Thursday, September 22, 2011

Real Housewife: 'If it weren't for the cameras, there's a chance' husband wouldn't have committed suicide

Taylor Armstrong downplays the role of their reality T.V. show, but Dr. Phil suggests  'exposing the difficulties of your marriage' contributed to death

Widowed Armstrong is on a (questionable motives) media blitz, but perhaps the most revealing interview thus far has been with Dr. Phil (a daytime personality who has emerged lately with surprisingly sharp interview skills), where she talked about how exposing the family's private moments, including the bad, may have pushed her husband to a breaking point.

Will Russell's suicide be a wake-up call in the industry about the dangers of exploiting vulnerable, mentally unstable people, as many have suggested? When Kate and Jon were exposing their divorce on television, how easily could this have happened to them?

373 sediments (sic) from readers:

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8countem8 said... 1

People have the right to say yes they will do reality TV, or no they will not. It's not like anybody held them down and forced them to allow cameras into their personal lives here. It was a choice they made, both Armstrong and the Gosselins. It may not have been the right choice, but a choice nonetheless. Consequences of that choice are going to be seen regardless of when filming stopped. If these people, mentally unstable or just fame-hungry can't see future complications from allowing private matters to be aired as entertainment then it is their problem and I refuse to feel sorry for either family. I'm not saying I'm sorry Russel felt such a need to commit suicide but I'm saying as adults...they should have thought about what choice was right, never mind how it would have made their lives easier with more money I view it as a poor choice. But a choice they chose to make. How am I supposed to feel sorry for people who knowingly made the wrong choice here? I'm not sure I can. You make choices, whether they are right or wrong or if everyone may agree with your choices, you still have to be willing to accept the possible positive and also a lot of the negative based on the decisions you make.

Kate is pathetic that she continues to want sympathy, for what? Because she chose to put herself out there. She chose to air her life on TV, and I don't feel sorry for the way things turned out, she should have seen it coming I think. You live with the choices you make, you don't continue to cry and whine about why things turned out the way the did. You live with choices, good or bad. Kate just wants someone to hold her hand through life that's all. Talk about pathetic!

hey jude said... 2

I'm doing fair to middlin', how about you? Are we the only ones up again? I wrote you a post on the other thread.I don't like that this Taylor is talking about their marriage, and her husband has been dead less than a month?

This is a one-sided talk, and she can say anything with no one to refute her statements.I heard on Showbiz To-nite that the black eye and bruises picture was not from her husband!

Localyocul said... 3

Kate seems to think you have to "have" youtube or facebook to see anything on them. She recently tweeted she can't see anything on facebook. Now she says she and kids don't have a youtube. You can click on a fb link and see what it is and youtube...well duh. Is she really that idiotic? She's in for a shock when the twins hit middle My daughter is a freshman and all the drama and social networking pressures started in 5th grade and exploded in middle school. She has no idea what she's in for and if she isn't savvy about the internet she'll never be able to monitor what the girls see and do.

Anonymous said... 4

And yet another reality screw up.

JACKSONVILLE, Ark. (AP) — A couple featured on the first season of the MTV reality show "16 and Pregnant" have lost their child to the state and face criminal charges after officers serving a search warrant found their home was filled with feces, flies and maggots, police said Thursday.
Joshua Rendon and Ebony Jackson-Rendon, now both 19, were charged Tuesday after the search of their home at the Little Rock Air Force Base. The Arkansas Department of Human Services took custody of their 2-year-old child, who was born while the TV show was taping. Rendon is a member of the Air Force.
They face felony charges of maintaining a drug premises and unauthorized use of another's property to facilitate a crime. They're also charged with misdemeanor child endangerment, possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of a controlled substance.


Jenna Does said... 5

I didn't watch this show, or the interview, but I read this morning there was no drugs or alcohol in his system when he died.

It's sad that this happened. He just could not handle it. I don't blame him after looking at her. She looks the type that has to HAVE everything, NOW, & it has to be the best. And I read she spent some crazy amount on her daughter's 5th birthday or something?

It's a sad situation. WHY reality TV? Seriously. Not everything HAS to be on the damn TV. There is nothing wrong with a quiet life.
~Hippie Chick~

cat said... 6

What's wrong with her lips?!

Virginia Pen Mom said... 7

(Sorry, posted this on the other thread by mistake).

Anonymous said...

the person who made the video really did their homework on kate. even the "don't throw a football alexis, you're a GIRL"

i'm sorry, i like the video. to me it's not making fun of the kids so much as it's showing just how people feel kate is destroying her family in her quest for fame.


The video aptly makes the point that Kate WOULD follow the kids with camera into college. She would dress them all alike when they're 18 (as they are in the video). She WILL still be attempting to control them. Who believes Kate's dream is to see these kids on TV in college? I do. She said it, didn't she? And filming grandkids? You bet she would do that, too. Nothing is sacrosanct with this woman.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 8


UNDESERVED fame is the equivalent of making a contract with the devil.

The devil always gets its due.

JudyK said... 9

8countem8 said... "Kate is pathetic that she continues to want sympathy, for what? Because she chose to put herself out there. She chose to air her life on TV, and I don't feel sorry for the way things turned out, she should have seen it coming I think. You live with the choices you make, you don't continue to cry and whine about why things turned out the way the did. You live with choices, good or bad. Kate just wants someone to hold her hand through life that's all. Talk about pathetic!"

That's right. Go to Celebitchy article on Kate up.

Mandy said... 10

Localyocul said...

Kate seems to think you have to "have" youtube or facebook to see anything on them. She recently tweeted she can't see anything on facebook. Now she says she and kids don't have a youtube. You can click on a fb link and see what it is and youtube...well duh. Is she really that idiotic/


No, not quite. To be fair, someone tweeted her that there were youtube accounts in her name and one of her kids' names, and she was just tweeting that she had never made those accounts, and she didn't even know how to make one. I think you have to set up an account to post something.

They were fake accounts set up in her name, and she was pointing that out.

Just curious said... 11

cat said...

What's wrong with her lips?!
September 23, 2011 4:52 AM

LOL! I mentioned her lips on another thread but no comments. You're the first. I've other women (celebs) whose lips look that-I think it's over botoxing. It's like her lips are turning inside out. Very distracting.

Rhymes with Witch said... 12


Celebitchy said... 13

Star Magazine is reporting that Kate Gosselin is desperate to cling to fame, which is entirely supported by everything she’s done and everything she’s said about wanting to stay on television. They also claim that she’s pitching a dating show to networks “about her romantic life.” She must mean her romantic life where desperate famewhore guys date her for some camera time, barely tolerating her presence, while she continues to screw the married bodyguard, the guy she’s been dating for the past two and a half years. That’s never going to happen, no one is going to give her a reality show at this point, but I could be wrong. It would make for good television to mock in brief segments on “The Soup” at least.

“[Kate has] found it very difficult to get over the fact her show was canceled and her fame will soon fizzle out,” says a source.

But the divorced mom of eight isn’t accepting her fate without a fight. “She is hoping for another show,” reveals the source, and not one that focuses on family. “She wants it to deal with dating…”

[Kate]… has set her sights on finding a new man. And she’s persistently pitching ideas for a show about her romantic life to networks “just to get back on television,” the source explains.

[From Star Magazine, print edition, October 3, 2011]

No one is going to bite. Kate is just too unlikable a person at this point and her “fan base” consists of people who are interested in her adorable children, not her.

Meanwhile last week’s National Enquirer reported that Kate is so worried about money now that she’s afraid she’ll “end up on welfare and food stamps.” She’s like Octomom with money, only mean and OCD instead of openly crazy and manic. Also, Kate blames Jon for screwing her out of their massive paycheck.

Kate is losing sleep over how she’s going to support herself and her [kids]. She fears they’ll end up on welfare and food stamps, sources tell The Enquirer.

“None of this would have happened if Jon had just kept his zipper zipped!” Kate angrily told a pal. “We could have kept going indefinitely with shows even after our divorce. Jon destroyed everything!…”

Kate has been reluctant to give up some of her luxury trappings. She was spotted in early September driving an Audi TT sports car which only seats two people - and has a base price of nearly $50,000.

[From The National Enquirer, print edition, September 26, 2011]

Yes it’s all Jon’s fault that no one wants to watch Kate order her kids around on television and that Kate squandered all her money on personal care, a huge house, staff and private school for the children. She’s living in a world where she’s a big star and can get whatever she wants. She’s about to face the reality she was too stuck up her own ass to prepare for.

End of article.

Celebitchy said... 14

Rhymes with Witch,

Sorry. We posted at the same time! I figured I'd post the actual article so it wouldn't get so many hits.

JudyK said... 15

I've followed everything about Taylor (not her real name). She has an IMPLANT in her upper lip and has talked about it on numerous occasions. Taylor and her husband were con artists. She saw him the day before he "committed suicide" and then found him the next day w/ the help of a male friend she had accompany her to the home where he was staying. After asking the man who accompanied her to search Russell's bedroom and being told no one was in there, she told him to "keep looking" and he discovered the body--no, I do not believe it was suicide. Russell's business partner was found the day after Russell was found w/ a bullet hole through his head--also deemed a suicide. There's more to this story...just wait.

Tucker's Mom said... 16

JudyK, the "keep looking" comment seemed very odd to me too. How can one search a room and not see a dead body? A hung body, no less.

Tucker's Mom said... 17

Why oh why so pretty woman like Taylor disfigure themselves with plastic surgery? Her lip, my goodness! It's an unilip!
Can't imagine kissing that.
Although the plastic surgeon who fixed her eye did a brilliant job.

Anonymous said... 18

The real victim, as with the Gosselin's is the child. I haven't watched a lot of the RHOBH but did see one where Taylor's husband had got a dog, and the child was found to be allergic to the dog. She was whinging about it to all and sundry, and then contemplating taking the dog away from the child.
Now I'm allergic to a lot of things (carry my Anapen with me everywhere) including dogs and cats. I live with 3 dogs and a cat, and don't have any problems.
I felt so sorry for the poor little girl who's mother didn't seem to care about her, and feel even sorrier for her now, with a Mummy whinging to all who'll listen about her poor father. Suicide is a horrible way to end a life, leaves so many things unsaid. Having recently experienced a close family member suiciding, and being completely selfish, it's a horrible thing to go through in a family.
I think this woman needs to give herself and her daughter time to heal before she starts broadcasting her anguish to the world.

Localyocul said... 19

Mandy said
No, not quite. To be fair, someone tweeted her that there were youtube accounts in her name and one of her kids' names, and she was just tweeting that she had never made those accounts, and she didn't even know how to make one. I think you have to set up an account to post something.

They were fake accounts set up in her name, and she was pointing that out.


Oh, thanks for pointing that out. I still think she's in for a shock in the next year or so with the twins and technology. She doesn't seem very savvy.

Grammy of nine said... 20

The magazines are helping to keep Kate "relevant." Ignore her and she'll go away eventually. She doesn't care what type of hype she gets. It just matters that we continue to read about her. Dating show, what a joke! Who in their right mind would want to spend time with her romantically? Desperate, do you think? And yes, Jon wasn't perfect, but in light of all the film footage, he was much more loving.

Kate still needs to "pull the stick out." It's over, Katie Irene. You've become a parody of your old self. Pretty is as pretty does and you are not pretty. So sad for the 8 kids. Hope their is some money left for them when they become of age.

Red Sky At Night said... 21

@mkbrownlow me? Pedal to the metal? Never! Unless you're talking MY personal speed, lol! Will email u now... Re.. Ehem...

