Thursday, October 20, 2011

Kate admits she was 'stressed' on Old Navy trip with twins
In response to some depressing photos of Kate upset at her kids again, Kate tweeted this:

Lies again! Old navy pics were taken on SUNDAY before fam photo shoot.stressed 2b styling Fam of 9 1hr before pics?Yes! Good try INF daily!

Regardless when the photos were taken, it's sad to see Kate take stress out on her children, If her obligations when it comes to staying relevant, including professional photo shoots, are too stressful for her to handle, then don't do them.

564 sediments (sic) from readers:

«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 400 of 564   Newer›   Newest» ~ Administrator said...

Kate has tweeted they use iPads, why wouldn't they have them? She could bring it along. She likes to use anything to keep kids quiet I'm sure Kate would remember the iPad.

My cousin's iPad is his lifesaver when he's driving alone with his child. He's getting divorced, has custody most of the time (yeah for good daddies getting custody!), and has to drive a lot of various reasons so she spends a lot of time alone in the back seat watching cartoons and games and things. ~ Administrator said...

LOL I feel like a sheeple defending Kate.

I have no idea the circumstances of Kate. Just commenting in general about possible scenerios! ~ Administrator said...

GM tweeties! I'm finally awake&alive!

By the time stamp this was tweeted an hour ago. At appox. 11 a.m. EST.

I thought Kate only gets five or six hours of sleep a night. Or was she out last night clubbing until the wee hours?

I don't think I've slept later than 7:30am in about eight years. Kate has tweeted several times to her Mommy followers about all the lovely long mornings she spends sleeping in. Anyone else have this luxury? Yeah didn't think so!

Audible Click said...

Can we post about Cascadian Farms now? I had posted their answer to my email to them and it was deleted. I thought it was deleted because it was OT for this thread. *confused* ~ Administrator said...

i haven't deleted anything lately. I'll check the spam folder.

The spam folder is, pardon my French, pissing me off. I don't even get spam here and from what I've read as of yet there is no way to turn off the spam filer they MAKE you use it. Dumb, Google.

By the way, switched to Mac yesterday!!! I feel like a new woman.

Susantoyota said...

Administrator said... Where are these infamous photos anyway? That might shed some light on things and explain the situation better.
The pictures are only in the actual magazine, not online. There is one shot of the actual restaurant from the parking lot (think strip mall with a small parking lot)and one long shot of the van parked in the last row of the strip mall's parking lot. From what I can tell, there are parking spots right in front of the restaurant, then the standard strip of two rows of parking spaces. It's hard to describe. There are no up close pictures of the van with the children in it. But the point is, the children were unattended in a van parked on the very back of the parking lot, not close to the restaurant. ~ Administrator said...

Far end of the lot out of sight knowing there are paps and creepy fans and others around, NOT GOOD KATE.

Lake Up North said...

Administrator said...

I don't think I've slept later than 7:30am in about eight years. Kate has tweeted several times to her Mommy followers about all the lovely long mornings she spends sleeping in. Anyone else have this luxury? Yeah didn't think so!

No but I'd love to know how she manages to pull that off though.

She slept late in the early years because she had Jon get up and do most of everything for her. guess is she is still paying hired help. No way is it possible she would be able to sleep with all her kids being up and moving around, making noise.

Surely she has a helper but she refuses to admit it to try and rangle continuing sympathy of her *single* motherhood.

It's either I get 5 hours of sleep or it's this when she sleeps until 10 or 11 or whatever. Can't she keep even this simple time noted lie straight?

Jane said...

Admin - preesi has photos of the bbb in the parking lot. the van looks to be quite a distance from the restaurant. and 15 minutes is a long time to leave kids alone - especially famous, rich kids

Mimi to 3 said...

I'm not trying to disagree with anyone about the children being left in the car -- but we live in a different world than when I was growing up. It's dangerous. My point in all this is that things happen in seconds and then you live with the fallout. Sure, in a sane world you should be able to leave children the age of the G's alone and they would be safe, sure it would be strange for someone to try to infiltrate 6-8 kids and grab one, all of the above would be difficult. But for someone determined to do harm it seems to go their way. I absolutely hate the idea of any child being forcefully taken from their home and environment and there are just some things you can do to protect them to the best of your ability as a parent and then there are neglectful things you can do and you put them at risk. Sure, it would be great if we could allow children freedoms to enjoy life at all times, but we don't live in that kind of world any more - if we ever did. At the end of the day, it is up to each parent to do what they believe is best and safest for their children. Unfortunately, Kate has put her children out there for the world to see in all kinds of scenarios and there are sick people out there.

I read this morning on another blog and some of the uber fans are saying we, the non fans, are capable of stealing those children. What? Are any of you capable of stealing someone's child. Yeah, I thought not. If anyone is capable of that it would be those uber fans who just can't get close enough to Kate and love her so much. Those are the ones she needs to keep her guard up about.

cathy518 said...

I can't imagine that it was safe to leave the Gosselins alone in a van for 15 minutes. These kids have known behavior problems due to their poor parenting and neglect(thank you 4,000 times for that Mom) and are the most likely kids to act out impulsively and get hurt while left alone. These kids need reliable supervision,probably 24/7. They could have run out in the parking lot or they could have been targeted due to their celebrity. I don't think any school district would ever leave 7 kids alone on a bus for 15 minutes. It just shows me that Kate doesn't parent responsibly, yet again.I would expect more incidents like this as her pool of paid for childcare workers dries up without a permanent contract ~ Administrator said...

Since she was just at Fig and Olive last night she's probably still in NYC waking up in some lovely pristine, eggshell white, princess and the pea bed. The kids are probably with Jon this weekend so she doesn't have to worry about the kids BUT she has tweeted in the past before about sleeping in and poor Mady and Cara had to feed the kids breakfast for pity sake. Kate? This is called PARENTAFIED.

She also tweeted she has a ton to do today. I have a life tip for Kate. If you don't waste the entire morning in bed and instead get a jump on what you need to do first thing you get a lot more done. I'm not asking her to get up at 5am but how about seven or even eight heck even nine??? That's plenty of sleep if you got to bed by 11 or 12 even.

This is another setup. Now she won't finish everything she needs to do before the kids get hone, and she will be stressed when they come home and blaming them for not finishing what she needs to be done. For someone so organized she sure is, well, NOT.

Not only does this mother have all these luxuries, but she has several weekends a month all to herself to catch up and enjoy it without worrying about the kids. She has it made and refuses to admit it!

Susantoyota said...

Administrator said... Far end of the lot out of sight knowing there are paps and creepy fans and others around, NOT GOOD KATE.

I agree it wasn't good and I'm not defending Katie Irene at all, but it does appear to be a very small parking lot. Although it would still have taken her several minutes to exit the store and get out to the van. The window of the restaurant appears on the smallish side. When I first saw the pictures, I though it would have been very easy for someone to pull up in back of the van and try the back door while remaining out of sight of the restaurant.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with Admin, it's when your kids are out of sight that it is a danger, but having said that, I never left my kid in the car, I felt it was too dangerous. I had heard of kids putting cars into neutral and cars rolling, so I didn't want to take a chance like that.
Also, even though Kate could see her kids (or if), her children are well known and people will want to take pics- she has to know this. For the benefit of her children she shouldn't leave them unattended. Oh, one more thing, whether or not Kate is a multi-millionaire, someone may believe she is and may try to kidnap a child for ransom- it happens. ~ Administrator said...

I also think that none of this applies when your kids are famous, you are famous, you are wealthy, and you are a target for paps and other rookie-loos. If it's a Gosselin kid you're looking after and not little Jimmy Mediocre, I wouldn't let them out of my sight for a second.

Kate created a situation where she cannot pop into a restaurant and leave the kids alone. It's her fault. She wanted to be famous, she got it. Now she cannot leave her kids alone like this, that's the consequence. ~ Administrator said...

Butterfly I think you said it better than me. It's leaving the kids ALONE I have a problem with, not leaving kids in a car. Who cares where your kid is if you are right there.

Sounds like from the pics, the kids were alone.

It's just sick to suggest that we would steal these children. No, fans, we are concerned about creeps kidnapping them. We seem to be the only ones concerned about what fame and fortune has done to these children's level of safety even with all the precautions in place. Heck shouldn't the FANS be the ones really concerned about this since they adore this family so much?

I have seen far more concern from even just a few non-fans as to Kate's safety and happiness and the kids' safety and happiness and the kids' financial protection and emotional protection through a nasty divorce than I have ever seen from all the fans put together.

Permanent Name said...

Administrator said... creepy to walk outside and discover some stranger snapping photos of your kids. Eek!! I hope that would make any mother think twice about making their kids remain in the spotlight with exposure through photoshoots and blogs and twitter.


I agree it would be very scary/creepy.

BUT --- the stranger was, it seems, not a kidnapper/stalker (good thing) and her actions made kart take her kids into the restaurant with her (good thing).

The photographers actions made kart do what she should have done in the first place: protect her kids!

Why does it take someone taking pictures (that kart doesn't want taken) to make kart be responsible parent?

And I can just imagine the wrath of kart when she saw the NE article and pictures. I bet she was steaming mad at the story and that someone else got paid for pictures of her/kids/van.

Remember "no one gets paid for this show except me" (paraphase about Jodi incident).

No doubt kart will turn this around, HER putting her own kids in danger, and make it seem like the photographer was stalking her. Not her kids, mind you, but kart herself. She'd have been bitching to purseboy, if in fact he is still around.

I too am glad to hear that local refused to delete the pictures from her cell phone. I think I would have said something a little more salty than "I don't think so". I may have even said with a nasty smile that I called the cops, they were on their way, and that I was going to turn over the pictures and notarized statement to Jon and Child Protective Services.

I'd love to pull her chain a little - would love to have heard the squawks coming from her mouth.....

Yes, I am bad.

anging head in shame while hiding a smile........

Permanent Name said...


PJ's momma said...

Sheeple think haters would steal the G children? That's is laughable. These are the people who put unauthorized realistic-looking facebook sites up for their favorite kids, who plaster their walls with homemade posters of the entire family, who get tattoos of the kids' names on their own bodies, who make video after video posted on youtube about those kids. And they think haters are the real danger? Please. ~ Administrator said...

Mimi, no one is saying to leave the kids alone. I'm saying leave the kids in the car while you watch from a reasonable distance for a short time.

I also think the news wants us to feel like it's a scary world out there. Kidnappings ARE way up that is absolutely true BUT, most of them are domestic deputes or crime related. I don't think the world is as terrible as the Casey Anothoy-era news wants us to believe. Kidnapping actually makes up only 2% of violent crimes against kids. That's 98% other kinds of violent crimes that could happen to your kid before they would ever be kidnapped. This I read on the Department of Justice web site. And most kidnappings are and have always been custody disputes or drug related. This surprised me, most kidnapping victims are age 10 to 35. A lot of adults! NOT baby snatchers. Jon is far more likely to kidnap these kids than some creep. Border states to Mexico have much higher kidnapping rates. PA? Not so much. Be careful out there, absolutely.....but IMO, take comfort in the statistics and let kids be kids too.

But to be clear, whether kidnapping rates are low or not of COURSE I believe Kate should not leave these kids out of her sight. And sounds like she DID. ~ Administrator said...

You know I sort of liken this to the concern we have had about the largely men crew, lack of background checks, and their free access to the kids.

The odds of one of those crew members actually hurting the kids? Probably very low. I sleep at night. BUT, doesn't mean that just because the statistics are low doesn't mean you shouldn't take REASONABLE protections. Not over the top, not giving them a six day water boarding interrogation. But a background check, child abuse check, review resume, three or more references, actually CALL the references.

I'm a firm believer in taking precautions with kids, TO A POINT. When you are creeping into the realm of paranoia, I don't think it serves your child's best interest.

gramof5 said...

Administrator said...
If you lock the car while you go in for two seconds to pay how is your baby put at risk? She's not.
Administrator, I am shocked at this statement ! Especially coming from you, an attorney.

There is absolutely no excuse for anyone to leave a child unattended, in a vehicle, for any reason.

Sooverit said...

This discussion about leaving kids alone in a car reminded me of a friend I used to have. She once told me that when she was out and about with her infant daughter she would always wear her long hair in a pony tail. Her reason? Because she was afraid that the wind might blow her hair in her face and then someone might snatch her baby while she was temporarily blinded. I cracked up at that, but she was totally serious. She was the type who was totally into smothering mothering. Ugh!

She's an idiot said...

Admin said

If you lock the car while you go in for two seconds to pay how is your baby put at risk? She's not. (Unless it's a hot day or other factors you didn't mention)


Well, she's at risk if you fall and hurt yourself, if something happens to the car while she's trapped in her car seat, if someone creates a disturbance and you can't get back to the car, and so on.

MOST of the time, things are fine. I think the point here is that Khate's ALREADY put her children at greater risk than most, and she's ALREADY damaged them more than most.

She SHOULD feel some responsibility to protect them a whole lot better than she does.

Just because a lot of people do something doesn't mean it's smart to do it. Kids knock cars out of gear, they poke each other in the eye with, say the handles of beating spoons their mothers leave behind in the van, they hit and harass each other. None of that even involves strangers, and it usually doesn't make the internet, either.

Still not a good idea.


Admin said

Sure one of the kids COULD run out of the van. But one of the kids could also run out of the restaurant too! What's the difference?


The difference is that if you are right there, and the kid runs out of the restaurant, you know immediately.

In the case of Khate's kids, which kid is going to run for their loving mother if one kid runs away from the van? Can you imagine the screeching if you were one of those kids and risked leaving the van to warn that another kid ran off? I don't see that happening.

Also, it doesn't matter if Khate could see the van the whole time. She pays absolutely no attention to those kids when they are under her nose. No way is she attentive to their safety. She's only interested in what's easy for her.

AND she's made those kids a target. They're potentially at GREATER risk than other kids, not lesser. ~ Administrator said...

Gram, you're really shocked? I guess I'm not paranoid? I can assure you far more babies have died at gas stations being hit by cars in their mothers' arms than a baby IN A SAFE CAR SEAT IN YOUR SIGHT. BELIEVE ME I think it's better to take your baby with you HOWEVER.....I don't think parents should be sitting behind bars just for a few seconds and few feet away from their car. My mom herself called the cops when a baby was left in the car at Kmart and I fully supported that but that is NOT what I'm talking about--in that case the mother was no where to be found, the baby was alone for long periods. I'm talking about seconds, not minutes. I'm talking about feet and inches, not yards.

It's all about length of time and distance to your baby. My gas station is very condensed and in some cases you are a mere three feet from your car when you pay. Many parents leave the baby in the car seat while they load groceries and no one would dream of calling the cops. Same thing.

I think I'm not being clear about this idea of leaving a child ALONE. It is not leaving a child ALONE when you are standing right there and it was only for moment, trust me no cop would think so, absent other circumstances like hot weather.

She's an idiot said...

