Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Kate's bizarre, rage-fueled rampage on Twitter

Kate took to twitter last night to clear the air about some rumors, in the process insulting Jon, Jodi and Kevin, and the "riff raff" she has to deal with, as well as denying how much money she spends on herself, ignoring questions about travel expenses to go collect her freebies.

Kate thought she was putting to rest some rumors, however Kate's unstable streaming consciousness just made her seem, well:

response2article:nvr had 2bsitters-died laughing@their 'salary',sch tuition$-noteven close.hav nvr pd $ 4 Elysasuzanne clothing

we all wish he [Jon] would tak them mor than 4d/mo but doesn't.they hav fun there but def love living w me/here. So happy here!

Hate the rif raf that goes w this line of work 

oh yeah! [Jodi and Kevin] sold and bought a big house and went on vacation too... Blood money... Sick.

never. Always comped. Wouldn't dream of spending that kind of $ on hair!!??! 

415 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Anonymous said...

indafoerrester linda foerrester
@SchmeckyGirl This name is my first name and a derative of my maiden name with a few "RR's.

later she says the name is forester. its her birth name not her married name ~ Administrator said...

LOL Fido if I could actually figure out what happened a recap would actually be funny.

PJ's momma said...

Before we turn in, I was chuckling to myself about Shoka being outside. You see, this elderly little dachsund of mine used to be like that. I brought him home from AZ when my dad died and we have a fenced, wooded acre. He came from the desert to the muddy NW and he LOVED it. He would literally run, full speed,for 6 or 7 HOURS! He would NOT come in! If you had to go somewhere, you just didn't let him out or you'd never catch him. He refused to be caught. When the acre wasn't enough, he started digging under the fence and hauling ass down the road and we had to reinforce the bottom of the entire fence with buried chicken wire. It was frustrating, but funny too. He used to finally want in and you'd hear WHUMP as he literally flew over the last deck step, then 2-3 second pause as he peered through the window to see if anyone was there, and bark bark bark. He wanted in NOW. He wore the paint off both sides of the door, nudging it with that long nose to get either in or out. He'd come back muddy everywhere, inside the ears, under the arms, scratched up (needed stitches), he'd have sticks on him, sap, ticks, poop, just gross. We had a stack of towels near the door and would rub him down and he'd moan and groan, literally protesting the entire time. God, he was funny. He hurt his back and is epileptic and has slowed down a lot so those are sure some fun memories. But when he was in, he wanted to be right on us. Now he wants on us 24/7. I sort of assume Shoka is similar to this little devil back in his crazy heyday.

Moon Over Miami said...

later she says the name is forester. its her birth name not her married name


But the first name doesn't change, and for the life of me I can't think of a player whose wife's first name is Linda, and I "follow" the team rather closely. No, I'm not an obsessed Heat sheeple - I just know the NBA and the Heat in particular!

Let's get that recap going, admin!

prairielivin said...

This is the first time I've stayed up late with you guys because I usually only read here in the day. This unfolding cupcake/twitter saga has been fascinating lol. First of all, why do cupcakes and Kate always end badly? Second of all, I am now dying for one and there isn't anything sweet in the house!!! Donut run in the morning for sure. Have a good night!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

prairielivin, you're not the only one who has had to make a run to the store with all this cupcake talk!

Use Your Head said...

@Kateplusmy8 @georgetowncupcakesov I'm sure there are not 5 dozen kids in their class.too many for class/not enough for whole school.dumb.


Do these people ever consider that there might be more than one fifth grade class - perhaps TWO fifth grade classes, and the twins are not in the same class, but bring enough treats for BOTH classes?

Anonymous said...

Maybe kate can pull the stick out and use it to secure the door. thanks for letting us all know your house is never locked. and which door should the crazies enter thru? was that the back?
Geesh. i hope that post was another one of her lies. otherwise it's plain idiotic


Anonymous said...

im not a grammar freak when i post on websites but for all you ones who are..what do you think of kate's over use of the comma after the word BUT and AND. Comma's are not needed after those joining words.


hey jude said...

Beth, Congrats. on your new job.That didn't take long, did it? Good on ya.

Bearswife, did the H8R's person end up liking Maks? Was it a woman? I think he is hot! Maybe I'll go on that show just to see Brad Pit...ha,ha.

I am having a terrible time finding a way to post, but hope this one works. Hi, dwindle,I'm still on my way over, see you soon!

Marie said...

Since the twins have always gotten just one birthday a year, will this finally mean come May without TLC, that the sextuplets wont be treated to 3-4 birthday parties? I wonder how they will take getting only one party with one cake...

hey jude said...

Marie, In May next year the tups will still get 2 parties and cake, one with Kate and one with Jon. Maybe, they will be living with Jon by then; we can only hope...

hey jude said...

I think Kate uses way too many !!! but commas are a 'thing' with me too. We had a Nun (teacher) that used to smack us with her wooden ruler on the knuckles for imagined grammar and punctuation errors. I was so afraid of her, I over- used commas and still do, but my spelling improved!

Marie said...

What I meant was, will their birthdays be quite as extravagant as they have been in the past? I realize they get two separate parties with each parent. I guess I mean to say, they wont be getting a third paid for by TLC.

Since Kate claims she will be lucky if she will be able to get them to a nearby beach, I guess this means she won't be able to afford pony rides, trips to Florida and all that.

Hippie Chick said...

Dumb Dog Lover said...
I'm talking about my walking out of the room and walking back in and him barking at me because he forgot I was just there kind of dumb.


This made me laugh really hard!! My parents used to own a really dumb dog as well; she used to eat curtains, boxes of Carnations Instant Breakfast, paint once! (she was OK surprisingly!). I was a baby & don't remember her, I have just seen photos, but they loved her so much, & she was super cute. She was dumb as a brick & loved my brother & I & would cuddle "the baby"... me. She also ate a whole turkey once, just like the movies my mom said.

A dog is a family member, no matter how you cut it. Would you give away a dumb kid? Because if that's the case, I think so many families would be doing that nowadays, what with the stupid choices kids are making.


Tamara said...

Hippie said...A dog is a family member, no matter how you cut it. Would you give away a dumb kid? Because if that's the case, I think so many families would be doing that nowadays, what with the stupid choices kids are making.

A lot of those kids would love to give away a dumb parent, with all the stupid choices grown adults are making.

Hippie Chick said...

A lot of those kids would love to give away a dumb parent, with all the stupid choices grown adults are making.

That too!!


iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii said...

No mo, Your statement doesn't make any sense to me. Kate is making the dog sound rather smart because he can open a locked door. My dog is dumb as a post but I wouldn't give him up for the world.
... Are you talking about the "dog speak" that she uses? We refer to ourselves as "hims humans" because we imagine that's how he would talk if he could. She sounds dumb, but the dog? Not so much. Not an attack on you, just my opinion and wondering why your picture shows dogs.
My apologies for wording as if I thought Shoka was dumb. I was trying to make the point that what Kate's interpretion of what Shoka thinks is very stupid. I absolutly love dogs and have two my self. I've never had children and the dog I had for 16 yrs was literaly my life.
When I had to put her down, due to age issues, I got another one the same day. He was run over six months later because my mom wasn't careful to not let him out. My life was shattered. I then got two more, and though they are not as smart as my girl of sixteen or as funny as my boy of six months, they too are my life. I guess I should have thought a little more about how my comment would sound. My bad. Thanks though.

Concerning my pic., it is not two dogs, it is a pic. of two ewes I used to make a funny card for my bro.
But hey, my pic. on fb is of my boy. I guess I have to say, in that aspect, you are right. (total jest with that one)

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii said...

oops, I forgot to paste

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii said...

rats, I did it again. Sorry, I meant to say paste Dumb Dog Lover said.

Beth said...

Beth, Congrats. on your new job.That didn't take long, did it? Good on ya.


Much faster than I thought it would take. Experience must be good for something. I have to take a 3 dollar an hour cut in pay but I feel blessed to have ANY job right now.

HollyMo said...

Jude, it was a woman on H8R. I am not a DWTS person and my only experience with Maks has been from talk shows (Ellen and such). The woman did end up liking Maks, he taught her the Cha Cha and she swooned. Ironic because one of her main reasons for H8ing Maks was because women loved him so much. He seems nice to me and good looking too.

The problem with H8R is that the set-up seems too set-up, too obvious to be believable. The H8ed person 'shows up' and exaggerates his (or her) behavior in front of the H8R. At that point Mario Lopez comes out and does a reveal. Then the H8R and the H8ed get to hang out for the day.

HollyMo said...

I am going to veer OT on the subject of dogs wanting to be with their pack.

5 years ago Dh and I got married at his family's cottage in rural NW Ontario. I was from MN and brought my dogs up for the wedding. My husky was good off leash, but I wasn't so sure about my mutt, PD - so we tied her up. Well PD made me miserable, she whined and barked and moaned about being tied up. I had to let her run free, she was making me mental and threatening my peace of mind days before my wedding.
So I unhooked her tether and guess what? She followed me around like a shadow. If I went inside, she sat on the porch until I came out. She followed me down the aisle and around the reception (she would lay on my train).
She is still the same way. Her worst decisions are what to do when DH and I are in 2 separate places (inside and outside, say)!

Oh well, just a funny (I hope) aside about dogs and how much they love us - unless you are a narcissistic shrew.

Dwindle said...

well, it looks like you guys had some fun last night. For the life of me I cant figure out what was going on, but it seems that baked goods were very important! LOL! As far as the NBA lady goes, did she say her lawfully wedded hubs was a player? I also looked at her name weeks ago, the spelling: Foe. Er. Rest. whatever. Also close to foe. - arrest. - er. Sigh.

If Kate is spending one thought on any of this she is bored bored bored. And that is a shame, because she lives with 8 other people that would love to interact with her, grow with her, learn with her, hang out with her, do STUFF with her, be BFFs with her etc. Instead she spends all of her time trying to get out of it and away from them. Too bad for her.

Congrats on the job Beth! Yes, experience does count and you will be great! Not everyone can deal with the public, be on their feet all day, be fast with numbers, handle money accuratly, monitor the front door, and all the other things you will do in your new job!