@Kateplusmy8 was referring to life in general... With a twist of humor for ya :) Gets 'em ALL riled up! LOL!! Oh, and OK on the eh hem! :)

Get this dang expired cereal and SoBe delivered. Enough with the codes! Everyone knows what this is about and both of you are just making yourselves look more ridiculous than you already are! Such juvenile behavior!

So both of them are still mocking the speeding tickets. It won't be so funny when Kate has her license suspended - and you just know it's coming. ~ Administrator said... 22

I'm not sure if it's being suggested Taylor might have been part of a conspiracy, but I listened to the 911 tape (regrettably) and I don't think anyone could fake her reaction in the background. It was so primal, so raw, so real. Academy Award.

I find it a little sick that he reached out to her just before this and said he wanted to meet, but then committed suicide right before. He ensured that she would wonder where he was and come looking for him. I understand maybe he wanted to make sure he would be found right away but that's horrible to do that to her, ensure that she would probably be the one to find him.

Who really knows. I think there have been a lot of suicides over the years that really weren't suicides. Does anyone know if they say he left a note? ~ Administrator said... 23

@mkbrownlow me? Pedal to the metal? Never! Unless you're talking MY personal speed, lol!

Laugh away Kate. All will come into evidence as to your reckless disregard for human life when you're on trial for manslaughter or even second degree murder. ~ Administrator said... 24

That could also have been what Kate was doing in L.A., pitching a pilot to various networks.

TLC has definitely passed that's for sure. Now she has to strike out on her own and approach other cable networks.

I still laugh about her fans who tried so hard to convince us Twist of Kate would go forward, soooon. We were right, again. It's cooked. It was cooked a year ago. ~ Administrator said... 25

By the way I think if any networks took the bait Kate is so transparent she would have tweeted something cryptic like how sunny skies will always push through the thunderclouds eventually.

Instead she came home tweeting about feeling sick, etc. And then drowned her sorrows in a $500 freebie gadget.

Beth said... 26

I love how Kate says, in the video, that she is separating because she wants peace for her kids. How much peace has those poor babies seen since the divorce? Living with a bi-polar, OCD, narcissistic shrew is NOT very peaceful.

Also, whatever happened to the arrangement where the parents would flip-flop and let the kids stay in the house?

Tucker's Mom said... 27

Admin, I believe Taylor said he did not leave a note. If, big if, there is any conspiracy here (I do not believe there is) with Armstrong and his partner both committing suicide/being murdered (?), I believe Taylor had nothing to do with it. Her reactions, her thoughts, how perplexed and angry/sad she is all ring true.
Unfortunately, many of her words yesterday in Dr. Phil's interview have gone through my head and come out of my mouth for many, many years, having survived suicide myself.
Taylor and her daughter were given a life sentence having to deal with this. I hope they get help and learn to thrive. It's very hard. ~ Administrator said... 28

Yes I tend to think it's not a conspiracy either. I'm not sure how his partner committing suicide proves much. He was probably at his breaking point too. When he realized Russell was dead he probably said will if he can't handle it how am I supposed to? Seems a logical outcome to me.

Hoosier Girl said... 29

She must mean her romantic life where desperate famewhore guys date her for some camera time, barely tolerating her presence, while she continues to screw the married bodyguard, the guy she’s been dating for the past two and a half years.
Ouch! LOL ~ Administrator said... 30

Kate will never, ever take the cereal. She is just playing around with this sheeple. Like a cat who plays with a dying mouse for hours and hours until finally killing it. Eventually she'll just cut off contact, but for now she is enjoying making her mouse suffer.

She is one sick, mentally ill woman.

Kate doesn't rate said... 31

Lots of articles coming out about Kate now. She can run (fat chance) but she can't outrun Karma.

Kate doesn't rate said... 32

Soapbox Therapy: Kate Gosselin Is Finally Off TV

Then I would breathe, drop my judgments, and tell her that I’m sure she’s doing the best she can to be the greatest mom ever, but do us all a couple of favors. First, get the f*** off of television, like yesterday, and take your gorgeous children with you. And second, invest in therapy for your kids. Apparently, they need a safe place to cry.

Julianna said... 33

LOL! I mentioned her lips on another thread but no comments.


It's more than botox. I read that she admitted that it's an implant. She knows it's bad, but is afraid to get it removed because it would be so painful. Ouch!

TLC stinks said... 34

Huffington Post:

Kate Gosselin is frantically searching for a new way to pay her bills, no one has yet to offer the famous mom another TV job -- but that hasn’t stopped her from dreaming.

“A dream job to me would be either being a talk show host and being able to help and interview people and doing all of that,” Kate tells me. “Or I would love
to do more TV where I could be host of a show and go around help moms, work out. I have a lot of great ideas. I guess bottom line is stay in TV. Because I like it

But does TV still like Gosselin? Many broadcast insiders tell me it is very difficult to find another show after being dropped by one network. A situation the fired "Real Housewives of New York" are experiencing right now.

“I’m going to keep working obviously because I have eight kids to
support,”Gosselin tells me. “And I’m clearly hoping to stay in TV. I enjoy

it. I think I’ve found my niche and I’m just waiting to see what comes and hop
for that next big thing."

And what if that next thing were a dating show?

“I’m not going to rule anything out at this point as long as it's wholesome and positive. Never say never,” says Gosselin.


I believe, if she still has Julie May Carson, that these stories are planted to keep her relevant. I also believe by all the hints she was dropping prior to the show's cancellation that she really, really wants a dating show

Tucker's Mom said... 35

Soapbox Therapy: Kate Gosselin Is Finally Off TV
Thanks for posting this article. It's refreshing to see a psychotherapist say WTF??
I thought exactly that. How can anyone read this and give Kate their pity? Kate should have been preparing the kids for life off of tv ever since when. This is NOT their life, it will not be forever and things will be fine, just fine NOT IF BUT WHEN the show end. She would have done everyone a huge favor in deciding to end it herself (even better with Jon years before). They could have embraced the end of the show and looked forward to the next chapter, instead of believing that Kate would continue to film until the kids were 18 (could you even believe that interview?).
The onus she has put on the kids to sustain their lifestyle is despicable. In no way would any kid that age ask if they would move or change schools if a parent lost a job. Would not even be on their radar if Mommy Dearest had not told them that this is what would happen.
Sorry kids, no film crew no fun... for you. Me, I'm going to the Emmys and staying a few days, but you have fun with the babysitter. Toodaloo!!

Twittering and a Twattering said... 36

Kate will never, ever take the cereal. She is just playing around with this sheeple.


If she does, the tweet will go something like this.

@Kateplusmy8 Glad you got er... u know, a hem, FABULOUS meet...DM me! E-mail me! Meet nxt. wk? More Goodies 4u UR GORGEOUS!

And so it goes...

No Regrets said... 37

Of course she wants a dating show. Kate is so transparent. Why all the talk about her BFF going around the country to find 'suitable people' for her to date? Of course she was hinting big time that she wants this.

Frankly, I am a tad surprised that no one HAS offered her something. I thought for sure someone would want this controversial woman to make a fool of herself on a show, once again. But this tells me that people are TRULY tired of her. She has no talent that would even put in the running for a host job nor a co-host job.

I really think Kate needs to get her training up to date in the nursing field. And fast.

No Regrets said... 38

I am watching this interview now with Taylor. I am sickened she is describing all the abuse she allegedly went through. There is no one to confirm it, or dispute it. His poor family to hear all this on national TV, must be going through agony.

This woman needs to be a couch somewhere pouring out her story, instead of TV.

No Regrets said... 39

DEE3 I think you are right in your assessment that Taylor is doing this to set up her defense for the lawsuit filed against them. This will be her 'out' in that trial. Shame on her. Shame on her for doing this, especially so soon after this man's death.

Hoosier Girl said... 40

No Regrets said...

Frankly, I am a tad surprised that no one HAS offered her something. I thought for sure someone would want this controversial woman to make a fool of herself on a show, once again. But this tells me that people are TRULY tired of her. She has no talent that would even put in the running for a host job nor a co-host job.

I think the word is out and networks probably look at it like

Demanding Shrew vs Financial Gain

And they know that any financial gain would be minimal and short lived.

The thing that kills me is that she still doesn't get it!

No Regrets said... 41

Hoosier Girl said...I think the word is out and networks probably look at it like
Demanding Shrew vs Financial Gain
And they know that any financial gain would be minimal and short lived.
The thing that kills me is that she still doesn't get it!
September 23, 2011 8:37 AM
This is very true. I really think her stupid comments hurt her more than she realizes. The 'mediocre' insult was really over the top. It backfired on her big time. Also I think people are just sick of her whining and crying. The general content of comments around the web, from posters and writers is that Kate has:

1) Squandered the money she made (mostly on herself)
2) Thinks she is talented, when she is not
3) Thinks she is above everyone else
4) IS a biaatch and certainly not a media creation

I cannot for the life of me can't get how she feels so freakin entitled. A reality show does not make one an actor nor anything else. Just a reality show participant.

Mel said... 42

Why does she think anyone would want HER for a dating show????

She's too old, too wrinkly, too mean, too many kids, too much baggage which she's all too willing to share on national tv.

Say a guy WAS thinking about taking a chance with her...plenty of video proof of what happened to Jon when things went awry. WHY would anyone want to risk the same thing happening to himself?

Also, a dating show has such a short shelf certainly can't be a long-term solution for her.

Can you see it 5 years from now and she's STILL doing the dating show? Nah. Even more wrinkly, and more shrewish, cancer spots starting to show up, hair starting to fall out. Yeah, sounds like someone you'd want to date, eh?

No Regrets said... 43

I a sure Kate thinks if she gets a dating show, this will open up into something "really big". LOL You know, show how sweet and charming she really is. :) But if she tried to convince people of her 'new' and 'real' Kate personality the show WOULD bomb. No one would want to watch a show like that, with her. Besides who would believe it, except a few die hard fans.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 44

Administrator said...

Kate will never, ever take the cereal. She is just playing around with this sheeple. Like a cat who plays with a dying mouse for hours and hours until finally killing it. Eventually she'll just cut off contact, but for now she is enjoying making her mouse suffer.

She is one sick, mentally ill woman.


I wonder if that old Organic cereal is any good.

I mean, I guess that it's o.k. if it's a week old- but seriously, without preservatives, what's holding it together?

Kate's taking a huge gamble.

JudyK said... 45

Tucker's Mom said..."The onus she has put on the kids to sustain their lifestyle is despicable."

Yes, they are the "kids' bills"--NOT her bills. What a POS. (And I'm sorry to hear of the emotional struggle you went through, Tucker's Mom--you seem like a very strong and stable person now.)

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 46

Mel said...

Why does she think anyone would want HER for a dating show????

She's too old, too wrinkly, too mean, too many kids, too much baggage which she's all too willing to share on national tv.

Say a guy WAS thinking about taking a chance with her...plenty of video proof of what happened to Jon when things went awry. WHY would anyone want to risk the same thing happening to himself?

Also, a dating show has such a short shelf certainly can't be a long-term solution for her.

Can you see it 5 years from now and she's STILL doing the dating show? Nah. Even more wrinkly, and more shrewish, cancer spots starting to show up, hair starting to fall out. Yeah, sounds like someone you'd want to date, eh?


Ugh! If this is true, she cannot be more conceited.

Kate is not interesting, entertaining or pleasant. The idea of watching Kate tear men apart for a half hour does not make good t.v.

Somehow, I doubt this idea (if it's true) will ever come to fruition.

It's pitiful all the time Kate's wasting. She could be applying at clinics & hospitals.

Phoenix Rising said... 47

I mean, I guess that it's o.k. if it's a week old- but seriously, without preservatives, what's holding it together?


