Credits! Sheesh, from all this happy music and excited shouting (Mady! Cara! Alexis!) you would think this show is sooner about lollipops and Leprechauns. When really it’s a highly unethical psychological experiment of misery and infuriation and one cruel, delusional, batshit crazy bitch.
Weird serious graphic flashes across the screen: “In July of 2011, Kate and her kids embarked on an RV Trip … ” What is this, did Michael Moore join production?
Day 13. Oh, are we starting at the end and working our way backward? Will Kate wake up from a drunken night of clubbing and foot licking in NYC, wondering why there is a baby and a tiger in the room, Jamie’s missing a tooth, and Steve is nowhere to be found but his mattress is on the RV roof?
It breaks my heart to recap this part, and I think TLC, and Kate, and anyone who had a hand in letting this be filmed are sick, disgusting human beings. Ashley cannot stand it anymore. She says to Kate, “I’m done! After this trip, I’m done!” Mady, Cara, and Collin are literally sobbing and wailing Ashley’s name as she packs up and leaves. Ashley’s devastated, too. This show has never made me cry before until now. Actually, one other time I cried, when Kate suggested that kiwis are birds without arms, but that was tears of disbelief as I could not comprehend the sheer stupidity.
Flashback to Day 1 and Kate is packing like it‘s the second coming and she actually thinks she‘s not going to get Left Behind. I know it‘s the wild, wild West, but we do have grocery stores and Targets and even a couple gas stations out here, too. I hear tell some folks even have that fancy newfangled cable T.V.! Also, no aliens, don’t believe the movies! Kate wants to surprise the kids with each location. Eh, rather she’s just too lazy to take them to the local library and help them read up on what they‘re going to see. Kate also tries to play this off like it will be leaked to the paparazzi. The concept that no one gives a flying rip about her 100th stupid stressful child exploiting trip is as foreign to her as physics, or even, American history.
Even though Kate has tried to keep it a secret, sharp as a stick Mady has already figured out they are going on an RV trip, how? Because her stupid mother labeled a bunch of containers none other than, “FOOD TO BE PUT IN RV.” Oops. Oh, and Mady heard Kate talking about it on the phone while Mady was standing right there. Remind me never to hire Kate for espionage.
Kate snaps at Mady to get paper towels. For what? Why, to wipe a little dust off the bumper off the van. Oh, good, I thought it was something serious like she hit a deer or somebody vomited again or something. Mady is going as fast as she can, bolting back inside, but Kate shouts, “Honestly! Get a little bit of fire under your butt! Man! You should know by now whenever you’re helping me you should be running at all times!”
“Sorry,” Mady murmurs, chastened. I may cry more than once this episode yet.
The RVs are on the lawn and Kate starts shoving stuff in the storage below the cabin and being a big baby about it, crying she hurt her hand. “Uh, um, at some point we’re going to have to stop playing ‘we’re filming a T.V. show’ and really work because I’m really done,” Kate snaps to what appears to be some production off camera.
So this whole time we were playing filming a T.V. show. Ah-ha, I knew it!
More rather creepy documentary graphics. Also, as someone pointed out, there’s no music. Budget cuts? What’s next, no more Starbucks and manicures for Kate? This is like a prison movie. I need upbeat drums and an intern screwing around on a keyboard to soothe me, I‘m getting anxiety otherwise.
“Two days later, the Gosselins flew to South Dakota to meet up with their packed RV’s.” Jamie and her kids met them there.
I need a second. Hahahahaha. Hahahaha. Okay, I’m good. I never realized the “road” in “road trip” meant you hire some stranger to do the driving for you and you fly out and meet them later. This is like paying someone to say Hail Marys for you. Or if you like, having children only to leave them to nannies like Ashley to raise while you twitter all day. Missing the point, really, really, missing the point.
The kids all pile into the gigantic RVs and explore. “It’s small!” is Hannah’s first reaction. That makes sense. To Kate, millions upon millions of dollars is not enough to fully fund college, so why wouldn’t a huge luxury RV famous rock stars use all the time on tour be “small” to this family? One thing that will become very clear about this episode? Just as we feared, six years of giving kids everything they could ever dream of is finally catching up, and it’s very sad to watch (and certainly, not the children‘s fault). Kate wanted her kids (read: herself) to have everything, and this is the result of that misguided wish.
“Don’t touch anything!” Kate shouts psychotically. Kate brags that she is a size four (heh, and those girls are real too) as they squeeze into the narrow area between a counter and the table. I missed how it happened, but Collin cuts his elbow. Kate screams at Jamie to pass her paper towels, pronto! Your name is Jamie, not Kunta Kinte!
Kate will be driving. Who wants to go with her?! Beuller? Beuller?
Collin raises his hand, probably in the vain hope this will somehow improve his standing a millimeter or two up from the basement of the totem poll. Hannah, the golden child, raises her hand because she’s the golden child and likely has no clue what the rest of the children are going through, as her life with Kate is relatively great. Someday, she will most likely be the one disputing the tell-alls that come out about her mother, saying that never happened they’re just making up lies for money, because for her, she would be right, that never happened. Jamie’s son Clay raises his hand because he hasn’t spent that much time with Kate and is blissfully unaware, though not for long, of what a living nightmare being around her is, especially if you are of the male persuasion (he will get an education very soon, read on). Leah raises her hand, then seconds later puts it back down in regret; perhaps she thought she was being asked who wants ice cream. And that’s it. Just three kids of the eleven want to be with Kate. In a democracy, or even in Charlie Sheen la-la-land, this is called … LOSING!
“Hi, I’m Mike,” the RV driver says as he shakes Kate’s hand. Mike what? This is a man who is going to be around her children 24/7 and she’s just meeting him now? Hm, has he gotten a background check or did production just pull some random trucker off his rig at a weigh station somewhere in Maryland on the way up? Hm, you don’t look like a child molester, how would you like to drive around an RV for a couple weeks with Kate Gosselin? Would a little extra hazard pay sweeten the deal? Okay fine, a lot extra.
Kate takes a stab at driving. “Hold hands,” Hannah says snarkily, “so if we die, we die together!” Ha, good one, Hannah.
Also, what’s a bit odd is that all the sextuplets are now riding with Kate when only two of them wanted to go when they voted. Either the six decided they’d rather just be together narcissistic witch at the wheel or not, or their votes don’t mean a darn thing in the dictatorship that is their lives. I’m guessing the latter. (We find out later, it's the latter. Kate decided herself where they would ride before they ever even left. I hate adults that pretend it's a democracy and take a vote knowing all along they're just going to do what they want vote in their favor or not.) I guess it’s good the kids are going through this together and look to each other like this. Their lives, I mean. Hold hands, sextuplets, so when the narcissist eats your souls, you’ll all be eaten together.
“If you care about your life you’ll ride quietly,” Kate orders.
“How would you ride quietly?” Hannah retorts. I’m not sure what that means, but it sounds funny! Kid’s on a roll!
You know what’s kind of sad about Kate driving for about a mile and a half? The kids are so supportive. Lots of things like, “you did it, Mommy!” and clapping. Far more supportive of her accomplishments than she has been of anything they have ever done. The wacky role reversal here, where the kids are rapidly emerging as far more mature and normal than Kate, meanwhile Kate just keeps regressing to become even more childlike and crazy, is fascinating. "Jesus, take the wheel," Jamie quips. Ha, good song. I guess when you have to be around Kate, all you can do to survive and not poke your eyeballs out with a plastic fork is just keep making snide remarks like that one.
Day 2! It's been cold and drizzly for a few days (huh? We're only on day 2 and it was sunny yesterday) and Kate says everyone's feeling cooped up so they decide to go out in the rain. "You are weird," Hannah accuses Clay, who appears to be doing nothing more benign than playing with a stick. "According to science, you're weird," Clay retorts. Hey, that's a good one, Clay. "You're mean!" Hannah cries, outraged. Well, Hannah, when you start with someone, that's often what happens, they dish it right back, and it can be mean. Ask Kate. On second thought, don't ask Kate, she will deny she ever instigated anything.
"I think camping and freezing cold temperatures with me must go together," Kate says. And I think camping is trying to tell her that, much like the rest of the world, they don't want her.
The kids start a playful mud fight in the creek. How confusing for a child who one day is not allowed to get even so much as a granule of sugar on the floor, and the next is allowed to roll around in the dirt like it’s Woodstock. This will be the one and only time on this trip Kate relaxes and has fun with a child, only it won't be with any of her own kids--she chases around Clay and they sling mud and get the giggles and have a good ole time. My mouth is sort of half open because I've never seen Kate interact with a child like this in my life. She is covered in mud so it's hard to tell, maybe this is just her stand in? Will the real Kate please come out and hit her mark?
"Have I ever told you how much I love you?!" Kate cries as she puts him in a headlock. I don't know, but when's the last time she told her bio children that? This whole thing should be so cute. But because she never, ever cuts loose with her own children, it has this bizarre undertone. In a way, it's almost like she's trying to rub it in with her own kids. What message she's trying to send them, I don't really know for sure, (maybe, if only you could be like Clay then I could really have fun with you?) because it's the mind of a narcissist and their motives often have no basis in any rational thinking. Weird.
Since everything is on Kate's terms, when she decides she's done and announces as such, all the fun screeches to a grinding halt. These kids must have developed amazing brakes by now.
Day 3! Leah says she was claustrophobic during the night because it was cold and she was zipped up tight in her sleeping bag. That's a big word for a little girl, good for her! I’m guessing she learned it from Kate. This McMansion is so claustrophobic! First class makes me claustrophobic! Steve, make me claustrophobic!
They all pile around the tables in the RV to have breakfast. A little griping from the kids, but the biggest whiner is Kate. They only have full fat coffee creamer, blech! For some reason, Kunta Kinte gets blamed for this. “Yes! All right!” Jamie says with a Jersey-shore style fist pump. Good for her, way to stand up for normal food! By the way, I find it rather insensitive when a very thin person who really is the last gal who needs to worry about her weight, constantly talks about dieting around friends who aren’t necessarily as horizontally blessed.
It took all night to organize, Kate is freezing cold she was awake all night and her back is killing her. Organize what? A few foodstuffs? What could possibly take so long to line up some cereal boxes, put out some plastic spoons and some fatso fatty-pants needs to get on Biggest Loser to have any hope creamer? Or maybe she means she was organizing her hooker heels? I can see how that might keep one up all night.
Kate has some bizarro explanation I can't follow for why she ended up in one RV with the younger kids and Ashley and Jamie in the other with the older kids. But the real reason is, because nobody likes you, Kate, but it‘s easier to force the younger kids to go with you. Kate’s response to getting stuck with the little kids, you know, her flesh and blood children who are sweet and funny and full of life? “Oh, crap.”
The kids want a servant to go get them extra blankets and things they need. That's Steve, one of the kids says. That one little comment told me so much about how these kids have been groomed to perceive their world. Without a hint of irony, Kate tells them, no that's not Steve's job (Steve is for my vanity, not yours, child), but "someday when you’re rich and powerful, you can have a servant, but you’ve gotta work hard.” Yikes, these kids have worked their butts off for six years even through vacations (with no time and a half!) and for many of those years for free, how many more years does Kate envision they will have to do this before the reap any rewards? I guess early retirement is out of the question.
Day 3! Kate gathers the kids at a table and lays out some clues as to where they are going. A rock, a hammer, a chisel and a dollar bill. How do these all fit together, Kate asks. Um, um, um, I know! Things you can use to knock the stupidity out of Mommy with? Dollar bill, hmm. Uhh, what will be left in the bank for the kids when all is said and done?
Mount Rushmore! Mady blurts out about three seconds later. I’m not sure why this surprises Kate so much, Mady‘s far from stupid. Mady gets the dollar bill for a prize. Better go ask for some change, Mady, Kate will want her 85% of that.
They arrive at Mount Rushmore, the kids have to go to the bathroom and for some reason this really annoys Kate. “We’re a photo opportunity!” Kate cries. She wants the kids to be ready to go at the door of the RV’s to run out when they get to places. One of the kids says if you don’t give me a warning when we are about to get there how the heck am I supposed to know where we are and whether we‘re almost there? Such a good point!
People are taking authorized photos and tweeting them! Kate bemoans. I never saw any photos from this attraction at all, though there were a few tweets after the fact. Kate? Public place. The law says you can take photos of whoever you want if they‘re in a public place or the paparazzi wouldn‘t be able to exist in the first place. There’s nothing “unauthorized” about this. Also, maybe if you didn’t traipse around everywhere with a huge camera crew and boom mics and producers with headsets and a bodyguard, people wouldn’t realize you’re anyone famous, and wouldn’t take photos and tweet! Most people would assume it’s just another school group if this weren’t always such a spectacle. Like waving a sign around all day saying “Somebody please sock me in the face” and then being upset when someone actually takes you up on it.
“There’s nothing we can do about it,” Jamie says sensibly. Exactly, so what is the point in being upset and throwing a fit and upsetting the kids? Ashley’s body language is crossed arms and annoyed. Jamie and Ashley have more common sense in their little fingers than Kate could ever hope for, and their attitudes are eons more healthy for these kids right now than Kate’s.
As they walk to the monument, Jamie whispers to Ashley, “Why does she care who takes pictures? Who cares? They’re going to take pictures.”
Ashley, bless her heart, tries to muster up some kind of defense for this delusional monster she calls her employer, “Well, they don‘t want….” Ashley defended Kate because a good nanny defends the mother of the kids no matter what, and yet Kate threw her under the bus on twitter once the episode aired. Kate doesn’t deserve Ashley’s loyalty.
“But they’re going to do it no matter what,” Jamie goes on, there’s nothing you can do, so why get all stressed?
Jamie, you are applying logic to the most illogical person I’ve ever seen profiled on camera. Like trying to eat fluffernutter without it sticking to the roof of your mouth, it’s impossible to make sense of Kate. Don’t hurt yourself.
It’s so foggy you can barely see FDR up there. Even Mount Rushmore wants Kate to GO AWAY nothing to see here move along. Yes, you heard right, that’s FDR. Even Ashley goes along with this, which doesn’t bode well for home school’s reputation, I hate to say it. Cara is like, ummmm, I’m pretty sure that’s Teddy. Kate insists it’s FDR and even pulls out her pamphlet to prove it. Sure, that’s FDR, right next to President Ben Franklin, Chuck E Cheese, and that guy who invented Post-its. How long were they here, seems like two seconds later we’re turning around. Get enough for the dailies and move on.
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Arthur Fry, American hero |
Day 5! Her next clues are a banana and a rock. Hmm, let’s see. She fantasizes about a rock on her finger from Steve, and wishes she could peel his banana?
Yellowstone, the kids guess almost instantly. Really Kate, stop just finding whatever is within reach and work to come up with some more challenging clues. They see a buffalo and snow. They stop to play in the snow a little. This whole scene goes on for what feels like three hours. Really, TLC?
Jamie and Ashley say they have the party bus and Kate has the boring bus. Shots of the party bus doing what normal fun people do on RV vacations. Eating junk food, laughing and screaming, doing Blair Witch project parodies. All around fun, what vacation should be about.
Shots of the boring bus. Kate removing dirt from under Collin’s finger nails and giving him a warning. Ha. What was that warning, to stop being a boy? Who's next, step right up, kids! Kate is bitching the RV is inconvenient because she has to adjust the little pillow behind her back.
