The retiring co-host really wanted a reality show, then changed his mind after actually opening his doors to a film crew. "It’s not for me. It didn’t feel right," Philbin said after letting cameras around his family to try it out.
Halloween, 2009 |
It's refreshing to see more and more celebs turning down reality shows. Philbin said he and his wife did an "experiment" for a few hours with a film crew and had the footage edited down to two minutes. However they decided afterward not to do the show. A few weeks before, Philbin was excited about it, telling reporters, "There are several things that interest me. You know these reality shows? I would love to do a
real reality show." But after actually filming? Seems he's changed his mind.
426 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 426 Newer› Newest»If that's the lunch she packed, my god, what did she count the amount of chips they get while she's at it? All that I was lazy to make a lunch so I just threw in whatever I thought would sound good, but not necessarily together.
Can I just say I can see eating problems later in life? I hit college,and coming from a controlling and disapproving environment with my dad who only eats one meal a day, I went crazy. I no longer had anybody looking at what I ate, nobody to tell me how much I could eat, nobody to read the label on the back of the item anymore. I just went crazy. Unfortunately, once back home for summer break I took up bulimia to try and feel better about my weight because my dad still does this to this day.
Kate's kids possibly could go nuts one day when they no longer have mommy making them lunch and telling them how to eat it, when to eat it, how much they can eat. And it'll be sad.
@Kateplusmy8 Hi kate in UKit is night time, I'm zonked out so Im going to bed hope you are still up to your 100mph LOL Missing K+8 GN :) xo
This is great. A 10-year-old is now making jokes about speeding.
Nice going, Kate. Nice going. Good role model there.
As predicted, sheeple standing up for this amazingly nutritious lunch:
@ashymama2 @Kateplusmy8 This is why you need to educate yourselves. Guacamole is a protein and enough protein for lunch.
The average serving of guacamole has 1 to 1.4 grams of protein. In sheeple world, enough for lunch. Oh the stupidity.
Dallas Lady said
Ug. That's not a good lunch, Kate, I wouldn't brag about it. Hummus and a selection of veggies to dip, whole wheat pita chips, a lean meat, some cheese, dial back on the sugar, would it kill you to do that?
Absolutely right -- it's an awful lunch, both in terms of quality and quantity. No way would I feed my kids that amount of sugar. No way would they drink that awful Juicey Juice, either. We eat, and drink, real food, in our household, not watered down sugar water.
The plastic bags are pure lazy. Way to set a good example for green living, K8.
Of course, there's nothing either green or environmentally sustainable about non-organic tans, non-organic (and downright toxic) hair treatments, driving an Audi TT, or taking a limo to NYC.
What a complete and total fool - and big-time hypocrite.
During her DWTS fiasco, she wrote a blog about finding our her kids were sneaking food from their lunchboxes on the school bus on the way to school! So she packed them a little 'snack' just for the bus ride. This disturbed me greatly. WHY are the kids hungry on the bus, before they even get to school??? Those 1/2 of bananas were just not getting it, I suppose. Not one fan questioned that, instead they said wow, 'they really eat a lot'! Some such nonsense. For God's sake, they JUST had breakfast. No reason for those poor kids to be hungry so soon, had they gotten a good breakfast.
I remember that one, thanks for jogging my memory. I believe they were eating the dessert part of their lunch, either on way to school or back home from school? I wish I could remember what she called that…jacket-snacking or something like that.
Kate's TLC blog: Jacket-snacking (4.22.10)
...The bus driver smiles and greets each one, and in return my children do the same. So polite. So proper.
...I resisted the urge to get angry but wondered why a half-hour after eating a HUGE bowl of warm oatmeal and a half of a banana for breakfast they would feel the need to do this. Was it because they couldn't resist the special home-baked dessert in their lunches? Was it curiosity as to what was inside? Or could they really be HUNGRY?
If the reason was the latter, I needed to do something fast! I can’t have my babies riding away in the big yellow school bus with hungry bellies! So last night, I spent an exciting evening with piles of Ziploc snack bags surrounding me and various boxes of “healthy” cookies like cinnamon graham crackers and oatmeal cookies. (C'mon moms, on school mornings we can all exaggerate the nutritional benefit of certain breakfast foods chosen out of pure desperation, can we not?)
Then I called a meeting, in which I was the only non-5-year-old present, and explained that there would be no more jacket-snacking. I went on to explain the solution carefully: From now on, in the outside pocket of each lunch box, I would place an additional approved breakfast bus snack that they were allowed to eat out in the open for all to see....
This is what Kate has also said about weekday breakfasts before school:
Kate's TLC blog: Whew! How Kate Gosselin Gets Eight Kids Off to School on Time Every Morning (10/2010)
...I have gotten up each and every morning (in the dark!) at 5:20 am to make breakfast (the full deal -- pancakes, oatmeal, French toast, etc) and get eight kids dressed and out the door to the bus stop for over a full month now!
...It's because Mady and Cara pack their own lunches, choose their own breakfast (the night before to avoid the morning arguments of what they will and will not eat for breakfast -- it helps!), and get themselves ready.... (Included Mady and Cara part since it's related to school lunch discussion.)
From twitter, credit to Preesi's site:
(This occurred during the time Kate posted pic of her chocolate chip pancakes&bacon breakfast.)
Kate Gosselin:
@sarahjchapman I make big breakfasts often-- even on school mornings.. Makes me feel good and cheaper than organic cereal :)
3 minutes ago via Twitterrific
05 September 2011 02:16 PM
Dallas Lady said...I forgot the chocolate chip M&M cookie! MORE SUGAR!
Remember when she handed one one M&M...was it for going to the potty? I bet the cookie had just one M&M placed on the top.
These kids have grown up with these kinds of lunches - the seeds, yogurt, celery. It's all they have ever known. I wonder if they ever ask her why they can't buy their lunches like the other kids do, or why their friends don't eat like squirrels.
When my kids were in Kindergarten, we packed lunches because Kindergarteners didn't eat in the cafeteria. By first grade, though, they were allowed to purchase lunches. They were now "big kids" -- not many children brought their lunches. Buying lunches was a very big deal. When I asked them what they had for lunch, they always surprised me - they picked healthy foods, soup, a turkey sandwich, salad, fruit.
If Kate let the kids buy their lunches, she couldn't complain about exhaustion times eight. Then again, her blog would be missing the fabulous photos of what's in her kids' lunchboxes! The sheeple would feel deprived of this very exciting news. How ever would they get their Kate "fix" for the day?
Kokomo, Cocktails, and Dreams said...
Kate just tweeted that she put away $700 in groceries. She can't resist, can she? I can't figure out if it's to make the sheeple envious because they can't afford to buy $700 in groceries in one trip, or if she's crying poor again in hopes that she gets some gift cards for groceries.
I think Kate tweets about how much she spends on groceries to impress her fans about how much harder she has it than they do. Don't they know that she works harder, does more laundry, does more homework, cooks more meals, spends more on groceries, etc.? She has to keep them believing that 'if Kate can do it and she has it harder than we do, etc with 8, count 'em 8 kids, then of course we can do it, too'. It's her 'brand'.
@Kateplusmy8 Hi Kate! Did the resume reach you on email? Hope all is well. :)
Oh, for the love of all that's holy. A sheeple e-mail Kate with her resume. Seems this sheeple is...
"talent executive/booker for TV and special events...founder/president of a non-profit organization"
She's been a crew producer/coordinator on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire. Sounds like it's right up Kate's alley! $$$$$
Sam said...
So how much of the apple juice concentrate in Juicy Juice is imported from China?
In 2010, approximately 50% came from South America, and 50% came from China.
Wow, I knew about South America, but China??? Then there's nothing organic about that juice, this is China, land of fake baby formula and industrial waste dumping. I forgot the name of that Chinese documentary that was nominated for an Oscar earlier this year, about the poor farmer who fought a battle against a big industry in his hometown whose waste disposal was causing the local people to get sick from cancer. And Juicy Juice thought this was a good idea?
And this bitch doesn't run 10 miles a day, she may shuffle for 1 1/2 mile, she probably does some weight training because she does have tone arms, but those flabby legs and stomach, no way.
And why is she still starving the kids? They are no longer on TV, no need to keep them small.
Since all the bad products we have gotten from China, I REFUSE to buy anything made in China, if at all possible. ESPECIALLY anything consumable. Juicy Juice's site says they do test it, which I am sure they do. But no way would I even buy this. I didn't before and certainly not now after reading that.
Kate claimed on twitter, her arms have toned a lot since she started running. I had no idea running could do that and not tone up your legs too. LOL
New York State of Mind said...I really don't think that it's Kate's eight children, or even the show that have them so enamored - the fascination and adulation is with Kate. Why?
6K pictures of Kate. Most videos are about Kate, that I have seen. I think you are right. The kids are hardly mentioned. The lunchbox she has a picture of was "adorable". Very obsessed.
I used to have a boss who was a runner. He got up every morning and ran 12 miles before breakfast. I said how do you do that? He said I love to run - it makes me feel really, really good, like being on a natural high.
Brenderneddie said
Kate mentioned that they expect a certain amount of stress when they go out and do things, otherwise they'd just stay home and "stare at the walls...."
"Stare at the walls"....Isn't that what Mady said in the finale? We all knew those words sounded like Kate, and now we know for sure....
As for Sister Wives- I have no problem with polygamy as long as all partners are willing. It is, and has been, a common marriage practice around the world for hundreds of years. If they are happy, fine. No harm, no foul. But this show, which started out as a look into the life of a polygamous family- has definitely turned into another reality-tv family gone horribly wrong. I feel bad for those children, specifically the teens. They need to end the show and let those children live their lives. I got the point they were trying to make, they are happy in their lifestyle and faith. Now time to move on.
This blog's post about juicy juice. Not only sugary but they have a history of misrepresenting their products.
New York State of Mind said...
Paige, the teen uber fan, tweeted:
@Kateplusmy8 a little girl on my bus asked me if she could call me Kate plus 8 girl lol! I said sure! Haha:) I'm proud to be "kateplus8girl"
Can you imagine being another student, or a teacher at this teen sheeple's school and having to hear about her obsession with Kate over and over and over again, every waking minute? She writes stories about her, makes videos for film class about her, draws pictures of her...
I remember being a young teen and having crushes on stars, but these were male celebrities, not middle-aged women with eight children, and never to the extent that these teens are so deeply involved with Kate. Back then, these teen idols were a dime a dozen, and we'd have crushes for one week, and then move on to the new star the next week.
I really don't think that it's Kate's eight children, or even the show that have them so enamored - the fascination and adulation is with Kate. Why?
Same here.
Let's see... At her age, my world revolved around The Beatles, Parker Stevenson, Shaun Cassidy, Leif Garrett AND (sigh) gorgeous PETER FRAMPTON!
OMG... Peter Frampton was beautiful.
It's kinda embarrassing that Kate's little sheeplettes pee all over themselves for a middle aged, has-been incubator.
Very strange.
@Kateplusmy8 I am a fan of your my local radio station is saying that your accepting gifts from your fans such a I pads instead of telling
Kate should keep her "Twitter" shut if she doesn't want a bad image.
@Just_Elliee @Kateplusmy8 nope :( I don't know what the US airmail postage rates are either so can't send $ x
Please tell me that sheeple can't be this stupid.
If she has a computer, then she has access to USPS website. Weight the package. Find International from the drop-down menu. Select US. Pull up "calculate shipping." Enter the weight. Enter the zip code. Wernersville - 19565. Decide how you want it returned (cheapest way...probably International First Class), or depending which book it is, flat rate for $13.95. There's a whole list of options.
@Kateplusmy8 I have to write a paper about you, do you go by Gosselin still or Kreider?
I think maybe if you took a look at the website, you might find it says Kate Gosselin on the banner.
These are the future leaders of tomorrow?
Is it just me, or does anyone else think that sheeple are getting more stupid as time goes by?
I wonder if she allows her kids to buy milk at school?
Anyway, I think it's funny how Kate uses the "Organic" word like it's a badge of honor...
Let's see... At her age, my world revolved around The Beatles, Parker Stevenson, Shaun Cassidy, Leif Garrett AND (sigh) gorgeous PETER FRAMPTON!
OMG... Peter Frampton was beautiful.
Frampton is still looking good, and sounded fantastic this summer in concert. Oh that hair and happy trail ;-) of 1976....
Anonymous Who Can't Post said...
@Kateplusmy8 I am a fan of your my local radio station is saying that your accepting gifts from your fans such a I pads instead of telling
Kate should keep her "Twitter" shut if she doesn't want a bad image.
And this uber fan tweeted her with THIS. I love how they lie to cover for her. WHERE did she get this info?
