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Michelle Duggar (left) whips out a camera phone right after the accident |
The Duggars have gone too far, and need a serious, perhaps permanent, break from documenting every moment of their lives, including accidents and illness (they have also filmed their children going through chicken pox and wisdom teeth removal). Why was making sure this child's serious accident was captured on film the priority?
528 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 528 Newer› Newest»Look at Michelle Duggar filming away not even knowing if her child had broken his neck! This is OUTRAGEOUS. Good grief I don't think even Kate's thought to go this far. Congrats Michelle, you beat Kate on this one.
Truly unbelievable, the worst thing I've ever seen on this show.
What absolutely disturbs me is, where were the parents? Michelle has openly stated when her children are born they get a buddy, passed off to an older sibling. I'm sorry, if you are going to plan on having children, especially a lot of them I find it highly disturbing Michelle does not take her parenting-mothering duties seriously. No, she passes kids off to somebody else.
Where was she when this child fell 12 feet? And why in god's name would she FILM him? The least she could do was ask cameras to be turned off to assess and rescue her own son. But no it has to be thought as entertainment first, help later.
Just as a side note, I don't think it can be said enough how lucky this kid was. That Ranger fan who died a few months ago only fell eight more feet than he did.
Marie I totally agree. I think it was sick to film him even to begin with, but Michelle was filming her child before he was even out of the orchestra pit!! They hadn't even figured out how to get him out of there, they had no idea if he had broken his neck or was paralyzed or had some kind of horrible internal or head injury that might result in his death (think Natasha Richardson, no one was filming her) and there's Michelle, filming away like it's a birthday party.
Sick, sick, sick.
TLC and the Duggars cross the line....again. There are no boundaries on "reality" tv. Cameras in the intensive care unit while your newborn is fighting for her life? Cameras on before you even know the extent of your child's injuries? If the outcome in these scenarios had gone horribly wrong, would that have been filmed and broadcast also? These parents' thoughts aren't first and foremost on their children. Their show comes first. The children should not have their pain (physical or emotional) recorded to entertain the masses. They will never be allowed to forget these horrible moments which have been filmed and will be replayed for years to come. Behind the Duggars' smiles and "sweetness" lies a serious lack of good judgement. TLC, as usual, is exploiting this family and will continue to do so, irregardless of the impact on the family.
AMD, we've sort of discussed before the Duggars have sort of slithered by because they are nice and sweet and smiley.
It's easier to be angry at someone who is also a nasty person, like Kate. I think the Duggars are nice, genuine people who are making serious mistakes about their kids privacy. They are good people lured by money and fame, or as they would call it I'm sure, the devil. But enough is enough. They are doing the exact same things Kate did and in some cases even WORSE (who knew?) and those all-American smiles and collared shirts aren't going to cut it anymore. They are exploiting their kids, period. Enough is enough, period.
Well, I don't think the Duggars can sink any lower. I really don't here.
The fact that this boy fell at all states nobody was watching him and I find it lacking in parenting and responsibility I don't care how old this kid is. Accidents happen.
This poor boy has to have TLC cameras, mikes and boom mixed in his face, in addition to his mother and most of his siblings filming this on their own cell phones. Can they no see why this is wrong?!
Every bit of backlash they are going to get is going to be well deserved. But my guess is they will only state, "In our beliefs we believe God protected him, God let this happen for a reason to strengthen us as a family, blah, blah, blah."
That's great if you're religious but don't use it to hide behind immoral and corruptible means.
I'm not so sure it was a supervision problem, in this case, but I don't doubt that there's no way you can supervise ALL the kids properly there's just too many. This was an 11 year old not a three year old (although he looks a lot younger for some reason in the video, but he was born in 2000). His older sister was with him and it looks like she was pretty close by to him (close enough to hear his screams when he fell). He was just playing hide and go seek with a cousin I think. I can't tell you how many times at church people sort of let their kids run around church while they wrap up a meeting or finish up choir practice or whatever. I don't see that as a problem especially for an 11 year old.
This really begs the question whether this orchestra pit was properly secured to prevent accidents like this, but that's another issue. Or was he being reckless. The way they described it, it was an unexpected opening such that they had a hard time even getting to him. Who knows.
Anyway, it was a freak accident in my opinion, and not the result of negligence by the family. But it never should have been filmed.
Oh and of course they filmed his stitches being removed later too.
Who really watches an 11 year old though every single second?? You would drive him crazy.
It's not like it was the Grand Canyon and he was going to fall off a cliff, it's a church who would ever think he could get himself into a deadly accident there?
Believe me I think these kids are not being properly supervised, but in this case, he was close by in a church that by all accounts seemed perfectly safe. I don't think parents can be blamed for freak accidents they couldn't possibly foresee.
Reminds me of when Eric Clapton's poor son fell out a window. A janitor was cleaning in there and by the time he told the child's nanny he had taken out the glass and to be careful, Conor Clapton had sailed out the window. It had nothing to do with adequate supervision and everything to do with a janitor taking out glass in a room with small children.
Have the Duggars done the Disney thing? That would be an expensive trip!
jude: calling Disneyland/world 'over rated' is a little premature if you haven't even been there. I think the Disney people must spray invisible LSD into the air because of the 4 times I've been lucky enough to visit, I had an incredibly great time. Worth every cent.
Okay, I'm sorry. I didn't mean he has to be watched every single second. If anything he should be old enough to know when an area is same or not. I haven't watch the episode, don't plan to either. But all his running around playing that game I think awareness was not used.
I mean to let kids run around like that, church or not is not always a good idea. I've seen kids in church I go to like to run up and down this ramp inside after church, you think it's safe but the kid fell down and chipped some teeth that was all luckily.
But I am saying it is negligent of his parents to wish to film it instead of giving him the proper amount of privacy and respect.
Administrator said...
we've sort of discussed before the Duggars have sort of slithered by because they are nice and sweet and smiley.
ding ding ding! We have a winner! I know that I have been guilty of giving them a free pass - but no more. This has really opened my eyes.
Marie, to carry over from the previous thread, you were clear in what you said. What wasn't clear was my eyesight. I thought you said pole-dancer, not pole-vaulter!
Sorry, it just made me laugh. Guess I didn't make myself clear. LOL
@bearswife: Pole-dancer? Oh...that's funny! LOL. I'm not affended I'm greatly amused really. It's fine.
This family has and continues to lay on their religious beliefs that is perhaps why they have skated in the past as well with other things.
Imagine if Strawberry Shortcake stole your purse. I mean it would be kind of hard to get mad at her. I mean she's so cute.
Strawberry Shortcake keeps stealing my purse, and now it's not cute anymore.
That's the Duggars.
Oh just in case you missed the 80's, this is Strawberry Shortcake:
You know, my daughter has been hurt enough for us to call 911 and I was worried sick sitting with her, keeping her calm, assessing her injuries and it would NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS OCCUR TO ME TO WHIP OUT A CAMERA.
What the hell kinda thought process even precedes this???
Gross. And I agree, the Duggars have always been let off the hook because they "seem so nice," but exploitation is exploitation and an invasion of privacy is an invasion of privacy, no matter how clean-cut and smiley and baby-voiced the adults are doing it.
Cuteness tends to wear off that's the problem. Seems like the Duggars and Kate both have forgotten that. And when something isn't cute anymore it's either annoying or really pushing it.
If I had a terrible accident and my mother shoved a camera in my face to film it, to make money, I wonder if I could ever get over the betrayal. The Duggar parents are despicable. There is no excuse in the world for this. If your mothering instincts don't take over in a situation like this, they never will. Those kids are sold, to the highest bidder.
I think michelle and kate would be perfect nursing home roomies. They can spend their days telling each other, "I did EVERYTHING for my children, and look how they ignore me after ALL I've done for them!"
I agree with those who say the children should "make memories" by recording kate's private moments when she's in a nursing home, getting her diapers changed by aides, being washed in a shower room, and drooling non-organic food on herself. Oh! Let's not forget a show of her getting a $10 haircut!
Wow. I am SO sick of this woman and her selfish behavior, I think that this is the only way I would ever watch a show with kate - if she is treated the way that she treated Jon, her children, and, well, everyone else she ever encountered.
Now, after prrofing this post, I think that such a scenario MIGHT make me feel a teeny weeny bit sorry for her.
Her 5 sheeple will complain, but she has dementia! She can't consent to having embarrassing moments filmed!
40 yrs. from now they still won't get it (sigh).
Yep Admin, know all about strawberry shortcake, I made a Strawberry shortcake birthday cake not to long ago! And I'm from the 90s. But this month is a horse cake and next month is a Yoshi cake. I even did a Hello Kitty cake two months ago.
I've actually never liked the Duggars. I've long had issues with anyone selling their family's private life for public consumption and a paycheck, I don't care how nice they seem.
I used to read the Duggars Without Pity spinoff blog and there used to be a ton of Duggar apologists, but even a year or more ago, many of them were saying they felt the Duggars had changed.
And Michelle Duggar is charming. She makes cute jokes. She said something about how when her swimwear was creeping up her knees she wanted TLC to blur it out so they did, lol. She was funny about it in a self deprecating way and it worked. That doesn't help when you're trying to get mad at her for exploiting the crap out of her kids.
I'm not falling for it anymore.
Could Michelle be like those women who have babies and love them but as soon as the kids get old enough she seems to pass them off to someone else. Then she immediately has another baby or at least very quickly so she'll have another baby to love on?
Or as one of my friends said, the reason he had kids was, "free slave labor."
I only watched 2 or 3 of the early Duggar specials, and michelle has ALWAYS creeped me out, with that syrupy voice and Stepford mindset.
Before I even knew who kate gosselin is, I thought Michelle was a sucky mother for popping out babies, then
making the older girls raise them...
and for keeping the children isolated from the rest of the world on their compound...
and for pretending to be thrifty, but raking in big bucks from TLC...
and for using God as the reason why they have so many children (I mean that in the sense that I think both wanted the attention that comes with a large family; the decision to have so many children wasn't 100% for religious reasons)...
are michelle and kate twins who were separated at birth??
Anonymous this time (heck yeah, I'm chicken - some posters can be downright scary in their 'disagreeance')
Something to consider here --- the hole he fell into was pitch black. The Duggers were using their cell phones for light.
I am absolutely convinced that Michelle Dugger or the rest of the family would NOT be filming with their cell phones unless they were sure he could move all extremities (no broken back or neck).
And the one thing I took from seeing this episode was just how CALM and loving everyone was. All I could think of was that gosselin mom would have been ignoring the kid or screaming/flapping her hands.
I took something completely different from this episode than others here, I guess.
I still like the Duggers - not only are they 'nice', they have class and dignity, which the Gosselin woman will never have.
I am also convinced that if the outcome had been worse, the Duggers would never have allowed it to air. And yes, I do believe they would have the right to say no and TLC would have been forced to not air it.
Sorry guys, I'm just not on the negative train with this one. I know everyone will be against me on this - please just don't be rude when disagreeing. Thanks.
Jim Bob always gets forgotten, but I save half of my disdain for him. In their beliefs, the man is boss always, so even though Michelle is an easy target because she has all the babies, he's as much to blame for all their decisions.
Anonymous I'm not disagreeing and you have every right to your opinion or views so I do not mean to question that at all.
My only question is...if it's a 12ft fall, I kind of doubt a cellphone light would shine that length and for an extended perior of time. I've used my cell phone to find my way around in the dark and the light sucks.
Anonymous this time, the problem with your theory is that they already had plenty of light down there due to the regular big TLC cameras that were filming them filming the boy with their phones.
They weren't needed for light. He was being videotaped. Even Jim Bob said so. And you can see Michelle doing it right there. The reason you can see her is the light on the TLC TV camera.
Not being rude, just pointing out that is not why they have their camera phones out!
Michelle Duggar, chirpy voice:: "...and so, needless to say, everyone was getting this on their cameras!"
And notice when he's first being wheeled into the hospital. A guy I can't identify in a white shirt is kind of jogging along (left side of screen) filming the kid on the stretcher with his phone.
Then of course, the TLC cameras were in the emergency room while the boy was being treated.
Absolutely inexcusable.
Thank you for your respectful response!
What I meant was that the first ones down there to help him had no light so they all probably whipped out their cell phones for light, even if it was inadequate. EMTs ususally carry flashlights but the girls were not dressed in their uniforms because they were performing.
Obviously some of the shots the light was from the cameras.
And think about this - in an area with no light, and a setting where there were TLC cameras and 'stage lights' (I don't know what they are called, sorry... boom lights?) I'm sure one of the girls who is first responder asked for the lights to be shined down so they could evaluate him.
In emergencies like this, first responders, EMTs, paramedics are trained to take advantage of what they can - personally, I think it was good there were camera lights there to light up the understage pitch black area. It made it easier for the older girls, Jill, Jinger? (the EMTs) to take care of the boy.
If TLC wasn't there to share their lights, the kid and EMTS would have been working ONLY with cell phone lights.
What I didn't see was any shots of the boy crying histerically or any surgical procedures being done while on camera (shots/stitches) and I think that was most respectful of the parents to prevent those shots of him.
Again, I know I will be the lone voice here. And I really do respect everyone's right to have a differing opinion.
Why would a hospital allow camera's in an emergency room setting? I mean even when you wait in a regular dr office they post signs telling you turn turn off all electronic devices. Is this special treatment for them?
I apologize if this has been posted already, but Taylor Swift partnered with Scholastic to donate 6,000 books to the Reading, PA library.
If only kate would give back to the community that supported her.
READING, Pa. (AP) — Taylor Swift wants children in the Pennsylvania city of Reading (REHD'-ing) to hit the books — and she's made that easier by giving 6,000 volumes to the local library.
Librarians unveiled the donation from the Grammy-winning country singer Thursday. Swift grew up in nearby Wyomissing (wy-oh-MIHS'-ing) and wasn't able to attend the event.
Swift partnered with publisher Scholastic Inc. to donate the books for children and young adults. The titles were chosen by local librarians.
Reading is a struggling city about 50 miles northwest of Philadelphia. Swift's representatives told library officials she wanted to help economically troubled libraries.
Librarians say Swift's books will be marked with a white star on the spine and a sticker inside. They say they hope Swift's popularity will motivate more children and teens to read.
I have only ever watched one episode of their show. They were way too Stepford-phoney for me. Frightening people, really, to me.
