Sunday, September 4, 2011

Reality T.V. stars, their impressionable young fans, and body image

Kate Gosselin has many fans who are teenage girls. That's why a lot of people were outraged when she tweeted the following this weekend:

"Can never be tiny enough lol."

Kate has also mentioned dieting, exercise, and what size she wears, multiple times, including on Twitter (even uploading photos of her salad dinners), and in interviews, and even on the show (last week she was complaining about full fat creamer and mentioned she is a size four).

Like it or not, whether Kate is just being herself on a reality show, she has become a role model for (some) young girls, just like this age group looks up to actresses who read scripts. Kate's constant obsession with discussing her weight, her diet, and eating habits, and her exercise routine, is a bad example for vulnerable young teen girls who should be focused on school, sports and friends--not their bodies. Reality T.V. stars, especially those popular with young people, need to have an awareness of  their fanbase and an awareness of how what they are saying could influence a teenager. There is such a thing as too tiny and Kate should be aware of it--anorexic, bulimia, crash dieting, and poor body image run rampant among teenagers. Anyone in the public eye should guard what they say in this culture of body obsession.

416 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Pixie said... 1

Kate herself has FIVE young daughters. One of which seems to be struggling herself. What a bitch.

N.E. Psychologist said... 2

From the previous post.
Lake Up North said: " Now I'm not fat (says the pregnant lady) I used to be a size 9 once upon a time but still outside the house never fail to embarrass my two eldest children. Must be a gift."

It's not you. Most teens go through a stage where their parent(s) are a major source of embarrassment. Bear with them, it will get better.
The older they get, the smarter they will think you are. :)

Anonymous said... 3

Kate did not sleep in the RV with her children. The Vectra that Jamie and Ashley rode in has a king size bed, a sofa pullout (double) and a sofa. That puts the 3 older girls in the king and Jamie and her two other children on the sleeper and the sofa bed. Where does Ashley sleep? In the Challenger with the tups. The Challenger has a queen size bed, two bunk beds, a double sleeper sofa and a sofa. The boy tups are on the double and the sofa. Two of the girl tups are in the bunks and one tup plus an adult is in the queen. Raise of hands if anyone thinks that adult in the queen is Kate....if Kate than that still leaves no place for Ashley, logic dictates it was Ashley and Kate slept someplace else (with Steve). In addition, someone on twitter asked her if she named the RVs, Kate stated yes, but she named 3 names.."The Party Bus", the "Ant-Mobile (hers) and "The Lifesaver", hmmm how come the viewers never saw a third RV being filmed (The Lifesaver). Me thinks that is where Kate spent most of her time, away from her children, when not being filmed. Just another lie from our favorite supermom, but really, at this point does anyone expect anything less (or more)?

fidosmommy said... 4

My father once told me that there was nothing in the world worse than being fat. My mother was
a food control freak. 2 sisters dieted themselves to their peril, my brother and I decided that we wanted all the things Mom and Dad restricted in the house. It served no one well.

Focusing on numbers (on the scale, on the clothing label, whatever) is harmful.

I went to a hospital-led nutrition class. When I started the class the Registered Dietitian weighed me and measured my body fat index. I continued my hospital-led exercise program that I had participated in for over a year (treadmill, bike, each an hour.) It is for my heart and lung condition.

After the 16 week program was over, she measured weight and body fat again. I had lost 16 pounds and my body fat measurement went UP 5%. Neither one of us could believe it, but that's what she recorded.

That was the day I finally figured it out. Numbers don't always tell the true story. They often don't make sense. I hope Kate is not focusing on size and pounds with her children.

Dulcina said... 5

To add to fidosmommy's comment, the fashion industry is starting to size clothes in negative numbers.

J. Heather Leigh said... 6

I find it sad that any girl would look up to Kate. She's mean, bitter, and doesn't have an ounce of warmth or compassion in her whole body. Her parenting 'skills' (based on the filmed moments displayed for the country) are lacking. She always yelling, pointing, ordering, and never listening to anyone.

She mistakes discipline with 'punishment'-- two very different words. Discipline means 'to teach' and I have seen little evidence of her instructing anyone.

J. Heather Leigh said... 7

I wear a 6 and I am 'average'-- some dresses are in a size 4. I am NOT ultra-thin. I have 'curves' and cellulite. I have found that more expensive clothing is sized bigger.

Dulcina said... 8

have found that more expensive clothing is sized bigger.

Yes, sized bigger with a smaller size number.

Don't believe it said... 9

no mo worryin bout me said...
This is a link I found while looking for other info. It's talks about Kate having a gig on "The Talk"

The Hollywood Life blog is reporting that CBS show The Talk has now offered Kate a chance to become a co-host on the show.


As we discussed on a previous thread last week, Kate tweeted that she wished she was on the show and Hollybaby said they had not received confirmation on their story. It was most likely a plant by her PR firm and is BS. Don't believe it until you hear it on CBS or The Talk's own website.

"We’ve reached out to The Talk for comment and we’re waiting to hear back!"

Teresa said... 10

I'm wondering if all of Kart's celebrity "friends" have tweeted or phoned her offering their condolences or support because of the show's cancellation? Let's see how many she has .....

* Sherri Shepherd
* George Lopez
* Jimmy Fallon
* Kelly Clarkson
* Kelly Osbourne
* Joy Behar
* Kathy Griffin
* Taylor Swift

That's enough for now. I'm sure the above all sent flowers to her, or boxes of out-of-date cereal.

Terri said... 11

Kate needs to understand that true beauty comes from within.

Audible Click said... 12

As has been mentioned before, her diet plus the tanning and,perhaps,alcohol consumption is causing her to look at least a decade older than her true age. I believe that her really low fat diet is the underlying cause of her rapidly aging skin and her thin straw-like hair. Aside from her hair being thin, her hairline seems to be receding, it's quite noticeable when it is pulled back from her face. It's such a shame that what was once a fresh faced woman with thick glossy hair now looks like a worn out bag of bones.

Anonymous said... 13

Kate should sit down and have a long, serious talk with Demi Lovato, if she thinks one can never be tiny enough. Now there is a role model, who's been through the fire and come out the other side.


Who is responsible? said... 14

I think Kate is sending bad body image messages to her fans and her family. She's controlled the portions of food her kids eat, is on a very strict diet which she consumes in front of them, she makes a BIG deal out of her rabbit food diet (the kids have talked about it on multiple occasions on the show) and her young fans believe in and try to model almost everything she says and does. She has a direct influence and responsibility for the health of her family, but her fans are different.

The debate on whether a reality tv celeb, musician, athlete, or actor is or should be a role model will rage on for years and I'm not exactly sure which side of the fence I'm standing on. While I don't necessarily think they 'should' be role models, the fact remains that they ARE.

I guess if they cared about how closely their young and impressionable fans mimic their actions and lifestyle and the effects it has on them they might try to set a good example (but should they carry this burden?). Maybe they don't see how their actions aren't healthy for young fans or they don't feel they should be responsible for strangers (should they be responsible?). It's a catch 22 I guess. All I know is that if I knew young people were adopting bad habits based on things I did or said, I'd feel responsible and would try to change (but, would I have to change? no, and I guess neither should they). ~ Administrator said... 15

To me the question really isn't whether these people should be role models. In general, of course they shouldn't, they're just TV stars! But they ARE role models, their fans have already said they look up to them.

The question is, once you become a role model, what is your obligation to your fans? Should you be careful what you say because kids might be influenced?

My opinion is, yes. I think they are lumped into the same category as "people who work with kids."

Just like a teacher wouldn't talk all day long to her 9th grade girls about how much she wants to lose weight, neither should Kate.

Pixie said... 16

The question is, once you become a role model, what is your obligation to your fans? Should you be careful what you say because kids might be influenced?


Yes. Especially when you have 8 of your own.

N.E. Psychologist said... 17

The has described as "icky" and God knows what else are not immune either.

N.E. Psychologist said... 18

Should read: The boys that she has described as "icky" and God knows what else are not immune either.

JudyK said... 19

I've wanted to say this for a long time, and it's about Kate's lack of responsibility on Twitter in saying careless things to her tweener followers, as well as her personal responsibility, not only to herself, but to her eight (8) children in giving out so much information about her daily life. What I've wanted to post about for a long time now is the murder of Pam Dawber's co-star in the old series, "My Sister Sam," by an obsessed fan who first visited her on the set with roses and then tracked her down at her apartment and shot her point blank. I started to copy/paste, but it's just too is certainly worth a Google read--and, I believe, its own thread.

Jenna Does said... 20

I have blogged about this a lot. There is a huge issue with celebs & how young girls look up to them. Julianne Moore once said she "was sick of going to bed hungry".

Take Kelly Osbourne for instance. She looks great, yes. She looked great before. When she lost weight from being on DWTS, she got lashed out on by her larger fans because people thought she was turning her back on them. Kelly always said she comfortable in her own skin, whether she was heavier or thin. That wasn't fair to Kelly, to be "yelled at" by fans.

It should be all about health. With Kate, it's about looks. She obviously is more about looking great, not feeling great. And she isn't very careful about it. She has young daughters (& sons). This is a slippery slope. Children as young as 8 years old can develop eating disorders.

I have a feeling Kate puts a HUGE emphasis on looks, & not health. Just because it's organic means nothing. It's about the fact that it's organic & it's trendy. She is really not thinking about nutrition, eating right or a correct balance of carbs & protein, etc.

I hope that none of this rubs off on the kids in any way. Or her fan 'base'. This is dangerous, for anyone in any kind of spotlight. (As much as I loathe to say that). The only healthy way to lose weight is about 8 lbs a month. A quick weight gain is dangerous, as it's just water weight. Plus, it reeks havoc on your heart, liver, kidneys & other organs. (I have studied nutrition)

OK, I'll shut up now. But this is why most celebs don't say much, NOR should be asked about their weight. It's NOBODY'S frickin business!! (& we're all sick of your ass Kim Kardashian)
~Hippie Chick~

Tamara said... 21

Food, like everything else to Kate, is just another thing to control. Portion sizes for the kids have always been way off, and her little motto about what order to eat your lunch in is another problem. Most sane moms just tell their kids not to eat the desert portion of their lunch first. Kate takes it to a whole other level.

I am curious of what Mady and Cara think about their mom's clothing/hair/body choices? I'd be embarrassed as at that age if my Mom had dressed like that. Does their school teach nutrition?

Anonymous said... 22

Judy K -- Actress Theresa Saldana was brutally stabbed and nearly killed by a religious fanatic fan who became obsessed with her after she appeared in "Raging Bull". Of course, there's always Selena, too, who was murdered by her fan club president. It doesn't take much to tip some of these nuts over the edge. Kate's not only playing with her own life she's endangering those 8, count 'em, 8, kids she claims to do it all for.


