Credits! Sheesh, from all this happy music and excited shouting (Mady! Cara! Alexis!) you would think this show is sooner about lollipops and Leprechauns. When really it’s a highly unethical psychological experiment of misery and infuriation and one cruel, delusional, batshit crazy bitch.
Weird serious graphic flashes across the screen: “In July of 2011, Kate and her kids embarked on an RV Trip … ” What is this, did Michael Moore join production?
Day 13. Oh, are we starting at the end and working our way backward? Will Kate wake up from a drunken night of clubbing and foot licking in NYC, wondering why there is a baby and a tiger in the room, Jamie’s missing a tooth, and Steve is nowhere to be found but his mattress is on the RV roof?
It breaks my heart to recap this part, and I think TLC, and Kate, and anyone who had a hand in letting this be filmed are sick, disgusting human beings. Ashley cannot stand it anymore. She says to Kate, “I’m done! After this trip, I’m done!” Mady, Cara, and Collin are literally sobbing and wailing Ashley’s name as she packs up and leaves. Ashley’s devastated, too. This show has never made me cry before until now. Actually, one other time I cried, when Kate suggested that kiwis are birds without arms, but that was tears of disbelief as I could not comprehend the sheer stupidity.
Flashback to Day 1 and Kate is packing like it‘s the second coming and she actually thinks she‘s not going to get Left Behind. I know it‘s the wild, wild West, but we do have grocery stores and Targets and even a couple gas stations out here, too. I hear tell some folks even have that fancy newfangled cable T.V.! Also, no aliens, don’t believe the movies! Kate wants to surprise the kids with each location. Eh, rather she’s just too lazy to take them to the local library and help them read up on what they‘re going to see. Kate also tries to play this off like it will be leaked to the paparazzi. The concept that no one gives a flying rip about her 100th stupid stressful child exploiting trip is as foreign to her as physics, or even, American history.
Even though Kate has tried to keep it a secret, sharp as a stick Mady has already figured out they are going on an RV trip, how? Because her stupid mother labeled a bunch of containers none other than, “FOOD TO BE PUT IN RV.” Oops. Oh, and Mady heard Kate talking about it on the phone while Mady was standing right there. Remind me never to hire Kate for espionage.
Kate snaps at Mady to get paper towels. For what? Why, to wipe a little dust off the bumper off the van. Oh, good, I thought it was something serious like she hit a deer or somebody vomited again or something. Mady is going as fast as she can, bolting back inside, but Kate shouts, “Honestly! Get a little bit of fire under your butt! Man! You should know by now whenever you’re helping me you should be running at all times!”
“Sorry,” Mady murmurs, chastened. I may cry more than once this episode yet.
The RVs are on the lawn and Kate starts shoving stuff in the storage below the cabin and being a big baby about it, crying she hurt her hand. “Uh, um, at some point we’re going to have to stop playing ‘we’re filming a T.V. show’ and really work because I’m really done,” Kate snaps to what appears to be some production off camera.
So this whole time we were playing filming a T.V. show. Ah-ha, I knew it!
More rather creepy documentary graphics. Also, as someone pointed out, there’s no music. Budget cuts? What’s next, no more Starbucks and manicures for Kate? This is like a prison movie. I need upbeat drums and an intern screwing around on a keyboard to soothe me, I‘m getting anxiety otherwise.
“Two days later, the Gosselins flew to South Dakota to meet up with their packed RV’s.” Jamie and her kids met them there.
I need a second. Hahahahaha. Hahahaha. Okay, I’m good. I never realized the “road” in “road trip” meant you hire some stranger to do the driving for you and you fly out and meet them later. This is like paying someone to say Hail Marys for you. Or if you like, having children only to leave them to nannies like Ashley to raise while you twitter all day. Missing the point, really, really, missing the point.
The kids all pile into the gigantic RVs and explore. “It’s small!” is Hannah’s first reaction. That makes sense. To Kate, millions upon millions of dollars is not enough to fully fund college, so why wouldn’t a huge luxury RV famous rock stars use all the time on tour be “small” to this family? One thing that will become very clear about this episode? Just as we feared, six years of giving kids everything they could ever dream of is finally catching up, and it’s very sad to watch (and certainly, not the children‘s fault). Kate wanted her kids (read: herself) to have everything, and this is the result of that misguided wish.
“Don’t touch anything!” Kate shouts psychotically. Kate brags that she is a size four (heh, and those girls are real too) as they squeeze into the narrow area between a counter and the table. I missed how it happened, but Collin cuts his elbow. Kate screams at Jamie to pass her paper towels, pronto! Your name is Jamie, not Kunta Kinte!
Kate will be driving. Who wants to go with her?! Beuller? Beuller?
Collin raises his hand, probably in the vain hope this will somehow improve his standing a millimeter or two up from the basement of the totem poll. Hannah, the golden child, raises her hand because she’s the golden child and likely has no clue what the rest of the children are going through, as her life with Kate is relatively great. Someday, she will most likely be the one disputing the tell-alls that come out about her mother, saying that never happened they’re just making up lies for money, because for her, she would be right, that never happened. Jamie’s son Clay raises his hand because he hasn’t spent that much time with Kate and is blissfully unaware, though not for long, of what a living nightmare being around her is, especially if you are of the male persuasion (he will get an education very soon, read on). Leah raises her hand, then seconds later puts it back down in regret; perhaps she thought she was being asked who wants ice cream. And that’s it. Just three kids of the eleven want to be with Kate. In a democracy, or even in Charlie Sheen la-la-land, this is called … LOSING!
“Hi, I’m Mike,” the RV driver says as he shakes Kate’s hand. Mike what? This is a man who is going to be around her children 24/7 and she’s just meeting him now? Hm, has he gotten a background check or did production just pull some random trucker off his rig at a weigh station somewhere in Maryland on the way up? Hm, you don’t look like a child molester, how would you like to drive around an RV for a couple weeks with Kate Gosselin? Would a little extra hazard pay sweeten the deal? Okay fine, a lot extra.
Kate takes a stab at driving. “Hold hands,” Hannah says snarkily, “so if we die, we die together!” Ha, good one, Hannah.
Also, what’s a bit odd is that all the sextuplets are now riding with Kate when only two of them wanted to go when they voted. Either the six decided they’d rather just be together narcissistic witch at the wheel or not, or their votes don’t mean a darn thing in the dictatorship that is their lives. I’m guessing the latter. (We find out later, it's the latter. Kate decided herself where they would ride before they ever even left. I hate adults that pretend it's a democracy and take a vote knowing all along they're just going to do what they want vote in their favor or not.) I guess it’s good the kids are going through this together and look to each other like this. Their lives, I mean. Hold hands, sextuplets, so when the narcissist eats your souls, you’ll all be eaten together.
“If you care about your life you’ll ride quietly,” Kate orders.
“How would you ride quietly?” Hannah retorts. I’m not sure what that means, but it sounds funny! Kid’s on a roll!
You know what’s kind of sad about Kate driving for about a mile and a half? The kids are so supportive. Lots of things like, “you did it, Mommy!” and clapping. Far more supportive of her accomplishments than she has been of anything they have ever done. The wacky role reversal here, where the kids are rapidly emerging as far more mature and normal than Kate, meanwhile Kate just keeps regressing to become even more childlike and crazy, is fascinating. "Jesus, take the wheel," Jamie quips. Ha, good song. I guess when you have to be around Kate, all you can do to survive and not poke your eyeballs out with a plastic fork is just keep making snide remarks like that one.
Day 2! It's been cold and drizzly for a few days (huh? We're only on day 2 and it was sunny yesterday) and Kate says everyone's feeling cooped up so they decide to go out in the rain. "You are weird," Hannah accuses Clay, who appears to be doing nothing more benign than playing with a stick. "According to science, you're weird," Clay retorts. Hey, that's a good one, Clay. "You're mean!" Hannah cries, outraged. Well, Hannah, when you start with someone, that's often what happens, they dish it right back, and it can be mean. Ask Kate. On second thought, don't ask Kate, she will deny she ever instigated anything.
"I think camping and freezing cold temperatures with me must go together," Kate says. And I think camping is trying to tell her that, much like the rest of the world, they don't want her.
The kids start a playful mud fight in the creek. How confusing for a child who one day is not allowed to get even so much as a granule of sugar on the floor, and the next is allowed to roll around in the dirt like it’s Woodstock. This will be the one and only time on this trip Kate relaxes and has fun with a child, only it won't be with any of her own kids--she chases around Clay and they sling mud and get the giggles and have a good ole time. My mouth is sort of half open because I've never seen Kate interact with a child like this in my life. She is covered in mud so it's hard to tell, maybe this is just her stand in? Will the real Kate please come out and hit her mark?
"Have I ever told you how much I love you?!" Kate cries as she puts him in a headlock. I don't know, but when's the last time she told her bio children that? This whole thing should be so cute. But because she never, ever cuts loose with her own children, it has this bizarre undertone. In a way, it's almost like she's trying to rub it in with her own kids. What message she's trying to send them, I don't really know for sure, (maybe, if only you could be like Clay then I could really have fun with you?) because it's the mind of a narcissist and their motives often have no basis in any rational thinking. Weird.
Since everything is on Kate's terms, when she decides she's done and announces as such, all the fun screeches to a grinding halt. These kids must have developed amazing brakes by now.
Day 3! Leah says she was claustrophobic during the night because it was cold and she was zipped up tight in her sleeping bag. That's a big word for a little girl, good for her! I’m guessing she learned it from Kate. This McMansion is so claustrophobic! First class makes me claustrophobic! Steve, make me claustrophobic!
They all pile around the tables in the RV to have breakfast. A little griping from the kids, but the biggest whiner is Kate. They only have full fat coffee creamer, blech! For some reason, Kunta Kinte gets blamed for this. “Yes! All right!” Jamie says with a Jersey-shore style fist pump. Good for her, way to stand up for normal food! By the way, I find it rather insensitive when a very thin person who really is the last gal who needs to worry about her weight, constantly talks about dieting around friends who aren’t necessarily as horizontally blessed.
It took all night to organize, Kate is freezing cold she was awake all night and her back is killing her. Organize what? A few foodstuffs? What could possibly take so long to line up some cereal boxes, put out some plastic spoons and some fatso fatty-pants needs to get on Biggest Loser to have any hope creamer? Or maybe she means she was organizing her hooker heels? I can see how that might keep one up all night.
Kate has some bizarro explanation I can't follow for why she ended up in one RV with the younger kids and Ashley and Jamie in the other with the older kids. But the real reason is, because nobody likes you, Kate, but it‘s easier to force the younger kids to go with you. Kate’s response to getting stuck with the little kids, you know, her flesh and blood children who are sweet and funny and full of life? “Oh, crap.”
The kids want a servant to go get them extra blankets and things they need. That's Steve, one of the kids says. That one little comment told me so much about how these kids have been groomed to perceive their world. Without a hint of irony, Kate tells them, no that's not Steve's job (Steve is for my vanity, not yours, child), but "someday when you’re rich and powerful, you can have a servant, but you’ve gotta work hard.” Yikes, these kids have worked their butts off for six years even through vacations (with no time and a half!) and for many of those years for free, how many more years does Kate envision they will have to do this before the reap any rewards? I guess early retirement is out of the question.
Day 3! Kate gathers the kids at a table and lays out some clues as to where they are going. A rock, a hammer, a chisel and a dollar bill. How do these all fit together, Kate asks. Um, um, um, I know! Things you can use to knock the stupidity out of Mommy with? Dollar bill, hmm. Uhh, what will be left in the bank for the kids when all is said and done?
Mount Rushmore! Mady blurts out about three seconds later. I’m not sure why this surprises Kate so much, Mady‘s far from stupid. Mady gets the dollar bill for a prize. Better go ask for some change, Mady, Kate will want her 85% of that.
They arrive at Mount Rushmore, the kids have to go to the bathroom and for some reason this really annoys Kate. “We’re a photo opportunity!” Kate cries. She wants the kids to be ready to go at the door of the RV’s to run out when they get to places. One of the kids says if you don’t give me a warning when we are about to get there how the heck am I supposed to know where we are and whether we‘re almost there? Such a good point!
People are taking authorized photos and tweeting them! Kate bemoans. I never saw any photos from this attraction at all, though there were a few tweets after the fact. Kate? Public place. The law says you can take photos of whoever you want if they‘re in a public place or the paparazzi wouldn‘t be able to exist in the first place. There’s nothing “unauthorized” about this. Also, maybe if you didn’t traipse around everywhere with a huge camera crew and boom mics and producers with headsets and a bodyguard, people wouldn’t realize you’re anyone famous, and wouldn’t take photos and tweet! Most people would assume it’s just another school group if this weren’t always such a spectacle. Like waving a sign around all day saying “Somebody please sock me in the face” and then being upset when someone actually takes you up on it.
“There’s nothing we can do about it,” Jamie says sensibly. Exactly, so what is the point in being upset and throwing a fit and upsetting the kids? Ashley’s body language is crossed arms and annoyed. Jamie and Ashley have more common sense in their little fingers than Kate could ever hope for, and their attitudes are eons more healthy for these kids right now than Kate’s.
As they walk to the monument, Jamie whispers to Ashley, “Why does she care who takes pictures? Who cares? They’re going to take pictures.”
Ashley, bless her heart, tries to muster up some kind of defense for this delusional monster she calls her employer, “Well, they don‘t want….” Ashley defended Kate because a good nanny defends the mother of the kids no matter what, and yet Kate threw her under the bus on twitter once the episode aired. Kate doesn’t deserve Ashley’s loyalty.
“But they’re going to do it no matter what,” Jamie goes on, there’s nothing you can do, so why get all stressed?
Jamie, you are applying logic to the most illogical person I’ve ever seen profiled on camera. Like trying to eat fluffernutter without it sticking to the roof of your mouth, it’s impossible to make sense of Kate. Don’t hurt yourself.
