Real Housewives of Beverly Hills |
However interestingly, the study by the Girl Scout Research Institute also suggests girls who watch reality TV view themselves as leaders and role models and say reality TV exposes them to new perspectives.
508 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 508 Newer› Newest»Well, Kate's got the lying covered.
Interesting 60 Minutes piece on Steve Jobs. By no means is he Kate however there are a few things that are similar. He had a real mean streak toward employees and he parked in handicapped parking spots and didn't bother to put a license plate on his car. A friend described it as "the rules don't apply to him."
I think she also has the bullying and the attention to physical appearance part covered as well.
Love her tweet about Monday am 'to do' list panic, it made my morning coffee time. So yes, another round of 'oh puhleeze' for the poor overworked single mom of 8 who had the time and $$$ to spend part of her weekend in the big city getting her hair fried and dining out with so-called friends, and the other part sleeping in and watching a Dexter marathon. By her own account she spent most of her Sunday alone time 'organizing'. Perhaps if she actually did something instead of making lists all day, Monday would not be so bad. And frankly, what could be so awful when by now you have dropped your children at the school bus stop and you have 8+ hours to yourself; most moms are on their way to work, you know the kind where you have to stay all day and do something, and then do those list errands on the way home. Pitiful, self-absorbed twatter.
Oh Kate's woe-is-me tweet this morning is pitiful. Poor thing has all day to get things done. Does she realize how pathetic she must sound to those working moms who work 50 hours a week AND do everything on their check list?
She's so disconnected from the real world I think she would not know how to function with a truly full plate.
I was watching Hoda and Kathy Lee on the Today Show this morning and they were talking about personality types that they don't like dealing with. Hoda's example was the "fire starter"; an instigator, a person who makes a mountain out of a molehill so they can be the hero who swoops in and conquers the problem.
But, there's no reason to get stressed or panicked in the first place! Kate is such a Chicken Little when everyone else knows they sky is going to stay right up there where it is.
oh yay it's Menu Monday!!!!!! There are pictures with this one. They are small and to be honest I can't really tell what exactly they are.
One looks like a pan of hamburger (or I guess it's ground turkey). Then there are several that are ingredients on the counter. Another of a big pot with a bunch of ingredients in it. Finally one of the chili cooking.
Menu Monday Recipe: Turkey Corn and White Bean Chili
Kate’s Turkey Corn and White Bean Chili
2 tbsp butter
2 tbsp olive oil
1 whole finely diced red onion
1/2 cup Italian dressing (I use Good Seasons)
2 pounds ground turkey
1 tbsp minced garlic
2 cans (15 oz each) great northern beans, undrained
2 cans (15 oz each) whole kernel corn, undrained
3 cups chicken broth
2 tbsp chopped fresh or 3 tbsp dried cilantro
1 tbsp chopped fresh or 2 tsp dried basil
2 tbsp chili powder
3/4 cup salsa
Salt and pepper to taste
Melt butter and oil in large pot over medium heat.
Cook onion stirring constantly until tender.
Add garlic and cook one more minute.
Add raw ground turkey and half cup of italian dressing and brown turkey throughout.
Once turkey is browned and cooked through,add broth, cilantro, basil, chili powder, salsa, beans and corn.
Bring to a boil, reduce heat to medium low for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Finished Product! Yum!!!
Serve with homemade corn bread!
Serves 10, so you may want to cut recipe or freeze the rest for another night!
Gosselin kid rating: solid 8 (I loved it and ate so much of it! ;)
Ok, posted on the last thread. Should Kate not run in heels, if she is doing that race in Las Vegas? Last time I looked, running shoes and heels are very different?
I would like to see the Gibson Salon donate hair cuts and dye jobs to 50 women and men at unemployment offices and woman shelters, each time they do Kates hair. Since Kate does not pay for hers.
Kate has something up her sleeve besides her arms. She has been down playing things, and events. She is sitting on something.(don't go there! lolol)
Actually I'm waiting for the Menu Monday blog post; she promised pictures and everything. OK, not really, but it's kind of quiet here today. I also have a list, but tht's more because at my age I forget things unless I write them down. I also know the difference between making a list and actually doing the work.
Perhaps Supermom has waited until today to comtemplate Halloween? I know it gets short shrift with her, probably too many details when you have 8 kids, and if I had 8 kids, I would start this in early September. Remember how she would hide her ambivalence about this holiday behind her church disapprovaL? - always thought it was just an excuse for her. I do get that there are groups who don't participate which is fine, but she will use anything for an excuse. I also think she will 'twist' an ankle just before the race, once she is already set up for the weekend in her Las Vegas hotel.
There was a comment on the old thread about her desire to be a SAHM; one of summer tweets explained that as in her perfect world she would be at home one week and traveling for her job (WTF) one week. I believe that makes one a part-time parent, but it makes sense for her. Trouble is she does not have a job that allows her to do that, and her previous one exploited her children whevever there was travel involved. No wonder her lists put her in panic mode these days.
Cross typing, guess I should have waited for the big recipe reveal.
Plaigerizer. If only she would understand that you need to give credit for recipes. Obviously if she's using salad dressing, this is not an original recipe.
Homemade corn bread - please Katie, at least let the sheeple know what mix you use. We like Marie Callendars.
Did anyone see the article on MSNBC this morning? "How to spot psychopaths: Speech patterns give them away"
quotes: "They also found more dysfluencies — the "uhs" and "ums" that interrupt speech — among psychopaths."
"Psychopaths appear to view the world and others instrumentally, as theirs for the taking, "
"And finally, while most of us respond to higher-level needs, such as family, religion or spirituality, and self-esteem, psychopaths remain occupied with those needs associated with a more basic existence.
Their analysis revealed that psychopaths used about twice as many words related to basic physiological needs and self-preservation, including eating, drinking and monetary resources than the nonpsychopaths, they write."
Sound like anyone we know???
Someone posted this on another thread:
Just wanted to point out another of kHate's lies. Why would she be giving the bus driver a Christmas present? I thought the bus driver said mean things to her kids and they couldn't get rid of him/her. Nothing adds up in her world, does it?
Narcissists can't keep their lies straight. She's not preparing gifts for anyone, much less the mean 'ol busdriver. Narcissists don't give gifts, they only receive them.
That one actually sounds good. I personally find ground turkey and chicken to be tasteless but it may work with all these flavorings. Ever the skeptic when it comes to that woman I am wondering who is the brains behind this recipe.
Plaigerizer. If only she would understand that you need to give credit for recipes. Obviously if she's using salad dressing, this is not an original recipe.
Is it plagiarizing if you take a recipe you got from a cookbook, tweak it, change it around, add things here and there...or is it plagiarizing only if you take it directly from BH&G, and post it without crediting it?
Why isn't it an original recipe if she's using salad dressing? I have a few recipes that I concocted myself, therefore, they are "original" in the sense that I didn't get them from anyone, on the internet, or in cookbooks, and I use salad dressing, Kraft Miracle Whip, French's mustard, sour cream, or whatever, in them. I still consider them original.
This is the first recipe she posted that I'm actually going to try. I'm wondering if it's crockpot friendly! I can't imagine that it wouldn't be.
Kate's got something in the works. She's been teasing her sheeple for several days. Why doesn't she just get it over and done and announce the big reveal?
Narcissists can't keep their lies straight. She's not preparing gifts for anyone, much less the mean 'ol busdriver. Narcissists don't give gifts, they only receive them.
Maybe SHE doesn't give gifts, but the kids probably do, and she very well could be getting things ready for the children's gift-giving to their teachers and friends at school.
Ever the skeptic when it comes to that woman I am wondering who is the brains behind this recipe.
I thought the same thing. I took a guess that it was a recipe off the back of the can of beans, so I did a google search on great northern beans and found this one on the first try. It's not exact, but it's got a lot of the same types of ingredients, which makes me think I'm on the right track.
2 lbs. beef or pork ribs
1 tbsp. olive oil
1 large onion, chopped
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 (48 oz) jar Navy or Great Northern Beans
1 (16 oz) jar medium salsa
1 can (14 oz) beef broth
1 tsp. ground cumin
1 tsp. chili powder
dash of cayenne pepper (or to taste)
2 cups (8 oz) shredded Monterey Jack cheese
In a large (4-5 quart) Dutch oven, brown ribs in olive oil with onions. Add garlic, beans (drained), salsa, beef broth, ground cumin and chili powder. Cover and simmer over low heat for 2-3 hours or until meat is falling-off-the-bone tender.
Season to taste with salt and pepper and cayenne to desired heat level.
This can be made in a slow cooker; brown separately - cook on low setting for 4-5 hours or until meat is tender.
We often make this using dried beans. Soak the beans overnight and simmer in water or broth for 1-2 hours before using in recipe.
Gimme said...
That one actually sounds good. I personally find ground turkey and chicken to be tasteless but it may work with all these flavorings. Ever the skeptic when it comes to that woman I am wondering who is the brains behind this recipe
This recipe looks like a home cook's type of twist on chili. It's not bad and I'm using turkey more and more and more in place of beef. It look like a mild chili suited for kids. They must really like salsa!
Gee, 10 servings? I sincerely hope her kids are going to want seconds with that. Not unless she made another pot. Grant it she does not have teenage boys yet but day will come when one serving might not fill everyone up.
You know if Kate quit complaining as her main hobby I think she might be able to get a lot more done. This whining about how stressed she is really makes me feel like I should be stressed out, but you know what? I'm not. Kate could learn to just go with it some day's it's honestly not all that bad. So she doesn't get everything on her list done that day, so? I think big part of her problem is she expects so much done in one day then flips when she can't make it work just to make it harder on herself.
Well I'm off to my mediocre to do list, oddly enough it includes the laundry, cooking, cleaning, but wait, oh yeah, there is more to do then those three things! But those are the only things I see her complaining about so often. Let me know when she breaks out a rake to tend all those leaves or has to learn how to put a new battery in her car or rotate the tires....? Yeah didn't think so.
Julianna - thank you for your rational viewpoint on Kate's recipe and the gift planning. I was going to ask the salad dressing question myself.
For those who think this the chili recipe is plagiarized, I ask this question - exactly how many ways can one make chili? There are only a few basic ingredients - meat, beans, tomato products, vegetables, seasonings. Just because someone likes a specific type of beans and uses it in her recipe does not mean she lifted her recipe from someone else. It is entirely possible that she came up with this mix of ingredients on her own. Maybe she used another recipe, or past experience, as a guide - but that doesn't equal plagiarizing.
"Gee, 10 servings? I sincerely hope her kids are going to want seconds with that. Not unless she made another pot. Grant it she does not have teenage boys yet but day will come when one serving might not fill everyone up."
And just like those who said "omg, she is going to really regret telling her kids that they should wear their shirts more than one day when they have smelly teenage armpits" -
Her kids are not teenagers yet. Most of them are only 7 years old, and on the small side for their age. Why nitpick what Kate is doing NOW, with younger children, about something that won't even affect her for several years?
I'm sure that when they're older, that she will encourage them to change their clothes daily, and will start cooking more food. Until then, a chili recipe that serves 10 adults should be more than enough food for 8 children and 1 adult.
OK, perhaps plagiarizing is a bit harsh, the woman does that to my mind.
However, it would really be a lot more honest to say something like (and I did this when I used to do a recipe blog with some friends) "this is a recipe that I found years ago at XXXX, and after tweaking it a bit to suit my family's tastes . . . .". I agree that there are only so many recipes in the world, but she is putting this stuff out in public and I really think a little credit is due where it belongs. It is disengenuous to do otherwise.
I read enough food blogs to know what is proper. For example, a few years ago I started making a do-ahead turkey gravy using turkey wings and chicken broth. It's really great for me because you don't end up making gravy in a messy crowded kitchen. It's a Tyler Florence recipe that I go off the web; when people ask about it I always give credit, even though I probably make it with my own changes now.
I also use a crockpot chili recipe; if I substitute ground turkey is it really mine? No, and if I were to publish it on my blog I would say that I got this years ago from xxxxx. So that is what irritates me about K8 and 'her' recipes.
My problem with that recipe - 2 tbsp butter, 2 tbsp olive oil, 1/2 cup Italian dressing, and she never drains the turkey after browning it. I'm not saying things need to be low fat or fat free, but grease on top of the finished product is not for me. I might actually try it without the added fats. (maybe brown the onion & garlic in a little olive oil, put aside until after turkey is drained, then add back in)
"Gee, 10 servings? I sincerely hope her kids are going to want seconds with that. Not unless she made another pot. Grant it she does not have teenage boys yet but day will come when one serving might not fill everyone up."
So, when the boys are teenagers, she makes two pots of chili. Shouldn't be a problem, should it? She will have six years to figure it out.
Sorry but I just read through some of the comments on the last thread. I noticed Admin kept saying the key to leaving your child alone in a car is that they are not out of your sight.
Sorry but if you leave your child in a car and go inside a Chinese restaurant to pick up food for two minutes or fifteen minutes your children are out of your sight.
I don't know any Chinese restaurants that you pick up your food and you are facing the window or door. You have to interact with the people there, pay for your food and get your food. There is no way you can keep your eyes on your children 100% of the time while doing any of that.
There is NO excuse for leaving children that young alone in the car. None.
I'm commenting on how stressed Kate is because she has so much to do.
