Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Kate and Steve spotted in Wyoming: Where is all this money coming from?

A fan passing through Wyoming snapped a photo with Kate on Saturday night. Steve can be seen in the background on the left.

Another traveler says she saw Kate, the twins and Steve in the Denver airport, on Friday, a day before the twins' eleventh birthday. This is Kate's second trip to Wyoming this year, and her fourth trip total to Wyoming. How does a mom who cannot even afford gymnastics manage to splurge on a trip like this, or was it another freebie? We just hope the twins didn't have to work on their special day, or at all.

258 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 1

You know what bugs about Kate saying she wants to provide travel to the kids and seeing the world and so on? She can't just be content that she's seen Wyoming and move on. Oh no, she has to see it FOUR TIMES. Nothing will ever content her. She will never be satisfied she's seen enough of something. As long as it's a freebie, she's there. Not that Wyoming isn't a lovely place to visit and who wouldn't want to go back, but it just speaks to her insatiable greed.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 2

Pure speculation, but I wonder if someone they met in Wyoming when they were there this summer offered them a freebie for the twins' birthday to come out and see them. I just hope to God this is not being filmed.

But I still want to know if the kids' money is being pissed away paying Steve's salary. It is really getting hard to believe that TLC is still paying for this, TLC has dropped her like a rock, they could care less. The fan in this photo looks oh so dangerous and she definitely needs a booby guard. Please, what a waste of money. And what an ego.

chefsummer #Leh said... 3

So who paid for the dinner they ate?

Dallas Lady said... 4

I'm not convinced that's Steve. I'm not saying it's not him, I just can't tell from that pic. Could be, could not be.

However, what I THINK went down is this: she did indeed grift this trip "for the twins' birthday" (probably last time she was in WY) and someone else "comped" this. If that is Steve (and it very well might be), she asked as part of the freebie that her "road manager" be paid for/have accommodations/plane ticket/meals, etc.

So there you go. I've found if you consider the grifting angle, things are never much of a mystery with Kate.

Hope she enjoys it, it's probably one of the last big freebies she'll be getting, because as she drops farther and farther off the radar, the decent freebies will dry up. She'll probably be able to wrangle a trip for each of the two birthdays (too bad there aren't eight birthdays, eh Kate???) for a while and even that will come to an end.

khater said... 5

She is ridiculous. Save your money (oh I mean THE KIDS MONEY) and do normal, fun, entertaining and memorable birthdays.
Also, she is getting scary skinny. Her jeans looked fitted, yet they are hanging off of her. I feel for those girls...THAT is what they have to look up to :(

Twinner said... 6

I'm not convinced that's Steve. I'm not saying it's not him, I just can't tell from that pic. Could be, could not be.


If you enlarge the photo and use a magnifying glass, it certainly looks like Steve. If not, it's his doppelganger!

chefsummer #Leh said... 7

She does have some really huge hands, but I guess. Her being very skinny that what happens. Yikes

anger issues kate said... 8

I still think TLC, paid for this trip and filmed it for a Birthday/Xmas special. TLC wants to re-coop their money they lost on K8. The Roloffs, have already did a special, and they have not been off the air, 6 months? Both are still under contract. That is why Kate has mentioned very little, about what the twins surprise. If Kate says anything, she will call it a Business Trip. Remember Mexico? Kate would not pay for anything out of her pocket. If they did go to that Dude Ranch, could Kate and the Twins, not do the same activities in PA? Kate did not pay for this trip.

dee3 said... 9

I don't think Kate is having $ problems...and in fact, I don't even think that all her crying poor is even ABOUT her financial situation. What I think is that she craves the spotlight, craves being important, being a celebrity....and in her mind, crying poor will make others (including producers and networks) feel sorry for her and hire her.

She is SO out of touch with reality that she actually believes she is deserving of huge sympathy financially. That whining that her poor children will starve is the best way to gain sympathy and potential job offers....with clearly no clue about how the economy is affecting the rest of the country.

In HER mind...it is totally rational that networks and producers should WANT to hire a poor out-of-work mom with 8 children to feed...simply out of pity and sympathy. When she realized that they weren't knocking down her door with job offers....because she had believed she was a hot commodity.....she decided that crying poor was the next best way to line something up. After all....even Kate is not so delusional as to think that a job on TV should be given to her just because it's what she "likes to do" and what would "work for her family".

But surely playing the sympathy card would work...8 children, single mom, etc...after all.

But in reality, I doubt her financial situation is anywhere near as dire as she portrays it to be. It's just a ruse she's using to keep herself on TV and in the spotlight.

TLC stinks said... 10

So where are the twins?

tate said... 11

I'm sure this was all a freebie. When she was out there before, someone probably said--hey, if you ever want to come back, etc. and Kate somehow got a free deal. I would also bet she has a million frequent flyer miles too and got free airfare. Even thought TLC paid for all of those trips before, I'm sure Kate got all of the miles for herself and the 8 kids, so that would be a LOT of free tickets in the future.

Kate most likely has a few million socked away. She's not ever going to pay for one thing, if she can beg, borrow, cheat, steal etc instead. She may cry poor, but I bet she has plenty in the bank to last a long, long time.

Hippie Chick said... 12

On Tuesday: "Hi, I'm Kate & I'm broke & have no job. Boo!!!!!!!"

On Thursday: "Hi, I'm Kate & I'm taking my twins & my bodyguard who is not really a bodyguard but this guy who shuts me the hell up from the public & makes sure no crazy ass fan approaches me on a trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did I say I was broke??!! Did I say I was broke....uhhh....ahhhh....I meant that I sold my middle child's soul to the devil, the last soul that was, & there are no more!!!!!!!!!!! No more trips for us...or Steve!!!!!!!!!!!! At least I got my hair did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


TLC stinks said... 13

How cozy....Kate, Steve, and the twins travelling together. Did the kid who posted the photo say where he was specifically in WY? Only the best for Ms. Gosselin, so a resort had to be close by.

Just Me said... 14

New post up. No pictures with this one. It's nice of Kate's sheeple to do the majority of the work on her site for her. Between the Ask Kate entries and Letter from a Runner type entries and now this one.

Funniest Tooth Fairy Stories

[WARNING: Don't allow your tooth fairy believing child to read this entry!]

Here are some of the funniest, cutesy and most creative tooth fairy stories I’ve read from all of you. There were so many great stories, I have decided to post a few! Thank you all for the laughs! It’s good to know all parents forget sometimes and are creative with their answers!!!

Donna wrote:

Dear Kate,
When my boys were young my youngest son took one of those candy corm pieces and bit off the orange and yellow parts, he then put the white part under his pillow seeking to “trick” the tooth fairy. His older brother was so upset by this that he wrote the tooth fairy a note telling what his younger brother was trying to pull. They are now 37 and 39 years old and I still have the letter. I also have all of their baby teeth…. lol.

Morgan C says:

Dear Kate,
When I was young, about 6, I was very afraid of the tooth fairy. (I’m 17 now) when I would loose a tooth I would put it on the OTHER SIDE of the room for the Fairy to pick it up. I did not like the idea of some little thing crawling under my pillow when I was sleep :)
My experience :)
With love.
Morgan C.

Kelly emailed:

Dear Kate,
With four kids we have had our share of Tooth Fairy “incidents”. She has forgotten to stop a time or two. But she has left notes to explain her absence though. Once she was frightened of our new puppy and had to make sure she was friendly, once she had a case of fairy food poisoning, and once she was on vacation. The kids wanted to know where a fairy goes on vacation! She did leave a picture of herself once, picking up a tooth. I found the site Capturethemagic.com (not an advertisement, just a really fun site). Keegan was so excited and proud, he took the pic to school to show all his friends…priceless! Anyway, she is mostly a good tooth fairy. Trixie was my Tooth Fairy when I was a kid too!
Miss your show!
Kelly S.

Marie said... 15

Admin, I get the feel that again Kate will say whatever she happens to think at the moment. It's like she's playing a role each time almost.

Today, I will say I have no money so people will be sympathetic.

Tomorrow, I will take a trip because my kids shouldn't miss out on opportunities.

It's all a bunch of bull, Kate knows it but does not care. All she needs is a few sheeple to believe whatever comes out of her mouth, just almost like to see who she can dupe first or the longest. It's a game.

But playing this game with so many roles is bound get get her to screw up sometime in the future. Play with fire, you're going to get burned eventually.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 16

Kate looks like a wet cat.

Just tapping my feet, waiting for her to cry poverty again...

Her over exposure, and bad behavior destroyed her "career" on t.v., and the internet is going to finally bury it for good.

Stupid, stupid girl.

Stupid Is said... 17

This is completely off topic but something I wanted to share.

I saw Julianne Hough on a talkshow last night.
Great that her career is taking off. She’s a 2 time DWTS champ and is now starring in Footloose and dating Ryan Seacrest.
Successful career. Great, right?

When she was 10 years old she went to live in Europe with “her dance teacher.”
Dancing was obviously the #1 priority in her life.

10 YEARS OLD and she moved away from her parents? Seriously?

Stupid Is said... 18

I wonder if TLC dropping Kate (finally) has anything to do with the launching of OWN?

Dwindle said... 19

I wonder what her poor befuddled fans think of this trip. How in the world does this mesh with the poor struggling broke unemployed mom of 8, who has a mean judge that only orders lunch money for child support? According tho the lastest pity tour, her kids are on the verge of eating dirt and going barefoot. Just wait till the snow starts flying, she will really be in her woe-is-me element.

And since she does it all all all alone, with no one to help her, who is caring for her SIX OTHER CHILDREN during this trip? SIX count em SIX! Are they home alone, with only the laundry 'girl' to check on them for an hour every other day?

I know sheeple are saying "oh she works so HARD, throwing canned goods together off the back of a box label and masterminding her laundry; she deserves a few minutes to get away." My guess is that they are trying really hard to convince themselves of that, bless their little simple hearts.

She has an odd idea of struggling and broke. A 2 week RV vacation in August, a vacation to Wy in October... A new luxury sports car for herself...

But I was thinking for a minute about her 'fans'. Even convicted serial killers in prison get fan letters and marriage proposals. The sick twisted harmful types always have their pockets of pathetic admirers.

