In other news, Whoopi Goldberg, who once so desperately tried to convince the other ladies of The View Kate is an "angry bitch" who should be voted off DWTS, has finally brought them around that Kate needs to be voted off. As in, this planet.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Roundup: Kate's pricey jaunt to New York City, another speeding ticket to pay, and the ladies of The View (finally) jump ship
Kate, who claims to be "freaking out" about her financial future and complains constantly about Jon's child support, got her beans spilled by her hairstylist this week. Instead of pinching pennies to survive, she was in NYC today getting her hair done, followed by dinner at Fig and Olive, a Mediterranean restaurant popular with celebs like Robert Downey Jr. and Leonard DiCaprio. If her finances are so uncertain, why is she blowing money in NYC .... or racking up speeding ticket fines? Kate received her fourth speeding ticket since 2009 this week, issued on September 11, 2011, of all days.
630 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 630 Newer› Newest»Jenna Does said... OK, this isn't a major MAJOR thing, but it still pisses me off to this day. I was driving down the road, going the speed limit, when some cow in a big SUV decides to just pull out without looking. She just pulls out! I always bring my dog with me if I'm going for a quick ride, or just going for coffee or something. (NEVER to grocery shop or anything)
I had to SLAM on my breaks, & even with my dogs harness, she went flying into the dash. She was all legs & limbs. I had to slam on my breaks. So, I'm about 2 inches from this bitches bumper. I help my dog get all fixed up, make sure she's ok, & get out of my car, & RAIL this chick. I lay into her so badly that I think she's gonna cry.
This is what she says to me. "I'm sorry, I didn't see you". I say, "You didn't even look!!" so she says, "I was trying to make a call" I wanted to punch her. She asked if my dog was OK, & I said, "You are lucky it's not my kid or you'd be in worse shape right now". I got back in my car & left. I'm a pacifist, but I was so angry. My poor dog was limping that day, so we took her to the vet, she had sprained her ankle. I REGRET not getting any info.
It also happened on my Street! We live across from a church, on a One Way. People pull out of the church parking lot w/out looking all the time. I ended up in a neighbors yard once w/ my kid b/c someone wasn't watching. People are so distracted now while driving. And how many people see the crosses on highways? That's sad. On the way to the beach we go to, there used to be 17 crosses where kids have died in wrecks. The state took them down.
~Hippie Chick~
Same thing happened to me Hippie Chick. Got a new car about six (6) months ago...had only had it a couple of months when I was on my way to McDonald's early one morning...was on a four-lane main street. Fortunately, I was in the lane closest to a shopping strip w/ a curb. There was no one in sight when all of a sudden this chick in a white car appears and moves into my lane on top of me like I was invisible! Of course, she was on the damned phone! I jumped the curb, messing up a tire and wheel cover, and she took off. I'm just glad I didn't have one of my dogs in the car w/ me at the time like you did. It's a good thing she took off because I would have ripped her a new one. And, as several people have pointed out, more often than not, it's the drunk, the texter, or the person on the phone who kills someone else while they escape w/ little to no injuries. (Thanks for the well wishes No Regrets and Auntie feeling a bit better today.)
Well good news, Tareq Salahi's wife, Michaele is NOT kidnapped. She decided to go on tour with Journey's guitarist! I am SO relieved. :)
Re: that MONSTER back yard.
24 acres of land going unused and she said the Grand Canyon was wasted space.
RT @susan_keating @Kateplusmy8 It's always all about you, isn't Kate? NOPE.ALL ABOUT MY KIDS&BEINGTHEIR MOM! IF IT LOOKS LIKE@ME,LOOK AGAIN!
Kate broke out the all caps for this reply. Touched a nerve, I guess.
That's exactly what I thought when I read that. Pretty much the whole world, now lincluding the ladies on The View, understands that it is ALWAYS about you, Katie.
And that meatloaf recipe? Seriously. With no insults to regional cooking, she cooks like my mother in the '50's, and while we do enjoy a good pot roast occasionally, someone should give this woman a subscription to Cooking LIght, which actually takes old faves and brings them into this century. I understand that she probably cooks what she ate growing up, but I doubt she is eating that kind of food at Nobu or Fig & Olive. Think she forgot the 'organic' veggies for her 'organic' ground beef. And she has leftovers with 2 lbs of meat for 9 people, whoops, forgot she does not eat what she serves her children, another topic for role-modeling I think.
I think that Kate believes the only "haters" she has are those from the general public. Do you think she has any idea that she is being dissed by talk show hosts, columnists, on the radio etc? Does she know what the ladies on the View who she considers her good friends said about her?
Dallas Lady said... Anon, when she said she got security because some guy at a TV station was putting the kids on his lap, my jaw freaking dropped open.
Yeah but she got security for HERSELF! The kids were all over the place doing who knows what while Steve was escorting her to Target and standing guard outside public restrooms.
I was about to ask who she thinks she is kidding with this, but I already know - herself. THIS WEEK she actually believes it, she really does. She rewrites history as it suits her and I believe she really does convince herself that her latest version is the truth.
Katie I., you are very very ill. Get proper ongoing treatment so you dont have to live every day being so angry and so frantic.
Don't know if anyone mentioned this yet but...I just watched the "after show" from Wendy Williams and she said that Kate told her after the show that she was never offered a job on the Talk...that it was just a rumor. Also she hasn't had ANY job offers at all.......What a shocker!!
No Regrets said...
Dear Kate,
I need new ideas for my kids' lunchboxes. How many grapes again? How many crackers? Is that a one to one ratio or two to one? Are the crackers organic? What if I can't find or afford organic? What if they want hard boiled eggs and I don't have organic? Or I only have brown eggs? Or I have NO eggs? Should I go buy some? Will the brown eggs hurt them? How many carrot sticks? Should I cut them reallly skinny or sort of fattish? Thanks SO much you are SUCH an inspiration ~
signed your NUMBER ONE FAN (regardless what that kid claims)
LOL! Yep, those are Kate's fans alright. I've decided they're as annoying as Kate. I guess I just can't tolerate stupid.
For Kate's menu section on her website, she'll probably pilfer Bon Apetit magazines from the library (or have her "Top Adviser" do it) and use those recipes.
Dwindle said...Dallas Lady said... Anon, when she said she got security because some guy at a TV station was putting the kids on his lap, my jaw freaking dropped open."
I DO remember a story that was told by Kate or TLC when questioned about the need for a bodyguard that it was for a stalker fan who followed her whenever she appeared for anything and wrote many letters, etc Does ANYONE else remember that? I know I did not imagine it. LOL
I read here often and can't get over how big of a liar and miserable person Kate is. I wanted to add about driving and the comment about the ridiculous speed limit changes through towns. I live in one of those towns. We have a gas station, a church and a restaurant. The speed limit is 55 and then 25 when you get to the town limits. We do not have police, we have county sheriffs and the speed limit is so, you know, drivers don't kill our children walking across the street to church or the park. We have had two children hit by cars in the last year and it irks me to no end when I see a speeder. Luckily the sheriffs try to curb this as much as possible but I detest speeders. Most speeders do not realize that for all the risk they are taking with lives and fines, they are NOT shaving much time off their commute. If you are driving a half an hour and going 65 instead of 55 you gain only 5 minutes. Leave earlier and drive like you have respect for life and property. Nothing makes me happier than seeing an aggressive speeder pulled over. The fact that Kate doesn't care about others lives is pretty par for the course. It's simply another sign of her mental illness that she cannot learn from her mistakes and racks up ticket after ticket.
No Regrets said...
Well good news, Tareq Salahi's wife, Michaele is NOT kidnapped. She decided to go on tour with Journey's guitarist! I am SO relieved. :)
Wow flashback ... I hadn't heard about the Salahi's in a while. Can they take Kate too? She wants a job in entertainment! Roadie fits that description.
Tamara said... I haven't seen anything to suggest that Kate has multiple personalities, or Dissociative Identity Disorder. What are the clearly defined other personalities she has shown? Much more likely is Dissocial personality disorder, Narcissism, sociopath, along that line
Some lay people think that 'bi-polar' means multiple personalities. I too saw that previous post using the terms interchangably.
For readers who care: the term 'bi-polar' generally refers to what used to be called 'manic-depressive' and I am not sure that's fits Kate. The general public has witnessed periods of depression in her (the summer of divorce, the baby doll dresses, dirty hair, slippers, drinking, hitting Leah in the driveway) but I am not sure we have seen anything that qualifies as bi-polar.
What we do see in every single interview, without fail, is simmering rage. Absolute hatred for something and rage on the verge of exploding. When it does explode, it will be very very bad. And she will harm her children badly.
Kate doesn't rate said...LOL! Yep, those are Kate's fans alright. I've decided they're as annoying as Kate. I guess I just can't tolerate stupid.
For Kate's menu section on her website, she'll probably pilfer Bon Apetit magazines from the library (or have her "Top Adviser" do it) and use those recipes."
Oh the questions will be much worse I think. LOL Her cooking is just not exceptional at all. Even when I was a fan, I thought that. I never could figure out why she got such praise. simply because she tripled a recipe? thought up some of her own 'soup' recipes? Any average cook do that and more.
Not long ago, she fed them leftovers and the combo was HORRIBLE. Sloppy joes I think with baked sweet potato and something else. It sounded gawdawful. LOL
Does anyome have the tweet where Kate said gymnastics was too expensive?
Hoosier Girl said...
No Regrets said...
Well good news, Tareq Salahi's wife, Michaele is NOT kidnapped. She decided to go on tour with Journey's guitarist! I am SO relieved. :)
Wow flashback ... I hadn't heard about the Salahi's in a while. Can they take Kate too? She wants a job in entertainment! Roadie fits that description.
September 15, 2011 10:45 AM
HA! Hadn't thought of that. Great solution! Kate and Michaele would get along really well. :) Same personality, or rather lack of.
Some lay people think that 'bi-polar' means multiple personalities. I too saw that previous post using the terms interchangably.
I think that the post said that Kate may be MPD OR bi-polar, one or the other, not that MPD was the same as bi-polar.
Loved Kate's last tweet about it being all about the kids and being their mom. If it's all about the kids, why weren't they enrolled in gymnasics? Why couldn't she take them to Hershey Park? Why was she in New York instead, getting made blonder and dining out on the town?
Westcoaster said...
RT @susan_keating @Kateplusmy8 It's always all about you, isn't Kate? NOPE.ALL ABOUT MY KIDS&BEINGTHEIR MOM! IF IT LOOKS LIKE@ME,LOOK AGAIN!
Kate broke out the all caps for this reply. Touched a nerve, I guess.
How to make a narcissist angry or what. hehe.
On the finale Kate admitted to being nasty and grouchy and even to references of her being Mommy Dearest but didn't dare touch on the narcissist comments about her...which again is another characteristic of narcissism. Do narcissists not even recognize the word... like it's written in invisible ink? Or spoken of in sign language? Talk about denial!
And she never touched on any questions about her relationship with Steve and we KNOW that question was asked many times. Another dead giveaway that those two are getting it on.
Bob Ross, Joy of Painting
Yep, that's it. Better than yoga or xanax :)
Is he still doing a television show? We all loved him. My kids could be playing, running wild, and whenever he was on, they'd sit down and be totally mesmerized for his entire show.
In fact, we were talking about him the other day. I happened on another channel where an artist was painting and thought...he's okay, but he's NOT Bob Ross!
I smell a rat. I went to Kate's website about 2 or 3 hours ago and it has ticker on the problem that I assume counts the hits of people visting. The hit count was about 2,200 and now 2/3 hours or so later it is about 11,390. I can't believe that many people visited in that amount of time. I wonder when the website started counting the hits because she announced the site on Monday. So from Monday till Thursday it had around 2,200 but within a few hours it climbed over 9,000. Again, I smell a rat.
Dwindle said...not sure we have seen anything that qualifies as bi-polar.