Not to mention that she's got babysitters for most of the week - why is she even dragging the kids along anywhere, since it so obviously bothers her to be around them? ~ Administrator said...


The difference is that if you are right there, and the kid runs out of the restaurant, you know immediately.


But that is the distinction I was trying to make. If you are right there when the kid is in the car you would also know immediately if they ran out. What I'm trying to say is if you are four feet away from your kid in a restaurant, and four feet away from your kid while in the car there is no difference. Four feet is still four feet. I'm not saying that a kid running out of a restaurant is the same as a kid running out of the car on the other side of the lot. That's different. I'm saying all other factors the same, it's no more risky than a kid running away from you anywhere.

I've made myself clear enough, it's not the car that bothers me, it's leaving the kid alone. It is no different whether a kid is sitting in a car on a bench on the sidewalk standing up looking at a magazine or on a swing set for God sake. It's all about line of sight and distance and time to your child. I'm very glad my parents didn't raise me with an iron grip on me, frankly.

I'm not satisfied Kates line of sight and distance and time were safe, but I haven't seen the photos.

Sooverit said...

It looks like we have a candidate for the next big reality show. Have you all seen the family of "real-life seven dwarfs?" I just saw it on my Yahoo home page. Anderson C. featured this family on his show. I think the article said they have two bio children and three adopted children. AC left cameras in their home to film how they function in their daily routines. Of course, the parents want to "educate" people. I bet we'll be seeing them with their own show before too long. ~ Administrator said...

Well, she's at risk if you fall and hurt yourself, if something happens to the car while she's trapped in her car seat, if someone creates a disturbance and you can't get back to the car, and so on.


You could have a seizure while driving, you could carry your baby into the gas station and the gas station gets robbed and your baby gets shot. You could slip on a puddle with your baby in your arms and your baby could hit their head and die. Your baby could touch some gas residue and lick some of it and get sick or die. This is silly but the point being there are all kinds of very remote, speculative risks when you have a baby that have about a .00009 chance of happening. A car seat is a very safe place for a baby IF YOU ARE RIGHT THERE.

If you have to go inside the gas station and can't see him or her anymore, that's absolutely not okay with me and I hope no one thought that's what i meant. Most gas stations you pay at the pump for pity sake or you go to a window RIGHT THERE. That is what I envision when I say it's fine to let your baby stay in their car seat under certain controlled circumstances. You're your own best judge with your baby, unless you're Kate. ~ Administrator said...

Sooverit: Smothering mothering! Not a good thing either.

There are emotional risks to your child when you make paranoid choices too. I had a friend who was never allowed to sleep over at anyone's house. Actually, they weren't my friend for long.

Westcoaster said...

It simply amazes/amuses me that she has the balls to let her tweeties know she is just waking up on a Saturday morning at 11 am, when her last tweets were about another grifting hair appt and a late dinner in NYC. One has to assume the kids are with their father this weekend. And even if for some reason she got home to PA last night and is waking in her own bed, what nerve to post that. Followed by her usual whine of how much she has to do today, and how there never is enough time in her day. If she were not such a narcissist, perhaps the overwhelmed mother of 8 would say something about how lucky she is to be able to sleep in occasionally on a morning. But of course we all know that she has been lazing away for years. And as for her blog post about the millions of thanks she is receiving from all of her children on a hourly basis for their grifted bikes, oh I could just throw up a little in my mouth. The narcissist in her demands this from her children, and the older ones know by now that this is how the game must be played and then the narcissist in her demands attention from her tweeties about what a wonder mother this makes.

My only comment on the leaving children alone in a car, not in eye range while you negotiate a take out meal (which should have taken a whole 5 minutes if you had bothered to call ahead either from home or on the newest pink phone), is simply that this is very wrong. It is also wrong for an observer to be taking pictures, that I find creepy. She has no problems leaving the kids while she runs, she probably could have left them while she picked up dinner, but bottom line, you either park as close as possible, or you come back out and wait those extra minutes with your kids.

gramof5 said...

Administrator said...

Gram, you're really shocked? I guess I'm not paranoid?
Yes, I am really shocked and believe me, I am not paranoid. I'm just a little surprised at your opinions regarding this subject.

I consider myself sensible, not paranoid.

I do realize we all can't agree on the many subjects we have discussed , but I do respect your opinion. I just don't happen to agree with it. ~ Administrator said...

Looked at the pics it DOES look very far plus there is an entire blind side of the van hidden from view. When I envision circumstances where this would be okay it would be a car pulled right up to the storefront that you can see the whole time and be just a few seconds away from reaching in an emergency. This isn't it. What the lady should have done though, was called the cops. Not taken photos of the poor kids and then sold it to a magazine. Kate's lead foot still concerns me far more.

JudyK said...

I want to address leaving children alone from a personal experience here and working for the law firm who represented this mother: She left her children alone in the car to go in and see her boyfriend. One of the children got ahold of the cigarette lighter and set the car on fire...a baby died and one child was horribly disfigured. I'm not going to make any judgments here, even though I have a strong personal opinion. ~ Administrator said...

Gram, I think I'm coming from a place where I had several childhoods friends with parents who were constantly saying no you can't do this you can't do this no you shouldn't do this you shouldn't do that, and who were never allowed to just be kids because of paranoid parents who watched too much news. I saw the affect it had on them socially.

I went to Europe when I was 16 with some friends and their parents. My parents said sure great, go, have fun, we know these parents and trust them. And I had several friends who wanted to go, but their parents wouldn't let them. The result, some of us have memories of a lifetime. And then there were the friends who weren't allowed to go.

I know all good parents want their kids to be perfectly safe and nothing to ever happen to them. I think there's a healthy balance with kids and not all parents will agree on how far you take it. ~ Administrator said...

Judy, key word IN. She went in somewhere, out of sight of her children.

No one is okay with that that I can tell.

Permanent Name said...

Well, I took a shower and the water washed some sense into me.

My earlier comments that I might LIKE to 'yank kart's chain' still stand, BUT I realized it would be very wrong to goad/taunt/criticize/confront/make her mad/make anxious a person like her, ESPECIALLY when she has the kids with her.

We know she uses spoons and hands to spank, we know she yells/humiliates kids verbally, and we know she drives irresponsibly (multiple speeding tickets). It's all been caught on film. Can't deny it.

After giving it some thought, I believe it would be dangerous to confront her in any way for fear of what she'd do with the kids. What if she had a meltdown and sped away with her precious cargo just because I yanked her chain?

So while it amuses me to think of giving her grief, I wouldn't do it if the kids were with her for fear of what she might do.

Not good to confront crazies/assholes/NPD folks/idiots.

Just not good karma.

I would not, however, have any hesitation about photographing her if we were both in a public place.

LOL - what is the going rate these days for photos sold to tabloids? LOL

Westcoaster said...

Looks like the fully rested and newly coiffed mom of 8 is running this morning; wish I could believe her time, but perhaps she has stepped up her game, nothing like running in a real 1/2 marathon with real runners to make you look ridiculous unless you are doing it for real. This LV run is really going to expose her and we all know how she hates being in crowds of mediocre people. She must want this badly enough to open her wallet and pay for the entry fee, the travel and all the other expenses because honestly I cannot think of who might be sponsoring her. She probably thinks that these are all business expenses since she will then write about it on her blog. Hahaha.

Permanent Name said...

As for the lady selling the photo to NE, I heartily approve.

It takes a HUGE whack upside the head for kart to get a message.

This incident will have made a huge impact on her! True, she probably is more pissed at the lady taking pictures and not deleting them (not doing what kart 'told' her to do).

But this incident might make her think twice about leaving kids in car knowing anyone can take photos and sell them.

To be clear, I don't think kart has the safety of the kids in mind, I think she would be mad that someone else could profit from photo AND someone wouldn't do what kart told them to do.

End result: hopefully kids won't be left in car again way out in the middle of parking lot, out of sight of store/restaurant.

I also hope Jon is keeping a file.

Mr. Bond said...

In the local paper where I live, a woman went into a fast food restaurant around 11 o'clock at night and when she came out her car had been stolen. What the car thief didn't know was the baby sleeping in the car seat in the back of the car. The car and baby were found abandoned a few blocks away safe.

Looking at the pic posted on pressi's site, the person who took the picture was a distance away as was Kate from the van. What is dangerous about leaving the kids in the van is that the BBB is very noticable and known to belong to the Gosselins. Any sicko out there wanting to become "infamous" for kidnapping those kids, could very easily had done so.

We live in dangerous times, long gone are the days when I grew up where you played with your friends outside unsupervised.

My niece was walking home from work, one afternoon, a couple of years ago. She is not a tiny girl. She is 5'8" tall and big boned (not fat at all, just not a small boned, thin girl). Some guy pulled up besides her in a white van and asked for directions. She kept walking and said she didn't know. He again asked. She didn't answer him and continued to walk faster. He jumped out of the van and grabbed her and tried to force her into the van. She fought, kicked, screamed, punched and got away and ran into the nearest building for help. The van took off. She was very observant and when the van pulled up initially, she saw the license plate number. So when the police arrived, she gave them the details. Turns out, the guy lived a few blocks away and was a registered sex offender. I am so thankful she got away and he is off the street and in prison now. I get sick when I think what could have happened if he had gotten my niece into that van.

All it takes is being somewhere at the wrong time.

dee3 said...

When my sons were young...they would always want to come with me whenever I left the car to get anything...probably because they wanted to con me into buying them something....candy bar, etc.(I've always been a sucker for my kids) But if they had been willing to wait in the car...I think I wouldn't have allowed that under the age of 10-12 and also wouldn't have allowed the car to be out of my sight. And it certainly wouldn't have been for 15 minutes.....and if it was really hot outside I would have had to leave the car running for the A/C and that would not have been safe also....also would apply for freezing cold weather and leaving the car running for the heat.

We have a Chinese take-out nearby and it has a big plate glass window in front...and cars park right alongside it....and I always call-in the order first (keep a menu here at home) so I can just run in, pick it up, and run back out again.

Kate may have not called-in the order and had to wait for it but they would usually tell you how long it's gonna be before it's she could have gone back out to the car and waited with all the rest of her children.

However, I remember reading that Kate generally tends to demand discounts at restaurants, stores, etc. and if not immediately given, she will demand to speak to a manager, etc. So maybe that's why it took 15 minutes. :D

dee3 said...

Forgot to add~

It cracks me up how Kate (and the fans) seem to think that it was somehow illegal for that person to have taken photos of her kids when they were left in the car. Besides the fact that the kids are practically public figures already anyway.....if she left them in a parked car in a public parking lot or on the street.....hell, anyone is allowed to take their picture....and her's too for that matter.

That's why you see celebrities hiding from the paparazzi....because once they are walking or sitting out in public, they are fair game for photographers.

Reminds me of how some think that slander and libel involve ANYTHING negative anyone says or writes about someone (whether it's true or not). When anyone does anything to Kate that she or the fans don't like, they automatically deem it to be some sort of offense (criminal or civil) and that she can sue someone for having committed it.

anonymous this time only said...

I don't like parents leaving small children, let's say who look younger than 10, long enough to go put their shopping cart into the carrel. When I see a parent with a child unloading a cart, I tell them from across the "road" that I will take their cart back for them so they don't have to leave their child. They have never told me no thank you, and have always thanked me.... 4,000 times, no less. This goes double when the child is still a baby. ~ Administrator said...

Apparently Kate has never heard of whistleblower laws.

As far as I can tell from Kate's tweets today, she has 1. slept in until 11 am 2. tweeted, and 3. watched Dexter.

Not that there's anything wrong with that, but stop with the hard knock life!

dee3 said...

To me, it also makes a difference if you leave only one child or more than one in the I'm pretty sure my sons would have immediately started bickering and fighting with each other.

I do have to agree that as far as leaving children, even a baby for a minute as long as you are only a few feet away and can easily see them...I think I would have been okay with that.

You would think Kate would have a bodyguard go with them if she planned to leave the kids in the car for 15 minutes and out of her sight. Wouldn't that be what a bodyguard is really for?

fidosmommy said...

Maybe somebody has already said this, but in those strip mall parking lots, often the space right up next to the store is the fire lane, not parking. I see from the pictures that there is parking there, however.

Kate probably can't manage the BBB into those parking places without scraping someone's car, so she may choose to park out in the lot.

According to the pictures, she MOVED the car closer and the article said it was now unoccupied. So, how far out was it before? No picture of that.

And Alexis is not 11. She is 7. And the yelling picture is not that day, it's an after school Mom's Mad day.

Lousy journalism, that.

HI 50 said...

C-atie leaving 7 children, alone in the van, without adult supervision would've been tragic. What IF one of the children decided to play around with the controls in the van, took the car out of [park], put it in gear & the van started rolling into traffic.

An abduction would've been difficult b/c the kids were probably instructed NOT to open the door for anyone. Coming from a large family, as children we were told to help & protect one another. Watching past episodes, the G8 fight with one another BUT they are also protective of one another.

The best outcome from these incidences? Jon is documenting, gathering evidence & preparing for a re-eval of their custody/visitation arrangement.

fidosmommy said...

Somebody mentioned this a little bit upthread.

If your school's bus driver left 2 11-year olds and 6 8-year olds on the bus to go into a store for 15 minutes and somebody snapped a picture of it, how long would that driver keep his/her job? Around here, they'd be gone that day. ~ Administrator said...

It concerns me just as much if not more when Kate leaves them unsupervised in the house. Several weeks ago she proudly tweeted about how Mady and Cara got the little kids up and fed them breakfast while Kate got her ugly sleep. I was outraged over this but it didn't seem like a lot of others were.

I can think of a million more worse things that could happen in the kitchen than in a parked locked car. Far, far more likely to start a kitchen fire than to be able to manage to start a car fire. It's being alone that is the problem, not where you left alone.

fidosmommy said...

Just ask the family of Erica Baker who was out walking her little dog and was kidnapped in her own neighborhood. They are living the I Shouldda Been More Careful game and have been for the past 12 or 13 years. They would like a do-over of that day.

Kate, this woman with the camera gave you the chance to redo your thinking before it was too late.

Anonymous said...

Not too long ago there was a story in the news about a father who stopped for gas on the way home. His little one was asleep in the car seat in the rear seat of the car. The station was one of these with the cashier kiosk right by the pumps. He was standing right next to his car paying the bill when someone jumped in the car and drove off, with the little one in the back seat. Fortunately, child and car were recovered quickly and safely, but still! And the man was standing right there. There's no guarantee that a child will be safe even for a few seconds, unattended, in the car. Of course, who would remove a sleeping child from the car just to pump gas, but still . . . It's a scary world.

I agree that Kate is probably more upset about the picture taker not obeying her orders to delete the photos than she is at being exposed, yet again, as a negligent mother. I applaud the picture taker but I'm of 2 minds about her selling the pix to the NE. I suppose the local paper wasn't interested?


Recapper said...

