Tuesday, September 27, 2011

International syndication rights and the children's money

Today Kate tweeted she did some "international press" over the phone with six countries. Even though the series is cooked in the U.S., could TLC be gearing up to sell the syndication rights to Kate Plus 8 and Jon and Kate Plus 8 to other countries? The series already airs internationally, including in Canada and England. But it has not yet appeared in dozens of other countries, especially in Asia--countries that may take interest in the cute brood.

Could the children's private moments be played around the world for years and even decades? Since residuals for syndication rights are usually negotiated upfront, does anyone actually think young Jon and Kate actually thought to include international syndication rights in their contract, or that these kids will see one dime of their money every time this show is played abroad?

Should networks be required to provide independent lawyers to their naive reality tv subjects when negotiating complicated, life-changing contracts, including complex international syndication rights? (We say, heck yes.)

Advocates have suggested Reality TV participants should be eligible to join the Screen Actors Guild, which works to protect its members' residuals and foreign royalties.

170 sediments (sic) from readers:

fidosmommy said... 1

Bad news all the way around, I think.

I said on the last thread that the ONLY good thing I can see about foreign release of these videos is that the foreigners will not be going to school with the Gosselins, and will have no idea who they are or really where Wernersville PA is located. They would at least have some measure of anonymity they do not enjoy here.

The problem with that is they will not be seen as "real children", but only TV entertainment.

I have to wonder how long the fascination will last. I think people in other countries have far more interesting things to do and to watch
than Kate yelling in dubbed "Asian" (per Kate) or Portuguese that Jon should come help her.

Japan is most likely a beautiful country. However, the Japanese exchange students I have known say they live in very small homes, sleep in roll up mats on the floor so they can use the room for other things, and the families all drive very small cars. Acreage is for the very wealthy and the royals, I'm told. I'm not sure too many of them will be able to relate to all the frou-frou of Kate's life. I could be wrong about this, but I think most Asian nations would be put off by Kate's attitude and entitlement.

Just an opinion, not fact.

Gosselin Gossip said... 2

Even though the series is cooked in the U.S., could TLC be gearing up to sell the syndication rights to Kate Plus 8 and Jon and Kate Plus 8 to other countries?

Would they need to sell syndication rights if both shows air on the international TLC channel? TLC went global in March 2010.

TLC International Launch Release

BRUSSELS and SILVER SPRING, Md., March 3, 2010 - Discovery Communications today announced the global launch of TLC, one of the fastest-growing female lifestyle channels in the United States and home to top-rated shows including LA Ink, Cake Boss, and Say Yes to the Dress. The international version of TLC will have its global launch on March 4 in Norway and will be available in more than 75 markets reaching more than 100 million households by Spring 2011, making it the most widely distributed female lifestyle channel brand in pay-TV. The announcement will be made today at Cable Congress 2010 in Brussels by Mark Hollinger, president and CEO of Discovery Networks International.

"TLC has become one of the strongest television networks in the United States, demonstrating creative leadership across a wide range of lifestyle categories," said Hollinger. "With the extension of this female-driven franchise across the world, we are creating a powerful complement to Discovery Channel in our global brand portfolio that will provide our distribution and advertising partners with an unmatched offering of quality content for female and family audiences...."


In 2010, Discovery began a global rollout of TLC. By the end of 2011, TLC is expected to be the most widely distributed female-targeted entertainment lifestyle channel brand in pay-TV, reaching subscribers in 75 markets throughout Europe, Asia and Latin America.

Subscribers: 100 million U.S. households; 143 million international subscribers.


Re-posting Kate's related tweet here for future reference:

Kate Gosselin:
Did a 1 hr International press ph intv this am w/ 6 countries represented!So good 2 talk abt K+8 agn 4 TLC! Would luv 2 rep in person! @TLC

Skyr said... 3

She's already begging for face time again- shows how much power she doesn't have.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 4

What the hell would she say that would entice them to want her show in other countries? How typical of her to want the limelight and to be able to "rep in person!". Idiot. Anything to keep her mug in the media. God I can't stand it anymore.

Anonymous said... 5

of course she wants to rep in person, that way she gets a motel room for her and steve paid for and can get away from those kids of hers she cant stand

Red Sky At Night said... 6

For a laugh...

@acemme @Kateplusmy8 That'll be interesting to see. Which countries will give her the highest ratings... Asian or English speaking?

@acemme @Kateplusmy8 will it be the Asian countries or English speaking countries to give her the big ratings?

@acemme @Kateplusmy8 I see her doing the English speaking countries first or whichever country gives her the highest ratings. U never know

@acemme @Kateplusmy8 She would do 1 country at a time

@acemme @Kateplusmy8 She would go release "I Just Want You To Know" and do a tour to promote her in that country.

@acemme @Kateplusmy8 book tour overseas.

@acemme @Kateplusmy8 Maybe K8 will be conquering other countries next. She'll have fans near & far. First the show airing there & then books

@acemme @Kateplusmy8 I could definitely see that show being popular in Asia. People in Asia luv blondes.

@Kateplusmy8 6 Countries airing K+8= 1.USA 2.Australia ... who r the other 4 countries that air K+8?

Then there's this:

@Kateplusmy8 hi Kate, I sent you an email! Things are not good! Just need advice , please call me! This is very very important! Xxxxxooooo

Kate opened up more than one can of worms with this Twittering thing. Anyone recognize this person's name?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 7

Gosselin Gossip good point they may not have to sell anything at all. It still begs the question how much money will they make each time an episode airs in Luxembourg or the Philippines or Egypt? I'm betting? ZERO!

Fidosmommy I think you are SPOT ON about how foreign markets may react to this. They already think Americans are excessive and make fun of us for wanting everything supersized. Kate's ungrateful excess may not work AT ALL with those markets, I think you are dead right. For as much as even us Americans thought she was ungrateful I cannot imagine foreigners who seem much more content with simpler things than Americans.

I was trying to find something out there about shows that have failed internationally but couldn't come up with much. I did hear about Russia doing their version of Everybody Loves Raymond and how the Russians kept telling the American producers that this or that just wasn't funny to them. LOL.


Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 8

Sighh.....why are we the only ones concerned about the massive exposure and creepiness an international audience will be for these kids!!!???? None of her fans ever, ever suggests it might be better to just let them be quiet for awhile, EVERYWHERE. In the U.S., abroad.

It sickens me this idea that the kids might not even be able to study abroad someday without some creepy fan stalking them.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 9

Question of the week: How does a busy, busy, busy overworked stressed tired mom......HAVE ALL DAY LONG TO SCREW AROUND IN THE APPLE STORE???????????????

@mkbrownlow @miloandjack @LEIGHSHAHAN1 @jenniegbrown @CJWhodunit @AskBabyMama new one? Did u spend the day in apple store like I do?

Friendly Skies said... 10

Do other countries film reality television shows? I'm curious if there child labor laws/protection regarding children in reality television. Do they see these shows as child exploitation, or simply as entertainment? Each country's culture is so different that it would be interesting to study a country's reaction to having kids appear on reality television.

Phoenix Rising said... 11

"Sighh.....why are we the only ones concerned about the massive exposure and creepiness an international audience will be for these kids!!!???? None of her fans ever, ever suggests it might be better to just let them be quiet for awhile, EVERYWHERE. In the U.S., abroad."


I don't suppose that Jon has any say in this matter at all, does he?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 12

Friendly Skies said...

Do other countries film reality television shows?


Yes. I saw the other day an article about how a reality show in New Zealand is under a lot of fire. It's a show that apparently films sort of like the Coast Guard equivalent making water rescues and apparently a lot of victims say they either didn't consent to being filmed, or they were so stresed from being rescued they didn't even notice the cameras or they couldn't really be in any fit state to consent to it.

It's good to see other countries saying wait a minute a person should at least be required to consent and not when they are under extreme stress. I wonder how they do that. As they pull someone out of the water do they say here sign here? How sick.

It seems to me problems with reality shows have really spiraled out of control in only the past few years or so. Things like this tend to catch up all at once sometimes.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 13

I don't suppose that Jon has any say in this matter at all, does he?
For past episodes he previously agreed to? Probably not.

One mistake is having lifelong, serious consequences for these kids. Think about the idea of all those shows he agreed to airing in 50 countries. Does it creep you out? Would you as a parent be able to sleep at night with the idea of someone in some corner of the world enjoying your own CHILDREN?

It was one huge mistake he is going to pay for for years and years. Not to mention the kids.

Phoenix Rising said... 14

Could you as a parent be able to sleep at night with the idea of someone in some corner of the world enjoying your own CHILDREN?


Of course not. I wouldn't be able to sleep even if just one person in the next town was watching film of my children. But I'm such a Mama Bear that I never would have put them in that position in the first place. Whatever happened to children's rights? Of privacy? Why expose your children to the world? For what? I don't get it. Is nothing sacred or private anymore?

Just goes to show what kind of a parent Kate is, doesn't it? She doesn't give a Rat's Patootie what happens to those kids or the consequences they are going to suffer because of her actions.

That is beyond sad and pathetic. It's tragic.

Phoenix Rising said... 15

Yes. I saw the other day an article about how a reality show in New Zealand is under a lot of fire...

What about children in other countries? Are they exploited in the reality entertainment industry?

fidosmommy said... 16

I think the world would rather watch Richard Hatch eat live mealy worms in a jungle somewhere than watch a toddler on a potty chair. There is probably more call for WipeOut across the globe than there is at watching a child get told not to listen to Daddy because Daddy's mean. There are different kinds of "reality", and some of it might be riveting to the curious viewer. Gosselin reality is not what the world is dying to watch.

Anonymous said... 17

I live in Australia where J&K+8 is still screening sporadically on the TLC channel. Occasionally an article will pop up in the press. The last one was around the time of the divorce and was largely negative toward Kate and her high living style.

My thought on the 'international journalists' is probably that they come from Arkansas or Wisconsin and Kate just doesn't realise these are states of the USA and not countries.

Will keep an eye out for anything that pops up here Down Under.

Gimme said... 18

Octomom also does a lot of international press and radio junkets, etc. That is essentially how she is making her money, now.

TLC stinks said... 19

Perhaps the old shows will get a foreign audience, but "Kate Plus 8" I think not. I wonder if she gets any income from the syndication rights? We really don't know, it's speculation.

She's a sneaky one........plugging on Twitter how she would like to promote the show in person. Absolutely right she'd love to take her freebie foreign vacation with Steve. Fortunately TLC is done spending money on the demanding Kate Gosselin.

I feel very bad for the kids being exposed internationally.

Clicker said... 20

It wouldn't surprise me at all if K8's "international interview" was actually promoting J&K+8, and not her own show. Whenever I see a tweet from abroad, they mention only the very first few seasons (they don't yet know what a complete shrew K8 is). After all, K8+8 bombed, there is nothing in it for TLC to show those lousy episodes first.