I guess what bothers me is knowing how harmful she is being to those little kids. I wish I could un-know it. I wish, since I can do nothing for those kids, I wish I could forget them. I need to try harder.

Tucker's Mom said... 20

Folks, I think TLC is filming. Kate's made is very clear that she can't afford this herself, plus not going to BHI on Kate's dime or gymnastics or camps or, or...
Look for a "Special" to come out.
I can't believe Jon has no say in the kids missing school again.

Dallas Lady said... 21

I still think this is a freebie/grifted trip. TLC has made it pretty clear they no longer want to work with her.

Bibby said... 22

Stupid Is said...

This is completely off topic but something I wanted to share.

I saw Julianne Hough on a talkshow last night.
Great that her career is taking off. She’s a 2 time DWTS champ and is now starring in Footloose and dating Ryan Seacrest.
Successful career. Great, right?

When she was 10 years old she went to live in Europe with “her dance teacher.”
Dancing was obviously the #1 priority in her life.

10 YEARS OLD and she moved away from her parents? Seriously?
October 11, 2011 10:21 AM

Juliann's parents were going through a nasty divorce at the time. They thought the kids would be better off away from all that drama and learning dance while their parents got their acts together. The Ballas's were family friends anyway.

There used to be a lot of professional athlete's who did that ( moved away from parents at young ages to train elsewhere with coaches ). A lot of up and coming figure skaters would leave home and live with coaches.

Not saying it wouldn't be hard on the kids, but sometimes when the kid is just so incredibly talented, and they know they have a chance to be famous and make a living from their skill, they make the sacrifice. I've heard Juliann and Derek say it was the best thing they ever did.

No news is good news said... 23

anger issues kate said...

I still think TLC, paid for this trip and filmed it for a Birthday/Xmas special. TLC wants to re-coop their money they lost on K8. The Roloffs, have already did a special, and they have not been off the air, 6 months? Both are still under contract.

The Roloff's ended their contract with TLC when they ended their regular show. They signed a new and improved contract for the "specials" they're now doing (info is on a number of blogs and in media articles). Matt signed for more money, fewer filming hours, and more control over content. IMO, Kate's contract with TLC ended, ie: TLC's statement that they did not renew her contract and her statement that she was surprised about the announcement. I don't think this trip has anything to do with TLC other than it may have been arranged through people she met while doing the show. I guess we'll have to wait to find out -- my hope is we'll never see anything. I hope no news is good news.

gramof5 said... 24

Dwindle said...

I guess what bothers me is knowing how harmful she is being to those little kids. I wish I could un-know it. I wish, since I can do nothing for those kids, I wish I could forget them. I need to try harder.
Very well written post and I totally agree with everything you wrote.

I feel that I have wasted so many precious hours of my life (at 65, I don't have too many left) on worrying about someone else's children.

I have 5 beautiful grandchildren that my energy could have gone to.

I more than likely will stick around until the final curtain falls.

I predict that the end results will not be pleasant. I mean for Kate, as I don't see anything good coming from her disease.

Hoosier Girl said... 25

TLC stinks said...
So where are the twins?

I wondered the same thing ... for a moment ...

Then I thought - Hopefully they were somewhere far away from Katie and Stevie. With nice, non-screaming, non-shrewish people. Having fun, not getting yelled at and enjoying their birthday.

Hoosier Girl said... 26

One of her most dedicated sheeple on Twitter said something to her like ... Thanks for all the new stuff on the website.

I don't go there. For anyone who does, what all did she add? Does it look like a full blown website yet? Is there a PayPal button yet?

NT said... 27

Julianne Houghs going away to live with her dance coach is no different than a young girl going to live with her skating coach or something like that. I'm sure it's with parents permission and look where it got her!! I'm sure that only happened because she showed great promise. JMO

Mimi to 3 said... 28

I still firmly believe that TLC is filming. Even though Kate claims their contract has ended, she lies all the time. The contract was to run until February 2012. Just because she says it ended does not make it so. I'm sure TLC has rights to filming until that time and is taking advantage of that right and filming for specials. Otherwise, Jon was lying when he said he would not allow his children to be filmed anymore. Nothing else makes any kind of sense, considering her absence from Twitter and her cryptic remark about not being able to comment on Friday. That is so typical of Kate, keep everything secret and then all the hoopla that follows. Yep, she is filming them. Wait and see. She will NEVER go quietly into that good night. She does not give a flying flip about the welfare of her children. Only about herself.

Hoosier Girl said... 29

Why would TLC fly them to WY to film though? That's expensive and Katie doesn't draw in the viewers like she used to.

I mean the sheeple are going to watch anything Gosselin - they don't have to be traveling to get the sheep to watch - so TLC would be smarter to just film them at home.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 30

Just Me said...

New post up. No pictures with this one. It's nice of Kate's sheeple to do the majority of the work on her site for her. Between the Ask Kate entries and Letter from a Runner type entries and now this one.

Kate didn't announce the last two new blog entries on Twitter. That's a first.

Hoosier Girl said...

One of her most dedicated sheeple on Twitter said something to her like ... Thanks for all the new stuff on the website.

That's not one of her most dedicated fans, just one of her most vile tweeters. I don't even think she likes Kate much, just really hates the nonfans. She hasn't posted for a while (said she's traveling) so perhaps what's been added to Kate's website the last few days is new to her.

No Paypal yet. Still lots of empty categories. Still looks like crap.

JudyK said... 31

Oh, Please...Steve is NOT being paid. They're a pair and have been forever. She cries poor but pays an unneeded bodyguard, and he's never with his wife? Get real.

Dallas Lady said... 32

Mimi to 3, but what would it benefit Kate to lie and say TLC canceled her? If they hadn't canceled her, there would have been no announcement of the cancellation and remember, TLC announced it. Kate had to confirm it--it was already out there.

TLC wouldn't fly her and the twins to WY to film, they'd do it right in PA. And even for a special, there hasn't been enough time for an update.

No, TLC is through with her. I'd go so far as to say there will be no updates.

It doesn't matter whether Kate wants it to end or not--TLC was her employer. She was fired. The end.

Tucker's Mom said... 33

RE: Steve and Kate being a couple: This is what has always registered on my radar. But why not come out with it??
What to gain by the subterfuge years after the divorce?

Just curious said... 34

RE: Athletes or dancers leaving family for sport.

I find the support for her career very hypocritical. If a kid has a talent than they no longer NEED a normal childhood?

Sorry about the parent's divorce but shipping the kids off to a foreign country so they can "eventually" reap the benefits of working their childhoods away seems a bit extreme.

Yes, she's big and famous now. Let's watch what happens to her and then see how that wonderful experience highlighted her life.

Hoosier Girl said... 35

Tucker's Mom said...
RE: Steve and Kate being a couple: This is what has always registered on my radar. But why not come out with it??
What to gain by the subterfuge years after the divorce?

Is his wife a US citizen or is she from NZ? Just wondering if he has citizenship here yet .. or if his wife does .. and he is staying married due to that?

If I were his wife, I'd have kicked his ass to the curb long ago.

Laurie said... 36

I think that this is just a free trip that kate somehow grifted and I don't think TLC is filming. Why? When has TLC ever really been interested in the twins? No disrespect to the twins, but twins are a dime a dozen. It's always been aobut the tups.

TLC stinks said... 37

Re Kate and Steve as a couple and no announcement: If a couple, in my opinion the reason it's been kept quiet is due to Kate's demand (same thing with her wanting to pretend the marriage to Jon wasn't in trouble to keep the money rolling in) because it would be BAD publicity for her being involved with a married man. Even with TLC out of the picture now, she wants to maintain the image of a " single" mom. I am not convinced they are a couple, but if he accompanied her and the twins on a vacation that did not involve TLC, then there is something going on. She'll lose her sheeple fan base because wives are not going support her as a home wrecker.

hey jude said... 38

There is nothing really that strange about Juliane Hough going away to live with her coach,in the competitive world of dance or figure skating. Her brother Derek 12 yrs. old, was already living there with his coach, who is Mark Ballas' father,another pro on DWTS.

One year,the dad coached an older star on the show,too, just can't think of her name. I saw a special of the three teens on DWTS showing them dancing at the Ballas' home in their pj's. Julianne used to date Mark at one time, as an older teen and they all remain friends.

All of them enjoyed this time training away from home,and it was healthier for them re: parents' divorcing.They remain very close and Mark and Derek have a band together and play on the show sometimes.Julianne moved on to singing country music and acting now,in the
DSid Footloose remake.

All of them are very talented and appear to be nice young people enjoying their lives on tv.It can be a good thing if gone about it the right way, with the children's best interests at heart,unlike Kate's idea of promoting herself.

She looks for the easy money and these dancers worked hard since they were young to perfect their craft. Kate wants instant gratification, like thinking she would win DWTS when she first started, because people would vote for her, since she's so famous! Big ego,little talent or desire to improve her dancing, it was all about the $$$$$.

So, Kate look at what your attitude has done for you. Perhaps you could interest yourself in those 8 kids you brought into this world ,now that your 15 min. is hopefully over. Tick, tick ,tick......

Did anyone see Chaz dance last night, he was really trying hard and got a standing ovation. The woman in the front row, fighting back tears of love and pride,standing up and cheering,his Mom, Cher!

No fan-fare, no body-guard, no fancy dressing, just a regular Mom cheering her kid on, only it was CHER! I was so impressed by both of them, since Chaz is so overweight and out of shape, but he just did it anyway.I really like Cher, the Mom. Chaz said he was happy because his whole family was there for him last night.I won't lie, I cried- hope he doesn't go home to-night.

hey jude said... 39

Sorry,I have no idea either what I meant by 'DSid' Footloose remake! I have a gremlin in my keyboard who pops up and prints things, when I 'm not looking. This is the first time in a 2 wk. peroid that I could post with I.E. browswer. Wierd!

hey jude said... 40

Oh, shazam. I meant period, of course.

Tucker's Mom said... 41

Kate is so good at lying and crafting stories that I think she'd say that she and Steve became a couple after the dissolution of their respective marriages.
Given that Steve isn't exactly camera-shy anymore, they could be the next Bethany Getting Married?

