Turkey of the year again goes to Kate, especially for the way she's relentlessly trashed Jon almost every chance she got this year.

Diana Mercer, who has been practicing divorce law as both an attorney and mediator since 1988 (she has handled an astounding 4,000 divorces), wrote an excellent article published last year explaining why Jon and Kate need to call a truce. What she had to say a year ago stil rings true today:
The best predictor of how kids do post-divorce is the amount of conflict between the parents. It takes two to tango. Kate's finger-pointing is a bigger problem than whatever Jon is up to. If he can't be father of the year, then it's up to her to figure out how to work with that -- and vice versa. She picked him to be the dad of those 8 kids, and now she's got to deal with her decision, and insulting Jon and refusing to resolve the ongoing conflict is no solution. For Kate to deny her role in their poor ongoing relationship is naïve and immature....And for her to speak publicly about her disappointment with Jon is damaging to the kids. While they're still little, they know they're ½ Mommy and ½ Daddy. By hearing that "Daddy is bad" they hear that they're bad, too. When they're old enough, they'll see what Mom said about Dad and form their own opinions. Kate's strategy of "I'm good; he's bad" will likely backfire on her in the long run. And what is she teaching them about how adults should handle relationships? What it means to be married, and to be parents?
530 sediments (sic) from readers:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 530 Newer› Newest»Happy Thanksgiving to all!
And from our home to yours, a wonderful Thanksgiving day.
Happy Tutkey day all-).
Kate all ways trashes Jon so why should any hoilday be diffrent?. I wonder where the body guard is getting his turkey dinner from?. Hopfully his real family.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Here's hoping that Cara, Mady, Alexis, Leah, Hannah, Joel, Collin and Aaden all have a wonderful day, no matter where they are or who they are with. Team Kids!
Kate simply refuses to acknowledge her children have two parents and two homes, her latest tweet makes out like home, traditional and Thanksgiving belong to her, and Jon just gets to see the kids.
The turkey award is well deservedly hers. Happy Thanksgiving all.
"LOL" as Kate talks about the custody arrangement for Thanksgiving.
First of all, the arrangements are none of anyone's business least of all her nosey fans. Second of all, there is nothing "Lol" about parents who are no longer together who can't do holidays together anymore and have quite possibly set the chidden up for years and years of therapy.
Happy Thanksgiving to all and hope everyone enjoys their day! And while being thankful, thanks to Admin for a great place to voice my opinions about the G8. I hope they have a great day too!
Gosseiln8, Thanks to all of YOU for making it a fun place!
Kate should be grateful for having 8 healthy kids and a father who loves and supports them.
Kate- Thankfulness is a virtue : ) No need to be a complete turkey your whole life!
Someone asked Kate how many she's cooking for, and she responded "20 something...I lost count".
Family? Friends? Or another lie?
Hey PatK, Maybe those 'crew daddies' are coming for a visit, ha ha.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone here.
I read here all the time but rarely post. Kate said on twitter that she is cooking for 20???? Could be the "crew daddies" coming over? Of course, they don't have their own families, yeah right. Who would want to spend Thanksgiving with Kate? She also said that the kids will be at Jon's, then with her for the "traditional Thanksgiving feast" (in her mind the only official one, barf) Won't those kids be stuffed? I couldn't eat two Thanksgiving dinners as a child. What a frigging narcissist.
Chefsummer - Kate is who Kate is and Jon is who Jon is and they need to learn to work things out. In the end, we're not really privy to a lot of what goes on in their relationship, which is as it should be. I hope that someday they can develop a solid working relationship and put the kids first because it doesn't seem like it's happening now.
I know Jon may be working two jobs - Admin, have you ever confirmed this? - and so may be limited in the amount of time he can see the kids. I really hope Jon can get to a point where he can work more 9-5. My concern is that, while he may need to work to pay off debts (lawyers, agents, etc.) 1) his kids might not understand that and 2) even if they do, their relationship with their dad will suffer.
They're stuck between a rock and a hard place, really. On the one hand they have a consistent (I won't say stable) home with their mom and Steve (in whatever relationship they may have) who appear to be pretty shallow people and whose main focus seems to be how to stay in the limelight and make money to support their lifestyle and who see the kids as accessories (i.e. big house, private schools, expensive cars, trips, and the well dressed, cute kids to complete the package) and are emotionally unavailable. Then on the other hand there is their Dad who seems to be a generally nice, affable guy with his heart in the right place and who seems emotionally connected with his kids but who is physically unavailable because he has to pay off his debts and so is also, like their mom, focused on himself and his needs rather than putting his kids first. One may do it out of choice and the other out of necessity, but it still means the kids are essentially on their own.
And that is a sad thought on a day that is about giving thanks and being with friends and family.
"Deep in the cook mode" sure has a lot of time to twitter today, oh wait, no kids at home this morning to interrupt. Guess the year that dad has them they get to then come home and have a second dinner with mom and her 10 new friends. K8 may be surprised to find 8 not so hungry kids, and that will of course be Jon's fault, and then she will share that on Twitter. Yes, she is most definitely the turkey of the year.
GMAB! If they are with Jon, THEN going to her house then they should be having dinner with him and dessert with her. My DD alternates like that yearly (only 2 more years to go thank goodness!) I'm sure she would have a royal fit if they already ate at Jon's and are too full to eat AGAIN.
That Milo person really creeps me out. Soon he/she will be asking even nosier questions, like what underwear she has on when she cooks. Who gives a frig what she's wearing while she cooks. That is clearly one person who is mentally unstable and has formed quite the obsession.
whistlingdixiee said... 13
I read here all the time but rarely post. Kate said on twitter that she is cooking for 20????
She's lying...again (yawn). She says that every year, and in pap pictures you only ever saw Steve and his boys. If there were "20" there would've been cars all over the driveway and there weren't.
It's the 9 and most likely Steve and his boys again, so 12 people at the most. You know how Kate exaggerates numbers.
The cook and the nanny will have to eat, too. They may have to eat in the servants' quarters, but they probably get to eat some of the food they cooked. Then Kate may throw some actual bones to the paparazzi in the yard - there's your extra
people. Snark.
And let's not forget Shoka and the chickens. By the time we get all these mouths counted Kate's
house will feel so small she'll have to move again.
That Milo person really creeps me out. Soon he/she will be asking even nosier questions, like what underwear she has on when she cooks. Who gives a frig what she's wearing while she cooks. That is clearly one person who is mentally unstable and has formed quite the obsession.
Yes, but at least this is one time that Kate has the good sense not to tell her what she is wearing.
Milo is both bold and demented. This is the type of stalker that Kate definitely does not want to ignore. Those are the most dangerous.
Did the uber fan with the cereal disappear? I haven't heard about her in awhile. There was some question about a friend of hers and then POOF.
@Kateplusmy8 What color is your and your kids favorites? I like to knit socks and mittens in their favorite colors if you like ? :)
Oh, bless her heart. When are these poor souls ever going to realize that she wouldn't be caught dead in homemade socks and mittens? Send her an A&F gift card so she can choose her own. I wonder if Kate will respond...
Did the uber fan with the cereal disappear? I haven't heard about her in awhile. There was some question about a friend of hers and then POOF.
Yes, Fidos, she disappeared at the same time that someone tweeted her association with the pedophile that appeared in a photo on her webpage. Last time I checked, her blog wasn't updated, and there were no events or activities listed for the workshops and girls that she mentors. Last entry in her blog was in September; and she posted a message on the teen girl page around the time that the arrest was made public, something to the effect that sometimes the girl who has always been there for everyone else needs someone to be there for her. That was on October 10.
Knitting socks and mittens for rich kids...oh vey. Doesn't anyone on Kate's Twitter want to help the underprivileged people who need the help? Why waste money and gifts on someone who obviously has enough to support the children since she's using excess money for her own desires, i.e., trips to Australia and Las Vegas. Oh that's right, those are working trips, not vacations.
Admin, I also love the numbering system. Great idea, whoever asked for it!
Gobble, Gobble Kate Gobbelin, Voted #1 Turkey of the year for the 3rd year in a row!
Reading between the lines, Kate is cooking enough dinner for 20 people,kids will be eating frozen turkey dinners for the next two weeks!
Oh wow, that Milo AKA firedup4kate has major issues. I have never seen anyone so totally obsessed. Scary when she talks to Kate like she's a child. Milo has mentioned having health problems, no doubt mentally.
Winding down as my guests will arrive shortly. Lessons to be learned- Kate- Stop attacking the father of your kids- be thankful he is a big part of their lives.
Dinner for 20= Kate and 8, Nannies(2), Steve and 2 boys maybe/possibly; the rest is a figment of her imagination or maybe she rounded it off. It really is sad and pathetic that she is trying to act like she is cooking for 20 people today. Regardless, I feel sorry that she needs to pretend that her life is full. Shallow does not make a well rounded person.
Heading out- family will be here shortly. Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Hey, bearswife, small world! I used to go to Yorkton for summer skating school, right close to Melvil! Yep, that's all to the recipe, pretty simple food, but awesome to eat with cranberry sauce! You made me crave for perogies, my favorite are the ones filled with blueberries.
Happy Thanksgiving to every one, and special wishes to our amazing Admin.
And no way do I believe a word kate says about cooling for 20 people. She sounds so fake about doing these wonderful things for her kids, and being a mother myself, I know those kids are NOT always thanking her. Which kids do that? There is a new emoticon? at preesis, of a little guy up-chucking,we need to have a special one for when kate is a 'liar', like a picture of her butt with her 'pants on fire'!
