The retiring co-host really wanted a reality show, then changed his mind after actually opening his doors to a film crew. "It’s not for me. It didn’t feel right," Philbin said after letting cameras around his family to try it out.
Halloween, 2009 |
It's refreshing to see more and more celebs turning down reality shows. Philbin said he and his wife did an "experiment" for a few hours with a film crew and had the footage edited down to two minutes. However they decided afterward not to do the show. A few weeks before, Philbin was excited about it, telling reporters, "There are several things that interest me. You know these reality shows? I would love to do a
real reality show." But after actually filming? Seems he's changed his mind.
426 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 426 Newer› Newest»The whole "you would do it too!" is a farce. While reality tv brings in a lot of money, you are selling a bit of your soul to the devil. The layers of complications, exposure and scrutiny are not worth all the tea in China is most reasonable people. And most sane parents would not do that to their children. It's unconscionable what's been captured on film where the G8 are concerned. No reasonable parent would allow bathing, showering and pooping to be filmed. No tantrums or acting out either. Oh, and no dirty diapers, poop explosions and vomiting too.
Maybe the interest in "reality" shows is finally waning? One can hope.
@MaggieGeorge1 back to 100mph (me, not my speed in the road! Lol)
She won't stop! She's still joking about it this morning. What is wrong with her? Right after this report surfaced, she should have tweeted that she apologizes, she made a mistake, speeding is dangerous...
and then ended the talk right then and there, but she just keeps this going.
Good for Regis!
Yep, we would never agree to put our lives on national television. We're very private people and NO amount of money is worth losing your privacy and peace of mind.
On a different note, Kate tweeted a link to a new entry on her site. Problem is, her link takes you to the first page, not the newest, so you have to click on something else to get there. Then it's just one email, 100% praise for Kate of course, from a teacher who doesn't write very well. (Shaking my head over that.)
Anyway, Kate wrote about 200 words of empty platitudes and that was her hard work for the day! LOL.
The entire theme of Kate's life seems to be "KIDS ARE SO HARD! WORK IS SO HARD! DOING STUFF IS SOOOOOOO HARRRRRRRD!"
Ug. Who told her raising children would be easy? Whether you have two kids or eight kids, it's not some walk in the park. Who told her working and raising kids would be easy? (Not that she works!)
I've gone through a LOT of difficult times in my life. It was hard. But constantly bitching about how hard it is doesn't make it easier, if anything all the bitching gets you down. When my life was the MOST difficult it has ever been, I hardly had the time, energy or breath to gripe.
Some of her fans DO have it hard. They are REALLY single moms (unlike Kate) and work long hours, alone, to raise their kids. They don't jet off to the Emmys at the last minute, they don't go to NY to get their hair done (they don't get their hair done professionally at all, most likely), they don't have the luxury of yelling at the pool people or the landscaper or the chicken man or the "laundry girl" or the "babysitter." No one sends them iPads. Kate is not a hard-working, put-upon single mom. She's a con artist.
Anyway, Kate wrote about 200 words of empty platitudes and that was her hard work for the day! LOL.
Does she know that, in the English language, there are periods available for use at the end of sentences?
Lead by example said...(from the other thread)
Driving cars, going to work, voting and having sex are a pretty far cry from using a Social Networking Site.
The things you listed are necessary in life. Facebook is not. JMO
If more parents quit feeding into this need to put your life online, maybe their kids wouldn't do it either. I think it's a fair statement. At least think about it.
I believe in parenting by example. At least I'm not a hypocrite with my son.
Again, respectfully just my opinion.
So, I'm not allowed to keep in touch with certain people, like family that lives in China, for instance, because I have to lead by example? I'm not on FB every day. And even if I were, I don't have to explain it to you. There are MANY things I do that lead by example. I don't drink, I don't drive recklessly, I don't do drugs, & I'm a good & decent person who follows the law. There are more I'm sure, but don't spew you're opinions about me. You have NO idea who I am. Just because I have a social media site doesn't make me a bad mother. My son is 11, ELEVEN. Are you getting this now? He's too young & I'm of age. There are things I can do that he cannot & vice versa. Why should I deprive myself?
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@Becky_Shirley94 no prob! The website has been a great outlet and you guys are so awesome w your visits and participation! :)
A great outlet? What the heck does that mean? She's posted on it probably 5 times! It's not a great outlet for her sheeple that are salivating for her words of wisdom and inspiration.
I guess she means it's been a great outlet for her, a place she can go and get her ego filled up when it begins to run low.
She's also adding two new topics, Shoka Diaries and something for kids, two more topics she won't cover.
Ditto what Tucker's Mom said. Not everyone jumps at the chance for a reality show as Kate and her fans claim they would. Look at the Dilleys. They surely could have used the money. Eight people in a one bathroom house until Rosie O'Donnell had a second bathroom added. A year or so ago, they were offered a reality show. The parents gave the choice to the teenage sextuplets. They gave a resounding NO WAY.
And look at the Duggars. I don't recall ever seeing any of those kids filmed while "bathing, showering and pooping". J&K could have put some boundaries up, but didn't. Those kids get to forever live with their parents' choices.
At least Regis had the nerve to pull the plug when he realized it "wasn't for him"; maybe that will give other people in a similar situation the guts to do the same ( and in the face of a promise of fame and/or fortune, it does take guts to extricate from it).
Regarding K8's website, perhaps that will fizzle even before her twittering... I found the following on exchange on Sept 23:
"@Kateplusmy8 How's that e-mail venture comin along? LOL I figured U bit off more than U bargained 4 there! 2 many fans...only one Kate!
23 Sep
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 Clarify,K8?Did U mean2 personally answerALL emails,or combine alot&answer on your new website
23 Sep
@CJWhodunit @MiloandJack combine and answer. No way to ever answer all AND do twitter-- and I like twitter best for me, don't you?
23 Sep via web. "
Dallas, I agree with you about K8s fans, however, I no longer feel sorry for them. They appear to be blindly devoted to someone who lies to them and preys on their vulnerabilities, even in light of ample evidence of K8's true character. At this point, they all deserve each other, and I just hope that whatever the fans get out of their devotion to her has *some* positive effect on their lives.
Good for Regis! So it was a few hours of taping, edited to a few minutes? Hm, yeah, so Kate? How many hours did it get you to make a half hour episode? Did your kids like it? DOUBT IT!
I'm glad Regis said no. He has been in the entertainment industry along time now. Hopefully more will take his lead & as Dallas Lady said, maybe this stupid reality TV fad is waning.
Kate has a new post up (I use a reader..I'm not giving her hits)
More Words from Fans
Hi Kate
I see you as a great inspiration to strong women. It is a challenge to be a mom….a good mom. It would be easy to let things slide, to watch tv, to give in to demands…It is hard work to demand good behaviour, good habits. I feel like I am like that. I take the hard road, for the better good. In the moment, I am pulling out my hair, but the end result is great kids and hopefully a better life. I do this in my work as well. I teach Kindergarten. You MUST be consistent and follow through, but you owe it to the little people depending on you to teach them the right way. You are not doing anyone a favour by being soft and passive. It hurts them in the long run.
You have been criticized for being a take charge, outspoken woman. I admire that. It is hard for many people to see women in that way. This is where the criticism comes in. I have been criticized because I am the bread winner and the decision maker in my family. It’s just the way it worked out. I would love someone to take care of me sometime, but it was just not in the cards for me. You do what you have to do.
I love the fitness tips. This is the area in my life where I need to get focused and committed. I desperately need to lose weight. I eat my emotions. I think I may need to learn to exercise rather than eat when I need that release from stress. Thanks again, for your inspiration. I believe that God has a plan for us…and I think you are suppose to motivate people. You are suppose to be in the spot light. You are being tested by the criticism and by the media but you are strong. Anything worth having is worth working hard for.
Dear Tracy,
Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement! I feel that with your roles as a Mom, breadwinner, and kindergarten teacher, you understand the many directions so many of us moms and women are pulled at all times!
It would be very easy to “throw in the towel” and quit but, like you said, the choice to take the hard road amidst much criticism for the “greater good” is the right road and best road for our kids– the future of our world!
So keep on keeping on! Sounds like you’re on the right track! Just one day at a time and sometimes an hour and a minute at a time… It will be worth it for us all in the end!
Tucker's Mom said: ....."The whole "you would do it too!" is a farce. While reality tv brings in a lot of money, you are selling a bit of your soul to the devil."
Exactly, Tucker's Mom. We would so NOT do it too. Our combined belief in this is what brought us all here, as well as the others over the years who have lent their voices to the movement. Children should never be made to appear on TV without their consent or the protections of other child performers.
This is my favorite time of year. I am looking forward to the holidays and getting together with family members we don't see often throughout the year. When we see each other again it's like no time has passed at all. Holidays for the Gosselin children? Kate not only sold her soul to the devil, she rented some of it out to a couple demons, too. To keep this reality show alive and to achieve her goal of wealth, she eliminated all of the ACTUAL reality from the kids lives. No family. No usual kid activities, sports, lessons, etc. and extreme limitation of friendships. I realize the twins are given a little more latitude, but what about the tups? The very children who propelled thier family to fame and fortune? She is even bitterly angry that the law requires their father has to be involved in their lives. Sheeple, no amount of money is going to replace what Kate has taken from them. How you can refuse to acknowedge that child stars have had more heartbreak than success and how children of very wealthy people often turn out with a myriad of personal, mental and substance abuse issues, is beyond me.
Am I jellus of an out-of-work reality show participant? No. I am I jellus that her unchecked narcissisim has eradicated all her other entertainment possibilities? No. Am I jellus that she overpaid for a property just to say FU to a Dr. who allegedly slighted her back in the day? No. Hope that FU was worth it, he and the Mrs. are getting the last laugh now while counting their money.
8-10 years from now when we are hearing about the Gosselin kids shenanigans in the paper, when they start writing their books and when they start speaking out about their unorthodox upbringing, the sheeple will be nowhere to be found. Just like the Pastors of all the churches who defended J&K vehemently, only to find out later their parishioners were giving love offerings to millionaires. Just as we told them. When we said J&K looked like they couldn't stand each other, the vow renewal looked like a farce and hey! what's up with all these pictures of Jon out in bars? Jellus! Jellus of thayre luv! the sheeple cried. Well, it turned out we were right.... they couldn't stand each other. And we are right again when we say the kids finally have a chance at a normal, typical, private life as all children deserve. They have given and sacrificed dearly to give their mother the life she greedily wanted. It's their turn now.
Kate always said when someone does not want to film anymore, we are done. (It is on film). The great split up included Jon not wanting to film anymore.... so much for that. Never mind the kids who clearly did not want to be filmed, as evidenced by filming or lack thereof, and the extemely bad behavior we have seen on many occassions.
Let's face it, once Kate got a taste of fame, all bets were off, and she was going to film the crap out of her husband and kids no matter what, because it suited HER purposes. Anyone who can not see this, is clearly justifiying Kate's horrible choices. The split came to a head when Kate continued filming the kids when this was clearly affecting her family, but she wanted the stardom, and changed her tune. How will I ever support 8 kids ALONE? REALLY? Forgot about Jon, the kid's father already as he was no longer on your mission for fame at all costs. If he is not on film, he does not exist- Kate's insanity.
It is interesting that she is still saying you may see us all (Plus 8) as she clearly is willing to use her kids at all costs, if things don't work out for her solely, which they won't. And she knows it.
I may need to change my name to OpportunistKate. She clearly will sell her children down the river, no matter what impact it has on them, to try to keep herself relevant. I know the show has ended, but I am very sure she is not done marketing her own kids. She knows deep down she has nothing to offer in talent, never did, but she WILL use her kids to keep herself on TV, no matter what.
She really is a sick twisted person, who never should have had 8 kids.
Maybe they should require regular Psychological Evals of people who want to put their kids on TV, as well as the kids who are REQUIRED to film due to parent choices. This would be more humane.
Isn't it amazing that Kate's fan is JUST! LIKE! HER!:
A Mom - Like Kate
A Breadwinner - Like Kate
A Decision Maker - Like Kate
Wants someone to take care of her - Like Kate
Works w/ Kids (kindergarten teacher) - Like Kate (although Kate will insist hers are still preschoolers)
I call *bullsh#t* on this letter from a 'fan'.
Most disgusting- Kate is not a single mom; she is a divorced mother. The kids have a father local who sees them, pays child support, and tried to stop filming when their own attention whore mom would not stop.
In my mind, these kids are and will always be a means to end for Kate. Too bad Jon did not catch on sooner. Look at what she did to him once he did. It was disgusting, as all of that has impacted "the single mom." What a load of crap.
There goes Kate up the "high road" again. She has taken potshots at Jon for years now, how is this even moral?
Tracey, you hapless dupe, I hope yo do not mirror Kate's bread-winning behavior by belittling your husband and treating him like a dog.
Welcome back In the Neighborhood!!
Anyone else find it annoying that Kate signs her name "K8"? Talk about only being known for ONE thing--eight kids! She did say the other day that Shoka was "another child," so she could change her signature to K9, like the dog police units. K9 with a little heart after it. I like it! hehehehe.
