Real Housewives of Beverly Hills |
However interestingly, the study by the Girl Scout Research Institute also suggests girls who watch reality TV view themselves as leaders and role models and say reality TV exposes them to new perspectives.
508 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 508 Newer› Newest»Administrator said...
No didn't mean to imply that you should yell at special needs kids. Only that Kate has no conceivable excuse to e so mean, not even a bad one. The kids almost always seen passive and beaten down at bus stops. How can she be so angry at them.
October 25, 2011 10:50 AM
If I ever hear anyone yelling at my special needs grandson, I will just lose it.
Sigh. I would have just kept the damn chair in my room and moved onto something far more important. Her life is so trite. Can someone please send her some links to mom blogs written by intelligent women? She is out of her element in so many ways. And she is very quiet again after this morning's Crazygate.
If moving a chair is the most interesting thing she has to blog about, she is indeed to be pitied.
And how many sentences should that take? Let's see if we can condense her story:
I had a surplus chair in my bedroom that had become a paper collection site. So, I decided it should be moved to the basement. The problem was, the chair was too big for the door. I couldn't get all the feet off, so I took the door off instead. Even that didn't work, so I had to call the pool guy upstairs to help. Finally, finally, we got the chair to the basement. It was a chore I hopefully won't have to do again. I'm not as handy as I thought.
The end.
Admin said...
Kate should admit it, she wouldn't be okay with that. It's not okay for people to be spending all their money on some celeb.
Remember the times when you couldn't even reach the celeb? You had to go through the fan club or movie studio? When I was 8 or 9, I LOVED Punky Brewster, she was super-cool to me & I used to do the whole hankerchief around my jeans. Lame, yes, but whatever!
Well, I saw these 2 awesome hankerchiefs in a mall once & I wanted "Punky Brewster" to have one & for me to have one. I begged my mom to let me get them. She of course said no. Stars don't take things from regular people like us.
Unless you're Kate Gosselin. I have honestly never heard of it. Though she is NOT a star, the celebs that walk around NYC & Beverly Hills, people leave them alone & don't run up to them offering them gifts. They probably wouldn't take them. I am sure they would politely decline, especially food! And here's Kate, accepting food & gifts & donations on Twitter like she is some charity case. It is downright wrong. And frankly, it's effing pathetic.
~HC~ aka Jenna
"I don't get it" (Kate speak). The chair was almost too big to get through the door but was moved down the stairs in the kids little wagon?
How did the chair get INTO the bedroom when they moved?
What goes in, must come out. Even Zach's man drill.
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...
"I don't get it" (Kate speak). The chair was almost too big to get through the door but was moved down the stairs in the kids little wagon?
Good catch, Tweet-le. And your thoughts lead me to ask this: are there other doors to go through between her bedroom and the basement?
Were there tight corners to contend with?
"I don't get it" (Kate speak). The chair was almost too big to get through the door but was moved down the stairs in the kids little wagon?
HEY HEY HEY NOW!!!!! You just STOP throwing out things like logic and that crazy physics and math type stuff or whatever it is you are talking there.
If that chair was way WAY too big and wide to fit through the door, but once it was through the door it magically fit in a kids wagon, then that's what happened because Kate SAID so.
What's wrong with you?
(how is my you too can be a sheeple correspondence course going?)
Fido - you forgot the exclamation marks!!!!!!
Where is she going to pile her papers now that the chair is gone?
We had a lounge chair in the bedroom. It was kind of the repository for clothing, magazines, whatever. I decided I wanted it out of there because it took up so much room. I took it out BY MYSELF. I missed it, and brought it back in.
Here comes another blog entry. The return of the chair.
If a parent believes their child is talented, wouldn't it be a wise thing to invest in dance, acting, gymnastics, voice to help them have a great chance in auditions? Kate continues to believe that all she has to do is talk about Mady and now Alexis as being talented and "poof" they become Disney "stahs." Get real, Kate. Delusional about herself, and now some of the children. Sickening, really.
Vanessa said...
OMG!! I can't believe it took a million paragraphs to explain how she took a chair out of her bedroom!!!!!!
Not to mention, at the end of that stinkin' soliloquy, we all find out that it's just a "Help Wanted" ad to grift a handyman.
What I took from that is its sad not to have a partner to help you move a chair. Not saying you need a man but even just a friend you can call. This hair is representative I Kate's aloneness. Not to mention her stupidity.
Anybody else wondering where the pics from this morning are? Could it possibly be that there either was no pap there at all, OR much more hopefully, no one wants to pay for the same old crap over and over again. Now a photo that might sell is one of her smiling genuinely at her kids. That's not gonna happen.
I am thinking she needs to grift her a nice tall, wooden file cabinet.
fidosmommy said...
Tweet-le De Tweet-le DUMB said...
"I don't get it" (Kate speak). The chair was almost too big to get through the door but was moved down the stairs in the kids little wagon?
Good catch, Tweet-le. And your thoughts lead me to ask this: are there other doors to go through between her bedroom and the basement?
Were there tight corners to contend with?
Yes indeed there are more doorways to navigate before she reached the basement. There is a door at the top of the stairs in the hallway leading down to the basement and then a door at the bottom of the stairs IN the basement. Once again, NO WAY is her story plausible the way she told it. NO WAY And, adding the wagon to the story makes no sense AT ALL.
Kate's got a pool boy with a MAN DRILL!! Tee Hee
Beavis and Butthead
To Tucker's Mom:
Heh, heh, heh.
Next time? I think I’ll call a REAL handyman! Anyone know a good one? :)
Gawd, this is too easy.
Yes, Kate, I do. His name is Jon Gosselin. Perhaps you could be a frickin' grown up and give him a jingle when you need a little something done. He's only the kids' father and what a great thing for them to see you two getting along and interacting like mature adults.
TweedleDum said:
I lurk here, but this one brought me out of the hole. Tweedle did say that some people flip if they are thwarted in their "mission", but I guess I'm reacting a lot more strongly to it. Wasn't the guy who shot Gabrielle Giffords on a mission from god? Or Son of Sam? Or ?
It's not only the kids who can be in danger.
Well the quote I pasted didn't post, but it was Tweedle saying that Iwana was on a mission from God. Sorry . . . doesn't sound coherent without it, and maybe not much more with it!!!!!! (Stole some !'s from K*)
Good one Tucker's Mom! Hee hee hee hee hee! B&B will be back with all new episodes this Thursday on MTV.
Maybe the Austin Man can go to the house on his fall break and do some chores for Kate. He wants to meet her, and they can talk about his plans for the WeLoveK8 Gathering he's promised to organize.
Tucker's Mom said...
Gawd, this is too easy.
Yes, Kate, I do. His name is Jon Gosselin. Perhaps you could be a frickin' grown up and give him a jingle when you need a little something done. He's only the kids' father and what a great thing for them to see you two getting along and interacting like mature adults.
It would be good for the kids but not poor Jon. She'd start bitching the minute he walked in the door and wouldn't stop until he left. She's missed him. LOL
Kate is not speaking at Penn State Fayette, the Eberly Campus, this weekend. She's speaking there at noon Thursday, November 3. I didn't think Thursday was a part of the weekend. PaMa, you live near there. Have you made your reservation? It would be interesting to hear your recap of the so-called speech.
Penn State Fayette didn't really do their homework. They list Kate as appearing on the reality show "John and Kate Plus 8." They spell Jon's name "John" a couple of times. They also urge people to make reservations because of the "popularity" of the event.
Weekend or Thursday, I still don't see her relevance to college kids.
Today I unearthed a chair in my bedroom, got rid (put away) all of my husband's clothes that had been nesting there for ages. Then I decided to keep both the chair and the husband. 2 sentences.
Kate's been a guest speaker at the Eberly campus before. Unless she has some kind of contract with this campus, she must have drawn enough interest the first time to make it worth the college's time to invite her again. While I can't imagine how, she must have been good enough for them.
I'm beginning to see the purpose in the Audi TT.
She's not getting limo rides to these speeches,
so she will drive herself in her "way cool" little sports car and feel like a million bucks.
Regarding Australia: Khate may not know if she's going. If she's counting on Terri Irwin or the Australia zoo, paying, and Terri and the zoo are in as much financial trouble as the media suggests, there may be no free ride for Mrs. Gosselin.
She might want to be verrrry careful if she's counting on reimbursement. If Khate is managing her own affairs now, look for a series of coming disasters. She has no sense at all, and this theoretical trip may be the first in a series of events that just don't work out.
If she were smarter, she's realize that it isn't a good sign that Terri Irwin had to go all the way to North America to sign up a D-lister for her fundraising evert.
Also, there's no reason that the lunch can't be for the day after the auction. It's hard to believe that Khate would be brought flown back to meet that commitment.
It makes much more sense that the auction item will be for a specific date, while she is still in Australia.
Just Me said...HEY HEY HEY NOW!!!!! You just STOP throwing out things like logic and that crazy physics and math type stuff or whatever it is you are talking there.
Oops! My bad. :)
Another thing just popped into my head. Didn't Kate tweet a while back that she had a wonderful, superfantabulous plumber friend that did all kinds of stuff for her? Why is she looking for a handyman? Or was he just an imaginary friend?
Westcoaster, I see we have a contest going here. OK, I can toss Kate's blog in 1 sentence.
"Messy chair had to go but wouldn't, so I told it I was in charge and that wasn't ever going to change."
Your turn. Beat that! < big :-) >
Blog Fan said ... PaMa, you live near there. Have you made your reservation? It would be interesting to hear your recap of the so-called speech.
Haven't gotten my ticket yet, but if they haven't sold out (lol), I'll be there.
RE: Australia.
I don't have a clue how this luncheon is supposed to work.
Are people making bids BEFORE the day of the auction - sending them in by text by a certain date? Then it would make sense for Kate to go once and have her lunch with 9 strangers. They could also determine before the lunch if it's financially feasible to bring Kate over.
If the lunch will take place the day of the auction, then the people making the bid will have to be actually present to win and have their 9 friends standing in the wings just in case they're the winners. That would be strange, to say the least, and a lot of personal expense for nothing for most of the bidders.
Either way, they're going to have to coordinate the presence of 10 people at the same time.
Who's to say the winner would be from Australia and not from, say, Great Britain? Or someone just visiting in Australia for a few weeks who wants their winning lunch while they're still there? People from around the world remember Steve Irwin and truly appreciate the work he did in conservation and rescue, so may bid on lots of things just to honor him.
I'm probably "doing a Kate" here and making something very simple into something very complicated. But I don't get their system.
How's this:
Chair was there. Now it's not.
I removed a chair in my bedroom I didn't need with a little difficulty.
Now that I think about it, it must take real talent to stretch out a simple activity like that with an explanation point at end of every sentence. Doesn't she know most sentences end with a (.) I guess she must have missed that in school while she was dreaming of having her future children?
Off to late bus stop to pick up my kids, pap and angry free too. Kate might want to try it sometime on the later.
Hey, if she's going to do Halloween this year there might still be a Grinch costume Kate could wear I mean she's already got the unpleasant look down pat as is, just pain her face green.
The dinner thing must have surely been Khate's brain infarct - her "donation" - a free trip to Australia.
fidosmommy said...
Westcoaster, I see we have a contest going here. OK, I can toss Kate's blog in 1 sentence.
"Messy chair had to go but wouldn't, so I told it I was in charge and that wasn't ever going to change."
Your turn. Beat that! < big :-) >
fido, that's hilarious! :) I'm anxious to see what Westcoaster comes up with now.
In my mind, all of Kate's blogs say the exact same thing:
"I'm an incompetent boob in every way imaginable."
Gimme said...
