Credits! Sheesh, from all this happy music and excited shouting (Mady! Cara! Alexis!) you would think this show is sooner about lollipops and Leprechauns. When really it’s a highly unethical psychological experiment of misery and infuriation and one cruel, delusional, batshit crazy bitch.
Weird serious graphic flashes across the screen: “In July of 2011, Kate and her kids embarked on an RV Trip … ” What is this, did Michael Moore join production?
Day 13. Oh, are we starting at the end and working our way backward? Will Kate wake up from a drunken night of clubbing and foot licking in NYC, wondering why there is a baby and a tiger in the room, Jamie’s missing a tooth, and Steve is nowhere to be found but his mattress is on the RV roof?
It breaks my heart to recap this part, and I think TLC, and Kate, and anyone who had a hand in letting this be filmed are sick, disgusting human beings. Ashley cannot stand it anymore. She says to Kate, “I’m done! After this trip, I’m done!” Mady, Cara, and Collin are literally sobbing and wailing Ashley’s name as she packs up and leaves. Ashley’s devastated, too. This show has never made me cry before until now. Actually, one other time I cried, when Kate suggested that kiwis are birds without arms, but that was tears of disbelief as I could not comprehend the sheer stupidity.
Flashback to Day 1 and Kate is packing like it‘s the second coming and she actually thinks she‘s not going to get Left Behind. I know it‘s the wild, wild West, but we do have grocery stores and Targets and even a couple gas stations out here, too. I hear tell some folks even have that fancy newfangled cable T.V.! Also, no aliens, don’t believe the movies! Kate wants to surprise the kids with each location. Eh, rather she’s just too lazy to take them to the local library and help them read up on what they‘re going to see. Kate also tries to play this off like it will be leaked to the paparazzi. The concept that no one gives a flying rip about her 100th stupid stressful child exploiting trip is as foreign to her as physics, or even, American history.
Even though Kate has tried to keep it a secret, sharp as a stick Mady has already figured out they are going on an RV trip, how? Because her stupid mother labeled a bunch of containers none other than, “FOOD TO BE PUT IN RV.” Oops. Oh, and Mady heard Kate talking about it on the phone while Mady was standing right there. Remind me never to hire Kate for espionage.
Kate snaps at Mady to get paper towels. For what? Why, to wipe a little dust off the bumper off the van. Oh, good, I thought it was something serious like she hit a deer or somebody vomited again or something. Mady is going as fast as she can, bolting back inside, but Kate shouts, “Honestly! Get a little bit of fire under your butt! Man! You should know by now whenever you’re helping me you should be running at all times!”
“Sorry,” Mady murmurs, chastened. I may cry more than once this episode yet.
The RVs are on the lawn and Kate starts shoving stuff in the storage below the cabin and being a big baby about it, crying she hurt her hand. “Uh, um, at some point we’re going to have to stop playing ‘we’re filming a T.V. show’ and really work because I’m really done,” Kate snaps to what appears to be some production off camera.
So this whole time we were playing filming a T.V. show. Ah-ha, I knew it!
More rather creepy documentary graphics. Also, as someone pointed out, there’s no music. Budget cuts? What’s next, no more Starbucks and manicures for Kate? This is like a prison movie. I need upbeat drums and an intern screwing around on a keyboard to soothe me, I‘m getting anxiety otherwise.
“Two days later, the Gosselins flew to South Dakota to meet up with their packed RV’s.” Jamie and her kids met them there.
I need a second. Hahahahaha. Hahahaha. Okay, I’m good. I never realized the “road” in “road trip” meant you hire some stranger to do the driving for you and you fly out and meet them later. This is like paying someone to say Hail Marys for you. Or if you like, having children only to leave them to nannies like Ashley to raise while you twitter all day. Missing the point, really, really, missing the point.
The kids all pile into the gigantic RVs and explore. “It’s small!” is Hannah’s first reaction. That makes sense. To Kate, millions upon millions of dollars is not enough to fully fund college, so why wouldn’t a huge luxury RV famous rock stars use all the time on tour be “small” to this family? One thing that will become very clear about this episode? Just as we feared, six years of giving kids everything they could ever dream of is finally catching up, and it’s very sad to watch (and certainly, not the children‘s fault). Kate wanted her kids (read: herself) to have everything, and this is the result of that misguided wish.
“Don’t touch anything!” Kate shouts psychotically. Kate brags that she is a size four (heh, and those girls are real too) as they squeeze into the narrow area between a counter and the table. I missed how it happened, but Collin cuts his elbow. Kate screams at Jamie to pass her paper towels, pronto! Your name is Jamie, not Kunta Kinte!
Kate will be driving. Who wants to go with her?! Beuller? Beuller?
Collin raises his hand, probably in the vain hope this will somehow improve his standing a millimeter or two up from the basement of the totem poll. Hannah, the golden child, raises her hand because she’s the golden child and likely has no clue what the rest of the children are going through, as her life with Kate is relatively great. Someday, she will most likely be the one disputing the tell-alls that come out about her mother, saying that never happened they’re just making up lies for money, because for her, she would be right, that never happened. Jamie’s son Clay raises his hand because he hasn’t spent that much time with Kate and is blissfully unaware, though not for long, of what a living nightmare being around her is, especially if you are of the male persuasion (he will get an education very soon, read on). Leah raises her hand, then seconds later puts it back down in regret; perhaps she thought she was being asked who wants ice cream. And that’s it. Just three kids of the eleven want to be with Kate. In a democracy, or even in Charlie Sheen la-la-land, this is called … LOSING!
“Hi, I’m Mike,” the RV driver says as he shakes Kate’s hand. Mike what? This is a man who is going to be around her children 24/7 and she’s just meeting him now? Hm, has he gotten a background check or did production just pull some random trucker off his rig at a weigh station somewhere in Maryland on the way up? Hm, you don’t look like a child molester, how would you like to drive around an RV for a couple weeks with Kate Gosselin? Would a little extra hazard pay sweeten the deal? Okay fine, a lot extra.
Kate takes a stab at driving. “Hold hands,” Hannah says snarkily, “so if we die, we die together!” Ha, good one, Hannah.
Also, what’s a bit odd is that all the sextuplets are now riding with Kate when only two of them wanted to go when they voted. Either the six decided they’d rather just be together narcissistic witch at the wheel or not, or their votes don’t mean a darn thing in the dictatorship that is their lives. I’m guessing the latter. (We find out later, it's the latter. Kate decided herself where they would ride before they ever even left. I hate adults that pretend it's a democracy and take a vote knowing all along they're just going to do what they want vote in their favor or not.) I guess it’s good the kids are going through this together and look to each other like this. Their lives, I mean. Hold hands, sextuplets, so when the narcissist eats your souls, you’ll all be eaten together.
“If you care about your life you’ll ride quietly,” Kate orders.
“How would you ride quietly?” Hannah retorts. I’m not sure what that means, but it sounds funny! Kid’s on a roll!
You know what’s kind of sad about Kate driving for about a mile and a half? The kids are so supportive. Lots of things like, “you did it, Mommy!” and clapping. Far more supportive of her accomplishments than she has been of anything they have ever done. The wacky role reversal here, where the kids are rapidly emerging as far more mature and normal than Kate, meanwhile Kate just keeps regressing to become even more childlike and crazy, is fascinating. "Jesus, take the wheel," Jamie quips. Ha, good song. I guess when you have to be around Kate, all you can do to survive and not poke your eyeballs out with a plastic fork is just keep making snide remarks like that one.
Day 2! It's been cold and drizzly for a few days (huh? We're only on day 2 and it was sunny yesterday) and Kate says everyone's feeling cooped up so they decide to go out in the rain. "You are weird," Hannah accuses Clay, who appears to be doing nothing more benign than playing with a stick. "According to science, you're weird," Clay retorts. Hey, that's a good one, Clay. "You're mean!" Hannah cries, outraged. Well, Hannah, when you start with someone, that's often what happens, they dish it right back, and it can be mean. Ask Kate. On second thought, don't ask Kate, she will deny she ever instigated anything.
"I think camping and freezing cold temperatures with me must go together," Kate says. And I think camping is trying to tell her that, much like the rest of the world, they don't want her.
The kids start a playful mud fight in the creek. How confusing for a child who one day is not allowed to get even so much as a granule of sugar on the floor, and the next is allowed to roll around in the dirt like it’s Woodstock. This will be the one and only time on this trip Kate relaxes and has fun with a child, only it won't be with any of her own kids--she chases around Clay and they sling mud and get the giggles and have a good ole time. My mouth is sort of half open because I've never seen Kate interact with a child like this in my life. She is covered in mud so it's hard to tell, maybe this is just her stand in? Will the real Kate please come out and hit her mark?
"Have I ever told you how much I love you?!" Kate cries as she puts him in a headlock. I don't know, but when's the last time she told her bio children that? This whole thing should be so cute. But because she never, ever cuts loose with her own children, it has this bizarre undertone. In a way, it's almost like she's trying to rub it in with her own kids. What message she's trying to send them, I don't really know for sure, (maybe, if only you could be like Clay then I could really have fun with you?) because it's the mind of a narcissist and their motives often have no basis in any rational thinking. Weird.
Since everything is on Kate's terms, when she decides she's done and announces as such, all the fun screeches to a grinding halt. These kids must have developed amazing brakes by now.
Day 3! Leah says she was claustrophobic during the night because it was cold and she was zipped up tight in her sleeping bag. That's a big word for a little girl, good for her! I’m guessing she learned it from Kate. This McMansion is so claustrophobic! First class makes me claustrophobic! Steve, make me claustrophobic!
They all pile around the tables in the RV to have breakfast. A little griping from the kids, but the biggest whiner is Kate. They only have full fat coffee creamer, blech! For some reason, Kunta Kinte gets blamed for this. “Yes! All right!” Jamie says with a Jersey-shore style fist pump. Good for her, way to stand up for normal food! By the way, I find it rather insensitive when a very thin person who really is the last gal who needs to worry about her weight, constantly talks about dieting around friends who aren’t necessarily as horizontally blessed.
It took all night to organize, Kate is freezing cold she was awake all night and her back is killing her. Organize what? A few foodstuffs? What could possibly take so long to line up some cereal boxes, put out some plastic spoons and some fatso fatty-pants needs to get on Biggest Loser to have any hope creamer? Or maybe she means she was organizing her hooker heels? I can see how that might keep one up all night.
Kate has some bizarro explanation I can't follow for why she ended up in one RV with the younger kids and Ashley and Jamie in the other with the older kids. But the real reason is, because nobody likes you, Kate, but it‘s easier to force the younger kids to go with you. Kate’s response to getting stuck with the little kids, you know, her flesh and blood children who are sweet and funny and full of life? “Oh, crap.”
The kids want a servant to go get them extra blankets and things they need. That's Steve, one of the kids says. That one little comment told me so much about how these kids have been groomed to perceive their world. Without a hint of irony, Kate tells them, no that's not Steve's job (Steve is for my vanity, not yours, child), but "someday when you’re rich and powerful, you can have a servant, but you’ve gotta work hard.” Yikes, these kids have worked their butts off for six years even through vacations (with no time and a half!) and for many of those years for free, how many more years does Kate envision they will have to do this before the reap any rewards? I guess early retirement is out of the question.
Day 3! Kate gathers the kids at a table and lays out some clues as to where they are going. A rock, a hammer, a chisel and a dollar bill. How do these all fit together, Kate asks. Um, um, um, I know! Things you can use to knock the stupidity out of Mommy with? Dollar bill, hmm. Uhh, what will be left in the bank for the kids when all is said and done?
Mount Rushmore! Mady blurts out about three seconds later. I’m not sure why this surprises Kate so much, Mady‘s far from stupid. Mady gets the dollar bill for a prize. Better go ask for some change, Mady, Kate will want her 85% of that.
They arrive at Mount Rushmore, the kids have to go to the bathroom and for some reason this really annoys Kate. “We’re a photo opportunity!” Kate cries. She wants the kids to be ready to go at the door of the RV’s to run out when they get to places. One of the kids says if you don’t give me a warning when we are about to get there how the heck am I supposed to know where we are and whether we‘re almost there? Such a good point!
People are taking authorized photos and tweeting them! Kate bemoans. I never saw any photos from this attraction at all, though there were a few tweets after the fact. Kate? Public place. The law says you can take photos of whoever you want if they‘re in a public place or the paparazzi wouldn‘t be able to exist in the first place. There’s nothing “unauthorized” about this. Also, maybe if you didn’t traipse around everywhere with a huge camera crew and boom mics and producers with headsets and a bodyguard, people wouldn’t realize you’re anyone famous, and wouldn’t take photos and tweet! Most people would assume it’s just another school group if this weren’t always such a spectacle. Like waving a sign around all day saying “Somebody please sock me in the face” and then being upset when someone actually takes you up on it.
“There’s nothing we can do about it,” Jamie says sensibly. Exactly, so what is the point in being upset and throwing a fit and upsetting the kids? Ashley’s body language is crossed arms and annoyed. Jamie and Ashley have more common sense in their little fingers than Kate could ever hope for, and their attitudes are eons more healthy for these kids right now than Kate’s.
As they walk to the monument, Jamie whispers to Ashley, “Why does she care who takes pictures? Who cares? They’re going to take pictures.”