@NinaGCastillo Kate got the IPad from Terri Irwin. They became good friends in Australia. There are no IPads coming. That'a a scam by hater
1 minute agoFavoriteRetweetReply
there is a runner on her twitter. she makes the normal comments you expect to hear about running. has good tips. good food ideas. she is very encouraging to kate but even she said that you shouldn't run 10.5 several times a week. i alway wonder if she is politely calling bs or if she is just concerned.
she seems to belive kate but isn't sheeplish at all. she just seems like someone who loves to run and wanted to chat with someone else who enjoyed the sport. i noticed kate never mentions her before or after run meals, prep, stretch ect. its always just "look at me i ran far today"
anyway...i just can't buy kate as a long distance runner and if im right i wish she'd stop bs'ing her way thru life and just do it.
regarding sister wives..i too have no issue with plural marriage if all are willing participants and adults. it just seems to me the Brown's have lost sight of why they chose to do they show and their family is suffering because of it
Rt@Kateplusmy8: lunchboxes? You really have something to offer the world. You are just trying to hang on to your 15 minutes. Its over.
26 minutes agoFavoriteRetweetReply
"Gosselin Gossip said....I resisted the urge to get angry but wondered why a half-hour after eating a HUGE bowl of warm oatmeal and a half of a banana for breakfast they would feel the need to do this. Was it because they couldn't resist the special home-baked dessert in their lunches? Was it curiosity as to what was inside? Or could they really be HUNGRY?"
Thanks for posting all that. A HUGE bowl of oatmeal and HALF of banana. LOL DUH of coure they were HUNGRY. "Resisting the urge to get angry" my my
@NinaGCastillo Kate got the IPad from Terri Irwin. They became good friends in Australia. There are no IPads coming. That'a a scam by hater
So the wife of the Miami Heat player, who took credit for sending Kate the iPad, with the announcement that four more are coming, is a hater? With haters that generous, who needs fans?
Guess Kate was busy again this afternoon. The babysitter/nanny/whatever her title is picked them up at the bus stop today.
If these kids would have had an older woman watching them all along perhaps they would not be so agressive towards each other. Someone more mature who would know how to handle situations like that. They also would have had a mother figure in their lives something which was definitely missing.
Obviously, she couldn't hire someone older because if that person saw something wasn't right they would have told someone about it or even spoke up to Kate.
These kids she hires are barely out of high school. It is a lot easier to make sure they won't talk because they wouldn't want to lose the money.
Seriously, how many mothers with 8 small children would hire immature kids to watch them for such long periods of time?
@mscatie @chancetheboxer @icyou1 @Kateplusmy8 Kate slipped and said she picked the ipad up at the apple store. LMAO
Did she? I thought she said she didn't see the cover/accessory at the iPad store, not that she picked it up there. She could have been at the store looking for a case.
No Regrets, I laughed when I saw the post you put here about Terri Irwin sending an Ipad. Are these the same stupid idiots who were posting on every article that Audi GAVE KATE her Audi and anyone could call Audi and check the facts? Kate herself tweeted that she got it on her own! WHERE do they get this info, indeed!
Thanks for the alert about concerns about Sister Wives. I have it available On Demand and as soon as the most recent episode uploads to that (I think it takes a day or two) I'll do a clip.
That's one direction I'd like to take this blog is to monitor and chat about other concerns out there as reality shows with kids continues to truck on with no end in sight. Seems there's always something, just in the past few days there was this thing with Regis, then Bristol, now sister wives. Too bad this blog wasn't around when Kid Nation was on we would have had a field day. Also, concerns in general about reality tv even if it involves adults, such as suicides or other downfalls possibly linked to exposure, etc. And as for Kate, I don't think she's going away anytime soon.
I really tried hard to give Kate the benefit of the doubt on her lunch. But I couldn't ignore my growling stomach. It just wasn't enough bulk. They need some kind of bulky protein to feel full all day long, had she just added a sandwich to all those things I think it would have been great. Yogurt didn't cut it when I was a kid and it's not cutting it as an adult either.
I'm a huge fan of packing lunches and I'm a huge yogurt fan (loving Greek yogurt right now) but I'm pretty boring and usually do sandwich-fruit-crunchy thing-granola bar-water, and will sub in yogurt for a crunchy thing or the granola bar. I've even added fruit and granola and nuts to the yogurt and tried to sub that in for the sandwich--it's not enough. I don't know if it's because the yogurt is so thin or what, but my tummy just won't let it be a main dish. When people have salads I cringe, I've done all that and again it's not enough. The only time I'll do salad and feel satisfied is if I pile on a ton of protein like chicken strips. I also think I walk several miles a day at work and am on my feet a lot, so I may need more fuel than the average person to power me through.
Picking it up at the apple store doesn't tell us anything. You can pick up a gift there or something you bought there. Doesn't matter.
Terri Irwin pllllease??? You think Kate wouldn't tell us that her Royal Highness Terri Irwin bought little ole Kate an ipad? She would milk that for months.
Even if Terri did give it to her it was probably just a regift anyway lol.
Mary I actually tend to agree with you. Most of the most reputable domestic agencies tend to provide mostly educated to highly educated, "older" nannies, usually aged 25 and up, I've even seen up to 35 or 40. There is a big difference between 25 and 19, light years.
The young girls still in college are probably cheaper for Kate. Real nannies would demand a real salary, benefits, and wouldn't put up with her crap.
I remember an episode where I believe the twins were getting bagels with breakfast and some of the little kids really wanted a bagel too and were told no. I could be wrong but I even tend to think it was Jon who said no, though it could have been Kate. No matter, the point being I remember a ton of us at the time were like maybe the kids are HUNGRY why would you tell a child no to that? Or if there is some good reason, like there are not enough to go around, why couldn't you offer them something else? I found the whole thing concerning and so did a lot of other people. Last I checked a child is usually hungry when he is asking for food. Feed them, please.
Yeah come on, if it were Terri Irwin, Kate would be crowing that from every mountain top.
Sheeple: we aren't as stupid/gullible as you are. And don't make up stories for Kate.
EM, I'm not so sure I'm that much against plural marriage either. All I can think of is it's interesting so many people are so for gay marriage, but not this kind of marriage. I can take just about every argument made in support of gay marriage and make it apply to plural marriage. Yet one is becoming more and more accepted and is on its way to being pushed through, and the other remains a huge taboo. Seems to me if you believe in gay marriage, then you believe in most if not all kinds of marriages among consenting adults. Not trying to start a huge fight. :)
I don't think Kate's been take the kids or picking them up. It's hard to believe absolutely no pics at the bus stop this year.
I also wonder if there is more than one caretaker when Kate's not at home. Kate has emphasized how she needs help just for safety sake. She said she needs to people to be there, so how can one young lady take this on?
Again, feel bad for the kids that mom sends the help to get them from the bus, then again, the help probably doesn't tell them to shut up, line or else they could be standing in a parking lot alone.
That one was a real gem.
Dallas, lol exactly. Or she would at least drop massive hints like my Zoo-ish friend gave it to me. T.I. thank you so much! Save the koalas!
You know Kate wouldn't be able to help herself she would be so tickled pink.
Admin, Kate is mentioned in this article on Heidi and Spencer Pratt:
Apparently they're broke, in huge amounts of debt and his agent won't return his calls. There's your future, Kate.
Admin said, I really tried hard to give Kate the benefit of the doubt on her lunch. But I couldn't ignore my growling stomach. It just wasn't enough bulk. They need some kind of bulky protein to feel full all day long, had she just added a sandwich to all those things I think it would have been great. Yogurt didn't cut it when I was a kid and it's not cutting it as an adult either.
It wouldn't be enough for me, either, or for many kids. But remember that these kids have never been fed much. It may be they have tiny stomachs that can't hold much at one time. They may be grazers, eating smaller, more frequent meals. What's not enough for some, may be just the right amount for others.
But how can they graze if they're at school all day, up early to catch a long bus ride, home later after a long bus ride--with just one lunch break?
Personally I think it's better to graze anyway. But it's not practical for those in school or at work all day. It's just an unfortunate necessity you have a big lunch to get you through.
I should ask my mom who has her dietitian degree, but I think part of the problem is how watery-liquidy the lunch is. Yogurt is liquid, fruits are mostly water. It's just not enough substance. You're not going to get the same level of water in say, for example, a hearty egg salad sandwich (with an ice pack to keep it cool).
Tucker's Mom said...
Let's see... At her age, my world revolved around The Beatles, Parker Stevenson, Shaun Cassidy, Leif Garrett AND (sigh) gorgeous PETER FRAMPTON!
OMG... Peter Frampton was beautiful.
Frampton is still looking good, and sounded fantastic this summer in concert. Oh that hair and happy trail ;-) of 1976....
That's so cool that you saw him in concert over the summer, Tucker's Mom :o)
I'm not surprised that he still looks good ;o)
I was reading through someone's tweets this afternoon. It was a fan. You will not believe this. She sent a tweet to a movie director, wishing he could meet Mady, reality star and has great production skills! WTF? Why is a fan pushing this kid to go to Hollywood? I didn't see that Kate told her to stop or make a comment on it. Did she ask that fan? After all she is the one who wants Mady to be someone else. That makes me nervous! I'll have look later to see to find that tweet.
Personally I think it's better to graze anyway. But it's not practical for those in school or at work all day. It's just an unfortunate necessity you have a big lunch to get you through.
Oh, I agree. But tiny tummies may not be able to hold a big lunch and they may feel worse after eating a big lunch than if they just had the smaller lunch that they are used to. Nothing worse than going through the rest of the day with a stomach ache or feeling bloated.
Apparently there will always be someone who thinks Kate packs a great lunch. What world do some people live in?
Juliana the kids are almost 11 and 7 1/2, their tummies are not tiny, they're not three-year-old's anymore. I think most of us have seven kids eat and require way more than what was provided.
But I do agree it's better to eat small portions throughout the day especially for kids and I wish schools would be more sensitive to this.
If the kids haven't been seen on their own show complaining they are hungry, if Jamie hadn't been shown to make fun of Kate's small portions (you only get one snack!), if Kate hadn't done a blog about how they are so hungry even a SHORT TIME after breakfast they're already digging into their lunch, I wouldn't be nearly as concerned.
Layla said... wayward said...
Am I jellus that she overpaid for a property just to say FU to a Dr. who allegedly slighted her back in the day? No. Hope that FU was worth it, he and the Mrs. are getting the last laugh now while counting their money.
Whoa, did I miss something? I never heard about a slight from a doctor. Was it the previous owner of the house?
Layla, the previous owner of the house is a an OB/GYN in your area, Dr. C. When J&K bought the property and it leaked out who the sellers were, many locals noted the coincidence. He and Kate would have had to work together since Kate was a L&D nurse at Reading Hosp.
There was an episode of them moving into the new house. Kate feverishly and obsessively scrubbed the fridge in the kitchen with a constant monolouge on how filthy, dirty and moldy it was. I didn't watch, but others said there were close ups into the fridge and no dirt was really visible. Is that true?
After working her fingers 'to the bone' scrubbing this thing, it was immediately moved downstairs and replaced with a new one! While she didn't mention any names, she made sure the main focus of the show was scrubbing that fridge and making sure America knew the previous owners were dirty. A very public FU. The locals again reported that *allegedly* Dr. & Mrs. C. were upset and contacted TLC. Also allegedly, TLC sent an apology letter and some flowers.
Juliana the kids are almost 11 and 7 1/2, their tummies are not tiny, they're not three-year-old's anymore. I think most of us have seven kids eat and require way more than what was provided.
It's been a long time since I've been a kid, but I feel so much better with very small, frequent meals than I do if I eat a lot at one sitting. These kids are very slightly built. They are not big-boned, husky kids. I'm talking about the younger ones - Cara and Mady may do well with a bigger lunch.
There is no doubt in my mind that Kate is obsessed with food and there is no way that this is not passed on to the children. It's a control issue, and if they are hungry, I hope they speak out about this to their father because their mother sure as shootin' isn't going to do anything about it. I would believe that he would make sure that they are not starving. At least I hope that if this is a concern, they've told him, and he's addressing it.
"She must be so embarrassed as one of the twins is developing on gaining weight. Can you imagine the pressure she puts on those girls. It is frightening."
Any chance the discussion could be steered away from the twins' weight? I noticed this in another post also.
LB said...
I was reading through someone's tweets this afternoon. It was a fan. You will not believe this. She sent a tweet to a movie director, wishing he could meet Mady, reality star and has great production skills! WTF? Why is a fan pushing this kid to go to Hollywood? I didn't see that Kate told her to stop or make a comment on it. Did she ask that fan? After all she is the one who wants Mady to be someone else. That makes me nervous! I'll have look later to see to find that tweet.
It this the one? I posted upthread about her. She sent her resume to Kate - apparently she works out of NY and LA in production and is or was a production coordinator with Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.