If you are bored or just plain fed up with current, ho-hooker Khate and her boobyguard, take a trip down memory lane to the first ever Jon and Kate Plus 8 TLC special. Marvel at Khate wearing normal Mommy clothes. At Jon actually there. At Khate no obviously hating Jon. At the kids before they could talk and plead for the cameras to get the hell out of their faces. In other words, the Gosselin good old days. Or were they?

irresponsible twit said...


You would think Kate would have a bodyguard go with them if she planned to leave the kids in the car for 15 minutes and out of her sight. Wouldn't that be what a bodyguard is really for?


She's got a "bodyguard" for herself. She isn't remotely concerned about the children's safety or well-being, and she's STILL proving it.

Gimme said...

Disturbing in that these are children who have crazy fans that post loving videos of them on You Tube and have shrines dedicated to them in their homes and one claiming to have like 6,000 pictures. And these are just the ones we know about. I am thinking she is getting a taste of caring for the kids by herself, which she has never done and we are about to find out exactly what kind of mother she really is.

HI 50 said...

Check out the location of the van, BEFORE C-atie stormed out of the restaurant DEMANDING that the photo be deleted. She travels with her personal boob guard but the Gosselin kids are left to fend for themselves. Another reason WHY non-fans despise her.

LaLaLandNoMore said...

Admin, I believe everything out of Kate's mouth is a set-up. I can't get the image of her sitting on the chair at the Today Show with the big empty purse "full of bills" she couldn't pay because Jon had taken all the "liquid" assets from the bank account. She is continuing to "rub our noses" in her prosperity by tweeting about her hair fixes, expensive dinners in NYC, etc. She needs to be dropped "like a hot potato." She is a nasty, ungrateful, greedy woman. Sickening, really.

Lake Up North said...

Administrator said...

I can think of a million more worse things that could happen in the kitchen than in a parked locked car. Far, far more likely to start a kitchen fire than to be able to manage to start a car fire. It's being alone that is the problem, not where you left alone.

It's deeply unfortunate that at least with Kate, as well as Michelle, when you have a lot of kids you tend to fall back on the buddy system or you believe in the back of your mind as long as you have older children to take care of the younger ones you can get away with sleeping in late. No! I do not believe it is okay. Her children are 11 that is too young. Okay they can pour cereal but then I think, Kate doesn't want the kids in the kitchen...which is it? Either you're comfortable or you aren't here.

She is lucky nothing happened, as she taught her children how to be safe in the kitchen? Not to touch the stove, not to climb on the counter? I doubt it if she is lazy enough to sleep in and leave her kids be.

Her actions speak to nothing but being lazy and ill mannered yet wholly having everyone else to believe she's Mother Teresa.

Gabby2 said...

If KrazyKate wants Jon to watch the kids more often ....why doesn't she share the big house like she said she would originally??

Or does she just want that big house for her and Stevie??

Tucker's Mom said...

The times that I've seen Kate asked about the genesis of the bodyguard/security she's referenced the kids.
The first example she gave was when they were at the Etown house, their van tires were slashed and the van was just outside of the twins bedroom (here Kate pauses for dramatic effect and sympathy).
The second example was more recently, Kate mentioned being in a studio setting and a man kept placing the kids on his lap (again, pause for reaction).
Why then did Steve wind up at Kate's side at all times? The kids are left with nannies or whomever, but are they left with security? My observations have been that Steve guards the kids only when they're out with Kate, otherwise, he's just with Kate, never just with the kids.
I have to say that this report of a local woman photographing Kate leaving the kids in the van is just so rich. How does Kate not get by now that anyone can take her photo in public (within reason) and that's their right. She has no right to demand that they delete the photos or try to confiscate them in any way.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

Kateplusmy8Kate Gosselin
@ @mnwa11 we LOVE @sesameplace!!!

3 hours ago


A fan just posted to Kate on twitter that she just returned from Sesame Place. Kate responds by including Sesame Place email. (Not included in the fan's post. This woman is the biggest grifter ever. It's become apparent that she has the grifting down to a science. We probably don't know the half of it.

TLC ship is sinking said...

Clickable link:

I agree with comments that said Kate should not have left her kids alone in the BBB, especially since it wasn't parked right next to the restaurant. However, from the article, it does seem that Kate was keeping an eye on them as it stated that "when she [Kate] saw Van Winkle taking photos, she stormed out". Does that make it okay? Absolutely not, but at least Kate was supervising them from a distance and intervened immediately.

Administrator said...What the lady should have done though, was called the cops. Not taken photos of the poor kids and then sold it to a magazine.

From the article, this local waited fifteen minutes before snapping photos, instead of calling mall security (if there's one) or the cops. If she knew where Kate went, she could have approached her and told her it was dangerous. (I'd fib a little and say there were a couple of suspicious persons watching the van or probably saw Kate leaving the kids in the van, to drive the point home.)

It sounds like Kate did learn her lesson as she moved the van closer and brought all her kids inside the restaurant.

They weren't filming so I feel this is an invasion of the family's privacy by a local. I would be creeped out if a stranger started taking photos of my family or me without my permission. I understand that Kate put her family in this situation by exploiting them on tv, but I don't think it's justification for locals to start snapping photos and selling stories to the tabloids.

I know I'm in the minority here, after reading everyone's comments, but I respectfully disagree with the local selling this story to NE.

Marie said...

My problem is why isn't Kate embarassed or at the very least regretful for leaving her kids alone and allowing it to become public knowledge?

I don't have kids and I'm not a celebrity, but I don't even leave my pet in the car alone.

Is she that hair-brained to believe it's okay for this negative press to be out there? Or does she just not care anymore? I mean it speaks on so many levels of how detached she is from reality and...and just being a decent human being.

Tucker's Mom said...

They weren't filming so I feel this is an invasion of the family's privacy by a local. I would be creeped out if a stranger started taking photos of my family or me without my permission. I understand that Kate put her family in this situation by exploiting them on tv, but I don't think it's justification for locals to start snapping photos and selling stories to the tabloids.
This is all by Kate's doing, for Pete's sake! They are photographed by paps, neighbors, lookieloos-- you name it. When they are out in public, anyone can take their photo. No one needs permission and Steve NEVER, EVER had the right to demand that anyone not take or delete photos taken in public.
Leaving 7 kids alone in the highly recognizable Gosselin van, in a parking lot, for an alleged 15 minutes is egregious. I don't care if this woman made money off of it.
Please don't buy into Kate's "They're making money off my kids!!!!" "Blood money!!!"
Kate's made a fortune, TLC has made an even bigger fortune, paps all over the place have made money from photographing them BECAUSE JON AND KATE COMMODITIZED THEM AND KATE CONTINUES TO SELL THEIR IMAGES AND THEIR VERY LIVES!
Let's put the blame where it belongs.

Tucker's Mom said...

Marie said...
My problem is why isn't Kate embarassed or at the very least regretful for leaving her kids alone and allowing it to become public knowledge?
Yes, where's the "Hey NE, you got it all wrong!" tweet. Let's see if Kate ignores this, hoping it will go away, or if she tries to "set the record straight".

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

Tucker's Mom said- I have to say that this report of a local woman photographing Kate leaving the kids in the van is just so rich. How does Kate not get by now that anyone can take her photo in public (within reason) and that's their right. She has no right to demand that they delete the photos or try to confiscate them in any way.
I know, she really is a piece of work. More importantly is she THEN moved the van closer to the restaurant. The Mastermind should have ordered ahead and could have avoided this whole thing, would have been in and out of the restaurant. Chinese on a Monday night, not sure pick up would have taken more than 3 minutes tops.

TLC ship is sinking said...

Administrator said...i haven't deleted anything lately. I'll check the spam folder.

The spam folder is, pardon my French, pissing me off. I don't even get spam here and from what I've read as of yet there is no way to turn off the spam filer they MAKE you use it. Dumb, Google.


I've been reading about the spam filter, as some of my posts get the "published" comment but vanish on the thread, and apparently you have to train it to filter out the comments you don't want (ie. instead of delete, mark as spam). That way, it'll supposedly filter out the comments you don't want. Maybe it's been trained to filter my posts out since that one time you sorted it out. Or the newest Firefox has issues that make it incompatible for me to post on your blog, on few occasions.

I've been trying to see what "filter words" it targets as spam but no such luck. Google should allow you to decide if what you it on and what you want filtered from your blog, as not all blogs are the same. They have great ideas but are poorly executed at times i.e. their own Google Android apps that don't work as well with new updates.

I wonder if this is the same issue a few other posters are having as well.

Donna said...

Thanks so much for posting the address to the new blog site. I don't know who wrote that recap but it was great, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I can't wait to read more recaps from the beginning of the show. Please keep us updated when a new recap is posted.
Thanks again!

Changing the subject, I wonder why Kate feels the need to exaggerate (or outright lie) about the kids thanking her for bicycles or whatnot? Is that part of the narcissistic personality? I agree with the person who said that either Kate is lying about the kids doing it or if they ARE doing it, then there is a big problem somewhere. I agree that the kids may just do it because it keeps Kate happy for a nanosecond. I guarantee you that those kids walk on egg shells 24/7 trying to keep Kate happy. What an awful, horrible way to live. ~ Administrator said...

TLC Ship is Sinking a lot of yours tend to go to spam. No clue why since i never see comments in there from you that are inappropriate!

I don't want to train it to delete comments on its own. I want to decide, or my blog helpers, on a case by case basis.

What is an inappropriate comment one day (like refusing to move on) isn't an inappropriate comment the next if it's the first time you've brought it up. I don't see how I can "train" it to get that.

Go away, spam folder! ~ Administrator said...

. Chinese on a Monday night, not sure pick up would have taken more than 3 minutes tops.


Unless you are Kate and you are 1. trying to negotiate to get it for free or at least 90% off
2. checking every last egg roll to be sure it's there 3. can't find your business credit card to make it easier to write this one off 4. reading all the fortune cookie fortunes to be sure they are Kate approved first

I'm sure a Chinese restaurant in Eastern PA could only dare dream of the kind of money that has passed through Kate's checkbook. ~ Administrator said...

The recap was great everyone should check it out. Speaking of which I'm gonna try hard to catch up on the last few recaps I haven't completed. Things are finally a bit quieter here!

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

Maybe this is why TLC needed Kate to have Steve as a bodyguard. She is simply NOT capable of making good choices in any case. As someone noted, Kate could have ordered ahead and sent Mady or Cara in, and this would not even be an issue. But the is such a control freak.
Also, due to Kate's choice to expose these 8 kids for filming and photos, etc.. non-stop for years, I DO think Kate should be EVEN more careful than the average parent. Just my two cents. ~ Administrator said...

I don't see a pattern to comments that go to spam either.

Occasionally I'll see some that talk about a product (like the cereal) that go there, I'm assume because it thinks you're peddling something. But other times things go in there that couldn't be further from spam.

Whatever, Blogger. Boo on you.

Marie said...

Tucker's Mom said...

Marie said...
My problem is why isn't Kate embarassed or at the very least regretful for leaving her kids alone and allowing it to become public knowledge?
Yes, where's the "Hey NE, you got it all wrong!" tweet. Let's see if Kate ignores this, hoping it will go away, or if she tries to "set the record straight".

Lordy By, how many times can one woman "set the record straight?" Honestly and truly after the first time it just makes you look ridiculous like you always have something to proove whether it's good or bad and you look like an idiot. ~ Administrator said...

Kate finally posted the actual professional fall photo shoot. And for pity sake it looks like the kids went through WARDROBE CHANGES through it. WTF, they are kids not America's Next Top Model!!!

She doesn't see the irony of the same week she is out pimping the kids for her blog, she gets mad at someone for taking pics of the kids. How confused these kids must be. ~ Administrator said...

I know I'm in the minority here, after reading everyone's comments, but I respectfully disagree with the local selling this story to NE.

TLC Ship I'm with you on this.

When you see kids who you truly believe are being put at risk, pull out your cell phone and call the cops or child protective services. She has a right to take pics and sell them, but that doesn't mean she should. It's Kate's fault anyone is taking pics, but that doesn't mean she should. Dial your cell phone like what you would do if they weren't famous. And I can't help but think of those poor kids on a Monday night, tired from school, just want to get home and eat and rest and finish up their homework, and some stranger is snapping pics at them. How obnoxious and creepy and weird. The kid doesn't know their good intentions behind it. All a kid knows is great another strange face with a camera. It's not healthy or morally right.

And something doesn't add up--if Kate immediately ran out as soon as the lady started taking some pics, then doesn't that suggest she actually DID have her eagle eye on the kids? Not quite as bad as total abandonment.

Ingrid said...

Would she have preferred the cops be called vs photos? Would cops have done anything? (curious) Who knows how long they would have sat there if the woman hadn't taken the pics!

Lake Up North said...

Is it odd that Kate claims she won't let the kids eat fast food, that at one time she was proud her children didn't know what fast food was? Yet here she is, freaking out of pizza and calories at 60 but allowing her children to eat Chinese food?

Contradiction much maybe? You can't have it both ways sweetheart. Either you're wholly organic as comes out of your mouth or you aren't. Not saying it's all one sided but when you don't practice what you b*tch to so many about it kind of makes you well...sound really arrogant at best if that.

Just doesn't quite make sense to me. Anyway, I'm off to a family-and-friends bbq something Kate doesn't have the pleasure of doing and it's quite sad. Unless you count the bodyguard, his wife, his kids, her kids and...nobody else? ~ Administrator said...

The cops would have interviewed Kate and the kids. They would have made their own determination whether the children should be put in shelter care or at least a social worker called. If they determined everything was fine they could have let Kate go with a warning. I'm sure it would have been enough to be a kick in the pants for most parents.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

Unless you are Kate and you are 1. trying to negotiate to get it for free or at least 90% off
2. checking every last egg roll to be sure it's there 3. can't find your business credit card to make it easier to write this one off 4. reading all the fortune cookie fortunes to be sure they are Kate approved first

I'm sure a Chinese restaurant in Eastern PA could only dare dream of the kind of money that has passed through Kate's checkbook.

You are one funny lady!

Ingrid said...

thanks Admin.
To be in a public parking lot talking to a cop would be humiliating and scary enough to me even if I only got a warning!

We know Kate would just shrug it off and lie about it though. She is a star and shouldn't receive the treatment mediocre people do.

Hippie Chick said...

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...
Lots of great posts. For those annoyed by comments, there is this X in the upper right hand corner, which allows you to leave the site if you don't like the content.

HA! That's right, you tell 'em sister! And I haven't seen much of you lately, I miss your posts! You're always so insightful & witty. :)

And as for commenting about the content? It's tacky. Stay or go, but shut up. It's so funny how people get "PC Balls" when they can hide behind screen names. But if you do decide to leave because you just don't like it, (boo hoo, you don't HAVE to read it, ya know, no one is forcing you) I hope the door doesn't hit ya where the Good Lord split ya.