Ashley, bless her heart, tries to muster up some kind of defense for this delusional monster she calls her employer, “Well, they don‘t want….” Ashley defended Kate because a good nanny defends the mother of the kids no matter what, and yet Kate threw her under the bus on twitter once the episode aired. Kate doesn’t deserve Ashley’s loyalty.
“But they’re going to do it no matter what,” Jamie goes on, there’s nothing you can do, so why get all stressed?
Jamie, you are applying logic to the most illogical person I’ve ever seen profiled on camera. Like trying to eat fluffernutter without it sticking to the roof of your mouth, it’s impossible to make sense of Kate. Don’t hurt yourself.
It’s so foggy you can barely see FDR up there. Even Mount Rushmore wants Kate to GO AWAY nothing to see here move along. Yes, you heard right, that’s FDR. Even Ashley goes along with this, which doesn’t bode well for home school’s reputation, I hate to say it. Cara is like, ummmm, I’m pretty sure that’s Teddy. Kate insists it’s FDR and even pulls out her pamphlet to prove it. Sure, that’s FDR, right next to President Ben Franklin, Chuck E Cheese, and that guy who invented Post-its. How long were they here, seems like two seconds later we’re turning around. Get enough for the dailies and move on.
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Arthur Fry, American hero |
Day 5! Her next clues are a banana and a rock. Hmm, let’s see. She fantasizes about a rock on her finger from Steve, and wishes she could peel his banana?
Yellowstone, the kids guess almost instantly. Really Kate, stop just finding whatever is within reach and work to come up with some more challenging clues. They see a buffalo and snow. They stop to play in the snow a little. This whole scene goes on for what feels like three hours. Really, TLC?
Jamie and Ashley say they have the party bus and Kate has the boring bus. Shots of the party bus doing what normal fun people do on RV vacations. Eating junk food, laughing and screaming, doing Blair Witch project parodies. All around fun, what vacation should be about.
Shots of the boring bus. Kate removing dirt from under Collin’s finger nails and giving him a warning. Ha. What was that warning, to stop being a boy? Who's next, step right up, kids! Kate is bitching the RV is inconvenient because she has to adjust the little pillow behind her back.
Kate is excited to see Old Faithful because it’s an iconic part of our country. I suppose she thinks it shoots up Jello pudding? Ha, the producers are just having fun with her now, though she appears clueless to it. Do they know anything about Old Faithful? one asks. Sorry to say, no, Kate admits. She Googled it on the way over. I’m guessing she was that kid who scratched out their book report on the back of a bus seat on the way to school and doesn't care if they fail because they're the greatest anyway.
Mady starts to go on about what she knows about Old Faithful, then kind of stumbles and says she wants to start over. You mean, take two? No! says Kate. Oh, give the child another take, Kate, have a heart! You probably would give yourself ten! In case Old Faithful didn’t know, it’s all about Kate. She is about to spew just like it!
Kate does an interview about the day and says it was beautiful but the kids weren’t very appreciative. What, crazy? Does she listen to her children at all? The kids said they loved it, and Leah said that Old Faithful was the most beautiful thing she has ever seen. That’s hardly not appreciative, especially for just a seven year old. Kate is in what is arguably the most spectacular park in the entire country and all Kate can talk about is being back in her own bed.
The kids are racing on a rocky path and some of them get scraped up. Cara goes over to Ashley and accuses Clay of tripping them. The whole thing is on film, and that is absolutely not true. He just slipped. Poor Clay, his expression is like, you’re not believing this are you? Thankfully, Ashley handles it well, telling her firmly it was an accident and she can go sit in the RV if she wants. Good girl, Ashley. There are no playing favorites here.
Kate’s back to her tirade about how much the RVs suck. Hint to Kate, when you’re doing a product placement for Challenger RVs, you might want to say a few nice things about them. Just every couple days. Hey, Challenger? Your RVs look rockin’ to us, in fact, here’s a link to y‘all! Why, Kate could even mention them in her manic tweets. But Kate wouldn't know how to promote something if it hit her in her leathery face.
Day 6! We’re almost halfway through this vacation from hell. Still in Yellowstone, a cranky breakfast in the RV. In the absolute middle of breakfast, Kate decides to grab a vacuum, drag it violently across some rocks, and vacuum the RV from top to bottom. This actually seems to calm her as she breaths a sigh.
After breakfast, Clay wants to play legos with Collin and Cara. Cara is so upset I can’t completely understand her, but she starts crying to Ashley that Kate said she didn‘t have to play with Clay. Ashley is like, No she didn’t, that‘s ridiculous?! I understand Ashley is fed up by the constant absurd undermining by Kate, but sadly, she lets it get the best of her and throws the lego box on the table and stomps off, slamming a bedroom door. Sigh.
You know, I understand a girl Cara’s age not wanting a boy his age around. But it’s an important lesson to get along with other kids, even kids you don’t like, and indulging their desires doesn’t help them.
Cara goes crying to Kate but heck if Kate wants to deal with this. She does everything she can to pass her off on Jamie, Ashley, Steve, the muffin man, Mr. Ed. Anybody but her please handle this. Finally Kate says tell Clay to sit somewhere else. Oh, that's fair. Not! Cara marches back to Jamie and informs her Clay has to leave the table. Good for Jamie, standing up for Clay. She doesn’t indulge this. Jamie goes over to talk to Kate. Kate tries to blame this on any child but Cara, but Jamie pegs it right from the get-go. Kate, the problem here is Cara. Not Collin, not Clay, not anyone else.
“Keep Clay away from her, please!” Kate retorts.
That’s how Kate deals with anyone she disagrees with, isn’t it? Just get them away, don’t deal with them, estrange them out. Never deal with your people problems head on, that’s for wusses!
“You need to control Clay!” Kate has the audacity to say to Jamie. Jamie is the one who should be packing up right now and getting out of this with a big F-U, where the hell does Kate get off? Not to mention, I have not seen a single solitary second of footage that remotely suggested Clay is a problem. He seems quiet and agreeable, sweet and fun. He enjoys playing with sticks for pity sake, how much trouble can he be? I suppose that’s just the editing, right Kate? He’s really a monster?
Finally Kate is just like, you play with your legos and Clay plays with his. I don’t think that was the issue, the problem was playing with each of their legos at the same table. Ashley is just kind of laughing in disbelief saying this is bad, there’s gonna be a knock down drag out!
Still on Day 6! Yikes. I guess we’re camping for real now? The kids gather rocks.
Kate went to the grocery store, it must be organic, Jamie snarks. Ashley says the trip is stressful and actually it‘s mostly the adults who argue, not the kids. They say as long as Kate stays in her bus they’ll be okay. Okay, they’re just bitter now. There’s this interesting bond developing between Ashley and Jamie. I’ve seen this very same phenomenon happen among normal people who have to be around a narcissist. The worse the narcissist treats you, the closer you feel to other victims. Also this can be seen in hostage situations, where hostages come out of a two-year ordeal tied together in a dark basement, and feel like long lost sisters.
She’s baaack! Wowser, where did that nice GMC red SUV come from? Just appeared? Is this anything like that roll of paper towels that appeared on the porch one day?
Kate gives orders to her slaves to cut and wash and chop. Steve, like most men in Kate’s life, is just trying to stay out of this all, which becomes a lot easier when there is a fire to tend and lighter fluid to pour on it. Stuff like that somehow always manages to keep men busy for hours. Meanwhile Kate freaks out on Jamie for ripping some lettuce instead of chopping it.
“If you have to rip it, I’d rather chop it, really!” Kate tells her.
Jamie gives her a confused look. “If you’d rather rip it you‘d rather have to chop it?” Jamie, stop trying to understand the crazy. Really, you’re going to injure yourself.
More childish sniping over an onion. From the adults. The kids are hitting and tipping each other over in the chairs and crying. The adults don’t know what to do anymore but just ignore it all. So what do you do when it all goes to hell? Why, makeovers! Out of the blue, Ashley starts painting eye shadow and eye liner on the girls. Um, what? The only thing that would make this family seem any more dysfunctional than at this moment is to doll up the seven-year-old girls.
Kate scorched the chicken over an open flame. Really bad choice to cook chicken over an open flame, it‘s one of the most difficult meats, and dangerous, to cook that way. The cavemen never would have invented fire had they known Kate would have screwed dinner up this badly. Kate says she nearly burned the chicken. And a circle is nearly round. The chicken is absolutely charred. Honestly, I don’t know what the plan is for tomorrow! Kate brags. You don’t have to when production does it all!
If you think TLC hates Kate after watching this episode, wait until you see what happens next week.
826 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 800 of 826 Newer› Newest»so she has mkbrownlow buying her cereal! lol
@kateplusmy8 You are so welcome!! It was a lot of fun... there's more there...can be ur cereal shopper!! :)
@mkbrownlow yay! Thanks.. Now where to do delivery/pick up lol
and trashing tLC subtley
Livin4LifeLove Living4Life
@Midwesternwoman @Kateplusmy8 I just wish everyone would understand that. It's not a family network any longer. New stuff is very trashy.
@Livin4LifeLove @Midwesternwoman hmmmm mm....
she is also yammering about it being edited again. and defending her stevies pizza
Sheeple are SO dumb said...
I doubt even TLC would be that evil and stand back and watch little kids suffer.
Oh wait
OH YES................. :)
@Midwesternwoman @Kateplusmy8 Don't jump too soon! There is one last show on 9/12 that says "The Finale". Hope it ends on a good note.
2 hours ago
in reply to ↑
@Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
@Livin4LifeLove @Midwesternwoman Will-- and if ever an ep to watch, the finale is THE one... You will all see why if you watch it...
So Steve ratted Maddy out then about handing him pizza with her hands? How effing grown-up of him.
@Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
@Livin4LifeLove @Midwesternwoman Will-- and if ever an ep to watch, the finale is THE one... You will all see why if you watch it...
Can you imagine Kate and her fans sobbing hysterically while tweeting? An event to miss at all costs.
Maybe there will be a big reveal on the finale episode?
It was all a carefully crafted script the whole time, everyone is an actor?
I found this on Paige's fansite. Compare this Khate, 6 years ago, to today! Shocking ageing. Warning though, naked little tups. How the hell did TLC get away with this!
I'm a bit behind on reading comments so this is a little late to the conversation regarding Jon.
I suspect that until the kids contract runs out there is nothing he can do and he knows that. He's already been to court a number of times, as the docket shows.
While he has won some and lost some, we know that he lost a pretty big one in the Australia trip that centered about the kids filming (ie the contract).
Like it or not, the kids are bound by the valid, legal contract signed by their parents. The courts are not going to go against that contract unless they have some pretty overwhelming reason to do so.
Of course, we all think there is plenty of reason to do so, but the judge seems to be a pro-mother judge and he also doesn't seem to be interested in evaluating Kate's mental health (at least at this time. I think Jon may have some new grounds to get that pushed through after the contract ends now though).
As Admin said, Jon can't just keep taking her back to court over and over for the same things. That will just piss the Judge off. He has made his rulings and whether we agree with them or not we have to just wait until the contract ends to see what will happen.
I suspect once the contract ends, we will see some new action from Jon.
Wow, I just watched the clip on rol. I'm still trying to evaluate my own feelings for watching. If I'm honest with myself, why watch a train wreak if you didn't want to see the fatal bodies lying there. And once I saw how horrible they looked, I wished I hadn't looked. The deep sadness I feel for all involved and the anger I feel for the negligent one who caused the wreak. What a different flood of emotions I feel right now. Some of guilt for watching, some of helplessness cause it's too late to help. Wow. I'm going to have to sort this one out. Try to find what I can learn from all of this to be able to know how I can help the next time, before it's too late for someone else.
I can't help but wonder if this is what Ashley felt. The need to try to give these kids some, if even a little, self worth.
Jamie yells that she's more than willing to get
on a plane and leave. Ashley quietly says as
soon as they get her home, she's done. Kate
never wanted to go in the first place. No
wonder Kate said they all had a good time.
Lake Up North:
You are an inspiration, best of luck to you and your family !
You also are living proof to the sheeple that yes, K8 COULD go back to nursing and provide for her family.
Just Me :
I agree. I think Jon has done all can for now and he is just counting the minutes until that contract is up. I also think the PA judge who has been residing over this case has been paid out the wazoo by someone and is far from honorable.
'Lake up north,' Just read your post and thank you for sharing such a heart-breaking event with us. I wish I could send you enough money for you to have whatever your kids need, but I can't.
You are an inspiration to all- you know what's important in life and could teach a cow like Kate a real lesson about Moms.It must be hard for you to listen to that self-righteous twat c/o about such trivial things.
I am just so sad for you, and happy for your kids who got such a great Mom. God bless you and help you in the days and years ahead. Please stay in contact here.
Lake up North,
I just read your posts, and I'm sending you prayers from Virginia. Your children are so lucky to have you. Godspeed to you and your family and God's blessings to you all.
@Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
@Livin4LifeLove @Midwesternwoman Will-- and if ever an ep to watch, the finale is THE one... You will all see why if you watch it...
Oh boy, this is where Twist of Kate enters in.
Oh boy, this is where Twist of Kate enters in.
I doubt it. If that were the case, Kate wouldn't have been retweeting and the fans pleas to TLC to bring back the show, keep her on TV, etc.
I seriously don't get this.