I'm curious what happened in one afternoon of filming that caused Regis to go from I'd love to do a reality show!!! to uhhh nevermind no thanks.
Gosselin8ComeFirst said...
Most disgusting- Kate is not a single mom; she is a divorced mother
I have to disagree here- I think when people are referring to themselves (or others) as being a single parent, they are referring to their marital status. I don't think the majority of divorced people (from what I have seen) use 'divorced' as a marital status- either married or single. I am a single mother, my ex-husband left us before my kid started school and I have been on my own since. Hence, single. I am not married, I am single. Even in the military, if you aren't married, you are single, doesn't matter if you have divorced or not. It only matters if you are sole adult as primary care giver. I understand the non-custodial's parent's role, but if there is only 1 parent in the house, and that parent is unmarried, then the common label is single. I will continue to refer to myself as a single parent, not divorced because my previous marital status is not a concern. I think it is safe to assume most children have 2 parents (unless they are Nadya Sulmans- LOL) but if a parent is alone in a household and is responsible for the primary care, then they are single. That is my observation.
You are not being hypocritical using Facebook, or any other social media site. Adults have privileges that children do not have. Period.
And no, driving a car is not a need, damn convenient, yes, but there are other forms of transportation to get to work. So what about cell phones? They are not necessary but I bet the majority of adults have them, and wouldn't hesitate to say no to their children if they asked for one. That's life. Children just do not get to do everything adults do and adults don't have to deprive themselves. That is a life lesson.
Kids also don't get to decide what's best for them. That's what patents are for.
butterfly, I get being referred to as single and not divorced. It's just that Kate reiterates over and over that she's single=doing it all by herself, as if Jon doesn't co-parent, spend time with the kids and support them financially. He does all of that and maybe more, we don't know. So Kate can take her "Jon's money can barely buy their school lunches" and f&^ck herself with it. I know I'm being vulgar, but that comment was the cherry on top of a day full of interviews marginalizing her children's father.
Uhhh...Kate sure talks a lot about how she would like to Quit or even once saying she should get a one bedroom apt....but SHE can't!!!! She's knocking Jon, and saying he quit, but he didn't quit, she pushed him out and he would be there more if he could. I am sure if the arrangement still existed for Kate and Jon to rotate thru the McMansion, he would do that.
Kate makes that same comment towards anyone who leaves their lives..they are all quitters.... " SHE" can't quit....
Note to Kate: you may live in the same house as your 8, and may biologically be their mom, but you QUIT on them long ago, and you mentally leave them everyday.
There is such a thing as an "absent parent" and it implies a parent in the household who for a variety of reasons, was unable to be fully be there for her children!!!
Hippie Chick said...
Welcome back In the Neighborhood!!
Thanks, Hippie. I appreciate the welcome! I've been following - just maintaining a low profile with E-town Neighbor after the hijacking of the name. Peace, love and power to the people! ;)
I've been reading the tweets and while not surprised over the number of tweens, teens and very young people who seem to be so needy..."she will never tweet me; follow me, where are you, K8; did you get my e-mail; why aren't you responding; if you reply I will just die," etc. It makes me wonder what is missing in their own lives that they need so much attention from a has-been, washed-up reality television star. Some of them are downright pathetic, such as the one young girl who is marking the three-year anniversary of her first Kate You-Tube production.
It seems like Kate has acquired two dozen or so more children, all clambering for attention, hanging on her every word, begging for a word of wisdom. It's almost like a cult waiting for a message from the guru, "Listen to me, grasshopper" holy missive.
How does she get rid of them, or does she really want to? Are they a burden, or do they feed her need for attention and adulation? It's a conundrum. What exactly does she do with these people? Couldn't she foresee this when she began her Twittering frenzy?
And that wasn't enough. Now she has these fans begging for personal e-mail responses. She can't ignore them, nor can she answer all of their insane drivel personally- "Kate, how do you fry your rice?" Then there's BigFan who wrote a dissertation on having holiday photos taken, right down to the shirt she found online for her son. WHO CARES? Certainly not Kate, but the fan goes on and on and on...
I'd love to be a fly on the wall and listen to her shrieking (not to mention laughing and sarcastic remarks) when she opens those e-mails!
Question -- I know nothing about Twitter. If she blocks someone who is tweeting her, can that person see that Kate has blocked him/her? If so, why keep tweeting her?
The biggest difference between Kate and Tracy? Tracy uses periods. Kate didn't have one sentence that didn't end in an exclamation mark. She reminds me of Elaine from Seinfeld. Anybody remember the episode where she was editing a book and adding exclamation points everywhere? Classic episode. On top of that Kate seems to love run on sentences.
Tucker's Mom said... The whole "you would do it too!" is a farce. While reality tv brings in a lot of money, you are selling a bit of your soul to the devil. The layers of complications, exposure and scrutiny are not worth all the tea in China is most reasonable people.
I agree. There's no way in hell I would do a reality show. No way. Not for all the money in the world.
I laugh, because a couple years ago I was invited by a local news station ( with my 4th grade class ) to participate on tv in a Labor day telethon. I declined because I did NOT want to be on tv, not even a local station. My class was quite upset with me.
I often hear Kate saying, "I don't care if my doors are open for the whole world to see." Well, my response to that is, "You should care. You should care because you are making an ass of yourself and your family."
Thank you Butterfly & Admin.
I didn't think so. I don't appreciate other people telling me how to raise my kid. I don't think it's right for a pre-teen to have a FB account, but since I'm over 18..just a little mind you...LOL, I think it's fine. Kids can get in trouble on those sights. Some can find themselves more hurt than ever.
Falling like a brick said... "I call *bullsh#t* on this letter from a 'fan'."
Tracy the fan said "You have been criticized for being a take charge, outspoken woman. I admire that. It is hard for many people to see women in that way. This is where the criticism comes in.
I know many, many strong outspoken women. I'd like to include myself in that catagory, running a household with four males and teaching students who are often waay bigger than me requires it.
"Strong" doesn't include offering your children up for sale to a cable network and a nation because you are unwilling to take responsibility for the fertility treatments you chose to undergo. From the minute those babies showed up on the ultrasound screen, Kate's hand was out begging and demanding people who were making a regular, mediocre living also dig deep to pay for her family. Those people SAVED THEIR A$$ES, yet Kate by her own addmission is unwilling to give to charity today. That isn't strong- it's cowardly, shameful, an abomination and a slap in the face to familes who have also had multiples and have supported their own familes. It can be done.
"Outspoken" means standing up for what's right and not looking the other way. It doesn't mean you have the right to slander and libel people who don't obey you. It doesn't mean you get to be rude, insulting and dissmissive to people you feel are beneath you. It also doesn't mean you get the right to go on a national talk show and bash the father of your children for his "mediocre" job, insulting the rest of the citizens of this country who get up and do the right thing by their kids every single morning, every single day. "Take charge" doesn't mean you have the right to stomp around your konpound screaming "I don't care what you want, I'm the boss and what I say goes,I will always be in charge!!!!" Sheesh, we got rid of kings as rulers a couple hundred years ago.
I remember when hubby and I were going to the premarital counseling sessions with our Pastor. I had picked out all the popular songs and other wedding-y things that were popular back then. He ok'd some of them, then when he got to some others he asked me to tell him what they meant. I didn't know... my friends were using them and I thought they were cool. When we went through them, it turned out some of these songs were just nonsense pop-song fluff. He felt they had no meaning and no business being used for a solemn occasion like a wedding. I was annoyed at first, but later I realized he was right. Any words can be spoken, written or sung, but often they have very little depth or meaning. This fan (if this is a legit email) seems to think Kate is outspoken and strong, but I would love to sit her down like my pastor did with me and ask her to give *legitimate* examples. Because I think this poor girl is quite mixed up. Rude and uncouth is not outspoken. Insisting on staying in the entertainment business when no one wants to hire you is not strong. Take charge is not ruling with an iron fist and red spoon. I wish more of the fans would be able to recognize the difference.
Just Me said... Kate has a new post up (I use a reader..I'm not giving her hits)
Dear Tracy,
Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement! I feel that with your roles as a Mom, breadwinner, and kindergarten teacher, you understand the many directions so many of us moms and women are pulled at all times!
It would be very easy to “throw in the towel” and quit but, like you said, the choice to take the hard road amidst much criticism for the “greater good” is the right road and best road for our kids– the future of our world!
So keep on keeping on! Sounds like you’re on the right track! Just one day at a time and sometimes an hour and a minute at a time… It will be worth it for us all in the end!
September 25, 2011 8:44 AM
Good lord, the exclamation marks. Holy canoli, does this woman not know about periods?
( Overusing ! is one of my pet peeves. I'm a writing coach at our elementary school, and I go over this all of the time with kids who get overzealous with it takes away from what you are trying to say.)
This has nothing to do with feminism. If anything Kate has been cut MORE slack because she is a woman. If a man treated his wife and kids like that it's safe to say he would not still be around like Kate is, at minimum.
Falling like a brick said...
Isn't it amazing that Kate's fan is JUST! LIKE! HER!:
A Mom - Like Kate
A Breadwinner - Like Kate
A Decision Maker - Like Kate
Wants someone to take care of her - Like Kate
Works w/ Kids (kindergarten teacher) - Like Kate (although Kate will insist hers are still preschoolers)
I call *bullsh#t* on this letter from a 'fan'.
I couldn't agree with you more. Desperate is as desperate does.
What is the greater good? Greater good implies something bad in the hopes ultimately good will come. Is Kate admitting bad things have been done to her family?
that pic. of kate gosselin on her website sitting on the armchair looks like she is waiting for the men in white coats to take her away
If a man treated his wife and kids like that it's safe to say he would not still be around like Kate is, at minimum.
I remember years ago watching an episode of Roseanne where she punched John Goodman -hard- in the gut for some reason or another ...and remarking to hubs how well it would have gone over with an audience had John (Dan) punched Roseanne in the stomach.
Question -- I know nothing about Twitter. If she blocks someone who is tweeting her, can that person see that Kate has blocked him/her? If so, why keep tweeting her?
A tweeter can see if Kate has blocked them, however, Kate reads the non-fan tweets. She responds to them indirectly continually.
Here's Tracy:
trazeehooves Tracy
@Kateplusmy8 Thanks so much for reading my letter, for posting it AND responding to it. You made my week!! Am inspired to keep on keepin on!
Call me cynical, but both these "words from fans" posts are just a little to pat to me to be real.
The both touch on exactly. the. points. Kate needs them to for her to have jumping off points for her martyrdom/victimhood status that she loves so much.
The way they are written is in almost a Victor/Victoria voice, as well. It's Sheeple playing Hater playing Sheeple, if that makes sense.
The arguments are not so much the things that "haters" ACTUALLY say, but things that the sheeple draw from what we say.
Frankly, I think both these letters are just more of Kate interviewing herself.
I've never heard anyone (other than delusional sheeple) suggest that Jon needed constant instruction and was like the 9th child. That man worked his fingers to the bone, at a job and doing the bulk of the child care and then doing her little side projects. The only reason he needed "constant instruction" is because she has to be the MASTERMIND of everything and can't let anyone even breathe without her input.
"I see you as a great inspiration to strong women"
This really made me choke. Strong women inspired by Kate Gosselin? A stong woman inspired by a female who cannot handle stress at all? Who loses it with the tiniest provocation? Who whines and cries how difficult it all is for her?
Strong women have much greater role models they admire and are inspired by. A reality TV participant playing a mom on TV is certainly nothing any strong women would ever envy, nor would they try to emulate. Frankly, I see most of her adult followers as naive, weak, almost helpless. For anyone to continually praise this woman for 'doing it all", certainly shows the naivety. They just do not see, or refuse to see the scam she has ran on them for 6 years. They don't really pay attention to the way she treats her children. Instead, they call this, instead, 'being in control' and "teaching them how to act".
Kate does not teach anything but how to get what you want by whining, complaining, crying, lying and self pity. She has also taught them how to treat your mate worse than you do a dog. They have also learned that family is not important at all. Nor friendships. Both are discarded like old shoes.
She is certainly not the epitome of motherhood.
She does not have the money for gymnastics for these children, yet buys herself a 'used' 2 seater luxury sports car. In fact, buys two 'used' vehicles in one day. Funny, when she wants something, it is not 'too expensive'. What mother on earth, a good one, would deny a simple pleasure for her children, while indulging themselves of expensive toys? Tanning, spas, the 'personal me time', endless shopping, seen in several high end dress shops. Jumps on a plane for a 'quick trip' to the Emmys. Then jumps to NYC to get her hair done, dining at an expensive resturant. All the while leaving these kids with the 'babysitter'. One person watching all eight. Something that Kate just can't do by herself. On a Thursday of that week, complain because it is 'back to school' for her. Never mind the kids have gone to school since that Monday. She is tired because she has to get up for two whole days that week to get them off to school. The kids were with the babysitter for almost one whole week. These are just a few of the many instances of Kate, the 'mother'. Life is really rough for this unemployed, struggling single mother.
