Thursday, September 29, 2011

Parents who force sick and fragile kids to work on reality tv: how much is too much?

Concerning information has been leaking out this week about the Duggar's marathon trip to Europe and Israel. According to a statement from Terem Emergency Medical Centers in Jerusalem, Josie, age 1 (born at 25 weeks and weighing just 1 pound 6 ounces and who has continued to suffer health problems), took ill and had to stay behind in the Holy Land with her mother because doctors wouldn't clear her to fly. Eventually a doctor flew home with them. A family rep is reporting that the whole incident will be made into an episode. This is not the first time the Duggars have filmed Josie during her most medically fragile moments. Cameras were welcome into the highly sensitive NICU during her stay. 

Filming in the NICU

The Duggars have also filmed their other children suffering from chicken pox.

Filming chicken pox

Some of the most questionable decisions Jon and Kate ever made was to force sick, uncomfortable kids to work anyway. Most good parents don't send sick children to school, and yet these children are made to work? With an independent set teacher around (a responsible adult who gets paid whether they force kids to work), a child wouldn't have to be cleared to work when he doesn't feel well, even if a parent thinks they can work anyway.

226 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 226   Newer›   Newest» ~ Administrator said... 1

Veering off topic for a second, but I actually see a tweet from Kate that is 1. slightly interesting and 2. close to what the real celebs tend to tweet. She says she had her first root canal and vows to brush every hours now.

Heck I thought that was even mildly funny.

To me I think that is sort of the appeal of celeb twitter accounts for a lot of folks, sort of these little snippets into everyday real life for celebs, like root canals.

Westcoaster said... 2

I hav enever been a Duggar fan, there are many things about that particular family that simply does not appeal to me, at least in the viewing sense. I have, however, had a certain admiration for them in that the children seem to be ok, even with all the feeling, maybe a little too Stepford for me, but the Duggars also seem to be supporting themselves in a manner not dependent on the TLC coffers,

That changed with the birth of their last medically fragile child. I thought the cameras in the ER, the People magazine cover, the decisions that they have made to travel with her, all of this is horribly wrong. And now we have the Israel escapade - from where I sit, enough is enough. Perhaps TLC could do updates on this family, but the constant filiming cannot be good.

Of course, K8 must be really, really frosted to realize that the Duggars (and they are more than 20, what with the DIL and grandchild now) have been treated to a 3 week cruise and trip to the Holy Land, even if they were on a "mission". That had to cost so much more than the Gosselin visit Down Under. And yet, given the opportunity to show her children the wonders of our country, that tool turned a trip into Pizzagate. Perhaps if she had risen to the occasion, I know she really can't, she might be taken just a bit seriously as she tries to pitch herself to various media outlets today. Karma.

Grammy of nine said... 3

You know Kate is frosted by what TLC is doing for and with the Duggar family. That being said, the Duggar's have had their 15 minutes and it's time for them to return to whatever they were doing before TLC starting filming. That sweet little baby needs to be kept at home and away from all the germs of the "world." Let her get stronger in the privacy of her own home. No one, young or old, needs to be filmed at their most vulnerable moments. It's a shame and not entertaining.

AuntieAnn said... 4

Well there you go Mr. & Mrs. Duggar, happy now? You've got another dramatic episode in the can because you thought it was alright to take a weak little infant to a foreign land where who knows what kind of contagions are floating in the air over there.

And if - God forbid - that sweet little baby doesn't make it, will her funeral make an episode too?

Jim Bob boy and missy Michelle are and always have been on the same level as Kate Gosselin. Same shit, different toilet.

Mimi to 3 said... 5

I used to enjoy watching the Duggars from time to time because they seemed such a loving family. Not so much anymore. The $$$$ signs have gotten to them. To film a premie in the NICU and follow everything that happens on film and then the worst of it, IMO, is taking this fragile child on these round the world trips for $$$$ and filming is just disgusting. They have gone around the bend with the rest of the TLC freaks. They should be ashamed.

HW said... 6

To me, the saddest thing about that video where Joel had just vomited is that he was just lying there after having become so sick. Most children would try to go find their mommy after being sick. Also, Kate just dragged him around like a lifeless doll. In my opinion, this shows how horribly sick that poor boy was. He had no strength or desire to find his mommy or even remove himself from the soiled bed. And then Kate goes on to say "Joel decided to vomit...." like he was plotting all day to get her. It is heartbreaking.

To Tell The Tooth said... 7

Veering off topic for a second, but I actually see a tweet from Kate that is 1. slightly interesting and 2. close to what the real celebs tend to tweet. She says she had her first root canal and vows to brush every hours now.


They tweet personal medical information? Why? I thought it sounded like she wanted sympathy and once again, fussing over by her tweeties. If celebs go to the gyno because of a yeast infection, do they tweet that, too? Is nothing private anymore? ~ Administrator said... 8

A root canal is hardly a gyno issue! I see no problem with that tweet. Not everything Kate does is evil.

Dwindle said... 9

I humbly bring this over from the last thread, if that's ok.

"Dwindle said... OK I have a question, and I dont mean anything awful by it. Please dont jump on me.

I was one of 9, and I know how we were each treated as individuals and how my mother went out of her way to carve out a few moments of private time with each of us during the days. I have only watched the Duggars a couple of times, but it seemed very much like Stepford-Children groupthink to me. Is it possible that the parents' focus on maintaining their grinning group has caused them to lose sight of each child as an individual? That they are not thinking of Josie as a person, as their frail child? To them she is just one more block in the quilt, they have plenty more just like her? That sounds a bit crueler than I mean it, but they dont seem to be considering her ongoing medical needs as an individual.

Maybe with 20 children, at some point the needs of the many have to outweigh the needs of the few or the one, I am not sure. Like I said, please dont jump on me, but I would be interested in others' perspectives."

I took a bullet said... 10

Are you able use this link to view a pic that is on Kate's website? Someone tweeted it to Kate asking her where it was taken. It's the only way I was able to post a pic from her website here. Figured some of you might be interested in seeing what pics she has posted on her site:

SG said... 11

Yes, that was very sad that Joel just lay there in his own vomit.

To me the saddest part was Kate getting so upset there was vomit all over the bedding meanwhile her son is lying there in vomit.

She is a Cow said... 12

I'm moving this over from the last thread. Kate getting called out for her behavior is worth a read....

Here is the Celebitchy article:

We’ve heard that Kate Gosselin was pitching a dating show after TLC cancelled her long-running family reality show, and that she’s so overextended she’s worried that she’ll “end up on welfare.” Kate has been on a form of welfare for the past six years, and is dependent on the public’s good will to keep making obscene money for all expenses paid trips with her kids. Since she’s managed to squander all of that with her attitude of entitlement, she’s now scrambling to keep the cash and fame flowing. In an interview on the Today Show earlier this month, Kate confirmed that she hopes to stay on television. “I think at this point the best opportunity for all of us would be me continuing in TV as a way to provide for my kids.” She also put down her ex husband Jon Gosselin’s 9-5 job installing solar panels. “It’s a situation where Jon may be accepting of mediocre for his kids and working a regular job and I want the best for my kids and the best opportunities, not unlike every parent.” So, according to Kate, most of us live “mediocre” lives by working regular jobs to support our families. Given Kate’s opinion, I’ll take this opportunity to mock her for being unable to land a “non-mediocre” cush job on television ever again.

Although Kate Gosselin told me she would do whatever she had to in order to support her children following the cancellation of her fame-making show, the mom of eight is finding out that it’s easier said than done. Gosselin, who told me that her first choice would be to stay in television, isn’t getting the job response she had hoped for.

(They had an insert of the article [From The Huffington Post] that pissed her off last night)

Kate is going the way of Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag, except she’s old enough to have no excuse for not planning for this, and for assuming that the public would continue to support her outlandish lifestyle.

Does reality television help create these type of narcissistic famewhores, or are these just the people who are drawn to reality television? Kate has surely changed over the years due to her television show, but it’s not like she would have been a nice, normal person without the cameras. She would have confined her nastiness to her family and community, and she would have had to make due with less resources. It looks like that’s about to happen for her anyway, and she’s going into it kicking and screaming.

Kate tweeted a response to this story, as reported on Radar, and wrote “NOT 1 stitch of truth in radar article, once again… & radar u can’t even report my website properly! It’s:”

It was accompanied by various photos of her in that horrendously horrible, huge black coat she wore last winter. (not flattering at all)

Finally, someone calling out Kate for the talentless, entitled, arrogant, grifting, badly behaved bitch that she is.

I suppose not a STITCH of this is true either Kate.


SG said... 13

The Duggars showcasing their children on their show is not better than the Gosselins doing it.

While I really don't agree with how they have so many children and make them responsible for raising each other I really feel the bottom line is they are exploiting their children on TV. Whether it's for money, fame or religion it is still exploitation.

SG said... 14


I think it's possible it would seem that way to an outsider because they are all dressed alike and seem interchangeable, however, I can't imagine the parents would feel that way about their children. Then again, I've been horribly shocked at how some parents view their children.

That would be tragic if they felt that way about their children. I sure hope not.

PJ's momma said... 15

Shoka's hotly-anticipated first blog entry!!!!
Dear Humans,

I feel like I need to tell you the way it is from my perspective… If you are deemed allowed to be on my property, I feel it necessary to let you know that I won’t bite your leg off, but instead will require that you throw my chicken all day long until your arm feels like it’s falling off… For my fetching pleasure. If you don’t immediately comply when I drop my rubber chicken at your feet, I will paw the ground and bark loudly in your ear until you get the hint!


YAWN. I blog about our travels - that is one very short blog entry, and a boring one at that. our newest little dog is quite the character and I send updates to the rescue organization and they said Dixie should have a blog. Rest assured, if 'she' did, it would be very entertaining and funny as she truly is a big light in our lives! I could write for DAYS about our girl!

I took a bullet said... 16

Kate's latest post on her website:

Meet our very furry member of our family, Shoka. We could only guess how he feels living in a house full of suffocating overly loving kids! We don't have to wonder any longer... You can read Shoka's thoughts as documented by me right here on his very own "Shoka Diaries" page! Hope it brings a smile to your face the same way he lights up our lives....

Shoka’s First Blog September 29, 2011

Dear Humans,

I feel like I need to tell you the way it is from my perspective… If you are deemed allowed to be on my property, I feel it necessary to let you know that I won’t bite your leg off, but instead will require that you throw my chicken all day long until your arm feels like it’s falling off… For my fetching pleasure. If you don’t immediately comply when I drop my rubber chicken at your feet, I will paw the ground and bark loudly in your ear until you get the hint!


I took a bullet said... 17

Just F.Y.I. Kate's Upcoming Events tab still has "Coming Soon" posted. LOL.

Hoosier Girl said... 18

Administrator said...
A root canal is hardly a gyno issue! I see no problem with that tweet. Not everything Kate does is evil
She just had to throw in the "expense" tweet though. Hoping someone pay her dental bill? ..

She may not always be evil ... but she is always a grifter.

Hoosier Girl said... 19

I haven't watched more than 2 or 3 episodes of the Duggars. Once I saw that the older children were required to "buddy up" (which in my mind means - take care of) the new children ... I was done.

It's lovely when older siblings watch out for the younger ones, but it shouldn't be a requirement! Parents have the kids - Parents should take care of them. IMO

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 20

Ugh! That damn show (200 Kids and Counting) is still on t.v.?

Come on, TLC/Discovery. Don't stop now- you still have more cleaning up to do.

Eliminate all your crappy, exploitive shows with innocent children in it.

My house is still happy to be,
TLC & Discovery free.

**I'm thinking of changing my moniker to something else... I haven't decided to what just yet, but I'll make sure to tell ya'll when it happens ;o) **

dee3 said... 21

I can only speak for myself...but I saw the Duggars years ago on some special that had them on a trip and then building a house, IIRC. I absolutely agree that the exploitation of the children, in concept, is the same as with the Gosselin children....but the big difference for me is that the Duggars seemed to be caring parents/nice people....whereas with Kate, she seemed to have NPD (and still does) and was a parent who would do whatever necessary to her children in order for the camera to keep rolling....regardless of whether it was in the best interest of the children.

I feared for the G. children (with Kate as their mother) both on camera and off....whereas I don't really fear for the Duggar terms of having parents who really care about them...and are nice people (and not NPD sufferers). When I read what was posted here regarding little Josie, it does appear to me that the fame and money may be starting to over-ride their best interests of the children.
And....there are many other things I could criticize, such as the older children having to always care for the younger ones. I'm not real thrilled about the Duggars either.