Sandi said... 42

Had a fun celebration with Mady&Cara! I can't explain my love for them!
Good grief woman, your their mother, why would you even try to explain why you love your own children? Kate you need to grow up and spend time with all 8 count em 8 kids, you may discover you love all of them equally, even the icky boys!!!!

hey jude said... 43

Just curious,

Why do you assume the Hough kids didn't have a normal childhood? I don't understand your reasoning? It might not be what you or I think is normal, but these dancers wanted to pursue dance. Julianne moved to England to live with her coach, and her older brother and joined their family.

Talented dancers and skaters do this, and continue to go to school, have friends and learn their craft. Their parents made the decision to send her ,during their divorce to be with her brother and coach, a more stable environment for them all.There are pros and cons in life decisions, we just all try to make the best ones we can for our children.

Hoosier Girl said... 44

I don't think a little infidelity would turn Katie's sheep away from her.

The sheep with any scruples - left after the grifting and lying and divorce played out on TV.

The sheep who continue to follow her would do what they always do - make excuses for her.

Midnight Madness said... 45

She'll lose her sheeple fan base because wives are not going support her as a home wrecker.


The sheeple are too far gone in their adoration to ever abandon her or criticize her. They will find some way to justify her actions. My gosh - look at the insane excuses they've come up with for her actions in everything else. My bet is that they would blame Jon. He drove her to it, and therefore, it was acceptable. Or they would say that Steve's marriage was already on the rocks, and if he had a strong marriage, nothing would have broken them up.

Permanent Name said... 46

So maybe IE browser is playing nice with blogger now..... I'll try a test post. Haven't been able to get on in weeks.

OK, I've clicked twice now to post. Maybe 3rd time is charm.....

Permanent Name said... 47


LOL - did you miss me? {wink}

There have been several posts I wanted to comment on but when I'd click everything would simply disappear into the ether....

And yes, that picture above makes her hand look bizarre......... ick.

chefsummer #Leh said... 48

If TLC is doing something more with Kate such as updated. Maybe it's because they only filmed 136 episodes and not 150.

Is it possible that the specials are the rest of the 150 episodes?.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 49

OMG!!! Has anyone seen this video?
The actress has Kate pegged. It's called:

Kate Gosselin A Cry For Help


Absolutely brilliant :o)

konspiracytheory said... 50

Interesting article re: how actress Kristen Stewart perceives her education was sacrificed while she was a working child actor. Interesting because of whom she blames for her botched education - not her parents; according to her, the blame rests on every single one of her teachers.

Kate is probably praying right now that her kids think this way when they're adults (times eight, of course). Good luck with that...


JudyK said... 51

Permanent Name said... So maybe IE browser is playing nice with blogger now..... I'll try a test post. Haven't been able to get on in weeks.

OK, I've clicked twice now to post. Maybe 3rd time is charm.....

October 11, 2011 1:35 PM
Permanent Name said... YAY!

LOL - did you miss me? {wink}

There have been several posts I wanted to comment on but when I'd click everything would simply disappear into the ether....

And yes, that picture above makes her hand look bizarre......... ick.

I've had the same problem and all my brilliant insights just evaporated! LOL.

Just curious said... 52

Hey Jude, I respect your opinion but I was just floored when she said she moved out at 10. Yes, she was with good people and they have big talent but I still have an issue with how they did it.

Obviously, I'm the only one here bothered by it so I'll drop the subject. Just thought it was interesting, that's all.

Sunrise, Sunset said... 53

Even in the photo with the young lad, you can see Kate's turkey neck - sagging skin. With her body build, you lose the weight above the waist first - arms, neck, face. I bet she looks in the mirror and thinks that one can never be too thin. It's kind of like her outlook on money - one can never have enough, and one cannot be too skinny.

I agree with the poster who said that she's on her way to becoming anorexic, and if she doesn't be careful, she'll have the kids following the same route. She won't listen, though, and something's gotta give.

Teresa said... 54

IE is working? Let's see.... testing, testing

Teresa said... 55


JudyK said... 56

Re Steve: Remember during the infamous "last" episode when Kate was throwing a fit about Steve and the pizza, and Ashley and Jamie looked at each other and said, "It's always about him, isn't it?" Some site, maybe it was D-Listed, said they had been wanting to come out for awhile and the show didn't know how to handle it (and they weren't named, but it was obvious it was them). Wait and see--we're almost there. I'd actually gain some respect for her for telling the truth for a change.

Teresa said... 57

Zipperty doo da, zipperty day, my oh my what a wonderful day.....Gotcha singing that song in your heard didn't l ? lol

Teresa said... 58

*head* even

Gimme said... 59

Didn't TLC themselves says they cancelled the show. It would not surprise me to find that they are secretly married. Only a married woman would come undone about her man's food.

Teresa said... 60

Btw...l sent an email to Khate asking her to 'fess up about her and Steve. I'll let you know if she replies lol, not holding my breath.

Tucker's Mom said... 61

ust curious said...
Hey Jude, I respect your opinion but I was just floored when she said she moved out at 10. Yes, she was with good people and they have big talent but I still have an issue with how they did it.
I agree. I cannot imagine for a second another women raising my daughter unless I was incapacitated in a bad way. That age is so tender. First crush, first kiss, first boyfriend, the "monthly friend" shows up for the first time, shaving legs. How can a mother miss this?
Sure, fame and money is great, but the abandonment will be there forever. No one should dessert their children and abdicate their responsibility of raising them unless they are so poor, so sick, or dead. Or incarcerated ;-)

Marie said... 62

You know, as Kate cries poor now yet continues to travel, when she is hit with real financial difficulty nobody is going to believe her.

It is simply pathetic a grown woman can't figure out what to do without her hand being held and her ego being stroked. Too bad narsassism is too difficulty to diagnois for a stay in the looney bin.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 63

I think since Kate gets the benefit of a trip away from home, her own personal travel is far more important than any birthday. Fortunately Cara and Mady got to spend some time alone with Kate, but remind me why Steve needs to be there, taking attention away from the the twins?

Why can't Kate ever do something for her kids without all the frills, including HER bodyguard?

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 64

Teresa- Bless your heart but I think you are now on permanant block or whatever Kate does when she doesn't want to deal with real questions. : )

anger issues kate said... 65

Dallas Lady: where does it say that TLC is through with Kate. Just cause they canceled her show does not mean she is off the hook, they still own her till that contract runs out, in feb 2012. The Roloffs show was canceled, and they just did a special. Kate is too quiet about the Twins birthday weekend. TLC filmed it. Jon can't really say anything if they are still under contract. Why, do you not think that Kate is not going on Talk shows whining, bitching, complaining, and crying, about being poor. Just a little to test the waters. Cause TLC is still flipping the bill, maybe not like they did before, but Kate is still, getting something. Perhaps, a small percentage for the show, being shown in other countries. Be ready for a special coming.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 66

Judy K- yep about time Steve and Kate come out of the closet with their relationship. Not due to her rage over his not getting "his pizza" on the RV trip, but I think more telling was how she treated him like Jon, slamming doors after screaming and yelling and criticizing him. And he took it! Just like Jon did. RUN STEVE RUN! Although I have very little respect for him as well.

Teresa said... 67

Gosselin8comefirst....sniff, sniff, l know boo hoo, Khate will never forgive me now...lol Like l give a fiddler's fart lmao

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 68

Anger Issue Kate- "TLC filmed it" as in the twins' birthday. If you have any proof of this, please let us all know. I am thinking some prior hotel comp from an Emmy Show. Didn't Kate go as a guest again this year, as well as last year? Have heard nothing about TLC filming the twins birthday.

Regardless, as Kate noted in her twits, she was having trouble transitioning from 1 week at home MOM to 1 week Traveling Mom. What a joke. The woman does NOT want to be at home with her kids.

Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 69

Teresa- I know how heart breaking this must be for you ;-) I think this officially makes you a non-sheeple for asking such a question (Love it) .... Congrats!

anger issues kate said... 70

Gosselin8 come first: This is my opinion, they filmed the twin birthday, cause they are still under contract. I've never been at a website, where people who are making an opinion are nit-picked, and have chased some people away. We have people here who believe that Kate is grifting, granted that might be true, but given that Kate herself said she can't afford trips, not all of that trip would be grifted. They may have given her hotel/lodging, but plane fare?
Then we have those, me included, who believe that TLC is filming, and flipped the bill.
We probably will have to wait and watch during the next 2 1/2 months to see who is right and who will admit they were wrong.
As, for filming the twins birthday, as someone here said, perhaps this was pre-arranged, months ago, and yes, what ever they were doing in WY, they probably could have did it in PA. So if it part of a special, of course they have to make it a trip of some kind, cause, filming in PA would be boring, I would not think so, but TLC has to make it a big deal. They are doing that with the Duggars. Half the episode is boring, then they take them some where. So we will have to wait and see. Kate is too quiet!

Gift of grab said... 71

Tucker's Mom: I actually think that something like Bethenny Getting Married is exactly what Kate thought she would get TLC to agree to. Unfortunately, based on what was televised of the RV trip and the little tidbits of "reality" that leaked out from people who encountered them on the road, I believe that Kate proved herself such a high-maintenance, never-grateful and ever-whinging diva, they just decided that they'd had enough and shortly thereafter made the decision to can her ass. I also don't think it's very likely, at least in the near future, that TLC will have them back on television for any reason. Notwithstanding that they would have to go through Jon's objections first, I believe that somehow, over the summer, our dear Katie Irene didn't just burn bridges, she nuked 'em.

Some day, the story will emerge. And I have no doubt it will be one for the ages.

Anonymous said... 72

specualtion on my part...looks like kate got keratin hair straightening - i posted this in last thread...her hair and makeup look good. wonder what called for a professional hair/makeup. photos? filming? interview? media.
again..just speculating


dee3 said... 73

@ Dallas Lady~

I have to say that I agree with you...I think TLC is done with Kate but also believe that they do have a contract with her until 2/12 and that Steve's (paid) services (in addition to a continuing paycheck) may be included in that contract.

Could they be filming a special? Sure....but I doubt it. I think that if they do film any update specials, all 8 of the children will be included, not just the twins....and it won't be for a good while. And Jon will not really have much say in whether TLC can film his children or not until this contract ends....after that, it will be a different story.