Oh, & we don't need a commencement speech when you go. This isn't college graduation. I know the people that would sorely be missed if they stopped posting, & yes, they should say good-bye, & I know they would do it w/out being rude & disrespectful.

~HC~ aka Jenna

Anonymous said...

Paul McCartney and his new wife had a second wedding celebration in NYC Friday night. Some big names in the music industry attended. No word on whether the reality TV has-been was invited.


Anonymous said...

I was disgusted to hear that she left the kids alone in the car. That is never acceptable. Lots of restaurants offer a carside delivery service. Not sure what day of the week this was, but if it was during the week and the kids were in school all day she had time to prepare a dinner at home, have something delivered, or have the not-a-nanny watch the kids so she could go by herself to pick up dinner.

Granted, with lots of people watching, or even one tabloid there, she prob thought that there would be witnesses if anything happened. Very stupid move though. People can never leave kids alone in a car - especially during wam and hot weather. Anything could have happened.

Then again, she has never been the model of the perfect mom....sick toddler forced to lie on a cold floor just so she would not be inconvienenced with more work, kids still in high chairs in get the idea...

TLC ship is sinking said...

Tucker's Mom, I am not a Kate supporter or someone who buys into Kate's theory that only she can make money off these kids.

I get that fans or locals who happen to stumble upon the Gosselins or other celebrities would want to take photos then tweet or facebook about seeing such-and-such here or there. It's become a norm to the point that it's socially acceptable.

I respectfully disagree with people, non-paparazzi, who choose to sell celeb stories to the tabloids. I think this local got her point across to Kate as she moved the van and brought the kids inside. There were other ways for this local to handle the situation instead of telling the tabloids; I personally think it was a poor decision.

I live in an area where I have opportunities to spot celebrities or professional athletes. However, I respect their privacy to leave them alone (whether this is a well-liked person or not). Some choose to live in my city because they get away from the limelight and people here treat them normally and give them privacy.

Don't the Gosselin kids deserve that?

I agree that this has happened because the Gosselin parents lacked foresight into the consequences of exploiting them on reality tv. I just don't agree that because they are deemed "celebrities", it's okay for non-paparazzi persons to sell photos or stories to tabloids. My issue wasn't that this local made money off the kids; I think she didn't handle it properly by telling the tabloids about it. Instead of taking photos, I think she should have alerted Kate (if she knew where she went) or proper authorities to remedy the situation.

Dwindle said...

PJ's momma said... Sheeple think haters would steal the G children? That's is laughable. These are the people who put unauthorized realistic-looking facebook sites up for their favorite kids, who plaster their walls with homemade posters of the entire family, who get tattoos of the kids' names on their own bodies, who make video after video posted on youtube about those kids. And they think haters are the real danger? Please.

These are the whackadoos who rename their own children for the day and "play Gosselins". So mentally stable over there in fan-land. nope - no risk there of a glassy-eyed fan hiking up the playday fun.

About all those kids locked in a car for 15 minutes: What about them hitting each other and fighting? or is it the job of the 11 year olds to mind that? What about one of them saying "you know, I bet *I* could drive us home." or "If P means Park, I bet R means RACE! Let's try this shifter and see!" Or is it the job of the 11 year olds to mind that too? I guess it is. I have to agree with calling in the order ahead of time, even from a cell phone in a different parking lot. Funny how she parks an EMPTY van in the fire lane when she is on her own, but the van full of kids gets the furthest spot in the lot.

Thirty years ago I probably did leave an older child or 3 alone in a locked car when I ran in to pay for my gas or something, with instructions to lay on the horn if anyone came near and to not open the door except for police. It was never ever 15 minutes. Times are different now, and the Gosselin children fight and hit each other. She is just a lazy person and a neglectful mother. ALWAYS has been and she is finding it hard to control her Mother Of The Year image while unscripted in public.

On the other hand, she will probably go back to keeping them in the house, everytime she lets them out she ends up getting busted for what a lousy mother she is. ~ Administrator said...

TLC Ship I live in a similar area and my experience TOO is most people wouldn't dare DREAM of taking photos of a celeb and/or their kids and selling it . The vast majority of people respect them and often don't care. And if someone's kid was in danger I truly believe the vast majority of people would call authorities, not the tabloids.

There is a wonderful video from several years ago of Cher at my local grocery store being hounded by a pap. In it she confronts him and basically says excuse me this is not Hollywood this is not Bev Hills or some celeb hotspot (even though I don't think that's an excuse ) I am at my HOME shopping at my GROCERY STORE and this is so inappropriate! You tell em Mama.

I don't think it's ever appropriate and this does not bar her from speaking up as a concerned citizen. By all means, the cops are for all of us, celebs and non-celebs alike.

TLC ship is sinking said...

Administrator said...TLC Ship is Sinking a lot of yours tend to go to spam. No clue why since i never see comments in there from you that are inappropriate!

I don't want to train it to delete comments on its own. I want to decide, or my blog helpers, on a case by case basis.


Maybe it means I need a new name, if it's not my actual comment.

What I meant earlier is that instead of deleting inappropriate comments, it is suggested you mark it as spam. It supposedly trains the filter, so it would automatically move unwanted comments into the spam folder (not delete them). I've trained it to not like me, apparently.

Posting in Chrome lately which has alleviated the problem.

Dallas Lady said...

I wish that local HAD called the cops. Leaving all those kids in that van that distance and that length of time from where she was is unconscionable.

What a disgusting excuse for a mother.

And what happened to Menu Mondays, I'm so awesome I freeze things and cook and we're all organic and blahblahblah bullshit?

I don't care if she gets Chinese or not, but her hypocrisy is astounding. I think she loves Twitter not only for the ego strokes, but for the way she can make her life and her parenting sound soooooo awesome when it's obviously not.

About leaving a kid in a car: I never did it. My convenience didn't outweigh my kid's safety, ever. I would always ask myself, "how would I feel if something DID happen?" and that was enough to get her out of the car seat.

Tucker's Mom said...

TLC ship,
I"m assuming the celebs you spot on occasion have not pimped out their kids in order to get rich and famous. I think it's anyone's game to sell G photos, be they professional or not. That's the way it is and people will target them to make money. Anyone who sells their photos to websites or rag mags is slimy, but that's the cesspool that Kate chose to wade in.
I don't think for a minute that this local telling Kate to mind her kids would have meant a hill of beans to that woman. She can not stand the hoi polloi and feels above them. What could they teach her? The woman who thinks she knows everything.
Kate doesn't even think that their OWN FATHER should have a say so you think this local should approach Kate and school her on how to take care of her kids?
HA!, Kate would scoff!
I'm just trying to relate how to get Kate's attention on egregious actions such as this and her recidivist speeding where she thumbs her nose at the law and puts others in danger-- put it in the media, where she loves to be. Kate relishes any chance to set the record straight (so far, radio silence on this one).
I would not have done what this local did, but again, Kate's put her kids in this position and I believe the onus of this captured incident falls squarely on her. She's the captain of the ship. She's in charge and that's never going to change.
Kate has put temptation out there and this is what happens. To me, and I respect those opinions who disagree, focusing on the person, whoever it was, who took the photos and sold them is a red herring. The real issue is that a mom left 7 kids in a high profile vehicle for an extended period of time, which left them in danger. At the kids' age, it would have taken but a minute to unload them and directly supervise them. Why take the chance to save a few minutes?

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

Dwindle - I agree - Although I may not agree with the woman selling the pictures to the tabloids, how often has this happened and Kate has gotten a free pass. She is not exactly Mother of the Year material.

Now that she does not have TLC to "handle matters" like this, I think her true behavior with regard to the 8 she marketed is coming out. Never mind she has been screaming at them in photos at least 3 times since the show was cancelled. I would normally say private citizens should not sell photos of her bad behavior, but since Kate has chosen to put her kids out there and sell them as commodities, I think the public now has a right to report HER bad behavior. She has gotten so many free passes, due to TLC, seems she is not managing as well on her own. She has no common sense, so in this case, I am okay with this.

These kids have been put through so much at Kate's choice, with no say, (she even fought their father to film) so I don't have a problem with someone who is documenting what she is doing. We all said we had concerns for these kids, and I think this is yet one more example of Kate's bad choices. There are no pictures of the kids, but simply pictures of how chose to manage a simple dinner pickup.

Amy2 said...

These kids have been trained to smile for the cameras. And the people taking the pics are always strangers to them (I'm not talking about the regular TLC film crew). So, how would the kids know when they should smile or not smile for a stranger with a camera. How do they know when to be aware of a stranger? Do they know about Stranger Danger? When does Stranger Danger apply?

Hippie Chick said...

The way Kate talks about her kids AND her life? She is always overcompensating. Her kids LOVE LOVE LOVE her SO SO SO much. They THANK THANK THANK her ALL the damn time. Um, OK Kate. When we buy our child something, he politely says 'thank you' & we move on. She just has to tell all her tweeties all the time how much of a great mom she is. Who does that? Overcompensating.

It's like when men buy that big car or big boat during that mid-life crisis, ya know? They are overcompensating for something.

My new nickname for Kate? Overcompensate Kate.

~HC~ aka Jenna

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

Hi Hippie Chick- Hope you are doing well. Was having trouble posting and Admin got me on board with Google Chrome. Then busy with work, etc...I really like this site!

I enjoy your comments as well, so consider the source. I am good at skimming comments, sometimes miss things, but I refuse to get upset over "off topic" comments like a small few do. Kind of silly, if you ask me. "X" marks the spot.

wayward said...

LaLaLandNoMore said... Admin, I believe everything out of Kate's mouth is a set-up. I can't get the image of her sitting on the chair at the Today Show with the big empty purse "full of bills" she couldn't pay because Jon had taken all the "liquid" assets from the bank account. She is continuing to "rub our noses" in her prosperity by tweeting about her hair fixes, expensive dinners in NYC, etc. She needs to be dropped "like a hot potato." She is a nasty, ungrateful, greedy woman. Sickening, really.

LaLa, I thought the same thing. Seriously, she's just fu*king with us right now.

"Just thought you should know that I am in Manhattan today! I got my free $2500 Autumnal princess highlights at Ted Gibson salon and then tomight I will be having a very expensive free dinner at Fig & Olive (in the meatpacking district, not at the other 2 mediocre locations)"

While she didn't say it in exactly those words, she is basically flipping us all the bird. Watevah. Let her flip away. Her attempts to be some kind of Martha Stewart with 3/4 dozen kids is not going over well. She has been reduced to making up pretend questions to answer on her dumb blog, probably because the real questions are brutal. She's a joke, look at the hostile reactions just over her getting free cereal. One of them was from me. I wrote Cascadian Farms and told them that when the four boxes of CF cereal in my pantry were gone, there will be no more CF cereal in my house. I was willing to pay a little extra for it because my kids like it. But not when they give it away to grifting bitches.

She can't keep up this lifestyle without some serious cash. It's all going to come crashing down soon. Karma has her number and Karma is a way bigger bitch than Kate.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

Tucker's Mom- I agree- I think Kate has gotten away with a lot of things we are not even aware of while under "TLC" protection. God knows she has no common sense, but when it involves her 8 exploited kids, she needs to be held accountable for her bad choices. If the local had not sold the photos, we would never know how she handles simple matters involving her kids. In my opinion, she has probably gotten away with far more bad choices of which we are not aware of, while under the protection of TLC.

The last couple of episodes showed her true behavior, (when TLC knew they were dumping her) and I do have to say, I was horrified. Now the kids have no watch dog, so I am A okay with the local showing how casual Kate now is about her kids' safety. What a farce. This woman had no business having 8 kids- it is simply beyond her scope. JMO.

Dwindle said...

Kate will address this as soon as she finds someone literate to find spelling errors in the NE report, or a date or time that is off. If she cant find that, she will MOAN and CARRY ON about how her poor innocent babes were harrassed by one the locals that Luvvvvvs her so much. A fellow mom that should have been supporting Kate's parenting 'style'! Oh the whining, oh the unfairness, oh the money Kate missed from the NE pictures!

But will she address how it was OK for HER because she has STRESS dontchaknow to leave 7 kids locked in a vehicle for 15 minutes at the far end of the parkinglot?

Anonymous said...

for the poster who left (falling like a brick, I think)- I didn't take their final posting as rude or nitpicky or any such nonsense. I feel, as another poster stated, they were stating their feelings, and I felt it was quite respectful. The other blogger (sorry, I cannot go back and check for S/N's at the moment) mentioned Falling Like a Brick, and other posters who leave, often state why they are leaving and this frequently reflects many posters on the board. It was done respectfully, nothing wrong with that. She (or he) didn't say they were choosing blogging in lieu of spending time with their family, only that instead of blogging, they could do other things, like spend time with family. I, like many of you, just scroll past the posts I don't want to read, and sometimes it is quite a few. All depends on the topic. I bid that poster a fond farewell. There are other blogs to read, should they choose to search for any.

Permanent Name said...

Hippie Chick,

I snorted my tea when I read your phrase "PC balls" ----------

LOVE that term! Thank you for the chuckle....

Gosselin8ComeFirst said...

PJ's momma said... Sheeple think haters would steal the G children?
Yet another example of twisted logic. This site is concerned about the kids' well being.

Carezee said...

I find it laughable that a few days ago Kate was complaining that she never gets more that 5 or 6 hours of sleep. Then lo and behold we hear about one night this week she got 9 hours of sleep and the next she is getting up at almost noon. Another case of Kate can't keep her stories straight.

Dwindle said...

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... PJ's momma said... Sheeple think haters would steal the G children?
Yet another example of twisted logic. This site is concerned about the kids' well being.

Well at least they are admitting that Her Highness put her children in danger. And perhaps the crack Security Team might have better things to do that guard her implants, sharpie pens, toe nail polish collection.

By the way, just where was any member of that 'Security Team'? I guess the 'Head Of Security' wasnt needed for this little trip as she probably carrying her make up case with her.

Carezee said...

Another thing I wanted to add. Kate was talking about how she hasn't had time to run lately and today she ran 12 miles. Yeah right, and I am Mother Teresa.

TLC ship is sinking said...

Tucker's Mom said...To me, and I respect those opinions who disagree, focusing on the person, whoever it was, who took the photos and sold them is a red herring. The real issue is that a mom left 7 kids in a high profile vehicle for an extended period of time, which left them in danger.

I completely agree with you about Kate's actions.

In my original post about this, I absolutely do not agree that Kate should have left her kids alone in the van, especially since it wasn't located right out next to the restaurant. I wasn't trying to move focus away from Kate's own poor decision to what this local chose to do by telling the tabloids. I was merely replying to admin's comment about calling the cops.

I do see others' points that this was a hard-learned lesson for Kate by spilling it to the media. I get it; I just respectfully disagree.

There are also reality tv stars in my general vicinity, not where I live but where I tend to shop and gather with friends. The Real Housewives of Orange County and Laguna Beach are filmed in places I've been, sometimes frequent. I've been fortunate not having to see them yet and if I did, I would leave them alone even though I think the "housewives" and the teens from "The Real OC" give Orange County a bad reputation.