OOPS, cooking, not cooling!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
@Kateplusmy8 What color is your and your kids favorites? I like to knit socks and mittens in their favorite colors if you like ?
@Towi1 oh great! Thanks!Email me and I'll answer! :)
Boy, was I wrong! She wants the hand-knit mittens and socks. I guess anything free turns her on! Why in the name of all that's holy wouldn't she tell this woman to knit the items for kids who really need them, and donate them to a shelter or homeless facility?
What in the world is wrong with Kate? I don't get it. I just don't get it.
I can post because I am alone this Thanksgiving. i have a super loving family but circumstances prevent this year.
The mitten knitter was told to email kate for answer.
Kate plus her ego that might make 20 people.
@Kateplusmy8 What color is your and your kids favorites? I like to knit socks and mittens in their favorite colors if you like ?
@Towi1 oh great! Thanks!Email me and I'll answer! :)
I read the profile of the woman (in Norway, I believe, a cancer survivor) who offered to knit these items. Sue Buddy...does this deserve a comment on your blog page? This last display of Kate's greed really gets under my skin.
Happy Thanksgiving back to you!
I have to call bullshit on her assertion that she's cooking all day for 20. Even if the kids weren't there in the morning, even if she had someone helping her, if she were really cooking a whole Thanksgiving dinner for 20, she wouldn't have had time to cross her eyes, much less tweet 15 different times. Please.
I cooked and baked eight hours total yesterday, then got up at 6:45 today to continue preparations and I was just cooking for six. I am very organized and even had a schedule of times for when to start what and I didn't know where my phone was, much less was I able to tweet away.
She's so full of shit. And why do the kids have to eat Thanksgiving dinner twice in one day? Sheesh.
Hope everyone had a great day.
There are many charities providing mittens for the homeless. Please Khate, please tell your fans to help them, and stop being so greedy.
Shirley Pearson is one lady who set up a mittens for homeless charity.
chefsummer said... 34
Kate plus her ego that might make 20 people.
November 24, 2011 2:07 PM
hahahahahahah :)
Moose Mania said... 23
@Kateplusmy8 What color is your and your kids favorites? I like to knit socks and mittens in their favorite colors if you like ? :)
Oh, bless her heart. When are these poor souls ever going to realize that she wouldn't be caught dead in homemade socks and mittens? Send her an A&F gift card so she can choose her own. I wonder if Kate will respond...
November 24, 2011 11:22 AM
Kate will accept the mittens and socks and turn around and sell them to the consignment shop for $$$.
No way will she have her kids wear knitted items made by a stranger. Not good enough.
Wonder if Khate has an ebay 'broker' that she uses to sell off all the stuff she gets for free? That may be why she never turns anything down. Pure profit. What will come up if a hand made mitten and sock search is done the first week of Jan. mmmmm?
Any wagers on the kids getting mitts and socks for xmas from mommy dearest?
Pot meet Kettle...
@JessHayman i totally agree!Im not sure what u read that upset u? Fill that healing heart of urs w some love, not hate!It will do u good!xo
1 hour ago - Twitterrific
Don't you think Kate needs to take her own advice and fill her heart with some love and not hate? She is eaten up with hatred for Jon.
Oh wait. It's ok for her to hate. You're just not allowed to hate HER.
Dallas Lady said... 36
I have to call bullshit on her assertion that she's cooking all day for 20. Even if the kids weren't there in the morning, even if she had someone helping her, if she were really cooking a whole Thanksgiving dinner for 20, she wouldn't have had time to cross her eyes, much less tweet 15 different times. Please.
I cooked and baked eight hours total yesterday, then got up at 6:45 today to continue preparations and I was just cooking for six. I am very organized and even had a schedule of times for when to start what and I didn't know where my phone was, much less was I able to tweet away.
She's so full of shit. And why do the kids have to eat Thanksgiving dinner twice in one day? Sheesh.
Hope everyone had a great day.
You just said everything I was going to say. Oh, and I don't believe the kids ate Thanksgiving dinner twice in one day...that doesn't even make sense.
That sounds like an awfully long day for those kids. Thanksgiving with dad and then have to come home with Tired Bloat and act all *thankful* with mom and try to eat more?
Sorry but there aren't 11 people who would give up their holiday to suffer thru dinner with Kate. It ain't happening. She has NO friends. And the only reason Skeeve is hanging around is he fancies himself a celebrity too. He may be out of his home and out of a job, too.
I'm not a fan of either, but am amused that Radar has a story about Kim Kardashian serving Thanksgiving dinner to the homeless.
The story about Kate is her cosmetic "fat transfers."
Someone needs a new PR person. or maybe she should just go quietly into that dark night.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
BTW - it was the comparison of the 2 stories that I found amusing, not the fact that Kim was serving meals to the homeless.
USA Today has an article titled "Kim Kardashian, Kate Gosselin get into the spirit of sharing". It talks about KK serving Thanksgiving dinner to the homeless and also mentions other celebrities that were helping there also. Then Kate get got this little blurb:
"Another reality TV star, Kate Gosselin, has published her first blog post at CouponCabin.com, where she shares shopping advice for Black Friday".
So KK helps feed the homeless. KG writes about how much she does for Thanksgiving, and then says to stay home on Black Friday. Do you think USA Today was trying to show the difference between KK and KG?
So whose sharing do you think really made a difference? Hint: It isn't KG.
Sure, the kids ate thanksgiving dinner twice....Jon obviously served them mediocre gruel and Kate served them home-made-from-scratch-organic turkey with all the trimmings. *eyeroll* Did you see the interview for Kyoopon Cabin in the hotel lobby? Kate looked like a deer in the headlights when asked what she serves for thanksgiving dinner. Totally clueless and momentarily stumped. I seriously doubt she even cooked dinner herself. She must be dying that even Chris can't be bothered to photograph her anymore. Wonder if she still calls him hoping to meet him at the gas station or nail salon. Arghh. She's so pathetic
Hope everyone had a great day, haven't read everything yet.
Prairiemary, my DH's uncle owns/owned the funeral home in Yorkton - indeed it is a small world!!
And I have blueberry perogies in my freezer...
Kim Kardashian. Damage control?
I'm sure it's damage control for Kim Kardashian but at least she has enough sense to know that she should probably do some.
Hope everyone has nice full tummies!
@hydramax5000 what happened is that YOu are believing tabloids and judging me based on their nonsense.Nothing has happened to ME! 2 minutes ago
Is this a denial of the plastic surgery? Does Kate really want to fight with a non-fan on what's supposed to be a holiday of thanks? I mean really.
Kate's having Thanksgiving on Black Friday with 20 family and friends. Okaaaaaayyyy. Maybe so.
Isn't there a sister she's still talking to? Could be Sis and hubby and kids are coming over.
Whatever, I wish them all a happy, satisfying,
fun filled meal together. You know, the kind that make memories.
It looks as if the kids had Thanksgiving with Jon, on Thanksgiving and will have Thanksgiving with Kate on Friday. Kate tweeted that she has to get up early to put the bird in the oven and that the kids and fam & friends are coming. What family? Or should I say whose family? KUDOS TO JON! At least the kids were probably with relatives.
Oh, and that comment Kate made the other day about her kids going for the left-overs, well what do you expect Kate, you feed them just enough, so they will always be hungry and eat whatever you give them, so you will never get complaints from your kids not liking certain foods. Very clever Kate.
You just said everything I was going to say. Oh, and I don't believe the kids ate Thanksgiving dinner twice in one day...that doesn't even make sense.
We always did that up until a few years ago. We went to the one set of grandparents for an early meal, and to the other set of grandparents for the late dinner. It was a matter of logistics, travel time...much easier for us to go both places than the grandparents to drive a fairly long distance to us.
The kids loved it - different houses, turkey at one meal, ham at the other, everyone was happy just to be together.
In fact, I know several couples who eat two Thanksgiving means, brunch with the one set of in-laws in the morning, and dinner with the other set of in-laws at night. The men love all of the food, especially the left-overs that are sent home with them.
fidomommy: Makes yeah want to laugh at Kate: the expert on Black friday, who blogged about it, but who is not even participating in it. Online or actual, cause she will be busy with Thanksgiving. So her blog at CC, about black friday makes them look like a bunch of A-holes and a misleading blog.
Way to go Kate, stick it to your new job.
Sillimom I already answered this question for you but I'll answer it again since you seem to indicate you missed it, we know Jon has two jobs because when he was explaining he couldn't take the kids more than he did, it was because of his JOBS. Plural. His words, not ours.
It's a relief to know they are doing what appears to be an even/odd year thing. It's only fair Jon gets the kids on the actual holiday this year.
And speaking of sticking to the schedule, had Jon taken the kids more than he was supposed to at Kate's every whim, you can bet come Thanksgiving, Kate will say well I know it's your year but it's only fair that I get them again this year since you had so much extra time this month. You know she would.
Yeah I don't think so.
I think the last excuse/pass given to Jon when some of us questioned him not taking Kate to court in the past was because he can't be running to a judge over every little thing.
I'm curious to hear what excuse/pass he is given now. Kate has done many things to warrant him to challenge her over custody, child support and visitation.
I've lost count how many times Kate has violated the 'confidential' custody agreement. Didn't she take him to court over this? Then there's those 2 very dangerous child endangerment issues: leaving them unattended in a vehicle and allowing a child to crawl underneath one.