In my family, it has come to light that some inlaws of inlaws (you know how that goes) are seriously neglecting their children and the eldest girl has suffered a profound -- oh hell, I am going to use the word -- she was raped by a friend her step dad's... My point is, we sit here and SEE what is happening to the Gosselin children, knowing how this will all turn out and we are helpless to stop it. But this and more is happening right under our noses, the difference is there is no parent being paid $$$ to publicize it. Now our families have real work to do in my neck of the woods. But it doesnt stop my facination at watching Katie Sociopath in her day to day destruction. Shame on me, I think.

Dwindle said...

@ bearswife - I love love your story about your dog. The thought of him laying on your train is so endearing! I have had dogs all of my adult life, often several at a time. Right now I have my first Rottweiller, and he is momma's baby. I have never had a dog so clearly attached to ME. Cant stop too fast coz he bumps into the back of my legs. He tries to lay on my feet while I am doing dishes, he sits outside the shower... When someone comes to the door, this dog barks, while looking at ME for instruction. ("Is this person ok, mom?")

I also have a dumb-as-box-of-rocks mixed breed, but we have always said "What God shorted her in the brains department, He made up for in her heart." The only reason this poor gal functions as well as she does is because she just wants to love and to please you and will do ANYTHING you show her to do.

But I have to say I have heard about some hunting type dogs that are uncomfortable in the house for extended periods of time. I find it hard to believe that Shoka hasn't attached to at least one or two of the kids and prefers to be outside, but I have heard of farm people who have beagles, coon dogs, etc that get uneasy in the winter if forced to be indoors for hours at a time.

I am off work today, awaiting new furniture, which we stumbled into for a song. The leather stuff is going bye-bye, donated to the Furniture Bank, except for the overstuffed chair which my son is taking. Eventually. We got rid of the pool, the leather, we are so mediocre!

HollyMo said...

Dwindle, I know what you mean about stopping too fast! PD steps on the back of my flip flops (I've mentioned that before). Rottis are very sweet dogs, they just look tough!
I could talk about dogs all day, I even work with dogs. My family says I am obsessed. ;0

Popcorn, peanuts said...

Dwindle said...

well, it looks like you guys had some fun last night. For the life of me I cant figure out what was going on, but it seems that baked goods were very important! LOL! As far as the NBA lady goes, did she say her lawfully wedded hubs was a player?...


I think all she said was that he was with the Heat which makes me think he might be in marketing, coaching, management or he could even work for the arena, maybe in concessions selling peanuts and popcorn. HA, wouldn't that be fitting?

Kokomo, Cocktails, and Dreams said...

I think all she said was that he was with the Heat which makes me think he might be in marketing, coaching, management or he could even work for the arena, maybe in concessions selling peanuts and popcorn. HA, wouldn't that be fitting?


Someone asked that before, when it was suggested perhaps he is in public relations, or cleans the locker room, and her response was that he plays in the NBA with the Heat.

Gimme said...

Love Max - his little I'm sex on a stick comment has taken on a life of its own.

Getting Schooled said...

im not a grammar freak when i post on websites but for all you ones who are..what do you think of kate's over use of the comma after the word BUT and AND. Comma's are not needed after those joining words.


I don't read her blogs, so I don't know in what context she is using a comma after the words, but there are times when a comma is needed. For example, if one writes, "She did go to the show and, in fact, sat in the first row" a comma is needed in that sentence. It depends on how the conjunction is used, and where it is used in the sentence. If it is used at the beginning of the sentence (it is not incorrect to do that in some cases), then "and" is not being used as a conjunction to join clauses. A comma is needed after the word depending on what follows. Commas are tricky little things.

Kate wouldn't know the rules, though, if her life depended on it. She probably just throws them around with a lick and a promise. Where they land, they land!

She certainly does love her exclamation marks, doesn't she?

Kate doesn't rate said...

Getting Schooled said...I don't read her blogs, so I don't know in what context she is using a comma after the words, but there are times when a comma is needed.

Kate's ridiculous blog entries are posted here usually soon after they appear on her website should you want to read them. I read them for the laughs, not for any useful content.

Regarding dogs, I've enjoyed reading all the dog stories. I love dogs and have two myself. There isn't a day, or sometimes even a hour, that goes by that they don't make me laugh out loud or just smile from ear to ear. We're a loyal pack and adore each other.

As George Carlin said, "Life is a series of dogs." ~ Administrator said...

Favorite of my own dog stories is when he got skunked this summer. The skunk is bigger than him but that didn't stop him! He ran right up to him and then, BAM, RIGHT IN THE FACE!!!

I cannot even describe the smell, a totally different smell then when you pass them by on the road and smell them. His poor little eye was closed up. Had to give him three hydrogen peroxide-baking soda baths.

The next week? Saw the skunk again. Does he learn? No! Of course this time I was holding the leash tighter and we avoided another skunk bath.

It's been chilly here so it was time to take out Doggy's winter wardrobe! He has a Harley Davidson shirt, LOL.

Kate doesn't rate said...

Admin said...He has a Harley Davidson shirt, LOL.

LOL. What kind of a dog is he??

chefsummer #Leh said...

Hmm Kate has a 10 year old sending her 10yrs b-day gift what a loser. Ah the heart of a grifter

@Kateplusmy8 from @MaggieGeorge1
That is Great! Yay! Have you got Mady and Cara's Bday gift from me yet? x :)

She's Nuts said...

If Shoka opens the slider at night and doesn't set off an alarm, then that means that door isn't on the security system. If the system were armed, and Shoka came in and out at night, the constant alarm going off would drive everyone crazy.

So - is Kate posting that the house is without a security system at night? The dog lets the door open. She blogs this on a public forum? Doesn't she ever THINK before she writes or speaks?

Or the entire dog blog was a lie...

Tucker's Mom said...

Admin said:

It's been chilly here so it was time to take out Doggy's winter wardrobe! He has a Harley Davidson shirt, LOL.
You should see my Bichon in his pleather Harley vest! My Beardie/Neardie has a denim Harley vest. I also festoon them with American flag kerchiefs around the neck for the whole look.
On a terribly embarrassing note, DH and I dress the two up like this for Halloween parades and of course for the kids who come to Trick or Treat.
The Harley bikers loved the Beardie's look when we took him to the National Mall for Rolling Thunder ;-)

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

I guess if Kate doesn't have a blog entry to advertise, she's got nothing to say to her tweeties anymore.

Westcoaster said...

I think there is something bizarrely wrong about sending/receiving gifts to/from internet strangers for your minor children. Boundaries. Of course, this is the twit who tells people that she leaves her children alone, her door is unlocked for the dog, woman has no boundaries especially when it comes to grifting something. Of course, these b-day offerings take the place of real gifts and best wishes from grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. Sad.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

I knew that would get her tweeting:

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Good am and aft! I hate being twitter invisible! Ugh! New post about r Tooth Fairy just posted on r website!!!

She's been "twitter invisible." LOL

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

In case anyone is interested, here is Kate's latest blog entry:

Tooth Fairy Issues

October 6, 2011

Our tooth fairy is very scatter brained; is yours? She will randomly miss a pick up for a few nights and then on occasion she will leave the pick up (tooth) behind but, will still leave a note and the highly sought after golden dollar (gold dollar coin – I got them at the bank – in bulk!).

Note the signature by Miss Tooth Fairy..

We, here at the Gosselin house, feel that our nearly daily rate of tooth loss and having to sometimes ask the tooth fairy to collect from underneath three pillows in one night has overwhelmed her!
We try to give our tooth fairy a break and are usually patient with her shortcomings! Well, usually that is… There was ONE morning where Hannah stormed downstairs and announced “Mommy! I’m very angry with the tooth fairy!” when I asked why, explaining I can’t possibly understand how she could be angry with a tiny fluttery fairy named “Miss Tooth Fairy” she said “she left my tooth behind!” Oops!

That darn tooth fairy needs more sleep and less night flying, in my opinion!

Does your tooth fairy routine feel similar? Or is it just our masses of teeth? Tell me your tooth fairy stories via email and I’ll post the funniest one!


HollyMo said...

Note the signature by Miss Tooth Fairy..

Whaaaaaaaat? Gimme a friggin break - she sucks as a writer.

Westcoastet said...

Oh jeez, this is fascinating blog content? Hate to tell you Kate, but you are a decade too late and a whole lot brain short to compete with the real mommy bloggers. You bring NOTHING to the the table that is real, interesting, or half-way well written.

In the Neighborhood said...

If I were Kate and my writing ability was on the level of a middle school student, I'd hire an intern to do the job. That is pathetic. Isn't she embarrassed to post something like that?

However, I would imagine that to the sheeple it would be best-selling material.

fade2black said...

"Miss Tooth Fairy"? Lordy be, if brains were dynamite there wouldn't be enough to blow her weave off.


fade2black said...

Well would you look at that! Blogger doesn't hate me after all, it was IE all along. Google Chrome apparently loves me though. :)

Beth said...

Dwindle said...
Congrats on the job Beth! Yes, experience does count and you will be great! Not everyone can deal with the public, be on their feet all day, be fast with numbers, handle money accuratly, monitor the front door, and all the other things you will do in your new job!

Cheers, dear!

Hippie Chick said...

Again, her blog entries are just simplistic. And not cohesive. Best selling author my ass.


Chilly In PA said...

Would it be accurate to say that 98 percent of Kate's tweeties are tweens and teens, with the other two percent being adults who have the maturity of a teen or tween?
If so, what in the world is she doing befriending kids and immature adults? Is that all she has left?

PJ's momma said...

fade2black, this statement made me nearly choke to death: Lordy be, if brains were dynamite there wouldn't be enough to blow her weave off.

Thank you for that, it was a much-needed laugh today! Glad you discovered the beauty of Goggle Chrome. I found everything on my system worked better when I moved from IE to Google Chrome. IE is horrible and slowwwwwww.

Hoosier Girl said...

fade2black said...
"Miss Tooth Fairy"? Lordy be, if brains were dynamite there wouldn't be enough to blow her weave off.

OMG! That was hilarious :)


Chilly In PA said...
Would it be accurate to say that 98 percent of Kate's tweeties are tweens and teens, with the other two percent being adults who have the maturity of a teen or tween?
If so, what in the world is she doing befriending kids and immature adults? Is that all she has left?

That would be completely accurate. My take is she befriends them because she's so immature herself.

Anonymous said...

Hate the rif raf that goes w this line of work

Psst Admin, I think she's talking about you. ~ Administrator said...

Lol maybe so.