She doesn't work, kids are in school, she's got helpers (Nannies, etc.). She has time to get things done without kids around.
I think of the truly busy, stressed Moms. Those that work full time, take care of their kids and then either do volunteer work or go to school at night to earn a degree. Or how about the Moms that are Mom and Dad because thier husband is deployed, constantly traveling for work or having to take a job out of town because that's all they can find. THAT is a stressed out Mom.
Real Moms sacrifice(sp?) for their families, Kate's family (kids) sacrifice for her. BIG difference.
Outta sight, I was speculating before I saw the actual pics that Kate may have been closer than we thought. It clearly showed however she was so far away no reasonable parent would say that was ok. I said those circumstances were not okay. I didn't see anyone here saying what Kate did under theae circumstances was okay.
That's more of a soup, not really a chili.
And no, it's not original. I think the problem lies in the fact that Kate acts as if everything she does is just SO AMAZING and INCREDIBLE and we see these recipes, or the pictures, or her little stories on her blog, and nothing is special or unique.
Nothing wrong with that, but she needs to stop thinking she's a little special snowflake who only makes amazing meals her kids thank her for endlessly. Puh-leeze.
I think Jon used to do the lion's share of the work around the house in addition to helping Kate out both before and after work and bathing kids when he got home from work.
She probably is overwhelmed, because now she actually has to do something. Guess what Kate, Jon was overwhelmed too I'm sure. He didn't get accolades from tweeties - he got bitched at by you. GET OVER IT!
I didn't make those comments about "smother mothers". I promise! Wrong girl!!
About Kate not making any remarks about bad publicity & the kids in the van, she has done this in the past. I think in Kate's book, any publicity, is good, no matter what. I can't think of anything now, but there are some examples of Kate not saying a word about things that have come out about her or the kids in the past, just so she could have her moment in the sun. Of course, this was before Twitter!
~HC~ aka Jenna
Re you picture at the top. I saw that episode of RHBH and Kyle and Kim really are the mean girls.
Kate's recipe doesn't look too bad and I have one that is similar. I drain and rinse the beans so that I can control the salt content and I use shredded rotiserie chicken from the grocery store. I don't get the Italian dressing though - more oil and the added vinegar? I thought a first she just meant a packet of the spices for flavor but then she said to add a half cup so I guess I was wrong on that count. No to my taste, but to each his own.
Off Topic for those that don't want to read on. I finally found the blender salsa recipe that I'd talked about on the recipe thread.
1 large can peeled tomatoes (drained reserve liquid)
1 medium can peeled tomatoes (draned reserve liquid)
1 can diced jalapanos with juice
2-3 cloves garlic
2 pinches oregano
1 handfull fresh celantro (or to taste)
1 medium to large onion
juice of 1 lime
Throw everything in the blender and pulse or blend to the consistancy you like. Add reserved liquid to suit your taste for the consistency of the salsa. Add more jalapanos if you like it spicy and less jalapano or substitute green chili if you like it a little more tame. Great alone as a dip or in recipes.
I was going to take a little rest today but when I saw Kate tweet that she wrote her last book in her iPhone I couldn't let it go.
Kate Gosselin, Here's a Challenge
That woman is amazing, and I don't mean it in the same way her fans do.
Of course that should be "on" her iPhone, but then with Kate, you never know what she'll say next.
Okay, I looked up Kate's latest book, could someone tell me why her sheeple don't find it offensive in her letter to Collin she writes that I am mom hear me roar? I don't get it.
Her letters apparently don't seem kind, are rather condesencing I think if that. They all together just don't sound too friendly.
I've heard of people writing books on their iPads, but never on an iPhone.
I jst wnt u 2 no.
That editor must have gone cross-eyed from reading and bald from pulling hair out!!
I went to her site to look at the recipe and pictures. I think the recipe sounds pretty gross with the undrained corn. Yuck. And how tiny are those pictures? Ridiculous. She really needs to look at the Pioneer Woman and so many of the other fantastic food blogs to see what her competition is doing.
Apropos of Kate leaving the kids in the van recently, just now I'm watching my local news with horror at a carjacking story.
Yesterday in an area about 20 minutes away from me, a mother put her toddler into her car in the driveway. The car was running. He was sound asleep so she didn't wake him up when she had to go back in the house and get more kids out and into the car.
She went back into her house for a matter of minutes, like 2 minutes, and someone stole her running car with the child in it.
Fortunately, a local good sumaritan with PI and military training kicked his instincts into gear to determine where the carjacker would go to try to get out of the neighborhood and onto a highway.
They caught the guy and the child is fine.
Puts a lot of perspective on what Kate allegedly did at the Chinese restaurant parking lot. There is always the possibility that you will be in the wrong place at the wrong time, where a predator is just lying in wait.
Other than the sodium content, this meal of Kate's sounds pretty nutritious, especially if she adds a salad and some fruit as sides. It got an 8, which means it's not a favorite of theirs, however.
I hope the kids' tummies are used to beans.
I can't say I would like this dish, mainly because I have a personal dislike for anything with the word "chili" in it. Not my preference
no matter how you fix it.
tate, I agree that not draining the cans of corn and beans is just not good. Can you say SALT!
I wouldn't be surprised if Kate did drain the cans, but it's her recipe writing that is sloppy and lazy.
If you're serious, you have to write your method like a research paper; it should be replicable so that anyone could achieve the same result you did.
My sense is that Kate doesn't know what she wants her blog to be. She's adopted a shotgun approach when she should focus. Most folks realize that they are simply not good at everything, and play up their strengths.
OT: I have a little recipe, that my mom use to make, don't know where she got it from, but here goes: Rolled round steak or steak.
2 small onions chopped(red or yellow)
8 slices of uncooked bacon( I used maple flavor)
yellow mustard or honey-mustard(spread a thin layer)
large spinach leafs(raw)
sandwich steaks or thin cut round steak
spray olive oil or olive oil
kitchen cooking twine
cookie sheet or cutting board
chop onion into small pieces. Heat oven to 350.
lay steak on cookie sheet, spread mustard with spoon, put chopped onions, then bacon, then spinach, then roll the steak. take twine, tie one end, then going the same way the steak is rolled, rap the twine around the steak, tie it.
in a roasting pan, spray olive oil, place steak in there, braze/fry the steak on all sides on stove. Then pour 2-3 cups of water in roasting pan with steak, place in oven for 2 hours, half way through cooking time, turn rolled steak over, and check water. enjoy. Have with mashed potato, salad. You can vary the stuff you roll in the steak. I think I will do this for Xmas dinner, for something different.
If you are not familiar with ground turkey, it is available in 97% fat free version. When I have cooked a pound on the stovetop, there has never been enough fat to fry an egg. It is very, very lean. So putting it undrained into the soup pot would not yield a lot of fat in the dish - probably less than you would get in a bowl of regular chicken noodle soup.
I don't understand the idea of things being comped for Kate. Can you? She isn't a star of anything, doesn't advertise, doesn't work for any company, so why and how? Is this usual for a want-to-be, has been, tv personality to receive free hair, nail, food, etc.? I hope someone can explain it. If a regular person can receive all this free stuff, please tell us how to do it. Thanks!
fidosmommy said...
If you are not familiar with ground turkey, it is available in 97% fat free version.
Unlike ground beef (80/20) which renders a lot of fat during cooking, turkey actually needs some fat to get it started. You *can* brown it without, but it'll stick a bit depending on your pan.
No reason to drain because there's nothing TO drain.
But, you have to check the label. Some ground turkey is made with white and dark meat and can have about the same fat content as ground chuck.
H.C. (Jenna) - did you get my email? If you got it and don't have time/inclination to answer, that's OK. Just wondering, because sometimes lately people haven't gotten them.
Since everyone was reading here now, I'm carrying this over from the previous thread. I think KyPastor gives an interesting comment.
KyPastor said...
Anonymous said...
Permanent Name said:
I have a legitimate question - can narcissists believe in god?
Does anyone know if NPD folks can clinically believe?
I personally do not believe narcissists are able to believe. This would require admitting they have faults and a sin nature and narcissists will never admit to either.
I would like to share my perspective. I am in no way applying this to Kate or any specific person.
There are those who claim Christianity, but it is not the traditional Christianity. Most would agree we go to Church to confess our sins and to affirm our belief in God and Jesus in a variety of ways. Others have a different agenda. They are there to ask for what they want. They believe God will bless them with both tangible and intangible gifts if they give to God first.
For example, they might have prayed and prayed for their financial situation to improve and have decided since they gave God their last dollar in the offering plate, God has promised to fix their problem. There are many different versions of this 'prosperity gospel'.
The common feature is that in the end, the worshiper comes out ahead because he believed God would reward faithfulness with really good blessings.
That is the crux of their faith. God gives me abundance when I give God all I have, tangibly speaking. Traditional Christianity asks us to give heart and soul and mind to God and to love our neighbor, and there may not be an actual reward we can put our finger on. Sometimes the reward is found in the relationship alone, as I personally believe it should be. I refuse to even hold heaven as a carrot for Christians.
Give, love, respect, believe without a thought for what you will receive in return, now or later. That is the heart of the Christian.
This sermonette went on much longer than I intended, but the upshot of it is that narcissists and others may believe, but it may not be in the way we might hope.
Slightly OT, but did anyone else notice the size of the bales of "straw" the kids were sitting on in the family fall pictures? I lifted one for the first time last spring and they're heavy - there's NO WAY the boys moved them without adult help. I also noticed that Kate's hair in the photos looked much thicker and longer than the usual thin, straw-like, stuff we see. It looks to me like she used some clip-in extensions for the photo shoot.
I've never had chili with corn in it and always rinse the beans. How watery would that be with 4 cans of not drained items? I like thick chili with some cheese and sour cream on top. And who doesn't already have a chili recipe? I think it's as common as meatloaf and spaghetti.
Dannysister: I too like certain food thick, chili one of them. My grandfather always said that good soup was the kind you can stand a spoon in it. Stew, potato soup, lentil soup, spaghetti, any soup that is to be thick, you can stand a spoon in it. I like soupy soup to have lots of noodles in it.
and yes Kates chili thing has way too much salt in it, in fact most of the stuff she makes has too much salt in it. I think the only one in that house who eats organic is Kate, from what Kate makes the kids, is not organic, may have a little organic in in it, but it is not 100% organic, so if she ever says her kids eat organic, that is only half true.
There are so many kinds of chili. Brown chili, which is the kind most people I know eat. Red chili, which is more popular on the East Coast. White chili. Chili with beans. Chili without beans. Meatless chili.
When friends say they are fixing chili, the only assumption I can make about it is that I probably won't like it. Now, if they called it Bean Dip or something else, I might be more tolerant of it. I've had so much truly bad chili in my life I have just sworn it off totally.
I like my chili a bit loose because I discovered Chili Mac when I moved here. I believe it originated in Ohio with Skyline chili? but a local chain called Hard Times Cafe (OMG, terrific chili mixes!) does the Chili Mac which is chili over pasta. You can add cheese, onions, sour cream.. it's so damn good!
I make chili many different ways. Sometimes I use a mix (see above) and sometimes I have a go on my own to put my twist on it.
Chili can be made so many different ways, but I have to wince just a bit when someone puts corn and salad dressing in it.
Hey, it may taste good, but it's quite unorthodox.
Then again, a Texan would "scoff" at me for adding beans!
Lake said...
This whining about how stressed she is really makes me feel like I should be stressed out, but you know what? I'm not. Kate could learn to just go with it some day's it's honestly not all that bad.
I agree Lake! I know I only have the one kid, but there are other things on my plate. I'm not comparing problems, we all have things on our plate, the thing is, we try & manage them as easily as we can. No one needs to be the Super-Mommy or Hero or the martyr, ya know?
Saturday, we held a Moore*Mart function (for more info on Moore*Mart, go to MooreMart.org). We donate packages & supplies badly needed to troops overseas... Anyway! The function was superfun & last minute, my husband, son & I decided we were going to have a "flea market" table. We were going to have a yard sale this year, but it never happened, so in lieu of, we had our table there. We sold tons of stuff, & all our proceeds went to Moore Mart.
Was it a process getting our crap together in 2 days? Yep, especially after falling down the damn stairs. (klutz), but we made it fun. Not once did I hear a complaint. And we did pretty well donating, + we got rid of so much clutter! We have cleared so much space (to add more junk!)
Kate makes everything hard because she loves surrounding herself w/ drama. I used to hear it all the time bartending. Ugh. It's boring & probably a big reason she doesn't have real friends-well, another reason. And notice how when she goes to NYC, she eats w/ her hairdresser?
I'm friends w/ my hairdresser too, but I have lots of other friends. Kate has NO friends to go out w/ in PA. How sad is that? The chick needs girlfriends. Not fake twitter adorers. Or Steve. She shit on everyone on the way up & now she has nobody at the bottom.
*remember! mooremart.org :)
~HC~ aka Jenna (thanks for letting me rant)
I'll check tomorrow. I had 2 doctor appts. today, then pick up son from school, homework time, dinner, now I'm off to write.
Tomorrow is a free day! :) I'm sure I got it though!
Rachel Ray has a turkey chili with corn recipe:
Not saying Kate copied that recipe, just mentioning for the folks who say they've never heard of corn in chili. There are several chili recipes that include corn.
Admin, thanks for the new post. Interesting.