Kate is excited to see Old Faithful because it’s an iconic part of our country. I suppose she thinks it shoots up Jello pudding? Ha, the producers are just having fun with her now, though she appears clueless to it. Do they know anything about Old Faithful? one asks. Sorry to say, no, Kate admits. She Googled it on the way over. I’m guessing she was that kid who scratched out their book report on the back of a bus seat on the way to school and doesn't care if they fail because they're the greatest anyway.
Mady starts to go on about what she knows about Old Faithful, then kind of stumbles and says she wants to start over. You mean, take two? No! says Kate. Oh, give the child another take, Kate, have a heart! You probably would give yourself ten! In case Old Faithful didn’t know, it’s all about Kate. She is about to spew just like it!
Kate does an interview about the day and says it was beautiful but the kids weren’t very appreciative. What, crazy? Does she listen to her children at all? The kids said they loved it, and Leah said that Old Faithful was the most beautiful thing she has ever seen. That’s hardly not appreciative, especially for just a seven year old. Kate is in what is arguably the most spectacular park in the entire country and all Kate can talk about is being back in her own bed.
The kids are racing on a rocky path and some of them get scraped up. Cara goes over to Ashley and accuses Clay of tripping them. The whole thing is on film, and that is absolutely not true. He just slipped. Poor Clay, his expression is like, you’re not believing this are you? Thankfully, Ashley handles it well, telling her firmly it was an accident and she can go sit in the RV if she wants. Good girl, Ashley. There are no playing favorites here.
Kate’s back to her tirade about how much the RVs suck. Hint to Kate, when you’re doing a product placement for Challenger RVs, you might want to say a few nice things about them. Just every couple days. Hey, Challenger? Your RVs look rockin’ to us, in fact, here’s a link to y‘all! Why, Kate could even mention them in her manic tweets. But Kate wouldn't know how to promote something if it hit her in her leathery face.
Day 6! We’re almost halfway through this vacation from hell. Still in Yellowstone, a cranky breakfast in the RV. In the absolute middle of breakfast, Kate decides to grab a vacuum, drag it violently across some rocks, and vacuum the RV from top to bottom. This actually seems to calm her as she breaths a sigh.
After breakfast, Clay wants to play legos with Collin and Cara. Cara is so upset I can’t completely understand her, but she starts crying to Ashley that Kate said she didn‘t have to play with Clay. Ashley is like, No she didn’t, that‘s ridiculous?! I understand Ashley is fed up by the constant absurd undermining by Kate, but sadly, she lets it get the best of her and throws the lego box on the table and stomps off, slamming a bedroom door. Sigh.
You know, I understand a girl Cara’s age not wanting a boy his age around. But it’s an important lesson to get along with other kids, even kids you don’t like, and indulging their desires doesn’t help them.
Cara goes crying to Kate but heck if Kate wants to deal with this. She does everything she can to pass her off on Jamie, Ashley, Steve, the muffin man, Mr. Ed. Anybody but her please handle this. Finally Kate says tell Clay to sit somewhere else. Oh, that's fair. Not! Cara marches back to Jamie and informs her Clay has to leave the table. Good for Jamie, standing up for Clay. She doesn’t indulge this. Jamie goes over to talk to Kate. Kate tries to blame this on any child but Cara, but Jamie pegs it right from the get-go. Kate, the problem here is Cara. Not Collin, not Clay, not anyone else.
“Keep Clay away from her, please!” Kate retorts.
That’s how Kate deals with anyone she disagrees with, isn’t it? Just get them away, don’t deal with them, estrange them out. Never deal with your people problems head on, that’s for wusses!
“You need to control Clay!” Kate has the audacity to say to Jamie. Jamie is the one who should be packing up right now and getting out of this with a big F-U, where the hell does Kate get off? Not to mention, I have not seen a single solitary second of footage that remotely suggested Clay is a problem. He seems quiet and agreeable, sweet and fun. He enjoys playing with sticks for pity sake, how much trouble can he be? I suppose that’s just the editing, right Kate? He’s really a monster?
Finally Kate is just like, you play with your legos and Clay plays with his. I don’t think that was the issue, the problem was playing with each of their legos at the same table. Ashley is just kind of laughing in disbelief saying this is bad, there’s gonna be a knock down drag out!
Still on Day 6! Yikes. I guess we’re camping for real now? The kids gather rocks.
Kate went to the grocery store, it must be organic, Jamie snarks. Ashley says the trip is stressful and actually it‘s mostly the adults who argue, not the kids. They say as long as Kate stays in her bus they’ll be okay. Okay, they’re just bitter now. There’s this interesting bond developing between Ashley and Jamie. I’ve seen this very same phenomenon happen among normal people who have to be around a narcissist. The worse the narcissist treats you, the closer you feel to other victims. Also this can be seen in hostage situations, where hostages come out of a two-year ordeal tied together in a dark basement, and feel like long lost sisters.
She’s baaack! Wowser, where did that nice GMC red SUV come from? Just appeared? Is this anything like that roll of paper towels that appeared on the porch one day?
Kate gives orders to her slaves to cut and wash and chop. Steve, like most men in Kate’s life, is just trying to stay out of this all, which becomes a lot easier when there is a fire to tend and lighter fluid to pour on it. Stuff like that somehow always manages to keep men busy for hours. Meanwhile Kate freaks out on Jamie for ripping some lettuce instead of chopping it.
“If you have to rip it, I’d rather chop it, really!” Kate tells her.
Jamie gives her a confused look. “If you’d rather rip it you‘d rather have to chop it?” Jamie, stop trying to understand the crazy. Really, you’re going to injure yourself.
More childish sniping over an onion. From the adults. The kids are hitting and tipping each other over in the chairs and crying. The adults don’t know what to do anymore but just ignore it all. So what do you do when it all goes to hell? Why, makeovers! Out of the blue, Ashley starts painting eye shadow and eye liner on the girls. Um, what? The only thing that would make this family seem any more dysfunctional than at this moment is to doll up the seven-year-old girls.
Kate scorched the chicken over an open flame. Really bad choice to cook chicken over an open flame, it‘s one of the most difficult meats, and dangerous, to cook that way. The cavemen never would have invented fire had they known Kate would have screwed dinner up this badly. Kate says she nearly burned the chicken. And a circle is nearly round. The chicken is absolutely charred. Honestly, I don’t know what the plan is for tomorrow! Kate brags. You don’t have to when production does it all!
If you think TLC hates Kate after watching this episode, wait until you see what happens next week.
826 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 826 Newer› Newest»OK...apparently, my comment did not go through for some reason. What I had written was that I love Lillian Glass but take her opinions with a big grain of salt. She definitely has a flair for the dramatic.....but is badly in need of a proof-reader.
And I'd also written that I just want to say that there are gullible people in every religion and there are con artists in every religion. IMO, the small minority of Christians who fall into the sheeple category are ones who bought right into what Kate was selling, without researching or evaluating the facts....mainly that after she talked the talk, she didn't walk the walk (in multiple ways).
I'm sure there are many kind and caring Christians who donated "love offerings" to her but then later, saw her for who she was and developed an entirely different perspective of her. These people would not be in the sheeple category for me.
It's the ones who, despite so many indications that Kate is not who they initially thought she was....continue to support her. Mainly because she talked the talk....but they have totally disregarded that she certainly has not walked the walk.
In fact, I'm not even all that sure that these folks even understand the principles of their religion. Understand what one should do and what one should not do. I don't think they became religious to become a better person. They bought into it for some reason...but I'm not sure what that was.
Once again, I can't type. Sorry for my errors. LOL
No Regrets said...I really do think now that something IS going on with he and Steve, especially after Jaime's' comment.
What was Jamie's comment? I've believed since speculation began that Kate's just not into sex (unless maybe her partner is wearing a Kate mask), so I'm interested to know if it could actually be true.
"Kate doesn't rate said...What was Jamie's comment?"
Jaime said, direct quote "It is all about him isn't it?
Gosselin8comefirst said...
I agreed with your other 8 comments about the first RV trip episode, but have a reply about #3.
3)"The scenes with beloved BFF and great Nanny finally made it to air, because somehow TLC convinced Kate to forego editing rights, for the dramatic effect, to keep her show alive, due to bad ratings. So we got to see Kate's true behaviors, and what these two women and kids have dealt with. I doubt they want anything more to do with her."
I don't believe Kate has ever had any editing rights for her show other than 'possibly' a couple episodes when it was J&K and they were listed as producers.
I believe that in the past TLC 'chose' to show Kate in a positive light because it served their purpose which was to air a program that attracted viewers and advertisers and made them money, but for whatever reasons those days are long gone.
The positive editing Kate received - and it must have been a monumental challenge at times for the editors to piece together a full episode without showing Kate in a bad light - was intentional on TLC's part.
And I believe they made a decision towards the end to finally show Kate as she is and most likely has always been - a rude and demanding shrew to work with and a controlling overbearing parent. The people who worked for years to make her look good must have been giddy working on these last episodes knowing they could finally use the footage that used to end up on the cutting room floor.
Dee3 said...In fact, I'm not even all that sure that these folks even understand the principles of their religion. Understand what one should do and what one should not do. I don't think they became religious to become a better person. They bought into it for some reason...but I'm not sure what that was.
And here's one who might be proving your point. Religious enough to have taken one of the Psalms for her name, but is inspired by Kate. What Biblical qualities does Kate demonstrate?
Psalm139Girl Patricia
@Kateplusmy8 Hey Kate, I'm new to the Twitter thing purely to follow women who inspire me and you're one of them!
I suppose you can read into it what you want, but this tells me something. There is something there, IMO.
The OT actions of hers plus the comment, also in the clip Kate and Steve apparently have a spat, she slams the door in his face. He just Hange his head. Very odd. LOL
Teresa, also check your firewall settings. It may be blocking access.
I actually feel sorry for Iwana, he just found out what matters most to K8: she'll tweet someone if there is something in it for her. The guy who got a DM from her espoused his wealth. Even Brownozer has tweeted morning, noon, and night for weeks begging K8 to acknowledge her and her so-called talent with teen girls, and there was practically zip from K8 UNTIL Brownie offered organic goods to K8.
Geez, fans, get a clue
Since Jon (or his friends) apparently read here, here's a little advice. Many of us (me included) have opinions on what Kate should or shouldn't be doing in the best interest of the kids and I also have opinions about Jon.
Kate can no longer go to court and say her income is dependent on her having the kids. Might be time to start preparing your life so if the kids as they get older want to come live with you, you're ready.
If money is an issue, do things like sell the Mercedes SUV since it still has a high resale value. Buy a cheap car since you don't need it for hauling the kids, you have the big blue bus for that. Sell things like the big diamond earrings you bought during the lost summer of 2009. Use the $20,000 to $30,000 you'll make from downsizing your vehicle and invest in a home so you are ready for the kids full time if a judge and the kids deem it appropriate.
Check out rental properties or there is plenty of reasonable real estate nearby, like this
The twins are turning 11 and without TLC behind her, Kate is losing power (and sanity). Get your ducks in a row so you're physically, financially and emotionally ready to save your kids.
Good luck!
Well, well, well...look who got around to finally admitting the realest reality show out there is EDITED. I mean it's either she acted that way or she didn't. Even if you edited that part of her acting like a complete bitch over they would have all starved to death because someone ate the bodyguard's reserved pizza. Just own up to it Kate--you acted like a complete idiot and are now claiming you really didn't act so badly. Edited or not there would have been only so much they could have done to prevent you from sounding so nasty.
Jon is doing his very best right now for the kids - even with his hands tied. Some of us know more than we can share.
There's a reason he's so quiet and pretty much out of the limelight.
Jon does have a larger place now. Those were not diamond earrings, he said they were zerconium on Access Hollywood when Nancy Grace attacked him about the earrings.
I don't understand the assumption Jon ISN'T getting his ducks in a row. The show was only canceled a few weeks ago, that was a huge change in circumstances. Michelle, you said yourself PI cases take way more than a year to prepare. Family law cases take time too. An appointment with a lawyer alone could take months. Longer for the lawyer to get up to speed on this complicated high profile case and come up with a plan of action. Many bills later, even if Jon requested a court date in family law court right now, it would probably go out at least three months.
Kate is claiming that she just 'gave up' on editing these episodes because she knew they wanted drama. She is such a liar. She NEVER had this kind of control. Never. I don't believe it for a second. You certainly CANNOT edit IN bitchiness. That came out naturally.
Even on the rapids with the kids, she said that they weren't suppose to do that, they all lied to her. Freakin killjoy. I would imagined they did lie to get her to do SOMETHING. She still had to run her flap and spoil it, instead of going with it and having FUN.
"Administrator said...
I don't understand the assumption Jon ISN'T getting his ducks in a row"
Me either, don't understand. I had thought that too, at one time, until we found out all the times he HAD taken her back to court. He is doing his stuff QUIETLY and for good reason.
Dee3, I totally understand what you were saying about christians wanting to turn a blind eye to people like Kate in the name of forgiveness. I used to believe the same as them. I thought that when we forgive we have to forget and be there buddy again. That brought me a lot of hurt because I put myself back into the situation of being vulnerable to those who were wolves in sheep's clothing, crying Christianity. One day when I was beaten down by those type of people I remembered the scripture that says not to cast our pearl before the swine or they will take our goodness and stomp it in the ground. (paraphrasing)
Don't mean to be preachy here but I feel so much sadness when good intentioned people get trampled and taken advantage of by those type of people. I just hope and pray that her children don't grow up to believe this is how you treat people. But to be honest, without some strong Divine intervention, I don't think these kids have a chance. My prayers are with, and for them.
Actually, so many things we KNOW Jon has done is exactly how I define getting ones ducks in a row.
Stable job? Check.
Long-term relationship (18 months now). Check.
House. Check.
Low-profile. Check.
Consistent, per the schedule, positive visits (you know Kate would tell us if they weren't.) Check.
That's getting your ducks in a row.
Assume he is IS or assume he is ISN'T. Either way, we're making assumptions here daily. The majority of us don't know him or Kate so all we can do is make assumptions.
Like I said it was "open advice" he can take or leave. We freely pass it out to Kate and I assume with Jon's face still at the top of this page, we could discuss him as well.
Guess we're just to ASSUME everything Jon is doing behind the scenes is positive and in the best interest of his kids and don't dare discuss or question Jon.
Got it.
We're not assuming that at all Michelle. See my post above for several things we DO know about Jon. Speaking of ducks, you know the saying, if it looks like a duck....
If everything we are seeing from Jon publicly is positive, it's logical to assume it's positive behind the scenes.
Same goes for Kate. Since nearly everything we see from her is batshit crazy, I'm gonna go ahead and assume she's batshit crazy behind the scenes too.
Just simple logic.
She's stepping on more fans' toes and moaning about the postage she paid to send only FOUR books to her contest winners and has a teen offering to send her money. WTF do they not see? (do you think she foolishly paid for first class rather than book rate? but at the most she'd have shelled out what, a whole $20 total?)
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@louisemorier ohhh yes very expensive! I sent prizes all over the world and OUCH!
Paige_Kate8fan Paige C
@Kateplusmy8 @louisemorier oo sorry kate! Lol I should mail u some $$
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@Paige_Kate8fan @louisemorier no no no! U won the prize. Sweet, not necessary!
