Credits! Sheesh, from all this happy music and excited shouting (Mady! Cara! Alexis!) you would think this show is sooner about lollipops and Leprechauns. When really it’s a highly unethical psychological experiment of misery and infuriation and one cruel, delusional, batshit crazy bitch.
Weird serious graphic flashes across the screen: “In July of 2011, Kate and her kids embarked on an RV Trip … ” What is this, did Michael Moore join production?
Day 13. Oh, are we starting at the end and working our way backward? Will Kate wake up from a drunken night of clubbing and foot licking in NYC, wondering why there is a baby and a tiger in the room, Jamie’s missing a tooth, and Steve is nowhere to be found but his mattress is on the RV roof?
It breaks my heart to recap this part, and I think TLC, and Kate, and anyone who had a hand in letting this be filmed are sick, disgusting human beings. Ashley cannot stand it anymore. She says to Kate, “I’m done! After this trip, I’m done!” Mady, Cara, and Collin are literally sobbing and wailing Ashley’s name as she packs up and leaves. Ashley’s devastated, too. This show has never made me cry before until now. Actually, one other time I cried, when Kate suggested that kiwis are birds without arms, but that was tears of disbelief as I could not comprehend the sheer stupidity.
Flashback to Day 1 and Kate is packing like it‘s the second coming and she actually thinks she‘s not going to get Left Behind. I know it‘s the wild, wild West, but we do have grocery stores and Targets and even a couple gas stations out here, too. I hear tell some folks even have that fancy newfangled cable T.V.! Also, no aliens, don’t believe the movies! Kate wants to surprise the kids with each location. Eh, rather she’s just too lazy to take them to the local library and help them read up on what they‘re going to see. Kate also tries to play this off like it will be leaked to the paparazzi. The concept that no one gives a flying rip about her 100th stupid stressful child exploiting trip is as foreign to her as physics, or even, American history.
Even though Kate has tried to keep it a secret, sharp as a stick Mady has already figured out they are going on an RV trip, how? Because her stupid mother labeled a bunch of containers none other than, “FOOD TO BE PUT IN RV.” Oops. Oh, and Mady heard Kate talking about it on the phone while Mady was standing right there. Remind me never to hire Kate for espionage.
Kate snaps at Mady to get paper towels. For what? Why, to wipe a little dust off the bumper off the van. Oh, good, I thought it was something serious like she hit a deer or somebody vomited again or something. Mady is going as fast as she can, bolting back inside, but Kate shouts, “Honestly! Get a little bit of fire under your butt! Man! You should know by now whenever you’re helping me you should be running at all times!”
“Sorry,” Mady murmurs, chastened. I may cry more than once this episode yet.
The RVs are on the lawn and Kate starts shoving stuff in the storage below the cabin and being a big baby about it, crying she hurt her hand. “Uh, um, at some point we’re going to have to stop playing ‘we’re filming a T.V. show’ and really work because I’m really done,” Kate snaps to what appears to be some production off camera.
So this whole time we were playing filming a T.V. show. Ah-ha, I knew it!
More rather creepy documentary graphics. Also, as someone pointed out, there’s no music. Budget cuts? What’s next, no more Starbucks and manicures for Kate? This is like a prison movie. I need upbeat drums and an intern screwing around on a keyboard to soothe me, I‘m getting anxiety otherwise.
“Two days later, the Gosselins flew to South Dakota to meet up with their packed RV’s.” Jamie and her kids met them there.
I need a second. Hahahahaha. Hahahaha. Okay, I’m good. I never realized the “road” in “road trip” meant you hire some stranger to do the driving for you and you fly out and meet them later. This is like paying someone to say Hail Marys for you. Or if you like, having children only to leave them to nannies like Ashley to raise while you twitter all day. Missing the point, really, really, missing the point.
The kids all pile into the gigantic RVs and explore. “It’s small!” is Hannah’s first reaction. That makes sense. To Kate, millions upon millions of dollars is not enough to fully fund college, so why wouldn’t a huge luxury RV famous rock stars use all the time on tour be “small” to this family? One thing that will become very clear about this episode? Just as we feared, six years of giving kids everything they could ever dream of is finally catching up, and it’s very sad to watch (and certainly, not the children‘s fault). Kate wanted her kids (read: herself) to have everything, and this is the result of that misguided wish.
“Don’t touch anything!” Kate shouts psychotically. Kate brags that she is a size four (heh, and those girls are real too) as they squeeze into the narrow area between a counter and the table. I missed how it happened, but Collin cuts his elbow. Kate screams at Jamie to pass her paper towels, pronto! Your name is Jamie, not Kunta Kinte!
Kate will be driving. Who wants to go with her?! Beuller? Beuller?
Collin raises his hand, probably in the vain hope this will somehow improve his standing a millimeter or two up from the basement of the totem poll. Hannah, the golden child, raises her hand because she’s the golden child and likely has no clue what the rest of the children are going through, as her life with Kate is relatively great. Someday, she will most likely be the one disputing the tell-alls that come out about her mother, saying that never happened they’re just making up lies for money, because for her, she would be right, that never happened. Jamie’s son Clay raises his hand because he hasn’t spent that much time with Kate and is blissfully unaware, though not for long, of what a living nightmare being around her is, especially if you are of the male persuasion (he will get an education very soon, read on). Leah raises her hand, then seconds later puts it back down in regret; perhaps she thought she was being asked who wants ice cream. And that’s it. Just three kids of the eleven want to be with Kate. In a democracy, or even in Charlie Sheen la-la-land, this is called … LOSING!
“Hi, I’m Mike,” the RV driver says as he shakes Kate’s hand. Mike what? This is a man who is going to be around her children 24/7 and she’s just meeting him now? Hm, has he gotten a background check or did production just pull some random trucker off his rig at a weigh station somewhere in Maryland on the way up? Hm, you don’t look like a child molester, how would you like to drive around an RV for a couple weeks with Kate Gosselin? Would a little extra hazard pay sweeten the deal? Okay fine, a lot extra.
Kate takes a stab at driving. “Hold hands,” Hannah says snarkily, “so if we die, we die together!” Ha, good one, Hannah.
Also, what’s a bit odd is that all the sextuplets are now riding with Kate when only two of them wanted to go when they voted. Either the six decided they’d rather just be together narcissistic witch at the wheel or not, or their votes don’t mean a darn thing in the dictatorship that is their lives. I’m guessing the latter. (We find out later, it's the latter. Kate decided herself where they would ride before they ever even left. I hate adults that pretend it's a democracy and take a vote knowing all along they're just going to do what they want vote in their favor or not.) I guess it’s good the kids are going through this together and look to each other like this. Their lives, I mean. Hold hands, sextuplets, so when the narcissist eats your souls, you’ll all be eaten together.
“If you care about your life you’ll ride quietly,” Kate orders.
“How would you ride quietly?” Hannah retorts. I’m not sure what that means, but it sounds funny! Kid’s on a roll!
You know what’s kind of sad about Kate driving for about a mile and a half? The kids are so supportive. Lots of things like, “you did it, Mommy!” and clapping. Far more supportive of her accomplishments than she has been of anything they have ever done. The wacky role reversal here, where the kids are rapidly emerging as far more mature and normal than Kate, meanwhile Kate just keeps regressing to become even more childlike and crazy, is fascinating. "Jesus, take the wheel," Jamie quips. Ha, good song. I guess when you have to be around Kate, all you can do to survive and not poke your eyeballs out with a plastic fork is just keep making snide remarks like that one.
Day 2! It's been cold and drizzly for a few days (huh? We're only on day 2 and it was sunny yesterday) and Kate says everyone's feeling cooped up so they decide to go out in the rain. "You are weird," Hannah accuses Clay, who appears to be doing nothing more benign than playing with a stick. "According to science, you're weird," Clay retorts. Hey, that's a good one, Clay. "You're mean!" Hannah cries, outraged. Well, Hannah, when you start with someone, that's often what happens, they dish it right back, and it can be mean. Ask Kate. On second thought, don't ask Kate, she will deny she ever instigated anything.
"I think camping and freezing cold temperatures with me must go together," Kate says. And I think camping is trying to tell her that, much like the rest of the world, they don't want her.
The kids start a playful mud fight in the creek. How confusing for a child who one day is not allowed to get even so much as a granule of sugar on the floor, and the next is allowed to roll around in the dirt like it’s Woodstock. This will be the one and only time on this trip Kate relaxes and has fun with a child, only it won't be with any of her own kids--she chases around Clay and they sling mud and get the giggles and have a good ole time. My mouth is sort of half open because I've never seen Kate interact with a child like this in my life. She is covered in mud so it's hard to tell, maybe this is just her stand in? Will the real Kate please come out and hit her mark?
"Have I ever told you how much I love you?!" Kate cries as she puts him in a headlock. I don't know, but when's the last time she told her bio children that? This whole thing should be so cute. But because she never, ever cuts loose with her own children, it has this bizarre undertone. In a way, it's almost like she's trying to rub it in with her own kids. What message she's trying to send them, I don't really know for sure, (maybe, if only you could be like Clay then I could really have fun with you?) because it's the mind of a narcissist and their motives often have no basis in any rational thinking. Weird.
Since everything is on Kate's terms, when she decides she's done and announces as such, all the fun screeches to a grinding halt. These kids must have developed amazing brakes by now.
Day 3! Leah says she was claustrophobic during the night because it was cold and she was zipped up tight in her sleeping bag. That's a big word for a little girl, good for her! I’m guessing she learned it from Kate. This McMansion is so claustrophobic! First class makes me claustrophobic! Steve, make me claustrophobic!
They all pile around the tables in the RV to have breakfast. A little griping from the kids, but the biggest whiner is Kate. They only have full fat coffee creamer, blech! For some reason, Kunta Kinte gets blamed for this. “Yes! All right!” Jamie says with a Jersey-shore style fist pump. Good for her, way to stand up for normal food! By the way, I find it rather insensitive when a very thin person who really is the last gal who needs to worry about her weight, constantly talks about dieting around friends who aren’t necessarily as horizontally blessed.
It took all night to organize, Kate is freezing cold she was awake all night and her back is killing her. Organize what? A few foodstuffs? What could possibly take so long to line up some cereal boxes, put out some plastic spoons and some fatso fatty-pants needs to get on Biggest Loser to have any hope creamer? Or maybe she means she was organizing her hooker heels? I can see how that might keep one up all night.
Kate has some bizarro explanation I can't follow for why she ended up in one RV with the younger kids and Ashley and Jamie in the other with the older kids. But the real reason is, because nobody likes you, Kate, but it‘s easier to force the younger kids to go with you. Kate’s response to getting stuck with the little kids, you know, her flesh and blood children who are sweet and funny and full of life? “Oh, crap.”
The kids want a servant to go get them extra blankets and things they need. That's Steve, one of the kids says. That one little comment told me so much about how these kids have been groomed to perceive their world. Without a hint of irony, Kate tells them, no that's not Steve's job (Steve is for my vanity, not yours, child), but "someday when you’re rich and powerful, you can have a servant, but you’ve gotta work hard.” Yikes, these kids have worked their butts off for six years even through vacations (with no time and a half!) and for many of those years for free, how many more years does Kate envision they will have to do this before the reap any rewards? I guess early retirement is out of the question.
Day 3! Kate gathers the kids at a table and lays out some clues as to where they are going. A rock, a hammer, a chisel and a dollar bill. How do these all fit together, Kate asks. Um, um, um, I know! Things you can use to knock the stupidity out of Mommy with? Dollar bill, hmm. Uhh, what will be left in the bank for the kids when all is said and done?
Mount Rushmore! Mady blurts out about three seconds later. I’m not sure why this surprises Kate so much, Mady‘s far from stupid. Mady gets the dollar bill for a prize. Better go ask for some change, Mady, Kate will want her 85% of that.
They arrive at Mount Rushmore, the kids have to go to the bathroom and for some reason this really annoys Kate. “We’re a photo opportunity!” Kate cries. She wants the kids to be ready to go at the door of the RV’s to run out when they get to places. One of the kids says if you don’t give me a warning when we are about to get there how the heck am I supposed to know where we are and whether we‘re almost there? Such a good point!
People are taking authorized photos and tweeting them! Kate bemoans. I never saw any photos from this attraction at all, though there were a few tweets after the fact. Kate? Public place. The law says you can take photos of whoever you want if they‘re in a public place or the paparazzi wouldn‘t be able to exist in the first place. There’s nothing “unauthorized” about this. Also, maybe if you didn’t traipse around everywhere with a huge camera crew and boom mics and producers with headsets and a bodyguard, people wouldn’t realize you’re anyone famous, and wouldn’t take photos and tweet! Most people would assume it’s just another school group if this weren’t always such a spectacle. Like waving a sign around all day saying “Somebody please sock me in the face” and then being upset when someone actually takes you up on it.
“There’s nothing we can do about it,” Jamie says sensibly. Exactly, so what is the point in being upset and throwing a fit and upsetting the kids? Ashley’s body language is crossed arms and annoyed. Jamie and Ashley have more common sense in their little fingers than Kate could ever hope for, and their attitudes are eons more healthy for these kids right now than Kate’s.
As they walk to the monument, Jamie whispers to Ashley, “Why does she care who takes pictures? Who cares? They’re going to take pictures.”
Ashley, bless her heart, tries to muster up some kind of defense for this delusional monster she calls her employer, “Well, they don‘t want….” Ashley defended Kate because a good nanny defends the mother of the kids no matter what, and yet Kate threw her under the bus on twitter once the episode aired. Kate doesn’t deserve Ashley’s loyalty.
“But they’re going to do it no matter what,” Jamie goes on, there’s nothing you can do, so why get all stressed?
Jamie, you are applying logic to the most illogical person I’ve ever seen profiled on camera. Like trying to eat fluffernutter without it sticking to the roof of your mouth, it’s impossible to make sense of Kate. Don’t hurt yourself.
It’s so foggy you can barely see FDR up there. Even Mount Rushmore wants Kate to GO AWAY nothing to see here move along. Yes, you heard right, that’s FDR. Even Ashley goes along with this, which doesn’t bode well for home school’s reputation, I hate to say it. Cara is like, ummmm, I’m pretty sure that’s Teddy. Kate insists it’s FDR and even pulls out her pamphlet to prove it. Sure, that’s FDR, right next to President Ben Franklin, Chuck E Cheese, and that guy who invented Post-its. How long were they here, seems like two seconds later we’re turning around. Get enough for the dailies and move on.
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Arthur Fry, American hero |
Day 5! Her next clues are a banana and a rock. Hmm, let’s see. She fantasizes about a rock on her finger from Steve, and wishes she could peel his banana?
Yellowstone, the kids guess almost instantly. Really Kate, stop just finding whatever is within reach and work to come up with some more challenging clues. They see a buffalo and snow. They stop to play in the snow a little. This whole scene goes on for what feels like three hours. Really, TLC?
Jamie and Ashley say they have the party bus and Kate has the boring bus. Shots of the party bus doing what normal fun people do on RV vacations. Eating junk food, laughing and screaming, doing Blair Witch project parodies. All around fun, what vacation should be about.