@Kateplusmy8 Hi Kate! Did the resume reach you on email? Hope all is well. :)
Midnight Madness said...
Any chance the discussion could be steered away from the twins' weight? I noticed this in another post also.
We didn't notice the initial comment since it was buried at the bottom of a long paragraph-less post, but yes please, don't discuss the kids' bodies. Especially as they are approaching puberty please be as sensitive as possible. It's hard enough to be a kid in the public eye and to have your mom be a control freak like Kate, let alone to have strangers discussing such things.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...
I wonder if she allows her kids to buy milk at school?
Doubt it. I remember that I couldn't believe she was packing strawberry milk for the twins lunch back when. Might as well put a Pepsi in there!
Juliana said I would believe that he would make sure that they are not starving. At least I hope that if this is a concern, they've told him, and he's addressing it.
How exactly would Jon do this? Send another lunch to the school daily for the kids? Send home food with them, smuggled, sewn in their clothing, after his weekends?
And for everyone who keeps mentioning that Kate has 5 daughters when talking about eating disorders, BOYS have eating disorders too. I remember when Kate was so shocked that Hannah weighed more than Collin a few years back.
And is it a coincidence that Kate's favourite child has always been the chubbiest of all 8?
LB==is this the tweet you were talking about. This fan sent a tweet to Ron Howard(this is the real Ron Howard) about Mady. This was just after the 8 Movie Makers episode and before the cancellation was announced.
BIogHawg ihawg hia !
@RealRonHoward Ron, I wish you could meet little Mady Gosselin from Kate+8. reality TV star with great production skills @Kateplusmy8
9 Aug
Wonder what Ron Howard thought of that tweet.
Remember when Jon picked them up at the bus stop, and Mady's first words to him were "I'm hungry, I do get hungry you know," and she meant it. She looked tired and agitated.
Administrator said...
Dallas, lol exactly. Or she would at least drop massive hints like my Zoo-ish friend gave it to me. T.I. thank you so much! Save the koalas!
Oh, sheesh, admin - we'd be hearing about her bff, Terri, until the cows come home. There's no way she could resist name-dropping. She's done it so often in the past. This would not be an exception.
Speaking of long paragraph-less posts, any word from MIA "Oh, yes, she did?" Have you had any ramblings from her, admin?
This isn't like her to remain silent for so long!
An example of someone with a sincere charitable heart? Lisa from Real Housewives of Bev hills was asked to donate dinner at her restaurant to a charity auction. She was asked to do dinner for two. Her immediate response, Sure, but please make it dinner for four or six.
When that's your gut reaction to up the ante, you're doing something right.
mkbrownlow mkbrownlow
@AskBabyMama @kateplusmy8 @leighshahan1 @barbgilmer just posted a link to Kate &BabyMama-on phone- too many letters, barb/Leigh check it out
What does this mean? Is this code? Is Brownnie snuggling up to BM? E-gads! What is on-phone?
I just checked out her blog. She has a link there for donations (made through Pal Pal) for her programs for teenage girls. As far as I could figure out, she has no credentials in that field, no counseling education, nothing.
Maybe she'll educate Kate in how to set up PP for donations!
ADMIN, totally agree with you argument on gay i marriage. both gay and plural should be allowed to wed. let them all experience the hell of divorce (KIDDING)
honestly i dont see the issue with plural marriage at all as long as they are doing it legally (consenting, not scamming welfare etc)
i cannot believe it is a felony to live with your wives and support your children yet it is totally legal for a man to get his mistress pregnant or for an umarried man to have 7 baby-mamas.
i see why the Brown's wanted to come out. just dont see why they didnt consider all the factors that having cameras in their lives would cause for their children being "outed" also..once you see this seasons 2st episode you will see how the family is slipping. just my opinion on all.
Look at the faulty arguments in support of banning polygamy:
The church says it's wrong. The church says a lot of things we ignore.
Polygamy encourages child abuse. Proof? Child abusers can be prosecuted.
It scams the welfare system. Oh please like tons of people aren't doing this every day! Prosecute those who scam the system whether they're in a polygamist marriage or not.
A man should only be in one relationship. Okay well tons of people are having affairs and people turn a blind eye.
It's just interesting to me how similar some of these arguments are to the ones against gay marriage in terms of the faultiness. That's humanity for ya, contradictions.
Not only is Brownie a brownoser, but she talks out of both sides of her mouth. Kate tweeted that she is going to bed because she has a caffeine-withdrawal headache. Brownie tweeted...
mkbrownlow mkbrownlow
@Kateplusmy8 @miloandjack Ugh! Hate the caffeine w/drawal headaches!! Feel better! Chat tomorrow :)
However, last night she said that caffeine doesn't affect her...
mkbrownlow mkbrownlow
@Kateplusmy8 Oh my word! Coffee has NO effect on me and I hate it! I could drink Starbucks right before bed and fall right to sleep.
So, Brownie, which is it? She's kind of like Kate - she forgets what she's said! Maybe the two were made for each other. They could keep each others stories in check.
Anyone else watching the current season of Dancing With The Stars? I am, tonight was the second week's competition episode. Tony has a wonderful partner this season, Chynna Phillips, and she is absolutely lovely and very talented. I am sure Tony does not miss Ms. Kreider at all! My favorite is JR Rodriguez who is a wounded veteran and actor (he has been on the soap All My Children) - he is VERY talented and open about his injuries. He was a truck driver in Iraq and when it hit a mine, he was burned over 30% of his body and lost his left ear completely. He has such good humor and is so accepting and casually makes people comfortable about his injuries and scars, he is a real star! I have been entertained by Carson Kressley and David Arquette - who is open about how long he has been sober. Even Nancy Grace has been a very pleasant surprise. She did not do well Week 1, and apologized to her partner for disappointing him! Can you even imagine Ms. Kreider doing something like that? THEN Nancy went to the studio, worked Really Hard! with NO Makeup! and she did well this week, and even got teary eyed when the judges praised her. SUCH a contrast to how Ms. Kreider handled criticism when she was on. AND everyone looks terrific in their costumes, one more piece of evidence that Ms. Kreider really made enemies in the costume department, she always looked - not quite good - in the costumes they made for her.
The Gosselins know what Doritos are,it''s the triangular-ish shape they're not so sure about!
"What does this mean? Is this code? Is Brownnie snuggling up to BM? E-gads!"
Um, in a word...YES!
mkbrownlow mkbrownlow
@AskBabyMama I was upstate... About 4 hours from the city. Wouldn't go to NYC w/o letting u know!! :)
Am I over-reacting, or would anyone else be concerned if a total stranger on the internet called their teenage daughter 'buttercup' and 'beautiful'? It's creepy.
mkbrownlow mkbrownlow
@Paige_Kate8fan Even Demi got bullied! Don't let the HATERS get to you, beautiful!
mkbrownlow mkbrownlow
@Paige_Kate8fan Keep your chin up buttercup!!! Whatever is getting you down, you cab get thru! Be strong! :)
Just Me said...Interesting. The G8 couldn't go to space camp, but the Duggars did. This brings allllll kinds of questions to my mind.
Thanks, Just Me.
From the same article link:
Producers with the television reality show "19 Kids and Counting" found the U.S. Space & Rocket Center so interesting when the Duggar clan arrived Sunday that their visit will be a full episode next season....The Huntsville episode should air on TLC in January or February after the new season begins, Duggar said. Duggar and 17 of the 19 children...donned the flights suits for a tour of the center and a few hours of the Space Camp experience.
This is interesting since Figure 8 Films also produces the Duggars reality tv show, especially when back in April, Kate was tweeting with someone who had connections with the Space Camp.
From h8k8, who posted the tweet exchange on this blog:
Have you ever thought of bringing your kids to Space Camp in Huntsville, AL? I have a friend there in media relations!
Kate Gosselin:
Actually, ive resesrched it! it's a dream of two ten yr olds I have-- AND their momma! Bring it on
I will get in contact with my friend who works in media relations at the Space Center either tomorrow or Friday.
Once I contact him, I should be able to get it set up so ya'll will be able to come to Space Camp sometime this summer.
Spoke with my contact at U.S. Space and Rocket Center. He will get some information together soon. I will keep you updated
Kate Gosselin:
Thanks. My mgr info should be able to be found online... They are combed so only legit positive stuff gets to her btw..thx
April 15, 2011 2:37 PM (PT)
This happened a few days before Kate had that production meeting, where she brought her bucket list of trips and ideas for the show while some speculated TLC would inform her the show was canceled due to dismal season two ratings.
It sure does raise some questions: Why didn't it work out for the Gosselins? Was this TLC or Figure 8 Films decision to showcase the Duggars instead of the Gosselins, even though someone had reached out to Kate? 9 Gosselins are much cheaper than 17 Duggars. How would Kate feel knowing the Duggars got something from her bucket list, that someone was trying to set-up for her? Kate's only [and final] trip this summer was a two-week road trip in "tiny" RVs.
mkbrownlow sounds like a Dr. Phil wannabe without any qualifications whatsoever. No wonder she's a sheeple, same type of personality as Khate. My feeling is that she's stupid enough to think that she can work with Khate to get some kind of Women & Young Girls support network setup with future hopes in a talk show or something. This woman is a grifter/user, just like Khate and she's latching on thinking there's some moron out in Hollywood still interested in Khate Kreider.
How much time before Kreider starts blocking them and screaming "you don't know how to help me".
No Regrets,
How the heck do you tone your arms and not your legs running? Perhaps she runs on her arms; She is multi-talented you know......
I've been watching, Joy. JR is a TRUE American hero. He's someone our youth should be looking up to. He could've curled up and let his horrible experience control him, yet he took control of his life and chased his dreams. That's a role model. My votes are going to him, Chynna (she was gorgeous tonight and good for Tony!), and to Chaz for at least showing great effort. I think he may be on his way out though. He might outlast Nancy and that Elisabet chick...she looks like a b!tch. :)
Tuckers' mom,
I don't get the sheeple's thinking. You are my kind of girl, Beatles(PAUL),Leif, and oooooohhh Peter Frampton and his hair.I was so jellus of that hair!
I don't think I would ever have watched Kate's show, my Mom might have, not me. These sheeple must lose brain cells the more they have contact with Kate- she drains their brains of normal thoughts.
More like they have no one paying any attention to them, where are the parents?
Someone has written an article defending Kate on Yahoo. The sheeple are ecstatic. She uses the same old sheeple excuses: Jon is bad. You would do a reality show too if you got asked!
Most of the comments disagree.
Kate claimed on twitter, her arms have toned a lot since she started running. I had no idea running could do that and not tone up your legs too.
Funny, don't I recall reading one of Kate's tweets where she said she didn't do anything for her arms, that they were just "that way"?
Anyone else remember that? Several months ago.
Anyone else watching the current season of Dancing With The Stars? I am, tonight was the second week's competition episode. Tony has a wonderful partner this season, Chynna Phillips, and she is absolutely lovely and very talented.
Joy: I know Chynna, Wendy and Carnie, and they are all lovely girls. I'm looking forward to their new album. I'd like to see Carnie on DWTS. Chynna seems a bit stiff on the show, not really like her at all. It can't be nerves - she performs in large venues. Since dancing really isn't her thing, she has to become more comfortable with it, and I'm hoping she stays on the show because she is very talented.
I loved JR tonight. Such courage! My vote goes to him and to Chynna. I don't think Chaz will make it beyond tonight. He tried, though! You have to give him credit for that.
Sam said,
"This woman is a grifter/user, just like Khate and she's latching on thinking there's some moron out in Hollywood still interested in Khate Kreider."
I think you may be correct in your assessment of this brownlow person. I wandered over and checked out her site. She signs her name "Miss Michelle," and has locker hangers signed by that name. Gad me with a box of organic cereal. What concerns me is that she has befriended these twitter tweens and teens and gives them advice. Not good.
I remember her saying that and thinking what a liar she was. She lifts weights throughout the week. Your arms don't get toned just because you run. But for her to try and sell that line of crap to people...unbelievable. Unless she is swinging them like a power walker, they aren't going to look muscular. But then again, she is working hard to achieve zero body fat. Maybe that is what we are seeing. Just the muscle on her arms. And another thing Kate. When you run, try lifting your legs higher like you are actually running. Get your knees up. Shuffling along like that is going to get you a 6 to 8 hour marathon.
@Kateplusmy8 what do u package them n b4 freezing to keep them fresh?
I'm almost afraid to ask this, but which one of Kate's original and awesome food dishes does this poor soul want to know how to freeze?
I don't understand why Kate is running if she hates it so much.Most real runnners love to run, not complain about it.Fido, I remember Kate saying her arms were naturaly toned like that.I say, BS! I know, it's from building the chicken house!