What we do see in every single interview, without fail, is simmering rage. Absolute hatred for something and rage on the verge of exploding. When it does explode, it will be very very bad. And she will harm her children badly.
I agree. Kate's thinly-veiled anger and contempt for Jon reared its ugly head on the last media blitz. It was bound to happen sooner or later. I can just imagine what she says around the kids.
Kate has convinced herself that Jon's desire to leave television was a betrayal-- one that Kate will never forget or forgive.
Jon's lucky he found it within himself to leave in order to preserve and protect himself. It must make him rather sad that Kate's got most of the custody. I too have a feeling that some of the kids will choose to be with dad.
Cat said...I read here often and can't get over how big of a liar and miserable person Kate is.
It is truly sad and totally proves phrase that "money cannot buy you happiness". Poor, rich or in between this is a woman that nothing can satisfy her. It is a miserable existence. Sooo worried about the kids getting dirty, sooo worried about messes the kids make, sooo worried about just about anything. She will never 'smell the roses'. And the lies. Oh the lies. She just does not care what she says. She will say whatever fits the present situation.
Leave earlier and drive like you have respect for life and property
I learned long ago, I will get there just same as the speeder guy, maybe it will take me a little longer but who cares? At least I am not taking the chance of a blow out at 100mph or an accident. I feel the same about flying. Why would I pay the extra grand or whatever to fly 1st class? My end of the plane is on the ground about a second later than the theirs. Who cares?
Leave it to Kate to make meatloaf sound as if nobody else can make it.
I'm going to kick myself here, I just know it but okay, I've bought organic meat! I don't do it often as we used to and I guess it helps if you know the guy who owns the business. So I've got like a year supply of ground beef in my freezer in the garage at about 1-2lbs in each roll.
Last week I made 3 individual pans of 1-2lbs meatloaf in each. For each pan I put in one egg, 1/2 cup of shock, plain breadcrumbs.
No secret I put in salsa to my meatloaf at my house and tastes pretty good.
Any idiot can make meatloaf Kate nobody needs a recipe spelled out for them. I didn't have any leftovers so I'd like to know on a family of 9 out of 2lbs of meatloaf how she has leftovers. Has never happened at my house and never will.
"Maggie said...
I smell a rat. I went to Kate's website about 2 or 3 hours ago and it has ticker on the problem that I assume counts the hits of people visting. The hit count was about 2,200 and now 2/3 hours or so later it is about 11,390. I can't believe that many people visited in that amount of time. I wonder when the website started counting the hits because she announced the site on Monday. So from Monday till Thursday it had around 2,200 but within a few hours it climbed over 9,000. Again, I smell a rat.
September 15, 2011 11:08 AM"
How many are repeats though? Fans WILL 'help' her you know. To make her look good. It might be possible. It has been printed in a few rag mags about her site.
I refuse to go there. No hits from me! LOL Twitter is more entertaining to me anyway.
One more comment and I'll go back to my mediocre life. Kate had better thank me, I've found a show for her to appear on. I am no big fan of Dr. Phil but had to watch the Anthonys yesterday so I went to his website today to see if they'll be on again and lo and behold, read the following:
Do you know the biggest bitch ever? Does he or she live extravagantly and feel entitled?
Tell us>>
Know the BIGGEST Bitch Ever?
Who would you say is the biggest bitch? Would you say he/she's the biggest bitch ever? Maybe it's someone who lives extravagantly and feels they are entitled? Does it leave you saying “she /he is just the biggest bitch”?!
If you or someone you know wants to turn in the biggest bitch ever, write in today! Please only respond if willing to appear on television.
tate said... A couple of nit picky things. Why is Kate calling people "darling" in her tweets? I guess that is what she thinks celebrities do or that is how she addresses the mediocre people?
Kate should know that a true "stah" says "dahling". ;)
Under The Boardwalk said... I think that the post said that Kate may be MPD OR bi-polar, one or the other, not that MPD was the same as bi-polar.
I should have taken the time to look back at the post. I apologize if I misunderstood it. I meant no disrespect to anyone here. :))
Under The Boardwalk said...
Bob Ross, Joy of Painting
Is he still doing a television show? We all loved him.
Bob Ross passed away July 4th 1995.
Kate's now calling people "darling". What, is she channeling Countess LuAnne DeLeSchmepps?
Kate just loathe the trip back to PA farmland!
Has anyone seen pap pics of Kate in NYC? You know, they follow her all the time (makes Kate's poor me frowny face)
Hippie: Ordinarily I would agree with you about posting about other bloggers. However, in this case, when a person has trashed this blog, spoken vehemently about the blog's administrator on another blog, swearing not to ever post again on this blog, and then comes back and floods the blog with posts (creating controversy, and stirring the pot), then I think that other posters, who might not be aware of what happened, should know about it.
They then can form their own opinions, deciding to participate in the discussions put forth by this person, or just taking the comments on their own merit, for what they're worth. It's up to them.
Just my opinion. Maybe others agree - or not?
Mary said... I think that Kate believes the only "haters" she has are those from the general public. Do you think she has any idea that she is being dissed by talk show hosts, columnists, on the radio etc? Does she know what the ladies on the View who she considers her good friends said about her?
In her twisted mind, just more jealous people, I'm sure. Her sheeple will point that out to her and she'll go with it. Barbara Walters
and Whoopi Goldberg wish they could have careers like Kate Gosselin! Damn jellus haters!!
ICYou1 ICYou
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 Shame on her!!! Big shot ole hag!!! Wont be watchin' The View anymore!
ICYou1 ICYou
@Paige_Kate8fan @miloandjack @kateplusmy8 I always admired Barbra, but not anymore!!!
ALL great ideas!! I keep forgetting somehow that she has such a large family (how can I when she pounds it in everyone's face w/ her tweets above?) & yes, she could do all of those amazing things! I remember my neighborhood I grew up in; All of us kids playing kickball, softball, basketball, it was awesome! If Kate would get off her lazy ass, think about her KIDS & get them going, I can see them having a blast, sans cameras.
But alas, if there are no cameras, how will the world know that Kate's kids are having any fun? That just won't do, dontcha know? Kate needs us all to know that she's actually playing w/ her kids. WE DON'T CARE more, no more... (great song) Oh & another good one for Kate?
Fame by David Bowie. Listen to the words. Yep. 'Isn't any wonder?'
~Hippie Chick~
Midnight Madness said...ITA with what you wrote.
MiloandJackFired Up 4 Kate
@Kateplusmy8 LOL...what's in ur kids lunchboxes...remember ole silly rumor abt U sendin used sandwhiches!!! Now we get the Truth! Pics 2?
3 hours agovia webFavoriteRetweetReply
@Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
@MiloandJack yep!
2 hours agovia TwitterrificFavoriteRetweetReply
Sigh this is the target gift card lady. The 'truth'. Sad.
Actually, Kate's recipe for meatloaf sounds pretty good to me. I always put in onion and green pepper -- also tomatoes -- and usually some celery, but I never thought of including shredded carrots. I agree, though, to have nearly half left over from 2# of meat -- she's starving those kids. I use about 1 1/2# of meat. THere's just me, and that's a few meals (including 2 or 3 frozen dinners for later) and 2 or 3 days worth of sandwiches the rest of the week. That's about 4 oz. of meat a meal. The lack of measurements doesn't bother me. I rarely measure anything. It's a pinch of this or a handful of that. That's the way I learned to cook from my mother, who learned from her PA Dutch mother.
I always see snide remarks from sheeple and tweeple about Jon's NYC life. I'm still convinced TLC engineered that, BTW. I don't remember ever seeing anything about Jon hanging at any of the trendy clubs or going to expensive restaurants. I do remember reading about him taking walks in Central Park or around the theatre district, though. At that, I bet Jon spent more time in PA, with his kids, than Kate does now, and she lives with them. There were always pix in the tabloids of him playing with the kids at the compound, or taking them places.
When I was a kid, one of my very favorite things, and it never cost a penny, was library night. My dad was a teacher, and taught night school classes a couple of nights a week. We didn't have the luxury of 3 cars, so my mom would drive him to the school, then she and I would go to the library. She'd turn me loose in the kids' department while she went to the adult section and got books for her and my dad. Then she'd come to the kids' section and we'd curl up together in the reading corner and she'd read to me or I'd read to her until it was time to go get my dad. The evening usually ended with a trip to Dairy Queen for cones. I attribute my love of books to the times spent soaking up the atmosphere of the library, and being encouraged by both of my reader parents, to spend time emersed in books.
Maggie said...
I smell a rat. I went to Kate's website about 2 or 3 hours ago and it has ticker on the problem that I assume counts the hits of people visting. The hit count was about 2,200 and now 2/3 hours or so later it is about 11,390. I can't believe that many people visited in that amount of time. I wonder when the website started counting the hits because she announced the site on Monday. So from Monday till Thursday it had around 2,200 but within a few hours it climbed over 9,000. Again, I smell a rat.
There are ways to mess with that kind of thing, absolutely. All you need is Google, & it's easy to find. There is NO way, IMO, that Kate's website got hit that many times in 1 day.
Tucker's Mom said...
Kate's now calling people "darling". What, is she channeling Countess LuAnne DeLeSchmepps?
Kate just loathe the trip back to PA farmland!
Has anyone seen pap pics of Kate in NYC? You know, they follow her all the time (makes Kate's poor me frowny face)
September 15, 2011 11:27 AM"
INF has some pictures PAP pictures of missy Kate, and guess what ALL SMILES and posing! OH the posing! :)
AuntieAnn said...
One more comment and I'll go back to my mediocre life. Kate had better thank me, I've found a show for her to appear on. I am no big fan of Dr. Phil but had to watch the Anthonys yesterday so I went to his website today to see if they'll be on again and lo and behold, read the following:
Do you know the biggest bitch ever? Does he or she live extravagantly and feel entitled?
Tell us>>
Know the BIGGEST Bitch Ever"
Take care have a great day Auntie.
Sheeple See, Sheeple Hate
You know, it just doesn't matter who it is, how true the comment, they would curse them, talk about them, and swear never to watch them again. Strange people. No one is allowed to have a difference of opinion. No one. Scary people, strange people. Yet, we are the 'haters'.
RT @susan_keating @Kateplusmy8 It's always all about you, isn't Kate? NOPE.ALL ABOUT MY KIDS&BEINGTHEIR MOM! IF IT LOOKS LIKE@ME,LOOK AGAIN! about 2 hours ago
I'm trying so hard, Kate, to look again.
But all I can see is you sitting in NYC ( sans kids ) getting your hair highlighted AGAIN
You and your sportscar and traffic tickets
You and your private shopping trip to Florida for designer clothes
You ( and only you ) on The Today Show and Wendy Williams
You and the bodyguard at a fancy restaurant in NYC last night
You getting manis/pedis and tanning session
You in Cabo San Lucas in (photoshopped) bikini photos
Please help us understand more how it is all about the kids. Because for the love of God we don't see what you see.
@Kateplusmy8 Perhaps you would consider putting a page on your site for letters to the kids from kid fans. Your 8 could answer & u monitor!
46 minutes agoFavoriteRetweetReply
Oh yes, by all means let's keep the spotlight on these kids! OH YES. They belong to YOU AND YOU AND YOU. And who's to say the letters will be from kids? #Dumbjerksmakemesick
INF has some pictures PAP pictures of missy Kate, and guess what ALL SMILES and posing! OH the posing! :)
I meant for this recent jaunt to NYC for pampering. I think you're speaking of Monday's media blitz. Yes, she just hates those paps with their cameras that she stares directly in to and smiles. So pre-arranged it's funny.
"Look at me!! In my limo!!"
In addition to narcissism, Kate has what I've always called the "I am because I am" principle. I saw this quite a bit, especially at jobs. An undeserving and usually unqualified person somehow ended up in a higher position, usually due to sheer luck...and despite being unqualified, thinks she is suddenly entitled to that caliber of not only position at job, but respect. (these are usually women though I'm sure it's not restricted to them) without needing to do the quality of work that would be required for that position. It usually doesn't even worry them that they are unqualified for the position and most likely won't be able to cut it.
