Jon doled out some simple, yet profound words this evening as the curtains were drawn on the final episode of Kate Plus 8. We wish this good father we've watched for six years, a father who has proven over the past several months he really does walk the walk, a life of happiness, love, and perpetual privacy for his children.
She is an Unemployed, less than mediocre Cow
Julie's Chins said... HA!
Kate just got schooled on The View!
Sherri finally came to her senses and said she took exception to Kate saying construction was "mediocre" and said all kids need are food, clothing and shelter. She was really annoyed with Kate and said reality TV fame is "fleeting" and is not here to stay.
Barbara went off on her about how she shouldn't have had 8 kids if she was so worried about how she couldn't provide for them.
Elizabeth was annoyed with how Kate is worrying the kids about how school and the house will be paid for. The kids shouldn't have to worry about that.
No one had ANYTHING good to say about Kate and no one defended her. ________________________________________________
WOW, I'm sorry I missed that episode. One of the reasons I don't watch the view anymore is because of all the support they used to give Kate. With the exception of Whoopie, who seemed to have her number early on. I figured if these people are so moronic they can't see through Kate, then why would I want to listen to their opinions on other topics. Finally, Sherri and Barbara have seen the light. Wasn't Barbara the one who said Kate has "it" and can do well in TV? The only "it" Kate has is 8 kids who paid for her lifestyle with their childhoods. Welcome to reality Barbara. Thanks for taking the blinders off, its about time.
AuntieAnn. I've never cared for the View, can you tell?
Why no, I couldn't tell. (snicker) I USED to like it, Elizabeth has alwasys gotten my dander up LOL I do like Whoopie though. The only time I do watch it now, is when they have a really good guest who interests me. Or I am totally bored. I remember Sherry even remarked that Kate had the implanted at least seven embryos or some such number. She didn't even know what fertility method she used. LOL One of them even asked how many kids did she have. Yes, VERY informed.
bearswife.... My mom & dad STILL put me in the middle of their fights. Well, they live in the in-law upstairs, so when they fight, my mom comes on down & starts bitching about my dad. I have finally put an end to it saying; "Look, I'm an adult & so are you. I have my own shit to deal with. You're in an ADULT relationship. I don't fight with my husband, & if I did, I wouldn't drag you in the middle." If she keeps harping on it, saying nasty stuff about my dad, I just get up & walk away.
I learned about boundaries from my therapist. I used to sit there & just listen. Now, I don't want to hear it!! I'm an adult, for a young child to have to sit there & hear it, that's awful. NO child should be put in the middle.
Poor Gosselin kids. I wonder what Kate says about Jon when they are alone in that house.
Auntie Ann said: It kind of irks me that with the exception of Whoopie the women on the View are saying this now, after the fact. What, they didn't see what she was like before? I thought they liked to call themselves intelligent and informed. They had her on enough times and did enough research to know she was a grifter who was exploiting her kids. It just goes to show a lot of people in the tv industry get up and wash more than one face in the morning. *************** They really couldn't because BW anointed K8 as one of her "Most Fascinating" and "One to Watch" selections during her special on tv one year. Yeah, how's that workin' out for ya? Thanks, BW.
Where is Karma? Oh, I think she paid her visit to K8 already... Think about it - K8 dumped Jon because he "held her back" (she started playing to the cameras, thinking she was All That), only to discover that people tuned in to the show to see hers and Jon's so-called banter! She couldn't carry the show without him! Gotta love it
Bill Geddes a producer of the View was/is absolutely in love with Kate. He did a tape backstage about all the complaints about Kate being on the show (lol) He said 'we can't wait until Kate can add to the discussion about the current health care crisis' Hahaha Did SHE discuss this? Of course not. In fact, they dumbed down the entire hot topic segment that day. I had to laugh on that one.
She is an Unemployed, less than Mediocre Cow
AuntieAnn said... She was on Babwa's most fascinating people list. ??? Time to retire Babs.
Although I suppose one could say Kate's deluded take on life IS fascinatingly fascinating. __________________________________________ AHHHHH, forgot about that! Fascinating .....Well, it is fascinating how she hung on so long, and fooled many people, and morphed into a crusty old barbie doll, and now, according to her, doesn't have a dime to show for it! Yep! That IS Fascinatingish :)
Hippie Chick Poor Gosselin kids. I wonder what Kate says about Jon when they are alone in that house."
Kate CLAIMS she doesn't say a word against Jon to the kids. What a liar. If she gets on national TV with all her digs to Jon, you know doggone well that cow is talking against Jon BIG TIME to the kids. Remember that one episode that Jon was upset with one of the tups, trying to discipline him and Kate intervened and told ALL the kids "don't listen to your father" My mouth dropped open on that one. Even Jen Stock the producer asked her in the couch interview if that was the right thing to do. Of course, Kate said they were both soooooooo busy they had to say things right then or they would forget. Of course what she said to the kids was OK. It was horrible The WORST thing a parent can do.
Hoochie Mama... Frigin zits...huh? I go to a derm in Oct. I'm hoping he says "Let's peel the top layer of your face skin off!" It's stress zits, but still! I'm 35, & when 1 goes away, another pops up.
So, Miss Kate, BOO HOO, the 'I'm so po' I can't even afford the OR' schtick is getting so old. All of you have made some great points, but one of you said something that really resonated: What will the Gosselin kids do when they have to wait in lines & can't get front-row seats at a concert?
My feeling is this: From reading about the kids' reaction to the ending of the show, they didn't seem to care. I think Cara is probably secretly super-happy & writing about it in a journal-the real one-not the one Kate has found & reads everyday when she's in school. Mady I'm sure is fine w/ it. She knows how to please the momster. As for the little ones? THEY DON'T CARE!
They'll go along w/ anything because they're little kids & will do anything mommy says, or else. Kate is most likely drilling all this crap in their head: "No more trips!" "No more FREE this!" "No more Taylor Swift shows!" No MORE ANYTHING! Big bad TLC took away our +8!"
Kate is the one making it worse for the kids, if anything. And she is the one who is worse off than anyone. The kids will be fine w/out cameras in their faces. It's the person they call "Mom" that is supposed to raise them & love them that will be a problem. ~Hippie Chick~
ADMIN btw did you see the pictures of Taylor Armstrong the SHE supposedly sold to a rag mag with a black eye after Russell hit her? To 'prove' he did hit her. I cannot believe she did this, if true. How exploitative.
You guys were right. WOW Barbara was REALLY disgusted with what Kate said. Hahaha Sherry said "I have always supported Kate BUT ... " Oh they were upset. Especially Barbara. About time you opened your eyes.
Oh we didn't take her long to start going after TLC. I'm sure as she runs out of money it will only get worse. She cannot control that mouth of hers. Her ego is beyond one would care if she fell off the face of the earth tomorrow....alright, lets try...I'll drag her to the edge and you push...
Administration or anyone else, is it legal for anyone to use a web cam on children without the other parents consent? Also, do you think this is what Kate is trying to do by having her new web page? I saw a tweet suggesting that Kate do a pay per view. Can she do that?
On the running, I hope it is IS kilometers, but even if it is, that's almost 6.5 miles and at 34 minutes, a bit over a 5-minute mile. If it's true, that is SMOKING......and why would they be inspired by Kate? LOL! She runs about a 10-minute mile - respectable, but not smoking! I'm a runner and couldn't run a 5-minute mile with a lone papparazo chasing me. Or a bear.
I tweeted to Kate about the Pay-Per-View but I was (sort of) Joking. IF she were to do that, she'd be in the category of porn. I'm curious to see if she'll bite. Money is $$ to her, no matter how sleazy it looks.
You guys were right. WOW Barbara was REALLY disgusted with what Kate said. Hahaha Sherry said --------------------- No Regrets, there are so many post that it will take a while to read all. Could you or anyone else either re-post or quickly explain what this is referring to? Thanks
no mo worryin bout me said... Administration or anyone else, is it legal for anyone to use a web cam on children without the other parents consent? Also, do you think this is what Kate is trying to do by having her new web page? I saw a tweet suggesting that Kate do a pay per view. Can she do that? ______________
That would mean no divorced parent could take home/vacation video and post it on their facebook/website/whatever.
I'm no lawyer but I can't imagine a judge touching that.
EM said... TV is not a camera just following you around paying for your every desire. So enjoy trying to host a show.
EM you bring up a very good point, one that my mind evolved into a question: Have any of the local teevee stations tried to get QueenKate as a host on any of their local or afternoon talk shows? Where *I* live, our 4 local channels are THRILLED to get a hometown person as part of the hosting panel for the little local shows. I have lived in other parts of the country so I know that most local stations have their own little chat-and-local-happenings shows staffed by mostly homegrown locals.
Has there been any chatter about that in Khate's area? And if not, why not? (I mean, who would want her, but you would think she would be begging the local stations for this so she wouldnt have to move the kids.)
Tamara, you are right...the kids are paying the expenses now. What I meant was if Kate had a mediocre job like the common folk do :) and was actually contributing to the family's income. Sorry for not clarifying that...wrote that post right before I went to bed!
Kat said... Oh we didn't take her long to start going after TLC. I'm sure as she runs out of money it will only get worse. She cannot control that mouth of hers. Her ego is beyond one would care if she fell off the face of the earth tomorrow....alright, lets try...I'll drag her to the edge and you push...
Wait for me, I'm coming. Just want to get my good bra on...
You guys were right. WOW Barbara was REALLY disgusted with what Kate said. Hahaha Sherry said --------------------- No Regrets, there are so many post that it will take a while to read all. Could you or anyone else either re-post or quickly explain what this is referring to? Thanks"
The View discussed the article about Kate in People mag, and her comment about working a 9-5 was mediocre. Barbra was really annoyed and said Kate should have thought about how to support her kids before having so many. Sherry Shepard said "I have always supported Kate, BUT her comment about Jon having a job in construction was 'mediocre' is just not right, or something like that. She said all you need to do is give your children food, shelter and clothing. Elizabeth said for Kate to discuss finances and that young kids being concerned about paying bills is something they should not be worrying about. Just general annoyance. LOL
I tweeted to Kate about the Pay-Per-View but I was (sort of) Joking. IF she were to do that, she'd be in the category of porn. I'm curious to see if she'll bite. Money is $$ to her, no matter how sleazy it looks. ________________
That's funny. She probably saw Pay per view and saw dollar signs. Like my daddy always said, "she ain't got the sense she was born with."
im sure kate burned all her bridges in local PA. i cant see them wanting her. althought she COULD type her resume an apply. unfortunately she just sits by the phone and wait for it to ring.
about everyone with adult acne. i got it at 25. it was so embarrassing. walgreens sells a knock off Proactive for $20 and it cleared my skin up in 2 weeks. i was amazed. yes, i still get the zit when i need it least - photos, vacations = but the proactive knock off really calms them. also use a spot treatment with 2% salacyic acid
AndiSnark said...I tweeted to Kate about the Pay-Per-View but I was (sort of) Joking. IF she were to do that, she'd be in the category of porn. I'm curious to see if she'll bite. Money is $$ to her, no matter how sleazy it looks."
OH MY. She might do something like that. Can you imagine a 'live cam' show. ACK But we all know she doesn't 'see' the 'hater' comments, right? haha
She does block my tweets but her loyal fans always inform her about what the "haters" say. That is when they aren't trashing Jon or telling her how inspirational she is.
Has there been any chatter about that in Khate's area? And if not, why not? (I mean, who would want her, but you would think she would be begging the local stations for this so she wouldnt have to move the kids.)
No. Kate pretty much alienated most people in the area, and has not had a good relationship with the local newspaper since an unflattering story was written about them, way back when. She called the publisher and demanded it be retracted because they were taking food out of her kids' mouths. The local media has more or less ignored her since then.
The last time I read anything about her or the kids in the Lancaster newspaper was when the two children were expelled. It made the front page. This surprised me to no end considering the close relationship (family ties) between the newspaper and the school.
I haven't seen her do any local television or newspaper interviews. Most likely too ghetto or mediocre for her even to consider. Why waste your time on the lowly middle-class America?
Oh I know. I love it when the rabid fans fight with the non fans and SEND to them to Kate. Cracks me up. They want a gold star or something. And the grand poobah of butt kissers, brownlow loves to tell people off them says BLOCKED! Like wow, this will hurt SO much. LOL
That remark she made while waiting for the school bus on her twitter was definately a dig at TLC trying to make them feel guilty,she would have to put her child in there,give the knife an extra twist one believed you!
Mom In Lancaster County said...No. Kate pretty much alienated most people in the area, and has not had a good relationship with the local newspaper since an unflattering story was written about them, way back when. She called the publisher and demanded it be retracted because they were taking food out of her kids' mouths. The local media has more or less ignored her since then."
One of the newspapers ran a story about Kate, they were pretty disgusted that Kate wouldn't talk to them for FREE. This after the newspaper ran story after story FOR them to get them donations and other help. I don't remember how old that article is, but they surely laid it out how disgusted they were that she won't even talk to them let alone for FREE.
Wow admin you have so many great comments on your blog. I can't believe how many you get in just one day. Can you put up a new thread? Maybe about the comments made during Hot Topics on The View.
She does block my tweets but her loyal fans always inform her ---------------------- That's even funnier. Has anyone looked at her web page? All it has is pic. I can't wait to see (figuratively) her live and getting bombarded with questions. Talk about organizational challenge. I also can't imagine people wanting to assist her without getting paid, and I'm sure she wont do that. Of course, I could be wrong. After all, I never thought people would be as stupid as to believe her lies. I'm sure this has already been covered, but her excuse about buying the car six mo. ago would mean she spent the gymnastic lesson money on her. So her wanting the best for her kids doesn't hold water.
No Regrets said... The remark that Kate made about not wanting to be in show business when one is 'as OLD as Barbra Walters or Larry King", probably didn't go over too well with Barbara, I would imagine. ------------------------ Kate said that? Ignorant. In this month, my Glamour has an interview with Jennifer Aniston. Here is what she says about her career: She is asked what makes her "little kid" giddy & she says:
"Putting my feet & handprints in cement in front of Grauman's Chinese Theatre. That got me giddy! It was a milestone in my career, which was surreal because I still think I'm at the beginning of it. I remember when they told me about the honor, I thought, Really? I mean, I just did "Ferris Bueller (the TV show). I just did "Leprechaun"! I don't understand! I thought I just had a year of failures. (laughs) I've never lost that feeling of "Oh God, I hope I get this job!" I don't want to get too used to any of this because then entitlement sets in, & that's the kiss of death."
Wise words from a superstar. Someone who has been in the acting business for a long long time. Aniston has made millions & STILL does not feel entitled. Take a cue there Kate. Jennifer Aniston seems very grounded. And she has her handprints/footprints at Grauman's; something Kate will NEVER have. ~Hippie Chick~
Jane said... Crying poverty and still getting her hair colored at one of the most expensive places in NYC.
jasonhueman I'm coloring @Kateplusmy8 's hair & @ladygaga #paparazzi comes on, Kate says "should I get up and dance?" #DWTS flashback! #hilarious September 14, 2011 11:36 AM" ------------------- WOW someone here figured that out with her coloring and trim, I think it was about 1K for all that. SO POOR, POOR KATE. hahah
Crying poverty and still getting her hair colored at one of the most expensive places in NYC.
jasonhueman I'm coloring @Kateplusmy8 's hair & @ladygaga #paparazzi comes on, Kate says "should I get up and dance?" #DWTS flashback! #hilarious ________________________
Crying poverty and still getting her hair colored at one of the most expensive places in NYC.
jasonhueman I'm coloring @Kateplusmy8 's hair & @ladygaga #paparazzi comes on, Kate says "should I get up and dance?" #DWTS flashback! #hilarious ________________________
Jenna Does said... No Regrets said... The remark that Kate made about not wanting to be in show business when one is 'as OLD as Barbra Walters or Larry King", probably didn't go over too well with Barbara, I would imagine. ------------------------ Kate said that?"
------- She sure did, I cannot remember which show she was on when she said it. I THINK it was when she was on the Talk, not sure. I am quite sure this did NOT go over well with Barbra. What an insult. But Kate is a walking insult, in HEELS.
Crying poverty and still getting her hair colored at one of the most expensive places in NYC.
jasonhueman I'm coloring @Kateplusmy8 's hair & @ladygaga #paparazzi comes on, Kate says "should I get up and dance?" #DWTS flashback! #hilarious ________________________
Where is this tweet? It says flashback
This isn't recent is it?" ------------------- He means DWTS, Kate dancing to Lady Gaga's paparazzi was a 'flashback'
Layla said... Kate, "Economic pollicy? Well, honestly it's terrible because I had to buy the kids new shoes and all Jon's child support would pay for was the laces". -----------
Haha, love it Layla. But remember, the kids aren't allowed tie shoes. ;)
With Layla and Hey Jude here, we just need a Rolling Stones , Elton John, and Elvis handle!
Crying poverty and still getting her hair colored at one of the most expensive places in NYC.
jasonhueman I'm coloring @Kateplusmy8 's hair & @ladygaga #paparazzi comes on, Kate says "should I get up and dance?" #DWTS flashback! #hilarious ________________________
Where is this tweet? It says flashback
This isn't recent is it?
It was tweeted within the last hour by her colorist at Ted Gibson Salon in NYC. It's possible it refers to a visit on another day, or she may be there now. ---------- Has this been posted? Sorry if so ... but the first paragraph ... all of two sentences! ... was the best!
ICYou1ICYou @CJWhodunit @TrippenIn @Kateplusmy8 I wonder why he doesn't get them on Wednesday evenings 4 dinner like most custody arrangements? 1 minute agoFavoriteRetweetReply ==================== Like MOST custody arrangements? Most? I swear these fans will say anything.
I am quite sure this did NOT go over well with Barbra. What an insult. But Kate is a walking insult, in HEELS.
And then she has to explain what she "really meant" afterward. Too late... the cat's outta the bag. The horse has left the barn and every other cliche out there. She IS insulting to others, that's the only explanation there is. Geez Kate, talk about biting the hand that feeds you, looking a gift horse in the mouth....
Speaking of local channels...I was in the local craft store once & the VERY local news guys came in. I was the only customer in the store & the owner, who I know because I'm in there all the time asked if I wouldn't mind being in their promo commercial. I was so happy to do it!
They run it all the time. There's me, asking questions about stamps (which I know the answer to, I'm an avid stamper), how to use a couple of machines & about paper & stuff. So much fun! Glad I did my makeup that day & dressed nicely! I'm STILL waiting for my compensation though... :) ~Hippie Chick~
No Regrets said... She sure did, I cannot remember which show she was on when she said it. I THINK it was when she was on the Talk, not sure. I am quite sure this did NOT go over well with Barbra. What an insult. But Kate is a walking insult, in HEELS. ------------------------------- She should really learn to walk in heels. I've said it before & I'll say it again, she looks like a baby horse learning to walk for the first time. Or she has something stuck up her bum. I rarely wear heels-hippie here!- & even I can do it! Kate should practice more. She has time now! ~Hippie Chick~
Auntie Ann said..It kind of irks me that with the exception of Whoopie the women on the View are saying this now, after the fact. What, they didn't see what she was like before? I thought they liked to call themselves intelligent and informed. They had her on enough times and did enough research to know she was a grifter who was exploiting her kids. --------------
I totally agree. The "ladies" of the View are just out to make money, and their treatment of Kate shows this almost more than anything else. Pathetic examples of journalists and women.