Or how about how she seems to hardly ever be home with them?
Could someone explain this? Has Jon just given up? I really hope this isn't the case because he seems to be the kids' only advocate.
Whats UP, there are a million reasons to stop dragging a parent to court.
They've been divorced for two years now? Two and a half? Not only could that be financially devastating to keep up the battle, but emotionally exhausting.
And let's not forget the kids, who are probably emotionally affected every time Mommy and Daddy fight it out with the judge. Running to court is not just hard on Mom and Dad, but on the precious kids.
I've lost count how many times Kate has violated the 'confidential' custody agreement. Didn't she take him to court over this?
Is it known for certain that there is one? Is it still enforceable? Has anyone seen the document that outlines what constitutes a violation?
I guess I feel that Kate's endangerment/carelessness with the kids is much more harmful than the potential stress of going to court.
I fear one day something terrible will accidently happen. Will Jon say "Well, at least I didn't stress them out over court."
I'm probably not making myself clear. Do you know what I mean?
Has anyone seen the document that outlines what constitutes a violation?
Good point. I thought I read here that Kate took Jon to court over this. Anyone?
The document itself is sealed, we can't see the court papers.
We can see the docket, which shows Kate dragged him to court right after her Australia trip. It was widely reported it was over some tweets he made around that time about Australia. She was apparently ticked off the cat was out of the bag. When really Jon was not the one who exposed the Australia trip, but someone on the plane OVER posted on Facebook and THAT'S how we learned about. We knew about Australia before they ever even touched ground.
We can see the docket, which shows Kate dragged him to court right after her Australia trip. It was widely reported it was over some tweets he made around that time about Australia. She was apparently ticked off the cat was out of the bag.
But do we really know that there is a signed and sealed custodial CA, or was Kate just ticked off and decided on a whim to take him to court?
Show of hands - does anyone think that Gina will be one of the 20 "family and friends" at the McMansion?
I'd still like to know an answer to my question. That is, Kate's behaviour (or lack of it) when 'supervising' the kids should take precedence over whether the kids are stressed taking her to court over it.
Stress of a court case VS saving the kids from Kate's child endangerment is a small price to pay. No?
IMO, one takes much precedence over the other. I hope someone can understand what I'm trying to say. I know it's late! ;)
If Lawyers are charging $450 or thereabouts an hour, how can Jon afford to keep taking momster mommy to court? He needs help from a Pro Bono lawyer l believe.
Regarding Jon's actions - I remember that someone supposedly "in the know" posted here that Jon was doing a lot behind the scenes that we didn't know about.
So, Admin, are you more concerned with the children's stress over taking Kate back to court for all her transgressions?
Personally, I'd take that risk. Stress is bad, obviously, but not as bad as an accident caused by a negligent mother.
You can't take injury back. It's permanent. Stress can be dealt with and is the FAR lesser evil. JMO
There must be a lawyer out there willing to take Jon's case pro bono because it is still pretty high profile.
Hope Jon doesn't wait too long and something bad happens in the interim.
He's sure got a lot of ammo against her now.
Sounds to me like Kate gosselin spent thanksgiving day on her own.
Can't imagine what it's like not to have any friends only paid helpers.
Kids are so excited about a second TG they can't sleep. What are all their little cousins coming over? Their aunts and uncles and grandparents?
Yeah, wonder if Jon'll wait until something really tragic happens before he finally realizes he should do something. Of course, then it will be too late.
Those poor kids. All they have is each other. Hope they realize that and treat each other with love.
"I concur said... 73
Yeah, wonder if Jon'll wait until something really tragic happens before he finally realizes he should do something. Of course, then it will be too late."
None of us really know how much Jon has tried. Neither do we know how much his lawyer charges. I would venture at least $500/hr. Even pro bono there will be administrative/paperwork fees; time lost from work. What would an employer think? Kate's real job is harassing Jon.
As for family I believe that when Jon has the kids there are times that his family or Jodi get to interact with them. This is already documented on various episodes. I remember the fishing episode. Mady didn't want to fish. She and Jon's mother were filmed walking down the Path; or the visit from Kate's brother and Jodi and kids at the house. Anyone else out there who remembers?
readerlady said,
Sooverit -- I lived in the Marysville area for a short while right after I graduated from college. It's a nice area. I live a bit North of you now, near Marion.
We truly are neighbors. I live north of the city of Marysville - between Marysville and Richwood. I'm often in Marion to shop, eat, and get my hair done. : )
None of us really know how much Jon has tried. Neither do we know how much his lawyer charges. I would venture at least $500/hr.
Attorneys here don't charge $500 per hour. If they did, I'd change professions!
Judy K said,
She's so full of shit. And why do the kids have to eat Thanksgiving dinner twice in one day? Sheesh.
he never said both meals were on the same day. Thanksgiving at Jon's on Thanksgiving; Friday dinner at home.
Re: #77 - make that SHE never said...!
Kate said she was "cooking for 20", that doesn't necessarily mean that 20 people are coming to her house for Thanksgiving. She may have planned it that way so she can have major "dramatics" with all the left over food. Or maybe she plans on feeding the kids the left overs from now until Christmas. Heaven knows with the portion sizes she serves those kids, that food could last until Christmas.
We can't assume Jon hasn't told the judge about safety concerns when it comes to Kate. Just because we've seen a few instances of it doesn't mean it doesn't happen all the time. A conservative judge is probably not going to change custody over these things, the law is pretty protective of crappy parenting. For all we know a judge has shot him down.
Someone like Kate just gets egged on when you try to fight with her and take her to court. She thrives on conflict, on shit stirring, on baiting Jon and watching him play ball. When he won't she goes nuts as most shit stirrers do. And every time she wins in court her ego just inflates. When you are in a battle with a narcissist, you can either lay down your sword, or you can fight them. But if you choose to fight, it could be an incredible battle. I don't fault anyone for reaching a point where they can't do it anymore. Jon or any parent in his shoes.
Dallas Lady said... 36
I have to call bullshit on her assertion that she's cooking all day for 20. Even if the kids weren't there in the morning, even if she had someone helping her, if she were really cooking a whole Thanksgiving dinner for 20, she wouldn't have had time to cross her eyes, much less tweet 15 different times. Please.
I cooked and baked eight hours total yesterday, then got up at 6:45 today to continue preparations and I was just cooking for six. I am very organized and even had a schedule of times for when to start what and I didn't know where my phone was, much less was I able to tweet away.
And I call BS on the idea that someone CAN'T cook for 20 if she had all day alone, with plenty of time to tweet 15 short lines. In fact, I can't even fathom *not* thinking that would be enough time, especially with a big, modern kitchen like what Kate has.
I also cooked for six for Thanksgiving, including veggie tray, chip & dip tray, turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, 2 vegetables, biscuits, and dessert, and I didn't even start doing *anything* until 9:30 a.m. yesterday. Dinner was at 4:00 p.m., but I was hardly in the kitchen that entire time - I spent much of the day playing games with my family, Facebooking, texting with a friend, and talking on the phone with family who weren't here. Granted I could have served more food and more elaborate dishes, but there was certainly plenty to eat, and it wasn't like I poured 10 cans of food into pans and shouted "Dinner!!!" - I did my fair share of chopping/dicing/browning/assembling/stirring/peeling/mashing/mixing/etc.
As far as who is at Kate's today and who isn't, if she really has 20 people there or doesn't, who cares. What's important is that the children did spend the holiday with Jon, and they now get to celebrate again at home with their mother. This is a completely typical situation for a divorced couple sharing custody of their kids. Should she have "lol'd" when she answered the tweeter's question about him spending TG there? Well, no. But I would bet it caught her off guard more than anything - it's clear to most people who follow the family that he is not part of her life anymore and doesn't come to the house - so why is a fan even asking that question? I took it as an "uncomfortable lol", not a "making light of the situation lol".
But I would bet it caught her off guard more than anything - it's clear to most people who follow the family that he is not part of her life anymore and doesn't come to the house - so why is a fan even asking that question?
That brings up a point I've been wanting to make. The fans contribute to the parental alienation. They bait Kate with questions and calls to set the record straight. They poke at her until she can't help herself. If the fans did not question her about custody, Kate wouldn't bring it up. She never does unless they ask.
Yes Kate needs to take responsibility for throwing Jon under the bus and she needs to learn to either ignore these questions, say no comment, or say thank you for asking but our arrangement is private--but also, her tweeters need to take responsibility for continuing to demand she talk about this subject.
They've worked out the holidays in what appears to be a fair manner. In any case, it's none of their business what the arrangement is, and every time they press Kate to talk about it Kate can't keep her shit together and explodes on Jon throwing him under the bus.
I also think they ask it because they know Kate will lose her shit and say something nasty about Jon, and that just feeds into their theory Jon is a horrible father and husband and person.
It's really sick. When these kids are doing massive therapy someday, her fans will be partly responsible.
Not sure, maybe you have no issue with Kate's very public lying and Jon bashing but I do. If it was just her, have at it, be the biggest jackass in the world. But those kids do not need their caustic, angry, mentally ill mother tooting her own her own horn/lying all the while pretending to do what she does is for them. Nor do they want their dad publicly criticized by anyone, especially her.
Admin @ 82 and 83: Spot on. Her fans do bait her and she responds. It's an odd relationship and so interesting. I wonder when Kate will put a few more limits on it, and when and if she'll develop some manners in her replies.