Shots of the boring bus. Kate removing dirt from under Collin’s finger nails and giving him a warning. Ha. What was that warning, to stop being a boy? Who's next, step right up, kids! Kate is bitching the RV is inconvenient because she has to adjust the little pillow behind her back.
Kate is excited to see Old Faithful because it’s an iconic part of our country. I suppose she thinks it shoots up Jello pudding? Ha, the producers are just having fun with her now, though she appears clueless to it. Do they know anything about Old Faithful? one asks. Sorry to say, no, Kate admits. She Googled it on the way over. I’m guessing she was that kid who scratched out their book report on the back of a bus seat on the way to school and doesn't care if they fail because they're the greatest anyway.
Mady starts to go on about what she knows about Old Faithful, then kind of stumbles and says she wants to start over. You mean, take two? No! says Kate. Oh, give the child another take, Kate, have a heart! You probably would give yourself ten! In case Old Faithful didn’t know, it’s all about Kate. She is about to spew just like it!
Kate does an interview about the day and says it was beautiful but the kids weren’t very appreciative. What, crazy? Does she listen to her children at all? The kids said they loved it, and Leah said that Old Faithful was the most beautiful thing she has ever seen. That’s hardly not appreciative, especially for just a seven year old. Kate is in what is arguably the most spectacular park in the entire country and all Kate can talk about is being back in her own bed.
The kids are racing on a rocky path and some of them get scraped up. Cara goes over to Ashley and accuses Clay of tripping them. The whole thing is on film, and that is absolutely not true. He just slipped. Poor Clay, his expression is like, you’re not believing this are you? Thankfully, Ashley handles it well, telling her firmly it was an accident and she can go sit in the RV if she wants. Good girl, Ashley. There are no playing favorites here.
Kate’s back to her tirade about how much the RVs suck. Hint to Kate, when you’re doing a product placement for Challenger RVs, you might want to say a few nice things about them. Just every couple days. Hey, Challenger? Your RVs look rockin’ to us, in fact, here’s a link to y‘all! Why, Kate could even mention them in her manic tweets. But Kate wouldn't know how to promote something if it hit her in her leathery face.
Day 6! We’re almost halfway through this vacation from hell. Still in Yellowstone, a cranky breakfast in the RV. In the absolute middle of breakfast, Kate decides to grab a vacuum, drag it violently across some rocks, and vacuum the RV from top to bottom. This actually seems to calm her as she breaths a sigh.
After breakfast, Clay wants to play legos with Collin and Cara. Cara is so upset I can’t completely understand her, but she starts crying to Ashley that Kate said she didn‘t have to play with Clay. Ashley is like, No she didn’t, that‘s ridiculous?! I understand Ashley is fed up by the constant absurd undermining by Kate, but sadly, she lets it get the best of her and throws the lego box on the table and stomps off, slamming a bedroom door. Sigh.
You know, I understand a girl Cara’s age not wanting a boy his age around. But it’s an important lesson to get along with other kids, even kids you don’t like, and indulging their desires doesn’t help them.
Cara goes crying to Kate but heck if Kate wants to deal with this. She does everything she can to pass her off on Jamie, Ashley, Steve, the muffin man, Mr. Ed. Anybody but her please handle this. Finally Kate says tell Clay to sit somewhere else. Oh, that's fair. Not! Cara marches back to Jamie and informs her Clay has to leave the table. Good for Jamie, standing up for Clay. She doesn’t indulge this. Jamie goes over to talk to Kate. Kate tries to blame this on any child but Cara, but Jamie pegs it right from the get-go. Kate, the problem here is Cara. Not Collin, not Clay, not anyone else.
“Keep Clay away from her, please!” Kate retorts.
That’s how Kate deals with anyone she disagrees with, isn’t it? Just get them away, don’t deal with them, estrange them out. Never deal with your people problems head on, that’s for wusses!
“You need to control Clay!” Kate has the audacity to say to Jamie. Jamie is the one who should be packing up right now and getting out of this with a big F-U, where the hell does Kate get off? Not to mention, I have not seen a single solitary second of footage that remotely suggested Clay is a problem. He seems quiet and agreeable, sweet and fun. He enjoys playing with sticks for pity sake, how much trouble can he be? I suppose that’s just the editing, right Kate? He’s really a monster?
Finally Kate is just like, you play with your legos and Clay plays with his. I don’t think that was the issue, the problem was playing with each of their legos at the same table. Ashley is just kind of laughing in disbelief saying this is bad, there’s gonna be a knock down drag out!
Still on Day 6! Yikes. I guess we’re camping for real now? The kids gather rocks.
Kate went to the grocery store, it must be organic, Jamie snarks. Ashley says the trip is stressful and actually it‘s mostly the adults who argue, not the kids. They say as long as Kate stays in her bus they’ll be okay. Okay, they’re just bitter now. There’s this interesting bond developing between Ashley and Jamie. I’ve seen this very same phenomenon happen among normal people who have to be around a narcissist. The worse the narcissist treats you, the closer you feel to other victims. Also this can be seen in hostage situations, where hostages come out of a two-year ordeal tied together in a dark basement, and feel like long lost sisters.
She’s baaack! Wowser, where did that nice GMC red SUV come from? Just appeared? Is this anything like that roll of paper towels that appeared on the porch one day?
Kate gives orders to her slaves to cut and wash and chop. Steve, like most men in Kate’s life, is just trying to stay out of this all, which becomes a lot easier when there is a fire to tend and lighter fluid to pour on it. Stuff like that somehow always manages to keep men busy for hours. Meanwhile Kate freaks out on Jamie for ripping some lettuce instead of chopping it.
“If you have to rip it, I’d rather chop it, really!” Kate tells her.
Jamie gives her a confused look. “If you’d rather rip it you‘d rather have to chop it?” Jamie, stop trying to understand the crazy. Really, you’re going to injure yourself.
More childish sniping over an onion. From the adults. The kids are hitting and tipping each other over in the chairs and crying. The adults don’t know what to do anymore but just ignore it all. So what do you do when it all goes to hell? Why, makeovers! Out of the blue, Ashley starts painting eye shadow and eye liner on the girls. Um, what? The only thing that would make this family seem any more dysfunctional than at this moment is to doll up the seven-year-old girls.
Kate scorched the chicken over an open flame. Really bad choice to cook chicken over an open flame, it‘s one of the most difficult meats, and dangerous, to cook that way. The cavemen never would have invented fire had they known Kate would have screwed dinner up this badly. Kate says she nearly burned the chicken. And a circle is nearly round. The chicken is absolutely charred. Honestly, I don’t know what the plan is for tomorrow! Kate brags. You don’t have to when production does it all!
If you think TLC hates Kate after watching this episode, wait until you see what happens next week.
826 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 826 Newer› Newest»You all spoke too soon! First Kate said I would prefer December rather than November, look what she just tweeted! Oh, um well December isn't really that good either now that I think of it.
There will be an excuse why every single month isn't good for her, watch. She doesn't have the slightest desire to attend some fan obsessed Kate Konference.
I'll say it, she's a real bitch to these fans. F her.
Great recap. I am thrilled I did not watch. What a waste of technology to put this on the air. Except the recaps are delightful. Thanks, Admin.
Re: gathering. Now spring is being mentioned. Spring is busy for Kate. She's got to go bikini shopping, organize her high heeled sandals, get her feet pampered in time for summer. Then there's that Easter ham to cook.
February, oh, um that's not really good either. All those preparations for Groundhog Day!
I predict she will loosely commit to some random date in the spring, then two weeks prior, back out like there's no tomorrow with some lame excuse and her apologies and promises to try again next year!
What a sick, sad woman.
All I can say about this recap is #WINNING! I loved the veiled references to Roots, Hangover and I especially loved the first paragraph with the RV trip being 666 times worse that the Griswold trip....might that be because it's the trip from hell and Kate will be playing the devil? Again, loved all the veiled references that neither Kate nor her flock will get if they read this recap. My personal favorite is informing Jamie that she's not Kunta Kinte. I've got to go use some spot remover on my shirt now becasue I'm afraid the Lambrusco that I snorted out might stain. You really do need to wite a book.
As far as Kate making excuses not to attend Twitfest, she's got 8, count them 8, kids and they will all be sick and as one recovers anothr will fall ill OR she doesn't have anyone to watch the kids because she's um, like, you know, a single mom who does it all alone and Jon won't take them if it's not his weekend.
Isn't February also President's Day? No time to party. She must spend all of February making cakes for Presidents Burr, Dewey and oh, you know, the short one with the glasses - from Philly, something about electricity..... yeah, him.
Last I read on Austin Martin's twitter was some date in April. I predict, as Admin does, that
interest will be all fizzled out by then.
They are hoping Kate will come for a speaking engagement. They are looking at a venue that will hold up to 1,500 people. Maybe they'll all bring sleeping bags and RV's so KanDo Kate can
feel right at home. I hope Chris is available for photos.
Holy crap Admin, you wrote a freakin novel! That was a long recap but so worth the time. Spot on and hilarious as usual. Thanks for taking the time and torture for "our viewing pleasure".
As for the get together event, notice Kate suggested December works better. Then Iwanna tweeted about how unpredicatable weather is in St Louis in December and she replied like she had an epiphany that weather is not good in December. The excuses will continue to grow or she will just ignore them like they don't exist after awhile. Wait until those kids find out that she will gladly do a speaking arrangement for the "benefit" but that she expects her airfare, lodging, food, transportation, wine, purse handler, cell phone minutes, etc. to be paid like all "stahs" do when doing an appearance. Those poor kids.
Laurie, thanks! I was thrilled to work in Roots. My mom loves miniseries and it was the first one she introduced to me and we watched together and discussed the era and the history and I learned so much and got to do it snuggled up with Mommy. #Goodmommy! My fav miniseries next to War and Remembrance.
I am writing a book, incidentally, a novel set during the Civil War. :)
I never have to listen to that shrew's voice on TV, when I can read your witty recaps, and for that I appreciate the time and energy you devote to this blog.
OT, but I hope to hell Kate does speak at Penn State, Fayette, in November. I live in the area and if she's there, I will be the first in line. I haven't watched a show since the divorce ... not on TV, nor on-line ... and have only seen her on a couple of other shows ... maybe GMA and The View. But that's it ... her constant lying and treatment of Jon did me in. However, wild horses couldn't keep me away from Penn State, just to see for myself what kind of audience she attracts (if she attracts any) and how they respond to her. As for what lies she may spin, I'm sure I'll need a cold shower and a good glass of wine afterwards.
fidosmommy said...
-snip- "Then there's that Easter ham to cook." Would you be referring to Kate's face? ;)
Another fabulous recap, Admin. You are brimming with talent. So happy to hear that you are writing a novel.
The auditorium where Kate is scheduled to speak on Nov. 3 holds 450 people. Not a huge crowd will be able to hear her musings and insights.
In the previous thread, I mentioned another fan asking Kate to participate in her school's fundraiser, after Kate's Giving Back TN fundraiser. Thanks to Google search I managed to find it here on this blog easily.
From She is a Cow's post:
6/22/11 6:46am
@Kateplusmy8 Would u like 2 do a back 2 school fundraiser 2 help kids get the supplies they need here in Nebr around the begining of school?
Then she asked if Kate got her Tweet
Kate's Reply:
@bjg37 Yes I did. Not sure if I can fun another trip just yet but would love 2 help some how....thoughts?
My post:
6/22/11 2:38pm
@Kateplusmy8 @bjg37 Maybe u will be able2 come 2other places in the future.You really did bring attention to the cause.Clapping hands 4 you
in reply to ↑
Kate Gosselin:
@poorbabi @bjg37 would luv2do more but sadly costs a lot&can only do them occas when on me-- grim reality-single mom( of8)!
Kate is already making scheduling excuses to get herself out of this event. Just wait, she'll use her "poverty" excuse once again. Why string them along if she has no intention of attending? Especially if these kids can't fund Kate's luxury travel and hotel expenses. It's sick if these kids really pull through for this event and Kate backs out after continuing to encourage them to do it.
Kate won't show up to another little event if it's a dismal turn-out like her last event in TN.
Kate was concerned about people tweeting pictures of them??? Did she not tweet herself her location while they were on the RV trip?? Does anyone remember?
I didn't think of this when I watched it online, but when you did your recap, I wondered if Cara's frustration with CLay resulted from that early revelation from Kate to Clay, in front of her children... " have I told you how much I love you?"... I do not think I have ever heard Kate say that to her kids in THAT way.. She might say it in a voice over, or while sititng on the couch, but I don't think I have ever heard her say that directly to her kids... and , If I was Cara, and I heard that, I would be ticked at Clay too...( even tho it isn't his fault, but thats how kids minds work)...
Oh oh oh, amazing recap - not sure what hurts more, side from laughing or head from reading the truly awfullnes that is k8. Good thing I forgot to pour that glass of red since it would have spewed everywhere. Maybe we need a doomsday counter for when she finally implodes, can't be much longer if a Nov 3 college date is her entire fall calendar.
and Steve is nowhere to be found but his mattress is on the RV roof?
Maybe Steve took off after Christie Brinkley in her red Ferrari!
Heck, after spending time with Kate, even Aunt Edna (dead or alive) would be a good catch!
Admin, as you've probably realised by now Iakm not exactly prone to throwing around compliments and I lurve yous, but this recap ROCKED! Bravisimo. Take a bow and a couple of curtain calls while I throw roses at your feet. I laughed, I shook my head in shock and disgust and let my jaw fall open in wonder. Great job.
As for what was actually written about... No words. Just.... Whoa. I wonder if in Jamie and Ashley we are seeing why Beth left the ski holiday so abruptly, never to come back?
Westcoaster said...
Good thing I forgot to pour that glass of red since it would have spewed everywhere.
We seem to have a lot of people who drink something while blogging/reading.
Maybe we all need to have spit sinks next to our computers. We can put inspirational sayings over them and think of Kate as we utilize the sinks.
One rule: No toothbrushing allowed. That is done in the toothbrush sink only. Got it?
Now see, this is why Hey Jude and I are drinking white wine and Canadian Beer; it stains less when we spew from laughing!
Although something tells me, Admin, you held back a little because you are trying not to note too much about the kids. Good for you.
I havent watched in some years, but all the episodes sort of sound the same. As I recall, Katie gets pampered but whines and complains and screams. Katie has lovely, smart kids who do cute things but Katie whines and complains and threatens. Katie is treated to free luxuries, but she whines and complains and throws things. And at the 3/4 mark of every episode, Katie pouts and sulks and flaps her fingers. Usually at the very end, she is strutting, flashing tits and toenails, and then cackels to someone off camera. Cue credits.
As amazing as it sounds to watch a personality disorder escalate into a break with reality while 8 little ones watch in horror, I would rather put that pencil back in my eye; so thanks for watching so I dont have to! Are you going to sit through the next one too? Shudder.
“How would you ride quietly?” Hannah retorts. I’m not sure what that means, but it sounds funny! Kid’s on a roll!"
I thought she replied back to Kate "How 'bout you ride quietly?"
Whatever she was funny...and Hannah is on a roll.
Great job on the recap!
Oh, Just Dwindle reminded me of something. My friend who watched said she thought she saw
something about Gosselin in the credits. Can anyone confirm or correct that, please? Thanks.
