"Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Good am,friends! Just bak from my run home from bus stop!Interesting run in hurricane debris along the road!:( Have a good day!C U later!"

So her helper is back! She sure needs a helper now since the kids are back in school. :)

No Regrets said...

A fan did ask Kate a day or two ago what her 'secret' was to getting all those kids ready for school. Kate said "schedule". What she meant was "schedule the nanny".

Robin said...

I know this topic is several days old, but Kate commenting that the third day of school is today reminded me of it.

Several days ago Kate said something about how much she would miss her kids when they go to school. I said "HA!!!" to myself when I saw that, because I don't think it could be further from the truth. Her avoidance of her children:

*above story about how they took 3 hour naps, she slept in, and Jon took care of bath/bedtime routines when the tups were smaller - also the continued dependence on volunteers and nursing staff to care for them even after they weren't babies anymore

*tweeting more when they're home than when they're at Jon's or school

*choosing a school that is so far away, thus making a long bus ride necessary - even more time away

*running errands and "running" on Mondays right after they have gotten home from Jon's

*travel for "work", leaving them with not-a-nannys constantly

*doing her nursing license renewal thing during the last few days of summer for her kids, instead of waiting a few days until they were back in school


But....I would like to go on record as saying that Kate being glad that school is back in session is not universally the way parents feel, and the argument that she's lying is not because "oh, all parent are glad their kids go back to school!!!" First of all, some of us LIKE being with our kids and are sad when September comes and we lose some of that time with them. I have a week and a half left with my kids before school starts for them and I hope to make the most of it.

And second of all, the school year for INVOLVED parents is so much more stressful and hectic than summertime - between monetary issues (tuition, but even fees and constant other needs for field trip money, supplies, etc. at public schools), volunteer obligations (or at least some of us think it is an obligation, obviously Kate doesn't), homework assistance (I'm sure the not-a-nanny does this), extra-curricular activities (ha!!! like the Gosselin kids have those), taking kids to and from school (and not just dumping them at the bus stop).....yes, I don't necessarily look forward to school starting again because it can be exhausting. And not because I need to order a few uniforms online and take kids for haircuts at the beginning of the year, and drive them to the bus and be done for 10 hours every freaking day.

Just curious said...

So her helper is back! She sure needs a helper now since the kids are back in school. :)

How did you get that she has a helper from that tweet? Just curious.

Knows Quality said...

Just curious said...
So her helper is back! She sure needs a helper now since the kids are back in school. :)

How did you get that she has a helper from that tweet? Just curious.


From reading Kate's tweet, I, too, could deduce that the helper is back. I can only assume that the kids did not "run" to the bus stop to catch the bus - along with lunch boxes and backpacks. Obviously, the kids were driven to the bus stop - either by Kate, who then left the van with the helper to be driven back, or by the helper herself.

Or - perhaps the children "jogged" to the bus stop, as well, alongside Kate. Wouldn't that be a sight along the road? And how dangerous, as well.

Robin said...

I can't believe I'm "defending" her -

but it's *possible* she drove the kids to the bus stop, left the van there for the day, and ran home - then plans on running back this afternoon.

Doubtful, and I have no idea how far it actually is from the bus stop to her house, but it's remotely possible.

My question would be why it took her 2 hours to run home. Don't they get on the bus at 7:00 a.m. or something like that? She tweeted that around 9:00 a.m. Even with time to take a shower, I call BS.

Just curious said...

Knows quality, it's 9am on the East coast. The kids are at the bus stop before 7am, probably on the bus before 7am. Kate had two hours to run after dropping them off.

No Regrets said...

Just curious said...
So her helper is back! She sure needs a helper now since the kids are back in school. :)

How did you get that she has a helper from that tweet? Just curious."

Who drove the big blue bus? LOL Just an assumption.

TLC stinks said...

So if there is a helper why did she go to the bus stop? Answer: maybe a photo op of her in her jogging outfit? After all, isn't there is a show airing tonight?

Wonder who the invisible helper is?

No Regrets said...

Kate exaggerates. She could have been home for 2 hours and "just" got home. I am assuming that someone drove the bus. I doubt she leaves it there.

No Regrets said...

TLC stinks said...
So if there is a helper why did she go to the bus stop? Answer: maybe a photo op of her in her jogging outfit? After all, isn't there is a show airing tonight?

Wonder who the invisible helper is?"

Most likely HOPING for a photo op. OR she got Chris on the phone this AM. LOL My post should have read, "Does this mean her helper is back" instead of stating as a fact. Sorry folks. She may have just rode along to be able to run back. She has tweeted she looks for any opportunity to run. Who knows with this woman? She may not have even ran. LOL

No Regrets said...

She may have just RIDDEN along to be able to run

Geeaz I need more coffee.

No Regrets said...

A fake Kate Gosselin Facebook account that seems to be recently discovered by the fans is a crack up. She names a fan who is 'harassing' her and now is using Kate's tweets to update her FB each day. There are several fans who do believe this is for real. The account was created in 9/10. This IS illegal right? Like the FB account created in Ellen's name?

Tucker's Mom said...

