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Knox in 2006, a year before the murder of her roommate |
"Amanda Knox is free," an Italian court said today. Knox and her family are in Rome and are expected to fly home to Seattle within hours.
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Knox today after she was freed |
Family members say Knox is not even aware of the full extent of the media coverage and they want to protect her from it. How will this young woman adjust not only to life back in the United States, but the barrage of media that is not likely to go away anytime soon?
303 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 303 of 303 Newer› Newest»# @MiloandJack did u not read my blog-pick up from afterschool activities? Where do these dummies get their info??? So dumb 4 minutes ago
I can't find what this is in response to. Is she yelling at her fans again?
For anybody wanting to follow this crap, I think the easiest way to see what she's responding to is here:
Just refresh your page every so often, because it doesn't refresh automatically.
@Kateplusmy8 r u broke? m.thehollywoodgossip.com/2011/09/kate-g…
15 minutes ago
in reply to ↑
Kate Gosselin:
@keepermom72 response2article:nvr had 2bsitters-died laughing@their 'salary',sch tuition$-noteven close.hav nvr pd $ 4 Elysasuzanne clothing
48 seconds ago via Twitterrific
The unemployed mom shells out approximately $500,000 a year for two housekeepers, a pair of nannies, an assistant and bodyguard Steve Neild. He might be willing to work for "other compensation," but the rest of them? Doubtful.
Oh, and the cost of private school for the eight kids? Another $500,000.
That’s in addition to Kate’s recreational spending, too, which ain't cheap. On August 12, just before TLC pulled the plug, she enjoyed a lavish, private shopping spree at Posh ElysaSuzanne Couture in Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.
What about the two housekeepers and the assistant, Kate? I know you won't give up your security blanket...er, bodyguard Steve.
That salary you "died laughing" about was for all your personnel, not just the nannies.
Wow, she just slandered her brother and his wife:
Prettybowes Amber Bowes
@Kateplusmy8 i keep seeing the videos abt ur bro n wife...did they ever get paid for appearances? I hope not cuz wow they r mean n tell lies
8 minutes ago
in reply to @Prettybowes ↑
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@Prettybowes oh yeah! And sold and bought a big house and went on vacation too... Blood money... Sick.
2 minutes ago
@Prettybowes oh yeah! And sold and bought a big house and went on vacation too... Blood money... Sick.
She said she doesn't even talk to Jodi and Kevin. How in the world does she know they got paid, or they used it to buy a new house or went on vacation? I've never heard Jodi and Kevin bought a new house, I thought they were in the same neighborhood. Plus, Murt said he didn't pay them.
As far as blood money, what's the difference between working your kids to death and speaking out about working kids to death? Why isn't what Kate does blood money?
And also, I would call this whistleblowers, not blood money.
@KS239 never. Always comped. Wouldn't dream of spending that kind of $ on hair!!??!
If so many things are comped, unless she's blown her income, she has it stashed away somewhere!
Someone should ask her if she reports these freebies to the IRS!
I think she has been into the grape tonight.
She libeled her brother? Is she drunk tonight...or is this the "real" nasty Kate at play here?
Can someone please verify they are in the same house?
This is big time libel. Kate is out of control.
Also, she died laughing? She should be spending at least that on all the people we have seen coming through that house. Of course she probably thinks she's Kate and can pay people four bucks an hour because she's Kate.
I hope she keeps this up, and that Jon and others are paying close attention tonight!
Administrator said...
# @MiloandJack did u not read my blog-pick up from afterschool activities? Where do these dummies get their info??? So dumb 4 minutes ago
I can't find what this is in response to. Is she yelling at her fans again?
Admin, it didn't show up on Twitter what tweet she was replying to, but it did show up on http://twitiq.com/Kateplusmy8:
MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 Recent rumor that U won't allow kids 2 have contact w/other childrenthat they R not allowed 2 have extra-curricular activities?
9 mins ago
@MiloandJack did u not read my blog-pick up from afterschool activities? Where do these dummies get their info??? So dumb
8 mins ago
Exactly, if everything is comped and she doesn't spend anywhere near what people claim, then where is all her money????
What did you do with your children's money Kate????? WHERE IS IT?!
@Kateplusmy8 you once spent more than $7,000 on a haircut?
14 minutes ago
in reply to ↑
Kate Gosselin:
@KS239 never. Always comped. Wouldn't dream of spending that kind of $ on hair!!??!
6 minutes ago via Twitterrific
I could have sworn she tweeted recently that she did pay "almost nothing" for her hair stylist, that it wasn't comped by the salon.
Was it after her latest NY salon visit?
Thanks Nobody:
MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 Recent rumor that U won't allow kids 2 have contact w/other childrenthat they R not allowed 2 have extra-curricular activities?
9 mins ago
@MiloandJack did u not read my blog-pick up from afterschool activities? Where do these dummies get their info??? So dumb
8 mins ago
Did it occur to Kate that not everyone believes the nonsensical crap she spouted on her blog today? Did it occur to her that just because she SAYS it does not make it so?
Administrator said...
As far as blood money, what's the difference between working your kids to death and speaking out about working kids to death? Why isn't what Kate does blood money?
It's different because it's not Kate doing it. Kate is fine and dandy making money off her kids for herself but not to let anyone else do it.
And so what if her brother/sister-in-law bought a bigger house--that's what Kate did, buy a bigger house. So what if they went on vacation--that's what Kate has done their entire lives! Gone here and there. And she's talking blood money? HA!
So what if Kevin and Jodi bought a larger home and went on vacation. Kevin works a real job and earns a good salary. This is what people do. Kate is so egotistical---she makes everything about her---thinking they could only do those things because they made money off of kate (delusional) is ridiculous.
Kate is accusing them of doing exactly what she has done. Only she did it 100 times over.
I get it, it's okay to exploit children as long as it's your own children.
I still don't believe they bought a new house, there was documents all over the internet about them refinancing their mortgage which half of America has done for cripe sake due to low interest rates.
Right, exactly, Tate. People who work save money and go on vacations. What makes her think they got paid and went on vacation with it and not that they felt after all this drama they should spend their own money to relax a little?
Almost everyone else in the world except Kate goes on vacations on their own dime, I get that this might be a foreign concept to her but try to comprehend it.