Anonymous said...

ummm no.. i never had tooth-fairy mishaps. my kids looked forward to it so i made sure not to let them down.
are her writings getting worse? it's funny because the sheep gush and kate thinks she has a talent for writing when in reality these strange blogs make her look a bit off. why doesn't she blog about life or something interesting. no fake, no fancy..just daily musing and discussion of what it happening. instead her fans get a WOOF from shoka and some odd rambling how hard it is to have 6 kids lose their teeth at once. WOW 3 whole kids need gold coins at once? how difficult that must be!
do the sheeple really think this is good stuff or are they just being supportive? thoughts?


fidosmommy said...

EM, I think ANY word from Kate is golden to them.

fidosmommy said...

Allow me to elaborate on my comment to EM.

When I was in 5th grade, the Beatles were just
becoming popular. Their lyrics were quite simplistic, juvenile, even stupid. C'mon:

"Love, love me do. You know I love you.
I'll always be true.
So pleeeeeeeeeease. Love me, do."

But I thought it was brilliant and I sang and sang and sang. Whenever those brilliant Beatles came out with another one..........

"Oh, I tell you something. I think you'll understand. And I tell you something.
I wanna hold your haaaaaand. I wanna hold your haa-aaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-nd"

......I thought the world was a wonderful place.

So, yeah, thinking back to the 1960's, I can see why some would hang onto every stupid thing that Kate Gosselin ever wrote. As bad as her prose is, she's their little shining star and they can't wait for more of the same.

prairielivin said...

Umm, Kate - buy or make a little pouch that you can put the tooth in, and make sure its hung on the child's bedpost or left on the nightstand, not under the pillow. Pick-up problem solved.

She's the world's most organized and creative mastermind??

fidosmommy said...

Linda Foerrester is now mortified. The young woman tweeting with her has told her that if the gift(s) given to the Gosselins were genuinely from the heart, LF has nothing to be mortified about. But Kate sure needs to be. She's a thankless wonder.

I think that the young woman tweeting her has handled the situation very well. I applaud her. She clearly has no use for Kate and does not want to see anyone sucked into Kate's pity party.

Call Me Crazy said...

Congratulations, Beth. Good luck in the new job.

fade2black - Thanks for the laugh with your brains and dynamite observation.

Cathy and anyone else having trouble posting should try Google Chrome as Admin suggested. I have had no problems posting since downloading it. I was hesitant to try it because my PC is old and slow, and I was afraid it would slow my processing down, but it has turned out to be a much faster browser than Internet Explorer.

Kate is a twit said...

I really think that Kate's followers feel about her recent posts(Shoka and the Truth Fairy) the same as we do. But they are so dedicated to Kate that they would never tell her that. I think they fear that if they criticize Kate's blogs that they will be blocked on her twitter.

She did say:

Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@ @mahina58 @shannonleetweed first ugly word=blocked and immediate forgotten! :)

cat said...

There's drunk driving, drunk dialing, and now: Drunk tweeting? (or is it "twittering"?) Who knew?

steff said...

Knowing how important the Tooth Fairy experience is to kids, she's not even a good enough mom to make sure she doesn't miss a Tooth Fairy visit? What exactly does she "organize & mastermind" then?

Maybe she should turn off her twitter and start making REAL memories for her kids.

PJ's momma said...

cat, that's funny! It's like Sideways, but instead of asking her if she drank and dial, her buddy (if she had one would ask, "Did you drink and tweet?" ~ Administrator said...

Kate doesn't rate, my dog is a little mutt. :) A rescue!

when will the stupidity ever end? said...

Kate's tooth fairy article was childish and silly. She's self-impressed even when she's f--ing up. And why would any mom spill the beans on the tooth fairy's identity online with a houseful of believers in that money pit?

Gimme said...

What other celebrity are they gonna find to fawn over that will spill all the dirt to them, call them darling, and give them x's and o's and discuss blood money and the like. I think they know how Khate is and what she is all about, but just suffer from celebrity worship, pick a celebrity, any celebrity will do most hopefully one much like themselves who has actually fulfilled many of their own dreams and needs them desperately, now as her fame is waning; codependency, if you will.

Marie said...

Will this be the first unfilmed birthday of the twins in 5 years? Happy for them! It won't be broadcast! If Kate want's to create memories use a camera or a home video recorder like the rest of us do! Duh!

Kate is a twit said...

Marie said... Will this be the first unfilmed birthday of the twins in 5 years? Happy for them! It won't be broadcast!

If I recall correctly, the only time the twin's birthday was filmed was when they turned six and went to the American Girl store in NYC.

TLC ship is sinking said...

So the kids can believe in the Tooth Fairy but not Santa Claus? I understand it was because of religious reasons, but I find it a little odd if you're saying to your kids that this "person" doesn't exist but this "other person" does.

It sounds like Kate can't even pretend to do the Tooth Fairy's job properly. It's not like they each have their own individual rooms in separate wings of McMansion...such hard work for this "Tooth Fairy".

Sorry Kate, but I can't give you kudos for trying to give your children a normal childhood (such as the tooth fairy) when you go about publicly complaining about it.

Anonymous said...

Marie..Do you have a secret fear that TLC will roll in for the tups birthday? I don't know why but I did as soon as I saw your post. Hope I'm wring and the recent twittering has sealed the deal for TLC to stay away.

again..gotta say it twice.
REALLY KATE? MISS TOOTH FAIRY. She actually forgets to leave money? when she does come she forgets the teeth? agree with poster who said get a little velvet tie bag. have kids hang tooth. you wisk by, grab it and replace with another already made other bag with the darn gold coin. that way u aren't fumbling in the dark for the tooth. soooo organized. (growing up I had a tooth fairy pillow my mom made. tiny pillow with a pocket on it)

lastly, no i don't have any funny tooth fairy stories to share. i didn't know there was such opportunity for hilarity, drama, forgetfulness, accidents and incidents handling the transfer of a tooth and a coin.

of course..kate has to make it special with a gold coin (not knocking the gold just pointing out how she plans to make it fun and special only to forget)..get the a kid gets all excited for it..only to wake up and find out the tooth fairy forgot one's kids money forgot the other kids tooth. way to make something fun turn into a disappointment. FAIL!


Moose Mania said...

"What other celebrity are they gonna find to fawn over that will spill all the dirt to them, call them darling, and give them x's and o's and discuss blood money and the like. I think they know how Khate is and what she is all about, but just suffer from celebrity worship, pick a celebrity, any celebrity will do most hopefully one much like themselves who has actually fulfilled many of their own dreams and needs them desperately, now as her fame is waning; codependency, if you will."


Exactly. I was thinking about that today. The sheeple need someone like this in their lives to feel important. It's the closest they are ever going to come to associating with a "famous" person. They cannot, however, see that she is not in the least bit interested in them because they are mediocre. They don't run in the same circles. They don't send their children to private schools, drive sports cars, or live in a million dollar house with acreage. It makes no difference to them. She fulfills their fantasy of "being somebody," able to say that they "know" a celebrity and converse with her on a daily basis. If they weren't so darn mean and miserable, I'd actually feel sorry for them because they are that stupid.

I'm still trying to figure out why Kate even bothers with them since she no longer needs them to boost ratings or stay relevant by keeping her name out there. They are kids - there is nothing they can do for her. Is this really all she has left - a group of teenagers and adults who are nothing more than internet strangers?

Anonymous said...

ha!. my paragraphs are out of order. i said "lastly" but ended with a paragraph saying of "course". i'm on my way to being a sheeple worthy author.

still stunned with stupidity. Shoka Diaries and Tooth Fairy blogs all within 24 hours. The sheeple must be peeing themselves with joy.


Anonymous said...

Moose Mania.
I think she keeps the tweeters because they fill her drying ego well. She will toss them if a better source comes along.

Totally agree about the tweeties. They love having a celeb to tweet with. Don't know why but the pleas for a retweet are weird to me. What's the big deal? It that uber important in twitter world.. to be acknowledged by a Dlist celeb?
I guess it would be cool if you really did respect a celeb and they tweeted with you. Guess I just don't see how kate fills anyone's celeb needs. Didn't they learn from Multiple Blessings and Kate's interviews that she never liked her fans..and only lately when she needed them did she come around. I'm sure even she rolls her eyes at some of the ridic tweets she gets from her adoring flock.


Mr. Bond said...

I think she has 3 reasons to still bother with her fans: 1. they fawn over her, tell her how wonderful she is and boost her ego. 2. She is still in the mind-set that she is going to be on TV, radio, or movies and will need her fan following to help her ratings. 3. She has manipulated some of her fans to send her gifts.

Moose Mania said...

The sheeple must be peeing themselves with joy.


Who is the head sheeple who cleans the barnyard?


Fidosmommy - Tweeters tried to tell Linda not to send gifts to Kate because she wouldn't acknowledge or appreciate them. She didn't listen. She says she went with her gut. Now she is mortified. How could someone watch episodes, read Kate's tweets, read articles about her and not know that she is all about, me, me? Why send gifts to someone who has amassed a small fortune but yet makes it her life's work to grift? I don't get it.

However, the person who was tweeting with her did handle it with graciousness and was non-judgmental. I think, though, that we never really will find out if gifts were sent, if this person is who she says she is, or if this whole thing was just a ruse.

Now if admin would get busy doing some investigative work and would write a re-cap on this episode, we might have some definitive answers!

Sport said...

Does anyone REALLY believe she has special gold coins for lost teeth? Bullshit. Maybe she did it *once* and is still amazing herself.

As most of you all have pointed out - it was important to our kids so we did it, didnt forget, even looked forward to it. I remember one time I DID forget with my daughter. I was mortified at breakfast as she told me. (Wasnt much drama, she told me matter-of-factly and my then wife and I shared a glance.)

I snuck into her room and placed it between the headboard and wall like it fell off the bed. Later when we were cleaning her room and she was making her bed she 'found' it and we both determined it must have fallen on her pillow while she slept :)

Funny side note to this story...
A few years later, my kids were probably 7 and 9 at the time. I gave my oldest a buck under his pillow for his lost tooth. He thanked me later with a sly smile. I was shocked, and asked him how long he has known and he told me for a couple years.

"Why didnt you tell me you knew?!"

"I figured if you wanted to keep giving me free money I wasnt gonna say anything, Dad."

Gimme said...

