Kate's Monday recipes she's been posting on her blog often seem not only unhealthy, but at times, well, gross. What are your favorite delicious, (relatively) healthy recipes?
Here's one of ours:
Not-my-original-idea Simple Fall Supper in One Pan (compiled over the years from a variety of recipes and chefs):
Main ingredients: Chicken, zucchini, yams, fresh uncooked spinach, dried cranberries.
1. Saute chicken with a little salt and pepper, olive oil, big squeeze of real lemon and chopped garlic. If using chicken on the bone, it'll have to be roasted to finish cooking thoroughly. If using skinless boneless, cook at slightly lower temperature to prevent drying out.

3. Peel yams and chop into bite-sized. Add a sprinkling of brown sugar if you want to really bring out the sweet flavor. Throw in some more thyme and saute with zucchini.
4. Combine uncooked spinach and dried cranberries with favorite salad dressing, or make a simple vinaigrette of extra virgin olive oil, apple cider vinegar, lemon and a bit of brown sugar.
All done, plate it up! Salad can be served on the side, or yummier still, place chicken and veggies directly on top of salad and dress all together. Slice of pumpkin pie for dessert. For variety, try subbing out the chicken for salmon or other favorite fish, poached egg, or whole wheat pasta. Or if you eat meat, steak strips.
359 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 359 of 359 Newer› Newest»You bitch so much about how overwhelmed and exhausted you are that I fail to understand why you think anyone needs your advice.
Dallas Lady, this is a perfect summation!
p.s. I too, appreciate the recipes.
My contribution:
Chicken Divan
2lbs of chicken tenders cooked and separated
1 lb of chopped broccoli (cooked)
1 lb of broccoli spears (cooked)
2 cans of cream of chicken soup
3 tablespoons of miracle whip
2 nice size squirts of lemon juice
1/2 to 1 lb of mild/sharp chedder cheese
First cook your chicken and shred into large/medium chunks.
Mix in medium bowl your chicken soup, mayo and lemon juice well. Add chicken and mix.
Next: Layer broccoli florets and then arrange broccoli spears on top of that.
Layer chicken mixture on top
Spread chedder cheese on top and cook on 375 till hot and bubbly.
Enjoy with baked or mashed potato with crusty french bread with a delicious toss salad.
Have got rave reviews on this every time! :) Enjoy!
Dallas Lady said...
You bitch so much about how overwhelmed and exhausted you are that I fail to understand why you think anyone needs your advice.
Look, you had eight kids. You alienated everyone in your life. You left your husband. You don't speak to your family. You are, indeed, very alone with eight kids. But whose fault is all that? You made your dirty bed, now lie in it.
Exactly and I agree. But Kate wants people to feel sorry for her that's just it. She wants people to look and see how difficult she has it with 8 kids. That she wants people to think life is constantly over complicated and it only ever is if you make it that way.
Her laundry instructions I wish were a joke. Does changing the blankets every season mean only in spring/winter autumn/summer? If so that's outrages and ridiculous.
She wont get any sympathy from me on how hard she has life. Especially since she wanted it and now that she has it...well what can I say? You get what you get and you don't get upset.
Laundry like everything else in Kate's life has to be difficult because she makes it difficult just so she'll have something to post and complain about and hope will make her tweet fans crazy over and give her applause for doing to most mundane day-to-day operation we all do.
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...
Pam, your Bundt Pan Chicken recipe is BRILLIANT!!!!
Looking forward to trying it out.
Sort of reminds me of Matthew McConaughey's Beer Can Chicken- except a beer can goes up the chicken's wazoo ;o)
October 18, 2011 12:07 PM
I got it from Pioneer Woman. I should've mentioned that. I love it because it tastes like you slaved over it for hours, but really it takes 15 minutes to prepare and then you can just go tanning or get a pedicure while it bakes ( but really you should be washing dirty bedsheets while it bakes ).
It is very similar in taste to beer can chicken. My hubby does that one on the grill.
dee3....Nigella Lawson? Love, love her.
I couldn't finish Kate's laundry novel. Who gives a crap about this? I even have a large family, and I don't care. This is boring as hell, the only thing more boring than doing my own laundry is reading about how someone else does their laundry. Love the cooking thread here though!
I don't understand how she can make such a big deal about laundry. First of all, she has two (count them) two washers and dryers. Secondly, with nine beds she could easily change the bed linen for one bed each day. This way at least every nine days there would be fresh sheets instead of once every two weeks (yuck).
I am the laundry "girl" in our household of four (two adults and two teenage daughters). We each have nightime baths and morning showers. I guess you could argue our towels are used to dry clean bodies, but I prefer clean fresh towels every three days.
When laundering sheets, I prefer to hang them (outdoors, weather permitting and in the basement in the winter). I would like to say I do this to conserve energy, but in fact I find sheets easier to fold this way rather than having to entangle when taken from the dryer.
In any case, I don't find laundry a time consuming chore worth complaining about. I don't stand and watch as the machines do what they do - I get on with other chores - killing two birds with one stone, you might say.
After reading her rant about laundry, one would think she washes everything while bent over an old fashioned washboard.
I am surprised however that she hasn't advised her followers what laundry products she recommends (hoping of course for more freebies).
Anonymous said
I am surprised however that she hasn't advised her followers what laundry products she recommends (hoping of course for more freebies).
She doesn't know what products she uses. She would have to ask the laundry girl, and she's too busy whining to do that.
Even if her laundry post were helpful (and it's not), it's so badly written that it's impossible to plow through. Can this woman do ANYTHING well? How could anyone so dull-witted and so unwilling to learn be any good as a nurse?
It boggles the mind.
From the last thread: Permanent Name said... Dwindle,
What does a blue name mean? How does it work? How can I get mine to be blue?
Your name will post in blue as a link, if you log in with one of the accounts listed in the profile selection. I am logging in here using my Google account. Free and took me about 5 minutes to set it up. It probably LOOKS like a 5 minute setup too. LOL
I have spent the last several days copying my recipes and sending them off to my sister, so I just cant bring myself to post any here tonight. But I love so many of the ones you all have posted! I will just add the easiest, cheating-est 'recipe' of all time:
1 box sugar free instant pudding (we prefer choco)
1 tub of fat free cool whip
1 prebaked pie crust of your choice
Make pudding using only 1/2 the milk it calls for.
Let stand in fridg about half hour
Fold in 1/2 the container of thawed Cool Whip
Spoon into pie crust
Refrig several hours
Top with choco shavings, mint leaves, crushed M&Ms, or whatever.
I have been making this ever since they came out with sugar free instant pudding or about 30 years, which ever came first. I dont remember. I think I invented it, but if I didnt I give total credit to whoever says they did.
PS at Christmas I put crushed candy canes on top just before presentation.
@ HC, I fell down the basement stairs nearly 3 years ago and still have a discoloration on my ankle. I took pics of my hips and thighs etc. I didnt think I needed any care at the time, just sympathy and ibuprofen, but hubby says he doesnt think I have felt 100% since the day I fell. Please take care of you and dont fluff this off. K?
Oh and PS; my choco pie always gets rave reviews!!!!!!!!!!!!! A big 15 all the way around!!!!!!!! They just LUV meeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They thank me thank me thank me everytime!!!!!!!!!!! Well, they had better if they know what's good for em, at Christmas I'll cut off their egg nog, if ya know what I mean!!!!!!!!! And that's never gonna change!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope this original, detailed, mine all mine recipe was helpful to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dwindle said... Oh and PS; my choco pie always gets rave reviews!!!!!!!!!!!!! A big 15 all the way around!!!!!!!! They just LUV meeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They thank me thank me thank me everytime!!!!!!!!!!! Well, they had better if they know what's good for em, at Christmas I'll cut off their egg nog, if ya know what I mean!!!!!!!!! And that's never gonna change!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope this original, detailed, mine all mine recipe was helpful to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You absolutely nailed it!
Dwindle said...
Oh and PS; my choco pie always gets rave reviews!!!!!!!!!!!!! A big 15 all the way around!!!!!!!! They just LUV meeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They thank me thank me thank me everytime!!!!!!!!!!! Well, they had better if they know what's good for em, at Christmas I'll cut off their egg nog, if ya know what I mean!!!!!!!!! And that's never gonna change!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope this original, detailed, mine all mine recipe was helpful to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Very funny Dwindle. Hope you will look forward to Christmas then :)
I wonder if this means Kate will share how hard it is to put gas in her car, that shouldn't take more than half a page for her to explain it!
Very funny Dwindle. Hope you will look forward to Christmas then :)
I wonder if this means Kate will share how hard it is to put gas in her car, that shouldn't take more than half a page for her to explain it!
Do you think she'll title that blog entry "My Process For Getting Gas"?
Audible Click said...
Very funny Dwindle. Hope you will look forward to Christmas then :)
I wonder if this means Kate will share how hard it is to put gas in her car, that shouldn't take more than half a page for her to explain it!
Do you think she'll title that blog entry "My Process For Getting Gas"?
"My Labored Method for Gassing an Audi."
But I love your title Audible Click!
I stepped away from this blog for awhile. At the time, I was beginning to believe that the stated goal of the blog - to fight for the childhoods of children on reality TV - was being lost in favor of simply being a Kate bashing site. I have no problem with Kate bashing, and have done my fair share of it, but I personally don't see the purpose in picking apart every little thing she does just because she is Kate. The size of her hands, her body shape, her laugh, etc. - I think it is just so petty to mention those things. It waters down the real message you are trying to deliver to be petty and witchy about things like that.
So I came back a few weeks later out of curiosity of what you all were talking about, and what do I see:
1. Cooking. People (who do not have several children to cook for on a daily basis) calling Kate's recipes unhealthy and gross, complaining that they all have cheese in them, etc. This is followed by a whole host of recipes which are high in fat, calories, use and prepackaged products - JUST LIKE KATE'S. There is nothing wrong with her recipies. They are just like the dinners that millions of families with children eat each night.
People are also critical of Kate for not bringing her children into the kitchen every day and having THEM make dinner, yet 1) if she did that on a nightly basis, she would be bashed for child labor and 2) she stated in at least one of her recipes (personal pizzas) that they DO help.
