Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Kate's Aug. 9 ticket revealed: 23 mph over the speed limit at 1:37 a.m., just hours after rough interview with Joy Behar in N.Y.

The View co-host suggested Kate try lesbianism. In the wee hours of the following morning, Kate was pulled over clocked at 88 mph in a 65 zone

Lancaster Online has the details of one of Kate's four tickets in the past two years.

NYC, Aug. 8, 2011
State police at Ephrata used radar to catch the former "Jon & Kate Plus 8" star speeding on Route 222 North, near Route 897, according to a traffic docket filed at District Judge Rodney Hartman's office. It happened on Aug. 9 at 1:37 a.m. In the remarks on the traffic citation, police reported that Gosselin said she was speeding because she was trying to get home to her kids. Gosselin mailed in her guilty plea and paid a $174 fine.
Some interesting facts: Kate was just on the Joy Behar show that day, August 8, where Joy wouldn't let her off easy. When Kate tried to sidestep some questions about fertility and blame it on something other people  tweeted, Joy threw her own quotes back at her, "No, no, no this is you" Joy told her as she read the quote back to her. Joy also told her she was going to have a really hard time finding a man, and "I think you would be better off going with lesbianism because a woman would be probably easier." Kate's reply? "Oh, my gosh."



480 sediments (sic) from readers:

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PJ's momma said... 1

That story hit the wire here across the country too. The comments are scathing and many accurately point out that the kids were asleep - what's the hurry?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 2

Seems Kate wasn't trying to get home to the kids, she was trying to get away from JOY.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 3

Exactly, the kids were going to be asleep at 1:30 am or 2 am or 3 am! What does it matter you shave off 10 or 20 minutes, because that's all you're going to shave, the kids will be asleep no matter what.

The was ANGRY behind the wheel I think.

Also, how does it help the kids to come home either in a casket, or behind bars for manslaughter?

Knows Quality said... 4

She could have been in a hurry if she had left the kids without a babysitter.

I'm not saying she did...I'm just raising that as a possibility...that she left the kids - ALONE - and went in for the interview; she attempted to hurry back asap before anyone realized what she had done.

Falling like a brick said... 5

What's interesting to me was that she drove to NYC herself - or at least a portion of it. Where was her limo? Had TLC already cut her budget down?

Catherine said... 6

Yes! She drove there instead of a stretch limo (with divider) and drove back that night, no freebie night at Essex House for Kate & Skeeve. The handwriting was on the wall, but Kate pretends the cancellation was so shocking. Any more lies, Katie?

Grammy of nine said... 7

Kate will continue to use the kids as her excuse for bad behavior. She was being reckless and was lucky to arrive home in one piece. I agree that she probably was quite unhappy with the appearance on Joy Behar's show. Not flattering at all.

TLC stinks said... 8

First off, why assume she is alone in the car. Secondly, she used the excuse to the cop that she needed to get home to the kids to get out of the ticket, and finally she did say she hired a full time babysitter so I doubt the kids were left home alone. I am convinced that Steve has a place away from his family and Kate drives there to drop off the car. NO WAY did she drive to NYC.!!!

Catherine said... 9

I don't think anyone inferred that she was alone in the car, but it's telling that she wasn't in a limo for this particular media tour. She was obviously driving since she received the ticket.

I bet in the morning she was brutal to the poor kids and blamed the ticket on them, since she was ruhing home to her 8, count em..

That's assuming she even got up with the kids in the morning. I take back that bet.

Tucker's Mom said... 10

I too find it hard to believe that Kate drove all the way to NYC and back, especially in the middle of the night, and this is why-- she was doing a media blitz for the show (right?), and I would think TLC would pay for her usual transport and accomodations. Again, almost 2 in the morning.
I agree that Kate tried to weasel out of the ticket by invoking the G8, as I said before, she throws that out there like people throw out the Holocaust (Godwin's Law). It shuts people up out of guilt. You delay Kate, you keep her away from the children. THINK OF THE KIDS!! (you bad police-ish man).

No Regrets said... 11

She also could have left her car at the airport, while she flew up to be on Joy's show. Who knows. I don't think much of Kate at all, but there is no way she would leave the kids alone for something like that, and for so long.

Of course she used the kids to try and get out of the ticket. I think we all have said things like this, hoping it might work. lol

SuzyQ said... 12

According to the CNN transcript; Kate says to Behar: "We have trouble keeping baby sitters. .... We go through them, you know. It`s all right."

Hm, gee, I can't imagine why?!

Once again, another example of people leaving Kate, but of course, it's THEIR fault not hers. She really does live in an alternate universe.

No Regrets said... 13

JudyK I answered your post on the other blog!

YOU are obviously Obama's fav. I am JEALOUS! lol

Tucker's Mom said... 14

BTW, I seem to remember someone posted that Kate's name was in Monday's Style section, Washington Post article on the Emmys, "TV's big, ho-hum night".
I have the paper and Kate's not mentioned. There's another Kate mentioned, but I didn't see Gosselin. So unless there's a direct quote that I missed, I wanted y'all to know that no, Kate didn't make into the Style section lead article.
As if.

No Regrets said... 15

SuzyQ said...
According to the CNN transcript; Kate says to Behar: "We have trouble keeping baby sitters. .... We go through them, you know. It`s all right."

Hm, gee, I can't imagine why?!

Once again, another example of people leaving Kate, but of course, it's THEIR fault not hers. She really does live in an alternate universe."
I saw that too. I would be embarrassed admitting that. I wish Joy would have asked WHY. But as usual nothing is ever asked that I think should be. LOL

I don't get her being so shocked by not being told multiples are a possibility. Perhaps the doc did not say you might have 7, but isn't there always a danger of many in this type of treatment? I am not that versed on the subject.

TLC stinks said... 16

The airport makes sense although I am unfamiliar with driving distance versus flying to NYC. If she bought a dress in NYC for the Emmy's (she did get caught shopping by a tweet) I would hate to lug that dress aboard a plane (unless that was Steve's job :)

No Regrets said... 17

I don't get her being so shocked by not being told multiples are a possibility. "

I should have said "Not being told of possibility of MANY multiples"

No Regrets said... 18

brownie is congratulating her about her almost 7K tweets and how nice it is to tweet to her 'tweeties'. Doesn't it occur to ANY of them, how can she possibly tweet this much with so many kids? Do they only think of themselves getting those 'sweet tweets'. Who has that sort of time, let alone with EIGHT kids? I don't get it.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 19

Let's face it, Kate chose to sell herself to the devil and her kids, when Jon no longer wanted to film.

Once Jon backed out, he was the enemy and an alleged DIVA was born, at least in her own mind. So many testaments to what a complete B**ch she was and is. Thia woman does not need a new show, she needs a Psychiatric Intervention! I could care less what she does from this point forward, but she is one of the most self-absorbed, disgusting, non-maternal woman I have ever seen, and anyone who still does not get that she is a liar, and not who she projects is to be pitied. Seriously.

Westcoaster said... 20

The suppressed anger issues are going to start coming up and out faster I think. The real problem here is that she now has a much faster car and apparently has no problem putting her foot to the pedal. The potential for a serious accident is very real. And that's scary.

JudyK said... 21

No Regrets said... JudyK I answered your post on the other blog!

YOU are obviously Obama's fav. I am JEALOUS! lol

You SHOULD be jealous! ROFL.

No Regrets said... 22

Anyone watch the H8R's show? I didn't think much of it, even though I only caught part of the segment with Jake the bachelor. It seemed as if they tried to pull off 'spur of the moment' things and it seemed to fall flat for me. Jake is not an actor, obviously. I would rather have a sit down with the celeb and really hash it out, which I assumed the show would about.

Kat said... 23

It's hard to believe she was not told about multiple preg. They usually sit you down and give every possible senario. Her case is unusual. I don't know if I'm buying that she wasn't told. Is that what she said???

No Regrets said... 24

Kat said...
It's hard to believe she was not told about multiple preg. They usually sit you down and give every possible senario. Her case is unusual. I don't know if I'm buying that she wasn't told. Is that what she said???"


She said that he doc told her about the possibility of maybe 3 or 4, but she said he never said there MIGHT be a possibly of seven. Hard to pinpoint ANY number it seems to me. But she seems to be almost blaming the doctor for not 'having it under control' as she was led to believe. Somehow it just doesn't make sense to me.

Anonymous said... 25

I am wondering now if she dove to NY or flew. The place she was pulled over was just north of the PA turnpike, where she would have driven either if she had to drive to/from NY or flew from/to Philadelphia. Joy Behar is on from 9-10pm EST, if I am right, and Kate was pulled over at about 1:30. It's about a 3-hour drive, so she may have driven. She could also have taken a late flight into Philly and driven home from the airport.

What surprises me is that she appeared on the show so late in the day,and yet the show didn't pay for a hotel room for her so that she could stay over and go home the next day. Also, they didn't pay for a driver to take her to/from NY. I am sure that Jimmy Fallon got a hotel room! Apparently she didn't rate the expense. The writing was on the wall, even them!

Ingrid said... 26

Tucker's Mom
The post mentioned another Gosselin name (not Kate) would be on that page. I found the actual page online and Jon's name is in the Salahi article.

AuntieAnn said... 27

Kat, No Regets -- According to Beth's book J & K were offered an escape route which was "to discontinue the injections and repeat the process in two months, aiming for enough but not too many follicles."

Kate aimed for HOM from the get-go.

Jane said... 28

TLC stinks said...
The airport makes sense although I am unfamiliar with driving distance versus flying to NYC. If she bought a dress in NYC for the Emmy's (she did get caught shopping by a tweet) I would hate to lug that dress aboard a plane (unless that was Steve's job :)


While it's possible she flew to NYC, it's unlikely. It takes longer to fly there from her area, than to drive. You have to take into account getting to the airport, security, getting from the NYC airports into the city (which can take an hour), etc. She's only apx 110 miles from the city.

Tucker's Mom said... 29

Ingrid said...
Tucker's Mom
The post mentioned another Gosselin name (not Kate) would be on that page. I found the actual page online and Jon's name is in the Salahi article.
I did read that Jon made around 365,000 for interviews in 2009, which isn't hard to believe given the grist he was feeding the mill back then. At least he has toned it down instead of revved it up. Can you imagine if Jon stayed on his Ed Hardy trajectory the way Kate has stayed on her Blonde Ambition tour?

No Regrets said... 30

AuntieAnn said...
Kat, No Regets -- According to Beth's book J & K were offered an escape route which was "to discontinue the injections and repeat the process in two months, aiming for enough but not too many follicles."

Kate aimed for HOM from the get-go."
Thanks. I had forgotten that part. THAT was what was bothering me why she is bringing this up. SHE chose this route, yet warning people to use caution, which people should do anyway. It just seemed strange why she is sort of blaming the doc now. I guess anything to project her as 'expert' in all things again. Or just something to blab about?