What I never understood about the Ipad lady is why stop at 5 Ipads. There are 8 kids. Plus their mother who would never let them leave her without - why not for the 9 and maybe Shoka a little something, maybe a key to hang around his neck. Why not send 8 to Jon's house so they can have one there as well. If you got money to burn on 5 Ipads why not go all the way with it. The saga continues. Thanks for the Twitter, it is much more interesting than the show. Khate being all nicy, nicy is actually quite refreshing. Oh but wait I watched all the JK8 marathons. I know better.

Moose Mania said...

Has Brownie gone MIA? Can she really stay quiet for much longer?

TLC ship is sinking said...

Sport said...Does anyone REALLY believe she has special gold coins for lost teeth? Bullshit. Maybe she did it *once* and is still amazing herself.

When I first read her new blog post upthread, I thought she meant those gold [chocolate] coins you could get at any store that sells party goods...if Kate is such a cheapskate with her kids.

However, I think she actually meant those US gold dollar coins (used to be silver dollars). I hardly see those anywhere except at our local car wash that, for some odd reason, will only take these gold dollar coins and not regular bills or quarters.

Sport, I totally agree with your kids. The additional free money was the best part of the tooth fairy's visit.

hey jude said...

Fidosmommy, thanx for the Beatles melodies in my head now.I grew up in that era too, and it was a simpler time.I loved it and my memories are golden.

Love all the dog lovers and stories on this blog.Bearswife, love your doggie sitting on your train, so sweet. I had all kinds of mutts growing up and when we got married, we have had poodles, why? Don't know, my husband always said they were the dumbest dogs alive, we 've had two so far.

They were both very smart, but the first one was a one- woman dog.He'd bark his head off when my dh came home after being away all week, then slowly settled him in to her house!She would almost trip me trying to follow me! Her name was Mandy after the Rod Stewart song. Is that his name, I'm having a brain fart?

She used to bite the hair off her paws when I went to work; the vet said she was depressed without me! So, I made her some little booties and that fixed her chewing hair off, not for her lack of trying to eat them; they were too tough to chew.

We had some psychotherapy, I talked and she was supposed to listen,not so sure about that but she looked attentive.Ahhh, man's best friend,too bad Kate hasn't figured out that Shoka would be a lovely companion for her. Too mediocre I guess, she needs one to carry in one of her purses that Steve carried for her.

Has Steve shipped on out of there, anyone spotted him? Kate must be lost without her handler,literally because she lacks any kind of direction, inner and outer. Pity, cause she's an angry mother right now, her whole world has collapsed and she has no clue what to do.....

Tamara said...

Any idea if most of her sheeple concentrate on the early episodes, or if they are all Kate Plus 8 Prisoners only fans?

Has everyone here seen all the episodes from the start or just after the divorce drama started?

Laurie said...

cat said... There's drunk driving, drunk dialing, and now: Drunk tweeting? (or is it "twittering"?) Who knew?
To paraphrase the old commercial:

Friends don't let friends tweet drunk.

oh wait, this is Kate we're talking about. Never mind.

DannysSister said...

So Santa is fake and they made sure to tell them quite young but Ms. Tooth Fairy is real. Yeah, that's logical. What was the bit about the signature. Does Ms. Tooth Fairy also write the kids a note about how lucky they are to have such a fantastic, wonderful, beautiful momster?

hey jude said...

Dwindle, I am so sorry for the poor girl in your family, how horrible .Don't you dare feel bad for watching the Kate chronicles unfold, we all need our distractions from our daily lives and it's harmless fun.You are a special lady and you better know that; I don't visit rif raf, you know!

By the way, we have all the gold coins in Canada, they're called loonies,our dollar coins.We make things easier for all the parents needing tooth fairy money.Kate's blogs are getting worse, she is losing it, best selling author? Ha ha ha, whoops ,fell off my leather couch.

Dwindle, no pool and now no leather couch? Kate won't be coming over to your house, too mediocre, but I will. I have been trying to come, but life keeps getting in the way. Guess I'll be inspecting the new couch out.It may snow here soon, so I should come soon. This w/e is Thanksgiving and all my girls and grand-kids will be here. so I'm busy baking.

Have a great night everyone.Bearswife, this time if you see me walking, pick me up please.

Gimme said...

I used to get the gold dollars at the bank $25 a roll. They really enhance the beauty of the change jar - don't we all have one of those or is it just me still. I would give them to my son when he brought home a good report or did something nice. I would shine it up, it was still a dollar but so much more in his eyes.

gramof5 said...

The reason Kate didn't want the kids to believe in Santa, is because she didn't want to share the glory with anyone, including the jolly ole' St Nick, when the kids ran downstairs and saw all the gifts under the tree.
Even though they were the ones that actually paid for their own socks,PJ's,underwear and a couple of toys each.

Just Me said...

Kate needs therapy for her ! addiction. There was a photo along with her Tooth Fairy post today. I haven't seen it described so I will treat you all to that.

It's written (she does not have pretty writing IMO..that is just shallow snark..I'm a handwriting snob, I admit. In fact, now that I look at it, it looks like it was written by a teenager...not that all teenagers have bad writing, but it's very rounded and just looks "young" to my eye).

I'm going to go ahead and type it exactly the way it is on the sheet. Keep in mind this is going to look like strange formatting online because it's on a regular sheet of blank paper so she has less space than you do in a post (marginwise)

Ok so at the top right is the date 9-16-11

Dear Alexis,

You lost your second
Front tooth! Good
job to Shoka! :)
Keep brushing &
eating - makes your
teeth white & strong!
it was a rainy trip!

yuck (this is written at an angle bottom left)
Byeeeee! (also at an angle under yuck)
Miss Tooth Fairy (this is taking up the whole bottom right area and is written in what is supposed to be flowery print)

Also of note: the smiley in the 3rd line is the normal printed way with the 2 dots for eyes and the smile under it, but I can't do that online

PJ's momma said...

hey jude, you named your dog after a Barry Manilow song! Oh God, is it weird that I know that?

We love our two dogs. Our doxie is really a pain in the palinka (psycho) and a money pit, but our new little terrier mix rescue is the light of our lives. Dixie! She is the cutest dog ever. My dog is cuter than your dog, neener neener! HA! Just kidding.

hey jude said...

Admin., I read that and at first I thought you and your dh dressed up like the dogs too for Hallow'een! Ha ha ha,LOL!

Tamara, I have watched since the beginning,but stopped later on.

DannysSister, She signed the letter from the tooth fairy, from Kate. Not too bright,is she?

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Moose Mania said...

Has Brownie gone MIA? Can she really stay quiet for much longer?

Considering how much she tweeted before and how ENTHUSIASTICALLY!!!!!!!!!!!! and how AWESOME and AMAZING everything was, I'd say she's gone MIA.

She received a tweet Oct. 4 for an offer for help at an upcoming seminar and Brown Noser
didn't even reply to her.

@mkbrownlow Anything you need me to help w on Sunday? Looking forward to see you and all the bfly girlz!
22 hours ago

Weekend In New England said...

PJ's momma said...

hey jude, you named your dog after a Barry Manilow song! Oh God, is it weird that I know that?

My kids are Fanilows (how weird is that?), and there were tee shirts available, "Ever wonder why your mother named you Mandy?"

Anonymous said...

Fidsosmommy..Your're so right. kate's printed word are magic to a sheeps ears. :0)

Teresa..I watched before the divorce drama. Embarrassed to say all the episodes. I feel guilty for adding to the exploitation because after a few episodes I was only watching because I couldn't believe what a bitch kate was and I was i guess dumbstruck about how much free stuff kept getting yet claimed to be so poor and while treating people so shabbily. I had googled her by 2nd season and I felt a strong dislike for her. By season 3 more info was coming out and i kept wanting to see what other people saw to make her Americ's Darling Super Mom. Then it seems it's almost like I watched in anger and disbelief. Makes no sense now. Anyway I stopped watching after the divorce episode.

I too actually always wonder what the sheep watch..i think it's 50/50. The foreigners don't have the newest of Kate plus 8 so I notice they watch Jon/kate. The young girls that are fans seem to watch jon/kate and dream of a "perfect family" and the sheep who dream of personal riches and fame tend to like the Kate plus 8 episodes best because they show "a strong brave mom doing it all alone while looking beautiful" (yes that was hard to type)


Beth said...

I will never forget when my youngest found out that Santa Claus wasn't real. She was so furious that she had been deceived. She looked at me and without missing a beat she asked, "Is Jesus real?" Out of the mouth of babes!

Red Sky At Night said...

Guess who has been reading here? There were a few comments about Shoka setting off the alarm, and now she tweets:

@cynd31 yep. Did that too! Can still nudge it Enough and set off alarm... Dogs (that are men!)- ugh! Lol

Gimme said...

She actually wrote yuck on the tooth fairy letter? I guess I wasn't the funnest mom because I never wrote a tooth fairy letter, because my kids are bright enough to RECOGNIZE my handwriting, even more so if I left little sticky inspiring notes taken from the tweeties all over the house!

PJ's momma said...

EM, you just described our J&K+8 viewing! We don't have kids by choice, really didn't get much out of watching them, but were absolutely riveted by what a bitch she was to everyone but especially Jon (and he had the reactions of an abuse victim, which he was) and her never-ending complaining in the face of every free thing ever handed to her! She has not changed - she was a raging lunatic when Jon did everything and she sat around barking orders. She's been a B from day one and she can't blame it on stress, being a single (cack) parent, or anything. She's alone and no doubt lonely and I do not feel an ounce of pity for her. She did it to herself. Can you imagine seeing videos of yourself like that? We would be mortified to see how we came across and we would change it! I grew up in a yelling household and my husband didn't. He hates yelling and I was like, 'Well, go ahead and yell at me too, it doesn't bother me.' Now I see how childish that was - especially after I got a view of myself in a mirror as I was screaming. It scared me. He saw that whenever I got upset. And I DO NOT do that anymore. My eyes were opened, he is too important to me to be disrespected like that and I changed my behavior. I still make mistakes but I recognize when I'm going down that road and I remove myself. Kate just justifies her HORRIBLE behavior, constantly. Therefore, she will always be alone and lonely.

It's probably just me said...

Also, I don't get that last tweet about the dog-men trying so hard to escape her basement they can nudge even sticks wedged in the slider track out? What? Oh, translator!!!

Just Me said...

She actually wrote yuck on the tooth fairy letter?

Yes. It's also strange (what about her isn't) because it's kind of set off a bit. Partly because it's angled and partly due to the spacing.

I know it's supposed to be in relation to the "it was a rainy trip!", but because it's the next line and kind of set off it looks like a completely new thought that actually belongs with the "Byeeeee!"

