Real Housewives of Beverly Hills |
However interestingly, the study by the Girl Scout Research Institute also suggests girls who watch reality TV view themselves as leaders and role models and say reality TV exposes them to new perspectives.
508 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 508 of 508 Newer› Newest»I think I just might believe her tweet about her running time. I have a chart that says running a 1/2 marathon in 2 hours & 24 minutes means an average of 11 minutes/mile. That seems doable... just a bit faster than a fast walk.
I find it hard to read the words "Nancy Grace" and "journalist" in the same sentence. She, like all the other shrieking talking heads on TV and radio, doesn't know how (or care) to be an unbiased reporter of facts, which is the mark of the truly great news journalists. Like her or hate her, she is nothing more than a media personality playing to a niche audience.
Lake Up North said... I meant no disrespect or to be condescending in the least.
Just my opinion of course: Lake, you are pretty much a regular here and to use a term like 'dear' toward another regular does not offend *me*.
I am probably guilty of calling some regulars here 'hon' when I am trying to offer words of support or something. If I have offended I am so sorry.
Even Kate, (gulp) using 'honey', does not offend me. Kate is using it as trying to convey herself as one mom to another in that tweet. Most of us wouldnt fall for it from her, but it DID come across to me as casually friendly regarding an area of common circumstances. I dont think she meant it in a snippy way.
And in defense of the poster who mentioned it, I dont think she was trying to call you on the carpet, but rather just making conversation. She and I would probably agree that the guy at the produce market had better not call us honey, dearie, or anything like that.
Re Kate posting about the chair: I cant imagine what she does 24 hours a day, but her elaborate posts about killing one spider and moving a chair indicate to me that these are THEE Events of her lonely dull days. Pa-thet-ic.
Administrator said...
Does anyone else find it weird she's giving away her children's CLOTHES for auction???
I'm sorry that's just creepy. Who would want that????
Just like Kate giving away (oh sorry, SELLING!) pictures of her kids to strangers so they can hang them on their fridge or frame them. That is creepy too.
~HC~ aka Jenna
I never took anything as an offense. Sometimes when it's late you may not always read things quite as clearly, that is all. Nothing more.
Dwindle, eh...from receptions I've gotten in the past not sure if I count myself a regular all that much. Sure I post yes, however, people will always have opinions no matter what is written, particular if you share certain aspects of your life.
I came to post here because I do not agree with or do I like Kate's constant whinning about how hard life is, it is hard because she chose to make it that way. She chose reailty TV and now has to deal with the negative conseuences that come with that choice: paps, having sources out her on whichever story, having her personal life examined. It's a choice she made at the expense of her 8 children, one other families with more children did not.
I cannot sympathize with a woman who has as much as she has received who remains so distasteful and cringeworthy. As odd as it is she enjoys either negative or possitive press. Whatever Kate's loss in the end.
Cheers to all. I am off to an appointment and to eventually pick up my kids.
Ok think I found everyone now. Geesh thought I was talking to myself! about 2 hours ago
Well...had to happen sometime I guess. She starts talking to herself when nobody is there...but we already knew she was not all there to begin with. Kidding. Maybe.
Oh great! Is Kate talking to herself now? Oh...does this mean she finally cracked? If only I guess. Looks like her tweeters showed up and she's as happy as can be. My only problem is why can't she be that happy with her kids?
"dead&immed ate" = dead and immediately ate.....
Hippie Chick said... Thank you all for your well-wishes, again! My knee is OK, just a bit swollen & sore.
My son & I decided to use my Satanic Slippers for a project he is doing for school. My mom brought some new ones home for me yesterday. :)
Glad you are improving a bit, HON. I had a %#@! tooth pulled this morning and y'all can come over here and kill me anytime. Feel free.
I once had a green summer sundress that was The Definite Cause of a broken toe, then a fall in the mud, then some broken glass in my foot, then a burn on my hand AND on the dress. Seriously, we dug a hole at the back of our property, I buried the dress and covered it with sea salt. LOL!
HC you are so right about Kate's writing style. The post about shoes and parenting 'styles' was absolutely written by someone with an organized brain, not her. She may have changed one individual word here and there and now thinks she can call it her own. Like taking recipes off of soup cans and box labels, she uses chopped chicken instead of ground beef so thinks it's safe to publish it as her own.
The fact that no one has stepped forward officially to claim original authorship means to NO ONE is reading her lame little blog except her 666 sheeple, and us by proxy. She is so far off the radar, she aint even a tropical depression let alone a full hurricane.
OK that was lame on my part. Blame it on my pain. Somebody shoot me. Ugh.
What I found works well for pain (if you can take them) is 2 ibuprofen every two hours, and 2 tylenol on the off two hours. So....every two hours you're taking something, alternating between the two.
I found this out when my mom was in excruciating pain from some procedure or another. I called the emergency room...they asked what I was giving her, and then berated me for not doing the above. Like, duh, EVERYONE knows this one, you moron!
Well, I didn't. And neither did she. Once I started her on that routine, she was much more comfortable.
Good luck! Hopefully tomorrow is better for you!!!!!!!! (Notice 8 exclamation marks!)
I don't have a blog, but I have several friends, both face-to-face and virtual friends, who do. I
have never read one of their blog entries being a drawn out story of one activity. The ones they do are reflective pieces.
OK, for example. IF one of them were to have had a spider in the house, that might have been the springboard for an entry. But they would most likely have taken it in the direction of:
I know what it feels like to feel trapped and like there is no way out. That spider reminded me of that. And on........