No Regrets said... 31

I did read that Jon made around 365,000 for interviews in 2009, which isn't hard to believe given the grist he was feeding the mill back then"
Yes, Jon did make a lot that year. This is what the court based his 20K a month child support on. Obviously, he stopped making that sort of money. The fans are raging he DARED make that much money. So what? MOST Of it went to the kids anyway. Kate made a small fortune too.

Kat said... 32

People who are wealthy can usually pick a donor with the same traits as themselves....Hair color, height etc..if there is a donor like that availabe. You are allowed to see a baby picture of your donor. Also a profile of their family.

Catherine said... 33

Kate also admitted on twitter that she's been obsessed with multiples her whole life. She knew exactly what she was doing.

I've been thinking about Lake. Wasn't Ethel Kennedy pregnant with her 11th when Bobby was killed?

I'm not saying her story isn't possible, but the more I think about it, lets just say I'm joining the ranks of skeptical, although I think some of the shots taken at her were uncalled for, on the chance that it is true.

When it's not important, like life or death, or fraud, I still think politeness was called for. It's an anonymous person posting on a blog, not asking for anything but a couple minutes of our time, like the rest of us.

No Regrets said... 34

Kat said...
People who are wealthy can usually pick a donor with the same traits as themselves....Hair color, height etc..if there is a donor like that availabe. You are allowed to see a baby picture of your donor. Also a profile of their family.
September 20, 2011 9:23 AM"

As I said, I am not that versed in the fertility subject at all, and I am shocked at what can be done these days. On the Basketball Wives, I did see one show the couple who have frozen eggs of TWIN BOYS for when they do decide to have kids. Amazing. I am not sure what to think of that. LOL

Jenna Does said... 35

Where the hell is her law abiding citizen award?? Jeez, this woman is dangerous! Get her the hell off the roads before she kills someone. I hope to God she doesn't drive like that when the kids are w/ her. And hopefully, Jon will be teaching them how to drive. Is she an angry driver? Giving the finger, cutting people off? Seriously, she NEEDS to be OFF the roads. I HATE drivers like her. She is NOT above the damn law!!

And thank you Catherine. :)

~Hippie Chick~

AuntieAnn said... 36

Do they take away your license in PA after so many speeding tickets? Up here (in Canada) if you get 15 demerit points your license is suspended for a month. But they mail you a courtesy notice of point standing first, if you have more than 8 points but less than 15. A courtesy notice! Honestly aren't we a kind and gentle nation. lol.

Anonymous said... 37

catherine, i agree. i posted my thoughts as comment 253 on last topic.

also..lets see.
1. kate was obsessed with multiples.
2. she was told to stop the cycle and hospitalized with overstimulated ovaries. hmmmmm what did she expect
3. how did she plan on caring for quads? if she expected triplets of quads..why not skip that cycle? a young couple with twins wouldnt be ready for quads if they were as poor as kate pretended to be. plus with quads/triplets she wouldnt have had near the amount of donated item so she would have had to actually *gasp* pay for things. i will always believe she wanted HOM and wanted to be famous for it. she may no have dreamed the reality show was possible when trying to conceive but im sure she was thinking about donated homes, cars, media attention, a book deal, interviews on talk shows ect.

she only wants people to be cautious now so they don't outrank her child count #. lol

read the transcript from joys interview. still a bit softball-ism but kate was still under TLC's umbrella. the interview was boring. kate is a bore on interviews. she is never witty, slow to catch a joke, mixes up her lies or plain forgets and always trys to sound down-trodden. wah wah wah. im a bore but i deserve a career on tv because its fun.

well i want to be a millionair because it sounds fun. is anyone gonna hand me my millions? nope.. i will have to work to acheive that dream and even then - no guarantees. no one hands you a life. you earn it

kate..get a new gimmick. this one trick pony thing is getting old.


Kat said... 38

Not following....She had too many follicles? The more follicles the better. At that point they are not even fertilized. The doctor has no way of knowing how many would fert. Where did Kate come up with that one? That sounds a little suspect

AuntieAnn said... 39

Catherine said...

I'm not saying her story isn't possible, but the more I think about it, lets just say I'm joining the ranks of skeptical, although I think some of the shots taken at her were uncalled for, on the chance that it is true.


Did I miss something here?

Catherine said... 40

You're welcome Hippie Chick :)

I haven't been a regular poster here, but I am a regular reader, and you're one of my favs. Also, I live with chronic illness so when one of my 'sisters' gets ragged on I take it personally. Life is tough enough for us.

Hang in there!

Jenna Does said... 41

AuntieAnn said...
Did I miss something here?
On the last thread, some people were saying that Lake may not be who she claims to be. Catherine, myself & a couple of others stuck up for her. It was...well, you can read over there & see.

It was a big mess about people lying on the internet, even I was implicated. (whatever). I have a damn blog. If ya don't believe me, go there & see. I hope it's over.
~Hippie Chick~

Catherine said... 42

Auntie Ann,

It's from the last post about Lake Up North.

Jane said... 43

Just throwing this out there -- I think she's going to be on DWTS tonight along with other past contestants. I have no reason to think this, it's just a weird hunch that I hope is wrong!

AuntieAnn said... 44

Okay, sorry...I read Ethel Kennedy and didn't see Lake...didn't get the connection between Kate and the Kennedys. I'd better make an eye appointment.

I think it's good to be truthful without having to submit a DNA sample whenever you join a blog Once you've been on the internet long enough you develop a sort of bs filter.

Jenna, I've never been to your site, but I'll pop in for a visit later!

Kat said... 45

I think my post was lost...over stimulated ovaries does not mean you're going to have mutiples. In fact a lot of women don't even get pregnant when this happens because of the stress associated with the condition

Mel said... 46

Jane said... Just throwing this out there -- I think she's going to be on DWTS tonight

She's gonna be somewhere! Or else is having a procedure done....like tightening up that turkey neck.

She's been waaaay too quiet the past few days.

History has shown that the only time she's tweeting like a maniac is when she's home with the kids.

Nice mom, eh?

Gimme said... 47

She doesn't tweet when she is with Steve. They are too busy having those deep private conversations.

Kate's medicore fans said... 48

@Kateplusmy8 hey kate,do u have any good receipes for apples? maybe a pie receipe have tons of apples just bought and need ideas

Why do Kate's fans tweet this kind of stuff? Is this woman really too stupid to find an apple pie recipe (she can't spell it)? If Kate doesn't tweet her will the fan let the apples rot while she waits? Do you all go shopping and buy "tons" of stuff you don't know what to do with? Or is it more than likely they're asking the question because they want to be part of Kate's life? That's so pathetic.

Gimme said... 49

I am thinking Joy's show is taped earlier or is it live?

Catherine said... 50

Hey there, wait a minute. I agree with your point about it harming sensitive people to hear tales of woe. I guess the fact that my mom had 10 kids in 15 years (one didn't make it) immunes me to calling BS on these kinds of stories. It doesn't sound as far out to someone like me as it would to the average person from a family of four. My parents put a lot of trust in God, and if something had happened to my dad we would have been in real trouble. Being Catholic, I meet lots of other big families to this day. We'll probably never know the truth, but I do take your point.

BUT: In this day, I can't imagine having eleven kids and not having millions in life insurance.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 51

Sorry but my personal laptop died, using a borrowed one here and there.

What idiot took Kate to the Emmys? Or is this a joke?

url said... 52

Was Kart's late evening speeding ticket the same day she did that awful interview with AJ Hammer also? She was miserable on his show. All the shows were taped earlier. She probably had an expensive dinner in NY that evening and was running late. Her kids were most likely sleeping but she was probably paying the babysitter overtime, so she was speeding home to relieve her. I think this awful speeding habit will catch up to her. Hopefully, her children will not be in the car with her when it does and no one will be seriously injured. She's an accident waiting to happen.

Tucker's Mom said... 53

url said...
Was Kart's late evening speeding ticket the same day she did that awful interview with AJ Hammer also?
Does anyone have a link to this? I remember AJ commented (on the show'e cancellation) that Kate seemed to be coming unglued on that interview.

AnnaBanana said... 54

Kat said...
Not following....She had too many follicles? The more follicles the better. At that point they are not even fertilized. The doctor has no way of knowing how many would fert. Where did Kate come up with that one? That sounds a little suspect

If there are too many follicles developing, the doctor can "cancel" the rest of the cycle by not doing the insemination. Our doctor told us that he won't proceed if there are more than a certain number of follicles (I think it was as low as 3-4). When more follicles develop, you are are a greater risk of developing Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome which can be life threatening to mom and fetuses. I ended up in the hospital with OHSS after doing IVF.

JM said... 55

I think she might have taken the train out of Lancaster that day. Looking at a map, 222 north in Lancaster Co is between Lancaster and Reading. If you check the schedule of one of the trains from NYC to Lancaster, it gets in to Lancaster after midnight. I was just curious about it in the contaxt of TLC not sending the limo for her anymore for her round of the shows in NYC on Aug 8.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 56

Hehehehe.... I love how the cop gave her a ticket for speeding anyway.

I can just imagine the conversation:

Officer: "Do you how fast you were going"?

Kate: "Um... no"?

Cop: "License & registration, please".

Kate: "But, um, uh officer, honestly- I was in hurry to get home to my 8 children: Cara, Mady, Alexis, Colin, Hannah, Aiden, Joel & what's her name".

Cop: Ignoring her weak plea, the officer whips out his ticket book.

Kate: Indignant & insulted, Kate tells him, "I don't believe you know who I am. I am a t.v. star. I'm Kate Gosselin, and the 8 children I'm rushing home to are a part of MY act".

Officer: With a deadpan look, he hands Kate a summons with an even bigger amount for speeding, endangering her life & the lives of others, AND being an exploitive jerk.

Vanessa said... 57

I think people who post fabricated stories, tragic stories, stories that don't add up are in need of some serious help. (in no way am I saying that any of the personal stories I've read here are false, I dont' know) I don't think it's to "stir things up", I think it's a round about way to get "attention". The comments are a pseudo "pat on the back", a "there there". It's feeding some kind of need these people have. There are so many varying degrees of mental illness or mental disorders.

JM said... 58

"context" not "contaxt", sorry.

Hoosier Girl said... 59

Kate's medicore fans said...

Why do Kate's fans tweet this kind of stuff? Is this woman really too stupid to find an apple pie recipe (she can't spell it)? If Kate doesn't tweet her will the fan let the apples rot while she waits? Do you all go shopping and buy "tons" of stuff you don't know what to do with? Or is it more than likely they're asking the question because they want to be part of Kate's life? That's so pathetic.

They really are ridiculous.

Along with the questions on cleaning, couponing, child rearing ... none of which Kate does well ... or at all.

Yet, there they are every day ... perched on the edge of their seat waiting for a Z-lister to twit them back!