Wait a second... no couch interview for desert?
Teresa said...
Wait a second... no couch interview for desert?
There were no couch interviews for anyone, Kate or kids. Which says to me probably they don't care anymore, they're just splicing together some filler footage for a few send-off episodes. They're not going to spend money for a lot of couch interviews for a canceled show.
However, what's scary though is after they came home from the trip Kate's tweets made it seem like she was working several days after and what else would you assume but couch interviews?? Another possibility is they did the couch interviews, but decided for whatever reason not to splice them it (it takes longer, more time more expensive, etc). Yet another example in the long list of proof we have about all the work that goes into this show that never sees the light of day. Maybe someone can find the tweets, I swear to gosh Kate said something about how THEY were working a certain weekend i.e. couch interviews.
The very thought of all these kids sitting through couch interviews that never aired makes me sick.
Although something tells me, Admin, you held back a little because you are trying not to note too much about the kids. Good for you.
The thing with the kids is that when the adults are stressed out and upset, it filters down to the kids. The kids had their moments and I did write about some of them, but the adults were far worse. Really, Kate, taking a child's side when you weren't even there to know what happened?? #Crappyparenting
As amazing as it sounds to watch a personality disorder escalate into a break with reality while 8 little ones watch in horror,
I've never heard it put so well. That's exactly what we've been watching the past 6 months or so.
Admin, as you've probably realised by now Iakm not exactly prone to throwing around compliments and I lurve yous, but this recap ROCKED
Thank you but really, all the credit goes to Jamie and Ashley for their snark, the kids for their funny retorts, and of course, Kate herself for being such a bitch and making my job easy.
Really Kate, a room of 350 at a tiny Penn State satellite campus. Not even at University Park! Jon scored a speaking engagement at the main giant campus in a giant auditorium with according to fans there, 1,000 people and a standing ovation. Oh how the cookie crumbles.
Thanks for recapping, Admin!
“Uh, um, at some point we’re going to have to stop playing ‘we’re filming a T.V. show’ and really work because I’m really done,” Kate snaps to what appears to be some production off camera.
Kate really said this on camera?! LOL...this just shows how dependent she is on her production crew. As soon as those cameras are off, they take over and do the rest of the work. The production crew is probably relieved they're no longer "servants" to this diva.
So much for "tiny" RVs. Kate gets top of the line rockstar RVs, yet she still finds something to complain about. Kate would probably find something to complain about if she rode in Air Force One. This "golden platter" lifestyle has really made Kate and her kids unappreciative of all the things and experiences they've been blessed with. Sad really.
As for Old Faithful, I don't understand how Kate was clueless about it since they had a park ranger with them. From the ranger's blog:
America's First National Park regularly receives film permit requests for all sorts of reasons but this time it was for a reality TV show called Kate plus Eight. I was excited to be one of the rangers assisting with this film permit and even more excited that my family would get to see "Ranger Sabrina in Action!"
Old Faithful was predicted to erupted at 6:31pm, +/- 10 minutes and I was scheduled to sit next to the reality TV show family and share with them a little about Old Faithful. Teaching park visitors about Yellowstone is such a rewarding experience whether the visitors are your family or a reality TV show family! As we waited for Old Faithful to erupt I taught them about the Yellowstone Super volcano and how a geyser like Old Faithful works. Soon Old Faithful was erupting and simultaneously my family, Kate plus eight, and hundreds of other families watched as the iconic geyser blew- all of us in awe of the wonders of nature and the powerful force of the Yellowstone super volcano. Watching Old Faithful erupt immediately brings about all sorts of questions to the spectators mind. Happily, I answered a variety of questions about Old Faithful, and soon the reality TV show family smiled and politely thanked me for sharing my knowledge, before they headed off on their next adventure.
Credit to Nobody Likes a Narcissist for posting link in Jackson Hole thread.
fidosmommy - it said "Thank you to Kate Gosselin and her family". I checked it.
Great recap Admin.
"it said "Thank you to Kate Gosselin and her family". I checked it."
You know Kate has to be thanked or else you get the penalty of severeness.
"it said "Thank you to Kate Gosselin and her family". I checked it."
I suppose this is Kate's "producer" credit. Hint, if there were a producer credit it would say, shockingly so, PRODUCER.
Thank you for letting us make complete fools out of your entire family? Seriously, a bit of an odd credit after all this time.
Thanks silimom. I'll pass that along to my friend. She was surprised to see Kate in the credits.
BTW, Admin, the auditorium holds 450. That would be 350 seats for attendees and 100 seats for Kate's ego. They may need a bigger room.
Yeah, we break all the big computer rules here, especially the drinking one! Just use the big one( for spitting) ;'s much easier.
Kate's not-a-maid is coming over to clean @ Dwindles to-morrow! Isn't she Dwindle? oops sorry... I guess I'll go now; I'm coming back for the next re-cap, though. Thanks for the wine and munchies, so good!
Don't forget that Kate will be busy making heart-shaped sandwiches and cookies for Valentine's Day, and writing those pesky love notes to stick in their lunch boxes.
The only reason Kate is going to Penn State is because she heard they were having a shoe sale. She'll cancel when she finds out it's for used books.
Have to go and finish reading the re-cap; I fell asleep @ Dwindles. Was I snoring? I was going to tell you that I think it's us who are watching more in horror@ Kate's behavior.
Those poor kids are so used to their crazy-assed mother's behavior. Joel, in the midst of all the chaos at the end of the episode said calmly to Steve,'Is she coming back' or words to that effect.
That sent a chill through me that a little boy was so calm with all the yelling and craziness going on! Feel free to disagree with me!~ I did try to explain my reasoning this time..........
I wonder what Clay's dad, whom if I recall has primary custody, thought of this? It's possible those 2 weeks were the only ones Jamie had this summmer. If we never see or hear from her again I'd guess that she and Beth have formed a I-Used-To-Love-But-Now-I-Hate-Kate club. While a lot of moms might ignore when a friend, especially a friend who can get you on tv, treats her kids like crap, they won't let that same woman treat their child horribly. Did the 8 seem to get along with Jamie, both on this trip and prior ones?
Great recap admin! I'll never think of a banana in the same way again. Pity, I like them.
Kate's tirade over the broken RV (funny how it all broke in her RV) had me face palming several times. She packed 200 movies for a camping trip? Camping = outdoors Kate. OUTSIDE. Where there are no tvs to watch movies on.
As for being a photo op at a tourist destination, really Kate? People are more interested in taking a photograph of you than the national monuments they spent months saving up to visit? They want a photo of you in their vacation book over one of themselves in front of said monuments? Not every camera is pointed in your direction. Yeesh. And just where are these so called unauthorized photos? I haven't seen any...
Poor Ashley. She can't win. I don't blame her for getting fed up with Cara and giving herself a time out. In fact I applaud her decision to remove herself from the situation instead of going apeshit on the kids. However, there were other ways to handle the situation where everyone would have won. For instance, why do the kids have to play Lego at the same time? The easiest solution would have been to say Cara & Collin get the table for a specified amount of time, then it's Clay's turn. They learn to share without the drama of forcing them together. Oh, whoops, forgot it was a tv show! Never mind, bring on the drama it's not like these kids have real feelings.
I bet the production crew has enough footage of Kate being rude, insensitive, stupid, selfish and abusive towards her children that they could air another show without having to pay her a single dime. Now that would be sweet justice. The timing is good now for Jon to release a book on what he has suffered with that biatch.
Oh by far THE funniest recap ever!!
-Is there such a thing as "organic" Coffee Mate?
-The absence of music was weird.
-Did you notice when she went on about unauthorized photo ops, she would squeal, screech, basically try and be as loud as possible? Didn't hear anyone but HER!
-When they were done eating the chicken, I think Jamie made a nice comment about her cooking, but Kate says something like "NOT doing it again!" Just like when the kids thanked her for the dogs, she barked "you're NOT welcome!"
-I HATED when she gets back from "grocery" shopping and speaks to them like they were just laying around not doing anything! Ummm kate? YOU got a break for a couple of hours while your minions chaperoned YOUR kids!
-The "servant" comment made me mad too! I think she was making the point that SHE has worked hard to deserve servants!
I really think you ALL need to see this one, without guilt.
Oh, when they played in the mud, the kids shirts were on inside out, all of them black, you could see the tags. plus she had on 2 tshirts...still worried about the clothes. Just another "pudding body painting" episode.
tlc kate everyone involved should be ashamed of themselves.the children had no choice whether or not to be filmed.i can only imagine what it must be like for those children going to school after this has aired.
i watch the duggars at least the family look calm happy and do things to help other people.
the comment was 'why don't you ride quietly' and coming from the golden child all the more hilarious.
watching this bitch and her apeshit act is enough to curdle the wine you have to drink in order to watch this bitch and her apeshit act!
in my opinion SHE is the most disgusting person ever to have graced the small screen, thank goodness we don't have to pay to see her and we can change the channel at any time (best if done B4 she comes on).
As always when people comment on a child being a brat, it is my feeling that it's a shame to blame the child if they were never taught what is right, proper, appropriate and thus don't know any better. That is the case here, nothing has been taught about good manners, proper behaviour, people skills (sharing/interaction), everyday speech, entitlement (not a good thing), and on and on.
Admin, one of my favourite Authors, Janet Evanovich, makes me LOL when I read her books because her writing is so visual to me. Congrats! You have risen to a new level. Your recap made me LOL then, after the visuals really set in, I was sad. Sad for those poor children trapped in that RV with that uncaring monster. What mother tells a friend's child she loves him/her and never says it to her own? I have three children, 20s to 30s and every day I say "love you" and they say "love you" back. I feel bad for the G8 that they will never have this unconditional love in their lives from their mother.
I don't know how you can stomach watching this train wreck but do realize you have to make the recaps as hilarious as possible in order to perhaps heal the hurt you are feeling for those innocent kids.
I hope Jon is working behind the scenes to get custody; it's the only hope those children have left of having a constant, loving presence in their lives.
@ Hey Jude: Keiths. Those who like it, like it a lot!
WOW Admin! What a write up, this is GREAT! You also saw that scene with Kate playing with Clay to be "strange". Totally out of character for her. That is exactly what I thought watching that. And yes, it went on and on. Really weird.
When the producers were talking to Ashley and Jaime at the picnic table, did you get the impression that this was all planned, the "fight" angle between the women? Why else would the producer prompt them to talk about her when she was gone grocery shopping. I think this was a total set up, then Kate didn't disappoint and lead them all into the land of la la along with her.
Again, great writing!
I just watched this episode and I can't believe how this bag marches these kids around ,barking orders and yelling commands. They look like little, wooden soldiers,afraid to make a mistake and set Kate off.
Maddy and Cara's book report on :"What we did this summer."
1234, march left,right, don't you dare have any fun! 5678 Don't look anywhere but down.Get in line, Colin- slap...We don't have time to look at that, get going...Maddy, be quiet, you had your chance, no re-do's here.
Leah, do not smell those flower,we're in a hurry. Scream!!!!! What are you doing? This is not a trip for the fun of it. I paid a lot of money for this and you're all damn well going to enjoy this trip!
Mommy blows up and Jamie and Ashley look down and realize they were not marching in a straight pattern formation. Old Faithful even had the nerve to not gush when Mommy told it to, OMG!
Mommy complains about everything, as if she is in charge of the world now. The kids fight with each other,they are ignored since Mommy didn't see any blood. Ice-cream would have a hard time being cold enough for the Ice Queen.
As we hurry thru every attraction, there is just no time to enjoy it, someone might get a picture and Mommy will lose any money to the black market.Legos are to be used to hit each other with, don't even think about sharing them!
Mommy is given a hidden drug in her Starbucks and cracks her face smiling in the mud fight!The tups wonder if they can pelt her with a mud ball and blame it on Clay, but don't do it.
Clay laughs at Collin and his arm starts bleeding. We all got in trouble for it.
Mommy tells Clay she loves him and ends the mudfight, her drug has worn off.
We all shower and go to the bathroom, so we can be ready to march or sit silently in the RV for the next 699 miles.
Mommy accuses Jamie and Ashley of touching her pink phone and they laugh at her.She stops the RV and throws Clay down the snowy glacier in her bare feet. Steve and Mommy leave in the red SUV to find an emergency botox clinic to repair the cracks in her face.
Ashley and Jamie set up camp and Mommy finally brings some raw chicken and burns it on the fire. She forgot to bring marshmallows ,so no s'mores for you! We all get in the RV and go home. Mommy drank too much and had red burn marks all over her face.
Mommy had a big fight with Ashley and Jamie and Ashley left us- now we only have Daddy. We can't wait to go home now. We're done!
The End.
MAGGIE and FIDOSMOMMY your posts on the previous blog why Kate tweets are really exceptional. The best evaluation of her that I think I have ever seen.
Hi Bluenoser! LOL! I like it too much....Keith's!
Admin.- BTW, this was an awesome re-cap, best yet. Glad you nmade it funny, only way to get thru it I guess.I got veclempt a couple of times and fast forwarded it!
Great, great recap. I wonder what didn't make it on air at this point.
That Figure 8 crew, I bet all male, must have told TLC to shove it after two weeks of her bitching. I have to wonder just how many film crews she has gone through over the years.
She has burned her bridges. The plant from the "source" in Hollybaby about the gig on The Talk didn't work out for ol' Kate because there are so many talented people out there that are pleasant to work with. Her publicist threw Kate's name in the hat and I guess hoped The Talk producers would take notice.
"People" will be out soon with Kate canning for winter ( she's poor now). I just hope she's not on the cover. But it's obvious that TLC and "People" work hand -in-hand. This is just an attempt to boost ratings for the final episode.
We assume she has squandered the money, but I hope not and that the house is paid for. She should be having no financial issues unless she did not use a financial planner. Her poor mouthing I cannot abide. Every time she says she has to support her kids, she is putting their father down. He is now doing honest work and pays child support. He us in his chikdren's lives. She is a A LOT BETTER OFF than many other divorced women in this economy.
The scene where she pulls the vacuum from underneath the RV (and almost lets loose a curse word), then drags it to the other RV and starts vacuuming was very "artfully" filmed. The camera seemed to be low on the ground, at the level of the vac.
The eeriest part of the scene was when she got on her hands and knees and scrubbed the floor...just like Joan Crawford:
Administrator said...
Laurie, thanks! I was thrilled to work in Roots. My mom loves miniseries and it was the first one she introduced to me and we watched together and discussed the era and the history and I learned so much and got to do it snuggled up with Mommy. #Goodmommy! My fav miniseries next to War and Remembrance.
I am writing a book, incidentally, a novel set during the Civil War. :)
Admin, first off we were without power for three days and without cable, phone, and internet for four... So I missed all the "fun" of this episode and was waiting for the recap. Thanks for the laughs!
I also loved "Roots" as a young teen and as a matter of fact, just bought it for my family to watch during the "dark" generator days. I decided to order "The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman" as well, another one that just spoke to me when I was young.
But most of all, from one historical fiction writer to another, godspeed on your novel! My second novel (set in the 17th century) is coming out in a few weeks. The research can be tough, but it's incredibly rewarding. Many readers love historical fiction to learn about the era. Your writing is great and your research spot-on, so I'm sure your novel will be as well.