I also can't imagine people wanting to assist her without getting paid, and I'm sure she wont do that. Of course, I could be wrong. ********* Sheeple have already offered to help with her website. Sigh.
WHY IN THE HELL is it ok for Kate and her fans to bash and trash the father of her kids all over twitter?
Jon isn't even a public figure. He's the father of her kids. She hates him MORE than she loves her kids and her fans just love it love it, eating it up.
It's disgusting. Not reading that crap anymore. Those are some sad, sick, and sorry people and Kate is their sad, sick and sorry queen.
I took the colorist's tweet to mean he is coloring Kate's hair right now, the song came on, and they had a little flashback together. If that's true, she's just sinking her own ship yet again, crying poor while going to NYC to get her fugly hair done at an extremely exclusive salon. People are on to her; she'll be lucky to get a job of any kind with the way the public is so against her now, in the midst of all this nonsense that just never ends!
Tamara said... Layla said... Kate, "Economic pollicy? Well, honestly it's terrible because I had to buy the kids new shoes and all Jon's child support would pay for was the laces". -----------
Haha, love it Layla. But remember, the kids aren't allowed tie shoes. ;)
Oh, you got me, Tamara! "No tie shoes in my house!!" How could I forget? Maybe his child support could only cover the velcro? EIther way, no matter what she were asked, she would turn it into an insult for Jon!
PS, not to Jon--she and her flock (Baaaa) may harp on you a lot, but to me there is nothing sexier than a daddy who loves his kids! I have one at my house, and I made sure to remind him every day that he is still a hottie to me.
PJ's Momma, that's how I took it, she's there now, getting her hair done. She probably stayed in NY Monday night and Tuesday night and hasn't been home yet.
Oh my - good laughs over at Zig's site. They really are delusional. They believe Kate pays for all the kids expenses and Jon only pays for lunches. Guess no one looked at the PA formula for figuring out child support. It is based on both parent's income. If Kate (the kids actually) were earning tons more money than her contribution would obviously be much larger. If the TLC payments went directly to the kids, like it should have, she would have collected more support.
More of the usual Kate opens mouth, inserts foot with her comments and bashing the father of her children. It's okay, the kids know the real truth and I can't wait for the tell all books in a few years.
Hmmm. You don't suppose the hair stylist is joining in the chorus do ya? hehe. There's gotta be a looong list of people just waiting to tell their Kate stories. This is going to get so interesting.
How much more horrible can Kate get. She posts: Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin RT @sc_sun @Kateplusmy8 spent busstopmoments convincingmy10yrold daughterthatTLC doesn't hateher&didn't takeherk+8 awayjust 2spite her LOL! Who the heck would ever put that kind of nonsense into Mady's head that she was the cause of the cancellation. That poor girl need to go life with Jon and get some intense therapy. That is beyond mean and to top if off Kate tweets about it. The kids can't even have a private thought. I sure hope Jon is gathering all this evidence that she is not a fit mother.
WHY IN THE HELL is it ok for Kate and her fans to bash and trash the father of her kids all over twitter?
Jon isn't even a public figure. He's the father of her kids. She hates him MORE than she loves her kids and her fans just love it love it, eating it up.
It's disgusting. Not reading that crap anymore. Those are some sad, sick, and sorry people and Kate is their sad, sick and sorry queen.
WHY IN THE HELL is it okay for Jon and his fans to bash Kate? She is the mother of his children, and yet you have no problem trashing her. In fact, you did so in the very post where you're complaining about the children's father being trashed. The hypocrisy is mind boggling.
She has been called a c*nt more than once on this blog, as well as an ugly f*cking bitch, etc., etc. There are eight children involved here who will be able to read all these lovely thoughts one day from people on both sides of the fence, most likely sooner rather than later. Your righteous indignation is remarkably one-sided. Both parents need to learn to STFU and you are in no position to complain about fans bashing Jon when you engage in the identical behavior.
Kate Gosselin Cited Twice Since July Updated: Wednesday, 14 Sep 2011, 3:37 PM EDT Published : Wednesday, 14 Sep 2011, 3:29 PM EDT
Fox 29 has learned that Reading, Pa.-area reality TV mom Kate Gosselin has been cited twice since July for traffic offenses, including an incident where she was driving 88 miles per hour.
Slideshows: Two Years Of Kate’s Changing Looks | Gosselins Vs. The Duggars | Field Guide To The Gosselins | Images Of The Gosselin Estate | Gosselin Top 10 Freebies
Traffic court dockets show Gosselin, cited under her legal name Katie I. Gosselin, was pulled over by Pennsylvania state police on Sept. 11, 2011 in South Londonderry Township in Lebanon County.
She was charged under a statute regulating roadways. That case is still pending and Gosselin received a traffic citation.
On August 9th, Katie I. Gosselin was pulled over by state police in Brecknock Township in Lancaster County. She was charged with driving 88 miles per hour in a 65 mile per hour zone.
That case was settled with a guilty plea in court and Gosselin was not present at the hearing. She paid fines of about $164.00.
There were no details on passengers in Gosselin's vehicle in the two recent incidents.
Gosselin has two other traffic citations since 2009.
On Feb. 26, 2010, Katie I. Gosselin was pulled over by state police based in Gettysburg after she was speeding at 73 miles per hour in a 55-mph zone.
That case was also settled with a fine of about $155.
On Oct. 30, 2009, Katie I. Gosselin was cited for an incident related to obedience to traffic control devices in Adams County. She pled guilty and paid another fine.
The last two incidents were documented on Web sites like TMZ.
In the 2009 incident, TMZ said Gosselin was reportedly doing 70 miles per hour in a 55 miles per hour zone. TMZ said her eight children were in the SUV at the time.
Under Pennsylvania’s points system for traffic violations, speeding tickets can give a violator between 2 and 5 points for each offense. After a driver compiles 6 points, the state requires testing and other remedial measures.
Drivers can lower their point total by 2 points by passing a test, and another 2 points for each year they go without a violation.
The point, Glass houses, is that Jon isn't attempting to be in the public eye every second of every single fucking day.
Jon isn't attempting to continue to pimp out the childhoods of his children, every single fucking day.
Jon isn't continually trashing the mother of his children, IN PUBLIC, every single fucking day.
Of course you don't see the difference. Kate is untouchable. Kate is faultless. Kate is absolutely fucking perfect, that's why she can't even get a mediocre job.
on, however, is a private figure. AND HE DOESN'T TRASH THE MOTHER OF HIS CHILDREN.
There's your big difference, RIGHT THERE. I have zero respect for Kate for continuing to exploit the kids AND bashing their father publicly!!!
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ BS. Private figures don't give interviews to tabloids. Don't want to be in the public eye? Don't talk to the media. It's pretty simple. And he most certainly has trashed Kate. They both need to learn to say "no comment" and not utter a word about the other publicly.
The hair stylests tweet was within the last hour and not a retweet or a tweet flashback. This means poor Kate dropped her kids off at the school bus this morning and made her way to New York for another "Me session" with an expensive salon.
She keeps digging that hole deeper each day. What will all her mediocre fans think now when many of them can only afford Hair Cuttery? She needs a filter.
Pissy Mommy said... Beth, at least once weekly I pee my pants as my key is in the front door. I'm not quite 50. ------------------------------------------------
I would say that it's nice to not be the only one but I wouldn't wish it upon anyone. I thought that I was getting old when I had to start wearing bifocals. Now that I need a diaper occasionally, I feel ancient! Lol. I saw where Mama Kardashian is having the same problems and the doctor told her to do Kegel exercises. I wonder if it really helps.
Anyhoo, about Kate. I have been able to get a few zingers to her on Twitter and she hasn't blocked me yet. Lol. I told her that I hoped she never needed a "mediocre" nurse to save her pathetic life. We always knew that she thought she was better than everyone else but I am still shocked that she would just outright say it. She effectively killed what was left of her "career."
Butting in here: Jon does not trash Kate. His twitter page is sweet and charming, and his video was about his children never being on TV again. He wished Kate well, in whatever career she chooses, without the kids. The difference between the two is astounding. I don't know how he does it, but he is happy and not at all bitter.
Kate, on the other hand, trashes, thrashes, lies, slanders, libels...constantly. She deserves our derision, and she receives it. She is VILE.
Took a brief look at the new webiste. Under "Health and Beauty" there is a picture of the "canned tomatoes". What has that to do with "Health and Beauty"? Also, under "Words from Fans" there is a picture of her with a fan from the screening of the "Giving Back" episode. That fan tweeted that he was surprised yet happy that she posted that picture. Shouldn't she have gotten his permission before posting it? The website is really lame. How long will it be before it's updated?
Fox 29 has learned that Reading, Pa.-area reality TV mom Kate Gosselin has been cited twice since July for traffic offenses, including an incident where she was driving 88 miles per hour.
Another one? This woman not only has lead in her butt, but in her foot as well. It's a wonder she makes it through airport security without having to be strip-searched.
Jane said... Crying poverty and still getting her hair colored at one of the most expensive places in NYC.
jasonhueman I'm coloring @Kateplusmy8 's hair & ladygaga #paparazzi comes on, Kate says "should I get up and dance?" #DWTS flashback! #hilarious ________________________
Where is this tweet? It says flashback This isn't recent is it? ***************
Where is it? It's on Is it recent? It was tweeted 2 hours ago.
Jason Backe @JasonHueman I'm coloring @Kateplusmy8 's hair & @ladygaga #paparazzi comes on, Kate says "should I get up and dance?" #DWTS flashback! #hilarious 2 hours ago via
What is the 'flashback'? I believe he was talking about hearing Lady Gaga's song Paparazzi come on the radio and Kate asked if she should get up and dance, bringing up memories for him of when Kate was on DWTS.
WHY IN THE HELL is it okay for Jon and his fans to bash Kate? She is the mother of his children, and yet you have no problem trashing her. In fact, you did so in the very post where you're complaining about the children's father being trashed. The hypocrisy is mind boggling.
She has been called a c*nt more than once on this blog, as well as an ugly f*cking bitch, etc., etc. There are eight children involved here who will be able to read all these lovely thoughts one day from people on both sides of the fence, most likely sooner rather than later. Your righteous indignation is remarkably one-sided. Both parents need to learn to STFU and you are in no position to complain about fans bashing Jon when you engage in the identical behavior.
Where has Jon bashed Kate as of late? Please cite your references. Kate is always lying and criticizing Jon and if you don't like what you read here what are you doing here? People on this blog have been critical of Jon and Kate. I stand on the statement those who can excuse the rude behaviour from Kate and can't see past hating Jon are the ones with issues. No one will ever say Jon is perfect but you sheeple can't seem to get past the way he was 2 years ago. He has the right to defend himself against Kate and her fellow liars.
Traffic court dockets show Gosselin, cited under her legal name Katie I. Gosselin, was pulled over by Pennsylvania state police on Sept. 11, 2011 in South Londonderry Township in Lebanon County.
Correct me if I am wrong- I thought driving 17 mph over the speed limit was reckless driving? I cant stand speeding- I drive pretty slow- the speed limit- because I was in a serious car accident, a roll over and I ended sending 1 of my passengers to the hospital. I was doing 76 when the accident started. Never again.
Anyway- I would LMAO if she got community service. Imagine her in an orange vest, picking up trash off the side of the highway :D
Jon sends money regularly. Kate receives it. Kate says Jon doesn't contribute to much of the kids' expenses. So, where does Jon's money go? Does it buy Audi TT sports cars?
@butterfly nah, that wouldn't be considered reckless driving. doesn't show wanton and willful disregard for life or property. It's just exceeding the posted speed limit by 17mph. I think most of us do that everyday. She's just unfortunate to get caught all the time.
Kelly: perhaps, Kate is still in NYC, and we all know how she lies. Made up the kid story, so people will feel sorry for their show canceled. Cause if indeed Kate when to have her hair done, she just came back from NYC, why make a double trip? Oh, don't forget, Kate is/was to be on Dr Oz, at some point, Remember her last media thing(before this one), she mentioned it. And probably the real reason the rating went up, cause, everyone wanted to 1. hear what kind of lies she was going to say, 2, the hired help had to say, 3, see the Jon & Kate plus 8 review(which is what that episode should have been called). Which also says something about K8 vs JK8, YOUR SHOW K8 KATE WAS A BOMB! People wanted to see Jon on there, and that is what I really think why people watched, and TLC made Kate look really bad. Everything and time Kate has/had bashed Jon in the media, that last episode, made her look like the biggest liar about Jon. Especially in the I do/did it all by myself department. I never had bashed Jon on TV. Take a good look people. And getting a ticket on sunday, gee, that sport car is really saving her money. rrrrmm rrrrmmm 88 miles and down that country highway, where the speed limit is 55, if I get stopped, "DO you know who I am Officer, I'm the great late reality star Kate Gosselin, single mother of 8 count them 8 kids, and I have more money than God! How dare you stop me! You mediocre working person!" LOLOLOL
Traffic court dockets show Gosselin, cited under her legal name Katie I. Gosselin, was pulled over by Pennsylvania state police on Sept. 11, 2011 in South Londonderry Township in Lebanon County.
No doubt by one of our pesky little mediocre township cops, means nothing...she's way above the law. She'll do it again and again and again...
This is NOT the first time we have heard or have proof that Kate is a fast and reckless driver. Al Walentis and Polly have been saying it for years and they said she is known to drive at night with no headlights just to lose the paparazzi (but thankfully this is no longer the case since the paps have not been around for months)
Kelly said - The hair stylests tweet was within the last hour and not a retweet or a tweet flashback. This means poor Kate dropped her kids off at the school bus this morning and made her way to New York for another "Me session" with an expensive salon.
Not necessarily. It's more likely she stayed in NYC. Why would she go there on Monday, come home, only to leave for NYC last night or early this morning for a hair appointment?
Kate just doesn't think before she speaks. Simple as that. If she did she wouldn't have hung herself on the mediocre comment. I sure hope Kate doesn't need a mediocre nurse is right, being a nurse is a regular job. If she ever needed medical attention I would hope would be would be willing take whatever help she could get right then.
You know, actually have to fill out forms, sit in a waiting room like everyone else, be admitted, allow a mediocre nurse to prep or let alone touch her. Or wait...she's a nurse, why not just let her insert that I-V herself?
People do come into the hospital who are not to pleasant and sometimes it's a thankless job and I see Kate as being one of them possibly.
And I sure as hell hope the kids weren't in the car with her at 88mph, doesn't sound like it but still it's reckless to not only her but to others. But what I see from Kate is it's all about her and she doesn't care who else she hurts. What's next texting while driving? That really sets me off, naturally. God forbid she was ever in an accident from her driving and since she has "no help" yeah right, who would take care of her 8 count them 8 kids?
Her line of, "Bottom line, you have to be responsible for you actions," why don't you take a look at that and I don't know put it to good use towards yourself Kate, or are you exempt from that? Please, she's a disgrace to nurses and former nurses at any level.
@phoenix rising didn't she tweet this morning that she saw her kids off at the bus and had to convince her 10 year old that tlc didn't hate her or did I misread the tweet?
If Kate were cited for Reckless driving it would be thrown out of court in a heartbeat. The police officer would have to have more burden of proof to substantiate the charge of reckless driving other than just exceeding the speed limit. If she were changing lanes erratically or running cars off the road while exceeding the speed limit, he could use that in his testimony for the charge of reckless driving. Here in Maryland, you need more burden of proof for that charge and need to prove wanton and willful disregard for life and property. I'd be willing to bet that he downgraded the speed which is pretty customary so as not to put her over the threshold of 20mph over the limit which results in a higher fine and even more points and quite possibly a "Must appear" for court rather than her choice to either pay the fine or stand trial.
@phoenix rising didn't she tweet this morning that she saw her kids off at the bus and had to convince her 10 year old that tlc didn't hate her or did I misread the tweet?
----------------------- You misread the tweet! It was a RT!
Can someone answer this for me please. I've never been married so I have no clue how stuff would be divided in a divorce. Concerning the house, wouldn't Kate have to either sell the house and split the money? Or, if she keeps it, doesn't she have to buy Jon's half. The same question about the cars.
Yesterday on THE VIEW in the beginning announcement re hot topics they mentioned Kate Gosselin was freaking out but they did not bring up the subject during the show. Then today on THE VIEW the ladies discussed reality TV and Russell Armstrong's suicide and then they got around to mentioning Kate Gosselin.
Note: Sherri is talking directly to Kate; I have done the best I can transcribing when they all talk at the same time.
Whoopi: Speaking of someone else involved in a reality show, Kate Gosselin is terrified about what she is going to do now since her show Kate Plus 8 got canceled. Now after taking heat for saying ex husband Jon is just a mediocre provider as a construction worker, she clarified that the best thing for the family would be to continue working on TV.
Sherri: You know this is really interesting ... she said it was mediocre that her ex husband Jon Gosselin was working in construction because he could not provide the best opportunities for the kids because it was not a career for him, unlike her being on TV was her career and she could provide the best opportunities. I always have been supportive of Kate Gosselin because she has the 8 kids to feed ... I take exception with you to say that your husband that what he is doing to provide for kids - because what they need is food, shelter and clothes - all the other stuff Kate is perks. There are a lot of other women who would love their baby's daddy to be working
Joy: But being on a television show provides a lot more money than doing construction.
Sherri: But be honest Kate, you like the perks.
Barbara: She has made a lot of money and it has been great for the kids. May I point out that maybe this is something that you think about *before* you have the 8 children. [applause] Then Barbara reads Kate's statement: "My kids have benefited so greatly" "Yes" confirms Barbara. "I shudder to think what our lives would be scrapping to get by, struggling to exist and having that guilt of eight kids that I can't afford and can't provide for."
Joy: Maybe Angelina will adopt them ;)
Sherri: There is still she can still do ...
Barbara: She wants another television show.
Sherri: She could do Celebrity Rehab ...
Elizabeth: She wants something pretty soon ...
Barbara: What do you think? When we talk about the Octomom, what do you think when you have children? Whether it is one child or eight children, there is a responsibility to provide other than I hope I am going to get a TV show.
Sherri: I don't think she didn't think she could not provide for her kids.
Joy: She could be a dance coach ...
Sherri: No [Joy] she knows she can't, she did DWTS ... but you [Kate] could do Celebrity Apprentice, you can do Bachelor or Bachelorette ...
Elizabeth: ...I think one relatable thing that came out of Kate Gosselin exactly ... is that she did say to her kids something like please pray or hope that mommy can get a job so that you can stay in your same school ...
Sherri: Oh my goodness ...
Whoopi: Putting a little pressure on the kids?
Elizabeth: It is a hard thing ... sometimes you involve your kids in your troubles and bring them in but I think for the most part ... it's hard because you do want to protect them and if she is worrying them about not going to the same school ...
[Everyone now talking at same time.]
Barbara: Responsibility before you bring children into the world ...
