Turkey of the year again goes to Kate, especially for the way she's relentlessly trashed Jon almost every chance she got this year.

Diana Mercer, who has been practicing divorce law as both an attorney and mediator since 1988 (she has handled an astounding 4,000 divorces), wrote an excellent article published last year explaining why Jon and Kate need to call a truce. What she had to say a year ago stil rings true today:
The best predictor of how kids do post-divorce is the amount of conflict between the parents. It takes two to tango. Kate's finger-pointing is a bigger problem than whatever Jon is up to. If he can't be father of the year, then it's up to her to figure out how to work with that -- and vice versa. She picked him to be the dad of those 8 kids, and now she's got to deal with her decision, and insulting Jon and refusing to resolve the ongoing conflict is no solution. For Kate to deny her role in their poor ongoing relationship is naïve and immature....And for her to speak publicly about her disappointment with Jon is damaging to the kids. While they're still little, they know they're ½ Mommy and ½ Daddy. By hearing that "Daddy is bad" they hear that they're bad, too. When they're old enough, they'll see what Mom said about Dad and form their own opinions. Kate's strategy of "I'm good; he's bad" will likely backfire on her in the long run. And what is she teaching them about how adults should handle relationships? What it means to be married, and to be parents?
530 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 530 Newer› Newest»"...and everything to do with trying to prove she is so loved by so many people..."
OMG, remember Kate's endless tome, everywhere they went, about HOW MUCH EVERYONE LOVED THEM? No love in return and especially NO THANK YOUs, EVER.
The vow renewal was the end for me and that trip was SO full of "they LOVE us's" to the point of nausea. I cringed with embarrassment for those kids and wanted to throw the television at Jon and Kate. She is a FOOL to the nth degree.
Enough of all the bullshit from these 'fans' of Kate! Fuck them all! Yeah, i went there. They need to pull their heads out of thier asses BIG TIME.
Look in the mirror stupid people & see if you recognize yourself. Oh & try not to break it.
Hey Teresa! Ben Nevis is OK, I think. Didn't eat one night - SOOOO not like him - but he's back to normal in that respect, anyway. Hope you had a good holiday. I think you can still get my email from Dwindle, if you want...
Hippie Chick, if you're still around, I was wondering if you might give me access to your blog. I really enjoyed reading it.
Theory on Steve, the wotld's least necessary bodyguard. I think he still hangs around because his choices are very limited right now. What real celebrity would trust this little flabby, paparazzi calling, reality show-starring 'bodyguard' to protect them? He has been wholly unprofessional and has thrown away his career for some notoriety and a few bucks. I think he's using Kate for the employment, the free rent, the fame by association and to sell pictures of Queen Cellulite. If he gave a rat's ass about being a real bodyguard, he would have left his deluded charge long ago. He's probably just an ex-cop who once worked at the Olympics, now he's stuck with Kate.
Here's hoping that Jon continues to be silent on the issues of custody and his children. Kate has always used Jon and the custody issue to pivot onto the morning shows to cry about having to deal with Jon and his family court actions. I can only believe that any competent attorney would insist that Jon not comment on custody issues. It really is a private family matter, except that Kate is trying to make it into drama to keep the public interested in her pathetic life. One thing everyone should consider is that the children deserve to not have this sensitive family issue detailed in the press.(although Kate has demonstrated her priorities lie elsewhere)
I've thought the same things about Steve for a while now. I don't think for a second that TLC is still paying his salary - I think that they washed their hands of Kate and her contract (including Steve) the second they cancelled the show. As hard as it is to believe, I think he is hanging around because he wants to be there. It boggles the mind to think that he could actually be attracted to Kate, but it's looking more and more like that's the case.
BTW, does anyone else think that list sounded a whole lot like a "Honey Do" list? She probably handed it to Steve the second he worked in the door with his sons.
Man2do list:My barn/chicken issues r fixed, my tractor is running, my cable is working& a closet door is reinstalled!!yay!
I'm sorry, but when you invite people to your home for a meal, you do not have them do chores for you, even if they offer. It is just wrong to allow them to do anything, let alone multiple chores, when she can clearly pay for this on her own.
Talk about taking advantage of people (dear friends). Kate has plenty of money to pay for repairs, yet being the ultimate grifter, will never turn down a "freebie,"or in this case multiple "freebies," as she simply thinks people were put on the face of this earth to please her.
I am sure "whatever" dear friend offered, she could have simply said NO. But since she stood to benefit, she allowed guests to provide free services (long list too), and doesn't seem to see anything wrong with this.
I am now more disgusted than ever with her, due to her TAKE, TAKE, TAKE attitude. She will NEVER EVER get how inappropriate she is..And none of her guests would have ever known what she needed done, if the Queen had not mentioned them. She simply could not be happy just having them there.
And we all know the kids need mittens and socks... not some poor homeless person, right? She is one of the most selfish people alive. And we probably don't know the half of it.
I believe her kids are "on to her" by now, as they may even recognize what a selfish person she really is. And how the world will always revolve around her needs.
I think Steve keeps hanging around because he has few other options. What person truly concerned with their safety would hire an out of shape, home wrecking, reality show-starring, paparazzi calling, limelight loving fool like Steve? His behavior, whether or not he's doing Kate, has been wholly unprofessional and crosses acceptable boundaries. He sold out so easily that I wonder if he's nothing more than a retired cop who saw dollar signs, free rent, and an easy target to manipulate in Kate. They both look like idiots together; she doesn't need protection and he looks foolish pretending that he does anything other than accompany her. When he whipped out a map to show Kate and Tony the floor plan for the bldg they were in, he looked so little and pathetic. Now he has ruined his own resume padded reputation. No one would hire him. He can pretend to be useful to Kate and she'll support him. Gigolo.
Man to do list: unbelievable. Doubt she had any men over period. She has NO friends! If she coerced some poor men over and had the balls to make them do dirty filthy work and lots of it, shame on her. She won't need to worry about cOoking for 20 ever again. But it sounds more like a made up fantasy.
#7 I kinda don't think her kids are 'on to her'. She stated something to effect of
'more $ equal more gifts for kids equal more hugs and thanks for her'. They have been raised to 'expect more and show the proper appreciation to mother figure who gave it all'.
Jon is being smart by NOT responding to her crap. Hopefully he is piling up more and more evidence against her 'mothering skills' and his attorney will use them at the appropriate time. Although, it does seem that the kids may be in imminent danger while they wait for that 'time'.
It doesn't appear to me that Steve is the kind of hands on guy who would be able to do the jobs on her 'honey do list'. He doesn't actually do the real kind of bodyguard work normally seen. He always appeared to be there more because she (needs someone scratch this), needs a MAN to lead her around by the nose and show her how and when to do things.
And as far as kate doing things to disgust or, to use her fav word, AMAZE me, she passed that boundary long ago. It is now apparent to me that there are no boundaries in her world, you do what you want, when you want, where you want, how you want, and the hell with the rest of the world.
Is Kate and Jon's relationship so bad that it's not in the realm of possibilities for him to fix a few things around the house? Kate's next book should be a "what not to do when you divorce the father of your children", starting with barring Jon from entering the property.
To have guests do chores around the house is so tacky. Bragging about it is even worse.
Uh huh. I thought Kate already knew how to hang a door....didn't she not only hang the chicken coop door by herself with no help, but had the knowledge to build it also...complete with bendy corner brackets? Lies. Kate. All lies.
Stevarino looks like the kind of guy who has an opinion on everything but knows how to do nothing. Would not consider dirtying his lily white hands.
They probably get joint mani/pedi's and do tanning together. Gag. He doesn't strike me as the kind of man who does physical work...might chip a nail.
In Kate-speak this may very well mean...the cable guy finally showed up (don't know why they don't work on TG)...my handyman finally came over to fix the door (likewise, why didn't he come over on TG when I called)..., the chicken coop cleaning service comes the last Friday of every month etc. and so on. She handed the to-do list to Steve so that he could supervise all the workers since she was "busy" (wink, wink) in the kitchen.
I think it's fine if guests offer to help out a mom--who estranged her ex who used to do everything--with one project, maybe two. But all of those projects, she is the epitome of tacky. Hopefully they got a great meal out of it. And hopefully that's what they would rather be doing.
Just Dwindle Away said... 172
OOO! waving my hand in the air! I am reading from the bottom up so I am probably missing something, but I have family in Delaware and *I* am in northern Summit Co. Meet y'all in Lodi?
Hi Dwindle!
We moved from Ashland just 3 years ago. I love the Lodi outlet mall. : )
*My apologies to everyone for the off-topic, personal comments. I know some find them highly annoying.*
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 13
I think it's fine if guests offer to help out a mom--who estranged her ex who used to do everything--with one project, maybe two. But all of those projects, she is the epitome of tacky. Hopefully they got a great meal out of it. And hopefully that's what they would rather be doing.
I pretty much agree with this. We have no idea how much work was involved in each project, could have been minor. Maybe a couple of guys could get them done in no time. And I can't imagine any man I know who would rather hang out with Kate. They'd be hunting for other things to do!