I did watch this clip, but I muted it after a few seconds. I forgot how gross the mother's fake baby-voice is to me. But there she is, there they all are, with their $200 SmartPhones, filming this child. The mother, at his broken and battered side, with a phone shining in his face to film this. And there is dad, hairspray helmut in place, chasing after the gurney, filming.
"Hey, one of the kids fell and is screaming and there's blood! Cha-Ching! Who's got a full battery?"
I am going to stay out of this discussion. These people frighten me and I get aggrevated that so many think they are so charming. They are deliberatly breeding the next Timothy McVeighs and Grand Wizards and TCL is funding it all. Maybe some will start to question their purity after this clip, but I doubt it.
I apologize to all I have offended with my strong opinion on this.
I didn't see the whole episode. I'm sure it was longer than this clip, though. Was more shown? While he was being treated?
Doesn't matter to me, I wouldn't even think of filming my kid or allowing them to be filmed in an emergency situation. It's one thing to use the flashlight function on your phone for more light, it's quite another to turn on the camera and start taping, Michelle even says they all were.
Dallas Lady said... Michelle Duggar, chirpy voice:: "...and so, needless to say, everyone was getting this on their cameras!"
Again, respectfully, I refer you to youtube.com.
Nowadays, EVERYONE gets EVERYTHING on their phone cameras.
It is becoming a societal norm. Not sure how I feel about that, but it's becoming a fact of life.
Dwindle, so that WAS Jim Bob filming alongside the gurney? I thought it was but wasn't sure.
Anonymous, I'm sorry, but the existence of YouTube is a seriously weak defense for this.
I think it speaks to their mindset, all of them, when they don't know if his neck is broken (Jim Bob said they didn't know!) and yet, everyone with a phone is FILMING this.
Why??? They don't need to upload it to YouTube, they've got big ol' TV cameras right there! His fall/injuries are gonna be an episode!
Excellent news about Taylor Swift! What a generous and well-thought gift she has given.
Notice she let the librarians, the experts, pick the books... tells me she wants to help but defers to librarians who really know what the kids need.
I like her!
"you can't cure stupid" (snark)
Kate just tweeted:
"@pennyT77 well if thats the question I long to just blend in in public. So much we cant do bc we don't.. Never have- even before show"
Yeah, suuure, Kate wants to blend in in public.
Does anyone know what this was in reference to?
"@abbiepullum oh yeah. Wouldn't be Christmas without it!"
I have lost a lot of respect for this family. The scared look on that child's face broke my heart. How could Michelle even THINK about filming at the moment?
Yes, Permanent Name, Taylor Swift didn't have to MASTERMIND the project! She made it about doing what's best for the children; imagine that.
Sorry, didn't mean youtube as a "defense", just a comment that everyone uses their cell phones for videos and photos all the time.
Did anyone see that article in the news about a father in England who took a couple of pictures of his toddler daughter eating ice cream at a mall. He waited until no one else was in the scene then took two photos of just his daughter eating her ice cream.
Store clerks panicked and called security who ran up to him and demanded he delete the pictures. He refused, and was quite confused as to why the security guards then called the police as well.
Seems they freaked thinking he was a terrorist or something. They told him there were signs all over the mall that photography was prohibited but he didn't see any signs.
Eventually the cops said they could not arrest him because he hadn't done anything wrong, and they could not make him delete the photos.
His reply "good, because I already uploaded them as soon as I took them"...
I am not sure how I feel about being photographed in public - a case in point is the book published about "Walmart Shoppers" - very disrepectful. Makes it seem like all Walmart shoppers are fat, slobby, dirty, dressed inappropriately....
I seriously wonder what this everyone-has-a-cameraphone, plus youtube and twitter, etc. are doing to us.
I'm afraid we're becoming more and more desensitized.
I remember a story on the news awhile ago (Connecticut, maybe?) where someone was getting beat up; outside a train station, or some other large public building. The security guards didn't do anything, and bystanders whipped out their cellphones to record what was happening. I believe it was a few minutes before anyone got help. Scary.
In this case, it was their child and he was pretty badly hurt, they didn't even know the extent of his injuries and they were allowing TLC to film it AND they all whipped out their phones to film.
The sole focus in an emergency situation for the parents should be the hurt child, period. NOT videotaping. Not filming for a TV show.
Why should this child have his moments of fear and pain broadcast on TV? It bothered us with Kate when it was vomiting, impacted bowels and potty training, why wouldn't it also bother us when we're talking about serious injury???
I saw that book about Walmart shoppers -
My first thought was besides having to have clean underwear on in case I was in an accident (remember mom's old adage), now I was going to have to dress up to go to Walmart lest I be taken for a slob and someone took my picture and sent in to a website. (I carry a few extra lbs, so I try not to 'slob out' in public).
Coincidence, I agree with your comment - the emergence of cell phone cameras/videos is going to have interesting effects on our societies.
ADMIN, in terms of crime, for example... say a witness videos the beating Coincidence mentioned. Can the cops/attorneys use that in court? Chain of evidence questions regarding video being intact or altered? Can they confiscate the phone that has the video? Many questions......
Who owns the video? Can they profit from it, say sell it to news stations? Then can it be used in court after being published? More questions.
Coincidence, you've hit a nail squarely on the head - it will be interesting to see how this 'new' technology plays out in the next 10 years or so......
I think that Walmart shop site is a type of bullying, not to mention disrespectful.
Not so much for the people who have zero style sense, but those who may be just barely getting by, and what they're wearing is the best they can do as far as clothing.
I've never posted this much before! This evening I was listening to someone complain about people who can't help their behavior. She referred to them as riff raff, and complained how people who don't work and haven't paid into social security get the same medicare benefits as she does, and it just got me in a foul mood.
a coincidence is not the same as an accident said...Does anyone know what this was in reference to?
"@abbiepullum oh yeah. Wouldn't be Christmas without it!"
@Kateplusmy8 was watching old episodes on netflix today..do u still make sticky buns and hot chocolate on Christmas morning?:) yummy!
47 minutes ago
in reply to ↑
Kate Gosselin
@abbiepullum oh yeah. Wouldn't be Christmas without it!
41 minutes ago via Twitterrific
Thank you, TLC Ship!! :-)
I'm surprised the reply wasn't, "Not jst xmas, but EVRY sun b4 svcs!!!!! "thx mom" X 8!!!!!!!"
Ok, I must be missing something here. Why would the Duggars be filming this accident with their cell phones if TLC cameras were already there and filming it?
the book published about "Walmart Shoppers" - very disrepectful. Makes it seem like all Walmart shoppers are fat, slobby, dirty, dressed inappropriately....
And they are not! People of all shapes, sizes, genders, socio-economic levels, education, etc, etc, etc shop there. I see us all as folks who are trying to make their $$ go as far as they can. Good sense in these economic times.
I shop there. Most things you can't beat their prices. My only complaint is that our store is so large my feet hurt by the time I'm done shopping. LOL
Need to get in better shape, and get new cushy insoles for my old, old shoes.
So I guess the problem is me, not the store size... sigh. :-)
@ Dallas Lady: oh-oh, like I said, I dont watch the show, I THINK it was the dad, but if I am wrong I'm sorry. I supposed I could watch the clip again... However, all the older males look alike to me so I wouldnt know one from the other. If you think it was the dad too, well you get a Yea vote from me.
Also, in my last post I meant "TLC" not tcl. :))
a coincidence is not the same as an accident said... Thank you, TLC Ship!! :-)
I'm surprised the reply wasn't, "Not jst xmas, but EVRY sun b4 svcs!!!!! "thx mom" X 8!!!!!!!"
"...wile rdng Bible&plckng chix4Sun dnnr!!!!"
You know, I feel sympathy right now for Kate. She said to a tweeter that she and TV were a match made in heaven. That is so completely delusional that I cannot help but feel sorry for her. Does she not see that she is considered a pariah out there. I have looked at comments made when a story is posted. Nearly 99.9% of the comments are negative. When will she come down to earth and see the reality. Maybe she thinks that by showing some humility, she will lose strength and appear weak. That appears to be anathema to her. But that is what people have always wanted to see. Some humility and gratitude. Unfortunately, it is too late. She should have shown it about 3 years ago when the tides were starting to turn. And another thing. Those photos on ROL. Her face is so thin and not in a good way either. Kate, stop with the dieting. Your cheeks are sunken and the only thing that is not shrinking in size is the boob implants. And the hamhocks. You are not built for skinny jeans sweetie. Not at all. Too big in the thigh area. Not a good look.
Dallas Lady said...In this case, it was their child and he was pretty badly hurt, they didn't even know the extent of his injuries and they were allowing TLC to film it AND they all whipped out their phones to film.
I agree. It may look like it isn't a serious physical injury, but he could have sustained internal injuries from a 12ft. fall.
I don't get this logic that it's okay to film since the injury wasn't serious. So film it anyways then decide later whether or not to air it depending on the boy's outcome? Impaired parental judgment, in my opinion.
cathy518 said...Ok, I must be missing something here. Why would the Duggars be filming this accident with their cell phones if TLC cameras were already there and filming it?
I was wondering the same thing. Was it because the Duggars had a better camera angle for close-ups?
It makes me sick that their first reaction is to film it, trying to get good close-ups and camera angles, instead of just tending to the boy's immediate needs i.e. providing comfort and support as he must have been in some sort of pain.
HA! Perfect!
Going to bed now, so I can get up early, and get to Walmart before it's too crowded.
I'm not a fan of their cheap labor/no benefits model, and do not care for how they put local stores out of business. However, they DO have decent prices on Halloween candy.
Anonymous actually I think it's good to make sure we're not overlooking another reasonable explanation here like shining light on the child to help. I appreciate your respectfulness in presenting another side.
The problem is Michelle was pretty specific that they whipped out the cameras specifically to film. She never said anything about using it for light. And what's more, if they were really using the cameras for light, they never would have turned the footage over to TLC to make an episode about it. If they really cared about not exploiting poor Jason, they could have used the cameras for light, then saved the video for personal use (like perhaps, a lawsuit) and not turned it over to TLC, or, gasp, deleted it! But instead they saw a golden opportunity for a great episode arc, and went with it. I don't think TLC cameras were there until the hospital. Only two kids were there at that time, the older sibling and Jason. I imagine the cameras were likely back with wherever everyone else was.
As far as Youtube goes, I don't know a single parent who puts private moments of their children on Youtube. I'm well aware some parents do, but it's not true that everyone does. There are plenty of parents who think Youtube is creepy and too invasive and is better suited for funny parody videos and instructional videos and videos made by adults with adults, and not for your kids. I don't see a child's accident videos splashed all over youtube. I imagine there might be a few out there, but kids get hurt mildly, seriously, and even killed every day, and it's just not true that all those parents are filming it and putting it up on youtube.
To me it doesn't matter whether the accident resulted in this child's death, a broken leg, or just a splinter. He was scared and all he needed at that moment was for his Mommy to hold his hand, not her camera phone.
kate can't do sh**,
Agreed!! If she had shown SOME humility and self-awareness, and TRULY wanted to do a show with Dr. Drew where she honestly worked on her narcissim, I would have watched it.
My mother is a narcissist, and it may have helped me understand her better (you see, my mom doesn't need therapy, because nothing is wrong with HER, it's everyone she comes in contact with who have the problems).
Now, I think kate is hopeless, and ANY show that would be stupid enough to have her would simply be the famewhore trying to extend her 15 mins. of infamy.
So much we cant do bc we don't.. Never have- even before show about an hour ago
I think this convoluted mess she's trying to tell us means that because they don't blend in due to their large size, there are things they cannot do.
What exactly can't they do though because they don't blend in? I don't get it. I can't think of anything. Anywhere you can take a school group, which is basically, anywhere, you could take these eight kids.
It might be harder that's true, but it can be done. Especially if you have good friends and family members you haven't estranged yet who have always been happy to help you. She took these kids to Australia and camping in Alaska and to the beach and on a boat and the list goes on. They have done all kinds of things successfully.
This? This is just a cop out for why Kate won't do things she has to pay for.
A lot of crimes are being video taped these days, I know of a few currently I've heard about. I can't find the question someone asked but the answer is yes, yes, yes lol.
Yes things can be videotaped, yes the police can make you turn it over, yes it can be presented in court if you play your cards right, like keeping good track of your chain of custody (i.e. making sure you know who had possession at all times of the footage), making sure you authenticated it (like putting the person who took the video on the witness stand and having them testify they took the video) and so on.
Although I haven't yet tried to get a video tape into court because the opportunity hasn't come up, I have successfully gotten in photos and text messages and e-mails. When the opportunity arises I'm sure I will try with a video.
Even if my injuries from a fall were not serious, I would be very shaken by the fall. I would not want anybody filming it, and the only pictures I would want would be X-rays at the hospital or UrgentCare. I would be as upset with the cameras as I would be about the actual fall.
Administrator said...
I think this convoluted mess she's trying to tell us means that because they don't blend in due to their large size, there are things they cannot do.
What exactly can't they do though because they don't blend in? I don't get it. I can't think of anything. Anywhere you can take a school group, which is basically, anywhere, you could take these eight kids.
It might be harder that's true, but it can be done. Especially if you have good friends and family members you haven't estranged yet who have always been happy to help you. She took these kids to Australia and camping in Alaska and to the beach and on a boat and the list goes on. They have done all kinds of things successfully.
This? This is just a cop out for why Kate won't do things she has to pay for.
Besides, in one episode, when one of the kids was sick and it was a twins birthday or something can't remember, Kate said she had to go because it was "unsafe," for Kate to go alone with the remaining 7. That Jon had to go because it was unsafe for her to take all 7 kids out alone by herself? She just couldn't do it could she?
It's like her with twitter: "Love Twitter too much...can't let go...loosing oxygen...losing contact...must hold on for dear life!" Give me a freaking break here!
I'd like to see a twit ask Khate about this on twitter. I have never liked the Duggars. Smiling, khakis, evangelicals whom are polite are just the parent's masks. They are every bit as controlling as Khate, the dad seems more than a little sociopathic, and the mom is obsessed with infants to the detriment of any of her aother kids over 2. I could go on but....