She tweets:
"Lol.Laughing@ interpretations of promo clips of Monday's Kate+8 ep... it's PREVIEW CLIPS of an EDITED show! Harsh opinions based on 5 secs!"
Yet, if you watch the promo (which is on Radar), the screaming starts at about 1:05, then runs continously until the end of the video, making it far longer than 5 seconds! (Besides the fact that she is freaking out about food of all things.) There is no editing, no cutting to other scenes, no couch interviews in between - nothing. That is called raw footage. Is she watching the same promo as the rest of the real world?!
She is either in deep denial - or just as bat-shit crazy as she's ever been.
I don't know I have my doubts Twist of Kate will ever happen. How many times can you re-tool a show that never even received much of a green light to begin with.
To everyone, I appreciate prayers that I can accept in Christian faith. We will make it I believe that. And you are absolutely right I am sick of hearing Kate complain how difficult life is being single when she is not single at all. She is divorced and there is a difference.
I am not wealthy but I have everything I need. I have my children, our home, our memories. Tangible what I have that I value is the last posted note my husband left me morning of his accident, it's still taped up on my mirror on my dresser, "I am leaving early this morning Jen but I'll be back to celebrate these last night before I take my flight out. Don't worry, I'll remember to fix the squeak in the bench for you. Love, Nicky." And I still have the squeak in the bench he never did get to fix. It still sits there unattended to, dusted over now, a little rusted but just the same as it was the day he left it the night before when I complained about it for the hundredth time and sick of the, "I'll get to it just not now."
Those with husbands, know how lucky you are and hold onto any memory even if it annoys you and those broken promises. These are the things that really ticked me off about Kate is because I don't ever see her seem grateful for what she had and it's just wrong.
Lake Up North said...
One day at a time is all anybody has. The only thing I shared in common with Kate was once upon a time my life ran on a fairly routine schedule, I used posted notes here and there, I remember living in our laundry room it felt like when I did the wash. Now it's...all anyone needs is time. Time is what should be important and valued not schedule. I take time when I take my kids to the store, yes I take all my kids usually along, I can always use extra hands shopping. Take time with little one's when I bake cookies, a walk after dinner, drive to a game.
No, you are right I don't ask for sympathy because it's not polite. Begging for hand outs is not appropriate when you are able to do for yourself and I am. It might be tight on occasion I am not going to lie it's not easy but a lot of things in life aren't easy or fair either.
I felt absolutely guilt ridden I bought my 5 year old daughter a lemonade on the way home because I didn't have anything in the big SUV I drive for her to drink and across the way is this park where under the children's slide I saw this homeless man, with everything he owned in a shopping car. And I stood there to feel how lucky I am to not be homeless, to still have a life and children, friends, a job. Sympathy is not something anyone should have to ask for but something people far worse off than I deserve. Kate Gosselin may be out of reality TV job but if she has saved, been responsible which I wish I didn't have to doubt...she'll find a way to survive and if she hasn't than when is the last time she stopped, looked up and saw a homeless person and felt grateful for even simple things life has given her?
God bless and protect you & your family, Lake Up North.
May your life be filled with abundant love, happiness & excellent health.
no mo worryin bout me said...
@Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
@Livin4LifeLove @Midwesternwoman Will-- and if ever an ep to watch, the finale is THE one... You will all see why if you watch it...
"why" could mean anything. Maybe the finale is the screamingist, shriekiest, nastiest show ever. Maybe K8 sobs all over the couch. Maybe K8 begs and wails about how abused *she* has been. Maybe nothing at all happens, but K8 is so used to lying for herself she just can't help herself anymore.
There's no reason to believe this woman even knows what will be on the final show. She doesn't seem to know anything about how TLC works, when "her" shows are scheduled, or what makes the final cuts.
Kate Plus 8
The Finale
Kate and her 8 kids have made unforgettable memories over the past 7 years of filming. As the show comes to a close, the Gosselins say goodbye to the fans and reminisce about their favorite memories. Also, hear from family friends about their experiences.
Maybe family friends are going to lie up a storm about how great Kate is.
Administrator said... I think the internet is no different than anything else that distracts a mom.
I mostly agree.
What Katie has shown the patrons of her TV show is that she is not capable of being mentally and emotionally present with / for each of her children. Likely she is reading this and has no idea what I mean by that. (which is annoying the hell out of you, aint it Katie?)
When she first started with this twiddling, many of us on here pictured her finger flapping signals at her children to leave her alone, since Mommy was 'working now!' on her 666th pink myPhone. She uses it as another excuse to keep total physical and emotional distance from most of her kids.
I have no doubt that devoted and involved moms of many little ones could shoot off a bunch of characters and symbols on their phones. But Kate is of limited intelligence and her only emotion is anger, so being intent re her phone nearly erases what little attention she gives to six or seven of her kids.
Just my strong opinion is all.
WHAT family and friends??? I'm being serious!
Steve is a paid worker. Jamie seems pretty pissed off at her right now. Ashley left the camping trip fed up.
That's all she has left!!!!
Seriously, tell me who I'm missing.
Was this So Long and Farewell show taped before or after the RV show?
That might influence what those friends have to say about her, ya think?
Lake Up North...
I'm crying about your post. You are in my thoughts & prayers.
I just don't know what to say. I don't know which "north" you're referring to, but I am asking you to please please please email me. Just click on my name & you'll find my email address on my blog site on the right hand side.
~Hippie Chick~
Ah, but then again, she said that she had apologized to Jamie and Ashley. Just in time for filming this last show, perhaps?
You know that's how Kate works. Do what seems the most favorable for Kate whether it's sincere or not.
consider the source said... no mo worryin bout me said...
@Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
@Livin4LifeLove @Midwesternwoman Will-- and if ever an ep to watch, the finale is THE one... You will all see why if you watch it...
"why" could mean anything. Maybe the finale is the screamingist, shriekiest, nastiest show ever. Maybe K8 sobs all over the couch. Maybe K8 begs and wails about how abused *she* has been. Maybe nothing at all happens, but K8 is so used to lying for herself she just can't help herself anymore.
Maybe that is when she will announce the "Cougar Porn Extra Wanna-be Begs for a Man" show. (The Man better include a self-adressed stamped envelope with himself. Once he is done with her list of household chores, she will ship him back to his mom.)
fidosmommy said...Was this So Long and Farewell show taped before or after the RV show?
It was taped after the RV trip AND the TLC cancellation announcement. Kate tweeted about it.
Regarding the finale-I read that synopsis as family AND friends the first time too. However, it says family friends(as in friends of the family).
Didn't Kate once claim that Steve and his wife were close "family friends". Wonder if Gina is going to be on.
Also, remember the crew is like "family"-maybe they'll interview the crew.
I think the whole episode is going to be a walk down memory lane, maybe showing the cutest things about the kids with Kate and the kids commenting. Sort of like, "I remember when...".
Actually the write-up says "family friends" which cracks me up, as in friends of her family, not friends of hers. Makes it sound like neither her family or her friends are talking, just friends of family. Hmmm, am I babbling?
Family & friend. Paid family & friends? Extras with cue cards? Yeah...that's the ticket.
'on the road again',
Thanks for your post about trips in the car! We used to drive in our station- wagon , parents in front and me and 2 brothers in back. My Mom saved all the church announcement papers, the ones they give you when you enter,and read them to us on the trip.
We had to sit and listen quietly and then she would rip up the paper in 3 even pieces! We threw them out the window to see whose went the farthest.
I can remember that like it was yesterday, down to the heat, bugs and Mom's voice reading those boring papers, both sides too.It was a long trip, almost across Canada every summer from N.S. to SK. to see my grand-parents!
Thanks for the memories, my parents are both gone now and these memories are priceless. What will the Gosselins' remember?
Poor kids, I fear for them and their futures in that house with Kate. She acts like she has almost lost her grip on reality,and it won't be long before she has a complete psychotic break-down now............. Over a piece of pizza?
So, is the finale when we see K8 introducing the six to their grandparents?
The "friends" of Khate means the actors TLC will pay for. Just like the guys in the NYC bar episode. Another foot licking as a goodbye present?
dee3 said... I have to chuckle about this whole excuse for the bad behavior....EDITING.
LOL! YES! I think what they 'edited' was her spin and damage control while sitting on the couch with a boob hanging out. She might not realize how totally dependent she had become on the 'couch interviews' where she explained how entitled she was to her horrible behavior du jour.
~~ Just Dwindle Away ~~
I just thought of something. I wonder if when Kate tweeted to watch the end and we will all see why, is because, as she also tweeted, her, Jaime and Ashely made up two days after they got home. That would answer why she also tweeted she had "finale" eps. interview after they returned also. She probably tries to excuse away her meltdowns, like she always does, so no one can say their side. She can play, lets pretend were filming an all's better now with everyone, tv show. And she can ride off in the sunset singing, yippei ti yi o, go away little doeggies.
@Lake Up North, I read your post and it was written with such heartfelt strength I'm truly amazed at your strength. You are the silent hero that will have no bridges named after you, no television shows following you and no report card published to guage the distance you have traveled, raising such a large family on your own. On your own, not by selective choice or reasoning to split the family.
Now, on your own by the slight of chance that neither you nor your beloved husband chose. Your post was both heart breaking and motivating. I read each word you typed and saw a strong, loving, caring and unselfish mother of a large family who cares only for their needs and your needs weren't even mentioned.
God bless you and your family and know that others truly care. When you least expect it, something good will come out of the blue.
I'm pulling for you.
Administrator said...
WHAT family and friends??? I'm being serious!
Uhh, maybe it will be a retrospective? You know, with clips showing Aunt Jodi giving those children attention their mother never did, maybe something from the child labor hearings, the solar panel guy, the cupcake people, the guy she hit with the spatula, and so on.
Maybe this is TLC's final bus tour gift to K8 - edited from under the bus.
She didn't understand what was going to show up on the last show, so there's no reason to think she's got a clue what will be in the next one.
Maybe Kate is going to be all sweetness and light, loving, kind, gentle (I'm making myself gag), and then she can tweet her fans that, see, that's the REAL me, and her fans will swoon and sigh and tell the haters they knew all along she is the most wonderful mom in the whole universe and they'll send her more presents and curse TLC even more.
HELP! I'm confused.........
Is there a 2nd RV episode AND a "final" episode?
Or is there just one more to go?
Somewhere I got the idea that the RV trip was a two parter....
I remember that one is on Sept 12.... is there one this Monday also (Sept 5).
Definitely WON'T be watching, but curious...
If there is only one left, then this coming Monday she won't be on?
I watched the ROL video clips. Almost don't have the words to describe my thoughts. Actually I do, but can't write them here. Ms. Manners would not approve.....
BTW, I left a 1/2 a beer in your frig, you can drink it. I don't mind, forgot to put my initial on it!!
RV part 2 is Monday 9/5, Finale is Mon 9/12
Has the college kid quit twitting about the meet/greet?
Not seeing much at top of the blog in her twits about it... am I missing something? Or did this little adventure already bite the dust?
Kate doesnt rate,
Thank you!!! Two shows I won't watch :-)
I will be interested in the recaps tho.....
Fortunately, the finale is on during the first NFL Monday Night Football game featuring the Patriots v Dolphins. Additionally, the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills will also be airing that night. I don't see Kate's final show taking viewers away from either of these prime time shows, unless, of course, Kate's final show will have her walking on water and turning that water into wine. We all know that the only thing Kate's final show will do will be turning memories into whine, something she does best.
Those with husbands, know how lucky you are and hold onto any memory even if it annoys you and those broken promises. These are the things that really ticked me off about Kate is because I don't ever see her seem grateful for what she had and it's just wrong.
And those who lost their husbands would give everything they have to be able to pick up his dirty socks on the bathroom floor - just one more time.
Kate has no clue...
God bless you, Lake - you'll be fine, and don't forget that it's okay to cry sometimes. Tears are summer showers to the soul.
Funny--Sunrise, Sunset--I have forgotten to cry. I haven't in the last five months and one week since have I cried. Just not ready to. Unlike Kate I'm not willing yet to let go of the last day I had. Like Jon, my husband made my coffee in the morning before leaving for work, put gas in my car even though I can do it myself. I still look at that posted note every morning but no, I haven't cried yet. I'm too stubborn to let that last day go. The dinner I burnt and the glass of wine I had waiting for him to be home why he was late only instead to get sheriff knock on my front door to tell me my husband was gone.
Kate, I never saw her thank Jon. Maybe in early seasons but as time went on all I heard was, "rescue me, lead me, help me, do this, do that. Get me, take me, buy me, bring me. Me, me, me."
Permanent Name said...
Has the college kid quit twitting about the meet/greet?
Not seeing much at top of the blog in her twits about it... am I missing something? Or did this little adventure already bite the dust?
Nothing about the charity/auction/fundraiser/meet n greet debacle today. The kid appointed the organizer is at Disneyland today. Not much can be researched until Tues I would guess. I do wonder if he got in touch with Kate's manager yesterday. Doesn't sound like it.
Funny--Sunrise, Sunset--I have forgotten to cry. I haven't in the last five months and one week since have I cried. Just not ready to
It's still early for you. The crying comes later, sometimes many months and even years later. When your baby grows up and you watch his high school graduation; when your daughter gets married and he should be there to walk her down the aisle; when your son hits his first home run and he should be there to yell "way to go, son"; when you are present at the birth of your first grandchild and hold the infant for the first time.