But even with that, the personality of the parents is huge for me for some reason and makes a significant difference.
With the Duggars, I don't approve but with the Gosselin children/Kate, I truly fear.

AuntieAnn said... 22

SG said...

The Duggars showcasing their children on their show is not better than the Gosselins doing it.


I agree Schmecky. The only reason they have a show on TLC is because of the number of kids they have. A show about Jim Bob and Michelle alone or maybe with two or three children would be non-existent. There's no other name for what they're doing other than child exploitation.

To Tell The Tooth said... 23

Kate and the root canal...

I didn't say that it was evil. I didn't say that it was a gyno issue. My point was how much information does a celebrity release before too much is too much? Do we really need to know this, and WHY are well-knowns (and others for that matter) tweeting about these things?
I guess I just think that some things are private matters. Obviously, there are those who are interested in these things, but for what reason, I have no idea.

Sorry I wasn't clear in my post.

cat said... 24

Isn't all that matters that this can be made in to an EPISODE?? Jeez, People!
Seriously: Can't stand the Duggars, too many reasons why to go in to-AND they are NOT "parents of the year", and not just because of this incident. Also not the brightest bulbs on the Christmas tree, hence the fragile NOW TWO YEAR OLD (although she doesn't look it which is how Michelle D. likes it) was taken overseas in the first place.

I took a bullet said... 25

Piling into the family van after a long day at school, Kate Gosselin was seen picking up her brood of eight children in Reading, Pennsylvania on Wednesday (September 28).

Working to keep things moving as smoothly as possible, the reality star mom looked to be giving strict instructions to her kids as they headed off to the homefront.

In other news, Kate is currently recovering from an unpleasant visit to the dentist's office earlier this morning, as she tweeted, "Just had the privilege of experiencing my very 1st root canal...from 2day forward, I vow2 brush&floss every hr on the hr 2 avd that agn!"

She later noted, "For the record, I am an overzealous brusher/flosser but will up my game even more now....not a fun Thursday morning!!!"

Enjoy the pictures of Kate Gosselin picking up her brood of eight children from their Reading, Pennsylvania school (September 28).

(You have to see the pics. The kids always look scared of Kate.)

I took a bullet said... 26

I posted a couple of things that aren't showing up here.

I posted Kate's latest blog post "Shoka Diaries" and an article about Kate yelling at her kids at the bus stop. Are they stuck in blog limbo?

Tamara said... 27

I think reality tv featuring children needs to be ruled based not just on the family being filmed, but the how long the filming goes on. I'm not going to get into my thoughts on the Duggars, and you know what I think of Kate and Jon, but if both had stopped with only filming one year things might be a bit better. Then again, both of these families are so twisted, exploitative, and abusive without a reality show, they aren't the best ones to make laws on.

By one year I mean one calendar year, not one season. It's in no way a perfect rule, but could be a good one.

fidosmommy said... 28


The Duggars have been buddying up since the first episode was filmed - that was the way they did things. The children have been quiet, polite and respectful since filming began. They have talked of their faith since the start. They have had more children and have continued on in their regular mode of shared work, shared fun, shared vacations, shared learning experiences.

Why are we NOW beginning to smack them down? Yes, I realize some comments have been made before, but not to this point that I can recall. Did the Israel event suddenly start a landslide of "oh yeah, and then there was the time....."?

I agree, traveling with Josie was risky. It was probably also risky to travel with Johanna and Jordan, the two just older than Josie. Kids can come down with the darndest things when they are out of their normal environment. But all of a sudden it's like the Duggars are horrible parents and in it for the fame and glory. I simply don't agree.

That said, I think it's time to move away from staring at their lives, knowing so much about their kids and letting them live in a camera free world again. They've told their story, and now we know.

As an aside, my parents would have LOVED to have had 4 Dugger-style kids. Instead they got us (smile!) My parents expected manners, good effort, help around the house, learning basic how-to's, and my Mom wanted her house to be God centered. My sister helped my mom with me
a lot, and it was because she wanted to and was encouraged to. Some people simply grow up enjoying that special bond within the family. My sister and I were very, very close. I miss her terribly.

Anonymous said... 29

Am I the only one who would like to see a video of Kate having root canal work done? Just imagine her telling the dentist how to proceed.

fidosmommy said... 30

Anonymous said...
Am I the only one who would like to see a video of Kate having root canal work done? Just imagine her telling the dentist how to proceed.

Do you suppose she tried to get him to bleach her teeth a shade lighter for free, too?

Tamara said... 31

I've never bothered criticizing the Duggars much on Gosselin blogs because they are Gosselin blogs, too many people seem to think that "politeness" equals good children and good parenting, and that because the Duggars had no debt before the show started they can't be greedy or grifters. All wrong assumptions in my book, but any of my books on what is wrong with the Duggar family AND their reality show would be just that, book length!

And most of the reviews for my book would be platitudes and excuses about polite kids and lack of debt. ::shrug::

dee3 said... 32


I think we have all stood pretty firm on our beliefs that NO minor children should be filmed for reality shows.....and this includes the Duggars.

The Duggar criticism began when Michelle gave birth to a preemi with health problems....lots of criticism that she should not keep having kids....that she was getting too old and the risk was too high.

And then they were criticized for having Josie filmed as she struggled to live.

And they've also been criticized for making the older children care for the younger terms of them being too young for parental responsibility.
This is not the first time they've been criticized.

I somehow also lost a post here a while ago....but I'd written that the Duggars, at least to me, did not seem as bad as Kate Gosselin....not due to the filming but just due to the impression I had that they were nice people and acted caring towards their children.....rather than being nasty and entitled. But I only saw them once and it was not on the show but in a sort of documentary or special/pilot they made about them...years ago.

So I didn't have as much fear for the Duggar children as I did for the Gosselin children. Having grown up with a narcissistic and abusive mother, I know only too well how significant that is to children....almost as bad as filming their entire childhoods.

I have always been against filming any of the children on reality shows. It's just that the Gosselin children's situation seemed much more dire to me....because of the fact that their mother is a horror.

And because they allowed them had filmed when they were nude, going to the bathroom, etc.
And that the poor kids were filmed in the midst of their parents divorce.

AuntieAnn said... 33

fidosmommy said...

Anonymous said...
Am I the only one who would like to see a video of Kate having root canal work done? Just imagine her telling the dentist how to proceed.

Do you suppose she tried to get him to bleach her teeth a shade lighter for free, too?


Yep, I'm pretty sure she'd grift him for something, anything, even a couple of dozen toothbrushes. Kate's habit of asking for handouts and freebies is a hard one to break.

And I WOULD like to see her mouth stretched out and photographed the way Mady's was way back when they visited the dentist.

Really??? said... 34

Wonder why she had the tups write the Shoka Diaries instead of the more literate twins? What? Kate wrote it? OMG. Never mind. ~ Administrator said... 35

The Duggars are like that college professor who is just awful at teaching but theyre so nice and likable you hate to complain. Proves how much slack being kind gets you. But parents shouldn't be excused from putting kids at risk because they're nice and likable. They have put Josie at risk and are getting called put on it doesn't mean they aren't still kind people.

Anonymous said... 36

if Josie has a seizure prior to the Isreal trip then no way in hell would she should have been on a plane to Isreal. I totally understand the Duggar's want to help the world and spread the word and be loving and giving but at some point your child's needs need to come before saving the world. My grandaughter was a preemie and spent 6 weeks in the NICU. She will be 2 in November and just leaned to walk a week ago. Preemies aren't always caught up after just year. I have heard it takes 5 years to be "caught up" to full term babies.
now my grandaughter was 3 lbs at birth. bigger than josie but even she has a nurse who came to the house for the 1st months to ensure she was on the right path. and my grandaughter had zero heath issues! the filming, activity and traveling is too much for a child so small in my opinion. i think that the older children could have done the missionary work and the younger kids should have stayed home with Michelle. I just wouldn't want to take the risk. what if Josie had seizure on the plane? aside from that, many travelers get sick in foreign countries just from being exposed different temperatures, water, germs, people etc. these trip should really wait until the kids are at least 8, heathy or not. it's quite a lot to ask of a small child. i understand having the oldest help with the youngest is survival for a family that large but it still seems a bit much to ask of a child to supplement her mother's comfort for a sisters. I feel Michelle should stay home with the younger kids while the older ones who choose to do the traveling. some traveling is fine. making it a lifestyle? i just cant get on board with for small kids.

I like the Duggars just fine. i dont judge them for their lifestyle. Its not mine but they do come across as sincere individuals. some point they have to realize the limitation of some of the younger children when planning these trips. I personally don't think the Duggars would be taking AS MANY trips if it werent for TLC so it's not their true reality. their trips may serve a cause - unlike kate's - but they are still wearing nonetheless. once me it seems the attention and spoils of TLC make another family make the wrong choices. given the outlet to serve more has taken the Duggars out of the home far more than natural. TLC is sooo darn into taking their "familes" all around the world. where is the reality in that? it's very easy to lose sight of what reality means for these families after a few years of having TLC act as a magic genie who grantes their wishes and pays their bills.

like I said..i like the Duggars but i would be a hypocrite to be furious with jon and kate for leaving 8 sick kids to get hair plugs if i didn't get upset to see Josie trotted across the globe when what she really needs right now is a stable enviroment to grow and stay healthy.

I have found that i like reality shows in the 1st season. after that. once fame, greed and lifestyle changes begin to occur they are neve rreality anymore. it just a normal person become a faux-celeb and become spoiled, entitled and fame hungry. after season 1 it becomes so scripted, planed and rehearsed its far from reality. yet the people on the shoes start to believe it is their reality. that they are now tv stars. talk about a crash and burn when the show cancels! it's a wild thing to see with eyes wide open.

i think the Duggards would do just fine without the show. i think they should reevulate just how much they used to travel prior to the show and find a happy medium NOW before they too lose sight of their "reality". they have an opposite side to fame. they DO use it for good but at what point is it becoming ego to be able to "save the world" and at what point is it truly from the heart. you own family's structure needs to come 1st.

just rambling thoughts. hope it make sense.


Tamara said... 37

Shoka's diaries? I think Socks can sue him (her?) for plagiarism.

Re dentist tweet, did she really tweet how much her appointment cost?? Wow. Kate is like a caricature of herself, but on the most predictable, unfunny SNL-like ripoff ever. Anything she says about dentists is bound to hit a number of sore spots considering what she did to her kids regarding teeth-explotation-abuse.

I have had a root canal, though I was 3 and have no memory of it. I hit my mouth in a Baskin Robbins, tooth turned grey, you get the idea. Family joke that we should have sued and gotten free ice cream for life. :) It didn't put me off the dentist (no cavities until I was 11) or ice cream, thank god! ;) ~ Administrator said... 38

In contrast look at Todd from Downsized, who told the cameras to stop filming when his stepson Rex was having an asthma attack.

If all parents were like Todd I don't think this blog would even exist. Sadly? They're not.

Pam said... 39

Administrator said... Veering off topic for a second, but I actually see a tweet from Kate that is 1. slightly interesting and 2. close to what the real celebs tend to tweet. She says she had her first root canal and vows to brush every hours now.

Heck I thought that was even mildly funny.

To me I think that is sort of the appeal of celeb twitter accounts for a lot of folks, sort of these little snippets into everyday real life for celebs, like root canals.

September 29, 2011 7:52 AM

Must be the real reason she was on antibiotics. She had an abcessed tooth and instead of saying that, she led her flock to think she was sick to get more sympathy ( although an abcessed tooth will make you wanna cry ).