Or, from another perspective: I have had some major fears in my life that I haven't got rid of yet. I freeze, I panic. And on..... Fear is a very paralyzing thing, and I admire those who get control of themselves and walk toward the fear. Mady did this time. Maybe I can take a lesson from her.
Poorly thought out examples, I realize, but you get the idea. Blogs, I thought, were intended to get you to think, to appreciate, to meditate, to learn, to internalize, to help with self-awareness, and/or to grow. Maybe I've just been reading the wrong blogs.
Parked in the fire lane AGAIN, picking up her grifted freebies at the UPS Store AGAIN, wearing hooker heels again:
Guess the INF photos of Kate yelling at the kids didn't sell, so they took pictures of her errands and posted them on their site. OMG, WTF does she have on? I don't think that Kate is an unattractive person (on the outside) but she has ZERO awareness of how to dress her body sometimes. As Clinton/Stacy have pointed out many times, leggings are not pants! Pairing them with a long sweater or tunic or boots is so much better than the monstrosity she's sporting. I'd almost feel sorry for herself but she just doesn't care that she's a laughing stock.
And it looks like she grifts from Indian Summer for apple sauce. That's their name and logo on the side of the big apple sauce box.
And again she gets employees to put stuff in her car while she's PARKED IN THE FIRE LANE.
Bitch just doesn't give a shit, that's all.
i dislike snarking on her appearance but this time i cant resist. hope someone tweets pics from inf of her hair 'do' to her stylist. @JasonHueman
she's a horrific advertisement for him and the salon. and in one of those photos it sure looks like she has a hair weave - you can see the attachment.
She may be her skinniest, but geez, she looks like shit.
That's what $2500 of NYC hair looks like, I'm embarrassed for the stylist. .
Sorry, HON, leggings are not pants, maybe with a long sweater, but those shoes, dear god.
Clearly her skin needs some fat, look at the shots where she is lifting something, and her skin folds are well, scary.
Maybe she should do a blog post about stahs needing fire lane access for personal errands at all times, do not know why she has not been cited by now.
Pathetic tramp. Buys another Iphone, continues to grft anything not nailed down.
She looks like a 45-50 year old hooker. Who runs errands in an outfit like that? I guess someone who is saying "look at me, look at me". OMG. She might as well be running around totally pant-less. And the shoes. Words can't describe. Her face looks hard and weather beaten. She looks really, really rough.
She really is begining to look anorexic and she really needs to get help. This is not a good look.
Some of these tweeter sheeple are really funny...
"RyanRettew1 Ryan Rettew
@Kateplusmy8 : R u comign to the Baby & Toddler Expo at the Marriot in Lancaster next weekend?"
Not unless she's grifting for free diapers, pacifiers and baby wipes! I think Kate's kids are over the baby and toddler stage!
Bigfan is frantically tweeting about how Kate needs to improve her image by wearing fall colors - oranges (well, she already has orange skin), boots, scarves, lots of fashion advice, black is not a good color on her, and then she tweets:
@GriftersRUs @kateplusmy8 I wear the same stretchy black leggings as her, except my legs are flabby and hers arent"
Um, sweetie, if your legs are flabby, you DON'T wear stretchy black leggings! It's really not a good look.
Hippie Chick said...
Every! Sentence! Has! An! Exclamation! Point!
Her writing is awful. Just so simplistic, non-descriptive, boring, doesn't draw you in, & uninspiring. If she is trying to draw people into her life, she really isn't do a good job at all, it looks like a book report a 5th grader would write, in 10 minutes. Her punctuation & grammar is awful.
That is why that post about Comfy Shoes was plagiarized. Look at the difference between this one, the Spider one & THAT ONE. There is NO way she wrote that Comfy Shoes one. That one was beautifully written. Kate did NOT write that post. She copied it from somewhere. Didn't she realize people would know the difference in the writing? The words? The sentence structure?
She really is an idiot.
~HC~ aka Jenna
HC/Jenna - EXCELLENT post. I agree with every single sentence.
Tucker's Mom - you post pointing out all the errors in just that one paragraph from Khate's blog is spot on. I've said it a million times - Khate suffers from a lack of intelligence and a complete lack of talent.
Pathetic tramp. Buys another Iphone, continues to grft anything not nailed down.
Wasn't she hinting that she wanted a new phone? Maybe one of the gullible sheeple sent her a gift card for one.
Nobody Likes a Narcissist, thanks for the comment up thread!
Kate supplies so much material to write about sometimes I just can't choose. Sometimes I just stare at what she says and am without words.
I wonder how long it will be before she starts using her kids' money to get her face plumped up at the plastic surgeon or dematologist? Her face is taking a beating with all of that running. I bet before long that will be her next obsession.
I don't think that those photos from the INF post are from this morning like INF says they are. Earlier this morning, before INF's post, Gossip Net posted photos of Khate in the same ridiculous get up shopping at Target with the twins yesterday afternoon:
Kate Gosselin: Right on Target
Then, this afternoon, INF did their post with photos of Khate in the same outfit, running errands alone (there's a link in a post above, but I'll make it clickable):
Kate Gosselin Runs Errands in Leggings & Hooker Heels
Plus, it couldn't be this morning, because she was supposedly running from about 8:30 to 11 AM. By the way, I just love how someone pointed out to her in a tweet that she is doing it ALL WRONG as far as what she is eating after the run (and I bet she ate nothing prior to the run). She knows nothing about running, nutrition, or training for a half marathon!