This is sooooooo disturbing to me! Those children have NOTHING to themselves about their own lives! What a massive, GLOBAL exploitation!! This should really illustrate the need for laws against such use of children, not just legal representation because when it comes down to it, no legal representation would have helped the 8 not to be filmed, just that their parents would have made better money off them.

Anonymous said... 21

Friendly Skies said...

Do other countries film reality television shows?

Oh boy, do they? there are so many here in Romania right now it's what's keeping me from turning on the TV these days.Every unimportant person in Romania has TV shows it's annoying.And they started airing Jon and Kate plus 8 a couple of years ago and recently, Kate plus 8 started on TLC(a new channel in our country).I too doubt these kids will get any money from the show airing in Romania or any other foreign country for that matter.

Anonymous said... 22

Phoenix Rising said...
What about children in other countries? Are they exploited in the reality entertainment industry?
I hope nobody will be upset or offended by me saying this but I think currently US has the most exploitative shows.In our country, you rarely see kids on TV unless it's harmless morning shows.Now of course, I am in no way comparing Romania with the USA since Romania could be one of the states lol.I would say, in Europe not so much.

Tucker's Mom said... 23

I think countries in Asia will be more unable to relate to the shear size of the family than the huge home and vacation-laden lifestyle. How will countries struggling with overpopulation and cramped/poor living conditions relate to a family that chose to have so many children? I think they will eschew this more than the "American excess" we're perceived to embrace.
Parents with 8 kids by medical intervention + not working jobs + potty training/nudity/vomiting + showered with freebies and trips/vacations could be a big turn off in cultures that embrace socialist views.
Not to mention Kate's tits hanging out and how offensive that can be in other cultures. Maybe they won't be tuning in after Kate discovers the best way to be a good mom is to be scantily dressed, wear hooker heels, and treat herself to trips and spa treatments on a regular basis. You know, the whole "Moms can have fun too! Moms can look good too! Moms need pampering too!"
If my mother needed all of this to be a good mom, I'd have wound up in foster care! How did she ever get by without??!!

Hippie Chick said... 24

I have a feeling Kate & Jon signed on the dotted line without thinking about this& thinking ahead. Now what? Kate won't get syndication rights either, will she? TLC will. Kate may fight tooth & nail, but she was in an ironclad contract. The first one. Whose to say they read it over with a fine tooth comb. All they saw were dollar signs. I have a feeling Kate & the kids may get screwed on this one, because once again, greed got in the way.

Hippie Chick said... 25

Friendly Skies said...

Do other countries film reality television shows?
I don't know for sure, but I would think they have better things to do. Americans watch the most TV according to most polls I have seen, & like the train wreck factor, so reality TV is "up our alley", so to speak. Most other countries are doing better things than sitting on their asses, watching woman beat each other up, being bitches, raising 27 kids, etc. I don't know for sure though.

I Do know there are fashion reality TV shows in other countries. (Those are good lol) And America's Next Top Model's. But as for "trash TV", I'm not so sure. EVERY damn station has a reality show! BEARDS, BITCHES, & BARS!? Come on!

I took a bullet said... 26

From Kate's blog today:

Ask Kate Q & A September 28, 2011
You asked me in your emails (kate@kateplusmy8.com) and I’m answering!
Here goes:

Sara asks -

Q: You always look great, where do you shop?
A: For clothing I shop at many various places. A few I like are White House | Black Market, Ann Taylor (great tv dresses!), and a website Elysasuzanne.com - Check them out!
Q: What designers do you like?
A: Honestly, I don’t really pay attention to names of anything. If I like it and or looks good, count me in! :)
Q: Do you miss your old hair?
A: Not for a second! I missed my long hair and I’m glad to have it back! Although, I must say, my short hair was necessary and did the trick! Who knew it would cause a worldwide panic????

Lisa asks -

Q: What kind of treadmill do you recommend?
A: I have an ancient horrible old thing, but at hotel gyms I’ve run on really nice ones. Some of the brands I like are Lifefitness and Precor.

If you are truly going to depend on a treadmill to help you get fit, the expense is worth it!
Thanks Lisa!

Another Sara asks-

Q: Lately my patience has been thin with the whining and fighting. How do you handle that in your house? Any tips? I can use all the help I can get.
A: Well, you know my saying “you get what you get and you don’t get upset” but beyond that, I only step in when I’m needed and try to block all the other stuff out! Kids need to learn to problem solve on their own — it’s a life skill we all need, but when a real “life lesson” issue bubbles up through all the squabbling (being kind to new kids at school, treating the dog like we treat each other, with kindness and love or giving a brother/sister your toy if you break theirs, as examples) I use it as that and we talk through it.
When all else fails, I remember that bedtime ALWAYS comes– my famous advice, lol!

Clarisa asks-

Q: How has the divorce effected your faith?
A: It was definitely a tough time. I realized that I have my faith in God no matter what. He has never left me and for that I’m grateful.
Q: How where you treated at church during and after the divorce?
A: Not different. I think the hardest part was/is attending church as only the 9 of us. It’s when it bothers me most. It’s still hard!
Q: I was also wondering if the cupcake guy ever resurfaced?
A: LOL no. Lotsa frogs til I find my prince I guess? (for the record, before you run off to write the latest gossip column, I’m NOT calling Mr Cupcake a frog!)

Heather asks-

Q: Do you still clip coupons?
A: Absolutely! It’s still money in my pocket!!!!
Q: Do you still do the grocery shopping for your family?
A: Sure do! Wondering who else would do it if I didn’t? :) Perhaps I could train Shoka to do it at some point? No, that’s right, he doesn’t even help carry the bags! Darn!

Esther asks-

Q: Do you know if TLC is going to put your Kate Plus 8 series on DVD for us to purchase? (hoping so)
A: All seasons have gone to DVD so it is my assumption that season 6 will as well. As soon as I have specific information on it, I’ll be sure to post it here on my website!
Q: Are you going to put together a cookbook anytime soon?
A: I know with the economy my cookbook got delayed but I wholly intend to publish it and am working towards that goal… Stay tuned!

Misty asks-

Q: What about a talk show on Sirius radio?
A: This is an idea that thrills me to pieces! I LOVE doing satellite radio tours and it’s something that a few people have suggested recently. I must admit, it would be a great way to put my “gift of gab” to great use! I’ll look into it… Thanks for the suggestion!

That’s all the Ask Kate questions and Answers for now! Keep sending original questions with “Ask Kate” in the subject line and I’ll keep answering!

Thanks guys! It’s been gr8!


Hippie Chick said... 27

Shut me up! I don't know what I'm talking about! I hope they don't children in reality TV in other countries. Hopefully, they realized how much damage it can do.

I took a bullet said... 28

I posted Kate's latest blog entry above!!! I hope this prevents people from going to her site.

There is also a photo along with the post. Kate is still exploiting her children. Now for her website. The photo was obviously taken for the purpose of posting it on her website.

Photo is of Hannah and Joel POSING while holding paper bowls in front of a red shopping cart in Target. The cart is FULL of all paper products, paper towels, napkins, paper plates and paper bowls! There is also a couple of plastic baskets and 2 mop/broom handles sticking out. Nothing really to see. Hope this prevents clicks on her blog!

Grammy of nine said... 29

I agree that Jon and Kate didn't think any further ahead than the next week's paycheck. So sad for the kids. If the parents didn't protect their future, then who else was responsible for this fiasco? I don't believe it will be a huge success for TLC in other countries. Hopefully, they will see right through Kate's ungrateful, want to be attitude. The kids are cute enough, but don't stand out except in being multiples. Might add, planned that way in order to make their parents (especially mother) famous. Tragic tale, really.

I took a bullet said... 30

The comments here are being posted out of order. Please check my long comment above for Kate's latest blog entry. It's a Q & A.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 31

In fairness with the hundreds of reality shows out there folks sign up for, I'm not sure how the average America is supposed to be savvy enough to realize they need to negotiate international syndication rights upfront.

Really and truly, would most people think about that? That's in the one in 500 chance your show hits it big. I just don't think folks would think to do that. These people are not actors who have been in the business and should know better. They have no managers to consult to help them. They have no lawyer. They cannot afford these things. They are likely sweet talked by TLC, we will rescue your family from poverty you never have to worry just sign here. In contract law, there is something called undue influence, where a contract can be found invalid if someone or something big and powerful preys on someone weak and vulnerable. I honestly believe that some of these reality tv contracts have shades of undue influence and if challenged, might even be thrown out.

I'm not absolving reality participants of any responsibility but I really think it needs to be a REQUIREMENT that they be represented in any kind of contract negotiation. Even the most savvy of everyday folks I don't think would be able to fully protect themselves in every little area. I've never negotiated an actors' contract, I wouldn't know the first thing about it either.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 32

Well all I took from that latest post is basically me, me, me, and me some more.

Q: Are you going to put together a cookbook anytime soon?
A: I know with the economy my cookbook got delayed but I wholly intend to publish it and am working towards that goal… Stay tuned!

I love it. It's the economy's fault. Not the fault of Kate for writing a crappy, copy-cat filled ripped off recipes book. Does she think no books get published because of a bad economy? Does she think people don't eat in a bad economy? So classic Kate.

SG said... 33

I'm curious as to how the show will be translated in non-English speaking countries. Will it have subtitles? Or will it be done in voice overs? How will it accurately portray Kate's nasty tone of voice? Will they actually mimic the way Kate said her "lines"?

I would think the show not being viewed with Kate's actual voice would not portray her accurately.

PJ's momma said... 34

Yes, other countries absolutely do have their own reality shows. Japan's huge on game shows - they are hysterical - and maybe I did see a reality show but I could not understand what it was. Australia has at least one that I watched: Farmer Wants a Wife (like a bachelor show in the outback). England has a ton of them and their reality stars are d-listers, just like here. I saw one in Germany too, couldn't understand much though. I don't know why anyone would be interested in the Gosselins other than the high order multiples thing. Other cultures are very modest and even. They don't scream and fight like that, they wear modest clothing and they live in modest homes. They will spend money on nice things - they have very nice clothing, but not a lot of it. In short, European and Asian culture (Japan at least) is very sophisticated and I doubt they'll be impressed with Kate for very long.

Westcoaster said... 35

I read a tweet last night that I thinked really summed up how this tool thinks. And I will have to paraphrase, but it went something like for her the best working schedule would be if she spends one week at home with the children and one week on the road (you all know, expensive haircuts, shopping, interviews and promotional gigs, that is what she thinks her "job" is). In other words, being a half time parent is what she does best. And all she wants to do. Not that we haven't seen this, as she packs and flees at a moment's notice, but now we know that is part of her master plan. Fascinating, for the world's bestish mom.

Anonymous Who Can't Post said... 36

I read somewhere awhile back that Britain was where reality shows first showed up. And remember the goofy Japanese shows that pitted one contestant against another pulling logs through mud holes or whatever? Those were a precursor to reality shows. That was years ago.