The dinner thing must have surely been Khate's brain infarct - her "donation" - a free trip to Australia.
Gimme, you 'inspired' me to go and look again at the actual wording:
"In other news, Kate is slated to attend "Steve Irwin Day Gala Dinner" on November 12 in Brisbane, Australia, where "LUNCH WITH KATE GOSSELIN, STAR OF KATE PLUS 8 A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you and 9 friends to dine with Kate Gosselin at the multi-award winning Chalk Hotel in Brisbane, plus a signed copy of her book" will be auctioned off. "
This MAY mean that her donation is her presence at lunch; what is being auctioned is her book.
Not clear how the lucky 10 will be chosen though.
Administrator said...
What I took from that is its sad not to have a partner to help you move a chair. Not saying you need a man but even just a friend you can call. This hair is representative I Kate's aloneness. Not to mention her stupidity.
That's what I was thinking. Too bad Khate has estranged EVERONE from her life! I know many, many single women who live alone (single, divorced, or widowed). And guess what they do when they need some help around the house? Well, shockingly, they have friends, family, and neighbors! My own husband has helped out more times than I can even remember for our friends, relatives, and even neighbors that need an occasional hand for something fairly quick.
Khate, it's YOUR fault that you're ALL ALONE! But, you wanted "mine, all mine" and you got it, so there!
Ugh, something tells me in only 5 or 6 years when she has THREE teenage boys, Khate will see them as nothing but unpaid help around the house. If she even has that house by then, she'll get rid of the lawn service, pool service, etc. and have them do everything around the house. Of course, there's no problem with teens helping out, BUT we know how Khate likes to nastily order everyone around and clap her hands to get it done (poor Jon, thank God, he escaped).
I couldn't even read that whole blog post right now, just skimmed the beginning and end. It's so ridiculously pathetic that she has NOTHING to offer and nothing to blog about. We really need to start a list of her blog posts. Man, she is BEYOND boring. She only wishes she could rise to the level of mediocre.
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said
Ugh, something tells me in only 5 or 6 years when she has THREE teenage boys, Khate will see them as nothing but unpaid help around the house.
Since those children are deprived of anything resembling usual life experiences, they probably won't be any more handy than their mother is.
Nope, I concede the prize to you, fido'smommy - perhaps Cascadian Farms will send you one of K8's boxes of cereal?
Someone (sorry, can't remember who it was) asked about rivel soup...if it was a typo. Nope. Rivel soup is rivel soup. Rivels are small dough balls, made with flour, salt and eggs, and dropped into the soup. There's plain rivel soup (made with milk), chicken corn rivel soup, potato rivel soup - rivels can be dropped into nearly every kind of soup. Sometimes if I don't like the soup, I just "fish" the rivels out and eat them.
Terri may find herself having to put Khate and the party guard up for a week or so in an expensive hotel while they work out the logistics of the dinner. No wonder the zoo is broke. Get all you can while you can - nobody does it better.
This hair is representative I Kate's aloneness.
Whose hair?
"Hey, if she's going to do Halloween this year there might still be a Grinch costume Kate could wear I mean she's already got the unpleasant look down pat as is, just pain her face green."
Couldn't she just go as the Great Pumpkin? She's already orange...
In just another example of how Khate cannot do ANYTHING for herself without help, did you all see this from last night:
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@TheAustinMartin I'd change that pic if I knew how, btw. Will u resend that link for pic for my profile? :) pls?
11 hours ago
We were all correct when we said that TLC must have set up her twitter page for her back in April. So now she wants to change her pic and she can't even do that!
Today, he tweeted:
@TheAustinMartin Austin Martin
@kateplusmy8 just wondering if you got that repost of that pic for Ur profile... want me to post again? Lol
46 minutes ago
Hmm, so if Khate has a "web helper person" (Khate speak) for her website, WHY does she need her teenage sheeple to send her a pic and help her change her profile pic??
Oops, that was a mistake. I didn't mean last night. Khate posted that tweet early this morning, around 7:30, when she was tweeting away about those horrible "paps".
BTW, did the bus stop photos come out yet? Hmm, I wonder why Chris/INF are sitting on them? Maybe they're going to be released in a day or so, when Khate needs attention for something?
Oh, how I WISH someone here would go to see her speak next week!
I had a chair
it was there
It once fit thru the door
but not anymore
I had a wagon
but it was dragging
with the chair
that I didn't want there
A pool boy in the basement
do you think I can get him to pay rent?
OK question for all you handy people. Once Kate got the chair out of the room do you think she even thought for a MINUTE how she was going to get it down the stairs from the bedroom to the 1st floor and then to the basement?
I grew up in a very small house with a very narrow and steep set of stairs. Somethings were just not meant to be and there are lots of things that we struggled to get upstairs.
I bought my parent's house so there is furniture that was constructed in the room and will be there until I die or until I take a saw to it. ;)
Terri Irwin had better be prepared for the d-lister's "requirements" when she arrives at the award winning hotel. Beverages, snacks, flowers, etc. I bet the diva's requirements rival those of Barbra Streisand.
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...It's so ridiculously pathetic that she has NOTHING to offer and nothing to blog about. We really need to start a list of her blog posts. Man, she is BEYOND boring. She only wishes she could rise to the level of mediocre.
I agree. Kate's site has nothing more to offer than a platform to hear herself talk...about herself.
What was inspirational or informative about that post? Nothing other than hearing more about Kate.
This could be a successful business venture, but unfortunately Kate is taking it in the wrong direction with "mediocre" posts like that. No one to blame but herself, if she wonders why she isn't getting sponsors or endorsements for her site.
It is sad that in her "crazy" or "busy" life that is what she chose to write about. She's grasping at straws.
I'm a little skeptical about her removing the bedroom door alone. It took Kate and Ashley to install a make-shift barn door but Kate can handle an interior door by herself? Hollow core doors aren't exactly light, especially for a woman. We changed our interior doors and it was anything but easy. It took two of us to remove the doors, one to hold it while the other tackled either the old, painted-over hinge screws or stuck hinge pins (two different ways we tried to remove the doors).
TLC ship is sinking said
I'm a little skeptical about her removing the bedroom door alone. It took Kate and Ashley to install a make-shift barn door but Kate can handle an interior door by herself? Hollow core doors aren't exactly light, especially for a woman.
Nearly everything she says is an obvious lie of some kind, but I disagree about the difficulty of removing a hollow core door. I'm a woman, and a rather small one at that and can do it easily as long as the hinge pins aren't stuck.
This doesn't change at all the mind-numbing stupidity of her amazingly boring blog post, though.
What's next? Watching lint collect in corners?
It's a pretty fair assumption that Kate's "donation" is intended to be comped by the zoo.
I don't care if it's Kate or any D-list celebrity. Doesn't it speak to exactly how irresponsible that zoo has been just like the INVESTIGATION showed??? Really? How does it make financial sense (cents) to spend thousands of dollars in flying a celeb like her from America??? You'd probably have to get at least a 10,000 donation before you'd even break even. And as others have pointed out these "events" after all the overhead don't always raise as much money as we might think.
Unless you snag a really big America celeb much loved by Australians, like I don't know Brad Pitt or Matt Damon, this is nowhere near worth it.
It's not even about Kate, it's about anyone in her league.
Boston Bonnie said...OK question for all you handy people. Once Kate got the chair out of the room do you think she even thought for a MINUTE how she was going to get it down the stairs from the bedroom to the 1st floor and then to the basement?
I think Kate's bedroom is on the first floor. An easier way might be to take it out the front door, around the poolside area of the house, and through the basement sliding doors...longer route but it avoids the basement stairs.
Most of the Penn State satellite campuses are largely designed for locals who can't travel all the way to the center of the state (it's actually quite a big state), older students getting a degree, people who want to live at home to save money or because they have kids, people who want to go part time, basically any "atypical" college student who doesn't want to live in crazy University Park with the cliche college experience with the crazy football and huge lecture halls and all that. It's also a holding ground for freshman and sophomores who couldnt get into University Park (it can be far more competitive) but are hoping to just take some basic courses and transfer there if they get good grades their sophomore or junior year.
In fact I don't think most Penn State satellite campuses even have dorms, I'd have to check on this specific one. On a weekend in University Park a guest speaker won't attract much, let alone at some tiny satellite campus. I don't know, maybe a few locals? But I thought even locals are over her. At the end of the day, this is an unlikely venue to attract much interest in some ex-reality star, be it anyone.
Isn't it amazing how tasks that can be quite difficult alone are so much better when someone you love is helping you? Alienate everyone in your life and all of a sudden when you just can't get that salsa jar open for your turkey chili, no one is there to help. At the end of the day, I actually feel somewhat sad for Kate. I'm sorry she feels that alienation was the best thing to do for her life.
Lea, I guess I had a different experience with my hollow core doors. They weren't light at all and the newer ones seemed even heavier to me. I should probably have reworded it as "Some hollow core doors aren't light for some women to carry or handle."
Our new hinges' pins weren't easy to remove either. We tried using WD-40 but it didn't work. We had to insert another tool and hit it with a hammer from the bottom, instead of just pulling it from the top.
Thanks for the different perspective. It was my own experience with bedroom doors that made me just a little skeptical.
Of course she uses an ! after every sentence. She's a drama queen.
Sillimom, I took Admin's statement to mean that special needs children may not be quite as lethargic in the mornings. I'm sure she meant no offense.
Kate's blog entries: She needs to quit while she's ahead. Each new one become more ridiculous and boring than the last.
What, pray tell, could Kate possibly have in common with college kids? Even non-traditional students (single moms in college) wouldn't relate to Kate because those mom really ARE struggling with time/money issues. I just can't imagine what would possess a college to pay her to speak, especially since she can barely speak proper English. I hope that either no one shows up and/or she gets booed off the stage.
Marie, I'm sorry for what you went through as a child. I totally understand because I went through it too.
Again, those poor, poor kids. I'm surprised that they have any life left in them at all, since Kate's doing her best to beat it out of them as quickly as possible. Keep it up, Kate. Those kids will turn 18 sooner than you think then you'll only have the pool guy to scream and yell at. Bitch.
Why did the chair have to be removed immediately? She has a nanny four days a week. Why not just wait until she arrived to offer assistance?
I was watching Jeopardy tonight and had to share this. One of the categories was called "Big Birthers". Answers included McCaughey, Dione, Suleman, and a couple of other lesser known HOM mothers. Guess who didn't make the cut as a Jeopardy answer??
Lea, I guess I had a different experience with our doors. They were not light at all and the newer ones seemed even heavier to me. Maybe I should have reworded it as "Some hollow core doors can be heavy for some women, as it was in my experience."
Our new hinges' pin were even difficult to remove, even after using WD-40. We ended up inserting a tool and hitting it with a hammer from the bottom, instead of pulling the pin from the top.
It was my own personal experience that made me a little skeptical. Thanks for sharing your perspective to show it isn't always the case.
LaLalandNoMore said... If a parent believes their child is talented, wouldn't it be a wise thing to invest in dance, acting, gymnastics, voice to help them have a great chance in auditions? Kate continues to believe that all she has to do is talk about Mady and now Alexis as being talented and "poof" they become Disney "stahs." Get real, Kate. Delusional about herself, and now some of the children. Sickening, really.
Poof is right. Kate isn't interested in having the girls train and be instructed in their craft. They're the daughters of Kate Gosselin!! No mediocre acting and voice lessons needed here, what with the cost and per. space issues.