So, I guess she ran errands yesterday, including getting her new iPhone, and then went to Target with the with the twins in the late afternoon. And, that's why she ended the night last night with her tweet:
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
Can I just say how HAPPY I am to b in my bed??! What a day oh my! I smile at my bed after days like these! GN all! Life beat me up 2day!xoxo
Wow, poor baby, what a tough, tough life she has. Drop kids at bus stop, then free for at least 8 hours and all you have to do is go gas up the SUV, pick up the mail (freebies and "gifts" form sheeple), then get a new iPhone, and then hit Target with the twins while the nanny has the other six kids. Rough day, sure. Oh, maybe it was so hard on her because she's used up the freebie Starbucks cards and was too cheap to buy any coffee to get her through her tough afternoon.
Just Me - thanks for posting the Khate blogs. I really think I'm going to start a list of Khate's boring blog posts about the most mundane topics. As a couple of people said above, she's showing us what her days are filled with and it's boring, lonely, and pathetic. I've read a lot of blogs by just regular old moms, and some sort of famous bloggers, and they are nothing like this drivel that Khate spews. Honestly (to use a Khate-ism, lol), I really think she is just too damn stupid to even realize that her blog sucks and she has NOTHING to offer!
Here goes. "Jon, quit playing @working and get your chair out of my bedroom-it's ruined!!!!"
Sue Buddy said...
Nobody Likes a Narcissist, thanks for the comment up thread!
Kate supplies so much material to write about sometimes I just can't choose. Sometimes I just stare at what she says and am without words.
You're welcome, Sue, but Thank YOU! Please keep up the great work. By the way, you also have a fan club at Preesi's site.
At least she looked like she was somewhat enjoying her Target trip with her daughters - maybe they were buying things for Operation Holiday Gifts. But to complain about her horrible, tiring day when she has done virtually nothing, well, she's a piece of work. Perhaps if she actually ate better, followed a runner's training diet, she would feel and look better. Perhaps one of her sheeple could send her a link to one?
bearswife said...Lying again. This is not her sixth phone, it is her seventh. F-ing liar.
Sent from my SIXTH (yes, I've got iPhone issues!) pink iPhone!
Thanks for posting the link. I was wondering where that previous poster got his or her information.
So approximately six months later, Kate went from her fifth to her sixth iphone.
Emmy, here I come! (dated 9.6.10)
What Life Hands You (dated 3.29.10) - Sent from my (fifth!) PINK iphone
When I hear people say they have iphone or Android issues, usually it's referring to the smartphone's hardware or software not functioning correctly...not because they can't take care of their smartphone properly.
Not entirely sure how AT&T (the only major carrier with iphone 3GS) or Apple Care insurance works on iphone replacements, but I would assume that all those replacements wouldn't be covered. She had to have paid full-price for at least one of them, right?
Our family had the same cellphones since 2005. We held off on using our upgrades until it was necessary as our phones were no longer working properly or dying in a couple of hours.
LOL, someone posted this close up of Khate on twitter:
sweetally3443 Ally
@kateplusmy8 @jasonhueman @bonniefuller K8 must be a gr8 marketing tool 4 ur salon since it's so 'discounted' http://i.imgur.com/eLuNJ.jpg #birdnest
Here's a good video about leggings:
Fashion Police: Wearing Leggings
Maybe we should send the link to Kate?
Nobody Likes a Narcissist said...
I don't think that those photos from the INF post are from this morning like INF says they are. Earlier this morning, before INF's post, Gossip Net posted photos of Khate in the same ridiculous get up shopping at Target with the twins yesterday afternoon:
Kate Gosselin: Right on Target
Then, this afternoon, INF did their post with photos of Khate in the same outfit, running errands alone (there's a link in a post above, but I'll make it clickable):
Kate Gosselin Runs Errands in Leggings & Hooker Heels
Thanks for posting those links, Nobody Likes a Narcissist :o)
In the INFDaily photo link, I noticed something odd about Kate's hair- the bottom, 4th photo (from left). It looks like Kate's pulled back hair has a row of "little knots" close to her hairline. Could those "little knots" actually be where the hair extensions connect to Kate's real hair?
ashymama2 Ash
@WhatsWorthWatch @Kateplusmy8 Must be DESPERATE for guests!
3 hours ago
in reply to ↑
Whats Worth Watching
@WhatsWorthWatch Whats Worth Watching
Not at all. @Kateplusmy8 has ridden the reality TV roller coaster. Looking forward to her insight RT @ashymama2 Must be DESPERATE for guests
15 minutes ago
Dallas Lady said... Parked in the fire lane AGAIN, picking up her grifted freebies at the UPS Store AGAIN, wearing hooker heels again:
Ooops, sorry Dallas Lady. I read the posts here bottom to top- I did not see your post ;o)
Thanks for also posting the Kate's INFDaily leggings faus pas.
It's not a matter of hating Nancy G. It is the FACT that she has been charged with Prosecutorial Misconduct on more than one occasion by the Supreme Court of Georgia.
She's a criminal.
Did anyone actually read those posts by NO grace? I don't like to see people fooled by her 'southern charms'.
Her donating her DWTS pay is only a very small start to counteract the lives she has destroyed. IMO, she did it so she can sleep at nite.
No, Trenton was never found.
A Pink Straight Jacket For Kate said...
