Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Kate's bizarre, rage-fueled rampage on Twitter

Kate took to twitter last night to clear the air about some rumors, in the process insulting Jon, Jodi and Kevin, and the "riff raff" she has to deal with, as well as denying how much money she spends on herself, ignoring questions about travel expenses to go collect her freebies.

Kate thought she was putting to rest some rumors, however Kate's unstable streaming consciousness just made her seem, well:

response2article:nvr had 2bsitters-died laughing@their 'salary',sch tuition$-noteven close.hav nvr pd $ 4 Elysasuzanne clothing

we all wish he [Jon] would tak them mor than 4d/mo but doesn't.they hav fun there but def love living w me/here. So happy here!

Hate the rif raf that goes w this line of work 

oh yeah! [Jodi and Kevin] sold and bought a big house and went on vacation too... Blood money... Sick.

never. Always comped. Wouldn't dream of spending that kind of $ on hair!!??! 

415 sediments (sic) from readers:

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Dwindle said... 1

I give it 3 weeks before she has another public rage explosion. It's killing her that she no longer has cameras and media tours to validate her tantrums. And she is escalating, just as we all predicted.

Jennifer said... 2

I know this is not exactly a newsflash, but this woman is caaar-aaaazy! ~ Administrator said... 3

Jennifer said...

I know this is not exactly a newsflash, but this woman is caaar-aaaazy!
October 5, 2011 7:33 AM


A bit, a bit.

Like we were saying the other day, it doesn't matter if everything she said last night was true. She still looks crazy and batty. She's so frantic and vile and just looks crazy. Just because some woman is running around on the freeway shouting that grass is green and the sky is blue (true statements) doesn't mean that she ain't crazy.

Dwindle said... 4

Kate doesn't rate said... Tamara said...Child abuse is thought to be one of the main causes of NPD, though there are of course others, and it may be more than one thing.
I've never heard that. Can you provide any more info or a link to any articles. Thanks.


"An oversensitive temperament at birth is the main symptomatic chronic form

Being praised for perceived exceptional looks or abilities by adults

Excessive admiration that is never balanced with realistic feedback

Excessive praise for good behaviors or excessive criticism for poor behaviors in childhood

Overindulgence and overvaluation by parents

Severe emotional abuse in childhood

Unpredictable or unreliable caregiving from parents

Valued by parents as a means to regulate their own self-esteem"

This is just simple Wikipedia, the very first source I found when I looked. If you continue to look further on your own, you will find much more information, including studies of the preponderance of reported abuse of many kinds. It isnt hard to look it up at all. ~ Administrator said... 5

Carrying over the discussion, but how interesting is it that extreme doting on a child, as well as extreme abuse, can both cause personality disorders.

Seems to me it matters more whether your parenting was on the extreme end one way or the other, not so much whether you were abusive or praising.

As we know, Kate's parenting is certainly extreme.

Westcoaster said... 6

I guess she, not the media, is truly her own worst enemy. It is also a bit scary to think of her alone in the house late at night doing this kind of thing, the guardian of 8 sleeping children. While I do not care to speculate about or give rumor to whatever may have happened in her teenage past, I do agree most of her social interaction does seem to be on a very childish, middle-school age level. Between the recent bus stop pix and the Twatter-streaming, she does appear to be unravelng in public. Not good for her children.

Call Me Crazy said... 7

we all wish he [Jon] would tak them mor than 4d/mo but doesn't.they hav fun there but def love living w me/here. So happy here!

Kate feels the need to constantly assure others about how much her kids LOVE living with her and are so very HAPPY when they are with her. If this was true, she wouldn't have to say one word about it. It would be apparent based on the kids' demeanor, behavior, facial expressions and body language. Contrary to her pronouncements, all those things scream that her kids are scared, uncomfortable and unhappy around her. She is deluded.

PJ's momma said... 8

She wants 'media?' Wait for it - some 'media' is going to pick this up and run with it. Hollywood Life or some other site (you know, riff raff) is going to take these tweets, consolidate them, and make them into an article and hundreds of people will comment about how much they can't stand her. She is her own undoing. I predict she will never work in TV again. She's too much of a risk for ANY network. I doubt she'll ever even be interviewed on a show like Today or The View after this. The tide has not only turned, it has gone out again, and taken her dreams along with it, and she has nobody to blame but herself.

Just Me said... 9

So it's 11:23am and still no GM tweet from Kate. Was she so deep in the bottle (box) last night that she hasn't made her way back out yet or is she actually embarrassed by her meltdown and hiding out for a bit.

Mimi to 3 said... 10

Sorry Kate, it just doesn't wash that the kids are 'so happy' with you. All we need to do is look at the pictures when you are with them. They look anything but happy. As for Jodi and Kevin - yada yada yada. Of course you would say that. Why is it ok for you to makes tons of profit off your innocent kids and Jodi and Kevin tell the TRUTH hoping to protect those same children and you try and rip their heads off. Jon has already said he has them at least 3 weekends a month, so get your story straight.

She has really reverted to her true self on Twitter. She kept things quiet for years and now she is so desperate she is just going off on everyone and everything. She is the biggest liar I have ever seen anywhere.

Westcoaster said... 11

My prediction is that things will be quiet in blogville and on Twatter this morning; either she's been schooled, has a massive headache/hangover or both.

Falling like a brick said... 12

Kate's twitter reminds me of another rant by a real celebrity that happened this past summer.
Think back on Charlie Sheen and how he used twitter (and eventually his 'tour') to justify himself.

What Kate is doing runs great parallels to what Charlie did and it is sad and scary to read. She really has no business airing all that garbage on twitter-slamming Jodi and Kevin and Jon (consistently). She will be her own undoing. (if she hasn't been already)

Anonymous said... 13

That was some very serious ranting she was doing last night. I hope Jon is aware. It sounds to me that she might be close to crossing the line. I hope I am wrong, but it can't be good for the children to be around her when she is expressing the kind of anger/resentment contained in her tweets to her loyal fans.


Just Me said... 14

It probably goes without saying, but in case anyone is wondering. No new posts on Kate's site so far today either.

I'm just putting it out there so people don't get curious and start giving her hints to check. I'll keep an eye on my reader through the day and post if she does manage to get something up on her site today.

Dulcina said... 15

Can someone make this clickable, please.

Mel said... 16

Hope this works....

text that turns into the link

Mel said... 17

Here, this looks better.

silimom said... 18

I think if Jon wants more visitation, he needs to petition the court. Yes, it would be great for Jon and Kate to work things out informally, but Kate is too much of a game player for that. I think having things in writing from the court is better in the long run for both him and the kids. It's something Kate can just change her mind about at any given moment.

What I would love to see if for Kate to have the kids one week and then Jon has them the next. It sounds like Jon is very stable at this point, both with his job, housing and personal life and I honestly don't see any reason why he can't make it work. Some may argue "His job requires him to work long hours" but lots of parents have jobs like that and they still manage to get their kids to school and pick them up, feed them dinner, do homework and get them to bed on time.

I think this would be the optimal situation for the kids, or at least as optimal as you can get with divorce.

As for Kevin and Jodi, all I can say to Kate is "Pot, meet Kettle". Before you start complaining about people using your children for profit, you should take a long hard look in the mirror.

silimom said... 19

It's something Kate can just change her mind about at any given moment. - sorry mean't "it's something Kate can't just change her mind about at any given moment.

Koopdedoo said... 20

I don't know that anything could embarrass her...I think it will just take her a while to crawl out of the box of wine today.

Anonymous said... 21

Apparently, the person who most needed to sign a confidentiality agreement was Kate herself. With another statement that Jon doesn't take advantage of visitation opportunities and more assurances that the children are blissfully happy in Kate's home, I wonder if he was finally able to make a move toward custody or more visitation. I'm sure time will tell the reason for this rant.

Tick tock, Kate.


terri said... 22

Oh My God! She wouldn't know the truth if it jumped up and bit her in the ass.

silimom said... 23

fade2black - her Jon comments were in response to an article on HollyBaby stating the kids were unhappy and wanted to be at their dad's more.

As for how much they're at Jon's, Admin recently posted that Jon tweeted they were at his house 3 weekends a month. Jon generally does not respond to Kate so we'll never really know and ultimately that is how it should be. If Kate is lying who really cares at this point? Jon and the kids know what is true.

Cwgirlup75 said... 24

Nothing she said would embarass her. I've got a hundred bucks that says Steve spent most of last night and this morning talking her down. Assuming, of course, that he is still around. Which I kind of hope he is because the thought of her alone with those kids scares me to death.

HollyMo said... 25

She's baaaack! and tweeting that her tweets aren't twatting.

Thanks for the Guess Who break, Dulcina, that is my favorite song by them.

Pam said... 26

Was watching "Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood" last night.

There are a few scenes that SCREAM "Kate".

The scene where Ashley Judd's character is having a nervous breakdown. The kids wake up in the middle of the night sick and she freaks out, cursing her husband for not being there to help and she plugs her ears with her fingers to escape in her head. I can totally see Kate doing that.

And the scene where she comes running downstairs and yells at the kids for being too loud ( even though they were just watching tv ), so she gets a belt and starts wailing on them with it, I can see Kate doing that, too.

The scene where she runs away from her family and holes up in a motel for days and sleeps...yep. Kate would do that, too.

I do believe Kate is ever so slowly having a complete mental breakdown and those kids are in her line of fire. Something WILL happen that will cause Jon to have to step in and take over full custody. Just watch and see. She is a ticking timebomb.

I'm wondering if she's flipping out because Steve isn't around much anymore. Why would he be?

Just Me said... 27

New post up. There is a picture with it of the kids with Shoka right inside (I think) the front door. I don't watch the show, I'm guessing it's the front door based on my knowledge of houses in general.

