Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Kate and the kids' (working) fall photo shoot and more grifting

Although the show is cancelled, Kate is still putting the kids to work--this time at elaborate professional photo shoots for her blog. The kids spent their Sunday last weekend going to church (allegedly) and then sitting for photos. Kate tweeted she was up at 7 a.m. that day and was moving "full force" all day.

Despite having just participated in what was surely an expensive photo shoot, Kate accepted another free cereal freebie today, even tweeting what kind of cereal she preferred, instead of asking the cereal company to please donate to those really in need.
In other news, Kate is slated to attend "Steve Irwin Day Gala Dinner" on November 12 in Brisbane, Australia, where "LUNCH WITH KATE GOSSELIN, STAR OF KATE PLUS 8 A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you and 9 friends to dine with Kate Gosselin at the multi-award winning Chalk Hotel in Brisbane, plus a signed copy of her book" will be auctioned off.

234 sediments (sic) from readers:

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She is a Cow said... 1

I don't know about this one. I can't imagine Kate would go to the time and expense of a professional photo shoot for that totally lame website. (I've never visited, but just from the posts here, I can imagine) What's in it for her? That is how Kate operates, she wouldn't go to this expense just for the pleasure of her fans, there has to be something more to it. Maybe one of her psycho tweeties is a photographer and she grifted a shoot. That sounds more like Kate. ~ Administrator said... 2

Alert: Kate's responding to "haters" again love when she does this:

18 Oct
sweetally3443 Ally
@cascadianfarm @Kateplusmy8 @sue_buddy its good 2 support TRUE moms who do not exploit their children for fame and money. insult 2 real moms
6 hours ago
in reply to ↑
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@sweetally3443 @cascadianfarm ALL real moms work hard@whatever makes kids happy and provides best for them, including me!:) Hav a gd day!:)

Kate? Are you saying exploitation is okay as long as it makes kids happy? Ice cream for breakfast, lunch and dinner makes kids happy too but real moms make their kids eat some balanced meals.

Gift of grab said... 3

Well, guess what! Katie's going back to Australia for the Australia Zoo Gala (Nov. 15). A lunch date with KG and "9 friends" is one of the items up for auction. YAy!

So, her dream of going back to Oz in the fall is coming true. I doubt that the Zoo would foot the bill for this trip--this is a fundraising event, after all, and expenses are typically comped by the provider. So the question is--who's paying? Would KATE really spring for the no-doubt substantial costs of this trip? Or will she line up vendors (airline/hotel/etc.) who will comp her? Ah, her generosity knows no bounds, does it?

Doesn't appear the children are going (at least they are not advertised as part of the lunch package up for bid). Small mercies.

Here's the link: She RT'd a message from the Zoo a couple of hours ago promoting the gala. Dropping a little clue. Just WAIT til her sheeple hear!

Get ready for some new bikini photos courtesy of Stevie . . . ~ Administrator said... 4

What Kate wants Kate gets.

I don't get it though where is Kate going to find nine friends? Or do they mean you can bring nine friends? So the question remains where would someone find nine whole friends who want to have dinner with Kate? And will this take place in Australia? Or can sheeple here pool their money and bid on it and have dinner here? Will Steve come to stave off unapproved questions?

I don't see this as that bad, other than she has to leave the kids with a nanny. I wish she could have Jon stay at the house while she lives her celebrity lifestyle. At least the kids aren't exploited. But how long does she think she can manage this kind of thing before the tap runs dry? Is she going to be one of those sad D-listers at those autographs "celeb conferences" they have at three star hotels in Burbank one day? I heard celebs make at least 20 bucks sitting for those. ~ Administrator said... 5

Do you think they'll do Meet Steve's Parents 2.0 and will it go better this time?

PJ's momma said... 6

My husband just got back from another trip to Australia. If she wants to grift a free trip there, let her. He went from Seattle to San Francisco to Sydney to Brisbane, in one day. Over 21 hours total, minus the long car ride to Sunshine Coast. I didn't go this time because it was only 2 real days on the ground. It's brutal. Her trip would be worse, coming from the east. She'll have something new to complain about because she truly will be exhausted. He's still very jet-lagged, 5 days later.

Gift of grab said... 7

K+8 is now on the air in Australia. So perhaps she was able to talk TLC into sending her there for "promotional" purposes? I also wouldn't doubt that something might be up with Steve. Maybe they'll be coming out on the other side? I do think there is much more to this than meets the eye. ~ Administrator said... 8

Not trying to be mean but I think the fact is I can't see this item on the menu going for very much. Gathering nine friends for dinner with Kate? Is she even that well known in Australia? Any Aussies here?

She is a D-list celeb anywhere she goes and dinner with D-listers when it's a gala isn't that attractive to those who probably already brush elbows with celebs, most Dlister not just Kate.

PJ's momma said... 9

It would be funny to me if Steve was in Australia to 'protect' Kate. Aussies are truly among the nicest people on the planet. And believe me, I've been all over the planet. I'd put Aussies at #1 and Ticos (Costa Ricans) at #2 on a list of most friendly and/or helpful people. For goodness sake, instead of saying 'have a nice day', they say 'all the best!' and the mean it! I don't think Kate is smart enough to travel around on her own (although it's very easy) and that's why Steve is there as her handler. And I don't think there's anything going on between them either. He sees her at her very, very worst. Who would want to be with someone like that? ~ Administrator said... 10

It's for charity which makes me feel better. If she has to be Kate might as well help other causes. Let her go, she'll be out of the kids' hair and they can eat their grifted cereal in peace and their meager lunches in whatever order they want to!!!! Free the kids!!! ~ Administrator said... 11

PJ's Mama, although I haven't been to Australia (and not really planning to anytime soon), I have encountered Australians dozen of times in other countries. Seems to me they love to travel and I have to agree with you they are the absolute nicest. If someone is waiting in line patiently with a big smile on their face and chatting up the person next to them, 100 bucks it's an Australian!

While I've encountered nice travelers from all sorts of countries, it seems to me that I encounter an unusually high number of nice Australians, and while we're on the subject, Canadians.

I think a bodyguard there is just downright silly. ~ Administrator said... 12

Maybe I'm wrong but I also don't get the sense Australians are as "celeb obsessed" as the American or European cultures. Seems to me I get the sense they really don't care like we do.

Dinner with Kate, really??? ~ Administrator said... 13

The whole strangers giving Mady and Cara gifts is so wrong on so many levels. Even non-celebs tell people not to give them gifts. Who ever has had a birthday dinner where you said please no gifts, just your presence is a gift to us. I see this ALL the time and we've done it ourselves. And I've had wealthy friends who throw a party themselves and pay for a great catered meal! Not only do they say NO gifts but they give YOU a gift by paying for a nice party.

So tacky, Kate. Kate needs to say, in lieu of gifts, I kindly ask you to please donate to the Steve Irwin Foundation or whatever charity of your choice. Why does she need to accept these, materially speaking alone, these kids have everything they could possibly need.

anger issues kate said... 14

Didn't i tell you people, Kate is up to something. She has been too quiet and calm and not crying poor.
I did thought, it was strange for her to be posting on twitter, about the Aussie Zoo and get your tickets, when that place is a world away. This what the 2nd or 3rd posting.
TLC could be paying for this as someone said for promo of the show there.

PJ's momma said... 15

Admin, now that you mention it, I was getting drenched at a Seahawks game a bit ago and stood in line for over 30 minutes to buy a poncho, chatting up an Aussie who'd been here for weeks. We laughed and had a great time and my husband was wondering why I was so happy when I got back. I regretted not inviting him out afterward and I know he would have accepted. My husband has a lot of Aussie colleagues - they are GREAT! Last year, one guy was telling me he was insulted. He said that someone thought he went drinking every night until 3 am and then went to work. I said, "Why are you insulted? You don't do that every night?" He said, "Of COURSE I do it every night! (He slapped his leg for emphasis.) But I stay out until 5 am!" We laughed so hard. I met a lifeguard at a deserted beach last year, Big John, and he declared us 'friends for life.' That's just how they are!

Australia has their own reality shows (Farmer Needs a Wife, for instance), therefore, they have their own reality stars. Kate don't rate. Or at least I doubt she does.

Sport said... 16

Apologies to any of you with long, fake nails.
Never been a fan of it myself, in fact its actually a deal breaker for me as it goes against my whole 'low maintenance' preference in women and life.

With kHate, the fake nails go along with the fake everything else so perfectly. She always holds her hands in awkward, unnatural positions. It also serves as further evidence that she doesnt do ANYTHING kid-like with her brood, as its near impossible to do normal kid stuff with talons like that and not chip/break them.

Needless to say the hag still nauseates me in her strained effort to remain relevant and think or herself as some VIP instead of thinking of herself as a mother. ~ Administrator said... 17

My sense is that Australians are also a bit more savvy to the dangers of reality tv. There was an article not too long ago about some Australian reality show in which it followed the coast guard rescuing people. I guess a lot of people were putting up a big stink because they either didn't consent to be filmed, or if they did consent they were in no fit state to do so.

At least Australians seem to recognize that at the bare minimum it's not appropriate to ask someone in distress to be in the right mindset to consent to anything!

Permanent Name said... 18

I think that the kids won't be going because Jon won't let them.

I really don't care what she does as long as the kids aren't exploited. Wouldn't that be a hoot if she and purseboy got hitched down under.

I feel badly for the kids, though, if she's a half a world away and she leaves the kids with a nanny instead of their father.

Who knows... now that her "power" is gone (ie her big show is cancelled) maybe she won't have as much pull in court.

anger issues kate said... 19

Ok, just checked Penn State and Kate is listed at the Maggie Hardy Mageko Auditorium at Noon, Nov 3rd, thursday.
Quick sheeple run!
As for that Aussie trip, I do hope she is not planning on ripping the kids out of school to go. Cause the kids will be off school the following week(the days) cause of Thanksgiving(24th & 25th). I hope not!

PJ's momma said... 20

Farmer Needs (or Wants, can't remember) a Wife is like The Bachelor - I think. Different pressures arise from being in the outback. It was quite interesting to see how these girls would react to the realization that they would truly be out in the middle of nowhere. The only reality TV I've ever seen here is on TLC. Now I watch in morbid fascination the show about extreme couponing. These people are so addicted to getting this stuff for free and stockpiling it, it doesn't seem to occur to them to donate it. As someone who's worked at a food bank for 13 years, that bothers me. They have HUNDREDS of deodorants, thousands of bars of soap, hundreds of bottles of shampoo and detergent, etc. Now, those things won't go bad, but the 500 boxes of pasta and 800 boxes of cereal will! It's hoarding and greed on a whole 'nuther level - much like Kate's grifting when she's rich and lives on acreage in what most would consider a dream house with a pool. ~ Administrator said... 21

Yup! Kate has been in a pretty good mood overall lately. She had a shitfit last week for one evening and got it out of her system and that was it.

Her narcissism is being fed. She's getting another fabulous freebie trip, probably a relaxing first class flight, a gala dinner where she'll get to be one of the stars, a nice lunch where nine drooling fans will fawn all over her. Her good mood makes perfect sense now.

I don't understand someone who wants to be away from home this much with such little children waiting there, I just don't get it. But whatever, let her.

Gift of grab said... 22

You know, everyone's been speculating about Kate's "next job." I don't think Kate has any intention of getting a job. She is currently employed, full time, in (shameless) self promotion. Between her web site, endless twittering, and trying to line up these "gigs" (like the speaking date and the Australia Zoo), she imagines she is making a career for herself. Thus, in her mind she is working more or less around the clock, and being a mother of eight is the least of it. It's a strange sort of psychosis she's got going on here, and unless she were to run up against a financial crunch (and I doubt that will happen any time soon, she's got plenty of money socked away), there will be no traditional "job hunting" in her future. I sincerely believe that this is all she is prepared to do for the foreseeable future. So much for "reality," huh?