It’s so foggy you can barely see FDR up there. Even Mount Rushmore wants Kate to GO AWAY nothing to see here move along. Yes, you heard right, that’s FDR. Even Ashley goes along with this, which doesn’t bode well for home school’s reputation, I hate to say it. Cara is like, ummmm, I’m pretty sure that’s Teddy. Kate insists it’s FDR and even pulls out her pamphlet to prove it. Sure, that’s FDR, right next to President Ben Franklin, Chuck E Cheese, and that guy who invented Post-its. How long were they here, seems like two seconds later we’re turning around. Get enough for the dailies and move on.
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Arthur Fry, American hero |
Day 5! Her next clues are a banana and a rock. Hmm, let’s see. She fantasizes about a rock on her finger from Steve, and wishes she could peel his banana?
Yellowstone, the kids guess almost instantly. Really Kate, stop just finding whatever is within reach and work to come up with some more challenging clues. They see a buffalo and snow. They stop to play in the snow a little. This whole scene goes on for what feels like three hours. Really, TLC?
Jamie and Ashley say they have the party bus and Kate has the boring bus. Shots of the party bus doing what normal fun people do on RV vacations. Eating junk food, laughing and screaming, doing Blair Witch project parodies. All around fun, what vacation should be about.
Shots of the boring bus. Kate removing dirt from under Collin’s finger nails and giving him a warning. Ha. What was that warning, to stop being a boy? Who's next, step right up, kids! Kate is bitching the RV is inconvenient because she has to adjust the little pillow behind her back.
Kate is excited to see Old Faithful because it’s an iconic part of our country. I suppose she thinks it shoots up Jello pudding? Ha, the producers are just having fun with her now, though she appears clueless to it. Do they know anything about Old Faithful? one asks. Sorry to say, no, Kate admits. She Googled it on the way over. I’m guessing she was that kid who scratched out their book report on the back of a bus seat on the way to school and doesn't care if they fail because they're the greatest anyway.
Mady starts to go on about what she knows about Old Faithful, then kind of stumbles and says she wants to start over. You mean, take two? No! says Kate. Oh, give the child another take, Kate, have a heart! You probably would give yourself ten! In case Old Faithful didn’t know, it’s all about Kate. She is about to spew just like it!
Kate does an interview about the day and says it was beautiful but the kids weren’t very appreciative. What, crazy? Does she listen to her children at all? The kids said they loved it, and Leah said that Old Faithful was the most beautiful thing she has ever seen. That’s hardly not appreciative, especially for just a seven year old. Kate is in what is arguably the most spectacular park in the entire country and all Kate can talk about is being back in her own bed.
The kids are racing on a rocky path and some of them get scraped up. Cara goes over to Ashley and accuses Clay of tripping them. The whole thing is on film, and that is absolutely not true. He just slipped. Poor Clay, his expression is like, you’re not believing this are you? Thankfully, Ashley handles it well, telling her firmly it was an accident and she can go sit in the RV if she wants. Good girl, Ashley. There are no playing favorites here.
Kate’s back to her tirade about how much the RVs suck. Hint to Kate, when you’re doing a product placement for Challenger RVs, you might want to say a few nice things about them. Just every couple days. Hey, Challenger? Your RVs look rockin’ to us, in fact, here’s a link to y‘all! Why, Kate could even mention them in her manic tweets. But Kate wouldn't know how to promote something if it hit her in her leathery face.
Day 6! We’re almost halfway through this vacation from hell. Still in Yellowstone, a cranky breakfast in the RV. In the absolute middle of breakfast, Kate decides to grab a vacuum, drag it violently across some rocks, and vacuum the RV from top to bottom. This actually seems to calm her as she breaths a sigh.
After breakfast, Clay wants to play legos with Collin and Cara. Cara is so upset I can’t completely understand her, but she starts crying to Ashley that Kate said she didn‘t have to play with Clay. Ashley is like, No she didn’t, that‘s ridiculous?! I understand Ashley is fed up by the constant absurd undermining by Kate, but sadly, she lets it get the best of her and throws the lego box on the table and stomps off, slamming a bedroom door. Sigh.
You know, I understand a girl Cara’s age not wanting a boy his age around. But it’s an important lesson to get along with other kids, even kids you don’t like, and indulging their desires doesn’t help them.
Cara goes crying to Kate but heck if Kate wants to deal with this. She does everything she can to pass her off on Jamie, Ashley, Steve, the muffin man, Mr. Ed. Anybody but her please handle this. Finally Kate says tell Clay to sit somewhere else. Oh, that's fair. Not! Cara marches back to Jamie and informs her Clay has to leave the table. Good for Jamie, standing up for Clay. She doesn’t indulge this. Jamie goes over to talk to Kate. Kate tries to blame this on any child but Cara, but Jamie pegs it right from the get-go. Kate, the problem here is Cara. Not Collin, not Clay, not anyone else.
“Keep Clay away from her, please!” Kate retorts.
That’s how Kate deals with anyone she disagrees with, isn’t it? Just get them away, don’t deal with them, estrange them out. Never deal with your people problems head on, that’s for wusses!
“You need to control Clay!” Kate has the audacity to say to Jamie. Jamie is the one who should be packing up right now and getting out of this with a big F-U, where the hell does Kate get off? Not to mention, I have not seen a single solitary second of footage that remotely suggested Clay is a problem. He seems quiet and agreeable, sweet and fun. He enjoys playing with sticks for pity sake, how much trouble can he be? I suppose that’s just the editing, right Kate? He’s really a monster?
Finally Kate is just like, you play with your legos and Clay plays with his. I don’t think that was the issue, the problem was playing with each of their legos at the same table. Ashley is just kind of laughing in disbelief saying this is bad, there’s gonna be a knock down drag out!
Still on Day 6! Yikes. I guess we’re camping for real now? The kids gather rocks.
Kate went to the grocery store, it must be organic, Jamie snarks. Ashley says the trip is stressful and actually it‘s mostly the adults who argue, not the kids. They say as long as Kate stays in her bus they’ll be okay. Okay, they’re just bitter now. There’s this interesting bond developing between Ashley and Jamie. I’ve seen this very same phenomenon happen among normal people who have to be around a narcissist. The worse the narcissist treats you, the closer you feel to other victims. Also this can be seen in hostage situations, where hostages come out of a two-year ordeal tied together in a dark basement, and feel like long lost sisters.
She’s baaack! Wowser, where did that nice GMC red SUV come from? Just appeared? Is this anything like that roll of paper towels that appeared on the porch one day?
Kate gives orders to her slaves to cut and wash and chop. Steve, like most men in Kate’s life, is just trying to stay out of this all, which becomes a lot easier when there is a fire to tend and lighter fluid to pour on it. Stuff like that somehow always manages to keep men busy for hours. Meanwhile Kate freaks out on Jamie for ripping some lettuce instead of chopping it.
“If you have to rip it, I’d rather chop it, really!” Kate tells her.
Jamie gives her a confused look. “If you’d rather rip it you‘d rather have to chop it?” Jamie, stop trying to understand the crazy. Really, you’re going to injure yourself.
More childish sniping over an onion. From the adults. The kids are hitting and tipping each other over in the chairs and crying. The adults don’t know what to do anymore but just ignore it all. So what do you do when it all goes to hell? Why, makeovers! Out of the blue, Ashley starts painting eye shadow and eye liner on the girls. Um, what? The only thing that would make this family seem any more dysfunctional than at this moment is to doll up the seven-year-old girls.
Kate scorched the chicken over an open flame. Really bad choice to cook chicken over an open flame, it‘s one of the most difficult meats, and dangerous, to cook that way. The cavemen never would have invented fire had they known Kate would have screwed dinner up this badly. Kate says she nearly burned the chicken. And a circle is nearly round. The chicken is absolutely charred. Honestly, I don’t know what the plan is for tomorrow! Kate brags. You don’t have to when production does it all!
If you think TLC hates Kate after watching this episode, wait until you see what happens next week.
826 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 826 Newer› Newest»The RVs are on the lawn and Kate starts shoving stuff in the storage below the cabin and being a big baby about it, crying she hurt her hand. “Uh, um, at some point we’re going to have to stop playing ‘we’re filming a T.V. show’ and really work because I’m really done,” Kate snaps to what appears to be some production off camera.
Why does Kate always think people are "playing" things? First she told Jon he needed to "stop playing toys" (in the Toys R Us episode where she screeched, "HELLO!") and now she tells the crew they need to stop playing that they're filming a TV show? In her mind, does she truly think she actually works and everyone else just plays around? If that's true, she is seriously mentally ill and needs help. And a kick in the rear.
How do you know? said...
I know this.... said...
Kate's contract with TLC is still intact until Feb. 2012. She can't attend a 'fundraiser'- fan-love-fest without TLC's approval. Even if they are not planning to use her, they still own her until Feb.
Please, how do you know this? Where is the info avail to the public? I've asked a dozen times yet no one can tell me.
In regard to Kate's contract, it's speculation based on when the kids' contract expires. It was mentioned here on this blog, after Jon lost his court battle in Oct. 2010. In Jon's public plea for help, he mentioned that the only way to get his kids out of their contract was if Kate Plus 8 was canceled. It wouldn't expire until Feb. 2012. His plea is no longer there, but the thread still exists.
Additionally, some are assuming that Kate has a similar exclusive contract that Jon had when he was sued for breach of contract. The LA Times article in the link below states Jon was sued for not getting TLC approval on his paid and non-paid media appearances.
If TLC considers this fundraiser event a media appearance, then Kate will need their approval first if she is still under contract.
Looks like using "Anonymous" is better than using a name. This morning I posted a comment using the name "Pink Pearl" and it didn't go through. This has happened before. I just made an observation on something Ashley said on the RV trip.
It was: Ashley made the observation that she knew this trip would be like all of the rest of the trips, but this time Kate was much worse. So, the point is that Kate is an aggressive, cruel, heartless monster on all of the trips TLC has paid for. It's who she is and the kids are showing the results of her parenting "skills". And actually, Kate does little parenting at all.....she leaves that to everyone else whenever she can. So, the kids are showing the effects of simply being around Kate and it will only get worse as they grow older. It does not look good at all. Having 2 children expelled from Kindergarten last year speaks volumes.
How do you know? said...
I know this.... said...Kate's contract with TLC is still intact until Feb. 2012. She can't attend a 'fundraiser'- fan-love-fest without TLC's approval. Even if they are not planning to use her, they still own her until Feb.
Please, how do you know this? Where is the info avail to the public? I've asked a dozen times yet no one can tell me.
People are assuming the expiration date of Kate's contract based on when the kids' contract expires. It was mentioned in this blog after Jon lost his court battle, related to filming, in Oct. 2010. In Jon's public plea, he mentioned the only other way to get his kids out of their contract was if Kate Plus 8 was canceled. The kids' contract doesn't expire until Feb. 2012. His plea is no longer there, but the thread still exists.
Additionally, some are assuming that Kate has a similar exclusive contract that Jon did when he was sued for breach of contract. In the LA Times article in link below, it stated that Jon was sued for not getting TLC approval prior to his paid and non-paid media appearances.
If TLC considers this fundraiser event a media appearance, Kate would need their approval to attend if she is still under contract.
@ Gaby - here ya go.
It was hard to find, Youtube kept wanting to change my search parameters and then it was buried on page 17 of the search results. I briefly considered watching it, but the weird text in the beginning "Kartie and the kids embarked on a trip..." was too creepy. I was waiting for "... and the producers would like to thank the Gosselin family, the FBI, the Whackadoodle Funeral Home and the surviving Gosselin children for their cooperation with this film."
That RV sure was luxurious, I can attest to that. But that is all I saw. Just felt too creepy.
What about deposits? Those are paid upfront. Who's paying that? Think about all the things that require deposits (earnest money, security deposit in case of damage, whatever you want to call it.)
Good point. What kind of insurance is required? What if somebody slips on a wet floor, or a ceiling tile breaks loose and hits someone? Who is responsible? The venue...or the people hosting the event? All of this must be squared away before they can even think of bringing people to a venue.
These teens have no clue whatsoever what is required to organize an event such as this.
Why don't they just go to Kate's house, sit on her leather sofa, or by the pool, drink Starbucks, eat organic burned chicken, and fall on the ground and worship her? They'd get their Kate fix...
I do agree with the posters who think that Kate will use her manager to extract her from the dreaded fan meet and greet. I get the feeling that Kate hits that box of wine and lets her fingers do the walking all over her sheeple on Twitter. When she sobers up she, most likely, has an "Oh sh**" moment.
I've been wondering if that Holly tweeter is for real. If she's not she'll soon learn that you can't out-grift a grifter like Kate. I watched this latest episode on YouTube and I found it to be shocking. She irritated the hell out of me with her constant yapping and permanent bitchface. Some of the children were unruly, and a few were violent towards each other; meanwhile Kate ignores the lot of them and screeches and shrieks while flinging her boobs here and there inside and outside the RV's. She an embarrassment to moms everywhere and to think that these tweens think she's a great mother...that just boggles my mind.
The chicken she "prepared" (I use that word lightly) looked like it had been through The Great Chicago Fire of 1871. If she knew how to cook, she would have used the stove in the RV to braise the chicken and when it was done she could have put it on the fire to "barbecue" quickly. Frankly, I don't think her flea brain attention span is long enough to be a decent cook. All in all, I simply feel sad for the children, most if not all, of them have subtle signs of being abused, perhaps only verbally as we've all seen but Kate uses words as weapons and cuts them deeply and frequently.
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@ @TheAustinMartin am indeed. I'll dm you my manager info to pass on to auditorium ppl to get it started....
Listen up, Precious Princess, all the 12 of them wanted to do was meet up for coffee somewhere. ..."manager"? "Auditorium"? You just cant control yourself even a little bit, can you? Wonder if this 'manager' has an inkling that she has a ticking mental time bomb on her hands? Geez.