Shoka's Second Blog

Dear Humans,

It may sound odd, but if you enclose me inside, and I would rather be outside enjoying the fresh air – the smell of dead animals I’ve hunted, the farmers’ cows’ poo poo, or the scent of the deer that play out front. I’ll just help myself, slide the glass door open, and let myself out! No big deal, I know you’re all busy, trust me. I live here and see the chaotic commotion all day, every day! So, don’t mind me, I have it all figured out!

Oh, did you switch the lock to keep me in on rainy days and at night? Funny, I hadn’t noticed – I’ll just flip it the other way before nudging the door back a crack and then sticking my nose in the little slit until it’s open enough for me to slip out.

There’s just one thing – just like the kids – I leave the doggone door open every time!

Dogs! Ya can’t live with us, but I know you can’t live without us!


Sport said... 28

Ignoring the 3rd grade sentence structure for a minute ... that is just stupid and doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

HollyMo said... 29

Shoka's second blog is just dumb. I would be embarrassed for anyone to think I wrote Shoka's diaries. It's not funny, it's not cute, it's not even remotely entertaining.

Oooops! I meant to say: omg u r so funy nd smrt!!how do u do itall?!amazin mom nd authr!!

Just Me said... 30

Kate is so transparent she is nearly invisible.

This newest post is clearly to explain why Shoka is always outside. It's not that he's not ALLOWED inside, it's that he PREFERS to be outside.

I'm sure the sheeple will buy this. Anyone that owns dogs or knows anything about dogs and dog psychology knows that dogs are pack animals and want to be with their pack (in most cases this means humans).

It's the rare dog that would rather spend all it's time outside rather than inside with it's kids.

The fact that the picture accompanying the post is of the kids huddled around the dog about 2 steps inside the front door, rather than somewhere inside the house with the kids all playing and the dog being organically in the scene or the dog on the couch with the kids or one of a million other kid/dog type pictures is telling, as well, IMO.

She is a Cow said... 31

WOW! Shoka's Diary is BAD, really, really BAD. I would think the dog could write a better blog than Kate. UGH! Just plain bad.
No other words.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 32

Sounds like Kate's pissed off at the dog, too. Wonder how long she'll keep him around?

I hardly blame him for wanting to be anywhere she ISN'T!

I thought he had been at the breeders for training, wasn't that her excuse last time he was shipped off? He'd he'd really been trained he wouldn't be trying to escape all the time.

fidosmommy said... 33

Kate. Give it up, OK? It's time to just give it up.

fidosmommy said... 34

Kate. Give it up, OK? It's time to just give it up.

She is a Cow said... 35

Just Me...

I agree. The first blog was to address that she does play with the dog. (believe it or not) and the second is to address that he is allowed in the house.

Why is she always describing her home live as chaotic commotion. It is just not normal.

She is a Cow said... 36

Whoops.... home LIFE as Chaotic not home live

wryview said... 37

So.....Jodi & Kevin buying a new house (even though we don't actually know where they got the money) is "blood money" - but Kate's house, cars, hair, clothing, et. al. isn't???

Just Me said... 38

I think Shoka probably *can* open the sliding glass door and I would not be surprised if he does.

I have toy breed dogs and several of them can open my sliding screen door, so I have to keep it locked in the summer so they don't open it and let my cats out.

They are opening it out get outside to get to my husband (their person) when he's unfairly left them inside and gone out to have fun without them (when he's mowing the yard or doing yard work and doesn't want them to get underfoot and get hurt).

I'm sure if he was big enough 1 of them could figure out the lock, as well.

What I find deeply suspect is that the dog would prefer to be away from it's people all the time. That is pretty much counter to the way dogs work, psychologically.

Tucker's Mom said... 39

If anything that Kate has unfortunately written over the past 12 hours is cause for alarm, today's Shoka's diary should be on Jon's radar and grab his attention.
I don't think I'm the only one who looks past how poorly it's written, but sees that Kate has just let any ne'er-do-well know that her house is not secure. With 8 kids in it.
Couple that with plenty of video footage of the house and floorplan, you have a recipe for disaster. I mean if a dog without opposable thumbs can let himself in and out....
How utterly stupid.
Jon, please try your best to shut this down!

Just Me said... 40

Re: Jodi and Kevin buying a new house.

Kate makes it sound like they paid off the house and went on lavish vacations with all this money they got from interviews.

Obviously we don't have any information on the alleged vacations they took, but we do have concrete information about the house.

They have a mortgage. They did not buy the house outright which if they were making that much money off interviews would obviously be the smart thing to do.

The mortgage amount is inline with what you would have if you sold your house that you had a few years equity in and paid off the loan and then put the left over money down on a new house. I won't give the exact amount but it's in the multi 100,000 still on a house that cost 331,000.

Kevin and Jodi are, based on the information we can determine from public records and what we know about them (Kevin has a JOB unlike Kate), living within their means and an upgrade for them makes total sense.

They have 4 kids I believe and were living in a ONE bathroom house. As the kids get older, there is no way that is going to be a workable situation for getting everyone ready to get out the door for school on time, plus Kevin getting ready for work and Jodi getting ready to take the kids to school and she may have a job, I don't know.

They did not upgrade to some huge house with a bunch of unnecessary space. They didn't even get a house with any additional bedroom for crying out loud.

Anonymous said... 41

I've had dogs all my life and read them very well. They want to be around you, their pack, so long as you aren't nuts. When you start screaming and acting like a maniac, they want to get away.

Anonymous said... 42

The "chaotic commotion" has me concerned. Sounds like she is the cause.


Anonymous said... 43

I think she wrote on her blog that she pays a discounted rate sometimes for her hair. She's bragging about not paying for hair or clothes while she also says she doesn't take gifts, but I guess it's not a gift if you mention the stylist or designer of the clothes. Time to square up the blog and tweets, as well as the many contradictory interviews.

This, too, shall pass away said... 44

While following the response tweets to Kate's rumor control, it appeared she'd stopped abruptly. I don't follow her and I don't know what she was writing other than what was retweeted. I thought she'd been interrupted by one of the G8.

That conclusion entered into my dream last night. I saw the G8 backed up against a wall, in their PJs, crying and sobbing and fearful. Kate (in my dream) was screaming at the top of her voice and threatening them with some item in her hand. Kate's face was so ugly and angry.

Next I was outside above the Konpound. It was dark and the muffled sounds of the kids crying was barely heard. Of course no one else heard their cries as the nearest neighbor was acres away. That was the end.

That dream brought back to mind the LAST day my narcissistic, controlling mother attempted to hit me with her hairbrush. I was 16 and stood a good 8" taller than she. With the same raging angry expression on her face, my mother swung her hand (with brush) at me.

At that moment I came into my own with her. I grabbed onto her wrist and blocked her hit. I stared straight into her eyes and said, "You are not going to hit me again!"

The physical abuse stopped that day, but the emotional abuse continue.

I can only hope that the G8 band together against any physical abuse Kate (likely) dishes out. Maybe it will be in their teens like me. Maybe sooner. My mother solo parented, too, and we had no relatives to speak of. She'd relocated us 3,000 miles from any and all family.

gramof5 said... 45

This dog on display in this pathetic excuse for a loving home, is NOT the Real Shoka. Two totally different dogs.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 46

Anonymous said...

The "chaotic commotion" has me concerned. Sounds like she is the cause.

A few years ago living in another state, we had friends (devout Mormons) who had 12, count ‘em 12, kids all at home. Mom stayed at home (imagine that Kate fans), Dad worked. Both were soft spoken and pretty “laid back” people. There was plenty of chatter and constant activity. The parents expected it (well, DUH, who wouldn’t – except Kate) and dealt with it calmly and quietly, (no embarrassing meltdowns in public) which kept the children calm…not always quiet BUT they were kids! The parents’ demeanor rubbed off on the kids. Kate’s to blame for the chaos at her house.

You reap what you sow, Kate.

fidosmommy said... 47

I'm not following your thought there, Gramof5. Could you please explain what you mean? Thanks.

Katesclamation said... 48

I just have to shake my head and laugh at her blog posts.


^^^^This is how you can tell she wrote it^^^^^

Can you just imagine her notes she writes to her kids' teachers?

Dear Ms. Teacher Person!

Make sure my kids eat their lunch in the correct order I instructed! Their homework is to be placed in the YELLOW folder, not the blue one!! They are only allowed to use the restroom twice a day, in this order ___( insert order here )!!!
Always call on Hannah first!!!! And do not allow them to sit next to mediocre kids!!!!!


In the Neighborhood said... 49

Shoka's Diaries -

"It may sound odd, but if you enclose me inside, and I would rather be outside enjoying the fresh air – the smell of dead animals I’ve hunted, the farmers’ cows’ poo poo, or the scent of the deer that play out front."

Is there a verb in that sentence, Miss Grammar-Perfect Best-Selling Author? What you have there is a sentence fragment.

"Oh, did you switch the lock to keep me in on rainy days and at night?"

The dog opens the door at night, leaving it open? The security alarm isn't set? Obviously not, or if the dog were letting himself out at night, the alarm would be going off. So she compromises the security of the house just for the sake of a blog? How stupid is she? She doesn't think before she speaks, or writes!

In the Neighborhood said... 50

While following the response tweets to Kate's rumor control, it appeared she'd stopped abruptly. I don't follow her and I don't know what she was writing other than what was retweeted. I thought she'd been interrupted by one of the G8.


She explained today why the abrupt end:

"Aghh my tweets aren't posting!! So GN, GM and good day all in one! Sorry! New Shoka diaries! Check it out here:"

This, too, shall pass away said... 51

As for as the dog blurb, I could see a dog wanting to get outside if no one was home or paying attention to it. Otherwise, a dog wants to be with its "pack", not banned or isolated from it.

My German Shepherd follows me around like a shadow. I, literally, have to step over her when I exit the bathroom. She lies right outside the door. I have to be careful I don't step on some part of her when I get up from sitting on either the couch or a chair.