2. Laundry. People who are bashing Kate's decision to have her kids wear their clothes more than one day, to change their sheets every two weeks, and to wash clothes in cold water. Instead of stating my own personal habits and being referred to as gross, unsanitary, and unhealthy, I will instead offer the following:
I checked out Kate's website today. While I personally find it boring and that it doesn't offer advice that is helpful to me, it is really no different than thousands of mommy blogs out there. It remains to be seen if her "celebrity" will allow her to make money on the website, but there is really nothing wrong with the content of it. If she was not Kate, there would be nothing to bash, in other words - unless we are going to now say it is "wrong" to post anything on the internet about raising a family. The only thing that is really relavant to your "cause" at all is the pictures, quotes, and artwork/etc. of the kids that she has posted.
Here's the recipe for my "cheater" beans. They taste like you made them from scratch and spent forever doing it. They aways get rave reviews.
1 16-oz can baked beans (I use Bush's original)
1 15-oz can navy or great northern beans (drained & rinsed)
1/4 to 1/2 cup of ketchup or your choice of BBQ sauce (I use Sweet Baby Ray's Hony Chopolte)
2 T packed brown sugar
2 t dry mustard
As much crisp cooked bacon as you want to use.
Pour everything into a pan (except bacon) mix well and bring to a boil. Turn down the heat and simmer (uncovered) for about 10 minutes stirring frequently. Top with crumbled bacon and serve. To really fool them at a pot luck pour everything into a glass baking dish and top with strips of bacon (broken in thirds) and bake (since it's already hot you don't need to bake it that long).
I found this recipe years ago and it's the only way we do beans now and people always request that we bring the beans!
Wait, Kate will do a cleaning blog, how not to kill the chickens, the dog, how to do homework with her kids and why she gave it up and how not to set the house on fire. All, while twittering to her sheeple, fanatic, devoted fans, lying across her bed. So, what other blogs will she do, anyone?
Wait a minute? You provided a bunch of sites run by laypeople to support one view, I can provide you a bunch of sites to say the opposite. I don't see something from the Health Department or some other authority. Until then, we're snarking. Just like what hundreds of blogs do on a daily basis. If you don't like it you don't have to participate. But coming here just to complain about what is being discussed is not gonna work.
Also, Wait, you missed the point about Kate's "recipes."
Kate claims to be organic and healthy and essentially supermom. Meanwhile showing us recipes that are fatty and gross. It's hypocritical. I could care less if you want to make a cheesy casserole with 800 calories a serving, go ahead. But don't tell me how perfect you are while doing it.
One more point of clarification. The purpose of this blog was never solely "to fight for the childhoods of children on reality TV." From day one I called this a Gosselin blog and while reality tv exploitation is one huge topic for us and always has been, I don't consider this blog on some grand mission--rather, some concern about kids, some snark, some fun, some just a celeb site. We were actually talking a lot about the divorce initially, the original url was gosselindivorce.blogspot.com.
Right now there is no description at all under About Us, hasn't been for awhile.
Anyway, done justifying the blog, if you have something to contribute, go ahead.
I am from a family of nine kids. We washed dishes, swept floors, dusted, vacuumed, and did laundry every day, but no laundry, or vacuuming had to be done on Sunday.
Somethings you just do every single day, unless illness or emergency or something unusual happens. That's just life. Every day, except Sunday, the sheets from one bed were changed.
There were six beds. Every seven days our own bed had clean, fresh sheets.
We only have four beds now, so don't change one bed every day, but every seven days we still have our own clean sheets. No big deal. It's just living life!
@Wait a minute.... My problem with Kate's recipes is that she claims their hers but they're from recipes on the backs of cans and packages. She's plagerizing again.
Oops thanks Audible forgot that. Kate's problem is threefold:
1. she says she's organic but she's not
2. she says she's healthy but she's not
3. she says the recipes are hers but they're not
Sue Buddy said...
Sorry, link below:
Hilarious, and spot on, Sue Buddy!
Thanks for sharing your take on Kate's laundry entry :o)
4. Kate says she's a clean freak, but she's not
5. Kate has said she has a laundry girl yet posts a convoluted and nonsensical missive about the laundry as if she does it all on her own.
6. None of us have claimed to have written a cookbook or has announced plans to, and most of the recipes I've seen here have been more cogent than Kate's.
7. We're simply pointing out the hypocrisy and Kate's inability to keep track of her lies.
Moose Mania said... "Same thing happened to my husband years ago- except he was carrying down the basement steps a crate-full of wine, vodka, rum, etc..."
Ouch. But at least he had some liquid pain killers right there within his reach!
You betcha ;o)
People are also critical of Kate for not bringing her children into the kitchen every day and having THEM make dinner, yet 1) if she did that on a nightly basis, she would be bashed for child labor and 2) she stated in at least one of her recipes (personal pizzas) that they DO help.
Where are the posts from people saying that the kids should make dinner every day? I didn't see anyone advocate that the children should be slaves and prepare the meals on a daily basis. Poster ID, and time, please! Thanks.
I also don't recall any criticism of her hands (her hands?) or her laugh....? Huh? When was that? If there was it's certainly not the topic of conversation. Lately most criticism about her body is concern for her being too thin and looking haggard connected with her poor diet. This kind of "shallow" criticism is few and far between and you know it.
Thanks everyone for your congrats!
Hippie, please be careful. I fell down a set of cement stairs and ended up having surgery. I thought I was fine too. I hope you are able to rest some.
Sue Buddy - you are a talented writer!
For the record, I never said that the kids should cook dinner INSTEAD of Kate doing it. What I stated was that it's an opportunity for learning, helping, and spending time together. That it is good for the kids on many different levels. It could also be good for Kate if she was WILLING to let it happen and let the kids join her in cooking dinner.
I did mention that my 17 year old has cooked dinner for our family. He wasn't doing that when he was 6, 7, or 11, but at 17.
I also don't recall any criticism of her hands (her hands?)...When was that?
There were a few comments about it in this thread:
But it was not the main focus of the discussion, like admin was asserting.
Okay, a scant few "hand" comments in one thread of the hundreds here. Obviously most people don't care as it never went anywhere. I don't even remember those comments, which is exactly my point.
GKWay said...
@Sue Buddy...you have a little fan club here and also on Preesi's site as well. Great writing but especially how you 'get' how Ms. Kreider operates.
If and when you do get a twitter account, please let us know!
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...
Hilarious, and spot on, Sue Buddy!
Thanks for sharing your take on Kate's laundry entry :o)
GKWay ~ Thanks so much. I’m flattered. And Preesi, et al., if you’re reading thank you, too. You’ve got so much good information I can’t even navigate through it all but appreciate you and your posters’ comments wherever they may be.
Pink, you’re welcome. I’m sure Kate will be obliging and provide more grist for commentary. “So so so can’t wait!!!!!!!”
Bearswife, thank you so much. My congratulations, too, on finding a wonderful job. Such uplifting news in these times. What’s better than working at something that you enjoy?
I’m enjoying the recipes interspersed with other commentary. It’s made for a nice blog. I’m reading a wonderful book on Frida Kahlo and it has some great Mexican recipes. I’ll try and post one that I’m familiar with soon. But I don’t want Kate to steal it and call it “Kate’s Tacos.”
Ok, now I'm wondering, was I somehow "wrong" for suggesting having kids help with dinner? I never saw it as a bad thing to have my kiddo helping out every now and then. He wasn't locked in the pantry and only let out to make a salad. It was always he wanted to be in there doing something, anything to be a part of what mommy was doing.
I also don't see anything wrong with kids having chores. Age appropriate chores that are done every day. It teaches responsibility and about contributing to your own home.
When did these become "bad" things to teach our kids? I don't get it
One suggestion to those who don't like the topics of the thread, don't care to read recipes, think that the blog has steered away from its original direction (kids on reality television), and have nothing to contribute to the discussion - don't read, and find another blog. It's a no-brainer!
Admin shouldn't have to justify anything. There may be many opinions, some critical of the blog, some just the opposite - but there are other blogs out there, and those who don't like the content here are certain to find one where they will feel at home.
Gotta love the weird trolls that drop by. I'm not checking no links that tell me to sleep in a dirty sheet or wear dirty clothes. I live in the South and it hot and we folks sweat, so I'm changing my sheets some weeks more then once. I never reuse a bath towel because regardless that I hope the soap and water kill off any germs on my body I'm not taking the chance I accidentally dry my face on the part that dried another area the day before. Blerg, that idea makes me want to gag. I guess living with a mom who worked as a nurse that changed patients beds several times day and never reused towels on them she passed that trait to all of us. I do have just a face towel for my face that I use several days in a row but I find it odd that OCD Katie isn't as clean sheets, towels, et al like mom. I didn't mind doing towels or sheets, they were easy to fold. She did hang clothes outside, we helped to. I've no outside to hang anything. Well there is a common area but I doubt they'd appreciate me putting up a clothes line. I do believed fresh from the line smelled better then any fabric softeners I ever used.
I don't think there every was a day, growing up, we didn't have sheets and towels flapping in the wind. She did yell at us to "stop" when we were smaller and would run into them ... why did we do that, I don't know.
Katie's OCD is controlling her kids not getting dirty ... hmm, how do you prevent sweating. Stand in front of a fan at all time? Does explain those photos earlier this year where Mady looked grubby.
No, Steff, I don't think you did. That's the way I was raised. I don't think I'm damaged from it. I enjoyed making bread and all sorts of stuff that I can't really justify doing now.
Sorry for all the typos in my previous post, yikes. What a mess.
I'll add that my hubby works nights. I could easily claim that I've been like a "single" mom because 95% of our kiddo has been MY job. Our kiddo is also an only child. So yes, he was in the kitchen with me a LOT. He still is. And I LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wouldn't trade it for anything. You just can't beat time with your kids that isn't stressful, isn't about anything other than doing something fun together. Cooking dinner CAN be fun if you let it be. Yes I've had to clean up epic messes from time to time, but that's okay. If all it cost was an hour of my time cleaning, then the price was nothing. I'll gladly scrub spaghetti sauce from between the stove & counter top or even have to get a chair and pull the noodles off the ceiling from where he did the "throw it against the wall & if it sticks it's done" and the wall he chose was the overhead one, in exchange for the laughs, smiles and fun times. It's worth it.