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 23

Australia can keep her!

At least she's not dragging her kids out of school for this long & expensive trip.

Permanent Name said... 24

Interesting thought - I saw the ROL picture but didn't click on article.

The photo is of kart, facing the camera, getting center stage and the rest of the kids are seen from the back except for one of the twins in profile.

Way to make sure the photo is all about you, kart!

Again, I bet the kids won't go because Jon won't sign off on it. His objection to the last Australia trip was overruled by the judge because the kids and kart were still under contract for the show - the judge ruled they could go in fulfillment of the contract.

There is no contract now. Jon won't ever sign for a new one. Ergo, no more work trips for the kids.

I'd actually be surprised if he agreed to kart taking them out of state on her own dime for vacation. But certainly no more filming... which is why I don't think the WY trip was for TLC.

Thank gawd he has his priorities straight for those kids.

Gin said... 25

I hate that she is still getting freebies that feeds her narcissism. She must be so thrilled to be getting attention again. Unfortunately, I'm afraid she will be getting gigs for as long as people love to hate her. She brings controversy to whatever endeavor she engages in and sponsors like the negative attention she receives. I think Twitter was her first attempt at trying to be relevant but from reading her tweets at this site, she seems bored with it and uses it to advertise her web site. I hate that I have committed even a second of my life in wanting to watch her downfall.

I loathe this "woman" and her entire brand! said... 26

I think it would be great if a hater and nine of her hater friends buys the dinner with Khate and then grills "her". I can't loathe this "woman" more! Since this Irwin Day is for charity- I wonder who is paying for the trip. Also, if Khate is not getting paid, then it's pathetic to leave the kids for this. "She" is so desperate for celebrity attention. Geesh!

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 27

Sport, you make me laugh. I have the same disdain for fake nails and for the same reasons you do. I find that quite often women that have them engage in these exaggerated hand movements to show them off. I noticed the sister wives have all copied their idol, Robyn, and got fake nails too. Watch Christine with the super exaggerated hand movements. She's the biggest offender. Drives me nuts.

Gin said... 28

After seeing her Fall photo shoot on another site, I must say it's obvious she considers herself the focus of this shoot. I'll bet she stood in her full-length mirror in her locked master bedroom and practiced all the poses. She obviously liked pointing off in the distance with her minions at her heels. She is so transparent in her constant need for attention. She is gross, despicable and a sorry excuse for a human being. Please for the sake of all the rest of humanity, just go away. Far, far away. Maybe forget to come home from Australia?

Gift of grab said... 29

I doubt she is getting paid for the Zoo appearance (who would foot that bill?), but I do believe that her expenses will be comped/underwritten by some sponsor and/or vendor. It's all about her being able to travel and act the celebrity, it's not about the charity, and the kids couldn't matter less in her ongoing quest for self-gratification.

Here's the description of her Penn State "talk":

Thursday, November 3
Community Center,
Maggie Hardy Magerko Auditorium
As seen on TLC’s “Kate Plus Eight” and ABC’s “Dancing
with the Stars,” Kate Gosselin will share her life
experiences, followed by a meet-and-greet session.

So, yes, she's going to talk about herself. Surprise!

By the way, this is listed as "free" admission (though you have to reserve a ticket), so I doubt they're paying her much. Though she'll probably take the opportunity to sell autographed books/photos at the meet-and-greet.

And isn't the timing odd? Noon on a Thursday?

tate said... 30

I would bet Kate is pretty thrilled that the kids WON'T be going on this trip with her. It will just be Kate and Stevie. All first class, all the attention focused solely on her, all FREE courtesy of TLC and probably the Steve Irwin people. No wonder she is so happy. She's probably out right now buying a dozen new bikinis for all of those photo ops.

fidosmommy said... 31

Well, let's put together a guest list for Kate.

1) Mr. Kiwi Man 2) Brad the SpaceJump hero
3) the maid at her hotel 4) the server at her favorite hotel table 5) 6) 7) and 8) The Aussie camera crew members 9) Steve.

Interesting conversation, that.

Jane said... 32

if tlc isn't paying for this trip as part of a special, and the irwin fdtn is footing the cost of flying kate to oz, then the fdtn needs to be investigated. how much money goes for overhead and how much is actually used for charitable purposes? Preesi and investigators? ~ Administrator said... 33

It's obvious of course Kate could care less about this charity, she cares about the freebie trip.

To promote the Australia episodes she tweeted fanatically for a few days about Australia and saving the koalas. After that? Nothing. Not one single solitary tweet about saving the koalas. I'm guessing we're going to hear a lot more about the koalas again now that Australia is back to the front of her mind. I've never seen someone be so in the moment.

And this is what the koalas have to say about her return:

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 34

Why oh why is it that EVERYTHING she does is centered around being able to get gigs where she can talk about herself. My God, that is easy work. What I wouldn't do to be able to just talk about myself and get paid. The glory of it all. No homework or studying required. No talent either. Just open your gob and talk.

Tamara said... 35

Aren't the kids under contract until Feb? If so, Jon would have no say so in the eyes of the court. Heck, even if they aren't under one, it can still be very hard to over rule the parent with full custody when it comes to a 'vacation'.

I don't think Khate would want to take any of the kids though, more attention for her. She'd only take them if they were a requirement for the trip to go ahead.

It doesn't matter if Oz had the highest rate of blonde-exploitor-narcassist serial killers, Steve is not there to keep Khate physically safe. He's there because she has the intelligence, maturity, and wherewithal of a, well, someone who doesn't have those things. :)

Marie said... 36

At some point, I would have to ask, what does Kate really want out of life? I would think a person gets to a point where material posessions and a lifestyle just aren't enough. Maybe for some people but when you become old and your kids move away, what's the point?

I'd almost argue Kate's attitude of Social Darwanism of her feeling she is superior, classic of a narassist yes, however...I happen to just wish she would be slapped upside the head enough to realize that cost isn't everything.

If all her trips are memories, and while on those trips she brought nannies and bodyguards, what memories will see have if she was off doing this or that? Memories of herself alone I imagine.

She has no purpose in life not that I see. A purpose doesn't have to be something major but just enough to satisfy our own human nature with ourselves and I don't think that is something Kate will ever grasp.

Happiness and a good career are right in front of her if she'd just get off her pedestal long enough to see. Yeah, I'll never happen.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 37

Gift of grab said...

Well, guess what! Katie's going back to Australia for the Australia Zoo Gala (Nov. 15). A lunch date with KG and "9 friends" is one of the items up for auction. YAy!

I'm not seeing any announcement about Kate being at the Steve Irwin Day Gala Dinner. Can't find any mention of her anywhere on that website.

Am I losing my mind? ~ Administrator said... 38

Tamara said...

Aren't the kids under contract until Feb? If so, Jon would have no say so in the eyes of the court. Heck, even if they aren't under one, it can still be very hard to over rule the parent with full custody when it comes to a 'vacation'.


This all depends. Contracts are litigated in civil court, but so are family law issues. It's the same court.

Courts can trump each other or be on the same level. For instance, federal courts trump state courts. And criminal courts trump civil courts. For instance if Kate had a criminal restraining order against Jon, Jon couldn't go to family law court and try to change it. Think rock, paper, scissors. But civil court-contracts vs. civil court-family law are like paper--paper or rock--rock or scissor-scissor. Neither one is superior to the other.

I understand the judge felt he had to follow their contract, but another judge could have just as easily said he felt he had to follow the best interest of the children. Both are on the same playing field. This is why some of us have been so disenchanted with this because we know full well a different judge would have had the guts to tell this contract to go f itself and what are ya gonna do about it?

And you know what else is crazy about all this....Um, kids can't contract!!! They can't!!! So to say the kids are under contract is a legal fiction. Their parents can contract on their behalf and yes I'm aware contracts are made with kids all the time, but at the end of the day it's a legal fiction. Don't ever contract with a kid to fix his bike because he doesn't have to pay you a dime when it's all over since kids CAN'T CONTRACT. SOL! LOL.

Additionally, noncustodial parents stop vacations from the custodial parent all the time, especially if there is a darn good reason, such as they kids have school. There is this myth some people have that a parent who doesn't have physical custody has no say. What has to be kept in mind is that Jon and Kate share LEGAL custody 50-50. Legal means in essence, decisions about the kids. That means in theory, Jon has just as much of a say as to what happens to these kids as Kate does, even though they live mostly with her. Of course Kate conveniently never likes to mention that she shares legal decisions with Jon 50-50.

Gift of grab said... 39

Tweet, I provided the link address. She's only mentioned under the "Auction" section of the site, NOT as a VIP or host. ~ Administrator said... 40

Tweet la dee, if you look at the list of prizes the lunch with Kate is at a BRISBANE hotel. So Kate for sure will be in Brisbane. If she's going all the way to Brisbane for lunch and she just retweeted about the Gala, I think it's safe to say we can be 99% sure she'll be there for the actual auctioning off. We have confirmation she will be at the Brisbane lunch but you're right we don't have for sure she will be at the gala. But it's a pretty safe bet, I'm sure she'll confirm it shortly now that the cat's out.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 41

Gift, Admin, thanks. Can't even see anything about an auction or prizes. How odd. I'm not saying it's not happening. Just wondering what's up that I cannot see it. I'm going to bed. I'm sure I will be functioning in the morning.

PJ's momma said... 42's on the side bar under 'auction items.' The chance for you and 9 friends watch Kate eat nothing at all while talking endlessly about herself and be given a signed copy of her book, currently available at the Dollar Tree for.....$1!!!

Clicker said... 43

In the picture, I think I see one of the children wearing a hearing aid. If so, that explains a LOT (regarding speaking skills). Also, if so, i would think it more critical than ever that the children should not be missing school and would benefit from more peer socialization.

Clicker said... 44

I should mention that the picture I am referring to is in the series on Inf's site. ~ Administrator said... 45

Marie said...

At some point, I would have to ask, what does Kate really want out of life? I would think a person gets to a point where material posessions and a lifestyle just aren't enough. Maybe for some people but when you become old and your kids move away, what's the point?


I think people like Kate who have been given so much (materially only) go one of two ways once they realize they are not being fulfilled. They either finally realize, gosh gee wilikers, material things actually are not fulfilling them and they start looking for real meaning in life in people they love and relationships and time spent together and hard work and all the things that are not material. Or, sadly, they go the other way and they never realize that material things won't fulfill them, so they keep on seeking material things and more material things and even more material things with the eternal hope that if they just had just enough stuff, they would finally feel good.

I think we know which camp Kate is in. She still thinks she can fill herself up with stuff. But the soul is a sieve that physical things leak out of and that only emotional things can manage to stay inside. She keeps dumping material things in trying to make the soul feel good, and they just keep on leaking out.

fidosmommy said... 46

After seeing her Fall photo shoot on another site, I must say it's obvious she considers herself the focus of this shoot.


Yep. Hence the bright, bright vest while the kids are in dull colors.

fidosmommy said... 47

Clicker said...
In the picture, I think I see one of the children wearing a hearing aid. If so, that explains a LOT (regarding speaking skills). Also, if so, i would think it more critical than ever that the children should not be missing school and would benefit from more peer socialization.


The wire is in some pictures and not in others.
I'd say that's probably a music earpiece rather than a hearing aid.