And I really wonder when she'll tell a fan no thank you to a gift, and direct their generousity to a charity that would appreciate the mittens or whatever.
19 Kids And Counting’s Little Josie Duggar Rushed To Hospital In Israel.
For me what is sad is not that the kids have to eat two dinners, what is sad is that K8 spent yesterday alone, and not with any of her family; the alienation is sad. No doubt her siblings were gathered, with their children, at one or more tables. A more normal person would be with sibs, nieces, nephews when their chidren spent the day with their father. Divorce is hard, divorce is sad, but her life is pathetic, and entirely her choice.
And I really doubt her children were too excited to sleep in anticipation of another turkey dinner, oh maybe if they had cousins and grandparents coming over. What an embellishment.
Yah gotta love it! Every year Hollywood columnists Marilyn Beck and Stacy Jenel Smith hand out their Tacky Taste Awards, based on reader nominations. Our very own Katie Irene Kreider Gosselin came in 6th, behind Kim and all the Kartrashians, Chuck Lorre and Charlie Sheen, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Gerard Depardieu, and Lindsay Lohan. You can find their column at creators.com, under Lifestyle. Sorry, I don't know how to make a clickable link.
Sooverit -- You come to Marion to shop, etc.? Most Marionites go to Columbus to shop. We do have a couple of good, reasonably priced restaurants, especially if you like ethnic food. Love Hong Kong Buffet and El Campesino.
One word-- BRINE!
(your turkey)
We had the most delicious turkey this year and I'm so happy I tried my hand at brining. It's so simple, duh! why did I not do this before?
Anyways... today, we're making tortellini en brodo. Making the pasta and if it turns out to be not gluey, I'll be shocked. None the less, this is fun.
Anonymous said... 89
Yah gotta love it! Every year Hollywood columnists Marilyn Beck and Stacy Jenel Smith hand out their Tacky Taste Awards, based on reader nominations. Our very own Katie Irene Kreider Gosselin came in 6th, behind Kim and all the Kartrashians, Chuck Lorre and Charlie Sheen, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Gerard Depardieu, and Lindsay Lohan. You can find their column at creators.com, under Lifestyle. Sorry, I don't know how to make a clickable link.
Thanks, readerlady! Here it is:
Beck/Smith Hollywood's 34th Annual Tacky Taste Awards
"As always, the tackiest person in America is Kate Gosselin," contends Dee W. She explains: "From her trashy clothing to her constant bashing of the father of her children, she epitomizes the word "tacky." Her classifiying her ex as 'mediocre' because he prefers to work a regular job and live out of the spotlight was classic Kate."
"I would rather listen to nails on a chalkboard than that whiny b!#@* any day." — George F., Woodland Hills, Calif.
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. I still have a very full house, which is a LOT of crazy, loud fun. However, not to sound like Khate, but I am exhausted.....well, exhausted-ish, LOL!
Not Sure: here's the thing, though: there's literally hundreds of hours of video footage of Kate being absolutely bone idle and bossing others around rather than lift a finger herself, so you'll excuse me if I find the idea of her working her fingers to the bone, alone no less, really incredulous.
The person she invents on Twitter and her website are NOTHING like the person she is in all those hours of footage of the "realest reality show ever" and nothing like the person in interviews. Only Cyber Kate is happy and thankful and smiling and loving on her kids and making great memories and doing everything in the world. Actual Kate doesn't resemble her at ALL--she's a miserable control freak of a shrew who sucks every last bit of happiness out of a room just by walking in. And I'm being nice!
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said...
They've worked out the holidays in what appears to be a fair manner. In any case, it's none of their business what the arrangement is, and every time they press Kate to talk about it Kate can't keep her shit together and explodes on Jon throwing him under the bus.
It's none of your business either, and yet it is discussed repeatedly here. Practice what you preach.
LOL? No one here that I know of has ever asked Kate to comment on the custody. That's the difference, egging a person on who is directly involved. And we rarely discuss it these days unless Kate brings it up, and even then, it's usually to discuss the fact that she has no business bringing it up.
And only the fantasy cyber kids that she has created constantly thank her a million times and are oh so excited and grateful to do whatever strikes her fancy as something they should do.
We rarely saw that on the show. Most of the time the kids were just normal kids. Thanking mommy once and appropriately, showing appropriate excitement and good things though more often than not being tired, or quiet, or cranky or fighting each other during good things, like on trips. They are normal kids and not these fantasy kids Kate describes.
On a positive note:
I agree that Kim K is practicing "damage control." Her brand may suffer from her actions in the past. Now, Kate's brand was destroyed and we all know why and how. Kate is just a mess all the way around. Not sure what to say about the Kardashians except that I don't watch them, ever.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 95
And only the fantasy cyber kids that she has created constantly thank her a million times and are oh so excited and grateful to do whatever strikes her fancy as something they should do.
We rarely saw that on the show. Most of the time the kids were just normal kids. Thanking mommy once and appropriately, showing appropriate excitement and good things though more often than not being tired, or quiet, or cranky or fighting each other during good things, like on trips. They are normal kids and not these fantasy kids Kate describes.
November 25, 2011 9:49 AM
And remember her snapping "You're NOT welcome!" at them as they sat around the dining room table? Had to do with the dogs, maybe? Once you get that kind of sneering response why would you continue to invite it?
I LOVE Gabby Giffords!
I need to find the exact quote, but Kim K. just recently said something about realizing how many negatives there are to a reality show. It may be damage control and trying to blame her behavior on the show, but at least she said it.
I feel bad for the kids. My mother was a lot like Kate. I hope they dont experience what I experienced at the holidays. Everything had to be perfect. I was always stressed about the fact that my mother was a ticking time bomb and would blow at some point. Its the reason I dont like to celebrate christmas anymore. I do give out presents to close friends and family. I spend time with family at christmas. I dont decorate and I dont go all out the way many people do. Its a small celebration to humor my friends and family. I dont have any kids so this works for now. I dont know what I will do if I ever get married and have kids.
from radar online I feel bad for the Duggar kids said... 86
19 Kids And Counting’s Little Josie Duggar Rushed To Hospital In Israel.
Wow, another child with a medical emergency exploited for RATINGS. It's sickening that they filmed any of it, and then they release the video clip just to get ratings for their season finale this Sunday. I've never watched more than a few minutes of the show on maybe two occasions a long time ago. They all creep me out.
Here's the link, with a promo video clip:
19 Kids And Counting’s Little Josie Duggar Rushed To Hospital In Israel
Even before the recent trainwreck of a marriage/divorce scandal, Kim K. has a history of supporting charities and doing charitable acts. Her serving the homeless TG dinner may be damage control, but it's not unprecidented. I'm no fan of any of the Kardashians, but there is a difference between their behavior and Kate's. At least they acknowledge some of the pitfalls of their lifestyle and try to do some good with what they've been blessed with.
NLAN -- thanks for reprinting the article and making the link. I'm decidedly non-techie, so it's nice to know that there are folks here who can cover up for me, LOL.
I asked once and didn't get an answer, so I'm asking again. Admin, or one of the other attorneys here -- is it possible for a judge to order Jon to stop filing for custody amendments or filing complaints against Kate? Would it be legal? Enforceable?
Re Jon and his taking Kate to court over her negligent behavior -- we don't know what he has done/is doing. I hope he's taking notes, making records, planning to hit her with everything he has. He needs to get all his ducks in a row first, but I'd love to see this "mediocre" man really take her to the cleaners, metaphorically speaking.
Readerlady, I suppose any order is possible, but in general I don't believe it's legal to order someone not to file something. It's your right to use the courts to resolve disputes. If you can't use the courts, you have no remedy and that is not a good thing. What a judge can do, however, is sanction people with fines for filing frivolous actions or filing the same thing over and over when the judge already decided.
Westcoaster said... 88
For me what is sad is not that the kids have to eat two dinners, what is sad is that K8 spent yesterday alone, and not with any of her family; the alienation is sad. No doubt her siblings were gathered, with their children, at one or more tables. A more normal person would be with sibs, nieces, nephews when their chidren spent the day with their father. Divorce is hard, divorce is sad, but her life is pathetic, and entirely her choice.
And I really doubt her children were too excited to sleep in anticipation of another turkey dinner, oh maybe if they had cousins and grandparents coming over. What an embellishment.
It is sad that Kate was alone for Thanksgiving, but it was through her own choices in her life. She has no one to blame but herself.
I saw something even sadder yesterday. It is because of what I saw that I don't feel too bad for Kate. We were headed out of town to spend the day at my inlaws in the western part of the state. On our way out of town, we stopped at the Post office to check our PO Box. Our PO is open 24/7 to check mailboxes. When I went to the aisle that our box is in, I notice a man sitting in the next aisle on a chair with his belongs on the table. I recognized him as a homeless man I see around town regularly. He has a bike that he walks around town with a box tied around the handle bars. I assume that all his worldy possessions are in that box.
So as we headed off to be with family yesterday, I couldn't help feel guilty about this man who was spending his day inside the post office alone, sitting on a chair.
This is why I don't feel too bad about Kate being alone on a holiday. She has a very nice home, nice (trashy) clothes, plenty of food and warmth and yet, she is not thankful for any of it. In her mind, she is owed all the luxury in her life. In fact her life style is more important than family, friends and charity.