You close your eyes and wish for all the world that your children's father would be there to share those special moments with you - you know how proud he would be of your children. He is there. He sees it, and he is equally proud of you for having raising his children to be responsible, kind and loving adults.
You may have ups and downs. The highs are high, and the lows are really low. But you get through it. You have to. For your children, for yourself, and for him.
Uhh, maybe it will be a retrospective?
Who is doing the commentary and what will they say? Jen Stocks, having had a dirty diaper thrown at her, the solar panel guy (Steve- drawing a blank on his name), the blind/curtain guys who had to take their shoes off to work in her living room, the plumber who got yelled at for putting his bag on HER counter………………….she’s charmed just about everyone, hasn’t she?
I probably will cry come October for birth of our last child together but that's at least a month away until then I can continue to be stoic about...or in denial even.
My guess is the ending to Kate's show will be sappy, sweet like you sort of want to choke on it with the sad music and Kate's sad face how she isn't ready for it to end but has no choice. Something like that anyway maybe.
Are you the sailing Kelly? If so, glad to see you made it thru Hurricane Kate. Is your boat in one piece?
hey jude said... Dwindle,
BTW, I left a 1/2 a beer in your frig, you can drink it. I don't mind, forgot to put my initial on it!!
Oh My God! That's Disgusting! Did you at least wrap it in tin foil??!! Did you use a coupon?!? Now I have to scrub out the entire fridge! Filthy, filthy, filthy. I collect 1/2 beers, but I never drink them. I am just too busy and exhausted. To be honest, ummm, I, umm, have like, umm, 8, umm, like good bras, like-ish ummm....
(I already drank it, it was a bit flat so I washed it down with the wine. Pass the crackers. Hehe.)
I am noticing that this thread is getting delightfully close to 666 posts. FOCL!
This is how TLC describes the finale:(think I posted it before, but can’t find it).
The Finale” September 12, 2011
Kate and her 8 kids have made unforgettable memories over the past 7 years of filming.
Who is doing the commentary and what will they say? Jen Stocks, having had a dirty diaper thrown at her, the solar panel guy (drawing a blank on his name), the blind/curtain guys who had to take their shoes off to work in her living room, the plumber who got yelled at for putting his bag on HER counter………………….she’s charmed just about everyone, hasn’t she?
What I would actually like to hear is an interview with Kate and each of the children to hear what EACH of them remembers.
I hear Kate was mad because she was the only one doing the cooking. I thought she ALWAYS did the cooking for everyone. Why would this trip be any different? snark.
If Jamie didn't even know how to make a salad "properly", why would Jamie know how to grill
raw organic chicken on a blazing flame? If either Ashley or Jamie had offered to help, you know Kate would have either escaped to the RV
to cool off or complained bitterly that it wasn't being done correctly.
Either way, Jamie and Ashley were going to come out on the losing end of that deal. They probably chose wisely in not approaching that fire.
Sunset Blvd is one of my favorite movies. Norma Desmond has always reminded me of Kate (or is it the other way around, lol?!), but tonight there was no escaping it.
\One line that I never before associated with Kate is, "There's nothing tragic about being 50, not unless you're trying to be 25."
I've always thought of Steve as Max, writing bogus fan letters to kate, to let her think that there are people who still give a crap about her. :-)
And if Jamie and Ashley started cooking, Kate would complain they're not watching the kids.
When you're working for a narcissist it's a lose-lose-lose-lose situation. Always.
Dwindle, Ohhhh, I want to be 666! I tried to bring a small piece of tin foil and the border police took it and frisked me. Took my box- cutter too. You're lucky I got the beer there!
I am glad you have all those bras, but I'm not sure why.SORRY FOR ALL THE EXTRA WORK I GAVE YOU!
Sorry, forgot to take my meds to-day,sorry.....
Hi! I'd like to see that interview with Kate and each kid too. That would be a quite enlightening tv moment. Just when I think I have Kate figured out, she throws me another curve-ball. Someone really needs to write a book, interested?
I couldn't even watch most of that last re- run of her show. The last time I watched the show, I found myself yelling at her on the tv! The sound wasn't even on and Jon was still there- long time ago. I'll read the re-cap here next week.
I would like to see that interview too, live! Her Hiney-ness would never allow it and she'd have to be miked, otherwise she wouldn't know what to say.
Last time I watched that show, Jon was still there and I found myself yelling at Kate to turn around! She was ignoring the kids beating on each other,and I had the sound off!
Someone really needs to write a book, interested? Maybe Beth or Kevin or one of the nannies will.Every time I think I have Kate figured out, she throws me another curve- ball.
Sorry for the double post. My computer is lying to me!It said it never sent it, and then I forgot what I wrote!
I might watch the grand finale if Jon is brought back for the sofa interview. I'd rather see Jon smiling and thanking TLC for finally freeing his kids from their slave labor, than Kart, with her heaving boobs and boobyguard, sobbing with a stack of bills and her pity me routine, begging TLC for another season.
Michelle said...
On a personal note, my kids just bailed on me to go to the park to play football with their friends instead of the Mall of America with mom. :( DH's at work and I'm bored! Maybe I need to start a Twitter account and make myself some "tweeties"!
Hey Michelle, I'll met cha at the Mall of America. I live 5 minutes away, hahahaha!!
Lake Up North said... I still look at that posted note every morning but no, I haven't cried yet. I'm too stubborn to let that last day go.
Lake Up North. I'm 53 and have never been married or had children. So to say I understand would be a lie. At best, I can only imagine what you must be going through. I was touched by you saying you were to stubborn to let that day go.
May I share some of my thoughts with with you. God did not give us our memory so we could let go of the beautiful gifts He gave us in our life. This must be the most difficult, painful and confusing thing you have ever had to go through. Give your self permission to have your feelings. They were given to us to keep our self in check. Give yourself permission to be angry, that was given to us too. Give your self permission to ask God why. It opens the door for His answer. Most of all, give your self permission to remember, he was and is, your love and your life. Embrace your memories, he was one with you.
You sound like a mother who would go to the end of the universe to keep your children from having to experience the pain of this loss. When you allow yourself permission, your children will see it' ok to allow themselves permission, and the healing process starts to get a little easier.
I hope what I've shared will give you even a little bit of strength. When the world seems to be crumbling down, the only way I can make any sense of things is to allow my self permission so the guilt and confusion doesn't destroy me.
Dwindle, I just thought of Kate and her tin foil. She wants it for Steve's pizza, but doesn't have the brains to put her organic chicken over an open flame on some tin foil!
I can't believe that fool tried to write a cook-book, well she did, but we all know she can't cook or use her own recipes....
Do you know how to make runny, corn on the cob jam ? Someone was talking about it and I asked, but they didn't see it, I guess.hmmmmmm...........
To 'no mo worryin about me'
That was a very sweet post you wrote to Lake up north, made me cry for her. You really should let go and let it all out, Lake. It really is a cleansing for the soul and nothing can take your memories of your husband away.
You carry them with you everwhere, right in your heart. You can bring them out and look at them whenever you want.
I think your husband would want you to grieve; it's not healthy to hold it all in. We know you're a strong, wonderful Mother and letting go and crying doesn't make you weak.
Please think about it, I promise you'll feel better. I'll pray for you and hope that the load gets easier for you. 'Hugs' and take care of yourself and the little one you're carrying and all the others, too!
Kart didn't even know how to turn her own grill on, much less grill chicken. I wouldn't expect her to be able to cook chicken on an open fire. She should have just scorched the organic chicken with a blow torch. It's a good thing that her cookbook was never published.
Whoever was interested in hitting the 666 mark, we hit it folks. I think it's safe to say we are pretty disgusted with Kate and are all praying her antics end! I'm up because I don't sleep much, story of most mother's with kids. Someone always has to go and they can never go to the bathroom alone when it's dark, some needs a drink of water, someone lost their stuffed bunny and really my mind never shuts off anyway.
OK, looks like I'm posting my comments after someone has already said what I was posting. Sorry people. I'll get caught up with my reading before I post again. Silly me.
We know you read here. If you want to see someone who knows how to be a real Mom, read Lake up north's post. Then complain about your sad, little entitled life!
You are the biggest biotch I have ever seen and don't know how lucky you are,yet you threw it all away for a little fame and a lot of money.
Just remember that you will have to account to God for all your sins one day.Think about your kids and what you have taken from each of them.You are selfish and greedy and I can't stand to even hear you whining about how hard you have it.
You are so delusional, it's sad to watch you hurt your kids. Grow up and give your kids a mother; that is the only job you should worry about, and so far you have sucked at it.......
and trashing tLC subtley
Livin4LifeLove Living4Life
@Midwesternwoman @Kateplusmy8 I just wish everyone would understand that. It's not a family network any longer. New stuff is very trashy.
ok, can someone please explain to me who's sayin what to what or who here. I'm computer idiot sometimes.
Is kate saying it, or is someone saying it to Kate.
You know, people, bloggers here, now that I think about it I hope I didn't come across as to be pitied or admired that wasn't my goal. Do I even feel like a better mother than Kate? Some day's...maybe, most days? No I don't. I'm a soccer mom who drives a SUV who lives a suburban life, grant it with a few extra kids than most but I wouldn't trade what I have not for anything. I think people look at reality TV or TV in general and feel it's an easy root to fame. Fame should be defined by the people you inspire not how many ratings you have.
I'm no motivational speaker that I'm certain of! I don't get my nails done and the last time I went anywhere without being dressed in sweats or nurse smocks was to a spa was Mother's Day in 2008.
I do encourage my children to grieve, I do I just haven't got around to working on myself yet. I'm nobody's hero and don't deserve to have any claim to be one. I'm a mom, I'm still a wife even if widowed...but also I think then, I'm still me. Me. That something I think Kate has forgotten who she is, okay, USED to be. So you ever find yourself in a situation that seems unbearable try and remember who you are and what you're capable when the world falls apart and everyone else goes away.
Lake Up North, I hope you didn't think I was trying to preach to ya. I was trying to encourage you. I believe fully you will make it through. Your post prove it.
No, no, no, no. I'm not offended nor do I feel preached to. But I'm still just a mom. A mom who has to get up to take her family to church tomorrow. Pry sleeping teens and pre-teen's out of bed, find a clean dress to wear, hope everyone has socks and the right shoes and somehow mysteriously vanish into thin air Monday when I have to go into my daughter's school for a meeting while she in praying I don't see her, don't acknowledge her. Now I'm not fat (says the pregnant lady) I used to be a size 9 once upon a time but still outside the house never fail to embarrass my two eldest children. Must be a gift....
no mo worryin bout me said...
and trashing tLC subtley
Livin4LifeLove Living4Life
@Midwesternwoman @Kateplusmy8 I just wish everyone would understand that. It's not a family network any longer. New stuff is very trashy.
ok, can someone please explain to me who's sayin what to what or who here. I'm computer idiot sometimes.
Is kate saying it, or is someone saying it to Kate.
Someone said it to Kate to which Kate replied back. Here's the full exchange:
Livin4LifeLove Living4Life
@Midwesternwoman @Kateplusmy8 I just wish everyone would understand that. It's not a family network any longer. New stuff is very trashy.
in reply to ↑
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@Livin4LifeLove @Midwesternwoman hmmmm mm....
Don't worry, you're not a computer idiot. Anyone can get confused when people are copying and pasting various tweets to/from Kate. I read the exchanges on Kate's twitter so I know what Kate is tweeting about.
Kate mentioned again that everyone in her life leaves.
Kate, when one person tell you your drunk, you can say it's you. When two say it, you can question maybe. When everyone says it, you need to move your white leather couch into the shrinks office.
No Lakes, not one to be pitied, just one we want to love. And one that makes us reflect about how we should be grateful for all we have in our own little world, and hope thatwe can have just one ounce of your strength when it becomes our turn to face what life delivers. All of us are examples at one time or another. You our just the example of strength where Kate is the example of what some of us could become if we didn't have others to show us it is possible to be strong during the worst time of our life.
Hey, where did everybody go. Did ya all bail on me. Oh, I know, you've been abducted by aliens.
Is anybody home? Have I missed something. Ca mon guys, it's not funny. Ok, maybe a little.
Hey, for real now. What has happened? The last post I see is the one I sent two hrs ago.
I feel sooo alone. lol
Ok, that crazy stalker is delivering "organic" cereal that's gone PAST it's "good until date"??
By a couple of months!! There are NO PRESERVATIVES in ORGANIC cereal! You can get REALLY sick if it's gone bad. But I guess if it's FREE, who cares!!
ANYTHING free she will take.those poor kids.
I'm a bit out of the loop. Do I understand that Kate has now agreed to MEET a complete stranger (this 'Brownlow' character) so she can take delivery of FREE, but EXPIRED boxes of cereal from her? Is this a joke?? Could even Kate be this stupid, or this unconcerned with her own safety and the safety of her children? Surely this isn't for real??????
I wonder if brownie is talking about US? lol Glad you read here, maybe you MIGHT think about how nutty you are appearing in your tweets. There are at least 14 tweets, maybe more, where she continually tweets "we can meet or I can deliver!" over and over and over. Geez louise. This one I would stay away from. Can you imagine the tweets she will bombard Kate with AFTER this "meet" of theirs? She would drive me nuts. LOL
@Kateplusmy8 @jenniegbrown OHMYWORD! LOL! Saw site where h8rs go to bash us - they cc and paste convos and then do commentary - HOW SAD!