Gift of grab said... 48

If you click on the PDF that is at the end of the Auction Items section, it brings up a brochure of all of the things up for bid. Interestingly, lunch with KG is not in that brochure (as of today). So it must have been a pretty recent addition.

Also, I suppose it is true that she wouldn't necessarily be at the event, since the auction winners probably won't know they won (the majority of items are under silent bids) that same evening. Who knows, maybe NO one will bid, in which case Kate wouldn't HAVE to travel to Australia at all to fulfill the obligation.

On the other hand, I suspect she has her sights trained on the gala as a place to be seen. She did spout off months ago about going back to release a koala back into the wild, which was supposed to happen late this year. Oh the photo ops abound! I bet there will be no pretend dodging of paps on this visit.

Clicker said... 49

The wire is in some pictures and not in others.
I'd say that's probably a music earpiece rather than a hearing aid.

I thought about that, but it appears to be flesh-tone and I highly doubt that K8 would let the child be distracted by a mere headphone. There also does not seem to be a device at hand. But, who knows?

Cammie said... 50

Maybe Kate can meet up with Jenny Masche when she runs that marathon in Vegas. Jenny can tell her what it is like to lose the family house and go back to work at the hospital. Wait, Jenny only runs full marathons so I guess Kate will have to train more till she gets to go west and meet up with her!

Jeanne said... 51

I think we should pool our money and bid on dinner with Kate. Then we could have a chance to ask her anything we want. Do you think they will allow her to just talk to the people who win or will there be a handler there saying don't answer that?

Anonymous said... 52

Is it the photos or is Kate become the incredible bloating woman? In the Wyoming tweet photo, she looked gaunt with loose clothing. In these, even underneath the vest, she looks bulky and bloated again.

If anyone knows anyone who goes to that college in PA, be great if they can share the turnout. You have to be a real "loser" to even consider reserving a ticket to this engagement. Seriously sit there and listen to her talk about herself and ummm...ummmm.....ummm for 30 minutes. Anyone sure she's not the "Case Study" for Narcissism in the Modern Media age.

Steve Irwin Foundation is being run by the widow now, not Steve's family? If yes, this is just a case of one exploiting mom supporting another exploiting mom. Can't imagine any normal Australians even consider bidding for this. If I'm loaded, I would just donate the money, not have dinner with Leatherface or bid for her stupid book.

gotyournumberKate said... 53

Does anyone know who this guy is at the "photo shoot"?

Hard to Keep Loving Jon said... 54

Could she be flying w/her old bonus miles earned from last year's trip (8kids & boobyguard)?

Friend In Pennsylvania said... 55

Cause the kids will be off school the following week(the days) cause of Thanksgiving(24th & 25th). I hope not!


Thanksgiving vacation runs longer than that - Nov. 22 to Nov. 29. She just might pull them out of school and make a long vacation out of it.

Sandi said... 56

Steve Irwin Day Gala Dinner
Tickets $245(individual) or $2450 table of 10
Beverages, 3 course dinner, live music, speeches and photo op with roving animals!

fidosmommy said... 57

Sam said...
Is it the photos or is Kate become the incredible bloating woman? In the Wyoming tweet photo, she looked gaunt with loose clothing. In these, even underneath the vest, she looks bulky and bloated again.


Do you think so? I don't see any "bulk" at all.
I see very, very lean. Her jeans are skin tight
which is a look I really dislike, but I don't see bloat.

fidosmommy said... 58

Thanksgiving vacation runs longer than that - Nov. 22 to Nov. 29. She just might pull them out of school and make a long vacation out of it.


Oh goody. Go back to school on the 30th suffering from jet lag. Great plan. I hope they get to stay home and have fun with Shoka and some friends. What a perfect time for a big fall sleepover for everyone. Too bad Jon doesn't have access to The House for that.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said... 59

My sister, who has lived in Australia for the past 25 years (we are Canadians), said the Australians can't stand Terri Irwin because she was an American nobody who married their home boy. And she is seen as a Kate, loves the limelight and fame. Two peas in a pod.

Lake Up North said... 60

Wait, wait, wait. Bargain juice boxes?! She can't afford full cost juice even with her freebies from Juicy-Juice but can afford trips and toys for herself? Am I missing something here? Really?

I have never bought Juicy-Juice for my children, am I right to assume that it is just sugar, water and or some other concentration? I mean I know juice companies compete and tell you it's all natural but I never saw juice all natural list so many ingredients.

She lets her kids fill up on sugared juice but won't allow them to drink milk, unless it's on sale? Oh Kate...truly you are not master in the grocery store and stretching your money. I buy milk, at least if not more than 2 times a week on 2-3 gallons. Am I broke because of it? No. Do I wish I could afford a cow? Boy, you bet!

Unbelievable. Is is aware how idiotic she sounds? Guess not.

TLC ship is sinking said... 61

Friend In Pennsylvania said...Thanksgiving vacation runs longer than that - Nov. 22 to Nov. 29. She just might pull them out of school and make a long vacation out of it.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought this year Jon gets the kids for the holidays. Wasn't it last year that the kids spent all the holidays with Kate?

The kids definitely spent Thanksgiving with Kate and Steve last year.

Anonymous said... 62

fidosmommy, maybe it's the too tight jeans and lack of waistline that's giving me the illusion of a tree trunk?

The Bitter End said... 63

gotyournumberKate said...
Does anyone know who this guy is at the "photo shoot"?
Yes. That's Mr. Sunglass Wearin' Black Cup Holdin' guy. The kids consider him as part of the family ---wait for it---even another father figure. He'll be around to celebrate holidays and other important events with Katie Irene and the kids.

TLC ship is sinking said... 64

After seeing her Fall photo shoot on another site, I must say it's obvious she considers herself the focus of this shoot.

Not to mention, she doesn't look pissed that her paparazzo was busy snapping photos as well. Some of those photos almost make it seem like she's looking directly at Mr. Lone Pap and smiling.

While it's supposed to be for a good cause, why am I under the impression that this is more about Kate getting a trip back to Australia than really helping Honey the Koala and her friends? Oh, that's right...since the Australia episode aired, Kate didn't really do much in support for Honey or Australia Zoo except to say that she would really love to go back for Steve Irwin day.

Mimi to 3 said... 65

I can't believe no one has mentioned this but maybe I missed it, BUT Kate is really needing a root job. Her black roots are showing big time.

TLC ship is sinking said... 66

Mimi to 3 said...I can't believe no one has mentioned this but maybe I missed it, BUT Kate is really needing a root job. Her black roots are showing big time.

Kate is planning on visiting her stylist soon.

@Kateplusmy8 Kate when are U seein ur dear "black socks" fella @JasonHeuman? How R U doin Mr. Heuman?
15 Oct

in reply to ↑

Kate Gosselin
@MiloandJack oh mr black socks and I have a date soon...I miss Him and his telltale laugh! :) @JasonHueman
15 Oct via Twitterrific ~ Administrator said... 67

I lost all respect for Terri when she told Kate that it's good for kids to be able to perform and be in front of the cameras because it helps....wait for it .... their public speaking skills! Really, Terri, Really?

That's my understand of the general public opinion of Terri, that she's an American who swooped in and hijacked Australia's own, then after his death so mismanaged Australia Zoo I thought they nearly went bankrupt at some point. And Steve's family was estranged from her at some point if not CURRENTLY. Australia politicians have criticized her for exploiting Bindi and Robert. They have their own version of Rep. Murt Down Under, his name is Bill Hefferman!

All this stuff is in my Australia Zoo recap which is one of my favorites here, and I forgot about this GEM of a tweet from around that time: TRAVEL IS "KNOWLEGE."


In the recap, I also predicted Kate would lose interest in koalas within a few weeks or months. Not that it's a big surprise but of course I was right: ~ Administrator said... 68

Here's from the recap:

Bill Heffernan. Heffernan, the Australian version of PA’s Rep. Murt., who is a senator from the state of New South Whales, said this about Bindi: “Every child deserves their childhood, and your childhood is one of those touchstones of your life, but there's a real danger that that kid is going to be exploited. There's a very strong suggestion that there's this artificial environment being built around her for a commercial purpose and she's not in a position to make that decision by herself.” ~ Administrator said... 69

Aw good idea Jeanne but count me out. I have to work because I work for a living, and that time of year I am not interested in traveling what with Thanksgiving coming up and all the preparation that need to be done for that. I know Kate might find this shocking, but I don't want to go to Australia. I have nothing against it, I just want to be at home right now. I love my mediocre life.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 70

Gift of grab said...

If you click on the PDF that is at the end of the Auction Items section, it brings up a brochure of all of the things up for bid. Interestingly, lunch with KG is not in that brochure (as of today). So it must have been a pretty recent addition.


When I click on the PDF, I'm getting the link for the November 2010 auction. It's weird that there's no link for this year' auction brochure. Also last year had a LOT of items - 50 - while this year's list of auction items on the website is only for 13. If you read this year's list and then go through the 50 items being auctioned last year, wow, what a difference! Last year was MUCH better!

Also, I would think that this lunch would have to be arranged for some other time, not around the same time as the event. People bid that night and whoever wins the lunch then has to have it set up for some mutually agreeable time. So, it's odd that they would even use Kate, because she would have to be flown in just for a lunch. So, it seems that Kate's being listed as part of this auction does not necessarily mean she will be there for the event in November. Or, am I just tired and reading this all wrong?

fidosmommy said... 71

I'm sure brooms fly at a very reduced rate between Halloween and Thanksgiving.

Or maybe Kate can hitch a ride on a star. ~ Administrator said... 72

The skimpy donations this year may be due to the fact that since the last auction, the zoo has been in serious financial trouble. They laid off 22 staff members and almost had to declare bankruptcy, this was at the beginning of this year. I think the "sediment" is that Terri is mismanaging all this and people are opting out of getting involved with a train wreck, not to mention the exploitation. The Irwins are under serious fire right now, apparently Terri makes the kids do cake mix commercials and haven't been doing things worthwhile like helping with the flooding awhile back. I don't think those kids should be working at all but if you're going to work kids at least do it for a good cause. I like Australians, they caught on far quicker to this exploitation than it took Americans with Kate. At least Terri knows how to do something. She should work to support her kids and let them be normal. I think Australia is OVER IT.

The cost to fly Kate and Steve out to Australia better be far outweighed by the bid on dinner with Kate.

This is an old interview with Terri but VERY revealing. Eerily similar to Kate's justification of this crap. This interviewer politely but persistently holds Terri's feet to the fire like few American jouralists have ever done to Kate. With every answer Terri had he would follow it up with "But what about this" "however have you considered this?" "but you must admit that" LOL LOVE IT:

Terri basically says that kids who don't get out there and get famous are couch potatoes. STFU Terri. ~ Administrator said... 73

LOL sorry the ad right now I'm seeing (I think everyone sees different ones) is hysterical.

It says "Do you have your fertility facts straight?"

Kate sure didn't!

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 74

Interesting article (I also read similar information at other sites):

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 75

This one has more about the management of the zoo:

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 76

Wow, this article, although older, is very interesting about Terri Irwin and her finances (made off the zoo) since Steve's death. Looks like Terri is Kate's idol, a real scammer (and child exploiter) she can look up to: ~ Administrator said... 77

And Terri lies too! Just like Kate. Remember Kate saying the show is NOT canceled? Yeah right Kate.

At least two people who worked IN THE ZOO went on record WITH REAL NAMES to say that the zoo was in serious financial trouble and were considering closing--Curator Bruce Murdock
and Receptionist Amy-Lee Hine--and a lot of other zoo insiders have spoken about it.