*** For the record ... I'm going with the nip/tuck faction in our game of "Where's Kate". But I'm going with lipo on those elephantine knees ...

Jane said... 60

Gimme said...
I am thinking Joy's show is taped earlier or is it live?


Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's taped earlier in the day.

Kate's medicore fans said... 61

Here's someone to watch:

LoveCostNothing Will Smith
@Kateplusmy8 isn't maddy/cara's bday is coming up soon? My goodness growing fast.

His profile says he's 37 SWM looking for conversations. His pic is of a big Hoss-looking kind of guy, sleeves torn out of his t-shirt, with some sort of band tattoo around his forearm and says he's a "handyman."

Single 37 year old man who looks like a biker knowing when the twins birthday is? Odd and scary. And Kate tweets him!

The Bitter End (Nee Bob Tail Nag) said... 62

Katie Irene is making this way too easy and she does appear to have some anger management issues. I wonder what the cop thought when the sports car blew by him doing 90 mph at 1:30 in the morning? I can only imagine her conversation with the twins. "What did you learn in school today"? "That you are a habitual speeder, Mom - and I heard it all day long".

Someone in her management bought her a boy toy to keep her out of trouble, but Katie Irene just won't listen. Seems like she just didn't learn a thing. Bad girl behavior sells Katie. Her temper will inflame the only press she gets. She really has nothing else to offer - like most reality personalities.

BTW, I read the transcript and the thing that jumped out at me was the playing with Barbies bit. Just confirmed that Dad interacts but Katie doesn't.

Catherine said... 63

Vanessa, I totally agree that 'if' people post tragic stories that are false, they really do crave attention and they are very sad individuals.

The pot stirrers are the ones who misconstrue some of the words and flat out call her a liar. That's what I take issue with.

I also have to believe if a father of ten with the eleventh on the way was wiped out by a drunk, texting teenager, it would at least make the local news. There would be a way to document it.

Poor Lake, whatever the truth is, I don't imagine we'll be hearing much from her again. I do recall her as a long time poster, though not a regular. If the story is true, maybe she's resting more as the due date approaches and something about Kate finally set her off enough to cause her to spill it.

I understand healthy skepticism. I don't understand anyone coming on here anonympously and calling someone a liar. But that's me.

Kat said... 64

What???? The goal is to achieve pregnancy. 3 or 4? That's not a high number when you figure half never even fertilize...o.k....whatever

AuntieAnn said... 65

Kate's medicore fans said...

Single 37 year old man who looks like a biker knowing when the twins birthday is? Odd and scary. And Kate tweets him!


I read some of his tweets...seems he has a thing for celebrities.

This is disturbing too:

LoveCostNothing Will Smith
<@Kateplusmy8 don't sweat the ticket. PA sucks about its speeding laws. I almost got busted doing 126mph outside Pittsburgh

Is that the kind of encouragement Kate feeds on?

Vanessa said... 66

Catherine, I'm with you. Take each post with a grain of salt, skim over stuff you find questionable, boring or whatever...just let's all be civil? What harm is it doing to the reader if you don't believe a person's story? Move on? This is a great blog!

Mom In Lancaster County said... 67

"Kate's Aug. 8 ticket revealed: 23 mph over the speed limit at 1:37 a.m., just hours after rough interview with Joy Behar in N.Y."


I believe that the ticket was issued on August 9, according to the docket.

If she had driven back from NYC, she wouldn't have gotten a ticket issued in Lancaster County (Brecknock Township). Hartman's office is in New Holland, which is in Lancaster County. The route back from NYC to Reading is 78 West (I've driven it more times than I can remember) then on to 222, but SOUTH, not north!

If she had taken the train, Keystone gets into Lancaster at midnight; from there she would be driving north on 222 to Reading, which puts her exactly in the area where the ticket was issued. When she took the kids to NYC, she used the train from Lancaster, not from the 30th street station in Philly.

My bet is on the train from NYC to Lancaster, then north on 222 to Reading. Makes total sense.

On another note, our little city was visited by a celebrity over the weekend, but nobody knew it. Lady Gaga is dating a Lancaster Mennonite High School grad, and they ate at a local restaurant, followed by drinks at a pub in the very tiny town of Lititz. No advance warning - nobody knew it, not even the restaurant managers. She blended in with everyone else, no bodyguard, no entourage, no cameras, no autographs. Imagine that! Apparently she went unrecognized.

I'm surprised that, since Kate is such a big fan, that she didn't call Kate and ask her to join them!

Kate's medicore fans said... 68

AuntieAnn said...Is that the kind of encouragement Kate feeds on?

She doesn't seem to be very picky. With Kate it's quantity, not quality.

The Bitter End said... 69

JM said... I think she might have taken the train out of Lancaster that day. Looking at a map, 222 north in Lancaster Co is between Lancaster and Reading. If you check the schedule of one of the trains from NYC to Lancaster, it gets in to Lancaster after midnight
Probably the train from either Lancaster or Philly, although there is a more direct way from Philly. The commute by train is easy, while the traffic by car is very difficult.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... Hehehehe.... I love how the cop gave her a ticket for speeding anyway.

I can just imagine the conversation:

He would have checked for priors and outstanding violations - and as happened - there would have been no choice. Can you imagine, if a warning had been issued, and Katie had been involved in a high speed collision? That had to have been going through the officers head.

Anonymous said... 70

wait a minute
i can appreciate your concerns. just because i dont get invested in someone's unverified story it doesn't mean othres wont.
i can see all sides to this subject.

for me it was just hard to believe someone could truly just be so accepting of such a situation. cleaning homes for others, donating last $20 cash, working long shifts, raising 10 alone, singing in choir, doing church daycare, keeping a clean house, getting meals on the table, home work done, getting kids off to school, having a toddler, being pregnant, losing a spouse recently and understanding "hey that's life" while never complaining ect. it seemed too perfect. but who knows..maybe there are people out there that are a lot stronger than me. i know i could be doing more with my life..getting out there and getting hands on and helping others..being a better person..but i get caught up in my own day to day struggles of raising 2 troubled now adult teens (19-18), worrying about guiding them onto the right path, being on call 130 hours a week, being stressed and exhausted and just plain depressed at times at my lack of strenght to get out there and enjoy life. maybe Lake does struggle but chooses not to share that part and just takes the "hey if i can do it so can kate' attitude. posting a glimpse of a stroy never is the heart of the whole story. its just a summary and i get that.

like i said..i too felt something hinky at 1st i was thinking "no one is that accepting and perfect" but then after just reading the kate snark she offered i felt she is someone who at least gets it that kate aint the cat's meow and for now that ok with me. - its hard to see her as a sheepl in disguise since she has spot on comments about kates behavior.

i would just hate to be called out as a fake if my story was true but i would also understand the skepticism. i try to choose my words carefully because you just never know.

i am intrigued by catfish and will be watching that soon. the internet has become a place where people create alter egos and lives. its a foreign idea to me since its not in my character so im amazed people would do such a thing.
what is to gain by offering a hard luck story if it's not true. why would someone jerk you around for kicks? it's strange

always take non verfied info with a huge grain of salt and protect yourself. share, but dont put so much out there that people are saying "huh?"

also, i feel bad hippie chick was called out for sharing her chronic pain. people who live with it suffer not only pain but the inability to live life as they please and also deal with the stigma of being labeled a hypochrondriac. even dr.s now treat undiagnosed pain with a side eye thinking you are just trying to score pain meds. its a lonely thing to suffer though.

im sorry everyone feels they can no longer feel comfortable sharing their stories. they are interesting as they relate to the subject at hand or why you feel and react like you do.
i hope you folks continue to enjoy this site and feel free to post.

admin posting a warning was just that..a warning of a caution. dont get too invested. protect yourself and by all means..blog away! she just like others felt a little hmmm moment and attempted to check it out. im surprised she even commented on it. it shows she is confident enough to call it as she feels it and doesnt feel the need to appease every single person. this is her blog and im glad she posts on it and offers honestly and not fakery in what she thinks.

this will be my last post on the subject. i just wanted to say i see both sides of this coin. i enjoy everyone's posts and love this site. lets keep it friendly but not be afraid to question things if it's appropriate.


Jenna Does said... 71

Jane said...

Just throwing this out there -- I think she's going to be on DWTS tonight along with other past contestants. I have no reason to think this, it's just a weird hunch that I hope is wrong!
I hope you're wrong too! She has no reason to be there. She didn't really *do* anything, ya know? She just danced really, really bad & caused drama. I hope she stays home (& doesn't go for a drive anywhere). She is just so not wanted in Hollywood.

When will she realize that? It's OVER Kate. Move on to other things, not in the entertainment industry. You are not done-ish. You are just DONE.
~Hippie Chick~

No Regrets said... 72

Vanessa said...I'm with you. Take each post with a grain of salt, skim over stuff you find questionable, boring or whatever...just let's all be civil? What harm is it doing to the reader if you don't believe a person's story? Move on? This is a great blog!"


Good Post, thank you. YES please, please let's move on. And a little civility does go a long way.

I Call CaCa said... 73

She probably just had to doo-doo really bad. All that crap in her has to come out sometime.

Jenna Does said... 74

You too Catherine! If you go to my blog, you'll find an email address up in the right hand corner. If the mood ever strikes you, feel free to shout out. It's nice to chat with someone who knows how one feels...

Just click on my name & it'll take you right to my blog. (sorry for the OT Admin!) & Thanks again Catherine. You are a sweetheart! :)

~Hippie Chick~

PS I check my email, but not ALL the time. I'm OK at it LOL. About 2 or 3 times a week!

AuntieAnn said... 75

No Regrets said...
Good Post, thank you. YES please, please let's move on. And a little civility does go a long way.


I agree as well. I hate to see blogs infected with paranoia. The atmosphere on 15 minutes is great and I hope it stays that way.

No Regrets said... 76

Hippie Chick
When will she realize that? It's OVER Kate. Move on to other things, not in the entertainment industry. You are not done-ish. You are just DONE."


This is the killer with her. She does NOT realize she has no talent. She has the 'gift of gab'. Well ok! So do many people.It is WHAT you say, not just the gift to blab. She says nothing of value that I have ever heard. And we all have seen her interview techniques. LOL

Mom In Lancaster County said... 77

Probably the train from either Lancaster or Philly, although there is a more direct way from Philly. The commute by train is easy, while the traffic by car is very difficult.


Unless there's no other way, you don't want to get the train in Philly unless you love sitting on the Schuylkill Expressway in a parking lot for two hours, trying to get to 30th Street Station. I just did that, trying to get to a show in Center City, and I was ready to get out and walk! She would have left her car in Lancaster, taking the train to NYC and back.

Hippie Chick said... 78

@Kateplusmy8 hey kate,do u have any good receipes for apples? maybe a pie receipe have tons of apples just bought and need ideas

I can tweet to Kate, but I can't go to allrecipes.com, or Google apple recipes in my computer. DUH!!!!