I haven't seen Jodi and Kevin in a year. The last time I saw them was at Murt's hearing in Horsham, PA, when Kate said on national TV that they were "galavanting" to NYC, getting paid and spending time there vs. with their kids.
None of which was true.
Something royally pissed Kate off because it's all happening tonight! She's being a real shit-stirrer and those kids who she claims to love will be hurt by these continued, unrelenting outbursts of vileness.
I think Steve has told her to "put a sock in it".
Regarding comped hair...
@Kateplusmy8 truly scared of no income but still go 2 celeb hair stylist? Something is lined up 4 u huh? Hoping praying ! Love :-)
7 hours ago
Kate Gosselin:
@KS239 ha ha- no. They are kind enough to charge me all but nothing at the salon! Love them! Xoxo
9 minutes ago via Twitterrific
15 September 2011 11:17 AM
@Kateplusmy8 well that's bullcrap! I want to get my hair done for free too! Can't you take me with you next time, PLEASE!
14 minutes ago
Kate Gosselin:
@KimberleyD23 I didn't say free...
2 minutes ago via Twitterrific
15 September 2011 11:45 AM
Credit to preesi's site for the tweets.
Kate herself downplays this idea that you can make a lot of money giving interviews and so on. And she's actually right, unless you're Brad Pitt and it's your baby's photo, tabs don't have the kind of money to pay millions of dollars for every Tom Dick and Harry tell all.
Let's assume for argument's sake they made money off their one interview with Radar. Believe me Kate it wasn't that much. Not nearly enough to buy an entire new house and go on some posh vacation.
Besides, it was probably just back pay for all the times they watched your CHILDREN FOR FREE.
My daughter suprised me last year with tickets to the taping of the Martha Stewart Show. The show was about Cats and we ended up bringing our Cat to Chelsea in NYC for the show's taping. My daughter is pre-vet in college so this was right up her alley. We had a blast!
Anyway, I was shocked by Martha Stewart. I expected an arrogant, aloof woman who would shun the little people who came to see her show taping. She was the opposite of this. She stayed after taping to answer some questions. My daughter asked her what her favorite cookie was and she said Macaroons, dipped in chocolate and her daugher, Alexis' chocolate chip cookies. I know this does not have anything to do with Martha as a parent but the woman we saw was cordial. I was impressed ofhow good she looked for her age of 68 too.
This woman is just beyond horrible. I hope she never, ever gets another job on tv/radio/anywhere in the public eye. She needs to just disappear into oblivion and work a real job like real people do. No more free travel, bodyguards, everything free, etc. She is a hateful, vindictive, unappreciative shrew.
Really think about it logically. Jodi and Kevin and Kate are CLEARLY not on very good terms. Does anyone actually believe that Jodi and Kevin would go to Kate, say we were paid X amount for our interview, and we spent it on a new house and a vacation? Yeah right!
Kate is basing this on, if ANYTHING, RUMORS others told her about what they were paid and what they spent it on. She doesn't know worth a damn whether her brother got paid and what he spent his money on. She is spouting off whatever she feels like and could get herself in big time trouble with libel.
This stupid witch has just shown in a very effective way (again) that she has absolutely no filters. She sounds furious. And she sounds insane. Her own brother and the kids' dad! The one thing they have in common is that they left her, like everyone else. She obviously still doesn't see it is HER. She never thinks of the ramifications of these very public statements for her kids.
And TLC ship is sinking - she said after her last haircut that he charges her 'next to nothing' - but of course she doesn't factor in the cost of going back and forth to NYC to get it done.
God, she makes me sick. Excuse me.......God, please help this woman to gain some discernment and restraint. Please!
Not that I believe a drop of what Kate says, but I wonder if it was her manager approached by the Haterz people and she never told Kate? Hmm, would be interesting. Also, she said she wasn't asked ONCE, well that isn't a lie. According to the producer she was asked multiple times. ;)
As for her sudden clear up the rumors fest, is she hoping all the tabloids and tabloid tv shows will do stories on what she is saying? Did any major 'news' outlet even mention the latest abuse bus stop pics?
Regarding Kate's hair. I may have mis-read this, but I think the question was about the $7,000 hair extensions, not the regular cut/color. It may very well be that the extensions were comped, and follow-up visits are offered at a discount.
PJ's momma said...
This stupid witch has just shown in a very effective way (again) that she has absolutely no filters. She sounds furious. And she sounds insane. Her own brother and the kids' dad! The one thing they have in common is that they left her, like everyone else. She obviously still doesn't see it is HER. She never thinks of the ramifications of these very public statements for her kids.
That's the thing. Let's assume everything she says is true. She still looks crazy and batshit and obsessed.
People who are confident in themselves and the truth don't go around like a crazypants on rampages like this.
It's absolutely true that someone broke into my car once, but the appropriate thing to do was call the police and make a report, calmly and rationally. Running around like a crazypants that someone broke into my car and this is not right and balh blah just makes you look crazy. Even if you're RIGHT, someone broke into your car, your reaction suggests your mental instability.
By the way just back to Martha briefly, she may very well have mellowed and improved as she's gotten older and done jail time. Remember she raised Alexis decades ago in the prime of her career.
As far as Alexis, while a book maybe is not how I would choose to deal with Mommy issues, there is something to be said for children like her being allowed to do that.
Martha has based her life around sort of this idea of perfection. If she is actually imperfect and crazy in her real life, I think her child has every right to say so and I think it's important.
I think the Mommy Dearest book was groundbreaking in terms of children of the famous being sort of told all right it's okay to speak up about someone who is much loved and say wait a sec it wasn't what you think.
This stupid witch has just shown in a very effective way (again) that she has absolutely no filters. She sounds furious.
She sounds like she's drunk tweeting. I hope none of the kids wakes up to find her in this vile frame of mind.
Why is she saying that she doesn't take gifts. Does she think everyone is daft? The Ipad lady, the special package, the Target gift cards, the cereal, the Starbucks cardS. Another person sent her something said she hope she liked it and she did. Thanking someone for very considerate and kind. How is that going to make those people feel when she is denying the gifts they sent to her. Didn't Jon tweet that he says the kids more 4 days a month? She is enjoying her job?, but supposedly doesn't have one. Working on something, wink? wink? I feel for the kids - now she is on a twitter rampage.