Thanks for posting those links, Nobody Likes a Narcissist :o)
In the INFDaily photo link, I noticed something odd about Kate's hair- the bottom, 4th photo (from left). It looks like Kate's pulled back hair has a row of "little knots" close to her hairline. Could those "little knots" actually be where the hair extensions connect to Kate's real hair?
No problem! Yes, on Twitter, people are saying it looks like she has a weave again. Also, it looks like the dye is still on her forehead. Weird. Ha, she had to go all the way to NYC for that look?? Please!
I caved and looked at the photos on INF. Why would anyone do that themselves. She looks terrible - gaunt and unhealthy, weak. Sorry, but skinny is not for everyone. Maybe she just got through running, but her hair looked really bad like it needed let's just say a little work that would not require a trip to NYC. Why would anybody bother to get all dolled up like that to go pick up all those packages and not do their hair.
Maybe that wasn't INF that took the school stop photos where she was "instructing" (good one) the kids.
Jane said...
i dislike snarking on her appearance but this time i cant resist. hope someone tweets pics from inf of her hair 'do' to her stylist. @JasonHueman
she's a horrific advertisement for him and the salon. and in one of those photos it sure looks like she has a hair weave - you can see the attachment.
Oh yeah, he is getting many tweets from non-fans right now, lol.
Maybe "autumnal princess highlights" was the name of the weave pieces he put in.
Btw, in those fall family photo shoot pics, her hair looks like it NEVER has. It looks like a wig, except maybe for the darker roots. But, she must have had clip-in pieces that day because it was fuller than ever and when you zoom in, you can see that she has many shades of blond (which she usually doesn't have).
Nobody Likes a Narcissist You're welcome, Sue, but Thank YOU! Please keep up the great work. By the way, you also have a fan club at Preesi's site.
Could you give me a link to the correct thread? I've been over there a couple of times but am not sure which topic I should be reading. Thanks.
fidosmommy, good point about other people's blogs. They tend to be either inspirational, informative, or reflective.
After Steve Jobs' death was announced, many comments I read on tech blogs reflected on how he changed or simplified their lives through his innovations. Isn't it a marvel that someone can now write an entire novel on their smartphone (if you really believe Kate)...who would have thought that would be possible, back in the 80s or 90s? Instead, Kate wrote this including a cringe-worthy comment: "Well, Steve Jobs may no longer be with us (RIP Steve!) but his apple “jobs” sure live on!" Huh?
Kate's blog is like an antithesis of everything Apple stands for - products with a simple user interface that anyone can instantly use without ever having to read an instruction manual. (It may be daunting for some technically-challenged persons using a brand new tech gadget or their first Apple product, but this isn't Kate's case.)
Instead of writing a blog post and fretting about the new iphone4s as some complicated new device unlike anything else Apple, why not take those 45 minutes to play with an actual iphone4s in the store?! That's the whole point of the Apple Store, aside from selling their products! Hands-on experience with working, brand-new Apple products!
After reading her iphone post, my take is that she purchased a new one just because she could upgrade and "mediocre" folks were tweeting her about their new iphone4s. She didn't even know what Siri was, when someone was talking about it. It's obvious she didn't do her homework and read some reviews. Kate treats this new iphone as if it's Apple's alien child from the future. If she's gone through six iphones, she already KNOWS the process of switching from one phone to another. It's not much different. The new iOS 5 doesn't look dramatically different from the previous versions, except with notifications center and icloud features. (She could get that on her old 3GS.) I get that the icloud is a brand new feature that's had it's own issues for some, then there's Siri, but that's what the Apple Genius Bar is supposedly there for at the store.
I totally understand if someone wants to upgrade their old iphone because they want Siri or the new 8-megapixel camera. Or even FaceTime. Or maybe it's not functioning properly. Or you're a hard-core Apple enthusiast. Nothing of which Kate mentioned in that post.
This is another example of Kate making a big deal out of nothing. Grasping at another straw.
"Southern women call everyone "dear" or "hon" or "honey" or "sweetie." It is not meant to be condescending or disrespectful. "
I am a native of Atlanta. Believe me, those terms can and are used as a condescening way. It's all in the way the words are delivered.
Looks like Kate forgot her "5 minute face" when she dressed up to go to Target. Who wears heels like that to shop in, yet doesn't put on any makeup? It's like she just completely misses the point on EVERYTHING.
Wrong, so then Kate's fans are using her just as much as she is using them. Wonder how that co-dependent relationship is going to work out.
I would just like to know who told Kate that yoga workout leggings, hooker earrings, hooker shoes, a T-shirt, and bedhead is a good look - for anybody - much less a mother her age - in the middle of the day - running errands? She honest to God thinks she is hot, hot, hot stuff. She's really nasty, skanky, slutty-looking stuff. She must embarrass Cara and Mady absolutely to death. I can only imagine what the mothers and employees at the school must say about Kate, about how she looks and acts. I would love to be a fly on the wall.
Maks apologized for saying "this is MY show."
Because at the end of the day people make mistakes and say things they shouldn't, but it's how you deal with it after the fact that really matters.
Has Kate ever apologized for anything?
Oh ha-ha , that 's right, her 5 mnute face, good catch. She looks like she couldn't even be bothered to shower, what with that gob of hair plastered back from her face - just a bit tacky to have your weave ends showing. Hope that hairdresser is embarassed too - she might have to pay after this one - the arrogance of not even respecting those who grant you the grifting.