As far as whether dubbing would be able to get the right "flavor" of Kate's demanding, rude, uncompromising and b*tching ways, probably not...but maybe the dubbing would make her look worse? That's always a possibility.

So much to speculate on. It's never ending where Kate is involved, I guess.

She is a Cow said... 37

Well, not that I want the kid's personal lives to be splashed all over the world, but I think it would serve Kate right to not get a penny out of international syndication.

KARMA at its best.

She is a Cow said... 38

I took a bullet said...

From Kate's blog today:
Thank you "bullet" for posting her blog entries, I would hate for any one to give her any unnecessary hits.

As usual her answers are nothing but crap and I believe she makes up half the questions just to put whatever information she wants "out there."

Looks like she is grifting for a treadmill now also.

Oh, and I just bought a cook book last month, even in this economy. (FOOL)

Anne said... 39

I took a bullet: Thank you for posting the blog. I have no interest in clicking on her website, but still get giggles from her ridiculous answers.

I spent some time googling Love is in the Mix - one hit produced a posting from another blog in March 2011. Someone in that forum had contacted her publisher. I copied the response and provided a link to the google hit.

From: Zondervan Customer Care
Date: Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 3:29 PM
Subject: Kate Gosselin CRM:0009180

Thank you for contacting Zondervan.

The title Love is in the Mix has been cancelled, will not be published. The book never released so it is not available in Europe.

Currently that are no new titles scheduled by Kate Gosselin.

Thank you

Zondervan Customer Care


I would imagine this is true information. I didn't look any further although, I swear sometime in the past I had heard that the book had been releassed in Europe to satify the contract, but I couldn't find anything further in my searches.

I don't really care either way - I just find it pathetic that Kate continues to lie about this. What would be wrong with just saying "no", I have no plans? She is just so pathetic.

And the exclamation points, oh the exclamation points!!!!

I took another bullet said... 40

From Huffington Post:

Kate Gosselin Still Unemployed, Scrambling

Although Kate Gosselin told me she would do whatever she had to in order to support her children following the cancellation of her fame-making show, the mom of eight is finding out that it’s easier said than done. Gosselin, who told me that her first choice would be to stay in television, isn’t getting the job response she had hoped for.

"She has approached many different networks, including pitching a travel show idea to her old network, TLC, but so far no one has said yes," an insider tells me. "She assumed that given her fame, producers and networks would be knocking her over with job offers and is, to say the least, very surprised that she hasn’t received a single one."

TLC officially confirmed that "Kate Plus 8" had been cancelled after its ratings continued to drop and the show became more and more expensive to produce when they added traveling the globe to the series. At the time, Gosselin told me she had never earned the amount of money people assumed she was receiving and made it very clear that she wasn’t set for life.

"Like many reality stars Kate is in a very difficult position," a reality show casting director tells me. "Who wants to go back to a real day job after being paid to work three or four months a year. Everyone I have ever met on a reality show thinks it will never end. They quit their day jobs and assume they will become rich and famous. They do become infamous [but] -- with the exception of Bethenny Frankel -- they never become rich. Plus, who is going to hire them for a real job after they have made a fool out of themselves on TV?"

Note to self –- never do a reality show.


AuntieAnn said... 41

Anonymous Who Can't Post said...

As far as whether dubbing would be able to get the right "flavor" of Kate's demanding, rude, uncompromising and b*tching ways, probably not...but maybe the dubbing would make her look worse? That's always a possibility.


I'd pick Margaret Cho to do the Asian voice-over of Kate. HA!!

Mimi to 3 said... 42

On what particular planet does Kate have a 'gift of gab'? Her pea brain is really slipping if she really considers herself talented in this way.

I took a bullet said... 43

You are all very welcome! No need to thank me each time. Enjoy.

overthehill said... 44

we have had reality shows here in uk but hey have never been about exploiting children

Anonymous said... 45

SG said...

I'm curious as to how the show will be translated in non-English speaking countries. Will it have subtitles? Or will it be done in voice overs? How will it accurately portray Kate's nasty tone of voice? Will they actually mimic the way Kate said her "lines"?

It is voice over and you are right in Quebec the translator have a sweet voice, you think she is joking all the time

French Canadian

AuntieAnn said... 46

Q: I was also wondering if the cupcake guy ever resurfaced?
A: LOL no. Lotsa frogs til I find my prince I guess? (for the record, before you run off to write the latest gossip column, I’m NOT calling Mr Cupcake a frog!)


What was she calling him then? It doesn't say lotsa blowfish or lotsa spotted hyennas. It says lotsa FROGS. She calls a guy a frog and then says she didn't. The woman is a clusterf*ck extraordinaire.

overthehill said... 47

i have never known anyone to use paper dishes except at parties.the lazy bitch cant even be bothered putting stuff in dishwasher.hope they dont use plastic cutlery

Anonymous Who Can't Post said... 48

AuntieAnn said...I'd pick Margaret Cho to do the Asian voice-over of Kate. HA!!

Perfect!! LOL I can hear her now, with the "Jon, stop breathing!"

Kate could become a laughing stock abroad and never make a penny from it.

gramof5 said... 49

overthehill said...

i have never known anyone to use paper dishes except at parties.the lazy bitch cant even be bothered putting stuff in dishwasher.hope they dont use plastic cutlery
Kate has not one, but two dishwashers. She has two of everything.
No need to worry about silverware, as you don't need any for grapes,chips and half a banana.
Wonder if poor Shoka eats from paper plates and drinks his water from the toilet bowl !

She is a Cow said... 50

I took another bullet said...
From Huffington Post:

Kate Gosselin Still Unemployed, Scrambling

"She has approached many different networks, including pitching a travel show idea to her old network, TLC, but so far no one has said yes," an insider tells me.
Who in their right mind would offer this moron a travel show. She couldn't even get the names right on Mt Rushmore. How did she pitch this: Well you could film me laying by this pool and that pool and Mr. Information Man could guide us around and show us interestingish stuff. It would be great.


mamasan said... 51

************************************************** "bigfanofk8g
@acemme @Kateplusmy8 I could definitely see that show being popular in Asia. People in Asia luv blondes."
************************************************** F Y I they also like white, Not Orange [peel] skin. Kate doesn't translate well. I traveled to Taiwan to attend my son's wedding. I am not a blonde, but the Asian ladies oohed and aahed over my white skin. I don't tan just freckle.

PJ's momma said... 52

From the previous post, Kate's kling-on brownlow got a radio show without hardly trying! Wonder how ole Kate feels reading that tweet! She can't get a media job on a dare. HA!

Audible Click said... 53

One last time...testing.

Mr. Bond said... 54

brownnoser has to pay for the time-slot on the radio. that's not a job offer. anyone can get a radio slot if you buy the air time. she would then have to get sponsers / advertisers if she wants a chance to make any money.

don't be impressed with her line that she was offered a radio job and wasn't even trying!

Kate is a twit said... 55

Looks like this fan had an epiphany.

@Kateplusmy8 so im guessing kate only answers the same ppl over & over.. Geesh im over it ; )
1 hr ago

Anonymous Who Can't Post said... 56

Kate is a twit said...

Looks like this fan had an epiphany.

@Kateplusmy8 so im guessing kate only answers the same ppl over & over.. Geesh im over it ; )
1 hr ago

Nah. See the little wink at the end? Kate's cult..er, fans are loyal to the core. Come hell or high water, blatant lies, being called mediocre, doesn't matter. "Hurt me some more" is their motto.

Julie's Chins said... 57

Somehow I doubt she will answer these, but here's a couple of questions for Kate:

1. Why do you overuse exclamation marks? When you were in school, did you not learn about periods? Are you aware that students who take state writing tests in school lose points on their score for proper punctuation for doing that? Just seems odd is all, being how you used to criticize Jon during couch interviews for his shortcomings with proper language.

2. Can you please explain to us what you mean by "gift of gab"? I'm confused, because when I see and hear you on tv talk shows, you only seem to answer questions directed at you and not fully engage in conversations and you don't appear interested in others. Also, you can't seem to gramatically string a complete sentence together properly. Now, if "gift of gab" means every other word you speak is "ummmmmmmm", or that you bark orders at people, then I would agree you have it. Can you please enlighten us by what you consider "gift of gab"?

gimme said... 58

That's very true what the tweetie said above. I see the click? emerging, just like HS.

Warmth Of The Sun said... 59

Who in their right mind would offer this moron a travel show. She couldn't even get the names right on Mt Rushmore. How did she pitch this:


Heck, she told People magazine (when she went to Mexico) that she had never been outside the United States, when, in fact, she had been to Canada. Apparently she didn't know Canada hadn't been annexed to the United States.
Perhaps she sees herself as Samantha Brown, who is one sharp cookie when it comes to knowledge. She has the personality to do a travel show. Kate couldn't come close.
Didn't Kate ask one of her Irish tweeties why the grass was always green?

Anonymous Who Can't Post said... 60

Kate's "gift of gab" is actually a lexicon of lies.

Tucker's Mom said... 61

I just read that Maria Schwartzenager and Arnold got together for their son's birthday to celebrate. It's been years since their separation, but my bet is that Kate and Jon will celebrate the twins bday separately, again.
I wanted to reach through the tv to smack Kate when she pouted and cried about the tups bday party at the park where the whole family took photos together. "It's the last one", Kate boohooed.
No, Kate. You could act like an adult and have many, many years of family photos for all occasions if you acted like a grown up WHO LOVE HER KIDS MORE THAN SHE HATES HER EX".

Popular tv said... 62

Anonymous Who Can't Post said...

I read somewhere awhile back that Britain was where reality shows first showed up. And remember the goofy Japanese shows that pitted one contestant against another pulling logs through mud holes or whatever? Those were a precursor to reality shows. That was years ago.


Those goofy game shows shown on Japanese TV years ago are alive and well and still airing to very receptive audiences.

Google japanese tv schedules and you'll see the game shows that are still airing there. Also, google UK, Germany, South American countries, Ireland, etc tv guide/schedules to see what their networks are broadcasting. They have reality tv, soap opera type shows, news, home improvement, food/cooking, etc. just like we do. Many of the countries are picking up syndicated shows from around the world. An internet friend from Australia told me that they do get J&K+8 and Kate+8 but they're broadcast on a pay cable network (TLC/Discovery) and MANY people do not subscribe to pay tv there so they don't know about her and most don't care.

Anonymous Who Can't Post said... 63

Warmth of the Sun said...Didn't Kate ask one of her Irish tweeties why the grass was always green?

I missed that but wouldn't be surprised. She asked a tweetie in Holland what season it was.

Anonymous Who Can't Post said... 64

In fact I can remember asking a tweetie where the person was on a map, saying she wasn't good at geography. A travel show host that doesn't know geography??