So for Kate, "the I am because I am" makes her believe that BECAUSE she was in a cable program for quite some time means that she is qualified and that everyone in the entertainment industry wants to hire her. Doesn't matter if she has no talent, simply because she's a celebrity means she should remain entitled to it. Why would she think of doing a lesser job once she's been a celebrity? She thinks everyone WANTS to see her on TV because she has what it takes to make a show popular.
And she feels that she needs to maintain a certain look now....expensive hair salons, manicurists, tanning beds, expensive clothing and shoes and cannot wear the same thing twice when others see her. And she is sure that SHE was the real draw of the show and the children were secondary. That THEY only needed to look like kids, whereas SHE needed to look like someone with her celebrity...that she HAD to do this. That this is what celebrities do...make sure their looks match their status.
I don't think I've ever seen anyone so clueless. Perhaps during all the years I worked at corporate-type jobs, I may have seen it once or twice......and when the person couldn't cut it in that position and was demoted, the person didn't get it. And even then, as time went on, they did finally get it. But Kate....forget it.....she will never get it.
Kate said that because it's exciting and she really likes it....she should therefore remain on TV. Hello! No DUH! There are thousands of people who would like that to be the only criteria they need to get on TV. The concept of "Hey, you have no talent" doesn't register with her. Now that she's been on TV, she thinks should continue it simply because that's what she wants (and that's all that is required). And thinks that the claim that the fans are "devastated" should make TLC think twice...even though I'm sure there are unhappy fans for all the other shows when they eventually get cancelled. Reality is what she thinks it should be. Don't confuse her with the facts. :D
K8's constant harping that her kids would never be able to experience *anything* just illistrates her lack of ingenuity (not to mention weird justification for her kids to be put to work). I find it hard to believe that the management of any theme parks or children's museums would refuse to adjust admission costs for the family; the other stuff is already free or low-cost (state parks, DC monuments, public historical attractions).
I am sure she never bothered to figure this all out because it was just waaaaayyy too easy to cry poor, or let TLC make the arrangements for her. While I think TLC probably prohibited outings during their contract, K8 has no such excuse to keep the children so sheltered anymore.
Dwindle said... Tamara said... I haven't seen anything to suggest that Kate has multiple personalities, or Dissociative Identity Disorder. What are the clearly defined other personalities she has shown? Much more likely is Dissocial personality disorder, Narcissism, sociopath, along that line
Some lay people think that 'bi-polar' means multiple personalities. I too saw that previous post using the terms interchangably.
For readers who care: the term 'bi-polar' generally refers to what used to be called 'manic-depressive' and I am not sure that's fits Kate. The general public has witnessed periods of depression in her (the summer of divorce, the baby doll dresses, dirty hair, slippers, drinking, hitting Leah in the driveway) but I am not sure we have seen anything that qualifies as bi-polar.
What we do see in every single interview, without fail, is simmering rage. Absolute hatred for something and rage on the verge of exploding. When it does explode, it will be very very bad. And she will harm her children badly.
September 15, 2011 10:50 AM
I disagree ( respectfully ). Kate HAS shown symptoms of bi-polar disorder many many many times!
In fact, she demonstrates perfectly the definition of bi-polar rage.
I think she has several psychiatric issues, but bi-polar is definitely right up there.
I was never a particular fan of Dr. Phil, either, but he is using some astounding interview techniques with the Anthony's and not low balling, at all. I foresee a divorce in their very near future. He has had them squirming in the hot seat, making them earn the money he contributed to their favorite charity, which is in fact themselves. Cindy is crazy, no wonder her daughter turned out the way she did - she was coached by a master of deception and a blatant enabler of her murderous daughter. That would be her just reward for turning her back on Caylee - to have to live with Casey- particularly, after the money is gone.
Midnight Madness said... Hippie: Ordinarily I would agree with you about posting about other bloggers. However, in this case, when a person has trashed this blog, spoken vehemently about the blog's administrator on another blog, swearing not to ever post again on this blog, and then comes back and floods the blog with posts (creating controversy, and stirring the pot), then I think that other posters, who might not be aware of what happened, should know about it.
@Midnight, I agree with you. Sometimes a poster, any ole poster anywhere, can word things with a very authoritative manner and beg for replies and some back-and-forth. It goes on for merely a few hours before that poster just implodes and begins lashing out ("i have had enough of discussing this and it is a stupid topic and so are all of you, even though I am the one who has posted about it 17 times in a row"). The rest of us never quite know why, but eventually some see the pattern over and over every time. The best thing is never engage in the back-and-forth in the first place. Just my opinion is all.
Some even saw the horrible comments and names we were each called on another blog.
Something isnt right there, (as in odd, as in off) and I have enough going on without the flip-flop and personal attacks of another poster.
And now I have broken my personal rule and commented on this, but I wont again, no matter how vicious it gets. If someone has something to say and a strong personality to go with it, start your own blog if you cant find one where you are welcome. Mine is on Invisionfree and it's blogging for dummies, it's been going for several years and I love it. End of rant.
Tucker's Mom said...
INF has some pictures PAP pictures of missy Kate, and guess what ALL SMILES and posing! OH the posing! :)
I meant for this recent jaunt to NYC for pampering. I think you're speaking of Monday's media blitz. Yes, she just hates those paps with their cameras that she stares directly in to and smiles. So pre-arranged it's funny.
"Look at me!! In my limo!!""
Oh sorry. That was paps pictures that she JUST HATES, though. I don't think they called ahead or if they did, the paps were just not interested in her jaunt to the hairdressers.
I LOVED the little 'vixen' poses. She is oh so sexy! hahaha
No Regrets said... Tucker's Mom said...
INF has some pictures PAP pictures of missy Kate, and guess what ALL SMILES and posing! OH the posing! :)
I meant for this recent jaunt to NYC for pampering. I think you're speaking of Monday's media blitz. Yes, she just hates those paps with their cameras that she stares directly in to and smiles. So pre-arranged it's funny.
"Look at me!! In my limo!!""
Often times however, she is NOT smiling - she is merely baring her teeth. She is merely pulling up a couple of muscles of her mouth, showing her teeth as if she is in pain of somekind. Has anyone else noticed this? I think MANY folks have noticed it, without really being able to put their finger on why they still think she is a fake, even though she is smiling at the camera. The 'smile' is just not even a smile, it is merely showing her veneers and you have to really think for minute to realize what she is doing.
CJWhodunit CJ Whodunit
@rms225 @kateplusmy8 Yes,4 real,BaBa's TOTALLYignorant&MEAN comment coming from a*former* investigative reporter just proves it. #formerfan
I'm sure Barbara is loosing sleep over this one.
CJWhodunit CJ Whodunit
@MiloandJack @kateplusmy8 BaBa jumped the shark sometime in the 80s,rests on her past laurels but not real brainy,if you catch my drift! ;-)
The dumbest of the Sheep calling Barbara Walters "not very brainy" is hysterical.
I'm a guessing these folks be heavily edjumicated-ish.
All barbara said is if you can't support eight kids don't have them. I would venture to guess this is a common opinion about all families not just this one. As in most people feel this way! What's the counter opinion, have as many kids as you please and make others support them like public assistance?
This is hardly a shocking appalling or outrageous opinion sheep. It's common sense.
What the sheep refuse to see is people like BW, Anderson Cooper, and (Jamie and Ashley) have MET Kate and spent time with her and these are their opinions.
Not gossip. Not rumor. PEOPLE who KNOW Kate don't 'like' her but those fans will defend her to their deaths (yes, they've said that too).
What type of mental disorder do these fans have? Do they despise children?
Also (sorry, just pissed off today), *IF* Kate EVER had a chance to co-host the View again, her Tweeties just buried that opportunity forever.
Good Going Sheep. Keep tweeting against real celebrities and you will NEVER see Kate on TV again!
And even more. Sure, go on the The View and tell off Barbara Walters. And Elizabeth was NOT supportive. She said the kids shouldn't be burdened with the financial worries.
MiloandJackFired Up 4 Kate
@Kateplusmy8 I wish U could go back on the View 7 set those ladies straight...Elizabeth 7 Joy were supportive of U! Sheri msunderstood!
1 hour agoFavoriteRetweetReply
MiloandJackFired Up 4 Kate
@Kateplusmy8 I sure tht Barbara was aware of what happened 2 U. Is she thinkin of Octomon instead? I hate ignorant comments like that!2 2 hours ago
MiloandJackFired Up 4 Kate
@Kateplusmy8 Did U hear Barbara Walters nutsy comment abt U? Said "u should hav tht abt how 2 supprt 8 b4 U had them! What's w/that???
2 hours ago
Gimme said...
I was never a particular fan of Dr. Phil, either, but he is using some astounding interview techniques with the Anthony's
I was *very* skeptical of the Dr. Phil interview with the Anthony's and I have to say I'm really into it. Dr. Phil is not suffering fools, despite Cindy's constant bobbing and weaving and obfuscating the truth. Cindy's saying that God gave her the answer to whether Casey is guilty when Casey walked almost made me throw up.
@ Pass The Lithium Please - I liked your post! I guess I have blinded by her mania to the point where I just thought it was an ongoing thing! If you have seen depressive lows, I completely accept that. Maybe Steve was put in place to make sure she takes her medication - we joked about it in the past, but perhaps that was close to the truth.
At any rate she has a mental illness, or 2 or 3, that has now interfered with ablitly to earn a living, and also to parent her children. She is cearly beginning to harm herself (inablity to function in society, an eating disorder, anger issues, confabulation) and who knows to what extent she is harming the kids beyond what we have already seen.
Sigh. No one will ever do anything about it. Not till it is too late for the kids.
Sheeple See, Sheeple Hate
The one you posted about, is the same one who said why doesn't Jon get Wednesday evening dinner visitation that MOST fathers get. LOL MOST?
No Regrets, that sheeple doesn't just live up Kate's ass, she's also in her home.
I don't know what to feel about the Anthony's interview. They make me really sick. Particular, Cindy. She is just as sick as Casey. And George knows Casey killed that child, but he hedges and hints and says I think this, blah blah. Just say it already. He did say it in so many words then blames others being involved too.
I just am so sorry these people got paid. Dr Phil was devious about that. Saying they didn't and then telling of the contribution to their charity. I didn't like that at all. Dr Phil is not stupid, he knows they get that money. The whole thing is sickening. All of it. And the cliff hanger is... will you take Casey back if she showed up on your doorstep? Of course Cindy would.
George and his lawyer should have sued Biaz as his attorney said they might do. I damn sure would have. They are all nuts.
Sheeple See, Sheeple Hate said...
No Regrets, that sheeple doesn't just live up Kate's ass, she's also in her home."
LOL So true. This was the same one who swears that the Audi is a 2006, since her neighbor has one just like it~ Yeah ok, no way is that a 2006. That was said to show just cheap that used is. This is also the same one who swore her friend had the AB Champ and how she tried it out and it worked SO GOOD. hahaha
That's what is most hilarious! If anyone sent those sheeple tweets to the View - I doubt Kate will ever be asked back even to guest host!
(and yes sheeple, I assure you that Katie Irene would have jumped at the chance ... no matter what the View gals said about her ... because she really IS that desperate!)
Whatever bridges Kate didn't already burn, her twits are burning for her. GOOD JOB, devoted fans. We are loving how stupid you are and how you are RUINING Kate's "career" with every tweet you send.
You gals are AWESOME. Keep tweeting. DON'T EVA STOP.
High FIve Sheeple!
(the poster not the dummynuts)
They really "don't get it," do they?
NOBODY will hire her if her tweeps attack everybody that speaks out. Now BW is lacking in Brains and AC stutters? Two of the most respected people in journalism DIDN'T drink the Kate=aid so now they get slammed. Wow. It amazes me how they think they are helping her. THEY are ruining her career. GOOD JOB, SHEEPLE, VERY GOOD JOB. DON'T EVA STOP TWEETING.