@Hippy Chick and @ Bluenoser , feel better! Sending calming healing thoughts your way!
Tamara said... How in the heck do you know so much about Khate's twitter fans? People lie online all the time. And if everything you've been saying is true, I can't feel any pity or sympathy for these people. If they want to spend their money and time on someone like Khate, that's their prerogative. If it turns out badly, which I have a feeling it will, maybe they will learn something.
To whom are you posting?
"Deep down, I don't think Kate likes herself and has a very shaky sense of her self-identity--for reasons we will probably never know, but I think it has to do with her childhood and the way she was raised."
Then again, I've known some people who were raised in the best of homes, had wonderful childhoods, fabulous parents, and still turned out to be nuts.
You just never known what went wrong with Kate along the way, but I'm not so sure it can be blamed entirely on the way she was raised.
If TLC considers this fundraiser event a media appearance, Kate would need their approval to attend if she is still under contract.
If she's still under contract with TLC until February and she found another job with another network, wouldn't TLC have to release her from the contract in order to accept another job?
If they do, and if she finds another job on television, she'd be under contract with them. Who knows what kind of contract she will have when they host this charity event? It could get very sticky.
Another version of the "Nut Bag from Hell"!!
WOW is all I can say! She sure loves her Stevie!
I apologize if this was previously posted, but has anyone seen the brief article on ROL. I can't seem to link it. I came across it while reading something else as I try not to look for anything Kate related purposefully.
Anyway there is a clip, it is longer than the other clip about next weeks episode. Holy Guacamole!!! Um, I am speechless.
I can't believe this is really happening. Um....Kate just basically confirmed she has something going on with Steve - whether real or make believe in her head.
I just posted the link, Ann! :)
Wait, wait a minute here. Kate. Kate the woman who is famous for complaining her kids cannot have markers and chewing gum because she doesn't want to spend hours removing stains finds it acceptable to just let her kids play in mud or sewage all the sudden? Collin who freaked out on the golf course with Jon because he was getting dirty, when Jon said his mother has warped (sp?) him into thinking he had to be a clean boy all the time.
This doesn't make sense on any level. I am also certain if Jon had let the kids do this she would be raising heck about it.
Gosselin Gossip, thank you, thank you for the contract info. Finally, an answer! :)
Kate just basically confirmed she has something going on with Steve - whether real or make believe in her head.
Yes, but make believe in her head. I'm convinced of this.
Sometimes I think affairs of the heart are even worse than actual affairs.
Anonymous - saw that when I refreshed! I don't know why I couldn't link it.
Admin - I so agree. I too believe that there is nothing real between her and Steve. Although, I am completely still shocked by this clip. I mean, wow! At the same time, I am thinking what a wimp Steve is or might be. I mean why did he not intervene, we have seen him do that before. Maybe he too is afraid of Kate. Ha!
The other thing that I find utterly abhorrent is the children crying and yelling Ashley's name. The one twin is holding the little child as if to provide shelter.
One more time for posterity: Someone at TLC must really hate Kate Gosselin.
It is not entertainment seeing those children huddle protectively like that, it is indication they are abused often and this is a reactionary stance. Jon is an asshole to stand back and watch this on film and do nothing. No more excuses Jon. Quit biding your time, quit fearing the contract, quit fearing the expense, go save your children from that mentally unstable woman.
Audible Click said...
Tamara said... How in the heck do you know so much about Khate's twitter fans?
To whom are you posting?
To everyone here whom posted the names, ages, locations, etc of the twitter fans. And to the ones whom worry about the twitter fans and wonder where their parents are.
Organic chicken, Pizza, French Fries and already prepared Salad. I thought Kate packed enough food for three meals a day, for 14 day's?
Jon is an asshole to stand back and watch this on film and do nothing. No more excuses Jon. Quit biding your time, quit fearing the contract, quit fearing the expense, go save your children from that mentally unstable woman.
ITA! He has plenty of evidence on film of what she's doing to those kids. Combine footage with some psychological evaluations of Jon, Kate and the kids and he's surely got 50/50 custody if he wanted it. I'm thinking he's quite happy with four days per month.
mama mia said...
It is not entertainment seeing those children huddle protectively like that, it is indication they are abused often and this is a reactionary stance. Jon is an asshole to stand back and watch this on film and do nothing. No more excuses Jon. Quit biding your time, quit fearing the contract, quit fearing the expense, go save your children from that mentally unstable woman.
Couldn't of said it better myself! Someone needs to step up to the plate here sooner than later! This bitch has lost her freakin mind!!!
Hippie Chick - I don't know your story - but has anyone every said anything about adhesions? (some things you've have posted sound so sadly familiar).
I have been struck speechless where Kate Gosselin is concerned. Utterly speechless. No words.
Michelle, that's all and nice that you feel Jon should forget the expense. He's gone to court dozens of times and LOST. Judge thinks the kids working is just fine. Judge thinks being dragged out of school for work/travel is just fine.
The man is already working his ass off to pay whatever Child Support has been mandated. Everybody seems to want him to do more but dragging Kate into court and losing every time he tries has got to be incredibly frustrating for him.
mama mia...i agree with you. I hope he is working his way through the courts or has an emergency hearing. She needs a mental evaluation asap.
Her kids are eating the pizza. She goes ballistic? Steve is a big boy. So what is he doesn't like salad or mac/cheese. Kate tells the kids they get what they get, right?
Jaime "It's all about him, isn't it?" No affair?
Jon already went to court. I posted a court docket showing he took this bitch to court dozens of times. According to him, he won some and lost some. We all know what he lost, who knows what he won but I think to begin with, I am speculating he was able to stop the South Korea trip.
The judge has already decided custody, you cannot go back to family law court again and again and again with the same request. The judge made its ruling, unless you show some kind of change in circumstance you're out of luck. There is no change in circumstances here--Kate is the same head case she always has been, we just know what Jon already knew now. If Jon keeps going back to court with the same requests, he could be sanctioned for filing frivolous motions.
Keep in mind, some courts, depending on the luck of the draw, are extremely pro-Mother. Look at the family law court just a few miles away. The judge is going ape-shit on a father talking about the case on his blog. This father hasn't talked anymore about the case than Kate has, yet this father has been called a child abuser and lost custody of his kids. If it were the mother with a blog I'd love to see what would happen--probably NOTHING. When the shoe is on the other foot with Kate, nothing is done.
I work in family law, believe me, many courts (not all) are still heavily biased in favor of mothers.
Another thing to keep in mind, emotional abuse is extremely hard to prove. It's rare it is proven even in a "progressive" state like CA. It would be a lot easier to get Jon custody of these kids if Kate would just smoke some crack a few times, but hell if most mothers will ever lose custody of their kids no matter what they say to them verbally. For as much as we talk ad nausem about how detrimental it is the way Kate treats these kids, the law has not caught up with public opinion yet. The law is not yet at a point where it's recognizing and doing something about these emotional abuse cases. We have a long way to go in accepting that how you talk to a kid has a tremendous effect on him.
After seeing Kate's display, I have no doubt that Kate is intimate with Steve. She is basically throwing her children to the wolves in defense of this man. She would rather that he eat than her own children. In order to appease her man, she feels that she must put on this ridiculous display.
I also have no doubt that Kate's children are just a means to her end. She is sitting over in her bus, like Her Royal Hinie, while her children are being taken care of by her two "servants." Words can't describe just how much I detest this woman.
Just Down The Road said...
If she's still under contract with TLC until February and she found another job with another network, wouldn't TLC have to release her from the contract in order to accept another job?
If they do, and if she finds another job on television, she'd be under contract with them. Who knows what kind of contract she will have when they host this charity event? It could get very sticky.
Yes, Kate would have to get TLC's approval before she can accept another job on another network. TLC most likely has exclusive rights to her, so they can decide whether to keep her or let her go. If they won't release her, then Kate's essentially a "lame duck" in Hollywood until this contract runs out. However, I'm not sure if another network can buy out her existing contract like they do in sports.
"Kate and the kids and he's surely got 50/50 custody if he wanted it. I'm thinking he's quite happy with four days per month."
Unless someone knows Jon, is around Jon, and knows his work situation, or what is going on in his personal life, I don't think anyone can say what he is happy with, or what he isn't happy with. He's been out of the media, doesn't make comments (other than the one when the show was canceled), and other than his immediate family and attorneys, nobody doesn't know what he is doing right now regarding custody or getting help for his children.
This is exactly how it should be. We can all HOPE that he has something in the works regarding the emotional well-being of his children. Kate needs an evaluation and treatment by a professional before she goes off the deep-end and something tragic happens. It appears, from her behavior on the last episode, and from her bizarre tweets (especially the ones in which she discusses the children's behavior) that clearly she needs help. Unless she voluntarily agrees to this, doesn't it have to be mandated by court for her to seek treatment?
Someone asked how people know so much about the tweeties lives. If you follow these tweets, as some do, it doesn't take long to know who they are, their ages, their occupations, and in the case of Paige and Emily, their unhealthy obsession with this woman.
Tamara said... To everyone here whom posted the names, ages, locations, etc of the twitter fans. And to the ones whom worry about the twitter fans and wonder where their parents are
The tweeters themselves provide the info in their tweets and some info in their profiles. They tweet the marital status of their parents in some cases, what they dream, their grades, when they're babysitting, etc., etc., etc.
Monday Morning, good point, and might I also add, that constantly dragging the children's mother to court is stressful on the children.
Jon knows he's lost and lost a lot. This particular judge is pro-mother, thinks he isn't in a position to comment on whether the kids should be filmed (thus, he isn't going to stop it), doesn't want to take a stand on Kate's mental health issues or working these kids or anything. Constantly dragging Mommy to court knowing you're probably going to lose and it will drag everything up all over again and upset the children all over again might not be the best thing to do for the KIDS.
I know first hand of kids throwing up several days prior knowing their parents have court dates. Or acting out, or regressing. You have to understand to a little kid, court is a scary place that makes huge decisions and has a scary guy in a black robe on the bench who can put you in jail. To a child, court can be so scary and leave them feeling unstable and unresolved.
It is not necessarily in the children's best interest to continue to have constant court dates now over TWO YEARS since the split, and Jon may very well feel strongly about that.
Quite honestly, win or lose, at a certain point you have to ask yourself, how far should I take this and how far is so far that it's just not good for the kids anymore?
Many people (good attorneys) tell clients if at any point you say this is too much for me and/or the kids I'm done, I will NOT fault you for it!
@ Pink Pearl said:
"It was: Ashley made the observation that she knew this trip would be like all of the rest of the trips, but this time Kate was much worse. So, the point is that Kate is an aggressive, cruel, heartless monster on all of the trips TLC has paid for.."
If Doctors, Teachers' Nurses etc., have to by Law report child abuse, or suspicious child abuse, why does TLC producers, staff not get reported for watching and condoning Khate's physical and psychological, emotional abuse of the kids? Especially when l read here, l think that Mady was protecting the the little boy tup face and head when the bitch of a mother (apologies to all pregnant doggies) was having yet another screaming fit at all the kids to the extent they were ALL crying! Why oh why are they allowed to get away with this??
For TLC to throw Kate under the bus in this manner, while backing up and repeatedly running over her again, it makes you wonder just what Kate has done to TLC. In order to justify her firing, they seem hell-bent on showing us exactly why she was let go. I can imagine that it has been pure hell working with her all of these years. She must have truly bitten the hand that feeds her.
. It would be a lot easier to get Jon custody of these kids if Kate would just smoke some crack a few times, but hell if most mothers will ever lose custody of their kids no matter what they say to them verbally. For as much as we talk ad nausem about how detrimental it is the way Kate treats these kids, the law has not caught up with public opinion yet. The law is not yet at a point where it's recognizing and doing s
omething about these emotional abuse cases.
I just want to add that it is not just about public opinion. There is clinical research about the damaging effects of emotional abuse.
The law really does need to catch up.
Gosselin Gossip said...
Two new webisodes from the RV Trip:
"I'm Sick of Your Dramatics"
If I was Jamie or Ashley, I would have stuck a finger down my throat, and projectile vomited at Kate to shut her up.
Here's your damn pizza!
Teresa, because TLC are not doctors, teachers, nurses, therapists, etc.
They're not mandatory reporters. Why would they report anything when all this is just making them millions?
nobody doesn't know what he is doing right now regarding custody or getting help for his children
Geez - that's a double negative. Should be "nobody knows..."
I need to put this wine aside!!!
I've too seen the court docket and it was far from dozens of times that Jon has filed to change anything major. Most of the court docket was for violations of the existing agreement, not to permanently change it. Other than trying to keep the kids from the Australian adventure, most were minor filings.
I also work in the legal field (24 years). If a parent truly wants 50/50 custody, there needs to be serious grounds to deny it. Kate no longer has TLC's legal team behind her.
I personally would never give up on getting my kids out of this situation, at least 50% of the time.
I still can't get over Jon knowing how warped Kate was and choosing to move to NYC. Call it Monday morning QBing if you choose, say he was suffering from PTSD, whatever - he'll have to answer to his kids someday.
From my experience, if you sit your child down every day and call them every swear word you could ever think of, including bitch and whore, tell them they are worthless, tell them they mean nothing to you and you hate them, and do this every day for 12 hours, you might, MIGHT lose custody, eventually, after many many hearings.
The law likes clear answers. A drug test is a clear answer. But a variety of psychologists opining on why emotional abuse messes up a child, means very little.
They're not mandatory reporters. Why would they report anything when all this is just making them millions?
Exactly! And they are encouraging this behavior by goading her. They knows she's psycho, and when she goes off, she'll go off on the kids. Better film, more dramatics, higher ratings.
I also work in the legal field (24 years). If a parent truly wants 50/50 custody, there needs to be serious grounds to deny it.