That's the thing. Let's assume everything she says is true. She still looks crazy and batshit and obsessed.
Exactly, admin. The thing to do would be to just keep her mouth shut (as Jon does), but we know that she has never been able to do that. She's never learned to take the high road, and she can't address rumors without going "batshit" and sounding like a total fool.
Sheeple love it, because that's exactly what they would do...no class and no restraint.
So what does your hairdresser charge you Kate? I've heard "next to nothing" "hugely discounted" and comped.....we're always interested. Remember why Al Capone finally went to jail! Karma is a bitch and so is the IRS!
She really is on a tear tonight and is either in to the grape or the ambien. I just hope that she doesn't go in to the kids' rooms to check for wire hangers!
Kate cannot keep her mouth shut because is she did she would not feel relevant. She would not feel she is "connected," or otherwise important. Kate needs to feel important and special for whatever the reason. She needs to let everyone in America know that she had 8 kids, that her kids are difficult and that this one threw up because if she doesn't say anything she won't feel like a celebrity.
Yet she clearly expects everyone else from Jon on down to say absolutely nothing. Because the second they do it takes away from Kate feeling like she's the best, like she is actually this struggling single parent. BS.
She needs to control her kids because it makes her feel big and all powerful.
Her biggest fear is becoming irrelevant and mediocre just like the rest of us because then Kate won't be special. Kate won't need all this attention she's gotten and is used to and you want to know the truth? KATE IS SCARED! She's scared of the day when nobody has interest in her, when nobody will send her free anything and she'll actually have to do things for herself. She's scared because she planned to be married to be taken of, she planned to have kids so shew would be taken care of in old age.
That's all this hanging on with twitter and a website is. If Kate were to actually give it all up, I think she would pause and think, "Who am I now? What do I actually do now?" She's too afraid to face it.
Gawd, worst writer ever. That blog of a day in the life of mommy dearest was LOL bad. Eek out to the BBB, squallor, conduct, too many to list misused words in that "masterpiece." The constant ! and asides are disruptive as well. She needs to hire a ghostwriter stat.
Now she can't keep her lies straight in one night of tweeting. 3 different answers to the cost of maintaining that straw she calls hair, yet, no one asks the cost to travel to NYC to get the comped, discounted, whatever cuts and color. And don't forget to add in the speeding tickets into the travel cost, Katie.
Can someone please verify they are in the same house?
Ok this information is all from public records. It took me no time to find it, but I did poke around to make sure my numbers/information were correct.
I am NOT posting the addresses of the houses even though I found them in public records.
It appears that Kevin and Jodi have moved, however looking at the stats on the houses it seems like a pretty reasonable move to me and I am not going to speculate on where the money came from. As far as I know, Kevin (and perhaps Jodi) has a J-O-B, unlike Kate.
I know it's been debunked before that they were paid for interviews, though I couldn't readily find the thread that information was located on using the search.
Here is the house info:
Original house:
Value $240,000
3 bedroom
1 bath
1,1660 living space
New House:
Value: $331,000
3 bedroom
2 bath
4,700 base (I am a bit unclear if this sq. footage also includes the garage based on how it was listed. Notice it doesn't say LIVING like the first house)
Ranch style
This house was owned by Fannie Mae prior to Kevin and Jodi's purchase, so I am guessing it was a foreclosure.
I do know the amount of their loan for the second house, but like the address I feel that is a bit too much to put out here, even though it was on the public records. I will say that it's a reasonable amount for having sold a house and then buying a new one. It's a healthy portion of the sale value, in other words. It's not like they were getting $250k an interview and using it to pay off the house ;)
I also think that their house upgrade is reasonable. Kate's tweet kind of made it sound like they upgraded like she upgraded and it doesn't really look like that is the case. The new house is roughly $90k more expensive than the old house, is the same number of bedrooms and has 1 more bathroom. It has more square footage, but it's unclear how much of that is living space (clearly some of it is), but obviously if you are going to move, you are going to move to a bigger house or there is no reason to do so.
It looks like a move within means unlike the mine all mine McMansion.
Admim I can email you a pdf of the new house record if you want it to verify the mortage info I posted.
DannysSister said...
Gawd, worst writer ever. That blog of a day in the life of mommy dearest was LOL bad. Eek out to the BBB, squallor, conduct, too many to list misused words in that "masterpiece." The constant ! and asides are disruptive as well. She needs to hire a ghostwriter stat.
The writing on her blog is nothing like the writing on the TLC blog. The TLC blog was sickening sweet but there wasn't the continual misuse of words. Kate did NOT ever write that TLC blog.
Kate probably heard they are in a new house and immediately assumed they spent their blood money on it. I agree, it's a reasonable upgrade, just 90k, sheesh that's nothing these days. I can virtually promise her no one paid Jodi and Kevin $300,000 for their story. Plus, they have a mortgage! As usual, it doesn't add up to what Kate is saying. It's also a great time to buy a house and get a deal, if you're working hard and doing okay and have a big family of four kids, now's a great time.
I do not believe Kevin and Jodi told her they spent money on that, why would they? Therefore, she's speculating or relying on hearsay. She hasn't a clue how they obtained that house other than by Kevin's own hard work. She barely even talks to her family per her own admission, how the heck does she know what's going on in the family?
For cripe sake it's just a three bedroom house. All of the kids will still have to share rooms.
Eye roll, could Kate please move on from something that happened TWO YEARS AGO?
I wouldn't be surprised at all if she started this "let's clear up rumors" crap so that she would have fodder for her blog. One of the tabs on her blog is "Kate+Rumors".
And since she is no longer doing interviews, it also gives her another opportunity to bash Jon, Kevin and Jodi. It's as if she thinks that if she bashes them that it will keep her fans happy-since bashing them is what most of her fans spend the most time doing.
And of course to them, everything she says is the truth, the whole truth, and the only truth.
Marie said...
Her biggest fear is becoming irrelevant and mediocre just like the rest of us because then Kate won't be special. Kate won't need all this attention she's gotten and is used to and you want to know the truth? KATE IS SCARED!
I think you are right! It's like Shakespeare said "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."
All of this proclaiming about how much she has to do, how hard she has to work and how right she is (and how wrong everyone else is) seems to be nothing more than smoke and mirrors to hide the truth.
I'm guessing she has drank enough tonight to pass out blissfully. She should really get herself screened for depression.