Also, Michelle? About 10 months ago Jon stopped putting himself out there for public consumption, renounced the public eye, and asked for a private life. Which yes, does make many of us feel it is not appropriate to continue to rag and rip and drag him through the mud on a daily basis. He is NOT completely no holds bar fair game anymore. When you remove yourself from the public eye, you should not be a constant free for all. I don't know how long you have been around here but there was intense criticism of Jon here over the years, which as slowly died down as he asked that he be private and stuck to his guns on being private--he's proven himself.
In contrast, not only has Kate continued to put herself out there on a daily basis, but welcomes the chatter and insists she wants to do this forever. She continues to be a free for all.
MICHELLE Not one person has put a limit or rule that Jon cannot be discussed.Some of the things that you list are just not true. Earrings, and a larger place. the rest? I dunno, about the SUV, I get your point on that one. Don't have an answer to that. Buying a home? I dunno about the either. He might have something in the works. As far as making comments about Kate. SHE is very out there with her stuff. What she has or doing is mostly in the public eye.
Jon and what he is doing, is very QUIET. Hard to assume or even speculate on him. You do make a few valid points.
I don't remember anything about a Mercedes SUV. I think there was an SUV when he dropped the kids off but a friend was driving it. Why wouldn't we assume it was the friend's? Or for that matter Ellen's. If he did have a Mercedes SUV, I have no idea what he is driving now as the last time I saw a pic of him in a vehicle other than the big blue bus was August 2010. Many people have made the mistake of leasing or buying a car they soon realized was too much for them and later downsized, it doesn't make you a bad person.
All Kate does is upgrade. Kate drove a GMC SUV in Yellowstone. Just so you know those are just as expensive as a Mercedes. Sure it was a rental, but why are we blowing money on such top of the line rentals when a regular economy car would be just as good to go grocery shopping in?
Also, how do we know TLC didn't give Jon a car and that apartment in NYC to shut him up? He might not have paid a dime for any Mercedes.
It was widely reported Kate's SUV, I think a Toyota? Was footed by TLC.
ADMIN true about the MBZ. I ASSUMED it was his, it has been photographed several times in front of the mcmansion. I really don't know. IF it is his, Michelle brings up a good point, but it could be a lease and he can't dump it yet. I have no clue.
He has a house? Last photos I saw were still the luxury apartment. Was this public info or insider info. Most of us are going on public info.
If he only sees the kids four days a month, that's insane. Even in our custody cases where dad's have every other weekend, they get the kids one or two nights a week for dinner - every week - unless they don't want it. Since we keep hearing Jon has only four days a month, I'm ASSUMING that's all he has.
If he's private citizen and "many of us feel it is not appropriate to continue to rag and rip and drag him through the mud on a daily basis" why does the top of this site include Jon with TLC and Kate on a "relentless quest to further fame and fortune on the backs of eight kids"?
agreed with your other 8 comments about the first RV trip episode, but have a reply about #3.
3)"The scenes with beloved BFF and great Nanny finally made it to air, because somehow TLC convinced Kate to forego editing rights, for the dramatic effect, to keep her show alive, due to bad ratings. So we got to see Kate's true behaviors, and what these two women and kids have dealt with. I doubt they want anything more to do with her."
I don't believe Kate has ever had any editing rights for her show other than 'possibly' a couple episodes when it was J&K and they were listed as producers.
I believe that in the past TLC 'chose' to show Kate in a positive light because it served their purpose which was to air a program that attracted viewers and advertisers and made them money, but for whatever reasons those days are long gone.
The positive editing Kate received - and it must have been a monumental challenge at times for the editors to piece together a full episode without showing Kate in a bad light - was intentional on TLC's part.
And I believe they made a decision towards the end to finally show Kate as she is and most likely has always been - a rude and demanding shrew to work with and a controlling overbearing parent. The people who worked for years to make her look good must have been giddy working on these last episodes knowing they could finally use the footage that used to end up on the cutting room floor. ------------
You could very well be correct. I am not sure who has final "editing rights" but any way you cut it, these kids have been used and put on display by their own mother, even after father father objected!
I still think she had some say in editing while people still cared, as I do agree TLC wanted to keep her Polly Perfect image alive, rather than showing her true personality! Shame on all of the TLC crew/staff/CEOs for perpetuating that Kate was a capable mother handling it all on her own. What a crock of crap!
Administrator said... Also, how do we know TLC didn't give Jon a car and that apartment in NYC to shut him up? He might not have paid a dime for any Mercedes.
If your ASSUMPTION is correct, even more reason to sell it and buy a Ford Focus or something under $20,000. Pure profit!
MICHELLE 'If he only sees the kids four days a month, that's insane. Even in our custody cases where dad's have every other weekend, they get the kids one or two nights a week for dinner - every week - unless they don't want it. Since we keep hearing Jon has only four days a month, "
KATE says this. I don't believe it. Jon also works, I would imagine it IS hard for him to pick up the kids as much as when he was not working. Jon HAS tweeted that he DOES spend time with the kids separately, to spend more 'one on one'. This is done during the week, when he tweeted he had the twins during the week. I don't believe Kate. Plus there was a paps photo of him at the doctors during the week with one of the tups.
She is in major defensive mode now.
&left out part that we ALL chose r leftovers from pm b4 4lunch that day!His hap 2b pizza-that Mady hap 2b eating!
@Kateplusmy8 lol! Yeah, that's more like it! Let you all do better on a trip w that much unplanned RV breakdowns etc.
Lol.Laughing@ interpretations of promo clips of Monday's Kate+8 ep... it's PREVIEW CLIPS of an EDITED show! Harsh opinions based on 5 secs!
To which I say to the witch, a piece of pizza should not warrant the level of anger and control that Kate displayed and whether the clips are edited or not - the behavior couldn't have been shown if she didn't act that way. OWN IT, Kate. ADMIT you were wrong and learn from it.
Kate also previously tweeted:
Hey @kateplusmy8 why plan a vaca u know you'll hate and bitch about the entire time? Try to enjoy life for once!
I was totally enjoying or until we had daily breakdowns stuck along road daily I'm dangerous temps,no movies or microwave got tuff.
Boohoo. She had no microwave and couldn't play movies to entertain her kids???????
I'll give her the fact that it was hot and the rv broke down, but they had other transportation and shelter and they were NOT stuck sitting by the side of the road in 100* temps with no shade. Buck up woman.
It's obvious from her tweets and the clips that have been posted that she can't handle anything that isn't planned. I think that's why we see differences between her tweets and what we see on the show. She can pick and choose what she says and to whom on Twitter, but she can't when she meets people in public or encounters them when they travel. She's only happy when she is in control of everything and everyone.
She has major control issues and on Twitter SHE is in total control. IRL, she flounders and we see the real Kate and it's not pretty.
Re: Kate's tweet about the edited Promo clips.....
If it's so innocent and not what it appears to be, because it's 5 seconds of an edited clip,
then why are Jamie and Ashley so upset? Why is Jamie threatening to leave, and Ashley does leave, if it's really not as bad as it appears in the promo clip?
Does she think we are that stupid?
Apparently things were even WORSE than what TLC edited and showed that made Ashley cry and pack up and leave.
I'm sick and TIRED of Kate blaming editing. The cameras caught what they caught, and that was HER yelling and shrieking and spazzing at over a piece of pizza. It doesn't matter one bit that the cameras didn't show what transpired the evening before.
Re: Jon - I agree with others who have said it does appear Jon is getting his ducks in a row. Kate may have said publicly that she wishes Jon had the kids more but in reality it's probably not that simple. Kate is probably fine (especially now) with Jon taking the kids but she most likely is unwilling to change the custody agreement to reflect this because it take away some of her control. Jon is also probably not willing to put the kids in the position of being able to see him more to suddenly have Kate yank away that extra time because she's in a mood. If there are going to be changes to the custody schedule, he wants it in writing I'm sure and Kate isn't willing to do that.
My only concern is if their Judge is Pro-Money, that he will grant Kate the ability to move the kids to California if The Talk or any other show were to offer her a contract. And sadly, I think the only reason Kate would want them is because they're HERS, ALL HERS and also how would it look if the woman whose only claim to fame is having 8, count 'em 8, kids left them across the country with their father while she pursued her career?
No Regrets said... I don't believe Kate.
And that's one I have to give a big AMEN on!
Heck, if we believe what Kate says, those last four pieces of pizza were the only thing keeping them from turning into The Donner Party.
Jon tweeted he closed on a house, maybe someone can find the tweet. His account is private and I don't follow him but others do.
Four days a month is not "insane," it is actually a very typical, standard, default arrangement in family law orders, especially conservative ones. While it may be far too little in my opinion, it is very typical, and there ARE pics of Jon getting the sextuplets on a weeknight, I believe it was Wednesday. I would suggest someone try to find it for you but really you should read through this blog first before throwing out all these inaccuracies. He also got the twins on their birthday, which was also a weekday. There are many instances of him getting the kids not on his designated days. The paps usually leave him alone so we don't have it all documented and frankly I wouldn't WANT it all documented, leave the kids the f alone. I will be satisfied with just not knowing exactly when he gets the kids because I don't want the damn paps harassing him all the time on his visits. Also, the children have to drive over an hour to school each way and this is a vigorous school with lots of homework, is it really fair to the kids to have to also pack up in the middle of the week, be shleped off to daddies, come back exhausted and have to get up at 5 am the next day? Another of Kate's decisions that unfortunately has a direct bearing on Jon and his custody. Maybe Jon is putting the KIDS first and thinking it's not best for them to drag them for a visit during the school week. Imagine that.
As for the banner, I guess you weren't around before when we discussed the banner ad nauseum. Many people wanted Jon gone from it. Emily, the artist, even sent me a new mock-up with Jon sort of faded out. Ultimately I decided, at least for now, to leave it as is, because I don't think the history of Jon's participation in this should be completely erased. This blog continues to document the HISTORY of the exploitation here, and Jon, sadly, was a part of that history. To remove him from the banner was, in my opinion, like erasing history. It does not mean he isn't doing well now and we're proud of that, but rather, that we're not going to pretend what happened in the past never did. That would be the sheeple way of doing things, erasing history.
I think the whole situation regarding what Jon is or isn't doing....began when the courts did not rule in his favor and all we saw was Kate taking advantage, taking the kids out of school to film, etc. And we thought, this is horrible. Why isn't Jon doing anything about this? It was just very frustrating to see all the filming continue...and we assumed Jon wasn't trying to fight anything just because the outcome didn't seem to indicate that.
But it's now apparent that he has continued to fight for what is in the children's best interest...but done it quietly behind the scenes and this situation requires lots of time. And because what seems right and fair to us...may not be necessarily how the court might be ruling. We tend to assume the court always makes the most fair and logical judgments....but that is not always true.
You'd have to either know Jon and know what's been going on or would need to be educated in the legal field....otherwise, we generally react to the outcome we are seeing and then make assumptions that there are no efforts being made to change them.
Michelle said...
Administrator said... Also, how do we know TLC didn't give Jon a car and that apartment in NYC to shut him up? He might not have paid a dime for any Mercedes.
If it came from TLC, it was undoubtedly a lease, and he had/has no rights to any alleged "equity", and therefore no ability to sell it.
Even if he's still driving it, which is unknown to almost everyone reading this blog.
The guy is stuck with being discussed because he's part of this train wreck, and these abused children are his, too. But let's face it, there's one very publicly horrible parent here, and it's not Jon.
Whatever he's doing, he's doing it privately. That's already a thousand points of "good" for those poor kids.
Getting the kids more during the week? He works first of all. The kids have homework.
The kids get home at what 4:30? They go to bed at 7 per Kate. They have to do homework. Jon gets off work at what? 5:30 or 6? Not a whole heck of lot of time to see them, don't you think?
K8 twittered
# @SuperPattyPie @dowd24 lol! Yeah, that's more like it! Let you all do better on a trip w that much unplanned RV breakdowns etc
Honey, I've done better in dozens of REAL disasters in life, where REAL stress, danger, illness was involved. Heaven forbid you ever have a genuine problem in life.
Oh, you usually PLAN your RV breakdowns? Man, you ARE organized!
Look at it this way, by Kate's own admission she thinks Jon should have no say in these kids. She acted very pissed off he had any say, which suggests to me that Jon has won some big decisions here and that there have been times the court DID listen to him. For all we know Kate has already tried to move the kids to NY or LA and he won't let it. There could have been a dozen things Kate tried to do with these kids he stopped, and I think first on the list would be South Korea.
Do you think Jon would even SEE these kids if Kate had her way??? YEAH RIGHT. Jon had some wins here. He even said once he won some lost some. He just doesn't have a need to blab and gloat about what he won.
Sylvia LaFair couldn't even deal with the stress of fighting Kate in court and she threw in the towel. She was lucky the fight wasn't over her child where you can't just give up.
No Regrets said...
Jaime said, direct quote "It is all about him isn't it?
Hmmmm. That is interesting.
Um, I spent a week in an F-ing FEMA trailor in New Orleans with three girlfriends and we had a blast. Go live down there, Kate. Those people did it for YEARS.
I can give Kate a list of 100 mishaps, accidents, unplanned events that happened on various trips I've been on over the years and I never, ever saw anyone act even close to what she did.
In fact, usually we just laugh about it.
She's ridiculous, truly.
No Regrets, thank you for your response to my question. I guess that by being so naturally kind and caring you would live up to your handle No Regrets :) Your kids are lucky to have you as their mom, and the young Khhate fans are lucky to have people that care about them, even if they are strangers.
Out And About In Berks County PA said...
No Regrets said...
Kate finally gave in to this guy who has been begging and begging to DM her, to trust him, he wants to get to know her.
The funny thing is that she has no idea if it's a teenager, a married man, or a woman just pulling Kate's leg!!
Out and About, when I read the back and forth between this new guy and Kate I thought the same thing, but had to chuckle when I thought of who it could be. Wouldn't it be a riot if it was Kelly who was leading her on?
OH CRAP! I'm in trouble with both Kate and Tamara now.....
I was helping out at a kid's birthday party last night putting pizza onto the kids plates (without using tin foil - but I did spritz with sanatizer first) while whistling (strangly enough the theme song for Monk). What was that part about being a serial killer Tamara ;)
I believe that there is a time when Kate is going give up the kids. I do believe she loves them but doesn't have it in her to deal with them alone. When the money and the lavish lifestyle is at it's end, I truly believe she will go into a very deep depression. When kids go from the age of Mom knows everything, to mom knows nothing, she won't even have the tool she likes to use most, control, to get them to mind. They wont listen. And kids left to "work it out themselves" get to that stage faster because they've had to.
TAMARA wow what a sweet response. Thank you so much.
I know the fans think that we all are monsters who just hate hate hate. But most of us are just parents who give a fig about kids, ANYONE'S children. I include myself in that category. Many of these kids have no parents who give a crap about them, Kate is one of those.
Again what a very sweet and nice response. Thank you so much.
Well the custody order is a perfect example of an "outsider" looking at that and thinking OMG Jon never gets his kids!
While most of us feel fathers should see their kids more than that, the problem is that is what a standard "mom has custody, dad has visitation" family law order looks like. They didn't break the mold with this one, but rather did what family law courts always do.
By the way, Jon probably gets the fifth weekend of the month too when there is one, which is six days.