Terri this year has been quietly unloading properties sometimes at a loss, the zoo has sold animals to other zoos that were supposed to be part of new exhibits, they have halted production indefinitely on what was supposed to be a new flashy area of the zoo called "Madagascar Island."

So Terri can deny it all she wants but the zoo is in trouble. Maybe she's managed to get it back under control now but teeter close to bankruptcy once and chances are you'll go that direction again.

Anyway it is no surprise to me the auction this year seems smaller.

Everything out of Terri's mouth is so similar to how Kate handles situations. Eerie. ~ Administrator said... 78

You know what else Terri Irwin reminds me of? What happens when you get yourself educated about scammers.

I liked her as a kid and her show. She seemed fairly harmless. But now that she's had kids and we've seen how she's made them work, when you really start listening to her justify her child exploitation in interviews, and when you review the articles out there about what a fool she has been with her husband's legacy, your eyes get opened. No longer a Terri sheeple!

Oh, and look, even evil Disney is all involved with this scam! How ironic.

She is straight out of the Book of Kate

Exploit your kids--check
Estrange your closest family members--check
Spend your kids money on things YOU want--check
Spend donated money on yourself--check
Claim your are actually in it for a good cause, like say conservation (or in Kate's case, making memories), when really it's all about building an empire and making money--CHECK!!!
Totally f-up all the money entrusted to you built on the backs of your kids--check
Lie about all this despite government investigations, politicians, and zoo insiders telling us all it's not how you say--check.

Terri is one huge disappointment. Steve would roll over in his grave. Note to self: When a newspaper devotes two weeks of their time to doing an investigation into your may be doing something wrong.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 79

Yes, Admin, it's all very interesting. Now we know why Kate admires Terri so much. We also know why lunch with Kate is on the auction list - Terri only had TWELVE items to auction off this year, when last year she had 50! So, scraping the very bottom of the barrel, she hit Kate up! And some of the items last year were great (check the PDF in the link above).

I would think that this year's total donations will be pathetically low compared to last year's. It seems like you are correct in concluding that Australians have caught onto the merry widow and are OVER her. Good, because the more I see her or read about her, the more I can't stand her.

TLC ship is sinking said... 80

Not to mention Steve Irwin's own father, who helped build the zoo, quit because of a rift with Terri Irwin in 2008.

That sounds somewhat familiar, eh? ~ Administrator said... 81

Yup Australia is onto her. Yeah for Australia!

Don't get me wrong there are some things I like about Terri, she didn't go Hollywood with her looks or have plastic surgery, she is who she is and never changed, I don't necessarily think she is mentally ill like Kate is. She's greedy and puts herself first but that's not mental illness. I think she used to be a good person who has been corrupted, whereas I think Kate was always like this.

But I have so much more respect for people who are in the business of being famous to make money and who don't try to lie and say it's about the craft of acting or it's about giving their kids wonderful childhoods or it's about saving some animals. You know for Terri, maybe it was in the beginning. But like so many others before her, she got a taste of money and fame and got addicted to all that evilness and now it's morphed into something very ugly. Turns out money really is the root of all kinds of evil. It's about money, . Admit it, Terri.

A little song for Kate and Terri to tune of Pricetag:

We wanna take your money, money, money
We don't really care about Honey, Honey, Honey
We just wanna get our first class trips,
Forget about the child labor
Ain't about the (uh) Me-memories Me-memories
Ain't about the (yeah) Koalas and Kollege
Wanna get our cereal,
Forget about the in-vest-igations.

fidosmommy said... 82

Kate would no more pay for her own ticket to Australia than she would sign her 8 up for gymnastics and take them to Hershey Park the same week. Not gonna happen.

She would, however, do whatever Terri Irwin wants if the Zoo is paying for it. I seriously doubt Kate's trip would be a gift to the Zoo from Terri. Can't see that at all. Nope, in Terri's business mind, it's a reasonable business expense for the Zoo to drag a barely known American TV reality person across one country and a large ocean.

Would any of us travel to see Terri Irwin if she came within 50 miles of our homes? I would not. She is not, has never been, an attraction to me. She's nothing more than a woman who works with
wildlife on TV and has 2 kids who work with her. Not worth the shoe leather to walk down the street. I can't believe the Australians would hold Kate in any greater esteem.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 83

Turns out money really is the root of all kinds of evil.


Admin, I just want to point out that I believe that has to be one of the most misquoted lines ever. The full quote is:

"The LOVE of money is the root of all evil." Big difference between money itself and the LOVE of money.

Sorry, but that one drives me almost as crazy as the often misquoted "kill all the lawyers". ~ Administrator said... 84

Nobody, depending on what version of Proverbs you're looking at it's different in each one! But I did leave off LOVE of money, that's true. I agree with you that is a distinction. I wasn't trying to misquote it, just paraphrasing.

The version you have doesn't say root of "all kinds of" evil which is the NIV version I believe. Your version says that money is the root of ALL evil, period. I don't agree with that.

To me THAT is the major distinction because it's not saying that money MUST lead to evil. Money can lead to very good things. You can love your money because it enables you to give so much to charity or provide well for your family and friends, etc., those are good things. All kinds of evil leaves room for some good things to come of money, but guard against evil.

Anyway the quote bothers me too but the "all kinds of" thing is what bothers me the most when that is left out or that version is not used.

Anyway, there's no disputing whatever version of the Bible you pick up, that proverb applies to Kate. ~ Administrator said... 85

Fidosmommy bringing Kate out I agree with you is a silly business expense. And really speaks to this notion that Terri is doing some gross mismanagement with zoo funds. And you know Kate would expect nothing less than first class five star treatment making the cost astronomical.

I would say the same for ANY D-lister Terri flew out I don't care who it is. This is not just a pick on Kate thing. D-listers don't even tend to draw that much to charity even here in the U.S. Celebs are a dime a dozen now especially because of reality shows, and you really need someone big to pull in the bucks. Did anyone see Real Housewives of Bev Hills? Kyle Richards seems like a nice enough woman but she's def a D-lister. 70's childhood star who is now getting a little fame due to Real Housewives. She had a charity benefit that practically no one attended, she was kind of embarrassed. She's not drawing in huge crowds by any means, nor are most people in her boat!

The realistic tradeoff at this gala for the donation you are going to get? They will be lucky to break even. ~ Administrator said... 86

Now I'm confused, why should Terri have any profit at all on this zoo? I thought the point was conservation as Steve's Dad said.

She should make sure everyone is paid well including her own kids selling away their childhoods, and all debts are paid and all expenses paid and everything is in the black, and make it a goal to break even. Silly me I thought zoos were not-for-profit!

Conservation for PROFIT??? Does this really add up? This whole thing smells like koala poo and although it must have been so painful for Steve's Dad to get out, I can certainly understand why.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 87

Yes, Admin, I'm aware of the different versions of the quote and I don't think our points are incompatible here, are they? I get your point about "all kinds of evil" but I think the main emphasis in all versions is that the love of money is the root of all (kinds of) evil. If you love money because it enables you to help others, I see that as not really loving money itself (in a greedy, selfish way), but rather loving what money can sometimes do, in many cases, something very good.

But I think you worded a lot better, though. I'm too tired to make more sense right now, sorry!

Tamara said... 88

Whenever I hear someone bemoaning all the money they have and all the problems it's giving them, this Everclear lyric plays in my head:

I hate those people who love to tell you
Money is the root of all that kills
They have never been poor
They have never had the joy of a welfare Christmas

Friend In Pennsylvania, did you see my response to your question on spoiled/entitled? It's in thread before this one.

Traveller's opinion said... 89

If anyone gets a chance to visit Australia, I'd highly recommend it. If you are looking to plan a big 'holiday', Australia has something for everyone.

I stayed in Cairns, dived The Great Barrier Reef, spent a week in Surfer's Paradise and flew over to Perth.

However, going to an Australian zoo is kind of like an oxymoron. If you want to see koalas, just open your eyes when driving the coast. Kangaroos? Your odds are good that you'll pass one as roadkill - they are everywhere, like deer. Rainbow lorikeets? Look up in the trees. Same for wild cockatoos.

Best holiday I went on. Everyone I met or spoke too reacted to questions about Terri like a curse word. Very politely, though.

Except for Canadians, Aussies are the kindest people I've met. (and I've been all over Europe) ~ Administrator said... 90

Tamara I'm confused. No one said being poor or having a "welfare Christmas" (great song btw!) is good either. Being poor probably doesn't make folks happy but neither does being rich. No one is asking Kate to be poor. Just commenting on how Kate seems to think that money will lead to happiness. It will get you out of poverty but in and of itself it cannot ultimately bring you fulfillment in life, in my opinion. I don't care if people want to pursue being rich, go right ahead. The danger comes when people pursue being rich because they think that's the only way to be happy. That's when people like Russell Armstrong end up hanging themselves.

Money HAS lead to terrible things for Kate's family. She talks constantly about money and why she needs it. It is clearly the root of the "evil" going on in this family.

amyf said... 91

Did anyone notice in the photos that two of the kids (in separate pictures) were holding their butt cheeks with both hands? Wonder what that means - uncomfortable hay bales that they were made to sit on for too long? Kate smacking them around? (well, probably not, with photos being taken)

Tamara said... 92

Admin, I never said that anyone did say that. I just said that when I hear or read people talking about the inherent evils of money, that song, and specifically those lines, pop into my head. That's it. Just sharing... BTW my favourite Everclear song is Sunflowers.

With Khate and money I think she is definitely greedy in that sad way where nothing will ever be enough. But I also think that an obsessive, sometimes slightly psychotic, need for attention and fame have dulled her want for riches. The mediocre jab at Jon kind of shows that she thinks that a millionaire who isn't also famous is below one who is.

Tamara said... 93

Clicker, what you are seeing is a piece of straw. In the photo on the bottom row, third from the right you can see either Joel or Collin holding the piece of straw near Aaden's ear.

Auction lunch said... 94

When someone bids on an auction meal it's usually scheduled for some date in the future that is mutually convenient for both parties. It seems to me that this means another trip to Australia for Kate unless the winner has to scramble and gather 9 friends for lunch during the limited time she's there.

Starz22 said... 95

I can't and won't lump Terri and kate together.Terri found her soul-mate Steve.She did whatever she needed to do to fit in HIS world.Steve's love was animals...dosent matter how big or small...his passion was croc's.Steves' passion over took his life WAY before he had kids.He didnt get a show cause he had kids.He didnt get noticed JUST because he had kids.
He was noticed for his love of animals.The wife came later and after that,the kids.Steve didnt need kids to get attention.Lots of people were listening way before Bindi came.

I think Terri has lost her way since Steve died.I really believe she dosnt' have a clue how to keep going on...on her own.She wants to fullfill Steves hopes and dreams.She dosent have the knowledge or the passion that Steve had.So she puts the pull on Bindi.She thinks that Bindi can fill the hole that was lost with Steve.
I believed in Steves cause...Not cause of the kids.I am an animal lover and I really was touched by what he was after.I donated to his efforts and support the animals that have lost so much by his death.
I'm sure the kids would have played a part in his efforts if he was still alive today.
Unlike Steve....kate needs the kids to keep her in the limelight.Without the kids...kate is nothing.kate cares about nothing more than making money.She dosen't care who gets hurt in the long run.Terri wasent the brains or brawn...She's just trying to find a way to carry on .Does she expect to much from the kids? YOU BET!Is it right?NO.
But I will bet a million dollars that the Iwrin kids will function somuch better than the Gosselin kids.The Irwin kids did have love and acceptence...something that the gosselin kids will never get from thier so-called mother!