We have a dog door that she can access anytime of the day. She chooses to be inside, except when she needs to do her "fence patrol" if she hears something in the backyard. Apparently, unlike Shoka, our GSD would tear a limb off of any stranger who dared enter her territory. Hence my "Beware of dog" sign and mention of her on my insurance policy.

Six and a half years and counting, she also knows the sound of our vehicles. I encounter her muzzle when I open the front door and have to, "Back, back, back" her away to get in. Once we cross the threshold she does her happy dog dance ~ circles around us ears back and tail wagging, even more so crowding our small entry with her massive self. We LOVE her so!

This, too, shall pass away said... 52

In the neighborhood...
"She explained today why the abrupt end:

"Aghh my tweets aren't posting!! So GN, GM and good day all in one! Sorry! New Shoka diaries! Check it out here:"


I interpret that as a reason she's not tweeting today, not last night. It seems a way to advertise her Shoka diaries and not have to interact with tweeters or discuss last night. I guess it's all in ones interpretation.

Stupid Is said... 53

Kate didn't make any money from blood.
She made it from poop, puke and tears. Her kids.

Marie said... 54

I will absolutely say it again if nobody minds.

Kate feels she is the gift to her own children.

Now as sick as that sounds, from the narcissistic point of view, it is all about them nobody else. They have to feel important and or make others believe that they should be humbled to be in their presence. This is what is with Kate constantly saying how happy her kids are to be home/with her all the time. It's a glorification for Kate, not the kids.

From personal experience, I now realize my older brother is perhaps a narcissist. That when it's his birthday, oh he is so special and holier than thou because he's him. But when it's anyone else's birthday, does he call? Does he even send a card? No. Nothing. Narcissist have to make sure that YOU know they are SO SPECIAL and that you are beneath them.

Kate has to make sure she is oh so important with her twitter and fluff pieces when in reality, come off it.

My brother loves nothing more than to berate me, scream in my face, tell me I am the problem why nobody else is as happy as he makes them. He enjoys the power of being a cop and being over people. I happen to be his target for whatever reason despite that he is married with a kid and a wife. Every time I show up, heaven forbid I talk without being spoken to.

I see so much in Kate that disturbs me to the core I feel sick. With her yelling at the kids at the bus stop. Could it be the kids weren't praising her for being there? That they weren't happy to see her like they are Jon? That what they did was not pleasing to HER? It's a great possibility here.

cathy518 said... 55

Hi Admin,
I'm about ready to give up trying to post. I have even received messages saying "Your comment is posted" but it is no where to be found. Other times, I just keep hitting post and the comment disappears. Any suggestions?

In the Neighborhood said... 56

I interpret that as a reason she's not tweeting today, not last night. It seems a way to advertise her Shoka diaries and not have to interact with tweeters or discuss last night. I guess it's all in ones interpretation.


I interpreted it as the abrupt ending last night, thus the "GN" she sent today. Otherwise, it just would have been her usual "GM." With Kate, who knows?

This, too, shall pass away said... 57

I think the GN is for those tweeties on the other side of the world. Her GM and good day sums it up for me.

This, too, shall pass away said... 58

Also, how did the tweet stating her tweets weren't getting through get through? There are other ways to tweet beside an iPhone, such as laptop, desktop.

I think it's avoidance. It seems Kate has tweeters (on both sides) lying in wait for her. Now that she's opened the 'rumor control' door, there may be no turning back.

Tucker's Mom said... 59

Convenient how Kate's twitter just quit. She's got a new iPad, a laptop...c'mon. There are at least 2 other vehicles to twitter and let her ass-kissers know that she's done ranting for the night.
It smacks of a loss of focus and concentration when the tweeties were really streaming in the comments and questions.
Odd coinkydink.

Just Me said... 60

Miss Perfect Grammar and Spelling needs to learn how to use an apostrophe too.

farmers' cows' poo poo

Epic fail.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 61

"Odd coinkydink."

Yep. Odd that it quit last night preventing her from continuing her tiraide and checking in this am as she almost always done, but it suddenly worked when it came time to alert everyone to that piece of crap she wrote about Shoka.

Tucker's Mom said... 62

Just Me said...
Miss Perfect Grammar and Spelling needs to learn how to use an apostrophe too.

farmers' cows' poo poo

Epic fail.
Unless Shoka has free roam of the town and visits multiple farms and their cows when he lets himself out!
Either one is not good.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 63

Just Me said...

Miss Perfect Grammar and Spelling needs to learn how to use an apostrophe too.

farmers' cows' poo poo

Epic fail.

Actually when talking about more than one farmer and/or cow, it is farmers' and cows,' plural possessive.

If she was talking about one farmer and his cows it would be farmer's (single possessive) cows' (plural possessive) poos.

Not lecturing, just a grammar freak.

Getting Schooled said... 64

Miss Perfect Grammar and Spelling needs to learn how to use an apostrophe too.

farmers' cows' poo poo


While awkward, if she means more than one farmer, and more than one cow, this is correct. If it were just Henry's cows, it would be farmer's cows' poo poo.
It would have been better for her to write, "the poo poo of the farmer's (or farmers') cows."

I was wondering about Shoka and his outside boundaries. They couldn't possibly have an invisible dog fence around 26 acres. The cost would have been astronomical and with the hilly areas, trees and rocks, quite difficult to install. What is keeping this dog inside the property? Obviously he wanders far enough to the farmer's cows that he is off their property. Don't they worry about the possibility that he would run away?

Beth said... 65

OT but really good news. I got a full-time job at Walgreens this morning. Whoo Hoo!!

Couldn't you just imagine Kate working there? Lol

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 66

Beth, great! Congratulations!!!

Getting Schooled said... 67

Sorry, Tweet...I was typing my comment, watching the news and taking my time. I hadn't read your response to the grammar question! You had already addressed it.

"If she was talking about one farmer and his cows it would be farmer's (single possessive) cows' (plural possessive) poos.

Not lecturing, just a grammar freak."


Shouldn't that be "if she WERE talking...?" I believe that "if" requires the subjunctive "were." The use of if, followed by were, always makes me think twice!

Vanessa said... 68

Blood money??? Quit with the dramatics Kate. She's one vindictive b!tch!

Apparently that Haterz Show has approached her MANY times to appear. Also she was the most requested THAT I believe!
come on Kate! You said (and you DID say this) that you'd love to have the opportunity to change your haters minds. I thought you would do ANYTHING to provide for your kids??? DWTS was good enough, why not this?

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 69

Shouldn't that be "if she WERE talking...?" I believe that "if" requires the subjunctive "were." The use of if, followed by were, always makes me think twice!

Yes, you're absolutely right! Another grammar freak? Brain fart, I guess. Sadly, Kate can't use the brain fart excuse even though she's a huge gasbag.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 70

Beth said...

OT but really good news. I got a full-time job at Walgreens this morning. Whoo Hoo!!

Couldn't you just imagine Kate working there? Lol


Congratulations :o) !

Kate & work in the same sentence? Nope, Beth.
Kate only knows how to "MASTERMIND".

She is a Cow said... 71

Congrats Beth. Hope you get a nice employee discount there too. :)

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii said... 72

Can someone answer a question for me? Is Holly Baby a fan of Kate? I get confused sometimes when I read on her site.

Oh, if my dog was as dumb Kate makes Shoka sound, I'd get rid of him in a New York minute. It really cracks me up, her talk and writing with !!!'s lol. On the question ep. someone asked what was her best subject in school and she said, very condescending, "duh, English, spelling.'

Did anyone get what Kate stupidly (lol) suggested when she said she didn't pay for Elysasuzanne cloths? I'm sure they appreciated that.

One more question, but way off the thread. Sorry. On the RV trip, did anyone notice the terrified look on, I think it was Alexis, face when she was asked were she got the dollar? She said she found it. Ashley was getting up talking about something concerning Kate, but little Alexis face became pure panic mode and said "I found it." It broke my heart. What terror these kids must feel every day of their life.

Getting Schooled said... 73

Yes, you're absolutely right! Another grammar freak?


College prof...literature, though, not grammar, and I've seen many papers that were so poorly written that I have to think twice about what is correct and what isn't. I get those brain farts quite frequently!

I had to smile when Kate said that English was her best subject in school. How bad was her worst subject? She writes like a middle school student.

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 74

Now I know why Kate needs handlers...

Her "clearing the air" on Twitter last night
was very strange, and counterproductive.

It's a shame Kate lacks decency.

prairielivin said... 75

She just broadcasted to the world that her sliding glass door can be opened at any time (except when it rains) without her knowledge and her dog could be off somewhere out of sight.... Is it humanly possible to be any more stupid? I'm not "famous" and don't have any stalkers but I would never post such a thing on the internet. If she were smart she'd post how annoying it is to keeping disarming and rearming her top of the line alarm system when she lets the dog out....even if it wasn't true - that's the kind of information I would want out there if I was a public figure with small kids!!! That would be one lie that I wouldn't blame Kate for!

And who mentions that their dogs kills animals? Who lets the dead carcasses sit on their property so the dog (and kids) can revisit them????

I really don't get her. At all.

PJ's momma said... 76

Fascinating that she can go on hate-filled rant after rant last night and come on eventually today, all sunshine and light, like nothing ever happened, portraying herself as mother of the year. I could see she was online at twazzup for quite some time without responding, so you know she was reading tons of tweets and very few of them are kind.
She is something else.

Just Me said... 77

re: farmers' cows' poo

I see your points. I guess I was thinking of it from the stand point of it just being Henry's cows because surely no responsible person would let their beloved German Shepherd open locked doors in the middle of the night and run loose to visit MULTIPLE farmers respective cows (or cow's poo poos if you will).