No Regrets said... 79

AuntieAnn I agree as well. I hate to see blogs infected with paranoia. The atmosphere on 15 minutes is great and I hope it stays that way."
Thanks, and I agree. I would hate to see this blog change. I don't want to type on eggshells. LOL

Anonymous said... 80

i think its funny the cop added the "speeding home to my kids" comment in his report.

i think its funny sheeple ask kate for apple recipes. umm - allrecipes.com what does kate know. she has never shown any cooking skills on her show. the few things she serves were with from craft services or slop. she neve on air shared one recipe except for monkey much really and the american flag forgery

i think its funny sheeple are so lonely for celeb connection they need birthday retweets to feel validated.

i think its funny brownnose is such a kate defender but refuses to be educated on why people do call kate out on her behavior. is she going to put her head in the sand and be blind to her kids lies too when they are teens? why the refusal to do a little research? i know she reads here because she always refers to the hater posts.

i think kates wishes of no jealously are funny. she coveted beth. lot of land and big house.sports car.spa.stole her book as her own writing. private school. ect ect ect
kate is a jealous woman. otherwise how does she account for her gimme gimme attitude. that is not "being happy with what you have"

i think its funny if you google "kate gosselin 2011 emmy's" NOTHING comes up

i think its funny without TLCs protection the speeding ticket stories are hitting real news outlets.

i think its funny how she is so used to the magic genie "GOD" granteing her wishes that she keeps puttin out her tv show idea and the genie is stuck in the bottle

i think its funny that she is so big on plagerism and forgery but has never had an original idea in her straw head.

i think its funny she claims to run 10.5 miles a day but no one has seen it.

i think its funny she used to hate fans and now uses them for her own need yet they dont see it- twitter popped up right after im sure she was warned of possible cancellation

and finally - i thin sheeple are hilarious. oohh AMAZING. big PLANS i knew it. your inspirational..i will be thinking of you all day on my birthday...the empty website is ahmazing. you truly do it all. jon does nothing. u deserve a break, u work so hard. I'll be you assistant..email me!!!! tweet me!!! did you get an email from kate? no? oh she's soooo busy. kids in school, paid help, no job, 2 free weekend a month, time for plastic surgery and recovery (i could have only dreamed of that) super busy. hehe

its funny sheeple wont ask the real question if her boobs are fake or where she got the good bra. they dont ask which NEW babysitter had the kids while she jaunted off to NYC and LA. they dont ask where she has money to pay steve and nannies while unemployed yet they are so concerned they are mailing gift cards. some girl going to paris mailed kate a gift. that got a FAST tweet reply. they dont ask why she doesnt give back or donate her free time or energy to helping others. kate has so many donations howe could she NOT pay it forward. just no one asks. tumbleweeds blow by..crickets chirp. nada.

ask you idol some questions to see if she fits the idol bill. geeze. instead they just want a retweet to show they have z list celeb friends

yes. im posting a lot of long posts today. its my one day off a week and my butt is firmly planted on my microfiber couch and will be all day.



No Regrets said... 81

Kate apparently can't use Google either.

Mom In Lancaster County said... 82

I just can't imagine that she would have been so stupid. She is not that unfamiliar with that area. Where she was stopped is just crawling with radar cops, particularly late at night. She must have know that. Oh, wait...this is Kate. Nobody is going to stop her because she's a star with eight kids. I'm surprised she didn't make up a story - like one of her kids was in the ER or there was a family emergency. Maybe she did...who knows?

I wonder how much cursing went on the rest of the way home. You know she wasn't alone in that car!

Hippie Chick said... 83

Vanessa said...
Catherine, I'm with you. Take each post with a grain of salt, skim over stuff you find questionable, boring or whatever...just let's all be civil? What harm is it doing to the reader if you don't believe a person's story? Move on? This is a great blog!
This blog kicks ASS! I love it here, & would love to move on from this.
~Peace to everyone here. :)

Anonymous said... 84

why doesnt brownnose ask kate to slow down on the road. i mean she has all these kid sin the area she cares about. hey mk..ask ur tweetie friend to slow it down to protect the people YOU care about. or is it ok if kate plows down an innocent person while tweeting and driving


Hippie Chick said... 85

No Regrets said...
This is the killer with her. She does NOT realize she has no talent. She has the 'gift of gab'. Well ok! So do many people.It is WHAT you say, not just the gift to blab. She says nothing of value that I have ever heard. And we all have seen her interview techniques. LOL
Techniques!! Ha! LOL Blab is so right on. Her way of speaking could be compared to someone who knows how to speak English, but just does not want to. Kind of like a couple of kids in tree house, making up their own language I guess. The -ish thing is so lame. I can see adding -ish to "Oh it's at noon-ish" but NOT every damn word!

She has ZERO skills at interviewing. What would she add? "Enough about you, let's talk about me?" This would be Kate's show:


Down to the kid & everything, except ALL 8 would be there. Just watch. Seriously.

Hoosier Girl said... 86

I would guarantee that police officer heard the words "Do you know who I am?" or "Don't you recognize me?"

I also bet he/she got an earful of woe is Katie

... I have 8 kids. I'm a single mother. My ex does nothing to help me. I have to support them all on my own. I'm so tired. I'm so overwhelmed. Did I mention my ex does nothing to help me? There just aren't enough hours in my day ...

No Regrets said... 87

Hippie Chick that video would be almost what Kate would do. LOL Too funny.

Even on the View when Kathy Griffin was going on and on as she does, Kate had this expression on her face, like "Shut up already". Like Kathy or not, that is just the way she talks and she WAS a guest. LOL I can just see her trying to talk with someone like that.

AuntieAnn said... 88

She did some behind the scene DWTS interviews for ET. She was horrible at it. She kept bringing the topic back around to herself and she was flinging that mike back and forth like a little kid. Her interviewing skills are about as good as her dancing skills.

No Regrets said... 89

Lord have mercy. Out of 2 million channels on cable and about as many programs, this is what one watches every time they are home? LOL!

@kellygunterkgunter 
I seriously spend everyday I'm home watching @kateplusmy8

Anonymous said... 90

i feel bad for cara and mady. when kate cleaned her garage on an early episode she found her twins baby books. she was so into those children. the kids were super literate at 4 years old. what happened to kate along the way? the twins got a raw deal. they had a great family until the tups/cameras came into their world. (not the tups fault) 2 doting parents. enough money to live comfortably on the family income without fame. extended family and lots of love and friends.
jon was so right to be concerned about cara and madys feeling when he found out about the HOM pregnancy. kate didnt say a word about the twins. it was all about HER reactions and feelings. jon said he worried for the twins and how it would effect them. that is reason and love. kate went apeshit when she got pregnant with her golden gosselins. she lost sight of it all.
can you imagine being mady and cara? 1st they got sent to grandparents, then tons of strangers in their house 24/7 helping raise the tups. no mommy time. then came the cameras and they became 2nd fiddle since they werent kates big $$$ draw. it's sad. now mady is finally getting attention but its only to be groomed as a disney star to support the family.

i worry abut cara the most. mady got the rap as the emotional one but i see it more in cara. mady has coping skills. cara is lost in that family and shows signs of childhood depression. her outbursts and tears are not normal for her age. to be expected as her life is so far from normal its pathetic.

kate screams over katepluseight.com website but never said a word about the "i hate mady gosselin" website.

what a bitch

also, i understand jon. when the show started it was 6 episodes. he still worked. life was normal. it didnt feel so invasive. as the show grew, he may have enjoyed the perks. but once it took a life of it's own he saw the writing on the wall and wanted it to stop. his wife was galavanting around with HER book and another man. jon wanted it to stop and his wife didn't consider his feelings as a husband and father.
i also feel he got a raw deal in the divorce settlement money. rememeber when he took money from the shared account that was his portion of payment from the show and had to give it back? he got blasted. kate did the same yet no a peep. and why didnt he get a bigger selttlement or alimony. he helped make that show successful. his name was on the book too. how did kate get everything and he ended up in an apartment that he got ragged on for as well? he deserved half. sorry but he did. he did the same work as kate. she hid money. he has no chance against the TLC machine in the divorce and im sure it tainted the judges decisions.

how did jon get a bad rap in the divorce why kate walked away as the victim? why did TLC allow him to be crucified in the media? why did kate? so awful. HE got the bad rap as a terrible father. why? becasue he left precious kate and 8 kids. (WRONG. she left him.) cuz he went to france? (what about his ME time) cuz he dated? (an abused person who was under a tv contract that dictated his life had some freedom. he went a little wild. deal with sheeple.) he wore Ed Hardy (have u seen kate;s wardrobe?)

but one thing is true.. he never stopped loving and caring for his kids and wanting what is best fo them. even if it meant less $$. oh and sheeple..jon could have made money in TV (isnt that the ONLY way to support 8 kids) but kate and TLC squashed it. why no outrage for him for not being able to provide big tv money for his kids? where was his PEOPLE cover story? a superbowl commerical would have netted him a cool million i bet. now he has a non tv job but is bashed for it since it leaves poor kate as the major breadwinner. well sheep. she asked for it to be that way. deal with it!

sheeple are truly bizarre and one sided in their thinking.


JudyK said... 91

Gimme said... She doesn't tweet when she is with Steve. They are too busy having those DEEP private conversations.

Ha! Exactly! And when she's NOT with him, she's constantly on one of her 100 pink phones w/ him.

It's Dark In There said... 92

Anonymous said...

why doesnt brownnose ask kate to slow down on the road. i mean she has all these kid sin the area she cares about. hey mk..ask ur tweetie friend to slow it down to protect the people YOU care about. or is it ok if kate plows down an innocent person while tweeting and driving


Because Brownie has her nose so far up Kate's butt that all she sees are the sacs from the implants. She can't see the light of day. I'm surprised she can stick her head out to read the tweets.

Anonymous said... 93

i wrote a post about the lake situation and about someone's reference to -how someone "died" and chronic pain" but i dont see it here ..

to quickly recap. no matter what people think it is wrong to sum someones life up in a catch phrase. hippie chick. it sucks you have chronic pain. aside from the pain and not living your life as you want to.. there is also depression that comes with it, people not understanding or labeling you a hypochondriac, heck even dr's give you the side eye and assume you just want pain meds. i totally understand and felt it was insulting to you to have your life summed up as in paranthesis "chronic pain" as if that is all you contribute to these discussions.

regarding lake. i had a hinky meter go off when i read the post of perfection. the ability to deal with the loss of spouse, giving last $20 to hurricane victims, cleaning an elderly lady's home while 8 mothns pregnant, siging in the church choir, babysitting in church nusery, working long shifts, having 10 kids, being pregnant, having dinner ready, house clean, doing it all without complaining ect....but i also realize "hey, maybe some people are strong and capable like that"

i see both sides to this coin. on one hand it is wise not to get emotionally invested in an unverifed story. on the other hand ...maybe it was shared to show disgust that she can do it but kate only pretends to do it.

i always take online stories with a grain of salt. but i do enjoy reading them if they are true. i hope its the truth. (i'd feel terrible if it was true and we insulted her.) otherwise there is a serious need for attention and a pat on the back like vanessa said.
for now. i do like lakes comments about kate so i will continue reading them

anyway. i respect admin for posting her honest thoughts on the subject. it took guts to say she felt the urge to want to verify it to protect our feelings. i also appreciate she pulls no punches and states what she thinks and isnt out to be a "please everyone" person. she only asked us to use caution and judgement when reading. she didnt ask us to insult others or turn this into a scandal. i respect that.

i love this blog. i hope it continues to be a great place to follow the gosselin saga and the story of other kids on reality tv.