My post from the other thread, responding to Brownie's comment that cereal doesn't get moldy:

Organic cereal can indeed develop toxic mold spores that may not be visible to the naked eye.

Our local news show did a segment on it - the spores can grow within only a few weeks of its expiration date, and can cause respiratory failure/anaphalactic shock if ingested. The same goes for any kind of mixes, such as pancake mix, cookie mix, cake mix if used past their expiration date. Just because a cereal isn't green with mold does not mean that it doesn't contain mold spores. There's a reason that expiration date is on the box.

She said it was a few months past its expiration date when she bought it. That will be three weeks tomorrow. I wouldn't eat it, much less serve it to kids.

Red Sky At Night said... 48

I am watching this interview now with Taylor. I am sickened she is describing all the abuse she allegedly went through. There is no one to confirm it, or dispute it. His poor family to hear all this on national TV, must be going through agony.


I'm surprised that someone doesn't fatten her lip even more. ~ Administrator said... 49

Oh look another qualified professional who says What we've been saying for two years.

Anonymous said... 50

First of all I admit I am not a fan of any so-called reality show. I do however like the Judge Judy show which comes on, in this area, around the time I prepare supper. I do enjoy Judy herself and the way she calls it like it is. I am fascinated by some of the litigants, sometimes family members suing and counter-suing each other over trivial amounts of money. I just can't understand people airing all their 'dirty laundry' on TV in exchange for plane fare to California, plus hotel.

IF Kate does get a 'dating show', wouldn't the children be included at some point? I don't believe Jon would have any part of this. If the object of the dating show is to find her a 'mate', surely he would have to be introduced to the children - and more importantly, the children to him - or would the plan be to watch re-runs of the TLC shows? LOL!!!!!

AuntieAnn said... 51

No Regrets said...

I a sure Kate thinks if she gets a dating show, this will open up into something "really big". LOL You know, show how sweet and charming she really is. :) But if she tried to convince people of her 'new' and 'real' Kate personality the show WOULD bomb. No one would want to watch a show like that, with her. Besides who would believe it, except a few die hard fans.


That's for sure. For Kate to try to pretend to be sweet and charming would be the hardest job yet. Exhausting even.

Moose Mania said... 52

Administrator said...

Oh look another qualified professional who says What we've been saying for two years.


Who? What? Where?
I missed something!!

TLC stinks said... 53

She hasn't been offered anything because of her REPUTATION in the business. There are too many talented people out there looking for a job in TV who will be pleasant to deal with and will not demand a high salary. Just like anyone looking for a job, you should never burn your bridges, and Kate has done just that. Steve is either a fool or really having an affair with her to remain on as her "manager". Had she been gracious and showed concern for her kids and marriage, she would not be in the place she is now. I have zero sympathy. She is a whiner and is a good position to make life style changes for the financial long term....she's just unwilling to accept "reality".

Permanent Name said... 54

My understanding is that they have joint legal custody, which means both parents have to sign a contract for the kids to work on TV, right?

Jon will NEVER sign. Period.

It won't be a case where there is already a contract in place and the judge rules that the kids can 'continue' to film under that contract.

If kart tries to get the kids on a NEW contract, Jon will not agree. She can try to take him to court to force the issue. She won't win.

He has too much information to show the filming was detrimental to the kids. And if that isn't enough, he can show that regardless, the kids need help and filming would make things worse than they are now.

kart can't cry that she needs them to work so they can support themselves. The judge would tell her 'get a job, you lazy crazy shit' (ok, not in those exact words) and if he didn't Jon can appeal.

Fact of the matter, heart of the matter is that crazy whack job should be supporting her kids, not the other way around; she CAN support them if she gets a job. ANY job will do, kart - you don't HAVE to be on television.

Your world won't end if you get a mediocre job.

AuntieAnn said... 55

JudyK said...

She saw him the day before he "committed suicide" and then found him the next day w/ the help of a male friend she had accompany her to the home where he was staying. After asking the man who accompanied her to search Russell's bedroom and being told no one was in there, she told him to "keep looking" and he discovered the body--no, I do not believe it was suicide.


I'm a little suspicious of this whole thing too. It smacks somewhat of the Greg/Pamela Smart story.

Anonymous said... 56

WOW her lips are gawd-awful. I don't know why women are still going for this look- it isnt flattering. I think it has become some sort of status symbol. Cant wait for that trend to fade.
I have nothing against cosmetic surgery- am 100% for it, in fact, but sheesh- some things just dont look good!

Permanent Name said... 57

An another thing......

Forgive me, I'm feeling particularly pissy this morning toward the child abuser crazy lady...

I have a feeling lots of reality show producers are having lots of meetings recently after all the press about the impact of their shows on the participants.

They've got to be thinking lawsuits..... their legal eagles are up late trying to form the defense for lawsuits they are anticipating.

Realtity TV may be at a fork in the road right about now........

Does anyone doubt that Taylor Armstrong will be suing? Does anyone doubt that kart will be suing?

For what, I have no idea. But it will happen, mark my words.

Anonymous said... 58

Oh, and about youtube and other social media- No matter how controlling Kate is, she can't hide that type of thing from her children forever. They will be going on the internet, whether she likes it or not- kids are so smart like that. How many times of high schoolers figured out how to proxy their way onto Myspace, then Facebook, etc? And as the chidren get older (twins are about that age now) their friends will have the latest greatest phones with internet capablility- and Kate cant keep her children from that kind of exposure unless she pulls them out of school and hides them away on the Konpound until they age out and move away.

AuntieAnn said... 59

Moose Mania said...

Who? What? Where?
I missed something!!

Moose, it's Brook Miller's (psychotherapist) People mag article about Kate telling Collin to cry in bed when no one is watching.

Oh hell, it's worth a copy and paste, it's that good...

Soapbox Therapy: Kate Gosselin Is Finally Off TV

In this week's People magazine, Kate Gosselin, former star of the TLC hit show Jon and Kate Plus 8 and the recently canceled TLC not-at-all-a-hit show, Kate Plus 8, speaks out about her disappointment that her reality show days are over.

Kate claims her eight children are upset and confused about the whole thing, having grown up in front of the camera and all, and feels unsure of how she’ll keep up the lifestyle she’s provided to her family (boob jobs and such) while on her reported 25K per episode salary. If she’s looking for sympathy, I’m pretty sure she’s going to have a new full time job.

people-mag-cover.jpgMore importantly though, what kind of psychotherapist would I be if I didn’t notice the part of the People column about Kate’s seven-year-old son Collin, as if it were slapping my emotional intelligence in the face.

Kate recalls that Collin, after hearing of the show's cancellation, said, "'I feel like crying but I can’t.’ I said, ‘Because you don’t want anyone to see your tears?’ and he said yes. So I said, ‘Cry when you’re in bed and nobody’s looking. That’s what I do.’”

Holy horrid and emotionally scarring parenting, I feel sick. I’m not interested in bashing Kate Gosselin as a human being, but I really would love the opportunity to shake her, kindly, and say a few words. Something along the lines of this:

Having a camera around at all times has led your child to literally feel afraid to cry because he’s uncomfortable with the potential judgment he’ll face for his particular emotions, and you’re still are upset your show was canceled? You’re teaching him to hide his emotions until he’s in private? You’re telling him that other people's comfort with what they’re watching is more important than expressing his emotions however it is that he damn well needs to? You are a mother who told your child to cry alone. I’m sorry, was that not clear? You are a mother who told, supported, and encouraged her child to cry alone in a room as he goes to sleep. Have you lost your mind?

Then I would breathe, drop my judgments, and tell her that I’m sure she’s doing the best she can to be the greatest mom ever, but do us all a couple of favors. First, get the f*** off of television, like yesterday, and take your gorgeous children with you. And second, invest in therapy for your kids. Apparently, they need a safe place to cry.

AndiSnark said... 60

I support Admin in the decision to keep the video up.

I do too!

AndiSnark said... 61

I finally watched Catfish --- WOW.
Now I'm reading that some think the entire movie was fake. I don't. It seemed 100% legit to me.

No Regrets said... 62

AndiSnark said...
I finally watched Catfish --- WOW.
Now I'm reading that some think the entire movie was fake. I don't. It seemed 100% legit to me."
Where can this movie be found? I haven't searched much for it, but so far I can't locate it. If you don't mind my asking.

AndiSnark said... 63

I was lucky because my library had it.
I'm sure NETFLIX has it too.

No Regrets said... 64

Thanks Andi Snark I will give that a try. I don't do Netflix. My postal service sucks and the mail seems to route though China before we get it. :( If it is too hot, you don't get your mail. No lie! LOL

Hippie Chick said... 65

It really saddens & sickens me to think that when the kids reach that age when they can touch their money THEY effing earned, it will ALL be gone because Kate was a stupid, arrogant, flippant, idiotic, dumb, careless, 'it's all mine', 'it'll last forever', famewhoring, self-centered, bitchy, witchy, loser-y, demeaning, annoying, lying, ugly, fake, stupid, stupid, stupid, lying, asshole-y, desperate, can't walk in heels to save her life, egomaniacal, non-maternal, duhhh, agitating, dangerous driver, aggravating, irksome, maddening, disturbing, moronic, half-witted, simpleminded, unintelligent, irrelevant, conceited, smug, pompous, OH, & did I say stupid, D-Bag.


Hippie Chick said... 66

Tucker's Mom said...
Why oh why so pretty woman like Taylor disfigure themselves with plastic surgery? Her lip, my goodness! It's an unilip!
Can't imagine kissing that.
Although the plastic surgeon who fixed her eye did a brilliant job.
Look at Meg Ryan! She was super-cute & now, well...she has has plastic surgery & she looks totally different. I don't know. Priscilla Presley is another one. She went to a "plastic surgeon" & the the stuff he injected her w/ was shit you use in tires or something. That's why her face is all messed up. These women were beautiful w/out that crap.

Moisturizer & Toner baby!! :) Botox? I don't know about that...

Open Letter To Mario said... 67

{rant on}

Gotta vent about Mario Lopez. I used to be IN LOVE with Mario Lopez. Bad.

Now, he's lowered himself quite significantly on my " I love you" list. Actually, he wiped himself off that list and added it to my "You creep me out" list.

Here's why.

I watched that new show of his called H8Rs this past week. Then he was on The Talk the next day to promote that show. Of course everybody got on the subject of what a hater is. This is where my love for Mario went in the gutter. He said that haters are just miserable people who see in others what they hate about themselves. He said haters are cowards. And he said haters have no reason to hate someone they don't know. He sounded like a total sheeple.

Well, Mr.Mario, you and your dimples don't know squat!

Do I hate Kate? Yes. I admit it, I do. I hate her. Cannot stand her. I guess that makes me a hater. Shocker. ( Techinically Kate is a hater, too. She hates Jon.)

HOWEVER MARIO, I am NOTHING like Kate! I've been married 24 years and have never fought with my husband in two decades like you did with your husband on an hourly basis. I shy away from attention. Turned down being selected Teacher of the Year because I did NOT want the attention. You stick a camera in my face and I will run like Forrest Gump in the other direction. I treat my child and everyone around me with respect. I don't own ANYTHING designer. When I get mad, I get quiet. I could go on and on. I am nothing like Kate. And I mean n.o.t.h.i.n.g.

I am not a coward, Mario. Just because I trash talk her on the internet doesn't mean I am hiding. It means I am venting this pent up disgust she invokes in me before I pop. I will say the same things to her face if I ever had the opportunity. Trouble is, we are 10 states away, I don't know her phone number, and I have the courtesy to not harrass her on her Twitter.