A standard family law order that is not 50/50 is mom gets the kids during the week and dad gets the kids (Friday afternoon pickup, which is really like an extra day) the first, third and fifth weekends.
The reasons why are as follows:
1. So the kids can stay in their school all week and be in the same house and do homework at the same place every day. Consistency. Better for kids. You start breaking up the days and next thing you know Johnny forgot his homework at Daddy's and lunchbox at Mommy's. Too stressful for kids. Moving all around may be ok for an adult but is too much for kids.
2. So Mom gets some weekends too. Why not just give dad every weekend? Because that's not fair to Mom. Mom has to do the school thing all week, the weekends are the only time to really relax and enjoy the kids. If he got all the weekends there would be no time for HER to do anything with the kids.
3. In a similar vein, always schlepping the kids to dads on the weekends means they may never have time to go see a friend, playdate, school event, etc. Every weekend is too much.
Some parents actually prefer to be the weekend parent because during the school week it's stressful and all about running the kids everywhere and there's no time to really spend time with the kids. Weekend parents often have it really good because it's just you and the kids. Kids have even ended up CLOSER to a weekend parent due to this.
Allso? When you do the math, and really look at the big picture here, due to the nanny who was there four days a week PER KATE'S OWN ADMISSION, Kate only had these kids to herself about four full days a month too. And when Jon had a fifth weekend, she had them LESS than Jon ALONE. When you think of it that way, really strikes you, huh?
Did anyone else catch something in the clip I found - There is a scene where Steve is following her and she slams the RV door in his face followed by the words "It just rude" then the scene segues into the two of them standing by the RV's and she says "We have footage to prove you scoffed at me." and he replies "Whatever." she huffs and he reiterates "WHATever."
Steve seems like a one word kind of guy. I still think they're "affair" is one sided - I think Kate relies on him a great, great deal and so she fawns all over him because she doesn't want him to leave.
Kate definitely has man, dare I even say Daddy, issues?
Wow! She sure has been manically tweeting now that she's about to be no longer relevant.
You can always tell how desperate she is when she starts tweeting every few minutes.
She's so afraid of being forgotten and losing that fame she thrives on.
Jenna Does said... KyPastor said...
I fear we begin down a slippery slope when we use the Bible to vindicate ourselves. For each verse this blog can use against Kate, there are an equal number we could use against ourselves. I know that best intentions are at heart but when the Scripture becomes a weapon against our brothers and sisters its purpose is violated.
The Scriptures are intended to keep us ALL in line, not just those with whom we do not agree.
None of us, not one, is able to claim that we
have achieved goodness to the point that we
can hurl Biblical phrases at others and avoid being hit with them ourselves.
I pray that those of us who see genuine
problems in this situation will remember we are all in need of prayer and self discovery. The Bible speaks to the heart of each and every one of us.
I appreciate your patience with me.
I think that was beautifully written. Thank you.
~Hippie Chick~
I agree w/ you Hippie was lovely and not pretentious or condescending...I really like this Pastor.
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@CJWhodunit @SuperPattyPie &left out part that we ALL chose r leftovers from pm b4 4lunch that day!His hap 2b pizza-that Mady hap 2b eating!
39 minutes ago
Kate doesn't realize that this explanation points out exactly how controlling she is. Everyone had picked out what they were having for the next day's lunch the night before (prob Kate's idea), the plan wasn't followed and Kate immediately went into shrieking, screeching mode.
"silimom said...
Did anyone else catch something in the clip I found - There is a scene where Steve is following her and she slams the RV door in his face followed by the words "It just rude" then the scene segues into the two of them standing by the RV's and she says "We have footage to prove you scoffed at me." and he replies "Whatever." she huffs and he reiterates "WHATever."
YES I sure caught that. AND it seems I got my answer to Steve saying "whatever" I Thought he was being dismissive to the boys. It sure looks like he was replying to her comment about him "scoffing". That combined with Jaime's comment. Hmmm sure LOOKS like a lovers quarrel. And by Jaimes comment, this isn't the FIRST time that it is "all about Steve".
I agree with No Regrets on the fan issue too.
In my mind I divide Kate's fans into two groups. One, the group that should know better. The moms, the retired ladies, people over 22 generally.
The other are vulnerable tweens, teens and young people. I remember what it was like to be a teen. Your brain is truly wired differently. It's normal for teens to look for idols. It's normal for them not to be able to discern who is a good idol and who is bad. Usually this is harmless. A teen will go to a Justin Beiber concert a few times and have some posters on the wall and in a few years outgrow it all and become a well-adjusted young adult. But when it crosses the line to that celebrity actually encouraging you to do things that are expensive, time consuming (taking you away from your schoolwork, friends and family) and even dangerous, that's where I say this is NOT okay.
I am not okay with Kate encouraging her young, vulnerable fans either. I think it's wrong. I also feel protective of them. They don't know any better, they are going through a period of development where their brains are very open and vulnerable to manipulation like this. NOT OK.
Okay, so Mady took Steve's pizza when he already designated it as his. Sorry, a question, why does the bodyguard get first dibs on the pizza?
And a second question, what does that have to do with shrieking at Mady about touching the pizza with dirty hands?
If the issue is Mady took food that didn't belong to her, then you instruct her calmly to give it to the person it belongs to. She probably will give it back, and if she doesn't, then you deal with it calmly and rationally.
That doesn't justify the hissy fit Kate threw whatsoever. She's so nuts!
Small thing- I have a friend who works for CPS, she's a supervisor in her division.
CPS is overloaded with cases of physical and sexual abuse. Every time I see someone suggest calling CPS on Kate it really bothers me. CPS can do next to nothing about emotional abuse. It's sad, but it's true. There is no reason to assume that CPS can magically go in there and make Kate be a nice mom. Unfortunately, it's not illegal to be rude, cold, and harsh.
ADMIN Allso? When you do the math, and really look at the big picture here, due to the nanny who was there four days a week PER KATE'S OWN ADMISSION, Kate only had these kids to herself about four full days a month too. And when Jon had a fifth weekend, she had them LESS than Jon ALONE. When you think of it that way, really strikes you, huh?"
You are SO right. I had forgotten about her admission! That is SO true. I just really think that when and if Jon does ask for extra days, unless SHE has other plans she says NO. Plus her claim is just not believable that Jon doesn't want them more. She lies so much. And she will lie anytime to make herself look better. Sorry, don't' buy it.
Administrator said...
Do you think Jon would even SEE these kids if Kate had her way???
I think that's one of two reasons she's got such deep hatred for Jon.
1. He refused to continue the charade. Kate would have happily filmed Jon & Kate Plus 8 until those kids were in college while pretending to be married on film with Jon living in the garage apartment. He ruined the master plan.
2. When anyone hasn't gone along with her master plan, they are exiled from the lives of the kids. Jon is the one person she can't do that to because as their father he has legal rights. Slim legal rights at the moment, sadly, but still legal rights. As you said, Kate herself said it's ridiculous the courts give him any say.
And there actually might be a no. 3 for her Jon hatred. She can't control him anymore. Sure she still has some control, but not like she had during 10 years of marriage. Her spewing about "he changed so she had to move on". Yeah, he did change, he grew a spine and stood up to her. A change she couldn't deal with and will never be able to deal with - in anyone.
And now it's time for me to go enjoy this lovely Labor Day weekend. Hope everyone has a great one!
Chuckle, chuckle said
Wouldn't it be a riot if it was Kelly who was leading her on?
Greed makes people like her vulnerable, and keeps them stupid. If it isn't Kelly, sooner or later it will be someone else. She won't be able to resist the bait if it's dangled.
You know what, I figured this out. For a lot of people, the fun of a vacation is the unknown and unexpected. That makes for the best stories too! You hear a lot about people backpacking wherever and not really planning much out--that is the FUN, the unplanned. One of the best memories I have is my friends and I stuck at the Egyptian border trying to get through customs, took about seven hours. A little scary at the time not speaking the language, not understanding why there was a problem other than the obvious (Americans), but now we talk for years about what a crazy border that was and how naive we were and just laugh and laugh. A story about how we breezed through the border and they were so nice and it took five minutes is not much of a vacation.
If you don't like that stuff, you go to one destination, one five star resort, and sit by the pool for six days (Kate was happiest under this scenario in Mexico).
But if you don't like the unexpected and breakdowns and things not going to plan and having to rework, you don't plan an RV trip!
Also here's a thought, entertain your OWN KIDS YOURSELF. Stop popping in a DVD!
Oh and just to remind Kate, read my recap. You were miserable before you even LEFT.
DexLau (wasn't that the name of some sort of diet pill? Lol),
For some reason whistling just grates on my ears. Maybe I was a dog in a past life. Or worked on the Andy Griffith Show. I miss the good old Showbiz Pizza. And on the serial killer side, I'm sure more than a few parents who've been involved in parties there have considered it.
Speaking of unplanned events on a trip....
Y'all see Kate going crazy over someone eating the pizza that had (apparently) been claimed by Purseboy the night before.
Here's unplanned for you:
My brother & his family were driving out in the middle of nowhere out in Montana a few years ago. Came upon an obviously very poor family (mom/dad/3 kids) stranded by the side of the road...their car & all of their possesions had burned up. This poor family was truly stranded out in the hot sun.
My brother & his family drove that family an hour or so into the nearest town and paid for a hotel for a week. Left them $500 cash for groceries & clothes, and called the local priest to see what else could be done to help them.
An unplanned event handled oh so graciously.
I don't think anyone here has suggested CPS be called in a long, long time. Those posts are deleted if they do.
However, there are those who believe emotional abuse is right up there with other forms of abuse. The law has not caught up yet.
This is what REALLY bothers me about that fit she threw over the pizza. Fist of all the kids were apparently HUNGRY. When kids are hungry feed them. Not just go by your freakin "schedule". Jaime also said they did KNOW that Steve had dibs on the pizza. So it was NOT rude at all, they didn't KNOW.If the pizza was for Steve, why didn't lazy ass Kate put it in HER RV?
If my kids are hungry and an adult wanted it, TOO BAD. Eat something else. Steve is an adult. WHY put Steve's wants OVER your own kids? That is exactly what it looks like to me.
She is ridiculous. And no, she CANNOT blame that idiotic display on "stress". NO way.
About editing issues, every time she tweeted while on the trip she complained that her organizational skills were being challenged. Did tweeters forget that?
Also, picking out food from the night before? Sheesh "back in the day" it was first come first serve. If Mady picked up the pizza then it's hers, guess you weren't quick enough, Steve-o.
And really Ratclaws? How old are you? You must have your wittle pizza-wizza? Man up and eat something else so the child can have what she wants. Hasn't she worked hard enough to at least deserve to eat what she wants for lunch? Especially if she was smart enough to get in there first?
There's an entire crew with them, there's got to be other food somewhere, craft services or just a food stash or something. Why doesn't he be a man and say it's okay she can have it I'll find something else. Man up Steve! My dad would always, always do that for us. And my mom. Love them to pieces. This is what parents do, I'll take the crumbled cookie you have the good one.
It's gross the way Kate jumps to defend Steve over her own daughter.
Also, it's the opportunity for a life lesson.
Steve gave you the pizza, say thank you, Mady. Steve gave the food her preferred to you and is going to find something else.
On second thought, man up Steve.
Oh, and what about her 40plus new tweeter fans. Where did they come from if tlc was editing her to look bad. You can't have it both ways. And I remember, it was either dwts or swts, she said, "love me or hate me, I bring in the numbers." (I'll try to find that and post it)
Also not even sure why this is Kate's fight. Mady and Steve both want the pizza, let the two of them work it out. I'm sure they could have. Steve can handle his own problems, if he's really such a jerk that HE wants the pizza, he can go talk to Mady about it like a big boy.
She always passes these kids off on others, and yet when she does get involved, it's really not even her concern!
silimom said... Did anyone else catch something in the clip I found - There is a scene where Steve is following her and she slams the RV door in his face followed by the words "It just rude" then the scene segues into the two of them standing by the RV's and she says "We have footage to prove you scoffed at me." and he replies "Whatever." she huffs and he reiterates "WHATever."
I never saw that clip. How do l get to it? I went to Gosselinarchives saw the one that Admin recapped about, but nothing else.
"So Predictable said...
Chuckle, chuckle said
Wouldn't it be a riot if it was Kelly who was leading her on? "
I don't think Kelly would or could even PRETEND to be romantic with her. LOL
Administrator, isn't there some guidelines with twitter against phishing scams? Wouldn't what Kate is doing fall under that category?
THERESA it is on
how nice of your brother. Shades of Grapes of Wrath. There are so many people in this world with some real heavy duty problems. This is one thing that is so ridiculous about Kate. She sits in her million dollar home, with plenty to eat, plenty of everything, yet she bitches about no money, postage on books they bought that put money in HER pocket. Not enough money in college funds. sob sob sob What a total superficial self absorbed boob. And the fans eat this up.
No mention of Kate hosting The Talk from Molly Shannon and Kris Jenner are the fill-ins. Whoever said the Hollybaby article with the "source" was just Kate's agent trying to get some PR generated appears to be right.
On a personal note, my kids just bailed on me to go to the park to play football with their friends instead of the Mall of America with mom. :( DH's at work and I'm bored! Maybe I need to start a Twitter account and make myself some "tweeties"!
Kate, here's a suggestion - in my family, when we eat out and have leftovers, if someone wants to save those leftovers for the next day, we WRITE OUR NAME ON THE BOX along with a "please don't eat. Thank you."
Hmmm. We never have too much of a problem with leftovers being swiped in our house using that system.
(Sorry for the caps - I would normally italicize those words but don't know how to do that here."
Admin said....
If the issue is Mady took food that didn't belong to her, then you instruct her calmly to give it to the person it belongs to. She probably will give it back, and if she doesn't, then you deal with it calmly and rationally.
Mady apparently did give it back. Sans tin foil. I wonder if Steve cared about foil, or even thought about it.
I'm a non-fan of Dr. Phil, but darned if sometimes he's not right about things. He constantly tells his show guests that they are fighting about TOPICS - any topic will do - and not getting down to the real ISSUES.
IMO, Kate will scream about pizza, sugar granules on the floor, mismatched shoes, Jon not being with her at ToysRUs, because they are easy to point to and say "THAT's the problem, right there!" Tomorrow it will be some other minor thing - a kid needing to go to the restroom when she's ready to leave. She wants to avoid looking at the deeper things going on in her life. She's alone, she's afraid, she's unhappy, she's ....... those things that require personal reflection, personal admissions, personal growth. It's just easier to scream about THINGS.
Maybe you should get a twitter. YOU TOO could get free stuff too! MY DH is gone too, time to play! LOL
I think it is a pr stunt of Kate's manager. NO confirmation to this at all.
Silimom, do this at the beginning, and this at the end with no space between. Works for bolding, too.
I do think she has something coming up, her tweets over the last week have been hinting at something. You know, her baiting people with "can't tell right now" "I will make you proud" ugh She even retweeted the tweet from a fan that asked what she is going to be doing next, the "suspense' was killing her" with no comment of her own. She is such a little mind game player. LOL
Just curious said...
Silimom, do this at the beginning, and this at the end with no space between. Works for bolding, too.
Excuse me? I missed that tip completely. Do what?