I suppose since this is Kate, that might be an assumption that one isn't safe making, though.

gramof5 said... 78

fidosmommy said...
I'm not following your thought there, Gramof5. Could you please explain what you mean? Thanks.
It's just my opinion.I remember when she opened the garage door and lead the dog out and one of the girls, don't remember which one, asked "What's his name?" Kate replied "Shoka silly".
The instant she said that, I knew she was lying.
I compared pictures of the two dogs and their markings are different and even the color of the coat were totally different. The size of the head was also a give a way.
Dogs have distintive features, just like humans, and can't be mistaken.
This is just my opinion, but I think they went out and found another stand in.
Kind'a like the Nanny is the stand-in mother for the 8 count'em kids.

Anonymous said... 79

Having fought with Jon over custody/visitation issues with Jon, now that she is 'unemployed' and has more time to be with the children, she would like Jon to spend more time with them.


Grammy of nine said... 80

Self-centered, do you think? This tweeting about Jon, Jodi and Kevin is sickening to say the least. Jealousy is ugly, Kate. Why wouldn't you be happy for someone else to "get what they want?" Not in your personality, I suppose. Even without your "show" paying Jodi and Kevin, they have managed to upgrade to a home they need for their size family and taking a vacation on their own dime and time. Hooray for them! "If you don't have anything nice to tweet, then stop tweeting." You are making yourself look even worse than you already do. Add a little mystery to your life. Maybe, just maybe, Hollywood will call someday. Your anger is not pretty. Stifle it, Kate!

JudyK said... 81

Test: Haven't been able to some help from Adm...installed Google Chrome. If this works, THANKS Adm! JudyK

Dwindle said... 82

Does anyone recall an interview Kate gave, just as news of the marital split was occuring, where she slammed Jon for being unmotivated and how she listed things off for him to do but he refused? Such as volunteering at the twin's school, or going to school to get a degree? I remember her words were "I told him too get a degree, this is a perfect time for it." She was off on book tours and he was apparently complaining that he was home full time with the kids all on his own so she gave him a list of things he could do while she was away - such as go to college.

Does anyone else recall that?

Since now the circumstances are indentical, (Kate is alone with the kids just as Jon was while she was on tours all the time and he complained about it) I wonder why Kate doesnt use her free time during the kids' school days to go to college and get a degree. It is even much easier for her now than it would have been for Jon, since the kids are so much older and all are in school full time now. Since she is so broke and unemployed she would qualify for grants and financial aid, especially with 8 dependents!

She should look into a degree in journalism, or dietetics and nutrition, recreation therapy, early childhood developement... any of these things she has expressed an interest in and even a 4 year degree would give her expertise to write or speak about these subjects other than to say "umm, I eat salad, ummm...".

She has nothing else to do all day, certainly she has much LESS to do now than Jon did when she urged HIM to go to school.

In fact other than laziness I cant think of one single reason or excuse she could possibly have for NOT persuing a degree RIGHT NOW, in the same manner she had worked out for Jon to do it.

In all of the questions about what she is to do with her time now that she is unemployed, has any interviewer asked her about going to college? Obviously she thinks it would have been great for Jon, she said so in an interview.

Kate's Cart said... 83

Maybe Kate was hitting the wine box hard last night. She was tweeting away then gone. Must have passed out LOL.

As usual she makes no sense sometimes. She says her hair gets comped, but doesn't take free gifts. Isn't comped free? She gets asked questions and she replies with questions? Avoidance much?

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii said... 84

cathy518 said...

Hi Admin,
I'm about ready to give up trying to post. I have even received messages saying "Your comment is posted" but it is no where to be found. Other times, I just keep hitting post and the comment disappears. Any suggestions?
I had the same problem. What worked for me was to set up a profile on google blog and use firefox. The only way I could before that was to use anonymous and my username after that until I created a profile, because the rules say to use your name and not anonymous.
good luck.

Marie said... 85

It occured to me here. All Kate ever talks about is the following: Jon, laundry, Jon, bills, Jon, kids, Jon, meetings, Jon, how tiered she is, running, Jon, what the kids did for her, Jon meals, tweeties and oh yeah, Jon.

I'm not a mother, I don't have kids, but those of you who are please tell me there is ore to being a om than jsut this? Even if you're divorced, single whatever come on.

We have never heard Kate mention any of the following: Cleaning house, friends, mowing that massive yard, friends, chickens, friends, playing with the dog, friends, attending school funtions, going to church, taking kids out for something, going to movies and oh yeah she never seems to have any friends.

This is her life and I don't hate admitting it, but does she not realize her life sucks? And she did it to herself?

Mel said... 86

It's just my opinion.I remember when she opened the garage door and lead the dog out and one of the girls, don't remember which one, asked "What's his name?" Kate replied "Shoka silly".
The instant she said that, I knew she was lying.

I remember thinking this exact same thought when I heard her say that.

She was lying. If it was the same dog, wouldn't the kids recognize it?

Kinda interesting that the kids thought it was a new dog. It didn't seem to occur to them that it was the old dog coming back.

Why is that? Hmmm?

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 87

PJ's momma said...

Fascinating that she can go on hate-filled rant after rant last night and come on eventually today, all sunshine and light, like nothing ever happened, portraying herself as mother of the year. I could see she was online at twazzup for quite some time without responding, so you know she was reading tons of tweets and very few of them are kind.
She is something else.


She sounds bipolar to me...

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said... 88

Kate's Tweet:

Hi Tweeties! Boy did I hav a trick up my sleeve today!! Cara,Mady&I made 51 brownies for sch bday treat..But I switched them out& brought... 45 minutes ago


What the hell?...

Identity Crisis said... 89

Kinda interesting that the kids thought it was a new dog. It didn't seem to occur to them that it was the old dog coming back.

Why is that? Hmmm?


Could it be that the last time they saw the dog he was still in the puppy stage - smaller perhaps, but by the time they got him back he had changed in appearance? How long was the dog gone?
We got a collie as a puppy, just about the same size as Shoka was when they got him. My friend hadn't visited for several months and the first thing she said when she saw our dog was, "Is that the same dog? She's so big that I didn't recognize her!"
Just a possibility...

Mel said... 90

Could it be that the last time they saw the dog he was still in the puppy stage - smaller perhaps, but by the time they got him back he had changed in appearance?

Fair enough. Although it wasn't the kids' reaction that tipped me off.

It was the way she said, "Shoka, silly." There was something about the tone and body language that said she was lying. She was hoping not to get busted on something there. Hard to say what.

At the time I thought it was cuz it WASN'T Shoka.

I don't recall that the dogs were still small when they were taken away. I remember a photo of Jon loading them into the trailer to go away...IIRC they were fairly good-sized then.

I think they were gone quite a while - 6 or 7 months? Whatever it was, it was kind of long to be at "training". I remember thinking that training would have been a matter of weeks, not months.

And would have been with the owner present, one would think. How else would the owner know how to handle the dog?

Marie said... 91

A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...

Kate's Tweet:

Hi Tweeties! Boy did I hav a trick up my sleeve today!! Cara,Mady&I made 51 brownies for sch bday treat..But I switched them out& brought... 45 minutes ago


What the hell?...

I'm with ya Pink! What? Did she switch her homemade for store bought?

Bah Bah Black Sheep said... 92

Sometimes I think that the regular "haters" on twitter are as confused as the sheeple:

@EmeraldCityJazz @chancetheboxer @ICYou1 @Kateplusmy8 Yes . The kids will 8 years old when they finish kindergarten.

The kids are in First Grade. They finished Kindergarten in June. One would think if they have been tweeting so long, know everything there is to know about Kate and the kids, that they would at least know what grade these kids are in.

Red Sky At Night said... 93

Hi Tweeties! Boy did I hav a trick up my sleeve today!! Cara,Mady&I made 51 brownies for sch bday treat..But I switched them out& brought... 45 minutes ago


The tweeties are laughing over the fact that it could be she switched them for the old stale Georgetown cupcakes. Not so far out a guess. Can't cupcakes be frozen?

Mel said... 94

Here's a link to photos of the dogs being removed. They certainly weren't little puppies. I would think they wouldn't have changed all that much in 6 months....

Here's a link to photos when Shoka was returned.

The dog's size looks to be similar to the first link. Looks like the same coloring.

I might have to take my comment about her lying back, eh?

Although it's still interesting that the kids didn't seem to recognize the dog as Shoka until Kate said it was Shoka.

Just Me said... 95

The comments about Shoka not being the same Shoka intrigued me, so I have just spent the last hour poking around the internet for before and after pictures of Shoka.

I have amassed a pretty good collection of both now and while the dogs are very similar, I would say there is possibly some merit to the conclusion.

Some of it could be explained by the animal maturing. I'm not sure how old Shoka and Nala were when they were returned to the breeder and how old Shoka was when he was returned.

Dogs do change some structurally and color patternwise as they mature, but having been "in" dogs for many, many years and having studied structure and such for showing (not German Shepherds) I have a pretty good eye for dogs, in general.

There is enough to make me go hmmm between the before and after pictures.

Tamara said... 96

I'd love to see a post on the dog mystery. Pics side by side, etc. Surprised no one else has brought that up.

RE more visitation with Jon. She thinks it makes him sound bad when really it just makes her sound worse. I'd bet she wants him to take the kids, or certain kids, random days and hours, whenever the whim hits her. No doubt she tells the kids, "I wanted you to be with Daddy, but he doesn't want you."

Westcoaster said... 97

Whatever she has gone and switched out the treats for, my first thought was WTF - you baked WITH your daughters for THEIR school birthday treat and then you changed it up? Message to daughters : a) your baking is not good enough and b) I'm in charge, Me, Me Me. Let's see if I'm wrong. And where are the 51 brownies? Good thing for Supermom her daughters are not on Twitter.

PJ's momma said... 98

I pretty much agree with this tweet from a 'hater'......maybe the kids were excited but it's a shame Kate made it all about her and her connections, er, friends:
What a bitch -- Kate had to out-do and show up the twins' brownies with something better.