I compeltely disagree with this just from personal experience. People, fathers especially, end up with weekend visitation all the time for no reason, or little reason. Or for logistic reasons, to keep kids in the same school or the same house, that has no bearing on a parent being good or not. It could very well be the judge said I think it's best the kids stay in the same house and the same school and not constantly leaving the house for visits on a school day,, and it makes the most sense them to leave them with Kate, we have no idea what was said. Naturally Kate will play that off like Jon is a bad father when it could very well be that was never what was suggested in court.
It really depends on your judge. In some courts 50/50 is easy, sure. In others, it can be a total mixed bag and you just have to PRAY really.
By the way, if there were anything "serious" about Jon, he would have monitored visits.
We know he can see his children freely without any supervision, it always has been.
Almost always when custody is being denied due to a parent being bad for kids, they also end up having their visits monitored.
Jon's visitation proves the judge is not concerned about him around the kids.
Sheeple are SO dumb said... Her kids are eating the pizza. She goes ballistic? Steve is a big boy. So what is he doesn't like salad or mac/cheese. Kate tells the kids they get what they get, right?
Jaime "It's all about him, isn't it?"
That astounded me. Katie was in a panic that Steve "wanted his pizza right now; Let's go!"
That entire thing was about That Woman controlling the food again. Unauthorized consumption of unauthorized food at an unathorized hour, spearheaded by an unauthorized caregiver. (I know Jamie and Ashley are hired caregivers, but their authority of the hour did not include Pizza-feeding. Especially without tin foil.)
How do the sheeple justify this over the top temper tantrum? That poor Kartie is so broke she must carefully dole out 4 crackers and 6 grapes among her starving offspring; and now nasty Jamie/Ashley doomed them all to starvation for the week by misallocating 4 slices of left over pizza? Oh poor Katie, she has to do everything herself, even foil wrap and duct tape and tag individual slices of pizza, upon penalty of severeness?
Those poor kids.
and Admin, thank you for the reality check again. Jon cant run to court every time we get outraged. Sigh.
After seeing Kate's display, I have no doubt that Kate is intimate with Steve.
It could also be "her dream" for Steve to "want her." I still have my doubts. Maybe we'll find out one day.
Once again a PERFECT re-cap. Administrator, my hat is off to you! I watched the show because I have watched all the shows, and I am almost ashamed to admit that!
What started out as "the special" peaked my curosity because I too came from a large family. Once the J & K Plus 8 show came along, I watched, but became uneasy at how K treated her hubby- her weird ways- and her obvious disconnect with the kids. Still, I watched, hoping that things could- would- get better- perhaps as the kids got older- perhaps once they were in a bigger space- perhaps when they were able to special day trips- and vacations- BUT, it all got WORSE! And WHY??? Because of KATE! Plain and simple.
What should have been a "look at how blessed we are and how we manage day to day loving and living" became a sick, sad, look at how one woman can mess up sooo many lives. And, I am not just talking about the 8 little lives, I mean Jon, the families on both sides, friends, co-workers, etc. Seriously, can you see it?
My folks would have loved for us to have ONE of those trips, some of those freebies, heck, more than one bathroom! We wore hand me down clothes, went to the ice cream parlor once per summer, and visited an amusement park a few times, because that is what we could afford. ALL of us kids grew up happy and well adjusted and are successful in both our personal and professional lives. We appreciate the little things, and are quite generous with our time and talents.
I REALLY hope that once this show is over- so is the gravy train. Here is my advice for Kate- Sell, the house, give the kids a more normal life, reconnect with the grandparents and other relatives, get a real job, use the money you earned to take some parenting classes and get some real therapy, watch the re-runs and see how bad it has all become. Please, please, stop the craziness. TLC- I hope you follow up with some big time help for these kids- they are gonna need it!
Michelle said,
"I personally would never give up on getting my kids out of this situation, at least 50% of the time."
We don't know at this time what he is doing, or what his plans are in the near future in regards to custody.
"I still can't get over Jon knowing how warped Kate was and choosing to move to NYC. Call it Monday morning QBing if you choose, say he was suffering from PTSD, whatever - he'll have to answer to his kids someday."
That was two years ago. He straightened out pretty darn fast. He redeemed himself - his life now is far different. No need to hold that indiscretion (if you want to call it that) over his head for the rest of his life.
We don't know exactly the hell this man went through during his marriage, but I think that now most of us have a good idea. I can't believe he stayed in that situation for as long as he did.
Michelle, it's easy to say on the couch you would never "give up" on your kids. What if you ran out of money? Family law attorneys bill 400-500 bucks an hour!
What if your kids were screaming and crying and vomiting every time you went to court and lost?
What if every time you went to court, all that did was piss off the other parent more such that they went back too and counter-sued you even worse and did everything they could to make you miserable?
What if court was becoming so stressful you were getting ulcers and migraines and couldn't work anymore?
What if you keep going back and the judge starts sanctioning you for filing the same thing over and over?
There are many reasons fathers stop dragging themselves to family law court that don't mean you don't love your kids or are giving up on them.
And finally, what if you were having your weekend visits with your children and your child said to you, Daddy, please stop fighting with Mommy in court it makes me sad.
The total time Jon ever spent in NYC probably doesn't even compare to the total time Kate spent in L.A. for DWTS. Let alone NYC herself.
Arrrrggghhhh l hate my computor. It's not allowing me to see any clips. Not even the one Admin posted on the recaps. I have tried everything you all have suggested and still nothing! Time to get in touch with a technician l think. It's driving me crazy not being able to see anything you post. On second thought, maybe that's a good thing considering the reaction.
Teresa - have you checked "Internet Options" to make sure you can view the clips? Also check your privacy settings and your anti-virus to make sure web clips are not blocked
Good Luck!
"Arrrrggghhhh l hate my computor. It's not allowing me to see any clips. Not even the one Admin posted on the recaps"
Teresa - when I had that problem, it was due to a very nasty virus. Good luck!
Mama said, "No more excuses Jon. Quit biding your time, quit fearing the contract, quit fearing the expense,"
Quit fearing the expense? Why shouldn't he fear the expense? Attorneys have to be paid - they certainly aren't going to take his case on a contingency basis. If he doesn't have the money to do it, exactly where is he going to come up with their fees?
It sounds fine to be able to say "do something...don't worry about the money," but when the bill comes, he can't just sit on it! You can put off paying your debts only so long. Eventually you'll have to pay the piper.
People who DARE to bash Jon need only go back and watch ONE episode of JK8! He was a super YOUNG dad with 8 mouths to feed dealing with a wack job MEAN wife and he survived! If the roles had been reversed, it would have been called spousal abuse. Same goes for now with how she treats the kids. Put a mustache on Kate and people would be screaming she abuses the kids! I am SURE that with all the big time attornies Jon is smart enough to know that he needs to be the best dad he can be when the kids are with him, and bide his time until the time is right. Shame on the people who bash him.
Just Down The Road said...
If she's still under contract with TLC until February and she found another job with another network, wouldn't TLC have to release her from the contract in order to accept another job?
Adding to my original reply to you, I also found this related to Kate having an exclusive contract with TLC in 2009.
From LA Times article on Jon's breach of contract suit:
Kate Gosselin has been busy planning her TV future. She has been working on a pilot for a daytime talk show that would be produced and distributed by Warner Bros. TLC is also working on a project with her, and the cable network granted permission to Kate to pursue other ventures and her talk show and print interviews were also pre-approved.
If TLC had exclusive rights to her in 2009, it's most likely that her existing contract would also give them exclusive rights to Kate. Notice she had to seek permission from TLC before pursuing other tv ventures then; she would likely have to do the same now.
Moose Mania said...
Mama said, "No more excuses Jon. Quit biding your time, quit fearing the contract, quit fearing the expense,"
Quit fearing the expense? Why shouldn't he fear the expense? Attorneys have to be paid - they certainly aren't going to take his case on a contingency basis. If he doesn't have the money to do it, exactly where is he going to come up with their fees?
It sounds fine to be able to say "do something...don't worry about the money," but when the bill comes, he can't just sit on it! You can put off paying your debts only so long. Eventually you'll have to pay the piper.
September 2, 2011 5:10 PM
Unless, of course your name is Kate Gosselin. See: Sylvia LaFair.
Uh oh! It's hitting the fan! I wonder how much footage of the Kate/Steve thing TLC buried until now.
Sheeple are SO dumb said...
Jaime "It's all about him, isn't it?" No affair?
I know!! Yowzers!!!!!!! I would call that a confirmation.
Saw the preview clip on ROL. Holy sh$t. It's very clear why she's twatting away, being oh-so-sweet and giving - she's trying to change minds, trying to convince those who are on the fence about her that it really is all about editing, that it's TLC's fault she's been made to look like the narcissistic witch she really is.
There's no substance to her - she reinvents herself as the situation demands. She's one sick woman!
To those demanding that Jon intervene - he may very well be. We have no idea what he's doing legally these days but I think we can agree that he does have the children's best interest in his heart and mind.
New York State Of Mind said...
That was two years ago. He straightened out pretty darn fast. He redeemed himself - his life now is far different. No need to hold that indiscretion (if you want to call it that) over his head for the rest of his life.
We don't know exactly the hell this man went through during his marriage, but I think that now most of us have a good idea. I can't believe he stayed in that situation for as long as he did.
Exactly! It was hell and he left for NYC to be a stud and left his kids behind in hell. If he couldn't handle the mental abuse, how did he think his kids would. We hold Kate responsible for crap she pulled over two years ago (the bed buying incident, gumgate, vomitgate), Jon bailed and will have to explain to his kids someday that "daddy was being mentally abused by mommy and couldn't take it - how'd you handle it".
Did he return to PA and try to do his best? Yes, but sadly AFTER the custody issues were resolved. What judge would give a man who bolted for NYC and made ridiculous choices (whether caused by the mental distress of his marriage) 50/50 custody even if he wanted it, which at the time he didn't seem to.
Look at the video from last summer how those kids screamed when they were returned home.
After 24 years in the legal field, I haven't seen one abused spouse (physical or mental) leave the kids behind with the abuser unless they were financially unable to take them. Not Jon's situation when he left. Why did he leave? Why not file to have Kate leave? He was the at home parent. She was all over the country with Steve.
Do you really think at this point a man who is used to seeing his eight young children four days a month is dying for a lifestyle that involves coming home from work to eight kids with homework?
We'll never know, but I am 99.999% sure Jon didn't want 50/50 custody. My cousin in Wisconsin filed for it five years post divorce because his ex (a special ed teacher no less) was mentally warping the kids. He got it. It can be done.
Can you imagine subpoening TLC's tapes of unaired footage? Talk about a case.
Someone tweeted that she hopes that Kate will be able to keep the house.
Kate responded:
@dubhlinn2 I bought it, am paying for it and unless a work move, we're staying here!
Oh, good gosh. "I" bought it, am paying for it..."
She's really a piece of work, isn't she?
Hippie Chick and Bluenoser,
Hope you both feel better; I am familiar with pain and I hear you.
I don't know why the 10 or 20 kids wanting to meet Kate and kiss her a$$, don't just ask Kate if they can have a "come to Jesus" meeting in her back yard? Thar's what it's all about.
Kate would soon put an end to that idea! She's just screwing with them to keep the attention on her anyway. Maybe , if she gets caught wandering drunk and smoking some "maryjane",the popo might rethink this custody thing. ha, not a chance, she's like teflon. Biotch....
With her luck, they would demand that it be "hard" drugs she was on.......20 kilos or so.
N.E. Psychologist- hi, nice to hear from you. You are right on again with your comments, as usual. Pity, eh?
"...unless a work move..."
Say what?? So she knows her prospects "in media" lie outside of PA, that is clear. I wonder if she thinks she can just uproot the kids? Out of state?
Just another in a loooooonnnnngggg list of lies.... "This is the childrens' house". Well, if that is so, then they should stay, regardless of where she ends up moving.
Michelle - are you an attorney?
Jenna, are you having night sweats?
No Regrets said...
When the producers were talking to Ashley and Jaime at the picnic table, did you get the impression that this was all planned, the "fight" angle between the women? Why else would the producer prompt them to talk about her when she was gone grocery shopping. I think this was a total set up, then Kate didn't disappoint and lead them all into the land of la la along with her.
Absolutely, the picnic table talk with Jamie and Ashley was 'planned', but how else was it supposed to be done? I don't think that the fight or their disagreements were staged just for the show. I think TLC finally decided to give us a glimpse of what life has been like for them traveling with the Gosselin family.
For reality shows Q&A we normally see them on couches or sitting at a kitchen table, but in this case the producer decided to ask the 2 women a few questions and they sat down for the interview (it could have been done standing, but it was the producers choice to do it sitting). I don't think we should read anything more into it. I think it just happened to be convenient to do the interview when Kate was shopping rather than after the trip at home on the couch. There are a lot of interviews (called various things on different reality shows - on Little People Big World it was called "hay baling" because they often sat on hay bales in the barn for their talks) that are done that end up on the cutting room floor. I don't think they had any ulterior motives for doing it when they did. They just did it in the field rather than at home after the trip - maybe because neither Ashley nor Jamie would be available later.
Michelle, we hold Kate responsible for crap she pulled two years ago because SHE NEVER CHANGED. Big difference. She specifically said she regrets nothing, she hasn't changed one bit, she pulls the same crap today as she did two years ago, in fact even worse.
Jon changed, pure and simple. I don't hold a few incidents over someone's head forever if they apologize and change for the better. Kate never has, Jon did.
And I'm 99.99% sure that we do not know the first thing about what Jon exactly wants, but if he did want custody, it would be 99.99% difficult and not just because he made a few mistakes two years ago, but because he is in front of a judge who is pro-mother and up against a mother who is a narcissist who never, ever quits.
I doubt Jon would even be able to get TLC's tapes into court. I would object left and right if I were Kate's attorneys. You'd never be able to prove she wasn't just putting on a dog and pony show exaggerating behaviors. There is no way to prove it was a real representation of how things are. They are irrelevant in a court of law, at best.