J. Heather Leigh said... 23

My SIL is beautiful and focuses on her looks a LOT. She puts the effort into looking good and it shows. However, she is very restrictive with her diet. She will use the word "healthy" when in fact she means- LOW CALORIE/LOW FAT.

It's probably fair to say that our society has confused what is actually healthy and diet foods. Healthy is having a diet rich in vitamins and nutrients along with some 'good' fats. Kate's diet doesn't appear to be healthy to me.

What book are you reading? said... 24

The only healthy way to lose weight is about 8 lbs a month. A quick weight gain is dangerous, as it's just water weight. Plus, it reeks havoc on your heart, liver, kidneys & other organs. (I have studied nutrition)


Then how does the Biggest Loser get away with losing that amount in a week? Granted, most gain their weight back. The contestants' organs seem to get better, though, not worse.

It's a full-time job to loose that much that fast. I certainly wouldn't advocate it. But the contestants don't get any permanent damage to their organs. Not that I have heard, anyway.

Hippie Chick said... 25

Terri said...
Kate needs to understand that true beauty comes from within.
I believe the same thing; unfortunately, Kate is ugly on the inside. With a capital UGLY.

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii said... 26

Pixie said...

Kate herself has FIVE young daughters. One of which seems to be struggling herself.
I too have noticed the daughter that may seem to others, Including myself, to be struggling with herself. As I think on things I have seen and heard about these children, for myself, I can't think of any time I heard someone mentioning it. I hope that there isn't anything out there others have seen and I have missed.
I have suffered from problems of controlling my weight all my life. It is a very painful and embarrassing life. People try to compensate by saying, "yeah, but you have such a pretty face, or a pretty smile" which interprets to us as, but the rest of me is ugly. And the biggest well wisher, "but remember, beauty is only skin deep." Yeah, tell the world that. Tell the boy who you wish would ask you to the dance but instead ask you and then you see him run and laugh with his friends. Or the teachers who make one who is very thin make them come and ask you to dance cause it's gym class, and they have to. Only to have the teachers and classmates look and scoff while you dance.

These are not fictitious examples I gave, they are personal experiences.

I fear that Kate might taunt this daughter, but since I have no proof I will not accuse. But just the mere example of one obsessing over them self being "not tini enough" is a loud message to those who don't like themselves because they are too big.

Kate, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't listen anyway, but your comments about your food size is a loud message to your daughters about theirs.
If you don't show them your ok with being small, they will interpret that as you don't except them as being big. Doesn't matter what you say to them otherwise.

fidosmommy said... 27

Clearly Mady is not falling for Kate's dietary
restrictions. She was, after all, eating pizza.
And somebody on that bus was eating french fries.

Hippie Chick said... 28

What book are you reading said...
Then how does the Biggest Loser get away with losing that amount in a week? Granted, most gain their weight back. The contestants' organs seem to get better, though, not worse.

It's a full-time job to loose that much that fast. I certainly wouldn't advocate it. But the contestants don't get any permanent damage to their organs. Not that I have heard, anyway.
I have heard that a lot of contestants get very ill. There was one woman who spoke out who said that they put contestants in layered clothing, cranked the heat in the gym, withheld drinks, etc. This woman said she was throwing up everyday, had to go the ER, along with a few other contestants, & was seeing spots.

That show is a frigin joke. It is so unhealthy losing weight like that. Have you noticed that you don't really ever see the contestants much after? The weight probably comes back on quickly. I know there is no help afterwards, such as therapy, or so she says. Or a why? As in why did they get that way in the 1st place. It's a bad show, & the most unhealthy way to lose weight.

The book I read, before I received my Family Herbalist certificate was a college text book. It was 7 actually. I'm in the middle of getting my Clinical Herbalist/Holistic Wellness Practitioner cert. Trust me, I don't know everything, that's for sure! I just know that losing 80 lbs in 2 months or whatever doesn't seem...healthy.

Backed by major medical experts said... 29

Funny, she's the only one out of about a hundred(?) who spoke out. And she didn't get sued.

Regardless, they are medically supervised. ~ Administrator said... 30

Different doctors have different opinions on weight loss. Some may think rapid weight loss is dangerous, others think if properly supervised it's fine. Even if a doctor says Biggest Loser is not safe, it's also not safe to stay that obese.

One thing everyone says though is for the people who end up really skinny, they have to work out several hours a day to maintain. And yes, no one is disputing that people have gained the weight back, they even featured some of them on the show. ~ Administrator said... 31

By the way I used to hike around the Biggest Loser ranch, it's across the street from my favorite park, it's really pretty and tranquil when they are not filming.

Medical experts say.... said... 32

Even if a doctor says Biggest Loser is not safe, it's also not safe to stay that obese.


Exactly. Everyone has an opinion. They're like bellybuttons. But I think everyone can agree that obesity kills.

Jenna Does said... 33

I meant a quick weight LOSS is dangerous & reeks havoc on your organs. Sorry about that all!! (a quick weight gain is also unhealthy though)
~Hippie Chick~

Pixie said... 34

dannyswitzer danny switzer
@ @Kateplusmy8 @tangycrazy new show idea john plus 8 and you still get to see kids grow up
23 hours ago in reply to ↑

Kate Gosselin @dannyswitzer @tangycrazy yeah, that'll never happen!

Interesting exchange. If, and that's a pretty big 'if', Jon was offered and agreed to do Jon + 8 without Kate, she wouldn't let her kids do it. I thought the show was so 'wonderful', gave them 'amazing opportunities' and 'adventures' and that they 'bonded with the crew'?

I know Jon would never do it. I just find it interesting that Kate would deny her kids all these 'opportunites' she says the show gave them.

Cannot. Figure. Her. Out.

Rhymes with Witch said... 35

Cannot. Figure. Her. Out.

EASY. It's ALL about Kate.

Anonymous said... 36

(copied over from the previous thread)

That site you mentioned is mind boggling. LOL I stopped reading there long ago. can't take the excuses for Kate. Unreal.


I don't plan on visiting BM's site any more. I've only been there a handful of times and I couldn't stomach all the excuses they were making for Kate. How in the flipping world do they not see through Kate?! It truly boggles the mind.

Also, I can't understand why they call us the haters, especially when they wished Jon would get run over by a bus. That sounds hateful to me. ~ Administrator said... 37

If Kate means that Jon would never get Jon Plus 8 because he just wouldn't do it, she's probably right.

But if she is suggesting that Jon would never get Jon Plus 8 because she would never LET it......that is absolutely, positively, the most hypocritical thing she has ever said in her life.

Pixie said... 38

But if she is suggesting that Jon would never get Jon Plus 8 because she would never LET it......that is absolutely, positively, the most hypocritical thing she has ever said in her life.

Ahhhh! As always, Admin. succintly posts my thought vomits. Thanks!

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 39

Excellent topic, Administrator.

Kate's "Can never be tiny enough lol" is troubling to say the least. Especially when she has a fanbase that emulates her.

IMO, Kate's approach to diet and exercise is just like her approach to everything else in her extremes.

But, whatever.

Obviously, Kate can do whatever she wants with her body. I'm just surprised she isn't aware that young impressionable people are listening to her, and very willing to copy everything she does as well.

You would think that as an adult, Kate would know better?

Hippie Chick said... 40

A Pink Straight Jacket said...
You would think that as an adult, Kate would know better?
An adult with a 12 year old mind.

Rhymes with Witch said... 41

You would think that as an adult, Kate would know better?

Even IF she does, she DOESN'T care.

Anonymous said... 42

Re Biggest Loser: I read one interview where one of the contestants said that the filmed "weekly" weigh ins aren't really per 7 days. Once it was 12 days between weigh ins to show more dramatic loss. If you google you can probably find the article.

There was also a local profile in my regional paper about a contestant who gained about 15 pounds after the finale. He said the show was ALL about losing weight, NOT being healthy. He started eating more and started a sensible workout plan. He gained weight, but he is at a healthy weight, not skinny.

And then there is the Eric fiasco, who WON and then gained it ALL back, citing real world pressures and perceptions as well as the television network's lack of attention or help to contestants once the show was over.

silimom said... 43

I think what Kate means is that she believes no one would offer Jon a show (thanks for the tips about italics!!! :-) )

And honestly, she'd of course try and stop it. After all, he tried to stop her and succeeded once. This is the woman who divorced her husband because he didn't want to continue filming their show - instead he wanted to take a step back and work on their marriage.

rolling eyes Don't understand her and probably never will. ~ Administrator said... 44

It's so funny to me Kate is still throwing these insults at Jon.

I love to remind Kate of some fascinating statistics:

Four years of the show with Jon: success.

One year of the show with just Kate: failed.

Anonymous said... 45

Orthorexia--it may or may not be a "real" eating disorder, but it sure sounds a lot like Kate.

C, who still has issues with Blogger

Teresa said... 46

@ Silimom....'And honestly, she'd of course try and stop it. After all, he tried to stop her and succeeded once. This is the woman who divorced her husband because he didn't want to continue filming their show - instead he wanted to take a step back and work on their marriage."
Ahhhh but Jon cited that the show was detrimental to the kids....she said it was wonderful for the kids, opportunities, travel etc., so l wold love to hear the reasons the bitch would present in court as to why Jon couldn't film the show with the to see that play out with the money judge. ~ Administrator said... 47

You know it never struck me before but the ultimate payback Jon could ever hand to Kate? To pitch a show with HIM and the kids to TLC. I bet you they would lap it up. Kate would look like a complete fool to try to take him to court. After all the point was to make money and go on trips, right? Why can't Jon do the same?

She'll have some convoluted excuse.

Of course I would never want Jon to do this to the kids, and I'm confident he never would. But the idea of it is funny. ~ Administrator said... 48

As it is the paps barely took any photos this summer, what in the world is she talking about? There were a few jogging photos, one or two of her out with the kids, and that was it. I can count it on one hand. They by no means stalked her all summer, not at all. And on the trip there wasn't one pap photo.

Also, forget that all she thinks about is the money the paps are making off it (not that it's traumatic for the kids, who cares about them), doesn't she understand? Pap photos keep you relevant. Yes they may make the cold hard cash, but it's like free advertising for her. She can't put a price on that. Most celebs, even though they hate being invaded by the paps, are at least able to see the benefit of staying so public. You could hire a plane to fly over small towns with a banner with your name and picture, but the free pap pics are a lot cheaper. Does she not see this???