Dulcina said... 99

Mel, thanks for making my link (She's Come Undone) clickable. Tried to say this numerous times but my comment kept disappearing (Cathy 518 try Firefox).

The song just popped into my head as I read her tweets.

Just Me said... 100

I wish there was a better before picture of his left side (right side in the pictures).

You can kind of see it in picture 7 at Mel's first link. Then look at picture 11 at Mel's second link.

You can see there is a distinctive white line of fur that runs next to the black saddle on "after" Shoka that doesn't seem to be visible in "before" Shoka.

I found 2 puppy pictures of "before" Shoka, but one of them he's laying down so the angle is not very good and the other has a lot of shadowing, but even with the picture lightened to remove the shadows, that distinctive white line doesn't appear to be there.

Also "before" Shoka has an extremely big, boxy muzzle. "After" Shoka's muzzle does not look as boxy. You can tell in picture 6 in Mel's first link how boxy and wide "before" Shoka's muzzle is. None of the pictures of "after" Shoka look that wide, including the 2 new ones on Kate's blog.

The marking on his head is slightly different, IMO, but that could be maturing.

Also just looking at the pictures side by side, in my graphics program something doesn't look the same. I can't really say what it is, but I can immediately pick out which ones are "before" and which ones are "after" as being the same dog, but "before" and "after" have just a different "look" about them..expression maybe is the best way to describe it.

Marie said... 101

Okay...why the HELL would you bake 51 brownies and then decide to BUY 5 dozen (is that a dozen or a baker's dozen?) cupcakes? What for? Honestly it just screams ridiculous here.

Friends and Georgetown? Oh, one episode and Kate considers them friends? The only reason the are her, "friends," is because she gives them something. Call me crazy but friendship is based on a two-way street here, not what your friends can constantly give you.

What does that tell her kids? It says, Yeah I'll bake but to make us more important we'll buy treats from this expensive store when we were on TV. Rolling my eyes. Sick.

Now I don't know the rules on homemade treat being brought to school these days, where I live it is not allowed, it has to be store bought. You know to protect kids from poisons, sharp objects or whatever creepy people might put in homemade items. ~ Administrator said... 102

She must have been told that if Jon gets more time he'll pay less child support. Heck if she wants that!!

Just Me said... 103

Correction to my previous post. I meant picture 7 shows how boxy the muzzle is.

tate said... 104

I bet anything the "bought cupcakes" were "gifted cupcakes". I can't see Kate splashing out on 5 dozen over-nighted cupcakes.

Just Me said... 105

LOL She can't even give a proper plug to people that do her a favor and overnight her 5 dozen cupcakes to show up her kids with.

Both times she tweeted their @name she messed it up and it linked the next word or part of the next word into the address.

Uncle Sam said... 106

As I said on the last thread, karma is a bitch and so is the IRS. Kate, you'd better watch what you say about hair being comped or never paying for that designer label dress. If someone "gives" you something expecting publicity in return, that's not technically a "gift" it is income. The question asked in government ethics when something is given for nothing is "how would that look to a reasonable man" and Kate, your grifting doesn't look good. And those free cupcakes today....let me get out my calculator. Remember, sooner or later, everyone has to pay the piper.

TLC ship is sinking said... 107

Kate Gosselin:
Hi Tweeties! Boy did I hav a trick up my sleeve today!! Cara,Mady&I made 51 brownies for sch bday treat..But I switched them out& brought...

.. What did I bring instead of the bday brownies?? My friends at @georgetowncupcakesovernighted 5 dozen cupcakes! Oh how excited C&M were!

15 minutes ago via Twitterrific

I'm surprised this school allows sweet edible birthday treats...especially homemade ones.

Our local school district only allowed store-bought products since I was in elementary school. Nowadays, many districts in our county have banned sweets (if not food altogether) and opted for non-edible alternatives like "special birthday book reading", pencils/erasers, etc.

I assume Kate drove down to the school to deliver these cupcakes? And spend a short time in their classrooms?

Westcoaster said... 108

Bingo! And now for some advertising on the Twitter. And eww - have those things been in her freezer all summer? Do we really think C&M were all that excited?

Dumb Dog Lover said... 109

no mo worryin bout me said... Oh, if my dog was as dumb Kate makes Shoka sound, I'd get rid of him in a New York minute.
No mo, Your statement doesn't make any sense to me. Kate is making the dog sound rather smart because he can open a locked door. My dog is dumb as a post but I wouldn't give him up for the world. I'm talking about my walking out of the room and walking back in and him barking at me because he forgot I was just there kind of dumb. Are you talking about the "dog speak" that she uses? We refer to ourselves as "hims humans" because we imagine that's how he would talk if he could. She sounds dumb, but the dog? Not so much. Not an attack on you, just my opinion and wondering why your picture shows dogs.

Laurie said... 110

And would the school allow those cupcakes if they come from a bakery where peanuts are used? Don't they have to have some sort of disclaimer? I know that I've purchased some products that have a disclaimer becasue peanut products are also producted in the factory. I wonder if Kate paid for the cupcakes and then paid to have them overnighted (as she said) or if they were a "gift".

Dulcina said... 111

IF Georgetown Cupcakes really overnighted cupcakes for Mady and Cara, I think it's nice that they got something "special" since so much of the focus has always been on the sextuplets' birthdays.

As in "wow, someone thought of US." (M & C)

librarylady said... 112

I'm guessing it was a GRIFT, not a gift. The shipping on those are $26 for first dozen and $15 each dozen after (I know this because someone ordered some for a wedding shower I recently attended and everyone was appalled. They were good - but not $29/dozen-and-$26-shipping good. Outrageous.).

If she claims she did pay and then claims poor again - just another notch in the "Kate lies" belt. I'm sure Kate's dropped them a little line about a birthday.

Hippie Chick said... 113

That Shoka diary thing? Was it written by a 3 year old? I am just stunned by the...simplicity of it.

My German Shephard comes with me EVERYWHERE, in the car, everywhere. Except of course when it's hot outside, or extremely cold. When I feel up to it (which lately has not been much), we go on little walks. When I'm outside writing or drawing, she is right with me. She is our family dog. Family, being the operative word. I would never, ever, keep our dog outside all the time. I find it cruel.

In the winter months, in the hot summer months, does Kate leave her dog out all the time? This is downright wrong.

I find Kate's recent "updates" on her website to be so telling. She really is trying to explain herself; the dog being outside, the whole morning routine thing. She DOES read about herself. She is so thinly veiled & transparent. We can see right through her! No way to explain your way out of 10? 11? years of bad parenting. There are several "episodes" of it on DVD.

You're SCREWED, Kate.

~HC~ :)

Hippie Chick said... 114

Marilyn said...
Time to square up the blog and tweets, as well as the many contradictory interviews.
We would need a Nasa scientist to do that! If someone went over all of Kate's lies, the ones she has spewed over the years, including tweets & magazine interviews & Today show lies & Regis & Kelly & everything else? Wow.

That would take a LONG time. Days? Months? We would need charts, a couple of dry erase boards, some highlighters & Bill Gates. Stephen Hawking? I don't even know.


Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 115

Kate posted half the twitter about the cupcakes, then made her fans wait an hour for the rest of it? She does a lot of that; I know something you don't know, la lalala lala.

How annoying. Talk about control issues. Wow!

Kate would be a psychoanalyst's dream...or maybe nightmare.

TLC ship is sinking said... 116

Just Me said...LOL She can't even give a proper plug to people that do her a favor and overnight her 5 dozen cupcakes to show up her kids with.

Both times she tweeted their @name she messed it up and it linked the next word or part of the next word into the address.


It's even worse. Apparently, @georgetowncupcakes doesn't exist on twitter.

@Kateplusmy8 @Jenna_LiveFree @georgetowncupcakesov They generally use @KatherineSophie as their twitter address.
44 minutes ago

@Kateplusmy8 @Jenna_LiveFree @georgetowncupcakesov It's @GTownCupcake
48 minutes ago

TLC ship is sinking said... 117

Dulcina said...IF Georgetown Cupcakes really overnighted cupcakes for Mady and Cara, I think it's nice that they got something "special" since so much of the focus has always been on the sextuplets' birthdays.

As in "wow, someone thought of US." (M & C)


Great point, Dulcina! I'm glad Cara and Mady got something special in the form of these unique birthday treats. They rarely did anything special for their birthdays.

I wonder if the Georgetown cupcake owners did it on their own accord or if Kate actually contacted them.

Nevertheless, what a great early birthday surprise for Cara and Mady's 11th birthday!

Tucker's Mom said... 118

Kate's teasing tweet was so 12 year old, but I'm glad the twins got the Gtown cupcakes and it made them happy.
With a bit of snark, I wonder if the girls got a homemade or local b-day cake at Jon's which Kate had to top. I mean, why change the plan midstream?
But like I said, I hope it made their day. Oh, and I hope the boy tups got to eat them too!

anger issues kate said... 119

Perhaps the recent articles of Kate, starting to take it out on the kids, ranting, Hollywood is not calling, are starting to come true? Let's see, Kate yelling at the kids in public, Kate ranting on Tweeter, Hollywood and media not calling.
Kate ranting on tweeter: Kate has just contradicted herself. This woman can't even remember what she said 5 min ago, much less a year ago etc. She lies, like a dirty cheap, worn used rug.
Of course Kate is ranting, she has nothing else, Hollywood, Cable and Talk shows are not calling. If and when the Talk gig does happen, will Kate lie again and contradict herself? and everyone else?
Kate bringing up, about family is cause, there are none. She recently tweeted that she and the kids, no family and no friends(answering someones question). Her bringing up about Jon and visitation, is cause they are not filming, and Kate can't stand having those kids around.
Kate grifted cupcakes, and probably made her twins very un-happy, they probably told their classmates that they were bringing brownies. Did Kate not tweet a couple of days ago that the Twins had everything planned out for their birthday? And of course Kate had to ruin it and have the spot light on her, with getting those special made cupcakes from the DC cupcakes show. Cause, Kate can't stand to do anything MEDIOCRE, like give her Twins class, homemade brownies. Cause Kate can't stand to be upstaged by her Twins. I can see at least one of the Twins turning on her, in the near future and/or going to live with dad.
Someone told me a long time ago, that when a person, keeps referring to stuff, like Kate, does with Jon etc, is cause they don't have it or have not gotten over it. Kate has not gotten over Jon, and is jealous of him for moving on. Kate feels trapped now, like a rat(that she is) in a box. I bet the next interview Kate does, she will lie or stretch the truth about the stuff she said on twitter.