Post from MaryAnn:
I haven't watched the show for almost 2 years. But, during that time I was faithfully waiting for recaps here. They never failed to amuse me. I could imagine the show by reading Admin's artful words!
Different experience this time. I had actually watched to show prior to reading the recap. WOW! Now I have increased admiration for Administrator. How ever did you sort through all the raw material to report on select scenes? Good instincts.
What you managed to do was condense the show and at the same time capture an accurate essence. You could not describe each and every crazy moment. You chose perfect representations for weaving a total fabric of the hour.
Well done! Let us know when/were we can purchase your book.
This has to be the funniest recap ever. I especially liked the part about the rock and hammer being used to knock the stupid out of Kate.I have never laughed so hard and almost spewed my coffee all over my computer. Good Job!!
Post from MaryAnn:
Regarding the marathon/all night/exhausting packing. Poor Kate.
If you watch carefully you notice that she is packing all new clothes. She removes the store hangers and tags. These clothes are put into large stiff plastic containers which are not seen in either RV. The containers would have made everything take up more room than just folding and stashing.
Packing food (which involved product placement) involved removing individual items from the original packing. Why? Not to mention that the granola bars and juice boxes are something that could have been purchased at the same time perishables were being shopped for.
Don't know where the supplies were located in the RV, but NOT in the two nearly-empty drawers that she pulls open during breakfast on the first morning.
Hysterical recap....I burst out laughing more than a few times.
And did Kate actually say that a kiwi is a bird without arms? Good grief.
As far as the children go, I think that calling them brats is unfair but I think that observing that they seem to be developing an entitled attitude, or that they seem to be physically aggressive, is not unfair....and just an objective and relevant observation. These observations are relevant in that modeling Kate's own behavior and constant filming have likely contributed to this.
In many ways, they sound like very bright and very nice children....but there are clearly some red flags in terms of their behavior at times, especially when it involves physical aggression towards each other (and others).
There was a reference made in the recap that some of the children may turn out extremely well, in that they will strive to NOT be like Kate. And this happens all the time.....though it may not be what happens with all 8 of them, unfortunately.
It sounds like several of the children, especially Mady, are actually becoming more like little adults in response to Kate's child-like shrieking and melt-downs....almost watching out for her and worrying about her. I think that as these children get older, there will be a role reversal with several of this is what often happens with children of adults with mental illness/psych issues. As they get older, they become more and more aware that mom is not like the other mothers out has problems....something is wrong....and several may become very protective of her.
It sounds like this is happening already. I lived this myself as a child and can totally relate to it. I was the oldest of 7 and I ended up being the one who took care of everyone, including mom. My most important job was to keep mom calm, prevent her from having an angry melt-down and subsequently becoming physically punitive. I really feel for Mady especially...she seems to be becoming more and more the responsible one.
Mary Ann? (I think that's you)
There are a couple of scenes where you can clearly see an RV pulling a black trailer behind them (not a camping trailer) I'm wondering if some of the stuff was stored in there.
I did catch the new clothing being packed. She didn't even wash it first. ICK! For someone who is supposedly OCD that would be first on my list (and I'm not even OCD). People have touched those clothes in the stores and who knows where their hands have been.
And why throw all those snacks into one big bin and not keep the boxes they are in so you don't have to dig through the whole bin to find what you want?
Kate is one strange person and not very organized at all.
Sorry, I meant SUV not RV...
Post from MaryAnn:
Dee3 - you support a thought that I have nourished for awhile. I think that many of us who read and post here are survivors of someone (mother, MIL, sister, etc...) who resembles Kate in their behavior.
Baffled and confused by a person and their wild rules in our real lives, we are fascinated by watching Kate. She is like a case study for us. The comments here provide some insight.
I am also the oldest of 7 children. I was a "mom" to the younger ones. I shielded them from the worst of our mother's unpredictability. It was an exhausting responsibility for a someone who was just a kid herself.
I stopped watching Kate + because sometimes it brought to mind some very uncomfortable memories.
I appreciate all of you sharp posters.
Falling like a brick: I wondered if the opening and tossing of individual packaged food was just for the purposes of product placement. Labels were clearly revealed. Got it for free and took it on the trip?
Great job job at turning chicken sh*t into chicken salad, Administrator.
I don't know where to begin. It sounds like it was another lousy trip with Katie Irene. I'll betcha they all would have had a better time without her.
No amount of editing could have fixed this crap-TLC laid a big egg with this one.
Kate, it's hilarious that you went to all the trouble of finding organic chicken only to scorch it- charred chicken promotes carcinogens.... oh, whatever.
"Falling like a brick said...Kate is one strange person and not very organized at all."
One thing that finally convinced me once and for all all the 'super organized, super mom" was all a farce, was the basement organization episode, I think last year.(?) When she discovered that there was such a thing as a label maker. LOL Many of us have had label guns for YEARS. I know this sounds like a small thing, but how on earth can this SO organized person not know of this simple tool? I just found that incredible. She acted as if they were just invented. Plus the fact she is forever forgeting things. NO super-duper organized person would do that. Her cell phone, even the kids' birthday cake?? Kate is just a manufactured super organizer, super cook and super mom. Courtesy of TLC.
Post from MaryAnn:
Speaking of the grilled chicken...I couldn't really count, but there were not more than 14 pieces of chicken over her open fire. (11 children + 3 adults) Don't know where the TLC crew. professional drivers and Steve ate. It is fair that Kate should not be cooking for them. But, there wasn't enough organic chicken for just her group. I didn't watch closely enough to see what was actually on their plates. Maybe there was some un-burnt chicken prepared elsewhere?
One of the crew (Steve) may have cooked more chicken off camera. Enough of the cooking was filmed by her just to show her 'hard' labor cooking over that fire. Also, so she could complain about the kids getting makeup from Ashley and not 'helping' her.
One fan tweeted that she could see that Kate did all the work, while the others did nothing. Kate said "glad you saw that". LOL
If you looked closely at the chicken, you will see that Kate is cutting slices off the chicken breast (for the kids?) Not sure. I would hope the crew gets paid to eat elsewhere. After salmonella chicken-gate I'm sure the crew doesn't want to touch what she makes.
I do hope that this kid can pull this thing off with the fan get together. I also hope she does NOT disappoint them. But I just can't see her going. To set up a venue with 1500 seats? They still don't realize that very few people feel about her as they do. Maybe they can sell tickets on the premise that it will go to charity. I would rather donate though, then hear her screech. Glad they are thinking of St. Judes. That is my number one of all the charities to support. Such a wonderful thing they do for kids and their families.
Paige tweeted it is going to cost her $800 round trip to go. (Plus hotel, plus meals etc.) I just wonder how many of the fans with kids and jobs will be able to go? I haven't seen much response from them about going. How can many people travel like that in this economy, especially if they have kids/school/jobs? How many have a couple grand for traveling, hotel and all the other expenses just to meet her? And be expected to donate at the door too? Oh well.
Just THIS makes me wanna put my foot in her ass.
~Hippie Chick~
Anyone who has gone camping with kids knows that keeping them entertained while someone cooks, cleans, or packs IS helping -- in a big way. That's how most of us use babysitters or mother's helpers. They keep the kids happy while mom or dad "take care of business."
Post from MaryAnn:
From the recap, "In the absolute middle of breakfast, Kate decides..."
I just realized something. They ate the breakfast in the larger RV -- the party bus. It was not Kate's RV. She had to clean up and vacuum after the fun crowd. She had to do it -- not Jamie who offered. Was it all about making Jamie feel inadequate? There was an earlier comment to Jamie about needing to keep her countertops cleared off. Kate just needed to "manage" both RV's.
As for the fundraiser, they could hardly get people to sign an internet petition supporting her, let alone travel and shell out cash to see her.
My God, Hippie chick. That is disgusting. All that over handing out food with bare hands? That woman is such a contradiction is all she does. I LOVE that Ashley is not a butt kisser and speaks her mind.
It still bothers me about Steve, the hired hand, dismissing whatever the boys are saying with "whatever" "whatever". Those boys get dismissed enough in life, without the purse holder adding to their misery.
'boo said...
Anyone who has gone camping with kids knows that keeping them entertained while someone cooks, cleans, or packs IS helping -- in a big way. That's how most of us use babysitters or mother's helpers. They keep the kids happy while mom or dad "take care of business."
EXACTLY what I thought too. They were probably hungry after their 1/2 banana breakfast, and it was a good thing to keep them out of everyone's hair until the food was done. PLUS they had set up the camp while she was out shopping. Ashley probably can't cook very good anyway at that age, who knows? But all the stupid rules that Kate comes up with, I wouldn't help her with the cooking anyway. No matter what they would do, she would tell them to do another way.
MaryAnn the bus Kate cleaned was hers, not the party bus.
Jenna, thanks for the "Klip"
I swear Ashley said it all that we want to say - "I'm so sick of your dramatics." (for the moment she is my new hero)
Kate cares more about what Steve eats and how it's handed to him than her own kids. SHE is SICK! !
I couldn't agree more that keeping kids happy and entertained is a huge help, almost as valuable if not just as valuable as actually doing the chores/cooking that needs to be done.
This was an open fire and they were being out of control, someone could have been seriously hurt. The absolute best thing to do would be for some of the adults to wrangle the kids away from the flame while the other adults cook. Divide and conquer.
She is a bitch from hell.
Post from MaryAnn:
No Regrets - HA! Laughed at, "..after their 1/2 banana breakfast." Thanks. Sorry I mixed up the RV's.
"Falling like a brick said...Kate cares more about what Steve eats and how it's handed to him than her own kids. SHE is SICK! !"
I noticed that too! "He doesn't eat mac and cheese or salad" All that over Steve being handed a piece of pizza with bare hands. Poor Steve. Jaime said "you are acting just like Mady". Like a 10 year old. She surely was. God what a horror to be with her. And she can convince people how nice she is after meeting her, eh?
Again, WHY is the tweet Kate SO different than the Kate on the scene? Kind, gentle, benevolent Kate. LOL
MayAnn no biggie on the RV's that scene was a little wacky. lol
Who he heck gives a growing kid of 7 and 10 1/2 banana? THAT bothers me too, how very controlling she is with the food. At that age, they are growing like weeds. No wonder a few eat like they are eating their last meal sometimes.
No Regrets: I was just going to post the same thing about Kate and twitter.
She has no more requests to go on tv to "Set the Record Straight" so she has to do all her damage control via twitter and hope that some pseudo reporter/news writer from Gather (dot) com can post an article to hopefully get out into Yahoo or Google Search Engines.
She's desperate and is tweeting like a benevolent maniac:
"Look, I'm a good person"
"I care about the orphaned kitties in Peru who are forced to work in the fields to catch mice"
"I'll ask what you need for your kids' school needs (but won't even follow you or dm you to do anything to help)."
"I'll meet my fans, but YOU have to do it all for ME!"
Her twitter is more entertaining than her tv show. Watching her scramble to improve her image is hilarious.
The worst part of all that stupid drama, it was ALL in front of those kids. The screaming the screeching the obsessive behavior about germs. If these kids do not end up with some sort of OCD problem it will be a freakin miracle.
I just read through the last thread. I WISH I could make a smiley face but my damn semicolon/colon button broke on my laptop. You guys are great. Thanks for indulging my joke yesterday about the "Paint drying" comment & my silliness about the phrases I pretended to make up. I was being crazy. I love that you all can read into my sarcasm. *smiley face*
I've had a couple of bad days. The pain is bad, yes, but I have a swollen, painful lymph node in my neck. It JUST came on, like THAT, a few days ago. I'm just in tons of pain. Feeling run down, etc. Actually, today I feel a lot better, so that's good! But my neck still hurts a bit.
As for the recap, great job Admin! Almost done! Great news for you!! Kate is a piece of...something. How she gets away with treating her kids like that, & those around her like crap is just unbelievable. No wonder all she does is tweet all day. Her imaginary friends. Sad life for Kate.
~Hippie Chick~
It SHOULD have said Thank You to Kate Gosselin AND listed all the kids names. They were more part of the show, NO, they made the show more than SHE did.
"Falling like a brick said..."I care about the orphaned kitties in Peru who are forced to work in the fields to catch mice"
Hahaha!! This reminds me of her yet another big "dream" of going to South Africa for a safari and to take school supplies to the poor kids. In the out skirts of South Africa, there are FEW schools to begin with, the ones they do have, many, especially the girls have to drop out or not allowed to go at all. This is the reason that Oprah opened her school for girls. She apparently does not even know this, plus the kids have to wait until she can go there for their supplies? This is like the orphanages in Korea, they also have to wait until she can visit to be given supplies. Blech. Of course, they have to wait. It has to be FILMED. Question is, WHO will film it now? LOL
I LOVE Janet Evanovich! My sister-in-law got me hooked years ago. I have a few of her books on my wish list right now. (I have a limit of books I can a month on my Nook. Hubby limited me!! What?) And I'm reading a LONG book now called "In Leah's Wake" about a teenager who gets into trouble & how it affects her whole family. Really great book. Which Evanovich book are you on?
~Hippie Chick~
From my post above "Again, WHY is the tweet Kate SO different than the Kate on the scene"
Should read SCREEN not scene. Gawd she po's me so bad. LOL I can't even type sometimes. What a TOTAL bitch.
Fabulous recap! The best yet!
A long recap, and you only hit the worst it.
Pretty pathetic, eh?
The reason Jamie's countertops weren't cleared off was because some crew were taking apart the fridge because it was broken. She had to take stuff out for them to fix it!
She tried to explain that to Kate but hell if Kate ever wants to hear a reasonable explanation for something and look wrong.
Kate Melts Down on Camera
TLC sure is throwing Kate under the RV.
Administrator- Thanks for the hilarious and yet horrifying recap of this episode.
Hippie Chick- I watched the clip you just posted and I must say Kate is one of the most melodramatic, hyper, unreasonable, negative people I have ever seen in my life, and she is probably on her "good behavior" when filming. TLC just stopped editing it, like they did with the Sara Palin episode. Her maniacal hand gestures with her shrieking voice are so over the top. If you need a good laugh, stop the video at the 35 second mark, and that tells you how crazy she really is.
ADMIN can you imagine her with the kids?? If they lay something down for ONE minute, "put that away" "you know not to leave stuff around" blah blah
I have an Aunt like that, drove us kids NUTS. You can NEVER feel comfortable around a person like that. We used to just sit quietly, hoping we would leave soon, never fully relaxing because she watched us like hawks. Kate does the same thing. Those poor babies.
You know how some DVDs have those deleted scenes? Here's a couple gems I just couldn't fit into the recap or I was never going to finish it:
Ungrateful Kate says she wishes she were riding in a convertible not in the RVs. And wooing Steve I assume while I'm So Excited plays on the radio?
Kate brought 200 DVDs for the kids.
Kate initially ordered Jamie to vacuum Kate's trailer NOW during the middle of breakfast. Somehow or other it ended up being Kate--would love to see how that happened lol. Jamie said f-off?
Not sure which tup said this or who they were talking about, but at some point a tup called some other kids "stupid ugly brats." Kate was right there and didn't say anything.