Joy: Fame is fleeting ... does the name Heidi Montag ring a bell? We haven't seen that girl ... 48 surgeries she has disappeared
Sherri: Fame is fleeting for these reality people ... you better have something to sustain yourself
Whoopi: Do you know what else is fleeting? Time is fleeting and so we have to flee and we will be right back (end)
Friend In Pennsylvania said... No doubt by one of our pesky little mediocre township cops, means nothing...she's way above the law. She'll do it again and again and again...
I wonder if she'll have any "driving tips" for young tweeple on her website.
Phoenix Rising, Kate tweeted yesterday (Tuesday) that she was 'home with her lovelies'. Today, (Wednesday) her expensive hair don't guy tweeted he was coloring her hair. The bus stop retweet is not the question. The fact that she was in NYC Monday, said she was home Tuesday, and her hair don't guy said he was coloring her hair on Wednesday. Unless she paid for him to come to PA? Either way, she looks like a damn fool crying poor on Monday-the day after ANOTHER traffic fine-and spending beau coup bucks on her hot mess head two days later.
I can totally see Kate doing a dating show with Donald Trump and Omarosa. Maybe that's the whole "wink, wink" thing. Ugh, Kate, Trump, and Omarosa. A roundup of the 3 most vulgar people on the planet, all working together. She can to the whole Queen B**ch" act for ratings, and further demonstrate what total white trash she is. Good luck getting any respectable job after that, Kate. And this won't be a long-term source of income, so we'll have to hear her make the same, tired, old "poor me with eight kids" speech all over again. Trash stinks, Kate.
Kelly said... @butterfly nah, that wouldn't be considered reckless driving. doesn't show wanton and willful disregard for life or property. It's just exceeding the posted speed limit by 17mph. I think most of us do that everyday. She's just unfortunate to get caught all the time.
@Kelly, Thanks. I just found a website that breaks it down by state- I should have known each state has different laws. Unfortunately for PAians that share the road w/Kate, yep, not reckless.
Maybe Kate can have a new reality show that follows her going to TRAFFIC SCHOOL and learning how to drive properly.
Honestly ( ha...where have I heard that ?), she truly believes she's THAT entitled that the laws of the road don't pertain to her. She's a celebrity stressed mom of 8, so the laws do not apply. Maybe they do to mediocre folks, but not her.
I wonder of those latest tickets were in the sportscar?
As I read all these comments, relishing some, laughing at others and occasionally shaking my head...I realize I am in fact helping to keep Kate relevant.
I read earlier a comment that said something like hate can still make for a "media" career (and really, it's articles in People and on Radar along with the appearances on the talk show circuit that were more what Kate's "job" really was)it's indifference that's the killer.
The fact is, my distaste for Kate is palpable and it makes my stomach turn but it's not going to go away unless I stop reading about her.
I'm sincerely and truly concerned about the eight Gosselin kids. Having almost every moment of their lives filmed just to line their mother's pockets (not too mention feed her enormous ego) most definitely will affect their futures. To what degree remains to be seen. It's an honest to goodness modern day tragedy. Shakespeare couldn't have done better.
What's worse is that despite the end of the show, it's still publicly being played out on the web. And now, instead of just weekly episodes in which we get to see Kate in all her narcissistic glory, we get to see it DAILY, one tweet at a time.
At this point, now that the show is officially done, which was the whole point to voicing my concerns in the first place, the best thing for me to do is to practice indifference and just walk away.
I commend Admin for the diligence in exposing this farce and for creating and maintaining a place where concerned citizens could gather and share their thoughts and opinions.
Well done.
Cheers to everyone who publicly voiced their concerns about these children, and for all kids participating in reality tv programming.
The realest reality show is over, maybe now these kids will get a shot at knowing what a real "mediocre" life is actually like.
But even if she was home Tuesday, then back in NY getting her hair done today, how can she do that when she's "freaking out" over her financial situation?
Either way, her words don't match her actions, as usual!
Kate, if you're so worried about money, I have a suggestion: stop hanging out in New York and paying too much for your crappy overprocessed overdyed hair. (It looks REALLY unhealthy--seriously, leave it alone.)
Oh, don't forget, Kate is/was to be on Dr Oz, at some point,
Now why in the world is she going to be on Oz? To yap about her gigantic uterus? Bipolar disorder? PMDD? Dangers of tanning beds? Is he going to x-ray her boobs to see if there are any implants? Tummy tucks and lipo?
Dang...she really could fill up an hour show of his.
You have GOT TO BE KIDDING! Another traffic ticket?
Magisterial District Judge 52-3-05 Docket Number: MJ-52305-TR-0003514-2011 Traffic Docket Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Katie I Gosselin Page 1 of 1 DOCKET CASE INFORMATION Judge Assigned: Magisterial District Judge Hazel V. Issue Date: Swisher Citation #: T 0856060-2 Disposition: Arresting Agency: Bowmansville PSP Turnpike Arrest Date: OTN: File Date: 09/12/2011 County: Township: South Londonderry Township Case Status: Active Lebanon Disposition Date: STATUS INFORMATION Case Status Status Date Processing Status Active 09/12/2011 Awaiting Plea DEFENDANT INFORMATION Name: Gosselin, Katie I Sex: Female Date of Birth: 03/28/1975 Race: Unknown/Unreported Address(es): Home Sinking Spg, PA 19608 Advised of His Right to Apply for Assignment of Counsel? Public Defender Requested by the Defendant? Application Provided for Appointment of Public Defender? No No No Has the Defendant Been Fingerprinted? CASE PARTICIPANTS Participant Type Participant Name Arresting Officer Fields, Glenn L Defendant Gosselin, Katie I CHARGES # Charge Grade Description Offense Dt. Disposition 1 75 § 6110 §§ A S REGULATION OF TRAFFIC ON PENNSYLVANIA TURNPIKE 09/11/2011 REGISTRY ENTRY INFORMATION Filed Date Entry Filer Applies To 09/12/2011 Traffic Citation Filed Magisterial District Court 52-3-05 MDJS
***P.S. Thanks to tam for posting this at Preesi's forum***
In the 2009 incident, TMZ said Gosselin was reportedly doing 70 miles per hour in a 55 miles per hour zone. TMZ said her eight children were in the SUV at the time. ********** This is appalling. Couldn't skate or ski for fear of injury (to herself) but endangers her children in 2 tons of moving metal.
It's just exceeding the posted speed limit by 17mph. I think most of us do that everyday. She's just unfortunate to get caught all the time *********
Not ALL of us. And her misfortune at being csught may save someon'e life.
Wise words from a superstar. Someone who has been in the acting business for a long long time. Aniston has made millions & STILL does not feel entitled. Take a cue there Kate. Jennifer Aniston seems very grounded. And she has her handprints/footprints at Grauman's; something Kate will NEVER have.
Kate would never do that because she wouldn't want to her hands dirty.
Kate CLAIMS she doesn't say a word against Jon to the kids. What a liar. If she gets on national TV with all her digs to Jon, you know doggone well that cow is talking against Jon BIG TIME to the kids. Remember that one episode that Jon was upset with one of the tups, trying to discipline him and Kate intervened and told ALL the kids "don't listen to your father" My mouth dropped open on that one. Even Jen Stock the producer asked her in the couch interview if that was the right thing to do. Of course, Kate said they were both soooooooo busy they had to say things right then or they would forget. Of course what she said to the kids was OK. It was horrible The WORST thing a parent can do.
Wasn't there an episode where she told one of the kids, "Daddy's being mean"?
@butterfly nah, that wouldn't be considered reckless driving. doesn't show wanton and willful disregard for life or property. It's just exceeding the posted speed limit by 17mph. I think most of us do that everyday. She's just unfortunate to get caught all the time. *******************************
Is it just me? I find the above to be an odd statement coming from a former police officer.
The sheeple mind is hard at work. The mediocre comment was directed at JON per them. Everyone who thinks she was talking at them is not understanding what she meant (sheeple words again).
It's just exceeding the posted speed limit by 17mph. I think most of us do that everyday. She's just unfortunate to get caught all the time
Nope. I don't. Not here. PA has a reputation for cracking down on speeders, as Kate found out! Law enforcement hides behind every bush, every bridge underpass and change their locations every day so you never know where they will be lurking!
@is it just me, What's so odd about that statement coming from a former police officer? Would you prefer that I be pompous and pile on Kate because she got a speeding ticket? Who among us follows the speed limit? We all go over the speed limit. Many of the speed limits are engineered for revenue purposes. Many of the roads are engineered for higher speeds but the limits are ridiculously low. From a human being first and then a former police officer, there are many laws out there I don't agree with, namely speed cameras, red light cameras, helmut laws, nanny state laws and some of the ridiculous speed limits on highways that were engineered for speeds in excess of the limits that are imposed on them.
She got caught doing something that the majority of us do each day. Big deal.
I don't go over the speed limit and I've certainly never gone 17 over. So I'm the granny people pass but I've lost two friends to car accidents. Plus you save on gas and you never get tickets so jokes on all the lead foots. You don't speak for everyone. I actually see people going the speed limit all the time, or under! Perhaps speeding is more common on long country roads. Not so much here.
Ahhh, to those of you who regularly drive 17 miles over the speed limit on a daily basis, from my perspective that is excessive! I can see going 5 to 10 miles over the limit on some roads, but certainly not 17.
I do live in California and our max speed limits are lower than some other states (especially Colorado). But please -- 17 miles is not driving responsibly.
Kate is lucky she didn't hit someone. If she had hit someone going 17 miles over the speed limit she would have had her "pants" sued off her a-----!
And oh by the way, 3 tickets and my AAA coverage cancels me! SLOW DOWN!
Kelly said... She got caught doing something that the majority of us do each day. Big deal.
I often agree with your comments, Kelly, but not this time. It is a big deal that she's speeding, and not just once. She's been caught several times -- how many times did she speed and not get caught? How many times were the kids in the car/van? How many people's lives did she put in danger.
As you and I and other jellus haters know, Kate has no regard for the law, evidenced by not only her speeding, but by parking in fire zones and (I'm sure) in handicapped spots, too.
I guess I'd hope that a former police officer would have more regard for this and be appalled by her obvious thumbing her nose at you and your fellow officers.
When you travel down Route 13 in Delaware for instance, the speed limit is 55 mph and then all of a sudden it drops to 25mph through towns that have a gas station, a convenience store on the same highway and sitting at the convenience store is a cop in an unmarked Crown Victoria working for the Greenwood Police Department with a laser gun pointed your way. This is how these townships generate revenue. 1 mile of 25 mph and then it's back up to 55 mph for another 10 miles and again the same thing. It's a revenue generator and although poorly marked with little or no warning, you're all of a sudden doing 30mph over the speed limit. A total trap.
When driving down Route 81 from Central PA, through Hagerstown MD into Martinsburg WV, the speed limit is 65 in PA, 55 in MD and then 75 in WV. Engineered to generate revenue for MD. There isn't anyone among us who has never exceeded the speed limit. When you're passing someone who is driving to slowly, you accelerate to pass them and then change lanes once you're in front of them so you exceeded the speed limit. That's ridiculous to say you've never exceeded the speed limit.
bigfanofk8g @SchmeckyGirl @dowd24 @kateplusmy8 True. But I gotta say, South Londonderry township, Lebanon County is pretty rural.
Well, Big Fan is back and as ditzy as ever. Kate was arrested by the PA State Police on the PA turnpike - hardly rural! I know this area well (Bowmansville) - it passes right by the State Police building.
Either Big Fan doesn't know that her account was hijacked recently, OR she's suffering from MPD. This is clearly not the same person who tweeted a few days ago dissing Kate up, down and sideways! She's now making all kinds of excuses for Kate's fondness for speeding:
bigfanofk8g @hgraymommy @SchmeckyGirl @dowd24 @kateplusmy8 K8 has the need to speed. Didnt u see the episode where she drives around the race track?
Nope. I don't. Not here. PA has a reputation for cracking down on speeders, as Kate found out! Law enforcement hides behind every bush, every bridge underpass and change their locations every day so you never know where they will be lurking! September 14, 2011 3:34 PM
Absolutely my friend! They are everywhere here in Northwestern Pa! Yes, you do get the people that fly down a back winding road, and they end up wrapping their car around a tree or going over a hill into a ditch.
That's ridiculous to say you've never exceeded the speed limit.
That wasn't what you originally posted. You said, "It's just exceeding the posted speed limit by 17mph. I think most of us do that everyday. She's just unfortunate to get caught all the time"
EVERDAY (sic). It's the every day part to which posters are responding, and no, most of us do not exceed the speed limit by 17 mph every day.
FYI, Cops are some of the biggest abusers of the speed limit. Why? Who's gonna stop them? Internal Affairs used to set up radar just to catch cops who were driving over the limit and not responding to a call. I wasn't a traffic cop and found this type of selective enforcement to be a waste of my time. Granted, if you were driving like an idiot or you caused an accident, you got a ticket, the victim got a witness summons and they had to show up at court to testify. I didn't witness the accident so I can't testify. I resented having to be a pawn for the auto insurance companies that relied on who got the ticket to walk away from a claim.
Kelly it may sound ridiculous to you but I don't intentionally speed. If I've gone over because I didn't realize it was an honest mistake. I havent passed anyone in years we just don't have long two way highways like other places where this would be necessary. I was a passenger in west Virginia in one of those speed traps you described and it was an honest mistake. Four tickets for Kate cannot be explained away as honest mistakes. She's going to hurt someone. Or She's going to lose her license and that will be a perfect excuse to give the kids to Jon to drive around.
OMG! I didn't know she has email on her website! She's really not a smart girl, our Katie. Wonder how many of that 140 emails are from people who can't stand her ... I say 134 of them!
That will be her excuse for making it a "members only" site. Only her sheep would pay for the pleasure of having their emails deleted immediately.
Kelly said..."She got caught doing something that the majority of us do each day. Big deal."
When *would* it be a big deal? When she takes out an entire family, including children and perhaps an infant? Or when she kills two parents, wiping out a toddler's mommy and daddy? Big deal? You bet!
@Speedy Gonzales Gosselin My statement that "It's just exceeding the speed limit by 17 mph" was not made to minimize the speed. It was an answer to someone who asked if it was Reckless driving and my reply was that it wasn't reckless driving. Reckless driving is wanton and willful disregard for life and property. Her charge was just exceeding the speed limit by 17mph. It wasn't condoning her speed. My subsequent comments were that we all exceed the speed limit. Would I drive 17mph over the speed limit in a residential neighborhood? No I wouldn't Would I exceed the posted speed limit on a highway or interstate, Yes, I do it all the time. I make sure I'm below 10mph over the posted speed and I won't be bothered 9 out of 10 times by an overzealous cop looking to meet a quota.
So I just checked my website email4the FIRST time!!! It's so fun2read more than 140 characters from u! Keep emailing: 24 minutes ago
============= Oh, spare us! Now, in addition to her tweeting the number of followers she has, we'll have to hear a daily reporting of e-mails from her wonderful tweeties!
I don't think she's talented, but I do think she could have carved out a solid C or D-List career if she'd planned ahead, taken advice, and worked hard. Instead, she took on the appearance of a star, but none of the substance, so here she is, unemployed and unemployable.
I think that anyone who is stupid enough to email Kate at her website with anything other than platitudes is setting themselves up for an over the transom IP address and personal information that will show up on a Klover site and cause them more damage than their anti Kate email satisfied them.
Kates on a baiting mission on that email addy and anyone who falls for it, I've got a Space Shuttle I'd like to lend you.
I understand what Kelly is saying. There are some roads where it easy to speed. I don't think I've gone over the speed limit by much, but on I95 you would have to be crazy to drive 55 mph. I'm not saying do 80, but most people are at 65 at a min.
Kelly how about Leipsic Delaware. They must make a killing on out of staters. At one point you are going 50 and it drops to 25 immediately.
Administrator said... Kelly it may sound ridiculous to you but I don't intentionally speed. If I've gone over because I didn't realize it was an honest mistake. I havent passed anyone in years we just don't have long two way highways like other places where this would be necessary. I was a passenger in west Virginia in one of those speed traps you described and it was an honest mistake. Four tickets for Kate cannot be explained away as honest mistakes. She's going to hurt someone. Or She's going to lose her license and that will be a perfect excuse to give the kids to Jon to drive around.
September 14, 2011 4:04 PM
I'm 44 and have had one ticket in my life ( coming down a big hill and a cop right at the foot of the hill ). I think I was doing 10mph over the limit.
But Kate's had, what, at least 4 tickets that we know of in a two year period? That is excessive. I can see if it were spaced out over a decade or two. But two years?
It's just exceeding the posted speed limit by 17mph. I think most of us do that everyday. She's just unfortunate to get caught all the time.
I don't think that "most of us" drive 17 MPH above the limit "everyday". 5 MPH above happens all the time, and even 10 MPH is not uncommon, but 17 is waaay beyond the norm.
Regardless, it's irresponsible behavior from a parent who has 8 kids who depend on her. Given her anger management issues, it's not exactly a great thing for everyone else on the road, either.
Out And About In Berks County PA said... Well, Big Fan is back and as ditzy as ever. Kate was arrested by the PA State Police on the PA turnpike - hardly rural! I know this area well (Bowmansville) - it passes right by the State Police building. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh my! Kate was ARRESTED?!? Boy, I have got to catch up on the posts! I just got done perusing the news and didnt see it. Was it a while ago? How did the news miss that?? Never mind, I will read more of the posts and figure it out!
I wonder how soon it will be before she is arrested again, takes a swing at a cop, and they decide they better run some blood work on her. Hmmm.
@eliza, Delaware has to be one of the worst states for traffic tickets. Erratic speed limits and small town police departments laying in wait. Route 13 and 113 are the worst roads. What's worse is that when you get a ticket and go to court in Delaware, you go before a Justice of the Peace and then when you're there, the police officer gets to negotiate with you over the fine; not in a way to make it less but to make it higher. It's a system that is broken.
Kate tweeted something about fig and olive to Jason. So, I'm assuming she's still in NYC. Who the hell is watching the kids? Ashley is in college. More not a nannys?
"No I wouldn't Would I exceed the posted speed limit on a highway or interstate, Yes, I do it all the time"
Okay, so speeders don't kill people on a highway or interstate? You seem to be more concerned about being cited for speeding than possibly causing an accident because of speeding.
kateplusmy8 So, thx @JasonHueman 4 my blondeness..We won the 'most beautiful women' contest at fig/ olive tonight:)Deanna says it's bc of my blonde!Xoxo
So, thx @JasonHueman 4 my blondeness..We won the 'most beautiful women' contest at fig/ olive tonight:)Deanna says it's bc of my blonde!Xoxo
She's unemployed and doesn't know how she's going to support her children, but she's in NYC having her hair done by a big bucks stylist and dining at Fig and Olive.
Wow. Just wow.
Keep sending those love offerings, sheeple. Katie's gotta get her blonde on.
Kate tweets: So, thx @JasonHueman 4 my blondeness..We won the 'most beautiful women' contest at fig/ olive tonight:)Deanna says it's bc of my blonde!Xoxo 5 minutes ago
She's livin' it up in NYC, on a Wednesday. She couldn't wait till the weekend where Jon could have the kids? Where's mommy on a school night?