Kirkland said... 94

According to the latest tweet posted at top, she tweeted over 20 hours ago? Where is she? What is she doing?

I don't like it when Kate is quiet. Makes me wonder what she's up to.

Kat said... 95

I'm still curious as to why Kate's even still there. Is she really trying to market herself? Is she there for a good time? Is she there because it was a free trip? I think she's there to shack up.

Tucker's Mom said... 96

My money is still on Kate being gone most of the week, with kids left at home with a babysitter (I won't even say Nanny, as that would imply more than what they're getting, especially now that Ashley's gone).

Anonymous said... 97

she is probably on a plane heading home or recovering from a tune up. :0)
i dont think any offers are pouring in. dont worry. she is soooo 2009


Kirkland said... 98

Sorry if this has already been posted. I guess I missed it yesterday:


Here's a quote from the article:
“I just screamed at [the paparazzi] today,” the famous TV mom tells me. “And I said go away leave me alone. Go and photograph somebody else. Every day they leave me alone it’s a great day. If I have a job and it doesn’t go with paparazzi, great.”

Kate told the paparazzi to go away? yeah, right!

Anonymous said... 99

EM said...

regarding lake. i had a hinky meter go off when i read the post of perfection. the ability to deal with the loss of spouse, giving last $20 to hurricane victims, cleaning an elderly lady's home while 8 mothns pregnant, siging in the church choir, babysitting in church nusery, working long shifts, having 10 kids, being pregnant, having dinner ready, house clean, doing it all without complaining ect....but i also realize "hey, maybe some people are strong and capable like that"

LOVE the hinky meter!!! My hinky meter went off the charts with those posts. You reminded me of many things Superwoman does that I forgot about.

Maybe I'm just becoming protective of this blog and the people on it, because I don't usually comment about things like this. I make my points and move along, but here's the thing. I'm pretty organized person, and I can tell you that the things she claims to do by herself with ten kids... Well, it's just a PHYSICAL IMPOSSIBILITY. There are not enough hours in the day for a non-pregnant person to accomplish what she does AND take care of ten children.

I still think it's a sheeple playing the good people here. I'm sorry, lake, but I do. :) No one can be as perfect as you, unless we're talking Jesus here. It's NOT POSSIBLE!!

-Skheptic ;) -

The Bitter End said... 100

EM said... how did jon get a bad rap in the divorce why kate walked away as the victim? why did TLC allow him to be crucified in the media? why did kate? so awful. HE got the bad rap as a terrible father. why? becasue he left precious kate and 8 kids. (WRONG. she left him.) cuz he went to france? (what about his ME time) cuz he dated? (an abused person who was under a tv contract that dictated his life had some freedom. he went a little wild. deal with sheeple.) he wore Ed Hardy (have u seen kate;s wardrobe?)
The show was dying and this gave them a new story line. The ironic twist is that Katie ruined it herself when she went mainstream. Dancing and the Sarah Palin episode showed Katie's true nature to the masses - and even a sheeple or two.

fidosmommy said... 101

Last I heard, Jesus was never pregnant. Not with one child, not with 11 children.

Molly12 said... 102

Back a month or so ago, I thought there was some mention of Kate meeting up with a man and I thought at the time he might have possibly been a police officer. Until someone can help me remember this is complete speculation. But, going back to look at the tweets around the same time frame, it seems to fit. Maybe she gets pulled over more than we think and is just given warnings. Are these exchanges around the same time she got a ticket? (I deleted the twitter name of the gentleman).

36 days agovia webTwitter.@Kateplusmy8 Kate, add me so I can send u a message..

Kateplusmy8omg! Where have u been? How are u? Will do!

xxxxxxxx - 35 days agovia webTwitter
@Kateplusmy8 Chica, check ur messages.

Kateplusmy8 34 days
When the road ahead is full of blind curves, twists&turns,buy a reeeeaallly fast sports car (I prefer a convertible!)&enjoy the ride! -Me:)

Xxxxxxx - and watch out for the Po Po ;-)

Kateplusmy8yes, every great plan has the occasional snag, I guess :(

Kateplusmy8Oh just dreaming, of course! :) totally agree-- will drive safely in my dreams! :)
34 days

fidosmommy said... 103

I guess I better explain my comment about Jesus.
The poster was saying that this person was trying to outshine everyone with the story of doing everything and cleaning, working long shifts while pregnant - and then said nobody, not even Jesus could do all that. Hence my comment about Jesus never being pregnant. Bad attempt at humor - sorry.

Audible Click said... 104

And to think, I had a post deleted for calling Lake out on a really unbelievable story about one of her daughters. Oh well, I still think Admin has a really good blog and is a very nice person. Moving on, has anyone here watched Dance Moms? How do you think they compare with Kate on the bitch factor? I've watched it and, so far, they don't seem anywhere near as bad as Kate.

Anonymous said... 105

Ha, Fidosmommy! It IS funny, except I said that Jesus IS the only one who could be perfect.. :) It's okay. It wasn't such a good comparison, because you're right. Jesus wouldn't be pregnant.... Not that He couldn't, but then this train of thought is getting very weird.. Sorry...... I knew what you meant, though.

Anonymous said... 106

Sorry, last anonymous post was from me....

-Skheptic ;) -

Audible Click said... 107

Thanks guys...now I have this visual of Jesus in a maternity robe.

Anonymous said... 108

Yeah, AC, I know... Me, too. I am SOOOOOO sorry.

- Skheptic ;)-

Clicker said... 109

From previous thread.....
Em said: what is it about kate these people adore? she does nothing. seriously. is she the spokesperson for everyone who is an inner bitch but too scared to let it out?
I think there are two types of Tweeple-Fanatics. One type adores K8 simply because they can't stand to see anyone "hated"; it offends their sense of fair play. They stick up for the underdog. They refuse to explore facts about K8 because the facts do not impact WHY they stick up for her.

The second type of Tweeple adores K8 because they share the same character traits, and they want what she has. She "inspires" them towards those goals. It cracks me up whenever they use the 'jealous' phrase on the non-fans because THEY are the ones who want to be just like her (reference the constant devotion and what they see as important - especially the "ME time").

It's just too bad the Klovers have so low aspirations; it really doesn't take anything at all to be a better person.

Who's the twitiot? said... 110

Really scary stuff.

Villagegolfnut Richard Henderson
@ @xxdiva_neyshaxx @Kateplusmy8 Hoping to see them off to College. Maybe on their 1st dates. driving lessons, menstrual periods, kisses.



Rhymes with Witch said... 112

I think there are two types of Tweeple-Fanatics. One type adores K8 simply because they can't stand to see anyone "hated";
he second type of Tweeple adores K8 because they share the same character traits, and they want what she has. She "inspires" them towards those goals

I think that there is a third type that combines both of these as well.

Audible Click said... 113

Who's the twitiot? said... Really scary stuff.

Villagegolfnut Richard Henderson
@ @xxdiva_neyshaxx @Kateplusmy8 Hoping to see them off to College. Maybe on their 1st dates. driving lessons, menstrual periods, kisses.

That's extremely disturbing. It's Silence Of Lamb disturbing, which is about 100 on my DisturbOMeter™.

Hoosier Girl said... 114

Who's the twitiot? said...
Really scary stuff.

Villagegolfnut Richard Henderson
@ @xxdiva_neyshaxx @Kateplusmy8 Hoping to see them off to College. Maybe on their 1st dates. driving lessons, menstrual periods, kisses.
I think that tweet was a snark referring to a hilarious youtube that was up on the twazzup site - Parody of the 8 Going to College.

Some may find it offensive - but I don't tend to take life too seriously - I thought it was hilarious.

Who's the twitiot? said... 115




And you know this how?

It's still pretty disgusting to put on a public venue.

Audible Click said... 116

Oops, sorry! I'm not on Twitter and didn't see the exchange. I'll just unplug my DisturbOMeter™ now.


And you know this how?


I follow this person and they are NOT a Kate Fan and have no desire to watch the kids grow up.

I know this because I read more than one tweet.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 118

Molly12 said... Can't you provide the name of the person tweeting her?

One tweet sounds familiar (about the DM) His name is Wynnie319. Kate follows him. He's not a cop.

Tamara said... 119

What were Kate's tweets like the day or two after this ticket? Or even the few hours prior?

Sheeple are SO dumb said... 120

@CMS2022Chris Sam
@Kateplusmy8 ...and watch out for the Po Po ;-)

This is the one she knew and he is added to her follow. He lives in Reading.

Anonymous said... 121

I also doubt Kate drove by herself. Didn't she say she was afraid to drive on highways?

Also, Kate may have the gift of gab, but she's obviously abused that gift by yelling at her kids, berating Jon, throwing him under the bus, making up words, using "um" and "ish" a lot, etc. Anyone can have a gift and abuse it.

Who's the twitiot? said... 122


And you know this how?


I follow this person and they are NOT a Kate Fan and have no desire to watch the kids grow up.

I know this because I read more than one tweet.

I apologize if I over reacted. I am going to let my comment stand because it IS entirely possible that there are people out there that are thinking that and more.
Kate does not appear to have ANY boundaries with regard to her own children.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 123

Sheeple are SO dumb said...

@CMS2022Chris Sam
@Kateplusmy8 ...and watch out for the Po Po ;-)

This is the one she knew and he is added to her follow. He lives in Reading.
That's Wynnie319.

Catherine said... 124

I'm so appalled. The woman whose daughter has epilepsy tweeted Kate TWICE saying she was freaking out, her husband wasn't home, her daughter has just been diagnosed with epilepsy. Why some of these people think Kate is their friend is a mystery, but some of them really do. And Kate says, "Anything me + 56,000 can do? :)"

No, Kate, there's nothing you and your 56,000 followers can do, but maybe you can cut out the smiley face and the 56,000 followers crap, and if you're going to respond to this scared mother, could you just for ONCE IN YOUR LIFE not make it about you?!

I can't get over her degree of narcissism. I know some narcissists, but never like her. In fact, it's her only talent. Her brain should really be studied post-mortem.