I like to watch a few reality tv shows here and there. I can't understand the Kardashian girls allowing the men in their lives to fart and burp at them and chew up food grosely and ask them to eat it out of their mouth. How is a young girl watching the show who looks up to these women realize that is WRONG??? More importantly why do those K women find that so endearing? Since when is being disrespectful cute
Does anyone else besides me believe that Radar calling Kate such a "hot momma" is just absurd? I didn't click on the article, but come on, she looks like a skank in that picture. Who wears high heels and leggings to do errands? Classless to the max, don't you think? She is starved for attention and desperate, too.
When I first saw those leggings pictures, the FIRST thing I noticed was the row of little knots in her hair and the strange color. Yep, I think the "autumnal highlights" are extensions.
Kate has cheap looking extensions in again as well as a neck like a turtle. This is not an attractive woman
Kate has cheap looking extensions in again as well as a neck like a turtle. This is not an attractive woman
Why is her neck indented? Our moms always called it our "gully." This is where we rubbed on the Vicks! But her gully looks more like a ravine.
Well written response by WG.
What is Kate's objection to what Paul Petersen wants anyway? She doesn't want her kids to get paid? She doesn't want their hours to be reasonable? If she has nothing to hide, why does she care about a seat teacher or other advocate on set. If I were her publicist, I would tell her I don't care how you feel about this guy, if you're going to say anything about this you're going to say that "while I personally did not see anything that would ever cause me to think my own children were ever exploited on our show, I think safeguards in the reality tv industry for all children are a good thing and I fully support it."
By Kate's logic, anyone who has ever spoken publicly about a cause is "just in it for the publicity." So I guess this would include almost all charities. In case she didn't realize, speaking publicly is an excellent way to spread the message of your charity. How else is Paul Petersen supposed to get the message out about this but to speak publicly? If he didn't speak out, we wouldn't have a clue about his organization. And it makes sense for someone who is well known to be the face of his organization instead of Suzy Nobody the random CEO hired.
I guess following Kate's logic, her little charity thing in Tennessee a few months ago was just for the publicity, right? I'm sure she would deny that.
THe problem is the woman needs to do a few logic puzzles and learn about the concept.
Jon Hein is actually a pretty smart guy. Sold his website (jumptheshark.com) to TV Guide for a couple of million. If you want someone to ask Kate the hard questions he may just be the one. As part of the Howard Stern show staff he's not afraid to do it. His FB page is: http://www.facebook.com/jonheinfans or tweet him http://twitter.com/#!/WhatsWorthWatch
Oh Jon Hein is the jump the shark guy?
That was such a simple web site concept but hit it huge. He didn't even really have any fancy design or anything. But it was so hysterical.
I think though because of its sheer traffic he might have done better to just hire a few people to run it and put some ads up. He may have sold it for millions but he probably easily could have banked millions year after year. But for some it's not necessarily about that.
"No problem! Yes, on Twitter, people are saying it looks like she has a weave again. Also, it looks like the dye is still on her forehead. Weird. Ha, she had to go all the way to NYC for that look?? Please!"
Wouldn't you be ashamed to be seen in public like that, after having gone to a well-known NYC stylist and it turned out like that? Holiday Hair Express does a better job than that.
The very idea of weaves give me the creeps after Tyra Banks did that exposé on how it makes your hair fall out.
Kate's "happy" Target pictures with the twins are merely to counteract any negative pictures that may come out of her yelling at the kids at the bus stop yesterday morning. She is so predictable and someone here called it.
One thing is for sure if she had to pay for those extensions she wouldn't be abusing them that way, pulling them back like that - not good.
If she didn't get the IPhone for free she missed a good opportunity to have done so since she made an entire post on her supposedly hot website devoted solely to Apple/IPhone. When I saw the title I thought she was harvesting apples from the apple trees she has on her mine all mine property.
I wonder if she bothered to tell the radio station that her show has been canceled and is no longer airing, not even reruns. We all know none of these people do their homework as does she.
Admin, that's also exactly why women have to keep getting extensions. Kate admitted to wearing them quite a long time a while back, but has been claiming she has her own hair now (since January), but now I really doubt it. I think she has to have them now or she'd look half-bald. Her bad diet and severe caloric restriction can't help any.
Has Kate ever apologized for anything?
Why would she apologize? In her mind, she does nothing wrong. Very sad to go through life that way.
Administrator said...
The very idea of weaves give me the creeps after Tyra Banks did that exposé on how it makes your hair fall out.
Which may be the reason they're back. Her hair was looking terribly thin. Answer? More extensions, of course.
Sorry, Dallas Lady. I didn't see your post before I wrote the same thing.
Kate's full, wavy hairstyle for the family pics was sure FAKE as proven by the rows of knots from her recent weave. It's an absolute shame she's ruined the thick head of hair she used to have when it was short by over-processing and a bad diet. I have to LOL when I think about her hairdresser's tweets about her and how mortified he should be when she goes out in public looking like she did. If ever there was a day she should have covered that mess with a hat, that was one! I can't imagine going out in public with my hair looking like that... ever.
My questions are: Did Jason make her stick her head in a bathtub this time? Did Kate shriek? I remember the video of her last foray into extensions right before her book came out. Truly
I thought I noticed for the first time is her hairline receding?
mamaK said...
Wrong, so then Kate's fans are using her just as much as she is using them. Wonder how that co-dependent relationship is going to work out.
Not well. That's one reason the "fans" can get to be a problem. It's NOT a healthy situation.