You say I don't even know the person I hate. I beg to differ. The sow was on a reality show since 2007 and had over 150 episodes, not as a character, but as herself. SHE was on my tv acting like a complete asshole banshee. If I didn't tune into her show, there she was slithering her way onto my favorite shows like DWTS and all of the entertainment news shows I enjoyed. Even at 8 in the morning I would tune into The Today Show and there she was...uggggg. Please don't say I don't even know who I hate. How much more do I need to see? I know more about this nasty woman who lives 1,000 miles away than I do my own neighbor!

So Mr. Mario, you can stick your opinions about us "haters" up your dimpeled wazoo. It amazes me that you would defend people who voluntarily go on national television and act like complete assholes, saying you don't understand why people end up hating them, and turn around and call us cowards.

And you know what Mario? You suck, too! You cheated on your fiance ( Ali Landry ) during your bachelor party, and you cheated on Karina Smirnoff. You're a serial cheater. I guess that makes YOU a coward, too. I overlooked this about you, but after seeing how you tried to act all ethical and moral on The Talk, pppfffftt. You're just a hypocrit.

My love for you is ovah.

{rant off}

Teresa said... 68

LOL Don't hold back now HippiChick, tell us what you REALLY think!

Hippie Chick said... 69

Kate will never, ever take the cereal. She is just playing around with this sheeple. Like a cat who plays with a dying mouse for hours and hours until finally killing it. Eventually she'll just cut off contact, but for now she is enjoying making her mouse suffer.
YUCK Admin!! My cat Kismet, caught one yesterday. We have a stone foundation. Damn thing...the mouse I mean. At least it wasn't a chipmunk. The other cat got one last year. So thanks for the reminder! lol I asked my neighbor to come & take care of it for me. Then we had a nice cup of coffee! :)

Teresa said... 70

, ‘Cry when you’re in bed and nobody’s looking. That’s what I do.’”
What a liar, she cried at Sarah Palin's camping and at DWTS. She cries in interviews about having a purse full of bills that she can't pay, and the Moralis (sp?) interview.. on and on and on..But Collin has to cry alone??? WTF

8countem8 said... 71

Rhymes with Witch said...


Welfare? Oh no that's a joke! She wasn't on welfare before the show, and she does not need to be on welfare after the show!

Hate to break it to you Katie, but the world does not owe you a living. Most people dream big when they are kids, "my dream job," by your age dear it's just embarrassing because you join the real world at get a job that is stable. You don't continue to babble on about what you wish for.

Does she really not see what a complete laughing stalk she has made of herself and her family?! Or is that what she wants? Because that's what she got.

AuntieAnn said... 72

Welfare? Oh no that's a joke! She wasn't on welfare before the show, and she does not need to be on welfare after the show!


Can't you just see the caseworker asking Kate what her income has been from the last three years? What she drives and what kind of home she lives in? Bwhahahaha!

After she picked herself up off the floor from laughing her ass off she'd throw her out of the building.

SuzyQ said... 73

I keep seeing comments or references from Kate that insinuate that she doesn't know how to use social networking sites like Facebook or You Tube. I call major BS. From someone who claims to be computer illiterate she sure caught on to Twitter real quick! She tweets more than an average user, plus she knows the lingo and how to condense/shorten her messages into 140 characters quite easily. Anytime she claims that she doesn't know about something on the internet she is, once again, playing everyone as fools.

Anonymous said... 74

Wow Hippie Chick,
that was quite a rant. I have to say I dont agree with that Mario guy either (dont even know who he is) because in my case, I have some things in common with Kate (as I do with many people) for instance- I own designer purses (nothing too outrageous), I also shop at Ann Taylor and White House Black Market (so irritated me when she revealed that- I love that store!!), my hair is treated with a blow out, I too am not a natural runner but I still plod along like Kate. Do I hate these things about myself? Oh hell no. So his argument is false. What I dont like about Kate, I dont like in anybody, for instance being self-centered, and habitual speeding, and raising her voice (especially in public- tacky and obnoxious). It could be anybody and I would equally dislike those characteristics. Wonder what he has to say about that? Oh yes, almost forgot, 1 of my couches is a leather couch ;P

8countem8 said... 75

AuntieAnn said...

Welfare? Oh no that's a joke! She wasn't on welfare before the show, and she does not need to be on welfare after the show!


Can't you just see the caseworker asking Kate what her income has been from the last three years? What she drives and what kind of home she lives in? Bwhahahaha!

After she picked herself up off the floor from laughing her ass off she'd throw her out of the building.

I had to pick myself up off the floor from laughing as well. She won't get welfare assistance you're right she'll get laughed out of the building!

It's almost kind of sad she let this happen to her and her kids. Kate allowed people to hand or pay for things as if she would never have to do it herself. She let this circus life happen. I'd like to say I pity her, but who ever said you had to pity the fool?

AuntieAnn said... 76

Permanent Name said...

Does anyone doubt that kart will be suing?

For what, I have no idea. But it will happen, mark my words.


I think her attorneys would have a tough time suing producers for anything after they fought - and won - to keep filming. But then again you never know with Kate.

Clicker said... 77

BTW - when Brownie asked K8 if it mattered that the cereal was out of date, K8 replied "No" and said she intended to use it for Monkey Munch.

Sure hope no one gets sick on it

AuntieAnn said... 78

I agree 8count. I will never pity her. Her kids yes but I will never feel sorry for her. If she faces hard times financially, which I doubt she will, she deserves it.

Clicker said... 79

J&K were, in fact, on Medicaid during the sextuplets' first year. Pennsylvania paid for the nurses in the home and when the time was up, K8 tried to get the state aid extended, crying that she couldn't be expected to take care of them all on her own.

Audible Click said... 80

Hippie Chick said... It really saddens & sickens me to think that when the kids reach that age when they can touch their money THEY effing earned, it will ALL be gone because Kate was a stupid, arrogant, flippant, idiotic, dumb, careless, 'it's all mine', 'it'll last forever', famewhoring, self-centered, bitchy, witchy, loser-y, demeaning, annoying, lying, ugly, fake, stupid, stupid, stupid, lying, asshole-y, desperate, can't walk in heels to save her life, egomaniacal, non-maternal, duhhh, agitating, dangerous driver, aggravating, irksome, maddening, disturbing, moronic, half-witted, simpleminded, unintelligent, irrelevant, conceited, smug, pompous, OH, & did I say stupid, D-Bag.
Ruthless, that's what pops in my head when I think of one word that describes Kate Gosselin. She'll do anything and use anybody. She preys on the weak (her children and some sheeple and those poor church people that sent her "love offerings"). She uses people and then throws them away like a used Kleenex. She values nothing but material things and defaults to ruthlessness in her ongoing quest to use and abuse everyone that comes in contact with her (except, maybe, Steve). God help her children because Kate never will.

No Regrets said... 81

After thinking about the comment that a dating show for Kate would be short lived. I am not so sure about that. Season one of the dating show could show her actually dating the loser..uh 'winner' of the date.

The camera along for every single disastrous date. Her eating off his plate. Her criticizing his clothing, doing a 'make over", demonstrating her terrific fashion 'expertise'. NO speedos! Her showing him the proper way to dust, vacuum and over all housekeeping techniques, in case they DO marry. Oh and how to scrub the floor on your knees three times a day.

Teach him the 'proper' way to serve food. How many grapes, crackers, etc. (just in case he EVER meets the kids) How to do laundry, fold and put them away properly. How to cook! On and on! the possibilities are limitless!

By the end of the first season, the guy will be shown getting fitted with prosthetic testicles since after a whole season, his will be gone! Imagine, groundbreaking reality!

He then will be discarded because he just couldn't help her nor did he EVER ask what can he do to help her! That pig of a man!

Then, a whole NEW line up of guys are waiting in the wings for a whole new round. Rinse, REPEAT. That could go on for at least 10 years! No lie!

Kat said... 82

Yeah...what Hippie Chick Said....

AuntieAnn said... 83

No Regrets said...
By the end of the first season, the guy will be shown getting fitted with prosthetic testicles since after a whole season, his will be gone! Imagine, groundbreaking reality!


HAHAHA!! Okay Regrets, that is by far the funniest thing I've ever read here. LOL!!

No Regrets said... 84

AuntieAnn said...
No Regrets said...
By the end of the first season, the guy will be shown getting fitted with prosthetic testicles since after a whole season, his will be gone! Imagine, groundbreaking reality!


HAHAHA!! Okay Regrets, that is by far the funniest thing I've ever read here. LOL!!
September 23, 2011 12:31 PM

Haha you KNOW it is true. No lie! <--my new tag line

No Regrets said... 85

Kate you CANNNOT use MY idea, I own this!

AuntieAnn said... 86

Haha you KNOW it is true. No lie! <--my new tag line

You'd better put a copyright on it before Kate says it's hers.

Damn that was funny!

AuntieAnn said... 87

Oops. Great minds I guess. lol.

Teresa said... 88

Oh, this is right on the money!

No Regrets said... 89

AuntieAnn said...
Oops. Great minds I guess. lol.
September 23, 2011 12:36 PM"
Gawd I WISH I had even part of YOUR mind.

I don't know how to do the TM sign or I would have LOL No lie! Goofy day today for me. ha

JudyK said... 90

Hippie Chick said... It really saddens & sickens me to think that when the kids reach that age when they can touch their money THEY effing earned, it will ALL be gone because Kate was a stupid, arrogant, flippant, idiotic, dumb, careless, 'it's all mine', 'it'll last forever', famewhoring, self-centered, bitchy, witchy, loser-y, demeaning, annoying, lying, ugly, fake, stupid, stupid, stupid, lying, asshole-y, desperate, can't walk in heels to save her life, egomaniacal, non-maternal, duhhh, agitating, dangerous driver, aggravating, irksome, maddening, disturbing, moronic, half-witted, simpleminded, unintelligent, irrelevant, conceited, smug, pompous, OH, & did I say stupid, D-Bag.


Yeah, what SHE said!

Friend In Pennsylvania said... 91

J&K were, in fact, on Medicaid during the sextuplets' first year. Pennsylvania paid for the nurses in the home and when the time was up, K8 tried to get the state aid extended, crying that she couldn't be expected to take care of them all on her own.


...and she didn't cry silently in her own bed. She bawled openly to anyone who would listen. It didn't work.

Kate doesn't rate said... 92

Teresa said...

Oh, this is right on the money!

She didn't say anything we haven't said 100 times but she said it with very poor writing, bad spelling and no proof reading.

AuntieAnn said... 93

No Regrets said...

Gawd I WISH I had even part of YOUR mind. I don't know how to do the TM sign or I would have LOL No lie! Goofy day today for me. ha


Oh geez, don't wish that upon yourself lol.
Your posts are always insightful, funny, and worth reading twice. It's good to be goofy, yes? Just for fun you can get your copyright in the character map on your computer. No lie!© or No lie!®. So worth doing to piss off Kate hehe.


Teresa, thanks for the link. Those pics of both Kate and Nadya (sp?) on that site remind of what my son said when he watched J&K+8 once. ONCE. He said (jokingly) that Kate's belly 'offended' him and that it looked like an alien birthpod.

I have nothing against showing off a pregnant belly, hell I did it lots myself, but yeesh, I have to agree with him on that. It DOES look like an alien birthpod!

No Regrets said... 94

K8 tried to get the state aid extended, crying that she couldn't be expected to take care of them all on her own. "

"Just me with 8 children is just not fair!" Sob

No Regrets said... 95

AuntieAnn said...Oh geez, don't wish that upon yourself lol. Your posts are always insightful, funny, and worth reading twice. It's good to be goofy, yes? Just for fun you can get your copyright in the character map on your computer. No lie!© or No lie!®. So worth doing to piss off Kate hehe."