She wants to take the girls to Hollyweird, meet with Disney execs and have a show (ala Zack & Cody) handed to them on the spot. Kate does not believe hard work is the path to success, rather she believes selling souls is quicker and much more lucrative. Hmmmmmm..... I wonder who their manager will be? Kate surely wants that 10%
Former star Lindsey is going to pose for Playboy for a million bucks.
Wayward said
Hmmmmmm..... I wonder who their manager will be? Kate surely wants that 10%
No, she wants the 100% she currently has access to under PA law.
The kids may "get" 15%, but she can use any and all of that to support them, no matter what she spends on herself. It's a sweet deal for bloodsucking parents.
I am a teacher. Our district makes sure that each person a student meets up with in the morning, whether it is the bus driver, aide, hall monitor or teacher, greets the students with a smile and a good morning. We know that some of our students may not come from loving homes. The people at school may be the difference between them having a good day or bad. It is parents like Kate that are the reason we make sure to do this.
I also wanted to mention that Jon couldn't help in the room was he band from there under penalty of severnance?
Boston Bonnie:
The house I grew up in (I'm 50 years old now) is the one that my grandfather bought when he married, and my mom still lives there. It was built in 1824. It has 2 separate upstairs, if that makes sense. Both have narrow, steep stairways with a sharp turn at the bottom of the stairs. My bedroom (which was my mother's bedroom when she was growing up) has the same furniture that was built for my mother when she was a child. The furniture was actually constructed IN the bedroom because it is very big and heavy and there was no way to get it up the stairs. A few years ago my mom bought a new mattress/boxspring for the bed. The guys from the store couldn't get the boxspring to fit past the turn in the stairs so there's a new mattress but the boxspring is 70 years old. When Mom dies and if my sis and I decide to sell the house, that bedroom furniture will have to stay because like you said...some things just aren't meant to be!
Only if it was his lucky day.
Gimme said...
Former star Lindsey is going to pose for Playboy for a million bucks.
And her father is still beating up Kate Major-who according to DListed may or not be carrying another Lohan spawn. Just what the world needs.
Good GOD with that awful chair post!
How the heck did they get it IN the room if it can't be taken out? She's so dumb, I'm sorry but there's no other way to put it. I bet the pool guy went up ere, discovered how to angle it to get it out and she barked at him all the way down to the basement.
For the record, I also doubt she took off the door. The pool guy might have suggested it while he was trying to work on the pool and she decided to say she actually did it. I doubt she knows how to take off a door.
What's with not wanting people to know she knows what a putty knife/spackler is? What's with calling everything a thingie?
Her stupidity knows no bounds, truly. And she doesn't know how to change her twitter pic. Ug.
I'm watching Extreme Couponing. Kate has a lot of free time on her hands. If she had the intelligence and really wanted to save money, she could really make a huge difference in her grocery bill by couponing, especially with a large family. She could stockpile toiletrie (sp.?) items alone and save bunches of money.
Not sure if this has been posted, but I just saw at the end of Nancy Grace's show tonight that ANY & ALL of her earnings from DWTS will be donated to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
I think I'll just leave it at that. We can all fill in the blanks on this one.
LaLalandNoMore said...
If a parent believes their child is talented, wouldn't it be a wise thing to invest in dance, acting, gymnastics, voice to help them have a great chance in auditions?
Not always. My husband's niece, who I suspect has a touch of NPD, has 2 daughters, aged 8 and 13.
She constantly brags about the 8 YO, telling everyone how funny and smart and witty and cute and talented she is. "Daisy" is a cute kid, but that's about it. Daisy doesn't take any dance, acting or voice lessons and doesn't play any instruments. Daisy's talent is solely in her mother's mind.
What is worse is that the 13 YO is a very bright girl and a talented writer and saxophonist. But her mother never (NEVA) acknowledges her accomplishments. The 13 YO saw through the charade years ago and is quite dismissive of her mother.
Yes Nancy Grace said that from the beginning. Because for some people life is just about doing things for the fun of it and the satisfaction of it--like work, or DWTS, and it's not about collecting as much money as you possibly can like life is an eternal rat race. Once you've provided for your family and created a comfortable lifestyle, there is no need to constantly money grab.
Not sure if this has been posted, but I just saw at the end of Nancy Grace's show tonight that ANY & ALL of her earnings from DWTS will be donated to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
Would that influence votes to keep her on, no matter if she isn't deserving of the win? I wonder how many other contestants also donate their winnings, but just don't announce it until after the winner has been decided.
I like extreme coupling and I coupon a little myself and those women are amazing, but the problem I'm finding is that a lot of places are getting savvy to all the little tricks. If you look at most coupons these days they will specify the product has to be over a certain size, or it will say NO SAMPLE SIZES. A trick a lot of people used to do was buy lots of teeny tiny sizes to get the product for free or close to it.
A lot of stores no longer double coupons which is almost always the trick those gurus use. Fewer and fewer stores will do that for you anymore. Mine certainly doesn't and they used to.
BUT Kate could do so much more with her time rather than screwing around with a chair all day that she could have moved in two minutes if she just asked Jon for help when he next picks up the kids.
On the chair, I think her bedroom is on the first floor so she used the wagon to drag it out the front door and wheeled it around back to the sliding class doors in the basement. She doesn't mention shoving the chair down the cellar stairs, which I wouldn't put past her on how she treats the kids objects.!!!!!
Okay, so Kate is (I'm assuming) going to speak at Pen State AND fly to Australia to...eat dinner in or around the same time frame here?
Am I the only one who thinks it's beyong crazy (by that I mean her so called supporters) to try and beat life into a dead horse?!
Her career is OVER. My god, please it's pointless now isn't it?
About the chair thing. Does she not understand that by saying "screw driver thingy" makes her sound like a pre-teen stereotypical 1950's Valley blonde dits?!!! I mean I may not have correct grammar all the time or spelling but come on. She's an absolute insult to those who have to learn English and this is the example they might see? I shutter on that.
@Donna--thank you. From my experience I can almost see Kate's kids feeling like they are the only ones in the whole world who are treated this badly. Classic feeling for kids who are so beaten down. But they aren't it's sad but you know I think Kate's kids will make it. I'm trying to make it, make it different for when I have kids anyway. Heaven forbid her kids end up like other stars...not Lindsay Lohan in particular but other's who have crashed and burned or been burned. Wouldn't be so bad if Kate got some sense knocked into her by a judge however! I wish...
steff said...
I had a chair
it was there
It once fit thru the door
but not anymore
I had a wagon
but it was dragging
with the chair
that I didn't want there
Perfect, steff! Wayward told me I got the crown, but I happily hand it over to you. I hope you donate the (nonexistent) prize money
to charity, but you don't have to say if you did. ;-)
I'm guessing the chair was too big for the broomstick. That would have been easiest.
Sorry, that was Westcoaster, not Wayward.
Does she not understand that by saying "screw driver thingy" makes her sound like a pre-teen stereotypical 1950's Valley blonde dits?!!! I mean I may not have correct grammar all the time or spelling but come on. She's an absolute insult to those who have to learn English and this is the example they might see? I shutter on that.
I think that you mean "shudder," unless Kate's next handyman project is using the power washer to clean the shutters! Oh, wait...didn't she already do that?
In July 2006, Grace interviewed Smart, who was promoting a legislative bill. Grace repeatedly asked her for information regarding her abduction. Smart told her she didn't feel comfortable discussing it, despite Grace's persistence in the matter. Finally, Grace stopped when Smart said she "didn't appreciate [Grace] bringing all this up."
The words Grace and Nancy together is a complete oxymoron. The 'lady' is a pig. Don't let her fool you.
The Sky's The Limit said... Does she not understand that by saying "screw driver thingy" makes her sound like a pre-teen stereotypical 1950's Valley blonde dits?!!! I mean I may not have correct grammar all the time or spelling but come on. She's an absolute insult to those who have to learn English and this is the example they might see? I shutter on that.
I think that you mean "shudder," unless Kate's next handyman project is using the power washer to clean the shutters! Oh, wait...didn't she already do that?
Sorry Sky, I did mean shudder. But I guess it wouldn't hurt if she cleaned of the shutter's in her head once in a while.
I'm loving Admin's Mac auto correcting (I assume that's what's going on) ;-) :
"This hair is representative I Kate's aloneness. Not to mention her stupidity."
That actually makes sense, assuming you're talking about Kate's hair.
"I like extreme coupling and I coupon a little myself and those women are amazing, "
I can't think of anything to say except LOL!!!
About the Steve Irwin Day and the auction, I had mentioned the other night that the auction seems to really, really be lacking this year.
Look at this year - only 13 auction items (click "Auction Items on the left): http://www.steveirwinday.org/?p=gala-dinner
Plus, they only have five sponsors, and it says that some of the categories still have "sponsorship available".
We had posted a bunch of articles the other night about the mismanagement and financial problems at the Australia Zoo, and I think the bad press they have gotten there all year must be seriously affecting their sponsorship for this event.
Look at LAST year - FIFTY auction items: Steve Irwin Day - 2010 Auction
Also, that last link is for a PDF for last year's auction. It's a full color brochure of over 25 pages. The big items have an entire page description. It's very interesting that this year's page has a link for a PDF for the brochure at the bottom, but it's for LAST year's brochure.
So, it seems that this year, the auction is very, very different.
Also, as far as the question on how bidding is done, I think it is only done that night. It says in the brochure that you can only bid during the evening of the dinner, from 7 to 10:30 PM.
"I like extreme coupling and I coupon a little myself and those women are amazing, "
Sounds like Admin is talking about TLC's other show, "Sister Wives", lol!
Yep I guess that's my new Macbook for ya autocorrecting away. For just $1600 you too can look like an idiot.
Zach's 'Man Drill'...........is she for real? Sounds like a woman in serious need of a man 'drilling'.
No way. Nope. Not buying it.
Here's my take on Kate's post:
"I wanted my fans to feel like I am relatable so that they would stick with me even though I treat them like s*#@, so I wrote this piece of fiction!!!!!!!! (and that's 8, count 'em, 8 exclamation points!) Think they bought it??????????"
And Kate could easily move the chair over to the door and try and manipulate it to get it out but then needed a wagon to be able to move it? What?
Administrator said...
Yep I guess that's my new Macbook for ya autocorrecting away. For just $1600 you too can look like an idiot.
LOL dontcha just love auto correct!
I love how it only took Australians about six months to formally investigate Terri Irwin, expose the whole scheme for what it is, and to bring the whole house of cards crashing down. Americans would have spent years doing the same. The zoo is in trouble, the gig is up, Terri has been exposed for the child exploiter she is and she's been exposed for mismanaging the empire Steve worked so hard to build, Australia is onto her, her own husband's family is onto her, and she can only manage to scrap together 1/5th of the donations she used to and pathetic ones at that. Australians don't have a need to stomp up and down until they are heard, instead they quietly express their disapproval by refusing to participate in this event in droves.
Maybe Kate should do her research before participating in something like this. Doesn't it just figure when EVERRRYONE else is exposing this for what it really is, Kate's the one still giddy to participate. Like she cares about any of this. That's what happens when you have no standards.
Wow, that's a really weak "Grand Auction" items list for the Australia Zoo. It looks as if Terri Irwin's mismanagement has really changed the game.
I've seen small private schools offer far more compelling items for fundraising auctions.
A dress Bindi Irwin wore in 2009? "Dress like a wildlife warrior" in something Terri Irwin wore to an award show? A pair of shoes custom made for Oprah Winfrey? A necklace like 5,000 others Winfrey gave away? And what the heck is this:
"You little ripper, Robert Irwin's khaki uniform and a Komodo Dragon statue."
Are khaki kids' clothes that hard to find?
Oh, and there's that lunch that's been discussed thoroughly here.
Not a real hit parade, these offerings.