I think the point we're all trying to make is that yes sometimes little infractions occur. But normal people who are not narcissists do not make speeding a lifestyle or parking in fire zones a lifestyle or overall having disregard for the rules everyone else has to follow a lifestyle.
Four tickets in two years plus at least two times being caught in the fire zone is a LIFESTYLE of disregard for the law, and not a mistake or a rare thing. And very typical Kate.
Oh, spare us! Now, in addition to her tweeting the number of followers she has, we'll have to hear a daily reporting of e-mails from her wonderful tweeties ------------
Um no, none of us HAVE to hear/read her daily reports. The people whom follow her, or more importantly (and still strangely imo) CHOOSE to know what is being said and exchanged.
"Oh my! Kate was ARRESTED?!? Boy, I have got to catch up on the posts! I just got done perusing the news and didnt see it. Was it a while ago? How did the news miss that?? Never mind, I will read more of the posts and figure it out!"
I wonder where she was going. The only exits off that area of the turnpike really don't lead anywhere that would be of interest to her. It's a straight shot to Valley Forge/central Philly. Maybe she was going to shop at the King of Prussia Mall. The stores around here are just too mediocre, don't you know?
I know! She was meeting Brownie at the Exton Mall to pick up the cereal! If she was fined for speeding, that was some expensive cereal!
Kate tweeted this morning: GM all! What is new in your world? Here, I think I've finally caught up on my sleep! So good to be home with my lovelies!;)
Maybe by her "lovelies" she actually meant her hair stylist and make-up artist...not her kids. NYC is where she feels at most home, absolutely grinning from ear to ear in those recent INF pics taken Monday.
@recipe for disaster Speeding is illegal. Jay walking is illegal. Failure to signal when changing lanes is illegal. Failure to turn on your headlights when using your windshield wipers are on is illegal. Not wearing a seatbelt is illegal. Talking on your cell phone while driving is illegal. Not keeping your hands on the steering wheel in the 10 and 2 position is illegal. Parking your car on a public roadway against the flow of traffic is illegal. Entering an access or ingress ramp at a speed other than 20mph is illegal. Pick your crime and let's give it a rest. If you want to talk about serious issues regarding Kate and her self importance, exploitation, grifting spousal abuse, lies and contradictions there's plenty to pile on about. She's a lousy driver but making a federal case over a speeding ticket takes away any credibility or argument that is worth discussing. There have been people who have tweeted, posted and shared concerns in the past that were so trivial it makes any attempt by those who were truly concerend about the welfare of those kids seem a little fanatical.
We all know what Kate is and 99 percent of us are on the same page. The piling on about the most minor infraction takes away all credence to bigger issues. Kate got a ticket. It's not gonna get her kids taken away nor will it give Jon any ammo to get custody. It's a friggen traffic ticket. I'm movin on.
So, thx @JasonHueman 4 my blondeness..We won the 'most beautiful women' contest at fig/ olive tonight:)Deanna says it's bc of my blonde!Xoxo 5 minutes ago
Seriously? What happened to freaking out, cant support my kids, cant afford milk, OMG I'm unemployed, I dont know how we'll manage, cant afford, cant afford, cant afford...
What say you, sheeple?? And try to resist the crap about how the poor woman is just trying to have a few minutes to herself because she has so much stress. She has a lot LESS stress than any sheeple reading this and you each know it. She is on v a c a t i o n, again, living it very high on school nights.
Out And About In Berks County PA said... Kate was arrested by the PA State Police on the PA turnpike - hardly rural! I know this area well (Bowmansville) - it passes right by the State Police building. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh my! Kate was ARRESTED?!? Boy, I have got to catch up on the posts! I just got done perusing the news and didnt see it. Was it a while ago? How did the news miss that?? Never mind, I will read more of the posts and figure it out!
I'm sorry, I know I must not be looking hard enough. Could someone please fill me in briefly on this ARREST? Booked, bailed, was the car towed, ??? If someone could give me a synopsis or re-link me, I would appreciate it. :))
Um no, none of us HAVE to hear/read her daily reports. The people whom follow her, or more importantly (and still strangely imo) CHOOSE to know what is being said and exchanged.
Um, Tam. I don't use Twitter or "follow her." Her tweets are on the top of this page.
Oh my gosh, the woman has no brains. She was on TV crying about being poor two short days ago and now she herself (along with her hairdresser) is tweeting about being in NYC, getting her hair done and going to some event. Who on earth is taking care of the precious 8 she is so concerned about? The paid help, of course! But naturally, she could not resist the urge to brag about how she won some beautiful woman contest. Her narcissism definitely wins over her common sense, every time. Like good angel on one shoulder, bad on the other. Bad angel's pretty busy! But she will not have a forum to boo-hoo at any longer. I do believe she's done.
I think that sound I just heard was either another nail being pounded in the career coffin of Kate Gosselin or the bell that signals the end of a fight. WOW!
@dwindle Arrested is a strong word but she wasn't arrested with handcuffs, taken into custody and before a court commissioner. She was stopped by a police officer, "restrained and deprived of her liberty for a period of time by a legal authority" A traffic stop. Nothing more, nothing less. Kate was not arrested in the same fashion we understand the term to mean.
Administrator said... I don't go over the speed limit and I've certainly never gone 17 over. So I'm the granny people pass but I've lost two friends to car accidents. Plus you save on gas and you never get tickets so jokes on all the lead foots. You don't speak for everyone. I actually see people going the speed limit all the time, or under! Perhaps speeding is more common on long country roads. Not so much here. ________________________________ Admin, thats me, the granny driver (and I am in 30's)!!! it's funny, NO ONE will ride with me because I drive the speed limit. Yes, I may go 5 over, but never up to 7 because I actually use my cruise control- I live by cruise control because the state will NOT get my money, and as I have stated earlier, I was in a serious accident, so I would like to avoid any future ones. BTW, the FL police (dont know which county) came to my command in Norfolk and gave us a VERY graphic presentation of auto accidents- I am talking people so mangled some people became sick to their stomachs. They said speed is directly correlated with trauma incurred. And they told us about the 'feeling' test. Any EMT's here? You guys know this- the test to see if you are paralyzed- the finger up the butt test. NO thank you! And they told us that in severe trauma, due to the unstable condition of victims, no pain med is administered and all immediate work to save lives is done while patient is awake- including going into the lungs through the side of the rib cage to facilitate breathing- ouch!! So again, no speeding for me- I would not want that horrible experience. Sorry to rant, but this stuff scares me.
She's unemployed and doesn't know how she's going to support her children, but she's in NYC having her hair done by a big bucks stylist and dining at Fig and Olive.
Why is she bragging about this? Why can't she just keep her mouth SHUT? Oh, wait...this is Kate. One minute she's crying poverty, the next she's on a "whirlwind" media tour (look at me!), or sitting on her LEATHER sofa, or tweeting to other celebrities who are her bffs.
I still maintain that she has a multiple personality disorder, or a bi-polar thing going on.
I've been stopped twice. (One was for not signaling at a light when I was 16! Bored cop, no ticket.) The last time was when I JUST bought my Prius & was riding along on the highway. I got pulled over by a Statie in a work zone going 15 miles over the speed limit. He didn't ticket me, thank God. I got off with a warning, must have been my coy flirting, but I realized how easy it is to kind of "lose" yourself on a nice Spring day. I'm super-careful when I drive, especially when my son is w/ me.
When I was 17, I was driving my big old car & reached down for my sunglasses. The guy in front of me was going to turn, I missed his signal, & I almost rear-ended him going 45 mph. At THAT moment, I vowed to drive safely forever after, & I have. That last speeding incident was an honest mistake. I'm a literal Granny driver on the road. And I'm a side-seat driver; "Slow down! You're going too fast!!" Drives my husband-& everyone else-nuts. I won't even get in the car w/ my best friend. She is a reckless driver, & an angry one, flipping people off, yelling at them... no thanks.
Kate - I have the most amazing stylist ever who does a perfect blonde color. The person has been written about in national hair stylist magazines and has received numerous awards for innovation in coloring. For $100 you can get a cut, color and blowdry, and it's in the city, not far from the school. It's an upscale shop (may appear mediocre to you, however), but I can guarantee you that you will not walk out of there with over-bleached, over-processed hair that looks like a Halloween wig gone bad.
Hahaha........this is the menu of the restaurant where, after having her hair done far enough away that she missed her kids' school day, Kate was declared the most beautiful woman ever in the universe, who doesn't know how she's going to suppport her 8 kids because she pays ALL their expenses.
kateplusmy8 So, thx @JasonHueman 4 my blondeness..We won the 'most beautiful women' contest at fig/ olive tonight:)Deanna says it's bc of my blonde!Xoxo September 14, 2011 5:06 PM
Well of course!! You are the most beautiful bitch of all! You stupid cu++!!
Remember that one episode that Jon was upset with one of the tups, trying to discipline him and Kate intervened and told ALL the kids "don't listen to your father" My mouth dropped open on that one. -------------------------------------------------- Are you talking about the boy tup in the twins 7th birthday episode? That particular morning, that tup slept later than the others, and had to be woken by Jon because they were going to Gymboree.
At breakfast, he pushed his cereal bowl away, so for this he was SENT TO THE CORNER "until he was ready to eat". We then saw Jon leading the boy tup, who was now crying, back to the table after yelling at him.
All because the tup pushed his cereal bowl away! Was it really worth getting angry and upsetting his child over something so trivial?
In another episode, Jon spanked the same boy tup and yelled at him for "jumping out the door" when he was trying to put a bee outside. NOT worthy of being spanked. I never heard him tell the tup not to go out there, so it wasn't like he disobeyed. Afterwards he told the tup to "come here", and the tup was obviously hesitant having just been spanked, to which Jon yelled at him "When I tell you to come here, you come here!" Again, making a big deal out of something small.
@pj's momma I quit tweeting Kate when the kids were off television. As much as I'd love to continue spewing my "vile, ignorant, nasty, snarky" comments to this vile, ignorant, nasty woman, we all accomplished something. Kids are off tv. Tweeting her at this point keeps her relevant, in the public eye, the tabloids read the number of tweets both positive and negative and it keeps her where she wants to be.
Someone on this site said it a month or so ago. Bad publicity is publicity and that's what she wants. My tweeting days are over until the kids are front and center in a public fashion where Kate benefits and they don't.
New York State of Mind, yes I too think there is definitely something more going on here beyond narcissism. There is def. some true true mental illness though I'm not exactly sure what....sociopath, bipolar are some possibilities.
I still maintain that she has a multiple personality disorder, or a bi-polar thing going on. ---------
Just plain old NPD. Pathological liar, inability to feel sympathy or empathy, can't feel guilt, obsessed with control. So sociopath as well. If it is multiple personalities, all of her personalities are stupid, hateful, narcissistic, and cruel.
I hate how she claims OCD, an often incredibly debilitating disorder. It's an insult to those whom really have it and their families and friends whom must deal With it.
We all know what Kate is and 99 percent of us are on the same page. The piling on about the most minor infraction takes away all credence to bigger issues. Kate got a ticket. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
No. Kate got four tickets.
Her first two tickets we barely said a thing. We knew about them but as you said, it was just a ticket most people have gotten them. One or two tickets ARE just tickets.
This is not just a ticket anymore. Kelly? This is four tickets since 2009, all of them speeding tickets. Her kids were in the car on at least one occasion. She was going more than 10 or 11 over she was going 17 over and going a speed limit that is NOT legal in ANY zone EVER. She also has two documented incidents of parking in fire zones. It has moved beyond a minor thing and become a woman with a serious problem.
We DID give her a pass. I have never even done a post on her speeding tickets before, go back and check. We gave her WAY more than the benefit of the doubt on this one, we really did.
Also please tell my dead high school friend, who was hit by a speeding driver who also decided not to turn his lights on in a fog while he speeded, eh it's just a freegin traffic violation.
No it's not a freegin traffic violation. That was my friend's freegin LIFE.
Dwindle said... So, thx @JasonHueman 4 my blondeness..We won the 'most beautiful women' contest at fig/ olive tonight:)Deanna says it's bc of my blonde!Xoxo 5 minutes ago
Seriously? What happened to freaking out, cant support my kids, cant afford milk, OMG I'm unemployed, I dont know how we'll manage, cant afford, cant afford, cant afford...
What say you, sheeple?? And try to resist the crap about how the poor woman is just trying to have a few minutes to herself because she has so much stress. She has a lot LESS stress than any sheeple reading this and you each know it. She is on v a c a t i o n, again, living it very high on school nights.
waiting.... still waiting....
September 14, 2011 5:21 PM
There is no doubt in my mind that Kate will ditch her kids in a New York minute the very second she gets a far away offer for some low budget television gig. She will give Jon full custody since she can't use them anymore for money, and fly off to live the single life as long as she gets her ugly face plastered on tv.
There is NO WAY she will turn down a tv job offer that will keep her away for weeks/ months at a time and put the kids first. No way. SHE comes first! Always has and always will.
Kids be damned. The will not get in her way of fame!
What is she going to do if Celebrity Apprentice comes calling? They are required to stay together in hotels and often work 16 hour days. She won't be able to flit back and forth from the "set" to home like she did with DWTS. And that money is for charities. But you can bet your boots she will ditch the kids just to go be on tv. They're all yours, Jon. Take 'em.
Nope, I don't speed. I don't even go 5 mph over the speed limit. On open road, I use my cruise control. In towns and on winding roads, I go slowly enough to be safe and fast enough to not cause an accident because people want to pass me because I'm poking along.
BTW, where I live it is LEGAL to go over the speed limit to pass one vehicle ahead of you. (It is not legal to pass 2 vehicles in one pass.) Once you are safely back in your lane, you slow back down to the speed limit.
Kelly, I don't mean 'keep on tweeing TO Kate,' I mean, 'Keep on tweeting, you stupid woman, it's your funeral!' Haha!! I've never tweeted in my life and only see the stuff above and occasionally look at twazzup.
Four tickets in a short amount of time. Hmmm.....wonder how many times she's been stopped and let off with a warning. Not that it'll happen now!
Julie's Chins - I agree with you. Remember in an interview when Kate said she had learned to (can't remember if she said 'strangely ironic' like she loves to do) love her children from afar. She said that in a show shown nationally!
Aren't they just seven now? said... Was Jon around for the tups' seventh birthday party? Sounds like some hard case of editing to me!
Please re-read Tizzie's first line. It's the twins' birthday, not tups'.
Tizzie, can you post a video of Jon spanking one of the tups boys? I remember him taking Collin or Joel out of bed, playing "got you!" with him. I remember cereal bowls getting pushed away. I don't remember the spanking, though. Refresh my memory with some video link, please. Thank you.
I don't go over the speed limit and I've certainly never gone 17 over. So I'm the granny people pass but I've lost two friends to car accidents. Plus you save on gas and you never get tickets so jokes on all the lead foots. You don't speak for everyone. I actually see people going the speed limit all the time, or under! Perhaps speeding is more common on long country roads. Not so much here.
Same here.
In all my 29 years of driving, I have never sped, or gotten a ticket for speeding.
I have been involved in a few fender benders, and on 2 occasions, had the dumb luck of crossing paths with people running through stop signs. But looking back, I believe if I was going faster, I'm pretty sure the outcome would have been worse.
Anyway, I'm too scared to get caught speeding by a cop, and I could never live with myself if I hit anyone (or anything) with my car.
Not even a parking ticket.
Not worth it. I value my life, the lives of my passengers, the lives of the other people I'm sharing the road with- plus I don't want to lose my license.
Maybe the defensive driving class we (my entire family) take every 2 years has something to do with it. Maybe I've seen and heard enough horror stories to want to speed. Maybe it's that to me, driving a very heavy vehicle has always been a serious responsibility & a privilege.
Tizzie, can you post a video of Jon spanking one of the tups boys? ------------------------------------------------ Here is a link to the video: The spanking is not shown, the camera is on Kate who says "don't hit ".
It's been a while since I saw that clip, and Jon was actually calmer than I thought when talking to the tup afterwards and he apologized.
I remember cereal bowls getting pushed away. Refresh my memory with some video link, please. ------------------------------------------------- Twins Turn 7, around 5min 30sec. He is shown being taken to the corner, then Kate mentions in the interview chair about Jon yelling at him after which we see Jon taking the now crying tup back to the kitchen.
584 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 584 of 584 Newer› Newest»Julie's Chins said... HA!
Kate just got schooled on The View!
Sherri finally came to her senses and said she took exception to Kate saying construction was "mediocre" and said all kids need are food, clothing and shelter. She was really annoyed with Kate and said reality TV fame is "fleeting" and is not here to stay.
Barbara went off on her about how she shouldn't have had 8 kids if she was so worried about how she couldn't provide for them.
Elizabeth was annoyed with how Kate is worrying the kids about how school and the house will be paid for. The kids shouldn't have to worry about that.
No one had ANYTHING good to say about Kate and no one defended her.
WOW, I'm sorry I missed that episode. One of the reasons I don't watch the view anymore is because of all the support they used to give Kate. With the exception of Whoopie, who seemed to have her number early on. I figured if these people are so moronic they can't see through Kate, then why would I want to listen to their opinions on other topics. Finally, Sherri and Barbara have seen the light. Wasn't Barbara the one who said Kate has "it" and can do well in TV? The only "it" Kate has is 8 kids who paid for her lifestyle with their childhoods. Welcome to reality Barbara. Thanks for taking the blinders off, its about time.
AuntieAnn. I've never cared for the View, can you tell?
Why no, I couldn't tell. (snicker) I USED to like it, Elizabeth has alwasys gotten my dander up LOL I do like Whoopie though. The only time I do watch it now, is when they have a really good guest who interests me. Or I am totally bored. I remember Sherry even remarked that Kate had the implanted at least seven embryos or some such number. She didn't even know what fertility method she used. LOL One of them even asked how many kids did she have. Yes, VERY informed.
Remember whoopi during dwts? Vote that bitch off! Vote her off!! That was hysterical lol.
My mom & dad STILL put me in the middle of their fights. Well, they live in the in-law upstairs, so when they fight, my mom comes on down & starts bitching about my dad. I have finally put an end to it saying; "Look, I'm an adult & so are you. I have my own shit to deal with. You're in an ADULT relationship. I don't fight with my husband, & if I did, I wouldn't drag you in the middle." If she keeps harping on it, saying nasty stuff about my dad, I just get up & walk away.
I learned about boundaries from my therapist. I used to sit there & just listen. Now, I don't want to hear it!! I'm an adult, for a young child to have to sit there & hear it, that's awful. NO child should be put in the middle.
Poor Gosselin kids. I wonder what Kate says about Jon when they are alone in that house.
She is an Unemployed, less than mediocre Cow said...
Wasn't Barbara the one who said Kate has "it" and can do well in TV?
She was on Babwa's most fascinating people list. ??? Time to retire Babs.
Although I suppose one could say Kate's deluded take on life IS fascinatingly fascinating.
Auntie Ann said: It kind of irks me that with the exception of Whoopie the women on the View are saying this now, after the fact. What, they didn't see what she was like before? I thought they liked to call themselves intelligent and informed. They had her on enough times and did enough research to know she was a grifter who was exploiting her kids. It just goes to show a lot of people in the tv industry get up and wash more than one face in the morning.