I cannot knock Jon for not making a public spectacle and dragging kate to court time and time again. This is the same judge who did NOT split the money evenly in the divorce. The same judge who allowed filming to continue. The same judge who let Jon's children out of the country without Jon's acceptance. If I were Jon I woud be feeling very despondant and frustrated about the whole situation and not to mention all of his out of pocket expenses. Jon may resigned himself to the mantra "Kate always wins".
Imagine how he must feel seeing himself as a notional joke, the poster boy for a deadbeat dad - while kate is the revered single put upon mother of 8. At some point you just give in no matter how badly you want a different outcome.
Jon works full time. Kate stays home. WHat do you really think a judge is going to decide. Kate WILL win. None of the things she does is drastic enough for her to lose custody. Taking custody from a mother can be quite difficult and a kid under a van isn't enough. Nor are the tweets. Plenty of parents showcase their kids on facebook and twitter.
The judge has already shown favor to kate. Nothing so far is going to change that. JOn may be just collecting info so that if something BIG ever happens he has that plus the former history as well for his case.
... But all of those projects, she is the epitome of tacky. ....
There's a reason she came in 6th on the national tacky list. Snort.
The only suggestion I've heard is TLC, because her contract hasn't yet expired.
Her contract did expire...at least she tweeted this some time ago when someone asked if it was true that she was still under contract until February. She said no truth. Unless, of course, it was Kate playing with words again, and she is not under contract under February, but rather December, or January.
barbee said...I kinda don't think her kids are 'on to her'. She stated something to effect of
'more $ equal more gifts for kids equal more hugs and thanks for her'. They have been raised to 'expect more and show the proper appreciation to mother figure who gave it all'.
Hi barbee - I hear you but I think these kids walk around on eggshells trying to thank Kate ten million times, knowing this is what she expects from them and in some way know this "gratifying Mom" constantly is not normal. But they have had to adjust to HER needs. The kids are in school and have probably seen adult behavior that does not require constant adoration and does not come close to Kate's expectations of gratitude. As well as being around Jon.
I think they all would trade places with any other kids if they did not have to deal with her constant expectations, requirements, and chronic self-absorption. Mady seems to be on to her and is navigating the path of least resistance by telling Kate what she wants to hear. Hell of a way to live. JMO
Sam said... 185
Kokomo, Cocktails and Dreams said
Her first name starts with a P, sorry I don't know about that other stuff. One of the haters did post a link to one of her "Love Blogs" and it was nauseatingly childish. It would be funny except in reality it's very sad & unhealthy for a young person to claim such devotion to Kreider.
Sam, I didn't say that. Even though I agree with your post. The above is YOUR response to a quote. It really would be helpful if you put the number of the post to which you are responding, or copy and paste the post and then respond. Otherwise, it gets confusing. :)
Now, could you imagine you and your husband being invited to a female friend's home for Thanksgiving, and the female friend puts your husband to work repairing things for her? I'd be very annoyed. Kate probably flirted with whoever these men are ( if it's even true ) and shook her boobies and let them hang out so she could get these guys to play rent-a-husband.
I find it very rude to expect guests to do repairs around the house for you while they're there.
Then again, it's probably all a fabricated tale and there were never any friends over. She probably has a list a mile long for any future boyfriend/husband of things that need to be fixed to her standards.
Mel said... 11
Stevarino looks like the kind of guy who has an opinion on everything but knows how to do nothing. Would not consider dirtying his lily white hands.
They probably get joint mani/pedi's and do tanning together. Gag. He doesn't strike me as the kind of man who does physical work...might chip a nail.
November 26, 2011 7:24
He's always looked ( to me ) like the type who wouldn't have a clue how to change a tire. He seems more like Kate, just point at people and tell them what needs to be done.
The fact that she calls it an actual "to do" list makes me think this wasn't something spontaneous, like oh look Kate a loose shingle want me to help fix it? But rather something she told or asked them to do. Tack-EEE!!!!!
For some reason I can't find my post about all the crap Jon did around the house. But if she had been nicer to him, maybe he would pop by to help with these things. He was very handy.
I don't believe she had guests. I believe the fix-it guy she pays came over, because it was the day after Thanksgiving. The cable guy showed up, etc.
Who would all these mystery men be who are willing to socialize with Kate all day AND fix all her shit? Please. They don't exist, except to be paid.
The thing that struck me was how it's MY tractor, MY barn, etc. Normal people say THE tractor, the barn.
Yesterday there was a poster here that had driven past Kate's house on Thanksgiving and didn't see any cars. Did this same person drive by yesterday? Were there any cars? Was the cable man or the local fix it guy there? Or was Steve there with his sons? Perhaps since Steve is never around his sons had to learn how to fix things for their mom. I could picture them wanting to get away from Kate and looking for anything to do to make that happen.
Kate was alone on Thanksgiving, she admitted this. So there wouldn't be any cars. Also it's creepy to drive by her house and I don't encourage people to talk about that here if they do. Take it elsewhere.
I see Kate did say anything about the homewrecker thing from In touch
I don't believe FOR ONE MILISECOND that she had company for Thanksgiving or even the day after.
If she's talking, she's lying. If she's blogging, she's lying. If she's twatting, she's lying.
I see Kate did say anything about the homewrecker thing from In touch
There's been a lot of stories churning out there about Kate. How the heck does she manage to stay news and photo worthy?
Permanent Name said... 28
I don't believe FOR ONE MILISECOND that she had company for Thanksgiving or even the day after.
You would think it a perfect day for her friend Chris to snap a few photos of the comings and goings, but there's nothing.
24 Dallas Lady- I agree- Either she took advantage of her "guests" or lied about who fixed things- Her "dear friends," or the Handyman/men. She never seems to be able to be able to function like a normal person. Taking Advantage vs Lies. She does not get how inappropriate she is in either instance.
Plain and simple.
Agreed, no friends, no guests, just 8 kids forced to say thank you mommy for feeding them
Admin am I banned here? My last 3 posts were erased immediately. If so I'll stop posting
We used to have FAMILY members come to town for
Thanksgiving. My very strong brother, my handy
brother-in-law for starters. My mother would never once have said, "Dad's back has been out for a few days so I'm not asking him, could you please go fix the dryer, change the oil on the car and then clean out the attic?" She would have taken care of that by using professional dryer fixers, oil changers and attic cleaners if she couldn't do it herself.
As I said earlier, the most duty any guests were even allowed to help with was clearing the table, and that was relegated mostly to her 4 kids. As it should be. The other family was
invited to go relax in the den, the rec room or
the porch.
But then, my Mom was hospitable, gracious and
lovely to be around.
Yesterday there was a poster here that had driven past Kate's house on Thanksgiving and didn't see any cars. Did this same person drive by yesterday? Were there any cars? Was the cable man or the local fix it guy there?
This is stalking. Driving by is one thing (for those who use that route on a daily basis). Driving by for the purpose of checking up on her borders on obsession.
Kate alone for turkey day not really shocked by that. What happen to the 20 guest she was up early coking for?.
Guess Steve-o the maid's the sitter's and the fix men and the old crew had better things to do.
Another thought. What did these men wear to do the chicken coop work and the tractor work? Surely they walked into her place all neat and clean. Surely she would not have tolerated big
grease spots on their clothes or chicken dirt on their shoes and pants legs as the went back into the house.
So, did they come knowing they needed to bring some work clothes? Or did they go to some closet and get clean clothes and shoes to change into?
Ah, the mysteries of it all.
chefsummer said... 34
Kate alone for turkey day not really shocked by that. What happen to the 20 guest she was up early coking for?.
Kate was doing all that cooking for Friday, not for Thanksgiving Day. Nobody was there on Thurs.
I did not mean to ruffle any feathers when I asked if the person that drove by Kate's on Thanksgiving also drove by on Friday. This person does lives near Kate and was not stalking her. I was just wondering if they had passed her house the following day. I wasn't asking someone to stalk her. I am sorry if it came off that way.
Tuckers Mom,
Or at least have purseboy snap some 'candid' shots of the guests laughing and having a good time around the table, and sell them to a tabloid....
Or post them on her blog.
But nada.
She didn't have any 'r dear friends' there. It was her fantasy cyber alternate personality posting as kart on twitter...........
I also find it suspect that Kate did not snap one photo of her amazing food.
Hopefully the kids are enjoying a post Thanksgiving celebration with Jon.
This whole topic about Kate’s Man2do list has been an eye opener for me. I’m divorced and live alone. I have several things I can’t do for myself, like climbing ladders because of vertigo and removing things like showerheads because of arthritis in my hands. I didn’t realize it was rude to ask a man to help if he wasn’t a relative or rude to ask if you’ve also invited them for a meal. As far as a wife being annoyed IF her husband is asked, may she never have to be in that position herself. I have occasionally asked my neighbor if he will change the outdoor lights for me because he has a very tall ladder and he’s been very gracious in saying he doesn’t mind helping me when I need it as does his wife and I never take advantage but now maybe I’d better just live in the dark and let things go to hell. LOL
Oh poor ol' K8ie, she maybe managed to actually have some dear friends over for her fabulous apps - dessert feast, and get her Honey-Do list done by guests, and yet we give her no respect, no respect at all. And what, no blog, no pics, no anything about the fabulousness that is her happy family life. So disappointed LOL. Guess after all that wonderfullness, she so deserves her almost here next getaway to Las Vegas. This could be amusing.