I thought that about the handwriting as well, wouldn't the kids recognize it by now?

Also, why is Shoka mentioned in this letter about losing the tooth? "Good job to Shoka!" Did he knock the tooth out?

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

It's probably just me said...

Also, I don't get that last tweet about the dog-men trying so hard to escape her basement they can nudge even sticks wedged in the slider track out? What? Oh, translator!!!

Is she saying she hates male dogs??

Friend In Pennsylvania said...

"Also, I don't get that last tweet about the dog-men trying so hard to escape her basement they can nudge even sticks wedged in the slider track out? What? Oh, translator!!!"

We have sliders to the deck at the beach house. We had pieces of wood cut at the lumber yard to fit in the TOP of the slider. Perfect fit, and too high for the kids to reach them. Has Kate thought about that? Shoka may be smart, but I doubt that he could reach his paw to the top of the door.

Sliding Door Dunce said...

cynd31@Kateplusmy8 put a stick on the inside track and block the door from opening

Kate's answer to cynd31:
@cynd31 yep. Did that too! Can still nudge it Enough and set off alarm... Dogs (that are men!)- ugh! Lol
Here's a little hint kate GET A LONGER STICK! They also make special locks that you can engage when the door is closed.

Just Me said...

Here you go. The tooth fairy letter without giving her hits.


PJ's momma said...

Oh my goodness, there is a little lock that you can put on a slider that is installed between the sliding door and the stationary one and needs a key to open. You install it at whatever height you want (eye level for most adults seems to work best). It costs $5. Unless the dog grows an opposable thumb, he will not be able to get out. How dumb can one woman be?

Laurie said...

Dear Kate,

I think you meant "keeps brushing & FLOSSING - makes your teeth white and strong".

Newton Snookers

Pulling The Wool said...

I was just checking out the sheeple's latest antics over at Twitter, and Walt/Kelly was in the cupcake shop in DC today, and he says that they did NOT send Kate cupcakes, and he says Kate made the whole thing up.
What to believe...who to believe...

Marie said...

Marie..Do you have a secret fear that TLC will roll in for the tups birthday? I don't know why but I did as soon as I saw your post. Hope I'm wring and the recent twittering has sealed the deal for TLC to stay away.

EM, no it's not a fear TLC with foot another elaborate party. My cocnern lies with the fact that over the years these kids have gotten extravagant parties--waterslides, trips to Florida, that ridiculous 3rd birthday party with the ponies. Fact that Kate has allowed her twins to have one birthday, yet the 6 are used to getting far more it's just really doesn't set well with me.

Kate allowed Mady to pout at their third birthday, and took Mady aside on their last birthday in Florida I believe...that they get three parties because they are special and were in the NICU.

Now, without TLC, and the kids being used to getting this special privilege or going behind scenes at shows, going into stores where it's just them I think come their birthday as they'e come to expect something extravagant or filmed it may be a shock. She has spoiled and allowed her 6 to expect it and I think it's wrong.

Now, I'm all for having birthday parties people but within reason is what I mean. You keep giving kids so much, they come to expect it, when they can't have it anymore...well that's my problem here. I think it was wrong.

If all Kate wanted was to make memories on birthdays or whatever, her lame ass excuse she didn't have time to take pictures or film it, what does she think the rest of us do? We take pics, we film it ourselves.

Admin--could I ask, did I miss the last recap of the finale of Kate plus 8 or did you decide not to do it?

Pulling The Wool said...

Now he says that he was at the DC M street location and they do have another shop in Bethesda that he's going to check out tomorrow. Back-pedaling a bit...

PJ's momma said...

Pulling the Wool.......she may have frozen the cupcakes they took home from that episode they did and used those. Did she say they were FRESH cupcakes? I don't think so. ~ Administrator said...

Dont knock it you know my cat growing up had thumbs.

Anonymous said...

I had to stop reading these posts about 30 entries ago. I'm hungry. I want CHOCOLATE now. Brownies, cupcakes, i don't care. I've looked. There is nothing here and damned if I'm going out. Guess I'll just be miserable with my seriously contracting stomach.

Pulling The Wool said...

Pulling the Wool.......she may have frozen the cupcakes they took home from that episode they did and used those. Did she say they were FRESH cupcakes? I don't think so.


I was wondering about that. I think I missed part of the saga. I thought that somebody said it was a surprise delivery from her friends at DC cupcakes and that's why she put the brownies away and took the cupcakes instead. Anyone know?

Regardless, you don't call somebody a liar unless you have all your ducks lined up and the proof that you need. The cupcakes could have been sent from the other shop.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

PJ's momma said...

Pulling the Wool.......she may have frozen the cupcakes they took home from that episode they did and used those. Did she say they were FRESH cupcakes? I don't think so.
Hi Tweeties! Boy did I hav a trick up my sleeve today!! Cara,Mady&I made 51 brownies for sch bday treat..But I switched them out& brought...

.. What did I bring instead of the bday brownies?? My friends at @georgetowncupcakesovernighted 5 dozen cupcakes! Oh how excited C&M were!

PJ's momma said...

Oh, my bad, I don't follow her that closely because it makes bile rise in my throat. My apologies. Those nice ladies probably took pity on those girls. It is a nice gesture - for the girls. But that tweet (thank you) sure does make one wonder about Kelly's findings, eh? Maybe it was the other location.

Tamara said...

If she posted something recently in her own handwriting, a lot can be learned from that. Anyone know anything about handwriting analysis?

Pulling The Wool said...

Uh-oh, somebody reported that Brownie's page no longer exists. I checked - yes, it's gone. I wonder what name she will surface under next. There is a twitter account with the same name as her girls' organization, but that wasn't just created.

I think something happened. It was just about the time that she disappeared that someone reported some unflattering info about her. She then briefly changed her avatar. Something's up. Either that, or the expired cereal has now been delivered, and there's no more reason to tweet!

Pulling The Wool said...

Tweet-le is the go-to person for everything on Twitter! Thanks, Tweet!

I knew there was something about her having the cupcakes delivered from her cupcake buddies. I just didn't know if it was a rumor that got convoluted along the way, or if Kate actually tweeted it.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Pulling The Wool said... Regardless, you don't call somebody a liar unless you have all your ducks lined up and the proof that you need. The cupcakes could have been sent from the other shop.

I agree. I'm also surprised if they owners of the shop would give out that kind of information, especially since DC Cupcakes and Kate are rather "connected" because of TLC. Doesn't seem very professional to me to answer a question about whether they shipped her cupcakes.

And you're welcome!!

Midnight Madness said...

I think Underwalt is playing word games:

@acemme @kateplusmy8 They were polite, surprised, knew who she is and had no idea. They said NOTHING about sending cupcakes to Kate.

He asked them about Kate, but he hasn't said that they denied sending cupcakes there, only that they said nothing about sending cupcakes. Maybe they just declined comment, thus, NOTHING. Was there an absolute denial on their part? He also hasn't said to whom he spoke...owners, or just employees?

silimom said...

Marie, I wouldn't worry too much about the tups going into shock at the reduced number of birthdays. They'll still get two birthdays and you know that Kate will have to go all out just to show them that she loves them more than Jon because after all gifts are her love language.

Marie said...

I just find it complete odd here.

1.) Why would Kate report baking 51 (odd number) odd brownies with her kids to then only,

2.) Post that Georgetown overnighted them 5 (regular or bakers?) dozen cupcakes.

51 brownies vs. either 60 or 65 depending on regular or baker's dozen.

The math just doesn't add up for me. Or am I just now going bat-crazy?

Maybe Kate did bake the brownies, then ordered the cupcakes so she could secretly eat all the brownies herself! Who knows!

Mr. Bond said...

I went to twitIQ, and pulled up mkbrownlow, it says the following message:

This Person has protected their Tweets.

I don't think the account is gone, just made private.

chefsummer #Leh said...

I wonder how much is Kate missing the NYC

Pulling The Wool said...

I went to twitIQ, and pulled up mkbrownlow, it says the following message:

This Person has protected their Tweets.

I don't think the account is gone, just made private.


This is the message I got:

Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said...

Sorry, but how weird is it for someone to go to a cupcake place and ask them if they overnighted Kate some cupcakes. If I was the owner, I would say it's none of your business. And I would also think there was some screw loose for someone to actually take the time to give a crap. And I have a hard time believing Kate would lie about something that is going to be all over twitter. I ask, is it really that important? It's cupcakes for sh** sakes.

Paper Plates Forever! Yay! said...

Just to clarify my point. So it is believed she lies on twitter about all sorts of things. But since she LOVED those two cupcake women to death when she got to meet them, I would think she would not want to be busted by them about the fact she lied on twitter. It's too risky for her. ~ Administrator said...

I'll analyze the hand-writing for ya. The slanted, bubbly, juvenile look screams I'm stunted at age 14.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Pulling the Wool said...This is the message I got:

Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!

Me too.

From the tweets I've been reading the guy who was arrested for kiddie porn was in a group picture on Brownlow's Facebook page which has been deleted too.

The informer had a twitter account using the name @Serpnj. His account "no longer exists" but I read it about 20 minutes ago, so he just deleted it. He is the one who tweeted that a pic of the porn guy was on Brownlow's Facebook.

Oh, the drama!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

@Serpnj also tweeted that Brownlow considered him "family."

fidosmommy said...

If I were to speak to the GT Cupcakes owners, my approach would be: Oh, I read that one of your shops sent a wonderful Birthday surprise to the Gosselin twins. That was so nice of you, and I'm sure they really enjoyed their school party.

The end. If they wanted to continue the conversation, they could. If they didn't, they could change the subject or suddenly see a customer who needed help.

re: Brownlow. Very interesting.

I'm thinking a new version of "CLUE" is needed. We have the scenarios, weapons (cupcakes, iPads, backpacks, tweets, etc.) and the usual suspects ready to go.

fidosmommy said...

It appears Mrs. Miami Heat's twitter account is gone now too.

Moose Mania said...

I'm thinking a new version of "CLUE" is needed. We have the scenarios, weapons (cupcakes, iPads, backpacks, tweets, etc.) and the usual suspects ready to go.


Ms. Cereal did it with a mixing bowl in the Apple store?

Your cupcake shop approach is excellent, and is exactly what should have been done. Very courteous, to the point, non-confrontational, and yet direct.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

There were Twitter difficulties but it's back up now and it looks like Linda Foerrester's account is still there and so is @Serpnj. Brownlow's no longer exists though.