Well, it has been approx. 1 hour and 45 minutes since my last report about how many hits Kate's website has received. It has jumped in less than 2 hours from 11,390 to 17,522. A jump of 6,132 hits in 1.75 hours. Unbelievable. A lot of people are at work now too. I think she has several people who are simply clicking on and off and on and off to get the hits up. Maybe the webmaster is rigging it.
Maggie said...
Well, it has been approx. 1 hour and 45 minutes since my last report about how many hits Kate's website has received. It has jumped in less than 2 hours from 11,390 to 17,522. A jump of 6,132 hits in 1.75 hours.
Some sheep has her mouse caught on her hoof would be my guess.
Bluenoser said...
Watch our new website! Going to have 'MENU MONDAYS' on my blog including recipes& 'What's in my kids lunch boxes' too! 23 minutes ago
The reason she doesn't have 'MENU TUESDAY-FRIDAY' is because the have to eat the leftovers from 'MENU MONDAY'.
When I was a kid, one of my very favorite things, and it never cost a penny, was library night. My dad was a teacher, and taught night school classes a couple of nights a week. We didn't have the luxury of 3 cars, so my mom would drive him to the school, then she and I would go to the library. She'd turn me loose in the kids' department while she went to the adult section and got books for her and my dad. Then she'd come to the kids' section and we'd curl up together in the reading corner and she'd read to me or I'd read to her until it was time to go get my dad. The evening usually ended with a trip to Dairy Queen for cones. I attribute my love of books to the times spent soaking up the atmosphere of the library, and being encouraged by both of my reader parents, to spend time emersed in books.
What an absolutely lovely memory, readerlady :o)
You don't have to travel far, or spend big bucks to have a perfect evening.
Kat said...
Don't know if anyone mentioned this yet but...I just watched the "after show" from Wendy Williams and she said that Kate told her after the show that she was never offered a job on the Talk...that it was just a rumor. Also she hasn't had ANY job offers at all.......What a shocker!!
Wow, NO job offers? I was wondering why she changed her stories--in Pople Mag she said she had enough money to last for a little while, and then it became "I need a job, like yewsterday". Why the sudden urgency? This just confirms what I thought...nobody wants her. There was a month between the announcement that the show was cancelled and the actual finale, so whoever might have wanted her would have made her an offer during that time. But NOBODY did. Oh, too funny! And yet, somehow, she still thinks that TV is the place for her. She will run herself into the ground and end up bankrupt before she lowers herself to working a "mediocre" job.
No Regrets said...
The grounds of hers are so nice. I swear I would be outside every chance I got, on those pretty grounds. The kids have that expensive tree house now. What fun that would be. A picnic lunch in the tree house? All of them climb up and have a ball. Or the pond they have with those GREAT frogs. LOL So so many things to do just on the freaking property. And yes, invite friends over. Plenty of them. Go sledding and snow ball fighting. Catch lightening bugs! It won't cost but a few bucks for some drinks and snacks.
You forgot, she's an "indoor girl". Unless, of course, there's some paps around to take pictures of her in a bikini,
Kat said...
Don't know if anyone mentioned this yet but...I just watched the "after show" from Wendy Williams and she said that Kate told her after the show that she was never offered a job on the Talk...that it was just a rumor. Also she hasn't had ANY job offers at all.......What a shocker!!
That really shows how much media training Kate needs!! Anyone with any media savvy would have said something like 'I'm entertaining several offers. Trying to choose the best fit for me.'
I mean she lies about EVERYTHING all the time ... and when she should lie ... she doesn't?!
I know I keep saying this so I'll put a little spin on it ..
Kate is so not smart-ish.
Here is Wendy Williams tape of 'after the show" Kate admitting NO 'The Talk' show in talks or offer, in fact n job at all. Proving to me the story planted at Hollywood Life was by her PR, because the source also said Kate had MANY offers she is considering.
Casey Anthony ordered to pay back the DA the figure is 97K issued by the Judge a few minutes ago.
Yes, that is right an indoor girl. Even though you have eight kids who enjoy playing outside. LOL It is all about Kate. :)
Have a great evening everyone :) Gong to enjoy my mediocre hubby in our mediocre home.
No Regrets said...
Have a great evening everyone :) Gong to enjoy my mediocre hubby in our mediocre home.
Well you and the hubs have a mediocre night! :)
Sorry this is OT, but here is a brief video that will simply make you smile, without all the nasty side effects that watching (and listening) to Katie Irene brings you.
Take a break and enjoy :o)
Jazz for Cows:
I wish someone with twitter would let Kate know about Dr. Phil's, Barbara's, and Mr. Getty's comments about Kate on Sirrus radio show. She probably doesn't know about it.
No Regrets said...
signed your NUMBER ONE FAN (regardless what that kid claims)
OMG you ladies always crack me up! No Regrets that is hilarious! Poor Paige :(
Midnight Madness said...
Hippie: Ordinarily I would agree with you about posting about other bloggers. However, in this case, when a person has trashed this blog, spoken vehemently about the blog's administrator on another blog, swearing not to ever post again on this blog, and then comes back and floods the blog with posts (creating controversy, and stirring the pot), then I think that other posters, who might not be aware of what happened, should know about it.
ITA, Midnight Madness. I like Hippie, too, but I think the posters' comments were appropriate.
By the way, her hit counter can say anything she wants it to say, but that won't change the actual number of hits.
The VALUE of the hits depends on how many
"unique visitors" come to her site, how long they stay, and how many visit over time.
Advertisers have ways of verifying those numbers. Believe me, they don't use the website owner's own hit counter!
Who IS this Wendy Williams person? I never even heard of her before this week. And that "after show" clip posted by No Regrets was the most boring 3 minutes ever!!
When my uncle passed away, years ago, my aunt used the insurance money to move herself close to where Elvis Presley lived and worked. She said she was going to go to work for him and help him further his career. She believed this would happen because she wanted it to happen. Did it happen? Of course not. Hmmm.
RT @susan_keating @Kateplusmy8 It's always all about you, isn't Kate? NOPE.ALL ABOUT MY KIDS&BEINGTHEIR MOM! IF IT LOOKS LIKE@ME,LOOK AGAIN!
Kate, how does your hair being blonde benefit your kids?
Kate, how does being left with babysitters for countless hours while you're gallivanting around the country benefit your kids? Particularly when said travel is taking place immediately after you've lost your so-called "job?"
Kate, how does buying a 2-seater sports car benefit your kids?
Kate, how does getting 4 speeding tickets, some at dangerously high rates of speed above the limit, benefit your kids?
Kate, how does your tanning benefit your kids?
Kate, how does getting mani/pedis benefit your kids?
Kate, how does marginalizing their father's financial contributions (that means insulting him) benefit your kids?
Kate, how does eating at expensive NYC restaurants benefit your kids?
...just a few off the top of my head...
Dwindle said...not sure we have seen anything that qualifies as bi-polar.
What we do see in every single interview, without fail, is simmering rage. Absolute hatred for something and rage on the verge of exploding. When it does explode, it will be very very bad. And she will harm her children badly.
The clearest incident I can think of that illustrates your point about the simmering rage was her reaction to Steve saying he wasn't going to "take care of" the picture taken by a camper during the RV trip episode. She was FURIOUS and nearly cried because she was so frustrated that she wasn't getting her way.
Again it's an issue of control - she was angry because she couldn't control the photo being taken to begin with, and then it was worsened by Steve's refusal to do anything about it. It's not about the picture itself at all.
When advertisers go to a website for advertising purposes they will not want to know how many hits as most want to know how many unique visitors. "a good rule of thumb would be 1000 daily unique visitors." That means Milo and her crew can't keep coming back and 'hitting the site every 5 minutes' to make her site look busy. Advertisers want to see diversity in the list of ISPs.
Those site counters count everything from a webmaster checking to see if a link worked or a page is laid out correctly to someone who just stumbles by. Putting one up for the visitors to see is a purely novice way of saying "Look, I'm important". Most web hosting companies provide back door stats so that you can keep accurate records of who is stopping in.
If there is no content on the site she won't get many people coming back and unique visitors tuning in (so to speak) People get bored on the internet very easily. You can see that with her twitter. She doesn't chat much and now her sheeple are thinking she's mad at them. It was fun while she needed them, but now she's just trying to keep her head afloat while she figures out her game plan and she doesn't have the energy to dole out platitudes every 5 minutes.
Hell, she can't even pick up stale cereal from the Brown-noser.
I'll bet she doesn't even know what SEO is because if she did she wouldn't have put up and under construction site. Search Engines read content and unique content at that when they spider the web. If she doesn't update the site daily she's going to be lost in a cloud.
And I know this because it's my job. I've been building and maintaining websites for clients for 12 years. And I would never have put up a craptastic site like she has that has NO content and then announce it on national tv. She's a fool and a half.
Bubbles, you are a dear-heart, but I can fake Kate long enough to answer all those questions. In her mind, she does it all for her 'career' to make money to support the kids. In her mind, she must look the part of a STAH and act it too, in order to be desireable to be hired for something. She must 'be seen', be 'out and about' for her'career'. She thinks if she just flaunts the cougar look around town, someone will swoon and hire her for something where she doesnt have to lift a nail or break a sweat but still gets millions in cash and perks.
So every question is answered by Kate with "It's for my career, which of course is for my kids." Except the luxury sports car which at first is 'to save gas', but coming soon: "Aren't I entitled to have this car/body/hair/spas/pampering/vacations/mansion/fake teeth/falsie boobies/etc at this point in my life?" (Part of a quote from a previous People article.)
Tucker's Mom said... Kate's now calling people "darling". What, is she channeling Countess LuAnne DeLeSchmepps?
LOL ~ True! Maybe doing so makes her think she is elevating herself to Countess level! Kountess Kate.
I'm sure this has been covered and posted, but could someone tell me where I can find the link for the Barbra Walters, the View. I looked all over for the video yesterday and couldn't find it. Thanks.
Administrator, I saw the post you answered on where we can find your email but I lost it again through all the threads and posts.
Could you please tell me again? Thank you.
Dah! My bad on asking for the view post. I just clicked on the link you posted on this thread. Silly me.
Kate knows very well that Barbara, Bill and Dr. Phil threw HER under the bus this time. It was repeated many times on twitter.
Kate says she doesn't read tweets from the "haters" but she engages them more and more in arguments, which of course just pulls her down more.
Also, if she pretends she didn't read it from the "haters" her sheeple keep making comments about it. She did not miss this little tidbit, and she is keeping a very low profile, except to tell off the haters.
It's a joke. A bad joke. And the jokes on her.
Kate's Cart said...Does anyome have the tweet where Kate said gymnastics was too expensive?
Here's the tweet exchange:
@Kateplusmy8 do the kids still do gymnastics?
20 Apr
in reply to ↑
Kate Gosselin
@sarahjoyce1992 No.sadly.cost a lot and created per space issues-crowded there.will try to do in future tho. Vry gd for all kids I think.
20 Apr via Twitterrific
Took a gander over at her new website. One of the topics she'll be discussing "coming soon" is "KATE and the Rumours" BAHAHA! Again, she'll have her one sided platform to dispute, refute, re-write allllll the 'RUMOURS'...didn't she once say, if it doesn't come from "us" (her and Jon at the time) then it's NOT TRUE!!
no mo worryin bout me said...Administrator, I saw the post you answered on where we can find your email but I lost it again through all the threads and posts.
Could you please tell me again? Thank you.
Look at the right sidebar for "About Us". It's under that section.
Or, just click on the email link located at the bottom in the "Post a Comment" section, rule #2.
They are the exact same email address.
Bubbles said...Kate, how does being left with babysitters for countless hours while you're gallivanting around the country benefit your kids?