Just call me Rude, don't take it so personally! You obviously need help and I'm sure you are grateful.
Kate is able-bodied and RICH. Hard to believe she would ask for help that she can pay for herself. Plus, she wanted that big-ass house with a big ass property. She shouldn't pawn off her problems on others.
She's just always way too ready to take a handout.
Just Call me Rude, none of what you do sounds rude to me. What you do is not anything close to what Kate did. It sounds like a neighbor asking a neighbor to help with small projects.
Kate wrote out a honey do list on a HOLIDAY when people are supposed to be relaxing and enjoying family and friends. It was not one or two little things like changing a lightbulb. It was a plethora of what appear to be involved projects that may have taken all day. Repairing a TRACTOR? That can be quite an undertaking. If Kate had said we had a lovely thanksgiving and then men even offered to fix my closet door, I wouldn't blink an eyelash. It was the sheer volume that is a big part of the a turnoff.
Oh yeah Tucker not to mention, she is able bodied and rich and can do for herself or pay for someone to do it instead of making people work on a holiday.
There is nothing wrong with helping someone IN NEED. IN NEED, key words. Why not say I appreciate your help but I'll just call the cable guy over, please go help out at the local homeless shelter they need big strapping guys like you to lift boxes.
I'm guessing, Rude, that you don't call up your neighbor at 3 pm on Thanksgiving day expecting them to give up their time with family and friends and a great dinner to help you out with your little projects. I'm guessing you probably say something like Jim at YOUR convenience, when you have a spare moment, what would you say to helping me with a few lightbulbs.
Which begs the question, how many Kates does it take to screw in a lightbulb.
Dwindle -- I'd LOVE to meet at the Lodi outlet sometime. I haven't been there in a long while. Sooverit -- How about it? Are you in too? I had to laugh at myself though, when you said you'd just recently moved from Ashland. My first thought was -- It really is a small world. I grew up about 30 miles from there. Then I realized you meant Ashland, Ohio. I grew up near Ashland, Ky. (Yes, I'm an Ohio hillbilly, or, as we say, a half billy LOL).
I had my closest friend and her husband over for dinner a few weeks ago and her husband did a few chores around the house for me. He offered, I didn't ask. OTOH -- I dog sit for them when they are out of town (and do it for free) and run errands for them occasionally or babysit -- again for free, so it's a mutual "help each other out". I can't imagine inviting guests for a Thanksgiving feast and expecting them to work for their supper. Again, a good example of why Kate is on the tacky list.
readerlady, I think the rest of us know that help works both ways and I know how wonderful it is to have great neighbors.
I don't think for a minute that Kate bakes for a neighbor or takes in their paper or keeps an eye on a house. Nah.
Unless she had a handful of men at her house helping out, those things on that "Man2do" list wouldn't have been accomplished in one day, especially if Kate just threw all that stuff on them last minute. Did they show up with tools or does Miss Can Do Kate have all the tools they needed at her house? It's funny how her dear friends new how to take care of all those jobs too, and done fast enough to enjoy a homemade Thanksgiving feast. She didn't mention any of the women folk (if any were invited over) helped out with the clean up afterwards. Kate's so full of it she stinks.
Yeah and we have seen her barn. Chickens must have been knee deep in poop as much as they shoveled out of there that day. Nice appetizer for what she would call an amazing, exciting TG dinner. Which I by no means think would be spectacular, as we have seen what she serves, the raw chicken off the grill (that the kids ate with blood dripping from it), the gloppy, lumpy oatmeal, etc. The disgusting egg dinner. Unless of course she had it catered as she admittedly (I think) did last year.
She is always looking for free handiwork. She played poor to the plumbing guy, who owned a HUGE plumbing business in that small town and he does her plumbing for free (while filming, no less).
She is so inept, the frickin tractor was probably out of gas.
Glad to know just anybody can fix the cable. They sure had me fooled. My cable guy is here before I can even hang up the phone. Very good service. Worse case scenario next day if call late in the evening.
She is disgusting.
She just didn't want to mess up her Thanksgiving manicure. She won't get another oneuntil the calendar page turns.
Kate has a tractor/ Kate drives a tractor?
That is unbelievable to me. If it is in fact true, it's terrifying.
Rhymes, let's just hope she doesn't get any of the kids to "help her" by mowing grass or mulching leaves on it. Hoo boy.
I'm pretty sure she has a lawn service, so no Gosselin has been on that seat doing actual work since Jon left.
I think it's crap that she got everything including the damn tractor,and Jon got nothing!
He did everything for her and the kids and she walked away with it all.
I don't understand how the system works in Pa. but it's just not right!Jon worked all those years for what? He deserved half of everything. Period !
Tucker's Mom said... 48
readerlady, I think the rest of us know that help works both ways and I know how wonderful it is to have great neighbors.
I don't think for a minute that Kate bakes for a neighbor or takes in their paper or keeps an eye on a house. Nah.
Admin got it right. Kate thinks that if she tweets that people did things for her, people will believe that she has friends.
She also thinks that she's doing someone a favor when she allows them to do things for her. She's a celebrity, after all, and it's only natural that other people should kiss her feet.
Her sense of entitlement, going waaaaay back to when she told the world that she was entitled to baby nurses because she shouldn't have to care for her one-year-old babies alone, is stunning.
She's just too stupid and narcissistic to see how this looks to people who aren't as selfish and self-centered as she is.
Thanksgiving to Kate = Other people being grateful that they can do things for her.
Rhymes with Witch said... 52
Kate has a tractor/ Kate drives a tractor?
That is unbelievable to me. If it is in fact true, it's terrifying.
I wouldn't worry about it, Rhymes. The lawn guy (or lawn guys) drive the tractor. It won't do 80, which is Kate's preferred speed.
gramof5 said... 54
I think it's crap that she got everything including the damn tractor,and Jon got nothing!
Jon got taken to the cleaners, but I'm not sure what he'd do with a tractor ;-)
You'd think that Kate would be grateful for getting practically everything, but no, she has to bitch about Jon's child support, the cost of running that mammoth home, the BBB.
Kate, you can't get blood from a stone. You sucked Jon dry!
Interesting that ratclaws hasn't allowed Kate to force him to do the handiwork around the house. He sounds like a little princess too. Don't believe she has friends or had 20+ people over yesterday. Why didn't she mention this on her black Friday blog instead of pretending to be cooking for the kids on thanksgiving day and then mentioning that the guests would be over on Friday at the last minute? Maybe I'm kind of a princess too, but NO WAY would I do some filthy chore in the barn, chicken coop, whatever, right before a meal....not even for someone I liked. She can't even lie convincingly.
If Kate is driving that tractor, take a page from Hannah: Hold hands, so if we die, we die together!
Best line ever from that kid.
Line. Oh good grief.
It just boggles the mind at how classless Kate is. The woman must have been raised by a turnip.
That's how I took your comment...someone driving by cuz that's the way they were going...and they happened to notice...not that someone was stalking. Sounded innocent anyway...nice of you to clarify though.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 46
Which begs the question, how many Kates does it take to screw in a lightbulb
None. Kate makes mediocre people do the work for her.
readerlady, I think the rest of us know that help works both ways and I know how wonderful it is to have great neighbors.
I don't think for a minute that Kate bakes for a neighbor or takes in their paper or keeps an eye on a house. Nah.
Kate hates neighbors, and the feeling is mutual. That's one of the reasons she moved from her previous neighborhood.
Read Walt Mueller's blog from June 4, 2009.
Kate hates neighbors, and the feeling is mutual. That's one of the reasons she moved from her previous neighborhood.
Read Walt Mueller's blog from June 4, 2009.
I did. It was very insightful and not surprising at all. Mueller was being diplomatic about it, but Kate's behavior came through clearly.
Oh big deal. Kart's closet door probably came off it's track and she couldn't put it back on. One of the kids probably pressed something accidentally on the television remote and she didn't know how to get the cable to come on. The tractor sounds like something Steve would toy around with. It was probably out of gas. Maybe his sons were there also for the day. I remember a photo of Steve riding on Jon's atv. So it wouldn't surprise me if he's riding the tractor now. He probably cleaned up leaves, dog poop and the chicken coop.
Instead of tweeting about online shopping using her CC coupons, she had to announce shopping with her girls. INF should be posting the usual parking lot photos by tomorrow. Maybe Kart wore her CC tote bag at the mall. I doubt her job with CC will last past the New Years.
@irishdancer620 @Kateplusmy8 Kate doesn't allow any of the kids to visit schoolmates' homes. She's afraid parents will take pics & sell them
This is absolutely not true. Where do these people get this stuff, and why do they make it up, passing it along as fact?
Anon This Time said... 64
@irishdancer620 @Kateplusmy8 Kate doesn't allow any of the kids to visit schoolmates' homes. She's afraid parents will take pics & sell them
This is absolutely not true. Where do these people get this stuff, and why do they make it up, passing it along as fact?
Didn't she prevent the kids from appearing in their class pictures? And wasn't that because she feared the pictures would be sold without her involvement?