Falling with the season said... 65

Q: I was also wondering if the cupcake guy ever resurfaced?
A: LOL no. Lotsa frogs til I find my prince I guess? (for the record, before you run off to write the latest gossip column, I’m NOT calling Mr Cupcake a frog!)

There are no gossip columns interested in Kate's opinion of cupcake guy or anything else for that matter. What a self-important delusional twit.

Dwindle said... 66

Tucker's Mom said... I just read that Maria Schwartzenager and Arnold got together for their son's birthday to celebrate. It's been years since their separation, but my bet is that Kate and Jon will celebrate the twins bday separately, again.


I know it seems longer, but the Schwarzenegger's have only been seperated for about 6 months, and are not divorced yet. I think Maria, being full of class and graceful upbringing, is a model for us all in her public civility towards the father of her children.

I admit i never did joint bday parties with my ex when my kids were young, but all special occasions such as confirmations, graduation parties, homecoming, etc I always invited him. When we moved, the kids were so eager for him to come over and see my new house, their new rooms etc. There were several times he made a loud inebriated proclamation of not attending one our children's events (like the football game where our eldest was homecoming queen) due to *my* presence, which confused the kids coz they KNEW WHY we split up and it wasnt anything he should have been angry with ME about.

But - 3 of the 4 of them are in the 30's now and have a relationship with their dad that is, ummm, polite on Christmas for their grandmother's sake. That is about the best spin I can put on it.

Kate thinks it will never happen to her because she and her big mixing spoon wont permit it and also that she has time to fix it later. But she is wrong.

Warmth Of The Sun said... 67

When all else fails, I remember that bedtime ALWAYS comes– my famous advice, lol!


So the answer to solving a child's problem and/or dispute with a sibling is to put the child to bed (where he or she can cry) while Mother hides away under the covers in her room, pretending that no problem exists because it's bedtime.

Wonderful parenting advice. This woman should host a "Children Should Solve Their Own Problems" show.

Warmth Of The Sun said... 68

Kate and her lack of geography knowledge...

There was something she asked one of her tweeties about a historical place overseas that she never heard of. For the life of me, I can't remember where it was. I just remember shaking my head and laughing in disbelief at the time, wondering if she wouldn't be embarrassed to admit she didn't know what it was. Anyone remember?

Let Kate do a travel show - travel the world. Give custody of the kids to Jon. It's a win-win-win situation for everyone, for Kate, for the kids, for Jon.

Networks can pump her with historical facts, geography, etc., that's no problem. However, where she would fall on her face is because of her lack of manners and class. She has neither, and they can't be bought or learned. Rudeness would prevail, and she'd be sent packing.

Tucker's Mom said... 69

Dwindle, sounds like you are truly a high road taker. So many affirmative stories here about raising children after divorce or as a single mom and putting the kids' needs first and really, really trying. I have such admiration for you all.

steff said... 70

If Kate wants a travel show, she should watch and see how hard Anthony Bourdain works on his show. He gets to be snarky, but he also shows incredible appreciation to the people, the surroundings, the history, the culture, and the food. He gets hot, dirty, stuck in the desert, the mud, the ice & snow. It's not a cakewalk. More than once, he's gotten trapped on a boat due to weather or incompetence. But still he shows his respect for the country he is in. He might snark on the boat captain, but at the same time, he'll note how beautiful it is being stranded out on the water. Instead of losing his mind over the fact that he can't ever have a successful fishing scene, he made the "stunt fish" part of his show. And ALWAYS points out when they needed the stunt fish for the scene.

Kate could never pull off a travel show. She is simply too self involved to understand the show isn't about her, but about where she's visiting. She's not the star, the country/city is the star.

Clicker said... 71

Westcoaster, you are spot on about K8 only wanting to be a part-time parent. Here is the twitter exchange:

27 Sep
@mkbrownlow I'm telling you, I can't catch a break these days...I'll hang out a few then I need to zzz
Tomorrow is another crazy one!

27 Sep
@Kateplusmy8 @mkbrownlow What are U fillin ur days with Kate? Dumb & dumber type question!

27 Sep
@MiloandJack @mkbrownlow all stuff that needs to be done. Little stuff big stuff and list gets longer not shorter&School is so busy this yr!

27 Sep
@Kateplusmy8 @mkbrownlow Well....maybe it's a good thing Ur not workin runnin all over the place w/TLC just now!
In reply to ↑
Kate Gosselin
@MiloandJack @mkbrownlow I'm going a bit batty... Just sayin'. Have always loved being work at home mom 1wk and travel mom next. Works4us
27 Sep via Twitterrific "

It's beyond sad that she "can't catch a break these days", as she references her new SAHM status.

wayward said... 72

"She has approached many different networks, including pitching a travel show idea to her old network, TLC, but so far no one has said yes,"

Could this stuff even be true? Karma is biting her in the ass. She already had the chance to travel and be paid. She ruined it by behaving like a rude, spoiled child and those shows got the worst ratings.

Those questions and answers are a krock of krap. She made those self-adulating questions up. Thank you to "took a bullet" for posting her stuff here, I've not visited her site and don't plan to.

Gosselin Gossip said... 73

Friendly Skies said...Do other countries film reality television shows?

Not sure where these shows are filming (either in the US or abroad), but TLC International announced six new reality series in Feb. 2011.


There is a TLC International reality series that is/was casting for families in Canada to appear on their new parenting show about world's best supermom. (The casting description seems like it wants the complete opposite - over-controlling moms who are struggling with giving their children more independence to become self-reliant.)


If TLC International is pushing the reality tv trend internationally and it becomes quite popular, maybe they will start greenlighting reality shows from other countries to highlight different cultures, lifestyles, etc.

fidosmommy said... 74

I wonder how other cultures feel about hand flapping and snapping fingers at people.

Tamara said... 75

I wonder if Kate thinks she'll get paid by Target and whatever paper towel brand her kids are holding in the pics? Or that tabloids will be just racing to her door to buy the pics to publish them? Didn't see the pic, just going by what was described here.

fidosmommy said... 76

What's she griping about RadarOnline for now?
Anybody know? I don't go to that website.

Tamara said... 77

I wonder if Kate thinks she'll get paid by Target and whatever paper towel brand her kids are holding in the pics? Or that tabloids will be just racing to her door to buy the pics to publish them? Didn't see the pic, just going by what was described here.

I always thought she must have been a bit pissed that the tups school has uniforms, no money to be made if they're not wearing product placement fashion in all those bus stop pics.

ta said... 78

I wonder if Kate thinks she'll get paid by Target and whatever paper towel brand her kids are holding in the pics? Or that tabloids will be just racing to her door to buy the pics to publish them? Didn't see the pic, just going by what was described here.

I always thought she must have been a bit pissed that the tups school has uniforms, no money to be made if they're not wearing product placement fashion in all those bus stop pics.

fidosmommy said... 79

You know, Americans are hated by many people around the world because we are seen as self-involved, rude, and none too intelligent. Some believe that American influences are trying to ruin the known world - clothing styles, for example.

Whatever will they think once they get a load of Kate on their TV screens? Sadly, Kate might be
all the proof they need to make their point. Kate Gosselin serving as anti-American propaganda!

PJ's momma said... 80

HAHAHAHA!!! Her latest tweet: NOT 1 stitch of truth in radar article, once again... & radar u can't even report my website properly! It's: kateplusmy8.com @radar_online

but, but, but, I thought Radar was Kate's fan club website? The article is just HuffPo's article, verbatim. Hilarious that they got her website wrong though!!!

Oops, too many exclamation points, my bad. I can't help myself when it comes to Kate getting a smackdown, especially when she's refuting 'that stuff she doesn't read.'

8countem8 said... 81

"At this point, the best opportunity for [my family] would be me continuing on TV as a way to provide for my kids. Something that's exciting and challenging for me has been TV, and I wouldn't be opposed to it."

Yeah, I got something that will be a good opportunity as a way to provide for her kids, something that will be exciting and definitely challenging for her--GET A REAL LIFE!!! Get off TV, get a real job and live a REAL LIFE. It's not that hard Kate. If all her pouting and hoping, wishing and praying hasn't brought about any prospects by now...I sort of doubt anything will come her way.

Does she not know that NO show, reality and or otherwise does not last forever?

Blog Fan said... 82

PJ’s momma, it’s hilarious that Radaronline got her website wrong. There’s also a video with the article of her answering some of her biggest fans’ questions. This is the article:

Kate Gosselin finds herself in a similar predicament as many Americans the past few years: Jobless and hating it.

The mother-of-eight is frustrated with the collective yawn she's received from reality TV producers since becoming a free agent last month when her TLC show Kate Plus 8 was cancelled, a source told the Huffington Post.

"She has approached many different networks, including pitching a travel show idea to her old network, TLC, but so far no one has said yes," the source said. "She assumed that given her fame, producers and networks would be knocking her over with job offers and is, to say the least, very surprised that she hasn’t received a single one."

A reality show casting director told the online paper that Kate might have rough sledding ahead if she expects continued reality riches, as only former Real Housewife Bethenny Frankel has been able to parlay former reality fame into big bucks, via her merchandising empire.

Earlier this month, Kate told The Today Show's Matt Lauer that "at this point, the best opportunity for [my family] would be me continuing on TV as a way to provide for my kids. Something that's exciting and challenging for me has been TV, and I wouldn't be opposed to it."

Kate said she wouldn't hesitate to put her kids on another show "if the right thing came along."

"I think we are all still in agreement with it," she said of another show, adding, "I'm sure you will see my kids again [on TV] at some point."

In the meantime, Kate is keeping an online presence at kateplusmyeight.com.

Anonymous said... 83

Been gone for several days. Did Lake Up North have her baby?

She is a Cow said... 84

NOT 1 stitch of truth in radar article, once again... & radar u can't even report my website properly! It's: kateplusmy8.com

AWWW Sounds like Katie's having a wittle Twitter Tantrum!!!!!!!!! LOL !!!!!!!

Dulcina said... 85

steff said...

If Kate wants a travel show, she should watch and see how hard Anthony Bourdain works on his show.

Anthony Bourdain ROCKS.
The ONLY show I will not re-watch is the one in the Kalahari.
Haven't watched anything with kate for YEARS.

Did someone say karma?

Dulcina said... 86

Twitter Tantrum. The high tech version of a hissy fit!
Thanks "Cow."

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 87

The article was all lies?? Lol half of it was her own quotes!! From video taped interviews!

She's losing it.

Rhymes with Witch said... 88

She's losing it.

I think a kinder, gentler phrase would be to say that she is beginning to unravel.


Midnight Madness said... 89

She is a Cow said...

NOT 1 stitch of truth in radar article, once again... & radar u can't even report my website properly! It's: kateplusmy8.com


Remember when Kate was having a love affair with ROL? She was at some function, paps were around, she was flirting with them, saying "HI RADAR!" and grinning like they were best buds.
How quickly things turn around...

