In other news, Whoopi Goldberg, who once so desperately tried to convince the other ladies of The View Kate is an "angry bitch" who should be voted off DWTS, has finally brought them around that Kate needs to be voted off. As in, this planet.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Roundup: Kate's pricey jaunt to New York City, another speeding ticket to pay, and the ladies of The View (finally) jump ship
Kate, who claims to be "freaking out" about her financial future and complains constantly about Jon's child support, got her beans spilled by her hairstylist this week. Instead of pinching pennies to survive, she was in NYC today getting her hair done, followed by dinner at Fig and Olive, a Mediterranean restaurant popular with celebs like Robert Downey Jr. and Leonard DiCaprio. If her finances are so uncertain, why is she blowing money in NYC .... or racking up speeding ticket fines? Kate received her fourth speeding ticket since 2009 this week, issued on September 11, 2011, of all days.
630 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 630 of 630 Newer› Newest»"Give me" "Give me" "Give me" "Give me" DRIVES ME UP A WALL!! If she still tweets this stuff, imagine what the emails are like. LOL
If she tweeted Kate 80 times from the grocery store in just a hour or so, imagine HOW MANY e-mails she's sent since Kate put up her website!
No Regrets said... I know that Kate is NOT smart in the business sense, she has proven that over and over.
Didn't I read her website isn't even finished? What kind os a business person promotes an unfinished website? Yeah, she's going to go far on her own. Uh huh.
Whoever said that Kate and John Lennon should not be mentioned in the same breath, l disagree, for this reason...Khate is GIMME GIMME, TAKE, TAKE. John and George and Paul is GIVE GIVE and GIVE somemore...They were are still are the antithis of Khate. They wanted peace and love. Khate wants chaos and greed.
Teresa said...
Pink Jacket & Bluenoser... for you..
Thank you, Teresa. I love you for that.
It's such a beautiful, magical song.
This one is for you:
"Om Hare Om (Gopala Krishna)"
After a quick run through I think the pro Kate blogs should redo their mission statements to...We don't have anything left to defend Kate Gosselin over so we now get all our material to debate at 15 Minutes and hating on Jon.
As long as we're continuing Beatles OT...
Bluenoser - Me too! It was George all the way! I loved the earlier songs the best, though - never bought an album after Revolver. Anyone else get to see them in person? I WON tickets in a radio contest! I remember you couldn't see/hear a thing because of people screaming and standing on chairs. And I THINK I remember the actual ticket prices being $4.75 and 5.75 - imagine!
Gee, if the rest of us can do it, pity, how will she ever get by in this world? I have no sympathy. Not one bit.
Lake Up North - You're talking from a normal person's point of view. From Kate's POV there is no 'rest of the world'. Too bad she doesn't get it that her narcissism is her downfall. That remark about mediocrity and Jon's satisfaction with a regular job hit a lot of people below the belt. I have no sympathy for her either.
Amateur Website Hallmarks to Avoid
Hit Counters
Not only are hit counters a visual blight on a web page, but they do not provide any meaningful data. For a single web page that has five images and a style sheet, the hit counter will record at least seven hits. They do not provide information on how many visitors have come to the site or which pages they've viewed. Plus, hit counter numbers are easily manipulated (in other words, inflated). Finally, a serious business protects its web traffic information as valuable strategic data and does not put it up for public (or its competitors') view.
"Under Construction" or "Coming Soon" Web Pages
If you haven't built it, don't show it. Don't waste your customers' time by having them click to pages that have no information. Will they check back later? Probably not—you've just annoyed them. A skilled web designer can develop new sections on a "staging" site, and then make the sections live when they are complete. The only "coming soon" notice on your site should be product announcements designed to heighten interest.
Kate's site is armature-ish and just downright MEDIOCRE.
hey jude said...
She is so important that we can not pass water in her presence; she might catch something from us little people! Horrors!
Aint life a bitch for us with our mediocre urine? She hasnt had a problem spending our mediocre money earned from our mediocre jobs though, has she?
I'm trying to post this again:
Amateur Website Hallmarks to Avoid
Hit Counters
Not only are hit counters a visual blight on a web page, but they do not provide any meaningful data. For a single web page that has five images and a style sheet, the hit counter will record at least seven hits. They do not provide information on how many visitors have come to the site or which pages they've viewed. Plus, hit counter numbers are easily manipulated (in other words, inflated). Finally, a serious business protects its web traffic information as valuable strategic data and does not put it up for public (or its competitors') view.