Starz22 said... 96

As for bidding on a dinner with/for kate. No thanks.9 of my best friends too? friends would slap the shit out of me for giving a dime to kate "mommy dearest"9 huh? Like kate ...she and the kids make 9 right?
kate is after another free trip.I hope the kids dont have to be drug along with this.If kate can make it on her be it.We all know this will never happen.
I'm sure someone will bid on this...I'm sure her "fans" *gag choke puke* cant afford to bid...afterall,they are supporting her with food,clothes and other nessisties like i pads right?
I'm sure well see it was a ANON doner who gets it right?

Vanessa said... 97

Australia aside (for sure it's someone else is footing the bill) what would it cost to run a marathon, in Vegas no less? Entrance fee, flight, accomodations, new running shoes/outfit, food etc. I see SHE gets to enrich and challenge herself, nothing for the kids though? gymnastics, art, soccer, dance, cooking etc...

gramof5 said... 98

I know this is off topic but, thought it was interesting. It was taken from my Comcast Homepage and Wall Street rating the top 10 places that homes won't sell.
Coming in at #5 is......

5. Reading, Pa.
- Time on Market: 147 days
- Change in # of Listings: -11.95 percent (100th largest)
- Median List Price: $184,900 (69th)
- Foreclosure Rate: 1 in every 771 homes

Reading is in the old industrial section of Pennsylvania, which runs between Allentown and Harrisburg. The city has nearly 90,000 residents and is among the poorest cities in the U.S. median income for the city is only $28,098. Reading topped the list of cities with more than 65,000 people with the highest proportion of residents living in poverty, according to the New York Times, a fact that will continue to hurt Reading’s housing market for the foreseeable future.

Puddymoors said... 99

I haven't read comments, but had to laugh at Kate's latest PR. I live on the Gold Coast, next city down from Brisbane, but I work in Brisbane (Brisvegas!) The Chalk Hotel is where my friends hang out, quite a blue collar pub, popular after the footie, with a very rowdy crew.
The actual Steve Irwin dinner is a few nights before, and wouldn't be one of the most expensive events in the city. I'm off to my schools formal (our version of prom) around that date, (I have to go as a teacher) and will pay $100 for the privilege. So the $200 a seat price is really not too bad!
Given that this is only a month off I'd have expected to see some information popping up in Aussie newspapers or magazines, but all is quiet. As I've said many times J&K is screen on Australian TVs and not widely watched. In fact the lead in promos for the new season (K+8) still refer to the show as J&K+8. Guess they couldn't be bothered re-recording them.

Will keep my eyes about admin and email anything interesting that I see.

Falling like a brick said... 100

Kate doesn't live in Reading. She lives in Wernersville and even though it's only about 15 minutes away it's like world's away from the cesspoll that is the city of Reading. You can drive 10 miles in pretty much any direction of the city of the city and be in rolling hill countryside that is just gorgeous (especially at this time of year).
Home prices HAVE dropped in Berks County, like all around, but I wouldn't classify Kate's home to be in Reading and anywhere near that value.

Falling like a brick said... 101

Even with all the 'stuff' Kate is doing, she has nothing to promote but herself.
Notice she's not out there touting any new projects. She's just being her and wanting people to pay her for being her.
She doesn't have a paying job and has spent more time promoting herself than actually looking for something that will pay the bills.
I feel badly for the kids. BTW-does anyone else see a Rachel Zoe resemblance in those pictures with Kate and the kids? (I'm sorry if it was mentioned before already, but I haven't had time to scroll back and read all the responses).

Hippie Chick said... 102

I'm totally entering the contest. For the trip. Like I would show up at the "Gala". Well, I would, but I wouldn't "sup" w/ Kate. And as for 9 friends, Hells YEAH!! Party time!

But Kate can sit all by her lonesome, with her book.

~HC~ aka Jenna

Hippie Chick said... 103

Is all she ever has to give away is a signed autographed book?

Pathetic. The one she didn't even write, most likely. How about she just sign a Cambell's soup can? Or she just sign one the kids faces & give them away? She's done that their whole lives anyway.

~HC~ aka Jenna

Red Sky At Night said... 104

@YvonnePhillips1 I know. Writing blogs. Working on a job! :( so sorry. I have been chasing my tail lately!


And what JOB might that be?

Gimme said... 105

OT, but did anyone see what Octomom has had to resort to in order to feed her kids? She is in below B movie horror film and she is shown with a large knife at her own throat with blood dripping from it. It is sad to see that one can be so blessed and another not. Just goes to show what street smarts will do for you. Khate definitely does not have book sense but she has that almost carnie type of street smarts wherein she will always be just fine. She is able to tap into that 1% that will support her no matter what she does - kinda like her kids - and that will be enough to pull her through. I do think her hair looks better with the curl, makes her look much softer, but see she didn't make it to Mr. Black Socks (hair guy-inside joke) in time for the fall photo shoot which is most likely either a cover shoot or promotion for the job she is working on. A so-called struggling mom of 8 doesn't go to that expense for fall photos for the family album. Mady and Cara's hair is getting long and gorgeous - so thick and healthy looking. But some of the kids especially Aaden still look gaunt. One thing is for sure - she will never give up her quest for fame and fortune. It just doesn't jive with the lifelong plan that she made out for herself as a teen who had a feeling she would have a hard time getting pregnant even as she had Winnie the Pooh tattoo'd onto her ankle.

Phoebe said... 106

I am an Aussie and feeling really flattered about how highly we are regarded and all the lovely comments *blushes*

Kate plus 8 is shown here on TLC but you can only view it if you have pay tv - I am sorry I can't tell you how well it rates.

We get all your reality tv shows here and have even adapted some them into Aussie versions like the amazing race, the apprentice and beauty and the geek.

I am happy to answer any further Aussie questions yo may have :)

Ps. I plan to make it my personal mission that Kate gets back on the plane to the USA - we don't want or need her either.

Virginia Pen Mom said... 107

Auction lunch said...

When someone bids on an auction meal it's usually scheduled for some date in the future that is mutually convenient for both parties. It seems to me that this means another trip to Australia for Kate unless the winner has to scramble and gather 9 friends for lunch during the limited time she's there.


Then I'm betting if the luncheon will be scheduled further out, Kate will only come over for the luncheon. I don't see them flying her over there twice. What kind of stewardship of funds would that be? And I agree with Fidosmommy... No way is Kate paying her way. Everyone PAYS for Kate's participation--always.

It will be interesting to see how this all plays out. Wouldn't it be fun if the all the fans chipped in, and Kate found herself at a table with her obsessive tweeters? Milo can finally let her dog Jack ask Shoka all those questions he's been wanting to ask, Brownie can bring the cereal, BM will record the lunch to add it to her site, the teens will hang on Momma Kate and giggle... Kate will have SO MUCH FUN! hehehehe

Kat said... 108

I wonder if anyone can find out if Kates speaking engagement in Penn. has sold any tickets and haw many were sold. Would love it if they had to cancel because of poor ticket sales!

Kat said... 109

Have to say...I have a feeling she's going to be humiliated when either no one bids on her book or when someone offers 10 cents to start the bidding. Tee Hee...

dee3 said... 110

I can't imagine that college students would be interested in listening to Kate G. What can she advise them about.... related to post-graduation?

My guess would be that this isn't a major event at Penn State but rather something scheduled for a certain class (they have classes r/t entertainment and the media, right?.....hehehe...or child psychology?) or an outside activity that Kate's TV experience would be relevant scheduled for just a small percentage of their total number of students.

It would not be typical for a minor celebrity to just disappear after their show is cancelled. It would be a gradual process and appearances would start to be at smaller and smaller venues and the audiences would likely get smaller and smaller also. And eventually she would only be seen on shows like "Celebrity Rehab" or "The Surreal Life", etc....just like a whole bunch of other minor celebrities.

My guess about the Australia appearance would be something that she's obligated to do contractually....since the show is new there. And I would guess that the children COULD be there if TLC wanted them to be...even if Jon disagreed (due to still being obligated contractually)....and this will last until the contract ends. And I feel pretty sure she's still getting paid and has been since the show ended and will be paid until the contract ends...not sure if it's as much as she did before the show got cancelled but this would also have been in the much for all her crying about being poor and destitute.

I would think that TLC is footing the bill for this trip.....not because she's special to them but because they want her to provide a bit of advertisement for their show that's just starting to be filmed they can expand their audience down under. It's just business, I think.....and nothing more than that.

Dallas Lady said... 111

Yeah, I don't know. Somehow I'm not seeing anyone clamoring to pay to have lunch with Miss Self-Important in Australia.

And I agree, she's not going out for the Steve Irwin dinner that night in November, though I'm sure she loves people thinking so. IF the lunch is bid on (two dollars, that's as high as I'll go! Twice as much as her book is worth!), THEN they'd fly her out. I agree with the others that she's NOT going to do this on her own dime, which is so tacky. If it's for charity, you don't expect the charity to foot the bill, that defeats the purpose. But we all know Kate too well to think any differently.

I would laugh if the assumption being made by the zoo is that she will pay her own travel expenses, but she's assuming they will.

Anyway, I doubt this item will be a big draw.

As for the photo shoot, I'd bet my arm it was a freebie grifted from some local photographer, possibly through one of her local tweet fans. Why wouldn't she just use her own land and home if TLC were footing the bill, as some believe?

TLC has let her go, y'all. The photo shoot was a grift, and she never passes up a good grift (see iPads, cereal, hair services, etc....). I bet doing that photo shoot made her feel like it was e good old days again, and yeah, she looks pretty happy about the pap who just HAPPENS TO BE THERE, LOL.

Also, she had work done on her veneers. I think that's what the "root canal" was.

Dallas Lady said... 112

Why are the kids in such drab, dark colors (except M&C appear to have brighter colored t-shirts and jeans on) and she's in SUCH bright colors?

Also, nothing against the kids, I'm sure they had no say in this, but why aren't their outfits even cute?

It's pretty obvious who these photos are about!

Tucker's Mom said... 113

Also, she had work done on her veneers. I think that's what the "root canal" was.
Yes, there's something about her teeth and mouth movement/smile in general that's different.
I don't think Kate looks bloated in the Fall photo shoot. Her outfit is actually appropriate and sensible with a good sense of fashion. Remember last year when she wore 4 inch spike boots? She looked like the witch in the cartoons I used to watch as a kid.

dee3 said... 114


I don't think it has anything to do with being street-smart. If Kate was street smart she'd have carved-out lucrative venues for when/after the show got cancelled.

I think that it ALL has to do with how it was presented by the media. Octomom was portrayed as intentionally having multiple eggs implanted so she could get a TV reality show, was unmarried and having financial problems and as being on the public dole and getting welfare.

Whereas Kate was touted as a religious mommy with a traditional marriage. They conveniently didn't mention that she'd intentionally engineered it so there would be multiples also, hoping for a reality show....they left that part out.

How the media decides to portray someone has a HUGE effect on how they are perceived by the public. Initially, Kate was getting rave comment and reviews whereas Octomom was getting insulted and beat-up in the media from the get-go.

What gets me is that Octomom is a MUCH nicer person than Kate G. is.....and her children are cute too and they need people to help out just like they did for Kate's kids....probably even more so. It's not the fault of the children that they were born or that they didn't get a TV show. I actually sort of admire Octomom for really scrambling to make $ to support her children....and doing whatever it takes. Sure...there is some amount of wanting to be in the spotlight and in entertainment....but still....she is doing/willing to do horrible and embarrassing appearances in order to support her kids. I have a much higher opinion of Octomom than I do of Kate G.