Has Kate actually said that she is going to run in the marathon? When is it? Yeah, no...She might shuffle for a mile or so, I just don't
believe her. She doesn't eat enough to have any fuel to run anywhere, or walk in it.
She never carries water, or has a secret hiding place for it. Can't be a runner with no water.
I have been watching DWTS -Tony has a good partner for a change.I like her,JR, and I hate it that I like Nancy G! Carson is hilarious, but has no natural rythm at all. I'm not fond of R.Kardashian or David A. -don't like their reality shows either.
I like Chas, but he is having a rough time of it, you could see him grimacing with pain when he danced.I think it will be him or Rob that goes home, I think.
I don't know what it is about Elizabeta, either the lanuage or maybe she likes more attention? She was George Clooney's girlfriend and I think she wasn't prepared for the hard work involved. She comes across as kinda snotty on the show.
Twittering and a Twattering said...
@Kateplusmy8 what do u package them n b4 freezing to keep them fresh?
I'm almost afraid to ask this, but which one of Kate's original and awesome food dishes does this poor soul want to know how to freeze?
Probably the guacamole and the celery sticks.
Has Kate ever talked about the natural high/runner's high?
On paper runnig sounds boring. But a lot of mycross country friends would talk about this runner's high. I have never been able to achieve anything I would call a high during exercise even though I played sports all throughout high school and have exercised ever since often really hard--nope, nothing. I've heard so many runners say they just do it for the runner's high.
Just my opinion regarding Space Camp: If the person with some pull to get the G8 invited to the camp knew anything about kHate or had seen just 30 seconds of how those children behave, well! That would've been the END of that idea.
I wonder how many times the Greedslins were refused (through their manager) a trip or "a special day" because the person in charge had a heads up when it came to their GREEDY bottomless pit of NEED mother and totally out of control children that never seemed satisfied no matter how happy people tried to make them?
Ohhhh, I'd just love to know how many times entry was denied the "realist reality show ever!
fidosmommy said...
Twittering and a Twattering said...
@Kateplusmy8 what do u package them n b4 freezing to keep them fresh?
@Kateplusmy8 when did you find time to make those cookies? Esp after putting up all those groc. LOL
@JeanneKaye I make, package and freeze them :) do a huge baking day every once in awhile.. And I enlist help for that if I can.. H8 2 bake!
fidosmommy said...
Twittering and a Twattering said...
@Kateplusmy8 what do u package them n b4 freezing to keep them fresh?
I'm almost afraid to ask this, but which one of Kate's original and awesome food dishes does this poor soul want to know how to freeze?
Probably the guacamole and the celery sticks.
Go to mytwoboys2 twitter page (!/mytwoboys2) and you'll see the tweet asking "@Kateplusmy8 what do u package them n b4 freezing to keep them fresh?" Click on the line the tweet is on and you'll see a column open to the right that shows you the tweets that lead up to her question to Kate:
JeanneKaye Jeanne K
@Kateplusmy8 when did you find time to make those cookies? Esp after putting up all those groc. LOL
19 hours ago
Kate Gosselin
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@JeanneKaye I make, package and freeze them :) do a huge baking day every once in awhile.. And I enlist help for that if I can.. H8 2 bake!
Admin, yes I remember the "bagel meltdown", I think it was Alexis. A full blown tantrum because she wanted...gasp..of all things a BAGEL...for breakfast!
NO, NO, was NOT going to happen.
See, you can't make this shit up!
Regarding the lunch Kate packed for the children....while I certainly don't think it's a horrible lunch by any does seem to be too high on sugar and too low on protein. many said here, with this type of lunch, one will get really hungry again in about an hour.
But what I saw as a bigger concern was how controlling she is over what and how they eat....that she made them keep eating any food they didn't like as babies, that they could only share if SHE deigned to allow it, etc.
My sons have turned out to be the most wonderful and successful adults you can imagine....and I never made them eat ANY food they didn't like...nor let them go to bed hungry. I'd even make one of them something different if he really didn't like what I was serving. And the funny thing is, they both turned out to be quite the foodies....know how to cook and interested in all sorts of exotic foods.
Also regarding the polygamy issues....there is only one problem I can see with it....and that is that what usually happens is that because there ends up being way too many men (compared to the number of available women) in the community, what has happened is that many of the young boys have been tossed out of the community and shunned by the more powerful leaders and members of that community....who want to get rid of any competition for the pool of available women.
And this has been happening in communities where there is polygamy.
And of course, there is the marrying of really young girls....who are way too young to be married....but this could happen with any type of marriage and would not be limited to polygamy.
BUT....I am not the jealous type and to ME, I think I'd have LOVED having a bunch of sister-wives to help with the housework and child-rearing....and also to keep hubby occupied when I wasn't in the mood. :D
I'm playing catch up, so I apologize if I'm talking about stuff from yesterday:
About the Mommie Dearest book; a note on the cover will do: Dear Kate, you should REALLY read this. It will give you all the pointers you need to know about staying a star & staying relevant. It's a tough read, but you & her are so alike. So misunderstood.
The lunch thing; CONTROL issues!! Kate is isane abou the food thing. My son likes the hot lunch option because he's at that age where he is starting to make his own decisions. I know he's eating because I'm writing checks once a month for his lunch card. When he gets home, he can have something healthy to tide him over until dinner. We make peanut butter & Ritz (that's been his fave lately). Why can't she let go even a little? If Kate can let go of something, then her life may get easier. Especially w/ the twins. They are at that age where they need to spread their wings a LOT more. It's like she enjoys that put upon feeling.
If Kate is packing the twins lunch the same way, they are definitely not getting enough food & a healthy balance. None of them are.
Kate posted a tweet that she did a Beauty post on her blog but I don't see it anywhere. Once it is actually up I will post it.
kate can't do sh** said... I remember her saying that and thinking what a liar she was. She lifts weights throughout the week. Your arms don't get toned just because you run. But for her to try and sell that line of crap to people...unbelievable. Unless she is swinging them like a power walker, they aren't going to look muscular.
Maybe she has her 100th pink Iphone weighted differently and that is building a muscle or two???? Hopefully, she is rotating arms when she "runs".
AuntieAnn said...
Kate would go out of her mind even further if one of her kids had special dietary needs.
Kate "doesn't do" special diet things...or whatever the said. Remember that?? Oh, what an ignorant piece of work she is.
Well, it's obvious Kate doesn't post stuff to her lame website herself. She tweeted this morning that there are amazing tips for a quick face (I'll be the judge ofnthat, Kate) and to go here and she gives a link.
And it takes you to the same old horrible list of lunchbox crap from yesterday.
It's obvious she just bangs out on a keyboard whatever brain vomit she comes up and emails it to the website-ish lady and then she doesn't even bother to see if it's there before saying something.
Lazy, lazy, lazy Katie.
Ha Ha-Kate tweeted earlier that the 1st Beauty post was up on her website. Unfortunately, no one can find it!! The Health and Beauty tab isn’t even there anymore. Oops!
Seems Kate did a Health and Beauty post and lost her Health and Beauty tab. That's hysterical.
Kate is the only Blogger I know who brags about a blog post BEFORE it's even posted just so she can get the hits from people checking back periodically to see if it's up - She's so transparent.
If you use the 'Reader' you can see that the blog entry is not yet posted.
I tried posting the article mentioned above but it won't post. Maybe it's too long. Either that or it posted 3 times and didn't advise me. Either way, my apologies.
ncgirl said... Someone has written an article defending Kate on Yahoo. The sheeple are ecstatic. She uses the same old sheeple excuses: Jon is bad. You would do a reality show too if you got asked!
Most of the comments disagree.
I was thinking.....the sheeple swallow so much crap from Kate, I am surprised their own s**t is not organic. Oooohh....I'm going to market that idea:
Organic Sheep S**t.
Gosselin bred and fed. I should write a commercial.
fidosmommy said... Kate claimed on twitter, her arms have toned a lot since she started running. I had no idea running could do that and not tone up your legs too.
Funny, don't I recall reading one of Kate's tweets where she said she didn't do anything for her arms, that they were just "that way"?
Anyone else remember that? Several months ago.
Yes, Fidosmommy...she did say that (and I believe it was on Twitter), but it was recently, not several months ago. She can't open her mouth with a lying spewing forth.
Regarding the single mom/divorced had posted something about the (single) woman being responsible for the care and support of the kids or something along those lines.
To ME....Kate did NOT get stuck raising and supporting her children. In fact, she spent a sh*t-load of $ to get primary custody of them. A single mom, IMO, is one who does get stuck with the raising and supporting due to a husband who takes off and won't help. And to me.....that is a different situation than someone like Kate who is divorced, pursued and got primary custody and has an ex who is very present in the lives of the children.....and who would have been glad to agree to any custody arrangement that Kate WANTED.
So IMO....Kate is NOT a single mom (not to mention that in addition to an involved ex, has numerous staff and babysitters to help her)....but is a divorced mom. Single moms have been left with the burden of caring for and supporting their children when the hubby disappears out of the picture, usually (for whatever reason...took off, died, etc.)
Oh, and even though I think mkbrownlow has questionable motives, not to mention questionable psychiatric issues....I do have to comment on the coffee/migraine issue.
I drink tons of it does not affect me either in terms of keeping me awake, not letting me sleep, etc. But if I miss a day or more of my coffee, I will start getting a migraine....the lack of it does affect me.
I drink it mainly because I LOVE the taste....but have been drinking it in such large quantities for so long, that it has little effect on me regarding keeping me up at night, etc. But it DOES have a big effect on me if I go too long without drinking it.....and I would have to wean myself off it if I wanted to stop altogether.
But I do agree it's better to eat small portions throughout the day especially for kids and I wish schools would be more sensitive to this.
Honestly, the schools are just prepping the kids for the real world. The kids don't get a recess after 5th grade. They need to learn that they only have a small amount of time to eat lunch because they have other "commitments" to get to, like the real world, whether the child is 7 or 17.
Sorry, to finish my thought, I think kids need to stop being so damn coddled.
fidosmommy said... Kate claimed on twitter, her arms have toned a lot since she started running. I had no idea running could do that and not tone up your legs too.
Funny, don't I recall reading one of Kate's tweets where she said she didn't do anything for her arms, that they were just "that way"?
Anyone else remember that? Several months ago.
Yes, she did say that on Twitter, but it was recent, not several months ago. She can't open her mouth without a lie spewing forth.
Uhhh, wait. OK, don't treat them like Kate!! But don't coddle the hell out of them either. When they are younger, there aren't even any winning teams anymore!! It's important for children to realize that there are winners & losers.
Same goes for the school system. My son's 1st grade teacher was kind of a hard ass, my son loved her, & so did I. His 4th grade teacher? Just like me. A hippie, laid back, etc. I think teachers get the brunt of the crap, & I give them props. They cannot be coddled at school. It's like "their" real world, ya know?
totally out of control children that never seemed satisfied no matter how happy people tried to make them?
On what trip were these children so totally out of control and their behavior was that horrible that it would prevent them from being admitted to some event/hotel?
Has anyone else noticed that the only sites that really cover Kate any more are those goofy contributor sites like Gather?
If she's so healthy, why is she tired all the time?
Saw on the news Ocotmom is selling her house. Won't be long before Kate has to do the same.
Ohhhh, I'd just love to know how many times entry was denied the "realist reality show ever!
The fact that they were dragging along a film crew would do it for some places.
Who wants to have a wonderful educational spot and have the Gosselins, complete with cameras and boom mikes, be more of an attraction than the displays?
Just out of curiosity - why do so many people take exception to the juice in the G's lunchboxes? I agree with limiting juice intake, but we are talking about 7 and 11 year olds, not babies or toddlers, and the bottle of juice shown is well within the recommended limit (8 to 12 oz a day) for their ages. And why all of the comments about JJ being "sugary?". It isn't a juice cocktail like capris sun; it is fruit juice. Would milk be better? Probably, but with their long day it is hard to keep cold, so maybe save the milk for at home. I don't often find times that I do the same thing as Kate, but this is one of them.
As far as the rest of the lunch, I don't really see a problem with the quality or quantity. I would have chosen more protein and don't see the point of the single plain celery stalk, but overall it isn't terrible. However, it is such a high maintenance lunch! I can't imagine packing that many little containers for two kids much less eight. So once again, it is an example of Kate making things harder....or appearing to be harder to make her point of how great she is and how hard her life is....than they need to be. Just make eight sandwiches and get eight cheese sticks or yogurts and add a large fruit like an apple or banana and a granola bar. Faster and more substantial.
Wait a Minute, it's all over the net how Juicy Juice is basically, well, not healthy for you. Most flavors contain just as much sugar as a can of soda!