More detailed, interesting statistics from the survey available here:
That one statement you listed above seems misleading, especially if this survey was conducted with only Girl Scouts (not including non-Girl Scout girls). Participating in Girl Scouts would influence these girls' perceptions of themselves as leaders and role models, as many of the activities I recall as a Girl Scout, myself, related to community service and character-building. If they were all Girl Scouts, I can see why more than 60% (total surveyed) view themselves as leaders or role models. I'd like to see a comparison with non-Girl Scout girls (or split the information into two categories if they did) to see if Girl Scouts was an influential factor of that particular statistic.
Anyway, it is troubling to see that reality tv is leaving an impression on influential girls. Some probably perceive this as normal adult women behavior, especially when you see this type of behavior among many reality tv show women. It's scary to think how our younger generation of girls will grow-up and possibly emulate this behavior in real life, thinking it's normal.
We're concerned about the rise in bullying in schools but it doesn't help in combating it when it's prevalent among reality tv. It's sending a message that bullying and teasing is okay because these reality tv adults do it too.
Gosselin kid rating: solid 8 (I loved it and ate so much of it! ;)
Kate must have read the complaints about how she rarely eats what she makes for the kids.
I'm friends w/ my hairdresser too, but I have lots of other friends. Kate has NO friends to go out w/ in PA.
Well, she hasn't called me, and Bigfan has certainly invited her to hang out several times!
Ha, several of us have posted that Khate's recipe posts should include photos, and now she's finally done that. Good, now she's going to have to actually make every BS recipe she posts, so she can take pics. I haven't seen the pics yet; I'm waiting for Google to get a snapshot of it and then I'll check out the cached shot, so she doesn't get a hit from me.
Okay, I thought she has to make a decent chili recipe, so I expected something at least average. But, I have to say that I've never heard of a chili recipe with Italian salad dressing. Maybe it's just me, but it sounds gross. Also, she says "Add raw ground turkey and half cup of italian dressing and brown turkey throughout.". Well, how do you brown the turkey in a half cup of salad dressing?? You would have to brown it first, and then add the dressing (which I still think is odd and gross).
Also, the butter isn't necessary. I never use it to saute onions and garlic. Just stick with the olive oil and that's enough, no need to add butter to it. Also, is that a tablespoon of minced garlic from the jar? Ugh, please use fresh garlic; it takes just a minute to peel a couple of cloves and chop them up. As far as the beans I think it's absolutely disgusting not to rinse and drain them. Ick. I believe Rachael Ray always did that (or does, I haven't seen her in years). It's just wrong and gross. I'm not a big fan of corn in chili either, but if you're going to use it, frozen is much better than canned. If you are going to use the can, at least drain it.
Dumping the salsa in is also not something I would do. But, Khate just loves all her canned, jarred, boxed products, doesn't she? Most good chili recipes call for a can of diced tomatoes and your own spices, not some jarred salsa. Speaking of spices, she really is WAY off on her amounts and conversions as far as dried v fresh spices (3 TBSP dried cilantro?)! She's just totally clueless!
In conclusion, Khate really is NOT much of a cook at all. She is lazy, unoriginal, and still has not produced any creative, unique, healthful meals despite her proclamations to eat and feed her kids healthy and organic as much as possible. If she's trying to parlay this loser blog into something more, she better not be holding her breath because it really is a very lame, pitiful attempt. I have seen so many foodie and mom blogs that are light years better than her site in both content and appearance.
Dumping the salsa in is also not something I would do. But, Khate just loves all her canned, jarred, boxed products, doesn't she? Most good chili recipes call for a can of diced tomatoes and your own spices, not some jarred salsa.
I was wondering about that. I was going to make this, but the salsa kind of "stumped" me. I guess we, here in SE PA, have our way of doing things! Is it common to add salsa to chili? I use canned stewed or diced tomatoes. Does salsa make the chili really spicy?
Sorry - I didn't have time to go back and read all of the posts. Is it Fido who doesn't like chili? Come taste mine...I think I can convert you! I never really liked it, either, didn't grow up on it (our meals consisted of the traditional PA Dutch foods, chicken pot pie, creamed chipped beef, pig's stomach, rivel soup, corn fritters, green tomato chow-chow)...BUT after I tasted the chili served at our school's annual chili cook-off, I was sold.
Try it, you'll like it - just let me know when you'll be here, and I promise that I won't serve scrapple or tripe with it, but maybe some shoo-fly pie or rhubarb pie for dessert!
I'm not crazy about chili either but I think that's because there is a lot of bad chili out there. We have a chili cook off every summer and it's the best of the best chili out there and that I could eat all day. When I feel like being unhealthy I love to pile on some sharp cheddar cheese and onions and sour cream....omg.
I'm not crazy about making chili myself but I do have to say that ground turkey is a great protein that so much can be done with, and healthier than ground beef. A lot of the recipes from Biggest Loser with ground turkey look delicious. There was one I think just the other week that was sweet peppers stuffed with ground turkey and some other things....yum.
Leave out the salsa. Control the heat yourself through spices and real chili peppers. I don't like the idea of canned goods thrown into my food. Generally they are full of salt and other preservatives. I want to be able to control the salt level and so on. And, most of the time, they do not taste better. I don't even buy canned beans anyone after I decided I liked the taste of my own. My mom keeps telling me it's all this extra work and why do that to myself. I keep telling her it's not extra work at all. Soak the bean before you go to work. You can work through it! Throw them in a rice cooker when you get home, do what you like, and a little more than an hour later they're done. That's not hard.
OK, all this talk of chili has me ready to make some! Tonight I made a dish with pork tenderloin. The tenderloin comes 2 to a pack, so I have one left over after tonight's dinner. So it's going to turn into pork chili, lots of beans, onions, tomatoes, bell peppers and Hard Times Cincinnati Chili mix. I'll probably throw a Yeungling lager in there too ;-)
I'll probably throw a Yeungling lager in there too ;-)
Forget the chili. Just give me the lager...or two!
My two cents. When making turkey chili I mix in turkey sausage (out of the casing). Adds a lot of flavor and is lean like the turkey breast . So good.
One thing I've heard people do is mix one part ground beef with two parts turkey. That way you're still getting the flavor and juiciness of the beef but you get mostly the more healthy ground turkey.
Now I kinda want chili too....but we're having Chinese tonight....on a Monday.....to celebrate one week since Chinese-food gate? Nah, not for any particular reason other than it's a great night to get it since it's always ready in five minutes.
Totally OT:
I'm sorry I can't remember who gave the recipe for bundt pan chicken, but I made it last night and it got rave reviews (11+). I used carrots, potatoes, onions and parsnips. Very delish!
And since we are having such a convo about chili, I will say that I have never heard of putting basil in chili. I cooked professionally for 20 years and basil in chili sounds gross. One place I worked at did put corn in their vegetarian chili and people either loved it or hated it.
Chinesefoodgate put us in the mood, too - it was our dinner last night.
I'm guessing maybe basil might work, since basil pairs well with tomatoes. But it might leave your tongue confused thinking you're eating chili mixed with an Italians pasta sauce, which I don't like the idea of.
In another life I would have gone to culinary school. I love hearing all these new ideas.
bearswife, not only is basil wrong for chili, but to use dried does not hold a candle to the real thing. Some herbs translate well after drying. Basil and cilantro are not two of them. One in no way resembles the other.
I'd probably enjoy corn in chili. Just love the stuff.
Last night I pulled out a quart of cheddar corn chowder (Ina Garten's) that I'd made and froze over the summer. That and a grilled ham and cheese sandwich was such a comfort meal.
Generally, in season, I eat corn at a 2:1 ratio with my husband. 2 cobs for me, 1 for him. Man, I love it.
Thank goodness it freezes well and can be used year round.
As a Texan (now living in Georgia), I have to say, IMO, it's soooooooooooo wrong to put beans in chili. I do realize it has everything to do with where I was raised & what I consider chili. I'd share a recipe, but in my house, I'm not allowed to make the chili, that's hubby's dept. He won several chili cookoffs at the bar I worked at. It's more like a mad scientist experiment than a recipe. I just get everything on his list at the store for him and stay outta the kitchen until it's done. All I know for sure is it has 3 kinds of meat in it, 4 kinds of peppers, takes all day to cook and is AMAZING!
So far all of Kate's recipes sound like rip offs from Rachel Ray & Sandra Lee....30 minutes or less and fun ways to use canned/processed food & glue it all together with cheese.
This time of year I always start craving comfort food! We have this lovely thick fog all day today and all I wanted was grilled cheese and some kind of chowder! Love corn chowder, clam, all the chowders.
So far all of Kate's recipes sound like rip offs from Rachel Ray & Sandra Lee....30 minutes or less and fun ways to use canned/processed food & glue it all together with cheese.
Which is why I can't stand Rachel Ray and her 19.99 fleecing America with her garbage bowl. Really, people? Pull your garbage over to your workstation. Waa-la, instant garbage bowl for free!
Anger Issues Kate - My mom used to make something similar. We use something like a top round roast, have the butcher slice it as thin as possible. Then pound each piece as you go. Line each slice w/ bacon and some slices onion, a little pepper, roll up and hold with toothpicks. Brown in a saute pan. Then in a casserole or dutch oven put them in the oven to cook with some beef broth. They smell so good cooking. Thicken the sauce when done to make a gravy. We just called them roll ups, served w/ mashed potatoes.
This time of year I always start craving comfort food! We have this lovely thick fog all day today and all I wanted was grilled cheese and some kind of chowder! Love corn chowder, clam, all the chowders.
LOL, Admin! We didn't have fog today, but it was a bit drizzly and cloudy some of the day, and I had this terrible craving for corn chowder. I didn't have time to make it, so I stopped at a local restaurant that makes an amazing chowder and bought a quart!
I knew a Texan would chime in about beans in chili!! I know, it's anathema in the Lone Star State.
I respect that ;-)
Tucker's Mom....
I know I know. I think it's something that we Texans are brainwashed with. Anytime someone says "chili", we have to shout back "NO beans!".
There are very specific things my hubby is in charge of cooking. Chili is one, smoking a brisket is another. Now that we live in Georgia, where "bbq" means pork, pork, more pork and only pork...he's made it his personal mission to introduce as many Georgians as possible to Texas bbq=smoked brisket.
I still don't get Brunswick Stew here in Georgia. IMO it's just gross & what the hell is in it anyway?????
Tucker's Mom said...
Last night I pulled out a quart of cheddar corn chowder (Ina Garten's) that I'd made and froze over the summer. That and a grilled ham and cheese sandwich was such a comfort meal.
That sounds so, so good! I must do that soon!
steff said...
So far all of Kate's recipes sound like rip offs from Rachel Ray & Sandra Lee....30 minutes or less and fun ways to use canned/processed food & glue it all together with cheese.
Exactly! That is a perfect way to sum up Khate's offerings so far! Well, we all know she is delusional and not good at much (anything), so why are we surprised that she has always claimed to be such a good cook?
Hey, Khate, your cooking and your recipes are BELOW MEDIOCRE!!
I still don't get Brunswick Stew here in Georgia. IMO it's just gross & what the hell is in it anyway?????
Pump up your BB gun, shoot yourself a squirrel, throw it in a pot and be a real Georgian ;-)
I became familiar with Brunswick stew when I lived in Richmond, VA. I'v made it with chicken and it can be a really tasty, hearty stew. People sure are passionate about it.
PS...my chili with 2-3 types of beans would make your DH apoplectic!!
forgot to add, Richmond, VA has a Brunswick Stew festival every year (Nov. 5th). It's amazing with a couple dozen stews to try, and you would be a Brunswick Stew convert!
Well, she's back tweeting away. She had to scroll all the way back through the tweets to find this one from eleven hours ago, just to let everyone know where she's running:
patrailrunner Notgonnatellya
@Kateplusmy8 Hi Kate, I heard you are trainign to do a 1/2 Marathon - will it be one here in PA?
11 hours ago
in reply to @patrailrunner ↑
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@patrailrunner nope! Running in the warm weather, of course :)
6 minutes ago
THIS is the ONLY reason she mentioned making Christmas gifts yesterday. I had noticed that a sheeple had tweeted about sending her Christmas gifts, so that is way Khate mentioned making the Christmas gifts. She wants to make sure they all are planning to send gifts to her. She will never get off Twitter before the end of the year because she wants them to all send gifts. This is SO TACKY! Why doesn't she politely reply a thanks, but no thanks. ("We appreciate the thought, but it's not necessary. If anything, please donate to a favorite charity.")
sminer22 Shannon Miner
@Kateplusmy8 Hi- how do we send gifts w/o ur address? I would love to send a surprise!
11 hours ago
in reply to @sminer22 ↑
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@sminer22 aww lol. Ask @BarbGilmer for my address. She will give it to you! So sweet of you. :) thx! U guys make me smile- thanks for that!
6 minutes ago
My grandfather created his chili recipe in the 1950s. It involves browned sirloin, Ro-Tel, onion, chili powder, cumin, cayenne, and beer. Then masa flour at the end to thicken. Never any beans!
It's to die for. We put a smidge of grated cheddar and sour cream and have it with super cold beer. Serving it over rice isn't unheard of, either. If you get the heat too high, that helps.