I on the other hand am going to bed w/o any help - except for some wine I scored from dwindle ;)
Seriously, a snoring dog and husband are beckoning me! Night all.
You know all I can say at this point is it's a crying shame she won't go to therapy to deal with her serious family conflicts.
I'm willing to bet Jon and even Jodi and Kevin would be willing to do conjoint therapy with her if she would do it.
The thing is, friends come and go but your family will always be your family and how does estranging your entire family enrich your life? All it's done is seem to make Kate bitter and angry.
Gimme said...
I got teary-eyed on that one, too, when her knees buckled. I never did buy the Foxy Knoxy handle they gave her. She just didn't look the part. She looked more studious to me and she spoke fluent Italian that she perfected in jail. I am glad she got free.
Going back to this a bit, but if you watched her press conference, she was basically like, um, um, thank you so much for your support. Um, I can't believe this is happening. Um, thank you.
The point being, she is not this complicated girl. Of course she's intelligent and she was known to befriend prison doctors and priests before other inmates, but she's not this diabolical conniving plotting evil person. CNN had the woman on who wrote The Fatal Gift of Beauty and spent a lot of time with Amanda and she's like look what I took away from this girl is she is a simple, straightforward girl. When the police wanted help to solve a murder, she helped. When the police asked her a bunch of questions, she answered a bunch of questions. She doesn't speak in riddles or contradictions or constant lies. The author took away from it that all evidence that points to her innocence aside, this is someone simply not sophisticated enough to carry out some kind of complex murder like this.
Man, she really came undone tonight!
And not even a "GN" to her fawning fans.
I have to wonder if her head exploded!
Not all of us live in the eastern time zone, so yes, DWTS spoilers are not appreciated. It would be nice to start your post out with something like "DWTS spoiler alert" so we could skip it, or just to remind us it's time to stop reading blogs until after the show. :(
I agree with Zoe's suggestion, not being on the East Coast myself sometimes I get things spoiled for me here. It's okay, but a simple solution would be simply to say SPOILER ALERT at the top of your post.
Thanks ya'll.
I'm guessing she has drank enough tonight to pass out blissfully. She should really get herself screened for depression.
Something happened tonight, that's for sure. Maybe Steve walked in, saw what she was doing, and ended it as she passed out in the wine box. It's seldom she signs off without saying how exhausted she is, has to get up early, and can hardly keep her eyes open.
Everyone said that twittering is going to be the worst thing she could do because she can't control herself, can't keep track of her lies and just keeps digging that hole
Tonight was just one more confirmation of that prediction.
Speaking of Martha Stewart, the Gosselin family was once on her show. http://gosselinbeginnings.blogspot.com/
Two things. The life of a mommy thing she squawked out. The first thing I noticed was Kate was trying too hard and using too many descriptive words in each sentence. Got too phony and stupid to be believable. Way to flowery, turned me off. It sounded like she took that comment by one of her sheeps that she should be a writer too seriously. And the other thing, it pisses me off to no end that when she is asked what her perfect job would be she says she wants to teach people how to organize and get fit. Wow. How novel an idea. Her way must be so completely different than what the rest of the world already does. Does she really think there is a market for her to share boring shit like that. Lazy, lazy Kate. Has no talent so has to rely on her every day activities. Hell, I want a show now. How about I share with you all how I walk my dog after dinner every evening.....hmmmmmm, what else am I good at...how about this one... I am good at remembering people's birthdays. Ya. That would be great. Please. Can I have a show now. Please.
Kate doesn't rate said...
Man, she really came undone tonight!
And not even a "GN" to her fawning fans.
I have to wonder if her head exploded!
October 4, 2011 8:40 PM
I agree. I'm actually a little embarrassed for her for publicly acting like that. No class. No class at all. She is one eff'ed up individual, that's for sure.
My God woman! 90% of the country LOATHES you and it seems like you are shooting for 100%. She was definitely self medicating tonight with sumfin' and it got fugly.
Readerlady said...
Clearly Kate's blog can't be about today. Her tweet that the post was up was around 1 o'clock, based on the time notation above. If she normally picks the kids up in late afternoon, she couldn't have gotten the kids already, unless school let out early today, and she didn't mention that it did. I suspect that the blog refers to either yesterday or one day last week. Perhaps the day those yelling photos were taken.
Or maybe it's a collection of various days worth of activities or total fiction. One thing for sure, her blog times, places and activities simply doesn't add up.
Administrator said...
Hate the rif raf that goes w this line of work 5 minutes ago
Does she mean her annoying fans?
She either means the fans are riff raff or she's talking about the people she works with. Either way - what a fool she is.
Calling anyone rif raf, especially on your public celebrity twitter account, is classless at best.
Go ahead and think people are rif raf. Go ahead and tell your friends about your rif raf. But the sheer arrogance to go on your twitter as a celeb and start calling people that. I have never seen this kind of immature behavior for this length of time from anyone in the public eye.
Riffraff is a term for the common people or hoi polloi, but with negative connotations. The term is derived from Old French 'rif et raf' meaning 'one and all, every bit'[1]
In other words, when I used to joke that Kate wouldn't lower herself to row with the commoners, I was right on the money.
She sees anyone below her as riff raff. Commoners.
I kind of missed Brownie's cheerleading. I wonder what was more important than sucking up to Kate tonight? She's really been quiet.
Go ahead and think people are rif raf. Go ahead and tell your friends about your rif raf. But the sheer arrogance to go on your twitter as a celeb and start calling people that. I have never seen this kind of immature behavior for this length of time from anyone in the public eye.
I thought she was referring to all of this media "junk" and rumors as rif raf. Clearly, Kate isn't smart enough to know the meaning of the word, and just threw it out there, thinking that the word meant the all-encompassing mess she has to deal with - not necessarily people.
Not sticking up for her by any means - just trying to figure out how her mind works. Scary thought, huh?
So, Kevin and Jodi dared to move into a new house that has more than one bathroom for 6 people? Their kids are growing up, and probably need an extra bathroom just to get ready for school. What's her problem with that?
Kate with her 7 bathrooms for 9 people plus a specified tooth brush sink has no room to call foul.
Hmm. I couldnt get to sleep, popped on here at 1AM and I see that Katie Irene has had another temper tantrum. How long has it been since her last pity-tour? Apparently without cameras in her face, she can only go a short time without spewing bile and lashing out at her family.