I don't care if you want to give it to your kids, but if you're going to daily proclaim how healthy you make things for your kids, how much time you devote to selecting the best, organic, healthy foods for them, then turn around and throw a Juicy Juice in there (and very possibly just because it was a freebie)? It's hypocritical and ignorant, that's all.
Also the "recommended" limit, I'm not sure what the source is on that but a lot of health professionals are strongly discouraging juice for kids because it's essentially sugar and water. Even no sugar added juices still have lots of natural sugar in them. Sugar is sugar. A lot of doctors will say the only reason I don't come right out and recommend NO JUICE for kids is because I'm afraid if I do they won't get enough fruit each day. It's a weak serving of fruit at least for a tradeoff of a ton of sugar, cavities, etc.
Hippie but in the real world, the adult world, adults have bigger stomachs and can go long periods without food easier. Kids can't. I hate this idea of kids stomachs growling waiting for noon while trying to learn long division. Why???
There are schools that are permitting kids to eat snacks in class. My school growing up did as long as you weren't distracting people. Not a five-course meal but kids would bring a banana or some small snack and munch over spelling words. Most jobs permit a quick break every few hours and you can have a quick snack, and some jobs let you eat at your desk whenever you want. To me that is the real world.
Good grief! Now she wants to co-host on NBC.
@klgandhoda I AM FUN! I would LOVE to co-host with @sarahaines! Anyone? Anyone? Beuller? Beuller?
@sarahaines OK YOU ARE SO ADORABLE! Can I co-host with YOU some day?!?!? LOL!
To Wait a Minute,
I'm confused. You said you see nothing much wrong with the lunch (outside of all that packing) and then go to suggest an entirely different menu
because it is quicker and more substantial. I must be missing what you're trying to say.
Health professionals generally say to LIMIT the amount of juice for kids, not strongly discouraging it altogether. The problem with 100% juice, which juicy juice is, is not the sugar (using that logic, kids should never eat fruit either), it is the lack of fiber. But as long as kids aren't getting all of their fruit and veggie intake from juice and their consumption is limited, it's fine. We don't object if a kid drinks oj with breakfast, so why the huge objections to juice at lunch?
As far as the jj allegations all over the net, i found one fda complaint about mislabeling of a couple of their juices, and the recent thing about arsenic. Nothing about their juice having as much sugar as a can of soda. I do know that this is said about juice COCKTAILS such as Capris Sun, Hi C, Koolaid, etc....the things that come in the pouches. But there is a big difference between those drinks and real fruit juice.
Falling like a brick said...
Kate is the only Blogger I know who brags about a blog post BEFORE it's even posted just so she can get the hits from people checking back periodically to see if it's up - She's so transparent.
I thought that same thing. Sure occasionally I'll say I think I may do a post on this topic soon, but this sort of, a post is coming soon wait until you see it's gonna be sooo good?? Is downright annoying!
Another example of the hundreds of Kate not thinking big picture. She thinks she's getting people are fired up to come look at her site, she thinks she's going to get more hits from people checking back for it--and she first. But in the long run this teasing "strategy" will only serve to frustrate and annoy people especially when it doesn't show up right away, and eventually they will tire of it. If she wants to TEASE, put up the post, tease one small part of it, then link to the post. People will go.
By the way there is another post coming here soon, and wait until you see.....sooo good keep checking back......
Wait a Minute, not sure you're getting what I'm saying. I don't care if people give their kids juice. Give them juice.
But don't go around saying you're Mrs. Health Mom perfect mom organic mom, then throw in their lunchbox a CONCENTRATE, sugar-laden, non-organic, fruit juice thing.
Admin said..."But in the long run this teasing "strategy" will only serve to frustrate and annoy people especially when it doesn't show up right away, and eventually they will tire of it."
@Kateplusmy8 the progressof ur website is movin vry slowly!! I dnt C anything 4beauty I'll stick 2 @KimKardashian whn it come 2 that advice!
Just make eight sandwiches and get eight cheese sticks or yogurts and add a large fruit like an apple or banana and a granola bar. Faster and more substantial.
Or, get hoagie rolls or sub rolls and make 4 sandwiches and split them. That would cut the work in half at least, depending on how big the rolls are.
I think the lunch was just fine. A bit precious and not enough protein, bulk and substance, but come on, Kate didn't throw nitrate-laden cold cuts or divvy up a bucket of KFC for the kids.
I also wanted to say that running tones up arms, legs, abs, back muscles. Calorie expenditure is awesome because of this. The only muscle group that probably won't benefit too much are the triceps because they are not working against gravity. The other muscle groups are engaged constantly, both concentrically and eccentrically, and some more isometrically than the aforementioned.
Arms do get toned and look great when running, especially considering the amount of calories burned and subcutaneous fat lessened such that definition is seen.
That didn't strike me as a good lunch for kids.
It struck me as stuff someone could easily grab out of the frig. No thought involved. Or work.
It's the kind of lunch I have when I don't have anything in the house.
It's too snacky....where's the food with holding power???? And where's their food for on the way home? They must be STARVED by the time they get home!!!!
Plus...if you're going to blabber all over nat'l tv how green you are, what's with all the zip-locks? A bento box would be SO much better.
Ah, but we can't do that. It would be too much work. Just like planning out a decent lunch is too much work.
That lunch, and it's packaging, was a grab and go kind of deal.
Someone upthread mentioned peanut allergies, etc. I imagine all schools have different rules regarding allergy foods such as peanuts.
My daughters' school allows peanuts and peanut butter in the cafeteria. They have a separate table for children that are allergic to nuts.
The classrooms themselves are peanut-free when it comes to snacks and treats, etc.
Like I said, I imagine every school sets different rules. Peanut butter is a healthy food that many parents rely on for lunch because kids love it. I'm happy with the way they handle it in our school because it's fair for everyone.
fidosmommy said...
Kate claimed on twitter, her arms have toned a lot since she started running.
Wouldn't her use of that abchamp thing tone her arms? hahaha The one she probably never uses? Only tone she is seeing is probably just lost fat. Mine looked great when I lost 80 lbs and I was almost too thin. No fat to hide the muscles.
Anonymous Who Can't Post said (of Brownie)...
Good grief! Now she wants to co-host on NBC.
She's out of control! lol!! What parent, knowing this, would let her mentor a child? I think she tweets whatever celebrity she fancies at the moment, the person who most likely answer her tweets, in hopes of latching on to someone. That someone just happened to be Kate. Lucky Kate, huh? Someone mentioned that a few weeks ago it was Connie Sellecca, who was making an appearance at a local store, and Brownie tweeted her that she wanted to meet her.
Sam said,
"This woman is a grifter/user, just like Khate and she's latching on thinking there's some moron out in Hollywood still interested in Khate Kreider."
I imagine both of them in a scene from Chicago. Brownie is Catherine Zeta-Zones (Velma Kelly); Kate is Renee Zellweger (Roxie Hart). Brownie is trying to convince Kate that the two should take their act to Hollywood:
"And then those ding-dong daddies started to roar
Whistled, stomped, and stamped on the floor
Yelling, screaming, begging for more.
But I simply cannot do it
Administrator said...
Wait a Minute, not sure you're getting what I'm saying. I don't care if people give their kids juice. Give them juice.
But don't go around saying you're Mrs. Health Mom perfect mom organic mom, then throw in their lunchbox a CONCENTRATE, sugar-laden, non-organic, fruit juice thing.
I can only imagine Kate is still getting free JJ because this product is so anti thetical to her organic/ "healthy" lifestyle. Then again, Kate's a study in contradiction.
I remember watching J&K+8 when they were in the Etown home. Kate brought out a tray with lunch for the kids, who were being served in the garage at their little plastic picnic tables.
One of the little boys out of the blue pointed to the JJ bottle's label, saying "what's that". Like he never saw it before. Uh huh.
Next thing you know, the camera zooms in on the JJ and holds for
one onethousand
two onethousand
three onethousand
four onthousand
Aaaaand, product placement CUT! SCENE!
It's a shame Kate doesn't follow any of Becki Dilley's tips. I remember one of the specials ABC did on them when her sextuplets were around the age of Kate's and they each got to pick what kind of sandwich they wanted in their lunch (within reason) and she made the sandwiches. Then she had them finish packing their own lunches. They had their choice of fruit, she had a cart in the kitchen with granola bars, etc. that they could choose from, pick a beverage, and so on.
Of course, Becki's a truly organized mom, not a controlling one.
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@JeanneKaye I make, package and freeze them :) do a huge baking day every once in awhile.. And I enlist help for that if I can.. H8 2 bake!
Does she insist on garbage bag taped counters every time like she did on her one show? If I was her kid and had to deal with her shrieking over messes during baking I wouldn't volunteer.
My grandkids and I bake often. I don't have to do much besides instruct. They do most all of it. (even when they were preschool) We have so much fun!
@Kateplusmy8 Since ur out of work right now K8, maybe u can be a private duty or on-call nurse
Can you imagine having just come home from the hospital, and you use a private agency to hire a nurse, and Kate showed up at your door for the night shift? :)
In the Neighborhood said... Can you imagine having just come home from the hospital, and you use a private agency to hire a nurse, and Kate showed up at your door for the night shift? :)
...and you're hooked up to an IV and so you try to reach your cell phone to call 911 and Kate grabs it out of your hand...
Wayward said...
While she didn't mention any names, she made sure the main focus of the show was scrubbing that fridge and making sure America knew the previous owners were dirty. A very public FU. The locals again reported that *allegedly* Dr. & Mrs. C. were upset and contacted TLC. Also allegedly, TLC sent an apology letter and some flowers.
Wayward, thanks for the update. I knew about the purchase from Dr. C, but it sounded like he had slighted her in the past and she bought his house to spite him (for way too much money, hahaha). Guess I just misunderstood.
I remember the episode where she was cleaning the fridge, and making such a huge deal about it, spent 4 hours cleaning it, and so on. Kate said that the whole house was filthy, and then when she was sweeping out the kitchen cabinet she said, "Looks like mouse turds to me", and then had a fit when the freezer in the basement was moved and there was dirt under it "That's a fire hazard!" It was all a bit much, and in very bad taste to put it on TV. So, I thought there might be some ill will toward the previous owners.
I did wonder about her "surprise" at what she said was filth. Didn't she and Jon do a walk-through of the house before buying it? Then, if it were so filthy, wouldn't they have known? It didn't look filthy to me, especially since the previous owners obviously had horses and perhaps cows (when Jon took the kids fishing in the creek, he referred to the cow pasture). Things get tracked in. Oh, well, more of Kate's self-created drama.
Still no Beauty Tips post on Kate's site. I will check again soon. Hopefully my posting it will prevent some major hits on her site.
I am a little late to the lunch party (my youngest daughter got married this weekend and I was living my real life :-) ), I just feel like commenting on Lunchgate.
Kate continues to be a controlling tool when it comes to her children and eating. It does not take rocket science to pack a simple, healthy, nutritious lunch for a school child - I packed them for years, both school and day camp, for 3 children. And they wanted them simple, no time to eat or fuss with precious little containers. Sometimes they would come home with a half eaten lunch and finish it off at 3:00, fine by me.
Simple lunch: sandwich on whole grain bread (fillings varied from PB&J to cheese, or turkey/cheese), crunchy thing, fruit, granola bar and real juice or water, depending on season, age, etc.). Simple. As they got older, sometimes they would want leftover pizza (joke in our house is that you could never order too much pizza, we never had to throw any out). Kate's lunch is, as said above, just too precious, and frankly time-consuming to make what with all the little containers and plastic bags (ziplocks are not exactly green for the world K8). Like I said, she's a tool, or fool, you may choose.
And again, frankly, if I had 8 children who had access to a cafeteria program like I am sure that their private school does, I would probably try out a few months of having my kids eat in the cafeteria. Guess I am less of a control freak, and I also grew tired of making lunches. Not being able of afford it is total BS, and I actually doubt she is packing those lunches, the not-a-nanny probably gets one of the many lists and does most of the work.
Simple nutritious lunch - not a bunch of grazing snacks. Now any one of those snacky things could be good in a lunch to supplement the sandwich but to pretend that all that is labeled organic tossed in with Juicy Juice, oh well, my mind is boggled by her thought process. She actually gives a black mark to people who are really trying to eat in a more organic way - she just tosses it around, buys a few things and then puts sugary sprinkles on her organic yougurt. When I read that, I almost spit out my coffee.
Yep, that's our Kate - I truly hope her daughters do not suffer the food issues that she is pointing them to, they already have enough to deal with.
HUM, amazing tips 4 a quick face. Kate posted that 5 hours ago. Seems fixing her face would be faster than writing about it. Lets see if we can make a prediction:
wash face
apply foundation
light coat of mascara
little blush
little powder
Took me less than a minute to write that Kate. What novel for a "quick face" are you coming up with?