Hoosier Girl said... 125

Catherine said...
I'm so appalled. The woman whose daughter has epilepsy tweeted Kate TWICE saying she was freaking out, her husband wasn't home, her daughter has just been diagnosed with epilepsy.

Kate is an insensitive twit - but to be fair ...

this nutjob went on to tweet Kate/Holly Peete/Leah Remini about how same daughter had dropped brand new cell phone with no warranty and was crying her eyes out! Someone trying to grift the grifter.

I'm not sure which is more pathetic ..

Delusion Visions said... 126

CoCoPuff says:
September 20, 2011 at 8:54 am
With Kate being out of work her frugality is going to be a blessing.

The haters went ballistic when the TLC money was coming in but Kate still used coupons or when she took the kids clothes to a consignment store.
And now the car~ Kate did not buy a new car it was USED.

There are many out of work & having financial difficulties at this time ~ many could learn something from Kate.
She knew her show wasn’t going to last forever and she lived that way.


Here that! If you think you might be losing your job it is recommended you get a few new cars, buy a sparlkly dress, fly across the country ....

Sheeple, you realize that you get dumber by the MINUTE, don't you?

Catherine said... 127

Hoosier Girl, I agree this woman is a lonely nutcase, but Kate, omg there are no words...

Blog Fan said... 128

What's going on? She only has 55+ followers on Twitter now. Did she lose 1,000 followers?

Also, on a gossip TV show last night, they mentioned www.emmys.com. When I went to that website and did a search, there were no pics of Kate from this year's Emmys, only from last year's Emmys. So if she went, there are no official pics of her there.

PatK said... 129

Oh, dear Gawd. Yes, she was frugal and bought a used car-- but it was an unnecessary and impractical car, sheeple person!!

I'll hurt myself if I roll my eyes any harder.

Laurie said... 130

Audible Click said... Thanks guys...now I have this visual of Jesus in a maternity robe.
You guys are cracking me up and now I can't get rid of that visual! I too had previously written a comment about Lake when she first appeared and I deleted it without posting becasue I thought that I'd get dumped on if I questioned her. This was around the time that "no mo" appeared using the "just sayin'" name and people jumped all over her and there were a few wars going on.

I just commented on the last thread and said that Lake's story sounds like the begining of a new Jodi Picoult or Nicholas Sparks novel. While the story may be interesting I don't know that I want to read the entire book. I want to thank Admin and everyone else on this blog because I now feel comfortable expressing my doubts about Lake.

Gosselin Gossip said... 131

Delusion Visions, that comment you posted was not made on this blog.

Please do not copy and paste direct comments from other blogs, especially with the intent of criticizing that person here. See Rule #4.

It's not one of Admin's official rules, but there has been past discussions about other blogs copying and pasting comments from here for their own blog discussion. Most of us do not condone this behavior. So please refrain from doing the same on this blog.


Kate doesn't rate said... 132

I've yet to come across a sheeple who can explain why Kate needs three (3) cars.

Jo said... 133

Although I've lurked on this site for years and only contributed rarely, I new that UPNorth was a phony. I commented on this awhile back. This is a sad person who needs attention whatever way they can get it. They need help and not the way a blog can.

mamasan said... 134

would you believe that Kate receiving a speeding ticket just scrolled on the bottom of the TV? She crossed one to many people.

Audible Click said... 135

mamasan said... would you believe that Kate receiving a speeding ticket just scrolled on the bottom of the TV? She crossed one to many people.

I don't think anyone here believes that Kate's drop in popularity had anything to do with traffic tickets.

Rhymes with Witch said... 136

No, but the "bad" publicity may be telling.

Britney, Lindsey, not going to waste time thinking of more.

Stickler said... 137

Gosselin Gossip said...
Delusion Visions, that comment you posted was not made on this blog.

Please do not copy and paste direct comments from other blogs, especially with the intent of criticizing that person here. See Rule #4.

It's not one of Admin's official rules, but there has been past discussions about other blogs copying and pasting comments from here for their own blog discussion. Most of us do not condone this behavior. So please refrain from doing the same on this blog.


Gosselin Gossip -
I am confused.......
1) How is this different front posting K8's tweets?
2) Are you the new sherrif in town?

gotyournumberKate said... 138

I did a Mapquest search and came up with this. If Kate was driving home from NYC she would have been going 222S not N. My guess would be she was driving home from BWI in Baltimore. If she did fly to NYC it saved her about 6 miles of driving. It's 125 miles one way from Sinking Spring to NYC and 119 from BWI to Sinking Spring. If she was coming home from BWI she would have been going north on Route 222. Of course if the flight were paid for by Joy Behar's show she would fly because she is so important. Does this make sense? lol

Permanent Name said... 139

Oh dear! I took some time off to get kart out of my head and checked back in today.... yikes... what have I missed?

I too have had some doubts about some posters but never really said anything, for two reasons: first, I didn't have the nerve to, and second, I just rolled my eyes and scrolled on by.

It's pretty sad if there really is truly someone posting here with a fraudulent story. It makes my skin prickle because I figure they are trying to manipulate us just like kart and purseboy do.

Like the proverbial trainwreck, I may not be able to completely step away from this - it's almost a compelling social media phenomenon...

Puts me in mind of some journalist, can't remember who, who wrote some newspaper story or series and got a pulitzer or some award for it, only to be found out that the story was completely made up. Maybe the New York Times, or Washington Post.... made some huge waves at the time, this was before internet was so big. Anyone else remember this?

Ah well, caveat emptor......

It does amaze me though, that kart continues to lie even when it's not necessary......

With few exceptions, I do enjoy reading posts from here.... I'll probably continue to lurk as I figure I don't have much of interest to say - LOL.

Kate doesn't rate said... 140

mamasan said... would you believe that Kate receiving a speeding ticket just scrolled on the bottom of the TV? She crossed one to many people.


Audible Click said...I don't think anyone here believes that Kate's drop in popularity had anything to do with traffic tickets.


Neither of these comments make any sense to me. Low blood sugar? Do I need a nap??

TLC ship is sinking said... 141

I think whoever 'Wait a minute' really is is just trying to protect this blog and its members, by speaking up about his or her concerns about a specific poster. Some of us might not see the red flags that others would.

I was not around the Gosselin blogs during PennMommy but I read about it and how it affected the integrity of a blog and its bloggers, especially after they vouched for this person. I wouldn't want something like that to happen to this blog and its members.

I'm sorry if our skepticism has hurt some bloggers here, but I hope they understand why some here are always skeptical.

Anonymous said... 142

I'm sorry, i'm sooo far behind...has "Lake" been outed as being a fake?


Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 143

Even if it's an Audi pulled by a team of horses I don't think frugal belongs in the same sentence!!

Silver haired babe said... 144

Can anyone tell me what "ect" is? It is used so often on blogs but I don't know what it means.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 145

Et cetera is a Latin expression that means "and other things", or "and so forth"

HollyMo said... 146

Silver haired babe said...
Can anyone tell me what "ect" is? It is used so often on blogs but I don't know what it means.
I'm assuming that those using "ect" mean to use "etc." which is short for etcetera.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 147

Please move on from whatever this is. Everything has been said.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 148

Catching up on DWTS. Tony did great.

Tony was telling Brooke, it's been awhile. HAHAHHA yes it has Tony!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 149

Nancy Grace was actually kind of funny!

Her Irish partner was like the first, second and third step, only his accent made it sound like "turd." She was like...the TURD step?? LOL!

Also she was practicing without makeup and looks like the mom that lives next door to me. Whenever I see stars willing to go on TV without makeup they instantly get points from me.

And also, she 1. tried and 2. had a good attitude. Good God that goes so far.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 150

This is really so funny trying to justify the Audi as a frugal purchase.

I know this is hard for her fans but really try to do the mathematics. That's that subject you slept through in fourth grade. I'll use simple numbers and I'm going to low ball it so much giving Kate the biggest benefit of the doubt ever.

Let's say the SUV cost her 15,000.
Let's say the BBB cost her 20,000.
Let's say the Audi cost her 10,000.

The Audi in addition to the 10,000 would be monthly insurance plus registration/fees/, let's say about an extra 1,000 a year. In five years, you've already blown 5,000 on fees alone. Then add in gas, 100 bucks a month (low ball!!!), 1,200 a year. The Audi is costing you, even without the price of the car, more than two grand a year (huge low ball!)!!! Add in repairs???

Let's say she simply drove the BBB and the SUV for when she doesn't need to take all the kids. Even if gas for both cars were double, $400 bucks a month for both, it's still not nearly enough savings to make up for the purchase of the Audi and all the expenses of it. An extra $400 bucks a month versus a 10,000 car plus thousands of dollars in insurance/maintenance/fees a year does NOT ADD UP.

Now trading in the SUV for the Audi would actually make a tiny bit more sense. But ADDING the Audi to already two other cars, any which way you crunch the numbers it does not save money--it ADDS more expense, period.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 151

Look I have a better example.

Say you buy two houses. Now say you want to buy a third house because it was a great deal. The greatest deal ever. (But pretend you intend to keep it, not flip it--since Kate is keeping the car)

Do you think you spent more money when you just had two houses, or do you think you spend more money when you have three houses!!!


8countem8 said... 152

I recorded DWTS to watch later, but I think any partner Tony gets he seems happier to work with than Kate. Who wouldn't be really?

I know some people dislike NG but that's totally fine, not my favorite either but I am with Admin on giving credit that NG is actually working at dancing, and that'll get you farther in life instead of whining that nobody can teach you to dance.

Admin, does this mean there will possibly be no pics of Kate at all, either red carpet or at DWTS?

Michelle said... 153

Can you imagine how up in arms the sheeple would be if it were Jon racking up speeding tickets? Especially since she did get one a couple years ago with the kids in the car. They'd be screaming about the irresponsibility and demanding his parental rights be terminated. Hypocrites!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 154

Another point, Nancy's three year olds were there. Kate's kids never went on DWTS and they were a lot older. I thought maybe DWTS wouldn't let little kids go but that proves they will--makes me think somebody was too scared to let those kids be on live TV. No retakes when kids misbehave or sell Kate out. Namely Kate.

Also Nancy took her low scores with class. She says she feels great and she's glad she got through it and thanked her partner.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 155

Oh also DWTS was all about Kate, Kate, Kate. If the kids sat in the audience they would get the attention--that would really piss Kate off.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 156

Oh Michelle absolutely. Parental rights terminated. They would want him jailed life without parol if he were up to four speeding tickets now.

It makes me scared to think what it will take for them to realize this is NOT okay and this is not behavior to admire. I have to think there must be some sheeples out there who has lost someone to a negligent driver. Car accidents are one of the most common ways to die especially younger folks. Most people know someone, sadly. Me, two someones. :-( :-(. I don't WISH a sheeple knew someone who died in a car accident but how could they reconcile their support of Kate if so?