Kate being gone does actually benefit the kids, considering what a horrible, abusive mother she is. It confuses me why Cara was sobbing when her mom left for the bday foot licking. Wasn't she gone just one night? And the 8 were with a long time nanny? Very worrying.
Falling like a brick, thank you for the web info. You confirmed my thoughts about "unique" visitors vs hits. I'm sure Kate's fans, dumb little shits that they are, once they notice the counter will interpret the numbers to mean how many individual people have visited the site and will be ecstatic and demand that TLC put Kate back on immediately.
I'm really curious about who is advising her (as if anyone could!) about the timing and huge amount of content that is promised. Who is going to enter all that, surely not Kate. ROFL.
Haven't we all run across websites that say "coming soon" and never go back because we think the site was abandoned?
One final thought, with Kate not tweeting as much lately, this would be the perfect time to leave the fans to themselves to tweet Kate asking if she's ever going to answer her email. Speaking only for myself, I'd love to see what her Twitter would look like with only her tweeties there to carry on.
Kate is delusional. She thinks she looks better, cooks better, mothers better, deserves better, has more beautiful children, is more beautiful herself, and must remain on television no matter her lack of talent. Again, delusional.
What does Kate want from Jon?
He could have continued his reality show career for a little while at least in 2009--but TLC forbade it, and in essence, took money away from the kids. I don't know how much cheezy shows like Celebrity Fit Club pay, but it's probably more money more quickly than working a normal job.
She seems to have some fantasy that Jon would A: Quit what seemed to be a stable job with the state to stay home with the kids
B: Not be famous
C: Make a lot of money so he could pay millions in child support.
Huh? Where was he supposed to get this money? He's not a doctor, dentist, lawyer, investment banker, or an executive at a company. He's lucky he got the construction job, with the way he has been unfairly characterized as lazy and useless. (He wasn't, at least with the kids. Don't know how he is at work).
Kate is truly not living in reality, or thinking with any logic at all.
GREAT post! Kate is *that* type of woman who makes other women look bad, ya know? I wrote a blog about it once: The Women Who Make US Look Bad. There are several of them out there, Kate hits a lot of those stereotypes, & she doesn't even realize it; the ditz, the bitch, the bully...
That's the link to my post about it above. LOL There are a few spelling errors...OOPS! Sorry!! But a couple of them describe Kate...
~Hippie Chick~
C: Make a lot of money so he could pay millions in child support.
Huh? Where was he supposed to get this money? He's not a doctor, dentist, lawyer, investment banker, or an executive at a company. He's lucky he got the construction job, with the way he has been unfairly characterized as lazy and useless. (He wasn't, at least with the kids. Don't know how he is at work).
Kate knew this when she married him! My gosh, he bummed around in Europe for a time. This is not the behavior of a driven individual, and there's nothing wrong with that. Just don't say you love someone and then ask them to change.
Kate's constant insistence that Jon is no longer Jon, he no longer exists, is nothing shy of* child abuse*. Truly, I can't imagine how that must f*ck with their heads.
I think if Steve was truly with his wife still she would said, okay, enough of the Kate crap. Get another job or assignment. Wasn't he part owner of the security company.
HA! A WEB COUNTER??? So her website is from 1999? I can't stop laughing.
As for her Menu Mondays, I've got her beat. One Saturday a month, I get out my favorite cookbooks and my recipe box and fire up I have a month calendar in word and a shopping list in word, categorized by meats, dairy, dry goods, produce, drinks, etc.
I decide on dinners for a month. I do have at least one night a week called "Snack Supper" and that basically means fend for yourself. ;) (My only child is 17.) I do a crock pot recipe at least three times a month and that's always good for one night of leftovers each time (e.g., brisket and cooked veggies in the slow cooker one night turns into brisket tacos the next night). I vary the types of main dishes (beef, chicken, pork, seafood, vegetarian). The dinners are pretty healthy (with a few exceptions) and delicious, if I may say so. I used the grill about five nights a week this summer because it's fast, easy and doesn't heat up the house.
It takes me about 2 hours to plan out the monthly menu and make the shopping list (it's what I need for the whole month, with weekly addendums for perishables I need as the month goes on). It's a pain in the butt to actually do the 2 hours of planning, but it saves me TONS of time during the month and we have yummy dinners nearly every night (I also throw a pizza delivery night in there once or twice).
Some dinners are more complicated than others (the recent Turkish Night was quite complicated) but I save those for weekend dinners. Weeknight dinners need to be *fairly* simple to make.
Anyway, my point is Kate didn't invent creating menus in advance and she didn't invent that flag cake or monkey munch. I'm constantly amazed at the ignorance of her followers. WHAT'S HER RECIPE FOR COLD CEREAL? WHAT ABOUT TOAST? LOL.
Hoosier Girl said... Maggie said...
Well, it has been approx. 1 hour and 45 minutes since my last report about how many hits Kate's website has received. It has jumped in less than 2 hours from 11,390 to 17,522. A jump of 6,132 hits in 1.75 hours.
Some sheep has her mouse caught on her hoof would be my guess.
September 15, 2011 1:25 PM
Too Too Funny :)
the mental image is killinmg me....LOL
Now, can someone clarify for me if Kate responded via Twitter about the ladies at the View smacking her down? I can't make those tweets out. Did she say something snarky about Bawbwa, or was a a tweetie?
I meant to say the leftover brisket was used without the cooked veggies the next night in the tacos and I added rice and beans on the side. I re-read that and it sounded gross. :)
Dang! I need to put my box-o-wine down. ( I kid )
Please forgive all my typos. Typing with one finger here.
I'm dating myself, but when I ed the comment:
Every meal those kids should pound on the table chanting "Nobu" "Nobu" "Nobu"
I remembered an episode of the Little Rascals in an orphanage sitting at a table whispering down the line of children: "Don't drink the milk, it's sour."
read the comment...........
Maybe someone has already suggested this.
Why do the 8 kids have to be in a group of 8 kids when they go places? That brings attention to them. Why not have Kate take 2, Steve take 2 tups, one twin, babysitter take 3 (ditto) and have each group sit apart from each other? Is it necessary that they always be in a bundle?
I'm sure that the Jersey Shore has room to spread out. I'm sure any playground has more than one slide or swing set. As long as each child has an assigned group with a responsible adult, why not split up? They could still have a blast.
As long as they weren't all dressed the same, I bet nobody would even notice them in small triads.
As long as they weren't all dressed the same, I bet nobody would even notice them in small triads.
And therein lies the problem (for Kate). NO ONE would notice. I firmly believe that she continues to dress them alike BECAUSE they are not identical and are growing at different rates.
Remember that 4th of July show with the twins in a double stroller with the big sign on the back:
She's not done folks. Hopefully the media will be done with her, soon.
Dallas Lady said...HA! A WEB COUNTER??? So her website is from 1999? I can't stop laughing.
So true! Many sites don't do that anymore.
If Kate gets giddy about her twitter follower numbers, I can imagine Kate getting giddy about all those hits. Being clueless as she is, I'm waiting for a tweet thanking her 17,000+ "webbies" (or whatever she'll call them) for visiting her [bland] site.
Sad thing is she keeps tweeting about her site because I actually think she thinks it's the greatest site!
The Emperor's New Clothes!
Fidosmommy said
As long as they weren't all dressed the same, I bet nobody would even notice them in small triads.
And how would this get K8 the attention she requires? Shame on you, Fidosmommy - you're missing the whole point!
fidosmommy said...
Maybe someone has already suggested this.
Why do the 8 kids have to be in a group of 8 kids when they go places? That brings attention to them. Why not have Kate take 2, Steve take 2 tups, one twin, babysitter take 3 (ditto) and have each group sit apart from each other? Is it necessary that they always be in a bundle?
Because Kate loves the attention and she likes to make a fuss when people approach them. Remember the NYC episode with Kate waving from the tour bus like the queen of England, and running in her hooker heels with ice creams, screeching all the way. She loves it.
In the Philadelphia episode, Kate started flipping out when they drew a crowd and got all spastic, "that's it, we have to go! we have to go!".
Well holy shit lady, if you didn't dress your kids alike and have a fricking film crew following you, you might be able to go places unnoticed.
Dallas Lady, your monthly menu organization is so cool! Watch for it to appear on Kate's awesomish website, coming soon!
Tuckers Mom said..
I too have a feeling that some of the kids will choose to be with dad.
I believe this also. I think it will start as soon as the kids find out that they have a choice.
Dulcina said...
Remember that 4th of July show with the twins in a double stroller with the big sign on the back:
I never noticed that. What season was that?
Kate's Cart, I had a thought too. If Steve is with his wife and he and his wife are such wonderful friends, where was SHE on the last episode, refuting any rumors, or saying what a great friend Kate is, or anything else? I don't think there's anything between Kate and Steve, but if it was 'family friends' speaking out, you'd think Gina would be one of them.
Thanks Administrator.
Tucker's Mom said... Has anyone seen Kate's meatloaf recipe? I can't even believe she wrote a "cookbook".
2 pounds organic ground beef
2 to 3 eggs
3/4 to 1 cup celery, finely chopped, I use food processor on pulse
3/4 to 1 cup onion, finely chopped, I use food processor on pulse
3/4 to 1 cup green pepper, finely chopped, I use food processor on pulse
3/4 to 1 cup carrots, finely chopped, I use food processor on pulse
About 1 1/2 to 2 cups breadcrumbs (Italian seasoned if on hand. Otherwise, plain works too), may need more breadcrumbs depending on the consistency of the meatloaf
3/4 cup Parmesan cheese (shredded or grated)
1/4 to 1/2 cup ketchup.
2 teaspoons Italian seasoning
1 teaspoon garlic salt
Cooking Directions
Mix all the ingredients together in a large mixing bowl and divide equally into two separate meat loaves. Add a squirt of ketchup to the top of each in a zig-zaggy design. I cover with foil and bake in either a meatloaf pan or a glass bread baking dish at 350 degrees for about an hour (depending on oven) or until bubbly and center is no longer pink.
During the last 15 minutes or so, I remove foil covering and finish baking uncovered.
When there's leftovers (usually I have about half a loaf left over) I put a slice between wholegrain bread with some mayo and ketchup swirled together (a la French dressing!), and a slice of lettuce and tomato too for a delicious meatloaf sandwich for the next day!
Tucker's Mom
As a chef myself graduating form culinary arts college and thee years in high school and now working as a chef. I write my own recpies as well and. You made my day
This is so painful to read I couldn't help but to laugh I would never write anything like this not even in a notebook to use personally.
Thanks-)4 making my day
Thanks, everyone re: Kate's whine is "We can't go anywhere. We're too famous!"
I already knew the answers to my own questions, but just in case Kate was serious about concerns for taking them out in public places, I offered her a suggestion. I know she reads here. So, that particular excuse is now busted. Free or inexpensive things abound, so that excuse is gone, too. Sorry, Kate.
Dulcina said...
Remember that 4th of July show with the twins in a double stroller with the big sign on the back:
I never noticed that. What season was that?
I think it was in the original special.
It was a 4th of July parade when all the children were paraded in their strollers. Kate put a sign on the twins' stroller just like every other parent put on their kid's stroller.
It was no big deal, really. She was just doing the normal thing.
Summer, go chef! I'm a "foodie" who loves to cook and bake. I had a food blog for a couple years and wrote many a recipe-- even some of them published in cookbooks and although I generally "eyeball" stuff like meatloaf and meatballs, not everyone can. I wrote my recipes with specific amounts and directions, and if I were to go on a national morning show that would publish my recipe, it would not be so amateur.
Make sure you put that ketchup on in a zig zag pattern!
Judy K.
Make that name "Kountless Kate!" She does have delusions of grandeur, doen't she? I really thinks she wants to be on one of those Real Housewives shows, like NYC maybe.
I just heard that Jill Zarin, Kelly Bensimon and Alex McCord were not invited back for next season.It was on E. Tonight?, I think.