Kate doesn't have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and I hate when people like her use that as an excuse to be a control freak asshole.
The obsessive part of OCD is intrusive, disturbing, obsessive thoughts, usually gory and frightening. Normal people have them and are just momentarily disturbed, then shrug it off, but in people with OCD, it's like those horrible thoughts are on a loop.
It's an anxiety disorder. The horrible obsessive thoughts prompt the person to take part in compulsive, irrational, illogical behavior to try to cope with the anxiety of the obsessive thoughts.
You can't just be an asshole about no one touching your clean floor and claim OCD (I'm looking at you, Kate). Hell, this laundry thing has put the lie to her claim of being a germaphobe: she just doesn't want to have too much dirty laundry (for the laundry "girl") to do.
As a narcissist, Kate is also a full-time bullshit artist.
I am sorry. I don't post very often but apparently things I have posted offended Wait a minute. I did mention the size of Kate's hands in the picture of her with the young boy in Wyoming. I also posted that my gas company sent out an insert with my bill with ways to save energy. One of which was to use cold or warm water while doing laundry. I am sorry that you had to defend my postings. I guess I will keep my opinions to myself in order to keep peace. I am sorry.
Carazee: I'm not admin, but I say you shrug it off. Every now and then someone will pop up and criticize anything and everything said here. I'd bet my left tit they are Kate lovers.
So yeah. Ignore it. You didn't violate the rules of the blog, so eh!
Carezee said... ADMIN.....
I am sorry. I don't post very often but apparently things I have posted offended Wait a minute. I did mention the size of Kate's hands in the picture of her with the young boy in Wyoming. I also posted that my gas company sent out an insert with my bill with ways to save energy. One of which was to use cold or warm water while doing laundry. I am sorry that you had to defend my postings. I guess I will keep my opinions to myself in order to keep peace. I am sorry.
Don't sweat the small stuff. Malcontents and trolls on a blog are very small stuff indeed. Why let them quash your opinions?
As a narcissist, Kate is also a full-time bullshit artist.
...yeah, and there are those who say that she has no talent for anything. That's one thing at which she really excels.
Since Kate claims, yet does not show organic cooking in her recipies, I wonder if this year she will indulge by taking her kids to a pumpkin patch to get pumpkins? Shecan make homemade pumpkin pie. Nah...be just something more for her to brag about.
I am taking my kids to get pumpkins this weekend...never made pumpkin pie from scratch like that but always wanted to though.
Lake I made pumpkin pie from scratch for the first time last year from a sugar pumpkin I had kicking around. Okay, it tasted good, but no better than high quality store bought. And it was one of the few times I thought the pleasures of cooking and the rewards of eating was not worth the work. Forget it.
Cooking the pumpkin and peeling the pumpkin and getting all sticky and letting the pumpkin cool and pureeing the pumpkin........unexpectedly hard work and sticky and messy and gross.
I think you should def do it once just to say you did it, but don't do it again if you don't like it!
New York State of Mind said...
As a narcissist, Kate is also a full-time bullshit artist.
...yeah, and there are those who say that she has no talent for anything. That's one thing at which she really excels.
Eh I wouldn't say that someone who for years has had several very popular blogs about her that daily call out and pick apart every single lie she tells is exactly excelling at the art of bullshitting!
I wouldn't mind giving it a go really and if I mess up my kitchen, hell, it wouldn't be the first time and sure will never be the last!
I might attempt give it a try before the holidays, just need to find a good enough recipe. Unlike Kate I WILL involve my kids and I don't have near as large a kitchen as she does.
Good point about the pumpkin pie, Admin. It took forever and was OK, but so is a canned pumpkin pie. I do recommend buying plain canned pumpkin instead of prepared pie filling, but that's just me. I like to control spices for my own taste.
I feel the same way about chicken soup. I made it once. Never again. If I want chicken soup, I'll invite myself over to someone's house for lunch. For me, it was more bother than it was worth.
All this talk of sweet potatoes. Who knew so many people liked them? It's another thing I
go the easy way on. I really (really!) dislike the texture of baked sweet potatoes, and I about gag on any strings left behind. Mashed sweet potatoes cannot have any (any!) lumps or else I'm done eating sweet potatoes. My solution is to buy jars of baby food sweet potatoes. Nothing but potatoes and water. I can season to my liking and it works great for me. Very portable for lunch, too.
I told you I have food issues.
Am I the only one here who does NOT like sweet potatoes? I just don't care for it. I don't even like regular potatoes or French fries for that matter really. Sorry to spoil everyone else's yummy like of sweet potatoes. Carry on.
Catching up with DWTS, haven't seen the vote off yet but can I just say I like Kelly Clarkson. She's not stick thin, she's been sort of up and down lately with her weight the past few years, and apparently she's told the press to pretty much STFU about my weight talk about something else. I wouldn't call her fat by any means, but she's not anorexic like so many stars out there.
I think she's a way better role model for kids than Kate and her whole tweet about how you can never be thin enough.
Eh I wouldn't say that someone who for years has had sevetral very popular blogs about her that daily call out and pick apart every single lie she tells is exactly excelling at the art of bullshitting!
Could we say that she excels in the quantity, but not in the quality?
Who actually knows the difference between sweet potatoes and yams?(serious question; I don't)
Dirty sheet story - some years ago I was in a rehab place for 2 1/2 months with a broken ankle. I DESPERATELY missed my cats. Luckily the place had a resident cat - she was old and not very interactive but if someone plopped her down on my bed she'd sleep there for hours, and eventually she learned that I kept treats and tuna around and she came to my room on her own. (funny, if anyone plopped one of my cats anywhere they'd be off like a flash within seconds) Anyway, I just remember that one day one of the nurses or aides came in and said "OMG, there's fur all over your sheets! Let me get you clean ones!" She had a hard time understanding that this made me feel a little bit more at home... :-)
Hippie, hope your bruises are going away. Can Admin give you my email address (or vice versa)? I'd like to ask some questions about The Walking Dead because I still don't think I get it.
Okay, why has nobody called Kate out on an out right lie? She says she cooks organic, but come on those recipes are nowhere near that healthy.
Her laundry instructions? Good lord how did she ever publish a book? I mean I'm terrible at English as a third language but I'm not that bad. No wonder Kate's always running round like that, she makes life twice as hard as doing laundry should be. Please. And no, not all her kids are the same size that's not possible.
Is this the same woman who tells her kids, "You get wet you're done, you get a drop of ice cream on you, yo're done. You're done if you drop sugar on the floor," But...it's okay to wear clothes until they are "visibly" dirty? What kid of NUT JOB thinks like that? OCD, yeah right! Control-weirdo-freak? Yes.
Sounds like my childhood, except you had to shower twice a day and your nails were cut to the quick and my mother ran her figer alog the mantel to check the room for dust ad if she found any you had to do the whole room over again.
But I am surprised her "website" has lasted this long. How many sheeple are left? 3-4 maybe 5?
Laundry and cooking...cooking and laundry...that's ALL she's ever moaned about, right from the beginning. Remember the episode where she pushes all those hampers, piled sky-high to her "helper"? I bet TLC MADE her have it pile up to add to the "drama"...or she DID let it pile up, since her helper only came once a week.
Why don't we ever hear of how much tiiimme it takes to vacuum that house? How many rooms/bedrooms are there? Never ever hear her complain/explain how she keeps the bathrooms clean...sorry, but with that many kids, you KNOW
there are some nasty spots around the toilet...
It seems like cooking/laundry are her only complaints/chores. Who's doing alllll the rest?
YES! Nigella Lawson...thanks so much. I love her too. I wanted to be part of her family when I'd watch her shows....just wanted to walk into the TV screen. :D
I don't know exactly what the name of them is but at this local farmer's market (that has lots of Hispanic foods) I buy these sweet potatoes that have red skin and are yellow on the inside. I love them because there are no strings and they are the consistency of a baked potato but taste like a sweet potato. I drive way out of my way just to get these.
And to the person whose mom was an RN...yeah, I'm an RN too and I'm a bit obsessive in terms of only using towels once before washing them and washing linens every few days. Causes me to have to do lots of laundry but it doesn't really bother me.
Sue Buddy~
LOVE your articles. Each one has gotten progressively funnier....to the point where they are now making me laugh out loud. Please continue to write them.
And regarding this whole issue of snarking at Kate G...Kate is not just a mom with a mommy blog...she is a celebrity and considers herself to be a role-model mom. That makes a HUGE difference.
I see these complaints all the time, esp. on fan sites. It would be one thing if we were just randomly picking on a private citizen who writes a blog....but this woman has been on multiple talk shows, had her family filmed and on TV for years, was on DWTS. I'm sorry...if you put yourself out there...and especially if you think you are such hot sh*t...you are snark-worthy as far as I'm concerned.
Hell, even if you take the children out of the equation, she is still snark-worthy. If you put yourself out there for public viewing...be it as a TV celebrity or a politician...you are fair game. We even take a risk here that anything we post could be snarked-on by someone else. That's the risk of putting yourself or your comments out there and it's ridiculous to whine about it or think you don't deserve it.
hmm. I am confused as to why some folks here think every post is or should be a major pronouncment of a certified earth shattering event. One or two off the cuff comments on something and right away the blog is accused of having a major thread discussion on something that some folks dont approve of. Gasp.
Some comments are just that: a comment based on part of an opinion. I doubt that most of us are up all night trying to decide our position on an issue, composing some sentences in the form of a presidential proclamation, and then posting it like it's a press event. Nope, we dont do that. Most of us are just having some light conversation here over coffee or iced tea and are not attempting anything more defined and urgent than "Did you see the price of beef today, tsk tsk."
Now, I know there will be some who might pick my sentences apart here ("Well! the children are certainly more important than the price of beef and how dare you trivialize blah blah blah...")and there will be some who think "there's Dwindle again, blabbing about who knows what..." but seriously folks, this is just casual conversation about a topic we all have an interest in. I myself scroll and skim through what I am not interested in at the moment, some posts I read carefully and nod my head in agreement, and others I read and think "well, that is certainly a different opinion than mine".