The five traits most often given for a strong woman. I only see one that fits Kate. I don't see much of any of these from the fans, except 'passion'. Passion for all things Kate.
The Power to Say "No"
"I believe in parenting by example. At least I'm not a hypocrite with my son."
I HAVE to chime in on this comment about Hippie Chick not allowing her ELEVEN year old son join Facebook. They ARE demonstrating good parenting. You cannot have a Facebook account until you are at least THIRTEEN. That most assuredly shows good parenting by example to me. Follow the rules.
I'm quite concerned for anyone who finds Kate an inspiration. Really? I agree with all who think this speaks of desperation. That's desperation to remain relevant. And yes, those six babies served a purpose for Kate. Jon was in on it at first, but saw the light much too late. We all know what Kate's purpose was. Rich and famous, do you think? This story will not end well. She's not going down without a huge fight.
Good for Joy & Regis. They are famous already, and have plenty of money.
Why in the heck (at this stage of their lives) would they want a bunch of intrusive cameras filming their day to day lives?
Regis probably realised that it was not worth it.
@Kateplusmy8 do you still coupon? Any tips?
Yes. Use a scissors instead of ripping them out. There's less chance of destroying the bar code.
Gawd - how stupid are these fans?
Then these...
@Kateplusmy8 hav u ever thought of opening a clothing store so many women follow you and love what u r wearing i think it would b a big hit
Is there really that much demand for Skankwear? I think investors might want to stay away from that one. There are already enough problems on Wall Street.
KatePlusmy8 just wanted to tell u that you and the 8 are the most inspiring family I have ever seen, and that I really think ur amazing :)
Apparently this gal doesn't get out much!
@Kateplusmy8 Hi Kate! I'm doing a followers watch for you, seeing how many fans you gain or decrease will check every day! :) xxx
Things must be pretty slow over there in the UK! Wouldn't this be as boring as watching a banana taking a nap?
@Kateplusmy8 good afternoon kate! I hope your having a wonderful day!Any more plans for more books?? I have yours already!
ALREADY? The last one has been out for a year and a half. If she publishes one by the end of the year, you should have it by Easter of 2013.
@Kateplusmy8 I went to send u mail on the website, and I was stuck for words I dint know what to say :( OMG I'm so over it lol :)
But you found words to tell her that you couldn't find words?
Some of these are so amusing and remind me of Jay Leno's "Headlines." I'd love to see a compilation of the really far-out ones, with off-the-cuff answers! "Dumb Things Sheeple Tweet." They just continue to amuse.
Wait here. If Kate said I believe at one point, the cameras come film their lives, whatever they happened to be doing that even if cameras were not around they wouldn't do anything different. Hmmmm. So, okay, you would still be able to, on your own without aide of TLC and crew pull all 8 of your children out of school to hop on a flight to AU/NZ. That means she still would have gone on that stupid RV trip, still gone to Florida for what was it again, to see butterflies and drink tea? That she still would have been just as bat-crazy as we see?
I mean don't most people who know they are all film, well okay...normal people want to at least sort of make sure they keep themselves in some sort of check while being filmed for the world to see?
By all means Kate, open your doors to the world and you will have just invited every nut case, mentally unstable, child pedophile within reach of a remote into your home and the lives of your kids all age 10 and under. Does this sound bizarre? You bet! Because it is.
But I guess since she's filmed her kids at times that are inappropriate she has the door open to have the same treatment done to her? That screams so far out there it's unreal. What, what were her original intentions? To make memories. IF that was truly all her highness would be able to still go and do with or without the stupid cameras but oh, she can't because she'll be in the poor house eating government cheese and not able to pay bills. What an absolute lunatic piece of work. And she doesn't see anything wrong here? AGH!
I can't say I'm an expert on any of these reality shows because I don't watch any. From what I have read, they appear to be sleazy entertainment and I have to think scripted, at least to some extent. I does bother me that if Regis was taped for an afternoon, which resulted in a couple of minutes of 'material', how long does it take for a half-hour (or AN HOUR) of 'material'? Good for Regis for giving it a pass. As far as Kate goes, who cares what she is willing to do to validate herself; but those poor children who never had a choice in the decision to have their precious childhood filmed for the entertainment of others, that's an entirely different matter.
MooseMania said...Some of these are so amusing and remind me of Jay Leno's "Headlines."
Kate's fans remind me of the people interviewed in Jay's man on the street-type segment. "Hello, do you know what Texas is?" "UUuhhh, isn't it the capital of someplace like....Kansas?"
Moose Mania--I love your assessment of some of the tweets to Kate.
Some of them are from children(maggiegeorge1)is 10, so you can give them a pass sometimes. However, I still wonder where their parents are and why they would allow them to use twitter.
But some of the ones from adults are way over the top. I can't even figure out what this one is supposed to mean.
@Kateplusmy8 as a fellow mother of multiples...any advice for my 29th bday? (my twins are 17 months)
Does want advice on how to celebrate, does she want to know how to raise 17 mo old twins, what is the question?
Yes, they are definitely amusing.
"You have been criticized for being a take charge, outspoken woman. I admire that. It is hard for many people to see women in that way. This is where the criticism comes in."
Actually, no. See, it's 2011, not 1951, and most people are accustomed to seeing "take charge, outspoken" women. The criticism doesn't come in because Kate is a woman; it comes in because she's an asshole.
C (Blogger loathes me.)
lol Moose, you're on a roll there. Funny stuff.
I see this Barb gal is privy to Kate's address. Bet her head is swelling up to almost human size. Those poor dumb sheeple are begging to send Kate their books to be autographed.
I'd send her my old hardback copy of Mommie Dearest to sign but I doubt if she'd make the connection.
Ah - the mentality of the sheeple. I believe that this one is Kate's new assistant, one she trusts with her address. I would imagine that her salary is commensurate with her experience:
@Kateplusmy8 If i send you a letter ill add some stamps incase you want to write back lol
@CowgirlsForKate @BarbGilmer To get the adress from Barb or I (most likely Barb lol) You have to ask kate first :)
@CowgirlsForKate Just tweet her when shes on and if she says yes barb will get it for yah :) just besure not to tell anyone or post anywhere
@BarbGilmer Ok! Now hopefully when u do dm they wont duplicate heh lol kk im loggin off ttyl :)
#Kateplusmy8 If anyone who just seen my last tweet would like the recipie to Kates Monkey Munch just tweet me and ill try and get back to ya
Well, with the twins' birthdays coming up, the questions are coming in. Sheeple want to send gifts. What is their favorite color? What is their favorite store?
It will be interesting to see how Kate responds.
At least this year it will probably be fair. The twins will get one party and the tups will get one party. None of this nonsense with the little kids getting triple the parties the twins got.
@Kateplusmy8 This area is so family friendly. If I had to move out of Hershey, I think Mt. Joy is a nice place. I hope I never have to
I hope so, too! Stay in Hershey. It's a great place! You don't want to move to Mt. Joy! Honest! :) The stores here don't sell garlic or Spandex!
Tucker's mom,
I understand your point of view. I also understand the need for vulgarity once in awhile, it's a great way to let off steam :)
as a single parent who's kids father never had visitation or paid child support i have to say it's hard to hear kate refer to her self as a single parent. i could deal with single co- parent or divorced parent. kate was married and raised kids with jon longer than she has been divorced from him. me..a real single parent would love 2 weekends free and child support from a loving father who had his childrens' best interest at heart. it sounds awesome.
strangely..i had/have the one thing kate wants. total control. i don't have to answer to any "father" telling me how to raise my children.
only difference is if their dad cared for them at all i would have been grateful to have the other parent in our lives.
and no i did not alientate their dad just in case someone assumes i did. to this day i don't speak ill of him to the kids. there's no need. their fathers absence and abandonment speaks volumes. i don't need to add to their suffering.
kate has no clue how good she has it. i'm sorry..shes not a single mother. she doesn't make the decisions exclusively, pay exclusively nor have the kids 24/7.
she may be single as far as dating status...but as a parent. she is a co-parent.
she can cry me a river. my youngest turns 18 next month and i'm only 38. i did it. i survived. i had to work alot of long hours (and i mean literally going to the office then forwarding the calls to my house to run the business from home at night. ALL night.. all weekends too. i put in my time. dealt with a lot of stress and fallout from 2 boys who desperately wanted a father and suffered emotional issues from not having one, working 24/7 and basically living paycheck to paycheck most of my life. not a hard luck story in anyway. i have beautiful relationships in my life and am as content as one can be. so no i'm not jellus.
i just don't see how kate is something to be admired and fawned over. she doesn't even parent 100% during her time. she has many helpers. she just likes the way "I DO ALL ALONE" sounds. like its a badge of honor.
trust me..its no honor.
At least this year it will probably be fair. The twins will get one party and the tups will get one party. None of this nonsense with the little kids getting triple the parties the twins got.
That really was sad, wasn't it? Those girls knew that they were playing second fiddle. Maybe nobody will get any party since there's no need to put on a big show, have it filmed, or pretend to chase away the paps. What would be the point(in Kate's mind)?
Or the twins may get a night out at Chuck E. Cheese. Who knows?
I went to a local entertainment store looking for movies for a friends birthday today. Low and be hold as I look for a particular movie she wants, I'm in the used section and glancing through I found myself unable to not laugh out loud at what I found: Jon & Kate Plus 8: Season 4, Volume 1 - The Wedding. The price? Buy 3 get this for $1.00
I bought what I went for leaving it there for a $1 and gladly chuckled to myself. Sales lady asked me what was so funny as I walked out.
"Or the twins may get a night out at Chuck E. Cheese. Who knows?"
Honestly, I think their Dad will come through.
and Kate hates to be outdone............
But I'm betting on Jon.
This is sad and scary. Someone was calling Bristol Palin's mom a whore to Bristol's face and made crude comments about Levi and her. I fear that for the kids some "hater" heckler will say something this vicious to their face. This is what happens when you choose to be a celeb, your kids get wrapped up in it too. This is the dark side of the public eye.
Jon may or may not have room for a full blown party at his apartment, but I'm hoping he will ask Mady and Cara to invite a couple of friends to go somewhere to celebrate the big day. Then maybe cake and ice cream with all the siblings back at the apt.
Of course, the logistics of that might be difficult.
Cara and Mady deserve some birthday time with Jon without their little sisters and brothers there.
Bristol Palin could be Kate Gosselins daughter.
Two major fame whores who actually think they have talent!
"...I found: Jon & Kate Plus 8: Season 4, Volume 1 - The Wedding. The price? Buy 3 get this for $1.00"
You should have bought it, sent it to Kate with the request to be signed - "Hawaii 8/08/. Mommy and Daddy will be together forever. Promise. Kate Gosselin."
Correct return postage included.
You should have bought it, sent it to Kate with the request to be signed - "Hawaii 8/08/. Mommy and Daddy will be together forever. Promise. Kate Gosselin."
Correct return postage included.
Make sure you send it Certified -Return Receipt.
gramof5 said...
Bristol Palin could be Kate Gosselins daughter.
Two major fame whores who actually think they have talent!
I don't see Bristol parading her son around on reality television, filming him on the potty or having his impacted bowels cleaned out, telling him that she doesn't want to hear him breathe, or filming the heck out of him to the point that he's hiding his face when cameras approach him.
Kate just tweeted that she put away $700 in groceries. She can't resist, can she? I can't figure out if it's to make the sheeple envious because they can't afford to buy $700 in groceries in one trip, or if she's crying poor again in hopes that she gets some gift cards for groceries.
Falling like a brick said...
Isn't it amazing that Kate's fan is JUST! LIKE! HER!:
A Mom - Like Kate
A Breadwinner - Like Kate
A Decision Maker - Like Kate
Wants someone to take care of her - Like Kate
Works w/ Kids (kindergarten teacher) - Like Kate (although Kate will insist hers are still preschoolers)
I call *bullsh#t* on this letter from a 'fan'.
Falling, I agree!!! As I read this letter, I thought it sounded exactly like Kate. She's such a manipulator.
I like Auntie Ann's idea of sending Kate the Mommie Dearest book. Can you imagine how red her face would be opening package after package of that same book? Now THAT I would pay TLC to see!
If Kate spent $700 on groceries she must have either a really big pantry and freezer or she buys everything at Whole Foods.
With the small portion she feeds those children that big pile of groceries will spoil and be wasted.
Moose Mania said...
"...I found: Jon & Kate Plus 8: Season 4, Volume 1 - The Wedding. The price? Buy 3 get this for $1.00"
You should have bought it, sent it to Kate with the request to be signed - "Hawaii 8/08/. Mommy and Daddy will be together forever. Promise. Kate Gosselin."
I could have, but I don't have the desire to look for Kate's physical address with not know what it is. What, do I just put:
From non-fan in CA, to Wicked Witch of the East, Wernersville, PA?
One more time. I keeping losing my post.
The parody. Anyone notice one boob much larger than the other?