Make sure you put that ketchup on in a zig zag pattern!
And cut the grilled cheese in half, but corner to corner...Ooohhh, aaahhhh....
When I was a kid, one of my very favorite things, and it never cost a penny, was library night. My dad was a teacher, and taught night school classes a couple of nights a week. We didn't have the luxury of 3 cars, so my mom would drive him to the school, then she and I would go to the library. She'd turn me loose in the kids' department while she went to the adult section and got books for her and my dad. Then she'd come to the kids' section and we'd curl up together in the reading corner and she'd read to me or I'd read to her until it was time to go get my dad. The evening usually ended with a trip to Dairy Queen for cones. I attribute my love of books to the times spent soaking up the atmosphere of the library, and being encouraged by both of my reader parents, to spend time emersed in books.
Wow! If I didn't know better, I would think that you are one of my daughters. Lol. On my days off, I would take them to the library and then we would go to Dairy Queen for a cone. The entire afternoon would cost me about 3 bucks, which was good because there wasn't much money in those days. My girls still fondly remember our library/Dairy Queen days.
hey jude said... Judy K.
Make that name "Kountless Kate!" She does have delusions of grandeur, doen't she? I really thinks she wants to be on one of those Real Housewives shows, like NYC maybe.
I just heard that Jill Zarin, Kelly Bensimon and Alex McCord were not invited back for next season.It was on E. Tonight?, I think.
I just read the same thing somewhere a few minutes ago but don't know whether it's been confirmed.
"Some sheep has her mouse caught on her hoof would be my guess."
Hahahaha!! That was hysterical...caused me to laugh out loud, Hoosier girl.
Jenna Does~
Great blog! I just spent several hours over there reading. That entry was great....everyone knows someone that fits into every category if they've had jobs, especially corporate jobs.
At gatherings of administrative personnel, you could almost always tell which one was an "I am because I am" thinking because she was usually the one strutting around and making sure she told everyone what her job (new position) was. It was all about the status of the position to her....and she figured that if she'd gotten appointed to the new position, well, she obviously belonged there and she was up several rungs forever. That having the position automatically designated her as being someone who should have that position.
How these situations often came about was when a boss would suddenly lose one of her administrative staff and would temporarily grab someone to fill it....and this person acted as though she'd worked her way there and was qualified to be there just because....because she was there. That she was no longer a (mediocre) worker-bee....but was now in the upper echelons and loved to make sure everyone knew about it....especially all the other worker-bees.
Kate thinks that because she was on TV...she belongs there...forever. Most reality stars disappear from TV once the reality show is over....except for the very few who actually do have some talent. And Kate is one of the very few who has NO talent. That she was on TV had nothing to do with her being talented....and in fact, was mostly due to her adorable children. Her husband is more talented than she is....I cringed much less when I saw him being interviewed than I did when seeing Kate interviewed. Her lack of talent is cringe-worthy. She landed where she was by sheer luck, really....but she is sure she absolutely belonged there and continues to belong there.
I don't think I've ever seen a celebrity whining about their show being cancelled as much as Kate has. She's been like a petulant child about it.
Dallas Lady,
You are so talented and so purty and so organized, you should have a TV show! But, do you have 12 kids? You know Kate's gonna make a cook -book now from your recipes!
I have to confess, I went to Kart's site and gave her 6,000 hits.I had an hour and a half to kill!! LOL!
Kate better not steal my shit! Not without my permission! Under penalty of severeness!
And no, I have only one child! So sad! (No.) No one wants to see a TV show about a couple with one kid. Can you hear the voice over promos?
Yeah, a real ratings bonanza.
Hey jude, I JUST noticed the last part of your comment about 6000 hits. I did the ugly laugh.
Y'all have really been cracking me up lately around here. I think everyone's just relieved those poor kids are off tv.
Did anyone catch this comment on the People article:
"Casey Anthony killed one, Kate Gosselin is ruining eight."
Wow. She really is being compared to her. That alone would make me step back and take stock, even if nothing else did.
Regarding the meatloaf recipe...I also eyeball things like meatloaf and only use recipes for baked goods....and I even eyeball those if they are not too complicated.
But hey, if Sandra Lee could get a cooking show....there have to be a lot of folks out there who don't know how to cook or are no good at it. Maybe Kate could send her meatloaf recipe to Sandra Lee....but she'd have to include a package of taco mix and a tub of cool-whip first.
Cooking always came naturally for me....and I have a really hard time understanding how someone can hardly boil water. But then...I am a moron when it comes to computers and just don't have a feel for them...whereas my son does. In fact, my son gets really frustrated with me because it comes so naturally to him that he just can't imagine someone (like me) being so bad at it.
But to me, that meatloaf recipe also seems laughable....but then I've been able to figure out how to make a meatloaf since I was a kid. Recipes that are "no duh!" ones make me chuckle too. It's like someone needing to explain how to make a sandwich...but there has to be a whole lot of people who can't figure that out for themselves and need a recipe.
Isn't it ironic that at the end of her show, Khate finally discovers her fans and seems to be purely enjoying them. The web site is based entirely on ideas and suggestions, quotes (coming) from her fans on Twitter. She is developing real relationships with fans - Khate the former fan hater. While they say she inspires them in actuality they have inspired her to get up and do something that just might work for her, albeit still leaning heavily on the kids - they should be a rarity, rather than the mainstay. Come on Khate challenge yourself, make it about you, not the kids. You may just find that you can do it on your own - your kids deserve for you to at least try. This just might be her forum as she comes across a much kinder, gentler Khate with all the LOLs and x's and o's and no one can hear that voice and see that snarl and she can pitch a fit and get on her web site and make hearts and x's and o's and no one will be the wiser. My, how differently things might have turned out for her had she embraced them in the beginning, rather than the end. Don't be afraid Khate - make the leap - take down some of those pics of the kids and own it.
Beth and readerlady,
You just sent me on a trip down memory lane! My Mom used to take me to the library on her day off.I wasn't in school yet, but she would let me sit and read the books I picked out alone.
I even got a library card and was the only one to have one in kindergarten! I was so proud.Funny how a post will make you remember long forgotten memories! Thanks for that. I took my 3 girls there too and we are all avid readers. My grandson was reading a new book from Gr. 1 just last night on the phone, such sweet little words, made me cry!
I still love the smell of books,old and new.We didn't go to the dairy queen, but Mom always carried peppermints in her pocket and would give us one in church and her choir practice!
Question for the legal eagles here; IF Jon got full custody of the 8, obviously Kate would have to pay him child support, but since she is unemployed how could she pay? How would the court figure that one out?
Jon couldn't possibly afford to take care of them financially without help?
"One fan has tweeted that she's already bought stuff there thinking of course that it's Kate's site."
But the other comments from the "fan" sound anti-Kate so I wonder if it's a joke.
About the twins getting driver's licenses, they'll have to get jobs and pay for their own cars first. That's what Kate said in an interview about all 8. Never mind the job they've had most of their lives.
And Kate calling someone darling is creepy. Did she ever call Jon or the children something like that?
About the View, the sheeple are now saying about Barbara what the non fans used to say when BW supported Kate. Come on, Katie Coyne. Step into the light.
hey jude said...
Beth and readerlady,
You just sent me on a trip down memory lane! My Mom used to take me to the library on her day off.I wasn't in school yet, but she would let me sit and read the books I picked out alone.
I even got a library card and was the only one to have one in kindergarten! I was so proud.Funny how a post will make you remember long forgotten memories! Thanks for that. I took my 3 girls there too and we are all avid readers. My grandson was reading a new book from Gr. 1 just last night on the phone, such sweet little words, made me cry!
I still love the smell of books,old and new.We didn't go to the dairy queen, but Mom always carried peppermints in her pocket and would give us one in church and her choir practice!
Aww, that's great! Kate doesn't realize that it isn't the money and the great trips that the kids will remember. It's the one-on-one attention that they receive from their mom. You guys are proof that even us poor moms can create happy memories for our children.
Dallas Lady,
I forgot to give you my recipe for toast! Make a fire (outside Kate), she's an indoor girl,you have to forgive her ignorant-ness-ish. Get a long stick or twig and screw or skewer one piece of bread with it.
Turn left and leave it over fire til it's black.Turn right and do the other side til it's burnt black as Kate's ass. Remove from stick and cut evenly into 8,count em 8 pieces or tear it evenly.Good recipe for family of 8 kids- you only have to make it once, cause no on ever wants any!
Where are you going? Get back there and put the damn fire out,do you think Smoky the Bear is on your payroll? I got this from Kate's Best Recipe's.
I didn't see that remark in People article! Wow, that's quite the comparison, true too.Sigh.......
I really said that to my family recently, but they laughed because they knew it was a joke. Now we routinely half-yell it for yuks. It's so gloriously Drama Queen-ish!
This week, I have seen a new Giant (grocery store in MD, DE, PA) commercial with a woman and her family - 8 kids and a husband, the voice over is about feeding 10 people. Looks like someone else with 8 children missed the boat on this - especially if she shops at the store.
(no idea if the people in the commercial are a real family, a family and some extras, or all actors)
Gimme said...
Isn't it ironic that at the end of her show, Khate finally discovers her fans and seems to be purely enjoying them. The web site is based entirely on ideas and suggestions, quotes (coming) from her fans on Twitter. She is developing real relationships with fans - Khate the former fan hater.
The payback isn't going to be enough to sustain her interest. She's interested in proving that she's not a grade A horror, but no amount of xxxs and ooos are keeping her from slipping and revealing her true self even in 140 characters.
Once she realizes that the website, with or without kids, isn't going to earn her enough to buy lunch for even her alone, she'll pack it in. She's not looking for relationships, she's looking for money.
She'll take attention, for a while, if it's all she can get, but it's the money she wants.
Money is what makes her different from the rest of the "mediocre" world. Without mega-bucks, in her own mind, she's a big zero.
Funny, huh? WITH money, she was still a big zero.
Teresa said
Jon couldn't possibly afford to take care of them financially without help?
Of course he could. It wouldn't be easy, but people do, all the time. There's nothing dishonorable about thrifting clothes, living on meatloaf and boxed speghetti, doing all the fun, free things available in the area, and going to public school. It's called life, for lots and lots of families - some even larger than this one.
How many people on this site really believe that life with Jon, with reduced financial expectations, would be worse than what the kids have gone through with their mother? Not very many, I'd guess.
All my most precious memories never cost a cent, because they only involved people, not things or places.
My girls start talking about their growing up years and they have yet to talk much about any gift or place they went.Every holiday brings back these memories and they have to have the same foods served, right down to the beet pickles!
I didn't make any one year and I thought my oldest daughter was going to cry! She went to the store to buy some, but said "they just weren't the same!" Little did she know that some years I didn't make enough and bought them! he he he .
RE: Giant Foods ad on TV.
Oohh, I hope Kate doesn't watch TV. Wouldn't she
be spitting fire that she is a Giant customer who bought all those organic triangly things for her kids' lunches and they didn't give HER that commercial spot! There's gonna be the dickens to pay, I'm telling you!
Blogger is being an ass again. Won't let this post go through. Anyway...if it does...
Just went to INF and saw the photos of Kate on Monday in NYC. Yeeesh. I don't know whether to laugh hysterically or toss my cookies. Did someone say PHONEY? I totally agree.
Yep -- It was a question, not a statement. That's why l put a "?" I was just asking.
Teresa said...
How many people on this site really believe that life with Jon, with reduced financial expectations, would be worse than what the kids have gone through with their mother? Not very many, I'd guess.
It wouldn't honestly. Kate just believes it would be the end of world. If her kids care, it will only be because she influenced them to think that.
I have a large family, yes, I always wanted a large family, I came from one. There are plenty of people, including myself who get by on coupons, (though I am NO WHERE near as obsessed about them as Kate), who go to thrift stores, do the buy this many get two free or whatever.