Has anyone here ever had a sudden accident happen to them as a child? A lot of kids have so I'm sure people have. I've had stitches and a few broken bones and since they all occurred at school or at sports practice and one on a bike ride (bad crash, stitches to forehead :(), my parents were never there at that moment just like Jason's parents weren't there. They rushed to my side of course but I know that feeling he had. I can remember so vividly that feeling of fear and helplessness and just wanting Mommy. It is TERRIFYING. I think anyone thrusting a camera in a child's face during that moment of horror is sick. Hold the child's hand and kiss them and reassure them it's going to be fine. Put your darn camera away.
Even Jim Bob was going on about how he felt sorry for poor Jason all of a sudden falling through the air and smashing his face and hurting his leg in a dark room in a strange place. He must have been petrified. Poor, poor kid.
Kate is a "tentative" parent. She's not quite sure how to do it. So, she either demands that
someone else take charge of that or she just doesn't do it. She's scared. So, to cover that, she becomes the overly IN CHARGE mother, the one no one would dare question or cross. She has nothing to depend on but her IN CHARGE mantra when she is faced with the kids by herself. Without it, she is completely at sea about what to do with her own children.
To wit: "Jon, lead us, please. I don't like to lead" at the airport was very telling to me. Whether she realized it or not, she wasn't just talking about finding her way around an airport, she was saying, in effect, "I don't know how to be independent, someone you would trust to follow and who will get you where you need to go. I am not good at being someone you look up to. So, I do the next best thing. I yell at others to take over and tell me what to do. If there's no one to pass that off to, I will just get frustrated and yell at the ones I'm supposed to be leading."
Thank God it didn't turn out this way, however, the truth is it would be entirely possible for poor Jason to have hit his head, suffered a life threatening head injury, that could have killed him within hours just like Natasha Richardson was killed.
His parents were busy filming him in what could have been his last few hours. I'm sure they would have regretted fussing for a moment with their camera for the show then.
Thank God this kid was okay.
The whole light thing doesn't make sense. The flashlight function on my smart phone (same one the Duggars have) is a separate app, separate button than the video.
The flashlight app is VERY bright, brighter than any video light (and to my knowledge there's no internal light for videotaping in dark situations with the iPhone, anyway!).
So this isn't a matter of the flashlight just happening to be part of the video, they are separate things on the phone.
There's no excuse for any filming of such a serious emergency. None.
OMG- that's insane!
Michelle has lost her ever loving mind.
Time to say goodbye to the cameras.
The Duggars didn't allow their children to watch television but allowed them to be filmed for their reality television show. I remember this from an earlier show and I thought the parents were hypocrites. I watched a couple shows when they had 17 or 18 kids and they were building a new home. I wonder if they were video taping the hurt son for a potential future lawsuit. How many years do they have until the statute of limitations for filing one runs out, 2 years?
I don't think that it was the cameras or TLC that made Khate and the Duggars bad parents. So many people say that Khate has changed and it was the fame and money that changed her. No way. She was a bitchy NPD before the show and will always be. Her change from swats and a dislike of fashion to the hooker wear and looks obsession of the past few years doesn't mean she is a different mother. She was a horrible mother in sweatpants, and is a horrible mother in hooker wear.
How many people here watched the first two seasons? Or before the divorce/tabloid debacle? If you did watch back then, what were the first inklings that all was not right in the Gosselin house?
kart wants to 'blend in'??? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA (Eight ha's - count 'em - eight) snark
kart wants to blend in AT THE FRONT OF THE LINE for free, with no riff raff (that's us, you guys - her fans and haters) looking at her...... she would love it if Disneyworld closed for a day so she and purseboy and her $$$$$$$$ could enjoy it in peace.
She's so disgusting she's entertaining.
Blend it? Oh...where to begin with this one.
Kate would blend in if she never signed up for reality TV. She had to have known what she was getting into, come on.
Kate could blend in if she quit dying her hair bleach blonde.
She could blend in if she toned down the orange.
She could blend in if she quit trying to dress her kids identically.
Most importantly? Kate could blend in if she...DITCHED THE BODYGUARD!!! I mean she looks absolutely ridiculous romping around PA being closely tailed by someone. Idiot.
I want to blend in. She'd blend in if she quit getting special treatment, special favors and bemoaning being a mother. But no that's just too hard to be a regular mom without having someone help her because it's just too hard.
She created this isolated un-blendable self she wishes she could escape. You create it, you can fix it.
In a lot of ways if she had never done this stupid reality show, gee, it's possible Kate could and would be like everyone else. She just chose not to be that's all. Reality TV was her choice. Nobody made her do it!
I only watched the first year and part of the second year.
I knew she was "off" back then because she was so rude to Jon. She spoke to him rudely and was extremely disrespectful and dismissive of him when talking to others.
I couldn't put my finger on what was exactly wrong with her but something wasn't right.
It was pretty clear to me as an NICU nurse that she didn't develop an appropriate mother-baby bond with the kids. That happens sometimes with preemies but multiply that by six, add in toddler twins and she was doomed due to her personality disorder.
Again, can't really put my finger on it but I never came away with a good feeling after watching the show. Felt sorry for Jon and the kids, mostly.
And gumgate was the final straw for me.
How many people here watched the first two seasons? Or before the divorce/tabloid debacle? If you did watch back then, what were the first inklings that all was not right in the Gosselin house?
General feeling of discomfort, but specifically the couch interviews where Jon started looking more and more like a beaten down man. That's when I said to a friend that those two were going to be meeting up in divorce court. The
way Jon worked and worked and Kate seemed less and less happy with all he was doing was another
red flag for me. Again, that told me she had no idea how to parent, and needed Jon to do it.
The dead look in their eyes when they looked at each other sealed it for me. The dead look in Kate's eyes when she looked at her children was
just more sealant.
Administrator said...This is just a cop out for why Kate won't do things she has to pay for.
@Kateplusmy8 the one about wishing u still could go in public and no one notice..blend with the crowd.
2 hours ago
in reply to ↑
Kate Gosselin
@pennyT77 well if thats the question I long to just blend in in public. So much we cant do bc we don't.. Never have- even before show
2 hours ago via Twitterrific
It's also a cop out for why Kate will continue to film these kids if possible - might as well get paid if the public wants to gawk at them. She said something similar in regards to the paparazzi - the paparazzi would still follow them even if they stopped filming their show so why end the show (Natalie Morales interview).
What about the Dilleys, McCougheys, Hayes, and other HOM families? Do they stay couped up in their homes because they, too, cannot blend in with the general public? What about the Roloffs? the Duggars?
In the early seasons of Jon&Kate Plus 8, it didn't seem like the public was gawking at them at the public places they attended - Dutch Wonderland, Hershey chocolate factory, Crayola factory, Walt Disney World, etc. I don't recall large groups of people looking and taking photos of the Gosselins in the background; I'm not saying there weren't any onlookers, just not to the extent that it would interfere or prevent the Gosselins from doing what the other normal families were doing. I'm not quite buying into Kate's rationale that this has been occurring even before their show.
Does paranoia go along with narcissism? We know that delusion does......
Or is she bubbling a whole cauldrin of mental problems?
I am in no way trying to sound insensitive, but here I go anyway.
It seems to me that if any of the TV reality families would be "gawked at" it would be the Roloffs and Jen Arnold/Bill Klein. They are dwarfs, which is still an interesting thing to many people. But, as Admin pointed out, they hardly have been hermits in their homes. They are out and about, giving speeches, going places, going to jobs, enjoying life. A group of several children would generate much less interest, I think.
Kate's ability to generate a huge amount of interest is purely in her head, with a big boost from having her children perfectly matched.
Oh, and another thing she did that was weird was she would laugh at the kids, and turn to the camera to talk about them.
One things comes to mind, when one of the tups had one of those really messy diapers that overflows all over the crib, onesie, face, hair, hands, etc... does anyone else remember that? She held up that baby, screeched "Oh Lordy Bee" and turned the little one around so the camera could get a good look at all the .... poop. She turned to the camera and talked to them instead of loving on the baby.
She did that a lot, turned away from the kiddie in distress and talked directly to the camera man giving her 'woe is me' blabber.
That was another thing I hated in the early shows.
Guys, I have to sign off. I am getting a sour stomach disussing this .... whatever she is. Don't want to say a bad word. Miss Manners has a good hold on me tonight. LOL
It's ironic that Kate says their reality show has given her kids opportunities and "life experiences" they would have never received otherwise, yet Kate is making her kids live in a bubble (so to speak) when they're not filming - unable to enjoy what other normal kids and families experience (movie theaters, parks, local events, etc.) because of unwanted public attention. That's the impression I get from her recent tweet.
Isn't it terribly ironic?
She says they can't blend in. And yet being able to do what everyone else is doing in the crowd is one of the greatest gifts you can give to a child.
A bubble boy lifestyle? Not a gift.
I've been having trouble getting anything to post here, so I hope this comment will get through.
I've always thought that the Duggars and everything they stand for is just batshit crazy, but this incident absolutely proves it. When they got the kid to the hospital, Michelle was walking beside the hospital stretcher, smiling and laughing, like she was walking the red carpet. And let us not forget that the child had a broken jaw, a sprained ankle and two teeth that tore completely through his lip requiring stitches. The kid had ALL of those injuries and his parents still made him dress up in a suit the VERY. NEXT. DAY. and join the rest of the family in their dog and pony show. If that's not crazy, then I don't know what is. TLC, thanks for finally showing the public what the REAL Duggars are all about.
I too thought it was so sad little Jason Duggar sitting in the green room at church (a church with a green room? Sounds more like an entertainment business rather than a place of worship) all dressed up watching his whole family on stage. I didn't even see anyone else with the poor kid. Was he really by himself with a camera man?
And if it hasn't been made clear they also filmed his follow-up with the plastic surgeon at home.
I love the age of 11. It's the sweetest age, especially boys. I just wanted someone to give this 11-year-old sweetie pie a big bear hug.
As far as Youtube goes, I don't know a single parent who puts private moments of their children on Youtube.
What is private to you may not be private to someone else. NO child should be put on a public website. Including Facebook.
Doesn't matter if you have your account set to private, there are ways to get around that.
I think the problem is people are always looking for attention and /or validation. Even through their family. It disguts me.
Anonymous said...
Sorry guys, I'm just not on the negative train with this one. I know everyone will be against me on this - please just don't be rude when disagreeing. Thanks.
Anonymous, you are not alone. I agree with you on this one.
Consequences for actions said... , I'm not sure I would go as far as you have, though I more or less agree with what you're saying.
What is private to me clearly isn't private to all parents, my point was that even though it looks like many parents are exploiting their kids on youtube, there are still many, many more that are interested in keeping their kids out of the spotlight. This was in response to the comment that to me was essentially saying well lots of parents exploit their kids they just use youtube to do it. I disagree, not really. And even if they do, it's the old, two wrongs don't make a right.
Facebook has become a wonderful place to keep in touch with family members. My cousin, whom I am very close with but he lives very far away now, puts up lots of photos of his two year old. I've been able to watch her grow and reach milestones and when I met her for the first time last week it was like I already knew her. I look forward to more pics. I wouldn't suggest to him he's putting her in danger, the very remote chance his account will be hacked of all the accounts out there is outweighed by the fact that his family can be kept in the loop as his daughter grows.
Would I throw a fit if he puts up a birthday video of her on youtube for family? Probably not. Would I be concerned if he tapes her breaking her arm and puts that on the internet, now that's different.
It's pretty gray i this regard I'll admit, but there was nothing gray to me about what happened to poor Jason.
What's popular these days on youtube are childbirth videos, and very graphic ones. They are everywhere. It seems like so many women are perfectly fine with millions watching them. Some do indeed have MILLIONS of hits. Now to me childbirth is something very personal and private to be shared with your husband and if you're comfortable very close family or friends. But I can see for those women it empowers them to feel like other women can watch their birth video (especially the natural births and home births) and feel reassured by it and inspired by that. At first blush I think, gosh how invasive. But I get the other part of it, too, the "you can do this too" part that I suppose there's a good argument has a lot of benefit to it.
It's all interesting questions as we figure out this new voyeuristic society.
RE: FaceBook. What upsets me is that my Friends have conversations with their Friends, and I can read the whole thing on my page. I don't want to know what Martina from Bosnia has to say about her trip to Prague and how her child cried all the way on the train. I don't know Martina, we just have a mutual friend. What this tells me is that if I write to my Friends, my Friend's Friends can know what I'm up to. Since I don't know them, I'm not interested in sharing my info. If someone writes on my FB wall, I generally send them a private e-mail in response.
Permanent, I remember that. It was in the very first special. If only viewers had known then. There is a recap to the special here http://gosselinbeginnings.blogspot.com/
IMO, the worst of the early Kate was the frequent screeching of "Joooooonnnn!!" and "Helllooooo!!" in public places.
Hope no one minds OT, but I just read in the latest TV Guide that A&E has a new show called "American Hoggers." Description: "A family of feral-hog hunters is followed as it brings home the bacon in this new reality series..." How does this qualify as Arts OR Entertainment? I guess maybe the same way The Learning Channel thinks it's educating people. Yikes. And yuck.
Also, I've been wanting to say that I'd love to see an OCCASIONAL update on the Hayes family. They really seem like good and genuine people, and I don't think they'd become derailed (or deranged) by a certain amount of public notice. Please, don't anyone disagree with me TOO vehemently!! :-)
What would make blend in? Dropping the bodyguard and the diva attitude for one thing. But we know she isn't going to give up either one anytime soon.
The actions of the Duggar family to record a child in pain and fright is ghastly. Is it too much to ask of themselves to turn the camera off and help their own child? Apparently it must be. Michelle's buddy system...too much to ponder over. I haven't watched but why would any mother walk into a hospital with her son on a stretcher--smile and laugh? That's just not right. Something not right at all.
If they receive any backlash from others as they did with their youngest daughter on a trip I have no pity for these people either. They put their life in front of the camera, a choice they made as adults. I cannot pity one's decision as an adult but I can pity the children who have no say much in the matter. I hope this show gets axed fairly soon!
The count tonight is 106 in a 2 hour period!!! Even earlier than last night. Make me stop - I don't want to post this crap every night, or even look at all the twats!