That may be why people are willing to believe that she'd keep the younger ones, especially, from spending time at the homes of friends, that, and the logistics involved.
It's believable that she might let the older girls go to other homes, especially since they are probably well trained in what not to say.
It's a lot harder to organize play dates for six seven year olds, and they are probably not quite old enough to keep family secrets yet. Whether the statement is true or not, it is consistent with Kate's need for control over her children and their images.
But you're right, Anon This Time 64, people shouldn't pass it along as fact if they are only speculating.
I don't think that person was trying to pass themselves off as an insider, just posting their opinion. They should have been clearer, but this is how a lot of people talk--when I say the war in Iraq is wrong, I don't feel I always have to say "My opinion is" first.
Which begs the question, how many Kates does it take to screw in a lightbulb.
November 26, 2011 10:24 AM
Love your answer, 60. You said it all before I finished reading and got to it. I will add my answer which is a little bit different:
Which begs the question, how many Kates does it take to screw in a lightbulb. None. Kate doesn't screw lightbulbs. (double entendre intended)
It's not true that the kids aren't allow to visit their friends, go to birthday parties, etc. Not true at all. Some of those on twitter just go nuts with their speculation, passing off so much as fact.
In addition, it's surprising that the twitter "haterz" who know everything there is to know about Kate don't verify what they tweet:
Someone tweeted:
@AnyaIW @Kateplusmy8 Yes, I'm sure the twins love kate deciding which one will get the seat belt & which one wont. Irresponsible mother.
Kate's Audi has a front seat with a seatbelt, and a rear seat with a seatbelt. Granted, it's a very small backseat suitable only for a young person, but nevertheless it's there. There is nothing irresponsible about letting one of the twins sit there. Letting a child crawl under a van, however, is different story.
Hey, longtime lurker here. I found a link that is kind of old and may have already been discussed here, but it is hilarious! This perfectly encapsulates how people working in the media feel about Kate.
Ha. The talk show hosts sound pretty offended that Kate thinks that she can just waltz in and sit down and just start doing a talk show. Like our job isn't hard work!
I didn't even think of that angle, that people who actually have clawed their way to the top might be offended by someone who thinks a talk show should just be handed to then, um, you know, just because.
Yea, because the "likes it." LOL!
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 46
Which begs the question, how many Kates does it take to screw in a lightbulb
Answer: None. The kids will live in the dark, but she will go on a light-bulb-media-tour to set the record straight about it, since it is all JON'S fault that light bulbs burn out!
Dwindle, that's hilarious. Could I add one?
It takes 2 Kates. 1 to nag someone to do it and 1 to bitch and complain that it wasn't done right.
Re: How many Kates does it take to screw in a lightbulb? I'm going with 4. One to nag to do it, one to complain it wasn't done right, one to scream that the old bulb was left on the table, and one to slap if the bulb was purchased without a coupon.
That's an old photo which is misleading.
Pity Party #50 -
Seriously, what cable company do you use that actually gives good service??
My sister is divorced. She has the house and her ex won't help with anything. So my dad helps her a lot with the usual "honey-do" stuff. But on Thanksgiving he wanted to enjoy the holiday so all he helped with was putting stuff in the oven. My sister didn't ask him to do projects. It was a holiday.
Everyone needs help sometimes. And it is kind to feed those who help you. But not on holidays. They are for family time.
To the one who asked about the tractor, she probably means the riding lawn mower not a big farm tractor. A lot of people around here call a riding lawn mower a tractor.
Admin. I have thought of that angle a lot actually. Think of the nerve it takes to think you should be handed a talk show because "you want one", "it's fun", "you need tv to support your kids". It so pathetic. People go to college to get their journalism degree, work medicore jobs at tv stations hoping for a slot that will get them closer to being an on air personality. Usually they work in research first and pay their dues. Kate thinks it's easy because she;s just been interviewed. She likes the makeup chair and the fawning. She probably assumes a one hour talk show takes 2 hours to film and you go home. She has no idea the dry runs, the scripts, the research, the HOURS it takes to out a show together. Kate would be working the dreaded 12 hour days if she has a talk show. According to her she can;t be away for her oh so loved children that long.
P.S. there was a tweeter that said she had to leave her 6 kids on thanksgiving to go work her nursing shift. Milo replied something and it;s funny it never occured to her to notice that this woman has 2 less kids than kate and somehow can earn a livng.
Also, anyone notice how Milo always sounds passive aggressive when she calls kate Ms Perfect, Ms Perfect Hostess, Ms Big Time..Things life that. It comes across as bizarre. Reading her tweets her and the others lament how little kate has time to reply to them and give tips on how to be noticed. Celeb hanger-on are a very strange breed. Milo says kate's positive attitude gets her thru the day. LMAO
She also constantly brings up Rumors to kate, discuss making haters mad, and goes on and on to kate about the "beating" she takes for kate to support her. Martyr much?
I started to post that she was looking for a sunny disposition photo op, by tweeting what she did, to counter the last time she was caught out with the tweens looking like the bitch from hell. But that kind of looks just like the other one. Shorts in November in PA? Only one shot?
Oh my cable company, I won't name because it is regional but we actually have two and they are very competitive. So yes we get very good service.
I started to post earlier that KT must be looking for a sunny disposition photo op, with the tweens, by tweeting what she did to counteract the one prior where she looked like the bitch from hell. But I think ROL (<3) one-upped her and used the old one?
Amy - we have 2 cable companies in a not so large area and they are very competitive so yes we get great service.
@70 Something about her makes me think of Rosanne. I hear her tweets when I read them in Roseanne's voice.
Pity Party said... 80
I started to post that she was looking for a sunny disposition photo op, by tweeting what she did, to counter the last time she was caught out with the tweens looking like the bitch from hell. But that kind of looks just like the other one. Shorts in November in PA? Only one shot?
Its an old photo. I dont know why they chose to use that one since its misleading.
There was actually another article elsewhere that had pictures of Kate with the girls today. Can't find it now and don't know why radar used this one. I saw it on twazzup, but it was a while ago. Wowee, though, I did see a new sheeple, who has declared that Kate is the second love of her life, behind her career, and she will do ANYTHING to protect Kate, ANYTHING. One can only hope it's someone trying to stir stuff up.....
Here's today's pic of Kate and the girls. They look soooooooo happy to be shopping with her. NOT
I hope she bought the girls some long pants...
Kate is in long pants, a puffy jacket and boots, but the girls are in shorts?
Odd that she would hold Cara's hand in one pic. 11 years old, holding her hand? Maybe it just looks odd because you never see her touching her kids in a nice way.
Anyway, why is this even a story? She tweeted that she went shopping with the older girls and there are pictures. Wow. Lotta meat to that story, huh?
As for the younger kids all playing at a "friend's house," that's more bullshit just like the bullshit that she has all these friends that want to come over and fix all her stuff. The tups are with what we call a "nanny."
So who's playing pap today of Kate Chris or Steve or both maybe.?
It was 60 degrees and more near where Kate lives today. Probably not too cold for shorts for kids. Except for the one-day surprise blizzard, it's been unusually warm this month and last.
That horrible overstuffed vest isn't doing her bust any favors, though, and she looks her usual charming self in the photos. Is that a death grip she's got on one child's hand?
This is not a happy woman, and those aren't happy kids.
Its an old photo. I dont know why they chose to use that one since its misleading.
What's an old photo? The picture of her shopping today in the gray vest and Mady in pink and Cara in a striped shirt?
When was that one taken? It's dated today...
What the ????. Kate is supposed to be shopping with her two daughters, they are in shorts and she is in a puffy winter jacket? I don't get it?
Wait, it just occured to me, Kate has had another cosmetic procedure that she's trying to hide. That's the only explanation I can come up with. We all know that she doesn't dress season appropriate (remember her dinner in NYC with her hair guy in Jan. or Feb. and she didn't have a coat? Or when she was out and about in NYC in open toed shoes, again in Jan or Feb?). And yet when it's relatively warm out (it was 58 in NH today so I'm sure PA is warmer) she's out in a winter jacket and her daughters are in shorts? She's hiding something under that jacket, I'm convinced. Maybe she's going for a bigger cup size? Something is up with that.
Let's see, Khate has tweeted photos of:
- Crappy-looking salads that she eats for dinner
- Soup-filled bread bowls that she had awaiting the kids' return from Jon's home
- Dozens of containers of tomatoes for freezing
- Her sad looking Halloween "decorations" in the dining room
Khate has NOT tweeted photos of:
- the kids' Easter baskets that she bragged about working on all weekend
- the 36 dozen cookies she claimed to have made two days before making a Thanksgiving dinner for over 20
- her beautifully set dining room table for this Thanksgiving feast she claims to have had with at least 11 mysterious new friends
And yet when it's relatively warm out (it was 58 in NH today so I'm sure PA is warmer) she's out in a winter jacket and her daughters are in shorts?
It depends on when she was out shopping. It was chilly this morning - around 40 degrees, and she was wearing a vest over her shirt, not a winter jacket. That's exactly what I would have worn to go out this morning. You can always remove the layers. The high was about 62 in mid afternoon. I never would have allowed my kids to wear shorts today, but Cara did wear long sleeves and Mady was wearing a sweater. The stores are warm, so I guess kids don't mind it as much as adults.