A tweet above mentioned Mady and the kids' showers. That is supervised, too? Wonder that the shower rules are? Sheesh-ish.
ipad gate and the mysterious donor. Wonder if she is a one of the "Housewives" and Kate thinks she can get on one of those shows by befriending her. Would love to see them eat her alive and spit her out.
I would be so in on sending Kate the Mommy Dearest book. Just tell me where to get one. In fact, I would include this title as well, but tell Kate to keep it as a gift.
@Kateplusmy8 If me and @Paige_Kate8fan became mothers would you tweet us more..?
There's a good excuse for teenage girls to get pregnant...more Kate time.
k if I am reading her tweets right she is saying 2k a month on groceries WTF is she buying??? Seriously I don't get it
There's an article on right now about hall of famer NFL star Dieon Sanders who is divorcing his wife of 11 years citing that he is leaving her because he can no longer stand his money hungry reality tv wife, he is quoted saying: " Enough is enough, if I wanted to marry a supermodel of famous person I would have, all I wanted is to come home to a normal person, a housewife"
Altho a bit harshly presented in the "housewife perspective" I think this is a very similar scenario as in Jon and Kate, no one likes a fame whore, that includes most of the United States. Jon had enough of this narcissistic bitch and just wanted OUT.
Boston Bonnie said...
I like Auntie Ann's idea of sending Kate the Mommie Dearest book. Can you imagine how red her face would be opening package after package of that same book? Now THAT I would pay TLC to see!
Has Shoka been trained as a bomb-sniffing dog?
My gosh, doesn't that woman get ANY joy from her children? She makes them sound like they are such a burden. Why doesn't she EVER say something positive. From reading her tweets you would think each child represent a chain on her cankle!
It just gets old.
OT - I'm watching the fanile of the Great Food Truck Race and Hodge Podge is making "puppy chow" to sell. Hope Kate doesn't get wind of this becasue to hear her tell it she invented "monkey munch" and I guess that Hodge Podge is just calling it "puppy chow" so that they don't have to pay Kate royalties!
I'm in! I'll order Mommy Dearest from Amazon today and send it to Kate!
Laurie I'm watching too and had the same thought. They better be ready for a copyright lawsuit because that puppy chow is Kate's all Kate's!
Just don't turn your Chex box to the side and see the recipe right there.
I don't mind joking about the Mommy Dearest thing ............but just in case, please don't actually send it to Kate. ;) Joke away though.
She's bragging about her free ipad again.
Administrator said...
She's bragging about her free ipad again.
What is there to brag about? Next year it'll be old news replaced with something better and it'll just be a piece of junk.
The five traits most often given for a strong woman. I only see one that fits Kate. I don't see much of any of these from the fans, except 'passion'. Passion for all things Kate.
The Power to Say "No"
Is the one that fits Kate "The Power to Say No"? Because she seems to have abused that trait. She tells the boys no, they can't eat their cupcakes on their birthday. No, we can't stay camping because mommy's wet, cold, tired, and hungry. No, you can't have your teddy because you got gum on it. No, you can't get dirty because everyone must look perfect. Doesn't she ever tell her kids YES?
I am convinced more than ever that Kate does have OCD. Her comments that she is addicted to running, eating salads, low-fat everything, the list goes on and on. It's not just type A personality traits. It's definitely more than that. The problem with living like this is that there is NO balance. Once it happens, trouble follows in one way or another.
I just really detest the feminist argument that's occasionally thrown out there. By all means, express a strong opinion. By all means, work outside the home. By all means, be a strong, smart, strict businesswoman. There are millions of women like this out there no one has a problem with, both public and private. But not a one of them is out there making their little kids earn their keep.
Bristol Palin could be Kate Gosselins daughter.
I don't see Bristol parading her son around on reality television, filming him on the potty or having his impacted bowels cleaned out, telling him that she doesn't want to hear him breathe, or filming the heck out of him to the point that he's hiding his face when cameras approach him.
Bristol Palin Reality Show: Palin, Massey Brothers In New BIO Channel Show
"Bristol is the kind of personality BIO is drawn to," said McKillop. "Her personal life has been playing out in the media for several years but this will be the first time she's opening up her real life, with her son and her friends the Massey Brothers."
The Massey Brothers: Bristol Palin's Son Steals The Show
Bristol Palin is gearing up for her new reality series, but according to Kyle and Chris Massey, the real star of the show is Bristol's 2-year-old son, Tripp.
"Tripp is the man," Kyle tells Wetpaint. "He's just such a good kid.
I think one thing that's really great is that people are going to be able to see Tripp, how he really is and see him grow up in front of their eyes. It's going to be cool."
Bristol's going to be the next show to keep an eye on. Her son WILL be a part of it.
Apparently her son was there when Bristol was harassed, and they were filming.
kate can't do sh** said...
Her comments that she is addicted to running, eating salads, low-fat everything, the list goes on and on.
You know the way she goes on about food, cutting her kids portions I can only see eating disorders coming possibly. She has 5 young daughters. Her amount of control I've seen before, but in my dad. The guy used to read labels, look at you every time you put a bite in your mouth. Did it screw me up? Yes absolutely. Obsession is dangerous and the more people glorify it the more destructive behavior we are going to see.
A thought flashed as I was signing in and saw kart's twats....
She loves having her tweeple fans because she talks about them as her "friends" but she is the one in control with them.
She tweets THEM, she controls the time she tweets, what she tweets, who she tweets... she is completely in charge of those who she calls her 'fans'.
If they want replies, she does or does not, as she wants. They can't 'control' her -
It seems another way in which she has to control every facet of her life....
And by keeping them at a distance, she avoids any real emotion or responsibility.
Twitter is a perfect medium for a narcissist!
Nancy said...
k if I am reading her tweets right she is saying 2k a month on groceries WTF is she buying??? Seriously I don't get it
She can very easily spend that much if she buys all organic food. That stuff is very expensive.
Hey EM
Are we twins? Except you have boys and I have 2 girls, you just described my life. But add in, Lymphoma Cancer for my youngest daughter, Chemo, multiple surgeries, and early stages of ovarian cancer for my oldest daughter. There is no insurance for them.
Not whining people, or jealous, just agree that KG has it made, and nees to stop pretending she doesn't.
No father's help in this family album. He never once picked them up for a weekend the entire time they were growing up. He drank too much and I could not take it any longer. He was one mean alcoholic. He cut off all support to them years ago, and married a woman with no heart. I am in debt up to my eyeballs, have no food to mention in the home, no car, and no raise in 16 years from my job. ( I swear, 16 years and counting.)
And, I have sold most anything and everything of value. However, never once did we or do we ask for help, or beg anyone for an IPAD2, or grift to strangers.
My biggest issue with KG is that she claims to have it so bad, (lie after lie) and that she is a single mom, which she is not, and that she is broke.
Kate, you have never struggled in your life. I don't wish it on you, but it is time to stop begging for your supper.
I have three wishes to G-d. To please heal my daughters and keep them well, and to please let me keep our home/ and a roof over our head. A car would be nice, but I don't want to push my luck. lol
Anonymous said... as a single parent who's kids father never had visitation or paid child support i have to say it's hard to hear kate refer to her self as a single parent. i could deal with single co- parent or divorced parent. kate was married and raised kids with jon longer than she has been divorced from him. me..a real single parent would love 2 weekends free and child support from a loving father who had his childrens' best interest at heart. it sounds awesome.
strangely..i had/have the one thing kate wants. total control. i don't have to answer to any "father" telling me how to raise my children.
only difference is if their dad cared for them at all i would have been grateful to have the other parent in our lives.
and no i did not alientate their dad just in case someone assumes i did. to this day i don't speak ill of him to the kids. there's no need. their fathers absence and abandonment speaks volumes. i don't need to add to their suffering.
kate has no clue how good she has it. i'm sorry..shes not a single mother. she doesn't make the decisions exclusively, pay exclusively nor have the kids 24/7.
she may be single as far as dating status...but as a parent. she is a co-parent.
she can cry me a river. my youngest turns 18 next month and i'm only 38. i did it. i survived. i had to work alot of long hours (and i mean literally going to the office then forwarding the calls to my house to run the business from home at night. ALL night.. all weekends too. i put in my time. dealt with a lot of stress and fallout from 2 boys who desperately wanted a father and suffered emotional issues from not having one, working 24/7 and basically living paycheck to paycheck most of my life. not a hard luck story in anyway. i have beautiful relationships in my life and am as content as one can be. so no i'm not jellus.
i just don't see how kate is something to be admired and fawned over. she doesn't even parent 100% during her time. she has many helpers. she just likes the way "I DO ALL ALONE" sounds. like its a badge of honor.
trust me..its no honor.
Tracy the fan said "You have been criticized for being a take charge, outspoken woman. I admire that. It is hard for many people to see women in that way. This is where the criticism comes in.
Hmmmm. How can I put this nicely? Oh...I can't. Tracy the fan, if you are reading here, the Kate you admire so has never been criticized for being a strong, outspoken woman.
She is criticized for being a mean, nasty, greedy, selfish, lazy, unappreciative, uncaring, ungrateful, manipulative, cruel, lying woman who sold her children's privacy and made them work to support her and provide her with a nouveau-riche lifestyle.
She is criticized for treating her children, her (ex)husband, her family, her friends and her employees with no respect, and acting like she is better than everyone.
She is criticized because she behaves like she is entitled to be given things just because she has a lot of children.
She is criticized for being dismissive of her children's needs and for making fun of them often.
She is criticized for crying poor and saying that she can't afford things for her childen, but then spends tons of money on herself.
She is criticized because she speaks badly about her ex-husband in public forums, despite the fact that this behavior is hurtful and damaging to her children.
She is criticized because she blames everyone but herself for things that go bad.
She is criticized because she constantly pulls the wool over her sheep's eyes, and takes advantage of their kindness, generosity or ignorance.
It is truly sad and puzzling how anyone could admire any person like that.
Admin, mu husband is a 20+ year Apple employee and you know what? We don't have an ipad. Not that they aren't cool - they are, but we each have a MacbookPro, a 7 year old PowerMac G4 that still gets the job done, iPhones, our teen has an iPod Touch (which he saved allowance, bday/xmas $ and babysitting $ so he could buy it himself) and we did away with cable and have Apple TV. We couldn't justify the iPads because for us they really would be just large iPhones. Sure there are lots of educational apps, but there are educational games the younger kids already play online that are free and just as good.
As someone said, it's a new, shiny toy that Kate and the kids will grow bored with in a year. And sadly the only lesson the kids learned (unlike my fantabulous teen - sorry I am just so proud of my kid and the wonderful young man he is becoming) is that if they want something it will just be handed to them. I'm not saying you need to deprive your children, heaven knows my kids aren't, but you need to set parameters and boundaries. If everything is always given to them, they have a big shock when they hit adulthood.
Off topic, but LadyGaga wants to meet with President Obama to male bullying illegal, because a 14 year-old boy killed himself over it.
This must suck for the sheeple who constantly harass Jon, Ellen, and others who speak out about Kate.
FUDGE. *male = make. Sorry!
You can't even put Regis and kate on the same page.Regis worked for everything he got.He graduated from The university of Notre Dame with a sociology degree...he was in the US Navy.He started in tv with behind the scenes job starting in the 50's.He paid his dues and worked his way up.
Kate had a litter of kids.She did work hard for that.That's it! Thats all she has.She gave life to 2 sets of multipuls.She found a network willing to give her a free ride.Where she could make MILLIONS by doing everything BUT what she claimed to be....a mother.
Regis has spent a lifetime in the spotlight.He thought it over and decided enough was enough.He has enough money...he dosen't need to sell every bit of his privacy to stay in the news like kate does.Regis will never have to fight to get off the D-list like kate.He has earned his spot in history.
kate however,will take anything that is tossed her way.kate isn't ready to be out of the spotlight.And we all know she'll sell anything to keep her in the headlines....even the children.
I don't get Kate have Barb give out the address (I assume it is probably a PO Box) to her fans with her permission.
#1. This doesn't protect her address, all it takes is one person to post the address.
#2. Why doesn't she post the mailing address on her website and tell her fans to go to her site for the address, This will get her more hits on her site.
#3. Wouldn't it make more sense to have fan mail sent to her press agent so they can sort through the mean/bad mail. (Jon use to go through the bad email and delete them back in the days.)
#4. Why doesn't she have the mail sent to her road manager/security person since she isn't on the road, and he has nothing to do.
Falling like a brick said... Isn't it amazing that Kate's fan is JUST! LIKE! HER!:
A Mom - Like Kate
A Breadwinner - Like Kate
A Decision Maker - Like Kate
Wants someone to take care of her - Like Kate
Works w/ Kids (kindergarten teacher) - Like Kate (although Kate will insist hers are still preschoolers)
I call *bullsh#t* on this letter from a 'fan'.
I agree with you that I think Kate wrote this letter. She will never learn that being a bitch is not the same as a "take charge, outspoken woman". You see Kate wasn't being a bitch during the RV trip, she was just being a take charge, outspoken woman that all admire. Also Anderson Cooper who mocked her is just a jellus hater.