What a nice thing to say, thank you! I feel exactly the same about YOU. I love your humor. Thanks for those characters I am looking them now. I keep forgetting I can look things up like that. Ack Old age IS creeping in. Thanks again. :)

AuntieAnn said... 96

You're welcome and right back at you, No Regrets.

No Regrets said... 97

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." ~Albert Einstein

I ran across this and thought of THE FOOD the kids do not like, that she keeps giving them over and over. LOL

Hippie Chick said... 98

I'm a little suspicious of this whole thing too. It smacks somewhat of the Greg/Pamela Smart story.
They did a "Snapped" about her on Oxygen. They showed all the areas I've seen a bunch of times when I drive through. I have driven by the complex that Greg Smart was murdered in. Weird stuff. Pam Smart is a wacko. ~ Administrator said... 99


Sheeple tweeted: @Kateplusmy8 guy ran stop sign. I locked up brakes 2
avoid hitting him. My daughter hit her face&was bleeding. Followed
him&told him off

Kate replies: Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@ @resolve2fight I would have taken his license plate and called cops...

Soooo, going 23 mph over in the middle of the night is one big joke,
but she's got a huge problem with people running stop signs??? Wtf!
And while incredibly dangerous, at least with running a stop sign it
MIGHT be an honest mistake. There is nothing honest and no mistake
about going 23 over.

Hypocrite, and seriously mentally ill.

Teresa said... 100

Admin said. She didn't say anything we haven't said 100 times but she said it with very poor writing, bad spelling and no proof reading.
Kinda like me, a day late and a dollar short. But at least she said it. That was my point. We're not all grammer geniuses. Or perfect spellers. Not all of us had the opportunity for higher education when we came from Narcissistic mothers. No offense, but l thought your reply was a little pompous Admin. What got to me was it was from 3 years ago. ~ Administrator said... 101

Um Teresa check again. I didn't say that. I don't make fun of things that nit picky. My grammar is not perfect either and I wasn't raised by a narcissist and have 7 years of higher education so not sure what that has to do with it. When every other word is educatedish and sediments and free range yeah then I might snark a bit.

No Regrets said... 102

Teresa said...
Admin said. She didn't say anything we haven't said 100 times but she said it with very poor writing, bad spelling and no proof reading.
Kinda like me, a day late and a dollar short. But at least she said it. That was my point. We're not all grammer geniuses. Or perfect spellers. Not all of us had the opportunity for higher education when we came from Narcissistic mothers. No offense, but l thought your reply was a little pompous Admin. What got to me was it was from 3 years ago."
Admin didn't make that Debby Downer comment. Thanks for the link, It is amazing how this is just so true, even 3 years later. It is a personal blog. I think people can put on a personal blogs what they please, and how they please.

Teresa said... 103

My sincere apologies Admin. My fault. I should have read more carefully. I truly am very very sorry. I should have known better than to write that about you. That's NOT who you are as a person. I'm feeling very ashamed of myself right now as l should. Sorry l was wrong, wrong wrong!

Kate doesn't rate said... 104

Hey, we make fun of "sediments" even though we also realize it was an auto correct.

Why be hypocritical? I criticize Kate's bad writing but should overlook someone's bad writing if they're writing against Kate?

3 years old? No wonder I thought it had all been said 100 times. There are a lot of blogs writing about Kate's current issue that are well written and relevant.

Laurie said... 105

Kate's thought process: The cereal is expired so she's not going to feed it to the kids as a "bowl of cereal" but rather feed it to them as monkey munch. Using her same though process, when she undercooked the chicken it didn't matter because she's was not going to feed it to them as a chicken leg/breast but rather she was going to feed it to them as "organic chicken tartar"....Kate, expired is expired and raw is raw.

Permanent Name said... 106

AuntieAnn said... Permanent Name said...

Does anyone doubt that kart will be suing?

For what, I have no idea. But it will happen, mark my words.


I think her attorneys would have a tough time suing producers for anything after they fought - and won - to keep filming. But then again you never know with Kate.


Yes, but just think of the publicity kart could get from suing!!!

Let's see... some talk shows where she could cry "I was tricked", "they didn't know how to handle me", "they LET me go crazy on TV"

"I'm ruined... ruined, I tell you, and it's all their fault!"

"I couldn't get a job on TV after they showed me in such a bad light"

Here's a good one: "TLC should have put the kids money directly into their trusts - instead they let me manage it... I don't know how to manage money... they KNEW I'd be dazzled by the glamor of TV - it's their fault I got all caught up with fame, and spent all that money on myself so I could please TLC"

and my favorite, "Jon and I would still be in a loving marriage if it weren't for big bad TLC"

Yep, kart will milk that cow for all she can get out of it..............

She will never shut up................ never.

Michelle said... 107

This just makes my heart break for poor little Collin. He's only 7. Crying should be done in the arms of mom and dad.

"You are a mother who told your child to cry alone. I’m sorry, was that not clear? You are a mother who told, supported, and encouraged her child to cry alone in a room as he goes to sleep."

JudyK said... 108

Just want to say that I am "in agreeance" (cough cough) with the Open Letter to Mario...agreed w/ every single word of it. And as far as the Greg/Pamela Smart case, life really is stranger than fiction. Just three (3) days ago in Oklahoma City, a Fire Chief was shot to death w/ a single bullet to the head. His wife told law enforcement that a white male in a hoodie had come in through their open garage door at 10:30 p.m. and told the wife after shooting the Fire Chief he was sorry, but that the Fire Chief should have hired him. She said he left in a dark-colored truck. Today, the wife was arrested for his murder...the gun, spent shell, and glove were found in a dryer in the home. I knew it all along. Apparently, they had filed for divorce one (1) year ago but were counseling with their Pastor where they had gone to church for 30 years and things were better than ever. Hmmm.

Grammy of nine said... 109

It's really crazy to imagine Kate telling that little 7 yr. old boy to cry in private while she cries "on camera" about a man (who she pushed away and didn't want) leaving her. This woman has no conscience! No wonder this same little guy has anger issues. What kind of mother would do something that creepy, unfeeling, and mean? Oh, I know, it's the same mother who ignored his impacted bowel so she could continue to shop on camera for bunk beds. Priorities, you know. It's just sad. Kate has no boundaries at all. Protect your kids, please! Maybe everyone doesn't need to know about your 7 yr. old's feelings, do you think? Sympathy vote? Not working anymore!

Dulcina said... 110

"She will never shut up................ never. "

But it won't matter is no one is listening.

Anonymous said... 111

“None of this would have happened if Jon had just kept his zipper zipped!” Kate angrily told a pal. “We could have kept going indefinitely with shows even after our divorce. Jon destroyed everything!…”


The sheeple will follow Kate's lead and blame Jon too, though I'm not sure how. KATE squandered the money. SHE used it on tanning, nails, plastic surgery, hair, new cars, etc. And of course all the sheeple will bleat, "but she's a hard-working mom! She deserves it!" So? Just because you deserve something doesn't mean you need to spend hundreds of dollars on something, especially if it's beyond your means. I know a lot of good, hard-working people who deserve new cars and they don't go out and buy 'em because they deserve them. They buy new cars because they NEED them. There is a difference between wants and needs, sheeple.

Dulcina said... 112

IF no one is listening. (sorry)

Anonymous said... 113

Say a guy WAS thinking about taking a chance with her...plenty of video proof of what happened to Jon when things went awry. WHY would anyone want to risk the same thing happening to himself?


That's why I don't believe she and Steve are hooking up. I could be wrong, but I really don't think he's interested in her.

PJ's momma said... 114

Someone thinks Catfish is fake? Hahahaha, well, to use Kate's words, that would be strangely ironic, wouldn't it? AndiSnark, I am curious. Did you pity the woman, were you mad at her or both? Sorta both for me.........but more mad than pitying. She really played those guys and the one seemed genuinely hurt (and confused).

AndiSnark said... 115

PJ's momma, At first, I was very angry at the woman until I saw the step sons ... that's when MY jaw really dropped and I felt the story took a turn.

I think I pitied her more than anything. And Abby. And that husband of hers ("you're her biggest customer").

It was riviting. BTW, have you seen this?
He found the real Meghan.

Nev is such a nice guy.

Permanent Name said... 116

Sorry, don't know how to make this a link, but it's interesting because of all the images of the kids that kart has put out there in filming. And now, with this website she will be (presumably) adding more and more photos for pedos to slobber all over.

This article is about a 14 y/o girl who 3 years ago unwisely (hindsight) took some photos of herself for private (no such thing on the internet, honey) photobucket account. Also some from her facebook acct.

I didn't know this but some pervs and pedos lift photos by hacking and spread them all over the net. Once they are out there, there is no getting them back.

It is so scary that this social media phenomenon has begun to backfire so dangerously.

Lots of blame to go around - the girl, the hackers, the pervs, but in the end, the photos are out there forever, to be used in whatever nefarious way they can be.

If I had children now, they'd never be allowed to upload photos. Period. They'd get lots of instruction from me on why not, then at 18, I'd have to hope they learned well and wisely. Oh, and did I mention only supervised internet time in a common family room where there are other family memebers present?

It's a scary world out there nowadays, and the dangers are growing ever more sophisticated and high tech.

My heart aches for Jon's kids and what they will be facing....

kart, she can go take a long run off a short pier........

hey jude said... 117

Thanks for the link, I thought it was great-she was commenting on Kate 3 yrs. ago.That belly of Kate's was gross, I had to look away whenever it was showed! Alien pod, that's it--creepy!

I still love you, we all make mistakes! I get confused all the time about who's saying what, so don't beat yourself up.There are enough other people in the world who will try that.:)

8countem8 said... 118

You know when I think about speeding tickets, I think Kate is one of those who, when you see an ambulance coming, she won't pull over and get out of the way or stop at the light, no she'll push on the gas pedal to try and beat the ambulance and firetruck. Made me think about this because I saw two cars do this not to long ago. Instead of slowing down they drove faster and caused the firetruck to have to stop. Boneheads.

I'm not familiar, how many points or speeding tickets do you get in PA before you get your license suspended or revoked?

Anonymous said... 119

Hippie Chick -- AMEN Sister! Preach it!

Kate most likely told Collin to cry alone in his bed because she didn't want to be bothered with having to hold and comfort him. After all, he's just an icky boy. Besides, men aren't supposed to cry. It isn't "manly" (BTW -- NOT my opinion. I'm projecting Kate's attitude). She'd just tell him to "man up".


Anonymous said... 120

Kate probably thinks a red light is merely a suggestion.

hey jude said... 121

I knew Kate was cruel, but to tell a little boy to go to his room alone and cry, that was just hateful! She cries at the drop of a hat over everything on tv, but can't hug her little one and ask him, "what's wrong,honey?Tell Mommy."