I wouldn't trust her to run a lemonade stand, she has the business sense of a slug.

Twittering and a Twattering said... 49

@Kateplusmy8 @askbabymama I am risking sounding out of it but WHO is Chris?

@Beach__lover @kateplusmy8 I'm not all big on the paparazzi lingo... What's INF?

Not only is she great with teenage girls, but she's smart, too! :) Maybe if she weren't so busy sending flowers and homemade gifts, and shopping for expired cereal, she'd know who Chris and INF are! She's such a faithful follower of Kate and she missed all of the Chris/paps happenings?

@Kateplusmy8 Hoping you got thru ur running around w/o too much bother. Was thinking about u...

I'll bet. Like 24/7!

Kate tweeted:

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@juliaplus2 adidas gel kayanos

Um, Kate, it's Asics, not Adidas!

Twittering and a Twattering said... 50

admin said, I wouldn't trust her to run a lemonade stand, she has the business sense of a slug.


I think that's being too kind!

Cindy said... 51

How many 36 yr old mothers say you can never be tiny enough? Self absorbed ones do. She tweeted that her BMI is 21. Anyone know if that is normal?

Dallas Lady said... 52

I'm far more concerned about the effect of her extreme food control and poor self-image on her kids, all of them. Yes, she's a HORRIBLE example for anyone when it comes to health (the tanning alone is awful and extremely risky), but the kids will be the most affected and more directly affected than anyone.

My mom was bulimic (was a beauty queen in her early 20s, absolutely gorgeous) and both my brother and I have struggled with food and self-image issues our whole lives.

Getting Dangerous? said... 53

From another thread - a bit off topic, but not completely as it (potentially) speaks to the impressions Kate is making on impressionable young minds (and very naive older ones also!). In the event the BIG SURPRISE is an announcement that she and Steve/Purseboy/Ratclaws - whatever - are in fact a couple...wouldn't that paint her as the ultimate betrayer of an "old family friendship" that included Steve's wife? Would she then be promoting husband-stealing as well as all her other quirks? I seem to recall very well that when the rumors first started about an inappropriate relationship between Kate and her bodyguard (and Jon's suspicions too, I believe), she quickly dismissed them as nonsense - that the Neilds (plural) had been close family friends for (I'm sure she said 9 years at that point). Would the fans turn a blind eye to this as well? Would confirm many, many suspicions about Kate's lack of morals. Where is Gina Neild anyways?? Where has she been for the past year or more? Maybe Miss Katie is nothing better than a skuzzy predator... Still sleeping in the garage Steve? Hmmmm....

Audible Click said... 54

Twittering and a Twattering said...
"Um, Kate, it's Asics, not Adidas!"

She called them Adidas when she first started tweeting and was corrected at the time by several people. It boggles my mind how mentally dull ahe is.

Lake Up North said... 55

Oh I know it's not just me. All parent's eventually become this and it's normal. I have 6 daughters, a 15 year old, an 11 year old, a 10 year old, a 9 year old, 4 year old and a 2 year old and that's just the girls. I've been through the drama of becoming your own person and I think in today's world girls are so run down with the image of being thin, being perfect, being this image that is not attainable. It isn't.

Kate, no matter how much she can control or think she can control herself may very well one day find herself in danger over he health or danger of her 5 daughters. No child deserves to be subject to strict regiment of food. Food is food. Yes the bad options are there as well as the good and you can't solely focus on one or the other.

Body shapes are all different, the react differently and that is something the current generation has forgotten. If Kate was anyone else she might very well be concerned that a 35 year old is tweeting her own daughters about such, I don't wish to say graphic but a very real and dangerous way to express diet and lifestyle. But she is Kate and I don't see her thinking about the serious consequences of her actions, oh...boy do I sound like I just scolded my own daughter that is not something someone should have to say about an adult!

To those who have posted in response to me or other people and their terrible situations, I don't ask to be anyone's role model I ask that everyone else look at what you have, cherish it, cherish your memories. To those who have buried loved ones or lost love or maybe even yourself along the way indeed keep your faith whatever it may be and keep true to yourself for you and your family.

If I knew how as a few of my friends have suggested writing to me to start a blog but I haven't the slightest idea how to start a small private blog. Support is nice but I'm not profession, I don't except sympathy and unlike Kate even though I have had to learn to live on a tighter salary I took a few of my eldest children to help clean an elder ladies house as she is unable to do much mobile wise. I may be 8-months pregnant but it never excuses one not to do hard work for someone else who can't.

a coincidence is not the same as an accident said... 56

I have a question for those of you who follow the twittering:

How do kate's tweenies view their own mothers? Are their moms like kate, and that is why they are fans?

Or, are their moms the opposite of kate (i.e. probably what most would consider good mothers), and that is why they are fans; they wish their own moms were just like kate (PERISH the thought)?

I just don't get it!! hahaha, I just realized that I quoted an original saying of kate's without her permission

Hippie Chick said... 57

BMI measures your Body Mass Index. It really depends on your height & weight. I'm 5'8" & weigh 140. My BMI is 21, which is normal. Here's a website to measure yours.

fidosmommy said... 58

Asics, Adidas..... looks like she's hinting at endorsements for either one. Either or both will do. She's got 9 pair of feet for their ads.

TLC ship is sinking said... 59

I doubt there's a big surprise or major announcement in the finale episode. I think Kate said that to persuade people to watch. It's possible TLC told her they would consider doing future specials if ratings meet their expectations, which is why she's still encouraging people to watch tomorrow's episode even though it's about her big ridiculous meltdown.

Who knows...maybe Kate makes-up with Jamie and Ashley in the finale. It was filmed after the cancellation was announced. Best friends forever. And they all lived happily ever after...

Dulcina said... 60

Bringing this over from the previous thread.

"Jon is doing his very best right now for the kids - even with his hands tied. Some of us know more than we can share.
There's a reason he's so quiet and pretty much out of the limelight.""

What is being done 'in real life' has nothing to do with the media and the general public"

Vaya con Dios, Jon. (Go with God). Buena suerte. (Good luck).

TLC ship is sinking said... 61

a coincidence is not the same as an accident said...

...hahaha, I just realized that I quoted an original saying of kate's without her permission

Better watch out, Kate might sue you for

Sherill said... 62

From the great Salon article: These shows thrive on concocted conflict. the participants are chosen based on their willingness to say and do the most ugly, unpleasant and extreme things to each other while cameras roll. Nobody gets selected to be on a show like this because they seem reasonable and well-adjusted, except as contrasted with other participants who scheme, lie, showboat, abuse and manipulate friends and family, and otherwise behave in ways that would get them fired from work, ostracized by their peers, arrested by police or strongly urged to seek counseling immediately for fear of hurting themselves, their loved ones or society.

Moose Mania said... 63

Anonymous said...

Orthorexia--it may or may not be a "real" eating disorder, but it sure sounds a lot like Kate.


It also sounds like a foot disorder that comes from cramming your feet into shoes that are a size too small, or a lung disease from inhaling too much pesticide.

Teresa said... 64

"You get what you get and you don't get upset" Another of Kate's quotes. Why doesn't it apply to ratclaws when he wanted Maddy's slice of pizza? Oh, right, he doesn't eat mac and cheese.'

Meagler said... 65

Kate just threw Ashley and Jamie under the bus again.. someone twitted that the 2 women with her on the RV were really disrespectful to Kate, and why did she have them with her... and she replies..." ummm"...

Where's the.... " Oh no, its all editing, they are my bestest friends, and they just love my kids, and they help me out all the time, if it were not for them, I do not know how I would survive" ......

Nope..nada...not a word to defend her besties :(

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii said... 66

fidosmommy said...

My father once told me that there was nothing in the world worse than being fat.
Sorry fidosmommy, I humbly disagree. Pointing it out to the ones who are is the worst thing.

Sherill said... 67

Teresa @ 2:54 - Well she sure did hear from Jimmy Kimmel through his parody. It's brutal and it's too bad that the kids are now the butt of late night fodder & jokes but Kate still insists that she wouldn't change a thing about filming the heck out of her children for the past 6 yrs.

Anonymous said... 68

I'm posting this as anonymous although I post under another name.

A few nights ago, I tweeted to the twat that she has an easy disorder likely bulimia. You can tell by her obsession with calories and eating and so-called excessive exercising.

She also has visible indications by her facial lines (the line on both sides between nose and mouth), the gaunt look and bags under her eyes--- they all point to Bulimia. My good friend is a social worker and can easily identify someone with this problem.

Compare Karen Carpenter's picture and Kart's picture and you'll see the similarities.

Kart does not lose weight from RUNNING. That is B.S. She's turning to something else to relieve her stress.

And her kids are probably fully aware of it.

Teresa said... 69

p.s. I don't care if ratclaws did have first 'dibs' on it from the night before. No mother should take food from the mouths of their children to give it to ANY man. Still fuming about that.

Teresa said... 70

Sherill....yup, saw that. Just the start now with the cancellation. The late night talk shows are going to have a blast with her now. Pity they will bring in the 8 alongside their skits.

Whoaaa, l have a cp that lies to me too. Says l was 'published' when l haven't written anything.

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii said... 71

My friend posted this on facebook. I thought I might give you a giggle.

Bob forgot his wedding anniversary. His wife was mad. She told him "Tomorrow morning, I expect to find a gift in the driveway that goes from 0 to 200 in 6 seconds AND IT BETTER BE THERE!!!" The next morning when his wife woke up, she looked out the window to find a box… gift-wrapped in the middle of the driveway. She opened it and found a brand new bathroom scale. . . Bob has been missing since Friday!

fidosmommy said... 72

no mo worryin bout me said...
fidosmommy said...

My father once told me that there was nothing in the world worse than being fat.
Sorry fidosmommy, I humbly disagree. Pointing it out to the ones who are is the worst thing.


Oh, I fully agree with you. My dad's bias
negatively affected all 4 of his kids.

fidosmommy said... 73

Anonymous said.....
A few nights ago, I tweeted to the twat that she has an easy disorder likely bulimia. You can tell by her obsession with calories and eating and so-called excessive exercising.


That sounds more like anorexia. Bulimia is when you binge on 1,000's of calories in one sitting and then purge it so the calories don't count.
Anorexia is basically not eating, accompanied by
constant exercise. Both are sooooo dangerous!

New Hampshire said... 74

Here ya go guys and gals, Dead Eyes is what she is.
Any day now she will dash to the rocks the poor sheeple organizing a meet and greet. She is a destroyer.

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii said... 75

Don't believe it said...

no mo worryin bout me said...