I'm not sure what you are implying as a red herring, as various comments I've made on this blog in the past clearly show I am not a Kate supporter and do not approve of Kate continuing to exploit her children.

I completely see and understand your viewpoint (as well as others'), even though I respectfully have a different opinion. I hope just because I have a minority opinion, I'm not viewed as taking Kate's or the sheeple's side. That wasn't my intention. I was bringing a different perspective from someone who lives in an area where celebrities and professional athletes are spotted, some whom reside in my city because their privacy is generally respected.

PJ's momma said...

I looked at the pictures and blog entry. Meh. The kids are absolutely adorable and except for the twins, who changed their shirts, there was no wardrobe change except the little girls took off their sweaters, to reveal, GASP, non-matching shirts! Everyone's kind of unevenly spread out so there's a lot of background (not my taste), but they are nice photos.

Something struck me as I read the blog entry about her freaking again about a spider and having Mady dispatch it. Today I read an entry on a facebook page memorializing an 18-year-old kid who died here. His friend said that she had seen her mom crying with the deceased boy's mom and she didn't know how to take that because she had never seen her mom cry - at 18! It got me to thinking; I never saw my mom cry either, except when her dad died, and that scared me at the time. My parents did not fight in front of us either, even though they had a horrible marriage that ended. I really don't like when parents don't protect their children and keep their adult issues private from them. Your parents should be your safe place, and children should not be in the position of comforting them on a continual basis. Kate is the most public example of this, but I really don't like it when I see any parent doing it. My husband's sister is a narcissist on par with Kate and she cries in front of her kids at the smallest thing. Consequently, my husband has effectively been evicted from his family because 'he makes her cry' - I mean, we are literally not invited to any holiday or other celebrations ever, for years now. We were left off the wedding guest list of 500 people! Nobody sees that she goads him on and sets him up to respond and then reacts so over-the-top that everyone sides with her. Kate does this all the time as well.

Meagler said...

Just Mady and Cara change clothes, and the little girls take their sweaters off, and the boys switch their vests in side out...still, why? Maybe she couldn't decide which way looked best. It does appear their is an orange vest in the Old Navy bag, so I think Kate is right, that pic was before the big shoot. Kaye being right tho, just proves that Kate's ability to mastermind, and be the most perfectly organized mom on the face of the bull-crap!

TLC ship is sinking said...

Tucker's Mom said...To me, and I respect those opinions who disagree, focusing on the person, whoever it was, who took the photos and sold them is a red herring. The real issue is that a mom left 7 kids in a high profile vehicle for an extended period of time, which left them in danger. At the kids' age, it would have taken but a minute to unload them and directly supervise them. Why take the chance to save a few minutes?

I completely agree with you on Kate's action, as I mentioned originally in my first post. I agree there are better ways Kate could have handled getting take-out.

I was not trying to take focus away from Kate's poor decision but was simply replying to admin's comment about calling the police. However, I see that our back-and-forth discussion has been about that and that was not my intention.

I understand others' viewpoints, including yours, that this was a hard-learned lesson for Kate; I get it but just respectfully disagree about telling the tabloids.

I'm not sure what you mean by red-herring but I am clearly not a Kate supporter, as evident in my previous posts on this blog in the past. Just because I or anyone offers a different opinion, I hope it is not considered as taking Kate's or the sheeple's side. I wanted to bring a different perspective to the discussion from someone who lives in an area where celebrities and professional athletes are, some of whom reside in my city because their privacy is respected.

It's obvious that our opinions differ and I respect that. For the sake of others, I'll move on from this. Just wanted to clarify some things.

Just Me said...

New post up. There is a picture of one of the twins (Mady, I think) included in this one.

My Spider Hero!

Many of you may remember a night last week when I tweeted that there was a spider in my bedroom that I was trying to convince Mady and Cara to exterminate for me. Well, that spider scampered underneath my TV cabinet before the girls could decide if they were brave enough OR develop a plan. I was so tired that night to let it bother me! Truly though, I should have cared because I once read a study that claims we eat a certain number of bugs while we sleep each year! No lie!

Anyway, the following night as Mady and Cara called Shoka in for the night, a very serious sounding Mady called me downstairs to see the “even bigger scorpion” that she and Cara had located in the basement! Obviously upon viewing it, it wasn’t an actual scorpion but this is what the girls call every large spider we see in our home. Scorpion or not, this thing was HUGE! And I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I was NOT going to be brave mommy and rid our house of his presence!

SO, I turned to my girls and literally pleaded with them to be braver than I and take care of this latest intruder. I fully expected both of them to decline the offer to be a spider exterminator, but to my complete and utter surprise, Mady stepped up to the challenge! She donned a pair of my too big for her running shoes deciding that she would stomp on it. When I reminded her that spiders jump, she decided to smash it with another shoe. I quickly ran upstairs to grab our bug vacuum (yes, we have one here!) to “suck it up” but after a few attempts on my part, we realized that wasn’t going to work either!

Spider Hero!

Soon after that, she returned to her smashing idea but realized that she didn’t want to get too close to the spider with a smashing shoe so I suggested she use my weight bar that is about three feet in length– and very heavy!

With my large running shoes on her feet and the heavy bar in her hand, she went at the spider to smash him into the stone floor. He quickly found a crack and hid… Forcing me to find a book to wedge into the crack and chase him out. Finally he came out and Mady went crazy smashing the heavy bar repeatedly on the spider!
She finally gained victory after a few attempts!

Whew! Cara and I praised her repeatedly for being so brave! This turned into a sort of family sport with lots of shrieks and laughter! I’m not necessarily an advocate of killing bugs, and had our door nearby been working, we would have ushered him quickly out of it. But, one thing I knew was that large eight legged creature did not belong in my house!

Our Mady, showed a new braveness that night and therefore gained a new title: Spider Hero!

K8 ~ Administrator said...

The thing that bothers me about the "wardrobe" changes is it speaks to how set up and organized this WORKING photo shoot was. It is symbolic od how choreographed and unnatural their lives remain. Snapped at and yelled at in real life just hours before, all smiles and Martha Stewart backgrounds the next few hours. Blech, fake.

This was not a casually few photos of a family enjoying a fall day as many families take. It was crafted, right down to picking out the outfits right before at Old Navy and collecting hay bales and flowers, it was organized, albeit poorly, and it wasn't taken for benign purposes to pass around to family and friends. It was put on her web site for promotion. It was USING the kids for her own shameless self promotion. Once again.

I thought this was over. But the kids are still working and still being exploited. They should change clothes because they want to, not because wardrobe called and it's time for something new.

Tucker's Mom said...

TLC ship, I get where you're coming from and you have good points. The red herring is not to say anyone is a Kate supporter but to say that the local woman who took the photo and her actions are eclipsed by Kate's. That's what I was trying to express.
I know we here are not "haterz", we just don't support the exploitation of children and anything else that may hurt them, be it quite intentionally or as collateral damage, like when Kate slams Jon with intent to hurt him, but it's the kids she really harms.
So we're basically on the same page with different perspectives on Chinese food-gate ;-) Or shall we say Take Out-Gate?

Hippie Chick said...

When my son was about a year & half old, I was babysitting my niece once. I needed milk so went to the convenience store, took them out of their car seats, grabbed the milk & a scratch ticket. Put them back in the car seats, scratched my ticket, won $10, wanted another ticket...SO, I unloaded the kids again, went in & got another ticket, loaded them back up & went home. It was an adventure, but anything can happen.

It's common sense to me.

~HC~ aka Jenna

Marie said...

What....she can go sky diving and drive 88mph but she cannot kill a spider...???!!! Am I missing something here?

And why, oh why does her story have to be so damn dramatic? Can't she form a rational down to earth simple story? No instead it's this great drama of having her children kill bugs for HER.

I hate to break it to you Kate, but what would you have done had the spider bit one of your children? Prefer them get bit then yourself? Let me guess for fear you will be out of commission and unable to bark orders? Is that it?

Whereas had one of the kids possibly been bitten you would have been able to play the Munchhausen-by-proxy type deal and miraculously all on your own healed your bitten child back to life?

What is it with her and her need to have such sick glorification? Do other parents flip out and have their kids kill bugs for them? Do you beg your children to kill it because you're not brave but claim you are the bravest of them all in the face of adversity them half of America hates you?

I'm sorry but her claims of super mom, I do everything for my kids who can't kill her own spider? Get over yourself already! You are NOT the great thing since sliced bread and the day you walk on water I'll be the first to bow down but until then Kate...just...get some serious help for your over inflated, egotistical big-aired narcissistic I'm in control head!

Anonymous said...

Are the sheeple defending Kate leaving her kids in the van alone? I just can't imagine anyone being okay with it. If something drastic had happened, there's no way they would have been able to pin it on Jon.

Westcoaster said...

If she's writing blog posts about killing spiders, and this is the best she can offer up in creativity, this blog is already dying. Of course this may just be killing time until Menu Monday :-).

Lock HER in the car said...

So Kate the Repellent needs a bodyguard but the kids can be locked in the van to smack on each other and possibly be abducted. How rich. I just saw the rv trip on YouTube. My word that woman is a P. I. G. And treating everyone as poorly as she treated Jon. Still moaning that everyone eventually leaves her, implying it's the kids' fault and not her assholian ways. She is right though, EVERYONE will leave her. She is that unworthy of friends.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said...

Here's my take on Kate's 12 mile run. She went out last night, got loaded with her New York friends, had the time of her life, went back to the Essex where she is a stah, woke up foggy/hungover, visited the gym at the hotel and ran 12 on the treadmill. Way easier to run on the treadmill than the road. Any runner knows that. So I will expect to see a full marathon run in 4 hours Kate, the way you drone on about your times. And Vegas Kate? Isn't there another half marathon closer to home? I guess she's hoping she still has some stah power in Vegas since she left her scent there recently.

I also wondered about all that paperwork she talks about having to tackle. Got to be the dozens and dozens of receipts she needs to submit to TLC for her reimbursements.

Marie said...

What does one call a woman who one day is seen yelling and her children, then the next day reportedly praising them beyond belief? When they do something she dislikes or they displease her she is drastic and when they do something right or that she likes she is againt over dramatic.

It's from one extreme to the other and that has to be uncomfortable for kids.

Kate's Cart said...

I had a tought. How about the idea that this photo shoot was hastilly put together by Kate as a publicity stunt to counter act any bad publicity or investigation that may follow her leaving the kids alone in the van. If not, why wouldn't she wait until she got her hair all glamed up. She had pretty obvious roots in the pics I've seen. And when had she ever held and cuddled and smiled with any of the kids, especially one of the boys?

Also, on the kids alone in the van, they probably never knew someone took a picture of them (unless Kate mentioned it after when she probably in a huge huff moved the van and paraded all the kids in to the Chinese restaurant.). It wasn't like she was right next to the van peering in the window and the kids were probably involved in arguing or doing homework in the van, or playing w/ Ipads, not sitting looking out the windows.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

cathy518 said...

.................. I don't think any school district would ever leave 7 kids alone on a bus for 15 minutes.

I'm just catching up on today's comments and I wanted to pull this one sentence out of cathy's post, because it really struck me as an interesting point. Then, I also saw this post:

fidosmommy said...

Somebody mentioned this a little bit upthread.

If your school's bus driver left 2 11-year olds and 6 8-year olds on the bus to go into a store for 15 minutes and somebody snapped a picture of it, how long would that driver keep his/her job? Around here, they'd be gone that day.

Exactly what I wanted to say as soon as I read cathy's comment! Let's say your kids are on a field trip and on the way home the bus driver decides he/she just needs some coffee before making the long drive back to school. So, he stops at a strip mall, leaves the bus right outside the door to Starbucks and runs in for less than 5 minutes. CRAZY, right? Parents would freak the hell out, ask how could he do that with their precious kids, and probably demand he be fired. So, if the bus driver can't do it, why is okay for a parent to do the same thing or worse (reportedly, van parked further away, and for up to fifteen minutes)?

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

Oh and one more thing - we all KNOW that if JON had done the exact same thing with the kids in the BBB, the sheeple would be having a FIT!!

They also would have had a fit if Jon had a sports car and as many tickets as speed demon Khate has!

New York State of Mind said...

Unless you have your child tied to you, kids sometimes get snatched. But I've never heard of a child who was snatched from a locked car IN PLAIN SIGHT of their parents.


I've heard of cases where a car is stolen with the child in the car and the thief didn't know that there was a youngster in the back seat.

There was also a situation here where a mother left her 8-year-old daughter in the car while she went into the post office. The girl was sucking on hard candy. It lodged in her throat. The child couldn't get out of the car because the mother had engaged the child safety locks on the door and she panicked. Luckily, the girl pounded on the windows, and the person sitting in the car next to her saw what was happening as the mother was coming out of the building. All ended well, but it could have been a tragedy.

It's not always a matter of a kidnapping situation. Things can, and do happen to children when they are left alone in a car - even if the child is not a toddler.

I wonder if Kate would have let those kids in the car during the hot summer months.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

Ever since I first became a mother eleven years ago, this topic has come up from time to time in discussions with other parents. I still remember the adjustments to my life with that first baby, realizing how difficult it was to run a few errands like popping into the post office to ship out a birthday gift to my nephew, grabbing some coffee, and dropping off some dry cleaning. I figured out very quickly that I just couldn't do things the same way or as easily as I had in my former life.

That became most apparent when I was trying to bring my huge king size comforter to the drycleaner's one day. I just couldn't hold the baby carrier and the blanket. The cleaner was in a glass store front where you pull your car right up to it, facing the window. So, yes, I basically parked right outside his front window, maybe five feet from the door and front counter. Even though I thought about leaving the baby in the car (and locking my car door), and I knew I could keep my eye on the car at all times, and that I would be in there at most three minutes, I just couldn't do it. So, yeah, I came back home and asked my husband to drop it off on Saturday.

Even my mother thought I was a little nuts over that one. BUT, then I asked her a question that I have since posed many times when other parents bring this issue up - If I gave you a briefcase with 5 million dollars worth of diamonds and 5 million in cash and you were going straight to the bank to lock it away, would you decide to stop at Starbucks first and leave that briefcase on the front seat? And maybe, even leave the briefcase open on the front seat so everyone could see what it was? Well, of course, everyone says "No way, duh!" Okay, so I don't know about you, but my kids are worth more than $10 million to me. If you would not leave diamonds and money on the front seat because they're so valuable and might be stolen, why on earth would you leave your kid unattended in the car?

No excuse said...

!" Okay, so I don't know about you, but my kids are worth more than $10 million to me. If you would not leave diamonds and money on the front seat because they're so valuable and might be stolen, why on earth would you leave your kid unattended in the car?

Excellent point! Thdre simply is NO excuse, period, to leave a child in a car. That's not being paranoid, it's being a parent.