Re: the debate about the use of cell phones for light vs the camera crew's 'stage lighting' -- the TLC crew doesn't use auxiliary lighting. They film with a camera and a boom microphone and natural, available room lighting. That's why their indoor scenes are dimmer and a little discolored compared to outdoor shoots. In the episode it was clear we were seeing natural light from existing fixtures in the church when the family was practicing and quite obvious when they filmed the family after Jason had fallen. Even after paramedics were on the scene there wasn't much light and it was clear it was limited.
totally off topic but..
admin, have you checked out this website
feel free to delete this post if it is inappropriate. i found it interesting. maybe you have already read it? it really is opening my eyes to what happened in Italy
cathy518 said...
Ok, I must be missing something here. Why would the Duggars be filming this accident with their cell phones if TLC cameras were already there and filming it?
TLC ship is sinking said...
I was wondering the same thing. Was it because the Duggars had a better camera angle for close-ups?
Because TLC wasn't there. The episode wasn't totally filmed by TLC. A lot was filmed by cell phones especially when Jason was still under the stage plus many scenes in the hospital. Watch the differences in lighting and film quality on YouTube if you haven't seen the whole episode. Let's only cry foul when it's due.
admin..would you be willing to open another thread on Amanda Know or continue to check out the old one. The more I am reading about the case the more I am stunned just how much the media can damage someone's life with innuendo. Honestly I would never want to be famous. It really opens the doors to quite a mess.
I really feel sorry for the Gosselin children. Their young lives have been opened up to the media (suspension etc) what is going to happen to these poor kid when they become teenagers and do the usual stupid things most teens do? WIll they be scrutinized? Will lies be made up to sell more magazines? What effect will this have on their lives.
If you can do a thread on how the media can mislead and destroy lives it would be awesome. Look what the media did to Jon Gosselin. Look what it did on a much deeper scale to Amanda KNox. I would love to discuss media rumors and the effect it has on public opinion and on the subjects personal life. I know some will say Amanda is not "reality tv" but in a way she is. People magazine prints a story every time she eats Chinese food or steps out to buy a toothbrush. IF you read the comments section a lot of people are insisting she is a murderer and have a lot of fact wrong. Heck..I had facts wrong after reading media reports.
This is something we can really look in to. So many people have been destroyed by rumors. Why Kate Gosselin would want to keep her children in the public eye knowing the medias lust for a "great story" is scary. This children have no protection. They are a household name. Their faces are staring at you as you check out in the grocery store. Millions knew when the children were expelled thanks to Kate "setting the record straight" on the Today show. Why in this day and age would anyone subject their young child to fame - especially reality fame. The kids aren;t in the position to say - "oh thats not me, that;s a character I play on tv" unfortunately..it IS them. warts and all and it just hit me how bad it can get if one of those kids grabs a headline.
I know this is a rambling post as it is 3am and I am sleep deprived from a very long workweek...but ...eill you consider a thread about the dangers of negative publicity for people in the public eye?
I wasn't for one second supporting the Duggar's filming this accident by cell phone. I just was perplexed that they would bother if TLC cameras were already there to capture it. It seems to make sense that TLC cameras weren't on scene yet or couldn't access the orchestra pit so Mom, Dad and Sibs taped on their phones.
I wouldn't go so far as to say Kate wouldn't do anything this bad though. Kate's priority is to film and apparently so is the Duggars. Isn't the Duggars show going down in the ratings and maybe they are feeling the cancellation wolf at their door? This just shows you what corruption comes out of a parent-child relationship when reality TV is involved.
As a side note, I have spent many emergency room visits with my three kids. My 17 year old sports playing son gets full use out of our health insurance this way. Just last spring, he got a nasty split lip and needed several stitches. He insisted that Mom was by his side in the ER, all 200 pounds and 6 feet of him.
I can not imagine what Jason felt, looking to his Mom for support and seeing her cell phone in front of her face.
Did i detect a bit of concern or am i reading too much into her reply? lol
@Kateplusmy8 @aricmarisa0624 How about tv? Any shows? DWTS? Tony was on the View & of course they wanted dirt but he said u were cool. :)
@SiobhanR111 @aricmarisa0624 when was that?
@Kateplusmy8 @aricmarisa0624 It was just yesterday. He was on with Chynna Phillips & at the end was asked about u. He was nice.
@SiobhanR111 @aricmarisa0624 good to know :)
When they asked Tony about Kate tho he did roll his eyes first before saying anything. I thought that was telling.
Kate's tweetledumbs saw her on various tabloid shows yesterday with the story of her going to BBB. Makes me think even more that the very carefully held coupon photos were planned by her manager and she was well aware of it.
NT, I think Kate has a lot to worry about if Tony were to ever tell the truth about his time with her.
This video just makes me sick. If there was ever any doubt that Michelle lacks maternal instincts, there isn't now. She lacks mother/child bonds with her children because she turns them over to an older sibling to raise. This video just elevated her to the same horrible mother status as Kate.
I've only seen a few bits and pieces of the Duggers' show. I find them creepy and Stepford, too. So -- I have a question for those of you who know more about them. I thought they opposed education (higher ed., that is) for women and jobs outside the home for women. So are the older girls who are EMTs allowed to actually serve the public as EMTs, or did they only train so they could care for their siblings? If the latter, how did they get around the requirement of so many service hours for certification? On the subject of Jason's injury. I think it is despicable that the family filmed this AND included it in an episode. Even if the kid came out of the accident with just a scrape or a bruise, it's still cruel to take advantage of his terror and pain.
Re Kate and "wanting to blend into the crowd". BULL COOKIES!! The only reason Kate and company can't blend in with the crowd is because Kate goes out of her way to call attention to herself at every opportunity. Forget the bizarre appearance and the dressing like a slut. She still makes sure that she is noticed everywhere she goes. The deliberate shrieking and screaming;dressing the kids up like little cookie cutter dolls instead of allowing them to dress like 8 individuals; screeching "coming through. Don't mind us, coming through!" as she bulls her way through a crowd; the kids who can't behave like a group of normal kids out in public (of course, kids aren't always perfectly behaved in public, they are kids, but hers seem to be particularly ill-behaved at times) -- all designed to call attention. Even before the tups were born, pushing the twins around in a stroller with a sign "Gosselin Twins" on the back? Yes, I know that they were supposedly in a parade, but wouldn't most parents remove the sign after the parade was over? Kate isn't happy unless the spotlight is on her 24/7. Of course, people are going to take a second look at 8 little kids with Asian features who are with a woman who clearly isn't Asian, but that isn't not blending in. If she just went on about her business and ignored it, 99.9% of the people would go on about theirs, too.
It always bugged me that Kate would demand that Jon lead, then denigrate, degrade,undermine, and sabotage his every effort, making it impossible for him to lead. She wants to be lead, but refuses to follow.
Has anyone seen Scream 4? Believe it or not, it pertains to the notion that people HAVE to do something crazy & wild (& um, sick) to get their 15 minutes of fame. I won't give it away, it's gory & AWESOME-very old-school Scream-but if you're not into that stuff, don't watch!
This is what gets watched now. People getting hurt, kids getting injured, mothers being mean to their kids, etc. I don't understand this because I would think families would want to model themselves after a nice, wholesome family, but that's just me. It's all about shlock, stupidity, & taking it to the next level.
Reality TV has lost it's way. The Real World was fine; before, it was REAL kids trying to make it in a 1 BR apt. NOW? They live in a Malibu mansion. Who lives like that, really?? Who REALLY has 18 kids & wants to film it? What woman REALLY acts like a total & utter bitch ALL THE TIME? These "reality" shows are so stupid, people looking for their fame, fleeting fame that will never last.
Kate was stupid to think she would have forever fame. Where's Puck from the Real World? Where's those people from Survivor? Oh, right, they have real jobs. Richard Hatch? I think he's in jail...for tax evasion.
Sorry about the long post all, but this reality TV thing is just so unbelievably sad. Who would start filming their child/sibling who just fell from a balcony for a show?? That would be the 1st thing on thier mind? Ratings? Obviously, that is where their bread is buttered. I thought family came first for the Duggar's. And for the Gosselin's. Unreal.
*rant over*
Boy, so many things to comment on here today.
For me, the biggest thing that irks me about the Duggars is their hypocrisy. They supposedly allowed the filming of their family to make people aware of their religion, even though they don't allow their own children to watch TV. How does filming an injured and terrified little boy have anything to do with that? How does filming all the ICU stuff with Josie do that?
Oh...we don't let OUR children become contaminated with TV watching and we ONLY agreed to do this show to spread our religion...oh, how does an injured little boy spread our religion? Hmm....give me some time to think that one over.
I dislike hypocrisy of all types but religious hypocrisy is the worst, IMO.
And when we filmed our children it was always positive things for memories. We NEVER filmed anything negative...no crying, no injuries, no private moments. Why in the hell would you want those memories anyway? Are they gonna pull them out years from now and go, "aww, remember when Jason fell down in that hole and fractured his jaw? How cute was that?"
When they zoomed the camera in on what was in the Gosselin children's potty, that was it for me. I never watched again. I can't even describe how appalled I was.
And all the technology? I feel like I'm getting too old for this world....something I could never have imagined would happen. I was on a train recently and practically every single person was wired up to something. What happened to people talking to each other? It was total and eerie silence. I felt alienated and on a different planet.
Admin said... (from the last thread)
It was fun, but I don't shed any tears for missing it prior to that. It's certainly not a requirement of childhood. (About Disney)
I hope it's OK to talk about this, I wasn't around yesterday & just wanted to add my 2 cents super-quick. My mom keeps saying to me over & over (annoying!) that my son is getting past the age that he will enjoy Disney, so 'we better get on it!' Seriously, her words.
My husband & I have talked to our son, & we plan on taking a vacation pretty soon. My brother lives in FLA, so yeah, we can go there, it'll be cheap to stay, all that, (not to go to Disney though!) but the thing is, my son doesn't want to go to Disney, he wants to go to The Hoover Dam, he wants to see Navy ships, & see historical sights. He's in a Navy Cadet Program, so all he wants to do is see ships, ships & more ships (& The Hoover Dam, because he & I are obsessed w/ it, the engineering, etc).
Maybe someday though we'll go to Disney (I went when I was 13). When we have grand kids! In 20 years... :)
A commendation to all posters who have kept the conversation polite in the presence of some very controversial opinions regarding the Dugger filming.
It's a joy to read here when things are rolling along well. Having a difference of opinions doesn't mean words have to be snarky. In fact, when disagreeing words are kind and respectful, more conversation is enjoyed.
This thread has the earmarks of an honest dialogue. Ideas are presented. All seem to be considered; some accepted and some rejected.
So much better than threads where trolls pop in or posters get pissy and snark.
Good job, posters! I'm enjoying this one...... it has made me think.
I like the Duggers a lot, but the concept of cell phone cameras and how they are now, and will be used in the future is an alarming trend that seems will have major effects on our society.
I wonder at all the implications we will see unfolding - for example, someone upthread mentioned seeing a beating... help the victim or video it on cell phone? Dilemma.
Thanks to admin for allowing discussions like these.
Gosh she was busy on Twitter last night @ 8-9pm. She of course she has the kids and was in the midst of putting them to bed during the whole twatfest.
@pugmommy1 prob away rough avg 7 days per month and some of those are weekends they are at their dads. but some months more&some less..why?
I guess the kids (she didn't say how many) got new bikes. Fall isn't usually the time for new bikes with upcoming bad weather and it's not birthday time, but whatever, Kate.
Putting kids to bed... Hold on.I need2lay down the law. Getting loud. Post new bike excitement...must remind them it's bedtime. B right bak
@deannatweeting oh I thought of u as they rode them in the dark as soon as we got home!! :) just u wait!!!
Wait til you read my blog about our day today! Whew! Too long for twitter so... Wait for it... Wait for it... :)
@Kateplusmy8 on the news they were talking about how your clipping coupons for bed bath and beyond to save money cause your 'broke' cont
@Smiling4hours um like everytime I'm there (not as much anymore). They follow me there ugh!
Smiling4hours :]
@Kateplusmy8 cont.... Andd since when are the paparazzi in broadcasting shoping center?
I'll never understand how she could allow her 6 babies to cry for what must have amounted for hours and hours during those long nap times and early bedtimes and for it to not bother her. She'd put them in their cribs, close the door on them, walk down the stairs and not return until the clock said so.
@MzQuetta01 must let them cry and learn to soothe themselves... Rocking triplets=you'll never get2bed! I promise, Crying gets shorter ea pm!
She barely stopped tweeting long enuf to check on them at bedtime -- or maybe the nanny tucks them into bed.
@Kateplusmy8 You put ALL the kids to bed that fast?
@HenryHCh no! Lol. They were settling in and I went up to finalize.. And my tweet posted AFTER I got back... Ugh
And about this fan -- can you imagine Kate actually letting the kids see her videos? Yikes!
@Kateplusmy8 I'm In the process of sending Mady and Caras present .. I wanted to send my video I made them .. Trying to put on CD 4 them:)
@Paige_Kate8fan awesome! Then I could watch.... Can't see them well on my phone so don't get to see them but no ur good at it!
If we're to believe Kate about not knowing anything about how to use a computer - are we to believe she's doing her website by herself? I don't think for a minute she's doing her site. She may be writing the crap that's posted, but she's not managing it.
@Kateplusmy8 if I sent you a USB key with them on it would you know how to open it?
@Paige_Kate8fan um huh what? (think that's a no). I'm lucky I know how to turn on the laptop! Lol
What are "loveable products"?
@Kateplusmy8 when are you going to put up lovable products on your website?
Kate Gosselin
@narruda85 soon...
OMG - this from a high school fans. I can't imagine a jr. highschooler doing this.
@Kateplusmy8 when I was in 7th grade, I was you! I sat in a wheel chair and carried 8 life like baby dolls! Everyone loved it! :)
And....if we didn't already know it -- her kids are happy, well adjusted, perfect kids. And...she's still tweeting about their bedtime schedules!
@Kateplusmy8 ever since you and Jon got a divorce does any of your kids sleep in your bed
@jonandkatefan NO! 8 well adjusted happy go lucky kids... No issues like that
@Kateplusmy8 what time do your kids go to bed and when do they wake?
@matmom 8 for littles and 9 for big girls. All up at 5:55am sch ams
Dee3 said.......
And all the technology? I feel like I'm getting too old for this world....something I could never have imagined would happen. I was on a train recently and practically every single person was wired up to something. What happened to people talking to each other? It was total and eerie silence. I felt alienated and on a different planet.
Dee, I'm right there with you on this!!! I'm 60. I can't believe I'm feeling like a fuddy-duddy at the 'early' age of 60.