Some of these people who are tweeting her live outside the U.S. and yet she wants them to come up with "return postage". Fans in Europe, Britain or any place other than the U.S. can't purchase U.S. stamps which are required when mailing anything in the U.S.A.
Oh dear. < i > at beginning and < /i > at end with no spaces.
Sorry. Should have previewed.
'Anonymous said...
Some of these people who are tweeting her live outside the U.S. and yet she wants them to come up with "return postage". Fans in Europe, Britain or any place other than the U.S. can't purchase U.S. stamps which are required when mailing anything in the U.S.A.'
That is interesting. I didn't know that or even think of it. Just mail her another book and sign it. She has plenty left over. LOL
I learned something new!
I hope
Admin, I don't know HOW you stomach watching this crap. I only read about 2 paragraphs of your recap but stopped - Kate will NEVER change. As you so eloquently stated, she is "one cruel, delusional, batshit crazy bitch." That pretty much sums it up.
There are a lot of comments here so I only read a few from this last page:
1) Michelle, Jon was the better parent ( by far ) during the show, and by all accounts he is the better parent ( by far ) after the show.
2) Re the pizza and Rat Claws- didn't I read here that during the NYC epi, K8 took a perfect lolli and gave one of the boys ( of course ) a broken one? Birds of a feather......... and what mature adult has "dibs" on food anyway?
3) KyPastor has ALWAYS posted thoughtful and very valid comments in a very respectful way.
4) Regarding editing : first, it can't be shown if it wasn't filmed. K8 throwing a hissy fit happened, it was filmed, it was aired. Also, I very clearly remember K8 saying ( in the early J & K +8 shows ) that she did have editing rights, that she and Jon have control over what is finally aired. She also said something about not editing too much because she wanted everyone to see the "realist reality family on tv".
I have unfortunately, accepted the fact that those poor kiddos are doomed for life. Their childhoods have been destroyed at the hands of their very ill ,evil and narcisstic "mother" and their emotional and physical well-being were traded for $$ and ratings by TLC .
fidosmommy said...
Just curious said...
Silimom, do this at the beginning, and this at the end with no space between. Works for bolding, too.
Excuse me? I missed that tip completely. Do what?
Funny! You can't see what Just Curious said because it worked, and made the words italic.
The code you use to make words italic disappears when used.
Here's what you do, if you want to italicize the word "great" for example:
Type a carat sign < with the small point to your left. The type a little letter i next to the carat sign. Then type another carat sign, put pointed the other way >
You'll have carat sign/letter i/carat sign.
Then type the word great.
After the word great, make another carat sign with the small point left < then type a slash / and, after that, the letter i.
Then finish with the carat sign going the other way >. You'll have carat sign/slash/letter i/carat sign.
Then just finish your comment as usual.
Sounds complicated, but once you've done it, you'll pick it up fast.
But capital letters work, and I don't think anyone will object as long as they're used infrequently. All caps are another matter entirely, but that's not what you were doing.
Regarding Kate's comment about people making judgments based on five seconds of footage....
Well, it was a little bit more than that. We have Steve obviously trying to tell her the pizza thing wasn't that big of a deal and her screaming, "It was rude!" and slamming the door in his face. We have her saying, "You were scoffing at me and I have footage to prove it." (Isn't that awesome that all you have to do is look at footage to prove what is going on in your life? It's the realest of reality, isn't it?)
And most telling, Jamie's comment: "It's always about him, isn't it?"
Oh no, Kate, it's not based on five seconds of footage... It's based on TLC blowing the cover they've kept for you for years now.
I wonder how Kate knows about all the speculation if she doesn't read the blogs..... Hmmmmm..
The saddest part is that the kids have witnessed all this psychotic behavior. It makes me sick to think what they have endured.
YaY thanks Jupiter!
Everyone have a great day. It is taking me a long time to refresh the posts. My internet is getting slow.
Have a great day!!
Oops, Just curious posted a much better, easier, fix for italics. My bad!
K8SUCKS said...
There are a lot of comments here so I only read a few from this last page:
1) Michelle, Jon was the better parent ( by far ) during the show, and by all accounts he is the better parent ( by far ) after the show.
Absolutely! He's not just the better parent, he's the better human being in all respects. I think that's why Jon brings such passion among those of us who are worried about the kids. We KNOW he's their only hope.
No Regrets said...
I learned something new!
I hope
Good one!
Thank you for the hints!
hanks Sillimom. Just when you think khate can't get any worse. She's just a ditchpig in my opinion.Being a dp is worse that a c**t I wish jaime would have chucked a pail of cold water on her to cool her down.
Ok so I am completely lost on WHAT THE HELL WAS THIS ISSUE OVER? (pizza)
Hasn't Kate ever heard of Compleats meals (HORMEL) or beefaroni? or even quick cook meals in the microwave? OMG this is unreal. After the pizza fiasco thing I am just TOTALLY convinced that Kate is fully infatuated with Steve and thinks of him as her boyfriend, in my opinion she should have let the kids have the food before any adult, if the conditions were THAT dire, isn't it women and children first??? Ugh she has got to be the most monstruous person on reality tv, she sits next to this woman who just recently killed her 4 and 5 years old here in St Louis just because they got in the way of her living with her boyfriend. She shot them point blank with a shotgun.
Kate needs to have the custody of these kids taken away from her,...half a banana for a 7 year old??? REALLY??
She knew how long they would be gone and how many mneals to plan for. She insists on keeping the locations of everywhere they go from the kids so that the kids don't tell Jon that has nothing to do with her being so tada! to the kids. LIAR LIAR.
This was by far the most horrible thing I have ever witness on tv, I wish I just had the chance to be in person to tell her what I think and what she is doing to the people around her.
OH and BTW did she fight that hard for the crew to get a piece of pizza? Thought she didn't DO food restriction? WOnder how hard she would scream if the kids turned up their nose over mac and cheese and salad???? UGH she is HORRIBLE!
Isn't Kate totally the girlfriend where if her boyfriend steals the remote from the kids to watch his game, she'll tell the kids oh honeys just let him watch his football.
Or if she promised the kids a trip to Six Flags but it conflicts with stupid boyfriend who needs a ride to work, they won't go.
That's the type she is.
"Ditchpig"! Well I may be bored since DH's working and the kids bailed on me, but at least I'm increasing my vocabulary.
Admin said: Same goes for Kate. Since nearly everything we see from her is batshit crazy, I'm gonna go ahead and assume she's batshit crazy behind the scenes too.
Admin, I am going to presume that what we see on screen is the 'good' Kate. I will presume that she is on her best behaviour for filming. I think what we don't see, behind the scenes, is likely very frightening and worse than batship crazy. I think if she was my mother I would double lock my bedroom door at night because I think she has totally snapped and is 100% psychotic.
That should have been 'batshit' crazy not 'batship'. Dah. Heat getting to me.
Administrator said...
Isn't Kate totally the girlfriend where if her boyfriend steals the remote from the kids to watch his game, she'll tell the kids oh honeys just let him watch his football.
Or if she promised the kids a trip to Six Flags but it conflicts with stupid boyfriend who needs a ride to work, they won't go.
That's the type she is.
I see Kate as a misandrist, so I don't see those scenarios.
Wow, Kate has been on a maniacal tweeting binge the last couple of days! I haven't read any of them (other than those posted here) but I'm just amazed at how many there are. Yesterday I was going to post something about her tweeting time and didn't get around to seems kind of contradictory now but since (I think?) the kids are with Jon I'm going to say it anyway:
People have spoken often here about how much time she spends tweeting and how it takes time away from her kids. I am *not* defending her, but I actually think that her typical tweeting days don't take up that much time. Someone said she'd tweeted an average of 37 tweets a day since she started. That sounds like a LOT, especially when you consider that she has taken a week or two off at a time when they've been traveling/filming - but it also includes the times she's been home on the weekends alone and manically tweeting 200 times a day (like now.)
But let's say she tweets 20 times in a day when her kids ARE there - not in school or with Jon. Tweets only have 140 characters. That's a total of 2800 characters. I have typed ::checking in Word:: 1136 characters so far (including spaces - does Twitter include spaces?) in this post alone. I have four kids and it's Saturday and they're all home and doing their own thing while I read this blog (and I read every post) and check email and Facebook sitting in the living room on my laptop. They're not being neglected or ignored - two of them are in the room with me now and I am interacting with them as I type or read.
I don't defend the *content* of Kate's tweets, but I really don't think that the amount of time she spends on Twitter is necessarily harming her kids in and of itself. Especially since she doesn't appear to use her iPhone for anything other than Twittering and texting - she obviously does not use the internet as a research tool, she doesn't have any friends to email, she says she doesn't use Facebook, she doesn't care about anyone elses opinions so doesn't read blogs unless they're about her...
I just think that we shouldn't be critical of the amount of time she spends Twittering since all of us obviously spend time reading and responding on blogs - or at least one blog. :-)
Total character count - 2309 - equivalent of 16.49 tweets!!
I'm kinda scratching my head about how is Kate getting away with bashing tlc and Jon didn't.
We have Steve obviously trying to tell her the pizza thing wasn't that big of a deal and her screaming, "It was rude!" and slamming the door in his face.
I saw that too and was shocked. Kate is the LAST person to be telling others what they did was rude. She's been rude to others her whole life! I truly can't believe that after everything she's done, people still support her and blame it on, "well she has 8 kids, she's stressed out."
I take it she doesn't see the irony in accusing someone of being rude while slamming the door in their face.
"I just think that we shouldn't be critical of the amount of time she spends Twittering since all of us obviously spend time reading and responding on blogs - or at least one blog. :-)"
I am critical of the amount of time she's breathing! Because when she's beathin' she abusing somebody, even Shoka!
I just think that we shouldn't be critical of the amount of time she spends Twittering since all of us obviously spend time reading and responding on blogs - or at least one blog. :-)
But ALL of us do not have eight kids with emotional problems, silently crying for attention with their mother just shushing them away and telling them to work it out for themselves.
Ok, I'm not going to try to figure out all this, so and so said this, cause last time I did that, I got myself in trouble here. (big snark) Whoever said they would lock their door at night cracked me up.
If I were her child, I would go in her room when she wasn't home and jump on her bed yelling as loud as I could, nanananana, hahahahaha, and get the others to join so they couldn't tell, with a threat of severness if they did.
Oops - clicked "send" too soon.
And all of us do not engage in twittering with tweens and teens, setting up spontaneous contests and obtaining the e-mail addresses of minors, egging them on, giving them advice and telling them to "take it to the max" to set up a fanunion, when obviously these kids know absolutely nothing about organizing such an event and carrying it out.
"But ALL of us do not have eight kids with emotional problems, silently crying for attention with their mother just shushing them away and telling them to work it out for themselves."
But my point was that *just* because she spends a certain amount of time on Twitter each day does not *necessarily* mean that she is shushing her kids, ignoring them, neglecting them, etc. There are plenty of other indicators that she is indeed doing that - it is on film, for goodness sakes - and I am not defending her actions in that way. The content of her tweets is also silly, dangerous, and unproductive. But I just don't think we should be critical of someone who spends time tweeting - because it is completely possible to be in the room with children, interact with them, take care of their needs, while simultaneously spending time on Twitter (or a blog, or Facebook, or texting, or emailing, or reading articles online, or whatever.) Does Kate do that? Probably not. But Tweeting itself isn't the problem - it is her personality and the way she parents in the first place.
There is something seriously wrong with her. And she has the audacity to wonder why she has no friends or family to speak of. They all know she acts like this OVER PIZZA. She in the ten years she was married to Jon NEVER went to bat for him the way she did for ole Stevie. I hope that when she watches this she will realize what a total bit chs she really is. Oh wait Im sorry look who Im talking about.. My bad..she'll NEVER change and die old and alone.
SmileyGrl752 said... Kate is the LAST person to be telling others what they did was rude. She's been rude to others her whole life! I truly can't believe that after everything she's done, people still support her and blame it on, "well she has 8 kids, she's stressed out."
ITA! Anytime she has acknowledge being rude, it's ALWAYS followed with BUT ..... She can't just admit to being rude and apologize. There's always a good reason for her rudeness in her mind. And her fans see it exactly as she does. Oh, poor Kate was "exhausted", etc. but Jamie and Ashley get no such pass for their behavior from Kate's fans.
I don't know how when Jamie was handing food out the RV window to Kate after Kate commented she was taking it so she didn't eat it all, Jamie didn't keep from tossing the food in her face. Jamie was trying to explain the pizza thing and Kate just kept waving her manicured fingers saying "fries, fries, fries". She'd have been wearing those fries if I was Jamie.
"And all of us do not engage in twittering with tweens and teens, setting up spontaneous contests and obtaining the e-mail addresses of minors, egging them on, giving them advice and telling them to "take it to the max" to set up a fanunion, when obviously these kids know absolutely nothing about organizing such an event and carrying it out."
And I *said* I was not defending the CONTENT of her tweets. The situation with the sheeple gathering or whatever the heck it is is deplorable. But there have been posters here who are appalled at the number of tweets she has made in the last six months (or however long it's been) because it takes time away from her kids. I myself have probably spent more time typing these three posts than she spends typing tweets in a typical day. And I'm not committing child abuse by doing so.
I don't defend Kate's parenting and how she treats her children in ANY way. I don't defend the way she treats people in general in ANY way.
I see Kate is trying to defend her actions in the promo clip.
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Lol.Laughing@ interpretations of promo clips of Monday’s Kate+8 ep… it’s PREVIEW CLIPS of an EDITED show! Harsh opinions based on 5 secs!
I thought she didn’t read non-fan tweets. Where is she seeing these harsh opinions. Is she checking out the comments on the sites that are showing it?
To be honest, I really think she is losing it. She’s encouraging the teen fans to plan a fundraiser. She has mkbrownlow doing shopping for her. She has BarbGilmer giving fans her address so they can send books to her to be signed-but only with her permission and they must include a postage paid return envelope. Now some of her fans say they want her address so they can send her things. Paige even offered to send her money to cover the cost of mailing her prize, because Kate complained about how expensive it was.
She seems very, very desperate and it always amazes me how her fans just cannot see it.
I am SO with you about how how...well...REAL celebs have stalkers, & how they have to get restraining orders & stuff like that ALL THE TIME. I mean Kate is no real celeb, but these people THINK she is.
I don't, but these fans of her do. That's the point. They would do anything for her. They would do anything to meet her. Some of them may, & do, have screws loose & would probably go a bit nutso if they *did* meet her.
Look at John Lennon. Mark David Chapman shot Lennon ONLY because he wanted to make a name for himself. That's IT. What makes sense about that?? Nothing.
Rebecca Shaefer, (sp?), The girl from The Poltergeist movies, (her BF shot her), a bunch of Playboy models, man, the list goes on & on. There are CRAZY people out there. And it's the fans, not the "haters", the FANS that are deemed more insane than most. Selena. Selena's supposed "best friend" & manager of her damn fan club shot her! She was only in her early 20's!
Does Kate not see that her CHILDREN are in danger? HER CHILDREN!!! Above all else, that should be a red flag. She is too blinded by the gushing, the adoration & the love. Her ego is just too much. I hope nothing happens.
John Lennon used to walk around NYC, look what happened. *my hero, my idol, my icon*
Sorry for the long post.