Anonymous said... 40

now for kate.
she is a true mess.
are u or are you not looking for work?
are you or are you not pitching shows?
why is radar 100% false? these words came from you kate!

i know people say they dont care if she gets her own show long as the kids are off tv. ME? i don't think she deserves a damn thing after the way she has treated people since her 6 were born. she has no skills for tv and i would not like to see her handed ONE MORE THING just because she chose to have 8 children. i hope she does have to resume to a normal life. she needs to be humbled. she had many opportunities to save, branch out and really never have to work a normal job again but her ego hopefully blew that. i hope to never see her on my tv again or see a book with her name as the "author" either. i want to see her deal with the fallout from her selfish actions. am i mean? i dont know. im just sick of people expecting media jobs forever because they fell into a reality show. prove you have talent and then i won't mind. unfortunately kate has shown she has zero talent and zero interest learning. she just want to say "gimme gimme gimme" and have people shell it out to her. it's gross.

if she was so darn organized why doesen't she put it to good use and be an extreme couponer or something? at least those housewives are trying to stretch their $$ and not just moan about what it costs to feed their family.

kate is lame and the sheeple who think she is to be admired will forever be a mystery to me. if she's is so great then lets see it. show us your "organized closet" that YOU put together. teach ur sheep how to coupon. run a half marathon intstead of saying u can. just do something - anything to be worthy of the fawning. i personally would feel like a total phony sitting on my rump all day PRETENDING to be a supermom. is she ever out and about helping others? being a room mother? setting up carpools? discussing how to get 8 kids to after school sports? does she offer crafting tips to her sheeple? she does squat expect pack a lunchbox and sit back and be told how AWESOME it is. a lunchbox!!!!!!!!!!!!

my kids are 18 and 19 and i do more in a day than she does with 8 kids. she does not work outside the home so why is she always going on and on about how exhausting it is to raise kids? do 2 loads of laundry a day..throw a meal in the crockpot. scrub on room a day while tidying the others...have kids come homework, eat, bath, communicate, bed. is it reeally that hard TIMES 8 when you dont work AND you have assistance. GMAB
sad thing is old brownie appears to be more of a super mom than kate and it makes me laugh. i wouldnt put her near my teens but at least mk crafts, cooks, looks for bargains, gets involved ect. why would she look up to kate when she does more in a day than kate? she looks foolish kissing kate's bottom when in reality she has it more together than kate does. stop fawing over a web poting about a lunchbox for goodness sake and find some dignity.


fidosmommy said... 41

About the chicken pox. I haven't had it since I was about 10 or so, so I don't remember.

Aren't you over feeling sick once the rash appears? And you're no longer contagious at that point?

Can't you take an antihistamine and put some salve on the rash to make it stop itching?

I don't understand whether the Duggers were
filming while they actually felt lousy, or when the spots popped up and they were itchy.

Someone refresh me on this, please? I don't watch their show more than once every blue moon.

Anonymous said... 42

hot mess alert.
kate tweets she treated herself to starbucks thanks to BG - (assuming barbgilmore) please tell me she isn't taaking gift cards from people who have less money than her. my goodness she even grifts for free coffee.

also what's with the tweet to joy behar - sucking up hoping to get a reinvite?


EM ~ Administrator said... 43

I remember it at 4 and being miserable. Think a good rule of thumb is if you don't send the kid to school dont film them. I find it hard to believe that 11 kids with Chicken pox all feel fantastic at once.

Kokomo, Cocktails, and Dreams said... 44

And they've also been criticized for making the older children care for the younger terms of them being too young for parental responsibility.
This is not the first time they've been criticized.


Siblings should not be sister-moms. Children are a blessing, and if you want 20 kids, more power to you. If you can't take care of 20 children, then you shouldn't have 20 children. When siblings becomes surrogate mothers, it becomes more of a cult rather than a family.

I have to agree with "To Tell The Tooth" (love the name) regarding privacy. When is too much info just too much info? Why is there a need to tweet dentist appointments? For some, this may be just another "this is how my day went," but for Kate, it's for attention, for sympathy, and of course, to point out the expense. She will never learn to keep her mouth shut (pun intended) about anything.

fidosmommy said... 45

Think a good rule of thumb is if you don't send the kid to school dont film them.


No, Admin, you meant to say "You take them out of school in order to film them." Right?

Seriously, that's a good rule of thumb.

Desert Rat said... 46

At least we were spared having to see the root canal would have been at least two episodes. Imagine if she would have had the tooth problem on the RV trip. We thought she was miserable and nasty during the pizza fiasco. What if she would have had a toothache, too, not to mention the commmotion of her having to find a dentist while on the road! All heck would have broken loose.

Mimi to 3 said... 47

Chicken pox is one of those things that nothing seems to help the itching. It is so intense. You can put all these topical things on it and maybe even take something but the itching is fierce. I remember both of my kids being absolutely miserable for a few days.

Warmth Of The Sun said... 48

Look at Joel in the third and fourth photos in the second row. Makes your heart just break.

Dwindle said... 49

fidosmommy said... Whoa.

The Duggars have been buddying up since the first episode was filmed - that was the way they did things. The children have been quiet, polite and respectful since filming began. They have talked of their faith since the start. They have had more children and have continued on in their regular mode of shared work, shared fun, shared vacations, shared learning experiences.

Why are we NOW beginning to smack them down? Yes, I realize some comments have been made before, but not to this point that I can recall. Did the Israel event suddenly start a landslide of "oh yeah, and then there was the time....."?


My thoughts and comments about the Duggars are nothing new for me. At all. I have just never posted them on *this* blog before, and only have done so now because Admin invited the comments. :))

Tamara said... 50

Admin said.. I find it hard to believe that 11 kids with Chicken pox all feel fantastic at once.

A pox on both their houses? How had the older end of the 11 kids never had chicken pox? Hmm, haven't heard of the Gosselin kids having it, but then they seemed to be sick a lot and the show either milked it or completely ignored it. Or, like 80 percent of those kid's lives, it was filmed but never made it into an actual episode.

Anonymous Who Can't Post said... 51

I took a bullet said...

I posted a couple of things that aren't showing up here.

I posted Kate's latest blog post "Shoka Diaries" and an article about Kate yelling at her kids at the bus stop. Are they stuck in blog limbo?

Yes, they must have! I was looking for Shoka Diaries becaue I don't want to click on the hag's website.

As for the horrible pics of Kate at bus stop, I don't see a link here for those either.

Blogger spam catcher sucks!!!!!!

Here's the link for Kate at bus stop yesterday:

Hope it shows up. Don't have much faith that it will. :(

Virginia Pen Mom said... 52

Thanks for the post, Admin.

I've never watched the Duggars, so I only know what I read of them. I was under the impression they were a loving and close family.

Having been a homeschool mom for 15 years and a one-time support group leader, I've seen lots of large and happy homeschooling families. They're typically organized and dedicated to their schooling and their family time. I respect that. Money may be tight, but the moms know how to stretch a dollar. The children often pitch in to help with chores, with good results in learning responsibility.

But what struck me with the Duggar situation is that the presence of cameras and $$$ may have changed the family and clouded judgment. Cameras in a person's life, particularly where children are involved, is a BAD idea. Maybe TLC "owns" the Duggars the way it owned (owns?) the Gosselins. Maybe "the entire family remains under contract," as TLC said of the Gosselins.

TLC must have been DELIGHTED that Josie was a preemie! Drama! Excitement! Pathos! TLC might have forced the family to go to Israel. I'm not saying they did, just that either (1) the Duggars used incredibly poor and perhaps dangerous judgment or (2) they're slaves to TLC'S wishes. Neither situation is good. It's a sellout for pieces of gold...dancing with the devil, as someone else said.

Keep going--pointing out the dangers of reality TV, Admin. The dangers are LEGION.

J. Heather Leigh said... 53

Love your comparison of the bad college professor that everyone likes.

I am the mother of a preemie and I was (am) outraged that they brought cameras into the NICU.

Anonymous Who Can't Post said... 54

Testing testing 123

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 55

Just look at her kids faces. Imagine after a long day at school, coming home to that mean punim.

Posted by INF Daily:

Exclusive Pics! Kate Gosselin Yells At Her Kids After School

Attn Admin said... 56

Are all our missing comments in blogger spam?

emschick1128 said... 57

New pics of Kate bitching out the kids at the bus stop are up on INF and Gossip center. If she was a complete bitch before I can't even imagine what she is like now that the gravy train has dried up. Those poor kids.

Concerned Citizen said... 58

Please visit my blog, it has a recap of the first special about the Gosselin family, back in 2006. So much has changed, so much the same.

Maybe recaps should be done of the Duggar's show?

Anonymous said... 59

good rule of thumb admin. sadly have we seen many who follow it? i for one will be glad when reality tv has run its course and i will always believe children should never be the STARS of the show. this is their personal life! they are not playing a part. they are judged for their lives within their family. i think about my childhood and i would hate to have it put out for an audience. i was a happly little kid. playing with dolls, riding a bike, having friends, imiginary pets etc but as a normal kid i had personal struggles and feelings that i would not want sold. it wouldnt be entertainng number 1 , and number 2 those are MY private memories and experiences - not the worlds. i did some embarrassing stuff as a kid that thank God i dont have to see on reruns! i hate seeing the kids crying and melting down on an episode and knowing they have to go to school the next day. i used to be very embarassed to be seen being disciplined as a kid. it would be horror for 1 million to 3 million to see it weekly. also, family dynamics are personal. i wouldn't want the world watching me in the sancity of my home - interacting with my family. its crazy when you think about it really. when you are aware of the camera, things are not "real" can you imagine growing up and realizing your childhood was scripted for a show? im baffled it's legal. the Gosselin's wont see a penny for what they had to share. they are going to be really upset when they realize what has been done to them and i hope they take legal action.
can u imagine...for you to have to feel "on" when you just want to be alone with your family. can you imagine having a crew of production and camera people all around constantly while you are just trying to live your life? how do you get mommies attention when she is playing superstar for the camera? what a messed up way to grow up. no privacy, no alone time with your loved ones if you want it. sharing YOUR privacy with people who have no business seeing how you act in the home. it's sick. it really it when great thought is put into it. even if you arent embarrassing yourself like the Duggar's still an invasion in your homelife. camera crew are NOT family and need to be kept out of homes that are raising children.

thanks for the memories kate. your kids will just love it! seeing an edited version of their LIFE knowing they had no choice in the matter and knowing YOU could have stopped it from happening.

who is looking out for the best interest of the children when a parent is too $$$ blind? why didn't the state step in and set rules? how did everyone sit back and watch the Gosselin kids' lives be sold with no protection whatsoever? they are going to be very angry teenagers i feel. i know i would feel rage at the thought that no one stepped in to make sure i was ok with what was happening to me. being forced to expose my personal self. and for what? so mommy could have nice things? not have to work outside the home? its wasn't up to the kids to sacifice for kate. it should have the other way around. the state should have set firm guidelines, did monthly counseling for the kids to make sure there was no force to film and set up untouchable trusts for their future. and not a paltry shared 15% either. i would be livid to find out everyone stood by while i was exploited for ratings. a 7 yr old has no voice in this yet this is their life. did a psych. ever interview the gosselin children and make sure this wasn't effecting their emotional development? how did that slip by the courts. and not one seesion either. enough sessions to get the truth.

i would sue TLC, the state of pennsylvania and possibly my own parents when i reached 18. im not a "sue" type of person but this travesity warrants attention.


Anonymous said... 60

how lucky the kids are to be in the public eye! todays headline. kate yells at her kids at the busstop. brought to you by INF and sponsered by Hellman's real mayo!!!!!
well sheeple..would u still really choose this life for your children or would you be horrified to see them as an embarrassed headline complete with photos?


Anonymous Who Can't Post said... 61

Kate's diehard fans are saying it's normal behavior for moms to shriek at their kids till their neck muscles pop out.

Anonymous said... 62

Shoka Diaries
Dear Humans,

I feel like I need to tell you the way it is from my perspective… If you are deemed allowed to be on my property, I feel it necessary to let you know that I won’t bite your leg off, but instead will require that you throw my chicken all day long until your arm feels like it’s falling off… For my fetching pleasure. If you don’t immediately comply when I drop my rubber chicken at your feet, I will paw the ground and bark loudly in your ear until you get the hint!


AHmazing and sooo cute and funny post. just loooove the website comments to follow soon i'm sure.

i read a comment on facebook today.
it says "you can tell the measure of a person by how they treat those who cannot help them"
kind of reminds me of kate. only those deemed worthy are treated polietly. if you cannot "help" her you are a nobody.

funny how kate isnt calling out joy behar for spouting not "100% truth" about kate but instead tweets how she loooves when joy picks on her. is someone who could "help" kate. she has a teeveeee show . radar online no longer know how to help kate thus everything they say is a lie. she is so transparant


Beth said... 63

I changed my opinion of the Duggars when they not only allowed cameras into NICU but when old Jim Bob allowed the camera crew into his father's funeral.

librarylady said... 64

Exclusive Pics! Kate Gosselin Yells At Her Kids After School

Why is anyone there to take pics anyway? She must have called them since she was the one picking them up and not the "not a nanny". She doesn't care if she's yelling - drama for the camera, you know.