I think it's a terribly shame for Kate to claim she and her kids would be scrapping the bottom of the barrel in society if they aren't on TV and it's more of an insult to people with larger families. HELLLOOO!!! They get by just fine without the need of TV or charity. Kate doesn't need her new show, she's twisted enough already, anymore so and I'm sure she'd pass fo a pretzel.
We have a strong history of bipolar disorder in my family and it concerns me when the diagnosis is tossed around lightly because when it is used as an explanation for bad behavior, it enforces the stereotype that people with bipolar disorder are irresponsible, unpleasant and difficult to be around. This kind of stigma makes it incredibly hard for any responsible, pleasant, easy-going person with bipolar person to acknowledge their illness out in the open and encourages them to hide it from the very people who can clue them in on very important changes of behavior.
There are, in fact, people with bipolar disorder in normal walks of life, doing ordinary jobs and getting along with others. You probably know some of these people and have no idea that they have bipolar disorder.
I don't think Kate is very happy but she doesn't remind me at all of my family members who have bipolar disorder. In fact, even in their most dramatic moments of mania, they don't look like Kate. I think Kate has a personality disorder, which is not a mood disorder. Of course, I'm in no way qualified to make any diagnosis of anyone in person, much less long distance, but I hate to see people with mental illnesses lumped into the same category as Kate Gosselin.
And so it starts, didn't take long:
@Kateplusmy8 is gonna be a hit. She could start getting offers from Advertising with that many hits in s day.
Falling like a brick, maybe you can answer this question for me. How do advertisers get information regarding the demographics of the hits on a website? Kate has so many tweens and teens, and they don't have credit cards. Are advertisers aware of that kind of thing?
Dallas Lady,
YES! YOU DO -DO YOU EXPECT ME TO BE SMART AND BEAUTIFUL? That is so the best drama queen word! I yelled it at my husband and I made his lip quiver, of course then I had to explain myself for an hour!Men! Now he just asks me, "what the hell do you talk about on there?(computer.)
He just doesn't understand that masterminding and Kate -talk is such a good mood relaxer, like verbal librium or valium,cause I'm not crazy!
Did you hear Kate say that she liked masterminding the organization on the trip, just after she pitched a fit about the swim- suits not being where they were supposed to be.The mastermind left hers at home, I guess and just brought her bitchy attitude!
Killing Bee
It's been a while since I saw this clip, and Jon was actually calm when talking to the boy tup afterwards, and he apologized.
Twins Turn 7 at about 5 min 30 sec
In the first episode (the killer bee one), I couldn't believe it when Collin announced there was a bee in the living room and Kate said, "go kill it, you're a boy." I am SICK TO DEATH of her "boy" comments. "Kill the bee, you're a boy". "You're a man." "Stop whining, man up." They're little KIDS!! Collin I think was maybe 3 or 4 in that episode. And when Jon got it, he wanted to flush it down the toilet, and Kate bosses him around as usual, saying, "don't waste water. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap, please."
In the second episode, she tells Jon, "You don't need to scream at him" when Jon put Collin in time-out. This from the same person who screams at everyone else in her life? She truly does not see how hypocritical she is.
Hahahaha, I stopped at the Giant store after PTA tonight, and two women were talking about the SoBe Life Water. It's on sale, 10 for $10. They were picking theirs out, and discussing how "this is what Kate drinks" (the fuji apple-pear water). They were wondering if it was any good, and then they cleared the shelf of the fuji apple-pear. What morons! They're buying massive quantities of this stuff they have never even tasted and don't even know if they like, because Kate drinks it! I temember her mentioning once on Twitter that she was drinking SoBe fuji apple pear, so I'm sure she was the Kate they were talking about. Stupidity knows no bounds!
Also, I was reading about Kris Humphries & Kim K while they were dating, and Kris thought Kim was too materialistic and she told him, "I can't live a lesser lifestyle." Yes you can. It will be hard if you're used to the good life, I'm sure. I would never want to go to that life though. I like my mediocre life. :) It just reminded me of Kate. She's so addicted to living the high life, and doesn't want to downsize. I am being totally serious when I ask this- can a person be addicted to the high life like people are addicted to drugs, alcohol, etc? Sorry if that sounded sheeple-worthy.
Kate doesn't rate said...
Falling like a brick, maybe you can answer this question for me. How do advertisers get information regarding the demographics of the hits on a website? Kate has so many tweens and teens, and they don't have credit cards. Are advertisers aware of that kind of thing?
September 15, 2011 7:17 PM
I agree with everything Falling has said about web sites so far from my limited experience, and I'll take a stab at this question. Yes good advertisers are well aware of who is looking at Kate's site. "Non-fans" are worthless since they're not going to give Kate a dime. Fans are almost worthless because they're mostly young kids not spending that much money or low-income housewives also not spending much money.
It's a well known fact that you can read about all over the internet that celebrity sites in general are an advertising black hole mostly due to the demographics of those frequenting celeb sites as well as the fact that even if people are spending, for some reason it's well known they just don't seem to do that spending on celeb sites they're visiting--I'm not sure anyone really knows exactly why this is, but it is the facts.
Now a celeb site like Perez Hilton which is getting probably in the 100's of thousands of hits each day will make a lot because of the sheer numbers. But no way is Kate going to get those kind of numbers even if she had the best site in the world. Other niches are a lot more profitable on the internet. Product review sites can make a killing because people come there about to buy something and will click on ads and sponsors. Health web sites do very well. Financial, news, sports do well. Miche areas can do well if you're the biggest and best or the only one--like say, you own the only site that discusses a certain method of photography, these people have been known to make a killing. Sites about Kate Gosselin (or insert random washed up D-lister name here) and tomato soup in tupperware jars and a bunch of unfulfilled promises about content soon to come but never does, not so much.
In other words, if Kate makes more than 50 bucks a month off her site I'd be shocked. Actually, I'd peg it at more like 10-15. A month! Suddenly Jon paying for those lunches doesn't seem so bad!
Dallas Lady said...
Dallas, you are more than welcome to come up here and do my masterminding for me. I am much too tiredish tonight and my husband is useless.
And while you're here please show me how to make cold cereal.
Put me in the pile with great library memories! My beloved grandma took me with her every week - I was her little buddy even when I was taller than her. She was an awesome lady and I still love going to get my library books!
Yeah, I hate it when she talks like that to the boys. She told Aiden, I think it was, to"hit it like a man," when he was hitting the pinata.(sp.?)That was their 6th birthday party. She thinks boys are "icky."
Remember when Joel was mad at her, the worst thing he could think to say to her was "you're a boy." She thought it was funny. Just one of the many things that made me go hmmmmmmm.
Hello! I was just going to send up a smoke signal for you! Why is your poor husband so useless- can't he make cold cereal? You pour any kind of dry-ish flakes or puffs in a big plastic tub.Take it to the barn and grab the cow's teat and squirt about 25 times in the tub. Don't get kicked! Cows have no sense of humour.
Take it into the house and put one big ladle in the tub and put in the frig. Leave it there til the metal ladle feels cold-ish.Holler "soups on" and watch everybody run to eat it. Serves family of 4-8 -ish, or or 2 fast eaters!
Admin, thanks for answering the question for me (I'm not feeling up to par today and I have just been skipping through posts)
I just want to add a couple more things:
Advertisers will want to see your back end stats. Usually unique URL numbers, Browers used by visitors (Mozilla, IE, Safari, etc)
Times/Dates and Posts/Pages that are most frequented, etc.
A site like Khates only serves to promote herself. She'd be hard pressed to find any advertiser willing to shell out the $$$ that she needs to live up to her intended lifestyle. Very few sites can make that amount of money.
The only way she really could make money off her site is charging her fans for a private area of access and/or selling merchandise.
Kate only has the ability to promote herself and pimp out her kids. It's a waning concept and not anything worth longevity.
There are better parenting sites, recipe sites, organizational sites, etc. (ie: Martha, AllRecipes, CafeMom, Ask Christy, etc...)
Kate has a limited audience for her self made 'fan page'. It (and they) won't take her far.
For the record my DH is not useless...although the 2 smallish chores I asked him to do tonight have gone undone (or is it nondone-ish). He works hard, he just doesn't hear the lovely dulcet tones of my nags. oops! He just informed me he did take the recycling out - so only one task undone-ish.
Anyhoo, I must take my leave of you all for the weekend. We are headed out to the lake manana to install our new septic. Now that is mediocre!!
See y'all on the flip side.
Bearswife, you just have to take a page out of Kate's book and be an ass to your husband!
But no, don't. Yuck.
Falling like a brick said
The only way she really could make money off her site is charging her fans for a private area of access and/or selling merchandise.
Which isn't going to work very well with the tweenies who seem to form her fan base, and also because she is rapidly becoming yesterday's news.
.8 million viewers of a now-defunct cable program will never translate into enough website visitors to buy feed even for one lone sheep, much less buy dinners at Nobu. Or gas for a sports car.
She had a huge window of opportunity, and she shrew it away. (Sorry, couldn't resist.)
Jill Zarin was just on AH and said that it was just a rumour that they were not on RHNYC.She hasn't been told anything.It was in the Huff Post,too to-day.
bearswife, Take me with you! I've always wanted to know how the mediocre really live! I want to see how to install a septic pump, oh nevermind, I don't really.Have a good week-end though!
Did you ever meet the bus and get your beer?
Oh I don't want to do anything septic-ish, unfortunately my in-laws are truly useless and any and ALL menial and mediocre labour is delegated to us. But don't worry I'm sending a town car for kHate - she's going to dig the trench!
You still here? I sure hope bearswife's husband used a coupon for his septic tank.They can be pricey-ish!
Dallas lady, you fall asleep or what?
bearswife, I would like to see the wench dig your trench! Remember, she's not an outside girl, unless she's getting paid!
Dallas Lady said
Dallas Lady,
I am a parent of a singleton also, and I love it! (well, her)
Anyway, a show about a singleton could be exciting- remember the days of the mystery, invisible child named "Idunno"?---- Who broke this vase? Idunno!! If you didn't eat the ice cream, then who did? Idunno!!! Boy was I glad when that kid, Idunno, finally left our house ;)
Oh the days of the library when I was teen- spent so many hours there...reminds me, books are due tomorrow, Thanks, guys!
What I don't understand is, why does Kate find it so horrible to live a comfortable suburban everyday life? It's not the end of the world you know. What is wrong with living on a quiet street with respectable neighbors and kids running in and out? Nothing.
I will not ever believe that just because she is off TV now that she and her kids will become destitute, she just enjoys being pitied is what it is I think.
Kate has a roof over her head, food in her fridge, money in the bank, shoes on her feet, a coat to wear. There is nothing wrong with downsizing, at least not as bad as she makes it out to sound. If it was nobody would be living in the suburbs with mini vans and whatnot.
I guess I find myself wondering why she is so hell bend on having the best opportunities for her kids when opportunities are something you can't force, they happen naturally. As I learned today for myself. I couldn't find a particular pair of shoes for one of my kids to wear to school today, I looked everywhere, finally I asked her what she did with them because they were still good. She's young, yet despite that she looked at me and said she took them to school. I asked her why because she went with a different pair yesterday. She said there was a girl in her class who was wearing shoes that clearly did not fit but that was all she had. That my daughter gave this child her own pair of shoes to wear.
I guess being mediocre I don't get why she has to whine about not being able to afford the best. It truly will not matter in the end if your kid doesn't get the most expensive thing out there, they'll be happy if they have things that are decent and respectable. If not, then I'm sorry, Kate has done nothing but raise spoiled, entitled children. It's sad.
Hippie Chick said... Make sure you put that ketchup on in a zig zag pattern!
And cut the grilled cheese in half, but corner to corner...Ooohhh, aaahhhh....
ohhh (wringing my hands) but what brand of ketchup? What if it says 'catsup' on the label, is it still ok to use?