Getting dangerous YES you understand it correctly Kate has lost her freakin mind.
Oh my God - what is wrong with her? Does she not have a clue?? Real celebrities don't engage people like this - they know better and know the potential consequences. I wouldn't want to wish tragedy on Kate Gosselin, but I won't be surprised if one (or more) of these 'tweeters' are nutbars and now know where she lives and how to get an invite, straight into her life and the lives of her children. She has lost her mind... Clearly desperation at work here, trying to make herself feel important and relevant. Hope we don't read a headline someday........ I'm truly stunned she would do this.
"Kelly said...Fortunately, the finale is on during the first NFL Monday Night Football game featuring the Patriots v Dolphins. Additionally, the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills will also be airing that night. I don't see Kate's final show taking viewers away from either of these prime time shows, unless, of course, Kate's final show will have her walking on water and turning that water into wine. We all know that the only thing Kate's final show will do will be turning memories into whine, something she does best."
I know exactly what I will be watching. RHBH!! I can only imagine her whining, as she did when Jon pulled the plug on the show. "It is TOO soon" sob sob "Kid will miss the crew SO much". sob sob. Kate and whine go together like pepper and salt. SO sick of this woman. She has no talent, so whatever she does get, it won't last long, she just does not have any talent to keep herself in the media.
"Getting Dangerous? said...Hope we don't read a headline someday........ I'm truly stunned she would do this."
I am stunned too. With Kate tweeting, I have learned even MORE about her. She is truly naive AND dumb. This is a dangerous combo. I would NEVER wish anything bad on her at all. Things like this are scary as heck. There ARE some good people all over the place, but there are also so many NUTS and especially 'fans' who think they actually "own" the celebrities. If I were ever to see Kate in person, I would ignore her. Just plain ignore. I do think most non fans would do this. It is the nutty fans who are more dangerous, as history has shown. I just shake my head at this idiot.
Poor BigFanofKateG will be SO upset she has been left out of this meet! I wonder if she comments on it. LOL
@kateplusmy8 @SuperPattyPie Are ppl still on the RV subject?? Goodness! Really?! Like any of them cld do it w less stress!
YES people ARE still talking about the RV thing, brownie. Kate was OT and RIDICULOUS. She cannot handle anything out of the ordinary. She unravels on the slightest blimp. Things have happened to me that were much worse than a broken down RV, and many other people have faced much worse also. And YES many "we" could handle things MUCH better than flying off the handle like a total psychotic idiot.
PS. I would NEVER, ever put a grown man or any grown up ahead of my hungry kids. NEVER. She tells the kids 'you get what you get'. Why not a GROWN man being told the same dang thing?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Kate's JOB being paid to take free vacations with her own kids? At my JOB, I get some pretty crappy projects tossed my way. Do I freak out because I'm stressed, have a tantrum, etc.? Uh, no. I'm an adult and I need to do my JOB if I want to get paid.
Is having a tantrum at work because your stressed normal in sheeple land?
Can you imagine if your JOB was being paid to vacation for free with your own kids? WTF is wrong with the logic of Kate's fans. How do they act at their jobs?
Fortunately, the finale is on during the first NFL Monday Night Football game featuring the Patriots v Dolphins.
Oh yeah!! Go Pats!! Now, is her stupid show tomorrow night? Labor Day? When everyone is at cook outs with friends & NOT alone, twittering?
I wonder if brownie is talking about US? lol Glad you read here, maybe you MIGHT think about how nutty you are appearing in your tweets. There are at least 14 tweets, maybe more, where she continually tweets "we can meet or I can deliver!" over and over and over.
I would imagine that she knows that everyone on Twitter can read her maniac tweeting, unlike BigFan, who didn't realize, but still tweeted about her period!
Why would someone go into a tweeting frenzy about delivering something unless it's for bragging purposes? It's not even subtle bragging! "See...I'm Kate's friend now, friends do this for friends...tweeties - eat your heart out, we're meeting this week."
During my days with a celebrity (a real celebrity, not a wannabe who is the joke of the entertainment industry), I met hundreds of fans. Some of them, bless their hearts, were just that, fans. Without them, celebrities would be nothing.
Then there are the other ones. We called them parking lot groupies. They'd show up at every venue, watching for the crew bus to pull in, and they planned ways to meet their idol - anything from bringing him peanut butter taffy, to continuously scoring front row seats at every show, to befriending the crew in desperate attempts to get to their idol.
One fan in particular I remember was a young woman who showed up at show after show, but was never allowed backstage access. She figured out that if she took her mother along to the show, and if her mother fainted by the side of the stage during sweltering heat, the crew would take both of them backstage to be in an air-conditioned room. It worked. She finally met the celebrity of her dreams. However, the story didn't turn out with the fairy tale ending as she planned. He got sick of her constant calls to the production crew, wanting to be put on the guest list (he had to approve it). He got tired of seeing her in the parking lot by the back stage door, waiting to be admitted for sound check. If it were an outdoor show, she'd be there by the tent outside the fence, drooling over the food set up by the caterers. She became a joke among the crew and production staff. In a few months, she was black-listed. She had made a pest of herself, and she didn't stop. She didn't know when to let well enough alone and walk away. If something nice is done for these fans, they want more. Give them an inch; they'll take a yard.
Thank goodness nothing tragic ever came of it. She started out as a fan, turned into a garden variety stalker, became obsessed, but she did eventually go away (or was arrested somewhere stalking another celebrity - who knows). I could write a book about obsessed fans. I've pretty much seen it all.
The woman from Kate's neighborhood is your quintessential Brown Noser. It's sad. You do something for a friend, and you do it quietly, you don't broadcast it. Neither one of them knows when to keep her mouth shut. Peas in a pod.
I hope Kate's security team is on this one, and others out there who are obsessed with connecting with a celebrity. Steve was hired to protect her from fans (rumor was that it was the one who runs a fan site), and maybe she really needs someone to hang around and caution her about befriending people over the internet. She just doesn't seem to "get it."
"Michelle said...
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Kate's JOB being paid to take free vacations with her own kids? At my JOB, I get some pretty crappy projects tossed my way. Do I freak out because I'm stressed, have a tantrum, etc.? Uh, no. I'm an adult and I need to do my JOB if I want to get paid."
According to them, they act the same way or would act that way. Or treat their husbands the same way, talk to their kids the same way. Everything is the same, that is why they identify with her. Really? Am I so abnormal that I find this behavior horrid? Am I so abnormal when I am respectful to my husband? Am I so abnormal that I have never treated my kids like property, nor do I feel they are an 'extension of me". Are there that many woman in this world who are like her? This is mind blowing some of the things they say.
I don't like arguing, I don't like chaos. If my home isn't calm, peaceful and respectful to all, it is not home to me. Not a real home. If something is out of place, just put it in place. Sugar on the floor? Clean it up. I just don't get someone who lives like that. Life has enough bumps to get over, why create more and more.
The mkbrownlow affair won't end well. She's VERY naive, at the very least, not to mention a few other things. She's also been after K8 for a long time. Here's a tweet brownlow sent K8 -
@kateplus8 Speaking of mail surprises... do u remember getting a bouquet of yellow tulips after u and Jon split?
31 Aug via txt
She's got a least a few screws loose, and is desperate for attention. That's a bad combination.
Is K8 really so desperate that she'll meet this woman to collect boxes of outdated organic cereal?
Brownlow seems like a nice person, but she has no idea what she's involved in here. It's a little worrisome that she's "leading" teen girls but doesn't understand how harmful K8's parenting is to her own pre-teens.
Oh, and Brownlow claims she ran a cancer charity website.
I don't want to say that Brownlow wants to take grifting to a different level, because her writing looks sincere, but a tiny website that posted before and after pictures of children stricken with cancer (and that gave out very small amounts of money for things like art supplies) is one that took a lot of privacy away from the children for very little reason. And, it seems, with no accountability, since it apparently wasn't an incorporated charity.
Brownlow doesn't seem to be operating it any more, but the pictures and stories from when she says she did are still up.
I suspect, instead, Brownlow thinks that she and K8 could do good works together, which makes Brownlow look very, very dumb. She hasn't noticed that the only "charity" K8 is committed to is K8.
Hate to admit it but I'll be watching Hell's Kitchen and RHBH!
I apologize for the length of my previous post. I know admin likes us to keep it brief. It's just that I am so appalled that a fan has finally been able to figure out how to snuggle up to her, that I got carried away!
I just hope for Kate's sake that she either sends someone to pick up the expired cereal, or she has someone go along with her. It's only good common sense.
Pants On Fire said...
Hey Michelle, I'll met cha at the Mall of America. I live 5 minutes away, hahahaha!!
Will you bring me some expired, organic cereal?!! :)
"Sweet Charity said..I apologize for the length of my previous post"
I enjoyed reading your post. Very interesting about the human mind and just how fragile some people are. This is one reason why I am SO grateful I am an unknown. Enough nuts one can meet in an average day going to the grocery store. LOL
I have no requirement to be brief lol!
"the brownlow affair said...I suspect, instead, Brownlow thinks that she and K8 could do good works together, which makes Brownlow look very, very dumb. She hasn't noticed that the only "charity" K8 is committed to is K8."
These are my thoughts too. I also have not seen any degrees or training that this person has had in child developement or anything that would qualify her to counsel teens, did you? All I have seen is she says she used to be an art teacher. How can you possibly address a teen who is cutting herself. I don't know, if it were my teen, I would want not want counseling by a non professional. Helping teens is a noble cause and I certainly am not knocking anyone who takes an interest in helping. It seems to me that someone certainly should have the training and credentials to work with them. Would she tell them to look at Kate as example? Any thoughts on this?
ADMIN this has to be the busiest blog on all the web!! I have yet to see ANY blog to have so many posts in just a few short dsys!!
Someone on a previous post,gave the link to the episode of one of the first specials of Jon and Kate. "Surviving with twins and sextuplets" What a difference in the Kate's looks and demeanor! Wow.
She was truly humble (for her) very pretty, she showed real love and caring to Jon and the kids. She went on about what a great husband Jon is. Jon said he has done the baths on all of the kids, from the beginning, even the twins. Never noticed that before. This is the episode where she got the tummy tuck and asked about her deflated (ahem) breasts. She gets a free tummy tuck and still asked for more. LOL
My how she has changed.
Be back later.. Don't miss me too much... Talk amongst yourselves (remember sat night live, 'coffee talk'?)!!!
Don't miss me too much? Good grief! What an ego! She is the center of her own universe, isn't she?
Regrets - yes, the busiest blog on the web. I was over to the pitying site, and couldn't believe the lack of traffic over there. Absolutely nothing going on - they seem to really be out of the loop. I'm not sure if it's because they are moderated, if they are deleting tweets right and left, or if everyone has migrated over here!
Anonymous said...
Never posted before but always enjoy reading the comments here. I don't follow Kate on Twitter but do occasionally keep up with her tweets. I saw this one and was disgusted especially with how many young girls she has who take every word she says as fact. No else has seemed to notice this yet and felt I had to stop lurking at least long enough to post this exchange.
@Will37SWM @Kateplusmy8 Kate looks tiny in this clip. Hot though
@Will37SWM can never be tiny enough lol
Melissa, I saw this post too. Kate was pounded hard when she did the cover on People Mag in her bikini. The fact that she complains about her body and looks constantly. She is never satisfied, etc. And with 5 girls, what sort of message is this woman giving to them? Kate is never satisfied with anything in her life, but to make such a huge deal about food and looks is so harmful to young girls. This reminds me of the Toddlers and Tiara shows. The message is unless you are so so pretty and you don't win, you are just nothing. Horrible role model.
Yeah, I'd noticed the other blog's lack of traffic also. They used to have some pretty humorous commenters over there, too. Wonder what happened.
Some guy is now tweeting Kate that she looks exactly like Sharon Stone and that she should try acting. Kate of course is answering him because he's feeding her ego. She would LOVE to try acting because it was so much fun in HS. I do wonder if TLC has an intern read and summerize her tweets for them. She still does many RT where the fans throw TLC under the bus and she agrees with them. Kate, no one will hire you if you've got a history of biting the hand that feeds you.
Kate tweeted this:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Be back later.. Don't miss me too much... Talk amongst yourselves (remember sat night live, 'coffee talk'?)!!!
and then comes this...
@Kateplusmy8 it! I wish you could host SNL...wouldnt that be cool.You think you would like it?Maybe a Skit with Kristen Wiig!
I'm pretty much speechless over this one. I need to understand the psychology that makes Kate's fans think this way. It's more than sheer stupidity.
OK, I just read my post above and I sound very disjointed this morning OH YES I DO! Sorry about that....I'll go get anothr cup of coffee (it's early here).
"Midnight Madness said...Don't miss me too much? Good grief! What an ego! She is the center of her own universe, isn't she?"
She really believes all this fawning. Her comments "don't panic" "I know you feel about ME" good gawd. I did see this tweet, in response to hers, i know it was meant to be funny, but I think some DO need a subject. LOL
GACjanke731Janice Memory
@Kateplusmy8 you forgot to give us a subject lol
Most blogs have very few posts at all. Too many RULES for one thing. I feel very comfortable here, everyone seems so, so.. human! And I don't feel judged or attacked. Even people who disagree, do with respect. And for that I am grateful. Admin has been great to us, imo.