Marie said...

Didn't Kate leave some of the kids sleeping in the car at a friends, Beth's possibly, who were asleep out front in the driveway with the door open while everyone else was out back swimming? And she only through to bring them in when it started to rain? I don't care that she checked on them, she left them unattended in an open vehicle. So what, this would be twice? ~ Administrator said...

One of the problems I'm having with this assertion that "anything could happen," even not including kidnapping, leaving a child in a car, is how far do you take that? It was suggested a child could choke in the car. A child could choke at home too. A child could choke while you carry him into the restaurant. In fact he's probably more likely to choke while you wait for your takeout. Maybe he gets a hold of those breath mints they have out or a toothpick. The world is full of very unlikely accidents a child will probably never in a million years get himself into, but since we heard it once on the news or knew someone who knew someone who knew someone who had a child get into such a freak accident, we worry.

What do you all do at your houses? Most people have more than one room in their house. But most people don't cart their seven year old child around with them to every room while they go about their day. They are seven, they are fine to play in the next room or outside in the yard while you cook up dinner or do laundry. They're fine. Should you check in on them often, of course. Should you always be listening for them and call to them now and again, of course. Should you leave them on opposite sides of the house, probably not. I think it completely smothers a seven year old to have this militant, not out of my sight attitude. If you are not okay with them sitting in a car within your sight, than it follows that you are not okay with them sitting in the next room at home even within your sight. That's just too much, let the child breathe.

For me it depends, depends, depends. I don't think you should ever leave a young child out of your sight in a CAR, but I don't see a problem with leaving them there for a brief moment WITHIN your sight. Everyone is talking about babies, babies may be different. Kate left seven year olds, not babies.

However as for Kate I looked at those pics, and the van was too far away and there was too much of a blind spot. Had the van been pulled up to a spot in front of the restaurant, that might be different--hence, this all depends.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

Admin, I just have to ask something if you don't mind. Do you ever leave your dog in your car?

Laurie said...

Kate - A very large spider is a trantula. Do a little research before writing these wild tales. I'm surprised the the spider stayed around as long as he apparently did. Let's see, you made a few attempts to suck him into the spider vac and yet he didn't scurry away until Mady went after him in your shoes with your weight bar. Then you wedged him out of the crack that he wen in to with a book. (Couldn't you have just squished him at this point instead of wedging him out?) Although heavy, the weight bar wouldn't have a very large circumference....WOW, Mady's aim is spot on, especially if the spider was still trying to get away. Somehow your latest tale just doesn't ring true with me. ~ Administrator said...

My dog in my car? If I'm standing right there within his sight, yes, many times. If I have to go inside somewhere, he goes with me or I don't bring him. He's happy and healthy and loved to death.

I'm not sure what is not being understood about WITHIN YOUR SIGHT, which is completely different than all the examples you all are providing of children getting hurt when they were OUT OF YOUR SIGHT.

I don't think any young kid or baby should ever be left out of your sight. Or dog. That's how those said accidents you speak of happen. ~ Administrator said...

I'm curious too at what age does everyone think it's okay to leave a kid in a car? Everyone keeps saying never leave kids alone in the car. Is it being suggesting until age 18, two full years after they are permitted to drive? Yikes.

If you say age 11, 12, 13 or whatever number your choose, how did you come to that number and not the number before it or after it?

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

Laurie said...

........... Somehow your latest tale just doesn't ring true with me.


Laurie, I agree! Plus, not only is it far fetched, it is just SO, SO, BORINGGGGGG!!! I can't believe the blog posts Khate has offered up so far, she clearly has not done ten minutes of research surfing some of the terrific, witty, informative, entertaining mom blogs out there (that put hers to shame!).

We should start a list of her blog posts with the titles and what each is about. Is she ever going to move beyond the absolutely mundane and trivial, and ME, ME, ME??

I've said it before and I'll say it again - Khate has absolutely NOTHING to offer, NO talent whatsoever, nothing, nada, naught, zilch, zip, zero, etc. ~ Administrator said...

Kate's mind numbing spider post I couldn't even get through sounds like this is what's going through her head:

I've read two or three of the top Mommy blogs sites (that make hundreds of thousands, some even millions) and they are cute and clever and witty and interesting and that looks EASY to run a blog like that I could do it too I have a cute, clever and witty story right up my sleeve right now about a spider similar to what I always see written on other Mommy blogs and I can do this too.

Shoot me. That last part was me.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

Well, one thing to keep in mind in Kate's case is that the law in PA is six years old, correct? I haven't looked it up (yet), but that is what I've read so far. Okay, so the law requires the bare minimum. She might want to err on the side of caution and say her seven year olds are just too close to six. In fact, their classmates are mostly six, aren't they? We all know she certainly has treated them as if they were younger than they are. Heck, she even called them "preschoolers" this summer, right? Plus, some would say that the sheer number of them (seven in the car, reportedly) doesn't make it any safer, but worse because more kids only multiplies what could possibly go wrong. Not to mention the fighting and hitting that they've displayed even when TV cameras were rolling.

Sorry, but I don't think her kids are mature enough at this point to be left alone in a car for fifteen minutes (IF that's what she did), and I don't think it was the best thing to do. As someone mentioned above, why did she need to be in the Chinese place for 15 minutes? If the order wasn't ready, she should have asked them how long and said she'd be back. Then, she could have gone back to the BBB and waited there with them rather than leaving them there alone that long (again, IF that's even true). Finally, couldn't she have pulled up to the curb outside the door to just run in and pick it up when it was ready? We all know that she FREQUENTLY has parked in the fire line outside the strip mall where she picks up her mail and freebie shipments. Ha, in all those photos there were no kids with her. The time she leaves the kids in the car, she parks it out in the lot, away from the storefront.

Admin, I was going to say something about your comment about sleepovers, but I'm thinking that maybe I better not touch that one right now. Although, I do appreciate how we all can debate and politely disagree on some issues. ~ Administrator said...

Nobody I don't see a single person here suggesting that these circumstances (15 long minutes!) plus famous kids plus conspicuous vehicle plus Kate so far away was OKAY. I feel like what I'm saying is being taken that I think THIS situation is okay--I don't!

What's being said by a few, apparently minority, is that under different circumstances it might be okay had she done things differently.

Now you've got me wondering what you were going to say about sleepovers! But if you don't want to that's okay too.

Fair enough, but... said...

The world is full of very unlikely accidents a child will probably never in a million years get himself into, but since we heard it once on the news or knew someone who knew someone who knew someone who had a child get into such a freak accident, we worry.


You bet your butt we do. How, as a parent, do you NOT worry?

If you are not okay with them sitting in a car within your sight, than it follows that you are not okay with them sitting in the next room at home even within your sight. That's just too much, let the child breathe.


Nope. Still not ok with leaving a child in a car.

At age 12, kids can babysit legally. I would leave a 12 yr. old in a vehicle alone. ~ Administrator said...

By the way this reminds me, in Kate's book, and I've mentioned this before, but when the kids were really little Kate said she and Jon were in the garage doing something and then at some point one of the little kids came out and was bleeding. Either she needed stitches or a neighbor suggested she might need stitches. Now here is the real scary part. The little girl was so young she couldn't tell them what happened! So Kate basically said laughingly we still don't know what happened to this day. God knows why Kate was telling a story that made her appear neglectful. She has no self awareness.

It can be just as dangerous to leave little kids out of sight in the house as it can be to leave them in a car. The key is leaving them alone. That's when things happen, whether you are in a car or not.

Better to be safe than sorry said...

Key words there are : they weren't in the house. They were in the garage.

They showed poor judgement then, too. ~ Administrator said...

You always worry, the danger comes when you're not letting your child be a child because you are a hovercraft over them or worry wart. Hence my analogy to sleepovers and the few kids I knew who weren't allowed to have ANY sleepovers. I think that's sad for them, I think sleepovers are a huge opportunity for social interaction and fun and bonding with friends. Sure there is that teeny, tiny chance they'll get kidnapped, I heard it did happen once on Dateline. Does that really outweigh the benefit of a sleepover for say, a 10 year old girl trying to make friends?

This is of course, not a concern when they are very little. Of course the level of protection should be much more the younger a child is. But the way you used to protect your baby is too much if you still operate as if your seven year old is that same baby. It becomes more of an issue as they get older and you're still operating under fear and worry of unlikely scenarios such that the child isn't allowed to ever do anything. However we certainly don't have to worry about that with Kate. She does just the opposite, lets them fend for themselves TOO MUCH. There's a healthy balance of protecting, and letting them out there. Too much of either isn't good for kids. ~ Administrator said...

Better to be safe, that was my whole point. Whether you use poor judgement in your car or the house or the zoo or what have you, poor judgement is poor judgement. I am outraged that a child too young too explain about an accident is left alone. Outraged. I'm surprised Kate even included it in her book, apparently no one warned her child protective services can and does look at things you write if it has to do with neglecting your kids.

If you use good judgement in your car, I would hope you use good judgement at the house too.

The bigger point is Kate has proven time and again in a variety of scenarios to use very poor judgement when it comes to the kids. Not very many people apparently are willing to give her the benefit of the doubt on this car thing, and it doesn't surprise me, as she has "burned" these kids a million times over.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

Okay, Admin, I get you now (sorry). So, okay, IF it's true that the car was parked out in the lot and she was in there for 15 minutes, then no, not good, she could easily have done it differently. If it were me, I would have called and ordered ahead and probably would have taken the kids in with me anyway. But, even if I decided to leave them in the car, I would have parked in the lane right outside the door and left my flashers on. I would have run in and if they said it would be five or ten more minutes, I would have told them I'll come back in a few minutes then, and I would have gone and waited in the car.

But, really, who am I kidding? I really wouldn't have done even that with seven year olds. My oldest is eleven and extremely mature, always has been. But, we've never left him in the car alone even for a minute. He always wants to come with us anyway (he hates to miss anything, lol). I'm not sure when the time will come for that, we'll just have to see. I actually haven't ever found a real need to keave the kids alone in the car. I've shlepped in and out of cars with 2, 3, 4 kids in rain, snow, whatever. Mommyhood ain't easy!

Admin, I think if I say what I wanted to about sleepovers, you will really think I am crazy for sure. Trust me, I am not a helicopter parent, but I have my reasons. Do you really want to hear it? I probably am not the norm as far as parenting goes (and I'm okay with that).

Purple Skies said...

Right after Kate called Mady the spider hero, Dowd from Twitter posted a comment on how proud she was of Mady, the spider hero. Kate replied, huh? So.....a couple of points to consider on this strange reply to Dowd:

1. Kate did not write the story, and the story was made up anyway by whomever does Kate's blogging on her site.

2. Kate has a very short term memory.... ~ Administrator said...

That's certainly one thing Kate could have done, as soon as she knew this was not going to be just a moment, run back out and waited with the kids. There's many things she could have done to make this safer that, IMO, don't necessary include taking the kids inside with her and wouldn't have caused some lookie-loo to sell her photos. You have to admit "Kate Gosselin runs inside the Chinese place for 4.3 seconds while her kids wait in the car" is not a story even if you don't agree. The story here was FIFTEEN minutes. As a journalist, even a tabloid journalist, you have to know what the story is and when it is a story in the first place.

I feel for the kids in that I'm sure the last thing they want to do is go inside with Kate and make a spectacle of themselves as Kate always does. Not to mention I'm sure she was rude to Mr. Chinese Food Man and overall just one giant embarrassment. Or maybe the kids were EXHAUSTED from their long day at school and long bus ride and were asleep. I find it very telling that not one of her eight kids seemed to want to go inside with her, unless of course she told them know. Those are not good statistics. Seven is an age where most kids just want to be with Mommy or help Mommy with the Chinese food. Maybe if she were nicer to her kids, they would all jump at the chance to go in and help Mommy, and none of this ever would have happened. ~ Administrator said...

I just did some twitter-twatter Math, not my strong suit. Am I to understand Kate conked out and said goodnight at NINE O"CLOCK tonight??? Did she not wake up at 11am this morning?

So she was awake and alert all of....10 hours today? Forgive me, but, what a lazy-ass!!

url said...

It's about time the kids got new bikes. The bikes looked too small for the kids prior to their sixth birthday. Many kids receive new bikes for Christmas or winter birthdays. Kids ride bikes all year, even in slush and snow. Jon recently tweeted the kids were enjoying riding bikes at his house. The kids were probably complaining about the old small bikes and the bikes at dad's house were better. Maybe Kart received enough grift certificates for the twins birthday and used them for the bikes or she used money from the kids' accounts. I doubt she splurged on the bikes using her own money.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

Purple Skies, I checked and I think you're mistaken on that one. That's what I hate about Twitter; sometimes it's so hard to follow the conversation! First I went to TwitIQ because they show you what tweets she's replying to:

@dowd24 huh?
11 hours ago - Twitterrific

dowd24 @Kateplusmy8 X Factor time and Chinese time :) lol
11 hours ago from Twitter for iPhone

Then I checked Twitter and it's not showing me which tweet of dowd's that she replied to. But, I checked the individual tweets and the times, and it went like this:

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Omg eating lunch &catching up on Dexter season 6(so far!) on demand and the show open alone is so so good to see/hear again! I LOVE Dexter!
12 hours ago (2:26 PM)

in reply to @Kateplusmy8 ↑
susan dowd
@dowd24 susan dowd
@Kateplusmy8 What other program's do u watch Kate?? :)
12 hours ago (2:39 PM)


Khate didn't answer her, so dowd tweeted again, telling Khate what she had for lunch (or dinner?) and what she was watching on TV. But, it seems Khate had already forgotten her own tweet about her lunch and watching Dexter on TV, so she had no clue what dowd was talking about:

dowd24 susan dowd
@Kateplusmy8 X Factor time and Chinese time :) lol
12 hours ago (3:02 PM)

in reply to @dowd24 ↑
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@dowd24 huh?
11 hours ago (3:04 PM)

in reply to @Kateplusmy8 ↑
susan dowd
@dowd24 susan dowd
@Kateplusmy8 lol I'm watching the X Factor and eating a chinese :)
11 hours ago (3:09 PM)


dowd24 susan dowd
@Kateplusmy8 Love the new pic of u all on the website :-)
10 hours ago (4:31 PM)

dowd24 susan dowd
@Kateplusmy8 Go Mady the spider hero lol :)
10 hours ago (4:52 PM)

dowd24 susan dowd
@Kateplusmy8 GN Kate :)
9 hours ago (5:58 PM)

Donna said...

Did Kate also tweet that she ran 12 miles yesterday or was she talking about something else?

That Spider Hero tale was the biggest bunch of poorly written crap that I've ever read. And who the hell owns a bug vacuum (sp?) and then brags about it? And that was pretty poor parenting on Kate's part by letting Mady beat the stone floor with the heavy bar. A piece of the stone could have broken loose and easily hit Mady in the eye.
BTW, I thought that her purposely telling Aaden that the chickens on the Tyson truck were going to be killed was just sick. What kind of mother wants her 7 year old child who loves animals to know something like that? She is one sick bitch.