I hate to say it, but whoever is dumb enough to fly Kate Gosselin anywhere deserves what they get. (That includes Kate herself.)
Does anyone else find it weird she's giving away her children's CLOTHES for auction???
I'm sorry that's just creepy. Who would want that????
Is there a 15 Minutes, Terri Irwin style blog Down Under somewhere? Maybe we should start one.
Well, she popped on to tell the ten sheeple how exhausted she is, her days are so, so rough. Plus, she answered Austin about changing her user pic - she can NOT figure it out and she needs help! PLUS....she has a NEW PHONE (again!).
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Can I just say how HAPPY I am to b in my bed??! What a day oh my! I smile at my bed after days like these! GN all! Life beat me up 2day!xoxo
16 minutes ago
TheAustinMartin Austin Martin
@kateplusmy8 just wondering if you got that repost of that pic for Ur profile... want me to post again? Lol
4 hours ago
in reply to @TheAustinMartin ↑
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@TheAustinMartin I'll ask u soon. I don't know how to do it myself
15 minutes ago
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@TheAustinMartin and new phone.. Not set up right so I'm not seeing most tweets yet... A few days and I'll b good to go!
13 minutes ago
In regards to what administrator said about Terri Irwin, I have heard more than once and actually there have been many reports of her mismanagement and exploitation of the kids. Actually there was criticism while he was alive as well, for some of the risks and the dangers the kids were exposed too.
The reason why Kate is so drawn to her, I believe, is that they are two peas in a pod! Teri Irwin is to most Australians what Kate is most Americans. Exploiting their children for the almighty dollar and attention.
Administrator said...
Does anyone else find it weird she's giving away her children's CLOTHES for auction???
I'm sorry that's just creepy. Who would want that????
Exactly. Really creepy. It's exactly the kind of thing Kate would think was a great idea. If she weren't selling the ones she got for free at consignment shops.
Also, let's face it, Terri Irwin isn't exactly Marilyn Monroe, and she hasn't been dead for decades yet, either, so why would anyone want HER dress, either?
When Robert was a baby Steve Irwin took him into the alligator pen with a crock right there. There was media outrage over it around the world. Steve's defense was he knows the animals really well that Robert was never in danger. Okay Steve only a few years later you were killed by an animal. I don't care how well you know them you don't put infants in a crock cage. Quite frankly seeing Bindi and Robert in there even today outraged me and I wrote about it in my recap--because for as well intentioned as they may be, the child and teenage brain is NOT developed enough to risk assess properly. We're all strung out about leaving kids in the car. At least no one is leaving their kids in a alligator pen.
I do not believe either of them are fully appreciative of how risky their profession is and I believe both of them have wrapped their kids lives around a very public lifestyle with no other opportunities out there. I'm sure they will say well the kids love it, that's because they know nothing different, fools.
Terri Irwin just gets worse and worse and worse. I can't get over how creepy auctioning off her kids' clothes is. The kids may act like they love this all now but enough of this crap and a tell all is coming eventually.
It gives me the creeps to think about how Bindi has spent nearly every day of her life working. Bindi was working IN THE WOMB. In case anyone remembers, they filmed her entire birth and put it on T.V. We watched every push Terri did to get her into the world. Bet the legislature never thought about child labor laws for kids not even born et.
In regards to what administrator said about Terri Irwin, I have heard more than once and actually there have been many reports of her mismanagement and exploitation of the kids. Actually there was criticism while he was alive as well, for some of the risks and the dangers the kids were exposed too.
The reason why Kate is so drawn to her, I believe, is that they are two peas in a pod! Teri Irwin is to most Australians what Kate is most Americans. Exploiting their children for the almighty dollar and attention.
No grace said...
The words Grace and Nancy together is a complete oxymoron. The 'lady' is a pig. Don't let her fool you.
While I agree that Nancy will do what it takes to get ratings for her show, I find it hard to call someone a "pig" who will donate her [quite SUBSTANTIAL] earnings to a child-centered charity. Has ANY other celebrity on the show ever done something so generous????
I agree about Nancy Grace getting some slack. I think it's great she's donated her earnings. Fine she's a hard hitting "journalist" who is dramatic and ridiculous and convicts people from day one. Don't watch her if you don't like it. Elizabeth Smart is a big girl, she is an adult, she knows the kind of questions Nancy Grace asks. She didn't have to go on her show and sounds like she handled it just fine by insisting she won't answer those questions.
Was it tacky, of course. Slimey journalism? Yep. But it doesn't make her a terrible person.
After "getting to know" Nancy Grace on DWTS I've come to believe that her on-air show is a "character" she plays, that this is not the real her by any means. The real her is in fact, a lovely woman not afraid to go without make up in front of millions, a kind friend who has embraced her partner and everyone on the show, a devoted mommy and wife, and has a sense of humor about herself and the world. A pretty darn hysterical sense of humor. I watched this season because I thought she was going to be another Kate and it was gonna be a good ole time. Little did I know she would turn out to be the fun and kind-hearted soccer mom from next door you just want to go out to lunch with all the time.
This TV thing? It's a million dollar character and works for her.
I'm actually surprised more celebs don't donate their earnings.
However it does tend to be a breeding ground for down and out has beens who probably actually do need the cash lol.
Terri Irwin thinks kids should exploit their childhoods away because it gives them public speaking skills.
Really, must we go any further?
But if you want to, Google "australia zoo mismanagement" and watch the light reading that Google pops up for ya including a full governmental investigation. Note to self, when the government is investigating you? You just might be up to no good.
gggg325 Nolie
@Kateplusmy8 hope u might say something back just found out i am preganet with 4 kids super stocked now!!! any tips??
5 minutes ago
in reply to @gggg325 ↑
Kate Gosselin
@Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@gggg325 like as in quads? Honey-start sleeping now. Bc u won't remember what sleep is! :)FYI- I wouldn't change that in my life if I could!
2 minutes ago
Dancing With Grace said... Not sure if this has been posted, but I just saw at the end of Nancy Grace's show tonight that ANY & ALL of her earnings from DWTS will be donated to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
Would that influence votes to keep her on, no matter if she isn't deserving of the win? I wonder how many other contestants also donate their winnings, but just don't announce it until after the winner has been decided.
Your points well taken, but in the decades-long run since the show has been on, has ANY celebrity announced that they'd be donating their earnings -- before OR after? I don't follow the show that closely, so I can't answer the question. But on a layperson level, Nany Grace's announcement (on her own show, and not on DWTS) is the first I've ever heard of such generosity. She kept it quiet enough as an announcement to her regular viewers -- didn't make any fuss about it on DWTS. I'm not a fan of hers, but I have to give her kudos for this.
Looks like Supermom got yet another new Iphone that she does not know how to work, and she is EXHAUSTED today as well. Too bad Mr. Pool Man and his Drill Thingy couldn't help with her phone problems. So tuff being her.
Here's the infamous Steve Irwin nearly fed his infant son to the crocks photo:
Whoa, Kate sure missed the boat on auction items.
Maybe she shouldn't have pitched all those craft items her kids made. They might be worth $$$ now, at least in Australia where the show is on the air now.
The way Kate tells it she gets all kinds of sleep. She just slept into 11AM this weekend.
Don't worry new mom of quads! If you just exploit them enough you too can sleep in like you're 19 and hung over and who cares about Economics 102.
The new iPhone is so similar to the old it shouldn't take you more than a few minutes to learn the new features.....
but the bigger question is how/why/what did she get the new iPhone??? How much is that thing? I don't care if you are due for an upgrade most upgrades are only a 100-200 dollar credit tops. Why was the NEW iPhone a necessity? Are those college funds full yet?
She kept it quiet enough as an announcement to her regular viewers -- didn't make any fuss about it on DWTS. I'm not a fan of hers, but I have to give her kudos for this.
Why announce it at all? Perhaps other celebrities DO donate their winnings, only they are modest enough not to make a big thing out of it. Quiet generosity.
I'm just dumbfounded here that Kate still feels she has relivence or connections with other mediocre moms with kids. But who ever said you had to be smart to be famous?
Administrator said...
The new iPhone is so similar to the old it shouldn't take you more than a few minutes to learn the new features.....
but the bigger question is how/why/what did she get the new iPhone??? How much is that thing? I don't care if you are due for an upgrade most upgrades are only a 100-200 dollar credit tops. Why was the NEW iPhone a necessity? Are those college funds full yet?
C'mon, we KNOW why Khate had to get the new iphone. One of her sheeple tweeted her last week saying she got the new one and asked Khate if she had it yet. Khate replied "not yet", and I think that she was "due for an update" soon.
It must have killed her that a fan had something "better" than she does. You know, Khate, the "stah", the "famous" mother of eight, the reality tv STAH, the "author" of multiple books, the STAH with 60,000 Twitter followers, etc......
I guess that means she can "write" another book now!
Most people I know have either the iPhone or blackberry and most could probably afford the new iPhone. Do they buy it? Um, no. The general consensus is you can get almost all of the new features for FREE by just downloading the software update for free on your previous iPhone, and that it makes a lot more sense to save your money and wait for the iPhone 5 if you must.
I don't care how wealthy you are, if something is not worth it it's not worth it!
It kills me how "new money" Kate is. This simply isn't how the rich really live. Making smart decisions is how they got to be rich in the first place, idiot.
I wish I could take a sheeple poll to find out how many honestly and truly have iPhones. I'm guessing like maybe two or three of them.
Heard of track phones Kate? That's how millions of Americans get by every day.
She's so insensitive.
Where's the infamous pics taken this morning Kate? Could it possibly be she was lying about being snapped and just wanted her few tweeties to ooo and ahh over her hardships. There probably was not even a pap around her but she wants everyone to think she is still relevant, so once again, looks like a lyin' she did go.
Actually Ron Artest of the LA Lakers also was donating his earnings from his stint on DWTS to funding more research for wilm's tumor, form of kidney cancer that one of his daughters suffer from. But poor Ron Ron was too uncoordinated and got voted off first. I used to hate this guy as a basketball fan because he was so nasty temper. I think he's getting the right treatment nowadays for his issues and he's been a changed man. He auctioned off his Championship ring to raise educational funding for aspiring psychologists, psychiatrists and therapists. Lots of celebs use twitter to raise awareness and funding for their pet causes. Kreider is the only Wannabe who uses twitter to grift, PATHETIC just like her fake followers.
Nobody, I had the same thought. Kate has to top the "mediocre" fans who already got the newest iphone. A new iphone 4s starts at $199, if eligible. It wouldn't surprise me if she did get the 64GB iphone 4s, because it's the most expensive.
Admin, some tech reviewers were saying this isn't worth an upgrade if you already owned an iphone 4. The noticeable differences are an upgraded camera and Siri. If she had an older version, this would be a nice upgrade but the iphone 5 is what many say should be a major upgrade.
Any bets on how long this new phone will last before she breaks it? She apparently went through six (according to a comment made on this blog).
If Kate gets lonely, she can talk to her new virtual friend and personal assistant, Siri.
I'm almost positive she had the iPhone4--from looking at pictures. You can tell because it's squarer. The upgrade is not worth it.
I don't want to hear a darn thing about this family struggling or gymnastics or all the things she wishes for her kids when she's investing in flavor of the month GADGETS.
Oh by the way not to mention the very bare bones data plan/phone plan will run you at least 55 bucks a month and if you are twitting as much is she does you need more data, she's running 70 bucks a month minimum.
If there are not pictures of her yelling at her kids as she claims...what would be the point of this lie??? I couldn't figure it out if I tried.
All it would do would make her look stupid. What she thinks is she tells her sheeple she was photographed being a "good over worked single mother," they'll give her more sympathy?