~Hippie Chick~
International fans can enclose a small flat rate international shipping box, and send her the cash in US dollars. Same rate to anywhere.
xoGosselinxo TDS
@Kateplusmy8 I want to see the show end with happy times with the Gosselin family, not sad times!
22 minutes ago
in reply to ↑
Kate Gosselin
@xoGosselinxo same. And I think you will…
The talk above about us not holding Jon accountable for past behavior...I don't think that's true.
He did some pretty stupid things in the months pre/post divorce that he was soundly ripped for here, and on other blogs, and still seems to be paying the price for.
The thing is, he isn't doing stupid things publicly anymore.
Kind of a brain teaser, eh? How long do you hold bad behavior against a person, if they appear to no longer be behaving badly, and appear now to be trying to do the right thing? Years? Decades?
Why do people hold things against Jon that happened two years ago, and yet hold nothing against Kate, who is STILL behaving badly?
Yeah, he was appalling there for a while. But for the most part he only hurt himself. Embarrassing for the kids when they're older I suppose, but not hurtful/demeaning/degrading to them directly in the here and now.
Isn't it like a bank account? Kate has withdrawn so much that now the bank is closing the account.
Jon, while he made some substantional withdrawals in the bank of life, now appears to be making deposits (like at least not behaving badly on national tv).
And that's our gripe with Kate. She's never made deposits, only withdrawals.
And, a lot of these tragic incidents were actually disillusioned fans. People who were once fans and then for whatever reason something upset them and set them off.
THAT is one of my biggest concerns about Kate's direct contact with her fans. She builds them up with all these false promises, then drops them like rocks. She is fostering disillusionment that, with the wrong person, could result in something very tragic.
I really think is trying to do some major damage control. The RV trip episodes put her in very, very bad light. Since the first one aired she has done the following:
offered to donate the highchairs
offered to donate clothes to a fan
agreed to a meet and greet
agreed to sign her books as long as she doesn't pay the postage and also to give out her address
Is she going to follow through on any of this? The fans are expecting more and more from her. What happens when she turns one of them down or can't deliver on her promises?
Jenna, I agree that she is putting herself and her children in danger.
May I just say this about the discussion about this blog talking about Kate tweeting to long, and it is in your opinion, the one who is debating the issue of those here doing the same thing. In my opinion, everyone has to answer for the words that come out of their mouth and fingers. Everyone here, including yourself, are grown adults and are aware of what they are doing. No one here is blaming anyone else for what they think or feel or is forcing or coercing anyone to believe the way they do. We state our opinion and it's there for others to feel free to accept or reject it for themselves. Please don't take this as a lashing. I'm just trying to shed a little light on how I feel about it.
Mel said...
Why do people hold things against Jon that happened two years ago, and yet hold nothing against Kate, who is STILL behaving badly?
Yeah, he was appalling there for a while. But for the most part he only hurt himself.
I don't know of anyone here who holds nothing against Kate. Kate's clearly a lost cause. Nothing will change her.
Jon's behavior has changed, but he didn't only hurt himself with the meltdown of 2009. He hurt his chances in the custody fight and the kids pay a daily price for it. As Admin said, momentum is huge in family court and had Jon played his cards right, he could have had huge momentum. He was the primary parent.
Water under the bridge, but the damage is still there.
Jon is held to a higher standard because he is the only one that can help the kids. Literally the only one.
As I said, Kate's a lost cause.
"May I just say this about the discussion about this blog talking about Kate tweeting to long, and it is in your opinion, the one who is debating the issue of those here doing the same thing. In my opinion, everyone has to answer for the words that come out of their mouth and fingers. Everyone here, including yourself, are grown adults and are aware of what they are doing. No one here is blaming anyone else for what they think or feel or is forcing or coercing anyone to believe the way they do. We state our opinion and it's there for others to feel free to accept or reject it for themselves. Please don't take this as a lashing. I'm just trying to shed a little light on how I feel about it. "
I am so sick of Kate's claim she is tiered because she is a single mom of 8 kids. It should not be an excuse! Honey, I am a widow, and have been since my husband was killed by a teen who was texting while driving under the influence as of March 2011. And I have 10 children from ages 2-15 years old. I am a nurse and I work the grave yard shift so I can see my kids off to school in the morning and put my younger ones in daycare so I can get a few hours of sleep and be available to my kids when they are off school to do homework, take them to the doctor, soccer game, dance class, band practice.
I have a mortgage to pay, bills to pay, yard work, stains to remove, lunches to make, science projects to help with, permission slip someone forgot to take to school, birthdays to plan and first Christmas to worry about without my husband being around anymore.
Kate is not single she is divorced. I am not single, I am widowed and pregnant with our 11th child due in October. Why does Kate complain so much about how hard life is when I would love to be able to take a trip across country, have my kids have silver platter lives but we don't. You take what life throws at you and you do what you have to do. I don't see Kate struggling with much of anything.
I sit here now trying to figure out a way to afford to let my 15 year old daughter go on class trip in November. And try to explain to my 4 year old daughter why daddy won't be here for Christmas because she doesn't understand still. How I managed to buy 10 new pairs of shoes is because I sacrificed buying myself new clothes because they needed school supplies and Mickey Mouse lunchbox and Spider man notebooks and shoes that light up in the dark.
Kate is so ungrateful sometimes it's heartbreaking. Sure Kate has given her kids material things but all I see Kate do is bemoan having to get up early, having to make lunch, having to go do this and that. All I see is a spoiled entitled TV personality not a mother. I pray she does not get anything in TV. She needs to count her blessings in life and learn to be grateful and appreciate even smallest thing.
Administrator, you made me think about the show "The Fan" starring Robert De Niro and Wesley Snipes.
If anyone wants to see what could happen to Kate with her being careless with tweeting, watch this movie. Maybe someone should send it to her and tell her to watch. If there are any sheeple out there pretending to be a hater. You may greatly help her if you could get her to watch this movie.
Thanks for the tip!
what happened to mrs oh so organised.NOT.
neither is she ocd.
New subject...or for me, at least:
Dear Kate:
In response to your tweet about how "we" would have all acted the same if faced with RV breakdowns and etc.
Ummmm, no, "we" wouldn't.
I think it was Admin who pointed out how part of the fun of traveling is having stuff happen that you can talk about for years to come. Not just the fun stuff, but the inconvenient/uncomfortable/bad stuff too. If I think back on all of the trips I've taken with my family as a child, as a young adult with friends, and with my family as a parent; the ones we remember are the times where things went wrong - mostly because a lot of those times are because you're forced into tight quarters with the ones you're traveling with. Who, presumably, we care about and love. I also could list 100 different things that have gone wrong on different trips and I don't recall anyone ever screaming at other people, or treated the people *who were in the same boat as I was* poorly. Maybe there was some tension and a few snaps here and there, but nothing like I have witnessed you do *over much smaller issues.*
So the microwave didn't work. Really? That's a tragedy? The DVD player? Who cares!!! Play a game, read a book, sing, play the ABC game with road signs, talk. What do you think people did before we had those devices? What do you think people do who *really* camp - like in tents? Who travel in small cars with the kids across the backseat?
The RV broke down? So, did you have to have all 11 children standing on the road while you and Jamie and Ashley got under the hood and fixed it because it was your only vehicle? Did you call the tow truck/AAA yourself? Or did you gather the kids and go into one RV, or the TLC RV, and go somewhere safe, while the crew/RV drivers/Steve dealt with the issue and had a replacement RV brought out to you?
The RV was uncomfortable and cold? REALLY? It was a bed, wasn't it? And you had four walls around you? And it was July? What do you think people do who camp for real - in a tent, remember? (that's what real camping is) - and sleep on the ground without walls sheltering them from wind/cold? You are such a freaking baby. WE do not act like you. WE are not entitled witches who have no idea what adversity is if it bit us in the butt.
Anonymous for this time said...
Jon is doing his very best right now for the kids - even with his hands tied. Some of us know more than we can share.
There's a reason he's so quiet and pretty much out of the limelight.
I didn't post this - the ID is very similar to mine. But, I do agree with this poster!
To be honest, I really think she is losing it. She’s encouraging the teen fans to plan a fundraiser. She has mkbrownlow doing shopping for her. She has BarbGilmer giving fans her address so they can send books to her to be signed-but only with her permission and they must include a postage paid return envelope.
Don't forget she ran 10 miles yesterday!
It wasn't that long ago that she was exhausted, sleeping late, the kids were making breakfast, she couldn't get motivated.
Don't know if this has been mentioned lately (this blog is growing so fast I can't keep up!!) but I think it's worth noting that some nutjob and his son were finally arrested in Allentown PA for stalking Sarah Palin. What's it going to take for the light to come on over Kates head? As much as I can't stand her I would NOT want to see those kids motherless. They don't need any more freaking trauma in their lives. The crazies are out there.
(from the Chicago Sun-Times)
Updated: August 19, 2011 2:17AM
ALLENTOWN, Pa. — A Pennsylvania man and his son were arrested Thursday on charges of harassing Sarah Palin’s family and lawyers in a case a prosecutor said went beyond “merely creepy to truly threatening.”
Robin said...
"May I just say this about the discussion about this blog talking about Kate tweeting to long, and it is in your opinion, the one who is debating the issue of those here doing the same thing. In my opinion, everyone has to answer for the words that come out of their mouth and fingers. Everyone here, including yourself, are grown adults and are aware of what ...
Robin, if your confused what I meant by saying this is, in a nut shell, we all have our opinions about things and as long as we are not trying to force anyone to believe the way we do then they (opinions) are laid out there for anyone to choose what they want to believe. I would hate to have anyone try to make me feel guilty for what I think. They can try to teach me, but don't try to intimidate me for feeling the way I do.
I don't know, maybe I just made it more confusing. Sorry
Teresa said...
silimom said... Did anyone else catch something in the clip I found - There is a scene where Steve is following her and she slams the RV door in his face followed by the words "It just rude" then the scene segues into the two of them standing by the RV's and she says "We have footage to prove you scoffed at me." and he replies "Whatever." she huffs and he reiterates "WHATever."
I never saw that clip. How do l get to it? I went to Gosselinarchives saw the one that Admin recapped about, but nothing else.
Don't forget that was the same shot where Kate also says, "THIS is SOOOO over!"
I think that when Kate realizes that she has no use for the kids anymore, she will ship them off to boarding school. She won't want them, but she also doesn't want Jon to have them. Perfect solution.
"If I think back on all of the trips I've taken with my family as a child, as a young adult with friends, and with my family as a parent; the ones we remember are the times where things went wrong - mostly because a lot of those times are because you're forced into tight quarters with the ones you're traveling with."
When I was a kid, we frequently took trips "down south." Eight of us piled into an un-airconditioned car (not a station wagon, an SUV, or an RV) - three in the front seat, four adults and a child (me) in the back. It was a two-day trip, and it was HOT. My mom told me that when I was a kid, to keep me amused on the trip, she would give me a box of tissues, and I would throw them out the window, one by one, to see how far back they would "fly." This was long before the days of litter laws! We still laugh about those times. Best years of my life.
The sad thing is that Kate's children aren't going to have memories like that. All they see is a psychotic mother freaking out, time and time again. How could you live without something like that?
Laurie said...
Thanks for the tip!
Very cool!
"we all have our opinions about things and as long as we are not trying to force anyone to believe the way we do then they (opinions) are laid out there for anyone to choose what they want to believe. I would hate to have anyone try to make me feel guilty for what I think. They can try to teach me, but don't try to intimidate me for feeling the way I do. "
Okaaaay.....but I didn't try to force anyone to think the way I do, or intimidate you for feeling the way you do. I just said that I don't think people should be critical of Kate based on the amount of tweeting she does. I myself admitted to spending plenty of time online and that I don't think that makes me a bad person - I don't think anyone who spends time responding to blog posts here is a bad person - I don't think Kate is a bad person for tweeting her little head off. The reason I responded to Warmth of the Sun is because I felt she was misinterpreting what I said and bringing other issues into it (that Kate brushes her kids off, that she is innappropriate with fans on Twitter) that are not what I was talking about.
Had a laugh today when I saw Kate's/Beth's book at the Salvation Army Store. It was donated when it didn't sell at the yard sale. The tag had been marked and remarked several times! If only Kate had continued to count her Multiple Blessings, the kids would have a better life. Scamming folks, lying to the public, and refusing to "give back" might work for a time, but she'll fall. It will not be pretty. Sad, really. Even if she decides to change, those of us who have figured her out, will not be tricked again. Not even interesting, Kate.
She needs to count her blessings in life and learn to be grateful and appreciate even smallest thing.
Unlike you and the rest of us, I really do not think that Kate is capable of gratitude. Nothing will EVER be enough for Katie Irene.
God bless you and your family.
Lake Up North: I am so very sorry to hear about your hubby. My heartfelt condolences to you and your children. How incredibly hard it is for you. I'm so, so sorry. I can't begin to imagine what you and your children are going through right now. I wish l could help in any way possible. Please don't feel shy to ask.xoxoxox
Thanks Gossip Gossip
Lake up north, you are reading my thoughts about Kate and her ungrateful attitude. If she lived in gratitude, there would be no silly drama for TLC to put on film. This mess should have ended years ago.
God bless you and your family. Also, nice to hear that a large family can make it on a Nurse's salary. So sick of Kate's poor, pitiful, single mom crap, too. Divorced, receiving child support isn't "single," Kate.
Robin said...
...I don't defend the *content* of Kate's tweets, but I really don't think that the amount of time she spends on Twitter is necessarily harming her kids in and of itself. Especially since she doesn't appear to use her iPhone for anything other than Twittering and texting - she obviously does not use the internet as a research tool, she doesn't have any friends to email, she says she doesn't use Facebook, she doesn't care about anyone elses opinions so doesn't read blogs unless they're about her...
I just think that we shouldn't be critical of the amount of time she spends Twittering since all of us obviously spend time reading and responding on blogs - or at least one blog. :-)...
It's not just the amount of time it takes her to key the characters on her phone, it's the time it takes her to read the incoming tweets before replying and the fact she often does it in the presence of her kids when she should be giving them her attention. I watched her on the show when she shushed one of the tups so that she could finish reading and replying with her phone and it completely turned me off. If this happened on camera I know it's happening while they're not filming and that on the days it's happened 100-200 times - it means she's doing that to her kids 100-200 times that day. If she tweeted during times of the day when the kids were gone or asleep I wouldn't have a problem, but she's tweeted all day long while the kids were home this summer. That's not alright in my book.
What I take issue with regarding her tweets is that when the kids are come, she twatters more than ever. There are long streams of hours where she twatters when the kids are home. I don't see how you can possibly be there for eight kids when you're clicking away on your phone that much. This is not two kids or three or even four. It's eight, it's a heck of a lot more work.
Also, check out this pic, a screen capture of Kate ignoring Hannah's plea to help her fix her shoe. She was Twattering. We have proof of it now.
Administrator said...As for the banner, I guess you weren't around before when we discussed the banner ad nauseum. Many people wanted Jon gone from it. Emily, the artist, even sent me a new mock-up with Jon sort of faded out. Ultimately I decided, at least for now, to leave it as is, because I don't think the history of Jon's participation in this should be completely erased. This blog continues to document the HISTORY of the exploitation here, and Jon, sadly, was a part of that history. To remove him from the banner was, in my opinion, like erasing history. It does not mean he isn't doing well now and we're proud of that, but rather, that we're not going to pretend what happened in the past never did. That would be the sheeple way of doing things, erasing history.