I really believe that there are many sheeple out there quietly fading into the night never to return. Too embarrassed to admit they were wrong. Which is okay as long as they don't still support Kate.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 157

Gosh so many life lessons from DWTS who knew lol.

Courtney and David Arquette are actually officially "separated" as of 2010, is my understanding, although working on it. She went on vacation with some Cougar Town costar recently. but she isn't out there trashing her child's father. She's trying to make parenthood work, and darned if she isn't front row there at DWTS with their daughter supporting him. Because it's just nice to support your child's father whether you are separated or working on it or not working on it or whatever. Because it's good for THE CHILD to see Mommy and Daddy support each other no matter what.

If they do get divorced they are setting it up to be a much healthier environment for their child.

Slip Slidin' Away said... 158

Let's say she simply drove the BBB and the SUV for when she doesn't need to take all the kids. Even if gas for both cars were double, $400 bucks a month for both,


How about $400 a month JUST for the SUV? I have one - it's a gas hog, and I spend $100 a week on gas, and don't drive anywhere but a few miles out of town in it.

She could have traded in the SUV for the Audi, and then perhaps upgraded the BBB to a newer model, forgetting the SUV altogether. She doesn't need three cars. However, I can't imagine the BBB does too well in winter driving. I wouldn't want to be with that big vehicle and a sports car. Not on these roads. She needs a good car for winter driving.

Better to keep the BBB and perhaps upgrade it, and buy a smaller, fuel-efficent four-seat front-wheel drive or all-wheel drive and forget the SUV and the sports car. She doesn't think ahead. Wait until she tries to drive that sports car on slippery roads. The car will spend the winter in the garage.

Clicker said... 159

Slip Slidin' said:
She doesn't think ahead. Wait until she tries to drive that sports car on slippery roads. The car will spend the winter in the garage.

Fortunately for the children, the Audi TT is an all-wheel drive (one of the very few sports cars that is ok in winter). I said "fortunately for the children", meaning: when mommy goes speeding around in it, it won't be due to road conditions if she is injured, or worse.

Tucker's Mom said... 160

With Kate's proclivity for driving dangerously, she just might take foolish chances with the sports car in the snow. AWD is the way to go in Central PA! I hope the Audi stays in her garage all winter because that is a play car, a sheer indulgence that frankly I can't believe she had the guts to buy while pissing and moaning about money.
As has been said, Jon was crucified for buying the same type of car and if he drove like a maniac, Kate's tweeties would be calling for his head.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 161

I grew up in weather even worse than PA. Doesn't matter how good your drive is or tires are or what have you. If you go too fast for the snow and ice, you could end up in a ditch and worse.

I am honest to god worried for this woman's life. Almost 90 mph???? Get a clue, Kate. Your LIFE.

steff said... 162

I posted this quote yesterday from Kelly Monaco about DWTS. Since everyone is talking DWTS tonight, I'll post it again. I think it wraps up why Kate just didn't "get it" perfectly.

In the end I think the trick is, it’s not about winning a dance show, you’ve got to find the meaning of what your journey is while you’re doing it. But you’ll be a winner when you realize it’s not about winning."

Rhymes with Witch said... 163

etc is etcetera = and so on

ect is elcetroconvulsive (formerly known as
"shock") therapy.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 164

Great quote and doesn't that sort of apply to LIFE in general? When you stop trying to "win" i.e. get ahead, beat the Jones, get the best house, cars, trips, massages, clothes, Emmy invitations....that's when the real living begins, isn't it? You will find meaning and be a "winner" in life when you stop trying to win, Kate.

Great quote.

Tamara said... 165

Though I'm sure somebody will take offense to this, people posting their sob stories and trials and tribulations here is in the same vein of people tweeting Kate looking for advice and sympathy. While there are a great number of good, caring people on this blog, it really isn't the right forum for that sort of thing. Definitely not the most useful one at that.

If you or your families problems revolve around exploiting children on a reality television program, then by all means, post that here. Otherwise, please search out the thousands of other blogs, websites, and support groups which can provide actual help.

Just my two cents.

Anonymous said... 166

OMG The poster between 11:54 & 11:57 (Anon) was right on point with their comments! I have been thinking those same things- EXACTLY! When I saw Jon being prosecuted by Nancy Grace on Inside Edition and a few other media people making slams at him I kept thinking have they WATCHED the show? Have they MET Kate? Have they seen HIM with those precious kids? So unfair! Time will tell how it all plays out- look how things have changed in just a few months!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 167

What might have been a huge story here on Realitytvkids was Bethany Frankel filming with Bravo and getting lost at sea for 20 hours.

She ALMOST took her baby with her but left her behind at the last minute. Big story about a reality tv filming "accident" with a child on board especially if they decided to film the whole stranded thing....but alas isn't, thank goodness for the baby.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 168

Do you suppose Kate to loaded up on codeine somewhere moaning and sipping milkshakes at one of those posh convalescence homes in Brentwood where celebs go to recover after nip tucks? LOL.

It occurred to me that Kate not twittering reminds me of when the kids are too quiet. Next thing you know you look out the kitchen window and they're starting a fire. Like a little child, when Kate is too quiet, you just know she's up to no good!

Zoe said... 169

Maybe she'll show up with a waist! Do they have a surgery for that?

Tucker's Mom said... 170

Mom In Lancaster County said... Thanks for sharing your experience on the PA roads. High speeds are insane on those roads. When I lived in Bucks County, fairly rural, I would white knuckle it at night, especially this time of year. Prime deer activity.
I once drove up on a HUGE buck, absolutely magnificent. But dumb. Darn thing just stood there... like a deer in headlights!
Admin is right, if you hit one of those things while flying, even not even going that fast, it could be all over.

Anonymous said... 171

My she is unusually quiet today. Does anyone think she is still in California pitching Cara and Mady to Disney?

wayward said... 172

Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I've been busy driving my SUV at top speed on the Central PA highways and byways. I haven't gotten pulled over yet, but when I do I'm going to tell the State Cop that I want the Kate Gosselin special. Reduced fine, no points. That Turnpike ticket is ridiculous! Surely she was speeding again, but in light of her previous lead foot trangressions, she still only got a generic charge. In the real PA world, that never happens. In the real PA world, you get pulled over at 4:30am for crossing an intersection so wide, the light turns red while you're driving under it. This happened to my dear hubby who drives for a living. The officer began to write a ticket. Hubby calmly explained he was going to go through the intersection again while filming the 5 second green light with his phone. And he would be bringing this to court. The officer then very reluctantly gave him a warning. That is what we mere mortals have to deal with. Kate should have to as well.

My guess is that Kate is in LA getting more cosmetic surgery she will never admit to. If I had to guess the procedure, I'd say it is having Brownoser's nose removed from her crack. Someone tweeted they saw her? Maybe she only went to a D-list party, not the actual show.
Delusion Visions said... CoCoPuff says:
September 20, 2011 at 8:54 am
With Kate being out of work her frugality is going to be a blessing.

The haters went ballistic when the TLC money was coming in but Kate still used coupons or when she took the kids clothes to a consignment store.
And now the car~ Kate did not buy a new car it was USED.

There are many out of work & having financial difficulties at this time ~ many could learn something from Kate.
She knew her show wasn’t going to last forever and she lived that way.

Whaaaa...aaaat?!?!? Do you think these people believe the stuff they write? Overpaying for 24 acres of land and a house is frugal? Buying an (estimated) $30,000 NEW 3rd used car when you 97% knew your show was being cancelled? Sqaundering the kids money on these and many, many other irresponsible purchases and jeopardizing their financial future? Oh we learned all right. We learned that Kate is a moron and a horrible failure as a steward of her children's hard earned money.

TLC ship is sinking said... 173

Clicker said...the Audi TT is an all-wheel drive (one of the very few sports cars that is ok in winter).

Tucker's Mom said...With Kate's proclivity for driving dangerously, she just might take foolish chances with the sports car in the snow.


Tucker's Mom, I agree. AWD might provide a false sense of security for speedy drivers like Kate who might think their car can handle faster speeds on dangerous road conditions. Those winter car commercials feature professional stunt drivers who have the skills and know-how to push a car to its limits without endangering others...not average normal drivers.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 174

Oh also want to clarify this comment that "the haters went ballistic" over the coupon and the consignment shop.

First of all, yes some of us found that upset. We were upset because we knew Kate was rolling in the money, and yet was taking clothes much of which were DONATED to consignment instead of DONATING THEM BACK. By all means take your clothes to consignment. But when you are 1. rich 2. wealthy 3. loaded, and you don't donate BACK donated clothes???

And second, by all means use a coupon. No one had a problem with Kate's coupons in one of the first episodes where she was using rain checks and so on. The problem was SCREAMING at Jon about using a coupon, the way she treated him for such a small transgression, especially when Jon not using a coupon isn't going to mean they go broke that month.

So once again our protests get distorted and twisted around, but hope that explains it to them.

gotyournumberKate said... 175

Mom in Lancaster said....You don't drive two hours south from Reading to BWI, have to negotiate the horrible Balto-Beltway only to get on a plane and fly NORTH when you can get the train in Lancaster and be in NYC in three hours! If you want to fly north, you leave from Philly, not BWI.

Makes sense. I have read where she has flown out of BWI before but you're right, it makes absolutely no sense to go to NYC via that route. My daughter lives in Lancaster and I didn't even think of the train.

Friend In Pennsylvania said... 176

"With Kate's proclivity for driving dangerously, she just might take foolish chances with the sports car in the snow. AWD is the way to go in Central PA! I hope the Audi stays in her garage all winter because that is a play car, a sheer indulgence that frankly I can't believe she had the guts to buy while pissing and moaning about money."


Tucker's Mom...you are so right. You can't take the Audi out in the snow. It's a sled. I have one and it's a fun-in-the-summertime car. I use the AWD SUV in the winter, and even then, there's no guarantee that you're not going to end up in a ditch. It's a false sense of security, but still far better than the Audi sport. No comparison.

Pants On Fire said... 177

Lake Up North said...

Awe...that's fine, I'm not going to miss the chocolate. I must be batting a thousand because I don't drink juice. I've never given my kids Juicy Juice either. But I do drink vodka, tequila, Margaritas, milk, Gatorade and beer so you have any of that around I'll take it.


You drink alcohol?????

Did it slip you mind that you told us you are pregnant?

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 178

Wayward said...My guess is that Kate is in LA getting more cosmetic surgery she will never admit to. If I had to guess the procedure, I'd say it is having Brownoser's nose removed from her crack.

Brownoser has been quiet today. Hmmmm.

Annie said... 179

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... Wayward said...My guess is that Kate is in LA getting more cosmetic surgery she will never admit to. If I had to guess the procedure, I'd say it is having Brownoser's nose removed from her crack.