And from her other fan letter dated 9-19-11, that fan also wrote that because Kate has 8 kids, she has reasons to be frustrated and upset because her 8 kids leaves Kate at her wits end. I personally love this quote from that letter. "I would get that upset if my husband was always needing constant instruction, and I had 9 kids to take care of instead of 8″.
So we see that Kate's Fan Letters will be Kate's justification section for her bitchiness to all and to point out again & again that Jon was acting like a 9th child during their marriage. Hence that is why Kate had to treat Jon so bad during and after their marriage.
Last night, one of the kids on "Sister Wives" took a stand on invasive cameras.
The family was having a church service in its home because they don't yet have a church in Las Vegas. One teenage daughter said she wasn't coming down. Kody, in one of their other houses, phoned her. The conversation went something like this:
Teenager: "I'm not coming. Cameras don't belong in church! Church is special, it's spiritual."
Kody: "Well, I'm glad you feel able to give God's opinion. But come down."
Teenager: "No. Church is personal between God and me. Cameras don't belong there."
Kody: (Hanging up, but embarrassed): "I always tell my kids, if you want it, sell me on it. She did a good job of selling me on it."
Kody's voice overlay on the church service: "We just did the service with those we had."
The show caused the Utah investigation, which in turn forced the move to Las Vegas. The move is taking a toll on several of the older kids. One is very depressed, and a number are obviously unhappy.
I can't imagine why Regis would even think about doing a 'Reality show.' He's 80 yrs. old, wow- he should just enjoy his retirement,it's not like he needs the money from a show.
Has anyone heard from Bearswife,Dwindle and Teresa? I miss you, please come back or I'll have to start looking for you!
Apparently her son was there when Bristol was harassed, and they were filming.
What the hell was her son doing at That Saddle Ranch??
How can Bristol Palin expose her son Tripp to reality tv when she has been right there with kate (up close and personal) and seen what reality tv has done to the G8 kids? She must have much less intelligence than I had hoped she had. Then again, they do have some things in common, kate is famous for engineering the birth of her eight (count 'em, 8) kids, Bristol is famous for having a baby without being married. They both are definitely great role models for young impressionable girls on how to live - NOT!
HC: I heard that the Saddle Ranch is actually a restaurant (serving families, etc) that also has a bar in it. It's apparently very popular because of it's bull riding attraction.
There are a lot of restaurants that cater to families where I live that also have a separate bar area.
Bristol is famous for having a baby without being married. They both are definitely great role models for young impressionable girls on how to live - NOT!
I thought that Bristol had toured high schools and colleges, speaking about her experiences as a teen mom, advising young girls about what NOT to do and the consequences thereof. She admitted her mistake. Kate's never said that she's ever done anything wrong and would do it (having multiples when you can't afford it and filming her kids) all over again.
@LEIGHSHAHAN1 @Kateplusmy8 I told Kate about your mask! You need to show her!
Is Brownie hinting that she met Kate face to face? Is the cereal saga over?
SmileyGrl752 said...Is the one that fits Kate "The Power to Say No"? Because she seems to have abused that trait. She tells the boys no, they can't eat their cupcakes on their birthday. No, we can't stay camping because mommy's wet, cold, tired, and hungry. No, you can't have your teddy because you got gum on it. No, you can't get dirty because everyone must look perfect. Doesn't she ever tell her kids YES?"
You got that right. The power to say NO. That is the only one she does do well. And you are right by your examples. She is so good at the NO part, when she should not be.
Wow that video of Bristol and the heckler is something else. The guy had no business doing that is clearly wrong. But to go up in his face? They were drinking, anything could have happened. If her son was there, she/they should have gotten him out of there pronto or the heckler removed. What is with the homosexual comment?
This is what bothers me about her. Or anyone trying to maintain their weight. What harm is it to eat a freakin slice of pizza once in awhile? It won't kill you. I just can't see why she deprives herself the simple pleasures of food every now and then.
Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
@AndreaLRuns ohhh you kill me! What'd you eat after you ran? I'd eat an entire pizza, lol (I don't eat pizza but I DO love it!)
33 minutes agoFavoriteRetweetReply
I know that buying organic is much more expensive, her figures doesn't add up again. LOL She says 700 lasts her for 3 weeks, with weekly stops in between. So the weekly stops, for perishables, I assume, and one more week total 1300? Exaggeration again?
@greeneydladiKarin Gambon
@Kateplusmy8 i just totaled what I spent on food for the month of Sept so far. $1080 for a family of four. How long does $700 worth last u?
13 hours agovia Twitter for iPhone
Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
@greeneydladi 3 weeks with a weekly stop in between. Prob close to 2k per month
13 hours agovia TwitterrificFavoriteRetweetReply
@Kateplusmy8 @greeneydladi ??? $700 lasts 3 weeks... How does one more week cost $1300 to total $2000 a month? #whatamimissing???
13 hours agovia Twitter for BlackBerry®
Starz22 said...
You can't even put Regis and kate on the same page.Regis worked for everything he got.He graduated from The university of Notre Dame with a sociology degree...he was in the US Navy.He started in tv with behind the scenes job starting in the 50's.He paid his dues and worked his way up...
The major difference between Regis and Kate is that Regis is LIKABLE.
So it was the 9th child that got the kids dressed in the morning and bathed and put to bed at night. It was the 9th child that took care of them when they were sick. It was the 9th child that got the kids ready for photo shoots and filming while Khate sat on her butt at Beths and every other photo shoot. It was the 9th child that put beds together again and again and moved things around constantly, because she could not stand to see him have any leisure unlike herself. When you are sitting on your butt you do pretty much have to give instructions otherwise you would have to do it yourself.
Sister Wives last night! UGH!!
One of the teenage boys is having a very difficult time right now. Appears depressed and angry. Solution - discuss it on camera for a national television audience. I can't imagine anything my sons would appreciate more than having me discuss their personal, private struggles on national TV.
One of the wives wanted to tell another wife privately that she was pregnant. Private apparently means two women alone in a room with an entire camera crew. WTF!!!
Then when one of the daughters isn't happy about the pregnancy and takes to the bathroom to cry, do her parents go in PRIVATELY to talk to her. Nope, camera crew squeezes into the bathroom too.
Sorry, sheeple, there is no about of money that would buy my family's privacy. DH and I will stick to our mediocre jobs and lives and keep our privacy.
From Kate's website:
What’s In My Kids’ Lunch Boxes? September 26, 2011
Today my kids are eating:
Guacamole and chips, organic salted sunflower seeds, celery sticks, a red plum (yum!), organic yogurt with non-organic sprinkles (yes, it livens up vanilla yogurt!), a homemade M&M chocolate chip cookie, a bottle of Juicy Juice and a little box of raisins!
My kids are BIG eaters and they bring home empty lunch boxes 99% of the time! Amazing, huh?
Hope that helps! What’s in your kids lunch boxes?
Well TLC is at it again, mind you, with the consent of FIVE parents! Sister Wives is about yet ANOTHER grifting family. One of the poor teenage sons is OBVIOUSLY having an EXTREMELY hard time with all that's going on in his life. Super-Pops Kody wants to TALK to him, but see? Only when the cameras are on! The poor kid walks away! Take polygamy out of this reality show, it's CHILD EXPLOITATION yet again! Plus, this family has apparently claimed bankruptcy a FEW times...
Kate's post today included a picture of one of the children's lunchbox showing the contents.
There is nothing else new on the website other than the Lunch Box post.
I'm sorry I wasn't able to post the previous new email from a fan, but I'm not always home or online.
I think it's funny that Kate told everyone they can email her and they were all waiting for replies via email from her. Turns out she is just picking and choosing the ones that gush over her the most and posting her pick with an answer.
She really led them all to believe she would be personally replying to their emails.
Eschewing entire categories of food is a recipe for failure. Pizza is a treat, for sure, so enjoy in moderation. If you deny deny deny, sooner or later you're guaranteed to go on a food bender and eat anything that's not nailed down.
It reminds me of the movie Chocolate, when Alfred Molina's character, a very Catholic and pious mayor of the small town, strictly fasts during Lent. He finally goes crazy and winds up breaking into the town Chocolatier's shop, OD's on chocolates and wakes up in the front window covered in it! All while the town's people pass by...
The moral? We're only human. I wonder if Kate feels obliged to continue this "super woman, super mom" facade because that's the platform she's built for herself.
"Wow that video of Bristol and the heckler is something else. The guy had no business doing that is clearly wrong. But to go up in his face?"
The ladies on the View were just talking about it. Whoopi said that he was lucky it was Bristol, because she's easy-going and wouldn't have a knock-down drag out with him. Whoopi, on the other hand, said that if he had done that to her, there would have been hell to pay.
wayward said...
Am I jellus that she overpaid for a property just to say FU to a Dr. who allegedly slighted her back in the day? No. Hope that FU was worth it, he and the Mrs. are getting the last laugh now while counting their money.
Whoa, did I miss something? I never heard about a slight from a doctor. Was it the previous owner of the house?
@Kateplusmy8 Sat in dr waiting office reading multiple blessings. Dr came out, saw my book and went 'oh I love her, she's epic' xD x
Yeah, so was Dante's Inferno - a descent into hell.
What a weekend! DH had to work. I had to put in some hours at work because of a big case, drop off and pick up oldest son at Boy Scout camp, take youngest son door to door selling Xmas wreaths for Cub Scouts, scrape and paint the garage, cook, do laundry, clean, walk the dog, first Sunday school class of the school year, pay the bills, and grocery shop.
Who wants to worship me?! Anyone! Oh, that's right. Everyone here with kids probably has or has had similar weekends. Damn! And I thought I was so special! :D
I took a bullet said...
From Kate's website:
What’s In My Kids’ Lunch Boxes? September 26, 2011
Today my kids are eating:
Guacamole and chips, organic salted sunflower seeds, celery sticks, a red plum (yum!), organic yogurt with non-organic sprinkles (yes, it livens up vanilla yogurt!), a homemade M&M chocolate chip cookie, a bottle of Juicy Juice and a little box of raisins!
Does anyone believe that this is a typical representation of what Kate prepares for lunch boxes?? Or, is this just a set up for a stupid post with picture included. Give us a break Kate, you are trying too hard with this one. No kid would be happy with this lunch box when all the other kids are having "normal food" I get the healthy lunch box thing, but this just goes too far. And I'll bet the lunch boxes come home empty, imagine the wrath if they didn't.
My kids are BIG eaters and they bring home empty lunch boxes 99% of the time! Amazing, huh?
I also like how she emphasizes that the kids are BIG eaters.
Could be in response to all who say she underfeeds them.
The only thing that is AMAZING about this post, is that she thinks anyone is buying this load of crap.
Vanessa said...
Well TLC is at it again, mind you, with the consent of FIVE parents! Sister Wives is about yet ANOTHER grifting family. One of the poor teenage sons is OBVIOUSLY having an EXTREMELY hard time with all that's going on in his life. Super-Pops Kody wants to TALK to him, but see? Only when the cameras are on! The poor kid walks away! Take polygamy out of this reality show, it's CHILD EXPLOITATION yet again! Plus, this family has apparently claimed bankruptcy a FEW times...
September 26, 2011 8:14 AM
I did watch the new show last night. I cannot figure out where the heck ALL the money comes from to support all of this family. They said they were going to BUY 4 houses here, in Las Vegas, but that 'didn't work out'. Right now, none are working.
I HATE that they featured those kids who are having so many problems with their move. I live here, I KNOW it has to be hard for them to blend in. I actually ran into the father not long ago, he acted like a rock star. A few people were taking his picture, and he is sooo conceited. He really enjoys the publicity. He was nice and took the time to talk and take pictures, but I swear if he fluffed his hair once, he did it 1 million times! Brand new, very expensive Armani suit. I should have taken his picture to prove I saw him, BUT I did not want to give him an even bigger head. lol
I hate that the kids are now being shown in such turmoil. The one girl refused to be filmed while in their home made 'church', which is good. I am sure this show is not helping them at all at school. It might with some, wanting to be associated with the TV show, but the plural 'marriage', I am sure, is not a good thing with many parents.
I don't see any good coming from this show on this family.
I took a bullet said...
There is nothing else new on the website other than the Lunch Box post.
I'm sorry I wasn't able to post the previous new email from a fan, but I'm not always home or online."
Of course you have a life! Sorry, I was really joking asking about your absence. I assumed there wasn't much new on there anyway. I do appreciate your posts about it when you can.
I guess Kate is too lazy to make sandwiches for her kids' lunches. That is apparently why she only packs chips, seeds, yogurt, plums, etc. I don't think that would fill up most kids.
With regards to Kate's post about what's in her kids' lunch boxes today:
"Guacamole and chips, organic salted sunflower seeds, celery sticks, a red plum (yum!), organic yogurt with non-organic sprinkles (yes, it livens up vanilla yogurt!), a homemade M&M chocolate chip cookie, a bottle of Juicy Juice and a little box of raisins!"
