The retiring co-host really wanted a reality show, then changed his mind after actually opening his doors to a film crew. "It’s not for me. It didn’t feel right," Philbin said after letting cameras around his family to try it out.
Halloween, 2009 |
It's refreshing to see more and more celebs turning down reality shows. Philbin said he and his wife did an "experiment" for a few hours with a film crew and had the footage edited down to two minutes. However they decided afterward not to do the show. A few weeks before, Philbin was excited about it, telling reporters, "There are several things that interest me. You know these reality shows? I would love to do a
real reality show." But after actually filming? Seems he's changed his mind.
426 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 426 of 426 Newer› Newest»And of course she has to grift for these countries to fly her out there to "rep" in person.
The meet & greet is still going forward... This should be VERY interesting, however it turns out!
TheAustinMartin Austin Martin
Got a email from Kates manager... were making progress! Lol
3 hours ago
Administrator said...
Thanks for the alert about concerns about Sister Wives. I have it available On Demand and as soon as the most recent episode uploads to that (I think it takes a day or two) I'll do a clip.
Administrator, I've only read from the top to not quite the middle, please forgive me if this has already been said.
As far as the sister wives goes, I watched the re-runs up to the new season and my heart broke for the kids and their termoil with moving. I understand your concerns for the children but, Kody, the father, had mentioned that he wanted to do the show to get out the message of paligamy and to be a forerunner for it. In my own opinion the responsibility for any negative outcome falls on him. There was another family on the dr. phil show doing the same thing for the same reason, to get the message out.
I did not post this because my views on there religion. I do fill that tlc was not trying to exploit the children, though the children truly have become colateral damage. I believe blame should be placed on Kody not tlc. They knew the risks yet chose to do the show.
Poligimy here in Utah is a very touchy subject. There is a cult that has a city near st. george, utah that don't follow utah laws and give their children to be married at the age of twelve to senior men. Many of the young teen men have been banished as young as thirteen for not following their rules. I realize that the sister wives have not married young but this is why the laws in Utah are so strict. I could say more but it's already too long. But to add one more thing, my grandfather was a poligimest so I do know a little about it. Sorry for my bad spelling.
It's not deleted. Just went to her page, refreshed and it's still there:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Did a 1 hr International press ph intv this am w/ 6 countries represented!So good 2 talk abt K+8 agn 4 TLC! Would luv 2 rep in person! @TLC
4 hours ago
Admin - I see the press interview tweet in her feed. Twitter gets weird and tweets often disappear and reappear.
Ah yes I see it. Twitter sure is buggy. Kate just loooves to tease doesn't she? What is this international thing, probably just your typical syndication deals that you guessed it, the kids won't make a dime off of.
no mo worryin bout me said...
Yes no mo I know they've had problems with child marriages in these things and that probably does influence the laws. I think though there are strong parallels to gay discrimination. People used to try to perpetuate the lie that most gay men go after little boys, etc., and that's why we need to discriminate against gays. We know most men don't fancy little boys just like I think we know most polygamists don't fancy little girls.
The way I see it, prosecute whoever marries children underage, that's a separate issue. I don't see it as a solid argument to discriminate against consenting adults who want to marry more than one person.
By the way I should add I really don't have strong feelings about this subject. You don't see polygamists on every streetcorner here like we do openly gay people and it's just not a topic discussed much. I just find the parallels to discrimination against gays very interesting that's all.
Saw the "5-minute face" thing. Written by someone OTHER THAN K8. Well one thing that is glaringly obvious to me is: K8 G.would not be caught dead in the brands that lady is recommending. They are drugstore brands.Fine for many,but I am sure,not for K8 G.-she of the daily mani-pedi and hair extensions . Somehow I think Khate uses MUCH higher-end products.
Ahhh...the latest in child exploitation:
Sperm Donor "documentary" comes to Style network.
MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 Can U comment on whether U r under contract w/TLC til Feb. 2012? That seems 2 b latest internet rumor.
MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 And if under such contract...does that prohibit U fr actually entering into a contract w/any other media company rt now?
Kateplusmy8 @MiloandJack yes I can comment and that info is NOT true.
That's interesting Kate denying she is under contract with TLC. Although take it with a grain of salt. You know if the contract ends Jan 31st she would feel she is not lying by saying NO they are not under contract until "february."
These sheeple need to figure out how to ask these questions without leaving it wide open for her to be ambiguous or lie.
Hey Jude, I am here. DH and I were away at the lake. And although we came home last night it took me quite awhile to catch up on posts!
A few things i'd like to comment on - even if I am late to the party (or as that wig woman on RHOA would say I am tardy to the party).
Plural marriages: whatever floats your boat, as long as wives are of legal age.
Lunch boxes: kHate needs to pay attenttion...this is an excellent site:
Someone up thread commented on bento boxes and I immediately thought of this site. I use her ideas for DH's lunch.
Running: I don't believe that b%tch runs at all. I started running when I was in university and I loved it. LOVED it - No lie!™
I only stopped b/c I tore my achilles and when I attempted to go back I just kept re-injuring it. Then I broke my ankle.
I did try to get back to it this summer but I am so out of shape it was near impossible. I miss it a lot, I am trying to lose some weight so I maybe I can try again.
Peter Frampton: YUM!™
I think that is all I wanted to say.
I am interested to see the news about one of the teen tweetie sheep being blocked. If this is true, the fall out might be huge.