Your cousin is in a different court, different state, different judge, and isn't famous. He was lucky, most fathers won't be. Plus, he's not going up against Kate who is a narcissist who will eat your soul before she ever, ever backs down. Apples and oranges.
Did anybody catch the parody last night on Jimmy Kimmel Live about "Dr. Drew Plus 8 in Rehab"?
Jimmy made a joke about Kate wanting to be a motivational speaker, and said "She be great! She motivated Jon to move away!"
Then they showed a clip of many of the kids meltdowns and bad behavior and made comments about how the show set them up to have psychological problems the rest of their lives.
Then they show an edited clip of Dr. Drew counseling the 8 kids while they are in rehab.
It was funny....but not funny at the same time. Those kids didn't deserve to be made fun of like that, all because their greedy mother sold them out for fame and money.
I think Khate has a desperate crush on Steve, and is constantly trying to get him to "like" her. He refused to sleep with her so she has just dialed up the wacky. I think that is a large part in why he's stuck around so long instead of being kicked to the curb. You always want something more when you can't have it.
As for the twitter fans, um, and I'm trying not to offend anyone here, but I think it is incredibly creepy that people are following them as much as they are Khate. JMO
Kate referred her tweeties to her manager to handle the details of any get-together because she has no intention of attending anything other than a legitimate affair and the thing this college student and his high school friends are planning isn't going to be one. Believe me, Julie Carson May will bury this idea quicker than these kids ever imagined possible. I don't believe Kate is giving this any serious consideration and I don't think we should either.
What good does it do Jon to fork over 400 bucks an hour for an attorney plus child support to get the kids only to be homeless?
Part of being a family law attorney is strategy. I have a dozen case notes right now in my email calendar at various times of the year reminding me things like "maybe now might be a good time to file that motion on such and such case." What I'm trying to say is, I don't just file whatever the hell I can file whenever I can. There is an art to this business and timing is a big part of the game. I have had many cases where people sat on their hands for YEARS before we decided the time was right to do something.
I'm sorry but there is so much strategy that goes into a family law case and to stand from the outside and judge how someone is choosing to handle their case when SO MUCH of it is confidential is so misguided.
Theresa, I am not an expert by any stretch, but have you tried shutting it down and re- booting after a few minutes? That's what I do when all else fails. Mine wouldn't let me type in the comments box to-day!
Admin - I love your site, your recaps and your wisdom, but guess on this one we'll just have to agree to disagree.
"Jon changed, pure and simple. I don't hold a few incidents over someone's head forever if they apologize and change for the better." Sadly, even if he changed for the better, the permanent damage he did to himself in the eyes of the court is done and the children are paying the price for his choices two years ago.
" . . . because he is in front of a judge who is pro-mother" Has he filed for a change? You can get your judge changed.
Like I said, we'll have to agree to disagree. Unlike Kate, you don't have to agree with me for me to like you! :) That's one of the best things about your site. You allow respectful disagreements.
To Legally Blonde: No I'm not an attorney. Paralegal since 1987.
Michelle said:
Do you really think at this point a man who is used to seeing his eight young children four days a month is dying for a lifestyle that involves coming home from work to eight kids with homework?
I've known Jon for some time. I have seen him with his children many times, and there is no doubt in my mind that if he could, he would come home from work to be with his eight children.
"Dying" to come home to them? The verb doesn't work here. I would say that after working all day, he would be willing to ASSUME the responsibility of taking care of his children, and would, in fact, do it with compassion without complaining, yelling and setting up a dictatorship in their home.
Exactly how much homework does Kate do with her children? Education is not a priority with her - school is just a place where she puts her kids for the day.
Here's the Jimmy Kimmel parody if anybody missed it.
Michelle said....Sadly, even if he changed for the better, the permanent damage he did to himself in the eyes of the court is done and the children are paying the price for his choices two years ago.
I more or less agree this might be one reason things turned out as they did (we have no idea the reasons why Kate has custody, it could be as simple as wanting them to stay in the house) and yes it is sad, but it only takes one little thing to set your momentum in a family law case against you. Should it be like this? Arguably, no, but it's a reality.
Has he filed for a change? You can get your judge changed.
NO YOU CAN'T!!! Not very easily anyway. It is almost impossible to get a judge changed. In California, you can only file to get an automatic judge change at the beginning of the case--before you know what they're gonna do, so that doesn't usually help much. Later in the have to make a 170.1 motion, and you must show some kind of severe bias or prejudice. Because you don't like how the case turned out is NOT ENOUGH. When I mean this, I mean like, the judge is sleeping with the other party. THAT kind of bias. It RARELY happens, I've seen it granted once. Oh and by the way guess who gets to grant it? The judge themselves. Like they would grant it! Most states are similar. to get a new judge. If we could, people would be hopping around to different judges daily shopping around and it would be chaos. They don't. You're stuck with who you have, much like a spouse.
Tamara, Who are these creepy people following the twits? You find them creepy after watching Kate in this episode?
Has he filed for a change? You can get your judge changed.
NO YOU CAN'T!!! Not very easily anyway. It is almost impossible to get a judge changed. In California, you can only file to get an automatic judge change at the beginning of the case--before you know what they're gonna do, so that doesn't usually help much.
California definitely has a legal system unlike others we've encountered at work. I'm in MN and judge changes are pretty routine. A case we recently used outside counsel for in Alaska had each of the three different parties put in for a judicial change mid-case because someone had an issue with the judge each time.
Like I said, California is a different ball game. One of the PI attorneys at our firm was shocked to discovery CA has a one year statute of limitations for filing in court. We've got a seven year statute in MN. Can't believe California wants to clog up their system with so many cases that could be settled. In a PI case, one year isn't even enough time to establish if there's a permanent injury.
Don't have experience with family law in other states, but I'm sure California makes it more difficult than most.
I also know Jon and have been sitting here biting my tongue. I cannot/will not divulge secrets here.
No one here knows how many times he's been to court. It's far more than you think. The judge is not pro-mother, he's pro-money. He has refused to do anything that would limit Kate's income because he felt the large income benefited the kids in the end. Jon respectfully disagrees and I agree with Jon.
It's not really that unusual. I tried to find the specific statute in PA, but a DUI lawyer stated on his web site you have to show cause, such as bias. I'm telling you, it's impossible to try to tell a judge he's biased.
Off the top of my head, it's also the same in Illinois, you have to show some kind of bias. The point is though, apparently you do have to show something in PA, which is where Jon is. Don't you think the father with a blog would have gotten a new judge if he could? He is fighting that tooth and nail trying to take it all the way up, if it were as simple as a new judge he would have done so. He clearly can't. Plus who is to say you won't get yet another judge even worse?!
We're insulting CA now? :) I find CA to be very fair toward fathers, much fairer than what I've read and heard about in other states. They also have a huge emphasis on mediation, which resolves a lot of disputes. And, they have more minors attorneys than any other state in the country. Children are treated far fairer here than any other state, even getting their own attorney.
Don't get me started on CA's superior child labor laws, some of the best in the country. Not working in PI, I have no clue what the rules are for that.
I'm sure some people do find CA's family law courts "difficult."
I don't think psychological evaluations of parents and children, home checks, attorneys for minors whenever there is the slightest indication of undue influence on minors, a requirement to go to Mediation, a great in pro per system (you don't need a lawyer), an emphasis on encouraging fathers to co-parent or even take custody if appropriate (Project Fatherhood is just one awesome organization supporting single dads) "difficult."
What some people call "difficult" I call getting to a result that is in the best interest of the child.
Oh, and a child support system that uses Dissomaster, a acclaimed computer program that is, in 95% of the cases I've seen, spitting out a result that is FAIR.
Administrator said...
We're insulting CA now? :)
Uh oh. Now I'm in trouble!!
For all our bickering about what Jon can do and can't do, I think we can all (or at least 99.999% of us!) can agree that he is hands down the healthier parent for these kids and four days a month with him just isn't enough. I hope he at least gets them one week night for dinner or something too.
Today's ugly pizza clips also made it clear to me how many of the adults these kids are stuck with are just plain stupid.
Steve: Kate was raging about someone sticking an arm out the RV handing him a piece of pizza. She asks Steve "who gave it to you"? Does Steve protect Mady by saying "relax, Kate, it's fine"? Nope, he says "Mady". Nice.
Jamie: Kate's ranting and raving about the pizza like a lunatic and Jamie says "you're acting like Mady". Nice.
And clearly based on what is filmed, edited, subtiled if necessary to make sure we don't miss a good insult, there are no adults at TLC looking out for these kids either.
I think that's why Jon brings out such strong feelings in those of us that care about these kids. We know he's their only hope for sanity.
What kind of people are still fans? I believe they are a combo of:
1. Tweens (most likely ones that don't fit in all that well at school)
2. Hope this doesn't offend anyone but religious Born-Agains (with no critical thinking skills so they don't see Kate's hypocrisy...just throw a Bible passage out there and they think you are wonderful)
3. Women who have been cheated on and/or had their husband/BF leave them...esp. if they married another woman later and these women are still holding a huge grudge and identify with Kate (even though it was Kate who ended the marriage, but don't confuse them with the facts). Basically "my man done me wrong" and "all men are dogs" women
4.Several dorky guys who think Kate is "hot"
5. Young mothers who blog about their children and motherhood and think everyone is fascinated with them and their children (as if nobody else has ever given birth or raised kids)....most of them Born-Agains too....and Kate is their hero and role model.
And I'm sure there are several more smaller categories but in general, they all have a serious lack of critical thinking skills....why there are so easily misled. :D
A friend said... I also know Jon and have been sitting here biting my tongue. I cannot/will not divulge secrets here.
No one here knows how many times he's been to court. It's far more than you think. The judge is not pro-mother, he's pro-money. He has refused to do anything that would limit Kate's income because he felt the large income benefited the kids in the end. Jon respectfully disagrees and I agree with Jon.
Well now Kate's income being tied to the kids is a moot point. Guess we'll see if anything new happens.
Has he filed for a change? You can get your judge changed.
I'm in PA, and from experience, I know that it is virtually IMPOSSIBLE to get another judge. Admin is right. It would be chaos if each partner in a case shopped around for another judge. It doesn't happen here, and yes, PA definitely is pro-mother.
I'm sure someone will set me straight on this if I'm wrong, but wasn't TLC behind Jon's getting the apartment in NYC? I seem to remember reading an article at the time that TLC looked for the apartment and encouraged Jon to rent it. I think they had plans to film daddy/kids on the town in NYC at the time. Jon wound up spending more time in Pa. than he did in NYC anyway, and shortly after the move, he tried to put a stop to filming the kids.
hey jude said... Theresa, I am not an expert by any stretch, but have you tried shutting it down and re- booting after a few minutes? That's what I do when all else fails. Mine wouldn't let me type in the comments box to-day!
Yup, tried that many times. I called Dell, since the laptop is only 4 months old and still under warranty, couldn't believe it when they wanted $90 to fix problem over the phone! They said warranty only covers hardware, and l have a software problem, that is easily fixable. Screw that! I went back to google and looked again to see if it was an IE problem with Adobe. EUREKA! it was! All l had to do was reset IE and problem fixed. Took me less than 30 seconds! Thanks to all who offered advice and didn't charge me lol.... now l can see what you all are talking about. THANK YOU!
Dee3...I'm a born again Christian and I see through her hypocrisy. Most of my 'born again' Christian friends do as well.
The so-called Christians who follow her are trying to excuse themselves of their own poor parenting choices, or are trying to ride on her coat tails to see if they can profit monetarily. They are in for a rude awakening. Kate is NOT their Messiah. They are idolizing her instead of praying for her to get help. She needs it desperately as she's running away from truth and seeking her fulfillment in the adulation of some crazy fans.
Just for clarification. I actually go to GT (where the crazy fan goes and where Kate used to go). And that's all I'll say about that. I'm usually sitting up in the balcony (the church is huge - has it's own little coffee shop and restaurant and bookstore) and have never seen Kate there.
I don't know Jon, but I am glad to see a few people who do standing up for him!!! :-)
Since I fist saw JK8, Jon has always reminded me of my father - married to a narcissistic bitch, and a great dad to his kids.
I can't believe how f*cked up justice is in PA. HEARTREAKING what those childrens' lives have been, thus far.
I haven't watched for years, and I refuse to give that psycho bitch any additional ratings now. besides, this last episode sounds awful. The children should not have had to put up with this crazy person for as long as they have. I hope they find good therapists one day, and I mean that sincerely, as a daughter of a narcissist.
Thank you for the recap, Admin. I don't know how you tolerate watching this woman.
hey jude said...
Tamara, Who are these creepy people following the twits? You find them creepy after watching Kate in this episode?
I didn't say the people themselves are creepy (though I do find that any person who whistles while in public is more likely to be a serial killer, plus it is one of my pet annoyances) I said that following the fans on twitter so closely is creepy.
On another front, I could see the case of Jon and Kate being studied in classes dealing with sexism, and societies double standards when it comes to men and women.
A friend said...
I also know Jon and have been sitting here biting my tongue. I cannot/will not divulge secrets here...No one here knows how many times he's been to court. It's far more than you think.
I've been biting my tongue to the point where it has nearly drawn blood! Thanks for saying this without revealing anything that shouldn't be revealed. I believe that it will all come out in good time. It would be erroneous to say that Jon has been sitting on his butt doing nothing.
Dell first offered to fix laptop for $189. I declined. Then he came back with the offer of $90. Which l still declined since he said it was easy to fix. Made me think "easy?" That's when l went to good ol' google. I told Dell rep it would be cheaper to go to Best Buy to fix, that's when he reduced price to $90. Just so you know about Dell and their warranties folks. Not Good!
Falling like a brick~
I didn't know how to word that I know there are lots of Christians who see Kate's hypocrisy. To me, the ones I was referring to fall hook, line and sinker for anyone who says the right Kate's case, it was Bible passages on the wall and refusing selective reduction.