"It seems to me that someone certainly should have the training and credentials to work with them. Would she tell them to look at Kate as example? Any thoughts on this?"
Well, yes, of course. Doesn't she want Kate to speak at some kind of workshop for these teens or motivational event? Would these kids' parents sanction this, or are they all sheeple, blindly following the leader who is a Kate worshipper?
She has been badgering Kate to meet with her and brainstorm for ideas on mentoring teens, specifically on mother-daughter bonding. Kate? Mother-daughter bonding? That's like having an elementary-school dropout doing a safety inspection at a nuclear power plant!
Kate's mother and daughter bonding:
You should know by now that when you're doing something for me you need to be running!
"Red Sky At Night said... That's like having an elementary-school dropout doing a safety inspection at a nuclear power plant!"
LOL Exactly. And YES she does want Kate to be involved in the workshop. Bonding and how to handle the bullies in school, too. First of all, neither have teens. And we all know how difficult it is being a teen, but unless you experience parenting during these very difficult years, sorry, you really don't know how to cope, or even begin to think you can dole out advice. I thought I knew a lot, until I actually went through it, and believe me, it is nothing like what I 'thought" at all. LOL This is like people who have never had children, but seem to know exactly how to parent in certain situations. What you THINK you might do, is entirely different than what happens, in most cases. I don't mean any disrespect to anyone, it is just a simple fact.
To get Kate involved in this is really laughable.
stop lurking at least long enough to post this exchange.
@Will37SWM @Kateplusmy8 Kate looks tiny in this clip. Hot though
@Will37SWM can never be tiny enough lol
I also remember her making a comment that you can never have enough money, or you can never be rich enough (something along that line). NOTHING is ever enough for her. Is this the role model that is needed for teens - not only on twitter, but also in these mentoring workshops where she's supposed to speak? How can you tell teens to be happy with themselves and with their physical appearance when you've been flaunting bought boobs, lipo, bleaching, and wearing clothing designed for 20-year-old ladies of the night?
"Kate doesn't rate said...
Kate's mother and daughter bonding:
You should know by now that when you're doing something for me you need to be running!"
HA Yes, so much bonding. Or "you took food from Mady's UNWASHED hands!!" The kids probably feels like she has leprosy or something.
Kate doesn't rate said...
Kate's mother and daughter bonding:
You should know by now that when you're doing something for me you need to be running!
"Mommy, I'm thirsty."
Mommy grabs water bottle and takes a drink herself, and the daughter watches.
"Mommy, you're mean."
Mother-daughter bonding.
The best sandwich of my life was made when one of my kids was 2 years old. Yes, two. 'Nasty', 'dirty' little hands, made ME a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Her idea, plenty of 'unknown spots' on the bread, little finger holes in the bread. I ate very single bite of it.
I lived!
YAY!!! your back. That was weird. Kinda felt like I was in the middle of a conversation and everyone vanished. Thought the rapture came and I was left behind.
New post coming on Kate's tiny comment and being a role model for teens later today!
Can someone explain to me what a RT is exactly?
Administrator said...
"I have no requirement to be brief lol!"
Oops - that must have been one of the 19 rules over at the other site!
Thanks, Regrets, for your response to my post. This kind of obsessive fan behavior makes me crazy because I've seen people such as this make total idiots of themselves, and I just want to scream, "Kate! Don't do it!"
I don't want to see anything happen to Kate, and it can. It really can. One doesn't know what wormers will pounce on her if given the chance. A one-time meeting is one thing, but these fans seldom settle for that, and Kate, that's when the problems begin.
As someone pointed out, this person has been after Kate for two years. It builds up, and believe me, fans seldom just stop after one meeting.
The Daily Mail On Line (a U.K. newspaper) has a very interesting article entitled "Really Kate? Gosselin loses her cool in front of her children during vicious fight over PIZZA of all things". Nothing new in the article but it is the "rated" COMMENTS that others might like to read - the majority of which are from U.S. readers.
Administrator said...
"New post coming on Kate's tiny comment and being a role model for teens later today!"
Shouldn't you be saving your strength for writing the next BRIEF recap? lol!
No Regrets said... The best sandwich of my life was made when one of my kids was 2 years old. Yes, two. 'Nasty', 'dirty' little hands, made ME a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Her idea, plenty of 'unknown spots' on the bread, little finger holes in the bread. I ate very single bite of it.
I lived!
I was in the living room nursing my newborn when my 3 year old daughter was making sounds in the kitchen. A few minutes later, she brought me a paper plate with a PB&J sandwich on it, a 'side dish' of little Smarties candies sprinkled artistically around the plate, a glass of water and a napkin. She felt sad that mommy was missing lunch and was so darned proud of herself to help mommy. I ate every bite. Oh the memories! Thank you for reminding me of this lovely moment with my little girl!! It goes by so fast... (PS, that 3 year old will be 30 next month, and that 'newborn' will be 26 tomorrow! Yikes!)
~~Just Dwindle Away~~
no mo worryin bout me said...
Can someone explain to me what a RT is exactly?
No Regrets said...
I wonder if brownie is talking about US?
@Kateplusmy8 @jenniegbrown OHMYWORD! LOL! Saw site where h8rs go to bash us - they cc and paste convos and then do commentary - HOW SAD!
I hope it's us. If any of us can shed light about Kate's dangers and save one person from being wrangled in, I'll post till the cows come home, or Jon gets the kids, which ever comes first.
Kate just tweeted this:
Anyone have recipe for 'dirt' (choc/vanilla pudding/Oreo layers and gummy worms etc) handy? I hav it but not handy... Thx if so
Is there such a thing as a "certifiable idiot"? She can't use Google? Now all her tweeties are scrambling to see who can get the recipe first. Looks like she is just trying to again show what a "wonderful" mother she is.
Also, does she expect someone to tweet the whole recipe to her? That would take a lot of tweets.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...
no mo worryin bout me said...
Can someone explain to me what a RT is exactly?
Thanks Tweet-le Dee.
Can you explain a little more. Why would someone want a retweet if it's already been said?
@Kateplusmy8 @jenniegbrown OHMYWORD! LOL! Saw site where h8rs go to bash us - they cc and paste convos and then do commentary - HOW SAD!
Um, honey Brownie, fans have been doing this for years. Their sites wouldn't exist without coming to these blogs, copying comments in their entirety, and then using them for their threads. They can't have intelligent discussions on their own (these are sheeple we're talking about) and so they resort to picking apart posts by the non-fans.
How naive is this person?
No Regrets said...
@kateplusmy8 @SuperPattyPie Are ppl still on the RV subject?? Goodness! Really?! Like any of them cld do it w less stress!
YES people ARE still talking about the RV thing,
Heck yeah, when you read great novel ya talk about it forever. In Kate's case, it's a biography. She gives us some much information to dissect.
Thanks Tweet-le Dee.
Can you explain a little more. Why would someone want a retweet if it's already been said?
Sometimes just for emphasis, as in "I agree. Everybody read this." Sometimes to retweet the question then answer it. Sometimes the original gets lost among all the tweets so it's retweeted to bring it back up if it's really pertinent to something being discussed.
"Dwindle said...Oh the memories! Thank you for reminding me of this lovely moment with my little girl!! It goes by so fast."
How sweet. Isn't it great to remember these things? Kate has no idea what she is missing. Sadly.
no mo worryin bout me said...
No Regrets said...
@kateplusmy8 @SuperPattyPie Are ppl still on the RV subject?? Goodness! Really?! Like any of them cld do it w less stress!
YES people ARE still talking about the RV thing,
Heck yeah, when you read great novel ya talk about it forever. In Kate's case, it's a biography. She gives us some much information to dissect.'
SO true. She gives so much she gives us. I am amazed they accept this "editing" and not address her vile actions. oh well, fantasyland they live in.
mkbrownlow mkbrownlow
@kateplusmy8 Doing a mom and young daughter bonding event in October... would love to have u and big girls if it suits ur schedule!
Request to Kate asking her to be at the big bonding event.
Brownie sent more than 80 tweets - COUNT 'EM - 80 tweets to Kate about the Sobe drink/cereal thing at the mall grocery store.
And that has all of the earmarks of a fan out of control.
This is a person that parents would want "mentoring" their daughters? Maybe some parents, but not this one!
Permanent Name said...
Has the college kid quit twitting about the meet/greet?
Not seeing much at top of the blog in her twits about it... am I missing something? Or did this little adventure already bite the dust?
She referred him to her manager, Julie Carson May, who I'm sure will bury this idea fast and we'll never hear another word about it.
Red Sky at Night said...Brownie sent more than 80 tweets - COUNT 'EM - 80 tweets to Kate about the Sobe drink/cereal thing at the mall grocery store.
Oh my word -- 80? Bad sign! Something is wrong with that woman. I'm not sure the word "obsessed" fully covers her problem.
@mkbrownlow @Kateplusmy8 @TheAustinMartin did you find out anything about a blood drive and ppl who donate get to meed kate possibly?
Tweet-le Dee, credit to you for this post.
Man, are you kidding me?! Are they now asking blood sacrifices for Kate?!
Red Sky At Night said... "Mommy, I'm thirsty."
Mommy grabs water bottle and takes a drink herself, and the daughter watches.
"Mommy, you're mean."
Mother-daughter bonding.
Don't forget..... after Mady asked for the water Kate picked up the bottle and tipped it at Mady asking her if this is what she wanted before taking the swig herself and putting it down. Bitch.
Yes, that Kate is sure a loving, caring inspiring mom :( Her "never tiny enough" comment is disturbing on several levels and I look forward to Admin's upcoming post.
I recently read a brief artcle on "orthorexia" which is an unofficial term coined by an author for people with an obsession for eating healthy and restricting what they consider "bad" foods. A large part of the obsession is the sufferer being overly righteous and vocal about their food choices while maligning the choices of others. I haven't had a chance to look into this further but it sounds like this fits Kate "fat free coffee creamer" Gosselin to a T.
"Red Sky At Night said...Brownie sent more than 80 tweets - COUNT 'EM - 80 tweets to Kate about the Sobe drink/cereal thing at the mall grocery store."
OMG I stopped counting at 14 and thought THAT was excessive. Geez After this meet, she will freakin bombard her. Man o man.
Hey Jude, I saw the comments about Corn Cob Jelly and googled it. Numerous recipes popped up and I was amazed at how simple it seems to be to make; essentially it's nothing more than corn cobs and you boil (one recipe even mentioned using field corn cobs), sugar and pectin.
@Kateplusmy8 k8, dont u think thats more of a lunch time snack? Oreos before bed? Doesnt it have chocolate in it? Choc=more energy
Are Oreos chocolate? Is garlic bread spread with garlic butter? Is ketchup a tomato-based product? :-)
Shaking the old head here...
"Oh my word -- 80? Bad sign! Something is wrong with that woman. I'm not sure the word "obsessed" fully covers her problem. "
Yes, 80 - and just about the grocery store thing yesterday. This does not count the volumes of other tweets about the mother-daughter thing, or just plain chattering about trivia. I wonder if she realizes it.
Regrets - yes, the busiest blog on the web. I was over to the pitying site, and couldn't believe the lack of traffic over there. Absolutely nothing going on - they seem to really be out of the loop. I'm not sure if it's because they are moderated, if they are deleting tweets right and left, or if everyone has migrated over here!
I was over at Baby Mama's site, and of course they excused Kate's behavior on the RV trip, saying she was tired. Now, I can agree with them to an extent. I agree that 15 people in 2 RV's is bound to be a little crammed, and people will get on each others' nerves. However, freaking out over one slice of pizza is completely unacceptable. One of the commenters on BM's site said something like, "People tear down others to make themselves feel better." Uh, what do they think Kate does?
I had seen another clip of the pizza fiasco elsewhere, and this person named Frann (who's a BIG time sheeple)also excused Kate's behavior and called the nanny "fat" and said it was good Kate fired her. Uh, no, Ashley quit, honey. There's a difference. I'm usually an optimist who hopes for the best and tries to see the good in others, but I have officially given up on all the sheeple. Nothing, absolutely nothing, will ever change their minds about Kate.
Laurie said...
Hate to admit it but I'll be watching Hell's Kitchen and RHBH!
Gordon Ramsey and Kate have the same temper issue. But what separates the likeness is, Ramsey's is only when it comes to business and a goal to bring out the best chief in someone. (which I'm not sure I agree with) Other than that, he has a kind heart and respects those who respects life. Kate uses hers to bash and belittle anyone that doesn't agree with or do things her way.
"Red Sky At Night said...This is a person that parents would want "mentoring" their daughters? Maybe some parents, but not this one!"
This is what troubles me. As I said, I resepect anyone who takes an interest in kids, teens especially, but make it on a professional level. Just because one has an interest in something, does not qualify that person to give sound, good advice.
I have an interest in marine biology, but would probably kill every single living creature in the sea, since I haven't the slightest idea what the heck I am doing. LOL
Why doesn't a fellow tweetie ask her who is watching the kids? I thought the sitters were gone.
All done w 10.5 mile 'walk/run'-- so humid I nearly died-- and forgot to take a drink...Bad move! Oh well..Big successful run later this wk!
Hotter Than Heck In PA said...