Admin, isn't if she were under contract, such as Jon was at the time wouldn't it mean Kate couldn't discuss even half of what she's said? I don't know the contract or agreements but what I absolutely don't understand is: Jon couldn't comment on anything and Kate seems to have this platform to say willy-nilly whatever she feels like saying that day, true or not.
Or am I off base here? Feel free to correct anyone.
cat said...
Saw the "5-minute face" thing. Written by someone OTHER THAN K8. Well one thing that is glaringly obvious to me is: K8 G.would not be caught dead in the brands that lady is recommending. They are drugstore brands.Fine for many,but I am sure,not for K8 G.-she of the daily mani-pedi and hair extensions . Somehow I think Khate uses MUCH higher-end products.
She is recommending high-end products, and offering other brands as an alternative. Only the mascara and lip stain are the less-expensive.
Administrator, I hope you don't think that I was talking about discrimination or anything. The only point I was trying to say is that with sister wives, I guess you could say, Kody is the one who opened the doors to the trouble he received not tlc. Kody new the laws here and made a grown decision to make their lives public, which caused his having to make the decision to move to Las Vegas. I for my self think if we are going to have freedom of religion in this country, it should be free to all if no child laws are being broken. Which in his case, there was not. He should have moved to a state where the law is different, like he did now, before signing to do a show where he new the chance of him getting in trouble would take place.
As for my comments on the banishing of young boys, I meant nothing concerning gays with saying what I did. That city requires young men to follow their religious rules, and if they voice any difference, they are banished to fen for themselves.
Sorry if I made it sound like I meant anything about gays.
As much as I don't like the Duggars, I will say that my kiddo helped me plant flowers in pots & flowerbeds from about the time he was 2. I mean a few years he was just throwing dirt around, but he eventually picked what plants or flowers he liked and would plant "his" section. For "normal" (none Kate, Duggar or TLC kids), it's time spent together & prepares them for yard chores when they are teens. With my kiddo (now 17), it doesn't phase him to go out & help hubby or myself with the yard work and he knows that in the spring, he'll spend most Saturday mornings helping out.
Admin said...These sheeple need to figure out how to ask these questions without leaving it wide open for her to be ambiguous or lie.
The sheeple don't want to know the real truth, just what they want to believe as the truth.
Virginia Pen Mom said...
The meet & greet is still going forward... This should be VERY interesting, however it turns out!
Let's see a show of hands how many here are going to this awesome and amazing get-together! I bet young Paige is sleepless with anticipation. Where will this event be held?
By the way, someone with my ID is posting on other blogs, using words that I wouldn't use. It is not me!
That's interesting Kate denying she is under contract with TLC. Although take it with a grain of salt... The sheeple need to figure out how to ask these questions without leaving it wide open for her to be ambiguous or lie.
They aren't capable of figuring out anything like that. Their concern is salads, not contract issues. Oy.
@Kateplusmy8 what do you put in your salad?
Warmth of the Sun said
I think the point, though, is that Kate is so hell-bent and obsessed with all-natural, organic foods and for some reason she thinks it makes her a better mommy her fans will continue to fawn over, that for her to give her kids a non-organic sugary product is just another one of her exercises in hypocrisy.
That's exactly the point! She promotes herself as someone who provides organic food when 1) she obviously doesn't most of the time, and 2) she probably can't even define the term.
The whole point about that ridiculous lunch post is that it once again confirms that Kate is the laziest human on the planet. Everything recommended in that lunch represented the easiest, sloppiest lunch prep possible, with not even a nod to what might be best for the kids. It's Kate, all Kate, yet again.
If she knew anything about nutrition at all, she'd know that eating actual fruit is (duh!) a lot healthier than drinking juice - that has nothing to do with drinks police, it's just a rather obvious food fact.
The greatest nutritional benefit is from the whole food, not from something squeezed from it. Yet she sets herself up as some kind of a nutrition expert, when she really is nothing but a control freak.
As admin said, no one is suggesting that the kids shouldn't enjoy juice - even the awful Juicey Juice - now and then. What they SHOULD have is private lives and a mother who isn't a hypocrite.
She tweeted last night that it is not true that she's under contract with TLC until February 2012. That's probably why she's saying she'd love to "rep" in person for TLC. She needs a job.
She also said all this busy stuff she has going on lately is house and school/kid's related. So none of it is potential job related, just as I suspected. Her 15 minutes were over months ago, TLC just didn't pull the plug until much later.
no mo worryin said~
"Many of the young teen men have been banished as young as thirteen for not following their rules."
I've seen documentaries on polygamy and many of the young men are really banished in order to get rid of the competition for the available women. What about the women? Don't they also get banished for not following the rules? No, of course not. The more women available and the less competition there is, the older and more powerful men have lots of women to choose from and can marry multiple women of their choice.
And I'll bet the first ones to be banished are the really good-looking ones. Would young gals want to marry an old man or a handsome young one?
Brown noser calls in to radio show to do interview and gets offered job instead?
@jenniegbrown @Kateplusmy8 @SuperPattyPie @LEIGHSHAHAN1 @BarbGilmer Have a radio interview this morning... Wish me luck!
58 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 @LEIGHSHAHAN1 @jenniegbrown @CJWhodunit @AskBabyMama Ummm OK-radio interview turned into job offer to have my own show! WHAT?
18 minutes ago
@LEIGHSHAHAN1 @Kateplusmy8 @jenniegbrown @CJWhodunit @AskBabyMama Yeah, I thought I was calling in for interview -guy offered me my own show
i agree with you NY
Nice try alnaddy, but we don't have a NY posting here and don't appreciate your spam. If you really have something on topic to contribute then please do post, otherwise - no thanks.
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