Well, let's mark the date and see how long she can go now. I call about 3 weeks before she gets good and vicious again - any takers?
It amazes me how angry and explosive she is on a regular basis. Something is very very wrong, mentally, and she should not be responsible for daily care of children.
Anyone know what set her off THIS time? She chip a toenail or something?
Benny's not a baby anymore and probably was growing out of staying in his parents' room or a girl's room and needs his own space now. What is he, four now? Time flies. It's three bedrooms. One bedroom for Benny, one for the girls, one for the parents.
Four kids in a three bedroom house is tight anyway. Kate lives in a mansion on a "mine, all mine" property, all bought with money made from children. She should really talk.
She did have a mini breakdown tonight, I agree completely about her mental instability. She cannot hold herself back, she has such hate inside her. It's ironic people complain about people giving her a hard time, because it's really Kate who harbors the most hate of all.
I think she meant "riff raff" to be the negative attention too. She meant one thing, but said another. The fact is though, by misusing the term, she has opened herself up to commentary about it. If Kate wants to avoid being pummeled for her writing and misuse of words, she should reserve her writing to private notes, not the internet.
Ha, she admits she no longer has "friends."
The question:
silentcarnage1 @Kateplusmy8 Is life easier now that the reality show has reached a conclusion? If so why do you feel that way?
her answer:
@silentcarnage1 no. Doing the same stuff without the travel, friends and pay check. We are adjusting...
Oh, so sad ran off the last friend with the ending of them getting paid. And her fans think people that dislike her are jealous, right. And really most folks I know with school kids wouldn't be traveling during the school year anyways.
The first thing I noticed was Kate was trying too hard and using too many descriptive words in each sentence. Got too phony and stupid to be believable.
Yes. I can almost picture this day's schedule being recounted with Kate dancing on tiptoe with a fairy wand in her hand, waving it and blowing shiny bubbles as she high-voices her little story of her kid heaving up chunks on the bus.
Gee Kate, I can see travel and paycheck going away, but why in the world would real friends go away just because your reality show ended?
Or were they really what we have tried to tell you they were from the beginning, hard working paid help and paid crew who are there for a paycheck, not friendships, and would disappear just like that and onto the next production as soon as you flatlined?
If I had to make an uneducated guess, I would have to wonder what in the world happened to her at about 12 or 13 years old. Something horrible and vicious, at least in her child's-eye that still has not been dealt with. I say that age, because that seems to be the developmental stage she stopped at with her thought processess, her logic, her emotions, her verbal skills, her sense of self, etc. She is very childish.
(This past week with her indignation over an incorrect date on the bus stop tantrum photos, i was waiting for her to bellow out "OH Yeah? Well, Your mother wears army boots! So there!")
Something surely snapped in her and in her life at about that young age and she is getting worse. Could it be that the older her children get (and closer to that age) the angrier she becomes? At them?
Cathy..go on youtube and search for Martha Stewart bloopers. I was shocked to find out she actually has a great sense of humor. They made me laugh and I was surprised to see her act human.
BTW, kate's tweets are making me ill. She is reminding me why i dislike her soooo much. kate is the first "celeb" that I have ever disliked. I never really gave anyone on tv a passing thought but kate stood out in the wrong way. My sister used to watch the show. I watched the tummy tuck episode and 1st thing i thought was "grifting for a free boob job? what an ingrate"
(remember Dr. told her to get a GOOD BRA lol - she finally got one hehe)
Anyway..I was surprised by her behavior and watched some more episodes. Each one was worse than the last. She is just not a nice person and acts like she is better than everyone else. Something about her seemed fake so I googled her and BAM! all kind of stuff came up. Nothing in her story matched what I researched.
I'm by far not a "hater." I just consider myself flabbergasted that someone can BE so unlikable, mean, obnoxious, grift-ish, entitled, fake and on top of it all A PROVEN LIAR yet be rewarded for her behavior and considered a good christian mom just because she didn't reduce.
I couldn't believe the # of people so ready to buy into her lies. I never saw such a blind loyalty to someone so unworthy of it.
Young girls want her to be their mother..woman her age want to BE her. It's bizarre. If you bring any truth to light they scream and call you a hater. I never understood why people are sooo willing to write everything off a LIES just because kate says they are. She can never back up her stories and she talks in circles. Funny thing is kate is the biggest HATER of all. How many rumors has she started about Jon, Jodi and Kevin? How many lies has she told her fans about her behavior? People call her out because she is a liar. Plain and simple, not because they are jellus.
kate is never gracious (unless you have a tv show to offer her a chair on). she always is ready to toss someone under the bus. she hates "rumors" but has no issue starting them herself. she is the ultimate phony mean girl.
Dwindle, I've had that same thought. I am in no way suggesting I know anything about what did or didn't happen to her at a child, but she IS stunted at about age 13 and she does speak ill of her childhood and I do wonder what, if anything, happened to her.
The fact is, one possible explanation for her behavior (though not excuse) is some kind of childhood trauma or abuse.
fidosmommy said... Yes. I can almost picture this day's schedule being recounted with Kate dancing on tiptoe with a fairy wand in her hand, waving it and blowing shiny bubbles as she high-voices her little story of her kid heaving up chunks on the bus.
Well you are almost there, fido, but you have to think more like Katie.
" OH QUITE HONESTLY Yes. I can NEARLY almost picture this GLORIOUS day's ORGANIZED schedule being GLEEFULLY recounted with SUPERMOMMY Kate DELICATELY dancing on MANICURED tiptoe with a DIAMOND fairy wand in her SANITIZED, POLISHED hand, HAPPILY waving it and GRATEFULLY blowing shiny MULTI-COLORED bubbles as she ARTFULLY high-voices her ADORABLE little story of her PRECIOUS DARLING MINE ALL MINE kid VOKUSHOSLY heaving up EFFERDICIENT chunks on the SQUALLID AURULENT bus. "
(I made some of those up.)
Ah, Dwindle, you made them up brilliantly. I'll add the !!!!!!!!!! for you.
If Kate wants to avoid being pummeled for her writing and misuse of words, she should reserve her writing to private notes, not the internet.
She also digs her hole during interviews as well. Didn't she try to do damage control with what she "really" meant by the word "mediocre?"