Sherry Baby, the original photo posted by radar online was an old photo. They have since updated the photo to the one from today.
If it was 58 it wouldn't surprise me if an over-zealous kid wants to bust out shorts. See the thing is in PA during the winter, 58 doesn't happen every day and after cold days 58 feels like 78! lol. A lot of kids will dress a little warmer than it actually is. It's almost like if you dress the part, it will be so. Also kids tend to be more active than adults, running instead of walking in stores, playing with each other, they get their blood moving and can get hot. Anyway what I'm trying to say is this doesn't strike me as odd frankly.
We were joking just the other day about a friend who went to Seattle and was freezing, but everyone was out and about in t-shirts throwing frisbees and so on. He asked what was going on and someone said it was the first clear day in weeks. Heh. btw Thanks Nobody!
Lisa or maybe it just a bit of lipo no a day's you don't have to go under the knife for that. Or it could just be for the attention.
She got people say mhhh.Why is she waring a coat and boots and nice weather and not the twins.?
Anyone notice that she doesn't have any shoes in the pictures taken near the fence? Is this before or after she put on the boots? I hope she washed her feet before they went into the boots. So much for being a germaphobe.
If it was 58 it wouldn't surprise me if an over-zealous kid wants to bust out shorts. See the thing is in PA during the winter, 58 doesn't happen every day and after cold days 58 feels like 78! lol.
Admin, you're right about that, but we haven't had really cold days, other than the freak snowstorm. It's been in the upper 50s to lower 60s during the days. The nights and mornings have been cold, though, around freezing or a little above. This makes it really difficult to know how to dress because by mid afternoon, all you really need is a light jacket.
We were joking just the other day about a friend who went to Seattle and was freezing, but everyone was out and about in t-shirts throwing frisbees and so on. He asked what was going on and someone said it was the first clear day in weeks. Heh. btw Thanks Nobody!
I went to the Oregon Coast yesterday and looked at the tide pools. It was in the 40's but the sun was shining and there was no rain for the first time in weeks. I was running around in bare feet because it was so nice. I did have on a warm sweater and hat so I was warm enough.
Kate tweeted
GN tweeties! It's been a long day of shopping&Saved $58 with coupons and gas points
So she went shopping, in stores, not online as she recommended in her first paid blog post, and then tweets about coupons and FAILS to mention her employer.
Guess Jon and her seven year old aren't the only ones she's willing to throw under the bus.
How's that "celebrity"tie-in working for you, CC?
Not only did you hire a controversial D-lister, but you also hired one who knows nothing about using the Internet (including sites like yours!), ans zip about promotion. Nice work.
As usual, Kate takes home the bucks (at least for a little while) and everyone else gets stiffed. Welcome to Kate's long list of the "used", CC. Hope you didn't expect much in return for her salary, cuz you're getting zip so far.
That ponytail looks pretty short ....cosidering the long locks in the recent Aussie photos....hmmm...
Think the friend watching the tups was Jon?
That ponytail looks pretty short ....cosidering the long locks in the recent Aussie photos....hmmm...
Think the friend watching the tups was Jon?
Dallas Lady said... 87
Kate is in long pants, a puffy jacket and boots, but the girls are in shorts?
Odd that she would hold Cara's hand in one pic. 11 years old, holding her hand? Maybe it just looks odd because you never see her touching her kids in a nice way.
Anyway, why is this even a story? She tweeted that she went shopping with the older girls and there are pictures. Wow. Lotta meat to that story, huh?
As for the younger kids all playing at a "friend's house," that's more bullshit just like the bullshit that she has all these friends that want to come over and fix all her stuff. The tups are with what we call a "nanny."
Dallas Lady- I agree- so much strange stuff going on with her and her comments since the show ended. The opposite attire with the girls (rebellion)?, the handholding with Cara (a little old for this), the helpers at Thanksgiving(were they guests or hired help?), pictures of her shopping at stores just after she advised shoppers to go online, tuplets suddenly going to friends' houses (I hope they are!)and the list goes on....
Seems Kate is trying to re-brand herself, but her inappropriate tweeting makes one scratch their head. What is she trying to prove? Most of her attempts fail miserably, as she seems more desperate than ever to try to make some point, about "alleged friends," the freedoms she allows her kids to have a "normal life", shop online vs shopping in public on the very day she advised CC fans to shop online, none of which makes any sense to me.... Not trying to pick at her, but she is an oxymoron these days, and appears to be unraveling.
Of course, she still has time to travel for pleasure, NY, Australia, Las Vegas, Wyoming, etc... Maybe she is trying to do some damage control, I really don't know. Never mind her lack of public comment about possible child porn issues. Something is really amiss/erratic here, and in my opinion, it has more to do with her not having her dream job drop in her lap, and her insecurities are making her look more and more ridiculous each day. We al know Kate likes routine, and now that the show has ended, she really has none and seems to be unraveling a bit.
Twittering and a Twattering, Sam, Kokomo, and Twit-Story,
Thanks for helping me understand the "twit backstory" behind the Teen K, Teen P, and Sheeple C! You really cannot make this stuff up.
Forgot to mention, I don't think even some (not all)of her fans think it is a great idea to trash Jon and their scheduled custody arrangement every step of the way. She really needs to stop her attacks on him; makes her look like the disgruntled, bitter, discontented person that she really is. The custody arrangement has been in place for a long while and she needs to move on, or go back to Court. And shut up in the meantime. In this respect, she loses a lot of people (not the hard core sheeple), as her negativity is offensive and unwarranted.
Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 105
her negativity is offensive and unwarranted
Amen to that. She's just a miserable, entitled monster, and every time she tries to make a case for being something else, she just proves it over and over again.
If she were anyone but Kate, she'd have cut her losses long ago. She won't be satisfied until she's buried herself so completely that even the sheeple see who she is.
Gosselin8ComeFirst said... 105
her negativity is offensive and unwarranted
Amen to that. She's just a miserable, entitled monster, and every time she tries to make a case for being something else, she just proves it over and over again.
If she were anyone but Kate, she'd have cut her losses long ago. She won't be satisfied until she's buried herself so completely that even the sheeple see who she is.
Kate's Cart said... 85
Here's today's pic of Kate and the girls. They look soooooooo happy to be shopping with her. NOT
Does that woman ever NOT have her phone in her hand? I just don't get that. I don't think the leaders of the free world have that much close contact with a telephone 24/7.
I also don't believe for a hot second that Kris Jenner talked to Kate. I even have a hard time believing lazy Kate, who thinks things should just drop in her lap, would go to the probably considerable trouble of finding out how to contact her in the first place. But even if she did, I can see Kris Jenner saying, "Kate who?" and not taking the call.
But again, the idea of Kate going to that trouble in the first place is hard to imagine.
I did notice she's barefoot in that one picture. And at home, as that is her white rail fence. Probably acting strangely so that Steve/Chris will take a picture. "Look over there, Mady!" "What?" "Nothing, nevermind." LOL.
Meant to say, I was surprised she didn't mention CC in her last tweet. Seems like a natural lead in to at least tag them on the tweet, but nope. She didn't. I shouldn't have been surprised, but I was, because even a total dumbass would have thought to add them to THAT tweet, it was about using coupons, for crying out loud!
By the way, as a veteran coupon user of many years, the cardinal rule when it comes to using them to save money is that it doesn't SAVE you any money if coupons cause you to purchase things you wouldn't normally purchase. It's one thing to try a different cake mix because you have a 30 cents off coupon, but coupons for things and places you would never normally spend money on aren't saving you money. Kate sounds like the type who would buy some Seen on TV piece of crap in Bed, Bath and Beyond just because she had a coupon.
When she's with her kids, her face always looks like the Grinch. The eyes are always dead looking.
When she's away from her kids and in the limelight with Steve, she looks like Donkey from Shrek. The eyes are natural happy looking.
The eyes are the window to the soul...they don't lie.
Does that woman ever NOT have her phone in her hand? I just don't get that. I don't think the leaders of the free world have that much close contact with a telephone 24/7.
Classic self-important narcissist. And this has NOTHING to do with her kids (as SHE noted herself, no calls unless it is an emergency.) It is all about her EGO as she is a very very important person.
She really is a very repugnant person, at best.
111- You just hit the nail on the head.
Re: Couponing - Dallas Lady ITA. I'm not a big coupon user because many times the coupons I get from the grocery checkout are for products I'd never use. I admit I haven't tried Safeway's new coupon download section on their website and I also haven't tried coupon sites but that's because I don't use a lot of name brand items unless they're cheaper than then the store brand anyway. My husband taught me to look at the unit price and compare products with that to see if the deal is really good. Something may be $2 off but if the unit price on the name brand is 43 cents and the store brand is 39 cents you're still paying 4 cents more per oz, etc. which isn't a savings.
I don't get the extreme couponers. It almost seems like a gambling addiction combined with hoarding. Some of the things they get seem like things you really don't need 25 bottles of. I mean, if they'll expire before you use them, then it's not a savings. I like when some donate to their food bank or help out their family, friends and neighbors. That makes sense to me.