Audible Click said... 90

Administrator said... The article was all lies?? Lol half of it was her own quotes!! From video taped interviews!

She's losing it.


It's fascinating in a horrible way. She simply lies about every. damn. thing. Can you imagine what her kids must go through? How can they trust anything she says?

Virginia Pen Mom said... 91

Well, the stories of children (and adults) put at risk through reality TV filming schedules and plot lines just keep coming in, don't they?

"It seems like [the Duggars] are putting the show before their child’s health.”

(From National Enquirer online)


Published on: September 28, 2011

America’s most prolific clan The DUGGARS under fire as baby Josie faces grim prognosis, The ENQUIRER has learned.

Friends of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar fear the su­per-size family’s whirlwind lifestyle is putting the tini­est Duggar at risk after the couple’s youngest daughter fell ill in Israel during a three-week overseas trip.

The Arkansas-based, evangelical Christian family – dad Jim Bob, mom Michelle and their massive brood – were overseas filming their TLC reality show “19 Kids and Counting” when 21-month-old Josie was rushed to a local pediatrician’s office.

The child’s oxygen levels had spiraled down, revealed a family insider.

Doctors prohibited Josie – who’d been born prematurely, weighing just 1 pound, 6 ounces – from fly­ing back to the States until she recovered. That forced mom Mi­chelle and older sister Jill to re­main with her in Israel for nearly a week while the rest of the family traveled to Alabama for a commitment with Habitat for Humanity.

“Josie has had serious breathing issues since her premature birth,” divulged the insider. “While the Duggars are a loving family who adore their children, they are defi­nitely risking Josie’s life by traveling all over the world.

“It seems like they are putting the show before their child’s health.”

When contacted by The ENQUIR­ER, Jim Bob claimed Josie was treat­ed for “cold symptoms” and was expected to make a full recovery.

Still, the insider added: “Jim Bob and Michelle need to put their chil­dren first, before media attention and money.”

Gimme said... 92

They forgot to add the Kardashians - they are raking in kamillions. And now have a clothing line. As well as Tori Spelling, who has a fabulous clothing line as well as her jewelry on QVC. Gotta strike while the iron is hot.

Dwindle said... 93

@ Tucker's Mom: AWWW, Thank you so much for the words of support. You never know if you're 'doing it right', but at this point now I can look at the results and know I did the best I could. I think we all wish we could advise Kate based on our experiences but not only does she think she knows everything right now, she also doesnt think that 8 human beings will ever have a thought in their heads that SHE doesnt put there. She really assumes she has that much control.

She is so very ill. So detached from reality.

I would like to thank each and every poster who is giving us a peek into Katie's lame, simpleton website and other info. I will never click on her site. But the info that you guys post here absolutely affirms for me that she is lazy, simple minded, and is paying someone a buck seventy five to throw some highschool junk up on the internet for her. Anything so that she doesnt have to work, eh?

Carezee said... 94

I had a real laugh out of her tweet about Radar. When they were fawning all over her and bad mouthing Jon she didn't have a problem with them. Now that they aren't being bought off by TLC or whoever was paying for all that love, they are big liars. Funny how all of a sudden, all these people that found her America's sweetheart, are letting us know how they really feel about her. Karma baby.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 95

It's also a "lie" she's trying to get another job in TV? She's SAID she wants that. So is she saying she's doing absolutely nothing to make that happen? Just sitting on her butt at home or screwing around in the Apple store all day?

Can you imagine if all actors sat on the couch and just waited for the next big project to happen?

She also said she's freaking out about the show being canceled. She said this. How can she now say it's all a lie? Does she just spout nonsense not even knowing what she is saying?

She really truly is mentally ill. When you have this much difficulty trying to figure out someone and make them fit into the box of normal human behavior they just won't squeeze into, odds are, mental health issues.

The twit's tweets said... 96

Gosselin Gossip said...

If TLC International is pushing the reality tv trend internationally and it becomes quite popular, maybe they will start greenlighting reality shows from other countries to highlight different cultures, lifestyles, etc.


Something similar is already happening. TLC has a new show starting October 13 at 10pm called "All-American Muslim". "A powerful new eight-part series that delves deep inside the rarely seen world of Muslim Americans to uncover unique insight into this community, through the experiences of five different families.(from TLC's press release, July 2011)

fidosmommy said...

I wonder how other cultures feel about hand flapping and snapping fingers at people.

Some countries don't think very highly of Americans especially when we are visitors in their homelands. Many have a stereotype image of us being loud, obnoxious, rude, and pushy. Humm, that's pretty much Kate. Her finger snapping, pointing, screeching won't be admired - AT ALL.

PJ's momma said...

HAHAHAHA!!! Her latest tweet: NOT 1 stitch of truth in radar article, once again... & radar u can't even report my website properly! It's: kateplusmy8.com @radar_online

but, but, but, I thought Radar was Kate's fan club website? The article is just HuffPo's article, verbatim. Hilarious that they got her website wrong though!!!

LOL, I believe the HuffPo article was written by her buddy, Rob Schuter, the one who wrote glowing articles about her when the show first ended (I think she did an interview w/him, too that appeared in a magazine). ahhhh, I guess that honeymoon is over.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 97

It bothers me if an international audience might think Kate is representative of Americans. What they may not realize is really the vast majority of Americans find her to be one giant embarrassment and certainly not representative in the slightest of how we live our lives.

Anonymous Who Can't Post said... 98

Administrator said...

It bothers me if an international audience might think Kate is representative of Americans. What they may not realize is really the vast majority of Americans find her to be one giant embarrassment and certainly not representative in the slightest of how we live our lives.

Amen. We don't need Kate The Ugly American being a spokesperson for the USA.

Warmth Of The Sun said... 99

Admin said: She really truly is mentally ill. When you have this much difficulty trying to figure out someone and make them fit into the box of normal human behavior they just won't squeeze into, odds are, mental health issues.


I know nothing about narcissism. Does a narcissist ever have a breakdown so severe that it lands them in a mental health facility? Or...does their narcissism flick a switch in the brain, shutting off the possibility of a breakdown because they see themselves as the embodiments of perfection and therefore not capable of having any mental health issues (and certainly not to the point of entering a treatment facility)?

Is Kate headed for a breakdown?

Carezee said... 100

Something else I wanted to add about Radar, is the comments. Not one positive comment. Not to mention where are all the sheeple that use to be on there to argue with anyone who had a negative thing to say about her. Things are really not looking good for her. Also. did anyone else notice that when Wernygal wrote up the final recap of Kate's show, the only time she capitalized her name was at the beginning of a sentence? Is that subconsciously how she feels about her? It amused me.

Gimme said... 101

That picture of the kids above makes me sad. They are what 6 and look like they have the weight of the world on their shoulders.

I haven't seen the pic of the paper towels but seems to me the most she could get out of something like that would be a large stash.

She's Nuts said... 102

I wonder if this one will send her into a Twitter Tantrum...


Kate's Fate said... 103

Re: The MSNBC article.

@PRFANS @todayshow @Kateplusmy8 wow, I just read this. I guess they're giving K8 another idea... reality show watching K8 be a stage mom

And BigFan thinks that they were serious! :)

wayward said... 104

Administrator said... The article was all lies?? Lol half of it was her own quotes!! From video taped interviews!

You're right, the whole article consisted of statements she herself made, mostly on videotape. Is she saying her own statements aren't true!?!?! She has said on twatter she's still waiting for the right offer to come along.

She may be whining about the overall tone of the piece which is basically that she's an unwanted has-been. Another reality show participant who thinks they have a guaranteed career in show business. Only to find out once their show is over Hollywood is done with them.

I hope White House|Black Market has a cute line of scrubs!

Kokomo, Cocktails, and Dreams said... 105

She may be whining about the overall tone of the piece which is basically that she's an unwanted has-been. Another reality show participant who thinks they have a guaranteed career in show business. Only to find out once their show is over Hollywood is done with them.


To think she has nobody but herself to blame for this whole debacle. You can't be rude to people. You can't throw people aside. You can't be arrogant. You can't walk around with a sense of entitlement with your nose in the air. You can't grift. You can't feel that everyone else owes you a living. You can't fake giving to charity. You can't be demanding. You can't sell your kids to the highest bidder. And you can't lie.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 106


To think she has nobody but herself to blame for this whole debacle. You can't be rude to people. You can't throw people aside. You can't be arrogant. You can't walk around with a sense of entitlement with your nose in the air. You can't grift. You can't feel that everyone else owes you a living. You can't fake giving to charity. You can't be demanding. You can't sell your kids to the highest bidder. And you can't lie.

Well you can, and she has. And it sort of worked for her. In the short term. But just like as we've all been saying for years now, karma will come. This approach will not work long-term. This approach will catch up, eventually. Here is karma, right now. The karma we've talked about for so very long is here, like finally meeting a penpal you've been writing letters to for years.

TLC ship is sinking said... 107

Administrator said...It bothers me if an international audience might think Kate is representative of Americans. What they may not realize is really the vast majority of Americans find her to be one giant embarrassment and certainly not representative in the slightest of how we live our lives.

It's not just Kate; Jersey Shore, Teen Moms, Real Housewives, Sister Wives, etc. - these shows would create an even more negative, distorted international perception of Americans. Many, if not most, Americans do not act this way (just like not all are blondes or cowboys etc. etc.).

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 108

It does remind me of when I've been to Europe and I can't even count how many people wanted to know where my cowboy hats and boots were. They were serious. But at least being a cowboy is nothing to be embarrassed about, just not something most people are. I can deal with that and laugh it off. I'll be there next spring and I am bracing myself for the Jersey Shore jokes, not sure those will be laughed off so easily. Sigh. We're disliked enough not to perpetuate this idea we're hoochie mamas and whores and drunks and shallow and nymphos and greedy and excessive.

Kokomo, Cocktails, and Dreams said... 109

Admin said...

Well you can, and she has.


Yes, she has! What I meant was that you can't do or be all of those things and expect to come out smelling like the proverbial rose and being loved by all around you.

Much to her surprise, I think she's finding that out. Too late, cupcake.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 110

Well it's like Kate thought they were would an unlimited supply of people out there solely to serve her and she could just use them, abuse them, and discard them and go onto the next thinking these people would never run out. She never counted on one day everyone realizing this is not okay, I will not used, abused and discarded like this, goodbye. All of a sudden, the well went dry.

You know this might get to the very heart of the issue of why she is suddenly taking a slight interest in her fans? She ran out of narcissistic supply. There simply weren't any more people in her real life to feed off anymore, they all left her. She has resorted to the internet. Like resorting to packaged food when you've eaten everything fresh. It's not as good, but it will keep you going.

TLC ship is sinking said... 111

To think she has nobody but herself to blame for this whole debacle.