Anonymous said... 65

lol at shriek til neck muscles pop out. ya soo normal to pick up kids after a lng day of school and 1 hour busride to greet them with the usual crap.
"line up..single file while i screech orders at you" just what a kids wants after a long day. i much prefer to look at the photo of hannah running to jon with pure joy on her face when she got off the bus. i love that photo along with the one where the kdis are huddled around him hugging any part of him they can grab. BIG difference between those reactions and the faces they show when kate picks them up. but i knw..kate can be like that cuz she has alllll the responsibility. jon is the 9th child so of course he can be happy with the kids cuz u know he never has to do any "work" to raise them. kate has all the stress ...bleet bleet bleet


steff said... 66

I've always had a love/hate relationship with the Duggars. I do believe that the kids are very close, loving, helpful and are deeply loved by their parents. I hate the Gothard/Quiverful religion that I feel is very anti woman, unless she is a baby factory. Discouraging women from being anything other than housewife/mommy. I'm a housewife, but I had choices, the Duggar girls don't. So while I can completely relate to the housewife/SAHM way the Duggars do things, it bugs me that they aren't given any choices. they can't even pick their own husbands, Daddy does it for them. that's just warped IMO.

I think the Duggars have avoided the Kate like controversy & hate because while the show features the kids, it's not focused on *just* the kids (Josie drama not included). Also, most of the kids are older, some even adults (over 18). There's no potty training shows, there's no impacted bowels shows, there's no screaming kid fights, and IMO, there's no truly embarrassing shows that a kid would be horrified to see later on. If a little kid is sick, then "so and so is sick", and that's kinda it (again Josie drama not included ). Although, I can see why 11 kids with the chickenpox all at once got it's own show.

I think Kate & the way she used her kids and was mean and snappy at them is completely different than the Duggars. Yes, both shows have little kids. One show the kids were the stars and focus...the other show, the kids are sometimes featured, but usually in the background. One show mom oozes manic screaming nuts...the other show mom oozes sappy sweet, baby voiced, religious whackiness. And the religious whackiness is only known if you read beyond what the show puts out there.

Also, the Duggar have made big money from the show and gotten their perks, but they have never acted entitled to them or demanded them. JimBob owns land that cell phone towers have been put on. The family makes good $$ from that & their commercial properties. They were doing book tours & speeches before the show, they just got more gigs because of the show. Their lives would probably tone down a bit, but not change much when the show ends. Kate is left to scramble because she didn't have a plan other than tv. The Duggars have always had a plan of some kind.

But damn, the religious stuff bugs me!

I also think the Duggars show will end before long. It's been 2 years since the clown car uterus has delivered....that door might have been finally shut.

Anonymous said... 67

"funny how kate isn't calling out joy behar for spouting not "100% truth" about kate but instead tweets how she loooves when joy picks on her. is someone who could "help" kate. she has a teeveeee show . radar online no longer know how to help kate thus everything they say is a lie. she is so transparent"


Didn't think of that when I saw the fawning tweet on are so right! Someone could throw dung in her face in public and if that person could somehow keep her on TV, then she'd ask for more...embarrassing.

Library (sorry, wouldn't take name this time?)

Nearby Springdale resident said... 68

Until recently Michelle Duggar stayed home with Josie while the rest of the family traveled or if she had to go she left Josie at home with a trained caregiver (the older kids are EMT trained). She was very careful about exposing her to the environment and I think Josie would have gone on this trip whether they were filming or not.

Someone posted that they felt the family took many more trips than normal because of filming and I believe that is untrue. I've watched every episode and the family keeps to their travel and speaking schedule and TLC tags along if they want to - if not, the Duggars go anyway. They don't travel just to make episodes; these people actually have a life and the cameras follow them around as they live it - like reality tv was supposed to be before grifters like Kate Gosselin grabbed the silver platter and used it as a means for family income, fame, and relevance.

This family is opposite Kate's. They have a means of income other than the show. They earned money before the show and will be fine after it ends. They are involved in their community and know the real meaning of "giving back". Their faith is the basis for most differences between them and the rest of the population and they take the flak and carry on. They appreciate and enjoy meeting their fans and take time to interact with them. They don't just talk the talk, they also walk it.

Kate You're No Wrtier said... 69

Anonymous said...

Shoka Diaries

That's it, one paragraph and very, very poorly written at that?

Honestly...seriously...that was so, so, so ...not even mediocre, just awful.

Downsized said... 70

Administrator said...

In contrast look at Todd from Downsized, who told the cameras to stop filming when his stepson Rex was having an asthma attack.

If all parents were like Todd I don't think this blog would even exist. Sadly? They're not.

Admin, I admired Todd after that episode, too -- until this past week when the focus of the show was about Dylan's weight and blood pressure problems. Yes, they're important issues for many teens, but the exploitation of him in this episode was outrageous.

Marie said... 71

Better question is: When is Kate NOT yelling at her kids? It seems that is all she does. It's either about one of 3 things with her. One is that nobody knows how hard she has it, two nobody is helping her or three she just thinks if she yells at the kids it makes her look like a good mom.

Not a good bra said... 72

I took a bullet said...

Are you able use this link to view a pic that is on Kate's website? Someone tweeted it to Kate asking her where it was taken. It's the only way I was able to post a pic from her website here. Figured some of you might be interested in seeing what pics she has posted on her site:

What an unattractive picture of Kate! I made the mistake of clicking on zoom and the first things I spotted were the 2 drooping melons on Kate's chest. No way are those "things" just a good bra! I think the pic was taken at the end of their RV trip when they stayed overnight in Las Vegas. It looks like a feature at one of the pools.

TLC ship is sinking said... 73

Have TLC and Figure 8 Films not learned their lessons from the Gosselin fiasco? Apparently not. This is what happens when a local government decides to give a company just a slap-on-the-wrist fine for not having child work permits. They continue their callous behavior elsewhere with other families until something tragic happens (serious accident or loss of life). Only then will it be a wake-up call for more of the general public, including the government, to finally intervene and create better child labor laws to protect kids in the entertainment industry (including reality tv).

Unfortunately, that's how it works for my local city council. It took the loss of a child's life before they listened to neighborhood families' continuous concerns about a dangerous cross-walk and installed a signal light to prevent further tragedies. Sadly, this delayed action has happened a few times in different residential areas.

It seems like TLC ordered more filming of the Duggars (with all these trips), since anticipating the cancellation of Kate Plus 8.

Miracle baby said... 74

Bringing this over from the previous thread:

TMZ has an article and video about Josie showing she's back to health a few days after returning from the trip. She truly is a miracle baby, walking and talking so close to schedule after being born so dangerously premature.

The url was quite long so I shortened it:

Odd, but pretty good results said... 75

Regarding the Duggars - I don't agree with all of their views, and I'm a Bible-believing Christian. However, the proof is in the pudding. Their kids seem to be well behaved, kind, and respectful. I work with elementary and middle school kids, and so many of them come from terrible families, and it shows in their words and actions. I'd take the Duggar's approach to family life (just not the huge number of kids) any day over the pathetic parenting so many children suffer under. I am appalled at what I have seen just this school year so far - a kindergartener threatening to kill himself, a 1st grader who said his dad choked his mom until she died (she actually passed out), kids showing up at school dirty and hungry, a middle school girl literally biting her own arm during class until it was bleeding. Yeah, the Duggars are kind of odd but they're doing something right!

Laurie said... 76

Onc can only hope that her dentist was very Laurence Olivier-ish. Marathon Man for those not as old as me ;) ~ Administrator said... 77

I don't think the Duggars are anythin like Kate. I do think theyre on a slippery slope. Why not stop it now before it's out of control???

Another one biting the dust? said... 78

Oh dear, they certainly have had their problems, but Radar Online is reporting that Joe Giudice, married to Theresa from Real Housewives from New Jersey, was spotted out with another woman. How many more families will we watch disintegrate on a reality tv show?

She's Nuts said... 79

This is what happens when a local government decides to give a company just a slap-on-the-wrist fine for not having child work permits.


It wasn't the local government. It was the PA Department of Labor, the state government.

Mimi to 3 said... 80

So, according to one of her tweets today she went for a run after having a root canal this morning. I just seriously doubt this one. She is one consistent liar.

Anonymous said... 81

The daughter of another famous mother, Martha Stewart, has written a book about growing up with her mother. Martha's daughter Alexis says that if she didn't do something perfectly, she had to do it again. While it may not be a "Mother Dearest", evidently it paints a grim picture of her childhood. Apparently, Martha was not interested in being kid friendly. The book is called, "Whateverland: Learning to Live Here".

Can't wait until the eight are able to tell all.

ncgirl said... 82

The Duggars have always gotten a free pass because they are nicer than Kate. They also haven't seemed to change that much. There have been upgrades(better appliances etc) to the house but no huge changes. I do think there should be laws nationwide for children in reality shows no matter what personalities the parents have. There are financial questions regarding the Duggars too. The oldest son has his own household so I guess they get paid. But what about the adult children at home and the underaged ones? Do they get their own accounts or does it go into a family pot?

There are a couple of websites that are against the Duggars. People usually gripe the most about their old-fashioned beliefs. The Duggars' ratings aren't much better than Kate's were. They stay a little over a million. Overseas trips have been the kiss of death for Kate(Australia) and Little People Big World(Europe). We'll see what this trip does for the show.

Tamara said... 83

With the Duggars show, please remember the story posted about Regis just prior to this post. If reality shows can turn hours of good/boring filming into hate and disputes they can also do it the other way around.

I think the Duggar kids are just as exploited and abused as the Gosselins. Another thing they have in common is that they would still be in abusive/exploitative families and situations if they had never been on a weekly reality show.

In a way the Duggar side is scary because it's so much more slick. And I don't just mean Jim Bob's hair ;) BTW isn't it not Christian to be so interested in your apperance?

Anonymous said... 84

I just saw the pictures of Kate communicating with her kids in her usual charming manner. I think one of the reasons she's dedicated to heels is to keep her bigger than her kids for as long as possible--and thus, more intimidating. Flat-footed, I bet Cara is already only a half-head shorter.


J. Heather Leigh said... 85

Tamara- I don't think this is the place to discuss religion. I am respectfully asking that you stop making the jabs at a faith you don't seem to share. The Duggar's spiritual belief are theirs and they have never hidden them.

I agree that there are concerns about the Duggar children being on reality TV. I also think that if the cameras stopped rolling, very little would change for the Duggars.

HollyMo said... 86

EM said...
I have found that i like reality shows in the 1st season. after that. once fame, greed and lifestyle changes begin to occur they are neve rreality anymore. it just a normal person become a faux-celeb and become spoiled, entitled and fame hungry. after season 1 it becomes so scripted, planed and rehearsed its far from reality.
EM, I have to agree with you on that. The 'reality' (snark intended) is that now it is apparent that these shows are ALL scripted - at least to a certain degree.
A bit OT but I think it does pertain,
A close friend of mine works in the movie/TV industry as an assistant director (2nd or 3rd - not the big wig). Anyway, she said she often notices that writers don't think far enough down the road; that they don't think about season 3 or 4. That lack of foresight is what happens to shows.
Now those pictures from the bus stop break my heart. The kids must feel so empty and hollow inside. I bet they just live for the time they spend with Jon. What a respite it must bring for them from the shrew that gave birth to them.
I really do pray that they are able to live with him full time.
Amazing that the sheeple are defending that nasty woman.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 87

For the love of God, does she had to name drop herself to Joy? Why not just say something banal like everyone else does. But no. She has to make it about her (narcissist) and has to make her tweet stand out because she was a big stah that appeared on the show, unlike all you other drips who weren't on TV.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 88

Laurie said...

Onc can only hope that her dentist was very Laurence Olivier-ish. Marathon Man for those not as old as me ;)


Oh Laurie, great movie! But I have to turn away everytime the tooth drilling scene comes on :o(

I prefer the dentist in Little Shop of Horrors

Dallas Lady said... 89

The Duggars have always creeped me out, but more importantly they are exploiting their kids.

Basically you shouldn't sell your kids' home/private life for public consumption, period. I don't care who you are or how sweet you seem.

In the Neighborhood said... 90

@Kateplusmy8 Ur dog is really cute. It looks intimidating. I dont think u should reveal that he's friendly.


Good point. I thought about that as soon as I read it. bigfanofk8g seems to have more common sense than Kate.

Falling like a brick said... 91

What's funny about Kate responding to JoyB is that the line : "So what, Who cares?" is a trademark joke line from SNL that the guy who 'plays Joy' on the SNL show says all the time.
It's an insider joke to her and the fans that watch her on the View and watch SNL.