Whole thing is just sick. If it's fake and it comes out wouldn't you just hide under a rock? You would if you were a normal person I guess. But Kate just doesn't have that does she?
And who sells clothes their kids wore...for charity?! Sick and WRONG. It's not enough there is a Bindi doll, Bindi on video, Bindi working at the zoo now her clothes are being sold? Just so over the line. Let kids breathe and just be kids. Once childhood is gone you can't get it back don't adults realize that? I sure do.
Admin you're an attorney, I doubt there would be anything one could do I wouldn't know, archaeology is my major these days. But wouldn't it be possible to at some point investiage a liar? I mean when lies start to affect kids and the kids lie to cover up lies like kids do being abused, wouldn't the school have any bells going off? How do you skate around keeping your whole life a lie?
1. Grace took a vehemently pro-prosecution position throughout the 2006 Duke University lacrosse case, in which Crystal Gail Mangum, a stripper and North Carolina Central University student, falsely accused three members of Duke University's men's lacrosse team of raping her at a party. Prior to Duke suspending its men's lacrosse team's season, she sarcastically noted on the air, "I'm so glad they didn't miss a lacrosse game over a little thing like gang rape!" and "Why would you go to a cop in an alleged gang rape case, say, and lie and give misleading information?"
2. Grace interviewed Duckett less than two weeks after the child went missing, questioning her for her alleged lack of openness regarding her son's disappearance, asking Duckett "Where were you? Why aren't you telling us where you were that day?"[23] Duckett appeared confused and was unable to answer whether or not she had taken a polygraph test. When Grace asked her why she could not account for specific details, Duckett began to reply, "Because I was told not to," to which Grace responded, "Ms. Duckett, you are not telling us for a reason. What is the reason? You refuse to give even the simplest facts of where you were with your son before he went missing. It is day twelve." According to the CNN transcript, Duckett replied, "(INAUDIBLE) with all media. It's not just there, just all media. Period." Grace then moved on to a media psychologist who asserted that Duckett was "skirting around the issue."[22][23]
The next day, before the airing of the show, Duckett shot herself, a death that relatives claim was influenced by media scrutiny, particularly from Grace.[22][24] Speaking to The Orlando Sentinel, Duckett's grandfather Bill Eubank said, "Nancy Grace and the others, they just bashed her to the end. She was not one anyone ever would have thought of to do something like this." On November 8, 2010, Grace reached a settlement with the estate of Melinda Duckett to create a $200,000 trust fund dedicated to locating Trenton. This settlement was reached a month before a jury trial was scheduled to start.
3. In March 2006, an article in the New York Observer suggested that in her book Objection!, Grace had embellished the story of her college fiancé's 1979 murder and the ensuing trial to make it better support her image. Grace has described the tragedy as the impetus for her career as a prosecutor and victims' rights advocate, and has often publicly referred to the incident.[42] The Observer researched the murder and found several apparent contradictions between the events and Grace's subsequent statements, including the following:
Her fiancé, Keith Griffin, was shot not at random by a stranger, but by a former coworker, Tommy McCoy.
McCoy did not have a prior criminal record and, rather than denying the crime, confessed on the night of the murder.
The jury deliberated for a few hours, not days.
Ok. Give her slack for that one incident. Here's 3 more. And I'm just getting started.
Grace interviewed Duckett less than two weeks after the child went missing, questioning her for her alleged lack of openness regarding her son's disappearance, asking Duckett "Where were you?
Was Trenton Duckett ever found?
Nancy Grace has a prosecutor mindset. You go after people like a hammer, you don't back down, some use intimidation tactics as she clearly does. No one has to go on Nancy Grace. I take issue with someone going on Nancy Grace then crying she hurt your feelings. Duh, do you watch the show?
I don't care for one second for Nancy Grace's show. She is being an aggressive journalist who jumps to conclusions and convicts people on her show. That's not okay with me, but I can choose to vote with my remote if I want something more fair. It is incredibly sad someone committed suicide after going on her show. But you don't get a few hardball questions from someone then commit suicide the next day. There must have been many other factors. Doesn't change the fact that I like her personality on DWTS, which is remarkably different from her personality on her show, and it doesn't for me take away from the fact that she's done a good thing to donate to charity.
Administrator said...
I don't want to hear a darn thing about this family struggling or gymnastics or all the things she wishes for her kids when she's investing in flavor of the month GADGETS.
I read it as:
Kate can afford the latest toy of the month
Kids cannot afford to participate.
My thought on this is Kate uses kids' money for things they need as the basic package of clothes, food, shelter.
Kate uses any other possible money for whatever new shiny toy she happens to want while crying poor for her kids. It's absolutely pathetic. I wish someone would call her out just once.
Not many single/divorced parents I know can continue to afford her life of luxury and whine about it. She must be special. Yuck.
Lake up North I agree.
And it makes my skin crawl when she says things like you are a better mommy if you're making yourself happy, or something like that. I have to find the tweet. Um, wow, what a nice convenient way to justify just...about....anything you could possibly do in this life that only benefits yourself as "for the kids."
Sorry but the latest and greatest iPhone is all about Kate getting her toy and has absolutely nothing to do with the kids. It's all about Kate being happy and having the best thing that's out there. She could get a much cheaper phone for free with an upgrade, to be able to reach her kids anywhere she is and spend 30 bucks a month on it if that.
I love my iPhone but I also "test drove" my friends iPhone 3 for several months. She was very nice to just give it to me after she upgraded. I decided for me it was worth it, so I saved up for it for awhile, got a much cheaper refurbished model several months after the new one came out (works great and still under warranty) and have no intentions of getting another one until it dies. That's what most people do is my sense. It's a fun toy but at the end of the day I could live without it if I couldn't justify the expense anymore. And sometimes it's kind of a distraction buzzing in my purse or pocket just for a little email I can read later. It's not necessary for me nor is it necessary for anyone else. It's a TOY. Put your kids first!!!!
By the way just to clarify, when I talk about how "oh well it's just part and parcel" when innocent people get convicted, I'm talking about the mindset of an aggressive prosecutor trained to attack, attack, attack and take no prisoners.
For me it horrifies me that we haven't figured out a way to perfect this system so that doesn't happen. No innocent person getting convicted is okay with me and that's certainly how many people involved feel.
The Supreme Court of Georgia has twice commented on Grace's conduct as a prosecutor. First, in a 1994 heroin drug trafficking case, Bell v. State, the Court declared a mistrial, saying that Grace had "exceeded the wide latitude of closing argument" by drawing comparisons to unrelated murder and rape cases.[8]
In 1997, the court was more severe, overturning the murder-arson conviction of businessman W. W. Carr in the death of his wife. While the court said its reversal was not due to these transgressions, since the case had turned primarily on circumstantial evidence, it nevertheless concluded "the conduct of the prosecuting attorney in this case demonstrated her disregard of the notions of due process and fairness, and was inexcusable."[9] Carr was freed in 2004 when The Georgia Supreme Court ruled unanimously that Fulton County had waited too long to retry him, thereby unfairly prejudicing his right to a fair trial.[10]
Despite upholding the conviction she sought, a panel of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals wrote in a 2005 opinion that Grace "played fast and loose" with her ethical duties and failed to "fulfill her responsibilities" as a prosecutor in the 1990 triple murder trial of Herbert Connell Stephens.[11] The court agreed that it was "difficult to conclude that Grace did not knowingly use ... [apparently false] testimony" from a detective that there were no other suspects, despite the existence of outstanding arrest warrants for other men
Still think "that way is a perfectly acceptable way to get the job done and get these people convicted..."
Really, Admin? Prosecutorial misconduct. Ok, she's not a pig. She's a snake. ;)
Buying things makes you a better mommy? If that was the true secret I would happy all the freaking time! I'm sorry but even if you don't find the tweet it makes my blood boil a bit. Just like her taking a spa day makes you a better mommy. It's okay if you do it once in a great while but you start doing it monthly it becomes more than guilty occasion pleasure.
As far as her new toy, if she can afford the iPhone4 or whatever and new bikes I am quite sure she can afford to put some kids in gymnastics. One of my kids is in gymnastics, another one is in soccer or flute lessons. I'm not broke here. So I'm sure Miss High and Mighty could spare the time and money. She just won't do it.
What I'd like to know is when her older girls get into the teen years when cell phone becomes your best friend and every time they ask for an upgrade is Kate going to allow them? No, probably not because it's not a necessity to them as it is to her.
With all she seems to be able to afford the least I wish she could afford was some human decency and maybe some manners! If only boy do I wish!
Oh Lake I'm gonna drive myself crazy with trying to remember this tweet. I don't think I did a post on it.
It was something like a., b., and c. selfish things make us better mommies.
Someone help please:)
Interesting about Nancy no-grace. Is it really socially acceptable to disregard due process and fairness and flat-out LIE in America?
Glad I live in another country.
Thank you to the poster for finding that gem!
I think Nancy's court persona is who she really is and this fake personality on DWTS is just that. Fake. An act. She switches between the two in the blink of an eye.
I figured everyone knew this about her. I'd have posted the same as NO grace if I had known people were unaware of her Prosecutorial Misconduct.
I am not Nancy Grace's biographer. Those accusations were 15 years ago, though a Supreme Court generally does not go out of their way to throw any attorney or judge under the bus. They generally give a huge benefit of the doubt to all those people. When they do call someone out everyone takes note.
Maybe her donation is her atonement. I do not disregard her donation because she's made some serious mistakes in the past. Everyone has made mistakes, hers are much more public because she's in a public position. I accept her donation because it's about those kids.
I believe America, IN GENERAL, is a very punative-focused society. We are all about victims rights and getting the right guy behind bars as soon as we can for as long as we can. We hate unsolved cases and will obsess for years over them i.e. Casey Antohny. We are far more concerned about dirty criminals than dirty prosecutors. For every shady prosecutor there are 100s more shady criminals. That said there are still people who are willing to say wait a second that criminal may be shady but that doesn't mean that everyone else involved should be too.
Really, it is a big deal for a court to call out a prosecutor and they were brave to do so.
In 2011 a New York Times article David Carr wrote “Since her show began in 2005, the presumption of innocence has found a willful enemy in the former prosecutor turned broadcast judge-and-jury." He criticized her handling of the kidnapping of Elizabeth Smart, the Duke lacrosse team rape case, the Melinda Duckett interview and suicide and the Caylee Anthony case. George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley told Carr that Grace, as an attorney and reporter, “has managed to demean both professions with her hype, rabid persona, and sensational analysis. Some part of the public takes her seriously, and her show erodes the respect for basic rights.”
This guy is right on the money. FWIW, I think she's a pig too!
I still don't get why she shouldn't donate her earnings. Because she had an extremely shady past some kids shouldn't get the help they need? No one here objects to Kate donating to the zoo, we've only pointed out that flying her out and all that is probably not going to be worth it after you pay all the expenses, it's dumb. The charity itself I think that's fine, by all means, donate. The fact that her past is full of serious misconduct to me doesn't mean she can't donate what she likes to whatever charity she likes. Whether it's fake or not I like this act way better than her stupid show.
I have to admit tHe one show I really wanted to see was after Casey Anthony was acquitted. It felt like Christmas morning watching Nancy Grace steam and boil and finally explode--there she blows!!!!!
No need to drive yourself crazy dear :) I am quite certain however she said it and in her loopy mind it's true. I'd help but I'm not entirely sure I know how Twitter works...
But Kate will just keeping digging herself deeper and deeper with nobody to help her out. She may have all those kids but what she doesn't have is family and friends to help support her and it's terribly sad.