These folks are very easily conned. If a person says they share the same religious views, they will completely trust him/her.....despite all sorts of evidence that this person is a hypocrite and has more or less lied by implying he/she's a devout Christian.
I have a relative like this. He's gotten conned into several multi-level-management schemes because all the person had to do was wave the religion card around and he buys right into whatever the hell they are selling.
Dee3: There are those out there. The ultra conservative and naive. It's just sad because she has been given such an great opportunity to do good, and all she does is HORRIBLE stuff and the sheeple follow her every thought and move.
I feel the same way about the 'prosperity gospel' crap that's always on the telly. Send me money, pray for riches and you will be blessed.
Blessings don't always come in hefty financial and worldly packages. They come in experiences and moments of joy.
These things seriously IRK me! !
There have been a lot of Christians over the years who have said I'm Christian and I don't support Kate. I happen to think what's far more consistent with my faith is to support the kids, not Kate.
Actually, forget being a Christian, I don't know how any basic human decency would compel you to support Kate.
Administrator said...
Actually, forget being a Christian, I don't know how any basic human decency would compel you to support Kate.
Totally agree! ! It's beyond comprehension. It's almost like being in jr high or high school and these twitterfans are desperately trying to get the 'popular chick' to be their friend, no matter how bad of a person she really is.
Sadly, I think for some of them who are immature, as most if not all of them are, it's about pride. They don't want to admit they were wrong. They are just like Kate, they think everyone would give a rip. Tweeple? No one cares about your pride. Stop supporting Kate, you won't lose any pride!
We saw how Kate's number 1 fan reacted when Kate gave her a smackdown essentially telling her not to promote Kate's contest on her web site. The fan still supported her. Had it been anyone else I have no doubt she would have said screw you, but since it's someone she has backed since day one, she feels foolish to admit okay you were all right. It's stubbornness and pride.
My Christian faith is what led to me start researching the 'truth' behind the house of lies.
I found it odd that they were out seeking donations from churches and then she 'surprised' him with a trip to the Florida Keys for his Birthday. We make decent money and live not far from them. We couldn't afford a trip to the Keys on a whim. That was my "Ah- HA" moment. As a Christian, I felt it was wrong to be deceitful.
Kate is again explaining to a tweetie that she
did not pull her "producer" power because she knew they were going for the drama this time, so she
didn't bother.
The Bible talks all the time about not associating with liars and cheats and to not be swindled and to stand up for those who are taken advantage of and defend the helpless (hello, the kids!).
I don't know anything more consistent with our stance on Kate.
My pastor gave a series of about four sermons last year explaining why the Prosperity Gospel is based on a house of cards and not faith-based and essentially, B.S. (Hello, in this world you will have trouble!) They were amazing. They should be published. I'm sure the propserity gospel pastors which are a dime a dozen out here hhhhhated it.
That was one of the first things that turned me off from Kate, the prosperity Gospel-ish stuff she says. No Kate, you didn't pray for paper towels and they appeared. It was coincidence someone thought of you and put them there. Good things don't always happen to those who just pray hard enough. You got lucky.
I found it odd that they were out seeking donations from churches and then she 'surprised' him with a trip to the Florida Keys for his Birthday.
They filmed in the Florida Keys - TLC would have footed the bill. Kate wouldn't go anywhere on her own dime.
Admin: thanks for your insight I am on the same page.
Kate has used the gospel for her personal gain.
Admin, I love your recaps, read this site so often. What you're saying about this custody makes perfect sense about the custody. And I'd like to add this...
These kids are still to young to see the big picture but this is only for a few more years. Sure he ran wild after his divorce but he got it out of his system and has since made very positive changes. If his hands are tied in the courts he's doing the best thing for everyone but not creating more drama. Karma is going to bite kate right in the ass, it's starting already. sometimes it's better to let things like this play out, as long as he's doing the right things the right things will happen.
@Kateplusmy8 I saw three cases (12) - if they're still there.. they may have more. I'd be happy to deliver or meet you.
@Kateplusmy8 OK...grabbing what they have left of the SOBE tomorrow... we can meet up somewhere! I bought a couple! They are good!
Look out! Brownie has figured out a way to worm herself into Kate's life! What a pathetic sheeple.
I fear we begin down a slippery slope when we use the Bible to vindicate ourselves. For each verse this blog can use against Kate, there are an equal number we could use against ourselves. I know that best intentions are at heart but when the Scripture becomes a weapon against our brothers and sisters its purpose is violated.
The Scriptures are intended to keep us ALL in line, not just those with whom we do not agree.
None of us, not one, is able to claim that we
have achieved goodness to the point that we
can hurl Biblical phrases at others and avoid being hit with them ourselves.
I pray that those of us who see genuine
problems in this situation will remember we are all in need of prayer and self discovery. The Bible speaks to the heart of each and every one of us.
I appreciate your patience with me.
Michelle, we hold Kate responsible for crap she pulled two years ago because SHE NEVER CHANGED. Big difference. She specifically said she regrets nothing, she hasn't changed one bit, she pulls the same crap today as she did two years ago, in fact even worse.
ITA. She said that if she had the chance to do it all over again, she would, and she wouldn't do anything different! She'd still film the kids vomiting, being potty-trained, fighting, being put in time-out, she'd still abuse Jon on camera, have their divorce played out in the media, still throw a tantrum on Sarah Palin's show....oy.
I watched the YouTube clip of part 1 of the RV trip, and lol'ed when Mady quipped, "I'm a smart cookie." That she is. She's not a brat, just a very bright and spirited young girl.
KyPastor: I don't see it as using the Bible to vindicate ourselves. I see it as we are holding Kate to the tenets that she herself proclaimed in numerous churches, on television, and multiple post it notes.
She has strayed far from what she originally preached.
...and once again, BigFan is broadcasting her gynecological problems to Kate (and everyone else who reads these tweets):
@LEIGHSHAHAN1 @Kateplusmy8 I know, but I dont know what to do. Do other Females have this problem? I googled it. Its supposed to be normal.
BigFanofKateG @
@Kateplusmy8 I'm having a heavy flow day. ugh. Feel weird & in alot of pain.
Wouldn't you be embarrassed out of your mind to tweet this for everyone to see?
This is sheeple mentality.
Falling like a brick said...
Admin: thanks for your insight I am on the same page.
Kate has used the gospel for her personal gain.
Yep - there's a verse about Kate:
1 Timothy 6:5 (English Standard Version)
5and constant friction among people who are depraved in mind and deprived of the truth, imagining that godliness is a means of gain.
Another part of Kate's fan base are people from other countries. I'm not saying everyone from another country falls for her BS, but many post on Facebook and Twitter, sometimes complaining they can't get the most recent episodes. That might be a good thing!
I wonder if that's because those that live in other countries haven't been exposed to the Kate saga like Americans have. Thanks for the recap.
I fear we begin down a slippery slope when we use the Bible to vindicate ourselves.
Not at all. I would stand behind my stance on this whether I was a Christian or not. This was only in response to this idea that some people support Kate because they are Christians. That may be so, but as many of us have pointed out, there is nothing about being a Christian that we believe calls us to support someone who behaves like Kate.
KYPastor, With due respect, we are not to turn a blind eye to our erring brethren, but correct them according to the Word, in love and gentleness.
2 Timothy 2:24-26 (New International Version)
24 And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. 25 Opponents must be gently instructed, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, 26 and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.
Does anyone know what prompted this reply?
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@Paige_Kate8fan @BarbGilmer only w my permission tho, ok? :)
1 hour ago
Looks like Kate is going through her kids' clothing and sending them to someone. I'm not sure what that is about.
I imagine your gullible Christian relative would be that way regardless of his faith. Being born again doesn't magically change one's personality into something totally different. See - I'm "born again" and I exercised some critical thinking skills.
@Rhymes With Witch ~ Thanks. And one can easily surmise just how severe Kate's actions and reactions to the kids are in that house when the cameras are off.....considering what has been seen on the shows. The woman is so cruel, and really has no control over herself. This is so interesting because being in control of others, as well as her surroundings in general, is what drives her madness.
@Kateplusmy8 OK...grabbing what they have left of the SOBE tomorrow... we can meet up somewhere! I bought a couple! They are good!
I'm trying to understand this one. I think this is the sheeple who has been stalking Kate for two years. She finally figured out a way to get to Kate - through three cases of Sobe.
Kate is going to meet with her (alone?) to pick up these cases, or will she send her security team (or Steve)?
I can't believe that Kate would actually agree to meet this woman alone - she has no idea who she is or what she is.
Is Kate that dumb?
Kate said she didn't pull her producer card out for this last episode because she knew they were going for drama?? Hmmm.. she tweeted that she hd only seen the episode the afternoon before it time then to pull your producer card... I wish someone would ask her on a talk show, why she doesn't pull her mommy card, and tell the cameras to stop rolling...
people beware, you film with TLC and you sell your soul to the Devil!!!
I know we don't all support the Duggars- but it's hard not to contrast their road trip:
The duggar have more people in a smaller space and yet seem happy
Does Kate drunk tweet at night? She's been carrying on with this Wynnie person for some time, and it really sounds like she's a bit loopy.
I hope Ky. Pastor will pardon this one. One of my favorite verses:
1st Corinthians 13:1 "If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal." (Douay-Rheims ver.)In some translations, love is substituted for charity. Unfortunately, Kate doesn't speak with either love or charity.
Meagler said...
people beware, you film with TLC and you sell your soul to the Devil!!!
Let's hope she doesn't have another child!
Sorry if this has been posted...I haven't had time to go back and read all of the comments from today:
search Kate Gosselin's fast food war
Would a hefty dose of Valium help her?
I pray I did not come across harshly. I was merely expressing caution and an opinion at the same time. I missed my mark if I did not deliver
my thoughts with care.
Admin, you mentioned kids being ill and having other problems caused by custody cases, do you know if the 8 have ever actually attended any of the court dates?
Dwindle, Are you here to-day? I have been away, my dh needed the computer.
I was raised by Christian parents and wouldn't have been allowed to watch this show on tv. I can't stand when people like Kate play the Christian card, and to take money to talk at these churches is craziness.
I would respect someone who did these church talks in order to help others, but just to tell their story and ask for money , would think the offering would be enough, not charging a fee to appear.That's when I figured something was fishy.
Does anyone know what prompted this reply?
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@Paige_Kate8fan @BarbGilmer only w my permission tho, ok? :)
1 hour ago
Looks like Kate is going through her kids' clothing and sending them to someone. I'm not sure what that is about.
Apparently Kate needs to hand out her address
to people so they can send her books to autograph. Requests are coming in and filtered through 2 sheeple. One sheeple is quite young, so Kate is reminding her to get Kate's approval
before sending out her address.
I'm still on the record about Khate & Steve being a couple. The new preview cements it for me when Ashley quips "It's all about him!" When you watch you can see Khate is visibly too emotionally invested in Steve.
Seriously, bodyguard? He just stands there like a tool while Khate goes ballistic over a slice of pizza.
This preview is incredible. Just when you think she can't be anymore of a bitch, she trumps herself once again. And to know that TLC's been covering up the worst of this lunatic's behaviour is just sickening.
I have no idea if the kids have been to court, many states don't allow children to come to court, but rather, have an attorney or child advocate or social worker interview them outside court in a friendly environment. There is a famous story of a foster child who was brought to court with everyone else including people in custody, and asked the judge, am I going to jail? Incidents like that have emphasized how traumatic court can be on kids.
I was actually assuming the kids haven't been, because Kate would surely play martyr about that about how she had to drag them down there boo hoo sob sob. What I'm talking about is the mere knowledge that Mommy and Daddy are fighting it out in court can give a child major anxiety issues including vomiting, regression, bad behavior and so on. Even if they have to stay home.
We know Kate doesn't shut up about court dates, I'm sure the kids were well aware when Mommy had to go to court.
Ky Pastor,
I think you delivered your thoughts with honesty and sincerity.
I sure hope that was organic pizza that Kate was flipping out over...What happened to all the 2 wks. worth of food she claimed to be loading on to the RV?
Again as it struck me a few minutes ago here:
Kate does not think it's acceptable to hand someone a slice of pizza with your bare hands yet it is acceptable to rub sewage on a chld's face?
Isn't Steve a grown man? Can't he get his own things to eat? A bodyguard, in sense, when guarding say head of state or someone of importance is not included in private family functions such as meal plans even if they are relatively close with the family. It's just wrong. If Steve is so hungry, why doesn't he get into one of the vehicles that follows one of the RVs to go get food? It's that simple! Really? And we are supposed to believe there is nothing going on? I don't think I've ever seen a bodyguard so involved like this before just creepy.
As far as comments I've read elsewhere already forming opinions about Cara's supposed weight gain, it's ridiculous. She's 10 years old. Why is America so hung up on anyone who gains weight at any given time? It's just a waste of time and potentially hurtful I couldn't believe it.
Kate and her attitude I hope get knocked down a couple of notches soon. What's the careful of the bridges your burn today because you might need to cross them tomorrow?
Lake Up North said...
Again as it struck me a few minutes ago here:
Kate does not think it's acceptable to hand someone a slice of pizza with your bare hands yet it is acceptable to rub sewage on a chld's face?
Exactly. Welcome to logic according to Kate.
Kart was shown handling bread many times and she wasn't wearing gloves or using tinfoil. I've watched her make monkey munch and meatloaf with her bare hands. Maybe Steve's a fussy eater and he didn't want anyone touching his pizza. Or he felt sick from having to deal with 11 kids and 3 bickering females during the trip.
"Looks like Kate is going through her kids' clothing and sending them to someone. I'm not sure what that is about."
A woman on twitter has been saying she has financial problems and needs help with back to school stuff. Kate asked for her children's sizes and said she would send her kids' old clothes. Did Kate read the criticism about her going to a consignment shop?
"Does Kate drunk tweet at night?"