In the promo for next week Kate says it's not the normal Ashley or Jamie she knows. WTF, way to throw your nanny and BFF under the bus!
Even Leah knew it was Teddy Roosevelt, she did a little interview with production about who was on Mt. Rushmore before she ever left the campsite.
Kate completely blamed "their kids" for having to go to the bathroom, the older kids. Their kids, as in the kids Jamie and Ashley were supervising.
When someone said Kate it's Teddy, she said with an eye roll "Okay correct me, whatever, it's one of those Roosevelt people." Pardon us for not wanting stupidity to reign!
Kate yelled at Jamie about leaving food on the counter. Jamie was like they're fixing the fridge right now we needed to get the food out and put it on the counter, wtf.
There was def product placement, as some products weren't blurred, but a peanut butter jar was. Go Jiffy way to stand up for the kids!
The ranger who wrote so nicely about them on her blog wasn't showed AT ALL. They made it seem like they were completely on their own in the park. Kate talks about what she READ about Yellowstone.
Judging by how well Jamie and Ashley are bonding against Kate, I think the "I can't spend one more minute with her" comment for next week has to do with Kate, most likely.
Kate says she was there for Clay's birth. He looks about 9 or 10. Has she known Jamie that long? How come we only saw Jamie when Kate got really famous?
Hope you feel much better soon Hippie Chick!
I think I'm beyond words here. Kate should (note should) be completely embarrassed by her behavior. It is just absolutely...horrid. Really. I am embarrassed by Kate's behavior. Changes are though she is not and never will be is entirely pathetic and plainly unacceptable.
This family is headed for a complete train wreck down the road is Kate doesn't take an honest look at herself. I mean I truly hurt for people around her. This attitude she has, this control she feels she has to have, the arguments she feels are acceptable to have out in the open in front of her children and the world when things do not go her way is appalling.
She will walk on cement at gas station barefoot but will not do so in hotels. She has to be the grouchy one when camping, she has to dictate her kids ride quietly (why?) she has to give her children half a banana. And she has to throw a fit over how her kids do something. Mady handing Steve pizza. She thinks that is gross but she will comb her children's hair in the kitchen at the breakfast table. How is that NOT as gross or worse?
What we all wouldn't give for Kate to be stripped of her arrogant displayed attitude and her demand for such control and perfection all the time. It's life honey, you can't control life all the time you are not God.
I think reality will hit Kate at very least when all her "security team," all her, "helpers," and taking a stretch here but all her, "fans" (gasp) were to suddenly drop her like a hot potato and she is truly alone with just herself and her 8 children. For some reason that does not seem as if it's going to happen and Kate will just live this life of cocoon reality.
Lord forbid something harmful would ever happen to her children and she be too stoic or irritated to get them help (Cara's cast.) CPS may very well be knocking on her door one day if she goes too far I feel.
In Kate's old age, her children will not call as she claims. Why would they after the continuous displays of abusive behavior? I've lived through abuse, thought be it at the hands of my older brother who abused not only me but my mother as well any female for that matter suffers his level of control and verbal abuse. Have I called my brother in 11 years? No. It's a fact of life people who are abused will not be happy and content as adults. Her kids will want answers as to why, why they became such a freak show, why Kate acted the bully and control freak. Will Kate give them these answers? Probably not. So pray for the day when Kate is all alone and she has nobody to blame--except herself.
I think we have figured out not to take things literally in reality TV land. Most likely the tubs were put in the 3rd RV ( 1 tan and 2 white ones and that's excluding the TLC RV emblazoned with TLC logo. Those drivers probably slept in the tan RV and Steve had to sleeping somewhere.)
It was somebody's idea to have her drag the vacuum as indeed the camera shot was prepared. It was all staged from the tubs of junk food, cooking the chicken, gathering the wood, etc. Where did the boys get that wheel barrow? Where did that red suv come from? And don't think for one minute Mady figured out the clues on her own. It was apparent that Mady was shown in a much better light than poor Cara. I think she is grooming Mady for show biz. Mady was the one who was given a fact to recite at Mt. Rushmore but became upset when Hannah chirped up and Mady wanted a redo for her fact.
Correction. I think it was Mady's fact about Old Faithful.
Hilarious recap, but actually it was very painful to watch.
My DIL is soooo much like Kate. It's very painful & has caused tremendous angst & heartbreak in our family.
I think I like reading here because it gives me some insight, validates that I'm not crazy for objecting to this behaviour (as the DIL insinuates).
From a comment above, I just realized why I've always felt so responsible for my brothers. I'm 60 and I STILL feel responsible for them. I was always trying to protect them, wasn't I.
It's something my spouse has beat me up about forever, but I never could articulate WHY I felt that way. I just knew that I did. It's a very strong, visceral response.
Interesting that I don't feel that way about my spouse or my kids. Yeah, I protect my spouse/kids, but not in the same way I want to protect my brothers. Maybe cuz there's nothing to protect the spouse/kids from.
Not to mention that Jamie's explanation for food on the counter was perfectly reasonable (they were fixing the fridge and needed it cleared out), why does Kate care so much? If it bothers Kate so much, she can spend 30 seconds and throw things back in the fridge or cupboard once Jamie leaves. It's not a big enough issue worth it to cause a fight and piss off someone who is giving up two weeks of their summer to tag along on YOUR vacation and watch YOUR kids.
She is the worst traveler. When you travel with other adults and get to see people's parenting and living styles close up, things are not always going to be done exactly as you would do them. Is a kid bleeding or hurt or crying as a result? If the answer is no, leave it alone! It's not worth a fight!
She wouldn't be able to go on this trip and watch all these kids without help. Get a grateful bone in your body.
"I swear Ashley said it all that we wanted to say - "I'm so sick of your dramatics." (for the moment she is my new hero).
Could not agree more. An "Ashley Meet" would probably be better attended than this Kate Charity/Speaking Engagement/Fan Meet/Whatever, so we could pat her on the back for speaking on behalf of thousands of people.
Kate says she was there for Clay's birth. He looks about 9 or 10. Has she known Jamie that long? How come we only saw Jamie when Kate got really famous?
Yes. She met Jamie at a twins get-together when the twins were infants. She has known Jamie that long.
You know what, someone like Kate just doesn't travel well with others, it's too much change for her.
I am kind of baffled as to why she seems to love traveling and going places so much. She actually strikes me as just the opposite, someone who is much more comfortable in their own space on their own terms in their own environment. I don't get what is enjoyable to her about mixing everything up and stressing her out. She seemed miserable on this trip, how is that fun?
There's nothing wrong with feeling more comfortable at home, lots of people don't have a need to be out of their comfort zones. I haven't been on a real vacation other than weddings in five years, it's rare for me to have that travel bug too. Sure it's fun once in awhile, but Kate seems to want to travel constantly. And yet when we see the footage, she always looks miserable.
"ADMIN Not sure which tup said this or who they were talking about, but at some point a tup called some other kids "stupid ugly brats." Kate was right there and didn't say anything."
I have seen time after time one of them very nasty to another, while she is right there, and she NEVER says a thing. Mady was very rude to Hannah while they were at the Geyser, she looked at Mady, then just turned away. This has always infuriated me. TEACH them at THAT time to not talk that way to each other. STOP for a minute and do your freakin JOB as a mother. This is the very reason those poor kids do NOT know how to interact with each other without the nastiness and fighting. They have NOT been taught any other way to deal. It is disgusting.
"Kate says she was there for Clay's birth. He looks about 9 or 10. Has she known Jamie that long? How come we only saw Jamie when Kate got really famous?"
She does claim to know and be BFF's with Jaime for 9 years. It is strange that she has never, ever mentioned Jaime that I know of. It surely cannot be that Jaime didn't want to be on camera, since she has been a lot. The one fan tweeted to Kate that her BFF's were "riding on her coat tails to fame" or something like that, and that bitch tweeted back "I noticed that, blah blah" That infuriated me. If they have been BFF's for so long and as long as she has known Ashley, does she REALLY think her friends are "riding on her coat tails to fame". To show such disloyalty to these two women is inexcusable. She is NOT their true friend. I really hope they see what she has said. She is much more two faced than anyone involved in this whole mess.
Yes. She met Jamie at a twins get-together when the twins were infants. She has known Jamie that long.
Funny Jamie didn't seem all that interested in mooching off Kate until the divorce hit the big time and Kate became very rich and famous. There's something odd about Jamie in that we see Kate treat her just like she does everyone else in her life, yet Jamie is one of the few who just keeps on comin' back for more filming. Seems to me she's put a price on her dignity. $$$$$$$$$$
As the tweeple would say, just sayin'!
ADM: "A rock, a hammer, a chisel and a dollar bill. How do these all fit together, Kate asks. Um, um, um, I know! Things you can use to knock the stupidity out of Mommy with? Dollar bill, hmm. Uhh, what will be left in the bank for the kids when all is said and done?"
Too many to choose from, but one of my favs...great job!
does she REALLY think her friends are "riding on her coat tails to fame". To show such disloyalty to these two women is inexcusable. She is NOT their true friend. I really hope they see what she has said. She is much more two faced than anyone involved in this whole mess.
I don't think Ashley is, she always helped out the kids before fame, after fame, during fame. I think Jamie's motives are suspicious though. Sure she might have had a casual relationship with Kate but only did she start really ponying up to her after Kate hit it big. By that time no one else was left, so Kate took it.
That said, it's one thing for strangers to point this out, but if Kate calls her her friend how disgusting of her to agree with that assessment!!!
She is NOT Jamie's friend anymore than she is Beth's friend.
When someone said Kate it's Teddy, she said with an eye roll "Okay correct me, whatever, it's one of those Roosevelt people." Pardon us for not wanting stupidity to reign!
I thought that was amusing because in her tweets, "Her Rushmore" was on her bucket list. She always wanted to go there, but she had no idea who was carved there!
She's all talk, but no substance.
Even if Jamie and Ashley never saw what Kate tweeted, just by how Kate treated them right to their faces alone should be enough to say see ya, bee-atch.
It was certainly enough for Ashley, apparently.
Post from MaryAnn:
I just watched the breakdown clip. Will this be part of the program next week? Good Lord, she is certifiable. Notice the kids through the window. How many of these psycho moments do they observe. Hopefully, they will mature into adults who follow the opposite path...not the learned one.
As I have mentioned, I hadn't watched a show for about two years. Has this been constant? Or, has TLC just let it rip for these two episodes?
She should hide her face in complete shame!
A little OT here, but is the news about Katie Irene being a temporary host on The Talk for real? Supposedly she said something on Twitter yesterday and now there's a lot of internet articles on it. I would say 95%+ of the comments are negative. Is it for real or is the possibility just being floated out there to see what the public's reaction will be to Katie Irene staying on the small screen?
@TheAustinMartin @paige_Kate8fan keep researching-there's overhead costs involved..Not straight profit.Need local ppl 2 hop on board2help u!
She's still telling him to set this thing up. "Researching?" He should be in school doing research for his classes, not organizing meet-greet adulation/worship fanunion for a group of teens.
This is just not right.
"Lake Up North said...
I think I'm beyond words here. Kate should (note should) be completely embarrassed by her behavior. It is just absolutely...horrid. Really. I am embarrassed by Kate's behavior. Changes are though she is not and never will be is entirely pathetic and plainly unacceptable"
Her tweets show that she is not only NOT ashamed, but blaming the entire thing on Ashley and Jaime. Someone asked her what would she have done differently on this trip? She replied "I would have ignored the snarky comments and continued to cook/organize etc with a SMILE" I am paraphrasing but this is essentially what she said. Poor Kate. SHE was goaded into this behavior because of THEIR comments. She is such a martyr!
Admin said: ..."People are taking unauthorized photos and tweeting them! Kate bemoans. I never saw any photos from this attraction at all, though there were a few tweets after the fact. Kate? Public place. The law says you can take photos of whoever you want if they‘re in a public place or the paparazzi wouldn‘t be able to exist in the first place. There’s nothing “unauthorized” about this.
Thank you for the recap, Admin. It takes a strong stomach to sit through this hot mess.
I would love to know what continues to drive her to think that they must not be noticed in public places. That when she shows up in a public place with an entire production crew and carmeras, no one is supposed to look or take notice. Is this due to her need for control or is it her excuse to not have to linger at the "wonderful opportunity" they are visiting at the time, you know.... the opps. she crows so much about. As we all know from corn maze gate, the kids were not there to have fun and enjoy a fun autumn activity. They were there to get a couple shots for the show at the maze. After 20 minutes Kate claimed they had to go because "a crowd" was gathering (no crowd, other kids were lining up for the next maze trip) and the G kids were packed into the van and gone.
I used to strongly feel that any job "in the business" Kate got without the kids would be a good job. I don't think so anymore. It is painfully clear Kate has many, many, many, issues. She has probably had them all her life to some degree, but fame and money has inflated them to beyond rationality. She has created a world where the rules change by the minute, the statements she makes don't make sense, she complains how nothing is right, nothing goes as planned, but when it does go right she's not happy about that, either. When the kids are appreciative and obedient she is rude to them in return, as if to provoke them to continue the very behaviors she complains about! It is all very highly dysfunctional. Jon has cryptically tweeted a few times now about the kids getting the help they need and I hope they do. The problem is, will Kate allow it? While most parents would walk to the ends of the earth to get their child any help and interventions their child needs, narcissists usually refuse. Getting help for their child would imply they are not perfect parents. They are not going to change a damn thing, so why bother? Her statement on the questions show about not understanding why Jon has any say at all in the children's lives when he only has them for 4 days month, literally gave me chills. Huge red flags should have gone up for all involved. But sadly, the judge in their case seems to be just as entralled with Kate's "career" and lifestyle as Kate is.
As long as Kate is in the public eye and receiving an entertainer's salary, IMO she will remain an insufferable bitch. If she hits rock bottom, has to downsize and take a normal job, it might knock her off her high horse. She needs to stop imagining she's so special and entitled. In her mind (and in her tweets), the paps are still following her regularly, she thinks the fans are panicked and worried sick if she doesn't tweet for awhile, she is afraid offering to sign a mailed book will result in her being inundated and many more tweeted delusions I've forgotten about. Eight kids are being primarily raised by someone who has modeled to them that it is lucrative to infringe on personal boundaries, that the more money you have, the less social graces you need to posess and being famous allows you to to invent your own laws (like illegally having someone forced to delete from their camera), while blatently disregarding exisiting, actual laws. I'm really afraid for the kids. She's out of control.
"Moose Mania said..overhead costs involved..Not straight profit."
Yes, and WHO is going to pay for these? At least she knows THAT much. There ARE overhead costs involved. Geeez. No offer to pay? Nothing? Hopefully, Austin has a rich family.
Moose Mania: Someone is coaching Kate on what to say to Austin in order to discourage him in this endeavor. Basically trying to let him down gently. Kate is giving him an out and in essence giving herself and 'out'.
Susantoyota: As for the hype about the "Talk". That's all it is, hype. I've done promotions for various groups, non-profits, etc. The best thing to do if the news isn't coming to you is to start putting feelers out there.
This is Julie Carson May at her best. She's good at making a nobody become semi-important. Unfortunately for Kate it's not going to work. TLC is doing a hatchet job on her by showing her true colors.