Dallas Lady said... 120

So she didn't even tweet Georgetown Cupcakes correctly?

That seals it for me. I suspected she did this, but now I'm sure: remember ALL those cupcakes they came home with after that episode and people said what the hell is she going to do with that many cupcakes?

She froze them. Then they went to school, thawed, for the girls' birthday. I'd bet my house on it.

And actually, I doubt she made the brownies with M&C. You think she'd lose an opportunity to tweet a picture of all those brownies if SHE, the "supermom," made them? No way.

There were no brownies. Only long-frozen cupcakes, then fake "thanks" sent to a non-existent twitter account. She's so......sad. Truly.

And as an English teacher, I'd like to say my eighth graders could write a better first draft than her drivel (the Shoka entry). Who told her she could write?

Kokomo, Cocktails, and Dreams said... 121

no mo worryin bout me said... Oh, if my dog was as dumb Kate makes Shoka sound, I'd get rid of him in a New York minute.
No mo, Your statement doesn't make any sense to me.


It didn't make any sense to me, either. I'd never get "rid" of a dog because the dog lacked smarts. I have one dog who is so smart that she could balance a checkbook, and another one who still can't figure out that if she sticks her nose in the birdcage, she might get bitten.

I love both of them equally, and would never, ever get rid of the "dumb" one - not even in a New York hour.

What I got from the Shoka Diary is that he is pretty darn intelligent if he can figure out how to unlock a door. Where is this poster coming up with the idea that his musings on this blog presents him as dumb?

Red Flag On This said... 122

And actually, I doubt she made the brownies with M&C. You think she'd lose an opportunity to tweet a picture of all those brownies if SHE, the "supermom," made them? No way.


When would she have made brownies? They get stale very quickly. She didn't mention it over the weekend - the kids supposedly changed over their closets when they got home from Jon's on Sunday. She said nothing about baking yesterday and she most certainly would have tweeted about it last night, complaining how exhausted she was.

I'm not buying the brownies thing either. She wouldn't have gone to all of the trouble to bake them, knowing full well she was going to unfreeze the cupcakes. She wouldn't do any more than is absolutely necessary - and she hates to bake.

Will The Real Shoka Please Bark said... 123

Is it or isn't it Shoka?

If it's an issue, why not tweet Jon and ask him if it's the same dog? He might reply or he might not. Couldn't hurt.

Gimme said... 124

Didn't she bring on dozens of those and put them in the freezer when she did the episode there at Georgetown. Could it be those that she is referring to or did they send fresh ones.

fidosmommy said... 125

Yea, I'd be miffed if my sis and I had baked a lot of brownies that WE had decided WE wanted for OUR school birthday party and our mom decided to upstage us with some prestigious over-rated cupcakes instead. Boo. Just let the GIRLS have THEIR party the way THEY planned it.

It was very nice of Sophie and Katherine to do that. It seems to me that just sending an overnight box of cupcakes to the girls and their siblings at home might have had an equal effect on them (and not making them look like show-offs to the class.) The kids would get their party at school and a cupcake at home too. Remember, Kate has a tradition of baking the birthday cakes around there, so this year she wouldn't have had to bother, thanks to Katherine and Sophie.

I think this cupcake thing made Kate much, much happier than it made Mady, Cara and their classmates. I'm sure brownies would have been just fine with all of them. It's Kate who is not satisfied with less than top drawer.

Just curious said... 126

Apparently Kate baked on Sunday:

Whew!what a day!bday baking,laundry, fall kid clothing switch over, ran, made dinner, fall decorated. Yeah, I'm exhausted! What's new?
2 Oct

Tucker's Mom said... 127

Kate did not defrost any cupcakes. The Gtown cupcakes were overnighted to PA.
Brownies don't take long to make and I believe she did make them but a "better" gift came up. ~ Administrator said... 128

And Brownie-gate just about sums about Kate, doesn't it?

She doesn't understand that you cannot put a price a wonderfully delicious brownies you made with your mommy all afternoon long, laughing together and licking the spoon and talking about how much your classmates will love them.

Kids don't care about stupid four bucks a pop storebought cupcakes. They don't. It is not "better" to them. It means nothing to them that overpriced cupcakes were shipped over vs. making something from a cheap store mix. They care about how you spent an afternoon with Mommy and you made something together.

SIGH, she'll never get it. ~ Administrator said... 129

And further, she is so shallow.

If something is more expensive than something else, the more expensive thing will always be better.

Anonymous said... 130

The five tweets listed above indicate "about an hour ago". That would put the time at about 7:00 PM EDT. Wouldn't you think the always busy mother of eight would have more to do at seven o'clock in the evening than communicating with other people's children.


fidosmommy said... 131

Ya'll are making me laugh.

So, what I'm hearing out of all this is that the Gosselins had to provide treats for Mady and Cara's birthday party at school. Kate doesn't bake and she doesn't waste food either, so she put DC cupcakes in the freezer. That's what Mady and Cara took to school.

So, Kate wanted to make it a much bigger deal and tweeted that Sophie and Katherine sent the cupcakes for the party in an overnight shipment.
But, since they didn't actually do that, Kate
messed up their twitter account name so none of the fans (or non-fans) could write to Sophie and Katherine about sending cupcakes. Their tweets would not go they could not refute what Kate was saying. Nor would they have to hear fans tell them what heroes they are and wonder what in the world the fans are babbling about.

Hmmmmmmm. What a devious plot. Is this what is being suggested? It's almost as delicious as, well, a brownie or a cupcake.

Do I have your thoughts right, everyone? ~ Administrator said... 132

Fidosmommy, lol no, no conspiracy. Kate's just dumb that's all.

BM? Yes, Kate should be with her eight kids at 7pm not Twitter. I would think in most of America this is prime family time. For her every night, it's Twatter-palooza baby!!!

hey jude said... 133

trying out posting on firefox, having trouble again Admin.

fidosmommy said... 134

Administrator said...
Fidosmommy, lol no, no conspiracy. Kate's just dumb that's all.


Oh darn (finger snap.) I do love a good conspiracy.

Kate is a twit said... 135

To me, her twittering about the cupcakes is the same as her twittering about the leather couch, the pool, etc. She has to show that her life is anything but mediocre.

The twins birthday is Saturday. I wonder why she brought the cupcakes to school today? Wouldn't you think they would have their school celebration on Friday?

emschick1128 said... 136

Steve Jobs, a truly amazing and hard working person has passed away. RIP Steve you will be missed and never forgotten

Twittering and a Twattering said... 137

"And Brownie-gate just about sums about Kate, doesn't it?"


I read this and thought that Brown Nose was up to something! Speaking of the uber fan suck up...where is she? She changed her avatar and has been quiet - didn't even show up for last night's tweeter party.

If Kate baked on Sunday, do brownies stay fresh for three days? I never made them because our local bake shop does it so much better than I do! I remember her tweeting that she baked on Sunday...when did she say she made the blondies?

Here's the thing with the cupcakes. Kate really screwed herself. If she paid megabucks for the cupcakes just for a classroom treat, then she'll be called out for spending money excessively when she's unemployed. She can't cry poor or she will be reminded that she coughed up all that money that she claims she doesn't have when she just could have sent the brownies to school.

If she says that the brownies were a gift from her friends in DC, then she'll be accused of being a lying grifter. She says she doesn't accept freebies or gifts.

She needs to keep her mouth shut.

Parent and Alumna said... 138

Kate is a twit asked: The twins birthday is Saturday. I wonder why she brought the cupcakes to school today? Wouldn't you think they would have their school celebration on Friday?


Not if there's no school on Friday!

Westcoaster said... 139

Y'all forget that Kate has free time at 7pm because that's when she has the older ones supervising (err conducting) showers. And paper plates don't take a lot of clean- up. And the not-a-nanny is packing lunches.

I don't suppose she took any pictures of the boxes those cupcakes were wrapped in for her blog? Nah, but she could have just taken one of the now empty freezer. Let's just say that she did bake brownies with the girls - this just then turns into another me, mine moment - look at what I can do to top you, other parents - so incredibly childish. ~ Administrator said... 140

It's a big Jewish holiday on Friday at least out here a lot of schools are off.

My friend is watching my dog Friday since I'm out of town and I was going to bring over breakfast for her....only to realize oh oops, she's fasting. LOL.

Anonymous said... 141

Your friend will not be fasting at breakfast on Friday. The holiday starts at sundown.

Laurie said... 142

If my bully were a fictional character he'd probably be Lenny Small. Our bully is not very bright and loves his floppy bunny. He wouldn't hurt you on purpose but get out of the way if he's running at you because he runs through things and not around them. I wouldn't trade him for the world because I love that smooshy little face!

Parent and Alumna said... 143

Let's just say that she did bake brownies with the girls - this just then turns into another me, mine moment - look at what I can do to top you, other parents - so incredibly childish.


Bingo. ~ Administrator said... 144

I thought she told me she wouldn't be eating anything Friday. Not being Jewish I am not up to speed on when it starts or ends. I will text her, maybe she can eat my breakfast after all.