As we discussed on a previous thread last week, Kate tweeted that she wished she was on the show and Hollybaby said they had not received confirmation on their story. It was most likely a plant by her PR firm and is BS. Don't believe it until you hear it on CBS or The Talk's own website.
Thanks for clearing that up for me, Don't believe it. I must have missed it.

TLC ship is sinking said... 76

Teresa said..."You get what you get and you don't get upset" Another of Kate's quotes. Why doesn't it apply to ratclaws when he wanted Maddy's slice of pizza? Oh, right, he doesn't eat mac and cheese.'

Or salad.

Kate doesn't do dietary requirements. Unless your Steve. Not a Steve-look-alike.

fidosmommy said... 77

In my opinion, Dr. Lillian Glass is unreadable.
She really needs to get spellcheck and some clue
about sentence structure. Whatever she is trying to say gets lost in the muddle of misses.

Pam said... 78

Funny, I was JUST thinking about who these teenaged fans are and WHY on earth would they look up to Kate.

I think they are loners. I don't think they have many, if any, real life friends.

They see Kate as someone like them. No friends.

I think these young girls ( a-hem, and a certain middle aged woman ) think that Kate is low enough on the celebrity totem pole to get to.

I think they really believe if they tweet with her enough, they can become her new BFF.

It's really so sad that she leads them on on Twitter, because in real life if she ever crossed paths with them, she'd snub them in a nanosecond. Look how awful she treats Jamie and Jamie got to sleep with her.

Sienna said... 79

Not sure about the binge thing ... didn't someone say that at the Easter epi that she was stuffing candy in her mouth and Mady called her on it?? Candy that was meant for the plastic eggs?

Bah Bah Black Sheep said... 80

I don't know - I don't think I'll ever be able to understand the mind of a sheeple.
There is one woman tweeting that she's having a hard time financially, and she wants Kate's autograph to put under the Christmas tree for her kids. She also asked Kate what she does with her little girls' used clothing (subtle hint to be a recipient).


Huh? You're either a fan or you're not! Is there middle-of-the-road when it comes to fandom in the Kate world?

The weight issue - Kate tweeted:

@Will37SWM are u saying I need to gain some weight... Cuz that's not gonna happen..

Guess she'll stay a bag of bones for a long, long time.

She's such a control freak, and her weight may be the only thing that she can control. Jon high-tailed it out of there, the kids are growing up, TLC left her high and dry. She can, however, control her looks (with plastic surgery); the color of her skin (with tanning) and her weight (by starving herself).

Speaking of sheeple, this brownlow fanatic is writing a book. Perhaps a motive in befriending Kate is to have Kate help her find a publisher! Just a thought...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 81

Moose Mania said...

It also sounds like a foot disorder that comes from cramming your feet into shoes that are a size too small, or a lung disease from inhaling too much pesticide.


I snorted!!! That was so funny.

Mimi to 3 said... 82

Finale show 'big surprise':

1. An announcement of her engagement to Steve.

2. She and Jon are getting back together to continue filming.

Yeah, I agree, #2 not so much. #1 much more likely.

Teresa said... 83

No mo....that was funny! We always need a laugh when snarkin' about Kart - thanks!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 84

fidosmommy said...

In my opinion, Dr. Lillian Glass is unreadable.
She really needs to get spellcheck and some clue
about sentence structure. Whatever she is trying to say gets lost in the muddle of misses.

I agree especially since she calls herself a "communication expert."

Bah Bah Black Sheep said... 85

idosmommy said...

In my opinion, Dr. Lillian Glass is unreadable.
She really needs to get spellcheck and some clue
about sentence structure. Whatever she is trying to say gets lost in the muddle of misses.


I would be embarrassed beyond belief to put that garbed mess of grammar and spelling errors on any page with my name on it.

@wildfirecrew will do someday. No help just me and kids and maybe someday a 'tenth' person... :)


So who stays with the kids while she runs ten miles? Kate cleans a 6,000-plus square foot house, as well as taking care of the pool and the yard? She thinks her sheeple really believe that?

Mandy said... 86

Can someone fill me in on where it is said that there is going to be a big surprise on the finale? Or is that just speculation?

librarylady said... 87

"She's such a control freak, and her weight may be the only thing that she can control"

Black Sheep is right - control issue and self-esteem issues. I'm sure she has problems with both.

I wish people wouldn't comment at all her weight - it only feeds the desire to lose more because it is attention-getting behavior with her.

I had a time in my life where I was what was called "borderline" anorexic (borderline because I was able to pull myself out of it before it became so serious as to affect my health). I had self-esteem and control issues when I was an older teenager because I was such a wallflower, lol (nothing like Kate apparently, thank goodness), and the more people commented on my weight, the more I wanted to lose. Nothing made me feel better than if people asked me if I had been seriously ill because I was so thin! It couldn't have boosted my self-esteem more - wild, isn't it? I never saw it as negative attention for quite some time - it just encouraged me to increase and intensify my behavior. And I SOOO see that in Kate, from her comments and behavior.

So, the more we all comment and notice, the better it makes her feel to gain the attention, and so she does more for more attention, and the cycle continues...and if she reads this ever, my comments will annoy her because they have her pegged - but she will still continue the behavior because she'll feel like she "has to show THEM!", gain more attention, and on it will go...

I am becoming increasingly embarrassed for her constantly desperate tweets fishing for compliments. They really are increasing as of late. Fits the pattern.

Dwindle said... 88

well, here's the thing: I believe Katie is absolutley thrilled with this new topic thread. Thrilled to hear she is a role model, thrilled that we have noticed how thin and food restrictive she, because she thinks it is all a VERY GOOD thing!

She doesnt care about her 5 daughters (other than how they make her look to the media), she thinks she is demanding good eating habits out of them, in her mind that is why she controls their food so tightly. She doesnt think anything she does is a bad example; she is certain that she is a shining example of a strong woman and that she is 'leading them by example' or some other stupid theory.

She doesnt see that she teaches them rage, physical violence, intolerance, self-centeredness, immediate gratification at the expense of long term results, and that they will never ever be good enough for her or anyone else; etc.

In my opinion, Kate's body obsession is merely a symptom of her self-loathing, her rage at others ("see? I hurt myself and YOU make me do it! I'll show you now!"), and her need to have complete control of every.single.aspect.of.her.radar.

She is reading this thread and very pleased that we have noticed how successful in her goals she is. Try telling Kate that bare feet should never feel cold in the snow - it makes as much sense to her as telling her she is harming herself and others.

Teresa said... 89

Obsessive, Abusive, Orthorexic, Narcissism, Bulimic, OCD, Germaphobe, Misandrist, Abusive, Lazy, Mean. Its all the friggin same to me...


Dwindle said... 90

@ librarylady - I didnt see your fine post right above mine before I posted, you said exactly what I was trying to say and you said it much better!!

In short, this topic is thrilling to Katie. In her mind we are proving her right.

librarylady said... 91

But, ahhh, Teresa, she doesn't care - because you NOTICED her!!!! That's how it works.

librarylady said... 92

Dwindle, were you reading my mind? lol!

Teresa said... 93

Re Dr Lillian Glass, l has to stop reading her blog however interesting the topic was, because of the way she writes. It always gave me such a headache trying to figure out what she was saying. I'm no Shakespeare, and l can barely write a shopping list, but l know good writing when l read it. Shining example to me is Admin and her recaps!

Teresa said... 94

lol Librarylady. I hear you. She likes to be noticed so she can pretend to ignore you. Is there a medical term for that too?

Dwindle said... 95

fidosmommy said... In my opinion, Dr. Lillian Glass is unreadable.
She really needs to get spellcheck and some clue
about sentence structure. Whatever she is trying to say gets lost in the muddle of misses

I agree. She writes like a 3rd grader and I am embarrassed for her when reading her stuff. It is very hard to take her seriously as any kind of trained expert. I know when she is challenged about anything she gets very defensive and repetitive about her experience. I saw her once on CNN / HLN and she comes across as kind of kooky. I just cant put any credence in anything she says or writes.

Anonymous said... 96

My friend posted this on facebook. I thought I might give you a giggle.

Bob forgot his wedding anniversary. His wife was mad. She told him "Tomorrow morning, I expect to find a gift in the driveway that goes from 0 to 200 in 6 seconds AND IT BETTER BE THERE!!!" The next morning when his wife woke up, she looked out the window to find a box… gift-wrapped in the middle of the driveway. She opened it and found a brand new bathroom scale. . . Bob has been missing since Friday!


I love this! Mind if I copy and paste it onto Facebook as well?

Also, if Steve & Kate ever were to come out as a couple (not that I think it'll happen), I wonder if the sheeple would congratulate Kate and blame Steve's wife, or think it's just a rumor that he's married. Anything to defend their precious Katie. Barf.

Kate doesn't rate said... 97

So who stays with the kids while she runs ten miles? Kate cleans a 6,000-plus square foot house, as well as taking care of the pool and the yard? She thinks her sheeple really believe that?

Her sheeple do believe that. They believe every single word she tweets, no questions asked.

Just curious said... 98

Mandy said...

Can someone fill me in on where it is said that there is going to be a big surprise on the finale? Or is that just speculation?
It's included in the description of the 9/12 episode on TLC website under "daily schedule" 9/12.

J. Heather Leigh said... 99

Dr. Glass is usually a horrible speller but this last entry was not so bad. I think she took someone up on their offer to proof for her.

Lake Up North said... 100

You know I used to live in a world where parents checked up on there kids. They knew their friends, where they went. I don't understand how parents of any teenager could just allow them to run with this amount of freedom online. The fact that Kate's oldest girls are pushing teen years and I feel very afraid if she talks to teens this way she might not have a problem with letting her girls talk to someone older and that's just not something that should be acceptable but then I read and I can't get it through my skull why parents leave electronic devices to watch kids. Can only hope maybe once her show is gone she'll cancel twitter.

Those with children you have to know where and who they are talking to. It's just that simple even if the kids don't like it in the end it could prevent a problem or something critical.

It's as if beating a dead horse. Kate isn't going to change. Young dog, too complicated of a trick for her to learn obviously, or something like that. But I honestly swear if I ever hear her say how hard it is to support 8 kids on a nurse's salary don't be surprised if I crawl right through my computer to wring her tweeting neck! You support your family by passing on uneeded items, you live on a budget, you splurge less, you give up things but you never EVER take charity if you still have a roof over your head and clothes to wear and food to eat. Never. And I am almost livid Kate allowed people to send her children clothing at Christmas or birthdays. It's pathetic. Her kids don't look lacking for clothes or necessities and she should be ashamed she allowed her and her family to be pitied when she was earning a pay check from nursing and TLC.