Kate obviously didn't 'get the joke' and tweeted back the suck up remark instead. (which I found quite hilarious because she's so clueless about it)

fidosmommy said... 92

Comment #1. It looked to me like the Gosselin kids were not really hearing Kate. Hannah is speaking to her, but the rest seem to be in a fog. Probably the healthiest response to Kate is to ignore her. It's a great defense mechanism - until she starts with her "(Name), what did I just say?" routine. I love how Cara just walked away by getting into the car.

Comment #2. I don't know about Christianity, but I think there is an environmental law that each person is limited to one can of hairspray a day.
Jim Bob's supply may need to be cut off.

Red Sky At Night said... 93

RT @opiecody @Kateplusmy8 read shoka blog...kate ur a great writer do u evr think of writing 4 a fashionmag- shape,fitness..etc? Would luv2


Looks like the Sheeple have very low expectations when it comes to evaluating the criteria of a good writer!

HollyMo said... 94

Thanks to the ladies at Preesi's I saw this article:
Funny that the First Lady can go out w/o a body guard, but kHate kan't.

fidosmommy said... 95

BTW, I was ONLY referring to hairspray, folks. Nothing else. ;-)

Just Bob It said... 96

Comment #2. I don't know about Christianity, but I think there is an environmental law that each person is limited to one can of hairspray a day.
Jim Bob's supply may need to be cut off.


Speaking of which, isn't it soon time for Michelle to have another blessing bestowed upon her?

The twit's tweets said... 97

Kate Gosselin
@JeanneKaye no closet or drawer organization. Treated myself to Starbucks (thx 2 u bg:) and organizing papers at my desk.... Will run later2

@Kateplusmy8 @JeanneKaye Jeez- Barb Gilmer is sending Kate Starbucks Gift Cards & Kate's ACCEPTING them!!!!! Greedy money grubbing bitch.


She just doesn't have a clue. A comment on an article today said Kate just didn't get it why she was the most hated person on tv today and they were so right. I've never seen anyone like her... she'll never get it.

fidosmommy said... 98

Looks like the Sheeple have very low expectations when it comes to evaluating the criteria of a good writer!


Not bad for a German Shepherd, though. :-)

Red Sky At Night said... 99

Not bad for a German Shepherd, though. :-)


True, but if he really wanted to make an impression, he would have written it Auf Deutsch!!

ncgirl said... 100

"Kate obviously didn't 'get the joke' and tweeted back the suck up remark instead. (which I found quite hilarious because she's so clueless about it)"

I thought that too. Kate has no awareness of pop culture. It helps to know pop culture if you're going to work in media.

Her latest tweet says she is renewing her nursing license, but she is not ready to go back to the mediocre lifestyle yet.

Tamara said... 101

fidosmommy said...
Looks like the Sheeple have very low expectations when it comes to evaluating the criteria of a good writer!
Not bad for a German Shepherd, though. :-)

Beagles are the best writing breed though.
"It was a dark and stormy night at the Kompound" ;)

BTW, can someone tell me if Shoka is a girl or a boy?

Ingrid said... 102

Isn't there a vaccine for chicken pox now? If the Duggars don't happen to believe in vaccines then that could be why so many got the ch. pox. I remember when I had it. My chunky legs rubbed together so I had solid patches of pure misery. My mom wrapped my legs in calamine soaked flannel so I could walk.

fidosmommy said... 103

If Shoka were REALLY a good German Shepherd, he would have rounded up the sheep and sent them out to pasture long ago. ~ Administrator said... 104

Yup, the Varicella vaccine is the vaccine for chickenpox and it's required in 45 states for school children including the Duggar's Arkansas. Of course they get around in neatly by homeschooling the kids.

Whatever, parents refusing vaccines is a whole separate issue that has nothing to do with filming, but to refuse the vaccine, then to film 11 sick children who didn't even have to be sick in the first place, rubs me the wrong way.

I know folks feel they are a nice family. I think they are a nice family, too. But I think it's dangerous to permit extra slack because someone is a nice person. I think the difference between them and Kate which sort of softens things is that they do appear to put the kids first, but are still making mistakes due to being sucked into TV/fame/money. Whereas I don't believe for a second Kate puts her kids first. It's so much easier to be angry at someone who is clearly not even TRYING to put the kids first. But exploitation is exploitation and I like what someone said about how it would be hypocritical to brush this off as okay when I think we all know if Kate did this we'd be upset.

Nice people commit crimes, nice people make bad decisions, nice people exploit their kids. It's lovely that they are a nice family, but it doesn't mean they are off the hook when they make poor choices when it comes to their kids and filming.

fidosmommy said... 105

Oh, I know what Kate was so upset about. The kids thought the reasonable nanny was picking them up, so they sat wherever they chose on the bus. When Mommy saw that Collin was sitting in Leah's seat, she blew a gasket.

"When you get home, you will all go stare at the walls, you will get last week's organic Brussels sprouts/cauliflower/liver casserole for dinner and you will brush each tooth for 10 minutes at the toothbrush sink. Mady will supervise while I make out new seating charts. Whew, you make my life so hard!" ~ Administrator said... 106

By the way, there are still good parents out there who make good choices.

A good friend of mine who has no idea I run a Gosselin blog or ever even was involved with this issue, mentioned that she had bought as a gift for her sister an organizing service. Her sister has been diagnosed with depression and the house has been suffering. Well, when the organizing company came by they wanted to film it!! Apparently the owner is in the middle of some pilot for her own reality show. Her sister's reaction was like.....WTF no you will not film my home life, me or my kids (she has two under 10), get the hell out of here you creeps.

My friend was nearly in tears that they sprung that on her sister. But we were all saying but how good of your sister to have the wherewithal to say wait just a minute NO WAY.

It was interesting to me how it was suddenly thrust on her sister and she had to make a rash decision, and that decision was immediately, protect my kids, no cameras. Good for her, freaking a that was refreshing. ~ Administrator said... 107

I guess to clarify what I'm saying, nice people can make mistakes of course. We all do.

Just because I have grave concerns about this thing with the Duggars and my gut is telling me this whole thing STINKS, doesn't mean I'm saying they are bad parents overall or have always exploited their kids, etc. What I'm saying is, this incident, from what I've known about it, concerns me.

It reminds me of when folks first started talking about the Gosselins. The same sort of, well, they seem like a nice family and I feel kind of bad saying this and I hope they are well-meaning, BUT.....this concerned me. Nostalgia.

Bah Bah Black Sheep said... 108

@Kateplusmy8 your kids benefit greatly from your nursing knowledge

Yes. We saw that when it was Jon who had to dis-impact Collin when he was constipated; it was Kate who didn't know how to help her children when they vomited on the fishing boat; it was Kate who left a sick, vomiting child on the laundry room floor; it was Kate who was squeamish when she removed the stitches from Jon's head; it was Kate who delayed Cara's trip to the ER.

These Sheeple really grind my gears with their stupidity.

Marie said... 109

If I remember here, didn't the Gosselins film the sextuplets when they had chicken pox? I can't remember but I am sure it was made into an "episode."

Chicken pox seem to be fading since most kids get vaccinated, I assume anyway. Last person I knew who even had the chicken pox was a friend of mine who was 9 at a sleepover who went home. That was almost a decade ago now.

Meagler said... 110

hmmm, don't know bout any of you, but I have had a couple of root canals, and after the first apt where they clean it all out and file it down for the temp is very painful, and there is NO way I would be out for a walk, let alone a run.. I call bluff on Kate's remark that she went out for a run...

Anonymous said... 111

Red Sky At Night said...
RT @opiecody @Kateplusmy8 read shoka blog...kate ur a great writer do u evr think of writing 4 a fashionmag- shape,fitness..etc? Would luv2


Looks like the Sheeple have very low expectations when it comes to evaluating the criteria of a good writer!
September 29, 2011 8:00 PM

This would be the same group of people who routinely congratulate one the author of a dubious blog because her responses are so well written. As a debate coach I saw holes in the argument that I could drive an aircraft carrier through, and that doesn't even take into account the grammar and vocabulary.

Marie said... 112

Administrator said...

I guess to clarify what I'm saying, nice people can make mistakes of course. We all do.

Cameras alter how one acts. Sorry but it rings somewhat true I believe. Maybe.

Jon and Kate started out on that one special as nice people who just happen to make the mistake of falling for "easy" money.

People are nice but I am almost sure that if you pay most of the enough money they may forsake who they really are for greed whether or not they see it, everyone else will eventually.

Kate is so suckered into believing her own filmed reality it's frightening she feels this way to depend on everyone else to take care of her, including hr own kids one day. When you start to believe edited reality as your life...I think may you lose something and a you lose a bit of your true self along the way.

And when all this is said and done one day, it might be too late for Kate to fix any mistakes. Not all mistakes once upon a time nice people make can be fixed.

Anonymous said... 113

the twidiot couldn't even send barb a birthday tweet? it was barb's bday yesterday/today depending on your time zone.. (barb's the onw who DM's everyone kate's address for autographs AND sent her a starbucks card which kate used yesterday) can kate do ONE thing for her #1 true fan and reply to a request for a darn bday tweet? nope. had to tweet Joy Behar and announce Shoka diaries are posted instead. seriously.. if your gonna grift a gift and use someone as a personal assistant to your tweeties the least u can do is say HAPPY BIRTHDAY on request.
but it's ok. i'm sure her #1 fan will understand why kate "didn't see" her request for a measly tweet. everyone is saying kate must be in bed with her tooth.. ah..whatever excuse makes you feel better. i saw kate on twitter since this am so don't see how she could have possibly missed barb tweeting her all day looking for a shout out.
kate would be a sucky friend to have. there has to be some give and take. it cant be take and take.


Anonymous said... 114

I'm an editor and writer and there is no way Kate would EVER make it in the industry. Ever. You have to be smart, confident, resourceful, able to find information by yourself, and take blunt criticism.

Kate writing? Would. Never. Happen.

Hippie Chick said... 115

When I see my son after school, I'm really happy. What does Kate have to be stressed about after not seeing them for what? 8-9 hours? What has she done all damn day? Tweet? Blog about her dog? Sleep? Pick her butt? Uh, really stressful Kate.

*It's really me, just haven't signed in.

mamasan said... 116

I believe Kate had some sort of dental work done. She mentioned "contraption." Which I believe was a rubber dam used to facilitate keeping the tooth dry. It is difficult to believe that she had little pain after. I have had, over the course of 20-years, 4 root canals. Not much pain during, but and a big but, after anesthesia has worn off it is oowie time. I also believe she would have had the kids running to answer every complaint.
Plus, I do believe Kate has help writing the blog. Most annoying is all of the lols. Is her life that funny?

Anonymous Who Can't Post said... 117

Why does Kate do everything at night; run, take an online nursing course? Does she do it to avoid the kids? she making excuses to her tweeties for not tweeting?

In the Neighborhood said... 118

The same sort of, well, they seem like a nice family and I feel kind of bad saying this and I hope they are well-meaning, BUT.....this concerned me. Nostalgia.


I think it's deja vu.

She is a Cow said... 119

OK, I am not going to her blog, but I thought I read a post here, where in answer to one of her emails about what she would change about herself, she wrote:"I would change the tone in which I speak to people and try to have more patience, and kindness." Something like that. Well, looks like she still needs some work in that department, judging by the bus stop pictures. Her answers to emails are all canned responses, to probably made up questions. What she thinks people or "haterz" want to hear.

Another thing that is sooooo irritating about her is her constant need to RT any tweet that "praises" her. It is so classless. Just say thank you to the tweeter. You don't have to show the world that this particular 11 year old thinks you're AWESOME. She is such a self absorbed fool. ~ Administrator said... 120

I just wanted to comment on the bus stop and I'll probably do a post on it.

First of all Kate fans, actually, many good parents do not yell and gripe and bitch to their kids like Kate does. There are other more effective ways of talking to kids rather than being a nag. Second of all, when good parents do feel it's necessary to raise their voice, they don't do it in a public place in front of the bus and the kids' friends and other parents. They have the respect to take the kids home and do it there in private.

Third of all? The kids were at school all day. What could they have possibly done when they weren't even home to warrant such an outburst? They weren't even home!

I took a bullet said... 121


On this page you will be able to read encouragement to keep running or start running or walking... Or doing SOMETHING to stay healthy! You'll also be able to read about my latest fitness “finds” whether it be new products I've discovered, new workout routines or even my newest most amazing menu/ healthy foods I'm crazy about! I'll keep you up to date on how this mom of 8 keeps trying to look and feel great!

Fitness Q & A September 30, 2011
Today I am answering Shelly’s email with regards to fitness…

She writes-

Dear Kate — My questions are in regards to your running.