Is her high life really worth a new toy ever few months, is it worth more to her than a simple normal family life? Sure you might always get the laundry done, someone will forget to empty the dishwasher, you occasionally burn dinner and have to order pizza or worst of worst she might have to run her kids something to school they forgot. It's those things as a kid that make you a good parent that you do it without making a bit deal about all this crap. It's honestly not that hard to smile, takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile and she's worked them over time.
Nancy grace? No thank you.This woman only believes in what she SAYS...if you dis-agree with her...she cuts you off...makes fun of you...yells at you til you cant speak anymore....cuts you'r mic off..
Isnt this the same lady who said she dosent ALLOW her husband to bathe the kids?This is the father of her twins right?? She wont ALLOW him to give them a bath? WTF??Is she saying her HUSBAND is a PERV?
I can't stand this woman.She should have been voted off DWTS weeks ago...they keep her around for the drama only. OMG you say...we have never seen this b4!!! Not like kate was on there...she couldnt dance and had NOTHING to offer...but yet she was there...ALL for the ratings!
Why wouldnt Nancy donate her "winnings".. Cause she has more than enough money to keep her family living the high life. IF she didnt donate the cash...she would look like SHIT!
Just like kate...apperance means so much more than the soul.
No need to drive yourself crazy dear
@gggg325 like as in quads? Honey-start sleeping now. Bc u won't remember what sleep is! :)FYI- I wouldn't change that in my life if I could!
I do understand that using terms like 'dear' and 'honey' (like Kate did in the above tweet) seems benign. However, am I the only one who finds it incredibly condescending? Alot of posters here use 'dear' as a term of endearment but IMO it's disrespectful. Anyone know what I mean?
I meant no disrespect or to be condescending in the least. It is your opinion so I cannot change that. I meant the expression in a light hearted way nothing more. To compare a simple comment to Kate is a bit much but again is your respected opinion.
Admin, don't drive yourself crazy looking for the tweet. I believe it something she said and something she foolishly believes. Her own loss no need to prove it in writing I think we all know Kate does and meant it anyway.
I meant the expression in a light hearted way nothing more. To compare a simple comment to Kate is a bit much but again is your respected opinion.
I apologize. Did NOT mean to compare your comment to Kate's. Thank you for righting me. :)
Alot of posters here use 'dear' as a term of endearment but IMO it's disrespectful. Anyone know what I mean?
"Dear' and 'hon" and "love" are terms of endearment but they can also be pejorative and condescending, depending on the context.
It reminds me of the Countess Luanne DeLasepps (sp?) on RHNYC. She was masterful at using those terms in a snooty, condescending way, all the while denying she was being disrespectful.
Basically, it takes a lot of hutzpah to us the terms pejoratively as it's a thinly-veiled, aggressive, alpha-bitch move.
I haven't read the last comments yet, I got to the ones about Kate now bitching about the paps being at the bus stop AGAIN & her being all bitchy AGAIN.
I admit morning time is difficult at our house. Last year, we were up later, my husband wasn't home & my son & I had everything down to the minute. This year with him being in a higher grade, we're up earlier, & my husband is home. He has ruined our jibe, & thinks he can just step in & dictate our schedule. I don't mind the help, don't get me wrong, but he's a bear in the morning & kinda makes things...harder than they have to be. Usually, he's a sweetie, but morning time? I feel like telling him to just back up & let me handle it. :)
As for Kate: When I drop my kid off at school, I NEVER see yelling from parents, I see hugs good-bye, waving, smiling.
What the hell is Kate's problem that she has to torture those kids & make them feel not wanted? Are they not useful to her anymore? How sad that they have to walk on eggshells all the time, never knowing which "Kate" they will get.
~HC~ aka Jenna
I doubt she paid a dime for that phone. I am thinking that she has been working on getting that phone for weeks and the deal finally came through. I think "due for one" in Khate speak means I'm working the phones - it is coming - I won't give up.
Thank you all for your well-wishes, again! My knee is OK, just a bit swollen & sore.
My son & I decided to use my Satanic Slippers for a project he is doing for school. My mom brought some new ones home for me yesterday. :)
They fit!
~HC~ aka Jenna
I began to unbury the papers. Next, I rolled the ottoman to the door and out the door, no problem! When I attempted to move the chair, it wasn’t as heavy as I had envisioned! Perfect! But when I tried to get it out the door? Uh oh! It didn’t fit! Okay, I thought, I’ll just get my screw driver drill thingy and take off the wooden feet on the bottom to decrease it’s width! Smartypants here, soon realized that ALL except two of the screws were “stripped” and that NONE of the feet would be able to be removed! Um…
Every! Sentence! Has! An! Exclamation! Point!
Her writing is awful. Just so simplistic, non-descriptive, boring, doesn't draw you in, & uninspiring. If she is trying to draw people into her life, she really isn't do a good job at all, it looks like a book report a 5th grader would write, in 10 minutes. Her punctuation & grammar is awful.
That is why that post about Comfy Shoes was plagiarized. Look at the difference between this one, the Spider one & THAT ONE. There is NO way she wrote that Comfy Shoes one. That one was beautifully written. Kate did NOT write that post. She copied it from somewhere. Didn't she realize people would know the difference in the writing? The words? The sentence structure?
She really is an idiot.
~HC~ aka Jenna
What happened to the iPad Kate's "friend from far away" sent her? Can't she tweet on that?
Administrator said...
Most people I know have either the iPhone or blackberry and most could probably afford the new iPhone. Do they buy it? Um, no. The general consensus is you can get almost all of the new features for FREE by just downloading the software update for free on your previous iPhone, and that it makes a lot more sense to save your money and wait for the iPhone 5 if you must.
I've been having notions about upgrading my iPhone to the new 4 version, but then I wait about 5 minutes and the notion passes. My iPhone works just fine and will work for years to come.
DH and I are very happy being laggards when it comes to paying for tech gadgets. Let the early adopters pay the big bucks for the newest tech toy because we'll be laughing when we pay less than half the price for the same thing by waiting just a bit.
Same goes for cars. We buy "gently used" cars that are certified and save thousands of dollars.
Kate's got "shiny ball syndrome". Her eyes just flit from one thing to another. What's next? I'm bored! I need distraction!! Ooooh, that's pretty, I need it!.
I have a feeling that Kate needs all of these distractions to avoid some core issues she has. I think she's unhappy and if she just settles into a normal routine without the "rush" she gets from her "things" and escapades well then, she's just stuck with her own self, which I don't think she likes. She is not someone who is comfortable in her own skin. She pretends to be, but she's not. I don't think she even knows who she is. She pretends to be many things; uber-mom, celeb, fashionista, talented cook, fitness expert. The sad fact is, she's none of them.
Many women go through this trying to "get" who you really are, but most have this pretty much figured out by the time they're closer to 40 than 30.
HC, just in that one "paragraph" of Kate's latest missive, it's not just the excessive punctuation that's glaring at me, but the mistakes. First, a "screw driver drill thingy"; a screw driver and drill are 2 different things and saying "thingy" isn't cute, it's babyish. Being blonde doesn't make one a bimbo, let alone a cute one, so I wish Kate would stop with the "I'm so helpless, poor widdle me" act.
"But when I tried to get it out the door?" Is this a question or is Kate trying to convey her uptalk-at-the-end-of-a-sentence, Valley Girl-speak?
"Smartypants here, soon realized..." The idiom, smarty pants, is two words and the comma should not be there.
"to decrease it's width"; it's is a contraction for it is/has. She is saying "to decrease it is/has width. She means to convey possession, which should be its.
I can not believe she wrote a book. If she provided most of the raw writing, it must have taken a village of editors to correct her mistakes and make it cogent.
This is just one paragraph from a blog entry. I would not be so harsh if this were a quick Twitter entry or IM. This is a blog post that she can read over and over until free of mistakes.
I agree, HC, Comfy Shoes in no way resembles this hot mess.
All those exclamation marks in Kate's latest missive make this otherwise-moronic tale of moving a chair sound like a rejected story-time segment for an episode of Romper Room.
If the chair-moving tale had rhyming in it, then it would sound like Dr. Seuss for the stoned.
Duckman said...If the chair-moving tale had rhyming in it, then it would sound like Dr. Seuss for the stoned.
A couple of years ago the regulars on Z for TV did a whole series of Kate as Dr. Suess. It was pretty funny.
Regarding the handyman thing. I wonder if Kate ever realizes just how much Jon did around the house. Realizes, not appreciates!
Yeah know, I think we should read Kates tweets between the lines. Kate mentioned up-grading her phone recently, then she did it. I also see that Kate has been down playing the Nov 3 speaking engagement, the Aussie trip(saying in a tweet yesterday to a fan: she wish she could go) nothing about the bidding for dinner with her in Aussie. The speaking thing at Penn State, she is not talking about either. Is this to do a pity thing , when no one shows up? I see she took a stab at Paul Peterson: He's doing it to hear himself, like you don't Kate. I rather listen to Paul than you and he is not doing it for money or to listen to his voice. So Kate was being mean to her kids yesterday at the school bus stop. And kate is pulling the poor mom act: life is beating me up? PLEASE: tell that to people at the unemployment office, people who lost their homes, running out of money, Grandparents who some are old and are on fixed incomes, who are raising their grandkids and in some cases great grandkids, numbering 6-12 children, if life has not beat them up, then I'm the Queen of England. One does not see these people going to WY for a birthday trip, buying 8 bikes at $100-200 each, buy a new phone, goto NYC to get hair done, etc. These people will be lucky to pay bills and put food on the table. Kate is full of SH#@!%&!
I agree with everyone who can't stand Nancy Grace. I never really watched her much at all and when I saw how she treated Jon that was it. Granted, at that time Jon was no saint (but look what he had just gotten free of) but he didn't deserve what she did to him. He was and is to kind to interrupt her at every turn to try and answer even one of her questions before she went in for the kill again. So I wonder why she didn't have darling Kate on her show and treat her the exact same way. If I see her ugly mug anywhere I automatically change the channel. She's mean, rude, loud and did I mention MEAN. I agree that prosecutors have a hard job and they want to keep the bad guys off the street. But people are supposed to be -- in our society -- INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty, in a court, not by Nancy Grace. It's her attitude that she has all the information she needs to make the call of GUILTY before or during a trial, rather than sitting on the jury or in the courtroom hearing all the evidence and then deciding guilt or innocence.
Tucker, don't you know that she is Miss Perfect Grammar and Miss Perfect Speller? She said that English was her best subject in school.
WOW a lot of Grace hate here lately. Like Admin I've been enjoying her on DWTS. She's trying and improving AND I love her partner. I don't watch her show, never have.
Kate seems to be due for a lot more "upgrades" than we normal folk. I'm only entitled to an upgrade evry 2 years (and I'm waiting and saving for the iPhone 5 due out in the summer). Apple is a big company and doesn't need the endorsement of d d-list star to sell their phone. There's a waiting list here for it. Maybe her "celeb" got her one a little quicker but Kate is not enough of a star to warrant a free phone. I'm guessing that she did indeed pay for it out of pocket.
When Beth took Kate to the spa she told her that treating themselves made them better mommies. Kate has been parroting that ever since shenever she buys herself something new.
No she doesn't realize. She's said many times she had to do everything. I even did a post on it when she said this:
"I felt like I have really always taken charge of everything around the house. Schedule and organization and work. It’s a lot to handle for one person.”
Wow, KAte, really?