It's almost like a war between Kate's Agent and the TLC Network. Kinda fun to watch, huh? ? ?
"I am also the oldest of 7 children. I was a "mom" to the younger ones. I shielded them from the worst of our mother's unpredictability. It was an exhausting responsibility for a someone who was just a kid herself.
I stopped watching Kate + because sometimes it brought to mind some very uncomfortable memories."
That was and is EXACTLY like me. I sensed Kate coming from the very first episode....why I stopped watching it.
I think the biggest damage was that it made me the worst co-dependent you could ever meet...and this has made my life very difficult. Can't say no to anyone, feels responsible for everything, knows how to keep people happy so they won't act-out or hurt others.
It's funny....but of the 7 kids, we all turned out pretty differently....probably from where we were from oldest to youngest. There are several with some really major problems but there are also several who are extremely successful in everything...job, it's difficult to predict.
Having lived this experience may be what is making me skeptical about whether or not it's Kate who is twittering. There were differences comparing my mom to Kate of course. Mom stayed at home and wouldn't even learn how to drive. She was usually pleasant to store clerks, etc....but beyond that, she was pretty socially dysfunctional. She did get into a few screaming battles with neighbors when we were really young...but generally, you would not be able to tell right away that she was a narcissist. She was able to pretend well enough most of the time....outside of the house.
But...there were certain behaviors that were common, and then there were others that were not her and she just would not do....and this never really changed. So if someone was supposed to be my mom but was acting/sounding out-of-character, I'd have been very suspicious.
However, I am again going through all Kate's twitters to re-evaluate and try to get a feel for why she's coming across the way she is...and if she's is actually sneering at these fans while she is being nice on twitter.
ADMIN perhaps you are right about Jaime. I don't know. I just cannot believe that witch threw both under the bus as she did.
To let these strangers on the internet, fan or not, discuss your so called BFF's like that, then to agree with them is just so wrong, it is pathetic. As I have said, she has NOT loyalty at all. None. To anyone. Well, maybe Steve.
I haven't thanked you for the recap. I watched the episode, via You Tube and you were spot on with your observations. Thanks for sitting through the show and recapping it for those who choose not to watch.
"Anonymous said...
Post from MaryAnn:
I just watched the breakdown clip. Will this be part of the program next week? Good Lord, she is certifiable. Notice the kids through the window. How many of these psycho moments do they observe. Hopefully, they will mature into adults who follow the opposite path...not the learned one.
As I have mentioned, I hadn't watched a show for about two years. Has this been constant? Or, has TLC just let it rip for these two episodes?"
Yes, this will be on next week. This is downright sickening those kids witnessed this entire thing. If they had a disagreement, go off out of ear shot of the kids and hash it out! I did see those little faces watching this. I can ONLY imagine what she does off camera. Good God.
I haven't watched many since the divorce. Only clips here and there. BUT this is the worse footage I have ever seen of Kate. She blames this on editing. LOL It looks like MOST of the footage was about her stupid meltdowns. Plus how can edit in OR out her idiotic behavior? That is hers to own. Nothing to do with editing.
Add Paranoia to Narcissistic Personality Disorder and I think we are getting closer to Kate's issues.
This woman is barely equipped to deal with 1 kid, let alone 8. And guess who suffers as a result of this? The adults can walk away, as they have been; the kids don't have that option YET but I predict Cara will be the first to move in with Jon, as she seems fed up with her mother's unreasonable, erratic, crazy behavior and knows she is in a no win situation.
Administrator said . . .
Sure it's fun once in awhile, but Kate seems to want to travel constantly. And yet when we see the footage, she always looks miserable.
Deep down, I don't think Kate likes herself and has a very shaky sense of her self-identity--for reasons we will probably never know, but I think it has to do with her childhood and the way she was raised. Kate seems to be trying on different personalities or identities at the age of 36 in order to figure out what she wants to be,like a little girl playing dress-up. So far we have registered nurse, Christian wife and mother, autobiography author, motivational speaker, cookbook author, children's clothing designer, reality TV show personality, divorced woman (single mom in her eyes), TV show contestant, talk show host, TV interviewer, and the can-do-Kate or the strong independent woman. I've probably left out a few, but the point is none of these personalities, identities, or careers is able to fill the emptiness inside herself and is abandoned when she sees the next possibility or identity that is sure to make her feel good about herself. So the miserable Kate we see on all the trips, which most of us will never be able to afford, is because the trip itself as well as the people around her has not met her expectations. She still feels empty. What is that old saying--you can't run away from your problems, they're always with you. Sorry, I know I'm rambling but that is my take on the whole world traveler bit and the miserable affect she displays.
re: production credits -- one of the early season episodes I caught the names of Jon and Kate as producers. It appeared on the lower left hand of the screen while credits rolled.. I believe,not certain, 3rd or 4th.
ADMIN you have a good point about her traveling and how miserable she seems to be, yet proclaims to LOVE traveling.
Remember the Mexico trip? Smiling, walking with Steve, lounging on the chaise by the pool reading. She seemed to really enjoy that trip. She seemed very relaxed. Perhaps her love of travel is when she is alone, (with Steve) haha
Great job on the re-cap, Admin! Loved it!
As for the sneak peak, my impression.... Only the best (foiled wrapped day old pizza) for her Stevie, who doesn't do (raw or burnt) chicken or (chopped) salad!
Thank You for your well wishes. I'm feeling better today, but it hurts to talk...(I have TMJ as well) The lymph node is RIGHT under my jaw & is affecting that too, so I haven't been talking. My husband is happy!! LOL And my voice has been all raspy for a few weeks now, so I have to go see an ear, nose & throat dr & get my voice box checked. I'm nervous about that. I'm not a woe is me type of person, but it seems I keep getting the shit storm piled up. Last month I got diagnosed with diverticulitis & the TMJ. It's like OK, enough now!
They say God only gives you what you can handle. I'm good now!!!
I have some errands to run! Check in later! Have a great day everyone!
~Hippie Chick~
You just hit the nail on the head. You can escape from your surroundings, but you can not escape from yourself.
I hope Jon is ready to have some of the kids live with him, especially Cara, as I see this coming, as she seems to want to get away from Kate's illogical, erratic demands and mood swings, and appears to have given up that things will ever be fine with Kate. And quite frankly, I do not see Kate ever changing at this point, as she has evolved into something that fed something that she felt was missing and validated her, at least in her own mind. Problem with Kate is you can't escape yourself, no matter where you go.
I hope some of these kids can choose where to live in Court, as I predict Kate will becoming yet more unglued with the cancellation of HER show. She has no common sense - some of her postings on Twitter about Father's Day.....she is really losing it.
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@ @LEIGHSHAHAN1 @TheAustinMartin can we split profit: St Jude AND Ronald McDonald house? Or--find a family on caringbridge w BIG needs?!
6 minutes ago »
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@ @TheAustinMartin am indeed. I'll dm you my manager info to pass on to auditorium ppl to get it started....
So Kate is encouraging a complete stranger to coordinate a fundraiser? No checking on credentials, fund-raising experience, etc.? Have the charities been contacted to see if their names can be used? Dates confirmed? Budgets drawn up? Who's on the hook financially for costs if it fails? These fundraising events are complicated and heavily legislated. Many of these charities have full-time staff who spend a year organizing the events. The competition for charity dollars is heavy and people don't have as much to give in this economy.
Kate should put a stop to this right now. This will be a colossal failure and her "fans" will pay the price. I don't expect that they can afford it. Has she confirmed that she will cover her own expenses?
"Gosselin8ComeFirst said...YET but I predict Cara will be the first to move in with Jon, as she seems fed up with her mother's unreasonable, erratic, crazy behavior and knows she is in a no win situation."
I am not a professional, I am a mother, though, who has been through the gamut of emotions and the struggles of boys and girls growing up x6. Not x8! But close. With that said, watching little Cara in last week's episode for the first time, in a long time, I am more worried about that child than any of the others. The difference in how she acts now as opposed to before the divorce was startling to me. She cried, whined and seems so clingy. As if she is just lost. I remember when Kate went to NYC for her BD, how much Cara cried and clung to her. That surprised me how she acted. It irritated Kate. Not surprising there. I just get the feeling that this child has taken the divorce very, very hard. She was the first to flatly say "no" when asked about Kate dating. I would also bet that Jon being with Ellen has been a problem for her, if she feels that way about Kate dating. I have always felt that Jon brought Ellen into the kids' lives much too soon.
That poor baby seems to be so needy. If she were mine, we would be in therapy and would have been since the divorce. They all should have been. Kate even lied about that, claiming she found a therapist to come to the house for all of them. Then, a few months after that, Jon's attorney said they had NOT gotten any help. I do realize she is going into a difficult age, but there is just something about her behavior that really bothers me.
I hope someone gives Cara some special attention. Therapy--something. I doubt Kate even sees anything wrong or even admit she may need help.
Post from MaryAnn:
I don't wish to be too anecdotal about myself - that is not the point. Just enough info to establish my knowledge.
I was out mowing my Midwest lawn this morning. My head was disgustingly full of Kate thoughts -- gotta' get over this!
We landscape 17 acres. Woods and a river surround us. On par with Kate's responsibilities. Can't imagine planning a two week trip. Weeds would take over. Flowers need water (especially this year). Dogs - well, we have 3.
Once, long ago, I saw a picture of a crew mowing Kate's yard. I recognized the equipment being used. We have a regular riding mower, a mower with a 6' deck and a bat wing mower with a 16' deck. We own because my husband is a farmer and the larger machinery is used for commercial purposes. Kate is paying for this service. She may have a contract that covers mowing, leaf removal, pruning, and snow removal. It would cost thousands of dollars. Maybe TLC picked up this cost as they needed access to her home. What will happen when she is responsible for the bill?
@ Hippie Chick. I have pre-ordered Evanovich's newest book (Eighteen) for my Kindle. So far I have read every one. I guess you could say she definitely is my fav author.
I feel for your pain; two weeks ago I was in agony; bone on bone, but then I had my hip replaced. Nirvana now but cabin fever is getting to me :))
"From a comment above, I just realized why I've always felt so responsible for my brothers. I'm 60 and I STILL feel responsible for them. I was always trying to protect them, wasn't I."
You know it sounds almost narcissistic of ME but I began to feel that everything bad that happened in our house was my fault. And my mother could be very physically abusive and I felt that I had some sort of ability and obligation to keep her calm in order to protect the younger siblings. This has carried into adulthood for me and I have to literally hide in order not to get roped into doing something for somebody. There can be a huge price to pay later in life for the G. children, sadly.
The video clip of the argument has hit Huffpo.
From the article:
Now what's the lesson to be learned this week? Never hand Kate's bodyguard Steve Neild a piece of pizza without wrapping it in tinfoil first. Because like Kate screams, "Oh, my gosh. That is disgusting."
"AMD said...Who's on the hook financially for costs if it fails? These fundraising events are complicated and heavily legislated"
There are also forms to file, permits, IRS forms and those can run into several hundred bucks. I surely hope he does do the proper research and does not violate any of the regulations that have been set up. You are right it is heavily legislated and if not every thing is properly filed, you WILL have problems. Big ones. If it were so easy to set up things like this for charity, imagine the con artists who would constantly put on events just to rip people off. This is the very reason so many things are in place that MUST be followed.
I just don't get why this idiot won't settle for a SIMPLE meet and greet. It will be LESS expensive for these people, and a lot less trouble. They can ALL make donations from the money they will save from the expenses they would otherwise have to put out to set this up. Do that Kate, and I will make an extra donation to St Judes. These fans deserve something special from her. They have been very devoted and without them, she wouldn't have that 1 million home of hers.
I hope someone gives Cara some special attention. Therapy--something. I doubt Kate even sees anything wrong or even admit she may need help.
Kate won't ever get help for those kids because she'd have to admit there was a problem...unless of course, she can blame it all on Jon. That would be the ONLY way.
Another good saying for this is "wherever you go, there you are".
Most of the info on NPD do say that exactly what you described underlies the narcissist's behavior.....but it is so very difficult to see Kate as having low self-esteem. She looks like she thinks she's royalty.
Boy, this charity auction thing is really getting kinda bizarre. I almost can't believe I'm really reading it. I'm wondering why either TLC, her agent, or Steve haven't stepped in here.
hey jude said...Have to go and finish reading the re-cap; I fell asleep @ Dwindles. Was I snoring?
Nope, you were fine! How many were here?~ there sure are a lot of dirty wine glasses for just the two of us! LOL!
So... TLC has given up all pretense of pretending they are filming this regular family going about their daily extravagant lifestlye while the cameras just happen to roll huh? Now it seems to be pretending to film a production of a production of filming a show about a production of an event that a mentally ill woman forces 8 little kids into.
I am recalling that quite some time ago we talked here about what kind of vacation TLC could send Katie on where she couldnt get away from her children, like all the other vacations they were filming. Someone here said what about a cruise? She would be stuck with them on the ship - others piped in and said there is so much for kids to do on a ship that she could avoid them for days on end.
I think someone here did indeed say something about shoving them all into an RV for a long trip and watch her fall apart having to be actually NEAR her children the entire time.
I really do wonder WHY after all this time, TLC and the production company allowed so much of her nastiness to remain in the episode that was shown. There are a great deal of people involved in putting this on the air, and ALL of them agreed to this? I see that they actually DID, I just wonder why? There are still years to milk out the sheeple's obsession with Katie Irene and / or the kids, so why are they appearing to burn bridges with That Woman?
Something really changed, didnt it, after she threw that tantrum in Alaska. Looking back on it, that is when TLC took the gloves off. Just got too big for your britches, Missy Kreider, eh?
No Regrets- I totally agree- Cara needs help yesterday! I won't even go into the second class boys, but I feel for Collin(acting out/expelled and mean to brothers), Joel(appears to take a lot of abuse from all of the siblings as he has a very passive nature) and am not sure about Aaden, a very quite sweetheart who seems to roll with whatever is going on.
Cara is obviously in need of help, and not getting it and I do worry about her. She seems to be a very good, bright, sensitive kid, but has been thrown in a crappy situation with no acknowledgement, until she started acting out, and I don't blame her one bit. Her change in behavior is absolutely stark, beyond the tween stuff.
BTW- Any mom of 6 (if not 8, count em 8) deserves much credit, when they post. I am one of six and I adore my mom. She had her head on straight. Lucky me!
Administrator said...
In the promo for next week Kate says it's not the normal Ashley or Jamie she knows. WTF, way to throw your nanny and BFF under the bus!
Yeah, she said the same thing about Jon.
"It's not the normal _______" is Kate-speak for: a person that is no longer allowing Kate to push them around.
Links to St. Jude fundraising and application:
This is serious business. An 18 year old boy trying to get a self centered D-lister a speaking engagement isn't going to happen, and how will Austin explain that St. Jude will need to split the money with another charity?
At the moment Kate is getting her adulation fix by talking about running. Lots and lots of high fives and virtual slaps on back. She'll be pumped for heaven knows how long. She's turned the "charity event" over to Austin and Kate's manager. She now can focus on what's really important again. KATE.
*Admin-hilarious recap, laughed all they way through except when I was getting angry thinking about what a bitch she truly is.