So, compared to the man sitting in the post office alone and Kate sitting in her McMansion alone, the man in the post office gets my sympathy.
Of course they used Josie's entire medical emergency for an episode. I didn't expect anything less. We talked about this when it happened.
It's getting to the point where these kids are filmed from the moment of conception to Michelle popping them out until they grow up and have kids of their own then we watch their wives pop out THOSE kids (on the toilet). What in the heck. They are out of control. Like the Gosselins it started out cute and fun. It's so not anymore.
Re: Kids therapy. It's not just the fans who share responsibility for any future therapy those kids may need. There's been enough said on non fan blogs about their mother to fill a few sessions as well. She is such an easy target, I grant us all that, but we've all trashed her in one way or another that could hurt her children, so no one is innocent here. Hmm. Might have to go back to lurking after just rereading this.
Admin, i don't even think the kids acted normally on the show. Normal for them, but not normal. As a whole, they seemed fearful, competitive, violent and for the most part unhappy. They watched their mom's antics with unsure eyes, as if they wondered, "Is this ok?" They try to be proud of her but it's hard when she behaves the way she does. I found it sad that Jamie and Ashley discussed what a jerk Kate is in front of Mady on the rv trip. The kids put on brave faces when recalling mommy fake-freaking out on the sky jump. They want to believe she's ok but seem to know she's not. What kid feels the need, or maybe fear, to have to thank their mom for slinging a violently made PB and J onto their paper plate? Those kids do not seem ok to me. They are victims of neglect, emotional abuse (at the least), and probably a profound sense of shame with regards to their f---ed up biological mother
All celebrities are talked about, many of them badly when they do bad things. Being a celeb can be very harmful to your kids, which is why a heck of a lot of people actively choose to be very discreet, or not choose the celeb lifestyle to begin with.
What we're talking about, is the words out of Kate's mouth. It is much easier to brush off a stranger saying that Jon is a deadbeat dad. It is quite another when your own MOTHER is telling you that your father is mediocre, doesn't pay enough child support to afford so much as a few lunches for you, doesn't want to take you for his visits, goes around the block with various girlfriends, and on and on and on. I'm sorry there is a huge difference.
Also, there is a world of difference between passively commenting on someone's public divorce, custody battle, etc. as we have with the Kardashians--And ACTIVELY inserting yourself into the controversy by contacting Kate directly and goading her on into commenting knowing she is a ticking time bomb.
--And ACTIVELY inserting yourself into the controversy by contacting Kate directly and goading her on into commenting knowing she is a ticking time bomb.
Admin I have come to the conclusion that the fans really DON'T know this. They believe in the facade that she presents.
I think they at least know if they ask she will often answer.
What they do not seem to know is the kind of ongoing harm they are participating in by giving her constant opportunities to trash Jon.
I think they at least know if they ask she will often answer.
Oh I absolutely agree.
I do wonder how some of the diehards will react if they ever find out that the emperor has not clothes.
No clothes.
Some fans have made that call when Kate ignored them on Twitter.
Others will require Kate getting into her Audi,
driving to their homes and treating THEIR children the way she treated her own on TV.
Fido's, I'm not sure some of them would get it even then.
To bad being a hard working dad can't pay for a lawyer Jon would've it made then.
I've thought for some time that there are definitely two groups of people interested in the Gosselin saga, not really fans and non-fans or haters and lovers, but people who choose to believe what they see and those who choose to believe what they are told. I choose to use my ability to observe repeated behaviors and make an intelligent assessment of the truth of a given situation.
Crikey what a lot of croc! Recording is up at www.steveirwinday.org/events/live/ of Steve Irwin Day. The recording will be up until Dec. 15th. Not really much to see.
I just wasted a bit of time watching that. It went from incredibly boring to what I think was cruel teasing of the croc. Couldn't stomach anymore.
Speaking of Steve Iwin Day, was the amount raised for the luncheon 'privilege' ever disclosed?
Preesi's got the new articles up.
I like the home wrecker part wonder what she's going to say about that roumor?.
The article should start a twitter storm........
At least there's not a focus on or pics of the kids.
It's like Fort Knox trying to get info out of the zoo. I know some folks have been trying.
fade2black said... 117
I've thought for some time that there are definitely two groups of people interested in the Gosselin saga . . . people who choose to believe what they see and those who choose to believe what they are told. I choose to use my ability to observe repeated behaviors and make an intelligent assessment of the truth of a given situation.
I think this is so true. I remember when I first started watching Jon and Kate - Kate said something to the effect that she wanted each child to be treated special and as an individual, and I thought that was so good. But then, as I watched the show, I started gradually seeing how mean she was. If you listened to what she said about parenting, it was often reasonable. But then when you watched her, it was often horrible.
Fade to black, I completely agree with you. How people cannot 'see' what their eyes are seeing is just beyond me. Kate has so clearly been mean and deceitful and downright nasty in her behavior to everyone and she is so arrogant and controlling she doesn't care that everyone sees it so clearly. And she then turns around on Twitter and acts all innocent and lovey to the twits. She would present one truly bizarre case study to a psychiatrist.
It kind of bothers me that US Weekly called Gina to get a comment. What did they expect her to do but hang up on them?
Steve's association with this woman has resulted in a tabloid harassing his wife. What if one of the kids picked up the phone, would US Weekly ask how they feel about this? Sick. If Steve truly cared about her and supposedly did security for presidents, wouldn't it make sense to let Kate go and move on to something else? Put your wife first for once.
Tucker's Mom said... 90
One word-- BRINE!
(your turkey)
We had the most delicious turkey this year and I'm so happy I tried my hand at brining. It's so simple, duh! why did I not do this before?
Anyways... today, we're making tortellini en brodo. Making the pasta and if it turns out to be not gluey, I'll be shocked. None the less, this is fun.
I agree! We started brining a few years ago and the turkey always turns out beautifully browned on the outside and juicy inside. You're right - it's so simple. Finding a container to do it in is the hardest part. We use a well-washed cooler most of the time.
readerlady said,
Sooverit -- You come to Marion to shop, etc.? Most Marionites go to Columbus to shop. We do have a couple of good, reasonably priced restaurants, especially if you like ethnic food. Love Hong Kong Buffet and El Campesino.
I shop in Delaware and Columbus too. I usually hit Marion for Hobby Lobby, Menards, and sometimes Kohls. We love Hong Kong Buffet. Our daughter was adopted from China, so we've celebrated her birthday there several times. : )
We tend to do Mi Jalapeno for Mexican, but El Campesino is good too.
If I were Gina, whatever the state of my marriage, that phone call would have sent me over the edge for at least the reason that Admin stated.
I can't think of a situation similar to this where it wouldn't be absolutely the right thing to call it off with your employer.
I don't care how innocent it is, I don't care if all he's ever done for her is bought her a diet coke, no employment is worth doing this to your family. Family first.
It's none of your business either, and yet it is discussed repeatedly here. Practice what you preach.
Ah, but Kate said that it IS our business (Larry King, February 2009) because they put themselves out there. I guess, then, those who do comment are practicing what Kate preaches. She gave her blessing - why do you have a problem with it?
Like admin said, though, she's the one who tweets about it, gives stories to the tabs, speaks about custody in television interviews. So if it's NOT our business, why would she do that? Just to hear herself talk?
Like admin said, though, she's the one who tweets about it, gives stories to the tabs, speaks about custody in television interviews.
I agree with Midnight. The fans ask and she responds on a public twitter account as well. Public statements that are open for commentary.
Tucker's Mom we also brine the turkey and we begin the cooking breast side down (on the rack)....all the juices flow into the breast and not the pan. Turn it over for the last hour and a half of cooking and you'll have one of the best turkeys ever! My son couldn't make it down yesterday because he worked so that someone that is married with kids could have the day off. He'll be down tomorrow so a belated TG for us.
Midnight Madness said... 133
It's none of your business either, and yet it is discussed repeatedly here. Practice what you preach.
Ah, but Kate said that it IS our business (Larry King, February 2009) because they put themselves out there. I guess, then, those who do comment are practicing what Kate preaches. She gave her blessing - why do you have a problem with it?
I was responding to the Administrator's claim that the custody arrangement is none of the fans' business, when in fact it is discussed regularly here. What makes it the fans' business but not the non-fans' business? You can't have it both ways. I don't believe a distinction was made between the two groups on Larry King. If you are using the Larry King interview to support the contention that is is your business, then that same interview argues against the Administrator's claim that the custody arrangement is none of the fans' business. I happen to be of the opinion that it is not the business of either the fans or the non-fans.
I have always thought that Steve and Kate would have a very hard time hiding their relationship after TLC kicked her to the curb. The fact that he has stayed with her for at least 4 years speaks volumes to me. We have seen friends (Beth, Bob, Jaime, etc.), family (Kevin, Jodi, grandparents, etc.), and even Jon leave. Through it all, Steve has hung around. We all know that Kate seems to care more about Steve than anything else. As hard as it is to imagine, he seems to willing be involved with this narcissistic witch.
LOL, again, what was said is that it's not the fan's business to ASK Kate about her custody arrangement. Passively discussing information that has already been put out there is completely different, and as I said, we don't really talk about it that often anyway. This latest round was only talked about because Kate herself had to throw Jon under the bus ONCE AGAIN. You'd be hard pressed to find a blog post here about their custody, I haven't done one in ages. It's OVER, except not for obsessed Kate.