Admin, thanks for your explanation about the banner. It makes sense now why you haven't removed Jon or changed the banner statement, even though some of us, including myself, wanted you too.
Jon had a chance to keep his kids off tv during his original fight with TLC. TLC abided with his initial request, which is why Jon&Kate Plus 8 ended. I was disappointed when I heard Kate Plus 8 was announced in 2010 because I felt like he made a settlement with TLC by giving them what they wanted, the kids, in return to be let out of his own contract. With his hands tied, Kate Plus 8 has done more harm than good for those kids. I'm glad Jon has had a change of heart and now wants a private normal childhood for his kids.
I don't think Kate is a bad person for tweeting her little head off. The reason I responded to Warmth of the Sun is because I felt she was misinterpreting what I said and bringing other issues into it (that Kate brushes her kids off, that she is innappropriate with fans on Twitter) that are not what I was talking about
It's all part of the package. It may be difficult to separate the TIME involved to tweet from what she is removing herself from (the kids), as well as from the substance and content of her tweets (to minors). It's the whole enchilada.
She has a tweetie shopping for bargain cereal today for her, but she has time to tweet up a storm. Get out there and buy your own darn cereal!
I don't care if she's tweeting only three minutes a day. Fact is, this whole nonsense is going to do her in - she's digging the last few feet of the hole.
Again, this is not a mom with two kids who are easy to entertain.
I have never seen anyone here claim to have eight kids or even four or five. These kinds of moms don't have TIME to be on the internet. They chose to have lots of kids, and thus they also chose a lifestyle where there's not a lot of free time. Other moms choose two or three kids in part to still be able to be involved in a variety of other things beyond the kids be that visiting a blog or what have you. Doesn't make either mom bad, but it's not okay for a mom who actively signed up for high order multiples to be wasting their childhoods away on twitter.
Here's another instance where Kate's own words trap her. She has spent six years on a propoganda campaign about how hard it is to have eight kids, how exhausting it is, how there's o time for herself. She has tweeted over and over about that. Well if it's so hard and there's no time, how does she manage to squeeze in twitter?
If she had portrayed this like these are eight easy kids who love to just entertain themselves and they're so easy and the whole house is on autopilot, okay maybe. Instead, we get almost daily "I'm exhausted" laments. Oops, that doesn't fit with, I have all the time in the world to twat away.
And just look at her idea of being with the kids on the RV trip. DVD VIDEOS. TWO-HUNDRED OF THEM. She doesn't interact with these kids, she passes it off on other people and things as much as she possibly can so she can do what she wants.
Jon's behavior has changed, but he didn't only hurt himself with the meltdown of 2009. He hurt his chances in the custody fight and the kids pay a daily price for it. ......Jon is held to a higher standard because he is the only one that can help the kids. Literally the only one.
Yes, you are correct there. Totally agree!
I'll take back that he didn't hurt the kids with his behavior....I guess I meant that he didn't hurt them directly, like screaming at them over stupid things. But he surely did hurt them indirectly.
I agree that look how much different their lives would be if he hadn't been such a ....whatever.
It's just sad all the way around.
"Robin said... But I just don't think we should be critical of someone who spends time tweeting - because it is completely possible to be in the room with children, interact with them, take care of their needs, while simultaneously spending time on Twitter (or a blog, or Facebook, or texting, or emailing, or reading articles online, or whatever.) Does Kate do that? Probably not
You hit right there. Is she attending to their needs? Probably not. That is the reason that people are critical. So not really sure what your complaint is about? This woman has 8 kids, sorry no way you can attend to all those kids needs and be on twitter every single day as much as she is.
Harsh opinions based on 5 secs!
Um....isn't the clip about 1:32 minutes long? Plus all the other clips????
Wow.I'm off my computer for about 12 hours and come back to nearly 200 new posts! Y'all have been busy.
@Ky Pastor -- I always find your posts to be full of wisdom and compassion. You keep us grounded.
I wonder how Kate "knew" Mady's hands were dirty? She was outside. Mady was inside. Maybe Mady had just washed her hands. Kate's just being her usual control freak self. If Steve objected to accepting a slice of pizza from Mady's hands, he could have spoken up and said "No, thank you".
As I said before, I've been concerned about Collin for some time. The obsessive stacking and sorting behaviors, the rocking. Those are all signs of serious problems. He needs a thorough evaluation and intervention now.
For those who haven't seen this...
Search - Kate Gosselin Kimmel
I've seen the Kimmel clip - it's worth viewing.
I have mixed feelings about the clips but noted that they are "out there" for public consumption already AND how old they are. The kids are quite young; demonstrates how long this has been going on.
I'm going to say it. Kate is a BITCH.
When she does interact with her kids it's always on a competitive basis. That's not parenting it's childish but given that she has the mentality of a tweenie that shouldn't surprise anyone. She doesn't want to have the responsibility of parenting. She never has.
I sure hope Jon has enough room at his place because I can just see that in the next few weeks those kids are going to be staying with him while Kate recuperates from the major mental breakdown that's sure to happen. I hope there's exotic wallpaper on the ceiling of the hospitals padded room to make her feel at home. I picture her on the floor in the fetal position - sobbing, wondering why everyone wronged her. Everyone including the nannies, the BFFs, the bodyguards, the parents, TLC, Jon, her brother and those kids. Yep, everyone was so mean to her.
The TLC released video is over 2 mins long... and in the Pizza-gate portion Kate is wearing a tank top; and Steve is wearing a solid blue golf shirt; in the " Whatever" and " We have footage of you scoffing me" Kate is wearing a t-shirt ( very similar print to the tank), and Steve is wearing a blue and white striped golf shirt...
Unless the changed mid argument, these are from 2 differnt days, or 2 very different time of day, as the whatever video appears to be later evening and pizza gate, early morning...
But I also agree with an earlier poster.. I found Steve lowering his head revealing also. I am not sure what their relationship is; at first I thot it was sexual, but after the Kate World, I changed my mind, but now I am swinging back...hmmmm...
Robin said...
Okaaaay.....but I didn't try to force anyone to think the way I do, or intimidate you for feeling the way you do. I just said that I don't think people should be critical of Kate based on the amount of tweeting she does. I myself admitted to spending plenty of time online and that I don't think that makes me a bad person - I don't think anyone who spends time responding to blog posts here is a bad person - I don't think Kate is a bad person for tweeting her little head off. The reason I responded to Warmth of the Sun is because I felt she was misinterpreting what I said and bringing other issues into it (that Kate brushes her kids off, that she is innappropriate with fans on Twitter) that are not what I was talking about.
First of all, do you see how I formatted your post? If you format your post in a similar way you'll save a lot of "What?" answers and confusion among the blog readers who read your post as one large non sequitur. Secondly, we discuss Kate's twittering because it is a huge symptom of her pathology. This woman will spend hours twittering because that is one of her ways of not interacting with her children. There are also the added benefits of attempting to repair her image in real time (right before or after episodes) and sucking up the adulation of fans/sheeple. She does so many damaging things to her children that it's simply easier to discuss one or two things at a time.
I'm hyperventilating to say this, please forgive me sillimom, but when you post, I see it in my head as:
Sillimom said: twist is for kids.
I know, it's real stupid, but that's how it plays in my minds eye when you post.
Sorry folks, it was getting to where I couldn't breath if I didn't it. (sigh) Now I can get back to reading.
Kate is a twit said...I see Kate is trying to defend her actions in the promo clip.
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Lol.Laughing@ interpretations of promo clips of Monday’s Kate+8 ep… it’s PREVIEW CLIPS of an EDITED show! Harsh opinions based on 5 secs!
Not sure if she's talking about the pizza meltdown some media sites are showing, but anyway...
Unlike the previous promo clips where some here said it was intentionally edited, splicing different scenes together to create more drama, the pizza meltdown scene in this new clip was completely continuous. TLC didn't do much noticeable post-editing in that scene except add subtitles and misspell Mady's name.
Lake Up North, your post was heartbreaking. I am so sorry for your loss, and for the burden you carry alone now. I wish I could hand you a winning lottery ticket, if only to give you financial peace. Seems you have your head on straight, your priorities right, and are a wonderful mother. Thank you for sharing your very personal story.
Hippy Chick, Have you tried Depo shot? I had great pain with my "curse". Depo took curse away, no curse, no pain. Twenty yrs.
Harsh opinions based on 5 secs!
Um....isn't the clip about 1:32 minutes long? Plus all the other clips????
Even a five-second clip can speak volumes. One doesn't need much more than that to see that this woman is totally out of control.
What strikes me about Khate's twittering is that she truly does enjoy it alot and is forming relationships with these people and/or codependency. I detect an underlying note of sadness underneath all the sugar wouldn't melt yay you go and HB and may u get carded a lot?
Looks like she is promising good news on the finale. Lillian Glass may be right afterall.
Meagler said...
I found Steve lowering his head revealing also.
I'll bet that's not the only thing that got lowered.
Oh my Gosh this is a "Must See"!!!
Sorry if it's already been posted!
And yet Kate won't explain what's so darn different about the "edit" from what really happened.
All she added to the picture was that they all picked their leftovers the night before. And yet Jamie explained they didn't know about this.
And in any case, we've already said what does that really have to do with anything? Doesn't matter whether you picked your leftovers one day ago a hundred years ago or never picked them at all, the point was the way she yelled at Mady for having dirty hands! The point was the way she way over reacted to something that was really rather a quick fix.
Please tell us Kate, what other piece of the puzzle are we missing that would somehow explain this situation?
Looks like she is promising good news on the finale.
It's become clear that she has no idea what tlc will be airing. It won't be the first broken promise if she's wrong.
AuntieAnn said... I picture her on the floor in the fetal position - sobbing, wondering why everyone wronged her. Everyone including the nannies, the BFFs, the bodyguards, the parents, TLC, Jon, her brother and those kids. Yep, everyone was so mean to her.
Kate loves her freebies. Anybody want to pitch in and we can send her a "motivational" poster?
Think she'd get it?!
And ABSOLUTE must see:
Anybody want to pitch in and we can send her a "motivational" poster?
Think she'd get it?!
lol. I'm in, but I think it'll go over her narcissistic head.
Weren't some of us saying Kate uses twitter to repair her image from tv?
@Kateplusmy8 I didn't know about the People cover. Will def. pick that up! In happy you joined Twitter and can show the REAL u!
in reply to ↑
@Midwesternwoman me too!
OMG you are all SOOOOO misunderstanding what I am saying.
I acknowledged over and over again that the content of Kate's posts, her actions, the way she treats her children, dismisses them while she's on her phone, the fact that it has been caught on film, etc. etc. etc. are ALL problems.
There have been posters here, Admin included, who have said point blank that "she spends too much time twattering." And that there's no way someone with 8 children can do that and still have time to care for her kids.
Admin just said:
" have never seen anyone here claim to have eight kids or even four or five. These kinds of moms don't have TIME to be on the internet. They chose to have lots of kids, and thus they also chose a lifestyle where there's not a lot of free time. "
I just said earlier today that I have four children. I have said that before on a few occasions. I've seen other posters say they have several children. There was a poster earlier today who said she has 10 children.
I'm on the internet a lot. I use it for social reasons, to gather information, and to communicate with friends, coworkers, and fellow volunteers.
I also have four kids, all who have many activities and school. I spend lots of time with them and do not use babysitters. I am an active volunteer in several organizations and have a part-time job during the school year. I have hobbies, I read, I plan vacations for my family, I take care of my home, I cook meals. It is entirely untrue that someone who has several children "doesn't have time for the internet" or "doesn't have any free time."
We all have things that we choose to do with our spare time. My only point was that it is not fair to say that someone who twitters a lot and has eight children is *automatically* ignoring her children. And yes, it *is* the whole enchilada like someone else said.
But I sometimes feel like people choose to pick apart every single little thing Kate does, just because she's Kate. There are *some* things she does that are ok. And spending an hour a day or whatever on the Internet, even when your kids are around, is really not a sin, and it's something that MANY mothers do. Look at the thousands of mommy blogs out there. Nobody freaks out because those moms spend time maintaining a blog or reading other people's blogs. Nobody freaks out when a mom watches Oprah or The View or The Talk. Or reads magazines or a book. Or chats with friends on the computer or the phone. Or goes to the gym and leaves her children in the gym's daycare.
And I am NOT a sheeple - far from it. I have disliked Kate since the very first episode I saw; the shelf-building in the garage with Kevin and Jon.
no mo worryin bout me said...
I'm hyperventilating to say this, please forgive me sillimom, but when you post, I see it in my head as:
Sillimom said: twist is for kids.
I know, it's real stupid, but that's how it plays in my minds eye when you post.
Sorry folks, it was getting to where I couldn't breath if I didn't it. (sigh) Now I can get back to reading.
By the way, I'm just kidding with this.
no more worrying about me, Welcome, love your new name! Most of us don't bite, but beware of me in the middle of the night! ha ha.......
Oh, my word. This Brownlow tweetie finally did Kate to agree to meet her for "delivery" of the items she bought today. Brownlow thinks that she is Kate's FRIEND:
@rms225 @kateplusmy8 I only have 3 kids and I know how helpful it would be to NOT have to run to another town...that's what friends do!
She has never met her - but she's her friend. Delusional! Apparently they are meeting up for coffee and/or lunch next week.
Does Kate know what she's doing? Can't she see through this? This woman has been pestering her since Kate and Jon's divorce. I just hope she's not dumb enough to meet her alone.
This whole thing has gotten so out of hand. I wonder if she has any idea what a can of worms she has opened.
You can never plan for life folks. You just can't. I thought I could plan for anything but I've learned life is...inevidable. I didn't even expect responses really.
You do what you need to for your children, regardless of situation good and the bad. And I am so fed up that I don't see this from Kate. I don't see her being grateful for what she has, all the good things she still has in life.
I work on a single salary, what my husband had prior to his death I have set aside for my children, no pension. I am 38 years old and did not see this coming. Nobody wants that knock on their door at dinner and I never forgive myself I was so ticked off he was late because it was our wedding anniversary.
I am grateful I have my children, I still can provide the same roof over their heads my husband and I bought back in 1995. They still have clothes, friends and each other. It's funny things sudden become so important to you when something terrible happens and up until then you don't think about it until you are hit in the gut with reality.
I wish Kate would look at life as the blessing she is alive and able to more financially support her children. Meanwhile I feel no guilt I am forcing myself to give up my petty wants such as my coffee addiction at Starbucks to save extra $4 a week to start saving for money my eldest daughter V needs to send her on this trip. Goal in life is to go on, try and give her normal stable as possible surrounding and a break as holidays approach for her to be a normal teenage girl with her school friends.
Who knows maybe when Kate's kids are grown and gone she'll feel any sense of true blessings. I doubt it sadly. I am off now to pick up a few of my boys from a sleep over and figure out what to make for dinner and hoping they'll forgive me for a night of "raid the fridge night."
Thanks to those in post, PJ's Momma, Teresa, LalalaNoMore. It all feels good to be thought of with straight head on and good intentions in a world you feel like you will drowned.
"Robin said...
OMG you are all SOOOOO misunderstanding what I am saying."
I got what you are saying. I just disagree. I don't think this is picking at her or picking her apart at all. Many moms do spend a lot of time online, I have my own opinion about subject, but that is for another blog.