Gosselin Gossip said... 101

Mandy said...

Can someone fill me in on where it is said that there is going to be a big surprise on the finale? Or is that just speculation?

Speculation based on Kate's reply. Here's the full exchange:

@Midwesternwoman does not matter ;)
@Livin4LifeLove @Kateplusmy8 after Monday I'm done watching TLC. I watch ur show knowing the editing process. They leave ALOT out.
3 Sep

replies ↓

Livin4LifeLove Living4Life
@Midwesternwoman @Kateplusmy8 Don't jump too soon! There is one last show on 9/12 that says "The Finale". Hope it ends on a good note.

in reply to ↑

Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@Livin4LifeLove @Midwesternwoman Will-- and if ever an ep to watch, the finale is THE one... You will all see why if you watch it...

Also, from TLC's site:

The Finale

Kate and her 8 kids have made unforgettable memories over the past 7 years of filming. As the show comes to a close, the Gosselins say goodbye to the fans and reminisce about their favorite memories. Also, hear from family friends about their experiences.

Mel said... 102

Link to fishing scene, day 2

This scene apparently didn't make it into the show, since it was on day 2.

In Kate's tweet from above:
@achildforgiven wow have fun! My boys always ask me to take them fishing... Um, I like it but not an expert!

Sure didn't look she like fishing very much in that scene, eh?

Ingrid said... 103

Mel, Link doesn't work for me

Laurie said... 104

Wasn't there an episode (maybe Philly) where Mady wanted only a salad instead of the sandwich? I do think she is teaching them bad eating habits and not healthy ones. Remember how Kate scarfed down that Philly Cheasesteak with the cheese though?

Sienna said... 105

Well, I am almost certain that the complaint about the creamer in the RV is a full out proof Kate is totally nuts, the coffee mate she was holding (light blue bottle, I have the same one at home and is french vanilla) the low fat kind only has like 20 cal less then the reg kind...and THAT upset her?? WOW, she is really nuts and must log her calories and count every bits of what she eats, that is def. wrong any way you look at it.

Anonymous said... 106

I haven't read everything that was posted.. But I must say this. My daughter is nearing 18 and has no clue who Kate gosselin is!! I made sure of that.. Thank god. My son whom just turned 16 could care less and has no clue about Kate either.. See, when their show first started, my kids were younger.. I watched it first.. I knew then, the show wasn't fit for young teens/kids. Who in the world would let their kids watch that? It's okay for a woman slap their husband? It's okay to let your kid to watch another scream and be mean? Sitcoms are on thing.. This is supposed to be reality. Right? Well. Whatever.. I can't believe parents would even allow their teen to watch.. Thanks to Kate, abuse might be the norm. Slapping your spouse will be like breathing.
I'm typing on my iPad hard to fix certain things. Please forgive.

Kate doesn't rate said... 107

Sienna said...I have the same one at home and is french vanilla) the low fat kind only has like 20 cal less then the reg kind...and THAT upset her??

Geeze, I feel so sorry for her kids. You know she goes off on them the same way.

Sienna said... 108

I know and she doesn't realize that she most always triggers it... like last year when she was making luunches I think in her hiddieos tapestry dress, when she is asking who wants mustard or mayo on thheir sandwiches all at once instead of asking one kid at a time! NO DUH....6 kids, 6 answers..they were 6 years old for freakin's sake!

Mel said... 109

Oops! I never can remember exactly how to do the link thing.

Notice how Kate is freaking that they'Ve already had showers and now 'THEIR HANDS ARE DIRTY!!!!" Sure sounds like she likes fishing to me!

Fishing Scene

Teresa said... 110

lmao...a Kart lover just blasted Dr Lilian Glass on her blog and Dr Glas is letting her have it with both barrels! Spelling errors galore and Dr Glass made sure to add the poster email address! 0 Kart lover 1 to Dr Glass...

Mel said... 111

I didn't catch that before....she's offering SALADS to 7 year olds and 11 year olds?????

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii said... 112

Lake Up North said...

To those who have post I don't ask to be anyone's role model I ask that everyone else look at what you have, cherish it, cherish your memories.
Lakes, one of my favorite sayings that I try to live by is "If we only focus on our problems we will never see clear enough to recognize the answer". Sometimes life throws a curve ball and were so shaken that the things that seemed to make sense, doesn't anymore. If I was at such a low and was trying to jump off a bridge, and you saw me, I'm sure you would do everything in you power to convince me not to jump. You would have the experience of this horrible moment in you life to share with me to prove that nothing is ever bad enough to end this way. If you could make it through yours then I could mine.
You would not feel like a hero or anything special. You would probably walk away and not give it a another thought. When in reality, you had just saved a life.

Lakes, you will probably not know anyone on this blog that is playing out that scenario as we speak. Your sharing just might be that one thing they needed to knock them back in to focus on the answer. With out knowing that you just being a mom actually made you a hero. It's not a burden for you to take on, just a blessing you that you shared.

I don't need a role model. I just need to know someone has felt the the same way I do and made it through.

Oh The Humanity said... 113

I can't see how they could explain away her recent man-hunt forays with the finale surprise being a Steve hook up. I get a little sick thinking it's yet another undeserved reward for the twit. I can only hope that TLC & Kate are over-selling it. Yuck

Sienna said... 114

of course they are over selling it, wonder what she'll do without her precious sponsors now? Who will buy her dish soap and her appliances or her laundry detergent and kid's shampoo and detangler???

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 115

Teresa said...Dr Glass made sure to add the poster email address!

Dr. Glass made a commenter's email public? Is that what you're saying? If so, that's totally unprofessional. I've seen a lot of flame wars in my days on the internet. That is NOT done even in the heat of anger...only by slugs.

Warmth Of The Sun said... 116

Sheeple twatted,

@Kateplusmy8 @achildforgiven My uncle runs a charter boat on the Eastern Shore...say the word & we can take you out!


ANOTHER one! They keep coming out of the woodwork, or should I say barnyard.

They're like barnacles, suspension feeders that attach themselves to their hosts, and the only way to remove them is to scrape them off.

Is Kate in a scraping mood, or will she continue to feed the little encrusters?

Ingrid said... 117

Thanks Mel. I have trouble too.

Of course she would have trouble with fishing. She is used to deep sea type fishing and crew to touch the fish for her. They probably have a scuba diver under water to hook it on her pole for her too.

Teresa said... 118

It's true Admin....go see

Teresa said... 119

It was done to me on the other blog by someone's name that rhymes with Karla. man was l pissed about that.

prairiemary said... 120

I have a question about kate's inner thigh in the picture above-if she runs all of the time, works out downstairs, watches every calorie she puts in her mouth, and has had some surgical enhancements-then what makes all of that skin hang down in folds like that? Really, I would like to know.It's as if you do all the work, yet the results aren't that great. Why bother?

Friend In Pennsylvania said... 121

Mel said...I didn't catch that before....she's offering SALADS to 7 year olds and 11 year olds?????


My three-year-old would rather eat a salad than a burger, hot dog or mac and cheese! She dives right in for the tomatoes, with or without dressing!
I'd rather have a Philly cheesesteak!

Teresa said... 122

Not only the e-mail address, but the IP address too....... WOW!

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii said... 123

SmileyGrl752 said.
Bob forgot his wedding anniversary. His wife was
I love this! Mind if I copy and paste it onto Facebook as well?
I guess so. My friend posted it on my fb. I looked for a link and couldn't find one.

Teresa said... 124

Note to self: Don't piss off Dr Lillian Glass! wow just wow! ~ Administrator said... 125

I looked at it, I'm not sure why that one sheeple comment set her off. It could have easily been disputed with a well-crafted rebuttal post. She didn't say anything we haven't heard before. Essentially her argument was "waa-waa but Jon is bad TOOOO." This is a classic confusion of the issues. We're not talking about Jon we're talking about Kate and her body language. Jon is a separate issue. It's the old "look over here look look don't look at that." Simple to chew up and spit out without revealing someone's IP.

I'm embarrassed she exposed someone's email and IP. That is an intimidation tactic, not a debate. ~ Administrator said... 126

I haven't looked at her blog much but now I see what you're talking about with the mistakes. Is it possible she's typing this on some kind of ipad? It reminds me of my friend who talks to me on IM on her ipad, she gets very frustrated. Often people very left brained however don't necessarily have good command of the English language. I pity her book editor though.

Portrait Of Jennie said... 127

Not only the e-mail address, but the IP address too....... WOW!


Do you have a link? Thanks!

Sooverit said... 128

PJ's momma,
(From the last thread) I'm so sorry to hear about that young man losing his battle with leukemia. It really makes the entire Gosselin fiasco seem dumber than ever. My sweet sister-in-law is 3 weeks away from her due date with her 3rd child. She started having contractions today, so she went to the hospital to see if she was really in labor. Unfortunately she learned her baby has died. So now she's in labor, sobbing that she can't do it. My heart is breaking for her. Just 2 weeks ago she learned that her husband has been having an affair for the past year. I wonder if all the stress from that is what harmed the baby. Is that even possible? It's just a sad, sad day for our family. Makes me say, "Kate who?"

Teresa said... 129

That is really bad and sad news. I am so sorry for her. I can't imagine what she is going through, l just don't understand how some people have the world at their feet and just blow it and some have their hearts and lives shattered when it's so undeserved. I am so sorry to hear your news.

Teresa said... 130

hey jude said... 131

To: Corn on the cob jelly, Sorry, I am such a sheeple( hanging my head!) I never thought of google, I really am new to this computer stuff!

I thought it might be one of those family recipes or church cook-book type, sorry....

hey jude said... 132

Pj's momma,

So sorry to hear about your young friend's passing. Such a sad day for his family and friends, after he was such a fighter for five yrs. My heart breaks for all of you.Hugs and prayers to all of you as you try and deal with this horrible event.

Sooverit, Sorry to hear about the baby and your sister's ordeal. Sometimes there are no words. Sending a prayer for you and your family. I cannot imagine burying my baby,ever.

I hope both of you and the families can find some peace in these horrible circumstances.

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii said... 133

RT @TANGYCRAZY @Kateplusmy8 hey i am so sad@kate+8 ending!i really wanted 2c all the kids grow up THEY WILL GROW UP,SRY ALL WILL MISS IT!
Look at this poor pity me,poor pity you guilt trip. She might as well say it. You should have worked harder to get me more subjects to hail me.

Phoenix Rising said... 134

@genrealmomof3 @Kateplusmy8 @superpattypie @askbabymama ...and photos taken without your consent and sold for $ you will never see...get it?