Moose Mania said...

If I was the owner, I would say it's none of your business


I don't believe he talked to the owner. It was an employee who probably was surprised by the question. I think that maybe he is trying to call her out on a lie in retaliation for what she tweeted about him - that everything he said about an Annapolis trip was lie. I'm thinking the cupcakes were sent from the other location.

It's a soap opera!

That porn guy has some extensive charges against him...did you see the docket? One hundred counts. That arrest was on September 13, and she waited until this week to pull everything - after someone tweeted about it? It gets curiouser and curiouser! ~ Administrator said...

CLUE haha!

I would suggest we can rule out this all went down in the Library. I'm pretty sure Kate's never been in one of those.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Walt's full explanation (read from the bottom up)FWIW.

Underwalt Walt
@ashymama2 @kateplusmy8 She replied, "if we did,I would know about it". Nahh, I don't think so" and laughed.
2 hours ago

Underwalt Walt
@ashymama2 @kateplusmy8 Yes, she knows who she is. I then asked if they baked cupcakes for Kate and overnighted them for the twins b-day
2 hours ago

Underwalt Walt
@ashymama2 @kateplusmy8 I agreed about how absurd it sounded but wanted to know if she knew who Kate Gosselin was. She laughed and said
2 hours ago

Underwalt Walt
@ashymama2 @kateplusmy8 overnighted from Gtown cupcake and told them how nice that was to do that. She said she knew nothing about it
2 hours ago

Underwalt Walt
@ashymama2 @kateplusmy8 another employee asked me what I was inquiring about. I again stated that Kate tweeted about getting cupcakes...
2 hours ago

Underwalt Walt
@ashymama2 @kateplusmy8 the girl laughed and said no. I told her about Kate's tweet and wanted to write about it. She inquired and ..
2 hours ago

Underwalt Walt
@ashymama2 @kateplusmy8 I walked into the store, ordered a pumpkin spice cupcake asked if they overnighted 51 cupcakes to Kate Gosselin...
2 hours ago

fidosmommy said...

Or at any school related activity either, Admin. ~ Administrator said...

I do have to say that the whole thing sounds highly suspicious. I am not sure I really believe Kate was grifted with these. The twins' birthday is not until this weekend right? How would DC cupcakes know to surprise them early? How do they know they have Friday off and would need the cupcakes on Thursday. How would they know exactly how many to send? Plus, they already went out of their way to give them a bunch of free stuff last time, why would they do it AGAIN just a few months later? They have to make a living too and that is a heck of a lot of cupcakes.

What's her motive for lying about this? I really think Kate wants people to think she is loved and adored by her "friends" so much so that they would do this special thing for her.

But I'm with whoever says it makes no difference whether this happened or not. If this happened, the joke's on DC Cupcakes. If it didn't, joke's on Kate.

What I do believe is that if cupcake gate happened, the employees would know about such a big order.

Incidentally and very ironically, this weekend I am going to be both in Bethesda for a wedding, and Georgetown to see an old friend. But I can't imagine caring enough to swing by and ask. Besides, isnt the mystery more fun?

Moose Mania said...

Now we will never find out if the cereal and Sobe exchanged hands over lunch at the neighborhood cafe. Darn.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

Administrator said...

I do have to say that the whole thing sounds highly suspicious. I am not sure I really believe Kate was grifted with these. The twins' birthday is not until this weekend right? How would DC cupcakes know to surprise them early? How do they know they have Friday off and would need the cupcakes on Thursday. How would they know exactly how many to send? Plus, they already went out of their way to give them a bunch of free stuff last time, why would they do it AGAIN just a few months later? They have to make a living too and that is a heck of a lot of cupcakes.

I have the same questions, and then I remember Linda Foerrester implying by her tweets (in my mind anyway) that she sent the cupcakes. She tweeted something about hoping the girls have a "sweet birthday"

Twitter is glitchy and I can't retrieve Linda's tweets now.

But, yeah, the mystery is more fun than the facts will turn out to be no doubt.

TLC ship is sinking said...

Wouldn't it be easier to tweet DC Cupcakes or one of its owners about it...using fidosmommy's approach?

Or, retweet Kate's cupcake tweet about it to the owners and see if they respond?

Sleepless In Seattle said...

Cupcake gate -
I remember reading one of Underwalt's tweets calling BS on this because Kate couldn't have gone to the Fed Ex store and then delivered them to school in time (actually, she could have, if they were overnighted and weren't needed until after lunch).

However, couldn't someone (Steve?) have ordered the cupcakes as as a surprise? He would have known how many to order, that they needed them by lunch, and had them delivered DIRECTLY to the school rather than having Kate pick them up and have to drive them to school?

So many possibilities, so many unanswered questions!

Sleepless In Seattle said...

I have the same questions, and then I remember Linda Foerrester implying by her tweets (in my mind anyway) that she sent the cupcakes. She tweeted something about hoping the girls have a "sweet birthday"


True, but she didn't know how many were needed, what time, or even on what day, and Kate denied that she even knew her.

Anonymous said...

PJ's momma
thanks for sharing your story...i find it very relevant because you learned from your behavior. you respected you man enough to try to make a healthy environment for him. and look at the gifts you have received in return. you have true love based on mutual respect.
i say this is because...

kate obviously grew up around some sort of chaos. she met and married a very loving and mellow jon. had she opened up and allowed him to teach her some things about life and love instead of her trying to CONTROL him she may have gotten a wonderful gift. she has literally denied herself the joy of peace and happiness because she thinks she is always right, always better, always smarter. she didn't realize and appreciate what she and jon had as partners so kate didn't nurture it. the tv show came and she had to show the world that she was BETTER! SMARTER! MORE ORGANIZED! she would have been better off to understand that she actually had a lot to learn from jon's gentle nature. she could have helped him become more goal oriented or less passive had she spoken to him with respect. that marriage could have made both of them better people. kate failed and failed hard. her ego destroyed something amazing. she had a man who loved her and was willing to stand by her side forever. does she really think she's gonna find that again seeing how she didn't take away any lessons from the 1st relationship? she's gonna go into the next relationship the same bitter shrew and she'll destroy the next man as well.
it's sad really. especially when i firsthand learned how awesome it is to let someone show you a better way. its a lesson that has stayed with me in so many ways.
kate threw so much away. people skills effect your children, family, husband and career.

now im not a huge kardashian fan but i was watching the show tonight and kim was discussing how you cannot get a name for yourself in this industry as a difficult diva. she may be a bit vapid but i think her success is largely because she is so professional onset when she takes a job. compare to kate.......

when i think of kate im always thinking of the saying
she will understand what she has been given in the past. it wasn't money and gifts. she was one of the lucky ones to have a supportive family, a loving husband,beautiful healthy children, love and support from her church and comunity and eventually fans who truly cared.
kate shit on all of that. she wanted gifts. she wanted cash. she lost sight of what the real gifts from the universe were.

you cant take an Audi with you when you go - was it all worth it kate? you stomped on everything that offered you love for material goods to feed your ego. now you are alone. but no one can be sad for you because you CHOSE THIS. you literally pushed each person away one at a time. even today you could change the situation but your ego wont let you.

so..long rant...long post....but what the hell i felt like talking. :0)


Anonymous said...

ok fine. shoka can pull out sticks too. has kate considered the pin at the top of the door? i had one of those in the past. really? she's gonna risk her kids safety because she is too stupid to go to Home Depot and get some ideas to secure her house.
and the sheeple worship this mater planner and organizer why????????????


fidosmommy said...

Where is her high paid "security team" to help her learn about security measures for her home?
Is she just now mentioning it because it was such a cute story for Shoka's Diary? Did Shoka just start doing this after Steve's paycheck dried up?

"I suggest Shoka did it in the rec room with the door lock."

Anonymous said...

Marie...Didn't you love at the tups bday party in Florida when kate told Mady about the tups being in the NICU - Mady shot back "So were Cara and I" (paraphrased)

I think Mady figured out her mom's bullchit long ago. I always felt it was unfair. I hate when adults show favoritism among their children. i was STUNNED to find out that Kate basically called Hannah out as her favorite child in Multiple Blessings. That is a cruel thing to do to siblings who are already competing for special moments and memories with their mom.
My grandmother openly favored my sister growing up. It stings. Kate's so darn clueless it's pathetic. Yet her fans think she is a wonderful mother. I cannot understand how they don't think about the things kate has actually said over the years. what are they hearing????


Anonymous said...

maybe brownlow freaked out that someone tied her to the child porn guy. that would freak me out for sure! her photo was on her twitter. maybe she started to realize its not always smart to put your face, personal info, personal blogs link, time and date of functions etc on TWITTER for any lunatic to read. i wouldn't like the thought of thinking i was googled or traced online. it's creepy when you think about it.

i don't know why but i wonder if her husband was growing concerned with her being so out there in cyberspace or so embarrassed by her fawning that he asked her to stop.
Those are my guesses


Marie said...

Anonymous said...

Marie...Didn't you love at the tups bday party in Florida when kate told Mady about the tups being in the NICU - Mady shot back "So were Cara and I" (paraphrased)

I think Mady figured out her mom's bullchit long ago. I always felt it was unfair. I hate when adults show favoritism among their children. i was STUNNED to find out that Kate basically called Hannah out as her favorite child in Multiple Blessings. That is a cruel thing to do to siblings who are already competing for special moments and memories with their mom.
My grandmother openly favored my sister growing up. It stings. Kate's so darn clueless it's pathetic. Yet her fans think she is a wonderful mother. I cannot understand how they don't think about the things kate has actually said over the years. what are they hearing????

Okay, due insomnia, it happens in college, I'm still awake!, fun!

I am just absolutely disgusted! Kate's favoritism is just wrong in my eyes. I had a thought here, and it might be way out there but it's just a thought:

Since I've never actually cared to read Multiple Blessings, is it possible that Kate formed a specific attachment to Hannah because she was the first one Kate got to hold?

Her showing favoritism I can relate big time too EM. My grandma doted on my older brother, bought him anything he ever wanted, even his first car a year before he got a license! Yet heaven forbid if I poured a bowl of cereal I might mess up her perfect kitchen. She was a neat freak, much like Kate claims to be.

Because of being favored so much, I tend to think this might lead some of the kids to feel entitled, arrogant and controlling. I know it stings big time.

mkbrownlow did it with Twitter in Georgetown Cupcake shop.

hey jude said...