It bothers me to see folks so detached from real life and plugged into phones, games, ipods, etc.
There is so much natural beauty, so many wonderful people to interact with on a daily basis.....
Life is changing. I guess I know how our parents felt when we 'sat in front of computers all day', or 'sat glued to the boobtube'.
Technology advances bring huge societal changes. I guess it's inevitable. But those changes do have a good side too..........
readerlady said...
I've only seen a few bits and pieces of the Duggers' show. I find them creepy and Stepford, too. So -- I have a question for those of you who know more about them. I thought they opposed education (higher ed., that is) for women and jobs outside the home for women. So are the older girls who are EMTs allowed to actually serve the public as EMTs, or did they only train so they could care for their siblings? If the latter, how did they get around the requirement of so many service hours for certification?
The Duggar kids trained like all the other volunteer firefighters and EMT's. They did the book work, class work and trained in the field along with others. There was an episode about their training, etc. They don't ask for special accommodations for their choices. I remember one episode where they needed appropriate uniforms that would meet the department's guidelines but because the girls don't wear slacks and that was the only thing available they bought them, took them apart and made skirts out of them.
I don't think that they're opposed to higher education per say, but that they're supportive of the belief women hold supportive roles in the household, but times are a-changin'. That said, most of the older kids are taking college prep and actual online college classes right now with one interested in nursing school and others in possibly pursuing on-campus programs.
I've noticed the Duggar's slowly becoming a little more liberal about some things since the show began, but there's no denying they're still awfully conservative. They're raising contributing members of society who walk the talk and don't just talk it, community outreach, living debt free, giving back, family, and contrasting them with so many other families that are thrown out as models in society now days, I can't find much to complain about.
I'd absolutely like for them to be more proactive in higher education for all the kids and to examine the responsibility of child raising they've placed on older kids rather than the parents doing it and of course the exploitation issue which is getting worse as time goes on, but overall I think the positive far outweighs the negative with this family.
Permanent Name said...
Dee, I'm right there with you on this!!! I'm 60. I can't believe I'm feeling like a fuddy-duddy at the 'early' age of 60.
It bothers me to see folks so detached from real life and plugged into phones, games, ipods, etc.
There is so much natural beauty, so many wonderful people to interact with on a daily basis.....
I can't agree with you more. I'm the same age as you and think back to family life when I was growing up and even raising my own family and how it's so different today. I put full responsibility for the changes we've experienced in interpersonal and family relationships smack dab on technology and I don't like the results.
Okay, so I hit Play for the video and right away I was thinking to myself "They are so obviously using the cell phones for light so they can see his injuries, why didn't anyone else realize that when watching it?" Then I heard "...and so, needless to say, everyone was getting this on their cameras!" I was floored. How vile. There is NO excuse for that. #vile
And, if they were using the cell phones for "light" (even though Michelle outright said they were using them to film) they would have used the cell phones for light but kept the footage private.
Instead they handed the footage over to TLC.
Either way it's vile for sure.
Good God fearing Christians don't make a living off of their precious children. Period !
I use to like watching this show, until some of their actions made me question their faith.
This accident is probably the most disturbing to me, but other things have really bothered me also.
Like ...how can you put a 4 yr old in the same room with a 14 yr old and tell me they are getting an education ?
Also, do each of the Duggar children have their own bank acoount for all the work they do?
I just don't mean by filming either.
What about the older girls raising the babies, doing the cooking, grocery shopping,packing for all the trips, laundry and cleaning.
The boys do all the normal father things around the house, except when Daddy D. wants to be on camera.
It makes me re-think what the Duggars consider religion is, or is it just a front?
See when you see me engaged with my phone it's usually because I'm sending an email to my mom or facetiming with my sister or texting my cousin or exchanging pics on facebook. My family is scattered across the country and this is a way to keep in touch.
I totally understand the concern, but for a lot of people, technology is a way to keep us connected. So when someone looks "disconnected" because they are staring at their phone, she might just be talking to her sister about a sister bonding trip they're going to take abroad together next year ;-).
fidosmommy, RE: facebook, you can determine who sees what you post by your privacy settings. Martina from Bosnia is taking silly chances with her information.
Regarding that incident someone mentioned upthread when Kate was "begging" for Jon to lead her in the airport... that is one of the incidents the Kate fans love to bring up to make Jon look bad. We have no idea why he wouldn't take the lead that day.
My feelings are there was a reason. He may have already told her where they were headed. There are signs everywhere to follow.
Maybe from his previous experience, maybe even earlier that very day, he had a reason for letting Kate lead. One wrong turn on Jon's part and he'd be berated in front of everyone at the airport and on tv again. He'd never hear the end of it. Maybe he already made a mistake earlier and she berated him and he told her, fine, next time you take the lead if you think it's so easy. Maybe he knew she was going to have to go to airports alone in her travels and he told her today you are going to learn how to navigate around an airport alone.
Jon always did everything for Kate. Maybe he had a reason for not leading that day. Knowing how Kate is I really feel he had one.
Not to rehash that whole incident but it's one that I still hear about from the Kate fans. It's really all they have. That, and the "take the stick out." lol.
TLC did they pay the hospital bill?
Point taken.
What prompted my comment were examples like the following:
We take our blind dog out to our state park for exercise and sensory stimulation (plus, of course, we just love her and want her to have a good time); it is sad to see folks in such a beautiful park surrounded by nature, walking with someone and each are busy on cell phones. They are not in the moment, not enjoying each other or nature.
Another biggie is texting while driving. 'Nuff said.
Or teens completely absorbed with a video game, thumbs busily tapping keys, or lost in their music and headphones; they clog sidewalks, don't hear cars approaching, etc, etc.
YOu're right about there being legitimate reasons for being hooked up to technology devices. I just hate to see folks giving up time interacting with the real world when they have no legitimate reason.
Of course, I guess 'legitimate reason' is open to interpretation, and each person's definition is different.
For administrator and other YOUNG women (and possible men) here.....it must be very difficult for you to imagine how different the world is today compared to when we grew up (in the 50's, 60's and 70's...I was born in 1952)....and I think our parents felt the same way about the things we were doing. All this technology comes so naturally to you but it is SO different for us.
And it isn't just the technology itself....it's how it's changed interactions between people...cell phones, texting, ipods, computers and laptop computers...and ipads.
When I was a kid, everybody talked to each other. The moms would be talking to the neighbors over the fence and the kids would all be playing outside. Dad's carpooled to work. If we watched a film....it was shown on a huge projector with a filmstrip. You used an old typewriter for anything typed....with that darn white tape for erasures. Heck, when I was really little, we listened to shows on the radio as TV was a new concept and not everyone had them. They had all sorts of completely different broadcasts on the radio back then.....they read stories and movies, etc. And of course, there were no microwave ovens. Things were heated in the oven or on the stove.
I remember being in college (early 70's) and they set up this room for learning to use "the media".....and we were all amazed at the new videotape machine (VCR)....could not figure out how the heck it worked or what it did. It was like something from the future. :D
You will have to wait until you are our age and then you will finally see what we meant here. You have to live through it yourself to truly feel and understand it. That's what I meant when I said I never could have imagined it happening to me....we thought we were so cool and trendy and that our parents were so behind the times....and it would never happen to us because we were different and easily breezed through living with all the new innovations of those times.
Hehe....just remember this years from now....and you'll finally get what we were saying.
Dee, it's not that I don't understand what you're saying. I just see some benefits. I think there's plenty of times when tech. things should just be put away, but for me personally, it's helped me to stay close with family members I wouldn't be able to otherwise. I just wasn't able to talk to my sister as much before nationwide plans became so widely available and cheap. We are CLOSER now, in part, because we're able to keep in touch better. (And for other reasons like we're older and more mature, etc.)
Smartphones are new to everyone. I never had a cell phone growing up either. The first cell phone I had was in college and all it did was make calls. I didn't send my first text message until about four years ago. Five years ago people weren't walking around glued to their phones.
This is new technology for everyone. Some have adapted, some haven't, some like it, some don't, some use it too much, but for many, it's been life changing in terms of their relationships, in a good way.
I think it's just too much when people say oh yet another thing that will bring down society. Not exactly.
Oooo Kate's comments about Tony are awfully interesting!!! Sounds like she's quite curious what he's saying about her.
Part of it I'm sure is the narcissism. Oh, what did they say about me what did they say? And part of it is, he's said crap about her before and she's looking for more reasons to hate him. I don't think she's ever once tweeted him right?
OMG ! I just ventured over to read Kate's new post. I don't know what to say.
Except.....she's full of crap if she, for one second, thinks that we're stupid enough to believe she wrote that blog.
First giveaway....only 4 ! marks throughout post !!!!!!!
Another stupid post, from a stupid woman, that knows nothing about life and raising children.
Whatever you paid the person who wrote this garbage Kate, is way too much.Get your money back.
Oh, I agree. The technology itself is fantastic. I can't imagine that I ever lived without my computer.
It's just that when I rode the train a few months ago...and I'd not been on a train for quite some time and was looking forward to taking a train ride again....I was almost dazed when I got off. Not only did nobody talk to each other....they really didn't even look at each other. I almost felt like I was walking among robots on some new planet.
And don't get me wrong. I am in NO hurry to leave this world....but right then I could almost understand how people get to the "stop the world, I wanna get off" stage. You feel like you don't belong here anymore.
And to make this OT....there was no such thing as reality TV back then. What was on TV was a magical world for us (B&W, btw)....and for us, they (the movie stars, etc.) lived in THEIR world and we lived in OURS....and we wouldn't even have considered the possibility of them ever intersecting....ever talking with them, tweeting with them, meeting them, BEING them.
To see so many people today willing to do just about anything (including sacrificing their own children) to get their 15 minutes is just appalling to me.
And to have someone like Snooki speak at a college graduation? I mean WTF??
Dee's comments are true and have been true every generation since time began. Her comments have been made by every generation.
Evolution isn't just for humans to experience biologically. Evolution, in a broader sociologic sense, includes things like (totally random selections here)
Kotex and sanitary belts vs tampons/adhesive strip pads
Radio vs black and white TV vs color TV vs HD TV
wood and coal stoves vs electric stoves vs microwaves
typewriters vs personal computers
homemade lye soap vs Crabtree and Evelyn facial scrubs
icehouses vs refrigerators
Model T cars vs Buicks and Toyotas
Slide rules vs calculators
and the list is long and ever-growing.
Every generation goes through this. New technology, new information, new knowledge. Every generation says 'wait until you're our age then you'll understand'.
My grandmother said it to me one summer when I was ten; my mom said it all the time to me until I wanted to scream. I just said it to our son a couple of months ago and I had the oddest feeling come over me as I was saying it..... LOL
There is some name for this phenomenon that I learned in some sociology classes in college, but for the life of me I cannot remember what it's called - the emergence, acceptance and adaptation of learning and technology...
Someone with a better memory than me might remember the term.
Lesson to keep in mind: there is good and bad in everything, all people are the same and all people are different, technology can be used and abused.......
Ah, too philosophical for me to wander on and on; real life intrudes. I need to take a shower and fold the laundry.
One thing remains true, kart is a sad, dysfunctional parent and a most annoying person.
Death, taxes and now we can add kart's crappy personality and lack of parenting skills to the 'only things we can be sure of'.......
In the ep w jon leading in airport, on the couch khate said that she wants him to lead more then immediately followed up that she wants to be in charge. Jon said she runs over his heals and yells when he tries to lead. No win for jon
Ps brokeen armn blackberry, non dominate thumb typing. Xcuse
Jon Stossel once did a pretty good piece about how annoying it is to hear about the "good ole days." Fact was it was about how much harder everything used to be, medical care not as good, sanitation not as good, and on and on. Turns out the good ole days weren't so good after all, lol.
@Kateplusmy8 @aricmarisa0624 How about tv? Any shows? DWTS? Tony was on the View & of course they wanted dirt but he said u were cool. :)
@SiobhanR111 @aricmarisa0624 when was that?
@Kateplusmy8 @aricmarisa0624 It was just yesterday. He was on with Chynna Phillips & at the end was asked about u. He was nice.
@SiobhanR111 @aricmarisa0624 good to know :)
tony wasn't so nice. he made a disgusted face and then commented. maybe someone can find video. still dealing w broken bones here
Hippie Chick -
Loving relatives took me and my siblings to Disney when we were kids. I had no interest in it, and hated every minute spent in that fake, plastic, phony environment. I was completely creeped out. In the decades since, I haven't changed my mind a bit.
If your son has real interests he wants to pursue, don't waste a minute of his precious childhood doing something someone else thinks is obligatory.
Good for you for raising a kid who has interests, not an identity crafted for him by advertising. You'll never go wrong by respecting who he really is, as opposed to what others think he should be.
Permanent Name said...
"the emergence, acceptance and adaptation of learning and technology..."
Real Life, so well said I'm nearly tearful.
The best thing my parents did for me was encourage the history nerd in me. I suppose they could have said well "normal" kids should be at Disney we're going there instead. Instead I was at things like Gettysburg or the Smithsonian and soaking up every bit of it.
If your son likes the military, take him to military things. Rosie ODonnell's son Parker loves all things military and is in military school now. She's talked a lot about how it bothers her all he's interested in is the military lifestyle. It's such a man's man thing for a little boy living with two lesbians (take that gay haters, lesbians don't raise kids to be gay kids!) But she bites her tongue and encourages him and if he wants to go to school at Valley Forge than he's going to go to school at Valley Forge. She's been very patient about his interests.
Did anyone post Kate's latest website post? Here it is:
Walk a Day in My Heels … October 15, 2011
And then you’ll see what life is all about in my family’s fast lane 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with never a chance for me to finish my list, remove my load of responsibility that I shoulder mostly alone, or sleep a peaceful night of sleep oblivious to care and concern.
You see, most of us are parents, many of us are single parents, and a few of us have more than a handful of kids, which makes us extra frazzled parents. We all walk in our own shoes, chosen for our individualized walk through life, whether they be heels, running shoes, cowboy boots, flip flops, steel toe work boots, or those incredibly comfortable ballet flats! And truth be told, all of us eventually find our favorite style of shoe and tend to wear them a lot — each carving our own paths in life one step at a time as the soles of those favorites slowly wear through with life’s experiences.