Get it, Brown...there is nothing illegal about taking photos in a public domain and selling them. Gawd - is this person dumber than Kate, if that's at all possible?

Steve made a fan delete photos from her cell phone at the Please Touch Museum. I would have told him where to put his little rat claws.

@Kateplusmy8 good night sweet Kate ! Happy Labor Day .... The kind WITHOUT labor :)

Sweet Kate? Doesn't it make you just want to gag a maggot? ~ Administrator said... 135

It's so glaring to me how selfish these fans are when they talk about wanting their show back. They want to see the kids grow up. *I* want to see them. ME ME ME ME.

Nothing about I think it will be so good for the kids to continue to expose their lives, only that they are devastated they won't get to be a creepy fly on the wall watching them do it.

She is like your Great Aunt you barely know covering you cheeks in smackaroos at family reunions. That's for HER benefit, not YOURS.

Dallas Lady said... 136

Let's do predictions!

I predict that:

there will be no big reveal on the last episode

she and Steve are not a couple and never have been

she won't find another job on TV.

Teresa said... 137 really...LMAO @ "gag a maggot" lolol l never heard anything so funny. Thanks Phoenix!

My emotions have ran the gamut today... from profound sadness at reading the sad posts to the gag a maggot...wonder what tomorrow will bring? One thing's for sure...l'm counting my blessings today. I don't have much in the way of material things, l don't have good health. But l am grateful for the things l do have, which money cannot buy. And to all the brave people here who feel safe enough to pour their hearts out, thank you for the honor of reading.

Thanks again Admin for creating a place of peace and safety

Phoenix Rising said... 138

Teresa said... really...LMAO @ "gag a maggot" lolol l never heard anything so funny. Thanks Phoenix!


Welcome, Teresa. Didn't you ever hear that? We always used to say, "It's enough to gag a maggot."

Everyone - have a good day, relax and enjoy.

Lake Up North said... 139

I truly hope I did not come across as conceded for not entirely accepting sorrows, condolences and such. I mean not the selfish in not accepting people’s heart felt wishes . I don’t feel burdened to be able to share and give someone else a bit of…if you will courage to do more than you thought capable. If anyone is in situation I would not walk away I disagree if someone needed help not to jump than I would do what was necessary or what I could to help.

Kate Gosselin has promoted herself for the last 7 years as the all American mom. She has been elevated because she had children through artificial insemination. Now I am not making it out to be terrible for those women here who have no other alternative I support that and the decision. What I don’t accept is that Kate felt need to accept gifts, clothing, food, checks, and gas from complete strangers. I guess I feel so opposed to it because when my husband died six months ago I was confronted with people giving me things, food, money, clothing, it all felt so overwhelming at the time that I flatly refused to take any of it. I sill won’t take any of it. Because there will ALWAYS be someone who has less than you do. Kate promoted herself as a woman who did it all when she had helpers, assistance, production crew, family. She fussed over nobody helping her, nobody living up to her standards. She became a motivational speaker. For what, for telling people how to raise a large family on a budget, on a schedule? I could that if I truly wanted to.

What did I do today? I have friends who offer this and that, but I will not take it. Not to be selfish or ungrateful but because I am able to do those things. I made STUFF for breakfast (that’s what we call sausage and gravy at our house) I ironed shirts, I matched shocks, I fought with my eldest daughter over length of her skirt. I took my children to church, I sang in choir and my solo. I signed up for Bible study, I did nursery duty. And I gave the last $20 cash I had to relief efforts to NC for hurricane Irene. I ran a few errands for last needed school supplies. I made sandwiches for lunch; I put in a movie for my younger kids. My elder kids did homework, I pretended to know how to solve complex math problems best I could. I answered phone calls, read emails. I did 7 loads of laundry; I vacuumed the living room and picked up the den. I washed down walls and baseboards. I bandaged a knee. I fought with my two eldest over rule of bedtime, I read stories to the little ones. I took a walk with one of my daughters alone down the street to get an ice cream cone because she wanted to talk about daddy. I washed dishes by hand because our dishwasher stopped again. I sat down to figure out how to make it to end of next month after I paid for another child to have braces. But at end of the day I smiled tonight.

And even though I did it alone today, a woman emailed me asking if she could send me clothes her son had outgrown, even clothes she herself wanted to send me. And I said no. I said no because my children still have clothes to wear, I still have clothes to wear. My children did not go hungry or without any less love or attention. I asked the woman to donate her clothing instead. Not because I felt like a charity case but because I have all I need. Maybe to someone else may not be much but to me I provided for them today, yesterday, last month and tomorrow. Kate Gosselin complains, bemoans, and stresses, panics, screams, demands and carries on as if the world will end because her bodyguard didn’t get his pizza. Reality check anyone? I mean honestly. Kate Gosselin is…just utterly pathetic and without any sense of morality, dignity but an over sense of entitlement because all she did was having 8 children and is divorced and without a reality TV show these days.

There's appropriate blogs out there said... 140

Lake up north? Perhaps you should find a blog out in this great big cyberworld that can better appreciate and relate your troubles with.

Don't waste your precious time on a Kate Gosselin blog. Just a suggestion. :)

You have 9 kids who need a healthy mom. Good luck in your healing.

Lake Up North said... 141

I have 10 children and one on the way, not 9. I have disgust over Kate's attitude just like everyone else. And I already belong to a support group for widowed women in my area. But you know what, I'm done.

Ingrid said... 142

Lake up north. Thank you for sharing your story. It made me think about things in my own life that I should or could do better. You are a very intelligent and kind person and I am glad you joined us here.

gramma said... 143

There's appropriate... you should go away.

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii said... 144

Lakes Up North, I left the blog to eat some dinner and was reflecting on the things I've read, and I thought about you.
I want to say sorry for getting carried away with my comments to you. While I was reflecting, I realized that you were trying to say, thanks for the well wishing but YOUR OK. And I see your wishes to us through your sharing. Sorry I beat it to death. Good intentions but over kill. I do that some times. I need to learn balance. That's my lesson in this. And don't worry, I respect you wishes. Thank you.

url said... 145

I'm predicting Kart and the kids will be back on TLC next year after the current contract runs out in February, 2012. TLC will renegotiate for far less money per episode and fewer specials filmed during the summer (probably 4-6, not the whopping 17 specials like this year). Kart will go to court because Jon won't sign the contract and the judge will allow the kids to film because this will be her primary source of income. There won't be a big reveal regarding Steve, but he'll stick around for the money.

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii said... 146

Lake Up North said...

I truly hope I did not come across as conceded for not entirely accepting sorrows, condolences and such. I mean not the selfish in not accepting people’s
Lakes, the last post from me was sent before I read you post. It was in no way a response to what you wrote.

Martyrs R Us said... 147

Pride goeth before a fall.

fidosmommy said... 148

I predict Jen Stocks will throw a diaper at Kate, Steve Thomas will put her in a cherry picker and Brad the SkyJump guy will throw her off it, Emeril will show up with a red spoon in hand, Tony Dovolani will drag her around on the floor and over some rocks, and somebody will hide her lettuce.

I predict that representative from HealthTex, Gymboree, Ann Taylor LOFT, The View, Paula Deen, ET, and Zondervan will tell her why they cut ties with her.

Jon will have been invited to slap her and then laugh about it, but he will decline.

As a closing tribute, there will be the final farewell to this show. All of Kate's DVD's, books, letters to her kids and film footage the kids never want seen again will be buried 6 feet deep in cement. Steve will stand over the
spot to ensure nobody takes a picture. The tombstone will bear the face of a very angry woman in full screaming mode. The inscription will be "_____________________"

Then the kids will all go eat pizza.

TLC ship is sinking said... 149

url said...I'm predicting Kart and the kids will be back on TLC next year after the current contract runs out in February, 2012. TLC will renegotiate for far less money per episode and fewer specials filmed during the summer (probably 4-6, not the whopping 17 specials like this year).

A similar thought crossed my mind too. What if this was a business move to help TLC get out of their current contract with the Gosselins? Then, they can renegotiate with a lower salary. If Kate's tv career stalls, I could see her being desperate enough to accept a low-ball offer from TLC to do future specials.

HOWEVER, this won't happen unless Jon reverses his current stance on filming and gives his parental permission. Or, a judge rules that Kate doesn't need Jon's parental consent to film his kids.

TLC gave the Teutuls and the Roloffs a second chance on tv, so I'm skeptical that this is completely over for the Gosselins. With Kat Von D's re-engagement to Jesse James, it wouldn't suprise me if she might return with a new spin-off, Austin Ink.

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii said... 150
This comment has been removed by the author.
Teresa said... 151

I love the pics that jibber jabbers captures. he has so many and it's hard to choose. I wish l knew how to send this to the sheeple on Twitter. Look very closely at the kids faces. Their expressions speak volumes.

Teresa said... 152

p.s I believe JJ is a gal. I missed the "s" at the beginning.

Starz22 said... 153

kate will never know how blessed she is.This is a woman who had a plan from the start.To have multipuls to make her money.These kids were not wanted or loved by her...they were a way to a better life she believes she is entilted to have.
The kids have worked from day 1...kate did nothing but whine bitch and complain.Jon busted his ass trying to keep everyone happy.This story is so over for me.Whats left are 8 kids begging for a mother to really love them for just them.Not what she can get or make off them.
People find Octo mom discusting...I believe kate is far worse than octo mom...Octo mom really cares about her kids...kate loves the kids like she wears shoes...a new pair every day...what ever fits her mood!

I wont watch,like always.The show will be repeated over and over again.TLC may have let her go...but other networks are watching.The ratings matter,even now.

No Regrets said... 154

Dallas Lady said... Let's do predictions!
I predict that:
there will be no big reveal on the last episode
she and Steve are not a couple and never have been
she won't find another job on TV.

Kate is building up 'suspense' again with this 'big reveal' crap. To make sure her little tweeties watch the last SOB STORY of hers. LOL It surely won't be about Steve.

Not so sure what to think about her and Steve. It did look like a lovers quarrel to me. To put this idiot ahead of her own hungry kids is just dispicable. Oh yeah, forgot, SHE was 'stressed', so her actions are excused! No one else was stressed or get a pass because of stress, of course. SHE gets the pass, since she has 8, count em 8 kids. I just don't see Steve being attracted romantically to this fool, though. He HAS seen her up and personal for far too long.

She WILL get something in the media. I am pretty sure of that. Dating show, guest host, she WILL land something. Reality TV is here to stay for awhile, sadly. She will make a fool of herself for money, we all have seen that. She will still sell just for that fact. BUT keeping the job is another thing entirely. Kate does not have the talent nor the "IT" factor to sustain any job in the media.