Oh, I hate that bitch for that.She doesn't deserve to have pets, never mind children, disgusting....

hey jude said... 122

I agree with everything you said Hippie Chick. Did you have child-abuser on there?

anger issues kate said... 123

You know what messes my feathers about Kate from what Taylor said about if they had not done the reality show, her husband would/might not have killed himself. Kate said about the divorce, in the last episode, that even if she could have gone back and change things, according to Kate they still would have divorced. How does Kate know this? Does she have ESP, can she look into the future? what? From what I see is Kate had her whole life planned out(bucket list), Kate knew what she was doing, when she wanted it done. Like: at what age to have children, what age to have career, house etc. What Kate did not plan on was Reality TV and how they owned her. I'm sure they promised her the moon, the stars and everything, what TLC, didn't figure on was Jon, having enough of the Fame, tired of the filming and disruption of normal family life, which was slipping away, till family life was no more. I agree with the person here who said if Kate had quit, when Jon wanted to years ago, they would have probably be still married, unless Kate who did not want counseling, then Heck yeah! (as Kate loves to tweet)then I would say the marriage would have possibly ended in divorce. Maybe not. Kate never gave the marriage a chance, it was the BS TLC told/promised her. Now TLC could care less if Kate ran naked down the street, screaming that TLC should give her a dating show. They are done with her. As for check up shows, TLC would not be paying Kate $250,000, for a special, maybe 2-4 specials a year. Kate would jump at the money, she has no pride.

anger issues kate said... 124

Hippy chick: remember Kate said it herself: the children are to resolve their fights, arguments, complaints etc, by themselves or amongst themselves. Kate does not intervene, or ref, police, pamper or console. The kids are on their own. They have to console themselves, and figure out their problems, with no guidance, input or explaination on what they are doing wrong by Kate. Cause Kate is too busy, doing I don't know what, for 12 hours when the kids are gone and the weekends Jon has them, not to mention, when the sitter/nanny/hired help is there. Cause Kate is a poor single mother of 8, count them 8 kids. My violin is playing for you Kate!

No Regrets said... 125

AndiSnark and PJ's momma or anyone ?

Regarding the movie Catfish, I just found it scheduled on HBO next Tuesday and Thursday. The describtion states it is about a filmmaker who receives advanced paintings from an 8 year old. Is this the same movie?? Thanks

No Regrets said... 126

description <--- of course

AndiSnark said... 127

Yes, No Regrets, that's it.

No Regrets said... 128

AndiSnark said...
Yes, No Regrets, that's it.
September 23, 2011 4:23 PM

Thank you, thank you. I am going to DVR right now. The description threw me off.

Gosselin Gossip said... 129

Here is another perspective from a celebrity mom about raising a large family, from

Sara Evans: How I Manage Seven Kids

With a blended family of nine, country star Sara Evans and her sports radio host husband Jay Barker know a thing or two about keeping the peace.

"People think that with seven kids you can't expect anything but chaos, and that's not necessarily true," Barker says. "It just means it's more important than ever to have order."

After the couple married in 2008, Evans, 40, brought her three children (Avery, 12, Olivia, 8 and Audrey, 6) from Nashville to live in Birmingham, Ala., where Barker, 39, hosts his radio show and shares custody of his kids from a previous relationship (Andrew, 13, Braxton, 11, Sarah Ashlee, 10, and Harrison, 10). "The kids love each other like Jay and I love each other," says Evans. "It just really works."

Reaching that happy state, however, came with a few house rules that all nine family members are required to keep up on:

Keep It Cozy: The couple chose a relatively modest house – 3,700 sq. ft. – deliberately. "The point was to bring the families together and it's a lot easier to do that in a smaller house," says Evans.

Keep Things Organized: Mom and dad set up locker-style cubbies in the garage for each child's sports equipment. "It is important for each kid to know they belong in this family," says the singer. "This is my locker, my bed, my cubbie. But also teaches responsibility – to take care of your things."

Keep Up With The Rules: Laminated house rules are posted in the kitchen (on the list: Make your own bed when you wake up; Boys use only your own toilet and shower; Be respectful of God, parents, one another and yourselves). "In the beginning, we were so concerned about the adjustments the kids were going through, we wanted it to be all fun and games," Evans admits. "But then Jay and I realized we were spoiling them, and it wasn't doing them any favors. They need boundaries, they need rules, they need to know they can't run over us!"

Keep Dinners Simple: "We eat at home together at least three nights a week," says Barker. But, adds Evans, "My rule is for lunch, I'll make you whatever you want, but for supper, whatever I cook is what's for dinner. In the beginning, I tried to make everyone happy. I was like a short order cook! It was ridiculous."

Keep Sleeping: "Our Saturday rule is that the kids are not to disturb us until 10 a.m.," Evans says. "They're old enough to get up, make their own cereal, turn on the television or whatever until we get up at 10 and get our coffee.",,20530724,00.html

Hippie Chick said... 130

Kate & Welfare: Is PA one of the states that legislation is trying to vote a YES on that when you are on welfare or qualify for welfare, you must get drug tested.

In my opinion, I happen to think it's an awesome law. I think it's 3-5 states now trying to push for harsher welfare laws? Can't be sure. My friend & I were talking about it before she moved to OR (miss her soooo much!) & she is a strong believer in this as well. I guess there was something new about it just recently.

Not that Kate does drugs, NOR does she NEED welfare. She is so pathetic. Could she be anymore desperate for attention?? "I'm going to need" Um please, bitch you made millions. Or how's this;
GET A JOB!!!!!

Hippie Chick said... 131

Ok, what the hell happened in Utah? Is that the plane ride incident?

AuntieAnn said... 132

I think even her implying that she could be forced to go on welfare is another huge slap in the face to those who are in REAL need of it.

Bitch just doesn't know when to stop insulting people.

wayward said... 133

8countem8 said... You know when I think about speeding tickets, I think Kate is one of those who, when you see an ambulance coming, she won't pull over and get out of the way or stop at the light, no she'll push on the gas pedal to try and beat the ambulance and firetruck. Made me think about this because I saw two cars do this not to long ago. Instead of slowing down they drove faster and caused the firetruck to have to stop. Boneheads.

I'm not familiar, how many points or speeding tickets do you get in PA before you get your license suspended or revoked?

For the 10/29/09 ticket Kate *should* have gotten 3 points. Instead she was given just a traffic fine, no points. She got 4 points for the 02/21/10 ticket. Her name didn't come up for tickets in any other counties. so let's say she (shocker) got no violations from Feb. '10 to Feb. '11 If you go 12 months with no new citations, you lose 3 points, leaving her with one. When she got the ticket in August she got 4 points. She was then at 5 points. While no one knows what traffic rule she violated on the turnpike, I think it's safe to assume she was speeding. She could have easily earned another 3-4 points. When you reach 11 points your license is suspended. If Kate had been given an actual speeding ticket for every violation she would have had her license suspended for the turnpike ticket. But since the state police seem to think a clown car uterus and a knack for child exploitation excludes one from following the PA traffic code, Kate is still able to (legally) place her children, herself, and her fellow motorists in danger every day ~ Administrator said... 134

Going back to Taylor a sec I'm all for investigating Russell's death thoroughly. But I'm not sure I understand the suspicion about Taylor's "keep looking" comment. She
said when they pulled up his car was there which actually reassured her because she knew he was home. His friend broke into the house and
couldn't find him. I would have said well keep looking/calling, his car is right here he's got to be here somewhere. That's all I take out
of the "keep looking" remark. That his car was there so a reasonable person would assume, he has to be here, maybe he's passed out drunk in
the bathroom or out back or something, keep looking.

Now if his car wasn't there I think that changes things completely, then I think a
reasonable person would assume they're not home they've taken off somewhere, and then the keep looking comment would be a bit bizarre. Anyway just my two cents. I think Taylor's very unstable but her reactions to this whole thing sound normal, if there's a normal way to react to finding your husband hanged.

Like I said, listen to the 911 call and you'll know neither her nor her friend are faking. Compare it to the bizarro Casey Anthony call where you knew something was VERY wrong.

PJ's momma said... 135

No Regrets, hold on to your hat. You're in for a wild ride! ~ Administrator said... 136

Oh also I don't believe any mother even the most heinous of mothers would bring their four year old child along with them knowing they were about to discover her father hanged. ~ Administrator said... 137

Just saw that Octomom has put her half a million dollar house on the market. Even Octomom knows when she's underwater and needs to get out! ~ Administrator said... 138

No Regrets, that's the one. Enjoy it. It puts a face on people who troll the internet with fake accounts and fake stories and play people and I expected to come out feeling angry, but instead just felt really sorry for them.

Friend In Pennsylvania said... 139

But since the state police seem to think a clown car uterus and a knack for child exploitation excludes one from following the PA traffic code, Kate is still able to (legally) place her children, herself, and her fellow motorists in danger every day


I really don't think that this is the case. PA State cops probably had no idea who she was (although I'm sure she reminded them). All the ones I know, including my brother, are not impressed with clown car uteri or uteruses, or whatever!:)

She does this again, and her license WILL be suspended. She better take that pedal off the medal and realize that the turnpike is not a race track. Stevie's job description will include more than carrying purses. He'll be doing all the driving. ~ Administrator said... 140

Yeah I tend to think it's not her celeb status that is getting her out of these. You can always go in there and negotiate with the judge. That's just the penalty they can impose, I imagine the judge has the discretion to reduce it. She probably goes in with a good lawyer and manages to get it down.

But she really is pushing it now, probably one more ticket and she'll lose her license. You can only push a judge so far. Now she has no room for error, lots of people get tickets once in a blue moon but she won't be allowed that leeway anymore.

Friend In Pennsylvania said... 141

That's just the penalty they can impose, I imagine the judge has the discretion to reduce it. She probably goes in with a good lawyer and manages to get it down.


Why would she hire a attorney to have it negotiated down? She'd pay the attorney more than she'd pay the state for the ticket! There is no evidence she went to the judge. From what I understand, she just mailed in her payment to Hartman's office (the DJ).

Friend In Pennsylvania said... 142

Oops...forgot to add. The amount she paid in the fine is the amount imposed for that offense. ~ Administrator said... 143

I thought the docket indicated an appearance?

Hiring an attorney is not logical, but neither is it logical to hire an attorney to keep appealing the Sylvia LaFair decision, it would make more sense to just pay the fine. LaFair was the one who realized this is not worth my time or money.

It's Kate she would spend $500 bucks to get $1 off something, on principle.

Portrait Of Jennie said... 144

When discussing the video (on the other thread), Admin mentioned the "other" blog, and the reason for its demise could be its 19 rules - posters are afraid to comment for fear of violating one of them, or stepping on toes.

That very well could be part of it. I think, though, that a reason is that it takes so very long to moderate it. Four posts in two days on one thread; only one comment in one day on another one. Who wants to follow a blog where nothing gets posted, and therefore there is no discussion? Granted, it's possible that there is nothing to moderate, but I don't think that's the entire problem. I just think it takes them so long to get around to putting up the posts that are there!

Friend In Pennsylvania said... 145

It's Kate she would spend $500 bucks to get $1 off something, on principle.


Not without a coupon!

Anonymous said... 146

AuntieAnn -- I think Kate's saying she may have to go on welfare is a slap in the face, all right, but I think it's aimed at Jon. "Oh poor me, I have 8, count 'em, 8 children to support all by myself because their mediocre father doesn't pay enough child support to buy their lunches". I don't know about the rules in PA, but if she lived in Ohio, she'd have to divest herself of that snazzy little sports car before she'd be eligible. Probably the SUV, too. They allow for one vehicle that's used for transportation/family purposes/work related/etc.


8countem8 said... 147

AuntieAnn said...

I think even her implying that she could be forced to go on welfare is another huge slap in the face to those who are in REAL need of it.

Bitch just doesn't know when to stop insulting people.

I feel there are only so many times you can outright insult people as she has and except people to still, a) take you seriously and b) to feel sorry for you when you insult those families who actually have to work for a living.

One day Kate just might say something that could cost her, something more than mediocre and once you say something it's kind of hard to get it back. The old, think before you speak is something clearly she has not mastered.

Admin, since you've seen Catfish, is it worth to rent? Not sure I want to necessarily buy it.

In the Neighborhood said... 148

Regrets and Hippie: You rang? E-town Neighbor here. I see that I have been declared MIA. Thanks for sending a search party. I've been lying low. Someone decided he/she liked my name and ran with it, posting some pretty bizarre stuff using words that would make old Spike down at the corner tattoo parlor turn red.