One of the sheeple on twitter has announced she is filing a CLASS ACTION lawsuit against the haters for bullying her.
I guess she has MPD - if the case is decided in her favor, is she going to share the settlement proceeds with herself?
If we keep seeing Steve with Kate after the US wkly thing. To me that say's it all what what eve his thing with Kate is. Also how much he respects his wife or ex-wife and children.
As long as Kate continues to throw the father of her children under the bus, she is fair game. When she shuts up about it, we shut up. And, if I see parental alienation going on publicly, you can bet I see nothing wrong with commenting on it. I don't demand to know what their visitation schedule is or who got the kids how when and why, like the fans do. I only demand to know why Kate can't treat the father of her children with respect. There's a difference.
It's not good for anyone least of all the kids, and perhaps if more people were more vocal about their outrage when this happens, not just toward Kate but toward any mother or father doing it to their ex, there wouldn't be so much of it going on. For instance, I wish no one would encourage a friend who starts bashing their ex in front of the kids, at the very least don't participate, but even better, perhaps for some it might be an opening to talk to them about it if you can, diplomatically.
Sybil lol. However, I don't think anyone should feel bullied on twitter. Maybe a good lawsuit, obviously not a class action, would stop it, who knows.
Anyway the original point I was trying to make that is getting confused, is if fans stop ASKING her about a custody arrangement they have no business asking about, Kate will stop talking about it, or at least there's a good chance she will stop talking about it. If she doesn't talk about it, there will be nothing to criticize, since Jon sure isn't saying much.
The National Enquirer article about Kate and Kris Jenner was on Preesi's site. Supposedly, Kate got Kris' email address and complimented her on turning her family into superstars. Kris wrote back and invited Kate to lunch when she's in LA. The "source" says Kate hopes to connect with the E network and that she wants to be back on the air in 2012
I don't know if any of this is true. I can see Kate trying to contact Kris, but would Kris respond? I'm sure Kate is using every avenue she can to get back on TV. A sad quote from the article is that Kate sees dollar signs in the kids' eyes. Even if the Kardashian stuff is false, I believe that quote.
Not Sure, if you make your post more about the talking points and less about getting personal with individual posters, you'll have more success here. You're close to being banned.
Going back to the Kardashians, I also liked that they had their own shop and business before all the reality things hit. At least they know the value of hard work and supporting yourself without just relying on cameras.
I was at the premiere of this Liam Neeson movie Unknown last spring and Kris and Kim were there. I was with my friend who is a small time actor with a bit part on a popular TV show. He wanted to go up to them. I was embarrassed, but he waltzed right up to them and said hi. I thought their reaction was very genuine. They were very kind to him and they started gushing about what a fan of HIS they were and were asking to get pictures with HIM. Who knows I think they were overplaying it maybe, but I thought that was very sweet of them. It made his day and he'll forever have a story of how the Kardashians are huge fans. Whether they are scum or not, at least they know what to say and how to act in certain situations.
If she doesn't talk about it, there will be nothing to criticize, since Jon sure isn't saying much
Kate will all ways find something to blame Jon for she will all ways find somthing to critcize him on.
If Kate would really like her custody arrangements to be private, she should stop discussing it on twitter, period.
I don't even blame the fans--even if they ask her custody questions 24/7, no one is forcing her to answer. Hell, no one's forcing her to be on twitter! Even if she's asked about custody arrangements on an interview, she DOES NOT HAVE TO ANSWER. Plenty of people have said things like, "I'd rather not comment on that, if you don't mind." Professional, polite, but gets the point across without any doubt.
I don't have any problem commenting on what Kate puts out there, and I don't have any problem saying she *shouldn't* put anything out there in the first place!
It may be damage control and trying to blame her behavior on the show, but at least she said it.
You surely mean 'at least HER PR AGENTS TOLD HER to say it'...
Jon sure isn't saying much.
No, he's not. He's apparantly not doing much either. If a judge wouldn't make changes in light of Kate's recent 'parental alienation' and child endangerment follies, something is terribly wrong with the PA justice system.
If Jon WERE doing something about this, wouldn't someone have posted the court documents? They seem to have always been available in the past.
Family first, right? Who do these kids have to put them first if their father isn't?
She's such a c word said... 120
Preesi's got the new articles up.
Thanks for the link. Wow, that In Touch article is really bad. Here's the direct link (thanks Preesi for the scans!):
Kate's a Home-Wrecker!
I think now that the show is over, this article really has to be the worst. I feel sorry for Steve's wife. If there really is something going on, they always had the excuse of filming episodes, and at least there were always a lot of crew members around, and the kids, so there was at least some plausible denial. But, now to just have Khate and Steve taking trips without the kids and without TLC, it just seems so wrong, even if nothing is going on.
He is NOT necessary anymore and he can't possibly be getting paid by Khate what TLC paid him during the show. First of all, it isn't as frequent as filming the show, so even if she met his daily rate, it isn't enough to support him the way TLC probably was.
At this point, I would imagine the wife would be telling him to drop her or there will be serious marital trouble (if there isn't already). I go back and forth, but I really hope there is no affair going on. Although, with TLC gone, it does look suspicious now. I guess time will tell. If they do ever come out with it, I agree with others here who have said that Khate and Steve will play it off as he's been separated and when they were away on a trip (probably Australia), their friendship suddenly changed, blah, blah, puke. I think she would love it for the short lived attention it would bring, but I also think there will be a lot of stinging backlash that will not go away easily. She continually thinks people are stupid and blind, as in a really "good bra" increased her cup size from an A to a D.
Just the Facts, no real names even of sheeple who have put it out there. Absolutely NOT under any circumstances. This will not be that blog. Perhaps move on from sheeple who have disappeared, they are gone.
If a judge wouldn't make changes in light of Kate's recent 'parental alienation' and child endangerment follies, something is terribly wrong with the PA justice system.
Only the most progressive of family court judges are even aware of parental alienation much less believe in how damaging it is. I have only known a few who believe in the concept. The only reason I really know much about it is because I did work with a judge who both believed in it strongly and ruled against parents doing it, she educated me about it. And usually CPS handles child endangerment. Retrieving a piece of paper from under a parked car probably won't cut it to take your kids away in PA or any state. The law favors respecting family court decisions and keeping kids with their parents. Kate would have to do a lot of crack to risk losing these kids.
Only the original divorce pleadings were public. After that the divorce was sealed. You can't get anything.
I'm wondering if Jon CAN'T take the kids due to poverty and his work schedule. It would require child support from Kate and that ain't gonna happen without a huge court case. How she wound up with all the money and him none is beyond me. It's so sad. I believe that he is pained by her treatment and neglect of their kids. I'm sure he'd love to be more involved. I worry that she screwed him over so thoroughly and so myopically that his hands are tied. Just my personal thoughts and soeculation
And usually CPS handles child endangerment.
Wouldn't Jon's lawyer tell him this? Let's hope he at least called them.
If everything was sealed after the divorce, where did the information come from showing Jon trying to stop her from taking the kids to Australia?
It's been said here that Jon has gone to court 'numerous' times to stop her filming the kids, too. Is that a rumor or are there are actual court records?
I want to hold Jon's feet to the fire. Family first, Jon! He must have someone from his past that could help him find a pro bono lawyer. Shit, even Gloria Allred would do it.
Jon can call CPS all he wants. It's up to them what action they take, not Jon. For all we know CPS has come out.
I don't care how much money it would take for Jon to save his kids. If he waits any longer, there's a disaster in the making. The sad thing is that Jon knows more than anyone else what those kids are subject to.
If he's done anything lately regarding court, surely one of the internet detectives could find it.
Sadly, I think he's given up.
If everything was sealed after the divorce, where did the information come from showing Jon trying to stop her from taking the kids to Australia?
It's been said here that Jon has gone to court 'numerous' times to stop her filming the kids, too. Is that a rumor or are there are actual court records?
You mean this was simply a rumour?? I could've sworn I read a court document after the divorce was finalized. Hmmm....
If CPS showed up at Kate's house you KNOW we would have heard something about it.
We occasionally see well known attorneys take on high profile cases for the publicity. However, post judgment motions and custody motions would not be one of those cases. They are a HUGE time suck and can drag on for years. The attorney still has staff and overhead to pay, and at the same time is losing X dollars an hour that she could be billing out on other cases. Most attorneys work an incredible amount of hours and don't have a lot of free time on their hands to take a pro bono custody case just because they believe in the client or in a cause. Yes, there are cases where it is done for free publicity BUT the reason you do not see it in this area is because custody matters are sealed and the attorneys are prohibited from discussing the case. So, I ask you, if you had a business, would YOU be willing to do thousands of dollars worth of free work on your own time, and possibly to the detriment of your paying clients, for a possible quick mention in a random People magazine article (or other websites), or even a quick 2 second mention on the entertainment shows? If the attorney can't talk, chances are, the tabloids wouldn't even bother to publish the attorney's name.
If everything was sealed after the divorce, where did the information come from showing Jon trying to stop her from taking the kids to Australia?
It's been said here that Jon has gone to court 'numerous' times to stop her filming the kids, too. Is that a rumor or are there are actual court records?
Could someone answer this question? Ignoring it won't make it go away.
If this is true and the court records were sealed, then everything said here about how 'hard' Jon tried to stop filming is heresay, no?
I want to be proven wrong.