She is a Cow said...
HUM, amazing tips 4 a quick face. Kate posted that 5 hours ago. Seems fixing her face would be faster than writing about it. Lets see if we can make a prediction:
wash face
apply foundation
light coat of mascara
little blush
little powder
Took me less than a minute to write that Kate. What novel for a "quick face" are you coming up with?
The right combination of product recommendations for freebies and advertising for when, not if, she begins advertising on her blog.
@KateGosselincon @Kateplusmy8 Maybe Kate does not want to talk about being born again. YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE RELIGIOUS TO BELIEVE IN GOD.
Spitting my caffeine out over that one! Of course she doesn't want to talk about religion or being born again. She burned that bridge with the love offerings. After the drunken foot-licking ceremony in New York, no parishioners would take her seriously, and certainly wouldn't be foolish enough again to donate money to her. She used religion like she used people, and she now has no more use for any of it.
I haven't posted for awhile and haven't read all of your comments so forgive me if this is a repeat of someone else's thoughts. I think the lunch that Kate packed for the kids is not filling or nutritious enough for growing children. Basically all she gave them were a few snack foods and called it a lunch. Of course, all I ever saw her give them for lunch when they were younger was a few grapes and a couple of "crunchy things". She underfeeds those kids, always has and no one will ever convince me otherwise. She has an eating disorder herself and is either terrified that the kids might be a pound or two overweight or she's just too cheap or lazy to feed them a decent lunch. I have always thought that all of the kids are underweight. They say that TV makes you look 10 pounds heavier than you look in person. If that's the case, I'd say those kids are truly skin and bones.
She uses the term "single mother" to invoke sympathy and compassion....leaving off that she CHOSE to become a single mother.....and she isn't really a single mother anyway.
A single mother is caring for the children on a daily basis without help from another person.
NOPE-This isn't you, Kate. Babysitters & not-a-nanny count here.
The father is also considered a single father.
Do you hear Jon complaining about being a single father? NOPE.
No daddy in the picture to come and get the kids for the weekend or at anytime.
NOPE - not Kate either.
A single mother is someone who has no father in the picture at all; no child support being paid, no joint custody.
NOPE - not Kate.
A woman who contributes more than 50% of the child raising responsibilities is considered a single mom.
NOPE!!!! - DEFINITELY not Kate (Not sure who takes care of them, but it mostly isn't her.)
A true single parent is one who has the sole custody & care of their children and not one who gets to have every or every other weekend free.
And lots of other days cuz they have to "work" getting their hair done in NYC
NOPE - not you Kate
A single mom is "single" on her own, raising the children without a husband, boyfriend, significant other or any PAID or family help.
The term single parent is a parent that takes care of the children 100% of the time physically and financially, receiving no help from the other parent. A single mother is just that, a mother without anyone else in the picture to help her raise her child.
An unmarried person raising their child alone with minimal or no help at all from the absent or noncustodial parent.
She is single and she is a mother, but it's not fair to put those two words together.
She's stringing these two words together to imply (not too subtly) that Jon doesn't do anything, financially or physically.
She is a divorced mom. Some divorced moms truly are single moms....but Kate isn't one of them.
Single mom is just a term she uses as part of her grifting technique. Feel sorry for me! I have life sooooo hard! BooHoo! White knight, where are you???
I agree with "Kate is a divorced mom of 8." She just goes with that "single mom" stuff to garner sympathy. It's all about the grifting, you know. I have a niece who has never been married. She is a single mom of 2. Big difference.
Here's the problem with juice: one apple has 15.8g sugar and 3.3g fiber for 71.8 calories while one cup of apple juice (not cocktail or juice drink) has 28.75g sugar, .25g fiber for 116.6 calories. One cup of cola has 23.7g sugar at 91.8 calories. Juice is not a suitable substitute for a piece of fruit and has way more sugar than soda. Admin is spot on; she has tried to brand herself as organic and nutrition savvy, but this lunch is LOADED with sugar and simple carbs, and the kids with a soda in their lunches are no worse off. [nutrition info taken from]
I personally have no problem with fruit juice; I do have a problem with Kate passing off Juicy-Juice as health food (which its not) and herself as some kind of nutrition expert when in reality this blog post was just another product placement on behalf of JJ.
To Kate is a twit...thanks! Yes, that is the tweet I saw yesterday. It appears Kate has blocked this person because it did not show up in her twitter account but all the same, I'm just FLABBERGATED! Where does it say that a fan’s wish gets pretence over a child’s dream to be someone completely different from this! She wants to take care of animals, not be some Hollywood wannabe!
BIogHawg ihawg
hia ! @RealRonHoward Ron, I wish you could meet little Mady Gosselin from Kate+8. reality TV star with great production skills @Kateplusmy8
9 Aug
Took me less than a minute to write that Kate. What novel for a "quick face" are you coming up with?
Same as yours, except use a mineral-based foundation, or powder bronzer in place of foundation. Lip gloss to finish. Bronzer is a must.
"They say that TV makes you look 10 pounds heavier than you look in person. If that's the case, I'd say those kids are truly skin and bones."
The younger children are not skin and bones. Honest. They just aren't heavy kids. They have a slight build; they are slender and petite, even the boys. Weight-wise, they look like normal kids. They do look heavier on television, but by no means 10 pounds heavier...they just look bigger on television than they really are. They by no means look emaciated, starved or under-nourished.
I hope on Jon's weekends, they are able to eat to their heart's content - pizza, hot dogs, an ice cream treat. Kids stuff!
I wonder if thoes M&M's and cookies were organic or low fat?
In the Neighborhood said... Took me less than a minute to write that Kate. What novel for a "quick face" are you coming up with?
Same as yours, except use a mineral-based foundation, or powder bronzer in place of foundation. Lip gloss to finish. Bronzer is a must.
Your right, Lip Gloss and bronzer. There you go! 6 hours and counting for her AMAZING tips. Mine are up and edited already!! LOL
Katie Irene: Will you hurry up with the beauty tip? I've been sitting in my underwear, locked in my room, for hours hitting the update icon waiting for this. Oh, and the cook said the avacodo's are too hard to mash and the nanny said the bus driver threw my seating chart out the window. What the hell am I supposed to do?
Ever notice how Kate prefaces everything she does as awesome or amazing? AMAZING tips for an easy face! Check out MY AMAZING or AWESOME favorite recipes! It's weird, especially because in those two examples, her face looks like crap (as does her hair) and her cooking/meal prep look to leave something to be desired - big time. So she runs, so what? So do I, and I wear wicking clothing, have a hydration belt and wear my Ipod on an arm harness. And I do other things too, recognizing that only running invites problems. If someone told me they were getting shin splints or heel pain because of my advice, I'd tell them to seek the advice of a professional (especially since I am battling heel pain of my own for months now and it can be serious). Also, normal people realize that you do not get to declare yourself amazing - that's what other people do for you.
She's so weird.
Regarding Kate's issues with Pizza. I really believe her problem stems from knowing that Jon treats the kids to pizza.
She admits in her tweets that she, herself loves pizza, but won't eat it. On the RV trip she acted like she had no idea how, or what to order when they decided to get pizza. She even said to Steve, "We don't eat pizza." Like it is the worst food on the planet. In my opinion, a slice of cheese, or veggie pizza would be healthier than the macaroni and cheese with french fries, she was feeding the kids.
So, telling the kids Pizza is "unhealthy" (per Mady) is just another dig at Jon. For all we know, the kids eat pizza all the time with the Nanny.
And to the poster above. Pizza does make a great lunch box item. We always order more, so the kids can have it in their lunch box the next day.
Kate's lunch box post is a load of crap. I hardly believe that this was not just a one off she put together to take the picture and write the post. I agree it is a bunch of picky snacks with no substance and the kids are gone too long not to have a sandwich, or something more filling.
Can't they be normal in any way?? Does she even have to mess with their lunch and make it all fussy food items. How many 7 year olds like Guacomole anyway. It is just too unbelievable. Give them a sandwich, fruit, yogurt and a granola bar. Let them be normal for once!
She is a Cow said...
HUM, amazing tips 4 a quick face. Kate posted that 5 hours ago. Seems fixing her face would be faster than writing about it. Lets see if we can make a prediction:
wash face
apply foundation
light coat of mascara
little blush
little powder
Doesn't she also apply 'everyday' fake lashes? I thought i remember hearing her say something about them once.
Saw a Facebook post today that cracked me up. Immediately thought of Kate:
"You should try eating your make-up instead, because you are so ugly on the inside, BITCH!"
Bitter End...
Yes, they did show eyelashes when Jamie went on about her make up regime.
Oh and in my post above, I meant You're right, instead of your right. (sheeple)
Kate's Health and Beauty Post (that she didn't even write herself):
In recent years, as my kids get older, I have rediscovered myself and how looking good helps me feel good. Therefore, I'm a better mommy! I'll tell you some great hair/makeup and fashion tips I've learned along the way... My friend, amazing makeup artist, and teacher, Deanna Bell, will also be contributing! Her secrets are endless, affordable, and amazingly genius!
The 5 Minute Face September 27, 2011
As our to-do lists get longer, the time we spend on ourselves seems to decrease exponentially. That said, we all know how much better we feel when we look at least slightly presentable!
Like most of you, I have a sort of “uniform” of clothing that I wear. It consists of a pair of nice jeans, a dressy casual top, and a few pieces of jewelry that I keep by the door. Isn’t it amazing how a necklace or pair of earrings makes it look like you tried harder in the morning? Well, the same goes for makeup!
I’m happy to be sharing with all of you some tricks for when there isn’t a lot of time for primping. In this recipe for success, you will need the following ingredients:
5 Essentials for the 5 Minute Face:
Lightweight Foundation
Eye Pencil
Lip Stain
Now, let’s set the timer and get started:
1. Apply a dime sized amount of a lightweight foundation with your fingers, paying special attention to the areas around your nose and under your eyes. Extra points if your product has SPF! A great product to try is Make Up For Ever HD Foundation orMaybelline Fit Me! Foundation.
2. Line your lash line with an eye pencil and use your ring finger to smudge the line. A rich brown is flattering on everyone. Time saving trick: Use a pencil similar to your hair color so you can quickly fill in your eyebrows. Two to try: Make Up For Ever Aqua Eyes in Pearly Brown or Styli-Style Line Seal in Brown Quartz.
3. Apply mascara. My opinion? Black mascara for everyone. My absolute favorites are Loreal Voluminous in Carbon Black and Maybelline Define-A-Lash in Very Black.
4. Put on a little blush or bronzer! Kate and I both love NARS Orgasm Blush and Laguna Bronzer. If you are going to splurge on one thing, this is it!–bronzer-duo/orgasm-laguna
5. Lip stain! Lip stains are easy, no mess, and you can wear your favorite sheer lip balm on top. I recommend the universally flattering and budget friendly Cover Girl Outlast Lip Stain in Nude Kiss.
Throw these products into a tiny makeup bag with a mirror and keep them in a place where you can steal a bit of time — in the kitchen while the kids are eating cereal or in the TV room during the favorite cartoon — just NOT in the car!
I hope this helps to save you time and look great! Please share your tips and photos of your 5 Minute Faces through Twitter, and send in your beauty questions by emailing me here:
Thanks for reading,
@Kateplusmy8 tried 2 send u a message on ur new website but it said couldnt perform operation default mail client not properly installed????
Did Kate break her website?
Oh goody beauty tips from Kate now.
Do the tweenies really need to learn how to cover up leather skin with a spatula and a can of spackle?
Got some advice for ya Kate: get a paper bag, cut out two holes for the eyes and put the bag over your head. Believe me, it'll be an improvement. The good news is you're still a one-bagger.
First time poster...
I also take offense to Kate calling herself a single mother. My mother was a single mother (of 5 small children) after my father passed away. She never, ever got a break... was a parent 24 hours a day. Never a night off, much less 2 week-ends a month, every other holiday, or 2 weeks every summer. She did not have help grocery shopping or preparing meals, as she had no personal assistant or food services available. My mother worked full-time and so the only other person that 'watched' us was my eldest sister - who was barely in double digits herself, never a nanny or babysitter. My mother mowed our lawn / shoveled our driveway, as we had no gardener. And she protected us from the neighborhood bullies, as we had no bodyguard. My mother was truly a SINGLE parent, 365 days a year. Kate is a DIVORCED mother WITH HELP. Big difference.
Ya know, if that bronzer isn't "Orgasm", then it just won't do. If you can't fork over $40.00 to look like Kate, then you needn't bother ever going to her Tips for Beauticiousness.
And what about lipstick? Doesn't that count in the 30 seconds to gorgeousish?