Tucker's Mom said... 115

. I actually sort of admire Octomom for really scrambling to make $ to support her children....and doing whatever it takes.
Like the fetish video? Octo said she didn't even get paid for it. She's done nothing to secure a long-term plan for the financial future of her family. Boxing Tanya Harding won't cover diapers for a week. She's done NOTHING long term and has only pandered on shows like Oprah and Dr. Drew.
I'd pick Kate over Octomom any day, and that's really saying something. Kate and Jon had only 2 kids when they went for more fertility, not 6 PLUS implanting several (was it 4? or more?) embryos was beyond anyone's ethical boundries. That's just sick.
OM's kids live in a pigsty, where OM protests that she wants to do it all by herself. She has not enough help to give any of those children the minimum of mothering, guidance and emotional salve. I've long thought that CPS should have done something to ensure proper care for the kids.
I do admit to thinking OM is an enigma. On one hand, she eschews Hollywood and Reality TV, yet on the other hand, there she is with a boob job, tummy tuck, mani/pedi doing magazine covers in a bikini. Same as Kate. What's worse, OM has NO money for all of this maintenance and trainers etc. None.

Paula said... 116

This auditorium is not on the main Penn State Campus at State College - but the Fayette campus in Uniontown ~ Administrator said... 117

Not that you can't get a great education at the Penn State satellite campuses and it works for some students because they can live close to home, but it's harder to get into the main campus and most students want to be there. Anyway, point is, I find it hysterical that Jon had a speaking engagement at the main campus a few years ago. Now Kate is getting sloppy seconds at a tiny satellite campus. ~ Administrator said... 118

When she says working on a job, does she mean working on FINDING a job? What has she done? Polished up her resume, sent it out to a bunch of medical facilities, interviewed? Because from what I can tell all this woman does is tweet, grift cereal and first class trips to Australia, and written up a few disjointed answers to canned questions for her blog. I'm not sure I really believe she's seriously looked for a job. Surely someone would have spilled the beans by now that Kate came in looking for a job, they did with Jon.

fidosmommy said... 119

RE: kids holding their bottoms.

I think maybe they're just brushing off the straw. It can stick like little needles if it
gets you the wrong way.

chefsummer #Leh said... 120
This comment has been removed by the author.
chefsummer #Leh said... 121

Her last book didn't sell here in the US.So why not give out for free?

NT said... 122

I'm sure she's going to Australia because it's summer there and she can flaunt her body more there than here. I'm sure it's free for her also. I don't see her spending any of her own money for anything like this. I wonder if the nanny is being comped also? She will be gone for about 2 weeks I guess. She'll want to make it last as long as she can. That's a long time to pay for a 24/7 nanny!

TotallyDisgusted said... 123


Tucker's Mom said... 124

chefsummer said...
Her last book didn't sell here in the US.So why not give out for free?
Oh, it's a *signed* copy... ooooohhhhhhh, aaaaahhhhhhh!! (not)
Terri must really be hard up because I can't imagine Aussies (is it ok that I call you that?) don't see right through Kate as they do Terri.
Admin, thank you for the link to the YouTube video of Terri being interviewed. Perhaps it's the accent, but that journalist seems to be able to cut pretty close without pissing Terri off and without coming across as aggressive.
Terri and Kate's interview styles are alike in that their rhetoric is IDENTICAL. This is great for the kids, how dare you even insinuate otherwise?
Terri's delivery and media savvy are far more polished than Kate's. No ummm's. Only one little stammer when Terri had to regroup and wiggle out of an answer.
I agree that Terri didn't go all Hollywood Barbie after Steve's death, but she did go blonde and really get into fitness to the point where I think she's got to lay off the protein powder or whatever it is she's taking.

anger issues kate said... 125

Ok, I see that organic food is for Kate. The kids eat what everyone else eats. Kate was looking for the cheapest juice for the kids. (those little box things), they are full of sugar and stuff one can not pronounce. From the food Kate makes for the kids to what she eats are 2 different things. Organic for Kate, high salty, high sugar, little milk, lots of eggs, pasta, stuff, that will surely in time give you problems, Kate feeds the kids. Very unhealthy. Kate is a contradiction. What happen to I feed my kids organic? Juice from a discount store is not organic. But then I guess, that's where the money came from for the pics.

Tucker's Mom said... 126

If that NE story is true (couldn't link to any pics) then I hope to high heaven that Kate gets a knock on the door from the Po Po.
Leaving kids alone in a car for a minute, let alone 15 is child neglect. Especially if they are in the BBB, which is so iconic, it's a potential target.
Thank you to Werney and the other neighbor who allegedly took these photos for telling it like it is, which is to say, NOTHING like Kate's treachly tweets

Gift of grab said... 127

Does anyone know whether the K+8 episodes filmed in Australia/NZ have been shown there yet? Once people get a look at her behavior towards virtually everyone she encountered "down under," it's hard to believe that anyone would want to inflict lunch with her on themselves and 9 friends. BTW, the minimum starting bid for everything is $10AUS. I think it would be just hysterical if they either couldn't get a bid or got some very lowball number. Hysterical.

Hippie Chick said... 128

D listers. They would show up to an opening if an envelope given the chance, as long as there's an open bar.

And seriously, I have to say again...Kate's book? Come on!


Friend In Pennsylvania said... 129

If that NE story is true (couldn't link to any pics) then I hope to high heaven that Kate gets a knock on the door from the Po Po.
Leaving kids alone in a car for a minute, let alone 15 is child neglect. Especially if they are in the BBB, which is so iconic, it's a potential target.


While PA is one state that does have a law that makes it illegal to leave a child in a car alone for any length of time, I believe that it applies to children ages six and under. If someone knows for sure, please link it. If six children under the age of six would have been left alone, the fines would have been increased with the number or children left alone in the car. I doubt, though, Kate is even aware of the law.

Even if it's not illegal, given her high-profile status in and around her town, security-wise, it's insane for her to do that. She employs (cough cough) a bodyguard for herself, but lets her kids alone in a car. She's absolutely crazy. If the story is true.

Jane said... 130

pics on inf - isn't the audi a 2-seater?

Bad Moon Rising said... 131

Jane said...

pics on inf - isn't the audi a 2-seater?

Yes, it is. Good grief. Tell me she didn't make the girls squeeze together in one front passenger seat without seat belts. She wouldn't have done that, would she?

Tucker's Mom said... 132

Jane said...
pics on inf - isn't the audi a 2-seater?
It doesn't look like Kate is yelling at them, just that the twins look a bit upset and and averting their eyes from the camera. Must suck to be photographed like that at such a tender age.
At least it's fun to ride in Mom's sports car.
Hey, remember when Jon was pilloried for getting a car almost exactly like Kate's?
I wonder if Kate asked Jon if she could buy her Audi like she bitched about him just going out and buying his Nissan?

Westcoaster said... 133

When I came home last night after a 6 hour solo drive from NoCal to SoCal, and saw these pics and the continued trip grifting, my first thought was 'oh jeez, why do I even read this stuff'. Then we had a power outage, so this morning, refreshed and caffeinated, I am of clearer mind. Still . .

The photo shoot is actually laughable, I agree with whoever pointed out the center of attention, Mommy MeMeMe, in her bright colors, whitened teeth and glaring hair, with her hand pointing oh so dramatically. This is a fall season shoot, with your children in greys, blues and blacks? Her histrionic drama is getting more tiresome; and I also think this is also part of what she perceives her new job to be - endless self-promotion. She has absolutely no intention of ever working again for a paycheck/benefits/salary, etc. She is the boss, in her mind, of her world - really hope she has a lot socked away.

As for Australia, well, well, another trip in her future? But when is the question. Obviously if lunch with K8 is on the pathetic list for this sinking charity, she has to be there for lunch. So one trip or two? And there is no way in this economic environment that the bidding for lunch with the American D-lister is going to even make the expenses of bringing her (and her companion bodyguard) to Oz worthwhile. Not even all of her tweenie sheeple together could raise that kind of money. So either Terri Irwin is spending money she should not be, or TLC is somehow involved. K8 is not parting with that kind of money, not 1st class to Australia.

Las Vegas Marathon? Interesting that this is the one she chooses. My DIL just ran the Nike in SF (for charity) and her training was organized (with a local running group), methodical and yes, it did involved doing that distance several times before the race. I have seen nothing that indicates K8 has ever started a timer and run 13.5 miles. Good luck to her, hah, and yes another question - where is all the $$ coming from for entrance fees, transportation (for her and her trainer/bodyguard), hotels, meals? Guess the kids will have to wait a bit longer for those gymnastics classes.

She certainly is in LaLaLand these days, as she shamelessly self-promotes, taking whatever grifting opportunities comes her way (yep, Mr. Cereal Company, talking to you), tweeting thank-yous for her daughters (really, eating candies from strangers?). Life in PA just rolls merrily along.

chefsummer #Leh said... 134

Will Kate let the twins drive her audi when they start driver's ED?

Dallas Lady said... 135

That's a good question. How DID she take M&C to Old Navy in then two seater Audi?

Maybe that explains why the girls look upset.

Kate is such a gigantic idiot. Between this and leaving the kids in the van in a shopping center parking lot, it's pretty clear she doesn't care much about them. Sugary sweet sentiments on twitter do not a good mother make.

Red Sky At Night said... 136

chefsummer said...

Will Kate let the twins drive her audi when they start driver's ED?


That's five years away. She won't even have the car by then. It will be something new and flashier.

Twittering and a Twattering said... 137

At least it's fun to ride in Mom's sports car.


Not when you're one of two kids crammed into the front seat.

Tucker's Mom said... 138

Actually, I found cramming into a car to be quite fun, then again, that was with friends when we were young, carefree and stupid!
Please tell me that Kate did not have 2 11-year olds squeeze into one front seat!

amyf said... 139

October 20, 2011 9:36 AM
WTF can be going on to make those girls look so miserable?

Recapper said... 140

Calling all writers, editors, humourists, and just naturally literate people. I am looking for an editor who can do not only the grammar side, but tell me straight up if something sucks content wise. Knowledge of the Gosselins is a must, knowledge of pop culture, history, medicine also good.

If you are interested please email me at

Out And About In Berks County PA said... 141

PA Code:

A person driving or in charge of a motor vehicle may not permit
a child under six years of age to remain unattended in the vehicle when the motor vehicle
is out of the person's sight and under circumstances which endanger the health, safety or
welfare of the child.

So, the police are not going to be knocking on her door, nor will she be fined. It is, however, just plain nuts for her to do this.

Out And About In Berks County PA said... 142

Calling all writers, editors, humourists, and just naturally literate people. I am looking for an editor who can do not only the grammar side, but tell me straight up if something sucks content wise. Knowledge of the Gosselins is a must, knowledge of pop culture, history, medicine also good.


And the reason is...?

Westcoaster said... 143

It does not take much to make 11 year olds on a shopping trip miserable, 11 year olds are often miserable, and even though it looks like MeMeMe Mom opened her wallet for several bags, clearly they were not having fun with her on this trip. She's the fool for putting on her scowl face when once again she is fully aware that there are cameras present.

About the car - once again MeMeMe Mom is in violation, this time for seat belt laws. Unless PA is different, I doubt she can have two 11 year olds strapped into one front seat belt. And if one is sitting in the crawl space behind the front seat, then that child is not in a seat belt. I really wish that their Dad would get her on this, and on the one where she left them unattended in the BBB. If she wants to flaunt parking laws when out alone, that's one thing but what we see in these pics is clearly child endangerment.

Permanent Name said... 144

Saw the pics on ROL - I have to say I was horrified to see how unhappy one of the twins looked. The photo was very sad to look at.