Anyway the point is I imagine their school is off for the holiday as many are.

Tamara said... 145

Anyone know if "bodyguard" Steve carried a gun?

Friend In Pennsylvania said... 146

Admin said,

Anyway the point is I imagine their school is off for the holiday as many are.


There is no school on Friday.

Dallas Lady said... 147

So why today instead of tomorrow?

Regardless, forget everything else and take what you DO know: Kate said she baked 51 brownies WITH her daughters for them to pass out to their friends at school to celebrate their birthday. And they got upstaged by overpriced cupcakes they DIDN'T make with each other or their mom.

Kate? The brownies would have been more special.

chefsummer #Leh said... 148

terri said...
Oh My God! She wouldn't know the truth if it jumped up and bit her in the ass.

I don't believe she pulled the stick out yet and. I thought she didn't give a crap about her. Brother

PJ's momma said... 149

Think Kate'll express condolences for the death of the visionary of her umpteen iPhones and iPad?

chefsummer #Leh said... 150

Also in other funny news the new H8R show say's Kate might have passed on being on thier show.

I don't belive for on second Kate would pass on. Anything that put her on TV.

Twittering and a Twattering said... 151

What's this about with the Mrs. Miami Heat iPad gifter?

@kateplusmy8 Kate, amazing. Honestly, have a good life. I'll leave it at that.
(sent today)

Previous tweets:

lindafoerrester linda foerrester
@Kateplusmy8 Hi Dear, sweet birthday wishes to your children. Hope they enjoy their gifts.

lindafoerrester linda foerrester
@kateplusmy8 Glad you finally got it Kate. There are 4 more on their way. Enjoy them.

lindafoerrester linda foerrester
@kateplusmy8 GM Kate. Ipads are on the way. Sent to Heffner Rd. Hope your lovelies enjoy them.

lindafoerrester linda foerrester
@Kateplusmy8 We too are going through a rough time with the lockout but can sustain Different for you. Sending a very important package. Hgs ~ Administrator said... 152

Making memories: Spending the afternoon making brownies with Mommy, then eating them with your classmates.

Useless memory that won't stick for more than two seconds: Having some rich cupcake ladies you spent all of one day with out of 150 episodes of your show send you store-bought overpriced far too sweet cupcakes. ~ Administrator said... 153

What's this about with the Mrs. Miami Heat iPad gifter?

@kateplusmy8 Kate, amazing. Honestly, have a good life. I'll leave it at that.
(sent today)

The fact that Kate denied this woman ever sent her anything might have something to do with it. I'm sure the woman felt unappreciated.

I can't exactly figure out what happened here. This woman claims she sent her ipads, Kate did confirm she got a free ipad, but Kate told this woman to stop bothering her, as I recall.

So did she take her free ipad then tell her to get lost? Or did this woman lie about sending her the ipad? Who even knows. Far more entertaining than reality tv that's for sure.

chefsummer #Leh said... 154

Kate seems to be doing fine with the lockout getting.Free Ipads and other free things ~ Administrator said... 155

Twitter and Twattering, brownies are one of our favorites to make, I've found if you make them slightly under, i.e. if the package suggests bake 10 to 14 minutes, bake for 10, they tend to stay nice and moist and fresh for several days. Especially if you put them in a good airtight tupperware container. Eating within the next day or two is best though. ~ Administrator said... 156

Has anyone seen the documentary Buck about the real horse whisperer?

He was a child celebrity. He was one of the youngest ropers and he and his brother did commercials for Kellogs cereals. They showed his commercial which was very cute, but know what Buck said? All I could remember of that commercial was the way my dad beat us afterward for not putting on a perfect performance.


fidosmommy said... 157

I've been reading some of the non-fan tweets to Kate and to Kate fans. I'm thinking specifically of some replies to the woman who sent Kate the iPad. Some of the replies to her remind me of the pesky little sister who bothered you when you had a date over to your house. The little imp who's always chiming in with a question, always calling you out, "but you said you liked Marianna yesterday!", always popping her head in when you think you've got a private conversation going on.

I have to say, as a former pesky little sister, that I'm almost enjoying it. They're not being
outwardly vicious, they're just nudging with their questions and their commentary. Like I used to tell my sisters, if you don't want me
overhearing your private conversations, don't have them in the den. Ditto for twitter. It just invites intruders.

Twittering and a Twattering said... 158

"I can't exactly figure out what happened here. This woman claims she sent her ipads, Kate did confirm she got a free ipad, but Kate told this woman to stop bothering her, as I recall."

I think what Kate said was that she didn't know her and to please stop. I just read on another blog that these were used generic iPads and Kate had someone put them on eBay. Whether it's true or not, who knows, but something must have happened or the Heat lady wouldn't have tweeted what she did.

"So did she take her free ipad then tell her to get lost? Or did this woman lie about sending her the ipad? Who even knows. Far more entertaining than reality tv that's for sure."

When it comes to a pasture of sheeple, anything can happen and nothing surprises me.

Thanks for your brownie baking suggestions. With all this talk about cupcakes and brownies, I have such a craving!
I just can't imagine her baking them on Sunday and holding them until today.

fidosmommy said... 159

So, Mrs. Miami Heat may have caught a whiff of the real Kate Gosselin. She'll take whatever high class stuff she can get from you and then drop you when you don't fit in with her purposes. Kate had just said recently she didn't accept gifts, and then there's this woman who's blowing that story to bits. Buy, buy, Mrs. Mia-ME Heat, and then it's Bye Bye.

PJ's momma said... 160

The Miami Heat wife is apparently just a crap-stirrer. When Kate said she got her iPad, this person said she was so glad it arrived and 4 more were on the way and Kate basically told her, 'I did not receive an iPad or iPads from you. Please stop." So that gift did not come from her. ~ Administrator said... 161

None of this makes sense.

If Kate wants us to believe she doesn't accept gifts, why in the world would she blab about the ipad at the same exact time that Miami Heat freak was twittering her about giving her the ipads? She had to have known Miama Heat would blab if Kate acknowledged it. If you don't want the gifter to go on and on about it the last thing you do is mention the gift on twitter.

Is Miami Heat just messing around maybe?

fidosmommy said... 162

just read on another blog that these were used generic iPads and Kate had someone put them on eBay.

Kate seemed delighted with the first one, and was playing a game with Cara on it. And I THINK I recall Kate replying to Mrs. Miami Heat that yes, she could send on more. I'll have to check on that, though. One day. ~ Administrator said... 163

That's what Kate CLAIMS however......wasn't there a time in August where Miami was mentioning wanting to send her something and Kate was messaging her or something....I should have followed this bizarre saga more closely but I swear initially Kate was engaging with her.

PJ's momma said... 164

I believe the Miami woman tweeted that she was glad Kate got her gift and was sending more AFTER Kate went public with receiving one. She did not send it. I believe Kate does know who sent it and it's not this person. ~ Administrator said... 165

Miami was talking about sending Kate stuff BEFORE all this though. Not sure is she specifically said an Ipad but she has definitely been around since August, before ipad-gate.

PJ's momma said... 166

Even if she did say something before, Kate knew where the gadget came from (or maybe she bought herself and didn't want to fess up or whatever) and it wasn't from this person. She was very clear on that. Kate basically told her, "I don't know who you are."

Gift of grab said... 167

Linda Foerrester popped up around the time that Lancaster Watch offered new backpacks (after Kate said the kids were re-using last year's). Her initial proposal was Kindles for the kids. When and how those morphed into iPads, I don't know.

PJ's momma said... 168

Here's the reply Kate sent to that lindafoerrester person at the time she was saying she was sending more iPads:
@lindafoerrester I have not read about, accepted OR received 5 iPads from don't know why you are tweeting this to me? Please stop.
22 Sep

will the stupidity ever end? said... 169

Why FIVE ipads? It's so excessive to even give each twin one of them. They're really cool to be sure. I'd love to have one just for the fun of it but have not been able to justify purchasing one, even though I could. I can do the same things on my iPhone as I would with an ipad. Any project more involved is usually better done on a real computer. All this excess in the face of possible impending bankruptcy is ridiculous, even if they were grifts, er, gifts

Twittering and a Twattering said... 170

PJ said: Here's the reply Kate sent to that lindafoerrester person at the time she was saying she was sending more iPads:

@lindafoerrester I have not read about, accepted OR received 5 iPads from don't know why you are tweeting this to me? Please stop.
22 Sep


PJ -- I remember that. But Foerrester also tweeted to Kate that she was happy that Kate received the one iPad. If Kate didn't tell her she received it, and thanked her, then why would Foerrester respond as if Kate had told her she received it?

A delusional sheeple, or a fibbing Kate? It doesn't make sense, no matter which way you look at it! ~ Administrator said... 171

LOL oh the fall of Kate. Once there was drama with a vice presidential candidate in Alaska. Now all that's going on is drama with some crazypants trying to take credit for expensive gadgets.

fidosmommy said... 172

I just spent some time reading tweets between Mrs. Miami Heat and another person. According to MMH, she does not know twitter is public and anyone can read tweets. Second, she was just trying to be nice to Kate, whom she decided was down on her luck. This other person is straightening her out.

Kate said iPad was from a "close friend". MMH says they have seen each other once and are in no way "close friends". She first said she didn't know Kate had called her a liar, but when pushed, she said she had read that. The other person was asking, very politely, why MMH would send iPads to a wealthy woman. That was when MMH said they were for the kids, and that she was going to have to give all this some thought.

Perhaps another fan has seen the light. Anyway, it has been very interesting reading over there on Twitter.