It's not a prosecutors job to uphold innocent until proven guilty. They are the ones doing the PROVING. Once they decide they are going to try to convict someone, their job is to convince the jury to convict. A prosecutor doesn't stand up there and ask the jury to please assume that person is innocent. No, they tell them this person is guilty, guilty, guilty and must convict. Of course they can't cross ethical lines like if they are aware of evidence that was free them they have to disclose it. But prosecutors have enough to do without going after innocent people, despite a few high profile screw ups most cases are open and shut guilty and MANY guilty people go free every darn day because the prosecutors don't have a case.
Nancy Grace seems unable to step out of her shoes of prosecutor and be the jury as most journalists try to do. But I think that's what she thinks is the "hook" of her show coming from it from the perspective of a prosecutor. A dime a dozen are the "jury" journalists. She has never separated her prosecutor job from her journalist job. Up for debate whether that is right.
It's the jury's job to uphold the innocent until proven guilty standard, and the judge.
Her writing is awful. Just so simplistic, non-descriptive, boring, doesn't draw you in, & uninspiring. If she is trying to draw people into her life, she really isn't do a good job at all, it looks like a book report a 5th grader would write, in 10 minutes. Her punctuation & grammar is awful.
Hippie, you're right. It does sound like it was written by a fifth grader. I bet Cara and Mady could write it better. Realize, though, that the only people she draws in are the sheeple, and this is exactly the way they talk and the way they write. It's written on their level. It's the only way she knows how to communicate. Sheeple couldn't understand writing that would be more polished or sophisticated.
Interesting article. Sorry if it's been posted already.
New post up. No pictures with this one.
Um in the post title? Fail much Kate?
Seriously Kate, we know you read here. Let me make this very plain for you. STOP USING SO MANY EFFING !
For someone that said English was their best subject I shudder to think what your math and sciences were like cause lady you well and truly suck at English.
Um Apple Madness?
Well, Steve Jobs may no longer be with us (RIP Steve!) but his apple “jobs” sure live on! I am sitting in my local Apple store, in line for a brand new iPhone! Hold your gasps, people, I have finally earned an “upgrade!” Yes, for me that means that I didn’t drop, spill on, or drown this current iPhone… Well, at least not unto its death!
I am so proud of myself that I am rewarding myself – going from iPhone 3GS to the 4GS. I’ve skipped an entire generation and will now feel like a futurista (not a fashionista, mind you!) I now won’t know how to do a thing on my phone that typically organizes my life so if you call and I don’t know who you are or what my name is – blame the phone, not the operator!
Anyway, as I sit here awaiting my new phone, I see the sea of blue shirts swirling around me and I watch and listen to the high tech lingo flowing nearby! I watch as a sixty something year old lady is versed on her new flat screen monitor and note that she appears happy and under control. I, however, catch myself muttering under my breath “okay, that looks exceedingly scary” and laugh when I catch myself saying it, but I mean it!
I’m afraid of technology, you see, and although I rely on it excessively, it scares me! When I make a change and move with society as technology changes, I truly worry! What if I can’t find some piece of information and I need it now? What if all of my information doesn’t transfer to my new phone and it’s lost for good? I keep telling myself that I should be excited to be getting a new phone, after all, most people are! I just cannot share their excitement! Why does technology have to change so quickly? What in the world am I doing here? Why am I sitting for 45 minutes while I wait for my turn to be called and given a phone? Isn’t my old slow beat up dirty dinasaur phone just fine? I mean, it still works and hasn’t seized due to a spilled water bottle in my purse (RIP iPhones 1 and 2). It hasn’t taken a high dive out of a moving truck (so sorry, iPhone 3). It wasn’t forced to accompany me through endless miles in softball sized rain drops because I didn’t want to end my run early (what was I thinking iPhone 4?), and it didn’t experience an accidental shatter on the hot sidewalk in Florida (I apologize iPhone 5)! Certainly, I don’t need to send myself into technology panic when my phone is just fine, right?
Oh, gotta go…. The blue shirt geniuses here at the Apple Store just called my name… I’m getting a new iPhone! Wheeee!
Anger issues kate said
I also see that Kate has been down playing the Nov 3 speaking engagement, the Aussie trip(saying in a tweet yesterday to a fan: she wish she could go) nothing about the bidding for dinner with her in Aussie. The speaking thing at Penn State, she is not talking about either.
She knows the jig is up, and these engagements will be the final nails in the coffin.
Doubt she ever makes it to Australia, but if she does, here's betting it turns out that the costs are on her. I don't think the Australia zoo, or Mrs. Irwin, are in a position to pay Kate's freight.
Shiny, sparkly, bright things attract magpies.
What is Kate's fascination with shiny, sparkly, bright gadgets telling us?
I will skip over the bizarre and inappropriate use of "um" in a title of any kind, and merely comment on her audacious explanation of why she is treating herself to yet another expensive toy. She ruined two Iphones with open water bottles and another by dropping it from a truck? And she thinks that this is amusing? I could not even read the rest of her stupid post.
And this morning she is reporting her miles and running time - since when did she turn into someone who actually runs? I agree with everyone else that she is doing herself a huge physical disservice by not connecting with a local running club, at least for some advice. My DIL, who just ran a 1/2 marathon, and is several year younger than K8 and who was a runner in high school, went into this marathon, her first in several years, by meeting with a local runners club on several Saturday mornings. Eventually she started running on her own since her full time job and new baby made making their scheduled runs hard, but she said it would have been impossible to return to the game any other way. I not only do not believe K8, but think if she really is running she is, of course, doing it the worst possbile way.
The phone thing? She continues on her selfish road of entitlement. And her blog is boring and poorly writtten, also no surprise.
What a hard life she ha waiting for assistance at the apple store. Is this a parody???
So she trashed four (three?) phones by being a careless idiot, and thinks her compelling (NOT) description of standing in line for a fifth is an exciting read?
Boy, there's nothing more exciting than reading about some idiot standing in line at a store.
What is wrong with this woman?
My personal rule for my own gadgets (which have included MP3 player, Walkman, non-fancy cell phone, etc) is this:
If I can't take care of it, I don't deserve to get another one. I will replace it if it is stolen or it dies a natural death. If I have lost it because of carelessness, I don't allow myself to spend money on a new one.
I was forced to get a new cell phone when the entire system went from analog to digital. Same with my TV. I drive my cars until the mechanic tells me it's time for a decent burial. I don't buy new things just for the joy of getting new things. I can't tell you how much money I've saved by just appreciating what I've already got. I don't understand Kate's mindset on this.
Lying again. This is not her sixth phone, it is her seventh. F-ing liar.
Sent from my SIXTH (yes, I've got iPhone issues!) pink iPhone!
What fidosmommy said. Respecting our possessions is how my family became financially secure.
Unlike Kate, we live under our means, have no debt, and travel whenever we like, everywhere we like. Including all over Europe.
We don't fly first class, though, because it's a waste of money. Everybody on the plane arrives at the first time, and, first class or not, it is all a miserable experience.
Of course, we don't need to be fawned over. That's another big difference. We have self-respect.
Unlike Kate, we earned it all ourselves, by working, and behaving in a financially responsible way.
Oh, and we didn't chose to have more children than we could responsibly raise, emotionally or financially. That's another big difference.
Uh, that would be "everyone on the plane arrives at the SAME time". Sorry!
Ugh, she brags so freakin much about that damn iPhone, as if she is special because she has an iPhone - GMAFB.
I can't wait until her kids all want one TIMES 8! 8 iPhones!!!!!!!! (X 8 exclamation points!) Can you imagine the cost of that?
Plus, if her kids are anything like her, they'll be going through those suckers a few at a time. Oops Shoka ate mine, oops I broke mine on the bus, oops I dropped mine in a puddle.
Somehow I don't see her thinking it's so cutesy to replace all those "oops" when her children do it.
Oh, it's so nice to read that Kate has time to sit in the Apple store alone for 45 minutes reflecting on the state of the world and the impact of technology. How wonderful for her that after paying out of pocket for at least 4 iphones cuz she broke the others, she has decided that she deserves a reward for keeping this one for how long? And how wonderful that she can afford to spend the money on the phone, the expensive monthly charges, AND for the support that they must be providing because she doesn't know how to use the thing!
In 15 years, I have gone through 3 phones. 3. I can barely put a complete thought together because my kids intruppt me with "watch me, see this, tell me a story"...and I wouldn't have the ability to contemplate the world while at the Apple store because I would be busy making sure my kids don't break any of the computers and telling them no, they can't get one.
But, Kate is just like us. Amazing.
And, Kate, telling someone having four babies to get sleep now isn't helpful. I think she really wanted some support!
And what is with the "am I going to do a marathon?" act? We all know you are signed up for one.
I really hate fakers.
What in the f@%$& is she talking about?
Someone said it upthread, she's grasping at straws now. Quit while you're ahead! A SAHM who has no job outside of the home does NOT need these top of the line gadgets! And people don't CARE how you justify it or go into lengthy detail of how you acquired it! Honestly, STFU!! No pics of her at the Apple Store?? You'd think SOMEBODY in there would want to try out their new iphone camera?? The place must have been packed with teens/tweens...what gives??
Sorry for all the exclamation points!! :)
Tucker's Mom said...
Alot of posters here use 'dear' as a term of endearment but IMO it's disrespectful. Anyone know what I mean?
"Dear' and 'hon" and "love" are terms of endearment but they can also be pejorative and condescending, depending on the context.
It reminds me of the Countess Luanne DeLasepps (sp?) on RHNYC. She was masterful at using those terms in a snooty, condescending way, all the while denying she was being disrespectful.
Basically, it takes a lot of hutzpah to us the terms pejoratively as it's a thinly-veiled, aggressive, alpha-bitch move.
October 26, 2011 4:26 AM
I've also seen her call a couple of people "darling." Have we ever heard her call any of her kids any endearment (other than "child")?
Nothing is more irritating than people who don't take care of their stuff. That's one of the things the military drills into recruits, take care of yOur stuff. Carelessness is not attractive.
Fido I like your responsibilty. This is how well off people get to where they are.
After Kate appeared on DWTS, I vowed I'd never watch the show again. After hearing Nancy Grace was dancing this season, I tuned in. To my surprise, this season is enjoyable and Nancy G is actually working hard and dancing. Admin, I agree with you that Nancy is playing a character on her own show and might be a nice person to have lunch with. I don't believe for a minute that Kate even tried to dance. Lazy, lazy, grifting woman that Kate. Disgusting, really.
Polly Kahl has authored a very interesting article, "Kate Gosselin's Tweets Not So Sweet". It refers to her tweet regarding Paul Peterson. Sorry, I can't "do" links but it can be found at Technorati.
Tucker's Mom said:
Kate's got "shiny ball syndrome". Her eyes just flit from one thing to another. What's next? I'm bored! I need distraction!! Ooooh, that's pretty, I need it!.
Isn't that what magpies do? I know it's some kind of bird... :-)
Just Me, thanks for posting Kate's sh*teous blog entry.
So... She wrote that masterpiece on her phone, while waiting for a new phone? Remarkable.
[Cringe] "Well, Steve Jobs may no longer be with us (RIP Steve!) but his apple “jobs” sure live on!"...
[Groan] "Blue shirt geniuses"...
And Kate, you are a orange, wrinkly-skinned orangutan-thingy.
Kate's writing style is just so descriptive, so clever, so funny & so inspirational (barf).
How come after I read her blog entries, I get the kind of chills that can only be removed by taking a scalding shower?
Admin asked how many sheeple are still tweeting her. I'd say there are about a dozen or so regulars on there who worship the ground she walks on, hanging on her every word, some demanding where she is, what she is doing - needy ones who feel neglected when she doesn't respond to them, bold and brash in their insistence that she should not ignore them, reminiscent of Alex Forest in "Basic Instinct".