Still pushing Mady into being a Disney STAH. I'm surprised she doesn't include Disney Channel in her reply tweets:
plus8fan LUCY 3
@Kateplusmy8 i had the funniest/cutest dream last night, the new disney stars, MADY AND ALEXIS! they had their own show, it was amazing
29 minutes ago
in reply to @plus8fan ↑
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@plus8fan wow! That'd be a hoot! U can't believe Madys talent! It makes me laugh constantly and Alexis too!:)
9 minutes ago
Dallas lady, masa harina is a great "secret" ingredient that I add as a slurry at the end of cooking to thicken and give it that corn tamale taste.
Shhhh.... don't tell Kate.
And oh em gee, she's enthusiastic about accepting gifts from her lemmings, isn't she?
No shame. No shame at all.
If y'all want to send me Xmas gifts, you can get my address from one of my sycophants. Wait... I don't have any sycophants.
Poor, poor Khate, she said such a hard day:
jenlygstevens80 Jenny Stevens
@Kateplusmy8 watching jk+8(Netflix) (my3y/o luvs ur kids)ur talkin abt ur kids,its ez to c,while its frustrating,u have amazing luv 4 them!
33 minutes ago
in reply to @jenlygstevens80 ↑
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@jenlygstevens80 I sure do! All worth it! Even after a hairy day/ night like this one was! :)
21 minutes ago
OMG, she actually is pandering for Christmas gifts. Why couldn't she say donate in our names to Toys for Tots or find a local organization that gives out gifts to NEEDY children? Just today I saw a simple puter print out sign at our corner store asking for donations of gently used toys & stuffed animals early so they can be cleaned & repaired for Xmas. Our local fire dept collects used bikes all year, a local bike shop volunteers the time to repair/repaint them, the firemen with volunteers from our community deliver the bikes & gifts to NEEDY children.
Kate isn't even a typical giving citizen much less a generous "star". It's just disgusting.
OT, I'm not going to say anything, because of West Coast but suffice it to say Max may be in HOT water on DWTS. I think he crossed the line.
Also, I have never heard of any other celebrity being so solicitous of her fans - she baits them to give her stuff. Half of them may not even be able to afford it. I hope she does something nice for BG, expecting her to do that for her. There is only one person with anything to lose in that deal. I remember last week BG was having a really bad day and tried to convey that to her and it just right over her little teeny tiny head.
Can you imagine someone asking Kim Kardarshian for her private mailing address so she could her a surprise? Oh, yay, I can't give it to you but I somebody that will. No likely.
I challenge everyone to find another celebrity who has so freely and continuously accepted gifts from their fans . I am confident that the vast majority of celebs would indeed say thanks but please, do donate to your favorite charity. I think the twins are only a few years away from saying that very thing, they are sure to get there way before Kate does.
And you cannot say this is about Kate surviving. Cereal freebies is one thing. But toys and other Christmas junk is by no means a necessity. If the woman can afford bikes I'm sure she can give the kids a lovely Christmas without some sheeple's help. Shame on her for not donating every last toy to charity. Even Joan Crawford only allowed her child to accept one gift from fans, the rest were donated. Gosh Kate, Joan Crawford does it better than you.
Not to mention, she's going to spoil these kids into expecting that in addition to regular Christmas gifts from family and friends they should expect some bonus gifts from strangers. Will they stomp their feet when the freebies stop in a year or two? So gross.
. Half of them may not even be able to afford it.
I know. That makes me absolutely sick. We all know how this economy is and I don't have a lot of confidence that most of her sheeple are millionaires or are even scraping by. It makes me furious that someone would DEFRAUD them into giving up their last few pennies. That's right I said defraud. Representing your financial situation as something that it is not is FRAUD. Has anyone tweeted Kate to ask her to think about the financial situations of her fans?
You know, Kate, if Mady is really talented (in what I don't know) there is a show called America's Got Talent that has try-outs all over the country. Young children have been in the Top 10 and even the Top 5 many times. That would be a place for Kate's Most Talented to hear about the reality of her talent and whether or not there is a future for her. One girl yodeled her way into the top 3. One girl opera
sang herself into second place. Young boys danced into the semifinals.
If Mady has talent, that would be a great chance
for her to let everyone know. There may be an entry fee, and there's the airfare and hotel, but that shouldn't be a problem, should it?
Of course, anything Mady might earn from this show should be hers, all hers, right Kate?
Lorna Luft, Judy Garland's daughter is supposed to be on Joy Behar tonight. She's talking about her mother and the Michael Jackson trial and how bad it is for children to be a commodity! Anyone know someone who uses their children as a commodity? Anyone?
You know what is odd to me as well is that for as much as Kate cares about appearances, doesn't she see that the grifting and practically drooling for freebies make her look very, very embarrassing? She looks like a beggar, it's hard to watch. She should be embarrassed. Shame is unattractive.
She is so obsessed with physical appearance and yet doesn't seem to feel one ounce of shame.
Sorry for sloppy post - just had a commercial break there.
Has anyone tweeted Kate to ask her to think about the financial situations of her fans?
This reminds me of The Osbourne's years ago when their show was on. One episode was about fans bidding to get to spend a day with Ozzie. Come to the house, see his studio, meet him.
Sharon O. had misgivings about the whole thing because she knew that rabid fans would hock their own mother to get the opportunity to meet Ozzie and hang for a while.
Sure enough, the idiot woman who won spent her last dime and then some to win.
People will give any amount of money, even more than they can afford, to connect with their idols on any level they can, which is what I feel these fans are doing with Kate.
I don't think that most of them are giving out of charity. I think they're giving for the connection they make with Kate, her family and the celebrity cache she has. It makes the fans feel important and like an insider of sorts. Bragging rights even.
Administrator said...
Can you imagine someone asking Kim Kardarshian for her private mailing address so she could her a surprise? Oh, yay, I can't give it to you but I somebody that will. No likely.
I wouldn't be surprised here. Given Kate's attitude and how she reacts to receiving gifts and how she yaks on about her fans sending her things. Kids pick up on how parents act, the mimic parents in behavior for what is appropriate or not. If Kate stamps her feet, more or less when she doesn't get her way, come on, you have to wonder how her kids are going to re act. Pout, complain all about it, just like she does!
As far as being embarassed, she just does not seem ever to be so. She seems to rather I think maybe gloat about it. It's sick and wrong and there is possibly no help for her because their isn't a cure for what she's got-- Narcissistic Controlled Paraoid Stupidity!
I just saw the preview for next year's Real Housewives.
RUSSEL ARMSTRONG is in it. They are shown eating a meal together and talking about a tabloid.
I find this outrageous and deplorable. The man is dead. He committed suicide just a few weeks after her told the media the show was stressful. His family asked that no footage be shown. He has a five year old. It's disgusting.
I mean this as no disrespect for huge fans, because some people are very normal people. But let's face it there are some so obsessed they would do anything, like you said Tucker raiding their mother for money. Or perhaps their life savings, retirement accounts, God knows what.
At what point do you ask yourself as a celebrity is it right to suggest opportunities for these people to give every last dime. Similar to how I bet you a lot of people wouldn't be morally okay with selling some stupi expensive product on TV they know full well no one really needs and only suckers buy. There are many people who would save give me something worthwhile to sell or I want nothing to do with it.
It's an interesting moral question, what obligation does a celeb owe to their financially strapped fans who would disregard their own needs and spend every last dime on their celeb. It's a question Sharon Osbourne pondered, and good for her. Who by the way is a wonderful lady according to someone I know who knows her.
I just looked at the Vegas marathon web site. Kate says she wants to do this in warm weather. The race is being run at night. It will likely be quite cool.
And on the first marathon web site to come up, I counted at least three marathons in the past few months in PA, one in Lancaster on October 1!!!
She has several opportunities to run marathons or half marathons in her own backyard, she just wants a free trip out west and more importantly, a weekend getaway away from the kids.
Mmmm... scrapple. In the Neighborhood, if you're making scrapple I'll be there. I should be in Berks this weekend. Should I bring you a gift card?
My mother makes a good mild chili with hamburger, kidney beans, tomatos, and a few seasonings. Not hot though. We're PA Dutch too and don't know what to do with hot seasoning.
I havent read all the posts yet, so I apologize if someone has already posted this.
This cannot possibly be Katie's recipe. The spelling and measurments are readable, as is the spelling. The ingredients are organized and things are concise. She absolutely plagerized this, nearly word for word, from somewhere, perhaps an old congregation fundraiser cookbook from years ago. I have a lot of those and I love them. And her idea of homemade corn bread is a Jiffy mix that she dumped another can of that corn in.
I worry about girls and young women watching these faux reality shows with screaming banshee women on them. This behavior will get a grown woman nowhere in a corporate board room, as a Supreme Court Justice, as a physician in a private practice, as a university professor, or any of the other things we aspire for our daughters. And let's face it, the world of product buying consumers can only financially support just so many Kardashian tramps.
Media-strutting is not a long term career option, unless you can use it as a temporary stepping stone. But that requires either hard work or brains, neither of which Katie Irene is inclined towards.
Mmmm... scrapple. In the Neighborhood, if you're making scrapple I'll be there. I should be in Berks this weekend. Should I bring you a gift card?
My mother makes a good mild chili with hamburger, kidney beans, tomatos, and a few seasonings. Not hot though. We're PA Dutch too and don't know what to do with hot seasoning.
Jeanne - you're right about that. Hot seasoning isn't in our history! Let's just cook with lard, fry everything, eat scrapple with syrup, raw fried potatoes, brown butter noodles and spaetzle, and we're happy campers. You're invited for scrapple. No need to bring a gift card. We Lancaster Countians aren't grifters...except for the one who deflected to Berks County! I don't know what went wrong with her genetics.
Kate tweeted a little while ago:
@demiley_92 you just never know where I'll turn up! I'd love love love to turn up in Australia, I so wish! :)
What the heck does this mean? Is she, or is she not going to Australia?
@ amyf and @ hey jude: I posted you back. :)
@ KyPastor: Thank you for the 'sermonette'. I have had exposure to the concept of 'prosperity gospel' but I struggle with understanding it. Most folks I have met seem to me to be using this as an excuse to flaunt and fixate on material possessions.
I am Lutheran and years ago I attended a multi-denominational event. A 'bishop' of a protestant denomination different than mine actually LAUGHED out loud at our Pastor's new, self purchased little gas efficient car. Of course the other guy was driving a huge Lincoln Towne Car with all the bells, whistles and luxuries, and began with some kind of explanation that kept refering to the words "prosperity gospel" and ended up by saying that since his car was bigger and better, it means his faith is bigger and better than OUR Pastor's faith, since God clearly rewarded them as He did. The 'bishop' had me agreeing with him, until I walked away and tried to process it all, and it just all fell apart in my mind. I keep trying to educate myself and learn of others' beliefs, but sometimes it is hard for me to be open minded. So I appreciate your words.
Rest assured there are many churches out there who are not afraid to outright say that not only is the prosperity gospel inconsistent with what the Bible says (the Bible says in this world you WILL have trouble, not that everything will be wonderful and work out), but they will outright say Joel Olstein's theology is not welcome there. That's one thing I really respect about my church, taking a stand against this even if it means some people are turned off. Kate's talk about faith is very "prosperity gospel-ish" i.e. the paper towels just appeared as soon as we prayed hard enough! And that has bugged me since before I knew what she was always about.
Wow, I just came back to the laptop and I had another tab open to her Twitter and saw that she's tweeting up a storm. After tweeting a little bit earlier, she had seemingly left for the night at around 9:30. But, she came back at around 11 PM and sent 40 tweets in the last half hour. I'm sure that really thrilled and excited her five or six sheeple.
Hmmmm, reaching back into my culinary history you would find Yorkshire Pudding, beefsteak and kidney pie..... with absolutely no spices or herbs within 50 yards of the kitchen. Absolutely everything was baked, broiled, boiled or poached. My mom had no idea how to use a frying pan or a skillet.
My sister, who ate everything under the sun except hotdogs and bologna without complaint, would have to leave the table when Mom served the steak and kidney pie. Brother, on the other hand, loved it.
Downeaster Alexa said...
Kate tweeted a little while ago:
@demiley_92 you just never know where I'll turn up! I'd love love love to turn up in Australia, I so wish! :)
What the heck does this mean? Is she, or is she not going to Australia?
She's going. She's committed to at least the lunch at that hotel. This is a classic case of the games Kate likes to play. Keep them guessing, will she or will she not go. Is she? Is she not? Sometimes it's best to keep things a secret but not every darn thing has to be a strip tease. In this case since the cat is already out of the bag wouldn't it make MORE sense for Kate to be tweeting up a storm about the charity and how she'll be in Australia in just a few short weeks and for everyone to please donate? That makes a heck of a lot more sense to me than these ridiculous games she just loves to do. But that's how she gets off, games not only with her children and other people in her life but with a bunch of strangers on twitter. It's really quite sad.
Sheesh.......times are tough if the only thing bloggers can focus on is a lame, too much salt, disgusting recipe of that disgusting pretend mother.
Hasn't Kate played enough of her idiotic mind games for her sheeple to not fall for it? I mean really. After first and second time you'd think they'd be smart and learn the second time.
And this game of will I or I won't is getting old. That's the kind of crap you pull in middle school or high school not when you are 36. That's when it gets desperate and just down right creepy!
Administrator, I believe we are members of the same denomination. The Prosperity Gospel does not fit our belief system at all.