Too many people are sick of her. Too many people see this make over of hers as total BS that it is. Even IF not BS, it is too late for far too many people. Her true personality WILL come out again and again. She can't hide that, no matter how hard she tries.

Probably within the next year, she will just fade away.

No Regrets said... 155

"Getting Dangerous? said... . In the event the BIG SURPRISE is an announcement that she and Steve/Purseboy/Ratclaws - whatever - are in fact a couple...wouldn't that paint her as the ultimate betrayer of an "old family friendship" that included Steve's wife? Would the fans turn a blind eye to this as well?"

When the rumors were hitting hard and heavy in the press about Steve, I did look to see what the fans had to say about that. The VAST majority said "She deserves happiness" "you can't help who you fall in love with" "these things happen" SO YES, they WILL turn a blind eye. And never mind that Steve's wife is suppose to be her BFF, that didn't' matter to the fans. To excuse something like that is absolutely disgusting, if it is true. That told me SO much about these fans. So much indeed.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 156

Teresa said...

Obsessive, Abusive, Orthorexic, Narcissism, Bulimic, OCD, Germaphobe, Misandrist, Abusive, Lazy, Mean.


Add delusional to your list and you can create Kate's business card...

Kit said... 157

Thank you to the poster (sorry, don't remember which one) who reminded me that, according to K8, this show was her JOB. As such, all the whining, hysterics, 'exhaustion', and general lack of ability to carry it out, are major indicators as to how she would perform in ANY job - media related, or otherwise. I think these traits are why she is hanging on so hard to her "career" - she can be famous just for being (in)famous, no real effort required.

As for her obvious over-attention to her looks (weight, cosmetic efforts, etc): she sees it as a requirement for her "career". In that, she is sadly correct, at least in this country. During my travel to other countries, when I wound down at the end of a long day by watching television, I was struck by the appearance of that country's "stars". Most of them, compared to the U.S., were not famous for their outer beauty. These people were nonetheless "stars", based on their incredible ; a possibility I wish we would impart to our children.

Kit said... 158

shoukd say:
based on their incredible TALENT

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 159

**All credit goes to princessdh on Twitter**

File this under "Twitting Kate May Have To Eat Her Words" :

(Kate's tweets during her recent RV trip)

Kate tweeted 08-16: stress is real life.That was quite a trip. I'm not perfect, so I don't care abt it

Kate tweeted on 08-14-2011: I don't do re dos. They use what I give them.

**Does this mean that bad editing had NOTHING to do with how horrible Kate came across?**

Kate tweeted 08-06-2011 to fan abt her excitement 4 new epis: Me Too! Some of best K+8 coming your way!

Kate tweeted 07-31-2011: abt producer role: I essentially am.Just don't get name credit

Kate tweeted on 07-30-2011: oh you must. No lie. These coming eps will make you squirm!

Kate tweeted 07-28-11 about paparrazi: At least they stopped following me daily

Kate tweeted 07-28-11:I can't be bothered w it all! I have 2much daily drama 2 care what people say!

Kate tweeted 07-27-11:It's an amazing one! All the ones coming, I'm SO proud of

Kate tweeted 07-27:wait til UC me eps!I promise you'll die w amazement@my ability 2 'rough it' when nec

Kate tweeted 07-23:all r happy here&altho very challenging adventure,it was 1 4 the memory books 4 sure

Kate tweeted 07-20-2011:having SO much fun on this crazy, like never before trip.. Which u will get 2 c

Kate tweeted =7-20-2011:Good day! We r still out&about.Quite a trip 2 remember.Fun, frustrating&funny


That damn woman is a walking, talking contridiction.

Still proud to be Kate + 8
TLC Free!!!!!!!!!!

Dwindle said... 160

Off Topic I know, but here is an article about stress hormones in babies. Couldnt help but think about the Gosselin children's internal reactions to Kate's ongoing deliberate neglect of their emotional needs and their reactions to her rage and tantrums.

~~ Just Dwindle Away ~~

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 161

Happy Labor Day to all!!

No Regrets said... 162

yummymummy_1234Sandra Jackson
@Kateplusmy8 r the kids sad about the show ending? Do they understand it's over & how do they feel about not having the crew around anymore?

Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
@yummymummy_1234 they r sad about show ending, no more adventures(unless I can afford) and will make sure 2c crew..
THIS is exactly why the kids cried when told the show was ending. Just as I suspected. SHE told them 'no more adventures'. Unless she can afford it? Kate stop this poor mouth crap. It is so sickening. Those poor kids won't do a thing. YOU showed that when you wouldn't even take them to see the Statute of Liberty, unless it was filmed. That is in NYC. Soooo expensive. You couldn't even take them 3 freakin hours away. This pisses me off SO badly. Of course you can't keep up with ALL those luxury trips, but I don't think this cheap Ahole will take those kids anywhere. She makes me so ill. You don't NEED to stay in luxury hotels, nor spend that much to have fun. Even with 8 kids. There are things to do that do not cost a fortune. What a cheap, poor mouth whining idiot!! Agrrrrrrrr

And the crew? YOU said most rotate in and out, yet they love the 'daddy' crew. How many are consistently there each time they film? One, two? What a liar what a walking contradiction Argggggg she pisses me off.

Jenna Does said... 163

Kate and her 8 kids have made unforgettable memories over the past 7 years of filming. As the show comes to a close, the Gosselins say goodbye to the fans and reminisce about their favorite memories. Also, hear from family friends about their experiences.
Their favorite memories:
Kate: Going on trip after trip after trip!!

The kids: Going to the dentist? Um...I don't remember anything...there was that beach in that place where we took the plane & mommy fell asleep & a couple of the smaller kids puked & the nice flight attendants cleaned them up! Oh! And how about the time I tried to help with cooking but mommy said I was doing it wrong.

Another kid: There was the time that bright light woke me up.

Small kid: I remember something about a plastic bag in my butt.

Little girl: I remember being home a lot last year with mommy but she was too busy in her room. Or, she was on her phone, like now!

Yep! Great memories Kate!!
~Hippie Chick~

gotyournumberKate said... 164

Wow! I go away for a few days and this place explodes! 826 comments on Admin's recap? It's going to take me all day to catch up. BTW Admin, the recap was exceptional. I laugh out loud at your recaps and am amazed by your insight.

My prediction for the future of Kate? I honestly don't think a respectable network or show will dare come within 10 feet of her. Her appearances have all but disappeared. I look for Kate to really lower her standards. It will either be another reality show mocking her or very low budget aqppearances. She's already done the Ab Champs informercial. She'll do anything that will keep her in the public eye but I too think she will fade into the sunset within a year. I just hope she doesn't drag the kids into another venture exploiting them. I can just see another Jackson or Osmond family on the rise.

No Regrets said... 165

@Kateplusmy8 one positive thing that may come from the show ending is that the paparazzi may start to leave you alone #silverlining

@Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
@Hazey_B sadly, I doubt it!

Lordy, Lord. The ego never quits. Kate? You have ONE paps that 'chases' you around PA. ONE. He probably does 'haunt' you since he can't drive too far, since his DL is probably still suspended. LOL So you are it for him, sometimes. Do you REALLY think that you will stay in the paps line of site much longer? Really? Gawd what an ego.

No Regrets said... 166

hipmomoftwinsHip Mom of Twins
@Kateplusmy8 oh good! I was hoping they would at least do a finale! Kleenex ready?

@Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
@hipmomoftwins uh yes, I cried when doing the interview so likely we all will..

There is the warning what will be on the finale. As we know, the sobbing, the whining, "it's over too soon". Gee can hardly wait to watch this bimbo cry. LOL This is one episode I don't even have an inkling to be curious about. Not in the least. If anyone does watch Monday, please try to watch the second or third showing. Don't add a thing to any numbers on the first show. Please.

No Regrets said... 167

I wake up in such a good mood. I should NEVER read about her first thing in AM. IT MAKES ME MAD. hahahaha

Sorry have to vent about this idiot.

No Regrets said... 168

"Dwindle said...Off Topic I know, but here is an article about stress hormones in babies"

Thanks for that link. Very interesting. The one scene that still sticks out in my mind, is when she came home after her tummy tuck.

She had been gone almost 2 weeks, and not ONE child, not one put their little arms out to be picked up by her. Not one. That was such a stunner to me. That would be the natural reaction for MOST children. But not ONE did that. That was such an odd moment.

No Regrets said... 169

"gotyournumberKate said...My prediction for the future of Kate? I honestly don't think a respectable network or show will dare come within 10 feet of her. Her appearances have all but disappeared. I look for Kate to really lower her standards. It will either be another reality show mocking her or very low budget aqppearances. She's already done the Ab Champs informercial. She'll do anything that will keep her in the public eye but I too think she will fade into the sunset within a year. I just hope she doesn't drag the kids into another venture exploiting them. I can just see another Jackson or Osmond family on the rise."

I agree. I do give it about one year for her to all but disappear. I know many of us have predicted this for a few years, but now the show IS cancelled. So there is nothing that will keep her relevant for much longer. I think she will be on some sort of dating show, or some stupid 'something'. LOL Anything that will pay her to make a fool of herself. THAT sells. She just does not have any talent. She is still yammering about wanting to act, since it was "so fun" in high school. High school! LOL What a slap in the face to real actors who have paid their dues with training, studying and clawing their way to the top or even near the top. She cannot ACT. We have seen that too. Ugh!

Mel said... 170

Man, she sure is addicted to twitter, isn't she.

Addicted being the key word.

No Regrets said... 171

Well, I guess I drove everyone away! SOB. LOL

OT but this is so funny. I do love INF's little videos they put on their site. This is cute.

Red Sky At Night said... 172

She cannot ACT. We have seen that too. Ugh!


Well, she can ACT UP!

Mel said... 173

I'd noticed her upper, inner thigh, too. It's looks terrible with all that hanging skin.

What's with that? Did she lose weight too fast or something? If I was her I'd wear some of those shorts made especially for running.

She didn't look like that in the white ̶u̶n̶̶d̶e̶r̶w̶e̶a̶r bikini People magazine cover....

Red Sky At Night said... 174

No Regrets said...

@Kateplusmy8 one positive thing that may come from the show ending is that the paparazzi may start to leave you alone #silverlining

That's not a positive thing for her. She WANTS the paps to be there. Without them, she can't whine about their presence!
When they finally leave her alone (as they probably have done by now), she knows she is done. That is NOT what she wants.