"Kate's full, wavy hairstyle for the family pics was sure FAKE as proven by the rows of knots from her recent weave. It's an absolute shame she's ruined the thick head of hair she used to have when it was short by over-processing and a bad diet."
She needs to cut that mess off, let it go back to her natural color, stop the blow-drying, and when it's half-way decent again, then put a few highlights in it. Otherwise, she's going to have nothing left, not even straw.
The last time she had extensions didn't it take something like 20 hours? What the heck was that about? It didn't take that long this time.
The price of beauty for Kate:
Hair extension= possible hair damage and loss
Tanning bed= skin cancer and melanoma risk as well as prematurely aging skin
Gel nails= exposure to infection, nail damage and more UV exposure
Constantly in high heels= foot damage, back pain
Not to mention Kate is using food and exercise to deal with her psychological issues. She's overdoing the diet and running in an effort to control what she perceives to be out of control.
Overall, Kate can eat all the egg white omlettes she wants, but she is destroying her body. The toll of what she is doing may take years to manifest.
Could you picture Kate's hair cut into her formerly famous "quirky Kate cut" now? It would be so flat with too little hair to make the little spikes in the back. So sad. She had beautiful hair that just had an awful cut. Now she has
awful hair, an awful cut and awful extensions.
Kate's hair was enviable, truly.
I hadn't even considered that she's got extensions again, but those tell-tale bumps are back the same as when she pulled her messy hair back in bobby pins when filming in NYC.
She looked like something the at dragged it, just like the most recent pics.
Stern Fan said...
Jon Hein is actually a pretty smart guy. Sold his website (jumptheshark.com) to TV Guide for a couple of million. If you want someone to ask Kate the hard questions he may just be the one. As part of the Howard Stern show staff he's not afraid to do it. His FB page is: http://www.facebook.com/jonheinfans or tweet him http://twitter.com/#!/WhatsWorthWatch
Well, I still have no clue who he is. All I know is that he is already defending Khate on Twitter:
"@Kateplusmy8 has ridden the reality TV roller coaster. Looking forward to her insight"
I don't care if the guy's a billionaire, that doesn't necessarily mean he's intelligent. Anyone that thinks Khate has "insight" is not someone I would give any credit to. The only things Khate has insight to are planning a high multiples birth, selling out the privacy and childhood of her young children, and making them WORK while she rakes in millions, grifts for freebies, and becomes (in)famous. Blech, no thanks.
Yesterday she tweeted, "...Life beat me up today...". Did any of her fans ask her about that remark? Wasn't yesterday the day she got her new phone?
I have to think the twins must be absolutely ashamed of the way she dresses. Their schoolmates (and their mothers) have to be aware of how inappropriate she presents herself.
I'm willing to give Jon Hein a chance. He might be what Natalie Morales, Meredith Vieira and the rest of the fluff interviewers were not. Kate may leave that interview asking herself why she thinks she has anything to offer the world.
I am the farthest thing in the world from a Howard Stern show fan, but this interview by one of his staffers might actually be one I could listen to. I won't, but I could.
I don't think Hein was defending Kate as much as he was defending his show because someone said they must be desperate for guests to have her on. I wasn't suggesting that he was smart becasue because of money. I listen to Stern and have heard Hein many times. He's an intelligent guy and will ask the hard questions if you give them to him. Her PR people are trying to keep her relevent and are grasping at straws. The show that she's going to be on is not popular and doesn't have many listners. Why isn't Kate promoting her appearance on the show? Send Hein the info on her. I listen to Howard but have never hear Jon Hein's new show.
As I said, I don't listen to Howard Stern's show, and all I know about him is what I've heard. I'm told he's extremely profane. Is Jon Hein the same way? I hope not. I abhor profanity, think it serves no purpose, and I would not want Kate to be bombarded by it. I know I would get up and walk out if somebody threw some rather commonly used profanity at me. Cannot abide it, wish it on no one.
OT...anyone know how many covers of People Khate has been on?
Anonymous said...
OT...anyone know how many covers of People Khate has been on?
In no particular order:
We Might Split Up
I'm Starting Over
Why Can't a Mom have fun? (DWTS promo)
It feels like I've failed
My New Body
Kate Strikes Back
Their Lives Now
There may be others, and some People mag covers had Kate in a small side picture, such as the one about Jon where he says "enough is enough."
Come on, how many of you moms serious out there wear heels to feel completely dressed and to run your errands to the post office, get gas or to the store? It just isn't practical. It's ridiculous is all it is. I'm in my 20s and wouldn't be caught dead wearing heels as much as Kate does! Makes my feet hurt just looking at it.
This isn't a Stern blog so I really don't want to get into a discussion on him. Yes, Stern can be profane but he is also a brilliant interviewer. I know the type of reaction that people have to Stern which is why I'm not posting under my normal name. Jon Hein, as far as I've heard on the wrap up show, does not really curse all that much and he is really pretty intelligent and very well spoken on many subjects. I doubt that he's ever even seen Kate's show and doesn't know what she's like. As I said, she's probably only on becasue of her PR team. You can call any of the shows and they don't censor the calls, you're free to say whatever is on your mind and you can ask what you want. If I didn't have a meeting tomorrow I'd listen and call in when Kate is on.
I never wear heels. I wore them all through my 20s and 30s and gave them up at 40. Life's too short for heels. I LOVE the super cute flats I wear now. They have flats in everything from super casual to pretty dressy and I adore them, especially flats that are cute and comfy.