Ky maybe so. :) I tend to agree with what you say about faith. If not for my church I think I might have left the faith by now, so tired I was of being told if I just pray hard enough I'll get what I want and if I don't get what I want, why, your faith must not have been strong enough!
Heck maybe you're my pastor! Do you preach on things people who only think about collection plates think you probably shouldn't preach on, like Revelation, and what the Bible says about gays and slavery? You could be him.
OT but Gimme I have to agree with you, I think Macks crossed the line tonight with his comments. He does have a point in that I don't think evryone is judged fairly. Some are held to a much higher standard than others.
I think Max had really good points about the warped scoring from the judges, but Len is not going to tolerate how Max handled it. I also think Max did it in trying to prove to Hope that he still has faith in her & he's got her back. IMO it was his way of telling her not to give up on herself. But damn it got rather heated & exciting there for a few minutes.
Administrator, I don't think I'm your pastor. I've never been farther west than St. Louis.
However, I'm sure it would be an honor to be.
I got a very severe tongue lashing one Sunday for quoting Martin Luther who once suggested we remove the Book of Revelation from the Bible because it was the source of so much enmity within the church community. Nobody can agree on its meaning especially after all these years.
This sheeple has been trying to find out if Khate received the GIFT she sent, but Khate never acknowledged it, and didn't answer her tweets from earlier tonight. Gee, is it asking too much for Khate to tweet a thank you WITHOUT being prompted and asked about it several times? How hard is it after she receives the gift package to send a thank you tweet to the sheeple?
JeanneKaye Jeanne K
@Kateplusmy8 Hey there Kate, can I ask you a question?
@Kateplusmy8 I rec my book back, THANK YOU SO MUCH! But I sent you something, want to make sure you got it????Please let me know. Worrying!
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@JeanneKaye go for it!
JeanneKaye Jeanne K
@Kateplusmy8 just sent it, do you see it?
JeanneKaye Jeanne K
@Kateplusmy8 Did you see the tweet about the gift? want to make sure u got it, got my signed book back. THANKS!!!
This was a few hours ago, when Khate tweeted and disappeared, leaving them all hanging and figuring she was out for the night.
JeanneKaye Jeanne K
@Kateplusmy8 U still here?
JeanneKaye Jeanne K
@Kateplusmy8 Loved new recipes with the pics and all, Looks cool
JeanneKaye Jeanne K
@Kateplusmy8 Please check email from me when u get a chance. Thanks!!
MiloandJack Fired Up 4 Kate
@JeanneKaye @Kateplusmy8 She left us again! LOL 10 tweets & then outta here! I need a twitter lasso 2 catch her!
JeanneKaye Jeanne K
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 I know, I have been trying to ask her about the mail I sent and cannot get an answer. :( frustrating
MiloandJack Fired Up 4 Kate
@Kateplusmy8 @JeanneKaye LOL...Jeanne...Kate's "go for it" generally gets lost. I tried that yesterday! Ha..2 many tweets 2 keep up with!
JeanneKaye Jeanne K
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 I know, I want to shout, HOLD THE PHONE, let her answer. LOL
@JeanneKaye @MiloandJack Somehow I can relate. LOL!
JeanneKaye Jeanne K
@IwanaInspireU @MiloandJack It stinks. LOL :)
MiloandJack Fired Up 4 Kate
@JeanneKaye @Kateplusmy8 I hear ya....I think Kate just gets overwhelmed w/mail...e-mails...us tweeting. She really needs an assistant!
JeanneKaye Jeanne K
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 I'm sure and i am not trying to bug her, but sent her a lil something and wants to make sure she got, no acknow
JeanneKaye Jeanne K
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 I think maybe two, she should hire us. LOL
JeanneKaye Jeanne K
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 Last night I raised my hand, tonight I asked if I could ask. Ha Ha. Still didnt work.... Bummer!!
MiloandJack Fired Up 4 Kate
@JeanneKaye @Kateplusmy8 I know....its difficult because she has so much on her mind & I think she 4gets who she acknowledged, etc.
JeanneKaye Jeanne K
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 I dont know why, it's not like she has 8 kids, a house to run or anything. LOL, I am sure she just didnt get mine
MiloandJack Fired Up 4 Kate
@JeanneKaye @Kateplusmy8 We need a secret coded e-mail 2 get her attn.! Something 2 flag her down! LOL
JeanneKaye Jeanne K
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 AGREED!!!
MiloandJack Fired Up 4 Kate
@JeanneKaye @Kateplusmy8 I did the same thing...tried 2 send pic of hubby w/his new toy 4 her 2 see. I don't think she ever saw it.
JeanneKaye Jeanne K
@MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 @IwanaInspireU , she just needs to put us at the top of the list. :) after all we are her #1 fans. WOOHOO!
@JeanneKaye @MiloandJack It does...especially not even getting an innocent Happy Birthday tweet from her. Oh well. {shrug}
JeanneKaye Jeanne K
@IwanaInspireU @MiloandJack Awwh, sorry, well happy birthday even though I am late, but after all, we did just meet. :)
fidosmommy said... You know, Kate, if Mady is really talented (in what I don't know) there is a show called America's Got Talent that has try-outs all over the country. Young children have been in the Top 10 and even the Top 5 many times. That would be a place for Kate's Most Talented to hear about the reality of her talent and whether or not there is a future for her. One girl yodeled her way into the top 3. One girl opera sang herself into second place. Young boys danced into the semifinals.
Ah, but that is such a mediocre way to get fame! Since Mady and Alexis are KATE GOSSELIN'S children they are above that, and will only accept Disney. ;)
So, after making excuses for poor, busy Khate, who can't even acknowledge when she receives a gift package with a quick tweet, they decide that she probably is not coming back after silence for about an hour and a half. It was about 11 PM and they all began to say goodnight to each other:
JeanneKaye Jeanne K
@Kateplusmy8 Hey Houdini, I mean Kate..LOL where did ya go? Do we need to get a search party for ya?
Well guys think im calling it a night in a few mins. An early rise and shine for me like always! GN
JeanneKaye Jeanne K
@BarbGilmer Nite Barb, will continue prayers for your friend.
@JeanneKaye @MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 Well, Im out peoples. Time 2 get some work done.Got deadlines to meet.Catch y'all again. GN to Kate 2.
JeanneKaye Jeanne K
@IwanaInspireU @MiloandJack @Kateplusmy8 Goodnight to you too!
MiloandJack Fired Up 4 Kate
@IwanaInspireU @JeanneKaye @Kateplusmy8 Gnite Man! I just went & got me some vanilla ice cream! Gotta get my curves back! LOL
JeanneKaye Jeanne K
@MiloandJack @IwanaInspireU @Kateplusmy8 Yummy!!
MiloandJack Fired Up 4 Kate
@JeanneKaye @IwanaInspireU @Kateplusmy8 Well...I figure if Im gonna wait on Ur Highness Kate the great...might as well enjoy myself! LOL
JeanneKaye Jeanne K
@MiloandJack @IwanaInspireU @Kateplusmy8 I just had some bbq chips, now I have a stomach ache. OWWW..
So, after tweeting and disappearing for about an hour and a half (between 9:30 and 11 PM), Khate pops back onto Twitter after most of them have tweeted their goodnights. I bet she was watching them all talk about how she never acknowledged Jeanne's gift. Khate pops back on and replies to Milo's goodnight tweet:
@MiloandJack Fired Up 4 Kate
@Kateplusmy8 Gnite Kate...looks like something else caught ur attn 2nite. Get some sleep & maybe we'll catch U 2morrow! Gnite everyone!
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@MiloandJack no. I'm back. Been in tweety prison following a phone call, sorry.
Then, Khate decided to FINALLY answer Jeanne's question about the gift, BUT she plays stupid and asks her what her question is - as if she hadn't scrolled back and seen all the tweets about it, or been watching it to begin with:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@JeanneKaye @MiloandJack @IwanaInspireU ok so what's ur question, Jeanne?
JeanneKaye Jeanne K
@Kateplusmy8 @MiloandJack @IwanaInspireU just wondering if you got my gift? I sent with book to sign and got book back today. THANK YOU!!
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@JeanneKaye @MiloandJack @IwanaInspireU no, THANKYOU!!!! sorry- if forgot a thx!How rude of me! :( oops!Did u get my note tho?:)
JeanneKaye Jeanne K
@Kateplusmy8 @MiloandJack @IwanaInspireU No, didnt see a note, will doublecheck though.
JeanneKaye Jeanne K
@Kateplusmy8 I am sorry too, I just went through the book and found it. Thanks. so glad you got it!! :) You rock!!
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@JeanneKaye I write notes in case I forget to send a thank you ;)
JeanneKaye Jeanne K
@Kateplusmy8 I'm framin that puppy. LOL
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@JeanneKaye ha ha! Funny girl!
Khate is the one who started the Australia Zoo talk again tonight because SHE retweeted a tweet from the Zoo. She WANTS to tease the sheeple and have them ask her about it:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
RT @AustraliaZoo Just 20days til Steve Irwin Day.We've gotheaps of conservation tips&fundraisingideas 2get u going ow.ly/77L9e YAY!
@Kateplusmy8 does that mean you are coming back to australia? x
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@demiley_92 you just never know where I'll turn up! I'd love love love to turn up in Australia, I so wish! :)
I figured Jeanne was a teenager. No, she's a grandmother. Ye gads.
Halloween isn't even here yet, but Kart is already grifting for Christmas. No TLC paid gifts this year. She's grifting early to put presents under the tree and to fill up all the Christmas stockings. Christmas isn't coming if she has to pay for it. I expect the birthday grifting to start right after New Years.
Narcissist - you follow the tweets. Any idea what Iwana did that Kate is avoiding him? Does she ever tweet him? I noticed that he was looking for a happy birthday tweet, but apparently never got it.
The grifting sheeple is a teen? That ticks me off even more. Her money should be spent on going to the movies with girlfriends her own age and saving up for college or maybe even buying her first used car at some point. Not on providing Christmas to some D-list celeb's children!
Kate? You're disgusting.
Sue Buddy - I love your posts on Gather! Keep them coming, please. Perhaps ut's time for an article on how Khate uses her "fame" and Twitter to have fans send her gifts. Really, who else does that??
By the way, this latest sheeple is not the only one that I've seen the last several day mentioning sending or planning to send Khate gifts. Some of them are teens and tweens. Really pathetic. Khate's greed obviously outweighs any desire for her to look good and decent, let alone charitable towards others.
Admin, no this Jeanne sheeple is a grandmother. BUT, there are tween and tweens asking for the address because they want to send gifts. Khate replies to just ask her sheeple/unpaid assistant Barb for the address. Plus, we already know that some tweens and tweens have sent gifts already, including that 10 year old in England.
Warmth Of The Sun said...
Narcissist - you follow the tweets. Any idea what Iwana did that Kate is avoiding him? Does she ever tweet him? I noticed that he was looking for a happy birthday tweet, but apparently never got it.
I'm not sure what really caused it, but at one point Iwana was counting the days and complaining that she hadn't even acknowledged him in over a hundred days, (I think that was over a month or so ago). He was hoping she would at least tweet a Happy Birthday tweet a few days ago and I guess she didn't. I don't think he has any idea what caused it either. Khate repeatedly treats the sheeple like crap, yet they excuse it and come back for more! Sick!
Khate just likes to f*ck with people. Sorry, but I just have to put it that way. She gets off on playing mind-f*cking games with everyone, including even her kids. She makes me want to puke.
Administrator said...
The grifting sheeple is a teen? That ticks me off even more. Her money should be spent on going to the movies with girlfriends her own age and saving up for college or maybe even buying her first used car at some point. Not on providing Christmas to some D-list celeb's children!
Kate? You're disgusting.
Are we looking at the same thing? I see a sheep named JeanneKaye wanting Kate to talk to her and say thanks for a gift. JeanneKaye is a grandmother, not a teen. Are you talking about something else, Admin? I'm getting confused, which admittedly doesn't take much nowadays.
Hard to Keep Loving John said...
Sheesh.......times are tough if the only thing bloggers can focus on is a lame, too much salt, disgusting recipe of that disgusting pretend mother.
You have to take it with a grain of salt!
If your ID is in reference to Jon Gosselin, it's spelled JON, short for JONATHAN.
I'm not sure what really caused it, but at one point Iwana was counting the days and complaining that she hadn't even acknowledged him in over a hundred days, (I think that was over a month or so ago).
Thanks. Didn't he meet her in Kentucky, and it was after that when she started ignoring him and he changed his name? I wonder if something happened there. He really doesn't sound like a deranged sheeple by any means.
OT -- I saw Maks go off on Len tonight, but missed the first part of it. What set him off - what did Len say about Hope? Didn't Maks make some rude comments to one of the judges in one of the other seasons?
Plus, we already know that some tweens and tweens have sent gifts already, including that 10 year old in England.
Not to mention the five infamous iPads! Still waiting for the recap from admin! :)
The kids like the Jonas brothers. If the twins wanted to spend all their allowance on gifts for the Jonas' brothers every Christmas and birthday and for no reason at all, would Kate be okay with that?
Kate should admit it, she wouldn't be okay with that. It's not okay for people to be spending all their money on some celeb.
I watched DWTS tonight and saw the exchange between Max and Len also. Max has gone off like that in past seasons. Although Hope is very pretty, I don't think she's into the dancing very much and the chemistry between them is lacking. Max usually receives a lot of attention, but this season Tristan, Nancy's partner, is receiving it. Could be some jealousy also.