Hippie Chick said... 175

You are welcome here. People can skip over your post if they don't want to read it. Just like I skip over the whole legal court mumbo-jumbo stuff. Please don't go.

justme said... 176

It wouldn't surprise me one bit if we see Steve and Kate show up as a couple.I saw a clip of the show on ROL.Steve and Kate are standing beside the big bus having words with Jamie.You can clearly see Steve's left hand and there is no wedding ring.No Gina or the boys since Steve's advice on the "Good Bra" hit the tabloids.I think Jon called it about right.Will have to see how this all playes out.

Tamara said... 177


gotyournumberKate said...

Wow! I go away for a few days and this place explodes! 826 comments on Admin's recap? It's going to take me all day to catch up.

Don't worry, a portion of it was a history lesson on Princes William and Harry,and Diana, and other bits were OT. But, it is labor day, so labor on through.

Any twits from Khate yet about her own "labor" day? The one after 3286 weeks on bed rest?

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 178

No Regrets said...

hipmomoftwinsHip Mom of Twins
@Kateplusmy8 oh good! I was hoping they would at least do a finale! Kleenex ready?

@Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
@hipmomoftwins uh yes, I cried when doing the interview so likely we all will..

There is the warning what will be on the finale. As we know, the sobbing, the whining, "it's over too soon". Gee can hardly wait to watch this bimbo cry. LOL This is one episode I don't even have an inkling to be curious about. Not in the least. If anyone does watch Monday, please try to watch the second or third showing. Don't add a thing to any numbers on the first show. Please.


Of course Kate cried. She's good at it! Probably has used it to her advantage many times.

It will not surprise me if Kate rolls on the floor, banging her fists, kicking, screaming and crying how unfair it is that her cash cow/show is cancelled.

Kate and a dignified exit?.... I don't think so.

No Regrets said... 179

"Red Sky At Night said...That's not a positive thing for her. She WANTS the paps to be there. Without them, she can't whine about their presence!
When they finally leave her alone (as they probably have done by now), she knows she is done. That is NOT what she wants."

Of course she loves it. The DRAMA of it all. She even kept complaining about the paps when Chris left her alone for that long stretch. LOL She sees papa at every corner. Such a phony. This is one person who just brings out total disgust from me. I think she really does think she will be hounded forever. Agrrrrrrrrr

MEL, the People article on her was SO Photoshopped it was ridiculous. They even gave her a WAIST. And rubbed out her tattoo too. haha

No Regrets said... 180

"Hippie Chick said...
You are welcome here. People can skip over your post if they don't want to read it. Just like I skip over the whole legal court mumbo-jumbo stuff. Please don't go."

You are SO thoughtful. I think Lake knows that many welcome her here. One comment shouldn't make a difference. You are very kind.

The Cats Meow said... 181

gotryournumber said,
Wow! I go away for a few days and this place explodes! 826 comments on Admin's recap? It's going to take me all day to catch up.


Speaking of numbers, I was just reading over on the other site with all of the rules. They've had only 35 posts in 8 days on one thread; 127 posts in 12 days on another thread.
In less than a day, on this thread there have been 177 comments.

Are they shutting down over there now that the show has been canceled? Anyone know?

No Regrets said... 182

PINK Kate and dignified? Hahaha

You cannot use both those words in one sentence. LOL She has not dignity, no moral compass, no loyalty to her friends, that alone tells me this woman has nothing. Nothing at all in her soul that is good.

Hippie Chick said... 183

No Regrets...
Thanks hon! I think it sucks when one person says something so rude.

So, I missed it: is Kate's stupid show on tonight? Or are they waiting until next week? Either way, I don't see a big jump in ratings at all.

And this whole thing with the paps? Is she out of her mind? She LOVES them being around. It means, to her, that she is still somewhat relevant. What a ditz. ~ Administrator said... 184

The fact that she's crying on her last show is exactly why she doesn't have what it takes to survive in that business beyond her reality shows.

You don't CRY over this. I have never heard of a celeb crying over their show getting canceled. If they do so, they would do so very privately. Most celebs if they say anything make some polite statement about how much they'll miss it but they're looking forward to what's next. They all know that all shows get canceled eventually, unless you're something like Price is Right. But crying????

She's crying???

There's no crying in the cancellation world!!!!

The Cats Meow said... 185

Regrets said,
MEL, the People article on her was SO Photoshopped it was ridiculous. They even gave her a WAIST. And rubbed out her tattoo too. haha


And erased her belly button on the inside shot!!

gotyournumberKate said... 186

No Regrets said...."Sorry have to vent about this idiot"

Hey, let it all out. Sometimes I get so frustrated with what she gets away with I swear my blood pressure goes up. (Not really stupid sheeple, it's a figure of speech) There are always going to be stupid people (sheeple) who believe and worship a person no matter what they do. Murderers in prison get married to sheeple. I just don't understand how any sane person cannot see straight through this woman and how they make excuses for her bad behavior no matter what. These people are getting fewer and fewer though. It's just a matter of time before Kate alienates everyone.

Mel said... 187

the People article on her was SO Photoshopped it was ridiculous. They even gave her a WAIST. And rubbed out her tattoo too.

I forgot to add SNARK on the end of my post. :) ~ Administrator said... 188

By the way keep forgetting to mention, I barely use twitter but do have a twitter account set up connected to this site.

I have never, ever tweeted Kate in my life. I think a few people may have replied to both my name and Kate's so it's possible that my twitter name popped up for her now and again, but other than that I've never harassed her or even said anything to her.

This weekend she followed me briefly, then blocked me. LOL. I never bothered her, in fact I stood up for her and asked people NOT to harass her or her fans and even said you're not welcome on this blog if you do. LOL what a piece of work. Proof she is seeking people out to block, those not even giving her any problems! I thought she doesn't look at the hate.

Kate doesn't rate said... 189

It's early, maybe my brain isn't awake yet. Kate tweeted this about 15 min ago?

22 hours and 41 minutes til the 2nd to last K+8.... I'll be live tweeting the behind the scenes stuff you'll want to know..... TLC 9pm EST!

Isn't today Monday 9/5? I thought the show was on tonight.

Moose Mania said... 190

fido said:

"Jon will have been invited to slap her and then laugh about it, but he will decline."


But who will be there to surgically remove the stick, and where will they bury it?

No Regrets said... 191

And erased her belly button on the inside shot!!"

Oh yeah! Forgot about the belly button. LOL What a total butcher job they did on those pix. I don't get People Mag and Katy Cloyne's love affair with all things Kate. I just don't get it. Every time they run something about her, there hardly is ONE supportive comment about the article. One poster on the last story just posted "WHY? People. WHY? GOD WHY??" Most beg them to stop. LOL

THAT is too funny. She is a total joke. She does look at this site, I am convinced and most likely JUST connected your twitter account to this blog. She is not that sharp you know. No one can say a thing to her that is NOT glowing and rainbows and light, or she will block them.Cracks me up.

THANKS. She certainly gets my dander up. She is the only person that does that to me, too. I think she brings out the fury in a lot of people. Her lies are just unreal. And the fans are unreal too. They look SO dumb agreeing with everything and letting the lies go by without any comment. They just agree and go on to he next lie. LOL

overthehill said... 192

why do those children eat off paper plates.they arent on a they have plastic cutlery

mama mia said... 193

Kate is strategic lying once again, using twitter to post how much Mady loves her life with Katie Dearest..... makes me laugh how transparent she is. Right Kate, now how many frames will TLC show of you actually loving your children in a kind loving responsible manner? That is what I thought.

New York State Of Mind said... 194

There's appropriate blogs out there said...

Lake up north? Perhaps you should find a blog out in this great big cyberworld that can better appreciate and relate your troubles with.


Why would she do that? Her story is certainly relevant right here, in light of Kate's constant whining and cries of exhaustion when she has been handed everything.

Lake's posts serve as a reminder that for every Kate in the world, there is someone who appreciates family and friends, even when she hasn't been dealt a winning hand. Sometimes we do need that gentle wake-up call.

But because of her attitude and acceptance, she will be a winner. Kate is the loser.

Why is it that posters feel that they can jump on these boards and tell others to go elsewhere? Sounds much like Kate's control and ego at work...

Sienna said... 195

Even with all the scripted drama that the Kardashians stir up, I am certain that they would never be caught blubering on tv on how they could not believe this is the end... I don't have a lot of respects for them but they have at least a sense of business and have some responsibility and stores to maintain,OMG do evey person that lose their job make a Today show appearance and cry on how their kids will never be the same cauz no one is paying for their trips now that mommy is on unemployment, I can't believe she has no concerns on how others have to make it on much little reserves than her. Just to show you she never will come down to earth with herself. She really did think she could film those kids until they were 18 or older. UNREAL to think those sheeples are siding with her when the unemployment rates are at 10%, and she strutts around with $350,00 dresses and shoes. SICK SICK SICK

Lake Up North said... 196

Oh please. I only meant I was done with that particular poster and I wasn't going to stoop to that person's level. Defend myself? Yes. Cry and never return? No because that's childish and unacceptable. So someone out there doesn't like what I said, big deal. I get that all the time at home with a few of my kids anyway.

Going to take a lot more than one very poorly spoken person to chase off my opinions. You don't have to like me all I ask is that people remember giving respect allows you to recieve respect. End of story. I left yes, but I had to work while our next door neighbor slept in our guest bedroom to watch my kids. That is the only level of help I will accept because I will not ever leave my children unprotected with me away from home to earn a living.

I almost think Kate views herself as so self-serving and with such great importance this is why she is crying over her show ending. It's not the end of her life. She is a 35 year old woman. You pick up the pieces, you thank those who helped you and you move on with what you have to do. All this crying certain shows her immaturity as a parent to expose that type of emotion to not only her children but also the rest of the world. But will she see it? I doubt it. Let her cry, it's her funeral I guess.

Mimi to 3 said... 197

Anyone read this tweet:

Makes being a mom worthwhile: Mady said last pm: 'I have the best life ever bc I have u' I need nothing more in life..that spoke volumes2me!

This is so ridiculous even for Kate. There is no 10 year old on the planet that would say "I need nothing more in my life".

JudyK said... 198

Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin

Makes being a mom worthwhile: Mady said last pm: 'I have the best life ever bc I have u' I need nothing more in life..that spoke volumes2me!

I am going to BARF...does she ever quit promoting herself as the world's best mom

Sienna said... 199

I know she truly is ridiculous, she wants to make it sound like people have taken away her oxygen. They need to see she is the one that was choking the life out of those kids by exposing them to this toxic industry.

JudyK said... 200

Ha, Mimi, you and I posted the same ABSURD tweet at almost exactly the same time. It's so transparent--and, no, NO child speaks that way.

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