All in all, there are at least 2 or 3 dozen regulars here, and now Sue Buddy, that I would love to have over for a box-o-wine and a pot luck. I suppose Admin and MaryAnn could come too, Hehehe. But my point is, this is not congressional legislation here or a papal position paper, just ordinary mediocre folks having conversations that sometimes go this way or that but soon enough return to the topic we all have in common: We are disgusted by how Katie Irene Gosselin has so proudly displayed her mental illness and has forced her little children to make her a profit off it.
I appreciate those that don't pick posts apart and assign them some earth shattering importance, and follow up with some judgemental statements about the doom and gloom befalling this blog. It's just a blog - if it meets your mood at the moment, then I am pleased to see ya. If the sentences on your computer screen do NOT meet your mood at the moment, then scroll through, move on to something else and I wish you nothing but a good day. :))
With that said, I add diced chicken, a bit of pasta, and cheddar cheese to the Green Bean Casserole on the Fried Onion can label. you know- that one that a lot of folks make for holidays? I make it all year long with the add-ins. Not gonna post it on my website as my own creation with some garbled language, but I thought I would give you my input on the casserole, in case anyone wanted to try it.
Let's not forget Kate were all mediocre in Kate's eyes.
First, congrats to Bearswife on the job! Not a Paula Deen fan nor a salmon fan. However, I saw Bobby Deen make this recipe a few years ago, and it's delicious and easy--in fact, I'm going to make it this evening:
Salmon Fillets over Couscous
Olive oil
4 (4-ounce) pieces salmon
House Seasoning, recipe follows
Couscous, recipe follows
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
Add a drizzle of olive oil to glass pan and place the salmon. Squeeze the juice of 1 lime over the top of the salmon and sprinkle with the House Seasoning. Top with pads of butter. Wrap in the foil and bake for 25 to 30 minutes. Serve on a bed of couscous.
House Seasoning:
1 cup salt
1/4 cup black pepper
1/4 cup garlic powder
Combine all ingredients in a bowl.
2 1/4 cups water or chicken stock
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons butter
10 ounces couscous
1 cup diced tomatoes
1 cup crumbled feta cheese
1/2 cup green onions
Combine water or chicken stock, salt and butter in a saucepan, over medium heat and bring to a boil. Stir in couscous. Add diced tomatoes, crumbled feta, and green onions. Remove from heat, cover and let stand for 5 minutes.
Uncover, fluff with a fork, and serve hot or cold.
Yield: 6 servings
I want to qualify what I wrote above...I don't think others should slander or libel folks who put themselves out there. If it's untrue, it should not be written as fact....only as opinion or speculation.
While I think that the critiquing of things like Kate's hands and body shape, etc...are fair game...I personally find them irrelevant and tend to skip over those things when reading posts.
There HAVE been a few tweets, etc...that to me, crossed the line...in terms of bordering on the obscene, etc.
And anything racial or bigoted is not okay with me either.
And of course, children are off-limits.
Just wanted to point out that I don't think ANYTHING is reasonable in terms of commenting on or criticizing anyone who has put themselves out there for public consumption.
amyf said... Hippie, hope your bruises are going away. Can Admin give you my email address (or vice versa)? I'd like to ask some questions about The Walking Dead because I still don't think I get it.
Hippie has often posted using her blog login and you can email her there. *I* have. Scroll back through the posts and threads and look for Jenna Does in blue. When you click on the blue name/text it takes you to her blog and you can connect with her that way.
I too LOVE Walking Dead, I was disappointed in the quality of the season opener, but I am not giving up on it yet!
Many folks that have 'blue names' can be contacted by simply clicking on the blue text.
Admin: I JUST noticed the acrylic claws on the Top Kate. Nicely done!
dee3 - Perfect! I am raising my mug of coffee to ya! Nicely said.
And now I am off to start my mediocre day, at my mediocre job, making the mediocre money that Katie wishes I would spend on her golden platter lifestlyle. Note to Kate - I make sure I avoid your advertisers. HAHA on you!
OH I almost forgot - congrats to bearswife on the new job! YAY!
"But my point is, this is not congressional legislation here or a papal position paper..."
Hahaha....that was funny, Dwindle.
Ya know, one thing I've learned from being on the internet is that having something posted (by someone else) that criticizes something WE posted....makes us abnormally defensive.....especially when posted for an audience that we've become friendly with.
I'm normally not a defensive person and easily laugh things off.....except for on the internet. I learned that the internet can take me to a level of defensiveness that I rarely experience in real life. Not sure why....maybe because it's written where everyone can see it?
Once I realized this and am on the internet, I try to make a concerted effort to try and laugh things off that might be disagreeing or disputing something I wrote. But it's not easy.
dee3 and fidosmommy, I think the Hispanic sweet potatoe is called a "bootatoe" (they spelling is certainly not right, sorry I am writing it phonetically) Long story short, I learned the name in a check out line at Shop-rite. My checker didn't know what it was and it was a 15 minute conversation with the other checker before she understood.
"Boo-Tah-Toe" is more accurate, sorry.
Post from Mary Ann --
Dwindle, I really appreciated your well-articulated post. I read here almost daily and seldom have a post thought that hasn't been presented already and better.
If I am the Mary Ann that you would invite, I most definitely accept!
I've been busier than a 1 legged man in an ass kicking contest the last few days, so am still catching up on the comments.
I just made it through the Duggar post and am trying to catch up on the 265 (at the time I am posting this) on this new post.
Sorry, I missed a couple of Kate's posts, but I saw they were posted for y'all. I did notice that a couple people mentioned having seen a post similar to Kate's Walk in my Heels post before and that rang a bell deep in my wee brain so I did some digging and I found this:
It's not exactly the same, but it got me to thinking does she just google around and look for things to post kinda like she "makes her own original recipes"?
I'm sick in bed today (sheets need to be changed but I'll have to see if I can work up the energy!) and watching Rachel Ray. Ted Gibson in on and he's fixing bad haircuts.
This man is really talented and actually does RR's hair, which always looks thick and luscious and healthy (except for a brief period of over-highlighting). How Kate can walk out of the same salon and look like a fried mess is a travesty. I'm guessing that Kate pushes Jason to make her uber-blonde and push her hair to its limit.
I guess Kate thinks you can't be too blonde, too tan and too thin. And yes, too wealthy.
A Vanderbuilt she will never be.
From Hollywood Gossip...
"Kate Gosselin is reportedly going broke without Kate Plus 8 and has vowed to return to TV at some point. Will she succeed? That's anyone's guess right now.
Either way, she's Tweeting up a storm from her Pennsylvania home.
If you ever need any tips about how to do laundry for eight kids and yourself, boy does Kate have the advice that is going to transform your existence.
"Good am! Attack The Laundry post is freshly posted! Check it out now at kateplusmy8 (dot) com. Enjoy reading! Hope my process helps U!" Kate tweeted.
Her process is just common sense, but hey, at least she has some.
Kate suggests allowing kids to rewear "play clothes" until they become "visibly dirty." She also reuses bath towels and washes them only once per week.
Also, having kids help put away their clean clothes is a major time saver and teaches them responsibility. Consider yourselves enlightened right there.
Maybe we should give her a break. Lame as she is, trying to cling to some kind of relevance, attacking the laundry publicly beats attacking Jon Gosselin."
I LOVE your "Dog Rules" or Notice to Visitors. I plan on copying them & writing them on our kitchen chalkbaord, if that's OK. Thank you! They are not only cute & adorable, but true! I have a friend who comes over & she always says "It never smells like dog in here. How do you do that?" Um, it's called cleaning? LOL
And thank you AGAIN for the recipes! I was copying & pasting into WORD yesterday. They all sound SO delicious. We have been looking for new things. Allrecipes.com is great, but when you don't know what you really want, it's hard.
You guys all rock!
Thank You Pink, for the well wishes. My bruise will heal. I'm definitely sore today. I'm such a dope. Sorry about your booze! That is a sad loss, even for a non-drinker (me)! :)
~HC~ aka Jenna
New post up. No pictures with this one. She has worn herself out coming up with new content all by herself for 3 days in a row so is back to relying on the sheeple it looks like.
Ask Kate! Here are Answers to Your Recent Questions…
Q: What is one place you would love to visit ?
A: Hi Madison – There are many many many places I’d love to visit! The main ones that come to mind though are: South Africa, Holland, any tropical heavenly island on earth :), London and Paris. I’ve never been to Europe and I need to see the world before I die….
Q: If you could either live in Venice, Italy or Paris, France what would you choose?
-Kate H.
A: Hi Kate – Another travel question! I haven’t been to either so I can’t say. I’d love to visit both!
Q: When you had your surgery and you had to cook meals for two weeks what were the meals you cooked and froze?
Also did you cook them all the way before you froze them or prepared them and cooked them when it was time to serve them?
A: Hi Maria! Before I had my tummy tuck, I cooked a bunch of meals. I can’t recall exactly which ones I cooked on that day, but typically in my freezer you can find home made spaghetti meat sauce, soups (chicken noodle, mommy minestrone, vege beef and any others I create) meat loaf, pizza meat balls, poppyseed chicken casserole, broccoli chicken casserole, chili… And the list goes on.
I typically freeze casseroles uncooked but everything else I cook ahead. Meats that were already frozen cannot be thawed and refrozen raw. So if I buy ground beef frozen, then I must cook the meatloaf before I freeze it. If I buy the meat raw, then I can mix and freeze the meatloaf raw.
I always cook and freeze for when I am traveling for work. My kids say that it helps them to not miss me “as long as we have mommy food!” That melts my heart so how can’t I cook ahead?;)
Q: What kind of house plants do you have?
A: Hi Rebecca – I’m not “Green thumb Gert” (that’s my mom!) but I have a few plants from my grandma – A Norfolk Island pine tree and a pathos plant. I also have a fern, an aloe plant for burns, a Hawaiian flowering plant (I forget the name, oops!), a banana tree, and a few others. They are all still living so I consider myself lucky!
Right after Mady and Cara were born, my mom (aka “green thumb Gert”, see above) visited and noticed my unwatered ailing plants and said “hmm I see your plants are dying.”
I remember saying “Mom, if it’s between the plants and the babies, I choose to keep my babies alive!”
Lol! I still laugh at myself today about that one!