Q: How many days a week do you run?
A: I run just about every other day – schedule, weather and me dependent! (like everyone, my laziness wins every once in a while!)

Q: Do you run outside or inside on a treadmill?
A: I can’t remember the last time I ran on my treadmill but it’s good to have one as a back up if I don’t have a babysitter or the weather is uncooperative!

Q: How many miles do you run each day?
A: I always make a plan. I psych myself up the night before if I plan on running a long run and especially if I want to push my limits and run further than I have previously run. That said, sometimes I surprise myself and keep going and going and going. The same is true though on “lazy”days when I just can’t do more than 6 miles or so. Running is weird… You just never know what you can push out til you’re out there!

Q: Are you training for a half or whole marathon?
A: I’m training now for my first half marathon in December. I’ve never ever trained with a trainer but I hope to find one in the last month before I do it. I’d love to learn more tricks on how to push myself further. And, of course, I’ll share them with you! :)

Q: Do you run at a certain pace or just what feels good that day?
A: I try to do mostly 8.5 minute miles which is the pace my body seems to naturally do. Sometimes faster and sometimes slower though… Depends on the day, weather etc :)

Q: Do you run on the raod or on trails?
A: Mostly I run on the road but I also do trails on rare occasion.

Hope this helps, all! Thanks, Shelly for your questions!


I took a bullet said... 122


On this page you will be able to read encouragement to keep running or start running or walking... Or doing SOMETHING to stay healthy! You'll also be able to read about my latest fitness “finds” whether it be new products I've discovered, new workout routines or even my newest most amazing menu/ healthy foods I'm crazy about! I'll keep you up to date on how this mom of 8 keeps trying to look and feel great!

Fitness Q & A September 30, 2011
Today I am answering Shelly’s email with regards to fitness…

She writes-

Dear Kate — My questions are in regards to your running.

Q: How many days a week do you run?
A: I run just about every other day – schedule, weather and me dependent! (like everyone, my laziness wins every once in a while!)

Q: Do you run outside or inside on a treadmill?
A: I can’t remember the last time I ran on my treadmill but it’s good to have one as a back up if I don’t have a babysitter or the weather is uncooperative!

Q: How many miles do you run each day?
A: I always make a plan. I psych myself up the night before if I plan on running a long run and especially if I want to push my limits and run further than I have previously run. That said, sometimes I surprise myself and keep going and going and going. The same is true though on “lazy”days when I just can’t do more than 6 miles or so. Running is weird… You just never know what you can push out til you’re out there!

Q: Are you training for a half or whole marathon?
A: I’m training now for my first half marathon in December. I’ve never ever trained with a trainer but I hope to find one in the last month before I do it. I’d love to learn more tricks on how to push myself further. And, of course, I’ll share them with you! :)

Q: Do you run at a certain pace or just what feels good that day?
A: I try to do mostly 8.5 minute miles which is the pace my body seems to naturally do. Sometimes faster and sometimes slower though… Depends on the day, weather etc :)

Q: Do you run on the raod or on trails?
A: Mostly I run on the road but I also do trails on rare occasion.

Hope this helps, all! Thanks, Shelly for your questions!


I took a bullet said... 123

I posted Kate's most recent post from her website. It's a fitness one.

There is NO picture to view!

spam or ??? said... 124

What is going on with the 'spam filter' thing-y?
I posted something last night before I went to bed and it still hasn't shown up. ~ Administrator said... 125

Anonymous said...

the twidiot couldn't even send barb a birthday tweet? it was barb's bday yesterday/today depending on your time zone.. (barb's the onw who DM's everyone kate's address for autographs AND sent her a starbucks card which kate used yesterday) can kate do ONE thing for her #1 true fan and reply to a request for a darn bday tweet? nope.


Ok she definitely reads here. Forty-five minutes ago she just told Barb I think I missed your bday yesterday HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

Hi Kate wzup out looking for a real job yet??? ~ Administrator said... 126

I checked the spam filter there's nothing in there but some really old stuff from last month I haven't gone through yet.

I don't see any more pending comments so post again if it didn't go through. ~ Administrator said... 127

The Starbucks thing is so outrageous. Really I cannot think of any other celeb, even the most narcissistic of them, who wouldn't get a clue and tweet back, No really I so appreciate it, but please, donate to my favorite charity instead!

As the commenter summed it up, Kate doesn't have a clue.

Anonymous said... 128

Post from Mary Ann --

I enjoy coming here to read articulate posts by other women. I get to share my skepticism and dislike of Kate. But, there are completely unexpected delights. Due to references here, I have discovered the blog site of Pioneer Woman. Excellent! Last night the documentary Catfish was on HBO. I had not heard of it until the postings discussing Kate's Twitter friends. It is complex. In the end, my over-riding emotion was compassion. I would have predicted something other. Thank you all for expanding my midwest horizons. Great day to all... ~ Administrator said... 129

Post from Mary Ann --
Last night the documentary Catfish was on HBO. I had not heard of it until the postings discussing Kate's Twitter friends. It is complex. In the end, my over-riding emotion was compassion. I would have predicted something other.


MaryAnn that was my reaction too and I was surprised too. Now when I see people wrecking havoc on the internet, I picture that woman and her family and I just can't muster up any anger. I just feel pity about it really, and all I can do is just move on to the next thing.

Anonymous said... 130

Post from Mary Ann --

First, thank you Administrator for what you do to keep this site so active and relevant.

Catfish really deserves a second viewing. I researched it and read some of the speculation that it was contrived. I don't think so. The 3 film makers have an authentic immaturity. If they were faking it, I think they would have edited the smirks that peek out on occasion. Angela was truly talented and intelligent and, sad to say, emotionally unstable. Perhaps she had found a way to manage her mental illness that was as much survival as dishonesty. Vince appeared to be "slow", but then pulls this catfish story out of his country pocket and is responsible for the title of the documentary.

I recorded it and will watch again.

PJ's momma said... 131

She is a cow - you are right. It is so weird and gross and telling that Kate retweets the praises sent to her. Weird! And sometimes she tweets them to TLC! Shoka's blog is a joke! But they loveeeeee her writing and think she should be a writer. Now there's a retweet that says she BELONGS on TV.

I read the running blog here. That is a friggin' joke too! There is no way in hell that she is doing 8.5 mph for long distance. She often tweets how long she ran and how far and she is doing about 6 mph. That is a 10-minute mile, which is respectable. I'm battling foot injury now and that's about all I can do too. 8.5 mph is trucking, very few people do that for long distance. At one event, I predicted I'd run 13.1 miles in 2:00 and I was in corral 8 of about 50, pretty close to the front. If that stupid twitiot did one minute of research, and if she IS doing 10 miles (doubtful, if she thinks she's doing 8.5 mph), she would know she's ready for a 1/2 marathon now. You don't need a trainer. You just need a training plan, easily available online (run x miles on this day, x on this day, rest on this day, x on this day). My first 1/2, I only ran 10 miles, one time, and was good to go on race day. If you can run 100 minutes, you can run 130 minutes, no problem, as you have good endurance already. You do need water, REAL running clothes, lube for contact points etc., too.

AuntieAnn said... 132

On this page you will be able to read encouragement to keep running or start running or walking... Or doing SOMETHING to stay healthy!


Oh brother now Kate thinks she's a sensei of healthy living. From all the photos I've seen of her, her skin has gone all to hell and her hair is dry and brittle. She's not exactly a poster child for healthy living. The only time she looks halfway decent is when someone in the makeup/hair department has worked on her for five hours.

Eat it up while she's handing it out sheeple.

"You'll also be able to read about my latest fitness “finds” whether it be new products I've discovered, new workout routines or even my newest most amazing menu/ healthy foods I'm crazy about!"

Oh yes, do write all about it Kate. I'm sure the plagiarist in you is dying to come out... again. New cookbook on the horizon?

Mel said... 133

Those INF pics....holy cow! Those shoulders are really bulked up....really masculine looking. Over-doing the steroids much?

She used to be so pretty and feminine. Now's she's huge, like amazon woman, or an orangutan. She's hulking over those kids. She's really bulked up in the arms & shoulders, like a man weight-lifter.

In the last episode there was a reminiscing scene from when the tups were young...they were in a hallway someplace. Kate had on a white sweater of some sort. She was cute...cute hair, cute little nose, cute smile, slim & trim, not busty in the least, very feminine looking.

What happened to her???? It's not just the leathery, orange skin. There's more to it. Now she looks like a man in drag.

I hadn't thought about this before. Would steroids explain her rage issues? Isn't uncontrolled rage a symptom of steroid use?

She didn't get those masculine looking shoulders from just jogging around the local streets, did she?

It's weird. She's looks like a whole different person. It's like her body morphed into somebody else's body. I wonder if it's jarring for the twins.....they must remember how she looked before. And now they look at her and wonder who that is.

Kind of like when I color my hair a whole different color and scare myself for days until I get used to it.

spam or ??? said... said... 134

It just seems weird that posts are disappearing. Of course I don't remember exactly what I wrote last night, I could summ it up but the jist is gone. things seemed easier when it was unmoderated. Why did we have to go back to moderation??

overthehill said... 135

mel maybe shes going through a sex change

Anonymous Who Can't Post said... 136

Mary Ann, ditto on finding the Pioneer Woman blog from information here. I absolutely love that website. Thank you to who mentioned it.

From what I understand Ree (blog owner) does the photography herself! Pics of food prepared with her recipes are beautiful, appetizing and she also includes pics of various steps throughout preparation. We all remember Kate's "Dog Vomit Salad." And let's not forget the photo of the plastic containers of tomato sauce with masking tape on the lids (which is on her website. LOL) Those are professional and appetizing pics if I ever saw one. NOT! Holy mediocre heck, Kate.

I've learned so much from Ree's website. And she's not OCD about food. BTW, she's got a great recipe for coffee concentrate you can use to make really good iced coffee. Cheaper than Starbucks, but then Ree isn't a Greed Grifter.

What do people learn on Kate's website other than stuff about KATE?

Mel said... 137

overthehill said...

mel maybe shes going through a sex change

Makes you wonder, doesn't it....

AuntieAnn said... 138

Mel said...

It's weird. She's looks like a whole different person. It's like her body morphed into somebody else's body.


You're so right. She WAS nicer looking early on in the show's embryo stage (pardon the pun) and she IS a whole different person. Not so sure about the steroid theory, but I think it's high time someone called in an exorcist.

Seriously though she looks meaner than ever now. If she hollers and screams at them in public I wonder what kind of hell she's putting those kids through at home. Bet things are pretty tense.

Anonymous said... 139

Post from Mary Ann --

10/3 People Magazine (Casey Anthony on front). Page 91. Pioneer Woman's Pancakes. Promotes her Food Network program. Saturdays 11:30. A hardworking woman and mother makes it big time. Can be done. Just not by Kate.

Mel said... 140

it's high time someone called in an exorcist.

I've been thinking that for a while. I think it's called in intervention. Uh....Steve? You up on those?

Beth said... 141

Administrator said...

Third of all? The kids were at school all day. What could they have possibly done when they weren't even home to warrant such an outburst? They weren't even home!


I was wondering the exact same thing. What could they have done between getting off of the bus and walking over to Kate? Perhaps they weren't breathing properly.

AndiSnark said... 142

Mary Ann and everybody, the other topics are the only reason I continue to read here. I don't care to talk about Kate anymore (although sometimes I can't control myself) and I've had it with the stupidity of the hypocritical sheeple.

Catfish was eye-opening about who some of these people might actually be and I do have a different attitude and, dare I say, compassion for these women who find it necessary to hate on strangers 24/7. Of course, they will say the same about "haters" but anybody looking at both sides from the outside can clearly see that "that women's" fans are completely unstable.

AuntieAnn said... 143

Mel said...

I've been thinking that for a while. I think it's called in intervention. Uh....Steve? You up on those?

Wow an intervention is a great idea. The whole family, all her ex-BFFs, and everyone else she's used and abused cornering the narcissist Kate, all captured on film. THAT I'd watch.

Westcoaster said... 144

What I find so incredibly sad and pathetic is that she spends all hours of the day and night tweeting with her cadre of personal strangers (normal people talk to friends, sisters, cousins as we all well know), but then to erupt all over her kids at a bus stop, the woman is crazy. Today I saw a picture of Michelle Obama caught shopping at a Target store near the White House. The caption read something about how she likes to sneak out occasionally and do this kind of errand. She was wearing a baseball cap and dark glasses, doubt she had to call her paps, probably wished there were none. Kate, truly sadly, thinks her celebrity is on this level. Based on all that we have read, and continue to see, there is no career for her in media, either visual or writtin - she can't write and she has no stage presence at all, except for mean, ugly and her verbal world of "ums". Sorry, babe, there is no audience for you, not in this lifetime.