Ooooh, ooooh, I can't wait to find out how to transform my uglified self into a Kate clone!
hey jude said... Has anyone heard from Bearswife,Dwindle and Teresa? I miss you, please come back or I'll have to start looking for you!
HI!! I'm here now - just popped in for a few minutes to catch up. Havent been feeling well and it's been hard to keep up with stuff around me. Hope you all are well! Be back as soon I can.
Admin, do you check your spam filter occasionally? I've lost 1/2 my comments in the past week or so.
Admininstrator said...
That's one direction I'd like to take this blog is to monitor and chat about other concerns out there as reality shows with kids continues to truck on with no end in sight....
....Also, concerns in general about reality tv even if it involves adults, such as suicides or other downfalls possibly linked to exposure, etc.
It's the parents who expose their kids on reality shows that piss me off. I watched one episode of Sister Wives and the thing that stood out glaringly was the pain that a couple of the kids were going through...with a camera in their face. It was sad and disturbing.
It may be called 15 minutes of fame but I think 15 minutes of shame is more like it.
I hope your blog continues even after Kate fades away into nothingness.
I am a mom of twins... what gets me about this whole lunch things is that they all get the same.exact.lunch. No variety. You cannot tell me that each kid likes the same thing, all the time. I "only" have two but they differ greatly on what they like for lunch. One likes apples, one likes grape and so on.
The way she treats them all as one unit drives me batty.
Kelly (not THAT Kelly)
let's just make this simple
1. an exercise guru
2. nutritionist
3. long distance runner
4. organized
5. honest
6. humble
7. a fashionista
8. a single mother in the true sense of the word. (she was married and raised kids with jon for more years than she chose to be divorced)
9. a true friend
10. a great role model for other moms
11. all organic
12. charitable
in otherwords...kate is not who she claims to be. she is riding the brand that TLC created for her. many see the truth. others simply don't care to and if it makes them feel good to be deceived then they "get what they get and they won't get upset"
most people aren't as blind as sheeple. it takes a very special person to blindly gush over someone they don't know and attribute qualities to that person that they don't even have.
in other words..kate's a blank slate. she makes innuendos and never comes right out and says much. just little 140 word tidbits. she does that so people can infer what they choose to. anytime kate is given more than 140 characters to express herself she usually comes across as an ass. twitter makes her seem nice, friendly, healthy, organized and a great mom to her sheeple and they eat it up. they also get a thrill from "chatting" with a celeb.
i personally think brownlow is moving too close into kate's territory. her aspirations to be famous, tweet better recipes and to act as kate's secret friend will soon rub kate the wrong way. kate does not like to be upstaged.
regarding the running..there was a tweeter who asked kate numerous time to sign up for a local 1/2 marathon. every one of those tweets went unanswered. when the tweeter poster her personal best run times kate did reply with "oh i'm gonna save those for personal reference" watch for kate to soon BEAT those records. she's a phony. the tweeter who runs say all the things i expect a runner to say. ice baths, nutrition after 6 miles, hydration, don't run 10.5 several times a week. ect. kate can never offer anything to those tweets. she just ignores them. she's a sham and it's sooo obvious. this running thing is just something to make her seem INSPIRATIONAL .
My laugh for the day is how K8 compliments herself, always, when announcing a new blog post, clearly written by someone who really does read and write English, not her - "amazing", "fascinating", "wonderful" - you moron, those are adjectives to be used by your sheeple fans. What a tool.
I took a bullet posted Kate's Beauty post above at 11:10 am. Kate didn't even write it, but you don't find that out until the end of the post.
LOL - Deanna Bell's website is as worthless as Kate's.
Old Crone said... Ya know, if that bronzer isn't "Orgasm", then it just won't do. If you can't fork over $40.00 to look like Kate, then you needn't bother ever going to her Tips for --Beauticiousness.
Must have missed this tip. My goodness, Orgasm.........Where does one apply it?
However, it must be cheaper than Steve-O.
1 cup juicy juice (8 oz) = 120 cal/20 mg sodium/29 g carbohydrates/27 g sugars
1 12 oz can Dr. Brown's Cel Ray - 140 cal/10 mg sodium/34 g carbohydrates/34 g sugars
Info on juicy juice from (
The info on Dr. Brown's from the can of soda I'm drining.
@Kateplusmy8 I love your site. I'm sitting all day watching it, and reading all that things you write there. :)
I guess the Sheeple have both reading and comprehension problems, don't they? ALL DAY? Tip - if you just "watch" the website, you're not going to make much progress.
"Put on a little blush or bronzer!"
Ding, ding, ding! I called the bronzer! We all were right in our predictions.
What in the heck is that 5-minute face? From her make-up artist? Good golly. Kate has money to employ a make-up artist...well, who would have thought it. Kate couldn't even write that herself. Shaking my head here...
What's so special about it? I've been doing that all of my adult life, and I would guess so have 99 percent of most of us. If I were Kate, I'd be embarrassed to post something that silly.
Watch for the run on the discount pharmacies this evening, as Sheeple flock to buy those products. I've used Sephora bronzer, but found a generic one for $4.49 that works just as well, if not better.
I wonder if there's a product that removes make-up from woolly faces. Wouldn't bronzer stain the fleece? She kind of omitted that from her beauty tips.
Kate's trying to cover up that there was a problem with her website post.
It was posted on her website at approximately 2pm EDT which was 2 3/4 hrs. ago. At about 3:45pm she tweeted a fan that it was "just posted-hot off the presses".
In the Neighborhood---Do you really think they would use a discount product? No, they'll have to have what Kate uses. Remember they want to do exactly like Kate.
Those Sephora products are expensive. $18 for eyeliner, $40 for a 1 oz. bottle of foundation? Yikes!!
Must have missed this tip. My goodness, Orgasm.........Where does one apply it?
However, it must be cheaper than Steve-O.
...and it doesn't eat salad or mac and cheese.
But does it carry purses?
Ok, Single parent (mother or father) refers to the custodial HOUSEHOLD, not the marital status of the parent raising the children- even if the other parent is involved- if children only have 1 parent in the house, that parent is a single parent. Household, not marital status, not if they have nannies or not, or a grandparent, etc. Kate is a single mother.
Juicy Juice is nothing more than glorified sugar water. Admin is right about doctors and if they could recommend no juice, they would, but for the fear of lack of any other fruit for the children. Plus ALL flavors of juicy juice are primarily apple juice, with added juice for flavor, so no matter what, the kids are drinking apple juice- purified no less- which is the worst kind of juice for children- it is sugar water. If you want to give your kids apple juice, give them the cloudy apple juice- that's the real deal.
Hehehehe... How special- "Kate's 5 Minute Face".
Who would have known? Mascara goes on the eyes.
Look out Bobbi Brown, here comes Boobie Gosselin!
All kidding aside, I presume it was written specifically for her tween & teen sheeplettes, because it's very basic information.
P.S. Note to sheeplettes: Less is more...
i personally think brownlow is moving too close into kate's territory. her aspirations to be famous, tweet better recipes and to act as kate's secret friend will soon rub kate the wrong way. kate does not like to be upstaged.
Woot! Woot! I think you're right. If someone I didn't know tweeted the following to me, I'd run the other direction. It's just too creepy:
mkbrownlow mkbrownlow
@kateplusmy8 Mornin' Girlie! Have an AWESOME DAY!! :)
Girlie? I remember in college, there was a new student in our dorm. We dormies felt kind of sorry for her, and we'd sit with her in the dining hall, or walk with her to classes. She hung on, and on, and on, and wouldn't give us any breathing room. She singled out my roommate as her favorite, imitating her, coming up with weekend plans for both of them. You know the routine. Kind of like the Single White Female Syndrome. She stuck like Super Glue. Funny thing is - she always called me "Girlie," so when I read Brownie's tweet, I thought...uh-oh!
Run, Kate, run! This will not have a good ending.
Kate is a twit said...
In the Neighborhood---Do you really think they would use a discount product? No, they'll have to have what Kate uses. Remember they want to do exactly like Kate.
Those Sephora products are expensive. $18 for eyeliner, $40 for a 1 oz. bottle of foundation? Yikes!!
I have to admit I love Sephora and I get about half of my make up there- the other half.....Walgreens or Walmart LOL!!! But the products I do get at Sephora are absolutely worth the money. I compare it to a good bra- I will pay $$$$ for a good bra- they are so hard to come by! :D But if I find a product that has great quality at a discount price- yep- I save my money. Who wouldn't? Caveat- I don't put my make up (or other items) ahead of my child- college tuition, books, her insurance and gas always come first.
butterfly--I'm not knocking Sephora. I've never tried it. I'm just thinking of the teens who will insist on having those products just because Kate uses it. Especially if they can't afford it.
I wonder if Kate gets anything if they click on the links and then purchase something.
Yikes, I think I clicked when I was typing characters...
My final thought about lunches was: Never, ever have any 2 of my children EVER requested the same thing for lunch on any given dday.
Oh, but I have individuals, not a six-pack.
I love how she tries to act like she's just a normal mom and then posts a pic of herself getting made up by her makeup artist. LOL.
And the makeup artist wrote the entry, she couldn't even write it herself! I'm seriously laughing over that.
It's so groundbreaking!!! Why didn't EVERY woman know this quick makeup routine??? Oh wait, I use it every day: moisturizer, Bare Minerals foundation, a smudge of liner on the upper lid, Benetint cheek stain, mascara, lip gloss. Done. Fascinating, huh?
Also: Kate wears WAY more makeup than that. It's fairly caked on when she's making an appearance. Guess we won't know now since no one's taking her picture. Poor Kate. Hee.
Westcoaster (and I am one too, Pacific NW), I said the same thing! Those adjectives are not ones you should use to describe yourself - they are adjectives that others use to describe you! She's hilarious.
Hahahaha, leave it to Kate to post a picture of herself getting done up by a makeup artist, instead of doing her own makeup like the rest of the world. I'm surprised she let Deanna take credit at all, but a normal person would have a picture of themselves doing their own five minute face, not rubbing it in their minions' faces that they have a makeup artist. Make that, HAD a makeup artist. She just does not get it.
I had my hair/makeup done for my 25th anniversary party last year. It was a 2-hour ordeal for both. Each eye took about 15 minutes alone. Someone needs to tell Kate to show herself with a headband, baling that straw, and applying some eye makeup or something. My gosh.
WOW! Desperate much??? Recent tweet, sent out to cyberspace AND TLC:
Did a 1 hr International press ph intv this am w/ 6 countries represented!So good 2 talk abt K+8 agn 4 TLC! Would luv 2 rep in person! @TLC
Does this nitwit not understand that other countries have their OWN shows that they follow? Apparently she did not catch "Farmer Needs a Wife" while in the land down under! England is tabloid royalty; they could not care less about Kate Gosselin (and I knew not a single name I saw in the tabloids at a coffee shop, but my Scottish friend sure did!).
Does the bronzer work well on orange leather skin? Should you go darker or lighter with the bronze shade, depending upon how much tanning you've done?
Speaking of which - why do you get bonus points if you choose a foundation with an SPF, if you've spent every day of the week lying in a tanning bed? Isn't that kind of like ordering a diet soda with a banana split?
Because I'm from the previous generation and very clueless when it comes to computers, I wanted to ask a question:
What is the significance of Kate having a website...and why the number of hits is a big deal?
I could have misunderstood but I came under the impression that somehow, having/creating this new website was going to help her get a (new) job on TV....and if that is true, how would that work? How would that make someone want to hire her to work in the entertainment industry?
I do know that when blogs are in competition, the number of posts is very indicative of whose blog is more popular.....but this thing with her new website....what is it supposed to accomplish for Kate, other than being just another venue to talk about herself?
Is Kate looking to upgrade her current iphone to the newest iphone 5, supposedly scheduled to be unveiled 10.4.11?
@hipmomoftwins @cjwhodunit @kateplusmy8 @leighshahan1 @barbgilmer @askbabymama Just dropped my iPhone on Italian tile floor - SMASH!!! UGH!!
2 hours ago
in reply to ↑
Kate Gosselin:
@mkbrownlow @hipmomoftwins @cjwhodunit @leighshahan1 @barbgilmer @askbabymama No!!!U just got it!!!:( hope ur not up to 6 or 7 soon like me
2 hours ago via Twitterrific
She did the same thing days before the iphone 4 was announced and unveiled on 6.7.2010, with her signature tagline at the bottom of some TLC blog posts:
Sent from my (fifth!) PINK iPhone
(with a second screen ... Almost a SIXTH iPhone!)
Kate's TLC blog: Dancing, Check! On to the Next (6.1.10)
There are more durable iphone cases, albeit not as colorful and pretty, such as Otterbox that protects your smartphone from getting damaged. A relative's high-end smartphone survived a fall off the roof of a moving vehicle (at 45-50mph), completely unscathed. Luckily, he installed an app that enabled him to locate it on the side of the road. Just rinsed off dirty case, changed screen protector; good as new.