A tweeter said this:
I was thinking of you today as I dealt with my ONE teenage girl. I hope you will have an abundance of wine stocked up ;)
Kate replied:
funny- I do but I collect it from places and don't drink it lol
A nanny said in an article one time that Kate drank wine at night. She had wine in Australia. Now she says she doesn't drink it.
MaryAnn said...
...Again, WHY is the tweet Kate SO different than the Kate on the screen?
Kate can control which tweets she replies to and what she says in them, but she doesn't have self control when she's interacting with people, working, etc. We see the real, ugly, controlling, Kate on the show and hear about her from people she has encountered, but on Twitter she's pretending to be someone different. She's trying to perpetuate 'the brand'. But, the real Kate is seeping through there, too.
Until recently she's successfully pulled the wool over the sheeple's eyes with her saccharine sweet tweets. But, Kate can't act and we saw through her on tv and lately, with the way she's been snapping back at fans and throwing Ashley, Jamie, Jon and even TLC under the bus on Twitter, she can't even hide her true, NPD self there either.
Dr. Lillian Glass has expressed her opinion about Kate!
Header on Dr. Lillian Glass' newsletter/email: "Kate Gosselin's Body Language Way Too Happy Over Kate Plus 8 Cancellation." Dr. Glass makes an interesting point about TLC having too much money invested in Kate to just let it go. Perhaps riling Ashley and Jamie was an out to get rid of them and bring in new characters and dump the kids.
I finally watched the episode from last week on You Tube, and so many things jumped out at me.
1) First and foremost, Kate is a lunatic and some of her female kids realize that mimicking Kate's behaviors gathers favor with Kate. In all fairness, they have to survive her and some choose to go the easy route. ie...Cara and Hannah seem to resolve problems by angry displays. I think Cara has "checked out" due to Kate's unrealistic expectations and is displaying anger that needs to be addressed. She is a good kid, but some of her behavior, not so much. They both had issues with Clay, and were rather mean. But Kate as always detached herself from the situation and tells Jamie and Ashley to "handle it." ?? What?? I am concerned for Cara due to the changes I saw, and have to wonder why this is going on unchecked. She was always a sweet-heart.
2) Jamie and Ashley obviously bonded on this trip, if not before. They both recoggnize that Kate is a lunatic, who is never happy, has constant criticism for everyone, and that you can not please someone like Kate EVER, as she is a chronic complainer. The farce that Kate put out there is NOT true, these two were clearly fed up with her and for once, it made it to filming.
3)The scenes with beloved BFF and great Nanny finally made it to air, because somehow TLC convinced Kate to forego editing rights, for the dramatic effect, to keep her show alive, due to bad ratings. So we got to see Kate's true behaviors, and what these two women and kids have dealt with. I doubt they want anything more to do with her.
4) I think Mady is a bright, sensible,pretty kid, and that Kate is grooming her for a future in filming, so Mady's role has completely changed on this "reality show." Cara is no longer going along with Kate's BS- thus the role reversal.
5) The 3 Gosselin boys are basically ignored, as they are MALE. The girls are obviously favored.
6) Kate does not listen to or respond to people - she simply reacts based on her own emotions at that moment. Has always been this way. She has not learned a thing -NPD- even after seeing herself on film.
7) Her kids for the most part manage themselves with the Alpha kids ruling the roost because Kate does not get involved in disputes. She barely was involved with them while they were filming, delegating to Jamie and Ashley, who both appear to be completely disgusted with her, no wonder. I am sure the kids are too, as she does no parenting. Too much work for her and that is someone else's job.
8)There will be no happy ending for the G8, as this "mother" clearly does not want to be bothered with the 8- Count 'Em 8- kids' physcial, mental, or emotional needs (unless filming) and then she is barking orders at someone to take care of the problem.
9) This show is an example of why small children should NEVER be filmed and I am guessing the aftermath will be ugly.
Want to laugh you ass off....go to tv.popcrunch
First, I want to say that I changed my name from Just Sayin (non troll one) and I feel more comfortable to post knowing I wont unknowingly offend anyone.
I also want to say to a couple of you who recently felt their names were hijacked and used. It may have been me. I was ignorant about how to copy and paste to comment, and I think it came across as me taking your name. I'm real sorry. Please know this, you haven't lost your names to me. I will no longer Post the way I did. Thank you to those who have set me on the right track. You have been so kind.
If your names are still being used after the "just sayin" issue, then it wasn't me. If it stopped, then it was me. Sorry, it was unintentional. Thanks again for your kindness.
What is up with the pizza thing? Was there a shortage of food on the trip. What did they order 2 pizzas for 11 kids and 3 adults? Why didn't Steve get his own pizza if he is so picky. You know things are bad when the money train stops feeding the masses and no one will pull a quarter from their own pocket.
And what happened to Lillian Glass? Is she aware that Khate didn't know the show was canceled when she was on Today, talking about filming the kids through to college. I don't think she had a clue except that if the ratings didn't come up, it might one day be cancelled; thus, the press junket. What was happy about that trip. It was filmed before the cancellation. CBS had millions in Charlie Sheen and dropped him like a hot potato when he showed the world that he thought he was invincible.
I think Khate will get a dating show, and maybe this time she won't blow the money and the opportunity. She shot herself in the foot when she threw Jon under the bus because now he can't pay her the big child support and has to work a day job and live in an apartment and truly has no room for the kids. I really don't understand that because I am sure he could rent an older farm house with lots of room for what he is paying in the complex. Then Khate could go on her merry way and Jon could take care of the kids instead of strangers off the street while Khate goes Hollywood.
I just want to say, about little Collin, bless his heart. He has always had innate tendencies for bullying. I remember two episodes where in one, he was shown taking everyone's stuffed animals and biting them just to annoy the others, as Jon and Kate said. The other was an episode where they were outside on the play set and one of the girls was trying to climb down the rock wall and Collin was sitting on the bottom rock, playing with some little toy. She kept pushing him with her foot to get him to move and he just sat there as if she didn't exist. He also has always been very anal retentive about everything he does and gets upset if he can't get it done the way he wants.
It may or may not have been a typing error, but they say the truth of the universe is in typos. Dr. Glass talked about fans drinking the "Kook" Aid. LOL.
One fan on Kate's twitter who's about to beat to death the topic of SOBE Apple-Pear juice. (Kook Aid?) There are about 25 tweets regarding it yesterday. The fan finally got Kate to agree to let her pick some up for her. The meet-up for delivery should be interesting.
Lillian Glass is not objective when it comes to Kate so I can't buy into Kate having another show in the works based on her body language.
no mo worryin bout me said... First, I want to say that I changed my name from Just Sayin (non troll one) and I feel more comfortable to post knowing I wont unknowingly offend anyone.
I just want to say that your entire post above (I wont copy and paste the entire thing) is very nice. It was as if something got off on the wrong foot perhaps, and some folks did get very offended and a few of your posts were poorly received. But you explained yourself every step of the way, apologized as you felt necessary as did others; you didn't attack other posters (that *I* saw) and you didnt run and hide.
So congrats on your new name and I look forward to your insights and comments as everyone moves forward. :))
This is such a nice group. Thanks Admin, for keeping us focused and for taking the personal attacks that are lobbed your way. This is a nice blog and I hope at some point you can tell us your name so we can access your book.
Could someone enlighten me as to what went down last night or early this am with iwanainspireu and kate? Or maybe it was a tiff with one of the sheeple? There are tweets galore but it's not making a lot of sense, which isn't surprising!
I wonder how long it will be before one of the Discovery Channels does a show entitled "A Retrospect of Kate Gosselin: What Went Wrong".
Disc employees will interview each other, show stuff from the cutting room floor, interview faux experts on mental illness, and somewhere in there they will allude to how perhaps living in front of cameras might have had something to do with her deteriorated mental state.
Part 2 will be "Living On Camera with Mental Illness: What is next for the Gosselin 8".
TLC owns a lot of film that has never been shown. A big corporation like that could find a way to make $$ off of all that.
Thank you Just Dwindle Away.(a smile)
TLC owns a lot of film that has never been shown. A big corporation like that could find a way to make $$ off of all that.
Unless it was burned in anticipation of a lawsuit that she might file.
kate gosselin has had everything handed to her on a will she live in the real world.
moaning about postage to her fans around the world.
TLC Stinks, I think you got it right about Cara and the "you know what"
Hope it's not TMI, but I was "cursed" in fourth grade, which is about ten or eleven.
Also, Jon and Kate, in and episode answering questions, said about Cara's personality, that she keeps everything inside and then when she blows, she spews everything out in a jumbled mess.
WOW! did you just see what Kate tweeted this mourning? "I'm going to get the pair water this am, can't wait to see how many are there". She couldn't say "who is there" it had to be about how many were there.
I don't Kate or Jon will ever be able to sue TLC because of whatever iron clad contract they signed. I'm sure TLC's big gun lawyers have all the bases covered. They own everything that was filmed. Jon and Kate sold their souls to the devil.
Golly, I'm not a multi-millionaire, and even I can afford to buy three cases of SOBE if I feel like it. Meet a stranger to pick up a free case? What a joke. You'd have to be an idiot.
Oh, right.
@BarbGilmer I must remember to remind them to send prepaid self addressed envelope!!'
This was concerning someone who wanted a book, I'm asumming. Notice how she slipped and said I need to remember to tell them, not you need to remember. How telling.
Jane said...
Could someone enlighten me as to what went down last night or early this am with iwanainspireu and kate? Or maybe it was a tiff with one of the sheeple? There are tweets galore but it's not making a lot of sense, which isn't surprising!
Jane, as I interpret it, Iwana has gone "over 100 days" without a tweet from Kate. He apparently promised Milo (FiredUp4Kate), who's in the hospital, that he would wait that long without getting discouraged.
Now this creepy guy Wynnie319 has moved in on Kate. Wynnie has been implying he's older, wealthy, retired, and has a lot of stocks, a boat, and lake house. The $$$ are singing Kate's song. So Wynnie has been begging for a direct message from Kate, who finally agreed last night. And now Iwana is really angry that he tried so hard and so long with no response, especially since he wanted to fill Kate in on Milo's health. Milo is apparently really ill. Oddly, the non-fans are being quite supportive of Iwana.
Who needs reality TV? This is Kate's new reality!
I wonder how TLC got away with not screening the episode with Kate beforehand. Uh, uh, we're under a huge time crunch here, the editing machine broke down, I chipped a tooth. SORRY!
Although frankly I'm not convinced Kate ever gets to review the bulk of these episodes. Judging by her tweets this entire time, everything seems new to her. Gee golly, if she spent the past six years working her way up to a producer credit, that never would have happened.
Just to add another layer of stupidity to the FDR comment (just for fun), this monument was completely conceived and started work on in the 1920's. You know, the decade before FDR ever became president.
The boys start first grade this year which means they could sign up for Cub Scouts and become Tiger Cubs. Since friends of Jon's read here, hopefully Jon is doing this or they will encourage him to.
My boys had so much fun "scouting" and doing all the activities and camping. It would be a great chance for Jon to get time with the boys.
Interesting stuff about the Casey Anthony case...
~Hippie Chick~
That tweet sounds VERY defensive. I collect wine, but I don't drink it, I swear! Why would you go out of your way to insist you don't drink?
Also, we've seen her drink wine! STK restaurant anyone??? We know she drinks!
Virginia Pen Mom said...
Jane, as I interpret it, Iwana has gone "over 100 days" without a tweet from Kate. He apparently promised Milo (FiredUp4Kate), who's in the hospital, that he would wait that long without getting discouraged.
Now this creepy guy Wynnie319 has moved in on Kate. Wynnie has been implying he's older, wealthy, retired, and has a lot of stocks, a boat, and lake house. The $$$ are singing Kate's song. So Wynnie has been begging for a direct message from Kate, who finally agreed last night. And now Iwana is really angry that he tried so hard and so long with no response, especially since he wanted to fill Kate in on Milo's health. Milo is apparently really ill. Oddly, the non-fans are being quite supportive of Iwana.
Who needs reality TV? This is Kate's new reality!
Thanks for catching me up! Oh, the drama of it all -- feels like I'm back in jr. high.
Kate finally gave in to this guy who has been begging and begging to DM her, to trust him, he wants to get to know her.
Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
@wynnie319 lol. I dmed you
11 hours agoFavoriteRetweetReply
IwamaInspire has finally gotten the message, I suppose.
@Livin4LifeLove @Kateplusmy8 & seeing her fall for Whiny's tweets begging to Dm added salt to wound, I'll be honest.Plus it was 100 day mark
BUT he isn't mad at her, not HER fault. Even thought she just flat ignored him, not even enough courtesy to say, not interested or something, after leading him on.
@Livin4LifeLove @Kateplusmy8 Its not her fault! How could I be mad? Just wish I coulda saved a lot of time & embarassment, had she replied.
@Livin4LifeLove @Kateplusmy8 I vented 2nite.Had alot to get off my chest esp after the blatant ignoring of tweets tryin 2 give msg abt Milo.
Sometimes you get the feather....sometimes you get the bird! I've gotten the bird for too may days...just sayin'! ;)
Also a LOT of back and forth Iwanna trying to get non and fans to get along. Many fans have attacked him for talking to non fans. Even said it was HIS fault he blew it with Kate.
Boy oh boy oh boy.
Kate also has a new secretary, giving out her address to people, with Paige as executive assistant.
Mailing clothes, talking in private to a new male suitor, meeting the stalker to get cases of SOBE. WTH?
no pride, no sense, no brains said...
Golly, I'm not a multi-millionaire, and even I can afford to buy three cases of SOBE if I feel like it. Meet a stranger to pick up a free case? What a joke. You'd have to be an idiot.
Apparently the tweetie is there now, but only 10 bottles were left. She's filling her cart with organic cereal for Kate. Darn - if I hadn't been so lazy this morning and slept late, I would have been at the store, watching her giddy twittering and making a fool of herself! It would have been amusing.