Administrator said... Dwindle, I've had that same thought.
Whatever happened, or she thinks happened, she stopped coping at about that age.
Many on this blog have long said when all else fails she will 'write' a book about her horrible childhood and try the church circuit again for a new pity-and-cash tour. She might have a long wait if she is hoping to time it so no one can dispute her.
Whatever. I have little Christian sympathy for her in light of what she has done to her family and what she is currently doing to those children. That is a shortcoming of mine, I admit. All I can do is pray that she seeks treatment for her illness so she can stop hurting others.
fidosmommy said... Ah, Dwindle, you made them up brilliantly. I'll add the !!!!!!!!!! for you.
Oh thanks fido. I cant not never be as gooder a writer-downer as our Kate!!!!!!!!
random stuff from others posts.
Agree about kate having arrested development.
agree Amanda Knox comes across as simple with her words and mannerisms. She is no casey anthony and I am tired of her being compared to her.
dont think kate will be at all embarrassed in the am when she rereads her tweets. Why would she be? She has been spewing this crap for ages. Only difference is now she has no true media outlet for her lies. Radar is no longer making up stories about Jon so kate now has to do her own dirty work and she is pissed. Before rumors about Jon were discussed and kate could just play along and allude to them being true that Jon is a deadbeat cheater during her interviews. Well the umbrella of TLC is folding and there is no one listening anymore kate. She has no media banging on her door let her "set the record straight" and it is driving her BANANAS. She has resorted to doing tweet interviews. LAME. I wish someone would tell her she looks like a bad parent trashing Jon in a public forum for her kids to read. Poor Jon. Even if he has gone to the judge about this I bet nothing can really be done. This is something that can only be fixed by being a good person and kate is far to bitter to fall into that category.
RE: Alexis. I too like to read a good tell all such as Mommie Dearest but unfortunately Alexis rubs me the wrong way. She takes her mom's money but actually said on her show she was jealous that Jennifer's mom was dead. She mat be shooting for comedy but I like to think...If your mom is so awful stop taking her money and go make a name for yourself in this world.
That being said I will be the 1st in line if any Gosselin besides kate writes a tell all. Those kids deserve any penny they make from telling their story. I'm tired of kate telling their story, I'd rather hear it from them
kate's life hasn't changed except she doesn't travel get paid or have friends? ummm I guess that means you didn't have friends. You had paid associates and for pete's sake get over the traveling. Even IF you ever get a TV Show kate you wont be traveling all the time, you will be WORKING on the show and long hours at that. It's actually more than the 9-5 you claim to dread. BTW A show like TLC's was a one in a lifetime thing. Move on. You are not going to be paid the rest of your life to be followed with a camera while you collect freebies.
So much for being a "high road taker". Now kate's lies are in type saved in the cyberspace forever. Her tweets can be referred to at any time. She can no longer claim you didn't say this or that.
Twitter was a bad choice for a narcissist like kate.
Final thought.
For all of kate's organic diet and fitness expertise can anyone explain why she has aged 10 years in 4?
If you are basing Kate's mental and emotional problems on something that happened around 13, then I guess all her kids will act about 5 for the rest of their lives?
I don't think how Kate acts and what is wrong with her has anything to do with anything that happened at 12 or 13. She isn't at all stuck at a "mean girl" stage, she just is plain mean and narcissistic. From what I've read she's been a jerk, to put it nicely, most of if not all of her life.
And the way she lies, so ridiculously obvious, without caring for fact or anything easily proven, along with her temper tantrums and need for control reminds me more of a spoiled 4 year old than a 13 year old any day. Maybe she had a traumatic nap and snack period one afternoon, then wasn't picked first while playing duck-duck-goose ;)
I was thinking about how different Amanda Knox is from Casey Anthony.
Casey Anthony waited a month to call police, Amanda Knox called them the morning she got home.
Casey Anthony has an incredible amount of family dysfunction. Knox came from a close, supportive, cookie-cutter nuclear family.
Casey Anthony showed dozens of signs of narcissism and severe mental illness, Amanda Knox did not. In fact she was well-loved by other prisoners, learned several languages in prison and taught English to them, and even donated her legal team to the family of another American student killed in Cinque Terre in August, with little fanfare.
Casey Anthony threw her own dad under the bus with a bizarre sex abuse theory to try to get off, in the end Amanda's lawyers focused on debunking the evidence against her, not finding someone else to blame.
Casey Anthony had motive to kill, Amanda did not.
While they both partied and had boyfriends, Casey was not responsible and got pregnant, while Amanda was careful.
Casey Anthony was a high school dropout. Amanda was an excellent student at the University of Washington (great school) who was learning other languages and fascinated with the world and had studied abroad in Asia before she ever studied abroad in Italy.
Casey Anthony is diabolical and conniving and sneaky and cryptic. Amanda Knox presents as simple and straightforward without motive.
They're just so different. What would really be crazy is to see the innocent jailed and the guilty free as it used to me. At least the innocent is finally free.
I think kate lies because she gets rewarded for it. She learned pretty quicky that she can say anything..no matter how much it contradicts a previous statement the freebie will come. Everyone bought her "poor me I only wanted ONE MORE CHILD" and started with their donations and from there on out kate decided people were ther for her use and her use only.
Just my opinion but people should research more before they give their hard earned money away. The grifting at the churches is what makes me the angriest. They were on a tv show for crying out loud. Did churchgoers really think kate was stressing about "braces times 8" and not able to afford milk? What did these fans think when she moved into her new house a few months later?
What must her tax returns look like? I wonder what she actually claims on them.
Tamara, not all abused kids are stunted at the age they were abused. But some are. Kate's behavior presents as someone who was possibly abused as a child. There's a lot of literature out there about adults who were abused as kids and how it manifests. One way it can manifest is in the way Kate is acting--immature, angry, stunted, childlike, hateful, poor social skills, no friends, aggressive, impulsive, disregard for authority including traffic laws, control freak. She's practically textbook for an abused child.
There are other possible explanations for her behavior, but like it or not, abuse is one on the table.
First, I need to ask something. Since I'm a new poster, does that mean I'm actually one of yall? No wonder I'm always so confused!