@hipmomoftwins @cjwhodunit @kateplusmy8 @leighshahan1 @barbgilmer @askbabymama Just dropped my iPhone on Italian tile floor - SMASH!!! UGH!!
2 hours ago
Let's see. Kate has a LEATHER sofa and a swimming pool, and Brownie has an ITALIAN tile floor (which is, of course, superior to an American tile floor). Anything else we need to know?
Young Paige and some of the teens are all in a sheeple frenzy, thinking the show is returning to TLC. Pass the smelling salts.
PJ's momma said...Hahahaha, leave it to Kate to post a picture of herself getting done up by a makeup artist, instead of doing her own makeup like the rest of the world.
Did Kate get TLC's permission to use their copyrighted images on her own website?
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Oh, and one more thing..........tonight's dinner at the G's was barbecue chicken topped with caramelized onions, steamed broccolini and cous cous...(which I learned from twitter/what she tweeted.
Now maybe I was too lenient but I would never have served my sons the broccolini, the cous cous and the caramelized onions (much less MAKE them eat all of it) when they were the same age as the sextuplets are. I had enough problems just trying to get them to try any vegetables other than carrots and corn.
Their menu for dinners was generally chicken/roast beef/sliced ham, mashed potatoes/rice and carrots/corn...and spaghetti, home-made pizza or chicken nuggets, etc. When they got older they became good cooks and foodies, actually.
Lunch for them was PB&J for one son and tuna salad sandwich for the other, carrot sticks or apple/banana, a little bag of pretzels or popcorn, etc.....and a nice dessert......oh, and a napkin.
Seriously, my sons are the most wonderful, the nicest and also successful men you could meet. And I never hit them nor did I ever force them to eat anything, especially adult foods.
I hope we get to hear more about the international press interview. I wonder if TLC is planning on selling the 'show' to an additional six countries. We may think the children will not be 'performing' again but I'm sure TLC will continue to profit from them given the opportunity. They can be exploited for years to come without residual compensation.
What would be so bad if Kate you know, fell of the face of the media-world? I mean it's not like she would be missed all that much and she knows it. Didn't Kate want to have children and a job to support them with? Well, she has the kids, now all she needs to do is get off her butt, get a job and learn to live on a budget, oh say, like the rest of America!
Kate: quit trying to be something you clearly are not. It hasn't worked well for you in the last 7 years and doesn't appear to be working for you still to this day.
She's had her run in the sun I suppose, but really, what's the worse that will happen if she has to go back being mediocre? Could it be that she fears being "average," like everyone else. Could it be that she's had someone hold her hand too long all this time, telling her what she would do each day, have stores shut down for her, have people pay her way that she's forgotten how to be like everyone else?
Awe...yeah you know what, I do feel sorry for her. Okay, touchy-feeling moment is over. Back to reality! Suck it up cupcake! Get a job! Quit trying to push how many kids you've got down American's throat and wondering how will be able to do this and do that. Nobody really cares what happens to you, it's your life. I can't believe she actually expects people to run her life. That's what you do when you're a kid, she's 36. A legal adult. I assume somewhat capable adult.
Her website isn't going to bring in anything, if it does I'll drink wine from a box! Cheap stuff. I just can't figure out why, why she thinks going back to being a "soccer mom," or whatever is so terrible. Not like she'll starve none or be forced to live in the streets. Get an education, get a hire nursing job, learn to work 12 hour shifts, learn to be happy with what you have! But will she ever learn?
Anonymous I almost did a post last week when an article came up about international distribution of reality shows. It just wasn't that well written so I passed on it, but the point being that it is downright frightening to think about all the other countries this show could be sold to and these kids could be exploited for YEARS in reruns, without compensation--what seems stale and has-been for us will be all new episodes for all those international people. I'm especially wondering about Asian countries since they are half Korean, I can see them developing some real obsessed fans abroad. The whole thing squeaks me out!
And to think exposing her kids globally excited Kate to no end! I wonder why else Kate would be so eager to promote Kate +8 since she's been let go. What's in it for her?
Kate is a twit you are absolutely right about teens will want to use what Kate uses (re Sephora)- my teen never went through that type of phase so sometimes I forget what typical teens are like :)
I was just stating that I like that store. Of course it would be nice of the products were less expensive! Maybe I could pull a Kate and somehow grift Sephora for some freebies...
Anonymous Who Can't Post said...
Admin, do you check your spam filter occasionally? I've lost 1/2 my comments in the past week or so.
I have too.
Fasten your seat belts ... It appears that the young, overly-obsessed, Number 1 Fan sheeple is blocked by K8 on twitter (and she does not yet know it).
I wish there was a better way for K8 to deal with clingy fans; this way is just so unkind. Of course, if she hadn't encouraged them with twitter....
Dee3 - Amen to your comment about feeding your kids! My two youngest have been picky but as they've gotten older they're willing to try more things. I know for a fact, however, they would never eat guacamole or even sliced avocados right now. I also know that neither would I at their age and now I love guacamole. Tastes change as they get older. It's not something to obsess over, imo.
Our only rule at home, food wise, is that you can't say you hate it if you never tasted it. They have to be willing to give it a small bite, chew and swallow before they can politely say "No more, thank you."
If the show does get recycled in other countries, there is at least one bright side. The people in those countries will not be going to school with the Gosselins, will not be running into them at Target or the grocery store.
That's all I can say positively about it.
On my local radio station, DJs Scott and Todd read a story about how Kate can't cope with reality without a reality show. They also said that Jon would never come back--he ran as fast as he could to get away from her! I can't find the source of the story, though.
In the early episodes Kate burned in the sun. Now she tans. Huh? Did her plastic surgeon give her melanin in her skin, too? Either you burn or you tan. Clearly, she is getting spray tanned, and lied about it. Early in the show, she had zero interest in athletics, couldn't do it, etc. Now she's a runner? C'mon.
As for the lunches--if she didn't set herself as a nutrition expert, I wouldn't see anything wrong with them, except that they are all side dishes with no main meal. I can't stand the drink police, personally. First kids could drink anything except soda. Then they couldn't drink Kool-Aid like drinks (which have some vitamins added). Then they couldn't drink juice. Now they can't drink bottled water, because water bottles are bad. The only thing you are allowed to do is bring water in a metal (it better be metal) bottle from home. Everything else is politically incorrect. Pretty soon that will be wrong, too, because it wastes water, or the metal gets in the water, or we're having a drought due to global warming or something.
None of Kate's kids are overweight or diabetic, if they would like a juice with their lunch, so be it. They have such little happiness in their lives and are so overcontrolled, I don't see why this should be an issue.
Blip from tonite's DWTS results show - Ricki Lake and partner Derek Hough did a spoof on DWTS Cribs.
They were in the studio and showed the little raised stage area "where Tony actually quit and then came back a few minutes later". They showed the footage where Tony says "I quit", guess who they left out of the footage, guess they did NOT MENTION AT ALL.
Kreider, you're staler than mouldy bread.
I use a couple things I get at Sephora though they are not the Sephora brand. One thing I really splurge on is foundation, Laura Mercier, because I truly notice a huge difference when I spend the big bucks on foundation. Blush, powder and eyeshadow are also worth spending more to me. But I don't notice any different with mascara or lip gloss so I buy the cheap-o brands for that.
I think expensive makeup like anything is fine if you can afford it, you're being reasonable about it (do you really need to put your face on when you're just spending the day around the house?), and you haven't spent the better part of the last six years making your kids pay for your expensive tastes. If a woman chooses to buy pricey makeup whatever, if she is buying it with my own sweat and tears and isn't depriving her kids of things like gymnastic lessons to fund her habit. I didn't move out of the drugstore and into Sephora until I had been working several years.
The thing I found most striking about Kate's blog was that she said looking good/feeling good makes us better Mommies.
It struck me that you could use that excuse to justify ...JUST...ABOUT....every luxury in the world, can't you? Sports cars, expensive makeup, spars, expensive trips, leaving the kids and spending their money on those things are ALL OKAY because it makes us better mommies don't you know!
All I could think of was, what a cop out.
"I have rediscovered myself and how looking good helps me feel good. Therefore, I'm a better mommy"
Isn't that what Beth said about the spa. It makes you a better mommy. Poor Beth had a hand in Kate's narcissistic rampage.
Clicker said...
Fasten your seat belts ... It appears that the young, overly-obsessed, Number 1 Fan sheeple is blocked by K8 on twitter (and she does not yet know it).
I wish there was a better way for K8 to deal with clingy fans; this way is just so unkind. Of course, if she hadn't encouraged them with twitter....
There are so many clingy obsessed number one fans it could be any of them. Why was this person blocked and how is it that she doesn't know?
butterfly said...
Anonymous Who Can't Post said...
Admin, do you check your spam filter occasionally? I've lost 1/2 my comments in the past week or so.
I have too.
Seemed to start happening when we went back to moderated.
Clicker said...
Fasten your seat belts ... It appears that the young, overly-obsessed, Number 1 Fan sheeple is blocked by K8 on twitter (and she does not yet know it).
Who is bloacked??
"Did a 1 hr International press ph intv this am w/ 6 countries represented!So good 2 talk abt K+8 agn 4 TLC! Would luv 2 rep in person! @TLC about 3 hours ago"
Oh for the love of God.
Of COURSE she would love to "rep" in person. Free vacation. Time alone with her lover Steve. And most importantly, GET AWAY FROM THE KIDS that she obviously loathes being with!
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Kate Who?
Exactly! You are NOT relevant anymore, Kate. Give it up.
@Kateplusmy8 Hi kate in UKit is night time, I'm zonked out so Im going to bed hope you are still up to your 100mph LOL Missing K+8 GN :) xo
This is great. A 10-year-old is now making jokes about speeding.
Nice going, Kate. Nice going. Good role model there.
Let's see if the 10 year old girl is still joking if Kate injures someone because of reckless driving. She won't be able to blame Jon then.
None of Kate's kids are overweight or diabetic, if they would like a juice with their lunch, so be it. They have such little happiness in their lives and are so overcontrolled, I don't see why this should be an issue.
I totally agree. I don't see anything wrong with it, either. If they want juice, let them have juice. I think the point, though, is that Kate is so hell-bent and obsessed with all-natural, organic foods and for some reason she thinks it makes her a better mommy her fans will continue to fawn over, that for her to give her kids a non-organic sugary product is just another one of her exercises in hypocrisy.
I just finished watching the Duggars. Jim Bob had his slaves. . . er, I mean children, working hard digging up the old flower bed and planting a new one. Of course, Jim Bob was only supervising. Anyhoo, the work wasn't getting done fast enough and so the camera crew jumped in and started helping. WTF? Why does TLC camera people have to do manual labor?
Even the very youngest Duggar children were working on the project. Utterly ridiculous!
I'll say this a different way. I don't see a single person here saying don't give the kids juice! Or a single person here that feels these kids should be deprived of life's little pleasures like juice or as we have said many times, PIZZA for cripe sake once in awhile.
I do see people pointing out the hypocrisy. If you're going to market yourself as an organic/health/food expert guru, you have no business passing off Juicy Juice as the best thing to stash in a lunchbox. It suggests ignorance at best.
I don't see anything wrong with kids digging up and replanting flower beds, even the little ones can help or think they're helping.
Yep, you all called the it. The one who was very standoffish w/ her partner got bumped (didn't say the word); ironically, they did a great dance. Just goes to show. NG gets to come back. She is showing a softer, more vulnerable side and is working really hard and has the least amt of natural ability, but hanging. I was glad David Arquette didn't get it because his self esteem seems to be a little low underneath all the clowning, as well as Rob Kardashian. It must be tough living in the shadow of all those heavy hitting Kardashian females and Courtney Cox. I think Chaz would benefit from the same surgery Al Roker had; he is not healthy at his young age and you can just see that the weight is a burden. Some people can carry weight and some can't. I am voting for JR next week.
baked BBQ chicken topped w caramelized onions, steamed broccolini and cous cous! Yum!
This is one of the best sounding meals I've ever heard from her, for the first time I'd actually like my own plate. Love cous cous and carmelized onions and chicken. I would just sub out broccolini with another fav veggie, they are too stalky for me.
What's this international press tour? Other than speculation other countries are going to get the syndication and the kids will be exploited FOREVER.
The "international press tour" tweet has been DELETED from her main twitter page. You can still see it here in the feed.
Wuh-ohhh did Kate say too much??? She did tag TLC on it, suppose they said KATE SHUT UP?
# Did a 1 hr International press ph intv this am w/ 6 countries represented!So good 2 talk abt K+8 agn 4 TLC! Would luv 2 rep in person! @TLC about 4 hours ago
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