First, this constant reinforcing of "organic" is really getting tiresome. We get it, Kate. You eat organic food. So do a lot of us out here in the mediocre world. Gasp. But the reference to non-organic sprinkles just cracked me up. Really, Kate? You have to specify that the sprinkles were non-organic???!!! I mean, REALLY? You couldn't find ORGANIC SPRINKLES??!! What kind of mother ARE you??!!! (snark)
Second, the ever-present Juicy Juice...which tells me that she is still getting her freebie juice from Juicy Juice. Did anyone else happen to catch the Dr. Oz show about a week or so ago where they tested the levels of arsenic in various apple juice products? Guess which brand tested at either the highest level of arsenic - or close to the highest?
Yup. Good ol' Juicy Juice. Of course, Juicy Juice is now disputing the results of Dr. Oz's test, in the link below.
I guess I just found it ironic that Kate is so "organic" -minded, like this means super-healthy, but could care less that her kids could be drinking high levels of arsenic. Yikes.
And the last comment of Kate's:
"My kids are BIG eaters and they bring home empty lunch boxes 99% of the time! Amazing, huh?"
Uh, no, Kate. It's not amazing that your kids bring home empty lunch boxes 99% of the time. First off, their portions - as we have all seen time and again on the television shows - are miniscule, and as you've said yourself, your kids are big eaters. This tells me you're underfeeding them.
And secondly, as you've said yourself, you don't waste food - and if the kids don't eat what's in their lunch box, they've learned they will have to eat it the next day. Ugh.
Sorry for the snark...but this post on her website just slays me. And the fact that the sheeple will eat it up - no pun intended - just flabbergasts me.
Lunch box full of snacks albeit healthy snacks it is diet food. At least the yogurt has a bit of protein. My kid would say enough w/ the snacks - where is the meat?
The moral? We're only human. I wonder if Kate feels obliged to continue this "super woman, super mom" facade because that's the platform she's built for herself.
I wonder how much of it is just for show, and if she sits on the kitchen floor at night, chowing down on left-over cold pizza and sausage sandwiches.
"Whoa, did I miss something? I never heard about a slight from a doctor. Was it the previous owner of the house?"
Dr. Cammarano, former owner the house, reportedly was not too pleased with Kate when she said some negative things about the couple because of the dirty refrigerator and dirt piled up under the basement freezer (it was no more than a dust pan full), nor the remarks she made about the dirty house. They reportedly had paid a professional staff to clean it. They got their money from the sale when house prices were still decent and they could make a profit. I believe the poster was referring to the fact that Kate is sitting with a house that is way below what she paid for it, and therefore, the former owners could be having the last laugh. Sweet revenge.
Anyone know how long before TLC will rip everything and anything to do with her from the TLC web site? I mean she is gone, why keep it up there?
tate said... I guess Kate is too lazy to make sandwiches for her kids' lunches. That is apparently why she only packs chips, seeds, yogurt, plums, etc. I don't think that would fill up most kids.
That's was I thought. That's all they get to eat during the course of NINE hours. My boys would starve. And it just cracks me up that she needs to add "organic" before items. "Organic" yogurt, "organic" seeds. Also, looks like a lunch that's much higher in sugar (raisins, plum, juice, yogurt w/sprinkles, cookie w/M&Ms and choc. chips) than protein. Although I'm sure the sheeple are amazed she made them such a wonderful, nutritious lunch. Plus, if it's organic sugar, it's health food!
Where is the substance in the kids' lunch boxes? Shouldn't there be a sandwich or something hearty? Nuts, raisins, cookies, chips & dip, celery, fruit. bottle of sugar drink and yogurt! Wow... I bunch of snacking foods. I can't believe she is bragging about this crap.
I wonder what a nutritionist would say about this.
That menu for lunch really doesn't sound like it is very filling to me. Not for my kids, at least. Her combos are really strange at times. It surely doesn't sound like 'big eaters' lunch, although healthy and YES YES organic, we got that, Kate, a million times.
Guacamole and chips, organic salted sunflower seeds? The main course? LOL
New York State Of Mind said...
Boston Bonnie said...
I like Auntie Ann's idea of sending Kate the Mommie Dearest book. Can you imagine how red her face would be opening package after package of that same book? Now THAT I would pay TLC to see!
Has Shoka been trained as a bomb-sniffing dog?
Yikes. I hope you guys know I have NO intention of sending that book to Kate...I was kidding. I don't remember where I heard it but someone suggested there should be a "sarcastica font" for cynical messages...I'm all for it, lol.
I have no desire to know her address and IMO Kate is an idiot for inviting her likewise idiotic sheeple to send her things. She's asking for trouble.
Virginia Pen Mom said...
Last night, one of the kids on "Sister Wives" took a stand on invasive cameras.
The show caused the Utah investigation, which in turn forced the move to Las Vegas. The move is taking a toll on several of the older kids. One is very depressed, and a number are obviously unhappy.
Virginia, until yesterday I was a SW virgin but I had an insomnia attack last night, did some channel surfing and caught an episode of the whole family moving to Nevada. At the end of the show one of the teenage girls was crying and said she wanted to go home. You could tell it was not a scripted, she looked seriously upset. TLC just doesn't know when to stop. I'll bet the farm those kids aren't ALL in for having cameras in their faces either. There has to be all kinds of issues among that many kids and to have all the turmoil they're going through captured on film and put out there for public consumption just adds to those problems. This reality tv thing has gone way to far intruding on the lives of children. All these friggin parents should have their heads examined for allowing it.
And out of curiosity, just how the hell DID this guy support four wives and fifteen kids before good old TLC came along to subsidize the income?
I took a bullet - wow, that's not a very big lunch, in my opinion. Not a lot of substantial food there - stick to your ribs food, if you catch my drift. I took a peek at the picture. A few chips/tiny cup of guac, ONE celery stick, ONE plum, the cookie looks small, etc. Most of that is snack or grazing food in most households. The juice is the biggest thing! I'm sorry, I hate to criticize someone's efforts, but that is just not enough food to get a kid through a long day. We used to eat hot lunch at school and we devoured it - main course, veggie, roll, dessert, and milk. None of it 'organic' (eye roll). I did an after school program for years and all those kids ate hot lunch too and by 3:30 when we picked them up, they were ready to lay waste to the cheese sticks or cheese/crackers or half PBJ and fruit that we gave them.
Ok normally I don't like nit picking each tiny thing Kate does I feel there are enough big issues that getting bogged down in the mundane is unnecessary but her lunch box is insane. Where is the protein? A couple sunflower seeds? And if she's Miss Health Nut surely she knows raw nuts are a better option than "organic" nuts. And that bottle of juicy juice probably has about 4 days worth of sugar in it.
And I thought she was all about avoiding waste? Maybe she should invest in a bento box so as to avoid using 8 lunch boxes times who knows how many baggies.
I can offer the Sheeple tons of actual sites to go to to get great, healthy, yummy and easy lunch ideas for their kids.
I am a huge proponent of healthy eating for kids but this lunch is neither healthy nor appealing for most kids.
Anyone notice that Kate claims that 99% of the time their lunchboxes come home empty?
That would mean she ADMITS that at times they DO come home with leftovers.
Some of the Kate fans from the blogs and Twitter (and one in particular who claims she works at a school) claim that schools do NOT allow children to bring home leftovers so there is no way that the "recycled leftovers" story is true.
Well Kate just admitted that they DO bring home leftovers sometimes which now shows that it is indeed possible (I say probable) that she was repacking their lunch leftovers for the next day until eaten.
That lunch for the kids sounds more like a bunch of snacks. Plain celery sticks? Yuk. Everyone is right here. Those kids will have eating disorders. And she made it clear that the kids eat all their lunch so I'm guessing the fury over her making them eat the leftovers day after day must have worked. I'm all for kids not being overweight but she is a control freak.
No Regrets said...
I did watch the new show last night. I cannot figure out where the heck ALL the money comes from to support all of this family.
ha! I just wrote almost the same post.
That Kody guy must be one "satisfied" man at the end of the day. I just don't get this plural family thing at all.
So how much of the apple juice concentrate in Juicy Juice is imported from China?
In 2010, approximately 50% came from South America, and 50% came from China.
This is from the Juicy Juice site. WOW. All is imported? We only drink juice from right here in the good ole US of A. Florida to be exact, when we do buy juice. Mostly we squeeze our own. I am surprised this organic crazed woman lets her kids drink anything other than fresh squeezed or Organic local stuff.
I guess when it is free...
Sprinkles on vanilla yogurt? Why not organic granola? Juicy Juice? Why not organic juice? Or better yet, water?
I'm glad they get a cookie though. But just one?
Is she aware that the bottle of juicy juice her kids have (which is HUGE) probably has more sugar than 90% of the "unhealthy lunches" the other kids have. I am a HUGE proponent of healthy eating and try to make sure my own son eats very well but what she has packed for her kids is just silly. And if she was really a health nut (pun intended) she'd know with nuts the key thing is for them to be raw. Organic vs. non organic doesn't really matter.
Oh and maybe miss save the planet Kate should look into a bento box. 8 kids times countless zip locks must be so distressign for a woman who claims to hate waste.
Juicy Juice/Musselman - for life - must be to high school or for the 8 college.
Talk about the gift of gab - Kris Jenner (I watch the beautiful people sometimes) had a bladder leakage problem and turned it into an endorsement for what looked like Poise (blurred on the show). She just called them up and told them she had this problem and they offered her the endorsement. Did she think she was too hot to take it, not at all. Does she pine for someone to leave off for having 6 kids when they tell her she looks good - I think not. She was very, very happy, which in her world means big, big bucks. That is why the Kardashian's get a pass, they have very strong work ethics.
RT @Just_Elliee @Kateplusmy8 Sat in dr waitingoffice reading multiple blessings.Dr came out,saw my book&went 'oh I love her,she's epic' AW!
Yeah, she is EPIC. EPIC FAIL
I guess Kate is too lazy to make sandwiches for her kids' lunches. That is apparently why she only packs chips, seeds, yogurt, plums, etc. I don't think that would fill up most kids.
Why in the heck doesn't she just purchase the meal plan for all of them and let them select their lunches like their friends do? Independence is a good thing - they could choose their lunches, learn to add up the cost, pay for them, have their choice of soups, salads, fruits, sandwiches...makes them feel like "big kids" and they could eat with their friends. If she doesn't want to let the younger kids buy their lunches, then the twins at least should be allowed to do this. Fifth graders are at that transition between lower school and middle school and it's really important at this age to give them the opportunity to learn to do things on their own.
Of course then she'd be griping that it's just too expensive. Her tanning and haircuts, and NYC shopping trips are much more important.
AuntieAnn said...
No Regrets said...
I did watch the new show last night. I cannot figure out where the heck ALL the money comes from to support all of this family.
ha! I just wrote almost the same post.
That Kody guy must be one "satisfied" man at the end of the day. I just don't get this plural family thing at all."
The entire show is nothing more than trying to 'sell' the idea that plural marriage is ok. That is what I get from it, anyway. They did this show, they have said, to 'enlighten' people about their religion. They are SO 'oppressed' and 'discriminated' against. The young wife said last night something along the lines of "This isn't the America I grew up to believe in" or something like that, because of the investigation in Utah.
I am so sick of this poor me attitude. I personally hope this never becomes the 'norm' for this country. I don't think I will watch this again. I do think this show is going to be very harmful to those kids. That poor older boy is really having problems and as Michelle indicated to discuss this on TV? Is surely cannot help that boy at all. If I were his mother, I would packing my stuff and taking him right back to Utah. If she is alone, they surely can't prosecute her, I wouldn't think. I would NOT let my kids do down hill like that and stay in that mess.
Michelle! I worship you! I am sure you had no help from nannies nor a 'girl' to do laundry for you! :)
kate's super lunch is a variety of snacks. and way to many. how about a sandwich with some veggies, fruit, thermos of soup and a yogurt.
geeze. it sounds like kate forgot what normal kids eat after having craft services available so often. that lunch is waay to sweet and there is not one solid filling food item in the box. ya BIG eaters those kids are. NOT they are hungry for something filling..not a bunch of snacks. they would be better off eating the school meals. i bet their stomachs rumble when they smell and see the hot food options their friends eat for lunch while they eat their organic pumpkin seeds.
Is she aware that the bottle of juicy juice her kids have (which is HUGE) probably has more sugar than 90% of the "unhealthy lunches" the other kids have. I am a HUGE proponent of healthy eating and try to make sure my own son eats very well but what she has packed for her kids is just silly. And if she was really a health nut (pun intended) she'd know with nuts the key thing is for them to be raw. Organic vs. non organic doesn't really matter.
Oh and maybe miss save the planet Kate should look into a bento box. 8 kids times countless zip locks must be so distressign for a woman who claims to hate waste.
My kids are BIG eaters and they bring home empty lunch boxes 99% of the time! Amazing, huh?
Kate, at this age they are allowed to dump the uneaten food into the trash. Contrary to what the sheeple say, in Kindergarten the uneaten food is sent home so that the parents can see how much the children have eaten. This year it probably gets thrown away. It could be that they don't want left-overs the next day.
Is Kate really this stupid?