"Under Construction" or "Coming Soon" Web Pages
If you haven't built it, don't show it. Don't waste your customers' time by having them click to pages that have no information. Will they check back later? Probably not—you've just annoyed them. A skilled web designer can develop new sections on a "staging" site, and then make the sections live when they are complete. The only "coming soon" notice on your site should be product announcements designed to heighten interest.
In other words, Kate's website is amateur-ish, manipulated and just plain MEDIOCRE!
Cool I never looked at the Alexa profile for this site. I've looked at it for my other site.
Yeah for educated-ish women! The site stats show the majority here have college or some college. And a good number have graduate school.
This made me smile karting was a popular search! LOL not sure if they were looking for Kate as much as Kart racing lol. Imagine their surprise to end up here.
I also have to completely agree that a site counter is "amateur-y". Like those free web sites that you could set up in the days before facebook with things like geocities. It's downright silly on a professional web page. As they said not only is there no meaningful data, but I also think it has an air of showing off. Lookie here at all my hits. But figures Kate would want a site counter since she talks almost daily about her number of twitter followers.
I'm trying to post this again
by Kate doesn't rate:
Amateur Website Hallmarks to Avoid
Hit Counters
Not only are hit counters a visual blight on a web page, but they do not provide any meaningful data. For a single web page that has five images and a style sheet, the hit counter will record at least seven hits. They do not provide information on how many visitors have come to the site or which pages they've viewed. Plus, hit counter numbers are easily manipulated (in other words, inflated). Finally, a serious business protects its web traffic information as valuable strategic data and does not put it up for public (or its competitors') view.
"Under Construction" or "Coming Soon" Web Pages
If you haven't built it, don't show it. Don't waste your customers' time by having them click to pages that have no information. Will they check back later? Probably not—you've just annoyed them. A skilled web designer can develop new sections on a "staging" site, and then make the sections live when they are complete. The only "coming soon" notice on your site should be product announcements designed to heighten interest.
I removed link trying to get this to post.
In other words, Kate's website is amateur-ish, manipulated and just plain MEDIOCRE!
Here's the link to above comment:
Here's a couple articles the visiting Sheeple may want to read:
This story is about a 28 year old mother diagnosed with stage 3 cancer. Five months after she was diagnosed, her 15 month old daughter was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.
Poverty rates for children in America are highest they've been in 18 years. Last year, 46.2 million Americans lived below the poverty line — $22,314 a year for a family of four — marking the fourth year in a row that poverty has increased.
Sheeple, there are people in our country in far worse shape than your beloved Kate Gosselin who are far more deserving and needing of your financial gifts than Kate Gosselin.
Administrator said...
I also have to completely agree that a site counter is "amateur-y". Like those free web sites that you could set up in the days before facebook with things like geocities.
That's exactly what one article said that I came across when I was looking for info on hit counters.
I believe Kate tweeted a few days ago: "New content added daily." So how much content has been added since the website was unveiled?
I would be so embarrassed, especially at the massive criticism, but if it had been me and I'd made such a big blunder with a crappy website, and if I were truly a type A personality who likes to be working hard 23 1/2 hours a day, I would definitely be staying up all night to get content on the website, since the designer obviously isn't going to do it, to attempt to save face. I'd be posting recipes, pictures, emails from sheeple, etc.... Wouldn't you??? If you were Kate, that is...
I just don't understand in this day and age how such a half-assed website was made public. IT'S NOT THAT HARD!!!!
AuntieAnn said...
Gee, if the rest of us can do it, pity, how will she ever get by in this world? I have no sympathy. Not one bit.
Lake Up North - You're talking from a normal person's point of view. From Kate's POV there is no 'rest of the world'. Too bad she doesn't get it that her narcissism is her downfall. That remark about mediocrity and Jon's satisfaction with a regular job hit a lot of people below the belt. I have no sympathy for her either.
True but I can't see another way of thinking, well I can but I just it's mind boggling to me at the least. I guess if you're narcissistic yeah you only think with a one mind track, "It's all about me, you need to talk about me, why isn't it about me?" Sorry but until Kate can learn to walk on water she's not all that great and I'm not going to give her credit for slicing bread.
Kate has a history of abandoning her websites.
She tried a couple before that never took off.
More work than she ever realizes, I guess.
One of her topics is hilarious ... about "fashions." I need fashion advice from the worst dresser since, since, ummm, since, ... ummm, don't know.
Anyway,she dresses like a tramp.
hey jude said... Dwindle,
Hi, hon I've missed you. ITA with not joking about being bi- polar,it's devastating and Kate certainly does not have it.I would bet my bottom teeth on that.