Why doesn't a fellow tweetie ask her who is watching the kids? I thought the sitters were gone.
All done w 10.5 mile 'walk/run'-- so humid I nearly died-- and forgot to take a drink...Bad move! Oh well..Big successful run later this wk!
Jon has had the kids. He got 1/2 of 3 day weekend, Kate gets the other 1/2.
"SmileyGrl752 said...I had seen another clip of the pizza fiasco elsewhere, and this person named Frann (who's a BIG time sheeple)also excused Kate's behavior and called the nanny "fat" and said it was good Kate fired her. Uh, no, Ashley quit, honey. There's a difference. I'm usually an optimist who hopes for the best and tries to see the good in others, but I have officially given up on all the sheeple. Nothing, absolutely nothing, will ever change their minds about Kate."
Wow. Of course Kate and the fans are now blaming it all on Ashley and Jaime. To say such terrible things about that girl is inexcusable. Kate alluded to the fact that she raised her voice ONLY to stick up for "what's right". Sure Kate, who cares if your children were hungry and that Jaime NOR Ashley knew that the pizza was 'called' by Steve. They didn't freakin know. So THEY were sticking up for 'what's right" it seems to me. Oh yeah and the fact that YOUR kids were hungry. That site you mentioned is mind boggling. LOL I stopped reading there long ago. can't take the excuses for Kate. Unreal.
(Btw I didn't make that part of the comment, but so'k, just for record)
"Forgot to take a drink?" You can kill yourself dummy. Oh miss organized, how can someone forget so much, so often.
I never see any paps pix where she does have a drink. That is pure stupidity.
No Regrets said...
"Forgot to take a drink?" You can kill yourself dummy. Oh miss organized, how can someone forget so much, so often.
I never see any paps pix where she does have a drink. That is pure stupidity.
Since there was only a hour tweet break, I doubt she did 10 1/2 miles walking and running.
Ya know what? No wonder Jon wanted Kate to get a bodyguard, he was trying to save her from herself.
I'm pretty sure, common sense says, Jon's friends are helping Jon make sure those kids are as safe as he can make them with his hands tied. I hope so.
Have you seen the tweeter fan of Kate that just got her son back from a parent abduction? Kate tweeted to her,"have you kissed him 50,000 times" when she told Kate she just got him back.
Kate comment while on dwts that no one will ever be able to pry the kid out of her hands. This is when Jon filed for custody. I couldn't help but think that Kate might do the same as the parent of her tweeter did if Jon got custody. She has the money and the craziness.
No, Kate, the tweet wasn't giving you pats on your back for "softening" and being such a super mommy. Giving the kids a sugar/chocolate filled treat at bedtime is a BAD idea, freakin idiot. LOL
@Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
Awesome! Thanks everyone! Kids will be so excited for bedtime snack tonight ;)
@Stacygirl1979Stacy Klein
@Kateplusmy8 I am shocked that you would give your children a dirt sundae as a bedtime snack. Really?
Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
@Stacygirl1979 dessert really... Just later :) they are really happy when I do that! Imagine... I might be.. Softening? (gasp!)
Stacygirl1979Stacy Klein
@Kateplusmy8 I hope everyone enjoys your special treat. My 6 yr. old daughter would not be able to sleep after chocolate pudding :)
Red Sky At Night said...
mkbrownlow mkbrownlow
@kateplusmy8 Doing a mom and young daughter bonding event in October... would love to have u and big girls if it suits ur schedule!
Request to Kate asking her to be at the big bonding event.
Brownie sent more than 80 tweets - COUNT 'EM - 80 tweets to Kate about the Sobe drink/cereal thing at the mall grocery store.
And that has all of the earmarks of a fan out of control.
This is a person that parents would want "mentoring" their daughters? Maybe some parents, but not this one!
The big bonding event is scheduled to be held at this fan's home.
This person may be legitimate and have the best of intentions, but anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together should be questioning what she's doing.
She's been following J&K for years (evidence the yellow rose tweet after the divorce) and is fanatical about getting Kate's attention and meeting her. That in itself should be enough of a red flag, but it obviously isn't for Kate.
She says she runs programs for teen girls to motivate them, boost their self esteem, and help them set boundaries. If this is legit, more power to her. She holds these "events" in her home, which is perfectly fine, but when she says she wants Kate to join them, it's for an "event" most likely held in her basement.
Bells should be ringing and red lights should be flashing, but Kate seems oblivious and is still responding to her.
Maybe Kate is so desperate for a friend that she'll actually meet this woman to pick up her outdated organic cereal and Sobe drinks. Maybe these 2 nuts were meant for each other, but I don't know which one is more desperate for attention; is it Kate or this Brownlow person?
Or maybe Kate will send the nanny/grocery-shopper to get this stuff, but I, for one, am tired of worrying more about Kate and the kids than she does for herself or her fans do for her.
1. She DESCRIBED the dirt recipe in her tweet asking for the recipe. What an idiot. Layer the puddings with crumbled Oreos between and on top. Shove gummy worms in top cookie crumb layer. Done. Better yet, MAKE IT WITH THE KIDS AND RELAX AND HAVE FUN. God.
2. I blame Kate for engaging this brownlow kook. Kate gets a bit blinded when you offer to give her things. I'm quite sure she won't reimburse this woman for the drinks and cereal.
3. I went on a 16 day, 6000 mile trip of nine western states in a conversion van with a 9 year old and two other adults and we PRIMITIVE camped each night, usually in state and national parks, and it was AWESOME. It's one of my favorite memories. Yes, we annoyed each other at times, but no one EVER yelled at anyone, not even once and certainly not over pizza.
We did not have fancy RVs, we only ate at a restaurant twice the entire trip (we stocked up on food at grocery stores along the way, cooked over campfires or ate sandwiches, etc.). No TVs, no DVDs, nothing like that. The sights we saw (many that Kate saw on her trip) were amazing. The difference is that no one on my trip was a selfish entitled narcissistic diva asshole. I wouldn't have gone on a long trip with someone like Kate even if you paid me. Life is too short.
"Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...Since there was only a hour tweet break, I doubt she did 10 1/2 miles walking and running."
I was wondering when did this run/walk. Unless it was before she signed on this am. I don't believe this 10 miles at all. I would have to SEE it with my own eyes. And I don't want to do that. LOL
Ok, jut for fun, let's assume that everything went just as Kate said it did.
Everyone called dibs on the food, and it was agreed to, the night before. The next day Jamie/Ashley/kids didn't honor the agreement.
Now, knowing that I'm being filmed, wouldn't I calmly climb into the RV and say in my best Mom voice, "Hey people, watcha doin' here? I thought we'd all agreed on who was taking which leftovers?"
If the food was already eaten, and they acknowledged that there had been an agreement, ask them to apologize to Steve & offer him something else.
Assuming he's too stupid to think of this himself. If he fussed, I'd tell him to grow up.
If there TRULY wasn't ANY other food on the campsite, I'd offer to get in the red SUV and run into town to get him something he liked. (Which would mean I could tactfully be away from the kids for several hours while Jamie/Ashley clean up and babysit the kids.)
Or I might say to him to come with me, and then we could stop at one of those rent by the hour hotels. :)
The poor woman who bought all the organic cereal and drinks for Kate is waiting for a DM from her, but Kate still isn't following her on twitter. hummmmm
No Regrets, I feel quite certain she lies about her time, too. I've seen video of Kate "running." There's no way she does ten miles in an hour and 43 minutes.
But it's all to get ego strokes. You'll never see her in a half marathon. I believe she walks/semi-jogs, but she makes herself out to be this incredible runner on twitter for the (gag) adulation. I mean, I don't know ANYONE who talks about their workout as much as this woman does.
It may be a long wait, I noticed that, too. Kate hasn't bothered to follow brownlow even though she said she wouod yesterday or the day before. And she's certainly been on twitter enough--it takes two seconds.
Re: Kate having time to twitter so much....
Ok, so maybe each post doesn't take that long to type, but if she's truly doing it ALL (all by herself) she needs time to:
Plan/cook meals
Grocery shop
Interview/hire new babysitters
Clean the kitchen, especially the frig
Mow the yard
Clean out the chicken coop/Gather eggs
Clean the pool
Clean the house
Polish the leather couch
Feed/wash/walk the dog
Monitor homework, review/sign school papers
School appointments to talk about bullying behavior
Drive the kids to/from the bus stop
̶R̶u̶n Jog 1.5 hours a day
Pay bills & whatever all the pwk is that she tweets about
Arrange talk show appearances
Arrange vacations
Research locations so can plan surprise clues for the kids
Look for a man to ̶̶h̶e̶l̶p ̶h̶e̶r date
Arrange times with ̶p̶a̶p̶s Chris for pap photos
Pay off speeding tickets
Monitor investments
Monitor what Jon is doing cuz whatever it is, it's wrong
Look for a job
̶S̶p̶e̶n̶d ̶t̶i̶m̶e ̶w̶i̶t̶h Scream at the kids
And that's just the daily stuff. There's still weekly/monthly tasks to add to that.
This sounds like a woman who has all the time in the world to read/answer tweets from strangers.
I can't decide what's more bizarre. That there is an actual person named Kate Gosselin who acts the way she does and is proud of it. Thank god I've never encountered anyone like her.
Or is it more bizarre that there are people who actually admire Kate Gosselin?
Dallas Lady said...
No Regrets, I feel quite certain she lies about her time, too. I've seen video of Kate "running." There's no way she does ten miles in an hour and 43 minutes.
But it's all to get ego strokes. You'll never see her in a half marathon. I believe she walks/semi-jogs, but she makes herself out to be this incredible runner on twitter for the (gag) adulation. I mean, I don't know ANYONE who talks about their workout as much as this woman does.
I have seen videos too. She looks like she is about ready to pass out even walking. LOL I realize people do NOT look their best running, but come, she looks downright pitiful. I think we all have seen experienced runners in action. She does not look like an experienced one at all. I am sure you know exactly what I mean too.
Yes, of course it for the fawning she will get. "wow you really ARE great!" So many have said she motivates them to run, if that is true, good for them. As she exaggerates everything, I am sure this is just another example. Isn't it sad that she lies so much, exaggerates so much, that most people don't believe a word she says? I would never want to be in that position with anyone. The only thing that we really have in life is our character and our word, and if that is not credible, what do you have?
I never see any paps pix where she does have a drink. That is pure stupidity.
Oh, it's usually in the limo that follows her on her runs. You know, the bodyguard and the mini
bar travel together. snark.
So....Kate hasn't been given any explanation as to why her show is ending.....because it's obvious???? Good grief!
wijg3Kimberly Clobes
@Kateplusmy8 Kate you haven't said WHY your show is ending. Have you been given any explanation??
33 minutes ago
Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
@wijg3 nope
AMD posted
wijg3Kimberly Clobes
@Kateplusmy8 Kate you haven't said WHY your show is ending. Have you been given any explanation??
33 minutes ago
Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
@wijg3 nope
Golly, she's a PRODUCER, and nobody told her why the show was ending. Wonder how that happened.
This woman is dumber than toast, and even that's the least of her problems.
"Monitor what Jon is doing cuz whatever it is, it's wrong"
HAHA this one cracked me up. and you know it is true!!
She does not know the reason they cancelled her? WHAT? She really is that dumb.
I know, I know! Holding my hand up!
How dumb is she? She spent all summer begging people to watch. She must know the connection. It's gotta be extreme denial and delusion.
So we're supposed to believe that TLC told her they are cancelling the show and that she didn't IMMEDIATELY DEMAND to know why?
And we're supposed to believe TLC refused to give her a reason?
Riiiiiight. Kate? Go sell it somewhere else.
Mel said... Or I might say to him to come with me, and then we could stop at one of those rent by the hour hotels. :)
ROFL! Which is probably exactly what they did when they went into town to get "organic" food on the last episode while everyone else worked. Kate's tweets are enormously disturbing to me...she is manic...and, as many of you have already pointed out, the "don't miss me too much" says SO MUCH.
wijg3Kimberly Clobes
@Kateplusmy8 Kate you haven't said WHY your show is ending. Have you been given any explanation??
@wijg3 nope
Maybe someone should refer her to this blog or the FB page so she can read the recaps and comments. It's all here for her reading. It couldn't be more plain then the nose on her face, but she has to be willing to know the answer - and she's not.
Ignorance is bliss. And, she's too blissfully wallowing in the adoration of her fans to even be curious about the reasons for the cancellation.
no, no that is her sense of humor she and the fans say! She is ONLY joking when she says stuff like that!
She is only baiting the 'haters'. hahahaha
She is so proud of her show, the drama! Be sure and watch her kids get upset because she acts like a total Ahole. YES, real drama, but it is NOT her. It is her hired help! Make sure to watch so you can see what really happened, NOT her fault!
@Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
GM! Don't 4get: there's 35 hrs 37 min til the 2nd 2 last 'Kate+8' on TLC 9pm EST. Ur guesses re drama based on promo clips..uh, just watch!
@Kateplusmy8 So, this Oct will be the first bdays NOT on TV... u planning anything big or just going to enjoy something simple?
@Paige_Kate8fanPaige C
@mkbrownlow @kateplusmy8 the 8th and 9th twins b day wasn't on tv either
What a fan there brownie! The tups are the stars. NOT the twins. Their birthdays don't count, they only get ONE party and usually not televised. Only one was that I remember. Imagine how great this makes those two feel? Oh you don't care. Thought not. Remember little Mady saying "I just want to die" at the tups THIRD birthday party given to them for their 6th birthday? No? Didn't think so.