As parents, because there is no manual on how to do it all “right,” we must find our way on our own through trial and error. We consult with friends, family, the lady in line in front of us at the grocery store, fellow school moms, and neighbors. We learn as we go and use other’s tips to form our favorite parenting “style,” much like our favorite shoe style.
I believe that all parents should reach out and encourage other parents, share tips, mistakes, fears, and triumphs. In life, it’s through communication and caring that we gain knowledge — in parenting and in all other areas of living. By hearing and sharing, it makes us better, more refined parents. Other’s opinions and advice along with our own past and convictions form who we become as individuals and as parents.
The part that concerns me is the fact that once I became a parent I began to notice how not all “advice” that came from parents or people in general was constructive. Some opinions were “judgements” and they felt harsh and mean. Many people impart their opinions without apology and without full knowledge of the situation as if they have walked in my chosen shoes and have taken each and every painful step that I have taken! This is disturbing to me because criticism is not helpful or advantageous to anyone and can be especially damaging to well meaning parents.
Harsh opinions break down that very individualized and crucial barrier and causes parents to say “am I doing it all wrong?” “Have I made all wrong choices?” This fuels the infamous bouts of “mommy guilt” or “daddy guilt” that so many parents suffer through. It turns the amazing worldwide parental bond into a parental contest and war and I must admit, it disheartened me as a new parent. Fortunately, in most cases, as we become more “seasoned” parents, we learn to wade through those critical darts shot at each of us. We develop a thickened skin and save our weapons only for those “mother bear” (or “father bear”) moments.
It’s time for all of us to make a change whereby all parents truly stick together! Period! No more contests, no more darts; just support, help, and concern for each other!
I may wear heels and you may choose to wear comfortable flats. How refreshing to have a conversation about our different shoe styles — you not understanding how I walk in heels and I can’t understand how flats are more preferable for your walk down life’s paths. We agree to disagree on those things realizing that our individual choices work for us. We respect each other’s choices. Certainly if I am not walking in your “flat shoes” and you’re not walking on my “stilts,” how can we make judgement or point the finger at one another?
The same applies to parenting. Give advice, hold back criticism, agree to disagree when necessary and move on!
If everyone took this idea to heart, it could change the world! (Heck, if it only improved Twitter, the world would be a kinder place!)
I’ll see you out there… And, yes, I’ll be wearing my heels as usual!
Credit: kateplusmy8. com
Kate, it's judgments, not judgEments.
Kate wrote "those incredibly comfortable ballet flats!" If she refers them them as incredibly comfortable, why not wear them?
"And then you’ll see what life is all about in my family’s fast lane 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with never a chance for me to finish my list, remove my load of responsibility that I shoulder mostly alone, or sleep a peaceful night of sleep oblivious to care and concern."
Will the whining ever stop?
Thanks to "I took a bullet" I won't be visiting K's site. It reads as though she is putting herself up as a candidate for the United Nations or the Nobel Peace Prize. She figures she will unite the world. Ego, Ego, Ego.
Admin, as u r so strct about not mentioning the name of the Gs school, I don't think u should be posting rosies sons schhol. Privacy esp as he is a private citzn.
I took a bullet said...
Did anyone post Kate's latest website post? Here it is:
Walk a Day in My Heels …
Thanks for posting this, bullet.
Kate [sigh]...
Might be good advice under normal circumstances-
but don't you think people are just tired of you?
I mean, you have done enough explanations, and setting "your story" straight. People are tired of you shoving your life (and your children's lives) on everyone.
You have done enough damage to your "brand". You lack the personality & talent for t.v., movies, music, writing books, etc...
Just go away, and live your life peacefully.
Parker O'Donnell is 16, his schools is all over the net, he is rarely bothered by the press, doesn't have creepy fans (of his mom, but not of him), and Rosie has talked about his school all over her radio show. To me it's apples and oranges to these little Gosselin kids and protecting their school because they ARE hounded by creepy fans and ARE famous themselves.
Oh please, Kate sleeps very soundly, you know she does. And very late. People who feel no guilt sleep like a baby.
What the heck is Kate talking about???? Many people have reached out to her about her parenting, from her own husband to friends to family to strangers to fans. Does she give a crap what all those people have to say? Not in the slightest. She estranges them if she can or just ignores them.
She should take her own advice. There were a lot of people who wanted to help her and she spat in their faces. She's full of it.
No, Kate. All parents must not stick together "period!"
I will NOT stick with parents who are hitting their kids. I will NOT stick with parents who are neglecting their kids. I will NOT stick with parents who are molesting their kids or allowing them to be molested. And I will NOT stick with parents who make their children work and have made them work since they were babies. Or parents who spend their children's hard earned money. Get it?
Oh, also, Kate? You're not going to get us to "agree to disagree" on a parent who has made MILLIONS off their kids, sees absolutely nothing wrong with what they did for the past six years, and is now pissing it all away.
These blog posts are so infuriating.
Administrator said...
No, Kate. All parents must not stick together "period!"
I will NOT stick with parents who are hitting their kids. I will NOT stick with parents who are neglecting their kids. I will NOT stick with parents who are molesting their kids or allowing them to be molested. And I will NOT stick with parents who make their children work and have made them work since they were babies. Or parents who spend their children's hard earned money. Get it?
That's just "Kate-speak" for, everyone should support KATE & turn a blind eye to KATE'S crappy behavior & crappy decisions.
No thanks, Kate.
Kate's also a huge hypocrite.
She blamed Cara's fight with Jamie's son all on Jamie, told her to control her child. How is that "sticking together" and supporting each other? Um, no, that was a criticism of Jamie's parenting. Same darn thing.
She also accused Jodi and Kevin of leaving their children when they went off to testify at child labor hearings. Again, critical of someone's parenting choices to leave children behind for one morning (when three out of four of them were in school, lol). That's not sticking together.
She also once got mad at one of the twins' friends for calling them, said something about how lets their kids call around dinner time who lets their kids be on the phone all the time. Okay maybe she wouldn't, but other parents do. Parenting choices. Critical of them. What she is complaining about, she does.
She is sooo full of it, she does exactly what she is whining about.
Pink, bingo. It's Kate speak for everyone must support MY choices.
"We consult with friends, family, the lady in line in front of us at the grocery store, fellow school moms, and neighbors. We learn as we go and use other’s tips to form our favorite parenting “style,” much like our favorite shoe style."
Should read: Somebody give me a reality show so I can teach mediocre people Sticky Notes 101 and Cackling & Hand Flapping 099 and be a STAH!
What a whiney tantrum she is throwing again. She is defending her stupid stilettos, not her parenting. From the twitter rampage I gave her 3 weeks till she had another public conniption, but I was wrong - she couldnt last 3 whole weeks for another Poor-Katie party. Sheeple, you are falling down on your jobs, you need to be giving her WAY more praise and pity. Her needs are not being met! Step it up, sheeple. and fast!
Now that Kate is appealing to the universe to be more sensitive to her (I mean) each others needs, maybe she should look into becoming a support councelor...
You know, since she has become a kinder, gentler, more sensitive Kate ;o) .
Kate's newest. No pictures, just a big wall 'o text. I haven't made my way past the 3rd paragraph yet, but here you go:
Walk a Day in My Heels …
And then you’ll see what life is all about in my family’s fast lane 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with never a chance for me to finish my list, remove my load of responsibility that I shoulder mostly alone, or sleep a peaceful night of sleep oblivious to care and concern.
You see, most of us are parents, many of us are single parents, and a few of us have more than a handful of kids, which makes us extra frazzled parents. We all walk in our own shoes, chosen for our individualized walk through life, whether they be heels, running shoes, cowboy boots, flip flops, steel toe work boots, or those incredibly comfortable ballet flats! And truth be told, all of us eventually find our favorite style of shoe and tend to wear them a lot — each carving our own paths in life one step at a time as the soles of those favorites slowly wear through with life’s experiences.
As parents, because there is no manual on how to do it all “right,” we must find our way on our own through trial and error. We consult with friends, family, the lady in line in front of us at the grocery store, fellow school moms, and neighbors. We learn as we go and use other’s tips to form our favorite parenting “style,” much like our favorite shoe style.
I believe that all parents should reach out and encourage other parents, share tips, mistakes, fears, and triumphs. In life, it’s through communication and caring that we gain knowledge — in parenting and in all other areas of living. By hearing and sharing, it makes us better, more refined parents. Other’s opinions and advice along with our own past and convictions form who we become as individuals and as parents.
The part that concerns me is the fact that once I became a parent I began to notice how not all “advice” that came from parents or people in general was constructive. Some opinions were “judgements” and they felt harsh and mean. Many people impart their opinions without apology and without full knowledge of the situation as if they have walked in my chosen shoes and have taken each and every painful step that I have taken! This is disturbing to me because criticism is not helpful or advantageous to anyone and can be especially damaging to well meaning parents.
Harsh opinions break down that very individualized and crucial barrier and causes parents to say “am I doing it all wrong?” “Have I made all wrong choices?” This fuels the infamous bouts of “mommy guilt” or “daddy guilt” that so many parents suffer through. It turns the amazing worldwide parental bond into a parental contest and war and I must admit, it disheartened me as a new parent. Fortunately, in most cases, as we become more “seasoned” parents, we learn to wade through those critical darts shot at each of us. We develop a thickened skin and save our weapons only for those “mother bear” (or “father bear”) moments.
It’s time for all of us to make a change whereby all parents truly stick together! Period! No more contests, no more darts; just support, help, and concern for each other!
I may wear heels and you may choose to wear comfortable flats. How refreshing to have a conversation about our different shoe styles — you not understanding how I walk in heels and I can’t understand how flats are more preferable for your walk down life’s paths. We agree to disagree on those things realizing that our individual choices work for us. We respect each other’s choices. Certainly if I am not walking in your “flat shoes” and you’re not walking on my “stilts,” how can we make judgement or point the finger at one another?
The same applies to parenting. Give advice, hold back criticism, agree to disagree when necessary and move on!
If everyone took this idea to heart, it could change the world! (Heck, if it only improved Twitter, the world would be a kinder place!)
I’ll see you out there… And, yes, I’ll be wearing my heels as usual!
Like I said in am earlier post...
"Kate did NOT write that post."
There are only 3 or 4 !!!!!!! marks .
Kate, I was done with you till this. I was ready to just look away. But your stilletos are your mental illness, Kate and that is not a parenting 'style'. You are mentally ill and your parenting is dysfunctional and abusive. I will NOT 'agree to disagree', I will NOT look away, I will NOT turn a blind eye to children being abused, manipulated, exploited, used, neglected and emotionally terrorized by their mentally ill gestational carrier, simply because it's your 'style'.
YOU are the problem, Katie, YOU are wrong, YOU are dysfunctional, YOU need treatment and help, YOU have damaged your entire family and continue to do so. There is nothing wrong with me or my 'style'. There is everything wrong with YOU and your thought processes. You are not anywhere near normal. You are not fit to parent. (And you are not worthy of my advertising dollars, so stop begging, you continue to embarrass yourself.)
When she says stuff like this, I wonder how long she has been this way, and I become irritated with Jon and her continued control of his children. She is so mentally ill, she is not fit to raise those kids.
The word 'incompetent' to me is a legal one, but if I were the social worker doing THIS court investigation, I would be recommending to the court additional evaluation of this woman's psychological ability to see to the children's mental and emotional upbringing. Just because they have a clean house, go to school an adequate number of days, someone slops a bit of food down for them everyday, does not make her parenting 'competent'.
What a load of mule muffins from Kate. She CONSTANTLY criticizes others, from Jon to her brother and SIL, to other parents, to her kids. What she means is, no one should have the right or the audacity to criticize her. Sorry, Kate. Most of us have the wisdom, the intelligence and the morals to recognize when someone is doing wrong. Criticism can result in improvement, if listened to and taken to heart. Most of us learn from constructive criticism.
tamara said... In the ep w jon leading in airport, on the couch khate said that she wants him to lead more then immediately followed up that she wants to be in charge. Jon said she runs over his heals and yells when he tries to lead. No win for jon
Ps brokeen armn blackberry, non dominate thumb typing. Xcuse
I get exactly what you're trying to say! And it couldn't be more true.
People who are in the clutch of a narcissist usually think a good coping mechanisim is to just let the narc. call the shots and do things their way. Problem is... narcissists need conflict and to criticize, to feed their empty souls. So they berate their target for "making" them do everything and leaving all the decision making to them. More or less opening the door to the trap for the victim. When the victim walks in by trying to do what they think the narc is asking them to do, the narc pounces, ripping all their efforts apart in the process. Also, another tactic narcs will use when their victim always defers to them to avoid their wrath, is berating the victim for being unable to read the narcs mind and anticpate their wants and whims at all times. The narc wants to 'train' their victim to be consumed with thinking of how to serve the narc and make them happy- or else.
Sadly, my knowledge of the inner working of a narc is due to having one in my family. My narcissist's spouse left a few months ago and he is blissfully happy. He wishes he had done it sooner. Unfortunately, there are 3 young children involved and our narc has unleashed the typical viceral wrath, complete with attempted alienation. It is heart wrenching to me how someone so easily chooses their hate over their love and the well-being of their children (Kate!?) But.... I think it will all turn out ok. Our family is looking forward to the holidays with joy and anticipation this year, without this person who has made our lives miserable for so long.
Dwindle, **applause.**
This is Kate trying to blame her horrific parenting choices not on herself, but on everyone else for not sticking together and supporting her.
Sorry, Kate, most people won't support child abusers. You've got a few dysfunctional fans left as many abusers do, but that's it.
And she knows full well that hooker heels have absolutely nothing to do with it. Just because some people occasionally snark about her shoes doesn't mean that disagreements about her parenting are in that same spectrum of snark. Not by a long shot.
How many freaking times can we hear about this womans day?? Enough already...could not even get through of what ever that idiot was talking about. What exactly was she getting at anyway? I'm sure it had something to do with having sympathy for her. Who the hell knows. All I know is that she sickens me. Please...MAKE IT STOP !! She can take those heels and shove them up her ass
Does anyone else think that someone got through to her about how regular, 'single', so-stressed, overworked, unemployed, all alone moms dont strut around in bondage stilletos in Target, a new pair every week? The only one she ever listens to is Steve, MAYBE her manager. One of those two said something firmly to her and this is why she is so defensive. Re-read her post with this in mind, that someone told her the horrible shoes are conflicting with how they are trying to sell her image. Makes sense?