Donna said...

Purple Skies:
You forgot #3...Kate's drunk.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

Administrator said...
I just did some twitter-twatter Math, not my strong suit. Am I to understand Kate conked out and said goodnight at NINE O"CLOCK tonight??? Did she not wake up at 11am this morning?

So she was awake and alert all of....10 hours today? Forgive me, but, what a lazy-ass!!


Actually, she last tweeted at 8:48 claiming that her 12 mile run kicked her butt and she had to go to bed.

I find her timeline a little suspect today. It looks like she barely had enough time to get that run in between all her tweets. It also looks like she didn't have much time to shower and change when she got back, because she was tweeting again. Next thing you know, she claims she's eating lunch and watching TV:

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
GM tweeties! I'm finally awake&alive! Lots 2 do today so I'm getting started now.... Never enough X in a day,especially when I sleep in!:)
16 hours ago (11:11 AM)

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Woo hoo! Bad running week turned great! Just finished my first 12 miles ever in 2:06:30. Slow but I did it! Almost rdy now4my 1/2mar in dec!
13 hours ago (1:51 PM)

So, she tweeted at 11:11 AM, and then left for the run maybe 10 minutes later? Let's say she ran from 11:20 AM to 1:26 PM. Within twenty or so minutes of that long run, by 1:51 PM, she's home, showered, changed and tweeting again?

She then sends five tweets from 1:55 to 2:04(starting with the one about getting her hair re-bleached).

Then, I guess she made lunch and began watching her show, because 22 minutes later, she tweeted:

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Omg eating lunch &catching up on Dexter season 6(so far!) on demand and the show open alone is so so good to see/hear again! I LOVE Dexter!
13 hours ago (2:26 PM)

Then, about thirty minutes later, she sends 14 tweets between 2:57 and 3:05.

There were only three more tweets at around 4:30 and 6:00. Then, this last one:

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
I'd love to stay&chat but my 12 miles beat my butt today! Will chat tom at some point..promise!Hope ur enjoying new pics/blog on website!xo
6 hours ago (8:48 PM)

amyf said...

OT, but TLC's latest? "Brides of Beverly Hills," where these brides have absolutely NO limit to what they can spend (I think on gowns, maybe on the whole thing). Right, real people with mediocre (or no) jobs are really going to want to watch that!

And seriously, DO spiders jump? I've had plenty of them around and never saw one do that. Maybe PA spiders do...

Donna said...

Oh, I forgot to comment about the part of the spider story where Kate says that she's not going to allow any spiders in "my house!" Those poor kids bought Kate a house and the bitch doesn't even refer to it as "our" house.
I hate that bitch.

Sorry for my poor attitude tonight. I've had insomnia for 3 nights now and am in a crappy mood. I apologize.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

Google has cached shots already so you can see the fall pics without giving her site a hit:

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

Sorry, I forgot to make it clickable:

Cached Shot - Main page with photos

Also, here's the cached shot for her two latest posts - "Funny Kids Sayings" and "My Spider Hero"

Blog Posts - cached shot

Lake Up North said...

Pure and simple I believe Kate has to make even killing a spider dramtic. Come off it. It's all the little things such as *my shoes that are too big for her and my weight that was heavy* all the lame failed attemps to use a vacuum, jumping bugs and beating it to death. It sounds like such a circus.

You want a bug story? Here, last week two of my kids come into the kitchen, I always have kids underfoot anyway never fails. "Mom there is a bee in the window!" Did I ask one of my kids to kill it? Hell no! Grab fly swatter, swat bee, make sure it's dead, use tissue throw it away. End of ordeal. No shoes, no flying bee and no scrambling around about it.

It's as if she wrote it, assuming she did to make it sound more outlandish than it had to be because otherwise I suppose killing a spider wouldn't be as interesting to write about. But that's just it something Kate will never grasp, life isn't always full of dramatic moments it's full of dull, mundane things people do everyday without making a big whoop about it.

overthehill said...

wonder what excuse kate gosselin will use not to enter the marathon.
i dont believe she ran 12 miles she does not by any stretch of the imagination eat a healthy diet .time will tell if she is telling the truth.
also that blog of hers is boring.who on earth but kate gosselin could make a drama out of a spider.
she lives on a lovely property i dont think she would ever think to take the kids exploring nature around her.(unless she was being filmed)

barbee said...

why do 'right or wrong' debates have to get so ridiculous? Leaving a 7 yr old child alone in another room at home isn't the same as leaving a child alone in a car. Being inside a store even if able to 'see' the car does NOT make it a safe place to leave kids. You cannot exit the store as fast as someone could grab a kid from the car. And leaving 7 kids in the car (esp. those kids with their track record for 'infighting' constantly) is definitely not too bright, as well as not too safe. RE her wonderful 'blog items', she's much dumber than I give her credit for if she thinks they are interesting, amusing, or anything other than DULL!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Donna, yes there are such things as bug vacuums:

A bit expensive for me, but I'd like one.

Carezee said...

Adding to the spider story. What is wrong with her outside door? She said if it would have been working she would have sent it out the door. In an emergency if your downstairs you can't get out? Also she talked about how heavy her weight bar was. Neither thing that was in Mady's hand looked like it was too heavy for her. Plus what kind of weight bar is that? I pictured something way longer. I know my bar is almost as tall as I am.

Koopdedoo said...

Amy2 - I was wondering about "Stranger Danger" as well, but from a different angle. Would the kids talk to or unlock a door for a stranger who spoke as if they were friends? Sure, several posters have said "I told my kids to not open the door for anyone"...but, since the Gosselins are known from TV, what if a stranger said, "don't you remember me, I was at your house for the crooked houses episode?"

Nobody likes a Narcissist - I love your $10 million analogy.

Spider story - Friday morning, no school here, I was out with my 16 yr old son. 13 yr old daughter texts "OMG, there is a huge spider", and continues to text for the next 10 minutes until we arrive home (we were enroute). It was a huge spider, she put a Chinese carryout soup cup over it and watched it until we came home. I showed her several ways that she could get rid of it (that didn't involve weight bars or too big shoes), and then I TOOK CARE OF IT. I don't like spiders either, but I really don't like NOT KNOWING where the spider that got away is hiding.

Anonymous said...

And seriously, DO spiders jump? I've had plenty of them around and never saw one do that. Maybe PA spiders do...
October 23, 2011 12:43 AM


The spiders that jump here in Pa are teeny tiny about the size of a fruit fly! Good gawd woman, why is she such a moron?!!

Gimme said...

I don't know what kind of spiders she has but I never saw one stick around that long for the kill. I don't doubt the story, because we have the photo to prove it:).

Anonymous said...

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm with Kate on the spider issue. Wolf spiders jump and they grow quite large. I've killed several in my bathroom recently that were as large as a quarter. That's probably what she had. They're a real nuisance this time of the year. Ugly black hairy things. SHUDDER!!!!!!!!!!!!


Localyocul said...

overthehill said...
wonder what excuse kate gosselin will use not to enter the marathon.
i dont believe she ran 12 miles she does not by any stretch of the imagination eat a healthy diet .time will tell if she is telling the truth


I was thinking the same thing. I expect an injury right around Thanksgiving. Quad tear perhaps? My dd tore her quad in track and had to completely rest it for a few weeks. Should we start a pool?

mamaK said...

There was an Oprah once about a woman with four kids. She got the kids all straped in, but had forgotten something in the house, so she left them there with the car OFF to run in and grab it. There was something wrong with the van and it errupted in flames. In five minutes all four kids were dead because being straped in, they could not get out. All she could do was watch. A fluke, yes, but I never want that to happen to me, so I will never leave my kids in the car, even if I forget something in the house. Not for a minute. And it is a pain to unstrap everyone and go back and get re-buckled. Especially when you have a baby who doesn't like the car seat. But, it's better than the alternative.
And Kate's kids are old enough to buckle and unbuckle themselves, so its not like she's going around the van snapping 5point harnesses. I imagine there using seatbelts. So, she has no excuse but laziness.
However, I have a problem with the woman who took the pics. If I saw this and wanted to take pics of it instead of calling the cops, I sure would have taken pics to PROVE what I was saying. Especially if I wanted to sell the photos. A photo of Kate in the resturant w/o the kids and a photo of the van showing the kids would be more valueable then the faraway photos. It even looks like there could be a person in the passenger seat. So, I kinda think this story is a bit fabricated. I don't know if it is true, and I definately don't think Kate came storming out of the resturant when she saw the woman. Can you tell when people are using their phones to take pics? And Kate doesn't notice the people around her anyway.
Just my two cents.

Dwindle said...

Administrator said... The thing that bothers me about the "wardrobe" changes is it speaks to how set up and organized this WORKING photo shoot was.

All performed the very week she proudly posts that her kids have to wear the same dirty clothes for 2 weeks/until they are visibly soiled/ or can stand on their own, which ever comes first. Just wait until she has to deal with 16 smelly underarms and other body parts every few HOURS every day. I am sure she will blame the children and also Jon for the kids having hormones and growing up.

I havent read the spider post. Good lord, who cares about killing a spider in the house. I killed a dozen fruit flies yesterday. My friend insists that their gestation cycle is 96 seconds, she has timed it she says. I cant read what Kate writes, it is so disjointed. You shouldnt have to read a sentence 3 times to try to figure out what a writer means. I assume her thought process is also disjointed like that, which frankly explains alot.

I tried really hard to follow the laundry post (to see how her process for 9 compared to my process for 6, or my mother's process for 11) but I couldnt understand what was so miraculous about placing a hamper in the hallway for 6 people to use, then taking all those many disjointed steps to eventually say that she (or the 'girl') does laundry 'per person' and doesnt sort colors. So Kate, here's an organizational tip for you: If you are only going to do a "Joel load" anyway and not even bother to sort the colors, then just place a hamper at the foot of each bed per person, and stop with all the convoluted twists and turns.

Kate is the most disorganized person who has ever bragged about it. I really think she gets all excited and proud of herself when she manages to occasionally put one thought together with another. The sticky notes everywhere are to get others to remember and do FOR her, because she cannot. Her thoughts are too disjointed and it frustrates her, so she demands that others think for her. She calls these demands "organizing" and "masterminding", but when it comes to doing more than one linear step on her own, she isn't capable. This is all part of her mental illness and it's the big part she honestly doesnt recognize yet. SHe has likely always been this way and the demands of real life are making it worse. For this she blames others for interrupting her thought process struggles.

(KATE: in nursing school you learned about the 3 spheres of LOC and orientation. Did you learn about the 4th? Most 2 yr RNs do not. Your 4th is greatly impaired.)

She would have my support and sympathy in her fight against her mental illness if she wasnt such a horrible person and wasnt taking such joy in harming others.

mamaK said...

Oh, and this isn't the first time she has left the kids in the car. During the first fourth of July show they went to Beth and Bob's and some kids fell asleep in the van, so they all went out back to hang out and left those sleeping in the van out front with the door open. In July.
And, in the Disney episode, she let the kids go with Aunt Jody without car seats and more kids than seatbelts. And they were three. But, Kate doesn't seem to care about things like that.

mamaK said...

I know nothing about running, is 2hrs whatever a good time for 12 miles?

NT said...

Just where and when is this 1/2 marathon she's going to enter and anyone know just how long a 1/2 marathon is? I think she'll come up with an injury or one of the kids will become sick and she can't go. She'll come up with something!!

Dwindle said...

Localyocul said... overthehill said...
wonder what excuse kate gosselin will use not to enter the marathon.
i dont believe she ran 12 miles she does not by any stretch of the imagination eat a healthy diet .time will tell if she is telling the truth
I was thinking the same thing. I expect an injury right around Thanksgiving. Quad tear perhaps? My dd tore her quad in track and had to completely rest it for a few weeks. Should we start a pool?


I'm in. It will be one of the following, let's guarantee it:

*An injury due to working out, housecleaning, or chasing after a happy child.
*A sick or injured child that she suddenly needs to tend to personally. For the first time. Ever.
*A media job, even if it's only in her mind.
*Not enough money for travel expenses, if only in her mind.
*Security concerns because she is such a big STAH dontchaknow.
*Or Jon's fault because he refuses to do (>fill in the blank<).

And she will absolutely use the phrase "Sadly,..." She really likes 'sadly' followed by a comma, so she will use that a great deal in fumbling through whatever she is lying about come race time.

OR! She will say she ran but no one will actually be able to verify seeing her in the actual race clomping one foot in front of the other.

Which brings me to my technical questions: how in the world is she gonna run a marathon in bondage stillettos with fresh toe nail polish? What if it chips!?! And wont her false eyelashes melt off? The logistics of how she can pull this off with all of her beauty responsiblities, well it just boggles my mind. What about other runners? She doesnt SEE other people so what if she bumps into them!?! What will Steve do about that and will it ruin his race-time? What if other runners are sweating? Will her psychiatrist be in tow to help her cope? What if she witnesses food-touching without foil? What if the bottled water isnt organic? What if she gets a race number with no 8 in it? And OMG what if there are photographers there and she doesnt get her CUT!?!

Tremble, shudder, gasp, I need to go lie down...

SeeSaw said...

Here's what bothers me about the spider story. Kate has repeatedly said she does nothing for her arms when people compliment them. No weights. If that's true, why does she have a weight bar available? Just for killing spiders I guess. Or maybe it's Steve's. ~ Administrator said...

It's about a 10 minute mile. It's a steady pace but won't win her any marathons. A lot of people do it more for the fitness rather than the speed. She won't qualify for the Boston Marathon, I think their cutoff is a six minute mile at this point, it gets faster every year.

In the Neighborhood said...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Donna, yes there are such things as bug vacuums:

A bit expensive for me, but I'd like one.


Wouldn't you think that in a 1.3 million dollar house, you'd at least have a central vac? I just suck up flies, spiders, silverfish and any other insect that finds its way inside. You use the very wide extension sucker that comes with the system. It never misses. The suction is enough to kill them, and they end up in the canister in the basement. You empty it, and that's all there is to it.

Why isn't Jon in the autumn photos? Isn't he part of the family?

Hippie Chick said...

Admin said...
My dog in my car? If I'm standing right there within his sight, yes, many times. If I have to go inside somewhere, he goes with me or I don't bring him. He's happy and healthy and loved to death.

Only if it's a nice day, breeze blowing, fall like day, windows wide open. Nobody comes near my car!! I have a German Shephard, they know better. Never in the summer like I see some dumb asses do (windows rolled up). I have called the cops more times than I can count on idiots like this.

The temp in the car goes up at least 15-20* or more, in a car on a hot day, with the windows rolled up. Just last summer, I called the cops 3 times on stupid people leaving their poor dogs in the car, panting for their lives. And I wait for the owner too, just in case they come out before the cops arrive. I have words for those people. One time this past summer, I was still on the phone with the cops when the lady came out. The policewoman was telling me to calm down I was so was the dog!!