Kate has tweeted tweets that hinted that she was angry at TLC....and even a few where she just about threw them under the bus. And her crying poor tour....had a major under-current of the poor "single" mom of 8 being tossed out on the street by the big, bad network. I've just gotten the feeling that there is no love lost now between Kate and TLC.

However....I do believe that there may be a clause in the contract regarding TLC's right to film the children a few times, through the years....when they hit certain milestones, age-wise....and if it's in the contract, Jon might not be able to prevent it....but to be filming specials so soon? With the first one being only of the twins? Nah, I highly doubt it.

Laurie said... 74

@Anger Issues - The reason she's not on every talk show crying poor is because she's yesterday's news, bottom of the bird cage. No one will have her. As I said above, when was TLC ever interested in just the twins? I don't think anyone is really nit-picking nor are they trying to chase you away. I think we're just stating our opinions which just happen to be differnt from your opinion. If we're wrong, we're wrong, no harm, no foul. Get over it.

@ EM - My opinion on the hair and make up is a pampered day at the spa.

I agree with Dallas Lady and Dee3. I think TLC is done with her except for a clause in the contracting giveing them the right to film the tups milestones. If there is such a clause then she wasn't lying when she said that the contract did not run through Feb 2012 (don't remember how she phrased it). The contract may run much longer if TLC owns the rights to the kids' lives.

Pam said... 75

Sunrise, Sunset said...

I agree with the poster who said that she's on her way to becoming anorexic, and if she doesn't be careful, she'll have the kids following the same route. She won't listen, though, and something's gotta give.
October 11, 2011 2:14 PM

I think she is totally losing all this weight for media attention. She knows it will get her in the tabloids and people gossiping about how skinny she is, just like Leann Rimes, Nicole Ritchie and Ali Lohan. Any publicity is good publicity in Kate's eyes.

There will be some sob headline on ROL:

"Poor Kate is so stressed and worried about money now that her show is cancelled, she can't eat. Someone please hire her before she withers away."

Laurie said... 76

When I said above "when was TLC ever interested in just the twins?" I was talking about TLC footing the bill to film the twins' birthday.

gramof5 said... 77

Has anyone seen the video of the Duggars posted on Radar? Yes, they continued to film a horrible accident, when one of the little boys fell though a platform on a stage and was seriously injured.

Well...that's ok if you missed it . They're showing the entire thing on tonights episode.

Sure did change my opinion of The Duggars. TLC makes me sick !

Mimi to 3 said... 78

So the latest twit about 'I can't explain my love for Mady and Cara'? How stupid. Has she never heard that actions speak louder than words and we have seen her actions over and over again. She has this insane need to defend herself once she has put herself out there and let it all hang out. Also, what mother doesn't have words to explain our love for our children. She is certainly not alone or someone who is doing something extraordinary. Get over yourself Kate.

Marie said... 79

I predict that once she hits 40 Kate will have one of those mid-life crisis type things. The twins will be 16 and the younger ones will be 13 and she'll possibly be so overwhelmed by it. She thinks it's hard now to have kids. Boy, many of us here have been teen and might remember difficult time we gave our parents...or difficult time they have us!

Why do I have the possible feeling she might send the boys to live with Jon eventually? It's obvious she favors having girls. Since you know boys are strange, icky, horrendous, dirty on and on about how she seems to at least dislike them unless they are praising her.

Anonymous said... 80

Why does she feel she has to explain that she CAN'T EXPLAIN her love for Mady and Cara?

I think there is certainly something going on with Steve. While she is not getting the 'coverage' she would like, there are still some reports on her. Maybe she is waiting for 'interest' to dry up and then she and Steve will own up to what's been going on; assuring her of wall-to-wall coverage once again.


cwgirlup75 said... 81

Kate, for once in your freaking life, TELL THE TRUTH. WE know that you and Steve are a couple, YOU know that you are a couple, JON knows it, and I am sure your kids know it. Don't know why the hell Gina puts up with it, but whatever. (Or, whateva, as Steve would say.)

cwgirlup75 said... 82

I think there is certainly something going on with Steve. While she is not getting the 'coverage' she would like, there are still some reports on her. Maybe she is waiting for 'interest' to dry up and then she and Steve will own up to what's been going on; assuring her of wall-to-wall coverage once again.

I agree. I've thought for awhile now that coming out with the truth (or her version of it) will be her last grasp at attention.

Dallas Lady said... 83

Chef summer, that would mean 14 specials??? Ain't gonna happen, my friend.

And like others said, Kate isn't on talk shows because she isn't being asked on! She doesn't have a network getting her on talk shows anymore and she's irrelevant!

I hope no one is holding their breath waiting on a special. Even months before they canceled her, TLC stopped doing much to promote the show. They'd send her on "media tours," they got her on Twitter (remember, she announced the Twitter account on the Today show), but they didn't promote her on the TLC site and rarely showed promos on the channel. It FELT like she was being dropped long before she was, so I have a hard time believing they're already flying her places again filming a birthday for a special.

The Steve thing? I really don't know. But I feel pretty safe in saying TLC didn't send her on this trip and isn't filming.

chefsummer #Leh said... 84

Dallas Lady said... Chef summer, that would mean 14 specials??? Ain't gonna happen, my friend.

I sure hope not like every one. I just want the kids to be done and. Have some form of a normal life as for. Kate she cab do what ever she wants on TV internet-(by herself)-LOL.

fidosmommy said... 85

I have to wonder if this young man in the picture is a fan of Kate Gosselin's who would recognize her in a public place, or if there was a film crew that drew his attention to her.

The restaurant (is that what it is?) does not look overly crowded. Perhaps there is a quiet little nook perfect for filming without all that background noise restaurants usually have.

Audible Click said... 86

chefsummer said...

I sure hope not like every one. I just want the kids to be done and. Have some form of a normal life as for. Kate she cab do what ever she wants on TV internet-(by herself)-LOL.
Once again, I'm having trouble parsing your post. Could you, perhaps, proofread your posts before hitting the "post comment" button?

Marlene said... 87

Kate was at the Red Reflet Lodge in Ten Sleep, WY - the same place where they filmed that episode with the three boys. The going rate during this season PER PERSON is 1,800 per adult for a 3 night/4 day stay. Meals are included, but nothing else. Cost for children 11 and up are 75% of the applicable adult rate - so it cost $1,350 for each of them. So, the total for lodging and meals alone for Kate, Steve, and the twins was $6,300. On top of that, there is airfare, activities, and incidentals. http://www.red-reflet-ranch.net/

Warmth Of The Sun said... 88

I sure hope not like every one. I just want the kids to be done and. Have some form of a normal life as for. Kate she cab do what ever she wants on TV internet-(by herself)-LOL.


I believe this poster commented that she types very fast. If this is the case, slowing down would help. Speed really doesn't mean anything if the posts are difficult to interpret and are very confusing, no matter how valid the point may be. Readers are not going to take the time to figure out the content of the post when they are written like this.

Audible Click said... 89

Marlene said... Kate was at the Red Reflet Lodge in Ten Sleep, WY - the same place where they filmed that episode with the three boys. The going rate during this season PER PERSON is 1,800 per adult for a 3 night/4 day stay. Meals are included, but nothing else. Cost for children 11 and up are 75% of the applicable adult rate - so it cost $1,350 for each of them. So, the total for lodging and meals alone for Kate, Steve, and the twins was $6,300. On top of that, there is airfare, activities, and incidentals. http://www.red-reflet-ranch.net/
Wow...I wonder how the sheeple will spin this. Maybe like this? "Oh, Kate needs a really expensive vacation because she is so exhausted, and stressed. The twins can miss school because...well just because and Steve needs to be with her at all times because he's the only one that knows how to help her and keep those paps away." Yep, I can just see them bleating that or some variation of that, eventually.

Dallas Lady said... 90

Marlene, that makes me think even more she grifted this trip. No way would she pay that amount and TLC isn't doing it, either.

Rhymes with Witch said... 91

"I predict that once she hits 40 Kate will have one of those mid-life crisis type things. The twins will be 16 and the younger ones will be 13 and she'll possibly be so overwhelmed by it."
Not disagreeing, but I don't think anyone will care.

Is She Or Isn't She? said... 92

"I have to say that I agree with you...I think TLC is done with Kate but also believe that they do have a contract with her until 2/12 and that Steve's (paid) services (in addition to a continuing paycheck) may be included in that contract."


Then why would she tweet that there is no truth to the internet rumor that she is under contract until 2/12?

Rhymes with Witch said... 93

Maybe she allowed the fan's pic to be posted BECAUSE the "dreaded" paps are no where to be found?

Doesn't Add Up said... 94

Marie - Recalculate those ages. Kate is now 36, the twins are 11 and the tups are 7.

Anonymous said... 95

$6,300.00 pluse airfare for 4 (First class, no doubt) PLUS. TLC paid first time around, can't see them paying again. She is not going to pay this kind of cash for four days; besides how does this jibe with how she portrays herself, poor out-of-work single mother of eight. It's a mystery to me.


Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 96

I don't know if she "allowed" the photo to be posted, the fan has every right to post this picture whether Kate likes it or not. She's not Mr. Book Burning Man as much as she thinks she is.

Free speech baby!

Just Me said... 97

Then why would she tweet that there is no truth to the internet rumor that she is under contract until 2/12?

Because if her lips are moving (or her fingers typing) she is lying?

Not under contract until 2/12 could mean a lot of things. She is still under contract now. She is under contract LONGER than 2/12.

She is very crafty in her answers, particularly when the questions are very specific like the contract one was.

Laurie said... 98

Here's an interesting article on Kate. I don't know if it was posted on the other thread or not.


Marie said... 99

Sorry, I know I was off. I forgot Kate was 36 anyway.

At very least if she doesn't have a job by next year, January, will be more than clear she lied. Either contract wise and money wise. I just don't see an average person who would be unemployed able to sustain themselves this long, this lavishly without a job.

Teresa said... 100

Are there any super-sleuths in here that could find out where Steve's parents live (not actual address, just town)to get court documents of a wedding, since it would fall under 'Freedom of Information' I had a feeling when they went on the Aussie/New Zealand trip and Steve introduced her to his folks that it could have been a sneaky wedding. Why else would he have her meet his parents?

Maybe Preesi might be interested in finding out?