Beth said...
Coupongate has always really bothered me. They had just bought a 1.3 million house and Kate was fussing about a coupon. Unbelievable!
Rich people can use coupons, anyone can. I think Kate and Jon needed to use coupons because they got in way, way over their heads with that house. But.. raise your hand if you found a $50 coupon in your Sunday circular? No? Didn't think so!
The fact is, there was no coupon. Coupon is code for gift certificate, which is free money for Kate. It was probably Home Depot or Lowes or the like, and they probably had some poor sot fall for their crying poor act and sent them gift cards. That, or the stores sent them in hopes of have them film there.

Tamara said...

I understood the tweet as she was returning from the school run. What it is called by some when you take your kids to school. But as it's Kate, and as that term is probably a bit over her head, unless she's been watching British soaps or something, I'm going to just go with my second thought when I read the tweet: she's lying.

If there are pics, at least we can see if the two kids are back in school.

No Regrets said...

"Tucker's Mom said....But.. raise your hand if you found a $50 coupon in your Sunday circular? No? Didn't think so!"

I thought the coupon was for $20 and the thing cost 50? Regardless, you are right. Even if $20 that is still too high for just a 'coupon'. Didn't think of it that way. I bet your are right. Man, I wish I would have gotten so many "coupons" when we bought our house. LOL

No Regrets said...

I thought both the kids were back in school towards the end of last school year?

Dallas Lady said...

I also assumed she had a nanny this morning. She's not likely to leave the big blue bus in the parking lot where the school bus picks up, nor is she known for running twice a day.

She and the nanny and the kids rode in the big blue van thing to the bus stop, kids were put on bus, nanny drove blue van back and she ran back. OR both adults drove back in the van and she's lying about running to get some accolades on twitter. I'd believe she's lying about one run long before I'd believe she runs twice in a day.

And I think it's an insult to runners to call what she's doing running. I've seen video footage of it. Power walking would be generous.

But enough about that from me. I'm just glad the kids are back in school (from what Kate says about the silence in her house, she's saying all eight are in school), and the show is about to end. Maybe, just maybe, those kids can finally lead a somewhat normal life away from cameras.

I do think it's sad, though, that she tweets sooooooo much when the kids are at home, then maintains near radio silence when they're gone.

Robin, I hear you. I was the one who said she was lying about being in tears about the kids going back to school. I said that because anyone home alone full time with 8 kids would obviously welcome a break, and she is NOT involved with school stuff. I raised one child and very much enjoyed our summers together. We planned and went on "field trips," went camping, had backyard picnics. They are very precious memories to me. But even with one kid, by late August, you're a bit worn out and ready for a change of pace. And where I live, by July you can't do much outdoors anymore. We're in the midst of our second worst heat wave on record here, but that's getting off track, sorry.

Let's put it this way: I didn't believe for one hot second that Kate was on the verge of tears about school starting. I've seen her around her kids and I've seen the lengths she'll go to to not be around them. Not buying it.

No Regrets said...

"Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@facebook @TLC PLEASE remove Facebook faker! I DO NOT have Facebook & some1 is stealing&publishing my tweets...plagiarism is illegal!"

Why on earth is she asking TLC to remoove the FB account? Why can't she notify FB? It's not like TLC has loads of time to do this stuff. LOL

Jennifer said...

@facebook @TLC PLEASE remove Facebook faker! I DO NOT have Facebook & some1 is stealing&publishing my tweets...plagiarism is illegal! 37 minutes ago


Too literal said...

Let's not be so literal. I see "$20 dollars off", "$50 dollars off" offers all the time in the newspapers/circulars. They're for higher priced items and they're designed like a coupon you can cut out and take to the store.

No Regrets said...

"Dallas Lady said...Let's put it this way: I didn't believe for one hot second that Kate was on the verge of tears about school starting."

I don't believe it either. This is KATE, not the 'average' mother here. MOST moms are grateful for the break. She said eveyr year she has welcomed the break, except for this year. Of course, she is on Twitter, so it sounds good to the fans. Kate isn't around her kids even when they ARE around. LOL Too busy tweeting. Now, she has NO interruptions.

No Regrets said...

"Too literal said...Let's not be so literal."

Sigh, I wasn't trying to be 'too literal', but coupons like that are for high prices ITEMS, true. Not just a coupon for $20 off any item at a particular store, such as she had. Tucker's mom had a valid point.

No Regrets said...

Jennifer That is funny! Why bother TLC with FB problems?

I guess they have loads of time to do her bidding? LOL

No Regrets said...

ADMIN a fan wants to report you to the "law department" because you discussed Kate's sex life.

Thought you would want to know, in case you get a complaint. hahahahaha

TLC stinks said...

I can see the explanation that she left the van in the parking lot (Sinking Spring shopping center?) and will run back in the afternoon, but I find that risky. What if you hurt yourself running back or the weather changes?

Nah, there's a helper. She's just too dang lazy about house work. I'm sure her tweet about her To-Do List is for the helper. And no one would blame her for having help for that big house and getting 8 kids ready for school. I don't understand the continued deception except for marketing her brand as super mom. Geez. I have friends with zero kids at home who have maid service once a week.

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