Brownoser has been quiet today. Hmmmm.

September 20, 2011 6:59 PM

Brownoser probably kidnapped Kate and broke her legs with a club so she can't escape. And she's making Kate write a new K+8 episode because she's in MISERY that the show ended.

Audible Click said... 180

Kate doesn't rate said... mamasan said... would you believe that Kate receiving a speeding ticket just scrolled on the bottom of the TV? She crossed one to many people.


Audible Click said...I don't think anyone here believes that Kate's drop in popularity had anything to do with traffic tickets.


Neither of these comments make any sense to me. Low blood sugar? Do I need a nap??

I took mamasan's comment to mean that since we've been discussing Kate's ticket on this blog are we so credulous as to believe that Kate's decline in popularity was due to receiving a traffic ticket. I could very well be wrong about that though; mamasan's post sort of didn't make a whole lot of sense to me.

Kirkland said... 181

Posting this again, I think it was missed:


"I would [get any job] if I had to,” Gosselin says. “I’m sure it would be hard but I would not let [fame] stop me from paying my kids' bills.

Since when do kids have bills? Gee, the kids are so lucky Kate is paying their bills. Where does she get off?

Mandy said... 182

Administrator said...

Do you suppose Kate to loaded up on codeine somewhere moaning and sipping milkshakes at one of those posh convalescence homes in Brentwood where celebs go to recover after nip tucks? LOL.

It occurred to me that Kate not twittering reminds me of when the kids are too quiet. Next thing you know you look out the kitchen window and they're starting a fire. Like a little child, when Kate is too quiet, you just know she's up to no good!
September 20, 2011 6:23 PM
Zoe said...

Maybe she'll show up with a waist! Do they have a surgery for that?


You guys are on a roll tonight. I wish there were a "like" button!

Do you think it's possible that someone has finally convinced her that the smartest thing she could do right now is to SHUT UP????? Nah.....

Yes, the quiet is scary, but she has Steve and LA, and there are no kids around to ignore, so maybe that's all there is to it. She normally only needs Steve gone or the kids there to tweet madly, so having all her stars aligned today could definitely be the cause of this blissful silence.

Anonymous said... 183

Anyone really think she was at the Emmy's, I don't think so, all you need is a smartphone and tada, you can upload your photo to your twitter account and she hasn't even done that.
And you know she's dying to stay relevant.

If she gets any more work done on her face, she's going to start looking like that divorce woman with the cat face. blah!

What are the odds on the paddy wagon showing up at the compound to toll this nut away for "physical exhaustion"? 1 month, 2 months, 6 months, next week?

Audible Click said... 184

Heading to LA st the same time as the Emmy's and DWTS may be camouflage for more cosmetic surgery, maybe she's getting some abs installed. Now, if she could only buy a conscience.

Layla said... 185

I watched DWTS tonight (well, most of it) and didn't see any shots of Kate in the audience. So, it's doubtful that DWTS were the ones footing the bill for her trip west. So, I guess that leaves...her. Yeah, right, she's soooo broke. Did anyone else see her? I know some former contestants (like Kyle Massey) were there, so why wouldn't she pop in if she's in LA anyway? Perhaps because they all HATED her?

Beatle Fans--I was listening to the radio today on my way home from kids' school (12 YO forgot her homework AGAIN!!) and got to hear John Lennon's song "Beautiful Boy" and that wonderful quote, "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans". Ain't it the truth??

Mandy said... 186

Audible Click said...

Heading to LA st the same time as the Emmy's and DWTS may be camouflage for more cosmetic surgery, maybe she's getting some abs installed. Now, if she could only buy a conscience.


You guys are cracking me up tonight!!!

Sam, I do believe she was there. Another attendee tweeted about it, and I think she is smart enough not to lie about certain things, that being one of them. Considering the way people are feeling about her in Non-Mediocreland right now, there is too big a chance she'd get called on it.

Thousands of people attend events like the Emmys, and how many get photographed on the red carpet? A few hundred? She obviously noticed the difference in her reception and is too embarrassed to make a big deal of it.

I do have to say I'm surprised a picture hasn't shown up yet from somewhere. It's like she fell off the face of the earth!

8countem8 said... 187

Does this mean Kate is going to abandon Twitter? Some mind explaining what Twitter is to me? Because Kate seems to treat it like email or similar.

What oh what will her Twitter fans do then? Not like her half-baked idea of a website has taken off all that well.

If she's off TV and not doing anything other than floating around the country...why is it Kate needs a bodyguard, if she got him for the kids?

Kate doesn't rate said... 188

Annie said...Brownoser probably kidnapped Kate and broke her legs with a club so she can't escape. And she's making Kate write a new K+8 episode because she's in MISERY that the show ended.

That's just creepy.

Paul Sheldon said... 189

Brownoser probably kidnapped Kate and broke her legs with a club so she can't escape. And she's making Kate write a new K+8 episode because she's in MISERY that the show ended.


You may be on to something there. I think it's a cookbook she wants her to write, or an advice book for pre-teen girls.

No word from Brownner or Kate. Is it a coincidence that your "name" is Annie? :)

Layla said... 190

I just heard about this new plastic surgery where a doctor can make it look like you have 6-pack abs. She has that funky-looking stomach and some drooping on the sides, so maybe she's giving that a try. Then she could try to get more ab-machine endorsement deals and regale her Tweeties with reports of how many sit-ups she does each day.

Another thought...if she needs a babysitter to help her get through the kids' homework/dinner/baths/bed, then wouldn't she have at least two babysitters at the house while she's gone? I mean, if she can't do it all herself, then how can she expect the babysitter to do it all by herself?

I did notice how she told Joy Behar that they go through a lot of babysitters, and that it wasn't a big deal. Well, maybe it wasn't a big deal to her, but what about the kids? I know mine have their favorite sitters, and become very attached to them. Why can't she think about how all of this affects the kids? And I have been wondering what the kids' behavior is like without the cameras rolling. Some of them can be really mean to each other, and with Collin and Alexis being expelled for bullying, there has to be some behavioral problems there. And I just saw some of the episode where Kate had someone there organizing the basement, and Clay was there. The kids were so mean to him, wouldn't share their toys with him. That show and all the gifts and being treated as special may have had a bad effect on them. If so, then they need their mother there to keep them in line. But she runs off every chance she gets! There's going to be some serious emotional problems with those kids, and I see Kate melting down the way Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears did. What a mess she has crested.

Anonymous said... 191

Zoe said "Maybe she'll show up with a waist. Do they have a surgery for that?"

Actually, yes. They remove a bottom rib or two. Cher famously had the surgery some years ago.

Ya know, one thing that has always bugged me. The Sheeple keep bringing up Jon's Ed Hardy tee shirts and the trip to France. They never bother to say that both of those were JOBS! Ed Hardy sent Jon a box of tee shirts to wear on the show -- product placement. The trip to the Riviera was to consult about developing a clothing line with a designer for Ed Hardy. Both of these facts were widely reported at the time. I notice Jon's not been photographed wearing an Ed Hardy shirt since TLC shut him down. I imagine if he truly liked them he'd still wear them. I never saw the problem with them anyway. Tacky, tasteless and garish, but they cover a heck of a lot more than Kate's boob shirts. Wearing them isn't a criminal offense. So -- double standard again. It's okay for Kate to wear trashy clothing donated to her by designers, and to travel hither, thither and yon when it's paid for by someone else, but it isn't okay for Jon to do the same thing?


Layla said... 192

Audible Click...
your comment "Now, if she could only buy a conscience" made me giggle cause I immediately thought of the ending of Wizard of Oz. A re-make with Kate! Cool! When they sing that "If I Only Had A Brain" song, it could be; (Scarecrow) "If I only had a brain..."
(Tin Man) "A heart..."
(Dorothy) "A home..."
(Lion) "The nerve..."
(Kate) "A soul..."

Audible Click said... 193

Kate is very happy since she found out her IQ matches her dress size. Two or four...

KathyB said... 194

Maybe Kate is having that bellybutton lowered! Remember she keeps wishing for "up to there" skinny legs too!

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 195

I'm watching the Taylor Armstrong interview, I have a huge problem with her getting an open forum to trash this guy without him able to respond.

KathyB said... 196

Would Russell Armstrong's family have any recourse in the way of defamation or slander of Russell post mortem?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 197

No she's saying he says he was afraid he might kill her, Taylor shut up.

No, no recourse. You can defame, slander and libel a dead man all you want. She could say that he beat her to a pulp every day all day 18 hours a day and his family could do nothing--which is why this is so shitty, his family and his children cannot stop her. I cannot believe she thought it wise to do this--people say well she did it for the money she has to support her kids....give me an effing break, there are a million other ways to make money before trashing your child's dead father.

I'm not saying there weren't issues, clearly she was beat up, but when someone is telling their divorce story, I want to hear the other version, too. And from watching Housewives she sounds like she has a lot of issues, she practically was having a nervous breakdown. There is more to this story and if I can't hear his version, I don't want to hear hers.

I think that's one frustration we all have had about Kate trashing Jon. Even though most of us think he's doing the right thing trying to keep quiet, it's so irksome to only hear one person's side of the story knowing full well he has a different take on things that quite often, sounds more reasonable anyway.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 198

Oh also Kate's complaints about Jon always seemed silly but geez they are downright ridiculous when you compare it to this dysfunctional Armstrong marriage. Oh boo hoo Jon wore an Ed Hardy t-shirt for a few months.

But of course it's Kate so she always has it the hardest, the most dramatic, no one else can compare.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 199

Now she's saying oh I'm doing it to help other women in DV relationships. You know, fair point. But there are so many other ways to share your story without giving us every last detail of what a dead man did to you. And could she at least let his family settle a bit before doing the speaking tour? Good grief he passed away just last month!

Also, the hypocrisy of this--that's not Taylor's fault, but if she were in Compton not Beverly Hills with those injuries, her child would be wallowing in foster care. She told the doctor her child kicked her--no doctor in their right mind would believe that and shame on him/her.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 200

Alex and Simon got fired from Real Housewives and their comparing their statement to that of Kate's:

"Alex and her husband Simon van Kempen followed with a statement which was eerily similar to that of Kate Gosselin who also recently enjoyed her last show on TLC.

“Alex and I are sad that it’s come to this. We had a great four years. We don’t intend for this to be the final time you’ll see us on television. Everything happens for a reason. We are not happy, we’re not sad. It is what it is. We thank our fans. We have tremendous, tremendous outpouring of support. I think even Bravo is surprised by how much support Alex has had. It didn’t change their opinion or didn’t change their decision. And it might not be the end of seeing us on Housewives. It might not be the end of seeing us on Bravo. We don’t know that yet either. There’s a lot to be discussed in the upcoming weeks. We wish the next season well. We’re not going away. We remain happy and long may that continue.” Many people were shocked Alex was sacked."

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