Sigh, I guess I'm a poor American be cause I am a poor consumer.
A good couponer does have to be careful not to get too excited over a great coupon of it's something they don't need. You end up saving way more not buying it. But that's how companies make money hoping people will buy it when they normally wouldn't.
The Kardashians are falling from grace due to Kim's wedding fiasco. What goes up must come down. I rarely watch but just watched the Bora Bora episode right before the wedding. I was astounded at how much they have changed most particularly the Mom Kris. It is amazing what big money does to people. They were flaunting their extravagant lifestyle in a ridiculous manner. It was clear that Kim and the Humphrey guy did not even like each other, let alone love. They were treating Rob like crap, putting him down - ribbing him that Kendall made more money than him. I wonder how they feel now that he was second place in DWTS and achieved a huge fan base in the process. I hope he takes that money and goes to law school so he can be an attorney, like his dad. Of course it doesn't matter that the show is losing favor, because unlike KT, they invested and likely do not even need the show anymore.
I think you really need a good brain to use coupons effectively; K8 is not the sharpest tool in the toolbox, and she does an average job with pretty much everything. Yes, good times not to mention her CC employer, can't even get that right. That talk show should be coming right about . . .never.
In my paper this week, I got several coupons for batteries and then noticed that they were on sale at several places so am going to stock up on them as our lights go out every time it thunders. One coupon was for $3.00 off. It was the first time I had matched my coupons to the sale items and am getting the hang of it, without any help from our not a friend supposed coupon lady. I also have $1 to 1.50 off several other items that were on sale that I use all the time (toilet paper, paper towels, shampoo, dish detergent and TIDE). Next I am going to call the stores and find out what days they double coupons as all of them had a 5, which means they double. I saved $4 last time with coupons not matching them to sale items. I can't imagine what kind of shopping she did to save $58.
You can also buy coupons on Ebay that are mostly a dollar off. You can buy 20 one dollar coupons for V8 Fusion (for instance) which my son loves but is expensive. They coupons are sold for just a few cents over postage price. In this case you would be getting $20 in coupons for about $3.00. I am sure some of the extreme couponers go this route.
Re Dallas Lady said... 110
Also, be careful. Dont buy something just because you have a coupon for it. Do not buy the item if it is still more expensive then the generic item. Many people make this mistake. You need to wait until the item goes on sale and be able to stack a store coupon with a manufactures coupon. You have to wait until it all lines up to get the good deals. Also, not all coupons are for processed foods. I generally use my coupons to get things like tooth paste and toilet paper.
Doesn't seem like Cara is enjoying her mother trying tp hold her hand. That says alot
And why would Kris want to talk to Kate at all about anything.? And if she did don't you think Kate would be tweeting like mad how much of a friend. Her and Kris are? she would never shut up about it.
Crap - I can't remember which post it was - sorry - had a lot of catch up reading to do ..
But if Kate is trying to reinvent herself ... good luck with that honey. The people who don't like Kate will never change their opinion - just as the people who love Kate will never change their opinion.
Kate has three choices:
1. Appeal to the young (under 20) and/or foreign crowd who haven't already been overexposed to this train wreck.
2. Go back to the obscurity from whence she came.
3. Pimp out any number of her children to keep her in the lifestyle to which she has become accustomed.
If I were a betting girl - I'd bet on option 3.
I don't see why Kat can't or won't enjoy her children they seems like wonderful kids. That any parent would be happy to have.
Dallas Lady said... 110
Meant to say, I was surprised she didn't mention CC in her last tweet. Seems like a natural lead in to at least tag them on the tweet, but nope. She didn't. I shouldn't have been surprised, but I was, because even a total dumbass would have thought to add them to THAT tweet, it was about using coupons, for crying out loud!
By the way, as a veteran coupon user of many years, the cardinal rule when it comes to using them to save money is that it doesn't SAVE you any money if coupons cause you to purchase things you wouldn't normally purchase. It's one thing to try a different cake mix because you have a 30 cents off coupon, but coupons for things and places you would never normally spend money on aren't saving you money. Kate sounds like the type who would buy some Seen on TV piece of crap in Bed, Bath and Beyond just because she had a coupon.
You are so right. I am a fellow couponer and what you said is correct. When Kate stated she saved $58 in coupons I wondered to myself "How much did she spend to save $58?" Knowing Kate she spent $300 or $400 but saved $58. Granted any savings is good but I see Kate doing it in a half a$% way.
The only way Kris Jenner would have anything to do with Kate Gosselin would be to have her on Keeping up with the Kardashians. And then it would be to make Kate more of a laughing stock than she already is. Kris is like Kate in the fact that she is only out to make herself look good.
silimom said... 114
Re: Couponing - Dallas Lady ITA. I'm not a big coupon user because many times the coupons I get from the grocery checkout are for products I'd never use. I admit I haven't tried Safeway's new coupon download section on their website and I also haven't tried coupon sites but that's because I don't use a lot of name brand items unless they're cheaper than then the store brand anyway. My husband taught me to look at the unit price and compare products with that to see if the deal is really good. Something may be $2 off but if the unit price on the name brand is 43 cents and the store brand is 39 cents you're still paying 4 cents more per oz, etc. which isn't a savings.
I don't get the extreme couponers. It almost seems like a gambling addiction combined with hoarding. Some of the things they get seem like things you really don't need 25 bottles of. I mean, if they'll expire before you use them, then it's not a savings. I like when some donate to their food bank or help out their family, friends and neighbors. That makes sense to me.
Sigh, I guess I'm a poor American be cause I am a poor consumer.
You hit the nail on the head with some of these extremem couponers. The people on that show are not representative of normal couponers. That show has really had some bad consequences for normal, everyday couponers. It has made us look bad when go into stores and someone sees us with a handful of coupons, a lot of stores have changed their coupon policies (not for the better) and coupon values have reduced.
I think that extreme stuff is for the birds. Seriously, does anyone really need 100 bottles of dishwashing liquid or 300 bottles of mustard? It's one thing to have that much if you have a big family or are doing it for the purpose of charity but overall, extreme couponing is not the way to coupon.
And some of the people on that show spend like 40 hours a week on this stuff. Yikes. I enjoy saving money with coupons. I've saved $2,000 this year with coupons and I'm happy with that. Despite the fact that I don't clear shelves I am still able to donate nice items to the troops overseas.
The whole extreme couponing phenomenon is a mystery to me. I see this and I wonder what the effect will be on consumers overall. For all those couponers paying $12 for $112 worth of goods, I wonder who will make up the difference when market and company profits decrease.
In a way, it has the same end effect as stealing from or defrauding a company. Prices will go up as a result and everyone will have to pay more. I've not done any research on this, so it's just my theory.
That said, I embrace coupons and think they help... sometimes. What I've found is that the store's own sale and store brands are almost always a better bargain, and most of the food in the circulars is processed with all the bad stuff that comes along with it.
With coupons and a store card which gets me the sale prices, I save between 18%-40%.
I also shop outside of the grocery store at farmers markets and Costco, where there is no Red Plum coupon that can get me an excellent rotisserie chicken for 5 bucks ;-)
The tweets below are from the Chris Sam guy that follows Kate and she also follows him. He is from Reading, Pa., which is what caught my attention a couple of months back.
Seems funny that it has been so long in between tweets, but they have actually started texting each other now.
Anyone know anything about this Chris guy ?
CMS2022Chris Sam
@Kateplusmy8 I got ur texts...u get mine??? Btw choc chip cookies are my downfall.
23 Nov
CMS2022Chris Sam
@Kateplusmy8 Ok. Maybe I missed chatting with u more than I thought. Lol. Watch out for the Prez. He is in Canberra. ;-)
16 Nov
I grew up in a non-couponing household. I don't ever remember my mom clipping anything. I didn't know what coupons were until I was an adult, and they just didn't do a thing for me. I still don't
coupon, which drives my good friend nuts.
We get some of the extreme couponers in Walgreens every Sunday morning. They are very aggressive. They just simply won't understand that you can't use 4 coupons for one item. They won't understand that register rewards are considered a manufacturer's coupon and they are not to be spent like cash. They have absolutely no compunction about holding up the line. Walgreens was allowing them to do more than one transaction, in order to get register rewards, but they have stopped this practice.
I will be SO glad when I get a full-time teaching position at the University. The general public is so very hard to deal with.
Tweet-le De #108
"Does that woman ever NOT have her phone in her hand? I just don't get that. I don't think the leaders of the free world have that much close contact with a telephone 24/7."
She waiting for that phone call from Mr De Mille.
Beth said... 129
We get some of the extreme couponers in Walgreens every Sunday morning. They are very aggressive. They just simply won't understand that you can't use 4 coupons for one item. They won't understand that register rewards are considered a manufacturer's coupon and they are not to be spent like cash. They have absolutely no compunction about holding up the line. Walgreens was allowing them to do more than one transaction, in order to get register rewards, but they have stopped this practice.
My Walgreens has had the same problem. I talked with on of the managers a while back and she told me about how tough it's been since Extreme Couponing aired. The hardcore couponers have treated staff horribly and cleared shelves of items that others would like to purchase etc...And the staff at my Wags are so nice and the thought that someone would be mean to them makes me very mad.