Regarding the school bus seating charts, etc... On my daughters' school bus the children have assigned seats. The bus driver tells them which seat is theirs on the first day.
I'm guessing that the Gosselin children have their "seats" and that Kate rotates them in their assigned seats. I personally doubt it interferes with the other children's seating assignments. They probably have 4 bench seats assigned to the 8 of them and just rotate amongst themselves.
That being said our bus driver sat my first grade daughter alone in the front and my older daughter two seats back, also alone. I will admit I overruled that decision. LOL. As their mother I wanted them to sit together, or at least not alone. My younger daughter still has problems with the seat belt. Besides, why should they sit alone if they can sit together?
On the second day I saw my older daughter about to sit next to my younger one and the bus driver said something to her that stopped her. When my daughter replied the bus driver nodded her head and my daughter sat down next to her sister. (She told me the bus driver told her that wasn't her seat but she replied My mother wants me to sit with my sister.)
The bus driver didn't seem to care and if she did she didn't say anything to her or me.
I did give it a lot of thought and discussed it with my girls before asking her to change her seat. If they were sitting with classmates or friends I would have left them in their assigned seats.
In this instance no one else was inconvenienced and my girls get to spend time together on the bus since they don't see each other except in passing in school.
Anyway... just thought I'd share.
SG said...
Anyone notice that Kate claims that 99% of the time their lunchboxes come home empty?
That would mean she ADMITS that at times they DO come home with leftovers.
Some of the Kate fans from the blogs and Twitter (and one in particular who claims she works at a school) claim that schools do NOT allow children to bring home leftovers so there is no way that the "recycled leftovers" story is true.
Well Kate just admitted that they DO bring home leftovers sometimes which now shows that it is indeed possible (I say probable) that she was repacking their lunch leftovers for the next day until eaten."
I am sure if it is some not perishable she puts it back for them. Remember she said "I keep serving it until they eat it". Even though I do think Kate would do anything to save money, (buying expired cereal) I still don't buy that rumor she would actually put something perishable back in their lunches for another day. From what I have read, the lunches are not protected in cold storage.
I hope I am right. I hope she isn't THAT stupid or cheap or vindictive enough to risk their health or even life.
"That Kody guy must be one "satisfied" man at the end of the day. I just don't get this plural family thing at all."
What happens when all of the wives have migraines at the same time?
Last year, Kate had the kids recite the order in which they should eat their lunch:
“Sandwich, vegetables, fruit, crunchy things, yogurt or cheese, dessert!”
I guess Kate forgot the sandwich. The kids must be so confused.
She constantly complains about the paparazzi, but she uses one of their photos on her new web site under her 'fitness' section?
Tells me a) she reads everything printed about her, and b) she loves that they photograph her
No Regrets,
I'm sorry, but I do see Kate recycling a sandwich. If she packs them a sandwich cut in half and they returned home with a complete half sandwich I definitely see her repacking it for the next day... Especially since it was reported she did.
I do tend to think though that she doesn't do it any longer since it was reported.
Where's my sandwich? said...
Last year, Kate had the kids recite the order in which they should eat their lunch:
“Sandwich, vegetables, fruit, crunchy things, yogurt or cheese, dessert!”
I guess Kate forgot the sandwich. The kids must be so confused.
I apologize if this is a duplicate post. I had trouble with posting my comment.
That's very little protein and way too much sugar (cookie, yogurt plus sprinkles, juice, raisins and plum -but I give an A on the plum because a fruit's own sugar is better for your body than food with added suguar) for a growing child that has still another 5-6 (?) hours to get through until home! No mid-day snack? It would have felt sickly sweet at end of meal if I ate that for myself. Where's the milk? Peanut butter for the celery? Carbs for energy to get through the day? Pita bread would be so much better than chips as that will fill their stomach so much more. That's more of a junk diet/adult-size snack for people who wants to lose weight! These poor kids must be straving by the time they get home.
SG said...
No Regrets,
I'm sorry, but I do see Kate recycling a sandwich. If she packs them a sandwich cut in half and they returned home with a complete half sandwich I definitely see her repacking it for the next day... Especially since it was reported she did.
I do tend to think though that she doesn't do it any longer since it was reported"
Yes, I suppose she would recycle. I just hope that is not true though. But then usually when there is know the saying. IF she did do that, I am with you, she probably stopped since there was press on it. Just hard to believe that even Kate would do that. But she does so much that 'normal' people DON'T do. LOL
I guess Kate forgot the sandwich. The kids must be so confused.
I can imagine she had to give new instructions for today! LOL
LB--I agree with most of your comment, however there are many schools(my grandson's included) that will not allow peanut butter, peanuts, and other food because of kids who have allergies. On the list my grandson's school sent out, there are a least 10 or more food items that are not allowed.
RT @Kateplusmy8: Exciting news! 'What's In My Kids Lunchboxes' now posted! Check it out
Exciting? Exciting? Organic yogurt is exciting? Reading about what's in a kid's lunch box is exciting news? Well, yes, I guess if you're a sheeple. Water seeks its own level. What uneventful lives they must lead.
I don't know about any of you, but organic seeds really do nothing to light up my life, nor make me want to rush out and shout the news from the highest rooftop or nearby local tavern, not even after I've imbibed in spirits with gusto.
And why is Kate so restrictive with her own diet--especially if she is running 10+ miles several times a week? It is ridiculous. She says she doesn't eat pizza even though she loves it. Pizza is not even unhealthy. She can buy or make a whole wheat crust and use a light cheese and add veggies and that is a healthy meal. Anything in moderation, combined with weekly exercise, is fine. She is setting such a poor example for her children. I get the idea she thinks she is so superior for saying she denies herself all of the foods everyone else indulges in.
And Kate claims she is hounded by the paparazzi, well where are they when she does her $700 grocery shopping and her ten mile runs???????
LB said... No mid-day snack?
During her DWTS fiasco, she wrote a blog about finding our her kids were sneaking food from their lunchboxes on the school bus on the way to school! So she packed them a little 'snack' just for the bus ride. This disturbed me greatly. WHY are the kids hungry on the bus, before they even get to school??? Those 1/2 of bananas were just not getting it, I suppose. Not one fan questioned that, instead they said wow, 'they really eat a lot'! Some such nonsense. For God's sake, they JUST had breakfast. No reason for those poor kids to be hungry so soon, had they gotten a good breakfast.
That's more of a junk diet/adult-size snack for people who wants to lose weight! These poor kids must be straving by the time they get home.
How does Kate know that other kids don't share their lunches with them - you know, half a sandwich that other child doesn't eat, butterscotch pudding, or gasp - a lunchable or a pop tart?
You can see where Kate would go with this if anyone says her kids are hungry when they come home from is entirely Jon's fault. His support money just barely covers lunch..... I'm broke now, can't afford to feed MY8 waa, waa, waa...please send cash only...(ask Barb for my address) waa, waa, waa...
Boston Bonnie said... I like Auntie Ann's idea of sending Kate the Mommie Dearest book. Can you imagine how red her face would be opening package after package of that same book? Now THAT I would pay TLC to see!
Honestly, I can't believe Kate's face would even be pink. She would look at the book, shrug her shoulders, and toss it in the trash, wondering, "Why would someone send me a book?"
There would be absolutely no recognition on her part that there would be any comparison to her.
We are talking about Kate Gosselin here, not someone who realizes she has a problem.
Hummus with celery is good and healthy too if they can't take peanut butter to school.
That lunch was something she could just throw inside a lunch box the night before. Believe me, she is not up in the a.m. to see those kids out the door. I bet the nanny is dropping those kids off every morning now that the paps are gone.
BTW, for those of you who have raised teenagers, if she thinks her grocery bill is high now, just wait! The organic will be a fad of the past for her.
@kateplusmy8 Shares "What’s In My Kids’ Lunch Boxes?" LOVE this post! No more "it has to be a sandwich to be lunch" !
Look out, Brownie's kids! You all are going to get seeds, yogurt and non-organic sprinkles tomorrow!
Brownie would love the post. Monkey see, monkey do.
Sydney said...
Honestly, I can't believe Kate's face would even be pink. She would look at the book, shrug her shoulders, and toss it in the trash, wondering, "Why would someone send me a book?"
Yep, precisely... that was my point. As I said before, I doubt if she'd make the connection.
No Regrets said... Michelle! I worship you! I am sure you had no help from nannies nor a 'girl' to do laundry for you! :)
Hey thanks! :D Just don't worship too hard. My kids are eating school hot lunch and I'm pretty sure none of it is organic! Today's choice is spaghetti or a turkey deli sandwich. It's a rare occasion I even ask them what they had for lunch. If they're hungry, I assume they'll eat. They're tall and weight is perfectly proportioned to height.
I have much better things to discuss with them at the end of the day than micromanaging their meals! Guess I'm not a "SUPERMOM"!
Moose Mania said... That's more of a junk diet/adult-size snack for people who wants to lose weight! These poor kids must be straving by the time they get home.
How does Kate know that other kids don't share their lunches with them - you know, half a sandwich that other child doesn't eat, butterscotch pudding, or gasp - a lunchable or a pop tart?
Oh, I seriously doubt that. You know how Kate is with her zillion rules concerning the children. She probably extended that to their teachers that they may not share/eat other children’s food. Plus I believe alot of schools have rules on that nowadays too due to increase of food allergies in children.
Oh, I seriously doubt that. You know how Kate is with her zillion rules concerning the children.
Kate is not there when they eat lunch. Thank goodness for that! Some schools have had those non-sharing rules in place for years, but that doesn't mean that kids don't sneak bits and pieces of other lunches, especially if those other kids bought their lunches and couldn't finish everything on their trays. It happens. I've seen it happen. If a child is hungry enough after having finished a lunch of seeds and yogurt, then yes, if another child has a banana left on his try, it's going to be mighty tempting. Teachers are not hovering over each child saying, "No! That's not yours!"
What kind of person re-tweets what Kate just did........from a woman who tweeted that her doctor said Kate was "epic"? She really does have the emotional maturity of a very insecure and 15 year-old. Can you imagine any of her supposed peers - like the View ladies - needing to do such a thing? She needs a good therapist because twitter isn't going to fill her emotional needs forever.
No Regrets said...
LB said... No mid-day snack?
During her DWTS fiasco, she wrote a blog about finding our her kids were sneaking food from their lunchboxes on the school bus on the way to school! So she packed them a little 'snack' just for the bus ride. This disturbed me greatly. WHY are the kids hungry on the bus, before they even get to school??? Those 1/2 of bananas were just not getting it, I suppose. Not one fan questioned that, instead they said wow, 'they really eat a lot'! Some such nonsense. For God's sake, they JUST had breakfast. No reason for those poor kids to be hungry so soon, had they gotten a good breakfast.
I remember that one, thanks for jogging my memory. I believe they were eating the dessert part of their lunch, either on way to school or back home from school? I wish I could remember what she called that…jacket-snacking or something like that. More sugar, huh? On top of a way too sugary lunch! Why doesn’t she make it more simple and purchase the lunch plan for the younger children? That would cut down on waste of packing supplies (gosh, how many Ziploc bags did she use per lunch bag?) and food not eaten X 6.
Interesting. The G8 couldn't go to space camp, but the Duggars did. This brings allllll kinds of questions to my mind.
From the article:
Jim Bob Duggar, the Arkansas father of the gang of 19, said the trip to the Space & Rocket Center and Space Camp was originally to be a small part at the end of an episode about the family rebuilding houses of tornado victims in the Birmingham area.
"Now, our producer said, 'Let's make it a whole episode,' " Duggar, dressed in a Space Camp blue flight suit, said during a short interview with the local media.
The Huntsville episode should air on TLC in January or February after the new season begins, Duggar said.
Duggar and 17 of the 19 children - his wife, Michelle, and two of the children are returning from Israel - donned the flights suits for a tour of the center and a few hours of the Space Camp experience.
"Our kids are so excited to be here at Space Camp," Duggar said. "This is just fascinating with all the rockets here."
another family allows reality tv to destroy it.
i am amazed by Sister Wives. I really didn't have a HUGE issue with it when the lived in Utah other than I felt it was wrong to expose their secret life with the world at their children's expense. I chose not to judge since I'm not a Morman and couldn't begin to understand the split in their religion on plural vs nonplural marriage. I figuerd if this family wanted to show what plural marigae could be like then I'll keep my mouth shut.
Fast foward one year. the stupid show led to an investigation. instead of fighting for what they believe in the Brown's run to LAS VEGAS. that's right. take the kids who have been raised in a very modest and religious lifestyle and bring them to SIN CITY. are these people for real? now they are dicussing other churches. some of the kids seem to be rejecting the religion. the cameras seem to be an issue and poor Hunter. his depression over the vast lifestyle change is so apparant.
I agree with the poster who said she would be packing her bags single or not and going back to Utah with her kids. I believe Las Vegas was a very poor choice for this family. they went from living in one house and having friends who understood their situation and they attended a private school with other plural children to the culture shock of a public Las Vegas school and living in separate houses. it seems no one was thinking of the impact on the kids when they made the decision to put the cameras on. Meri and Jenelle?(not sure of the name..the one who loves to work) would both still be working..they would all still be sharing a house and child rearing duties and their kids would still be in the lifestyle they were raised in. cameras really seem to bring out the narcissist in many people. or do narcissists seek out the camera.