They really couldn't because BW anointed K8 as one of her "Most Fascinating" and "One to Watch" selections during her special on tv one year. Yeah, how's that workin' out for ya? Thanks, BW.
Where is Karma? Oh, I think she paid her visit to K8 already... Think about it - K8 dumped Jon because he "held her back" (she started playing to the cameras, thinking she was All That), only to discover that people tuned in to the show to see hers and Jon's so-called banter! She couldn't carry the show without him! Gotta love it
Bill Geddes a producer of the View was/is absolutely in love with Kate. He did a tape backstage about all the complaints about Kate being on the show (lol) He said 'we can't wait until Kate can add to the discussion about the current health care crisis' Hahaha Did SHE discuss this? Of course not. In fact, they dumbed down the entire hot topic segment that day. I had to laugh on that one.
AuntieAnn said...
She was on Babwa's most fascinating people list. ??? Time to retire Babs.
Although I suppose one could say Kate's deluded take on life IS fascinatingly fascinating.
AHHHHH, forgot about that! Fascinating .....Well, it is fascinating how she hung on so long, and fooled many people, and morphed into a crusty old barbie doll, and now, according to her, doesn't have a dime to show for it!
Yep! That IS Fascinatingish :)
Hippie Chick Poor Gosselin kids. I wonder what Kate says about Jon when they are alone in that house."
Kate CLAIMS she doesn't say a word against Jon to the kids. What a liar. If she gets on national TV with all her digs to Jon, you know doggone well that cow is talking against Jon BIG TIME to the kids. Remember that one episode that Jon was upset with one of the tups, trying to discipline him and Kate intervened and told ALL the kids "don't listen to your father" My mouth dropped open on that one. Even Jen Stock the producer asked her in the couch interview if that was the right thing to do. Of course, Kate said they were both soooooooo busy they had to say things right then or they would forget. Of course what she said to the kids was OK. It was horrible The WORST thing a parent can do.
I am watching the View for sure now. It is just coming on here. CAN'T wait to hear this. LOL
Hoochie Mama...
Frigin zits...huh? I go to a derm in Oct. I'm hoping he says "Let's peel the top layer of your face skin off!" It's stress zits, but still! I'm 35, & when 1 goes away, another pops up.
So, Miss Kate, BOO HOO, the 'I'm so po' I can't even afford the OR' schtick is getting so old. All of you have made some great points, but one of you said something that really resonated: What will the Gosselin kids do when they have to wait in lines & can't get front-row seats at a concert?
My feeling is this: From reading about the kids' reaction to the ending of the show, they didn't seem to care. I think Cara is probably secretly super-happy & writing about it in a journal-the real one-not the one Kate has found & reads everyday when she's in school. Mady I'm sure is fine w/ it. She knows how to please the momster. As for the little ones? THEY DON'T CARE!
They'll go along w/ anything because they're little kids & will do anything mommy says, or else. Kate is most likely drilling all this crap in their head: "No more trips!" "No more FREE this!" "No more Taylor Swift shows!" No MORE ANYTHING! Big bad TLC took away our +8!"
Kate is the one making it worse for the kids, if anything. And she is the one who is worse off than anyone. The kids will be fine w/out cameras in their faces. It's the person they call "Mom" that is supposed to raise them & love them that will be a problem.
~Hippie Chick~
ADMIN btw did you see the pictures of Taylor Armstrong the SHE supposedly sold to a rag mag with a black eye after Russell hit her? To 'prove' he did hit her. I cannot believe she did this, if true. How exploitative.
I am getting the menopausal zits as well. I haven't had a face like this since I was 13. Lol
Kit said...
Where is Karma?... K8 dumped Jon because he "held her back"....She couldn't carry the show without him! Gotta love it
Yep. Karma is: Kate slowly roasting on the spit. It's Jon's turn to stand back and watch. Pass the salt please. lol.
You guys were right. WOW Barbara was REALLY disgusted with what Kate said. Hahaha Sherry said "I have always supported Kate BUT ... " Oh they were upset. Especially Barbara. About time you opened your eyes.
Beth, at least once weekly I pee my pants as my key is in the front door. I'm not quite 50.
Oh we didn't take her long to start going after TLC. I'm sure as she runs out of money it will only get worse. She cannot control that mouth of hers. Her ego is beyond one would care if she fell off the face of the earth tomorrow....alright, lets try...I'll drag her to the edge and you push...
Man TMI you guys geez. LOL
Administration or anyone else, is it legal for anyone to use a web cam on children without the other parents consent? Also, do you think this is what Kate is trying to do by having her new web page? I saw a tweet suggesting that Kate do a pay per view. Can she do that?
On the running, I hope it is IS kilometers, but even if it is, that's almost 6.5 miles and at 34 minutes, a bit over a 5-minute mile. If it's true, that is SMOKING......and why would they be inspired by Kate? LOL! She runs about a 10-minute mile - respectable, but not smoking! I'm a runner and couldn't run a 5-minute mile with a lone papparazo chasing me. Or a bear.
I tweeted to Kate about the Pay-Per-View but I was (sort of) Joking. IF she were to do that, she'd be in the category of porn. I'm curious to see if she'll bite. Money is $$ to her, no matter how sleazy it looks.
No Regrets said...
You guys were right. WOW Barbara was REALLY disgusted with what Kate said. Hahaha Sherry said
No Regrets, there are so many post that it will take a while to read all. Could you or anyone else either re-post or quickly explain what this is referring to? Thanks
no mo worryin bout me said...
Administration or anyone else, is it legal for anyone to use a web cam on children without the other parents consent? Also, do you think this is what Kate is trying to do by having her new web page? I saw a tweet suggesting that Kate do a pay per view. Can she do that?
That would mean no divorced parent could take home/vacation video and post it on their facebook/website/whatever.
I'm no lawyer but I can't imagine a judge touching that.
What did she say about TLC? I missed it.
EM said... TV is not a camera just following you around paying for your every desire. So enjoy trying to host a show.
EM you bring up a very good point, one that my mind evolved into a question: Have any of the local teevee stations tried to get QueenKate as a host on any of their local or afternoon talk shows? Where *I* live, our 4 local channels are THRILLED to get a hometown person as part of the hosting panel for the little local shows. I have lived in other parts of the country so I know that most local stations have their own little chat-and-local-happenings shows staffed by mostly homegrown locals.
Has there been any chatter about that in Khate's area? And if not, why not? (I mean, who would want her, but you would think she would be begging the local stations for this so she wouldnt have to move the kids.)
Tamara, you are right...the kids are paying the expenses now. What I meant was if Kate had a mediocre job like the common folk do :) and was actually contributing to the family's income. Sorry for not clarifying that...wrote that post right before I went to bed!
Thanks Hoosier Girl. That does make sense.
Kat said... Oh we didn't take her long to start going after TLC. I'm sure as she runs out of money it will only get worse. She cannot control that mouth of hers. Her ego is beyond one would care if she fell off the face of the earth tomorrow....alright, lets try...I'll drag her to the edge and you push...
Wait for me, I'm coming. Just want to get my good bra on...
no mo worryin bout me said...
No Regrets said...
You guys were right. WOW Barbara was REALLY disgusted with what Kate said. Hahaha Sherry said
No Regrets, there are so many post that it will take a while to read all. Could you or anyone else either re-post or quickly explain what this is referring to? Thanks"
The View discussed the article about Kate in People mag, and her comment about working a 9-5 was mediocre. Barbra was really annoyed and said Kate should have thought about how to support her kids before having so many. Sherry Shepard said "I have always supported Kate, BUT her comment about Jon having a job in construction was 'mediocre' is just not right, or something like that. She said all you need to do is give your children food, shelter and clothing. Elizabeth said for Kate to discuss finances and that young kids being concerned about paying bills is something they should not be worrying about. Just general annoyance. LOL
AndiSnark said...
I tweeted to Kate about the Pay-Per-View but I was (sort of) Joking. IF she were to do that, she'd be in the category of porn. I'm curious to see if she'll bite. Money is $$ to her, no matter how sleazy it looks.
That's funny. She probably saw Pay per view and saw dollar signs. Like my daddy always said, "she ain't got the sense she was born with."
im sure kate burned all her bridges in local PA. i cant see them wanting her. althought she COULD type her resume an apply. unfortunately she just sits by the phone and wait for it to ring.
about everyone with adult acne. i got it at 25. it was so embarrassing. walgreens sells a knock off Proactive for $20 and it cleared my skin up in 2 weeks. i was amazed. yes, i still get the zit when i need it least - photos, vacations = but the proactive knock off really calms them. also use a spot treatment with 2% salacyic acid
AndiSnark said...I tweeted to Kate about the Pay-Per-View but I was (sort of) Joking. IF she were to do that, she'd be in the category of porn. I'm curious to see if she'll bite. Money is $$ to her, no matter how sleazy it looks."
OH MY. She might do something like that. Can you imagine a 'live cam' show. ACK But we all know she doesn't 'see' the 'hater' comments, right? haha
Thanks No Regrets.
She does block my tweets but her loyal fans always inform her about what the "haters" say. That is when they aren't trashing Jon or telling her how inspirational she is.
Has there been any chatter about that in Khate's area? And if not, why not? (I mean, who would want her, but you would think she would be begging the local stations for this so she wouldnt have to move the kids.)
No. Kate pretty much alienated most people in the area, and has not had a good relationship with the local newspaper since an unflattering story was written about them, way back when. She called the publisher and demanded it be retracted because they were taking food out of her kids' mouths. The local media has more or less ignored her since then.
The last time I read anything about her or the kids in the Lancaster newspaper was when the two children were expelled. It made the front page. This surprised me to no end considering the close relationship (family ties) between the newspaper and the school.
I haven't seen her do any local television or newspaper interviews. Most likely too ghetto or mediocre for her even to consider. Why waste your time on the lowly middle-class America?
Oh I know. I love it when the rabid fans fight with the non fans and SEND to them to Kate. Cracks me up. They want a gold star or something. And the grand poobah of butt kissers, brownlow loves to tell people off them says BLOCKED! Like wow, this will hurt SO much. LOL
That remark she made while waiting for the school bus on her twitter was definately a dig at TLC trying to make them feel guilty,she would have to put her child in there,give the knife an extra twist one believed you!
Gimme said...
What did she say about TLC? I missed it.
Nothing (today). She posted a retweet from a follower, and people are thinking Kate said it. She didn't, she retweeted it.
Mom In Lancaster County said...No. Kate pretty much alienated most people in the area, and has not had a good relationship with the local newspaper since an unflattering story was written about them, way back when. She called the publisher and demanded it be retracted because they were taking food out of her kids' mouths. The local media has more or less ignored her since then."
One of the newspapers ran a story about Kate, they were pretty disgusted that Kate wouldn't talk to them for FREE. This after the newspaper ran story after story FOR them to get them donations and other help. I don't remember how old that article is, but they surely laid it out how disgusted they were that she won't even talk to them let alone for FREE.
Wow admin you have so many great comments on your blog. I can't believe how many you get in just one day. Can you put up a new thread? Maybe about the comments made during Hot Topics on The View.
AndiSnark said...
She does block my tweets but her loyal fans always inform her
That's even funnier.
Has anyone looked at her web page? All it has is pic. I can't wait to see (figuratively) her live and getting bombarded with questions. Talk about organizational challenge. I also can't imagine people wanting to assist her without getting paid, and I'm sure she wont do that. Of course, I could be wrong. After all, I never thought people would be as stupid as to believe her lies.
I'm sure this has already been covered, but her excuse about buying the car six mo. ago would mean she spent the gymnastic lesson money on her. So her wanting the best for her kids doesn't hold water.
Crying poverty and still getting her hair colored at one of the most expensive places in NYC.
I'm coloring @Kateplusmy8 's hair & @ladygaga #paparazzi comes on, Kate says "should I get up and dance?" #DWTS flashback! #hilarious
You guys, this was retweeted by Kate. This tweet was from a fan to Kate.
Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
RT @sc_sun @Kateplusmy8 spent busstopmoments convincingmy10yrold daughterthatTLC doesn't hateher&didn't takeherk+8 awayjust 2spite her LOL!
3 hours agovia TwitterrificFavoriteRetweetReply
No Regrets said...
The remark that Kate made about not wanting to be in show business when one is 'as OLD as Barbra Walters or Larry King", probably didn't go over too well with Barbara, I would imagine.
Kate said that? Ignorant. In this month, my Glamour has an interview with Jennifer Aniston. Here is what she says about her career:
She is asked what makes her "little kid" giddy & she says:
"Putting my feet & handprints in cement in front of Grauman's Chinese Theatre. That got me giddy! It was a milestone in my career, which was surreal because I still think I'm at the beginning of it. I remember when they told me about the honor, I thought, Really? I mean, I just did "Ferris Bueller (the TV show). I just did "Leprechaun"! I don't understand! I thought I just had a year of failures. (laughs) I've never lost that feeling of "Oh God, I hope I get this job!" I don't want to get too used to any of this because then entitlement sets in, & that's the kiss of death."
Wise words from a superstar. Someone who has been in the acting business for a long long time. Aniston has made millions & STILL does not feel entitled. Take a cue there Kate. Jennifer Aniston seems very grounded. And she has her handprints/footprints at Grauman's; something Kate will NEVER have.
~Hippie Chick~
Jane said...
Crying poverty and still getting her hair colored at one of the most expensive places in NYC.
I'm coloring @Kateplusmy8 's hair & @ladygaga #paparazzi comes on, Kate says "should I get up and dance?" #DWTS flashback! #hilarious
September 14, 2011 11:36 AM"
WOW someone here figured that out with her coloring and trim, I think it was about 1K for all that. SO POOR, POOR KATE. hahah
Jane said...
Crying poverty and still getting her hair colored at one of the most expensive places in NYC.
I'm coloring @Kateplusmy8 's hair & @ladygaga #paparazzi comes on, Kate says "should I get up and dance?" #DWTS flashback! #hilarious
Where is this tweet? It says
Jane said...
Crying poverty and still getting her hair colored at one of the most expensive places in NYC.
I'm coloring @Kateplusmy8 's hair & @ladygaga #paparazzi comes on, Kate says "should I get up and dance?" #DWTS flashback! #hilarious
Where is this tweet? It says flashback
This isn't recent is it?
Dwindle said...
Wait for me, I'm coming. Just want to get my good bra on...
Bwahahaha! Good one Dwindle!
Jenna Does said...
No Regrets said...
The remark that Kate made about not wanting to be in show business when one is 'as OLD as Barbra Walters or Larry King", probably didn't go over too well with Barbara, I would imagine.
Kate said that?"
She sure did, I cannot remember which show she was on when she said it. I THINK it was when she was on the Talk, not sure. I am quite sure this did NOT go over well with Barbra. What an insult. But Kate is a walking insult, in HEELS.
Say what? said...
Jane said...
Crying poverty and still getting her hair colored at one of the most expensive places in NYC.
I'm coloring @Kateplusmy8 's hair & @ladygaga #paparazzi comes on, Kate says "should I get up and dance?" #DWTS flashback! #hilarious
Where is this tweet? It says flashback
This isn't recent is it?"
He means DWTS, Kate dancing to Lady Gaga's paparazzi was a 'flashback'
Layla said... Kate, "Economic pollicy? Well, honestly it's terrible because I had to buy the kids new shoes and all Jon's child support would pay for was the laces".
Haha, love it Layla. But remember, the kids aren't allowed tie shoes. ;)
With Layla and Hey Jude here, we just need a Rolling Stones , Elton John, and Elvis handle!
Say what? said...
Jane said...
Crying poverty and still getting her hair colored at one of the most expensive places in NYC.
I'm coloring @Kateplusmy8 's hair & @ladygaga #paparazzi comes on, Kate says "should I get up and dance?" #DWTS flashback! #hilarious
Where is this tweet? It says flashback
This isn't recent is it?
It was tweeted within the last hour by her colorist at Ted Gibson Salon in NYC. It's possible it refers to a visit on another day, or she may be there now.
Has this been posted? Sorry if so ... but the first paragraph ... all of two sentences! ... was the best!
@CJWhodunit @TrippenIn @Kateplusmy8 I wonder why he doesn't get them on Wednesday evenings 4 dinner like most custody arrangements?
1 minute agoFavoriteRetweetReply
Like MOST custody arrangements? Most? I swear these fans will say anything.
I wonder if Kate would jump at the chance for the show Supernanny. I think that is one I would definitely watch.
I am quite sure this did NOT go over well with Barbra. What an insult. But Kate is a walking insult, in HEELS.
And then she has to explain what she "really meant" afterward. Too late... the cat's outta the bag. The horse has left the barn and every other cliche out there. She IS insulting to others, that's the only explanation there is. Geez Kate, talk about biting the hand that feeds you, looking a gift horse in the mouth....
Speaking of local channels...I was in the local craft store once & the VERY local news guys came in. I was the only customer in the store & the owner, who I know because I'm in there all the time asked if I wouldn't mind being in their promo commercial. I was so happy to do it!
They run it all the time. There's me, asking questions about stamps (which I know the answer to, I'm an avid stamper), how to use a couple of machines & about paper & stuff. So much fun! Glad I did my makeup that day & dressed nicely! I'm STILL waiting for my compensation though...
~Hippie Chick~
"I hope everybody could get rich and famous and will have everything they ever dreamed of, so they will know that it's not the answer." ~ Jim Carrey
Looks like one of her beloved fans made up a fake Twitter for Jon, complete with insults about the kids.
No Regrets said...
She sure did, I cannot remember which show she was on when she said it. I THINK it was when she was on the Talk, not sure. I am quite sure this did NOT go over well with Barbra. What an insult. But Kate is a walking insult, in HEELS.
She should really learn to walk in heels. I've said it before & I'll say it again, she looks like a baby horse learning to walk for the first time. Or she has something stuck up her bum. I rarely wear heels-hippie here!- & even I can do it! Kate should practice more. She has time now!
~Hippie Chick~
Auntie Ann said..It kind of irks me that with the exception of Whoopie the women on the View are saying this now, after the fact. What, they didn't see what she was like before? I thought they liked to call themselves intelligent and informed. They had her on enough times and did enough research to know she was a grifter who was exploiting her kids.
I totally agree. The "ladies" of the View are just out to make money, and their treatment of Kate shows this almost more than anything else. Pathetic examples of journalists and women.
I also can't imagine people wanting to assist her without getting paid, and I'm sure she wont do that. Of course, I could be wrong.
Sheeple have already offered to help with her website. Sigh.
WHY IN THE HELL is it ok for Kate and her fans to bash and trash the father of her kids all over twitter?
Jon isn't even a public figure. He's the father of her kids. She hates him MORE than she loves her kids and her fans just love it love it, eating it up.
It's disgusting. Not reading that crap anymore. Those are some sad, sick, and sorry people and Kate is their sad, sick and sorry queen.
I took the colorist's tweet to mean he is coloring Kate's hair right now, the song came on, and they had a little flashback together. If that's true, she's just sinking her own ship yet again, crying poor while going to NYC to get her fugly hair done at an extremely exclusive salon. People are on to her; she'll be lucky to get a job of any kind with the way the public is so against her now, in the midst of all this nonsense that just never ends!