That's the thing! She and some other reality stars won't accept the blame for what has happened. Instead, they blame the media and tv networks for viewers' distorted perception of themselves.

"I was playing an exaggerated character of myself. That's not really me."

"They edited it to make me look bad."

"The producers put me in that situation because they knew I would react this way."

Etc. etc.

Thing is, Kate has been given many various opportunities to prove herself in Hollywood and further her career. If she didn't have it then, she won't have it now.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 112

Did anyone see DWTS last night? Catching up and they showed "Studio 1" and Derick goes, this is the actual spot where Tony quit and came right back, and the showed a quick clip. LOL! That was when he quit on Kate! Ha.

Derick also said Studio 1 is the one everyone really wants because it's a replica of the real stage. Doesn't surprise me given Kate always demands and gets what Kate wants.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 113

A travel show for Kate would mean being away from the home and the kids. Perfect. Could she have said anything more stupid than that? Especially when her detractors heavily criticize her for being an absent parent. However, she did tell the world that she loved the balance of being home and travelling for "work" when she was a famous stah.

Oh. And that ab champ thing was weird. Just came out of nowhere. Very weird.

Anonymous said... 114

Ok, I admit I've been thinking way too much about Kate "I'll do anything for money" Gosselin lately. (Probably because my "mediocre" job leaves me too much free time - LOL) Anyway, I thought maybe if I just got these questions down in writing, I might finally be able to get some peace. (Hey, it's worth a shot.) In no particular order, here they are:

1. How long has Steve been in the picture? I was watching the episode were they went to Utah the other day and was shocked to see Steve sitting behind Kate on the plane. I had no idea he'd been around that long. I tried Googling to find out when he started with them, but nothing came up.

2. I know not everyone thinks that Kate and Steve are having a physical relationship, but I absolutely do. For me the RV episodes erased all doubt. For anyone else who feels the same way, when do you think it started?

3. How dumb are her "followers" (a.k.a. the sheeple)? Seriously, I can't understand why on earth people are sending this woman anything, much less high ticket items like I-Pads. Do they really think that she and the kids will be living in abject poverty without their help?

4. Do you think Kate is really "broke'? I go back and forth between believing that she has tons of money stashed away and believing that she is just dumb enough to have blown through it.

5. Why is she still living like the money will never stop? Is she really that flipping stupid? I know she is, but GEEZ.

6. Why is Steve still around? Who is paying him? Supposedly, he is Kate's "manager/advisor", but what is he managing? She's unemployed! And BTW, why the career change? Is the family no longer in *cough* danger *cough*?

Marie said... 115

What is this with Kate? Is she hoping that even if she sits around waiting and hoping, like some celebs have did, Kate is hoping to get, "discovered," is that it? Is that why she won't get off her lazy butt and find real work? I mean after all she says she's so worried about being able to provide for her kids and all.

She's Nuts said... 116

A travel show for Kate would mean being away from the home and the kids. Perfect. Could she have said anything more stupid than that? Especially when her detractors heavily criticize her for being an absent parent. However, she did tell the world that she loved the balance of being home and travelling for "work" when she was a famous stah.


Right. But she doesn't want to be a nurse because it would take her away from her kids for too long. She really isn't playing with a full deck, is she?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 117

And why would you be proud to say that this idea you're out there looking for a job in TV is a "lie"?

That just makes her look lazy. Get out there, set up meetings, work the phones, call everyone you've ever met in the entertainment industry. There is no shame in looking for a job. No different than driving down to Applebee's and turning in an application. Start stomping the pavement get out there. This is what out of work Americans DO. They don't get all defensive and act like looking for a job is shameful somehow.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 118

Yup, oh, the hypocrisy. What is the difference between working a long shift at your nursing job, and being called away from home to travel every other week?

Actually, a huge difference. The nurse is going to be home for dinner or at least home in time to tuck the kids in.

Justifying this job as a way to be home with the kids not only is a cop out, but is also a complete lie. Like many moms in the entertainment industry who chose to continue to travel for work once kids are born, this job took her away from her children more than the vast majority of mediocre careers ever would have.

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii said... 119

Virginia Pen Mom said...

Well, the stories of children (and adults) put at risk through reality TV filming schedules and plot lines just keep coming in, don't they?

"It seems like [the Duggars] are putting the show before their child’s health.”
That article from the enquirer is incorrect. The Duggars were not in Israel, they were in El Salvador doing missionary work. The older Duggar girls called the paramedics after little Josie had a feavor that spiked which resulted in her having a seizure. The sister and baby were at home and called the parents in El Salvedor.


Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 120

No, the Duggars did go to Israel this month. They posted it on their blog:


I find that article very disturbing, but until it can be further verified, I'm not going to do a post.

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii said... 121

My bad. Thanks for the correction Admin.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 122

No mo I don't know when the video is from but it's safe to say it happened before they went to Israel since they just went to Israel.

That video is relevant in any case because it suggests they knew full well this child is having serious health problems and yet they are continuing their grueling filming schedules.

The Duggars are also close to or over 150 episodes. I think they've had enough too. In a way so many kids is helpful since they have more than double the kids, which means less film time for each kid. I don't think anyone knows all the kids as well as we do the Gosselin kids, due to the sheer numbers. I think this is enough. Turn the cameras off and take care of the sick child.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 123

Wow that video was revealing. 11 kids in one house with chicken pox? Why haven't they been vaccinated? Little Josie was just about to come home from the hospital and was extremely vulnerable. I'm assuming they are against vaccines. They act like it's one big joke with the typical happy TLC music and graphics. Last I checked kids can die from chicken pox complications. Not to mention, it's miserable. But, funny, funny stuff right....

steff said... 124

I did read on a different board that Josie Duggar got sick IN Israel and that's why Michelle & one of the older daughters had to stay there until Josie was well enough to travel.

Tamara said... 125

Does Kate think that Target and the paper towel company are going to pay her for the product placement photo with the kids on her website? The kids may not be being filmed, but they are still working.

PJ's momma said... 126

Oh wow, those Duggar videos ARE disturbing. First, they left a medically fragile baby with the older daughters while they went to do mission work and film. Aren't these girls minors? And then 12 have the chicken pox and the baby can't come home, and her mother says that for the first two years of her life, she'll have to live in a bubble. Is a grueling, stressful global trip a bubble? They need to yank that show too. Enough already - with ALL kids in reality TV. I read here that the plural marriage kids are unhappy (I refuse to watch that egomaniac dork Cody), look what's happened to the Gosselins, and now even the level-headed Duggars are taking risks. The kids don't have a voice and they don't have a choice - and that is NOT FAIR.

Concerned Citizen said... 127

If you have questions about how long Steve has been around and what other lies Kate has been telling since the very beginning, please visit my site. It has a recap of the very first Gosselin special. http://gosselinbeginnings.blogspot.com/

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii said... 128

I'm not saying the Duggar's should or shouldn't stop filming. I'd be stupid to say the money comes in handy but I also know, in some of there episodes, the father said that they are debt free, and that they have invested in business real estate and highly suggested to others watching that that is a good way to go if one is investing. They owned several car lots that the oldest son is now working as to support his family. They also have always bought their close from the thrift store, and said that he always negotiates for everything they get, tires, motel rooms, etc.

As far as putting the preemie at risk, in my opinion, the mother went over the top when it came to the baby coming in contact with germs. They rented a large home near the hospital so all the family could be together until the baby had grown stronger.

For my self, I don't agree with all the Duggar's do, but I fully believe that they are very careful when it comes to their health. The Duggars do believe in medicine and doctors. I truly believe that the only way their life would be different if they didn't have the show is that they wouldn't be able to go on as many missionary trips. But I do respect any one else who see's it different.

librarylady said... 129

Admin, RE: Duggars in Israel...this is the website of the clinic which took care of Josie in Israel. It is kind of like an "advanced" urgent/ER care clinic. Take note, too, that the doctor accompanied them home on the flight. I'm guessing TLC paid for that?


Just Me said... 130

RE: The Duggars

Josie took ill while they were in Israel and Michelle, Jill and Josie had to stay behind. They have since flown home.

Their recklessness with Josie burns my biscuits (having had a baby in NICU, not nearly as preemie as Josie I know they have to have been given medical advice they are ignoring with that child)

Here is some information about from an Israeli hospital (http://www.terem.com/en/news/27-%D7%A1%D7%A4%D7%98%D7%9E%D7%91%D7%A8-2011/duggars-come-terem) that link is ugly and I'm not sure it will work, so I will paste the article as well (bold is mine):

The Duggars come to Terem

Terem is known to be a friendly place for tourists who encounter medical problems during their stay in Israel. One patient who discovered this was little Josie Duggar, the youngest of the famous Duggar family, a family with 19 children who are well known in the media, including a TV show which features their lives as a large and happy family.

In Terem Josie was treated over several days by our pediatrician, Dr. Moshe Halberstadt. When it was discharge time, Mr. Bob Duggar commented, “The time it would have taken us to be admitted to a hospital, we were already discharged here.”

Because of Josie’s medical issues, Dr. Halberstadt accompanied the Duggars on their flight home. The trip went smoothly, and we would like to wish little Josie a “refuah Sheleima!”

I've seen people trying to shrug off the fact that Josie took ill on this trip and that she was required to stay overseas and couldn't fly home with the family. People saying "well it was probably just a cold" or something minor.

The fact that a Dr. FLEW BACK TO THE US with Josie makes me think that it was not something so minor.

Also, here is a tweet from "Cousin Amy" that made me physically ill.

Selma Engblad
I have heard that Josie is sick. Is this true? Is she staying at a hospital in Israel?
Sunday at 23:14

Amy Rachelle Duggar
you'll have to see! it becomes an episode :)
9 hours ago

So once again, poor Josie gets to be a "Very Special Episode" thanks for her health problems? Lovely! It sickens me that the answer when people are concerned for this baby that is truly a miracle of survival that they don't say something like "yes she is ok, to find out what happened you can watch the show" or something like that if you have to plug the damn show. To just say "you'll have to see it becames an episode" sick sick sick.

Just Me said... 131

lol I am so annoyed with the Duggar's treatment of Josie.

Even with proofreading, my grammar and punctuation was a little on the sheelesque side with that last post. mea culpa ;)

Sherry Baby said... 132

Their recklessness with Josie burns my biscuits (having had a baby in NICU, not nearly as preemie as Josie I know they have to have been given medical advice they are ignoring with that child)

This baby had no business being in Israel in the first place. Are more and more parents losing common sense...and then to make it into an "episode?" This is unconscionable. It sounds like something Kate would do. She left sick kids at home while she and Jon went off for hair plugs. Where are their priorities?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 133

I am so very disappointed in the Duggars.

Proof in the end very few families doing reality shows this long are able to put their kids' best interest first.