Kate has fallen into that perfect spectrum of child abusers where it is difficult to impossible to ever stop them.
She's not really physically hurting her kids (that we know of, spanking is sadly, legal), she's not molesting them, she's not doing drugs or drinking to a point where they are being neglected, even if she's not caring for them she appears to have a competent nanny who does it and a good school. She's just not fitting into your "typical" mom courts get involved with. On paper, she looks okay. Be we all know how serious ill she is in the head.
What she is, is not so quantifiable. She's batshit crazy. And trying to legislate batshit crazy has always been difficult. And trying to rescue kids from batshit crazies is nearly impossible.
Jon probably had a tiny chance of getting a judge who would "get her" and give him custody. I know a few who would. A very few. Most would follow the book and give her free reign. But the luck of the draw is the luck of the draw, and he drew a judge who conforms.
Frankly it would be a heck of a lot easier if she would just dabble in some crack.
That crapola about just wanting to "blend in" is making my blood boil! Liar, liar, pants on fire. Kate wants noticed and we all know it. Doesn't want the kids noticed unless its being filmed for profit, don't you know? Exploitation is the name for it. This includes the Duggars as well. Sickening, all of it. They've all fallen for TLC and the love of money.
Yes Dwindle. Someone told her her heels don't work with what she's trying to sell. Or she read it here or all over the net.
That's what this post is. Trying to analogize criticism of all this to the larger criticism of her parenting. In the end, this easy was one hot mess full of faulty logic that as usual made no sense.
I give her an F on this paper.
If people like Kate or others didn't need attention, if they did not need gratification from their actions or to feel the need to put on the pedestal there would be no reality TV shows.
They exist because these people need their desires and wishes granted and by putting themselves out there for the world to see in the quickest way to achieve notoriety they have worked for yet feel they are entitled to, these people feel they have accompolished something. No matter how menial it is, making it on TV for your background, your bizzare situation or lifestyle, as long as it earns you the glory and quick ticket to popularity and fame they could care less.
Kate does not care who she has hurt, stepped on or who has wiped her nose. All she cares about is getting her fix, much like any addicted, fame is a type of drug that seeps slowly into one's regular concious and takes over their one's normal selves with this almost cringing completely and utterly unkown type of monster.
They live in a world structured on what cameras want that day, they give their lives away for sake of a paycheck regardless of who it will effect in the long rung. As long as they continue to get written about, photographed this glorification is all they will need to sustain them.
We all see it: when Kate is out alone, she smiled frequently at the paps but only if it is in a setting that flatters her, such as at an event. Yet her face evokes an entirely different story when we get pictures with her children or on video. She is playing two different parts when all she wants is the part that is most lavish upon herself.
Having a large family, either naturally or arificial insimination does not make her or even the Duggars all that unusual or grand in my eyes. What makes them stand out, what makes these people unable to blend in is their need to be special, otherwise they would have been satisified with living on a budget and as a typical family like everyone else. But they are not and never will be now that they are sheltered with cushioned reality TV gigs.
Going back to normal is something these people have no concept of or very little if that. Filing their life should never have been a necessity but became so onces they realized, "hey...I can get easy money by just talking to this camera and allowing every moment, proper or not in my life shown to millions."
In a way I look at it and I think people like Kate, Duggars, Toddlers whatever, its a statement that they are too weak to have even attempted to stand of their own two feet and live life without being a spectacle. They bemoan they don't want the attention but you look at Kate the second she loses what she wants it's, "Where are all my tweeties? Where's the party?"
Truly, no self-respecting human being, a mother of so many children, Kate, Michelle whichever would have the time to whine this much to so many people if they were truly as happy as they claim. They wouldn't need to let people watch them on TV to be seen as this cookie-cutter family, they would have accepted what is and moved on. But they can't because they all need so badly to follow the stupid American dream of being famous for the slightest thing.
Normal people don't crave and do not need to be rewardered for having babies and living. Simple as that. They made a spectacle of themselves because they wanted to nothing more. The second it doesn't go their way they pout and lash out hoping to win over more affection because life is just so hard because *knock knock* THEY chose it. They put all their apples in one basket then have a fit when they're all gone because they didn't save any left over and nobody will share their apples with them.
there r kids out there in immediate danger in their homes, ones that could die or starve to death tomorrow. And the ratio of social sevice and fosters is tiny in comparison. If u want to help kids in a g like situation charity, funding, legislation, foster rent r the way 2 go
Not ed hardy jon who pissed me off, but enabler, ignore abuse, take anger out on kids, participate in abuse jon does
She really has lost it. In reply to "u went all Hollywood", she said "Portrayal is beyond my control".
Who wrote that blog post?
It sure as hell wasn't kart..........
gramof5 said...
Good God fearing Christians don't make a living off of their precious children. Period !
I use to like watching this show, until some of their actions made me question their faith.
This accident is probably the most disturbing to me, but other things have really bothered me also.
Like ...how can you put a 4 yr old in the same room with a 14 yr old and tell me they are getting an education ?
Also, do each of the Duggar children have their own bank acoount for all the work they do?
I just don't mean by filming either...
I don't believe the Duggars have ever 'made a living off of their precious children'. Unlike the Gosselin's whose sole income is based on their tv show, they were financially successful long before TLC came knocking and will be fine after they leave.
By your question I wonder how ever did 1 room school houses manage to educate children if they mixed age groups? They did for many years, because it works if managed correctly. The Duggars don't teach all in 1 room - they have computer and work stations set up in various rooms in the house.
I also wondering if you think the majority of children in American households earn money for their contributions to the family and have their own bank accounts. The answer is most likely a resounding no.
I wanted to post to clear up one misconception that I saw repeated in comments - Michelle Duggar was not holding or using a camera phone. She was right where a mother should be, beside her child holding his hand and keeping him calm.
I've been watching the Duggars since their first special and while I think they're a bit fame hungry their core values have changed very little. They're still very hardworking and involved in their community. For children who are homeschooled and supposedly sheltered they enjoy more of a social life and extended family/friends environment than the Gosselins. It's rare to have an episode of their show without friends or family popping up. Their charity is also not forced, it's part of who they truly are.
For all their faults, and filming Jason during this time is one of those faults, they come off as genuine and I find it difficult to believe that what you see on film is any different than what you'd get if the cameras disappeared. That can't be said about most other 'reality' shows.
did you break your arm??!!
Wishes for fast healing and no pain.....
dee3, I grew up in the suburbs where we didn't have front porches, but in the small town I live in now, they remember spending hours on the front porch at night, just chatting with neighbors who were strolling by. Everyone had a front porch and used it. When front porch sitting went away, so did neighborliness, according to them.
Kate didn't write that latest blog post. Too few exclamation points and here are some words and phrases that are not in her vocabulary, 'oblivious', 'incredibly comfortable ballet flats', 'carving our own path', 'we consult with...the lady in line in front of us in the grocery store', 'it's through communication and caring that we gain knowledge', 'Harsh opinions break down that very individualized and crucial barrier', ' it disheartened me as a new parent', 'we learn to wade through those critical darts shot at each of us', 'It’s time for all of us to make a change **whereby** all parents truly stick together!'
2exhausted2name said...
I wanted to post to clear up one misconception that I saw repeated in comments - Michelle Duggar was not holding or using a camera phone. She was right where a mother should be, beside her child holding his hand and keeping him calm.
Look at the screen capture I posted. That's Michelle, front and center (well actually, off to the left slightly), holding a camera phone filming away. She was by his side, but she was also filming at least for some of it.
Barb in Nebraska, very good point indeed, it made me laugh! you are so correct about kHate's limited vocabulary.
Funny I don't see Kate consulting about parenting with anyone. Mostly in fact because she is right even if she is wrong and nobody is going to change her mind. Kate is in control of her kids and that's never going to change, remember?
Who would she consult with anyway? Her tweeties? Steve? She hasn't been with any real friends only hired people from TLC she considered "family." Even if they offered her tips she'd still do things her way no matter what anybody told her.
She's too finicky a parent. Their jackets have to match, her kids are ruined in they get ice cream on them, they can't go the park and play in the sandbox, they have to eat their lunch in order.
If she was even half as open minded about parents sticking together and all this crap she wouldn't be as uptight as she is. Kate allows for every little mistakes except if it's her own self making them.
Looking around her home, you don't see a very kind-friendly much less enthusiastic environment. No regular mediocre house with even 2 or 3 kids is constantly that clean without help, the only help Kate will take is if someone is willing to DO something for her so it will make her pathetic life easier because she's just too lazy.
Clips coupons all you want, which is not a bad idea, just don't flaunt it is the thing. Using a coupon doesn't make you a great parent. It's all those other mundane things you do where sometimes your kids thank you or they don't but you do it anyway. Her kids can't possibly say thank you for every single thing that's just not in kids' nature all the time I don't think. I mean as a kid did you always thank you mom for making you dinner every night or giving you an over-the-top birthday party? I doubt it.
Boy, I thought this post about the Duggars would be a much needed break from the Gosselins, but I was wrong !
I'm just not a big fan of parents that sell out their childrens childhood and privacy for a paycheck.
Besides, I didn't know this was just supposed to be a 'Fan Site' for the Duggars, or I would have skipped this party.
The twit's tweets said...If we're to believe Kate about not knowing anything about how to use a computer - are we to believe she's doing her website by herself? I don't think for a minute she's doing her site. She may be writing the crap that's posted, but she's not managing it.
Someone posted awhile back that it's a WordPress site, which is similar to blogger except that you can customize it so it doesn't have that distinct blogger layout. You can tweak it to look like a customized website yet have the simplicity of running your site like blogger.
Kate would need a professional to help her set it up, customize the design and layout, and maintain WordPress bugs and updates. Her web designer probably assigned Kate as an "author" to the site, so she can simply post on her own (without seeing all the complex administrator stuff). The only "managing" Kate has to do is post material.
Since Kate plus 8 has been canned, and not that we ever expected to see fruit of it...however, where does this leave Kate's, "retweek, in-the-works, surprise, hush-hush all mine Twist of Kate reality show?
Marie, I agree with what you've said if you're talking about Kate, but I can't believe you're saying she and the Duggars are alike and have the same motives.
Do you really believe that "what makes these people unable to blend in is their need to be special, otherwise they would have been satisified with living on a budget and as a typical family like everyone else." Do you really believe the Duggars 'need' to be special and that they were not and are not satisfied living on a budget (something they do to this day plus they don't buy anything unless they can pay cash for it). The Duggars had a large family because that is what they believe the Bible calls them to do -- not because they need to be special.
While Kate struggles to find a purpose and direction, do you honestly believe the Duggars will struggle returning to their regular lifestyle after TLC's cameras are gone and that "Going back to normal is something these people have no concept of or very little if that. Filming their life should never have been a necessity but became so"... A huge difference between the Duggars and Kate is that for their show the Duggars went about their regular lives and the cameras tagged along. The Duggars did book tours, spoke at conventions, visited friends, went on mission trips and the cameras followed them, but they would have done those same things whether the cameras were there or not. Kate didn't have a regular life and did nothing unless and until TLC 'produced' and filmed the activity for her. The Duggars are very active and involved in outreach all over the world with or without the cameras and they'll continue to go about their lives when the filming stops. Kate... well, she has no agenda other than herself and pimping out her kids. The Duggar's lives will change very little when TLC leaves.
You lumped Kate and the Duggars in the same sentence saying "In a way I look at it and I think people like Kate, Duggars, Toddlers whatever, its a statement that they are too weak to have even attempted to stand of their own two feet and live life without being a spectacle." Have you forgotten that the Duggars were very successful for many years before their tv show and have used it to expand their work and that they'll be fine when the show ends? Do you really feel that they're 'too weak' to stand on their own two feet and live life? If you really feel this way, I urge you to rewatch some of their specials and browse through YouTube's episodes because that's not what they've presented. Many, many people disagree with their choice to have such a large family and to do their tv show, but I've never heard anyone say they've never stood on their own feet, that they 'need' the show, and that they are nothing without it.
1. Ok, let's say TLC didn't have their cameras in the orchestra pit. (The lights are far too bright to be phones, though, so I'm not sure I believe that.) My original question remains unanswered: what parent thinks to whip out the phone videocamera to film their scared hurt child for their TV show?!?! It's STILL creepy and unnatural.
2. Kate did NOT write that blog entry. It's far too well-written. All you have to do is compare it to her earlier ones to see that.
2exhausted2name said...
I saw your comment and wondered if the hand we were seeing was in fact someone else's holding the phone, so I went an reviewed the video clip several times. It is indeed Michelle Duggar holding the phone. At one point, she moves forward and the arm and hand which are holding the phone move forward as well and then move back as she readjusts herself.
Sorry, but while she was by her son's side, she was filming. What her reasons were, I have no idea. I would hope it was for some other reason than capturing footage for TLC. I would hope it was so they could share what happened at the scene of the accident with the hospital, in case the doctors had any questions, but then why would Jim Bob continue filming in the ER? (No, I don't think it was TLC in the ER exam room, that footage was captured by Jim Bob.)
This makes absolutely no sense to me and I hope that Michelle and Jim Bob are held accountable by the court of public opinion. This was not simply their adult children pulling out their iphones to film while Mom and Dad dealt with their injured sibling, as Michelle stated, this was Mom and Dad filming while dealing with their injured son.
As for the argument that they were trying to get some light in the pit area, then why was Michelle's phone turned towards her? I use my iPhone to light my way in the dark, but I turn my screen away from me.
This was poor judgement. Period.
Ahhhh..... front porch sitting. I remember it well! Our porch was large enough to seat 6-8 people; because we had one of the larger porches folks tended to congregate at our house after dinner.
Ususally round about 7 - 7:30. Iced tea and lemonade and koolaid for the kids, and there was always someone who would bring cookies, cake, popsicles or pie.
Funny how the bugs and skeeters never seemed to be an issue, at least I don't remember them. Nowadays they drive me crazy.
We kids would play games in the yard, my favorite was hide and seek; or we'd hang out sitting at our parents feet while the grownups talked.... we could hear some good gossip that way - the grownups seemed to tolerate us if we were quiet.
We'd all head home to bath and bed about the time the moths started getting pushy as darkness came and porch lights came on. Sometimes we'd get to catch fireflies if the parents were deep into some good discussion. I do remember some political discussions that got loud and long.