On second thought....who gives a rat's tutu!

Day In The Life Of A Purse-Boy said... 101

Are there any super-sleuths in here that could find out where Steve's parents live (not actual address, just town)to get court documents of a wedding, since it would fall under 'Freedom of Information' I had a feeling when they went on the Aussie/New Zealand trip and Steve introduced her to his folks that it could have been a sneaky wedding. Why else would he have her meet his parents?


Because they watch the show and have heard so much about her and the children and since they were in NZ, why wouldn't he introduce them?

I think Steve and Gina would have to be divorced first, and NZ divorce records are sealed for 10 years.

She's Nuts said... 102

I sure hope not like every one. I just want the kids to be done and. Have some form of a normal life as for. Kate she cab do what ever she wants on TV internet-(by herself)-LOL.


How about typing VERY SLOWLY just one time to see how that works out!

Marlene said... 103

Is She Or Isn't She? said...
Then why would she tweet that there is no truth to the internet rumor that she is under contract until 2/12?
October 11, 2011 6:17 PM
I think that may be because she wants a "job" now and if she got an offer, she'd have to get the OK from TLC.

Dallas Lady said... 104

Networks can get out of contracts ANY time (that's how stuff can get canceled after just one or two shows), the performers cannot. If Kate were still under contract with TLC, I have no doubt she'd be crowing on twitter, throwing wink wink hints about a GREAT AWESOME special coming up.

Also, the awful amateur website was started after cancelation. She only had stuff on the TLC site before.

Just....nothing points to some super secret contract until February to me. She's done on TV. This trip was either grifted during one of her other trips to WY, a freebie resort stay from the Emmys (and as Admin correctly pointed out, she's still going out of pocket to pay for the other expenses) or she paid for it herself. It's highly unlikely she paid for it herself, and I think it's highly unlikely TLC paid for it.

Sometimes I type this stuff and think, "Ugh, who cares? I hope this bitch disappears forever." I must still be somewhat interested, but it's definitely waning fast.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 105

NO PRIVATE ADDRESSES. Especially of people who certainly did not ask that their son become involved with this narcissistic griftor. I don't care if it's public info.

Teresa said... 106

Day in the Life....."...I think Steve and Gina would have to be divorced first, and NZ divorce records are sealed for 10 years."


They may have divorced in Maryland, PA

Teresa said... 107

Admin....l said not actual address.

anger issues kate said... 108

Ok, if Kate is not under contract anymore, then why did she do promo for the show in other countries? You only promo a show that you have done or doing if you are under contract or got a nice sum of money. Kate tweeted that, after the show was canceled. If she was that mad at TLC, she would not have done the promos. I would have told TLC to stick the promos where the sun does not shine. Kate was testing the waters to see what the fan & media reaction, would be on, the show canceled and crying poor.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 109

Of course Kate is still under contract, the promo for TLC's international programming was the best evidence of that.

Like others have pointed out, the question was too specific. The question was does your contract end in Feb. Kate answered no. She could be under contract shorter or even longer. She could be under contract until Jan 31st or until March 1 and she wouldn't be lying. AND, maybe the kids' contract ends in Feb. but she may have a separate indefinite contract so they can make use of her whenever they need her. After all Jon may be able to make the kids' contract end for good but he can't do much about Kate's. Kate=TLC's bitch and she doesn't care.

The question would have been better asked, Are you under contract with TLC, and if so, when does it end?

Give Peace A Chance said... 110

"They may have divorced in Maryland, PA"

Why would they divorce in Pennsylvania? They live in Maryland.

I agree with admin. Steve's parents are off-limits, their addresses, and any personal information. Enough is enough, even if there is a freedom of info act.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 111

Also, why would Steve bother with a divorce? It may be more trouble than it's worth. He can reap the benefits of Kate without being tied to her permanently. He can bail if need be, while still maintaining the appearance of a nice nuclear family. Unfortunately this is what I've heard a lot of guys his age do. They have their mistress, often for years, but they keep their wife for appearances and all the benefits of that, and always make sure there's an easy way out of the affair if need be. They never get so entrenched they can't step out. Sad, but the mistress also doesn't have to put up with it, nor does the wife. It's sad women in these situations allow it.

Teresa said... 112

Okay. I just threw it out there, sorry if l over-stepped the boundary. Didn't mean to ruffle any feathers. My geography is off too. I though Maryland was in PA. My apologies for appearing stupid.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 113

It wasn't you Teresa who posted the address someone else did, I deleted it. But this goes for everyone please don't talk about this kind of personal harassment of folks including those who know Kate or know people who know Kate, or her fans or non-fans. Leave that to other blogs.

hey jude said... 114


I am so happy that I.E. is letting us post again, mine goes through on th 3rd push of the post button again. The print is so small on the blog when I had to use the Chrome browser, I would need coke bottle glasses to read the posts.

I can make the print bigger on IE, and I just like it better.I am sure you can do something with print size , but I don't know how and my patience for learning new tricks is waning!Old age again, ha ha...

You are so going to be blocked now; Kate is going to have you for supper! So funny,though.I am sticking with my original thought that Kate and Steve are getting married and the twins get to be bridesmaids as their birthday present!

Kate is so selfish that she would think that this would be something they would love to do for their mother, idiot that she is.Wouldn't that feel like a gift to you? Yeah, no.I think someone else is paying, but TLC is not ,nor are they paying anyone now.

I have no idea why I think this way, it just came to me when I heard Paul was getting married last w/e. Sigh.....

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 115

This really begs the question, what does Steve see in Kate, if it's true they are together? And let me tell you the fact that he is STILL around is starting to make me question this again when for a long time I was pretty sure he was just the paid purse boy and any affair existed in Kate's head. Personally I thought he looked kind of tired of her in the RV episode.

Your boyfriend isn't going to last long if, after a grueling day on the side of the road trying to fix a broken RV, he suggests you just make it easy on everyone and order pizza, and you won't let him and insist on marinating chicken and grilling it on grills that aren't even set up yet. I really don't see how he could put up with that. Or anyone could.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 116

Wait a minute.....someone else saw Kate at Bed Bath and Beyond last Friday, or so they claim. But she didn't say WHERE she saw her. Maybe Kate was shopping for curtains and matching place mats for her new little housie with Ratclaws in the back country of Wyoming. LOL.

chefsummer #Leh said... 117

Due to my learning disability my grammar has never been. Where I wanted it to be so you guy will have to bare with me.

Also I can't see Kate as a mistress she seems way to controlling in wanting things her way.

Marie said... 118

What's the point even of Kate lying about if she is or isn't under contract?

Not like it serves a purpose for her lying, maybe as a mind game I guess or the pretense that she will be able to get back with TLC or another reality show.

Other than that, come on. Besides I tend to think maybe as with Jon who violated his contract by being in the media, wouldn't Kate be in the same violation? Or is she special?

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 119

Marie, don't hurt yourself. There is no point to many of Kate's lies, which is what makes it all the more sociopathic. She lies because she can. She lies because she doesn't know anything different. She lies because it's a lifestyle. Sometimes she lies because she likes to take credit for things, sometimes she lies to try to make Jon look as bad as possible, but mostly she lies for no reason a rational person can discern.

Don't try to look for rationality in Kate, you'll hurt yourself.

a coincidence is not the same as an accident said... 120

I completely agree that all signs point to kate and Steve being a couple. But, seriously, WHAT THE HECK DOES HE SEE IN HER?
There is NOTHING attractive about her looks, and on the inside she is a cold-hearted, self-centered bitch.
The only thing that makes sense, based on what we have seen of kate, is that he is greedy, and just in it for the money. It's a shame that he doesn't care that he is being paid with THE CHILDREN'S money.

fidosmommy said... 121

Maybe Steve is going to do an update of Dante's
Inferno and is trying to experience the levels of hell for himself.

Bah Bah Black Sheep said... 122

Why would Kate care what a sheep does? These tweeties are so delusional when it comes to thinking that they in a personal relationship with her. Are they really so needy that they crave attention from her?

@Kateplusmy8 So Im not gonna "spill my beans" abt what I did 2nite! I will save it 4 anothr day..when U R ready 2 tweet w/ur tweeties!

Marie said... 123

Administrator said...

Don't try to look for rationality in Kate, you'll hurt yourself.


Yeah you're right. I'll probably sprain something.

I look at things from a logical perspective I guess. Though I can understand controlling parents I guess the enigma of Kate is too much.

I just wish her lies would get her in enough trouble if possible to cause her to be put in place. Hey, I can dream.

Twittering and a Twattering said... 124

Bah said: Why would Kate care what a sheep does? These tweeties are so delusional when it comes to thinking that they in a personal relationship with her. Are they really so needy that they crave attention from her?

@Kateplusmy8 So Im not gonna "spill my beans" abt what I did 2nite! I will save it 4 anothr day..when U R ready 2 tweet w/ur tweeties! @Kateplusmy8 So Kate ...are u lurking? Or are U gonna boycott me again! LOL! U'll never guess what I did 2nite?


They are not only delusional, but they flirt with her, acting like they are close friends. I believe that this one comes from the same person quoted above:

@Kateplusmy8 So Kate ...are u lurking? Or are U gonna boycott me again! LOL! U'll never guess what I did 2nite?

It's sad, really, when you think about it! Any bets on when she cancels her Twitter account, or is she too addicted to the tweeties fussing over her?

hey jude said... 125

Teresa, you are not stupid, you are from Canada.How are we supposed to know what all these initials stand for, sheeeesh...I bet no one knows where PA is in Canada,either!I think Prince Albert everytime I see those initials.

Some days it is just pissy in the sand box.

Getting Schooled said... 126

Fidosmommy said,

"Maybe Steve is going to do an update of Dante's
Inferno and is trying to experience the levels of hell for himself."


Kate would be in Circles IV, V, and VIII. Where would Steve find himself - in the Circle I, Limbo?

Twittering and a Twattering said... 127

I bet no one knows where PA is in Canada,either!


There's a PA in Canada?

"I think Prince Albert everytime I see those initials."


Is he in the can?

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 128

chefsummer said...

Due to my learning disability my grammar has never been. Where I wanted it to be so you guy will have to bare with me.

No problem. Some like to snark on more than just Kate. Pay no attention.

chefsummer #Leh said... 129

What's the point even of Kate lying about if she is or isn't under contract?