I was tired of my feet and legs aching at the end of the day. Not worth it.
WOW, in picture 10 it definately looks like she's got a weave and thatthe dye stained her face. It's not the best advertisement for her hairdresser. Maybe the dye didn't react well to her fake bake. Having been bald (due to chemo treatments) I would never to anything to ruin my hair the way she has especially with the weaves. Tyra did talk about how they ruin your hair and she would know. Even when my hair was short, short, short and coming back in I never even considered a weave. I admit that I do dye it becasue it came back with a "skunk streak".
The only Ted Gibson hairstyle that looked good on Kate was when she had that one-day bob after removing her extensions, before they put them back in.
Adding long extensions to her reverse mullet just looked ridiculous on Kate, especially before it was styled to look less bad. Kate's reverse mullet just needed some taming - shorten the front mullet and tame the porcupine spikes.
Aside from being comped and getting some special treatment (like Fig&Olive), I wonder if Kate likes going to Ted Gibson's salon just so she can brag she gets her hair done with a celebrity hairstylist.
Now she has
awful hair, an awful cut and awful extensions.
...and awful color.
I mean it can't be good for her feet to wear heels all the time. I've never read up on the studies.
She's a mom, but she dressed not like a mom. Come to think of it she doesn't want be be a mom it seems like only when it's convenient and that's sick. If you want kids great have them.
But don't sell your soul for fame and fortune because you won't have kids at home the rest of your life. You have the rest of your life to be rich and famous.
TLC ship is sinking said...
The only Ted Gibson hairstyle that looked good on Kate was when she had that one-day bob after removing her extensions, before they put them back in.
I totally agree. That cut really looked good that one night. But, Khate has no idea what looks good on her as evidenced from her "fashion" choices.
Have the sheeple said anything about her parking in the fire lane? Last time they denied it was a fire lane. How are they going to explain this one, with the letters right there in plain view? Let me guess - the visible letters painted in bright yellow at the curb (RE LA) stand for you'RE LAte (so it's okay to park there)...put there exclusively for Kate.
You know, when Kate hears no one wants her putting up exclamation points she will automatically put up as many as she can. Her motto is, if it makes them mad I will not let them break me down, I will just work harder to get my way. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everyone needs to say not another word about those stupid !!!!!! marks. She's such a ding bat.
If there is something that does piss me off it's the fire lane thing. There are emergencies all the time and they need to get through. She keeps parking in that lane and eventually there will be an emergency and she'll be there.
How would the sheeple feel if it were there loved one and there was Kate and her big stupid car preventing the EMTs from getting through?
You can do jail time for preventing an emergency vehicle from reaching the emergency. Keep it up, Kate.
Oh, I disagree about the !!!!!. I say talk about it a lot and let her break the !!!! key on her brand spanking new iPhone4s. Then she will have an excuse to get a new one, which is exactly what she'll be looking for in a couple of months. You see, the more Kate spends on these gizmos, the better mom she is. The kids will greatly benefit, don't you know?
(is it called a key on a touchpad phone? I don't even know that much about those things)
Kate might do herself a favor by purchasing one of those collapsible shopping carts for these FedEx runs. Park in the lot, push the cart, fill it up, push it back to the car and unload it. It doesn't take a degree in organic chemistry to figure that out.
I think it's funny that Kate required help at the Target store when she was buying paper towels, but this stuff that makes her muscles bulge she does by herself. If she was so fit, she should be able to carry this stuff another
40 feet to the car in the parking lot instead of parking illegally.
Better yet, the kids' little red wagon.
Sorry for the long link. China once again is ahead of the U.S.
Just as sure though if someone else were to park in the fire lane if Kate ever needed medical attention and they couldn't get through.
I bet Kate is one of those people who parks in the handicap slots just because it's convenient and the poor actual handicap person has to walk a further distance. But hey as long as it's convenient! If you got healthy legs, use them, save it for the little elderly lady in the wheelchair or the old man on the cane. Boy, I hope that doesn't sound rude but that's who it is for. People who cannot walk long distance or are unable to walk.
Dwindle? Can't post on your blog! This is what l get when l try...
"Your OpenID credentials could not be verified"
Seems like l don't exist :) Nothing seems to work :(
Tell Jude l said "Hi" pls. Thanks.
Speaking of Steve Jobs, he also was well known to park in handicapped spots. No wonder Kate idolizes him.
Although he really is an enigma. Even though he had Kate-like qualities it really and truly wasn't about the money for him. He gave an interview for his book where he talked about how much he absolutely tested how when Apple got big his coworkers went out and bought huge houses and flashy cars. He hated it. Mark Zuckerberg is the same way, he drive a Honda and lives in a tiny house.
DEtested, not tested.
Zuckerberg lives in a 5600 sf house in Palo Alto, near Stanford University :) Its not massive by celeb standards but not small either. Bought for $7M.
Sorry to correct you Admin.
He does still drive the POS Honda however.
If you got healthy legs, use them, save it for the little elderly lady in the wheelchair or the old man on the cane. Boy, I hope that doesn't sound rude but that's who it is for. People who cannot walk long distance or are unable to walk.
Amen, Marie! I am on constant oxygen and have
lots of trouble walking for medical reasons. I JUST got my handicapped plaque for my car because I thought I was not as bad off as some, so I'd use regular spots. Now, my doctor has said I really need to use those spaces and I
get so angry when I see people parking in the Handicapped places so they can "run in for a minute."