What gets me even more than the gifts is the amount of time these tweeters spend worrying about where Kate is, what she's eating, how busy she is, why she's not tweeting when they want her to tweet. Talk about smothering. By now my iPhone would be at the bottom of some lake just so I would not have to deal with the neediness out there. She is becoming a slave to their wants. I don't blame her for walking away and
giving herself a break from them. She bit off a whole lot more than she can chew, and she has got herself in a mess, Stanley.
I personally loved the part where Mac said I respect the judges and I respect any celebrity WHO TRIES.
Key word. TRIES.
Hahahha Maks. You tell 'em.
For those that follow the fan tweets, about how many fans are really tweeting her these days? Not individual tweets, but how many people out there are there who are seriously following her? Because I keep seeing the same names posted over and over here. Like, about the same six people.
Fido you don't need to worry I'm sure if you were in her shoes you never would have let this happen. I think most celebs never would have opened the door and taken it to this intimate level like Kate has. You tweet benign things and you don't tweet all day long and you don't get personal with your tweeties much less give out your address and encourage such personal contact, and you'll be just fine on twitter. Which is why some celebs have been on it for years, happily, But someone operating like Kate is not gonna last in this big bad twittering world.
For the person who suggested that maybe this survey is a bit skewed because they only surveyed girl scouts. I looked at it again and I thought they just surveyed girls in general, not necessarily girl scouts. Am I missing something?
""Some 1,141 girls aged 11 through 17 took part in the survey that offers a snapshot of the impact reality TV might be having on youngsters as they go through adolescence."
It says girls, not Girl Scouts. GS were the ones who conducted the survey.
It wouldn't surprise me if Girl Scouts are just inherently leaders and see themselves as role models. But this looks like they interviewed all sorts of girls.
I still find it rather interesting girls who watch reality tv pull this idea of leadership out of it. I can only speculate maybe it's because women on reality shows are usually outspoken and sort of stomp around and don't let themselves be pushed around? I suppose in some contexts, this could be a good thing, within reason. A woman probably needs to be outspoken and strong in a board room full of men who thinks she doesn't have good ideas.
Kate thinks Las Vegas will be warm in Dec.? LOL, warmer than PA most likely but it could be freezing, snowing, raining, or sunny but cool, and always windy. But she'll have her 5 star hotel & spa if for some "reason" she doesn't run.
Lynn W.
You're right, Admin. Twitter is Kate's main social outlet. It's become a chain around her neck.
My college roommate and I just reconnected through FaceBook. She posts one or two sentences on her wall = "Jane, Joan and I walked for the cure today." "Looking forward to friends over Friday", etc.
And none of her friends are badgering her for updates, demanding to be told NOW all about it,
and fussing over no responses returned. These
forms of communication are supposed to be fun, not a new burden to the day.
In the Neighborhood - is "rivel soup" a typo or is that actually a real thing? I totally can't figure it out!
And back to the salsa discussion - I don't/can't cook or even throw things together at this point, but I'd like to know if anyone knows a brand of salsa that has less sodium than most...
(I have to have someone else shop for me, so I can't read labels before buying)
I think it is the same few people that tweet Kate regularly. They are stupid enough to send her gifts, worry about her when she's 'missing' and believe that she truly give a rat's ass about them. Now that she has this blog she pretty much has to tweet, but I think she's bored with the twitter game and would stop if she could. She keeps it going because of the undying devotion, compliments and gifts that she receives from these same few tweeters. They are feeding her ego on some level; otherwise, I think she would only tweet when she puts something new on her website.
Personally, I'll be glad when the day comes and people say, "Kate who?" when her name is mentioned. Her only true claim to fame will be what a horrible, nasty, mean person she was to everyone. That and that alone is how she will be remembered when she is dead and gone IMO. What a sad legacy, huh?
amyf said...
And back to the salsa discussion - I don't/can't cook or even throw things together at this point, but I'd like to know if anyone knows a brand of salsa that has less sodium than most...
(I have to have someone else shop for me, so I can't read labels before buying)
Hi amyf. If I don't make my own fresh salsa, I like to buy "fresh" salsa at the grocery store. It's sold in a plastic container in the refrigerated section usually by the sour cream and shredded cheeses. The one that I like is:
Santa Barbara
It has a much better taste than any of the jarred salsas. While I haven't compared it to all the other types, I think most jarred salsas have anywhere from 210 to 260 mg sodium per ounce, or 2 tablespoons. The Santa Barbara brand has a bit less at 170 mg. Obviously not a tremendous difference, and certainly not the very low sodium you would get in homemade salsa, but every little bit helps, I guess.
I think if you Google it, there might be salsa brands that are specifically marketed as low sodium, although they might be hard to find in your local store. There are probably some sites where you can order online, though.
Oh, just out of curiosity, I Googled Newman's Own and their jarred salsa is only 105 mg per 2 TBSP:
Newman's Own All Natural Bandito Salsa
I think Max got mad because Len said part of it was his fault - then when getting the scores he said this is my show, I helped make it what it is, that is probably true but a little over the top. Trying to make Hope sexy is just too much to ask, she is an athlete first and foremost. I hope she goes tonight because she really doesn't need DWTS, she is flying about and playing soccer during the week. And to me she is the least likable for the ones who are left. I think NG's dance was better than they gave her credit for, also. They were really rough on Chaz and I loved his dance.
But any way, back to the twitters vying for Khate's attention they should know by now, you to have to put the word FREE in there. That's it. That's all it takes. That woman would take a gift from a prison inmate purchased at the canteen. I mean really.
My mother made the best cornbread in the world that I ever had any way. It is so simple you don't need a mix but buttermilk is the key. Here is how she did it.
First you need a corn bread skillet - cast iron preferably - that you don't use for anything else (if you make it a lot and we grew up on it).
Preheat over to 400.
Heat a bit of oil (mother used bacon drippings) in the skillet on the stove. Should be hot but not smoking hot:).
Mix cornmeal, egg, and buttermilk to a slightly thick texture - certainly not thin.
Pour some of the hot drippings into the mix and stir it up making sure to leave enough to cover bottom of skillet - should roll around when you tip it.
Pour the mix into hot skillet and cook in oven for about 20 minutes.
Just tap the top and if it springs back it is done or if it cooks away from the sides a bit. If need be run a knife around the edges and then flip onto a plate.
If you want to add cream style corn, jalopeno peppers, and a bit of cheese you can call it Mexican cornbread.
If you want to add a bit of flour, chopped onions, salt and pepper and drop by spoonfuls into a fry daddy (or variation of), you can call it hush puppies. They will pop up when they are done.
This is as southern and nonstick as it gets and delicious.
Gimme, thanks for sharing your cornbread recipe :o)
I love cornbread with a light drizzle of honey on top..... mmmmmmmmmm!
steff said...
There are very specific things my hubby is in charge of cooking. Chili is one, smoking a brisket is another. Now that we live in Georgia, where "bbq" means pork, pork, more pork and only pork...he's made it his personal mission to introduce as many Georgians as possible to Texas bbq=smoked brisket.
I love my husband to pieces, but his culinary skills are lacking. I wish he could cook the things your husband could! Although I could do without the chilli. I'm not a fan either.
My husband can make mac & cheese. And as long as I get things prepared, he can grill it. I'm a pretty good grill-master as well! Montreal Seasoning is the best!
OT, but guess what I just did again? Usually, I can go about a year before falling again, but I was wearing those damn devil slippers again, I was going up the basements steps too quick & I tripped, AGAIN! This time, I only tripped, but I whacked my left knee. Yep, the bad one. The one I had surgery on in 2005 & the one that gives me problems.
So, needless to say, it's a laid-up day. OK, being a klutz is one thing, being a downright spazz is another. This was early, so my son& he was still home & *may" have heard a a curse word. OOps. I don't usually let those fly. He helped me up into a chair & asked to stay home & take care of me & then said; "Mom, we are burning those slippers!"
I'm OK. Just sore. And swollen. And my nice bruise from last week matches my knee. And laughing at myself. If I didn't have laughter & my loving family, I think by now, I'd go nuts!
Thanks for letting me vent guys! You are all so sweet! :)
~HC~ aka barefoot Jenna, being much more cautious when walking, moving, sitting, driving, & breathing.
Yeah, it's the same 6-7 fans on her twitter feed that made me stop reading it. They are SUPER weird with their neediness, and some of them acting like Kate is a close personal friend of theirs. It's weird how they don't notice no one is a close personal friend of Kate's.
There's the random drive-by "OMG I SO ADMIRE U AND LUV U SO MUCH" Twitterer who says that one thing then nothing else.
And the "haters." They pretty much say the same thing over and over, but at least they're somewhat entertaining at times.
Here's something I've been wanting to get off my chest forever and a day: the way Kate puts "so" in sentences. I did it in the random tweet from a fan example above (a lot of her fans do it, too). Kate likes to say, "I SO did NOT want to do that..." or "I SO want to go to Australia again..." She said it on the show a lot and she does it in text. Is that a regional thing? Around here, I hear, "I REALLY did not want to do that..." The construction of "I so..." sounds completely strange to me, and always has.
SO is not as much regional as it is teen and 20 something speak. It is SO not cool to not talk like that if you are a teenager.
Oh Jenna I do feel for you. We too had many trips and falls on our basement stairs only to discover a few years ago it wasn't US. It was the stairs! The treads (the part you step on) were not deep enough. They are supposed to be at least 10 inches deep and ours were only a little over 8. Once we had them replaced/repaired we had no more trips/falls. Before you toss your killer slippers measure the treads:) Take care of yourself.
Poor Kate got attacked by the lone pap again this morning. She tweeted it before it could hit any website, so as to get ahead of the storm. Sounds like she was yelling and pointing and waving her arms around at the kids and is trying to clear it up before anyone speculates her bitchiness. She seems extra bitchy today and maybe extra horny too, replying to several new male tweeters. Maybe Steve went home to see Gina?
Kates regular tweeties are: LeighShahan, MiloandJack, BarbGilmer, HspncElvis, Paige (multiple user names), Livinlovelifeliveloveloaf, MsGoody2shits, Iwanainspireu or datekate, KS239, JeanneKaye, SarahJoyce1192, dowd24, theAustinMartin, SuperPattyPie, Mumbear9, and that's about it for the real diehard regulars. Most are from the first week that Kate had a Twitter account and she replies regularly to most of them, except Iwana (Neva!) and not too often to SuperPattyPie. There are a few others that I've noticed that tweet often, but not daily like the ones mentioned above. So how many is that? Less than 15?
The number of the persistent "haters" is around the same number, as far as the ones that never miss a day.
Kate only has one listed as someone she follows, which is Mumbear9, and Australian tweeter that wanted to send her some grifts. She doesn't even follow Barb "my unpaid assistant" Gilmer. If I was Barb, I would start tweeting people random addresses when Kate demands that she gives a prospective grifter her address.
Re IwanaInspireU and her highness, I think that in her mind he crossed the line when he came out to see her in Tennessee for the "world premiere" (ugh) of the "Giving Back" episode. Up until that point, she's on Twitter just flirting away, creating a persona that she has never shown to the people who have met her in real life. He's got this HUGE crush on her, has been flattering and engaging her on Twitter for weeks, he travels to Tenn, waits in line to meet her, and ? From his side, nothing untoward occurred, but maybe she was uncomfortable with his adoration? Or, after flirting for all those weeks, she just wasn't impressed with his looks and decided to turn him off? I dunno.
I think that she didn't like the line between fantasy and reality being crossed. Even though he walked away apparently just as smitten as before meeting her, from that point she never tweeted him again. He continues to try to get her to engage on Twitter, however, and I think he now appears pretty pathetic to most of the people who have watched this unfold.
My first thought upon seeing Kate's tweets this morning (so early for her!) is that those bus stop pictures have got to be PRETTY bad for her to be pre-justifying herself and making excuses in advance (e.g., we've all had difficult school mornings---sure, we all have, but I don't yell at my kid every time I'm seen with her).
I guess she and her fans fail to realize random pictures of her yelling at her kids are all she has left. Her website is embarrassingly bad (and seriously, everyone has one these days) and her follower numbers on Twitter are embarrassingly low (and as Kate's on Krack pointed out, she only has about 15 regular twitter fans). So yep, that's all she's got. She should be thankful for the lone person still taking pictures of her yelling at kids. God knows the Today show isn't calling.
The longer she doesn't have a job in the public eye, the harder it is to come back. More than two months now, yay!
Gift of Grab said...
I think that she didn't like the line between fantasy and reality being crossed. Even though he walked away apparently just as smitten as before meeting her, from that point she never tweeted him again. He continues to try to get her to engage on Twitter, however, and I think he now appears pretty pathetic to most of the people who have watched this unfold.
Iwana has said more than once that he believes it is God's plan for Kate and him to be together. I imagine he feels he cannot move on and somehow must get Kate to realize what God wants for them.
He seems like a nice guy and is very courteous even when he's being roundly criticized for still hanging around Kate.
The worrisome thing about it is, those who feel they're carrying out God's wishes and aren't getting through sometimes flip out if you all get my drift.
Kate's first mistake was to flirt with him in the beginning when she was supposedly out with girlfriends and was tweeting him all evening, even getting him to send her a picture.