Someone needs to tweet mkbrownlow that "not being conformed to this world" also applies to women who dress like sluts, mutilate their bodies with surgeries, grift money and gifts from people less fortunate than themselves, and emotionally abuse their kids and sell them out for their own personal gain, as well as to women who become creepily enamored of such worldly people....
I am picturing Kate's 'meeting' with Brownie:
They arrange a meeting in a dark parking lot. She will be instructed via DM that she is not allowed to bring a camera or cell phone.
She pulls up in her minivan full of the goods. No one is around. 57 minutes later, (and 25 minutes after scheduled meeting to which Brownnie, in her excitement, arrived very early) the big blue bus pulls up. (Kate drives this because Jon put the gas in before he dropped it off with the kids)
Steve is driving. He exits the vehicle and stops the giddy Brownee as she is sprinting toward the bus. "Whoa- wait right there missy. We have business to attend to before this is going to happen." He holds up a thick packet of papers. "You have some documents to sign." He grabs her firmly by the arm and leads her back to her minivan. In the dim light of van, she skims through the papers. Confidentiality agreement. She must never speak of this meeting. Ever. Sign all 37 papers that firmly promise she will never find a way to profit from this fated meeting. Ever.
She doesn't read, she just signs and signs. When he has the last one completed, she hands them back to Stevie with a grin and bounces out of the van. He stops her again. "Hold on a moment. Wait here."
He takes the paperwork to the van for his 'employer' to review. As the van door opens, the brief flash of interior light enables brownie to see a mess of bleached blonde straw in the passenger's seat. IT'S HER!!!!! Brownie almost wets her pants.
After several minutes, Steve comes back to the waiting Brownie. "Where's the stuff?" Together they begin to unload the back end of her van, which has had the rear seats folded flat since the shopping trip over a week before. Her kids have been crammed into the middle seat, sharing a seat belt, but it's worth it!
Finally, Stevie opens the rear door of the van and gestures to Brownie that she can approach with the case of cereal she's carrying. With a huge grin, she places the box into the van and calls up to the front. "Hello Kate! Hi! We finally MEET!"
Kate, tweeting on her Iphone to PattyPie, doesn't look up. "Yeah- thanks for doing this."
Steve places the last of the boxes inside the van. Brownie calls up again. "Kate, do you want to run over to Starbucks for some coffee? My treat!"
Kate still doesn't look up. "Naw. I have to get back to the kids. I don't usually leave them alone for more than an hour." She's in the middle of a tweet to her new BF Whiney.
Desperation hits Brownie. "Kate, I want to buy your cereal every week from now on. FOREVER! And I want to crochet you an Iphone cover! And I want to take your girls on a weekend retreat. And- " Steve slams the rear door. "We're done here miss."
He hops in the van and drives away, leaving Brownie speechless and in a glow of euphoria. She'd seen the back of Kate's head and she will never forget this moment. Ever.
Brownie has
I went to the store for some milk, shock we are out, yeah right. Upon my return I discover my kitchen table had been taken over by my older kids who all took to try and keep it secret to make birthday cards for me. Guess what secrets out when you leave behind the recipt on a trip to the art supply store guys. Meanwhile I have markers, pencils, glue all over my table, bits of paper they forgot to sweep up and in general a mess but that's theme of my house anyway. And I laughed. I didn't scream and holler the table was ruined. That table has seen more mess than anything in the world, milk spilt, escaped cheerios, crumbs, burnt ends, coffe stains. And I can't imagine why Kate spent so much time trying to keep things clean and perfect in an RV. It's just not natural. Makes you more of a freak really. I vacuumed, I swept, I wiped down and I pretended not to notice the receipt for $7.47 on birthday cards...or so they think because I played along.
re: The Brownie Affair...
Kate won't take advice from anyone. Experience is the best teacher. She'll have to find out for herself. One thing we do know...if there is a meeting, brownie will tweet up a storm, and it will make 80 tweets look like nothing! It will be all over twitter and her blogs. Fans like that can't keep quiet. If they don't meet, she won't say anything at all because she will be too embarrassed.
On second thought, maybe the two are so much alike that a friendship between them would work out. They say that there's a lid for every pot. Maybe Kate just found her pot.
I am always suspicious when, in a tweet, the tweeter constantly feels the need to refer to the other person as "friend," especially if the two never met. Red flag right there!
There is no way that she ran 10 miles today. It is 85 degrees and 80 percent humidity. Just horrible. I took the dog for a walk and I came back sweating like a greased pig. I'm in shape, and I wouldn't attempt a run like that in this weather. She's so full of it.
Kate says you can never be too tiny. Wonder what she would say about this...
Kate tweeted:
Agghggghhh! Freakin paparrazzi, GO AWAY!!!!
Oh, they will, Kate. They will. There will come a time when you will kill to have your photo taken. Shades of Norma Desmond and Baby Jane Hudson.
Brownlow and Kate - is Kate really that desperate to have a friend that she can't see through this whole thing -- that this person is nothing more than someone who wants to grab on to a well-known person just for publicity? Is the fan's self-esteem that low that she needs Kate, of all people, to give her a boost? Can it get any crazier?
Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
Agghggghhh! Freakin paparrazzi, GO AWAY!!!!
@kateplusmy8 we need to figure out a way to divert them so u can just come and go as u please...
My goodness. Kate! The one paps in the entire world who chases you found YOU on an outing in the middle of PA. IMAGINE that. Funny how this guy knows where you are going! He must have a crystal ball, I tell ya.
Brownie "we" have to find a way. O.M.G.
This is too much. Too, too much.
I can't help but picture the TLC crew in their RV bus at night laughing their heads off, knowing that they already planed to bait and switch the normal editing procedure. I can see them all fighting over who got to film what at the next stop.
If I'm honest with myself and knew the kids wouldn't be affected, and I had to work with and feed her ego at the expense of my own self worth, and loss of my job, I would be nearly OCD to want to give pay backs. It's a hard emotion to keep corralled, but I would.
I swear, this thing is getting more bizarre and ridiculous by the minute. (Brownie...thought you were going to play tennis for the day - you haven't missed a chance to comment/tweet ever since????) Paparazzi? Really? Who would pay for their pictures of Kate Gosselin at this point? Anyone? Unlikely. Maybe it's not paps at all...maybe it's tweeties? Following her...right outside her gates...what next?
That was TERRIFIC! And I bet not far from what might actually happen! Too funny!!
Everyone have a wonderful holiday.
Enjoy yourselves and your family and friends.
kate is old news why not move on? her show is gone you all look stupid.
My goodness. Kate! The one pap in the entire world who chases you found YOU on an outing in the middle of PA. IMAGINE that. Funny how this guy knows where you are going! He must have a crystal ball, I tell ya.
And isn't it funny how the pap always seems to show up at the same time TLC is sending her out to pimp her show????
Are these people really so obtuse? Get a clue, sheep! The pap shows up when and where he is told to show up, either by TLC or Kate.
tcparra said...
kate is old news why not move on? her show is gone you all look stupid.
First of all you are NOT TCparra.
What's stupid is someone posting on a blog that you don't agree with. We do what we please. Go away. You are NOT wanted here.
No Regrets said... Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
Agghggghhh! Freakin paparrazzi, GO AWAY!!!!
Ummm... Kate? Only one pap takes pictures of you. One. He works for INF Daily, 99% of the pics end up on their own site. He *will* go away IF YOU STOP CALLING HIM. There are no other paps taking pictures of you. None. At. All. Since 2009. Please stop, your delusions of relevancy are pathetically pathetic.
And- " Steve slams the rear door. "We're done here miss."
Jupiter, thanks for the laugh-of-the-day! Steve takes her cell phone to make sure that there is NO recording of this meeting, deletes all photos, even those she took loading up her cart at the store, and then uses his rat claws to move her along!
Admin, I hope you don't go back to moderating. Just keep deleting, and those lucky enough to get a chance to see these trolls' posts before they are gone can feel good about not being on the other side of the fence! :)
BTW, to the trolls, is your friend.
Kate tweeted about how long Jon had the kids. Of course Chris is going to sit there and try to earn a couple of easy $$$ off the pictures. He's a freaking user with no real job.
This is how it goes: Chris the pap reads the tweets about Jon having the kids 1/2 the weekend. So Chris sits on the corner of the road leading up to Kate's place and waits a couple hours. I know cuz I've seen him there. - he sees the BBV coming down the hill and immediately follows. Jon drops the kids and the Big Blue Van off at the front of the gate because Kate won't let him drive in and let the paparazzi NOT get pictures - Jon is then driven home by either Ellen or another friend who has followed them in the BBV.
If Kate would keep her friggin' mouth (twitter) shut about how long she or Jon have the kids these things wouldn't happen. Jon hasn't tweeted ONCE this weekend or actually for a LONG LONG time about when he's had the kids.
She does this for attention, and then claims the whole 'whoa is me' crap.
Why do these stupid people come here and post? No one goes to their stupid little sites and post. No one cares about their sites.
And they dare call us the haters. Pathetic people.
Now THIS is scary...
@kateplusmy8 we need to figure out a way to divert them so u can just come and go as u please...
WE need to figure out a way. WE? WE? Is she now a member of Kate's security team? Is she on the payroll? Is Steve gone? What the heck is going on with this woman?
Kate!!! Wake up and smell the Starbucks! Something is very wrong here! You can't be this naive that you can't see it!
Jupiter said...
Seriously? Someone is going to post here as me and say things like that? Wow, how old are these people?
No one thinks otherwise. We know it is the dumb sheeple.. No need to explain a thing.
sold out the none fans meant to say
You always know it's a sheeple because he/she has a diploma from the Sheeple School of Bad Grammar and Spelling. Not one of them can write one complete grammatically correct sentence!
If they wouldn't be so disgusting, they'd actually be a hoot. Make that a bleat.
This is a link I found while looking for other info. It's talks about Kate having a gig on "The Talk"
If they wouldn't be so disgusting, they'd actually be a hoot. Make that a bleat.
Thanks for the LAUGH! They do sound like a bunch of middle school mean girls don't they.
Dear Lake Up North-my heart hurts for you, as I mostly know how you are feeling.September 11 will mark 9 years since I lost a child to a rare cancer. I am lucky to still have 2 other daughters, they mean more than the world to me.
Those who have told me that "time heals all wounds" have never buried a child.All you can do,is what works best for you, and no one can tell you how it should be. Crying helps, though the first 6 months, I sobbed, which is worse than just crying. Keep your head held high and proud, your husband would want you to be strong. All you can do is your best. Thank God for the children you have, they will be your greatest comfort.
Gordon Ramsey can suck it for what I care. TWO of his former co-stars/competitors commited suicide after being on his shows. The guy is a pig who only plays a 'character' who happens to be a pig, too.
I hope the parents who let this brownlow woman "mentor" their children get wind of her twitter obsession with Kate. That woman is seriously not right. She seems to have some real self esteem issues herself. And she thinks latching on to Kate Gosselin will make her relevant?! Bwaa Haa Haa
And to top it off - she's apparently been at this for years! Sending stuff to Kate in the mail! Whackadoodle!
I wouldn't let her mentor my dog.
Jupiter, that was absolutely hilarious. I could picture the whole scenario in my head. And boy did it annoy one of Kate's little sheeple. Double whammy!
Wowsa! over 800 comments! I'm only gone for a few hours & all this reading. What a daunting task....for the sheeple I mean. It must take them, oh, I don't know, hours to read all of these truths that we are putting out there about Kate. Then they have to find some mean & nasty words on (a thesaurus is a tool you use when you want to find a word that is just like another word, but different), although all of you usually go with; jerks, morons, losers, & jellus jerks.
Then, you try & try to find contradicting (look it up) evidence (look it up) that we may be wrong. But we're not, we're not. So, instead, you come here & pretend to be one of us. And because WE are way smarter & more articulate (look it up) we just know it's an impersonation. So, you don't fool us! Nice try though! *golf clap*
Hmm. . . Kate is alluding to a secret that will air on the last episode. I do believe that Kate is finally going to admit that Stevie is her man.
What I'm REALLY waiting for is Kate's twitter feed AFTER September 12.
Actually, make that a few weeks after September 12, when it's finally obvious to her and everyone that she's not getting any phone calls to be on talk shows, in TV shows, in movies (ha!), on the radio, in magazines, etc.
Hell, by then, she'll be begging the lone pap Chris to come out to middle of nowhere Pennsylvania to take horrid pictures of her "running." (Not that she doesn't already do it, but she'll probably stop fake griping about it.)
Oh Kate. Everyone can see the truth except you and a few deluded fans. If you didn't have every bit of it coming to you, it'd be truly sad.
Kate tweets about runs and what she's doing all weekend long. Then she cries foul when the paps show up???
It was like a trail of breadcrumbs for them to follow. This was her fault!
And when it's just one pap, Kate, it's paparazzo.
I wouldn't let her mentor my dog.
HA. I wouldn't let her near my hamster.
I wouldn't let her mentor my dog.
I wouldn't let her mentor my carnival goldfish!
Sorry, Regrets. I posted my comment about the "WE" before I read yours. We were thinking along the same lines. This woman is beyond nuts.
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