Q: My question is, do you still continue to feed the kids Organic Foods only?
A: Hi Emily – We do them same amount of organic as we have always done. For me, it’s a life commitment to feed my kids as healthy and wholly (that word looks weird!!) as possible!
I’ve always said, as much as I can do organic, I will do!
I think everyone should find their own “happy medium” while making healthy food choices a priority!
Q: How much sleep do you get each night?
A: Hi Patrick! I never ever ever get enough sleep! I survive on an average of 5-6.5 hours per night. I typically get up around 5:30 am and go to sleep around 11 ish pm. I would love to be able to say that I sleep 8 hours per night because that is what I need (everyone is different!) and that is healthiest but it just doesn’t happen for me…. Gee, I wonder why??? ;)
Q: Do you drink coffee?
-Bev S.
A: Hi Bev! My answer to this question? Let’s all say it together:
Is the sky blue on a sunny day????
YES! Coffee flows through my veins, although in reality I drink no more than 3 cups of caffeinated coffee per day! I also drink lots of water and no soda except I’ll have a diet coke once in a blue moon!
Q: What is your favourite day of the week and why?
Bev S.
A: Hi again Bev! I don’t really have a favorite day of the week but I do enjoy days when the kids are off school and we have nothing to do except play at home and cook and relax!
Thank you ALL for the well-wishes! I didn't read down far enough!
You're all so nice. :)
My basement steps remind me of my Nonna's. Ugh...
You're all so sweet. I'm just taking it easy today. Doing my art & watching scary movies!
Thanks again. :) Big smiles to all of you.
Q: If you could either live in Venice, Italy or Paris, France what would you choose?
-Kate H.
A: Hi Kate – Another travel question! I haven’t been to either so I can’t say. I’d love to visit both!
You know if she is going to do this, she could at least take the time to actually READ the damn questions her sheep bleat out at her.
Kate? The question was where do you want to LIVE not where do you want to VISIT. It's not a travel question. Dipstick.
The travel thing is so annoying. She must see the world??? On whose dime? Does she know how many people would love to see the world but will only ever be able to afford to see just a fraction of it?
And as to her sleeping, there is absolutely no reason she can't organize her life so that she gets a good seven to eight hours of healthy sleep almost every night. She has a nanny and laundry girl and Jon who takes the kids and eight kids who are not there most of the day, and are in bed by 9 p.m.
Or is her guilt keeping her awake nights?? Ehh, nah.
readerlady said...
HC -- I hope you're okay. Basement steps can be treacherous. Feel better soon. Would you like to join Klutzes anonymous? I'm a charter member. I can find more ways to trip, fall, run into things and drop things than you can imagine LOL. I'd be happy to sponsor you for membership. We spend most of our meetings comparing bruises, scrapes and scratches.
As long as we don't meet in any basements, I'm there! LOL
Thank you for the laugh. And be careful!
I am going to call BS on the sleep thing as well. She is often tweeting past 11pm isn't she? I am on the same time as Kate and I know I have seen her tweeting past 11pm my time on more than 1 occasion.
I believe that Kate gets less than 8 hours sleep most nights, but I also think that's her fault! She doesn't work a 9-5 job where most people are away from the home 10-11 hours including commuting.
She's not working, and has help, so I think she just likes to stay up late. I mean, look at her twittering past 11pm!
She *could* shut the lights out around 9-10 if she were truly longing for that. No one can go on with less than optimal sleep for that long. Plus having 2 weekends a month all to herself, yeah, I call BS on that.
steff said...
When did these become "bad" things to teach our kids? I don't get it
They aren't in my eyes, steff. My son loves to help me in the kitchen, when I'm making certain dishes. He also has certain chores around the house that he has to do in order to earn his allowance & earn his privileges.
He empties the dishwasher, loads it, cleans his room, puts his clothes away, dusts, & picks up his stuff. He's 11, but we have instilled these morals (?) in him since day 1. I don't want a kid who is going to just laze about while others do the work. I won't make my son make a 4 course dinner, he helps me, if he wants, but yes, he DOES do chores.
He loves earning the allowance that goes with it. He also learns about budgeting. It's a process. I don't think it's wrong to give kids chores, as long as they're age appropriate.
~HC~ aka Jenna
HC, we just got carpeting on our stairs (main floors, not basement) and I LOVE it. It feels so comfortable and secure underfoot. I can walk down with hands full of stuff without feeling the need to grab onto the railing (which we added after we moved in-- imagine wooden floors, no railing and no carpet).
Regarding Kate's wish to travel, I say go for it, but raise your kids first! Kate has the rest of her life to travel. I don't know why she feels such a sense of urgency.
Most people take a trip once or twice a year, sometimes every few years and they get in a lot of travel. She has to realize that the blistering pace of travel will have to end. Unless she doesn't care about blowing through her money.
You know, just the fact that she focuses so much on travel and not a plan for working is telling. If she were grounded, she'd have said that she can't think about such luxuries until she secures a career.
Just Me said~
"I've been busier than a 1 legged man in an ass kicking contest..."
Hahaha....OMG, that made me laugh, Just Me! I never heard that one before...can't wait for an opportunity to use it.
Mostly Lurking~
Thanks so much. I'd never heard that name before. I have had garnet sweet potatoes (or are they yams?)...which are delicious and have red skin but are orange inside and a bit more...well, watery....than these Bo-tah-to's. I just love these ones! I get them at this really neat farmer's market I've become addicted to...and it has a Hispanic section, an Indian section and an Oriental section. Love going there. Have learned about all sorts of new foods and produce. They have quite a few varieties of sweet potatoes and yams there...purple ones, etc....but I like these bo-tah-to's the best.
Boy, those answers to questions on Kate's website do NOT sound like her....meaning, "the her" we heard and saw on the couch interviews. Of course, we do speak a bit differently in person than we would in writing....but it just doesn't sound like Kate....in fact, sounds even less like her than many of her tweets. Sounds more like Kate dictating what to say but someone else actually writing (ghost writing) them.
HC~I hope you're feeling better. A few years ago, I slid down a flight of carpeted steps while carrying a vacuum cleaner....and unfortunately slammed the side of my foot into the front door....and fractured this calcaneous bone in my foot. The darn thing still aches on cold, rainy days.
All these injuries come back to haunt us when we get old.
Lol..."if I'd known I was gonna live this long, I'd have taken better care of myself" (credit to George Burns):D
K8 wrote:
I typically freeze casseroles uncooked but everything else I cook ahead. Meats that were already frozen cannot be thawed and refrozen raw. So if I buy ground beef frozen, then I must cook the meatloaf before I freeze it. If I buy the meat raw, then I can mix and freeze the meatloaf raw.
That is a myth. You CAN refreeze thawed meat as long as it is safely thawed in the refrigerator.
I usually prepare two meatloaves at once and immediately freeze one of them. When I cook it I place it in the oven frozen so it thaws (for the second time) in the oven. It is always moist and sometimes even better than the first one.
When I freeze it I just use non-stick aluminum foil (or spray pam on regular foil) and plop the mixture on there. I shape it somewhat oval shaped and flat (I never use a meatloaf pan) and wrap it and put it in the freezer for next time.
I found a reliable link regarding refreezing thawed meat for those of you that would like to see the info.
Once food is thawed in the refrigerator, it is safe to refreeze it without cooking, although there may be a loss of quality due to the moisture lost through thawing.
After cooking raw foods which were previously frozen, it is safe to freeze the cooked foods. If previously cooked foods are thawed in the refrigerator, you may refreeze the unused portion. Freeze leftovers within 3-4 days. Do not refreeze any foods left outside the refrigerator longer than 2 hours; 1 hour in temperatures above 90 °F.
If you purchase previously frozen meat, poultry or fish at a retail store, you can refreeze if it has been handled properly.
Courtesy of: The United States Dept. of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service
Anyone know what happened to Brownie? She was fawning over Kart 24/7, then disappeared. The cereal thing was hilarious, did she ever deliver it to her queen?
dee3 said...
Sue Buddy~
LOVE your articles. Each one has gotten progressively funnier....to the point where they are now making me laugh out loud. Please continue to write them.
Thanks, Dee3! You made my day. I'd love to be able to write funny things to make people laugh every day!
O-M-G...Kates got a Q&A on her site. Never been, but went over there out of sick curiosity. Is this why shes not on twitter anymore? She answers about 10 questions. I'm finding hard to express how juvenile her site is. My 12 year old has a better writing style than she does. It's the same old. same old. Kate, where do you want to travel? Kate, What do you freeze for dinners when your getting another boob job? She's just filling that blog up with rubish. Sounds like questions she wrote herself..to ask herself. This is sickening...Could not believe how poorly it's been done.. She has a lot of nerve trying to pass that off as a legit website. Who..in Gods name is visiting that site on a daily basis? She really is looking pathetic...poor thing..
Can anyone else feel their brain cells dying when they read Kate's posts - or is it just me?
God Kate blog???? I was confused
"Anyone know what happened to Brownie? She was fawning over Kart 24/7, then disappeared. The cereal thing was hilarious, did she ever deliver it to her queen?"
The explanation is here: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:-LoCMvv1iDIJ:preesi.lefora.com/2011/09/09/tweets-from-the-twat-part-trois-otherwise-known
Scroll down and keep reading. Brownlow seems like a nice, well meaning woman who is too trusting and easily duped. I would feel sorry for her if she didn't have the audacity to think she has the knowledge and know how to lead a group for young women.
And honestly, if she really prepared that many meals for the freezer - don't you think we would have heard her bitching about it sometime in the last 6 months? Or am I being too cynical?
I just realized since this is a recipe thread I can share my meatloaf recipe.
Well it's not really a recipe because I don't have measurements just ingredients but it's meatloaf so it's easy. And it's not really MY recipe; it was my mother-in-law's. She passed away before I met my husband so he loves when I make it for him, since she can't. My daughters love it too.
I don't use a red sauce on it; I use beef broth.
This is exactly how the recipe was given to me. Not many measurements! Sorry.
2 lbs ground beef
seasoned breadcrumbs
grated pecorino romano cheese (or parmesan)
about 3 cloves fresh chopped garlic
salt, pepper
1 box frozen chopped spinach (thawed and drained WELL)
peeled (not shredded) carrot (as much, or as little, as you like).