My apologies. It's not (raw or burnt) chicken Steve doesn't do. It's Kraft Mac and Cheese (is that one of the recipes in Kate's cookbook?) that he doesn't like. :)
Of course it wasn't the normal Ashley or Jamie! They were pushed to their limit by being subject 24/7 to the histrionics of a psychotic mother. Those poor poor poor poor children! How can anyone one of them feel normal around her?
Feel better, Hippie.
Be well-
Loved this recap. I love how you can put all of our thoughts into words.
It kills me the way everyone takes orders from the queen who sits on her throne. Kate was yelling for someone to get the flip-flop floating down the creek. Geez, she was right on the bank...grab it yourself! How about grabbing a paper towel for YOUR son's bloody elbow? The real kick in the pants was when Jamie had to go to Kate's RV to resolve the Cara/Clay Lego debacle. Kate has the nerve to tell Jamie that she would've gone over, but she only had socks on! Kate's sense of entitlement is so hard to stomach. Yet, she gets away with! Jamie and Ashley displayed a super human amount of patience and control.
dee3 said: "However, I am again going through all Kate's twitters to re-evaluate and try to get a feel for why she's coming across the way she is...and if she's is actually sneering at these fans while she is being nice on twitter."
Everything about Kate is a calculated action to get what she wants. And I think she's absolutely sneering & basically tolerating fans while putting on her little happy/sad face, depending on the response she's looking for at the time. She wants, no...she NEEDS them to keep coming back with their praise & adoration.
First, Kate has never liked fans and has said as much. It was only when she realized that they were her bread & butter that she begrudgingly acknowledged it was important to be nice and appreciate them. But if it doesn't come from the heart, it's just playacting.
Second, Kate's a user. She always has been & probably always will be. Didn't she once admit that as kids she could manipulate Kevin into doing her work for her? Nothing about that has changed because we all know she is ALWAYS looking for someone else to "help" her. That's why she failed so miserably at DWTS. There was no way she could get out of doing the work of learning to dance so she made excuses, threw tantrums and blamed Tony & everyone else for why she couldn't dance.
What happens to the people in Kate's life when they stand up to her or she no longer needs them? She makes them disappear. The same thing will happen to her pretend twitter buddies when she finds something/someone who can better stroke her ego and/or has a means to get her what she wants. Right now she's using those teens to do just that.
In my book Kate's a narcissistic coward who finds others' vulnerability...young, lonely, needy them dry and then when they're no longer beneficial to her, throws them away and moves on to the next victim(s) to repeat the cycle.
Kate has absolutely no idea who she is. She only knows what she wants, evidentally to fill some kind of void within herself, and she is willing to go to ANY & ALL lengths to get it. We've seen for way too long how she uses her own children. Enough said.
"Just curious said...
I hope someone gives Cara some special attention. Therapy--something. I doubt Kate even sees anything wrong or even admit she may need help.
Kate won't ever get help for those kids because she'd have to admit there was a problem...unless of course, she can blame it all on Jon. That would be the ONLY way."
That is what I am afraid of too. There is just an incredible sadness I saw in that child, that made me so very sad.
ATTENTION: Hater fans, NO I don't claim to be a perfect parent, no I don't claim to superior to anyone other parent out there. I have made plenty of mistakes, learned from each child to the next, and tried to correct them. There ARE things to learn from other parents who have gone through the challenges with raising children.
I see so many things about Kate and her so-called parenting that are just not right, they are not benefiting these children at all. We are witnessing some of those mistakes. I see it, because she chose to display her idiocy on national TV. -- sigh --
It's not the normal _______" is Kate-speak for: a person that is no longer allowing Kate to push them around.
Exactly right. Problem always belongs to someone else in Kate's mind. She needs to buy a clue, but won't.
WTF is wrong with Steve that he wouldn't tell Kate to STFU about the damn pizza?! Way to make Mady feel like she has the nastiest hands in history.
Gosselin8ComeFirst said...
BTW- Any mom of 6 (if not 8, count em 8) deserves much credit, when they post. I am one of six and I adore my mom. She had her head on straight. Lucky me!
Thanks that is very nice. It was our choice, we didn't even ask for donations, imagine that? lol I did have some help from my hubby. LOL He was lost, though, when dealing with pre teen GIRLS and the moods. What a nightmare! haha I really felt for him, he was totally outnumbered. 6 females to ONE (including myself) Only one boy. HE got off easy.
Good for you about your Mom. I love hearing how people respect and love their mothers. That was a nice thing to say about her. You are a good kid!
Here's a person who wants to combine a blood drive with the combination St. Jude/Ronald McDonald House speaking gig.
@mkbrownlow @Kateplusmy8 @TheAustinMartin did you find out anything about a blood drive and ppl who donate get to meed kate possibly?
And of course Brownlow has "huge" contacts in the childhood cancer world."
Everyone wants their 15 minutes.
Maria Twirling on a Mountain Top Happy
I am not a perfect woman or mother or citizen of the world. I try.
I do know this -- if someone stuck a camera in my face and I knew I was going to be on TV -- I would be the nicest, kindest, happiest and most grateful version of myself EVER!
What is she thinking?
The worse the narcissist treats you, the closer you feel to other victims.
So true. I never thought about this before, but it certainly explains why I'm so close with my brothers. Another thing the spouse doesn't understand.
I think the biggest damage was that it made me the worst co-dependent you could ever meet......Can't say no to anyone, feels responsible for everything
Describes me to a T!
Does anyone else wonder whether Jon watches this crapfest and sees how his children are being treated by their mother? Perhaps he reads the fabulous recaps here. Either way, it has to be painful. Jaime, who does nt have physical custody of her children, may have crossed a line with her ex over these episodes. And can someone tell me who the 11 kids were - 8 Gosselins, Clay and ?. Unseen other Jaime kids?
NewHampshire said... Kate Melts Down on Camera
TLC sure is throwing Kate under the RV.
Why oh Why did I click on that? Now I wont sleep for 3 nights.
What is with the kids clinging to each other crying while their gestational carrier flaps and screeches? OMG! FAMILY COURT WHERE ARE YOU!!! Was that Mady trying to shield a smaller child's head and face???????? Jon, I hope your silence indicates that you are merely biding your time until she no longer has the TLC machinery behind her. She is mentally unfit and the kids are nearing the basket-case phase.
Kate:"Steve doesnt eat mac and cheese. Or salad! That is the point!" Dont touch his pizza!!! She just SEARCHES for things to get hysterical about, doesnt she? He's a grown man, eat what's there. "you get what you get and you dont get upset" is good enough for her golden platter babies, but not the hired katie-minder? How dare she SCREAM at her child over a kind gesture towards THAT MAN!
Her hand flapping and head tossing, she really does think is quite charming, doesnt she?
I was pretty astonished that when Jamie and Ashley were standing up to her, she was nearly dead silent. She sputtered, but didnt say anything. Maybe that is why she is verbally agressive all the time - to get the upper hand and just pre-emptively shut the other person down, as she is not mentally capable of a 2 way conversation or a response to what someone else says. Perhaps that is why she deliberatly 'doesnt see other poeple'. She knows cant keep up, mentally. She just sort of zones out when someone else is speaking, coz she cant comprehend what they are saying anyway.
I havent watched in years and I am slackjawed. That was 1 minute and I am disgusted by what she displays in front of her children. No, getting the show off the air is only part of the battle. She has no business raising children.
I think my next effort needs to be father's rights.
Michelle said... WTF is wrong with Steve that he wouldn't tell Kate to STFU about the damn pizza?! Way to make Mady feel like she has the nastiest hands in history.
If a child is trying to help by giving someone pizza, you don't go ballistic on either the child or babysitter. Kate is miserable and ALWAYS angry, and looking to vent her frustrations on whomever disappointed her at any given second/time. I could not imagine living like this. For God's Gakes, Mady was helping and you went ballistic because it wasn't served in tin foil? Really? What a lunatic who makes a mountain out of a molehill. This is one miserable person who vents her frustration whereever she can, in a split moment, over nothing. I really do feel for the kids, who will never live up to her insane standards. She had no business having 8 kids, as she has no tolerance for anything. She really is a miserable *itch!
Hippie Chick,
Is the phrase "bat sh-t crazy" your creation also? I need to know the correct usage to apply it appropriately to Kate. Thanks.
I came across this and thought you might enjoy. Or just shake you're head and wonder, like I did.
I have every dream to believe that one day Kate will have to do EVERYTHING. Such as, mowing, gardening, chicken coop, house work, clean the pool.
We've never seen Kate mow her own lawn! Hence she doesn't do the yard work, she has someone else do it obviously.
Thank you Administrator - that re-cap was your best ever. It must have been torture for you to sit through 'week one'. For someone who credits herself for being so organized, she surely shows herself up here. She could have prepared the children in advance for the historical places they would be visiting as well as becoming familiar herself. Really, FDR?? As for the chicken, as a nurse has she not heard of salmonella, if not cooked thoroughly?? Burned black does not necessarily mean 'cooked'. Thank you again for an entertaining read. I await the day when the "helpers" are free to tell all.
Post from MaryAnn:
If Steve is her "handler" he sure has given up. He does nothing during her tantrum and lets her respond for him when offered something besides pizza.
Hands up -- everyone who hasn't touched pizza with your bare hands. (I thought that was how you are supposed to eat it!)
She is very dolled up in this clip -- makeup and hair done. Maybe she is the one who left for town to pick up the carry out meals.
I know most of her tweeties are teens, but doesn't it baffle them that her little Miss Mary Sunshine tweets full of "positivity" are so far from her actions as seen on her show and DWTS?
I did a 5-K run fundraiser for the very, very small town I lived in. I had overhead costs just to make the wooden directional signs. The local paper was wonderful about publicizing it free of charge - front page news! I contacted the police and the county board well in advance, and they said it was fine with them. That was all I had to do as far as approval. Everyone who came was local, or from the next town. We raised $2,250, all of which went to the local food pantry. I took out zero for my expenses because I figured that was my financial contribution to the cause.
It took me weeks to do it. I had to do my normal daily stuff, and had to spend many hours organizing, writing text, being interviewed by the big city's radio station, taking phone calls (no e-mail or texting in those days.)
Austin is in for some expenses, time commitment,
and lots of frustrations. It sounds to me like there are entirely too many people making suggestions at this point. He wanted to support St. Jude's. Now it's St. Jude's and something else. Then it was suggested St. Jude's and something else again. By the time everyone with an opinion is done yapping, Austin will be pulling his nice full head of hair out strand by strand.
One more thing about the stupid pizza meltdown. Kate is having a temper tantrum like a two year old and Jamie tells her "you're acting like Mady" and to make sure no one misses this, TLC subtitles it.
I'm not sure what's worse - what Jamie said or TLC making sure no one missed it. Poor Mady. :(
"Kate is excited to see Old Faithful because it’s an iconic part of our country"
Actually I think she can relate because Old Faithful blows, just like her, lots of hot air, steam, etc. etc.
Admin. you are one tough chick, I cannot listen to this woman "breathe" for 1 minute and you endure to give these brilliant recaps.
It’s for St. Jude, no … it’s a blood drive .. no, it’s an auction …
Wait, cancer for kids .. yeah … no, wait ….. WE JUST WANT TO MEET KATE!
Well Holly is back. The one who needed school clothes for her kids? This time, she needs money. LOL After the last exchange, nothing else. No DM to get address or anything else She has no idea what is going on with this woman.
@Holly825Holly Gately
@Kateplusmy8 10miles is incredible. Good 4u. I have to find $350 by 5pm. That's my mission for today. Wish me luck! :)
@Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
@Holly825 huh?
Holly825Holly Gately
@Kateplusmy8 i decided that i won't cry about stuff nemore. i decorated for fall and cleaned. if i can't fix things i can't. i will smile.
1 hour agoFavoriteRetweetReply
Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
@Holly825 I can help you with clothing... I'm going thru my kids bins soon. I'll have lots of fall stuff in those sizes. Especially4 rory.
Holly825Holly Gately
@Kateplusmy8 I have a bill due today and need groceries so i'm hunting a bit of money today. that's the mission today. no worries tho
@Holly825Holly Gately
@Kateplusmy8 Thanx so much. I appreciate it. My family is going through very hard time. Its nice 2 no nice people r out there. :)
Since TLC has gone rogue and is leting the real Kate all hang out, could this be why there's no People interview yet? My guess is that it will come out after the last episode, so she can carefully use her word diarrhea (as only she can) how she was the brave heroine of the trip and Jamie & Ashley will get thrown under the RV. She'll blame it all on editing, but to edit to a slant, TLC has to have the footage to do so. If she went on this trip and was a pleasant, cheerful person making the best of the situation the entire time, how could TLC portray her in a negative light?
In other TLC news there supposedly is a stink about the last Toddlers and Tiaras show. A little girl dressed up as Dolly Parton with a padded rear and bra. I saw a picture of it and really, of all times for people to get riled up about TLCs programming, this isn't near their worst. That Toddlers show has shown girls in tiny bikinis shaking their booties, at least the Dolly Parton girl was mostly covered up. In all honesty (lol) I think the show with the $30,000 parties for pre-school graduation and the one with folks who eat Comet and rocks, etc. and the psycological damage Kate's been shown inflicting on her children over the years is way more egregious than a 3 yr. old in a Dolly Parton costume.
Looks like Kate is getting a job on "The Talk". It's a terrible show and should be cancelled. It won't be cancelled because Julie Chen is married to the head of CBS.
Just Dwindle Away said... NewHampshire said... Kate Melts Down on Camera
TLC sure is throwing Kate under the RV.
Why oh Why did I click on that? Now I wont sleep for 3 nights.
I clicked it, too, and was able to watch it from my work PC. But I did leave the sound off intentionally. I can only guess at what verbal abuse she was spewing at everyone. Seeing the twins and Collin in tears horrified me (bless Mady's heart for trying to shield her brother).
I now genuinely feel scared for those poor kids. I've always felt bad for them, but myself being a child of a mother with slight NPD amongst other mental issues, I figured the G8 will turn out fine. My mother never went off on anyone like that, and I never had to protect/console my brothers like that. Khate is one messed-up cookie, and she doesn't and NEVER will realize it.
I hate TLC for putting the family through this ordeal...err, vacation. Seems it was a trip to hell with the "devil" along for the ride.
Anyone know what that muddy liquid gushing through the ceiling into the driver's seat was? I hope not waste water (eww). I wouldn't be surprised to find out that RV was sabotaged. TLC must really hate Khate.
Also, thank you Admin for the fantastic recap - one of your very best! So glad I didn't watch, but I appreciate you taking a bullet for a lot of us here. Thank you!
whistlingdixiee said...
Looks like Kate is getting a job on "The Talk". It's a terrible show and should be cancelled. It won't be cancelled because Julie Chen is married to the head of CBS."
The article is linking the Hollywood life article. That is still unconfirmed. Reality tea is stating it as a fact. LOL These online rags. geez
I am glad to see Kate donate the kids' clothes instead of heading to the consignment shop. BUT online to people who she knows nothing about? This woman is clearing hinting now for money. "no worries tho". All sorts of con artists online.