This just pisses me off. Leave your dog at home in extreme weather. If you know he is gonna be a bad doggie, crate him for an hour, or train him! Grrrr!!!

~HC~ aka Jenna

She's such a c word said...

Shouldn't the Las Vegas Marathon have results posted? A co-worker did the Chicago Marathon and you had the ability to see how every placed, times, etc.
Btw, they do have a High Heel Marathon. Twisted (ankle) Kate?

PJ's momma said...

Carezee, you see those weight bars often in gym studios - they are easier to store than a bunch of barbells and are used for classes a lot. I think blue is about 12-15 lbs. Mady is holding one end off the ground, I doubt she could pick it up and whack away. NT, her running time is fairly decent.'s what always gets me. Mady is shown in her running shoes. They are so clean. Every time there are pics posted of her, I think that her shoes are just way too clean. Of course, if she's running on a dreadmill, they will stay pretty clean, but if she's outside, they do get mucked up fairly quickly. And I'm sorry, but that stupid ninny doesn't know that IF she running 12 miles, she is ready for the event. My first 1/2 marathon, I followed a training program and I ran 10 miles ONCE, the week before the big day, and I was ready for the event. Once you can run 95 minutes or whatever, you can run 120!

Hippie Chick said...

Kate could have called the Chinese restaraunt when she pulled in & said, "Can you please bring my order out when it's ready, I have all of my kids with me, I'll just pay w/ cash. Thank you."

Again, she makes everything MORE difficult than she has too.

~HC~ aka Jenna

Ingrid said...

overthehill said...
wonder what excuse kate gosselin will use not to enter the marathon.


If she really is going to go to one she will get her fancy trip to somewhere far from home and get hurt there so she can sit it out in the spa, 5 star hotel, and expensive restaurants without her kids (again). Someone on twitter mentioned the 5 to 10K runs for charities that are held all over the place. (we have them often around me) No reason she couldn't do those and actually help someone besides herself. But we know she won't. Locally she may not be able to find anyone to give donations to her. Someone on twitter also mentioned a marathon in Vegas in Dec. Maybe that is what she is shooting for.

If she does happen to run at all in a half marathon I think TLC may be there to use for a special.

Sue Buddy said...

New post up addressing hate speech: "Kate Gosselin Welcomes All Points of View"

anger issues kate said...

So, these are the professional pics she had done. I can take better pics than that. So what did she do with the rest of the pics, sell them to a magazine? From the few pics, they do not look amazing or wonderful, that one could not take with a mediocre, regular camera? LOLOL So where are the pics of the kids on their bikes, their trip to WY. OH, I forgot if it is not filmed it is not a memory. Geez, people, Kate is not making memories for her kids, cause TLC or someone else is not filming it. That's why Kate needs another TV show, to film memories. Lazy, bitch, too lazy to buy a camera, and take your own pics or let your kids take pics. When I was the tups age 7, I had one of those cheap cameras, where you had to load film into it. I took pics , of the Big Snow of 1966-1967(I was 7-8 at the time), and of places & things, dog, parents etc. What is Kate afraid of? I know people out there, have more than one camera. Kate says she only has her phone camera? something is wrong with this pic. Geez, the Duggars, let their 3-4 years olds take pics, all the time, with inexpensive cameras. Infact, their kids that are around the same age as the the 8, use video cameras, cameras and the computer to do pics. When, K8 went on that RV trip, Kate only had her phone camera, none of the kids had any kind of cameras. So why not?

Mimi to 3 said...

Admin, here's the deal for me. It is the idea that a child could be abducted by a stranger and the horror and terror that would involve. You mentioned yesterday the Adam Walsh story. A truly terrible crime that happened. So, no it doesn't have to be a child left in a car vs. the next room. But if that child is in his own home and something happens, we, as parents deal with it as best we can. If, however, they are in a car, in plain sight of the front windows or whatever, there is still that minute chance that something or someone could harm that child. And for every second that child is gone you as a parent are in agony wondering if he is hurt or injured or being tortured. Maybe there is not even a scintilla of a chance that this would happen under the circumstances you have given, BUT what if your child was that one in a million that it happened to. I just personally know I could not live with myself knowing I chose to make it easy on myself and not take my child with me because of inconvenience and something terrible happened. The scenario of something terrible happening at home is just different in this sense, at least you are in that house and possibly could help them if they are in danger. But once a strange has them, it's a completely different story.

So, I agree we don't want to make our children feel under the microscope at all times, we want them to grow up with some freedoms, as much as safety will allow. For me, I would never leave my young grandchildren in the car alone, for any reason. If I need something so badly then the kids go home to grampa or mom and dad and I go back to the store. It's as simple as that for me. Every parent has to make that choice for themselves. I just know me and I could not bear to think of them in danger that was because of me -- even inadvertently.

roxyhelen said...

Amy2 said...

These kids have been trained to smile for the cameras. And the people taking the pics are always strangers to them (I'm not talking about the regular TLC film crew). So, how would the kids know when they should smile or not smile for a stranger with a camera. How do they know when to be aware of a stranger? Do they know about Stranger Danger? When does Stranger Danger apply?
With all due respect, stranger danger was one of the worst moves made in an attempt to raise awareness.Why? Because 98% of child abductors are people the children have already met.Only 2% of abductors are STRANGERS.Most often it's the neighbour, the spiteful non custodial parent(I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT JON) the crazy aunt or grandmother, the secretly pedophile uncle.You get the point.Most children KNOW their abductor and go with him/her because of this "Stranger Danger" crap which means you can go with people you've already met. Yes, of course, teach your kid to never go anywhere with a stranger but most importantly, teach him to never go anywhere with ANYONE without your approval.In the case of the G8, I would also stress don't go anywhere with any "fans" because of their special situation.

Anonymous said...

Sorry kate, if you were planning to write THE book on running someone beat you to it and has the market cornered.

Run Like a Mother: How to Get Moving--and Not Lose Your Family, Job, or Sanity by Sarah Bowen Shea and Dimity McDowell

Permanent Name said...


LOL! Count me in the pool too....

And my thought, she'll show up somewhere at the end all sweaty in a disguise of some sort.

"Of course I ran... I had to disguise myself so the riff raff wouldn't bother me during the race". ***Sadly*** her pink iphone #6 will give her away.... hey, you don't think she'll run without it, do you?!

She'll have some hat thing on that won't show her blond straw. She won't talk to anyone but purseboy who will be there at the end to lick her sweat...

BUT, Chris sure better get a photo of her, sell it and split the money with her!

Anonymous said...

It even looks like there could be a person in the passenger seat. So, I kinda think this story is a bit fabricated.


Could it have possibly been a helper?

Susantoyota said...

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... Google has cached shots already so you can see the fall pics without giving her site a hit:

Did anyone have the same reaction when seeing photo #5? A shot of all the children in the foyer, obviously dressed for bed? Hello, pedophiles, my name is Kate Gosselin and these are my children who I pimp out for you because I must keep them front and center in the public eye so I can remain relevant. Bitch. ~ Administrator said...

Statistically speakin these kids are 100s of times more likely to die in a car accident. An with Kate's lead foot I find myself far more worried about that. Slow down, Kate. It's your life.

New York State of Mind said...

With all due respect, stranger danger was one of the worst moves made in an attempt to raise awareness.Why? Because 98% of child abductors are people the children have already met.


Interesting. Adam Walsh didn't know his abductor; Elizabeth Smart didn't know who took her; Jessie Lunsford never met her murderer; Amber Hagerman didn't know the person who took her: Polly Klaas didn't know the man who abducted from a slumber party. I don't believe that stranger danger is one of the worst moves to raise awareness. When it comes to protecting our kids, alerting them to the danger of strangers certainly isn't a bad move.

Gimme said...

OT, but I can't find Sue Buddy's 10,000 thank yous post. Did anyone see it?

Twittering and a Twattering said...

Looks like Bigfan is lonely again!

@Kateplusmy8 K8, you wanna come over to my house & chit chat?

@Kateplusmy8 I dont live far from you. Just come over for a quick visit. Eat a brownie with me & my son

@Kateplusmy8 K8, wanna come over & visit? I have a starbucks card for you

Sue Buddy said...

Kate Gosselin and the Four Thousand Thank Yous

I tried to make the article into a clickable link on Gather but it didn't work.

amyf said...

NT said...

Just where and when is this 1/2 marathon she's going to enter and anyone know just how long a 1/2 marathon is? I think she'll come up with an injury or one of the kids will become sick and she can't go. She'll come up with something!!
October 23, 2011 7:54 AM
A full marathon is 26.2 miles, so I assume a half marathon is 13.1 miles. It appears that she knows NOTHING about running or training for an event like this. At one point she twatted her surprise that someone was talking about eating pasta the night before. I know that before the Boston Marathon - where some of the best runners in the world participate - the carbo-loading party is a huge event, even gets TV coverage, and definitely includes huge amounts of pasta. And I don't know the exact timing, but the men's winning time is usually somewhere in the vicinity of 2 hours 10 min. for the entire 26.2 miles.

tate said...

Kate is supposedly doing the half marathon in Las Vegas in December. Another person on twitter also signed up and supposedly somehow saw that Kate was signed up too. I am wondering if this is some kind of free deal too. Is she getting some kind of sponsorship from one of the hotels? Who knows? Does Stevie run half marathons too? How will she be protected from the mediocre people, if he doesn't run by her side?

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

amyf - I saw that tweet about the pasta and I was shocked that Khate was mystified as to why one of the sheeple who's a runner was talking about loading up on carbs. She even asked the sheeple to share her secrets or something. It's NO secret, been talked about for decades.

Khate knows nothing about running and is clearly doing no real training in preparation for a half marathon as far as her running schedule or with her diet. Also, as someone mentioned above, I've posted comments here before about how her running photos always show the same running shoes and they look very clean and never worn. REAL runners really go through shoes!

fidosmommy said...

Admin, I said much earlier that if my child (which I don't have) was responsible enough to babysit another child without adult supervision, that was the age I would think about leaving him/her alone in the car.

The child needs to be able to consider consequences of unsafe behavior, to be able to understand instructions clearly, and know how to ask for help if help is needed. Quick access to a cell phone would be a must for me!

OK, some aren't responsible at 23. I get that. :-) Others are responsible at 12 or 13.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Donna, yes there are such things as bug vacuums:

A bit expensive for me, but I'd like one.


We've had a toy bug vacuum for years. My son refuses to allow us to kill bugs, so we vacuum them up and deposit them outside. Except for the other day when we had a huge half dead wasp crawling around the living room. That was kind of a crazy story....maybe I should write a long, boring blog post about it, LOL.

Ours is something like this one. I'm sure it's not as powerful as the other one but it really does the job:

Bug Vacuum

roxyhelen said...

New York State of Mind, lets be clear, all I said is that children are more likely to be kidnapped by familiar faces.Stats say so.The kids you are talking about are in the 2%. Why is it that there's so many of them? Because such a high number of kids are abducted and killed that 2% ends up being a high number as well.I never suggested you should encourage your kids to leave with strangers.

I said insisting on the stranger danger thing was a bad move since it gives the kids the impression that because they've seen the abductor at least once they are not strangers, ergo they can trust them.Example: The younger Gosselin kids have a new sound operator.They have seen him today.Tomorrow, he comes again and in a moment of chaos while filming at Disney World he tells Alexis to come with him to that stand over there.Alexis was thought: "don't go with strangers" and so she thinks,"well this guy is my friend,not a stranger I've seen him yesterday too, mommy met him as well." Things can go bad very quickly. Or, a pap calls Aiden to the fence and tells him he wants to show him something.The pap was there previously, ergo, Aiden knows and trust him.

In my opinion, you need to just tell your kid: Do not leave with anyone without my permission, period. Stranger or not.Insisting on the stranger thing seems bad to me.

roxyhelen said...

Also, Admin, you may be right.Considering the speed their mother drives at, the kids could be involved in a car accident.If the fact that your children are in the car doesn't stop you from disregarding safety then...well, I guess we all know what that means.

denni don't like Kate..... said...

Okay, I'm a runner...not a fast runner, but faster than anybody standing on the sidelines....i'm 58 and can do around a 10 minute mile...big whoopie....many people my age are alot faster than that....the Vegas 1/2 Marathon and Full Marathon are on the evening of Dec. 4th; costs between $135 - under $200 to register, depending on how early you have signed up......for the 1/2 marathon, you get 4 hours to finish.....people, you can walk fast and finish in 4 hours....i do a mile and a half on my lunch hour in 23 minutes just walking fast.....not even breaking into a it's no big deal if she's doing a half-marathon.....but still, maybe i should's not too late to sign up....and i would just love to pass her up....hope she's gonna wear her good bra!

Hoosier Girl said...

Ya'll have been busy :)

1. I'm good with the lady selling photos and her story to the NE. If the police had been called, we would never have heard about this. It would have just quietly gone away. Does anyone seriously think this is the first time Kate has left the kids in the car alone? I say, go lady! I'm sick and tired of everyone involved with this family closing their eyes and mouths to the truth.

2. Kate won't be able to run the 1/2 marathon due to paparazzi. I called this weeks ago and I'm sticking with it - even if the race is held in Vegas. If I'm wrong and she does run - she'll pull up in mile 4 or 5 due to injury. Let's start a pool :)

Hoosier Girl said...

Oh, and what happened to Sue Buddy's post about a thousand thank yous?! I missed reading it and now can't find it :(

Cammie said...

Kate has to be doing the half marathon in Vegas for some sort of publicity/freebies. There are plenty of marathons/half marathons in Southern Utah, Arizona, Nevada which have the same weather, around the same timeframe but are in less noticeable or glitzy places. Lots of celebrities run in these marathons and no one hears about it unless they want it to be heard. I live in a small southwestern city that hosts these marathons and I had no idea how many real celebrities were running, even with twitter, facebook etc, it just isn't a big thing.
I'm sure Kate will find some way to get attention.

steff said...

Ok, maybe I'm an over protective mom, but I've always felt that way because my son & I were home alone at night w/o a car. I was extra careful as much as possible all the time because of how careful I was at night.

My son didn't get to stay in the car until he was big enough (size wise) to be able to defend himself. He was 14 before that happened. Up until that point, he ALWAYS came inside with me. Of course, I also planned my errands for when he could stay home with hubby as often as possible. The first time kiddo sat in the car, even at age 14, he told me he was scared. He didn't like it and wanted to go in with me at the next stop.

To me, what he said about it was the most important thing. He was scared....end of story for me. He went with inside with me.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...

Hoosier Girl said...

Oh, and what happened to Sue Buddy's post about a thousand thank yous?! I missed reading it and now can't find it :(


Hoosier Girl, Sue posted the link above:

Sue Buddy said...

Kate Gosselin and the Four Thousand Thank Yous

I tried to make the article into a clickable link on Gather but it didn't work.

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