I'll give this a try in hopes that it's generic enough that nobody will develop a Velcro attachment to it.

What is Kate fussing about now? Something about a bus driver? ~ Administrator said... 149

Dr. Phil is on late for me so watching the full Taylor interview now.

There's just so much to say but I'm going to go shallow right now. When Taylor covers her mouth with her hand when she is upset, she is a very pretty woman!

When she uncovers it it's just a hot mess. It's so sad that she ever thought duck lips were pretty. There was nothing wrong with her lips or anything about her before. ~ Administrator said... 150

Oh also she claims that the 60,000 birthday party was comped by various companies. I find this very hard to believe. There's such a thing as freebies but 60,000 in freebies? I doubt the entire 60,000 was comped. Plus on the episode they made it seem like they paid for it, they were complaining about it. So is she saying they lied? They didn't pay a dime? Whatever.

Taylor meet Kate: "If you knew then what you knew now would you still have done it?"

Taylor: YES.

Sigh. These folks don't get it.

JudyK said... 151

Administrator said... Going back to Taylor a sec I'm all for investigating Russell's death thoroughly. But I'm not sure I understand the suspicion about Taylor's "keep looking" comment. She
said when they pulled up his car was there which actually reassured her because she knew he was home.
Adm, it is odd because they went DIRECTLY to Russell's bedroom when they got there. When the guy who went with her did not find him in the bedroom, she told him to "keep looking" IN THE BEDROOM...not to keep looking in the house in general. Russell was found hanged IN THE BEDROOM. ~ Administrator said... 152

Judy I thought she said "keep looking" I didn't hear her say qualify it with keep looking in the bedroom. Not trying to argue just trying to get the facts. Anyway maybe they had already checked the other rooms. Maybe she was trying to say check each room thoroughly. I assume when you can't find someone one might think, passed out somewhere. That's what I think for a close family member of mine who is diabetic. So you look very thoroughly, check the floors, small rooms, etc. You could be anywhere if you've passed out you would do a thorough check of each room.

In the Neighborhood said... 153

Who is Lexxi? I see this name popping up on various blogs.

Should I tell Brown Nose that another discount store in the area is having a big sale on boxes of UNEXPIRED organic cereal? She might want to load up for Kate. On second thought, she's having enough trouble unloading the first batch. ~ Administrator said... 154

Oh can I just add I think it's despicable that after someone commits suicide you say I wouldn't change a thing about being on TV.

Wouldn't any decent person say if I had to do it over again I would say no to TV just on the off chance he might not have done it? Wouldn't you do ANYTHING to make it not happen?

I feel the same about people who say they wouldn't do anything different even after a divorce. Wouldn't you want to try ANYTHING different to try to prevent a divorce including giving up your TV show? Kate?

TLC ship is sinking said... 155

In the Neighborhood said...What is Kate fussing about now? Something about a bus driver?

This is weird, I'm not seeing some of Kate's tweets on her page but they show up when you click on the arrow to view the conversation.

@Kateplusmy8 Someone made fun of my boy because we had 2 hire tutor 2help him w/algebra issues! Whew...I had 2 b restrained! Lip check!!
2 hours ago via web

replies ↓

Kate Gosselin:
@MiloandJack uh huh. Bus driver story... Got it... Intolerable. Period. Needs to b encouraged to find a new job if you know what I mean??!
1 hour ago

Kate Gosselin
@MiloandJack @CJWhodunit faced that yest w a busdriver screaming a very ugly word@my child!She is truly scarred&my mama bear came rightout!
1 hour ago

CJ Whodunit:
@Kateplusmy8 @MiloandJack Have you heard of any other parents complaining? Prolly wasn't first time doing that to a kid, sadly. :-(
1 hour ago

in reply to ↑

Kate Gosselin:
@CJWhodunit @MiloandJack many many many complaints but she keeps driving... I don't get it...
1 hour ago via Twitterrific

@Kateplusmy8 Is this a pattern w/this driver? I'd report it. He may b treatin other children this way too! Not good!
1 hour ago

in reply to ↑

Kate Gosselin:
@MiloandJack its a WOMAN! She's a MOM... She targets all families and is extremely inappropriate and difficult
1 hour ago via Twitterrific

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 156

In the Neighborhood said...

Who is Lexxi? I see this name popping up on various blogs.

She's "Trippenin" on Twitter, Deb on some slobbering Kate fan blog. She's um....odd. Admitted that Kate made her cringe when it was J&K+8. Also admitted to going on non-fan Kate blogs and posing as "Anonymous" saying she was an "insider" and would post false info against Kate to get non fans worked up.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 157

Did Kate just nastily complain about her children's bus driver in a PUBLIC forum?? Yikes. She has no filter, no control. Talk about making a situation worse....

JudyK said... 158

Adm, I'm not trying to argue either and understand what you are saying...something has been left out here, and I'm tired and can't remember where I've heard it or read it, but Taylor said she was told by Russell's roommate that he had been locked in his bedroom for five days...that is why they went directly to his bedroom. Taylor is lying...she saw him the day before he died, telling several friends he had "beat her" the night before he died--he had only been dead 24 hours before being found by Taylor, the last person to see him alive. The only place in the house which was searched before finding his body by the man she called and asked her to accompany her to the house was his bedroom. Like Kate, she can't keep her story straight.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 159

One more thing about Lexx/Trippenin, she's wished death and destruction on families of non fans. ~ Administrator said... 160

That's probably where I'm coming from I'm just going by one story I'm hearing. The one I'm hearing on the interview is he asked her to meet Friday or Monday and then someone said Monday, and then he didn't show. I thought it was several days he was missing.

Also her story could be changing because she just lies compulsively. That's the thing with folks like this when it's just a culture of lying you lie for no reason sometimes and you get to a point where you don't even know how NOT to lie, even if there is nothing malicious behind it.

JudyK said... 161

Administrator said... That's probably where I'm coming from I'm just going by one story I'm hearing. The one I'm hearing on the interview is he asked her to meet Friday or Monday and then someone said Monday, and then he didn't show. I thought it was several days he was missing.

Also her story could be changing because she just lies compulsively. That's the thing with folks like this when it's just a culture of lying you lie for no reason sometimes and you get to a point where you don't even know how NOT to lie, even if there is nothing malicious behind it.

Yes, exactly! ~ Administrator said... 162

So this is the kids' busdriver? I hate to say it but Kate is right, if that's true a bus driver is being mean to the kids even screaming at one of the kids? Yikes, I'd flip my shit too. Still I don't see that Twitter is a good place to handle a problem with a bus driver, call the school. Kate you're 36 handle this problem.

I can only imagine being a bus driver for long hours must try one's patience especially with poor little rich kids and their entitled parents, but that doesn't excuse being rude to kids.

Kate Gosselin:
@CJWhodunit @MiloandJack many many many complaints but she keeps driving... I don't get it..
Hi Kate. Welcome to unions!

In the Neighborhood said... 163

She's "Trippenin" on Twitter, Deb on some slobbering Kate fan blog. She's um....odd. Admitted that Kate made her cringe when it was J&K+8. Also admitted to going on non-fan Kate blogs and posing as "Anonymous" saying she was an "insider" and would post false info against Kate to get non fans worked up.


Thanks, Tweet. I know the Trippenin name. Is she also the one they call Doo Doo? I thought Trip was Carolyne. I think I'm confused...big time! I get Trip, Livin and CJ mixed up!

"This is weird, I'm not seeing some of Kate's tweets on her page but they show up when you click on the arrow to view the conversation."


Thanks for posting those tweets. I couldn't see all of them either, and couldn't find Kate's initial tweet about it.
Kate just cannot keep her mouth closed when it comes to anything other than well, er, when she's going to pick up (or send Steve) for the cereal! ~ Administrator said... 164

It's a good lesson in why compulsive lying is NOT a good thing to get in the habit of, hear this Kate? Next thing you know when something bad happens, people think YOU MIGHT BE INVOLVED. Even if you're not! ~ Administrator said... 165

All these people I didn't like before. Now I like Dr. Phil. He was basically telling Taylor look if you are going to go through life with the mindset I'm the victim and I'm messed up and I had a horrible childhood, that is exactly how your life will be. You will perceive your life through that filter. But man up and let that go and start living your life positively and you'll see changes.

He said you better be there 100% as Kennedy's mom because she's going to have 0% from her dad.

I hope she takes some of that to heart. ~ Administrator said... 166

And this is why Dr. Phil is da bomb. He's actually going to get the OTHER SIDE OF THE STORY. He's interviewing Taylor's family and friends next week about why Taylor is a big fat liar. Russell cannot speak anymore but at least his family can.

Whoa said... 167

Before we hang the bus driver, CONSIDER THE SOURCE!

She LIES, all the time. Also, how crazed would you be if you had to deal with batshit insane Kate and her seating charts every single freaking day?

It's a wonder the driver hasn't popped her a good one. Morning pickup must be hell.

In the Neighborhood said... 168

One more thing about Lexx/Trippenin, she's wished death and destruction on families of non fans.


Was she the "new sheriff?" Just kidding (or maybe not!)

Admin, Kate needs to call the bus company, not the school. It isn't a public school bus transportation company. Twitter is not the place to discuss it.

Who are poor little rich kids and their entitled parents? The Gosselins?

Dr. Phil can make sense sometimes and I come around to his side. Then he goes and does something really bizarre and loses my vote!

Permanent Name said... 169

Haven't been following the Taylor bruhaha, but I do know that IF the cops are investigating, they MAY just let the suicide story run while they continue to investigate quietly.

If there is speculation on the internet, there is definitely some detective checking it out. In fact, sometimes they 'allow' the gossip and misinformation to run unchecked as they think it could provide evidence in time.

I've known a couple of cops/detectives and their stories are fascinating to hear!!!

There are some incredibly stoooopid criminals out there. I'm always amazed and fascinated by my friends' stories of how much deception they allow to float along all the while they are reeling in the evidence against the bad guys.

My friends are really nice guys, but bless their hearts, they can 'dissemble' better than kart when it comes to pulling information and confessions out of bad guys.

Some of their stories sound like crime novels by famous authors.....

It sort makes me think of the idea that 'maybe' Jon has an attorney who is peeing-his-pants happy that kart is blabbing all over twitter. I envision this ecstatic wet-pants attorney stolling along picking up evidence pearls left and right in prep for the inevitable court hearings that kart will instigate.

All we see is what kart vomits out onto twitter. We have no way of knowing if Jon is locked and loaded for a final hearing, so to speak. I imagine he's been scooping up and filing all her crap and soon will be taking her to court.

He's quiet, so we don't know. But I have to believe he's going to be prepared this time. Lordy bee, he's got a bucket load of her crap to use against her for custody, child support, etc.

Permanent Name said... 170

OK, I just saw one of kart's twit vomits at the top and I'm instantly pissed...

Did she just describe one of her girls as

"overly sensitive, kind&apolog alot wen not nec. Deathly afraid of being in trouble. Good girl!"


Being deathly afraid of being in trouble is a "GOOD GIRL"?????????

"Overly sensitive"???????

I guess I'd be overly sensitive too if I got the crap beat out of me with a red spoon, got screamed at constantly, got emotionally and mentally abused in public and private..... F yeah, I'd be so sensitive I'd probably be a broken little kid.

Am I reading her twat right?


kart's idea of a good child is one who is 'deathly afraid of being in trouble'????





Well, yes I do but Miss Manners would smack me.

Truly mentally disturbed.........