Tamara said... Layla said... Kate, "Economic pollicy? Well, honestly it's terrible because I had to buy the kids new shoes and all Jon's child support would pay for was the laces".
Haha, love it Layla. But remember, the kids aren't allowed tie shoes. ;)
Oh, you got me, Tamara! "No tie shoes in my house!!" How could I forget? Maybe his child support could only cover the velcro? EIther way, no matter what she were asked, she would turn it into an insult for Jon!
PS, not to Jon--she and her flock (Baaaa) may harp on you a lot, but to me there is nothing sexier than a daddy who loves his kids! I have one at my house, and I made sure to remind him every day that he is still a hottie to me.
PJ's Momma, that's how I took it, she's there now, getting her hair done. She probably stayed in NY Monday night and Tuesday night and hasn't been home yet.
No help, my ass.
Worried about money, my ass.
Oh my - good laughs over at Zig's site. They really are delusional. They believe Kate pays for all the kids expenses and Jon only pays for lunches. Guess no one looked at the PA formula for figuring out child support. It is based on both parent's income. If Kate (the kids actually) were earning tons more money than her contribution would obviously be much larger. If the TLC payments went directly to the kids, like it should have, she would have collected more support.
More of the usual Kate opens mouth, inserts foot with her comments and bashing the father of her children. It's okay, the kids know the real truth and I can't wait for the tell all books in a few years.
Hmmm. You don't suppose the hair stylist is joining in the chorus do ya? hehe. There's gotta be a looong list of people just waiting to tell their Kate stories. This is going to get so interesting.
Oops, I meant to say NOTE to Jon, not "not" to Jon. And to think I was an English major in college....sign
How much more horrible can Kate get. She posts: Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
RT @sc_sun @Kateplusmy8 spent busstopmoments convincingmy10yrold daughterthatTLC doesn't hateher&didn't takeherk+8 awayjust 2spite her LOL!
Who the heck would ever put that kind of nonsense into Mady's head that she was the cause of the cancellation. That poor girl need to go life with Jon and get some intense therapy. That is beyond mean and to top if off Kate tweets about it. The kids can't even have a private thought. I sure hope Jon is gathering all this evidence that she is not a fit mother.
Kate's Cart, that was a retweet from someome else.
I think it's weird and gross that she re-tweeted it, but she didn't write it.
Dallas Lady said...
WHY IN THE HELL is it ok for Kate and her fans to bash and trash the father of her kids all over twitter?
Jon isn't even a public figure. He's the father of her kids. She hates him MORE than she loves her kids and her fans just love it love it, eating it up.
It's disgusting. Not reading that crap anymore. Those are some sad, sick, and sorry people and Kate is their sad, sick and sorry queen.
WHY IN THE HELL is it okay for Jon and his fans to bash Kate? She is the mother of his children, and yet you have no problem trashing her. In fact, you did so in the very post where you're complaining about the children's father being trashed. The hypocrisy is mind boggling.
She has been called a c*nt more than once on this blog, as well as an ugly f*cking bitch, etc., etc. There are eight children involved here who will be able to read all these lovely thoughts one day from people on both sides of the fence, most likely sooner rather than later. Your righteous indignation is remarkably one-sided. Both parents need to learn to STFU and you are in no position to complain about fans bashing Jon when you engage in the identical behavior.
Kate Gosselin Cited Twice Since July
Updated: Wednesday, 14 Sep 2011, 3:37 PM EDT
Published : Wednesday, 14 Sep 2011, 3:29 PM EDT
Fox 29 has learned that Reading, Pa.-area reality TV mom Kate Gosselin has been cited twice since July for traffic offenses, including an incident where she was driving 88 miles per hour.
Slideshows: Two Years Of Kate’s Changing Looks | Gosselins Vs. The Duggars | Field Guide To The Gosselins | Images Of The Gosselin Estate | Gosselin Top 10 Freebies
Traffic court dockets show Gosselin, cited under her legal name Katie I. Gosselin, was pulled over by Pennsylvania state police on Sept. 11, 2011 in South Londonderry Township in Lebanon County.
She was charged under a statute regulating roadways. That case is still pending and Gosselin received a traffic citation.
On August 9th, Katie I. Gosselin was pulled over by state police in Brecknock Township in Lancaster County. She was charged with driving 88 miles per hour in a 65 mile per hour zone.
That case was settled with a guilty plea in court and Gosselin was not present at the hearing. She paid fines of about $164.00.
There were no details on passengers in Gosselin's vehicle in the two recent incidents.
Gosselin has two other traffic citations since 2009.
On Feb. 26, 2010, Katie I. Gosselin was pulled over by state police based in Gettysburg after she was speeding at 73 miles per hour in a 55-mph zone.
That case was also settled with a fine of about $155.
On Oct. 30, 2009, Katie I. Gosselin was cited for an incident related to obedience to traffic control devices in Adams County. She pled guilty and paid another fine.
The last two incidents were documented on Web sites like TMZ.
In the 2009 incident, TMZ said Gosselin was reportedly doing 70 miles per hour in a 55 miles per hour zone. TMZ said her eight children were in the SUV at the time.
Under Pennsylvania’s points system for traffic violations, speeding tickets can give a violator between 2 and 5 points for each offense.
After a driver compiles 6 points, the state requires testing and other remedial measures.
Drivers can lower their point total by 2 points by passing a test, and another 2 points for each year they go without a violation.
Gosselin should be under the 6-point threshold.
Gosselin's show was recently cancelled by TLC.
The point, Glass houses, is that Jon isn't attempting to be in the public eye every second of every single fucking day.
Jon isn't attempting to continue to pimp out the childhoods of his children, every single fucking day.
Jon isn't continually trashing the mother of his children, IN PUBLIC, every single fucking day.
Of course you don't see the difference. Kate is untouchable. Kate is faultless. Kate is absolutely fucking perfect, that's why she can't even get a mediocre job.
People In Glass Houses, please read slowly:
KATE IS A PUBLIC FIGURE, and she WANTS TO REMAIN ONE. Therefore she is open to public criticism.
Jon, however, is a private figure. AND HE DOESN'T TRASH THE MOTHER OF HIS CHILDREN.
There's your big difference, RIGHT THERE. I have zero respect for Kate for continuing to exploit the kids AND bashing their father publicly!!!
on, however, is a private figure. AND HE DOESN'T TRASH THE MOTHER OF HIS CHILDREN.
There's your big difference, RIGHT THERE. I have zero respect for Kate for continuing to exploit the kids AND bashing their father publicly!!!
BS. Private figures don't give interviews to tabloids. Don't want to be in the public eye? Don't talk to the media. It's pretty simple. And he most certainly has trashed Kate. They both need to learn to say "no comment" and not utter a word about the other publicly.
The hair stylests tweet was within the last hour and not a retweet or a tweet flashback. This means poor Kate dropped her kids off at the school bus this morning and made her way to New York for another "Me session" with an expensive salon.
She keeps digging that hole deeper each day. What will all her mediocre fans think now when many of them can only afford Hair Cuttery? She needs a filter.
Pissy Mommy said...
Beth, at least once weekly I pee my pants as my key is in the front door. I'm not quite 50.
I would say that it's nice to not be the only one but I wouldn't wish it upon anyone. I thought that I was getting old when I had to start wearing bifocals. Now that I need a diaper occasionally, I feel ancient! Lol. I saw where Mama Kardashian is having the same problems and the doctor told her to do Kegel exercises. I wonder if it really helps.
Anyhoo, about Kate. I have been able to get a few zingers to her on Twitter and she hasn't blocked me yet. Lol. I told her that I hoped she never needed a "mediocre" nurse to save her pathetic life. We always knew that she thought she was better than everyone else but I am still shocked that she would just outright say it. She effectively killed what was left of her "career."
Butting in here: Jon does not trash Kate. His twitter page is sweet and charming, and his video was about his children never being on TV again. He wished Kate well, in whatever career she chooses, without the kids. The difference between the two is astounding. I don't know how he does it, but he is happy and not at all bitter.
Kate, on the other hand, trashes, thrashes, lies, slanders, libels...constantly. She deserves our derision, and she receives it. She is VILE.
Took a brief look at the new webiste. Under "Health and Beauty" there is a picture of the "canned tomatoes". What has that to do with
"Health and Beauty"? Also, under "Words from Fans" there is a picture of her with a fan from the screening of the "Giving Back" episode. That fan tweeted that he was surprised yet happy that she posted that picture. Shouldn't she have gotten his permission before posting it? The website is really lame. How long will it be before it's updated?
Jon does NOT trash Kate.
He is NOT pursuing a life in the public eye.
She constantly bashes his job, his child support payments, who he is as a person, who he is as a dad, and it is ALL unwarranted and DISGUSTING.
Not only that, she encourages her followers to do the same, re-tweeting them and agreeing with them, etc..
GROSS. She hurts her kids with this behavior. She clearly doesn't care about them or she'd have more consideration for their feelings.
So yeah, go try to sell that stuff somewhere else, I'm not buying it.
Fox 29 has learned that Reading, Pa.-area reality TV mom Kate Gosselin has been cited twice since July for traffic offenses, including an incident where she was driving 88 miles per hour.
Another one? This woman not only has lead in her butt, but in her foot as well. It's a wonder she makes it through airport security without having to be strip-searched.
Wow, 88???
Nice that she's endangering others.
Oh, my goodness, KATE DID NOT TWEET THIS
The "RT" means that Kate "retweeted" it, ie: she thought it was funny and sent it out again herself.
RT @sc_sun @Kateplusmy8 spent busstopmoments convincingmy10yrold daughterthatTLC doesn't hateher&didn't takeherk+8 awayjust 2spite her LOL!
Say what? said...
Jane said...
Crying poverty and still getting her hair colored at one of the most expensive places in NYC.
I'm coloring @Kateplusmy8 's hair & ladygaga #paparazzi comes on, Kate says "should I get up and dance?" #DWTS flashback! #hilarious
Where is this tweet? It says flashback
This isn't recent is it?
Where is it? It's on
Is it recent? It was tweeted 2 hours ago.
Jason Backe
I'm coloring @Kateplusmy8 's hair & @ladygaga #paparazzi comes on, Kate says "should I get up and dance?" #DWTS flashback! #hilarious
2 hours ago via
What is the 'flashback'? I believe he was talking about hearing Lady Gaga's song Paparazzi come on the radio and Kate asked if she should get up and dance, bringing up memories for him of when Kate was on DWTS.
People In Glass Houses said...
WHY IN THE HELL is it okay for Jon and his fans to bash Kate? She is the mother of his children, and yet you have no problem trashing her. In fact, you did so in the very post where you're complaining about the children's father being trashed. The hypocrisy is mind boggling.
She has been called a c*nt more than once on this blog, as well as an ugly f*cking bitch, etc., etc. There are eight children involved here who will be able to read all these lovely thoughts one day from people on both sides of the fence, most likely sooner rather than later. Your righteous indignation is remarkably one-sided. Both parents need to learn to STFU and you are in no position to complain about fans bashing Jon when you engage in the identical behavior.
Where has Jon bashed Kate as of late? Please cite your references. Kate is always lying and criticizing Jon and if you don't like what you read here what are you doing here? People on this blog have been critical of Jon and Kate. I stand on the statement those who can excuse the rude behaviour from Kate and can't see past hating Jon are the ones with issues. No one will ever say Jon is perfect but you sheeple can't seem to get past the way he was 2 years ago. He has the right to defend himself against Kate and her fellow liars.
Traffic court dockets show Gosselin, cited under her legal name Katie I. Gosselin, was pulled over by Pennsylvania state police on Sept. 11, 2011 in South Londonderry Township in Lebanon County.
In the Audi?
Correct me if I am wrong- I thought driving 17 mph over the speed limit was reckless driving?
I cant stand speeding- I drive pretty slow- the speed limit- because I was in a serious car accident, a roll over and I ended sending 1 of my passengers to the hospital. I was doing 76 when the accident started. Never again.
Anyway- I would LMAO if she got community service. Imagine her in an orange vest, picking up trash off the side of the highway :D
RE: Jon's support payments.
Jon sends money regularly. Kate receives it. Kate says Jon doesn't contribute to much of the
kids' expenses. So, where does Jon's money go?
Does it buy Audi TT sports cars?
@butterfly nah, that wouldn't be considered reckless driving. doesn't show wanton and willful disregard for life or property. It's just exceeding the posted speed limit by 17mph. I think most of us do that everyday. She's just unfortunate to get caught all the time.
Kelly: perhaps, Kate is still in NYC, and we all know how she lies. Made up the kid story, so people will feel sorry for their show canceled. Cause if indeed Kate when to have her hair done, she just came back from NYC, why make a double trip?
Oh, don't forget, Kate is/was to be on Dr Oz, at some point, Remember her last media thing(before this one), she mentioned it.
And probably the real reason the rating went up, cause, everyone wanted to 1. hear what kind of lies she was going to say, 2, the hired help had to say, 3, see the Jon & Kate plus 8 review(which is what that episode should have been called). Which also says something about K8 vs JK8, YOUR SHOW K8 KATE WAS A BOMB! People wanted to see Jon on there, and that is what I really think why people watched, and TLC made Kate look really bad. Everything and time Kate has/had bashed Jon in the media, that last episode, made her look like the biggest liar about Jon. Especially in the I do/did it all by myself department. I never had bashed Jon on TV. Take a good look people.
And getting a ticket on sunday, gee, that sport car is really saving her money. rrrrmm rrrrmmm 88 miles and down that country highway, where the speed limit is 55, if I get stopped, "DO you know who I am Officer, I'm the great late reality star Kate Gosselin, single mother of 8 count them 8 kids, and I have more money than God! How dare you stop me! You mediocre working person!" LOLOLOL
AuntieAnn said...
Traffic court dockets show Gosselin, cited under her legal name Katie I. Gosselin, was pulled over by Pennsylvania state police on Sept. 11, 2011 in South Londonderry Township in Lebanon County.
No doubt by one of our pesky little mediocre township cops, means nothing...she's way above the law.
She'll do it again and again and again...
Ops, my bad on the above tweet post. Kate really should watch what she retweets. Hope the originally lady isn't embarrassed more now because of it.
This is NOT the first time we have heard or have proof that Kate is a fast and reckless driver. Al Walentis and Polly have been saying it for years and they said she is known to drive at night with no headlights just to lose the paparazzi (but thankfully this is no longer the case since the paps have not been around for months)
Kelly said - The hair stylests tweet was within the last hour and not a retweet or a tweet flashback. This means poor Kate dropped her kids off at the school bus this morning and made her way to New York for another "Me session" with an expensive salon.
Not necessarily. It's more likely she stayed in NYC. Why would she go there on Monday, come home, only to leave for NYC last night or early this morning for a hair appointment?
Kate just doesn't think before she speaks. Simple as that. If she did she wouldn't have hung herself on the mediocre comment. I sure hope Kate doesn't need a mediocre nurse is right, being a nurse is a regular job. If she ever needed medical attention I would hope would be would be willing take whatever help she could get right then.
You know, actually have to fill out forms, sit in a waiting room like everyone else, be admitted, allow a mediocre nurse to prep or let alone touch her. Or wait...she's a nurse, why not just let her insert that I-V herself?
People do come into the hospital who are not to pleasant and sometimes it's a thankless job and I see Kate as being one of them possibly.
And I sure as hell hope the kids weren't in the car with her at 88mph, doesn't sound like it but still it's reckless to not only her but to others. But what I see from Kate is it's all about her and she doesn't care who else she hurts. What's next texting while driving? That really sets me off, naturally. God forbid she was ever in an accident from her driving and since she has "no help" yeah right, who would take care of her 8 count them 8 kids?
Her line of, "Bottom line, you have to be responsible for you actions," why don't you take a look at that and I don't know put it to good use towards yourself Kate, or are you exempt from that? Please, she's a disgrace to nurses and former nurses at any level.
@phoenix rising didn't she tweet this morning that she saw her kids off at the bus and had to convince her 10 year old that tlc didn't hate her or did I misread the tweet?
Tuesday she tweeted she's home with her lovely's
Oh, my goodness, KATE DID NOT TWEET THIS
The "RT" means that Kate "retweeted" it, ie: she thought it was funny and sent it out again herself.
RT @sc_sun @Kateplusmy8 spent busstopmoments convincingmy10yrold daughterthatTLC doesn't hateher&didn't takeherk+8 awayjust 2spite her LOL!
September 14, 2011 1:44 PM
If Kate were cited for Reckless driving it would be thrown out of court in a heartbeat. The police officer would have to have more burden of proof to substantiate the charge of reckless driving other than just exceeding the speed limit. If she were changing lanes erratically or running cars off the road while exceeding the speed limit, he could use that in his testimony for the charge of reckless driving. Here in Maryland, you need more burden of proof for that charge and need to prove wanton and willful disregard for life and property. I'd be willing to bet that he downgraded the speed which is pretty customary so as not to put her over the threshold of 20mph over the limit which results in a higher fine and even more points and quite possibly a "Must appear" for court rather than her choice to either pay the fine or stand trial.
Kelly said...
@phoenix rising didn't she tweet this morning that she saw her kids off at the bus and had to convince her 10 year old that tlc didn't hate her or did I misread the tweet?
You misread the tweet! It was a RT!
Can someone answer this for me please. I've never been married so I have no clue how stuff would be divided in a divorce. Concerning the house, wouldn't Kate have to either sell the house and split the money? Or, if she keeps it, doesn't she have to buy Jon's half. The same question about the cars.
Yesterday on THE VIEW in the beginning announcement re hot topics they mentioned Kate Gosselin was freaking out but they did not bring up the subject during the show. Then today on THE VIEW the ladies discussed reality TV and Russell Armstrong's suicide and then they got around to mentioning Kate Gosselin.
Note: Sherri is talking directly to Kate; I have done the best I can transcribing when they all talk at the same time.
Whoopi: Speaking of someone else involved in a reality show, Kate Gosselin is terrified about what she is going to do now since her show Kate Plus 8 got canceled. Now after taking heat for saying ex husband Jon is just a mediocre provider as a construction worker, she clarified that the best thing for the family would be to continue working on TV.
Sherri: You know this is really interesting ... she said it was mediocre that her ex husband Jon Gosselin was working in construction because he could not provide the best opportunities for the kids because it was not a career for him, unlike her being on TV was her career and she could provide the best opportunities. I always have been supportive of Kate Gosselin because she has the 8 kids to feed ... I take exception with you to say that your husband that what he is doing to provide for kids - because what they need is food, shelter and clothes - all the other stuff Kate is perks. There are a lot of other women who would love their baby's daddy to be working
Joy: But being on a television show provides a lot more money than doing construction.
Sherri: But be honest Kate, you like the perks.
Barbara: She has made a lot of money and it has been great for the kids. May I point out that maybe this is something that you think about *before* you have the 8 children. [applause] Then Barbara reads Kate's statement: "My kids have benefited so greatly" "Yes" confirms Barbara. "I shudder to think what our lives would be scrapping to get by, struggling to exist and having that guilt of eight kids that I can't afford and can't provide for."
Joy: Maybe Angelina will adopt them ;)
Sherri: There is still she can still do ...
Barbara: She wants another television show.
Sherri: She could do Celebrity Rehab ...