Mix the breadcrumbs, eggs, pecorino romano, garlic, salt and pepper until it's a loose, soft oatmeal texture. (Yes, that's how I was told.) I usually add eggs and breadcrumbs until it feels right. Again, sorry I can't be more accurate with measurements. Maybe next time I will write it down as I do it.
Then add the spinach, ground beef and carrots. Mix with hands until just mixed. (Over-mixing makes meatloaf tough.) Separate mixture into two halves.
I spray a small baking dish with olive oil Pam or just lightly coat with olive oil. I place the meat mixture in and shape it into a flat oval shape. Poor in half a can of beef broth and bake at 400 until done. 30 minutes?
I usually serve it with a vegetable and Parmesan Potatoes. They are just small white potatoes (pre-cooked or even canned), halved and lightly drizzled with extra-virgin olive oil (or melted butter if you use butter) and sprinkled with seasoning salt and grated pecorino romano cheese. I bake them in the oven until the cheese gets lightly browned. You can broil them for a minute too.
For a vegetable I usually broil asparagus drizzled with extra virgin olive oil and crushed sea salt and crushed black pepper. I like to broil them until the tips are a slightly crispy.
That's fine about Admin giving you my email!
I have been A BAD girl lately about my email. For those that know my situation, you all understand. I will check them soon. Promise!
Sue Buddy,
Nice to know it's really you. I've been enjoying your articles. Keep 'em coming.
I can't believe someone would ask Kate want kind of house plants she has. Why? That had to be a joke. Okay, maybe not, based on some of the tweets I've seen from her fans.
SG, you're correct about refreezing frozen meat. I recently checked that out myself.
I just opened a Twitter account. I told you I'd let you know. :)
The meatloaf with beef broth sounds yummy. I'm going to try it.
Just Me...
HA! I knew it! Thank you, because I knew I had seen it, knew it! All it takes is a little thesaurus.com, changing up some sentence structure, adding something maybe from somewhere else, & BAM, Kate plagiarizes it.
There is NO way Kate wrote that post. It's too well written & uses big words Kate does not understand. Thank You Just Me for finding it. I was going to & then the whole...falling thing.
You're awesome!
~HC~ aka Jenna
I can't find you on Twitter:
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No Tweet results for Sue_Buddy.
Sue Buddy,
The good thing about Twitter is you can BLOCK anyone that pesters you. ;)
Make sure you tweet links to your latest posts once you are set up on Twitter.
I'm SchmeckyGirl on Twitter. I'll keep looking for you.
Hey guys,
Just realized I left the parsley out of my meatloaf:
Add some fresh or dried parsley to the meat mixture. ;)
Ok, people, I think these professional pics Kate had taken over the weekend, are for publicity for TLC special. Kate called the guy taking the pics a cameraman, not a photographer. A cameraman is one who does video, works behind a video camera, not take professional pics. I saw the pics, that guy look pro, they were setting up for professional pics. The fact that they went to a location, in Reading to take pics, and not at home or a studio, says a lot. Kate has been too quiet, over the weekend, and the last several days, especially the twins birthday. I do think they were filming for a birthday/thanksgiving/xmas special. Kate can lie real good with the best of them. For nothing, she has been quiet on twitter, quiet about the twins birthday, bitchen about laundry and her sorry excuse of a life, to throw people off, and not bitchen about being poor. Like: geez it was expensive to do the twins birthday, buying at Target, Bed & Bath, trip to WY, and taking pics, not a single complaint. Kate is up to something, too quiet, and too calm. JMO
Oh, and before anyone gets panties in a bunch, I looked up Cameraman.
Cameraman: is a professional operator of a film or video camera. That is not a photographer. The article with the pics said cameraman. So either the person who wrote the article got it wrong or they were filming & taking pics.
Did anyone post this:
Making for quite the sight to be seen, Kate Gosselin took out her brood of eight for a falltime family photo shoot in Reading, Pennsylvania over the weekend (October 16).
The Gosselin gang made their way outdoors with Kate setting up a makeshift pumpkin patch with all the trimmings before gathering the young'ens together so the cameraman could snap up shots.
Tweeting during the course of her family photo shoot session, Miss Gosselin wrote, "Hi guys! Oh oh oh what a day!!! Just stopped moving on full force THIS minute- been up since 7 am! I'd love2chat but another busy 1 tom!"
She added, "...& CANNOT wait2 show u our fall family pictures! I think they are going2b amazing! 8 georgous kids who were happy &smiley-can't go wrong!"
Meanwhile, Gosselin also continues to keep up her website's Q&A section - as she just posted answers to another batch of fan questions.
Asked to name the one place in which she would love to visit as one of the queries, the 36-year-old replied, "There are many many many places I’d love to visit! The main ones that come to mind though are: South Africa, Holland, any tropical heavenly island on earth :), London and Paris. I’ve never been to Europe and I need to see the world before I die…."
Hollywood Gossip
Enjoy the pictures of Kate Gosselin and the kids at the pumpkin patch (October 16).
Pictures can be found below the online article.
Plagerising recipes seems to run in the family...her sister takes recipes and "tweaks" them for her yet to be published cook book...
Doesn't Kate have vast and gorgeous acreage? Did she bring those pots of mums herself? If not, why can't she buy mums and take them home and shoot on her own property, then put the mums at the front door or whatever? Heck, they even have a cool fence for a prop too. She claims to hate the paps, but subjects her chldren to this, rather than staying on her own property. It's really sad and pathetic at this point.
SG, I think it's working now. I hadn't tweeted yet. LOL
Sorry, the article said: cameraman not Kate. So either as I said above the person who wrote the article, does not know the difference, between, cameraman and photographer, or they were doing both. Professional pics like that cost money as does going to a location and setting up. From the pics they had flowers and pumpkins, and hay bales, that stuff is not cheap. Unless Kate bough this stuff for decorating at home and brought is with, I doubt that. Kates hair looks styled. Her crying poor is BS.
I think the Fall pics are probably just for her blog.
Well KG is MORE than welcome to visit Central OH,well Muskingum and Licking Cty, for a wild animal safari - NO CHARGE...we have several wild animals on the loose since yesterday's "escape" - re: intentional setting free - of 48 lions, tigers, cheetahs, bears, mountain lions,wolves and monkeys from an "animal preserve". The guy, who had been convicted of animal abuse, the owner of the property, supposedly let the animals free then committed suicide.
Geesh. We have mexican wolves already roaming neighborhoods here at night - DH actually saw one very early in the morning a week ago. As we personally live 1 mile from a big zoo we've dealt with escaped prarie dogs (neutered so not gonna propagate here wildly, Moose got out once but was contained on property, and of course the penguins who have fled to the river on more than one occasion... didn't' worry about that one. It IS a bit unnerving to hear the roar of the big cats on early morning walks, but reassuring to know it's coming from the zoo - sorta.
South of us is "The Wilds". Great REAL open preserve.
Must say I have mixed feelings about zoos - even with Jack Hanna as a former neighbor.
But Katie can get a heck of a safari at the moment - blech!
Oh, no Kiwis were set free - we are huddling inside today...it's raining.
Sg: sorry, I disagree with you, that maybe some pics might be on her blog, but really, how many of you out there who have blogs or web-site, facebook etc, hire a professional photographer to put pics on a blog?
Everyone I know has a camera or a camera phone and posts those on blogs, facebook, picture web-sites etc, they don't have professional pics taken for that. Besides the best pics are the ones you take, cause they capture the moment, professional pics are for: publicity, magazines, and hanging on your wall, not for blogs. But then this is Kate Gosselin, probably tryin to out do Jon again.
I guess Kate and the kids will be featured in another magazine spread. Those pictures are not for her blog. It looks totally pro, from the setting to the full hair and makeup.
And the matchy matchy clothes for the tups, as usual.
SG - Did you know you can cook your meatloaf in a crock pot? Just be sure to use a liner or spray the crock first, then put your meatloaf in, shape it, put whatever topping you like on, cover it and cook on Low for 8-12 hrs. It's so great to come home after a long day to find comfort food all ready and waiting...just throw a couple of potatoes in the microwave, toss a salad and ring the dinner bell. Yum.
anger issues kate, I hope you are wrong and TLC is done with this family. Although it's quite odd that they still have the Kate plus 8 facebook site up and actually update it too. Another thing I find odd is that on one of the last episodes, Kate and kids were standing in a living room or something and the previous professional pics of the entire family were up. I would think she would rip anything down with Jon in them, but she left them up. Hopefully that's out of consideration for the feelings of the kids, but she doesn't seem to consider their feelings when she's bashing Jon in every interview. She's impossible to figure out, eh?
anger issues and Tucker's Mom,
You're probably right. I'm just hoping not.
Thanks for the idea. I love my crock pot. I guess I could just cut up some potatoes and throw them in there too.
PJ Momma: I hope I am wrong too! I would like to see those kids have normal, regular, mediocre holidays, with no filming, professional pics, just regular photos from a phone camera or a camera. No outsiders. But, those pics are too professional and taken on location.
Grifter Kate continues to grift. A cereal company tweeted yesterday that they want to send her some cereal because she mentioned them on her blog. Sure enough, Kate picked up on it, is now following them, and tweeted:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@cascadianfarm Thx! Will do! R faves r: Raisin bran,multigrain squares (must haves 4 me)kids:cinnamon crunch,all in r cabinets now!Yum!
The audacity of this woman is just mind-boggling!
Grifter Queen, I saw that too. Notice how she mentions her favorites first. I mean, can't she just take what they send? Why so specific? Did they ask her preferences? Note that none of her preferences (nor the ingredients in her recipes) are ORGANIC. Makes her look like a fool that she goes on and on about being organic and dishes up the same stuff that we 'mediocre' people do!
New profession pics sounds like she is updating the children's professional portfolio, in order to shop them around for media employment. In studio she is probably getting head shots done too.
For adults this needs to be done at least once a year to have a current and fresh portfolio, for such little children I would GUESS it must be done more frequently as they change so fast.
I dont know if this is something her manager is springing for or if she is paying her own money for this. When my daughter started modeling and doing commercials, we had to pay on our own for her portfolio pics. My daughter does do that kind of work anymore.
Grifter Queen said...