Not like it serves a purpose for her lying, maybe as a mind game I guess or the pretense that she will be able to get back with TLC or another reality show.

Other than that, come on. Besides I tend to think maybe as with Jon who violated his contract by being in the media, wouldn't Kate be in the same violation? Or is she special?

She wants people to feel sorry for her

url said... 130

Regarding Kart being under contract with TLC until February 2012. There were two tweets from the same person. One tweet questioned about her not being allowed to accept other media gigs and the other questioned whether she was still under contract with TLC. I believe she only answered the question regarding her not being allowed to accept offers for other media gigs (answering not true) and she didn't answer the question regarding still being under contract. I think she is still under contract and TLC will give her a new yearly contract for a limited number of episodes to be filmed next summer (similar to the Roloff's). She'll end up taking Jon to court to film the kids again because she won't have another media job and TLC is her main source of income. Steve will stick around as long as he's being paid. He'll be gone when the paycheck stops.

Call Me Crazy said... 131

hey jude said...

I am so happy that I.E. is letting us post again, mine goes through on th 3rd push of the post button again. The print is so small on the blog when I had to use the Chrome browser, I would need coke bottle glasses to read the posts.

Hey jude . . .

You can make the type size larger in Google Chrome pretty easily. When Chrome is open, you should see a little wrench at the top, right of the window next to the URL address box. (It appears next to the bookmark star in mine.) Click on the wrench and you will see the option to zoom. Click on the + sign to enlarge the type.

chefsummer - I hope you are not offended by some of the suggestions about your posts. I think people mean well, but some can come across as impatient or rude. In your writing, you insert periods in the middle of sentences, which is why some people might have difficulty understanding what you are trying to say. If we readers are aware of this tendency, it only takes a few seconds longer to decipher your posts.

Have a nice night, all.

Marie said... 132

chefsummer said...

What's the point even of Kate lying about if she is or isn't under contract?

Not like it serves a purpose for her lying, maybe as a mind game I guess or the pretense that she will be able to get back with TLC or another reality show.

Other than that, come on. Besides I tend to think maybe as with Jon who violated his contract by being in the media, wouldn't Kate be in the same violation? Or is she special?

She wants people to feel sorry for her

You'd think Kate would be too busy to be pitied, what with bills, laundry, cooking, running (cough, cough). But everybody needs a hobby, right?

Her first mistake was making reality TV her main income. Bonehead move.

Teresa said... 133

Jude "..You are so going to be blocked now; Kate is going to have you for supper!"
Lmao....Unless there's a Blue light involved and something more than 3 grapes and 4 crackers and 1 carrot stick..l don't care.

How did your weekend fair with your daughters and grandkids? bet you a wonderful time! I was think of you hon, especially when l saw paul's wedding photo's. I hope he finds happiness the third time around. I wish him well.

Twittering and a Twattering said... 134

chefsummer - I hope you are not offended by some of the suggestions about your posts. I think people mean well, but some can come across as impatient or rude. In your writing, you insert periods in the middle of sentences, which is why some people might have difficulty understanding what you are trying to say.


Actually, this poster said last night that she was a fast typer and needed to spell check. There was nothing mentioned about a learning disability until tonight. It's not only a matter of inserting periods in the middle of sentences, but rather sentence structure and incomplete sentences that make the posts difficult to understand.
I don't think that anyone on here would be rude, condescending, snarky, or anything of the kind, knowing that someone has a learning disability.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 135

Or maybe Steve is a robot programmed to follow around behind Kate with her purse?

A Proud, Educated Canadian said... 136

I bet no one knows where PA is in Canada,either!

I wouldn't make that bet. Not all of us Canadians are uneducated. Please don't speak for us all.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 137

Steve, a robot. That's the only explanation that makes sense to me if he's with Kate.

hey jude said... 138

Twittering and twattering,

Yes, we have a PA in Canada.It's a city called Prince Albert in Saskatchewan.I don't know which princes they have in the can at the moment, but I'm pretty sure we do have Albert!Haven't heard that one since jr. high, ha ha.

Call me crazy, thanks for the help with the print thing on Chrome, that is mucho better. Now, when IE blocks me again, I can see what's posted.

chefsummer, you are doing just fine, don't get upset by what you read.Most people are just trying to help, ignore the rest.I taught myself how to navigate the computer with a little tech support from my daughter, but it's a challenge.

Teresa, did you go to bed already? Come back, I have Beatle news for you.

Heide said... 139

Kate with her "tweeties" reminds me of Hitler when he was losing the war and drafted these very young men-boys into his army. It was a desperate attempt to stay in power.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 140

LOL oh gosh, Heide, right! I know Hitler jokes are terrible but I swear when Kate kept saying in the RV eps she is a "mastermind" all I could think of was so was Hitler. Which made it into the recap.

And your name is Heide ha.

hey jude said... 141

Oh, shite! I have done it again, sorry. I am a Canadian and I wasn't taking a poke at you.I was defending Teresa who said PA by mistake. I was just saying there are other PA's that people might not have heard of either .Oh never mind, I can't explain it well -there are so many things that can be taken the wrong way when you're typing them..... No offence meant to anyone.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 142

Heide said...

Kate with her "tweeties" reminds me of Hitler when he was losing the war and drafted these very young men-boys into his army. It was a desperate attempt to stay in power.

Kitler Youth?

Teresa said... 143

Jude, l'm here mon amie. Listening to old Beatles songs. Whatcha got?

chefsummer #Leh said... 144

Actually, this poster said last night that she was a fast typer and needed to spell check. There was nothing mentioned about a learning disability until tonight. It's not only a matter of inserting periods in the middle of sentences, but rather sentence structure and incomplete sentences that make the posts difficult to understand.
I don't think that anyone on here would be rude, condescending, snarky, or anything of the kind, knowing that someone has a learning disability.

I wasn't offend in any shape of form. I enjoy reading and commentating on this blog it's a bit of a relief from my crazy faimly.

Teresa said... 145

Jude, you are so right about somedays it's pissy in the sand box. Someday's your the dog, and other days you're the hydrant! Go figure eh?

On The Road Again said... 146

"How did your weekend fair with your daughters and grandkids? bet you a wonderful time! I was think of you hon, especially when l saw paul's wedding photo's. I hope he finds happiness the third time around. I wish him well."

"Teresa, did you go to bed already? Come back, I have Beatle news for you."


While I enjoy chattering back and forth as much as the next person, I do have to ask why these personal posts appear here. If some used e-mails, maybe they'd be able enjoy the exchange of personal news and happenings with a bit more privacy, rather than having everyone on the blog reading it.

Teresa said... 147

Oh boy!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 148

Doesn't Blogger offer a chat room feature? Might come in handy.

hey jude said... 149

Only some people can ask questions here? Some days you're the dog and the hydrant.

Kirkland said... 150

I have a idea about this trip to Wyoming. Don't TV shows plan their programming months ahead of time? Maybe this is a trip TLC already had planned for a future episode. It's possible it was just too late to cancel the travel plans and TLC just told her to go ahead and use it.

I also suspect TLC contracted with Steve for his services; and he's getting paid by TLC until the contract runs out. Maybe his contract will end this year, or in February. Or, Steve could be part of Kate's severance package from TLC.

Speaking of severance packages...maybe Kate got lots of freebies (and money) if she signed away her right to sue TLC. Employers do that all the time when people are let go. Kate is so stupid, that's probably what she did. She saw the dollars signs, said "mine, all mine" and signed anything they put in front of her.

With all that said, I will never figure out Kate and Steve relationship. It defies logic.

Teresa said... 151

Sigh....sorry Jude. Hopefully tomorrow will be friendlier than today. G'night all.

hey jude said... 152

Teresa, I am beginning to think this is an anti- Beatle blog.I was just going to say that Paul McCartney and his wife changed into jeans and t-shirts for the reception and they showed Ringo and others there.

I was going to comment on how funny that would be if Kate and Steve got married the same w/e and got upstaged by a Beatle wedding.Sorry if that was too personal of me. Thought of the day, 'don't kick a cow turd on a hot day.'

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 153


fidosmommy said... 154

how funny that would be if Kate and Steve got married the same w/e and got upstaged by a Beatle wedding


Well, let's see. Michael Jackson dared steal some of Kate's thunder when she had a show to promote and he had the nerve to die. Someone
else had the gall to grab headlines when Kate was doing some little dab of show biz somewhere.
Was it Farrah Fawcett? I don't remember right now.

Then there was that other young whippersnapper who happened to have the name Kate who wanted to be a princess so badly that she plunked a tiara on her head and called in the paparazzi for her mediocre wedding service.

Why not have Sir Paul and Nancy swipe some of
Kate's headliner time? I'm certain she thinks the world is out to get her and to make sure she
is robbed of all she deserves.

dee3 said... 155

My impression of why Kate would lie about her contract with TLC (or at least the main reason she would lie about it) is that she has clearly been looking for sympathy in terms of her financial situation, hoping it will help her get a job offer for another TV gig.........and if she is still under contract, the likelihood is that she is still getting paid (or paid at least a portion of her income) and this would tend to prove that all her claims of immediate poverty have been a lie.

So she is parsing terminology about the contract because she doesn't want it known that she still has an income until 2/12....as this would cut down on the sympathy she is looking for.
Not only is she a notorious liar but she weaves lies to cover other lies. She can't even keep track of her lies.

As for Steve...I continue to be puzzled by this situation. My best guess would be that his services are included in the contract (between Kate and TLC) until 2/12 and that for him this is just a job and he rolls with the punches in order to keep Kate as calm as possible. I tend to believe rumors that Kate has had a crush on him but that the sentiments were not really returned....and that this is why we haven't heard a peep from his wife, as she and Steve both know this is just a job and that it will end when the contract ends.

I just do not see this guy putting up with Kate on any sort of permanent basis and he seems sane enough that her behavior has got to annoy the hell out of him as much as it does the rest of us.....and any romance that might ever have tried to make an appearance would have quickly died due to her ugly behavior.

hey jude said... 156

Thanks, Admin. I needed a laugh to-night.I wish I knew how to make that picture beside my name.I was stepping on all the land mines tonight,for some reason.
Yay, Chaz got to stay, but they sent Chyna home.Poor Tony gets screwed again, poor man has had no luck.I think Kate really jinxed him.

hey jude said... 157

You're right.All those famous people trying to steal poor Kate's thunder, ha ha. I feel so not
sad for her;she does have delusions of grandeur.