Josie was too little for a huge trip like Israel. I have been to Israel. It is a grueling fourteen hour flight. The weather in September is roasting. Security can take hours, especially for very religious Christians. They are suspicious of Christians because they come there and do missionary work for the Palestinians. If you are a Christian, as I am, they outright ask you all about, very personal religious questions, and want to know every last details of my trip. I was happy to answer whatever they wanted to know as I had nothing to hide, but I certainly wouldn't want to have to worry about a baby while I did so. They are, by the way, a lovely welcoming country overall.

It is a trip for healthy kids and healthy adults, not fragile babies.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 134

A post is coming on this latest debacle from TLC and a TLC family, by the way.

I'll pull a Kate and say...keep checking back wait until you see it'll be great. lol.

Moose Mania said... 135

"I'll pull a Kate and say...keep checking back wait until you see it'll be great. lol."


You forgot the exclamation marks!!!!!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 136

"I'll pull a Kate and say...keep checking back wait until you see it'll be great. lol."

Moose Mania said...
You forgot the exclamation marks!!!!!

Oops. New post coming soon check back!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also when I post! One or two tabs will disappear!!! And someone else will write it!!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 137

Gosh I can't take it. Even joking around it's obnoxious. What an epic fail her web site is.

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii said... 138

I'm trying to ask this question in the most purest way I can to not sound condescending, only inquisitive. Are people posting thinking Josie is still a preemie? You do know that she is over a year old now.

I just wasn't sure by the way some post were worded. And I'm not saying anyone is wrong for their opinion. I have never had any children, so I am the last one to think my opinion is correct. My only children have been dogs, and I'm not even sure I know what I'm talking about with them. (just a little chuckle with that one)

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 139

No I don't think anyone thinks she's still some tiny baby, No Me.

She's what, over a year? But once a preemie, always a preemie. The Gosselins will forever be preemies who happened not to have very many problems (they had a little physical therapy, some breathing treatments, but seem to be okay). But everyone has admitted Josie is a preemie who is still having a lot of problems. Seems she is getting sick a lot and has other issues and is fragile, and they knew this full well before carting her on a 14 hour flight to Israel to film it all, and didn't stop there, they kept on filming her health problems.

Whoever said this sounds like something Kate has done is spot on. I would be outraged if it were Kate and I'm outraged it's the Duggars.

Peggy Sue said... 140

Administrator said...

Gosh I can't take it. Even joking around it's obnoxious. What an epic fail her web site is.


I took a look at it to see what all the fuss was about. It's amateurish. I think what happened was that she was so "down" over the cancellation of the show and somebody (a tweetie? Steve?) suggested a website to get her up and moving around with something that would be a "big" announcement on television. Keep those sheeple excited.

Problem is that her heart's not in it. It's WORK (thinking about Maynard G. Krebs - Dobie Gillis) when I use that word. It's just one more chore for her to do - exhausting in her mind, and so she gets her make-up gal to help, and Kate answers a few inane questions with equally inane answers.

There's nothing there. Why are these sheeple gushing over this thing? I've seen school kids put together better websites for a class project.

And yet, the sheeple Rave On.

Xanadu said... 141

I'm trying to ask this question in the most purest way I can to not sound condescending, only inquisitive. Are people posting thinking Josie is still a preemie? You do know that she is over a year old now.


You don't take a one-year-old, or even a two-year-old on a trip to Israel when that child has had health problems. I wouldn't take even a healthy child that age on a trip like that. There's no reason for it. It's like taking an infant who can't even walk yet to Disney thinking the child is going to enjoy Pirates of the Caribbean. It doesn't happen. They're too young.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 142

I think what it boils down to is the Duggars need to ask themselves, if they had unlimited means to go to Israel without cameras, would they have taken Josie along? Or would they have waited a few years until she is older and stronger?

If the answer is (and I'm sure it is) they would have waited, then the cameras compromised their judgment regarding their medically fragile last child.

That's the concern here.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 143

Here we go again with all the more reason to have a set teacher monitoring these products.

The set teacher gets paid either way whether she stops filming of Josie or not. But if PARENTS stop filming of Josie, they don't get paid.

Let's make it simple: Set teachers, no conflict of interest. Parents: big time conflict of interest. End of freaking story.

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii said... 144

Thanks for that info. Admin. That makes more sense to me now.

Gosselin Gossip said... 145

...they knew this full well before carting her on a 14 hour flight to Israel to film it all, and didn't stop there, they kept on filming her health problems.

Admin, from that Duggars blog you posted upthread, they also went on a 25-day cruise overseas prior to their Israeli trip.


Would any responsible parents travel all this much yet alone outside the US with a young baby with health issues?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 146

Look back to yesterday, the Duggars also took a lot of mainstream heat for filming their daughter when she was in the preemie ward. It's lucky they got a hospital to even agree to such a thing.

The tinest little thing can be very stressful for a preemie baby. Just like the tinest thing can bring great comfort to them, like being held or stroked. On what planet does a good parent think that bringing in a camera crew while she's just trying to SURVIVE is a good idea?

Anonymous said... 147

Warmth of the Sun Said: I know nothing about narcissism. Does a narcissist ever have a breakdown so severe that it lands them in a mental health facility? Or...does their narcissism flick a switch in the brain, shutting off the possibility of a breakdown because they see themselves as the embodiments of perfection and therefore not capable of having any mental health issues (and certainly not to the point of entering a treatment facility)?

Is Kate headed for a breakdown?


I have a narcissistic mother in law and I personally do not believe narcissists are capable of a breakdown. They move from one source of narcissistic supply to another with great ease and never seem to run out of victims they can conquer - at least for a short time. My observation with my MIL has been she will find someone new she can suck the life out of and then when that person wises up and moves on, she's already had someone else waiting in the wings that she can manipulate. The lifespan of each seems to be about a year or two.

Narcissists are very adept at getting people to be their puppet. I think you hit the nail on the head when you stated "or does their narcissism flick a switch in the brain, shutting off the possibility of a breakdown because they see themselves as the embodiments of perfection and therefore not capable of having any mental health issues (and certainly not to the point of entering a treatment facility?"

That pretty much sums it up. They are incapable of seeing their fault in anything. Nothing is ever their fault. Never. Therefore, therapy or entering a mental health facility is a rarity with a narcissist. Even if you get them to consent to either, they will manipulate the situation once they are there.

Like I always say - once a narcissist, always a narcissist. Kate will always be this way. It will never change. She (and all narcissists) believe they are above reproach.

Gimme said... 148

I am not saying this in a snarky way, but one thing I have always thought Khate would be good at is being a commentator on World's Dumbest. She could be genuinely sarcastic, loud, obnoxious, do her little sounds, flap her hands, make up words, and just basically be herself, and it would be funny. I think they film those clips remotely, and I think it would be enough to live on. I also think they would hire her in a heart beat. She is just ripe for the picking on that show. I hate the show but my kid loves it.

Enough said... 149

Just Me said...

Their recklessness with Josie burns my biscuits (having had a baby in NICU, not nearly as preemie as Josie I know they have to have been given medical advice they are ignoring with that child).


Administrator said...

I think what it boils down to is the Duggars need to ask themselves, if they had unlimited means to go to Israel without cameras, would they have taken Josie along? Or would they have waited a few years until she is older and stronger?

If the answer is (and I'm sure it is) they would have waited, then the cameras compromised their judgment regarding their medically fragile last child.

That's the concern here.


I'm so sure about those assumptions. One huge thing that differs the Gosselin's from the Duggar's is that the Duggar's lives would have carried on as usual before the cameras entered their lives, but the Gosselin's lives changed completely.

The Duggar family was debt free before TLC came knocking, they traveled extensively for mission work prior and still do, they bought second-hand and continue as if nothing has changed. Except for their popularity and recognition, their lifestyle is essentially the same.

I'm sure they would have traveled to Israel with or without the cameras present. The Duggar family goes about their lives whether the cameras are there or not - very different than Kate who does things only because she's being filmed. The Duggar's went to El Salvador, helped tornado victims, attended home school conferences and book-signings around the country with and without cameras and I believe the Israel trip would have taken place without the cameras, too.

If you've watched the Duggar's show, you've seen that Michelle has been very diligent in her care for Josie and if anything imo, has erred on the side of caution many times, staying home with her while the family traveled, etc. The incident mentioned upthread about Josie being home with minors while the rest of the family was in El Salvador was accurate, but the minor in question is an EMT so she was better prepared to care for Josie in this instance than Michelle.

While I personally wouldn't have traveled with Josie to Israel, I'm going to reserve judgement until I watch the episode or hear some facts and speculate now on the fact that Jim Bob and Michelle have so far worked very closely with Josie's doctors and I believe they would have gotten the go-ahead before taking her on the trip out of the country. The information about Josie just having a cold sounds very plausable since 'just a cold' for Josie can lead to greater problems very quickly.

As for it being time for 19 Kids and Counting to end it's run on tv -- I fully agree. A yearly update on the family is enough.

Drumming up interest said... 150

Just me said...
Also, here is a tweet from "Cousin Amy" that made me physically ill.

Selma Engblad
I have heard that Josie is sick. Is this true? Is she staying at a hospital in Israel?
Sunday at 23:14

Amy Rachelle Duggar
you'll have to see! it becomes an episode :)
9 hours ago

So once again, poor Josie gets to be a "Very Special Episode" thanks for her health problems? Lovely! It sickens me that the answer when people are concerned for this baby that is truly a miracle of survival that they don't say something like "yes she is ok, to find out what happened you can watch the show" or something like that if you have to plug the damn show. To just say "you'll have to see it becames an episode" sick sick sick.


Cousin Amy is not a good representative of the Duggar family and I take anything she says on and off camera with a grain of salt. Had the question been posed to the parents or one of the children, I think they would have issued a straightforward reply. That said, I agree with you about the ploys that many reality tv participants use to tempt viewers. I don't like it but it seems to work.

Hippie Chick said... 151

Carazee said...
I had a real laugh out of her tweet about Radar. When they were fawning all over her and bad mouthing Jon she didn't have a problem with them. Now that they aren't being bought off by TLC or whoever was paying for all that love, they are big liars. Funny how all of a sudden, all these people that found her America's sweetheart, are letting us know how they really feel about her. Karma baby.
Exactly! That was my thought too. She didn't refute ANYTHING when they were saying all of these mean & nasty things about Jon. She could have been a bigger person & said something, anything, to come to his side. That would have made her look like a decent human being.

Now that the shoe has finally dropped & they don't LURVE her anymore, no one does, & they are bashing her, she feels the need to speak out & refute lies (that are not lies)? I thought she didn't read any gossip about her? I thought she didn't read any BS about her? Liar, once again. She really should keep her mouth shut. The only time I know of a "celeb" coming forward on anything said about them is something serious, & that is through their PR people, not typically twitter. This should have been left alone, IMO.