Unhappy to be with mom?
Unhappy to be photographed by purseboy/Chris?
Unhappy to be shopping?
Unhappy with what mom bought for her?
Unhappy being treated badly?
Unhappy with life in general?

Who knows, but that old saw "a picture is worth a thousand words" holds true here. I don't need to say anything. It is evident.........

Since we 'know' that no paps clamor to photograph her anymore, I assume this photo crap was organized by kart. Shame on her for, again and again, stealing her girls privacy.

Puberty is a difficult time for all kids. kart should be fighting tooth and nail FOR their privacy. There are many Hollywood celebs who actively and agressively protect their kids from publicity. As they should.

Out And About In Berks County PA said... 145

Regardless if they both were in the front seat, or if one was strapped in the front seat and one rode in the "crawl space," unless that crawl space has a seat belt she was in violation of the law in PA:

"Children from four through seven years of age must be in a booster seat and children eight through 17 must be in a seat belt regardless of where they sit in a vehicle.

fidosmommy said... 146

You can't leave 6 year olds in the car, but you can leave small 7 year olds? Hmmmmm. Those kids still have to sit in booster seats in the car, but they are allowed to sit in the car without a responsible adult even within eyesight?

Crazy people don't care if a child is 6 or 7. If they wanted to cause harm, they're going to cause harm. I vote that no child get left in the car until that child is old enough to babysit without parental supervision.

If the kids had the van windows down, were unbuckled and moving around the van, what a simple task to grab one and run.

I hope Kate quits drinking her coffee and wakes up and starts smelling it instead.

fidosmommy said... 147

And, if something had happened to one of the little kids, how would Mady and Cara feel?

Audible Click said... 148

Slightly OT but I received a reply from General Mills Corporation which is the parent company of Cascadian Farms. As I expected, it's a form letter, saying nothing, and meaning nothing. Dontcha just love corporate-speak? Copy/paste is below.
Hello Valued Consumer:

Thank you for contacting Cascadian Farm and for sharing your thoughts.

We will make sure your comments are shared with the appropriate people

We hope you find this information helpful. Please let us know if we can help you again.

Thank you,

Brent Taylor

Customer Care Specialist

>Original Message From: redacted for privacy
>Originated by Consumer I was made aware of the fact that you are sending free cereal to Kate Gosselin. I'm emailing you to voice my displeasure, Ms. Gosselin is an wealthy woman and it's astonishing that your corporate view is to reward her when you could donate the cereal to a food bank to be given to people who really need it. I will no longer purchase your products and will spread the word about this PR blunder. What a boneheaded move on your part.

mama mia said... 149

I thought Kate would be selling herself as a security consultant by now but I guess since she never really needed security, and never wrote those books, and never took those dance lessons, and never had the gift of gab, or the skill at interviewing or the personality for tv...... oh, she is appearing at a hotel as herself is she? That makes sense.

TLC stinks said... 150

First, Kate would NEVER pay for a trip so someone has footed the bill.

Second, this may end up with her meeting Steve's parents again and this time he'll announce their intentions. She and Steve get "alone time". Really, Gina?

Third, the kids are probably not going because Jon WON'T let them.

This trip smells to high heaven. And the photo shoot pap obviously was allowed to sell the " candid" photos. This woman just WON'T go away!

Beth said... 151

dee3 said...
My guess would be that this isn't a major event at Penn State but rather something scheduled for a certain class (they have classes r/t entertainment and the media, right?.....hehehe...or child psychology?) or an outside activity that Kate's TV experience would be relevant scheduled for just a small percentage of their total number of students.


We recently brought in some local ghost hunters to the university, just so that we could later discuss their deviance. Of course, they weren't told this at the time. Lol

Tucker's Mom said... 152

We recently brought in some local ghost hunters to the university, just so that we could later discuss their deviance. Of course, they weren't told this at the time. Lol
Did you figure out why they always say, "did you hear that?", "did you feel that?"
Where they night-vision green in real life?

Tamara said... 153

Seems like something is coming up. All of a sudden there are 2 new sets of pap pics.

Tucker's Mom said... 154

Tamara said...
Seems like something is coming up. All of a sudden there are 2 new sets of pap pics.
Definitely. The lone pap taking their pics during the photo shoot was very close. I don't suppose he just waits at their house day after day until suddenly they go out to do something.
Doesn't make sense.
If he did, then where are the pics of Kate taking the kids to church? Anyone knows when she has them due to her tweets, so it would be a sure thing to capture if indeed she went to church every Sunday the kids were at home.

Moose Mania said... 155

Crazy people don't care if a child is 6 or 7. If they wanted to cause harm, they're going to cause harm. I vote that no child get left in the car until that child is old enough to babysit without parental supervision.


I totally agree. Mine was in 6th grade before I would let her alone in a car even for a minute while I ran into the store for a newspaper, and the car was within my sight at all times, only a few feet from the front door of the convenience store. If I was gone longer than that, even for only ten minutes, she went with me regardless. She thought I was crazy, but hey, these are our children! There are too many nuts out there, and in the case of leaving the Gosselin kids alone, that's just irresponsible, and I don't care what the law says.

Stupid Is said... 156

Leaving kids alone in a car is NEVER a good idea but many of us have done it on occasion. HOWEVER, my kids aren't famous. Nobody would take a picture of my kids in the car. Nobody would care to but if FAMOUS kids are left alone ... oh well. Publicity is publicity is publicity for Kate.

Lake Up North said... 157

I know there are some pretty irresponsible parents out there, but being Kate is well-known (I don't have the ability to call a reality TV person a star) you'd think she'd have better idea of keeping her children safe. If she truly, truly left children unattended in a van, regardless of age...just when I thought she could not get any worse than she already was.

I don't care if she got out to drop something in the mailbox and was 5 feet away, things can happen in a matter of seconds. I'm surprised she would allow herself to have the amout of bad policity. Not like it's going to do her any favors really. But then again from her point of view I suppose having any attention is better than none.

I am terribly ashamed other people value her as a role model or as a good parent. Good parents do not put their children's lives at risk. Sad thing is she will never be ashamed or concerned.

fidosmommy said... 158

I live in an incredibly crime-free location. There has not been a case of kidnapping ever. Kids play, walk down the street, ride their bikes all over the place, alone or with friends. Everyone looks after them, because they're "our" kids too.

But I can only speak for the locals. We have 2
highways that run through town that run for hundreds of miles in 4 directions. People we don't know drive those highways.

Even in this claimed safe haven of a town, I have yet to see one person leave a child in the car alone in the grocery store lot, on the downtown strip, or at the small discount store. Not one. Children go inside with parents. Even here, nobody is willing to take a chance.
The police know everyone in town and would actually go find the parent who would dare try it and rip him/her a new one. Come to think of it, so would Mrs. Jones or Mr. Brown. But, they don't have to do it because parents are responsible about these things.

what a piece of work said... 159

Gift of gab said

I doubt that the Zoo would foot the bill for this trip--this is a fundraising event, after all, and expenses are typically comped by the provider. So the question is--who's paying? Would KATE really spring for the no-doubt substantial costs of this trip?


Oh, I think the zoo will, and is, footing the bill. First of all, isn't the Irwin zoo a for-profit?

Secondly, these fundraising events often turn out to being in very little in the way of funds, whether they are for charities or for-profits. It's quite common to pay the way for some "featured" person. The organization writes off the cost as a business expense.

By the time expenses and fees (including, of course, flying in a D-list "celebrity" from the States), precious little money may actually be "raised'.

Lots of organizations do these things anyway because they count on the event to create buzz, and to bring people out, and perhaps identify more with the organization. The money becomes secondary.

So, Admin, and others, I wouldn't feel comforted by the thought the the money raised will go to a good cause. Primarily, it's going to go to a big-time grifter.

D-listers (and others) can keep this kind of thing going for a looooong time. It won't pay the bills, but it will get you out of the house and away from the children you can't stand being near.

Most people would choke if they realized how little money actually goes to organizations who do this kind of fundraising - ditto for the multi-day charity runs and that sort of thing. You may think you're donating $3,000, but it often turns out that most of your contribution pays for the event.

I think the Irwin outfit is going to find that the cost of bringing this particular "attraction" will be more than they bargained for, no matter how much of it they get to count as "business expense".

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 160

She really needs to be ticketed for having two kids in her two seater car because one had to have been unbuckled, or they shared a seat and seat belt. She is insane! Plus, we know she has a need for speed, so the whole thing is crazy.

As far as leaving the kids in the van, I haven't seen any pics yet. I'm surprised the law is only 6 year olds, but whatever, good parents do MORE than the bare MINIMUM required by law!

About the auction for lunch with Kate, it says:

A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you and 9 friends to dine with Kate Gosselin at the multi-award winning Chalk Hotel in Brisbane, plus a signed copy of her book.

As has already been said here, I'm sure that either the Zoo or TLC would be flying Kate out for that lunch. Although, it wouldn't make sense to me for the Zoo to fly her out because that could easily cost much more than the winning bid, so that item would be a complete loss for them, rather than a fund raiser as it's supposed to be. Either way, the winning bidder would have to get themselves there for the lunch. So, I doubt anyone from the US would be bidding. And we already have read that she's not very well known or popular in Australia, so how much can that item garner at auction? Hmm, perhaps WE should bid and then just not bother to set up the lunch because we don't want to travel to Australia....which would mean no free trip for Kate! No lunch, no trip!

what a piece of work said... 161

Admin, I got a note at the bottom of the comment box saying that my comment had been published, but it hasn't shown up. Just heads up that something may be wonky with comments today.

Beth said... 162

Tucker's Mom said...
We recently brought in some local ghost hunters to the university, just so that we could later discuss their deviance. Of course, they weren't told this at the time. Lol
Did you figure out why they always say, "did you hear that?", "did you feel that?"
Where they night-vision green in real life?


Every single bit of their methods are just for show. These people have detached themselves from the norms of society and they feel quite comfortable in their deviance. People with low stakes in society (those who don't have much to lose) will create their own reality.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 163

It's not surprising to me that Kate left her children in the car alone to order Chinese food.

That fool rarely makes a good decision.

Anyway, how long does it take to deep fry one eggroll that will be split in 8 ways?

Stupid Is said... 164

Anyway, how long does it take to deep fry one eggroll that will be split in 8 ways?

What a mean thing to say!

You know that the twins split one and the tups split three. Damn, haters NEVER get it right!!!

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 165

A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you and 9 friends to dine with Kate Gosselin at the multi-award winning Chalk Hotel in Brisbane, plus a signed copy of her book.


It will be interesting to see if an Aussie sheeple/tweeple can find 9 people willing to eat with that clown-ass.

Ex-Burn Nurse said... 166

"You've had your face lifted, your boobs enlarged and your tummy tucked, but money is still burning a hole in your designer clutch bag.

So where do you go next for cosmetic surgery? The answer, it seems, is your shoulders.

Surgeons in New York have reported a rise in the number of women undergoing shoulder liposuction in the hope of looking like slender stars such as Keira Knightley and Madonna.--credit: Daily Mail (link below)

On an earlier thread, someone pointed out Kate's protruding clavicles (collar bones) and visible ribs in the Bed, Bath and Beyond pictures.  The Old Navy pictures show them even more prominently--very unnatural looking. After reading about the 2008 growing trend of shoulder liposuction, I would venture a guess that this may have been her latest procedure--maybe around her low-profile Emmy visit? If so, it is backfiring. The perpetually popping clavicles just contribute to the whole tense and pissed-off persona that she has been projecting lately!

Old Navy pix:

Article on shoulder lipo:


Beth said... 167

I will never forget when Kate came back to Gray, TN to do a book signing and a preview of the food bank episode. Less than 100 people showed up. LMAO. Of course, we were having tornado weather that day but still, no one here cares for her.