Dee 3,
I can't see Kate with any man, even Steve.I just don't know how anyone could listen to her carrying on about such stupid things. The hand clapping and snapping fingers just makes me want to choke her, so rude.

I agree Kate is on an extended pity party all right.I think she is being paid until Feb./12 and that goes for Steve too. I can't decide if they are a couple or not,I think no, but last w/e together makes me wonder a little.

I read somewhere that she made 5 K last year alone.They did 150 episodes, so even if she only made $150-250k per epi, that is enough for her to down-size and invest and still not have to work again,if she's a little careful.

But, this is Kate and she thinks she deserves to live the high life she chose, not a mediocre one for her highness.I would love to see her when the tups are teen-agers! Then, she will wish she had taught those kids a little respect and manners.

Marie said... 158

Kate's hand clapping and snapping fingers, that's not even something I do with my pets! Yet she does it to her kids, staff and Jon a lot. I mean it's degrading I would think for a human to be treated like less than an animal. Kate has no social grace, no humility whatsoever in my eyes.

SusanNH said... 159

Oy Oy, Boy oh Boy,

Let's talk Stevie.... She treated Jon like a dirt bag a very long time ago..Along came ever so convieninet Silver Fox Stevie boy. Jon had to endure the humiliation of Steve sitting in the back of the plane going to UTAH while Katie had her meldown in front of the entire world. After Utah...Along come Silver Fox wife and family at the McMansion.. Let's show the world that Jon the father is full of shit... Let's have dumbo wife and boys prance around for a few rounds of PR.
Wifey Poo get's it, FINALLY. No explantions needed. I got it a long long time ago. Read body language, statement analysis, commen sense.
Whatevah!!! A few explanation points needed here.

So Miss Kate is at a Dude Ranch with Stevie.


They are boinking. The children were left at home to the last of the last. She is alone with him. Yeesh. It was obvious to me many many moons ago.

Steve and Kate no longer need pretense with adjoining rooms. He pays half I will bet.

Maggie said... 160

The young man (Travis Hackert) was traveling with his Dad. I wonder if Kate thought his Dad was cute and that is why she had dinner with them.

There was a webisode made from the RV trip where Kate and everyone did their laundry. During that webisode (on TLC's website)the producer asked her if she could see herself living in Wy. Kate responded with, "How many times have I been out here. Absolutely. Without a doubt."

Remember months ago, Kate took the 3 little girls to Wy. for a very days. And if you recall, Kate did an episode to Wy. with just the 3 boys. So maybe that is why she took the twins there. I think when she took just the 3 boys there, she had it in her mind that she would follow with the 3 girls and then the twins. Maybe because that was the plan all along, TLC paid for and arranged this trip even though it wasn't filmed. Remember the trip with the 3 girls wasn't filmed either. Any thoughts?

cathy518 said... 161

Dallas lady,
I hope you are right and that Kate is no longer under contract with TLC because we know they will want to continue the exploitative kid filming. There are a few reasons why I think she was filming in WY. though. First, no way would she pay for that hotel bill herself. Second, she looks too darn happy in that picture and Thirdly, her hair and makeup do appear to be professionally done.
I hope I am wrong because I believe that if Kate remains on TV, the children will continue to as well.
A side note, posters, let's be kind. There is no evidence that chefsmommy can do a better job with typing.

Falling like a brick said... 162

Maggie, I think your explanation makes the most sense. This was something that she did because she did it with the other kids.
How many pre-teens however would have loved having a slumber party with their friends over for their birthday instead of spending it with their mom and her 'not-a-boyfriend' at a ranch in Wyoming in October? I really hope this was something the girls wanted to do, and not something that Kate wanted to do and used the girls' birthday as an excuse to go there.

Vanessa said... 163

Just thinking about Khate's comment about Jodi and Kevin buying a new house and going on a vacation...
So, they did one interview?? That ONE interview gave them enough money to buy a new house and go on vacation? This so called "blood money"? How does she cry poor when she's had a reality show for 5 years??? She's basically saying they're living the high life now AFTER ONE INTERVIEW?? She is jelous, narcissists are JELOUS,(of material things) even when they have more then the person they are jelous of.

Tizzie said... 164

Falling like a brick said...

I really hope this was something the girls wanted to do, and not something that Kate wanted to do and used the girls' birthday as an excuse to go there.
I doubt it was the twins' idea. Kate plans the kids' birthday parties based on what SHE wants / what she THINKS the kids would want.

I'm sure the twins would rather celebrate in their home state with their friends like everyone else their age does.

TLC stinks said... 165

I don't know about you guys, but I have seen a few marriages and/ or relationships where the guy is beat down by the wife. Steve may just be, what I call pu$$y whipped, and is ok with Kate's treatment of him. And if the trip was a freebie, you would think the resort would want the advertisement. Why the silence? I just think Kate likes Wyoming and spent the kids' money on a pretend b-day trip for the twins when actually it was a vacation for her and Steve. I think that Steve's wife is no longer in the picture as evidenced by her not accompanying her family to Kate's on holidays or vacationing with them for show filming. Like I said before, it's about image and not being portrayed as a home wrecker. Just think about Tori Spelling and that B actor Dean that dumped his wife and kids for Tori. Tori was married also. You just never know what turns some people on.

We know Kate likes her freebies, but she also is lazy and likes to be pampered. Wherever she went, it had a spa and a hair dresser, thus the hair and makeup professionally done. I seriously doubt there was any filming going on. TLC is done with her but may have had to pay her off to finish the contract, thus her spending money on an upscale vacation. She is selfish, but always has to say how she does everything for her kids.

barbee said... 166

couple of comments... her hands not only look huge but they always seem positioned in awkward ways. kind of funny how comments are always closed on her blog entries. afraid of what she knows people would write?

Gimme said... 167

The young man there with her takes a nice picture.

Hippie Chick said... 168

....and once she was on vacation. (A letter from one of Kate's "fan's".

My child lost a tooth once while he & I were on a little vacation with a good friend & her family. My husband wasn't there because it was over the week & I was bartending at the time at night. It was at a 2 BR cabin over the winter. Anyway, my son & I had to share the pull-out couch in the living space, my friends daughter & her friend had the floor, etc.

My friend & her son & I stayed up & played cards until my son, so excited about losing his tooth would fall asleep. It took until 2 a.m. until that happened. I still managed to put the money under his pillow & take the tooth. He woke up the next morning all happy the Tooth Fairy found him! You find ways as parents to do things. You just do, right? No matter where, how, why...You just do. And all I had was a five dollar bill. That was a nice surprise for my son. I told him she must have been freezing her little wings off. (& he got to ride a jet ski? Is that what it's called? on the frozen trails? Someone help me out there...words are escaping me!)

Thanks for listening. And more coffee please! :)


Hippie Chick said... 169

Dwindle said...
But I was thinking for a minute about her 'fans'. Even convicted serial killers in prison get fan letters and marriage proposals. The sick twisted harmful types always have their pockets of pathetic admirers.
That is a great point! Why is that? There are people out there that like the macabre of certain situations. People that like to know the how & why of those people who did the nasty things they did before they ended up in prison.

With Kate, I don't understand why there are those hangers-on. It makes no sense. She did nothing to warrant fans. She was rude, disloyal, disrespectul & mean. She twisted everything around & made herself look like the martyr. Yes, she had the team of people behind her making her look "oh-so-great", but so many more people know that it was all her, the one who set this all up to make herself look like the angel.

Now the truth is out. I don't think she has THAT many fans really. TLC dropped her for a damn good reason. Ratings are one, but they know that people just don't love to hate her anymore, they just hate her. I would hate to feel like that. And she keeps going w/ lies & deceipt. She is her own undoing, as we all say.


Hippie Chick said... 170


That video was HILARIOUS! "Every child needs their own bear head..." haha! Thank you for that laugh!!


lovetoread62 said... 171

I just read an insightful article about narcissists. Wow!


Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 172

First there was Kate coining the phrase "Consider the source," then Kate invented the salad, hence, "Kate Salad," and now:

@AskBabyMama @kateplusmy8 @lindafoerrester Hate sites will never stop believing that ruse because as Kate says: You can't cure stupid.


The actual phrase is: "You can't fix stupid" made popular by comedian Ron White. (He's very funny btw.)

What's next, "Kate's Theory of Relativity?"

Hippie Chick said... 173

Ya know, IF this whole trip w/ the twins were filmed, I wonder if Kate is kinda pissed. Nothing against the twins because from what I have read here, I think Mady & Cara are much more level-headed & know how to deal with dear old psycho mom, but Kate knows that the tups are the "money-makers", so to speak.

I hope this wasn't filmed, but if it was, then I hope that Mady & Cara put up so much of a stink about it, that all they had to edit was the twins being sarcastic &...well, 11 y.o. kids to their mommy. Let's see what would happen if the coin flipped, ya know? Kate is always so mean to them, never letting them do anything. Again, I hope it wasn't filmed though. They NEED their privacy at this age!


chefsummer #Leh said... 174

I wonder what Kate will do when the twins turn 15 and start to have a mind of their own?

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 175

Maggie said... There was a webisode made from the RV trip where Kate and everyone did their laundry. During that webisode (on TLC's website)the producer asked her if she could see herself living in Wy. Kate responded with, "How many times have I been out here. Absolutely. Without a doubt."

Maybe Kate sees herself owning a big ranch in Wyoming hobnobbing with the rich ranchers up there. LOL. She hates cold weather, and if she thinks she'd fit into the social circle there, I'd PAY to watch her try. "Kate Who?"

wayward said... 176

Tizzie said... I doubt it was the twins' idea. Kate plans the kids' birthday parties based on what SHE wants / what she THINKS the kids would want.