Dallas Lady said... 152

Admin, back when Josie was born there was a lot of heated debate on the Duggars Without Pity site about all the hot lights and film crew in the hospital room/NICU with Josie. Most people agreed it was a very bad idea to let a film crew in when her health was so dicey, so fragile her own siblings couldn't see her yet. Only a couple of people defended it, the same ones who defend every single thing the Duggars do (sound familiar?).

I think because the Duggars SEEM sweet (especially Michelle with her high-pitched baby voice and submissive manner), people were less likely for a long time to question what they were doing. Or because the kids "seem" ok. But I don't like any minor's life filmed, packaged and sold as a public commodity and peep show. I don't think it's right to put them, as themselves (as opposed to actors in a role), on a national or even international stage and sell their identity.

Josie is their first truly medically fragile child and they've been making what I think are pretty bad decisions about her and the show since she was born.

She is a Cow said... 153

I don't watch the Duggars, but in reading the posts, it sounds like the Duggars were rewarded all the "posh" trips this Summer, while Kate sweated it out in her "tiny" RV's.

Makes you laugh!!! KARMA once again.

Dallas Lady said... 154

Interesting commentary from Celebitchy about Kate's lack of media offers:


Just 11 comments, LOL.

Dwindle said... 155

OK I have a question, and I dont mean anything awful by it. Please dont jump on me.

I was one of 9, and I know how we were each treated as individuals and how my mother went out of her way to carve out a few moments of private time with each of us during the days. I have only watched the Duggars a couple of times, but it seemed very much like Stepford-Children groupthink to me. Is it possible that the parents' focus on maintaining their grinning group has caused them to lose sight of each child as an individual? That they are not thinking of Josie as a person, as their frail child? To them she is just one more block in the quilt, they have plenty more just like her? That sounds a bit crueler than I mean it, but they dont seem to be considering her ongoing medical needs as an individual.

Maybe with 20 children, at some point the needs of the many have to outweigh the needs of the few or the one, I am not sure. Like I said, please dont jump on me, but I would be interested in others' perspectives.

Gimme said... 156

The strangest thing, I have never watched the Duggars. I checked them out once for about 5 minutes and that was it. My DIL has a voice like the Mom and I walked up one day and heard her in laying in on someone in a totally different voice. I realized at that moment that the soft breathy voice was fake. I was astounded at that revelation. I thought she was "born that way." Go Ga Ga. Never a fan but she is contacting the president directly to create a movement to make bullying illegal. One would have thought that it already was but it is not. A fine example of a person using their celebrity status for a good cause. May many more join her.

mimi said... 157

In Poland we can watch all episodes ....

Dallas Lady said... 158

Dwindle, I tend to agree with your viewpoint. I don't know how you CAN really spend quality time with each of 19 children. If you spent just an hour with each, you'd only have 5 hours left to do everything else AND sleep. But the oldest boy is married, the oldest girls all are assigned a younger child to care for, so I guess that's how they do it. If you watch the show, the younger kids don't cry for Michelle, they cry for their older sister "mom."

As someone who intentionally had one child, the mindset is quite foreign to me.

Twittering and a Twattering said... 159

@Kateplusmy8 Headed to discount grocery, will check out the loot... then headed to Wegmans & WalMart to finish out the marathon shopping day

Looks like old Brownie has appointed herself Kate's personal discount shopper! Give 'em an inch...

HollyMo said... 160

Based on the episodes I have watched I do think that they try very hard to give individual attention to the kids. I don't think they look at them as a 'pack'.
Years ago I worked with someone who was careless in their childrearing. They had quite a few kids and I honestly think he and his wife thought of their kids as (I hate to say it) replaceable.

As an aside, Kody Brown is on the Anderson show (love him and the show!) and Kody is despicable. But I doubt I would like him under any circumstances. He is just too smarmy for my taste. He is obviously into his religion to fluff his own ego.

She is a Cow said... 161

Here is the Celebitchy article:

It was accompanied by various photos of her in that horrendously huge black coat she wore last winter.

We’ve heard that Kate Gosselin was pitching a dating show after TLC cancelled her long-running family reality show, and that she’s so overextended she’s worried that she’ll “end up on welfare.” Kate has been on a form of welfare for the past six years, and is dependent on the public’s good will to keep making obscene money for all expenses paid trips with her kids. Since she’s managed to squander all of that with her attitude of entitlement, she’s now scrambling to keep the cash and fame flowing. In an interview on the Today Show earlier this month, Kate confirmed that she hopes to stay on television. “I think at this point the best opportunity for all of us would be me continuing in TV as a way to provide for my kids.” She also put down her ex husband Jon Gosselin’s 9-5 job installing solar panels. “It’s a situation where Jon may be accepting of mediocre for his kids and working a regular job and I want the best for my kids and the best opportunities, not unlike every parent.” So, according to Kate, most of us live “mediocre” lives by working regular jobs to support our families. Given Kate’s opinion, I’ll take this opportunity to mock her for being unable to land a “non-mediocre” cush job on television ever again.

Although Kate Gosselin told me she would do whatever she had to in order to support her children following the cancellation of her fame-making show, the mom of eight is finding out that it’s easier said than done. Gosselin, who told me that her first choice would be to stay in television, isn’t getting the job response she had hoped for.

(They had an insert of the article [From The Huffington Post] that pissed her off last night)

Kate is going the way of Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag, except she’s old enough to have no excuse for not planning for this, and for assuming that the public would continue to support her outlandish lifestyle.

Does reality television help create these type of narcissistic famewhores, or are these just the people who are drawn to reality television? Kate has surely changed over the years due to her television show, but it’s not like she would have been a nice, normal person without the cameras. She would have confined her nastiness to her family and community, and she would have had to make due with less resources. It looks like that’s about to happen for her anyway, and she’s going into it kicking and screaming.

Kate tweeted a response to this story, as reported on Radar, and wrote “NOT 1 stitch of truth in radar article, once again… & radar u can’t even report my website properly! It’s: kateplusmy8.com.”


Finally, someone calling out Kate for the talentless, entitled, arrogant, grifting, badly behaved bitch that she is. I suppose not a STITCH of this is true either Kate.


Grammy of nine said... 162

Admin, thank you once again for the great job you are doing here. I believe there are major differences in the Gosselins and Duggers. Having said that, neither of them belong on television. I realize that the money is tough to turn down, but come on, think of the kids. Common sense would tell you to skip some trips, especially overseas, for the sake of the health and welfare of your baby. I can imagine that Kate is so jealous of all the trips the Duggers are continuing to take at TLC expense. Steaming, maybe? Caught a look at an upcoming Dugger show and they are, guess what?, CAMPING! TLC needs to work on some fresh ideas, don't you think? Boring to the max.

Enough said... 163

Because I didn't proofread before posting I said "I'm so sure about those assumptions." but should have said I'm not so sure....

Under The Boardwalk said... 164

I'm going to reserve judgement until I watch the episode or hear some facts and speculate now on the fact that Jim Bob and Michelle have so far worked very closely with Josie's doctors and I believe they would have gotten the go-ahead before taking her on the trip out of the country.


All of the doctors in the world could have told me that it was fine to take Josie to Israel and I wouldn't have done it. There is a point where your gut feelings as a mother kick in and you do what you know is best for your child. If the situation is such that you have to ask the opinion of physicians whether it is wise to take a fragile infant out of the country, you err on the side of caution and just don't do it. At least I wouldn't.

PJ's momma said... 165

The pics in that celebitchy article made me wonder, is Kate ALWAYS a mouth breather walking around with her jaw hanging slack, or do they just pick the worst photos to post? She is photographed a lot with her mouth open (maybe chewing her cud, you can often see a big wad in there) and a dumb look on her face.

Audible Click said... 166

mimi said...
In Poland we can watch all episodes ....
September 29, 2011 7:17 AM
In Russia the episodes watch you! (Pardon my very old Yakov Smirnoff joke.) ;)

Second guesses said... 167

Michelle stayed home with Josie many times while the family traveled until fairly recently and when Michelle had to travel one of the older girls stayed with Josie. I have no idea why they decided it was ok for Josie to travel to Israel, and it's not the decision I would have made, but I'm not going to say she's a bad parent for what I believe was something they would have consulted a doctor about. Michelle has been very careful and vigilant about Josie's care and I'm sure they're questioning and second guessing everything that happened and all of the decisions that were made in regards to the trip.

In no way do I think Josie was a part of the trip because it was being filmed; imo, she would have gone with the family regardless of cameras.
As someone else said, the kids are individuals. They're not a "unit", they have many different interests and they're involved in their community. They're givers, not takers.

Miracle baby said... 168

TMZ has an article and video about Josie showing she's back to health a few days after returning from the trip. She truly is a miracle baby, walking and talking so close to schedule after being born so dangerously premature.

The url was very long so I shortened it:

anger issues kate said... 169

Well, if JK8 & K8, have been playing all over the world already, since March of 2010, then why have Kate doing promo now? Kind of too late? Or perhaps to shut Kate up for being annoying about wanting a new show?
As, for all the Gosselins shows already being shown and probably mediocre ratings in those other countries, of which Kate is not really popular, cause if she was, TLC would have sent Kate to those countries to do live promos, they have not.
I hate to say this, but most countries around the world, do not like Americans very well right now, because of the war & the economy. TLC, promoting Kate, and her wealthy lifestyle, will not go over very well, with anyone. Just look right here in the States. Then, given, that people have computers and internet access, it would not be long, before people in other countries start looking Kate up , and won't like what she has said and done over the last 7 years. I guess Kate will try and use the same old crap of poor divorced/single mom raising 8 kids, on a reality TV show salary, BOOHOO! NOT!
This reminds me of all the non-sense that went with the rumour of moving Doctor Who to the states, to film episodes, and how the British fans, went local about it. Just as they complained about the Doctor Who Movie years ago, and how a lot of them don't accept the movie in the Doctor Who universe, even though it is officially part of the Doctor Who universe, from the hire ups. Some of the Brit Fans were up set that they would Americanize the show. That God, it did not happen. I like the show the way it is.
My comparing this to Kate, is that Brits like other peoples of the world, might or do not like the way Americans do things, treat their children, treat their husbands, live a rich lifestyle, and through Hissy-fits and treat the mediocre workers like shit/slaves. Kate has done all of this. If JK8 and K8 appeared now as a show, it probably would last a few episodes and be canceled. The Hayes family was interesting, Dad worked as a cop, mom stayed at home, 2 kids in HS, rest in elementry school, and one handicap child. They were realist of reality shows, the parents worked together, and so did the kids. You saw no fighting, mom & dad or kids. And they lived on Dads, Police salary, of which I'm sure mom was worried about him a lot. If they went on trips it was camping, or something outdoors. No expensive trips, yelling, fighting etc. Just a real normal family. But people wanted the drama, so they got JK8 & K8. Thank God both are canceled.

Anonymous said... 170

Am I foolish to remember that Gosselins without benefit of legal advice have no control nor monies for reruns -- here or there?