To tell Iwana to move on isn't going to get through to him in any way, shape or form. He's on a mission from God.
My question is this: If Kate knows that the pap is there AND she states that the only reason they want pics is of her yelling at her brood, why not suck it up out of spite and love and hug the kids and give little kisses and smiles and look at the pap with a "try to sell that" look? Even if she was as hungover and crabby as she is every day, why not suck it up and let the paps feel like they got out of bed for nothing? We all know NO ONE is paying for any pics of a smiling Kate while with the kids (although they should, as that is as rare as a legit pic of say the Loch Ness Monster or Bigfoot).
NO! Instead she KNOWS they are clicking away so she continues to be her natural "if you see it on film, it's real" bitchy, nasty self.
For the life of me, I can't understand how this dimwit thinks?
Commenting about Iwana:
I thought he has moved on and is simply following Kate as a fan of sorts? He changed his name months ago and his tweets to Kate in recent weeks (months?) appear to be non-suggestive. He also is following a new blond that he has expressed interest in. The guy seems rather sane and his intent and demeanor cooled down after he met her in Tenessee.
What happened between him and Kate and why she refuses to tweet him is a mystery with both the fans and the haters. Tweeters from both sides often badger Kate about him and why she won't tweet him but still follows him.
My opinion is that she got turned off by him tweeting with "haters". He would try to defend Kate, yet he also would be courteous to many of them, which had to eat Kates ass when she saw that.
No Khate not every one yells and screams at their kids while sending them off to school. Most try their very best to send them off on a positive note for their long day. Occasionally, yes, but don't we all do it all the time - absolutely not.
Hippie Chick said...
I didn't make those comments about "smother mothers". I promise! Wrong girl!!
About Kate not making any remarks about bad publicity & the kids in the van, she has done this in the past. I think in Kate's book, any publicity, is good, no matter what. I can't think of anything now, but there are some examples of Kate not saying a word about things that have come out about her or the kids in the past, just so she could have her moment in the sun. Of course, this was before Twitter!
~HC~ aka Jenna
Hippie Chick,
I knew it wasn't you, just someone going by HC. It didn't even occur to me that HC could stand for Hippie Chick. No worries. : )
I've tried a couple of the recipes that were shared a few posts back. I made the Bundt Pan Chicken on Sunday, and my family loved it. It was SO easy. Last night I made the recipe with biscuits you put in a muffin tin then fill with eggs, bacon, and cheese. Again - it was a big hit with my family. My kids argued over the last one at breakfast this morning. I can't remember who posted these, but thanks. I enjoyed trying something new. : )
Downeaster Alexa said...
Kate tweeted a little while ago:kateplusmy8
@demiley_92 you just never know where I'll turn up! I'd love love love to turn up in Australia, I so wish! :)
What the heck does this mean? Is she, or is she not going to Australia?
Since the dinner prize may have to be scheduled a while after the zoo auction I have thought that maybe they need to get a reserve bid of X dollars in order to know if they can afford to pay her trip over there and make a profit. That may explain why she isn't confirming it is true. She won't pay her own way.
Sooverit: Yay! I posted the Stuffed Biscuits recipe! Not something I make often, so it's a treat. Glad your family liked them.
This morning, I wished my daughter a good day, said "be careful" (she drives to school), and gave her a peck on the cheek.
Sure, there were some difficult mornings here and there in her life, but for Kate I think they are the norm, not the exception.
poor poor Kate, starting out her day with a tweet about Paul Petersen and then explaining away the new bus stop photos. I'll bet her trying to hide went over real well with the onlooking parents and students. What an idiot. How impossible would it be for her to simply shut her mouth and slap on a smile for the few minutes she's with the kids?
@Kateplusmy8 Paul Petersen, advocate 4 child actors, was on local radio show this a.m. So judgemental! Wish I could've had u call in! #fan
Kate Gosselin
@MissSueSA lol. He just needs a platform to hear himself talk..
Seriously?Paparazzi @busstop be4 7am??!Inhumane! Glad I remem 2wipe yest melted eyeliner off! Pics of diff sch am.We all hav them tho,right?
@Kateplusmy8 I swear the paparazzi are going to extreme levels right now!!! Just keep you're head held high and forget them Kate <3
Kate Gosselin
@ChantelleKay13 just sick of instructing like a mom and getting pics taken with scowl face... Then they say 'Kate yelling at her kids' uh..
@Kateplusmy8 That's ridiculous! Do the media hounds ever give you some peace? Try and have great day.
Kate Gosselin
@msgoody2shoes21 not sure what was up w those clowns this am?! Tried to hide but I hear those clicks from miles away!
@Kateplusmy8 must be a slow news week. They need to leave your kids alone
Kate Gosselin
@stxmom agreed! How is that news? I do it every am! Don't we all?
Kateplusmy8 (either phyyll deleted the orig tweet or Kate was confused because her reply to phyyll makes no sense, imo)
@phyyll they wouldn't have pics of me 'yelling at my kids' then... Ugh
Ingrid: I thought the same thing. I don't think it's a given that the lunch will happen.
She mentioned she's speaking at Penn State this weekend (without qualifying that she's speaking at a tiny satellite campus). I wish someone could go and report the turnout numbers. I'd bet my left arm they're super low.
I also bet she hands the kids over to Jon again this weekend. He probably has them every weekend now. Pretty sweet gig for her--they're gone 10 hours a day five days a week, she has a "babysitter" four of those days, and probably gives them to Jon every weekend.
Kate Gosselin
@MissSueSA lol. He just needs a platform to hear himself talk..
Pot, meet kettle.
Right that's what this is about.....Kate, gimme a break. 99% of what Paul Petersen does has absolutely nothing to do with making public appearances or hearing himself talk. Quietly going to the CA legislature to push through a bill that parents like you fight against might, if you're lucky, get you a small blurb on the back page of the newspaper. And what exactly has Paul Petersen said you object to? He wants kids to work less hours and get their money. You are against this??????????
Kate Gosselin
@MissSueSA lol. He just needs a platform to hear himself talk..
And then she uses Twitter as her platform to bitch about the paps. LOL She is soooo stupid.
Yikes how bad are the photos that she has to make a preemptive strike? I actually want to see those.
Nope, not everyone yells at their kids. Most kids get sent of with a hug and have a great day. Most parents want to start their kids off on a good foot in the morning. She yells at the kids getting onto the bus, she yells at the kids when they get home. She yells, yells, yells.
There is very little kids could have possibly done at 7 in the morning that would warrant a grabby send off. Instruction? Instruction for what? Why can't you give instructions in a kind, loving tone like NORMAL PARENTS???? Your kids just might respond better if you treat them with some RESPECT.
The best advice I heard once from a celeb was always smile when you see a pap and then they'll never be able to plaster your bad photos all over the place and claim you're having a nevous breakdown when you get divorced, lol.
On another note, it breaks my heart these poor kids get a send-off as vile as that. They should be getting a hug and a kiss, not a ranting and raving mother making them feel like crap before they kick off the day. Gee, maybe that didn't help so much when Alexis and Collin were acting up in school last year to start each day with Kate biting their heads off. There are other ways to beat down a child besides physical.
By the way Kate's on Krack, can you please change your name. No libelous names lol.
Ugh, I don't remember my mother ever sending me off to school angry, scowling, sternly directing me (holy hell, what's to direct? they get on the bus... oh right, seating assignments *smacks forehead*).
Coming home was even more of a delight with warm greetings, kisses and hugs.
Kate is so missing that wonderful age when kids just want to love on you! It's so sad!
Admin, my thoughts exactly. She's never preemptively justified some pap pics before. Made me wonder if she wasn't giving some "instructing like a mom" in the form of whacking a kid again.
They piss her off by existing. They don't have to do anything but be a kid and maybe get a smidge of their half a banana on their shirt. We've all seen the show and how she freaks out on them with no provocation. SHE'S RUINED! DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING!!! I'M IN CHARGE AND THAT'S NEVER GONNA CHANGE. STOP! EATING! NOW!
Hell, she used to go up one side of Jon and down the other for his BREATHING.
It is sad. Very sad. Those precious few years where kids even want you at the bus stop are rapidly running out. Soon the twins will be driving themselves to school and want nothing to do with her.
This is what Kate doesn't get. All this time at the bus stop with Mommy IS a memory, if you want it to be. So many kids have wonderful memories of Mommy's oatmeal on a cold day, Mommy helping them get all their stuff together, racing together to the bus to get on it. It may seem like a chore to Kate, but THIS is all part of what makes childhood something good to look back on. Trips are one thing, but at the end of the day, it's the day to day interactions with your child they are really digesting.
This is the time NOW where the kids are forming the blocks of their childhood that they will someday look back on. And if she wants her kids to look back on this fondly and not estrange her when they are 18, she better shape up. If she wants to have no contact with her children or future grandchildren, keep it up.
Kids don't usually estrange parents for one incident. Absent something really terrible, most kids forgive their parents for things, every parent makes mistakes now an again. But kids do estrange when the mistreatment is day after day, things that build and build and build. Kate's building her castle here, a castle of cards. Keep stacking.
Absent a kid with special needs, and as far as we know that's not these kids, I would think that morning would be the LEAST likely time you would be yelling at your kid. Especially early morning. They're tired, lethargic, just getting going, often much more mellow than say at the end of the day.
Neither is an excuse to treat your kids like dirt, but really, Kate. What did they do to deserve this?
At my campus numbers were usually pretty sad for most guest speakers. Not because college kids aren't interested, but kids usually couldn't justify losing a few study hours of the day to a guest speaker no matter who it is. Our weekdays were precious. And on the weekends the last thing kids want to do is sit in a lecture hall again. Remember college kids have to listen to lectures all week long, that doesn't bode well for trying to get them to listen to yet another lecture. Actually we were more likely to get locals going to these things than students. Jon Stewart was the only one I remember where attendance was out the door.
So unless you're someone like him that college kids adore, I doubt people are gonna turn out. It's not even really because of Kate, she's in a tough demographic that values their time and studying far more than the average person, and some clown car uterus doesn't rate.
Found out @Kateplusmy8 is coming to Pittsburgh next weekend...omg!!! I have to meet her!! I never get a RT or mention so I gotta meet her!!
Kate Gosselin
@LizzMcCollough do you go to school at Penn state? If so, I'll be there! :)
I'm not very familiar with PA geography, but I did look up the various campus locations for Penn State and discovered that she will not be in Pittsburg for her program. She's scheduled to be in Fayette, PA on a satellite campus which is 90 minutes from Pittsburg per Mapquest. I wonder if she thinks she's appearing on the main campus. Is this why Purseboy has to travel with her?
Sooverit and others interested. I have made biscuits like that with barbequed chicken in them. Grandkiddles loved them. I get a premade bbq that comes in pork, chicken, beef by Lloyds in the meat section. Easy and good!
We know kart lies. We know everything she says is a lie. Ergo, can we believe she "really" had "paps" (plural, her word) clicking away this morning?
I vote for this being another fantasy story planted by her on twitter to make herself look important and oh, so hassled by those big bad paps.........
I don't believe her whiney story.
I'm in no way defending Kate, at all. But there were plenty of times I can remember my mother sending me off to school like that. Often times it was in tears, you know the red eyes and puffy cheeks whole bit.
Why I can relate to her kids so easily. Though I am grown and on my own trying to navigate that, as a child I don't think there wasn't more than a few days that I did NOT go to school without being screamed at, hit with something and theatened when I got home with would be twice as worse. Usually got in trouble for mundane things--not finishing my breakfast and I got the starving kid lecture to point of tears, hit for not doing homework correctly, for brushing my teeth but not doing it right. Now, as a kid you don't always brush your teeth the best come on.
Kate is building up low self esteem in her kids if she thinks yelling at them in the morning, noon and night as she does is good parenting. It isn't. From my own experience her kids feel defeated, you feel worthless and often times you feel that mommy doesn't love you as you slug off to school. But my mother made it her golden pride to follow me in her car to continue screaming at me, threatening to dress in her worst outfit to go to school with me if I didn't straighten up the way she wanted. But I doubt Kate would make an appearance like that.
And people have the nerve to ask why I happen to be on my toes and cautious.
But Admin, she was only 'instructing' her kids, like all Mom's do. Sure she was. She was doing her usual yelling, pointing, screeching, and she got caught by the pap doing it. There is a major difference in instructing and screaming orders at them. What is so all fired important that she has to constantly scream at them? And if she is so sure the paps are always there -- 'I can hear them clicking' -- why not plaster a smile on your face and be done with it. But no, not her. She has to show the world she is one tough mama, she caters to no one, things like this just make her stronger and more committed to doing it her way. What a witch.
Administrator said...
At my campus numbers were usually pretty sad for most guest speakers. Not because college kids aren't interested, but kids usually couldn't justify losing a few study hours of the day to a guest speaker no matter who it is.
Did you all see that it's only a 450 seat auditorium? I'm guessing that unless some professor gives credit for attending - she'll have less than 80 people. I hope we find out somehow.
Permanent Name, at first I thought she might be making up the paps this morning, but she immediately seemed to be making excuses for how she acted, and I wouldn't think she'd want to put herself in a bad light like that. Plus we know someone in PA IS taking pictures of her--coming out of Old Navy, Target, Bed, Bath & Beyond, having those family pictures done (how could a pap have taken those pics, though?).