How do you get the grilled cheese cut evenly? Do you use a ruler? Where did you get it? What brand? Can you post a picture of it? And can you repost the recipe for grilled cheese, I lost it last time.
And I know you said that to feed your kids grilled cheese for lunch you use 44 loaves of bread, 17 pounds of organic butter churned by the twins as they sing hymns, and 39 pounds of cheese that you made by hand from your own chickens. I didnt know chickens gave milk like that, you must really inspire them! ooooo I just cant go on without you!
Did I read that correctly? Someone upthread "diagnosed" Hate with, among other maladies, "dissocial disorder," as in dis-social disorder? Sorry, there's no such thing. Not every mental illness begins with "dis."
Also, depending on the most current DSM, one edition will call everything a "syndrome," the next edition will use "disorder."
There is such a thing called anti-social disorder, which Hate certainly is. However, with her, I don't think it's a stand alone illness, it's part of the other ones she "suffers" from.
To the person who rallied about labeling Hate as "bi-polar," bless you and yours and your comment was 100% right on. Thank you for writing it.
One thing with Kate that I noticed early on was her setting herself up to fail by making it harder than it needs to be. What I don't get is if your so good at organizing, there wouldn't be so much chaos and stress. After all, isn't that the purpose of being
organized, so everything will run much smoother. We've had seven seasons of watching her organizing. When is she going to be finished.
Of course I know the real answer, it just begs the question.
Who was the first person to say, 'See that chicken there... I'm gonna eat the next thing that comes outta its butt.'
I've been thinking lately about all the disorders she may have and I kind of hate to label her with anything that might give her an excuse to blame her bad behavior on anything except what it is. JUST PLAIN ABUSE.
I don't know what personality disorders Kart may have, but I do believe she has a chronic case of foot in mouth disease and untreatable pity me syndrome.
Ya know, when the kids are old enough to understand that the money from the show is theirs, that's when all the stuff is going to hit the fan.
Lake Up North, I too don't understand why Kate seems adverse to having a 'normal' existence. Last weekend, our friends had extra tickets to a B-52s (remember them??) concert outside at a winery on a lovely summer night. We went with them and all the rest of the gang were their neighbors. It was a BLAST!!! These folks are all very, very tight and truly love each other and are all involved in each others' kids' lives. When the girls lay down on the ground and were shaking their hands and legs in the air during Rock Lobster, I actually envied their relationships. And then I got down there and did it too. Everyone jumped around and danced badly and sang off key and it was wonderful. Life's too short to worry about money and things. Memories and relationships are the stuff life is made of. Things are fleeting. She is missing out on the 'finer' things of life by constantly pursuing the so-called finer things of life.
Kate says she's going to watch the finale with the kids tomorrow night. Not sure how healthy it is for them to watch everyone throw everybody else under the bus while also being reminded how good it was when Daddy was around.
Late to see my analyst said...
Did I read that correctly? Someone upthread "diagnosed" Hate with, among other maladies, "dissocial disorder," as in dis-social disorder? Sorry, there's no such thing. Not every mental illness begins with "dis.
Freud obviously thought there was such a thing because he wrote extensively about dissocial personality disorder.
PJ's momma said...
Lake Up North, I too don't understand why Kate seems adverse to having a 'normal' existence. Last weekend, our friends had extra tickets to a B-52s (remember them??) concert outside at a winery on a lovely summer night. We went with them and all the rest of the gang were their neighbors. It was a BLAST!!! These folks are all very, very tight and truly love each other and are all involved in each others' kids' lives. When the girls lay down on the ground and were shaking their hands and legs in the air during Rock Lobster, I actually envied their relationships. And then I got down there and did it too. Everyone jumped around and danced badly and sang off key and it was wonderful. Life's too short to worry about money and things. Memories and relationships are the stuff life is made of. Things are fleeting. She is missing out on the 'finer' things of life by constantly pursuing the so-called finer things of life.
Oh my gosh, you just made me have biggest smile on my face in I don't know how long now. I stared laughing out loud because, yes, I do remember B52s. I know I am dating myself here but in college I listened to Cosmic Thing and Good Stuff CD's. Thank you for the laugh. I think I needed a smile.
Kate's obsession with finer things in life, it drives me nuts. She doesn't need to have her hair done if she is so worried about her kids all the time. I've got a couple more kids then Kate, let's see last time I had my hair done was...yeah ya know what I don't even remember! Do I care? No. Do I care if my kids have braces and get to go to a local movie to see Smurfs? Yes.
Be nice if Kate slowed down and really looked at what she has in front of her but she probably wont and I almost, almost pity her.
@Kateplusmy8 can u post weekly pics of your kids on your new website!? it would have us not miss them so much!
This is one reason why, if I were a parent of the Gosselin children, I would never let them out of my sight without an adult or some kind of security present. Fans are not only nuts - they are obsessive.
Bodyguard, My A$$ said...
So much for Dr. Phil's sincerity. "Hey Kate, Great to see you today" on Twitter then shellacking her a couple hours later.
It would have been funny if Kate tweeted back to Dr. Phil, "YOU SCOFFED AT ME. I HAVE TWEET RECORDS PROVING IT."
no mo worryin bout me said...
Ya know, when the kids are old enough to understand that the money from the show is theirs, that's when all the stuff is going to hit the fan.
--------------------------------------------------She's crying poor now, but wait until the 8 are old enough to take her and TLC to court, with 4/5 years' worth of footage and documentary evidence online, to back up their cases. The stuff is going to hit the fan big time, and Kate has no-one to blame but herself.
Kate is an adult, right? Well...okay we all assume anyway. She sure doesn't act like it. If she did she would realize all her, "I wants," such I want to be back on TV, I want to stay in the media, I name it. As an adult that's usually when you grow up and realize you don't GET everything you want in life! She sounds like a kid, "I want candy, I want this toy, I want, I want, I want." Now that's pathetic!
Understanding what really makes you happy is something I think usually comes with time and experience.
For whatever reason, Kate is emotionally stunted at age 13. I don't want to insult teens because there are some smart, grounded teens out there and some of them never go through this immature stage. But it wouldn't be uncommon for a 13 year old girl to fantasize about marrying a rich man, living in a huge house, taking lots of fun trips around the world, heck even having multiples, doesn't that sound like fun, fun, fun. It explains why so many of her fans are young. They will grow out of this fantasy as they become more mature and will likely look back and chuckle at this brief period of obsession just like I chuckle now at the Tiger Beat pinups I had up on my wall.
A mature adult is able to look back on their childhood and reflect and are able to make the connection between their happiest moments, and what they were doing--usually it's not money or trips or all the "stuff" Kate wants. A mature adult is able to understand that wealth and trips and so on aren't what make you the most happy. Kate cannot do this reflection.
Lately I've been wondering more and more if Kate may have been abused at some point. For whatever reason, she does not connect the simple things in life with happiness--which is ODD, most people do by that age. Why is it that she does not associate a simple bike ride or trip to the library or time with mom and dad with her happiest moments? She has spent the better part of the past decade trying to get AWAY from that simple life that has brought so many of us deep happiness and fulfillment and is the life so many of us PREFER. It really, really makes me wonder.
Lake Up North said...
I know I am dating myself here...
That expression makes me laugh because I use it occasionally, and my oldest son always replies, "Well, it's not as if anyone else would date you".
Admin, I believe Kate would like everyone to think that her childhood was lacking, perhaps even abusive, and she did not have "enough". Enough love, enough things, enough travel (like kids NEED that for a healthy childhood).
I think even Kate has bought into this revisionist history of hers, that there were too many kids (really, 5?) in her family, and obviously not enough money to buy things like the best new clothes or toys or perhaps a car. Quell horreur! History will not repeat itself! The cycle of depravity will be broken! As God as her witness, Kate will spoil her kids (with an ulterior motive).
That's why she always insists that she'll give her kids more, which of course requires lots of money which of course, by Kate's reasoning, requires her to be on tv.
See how self-serving this is for Kate? She HAS to do this so they don't meet a fate like hers! So they have more than she did! Oh and by the way, what the kids get is directly proportional to what Kate gets and Kate's notoriety and fame. Most parents sacrifice for their kids while they go without. Kate doesn't go without, she actually gets more.
It's a ruse: something Kate has cherry picked from her past, embellished and sold with gusto. She's a grifter; she knows the angles to work. And if you want to tell Kate to live without, you may have a leg to stand on, by deny 8 cute little, innocent kids? Kate might as well bring up the Holocaust. Once Kate invokes her 8, count 'em 8 kids, conversation over. See the control with guilt?
BTW, if I were Kate's parents, I'd be hurt as hell to have Kate out there implying that her rearing wasn't good enough and lacking in every way. What an ingrate.
Admin & Falling like a brick, thanks for your comments re my question about site demographics. I'd love to be a fly on the wall watching those who are involved in getting Kate's website launched. So far Kate has one entry and a lot of questions about when it will be finished.
See how she gets 'hits' on her website? Put up a twittyish tweet like, (ummm or sortofish) want to see what my 8 are doing tomorrow night? Go to the website. Luckily, since I don't really give a damn, Kartlette, I don't have to go there.
Oh, and I have to go to the dentist for a nasty procedure and I'd 'rather' do that than watch her.
The secret to a really happy life is knowing that it's the simple things in life that keep you content -----period
Hoosier Girl said...
No Regrets said...
Have a great evening everyone :) Gong to enjoy my mediocre hubby in our mediocre home.
Well you and the hubs have a mediocre night! :)"
Thank you! We did have a lovely mediocre night, mediocre dinner, played a mediocre game of spades and watched our mediocre HDTV. I am SO mediocre-ish happy it is a crying shame!
The simple things in life are so nice. Smelling the roses as you go through life. Money can't buy what truly counts in life. Poor Kate had to sit on her leather sofa, alone. Twittering away. Her 'true friends' fawning all over her. I wouldn't trade my life for hers for any amount of money, looks nor 'fame'.
Teresa said...
Who was the first person to say, 'See that chicken there... I'm gonna eat the next thing that comes outta its butt.'
September 15, 2011 9:51 PM"
HAHA I don't know who it was, but this IS funny as heck!
Admin, I believe Kate would like everyone to think that her childhood was lacking, perhaps even abusive, and she did not have "enough".
(snipped) It's a ruse: something Kate has cherry picked from her past, embellished and sold with gusto. She's a grifter; she knows the angles to work.
I agree wholeheartledly.
Admin, I believe Kate would like everyone to think that her childhood was lacking, perhaps even abusive, and she did not have "enough".
(snipped) It's a ruse: something Kate has cherry picked from her past, embellished and sold with gusto. She's a grifter; she knows the angles to work.
I agree wholeheartledly.
Kat said...
The secret to a really happy life is knowing that it's the simple things in life that keep you content -----period
September 16, 2011 6:24 AM'
So very true. Content, that is he key word. Alone or with a husband or wife, content is the most important thing in the world. That is one thing that is so terrible for Kate. She will never be content, I don't think. Always more money, a faster car, being more 'skinny' just never seems to be satisfied.
hey jude said... Jill Zarin was just on AH and said that it was just a rumour that they were not on RHNYC.She hasn't been told anything.It was in the Huff Post,too to-day.
Didn't Kate say those exact words a month before she was canceled?
Mediocre is the new black!!
Kate has said often her parents had too many children, so she didn't get the attention she should have gotten. Her mother reminded her of this when pregnant with the tups. Her father was 'overly strict', they didn't travel. Her remarks just seemed so ungrateful for what they did provide. I often wonder what her parents felt about what she said.
“ We have a strong history of bipolar disorder in my family and it concerns me when the diagnosis is tossed around lightly because when it is used as an explanation for bad behavior, it enforces the stereotype that people with bipolar disorder are irresponsible, unpleasant and difficult to be around”
Most people with bipolar disorder live fulfilling and productive lives. Here are some examples:
“I don't know what personality disorders Kart may have, but I do believe she has a chronic case of foot in mouth disease and untreatable pity me syndrome”
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