Online, she can get the GOLD STAR again, as she hes done about the high chairs. Now what? I would guess that Holly will be back, maybe again and again. How many more will start asking? I hope it won't happen and she block the nuts. But she can open up a huge can worms trying to get her stars for the day.
Overhead Costs are scary.
I have done a lot of non-profit work/fundraisers. Even if the venue is 'free' you still need insurance. The going amount is $1.million in insurance. It sounds like it would be a lot of money, but it only really costs around $15-$20/mo. However you also have to pay for:
Flyers and/or promotional handouts
Advertising (Radio/Newspaper/TV)
Cost of Tickets to be printed
Food for the 'guests'.
Body guards
Volunteers at the door
Any kind of parking requirements
People to operate light and sound equipment (unless volunteers)
Hotel Stay for guests
Travel Expenses to and from the venue
The list goes on.
Kate is right about overhead expenses (I will guarantee she won't pay for her own trip out there) and no one is going to fly cross country to meet Kate. If they do they are bigger idiots than I thought, they should just send the money they would spend in travel expenses to the charity of their choice.
If Kate REALLY wanted to give back, she would pick a charity (like the Ronald McDonald House) and travel cross country promoting it (and incidentally herself) rather than have her sheeple fly all over the states to spend 5 minutes shaking her hand.
It's not like she's going to invite them over to her house for tea and cookies.
Geesh people, get a clue.
I can't see 1500 people wanting to PAY $10/ea to see Kate. The event she is doing in PA is FREE! !
Idiocy at its best.
Admin, thanks for the great recap and for having the intestinal fortitude to sit through this crap so we don't have to.
I watched the clip you posted, Hippie Chick. Are you freakin' kidding me?! Kate having a meltdown because Mady handed Steve a piece of pizza with her bare hands? And he doesn't eat Mac&Cheese or salad? Thought Kate didn't do dietary requirements? Or, at least for anyone other than her precious purseboy. I thought it was sad to see Mady and Cara, in tears, standing off to the side, while Mady tried to shelter/protect her little brother. Wonder what prompted that upset? Interesting, though, to see Mady once again acting as protector, after Kate and Jamie threw her under the RV. Poor kid, she just gets it from all sides. And Cara is just beyond sad. The change in that child is just scary. I hope Jon is able to intervene now and get her the help she needs. The other thing which worries me is that, if they have the opportunity to go live with Jon, I'm sure Cara will jump at the chance, but I'm afraid Mady will choose to stay with Kate as long as any of the tups are still with her, because she feels she needs to protect her little brothers and sisters.
Hope you're feeling better, Hippie.
There's an article on The Stir (sorry, IDK how to post a link) from Aug. 30 that excuses Kate's bad behavior by saying she's sleep deprived. WTF? There's NO EXCUSE for treating other people the way Kate does. I'm so glad Ashley stood up to her.
Re no couch comments - Since this is a 2 (3?) part episode, maybe all the couch comments are going to be shown at the end?
Re Kate telling Clay she loved him, but never saying it to her kids. Kids don't need to hear the words "I love you (although it is nice) if their parents SHOW them that they are loved. I don't remember ever hearing my parents say the words "I love You" to me, ever. They did show it in a hundred different ways every day, though. From curling up to read a book with me before bedtime to fixing my favorite meal when I'd had a tough day, to always being front and center at all my school concerts and plays(well, not always my Dad. He taught night school classes, so couldn't always make it), they were there for me always. Problem is, Kate never says it AND she never shows it.
Falling like a brick
Austin did tweet he MAY get the venue for free IF she speaks. Why get the venue if she isn't speaking? Did I miss something here? That one had my me scratching my head. She did NOT respond to that tweet.
No Regrets:
We would often get venues for 'free' but we still had to have a mil. Insurance Rider. Like I said it's not expensive (usually under $30), just a bit time consuming to fill out. The venues need to cover their backsides as well.
Austin really has no clue. He should be spending his first year of college making new friends, not idolizing a washed up cougar.
and poor Paige. It's $600 for an airline ticket to fly to spend 5min. with her 'idol'. These kids are so delusional. Why don't their parents step in?
Administrator said: "Thank you for letting us make complete fools out of your entire family? Seriously, a bit of an odd credit after all this time."
I'm pretty sure the Gosselin family is thanked at the end of each episode, even back when it was J&K + 8.
AWESOME recap, Admin. Bravo!
"readerlady... Kids don't need to hear the words "I love you (although it is nice) if their parents SHOW them that they are loved. I don't remember ever hearing my parents say the words "I love You" to me, ever. They did show it in a hundred different ways every day, though."
That is wonderful you have a great childhood and felt the love. But I sure disagree with "a child does not need to hear that". Even with lots of love, those words are SO important to hear. I firmly believe that. Those are the sweetest words I hear too, even though my kids love me, and I know they do.
AMD - you are 1000% on point. I have a great deal of experience with fundraising and those fan organizers will surely have to get permission from the charities. Additionally, the charities' own charters may prohibit outside fundraising activities altogether.
I was surely struck by K8's mentioning that the fan make all future arrangements through her manager - it may be K8's way of getting out of this, as I foresee the Manager spelling out the terms of K8's appearance, which the fans will not be able to do. Then K8 can say, "Oh I'm so sorry, but the terms of my contract with my manager will make this impossible for me to do". How do I know this? I worked with a national charity and the celebrity spokesperson made herself available to each state chapter ONLY ACCORDING to her "personal appearances contract". The state chapters had to fork over first class airfare, a "suitable" hotel suite, "proper" ground transportation, and matching accommodations for one person to accompany her to the event. Her big gift to the charity was not charging them for her time, but all of her other demands made it too pricey for the charity to want to invite her. Oh, and you know what else? She refused to commit to the charity more than 2 weeks in advance, so you can imagine how much the airfare was at that point.
K8 is looking for an "opportunity", not a fanunion.
Admin, it's clear that K8 lives to travel so she can have people catering to her, and so she won't have to face being home alone with her children.
AMD quoted Kate's Twitter feed
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@ @TheAustinMartin am indeed. I'll dm you my manager info to pass on to auditorium ppl to get it started....
I wouldn't worry too much about this fund-raiser. Once the "manager" gets involved, K8's demands will become obvious, and the whole thing will be dropped.
Stupid K8 doesn't seem to have considered the backlash this might cause.
I'm guessing that there are no couch interviews in the RV shows because TLC does not want to give KHate any opportunity to add her favorable spin to the ugly which we see on film.
Falling like a brick said...
No Regrets:
We would often get venues for 'free' but we still had to have a mil. Insurance Rider. Like I said it's not expensive (usually under $30), just a bit time consuming to fill out. The venues need to cover their backsides as well.
Austin really has no clue. He should be spending his first year of college making new friends, not idolizing a washed up cougar.
and poor Paige. It's $600 for an airline ticket to fly to spend 5min. with her 'idol'. These kids are so delusional. Why don't their parents step in?"
I know they will need the insurance. PLUS all the things you have posted above. I do hope this woman just doesn't take off after they do all this, after spending a few minutes with these kids. I have YET to see any grown up even suggest they are going. Three teenies so far. Paige said her mom said she could go. Amazing. I just wonder if mom is going to? No way would my teen be traveling like that and for THIS? As I said, many people do participate with a charity function, and they will probably get some interest, especially if it is only $10 admission. It also depends on the charity. ALL charities are hurting right now. That is why I do wish them much luck. Austin in his first year of college? I would pulling him by the ear if I were his mom, and pushing his nose in his book, instead of doing all this. Her manager should take this over.
"Kit said...I was surely struck by K8's mentioning that the fan make all future arrangements through her manager - it may be K8's way of getting out of this, as I foresee the Manager spelling out the terms of K8's appearance, which the fans will not be able to do."
I hadn't though of this. You HIT it. Remember the person who offered the free tour of Space Camp or what it is called, when she first came om twitter? He said her manager was NOT receptive and he was very discouraged after speaking to her. And that was a free trip. Hmmm you have an excellent point.
Minor point. I thought Paige was going to have to cough up $800.00 for her ticket. That's another
$50.00 per minute she gets to spend polishing Kate's shoes. All she has to do now is "be good and get all A's".
Can someone tell me how to find the RV episode on youtube? I've been trying to find it but all of the one's I've clicked on tell me that the user doesnt have any rights to the video.
Your help is appreciated!
Kate's contract with TLC is still intact until Feb. 2012. She can't attend a 'fundraiser'- fan-love-fest without TLC's approval. Even if they are not planning to use her, they still own her until Feb.
I did see one tweet from Paige that said the tickets would be $800. I thought maybe she had gotten a better deal LOL
No Regrets, whatever the amount, it seems a bit
ridiculous to me. Paige is hyperventilating about meeting Kate and asking her questions. I hope she doesn't have a big paper due/test that Monday and have a boss who expects her to come into work to actually work rather than chatter on about meeting Kate.
Whatever will these fans' next goals in life be?
Gaby youtube search gosselinarchives
I think Steve stayed out of it to allow TLC to get good footage of a Kate meltdown. He could have easily stopped it but didn't. Speaks volumes about the real reason he's there (not for "security") and what kind of guy he is.
I hope this upcoming episode makes the remaining viewers really understand why kids shouldn't be on these shows. If anyone isn't physically ill and remains a Kate fan after seeing those poor kids have cameras stuck in their faces at such a traumatic time (Ashley leaving) then they have no conscience whatsoever.
I know this.... said...
Kate's contract with TLC is still intact until Feb. 2012. She can't attend a 'fundraiser'- fan-love-fest without TLC's approval. Even if they are not planning to use her, they still own her until Feb.
Please, how do you know this? Where is the info avail to the public? I've asked a dozen times yet no one can tell me.
I agree with you all the way. I just can't believe it. These parents are unreal. I would be horrified if my kid had 6K pictures of ANYONE on their computer. Spending all those hours doing stuff like that, including videos? No way, Jose.
I'm so sorry to hear you were in so much pain AND to hear you had your hip replaced. I will pray that you have a speedy recovery.
I SO wish they knew what the hell was causing my damn pain. I start with a new GYN next week. FRESH start! This will be my 7th or 8th?...7th. I LOVED my guy in Boston, but he was more of a surgical GYN, & even he was stumped. He removed my left ovary & it didn't help. I'm also trying nerve blockers, but My GOD are those painful as well as they are not hitting the correct spots. & all this other crap...Argh!!
It's OK. Positive thoughts!!!
Feel better Bluenoser!! You are in my realm of positive thinking & happy thoughts!! *smiley face* (can't do an actual one, my button broke on my laptop. lol)
~Hippie Chick~
Hippie Chick get that button fixed ! And feel better~ You too bluenoser. Have a better day.
Again, played much too long. My hubby just came home and said he is going on strike! (I would like to know from what) LOL
Everyone have a great evening. Enjoyed the recap and the chats everyone.
OK, I'm confused. This Meet & Greet/Charity thing is a go? They are doing it for St. Jude's? Well, wonderful, I donate to St. Jude's, but let me ask something, won't someone HAVE to pay for Kate's airfare, accommodations, meals, car, & all the little extras that she will try to weasel out of this?
She thinks she is a star & when she did all that traveling, for say, oh, I don't know, the Second Harvest, she demanded 5* arrangements, & instead of donating anything BACK to the organization, she kept it. I don't think this is a good idea.
Kate is so greedy. Any little CASH they have left over AFTER feeding Kate's giant sized ego, will find a way into Kate's pocket. She'll find a way. She'll need a police convoy somehow, or her effing nails done for the event, or her hair 'did'. You all know, she is sneaky & a grifter. If St. Jude's gets any money, I would be shocked. I HOPE they do, but we're talking Kate "me me me, it's all mine, if it's cash I'll take it" Gosselin here.
~Hippie Chick~
Thanks Pink.
Curiosity has the better of me today. What type of people are still "fans" of this woman named Kate Gosselin? She doesn't reveal any redeeming qualities, ever. Now, the children have picked up that entitled, spoiled quality from their mother. This show is just too much to bear.
Thank you, Admin, for an entertaining recap.
Anonymous said...
Hippie Chick,
Is the phrase "bat sh-t crazy" your creation also? I need to know the correct usage to apply it appropriately to Kate. Thanks.
I think that term was invented for the sole use FOR Kate Gosselin. You may use it however you see fit. *smiley face* (You guys are so frigin funny!!) We all know Kate is one bat shit crazy chick. Oh...yes.
this is crazy said...
In my book Kate's a narcissistic coward who finds others' vulnerability...young, lonely, needy them dry and then when they're no longer beneficial to her, throws them away and moves on to the next victim(s) to repeat the cycle.
Well said!! And so very true, you hit the nail on the head.
What DOES happen when you advertise a charity event and the overhead is higher than the donations? I've never really heard of that happening in real life, but I'm sure it does.
Maybe some corporation hears about it, feels sorry for the organizers and cuts a check.
HA HA HA. How about asking Ellen DeGeneres to
supplement this? She's so enamored with Kate. Or Dr. Phil can help keep the brand going with a nice fat check for this KateRUs fanathon.
Poor Austin. I hope he's ready for all contingencies.
Excellent recap of this oh-so horrible episode Admin! You exceeded all expectations.
You're right this woman is a bitch from hell. I keep waiting for her head to spin completely around. TLC would do well to have a priest perform an exorcism on the final episode.
From Susantoyota "Deep down, I don't think Kate likes herself and has a very shaky sense of her self-identity--for reasons we will probably never know, but I think it has to do with her childhood and the way she was raised. Kate seems to be trying on different personalities or identities at the age of 36 in order to figure out what she wants to be,like a little girl playing dress-up. So far we have registered nurse, Christian wife and..."
Susan, you are absolutely spot on. I work with people who have similar identity issues. Exactly correct...she can't find who she really is. Covers it with meanness.
We'll probably never know what from her youth (which is usually the case) precipitated her her obvious issues, and I feel just the teeniest bit sorry for her in that regard. BUT it doesn't excuse her behavior now, which is what it takes these people so long to realize. Maybe she'll get help one day, but something pretty drastic will probably have to happen to her to to make it so.
librarylady said...
We'll probably never know what from her youth (which is usually the case) precipitated her her obvious issues, and I feel just the teeniest bit sorry for her in that regard. BUT it doesn't excuse her behavior now, which is what it takes these people so long to realize. Maybe she'll get help one day, but something pretty drastic will probably have to happen to her to to make it so.
IMO, this is what will happen to the kids as well. The only difference is that WE WILL KNOW what happened to precipitate it. And if this prediction comes true, should their behavior be excused?
I always thought don't put anything with tomato sauce in tinfoil including pizza. Acid reacts in tinfoil not good to eat. All the organic in the world isn't going to protect against undercooked chicken and acidic reactions.
What about deposits? Those are paid upfront. Who's paying that? Think about all the things that require deposits (earnest money, security deposit in case of damage, whatever you want to call it.) Even if the venue isn't charging to use it, they usually want some earnest money to assure you will actually come and have not reserved a place for no reason - and bumping a potential paying customer to the curb.
How in the heck do you know so much about Khate's twitter fans? People lie online all the time. And if everything you've been saying is true, I can't feel any pity or sympathy for these people. If they want to spend their money and time on someone like Khate, that's their prerogative. If it turns out badly, which I have a feeling it will, maybe they will learn something.
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