Anonymous said... 145

I wrote last night about a slightly off-topic subject but it was in connection with another "celebrity" mother, Martha Stewart. My comment has not been published. While her daughter's new book, "Whaterland: Learning to Live Here" may not be a tell-all as in Mother Dearest, it is an antidote to the perfect facade served up by Alexis' mother. I can't wait until the Gosselin children write about life with their mother.

PJ's momma said... 146

I don't think Kate is bulked up at all. I think she has lost most of her healthy body fat, so all you see is the muscle underneath. Her legs look spindly too. It's just that she's pictured with her very small/slight children and looks big compared to them. Very unattractive, no matter what.

Ingrid said... 147

I’ve never ever trained with a trainer but I hope to find one in the last month before I do it.
Is her definition of trainer: Network, producer, product placement, etc. to make money off 'her marathon"? (because I am sure she thinks she is the only VIP at any marathon.)

AndiSnark said... 148

Mary Ann and everybody, the other topics are the only reason I continue to read here. I don’t care to talk about Kate anymore (although sometimes I can’t control myself) and I’ve had it with the stupidity of the hypocritical sheeple.

Catfish was eye-opening about who some of these people might actually be and I do have a different attitude and, dare I say, compassion for these women who find it necessary to hate on strangers 24/7. Of course, they will say the same about “haters” but anybody looking at both sides from the outside can clearly see that “that women’s” fans are completely unstable.

Kokomo, Cocktails, and Dreams said... 149

There were a few comments here that Kate should drive her kids to school and pick them up so they wouldn't have the long bus rides each day. Look at the photo of the shrieking shrew at the bus stop. If you were a child, would you want to ride in the car for two hours (to school and home again) every day with that thing?

AndiSnark said... 150

So many reality TV stars HAVE parlayed their success to other endeavors. Lauren Conrad has a clothing line at Kohls, Bethany created a cocktail and sold it to a big company. Gordon Ramsey, who is known for being rude and nasty, is working with Kmart. Why is a man known for being rude and nasty working and not Kate? Maybe because he is nice to the people when it really counts ....

PJ's momma said... 151

AndiSnark, all those people you listed are successful because they have a WORK ETHIC!

Tucker's Mom said... 152

I have to say that Kate's boobs in the Las Vegas photo are bordering on "bolt ons". Wow!
The kids never smile when they see their mom at the bus stop. How horrible. Coming home from school was the favorite part of my day. I wonder if she told the kids (again) that they should feel lucky she's there or they'd be standing in a parking lot alone.
Who says that to kids?
It really is a shame Kate hasn't parlayed her TV presence into a business like Bethanny. But then again, Behanny is a chef who practiced before she became famous. She's also smart as a whip, funny and amazing.

Tamara said... 153

No way in hell is she writing that blog. It's more likely to be written by someone who posts here haha. I'd bet Kate emails the writer(s) with her complaints and outrage over what is said here and in her haterz tweets and the posts 'answer' them.

Did that post make any sense? Typed it, my attention went to something else for a minute, came back and re-read it and kind of went huh? Hope it isn't to garbled weird :)

fidosmommy said... 154

When I was able to walk better than I can walk now, I bought a pedometer. I had to "calibrate"
it to my personal step length by going to the sidewalk, walking at my normal pace and actually measuring my stride. Then I fed that info into my pedometer.

I wonder if Kate has done this, or if she's using the preset stride distance. It could make a huge difference in her readouts.

PJ's momma said... 155

fidosmommy, I also wondered if Kate is using a pedometer, which can be highly inaccurate, but she won't get one unless it's free. Calibrating it would be to hard-ish too. Anyone can go to a website and plug in their route and find out the distance. But she's not that smart. She could do it the old fashioned way and ride the route in her car and get the reading off the odometer. But she's too lazy. She's making stuff up, especially as she says in her wonderful blog that she just goes and often runs further than she realized she could. No way in heck is she running 8.5 mph for long distance and very doubtful she's running the distances she posts either.

Tucker's Mom said... 156

I doubt Kates doing 8.5 minute miles. That's a pretty good clip and she never looks to be animated when running. She really should use her treadmill programs to train or do Fartleks. That's the only way to improve time and mileage. Cross training helps too.

PJ's momma said... 157

Tucker's Mom, I just love Fartleks - both the technique AND the word! haha! When I do mine outside, it occurs to me, "My shadow is not running nearly as fast as I am!" The perils of middle age. I agree - 8.5 minute miles or 8.5 mph (she's not real clear) are both VERY good clips. 8.5 minute mile is almost like a Fartlek sprint for me.

OK, time to get offline and go do some Fartleks.

fidosmommy said... 158

What is going to happen when the obsession and/or fascination with non-fat eating and all this running turns off (as many of these things do) and she is eating her pizza and using her full fat creamer and not running? She will turn to flab. Oh my.

fidosmommy said... 159

From Wikipedia. Subject: the 4 minute mile, a feat considered basically unachievable until it was done in 1954.

"Running a mile in four minutes translates to a speed of 15 miles per hour. The average human male runs between 6 and 11 miles per hour."

You do the KateMath. Does it add up for you?

Kate doesn't rate said... 160

I don't think Kate's bulked up in the shoulder area. First of all, her neck looked larger (or more muscular) in those pics because she was straining the veins, she was yelling so furiously. Second, I have many tank tops like the one she is wearing, and when I wear mine I look bulked up too. Just the cut of the top. I'm always surprised when I look in the mirror. LOL

I'll never forget Kate yelling at Mady, "You should know by now when you're helping me you need to be running." Kate was probably standing at the van clap, clap, clapping for the kids to hurry (Kate CANNOT relax) and the kids weren't running fast enough to please her. Therefore, "When I tell you do so something...scream, yell, stomp, clap, point, spit..."

Kate doesn't rate said... 161

And here we see the perfect example of ignoring the elephant in the living room.

This tweeter sees the pictures of Kate yelling her lungs out at the kids and says:

@Kateplusmy8 love Mady's school bag...the black and white one! :) Where's it from?!

Anonymous said... 162

Further to my post at 9:46 AM - The name of Alexis Stewart's new book should have read "Whateverland: Learning to Live Here". Apologies for the typo.

Marie said... 163

Beth said...

Administrator said...

Third of all? The kids were at school all day. What could they have possibly done when they weren't even home to warrant such an outburst? They weren't even home!


I was wondering the exact same thing. What could they have done between getting off of the bus and walking over to Kate? Perhaps they weren't breathing properly.

Maybe Kate saw them sitting in unassigned seats? Or not together?

Hoosier Girl said... 164

I'm going to give Katie a break on the running thing ... right up until that 1/2 marathon in December.

Someone will be there to report what her time is.

My guess is something will come up at the last minute. Like she pulled something, is out of town, has a meeting,

or race officials called and requested her not to show due to all the paparazzi.
(I know, I cracked myself up on that one too!)

Tamara said... 165

The kids needn't have DONE anything. I doubt Kate saw them do anything, right or wrong. She just saw them. That was more than enough to set her off.

Then again, she probably didn't get pissed once she'd gotten to the bus stop. She probably was before she even went to pick them up. I hope all of those kids have learned that it isn't them, it's her.

Tucker's Mom said... 166

PJ's momma said...
Tucker's Mom, I just love Fartleks
When I first heard that term, I was like "lick WHAT?"

PJ's momma said... 167

Tucker's Mom, all I heard was FART! I'm a preadolescent boy trapped in a 47 year old woman's body!

Kirkland said... 168

Regarding the bus stop picture, I have a couple of comments:

1) I wish for once Kate would have a smile on her face when she's with the kids. She never smiles, and the kids seem beaten down. Look at the reflection of one of the boys in the car? Such a sad face.

2) Are the kids wearing those shoes without socks? Am I the only one who thinks that weird? I personally find wearing shoes without socks very uncomfortable. Again, maybe that's just me.

Falling like a brick said... 169

The whole story is a sad expose on a child trying his best to please his mother.
I swear when I read this I thought of Kate and her poor little Gosselin Children.
This first paragraph is Kate to a "T".
The Rocking Horse Winner
DH Lawrence

There was a woman who was beautiful, who started with all the advantages, yet she had no luck. She married for love, and the love turned to dust. She had bonny children, yet she felt they had been thrust upon her, and she could not love them. They looked at her coldly, as if they were finding fault with her. And hurriedly she felt she must cover up some fault in herself. Yet what it was that she must cover up she never knew. Nevertheless, when her children were present, she always felt the centre of her heart go hard. This troubled her, and in her manner she was all the more gentle and anxious for her children, as if she loved them very much. Only she herself knew that at the centre of her heart was a hard little place that could not feel love, no, not for anybody. Everybody else said of her: "She is such a good mother. She adores her children." Only she herself, and her children themselves, knew it was not so. They read it in each other's eyes.

Continue Reading

Anonymous said... 170

admin...i think kate reads here too. i have noticed several things over time that get addressed one posted here. actually..i wish she couldn't view the site because she learns the best damage control from you and the posters.

regarding the running..most long distance runners have a plan. they know what they want to run for the day. i have been learning a lot from one of her tweeters who is a runner. i clicked her twitter and she has tons of cool tips. kate is now noticing things and trying to incorporate them into her tweets.
also..much runners i know don't always say they have "lazy" day and have to force themselves to run. kate acts like its a punishment. and she always remembers to add the "sometimes i run slow or wal" stuff in case someone drives by and actually sees her.
now i believe kate jogs and speedwalks. i don't believe anything else. she does not eat the right foods for the running she supposedly does. kate desperately needs some fat and carbs in her diet if she is putting in that many miles a week. i can already see the signs of her diet aging her skin and drying her hair. she looked much better a few years ago. she has aged a lot in the past 2 years in her quest to stay beautiful and "healthy"


Silver haired babe said... 171

I, too, love the Pioneer Woman's website but it is just like reality TV. It is not real, just what she wants you to see. Her husband is a millionaire and one of the largest land owners in Oklahoma. She has help to "home school" and cook and write her website, just like Kate.
Do some research on her. There is a lot on the internet.

Kate is a twit said... 172

My thoughts regarding why Kate was in a foul mood at the bus stop. The pictures were taken 9/28. That was the same day that the Radar Online article came out that she said had "not one stitch of truth. She was pissed about that article. She probably was fuming about it all day. Unfortunately, the kids had to bear the brunt on her anger about the article.

HollyMo said... 173

Falling like a brick said...
This first paragraph is Kate to a "T".
The Rocking Horse Winner

Falling, I have not thought about that story in ages! You must have been an English major, same as I (although my grammar is atrocious!). Now I will have to go and read the rest of it.
For those of you who like Pioneer Woman, I suggest you check out Chickens in the Road. I never felt a connection to PW - but Chickens is more my style.

Tucker's Mom said... 174

Runner can and do have days when the legs feel like lead and it takes all you've got to put forth the energy to do it. After work, I'd run and I'll tell you, it would have been so much more fun to sit my ass on the sofa! So, yes, it's true. Running isn't all rainbows and unicorns and hard core runner do hate it sometimes. But, you do it. Sometimes though you have to give in and say, in the words of Tom Cruise in Risky Business, What the Fuck.

Cara said... 175

"i have been learning a lot from one of her tweeters who is a runner. i clicked her twitter and she has tons of cool tips."

Do you have a link? I'm starting to run and would love some tips from someone who knows what they are talking about, and that ain't Kate.

Falling like a brick said... 176

Bearswife ;-)
I'm a literature fanatic. Wasn't an English Major in College, I studied music. However, I love to read and have quite a large personal library of books in my home.

The Pioneer Woman is fine for some, but I feel it's hard to identify with her. I do like Serena from the Farmchicks and follow her blog.
It's a bit more real and fun ideas to incorporate into your lifestyle.

Grammy of nine said... 177

The pics at the bus stop were ugly, Kate. How sad for the kids to be greeted at the end of their school day with such vile on your face. Too bad we couldn't hear what she said. Horrible, no doubt.

Does anyone think Kate is "mad" because she is hungry? You know that "low blood sugar" will get her every time (according to her own excuse). That vein in the neck really does give her away. Angry, angry, person. What on earth could those kids have possibly done to get their mother so angry and even allowed herself to be photographed in such a state. Oh well, good or bad, attention is attention to this woman.