Admin - the FDR thing. I thought of that as soon as the words FDR came out of her mouth! He wasn't even President when this was sculpted.
Jon and Scouting - Kate rules the roost. She'd have to give her permission.
No Regrets said...
Kate finally gave in to this guy who has been begging and begging to DM her, to trust him, he wants to get to know her.
The funny thing is that she has no idea if it's a teenager, a married man, or a woman just pulling Kate's leg!!
'Apparently the tweetie is there now, but only 10 bottles were left. She's filling her cart with organic cereal for Kate.'
She will do anything to wangle a meet with Kate. Kate has lost it. I don't need to say how dangerous meeting people like IRL. This woman/child has not a brain cell in her head.
Lol...I really like Lillian Glass but I take what she writes with a big grain of salt (and with a headache over the poor spelling). She does have a flair for the dramatic.
As far as the whole religious discussion I seemed to have started....I want to add that there are gullible people of every religion...not just Christians. There are Muslim extremists (who blow themselves up), Hassidic Jews (who were most of the victims of Bernie Madoff), etc.
It's just that in this case, it involves Christianity. I'm Jewish so my perspective of Christianity is from me observing (people in general) since I was a perhaps I see things as too black and white.
But I can also sense a con artist and also a gullible/magical thinking person...I've watched and studied people my whole life.
And I think that for the most part, Christians can sense them also (and they sensed where Kate G. was coming from very quickly). It is the very small minority who buy into something without researching and evaluating the details.
There was a huge article that showed the huge estates and mansions of the televangelists....but do the gullible ones keep sending money? Yes. Luckily the huge majority can sense that they are con artists with no problem. They quickly realize that there's something wrong and that their money might possibly paying for someone's riches and not going to any religious venues.
It's buying into a whole package without checking the facts and details. It's magical thinking (IMO) to believe that if you send money to a televangelist, the Lord will reward you and you will reap all sorts of things...mainly $ if you're signing a contract with a bank or something. And I think that a small minority of gullible Christians bought Kate's Christian spiel hook, line and sinker.....simply because she said the right things in the beginning. And the fact that she hasn't walked the walk ever since she talked the talk back then does not seem to matter to this small minority of Christians.....who seemed to believe what Kate spouted and have disregarded all sorts of alarming behavior since then.
But trust me...this is not in any way anything negative about Christians. There are gullible people of every religion.
"The funny thing is that she has no idea if it's a teenager, a married man, or a woman just pulling Kate's leg!!"
EXACTLY, out and about, she has no idea if he is a felon, or what this person might be. I cannot believe how incredibly STUPID she is.
no mo worryin bout me said... @BarbGilmer I must remember to remind them to send prepaid self addressed envelope!!'
This was concerning someone who wanted a book, I'm asumming. Notice how she slipped and said I need to remember to tell them, not you need to remember. How telling.
You're welcome (smiling back).
I dont know much about it, but isnt this autographs and postage and envelopes and addresses something for a manager to handle? She just sort of assigns someone on Twitter to be her go-between?
And arranging a publicity opportunity with some charity as a front? She hands that to a kid on Twitter too? (Shouldnt THAT be other way around? That she wants to do something for a charity so she arranges an event? Instead, she wants the EVENT so decides to pick a charity out of the phone book as an excuse?)
And what did the comment mean from her about "Max it out!" when twattering to the kid about arranging this event? I dont care to keep up on lingo, but does this mean something or is it Katie-talk? She is stuck on a lot of 80s lingo, so I guess it could mean anything... I guess we wont hear anymore about how this fades off the radar as she finally DID assign the kid to talk to the manager.
Is she just talking about going to a grocery store sale? I'm confused.
At least it's a public place. Yeah it's creepy there are stalkers there probably waiting for her, but it's just a grocery store.
Don't get me wrong the whole interaction with her fans is downright DANGEROUS but it doesn't sound like she intends to meet one in a back alley to exchange freebies. Just wait though.
Iwanna also said this charity thing is a bad idea. At least ONE sees that. LOL
The new clips of next week's show are really something. Kate tweeted it is all 'true" lots of 'drama'. These kids are so upset and crying. Drama? WTH is wrong with her? What is wrong with the fans?
Her KIDS were eating that pizza. SO WHAT if a grown man didn't get his freakin pizza. I really do think now that something IS going on with he and Steve, especially after Jaime's' comment. Plus they Kate and Steve seemed to have a spat and she slammed the door in his face. Wow.
By the way, this is still Just Dwindle Away, (Oh yes it is!) LOL. I decided to sign in here with a Blogger account for lots of reasons, but I just wanted to tell you all that it is still lil old meeeee. Cross my heart and stab a cyber-pencil in my eye.
Remember awhile back IWanna was posting here for a short time?
He was actually one of the few sheeple who managed to post here without being a complete psycho. He more or less shared his opinions pretty respectfully as I recall.
ADMIN it was about a sale on cases of SOBE. This fan asked if Kate wanted her to pick some up for her and they could meet somewhere or she could deliver it to her house. Kate said YES to all.
No Regrets said...
Iwanna also said this charity thing is a bad idea. At least ONE sees that. LOL
You know what? I kind of wonder if there are more of them who know deep down the charity thing has so much red tape to deal with it just would either never work, or get somebody in really hot water. They're not going to care about unintentional mistakes, if you mess it up, whether you knew or not, you could be in serious trouble including fines, etc.
The problem is, they're too scared to say so for fear of being trampled by the sheep. Sad.
Kate did not say which though, meet her or deliver it. But she did say YES. Gawd.
And yes, I remember Iwanna posting here. I have read many of his tweets. He does seem a very nice guy. He talks to the non fans too, he tries to make peace with both sides. And he hung in for Kate forever. LOL
Meet up with her somewhere or at her house????? Good God I hope the kids are with Jon this weekend.
OMG the woman is nuts. I am in serious fear for her safety. Need we list all the celebs who have been stalked, injured or even killed by obsessed fans???
Does she not have a drop of common sense????
@kateplusmy8 WOOT WOOT!! That was fun!!!
She's as nuts as Kate. The two belong together!
I am still kicking myself that I didn't get over there to see this. I read the tweets last night and figured she would be there first thing this morning to grab those cases of Sobe, and now, 21 boxes of organic cereal for Kate.
Wouldn't it be funny if Kate had her nanny meet with Brown Noser to pick it up?
"ADMIN The problem is, they're too scared to say so for fear of being trampled by the sheep. Sad."
EXACTLY. That is why hardly no adult has said a thing about attending! I think they do know it is a dumb idea. PLUS I am sure not many can nor want to spend that much money to fly for this. IF they were real fans they would speak up. And not let this kid get way over his head. Oh well.
That poor fan will be so disappointed when Kate sends the Nanny or Steve to retrieve the free goods.
"Wouldn't it be funny if Kate had her nanny meet with Brown Noser to pick it up?"
I would LOVE that. LOL I just cannot believe what i am reading. And 21 boxes?? What do you want to bet she tells her oh no, this is on ME.
Hi everyone. I'm still hopelessly behind in reading up here, but I did just notice this nonsense about Khate having her sheeple send her books with pre-paid return postage to sign. Is it true that she has designated one of the sheeple (Barb Gilmer) to be her freebie assistant here? Khate gave her her address and now Barb will give out Khate's address to other sheeple when Khate says it's okay? CRAZY!
First of all, don't real "celebrities" have an agent, manager, publicist, or publisher who takes care of this for them?
Secondly, I'm cracking up at this little development because a trap was set for Khate and she fell into it perfectly! LOL! This was NOT Khate's idea, or a sheeple idea, but a nonfan's suggestion.
Around the time of her dumb "contest", when sheeple were tweeting about wanting books signed by Khate:
Twtr_is_4_Twits Twtr_is_4_Twits
@Paige_Kate8fan @Kateplusmy8 She'll ship it only if YOU pay for it
15 Aug (12:35 AM)
Twtr_is_4_Twits Twtr_is_4_Twits
@Kateplusmy8 @TLC If Kate is so nice &appreciates her fans' support so much,why doesn't she sign books they send her?They pay return postage
15 Aug (1:55 AM)
Then, these next two tweets were at a time that Khate was on and tweeting, so she probably saw them. Shortly thereafter, Khate is suddenly agreeing to exactly what was suggested in the tweets:
Twtr_is_4_Twits Twtr_is_4_Twits
@Kateplusmy8 @Bigbennes If Kate loves & appreciates her fans so much, WHy doesn't she offer to sign books sent to her w/return postage paid?
25 Aug (5:34 PM)
Twtr_is_4_Twits Twtr_is_4_Twits
@Kateplusmy8 @TLC @Bigbennes Kate, why don't you sign books sent by fans with prepaid return postage? Many real authors do that, you know.
25 Aug (5:53 PM)
Anonymous said...
Jenna, are you having night sweats?
No, & today my neck feels lots better. The lymph node swelling has gone down. Still a tiny bit sore, but MUCH better! Still have that darn chronic pain, but I think that's here to stay until I find someone who knows what to do!
The anti-biotics are finally working! I actually feel like myself! Thank you all so much for your well-wishes!
You all ROCK!! Great Karma coming your way! Thanks again! *smiley faces all around!!*
Peace & Love & Happiness to You & Yours...
~Hippie Chick~
I have no doubt that if someone here said I have this idea to organize a charity to raise money to lobby for better laws in the industry, that many people here would have, respectfully, pointed out how complicated a benefit is how much red tape is involved and suggested our resources might be better spend just sending what you can afford directly to an org. like Minor Consideration or similar. It wouldn't have been nearly as dramatic.
I don't understand what is so darned feared about sheeple having a variety of opinions. Everyone else does and manages to shove along.
Now that Brownlow has done Kate's shopping for her I imagine she'll be tweeting Kate every 31 seconds asking when she can meet Kate and give her the food.
Kate's twitter page is a depressing view into the minds of star struck celebrity watchers. So many fantasies the celebs need to fulfill for them.
There is a thing now that celebrities use, I forget what it's called. Bookflap or something. It is a stick on piece of paper that the celebrity signs and you fix to the inside of your book. Cheaper and easier to deal with. Many have used this method for awhile. I guess she doesn't know about these kind of things.
ASMIN this blog is LONGgggggggggggggg. LOL Why not a new subject, like are you stupid meeting fans from online?? LOL
I've told the story before about how a true fan used to run my narcissist's official web site before having a web site was what EVERYONE did. Needless to say, it backfired majorly. The short story is, give the fan an inch and she wanted a marathon. More trouble than it was worth. She finally got rid of her and hired a real company who doesn't give a shit who she is to run it.
But of course, one of the reasons the fan was allowed was because she would do it for free. Kate is willing to take a risk with all these fans doing free shit for her because of just that, it's free. She will even compromise her safety and the safety of her children if she can avoid writing paychecks to an assistant.
Here's a safe suggestion for Kate. It appears she is at least willing to fork over a little cash for a nanny. Go through a reputable agency and get a live in. As part of the job description, upfront, include some assistant duties. Nanny and assistant in one. That way your nanny/assistant can twitter-twatter with the fans and, professionally, send out books and all this nitty gritty stuff.
In the long run, Kate will be 100 times more glad she forked over the money for someone who is not an obsessed fan, I promise her. Obsessed fans working for you are like chemistry experiments, you never know when everything is going to blow.
ADMIN good post. I agree. I just cannot believe her stupidity! Is she really this naive? Or just plain STUPID? She is so concerned about creating a new image, she is doing some really stupid stuff.
"Kate doesn't rate said...
Now that Brownlow has done Kate's shopping for her I imagine she'll be tweeting Kate every 31 seconds asking when she can meet Kate and give her the food. "
I will bet that she takes along that friend of hers involved in the workshop she has. Plus she WILL drive her nuts wanting to get involved in that workshop. Geez what a pest. LOL
KyPastor said...
I fear we begin down a slippery slope when we use the Bible to vindicate ourselves. For each verse this blog can use against Kate, there are an equal number we could use against ourselves. I know that best intentions are at heart but when the Scripture becomes a weapon against our brothers and sisters its purpose is violated.
The Scriptures are intended to keep us ALL in line, not just those with whom we do not agree.
None of us, not one, is able to claim that we
have achieved goodness to the point that we
can hurl Biblical phrases at others and avoid being hit with them ourselves.
I pray that those of us who see genuine
problems in this situation will remember we are all in need of prayer and self discovery. The Bible speaks to the heart of each and every one of us.
I appreciate your patience with me.
I think that was beautifully written. Thank you.
~Hippie Chick~
url said...
Kart was shown handling bread many times and she wasn't wearing gloves or using tinfoil. I've watched her make monkey munch and meatloaf with her bare hands. Maybe Steve's a fussy eater and he didn't want anyone touching his pizza. Or he felt sick from having to deal with 11 kids and 3 bickering females during the trip.
Kate has always made a big deal about not eating anything that they kids prepared and imo, she won't eat anything that the kids touch with unwaashed hands either. I got the impression that her outrage over Mady handing the pizza to Steve was that she touched it with her bare, and as Kate said "dirty", hands. I don't think there was much more to it than that. She's NUTS and was clearly behaving irrationally in that scene. This is the same woman who insisted on cutting up lettuce rather than letting Jamie tear it just because she wanted it done her way. She's a control freak and how dare Jamie and Ashley make a decision to feed the kids lunch before Kate approved.
TAMARA in your reply to your post about why care about the fans and kids. And how we know age, etc. First some of these kids make videos of themselves, tell everything almost about their families etc. Some we just take at face value. You can tell they are kids. Why care? Most of these people seem like decent people who are just taken in by the World of Kate. Just because they are fans, does not mean they are subhuman. I care about the kids. I am a parent, so I guess it is the mom in me. Sorry if that bothers some, but I do personally do care what happens to them. The adults, no so much, but I do feel badly that they are taken in so badly by this woman.
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