Elizabeth: She wants something pretty soon ...
Barbara: What do you think? When we talk about the Octomom, what do you think when you have children? Whether it is one child or eight children, there is a responsibility to provide other than I hope I am going to get a TV show.
Sherri: I don't think she didn't think she could not provide for her kids.
Joy: She could be a dance coach ...
Sherri: No [Joy] she knows she can't, she did DWTS ... but you [Kate] could do Celebrity Apprentice, you can do Bachelor or Bachelorette ...
Elizabeth: ...I think one relatable thing that came out of Kate Gosselin exactly ... is that she did say to her kids something like please pray or hope that mommy can get a job so that you can stay in your same school ...
Sherri: Oh my goodness ...
Whoopi: Putting a little pressure on the kids?
Elizabeth: It is a hard thing ... sometimes you involve your kids in your troubles and bring them in but I think for the most part ... it's hard because you do want to protect them and if she is worrying them about not going to the same school ...
[Everyone now talking at same time.]
Barbara: Responsibility before you bring children into the world ...
Joy: Fame is fleeting ... does the name Heidi Montag ring a bell? We haven't seen that girl ... 48 surgeries she has disappeared
Sherri: Fame is fleeting for these reality people ... you better have something to sustain yourself
Whoopi: Do you know what else is fleeting? Time is fleeting and so we have to flee and we will be right back (end)
Friend In Pennsylvania said...
No doubt by one of our pesky little mediocre township cops, means nothing...she's way above the law.
She'll do it again and again and again...
I wonder if she'll have any "driving tips" for young tweeple on her website.
Phoenix Rising, Kate tweeted yesterday (Tuesday) that she was 'home with her lovelies'. Today, (Wednesday) her expensive hair don't guy tweeted he was coloring her hair. The bus stop retweet is not the question. The fact that she was in NYC Monday, said she was home Tuesday, and her hair don't guy said he was coloring her hair on Wednesday. Unless she paid for him to come to PA? Either way, she looks like a damn fool crying poor on Monday-the day after ANOTHER traffic fine-and spending beau coup bucks on her hot mess head two days later.
I can totally see Kate doing a dating show with Donald Trump and Omarosa. Maybe that's the whole "wink, wink" thing. Ugh, Kate, Trump, and Omarosa. A roundup of the 3 most vulgar people on the planet, all working together. She can to the whole Queen B**ch" act for ratings, and further demonstrate what total white trash she is. Good luck getting any respectable job after that, Kate. And this won't be a long-term source of income, so we'll have to hear her make the same, tired, old "poor me with eight kids" speech all over again. Trash stinks, Kate.
Kelly said...
@butterfly nah, that wouldn't be considered reckless driving. doesn't show wanton and willful disregard for life or property. It's just exceeding the posted speed limit by 17mph. I think most of us do that everyday. She's just unfortunate to get caught all the time.
Thanks. I just found a website that breaks it down by state- I should have known each state has different laws. Unfortunately for PAians that share the road w/Kate, yep, not reckless.
"Tuesday she tweeted she's home with her lovely's"
And we believe everything she says, does and tweets? :-)
@no mo worryin bout me, All I can tell you is, I've been through divorce and she got the ring, I got the finger. Hope that helps.
Maybe Kate can have a new reality show that follows her going to TRAFFIC SCHOOL and learning how to drive properly.
Honestly ( ha...where have I heard that ?), she truly believes she's THAT entitled that the laws of the road don't pertain to her. She's a celebrity stressed mom of 8, so the laws do not apply. Maybe they do to mediocre folks, but not her.
I wonder of those latest tickets were in the sportscar?
Thanks you, Mickey for posting a transcript of what The View ladies said about Kate this morning.
Hallelujah! Took them long enough.
Oh well, I guess Kate can add the ladies of The View to her list of people that left her.
It's certainly sad to see her all alone in her aloneness...
As I read all these comments, relishing some, laughing at others and occasionally shaking my head...I realize I am in fact helping to keep Kate relevant.
I read earlier a comment that said something like hate can still make for a "media" career (and really, it's articles in People and on Radar along with the appearances on the talk show circuit that were more what Kate's "job" really was)it's indifference that's the killer.
The fact is, my distaste for Kate is palpable and it makes my stomach turn but it's not going to go away unless I stop reading about her.
I'm sincerely and truly concerned about the eight Gosselin kids. Having almost every moment of their lives filmed just to line their mother's pockets (not too mention feed her enormous ego) most definitely will affect their futures. To what degree remains to be seen. It's an honest to goodness modern day tragedy. Shakespeare couldn't have done better.
What's worse is that despite the end of the show, it's still publicly being played out on the web. And now, instead of just weekly episodes in which we get to see Kate in all her narcissistic glory, we get to see it DAILY, one tweet at a time.
At this point, now that the show is officially done, which was the whole point to voicing my concerns in the first place, the best thing for me to do is to practice indifference and just walk away.
I commend Admin for the diligence in exposing this farce and for creating and maintaining a place where concerned citizens could gather and share their thoughts and opinions.
Well done.
Cheers to everyone who publicly voiced their concerns about these children, and for all kids participating in reality tv programming.
The realest reality show is over, maybe now these kids will get a shot at knowing what a real "mediocre" life is actually like.
Sorry if this has already been posted. I'm way behind on my reading...
One of the best articles I've read.
I think she stayed in NY.
But even if she was home Tuesday, then back in NY getting her hair done today, how can she do that when she's "freaking out" over her financial situation?
Either way, her words don't match her actions, as usual!
Kate, if you're so worried about money, I have a suggestion: stop hanging out in New York and paying too much for your crappy overprocessed overdyed hair. (It looks REALLY unhealthy--seriously, leave it alone.)
anger issues kate said...
Oh, don't forget, Kate is/was to be on Dr Oz, at some point,
Now why in the world is she going to be on Oz?
To yap about her gigantic uterus? Bipolar disorder? PMDD? Dangers of tanning beds? Is he going to x-ray her boobs to see if there are any implants? Tummy tucks and lipo?
Dang...she really could fill up an hour show of his.
You have GOT TO BE KIDDING! Another traffic ticket?
Magisterial District Judge 52-3-05
Docket Number: MJ-52305-TR-0003514-2011
Traffic Docket
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Katie I Gosselin
Page 1 of 1
Judge Assigned: Magisterial District Judge Hazel V. Issue Date:
Citation #: T 0856060-2 Disposition:
Arresting Agency: Bowmansville PSP Turnpike Arrest Date:
OTN: File Date: 09/12/2011
Township: South Londonderry Township Case Status: Active
Lebanon Disposition Date:
Case Status Status Date Processing Status
Active 09/12/2011 Awaiting Plea
Name: Gosselin, Katie I Sex: Female
Date of Birth: 03/28/1975 Race: Unknown/Unreported
Sinking Spg, PA 19608
Advised of His Right to Apply for Assignment of Counsel?
Public Defender Requested by the Defendant?
Application Provided for Appointment of Public Defender?
Has the Defendant Been Fingerprinted?
Participant Type Participant Name
Arresting Officer Fields, Glenn L
Defendant Gosselin, Katie I
# Charge Grade Description Offense Dt. Disposition
Filed Date Entry Filer Applies To
09/12/2011 Traffic Citation Filed Magisterial District Court 52-3-05
***P.S. Thanks to tam for posting this at Preesi's forum***
In the 2009 incident, TMZ said Gosselin was reportedly doing 70 miles per hour in a 55 miles per hour zone. TMZ said her eight children were in the SUV at the time.
This is appalling. Couldn't skate or ski for fear of injury (to herself) but endangers her children in 2 tons of moving metal.
It's just exceeding the posted speed limit by 17mph. I think most of us do that everyday. She's just unfortunate to get caught all the time
Not ALL of us. And her misfortune at being csught may save someon'e life.
Wise words from a superstar. Someone who has been in the acting business for a long long time. Aniston has made millions & STILL does not feel entitled. Take a cue there Kate. Jennifer Aniston seems very grounded. And she has her handprints/footprints at Grauman's; something Kate will NEVER have.
Kate would never do that because she wouldn't want to her hands dirty.
Kate CLAIMS she doesn't say a word against Jon to the kids. What a liar. If she gets on national TV with all her digs to Jon, you know doggone well that cow is talking against Jon BIG TIME to the kids. Remember that one episode that Jon was upset with one of the tups, trying to discipline him and Kate intervened and told ALL the kids "don't listen to your father" My mouth dropped open on that one. Even Jen Stock the producer asked her in the couch interview if that was the right thing to do. Of course, Kate said they were both soooooooo busy they had to say things right then or they would forget. Of course what she said to the kids was OK. It was horrible The WORST thing a parent can do.
Wasn't there an episode where she told one of the kids, "Daddy's being mean"?
Wasn't there an episode where she told one of the kids, "Daddy's being mean"?
Yes, and I think she also said, "He doesn't care about your safety." I'm not sure if that was the same episode or a different one.
Kelly said...
@butterfly nah, that wouldn't be considered reckless driving. doesn't show wanton and willful disregard for life or property. It's just exceeding the posted speed limit by 17mph. I think most of us do that everyday. She's just unfortunate to get caught all the time.
Is it just me? I find the above to be an odd statement coming from a former police officer.
The sheeple mind is hard at work. The mediocre comment was directed at JON per them. Everyone who thinks she was talking at them is not understanding what she meant (sheeple words again).
Kelly said,
It's just exceeding the posted speed limit by 17mph. I think most of us do that everyday. She's just unfortunate to get caught all the time
Nope. I don't. Not here. PA has a reputation for cracking down on speeders, as Kate found out! Law enforcement hides behind every bush, every bridge underpass and change their locations every day so you never know where they will be lurking! someone enjoying their "new" Audi a little too much?!
Guess she doesn't get any free passes from the police officers just doing their "mediocre" job.
@is it just me, What's so odd about that statement coming from a former police officer? Would you prefer that I be pompous and pile on Kate because she got a speeding ticket? Who among us follows the speed limit? We all go over the speed limit. Many of the speed limits are engineered for revenue purposes. Many of the roads are engineered for higher speeds but the limits are ridiculously low. From a human being first and then a former police officer, there are many laws out there I don't agree with, namely speed cameras, red light cameras, helmut laws, nanny state laws and some of the ridiculous speed limits on highways that were engineered for speeds in excess of the limits that are imposed on them.
She got caught doing something that the majority of us do each day. Big deal.
I don't go over the speed limit and I've certainly never gone 17 over. So I'm the granny people pass but I've lost two friends to car accidents. Plus you save on gas and you never get tickets so jokes on all the lead foots. You don't speak for everyone. I actually see people going the speed limit all the time, or under! Perhaps speeding is more common on long country roads. Not so much here.
Ahhh, to those of you who regularly drive 17 miles over the speed limit on a daily basis, from my perspective that is excessive! I can see going 5 to 10 miles over the limit on some roads, but certainly not 17.
I do live in California and our max speed limits are lower than some other states (especially Colorado). But please -- 17 miles is not driving responsibly.
Kate is lucky she didn't hit someone. If she had hit someone going 17 miles over the speed limit she would have had her "pants" sued off her a-----!
And oh by the way, 3 tickets and my AAA coverage cancels me! SLOW DOWN!
Kelly said...
She got caught doing something that the majority of us do each day. Big deal.
I often agree with your comments, Kelly, but not this time. It is a big deal that she's speeding, and not just once. She's been caught several times -- how many times did she speed and not get caught? How many times were the kids in the car/van? How many people's lives did she put in danger.
As you and I and other jellus haters know, Kate has no regard for the law, evidenced by not only her speeding, but by parking in fire zones and (I'm sure) in handicapped spots, too.
I guess I'd hope that a former police officer would have more regard for this and be appalled by her obvious thumbing her nose at you and your fellow officers.
When you travel down Route 13 in Delaware for instance, the speed limit is 55 mph and then all of a sudden it drops to 25mph through towns that have a gas station, a convenience store on the same highway and sitting at the convenience store is a cop in an unmarked Crown Victoria working for the Greenwood Police Department with a laser gun pointed your way. This is how these townships generate revenue. 1 mile of 25 mph and then it's back up to 55 mph for another 10 miles and again the same thing. It's a revenue generator and although poorly marked with little or no warning, you're all of a sudden doing 30mph over the speed limit. A total trap.
When driving down Route 81 from Central PA, through Hagerstown MD into Martinsburg WV, the speed limit is 65 in PA, 55 in MD and then 75 in WV. Engineered to generate revenue for MD. There isn't anyone among us who has never exceeded the speed limit. When you're passing someone who is driving to slowly, you accelerate to pass them and then change lanes once you're in front of them so you exceeded the speed limit. That's ridiculous to say you've never exceeded the speed limit.
@SchmeckyGirl @dowd24 @kateplusmy8 True. But I gotta say, South Londonderry township, Lebanon County is pretty rural.
Well, Big Fan is back and as ditzy as ever. Kate was arrested by the PA State Police on the PA turnpike - hardly rural! I know this area well (Bowmansville) - it passes right by the State Police building.
Either Big Fan doesn't know that her account was hijacked recently, OR she's suffering from MPD. This is clearly not the same person who tweeted a few days ago dissing Kate up, down and sideways! She's now making all kinds of excuses for Kate's fondness for speeding:
@hgraymommy @SchmeckyGirl @dowd24 @kateplusmy8 K8 has the need to speed. Didnt u see the episode where she drives around the race track?
Nope. I don't. Not here. PA has a reputation for cracking down on speeders, as Kate found out! Law enforcement hides behind every bush, every bridge underpass and change their locations every day so you never know where they will be lurking!
September 14, 2011 3:34 PM
Absolutely my friend! They are everywhere here in Northwestern Pa! Yes, you do get the people that fly down a back winding road, and they end up wrapping their car around a tree or going over a hill into a ditch.
That's ridiculous to say you've never exceeded the speed limit.
That wasn't what you originally posted. You said, "It's just exceeding the posted speed limit by 17mph. I think most of us do that everyday. She's just unfortunate to get caught all the time"
EVERDAY (sic). It's the every day part to which posters are responding, and no, most of us do not exceed the speed limit by 17 mph every day.
FYI, Cops are some of the biggest abusers of the speed limit. Why? Who's gonna stop them? Internal Affairs used to set up radar just to catch cops who were driving over the limit and not responding to a call. I wasn't a traffic cop and found this type of selective enforcement to be a waste of my time. Granted, if you were driving like an idiot or you caused an accident, you got a ticket, the victim got a witness summons and they had to show up at court to testify. I didn't witness the accident so I can't testify. I resented having to be a pawn for the auto insurance companies that relied on who got the ticket to walk away from a claim.
Kelly it may sound ridiculous to you but I don't intentionally speed. If I've gone over because I didn't realize it was an honest mistake. I havent passed anyone in years we just don't have long two way highways like other places where this would be necessary. I was a passenger in west Virginia in one of those speed traps you described and it was an honest mistake. Four tickets for Kate cannot be explained away as honest mistakes. She's going to hurt someone. Or She's going to lose her license and that will be a perfect excuse to give the kids to Jon to drive around.
OMG! I didn't know she has email on her website! She's really not a smart girl, our Katie. Wonder how many of that 140 emails are from people who can't stand her ... I say 134 of them!
That will be her excuse for making it a "members only" site. Only her sheep would pay for the pleasure of having their emails deleted immediately.
Oh my bad ... it was 140 twitter characters she was talking about not 140 emails! But still ... she's going to have a lot of hate email!
Kelly said..."She got caught doing something that the majority of us do each day. Big deal."
When *would* it be a big deal? When she takes out an entire family, including children and perhaps an infant? Or when she kills two parents, wiping out a toddler's mommy and daddy? Big deal? You bet!
@Speedy Gonzales Gosselin My statement that "It's just exceeding the speed limit by 17 mph" was not made to minimize the speed. It was an answer to someone who asked if it was Reckless driving and my reply was that it wasn't reckless driving. Reckless driving is wanton and willful disregard for life and property. Her charge was just exceeding the speed limit by 17mph. It wasn't condoning her speed. My subsequent comments were that we all exceed the speed limit. Would I drive 17mph over the speed limit in a residential neighborhood? No I wouldn't Would I exceed the posted speed limit on a highway or interstate, Yes, I do it all the time. I make sure I'm below 10mph over the posted speed and I won't be bothered 9 out of 10 times by an overzealous cop looking to meet a quota.
So I just checked my website email4the FIRST time!!! It's so fun2read more than 140 characters from u! Keep emailing: 24 minutes ago
Oh, spare us! Now, in addition to her tweeting the number of followers she has, we'll have to hear a daily reporting of e-mails from her wonderful tweeties!
Hey admistrato I guess you missed this
LoL Kate love to break the law I wonder if she driving her new audi
I don't think she's talented, but I do think she could have carved out a solid C or D-List career if she'd planned ahead, taken advice, and worked hard. Instead, she took on the appearance of a star, but none of the substance, so here she is, unemployed and unemployable.
C (Blogger sucks!)
I think that anyone who is stupid enough to email Kate at her website with anything other than platitudes is setting themselves up for an over the transom IP address and personal information that will show up on a Klover site and cause them more damage than their anti Kate email satisfied them.
Kates on a baiting mission on that email addy and anyone who falls for it, I've got a Space Shuttle I'd like to lend you.
I understand what Kelly is saying. There are some roads where it easy to speed. I don't think I've gone over the speed limit by much, but on I95 you would have to be crazy to drive 55 mph. I'm not saying do 80, but most people are at 65 at a min.
Kelly how about Leipsic Delaware. They must make a killing on out of staters. At one point you are going 50 and it drops to 25 immediately.
Summer said...
Hey admistrato I guess you missed this
Summer - please read upthread. The discussion has been about the speeding citations.
Administrator said... Kelly it may sound ridiculous to you but I don't intentionally speed. If I've gone over because I didn't realize it was an honest mistake. I havent passed anyone in years we just don't have long two way highways like other places where this would be necessary. I was a passenger in west Virginia in one of those speed traps you described and it was an honest mistake. Four tickets for Kate cannot be explained away as honest mistakes. She's going to hurt someone. Or She's going to lose her license and that will be a perfect excuse to give the kids to Jon to drive around.
September 14, 2011 4:04 PM
I'm 44 and have had one ticket in my life ( coming down a big hill and a cop right at the foot of the hill ). I think I was doing 10mph over the limit.
But Kate's had, what, at least 4 tickets that we know of in a two year period? That is excessive. I can see if it were spaced out over a decade or two. But two years?
Kelly said,
It's just exceeding the posted speed limit by 17mph. I think most of us do that everyday. She's just unfortunate to get caught all the time.
I don't think that "most of us" drive 17 MPH above the limit "everyday". 5 MPH above happens all the time, and even 10 MPH is not uncommon, but 17 is waaay beyond the norm.
Regardless, it's irresponsible behavior from a parent who has 8 kids who depend on her. Given her anger management issues, it's not exactly a great thing for everyone else on the road, either.
Out And About In Berks County PA said...
Well, Big Fan is back and as ditzy as ever. Kate was arrested by the PA State Police on the PA turnpike - hardly rural! I know this area well (Bowmansville) - it passes right by the State Police building.