I'm sure the twins would rather celebrate in their home state with their friends like everyone else their age does.
Like Maggie above said, this is the same ranch (Red Reflet Rates
she took the boys to for the show a couple years ago and then took the little girls this past Spring. The ranch is probably one of the last places places comping her for anything and she's taking full advantage of it. I agree, Mady and Cara probably had other plans in mind for how they wanted to spend their birthday. I hope they were (or will be) given the opportunity to do what they want. While most parents work hard to instill in their children the appreciation of simple things and that it doesn't necessesarily have to cost alot to have fun, Kate does the polar opposite. I can just hear her... "why do you want to have a mediocre slumber party when nice Mr. ranch man thingie is letting us stay in the Presidential cabin for free?" She is trying to teach all the kids to worship money and material items as she does.

Vanessa said... Just thinking about Khate's comment about Jodi and Kevin buying a new house and going on a vacation...
So, they did one interview?? That ONE interview gave them enough money to buy a new house and go on vacation? This so called "blood money"? How does she cry poor when she's had a reality show for 5 years??? She's basically saying they're living the high life now AFTER ONE INTERVIEW?? She is jelous, narcissists are JELOUS,(of material things) even when they have more then the person they are jelous of.

The sheeple mantra for a couple years now has been that Kevin & Jodi made tons of money off their interviews and got rich. They want to believe this so it invalidates the inside story K&J gave about what REALLY went on inside the realest, unreal reality show on TV. Bleat away, sheeps. The state of PA has stepped in not once, but twice to intevene on behalf of the Gosselin children. Kevin and Jodi are simply one small part of of the findings. Pennsylvania does not enact legislation solely on the testimony of two people.

One head ewe even claimed she had proof K&J paid off their house, but of course couldn't come up with the evidence. When info comes out on Kate, they want notarized in blood concrete proof. When a rumor comes out about Jon or Kevin & Jodi, any anonymous person's word is gospel. The actual, public documentation shows not only did they NOT pay off their other home, they had a sizeable 2nd mortgage out against it. They sold that home and was able to pay off the 2nd mortgage with the profit of the sale. Kate twatted that they bought a house and went on vacation, leaving the dumb sheeple to assume they did this with the profits of their interviews. When nothing could be further from the truth.

She is a sad, pathetic, bitter, dark soul. Once the kids leave the nest she should plan on being alone pretty much the rest of her life. Her toxicity will prevent her from having a meaningful relationship with anyone.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 177

Kate has said many times how the kids love riding horses (as though all the kids love it as in they're some kind of unit, not individual beings). Anyway, IF the twins do love horseback riding, they probably had fun on their birthday.

silimom said... 178

Was there something going on at this ranch? Because if you look around the table to her right is covered with a pink tablecloth and to her left it looks like there are some tabletop decorations. I think Kate was maybe in Wyoming for a breast cancer awareness event at this ranch or whatever and that perhaps this is why her trip was comped? Just a thought.

Realitytvkids.com ~ Administrator said... 179

This source is saying Jon's lectured Kate about her speeding. But Kate feels like speeding is just a necessity in her hectic life. Sounds like a classic narcissist. My life is harder and different than everyone else's so it's okay for me to break the law, repeatedly.


Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 180

The laws are made for mediocre people.

JudyK said... 181

Chefsummer: I can always figure out what you are saying. You are never snarky or mean-spirited, and that's more important, in my opinion, than odd sentence structure, etc.

cwgirlup75 said... 182

For all the posters wondering why Steve would put up with Kate's bitchiness, let's not forget that for the most part, Steve doesn't take her crap. (At least from what we've seen on the show.) Even in the RV ep where she slams the door in his face over the pizza argument, after they talk inside the RV, he gets his way in the end.

Westcoaster said... 183

I am also in the camp that thinks this weekend in WY was arranged, comped, paid for months ago, probably by TLC and they let her take it because it was for the girls - it's all just one big write off for them. Steve, well that whole nonsense is part of the smoke cover, and meh, who realy cares. Yep, a 10K weekend for an 11 year old birthday celebration - what do these kids talk to their peers about? The tooth fairy?

JudyK said... 184

LOL @ Fidosmommy re the Dante's Inferno and Steve comment!

chefsummer #Leh said... 185

JudyK said... Chefsummer: I can always figure out what you are saying. You are never snarky or mean-spirited, and that's more important, in my opinion, than odd sentence structure, etc.


Maybe they are odd but that's the only way I can write them.

Audible Click said... 186

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

What's next, "Kate's Theory of Relativity?"
Kate: " E umm, like, equals, umm, in umm, all honesty, m ,like, ummm c and I like throw a 2 in there umm right after that c but don't ,like, use any of that E or umm c2 'cause it's MINE I INVENTED IT!"

dee3 said... 187


I don't mean to speak for Dallas Lady but my impression is that she wrote that she does not think TLC is filming in Wyoming for a special and that she thinks TLC is done with Kate for the most part (and I agree with her on both points).... but I don't think she was saying that Kate is no longer under contract with TLC. I apologize if I am incorrect (to either or both of you).

My understanding is that when a network signs a contract, they are saying they will pay the person for a specific period of time but it does not mean that they have to keep filming/televising the person/show for that same period of time. They can stop doing that whenever they choose.....similar to something like an NFL contract. And there are generally all sorts of details included...like perks the person gets, what the person can and cannot do until the contract is ended, etc.

But just because the show is cancelled, it does not mean Kate is not still under contract with TLC and that Kate is no longer getting paid.....AND it means that Steve's services (whatever they may be...j/k) may be included in the contract......and any sort of contract they may have had with Jon (that Jon also signed) tied his hands until that contract had ended....and may possibly still tie his hands regarding future specials but anything outside of any contract he signed, Jon could now refuse to okay it.

I'm not completely sure, but my impression had been that you'd thought that if there is still a valid contract in place, TLC must still be filming shows and filming the G. children. If I had the wrong impression, I apologize.

Like I said earlier, I don't think TLC is filming a special on this little trip to Wyoming and do feel that for the most part, TLC is done with Kate and her demanding behavior....but I do believe that she is still under contract with them until 2/12 and that she is still getting paid until then....and possibly still getting Steve's services per that contract and until the contract ends.
Outside of that....Kate would have to be paying out of pocket for these sorts of trips....unless they are being comped or paid-for by a fan, etc.

silimom said... 188

If not for the fact that the picture was tweeted 2 days ago, I'd almost have said she was in Wyoming for the Women's Expo is Casper, WY 9/30 - 10/1. They even had a marathon and wasn't Kate harping on how she was training for a big run? That would also explain Steve being present, since he's her "road manager". It also explains the pink tablecloths.
But dates don't lie and that pic was clearly tweeted 10/8.
I guess the dude ranch had an event.

I'm not sure about TLC just letting her take a pre-planned trip but stranger things have happened I suppose.

Just curious said... 189

Who did these poor souls turn to before Kate?

Prettybowes Amber Bowes
@Kateplusmy8 was wondering...do u have any good recipes that use rice?

silimom said... 190

You know, I was just thinking how wonderful it must be for Kate now. She was able to take her kids on a vacation to Wyoming and no pap reported it! There were no tabloid pictures or anything. The only reason anyone knew about it was because this guy posted a twitter pic and people who run the Kate G. blogs picked up on it.

Kate, be happy! You've got what you always claimed you wanted - to be left along by the paps!

Ingrid said... 191

...after they talk inside the RV...

- - - - - - -
I always thought it was funny that so much of the meltdown with Ashley/Jamie etc was filmed on the RV trip but she talked to Steve behind closed doors. Even though I am not convinced they are a couple I wondered if there was any huggy consoling going on.

Westcoaster said... 192

Hope someone directs the poor soul who needs rice recioes to K8's secret stash of soup can labels.

and unless someone has a better xplanation, does anyone here see Kate spending her own 8-10K on a 3 day weekend? Looks like she broke her Twitter again.

Kate's Twisted Fate said... 193

Does anyone know, admin perhaps, if there have been any lawsuits filed (in any states) against production companies or even parents who have used children in the reality television industry? Thanks...

anger issues kate said... 194

Has anyone notice that Kate has been twitter quiet, the last 6 days? Just some cripted tweets and nothing else. Perhaps, Kate is tryin to wean herself off twitter and will close the account, cause now she has the web-site and does not have to answer, or do much at the sight as she claims. Did the web-site get up-dated, over the weekend, while she was in WY? Cause if it did, then someone else is maintaining the web-site not Kate.

No mystery here said... 195

Re Steve- I'm convinced that Kate and Steve are a couple and have been for a long time. Jon was convinced they were and he even stated that he knew when they had started fooling around when Kate had returned from a book tour trip with Steve. He said she was behaving differently and became really obsessed with her looks and weight and he knew then that they were having an affair. I trust his judgement on this one, I truly believe that they are a couple. Weather or not they ever admit it or even stay together only time will tell, but for now I believe they are together.

Hoosier Girl said... 196

She can update her website from anywhere as long as she has computer and internet access.

But I am wondering about Twitter. Sometimes I think she stays quiet just to see how many fans she has clamoring to hear from her - to feed her ego.

That ego must be starving right now. :) She only seems to have about 10-15 fans who tweet her regularly.

I still think her plan for that website was to upload videos of the kids and have people pay to view them. Unfortunately for Katie ... she's finding out she doesn't have enough fans to make any money off of that. LOL

cwgirlup75 said... 197

I always thought it was funny that so much of the meltdown with Ashley/Jamie etc was filmed on the RV trip but she talked to Steve behind closed doors. Even though I am not convinced they are a couple I wondered if there was any huggy consoling going on.

That would have been very interesting to see. I definitely think he had to talk her down, either through huggy consoling or just flat out telling her what was going to happen.

Moose Mania said... 198

Who did these poor souls turn to before Kate?

Prettybowes Amber Bowes
@Kateplusmy8 was wondering...do u have any good recipes that use rice?


Ah, Amber - google is your friend. Just type in "rice recipes" and you may be surprised to find more than you'll ever use in your lifetime...actually 49,900,000. You don't need Kate.

They are indeed, poor souls.

Just Dwindle Away said... 199

Perhaps these ranch owners or operators are acquaintances of the Kreiders from some camp ground association and they give her a good or nearly free rate. WY is way too far from LA or NY for Katie. She is not there because she likes it, she is there because it is free or cheap for her.

~ Dwindle, who just got home from the dentist.~

Kat said... 200

I see twitter is falling by the waist side....What a shocker...

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