Grifter Kate continues to grift.
She really must live in her own little world to not realize how selfish and ludicrous she sounds grifting for cereal. Pathetic.
Remember in her early tweet days people were tweeting her to give to various charities? She tweeted she would love to, but couldn't afford it. Here is her perfect opportunity to tell Cascadian Farm to send it to a food bank - and she tweets back what specific brands she wants!
I see the melodrama is oozing out of kHatie again, "I never ever ever get enough sleep! I survive on an average of 5-6.5 hours per night."
I SURVIVE, my lord woman, it reminds me of an old George Carlin saying:
“Oh, you hate your job? Why didn’t you say so?
There’s a support group for that.
It’s called EVERYBODY, and they meet at the bar.”
And to answer the question about sweet potatoes and yams, this is from my Food Lover's Compendium:
SWEET POTATO: There are many varieties of sweet potato but the two that are widely grown commercially are a pale sweet potato and the darker skinned variety Americans erroneously call "yam" (the true YAM is not related to the sweet potato).
YAM: This thick, tropical-vine tuber is popular in South and central America, the west Indies and parts of Asia and Africa. Although SWEET POTATOES and yams are similar in many ways and therefore often confused with one another, they are from different plant species. In the southern US, sweet potatoes are often called yams and to add to the confusion, canned sweet potatoes are frequently labeled yams. true yams, however, are not widely marketed and are seldom grown in the US.
When I worked in a grocery store I once got in an argument with the produce manager about yams. He refused to back down even when I brought in my reference book and showed him. It isn't widely known about true yams. I am happy to answer the question, sorry I forgot who originally asked it!
Cheers ladies, I am working a split shift today and am home for lunch.
For those of you who have kids and you don't mind a snack recipe I use all the time and occasionally put in lunches or use as a means on trips to satisfy my kids who can't wait until dinner.
7 tablespoons butter, soften, divided
1 to 1/2 cups miniature marshmallows
1/4 cup apricot (or peach) jam (or preserve)
1/4 cup packed brown sugar
4 cups granola (with or without raisins or your own personal choice)
1 to 1/3 cups diced dried mixed fruit
8-in pan line it with wax paper or parchment. Grease paper with butter.
In large saucepan combine the marshmallows, preserves and brown sugar with the remaining butter. Stir over medium heat until blended together and then remove from heat.
Stir in granola and mixed dried fruit; hen toss to coat (easiest to put into a zip baggy and shake) Press into prepared pan and then cover and set in fridge to chill for 1 hour. Remove wax paper and cut into bars of your serving choice. Yields 16 bars in my house, provided I don't double to recipe for more.
I sent an email to the company telling them that I would not purchase their product any more since the feel the need to give it to Kate free. I mentioned that in addition to having 8 children she has millions of dollars and can well afford to purchase the cereal. I told them that they would do better to donate the cereal to a food bank where the people actually NEED the product.
Friend in Pennsylvania said...Are you saying that the kids don't feel a sense of entitlement? How many of their peers get to run bases with a pro baseball team, or have stage passes to shows and get to see the backstage set with gifts from the stars, go to the front of the line at amusement parks, have rooms at venues set aside just for them, closed to other people, ride in limos to various events with a security entourage in airports, have meet and greets with the Globetrotters, etc. etc.?
You don't believe that these children are spoiled in the sense that they have come to expect these things?
I think the tups don't know any differently so things others might see as a special treat is just normal life to them. Heck, I've known people whom have been much more spoiled when it comes to trips, flying on private jets, visiting the uber famous etc, who see it as normal even when they are teenagers. This especially happens when everyone you know is doing the same sort of stuff. "So you went to NZ, Oz, camping in Alaska? Well I spent my last holiday at a villa in , then went to the Jonas Brother's concert and met them backstage."
As for the twins, that may be a different story. Especially with Mady. I wonder if any of her classmates look down on anything 'special' she's done because it was for TV, and paid for by TV. Though in the States it might not matter as much where the money comes from. And I don't know how privileged and cosmopolitan the LCDS parents are. And no, that is not a diss on people who live in Penn :) just a question.
Survive? Is she kidding me? Most moms don't complain near as much about missing lack of sleep. It's one of those things you suck up and go on about. You don't whine about it.
I don't know what's she's doing if all her kids are i nbed at 7:30pm and she's in bed by 7:31pm on a weeknight. It would be a dream of mine to be able to go to bed that early...ain't gonna happen I'll tell you that! Her logic doesn't make sense you can't be in bed at 7:31 when you complain you only get 5 hours or so of sleep. Please. Quit whinning! Her kids don't seem to whine as much as Kate does!
Come to my house Kate, I'll show you tiered. Do I whine about being tired and exhausted? No (well, to myself maybe.) Her kids are not toddlers and they are not babies. She makes me sick honestly. Whine, whine, whine.
anger issues kate said... Ok, people, I think these professional pics Kate had taken over the weekend, are for publicity for TLC special. Kate called the guy taking the pics a cameraman, not a photographer.
I never put any stock in anything kart says. kart may have called the guy "cameraman" but that could be a lie, it could be anyone, it could be purseboy, it could be Chris.....
Or it could be another rude denigration toward the person taking the pictures, as in "the Kiwi bird man" or "the whale boat man"......
If she says it, it's either a lie or prevarication. She says a lot of things to deliberately mislead and embellish.
Is it true that Kate is doing speech engagements again? If there is a higher being...no one will show. I can't believe that someone would actually pay money to listen to all of her failures. I predict she will be in the bathroom crying again. Lets take bets.
And I don't know how privileged and cosmopolitan the LCDS parents are. And no, that is not a diss on people who live in Penn :) just a question.
Tamara - I'm confused by this statement. You previously said that the kids don't have any more material possessions than their classmates, and now you say you don't know how privileged the classmates are. Which is it?
I would LOVE to be able to get 6.5 hours of good sleep per night (8 whould be heaven) however, I flash like a cheap neon sign and am up and down all night because I'm having my own tropical vacations. Unfortunately I can't take any HRT and shy away from some supplements due to breast cancer 12 years ago.
Kate I've been to most of the places that you want to see and even lived in Europe for 6 years. How could we afford that without being reality TV personalities? My husband was in the Army.
Bearswife - Congrats on your job. Hope you do well and continue to love it.
HC - Hope you're feeling better and glad you like the dog rules. We also have "bulldog rules" posted on the fridge some of which are: If I see it, it's mine. If I want it, it's mine. If you have it and you drop it, it's mine. If I break it, it's yours.
Is the company Kellogs right? Darn I actually know someone who is in corporate for a major cereal brand, but not Kellogs.
Lakeupnorth: She said the other day on twitter that the "littles" are in bed at 8 and the twins go at 9. Not that it matters. LOL
PJ’s Momma (snipped) Kate and kids were standing in a living room or something and the previous professional pics of the entire family were up. I would think she would rip anything down with Jon in them, but she left them up.
It’s possible that TLC had her put them up for the last show retrospective.
I would think she would rip anything down with Jon in them, but she left them up.
It’s possible that TLC had her put them up for the last show retrospective.
That was my exact thought when I saw them hanging on the wall! Strategic placement by the producer. No way would she have those hanging there every day.
Kat said... Is it true that Kate is doing speech engagements again? If there is a higher being...no one will show. I can't believe that someone would actually pay money to listen to all of her failures. I predict she will be in the bathroom crying again. Lets take bets.
Sadly she has her followers aka butt kissers
Kate said once that they do the fall pictures every year. She tweeted not too long ago that they had an appointment for this year's pictures all lined up and couldn't wait to see them.
Is the company Kellogs right? Darn I actually know someone who is in corporate for a major cereal brand, but not Kellogs.
The cereal company is Cascadian Farms (organic).
I do the cereal mix-up thing like Kate does. Mine is weird, but tasty. I mix Kashi Go-Lean (not crunch) and Uncle Sam Cereal and dry oatmeal flakes (long cooking kind.) Dump in a bowl, mix it all up, add milk, cinnamon and some splenda or sugar, and eat.
The recipes all sound wonderful. How about sharing some of your favorite crockpot recipes?
Thanks to the folks at Preesi's blog for posting this dialog between Cascadian Farm & Katie Irene. She must be a happy camper- more freebies! There's a sucker born every minute.
cascadianfarm Cascadian Farm
@Kateplusmy8 We noticed you are a fan of our cereal. (http://bit.ly/pylLf5) We'd like to send you some <3! Can we connect via DM?
@cascadianfarm Thx! Will do! R faves r: Raisin bran,multigrain squares (must haves 4 me)kids:cinnamon crunch,all in r cabinets now!Yum!
cascadianfarm Cascadian Farm
Saw some of you are upset ab our tweet to @Kateplusmy8. Want you to know we support all moms. It's a tough job. Let's spread the love.
20 hours
Hoosier Girl said...
Remember in her early tweet days people were tweeting her to give to various charities? She tweeted she would love to, but couldn't afford it. Here is her perfect opportunity to tell Cascadian Farm to send it to a food bank - and she tweets back what specific brands she wants!
Great point! I was thinking the same thing. She could have easily said "Thanks, but please send to people in need, or to the local food bank, that's how I want to help" or something similar. But nope, we're talking about Kate & it's about HER, all the damn time.
Then again, now that you've typed that up, Hoosier Girl, we may see this play out just like that. She may tweet them back & ask them to send some cereal to charity. She is so transparent.
~HC~ aka Jenna
This Kahula Cake won't get you drunk like a good box of wine, but it sure tastes good! Not an original recipe, but I can't remember where I got it.
1 box chocolate cake mix (without pudding)
1 small box chocolate pudding
1 12 oz bag semi sweet chocolate chips
4 eggs
3/4 cups oil
1/2 cup kahlua
16 oz container sour cream
Mix all together. Place in greased & floured (Pam spray with flour works well) bundt pan. Bake at 350 for 65 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean.
Tucker's Mom said...I believe that Kate gets less than 8 hours sleep most nights, but I also think that's her fault! She doesn't work a 9-5 job where most people are away from the home 10-11 hours including commuting.
Since I don't believe anything she says unless there is proof, I think she goes back to bed after the kids go to school while the nanny and laundry girl take care of things. She uses "tired" as an excuse to get out of tweeting or to gain sympathy.