Then there are the fly-by tweeters, mostly teens and twenty-somethings with tweets like, "Your the most amazing mom I seen," or "Do you want to get back on tv again?" or "Where do you find your coupons?" or "Are you going to right a cookbook?" and are never heard from again.
Alert the Press! Kate is "rewarding" herself again.
Oh, wait, this isn't new.
(but she *deserves* it for not being an irresponsible dolt who can't anticipate water spilling or "ruination" by rain... and ps...damn near all handbags come with outer compartments to hold... wait for it... your phone. Stupid)
Kate Gosselin's tweets, which have been known to include veiled (or not so veiled) jabs at her ex-husband Jon, took a new direction in nastiness Monday when she put down widely respected veteran actor and child advocate Paul Petersen. When a Kate fan informed her through Twitter that Petersen had been on a local radio show that morning, Kate's response was, “lol. He just needs a platform to hear himself talk...”
Paul Petersen's worked in the entertainment business for over fifty years. He starred on the Mickey Mouse Show, co-starred with Hollywood royalty like Cary Grant and Sophia Loren, has had several hit singles, and authored a series of sixteen books. In 1990, following the suicide of former child star Rusty Hamer, Petersen founded A Minor Consideration, a non-profit child advocacy group providing support and guidance to former child stars and children in the entertainment business. The group's membership currently includes approximately 600 former child actors. In 2009, he successfully petitioned a California court to appoint a law guardian to oversee the earnings of the widely publicized octuplets born to "octomom" Nadya Suleman. In 2010 he met with community leaders, lawmakers and the media to promote PA Representative Paul Murt’s bill to reform Pennsylvania’s child labor laws (still pending). Ironically, Kate Gosselin, who achieved fame by giving birth to sextuplets after intrauterine insemination and is widely reputed to be self-centered and difficult to get along with, would be lucky to achieve half the success in her lifetime that Petersen has achieved in his.
Kate's rude tweet about Petersen was in response to the fan telling her that Petersen had been “judgmental” on the local radio show, but it's hard to figure how someone who's dedicated his life to preventing future child actor disasters could be construed as anything but positive to a mother of eight famous children. Perhaps Kate Gosselin resents the fact that Petersen brought attention to the need for improved child labor laws in Pennsylvania partially as a result of her shows, Jon & Kate Plus Eight and Kate Plus Eight, being filmed here. Many former fans of Gosselin's shows now believe she exploited her children for fame and money by allowing them to be filmed engaging in such private acts as having their diapers changed, sitting on the potty, fighting and having tantrums, and vomiting. The proposed bill will protect the working children of PA by limiting hours they're allowed to work, mandating that they have guardians on set, and have protections for their financial well being set in place, among other improvements. For most parents of kids working in entertainment in Pennsylvania, that bill, when it finally passes, will truly be something worthy of tweeting about.
Beth said @ 10:00 AM
Thank you for posting the article I referred to.
Beth said...
Kate Gosselin's tweets, which have been known to include veiled (or not so veiled) jabs at her ex-husband Jon, took a new direction in nastiness Monday when she put down widely respected veteran actor and child advocate Paul Petersen. When a Kate fan informed her through Twitter that Petersen had been on a local radio show that morning, Kate's response was, “lol. He just needs a platform to hear himself talk...”
Paul Petersen's worked in the entertainment business for over fifty years. He starred on the Mickey Mouse Show, co-starred with Hollywood royalty like Cary Grant and Sophia Loren, has had several hit singles, and authored a series of sixteen books. In 1990, following the suicide of former child star Rusty Hamer, Petersen founded A Minor Consideration, a non-profit child advocacy group providing support and guidance to former child stars and children in the entertainment business. The group's membership currently includes approximately 600 former child actors. In 2009, he successfully petitioned a California court to appoint a law guardian to oversee the earnings of the widely publicized octuplets born to "octomom" Nadya Suleman. In 2010 he met with community leaders, lawmakers and the media to promote PA Representative Paul Murt’s bill to reform Pennsylvania’s child labor laws (still pending). Ironically, Kate Gosselin, who achieved fame by giving birth to sextuplets after intrauterine insemination and is widely reputed to be self-centered and difficult to get along with, would be lucky to achieve half the success in her lifetime that Petersen has achieved in his.
Kate's rude tweet about Petersen was in response to the fan telling her that Petersen had been “judgmental” on the local radio show, but it's hard to figure how someone who's dedicated his life to preventing future child actor disasters could be construed as anything but positive to a mother of eight famous children. Perhaps Kate Gosselin resents the fact that Petersen brought attention to the need for improved child labor laws in Pennsylvania partially as a result of her shows, Jon & Kate Plus Eight and Kate Plus Eight, being filmed here. Many former fans of Gosselin's shows now believe she exploited her children for fame and money by allowing them to be filmed engaging in such private acts as having their diapers changed, sitting on the potty, fighting and having tantrums, and vomiting. The proposed bill will protect the working children of PA by limiting hours they're allowed to work, mandating that they have guardians on set, and have protections for their financial well being set in place, among other improvements. For most parents of kids working in entertainment in Pennsylvania, that bill, when it finally passes, will truly be something worthy of tweeting about.
Thanks for posting this, Beth.
Kate's ignorance & lack of respect is startling.
Oops - just saw Fido's comment (before mine) about the magpie. At least I was right!
I drive my cars until the mechanic tells me it's time for a decent burial. I don't buy new things just for the joy of getting new things. I can't tell you how much money I've saved by just appreciating what I've already got. I don't understand Kate's mindset on this.
Fido - I'm with you. My kids insisted that I get a new cell phone because they were so embarrassed by my old one - it was nine years old, a dinosaur, but it knew me and I knew it. Never dropped a call. The antenna was somewhat annoying, though. I finally broke down and bought one with a camera. I still like my old one better, although it weighed a ton and was just about as big as a cordless land-line phone! I had to buy a new computer because the repair tech looked at it, suppressing what I know would have been uproarious laughter, commenting that he didn't know anyone still had computers that old.
I become very attached to my cars. I have now joined the 100,000 mile club at the service department and the car, an SUV, still has another 100,000 left on it. There is nothing wrong with it. If it's not broke, don't fix it. I could very well afford to purchase a new SUV without financing, but why should I? I'm happy with the one I have. I am not a miser. I just don't believe in having every new piece of technology that comes along.
Kate belongs to the new money generation. She doesn't "get it" now, but maybe one day she will.
Kate Gosselin tweeted
# Ok think I found everyone now. Geesh thought I was talking to myself! 46 minutes ago
You are, honey, you are.
(Note - that would be a condescending use of the word honey.)
She can Twitter until her thumbs fall off. It still won't pay the bill.
Doe a dear said...
No need to drive yourself crazy dear
@gggg325 like as in quads? Honey-start sleeping now. Bc u won't remember what sleep is! :)FYI- I wouldn't change that in my life if I could!
I do understand that using terms like 'dear' and 'honey' (like Kate did in the above tweet) seems benign. However, am I the only one who finds it incredibly condescending? Alot of posters here use 'dear' as a term of endearment but IMO it's disrespectful. Anyone know what I mean?
Southern women call everyone "dear" or "hon" or "honey" or "sweetie." It is not meant to be condescending or disrespectful.
Kate's rude tweet about Petersen was in response to the fan telling her that Petersen had been “judgmental” on the local radio show, but it's hard to figure how someone who's dedicated his life to preventing future child actor disasters could be construed as anything but positive to a mother of eight famous children. Perhaps Kate Gosselin resents the fact that Petersen brought attention to the need for improved child labor laws in Pennsylvania partially as a result of her shows, Jon & Kate Plus Eight and Kate Plus Eight, being filmed here.
This is the crux of the argument for me. Well said, WG.
I do not understand how *any* mother would defiantly stand against enacting laws that will protect children in Reality TV. The Gosselins opened Pandora's box with their trailblazing series, Jon & Kate Plus 8. Its trajectory was meteoric, fueled by the lascivious and exploitative manner in which TLC used the family's destruction for ratings and money. Of course, Jon and Kate provided cords of tinder too at the time. Currently, Kate continues to fan the flames with her invective references to Jon.
I applaud Mr. Peterson, Rep. Murt and all those who have been working to bring child labors laws into the present so that such laws address the protection of minor "participants" in RTV.
I also admire Mr. Peterson for not backing down from a woman who does not hesitate to unleash her fury and defame whenever her misguided actions with regards to using her children for money are questioned.
Thanks for posting this, Beth.
Kate's ignorance & lack of respect is startling.
Which is exactly why she isn't a host on a talk show. Insert foot. The networks don't want to be responsible for what might come out of her mouth. Yet she just doesn't stop with this insane tweeting. Good gosh, Kate. THINK before you talk (and tweet).
I'm wondering if Kate picked up that new pink iPhone when she was in NY. There's no Apple store in Berks County. Closest is at King of Prussia mall towards Philly and I think she tweeted once that she's never been there. But with her who knows.
"Southern women call everyone "dear" or "hon" or "honey" or "sweetie." It is not meant to be condescending or disrespectful. "
True, but Lake, who used the term "dear" originally, is from northern California. And Kate is from Pennsylvania.
Although I can't figure out what "immed" means, apparently one of Kate's fans figured it out and as people here have said, Kate isn't eating properly for a runner:
Just ran 13.66 miles! In 2hrs20 sumthing...I'm dead&immed ate cream ofwheat&long grain/wild rice! Yum!Starving!! Marathon in my future?hm..
@Kateplusmy8 congrats! Sorry to say wrong post run fuel...you eat carbs pre run and protein post run. Muscles need protein to rebuild.
Southern women call everyone "dear" or "hon" or "honey" or "sweetie." It is not meant to be condescending or disrespectful.
In Philly, women use hon all the time and it's a friendly expression. Although, I do remember some non-native women getting their hackles up about it.
It's standard vernacular at any diner! What can I getcha, hon?
I had my cell phone destroyed ONCE and ONLY ONCE when I left it on the table while having coffee. It was an accident, totally avoidable, not a very smart thing to do. But you know what? I NEVER DID IT AGAIN. You'd think by the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, hundreth time Kart would learn.
Anonymous said...
Beth said @ 10:00 AM
Thank you for posting the article I referred to.
You guys are most welcome.
This bugs the heck out of me. Kate is rude, demeaning, and has anger issues. She is ungrateful and stuck up. She has more "stuff" than I could imagine, has the ability and finances to pretty much get whatever she wants, and is thankful for none of it. Ok, fine, whatever. But then she has to go on twitter and her blog to brag about it to all her "followers"??? They were on there like last week or whenever asking her if she wanted cereal or ipad and praying for her and her children because she "lost her job" right? How can they not be bothered by this? If I were sending someone gift cards because I thought they weren't going to be able to make ends meet with 8 kids and then I heard that they were buying iphones, I would be livid!
I think if Kate's fans were standing in a line waiting to meet her and Kate walked by and smacked each one of them in the face they'd say, "Thank you, Kate."
Mamak said
If I were sending someone gift cards because I thought they weren't going to be able to make ends meet with 8 kids and then I heard that they were buying iphones, I would be livid!
They are sending her cards because it makes them feel as if they have a personal relationship with her.
They are "buying" her friendship. Or so they think.
Of course, they get nothing in return. Not even thanks, apparently.
Mamak said
If I were sending someone gift cards because I thought they weren't going to be able to make ends meet with 8 kids and then I heard that they were buying iphones, I would be livid!
They are sending her cards because it makes them feel as if they have a personal relationship with her.
They are "buying" her friendship. Or so they think.
Of course, they get nothing in return. Not even thanks, apparently.
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