Oh my! Kate was ARRESTED?!? Boy, I have got to catch up on the posts! I just got done perusing the news and didnt see it. Was it a while ago? How did the news miss that?? Never mind, I will read more of the posts and figure it out!
I wonder how soon it will be before she is arrested again, takes a swing at a cop, and they decide they better run some blood work on her. Hmmm.
@eliza, Delaware has to be one of the worst states for traffic tickets. Erratic speed limits and small town police departments laying in wait. Route 13 and 113 are the worst roads. What's worse is that when you get a ticket and go to court in Delaware, you go before a Justice of the Peace and then when you're there, the police officer gets to negotiate with you over the fine; not in a way to make it less but to make it higher. It's a system that is broken.
Kate tweeted something about fig and olive to Jason. So, I'm assuming she's still in NYC. Who the hell is watching the kids? Ashley is in college. More not a nannys?
"No I wouldn't Would I exceed the posted speed limit on a highway or interstate, Yes, I do it all the time"
Okay, so speeders don't kill people on a highway or interstate? You seem to be more concerned about being cited for speeding than possibly causing an accident because of speeding.
Mouth still going....
So, thx @JasonHueman 4 my blondeness..We won the 'most beautiful women' contest at fig/ olive tonight:)Deanna says it's bc of my blonde!Xoxo
Kate twittered (four minutes ago)
So, thx @JasonHueman 4 my blondeness..We won the 'most beautiful women' contest at fig/ olive tonight:)Deanna says it's bc of my blonde!Xoxo
She's unemployed and doesn't know how she's going to support her children, but she's in NYC having her hair done by a big bucks stylist and dining at Fig and Olive.
Wow. Just wow.
Keep sending those love offerings, sheeple. Katie's gotta get her blonde on.
What financial struggles?
Kate tweets:
So, thx @JasonHueman 4 my blondeness..We won the 'most beautiful women' contest at fig/ olive tonight:)Deanna says it's bc of my blonde!Xoxo
5 minutes ago
She's livin' it up in NYC, on a Wednesday. She couldn't wait till the weekend where Jon could have the kids? Where's mommy on a school night?
I think the point we're all trying to make is that yes sometimes little infractions occur. But normal people who are not narcissists do not make speeding a lifestyle or parking in fire zones a lifestyle or overall having disregard for the rules everyone else has to follow a lifestyle.
Four tickets in two years plus at least two times being caught in the fire zone is a LIFESTYLE of disregard for the law, and not a mistake or a rare thing. And very typical Kate.
Oh, spare us! Now, in addition to her tweeting the number of followers she has, we'll have to hear a daily reporting of e-mails from her wonderful tweeties
Um no, none of us HAVE to hear/read her daily reports. The people whom follow her, or more importantly (and still strangely imo) CHOOSE to know what is being said and exchanged.
"Oh my! Kate was ARRESTED?!? Boy, I have got to catch up on the posts! I just got done perusing the news and didnt see it. Was it a while ago? How did the news miss that?? Never mind, I will read more of the posts and figure it out!"
I wonder where she was going. The only exits off that area of the turnpike really don't lead anywhere that would be of interest to her. It's a straight shot to Valley Forge/central Philly. Maybe she was going to shop at the King of Prussia Mall. The stores around here are just too mediocre, don't you know?
I know! She was meeting Brownie at the Exton Mall to pick up the cereal! If she was fined for speeding, that was some expensive cereal!
Kate tweeted this morning:
GM all! What is new in your world? Here, I think I've finally caught up on my sleep! So good to be home with my lovelies!;)
Maybe by her "lovelies" she actually meant her hair stylist and make-up artist...not her kids. NYC is where she feels at most home, absolutely grinning from ear to ear in those recent INF pics taken Monday.
She doesn't look like a single mom concerned about financially struggling to support her kids.
@recipe for disaster Speeding is illegal. Jay walking is illegal. Failure to signal when changing lanes is illegal. Failure to turn on your headlights when using your windshield wipers are on is illegal. Not wearing a seatbelt is illegal. Talking on your cell phone while driving is illegal. Not keeping your hands on the steering wheel in the 10 and 2 position is illegal. Parking your car on a public roadway against the flow of traffic is illegal. Entering an access or ingress ramp at a speed other than 20mph is illegal. Pick your crime and let's give it a rest. If you want to talk about serious issues regarding Kate and her self importance, exploitation, grifting spousal abuse, lies and contradictions there's plenty to pile on about. She's a lousy driver but making a federal case over a speeding ticket takes away any credibility or argument that is worth discussing. There have been people who have tweeted, posted and shared concerns in the past that were so trivial it makes any attempt by those who were truly concerend about the welfare of those kids seem a little fanatical.
We all know what Kate is and 99 percent of us are on the same page. The piling on about the most minor infraction takes away all credence to bigger issues. Kate got a ticket. It's not gonna get her kids taken away nor will it give Jon any ammo to get custody. It's a friggen traffic ticket. I'm movin on.
So, thx @JasonHueman 4 my blondeness..We won the 'most beautiful women' contest at fig/ olive tonight:)Deanna says it's bc of my blonde!Xoxo
5 minutes ago
Seriously? What happened to freaking out, cant support my kids, cant afford milk, OMG I'm unemployed, I dont know how we'll manage, cant afford, cant afford, cant afford...
What say you, sheeple?? And try to resist the crap about how the poor woman is just trying to have a few minutes to herself because she has so much stress. She has a lot LESS stress than any sheeple reading this and you each know it. She is on v a c a t i o n, again, living it very high on school nights.
waiting.... still waiting....
Smiley Girl said...
Kate would never do that because she wouldn't want to her hands dirty.
She wouldn't do it cause no one in their right mind would EVER ASK!!!
Out And About In Berks County PA said...
Kate was arrested by the PA State Police on the PA turnpike - hardly rural! I know this area well (Bowmansville) - it passes right by the State Police building.
Oh my! Kate was ARRESTED?!? Boy, I have got to catch up on the posts! I just got done perusing the news and didnt see it. Was it a while ago? How did the news miss that?? Never mind, I will read more of the posts and figure it out!
I'm sorry, I know I must not be looking hard enough. Could someone please fill me in briefly on this ARREST? Booked, bailed, was the car towed, ??? If someone could give me a synopsis or re-link me, I would appreciate it. :))
Um no, none of us HAVE to hear/read her daily reports. The people whom follow her, or more importantly (and still strangely imo) CHOOSE to know what is being said and exchanged.
Um, Tam. I don't use Twitter or "follow her." Her tweets are on the top of this page.
Oh my gosh, the woman has no brains. She was on TV crying about being poor two short days ago and now she herself (along with her hairdresser) is tweeting about being in NYC, getting her hair done and going to some event. Who on earth is taking care of the precious 8 she is so concerned about? The paid help, of course! But naturally, she could not resist the urge to brag about how she won some beautiful woman contest. Her narcissism definitely wins over her common sense, every time. Like good angel on one shoulder, bad on the other. Bad angel's pretty busy! But she will not have a forum to boo-hoo at any longer. I do believe she's done.
I think that sound I just heard was either another nail being pounded in the career coffin of Kate Gosselin or the bell that signals the end of a fight. WOW!
@dwindle Arrested is a strong word but she wasn't arrested with handcuffs, taken into custody and before a court commissioner. She was stopped by a police officer, "restrained and deprived of her liberty for a period of time by a legal authority" A traffic stop. Nothing more, nothing less. Kate was not arrested in the same fashion we understand the term to mean.
Administrator said...
I don't go over the speed limit and I've certainly never gone 17 over. So I'm the granny people pass but I've lost two friends to car accidents. Plus you save on gas and you never get tickets so jokes on all the lead foots. You don't speak for everyone. I actually see people going the speed limit all the time, or under! Perhaps speeding is more common on long country roads. Not so much here.
thats me, the granny driver (and I am in 30's)!!! it's funny, NO ONE will ride with me because I drive the speed limit. Yes, I may go 5 over, but never up to 7 because I actually use my cruise control- I live by cruise control because the state will NOT get my money, and as I have stated earlier, I was in a serious accident, so I would like to avoid any future ones.
the FL police (dont know which county) came to my command in Norfolk and gave us a VERY graphic presentation of auto accidents- I am talking people so mangled some people became sick to their stomachs. They said speed is directly correlated with trauma incurred. And they told us about the 'feeling' test. Any EMT's here? You guys know this- the test to see if you are paralyzed- the finger up the butt test. NO thank you! And they told us that in severe trauma, due to the unstable condition of victims, no pain med is administered and all immediate work to save lives is done while patient is awake- including going into the lungs through the side of the rib cage to facilitate breathing- ouch!!
So again, no speeding for me- I would not want that horrible experience.
Sorry to rant, but this stuff scares me.
She's unemployed and doesn't know how she's going to support her children, but she's in NYC having her hair done by a big bucks stylist and dining at Fig and Olive.
Why is she bragging about this? Why can't she just keep her mouth SHUT?
Oh, wait...this is Kate. One minute she's crying poverty, the next she's on a "whirlwind" media tour (look at me!), or sitting on her LEATHER sofa, or tweeting to other celebrities who are her bffs.
I still maintain that she has a multiple personality disorder, or a bi-polar thing going on.
I've been stopped twice. (One was for not signaling at a light when I was 16! Bored cop, no ticket.) The last time was when I JUST bought my Prius & was riding along on the highway. I got pulled over by a Statie in a work zone going 15 miles over the speed limit. He didn't ticket me, thank God. I got off with a warning, must have been my coy flirting, but I realized how easy it is to kind of "lose" yourself on a nice Spring day. I'm super-careful when I drive, especially when my son is w/ me.
When I was 17, I was driving my big old car & reached down for my sunglasses. The guy in front of me was going to turn, I missed his signal, & I almost rear-ended him going 45 mph. At THAT moment, I vowed to drive safely forever after, & I have. That last speeding incident was an honest mistake. I'm a literal Granny driver on the road. And I'm a side-seat driver; "Slow down! You're going too fast!!" Drives my husband-& everyone else-nuts. I won't even get in the car w/ my best friend. She is a reckless driver, & an angry one, flipping people off, yelling at them... no thanks.
Kate - I have the most amazing stylist ever who does a perfect blonde color. The person has been written about in national hair stylist magazines and has received numerous awards for innovation in coloring. For $100 you can get a cut, color and blowdry, and it's in the city, not far from the school. It's an upscale shop (may appear mediocre to you, however), but I can guarantee you that you will not walk out of there with over-bleached, over-processed hair that looks like a Halloween wig gone bad.
Hahaha........this is the menu of the restaurant where, after having her hair done far enough away that she missed her kids' school day, Kate was declared the most beautiful woman ever in the universe, who doesn't know how she's going to suppport her 8 kids because she pays ALL their expenses.
Keep tweeting, Kate!
So, thx @JasonHueman 4 my blondeness..We won the 'most beautiful women' contest at fig/ olive tonight:)Deanna says it's bc of my blonde!Xoxo
September 14, 2011 5:06 PM
Well of course!! You are the most beautiful bitch of all! You stupid cu++!!
Did she ever pick up poor Brownie's cereal?
No Regrets said...
Remember that one episode that Jon was upset with one of the tups, trying to discipline him and Kate intervened and told ALL the kids "don't listen to your father" My mouth dropped open on that one.
Are you talking about the boy tup in the twins 7th birthday episode? That particular morning, that tup slept later than the others, and had to be woken by Jon because they were going to Gymboree.
At breakfast, he pushed his cereal bowl away, so for this he was SENT TO THE CORNER "until he was ready to eat". We then saw Jon leading the boy tup, who was now crying, back to the table after yelling at him.
All because the tup pushed his cereal bowl away! Was it really worth getting angry and upsetting his child over something so trivial?
In another episode, Jon spanked the same boy tup and yelled at him for "jumping out the door" when he was trying to put a bee outside. NOT worthy of being spanked. I never heard him tell the tup not to go out there, so it wasn't like he disobeyed. Afterwards he told the tup to "come here", and the tup was obviously hesitant having just been spanked, to which Jon yelled at him "When I tell you to come here, you come here!" Again, making a big deal out of something small.
Hey Kate you stupid jerk, where are your children? Who is watching them? Your in NYC right now? REALLY? OMG OMG You are over the top BITCH!
@pj's momma I quit tweeting Kate when the kids were off television. As much as I'd love to continue spewing my "vile, ignorant, nasty, snarky" comments to this vile, ignorant, nasty woman, we all accomplished something. Kids are off tv. Tweeting her at this point keeps her relevant, in the public eye, the tabloids read the number of tweets both positive and negative and it keeps her where she wants to be.
Someone on this site said it a month or so ago. Bad publicity is publicity and that's what she wants. My tweeting days are over until the kids are front and center in a public fashion where Kate benefits and they don't.
Was Jon around for the tups' seventh birthday party? Sounds like some hard case of editing to me!
New post to discuss all this.
New York State of Mind, yes I too think there is definitely something more going on here beyond narcissism. There is def. some true true mental illness though I'm not exactly sure what....sociopath, bipolar are some possibilities.
I still maintain that she has a multiple personality disorder, or a bi-polar thing going on.
Just plain old NPD. Pathological liar, inability to feel sympathy or empathy, can't feel guilt, obsessed with control. So sociopath as well. If it is multiple personalities, all of her personalities are stupid, hateful, narcissistic, and cruel.
I hate how she claims OCD, an often incredibly debilitating disorder. It's an insult to those whom really have it and their families and friends whom must deal With it.
We all know what Kate is and 99 percent of us are on the same page. The piling on about the most minor infraction takes away all credence to bigger issues. Kate got a ticket.
No. Kate got four tickets.
Her first two tickets we barely said a thing. We knew about them but as you said, it was just a ticket most people have gotten them. One or two tickets ARE just tickets.
This is not just a ticket anymore. Kelly? This is four tickets since 2009, all of them speeding tickets. Her kids were in the car on at least one occasion. She was going more than 10 or 11 over she was going 17 over and going a speed limit that is NOT legal in ANY zone EVER. She also has two documented incidents of parking in fire zones. It has moved beyond a minor thing and become a woman with a serious problem.
We DID give her a pass. I have never even done a post on her speeding tickets before, go back and check. We gave her WAY more than the benefit of the doubt on this one, we really did.
Also please tell my dead high school friend, who was hit by a speeding driver who also decided not to turn his lights on in a fog while he speeded, eh it's just a freegin traffic violation.
No it's not a freegin traffic violation. That was my friend's freegin LIFE.
He was 18.
Dwindle said... So, thx @JasonHueman 4 my blondeness..We won the 'most beautiful women' contest at fig/ olive tonight:)Deanna says it's bc of my blonde!Xoxo
5 minutes ago
Seriously? What happened to freaking out, cant support my kids, cant afford milk, OMG I'm unemployed, I dont know how we'll manage, cant afford, cant afford, cant afford...
What say you, sheeple?? And try to resist the crap about how the poor woman is just trying to have a few minutes to herself because she has so much stress. She has a lot LESS stress than any sheeple reading this and you each know it. She is on v a c a t i o n, again, living it very high on school nights.
waiting.... still waiting....
September 14, 2011 5:21 PM
There is no doubt in my mind that Kate will ditch her kids in a New York minute the very second she gets a far away offer for some low budget television gig. She will give Jon full custody since she can't use them anymore for money, and fly off to live the single life as long as she gets her ugly face plastered on tv.
There is NO WAY she will turn down a tv job offer that will keep her away for weeks/ months at a time and put the kids first. No way. SHE comes first! Always has and always will.
Kids be damned. The will not get in her way of fame!
What is she going to do if Celebrity Apprentice comes calling? They are required to stay together in hotels and often work 16 hour days. She won't be able to flit back and forth from the "set" to home like she did with DWTS. And that money is for charities. But you can bet your boots she will ditch the kids just to go be on tv. They're all yours, Jon. Take 'em.
Nope, I don't speed. I don't even go 5 mph over the speed limit. On open road, I use my cruise control. In towns and on winding roads, I go slowly enough to be safe and fast enough to not cause an accident because people want to pass me because I'm poking along.
BTW, where I live it is LEGAL to go over the speed limit to pass one vehicle ahead of you. (It is not legal to pass 2 vehicles in one pass.) Once you are safely back in your lane, you slow back down to the speed limit.
Kelly, I don't mean 'keep on tweeing TO Kate,' I mean, 'Keep on tweeting, you stupid woman, it's your funeral!' Haha!! I've never tweeted in my life and only see the stuff above and occasionally look at twazzup.
Four tickets in a short amount of time. Hmmm.....wonder how many times she's been stopped and let off with a warning. Not that it'll happen now!
Julie's Chins - I agree with you. Remember in an interview when Kate said she had learned to (can't remember if she said 'strangely ironic' like she loves to do) love her children from afar. She said that in a show shown nationally!
Aren't they just seven now? said...
Was Jon around for the tups' seventh birthday party? Sounds like some hard case of editing to me!
Please re-read Tizzie's first line. It's the twins' birthday, not tups'.
Tizzie, can you post a video of Jon spanking one of the tups boys? I remember him taking Collin or Joel out of bed, playing "got you!" with him. I remember cereal bowls getting pushed away. I don't remember the spanking, though. Refresh my memory with some video link, please. Thank you.
Kelly, and we DIDN'T nitpick!
This is her FOURTH ticket. FOURTH.
We said next to nothing the first two. We said a little on the third.
Now we're talking. Don't like it, go somewhere else. And descriptions of horrific accidents are not necessary or welcome here.
Administrator said...
I don't go over the speed limit and I've certainly never gone 17 over. So I'm the granny people pass but I've lost two friends to car accidents. Plus you save on gas and you never get tickets so jokes on all the lead foots. You don't speak for everyone. I actually see people going the speed limit all the time, or under! Perhaps speeding is more common on long country roads. Not so much here.
Same here.
In all my 29 years of driving, I have never sped, or gotten a ticket for speeding.
I have been involved in a few fender benders, and on 2 occasions, had the dumb luck of crossing paths with people running through stop signs. But looking back, I believe if I was going faster, I'm pretty sure the outcome would have been worse.
Anyway, I'm too scared to get caught speeding by a cop, and I could never live with myself if I hit anyone (or anything) with my car.
Not even a parking ticket.
Not worth it. I value my life, the lives of my passengers, the lives of the other people I'm sharing the road with- plus I don't want to lose my license.
Maybe the defensive driving class we (my entire family) take every 2 years has something to do with it. Maybe I've seen and heard enough horror stories to want to speed. Maybe it's that to me, driving a very heavy vehicle has always been a serious responsibility & a privilege.
I'm too scared to f*ck with that.
But that's just me.
Mona said...
Tizzie, can you post a video of Jon spanking one of the tups boys?
Here is a link to the video:
The spanking is not shown, the camera is on Kate who says "don't hit ".
It's been a while since I saw that clip, and Jon was actually calmer than I thought when talking to the tup afterwards and he apologized.
I remember cereal bowls getting pushed away. Refresh my memory with some video link, please.
Twins Turn 7, around 5min 30sec. He is shown being taken to the corner, then Kate mentions in the interview chair about Jon yelling at him after which we see Jon taking the now crying tup back to the kitchen.
Admin has a new post about Kate.
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