I did go to Wags this morning and I did do 3 transactions. I was able to get some items we needed and some items for the troops and saved about $40 on my entire order.
gramof5 said... 127
The tweets below are from the Chris Sam guy that follows Kate and she also follows him. He is from Reading, Pa., which is what caught my attention a couple of months back.
Seems funny that it has been so long in between tweets, but they have actually started texting each other now.
His Linked In profile says he's a police officer in Wyomissing. Didn't he crop up before, back when Kate made the crack about dating "a big policeman" to keep her kids in line?
It's interesting that they are texting...
Did she meet this policeman over twitter or on one of her four tickets? How did it come about he has her number to text with her?
This is very Bridesmaids of her!
I said Mom didn't coupon, but she sure did the
TV yellow and the S&H Green stamps! My job was to search through her purse for hidden stamps that hadn't made it into the drawer and then to put them in the books on some specified day for that chore.
Beth, I can see how couponers might get more aggressive with a sense of entitlement after watching Extreme Couponing. Shouldn't we all get something for nothing? (ugh).
I hope you keep a positive outlook and your chin up until you do get that FT teaching position.
-Well- today was making the turkey stock (from the carcass) and getting the Christmas decorations going day. Somehow, the temps almost reaching 70 degrees didn't do it for me!
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 133
Did she meet this policeman over twitter or on one of her four tickets? How did it come about he has her number to text with her?
This is very Bridesmaids of her!
Or is it possible that there were more stops than tickets issued? In which case, how unprofessional of Mr. Police Officer Man.
"Does that woman ever NOT have her phone in her hand? I just don't get that. I don't think the leaders of the free world have that much close contact with a telephone 24/7."
She waiting for that phone call from Mr De Mille.
ABC, thanks for the laugh.
Yes...the texting between Kate and the policeman,Chris,has me curious.Strangely he only follows Kate, Toni Braxton and Irene Paige.It also looks as though he has kids, so apparently he is divorced.
I think if you're following the rules of the coupon and stores you're not necessarily doing anything wrong, manufacturers are not forced to print coupons, but it becomes sort of a moral question in a way.
Like a plate of cookies that has a sign that says "help yourself." The right thing to do is take one and leave the rest for everyone else to get one. You don't take them all and leave nothing for everyone else and in the process, also discourage the cookie baker from making the plate again knowing one person will gobble them up.
That's what's happened to couponing. A few people are taking all the cookies and ruining it for everyone else.
Why do I feel like Kate wouldn't hesitate to resort to the above to get a handsome cop's number?
fidosmommy-I remember the green stamp books and banking books that would add up to free stuff. Mom used coupons and tallied up her grocery bill on a little clicker as she went along. She had a cash budget and she stuck to it. Never saw her pull out a credit card to pay a bill until I was almost an adult. Well... except for department stores like Gimbels and John Wanamaker. But a Visa or AmEx.? No way.
She scrutinized everything and never just tossed things into the cart willy-nilly without even looking at the price. (the many levels that this does not comport with a coupon site spokesperson is mind boggling).
Why do I have the feeling this is some sort of weird attempt to make Steve jealous? Sort of "See - other men like me too"
I wonder what this guys looks like and will Kate keep Steve if they end up dating.
I do hope that this Sam Policeman is NOT STUPID enough to risk his career for this fake bitch, ticket fixing is a crime. We have a case in NY right now where 20+ officers were indicted for ticket fixing for their families and celebrities in exchange for personal favors.
Speaking of which, when is the lying bitch's marathon again? Doesn't she have to do some endurance training to prep herself? Or is it all a sham?
After watching the Extreme Coupon show only once, I decided to skip it in the future. There is just something so offensive to me about seeing the shelves and shelves of "stuff" these people are hoarding. Kind of like the shelves in the Gosselin homes, both of them. Impressed, but not in a good way. Does anyone else see it as greedy?
I bought my first high chair with green stamps in the early '70's. All three of my kids used it and I was so thankful. I use coupons today, but only for the quantity we will use.
Oh brother, here we go --
@Kateplusmy8 I work for TAO Group. We own TAO, Lavo and Marquee nightclubs in Las Vegas. Text me for info 702-513-1689. http://t.co/lcHTJ9Vj(preview)
Why do I have the feeling this is some sort of weird attempt to make Steve jealous? Sort of "See - other men like me too"
Perhaps because it is consistent with her presentation of being stuck in Junior High.
Kate's kids must have such a distorted view of healthy eating. Kate only eats "normal food" or what the rest of the family eats when she is running miles and miles each day. So, before all of this running, apparently she only ate egg whites, salads, etc. Such a bad message to not sit down as a family and eat a family meal together---all eating the same healthy foods.
I got frustrated with using coupons when they started making you have to buy three to get money off. Also, I usually can buy a generic version of whatever and get that cheaper than the brand name with a coupons so it just doesn't work for me.
Kate's latest tweet:
"Running rocknroll marathon in Vegas in ONE wk! Kids said@dinner 'why r u eating REAL food lately?' lol-running so much can eat it all! Yay!"
This, from a woman with five daughters at home...setting a wonderful example of how one supposedly can't eat REAL food unless you're running a marathon.
It will be a miracle if none of those girls grow up without an eating disorder. Argh.
Running rocknroll marathon in Vegas in ONE wk! Kids said@dinner 'why r u eating REAL food lately?' l
Out of the mouths of babes. Even kids know something was wrong with her eating habits.
Why is Kate dressed like it if freezing cold out and her twins are dressed like its 60-70 out? What is wrong with this picture? Interesting comment kate said about what one of the twins said to her : Your eating real food? Strange?
Let's see if any of the people who bashed Jon for taking a gig in Las Vegas will find any fault with Kate showing up at the clubs for photo ops and celebrity promotions.
Her PR team is to be commended. Kate is in the media almost daily.
Her PR team is to be commended. Kate is in the media almost daily
Please understand that this is not aimed at you or anyone here. As far as I'm concerned, Kate's PR team can buy her first age coverage on the daily paper in every major city in the country. Pictures and stories about Jon's and her children - ANY of them, are what pisses me off.
The sheeple ask why we are still upset now that the show is apparently over. For me it is because she is still shilling her shit on the backs of these poor kids.
Yes. I said apparently. I don't trust TLC any more than I trust Kate.
Teresa said... 200
Admin said (196)".... she is so loved by so many people that they all bend over backwards to help her out..."
I love to help her too by pulling the stick out when she bends over.. or pushing another one in. (snark)
You hace to remove all her tweet/butt kisser first. Be for removing the stick.
Dulcina, 155
I agree. What seems to be happening is 2 things (at least). The first thing is for sure, and that is that Kate keeps tweeting and her tweets are turned into blurb-like articles in the media. Sometimes the tweets align with photos, like her day of shopping with the twins.
This leads me to believe that Kate is tweeting to stay in the media's eye and that perhaps, she really does coordinate photo ops with her tweets.
Secondly, I think Kate is still working with her manager/PR person to get gigs in the media. This keeps her constantly current.
So yes, seeing that the kids can not go out with Kate without winding up in the tabloids is terrible for them. I think if Kate would stop tweeting, or make her tweets private, this would mitigate the situation a great deal. I don't think that will happen.
So, now Kate is tweeting thanks to "whoever" sent her some painting/picture of them at the Statue of Liberty. I'm sure she won't be sending a personalized thank you note of any kind. Just "thanks whoever for sending this". I bet the person who sent it really feels special---so special that Kate can't even be bothered to figure out who sent it to her. It is also a way of alerting everyone that she loves to get free stuff from her "fans".
Dulcina said...Pictures and stories about Jon's and her children - ANY of them, are what pisses me off.
The sheeple ask why we are still upset now that the show is apparently over. For me it is because she is still shilling her shit on the backs of these poor kids.
I completely agree. She knows she is nothing without these kids, and continues to use them as she sees fit. Great mom. If she is reaching out to Kris Kardashian, she is ignoring the fact that Kris' kids are ALL adults, as oppoosed to her minor children.
Honestly, Kate will stop at nothing to keep herself out there,including to continue to use her kids, and this is why I continue to be disgusted with her.
Hey Kate, how about a nursing job on the weekends when Jon has the kids? Oh, I forgot, she is too good for this, must travel for her own personal needs, and thinks she is too good for a job of this nature.
This woman will continue to use her kids to as much as possible to try to keep herself relevant. She is simply shameless.
Off topic, Syracuse just fired their assistant basketball coach over the sex abuse allegations.
What a crazy month it's been.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 159
Off topic, Syracuse just fired their assistant basketball coach over the sex abuse allegations.
What a crazy month it's been.
Did they really? Must have been that audio that came out with his wife pretty much admitting it. As a PSU alumn I agree it's been a crazy month. I'm still aghast.
Speaking of the men in Kate's life. Isn't it funny how one on Twitter said goodbye, after having been ignored since she met him. He claimed that his work was done (or whatever), to contact him on FB because he was finished tweeting, and surprise...there he is, back on Twitter. Another guy, after having left this blog, showed up on another one, bashing this one, took to Twitter, claiming he was done here, then posted here, returned to Twitter, left that one, returned again, then returned here, etc. etc. etc.