Gosselin Gossip said... 168

For those concerned about the twins riding safely in Kate's Audi, there are seatbelts for the rear backseats for at least the 2009 models and above (possibly earlier models too).

Click on 'photos' link under top photo, click 'interior' photo 22/69:

steff said... 169

I ran across an article about a big star and giving back. This is just one of the MANY charity things that JBJ does.

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Rocker Jon Bon Jovi has stepped onto the culinary stage and opened a restaurant -- one with no prices on the menu and only a suggested donation to cover the cost of the meal.

The JBJ Soul Kitchen, which opened on Wednesday in Red Bank, N.J., offers gourmet meals to diners who can choose to either pay a nominal charge, or volunteer their time in lieu of payment.

"At a time when one in five households are living at or below the poverty level, and at a time when one out of six Americans are food insecure, this is a restaurant whose time has come," New Jersey-born Bon Jovi said in a statement.

"This is a place based on and built on community -- by and for the community," he said of the restaurant located in a former mechanic shop.

The JBJ Soul Kitchen, which was two years in the planning, serves meals to people who have earned them through volunteering at the restaurant or at other local organizations, the Jon Bon Jovi Soul Foundation, the rocker's anti-poverty charity, said on its website.

Volunteers earn their meals through food-prep, busing tables or stocking shelves.

I absolutely LOVE Jon Bon Jovi. His JBJ Soul Foundation is one of the charities that our family donates to yearly.

AMD said... 170

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said:
"Hmm, perhaps WE should bid and then just not bother to set up the lunch because we don't want to travel to Australia....which would mean no free trip for Kate! No lunch, no trip!"
That is a great idea. Also suggest that the funds which would have gone towards the expense of Kate's travel and the lunch should be donated to the cause! Win, win for the Zoo!

Wanda said... 171

When us "haters" make inacurrate assumptions, the fan blogs love it. A couple of topics are making us look stupid, imo.

1) The Audi has seats and belts in the the back.

2) The inf pics do not (to me) look like Kate is yelling at the kids.

3) Are people really that upset about the cereal? There are idiots on twitter making asses out of themselves tweeting that company.

Kate does enough truly awful stuff to justify our anger and disdain. As a group we are often judged by our weakest posters. It's unfortunate.

Wanda said... 172

Oh, what fun it would be to pick the nine haters we'd most like to see join Kate for that lunch!

Who would y'all pick?

Stupid Is said... 173

I don't care if the fans laugh at us.

1. Don't care if the Audi has seat belts in the back.

2. In the INF pics the kids look miserable.

3. Why shouldn't all mothers get free cereal?
Especially those mothers that aren't millionaires?

The fans can laugh at the haters all they want. We don't really care, do we?

Dwindle said... 174

Sandi said... Steve Irwin Day Gala Dinner
Tickets $245(individual) or $2450 table of 10
Beverages, 3 course dinner, live music, speeches and photo op with roving animals!


THANK HEAVENS this will be no where my TV. However, she is still exploiting the children. If she doesnt lug them with her, she will talk talk talk about how hard they make her life. She will continue with her 'career', which is complaining about how hard it is to be their mother.

Delusional Bitch said... 175

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Wow, thanks 60,044 followers! It's great to have u all! Support me or hate me- doesn't matter! If u follow, u care, so thanks just the same!

To Kate's Fans. Listen to your queen. She's not crying about twitter. Stop trying to defend somebody who doesn't want defending. She'd rather have a million followers that HATE her than a half-dozen of you worshipers. Don't you get it? You are NOTHING to her. NOTHING. WE, the HATERS are much more important to Kate than you are.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 176

Khate's an idiot. She has to know that most of her "haters" do NOT follow her. Also, she mostly has the same 10-20 sheeple (maybe 5 or 6 die-hards) tweeting her and that's it. I am convinced that she is purchasing followers for a couple of reasons, mostly because she keeps adding followers in regular intervals even though she is not out there doing PR for a show or getting much attention that would make people check her out on Twitter. But the biggest "tell" is that fact that Khate ALWAYS tweets about how many followers she has, giving the exact new number of the day.We all know that Khate can't help giving herself away, so for me, that's been the biggest indication for a long time now that she's buying fake BS followers.

As for the car, I couldn't care less about cars so I didn't pay much attention when people talked about her car, what type it was, year, price, etc. But, I thought I had read more than once that it was a two-seater. So, if it's not, big deal. That's good of course, since the twins would have been safely seated and buckled in the back.

As far as the cereal, I think Khate deserves a lot of criticism over that one. Not only is she a selfish greedy pig that will take any freebie thrown her way, but she is just so damn stupid. If she had a brain in her bleached head, she would have seen the tweet by the cereal company, along with all the tweets by "haters" about it, and thought that it was at least a great opportunity for some good P.R. for her. She could have simply tweeted something like "Thanks you so much for the offer, but it's really not necessary. I would LOVE if you could contact @Rhondachafin (at Second Harvest in NE, TN) to set up a donation! So many are in such need, thanks! ( I realize it would have to be shorter than that, abbreviated, and maybe in a couple of tweets).

But, once again, Khate thinks of herself and only herself. She'd take even a few boxes of free cereal if she could, despite all her talk about being so affected by her visit to the food band in TN and seeing how many families are in desperate need right now. Even if she was not feeling charitable, you think she'd at least be smart enough to sense a good PR opportunity when she saw it. But, nope, she was so blinded by her greed for free shit that she replied to the company with their favorite cereals (which they didn't even ask for, it's like she was putting in her order).

Also, I have to note that she clearly isn't an informed and loyal customer of their products, because she seems to think that they make only cereal, when they have so many other products, (none of which I will be purchasing any longer).

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 177

Uugh, excuse the couple of typos I have in that post (Thanks you = thank you, food band = food bank). LOL

cwgirlup75 said... 178

I wonder if Kate will tote the kiddos on this trip or if it will be a private getaway for her and Stevie?

cwgirlup75 said... 179

I've got a hundred bucks that says they make a side trip to New Zealand. Any takers??

gramof5 said... 180

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Wow, thanks 60,044 followers! It's great to have u all! Support me or hate me- doesn't matter! If u follow, u care, so thanks just the same!
What an arrogant piece of shit ! I think this tweet pisses me off more than any other I have read of hers....thanks just the same to you too Kate.
Her time will come...sooner or later !

anger issues kate said... 181

Did you all catch the latest, tweet: one of her devoted sheeple is reporting people to the twitter bully pen site. So beware. Someone should report that sheeple to that site as well, and the others who harass us or someone who is not a fan, but makes a comment. I don't know what this site does, or will do to you if you get reported.
And when I went to her twitter, it said on the right 59,995, Kate tweeted that it was 60,044, so which is it? And I do not believe that she has that many real people, I think besides buying them, the sheeple are signing up daily to increase the number.

Blowin' In The Wind said... 182

Kate has the Audi TT coupe, correct? It does have a backseat, if you want to call it that. An adult can't sit back there - it's for kids, grocery bags and luggage. Even a kid over 10 would have to sit with her knees up to her neck. I have the convertible, which has no back seat, and I was thinking about getting the sports coupe to have some extra passenger room, but when I saw that the back seat is useless, it made no sense.

LaLaLandNoMore said... 183

Kate is still exploiting her children for profit. It's her gig and she is not about to give it up. She will not go quietly into the night as we had hoped. No, not this greedy grifter. She sees herself as a "stah", don't you know? She doesn't care how we see this as long as we see it. Even bad attention is good to a person who craves it. Sad, but true.

Blowin' In The Wind said... 184

If u follow, u care, so thanks just the same!


Uh, no Kate. If someone follows, it doesn't always mean that they CARE FOR YOU. It also means that they CARE about how you exploit the children, or care about what nonsense you are up -- the lies, hypocrisy, or whatever. Or, they care just to make fun of you.

And that makes you proud? This woman wins the Doofus of the Year award.

anger issues kate said... 185

Westcoaster: that is what I thought many times, as to why Kate dresses the kids alike, or the twins somewhat alike. Take notice of all the pics Kate takes with the kids, tups are always dressed alike, the twins dress almost the same and Kate stands out. With the tan and over bleached hair. Kate looks more like a nanny/ escort than their mom, the kids do not look like her. If Kate went back to own original hair color, she would pass more of looking like their mom. Think about it, Kate makes herself the bright spot/center of attention. The photo shoot is about her.

Nobody Likes a Narcissist said... 186

By the way, I keep forgetting to mention this. If anyone wants to see what one of Khate's posts on her blog looks like (with the photos), you can wait a day or two after it's posted here and then Google it, but click on the cached shot. You end up seeing a screen shot of what that page on her site looks like. Just be careful not to click anywhere on the page, because it will take you to her site, Otherwise, just look at the Google cached shot without giving her any hits. I have to say that it's one of the worst websites!

cwgirlup75 said... 187

Maybe we should ask Steve. *double snark*

Dallas Lady said... 188

Kate should take a look at how many of her 60,000 followers are just empty Twitter accounts.

anger issues kate said... 189

Dallas lady:That is what I think too. Her Sheeple devoted fans sign up daily. And she is buying them. Cause if she had that many followers, why are they not making comments at her devoted sites?

chefsummer #Leh said... 190

I hear Kate saying this to herself-"I don't need friends I need fans"

Best line if scream 4-reminds me of her

cwgirlup75 said... 191

Red Sky At Night said...

And what JOB might that be?


This is what my previous snarky comment was in reference too. *slaps forehead*

cwgirlup75 said... 192

I get the feeling Gina Neild checked out of that relationship a looooong time ago. Maybe not legally, but emotionally and almost certainly physically.

chefsummer #Leh said... 193

Lies again! Old navy pics were taken on SUNDAY before fam photo shoot.stressed 2b styling Fam of 9 1hr before pics?Yes! Good try INF daily!
WOW Kate calling someone out for liying hmm the pot calling. The kettel black

gramof5 said... 194

Lies again! Old navy pics were taken on SUNDAY before fam photo shoot.stressed 2b styling Fam of 9 1hr before pics?Yes! Good try INF daily!
Wow ! She really is Super Woman. How could you possibly drive home from Old Navy,dress 8 count'em kids,have a stylist wash, blow dry and curl your hair, apply 2 layers of makeup, and slide in your skin tight jeans and motorcycle boots and then set up all those beautiful mums, bales of straw, and pumpkins along your white fence in the back yard in one hour ?
Please tell me how one person can lie so damn much and not get struck down with lightning !

Tucker's Mom said... 195

You told INF Kate!! You tell them that in fact, you and the girls were stressed out before they had to work a photo shoot on their SUNDAY off!
Keep setting the record straight, Kate. ~ Administrator said... 196

Will Kate listen to herself??? So the kids were stressed out about the photo shoot????

What's wrong with this picture, you child exploiter???! ~ Administrator said... 197

And again Kate misses the point. The fact that INF got confused about the date again doesn't mean the kids weren't stressed or that this didn't happen. Oh, Kate. ~ Administrator said... 198

Good grief, sorry, but she's stressed to prepare her family for the photo shoot so....she takes it out on her kids???? That's NOT okay, KATE. WTF! And you do it all the time!

She basically admitted that Mady and Cara didn't do anything wrong, it was Kate's fault for being stressed. She really sucks at motherhood.

chefsummer #Leh said... 199

So I guess they were wrong again when they took her pics of her screaming at the poor 8?. She lies of much her brain belives it

INF lied? said... 200

Uh, see the Tweets thread, page 26 @ 7:56pm

double click to enlarge

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