DannysSister said... 173

I thought the Miami lady said her real name was on the bill of lading. Whatever, as Stevo would mumble.
Poor, Shoka, making the innocent dog sound like a nitwit and once more a killer of animals. First she got the blame for the loss of the chickens, now apparently is littering the woods with her kills to later go gloat over. Get a doggie door and 86 the dog blog, woman. Dogs may have hunter instincts but I never had one that was a pet go around killing the woodland creatures in our area. Why would a well trained, well treated pet feel the need for that? Exploiting and badmouthing her children isn't enough for her now she drags the dog into it.
I think the dog could honestly write a better blog entry then that travesty of Katie's. If she truly wants to write she needs to get herself off to some college comp classes and find someone to proof and edit those pathetic blog entries.

fidosmommy said... 174

OK, this could all be "katespeak". You know, the kids were not expelled, etc.

The woman known to us as Mrs. Miami Heat is not using her real name on Twitter. She just admitted that a few minutes ago. So, on Twitter she is tweeting with one name about giving Kate iPads, and Kate received an iPad from someone with another name - the name on the lading label. Ergo, Kate did NOT receive an iPad from the woman on Twitter who talked about sending her one. Or 5. She got it from a woman with a different name. See? She's not really lying.

Lost In The Moment said... 175

Poor, Shoka, making the innocent dog sound like a nitwit and once more a killer of animals.


I read that and was trying to figure out if she meant that the dog killed animals, or if he liked finding animals that were already dead, such as squirrels, mice, birds, whatever:

"It may sound odd, but if you enclose me inside, and I would rather be outside enjoying the fresh air – the smell of dead animals I’ve hunted,"

It was poorly worded. ~ Administrator said... 176

It's so irritating the way Kate is trying to justifying kicking Shoka out of the house. It sounds odd because it IS odd, Kate.

Read a dog book. They want to be with the pack. This is UNDISPUTED. If the pack is outside they want to be outside. Which is why dogs used to be mostly outside dogs, because people were outside way more than they are today. This is also why many farm dogs are still outside dogs, because folks are outside all day long. But if the pack is on the inside that's where they want to be. Whatever room we're in that's where our dog is. We do not lead him there, or pick him up and put him there. He chooses. He wants to be with us. I cannot stand walking by the three houses in my neighborhood where the dogs are sitting there outside by themselves. The one that really kills me is the poor angry chihuahua who I have never in my life not seen outside. Rain or shine, hot or cold. He looks crazed. Maybe he wouldn't be like that if he were with his pack.

Kate's family is not outside all the time. They are an inside family as most families are. Let your dog inside with his pack, I beg of you.

Marie said... 177

Why can Kate openly bash and or talk about her kids and ex-husband on various sites such as blogs, twitter, websites when Jon is forbidden and or scorned if he opens his mouth?

I mean I understand narassisism but what I don't understand is the contract Jon violated. He should not be under any contracts by now I don't know. Wouldn't you think Kate might or was ever under any contracts? Contracts containing not being able to say this or that or whatever never made sense to me.

Never made sense to me why Kate got famous and JOn was ths shlub back home with the kids. Why is Kate never asked to be quiet? It drives me ental I swear.

Anonymous said... 178

Everyone really think that this cheap bitch would spend the money to have cupcakes overnighted to her from DC? Or is she fishing to be featured on the cupcake show for the twins' birthday??
Or did she freeze those cupcakes she took home and is using them now, hence the wrong twitter address.

If she is defrosting 2 month old cupcakes, she has has stoop below the level of pond scum. Wouldn't those cupcakes be really gross, especially the frosting. And how safe is it to eat now?

PJ's momma said... 179

fidosmommy, I looked at that thread too. I believe this person was jumping on an open bandwagon. Kate tweeted that she received one iPad, this person jumped in and said she was so glad and the other four were on their way and Kate then said she hadn't received five from her and asked her to stop. And I'm sorry - she didn't know every tweet she sends Kate is public? Please. She knew damn well they are because she's been getting bashed right and left and admits it. She knows exactly what she's doing. Moving on now........

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 180

Sounds to me like this Linda person tweeted a hint with this:

@Kateplusmy8 Hi Dear, sweet birthday wishes to your children. Hope they enjoy their gifts.

and confirmed she sent the cupcakes with this:

@kateplusmy8 Kate, amazing. Honestly, have a good life. I'll leave it at that.

"Sweet birthday wishes."

Identity Crisis said... 181

The woman known to us as Mrs. Miami Heat is not using her real name on Twitter.


If you go to @Lindafoerrester, you can see the entire current conversation that she doesn't think anyone is seeing! ~ Administrator said... 182

Okay the latest tweet that appears to take credit for the cupcakes sealed the deal for me. It's clear she's just screwing around with Kate. Especially with Kate basically telling her STOP.

Although, kinda funny. ~ Administrator said... 183

One question though was the "sweet" birthday tweet BEFORE Kate tweeted about the cupcakes?

Because that's different.... ~ Administrator said... 184

Oh by the way CONGRATS BETH!!! I heard Walgreens is a great company to work for. Good for you able to get a new job so quickly. Good for you working hard to support your family. Yea for hard working Americans who don't exploit their kids. ~ Administrator said... 185

A third possibility is that Kate doesn't realize that this twitter handle is the same "friend" who is sending grifts to her. It's not like your return address is your twatter name.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 186

Twittering and a Twattering said...

I read this and thought that Brown Nose was up to something! Speaking of the uber fan suck up...where is she? She changed her avatar and has been quiet - didn't even show up for last night's tweeter party.

I don’t feel like researching the specific tweets so I’ll recap. Someone tweeted the other night, maybe Sunday, to ask Brown Nose about her friend that was just arrested. Some tweeters questioned that the next day and the “informant” tweeted something about this “friend” being arrested for distributing child pornography. Some tweeters then asked for some kind of confirmation and the informant tweeted a local newspaper article confirming that indeed a man from a nearby county had been arrested for distribution of child porn. Then some of the tweeters began asking Brown Nose via tweets if she knew this man. That’s when BN became very quiet and changed her avatar. That’s about it in a nutshell.

PJ's momma said... 187

Admin, I agree with you about the lindaforrester person screwing with Kate. Kate said, "I" had something up "MY" sleeve......and then proceeded to half-assedly tweet thanks to "HER GOOD FRIENDS" at DC cupcakes, and all of a sudden, this third person is providing cupcakes too?

Beth, I also meant to congratulate you on your new job! Hope you enjoy it; I've had family who have worked with Walgreens for decades!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 188

Administrator said...

One question though was the "sweet" birthday tweet BEFORE Kate tweeted about the cupcakes?

Because that's different....


Yes the "sweet birthday tweet was at least a week ago, maybe more. I think it was around the time that Kate received the iPad,pod, whatever.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 189

Administrator said...

A third possibility is that Kate doesn't realize that this twitter handle is the same "friend" who is sending grifts to her. It's not like your return address is your twatter name.

I think that's very possible.

Tamara said... 190

Have the DC cupcake women commented at all on this recent 'drama'? I find it interesting that Kate hasn't made the news in a while. The angry bus photos weren't seen anywhere other than ROL, Hollybaby (I think?) and maybe a HuffPost mention. Those 3 sites are the only ones covering Kate/Gosselin news at all. I wonder if any of this new twitter rage or cupcake-gate 2 will make wider news. If not, will Kate keep trying more and more desperate stunts to get media attention? ~ Administrator said... 191

Hold up, so @miamicrazypants tweeted about "sweet" birthday wishes BEFORE Kate mentioned the cupcakes?

The plot thickens!!! I think stupid Kate doesn't realize her griftor guardian angel is this same twatter. Too entertaining. ~ Administrator said... 192

Tamara said...

Have the DC cupcake women commented at all on this recent 'drama'? I find it interesting that Kate hasn't made the news in a while.

Really? I find it inevitable.

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 193

I need to make a correction. The tweet from Linda Foerrester was made on Oct 1, 4 days ago:

@Kateplusmy8 Hi Dear, sweet birthday wishes to your children. Hope they enjoy their gifts.
1 Oct ~ Administrator said... 194

I don't think the DC cupcakes lady has the foggiest idea about all this, since a stranger ordered the cupcakes. And since Kate can't even get her twat name right.

chefsummer #Leh said... 195

What close friend does Kate have Jamie I don't thik she woud pop out 2grand for Kate or. Maybe it was Steve where ever he may be...

Or she's lying like allways

HollyMo said... 196

Just watched an episode of H8R. It was "okay", maybe if it focused on someone I was interested in I might be more entertained. The episode I saw was Maks (from DWTS) and The Miz (some WWE dude).
Anyway, the reason I brought it up was b/c they showed previews of who was going to be on this season, Nadya Suleman is going to be on!
Not sure if any one brought this up before, but I am excited to see that (no really!).
No wonder kHate turned them down, she hates being in the same boat as Nadya.
Beth, congratulations!!

Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said... 197

Linda Foerrester had a series of tweets with SchmeckyGirl tonight here:!/lindafoerrester

I'm not sure if it solves the mystery however.

PJ's momma said... 198

I'm out! I don't know why I even care! If they're in cahoots, they deserve each other. SchmeckyGirl asked why she would gift a wealthy person and she even had an explanation for that (and also said her husband disagreed). Me and my pups are going to bed after we finish our movie. Papi is in TX tonight so all 4-legged family members shall be in the big bed on this rainy night! Sleep tight, everyone!

Moon Over Miami said... 199

In reference to the Heat wife. Here's the thing (I sound like Monk). I am a Miami Heat fan. I can't think of any player's wife or girlfriend whose name is Linda, with a Forster, Foster, Foerester or Foester. In fact, I can't think of any player whose wife is named Linda. Of course, there could have been a divorce, and a recent marriage. The one player I'm not sure about is Norris Cole. There are some great sleuths on here - Tweet, Dwindle - maybe someone could find something I'm missing.

Miami wife tweeted:

lindafoerrester linda foerrester
@SchmeckyGirl This name is my first name and a derative of my maiden name with a few "RR's.

fidosmommy said... 200

Admin, will you be doing a recap on the iPads
episode? ;-)

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