So, I ask you, if you had a business, would YOU be willing to do thousands of dollars worth of free work on your own time,
It's called charity work. Thousands of people do this. They don't do it to be recognized in People magazine, they do it to sincerely help others and HOPEFULLY get their CAUSE recognized.
Look at Paul Peterson. Why doesn't Jon call him for help?
I'm tired of Jon always getting a pass. Plus, if these stories of him going to court were NOT FACT due to a sealed agreement, I've been participating in a fantasy here. JMO
The document you saw earlier in the year was the court 'docket' from the Berks County Prothonotary's Office. The docket has no information other than when actions were taken and by whom (plaintiff/defendant). The actual case is sealed. If you are, or know anyone in Berks County, you (or they)can go to the courthouse and get a printout of the docket. There is 'no investigation' involved. Berk's Prothonotary is not available online.
I don't care how much money it would take for Jon to save his kids.
You would if you didn't have the money to pay the attorney and the costs. Would you like to set up a fund to help him with the costs, or perhaps donate to the cause?
It's so easy to say, oh, I wouldn't be concerned about the money. Sounds great, but when the bill comes due, you have to pay the piper.
Paying The Piper-Unless you're Kate, of course.
"I'm tired of Jon always getting a pass. Plus, if these stories of him going to court were NOT FACT due to a sealed agreement..."
If the stories of him going to court were not fact, it wasn't due to a sealed agreement. One has nothing to do with the other. I'm not sure what you mean by sealed agreement? Do you mean a sealed court document? One can go to court and have the document sealed. Just because the records are sealed doesn't mean that the plaintiff didn't go to court!
Blissy you can answer most of your own questions by looking at the archives of the blog which are easily navigable..
Here is the blog archive post showing Jon dragged this woman to court no less than dozens of times, Berks is right we can tell very little from the court docket but it still tells a lot--everything else is sealed. FYI Jon HAS filed for contempt against Kate before, it's all right there. How often you can file for contempt against her and lose before you stop?:
You can only get shot down so many times before financially, emotionally, physically, you cannot fight this psycho anymore. Showing up in the judge's courtroom again and again with the same requests again and again is just going to annoy him and make things worse for you. Just because you don't agree with it doesn't mean that someone hasn't made the best decision for their kids in their view.
And here is the post about Jon trying to stop her from going to Australia. We're not making these things up, Blissy or ignoring it trying to make it go away as you suggested. The info to back up what we are saying is all on this blog it's just a lot of work to find archived posts that you could find yourself i you don't believe us. Jon himself tweeted he tried to stop the trip. Before we saw the tweet, guess what, people said Jon sold his kids again, they were outraged. Wise people said we don't know the whole story, like you Auntie Ann! Folks had to eat their words when we found out he DID try to stop it and here is the article about it:
And here is our post about it:
if these stories of him going to court were NOT FACT
The court docket proves how much he's been trying to fight her. It is a fact. Although we don't know exactly what went on, we can at least see the type of hearing (contempt, etc.) and make reasonable inferences from it. I'm guessing Jon isn't taking Kate to court to sue her over slipping on her porch, but rather, custody issues. I sort of get offended by the assertion we made this up to try to make Jon look better.
Read the court docket. It's not made up.
By the way Kate's contempt against Jon suggests it was retaliatory.
Jon first filed contempt, we can guess because of the Australia trip and missing out on his custody time, Christmas, which he likely had that year since he got Thanksgiving this year (usually in standard cases if you get Thanksgiving one year you don't get xmas). Kate then filed for contempt and complained about him talking about the case.
The court docket although brief, is very revealing and clears up a few things.
Sybil lol. However, I don't think anyone should feel bullied on twitter. Maybe a good lawsuit, obviously not a class action, would stop it, who knows.
I agree, and some make it their life's mission to do just that. I believe, though, that the person who claims to be the one being bullied and filing the class action, is one of the biggest bullies on Twitter and blogs. That's what is so ironic about it!
It's so easy to say, oh, I wouldn't be concerned about the money. Sounds great, but when the bill comes due, you have to pay the piper.
I agree. And money is not the only consideration here. There are many other things you need to fight a lengthy custom battle and I don't blame anyone, after a long fight, for choosing not to keep pursing it.
1. Time. Courts are usually only during business hours and closed on all holidays. Can you afford to take off that much time off work and have no vacation days left to be with your kids? Can you afford the time all the meetings and phone calls necessary to your attorney take up?
2. Emotional stability. It's emotionally exhausting to keep on going to court.
3. Emotional stability of your kids. Court can be very upsetting to kids. Even young kids can be very aware of court.
4. Egging on the narcissist. Every time the narcissist wins in court they just get more and more arrogant and determined.
5. Retaliation. Every time YOU win in court the narcissist will find some way some how to fight back. Look at the way Kate filed the contempt action against Jon after he took her to court over Australia. Tit for tat, endlessly.
6. Rocking the boat. Piss off the judge enough with your constant motions and seeing your pretty face all the time and all of a sudden you lose what he's already given you.
That's just some of the factors off the top of my head.
Berk's Records thanks for the answer.
So all the clalims that 'Jon could be doing something behind the scenes' could be proven if he had a court date. No court dates mentioned lately tells me Jon is either waiting (for what I wonder) or he is not taking Kate to court.
Everyone here was pretty outraged with Kate's antics re: the BBB. Am I the only one who expected Jon to do something about it?
I like Jon. I think he's been thru hell. What I don't understand is quitting on your kids.
I fought like hell for custody of my own child. And, yes, am deeply in debt for doing so. However, my daughter and I don't need $ to be happy. We have family who support us.
In MY opinion, if you know your kid(s) are in a bad situation, you move heaven and earth to get them out of that situation.
"Tucker's Mom said... 89
One word-- BRINE!
(your turkey)"
My family did a beer butt turkey. Its like beer butt chicken but we used a large jar filled half full with beer instead of a half full beer can. It came out amazing! I was surprised to see that most of the turkey fat fell into the jar as it was cooking.
"Blissy said... 168
Berk's Records thanks for the answer.
So all the clalims that 'Jon could be doing something behind the scenes' could be proven if he had a court date. No court dates mentioned lately tells me Jon is either waiting (for what I wonder) or he is not taking Kate to court."
We dont know if there is a court date. We dont know if he has been working with his attorney to get the ball in motion. The fact of the matter is that we dont know anything about Jon's current or future plans. I see no need to hold this over Jons head at this point. I would not assume that he has given up yet. We also dont have a recent court docket so we dont know if he has filed any motions this year. If you want to point fingers and say that Jon is not doing anything then prove it! Show us evidence that he is not working on something. Show us evidence that he has not filed anything in court recently. You have the burden of proof at this point. We have shown you sources that say that Jon has been working and filing motions in court.
I saw mention of the lawsuit that the sheeple is filing. I believe that she will find that her attorney will advise her that in order to bring a class action suit against the defendant or defendants, she will need to round up others to join in the complaint.
Sooverit said... 128
readerlady said,
Sooverit -- You come to Marion to shop, etc.? Most Marionites go to Columbus to shop. We do have a couple of good, reasonably priced restaurants, especially if you like ethnic food. Love Hong Kong Buffet and El Campesino.
I shop in Delaware and Columbus too. I usually hit Marion for Hobby Lobby, Menards, and sometimes Kohls. We love Hong Kong Buffet. Our daughter was adopted from China, so we've celebrated her birthday there several times. : )
We tend to do Mi Jalapeno for Mexican, but El Campesino is good too.
OOO! waving my hand in the air! I am reading from the bottom up so I am probably missing something, but I have family in Delaware and *I* am in northern Summit Co. Meet y'all in Lodi?
And I saw Kate's dumb tweet about the kids being so excited to eat turkey dinner again that they couldnt sleep - I know everything is all about Kate all the time, so I guess it didnt occur to her that they couldnt sleep from the Thanksgiving they had with FAMILY AND FRIENDS that arent PAID to be near them, eh?
Thank you to everyone here for educating me. I always thought I was *on top of things Gosselin-wise* but I admit now that I certainly am not.
I apologize for my tone. I didn't mean to sound condescending but I think I did. :(
Anyway, hats off to all of you for puttingup with my comments.
Can anyone explain this drama between KimiK and CJ on Twitter? I sort of follow it. The way I understand it, CJ has been bullying Kimi, who's a teen, and claiming Kimi is a well known blogging hater called Lisa. But Lisa came on and said she was not Kimi. Now Kimi says her parents have gotten an attorney because CJ sent her kiddie porn, and CJ says she's filing a class action suit. Kimi just started out twittering recently as a young fan until she saw the rabid fans. I'm not sure I totally get it. How bizarre!
Sorta kinda OT -
If you can read this, thank a teacher.
I have been reading all the comments regarding Jon supposedly “not stepping up to the plate” by going to court against Kate, and it is really bothering me.
I just have to question those that are faulting Jon for not doing anything. First we don’t know what he is or isn’t doing. Do you actually need him to publicly state that he is going to go after Kate and sue for custody. Is it because you need Jon to put Kate in her place, or is it because you care about the children? I am sure Jon is doing what he feels is best for the kids-but why should we be privy to that information?
I hate to say this, but it’s almost like the sheeple expecting Jon to step up and tell the “haters” to lay off Kate. Some of you expect Jon to take Kate to court, and are upset he hasn’t. None of us have the right to demand anything of Jon.