With Kate going off the rails or falling off the wagon tonight, anyone think that maybe her last job hope got shot down today? I realize that Kate will keep pushing the "I wanna work in tv" line no matter what. But what if that "sure thing, cross your fingers and pray while the networks thinks about it" hammer came down today and she got told "no, Hell No, we won't be taking your calls anymore"? What if some exec spelled it out for her that her reputation proceeds her and she won't be working much from what he's heard and lose my number? What if payment for the booby guard has run out and he ran the hell out!?
It had to be something BIG for her to let the shell crack as much as it did tonight. Something big to make her lose control, if even only for a few hours. And if she was loosing control that badly, then Thank God for twitter....it kept her kids safe from her wrath.
Admin, I'm not saying there isn't more than a chance that Kate might have been abuses as a child, I'm saying that the idea that she has been stunted or arrested development at the age of 13 emotionally or mentally is a bit silly imo. And even if she were at all stunted, her behavior is more what I would expect at 4 not 14. Child abuse is thought to be one of the main causes of NPD, though there are of course others, and it may be more than one thing. If she was abused, she has sadly done something very common in continuing the cycle with her own children.
Don't even think of changing your name 10 times or 25 times or whatever it was.How would I ever find you when I need you? It's bad enough that I don't get a ride, bearswife,but I hate to name names.
You better not, it's taken me a week to find a browser to work! I am lying in my 5000 thread count sheets ,drinking tea on my very soft, pillowtop 5 ft. high sleighbed. Ahhhhh..GN.
I didn't catch all the tweets I guess. Would someone mind please explaining what now? What is it now that Kate is considered, "Drunk," and or, "Gone off the deepened about?"
dwindle, I call 1 week, depending on how many of our comments she reads.Kate is just so predictable, perhaps the twins are past the age that she is stunted at.
When have you ever seen her kiss and hug those kids? Never, watch her start talking about it; I like to give her ideas for her tweets. I wonder if she knows what a belly laugh is? She is one lately, so juvenile that blog of hers is, none of it is believable! Maybe Mady writes it?
Kate calling people riff raff is the same as her saying people like Jon who work regular jobs (you know, the rest of America) are mediocre. If she chooses to use Twitter for her platform then she's going to have to pay the price for using/misusing words.
Admin, you're so right about Kate having no class saying these things. Her tv career, or whatever she wants to call it is over, but she is throwing shi+ on top of whatever remnants of "reputation" she has left to insure that NO ONE in he!l will ever think of wanting to be associated with her again. What a fool she is.
@keepermom72 response2article:nvr had 2bsitters-died laughing@their 'salary',sch tuition$-noteven close.hav nvr pd $ 4 Elysasuzanne clothing
Airline tickets to Palm Beach plus lodging and meals = quite expensive clothing, imo.
Latest rumor that kids says they want to live with their daddy! because..U are mean! LOL I know U want to address that one!
@MiloandJack we all wish hewould tak them mor than 4d/mo but doesn't.they hav fun there but def love living w me/here. So happy here!
Tell us Kate, does "we all wish" really mean the kids and is she really saying that the kids wish they'd see their dad more which really means that they would like to live with him?
@SuperPattyPie everythingwritten w/o an interv fr me &/or as reported by 'inside sources'(which there r none-inside sources don't giv info)
She even denied quotes Radar Online used last week, but that she gave earlier to someone else. She must have forgotten all of the remote interviews she gave when the show was ending. HA! She lies too much to keep them all straight.
TheAustinMartin Austin Martin
@kateplusmy8 if you could decide what your next step in your career would be...what would it be!? Never say never. Remember all is possible!
@TheAustinMartin public speaking/talk show/helping moms get into shape/organize etc..
What imaginary world does she live in? No one would ever pay her to give advice when she's had NO training and flaunts the unhealthy lifestyle she lives.
Poor Kate (I snark) must have been all tuckered out last night. She didn't say goodnight to her tweeties and of course, she didn't answer any of the follow-up questions posed to her. Just another day in the life of Katie Irene Kreider Gosselin - dancing around the truth, trashing her family and the father of her children, talking about how hard she works, lying and making it all about I, I, I.
I didn't explain that hug and kiss very well in my last post.I meant that I have never seen Kate truly light up and feel happy and proud about something one of the kids has done; then snatch that child up smiling and laughing and spinning them around in a joyous hug.
Kate never is happy with any of them and I really think that she has never bonded with the tups, unlike she did with the twins. Sad for all parties involved, but it is up to the parent make each child feel like they 're the only child on earth and they're loved unconditionally.
Kate appears to show affection when the cameras are rolling only.I'm afraid for them now that there is no show and they have to deal with Kate's perennial bad mood......Poor kids, what is in their future,especially with their damaged psyches.
Wow! The laundry girl must have had the day off. Katie felt the need to hang her own dirty laundry out on Twitter last night. Who in their right mind does that? Who talks about their family and father of their children like that on a venue like Twitter? Where it will be for a large part of eternity ... Kate. Where your kids will read it.
She seriously needs a court mandated parenting class.
She just hateful. At least Jon maintains a relationship with Kevin and Jodi (he had them and their kids visit back when he was allowed at the house).
Remember, each day that goes by where she is not employed makes her less relevant to be hired in TV.
Just remember October 4. Sometimes we find out stuff happened much later and then we see the connection with her bad behavior.
It's been almost a month since her show ended. The main reason she'll never get her dream job on a talk show/helping moms/blah blah blah is she doesn't have that skill set. She can stomp around, insulting others and flinging her hands about on a show with her kids, but her skills at emceeing/interviewing and even being interviewed are HORRIBLE. She has none. She's awful. We've all seen how wooden and awkward she is at it. She had those chances and blew them. Besides, who would want to work with her? Obviously no one.
I mention that it's been nearly a month because the more time passes between the end of her show and having no other job, the more she's having to deal with reality, which she does NOT like. I think she's still in partial denial now, thinking any day now, producers and networks are just going to suddenly come calling. As we push further into fall, she'll have to let go of that idea a little more each day.
I always predicted by early 2012, she'd be forgotten by the public. Most people already have forgotten her. What a crushing blow for a narcissist.
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@MiloandJack we all wish hewould tak them mor than 4d/mo but doesn't.they hav fun there but def love living w me/here. So happy here!