Hippie has often posted using her blog login and you can email her there. *I* have. Scroll back through the posts and threads and look for Jenna Does in blue. When you click on the blue name/text it takes you to her blog and you can connect with her that way.
Thanx for the inside info! Can't be too careful with putting personal stuff out there.
A Pink Straightjacket said....
cascadianfarm Cascadian Farm
Saw some of you are upset ab our tweet to @Kateplusmy8. Want you to know we support all moms. It's a tough job. Let's spread the love.
20 hours
So......... does that mean they are going to send free cereal to other moms too?
Are they going to send free cereal to moms who are living on welfare, with several children, and NEED the cereal?
Are they going to send free cereal to wives of our military men who are fighting overseas while the moms are trying to raise children on low pay? Some of our military families are scraping by on really low wages.
Who is this cereal company? I'm going to have to email them - their response was very poorly thought out. Sending free cereal to a woman living in a million dollar plus home (well, at one time) then whining they 'support all moms, let's spread the love?????
Right - spread it by sending a million dollars of free cereal to inner city school, to moms living in poverty, to moms and kids in shelters -
Sheesh........... this just chaps my ass........
All I can hope for is that it was some twitterly headed fame-blinded marketing intern who made the decision to twit kart with the offer and THEN send that response to being criticized. I sure hope it wasn't the president of the company or the board of directors........
I wish someone with twitter would twat back asking the company if "spread the love" means they are donating to needy families now instead of just millionaire tabloid stahs..........
She is so transparent.
Really? Please explain her to the rest of us that don't understand her AT ALL. At least, I don't. She's a ball of confusion.
Speaking of sweet potatoes, I have to say that I despise them and won't eat them at all except like this. I've had this recipe for about thirty years and I make this for Thanksgiving and Christmas. It's like having dessert before dessert. Yum, yum, yum.
Sweet Potato Delight
4C mashed cooked sweet potatoes (canned is fine just mash 'em good)
1/4 Cup packed brown sugar (light or dark)
1/4 Cup softened butter
1 Teaspoon Vanilla
2 Large eggs, beaten
1/3 Cup milk
Combine the above ingredients and place in a 2 quart casserole dish.
(You will need to adjust the casserole size if you double or triple the recipe as
I do.)
3/4 Cup packed brown sugar
1/2 Cup flour
1/3 Cup softened butter
Chopped Pecans
(However much you like, personally, I think you can never
be too rich or have too many pecans in your topping. ;) )
Combine and sprinkle over the casserole. Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes,
adjust baking time if you make a larger amount.
Serves 6.
There is something called obsessive-compulsive personality disorder which is when someone is so obsessed with doing something the right way that they forget why they are doing it. Their obsession with neatness and order, instead of helping them, begins to rule their lives and hurt them. It has a similar name and is related to the type of OCD with intrusive thoughts and hand washing. I believe Kate has that.
I've also always thought that "neat-freaks" are really a form of narcissist. They're better than everyone else because they are so sensitive they are sickened by the CD's not in alphabetical order, or the stain on the rug. They also use "neatness" as an excuse to be mean to somebody. Most people have to really be betrayed by someone to lose it and throw a fit and verbally abuse a friend or spouse, but neatcissists just have to see an uncapped toothpaste tube, a slice of pizza without a napkin, a stain on a child's shirt, a tiny speck of gum on a bear--you get the idea. Order and cleanliness are great things--I wish I weren't so messy myself--but neatcissists use their standards of "organization" to bully everyone else.
Kate Gosselin
Dear every1 who sent M&C bday cards/gifts(if I missed u personally): none were necessary,all appreciated&each made us all smile! Thanku! XO
4 hours ago via Twitterrific
Kate, there's these things called thank-you cards. You can buy a set of cute blank ones for under $5 at places like Target or Walmart. This is a great opportunity to teach your kids the polite way to thank someone for giving you something. Yes, it takes away some of your free time. Then again, those kind senders use some of their free time to make special birthday packages for your kids. (I understand if Mady and Cara are overwhelmed with school stuff that they can't get sent out promptly, but at least work on one or two each weekend. A thank-you card only needs a couple of sentences or so.)
Maybe this doesn't happen with today's generation of kids, but, in my day, kids would hand-out personal thank-you cards at school after receiving gifts during their birthday parties over the weekend. It was a standard thing for everyone at my school back then. Something our parents instilled in us back in the 80s and early 90s.
Friend in Penn said.. Tamara - I'm confused by this statement. You previously said that the kids don't have any more material possessions than their classmates, and now you say you don't know how privileged the classmates are. Which is it?
I meant I didn't know how much they travel, especially abroad, or how many own vacation houses in other states etc. Just plain material wise, toys, collections, electronic gear, I figure they have much more of because the Gosselin kids seem to have so little in that category. Another thing for Khate to control, and to save money to only spend on herself. The kids only seem to have toys that were 'donations', and we've seen Khate purge a lot of their stuff a number of times. Does that make more sense?
I really dislike parents whom only provide material things instead of care and love, but sadly Khate provides neither.
Re speaking engagement, I posted about a month or more ago that she was booked at some venue affiliated with Penn State. Someone else at the time said that the place where the "talk" was happening wasn't very large--maybe 250-300 seats--and was on a satellite campus (? don't remember exact wording). Anyway, this is supposed to happen on November 3rd, I believe. Don't know if there are any other "engagements"--has she ever posted anything under "Upcoming Events" on her website?
What could she possibly be planning to talk about? "My Former Celebrity Life"? Would anyone actually bring her in as an example of modern American motherhood? Weird.
I posted a comment on Cascadian Farms website about them giving Kate free boxes of cereal. I have done natural foods trade shows where Cascadian Farms has attended. The people I met at their booth are kind and nice people. In my opinion I suspect a customer service representative made this decision as a standard practice without finding out who Kate really is.
As others have said in earlier posts, I too, pointed out that giving free boxes of cereal should go to Moms that truly need the food to feed their children.
I think you're probably right about someone in customer service just twitting as a matter of form. I checked the cascadian twitter and they also twitted to Tori and Dean, that Hollywood couple to offer some baby food.
Actually, as a matter of good marketing strategy is is wise to use twitter to get chatter out there for your company. Company shareholders expect companies to make all marketing efforts, including nowadays using social media.
So in and of itself, what Cascadian did is not what irks me. I'm proud of them as a company for using a broad spectrum marketing strategy.
It's that they happened to twit to a much reviled grifter. They probably have no idea of her background other than she had eight kids and a TV show.
Their response twitter is somewhat galling though. I did notice some of their twits talk about donating that they have done and shared on their website. I didn't go to the site.
OT -----------------
We are babysitting for a 3 year old tomorrow. It's been a while. Our baby is 32 years old and travels internationally for business. Grown up and moved away. Sniff --- I console myself by saying I raised him to be independent.
Thank goodness for email and VOIP!
Off to plan some exciting activities...... nervous shrug! :-)
Has anyone else heard that Kate had signed up for the Las Vegas half marathon in early Dec.?
Some guy on Twitter, a couple of weeks ago,told her he'd seen where she had registered. He is running in it also and wished her luck.
She did not respond to him but I believe it's true. There's just been to much talk and comments about running.
Wish I could be there to see her fall on her skinny flat ass !
The TLC website says something about the special birthday showS, as in more than one. Assuming they already did the tup show, maybe they are thinking of the twin bday for a 2nd show, special. After all, Steve went along and they went to Wyoming, and everything has been hush hush as far as what all they did, and pictures, so far as I know.
Re speaking engagement, I posted about a month or more ago that she was booked at some venue affiliated with Penn State.
And Snookie spoke at Rutgers.
So glad I'm done with college and none of the kids in the family are anywhere close to that age.
Kate, there's these things called thank-you cards.
The ONLY person these kids are expected to thank is Kate.
Here's a chicken recipe either oven or crock pot.
Fair Day Chicken
cut up chicken (could use boneless)
one bottle Russian dressing
8 oz apricot jam
1 package dry onion soup mix
rinse dressing bottle w/ water and add
Mix ever thing in big casserole dish, add chicken cover and cook 1 hour @350. Cook another hour uncovered. I serve w/ brown rice. Chicken falls off bones it's so tender.
I like it best in the oven
I emailed Cascadian Farms and asked them why they would donate cereal to a millionaire grifter who made all her money off the backs of her kids. I also asked them to donate the free cereal to a woman's shelter.
I also emailed Cascadian Farms and let them know they were donating cereal to a wealthy woman and that they'd made a corporate PR blunder. I made it clear that I would be boycotting their products and I suggested they donate cereal to food banks where it would be used and appreciated.
Add me to the list of those who sent a polite, but incredulous, email to Cascadian Farms, suggesting that they do a little more good, and contribute to less grift, for future PR stunts.
Gift of grab said...
Re speaking engagement, I posted about a month or more ago that she was booked at some venue affiliated with Penn State. Someone else at the time said that the place where the "talk" was happening wasn't very large--maybe 250-300 seats--and was on a satellite campus (? don't remember exact wording). Anyway, this is supposed to happen on November 3rd, I believe. Don't know if there are any other "engagements"--has she ever posted anything under "Upcoming Events" on her website?
She’s scheduled to speak at noon November 3 at Community Center, Maggie Hardy Magerko Auditorium, Penn State Fayette, the Eberly Campus. I wonder if her topic is “How to Grift”.
Lilly -Best pound cake ever (I saved the recipe)
2 cups all purpose flour
2 cups sugar
4 sticks room temperature butter (salted or unsalted it doesn't really matter)
5 eggs (room temperature)
Preheat oven to 350. Cream butter and sugar together, add eggs and
cream again, add flour in thirds and mix well (I use a hand held
mixer). Grease and flour bundt pan (like Tucker's Mom I use either
Crisco or Pam baking spray with flour in it). Pour intopan and cook
for at least an hour or until pick comes out clean. Cool 10 minutes
and turn out of pan onto cooling rack. I put a double layer of paper
towels on the cooling rack as it prevents the cake from cracking
through the bars of the rack. I use a bundt pan that is white inside
rather than the dark as I find that the cake browns nicely but not too
January 12, 2013 2:52 PM
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