The one thing we're not seeing lately are pictures of her "running." /snark
Anyway, I think there was someone out there this morning and she was in fine form, worse than usual, bad enough to warrant her preemptively justifying her behavior on twitter. Normally she doesn't address any pictures unless the chatter on twitter gets to be too much (Old Navy pics, etc.) To my memory she's never popped up explaining a "difficult school morning" in advance of pictures.
I guess we'll see if anyone buys them. I bet they go for a buck each these days.
What get's me is she's being rather, "Oh this doesn't happen that often." It's all a bunch of bull!
How many times have we already seen her yelling, hitting or barking at her kids at the bus stop? Every parent has that type of day, sure, but when it becomes your regular Kate...gee it might be something of a problem?!
YOU created this lifestyle nobody else forced you. YOU wanted reality TV and sorry but the two go hand-in-hand good fame and bad fame. It's part of the package! Duh. She loves them when it covers her being out and about but hates them when it catches her being who she really is. Nasty and mean. Well, what is that? Yeah, you get what you get so don't get upset with the life YOU wanted Kate! Can't slice it both ways.
It is simply amazing that a woman who gets to be child free 8-9 hours a day, 5 days a week CANNOT suck it up to be pleasant to her children for 2 hours in the morning, especially when she knows that there is a chance her lone pap (love how the tweeps think a veritable pack of paps follow her around) might be at the bus stop. Of course, it is unusual for her lone pap to keep morning hours, so perhaps she was blindsided. It is her own fault that she cannot be pleasant and thus she gets caught - it is a very foolish thing to do. And I won't even begin to address the harm this does her children.
I would love to dismiss whatever happened this am by saying that we all know that K8 is not a morning person, but she could go to bed earlier, she has nothing to do at night but twit away. Sad to say she is probably hungover some mornings, and others, well, unless she gets coffee in bed and is allowed to sleep like a teenager, like her days with Jon, she won't/can't perform like the adult she is. Pathetic.
And the personal appearance on a college campus this weekend. I didn't realize it was the weekend. It will be surprising if anyone attends this; college campuses empty on the weekend, kids go home, go to other kid's homes, they don't hang around for D listers to talk about what, having mulitple children. College kids do not even think that they are going to have kids someday, well, it's all someday to them. She is a very weird choice for a college campus.
To tell Iwana to move on isn't going to get through to him in any way, shape or form. He's on a mission from God.
But it doesn't sound like he still is actively interested in her. He changed his name and seems to have acknowledged that his relentless pursuit of her is over.
Anybody want to think this might be like her book signing and hardly anyone will show up to her speaking engagement? Heavens, what on earth could she have to talk about?
1. That she is THE Kate Gosselin?
2. How hard it is to be a (single) mom?
3. How she manages 8 kids?.
4. How SHE became famous?
5. How marvelous but lonely she is?
I mean really, what college kid wants to listen to her yap on and on about herself? I don't know about you but in college myself I have better things to do then to listen to a woman who had a bunch of kids and a former reality TV show.
I went for a run this morning and had never thought about this before, but we live in the only neighborhood for miles, in a rural area. Several bus stops. My run coincides with the elementary school buses. Without fail, there is always at least one, and more often, several parents out with a group of kids at each stop. They all converse, laugh, etc., as a group. Obviously not all the kids belong to one parent, but it seems nobody is left out of the conversation. When the bus comes, the kids climb aboard and the parents wave until the bus is gone and then head home. It never occurred to me how sweet this is until today. (Repeat in reverse in the afternoons, when I'm walking the dog and the kids get off the bus.) Never have I seen anyone yelling or directing or upset - in 14 years. Not that it doesn't happen. Kids are frustrating, but to be so upset every day?? I don't get it.
If a pap were hanging around my life (don't know what for), they wouldn't be able to TAKE pictures of me being nasty to my family.
Hey Kate, instead of blaming others all the time, why don't you look at yourself, at your own behavior? Try smiling. Try hugging your kids. Drop the barking orders constantly thing. See how it goes. You might like it. I guarantee your kids and anyone unfortunate to coma across you will!
PJ's .. I live in a neighborhood of cul de sacs and at the entrance, kids and parents gather morning and afternoon for the bus pick up and drop off. It's always a jovial scene.
Hey Hippie Chick. I hope you feel better soon. Your son sounds very sweet.
PJ's momma said...
Not that it doesn't happen. Kids are frustrating, but to be so upset every day?? I don't get it.
As bizzare as it is, and I thought about this myself, Kate might enjoy making herself look bad. I mean it's obvious if she didn't she would try harder not to come across so unpleant right? She puts in more time with being sour, over-worked mom of 8 than she does with just about anything else.
I think in a way it makes Kate feel, "As long as I appear to be this struggle mom who has to keep everything together, people will be more sympathetic." The harder she tries to be this unpleasant burdened parent the more I find her really difficult to relate to.
I'm not saying there isn't this rare morning where things just don't go the way you want them to but the more you make a big production out of something small that went wrong the worse off the day is for everybody involved.
She doesn't see anything wrong with it as we do and that's what's making it hard to get it. She makes a mountain out of a lot of things that don't need to be but I think if she didn't she wouldn't have anything else to do. But how she can go through her day or lifestyle constantly being nasty and barking order at her kids is beyond me.
So she's got 8 kids, doesn't mean you qualify to be such a nasty person all the time. It takes a lot more effort to be miserable than it does to be happy I happen to think. But that's just me.
Admin, I have special needs kids and somehow I manage not to yell at them, even when they are dragging their feet. It's called perspective - I am the adult, they are the child. Sorry, but your statement implied that it was understandable, even perhaps excusable, to yell at a child if they have special needs. I don't think that was your intent, just how it came across.
Also, parents, in my experience as a former teacher, are more inclined to yell at their kids in the am for precisely the reasons you stated. Parents are usually in a hurry to get to work or get the kids to school on time and when under stress, that's when tempers flare. Kids have usually been awakened, rather than waking up on their own, and not every child is a morning person, so they too come in groggy, half asleep. Add mom
or dad yelling, and you have a child that becomes upset.
Not to defend Kate, but this is the one time I might understand her lack of patience. I'll have to wait until the pics come out to make a final call.
New post up. This one has one picture with it. Kate in a pink long sleeve shirt doing something "handy" I guess based on the title of the post. It's a horrible picture, blurry.
Handyman Kate? I Think Not!
Well, okay so the other day, I decided to rid my bedroom, aka “the dumping grounds” of all clutter and disorganization! Did you read the words “clutter” and “disorganization” in a sentence that described any part of my house? Yes, you sure did!
Remember the episode of ”Kate Plus 8″ where Jamie surprised me and took me to NYC for my birthday? Well, then you remember how my bedroom looked… And from time to time continues to look! It’s sad but very true! By the time I circle back to my room for bed each night, I’m just too darn tired to deal with it all!
SO – last Thursday morning I felt full of energy and ready to attack the mess! It was a rather impromptu project but nonetheless, I felt ready!
This “attack” started at my desk with paper organization and quickly turned to furniture removal! When we moved in, 3 years ago, there had been an upholstered chair that was placed in the corner next to my desk only because there wasn’t a need for it anywhere else in the house! I don’t recall ever sitting in it but it did a fabulous job of collecting stacks of papers. Sort of, well, you know, a soft and fuzzy filing cabinet, if you will??!
On this day of great motivation I decided the chair was a goner! It was to be banished to the basement….. And that is where I went very wrong!
I began to unbury the papers. Next, I rolled the ottoman to the door and out the door, no problem! When I attempted to move the chair, it wasn’t as heavy as I had envisioned! Perfect! But when I tried to get it out the door? Uh oh! It didn’t fit! Okay, I thought, I’ll just get my screw driver drill thingy and take off the wooden feet on the bottom to decrease it’s width! Smartypants here, soon realized that ALL except two of the screws were “stripped” and that NONE of the feet would be able to be removed! Um…
After some time, force allowed me to get one foot off but it still wouldn’t fit thru the doorway and no other feet were even hinting at submission! Idea! I’ll remove the door! I’ve put one on (in the barn, remember?) so I can take a door off the hinges too! And honestly that was easy! Door removed!
BUT, the chair still didn’t fit! Oh no… I moved on to the second wooden foot on the bottom of the chair hoping that my determination would make a difference… Didn’t budge. Screws still stripped! I switched to a manual screw driver. Denied! Next I used a pliers to grab the screw between the foot and the chair. No luck. How about a hammer? And a wedge thing that I think is really designed to spread spackle (why do I know this??) Nope!
After TWO and a HALF hours, about 21 tools and the help of Zach, my pool guy (who just happened to be here closing my pool) the second foot was forced off – with Zach’s “Man drill”, and the chair just very barely fit through the now doorless doorway and was free to be hauled to the basement, using the kids little red wagon and a lot of elbow grease!
The moral of this story? Once I may have thought I was quite “handy” but that chair has put me in my place!
Next time? I think I’ll call a REAL handyman! Anyone know a good one? :)
I can also understand the occasional lack of patience, but she is a witch almost always when she is out in public. And she is the one who chose the reality tv life, so it is disengenuous to the max to act like she does, only playing nice or smiling when SHE so chooses.
We do not have school buses in my town, but I do remember the very sweet years of elementary school when my neighbors and I would walk our young children to school. It was a walk of several blocks and we would meet other neighbor friends along the way. And we would walk back home together. Repeat in the afternoon. I imagine that there are other children who are picked up in The Gosselin Parking Lot; I also imagine that the other mothers stand and talk with each other while waiting for their children or for the morning bus. That is what normal people do. So if you choose to be a Reality Stah, you should do what real celebrities do, smile for the occasional camera. Each week People mag has shots of celebs in their real lives - last week I think there was a shot of Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner with their daughters at a local pumpkin patch. They smile, the paps get a sellable shot and then I bet they leave them alone - it's a game, K8 is too stupid to play it right. But then she is only a Stah in her mind, a Stah with one lonely pap.
Khate has done a few those kissy huggy mornings and they appeared very awkward and obviously staged. One that comes to mind is the very next day after a particular brutal morning.
I would be ashamed to post that above. That is absolutely ridiculous. She is basically "uncapable." Which episode do you remember that one from - a little trivia?
No didn't mean to imply that you should yell at special needs kids. Only that Kate has no conceivable excuse to e so mean, not even a bad one. The kids almost always seen passive and beaten down at bus stops. How can she be so angry at them.
OMG!! I can't believe it took a million paragraphs to explain how she took a chair out of her bedroom!!!!!!
I thought Kate did everything! You mean she has a "pool guy" to close the pool? Gasp!
How did the chair get INTO the bedroom when they moved?
Midnight Madness? Don't you remember the move into the McMansion episode? She's standing at the front door in all her glory, "bossing men around?" The movers got it up there.Of course she has a "pool guy". Maybe it was a ploy to get him up into her bedroom...ugh! I think i just barfed in my mouth
If there truly was a God, He would remove the exclamation point (!) from Kate's iPhone. Or computer. Or wherever she writes these blog entries from.
My screw driver drill thingy? Oh...that's just sad. Truly and utterly sad. Just stop at screw driver and you got it, why add the frill? To make it look cute? It doesn't make you look cute, it makes you look terribly uneducated. I am guessing her ex-husband did all the work around the house? Of course. Couldn't bother to actualy have learned to do and repair things on her own? Wow. I grew up a mechanics daughter, with or without a husband if she's so can do she'd least be able to do certain things and not make a big deal out of it. Crying out loud.
And, now, did I imagine this or was there really an explimation point at the end of every freaking sentence? Good grief. Talk about being such a drama queen. I hope she doesn't attempt to help her girls with their English homework, what a nightmare.
So, one day it's poor exhausted I do everything by myself Kate and the next it's I get help from the pool guy? Whatever.
All she did was move a chair, it's not like she was haulting stone after stone here.
Well, I am about to hang up the laundry from the dryer with the help of some hanger thingies. Yep, "thingy" and !!! are pretty bad, not even middle school kids use that language - do you think if Kate had a "i" in it, she would be making a flower for the dot in the "i"? At least we know what she does with her 10 hour days. and Mr. Pool Guy - oh please, but that and her so aloneness makes me sure Mr. Steve is not in residence in PA.
It took me a while after posting that epic chair battle to recover enough to post my thoughts on it.
It turns out I have no real thoughts on it because it's very stupid and long.
Seriously 2.5 hours to move a freaking chair? Did she not think about turning it? They had to get it in the door somehow.
Ugh. The stupid...it burns.
Lake Up North, totally agree with everything you said. We have two homes and have gone through the furnishing/moving/recycling/refurnishing thing at our small condo in the last 3 years. And each time, something threatened not to fit through the door - but it did, with the legs still attached. Usually it has to go through head first at an angle, or standing up in an awkward position - but it goes through. I'm talking couches and bed here! Maybe she couldn't get it through on her own, but two people can usually manage to wrestle it without removing doors OR legs. I've done it and I've watched it be done. But that's not very dramatic-ish-thingy.
!!! !!! !!!
A few comments:
- One would hope that the !!! key would become worn out pretty soon (may be the reason for the umpteenth pink Iphone)...
- Zach's "Man Drill"??? Really?!?!?
- To quote (NOT plagiarize) Ron White: "Ya can't fix stupid."
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