We can agree to disagree.
All of a sudden we will hear about how much Brownie just loves them all to pieces!
I hope nothing bad happens with this meet'n'greet/ grocery hand-off.
@Kateplusmy8 My bum is sore from sitting on the couch and my eyes are sore from been on the laptop, but what do u do when babysitting lol
This is the sheeple from Ireland who begged Kate to let her come to nanny for her in exchange for room and board!
She certainly sounds like an experienced, attentive babysitter! :-)
Administrator said... Also, picking out food from the night before? Sheesh "back in the day" it was first come first serve. If Mady picked up the pizza then it's hers, guess you weren't quick enough, Steve-o.
And really Ratclaws? How old are you? You must have your wittle pizza-wizza? Man up and eat something else so the child can have what she wants. Hasn't she worked hard enough to at least deserve to eat what she wants for lunch? Especially if she was smart enough to get in there first?
There's an entire crew with them, there's got to be other food somewhere, craft services or just a food stash or something. Why doesn't he be a man and say it's okay she can have it I'll find something else. Man up Steve! My dad would always, always do that for us. And my mom. Love them to pieces. This is what parents do, I'll take the crumbled cookie you have the good one.
It's gross the way Kate jumps to defend Steve over her own daughter.
What got Katie all cranked up anyway? Steve must have whined to her that "the kids are eating my pizza, waaawaaa, fix it, Kart". She followed up with stomping over to the RV saying "Steve wants pizza. Let's Go!" And off she went from there. (What about entering the RV and getting it yourdamnself? Instead of bellowing through a window for someone to step and fetch for you? Or were you just 'too exhausted'?)
And may I add, Admin, to your 'sediments' above, that any way you cut it, MADY and her sibs ARE PAYING HIS SALARY. Whether it is via TLC, Figure 8, Katie's dusty checkbook or whatever, his wages are coming directly as a result of viewers wanting to watch the intimate details of the children's upbringing.
When my mom would fix a chicken dinner for the family (we were 9 kids) she would sit and never mention that HER piece of chicken was the neck. Yep, that's right. In our family it is not a joke that moms sometimes go without a winter coat so the kids can have what they need. Whining that the children who pay his salary are eating the leftover pizza is disgusting.
I raised 4 count em four kids, and restaurant doggie bags and carryout containers had names on them 100% of the time at my house. Even if it was just a first initial. Organizational Queen my ass - she cant make it through an hour without getting bumfuzzled by something simple; followed by the obligatory tantrum.
(often times containers were styrofoam and I would use a utensil or my fingernail to 'carve' their intial into the carton. My girls are in the 30s now and tell me they still do it and cant seem to stop themselves. It is one of the silly memories we lovingly laugh about now.)
~~ Just Dwindle Away ~~
You guys think Kate treat the kids bad now which I agree on film what in the world will it be like once. The filming stops? and there is no
No Camears
No production staff
She stops getting calls to do anything in the media
And their are all alone with Kate in the house five days a week?
Think about it
Robin, may I speak to you as one who unknowingly made a fool of my self here two days ago. I had chosen a name that had been used on this blog to cause problems. Totally not knowing that had happened, I posted a very heart felt comment about myself not using kinder words to describe my feelings about Kate. The people had no clue, by the way I worded it, that I was venting about myself. The way I worded it seemed very preachy and they, somewhat rightfully so, thought I was trying to call them out and start problems here again. I was very hurt by their comments and became very defensive. Someone came on and explained the misunderstanding because of my name. Now who was right and who was wrong. NEITHER. It was a misunderstanding. I changed my name and put down my guard, and they did the same. This kind of stuff happens with writing our feelings. We don't have the luxury of seeing peoples body language or hear their tone when we put things in writing. I my self don't have the writing education that some here have and we both have to try to interpret with the skills we have. I myself was not trying to attack you, I was trying to figure out the best words I knew to explain what I posted. Please forgive me if that's how I came across. And I ask that you be patient with me, as I will you as we all try to vent our frustrations about what these precious children are going through.
How cheap can this bitch be? One of her fans was one of the runnersup in Kate's contest, and received an autographed picture of Kate and the kids. However, Aaden's signature was missing, so the fan asked if she sent it back with a prepaid envelope could Kate have Aaden sign it. Maybe Kate didn't see the "prepaid envelope part" because she replied:
@NushConwayXx didn’t he? Did we miss one? I can’t resend it (Sooo expensive!) but if u send another postage pd envelope I guess…so sorry.
What is sooo expensive about sending a picture? If it's an 8x11 photo, I think 44 cents should cover it. If the fan lives overseas it might cost a little over a dollar. Is she now counting pennies?
All of a sudden we will hear about how much Brownie just loves them all to pieces!
I hope nothing bad happens with this meet'n'greet/ grocery hand-off.
Next up: Kate and Brownie plan a weekly girl's night out in New York City, where they exchange friendship rings. Nobu - here they come!
If Kate has any smarts at all, she will send someone to pick up those items.
Summer said, And their are all alone with Kate in the house five days a week?
Think about it
Thank goodness they are NOT in the house alone with Kate five days a week. They are away for nine hours a day, five days a week. School days are their salvation.
Lake up North, I'm new here and I don't know you or you me. My heart felt prayers are with you. I will also have my friends call you name out in prayer.
Michelle said...
If money is an issue, do things like sell the Mercedes SUV since it still has a high resale value. Buy a cheap car since you don't need it for hauling the kids, you have the big blue bus for that. Sell things like the big diamond earrings you bought during the lost summer of 2009. Use the $20,000 to $30,000 you'll make from downsizing your vehicle and invest in a home so you are ready for the kids full time if a judge and the kids deem it appropriate.
Michelle, I know you mean well, but your advice is at least a year out of date.
It is safe to say that simply because an individual is not updating the media on their daily thoughts and actions, the public should not assume that there ARE no thoughts and actions.
What is being done 'in real life' has nothing to do with the media and the general public.
You guys think Kate treat the kids bad now which I agree on film what in the world will it be like once. The filming stops? and there is no
No Camears
No production staff
She stops getting calls to do anything in the media
And their are all alone with Kate in the house five days a week?
Think about it
I have, a great deal. Here is what I hope and pray for the G family (yes, even K8):
Perhaps after all the hoopla dies down, and K8 is not SOOOOOO stressed dancing to the tune of the corporate take-over of her family, K8 will be sitting in the family room some evening and actually realize she is taking pleasure in her children. And the children, realizing they finally have the attention of their mom, who is not stressed and yelling at them to hurry away from paps or 'unauthorized' picture-takers, take pleasure in being together as a family.
I have no right to assume this could never happen for them, I just hope that it will happen.
Lake Up North said
It all feels good to be thought of with straight head on and good intentions in a world you feel like you will drowned.
Lake Up North, you can bet that there are a lot of us here who think of you this way. Your kids are so fortunate to have a mother who knows what really matters in life, and who is willing to give her all to make sure they have not necessarily what they want, but what they need.
It's a lot more important to have a responsible, loving parent than luxuries.
Robin, Kate is so out of control at this point there really isn't much to commend about her. She is truly in breakdown mode. This is not picking apart every little thing, it's being unable to find a single thing left to praise about her.
Let's see, in the last episode, it was nice she cut loose and had some fun with a mudfight. Oh wait that wasn't EVEN HER OWN CHILD. Please tell me what it is about Kate we should praise. I'm talking about today. Because I really don't see much. And i used to do posts on how nice it was she took the kids to the dentist, etc. We don't see anything like that anymore. She's passed them off on anybody but herself.
I think had we seen evidence Kate pays attention to these kids, there would be a lot less criticism. Twitter to me is just proof positive she will distract herself with anything to not have to deal with the kids. Also, don't you find it telling that she's usually only manic about Twitter when the kids are home??? Isn't that sort of your point, that you work it when when kids are at school activities, and so on. Kate does the opposite, she seems to only fit it in when she's supposed to be watching her own kids.
I think the internet is no different than anything else that distracts a mom. You work it in within reason. But I have never seen any celebs, Mommy bloggers, or anyone, tweet as much as she does.
I don't recall anyone REGULAR here who has 10 kids. Four kids is a handful, but it's not eight and it's not six multiples. If you can work in blogging around mom duties that's fabulous. But we've seen episode after episode where Kate is outright avoiding mom duties, time after time. Read my recap for how she handled the Clay-Cara breakdown. AVOIDANCE until Cara was practically sobbing into her lap to please help her. She tried so hard to pass her off until she was outright confronted by Jamie.
We're not judging whether Kate neglects her kids based just on her Twats. We're judging it based on a heck of a lot else. Twitter or not I would still have the same opinion, it's all on film.
hey jude said...
no more worrying about me, Welcome, love your new name! Most of us don't bite, but beware of me in the middle of the night! ha ha.......
Thanks Hey Jude, don't be ashamed, (snark) I usually go to bed around 5am. I'll just bite back and then say I'm sorry. (2nd snark)
I have to chuckle about this whole excuse for the bad behavior....EDITING. The only thing they could have altered with editing would be to add in the parts where she was being nice, calm, etc....if there were any. They DID pick out an abundance of ones that reflected really badly on her.
BUT....even if they did only put the parts in where Kate is being hateful/obnoxious.....that still doesn't nullify all the horrible things she did. She DID them.
Editing can be an explanation for why only bad behavior by Kate is seen and good behavior left out...or that things were shown out of context.
BUT...editing doesn't really have anything to do with the bad behavior that she DID. The fact remains that she did them...and did them a LOT too. They didn't edit IN her bad behavior...though they did focus on it. But she is the only one who is responsible for the bad behavior....because it WAS her doing it.....and there is no excuse for most of it...including editing. Editing didn't make her act like that.
Lake Up North, just now read your beautifully-written post. What an astute and smart woman you are--you have a natural ability to write...something you might want to look into, because you sure have one heckuva story to share. I am so very sorry for what you've been through these past (not even) six months yet--it's just mind-boggling, yet you are getting through it one day at a time. Your children are extremely fortunate to have such a wise, strong mother as a role model. I could go off on a tangent about texting and driving, let alone texting drunk and driving...honestly, you would make a great motivational speaker. Good luck with your upcoming 11th heart just breaks for you, but you didn't ask for an ounce of sympathy. You are the epitome of True Grit.
Re: Someone eating Purseboy's pizza -
We kids never realized what was going on when we were younger and Dad always said he "wasn't hungry". Mom wasn't hungry every often either.
But she always suggested that we kids leave some food on our plates so "Daddy could have a little snack later."
I wish I would have realized earlier what was going on. But we were kids, how were we to know.
Notice that there was no screaming or temper tantrums involved here. Just a discreet handling of the situation.
Moose said "If Kate has any smarts at all, she will send someone to pick up those items."
I gotta feeling Brownie won't give them to anyone else but Kart. I can imagine her throwing a fit if anyone but Khate arrives. And l really hope Khate doesn't take one of the kids with her. Creepy and dangerous.
I agree with the posters here about worrying about the young kids following Kate on twitter. This teen group are at that age where their parents are annoying them about their school work, dating ,chores, etc.
Kate appears like a super- mom, because she relates like a teen to them, a friend and not giving them any grief about what they should be doing. No mom rules and that appeals to them and they feel closer to her, I think.She's a 'star', you know!
I remember my 3 girls going thru stages where I had to stop myself from pulling my hair out and having a tantrum! These are tricky years, for the teens and their parents, esp. Moms, since we worry more.For single parent families, it's all on you!
Teen girls idolize their Dads at this age too, and try to play parents against each other, esp. about rules and dating.....
You get thru it with a good hubbie and a village, but it is a trying couple of years! You just have to believe you have done your best and hope they remember what you've taught them. Praying helps too and always remembering to laugh!
There were 7 of us kids and dad was an Episcopal Priest and mom was a stay at home "preacher's wife". This was in the days before cell phones. We were going "down the shore" one year when the car either broke down or ran out of gas. We thought it was the funniest thing ever to hear dad curse so we this day I can still remember the look on my dad's face when he turned around and looked at us and said "go ahead, laugh clowns laugh" which set us off even more! Pretty soon both my dad and mom were laughing too. Someone did stop to help (I guess it was my dad on the side of the road with his collar on) and we were on our way none the worse for wear. When they were giving the eulogy at my dad's funeral we had the priest mention the phrase "go ahead, laugh clowns laugh" because it was a moment in time that all of us remembered fondly. No Kate, things don't always go right but it's the little things that you remember. What will your kids remember?
"Robin said...
New subject...or for me, at least:
Dear Kate:
In response to your tweet about how "we" would have all acted the same if faced with RV breakdowns and etc.?"
I loved your letter to Kate. It hit everything about that trip. She always say "we" would all do the same thing.
Doesn't RV have heaters? I would think so.
One day at a time is all anybody has. The only thing I shared in common with Kate was once upon a time my life ran on a fairly routine schedule, I used posted notes here and there, I remember living in our laundry room it felt like when I did the wash. Now it's...all anyone needs is time. Time is what should be important and valued not schedule. I take time when I take my kids to the store, yes I take all my kids usually along, I can always use extra hands shopping. Take time with little one's when I bake cookies, a walk after dinner, drive to a game.
No, you are right I don't ask for sympathy because it's not polite. Begging for hand outs is not appropriate when you are able to do for yourself and I am. It might be tight on occasion I am not going to lie it's not easy but a lot of things in life aren't easy or fair either.
I felt absolutely guilt ridden I bought my 5 year old daughter a lemonade on the way home because I didn't have anything in the big SUV I drive for her to drink and across the way is this park where under the children's slide I saw this homeless man, with everything he owned in a shopping car. And I stood there to feel how lucky I am to not be homeless, to still have a life and children, friends, a job. Sympathy is not something anyone should have to ask for but something people far worse off than I deserve. Kate Gosselin may be out of reality TV job but if she has saved, been responsible which I wish I didn't have to doubt...she'll find a way to survive and if she hasn't than when is the last time she stopped, looked up and saw a homeless person and felt grateful for even simple things life has given her?
I had that very same question about the RV heaters. Seems top of the line RVs like those would. We know for sure there was some kind of generator or some power supply--a fridge and microwave.
I wouldn't put it past TLC to take away the heaters to make it cold for a storyline about how much Kate suffered at night.
Twittering and a Twattering said...
@Kateplusmy8 My bum is sore from sitting on the couch and my eyes are sore from been on the laptop, but what do u do when babysitting lol
This is the sheeple from Ireland who begged Kate to let her come to nanny for her in exchange for room and board!
She certainly sounds like an experienced, attentive babysitter! :-)
What time of day was this posted? It could be well past kids' bedtime where she is.
To lake up north - beautiful post. You sound like someone I would like to know. When more people are like this the world will be a better place. Too bad so many don't realize what is really important in life.
I doubt even TLC would be that evil and stand back and watch little kids suffer.
Oh wait...
Never posted before but always enjoy reading the comments here. I don't follow Kate on Twitter but do occasionally keep up with her tweets. I saw this one and was disgusted especially with how many young girls she has who take every word she says as fact. No else has seemed to notice this yet and felt I had to stop lurking at least long enough to post this exchange.
@Will37SWM @Kateplusmy8 Kate looks tiny in this clip. Hot though
@Will37SWM can never be tiny enough lol
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