I think Kate is lying about all the things Shoka is supposed to be doing, just to have something to write about.That dog is not allowed in her house, unless one of the kids sneaks her in. All of a sudden Shoka has a blog, boy she's reaching since she has never had a thing to do with her, except send her away.

She reads here and sees all the things we talk about, like where Shoka is, and decides to write a blog about it? She never said anything before, like running or walking her,in fact ignores the dog until lately. She has no hot NYC trips and shows to brag about ,so it's the tooth fairy , cupcakes and shoka drivel- all lies,pretending to act like a real Mom. She is not believable.

I can't believe there are t -shirts about fanilows, that's so funny, ha ha ha.I guess we named her our dog after Barry Manilow.I wish I could get a t-shirt like yours,in above post with that Mandy saying on it.

Kate, I think you should tell us where Steve is and did you get free cup-cakes again, or are you lying? Hands up if you know the answer!

Fidosmommy, my dog was way cuter than yours and very smart too, for a poodle/terrier- a terr-a-poo! She's in doggie heaven now and I miss her so much. We are talking about getting another dog, but my dh wants a bijon-shitzu? mix,furry little things. Have to do some research on them first.

Why would Kate get cup-cakes when they made brownies? She never takes the twins feelings into consideration, what a surprise, yeah, no.I suppose the brownies were too mediocre, had to pretend to be a big shot and get expensive free cupcakes from the freezer...She's a piece of work.

Anonymous said...

i think you are right about the bonding. i have never read any of kate's books but that sounds right. it's probably true but any normal mom knows how siblings feel when they think one is favored. kate was stupid enough to put it in print. she just doesn't get it. he kids will be amazing if they survive her narcissism. i feel bad for them. it seems like such a lonely life being a Gosselin.

RE - cupcakes. lmao. i cant believe im discussing these things BUT it is very suspicious that EVERY TIME kate tweeted to DC Cupcake ladies she got the twitter account name wrong. every time. that's hinky

if she lied about them being overnighted thus using the frozen ones just to get attention than she is a fool. even her fans questioned her on "what was wrong with the brownies the twins made"

kate was also very careful not to say she bought cupcakes or say the were a gift. she selects her words very carefully. she said her friends overnighted them. never said they paid. BUT she teasers "what did i replace C&M's browines with."
i BROUGHT (not bought) cupcakes. so that one's open for speculation. i just find it funny that kate is such a known liar you cant even believe when she has cupcakes. even stranger is the fact that she thinks those things are more impressive with a homebaked treat from her own daughters' hands.
timeline - dont see where she had the time to bake 51 brownies with girls. on the BAKING sunday the kids were with jon. in the evening of sun-mon-tue she twatted all night. then poof wed she had brownies. like i said before ..her whole life is a ruse for her sheeple. i dont think she does anything but sit on her couch and tweets and google herself. JMO

RE the cupcake investigtor. dont think i could have gone into a store looking to make someone look like a liar. unless he is writing an article or book about kate i dont see the point. you cant convert a sheep. the ones with brains saw the light long ago

RE mkbrownlow. cant imagine what's up with that. im sticking with she finally realized (or hubby told her to lay low) that woman was all over the place sucking up to everyone. being outed as having a teen girl advocacy while hanging out with a pedo is not good for her credibility so i think she had to duck out. regardless...she seemed nice and all but my 1st reaction to seeing her tweets was "no way in hell would she mentor my teen" - she was too starstruck to show she had common sense to me. her people radar was way off. hence why her "friend" was able to mislead her i suspect.

ToothFairy did the basement.....with alexis' 2nd front tooth....


Marie said...

The bonding is just an opinion honestly but it does happen for whatever the reason. The fact it is out there in print just sickens me. What it's not enough the kids have to see it everyday? Now they get to read it, too? Oh the drama!

Whether she bought them or they were gifts I still don't see why she would even bother mention making 51 brownies. That's truly an odd number. Even if you combine classes if the twins are in separate that would only be maybe 45 students? Why 51? It would have been better if she just said 50 at least it be even!

Anonymous said...

looks like hey jude and i were having the same thought at the same time RE kate being a fake and her twitter life being a ruse, :)


Anonymous said...

ahh but the great over exaggarating looney has to make 51! you know because us normal people only ever make 12. its FIFTY ONE!!!!!!! could never be as ordinary as FIFTY. she is a mess

just like teeth fall out en mass at her home. her dog outdoes everyones dog. her life is harder, she runs more miles, eats less, eats healthier, packs better lunches. etc.
it really lame that she thinks life is a competetion. it's not. if it was she would be losing BTW - sad :(


Marie said...

Yeah but you see EM, she's in a competition with nobody but HERSELF! Sick and weird if you ask me.

Yeah, normal people make 12, that's a dozen but no she has to make sure it's so outrages a number to make herself THINK she is that special.

Using logic if you use an 8X8 pan you might get's been a while since I baked anything at the moment I might be wrong! so if she truly made 51 she would have had to make 4 batches of 8X8 at least 4 times. What did she magically have this pan that bakes enough to make 3 extra?

Anyway you slice it, it's still just doesn't add up! Right?

hey jude said...

It was Kate in the big, blue van with the red plastic spoon! We sure as hell know it wasn't Jon or any of their kids in the master bedroom with a cup-cake! It might have been Kate with a wire hanger in there with her 9th pink i-phone twittering instructions to her tweenies.

I never was much good at Clue. We should call it Klueless with Kate! te he he......I crack myself up,I need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Marie said...

Nah, it's okay hey jude! I was never really good at it either.

Here's Kate's version of clue, wish she'd GET a clue!

Kate: Jon did it in the Mine-all-mine mansion with a non-organic half banana! wasn't him?

Steve did it in the basement with the pizza

Not him?

The boys did it in the BBB with their lost teeth out of order!

Um...not them either? Well, it must have been someone because I was too busy twitting! Anybody but ME!

hey jude said...

Marie, Kate has a pan that holds exactly 51 brownies and they are already in squares.Just ask her for a picture and she will send it to you, yup, she would.Yikes, I sound like that woman that says, oh yes she does!

EM. scary thought that you and I are thinking alike about Kate and her lies.I do happen to agree with most everything you write, tho.

Marie said...

Oh sure! Is that like the time she asked...can't remember who...for the 8 or 10 slice toaster? Yeah you know what I'll just run out and buy that 51 brownie pan! Show off.

Eh, I'll just sew over my bottle of wine. That box of wine's isn't my taste like some people.

hey jude said...

Marie, Kate always catered to Hannah as a baby as she helped her fold the laundry, helped her take things to her siblings, and Kate said Hannah was the most like her, of course. She would like that.Hannah was always right at Kate's feet and hanging on her , back when Kate was an indoor girl only!

You win, it was the boys in the BBB with their lost teeth out of order! Ha, ha ha, good one.I was sure it was Jon in the basement building a dog house to live in, with Steve's tools.It was always Jon's fault about everything....

hey jude said...

Marie, you can sew and drink wine- good on ya! I don't like the box -o-wine, either.It is only for mediocre wine drinkers, like Kate. Eh, are you a Canuck?

I remember Kate wanted that 10 slice toaster, lazy cow, Jon did the buttering and cutting up, she just had to catch it coming out of the toaster.Now, she has the cook cater all her toasting needs, which are none since she only eats grass or salad, I mean.Grass is for sheep and cows...Kate did it in the pasture with all her favorite sheep- tweeters.

fidosmommy said...

RE: 51 brownies. We can probably figure 12 - 15
kids in each class. So, maybe the sextuplets helped the twins celebrate by taking party food to their classrooms too. You know, the more people Kate can impress with her generosity and mommy skills the better. Then there are teachers. It could equal 51.

But you know, with the size servings of brownies Kate would cut, a 9 x 13 pan would have been plenty big for 51 servings. Less fat, calories and fewer cavities for these kids. And Kate would never, ever eat one herself. First of all, the kids helped cook them. Secondly, the FAT, the FAT. Aaaaaarrrrggggghh.

So, they got 5 dozen fancy cupcakes. Gee Kate, what did you do with the extra 9? One for each of you for a Christmas Eve party at home? There's your Christmas Eve, kids. Don't save one for Santa. He doesn't exist.

hey jude said...


I am still looking for you,please come back.You didn't do anything wrong,I really do miss you. Has anyone heard from her? I know she felt bad about a post she thought Admin. wrote, but that is something all of us have done.

APB for Teresa.......

hey jude said...

Hi Fido,
Yes, of course Kate would have to try and impress the teachers and kids.I bet the tups never got one, especially the boys.She has a thing about them and cupcakes.
Kate was slurping icing out of those icing tubes they were using at that bakery,it was disgusting, but she never ate a cupcake...hmmmm.

Grammy of nine said...

I don't get it. Can't believe in Santa Claus, but you can get a visit from the Tooth Fairy? Nonsense on this one. Those poor kids will be so messed up. Mark my words. This story will have an ugly ending. No wonder Jodi and Kevin did the interviews. They must have been reeling at the J & K antics. No common sense whatsoever.

hey jude said...

Yeah, I am sure those kids believe in the tooth fairy, but not Santa. I was so upset with her when I heard they told the kids that, she is so nasty, spoiling little kids' dreams- she's a monster in my book.
She's making all that stuff up about the tooth fairy- she wouldn't give them money, she's too broke.

Gimme said...

My theory is that Khate had mentioned to the girls taking the GT cupcakes that she had stored in the freezer and the girls said no they were not fresh and they wanted to bake brownies instead. She sent them to school to tell all their friends that they made brownies for school. Khate defrosted the cupcakes and took them to school instead and told everyone they were over-nighted when in fact they came from the freezer.

Another theory is that she herself called GT and wrangled the cupcakes from them and they were in fact over-nighted free of charge because 1) they are nice and 2) she would give them a shout out on twitter.

So sad that someone lies so much you literally cannot believe a word they say. Sadly, we all know that she has a thing about cupcakes.

Vanessa said...

The story of The Boy Who Cried Wolf comes to bite her in her flat butt everytime! See how ridiculous this debate over brownies/cupcakes is? Because she NEVER tells the truth you can never just take ANYTHING at face value with her!

Gimme said...

And what the hey did Shoka have to do with the tooth fairy.

Poor Shoka, now we know why she complains about him all the time - he's a boy. Now he has to work on the web site so he can pay his bills.