Addicted much? And they say that women are fickle!!!
Tate: that struck me, too. WHOEVER sent the huge painting/picture? So she loves it so much she put it in her bedroom, but can't be bothered to look on the package and see who it was from?
Wow. So just a generic thank you to "whoever" on Twitter. Easier and quicker than a personal thank you, that's for sure! She can't go ten minutes without showing her ass, can she? I'm appalled, but shouldn't be.
What the hell! Rob Frenette O.N.B of New Brunswick, Canada attempting to obtain the services of Kart for his anti-bullying crusade! Obviously clueless in his research by contacting the bully of the century. Guess he's unaware how Kart has been bullying her kids and everyone else in her quest for fame and money.
P.S O.N.B means Awarded for Excellence, achievement, and outstanding contribution to the social, cultural, or economic well-being of New Brunswick and its residents.
Kate will never make it alone on TV without the kids. Being some how part of it I hope all the kids want normal lives off tv.
no in fact I've stopped wearing heels (gulp!) til after the marathon... Feet are resting :)
Well that was quite sensible of her.
Teresa, if there's money to be made from this anti-bullying campaign, you can bet Kate will become the resident expert on it. Why, she might even blog about it.
She can hawk coupons for iPads for every kid who signs an anti-bullying covenant. Come 'n' git yer 50 cents off coupons!
Just opened mail.thank u 2 whoever sent huge wall painting/pic of kids&I at statueof liberty!Wow!hung it in my rm& is treasured work of art!
Miss Perfect Grammar and Speller -- ..."sent huge wall painting/pic of kids and ME at statue of liberty.
Remember how she called out Jon on his grammar mistakes? What goes around, comes around.
Another one:
Man accused of child porn
Rivas composed for 'Sesame Street'
A man who composed music for "Sesame Street" and the Disney Channel and who started a jazz program for students at Porter-Gaud School appeared in federal court Monday, accused of making and sending child pornography.
The rest of the article is here, including the fact that the sick bastard created the photo that a four year girl was in:
Making Spirit Bright said... 162
Speaking of the men in Kate's life. Isn't it funny how one on Twitter said goodbye, after having been ignored since she met him. He claimed that his work was done (or whatever), to contact him on FB because he was finished tweeting, and surprise...there he is, back on Twitter.
Yes, Iwana reads every post and comment here and get this - tonight he tweeted to a nonfan that he believes the nonfan is a "sock puppet" account, and really is Admin. The sheeple are all so delusional and paranoid! They really think that Kate has about ten haters who each have twenty different names on the blogs and on Twitter.
Just when I think it can't get any worse. This is horrible. Where in the heck did he get the four year old girl to tie up and take pics of??? WTH!
And naturally, he chose projects involving kids like Sesame Street, that seems to be the pattern here with these creeps, seeking out acceptable projects that have a different meaning once you know what's going on with them.
@Chablis4u @lillyla12 @kateplusmy8 Kate has 23 acres' why does she have to run in the driveway? Is she trying to let paps know where she is?
Sometimes I think that the non-fans are as intellectually-challenged as the sheeple. You do not run on grassy areas, through brush and woods, where you risk stepping in holes or uneven surfaces, hidden rocks and stones, possibly injuring an ankle - especially before a marathon.
Does anyone think Kate will tweet a picture of the picture sent from the generic giver?
171 "They really think that Kate has about ten haters who each have twenty different names on the blogs and on Twitter."
Um, it's called projection.
LOL Fido....all the same, l don't want her in my country. I think l will write and edjumicate him in all things Gosselin.
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
When the road ahead is full of blind curves, twists&turns,buy a reeeeaallly fast sports car (I prefer a convertible!)&enjoy the ride! -Me:)
17 Aug
in reply to ↑
Chris Sam
@CMS2022 Chris Sam
@Kateplusmy8 ...and watch out for the Po Po ;-)
Ooh, yuck. Catch this comment from the policeman about watching out for the police in response to Kate's "cryptic" speeding comment when she got the ticket?
Wonder if she flirted her way out of a ticket and that's how they met?
"The sheeple are all so delusional and paranoid! They really think that Kate has about ten haters who each have twenty different names on the blogs and on Twitter."
Yes, but it's not only the sheeple. I've been reading some of it lately, and I swear, it's like 1692 in Salem revisited. There seems to be a witch hunt going on there, with everyone calling everyone else out on being female pedophiles, perverts, liking teen girls, etc.
It's insane!
Angelina Jolie is going to be profiled on 60 Minute tonight. Maybe East Coasters have already seen it. I'm sure the contrasts will be striking.
I still laugh about Jamie saying Kate fancies herself Angelina Jolie. There's a big difference--Angelina Jolie lands things like 60 Minutes. Kate lands...Wendy Williams. If anyone is projecting with the mediocre comment it was Kate.
po po? really?
Chris the "po po" also tweeted this to Kate the day before the speeding comment when all this ticket stuff was going on. I wonder if her name was going around the station and that's why he got in touch? (Read from bottom up)
@CMS2022 Chris Sam
@Kateplusmy8 Chica, check ur messages.
16 Aug via web
Kateplusmy8 Kate Gosselin
@CMS2022 omg! Where have u been? How are u? Will do!
15 Aug
in reply to ↑
@CMS2022 Chris Sam
@Kateplusmy8 Im good, sent u a message
Chris Sam
@CMS2022 Chris Sam
@Kateplusmy8 Kate, add me so I can send u a message.
15 Aug via web
I draw the line at the pedophile comments and that is all I will say about the whole mess. Unbelievable, and obviously, of course not.
fidosmommy said... 168
Teresa, if there's money to be made from this anti-bullying campaign, you can bet Kate will become the resident expert on it. Why, she might even blog about it.
Do I say she might find that a perfect reason to get the kids involoved in some shape or form.
Kate, don't you want to thank WHOMever sent you the picture of the kids and ME? She fancies herself an author? The woman is a grammatical nightmare. Jon had a lot of restraint by not responding when getting grammar lessons from this dolt. Seriously, I think her IQ may not even hit the triple digits given the way she speaks, spells, writes, and lies so badly. Moron.
How about this great story from 60 Minutes about the homeless. A father in the story eventually got a job as a garbage man.
They filmed him and he grabbed a can of garbage with a smile on his face and said "It's hard work but hard work's good for you. I'm happy to have a job."
Now there's an American.
The homeless Florida families that I watched on 60 minutes had me in tears both from sadness and inspiration and awe. That father who is happy to haul garbage everyday is an amazing man and father.
The Jolie piece was very good.
Moose Mania said... 178
"The sheeple are all so delusional and paranoid! They really think that Kate has about ten haters who each have twenty different names on the blogs and on Twitter."
Yes, but it's not only the sheeple. I've been reading some of it lately, and I swear, it's like 1692 in Salem revisited. There seems to be a witch hunt going on there, with everyone calling everyone else out on being female pedophiles, perverts, liking teen girls, etc.
It's insane!
Yes, they're nuts! 1692 is a good way to put it. They're like rabid pit bulls, or better yet--wolves in sheeple clothing!
I knew the Christmas grifting would be starting any day now:
shellbeesbear michelle lee cates
@Kateplusmy8 what are the bigger girls asking for this christmas kate? and what are the boys asking for? I need ideas? please rt me!!!!!
1 minute ago
Nitpicking,,,,,,,,,,but, if someone offers something to Kate, technically I don't think Kate is grifting.
It’s when Kate says we need, we want……………
Do I think she should accept the stuff? Hell no.
Teresa said... 164
What the hell! Rob Frenette O.N.B of New Brunswick, Canada attempting to obtain the services of Kart for his anti-bullying crusade! Obviously clueless in his research by contacting the bully of the century. Guess he's unaware how Kart has been bullying her kids and everyone else in her quest for fame and money.
If anyone wants to let young Mr. Frenette know how misguided this is, here's where you can send an email to him:
There's a dropdown box where you can select his name, or you can send an email to someone else in the organization.
Be nice. This young man apparently has no idea who Kate Gosselin is, other than a mother of many young children.
Angelina wouldn't let 60 Minutes film the kids even though they were at the house and the crew was there. She let them film the dog.
What a concept, saying, eh, no you're not gonna film my kids, period. Go film the dog.
Admin, Jolie's face when she spoke of her kids was touching. And, her own mom, of course. When she said that she'd so much rather be mom at home than be the one at work, her face melted.
Compare that to Kate, especially her Natalie Morales interview. She tried so hard to choke up, but nothing.
Whether Angelina just knows how to "act" the part or it's genuine she sure as heck knows what to say to endear her public.
And, she is proof that you can overcome some really bad behavior, that the public will forgive and move on if you show them enough GOOD behavior. Look at what this woman overcame, blood viles around her neck, kissing her brother, a bunch of other bad behavior I can't even remember she's been so good at making us forget, lol. And she OWNS it, says yup that was me, I really should be dead, but I'm not and here I am a different better person now.
I loved her comments about her mom too, essentially what it boils down to, I'll never be the kind of mother she is. What a lovely thing to say. I do think it's genuine, by the way.
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