Red Sky At Night said... 171

Kate said,

@MiloandJack @mumbear9 @LEIGHSHAHAN1 we keep in touch! Terri is like mother Teresa to me :) about an hour ago


Terri Irwin is like Mother Teresa to Kate? Oh, my word. Did she really tweet that?

Permanent said, It sort makes me think of the idea that 'maybe' Jon has an attorney who is peeing-his-pants happy that kart is blabbing all over twitter. I envision this ecstatic wet-pants attorney stolling along picking up evidence pearls left and right in prep for the inevitable court hearings that kart will instigate.


This is what is so funny! She doesn't have a clue what he's doing, and by remaining silent, he's making sure that she doesn't. It must be driving her nuts, not to mention extremely nervous. All the while, she just keeps tweeting to her little heart's content. ~ Administrator said... 172

She was talking about Terri Irwin? LOL oh gosh. I assumed she meant some private friend in her life or something. Not Terri Irwin! ~ Administrator said... 173

But the school contracts the bus company I assume. Seems to me she should call the school, and the bus company.

Red Sky At Night said... 174

Administrator said...

She was talking about Terri Irwin? LOL oh gosh. I assumed she meant some private friend in her life or something. Not Terri Irwin!


The one and only Terri Irwin! Yes, indeed. Apparently bosom buddies. ~ Administrator said... 175

Whatever happened to those koalas she was gonna save? Hope they made it.

About Those Lips! said... 176

On the first season of RHBH, Taylor said she had IMPLANTS put in to her lips, liked them just fine, and was through with cosmetic surgery!!!

amyf said... 177

# @Paige_Kate8fan OMG! What in the world??? That is beyond pathetic and uncalled for! 18 minutes ago

Sorry if this has already been discussed - haven't yet read all the comments - but I wanted to get this in before the tweet goes away. Just wondering if anyone knows what this is about. I have no clue how to figure out anything on Twitter...

fidosmommy said... 178

No Regrets said....
My postal service sucks and the mail seems to route though China before we get it


Lucky you. Mine seems to route through mud puddles.

Permanent Name said... 179

OK, I don't know how twitter 'really' works but I think I found the source of the "good girl" twat that I was so upset about.

If I read the trail correctly, kart was saying that about HERSELF when she was growing up.

So, worked out well for ya, huh kart?

Look what kind of a person you turned into....

And you seem to be continuing the tradition with your own precious kids. Hey, if you had to be deathly afraid, then by gawd, they do too, right?!


Geez, I need to go to bed. I am being infected with kart toxicity tonight. I hope it's temporary condition, LOL. I'll take some sugar pills to try to sweeten up.

Please forgive my nastiness tonight. I may take a few days off to detox.

Permanent Name said... 180

fidosmommy said...

Lucky you. Mine seems to route through mud puddles.


Oh fidosmommy,

A huge hug to you for the belly laugh I so desperately needed before going to bed.

Laughed out loud and woke up the dog.... now she wants a treat. ha

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii said... 181

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@MiloandJack @grisel1018 @SuperPattyPie Ans:overly sensitive, kind&apolog alot wen not nec. Deathly afraid of being in trouble. Good girl!
17 minutes ago
Sorry if this has been talked about already. I thought it was pretty telling about Kate's putting the fear of God in her discipline. They were discussing who, and how they got punished. Looks like her parents were forceful with their discipline the same way Kate is with her kids. I always wondered how her punishment was done as a child. It doesn't in any way excuse her behavior but know I can understand a little bit more the reason she does it.

Red Sky At Night said... 182

amyf said...

# @Paige_Kate8fan OMG! What in the world??? That is beyond pathetic and uncalled for! 18 minutes ago

Sorry if this has already been discussed - haven't yet read all the comments - but I wanted to get this in before the tweet goes away. Just wondering if anyone knows what this is about. I have no clue how to figure out anything on Twitter.


If I can figure this out, I think Kate was responding to Paige's comment that Paige's former bus driver drove the kids past an accident and told them to look for dead people.

Red Sky At Night said... 183

I always wondered how her punishment was done as a child. It doesn't in any way excuse her behavior but know I can understand a little bit more the reason she does it.


If you can believe what she says!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 184

In the Neighborhood said...
Thanks, Tweet. I know the Trippenin name. Is she also the one they call Doo Doo? I thought Trip was Carolyne. I think I'm confused...big time! I get Trip, Livin and CJ mixed up!

Yes some call her Doo Doo, Debbie Doo Doo, very confusing. LOL. Carolyne is CJWhodunit. Trip and Livin sound very much alike to me.

Anonymous said... 185

". . .is extremely inappropriate and difficult" i.e. bus driver ignores Kate's seating charts, makes the kids sit down, shut up, behave and obey the rules. And sorry, Admin, I don't think a school bus driver who yells at a kid is being rude. That school bus driver is charged with the safety and well-being of every child on that bus, and if yelling is the only way to get a kid to behave, then as far as I'm concerned he/she should yell away. Being a school bus driver is more difficult, in many ways, than being a teacher. The bus driver has the same responsibility for the health and safety of the kids, has to deal with the same behavior as the teacher, and has little of the authority to back them up, unlike the teacher. If Kate doesn't want her little darlings getting their feelings bruised by being made to behave, and we know that at least some of them can't behave in a group setting, then maybe she should get off her lazy duff and drive them to and from school herself. Sorry for the rant, but I've filled in a couple of times for a bus monitor and have a cousin who is a school bus driver. It's a job I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.

Okay, climbing down off my soap box now, LOL.


ncgirl said... 186

"She LIES, all the time. Also, how crazed would you be if you had to deal with batshit insane Kate and her seating charts every single freaking day?"

I thought this when I read twitter. Maybe the bus driver is bad, and other parents are complaining. Kate lies or exaggerates so it's hard to know what to believe. Suppose the bus driver learns of the twitter. No parent, especially a famous one, should slam anyone associated with the children on twitter whether it's the bus driver or the father. ~ Administrator said... 187

That's true readerlady was she yelling at a kid because they were covering her eyes up so she couldn't drive? I remember bus drivers yelling at us for getting out of our seats or being too rowdy. It wasn't to be mean, it was about road safety. He was abrasive but he wanted to keep us safe. I can't imagine how hard it must be to be a busdriver.

Still I don't like to hear any kid is being yelled at. I don't find it all that effective whether Kate is doing it or a bus driver is doing it.

There are a lot of unanswered questions, like what was it a kid was being yelled at? What could a kid possibly be doing that would warrant that?

It's a LOOONG bus ride, a long time for a kid to sit and behave. I don't know Kate, how about sending your kids to a school where they're not spending over an hour on the road each day. They're probably tired and cranky and wearing the bus driver out. Just a thought.

fidosmommy said... 188

Anonymous said...
". . .is extremely inappropriate and difficult" i.e. bus driver ignores Kate's seating charts, makes the kids sit down, shut up, behave and obey the rules.

And this differs from riding in Kate's ;-) ~ Administrator said... 189

Now that I think about it's not like Kate said, oh he was yelling at the kids for tying his shoe there was no reason for that!

Just, he was yelling. Well, about what? About a kid who won't stay in his seat and is going to fly through the windshield? Or about something silly?

We'd like a few more facts before we send the bus driver to the guillotine.

fidosmommy said... 190

Administrator said...
We'd like a few more facts before we send the bus driver to the guillotine


Well, wouldn't that just suit Paige's bus driver? Another dead body for the kids to look for.


Red Sky At Night said... 191

Kate said,

"faced that yest w a busdriver screaming a very ugly word@my child!She is truly scarred&my mama bear came rightout!"

This doesn't sound like the drive yelled at the child for doing something, but rather that she screamed an ugly word at the child to make her afraid. Did Kate hear this, or did the child tell her? There's so much to this story that remains unknown and unconfirmed.

Kate also tweeted:

"its a WOMAN! She's a MOM... She targets all families and is extremely inappropriate and difficult"

I think I'd be afraid of putting this out on a public forum, considering the bus driver can read this. Someone on Twitter says that Kate deleted her tweets about this.

amyf said... 192

Red Sky, thanks.

With the bits and pieces of Twitter that people post here, I usually can't figure out who's saying what to whom, and what it's in response to. Is there any EASY way of seeing what's what in a sequence that makes sense? :-)

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii said... 193

Permanent Name said...
OK, I just saw one of kart's twit vomits at the top and I'm instantly pissed...

Did she just describe one of her girls as

"overly sensitive, kind&apolog alot wen not nec. Deathly afraid of being in trouble
I posted about this above. I could be wrong, but I believe she was talking about how she was punished, not the kids. They were all talking about how they were all punished when they were kids, and this was what she said about her.

Out And About In Berks County PA said... 194

"It's a LOOONG bus ride, a long time for a kid to sit and behave. I don't know Kate, how about sending your kids to a school where they're not spending over an hour on the road each day. They're probably tired and cranky and wearing the bus driver out. Just a thought."


They are not the only kids riding the bus every day. If the other area children are behaving, then the eight can also learn to behave. We don't know what happened, and it's really not fair to put the blame on the driver, on the kids, or on Kate.

You know, one of these days Kate is going to tell the truth about something and nobody is going to believe her. Wolf meet Kate. ~ Administrator said... 195

I wasn't blaming the kids I'm just curious why they were yelled at. But if it were name calling no child deserves that. I think it's a long bus ride for all kids and I would cut them some slack for acting up, all kids. They are tired, the bus ride is boring, they are still very little kids, adults have trouble with a commute this long let alone kids.

But we've discussed ad nausem my view that these kids should not be on a bus this long all the time. Nor should most kids absent a darn good reason. There are plenty of wonderful schools in PA that would be closer, or they could downsize and move closer.

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii said... 196

Sorry Permanent Name, I posted my explanation before I read that you already figured it out. ~ Administrator said... 197

You know, one of these days Kate is going to tell the truth about something and nobody is going to believe her. Wolf meet Kate.


A no truer statement has been told. I think Kate is telling the truth here if all these other parents have complained. It sounds to me like a bad seed bus driver, it happens. But because it's Kate the compulsive liar, I'm just like....or is she? That's sad.

If it were Angelina Jolie saying it who's entire life isn't one long streaming fairy tale of lies, I would believe her in a heartbeat.

In the Neighborhood said... 198

There are plenty of wonderful schools in PA that would be closer, or they could downsize and move closer.


Or they could have stayed exactly where they were, added on to the house, built a pool if that's what they wanted, and those kids would have had an easy bus commute, or could have been driven to school by their parents. If not that school, another option would have been Mount Calvary Christian, which is less than ten minutes away from their old house.

Anonymous said... 199

the saga of twitter tonight. yes i read it on the net. not a twitter member. it's a stunning look into people's personalities. they know the only way to get attention is to tweet supreme ass kissing things to kate.

twitter is weird and it's going to blow up in kate's face. the latest.

paige is upset because kate has ignored her for a few weeks. superpattypie says it happened to her too but kate has 56000 and is so busy but not to worry. patty says that they are kates favorites and kate doesnt want to show favoritism.

miloand jack (kates new favorite)admonished patty for calling kate "katie irene"
YUP. now milo sent kate a personal issue email.

see what happens..u give rabid fans and inch and they want the whole mile. kate is now actually hurting their feelings for not replying to their tweets. i feel for paige. where are her parents? she is depressed over kate not tweeting her!


TLC ship is sinking said... 200

Red Sky At Night said...I think I'd be afraid of putting this out on a public forum, considering the bus driver can read this. Someone on Twitter says that Kate deleted her tweets about this.

Is this why they didn't show up on Kate's twitter feed? However, they must not be permanently deleted if I was able to find her other bus tweets relatively easily.

Because this is a private school, I would assume the school administrators would want to resolve this immediately if many parents have complained.

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