The poor dog doesn't stand a chance - he doesn't know how to help her, unlike Brownie and Linda, who do know how to help her.

Hippie Chick said...

One year, on Easter morning, I accidentally left the big bag of Easter candies out in a big recyclable bag on my dining room table. My son found it of course! He said, "The Easter bunny shops at -------- too! He left all of his candy for me by accident!" My husband & I shared a glance, kind of like oops! and just went with it. I told my son that the Bunny must have been really busy & forgot it after hiding the eggs.

My son was really happy, but we ended up bringing all that extra candy to the shelter in town. I can't believe I almost I blew it, but it wasn't on purpose! Kate admitting to forget her kids Tooth Fairy nights is sad. What happy memories do they have?


tate said...

When Kate was on the show with the DC cupcake women, didn't she even tweet that she brought 5 dozen cupcakes home?

localyocul said...

Hippie Chick said...
One year, on Easter morning, I accidentally left the big bag of Easter candies out in a big recyclable bag on my dining room table. My son found it of course! He said, "The Easter bunny shops at -------- too! He left all of his candy for me by accident!" My husband & I shared a glance, kind of like oops! and just went with it. I told my son that the Bunny must have been really busy & forgot it after hiding the eggs.


That's so funny! When my DD was 4 I had hidden a bag of candy under my bed and forgot it was there. She found it while egg hunting and did the samw thing: "Wow the Easter Bunny left me a whole bag of candy!" ~ Administrator said...

As we're talking about this, I searched deep into the archives of my brain and recalled a time several years ago that Fran Drescher made up a story on Jay Leno, and got caught in the lie.....and I could have sworn it was a story about cupcakes! LOL!!!

So, Google is my friend, I found was a story about muffins, not cupcakes. Ha!


In an appearance on the "Tonight Show" a few months ago, Fran Drescher told Jay Leno about cutting her finger while slicing a muffin.

"As millions of wincing viewers looked on," says a report in the latest Allure magazine, "Drescher described in graphic detail how blood had gone everywhere and how when paramedics rushed to the scene, she made them wait until she'd showered and changed clothes before going to the hospital."

Shortly thereafter, Daily Variety said she had made up the anecdote so that she'd have something interesting to say. Drescher admitted the story wasn't true, but rejected any negative implications. "I feel totally victimized," she said. ~ Administrator said...

"I feel totally victimized," she said.


Why do I feel like Kate would say the same thing if/when she gets caught in her massive lies?

Anonymous said...

I've always been pretty good at Clue, probably because I read a LOT of mysteries. I think I have this one figured out. Shoka did it in the chicken coop with Alexis' tooth.

I really feel sorry for the twins. Kate has managed to upstage them, trivialize them, and shunt them off to the side since they were 3 years old. No wonder Mady has had behavior problems and Cara just seems to disappear more and more. Those girls were probably really looking forward to their friends enjoying the brownies they helped bake. I bet they were angry, not excited, when Kate showed up with the cupcakes. I think she defrosted the ones in her freezer, too. The cupcake girls seem to be good business women. What good would it do them to overnight 5 dozen expensive cupcakes to an irrelevant hag in Pennsylvania. She doesn't have enough twitter followers/blog readers to make it worth their while.


Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

sarahMankini Sarah Mancini
@kateplusmy8 just spotted you at the airport! Gorgeous :)


Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...

The person who just spotted Kate at the airport is in Denver.

@MerfieHappyPant I'm I'm the Denver airport and I want to ambush makeover 94% of the people here. Wtf!

chefsummer #Leh said...

I wonder what is she doing in Denver

PJ's momma said...

hey jude, we had a little bichon mix for years and he was a great dog! They are considered very 'lively' and he was adorable, loving and smart too. Unfortunately, he was very fragile due to a heart condition (which we had fixed) and a bad back and he only lived 6 years. We were devastated when he went into liver failure and died because of his pain meds. One thing we loved is that he didn't shed. (It was me who said my dog's cuter than yours) this new little mutt we have sheds like mad and it's so foreign to us! The furminator is our friend. So just be aware you'll have to get the dog groomed a lot. But boy, are they fun. Good luck!

In the Neighborhood said...

Kate was slurping icing out of those icing tubes they were using at that bakery,it was disgusting, but she never ate a cupcake...hmmmm.


She may have never eaten a cupcake while being filmed, but how do you know she didn't stuff down one or two when the cameras were turned off?

"being outed as having a teen girl advocacy while hanging out with a pedo is not good for her credibility..."


Gee, ya think? :)

I thought that there was something totally "off" with that woman when she did the 80 plus tweets from the discount grocery store. No normal person gets that excited over expired organic cereal!

gramof5 said...

chefsummer said...
I wonder what is she doing in Denver
She and Purseboy needed a much needed and deserved vacation.

She is exhausted after a long week of writing blogs, tweeting, baking brownies, putting a stick in the door so Shoka won't escape and run away to Jon's house, and playing Tooth Fairy.

Nice that she chose her daughters birthday weekend to hit up the kids bank account for a spa trip to Denver !

HollyMo said...

gramof5, I only hope that this means the kids are with Jon and having FUN!

gramof5 said...

bearswife said...
gramof5, I only hope that this means the kids are with Jon and having FUN!

Me too ! But the first thing I thought of was that she was dragging them to Denver for a "Special Birthday Weekend", because Mommy loves you more than Daddy.

You know she will never let Jon upstage her when it comes to birthdays.Even if she cleans out their college funds.

Always Skeptical said...

Eastcoasters, how long does it take to fly to Denver from PA, NY, MD??

HollyMo said...

Unfortunately, if you look at kHatie's last tweet, I think you are right. Or she is totally lying about kidfun. But our kHate never lies, right? *snark*

OT: Happy Thanksgiving long to my fellow Canucks! Spend the weekend with your loved ones. I am spending the weekend far away from my in-laws - which is something to be very thankful for!

Parent and Alumna said...

Skeptical -- it's about a four hour trip from BWI to Denver.

Kate tweeted she's doing funkid stuff. There is no school today, nor is there next Friday. Maybe she made her own fall break week with the kids. Or maybe the person only thought she saw her at the Denver airport. There have been mistaken identities before!

Falling like a brick said...

Jon tweeted last night that he had the girls over for dinner. Looks like Kate may have planned a weekend away for Mady and Cara? She had tweeted a month or so ago that they were planning a sleepover with their friends for their birthday. I guess she changed their mind.

Mr. Bond said...

When my sister had her first child, he was the first baby in the family, so he was spoiled. The whole family would go over to my sister's house on Christmas morning to see my nephew while he opened up his presents. After all the presents were opened, my nephew looked really sad. When asked what was wrong, he said, Santa gave me presents, Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt so-and-so, Uncle so-and so, but there's were no presents to me from my mommy. So after that Christmas, he always got one present from Mommy under the tree.

Always Skeptical said...

Parent and Alumna said...
Skeptical -- it's about a four hour trip from BWI to Denver.

Kate tweeted she's doing funkid stuff. There is no school today, nor is there next Friday. Maybe she made her own fall break week with the kids. Or maybe the person only thought she saw her at the Denver airport. There have been mistaken identities before!

Thanks for the reply. Was just wondering how early she'd have to leave to get to Denver by 8:00 Denver time.

Bluenoser said...

Tamara said...
Anyone know if "bodyguard" Steve carried a gun?

Don't you think if he did carry a gun he would have used it looooong ago.

Parent and Alumna said...

Thanks for the reply. Was just wondering how early she'd have to leave to get to Denver by 8:00 Denver time.


You're welcome. It can be anywhere between four hours and 4 1/2 hours, depending on the flight. I have relatives in Denver, and we always try to leave on the earliest flight from BWI on Southwest, which gets us there
between 8:30 and 8:45. If I'm remembering correctly, United has an early morning flight from Philly that arrives at that time least they did at one time.

Gimme said...

No telling who she has got filming those poor kids this time around. TLC? I don't think so, could be though.

Ingrid said...

IF she was seen at Denver (which is not for sure) maybe she is headed to Red Reflet ranch in Wyo. where she took the kids before. I think she is doing something that she doesn't want whereabouts known when she said "can't elaborate". She has to keep things secret so not swarmed by fans/paps.

Midnight Madness said...

IF she was seen at Denver (which is not for sure) maybe she is headed to Red Reflet ranch in Wyo. where she took the kids before. I think she is doing something that she doesn't want whereabouts known when she said "can't elaborate".


But...but...but...she is poor, close to poverty, worried where the next meal is coming from. How can this be? Did she swing another freebie - oops, comped trip?

Anonymous said...

I live in Denver.
off topic but if you are ever bored google "MURALS AT DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT" the are sooo creepy.


Ingrid said...

Midnight Madness said..
But...but...but...she is poor, close to poverty, worried where the next meal is coming from. How can this be? Did she swing another freebie - oops, comped trip?
Exactly what I thought IF they went there. Otherwise the kids are probably paying for their own trip (or any other costly bday surprise they get from her)

Always Skeptical said...

Not going to spend any more time on this, but I can't find an airport in Kate's general vicinity that has a flight that arrives in Denver before 8:45 am.

Ingrid said...

Thanks for checking Always Skeptical

Always Skeptical said...

Ingrid said...

Thanks for checking Always Skeptical

You're welcome. Hate to seem anal but Kate has enough faults without her detractors going off on something that might be a mistake. Kind of a credibility issue with me.

If someone find better information hopefully they'll post it.

fidosmommy said...

Could be someone just decided to stir the pot with a new rumor about Kate. It must be a fun game.

Nancy said...

So Kate's kids get a tooth fairy but not a Santa? Oh well. It's all fun, yes it is (LOL), but I don't think it's necessary to lie to a kid about the existence of mythical "persons". Still, if the home has security flaws, I imagine it would be easy for a tooth fairy to gain entrance..... or a boogey man.....

hey jude said...

Nancy, We only think there might be a tooth fairy,but only because Kate says so in her blog.I bet the kids might know a different reality.

She can barely afford to feed them now.But, maybe she has money put aside for vacations to ranches and spas. I know, she took the twins to their first spa w/e, her present to herself for them!

Sorry, PJ's mommy, my dog was still way cuter than yours.Our friends, 2 of them have bichon mix puppies and they are cute, but one is really yappy, never stops barking, even at flies!That would drive me batty.

Bluenoser, nice to see you.You think Steve would have used a gun before? ha, too.

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