Tucker's Mom said... 178

Grammy, yes, not eating will definitely make you very short. How those little kids could have pissed Kate off so bad makes one think.
You notice how the evidence on tape and in photos does not comport in the least with Kate's treachly tweets?????

Anonymous said... 179

BTW isn't it not Christian to be so interested in your apperance?
Well . . . that's an interesting question. When someone claims to be a Christian, it seems that anything they do that rubs someone else the wrong way can then be labeled as not a "Christian" thing to do. But this really shows a lack of understanding. There is NO such thing as a perfect Christian. There are people whom you could call "good" Christians, and there are people who are, frankly,"bad" Christians. But here's something to consider - when we see bad behavior by Christians (and I don't consider keeping your hair combed and in place bad behavior) we really don't know what that person would be like without their faith. A Christian might be a jerk/snobby/deceptive/shallow/etc, but maybe they're better than they would have been without faith in Christ(Credit goes to C.S. Lewis). Everyone is at a different place in their maturity, growth, and walk with God. A perfect person would never have to be saved to begin with, so sorry to disappoint, but there are no perfect Christians to be found.

Tucker's Mom said... 180

Target sighting! Target sighting!
No! It's not Kate... It's Michelle Obama! At a Tar-jhay by me in Alexandria, VA. Too funny.
Now, Kate, this is how you do it. You wear normal clothes, a ball cap and sunglasses. Pics only happened as she checked out. No parking lot down shirt photos, sorry ;-)
Link (sorry not clickable)

PJ's momma said... 181

Cara, if you can, I would go to a running store. They usually have a treadmill and will analyze your gait/stride and make sure you get in the right shoe for you (and it probably won't be the shoe you thought nor the size either!). This can really prevent injuries down the line. I wish I'd done it 10 years earlier. The people who work there are passionate about running and can offer you great advice and resources and encouragement. If you don't have a store like that, I've had good luck at Sports Authority, where the workers have a surprisingly good amount of knowledge about shoes (types) and fit and that sort of thing. Good luck to you - start slow and build up so you don't burn out!

Tucker's Mom said... 182

PJ, footwear is so important. When your mileage goes up, refresh your footwear. Oh, and get pedicures often, because you WILL get callouses. I found my shoes started to get tight after a while. Then I got a pedicure and viola! My shoes fit.

PJ's momma said... 183

Tucker's Mom, when the running guy put me in a Brooks size 10 (normally 8.5), I nearly died. Double digits! But he was 100% correct. I have no knee problems in those stabilizer shoes. I had a BOGO coupon at Sports Authority and they had no Brooks. uh oh. So I got Asics and am having problems. Both pair (one at each house) are likely going to get donated in almost-new condition. I could kick myself. Ever see those shirts at marathon health expos? "Toenails are for wusses." I see that and think, "Toenails are for people wearing the right shoes." Been there done that (lost nails) and it ain't pretty or fun. Cara - hope you're reading these posts! Happy running!

Anonymous said... 184

Tucker's Mom..
I get what you mean about lead legs and all but it's different with kate's tweets. She always makes it sound like a chore, always tweets about having to fight laziness etc. Before my fibro got bad I used to work out every day at 5am before work. Really great workout that was 1 to 1.5 hours a morning. I just did it. My eyes popped open and body was ready and needing to go. Very few times did I skip it if ever. I liked it..liked the results I saw and loved how I felt. I just never feel the "runner's high" vibe from kate or the passion for the sport. It's always..oh i ran 10.5 miles today - that's it.
Maybe because kate lies so much I just have such a hard time believing she is a long distance runner. The words don't seem right. Something isn't jiving. She used to say she ran 10.5 a lot until she was told that's way to much. Now she is saying every other day...and the PLAN she is talking about..that came from another tweeter who told her "kate you should be running 10.5 only a week. the other days need to be different and less miles, have a plan." Also you never hear kate discussing recovery after 10.5 miles. she acts like its so simple. The other runners discuss their post and pre run meals. I never hear that from kate except the once time she asked a runner..gosh what did you eat after your half marathon. i would have ate a whole pizza IF i ate pizza that is." Runner replied back..greek yogurt with walnuts and rasins" and she mentioned she carb loaded the night before. Same runner was discussing these nutrition blocks she eats every mile after 6 miles and seemed shocked kate didn't do that. I guess it's just the lack of comments like that make kate's runs appear hinky to me.
Aside from all that...I don't remember one episode of kate plus 8 where she discussed her joy of running. I'm calling fake until I see it.

I do think it's cool though that you do give her some credit and commented on fatigue and lead legs. I love when people just don't agree with everything because it's an anti kate post. It shows that people here actually do apply reason and thought to their posts and aren't sheeplish in the way that everything is black or white.



Tucker's Mom said... 185

PJ, i went into an Etonic size D... was surprised as I don't have Flintstone feet, but it worked!

Mimi to 3 said... 186

I personally believe in low fat living. NOT fat free, our body needs some fat. But as with anything there has to be moderation in all things.

Kate's latest tweet about her 'meetings' today. Gotta be a toss out to her tweeter/sheeples teasing them into believing that her important meetings have something to do with her dying/dead career.

fidosmommy said... 187

Kate's latest tweet about her 'meetings' today. Gotta be a toss out to her tweeter/sheeples teasing them into believing that her important meetings have something to do with her dying/dead career.


.....when in reality they could be meetings with a broker and a real estate agent.

Who knows? While I concede that her meetings are none of my business, it does seem that she
often does toss out tidbits to see who bites and what they do with it.

Anonymous said... 188

RE..meetings..she says that to stir her sheep and get them to start saying "OMG do you have a tv job lined up?" saying "meeting" she can dive into her box-o-wine and avoid her twitter party as always.

Has anyone seen Steve lately? Now that the Gosselins are no long in need of security but instead a "road manager" has anyone seen him around? Do you still think he is staying in or near the house?

I agree with the poster last thread who thinks they are an item. I don't know if they were or still are but something was up. They spent an awful lot of time together. He was willing to allow public speculation on his marriage. Also the sheep missed this..they dig at Jon for not spending enough time with his kids but never bleeted a word wondering why Steve was away from his family so much.
Steve gave up way to much to just be a "bodyguard". His life revolved around Kate. He never subbed in someone else to cover his duties. He was around all the time it seemed. Who would give up everything for kate for just a job?
Anyway..back to my speculation. Now that it appears offers aren't pouring in for kate do you think Steve is still there by her side or is he weaning away?

Also, if you think he is still there who do you think is paying him? OR do you believe he intended to work on commission thinking offers would pour in?


Westcoaster said... 189

I do not think Steve is anywhere around right now, she has waay too much time for tweeting, and there is no reason to hide him anyway. If he were around, wouldn't he be doing the carpools so Princess could sleep in or rest after her root canal?

Caught the sour puss pics, they are frightening. The kids look defeated. And in one of them, there is another parent backing her car up and the camera caught a perfect 'o' of surprise on her mouth as she sees the look on Kate's face. WTF indeed.

Meetings this afternoon? Oh please.

Anonymous said... 190

For all of kate's obnoxious screeching, rules and "organization" you would think that things would run a lot smoother in her house. Whatever she is doing isn't working. She looks miserable and the kids always look like they don't know what to expect next. If she was so rigid on her schedules after all these years you think things would run smoother. All her stress comes from her own disorganization. I personally don't think there is a "real" schedule in that house at all. I bet each day runs off of kate's latest mood and which nanny is present.
IE..kate has a great get ice cream for dinner and they have fun. kate has a bad day... they get screamed at, not allowed sugar and get sent to bed early. She seems like her moods, not her organization control her world.

I'll never buy the super organized mom routine no matter how hard she tries to sell it.
For the sheep who think yelling is normal..really? well i guess now I see why you adore kate. There is a big difference between discipline and yelling just to release stress while adding it to your kids. If kate wasn't so loud her children wouldn't be either and the stress level would go way down. Also kate needs to learn the difference between rules and just being a control freak. Knowing the difference would make a world of change in her life and stress level.


Boston Bonnie said... 191

PJ's Momma - love my Brooks! I'm dealing with plantar fasciitis and the PT suggested I go to the running store. I thought she was nuts but went and the fitting was the most incredible experience I've had. Feet still aren't 100% but getting better and the Brooks can take a lot of the credit for that.

As for Kate, who is she kidding with her blog? Sounds like one of the kids are writing it!

And for goodness sake Kate drop the freaking exclamation marks. Not everything needs one or two or even 20 of them to make a point - UGH.

PJ's momma said... 192

Boston Bonnie, I'm so happy for you! Plantar fasciitis takes a long time to heal. It's been months for me, but at least my left is OK now (got it in both feet on my first (and uphill) run after doing treadmill all winter. It's hard for me not to run, so I do a little anyway. But even cycling makes my foot hurt, so I try to work out anyway, since anything aggravates it and I can't stand doing nothing, you know?

Marie said... 193

OH! Come on!! What meeting could she possibly be in?! She doesnt have a JOB! The one thing you know you kinda sorta maybe need to be in a meeting is have a job.

I'd love to hear an explanation for this one!

Dwindle said... 194

Grammy of nine said... The pics at the bus stop were ugly, Kate. How sad for the kids to be greeted at the end of their school day with such vile on your face. Too bad we couldn't hear what she said. Horrible, no doubt.


OK, I am not exaggerating here but the poor little things likely got off the bus in the wrong order, bellowed to friends goodbye, started running rather than marching in synchronized goose-step in marching-chart order to their van... ya know, acted like disgusting kids.

I dont think she likes them, as 8 people, not one little bit. The sight of them just sets her off on a tirade.

I want to second the question from earlier - which came first? The mentally ill mother or the reality show? Would this exact scene have been happening with That Woman even if there had never been a show?

Do the Duggars think it is OK to put their babies' health at risk because the show is so important? Or perhaps that the show helps spread the word of their 'ministry', and THAT is more important than babies' health and children's privacy? Do you think that is how they rationalize it? ~ Administrator said... 195

Sheesh in just a few comments from folks here I learned more about running than I ever did from anything Kate has ever said.

If you think about it, Kate's posts/tweets/etc about running are not about running tips at all, but just all about Kate. ~ Administrator said... 196

I think Kate is having a relationship with Steve in Kate's head. I think Steve wanted to make money and go on trips. I think Steve is one of those guys who will never leave his wife but doesn't care about hurting everyone in his life to maintain suspicious relationships.

Like others have said, Kate tweets way too much to be in any kind of serious relationship with anyone. Especially watching her weekend tips, there are many times where she's not simply checking in, she is doing a running commentary Kate feeds off people and if Steve were feeding her, she wouldn't care to use Tweeter as her food source. They're not in a relationship except in Kate's head.

Dwindle said... 197

Marie said... OH! Come on!! What meeting could she possibly be in?! She doesnt have a JOB! The one thing you know you kinda sorta maybe need to be in a meeting is have a job.

I'd love to hear an explanation for this one!


This summer we got rid of our pool, praise the Lord. So I emailed our insurance agent and said I wanted to make that change on our homeowners policy plus add a couple of other things. He emailed me back and said he would call me today around 1p. So, yeah, I had a 'meeting' too!!!! Then we had an electrician stop by about 5p today to give us his estimate on wiring changes so we can move the washer and dryer, so yep! I had another meeting at 5p!!!!

I am so busy and exhaustedish, I had to do it all all all alone, hubby had the neglectful nerve to be working all day when he should have been here doting on my every need!!! No one knows how to help me!!!! Waaaaaaa....!!!!!!!!

...sniff... dab... please send gift cards.

She is a Cow said... 198

People,lets remember this is Kate tweeting about her "meetings." For all we know she is meeting a plumber at the front door to unclog one of her toilets, or meeting Shoka outside to throw his/her chicken across the lawn. She could be meeting one girl for her mani and another for her pedi, hence the two meetings.

Any excuse to get out of the lame tweet party. LOL ~ Administrator said... 199

You know what I find annoying? People who feel a need to constantly say things like "I can't do that right now I've got a meeting" just to make themselves sound important.

Hoosier Girl said... 200

Dwindle said...

...sniff... dab... please send gift cards

Oh Dwindle ... you're so beautifulish ... and busyish ... and worn outish ... I don't know HOW you do it!!!!!!!!!!

I'm fresh out of gift cards as I've sent them all to Katie Kreider - but I could go buy you some expired organic-ish cereal. If you promise not to ignore me ... and tweet me ... and make me feel like a special sheep.

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