Kate is hard to figure out, even with my humble experience, but I can't get over all the psychiatric umbrellas her behavior falls under, with all her personality traits. She is one for the record books!
Btw, you have nothing to apologize for.I heart you, as Kate would say!
eyeball squiggle point TOO! (LOL)
Re this webpage of hers: this is nothing and will 'dwindle' away in short order. SHE isnt running it, Steve is. This thing is to serve 2 purposes: One - to back her off twitter which she now finds an annoying waste of her energy since it failed to save her show; and Two - a way to continue to shove her children, her pityparty and her boobies out into the public to keep up the outrage, the adoration, and more outrage. This. Is. All. She. Has.
PS I dont think she is desperate for money, she is desperate for attention. And since she absolutely KNOWS she has not one single thing to offer anyone, she begs. She expects a media job simply because she could convince someone to feel sorry for her kids.
I am as confused as the rest of you as to what she needs an assistant for. Because she has paperwork and schedules? That doesnt even make sense. What pieces of paper are being juggled? She needs help with her childrens' school permission slips and teacher conferences? Is she really THAT incapable? And she needs to be freed up for what? "It would free me up". To do what? Maybe spend more time in her room reading about herself on the internet - THAT is really the only thing that interests her, that and her primping rituals.
New post, more educated-ish people speaking out.
The only person they could find to say this was good for the kids was some nanny who last saw the kids in 2007. Sure it probably was all fine and dandy FIVE YEARS AGO, fool! Good grief. Couldn't she at least qualify it by saying well when I saw them five years ago it looked okay to me but I can't really speak about what the circumstances are now as I last saw them FIVE YEARS AGO AND THEY'VE HAD FIVE MORE LONG YEARS OF EXPLOITING THE CRAP OUT OF THEM SINCE I LAST SAW THEM.
What an idiot nanny who gives nannies a bad name.
@ Pink Jacket
LOVED it! Just loved it. Thank you so much, you're an angel. Shakrum sister.
I wonder what Kate does with the gifts her tweeties send to her? Unless it's cash or a gift card, does she throw the things away, re-gift them, or put everything into one bin for a future garage sale? You know she doesn't want mediocre things from mediocre fans who spent their money from mediocre jobs to buy gifts for her that she would never use or never want.
I went to see the website. Is one of the pics that is in the slideshow on the main page a pic of Kate & the twins at the Grand Canyon? Maybe they got to see it after all.
I have The Beatles Trivial Pursuit game, & my husband & I played my parents one night. My mom & dad were all "We are so gonna win". My husband is all like "Um, you DO know Jenna is the Queen of The Beatles right?" I have a shrine to The Beatles & John Lennon in my living room. So we played & I got every single answer right. They were pissed because it was their generation.
I told them it was because of THEM I knew so much. They raised me on their music. I thank them for that.
~Hippie Chick~
Teresa said...
@ Pink Jacket
LOVED it! Just loved it. Thank you so much, you're an angel. Shakrum sister.
You are welcome, Teresa :o)
Many blessings to you dear, and to all on this blog.
Om, Shanti, Shanti, Shanti
So, Steve is running the Queen of Mediocre's web-site? That's why she needs an assistant, it's cutting into his purse carrying and boob advising time!
Anderson Cooper had some of the Real Housewives of L.A. on and they said Jiggy , the little dog had 1000's of followers on twitter .Way more than Kate has anyway, ha ha.....
So, that's what happens when we talk about the Beatles in the middle of the night! I am from outside Regina, fellow Canucks- no wonder we connected!
Hippie Chick, Paul is the cutest Beatle, BTW!
For Farmer's Wife fans, here is the youngest child Whitney all grown up (and gorgeous!) with her niece Ivy, Audrey's first child.
I think Ivy is the spitting image of grandma Juanita!
Oh brother. Fire and brimstone mumbo jumbo.
I'm convinced the next PR step the family is in the middle of is slowly distancing themselves from Josh, at every turn trying to parse him out, separate him out as the black sheep. Hardly the Christian way, to be there for the one who is lost. They follow the Christian way when it suits them. When it doesn't, they leave it in the dust, even their own son.
This Seawald guy actually says Josh isn't really a Christian, he's a "pretender." Of course we all say that but this is his own family. Harsh.
"It distresses me to say that Josh Duggar’s greatest sin is a byproduct of the sum total of his secretly sinful lifestyle. That is, that by his hypocrisy, he blasphemed the name of God. He claimed to be a Christian, but by his deeds he has suggested otherwise."
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