9 hours ago
I believe she is in part responding to this article: http://www.hollybaby.com/2011/10/04/kate-gosselin-kate-plus-8-jon-gosselin-kids/
I would be willing to bet the farm that Jon would love nothing more than to have his kids more than 4 days a month. I would even go so far as to say he would love to have them all the time and Kate have visitation. He can't have them more than that because we all know she would never agree to it. When the show was still in production, she didn't think anything of taking them to film when Jon was supposed to have them. She would be thrilled if Jon never saw them again.
I hope Jon is paying attention to this and documenting all of it for future court dates.
Hoosier Girl said...
Wow! The laundry girl must have had the day off. Katie felt the need to hang her own dirty laundry out on Twitter last night.
Damn girl, you really hit the nail on the head!
Thanks for the true LOL and for getting the song 'Dirty Laundry' stuck in my head.
Excuse me while I go and hang my comforter on the line and fold a load - my "girl" needed the day off too!
Tamara said...Child abuse is thought to be one of the main causes of NPD, though there are of course others, and it may be more than one thing.
I've never heard that. Can you provide any more info or a link to any articles. Thanks.
In my Entertainment Weekly last week, they said that reality TV in waning & that most reality TV shows had low rating. The shows with the higher ratings were scripted. Modern Family, Raising Hope, The Big Bang Theory, etc all had great ratings & the stupid reality shows that usually catch attention were just not faring well with the new competition.
You all should watch "Up All Night" if you haven't. Christina Applegate, Will Arnett & Mia Rudolph. It is laugh out loud funny. Scripted TV is making a comeback & reality TV is taking a fall, finally. Looks like people are just sick & tired of watching "real" people's lives play out on the television. We all have our own shit to deal with.
Child abuse has been well-documented to cause all kinds of personality disorders including narcissism. What's interesting though is that extreme pampering has been shown to cause it too. Constantly building a child up as the biggest and best could cause it, treating them like a queen.
Kate complains about her childhood but wouldn't it by funny if actually her parents doted on her to an extreme as some parents of narcissists do? Oh what a rough, rough childhood.
WHY in the hell can't the kids eat a whole effing banana?!
Hippie Chick said...
In my Entertainment Weekly last week, they said that reality TV in waning & that most reality TV shows had low rating. The shows with the higher ratings were scripted. Modern Family, Raising Hope, The Big Bang Theory, etc all had great ratings & the stupid reality shows that usually catch attention were just not faring well with the new competition.
Yeah for scripts! Yeah for made up stories!
The good writing was always out there, the time slots were just clogged with families of multiples and big eating and million dollar prizes.
This is a huge relief to finally see this era of reality tv unable to keep up. It certainly bodes well for jobs out here.
Hippie, we have the same taste in TV shows! Let's hear it for intelligent writing and good acting. Wed. nights are primo now with Modern Family and Up All Night and Raising Hope (Cloris Leachman, OMG funny).
I am happy to say that most reality tv shows are off my radar. No more Housewives for me.
I watch a couple RTV competition shows, such as DWTS and Project Runway (mostly to hear the gems that come out of Michael Kor's mouth), but that's it.
I find more and more that I'm setting my dvr for certain shows and can just focus on the good stuff. Love recorders, love streaming and On Demand.
I truly think that Reality as a genre of TV will become less and less popular and the "flash in the pan" stars like Kate and Snooky will be passed over for real talent and substance.
If Jodi and Kevin made that kind of money doing 5, maybe 10 interviews - enough to buy a big house and go on posh vacations - Kate should be a billionaire by now because she has done tons more interviews and tv shows than they ever did. I know its a foreign concept to Kate - but maybe Jodi and Kevin actually worked a real job(s) for their money? You know, I think this exaggeration shows even more how self-centered Kate is. She thinks that she's so special and important that even her "haters" are gaining great fame, weath, and status just by mentioning her name..............in reality 99.9999 percent of this country don't even know or remember who Kevin and Jodi are in spite of their interviews.
She is becoming the epitome of bitterness and pettiness. I can't imagine an emotionally adjusted adult using twitter to air her family's dirty laundry to a bunch of strangers. Her fans aren't doing her any favors either - they're flocking around her like little 14 year olds around the popular girl at school just so they can be cool too - meanwhile ignoring her serious personality flaws. They're just enabling her to keep devolving.
Can you imagine Jennifer Aniston tweeting about how awful Brad and Angelina are to a bunch of strangers? Even though Aniston was the one who was "wronged", it would still reflect badly on her to complain to the world about it. And Kate isn't a victim of anyone but herself but she's still complaining about other people! She'll never be a good role model. You have to be gracious in the face of adversity to be truly respected and Kate doesn't have a gracious bone in her body. She doesn't realize that she would go farther in life if she spoke well about all the people who allegedly "abandoned" her - or not at all. For someone who was once so devoted to Jesus, she didn't learn anything from him.
I do feel sorry for her though. All she has left is anonymous people on twitter to confide in. She must be an incredibly lonely and deeply insecure woman. Only she can change herself however. The world is an imperfect and uncomfortable place and always will be. She needs to learn how to accept that and be happy with it in spite of it (beautiful things happen can when you stop trying to control everything). Truth is, if she didn't exploit her children I would even be a lot more sympathetic towards her. But she's bringing 8 lives down with her and has opened them up to a lifetime of scrutiny and visibility that they didn't choose. No one knows how being filmed and marketed will have an effect on them when they are adults even they seemed "ok" with it as kids. Its like she never even considered their emotional futures. That completely boggles my mind.
No twittering this morning ...
a) woke up late with a hangover
b) is actually ashamed of herself
c) rethinking drunk twittering
d) Shoka or the kids smothered her
e) dropped pink iphone in toilet while throwing up
LOL ... I really need to get to work!
And sorry about that song bearswife :)
Is "all but nothing" a regional expression? I've never heard it. I've heard of "next to nothing" and such, but never that one. What does it mean?
Kate said she pays "all but nothing" for her hair stylist's ongoing work.
To look at that as a non-PA person, I read it this way: I pay all of it. All minus none. All but nothing.
Ah, these regionalisms will get you every time.
I think she was going for "next to nothing" and "all but nothing" is the closest she could come up with. I keep saying ... she's not very intelligent ... and I really believe that.
For another example - read her new Shoka's Diary post. OMG. I think Shoka could do a better job on his own.
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