I think Jon has shown that he has his kids best interests at heart, and how he is handling anything regarding the kids is his business. Unfortunately, Kate does things or puts things out there and we expect a reaction from Jon. I don’t think we have any right to know how Jon reacts or acts regarding Kate’s actions. And I don’t think we have any right to judge him regarding things we are not privy to.
Can anyone explain this drama between KimiK and CJ on Twitter? I sort of follow it. The way I understand it, CJ has been bullying Kimi, who's a teen, and claiming Kimi is a well known blogging hater called Lisa. But Lisa came on and said she was not Kimi. Now Kimi says her parents have gotten an attorney because CJ sent her kiddie porn, and CJ says she's filing a class action suit. Kimi just started out twittering recently as a young fan until she saw the rabid fans. I'm not sure I totally get it. How bizarre!
That's my understanding, too, but I don't think that K was sent kiddie porn. I thought that C accused K to be in kiddie porn and that C had it on her computer and in order to prove it, she was going to send it to K.
K said that whole thing was a lie and that she was never in porn, which brought out the question as to why C would have kiddie porn on her computer in the first place...and the fact that she offered it to a teen.
Something smells fishy about the whole thing.
Maybe NLAN can clear it up!
{Sybil said... 137
One of the sheeple on twitter has announced she is filing a CLASS ACTION lawsuit against the haters for bullying her.}
If this is the one about that other obsessive fan of Khate's, the bitch may not have a leg to stand on. This bitch is backtracking & covering her stupid ass for harassing a minor & accusing said minor of having child pornagraphy on her computer. I only caught the back end of the twitter exchange and the sheeple had already logged off. The minor was complaining to the haters about how several sheeple started attacking her when Khate responded to her tweets. Apparently 1 Teen Sheeple did not like that and started harassing the minor and got Sheeple C involved. Sheeple C accused the minor of being a fake teen, of really being a man possessing child pornagraphy. Minor pleaded to Khate to tell her fans to leave her alone & stop making false accusations about her. Not a peep from Khate, but Minor was smart enough to save all the stuff Sheeple C bombarded her with.
It did get really bad, because one of Preesi's child advocate friends got involved and was going to investigate the allegations. I don't know what happened after that, Sue Buddy thought it could be a "flaming contest" that got out of hand.
I bet Kate loves the twitter drama. Its all about her after all and thats why she wont ask people to stop it. I feel bad for all of those who do get harassed because they tweet Kate Gosselin. They dont deserve to be treated that way.
Please tell me, why does Jon have to prove anything. Making anything public is just what this site is against, from what I've read. Everyone has said, keep the private stuff private.
Is the one who wants dates for proof really a sheeple wanting info. for Kate so she knows what to expect?
This is not an accusation but a question. If your not guilty, then you will ignore my question.
signed NJ
Imagine if Jon had the money to take Kate to court, proved that he is the better parent and won custody of the kids. Then what? He needs a larger home in which to raise them. He needs more money to feed and clothe them, not so easy if you're not a shameless grifter. If he somehow wrangled child support from Kate, how ling do you think she could afford to pay him given her spending habits on herself? Does anyone believe she would continue to fund the private education for the kids if she wasn't credited with 'doing everything'? Ha! For those who think Jon isn't doing enough, remember who he's dealing with. This is a woman who doesn't even care enough about her kids to wish good things for their father. Gaining custody would open up a whole new can of worms for Jon. Anyone who watched JK8 could see he is a good father. It's such a tragedy that he had all these kids with a truly evil person, 6 of which were conceived against his better judgment. Travesty.
"Apparently 1 Teen Sheeple did not like that and started harassing the minor and got Sheeple C involved."
Isn't that the teen sheeple who is over-the-top obsessed with Kate, having something like 5,000 photos of her on her computer, professes her undying love and support for her, getting very possessive of Kate and jealous when Kate tweets any other young person?
Kokomo said
Isn't that the teen sheeple who is over-the-top obsessed with Kate, having something like 5,000 photos of her on her computer, professes her undying love and support for her, getting very possessive of Kate and jealous when Kate tweets any other young person?
No, that's Paige, different sheeple with uninvolved parents. Current sheeple has a mom who she says won't let her have a Facebook account, but let her have a Twitter account, thinking it would be safer, or something along those lines.
This sheeple now says that her mom was not happy that the young sheeple had spent money on expensive presents for "rich kids". Mom pointed out to the young sheeple that Kate hadn't even bothered to say "thank you" when Young Sheeple asked for Kate's address -- just "contact so-and-so".
Young Sheeple said she was so excited to be noticed by Kate that she didn't even notice how rude Kate was until mom pointed it out.
Young Sheeple says she is now giving away the personalized Vera Bradley presents she bought for the older Gosselin girls. One is spoken for, the agency or whoever is looking for a child who spells Cara with a C for the other gift.
End result of mom's involvement: Young Sheeple seems to realize that Kate isn't all that, after all, and Mom (and dad, apparently there's a divorce in this 15 YO's family) are looking into a lawyer, as CJ may have overstepped her bounds when linking Young Sheeple with child porn. Or herself with child porn - that part's not clear.
I wrote all this out because it's a pretty good look into a "sheeple" mind set, except this particular Young Sheeple is apparently only 15, and is lucky to have an involved mom, who has used this as a teaching moment.
The Young Sheeple said she had no idea that Gosselin blogs existed, or what kind of press KG has gotten. Apparently, that was an eye-opener.
Kokomo, Cocktails and Dreams said
Her first name starts with a P, sorry I don't know about that other stuff. One of the haters did post a link to one of her "Love Blogs" and it was nauseatingly childish. It would be funny except in reality it's very sad & unhealthy for a young person to claim such devotion to Kreider.
I guess Kate's dinner guests had to earn their turkey dinner. She had a big to-do list for them to complete. Maybe Steve and his sons?
Twit-story said... 184
Minor K said that Teen Sheeple P started attacking her first. Then Sheeple C got involved & continued the over the top attacks.
And I hope Sheeple C gets into a lot of trouble for her stupidity & overzealousness. Let's see if Khate comes to the rescue of her diehard fan or will she wipe her hands clean of her.
All of this (the sheeple drama) must be true. You couldn't make this stuff up! It sounds like a storyline for a bad soap opera.
Wow. That's so Kate. She tweets that she's thrilled because some men, dinner guests, it seems, spent her Thanksgiving Day doing home repairs for her.
Sure gives new meaning to the term thanksgiving. Come to dinner, fix a chicken shed, repair a tractor, fix cable and install a door.
Yep, there's nothing like a fun holiday with the ones you love best. Or, if you can't swing that, those you can use best. Sing for your supper, guys. Nothing's free at Kate's unless she's grifted it herself, even if you are invited for a holiday dinner.
That was smart of the men. Just like Todd Palin busied himself in a quiet corner fishing, the men busied themselves outside with the tractors and barns. Sometimes I think men don't like to be around that stuff as much as they claim, they just like to be in a place where they know certain women won't bother them.
Oh yes, I'm snickering over Kate's "man's job" list for her "guests". Good heavenly days.
I think there MUST be something written in Emily Post about making your guests do work beyond maybe helping clear the table.
Yep I think there are a lot of guys who would much rather be puttering than sitting around listening to the women yakking, etc.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 190
That was smart of the men. Just like Todd Palin busied himself in a quiet corner fishing, the men busied themselves outside with the tractors and barns. Sometimes I think men don't like to be around that stuff as much as they claim, they just like to be in a place where they know certain women won't bother them.
Yeah, I guess the inside of a chicken coop would be a happier place than being with Kate for dinner. Or anywhere else.
Things better than in the house hanging out with Kate:
Trucking through chicken shit.
The rats in the barn.
Getting your hand caught in the tractor motor.
Electrocution by Charter Communications.
Closet door falling on your head.
Yup still better than Kate's harping.
Realitytvkids.com (Administrator) said... 194
Things better than in the house hanging out with Kate:
Trucking through chicken shit.
The rats in the barn.
Getting your hand caught in the tractor motor.
Electrocution by Charter Communications.
Closet door falling on your head.
Yup still better than Kate's harping.
Man, it must suck to be Kate.
I think when she tweets so often about all the massive favors everyone does to her, in her mind it has nothing to do with sharing about your day, and everything to do with trying to prove that she is so loved by so many people that they all bend over backwards to help her out. It's important to her that people know this.
Just a little psyche analysis.
I've been thinking about Steve, and coming up really confused. Basically, he appears to be a paid escort more than anything else, right? If Kate were the one "working" for him, she'd be labeled something else, wouldn't she? I can't imagine that she's spending any large amount of her own (the kids') money, yet why would anyone else be paying? The only suggestion I've heard is TLC, because her contract hasn't yet expired. Is that likely? Is there any chance he ISN'T being paid after all, and is actually hanging around as her boyfriend? That's truly IMPOSSIBLE to imagine, but...What could he be getting from her (other than $$) that keeps him around? It's just beyond me.
OK, at this point I'm babbling, and I'm slightly pissed off at myself for even posing these questions and being curious. But if anyone has any thoughts on any of this that we haven't all rehashed already, I am still curious...
Methinks karma needs a GPS system.
There she blows with her MY barn, MY tractor, MY cable! Mine all effing mine! Someone tell me this is all a bad dream.
Admin said (196)".... she is so loved by so many people that they all bend over backwards to help her out..."
I love to help her too by pulling the stick out when she bends over.. or pushing another one in. (snark)
Amy...how are you? Is Ben Nevis behaving lately?
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