I remember those silly yellow porch lights that were supposed to not attract bugs. Didn't work!
Love those childhood summer memories - no TV, no computers... we played jacks, statue tag, jump rope, king of the mountain, hide and seek. Somehow the lack of air conditioning wasn't an issue even in hot midwest summers. Hmmmmmmm...
Yep, nostalgia is fun......
Gramof5, please post your own thoughts on the Duggars.
I have only seen the first special ( I think they had 16 kids then) and bits and pieces since then. I have since learned aout the Quiverful Movement, which they seem to follow, at least tangentially. Without getting into a religious argument, I will say that I disagree with the circumscribed lives that the Duggar children and the girls, especially, are being groomed for.
More importantly, I disagree with the premise of broadcasting any child's "real" life for telelvision, whether it be for Toddlers and Tiaras, JK8, the Duggars, etc.
I lost any respect that I had for the Duggars with the presence of camers - for televison, in the NICU when Josie was born. Nothing that they have done since with respect to their "show," has caused me to change my mind.
The latest incident : 'my child has an accident and my first impulse is to film it' is beyond the pale.
On another note, TLC has not been watched in this household for several years.
While the bulk of what I said was directed quite a bit at Kate, I view anyone who does reality TV with suspicion. They seem to start of harmless with a few specials but when they become a large part of family life, when parents allow children to be filmed at inappropriate times regardless of the situation I view it as wrong. This includes the Duggars on more than this recent accident occasion.
I will never understand why people for sake of a paycheck forsake family privacy.
I don't agree that the Duggars have filmed this. If they did not need the money..why continue after all this time to film? I mean really. A few specials okay, a whole reality show based on how to raise 19 children? I mean give it up already. I don't care if you're freaking Mary Poppins down the street here what I'm saying is there has to come a point, when a mother Kate or Michele chose to film their children in situations that are just not appropriate or serve a point other than for entertainment.
I am not asking you to agree with me, heck that's not possible for us all to agree all the time. What I'm saying is it's clear the Gosselins and other reality TV show families or people have just let themselves be swept up into this lifestyle.
Great description of dealing with a narcissist. It's like walking on eggshells all the time. You develop this numb, brain-washed personality after a few years of it.
Fidosmommy~I grew up in the suburbs too....classic 50's suburb (ticky-tacky houses)....but I remember catching fireflies at dusk, dads giving those huge wolf whistles to call the kids to come in the house, and us kids competing to be the first to yell "first on street light!" as soon as they came on. I always wanted to whistle like that...with fingers of both hands in their mouths....but never figured out how to do it.
I do see a great deal of difference between the Duggars and Kate....mainly that they are simply much nicer people. But I do believe you need to have some degree of narcissism to even go on these reality shows.....and Bob does strike me as liking the camera.
It's the hypocrisy that bugs me. I already have a problem with people who claim to be religious but then do things that are not really walking the walk. It's kinda hard to describe. I mean, I like them as people whereas I can't stand Kate. But I'm not talking about people practicing their religion...I'm talking about people who are trying to peddle their religion. I hold them to a higher standard...just like I hold Kate to a higher standard because she was tries to hold herself up as this model mother. There's a difference between simply being religious and having a show where the religion is a big deal. The Duggars portray themselves as making sure their children are not tainted by modern society....yet pull out cell phones with cameras as soon as one of them gets injured. I had already had a bit of a problem with the hypocrisy of them even being on a TV show in the first place when they've shunned TV.
And regarding Kate's blog entry....what mother of 8 children even has time for style??? I sure didn't and I only had 3.
Would they have filmed this if he was unconscious, or God-forbid, dead?
For those who have children and think that pulling out a cellphone to film the accident is acceptable behavior for a parent, would this have been YOUR first thought if YOUR child had fallen into a pit?
I think Brown Noser wrote that blog post for Khate, it sounds just like something she'd write. That woman creeps me out.
Permanent name~we lit all these stinky citronella candles at dusk for the bug problem...I still remember the smell. And we played 4-square in the street....used chalk to make the squares on the blacktop. When they started doing some construction down the street and had a big dirt hill....we played "army"...and each side would try to take the hill. It really makes me chuckle to remember this stuff.
Ya know....I'm really wondering if it's 100% about the $. These parents on these shows seem to develop almost a Stockholm Syndrome....like they've been set up to compete with each other for who will get another season. I see this on the Real Housewives series also. Maybe that rush of competition gets to them...like a gambler.
Yeah, I'm chicken this time around and would like just this one time to remain anoymous but I post here often.
My sister-in-law was raised just as the Duggards in the Bill Gothard religion. She is one of 9 children. Most were born at home, all were homeschooled and they all had a buddy system. They did not watch TV accept for appropriate shows. Having a doll was considered sinful, wearing pants on girls was considered wrong. She endured military-line up if someone had done something wrong, praying together as a family.
She is now married at 22, although she claims she left this religion she married my brother who now sadly as control over all she does. The man is the head of the family and therefore makes all the decisions. He enjoys the power that goes with it. I sort of see this in Jim Bob to a degree.
Her mom said she had too many kids to remember their birthdays. They dressed like the Duggards in same type of outfits, did not socialize with another other than within their religious beliefs. My SIL to this day remains under the influence of her older siblings who raised her, they tell her what to do, how to do it, what to think and back each other up on everything except an outsider.
I happen to be an outsider. I do not agree with the Duggars on a lot of things for this reason with their religion, even if they are decent as people. My SIL mother was narassstic, loved having babies but spent little time with her children, passing them off to older siblings, allowing older siblings to discpline and homeschool them.
I think they have gone too far in filming their family for reality TV show. I do not agree with the buddy system to pass children off to older siblings to teenage girls to raise and look after at all. The amount of control is frightening, and I learned it the hard way because my brother and SIL along with her family no longer speak to our side of the family.
You can be religions but I don't agree with it, I also don't believe the fact that all the kids get individual attention with that many of them. How could you? Did the Duggars ever do Special Day with their kids one on one? Not that I ever say.
Audible Click said...
I think Brown Noser wrote that blog post for Khate.
And I would agree with you. Kate did not write it. It's still overly written, but nothing like Kate's ridiculous prose.
It actually does sound like a sheeple wrote it, doesn't it? Maybe someone wrote it up for her and suggested she use it for her blog and she doesn't need to credit them. Kate would lap that right up.
It smells of all the classic sheeple arguments: Confusion of the issues (painting criticism about Kate as about her hooker heals), don't judge until you've walked in her shoes (how many times have they said that?), hypocritical (don't criticize my parenting, but I'm allowed to criticize others), this notion that parents should always stick together (no thanks, I don't stick with child abusers), and overall logic full of more holes than swiss cheese.
2exhausted2name said...
I wanted to post to clear up one misconception that I saw repeated in comments - Michelle Duggar was not holding or using a camera phone. She was right where a mother should be, beside her child holding his hand and keeping him calm.
Oh yes she sure was filming her hurt child with her cell phone! Jill and John David were stabilizing Jason's neck because they didn't know if he had a neck injury and Michelle was right next to them trying to get the best shot on the camera! She was actually using two hands to steady the cell phone.
I have always liked the Duggars, but this appalling footage has drastically changed my opinion of them ( I saw this on tv before I saw the post here ).
OK, here's another take on cell phone videos of accidents/injuries etc...... from a health care professional point of view.
Nowadays it's not uncommon for a family member to arrive at the ER with patient and a video to show the doc. *Sometimes* the video is good tool for diagnosing what happened.
A good example is a seizure being video taped. One person WAS helping patient on floor and another was taping and calling 911. When the video was shown to the ER doc he was able 100% to say "yes, this was tonic-clonic seizure" and treatment was started with confidence.
This is only one example. I've heard of folks bringing in videos of their vomit, blood loss, and diarrhea to show. YES - YUCK! But in the spirit of 'a picture is worth a thousand words' these videos *can* be helpful. At times.
Don't anyone holler at me here!!!! This post is not a defense of what was seen on Duggers.
Repeat, this is not a defense of what the Duggers did.
Although personally I was not too horrified or surprised. Jason was being well cared for by EMT/first responders.
It's just another side of the issue to keep in mind. As in, there is good and bad in all technology. Cell phone cameras do have their uses.
Also, there is this - in an accident witnesses are notoriously shaky in their statements. A video can provide solid answers where a witness might not be able to convey an accurate story.
Just some thoughts to consider. Please don't yell at me! {big smile}
I'm still not sure exactly how I feel about being videotaped in public....
If the video shows clearly some bad guy stealing my purse and that leads to his arrest and conviction, then I'm for it.
If some video catches me in Walmart in too-tight shorts, picking my nose, then I'm against it.
I do try to never pick my nose in public...
That was a joke, guys...... a joke.
How ia Kate ever lonely she has that huge ego of her's. The blog she didn't write proves it
Well, we all know Kate's one fry short of a happy meal to begin with here.
Anyway, she can clip coupons all she wants, but the money isn't going to last forever without a JOB!
If people were interested she'd already have an entertainment job here. If she's waiting for something to swim by, she's a sitting duck.
I don't care if she does claim she's organized and can survive on coupons, nobody can survive without some form of income even if she saved her fortune (doubt it) it wouldn't hold a candle to all her I'm broke stories the money will not last forever. Not unless she's invested it and we've her do that: Audi TT, nails, hair, etc.
As for the argument that they were trying to get some light in the pit area, then why was Michelle's phone turned towards her? I use my iPhone to light my way in the dark, but I turn my screen away from me.
Is it an iphone? I can't tell from the photo and I refuse to watch that preview clip with an image of the boy's bloody face.
I do know some newer smartphones have a built-in LED flash for the camera. My smartphone has a dual-LED flash which is actually brighter than using the touchscreen as a flashlight. (Remember those mini-LED keychain lights?) There's a flashlight app that can access the LED flash without using the smartphone's camera/camcorder. Not sure if this is the case with the newer iphones, but it is for some Android smartphones.
Either way, it doesn't seem like the Duggars were using their smartphone's lighting abilities solely as a flashlight.
The only video that could have been helpful to doctors would be video of him actually falling or of how he looked when he was found. All the video was is of the aftermath, stabilizing him. That's useless. I don't care if parents are taping something for the doctors. Just don't stick it on Youtube, or on your TLC show.
And, if the video was for the doctors, it would have been shown to the doctors and only the doctors, not to millions on TLC.
You can tell for sure it's Michelle one by the weird bird's nest hairstyle piled up on her head, and two, the navy blue shirt. The other Duggar kids in the video are wearing light-colored shirts.
Admin said: Just don't stick it on Youtube, or on your TLC show.
How long can Kate actually go without a job on two things:
1. If she saved her money and budgeted carefully.
2. If she spent money like water.
I totally agree with everyone here that TLC and Duggars crossed the line. Probably for ratings.
Start to read that Kate blog here and had to stop, BS!,BS!,BS! And I agree, Kate did not write that, she does not have the intelligence to write that, given how she talks. As, I said on other post, Kate has someone to write her blog, Kate could not figure out how to ban people from twitter, so how could she figure out how to use Wordpress.
Did I understand Kate's tweet: did she buy the kids new bikes?
I ead that the kids GOT new bikes. She is always parsing her words.
"...We respect each other’s choices. Certainly if I am not walking in your “flat shoes” and you’re not walking on my “stilts,” how can we make judgement or point the finger at one another?"
@Kateplusmy8 Was just reading some tweets abt u...do people have nothing better to do than badmouth someone they don't even know?
12 Oct
in reply to ↑
Kate Gosselin
@BrewCrewGirl76 I should recruit those rude ppl to help with homework here, no?
12 Oct via Twitterrific
@Kateplusmy8 @BrewCrewGirl76 Oh no Kate. Those rude people obviously didn't make it past 3rd grade so they wouldn't be the best choice. LOL
12 Oct
in reply to ↑
Kate Gosselin
@Livin4LifeLove @BrewCrewGirl76 very true
12 Oct via Twitterrific
Yet, Kate makes judgments about the people who disagree with her - that some of these non-fans are uneducated. Even if it didn't come straight out of her mouth, she did choose to respond with a tweet in agreeance.
Maybe she should take some of her own advice first, before she goes out trying to change the world.
@Kateplusmy8 @BrewCrewGirl76 Oh no Kate. Those rude people obviously didn't make it past 3rd grade so they wouldn't be the best choice. LOL
12 Oct
Oh, sheeple. What were the stats on this blog again? A huge chunk of viewers here have a college education and a slightly smaller though sizable number have grad school and BEYOND.
But, it doesn't take college to get some common sense.
Just popping in to agree with everyone who says there is no way Kate wrote that piece of drivel, Walk A Day in My Heels. The twit can't put a coherent sentence together and as far as I am aware, there is no software program that could take what comes from her mouth and make it sound reasonable.
After seeing one of the original specials for the Duggars, I really wasn't interested so haven't followed them since. Of course, I read about the filming of Josie in NICU and was appalled, and was horrified to read about the filming of this newest accident. I read all the posts condemning the filming and the ones defending it and tried to keep an open mind...but I keep coming back to one point. No matter if their intentions were good in filming poor Jason, turning the film over to TLC is indefensible.
I've tried to be non-judgmental about this family from the beginning, but I feel just the fact that they have smart phones with all the bells and whistles goes against their original portrayal of a frugal family who only spent what was necessary and a religious family who shielded their children from any media that might contaminate their impressionable young psyches.
As far as K8's new blog entry, I agree that she did not write this. There are too many big words, no cutesy "K8isms" and no misspellings. I don't believe it was written by a fan for the simple reason that "daddy guilt" was included in the paragraph that tries to portray her as a thoughtful, caring parent. I don't know who wrote it, but not only did they not throw Jon under the bus, the came thiiiis close to admitting he's a caring parent. Definitely not K8!!!
Fadetoblack - excellent comment. I agree with you.
"Either way, it doesn't seem like the Duggars were using their smartphone's lighting abilities solely as a flashlight.
Listen to what Michelle says. She doesn't say that they are using phones as flashlights. She says, "we have so many adult children that they have a phone with a camera on it, so needless to say everyone was getting this on their cameras..."
WHY? Why would pulling out their camera phones even be on their minds? Why is it "needless to say?"
fade2balck - sorry I misspelled your name. :(
and again. time to stop trying to type.
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