@Kateplusmy8 u evr have a prob w/ kids not wantng to go 2 school? my 7 yr old doesnt, any advice
I kind of think that Kate is not the person to give advice about this. Her children jump for joy. They can't wait to get away from her!
Where's my sandwich? said...
Last year, Kate had the kids recite the order in which they should eat their lunch:
“Sandwich, vegetables, fruit, crunchy things, yogurt or cheese, dessert!”
I'm wondering if they ate the guacamole with no chips first then their vegetables, fruit and THEN the tortilla chips because they are "crunchy things." Yes, they must be so confused.
My kids get: one beverage, juice or water, one sandwich(lunchmeat or PB&J) one chips or crackers something, dessert (pudding or granola bar or cookies,usually just 2 or a fruit cup) sometimes a fruit roll up but that's it.That's 4 things maybe 5 for a treat, they have 25 min to eat, they have no time to open 7 little zip bags or containers and they are perfectly happy with that, if she fed them breakfast properly maybe they could be satisfied on the bus and would not have to buy $700 worth of food at her pricey market every week.
ok , that's my rant !! lol
TLC stinks said...
BTW, for those of you who have raised teenagers, if she thinks her grocery bill is high now, just wait! The organic will be a fad of the past for her.
That's for sure. But if she's that concerned about organic she could utilize that little piece of farmland she has there...plant a good crop of veggies and order some turkey poults for a start. She COULD, but that would be WORK. Forget it.
My boys eat like Jethro Bodine. One of them needs to watch his carb/calorie intake because of type 1 diabetes so it's a balancing act around here to keep the food thing fair for everyone. At least we've all learned the glycemic index backwards and front. Kate would go out of her mind even further if one of her kids had special dietary needs.
Interesting....I was watching the infamous "Toys R Us" episode, and noticed as they were driving away from the toy store, Kate mentioned that they expect a certain amount of stress when they go out and do things, otherwise they'd just stay home and "stare at the walls...."
"Stare at the walls"....Isn't that what Mady said in the finale? We all knew those words sounded like Kate, and now we know for sure....
Sidney said... Boston Bonnie said... I like Auntie Ann's idea of sending Kate the Mommie Dearest book. Can you imagine how red her face would be opening package after package of that same book? Now THAT I would pay TLC to see!
Honestly, I can't believe Kate's face would even be pink. She would look at the book, shrug her shoulders, and toss it in the trash, wondering, "Why would someone send me a book?"
There would be absolutely no recognition on her part that there would be any comparison to her.
We are talking about Kate Gosselin here, not someone who realizes she has a problem.
I can picture Kate acting like Madonna when that fan handed her the flowers and she griped that she didn't like hydrengas and the fan obviously didn't know that.
Kate would do the same thing with Mommie Dearest. She pull it out of the box, look at it, roll her eyes, toss it in the trash and say "I don't read! They obviously didn't know that!"
EM - I know, I didn't understand why they didn't stay and fight because increasing public awareness was allegedly the reason for starting the show. Instead, they left in a horrible and chaotic fashion, traumatizing their children. All of the adults completely failed those kids. I'm sorry, but if the greatest risk to their family was just Kody going to jail - then that should have been the better alternative to uprooting those kids like that. If there was no abuse going on in that household the kids wouldn't have been removed and the women wouldn't have been forced to live separately. But no, everyone had to lose because the head of the family was afraid for himself and himself alone which is the definition of selfishness. Again, another family that shouldn't be on display. Poor Hunter. He is in a serious depression. He needs help. If anything good can come from that show I hope the school can offer him some help after seeing what that poor child has been through.
No Regrets said...
LB said... No mid-day snack?
During her DWTS fiasco, she wrote a blog about finding our her kids were sneaking food from their lunchboxes on the school bus on the way to school! So she packed them a little 'snack' just for the bus ride. This disturbed me greatly. WHY are the kids hungry on the bus, before they even get to school??? Those 1/2 of bananas were just not getting it, I suppose. Not one fan questioned that, instead they said wow, 'they really eat a lot'! Some such nonsense. For God's sake, they JUST had breakfast. No reason for those poor kids to be hungry so soon, had they gotten a good breakfast.
I remember that one, thanks for jogging my memory. I believe they were eating the dessert part of their lunch, either on way to school or back home from school? I wish I could remember what she called that…jacket-snacking or something like that. More sugar, huh? On top of a way too sugary lunch! Why doesn’t she make it more simple and purchase the lunch plan for the younger children? That would cut down on waste of packing supplies (gosh, how many Ziploc bags did she use per lunch bag?) and food not eaten X 6.
sad part of reality tv for kate. had she actually quit the show when it was popular (and before all her secrets were spread to the media )she could have made tons of money off tv as a spokesperson for many things. people bought the perfect mom crap. she should have struck while the iron was hot and sold her brand OFF tv. look at the kardashians. most of their $ is made from endorsements. not the show. kate could have gone out on top by her own choosing instead of another cancelled reality star still chasing fame.
now she does what she should have done when she had a corporate backing.
gives fitness advice, organizational advice, nuitrition advice. its actually ridic because her advice sucks - her fans are getting shin splints and heel issues. they will now try proteinless sugar filled lunches for their kids and continue to feel not worthy becasue they cant run 10 miles. had kate tried to interact with fan way back when her corporate backers would have found her endorsements and educated her on real nutrition and fitness.
BTW does 1 person really believe she runs 10 miles several times a week. i dont for the following reasons.
she never carb loads.
never in 6 years of reality tv did she mention running
she constantly bemoans having to run. every runner i know looks forward to it. they enjoy it. hence why they do it.
she never mentions shoes, clothes or hydration.
i think kate may jog a little or speedwalk but no way is she a runner. it's just another lie. i wish she would film herself running 10 miles. she does love the camera so why not? let see it.
Is this for real???? Their lunch boxes???? Who the HELL is reading this garbage. Who cares what her kids eat for lunch?? I still can't believe people are visiting that site and reading that crap! This is a joke?....Right? Is this her new "living"? Oh brother....she's in big trouble. She better come up with something more interesting than inspirational sayings and lunch boxes...Can you say Welfare?
Why in the heck doesn't she just purchase the meal plan for all of them and let them select their lunches like their friends do? Independence is a good thing - they could choose their lunches, learn to add up the cost, pay for them, have their choice of soups, salads, fruits, sandwiches...makes them feel like "big kids" and they could eat with their friends. If she doesn't want to let the younger kids buy their lunches, then the twins at least should be allowed to do this. Fifth graders are at that transition between lower school and middle school and it's really important at this age to give them the opportunity to learn to do things on their own.
It's all about control. She doesn't want them to make their own choices. KATE must be the one they need, the one with all the answers.
As for Sister Wives....I've never watched that show, and I never intend to. It cracks me up how this guy has 4 wives, multiple kids, then has church and believes in God?
I really hate TLC. For destroying innocent children's lives.
OK, so I took a look at the lunch. The yoguart with sprinkles is in the small Glad container (you can see the sprinkles through the top). What is the guac in? It's got to be an even smaller container or a plastic bag. Kate, there's a way you can do even less work. GoGurt in squeezeable tubes that you can actually freeze so it thaws by lunch and is nice and fresh. You can now buy individual packs of guac that are also squeezable! WTF kind of a lunch is that for a growing kid? Snack food and nothing more.
Sorry, don't know how to make a live link... but this is interesting - says that Pratt's agents won't even answer his phone calls when he calls 30 times a day. He can't get work.
Sounds like.... wait for it... like someone thought their reality show would go on forever and DIDN'T SAVE ANY MONEY!
Boo effen hoo - this sounds so familiar.......
I wonder how many times kart is calling her 'agent' each day?
She needs to just swallow it and go get a regular mediocre job....... hey, maybe she could drive a school bus! She knows just how they should act, she'd be the best ever, right?
Oh gawd, I feel sorry for anyone who has to deal with her whatever job she gets......
I'm off to pick up some non-organic pizza. kart says it's not that good for me. Too bad, I get a pizza twice a year whether she recommends it or not..... bwaaaaahaaaahaaaaa.
Excellent for lunch boxes the next day. snark.
she never mentions shoes, clothes or hydration.
She has mentioned her shoes several times - Aesics gel kayano. In fact she just tweeted about them today.
That said, I've seen her out "running" several times. I wouldn't call it running. It's more like a slow jog or fast walk (at times). She looks tired, worn out, and not enjoying any of it. It is by no means what seasoned runners call "running."
Moose Mania said...
That's more of a junk diet/adult-size snack for people who wants to lose weight! These poor kids must be straving by the time they get home.
How does Kate know that other kids don't share their lunches with them - you know, half a sandwich that other child doesn't eat, butterscotch pudding, or gasp - a lunchable or a pop tart?
I would BET those kids eat exactly what Kate tells to eat and nothing more. I suspect they are too afraid to go against what she instructs even when out of sight. One or two would probably rat them out anyway. LOL
LB said...
Moose Mania said... That's more of a junk diet/adult-size snack for people who wants to lose weight! These poor kids must be straving by the time they get home.
Nope. Sorry. Moose didn't say that. I'm not so sure that the kids are starving by the time they get home. They may have been given snacks by other kids who bought treats at a bake sale, or fruit bars out of the vending machines. Don't many parents put change in their kids' backpacks so they can get a juice out of the machine, or maybe a granola bar?
Oops...this is Kate. Jon's support probably doesn't take care of spending money.
I'm big into cooking, food, nutrition, so my eyes got VERY wide when I read her list of what she put in her kids' lunches!
1. Was this also the lunch her "almost 11 year olds" get? I hope not, because that was hardly enough for her 7 year olds!
2. Guacamole doesn't keep well, and I DOUBT she made it: WAS IT ORGANIC? After all, guacamole is just made up of avocados, tomatoes, maybe onions, cilantro, lime juice, salt. Easy to do or buy organically, but she doesn't put that qualifier/brag on it, so I doubt it!
3. Regular corn chips? Not whole grain chips? Tsk.
4. I'm assuming the celery, plum, and raisins were not organic. Too bad. If you're going to go all the way with organic, your produce really needs to be organic, not just your yogurt and sunflower seeds!
5. What the HELL with the sugar level in this lunch??? Juicy Juice AND raisins AND sprinkles AND a plum? If I were her kid, I'd have the sugar shakes by 2 pm every day.
6. Why is this just a lunchbox of tiny snacks? Why so much juice? Horizon makes yummy lunchbox sized organic milks (in flavors, too, and not super sugary!) she could buy them.
Ug. That's not a good lunch, Kate, I wouldn't brag about it. Hummus and a selection of veggies to dip, whole wheat pita chips, a lean meat, some cheese, dial back on the sugar, would it kill you to do that?
I forgot the chocolate chip M&M cookie! MORE SUGAR!
Wow. Kate needs to stop acting like she knows the first thing about nutrition. It's clear she doesn't.
What kind of chips did Kate pack with the guacamole? Were they "triangulary"? Do the kids recognize triangular chips as Doritos yet?
OK, here's my guess on the sugary lunch. After lunch, the teachers will have to deal with 8 kids on a sugar high. By the time they get home, they will have crashed and be very quiet for her.
Didn't Kate say once that the teachers were not
worthy because they couldn't handle her kids? Or something like that. Somebody was supposed to be dealing with their behavioral problems, not Kate.
So how much of the apple juice concentrate in Juicy Juice is imported from China?
In 2010, approximately 50% came from South America, and 50% came from China.
Wow, I knew about South America, but China??? Then there's nothing organic about that juice, this is China, land of fake baby formula and industrial waste dumping. I forgot the name of that Chinese documentary that was nominated for an Oscar earlier this year, about the poor farmer who fought a battle against a big industry in his hometown whose waste disposal was causing the local people to get sick from cancer. And Juicy Juice thought this was a good idea?
And this bitch doesn't run 10 miles a day, she may shuffle for 1 1/2 mile, she probably does some weight training because she does have tone arms, but those flabby legs and stomach, no way.
And why is she still starving the kids? They are no longer on TV, no need to keep them small.
Paige, the teen uber fan, tweeted:
@Kateplusmy8 a little girl on my bus asked me if she could call me Kate plus 8 girl lol! I said sure! Haha:) I'm proud to be "kateplus8girl"
Can you imagine being another student, or a teacher at this teen sheeple's school and having to hear about her obsession with Kate over and over and over again, every waking minute? She writes stories about her, makes videos for film class about her, draws pictures of her...
I remember being a young teen and having crushes on stars, but these were male celebrities, not middle-aged women with eight children, and never to the extent that these teens are so deeply involved with Kate. Back then, these teen idols were a dime a dozen, and we'd have crushes for one week, and then move on to the new star the next week.
I really don't think that it's Kate's eight children, or even the show that have them so enamored - the fascination and adulation is with Kate. Why?
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