He used to live in just a little three bedroom even when he was a billionaire. I guess he has moved since? Maybe he was convinced for security reasons he probably couldnt just live on a normal street anymore, there were some angry people out there about fb privacy controls. He has driven Hondas for years. A 5,000 square foot house is TINY for a Silicon Valley billionaire. This is a guy who thought making money of Facebook would ruin it, ya gotta respect that.
Thanks for allowing my message to Dwindle go through Admin.
Yeah Admin, he rented 3-4 different houses in the PA area and just bought this one in (i think) March of this year. Nothing spectacular for the area, a bit odd in fact as the pool is in the front yard.
It's actually a couple blocks from Steve Jobs house (and some of my favorite 49ers....)
DEFINITELY tiny for his net worth.
Compare it to the $250M+ Samurai inspired compound of Oracle's Larry Ellison in nearby Woodside.
It's just validation to me that not everyone is in this life to make money like Kate is. I love presenting examples of people who wouldn't do it too. She always claims that everyone would do what she does in her shoes. Yeah, no. A billionaire lives in a small house and drives a Honda. A billionaire wasn't even trying to make money, he was just trying to make some cool free stuff for people and let them use it for free. There are so many things in this life that can be immensely satisfying besides thinking of the next way to either make a buck or grift a freebie.
And it's timely that Kate's Can't a Mom just have fun? article is brought up because I remember all the outrage over that one. Of COURSE a mom is allowed to have fun. What's not okay, however, is making your children do all the work for you so you can go out and have fun. That's a sick role reversal that I think should be criminal.
New post: the rules don't apply to her royal kateness.
Zuckerberg lives in a 5600 sf house
Oh, I can just hear Kate's reaction when she reads that here. She'll be snickering that She, Kate Gosselin, live in a bigger house than Zuckerberg. She, Kate Gosselin, paid nowhere near $7M for her house. She, Kate Gosselin, must be more famous and "more smarter" than Zuckerberg.
Mark Zuckerberg proudly showed off to 60 Minutes his small pad he lived in for years. He was studying Chinese for kicks and because he was planning to go there with his girlfriend. He still wears sweatshirts and tennis shoes because it's about feeling comfortable not looking like you have as much money as you want everyone to believe. I don't know how this kid was raised other than it was outside NYC somewhere, but for whatever reason he places little value on money and it has served him well.
Mark is not some freak, there are people every day all over the country who happen to make a lot of money, but aren't driven by it or revolve their lives around it. They're in it because they love whatever they are doing and money is just an incidental benefit, they would do it for 10 bucks an hour just as soon as they would do it for 100. Why Kate doesn't get this who knows.
Found a new name we can call Kate if we get bored with Khate or Kart - from an article called 15 Wonderful Words With No English Equivalent by Bill DeMain:
3. Slampadato (Italian)
Addicted to the infra-red glow of tanning salons? This word describes you.
Well did a quick google search and was not at all surprised to find that most insiders report Mark Zuckerberg had an amazing childhood with three sisters and two supportive parents and they're all still very close.
regarding the comment on parents being stressed in the morning since they need to hurry and get to work...hmmm i guess that is true except kate doesn't have to go to work. she's rich (and no one will convince me otherwise). she goes home to tackle her impromtu chair moving session. no job to rush away to.
this is why i don't get her stress. yes, 8 kids would be loud and overwhelming at times BUT kate has so much down time you think she would be relaxed in the few hours a day they are in the home.
weekends to herself - check
finances secure - check (they better be after all she made)
8 hours in the day alone to get things done - check
i don't get her stress.
i have been a single mother who worked in the office all day..then when i left work i forwarded the office phones to my cell phone and had to work from home all night and weekend too.
if you want to talk about exhausted and stressed try running a aircraft flight department 24/7 while raising 2 sons with no father. i had no family in my state either. it was me, 2 kids and that is all! i burned so many dinners trying to cook why juggling a flight. somehow though..i managed to get my kids off to school, homework done, dinner on the table, showers, love, fun etc. it was truly the hardest time of my life yet i still didn't act like kate. i never played the role of martyr. i was actually to BUSY to spend all day whining. did i yell at times? sure. but i had good reasons when i did (i.e caught a child sneaking out once, blatant disobedience, things like that) but as a general way of being? nope. i hate drama too much.
kate makes her own life suck. she sits alone in her castle day after day thinking up ways to get attention and admiration from the public. it sounds like a lame existence. i'm very sure kate's twitter described life is NOTHING like her real life. she seems like an alone,bitter,angry lump with entitlement issues in reality who is desperate to get away from these mundane responsibilities and run around being a pampered star.
if kate doesn't get another media job she is literally going to go bananas. she got a taste of fame, being pampered, being paid ridiculous amounts of money, getting attention, being able to hand off responsibilities to other, luxurious vacations every other month, and having power to bark order and have them met etc. can you imagine having that - being sucked into thinking you were worthy of it - and then having it snatched away?
sorry but it couldn't have happened to a more deserving person. she did nothing positive with her fame, brought awareness to nothing, did not "give back", did not treat others well. she became spoiled, entitled and believe her own hype. she believed she was actually better than the rest of us fellow human beings just because she birthed 6 kids at once. she destroyed her marriage in her quest for stardom. turned her back on friends and family. turned her back on her church, alienated her children from the people in their lives and she used her fame as a platform to hurt and talk smack about others instead of using it to help other. quite frankly..she's a pig.
having a taste of the good life and having it taken is exactly what she deserved for how she behaved.
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